Electrical and Mechanical

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Section 1212.

Fire-Extinguishing Systems
a. Fire-Extinguishing Systems
1. Every storey, basement or cellar w/ 200sq.m or more w/c is used for
habitation, etc. w/c has an occupant load of more than 20.
2. Dressing, rehearsal rms., workshops or factories w/ occupant load of
more than 10 or assembly halls w/ occupant load of more than
500, if the next doors of rooms are more than 30.00m from safe
dispersal area.
3. Photographic x-ray, nitrocellulose films and inflammable
b. Dry Standpipes for bldgs. w/ 4 or more storeys
1. Construction and Test shall be wrought iron of GS w/ fittings,
connections to withstand 20 kg per sq.cm of water pressure
2. Size 900 liters water per minute
3. Number Required every bldg 4 or more storeys where any floor
above 3rd floor is 950m or less, equipped w/ 1 dry standpipe.
4. Siamese Connections:
2 way 100mm dry standpipe
3 way 125mm
4 way 150mm
Siamese inlet (located on Not < 300mm nor more than
street front) 1.20m above grade
5. Outlets standpipe 63mm outlet not more than 1.20m above each
floor level, with 2 way standpipes 63mm outlet above the roof (all
with gate valves)
c. Wet Standpipes
1. Size Interior wet standpipes deliver 190 liters/water per minute
under 2.0 kg per sq.cm water pressure
2. Outlets 38mm valve each storey located not < 300mm nor
more than 1.20m above the floor.
3. Water Supply street main not < 100mm in diameter
4. Pressure and Gravity Tanks 1500 liters/water per minute for not
< 10 minutes
5. Fire pumps capacity not < 1000 liters per minute w/ pressure
not < 2 kg per sq.cm connected to street main w/ not < 100mm

Section 1214. Motion Picture Projection Rooms

a. Construction 1 hr fire resistive, ceiling shall not be < 2.40m from
finished floor. Room shall have a floor area of not < 7.00sq.m and
3.50sq.m for every additional machine.
b. Exit Projection room at least 2 exits separated by not < 1/3 the
perimeter of room, each at least 750mm wide and 2.00m high
c. Ports and Openings (3 kinds) projection, observation, combination
1. Ports required limited in area to 750 sq.cm, not more than 1
observation ports w/c be limited to 1300 sq.cm. There shall be not
more than 3 combination ports w/c not exceed 750mm by
600mm. Projection ports not to exceed 4,500 sq.cm in area.
d. Ventilation
1. Inlet fresh air inlet from the exterior bldg. not < 900sq.cm. &
protect w/ wire netting installed w/in 50mm of the floor in every
projection room
2. Outlets provide 1 or more mechanical exhaust systems.

Rule IX Electrical Regulations

1. Location of Poles and Clearances of Power Lines along Public Roads.
1.1. Primary Lines min vertical clearance of 10m from the crown of road
pavement, 7.5m from the top of the shoulder/sidewalk
1.2. Secondary Lines min vertical clearance of 7.5m from the crown of
road pavement
2. Clearance of Supporting Structures such as Poles, Towers and others
a. Fire Hydrants not < 5m
b. Curbs not < 150mm from curb away from the roadway
3. Clearance of Service Drops
a. Clearances Over Roof Conductors have clearance not< 2.5m from
highest pt. of roofs
1. Voltage bet conductors doesnt exceed 300 volts and has roof
slope not < 100mm in 300mm slope.
2. Service drop conductors of 300 volts or less w/ a max of 1.2m
overhang portion of roof for the purpose of a service raceway may be
maintained at min of 500mm.
b. From Ground conductors shall not < 3m from any platform or
c. From Building Openings conductors shall have clearance of < 1m
from windows, doors, etc and shall be run at least 500mm above the top level
of a window or opening.
d. Service Drop of Communications lines, when crossing a street, have a
clearance not < 5.50m from the crown of street/sidewalk. Also have a min
clearance of 3.00m above the ground.
4. Provisions for Transformer Vaults
1.1 New Building load demand 200KVA or above provided
w/transformer vault
1.2 Location ventilated to outside air
1.3 Walls, Roof and Floor. Reinforced concrete not < 150mm,
masonry/brick not less than 200mm, 300mm load bearing hollow
concrete blocks. Inside wall and roof surface constructed of HCB
shall have a coating of cement/gypsum plaster not < 20mm.
Concrete floor not < 100mm thick.

2. Ventilation
2.1 Ventilation Openings
1.1.1. Size not < .006sq.mm per KVA of transformer capacity in
service, except the net are shall not be < 0.1sqm for any
capacity under 50KVA
1.1.2. Drainage vaults w/ more than 100KVA transformer capacity
shall be provided w/ drain
6. Capacitors
1.1 Transformers Used w/ Capacitors KVA rating shall not be <
135% of capacitor rating
Rule X Mechanical Regulations
1. Elevators
1.1 Hoistway pits clearance of not < 600mm remains bet the underside of
car & bottom of pit.
1.2 Min number of hoisting ropes shall be 3 for traction elevators and 2 for
drumtype elevators.
1.3 Min diameter of hoisting & counterweight ropes shall be 30mm
1.4 Elevators w/ over-load relay and reverse polarity relay.
1.5 In high rise apts. or residential condos of more than 5 stories, at least 1
passenger elevator shall be kept on 24 hour constant service.
2. Escalators
2.1 Angle of inclination shall not exceed 35 degrees from the horizontal
2.2 Width bet balustrades shall not be < 558 mm nor more than 1.20m.
The width shall not exceed the width of the steps by more than
2.3 Rated speed, not more than 38mpm.
3. Boilers and Pressure Vessels
3.1 Location
3.1.1 Main Bldg. is not made up of fire resistive materials, boilers shall be
located outside w/ distance not < 3.00m outside the wall of main
bldg. & bldg. housing the boiler
3.1.2 No part of the boiler shall be closer than 1m from any wall
3.2 Smokestacks - shall able to withstand a wind load of 175km per hour
& shall rise at least 5m above the eaves of any bldg. w/in a radius of
3.3 Boilers more than 46sq.m. heating surface shall be provided w/ 2
means of feeding water, 1 steam driven and 1 electrically driven, 1
pump and 1 injector.
3.4 2 check valves shall be provided bet any feed pump and boiler
3.5 Boilers rms. shall have at least 2 separate exits.
3.6 Each boiler shall at least 1 safety valve. Having more than 46.sq.m
pressure of water heating surface/generating capacity exceeding 97kg.
per hour, 2 or more safety valves are required.
4. Refrigeration and Air Conditioning
4.1 68-74 degrees F temperature and humidity for comfortable cooling,
4.57 to 7.60 MPM temperature at an air movement.
4.2 Not more than 136kgs of refrigerant shall be stored in a machine rm.
4.3 Where ammonia is used into a tank of water at least 1 gallon of water
shall be provided for every .04536kg of ammonia in the system.
4.4 Refrigerant piping crossing a passageway in any bldg. shall not < 2.3m
above the floor.
4.5 Window type AC (Air Con) shall not be < 2.13m from the ground

5. Water pumping for Bldg./Structures

5.1 To maintain water pressure in all floors of a bldg./structure, the ff.
systems may be used:
5.1.1 Overhead tank supply may be installed above the roof w/ a vent and
an overflow pipe leading to a storm drain and be fully covered.
5.1.2 Pneumatic Tank unfired pressure vessel
6. Pipings
6.1 Piping 100mm in diameter and above shall be flanged. Small
diameter pipes may be screwed
6.2 Color coding of Piping:
Steam Division High Pressure White
Exhaust System Buff
Water Division Fresh Water, low pressure - Blue
Fresh Water, high pressure - Blue
Salt water piping Green
Oil Division Delivery Brass or Bronze
Discharge Yellow
Pneumatic Division All piping Gray
Gas Division All piping Black
Fuel Oil Division All piping Black
Refrigerating Division Pipes Black
Fittings - Black

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