exists in 30. It is the angular momentum of neutron, proton and 45. What is the conductivity of a pure annealed silver
ANSWER: matter and energy circular orbits called ___________ orbits. electron wire?
` ANSWER: Stationary ANSWER: h/4 ANSWER: 108.8%
2. Matter can be converted to energy and vice
versa. This is known as the __________. 15. A hydrogen atom is in the ground state when its 31. What alkali metals are protected from air, water 46. What is a reference sheet for element that can be
ANSWER: Einsteins Theory electron is and other substances? used to form engineering materials?
ANSWER: in the innermost orbit ANSWER: because alkali metals are ANSWER: Periodic Table
3. What is the elementary particle that has no charge, the most reactive
has zero (or near-zero) rest mass and travels at 16. What is generally the accepted nominal mass of a 47. What group of metals that are very soft metals?
the speed of light proton 32. What is the third most conductive material? ANSWER: Alkali metals
48. All elements in the center gap are __________.
4. What are heavy particles that conducts the proton 17. The type of bonding refers to the sharing of 33. What is the least conductive material ANSWER: metals
and the neutron. electrons ANSWER: nichrome
ANSWER: Baryons ANSWER: Covalent Bonding 49. How many elements are found in Period 1 of the
34. What is the other name of a negative electron? Periodic Table?
5. What particles have rest masses ranging down to 18. What is the combination of two or more materials ANSWER: 2
ANSWER: Negatron
about 0.1 AMU? that has properties that the components materials
ANSWER: Mesons do not have by themselves? 50. How many elements are found in Period 2 of the
35. What is the decay wherein protons and neutrons
ANSWER: Composite Periodic Table?
are decreased by 2 and may result in a stable
6. What particles include the electron, the mu particle ANSWER: 8
and the neutrino? 19. What determines the ability of atoms to combine
ANSWER: Alpha Decay
ANSWER: Leptons with other atoms 51. How many elements are found in Period 3 of the
ANSWER: The Valence Electron Periodic Table?
36. What physical property of a material that refers to
7. What is the term used to describe the amount of ANSWER: 8
the temperature at which ferromagnetic materials
energy that is given off when an electron moves 20. What property of an element is determined by the
can no longer be magnetized by outside forces
from one orbit to a lower orbit? number of protons in the nucleus? 52. How many elements are found in Period 4 of the
ANSWER: Curie point
ANSWER: Quantum ANSWER: Atomic number Periodic Table?
37. What is the Curie temperature of iron?
8. Which of the following is considered the first 21. What is the mass (in grams) of an electron?
ANSWER: 770 degrees Celsius
antimatter particle discovered? ANSWER: 1.672 x 10-28 53. How many elements are found in Period 5 of the
ANSWER: Positron Periodic Table?
38. Lodestone is a natural magnet.
22. What is the mass (in grams) of a proton? ANSWER: 18
9. According to the Pauli Exclusion Principle, ANSWER: 1.672 x 10-24
39. It is the material used in making permanent
ANSWER: No two electrons can have 54. The elements found in the center of the periodic
the same set of values for the four 23. What is the mass (in grams) of a neutron? table of elements are called __________.
ANSWER: hardened steel
quantum numbers ANSWER: 1.675 x 10-24 ANSWER: Transition metals
40. What is the inferred absolute zero temperature of
10. What is an integer number which determines the 24. What is the charge of an electron? 55. The elements/ groups found in the Left and Right
annealed copper?
angular momentum of the electron due to its orbital ANSWER: -1.602 x 10-19 of the periodic table of elements is called
ANSWER: -234.5 degrees Celsius
motions? __________.
ANSWER: Orbital Quantum Number 25. What is the charge of a proton? ANSWER: Main Groups
41. Which material that has a permeability slightly
ANSWER: 1.602 x 10-19
greater than 1?
11. What is an integer number which determines the 26. What is the diameter of nucleus? 56. What is the group of elements found in Period 6 of
ANSWER: Aluminum
component of the angular momentum of the ANSWER: 10-15 to 10-16 the Periodic Table of elements and is between
electron along a specific direction? 27. What is the radius of an atom? Lanthanum and Lutetium?
42. What is the conductivity of a 99.5% pure
ANSWER: Magnetic Quantum ANSWER: 10-14 ANSWER: Lanthanides
28. What is the particle that consists of two up quarks 57. Why noble gases are called inert gases?
12. What is the number which is used to describe the and one down quark? ANSWER: Because they are
43. What is the conductivity of a pure annealed copper
intrinsic spin angular momentum of the electron? ANSWER: proton substances that are not chemically
ANSWER: Spin Quantum Number reactive
ANSWER: 102.1%
29. What is the particle that consists of two down
13. What is emitted when an electron changes from a quarks and one up quark? 58. Most actinides are radioactive. They are also
44. What is the conductivity of a 99.9% pure gold?
higher energy orbit to a lower energy orbit? ANSWER: neutron
ANSWER: 72.6% found in the Period 7 of the Periodic Table of
ANSWER: Photon
101. What is the ion that is greater than its parent
59. Halogens react with Groups 1A and 2A. 74. What is the most abundant metal in the earths 88. The Lanthanides were once called as atom?
surface? _____________. ANSWER: Anion
60. Halogens fall under what group in the periodic ANSWER: Aluminum ANSWER: rare earth
table? 102. How many fundamental substances are present in
ANSWER: Group VIIA 75. What element in which has the lowest boiling 89. Alkali solutions are also called nature?
point? ANSWER: Hydroxides ANSWER: 92
61. What are the elements falls under Group IA in the ANSWER: Mercury
periodic table? 90. Compounds containing halogen and another 103. The ___________ of an environment serves as a
ANSWER: Alkali Metals 76. It is a greenish-yellow halogen gas. element (except oxygen) are called measure of the strength of acids or bases.
ANSWER: Chlorine _____________. ANSWER: pH measurement
62. What are the elements falls under Group IIA in the ANSWER: Halides
77. What do you call the bluish-black substance in 104. The solutions with pH values from 1 to 6
periodic table?
which, when burned, it will produce purple fumes? 91. Magnesium will react with water only if the water is
ANSWER: Alkaline Earth Metals are
ANSWER: Iodine ANSWER: boiling
ANSWER: acid
63. What are the elements falls under Group IIIA in the 78. What do you call a nuclei that has same number of 92. How many protons, electrons and neutrons are
periodic table? Atomic number but has different Atomic weight? present in a 14C6 carbon isotope? 105. The solutions with pH values from 7 to
ANSWER: Boron Family ANSWER: Isotopes ANSWER: 6 protons, 6 electrons, 8 14 are
neutrons ANSWER: base
64. What are the elements falls under Group IVA in 79. When Hydrogen melts in the sun, it is converted to
Helium and produces light in the sun 93. How many postulates did Niels Bohr make to 106. What is the pH value for a neutral solution?
the periodic table?
ANSWER: Fusion support the Bohrs atomic theory? ANSWER: 7
ANSWER: Carbon Family
80. When a solid has a crystalline structure, the atoms 107. pH stands for
65. What are the elements falls under Group VA in the arranged in repeating structure is called 94. Electron orbits are discrete and non-radiating, and ANSWER: positive hydrogen ion
periodic table? ANSWER: unit cell on electron may not remain between these orbits.
ANSWER: Nitrogen Family This is also known as 108. What do you call a fluid that conducts electricity?
81. What crystalline structure that has coordination ANSWER: First Postulate of Niels ANSWER: electrolyte
66. What are the elements falls under Group VIA in number of 12? Bohr 109. Oxidation in an electrochemical cell
ANSWER: Face-centered cubic
the periodic table? always place at the anode.
95. Who has been accepted as the author of the
ANSWER: Oxygen Family
82. What crystalline structure that has a coordination periodic table which was developed by chemists in
number of 8? the mid-nineteenth century? 110. Reduction in an electrochemical cell
67. What are the elements falls under Group VIIIA/0 in ANSWER: Body-centered cubic ANSWER: Mendeleev always place at the cathode.
the periodic table?
ANSWER: Inert/ Noble Gases 83. What crystalline structure that has a packing factor 96. The mass of a proton is approximately how many 111. The other name for specific gravity is called as
of 0.52? times greater than the mass of an electron? ANSWER: relative density
68. Metalloids have a valence of ANSWER: simple cubic ANSWER: 1836
ANSWER: 4 112. The engineering materials known as plastics is
84. What crystalline structure that has a packing factor 97. The mass of a neutron is approximately how many correctly called as
69. What is the atomic number of oxygen? of 0.74 times greater than the mass of an electron? ANSWER: polymers
ANSWER: 8 ANSWER: Face-centered cubic ANSWER: 1839
70. What element that has 3 protons? 85. Chromium has a body-centered cubic crystalline 98. What refers to a crystal imperfection characterized
113. Polymer comes from Greek words poly
which means many and meros which means
ANSWER: Lithium structure by regions of severe atomic misfit where atoms are
ANSWER: Face-centered cubic not properly surrounded by neighboring atoms?
ANSWER: parts
71. What element will you combine with alkali metals ANSWER: Dislocation
to form salts? 86. It shows each atom and ion with repeating
114. What do you call an alloy which is practically
ANSWER: Chlorine structure in the crystalline 99. What do you call an atom that has lost or gain an
having a constant resistance at all temperatures?
ANSWER: non-Bravais lattice electron?
ANSWER: Eureka
72. What is the most common alloying ingredient in ANSWER: Ion
copper? 87. What do you call the distinct pattern in the space
115. What do you call metals reinforced by ceramics or
ANSWER: Zinc which the atoms of metal arranged themselves 100. What is the ion that is smaller than its parent
other materials, usually in fiber form?
when they combine to produce a substance of atom?
ANSWER: Metal Matrix composites
73. What is the most electronegative element? recognizable size? ANSWER: Cation
ANSWER: Fluorine ANSWER: Space Lattice
116. What is a combination of one or more metals with 127. To help the engineer manager motivate his peers, 149. What physical property of a material refers to the
a nonmetallic element? he may apply a motivation model based on the 138. Forms a moral philosophy which constitutes the highest potential difference (voltage) that an
ANSWER: Ceramic assumption that an individual will work depending foundation of ethics. insulating material of given thickness can
on his perception of the probability of his ANSWER: Honesty, justice and withstand for a specified time without occurrence
117. It is a metal combined with one or more elements expectations to happen, this theory is known as courtesy of electrical breakdown through its bulk?
ANSWER: Alloy ANSWER: Expectancy Theory ANSWER: dielectric strength
139. The term ICT stands for ____________.
118. ____________ states that there are five needs of 128. In an organization or corporation, a person who ANSWER: Information and 150. It is the mechanical property of a material that has
an employee: psychological, security, social, occupies a higher position has what type of power Communications Technology a resistance to plastic deformation
esteem and self actualization. over persons in lower positions? ANSWER: hardness
ANSWER: Maslows Needs ANSWER: Legitimate Power 140. The members of the board must be citizen and
Hierarchy Theory resident of the Philippines for at least _____ 151. What is the ratio of the ultimate failure to the
129. What style of leadership should the engineer consecutive to his/ her appointment. yielding strain?
119. What are the common training programs designed manager use when his unit is manned by ANSWER: 5 ANSWER: Ductility
for managers? professionals? 152. The stress at which material exhibits a specified
ANSWER: In Basket, Management ANSWER: Free-rein Leadership 141. Be in active practice of electronics profession for at deviation from proportionality of stress and strain.
games, Case studies least _____ consecutive years prior to his/her ANSWER: yield strength
130. When there is an unexplained decline revenues appointment.
120. What type of training is where the trainee is placed and profits in the company, it is a sign that the ANSWER: 10 153. When the vector sum of the external forces acting
in a situation almost exactly the same as the engineer manager on a system of particles equal to zero the total
workplace where machines, materials, time ANSWER: has inadequate control 142. Under percent method in computing professional linear momentum of the system remains constant.
constraints are present with the trainer working full fee. What is the minimum design fee, under Group This statement is known as
time? 131. What type of control measure is undertaken if the II complexity of requirements? ANSWER: Conservation of Linear
ANSWER: Vestibule School engineer manager gathered information about a ANSWER: 8% of the cost but not Momentum
completed activity and evaluation and steps for less than P6000
121. What is the disadvantage of the participative style improvement are derived? 154. The _________ of a machine is the ratio of output
of leadership? ANSWER: Feedback control 143. Under percent method in computing professional force exerted and the input force furnished on it.
ANSWER: Time consuming fee. What is the minimum design fee, under Group ANSWER: actual mechanical
132. Motivating workers through rewards, the engineer III complexity of requirements? advantage
122. What type of environment refers to the manager must identify the rewards as either ANSWER: 6% of the cost but not
organizational activities within a firm that surround ANSWER: extrinsic or intrinsic less than P3000 155. The ratio of input distance to output distance is
decision making? known as ___________
ANSWER: Internal Environment 133. A satisfied employee is motivated from within to 144. Under unit cost method, professional minimum fee ANSWER: ideal mechanical
work harder and that dissatisfied employees is not of ___________ detached power supplies of the advantage
123. When the decision-maker is able to assign self-motivated. This is the indication of the system.
probabilities to the various events, the use of following theories? ANSWER: P1000 156. It is the change in kinetic energy plus the change
probabilistic decision rule called __________ ANSWER: Herzbergs Two Factor in mechanical energy plus work done.
become possible? Theory 145. The electronic designer will furnish how many sets ANSWER: work energy theorem
ANSWER: Bayes Criterion of drawing specifications and other contract
134. To determine a qualified applicant, the engineer documents? 157. What is the absolute value of the ratio of the
124. What is sometimes referred to as the heart of all manager will subject the applicant to psychological ANSWER: 5 transverse strain to the corresponding axial strain
the management functions? test. What type of psychological test is used to in a body subjected to uniaxial stress
ANSWER: Decision Making measure a persons capacity or potential ability to 146. For electronics design jobs, using cost plus ANSWER: Poissons Ratio
learn? reasonable profit method, the percentage the
125. When structuring an organization, the engineer ANSWER: Aptitude test designer get from the client should not be less 158. It is the ratio of the velocity of light in vacuum to
manager must be concerned with the process of than __________ of the profit cost. the velocity of light in a medium
assigning various degrees of decision making 135. What type of authority is usually given to most ANSWER: 25% ANSWER: refractive index
authority to subordinates. This refers to budget officer in an organization?
__________. ANSWER: Functional Authority 147. When equal yet opposite forces is applied on an 159. Gravity is an example of what type of force?
ANSWER: Delegation of Authority object in a different line of action, the object is said ANSWER: Conservative force
136. Which organization structure is considered to be to be undergoing __________.
126. What are the two different approaches in solving the most effective in smaller firms or single- ANSWER: shear 160. Friction is an example of
problems? business firms? ANSWER: Non-conservative force
ANSWER: Quantitative evaluation ANSWER: Functional Organization 148. What was changed in the object when it
and Qualitative Evaluation undergoes shear? 161. The another term for conservative force
137. What is the keystone of professional conduct? ANSWER: shape ANSWER: dissipative force
ANSWER: Integrity
162. It is the ratio of velocity before and after an impact/ equilibrium position is called __________ of the ANSWER: Work-energy Theorem ANSWER: Boyles Law
collision motion.
ANSWER: coefficient of restitution ANSWER: Amplitude 189. A net force applied to 1kg mass gives it 202. At constant pressure, the volume of a sample of
gas is directly proportional to the absolute
an acceleration of 1 m/s2
163. In __________ collision, kinetic energy is lost to 176. In a __________, friction progressively reduces temperature. This is known as
ANSWER: Newton
heat, sound energy, etc. the amplitude of the vibrations ANSWER: Charles Law
ANSWER: Inelastic collision ANSWER: Damped Harmonic
190. What is the work done for a reversible isometric
Oscillator 203. The first law of thermodynamics is also known as
164. What type of collision when maximum kinetic ANSWER: Law of Conservation of
ANSWER: zero
energy is lost? 177. When an object exerts a force on another object, Energy
ANSWER: Completely Inelastic the second object exerts the first force of the same
191. What are the thermodynamic properties?
Collision magnitude but in opposite direction. This 204. Refers to series discrete electromagnetic
ANSWER: temperature, pressure
statement is known as wavelengths emitted by the atoms of a low
and volume
165. Coefficient of restitution is the ratio of: ANSWER: Third Law of Motion pressure gas that is subjected to a sufficiently high
ANSWER: relative speed after potential difference.
192. What is the mechanical equivalent of heat?
collision to relative speed before 178. What occurs whenever a restoring force acts on a ANSWER: Line Spectrum
collision body in the opposite direction to its displacement
from its equilibrium position with the magnitude of 205. The average kinetic energy of gas molecule is
193. What are the thermodynamic properties?
166. What is the coefficient of restitution for an elastic the restoring force proportional to the magnitude of proportional to the ___________ of the gas
ANSWER: temperature, pressure
collision? the displacement? ANSWER: Absolute temperature
and volume
ANSWER: 1 ANSWER: Simple Harmonic Motion
206. The ___________ of a volume of air is the ratio
194. The average atmospheric pressure is __________
167. What is the coefficient of restitution for an inelastic 179. What is doubled if the amplitude of a simple between the amount of water vapor it contains and
Torr. Torr was named after Torricelli, who made
collision? harmonic oscillator is doubled? the amount that would be present at saturation.
the barometer.
ANSWER: 0 ANSWER: Its maximum speed ANSWER: Relative Humidity
168. The __________ of a body about a given axis is 180. An object undergoes simple harmonic motion, its 207. ___________ a gas consists of a great, many, tiny
195. In any process, the maximum amount of heat that
the rotational analog of mass of the body is maximum speed occurs when its displacement individual molecules that do not interact with on
can be converted into mechanical energy
distributed about the axis. from its equilibrium position is __________. another except when collision occurs.
ANSWER: moment of inertia ANSWER: Zero ANSWER: Kinetic Theory of gases
ANSWER: depends on the intake
and exhaust temperature
169. The __________ of a rotational body is the 181. In a simple harmonic motion, there is always a 208. What physical property of a material refers to the
product of its moment of inertia and angular speed. constant ratio between the displacement of the amount of weight gain % experienced in a polymer
196. In any process, the maximum amount of
ANSWER: angular momentum mass and its ____________. after immersion in water for a specified length of
mechanical energy that can be converted into heat
ANSWER: Acceleration time under a controlled environment?
is ___________.
170. When the forces that act on an object have a ANSWER: Water absorption
ANSWER: 100%
vector sum of zero, the object is said to be in 182. unit of momentum = kg-m /s
__________ equilibrium. 209. The phenomenon whereby wavelength photon
ANSWER: translational 183. 1 slug = 14.6 kg 197. Density is mass per unit volume. hitting an atom on the surface of a substance
causes an electron to be ejected
171. When the net torque acting on an object is zero, 184. One pound is equal to __________ Newtons 198. It is the physical property of a material that refers ANSWER: Photoelectric effect
the object is in __________ equilibrium. ANSWER: 4.45 to the rate of heat flow per unit time
ANSWER: rotational ANSWER: thermal conductivity 210. What radiation produces electrons with the highest
185. How many joules are there in 1 kilowatt-hour? energy?
172. Maximum static friction is also known as ANSWER: 3,600,000 Joules 199. It is the ratio of the amount of heat to raise the ANSWER: Gamma Rays
ANSWER: Starting friction temperature of a unit mass of a substance to 1
186. Rest energy is the energy possessed by an object degree to the heat required to raise the 211. Elastic modulus that exists in liquids
173. What is the another term of kinetic friction? by virtue of its temperature of the same mass of water to 1 ANSWER: Bulk modulus
ANSWER: Sliding Friction ANSWER: mass degree
ANSWER: specific heat 212. Every body perseveres in its state of being at rest
174. The coefficient of kinetic friction is ____________ 187. Potential energy is the energy possessed by an or of moving uniformly straight forward, except
the coefficient of static friction. object by virtue of its 200. What is the compressibility factor of an ideal gas? insofar as it is compelled to change its state by
ANSWER: Always less than ANSWER: position ANSWER: 1 force impressed. This is also known as
ANSWER: First Law of Motion
175. The maximum displacement of an object 188. Work done on object = change of objects KE + 201. In a confined gas, if the absolute temperature is Note: First Law of motion is also
undergoing harmonic motion on either side of its change in objects PE and work done by the held constant, the volume is inversely proportional called the Law of Inertia. This is often
object. This equation is better known as to the absolute pressure. This is also known as paraphrased as "zero net force
implies zero acceleration", but this is 223. The definite discrete amount of energy required to 250. What is the international distress frequency for
an over-simplification. move an electron from a lower shell to a higher 236. The ratio of thickness and thermal conductivity: aeronautical services
shell. Thermal Resistance ANSWER: 121.5 MHz
213. The rate of change of momentum of a ANSWER: Quanta
237. The greater the thermal conductivity the faster the 251. In cellular systems, what is the average lead time
body is proportional to the resultant force acting on
224. Other name for retentivity heat transfer for installing a new base system?
the body and is in the same direction. This is also
ANSWER: Remanence ANSWER: 6 months to 1 year
known as
238. Measure of fluid internal resistance Viscosity
ANSWER: Second Law of Motion
225. What is the minimum carrier power of the standard 252. Conductors concealed in a knob or tube wiring,
Note: Second Law of motion is also
AM broadcast where effective and direct 239. What is the international distress frequency for there must be a clearance NOT less than
called the Law of Inertia
supervision of an Electronics Engineer is required? radio telephony? ____________ between the conductor and the
ANSWER: 1KW ANSWER: 2128 KHz surface which it passes over.
214. All forces occur in pairs, and these two ANSWER: 26 mm
forces are equal in magnitude and opposite in ======================================================================= 240. How much is the fine for an unauthorized servicing
direction. This is also known as Not Sure for mobile telephones? 253. Boyles Law
ANSWER: Third Law of Motion ============================================== ANSWER: P5000 per unit ANSWER: P1V1=P2V2
Note: This law of motion is commonly =
paraphrased as: "To every action 226. of the atom. 241. Which of the following is acidic? 254. In ITU emission designation, the third symbol
force there is an equal, but opposite, ANSWER: electrons do not have a ANSWER: Acids have a pH of 0 to 6. refers to the type of information to be transmitted.
reaction force". localized orbit, but are spatially like The lesser the pH #, the more it is acidic What symbol is used for telephony?
cloud for example, pH1. ANSWER: E
215. What physical property of a material that refers to
the temperature at which a material liquefies on 227. Broken down simpler substance? 242. The unit for illumination of surface is called 255. Who proposed the modern atomic theory?
heating or solidifies on cooling? ANSWER: Element ANSWER: Lumens ANSWER: Dalton
ANSWER: Melting point
228. of top management? 243. Which standard is utilized for intermodulation noise 256. The frequency band reallocated by NTC for
216. The period of the pendulum depends on which of ANSWER: External environment rate of PCM audio channels? wireless broadband access for fixed, nomadic, and
the following? ANSWER: CCITT Rec. G. 172 mobile network
ANSWER: Length 229. What refers to the process of determining the ANSWER: 450-470 MHz
contributions that subunits con make with allocated 244. The policy adopted for improving the provision of
217. Is a device used to increase the pressure by resources? local exchange carrier service is embodied in 257. Broadcast station logs must be kept for NTC for
slowing down the liquid? ANSWER: Intermediate Planning? Executive Order No. ____________.
ANSWER: Diffuser ANSWER: 109 ANSWER: 1 year
230. . ratio of stress to ____________ for materials
218. The SI unit of Impulse is operation in the nonlinear region in the stress- 245. The zero gravitational potential energy is 258. Short haul communications refers to
ANSWER: N-s strain diagram? ANSWER: arbitrary communications with a distance not less than
ANSWER: Secant Modulus ANSWER: 150 km
219. What substance that has a melting point 246. What is the gas produced by the action of sunlight
0 231. The ___________ of pivoted object is that point at on automobile exhaust? 259. A registered electronics engineer must be a
of 28 C and is liquid at warm temperatures?
which it can be struck without producing a reaction ANSWER: Ozone member of an accredited professional organization
ANSWER: Cesium
force on it (pwd) within ________ years after the effectivity of RA
ANSWER: Center of Oscillation 247. On or many non-metallic surface extensions shall 9292.
220. A common alloy is 80% nickel and 20% chromium,
be permitted to run on any directions from an ANSWER: 3
It has high electrical resistance.
232. The __________ of a system undergoing simple existing outlet but not on the floor or within
ANSWER: Nichrome
harmonic motion is the time needed for it to make __________ from the floor 260. The maximum term of contract of authority given to
one complete oscillation. ANSWER: 50 mm cable TV operators
221. copper-nickel alloy usually consisting of 60%
ANSWER: Period ANSWER: 15 years
Copper and 40% Nickel. Commonly used as
248. A non-metallic sheathed cable shall have not a 261. In every drawing, there must be a standard title
233. What type of energy transmitted by rotary bending radius less than __________ times the block which contains the project owner, title of the
ANSWER: Constantan
ANSWER: Mechanical energy diameter of the cable. sheet, scale used, name and signature of the PEE.
ANSWER: 5 The width of the title block is _________
222. Used as thermostat. It has low or zero temperature
234. It is the measure of a materials rigidity ANSWER: 40 mm
ANSWER: Shear Modulus 249. The RA 9292 is signed by President Gloria
Macapagal-Arroyo in what date? 262. In hospitals, the general lighting load
235. Heat is the energy in transit from one mass to ANSWER: April 17, 2004
required shall be __________ VA/m2
another due to different in temperature
263. CMTS operators is encouraged to improve the 277. The NTC requires mandatory installation of 287. What is the equivalent unit of "poise"?
grade of service by 1% every 2 years until it navigational satellite aids equipment particular ANSWER: dyne-s/cm2 299. Who discovered Radioactivity?
reaches ___________ NAVTEX receiver and EPIRB equipment to ANSWER: Henri Becquerel
ANSWER: 4% passenger and general cargo vessels engaged in 288. What will happen to the volume in a system when
coastwise trade with a gross tonnage of the pressure is doubled and the temperature 300. What are the two elements of DDT and Freon?
264. the best way of preventing the increase of CO __________. remains constant ANSWER: CI and F
concentration in the atmosphere is ANSWER: 500 ANSWER: Volume will decreased
ANSWER: to reduce the use of oil and 301. What is the molecular structure for
coal 278. Mandatory date of compliance to NTC requirement 289. What is the international calling frequency for VHF monosaccharide?
by installing NAVTEX receiver by cargo and radio telephony ANSWER: C6H12O6
265. The statement that has a possible solution is a passenger vessels and ships engaged in coast ANSWER: 148.6 MHz
ANSWER: hypothesis wise trade is on before 290. Bonding jumpers which connect communications 302. What is the virtual carrier frequency of channel 4?
ANSWER: September 30, 2002 cable grounding conductors and the grounding ANSWER: 67.25 MHz
266. CMTS operators required by the NTC to improve electrode of the building shall NOT be smaller than
their drop call rate by 1% every 2 years until the 279. NTC memorandum circular governing rules and what size? 303. It is the willingness of an atom to attract
Drop Call Rate is __________. regulations in CATV and PBS services generally ANSWER: 14.0 mm2
additional electron
ANSWER: 2% prohibit ___________.
ANSWER: electron affinity
ANSWER: Carrying of TV programs for 291. Interlocked type armored cable or corrugated
267. the equivalent of 1 Joule is distribution sheath cables shall have a bending radius of NOT
304. CCITT V26 has modulation rate of ___________.
ANSWER: 107 ergs less than __________ times the external diameter
ANSWER: 1.2 k baud
280. As promulgated by the NTC, newly authorized of the metallic sheath
268. What substance is added to the filtrate to kill CMTS operators may have a drop call rate of __ ANSWER: 7
305. How much is the construction fee for CATV head-
molds, microorganisms and bacteria? after 1 year of start of operations
end station?
ANSWER: chlorine ANSWER: 7 292. The frequency stability of cellular mobile telephone
transmitter authorized by NTC for use in the
269. In international AM broadcasting, signal maintain 281. The maximum penalty for violating a provision of Philippines
306. What is the minimum capital for applicant of 3G
authorized power output is not less than RA 9292 for any person is __________. ANSWER: 2.5 KHz and 2.5 ppm
mobile communication?
ANSWER: 50 kW ANSWER: P 1 Million fine and 6 years
ANSWER: P100 Million
imprisonment 293. Oxidation of odor and taste can be removed by
270. What is the Capitalization for MDPD (Mobile ANSWER: Aeration
307. What is the pH measurement of neutral solution?
Phone Dealers Permit)? 282. The ITU body that provides secretarial support for
ANSWER: P 100,000 the work of the ITU-T sector and services for the 294. The density of illumination flux on the surface
participants in the ITU-T work, diffuse information ANSWER: illumination
308. What is relative permittivity of silicon?
271. Branch circuit current shall not exceed on international telecommunications worldwide,
ANSWER: 11.7
ANSWER: 30 A and establishes agreement with many international 295. Broadcast/Push messaging shall not be sent
standards development organizations is the between __________ except on paid subscription
309. A board examiner should be in active practice of
272. It is an instrument used to measure constant ____________. services
electronics profession for at least __________
radiant flux- unit luminance. ANSWER: Telecommunication ANSWER: 9:00 PM to 7:00 AM
consecutive years.
ANSWER: Foot candle Meter Standardization Bureau
296. Who said the dualistic nature of light and extended
273. The refraction of light in hot air bodies is called 283. Provides the policy guideline for compulsory it to electrons
310. In RA 9292, electronic technicians can register
ANSWER: mirage interconnection of authorized public ANSWER: De Broglie
without examination __________ years after the
telecommunications carrier?
effect of the RA 9292
274. It was signed by President Fidel V. Ramos on ANSWER: E.O. 59 297. Any small element of space in the path of a wave
March 1998 and it is the policy of operation of may be considered as a source of secondary
satellites. 284. What law regulates the operation of cable antenna wavelength
311. What is the annual license fee for CATV head end
ANSWER: E.O. 467 system in the Philippines? ANSWER: Huygen's Principle
ANSWER: E.O. 205
275. An Executive Order vesting jurisdiction and control 298. Electronic technician as defined by the MPSCP
of Philippine Satellite Communication in 285. Under 9292, an Electronics Technician may apply implementing guidelines should be a graduate of
312. Contracts which are provision contrary to public
cooperation with NTC. registration without examination within __ after the an electronic technician course and should have
policy __________.
ANSWER: E.O. 196 effectively of the act. completed a formal training course in the repairs,
ANSWER: will be considered void
ANSWER: 5 Yrs. servicing and maintenance of mobile phones
276. It is the year that analog broadcasting is going to conducted by mobile phone manufacturers and or
313. It involves electrical energy to carry oxidation-
phase out. 286. What is the unit of impulse? training service center duly accredited by
reduction (redox) reaction.
ANSWER: 2006 ANSWER: N-s __________.
ANSWER: electrolysis 329. The frequency limit for 6-meter band of ITU region 344. CMTS operators required by the NTC to improve 356. The 2nd symbol in the designation of
2 their drop call rate by 1% every 2 years until the
radio emission under the ITU rule, is
314. It is study of phenomena of same electric charge in ANSWER: 50.0 MHz to 54.0 MHz Drop Call Rate is __________.
ANSWER: the number signifies the
motion and at rest. ANSWER: 2%
nature of signals modulating the main
ANSWER: electrostatic 330. It is a galvanic cell that supplies continuous electric
energy. 345. An order signed by former President Fidel Ramos
315. The frequency tolerance for FM is ___________ ANSWER: Fuel Cell last March 1998 providing the national policy in the
357. Which standard recommends crosstalk limits?
above or below the assigned frequency operation and use of international satellite
ANSWER: 2 kHz 331. It is the ratio of net income to the owner's equity. communications in the Philippines
ANSWER: Net of income ratio ANSWER: E.O. 467
358. the law governing the regulation of radio
316. The red electrode has a minimum diameter of
communications in the Philippines
ANSWER: 16 mm diameter 332. It is the electrostatic unit for potential difference. 346. Which of the following is not govern by CITT and
ANSWER: Statvolt NTC?
359. If the sum of the torques of an object in equilibrium
317. How many electrons are there in 4th shell level? ANSWER: Automated teller machine
is zero about a certain point,
ANSWER: 32 333. It is the unit for luminance (ATM)
ANSWER: it is zero about all other
ANSWER: Candela per square meter
318. It determines the number of atoms in a molecule. 347. The Law which created the MTRCB
ANSWER: Molecular Equation 334. They are the elements that react when it loses ANSWER: P.D. 1986
360. The concentration of particulate is commonly
expressed in __________
319. The length of term of Board of examiners is ANSWER: Alkali Metals 348. The First Law in the Philippines for Radio
__________ years. Communications
ANSWER: 3 335. The less the valence electron, the __________. ANSWER: Radio Act of 1910
361. The net flux in an electric field that crosses a
ANSWER: easier to conduct
closed surface, in an outward pattern is equal to
320. Years need before a revoked license can be 349. Roentgen Equivalent Man / Roentgen Equivalent
the net positive charge enclosed in that surface.
reinstated. 336. Republic Act 9292 became effective in Biological (rems / rebs) is the unit for rbe (Relative
This is also known as
ANSWER: 2 years __________. Biological Effectiveness)
ANSWER: Gauss Law
ANSWER: May 27, 2004
321. Buoyant Force exerted by a fluid on a body is 350. Who discovered Proton?
362. What does ITFS stands for?
equal to the weight of fluid the body displaces. 337. In banks and office buildings, a unit load of ANSWER: Rutherford
ANSWER: Instructional Television Fixed
ANSWER: Archimedes Principle ___________ Va per square meter shall be
included for the general purpose receptacles outlet 351. A special zone of a TV broadcast station refers to
322. It removes dissolved particles. when the actual number of outlet is known an area extending __________ kilometers from a
363. What is a loss due to valence electron?
ANSWER: Activated Charcoal ANSWER: 8 reference point to a community where the station
ANSWER: UV absorption
is authorized.
323. It corrodes metal, destroys living tissue and 338. What device produces electrical current by way of ANSWER: 56
364. Provides policy to improve provision of local
deteriorates the building an oxidation-reduction (redox) reaction?
exchange carrier
ANSWER: Sulfuric Acid ANSWER: Galvanic Cell 352. The rating of the branch circuit serving the
community, continuous load should not exceed
324. Minimum Service performance standard in drop 339. Most of the pollutants consists of __________ percent of the continuous load.
365. Charles Law
call rates in cellular mobile telephony ANSWER: Oxidants ANSWER: 125
ANSWER: V1/T1= V2 /T2
340. Makes changes on the rate of chemical reaction 353. In the first generation (1G) analog cellular system,
366. Who discovered the Electron?
325. High speed networks as defined by NTC ANSWER: Catalyst the cell site of 50 radio stations can serve about
ANSWER: Thompson
ANSWER: has a capacity of 2.048 __________ customers
Mbps 341. What is the maximum fine under R.A. 3846 or ANSWER: 1000
367. The unit of which is also defined as the radiated
Radio Laws of the Philippines
326. Penalty for violation of memorandum order 07-08- ANSWER: 4000 354. All applicants for the assignment of 3G radio
ANSWER: Candela
2004 or unauthorized servicing on mobile frequency bands shall post performance band
telephones 342. In hospitals, the general lighting load required shall equivalent to how much?
368. Each electron plate should exceed not less than
ANSWER: P5000 per unit be __________ VA/m2 ANSWER: P 300,000,000
__________ of surface on the exterior soil
ANSWER: 1/5 square meter
327. Force needed by a particle subjected to other 355. Which one defines the 56 Kbps digital
forces to keep in equilibrium 343. The speed for 3G when moving on a vehicle or at transmission of telephone lines?
369. Unit used to measure dosage of x radiation from x
ANSWER: Equilibrant high speed. ANSWER: V.90
- ray
ANSWER: 144 kbps
ANSWER: roentgen per hour
328. Watt is equal to Joule per second.
370. A professional Electronic Engineer is not a 388. Varignons theorem - coplanar forces is equal to 405. Which of the following refers to the change from of particles
member of an Accredited Professional force couple gaseous to liquid phase? ANSWER: Brownian effect
Organization must register for at least how many ANSWER: Condensation
years? 389. Bernoullis principle - steady flow pressure KE/V 420. The molecule to molecule transfer of heat or
ANSWER: 5 yrs PE/V is the same 406. it is the ratio universal gas constant to Avogadros contact between bodies
number ANSWER: conduction
371. The NTC defines outdoor equipment device 390. Luminance - luminance intensity/ A - candle/ m^2 ANSWER: Boltzmanns Constant
ANSWER: 250 mW
391. Dyne - 1gram-cm/s^2 407. __________ arises when the molecules of gas or
372. One requirement for applying for MFDP is the lists liquid move between the molecules of
of stocks and accessories sufficient enough 392. 5 years - in the Philippines, 3 years (minimum ANSWER: Diffusion
ANSWER: 6 service), 6 years (maximum service)
408. What do you call the bluish-black substance in
373. Which of the following is a base? 393. 2G, 1 cell - 3000 to 20000 user which, when burned, it will produce purple fumes?
ANSWER: Bases have a pH of 7 to 14. ANSWER: Iodine
The greater the pH #, the more it is
basic for example, pH14. 394. It is the ratio of the speed of light in 409. What term refers to the passage of an electric
current through an electrolyte caused by an
empty space to the speed in a medium.
=========================================== external voltage source?
ANSWER: Absolute index of Refraction
395. It is a perfect absorber of radiation and also an
410. In which of the following is energy removal being
ideal radiator
ANSWER: blackbody
374. MPSC and MPD - P1200 licensed every year ANSWER: Changing water to ice
396. When metals react with non-metals, they form an
375. License plate size - 50 cm x 100 cm 411. Atom comes from the Greek word "atomos" which
ionic bind. Which is not an ionic bond?
376. Include: name of business ANSWER: invisible
type of service
397. In a converging lens, ____________ is found
business address 412. Who came up with the idea that matter can be
between the lens and the principal focus.
license # divided into smaller particles
ANSWER: Virtual Image
ANSWER: Democritus
377. Inquire at NTC regional office
398. What is the MKS unit of potential difference?
378. TV emission of F3E and C3F
ANSWER: volts 413. The group IA and VIIIA are called
ANSWER: representative element
399. When is the electrostatic unit of charge?
379. 1.725 to 1.79 MHz - wireless phone (bandwidth
ANSWER: statvolt 414. The quality of a materials of how well it conducts
required by the NTC)
400. When metals melt, the intermolecular forces will ANSWER: thermal conductivity
380. 8 VA - power in 1 sq meter (hospital)
ANSWER: decrease 415. The branch of Physics which deals with the low
381. 11 Mbps - 1000 paid by public excess
temperature phenomena
401. What refers to the attraction between like ANSWER: cryogenics
382. 7 drop call rate in year
ANSWER: cohesion 416. The common device that is used in
383. value added service
402. What refers to the attraction between unlike
384. RA 6849 - operation and maintenance of public ANSWER: leaf electroscope
ANSWER: adhesion
385. Chlorine - added to the water to kill bacteria
417. Unlike charges attract, like charges
403. It is a direct change from solid to gaseous phase repel is what law
ANSWER: sublimation ANSWER: First law of electrostatics
386. In chemical reaction, liquid molecules is broken
418. What is the most abundant element on earth
down to smaller release gas true
404. It is a direct change from solid to gaseous phase ANSWER: Oxygen
ANSWER: condensation
387. diffusion
419. The movements of molecule due to bombardment