World05 03 17
World05 03 17
World05 03 17
Green UpDay
Day -~ May
May 6,6,2017
First Saturday
First Saturday ininMay
THE GRAND PRIZE To help in your town go to the How to Participate
SEE PAGE 3 page at
Follow Us:
#greenupday2017 #greenupvermont
World May Coupon Book Poster art by Hope Petraro, grade 9, Montpelier
BX Series B Series M Series L Series
0 Down, 0 % Financing A.P.R.
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On Select New Kubota
Promotional Finance Offer Ends 5/31/17.
On Select New Kubota
BX, B, L and MX Tractors**
Promotional Finance Offer Ends 5/31/17.
BX, B, L and MX Tractors**
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On On
Select NewNew
Select Kubota
5/31/17. BX,BX,
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*$0 down, 0% A.P.R. nancing for up to 60 months on purchases of new Kubota BX, B (excluding B26), L (excluding L39/L45/ L47), M, MH (M7), MX, M-SU, M6060/
* M7060, M4, M5 (excluding M5N/M5L) Series equipment is available to qualied purchasers from participating dealers in-stock inventory through 5/31/2017. Example:
A 60-month monthly installment repayment term at 0% A.P.R. requires 60 payments of $16.67 per $1,000 nanced. 0% A.P.R. interest is available to customers if no
On Select New Kubota dealer documentation preparation fee is charged. Dealer charge for document preparation fee shall be in accordance with state laws. Inclusion of ineligible equipment may
*$0 down, 0% A.P.R. nancing for up to 60 months on purchases of new Kubota BX, B (excluding B26), L (excluding L39/L45/ L47), M, MH (M7), MX, M-SU, M6060/
M7060, M4, M5 (excluding M5N/M5L) Series equipment is available to qualied purchasers from participating dealers in-stock inventory through 5/31/2017. Example:
*$0 down, 0% A.P.R. nancing for up to 60 months on purchases of new Kubota BX, B (excluding B26), L (excluding L39/L45/ L47), M, MH (M7), MX, M-SU, M6060/
M7060, M4, M5 (excluding M5N/M5L) Series equipment is available to qualied purchasers from participating dealers in-stock inventory through 5/31/2017. Example:
A 60-month monthly installment repayment term at 0% A.P.R. requires 60 payments of $16.67 per $1,000 nanced. 0% A.P.R. interest is available to customers if no
A 60-month monthly installment repayment term at 0% A.P.R. requires 60 payments of $16.67 per $1,000 nanced. 0% A.P.R. interest is available to customers if no
dealer documentation preparation fee is charged. Dealer charge for document preparation fee shall be in accordance with state laws. Inclusion of ineligible equipment may
dealer documentation preparation fee is charged. Dealer charge for document preparation fee shall be in accordance with state laws. Inclusion of ineligible equipment may
result in a higher blended A.P.R. 0% A.P.R. and low-rate nancing may not be available with customer instant rebate offers. Financing is available through Kubota Credit
Corporation, U.S.A., 1000 Kubota Drive, Grapevine, TX 76051; subject to credit approval. Some exceptions apply. Offer expires 5/31/2017. See us for details on these and
resultdown, 0% A.P.R.
in a higher nancing
blended A.P.R.for
to 60and
months on purchases
low-rate nancing may of newnotKubota BX, B with
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customer B26), L (excluding
other low-rate options or go to for more information. **Only terms and conditions of Kubotas standard Limited Warranty apply. For warranty terms, see
Kubotas Limited Warranty at or authorized Kubota Dealers. Optional equipment may be shown. Kubota Tractor Corporation, 2017. L39/L45/
rebate offers. L47), M,
Financing MH (M7),through
is available MX, M-SU,
Kubota M6060/
*$0 down, M4,0%
Corporation, M5A.P.R.
U.S.A., 1000 M5N/M5L)
nancing forDrive,Series
up to equipment
60 months TXon is available
76051; subjectoftotonew
purchases qualied
credit purchasers
Kubota BX, BSome from participating
(excluding B26),apply. dealers in-stock
Offer expires
L (excluding inventory
L39/L45/ L47), M, through 5/31/2017.
for details on Example:
MX, M-SU, these and
other M4,monthly
low-rate options
M5 installment repayment
or go toM5N/M5L)
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Series at more
for 0% A.P.R. requires**Only
is available 60 payments
terms and
to qualied of $16.67
purchasers perof$1,000
from Kubotas nanced.
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dealers interest
in-stock isapply.
inventoryavailable to customers
For warranty
through terms,if see
5/31/2017. no
AKubotas documentation
60-month Limited
monthly preparation
installment fee is charged.
repayment term Dealer
at 0%charge
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A.P.R. document
requires preparation
60 Optional
payments of fee
equipment shall
$16.67 maybebe
per in$1,000
shown. with 0%
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availableSome exceptionsinstant
with customer apply. rebate
Offer expires
Financing isSee us for details
available throughonKubota
these and
Kuhn is committed to helping you succeed by building quality machines for mowing,
conditioning, tedding, raking, merging and seedbed preparation.
ICount H
teers come together to clean up litter from
roadsides and public spaces to help keep
Vermont green and clean. The event teaches
children the power and fun of communities
Green Up Day is Vermonts largest all-
volunteer, statewide, one-day event. In 2016
over 22,000 volunteers came out in their com-
munities throughout the state collecting some
6XSHULRUPXOFKLQJSHUIRUPDQFH working together, civic responsibility, respect
for the environment and pride in our state.
300 tons of trash and over 5,000 tires. Funding
support for this undertaking comes from indi-
2QGQDGMXVWVWR\RXU Register to win a
The Green Up Day event is a rite of spring viduals now easily able to donate on the
SUHIHUUHGZDONLQJSDFH in Sudbury, says Larry Rowe, Co-Coordinator Vermont Income Tax Return form Line 29,
SS for Green Up Day in the town of Sudbury.
model #74720 and anytime online at the Green Up Vermont
To Be Given Away Each of Vermonts 251 towns carries out a website. Businesses also help provide fund-
ONLY AT Green Up Day in their community, reported ing, with this year over two dozen on board.
5HF\FOHU TUCKER Melinda Vieux, President of Green Up Businesses not yet partnering are always wel-
MACHINE Vermont.
She notes that Rowes remark rings true
May 13
throughout Vermont. This statewide effort To find how to take part, visit Green Ups
website at Every
Stop by for details
galvanizes citizen participation and promotes
towns Coordinator is listed on the How to
a stewardship ethic, Vieux added.
TimeCutter SS Series
It is a lovely time for residents across the Participate page, as well as how to get Green
generations to meet, mix and mingle, says Up bags, what to do with filled bags, any
Hartland Town Coordinator Ginny White. special offerings breakfast, lunch, refresh-
SHUIRUPDQFH Smart Speed Trim/Tow/Mow ground speed ranges
The year 2020 will mark Green Ups 50th
ments and even live music. Also visit that site
to learn how businesses can be active with
funding support.
$ X W R P D W L F
22 Steel deck with Atomic blade
6 H H G H D O 3
L O VH P D N L Q J R LPSOH The first Green Up Day was launched in
Automatic Parking Brake - making operation simple
10-gauge\WKHHQJLQHPDQframe, 1970 by Governor Deane Davis. It drew Vermonts Interstates and state highways,
front axle, and engine guard
national media attention with reporters com- some 2,707 miles, are cleaned each spring by
JXDUGPace senses and adjusts
Superior mulching performance
to your preferred walking pace
ing up to Vermont to film and photograph Vermonts Agency of Transportation.
for full warranty details **The Gross horsepower of this engine was laboratory rated at Community volunteers through Green Up
crews of all ages, especially lots of kids,
See dealer for full warranty details **The Gross Torque of
this engine was laboratory rated at 2600 RPM per SAE J1940
by the engine
by the engine manufacturer in accordance with SAE J1940 or SAE J2723. As congured
emission, and operating requirements, the actual horsepower on this class of cleaning up litter along highways statewide Day efforts focus on town roads 13,086
miles. Together, Vermonters clean up their
and the Interstate, which was closed from 9
mower will be signicantly lower than what may be stated on this ad.
6PDUW6SHHG7ULP7RZ0RZJURXQGVSHHGUDQJHV a.m. to noon. Now the non-profit organization communities for the community of Vermont.
IRURSWLPDOSHUIRUPDQFH Green Up Vermont proudly carries on the Come on out and take part.
JXDUG 60$,167%$55(97
GRAND 60$,167%$55(97
R Central Vermont Road Pitch: Calling all Entrepreneurs!
The Vermont Granite Museum in Barre, p.m. All applications must be submitted on-
VT will be the site where 40 venture capital- line. The application for the Central Vermont
ists descend to hear from entrepreneurs eager FreshTracks Road Pitch can be found at:
to obtain funding for new projects based in
Central Vermont. August 3, 2016 marks the tral-vt-road-pitch-2017-2
second time that the FreshTracks Road Pitch David Rubel, Commercial Loan Portfolio
will be in the Capital Area. Manager at Community National Bank and
Entrepreneurs with creative, demonstrably once again the Chair of the Central Vermont
scalable ideas are invited to submit an appli- Road Pitch said, We are honored to host
cation to be in front of potential investors. again at a great venue and excited to consider
Locally, up to seven entrepreneurs will be a new slate of pitchers.
selected from the applicant pool. Finalists This year marks the 4th consecutive
will be provided the opportunity to pitch FreshTracks Road Pitch which sends Business
Be Re adyting TUNE-UP their products to the investors. Funding will
only be awarded for project development,
design and implementation to bring it to mar-
Bikers on a four-day Road Trip across
Vermont in search of the best and brightest
entrepreneurs. Begun in 2014 by Carin G.
Se ason Son
So SPECIAL ket, not administrative costs or overhead.
The potential funders will decide which if
Cross, co-founder and Managing Director of
the FreshTracks Fund, the FreshTracks Road
Consumer Rotary Models any of the proposals are worth investing in. In Pitch is designed to bring potential funding to
for just addition to the potential to line up funding for new ideas. The twist is that these investors
projects, $1,000.00 and a Vermont Teddy ride into Vermont towns on their motorcycles
Bear Biker Bear will be awarded for the and listen to the entrepreneurs pitch to fund
best presentation. The best presenters will the better mousetrap.
also be entered for a $4,000 Grand Prize to Locally, the event is being sponsored by
be awarded to the state-wide winner in Community National Bank (Presenting
October. Sponsor), The Barre Area Development
2- & 4-cycle Applications are now being accepted for Corporation, the Barre Partnership, The
Engines the Central Vermont Road Pitch. Applications Center for Leadership Skills, The Central
will be accepted up until June 15, 2017 at 5 continued on next page
Sharpen and balance blade, change oil, replace spark plug, check
belts and guides, check and oil throttle controls, adjust carburetor,
check and oil wheels, check muffler, check engine RPM, check safety
equipment. Additional parts & labor extra, if needed. Mowers must be Junior Gardening Program
in good, repairable conditions.
for ages 5-12
DONT FORGET, we are your headquarters for new
Echo outdoor equipment Come and receive everything you need to start your own garden!
There will be workshops on how to plant your garden and how to
WE SERVICE Almost All Makes & Models present the vegetables you grow.
AND Pickup & Delivery Available!
Tuesday, May 23 seed giveaway Barre Tonw Picnic Area 6pm
Open MondayFriday WE RENT Saturday, July 15 Montpelier Farmers Market 9am
8:30AM5:30PM Roto Tillers
Rear & Front Tine Wednesday, August 12 Barre Farmers Market 3pm
Equipment Drop Off
Post Hole Diggers Saturday, September 2 Agway 9am
24-Hours 7-Days A Week
3 To 10" Monday, September 25 Rotary dinner to honor gardeners
Open Weekends By Appointment Lawn Roller Please RSVP by May 17th to
sentations, demonstrations, illustrated talks karate kata and baton routines. Following
and public speaking. Their tabletop exhibits, these acts, 4-Hers in the 4-H clothing project
SPECIAL FRIDAY & quilts and non-clothing sewing items, photos, will take to the stage to model outfits that
KRA Z Y SATURDAY posters and technology creations also will be they have made.
on display. The day ends with an awards ceremony
DAY ONLY!!! What can visitors expect to see?
Action exhibits and tabletop displays will
where the action exhibits, stage presentations,
photographs, posters and fashion revue par-
feature information on everything from recy- ticipants chosen to represent Vermont at the
Great Items to Fill Your Freezer! cling, wildlife and how a car engine works to
agriculture, crafts, travel, horses and the 4-H
Eastern States Exposition in West Springfield,
Massachusetts, in September will be
working steer project. Talks and demonstra- announced.
Chicken Breasts Boneless ....... $1.88/lb .88/lb
Chicken Thighs or Drumsticks ..........
Pork Loins
10 LB BAG....................................
Whole Boneless...........................
Beef Steak New York Strip ......... $7.88/lb
Shurne Bacon
$3 .88/lb
Regular or Thick Cut ................... CAPITOL
In Store Ground Fresh
Ham Steak Vernon Manor............ $2.88/lb
Beef Ground Chuck
5lbs or more bag........................... /lb
Mckenzie Natural
Casing Franks 12oz. pkg ......... $3.88/pkg
Natural Casing Franks $9.88 /2.5lb Box
page 4 The WORLD May 3, 2017
Thank You, WORLD!
My classied ad
really worked!
Some members of the Norwich University Rotaract team, together with some of the NMHS Interact
Thanks again!
team traveling to Tanzania this August. Left to right: Jake Apthorpe, Patrina Krewson, Brandon
Johnson, Bridget Doney, Anya Hoagland, advisor Mike Macijeski, Amara Freeman, Jenna Alexander,
Abby Joyal, Jerica Wilson, Meaghan ONeill, and trip coordinator Nicole DiDomenico. Not pictured:
Brock Wrigley, Genesis Bonilla, and Alicia Humbert.
, Craw
Northfield Middle High School Interact Club Planning T lers, P
OPEN hrough July erch Bait
Return to Tanzania, Seeking Community Support
EARLY 1st.
call an OPEN LATE
Route yti
August 1, 2017, will be a very special day 12, P me.
802-22 utnamville.
for Northfield High School students Bridget 9-4246
Doney, Amara Freeman, Anya Hoagland, and
Brock Wrigley, as well as eight students from
Norwich University. Together, they will be
departing for a three-week service trip to
Pommerin, Tanzania: a village of about 4,000
in the western highlands of the country. The Sherry Paige
trip is a project of the Norwich University from Ridgerunner Bait
Center for Civic Engagements Rotaract Club, in Putnamville, VT
which invited the NMHS Interact Club to
participate. Both service clubs Interact and
Rotaract are affiliated with the Northfield
Rotary Club, and by extension, Rotary
International. This year, even the youngest The orphaned children outside the door of the
group of this intergenerational service organi-
Upendo Mmoja Residential and Vocational
zation the EarlyAct club at the Northfield
Elementary School is getting involved by Freeman, a high school sophomore and
learning about Tanzania and helping to collect Interact Club member. Were always looking
donations for the trip volunteers to bring with for help and support from our community.
While in Pommerin, the students will stay
Many Northfield community members gen-
erously supported the students first trip in Paint, Battery, Bulb
at the Upendo Mmoja Residential and 2015. Since that first trip with college stu-
Vocational Training Center, which partici-
pants on previous trips have built from the
dents from Norwich Universitys Rotaract
Club, Interact at the Middle and High School
ground up. Their task this year: building a has continued to build ties to the Pommerin
brand-new barn which will help the center community through a pen-pal program with
become self-sufficient. the students of Pommerin and fundraising to Where: Tunbridge Transfer Station
Our goal is for them to be fully self-sus- ship recycled computer equipment from
tainable by 2020, said project organizer NMHS to Pommerin Secondary School. When: Sat., May 13, 9am - 1pm
Nicole DiDomenico, director of the Norwich Thanks to their efforts, the rural high school in
University Center for Civic Engagement. Tanzania now enjoys a full computer lab to
Having this barn operational is a key part of help their students prepare for a successful
that plan. future. FREE to residents of CVSWMD
Norwich Universitys Center for Civic Anyone wishing to support this years trip
Engagement (CCE) brings volunteers together participantsspecifically from NMHScan
with the needs of the community. Service send a check to the NMHS Interact Club at What to bring:
before self is a cornerstone of the Norwich Northfield Middle High School, 37 Vine St.
philosophy, and the responsibility of helping Unit 2, in Northfield with Tanzania Trip in
Oil paints, latex & acrylic paints, polyurethane, shellac, stains,
others is built into the universitys character. the memo. and more; all kinds of batteries (terminal ends must be taped);
Each participant must raise $3,000 to cover Its so beautiful watching these students
the costs of the tripprimarily air travel. become global citizens, said club co-advisor
I am excited and anxious to collect the Mike Macijeski, who will be accompanying
funds to be able to go to Tanzania this sum- them. This is an experience that will change Questions? Call us!
mer, said first-time participant Amara their lives.
See our website for details and guidelines.
Northfield Teen to Compete in Vermont
Boys & Girls Clubs Youth of the Year Central Vermont Solid Waste Management District
Genesis Van Dyke, 17, of Northfield, VT from Ninety-Nine restaurants, and will go on 229.9383 |
has been nominated to represent the Northfield to compete in the regional Youth of the Year
Teen Center in the 2017 Vermont Boys & event, ultimately vying for the national title.
Girls Clubs Youth of the Year. The Youth of Genesis has been an active member of the
the Year Competition will take place on Northfield Teen Center (NTC) since 2013.
Thursday, May 4, 2017 at the Vermont The NTC, a program under the direction of
Statehouse. the Washington County Youth Service Bureau/
Youth of the Year is part of the National Boys & Girls Club (WCYSB), is a drop-in
Boys & Girls Clubs of America program that space for youth ages 13-18 to come together
honors our nations most awe-inspiring young and participate in activities that promote
people on their path to great futures and positive growth. Programs include academic
encourages all youth to lead, succeed and support, mentorship, civic engagement, lead-
inspire. As the Vermont Youth of the Year, ership development, nutrition programs and
Genesis will serve as an ambassador for all more.
teens in the state, will receive a $5000 college The NTC serves approximately 70 youth
scholarship from Boys & Girls Clubs of each year with free programming facilitated
America and an additional $1000 scholarship by trained staff.
Spring season is starting at Jail Branch!
VERMONT BLUEBERRIES...spring SHRUBS are popping, and
Members of the Barre Lions Club sorted 3,086 pounds of food that
provided 6,089 meals for the Vermont Foodbank. They volunteered
PANSIES are waiting for your home, PERENNIALS are arriving,
as part of The Lions Worldwide Week of Service.
and YES! Jail Branch is up and running!!
Vermont joins American
Craft Beer Week for the first
479-1445 Jackie Abts, Owner Now
time this year as Green Mountain
Beer Week. The week of May
15-21 will be a weeklong cele-
bration of Vermont craft beer
and the talented brewers behind
the production.
As leaders in the industry
known for quality, award-win-
ning beers, Vermont brewers are
excited to join in on the national celebration, which is in its
12th year running. The weeklong tribute provides an opportu- VIOLA BAGS FISH EMULSION ONIONS
nity for craft brewers to share their diversity, creativity, and
passion for the beverage they love.
Events will be held at brewers taprooms, restaurants, and
craft beer bars across the state of Vermont. Craft beer enthu-
siast can enjoy special release, all Vermont beer tap takeovers,
multiple beer and cheese pairings, and a few special events.
Kicking off the week is an event at Magic Hat featuring mul-
tiple beers from former employees who now own or work at
another brewery. Lawsons Finest Liquids and Kingdom
Brewing are hosting the history sap beer event on May 19 at
Kingdom Brewing. Ticket holder can enjoy four different
maple sap beers and learn from the brewers themselves about
the history and process of these unique brews.
With 51 craft breweries in the Vermont Brewers Association,
it is time to celebrate those who produce Vermont beer. Visit
your local brewery to see how they are going to be involved
in Green Mountain Beer Week or visit www.greenmountain- for ticket information and a calendar listing of
Test Us Out!
1499 *
cart included from Includes cart
4/22 to 5/31 *Pricing available until 5/31.
Membership at Northeld Equals Three Things
Low Prices, Great Customer Service and Quality!
Bonnie Breer, RN, Named CVHHHs First Above DOWNLOAD OUR APP!
& Beyond Award Recipient World Publications
Central Vermont Home Health & To me, this is how death should be. It is my mission to help
Hospice is pleased to announce that people find comfort and peace at the end of their journey. The
Bonnie Breer, Hospice & Palliative work is challenging, and also rewarding when I can help
Team RN, has been named Above someone follow their own path. My patients and my wonder-
& Beyond Award winner for April. ful teammates keep me motivated to go above and beyond
CVHHH recently created the every day.
Award, which is given out monthly, Jewelene Griffin, RN, Hospice & Palliative Care Program
to celebrate the outstanding work Manager adds, Bonnie Breer is a valuable member of the
of one employee on behalf of CVHHH Team. She provides nursing services for our Hospice
CVHHH staff, the agency, or the & Palliative patients and serves as our on-call nurse weekdays
central Vermont community. to support our patients after hours. She is a compassionate and
Bonnie was nominated in recogni- caring nurse that is always willing to help her other team
tion of her skills, unwavering sup- members. We are very thankful for Bonnie and congratulate
port of the Hospice & Palliative
Care Team, and continued willing-
her on this recognition.
Bonnie joined CVHHHs Hospice & Palliative Care team
ness to step up and help her coworkers. Award recipients are in 2008. Outside of work, she enjoys spending time with her
nominated by their peers. two sons, Jeremiah and Jonah, her daughter-in-law, and
As a member of the hospice and palliative care team, I grandsons as well as her two dogs, two cats, and three birds.
help patients experience the kind of death that they want, at She lives in Cabot. HAVE YOU LEFT YOUR JOB? RETIRED? RETIRING?
home, surrounded by family and loved ones, says Bonnie.
If so, you may have a variety of options available
to you. We can educate you on your options
30% OFF
Spring Fling Gibbons. Copies are available at the library.
Saturday, May 6 from 6-9 p.m.
Come to the library after hours for Ticks, poison ivy, and mosquitoes - Oh My!
three floors of delicious food, live Thursday, May 25 at 5 p.m.
music, dancing, and magic. This is Vermonts Medical Reserve Corps is here to help you pre-
Through Aldrichs biggest fundraiser of the pare for all the health hazards that come with warmer weather,
May 31st year! Well have hors doeuvres from from tick borne diseases to sunburns and heat stroke. Learn
Cornerstone and desserts from Delicate some tips and tricks for managing warm weather risks so that
Decadence. The circulation desk you can safely enjoy the outdoors this season! All attendees
becomes a bar serving up craft beer, cider, and wine. Sarah receive a free warm weather Go Bag with sunscreen, insect
Munro, Mark LeGrand and the Lovesick Band will be playing repellent, band-aids, tweezers, and alcohol wipes.
live, and Marko the Magician will perform a full stage show.
Tickets are just $35 per person. Call 476-7550 or stop by the Paletteers Spring Art Show
library today to reserve yours! Show runs through May 27 in the Milne Room.
The latest works of art in a variety of media by Barres
Senior Day: Birding in Vermont with North Branch talented Paletteers. Many works available for purchase.
American-made leather furniture, made in the Nature Center
Swiss-Amish Tradition since 1926. A lifetime war- Wednesday, May 3 at 1:30 p.m. Milne Room Spanish Conversation Group restarting May 2!
ranty and classic styling ensure that you will want it Chip Darmstadt from the North Branch Nature Center vis- Tuesdays at 6 p.m. Vermont Room
around as long as it will last...for a lifetime. its to celebrate and discuss some of Vermonts most colorful, All levels of Spanish experience are welcome to this fun,
musical year-round and seasonal residents: birds! For ama- informal conversation group led by native speaker Charo
teurs and experienced birders alike. Light refreshments from Lima, Peru.
Help shape the future of library services in Barre
Its more fun to DIY: Dreamcatchers We are in the process of developing our next long-range
Route 5, Lyndonville, VT Second Tuesday of the month (May 9) at 5 p.m. plan. If you have 60-90 minutes and would like to participate
Mon. thru Fri. 9-5, Sat. 9-3, Sun. Closed Teens are invited to our do-it-yourself night where we in a conversation about the future of Barre and the Aldrich
1-800-439-5996 explore a different hands-on activity each month. Public Library, please contact Library Director Sarah Costa at
296 Meadow St., Littleton, NH 477-1216 or at [email protected] to register
4584 U.S. Rte. 5, Newport, VT The Great Gilly Hopkins: Screening and Discussion for a focus group session. We would love to hear from you!
with Author Katherine Paterson and Screenwriter David
Paterson Attention Barre Town residents: please vote!
Saturday, May 13 at 1 p.m. Milne Room The librarys operational support from Barre Town is split
Come to a special screening of this recent award-winning this year with $130,000 in the general fund and $50,000 out
PUZZLES ON PAGE 34 film adaptation starring Sophie Nlisse, Kathy Bates, and
PUZZLES ON as a special article (Article 5). If Article 5 passes, the library
Glenn Close. Author Katherine Paterson and Screenplay will receive level funding from the Town and your taxes will
writer David Paterson will be part of a panel discussion and
Q&A afterwards on foster care and filmmaking. Film rated
not increase. If it does not pass, the library will be defunded
by $50,000, potentially requiring cuts to essential services.
PG. Please vote on May 9 (or earlier by stopping by the Town
Clerks office), please tell your friends and family in the Town
Reading Circle Book Group to do likewise, and please vote Yes! on Article 5 to maintain
STICKLERS Wednesday, May 17 at 6:30 p.m. Board Room level funding for Aldrich!
This months selection is Cold Comfort Farm by Stella
on many important issues and trends. More than ever before, cake
older Americans are working longer, trying new things, and Thursday, 5/11: MOTHERS DAY DINNER Baked
engaging in their communities. What it means to age has Chicken, Squash, Brussels sprouts, Tossed salad, Whole
changed, and Older Americans Month 2017 is a perfect
opportunity to recognize and celebrate what getting older
wheat bread, Cherry cobbler
Monday, 5/15: Baked Spaghetti, Tossed salad, Garlic MIDDLE / HIGH SCHOOL
looks like today. We have scheduled several activities that we bread, Peaches Respect ~ Responsibility ~ Recognition
hope prove to be interesting to many of you. Learn about Tuesday, 5/16: Ranch Chicken, Mashed Potatoes, Peas & 120 Hebert Road ~ Williamstown, VT 05679
Diabetes & Nutrition on Wednesday, May 3, at 11 a.m. Hear Carrots, Whole Wheat Bread, Applesauce Phone: 802.433.5350 ~
from folks on Safeline and Elder Abuse on Tuesday, May 23, Wednesday, 5/17: Dried Beef Gravy or chicken, Mashed Third Marking Period 2016-17 Honor Roll
at 12:30 p.m. Join a group and learn how to needle-felt an owl Potatoes, California Blend Veggies, Cornbread, Hot Fudge
on Thursday, May 25, from 1- 4 p.m. You may call 728-9324, Cake High Honors with Principals Recognition
for further information. Thursday, 5/18: Roses Pasta Salad, Potato salad, Tossed (Average of 4.0 or Higher)
salad, Biscuits, Brownies Nicole Ashe, Brody Brown, Brandon Carrier, Lauren Covey, Eric
How about plant a row of vegetables for our meals pro- Hulbert, Hayden Lafond, Elizabeth Laughlin, Jonathan Myles,
grams? If you enjoy gardening and are able to plant an extra Donations are welcome from those 60 and older. For those
row of vegetables for the senior center, we would appreciate under 60, the cost is $5. All donations are voluntary and Ronald Saldi, Megan Sanborn, Brittaney Townsend
it. We strive to use more local foods in our menus. While you anonymous. Coffee, tea, water and low-fat milk are served
are thinking of what you are going to grow this summer, with each meal. High Honors (Average of 3.75 or Higher)
please consider Planting a Row to share with us. We are Call 728-9324 to confirm activities or for additional infor- Seanna Amell, Madison Ashford, Cannon Blanchard, Jared
grateful to be able to offer fresh and local foods to people who mation. Blanchard, Evan Choquette, McKenzie Collins, Moriah Covey,
TJ DeRose, Jayme Ducharme, Eliza Dwinell, Bryton Hanchett,
Savannah King, Emily Noelk, Devin ONeill, Kaitlyn Trottier
April showers bring May flowers... Cajic, Sienna Campbell, Aurora Carminati-King, Vanessa
Choquette, Mackenzie Christman, Blake Clark, Taylor Clark,
Ceramic Hardwood
ITEMS Natural Stone Granite
RESTAURANT Carpet Countertops
Paul - Montpelier Paul - Montpelier Mary - Orange Leslie - Williamstown GAS
WILLIAMSTOWN, VT. (802) 476-0912
Older Items & Antiques
Call before you have a tag sale!
We Buy: Older Mixing Bowls, Pottery, China, Glass, Vases,
Candlesticks, Sterling, Coins, Costume Jewelry, Toys, Jugs,
Crocks, Canning Jars & Bottles, Lamps, Prints, Paintings,
Knick-Knacks, Holiday Decorations, etc., etc.
Full House - Attic/Basement Contents - Estate Liquidations
802-563-2204 802-595-3632 CELL
Rich Aronson
Once a Catholic
for Catholics who have not been practicing
their faith and may have questions or
concerns about their faith.
Starting Wed., May 3 at 7:00PM The WORLD welcomes Letters to the Editor concerning public 3:00 p.m. while sprucing up the capitol city. Our motto is:
at St. Monica Church (Church Basement) issues. Letters should be 400 words or less and may be subject to
This work is beneath us.
79 Summer Street, Barre editing due to space constraints. Submissions should also contain
the name of the author and a contact telephone number for verifica- Shortly before 2:00 p.m., we gather at the Rec Department/
tion. For letters of thanks, contact our advertising department at Senior Center (58 Barre St.) where reflective vests, tongs, and
What We Believe 479-2582; non-profit rates are available. bags are distributed.
How We Worship Affordable Housing Bond Then we set out on foot to cruise the sidewalks, parking
The Rules We Live By lots, and streets of the downtown. Please feel free to join us as
Editor, your schedule permits. Theres no obligation to come every
If you have any questions about the program, Two weeks ago I testified at the State House to ask the week. Its easy to remember: Trash Tramps, Tuesdays at
you may call Thomas Prindiville 476-6775 or legislature to support the Governors proposed $35 million
The Rectory at 479-3253. Two!
bond for affordable housing. Last week Vermont mayors and
other advocates of the bond gathered at the State House for a Nancy Schulz (aka Sister Sludge)
press conference. In supporting this bond, my organization Montpelier, VT
and our partners can build great new affordable housing while
also adding short term jobs in construction and related indus- We Need a Better Way to Deal with
tries. The long-term benefits include strengthened Vermont
communities through the growing of our city and town grand Nuisance Wildlife
CABOT SCHOOL lists and healthier, safer and more sustainable communities Editor,
KINDERGARTEN through smart growth and green design.
Nearly one third of Vermont families live in households
Some of you may be familiar with official trapping season
each year, but did you know that trapping occurs all year long
REGISTRATION that are housing cost burdened, meaning that they pay more under the guise of nuisance wildlife control? This unregu-
Cabot School welcomes Kindergarten students than 30 percent of their income on housing costs. That number lated, year-round trapping and killing occurs at biologically
to the 2017-2018 school year! Parents of all translates to about 36,000 children in Vermont living on the inappropriate times when animals like foxes, raccoons and
children who will be ve by September 1, 2017 edge of homelessness, food insecurity, and the many other others are raising their young. This means, among other
risks of poverty. According to a report released by Voices for things, animals are left orphaned with little chance of survival
and plan to enroll in Cabot School Kindergarten Vermont Children and discussed on VTDigger, there are
must register their children during the week of when their mothers are killed.
approximately 2,000 Vermont children experiencing home- There are no set parameters as to what constitutes a nui-
May 22-26, 2017 at the Cabot School ofce. lessness defined as lacking a fixed, regular and adequate sance animal. A warden once told me that a raccoon could be
Please bring an original birth certicate and nighttime residence. Some recent data from Barres Good defecating in your garden and that could be considered a nui-
vaccination records. You may contact Samaritan Haven states they served in 2014-2016 54 veterans, sance and therefore an excuse to kill the animal. There are
Linda Savoca at 563-2289 if you have questions. 26 elderly adults and 62 victims of domestic violence. In this many non-lethal ways to address wild animals causing dam-
beautiful state that offers so much to so many, this is simply age that dont involve killing, but the state seems to be mired
IMPORTANT DATES: unacceptable. in a trap/kill/repeat loop. Tragically, beavers are one of the
KINDERGARTEN REGISTRATION The challenge we all face to address Vermonts affordable most heavily trapped animals, leaving entire family units bro-
MAY 22-26, 2017 housing crisis lies not only in adding new affordable homes. ken. Beaver kits stay with the parents for two years so the loss
At Downstreet we often say that housing provides the first of a parent can be detrimental to the survival of offspring.
PARENT INFORMATION MEETING critical need for security and stability, but it is not enough. For
Water flow control devices, exclusion fencing and wrapping
JUNE 2, 2017, 11:00 a.m. many families to be successful, Vermont needs to invest in the trees are all long-lasting, humane options to address beaver
IN THE KINDERGARTEN ROOM necessary social services that are an integral part of the wrap-
around approach to addressing poverty. Affordable housing damage.
providers collaborate every day with mental health agencies, Not only is this unjustified trapping and killing bad for
community action agencies, and a host of other critical sup- wildlife, its bad for people. Unlicensed, unregistered nui-
port agencies. Whether it is providing homes and services sance wildlife control operators can collect payment to trap
through the Family Center of Washington County to homeless and kill animals, but these operators are not even required to
REQUEST FOR CONCRETE BID families, or offering financial wellness classes to our com- have a trapping license. This means that they havent under-
gone the trapper education program nor are they familiar with
Sealed bids for the work described below will munities, we are committed to the comprehensive solutions to
poverty in Vermont. best management practices. Animals trapped and killed as
be accepted by the Town of Orange at the town Investing $35 million in affordable housing through the nuisances arent reported to the Fish & Wildlife Department
ofces located at 392 U.S. Route 302 in Orange Governors bond proposal is the right tool to reduce the unac- so there is no data collection or controls in place to monitor
or may be mailed to P.O. Box 233 East Barre, VT ceptable number of Vermonters living day to day and being what kinds of animals are killed, how many and why. For a
05649 until 4:00 PM on Monday, June 12, 2017. forced to choose between paying the rent and buying grocer- Department who is responsible for protecting wildlife for the
ies. A stable, secure, affordable home is the first step towardbenefit of all Vermonters, including future generations, this
TYPE OF PROJECT: Phase I of the addition for seems to be a lapse in responsibility.
reducing poverty and providing all of Vermonts children and
Orange Town Garage families the opportunity to live the Vermont dream. We are thankful for bill, H.262, An act relating to the
LOCATION: On TH 4, 144 Richardson Road, Eileen Peltier, Executive Director licensing of nuisance wildlife control operators, introduced by
Orange Town Garage Downstreet Housing & Community Development Representative Jim McCullough, which will hopefully close
some of these loopholes, if the bill is successful. When unli-
of Orange is putting and addition on our Town Come Join the Trash Tramps! censed trappers set leghold and body gripping traps during the
warmer months when people are out recreating with their
Garage. We are looking for bids on a concrete Editor, dogs, that presents an unintended threat. A baited trap for a
footing and a 4 frost wall approximately 110in Youre cordially invited to join a group of friendly volun- raccoon will just as likely trap a dog or cat. We must emerge
length. The Town will be responsible for teers who pick up litter in Montpelier on a weekly basis from the dark ages and find a better way.
excavating and prepping the site where the work throughout the year. Brenna Galdenzi, President
will be performed. The Trash Tramps have fun every Tuesday from 2:00 to Protect Our Wildlife POW
BID OPENING: Sealed bids shall be quoted as
Publication Date:
a friend, Jennifer, sat down and you of something or someone? And some of those aromas are
asked me a question about soap! I took wonderful or at least pleasant and some of them are really
State Senator, Caledonia District
s Vermonters slowly adjust to the it was prohibitive cost, declining enrollment or a combination
school governance models dic- of both I do not know. They decided not to rebuild Mosquito
tated by Act 46, it was inevitable School. Foliage invaded where a community once gathered to
that some are dazed and frustrated by educate their children.
the idea of forced change to the familiar. But the story does not end there. Over the course of the next
We Vermonters, after all, are naturally suspicious of activity three decades the remaining one room school houses and ne
under the Golden Dome. But my daily walk reminds me that brick buildings built to educate a growing and more mobile THE STATE OF VERMONT
education governance and delivery are always changing. student population became obsolete. By the 1990s, another DEPARTMENT OF BUILDINGS AND GENERAL
The road I live on is a hill, one of the earlier roads in town, difcult debate ensued balancing the need for better space SERVICES IS SEEKING LEASE PROPOSALS
built to reach a very old farmhouse perched on the top of that against the rising cost of maintaining deteriorating facilities. FOR WORKSHOP SPACE IN BARRE
hill. At the other end is an intersection, a connecting artery Familiar arguments over loss of community institutions ver-
older than my own road, built to reach widely dispersed farm- sus cost savings and new educational opportunities split the The Department of Buildings and General Services
houses that controlled an agrarian economy since the early towns residents. In the end, a ne new school was built to is looking for approximately 2,000 square feet of
1800s. accommodate 800 students. program space consisting of a work-shop/garage and
Most driving by that intersection will never see it, but at a But once again, the story didnt end. Over the next two storage area for the Vermont Department of Correc-
walking pace one notices an anomaly in the landscape, a cellar decades a substantial statewide decline in student popula- tions. Ideal space would have overhead door(s) to ac-
hole that leads the curious (me, anyway) to visit the local li- tion was also felt in Lyndon. (Student head count has now commodate indoor parking for three vans/trucks. The
brary. Perusal of an ancient Caledonia County map reveals the fallen below 500.) The Supreme Courts Brigham decision facility should be in close proximity to a bus route. At
hole was once occupied by the Mosquito School, built to edu- resulted in legislation requiring state collection and distribu- minimum parking spaces for 4 vehicles which shall
cate the children of the eight or nine families whose parents tion of all education taxes to more equitably deliver education include ADA parking. Lavatory and hand washing
were area farmers in the nineteenth century. Since transporta- to all Vermont students. But the tradeoff was loss of the local facilities are required. Property must be ADA compli-
tion at the time was limited to two or four legs, the town was taxpayers ability to have direct control over his/her property ant. Lease shall be full service, all inclusive.
forced by law to distribute schoolhouses to meet the needs of a tax rates. Property taxes rose even when local school boards
widely dispersed student population growing up in an agrarian decreased school budgets. LEASE PROPOSALS MUST BE RECEIVED BY
economy. In every town in the Northeast Kingdom, indeed in Twenty years later frustrated Vermonters demanded change 3:00 PM, FRIDAY, MAY 19, 2017. FAXED OR
every Vermont town, educational cellar holes and still existing and the legislature responded with Act 46. It changes gover- ELECTRONIC SUBMISSIONS WILL NOT BE AC-
one room school houses converted to other uses are a common nance boundary lines to provide better education at less cost. CEPTED. MAIL OR DELIVER REPLIES TO:
feature of our landscape. All change brings discomfort, but the ghosts still lingering State of Vermont
The Mosquito School burned down in the 1950s. I have no over a cellar hole in Lyndon offer hope. Act 46 is not the
doubt a difcult conversation followed, a conversation now end of the discussion. It is merely a momentary solution in a
Department of Buildings and General Services
being repeated today over Act 46. Times had changed. The centuries-old debate that will continue long after we become Property Management
horse and buggy had been replaced by the horseless carriage. ghosts ourselves. Governing boundary lines do not educate our Attn: Diane Colgan
Farmers were trading in their plows for better paying jobs in children. The crucial component in our educational heritage is BARRE SPACE RFP
town. There were better educational opportunities if children the willingness of parents and neighbors to stay engaged. If 4 Governor Aiken Avenue
were sent to the bigger, more centralized schools. Conversely, Vermonters stay focused on seeing our children succeed, our Montpelier, Vermont 05633-7001
there was genuine concern for the loss of local control and descendants will be all right.
community engagement that small schools offered. Whether
during 1979 - 1987.
We thank everyone who responded to our letter about the study and agreed
to participate. We will be calling you in the next few weeks to schedule
your X-ray. It will be taken June 5 - June 17 in a medical coach located at
the Vermont Granite Museum.
We will train you for a If you received a letter and have not yet decided to participate -- or worked
successful career in in the granite industry during 1979-1987 but did not get a letter -- please
sales, no experience call the number below to let us know whether or not youre willing to take
part in the study. Participants will receive $50 in compensation.
It is important that our study have as many participants as possible, and
Flexible Hours. include workers with both long and short employment in the granite indus-
Great Pay. try. We also need workers with differing types of jobs, including those that
Vacation & Benefits. do not involve exposure to granite dust. This will enable us to see if there
are differences in workers lungs that related to their type of job or length
of employment.
403 U.S. Rte. 302-Berlin For more information or to participate in the study please call:
Barre, VT 05641 Pamela Vacek or Suzanne Ledoux at (802) 656-2526
email you resume to: [email protected] Thank you for your help in making this study a success.
May 3, 2017 The WORLD page 13
3 Hour Limo Service
ANNOUNCEMENTS a contest to design the new flag for the nations smallest state
capital. This follows a 2015 TED talk from flag expert Roman
Mars in which he identified the current Montpelier flag as his
public. The city will accept entries now through May 28th and
public voting on finalists will run from June 5-23. The win-
ners will be announced at the citys Independence Day fes-
The following birth announcements were submitted by Central Vermont Medical Center
example of what a flag should not look like.
on April 26, 2017. Any questions or concerns should be addressed directly to CVMC.
A daughter, Kaylee Marie Armstrong, was born April 17 to The contest will be held online, and is being coordinated tivities on July 3rd, and the winners flag will be flown in
Chelsea Balch and Taylor Armstrong of Waitsfield. through the office of the City Clerk. Participants can upload front of the City Hall.
A son, Tyrone John-Thomas Pinder III, was born April 18 to an original design through a form on the city website over the The URL of the contest web page is
Rebecca ONeill and Tyrone John-Thomas Pinder Jr. of Barre. coming weeks. A committee will then vet the submitted
A daughter, Alice Marie Welch, was born April 19 to
Chelsea Otis and Josh Welch of Williamstown.
SAVE $$$$!
J i's
always be celebrated in ARIES (March 21 to April
19) The often-skeptical Aries
our hearts here on earth. might nd that an answer to
Love and miss you , a question is hard to believe.
But check it out before you
Nana & Papa Bernier chuck it out. You might well be surprised at what you
could learn.
The Quarry Kitchen & Spirits and The WORLD would like to help you wish a TAURUS (April 20 to May 20) Your resolute determina-
special couple a Happy Anniversary. Just send their name, address & wed- tion to stick by a position might make some people uncom-
fortable. But if youre proved right (as I expect you to be),
Happy Birthday!
ding forget...
anniversary date. Each week12-7
we Armour
publishMoodie, 63, plus well have
the names,
a monthly winner for a Gift Certifi12-14
cate for lunch or dinner
Jaime Clark, Barre
at The Quarry a lot of changes will tilt in your favor.
5-13 Kristen Lee Deleandro,
Kitchen & Spirits
28, Mentor, OH in Barre. No obligation,
12-25 Jenna nothing to buy.
Companion, 19,Just send an- GEMINI (May 21 to June 20) You might feel conicted
5-14 John,names two (2) weeks prior Waterbury
Chelsea Ctr. date, to: The WORLD,
to anniversary between what you want to do and what you should do. Best
FROM 5-14
HAPPY Downing, Chelsea 12-31302
403 U.S.Rt. Chelsea Phillips,
- Berlin, Barre,29,VT 05641. Please advice: Honor your obligations rst. Then go ahead and
5-20 Bill Boyce, Chelsea Manassas, VA
BARRE-MONTPELIER RD. provide name, address & phone
5-20 Mary Lefcourt, Essex Jct. number for prize notification. enjoy your well-earned rewards.
5-22 Ruth Madigan P., 73, 1-4 Betsy Cody, 61, Barre CANCER (June 21 to July 22) That nancial matter still
needs to be sorted out before you can consider any ma-
Price Chopper (Berlin, VT) and The WORLD would like to help you wish someone Bethel 1-14 Brandon McLeon, 26,
special a Happy Birthday. Just send their name, address & birthdate. Well publish the 5-27 Candy McLeon, 70, Hardwick
names in this space each week. Plus, well draw one (1) winner each week for a FREE Hardwick 1-15 Peggy Zurla, 54, Mayaez, jor monetary moves. Pressures ease midweek, with news
BIRTHDAY CAKE from Price Chopper (Berlin, VT). No obligation, nothing to buy. Just
send birthday names two (2) weeks prior to birthdate, to: The WORLD, c/o BIRTHDAY
Puerto Rico about a potential career change.
LEO (July 23 On to August 22) A workplace problem threat-
6-3 Joey, Wby Ctr, 39 1-15 Shawn Kasulka, E.Mplr
CAKE, 403 U.S. Rt. 302 - Berlin, Barre, VT 05641. Please provide your name, address
6-5 Rob Salvas, 55, Barre 1-19 Kevn Sare, 36, Cabot County Rd. 2.7 miles up Main St. Montpelier
& phone number for prize notification.
6-6 Heather Holmes, 49, (no i) ens to derail your well-planned project.
Open Every DayBut your quick
APRIL 23 MAY 4 Woodbury 1-27 Caitlyn Couture, 26, mind should lead you to a solution and get you back on
Lee Richardson Jr. (Rick), 64, Bethel Jennnifer Rogers, 29, Groton 210 North Main St. Barre Barre 802-479-7002
track without too much delay.
APRIL 27 MAY 6 7-7 Marti Elliott, Barre 1-31 Joyce LaMountain (The
7-9 Pierce Salvas, 32, Barre
Please Send Plant Lady), 85, Adamant VIRGO (August 23 to September 22) An opportunity
29, Us Your MayCouture,
Grace Isabelle, 14, So. Barre
Gary Villa, Washington 7-11 Joslyn Richardson, 1-31 Linda Barre opens up but could quickly close down if you allow pes-
Jade Holland, 15, Randolph
Jim Elliott, 50, Barre And VT
Waterbury, Be Automatically Registered
1-31 Wayne Michaud,To 70, Win A
simism to override enthusiasm. A trusted friend can offer
7-11 Marcus Hass, 28 Santa Rosa, CA
Gift Certificate From The Quarry Kitchen & Spirits the encouragement
WEEKyouOF need.
Ashley Weston, 25, Barre
7-12 Emily Rappold, Plainfield LAST THE
Gracie Laramore, 11, So. Barre 7-18 Mike Jacques, So. Barre 2-1 Nancy Prescott, Barre
MAY 1 LIBRA (September 23 to October 22) Youve come
Karen Lafreniere, 52 MAY 9 2-6 Bob Edwards, 75
2-8 Warren Lanigan
through a difcult period of helping others deal with their
Sarah Utton, 58, Waterbury Gloria Mayo, 73, Montpelier TOM
8-8 Gary & CRYSTAL ISABELLE, SOUTH BARRE, 18 YEARS problems. Now you can concentrateCOUPLE
on putting your en-
CAKE WINNER: Please call Price Chopper (Berlin, VT) at 479-9078 and
8-8 Shirley Combs, Randolph
8-9 Bob Evans, 63, Woodstock
2-12 Joe Richardson,
ergy to work on your own projects.
ask for Julie Fandino (Bakery Manager) or Beverlee Hutchins (Cake
Decorator) by Thursday, May 4 to arrange for cake pick-up.
8-16 Charlotte Edwards, Barre
2-13 Sandy Salvas, Barre
2-14 LauraBARRE,
to November 21) Forget about
et to 8-20 Rachel Salvas, 23, Barre Montpelier whos to blame and, instead,
On APRIL 26, VICmake
& ANNEthe rst move toward
8-21 Chriiis MAY 9 Retherford
2-16 Aaron patching up a misunderstanding
of WAITSFIELD before
celebrate their 58thitANNIVERSARY!
creates a rift that
This Weeks Cake Winner:
8-24 Terry Spaulding,
2-23 Pauline Nelson,
Waterbury youll never be able to cross.
8-26 Joshua McLeon, 27, 2-25 Meah & Mya Couture, 9, SAGITTARIUS (November 22 to December 21) Good
Hartford, CT
8-29 Connie Spaulding, Minot,
news for the travel-loving Sagittarian who enjoys gallop-
ing off to new places: That trip you put off will soon be
HAPPY ANNIVERSARY 3-5 Rebecca Pressman, 38
3-17 Pat Wieja, Baltimore, MD back on your schedule.
Mail this coupon to: The WORLD c/o Birthday Cake 9-5 Sally
MailFontaine, Walden
this coupon to: The WORLD
3-19 Ruth Weeks, Barre
CAPRICORN (December 22 to January 19) A mood
9-8 Arlo Benjamin Lefcourt, 7 3-22 Nicholas Salvas, 25
403 U.S. Rt. 302 - Berlin 9-15 Deborah Phillips c/o Happy3-25 Anniversary
Zarek Michael Gonet, 10, change could make the gregarious Goat seek the company
Barre, VT 05641 9-26 Aeletha403 U.S.
Kelly, Rt. 302 - Berlin,
Barre Barre,NH
Charlestown, VT 05641 of just a few friends. But you charge back into the crowd
Open to people of all ages. Just send in the entry blank below, and we will 9-28send
Just Jessica
in theMcLeon, 28, below, and we will publish it in this space each week.
entry blank
publish it in this space each week. Plus, we will draw one (1) name each week Plus,Hardwick
we will draw one (1) couple each4-1 month
Adam forLefcourt,
a gift certificate
38 from The Quarry for weekend fun and games.
for a FREE BIRTHDAY CAKE from the Price Chopper Super Center (Berlin, Kitchen & Spirits in Barre. No obligation, nothing
4-12 to buy.
Meredith Entries
Page, 62, must be mailed two AQUARIUS (January 20 to February 18) A decision you
VT). No obligation, nothing to buy. Entries must be mailed two (2) weeks prior
to birthdate. Telephone calls to The WORLD will not be accepted.
10-5 Lisa Companion, Croyden, NH
(2) weeks prior to anniversary date. Telephone calls to The WORLD will not be
Waterbury made in good faith could come under re. Best advice:
10-6 Steven Lefcourt, 33,
4-19 Elliott Ackerman, 30,
Barre Open your mind to other possibilities by listening to your
BIRTHDATE______________________________ ANNIVERSARY
Hollywood, CA 4-20 Jessie Phillips, 26, E. challengers point of view.
PISCES (February 19 to March 20) You can avoid being
10-18 Kay Santamore, Mplr.
NAME___________________________________ DATE_______________________# YEARS______
Plainfield 4-21 Kathy Churchill, 62,
10-29 Eric Evans, 33, Woodstock swamped by all those tasks dangling from your line this
AGE (this birthday)_________________________ NAMES___________________________________
Proctorsville 4-30 Lillian Kasulka, 8, E. week by tackling them one by one, according to priority.
ADDRESS________________________________ ADDRESS_________________________________
11-7 Karen Evans, 63,
Montpelier The weekend brings good news.
4-30 Darlene Callahan, 56,
Plymouth Barre BORN THIS WEEK: You have a fine business sense and a
________________________________________ _________________________________________
11-15 Jessup Max Lefcourt, 4 love of the arts. You enjoy living life to its fullest.
11-15 Bob Spaulding, Minot, (c) 2017 King Features Synd., Inc.
PHONE__________________________________ PHONE___________________________________
5-6 Gary Villa, Washington
5-6 Jim Elliott, 51, Barre
11-19 Henry Kasulka, 13, E.
page 14 The WORLD May 3, 2017 Mplr
11-22 Ruth Pearce, Chelsea
11-23 Jason Lowe, 28, Wby
11-28 Neil, 28, Waterbury
Beaver Fever Giardiasis in Vermont
By Anthony Sassi
Summer is fast approaching in Vermont,
their feces posing a risk of infection to others.
This can continue throughout the time a per-
When the Atlas is out of Balance
and many are looking forward to spending son is infected. In more extreme cases of By Rosalene Bussiere
more time outdoors with family, friends, and untreated Giardiasis, the infection may linger hen the Atlas Once the
four-legged companions. Many Vermonters resulting in chronic Giardiasis. Unfortunately, bone or Sub- body is in
are familiar with the term Beaver Fever and the symptoms of chronic Giardiasis may
its association with illness after drinking from mimic health issues such as gallbladder or occipital joint alignment
streams, ponds, lakes, or other untreated peptic ulcer disease, irritable bowel, chronic is out of place it causes with the
water sources. Beaver Fever, or Giardiasis, fatigue syndrome, and even cancer, making it the head to tilt and turn head or
is caused by a single-celled parasite called difficult for a healthcare provider to diagnose and the entire spine sub-occipital
Giardia intestinalis. Giardia is found in every the infection. Chronic giardiasis has also been follows this error, joint, old
state in the United States and is, in fact, the linked with eye lesions, arthritis, muscular
most commonly identified intestinal parasite weakness, malnutrition, growth stunting, and spreading confusion throughout the bodys traumas
in the world. Giardia infection is common in impaired cognitive function. skeletal structure. A direct symptom of this (MISALIGNED) ATLAS BONE may be
humans and both wild and domestic mam- If infection with Giardia is so common in condition is a stiffening of the muscles. OR SUB-OCCIPITAL JOINT released,
mals. Vermont, how can infection be prevented? This stiffening of the muscles causes and limiting thoughts and emotional
So how could Giardia affect you? According Since this parasite lives in water, try to make
to the most recent reports by the CDC, sure that drinking water is obtained from a many other painful symptoms to affect the patterns may surface and dissolve. Even
Vermont consistently has the highest rate of filtered or treated water source, rather than body such as constriction of blood ow, depression, anxiety and fear disorders can
Giardia infection in the nation and has an natural ground water found in springs, lakes, specically from the brain to the body be inuenced in a positive way through
incidence rate (number of new infections in ponds, or rivers. Since swimming in the lakes and body to brain. Atlas bone dislocation this self-healing process. This happens
the population at a given time) that is approx- and ponds of Vermont is common and may be causes spinal and bodily uid restrictions automatically and cannot be predicted in
imately three times higher than that of Maine, difficult to avoid, be aware that infection is
the state that ranks second in Giardia infec- possible. In addition, when people or animals causing the immune system to become any time frame. However, people do have
tion. A representative at the Vermont are infected with Giardia, they can release weak and sluggish. The body instinctively a tendency to move forward in positive
Department of Health indicated that simply cysts in their feces. Poor hygiene and sanita- tries to straighten the head while keeping lifestyles and clear decision making after
living in Vermont is a risk factor to becoming tion practices could lead to further ingestion the head over the feet for gravity. This receiving this work. My suspicion is that
infected, because Giardia is ubiquitous in our and spread of Giardia, so practice good hand
ground water. Since the risk of infection for washing skills to avoid infection through con- further causes stress throughout the head, by releasing tension on the sympathetic
Vermonters is so high, it is important to tact with infected people or animals. jaw, spine, shoulders, pelvis, hips, knees, nervous system relives these symptoms by
understand the transmission, symptoms, and If you think that you may have Giardiasis ankles and feet. way of better oxygen ow to the brain/
treatment of this very common disease. or are worried about coming into contact with Depending on the upper cervical struc- body connection and less pressure on the
Giardiasis may be contracted through the the parasite, please speak with your doctor. ture and the degree of the atlas rotation, a spinal cord.
drinking of contaminated water or by ingest- Giardia is easily treated with an oral medica-
ing Giardia cysts after contact with a person tion. Many times, an acute Giardia infection person can suffer from headaches, sinus
or animal that has the infection. Once ingest- is easily recognizable based on the history pressure, ring in the ears, TMJ, grinding of THE 9TH CHAKRA ACTIVATION
ed, the Giardia cysts rupture, and the matur- provided to the healthcare provider, but if the the teeth, neck pain, stiff neck, upper and TECHNIQUE IS UNIQUE BLEND
ing parasite invades the intestinal wall. It is infection is not diagnosed and becomes lower back pain, herniated disk, scoliosis, OF BODY, MIND AND SPIRITUAL
this invasion that tends to start many of the chronic, it may be overlooked as a potential
symptoms of Giardiasis. While some indi- cause of illness and be mistaken for other distorted brain messages, jammed spinal HEALING.
viduals may exhibit no symptoms of infec- similarly presenting diseases. nerves, immune system weakness, pain The 9th Chakra Activation Technique
tion, most will experience abdominal cramps, Anthony Stassi is a medical student at the in the shoulders, hips, knees, feet, have does not involve diagnosis or therapy in
bloating, nausea, weight loss, and bouts of University of Vermont College of Medicine, differences in leg length and continuous the physical sense. We are working with
diarrhea lasting anywhere from days to and has been working on a public health pressure on the spinal column. energetic healing, touch for health and
months. As the infection progresses and the related project in conjunction with healthcare
parasite develops within the host, the infected providers at The Health Center in Plainfield, Current research shows that if birth was spiritual healing. This work is not meant
person or animal will pass Giardia cysts in VT. He is from Woodbury, VT. complicated in any way the atlas rotation to replace the therapeutic work of the
can be turned even more from its natural medical profession but is a support in re-
tilting of this vertebra can cause a number health in every person. The methodology
ecently Ive noticed that par- used when you are not home. of discomforts and even diseases. Life intertwines body, mind and spirit and is
ents have been eager to ask me 2. Make sure your child knows how experiences such as falls and accidents can used for the healing of the whole person. If
at what age they can leave to respond in the event of an emer- continue worsen the position by a matter you like to know more you may go to my
their children home without a sitter. I gency, such as a fire, by talking
feel at home, but not alone, with this through such situations and hearing of degrees. With age the body starts to website: or
common question so let me provide how they would respond. have system and structural failures due 802-793-9371 May you always be well!
some information on the topic. 3. Post all key phone numbers and to subluxation on the nervous system
First of all, children under 10 any special instructions on a visible and bone structure caused by this joint
should never be left alone, even for a place, such as the fridge.
few minutes. If your child is over 10, but still 4. If your children are staying alone after misalignment.
frightened or apprehensive about being left school until you get home, ask one of them to
alone, dont leave them alone either. call you or a neighbor if you are unavailable
On the other hand, if they are over 10 and as soon as they get home from school to let
showing signs of responsibility, such as getting you know theyre okay.
homework and chores done without asking, With these hints in place, you might give A SPECIAL SUPPLEMENT TO THE WORLD
following rules and understanding safety mea- your child the opportunity to try this experi-
sures in your house, and are interested in try- ence perhaps first by leaving him or her alone
ing to be left alone while you are out, then you for a brief period of time, such as 15 to 30
can consider leaving them alone by them- minutes and then increasing the time alone
selves. over time.
Here are a few suggestions that will make Hopefully tips like these will hit home when
things go well: it comes to allowing your older child to stay
1. Set the house rules ahead of time and make home alone when you cannot be there to pro-
sure your child understands and can repeat vide supervision.
back to you these rules. Just what these rules Lewis First, MD, is chief of Pediatrics at
are is up to you, but they usually include no The University of Vermont Childrens Hospital
guests when an adult is not at home, never and chair of the Department of Pediatrics at
answering the door for a stranger, and never the University of Vermont College of Medicine.
telling a stranger on the phone that they are You can also catch First with Kids weekly
home alone. There might also be a rule about on WOKO 98.9FM and WPTZ Channel 5, or
not using the oven in your absence and how visit the First with Kids video archives at www.
long television is to be watched or the internet
others Day is an annual holiday that honors motherhood
Reservations Recommended Breakfast
Breakfast Buffet
Reservations Recommended
(802) 888-4242
(802) 888-4242 Served 8 a.m. until 12:00 p.m. and provides an opportunity for men, women and
Mothers Day
Served 8 a.m. until 12:00 p.m.
Day Egg, Omelette & Waffle Stations French Toast and Pancakes with VT Maple Syrup
Egg, Omelette
Bacon &Baked
Stations French ToastMaple
and Pancakes
Sausage with VT Fries
Maple Syrup children to show their mothers how much they
Dinner Specials
Carved Vermont Home
Dinner Specials
Sausage Baked
Gravy Ham Carved
and Biscuits
Sausage Adults...$11.95
Fresh Vermont
Gravy and Biscuits Children
Maple Sausage
Fruit Assorted
Fresh Fruit
Pastries Home Fries
Juice and
5-8...$6.95 Under 5...FREE more...
Assorted Pastries Juice and
more... appreciate them.
12 - 6 p.m. Adults...$11.95 Children 5-8...$6.95 Under 5...FREE
12 - 6 p.m.
The tradition of Mothers Day in the Unit-
with cornbread stuffingTURKEY DINNER
with cornbread stuffing
Dinner Buffet Buffet
Free Carnatio
for M arnati ns
for Mom! ons
ed States dates back more than a century to
Served from 12:00 Noon until 6:00 p.m. om!
1908, when West Virginia native Anna Jarvis
ROAST PRIME RIB au jus King cut $21.95 Served from 12:00 Noon until 6:00 p.m.
ROAST PRIME RIB au jus Queen King cut
cut $18.95
$21.95 Roast Pork Roast Turkey Steamship of Beef Chicken Wings
held a memorial service to honor her mother,
Queen cut $18.95 Roast PorkPenne
Baked Roast TurkeyHaddock
Baked Steamship of Shrimp
Fried Beef Chicken Wings
Rice Pilaf
8 oz. FILET MIGNON Charbroiled Baked Penne
Roasted Baked
Red Haddock
Potatoes Fried
Vegetable Shrimp
Medley RiceBar
Salad Pilaf
8 oz. FILET
with a Burgundy Charbroiled
wine Demi Glaze $21.95 Roasted Red Potatoes
Homemade Rolls INCLUDES
Vegetable Medley Salad
Dessert TableBar who had passed away three years earlier,
and all mothers in Grafton, West Virginia.
Served with a Burgundy wine Demi Glaze $21.95 Homemade
Moms ONLY...$15.95 Rolls INCLUDES
Adults...$18.95 Children Dessert Table Under 5...FREE
BAKED STUFFED SHRIMP $18.95 Moms ONLY...$15.95 Adults...$18.95 Children 5-8...$6.95 $7.95 Under 5...FREE
Seafood Stuffing$18.95 Mothers Day would ultimately become a
Topped with Homemade
Topped with Homemade Seafood Stuffing
Above served with choice of two sides. Drink
Drink Specials
Specials national holiday in the United States in 1914,
Above served with choice of two sides.
Salad bar Mimosa...............$5.75
Bloody Mary.........$5.75 Full Bar Available
Salad bar Mimosa...............$5.75 Bloody Mary.........$5.75 Full Bar Available thanks in large part to Jarvis campaigning.
Reservations Recommended 888-4242 Routes 15 & 100, Morrisville VT
Reservations Recommended 888-4242 Routes 15 & 100, Morrisville VT As Jarvis, who never married and never had
children of her own, grew old, she criticized
Mothers Day as overly commercial, even
AT Bragg Farm trying to have it removed from the calendar.
Those efforts failed, and Mothers Day re-
mains popular now, more than 100 years after
the idea for it was conceived.
Vermont Grown While Mothers Day traditions have
your phone!
Bring your phone in to
Bobs Camera, or order
your photos online at
286 Waits River Rd Bradford, VT 05033
*Tribute to Mom Bracelet Gift Set. Available starting April 13, while supplies last.
Valid only at participating retailers. Prices before taxes. No substitutions. See store for details. 802-476-4342
page 16 The WORLD May 3, 2017
Bridging the distance on Mothers Day
any modern families are spread Skype and FaceTime enable you to video chat with others in
real time. Come Mothers Day, connect with mom via such
out across the country if not apps so you can watch her open up her gifts.
the globe. Some people move
away from family to further their RECONNECT WITH HOME
If Mom is the one who ventured from home, help her to
careers, while others are called upon to care reconnect with her hometown or another place she feels at-
for others. Children may separate from their tached to. Ship her some favorite regional foods that can only
parents to witness new travel experiences. be bought in town. Make a photo or video montage of places
Military service may call individuals away from of interest in town. These little touches of home can mean the
world to her.
home as well.
Distance can make it challenging to spend time together for CREATE A SPECIAL DAY
major holidays and other special occasions like Mothers Even if you do not live near your mother, you can still plan
Day. But Mothers Day can still be special even if Mom lives a fun day for her in her town. Make reservations for a spa,
hundreds or thousands of miles away. hair salon or other sources of pampering and surprise her
with all the details.
Technology helps break down some of the barriers created Treat her to the ultimate surprise
by distance. While phone calls were once the way to keep in If possible, make a surprise visit this Mothers Day. Coor-
touch, many people now utilize various forms of digital com- dinate the plan with your father or another relative and then
munication. Someone who lives across different time zones enjoy seeing her eyes light up when you arrive.
can talk through texting or the various social media avenues With a little creativity, even families separated by geogra-
available on computers, phones and tablets. Video apps like phy can share the magic of Mothers Day together.
bouquet for Mothers Day! Exceptional Annuals & Perennials
We are OPEN!
Sat., May 13 Happy Mothers Day
9am - 2pm
Takes The Mothers Day
is May 14 All Hanging Baskets &
Try our
and the
6 plant Combo kits $25!
Authentic Stop by often and enter to win a
Southern cookies, $500 Customer Appreciation Bonus Prize!
Sweet pastries, Choose your flowers, Drawing Sept. 15
Tea! pies... make a card, wrap it
"It's Worth The Drive"
all up with a bow and
well have you ready to go! Route 12A Roxbury Village
(across street from Warren Mountain Rd.)
Your mom will love it.
15 cotta ge st . | ba rre
Tues.-Fri. Open 535 US Route 302, Unit 1
479-7948 | ddba kery v t @gma il.c om Tu7e:3sSat.
0 -6 pm
day- Round Next to Dunkin Donuts in the Taste of the North building
delicate -d e c a d e nc e . c o m S a t8u-2rd ay
Time to Save
20% OFF
42 Tractors
From $1599
Fast Tractor TM
48 $2099
Chicks! com or mailed to The WORLD, Attn: Calendar, 403 U.S. Route
302, Barre, Vt. 05641. The deadline is 5:00 p.m., Thursday
preceding publication. The Ongoing section is for free/low cost
community events, which should be verified monthly. We are
Aldrich Public Library, last Wednesdays, 5:15-6:15 p.m. Info
Play Group. St. Monicas Church, lower level, Thursdays dur-
ing school year, 9:30-11 a.m.
Rhode Island Reds $2.65 no longer able to include ongoing classes.
Golden Comets $2.65 American Legion Auxiliary Unit 10. Meets at the post, first
Barred Rock $2.65 Order By Ongoing Events Thursday of each month (not July), 6:30 p.m.
Vermont Modelers Club. Building & flying model airplanes
Ameraucanas $2.85 MAY BARRE - Central VT Adult Basic Education. Free classes. year-round, visitors welcome. Info. 485-7144.
12 Pre-GED and high school diploma prep classes at Barre
Buff Orpington $2.85 Community Breakfast. First Presbyterian Church, 78 Summer
Learning Center, 46 Washington St. Info./pre-register 476- St., 3rd Sunday of month, FREE, 7:30-9 a.m. 476-3966.
Speckled Sussex $2.85 Pickup: June 14-15 4588.
Grandparents Raising Their Childrens Children. Support
PAWS. Support for those grieving the loss of a beloved pet. group. 23 Summer St., 1st & 3rd Weds., 10 a.m.-noon. 476-
MEAT BIRDS Universalist Church. 1st Thursday of month. 7 p.m. Info. beyon- 1480.
[email protected]
TURKEYS: Mammoth Bronze ($7.99 ea.) Friends of Aldrich Public Library. Aldrich Library, 2nd floor
Rainbow Umbrella of Central Vermont, an adult LGBTQ boardroom, 4th Tuesday of month, 6:30 p.m. Info. 476-7550.
group, bowls at Twin City Lanes on Sunday afternoons twice a
Broad Breasted White ($6.99 ea.) month. For dates and times: [email protected] Circle of Parents. Confidential support group for parents and
caregivers. Meets Tuesday evenings. Info. 229-5724 or
Order Deadline: May 12 Pickup: June 13-14 Central Vermont Woodcarving Group. Free instruction proj- 1-800-CHILDREN.
ects for all abilities. Barre Congregational Church, Mondays 1-4
p.m. 479-9563 Mothers of Preschoolers. Monthly get-togethers for crafts,
Jumbo Cornish Cross Rock & Soul Chorus. 6:30-8:30 p.m. at the Church of the Good
refreshments, etc. Christian Alliance Church, 476-3221.
BROILERS: White Meat Bird ($1.22 ea.) Shepherd on 39 Washington St. Sing songs from the Sixties and Alcoholics Anonymous. Meetings in Barre, daily; call 802-229-
beyond. Ability to read music is not required. No audition, but 5100 for latest times & locations;
Red Broilers Bird ($1.22 ea.) singers should be able to accurately sing back whats been sung to Hedding United Methodist Activities & Meetings. 40
Order Deadline: May 23 Pickup: June 22 them. All ages are welcome. Children under 13 should come with Washington Street, 476-8156. Choir, Thursdays 7 p.m; Free
a parent. Community Supper, Fridays 5:30-6:30 p.m.; Community
Order Forms Available At: Heart of Vermont Quilt Guild. Meets on third Tuesday of the Service & Food Shelf Hours: Weds & Thurs. 3-5 p.m.
month at First Presbyterian Church on Seminary Street from 5:30- Turning Point Recovery Center. 489 N. Main St., Barre. Safe &
Farm 7:30 p.m. supportive place for individuals/families in or seeking substance
abuse recovery. Recovery coaching and other support programs;
Step n Time Line Dancers of Central Vermont. Fall Session:
& Yard Thursdays at The Old Labor Hall, 46 Granite St. 6:30-8:30 p.m. recreational facilities (pool, ping pong, games). Open Mon.-Wed.
19 Barre St., Montpelier 229-0567 10 a.m.-5 p.m., Thurs. 10 a.m.-9 p.m., Fri. 10 a.m.-11 p.m., Sat.
Monday-Friday 8-6 Saturday 8-5 Sunday 10-2
Playgroup. Universalist Church, Tuesdays 9:30-11 a.m., while 6-11 p.m. Making Recovery Easier, Tuesdays at 6 p.m.; Wits school is in session. Sponsored by Building Bright Futures. Info. End parent support group, Wednesdays at 6 p.m.; All Recovery
279-0993. support group Fridays at 6 p.m. Alcoholics Anonymous: Sane
Additional Recyclables Collection Center. Open for collection & Sober group, Saturdays at 7:30 a.m.; Living Sober group,
Mon., Wed., Friday noon 6 p.m., 3rd Saturdays 9 a.m.-1 p.m. Sundays at 8:30 a.m. Narcotics Anonymous: When Enough is
540 N. Main St., Barre. Visit for list of accept- Enough group, Thursdays at 6:30 p.m. & Sundays at 5:30 p.m.
able items. Al-Anon: Courage to Change group, Saturdays at 5 p.m.
Jabbok Christian Center Prayer Meeting. 8 Daniel Dr. 6:30-8 (childcare provided). For help, or Info on special programs, call
p.m. 1st & 3rd Thursdays. Info: 479-0302 479-7373.
Medicare and You. New to Medicare? Have questions? We Green Mountain Spirit Chapter. National women bikers club.
have answers. Central Vermont Council on Aging, 59 N. Main 2nd Wed. of month; info [email protected].
St., Suite 200, 2nd and 4th Tuesdays of the month. Call 479- BERLIN - Drop-in Meditation Sitting Group. W/Sherry
0531 to register. Rhynard. CVMC, conf. room #2, Thursdays, 6-7 p.m. sherry@
High Tea, Historical Home, Great Music, and Fabulous Company
Celebrate Recovery. Recovery for all your hurts/habits/hang-ups. or 272-2736.
Christ Community Church, 43 Berlin St. across from R&L Barre Tones Womens A Capella Chorus. Capital City Grange
Richs Hollow Benefit Concert Archery, Monday, 6-8 p.m. 476-3221. 6612 Rt 12. Mondays, 6:30-9 p.m. 223-
Wheelchair Basketball. Barre Evangelical Free Church, 17 So. 2039.
Main St., Every other Tuesday, 5:30-7 p.m. Info 498-3030 (David) Survivors of Suicide Loss Support. For family and friends
Lost Nation Theaters Into The Woods or 249-7931 (Sandy). who lost someone to suicide. CVMC, conf. room #1, 3rd
Aldrich Public Library Activities. 6 Washington St., 476- Tuesdays, 6-7:30 p.m. Info. 223-0924.
7550. Story Hour, Mondays & Tuesdays starting 9/22, 10:30 Bereavement/Grief Support Group. CVHHH Conference
a.m. Reading Circle Book Club, 3rd Wednesdays, 6:30 p.m. Center, 600 Granger Rd. Open to anyone who has experienced the
Living & Learning Series, 1st Sundays, 1 p.m. Senior Day, 1st death of a loved one. No fee. Group 1: 10-11:30 a.m. every other
Wednesdays, 1 p.m. Wednesday starting May 10. Group 2: 6-7:30 p.m. every other
Monday starting May 15. Info: Diana Moore at 802-223-1878
Central Vermont Business Builders. Community National
Bank, 1st & 3rd Tuesdays, 8-9 a.m. Info. 777-5419. NAMI-VT Connection Recovery Support Group. Central
Weekly Storytime. Next Chapter Bookstore, 158 North Main Vermont Medical Center Boardroom, 130 Fisher Rd. Second
St., Saturdays, 10:30 a.m. Info. 476-3114. Thursdays, 4:30 p.m. Free, 90-minute recovery support groups for
Overeaters Anonymous. Church of the Good Shepherd, people living with mental illness.
Tuesdays 5:30-6:30 p.m. and Saturdays 8:30-9:30 a.m. Info: Cancer Support Group. With potluck. Second Wednesday of
Valerie, 279-0385. each month, 6 p.m. Info. 229-5931. continued on page 20
ad courtesy of The World Newspaper
Beautiful, Tragic,
Funny, & Deeply
A Stage
Touching. In short,
It was Irresistible
-Jim Lowe, the Times Argus
Humiliating auditions, grueling
rehearsals, outsize personalities.
FINAL SHOWS! Theater fascinates movie-makers.
Green Up Day! ticipants starting April 20th up to Scramble. (Possible
9 am-1 pm Individual Categories: Youth, Senior Citizen, Non 802-223-6337
State Street Youth- Non Senior Citizen; Possible Groups: Family- TOLL FREE 1-800-278-CODY
RESULTS! Help keep our city beautiful! Come based; Occupation-based ; Friends-based Youth or Se-
down to the Capital City Farmers nior Citize n-based and at the beginning of the Scramble
Market and visit the Green Up Day 2) a street map of Montpelier and 3) a list of Scramble
table hosted by Montpelier Alive. destinations and questions about destinations. Partici-
Volunteers will get trash and recy- pants will gather by 2 PM in front of City Hall 15 or more
cling bags, assigned a city location minutes before the race start.
or Toll Free
for clean up and a whole page of
coupons good for discounts and Montbeerlier -- Three Penny
1-800-639-9753 free gifts all around town. Coupons pages are only for Taprooms 8th Anniversary Party
Fax: 802-479-7916
our green up volunteers! Volunteers are welcome to 3:00 pm to 9:00 pm
Barre-Montpelier Rd. Barre, VT 05641 Landgon Street
clean up trash any time over the weekend and leave bags
Visit Our Web Site curbside in city limits. Our wonderful DPW will remove Block party on Langdon Street with MONTPELIER all bags on Monday! live music, beer garden including
Congrats to 2017 Overall Poster Design Contest Winner: casks and rare beers, freshly made 223-0928
Hope Petraro, Grade 9, from here in Montpelier! grilled sandwiches. Open 5am M-S, 6am Sun.
(blue hangar), Tuesdays,
p.m. Info at 229-5193. Star (5/12), Beatles Sing-a-long with Bob Sassaman (5/13).
Pregnancy & Newborn Loss Support Group. CVMC confer- Music Thursdays starts at 7 p.m., Fri/Sat at 7:30. All events are
Donations Welcome ence room #3, 4th Monday of month, 6:30-8:30 p.m. 371-4304 Free.
Clothing & Household Items... or -4376. CHELSEA - Story Time. Songs, stories & crafts for children
We Sort While You Wait! Partners for Prevention-Alcohol & Drug Abuse Coalition. birth to 5 years. Chelsea Public Library, Wednesdays, 1:15 p.m.
Barre-Montpelier Rd. 47
CVH, 2nd Weds. of month, 11:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m. Info 479- 685-2188.
~ THIS AD SPONSORED BY~ 4250. TOPS Take Off Pounds Sensibly. Nonprofit support (across grp.
Fassetts bread
VERMONT MUTUAL Savvy Speakers Toastmasters Club. BC/BS conf. room, Church of Chelsea, North Common, Wednesdays, 5:45 p.m. 685-
Industrial Ln., 1st & 3rd Tuesdays, 5:30-7 p.m. Info. 883-2313 2271/685-4429.
INSURANCE COMPANY or [email protected] & &
Giffords Chronic Conditions Support Group. Join a discussion
Birthing Center Open House. For parents, sibs, grandparents, and educational group for people with chronic illnesses on
89 State St., Montpelier etc. CVMC, 1st Wed. of month, 5:30-7
p.m. RSVP/Info. STORE
371-& ATMFridays 8:30-11 a.m. at the Chelsea Senior Center (in the United
Open Everyday 6 am - 11 pm Church of Chelsea, 13 North Common. Free. Info/register: Megan FIRE INSU
at 802-728-7714.
342 N. Main St., Downtown Barre 479-3675 139 State Mo
Knee/Hip Replacement Orientation Class. CVMC, conf.
room #3, free, 1st Thurs. of each month, 2-3 p.m. Info 371- Chelsea Historical Society House/Museum. Open 3rd
4188. Saturdays May-October, FREE, 10 a.m.-noon. 685-4447.
FREE throughout the year. Info/register: Megan at 802-728-7714. a.m. Pastor Thorsten Evans 476-8536. Church Office hours Tues
& Fri 9 a.m. to noon. 476-4843
BRADFORD - Rockinghorse Circle of Support. For young
women with or w/o kids, childcare & transportation avail- Twin Valley Senior Center. 4583 U.S. Rte 2. Open Mon., Weds.,
able. Wednesdays, 1-2:30 p.m., Grace Methodist Church. Fri., 9 a.m.-2 p.m. Sign up for Meal-on-Wheels Program or join
Info 479-1086. us for an On-site meal at 12:15 p.m. Seniors/$5, under 60/$6.
Nobody turned away. Free bus service for seniors & disabled in
New Hope II Support Group. Grace United Methodist, every six towns served. Many classes offered from bone strengthening
Mon., 7-9 p.m. Info. at 1-800-564-2106. to art. Donations welcomed. Info: 802-223-3322 or email info.
BROOKFIELD - MOPS - Mothers of Preschoolers. Moms of [email protected]
kids birth through kindergarten welcome. Meal & childcare Bone Builders Classes: Osteoporosis exercise and prevention
provided. New Covenant Church, 2252 Ridge Rd., 3rd Fridays, class at Twin Valley Senior Center every Monday, Wednesday and
6 p.m. 276-3022. Friday starting at 7:30 a.m. Extra 9 a.m. class on Monday and
Health-focused Group. Learn to cope w/ lifes passages. Weds, Wednesday. All ages welcome. Free of charge. Donations wel-
7-8 p.m.; Info 276-3142; Dr. Alice Kempe. comed. continued on next page
Twin City Family Fun Centerr
O(aupotetrLy Coabuardet)
Form your team and
reserve your lane
In LNTs club-like
Lobby Cabaret. FREE!
Teams are asked to raise a minimum of $250
Poetry Out Loud (or $50 a bowler on a team of 5).
group, childcare provided. Resurrection Baptist Church, 144 Elm WAITSFIELD - Community Acupuncture Night. Free assess-
St., 2nd Thursday of the month, 6-8 p.m. Info. 476-1480. ment & treatment, donations welcome. Three Moons Wellness, 190 E. Montpelier Rd, Montpelier229-9187
Calico County Quilters. All skill levels welcome. Call to confirm continued on next page
May 3, 2017 The WORLD page 21
Still Time To Join Us!
Were Going To
Montreal, Quebec City & Ottawa
859 Old County Rd., 2nd fl., last Weds., of month, 4-7 p.m. RSVP Choir Concert. Old Meeting House, 1620 Center Rd. 7 p.m. A
June 18-23, 2017 272-3690. cappella gospel and original music. By donation. Info: seven-
with Diamond Tours & the Randolph Senior Center WARREN - Knit and Play. Bring your kids and your projects. [email protected] or call 802-249-0404
$709 per person (Double occupancy) All levels welcome. Warren Public Library, Thursdays, 9:30- Color Run. U-32 High School. Registrations accepted at 9:15
11:30 a.m. a.m. on race day. Race at 10:30. $15. Walk, run, or jog, all ages
includes Motorcoach, WASHINGTON - Central VT ATV Club. Washington Fire and abilities. Distance: 1, 2, or 3 miles. Student hosts splash racers
5 nights lodging, Station, 3rd Tuesdays, 6:30 p.m. 224-6889. with color on the course. Music, food, great raffle prizes! Find us
on Facebook!
5 breakfasts/5 dinners, Art and Adventure with April, 3rd Saturdays at 11 a.m.;
Local guide for each day in Storytime, Mondays at 11 a.m.; Tech Help Drop-In, Saturdays 10 MONTPELIER - Spring Migration Bird Walks. Cow Pasture.
Canada, cruise on a.m.-2 p.m. All at Calef Memorial Library. Info. 883-2343. 7-8:30 a.m. Fee: $10, free for members. Explore NBNC for spring
migrants, such as warblers, vireos, thrushes and waterfowl. Learn
St. Lawrence River, WATERBURY - Waterbury Public Library. Preschool Story birding basics, expand your birding ear and discover more.
and much more! Time Thursdays at 10 a.m. Keep your busy preschooler enter-
tained with picture books, interactive play, music, and crafts. Green Mountain Youth Symphony Auditions. We have open
Baby & Toddler Story Time Mondays at 10 a.m. Stimulate your seats for musicians novice through advanced next fall. Registration
Call for more info 802-728-9324 babys developing intellect with rhymes, songs, stories, music, is also open for the GMYS Creative Arts & Music Program
and lap games, suitable for newborns through 36 months. (CAMP) for intermediate advanced music students. To schedule
an audition/info: email GMYS at [email protected], call 802-
WATERBURY CTR - Bible Study Group. Bring your bible, 888-4470 or visit our website at
6:30-8:30 p.m. Tuesdays. Featuring small antiques, fine handcrafted gifts and
specialty foods. Info: 802-592-3332.
Wednesday, May 3 PLAINFIELD - Green Up Day! 9 a.m. to noon. Recreation Field
MONTPELIER - Strengths-Based Happiness with Ginny - pick up bags and reserve your road section. Refreshments. Take
Sassaman, creator of the Happiness Paradigm Strengths-Based filled Green Up bags to the trailer at the Town Garage until 3 p.m.
Happiness. Hunger Mountain Coop. 5:30-7:30 p.m. Learn how For more information and/or to reserve a road section ahead of
and why using your own unique strengths and virtues can help time, call Becky Atchinson at 479-4326.
THURS.-SUN. 11AM-8PM you be more successful and happier in all you do. $8 mem- RANDOLPH - Chicken Pie Supper. Our Lady of Angels Church.
Dining Room & Window Service Available bers/$10 nonmembers. Corner of Route 66 and Hebard Hill Road. 5 p.m. Regular admis-
SOUTH ROYALTON - John Lackard Blues Jam at Crossroads, sion: $10; Children: $5. Take-outs available. Knights of Columbus
108 Rainbow St. 9 p.m. fundraiser. Info: Jim Kirkpatrick, Grand Knight, 802-276-3014
WATERBURY - Introduction to Trout Fishing with Spinning
2678 River Street, Bethel (2.6 mi. on VT Rt. 107) Thursday, May 4 Equipment. Waterbury Public Library, SAL Room. 9:30 a.m. to
802-234-9400 BARRE - Red Cross Blood Donation. Barre City Elementary,
1:30 p.m. Free. The course will cover targeting trout with spin-
ning equipment, and will also include reviews of ecology, knot
50 Parkside Terrace. 2:30-7 p.m. tying, casting, lure making and more. At the conclusion of the
MONTPELIER - Rummage Sale. St. Augustines Parish Hall, clinic, participants will go fishing on the nearby Winooski River
This week we have.... 16 Barre St. 4-7 p.m. Clothing for all ages, household items,
books, games, puzzles, costume jewelry and more! All proceeds
to practice their skills.
Mad River Chorale concert Spring into Song. Waterbury
Fried Bay Barbecue benefit the charitable works of CDA Court St. Augustine #976. Congregational Church. 7:30 p.m. Varied program of songs about
spring, renewal, reawakening: Brahms, Haydn, Mendelssohn,
Scallops Spare Ribs Friday, May 5 Rutter, Gwyneth Walker and others. Tickets: Adults $15; Seniors
EAST MONTPELIER - Death Cafe. Twin Valley Senior Center 65+ and Students 12-21, $12; Children 11 and under, Free. $1
Rte. 2. 11:45 a.m. to 1 p.m. Discussions of events past, present, discount for non-perishable food shelf item.
and future. All are welcome and discussions are confidential. Info:
802-223-3322 or [email protected] Sunday, May 7
MARSHFIELD - Art and Author Night. Jaquith Public Library. MORRISVILLE - Northeast Fiddlers Assoc. monthly jam
6 p.m. You Are Here, Photography by Jennifer Barlow. This and meet. VFW, Pleasant Street. Noon to 5 p.m. Fiddlers and
exhibit celebrates the moments in life when we are really able to
public welcome. Local food shelf donations welcomed. Info: Lee
see the exquisiteness of this place we call home. 7 p.m. Reading Deyette at 802-728-5188
with Poet Laureate Sydney Lea. Refreshments will be served. WARREN - Mad River Chorale concert Spring into Song.
MONTPELIER - Environmental Justice and Nuclear Waste: Warren United Church. 7:30 p.m. Varied program of songs about
The Road from Vermont Yankee to Texas. Christ Church, State spring, renewal, reawakening: Brahms, Haydn, Mendelssohn,
Street. 5:30 p.m. potluck, 6:30 p.m. program. Forum on high- Rutter, Gwyneth Walker and others. Tickets: Adults $15; Seniors
level nuclear waste (HLNW), the federal waste policy and envi- 65+ and Students 12-21, $12; Children 11 and under, Free. $1
ronmental racism of the nuclear waste industry.
325 North Main Street discount for non-perishable food shelf item.
Barre 479-9862 Rummage Sale. St. Augustines Parish Hall, 16 Barre St. 9 a.m.
American Express Discover Visa Mastercard
to 3 p.m. Clothing for all ages, household items, books, games,
puzzles, costume jewelry and more! Bag Sale fill a bag for $2
Monday, May 8
from noon to 3 p.m. All proceeds benefit the charitable works of BARRE - Red Cross Blood Donation. Barre Elks Club, 10
CDA Court St. Augustine #976. Jefferson St. 11:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.
ArtWalk: Coleen Kearon Book Launch & Reading. Bear Pond MONTPELIER - Complete Stress Management for Health &
Books, 77 Main St. 5 p.m. author signing, 6 p.m. reading, 6:30 Wellness with Dennis Seavey-Windsinger, CHT, CHI. Hunger
p.m. cake. Free and open to the public. Mountain Coop. 6-7 p.m. This is not just another class showing
meditation or other stress coping techniques. Identify what
MORRISVILLE - Red Cross Blood Donation. Lamoille stresses you and why. Learn how your stress is affecting your
County Mental Health Services, 72 Harrel St, 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. health. Learn the 4 step process to reduce and manage stress to
NORTHFIELD - Coffee House Benefit Evening. United better health. $4 members/$8 nonmembers.
Church of Northfield, 58 South Main St. 6:30-9 p.m. $4 cover
charge includes first beverage (Family max. $20) Benefit NMHS
students going to Tanzania, and United Church of Northfields
Tuesday, May 9
energy efficiency renovation project. Entertainment (music and BARRE - BASC Annual Tea. 1-3 p.m. Wear your fanciest hat
readings) for all ages. Coffee, tea, cider and desserts when you join us for tea, sandwiches & sweet treatsincluding
our Young at Heart Singers who will perform melodiously.
PLAINFIELD - VT Flood Hazards as Arctic Warms. Cutler Reservations required; only $10; please see Sandy.
Memorial Library, 151 High St. 6:30 p.m. Presented by Michael
Ceruilli Billingsley, the focus will be the hazardous local weather Business Building Blocks Networking Workshops. CAPSTONE
impacts likely associated with rapid warming underway in the Community Action, 20 Gable Place. 6-8 p.m. How to Start a
Arctic. Info: Loona Brogan, Librarian 802-454-8504 Business - Establish achievable and realistic goals that will help
you create your business plan. Register: 802-477-5214, mfergu-
THETFORD - Red Cross Blood Donation. Thetford Academy, [email protected]
304 Academy Rd. 12-5 p.m.
MONTPELIER - The Art of the Conscious and Connected
Saturday, May 6 Breath with Dunja Moeller, PhD. Hunger Mountain Coop. 6-7:30
p.m. Learn how to inhale and exhale properly. Add awareness and
BARRE - Barre Elks Lodge Cornhole Tournament. the ability to heal whatever is in the way of an optimal breathing
Registration at 5 p.m., double elimination tournament at 6 p.m. In pattern. For more information go to www.workshopsforabetter-
Main Hall, Jefferson Street entrance.
BERLIN - Yard Sale Cookout. Kinney Drug on Barre-Montpelier
Road. 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. To benefit Childrens Miracle Network in Wednesday, May 10
Burlington. Hot dog or hamburger with all the fixings, chips, and BARRE - Book Signing. Next Chapter Bookstore, 162 N. Main
soda for $5 donation. St. 6 p.m. Ralph Peterson will be presenting his new book
BETHEL - White Elephant and Food Sale. Miller Memorial Adventures in Dietland: How to Win at the Game of Dieting.
United Methodist Church (the Little Yellow Church), 122 North WATERBURY - Socratic Community Caf: Does Privacy
Main St. 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. 1/2 price sales begin at noon. Bargains Matter in our Country Today? Waterbury Public Library. 6:30-
for everyone. Info: 234-9441 8 p.m. Info/questions: Judi Byron, Adult Program Director, at
CALAIS - Calais Green Up Day. Trash/Recycling Depot, [email protected] or Katherine Cadwell, Harwood
Moscow Woods Rd. 9 a.m. to noon. Volunteers can drop off bags faculty member at [email protected]
of roadside litter. Metal also accepted (no refrigerators, liquids or
tires on rims). Household trash and recyclables accepted for the
usual fee. No personal tires, please! Bags and returnable bottles & Thursday, May 11
cans only may be brought to Maple Corner Store. Info: Fletcher BARRE - Taping of New England Cooks. 386 North Main St. 7
Dean, 456-8924, [email protected] p.m. Be part of our live studio audience at the taping of New
EAST MONTPELIER - Montpelier Community Gospel continued on next page
page 22 The WORLD May 3, 2017
For Showtimes 229-0343 or
Audio Descriptive Available on certain movies...
Fri. & Sat. 6:30 (3D) & 9:30 (3D) -- Sun. thru Thurs. 6:45 (3D)
Matinees Sat. & Sun. at 12:30 (3D) & 3:30 (3D) MATINEES SAT. & SUN.
England Cooks! with Tony & Sandy. Guest Chef Stefano Coppola interpret it and discuss what we can learn from it. The sounds, patterns BEAUTY AND THE BEAST --PG--
from Morse Block Deli & Janet Stewart from Greenfield Highland and movements of birds provide insight
OF THE our local
VOL. 2 ecosystems
--PG-13-- and Fri. & Sat. 6:20 & 9:15 -- Sun. thru Thurs. 6:35 PARAMOUNT BARRE
Beef. Tickets $15 on or call 802-476-1087. the many living and nonlivingMatinees
factorsSat.that create
at 12:15it. $25/adult,
& 3:15 (2D) teen and
Fri. & Sat. 6:15 (2D) & 9:15 (2D) -- Sun. thru Thurs. 6:30 (2D) For Showtimes 479-0078 or
& Sun. (2D) Matinees Sat. & Sun. at 12:20 & 3:20
Washington County Retired Teachers Association meeting. Elders $10/accompanied child (ages 6-12). Discounts available for THEIR FINEST --R--
FRI. - THURS. MAY 5 - MAY 11
Aldrich Public Library. Social Time: 9:30-10 a.m., Business Meeting: groups and AmeriCorps members. Pre-registration is required. Fri. & Sat. 6:25 & 9:05 -- Sun. thru Thurs. 6:50
10-11 a.m., Program: 11 a.m. to noon with lunch to follow. The pro- Questions: 802-454-8500 or email [email protected]. Matinees Sat. & Sun. at 12:30 & 3:30 GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY VOL. 2
gram is Lincoln Center presenting a Biomimicry how we can copy WATERBURY - Childrens Room, Annual Tag Sale. Wesley THE CIRCLE --PG-13-- Fri. & Sat. 6:30 (3D) & 9:30 (3D)
some of the structures and processes of living organisms to create United Methodist Church, 56 South Main St. 9 a.m. to noon. Come Fri. & Sat. 6:30 & 9:15 -- Sun. thru Thurs. 6:35 Sun. thru Thurs. 6:45 (3D)
Matinees Sat. & Sun. at
new and useful products. Lunch of soup, sandwiches and dessert is check out our wide assortment of childrens furniture, toys, books, Matinees Sat. & Sun. at 12:25 & 3:25
12:30 (3D) & 3:30 (3D)
provided for $10. New members please RSVP to Paula Dolan at 476- baby equipment, infant and childrens clothing, maternity clothing, THE FATE OF THE FURIOUS --PG-13-- GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY VOL. 2
7414 or [email protected] so we can get a count for lunch. and so much more. All proceeds to benefit The Childrens Room. Fri. & Sat. 6:15 & 9:15 -- Sun. thru Thurs. 6:35 -PG-13--
BRADFORD - Rosies Mom: Forgotten Women of the First Info: 244-5605 or email [email protected] Matinees Sat. & Sun. at 12:15 & 3:15 Fri. & Sat. 6:15 (2D) & 9:15 (2D)
Sun. thru Thurs. 6:30 (2D)
World War. Bradford Academy Auditorium. 172 N. Main St. 7 WEST FAIRLEE - Annual Wild Game Supper. West Fairlee THE BOSS BABY --PG-- Matinees Sat. & Sun. at
p.m. Free illustrated talk about the role of women in war indus- Congregational Church, 954 VT Route 113. 5-6:30 p.m. Fri. & Sat. 6:20 & 9:00 -- Sun. thru Thurs. 6:30
Matinees Sat. & Sun. at 12:20 & 3:20
12:15 (2D) & 3:15 (2D)
tries by historian Carrie Brown. Museum display Bradford and Adults/$20, Kids 5 to 12 years old/$10, Kids under 5 eat free.
WW I open 6:15-7 p.m. Info: 802-222-4423 Reservations strongly recommended. Take-outs available. All you 24-Hr Movie Line 229-0343 BUY TICKETS ONLINE AT:
EAST MONTPELIER - Red Cross Blood Donation. Twin can eat buffet. Info: Steve Garrow, [email protected]
Valley Senior Center, 583 US Route 2. 1-6 p.m. or 802-685-3141; Church at 333-4748
MONTPELIER - Bike Montpelier with GMC. Easy. 12 miles.
Sunday, May 14
Montpelier to Middlesex and return. Helmet required. We will
stop at the Red Hen for lunch. Meet at 10:30 a.m. in the parking
lot behind the Dept. of Labor near the bike path. Leaders: Mary
BARRE - Mothers Day Brunch. Barre Elks Lodge, Jefferson
Street. $10 per person. Children 5 and under $5. No reservations
Garcia, 622-0585 and Mary Smith, 505-0603. required. Free carnations to first 100 mothers. Book Your Get-togethers, BBQs,
Creating Consistency in Your Running Practice with Sarah
Richardson, Certified Running Instructor. Hunger Mountain
BERLIN - Belsher & Wood Concert. First Congregational Weddings, Anniversaries, etc.
Church of Berlin, 1808 Scott Hill Rd. 4 p.m. $15. Reservations:
Coop. 6-7:30 p.m. Free. If youre stuck in a quit & start cycle and
want to get back into a steady practice, learn whats keeping you
Carole, 229-9504. Sambels Catering 249-7758
MARSHFIELD - Mothers Day Spring Wildflower Walk with
stuck and how to create a sustainable practice you love. Brett Engstrom. Stranahan Forest. 1-4 p.m. Meet at the Stranahan
Forest parking lot at the beginning of Thompson Road (right off
Friday, May 12 of Hollister Hill Road).
EAST MONTPELIER - Learn make-up and nail care tech-
niques. Twin Valley Senior Center, 4583 US Rt. 2. 11 a.m. to 2 p.m.
MORRISVILLE - Mothers Day Brunch. VFW Post 9653
Pleasant St. 8-10:30 a.m. Adults/$10, Children under 10/$5. Menu
Join us! Were Going To
Demonstrations by Rachael Biggers. Free event and the public is
welcome. Info: 223-3322 or [email protected]
includes eggs, bacon, sausage, ham, sausage gravy & biscuits, corn
beef hash, stratas, pancakes, baked beans, mac & cheese, home fries,
Lancaster, PA & Dutch Country
MONTPELIER - Spring/Summer Soft Rummage Sale. fresh fruit salad and more. Benefit: VFW Auxiliary to Post 9653 September 24-29, 2017
Unitarian Church of Montpelier, 130 Main St. 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. NORTHFIELD - Mothers Day Breakfast. American Legion. with Diamond Tours & the Randolph Senior Center
Spring and summer clothes/light weight jackets/sheets/towels. 8-11 a.m. $9
FEAST Lunch with a Cop. Montpelier Senior Activity Center, 58 $679 per person (Double occupancy)
Barre St. 11:45 a.m. to 1:15 p.m. Lunch is no cost with a $7 suggested
donation for those 60+ or $7 for those under 60. Enjoy FEAST
Monday, May 15 includes Motorcoach,
Together lunch with members of the Montpelier Police Department. EAST MONTPELIER - Red Cross Blood Donation. Union 32 5 nights lodging,
Part of the Coffee with a Cop program, we invite you to come High School, 930 Gallison Hill Rd. 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. 5 breakfasts/1 lunch/5 dinners,
together in an informal, neutral space to discuss community issues, MONTPELIER - Cultivating the Earth Element Remedies JONAH & VEGAS LEGENDS
build relationships, and enjoy lunch. Call 262-6288 to reserve a meal. for Digestion and Energy with Baylen Slote. VCIH, 252 Main shows,
WATERBURY - Childrens Room, Annual Tag Sale. Wesley St. 6-7:15 p.m. $8 members/$10 non-members. Pre-registration Luncheon Cruise,
United Methodist Church, 56 South Main St. 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. required. Call 802-224-7100 or email [email protected]
Kitchen Kettle Village,
Come check out our wide assortment of childrens furniture, toys,
books, baby equipment, infant and childrens clothing, maternity Tuesday, May 16 Landis Valley Museum,
clothing, and so much more. All proceeds to benefit The Childrens MONTPELIER - New Laws for Farmers and the People They Guided tour of Lancaster
Room. Info: 244-5605 or email [email protected] Feed with Andrea Stander, Rural Vermont director. Hunger & Gettysburg,
WATERBURY CTR - Plant Sale to Benefit The Childrens Mountain Coop. 6-7:30 p.m. Free. What changes and opportuni- and much more!
Room. Evergreen Gardens on Route 100. 5-7 p.m. You will find a ties will the 2017 legislative session present for the farm and food
sector? Get an overview of new laws impacting farmers, food
wide variety of Perennials, Annuals, Trees and Shrubs along with
all the gardening supplies you could need. Cash and check only. producers, and eaters, as well as a preview of what may be con- Call for more info 802-728-9324
sidered in the 2018 session.
Saturday, May 13 MORRISVILLE - GED Testing: Central Vermont Adult Basic
Education. Morrisville Learning Center, 52 Portland St. 11 a.m.
DUXBURY - GMC Work Hike. All abilities are welcome and
needed as we work on the Long Trail south of the Winooski River
to Bamforth Ridge Shelter, and farther south on Camels Hump,
sturdy boots and work clothes. Tools provided. Meet at Montpelier to benefit the
High School at 8 a.m. Contact Andrew Nuquist, 223-3550, or
[email protected]. Rain Date: Sunday, May 14
EAST MONTPELIER - TVSC 9th Annual Perennial Plant
Sale. Twin Valley Senior Center, 4583 US Rt. 2. 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. 1. The Fate of the Furious
Featuring perennials, vegetable, and houseplants. Plant donations (PG-13) Vin Diesel, Dwayne
Classified & Display Johnson
are always welcome. Flea Market table rentals available for $25
per table. Refreshments available. Entertainment by Country
Chorus Singers from 11 a.m. to noon. Info: 223-3322 or twinval-
ADS 2. The Boss Baby (PG) ani-
[email protected] Now Placing Your 3. Beauty and the Beast (PG) Hospital in Burlington
Classified Or Display Ad Emma Watson, Dan Stevens
MARSHFIELD - Friends Annual Plant Swap. Jaquith Public
Library. 9 a.m. to noon. Bring plants to swap, make sure to label
Is Even Easier!
4. Smurfs: The Lost Village MAY 6TH 9A.M. TIL 2 P.M.
them, no invasive plants please. (PG) animated Kinney Drug on the
MONTPELIER - Spring/Summer Soft Rummage Sale. Unitarian 5. Going in Style (PG-13) Barre/Montpelier Road
Church of Montpelier, 130 Main St. 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Spring and sum- Morgan Freeman, Michael
mer clothes/light weight jackets/sheets/towels. Bag sale. Caine COOKOUT: Hotdog or hamburger with all
Green Mountain Youth Symphony Auditions. We have open 6. Gifted (PG-13) Chris the xings; chips, soda for a $5 donation.
seats for musicians novice through advanced next fall. Registration Evans, Mckenna Grace
is also open for the GMYS Creative Arts & Music Program 7. Get Out (R) Daniel All money raised stays here in Vermont to
(CAMP) for intermediate advanced music students. To schedule Kaluuya, Allison Williams benet the children and families.
an audition/info: email GMYS at [email protected], call 802- Our E-mail address is 8. Power Rangers (PG-13)
888-4470 or visit our website at Dacre Montgomery, Naomi
Capital City Farmers Market. 60 State St. 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Shop
[email protected] Scott
Please include contact 9. The Case for Christ (PG)
from 50 local farmers and producers each week in downtown
person & payment info Mike Vogel, Erika
Montpelier. CCFM is a producer-only market meaning everything
being sold is grown or made by each vendor. Featuring regular live ( Only) Christensen
music, vendor demonstrations, and local chef run cooking demos.
PLAINFIELD - EarthWalk Village Workshop Series: Bird 479-2582 or
10. Kong: Skull Island (PG-
13) Tom Hiddleston, Samuel MAY
Language. Goddard College Campus. 1-4 p.m. Open to ages 6 and
up. The Workshop will explore the language of birds, share how to
1-800-639-9753 L. Jackson
(c) 2017 King Features Synd., Inc. SUNDAY, MONDAY, TUESDAY
owned a bunch of IBM software and had learned how to use
Silicon Cowboys it, he could buy a Compaq for his next device and feel right
at home.
BARRE - Studio Place Arts Exhibits. Exhibit dates: April 25 It sounds simple, but this nifty little change started a chain
reaction, transforming PCs from a niche product into the ma-
- May 28, 2017. Main floor gallery: Seeing the Forests for the en thousand years ago, man developed written lan-
Trees This show is inspired by the diversity of woody plants guage. Written language allowed for the advancement chines that run our lives.
and forests; it involves more than 25 artists and includes nontra- of technology, the growth of cities, and the creation of Compaq also made its rst computer portable. Granted, the
ditional and traditional media. Second floor gallery: Silent lasting civilizations. Compaq Portable weighed 28 pounds. But it had a durable
Auction to Benefit SPA Programs: including artwork, crafts and plastic shell and a leather strap so that
other items. Wendy James and Rene Schall are featured artists. Five hundred years ago, a German
invented the printing press. Sudden- business people could take it to and
Bidding starts April 25 and concludes at the BASH on May 12. from the ofce.
Third floor gallery: Visual Jazz-Homage to the Earth by Roger ly, Western Europeans became the
most educated and the most intel- Those three Texas pals who al-
Goldenberg, includes oil on canvas assemblages and a series of most opened a Mexican restaurant
monotypes inspired by our Earths climate, weather and geolo- lectually rebellious people in world
history. Within a generation, another had started a chain reaction that would
gy. end with half the human race carrying
-- Paletteers Spring Art Show. Aldrich Library Milne Room German guy permanently destroyed
the hegemony of the Roman Catho- little computers in their pocket at all
during regular library hours. April 8 to May 26, 2017. times.
Reception: Tuesday, April 11 from 5:30-7 p.m. Refreshments lic Church.
Forty years ago, nobody had a computer in their home, on The most entertaining part of this thoroughly entertaining
served. documentary is when we see how savvy Compaq was at mar-
BERLIN - The Gallery at Central Vermont Medical Center their desk at work, or in their pocket. Now we all do. The
universal availability of personal computers is as revolution- keting.
presents Spring Four-Ward - Watercolors by four award-winning So, its 1983. Youre selling a $3000 luxury product aimed
members of the Vermont Watercolor Society through June 2. ary to human communication as the invention of the printing
press and the written word itself. at the 30-something nerds who can afford it. Who is the per-
CHELSEA - Los Colores de Mexico, photographs by John fect pitchman?
Douglas/Flying Squirrel of Vershire, Vermont, on exhibit in Silicon Cowboys tells the scintillating story of some
Two words: John. Cleese.
May and June at the Chelsea Public Library, 685-2188. American underdogs who spearheaded the computer revolu-
The 70-minute lm does not skimp on the footage of John
MONTPELIER - Sculpture Exhibit. Featuring contemporary tion. Cleeses charmingly irreverent ad campaign that transformed
sculpture created by Vermont artists. Vermont Arts Council In 1982, three nerdy friends quit their jobs at Texas Instru- Compaq from underdog outsider to Wall Street mega-titan.
Sculpture Garden, ongoing. ments and in order to start a company of their own. They Silicon Valley is a joyous little lm that celebrates an
-- The Vermont Supreme Court Gallery presents From almost opened a Mexican restaurant (seriously), but they ul- American company that made a billion dollars, gave hundreds
Nature to Abstract works by Maria Anghelache. 111 State St. timately decided to build a factory in Houston and produce of Texans solid factory jobs, and changed the world forever.
Through June 30, 2017. Opening reception April 13 from 4-7 computers. They called the company Compaq. For the record, I am not saying that the computer revolution
p.m. At the dawn of the PC era, there were several companies was a good thing. I saw Terminator. And I dont like how
-- The Vermont Governors Gallery presents Moments selling home computers. The problem was, the companies addicted I am to my iPhone. But the revolution is here, its ir-
Watercolors by Jo MacKenzie. The exhibit will be up until were all separate from each other and it was hard for a new reversible, and its as important to human history as the Print-
June 30, 2017. Opening reception April 13 from 3-5 p.m. user to decide which PC universe to dive into. ing Press. Silicon Cowboys is an interesting story about the
-- A Change in the Weather exhibit. T.W. Wood Gallery, 46 Compaqs brilliant innovation was to make its computers guys who did it.
Dead & Company Barre St. May 2, 2017-July 7, 2017. Gallery hours are Tuesday-
Saratoga PerformingSaturday, noonNYto 4 p.m. and by appointment. A Joint Exhibit
TUE, JUN 20 @ 7:00PM
Arts Center - Saratoga,
Michael Franti & Spearhead Adelaide Murphy Tyrol and Richard Murphy. Opening
- Lebanon, NHon Friday, May 5 from 4-8 p.m. at the Gallery with a
THU, JUN 22 @ 7:30PM
Lebanon Opera House
Third Eye Blind presentation by the artists at 6 p.m. This event is part of DONT PUT OFF TIL
Saratoga PerformingMontpeliers
SAT, JUL 1 @ 7:30PM
Arts Center - Saratoga,Art
NY Walk. Music with the CBT band will be play- TOMORROW WHAT YOU
Tedeschi Trucks Band
SUN, JUL 2 @ 6:30PM
ing before the talk.
-- Midway
Champlain Valley Expo Pastel Society Art Exhibit Color Comes Alive.
Lawn - Essex
T.W. Wood Gallery, 46 Barre St. May 2-26, 2017. Opening
onnections CAN SELL TODAY!
Junction, VT
Cinderella Four Voices: Joan Baez, Mary Chapin Carpenter,
My Morning Jacket
WED, JUL 12 @ 7:00PMreception Friday, May 5 from 5-7 p.m. FRI, MAY 5 - SUN, MAY 7 and Indigo Girls
-- Studies in the Art of Chance works by Laura Jane Walker
Shelburne Museum - Shelburne, VT Lebanon Opera House - Lebanon, NH FRI, JUN 16 @ 7:00PM
Bank of New Hampshire Pavilion - Gilford, NH
Or Toll Free 1-800-639-9753
Kris Kristofferson
at the Spotlight Gallery. A reception with the artist will be held
Elvis Costello & The Imposters
SUN, JUL 23 @ 7:00PM FRI, MAY 5 @ 8:00PM Dave Matthews & Tim Reynolds
Shelburne Museum -Friday, Central Vermonts Newspaper
May 5 from 4-7 p.m. during Art Walk. The exhibit will
Shelburne, VT Flynn Theater - Burlington, VT FRI, JUN 16 - SAT, JUN 17
Saratoga Performing Arts Center - Saratoga, NY
be shown through May 25, 2017. Open Monday through Friday
Kings of Leon An Evening with Livingston Taylor
WED, JUL 26 @ 7:00PM THU, MAY 11 @ 7:30PM Dead & Company
Saratoga Performingfrom 8 -a.m.
Arts Center toNY4:30 p.m. in the Vermont Arts Council office,
Saratoga, Woodstock Town Hall - Woodstock, VT TUE, JUN 20 @ 7:00PM
FRI, JUL 28 - SAT, JUL 29 State St.
Twiddles Tumble Down Festival Storm Large
SUN, MAY 14 @ 7:00PM
Saratoga Performing Arts Center - Saratoga, NY
Michael Franti & Spearhead
-- Art
Waterfront Park - Burlington, VT Opening: Jayne Shoup. The Cheshire Cat, 28 Elm St. Johnsbury School - St. Johnsbury, VT THU, JUN 22 @ 7:30PM
403 U.S. Route 302 - Berlin Barre, Vermont 05641
St.Friday, May 5, from 4-8 p.m. Pastels by Jayne Shoup. Jayne
The Shins The Record Company Lebanon Opera House - Lebanon, NH
SUN, JUL 30 @ 4:00PM FRI, MAY 19 @ 8:00PM Third Eye Blind
drawsVTinspiration from the beauty of central Vermont. Her bril-
Waterfront Park - Burlington, Higher Ground - South Burlington, VT SAT, JUL 1 @ 7:30PM
John Mellencamp
FRI, SEP 1 @ 7:00PM liantly colored pastel paintings depict scenes from her rural Rock Your Camo 5K
Saratoga Performing Arts Center - Saratoga, NY
Bethel Braintree Montpelier Randolph Rochester U-32 District Towns Waterbury Schedules subject to change without notice. CHARTER
SUN, JUL 30 @ALL 4:00PM
Waterfront Park - Burlington, VT
ORCA Media Channel 15 3:00p Democracy Now! 2:00p The Struggle Friday, May 5 11:30a Vermont State House
John Mellencamp
Public Access 4:00p Gay USA 2:30p StressLESS Mindfulness 12:00p Washington Central Supervisory 7:00p Waterbury Selectboard FRI, SEP 1 @ 7:00PM
5:00p Senior Moments Meditation 10:00p Under the Golden Dome
CVTV Channel 192 BARRE, VT
Champlain Valley Expo Coca-Cola Grand Stand - Essex Junction, Allchange,
schedules are subject to
Weekly Program Schedule please call us
6:30p For the Animals 3:00p Democracy Now! 4:00p OSHER Lifelong Learning Institute 10:30p Inside Your Statehouse VT with questions - 479-1075.
Wednesday, May 3 7:00p Bear Pond Books 4:00p Net Zero 6:00p First Wednesdays Wednesday Opening 5:30 AM Talking About Movies
6:00a Spotlight on Vermont Issues 9:00p Gay USA 6:00p Fake News? 8:00p U-32 School Board 1:00 AM The Artful Word 4:30 PM Holiday Fun 6:00 AM City Room with Steven
7:30a All Right Vermont Fri, May 5 1:30 AM Hendersons Herb Tinctures 5:00 PM Ghost Chronicles Pappas
10:00p Poem City 9:00p Goddard College Haybarn 7:00a Bethel Selectboard 3:00 AM Health Talk 6:00 PM 13 Most Haunted - MA 6:30 AM Ghost Chronicles
8:00a Democracy Now! Theatre 3:30 AM New England Music Awards 6:30 PM Understanding PTSD 7:30 AM Gory Storytime
9:00a Red Warrior Mama Pt. 2 10:00p The Importance of Old-Growth Saturday, May 6 10:00a Vermont Congressional 5:30 AM The Better Part 8:00 PM Hunger Mountain Co-op 8:00 AM Sidewalks Entertainment
10:00a Goddard College Haybarn Saturday, May 6 12:00p VT State Board of Education Delegation 6:00 AM The Better Part 10:30 PM Issues of Aging 8:30 AM Energy Conservation
Theatre 6:00a The State of Opioid Addiction in VT Forests 4:30p Washington Central Supervisory 1:00p Moretown Selectboard 6:30 AM Saturday 10:00 AM Ethan Allen Homestead
8:00 AM Poetry Outloud - live broad- 2:30 AM Moose & Bears in NH 11:30 AM Will the Constitution
12:00p The Thom Hartmann Program 10:00a Building Sled for Climate Change Union 4:00p Berlin Selectboard cast 4:00 AM Burlington Bookfest Preview 12:30 PM Lego Chat
1:00p Bear Pond Books 12:00p Bill Doyle on VT Issues Tuesday, May 9 8:00p East Montpelier School Board 8:00p Capital Beat 4:00 PM The Better Part 4:30 AM Sustainable Living Series 1:00 PM Community Producers
3:00p Democracy Now! 1:00p Goddard College Haybarn 6:00a The Spark of Creativity 10:00p Massachusetts School of Law 9:00p Montpelier Planning Commission 4:30 PM The Better Part 6:00 AM Floor Hockey 1:30 PM Talking About Movies
8:00a Democracy Now! 5:00 PM 7:00 AM Upper Valley Humane Society 2:00 PM City Room with Steven
4:00p Bill Doyle on VT Issues Theatre 6:32 PM 1st Wednesdays 7:30 AM SlowLiving Pappas
5:00p Migrant Justice Action 3:00p VTDigger News & Brews 9:00a Vermont Historical Society Sat, May 6 8:00 PM 30 Minutes with Bill Schmick 9:00 AM Montpelier Brown Bag Series 2:30 PM Ghost Chronicles
11:00a You and Your Health Sunday, May 7
5:30p Poem City 4:30p Roman Catholic Mass 12:00p U-32 School Board 6:00a Vermont State House 8:30 PM Conversations with Kay 12:00 PM Moose & Bears in NH 3:30 PM Gory Storytime
11:30a Labor Today in Vermont 9:00 PM Vermont Historical Society 1:30 PM Burlington Bookfest Preview 4:00 PM Sidewalks Entertainment
7:30p Labor Today in Vermont 5:00p Washington Baptist Church 3:30p Montpelier School Board 8:00a Central Vermont Regional Planning 10:00 PM The Artful Word 2:00 PM Sustainable Living Series
12:00p The Thom Hartmann Program 4:30 PM Energy Conservation
8:00p Veterans Voice 6:00p Slavery & the Underground 7:30p VT State Board of Education Commission 10:30 PM Hendersons Herb Tinctures 3:30 PM Floor Hockey 6:00 PM Ethan Allen Homestead
9:00p Senior Moments Railroad 1:00p All Things LGBTQ 11:00a Randolph Selectboard Thursday 4:30 PM Upper Valley Humane Society 7:30 PM Will the Constitution
2:00p Energy Week 2:00 AM The State of Marriage 5:00 PM SlowLiving
10:30p Spotlight on Vermont Issues 7:30p Vermont Treasures 4:00p Vermont State House 8:30 PM Lego Chat
3:00 AM Yestermorrow Lecture Series 6:30 PM Montpelier Brown Bag Series 9:00 PM Community Producers
8:00p All Things LGBTQ 3:00p Democracy Now! Monday, May 8 6:00p Bernie Sanders Town Meetings 4:00 AM Taste for Life 9:30 PM Moose & Bears in NH 9:30 PM Talking About Movies
9:30p All Right Vermont 4:00p Extempo 12:00p Rumney Memorial School 9:00p Green Mountain Care Board 4:30 AM On the Waterfront 11:00 PM Burlington Bookfest Preview 10:00 PM City Room with Steven
Thursday, May 4 10:00p The Spark of Creativity 5:00p VT Film Essentials 3:00p East Montpelier School Board 5:00 AM 2015 Cornish Fair 11:30 PM Sustainable Living Series Pappas
6:00a Hunger Mountain Coop Workshop 6:00p The Importance of Old-Growth 6:00p Norwich Writers Symposium 5:30 AM Salaam/Shalom Sunday 10:30 PM Ghost Chronicles
6:30 AM Yoga To Go 1:30 AM Lego Chat
Series Forests 8:00p Game of the Week Sun, May 7 7:30 AM RagFest Concerts 2:00 AM Community Producers
11:30 PM Gory Storytime
8:00a Democracy Now! Sunday, May 7 7:30p Bill Doyle on VT Issues 7:00a Waterbury Trustees 8:30 AM Judge Ben 2:30 AM Talking About Movies
3:00 AM Ethan Allen Homestead
9:00a VTDigger News & Brews 6:00a Washington Baptist Church 8:00p Net Zero 10:30a Waterbury Selectboard 9:30 AM Ethan Allen Homestead 3:00 AM Vaccine Mandates 4:00 AM Ragtime - All Tha Jazz
10:30a Exploring Climate Change in VT 7:00a Gay USA Tuesday, May 9 3:00p Montpelier Development Review 10:30 AM Its News to Us 3:30 AM Ghost Chronicles 5:00 AM Talking About Movies
10:00p Ounce of Prevention 12:00p Vermont Youth Orchestra 11:30 AM The Y Connection 4:30 AM Gory Storytime
12:00p The Thom Hartmann Program 8:00a Eckankar 10:30p NOFA VT Winter Conference Board 12:00 PM Vermont Today 5:00 AM Green Mountain Vets for
6:00 AM Lifelines
1:00p North Branch Nature Center 8:30a Poem City 1:00p Orange Southwest Supervisory 6:00p Montpelier Design Review 1:30 PM The State of Marriage Peace
6:30 AM For the Animals
Union 7:00 AM Authors at the Aldrich
3:00p Democracy Now! 10:30a Roman Catholic Mass Committee 2:30 PM Yestermorrow Lecture Series 6:00 AM Holistically Speaking
8:00 AM Sidewalks Entertainment
4:00p Building Sled for Climate Change 11:00a Bear Pond Books 4:00p Rumney Memorial School 8:00p Montpelier City Council
3:30 PM Taste for Life 6:30 AM Mountain Man Adventures
8:30 AM Green Mountain Vets for
6:00p The State of Opioid Addiction in VT 12:30p The Artful Word ORCA Media Channel 16 8:00p Bethel School Board Mon, May 8 6:00a Vermont State House
4:00 PM On the Waterfront
4:30 PM 2015 Cornish Fair
7:00 AM Cuban Bridge
8:31 AM Car Stories Peace
8:00p Vote for Vermont 3:00p Spotlight on Vermont Issues Education Access 11:00a Bethel Selectboard 5:00 PM Salaam/Shalom 9:00 AM Health Talk 9:30 AM Holistically Speaking
10:00 AM Mountain Man Adventures
9:00p Exploring Climate Change in VT 5:00p Vote for Vermont Weekly Program Schedule 2:00p Berlin Selectboard
6:00 PM Yoga To Go 9:30 AM Ethan Allen Homestead
10:30 AM Cuban Bridge
7:00 PM RagFest Concerts 10:30 AM Ragtime - All Tha Jazz
10:30p Fake News? 6:30p All Right Vermont Wednesday, May 3 5:30p Montpelier Planning Commission 8:00 PM Judge Ben 11:30 AM Talking About Movies 11:00 AM Hometown Storytellers
7:00p Gay USA 12:00p Game of the Week ORCA Media Channel 17 LIVE 9:00 PM Ethan Allen Homestead 12:30 PM Lifelines 12:00 PM Car Stories
12:30 PM Health Talk
8:00p Vermont Countryside 4:00p Berlin School Board Government Access 10:00 PM Its News to Us 1:00 PM For the Animals
Friday, May 5 9:30p North Branch Nature Center Weekly Program Schedule 11:00 PM The Y Connection 1:30 PM Authors at the Aldrich 1:00 PM Ethan Allen Homestead
6:00a Fake News? 5:30p UVM French Connections Tue, May 9 11:30 PM Vermont Today 2:30 PM 2:00 PM Ragtime - All Tha Jazz
3:00 PM Talking About Movies
7:30a The Struggle 11:30p The Struggle 7:00p Montpelier School Board LIVE Wed, May 3 6:00a Vermont State House
Friday 4:02 PM Truck Pull 2015
4:00 PM Lifelines
1:00 AM Green Mountain Care Board 5:00 PM Cuban Bridge
8:00a Democracy Now! 7:00a Vermont Congressional Delegation 9:00a Bernie Sanders Town Meetings 2:30 AM Twin St vs Granite St Derby 6:00 PM Conversations with Kay 4:30 PM For the Animals
9:00a Extempo Monday, May 8 Thursday, May 4 9:00a Green Mountain Care Board 1:30p Inside Your Statehouse 4:00 AM WRJ Vet Center Grand 6:30 PM Vermont Historical Society 5:00 PM Authors at the Aldrich
3:00p Waterbury Trustees Opening 7:30 PM Its News to Us 6:00 PM Sidewalks Entertainment
10:00a All Things LGBTQ 6:00a Senior Moments 12:00p Bethel School Board 2:00p Capital Beat 5:00 AM Holiday Fun 8:30 PM The Y Connection 6:30 PM Green Mountain Vets for
11:00a Veterans for Peace 8:00a Democracy Now! 3:00p Berlin School Board 5:30p Montpelier City Council 3:00p Under the Golden Dome 5:30 AM Ghost Chronicles 9:00 PM Vermont Today Peace
9:00a Vote for Vermont 6:30 AM 13 Most Haunted - MA 10:30 PM The State of Marriage 7:30 PM Holistically Speaking
12:00p Brunch With Bernie 6:00p Orange Southwest Supervisory 4:00p Vermont State House
7:00 AM Understanding PTSD 11:30 PM Yestermorrow Lecture Series 8:00 PM Mountain Man Adventures
1:00p The Thom Hartmann Program 10:00a North Branch Nature Center Union Thu, May 4 5:30p Mont Design Review Committee 8:30 AM Hunger Mountain Co-op Monday 8:30 PM Cuban Bridge
2:00p Yoga for You 12:00p The Thom Hartmann Program 10:00p First Wednesdays 6:00a Vermont State House 7:00p Montpelier Development Review 11:00 AM Issues of Aging 2:00 AM Ethan Allen Homestead 9:00 PM Hometown Storytellers
2:30p Labor Today in Vermont 1:00p Red Warrior Mama Pt. 2 7:00a Randolph Selectboard Board 12:30 PM Green Mountain Care Board 3:30 AM Will the Constitution 10:00 PM Car Stories
3:00 PM High on the Hog 4:30 AM Lego Chat 10:30 PM Health Talk
3:30 PM WRJ Vet Center Grand 5:00 AM Community Producers 11:00 PM Talking About Movies
Community Media (802) 224-9901 Check out our Web page at Up-to-date schedules for CVTV can also be viewed online at
Fifty Shades Void (R) -- This low-budget love letter to
Darker (R) -- 1980s horror traps a small-town cop (Aaron
This second installment in the movie franchise Poole) and a bunch of Canadian locals in a hos-
based on the obscenely well-sold erotica books pital surrounded by robed knife-wielding cult-
offers more less-wild-than-youd-think sex ists. The night really takes a turn when people in
scenes packaged in a degradingly dumb roman- the hospital start turning into twisted shape-
tic plot. In the last movie, Ana (Dakota Johnson) shifting gore monsters, a la 1982s The Thing.
ditched chiseled billionaire bedroom badboy As a true fan of that cinematic classic, this
Christian (Jamie Dornan) after things got a little reviewer was impressed by the dedication to
rough. Now he really wants her back, and Ana practical effects, and the confirmation that using
can barely say no before giving in to whatever good ol rubber parts and fake blood makes bet-
Stubbleface McMoneybags wants. ter horror than any CGI. Too bad the plots a bit *
To try to develop the plot this time around, pro- top-heavy and the characters arent as fleshed- others
ducers deftly avoided giving Ana or Christian out as the fleshy monsters.
any kind of depth or meaningful shift in their
relationship. Instead, theres a plot with Anas A Street Cat Named Bob (Not Rated) -- James
aggressive lawsuit-liability of a boss. Ana says Bowen (James Treadaway) lived on the streets,
she wants independence, before handing control strumming his guitar for money between metha- average number of people reading this issue
of her life and career to Chris in exchange for done treatments and meetings with his addiction
lavish wealth and sexy times in a really nice counselor (Joanne Froggatt). As James starts to
shower. piece a life together in a new apartment, a ram-
bunctious orange cat breaks into his kitchen --
Things to Come (R) -- After 25 years of mar- and into his heart. Dubbing him Bob, the cat and
riage, Nathalie (Isabelle Huppert) learns that her human help each other through their respective
husband (Andre Marcon) is moving in with his recoveries. Based on the best-selling memoir by
much-younger lover. Nathalie still has intel-
lectual fulfillment as a professor of philosophy,
with strong bonds to her adult children and for-
the real-life Bowen, its predictability puts up
barriers around many of the sentimental moments
in the uplifting drama checklist. Cats are good at
mer students. As she explores the newfound getting around barriers though, and Bob defies
freedom she didnt ask for, a former student you not to be charmed by him.
(Roman Kolinka) appears as a potential romance. TV RELEASES
Nathalie also must care for her ailing mother Divorce: Season 1
(Edith Scob) grappling with dementia. Inside Amy Schumer: Season 4
Hupperts performance already has award Orange is the New Black: Season 4 *According to the nationally known audit rm
rumors popping up, as she handles a strong and Unleashing Mr. Darcy Circulation Verication Council (CVC)
complicated character. Theres a fine balance The WORLD has an average readership of 30,000 per issue
(c) 2017 King Features Synd., Inc. Audited numbers are numbers you can trust.
4-PK. 16-OZ. CANS . .................................... $1199**
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Other Store Specials Too Numerous To Mention!
Antlerless Deer Proposal Voted on by F&W Board Inc Limited Late Models, and the Weglarz Property Service
Four Cylinders.
The Vermont Fish & Wildlife Board voted on the Fish & the November 4-5 youth weekend hunt. Youths took 885 Season passes are available for general admission, Adults is
Wildlife Departments proposal for antlerless deer hunting for antlerless deer during the 2016 youth weekend hunt. $180.00, Seniors and Teens $150.00. 2017 membership and
2017 at its meeting on April 26 in Montpelier. The December 2-10 muzzleloader season would have car owner applications are available on line or by calling
We are recommending an increase in muzzleloader season 24,500 antlerless permits distributed in 18 of Vermonts 21 603/222-4052.
antlerless deer permits this year to account for the increase in Wildlife management Units (WMU), which is estimated to Bear Ridge Speedway is as an alcohol free family friendly
the deer population following another mild winter in 2017, result in 3,608 antlerless deer being taken. entertainment spot, with our goal to make each experience at
said Nick Fortin, deer project leader for the Fish & Wildlife The Fish & Wildlife Departments antlerless deer hunting the Ridge better than the last. Remember Dirt where every
Department. Much of Vermont has experienced two con- proposal for 2017 and the Fish & Wildlife Boards recom- lap is the last lap we continue to offer the best source of good
secutive very mild winters. As a result, the recommendation mended permits by each WMU are on Vermont Fish & inexpensive high quality entertainment for families.
is intended to stabilize or reduce deer densities in some parts Wildlifes website ( Public Bear Ridge Speedway is located off exit 16 of I91 on to rte
of the state while allowing for moderate population growth in comments on the proposal may be emailed to ANR. 25 west 1 mile to South Road up the hill to Kidder Rd. The
other areas.
[email protected] by May 23, 2017. green will wave every Saturday starting May 6 at 6:00
The departments annual recommendation is based on
population estimates, biological data, winter severity data, The department held three deer hunting public hearings pm(ish). Be sure to check the web www.bearridgespeedway.
and deer sighting rates reported by hunters, as well as input earlier and will hold two more in May. The meetings will be com. Questions can be sent to [email protected]
from game wardens, foresters and the public. held 6:30-8:30 p.m. on Thursday May 11 at Randolph Union
We expect the statewide deer population to be about High School, 15 Forest Street, Randolph, VT 05060 and on
157,000 prior to the start of the 2017 deer seasons, said Tuesday May 16 at Burr and Burton Academy, 57 Seminary
Fortin. Avenue, Manchester, VT 05254.
Hunting for antlerless deer is proposed statewide for the The Fish & Wildlife Board will vote again at their May 24
October 7-November 3 and December 2-10 archery season. board meeting on the antlerless deer hunting proposal.
Last year, hunters took 2,595 antlerless deer during the Muzzleloader season antlerless permit applications are sched-
archery season. uled to be available on the Fish & Wildlife Departments
One deer of either sex would be allowed for youths during website in early June.
People, Flirty Chat. Meet sin-
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Working with small groups of students on projects or class
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Participating in lunch duty with other teachers in the
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Strengths in the following areas are helpful:
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electrical and food services/culinary
strong communication skills organizational skills Long-Term SubSTiTuTe
strong problem solving and conflict resolution Full-time position available for an energetic individual to work
willingness to learn
motivation and self-direction as a long-term substitute in U-32s cafeteria kitchen for the
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High School diploma and beyond of a position w/benefits next school year. Experience with food
Drivers license preparation and line service preferred, but we will train the right
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construction, electrical, plumbing/heating, automotive and adults is a must.
certifications in a trade is strongly encouraged For information, please call Brian Fischer at (802) 229-0321
******************************************************* ext. 5136.
Qualified candidates are invited to send a letter of interest,
resume, and 3 letters of recommendation to or apply thru Interested individuals should submit a completed application with current references to:
Penny Chamberlin, Director Steven Dellinger-Pate, Principal
Central Vermont Career Center
155 Ayers Street, Barre, VT 05641 U-32, 930 Gallison Hill Road, Montpelier, VT 05602
Website: Deadline: Open until filled
(Available at or in the main office)
Position open until filled
EOE Equal Opportunity Employer
potato barn
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na, lawn mower, tiller, garden Collection of Dye Plants, to benefit the
SPECIAL Capitalizing more than the first 2 words, etc. 70/WORD Or any other
personal information
Run The Same DEADLINE: For The WORLD is MONDAY by 10:00
Classified for AM To someone you dont know
3 Consecutive Weeks- when answering an advertisement.
ORD CANCELLATIONS: A classified ad cancelled before 10:00 AM
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experiences seem new to her, it's like she's a
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page 32 The WORLD May 3, 2017
continued continued continued continued continued continued
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HEAVY continued on next page
JOHN DEERE 420 Bulldozer. JUST296 EastGOOD AUTOS
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runs and steers good. Has 802-479-0140
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866-928-9370 For more De- $4,995
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Crew cab w/cap, 76K mi, runs $12,995
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May 3, 2017 The WORLD page 35
State of Vermont Surplus Asset - Live Public Auction CARS & CARS & CARS &
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Sale Location: Central Garage- 1756 US Route 302, Berlin, VT 05602 Cody Chevrolet-Cadillac, false claims and promises to
2009 KIA SPECTRA $5,995 erase a trail of unpaid bills or
Inventory Preview: Friday, May12,
Friday, May 6, 2016;
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Robert Dudley
erforming simple preventative main- -Check the tires, including tire pressure and tread. Uneven Jerry Dudley
wear indicates a need for wheel alignment. Tires should also Find Us Online at
tenance on your vehicle will go a long
be checked for bulges and bald spots. CARS TRUCKS, SUVs & VANS
way toward protecting your vehicle
-Check the hoses and belts to make sure they are not Warranties Available
investment, says the non-profit Car cracked, brittle, frayed, loose or showing signs of excessive We Are Now A FULL SERVICE SHOP Doing State
Care Council. Inspections, Tires, Oil & Filter, Mechanical, etc.
Buying a new car today comes with a hefty price tag -Check the heating, ventilating and air conditioning (HVAC)
when you add up the down payment, monthly car pay- system as proper heating and cooling performance is critical
ments and higher insurance rates. Neglecting its care can for interior comfort and safety reasons, such as defrosting.
mean even higher costs down the line in the form of more -Check the wipers and lighting so that you can see and be Hunter Heavy Duty
extensive repairs and lost resale value, said Rich White,
executive director, Car Care Council. By following a proac-
seen. Check that all interior and exterior lighting is work-
ing properly and replace worn wiper blades so you can see ALIGNMENTS
tive auto care plan, the typical car should deliver at least clearly when driving during precipitation.
200,000 miles of safe, dependable, efcient and enjoyable For All
Be sure to fully inspect your vehicle annually, includ-
performance. Sizes
National Car Care Month in April is the perfect time of ing performing a tune-up and wheel alignment, continued
White. If you ever suspect there is a problem, its a good
of RVs
year to give your car some extra attention. The Car Care Trucks,
Council recommends following a vehicle service schedule, idea to address it quickly before minor repairs become more Trailers &
keeping a free copy of the councils Car Care Guide in the complicated, expensive repairs. Buses
glovebox and performing the most common routine mainte- The Car Care Council is the source of information for
nance procedures to keep your vehicle performing at its best.
-Check all uids, including engine oil, power steering, brake
and transmission as well as windshield washer solvent and
the Be Car Care Aware consumer education campaign
promoting the benets of regular vehicle care, maintenance McLEODS Your Truck
and repair to consumers. For the latest car care news, visit SPRING & CHASSIS
antifreeze/coolant. the councils online media room at 32 BLACKWELL ST., BARRE, VT 05641 1-802-476-4971
-Check the brake system annually and have the brake lin- To order a free copy of the popular Car Care Guide, visit the
ings, rotors and drums inspected at each oil change. councils consumer education website at
Mike Gosselin Victor Badeau Kevin Clark Ryan Dellamico Jay Laquerre Stacey Kemp
Sales Manager Business
Stk#2263P, automatic Stk#23317A, automatic, 50K miles Stk# 1516B, 6-Speed Automatic, 11K Miles
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WE DO STORE HOURS Stk#2257P1, 6-Speed Automatic, 70K miles Stk#49816A, auto., 4-dr. Stk#28017A, 4-Speed HD Auto. w/OD, 52Kmiles
Seminary Sts., Barre Stk#1516B, automatic Stk#34916A, auto., 23K miles Stk#28217A, 6-Speed Automatic , 26K miles
24,988 NOW $
14,900 NOW $28,988
WRANGLER HANKOOK COOPER Cody Chevrolet Cadillac Barre-Montpelier Road Montpelier 802-223-6337 Toll Free 1-800-278-Cody
May 3, 2017 The WORLD page 37
real estate
May 3, 2017 WE GET
Display Ads Fri. 3 PM
Word Ads Mon. 10AM [email protected]
135 Washington St. 81 Main St.
OR shown
One Level Living: single and duplex units, 2by appointment
bedrooms, 2 baths,anytime
full basement, 1 or 2 car garage option
Barre Montpelier
Priced from the mid $220,000s
One Level Living: single and duplex units, 2 bedrooms, 2 baths,
Directions: From RT 302, turn onto Hill Street at Elmwood Cemetery, mile on Hill Street, left onto
full basement, 1 or 2 car garage option
476-6500 229-0345
Windy Wood Road, look for sign on left and turn into Windy Wood.
Single family homes priced from $262,000 and
R E A LT O R S Duplex homes priced from $229,000
Directions: From RT 302, turn onto Hill Street at Elmwood Cemetery, 1-800-696-1456
mile on Hill Street, left onto Windy Wood Road, look for sign on left
and turn into Windy Wood.
7524 or 802-485-7789 Master bedroom has on suite
not the neighbors.
deck and bath. Home also
Just describe the property and has single level, attached
youll almost always obey the LAND 3bdrm/2bth apartment, great
FOR SALE for in-law or rental income.
Detached 28x30, 2 story high
WILLIAMSTOWN, 2 BED- bay garage, Huge room up-
ROOM APT, 2nd Floor, heat BUILDING LOT w/Well & stairs for office/play/exercise.
& Electrcity included, Newly Septic in Williamstown, Minutes from I-89 access and
V isit
Renovated, partially Furish, $49,900.00. 802-272-7422 vast trail. $184,900. 802-433-
$850/mo. 1st, Last & Security 1359
Deposit, References & Credit MARSHFIELD RT 232, 1
Check, No Pets or smoking al- Acre. Drilled well, septic in
lowed, Please Call place, beautiful views, power
Having trouble paying your Searching for your dream home? Mention this ad
mortgage? The Federal Trade
Denis 802-371-9126 at road, 50X24 garage w/ Commission says dont pay
high ceiling in 1/2, power door any fees in advance to peo- for a FREE Hom
Opener. $69,500 obo. 239- ple who promise to protect e
VACATION 495-1153 your home from foreclosure. Appraisal!
Report them to the FTC, the
RENTALS/SALES MORETOWN: 63 acres nations consumer protection
$150,000 802-244-7517 agency. For more information,
LAKE WINNIPESAUKEE, call 1-877-FTC-HELP or click
WEIRS BEACH NH, Chan- MORRISTOWN: 10 +/- acres on A message from
nel waterfront Cottages- The World and the FTC.
1,2,3+Queen Bedrooms,
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Thank You For Saying for a FREE, no commitment Mortgage Pre-Approval, and educational tools
fortable, Call Today 1-603-
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W.FAIRLEE VT, 3/4 acre Mo-
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I Saw It In
COTTAGES.COM 802-866-5961
1706 Equal Housing Lender | Licensed Lender State of VT | NMLS#854380 105 North Main Street, Ste 102 | Barre, VT 05641
Cannot combine with any other offer. Minimum mortgage amount of $80,000. Must close your mortgage financing with Premium Mortgage. Other restrictions may
That Works
Round in Aruba. The water
is safe, and the dining is fan-
Sleeps 8. $3500. email: caro-
[email protected]
for more information.
317 River Street 484 E. Montpelier Road, PO Box 545, Barre, VT 05641
Montpelier Contact
Tel: 802-476-2055 Fax: 802-476-8440
Lori Holt [email protected]
Jack Associates REALTOR
Barre City - $69,900 Barre City - $269,000 East Montpelier - $125,000 (JUST LISTED)
Very affordable 3 bedroom, 1 bath home, a great home for This stunning, meticulously maintained Colonial has so much to Previously a working farm. This property offers a multitude
rst time homebuyers and those looking to downsize. Enjoy offer! Featuring four bedrooms and two bathrooms in the main home, of opportunities, such as an agriculture farm, horse property,
relaxing on the front covered porch or cooking out on the this home also features a completely updated Carriage House, produce farm, etc. This premium, open 28+ acre lot hosts a 3
back covered porch. renovated into an amazing apartment. Stunning features include
hardwood oors, original woodwork, spacious kitchen, a newer gas bedroom, 2 bathroom home, barns, free stall structure, farm
MLS #4614369 Listed by Kevin Copeland stove and clawfoot tubs. In the Carriage House, youll nd an updated equipment shop, 4 silos and much, much more.
kitchen, brick replace, and large bathroom with 2 person Jacuzzi MLS # 4627300 Listed by Kevin Copeland
Tub! This home also offers a two car garage with attached heated
workshop. An absolute must see!
MLS #4516894 Listed by Courtney Brummert
As a Vermont family business, we know what home means. Our approach is local,
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