Belt Calculation

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The document discusses the design and calculations for a conveyor belt system, including capacity, power requirements, belt and idler selection.

The document mentions carrying idlers, return idlers, and different types like 3 part roller idlers and flat idlers.

The document discusses factors like belt width, length, conveyed material properties, inclination angle, and load due to idlers in calculating power requirements for a conveyor belt.




Working capacity : Qm = 750.00 t/h Design capacity : Qd = 1,000.00

Conveyed material : Cement, Clinker Bulk density : = 1.36

Surcharge angle : = 18.00 Surcharge angle : = 0.31


Belt width : B = 1,200.00 mm Belt speed : v = 1.68

Conveying distance : L = 258.00 m Conveying height : H = 17.90

Maximum inclination angle : = 4.80 Maximum inclination angle : = 0.08

Troughing : = 35.00 Troughing : = 0.61

Carrying idlers type : 3 part Roller Diameter : Dr = 133.00

Return idlers type : flat Roller Length : L1 = 465.00

Angle of wrap : = 210.00 Angle of wrap : = 3.67


_3=((0,950)" " )/2=

85.00 mm

_2=(_1 " " )/2=

367.50 mm

_=(_2_3 " " )/cos =

231.41 mm

_1=(_2_3 " " )/ =

162.04 mm

_=(_1+2_ " " )/ 2 =

1,501.25 mm

_1=(_^2(2sin2 )" " )/(21000000)=

0.046 m2

_2=((_1+_ )" " _1)/1000000=

0.113 m2

=_1+_2= 0.159 m2

Max. theoretical volumetric Qtv = 3600 Qtv = 958.72


Max. theoretical capacity : Qt = _cos Qt = 1,301.20

Filling ratio _/_

: kn = kn = 0.58
(normal operation)
Filling ratio _/_
: kd = kd = 0.77
(design operation)



Width factor : cB = 277.00 Length factor : cL = 52.04

Working condition : Normal (standard conditions) Working condition factor : kf = 1.00

Power (empty + horizontal (_+_)/(__ )

: P1 = P1 = 28.16
Power (lifting) : P2 = P2 = 48.77

Power at drive pulley : PT = _1+_2 PT = 76.93

Drive unit efficiency : = 0.90 Safety factor : Sf = 1.40

Required motor power : PM = PM = 85.48

Motor power with safety factor : PS = __ PS = 119.67

Selected motor power : PN = 160.00 kW


Friction coefficient (drive

Pulley condition : Rubber lagged and wet : = 0.30
pulley - belt)

cR = 15.00 Breaking strength loss at joint cV = 0.75

Friction value factor : :
Belt breaking strength : k= k = 915.86

Selected belt : EP 1000/4xEP 250 k = 933.60

Nominal belt strength : kN = 1,000.00 kg/cm Belt weight : Gb = 20.70

Thickness of top cover : tt = 6.00 mm Thickness of bottom cover : tb = 3.00

Thickness of the carcase : tc = 6.00 mm Total thickness of the belt : tbe = 15.00


Carrying idler weight : mRc = 22.30 kg Return idler weight : mRr = 19.30

Distance between carrying Lc = 1.20 Lr = 2.00

: m Distance between return idlers :

Load due to the carrying idlers : Gc = 18.58 m Load due to the return idlers : Gr = 9.65

Friction factor (empty load fe = 0.020

Working condition : Normal (standard conditions) :
Friction factor (material load fm = 0.025
Length factor : C = 1.39 :
Total weight of the moving Gm
: = 2 _+_+_ Gm = 69.63
Motor power req. to run empty (_3,6_)/367
: P1 = P1 = 8.24
Motor power req. to move (__)/367
: P2 = P2 = 24.46
mat. horizontally
Motor power req. to move (_)/367
: P3 = P3 = 48.77
mat. vertically
Motor power req. to accelerate (_^2)/3604
: P4 = P4 = 0.78

ns = 1 Power loss due to the P5 = 3.78

Number of scrappers :

Ls = 6.00 Power loss due to the P6 = 1.61

Length of skirtboard : m

Tripper system : No Power loss due to the tripper P7 = 0.00

Power at drive pulley : PT =_1+_2+_3+_4+_5+_6+_7 PT = 87.66

PM =
_/ PM = 97.40
Required motor power :

Motor power with safety factor : PS = __ PS = 136.35

Selected motor power : PN = 160.00 kW e = 3.00


Effective tension on the drive 102 _/

: Te = Te = 5,322.00
Drive side tight tension : T1 = T1 = 7,979.23

Drive side slack tension : T2 = T2 = 2,657.23

Tail side slack tension : T3 = _2+_(_+_ )_ T3 = 2,504.70

Tail side tight tension : T4 = _3+20 T4 = 2,524.70

((_/(3,6)+_ )_)/0,16
Minimum belt tension for %2 Tmin = Tmin = 1,395.33
belt sag

Since T3 Tmin , calculated belt tensions are satisfactory. : T = 0.00

T1 = 7,979.23

T2 = 2,657.23

T3 = 2,504.70

Factor of safety : Kb = 12 T4 = 2,524.70

Maximum tension on the belt : Tmax = Tmax = 66.49

Belt breaking strength : Bg = __ Bg = 797.92

Selected belt : EP 1000/4xEP 250 Working capacity of the belt : Bc = 79.79

Nominal belt strength : kN = 1,000.00 kg/cm Belt weight : Gb = 20.70

Thickness of top cover : tt = 6.00 mm Thickness of bottom cover : tb = 3.00

Thickness of the carcase : tc = 6.00 mm Total thickness of the belt : tbe = 15.00

Drive pulley lagging thickness : Lp = 12.00 mm Drive pulley diameter : DAT = 800.00

Drive pulley diameter DA = 824.00 Tail and take-up pulley DB = 630.00

: mm :
including lagging diameter

Snub pulley diameter : DC = 500.00 mm Bend pulley diameter : DD = 630.00

WA = 1,646.90 Tail and take-up pulley WB = 1,150.61

Weight of drive pulley : kg :

Snub pulley diameter : WC = 852.30 kg Bend pulley diameter : WD = 1,150.61

Allowable shaft stress : s = 500.00 kg/cm2 Allowable shaft deflection : ls = 0.006

Bending stress safety factor : Cb = 1.50 Torsional stress safety factor : Ct = 1.10

Rotational speed of drive (601000)/( (2_+ _))

: n= n = 37.57


Distance between bearings : LAb = 165.00 cm Distance between hubs : LAh = 120.00

((_1+_2 )^2+_^2 )
Resultant load on drive pulley : FA = FA = 10,763.20

Moment arm : LA = LA = 22.50

Bending moment : MAb = MAb = 121,086.02

Torsional moment : MAt = MAt = 353,401.60

((16(((__ )^2+(__ )^2 ) ))/(_ ))

Diameter of drive pulley shaft : dA1 = dA1 = 16.35

((16(__ ))/(_ ))
Smaller diameter of drive dA3 = dA3 = 15.82
pulley shaft
Selected drive pulley shaft dA1 = 175.00 Selected drive pulley housing dA2 = 170.00
: mm :
diameter diameter
Selected drive pulley smaller dA3 = 160.00 Drive pulley housing, bearing
: mm : SNL 3140 - 22238 CCK/W33 - H 3
diameter and adapter
Assumed thickness of the tA = 1.00 DAi = 78.00
: cm Pulley inner diameter :
Section modulus of the pulley : ZA = ZA = 4,841.17

Bending stress due to bending _/_

: Ab = Ab = 25.01
Shear stress due to torsional
: Ab = )/_/(_^4_^4 )
(16_ Ab = 36.50
_/2+1/2(_^2+4_^2 )_
Maximum compressive stress : Amx = Amx = 51.09

Distance between bearings : LBb = 165.00 cm Distance between hubs : LBh = 120.00

((_3+_4 )^2+_^2 )
Resultant load on tail pulley : FB = FB = 5,159.33

Moment arm : LB = LB = 22.50

Bending moment : MBb = MBb = 58,042.45
((16(__ ))/(_ ))
Diameter of tail pulley shaft : dB1 = dB1 = 9.61

Selected tail pulley shaft dB1 = 110.00 Selected tail pulley housing dB2 = 100.00
: mm :
diameter diameter
Tail pulley housing, bearing
: SNL 522 - 22222 EK - H 322
and adapter


Distance between take-up & LBp = 10.00 Elevation between take-up & HBp = 0.00
: m :
drive pulley drive pulley
Belt tension at take-up TT = _2+__(_+_ )__ TT = 2,665.68

Distance between bearings : LBb = 165.00 cm Distance between hubs : LBh = 120.00

Resultant load on take-up FB = 2 __ FB = 4,180.75

Moment arm : LB = LB = 22.50

Bending moment : MBb = MBb = 47,033.46
((16(__ ))/(_ ))
Diameter of take-up pulley dB1 = dB1 = 8.96
Selected take-up pulley shaft dB1 = 110.00 Sel. take-up pulley housing dB2 = 100.00
: mm :
diameter diameter
Take-up pul. housing, bearing
: SNL 522 - 22222 EK - H 322
and adapter

Distance between bearings : LCb = 165.00 cm Distance between hubs : LCh = 120.00

Resultant load on drive snub FC(

: = (_2_2cos() )^2+(_2sin()+_ )^2 )

FC = 2,209.78

Moment arm : LC = LC = 22.50

Bending moment : MCb = MCb = 24,860.04
((16(__ ))/(_ ))
Diameter of drive snub pulley dC1 = dC1 = 7.24
Selected drive snub pulley dC1 = 90.00 Sel. drive snub pulley housing dC2 = 80.00
: mm :
shaft diameter diameter
Dri. snub pul. housing, bearing
: SNL 518 - 22218 EK - H 318
and adap.


Distance between bearings : LCb = 165.00 cm Distance between hubs : LCh = 120.00

Resultant load on tail snub F( (_3_3cos )^2+(_3sin+_ )^2 ) FC = 1,287.80

: C=

Angle of belt with horizontal : ' = 10.00 Angle of belt with horizontal ' = 0.17

Moment arm : LC = LC = 22.50

Bending moment : MCb = MCb = 14,487.75
((16(__ ))/(_ ))
Diameter of tail snub pulley dC1 = dC1 = 6.05
Selected tail snub pulley shaft dC1 = 75.00 Sel. tail snub pulley housing dC2 = 70.00
: mm :
diameter diameter
Ta. snub pul. housing, bearing
: SNL 516 - 22216 EK - H 316
and adap.


Distance between bearings : LDb = 165.00 cm Distance between hubs : LDh = 120.00

Resultant load on bend pulley FD_=cos )^2+( _+ _sin+_ )^2 )

: (( FD = 5,189.97

Angle of belt with horizontal : = 15.00 Angle of belt with horizontal = 0.26

Moment arm : LD = LD = 22.50

Bending moment : MDb = MDb = 58,387.20
((16(__ ))/(_ ))
((16(__ ))/(_ ))
Diameter of bend pulley shaft : dD1 = dD1 = 9.63

Selected bend pulley shaft dD1 = 110.00 Selected bend pulley housing dD2 = 100.00
: mm :
diameter diameter
Bend pulley housing, bearing
: SNL 522 - 22222 EK - H 322
and adapter

Selected motor power : PN = 160.00 kW Rotational speed of the motor : nm = 1,488.00

Gear reducer duty factor : fG = 1.50 Minimum gear reducer power : PG 240.00

Ratio of the gear reducer : iG = _/ iG = 39.61

1,000.00 t/h

1.36 t/m3

0.31 rad

1.68 m/s

17.90 m

0.08 rad

0.61 rad

133.00 mm

465.00 mm

3.67 rad
958.72 m3/h

1,301.20 t/h




28.16 kW

48.77 kW

76.93 kW


85.48 kW

119.67 kW



915.86 N/mm

933.60 kg/cm

20.70 kg/m

3.00 mm

15.00 mm
19.30 kg

2.00 m

9.65 m



69.63 kg/m

8.24 kW

24.46 kW

48.77 kW

0.78 kW

3.78 kW

1.61 kW

0.00 kW

87.66 kW

97.40 kW

136.35 kW

5,322.00 kg

7,979.23 kg

2,657.23 kg

2,504.70 kg

2,524.70 kg

1,395.33 kg

0.00 kg

7,979.23 kg

2,657.23 kg

2,504.70 kg

2,524.70 kg

66.49 kg/cm

797.92 kg/cm

79.79 %

20.70 kg/m

3.00 mm

15.00 mm
800.00 mm

630.00 mm

630.00 mm

1,150.61 kg

1,150.61 kg

0.006 cm/cm


37.57 rpm

120.00 cm

10,763.20 kg

22.50 cm



16.35 cm

15.82 cm

170.00 mm

NL 3140 - 22238 CCK/W33 - H 3138

78.00 cm

4,841.17 cm3

25.01 kg/cm2
36.50 kg/cm2

51.09 kg/cm2
120.00 cm

5,159.33 kg

22.50 cm


9.61 cm

100.00 mm

NL 522 - 22222 EK - H 322

0.00 m

2,665.68 kg

120.00 cm

4,180.75 kg

22.50 cm


8.96 cm

100.00 mm

NL 522 - 22222 EK - H 322

120.00 cm

2,209.78 kg

22.50 cm


7.24 cm

80.00 mm

NL 518 - 22218 EK - H 318

120.00 cm

1,287.80 kg

0.17 rad

22.50 cm


6.05 cm

70.00 mm

NL 516 - 22216 EK - H 316

120.00 cm

5,189.97 kg

0.26 rad

22.50 cm

9.63 cm

100.00 mm

NL 522 - 22222 EK - H 322

1,488.00 rpm

240.00 kW

kW rpm
1.1 1401
1.5 1418
2.2 1420
3 1425
4 1425
5.5 1416
7.5 1430
11 1463
15 1465
18.5 1459
22 1463
30 1470
37 1472
45 1472
55 1470
55 1478
75 1475
75 1480
90 1476
110 1478
110 1488
132 1488
160 1488
185 1488
200 1489
250 1490
250 1489
315 1490
355 1490
400 1490
A B C D da db dc
1250.00 1000.00 800.00 1000.00 0.250 0.188 0.150
1000.00 800.00 630.00 800.00 0.230 0.173 0.138
800.00 630.00 500.00 630.00 0.210 0.158 0.126
630.00 500.00 400.00 500.00 0.180 0.135 0.108
500.00 400.00 315.00 400.00 0.160 0.120 0.096
400.00 315.00 250.00 315.00 0.140 0.105 0.084
315.00 250.00 200.00 250.00 0.120 0.090 0.072
250.00 200.00 200.00 200.00 0.100 0.075 0.060
200.00 160.00 160.00 160.00 0.080 0.060 0.048
160.00 160.00 160.00 160.00 0.060 0.045 0.036
125.00 125.00 125.00 125.00 0.050 0.038 0.030

300 400 300 600
400 500 400 700
500 600 500 830
650 750 650 990
800 950 800 1190
1000 1150 1000 1390
1200 1400 1200 1650
1400 1600 1400 1850
1600 1800 1600 2050
1800 2000 1800 2250
2000 2200 2000 2450
2200 2400 2200 2650
ta tb tc Wa/1m Wb/1m Wc/1m
0.025 0.019 0.015 1156.01 679.15 434.66
0.023 0.017 0.014 893.36 523.79 331.82
0.021 0.016 0.013 686.21 397.64 253.25
0.018 0.014 0.011 479.42 278.83 178.45
0.016 0.012 0.010 355.13 207.16 131.40
0.014 0.011 0.008 258.95 149.54 95.29
0.012 0.009 0.007 182.00 105.43 67.47
0.010 0.008 0.006 123.31 71.67 51.79
0.008 0.006 0.005 78.92 45.87 33.15
0.006 0.005 0.004 45.87 30.24 22.20
0.005 0.004 0.003 30.83 20.23 14.80
Name Strength Thickness
Top Bottom
EP 250/2xEP 125 250 4 2 8.50
EP 250/3xEP 70 250 3 2 8.00
EP 315/2xEP 160 315 4 2 9.00
EP 315/3xEP 100 315 3 2 8.00
EP 315/4xEP 70 315 4 2 10.00
EP 400/2xEP 200 400 4 2 9.50
EP 400/3xEP 125 400 4 2 9.50
EP 400/4xEP 100 400 4 2 10.00
EP 500/3xEP 160 500 5 2 11.00
EP 500/4xEP 125 500 4 2 10.50
EP 500/5xEP 100 500 5 2 12.00
EP 630/3xEP 200 630 5 2 11.50
EP 630/4xEP 160 630 6 3 14.00
EP 630/5xEP 125 630 5 3 13.50
EP 800/3xEP 250 800 5 2 12.00
EP 800/4xEP 200 800 6 2 14.00
EP 800/5xEP 160 800 6 3 15.00
EP 1000/3xEP 315 1000 6 2 13.00
EP 1000/4xEP 250 1000 6 3 15.00
EP 1000/5xEP 200 1000 6 3 16.00
EP 1250/4xEP 315 1250 7 4 18.00
EP 1250/5xEP 250 1250 6 3 17.00
EP 1600/5xEP 315 1600 8 4 20.00
9.77 Err:509
9.20 Err:509
10.35 Err:509
9.20 Err:509
11.50 Err:509
10.92 Err:509
10.92 Err:509
11.50 Err:509
12,65 Err:509
12,07 Err:509
13,80 Err:509
13,22 Err:509
16,10 Err:509
15,52 Err:509
13,80 Err:509
16,10 Err:509
17,25 Err:509
14,95 Err:509
17,25 Err:509
18,40 Err:509
20,70 Err:509
19,55 Err:509
23,00 Err:509
Material Material Density (kg/m^3) Surcharge Angle (Deg)
Aggregate 1442 20
Alumina 961 11
Betonite, 100 mesh 881 21
Cement, Clinker 1362 18
Cement, Portland 1362 19
Coal, Antracite sized 961 14
Coal, Bituminous ROM 881 19
Coal, Clean 801 18
Coal, Lignite 721 19
Coal, Powder river Basin 801 19
Coke, Petroleum 721 19
Copper Ore 2002 22
Corn 769 10
Cullet, Fines 1602 19
Earth, ROM Dry 1201 17
Earth, Wet with Clay 1682 22
Granite 1442 15
Gravel, Bank Run 1602 19
Gravel, Pebbles 1522 15
Gypsum 1201 15
Iron Ore 2403 18
Iron Ore Pellets 2002 22
Kaolin, Clay -3 1009 18
Kaolin, Clay, <3in. 1009 17
LIme, Hydrated 641 20
Limestone, Crushed 1442 19
Molybdenum Ore 1602 20
Overburden 1602 21
Phosphate, Rock 1362 15
Phosphate, Rock, Pulverized 961 20
Rice, Hulled 753 10
Sand, Dry Bank 1762 18
Sand, Foundry 1201 20
Taconite, Pellets 1922 20
Trona 2114 20
Wood Chips 400 22
Zinc Ore 2563 19
(t/m3) Belt Width B (mm)
300 400 500 650 800 1000
<1 31 54 67 81 108 133

1to2 36 59 76 92 126 187

>2 65 86 103 144 241

L (m) 3 4 5 6 8 10
cL 667 625 555 526 454 417

L (m) 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 5.5

C 9 8.2 7.70 7.30 6.9 6.5

0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25 0.30 0.35

160 3.10 1.92 1.34 0.99 0.76 0.60
170 2.90 1.78 1.24 0.91 0.70 0.55
180 2.71 1.66 1.14 0.84 0.64 0.50
190 2.54 1.55 1.06 0.74 0.59 0.46
200 2.39 1.45 0.99 0.72 0.54 0.42
210 2.26 1.36 0.93 0.67 0.50 0.38
220 2.14 1.28 0.87 0.62 0.46 0.35
230 2.02 1.22 0.81 0.58 0.43 0.33
240 1.92 1.14 0.76 0.54 0.40 0.30
360 1.14 0.64 1.40 0.26 0.18 0.13
370 1.10 0.61 0.38 0.25 0.17 0.12
380 1.06 0.59 0.36 0.24 0.16 0.11
390 1.03 0.56 0.35 0.22 0.15 0.10
400 0.99 0.54 0.33 0.21 0.14 0.10
410 0.96 0.52 0.31 0.20 0.13 0.09
420 0.93 0.50 0.31 0.19 0.13 0.08
430 0.89 0.48 0.29 0.18 0.12 0.08
440 0.87 0.46 0.27 0.17 0.11 0.07
450 0.84 0.45 0.26 0.16 0.11 0.07
460 0.81 0.43 0.25 0.16 0.10 0.07
470 0.79 0.41 0.24 0.15 0.09 0.06
Belt Width B (mm)
1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 2200
194 227 291 cB

277 320 468 554 691 745

360 414 644 727 957 1033

12.5 16 20 25 32 40 50
370 323 289 250 222 192 167

6 6.5 7 7.5 8 8.5 9

6.4 6.2 5.8 5.6 5.4 5.2 5.1

0.40 0.45
0.49 0.40
0.44 0.36
0.40 0.32
0.36 0.29
0.33 0.26
0.30 0.24
0.27 0.22
0.25 0.20
0.23 0.18
0.09 0.07
0.08 0.06
0.08 0.05
0.07 0.05
0.07 0.05
0.06 0.04
0.06 0.04
0.05 0.04
0.05 0.03
0.05 0.03
0.04 0.03
0.04 0.03
63 80 90 100 150 200 250
145 119 109 103 77 63 53

10 11 12 13 14 15 16
5 4.8 4.5 4.3 4.1 4 3.8
300 350 400 450 500 550 600
47 41 37 33 31 28 26

17 18 19 20 25 30 35
3.7 3.6 3.5 3.4 3.1 2.8 2.6
700 800 900 1000 1500 2000
23 20 18 17 12 9

40 45 50 55 60 65 70
2.5 2.4 2.29 2.2 2.1 2.05 1.97
Working Conditions kf
Favourable, good alignment, slow speed 1.17
Normal (standard conditions) 1

Unfav., dusty, low temp., overloading, high speed

Extremely low temperature 0.57

300 400
Bare, wet 0.15 98 74
Rubber lagged, wet and dirty 0.25 69 52
Rubber lagged and wet 0.3 62 46
Bare, dry, lagged, wet 0.35 57 43
Rubber lagged, dry 0.4 53 40

75 80 85 90
1.94 1.92 1.88 1.85

Working Conditions f
Favourable working conditions 0.017
Normal (standard conditions) 0.02
Unfavourable working conditions 0.027
Regenerative conditions (declined) 0.014
500 650 800 1000 1200 1400 1600
59 45 37 30 25 21 18
41 32 26 21 17 15 13
37 28 23 18 15 13 12
34 26 21 17 14 12 11
32 25 20 16 13 11 10

95 100 110 120 130 140 150

1.83 1.8 1.75 1.7 1.7 1.65 1.6
1800 2000 2200
16 15 14
12 10 9 cR
10 9 8
9 8 8
9 8 7

160 170 180 190 200 250 300

1.58 1.55 1.54 1.52 1.5 1.4 1.35
350 400 450 500 550 600 650
1.3 1.25 1.21 1.2 1.18 1.15 1.13
700 750 800 850 900 950 1000
1.12 1.11 1.1 1.09 1.08 1.075 1.07
1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700
1.06 1.055 1.053 1.051 1.05 1.04 1.03
1800 1900 2000
1.02 1.01 1
Belt Width Idler Roller Dameters
51 63.5 88.9 108 133 159 193.7 219.1
300-flat 1.60 2.20 3.20
300-2 part 2.30 3.40 4.10
400-flat 2.00 2.70 3.90 5.60
400-2 part 2.60 3.70 4.70 6.60
400-3 part 2.90 4.40 5.40 7.30
500-flat 2.20 3.20 4.50 6.60
500-2 part 2.80 4.10 5.50 7.80
500-3 part 3.20 4.60 6.10 8.40
650-flat 4.00 5.50 8.00 10.80
650-2 part 4.70 6.30 9.00 12.10
650-3 part 5.40 7.00 9.80 13.10
800-flat 4.70 6.70 9.80 13.30
800-2 part 5.60 7.40 10.60 14.20
800-3 part 6.50 8.30 11.60 15.60
800-5 part 9.00 12.40 16.30
1000-flat 9.40 11.70 15.90 21.90
1000-2 part 11.30 13.20 17.80 24.70
1000-3 part 13.00 13.60 18.20 26.30
1000-5 part 13.80 14.20 18.90 28.00
1200-flat 14.20 19.30 26.10
1200-2 part 15.00 20.50 28.00
1200-3 part 16.30 22.30 24.50
1200-5 part 17.20 21.70 31.90
1400-flat 21.80 29.30
1400-2 part 23.30 31.60
1400-3 part 25.00 35.50
1400-5 part 24.30 35.00
1600-flat 25.10 33.40
1600-2 part 26.50 35.00
1600-3 part 28.00 38.70
1600-5 part 28.50 39.30
1800-flat 27.60 37.80
1800-2 part 29.10 39.50
1800-3 part 30.70 42.40
1800-5 part 31.50 42.50
2000-flat 30.20 40.20 69.10
2000-2 part 31.80 43.30 76.40
2000-3 part 33.30 47.00 80.10
2000-5 part 33.80 46.50 89.50
2200-flat 46.50 77.80 88.00
2200-2 part 49.00 82.60 97.10
2200-3 part 50.10 93.20 111.00
2200-5 part 51.00 95.50 111.80
Belt Width Troughing Type
Flat 2 roll 30
flat 300 380 200
2 part 400 500 250 160
3 part 500 600 315 200
5 part 600 700 340 250
650 750 380 250
800 950 465 315
1000 1150 600 380
1200 1400 700 465
1400 1600 800 530
1600 1800 900 600
1800 2000 1000 670
2000 2200 1100 750
2200 2500 1250 800
ghing Type
35 5 roll

315 165
380 205
465 250
530 290
600 340
670 380
750 420
800 460
Tama kapasitesi dizayn 1000.00 t/s
Tama hz 1.68 m/sn
Malzeme younluu 1.36 t/m3
Bant genilii (B) 1200.00 mm
Rulo uzunluu (l1) 465.00 mm
Bandn yan rulodaki uzunluu (l2) q mm
Bandn kenar pay (l3) 85.00 mm
Dinamik ev as () 18.00 derece 0.3142
Oluklama as () 35.00 derece 0.6109
Malzemenin yatay izdm (lt) #VALUE! mm
Yamuk kesitin ykseklii (h1) #VALUE! mm
%100 dolulua gre hesaplar
Yamuk kesitin alan (At1) #VALUE! mm2 #VALUE!
Kesik dairenin yarap (rt) #VALUE! mm
Kesik dairenin alan (At2) #VALUE! mm2 #VALUE!
Teorik kesit alan (At) #VALUE! mm2
Teorik malzeme ykseklii (ht) #VALUE! mm
Teorik maks. hacimsel kapasite #VALUE! m3/s
Teorik maks. kapasite #VALUE! t/s

Doluluk oranna gre hesaplar

Doluluk oran #VALUE! %
alma kesit alan (A) #VALUE! mm2 #VALUE!
Malzemenin banttaki uzunluu (l2-lg3) #VALUE!
Malzemenin yatay izdm (lg) #VALUE! mm
Yamuk kesitin ykseklii (hg1) #VALUE! mm
Kesik dairenin yarap (rg) #VALUE! mm
Gerek malzeme ykseklii (hg) #VALUE! mm
Renkli olan btn hcreler kullanc tarafndan girilecektir.



m2 Olmas gereken alan

d Tip Rulman Tipi Adaptr
50 SNL 511 22211 EK H 311

55 SNL 512 22212 EK H 312

60 SNL 513 22213 EK H 313

65 SNL 515 22215 EK H 315

70 SNL 516 22216 EK H 316

75 SNL 517 22217 EK H 317

80 SNL 518 22218 EK H 318

85 SNL 519 22219 EK H 319

90 SNL 520 22220 EK H 320

100 SNL 522 22222 EK H 322

110 SNL 524 22224 EK H 3124

115 SNL 526 22226 EK H 3126

125 SNL 528 22228 CCK/W33 H 3128

135 SNL 530 22230 CCK/W33 H 3130

140 SNL 532 22232 CCK/W33 H 3132

150 SNL 3040 22234 CCK/W33 H 3134

160 SNL 3138 22236 CCK/W33 H 3136

170 SNL 3140 22238 CCK/W33 H 3138

180 SNL 3048 22240 CCK/W33 H 3140

200 SNL 2244 22244 CCK/W33 OH 3144 H

220 SNL 2248 22248 CCK/W33 OH 3148 H

240 SNL 2252 22252 CCK/W33 OH 3152 H

260 SNL 2256 22256 CCK/W33 OH 3156 H

280 SNL 2260 22260 CCK/W33 OH 3160 H

300 SNL 2264 22264 CCK/W33 OH 3164 H

(Sabitleme) Kilit Kee
- TSN 511 A

- TSN 512 A

- TSN 513 A

- TSN 515 A

- TSN 516 A

- TSN 517 A

- TSN 518 A

- TSN 519 A

- TSN 520 A

- TSN 522 A

- TSN 524 A

- TSN 526 A

- TSN 528 A

- TSN 530 A

- TSN 532 A

- TS 40/150

- TS 38/160

- TS 40/170

- TS 48/180

- TS 48/200

- TS 52/220

- TS 64/240

- TS 60/260

- TS 64/280

- TS 68/300

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