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Spring Fling


Saturday, May 6, 2017 69 p.m. at the Aldrich Library


Vol. 45, No. 52 403 US RTE 302 - BERLIN, BARRE, VT 05641 479-2582 OR 1-800-639-9753 Fax (802) 479-7916 May 3, 2017
On the Web: Email: [email protected]

Green UpDay
Day -~ May
May 6,6,2017
First Saturday
First Saturday ininMay
THE GRAND PRIZE To help in your town go to the How to Participate
SEE PAGE 3 page at
Follow Us:
#greenupday2017 #greenupvermont

Northfield Middle High

School Interact Club
Planning Return to
Tanzania, Seeking
Community Support Elks Grand Lodge
page 5 Americanism Essay
Contest Awards
David and Jenny Stoner page 5
Awarded the
Outstanding Elks Distinguished
Tree Farmer Citizenship Award, Elk
of the Year of the Year Award and
Award Officer of the Year Award
page 6 page 11


WEEKS WORLD pages 19-21
May not be available in all papers
Agway Montpelier
Autosaver Group
Gifford Medical Center
Kenyons Hardware Snowmobile

World May Coupon Book Poster art by Hope Petraro, grade 9, Montpelier
BX Series B Series M Series L Series

0 Down, 0 % Financing A.P.R.

00 Down 0Months
, ,0
for 60
% 0 0
M Series L Series
$ % Financing
Down Financing

60 A.P.R.
* for Months*

On Select New Kubota
Promotional Finance Offer Ends 5/31/17.
On Select New Kubota
BX, B, L and MX Tractors**
Promotional Finance Offer Ends 5/31/17.
BX, B, L and MX Tractors**
for * *
On On
Select NewNew
Select Kubota
5/31/17. BX,BX,
B, LB,
and MX Tractors**
L and MX Tractors**

Champlain Valley Equipment

0 Down, 0 % Financing

for 60 Months
*$0 down, 0% A.P.R. nancing for up to 60 months on purchases of new Kubota BX, B (excluding B26), L (excluding L39/L45/ L47), M, MH (M7), MX, M-SU, M6060/
* M7060, M4, M5 (excluding M5N/M5L) Series equipment is available to qualied purchasers from participating dealers in-stock inventory through 5/31/2017. Example:
A 60-month monthly installment repayment term at 0% A.P.R. requires 60 payments of $16.67 per $1,000 nanced. 0% A.P.R. interest is available to customers if no
On Select New Kubota dealer documentation preparation fee is charged. Dealer charge for document preparation fee shall be in accordance with state laws. Inclusion of ineligible equipment may

Berlin, Vermont 802-223-0021

Promotional Finance Offer Ends 5/31/17. BX, B, L and MX Tractors** result in a higher blended A.P.R. 0% A.P.R. and low-rate nancing may not be available with customer instant rebate offers. Financing is available through Kubota Credit
Corporation, U.S.A., 1000 Kubota Drive, Grapevine, TX 76051; subject to credit approval. Some exceptions apply. Offer expires 5/31/2017. See us for details on these and
other low-rate options or go to for more information. **Only terms and conditions of Kubotas standard Limited Warranty apply. For warranty terms, see
Kubotas Limited Warranty at or authorized Kubota Dealers. Optional equipment may be shown. Kubota Tractor Corporation, 2017.
*$0 down, 0% A.P.R. nancing for up to 60 months on purchases of new Kubota BX, B (excluding B26), L (excluding L39/L45/ L47), M, MH (M7), MX, M-SU, M6060/
M7060, M4, M5 (excluding M5N/M5L) Series equipment is available to qualied purchasers from participating dealers in-stock inventory through 5/31/2017. Example:
*$0 down, 0% A.P.R. nancing for up to 60 months on purchases of new Kubota BX, B (excluding B26), L (excluding L39/L45/ L47), M, MH (M7), MX, M-SU, M6060/
M7060, M4, M5 (excluding M5N/M5L) Series equipment is available to qualied purchasers from participating dealers in-stock inventory through 5/31/2017. Example:
A 60-month monthly installment repayment term at 0% A.P.R. requires 60 payments of $16.67 per $1,000 nanced. 0% A.P.R. interest is available to customers if no
A 60-month monthly installment repayment term at 0% A.P.R. requires 60 payments of $16.67 per $1,000 nanced. 0% A.P.R. interest is available to customers if no
dealer documentation preparation fee is charged. Dealer charge for document preparation fee shall be in accordance with state laws. Inclusion of ineligible equipment may
dealer documentation preparation fee is charged. Dealer charge for document preparation fee shall be in accordance with state laws. Inclusion of ineligible equipment may
result in a higher blended A.P.R. 0% A.P.R. and low-rate nancing may not be available with customer instant rebate offers. Financing is available through Kubota Credit
Corporation, U.S.A., 1000 Kubota Drive, Grapevine, TX 76051; subject to credit approval. Some exceptions apply. Offer expires 5/31/2017. See us for details on these and
resultdown, 0% A.P.R.
in a higher nancing
blended A.P.R.for
to 60and
months on purchases
low-rate nancing may of newnotKubota BX, B with
be available (excluding
customer B26), L (excluding
other low-rate options or go to for more information. **Only terms and conditions of Kubotas standard Limited Warranty apply. For warranty terms, see
Kubotas Limited Warranty at or authorized Kubota Dealers. Optional equipment may be shown. Kubota Tractor Corporation, 2017. L39/L45/
rebate offers. L47), M,
Financing MH (M7),through
is available MX, M-SU,
Kubota M6060/
*$0 down, M4,0%
Corporation, M5A.P.R.
U.S.A., 1000 M5N/M5L)
nancing forDrive,Series
up to equipment
60 months TXon is available
76051; subjectoftotonew
purchases qualied
credit purchasers
Kubota BX, BSome from participating
(excluding B26),apply. dealers in-stock
Offer expires
L (excluding inventory
L39/L45/ L47), M, through 5/31/2017.
for details on Example:
MX, M-SU, these and
other M4,monthly
low-rate options
M5 installment repayment
or go toM5N/M5L)
(excluding termequipment
Series at more
for 0% A.P.R. requires**Only
is available 60 payments
terms and
to qualied of $16.67
purchasers perof$1,000
from Kubotas nanced.
participating 0% A.P.R.
dealers interest
in-stock isapply.
inventoryavailable to customers
For warranty
through terms,if see
5/31/2017. no
AKubotas documentation
60-month Limited
monthly preparation
installment fee is charged.
repayment term Dealer
at 0%charge
or authorized for
A.P.R. document
requires preparation
60 Optional
payments of fee
equipment shall
$16.67 maybebe
per in$1,000
shown. with 0%
nanced. state laws.
Tractor Inclusionis of
A.P.R. interest ineligibletoequipment
available customersmay if no
a higher blended A.P.R. 0%fee
preparation A.P.R. and low-rate
is charged. nancing
Dealer chargemay not be available
for document with customer
preparation fee shallinstant rebate offers.with
be in accordance Financing is available
state laws. through
Inclusion Kubotaequipment
of ineligible Credit may
Corporation, U.S.A.,
result in a higher 1000 Kubota
blended A.P.R. 0%Drive, Grapevine,
A.P.R. TX 76051;
and low-rate subject
nancing may to credit
not beapproval.
availableSome exceptionsinstant
with customer apply. rebate
Offer expires
Financing isSee us for details
available throughonKubota
these and

Champlain Valley Equipment

other low-rateU.S.A.,
Corporation, options1000
or goKubota
to for more
Drive, Grapevine, information.
TX 76051; subject **Only termsapproval.
to credit and conditions of Kubotas apply.
Some exceptions standard Limited
Offer expiresWarranty apply. See
5/31/2017. For warranty terms,onsee
us for details these and
Kubotas 72
other low-rate Kubota
Limited Warranty
options atDrive
or go
to or authorized Kubota Dealers.
for more information. Optional
**Only terms equipment
and conditionsmay be shown. standard
of Kubotas Kubota Tractor
Warranty apply.2017.For warranty terms, see
Kubotas Limited Berlin
Warranty at or authorized Kubota Dealers. Optional equipment may be shown. Kubota Tractor Corporation, 2017.
East Randolph See our complete listing of New and Used Equipment at

The hay and Tillage Tool specialisTs


Kuhn is committed to helping you succeed by building quality machines for mowing,
conditioning, tedding, raking, merging and seedbed preparation.

Middlebury, VT St. Albans, VT Derby, VT Berlin, VT East Randolph, VT

802-388-4967 802-524-6782 802-766-2400 802-223-0021 802-728-5453
&RXQW2Q Green Up Day is Saturday!
Green Up Vermont reminds Vermonters tradition, distributing over 50,000 Green Up
about the approaching annual Vermont tradi- trash bags, working with volunteer Town
tion of Green Up Day. Always the first Coordinators in all 251 towns and providing
Saturday in May, Green Up Day this year is widespread promotional messaging for par-
5HF\FOHU Saturday, May 6. On this special day, volun- ticipation.


ICount H
teers come together to clean up litter from
roadsides and public spaces to help keep
Vermont green and clean. The event teaches
children the power and fun of communities
Green Up Day is Vermonts largest all-
volunteer, statewide, one-day event. In 2016
over 22,000 volunteers came out in their com-
munities throughout the state collecting some
6XSHULRUPXOFKLQJSHUIRUPDQFH working together, civic responsibility, respect
for the environment and pride in our state.
300 tons of trash and over 5,000 tires. Funding
support for this undertaking comes from indi-
2QGQDGMXVWVWR\RXU Register to win a
The Green Up Day event is a rite of spring viduals now easily able to donate on the
SUHIHUUHGZDONLQJSDFH in Sudbury, says Larry Rowe, Co-Coordinator Vermont Income Tax Return form Line 29,
SS for Green Up Day in the town of Sudbury.
model #74720 and anytime online at the Green Up Vermont
To Be Given Away Each of Vermonts 251 towns carries out a website. Businesses also help provide fund-
ONLY AT Green Up Day in their community, reported ing, with this year over two dozen on board.
5HF\FOHU TUCKER Melinda Vieux, President of Green Up Businesses not yet partnering are always wel-


MACHINE Vermont.
She notes that Rowes remark rings true
May 13
throughout Vermont. This statewide effort To find how to take part, visit Green Ups
website at Every
Stop by for details
galvanizes citizen participation and promotes
towns Coordinator is listed on the How to
a stewardship ethic, Vieux added.

TimeCutter SS Series 
It is a lovely time for residents across the Participate page, as well as how to get Green
generations to meet, mix and mingle, says Up bags, what to do with filled bags, any
Hartland Town Coordinator Ginny White. special offerings breakfast, lunch, refresh-
SHUIRUPDQFH Smart Speed Trim/Tow/Mow ground speed ranges
The year 2020 will mark Green Ups 50th
ments and even live music. Also visit that site
to learn how businesses can be active with
funding support.
$ X W R P D W L F 
22 Steel deck with Atomic blade
6 H H  G H D O 3
H U  D
L O VH    P D N L Q J  R LPSOH The first Green Up Day was launched in
 J D X J H  I U D P H  I UR Q W  D
Automatic Parking Brake - making operation simple
O H 
10-gauge\WKHHQJLQHPDQframe, 1970 by Governor Deane Davis. It drew Vermonts Interstates and state highways,
front axle, and engine guard
national media attention with reporters com- some 2,707 miles, are cleaned each spring by
JXDUGPace senses and adjusts
Superior mulching performance
to your preferred walking pace
ing up to Vermont to film and photograph Vermonts Agency of Transportation.
 for full warranty details **The Gross horsepower of this engine was laboratory rated at Community volunteers through Green Up
crews of all ages, especially lots of kids,

See dealer for full warranty details **The Gross Torque of
this engine was laboratory rated at 2600 RPM per SAE J1940
by the engine
by the engine manufacturer in accordance with SAE J1940 or SAE J2723. As congured
emission, and operating requirements, the actual horsepower on this class of cleaning up litter along highways statewide Day efforts focus on town roads 13,086
miles. Together, Vermonters clean up their
and the Interstate, which was closed from 9
mower will be signicantly lower than what may be stated on this ad.
6PDUW6SHHG7ULP7RZ0RZJURXQGVSHHGUDQJHV a.m. to noon. Now the non-profit organization communities for the community of Vermont.
IRURSWLPDOSHUIRUPDQFH Green Up Vermont proudly carries on the Come on out and take part.

JXDUG 60$,167%$55(97


GRAND 60$,167%$55(97

R Central Vermont Road Pitch: Calling all Entrepreneurs!

The Vermont Granite Museum in Barre, p.m. All applications must be submitted on-
VT will be the site where 40 venture capital- line. The application for the Central Vermont
ists descend to hear from entrepreneurs eager FreshTracks Road Pitch can be found at:
to obtain funding for new projects based in
Central Vermont. August 3, 2016 marks the tral-vt-road-pitch-2017-2

second time that the FreshTracks Road Pitch David Rubel, Commercial Loan Portfolio
will be in the Capital Area. Manager at Community National Bank and
Entrepreneurs with creative, demonstrably once again the Chair of the Central Vermont
scalable ideas are invited to submit an appli- Road Pitch said, We are honored to host

cation to be in front of potential investors. again at a great venue and excited to consider
Locally, up to seven entrepreneurs will be a new slate of pitchers.
selected from the applicant pool. Finalists This year marks the 4th consecutive
will be provided the opportunity to pitch FreshTracks Road Pitch which sends Business
Be Re adyting TUNE-UP their products to the investors. Funding will
only be awarded for project development,
design and implementation to bring it to mar-
Bikers on a four-day Road Trip across
Vermont in search of the best and brightest
entrepreneurs. Begun in 2014 by Carin G.
Se ason Son
So SPECIAL ket, not administrative costs or overhead.
The potential funders will decide which if
Cross, co-founder and Managing Director of
the FreshTracks Fund, the FreshTracks Road
Consumer Rotary Models any of the proposals are worth investing in. In Pitch is designed to bring potential funding to

for just addition to the potential to line up funding for new ideas. The twist is that these investors

projects, $1,000.00 and a Vermont Teddy ride into Vermont towns on their motorcycles

Bear Biker Bear will be awarded for the and listen to the entrepreneurs pitch to fund
best presentation. The best presenters will the better mousetrap.
also be entered for a $4,000 Grand Prize to Locally, the event is being sponsored by
be awarded to the state-wide winner in Community National Bank (Presenting
October. Sponsor), The Barre Area Development
2- & 4-cycle Applications are now being accepted for Corporation, the Barre Partnership, The
Engines the Central Vermont Road Pitch. Applications Center for Leadership Skills, The Central
will be accepted up until June 15, 2017 at 5 continued on next page
Sharpen and balance blade, change oil, replace spark plug, check
belts and guides, check and oil throttle controls, adjust carburetor,
check and oil wheels, check muffler, check engine RPM, check safety
equipment. Additional parts & labor extra, if needed. Mowers must be Junior Gardening Program
in good, repairable conditions.
for ages 5-12
DONT FORGET, we are your headquarters for new
Echo outdoor equipment Come and receive everything you need to start your own garden!
There will be workshops on how to plant your garden and how to
WE SERVICE Almost All Makes & Models present the vegetables you grow.
AND Pickup & Delivery Available!
Tuesday, May 23 seed giveaway Barre Tonw Picnic Area 6pm
Open MondayFriday WE RENT Saturday, July 15 Montpelier Farmers Market 9am
8:30AM5:30PM Roto Tillers
Rear & Front Tine Wednesday, August 12 Barre Farmers Market 3pm
Equipment Drop Off
Post Hole Diggers Saturday, September 2 Agway 9am
24-Hours 7-Days A Week
3 To 10" Monday, September 25 Rotary dinner to honor gardeners
Open Weekends By Appointment Lawn Roller Please RSVP by May 17th to

Pearl Street Motors

Cathy at [email protected] or 225-6036
or Gary at the World at 479-2582 (ext 105) or [email protected]
please include the junior gardeners name, age, and phone number
Sponsored by the
Upper Elm St., Montpelier 223-3336 Central Vermont
Rotary Club
1 mile beyond Montpelier Recreation Field
page 2 The WORLD May 3, 2017
New Leadership Announced
at Vermont Farm to Plate
Vermonts Farm to Plate food system plan to increase eco-
nomic development and jobs in Vermonts farm and food
sector and improve access to healthy local food for all
Vermonters is currently in its sixth year of implementation.
Jake Claro has been named the Farm to Plate Director and will
be responsible for providing facilitative leadership and strate-
gic coordination for the Farm to Plate Networks work to
implement Vermonts food system plan. Claro previously TRUNK SHOW
served as the Farm to Plate Network Manager, working May 5th in Barre | 12-6pm
closely with the previous director, Erica Campbell, who tran-
sitioned into an agriculture outreach role with Senator Bernie
Sanders in February. In-store specials! Vermonts largest collection of Spring Step footwear. Enter to win! 359 N Main St, Barre
Erica Campbell was instrumental in helping to launch the
Farm to Plate Network in 2011, and Jake joined the team in
the fall 2012 in order to expand our capacity to serve the
Networks ability to implement Vermonts Farm to Plate food Spencers Large
system plan. Together they have provided critical leadership
and facilitation as projects evolve to meet the goals of the
HEADQUARTERS Cigar Selection adams
Tubes 1.99 Rolling Machines
Farm to Plate Strategic Plan. In this new role, Jake will con- Vaporizers Body Jewelry E Juice Mild to Robust
tinue to align activity among 350 stakeholders and increase E-Cigarettes / E-Hookahs Cigars
collaboration between private sector, nonprofits, and govern-
Glass/Metal/Wood Pipes/American Lingerie, Shoes,
Roor, Glass Largest Small to Large
ment to strengthen Vermonts farm and food economy for the FREE TUBES
Bio, Koas Selection of Cigars
Hand Bags, Gag Gifts,
benefit of all Vermonters, says Ellen Kahler, Executive Glass
Vapor World
Vaporizers Lotions & Potions,
Toys, DVDs, Magazines
Director of the Vermont Sustainable Jobs Fundthe non- Vapor World Spencers Discount SPENCERS CIGARS
profit organization responsible for administering the Farm to Spencers Discount
Tobacco / Smoke Shop 123 North Main Street, First Floor, Barre 125 N. Main St. 1st Floor
Plate Investment Program, a program authorized by the Tobacco
123 / Cigars
North Main St., Barre (next to Vapor World) Barre, VT
Vermont Legislature in 2009. Smoke Shop
802-622-0335 802-622-0335 802-622-0335
Prior to 2012, Claro held positions at the Vermont Natural New Hampshires Coolest Smoke Shop
Resources Council (VNRC) and the Vermont Energy & ROLL YOUR OWN HEADQUARTERS
Climate Action Network (VECAN). He resides in Barre, and Tubes 1.99 Rolling Machines
serves on the Hunger Mountain Coop Community Fund Vaporizers Body Jewelry
Committee and the Sodexo Vermont First Advisory Board.
Sarah Danly has been named the Farm to Plate Network E Juice
Manager and will work closely with Claro to manage projects E cigarettes/ E-Hookahs
and conduct data analysis to report back to the Vermont
Glass/ Metal / Wood Pipes/ American Glass
Legislature on the progress being made to reach Vermonts
food system plan goals. Danly previously worked at the
Center for Agriculture and Food Systems at Vermont Law One (1) lb of Tobacco
School and resides in Royalton. Get1 Free Box of Sago Tubes
Buy a E CIG Unit
Get FREE E Juice
National Life Celebrates Do Good
Good Until January 31, 2015
Must present coupon at time of sale.

Culture in Annual Report

National Life celebrated its Do Good culture in its annual
report, marking records set both in the business and in the Vapor World Spencers Discount Tobacco / Smoke Shop
companys commitment to the communities it serves.
Moody Building - 24 Opera House S
An interactive version of the 2016 annual report was posted
online in advance of National Lifes annual meeting in mid- Its Out There...Somewhere. All You Have To Do Is Find It!
We had another outstanding year and this report reflects that
success, said Mehran Assadi, National Life President and
CEO. We believe strongly in our cause to Do Good. Were
proud to say thats good for business and good for our neigh-
Among the accomplishments noted in the report:
$2 billion paid to policy owners in benefits. The rst person to discover the secret location* and bring the
More than 5,400 hours of employee volunteer hours on com-
pany time. certicate to The WORLD at 403 US Route 302, Barre, WINS!
Financial rating upgraded to A+ by Standard and Poors. 1
Reached $100 billion in the face value of our life insurance.
Achieved record life insurance sales of $194 million and annu-
ity sales of $132 million.
Follow The Clues Below To
Vermont Road Pitch continued from previous page
Vermont Chamber of Commerce, JET Envelope, Northeld
Savings Bank, Superior Development, Times Argus, and The
World. Statewide sponsors include the Vermont Department
Help You In Your Search
of Economic Development, Key Bank, Gallagher, Flynn &
Co., and the Vermont Small Business Development Center.
Each Week The Latest Clues Will Be Available Here!
The Central Vermont Road Pitch Steering Committee is
comprised of David Rubel (Community National Bank) who Weve hidden a certicate redeemable for $1000 (a Grand). We will issue clues
is chairing the group, Lindel James (Center for Leadership each week until its found. One clue is in The WORLD each week. The second
Skills), William Moore (Central Vermont Chamber of clue is available at any of these Grand Prize Clue Locations.
Commerce), Josh Jerome (Barre Partnership), Joel Schwartz
(Barre Area Development Corp.) and Leanne Tingay (Orton Previous clues are also available at participating sponsors.
Family Foundation).
CLUE #11 CLUE #12
Central Vermonts Newspaper If you want to be in $Grand Prize$ E
wonderland K I S I T A NY OF NG
403 Route 302-Berlin, Barre, VT 05641
GOLD STANDARD PUBLICATION And thats not the one with Alice,
Tel.: (802)479-2582 or 1-800-639-9753
Fax: (802)479-7916
Figure out what it is I share MERCHBELOW
email: [email protected] or [email protected] With the lovely Town of Calais.
web site:
Barre Tile/ Delairs Carpet Montpelier Agway
COMMERCE Morrison Clark & Flooring 190 E. Montpelier Rd.
Publishers: Gary Hass and Deborah Phillips. Classified 889 So. Barre Rd. 3998 US Route 2 Montpelier
Manager: Ruth Madigan. Receptionist: Darlene Callahan.
Barre East Montpelier Pump & Pantry
Bookkeeping: Lisa Companion. Production Manager:
Christine Richardson. Production: Kathleen Gonet. Copy
Editor: Aaron Retherford. Sales Representatives: Kay Roberts
Beverage Baron Guys Farm & Yard Convenience Store
Santamore, Mike Jacques. Circulation: Aeletha Kelly. 411 No. Main St. 19 Barre St. 32 Business Center Rd.
Distribution: Jim Elliot, Gary Villa, Paul Giacherio.
Barre Montpelier Williamstown
The WORLD is published by WORLD Publications, Inc. in
Berlin, Vermont. The WORLD is distributed free, and serves
Guys Farm & Yard Tucker Machine
the residents of Washington and north-central Orange counties.
Bobs Camera & Video 267 So. Main St.
VC Gold Standard publication you is
run the Goldevery
StandardWednesday. 155 Portland St.
ntil your current audit expires. Should your publication
86 No. Main St. Barre
scoringWORLD assumes no tofinancial responsibility for
e Gold Standard in future audits
e Gold Standardtypographical
logo, or convert toerrors
you may continue
in advertising
the traditional CVC audit but will reprint in the Barre Morrisville
Gold Standardfollowing
scores are issue that part
not achieved. of any
Publishers withadvertisement in which the Richard J. Wobby
nt audit status may display the CVC logo in their publication,
n marketing materials.
ions Agreementmust
Please refer Notice by advertisers of any error
the CVC Service Bragg Farm Mattress Land Jewelers
be given
regarding to this
logo usage upon newspaper
audit expiration.within five (5) business days
of the date of publication.
have any question please call (800)262-6392. 1005 VT Route 14 North 97 US Route 302 124 No. Main St.
The WORLD reserves all rights to advertising copy produced East Montpelier Berlin Barre
by its own staff. No such advertisement may be used or
reproduced without express permission. *Must be 18 or over to participate. Searchers do so at their own risk. Certicate redeemable
Office Hours: Monday-Friday 8:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m.; Closed
Saturday and Sunday. after May 31, 2017. The ultimate prize winner will be determined at the sole discretion of The
Subscriptions: $8.00/month, $48.00/6 months, $96.00/year. WORLD. Winners must provide a W-9 for tax purposes. No phone calls, please.
First Class.
May 3, 2017 The WORLD page 3
Offering Solutions for U-32 Hosting Color Run, May 6
Every Room, Style & Budget Lace Up Your Sneakers! A group of sev-
enth grade students are hosting a Color Run at
Registrations will be accepted starting at
U-32 Middle/High School in Montpelier on 9:15 a.m. on race day and the race begins at
Saturday, May 6. 10:30 a.m.
Registration is just $15. Participants of all There will be live music by Joe Cannizzaro,
ages and abilities can walk, run, or jog. You food, and great raffle prizes. Multiple raffle
choose your distance preference of 1, 2, or 3 items have been bundled to make each offer-
miles. ing something special.
The student hosts will splash racers with Find the race on Facebook. Please note:
color as they dash along the course. Bring a this is a wooded course and wheelchairs may
friend or your entire family and enjoy a fun experience difficulty. Sorry, no strollers or
and colorful morning in the warm, spring pets.

Washington County Mental Health STARS School

for Children with Autism Recently Licensed
With April being National Autism based practices. The STARS School will
Awareness Month, it is well timed news that serve children and youth who best learn in a
the Washington County Mental Health STARS small environment in which their education
Program has established the STARS School. and treatment are integrated. The STARS
STARS School will provide full, onsite edu- Program additionally offers a wide range of
cational services to children with Autism service packages that includes consultation to
Spectrum Disorder or other Developmental schools, case management, behavioral sup-
Cabinetry Stone Delays. STARS, in collaboration with
Washington Countys ChOICE Academy,
port with a one-on-one staff, and other aca-
demic services.
Countertops Accessories became licensed through the Vermont Board Washington County Mental Health has
Plumbing Tile of Education on March 21, 2017. The school
will provide services for students in grades
proudly been serving children and youth with
ASD and their families for over 20 years.
"The Difference between 1-12 at 260 Beckley Hill Rd. in Barre. WCMHS is a comprehensive community
Ordinary and Extraordinary" STARS, which stands for Specialized mental health center providing mental health
92 S. Main St. Barre VT 05641 479-7909
1-800-498-7909 Tammy & Neil Carbo, Managers Treatments and Reaching Success, has a mis- and developmental services throughout the
sion to provide state of the art services to Washington County community. Over 5,000
From Simple Refresh to Full Renovations, Offering Budget Friendly to High Quality children and youth with Autism or other individuals are served annually by this pri-
developmental disabilities by providing ther- vate, non-profit organization with main offic-
apy and instruction informed by evidence- es in South Barre, Vermont.

Spectators Welcome at 4-H State Day

Pump & Pantry All roads lead to Barre on May 13 for 4-H
State Day, the annual showcase of 4-H tal-
The public is invited to spend the day at the
tions will provide a look at the history of 4-H,
composting with worms, Icelandic horses, the
workings of the government and other educa-
tional topics.
Barre Civic Center, where activities get Several 4-Hers will demonstrate their use
underway at 9 a.m. Admission for the event, of technology through videos they have pro-
sponsored by University of Vermont Extension duced and maker/tinker projects including a
4-H, is free. robotic dog and a pair of biking gloves with
Throughout the day, 4-Hers, ages 8 to 18, lights that illuminate at night. On stage, kids
from around the state will entertain and edu- from every county will perform songs, danc-
SPECIALS GOOD THROUGH SUNDAY, MAY 7 cate through their action exhibits, stage pre- es, sign language, instrumental numbers,

sentations, demonstrations, illustrated talks karate kata and baton routines. Following

and public speaking. Their tabletop exhibits, these acts, 4-Hers in the 4-H clothing project
SPECIAL FRIDAY & quilts and non-clothing sewing items, photos, will take to the stage to model outfits that
KRA Z Y SATURDAY posters and technology creations also will be they have made.

on display. The day ends with an awards ceremony
DAY ONLY!!! What can visitors expect to see?
Action exhibits and tabletop displays will
where the action exhibits, stage presentations,
photographs, posters and fashion revue par-
feature information on everything from recy- ticipants chosen to represent Vermont at the
Great Items to Fill Your Freezer! cling, wildlife and how a car engine works to
agriculture, crafts, travel, horses and the 4-H
Eastern States Exposition in West Springfield,
Massachusetts, in September will be
working steer project. Talks and demonstra- announced.
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page 4 The WORLD May 3, 2017
Thank You, WORLD!
My classied ad
really worked!
Some members of the Norwich University Rotaract team, together with some of the NMHS Interact
Thanks again!
team traveling to Tanzania this August. Left to right: Jake Apthorpe, Patrina Krewson, Brandon
Johnson, Bridget Doney, Anya Hoagland, advisor Mike Macijeski, Amara Freeman, Jenna Alexander,
Abby Joyal, Jerica Wilson, Meaghan ONeill, and trip coordinator Nicole DiDomenico. Not pictured:
Brock Wrigley, Genesis Bonilla, and Alicia Humbert.
, Craw
Northfield Middle High School Interact Club Planning T lers, P
OPEN hrough July erch Bait
Return to Tanzania, Seeking Community Support
EARLY 1st.

call an OPEN LATE
Route yti
August 1, 2017, will be a very special day 12, P me.
802-22 utnamville.
for Northfield High School students Bridget 9-4246
Doney, Amara Freeman, Anya Hoagland, and
Brock Wrigley, as well as eight students from
Norwich University. Together, they will be
departing for a three-week service trip to
Pommerin, Tanzania: a village of about 4,000
in the western highlands of the country. The Sherry Paige
trip is a project of the Norwich University from Ridgerunner Bait
Center for Civic Engagements Rotaract Club, in Putnamville, VT
which invited the NMHS Interact Club to
participate. Both service clubs Interact and
Rotaract are affiliated with the Northfield
Rotary Club, and by extension, Rotary
International. This year, even the youngest The orphaned children outside the door of the
group of this intergenerational service organi-
Upendo Mmoja Residential and Vocational
zation the EarlyAct club at the Northfield
Elementary School is getting involved by Freeman, a high school sophomore and
learning about Tanzania and helping to collect Interact Club member. Were always looking
donations for the trip volunteers to bring with for help and support from our community.
While in Pommerin, the students will stay
Many Northfield community members gen-
erously supported the students first trip in Paint, Battery, Bulb
at the Upendo Mmoja Residential and 2015. Since that first trip with college stu-
Vocational Training Center, which partici-
pants on previous trips have built from the
dents from Norwich Universitys Rotaract
Club, Interact at the Middle and High School
ground up. Their task this year: building a has continued to build ties to the Pommerin
brand-new barn which will help the center community through a pen-pal program with
become self-sufficient. the students of Pommerin and fundraising to Where: Tunbridge Transfer Station
Our goal is for them to be fully self-sus- ship recycled computer equipment from
tainable by 2020, said project organizer NMHS to Pommerin Secondary School. When: Sat., May 13, 9am - 1pm
Nicole DiDomenico, director of the Norwich Thanks to their efforts, the rural high school in
University Center for Civic Engagement. Tanzania now enjoys a full computer lab to
Having this barn operational is a key part of help their students prepare for a successful
that plan. future. FREE to residents of CVSWMD
Norwich Universitys Center for Civic Anyone wishing to support this years trip
Engagement (CCE) brings volunteers together participantsspecifically from NMHScan
with the needs of the community. Service send a check to the NMHS Interact Club at What to bring:
before self is a cornerstone of the Norwich Northfield Middle High School, 37 Vine St.
philosophy, and the responsibility of helping Unit 2, in Northfield with Tanzania Trip in
Oil paints, latex & acrylic paints, polyurethane, shellac, stains,
others is built into the universitys character. the memo. and more; all kinds of batteries (terminal ends must be taped);
Each participant must raise $3,000 to cover Its so beautiful watching these students
the costs of the tripprimarily air travel. become global citizens, said club co-advisor
I am excited and anxious to collect the Mike Macijeski, who will be accompanying
funds to be able to go to Tanzania this sum- them. This is an experience that will change Questions? Call us!
mer, said first-time participant Amara their lives.
See our website for details and guidelines.
Northfield Teen to Compete in Vermont
Boys & Girls Clubs Youth of the Year Central Vermont Solid Waste Management District
Genesis Van Dyke, 17, of Northfield, VT from Ninety-Nine restaurants, and will go on 229.9383 |
has been nominated to represent the Northfield to compete in the regional Youth of the Year
Teen Center in the 2017 Vermont Boys & event, ultimately vying for the national title.
Girls Clubs Youth of the Year. The Youth of Genesis has been an active member of the
the Year Competition will take place on Northfield Teen Center (NTC) since 2013.
Thursday, May 4, 2017 at the Vermont The NTC, a program under the direction of
Statehouse. the Washington County Youth Service Bureau/
Youth of the Year is part of the National Boys & Girls Club (WCYSB), is a drop-in
Boys & Girls Clubs of America program that space for youth ages 13-18 to come together
honors our nations most awe-inspiring young and participate in activities that promote
people on their path to great futures and positive growth. Programs include academic
encourages all youth to lead, succeed and support, mentorship, civic engagement, lead-
inspire. As the Vermont Youth of the Year, ership development, nutrition programs and
Genesis will serve as an ambassador for all more.
teens in the state, will receive a $5000 college The NTC serves approximately 70 youth
scholarship from Boys & Girls Clubs of each year with free programming facilitated
America and an additional $1000 scholarship by trained staff.

Gifford Pediatrics Recognized for

High Immunization Coverage Rates

On April 26, 2017, Gifford Health Care Led by Pediatrics Nurse Manager and
Pediatrics was recognized by the Vermont Registered Nurse Danielle Davis, the team
Immunization Program for achieving high developed and incorporated new systems into
immunization coverage rates and meeting their workflow to track and make sure that
CDCs Healthy People 2020 goals for all every child is up-to-date on immunizations.
recommended vaccines for children two to Starting with the chart preparation that occurs
three years of age. before every patient visit, they check to see if
Jan Eberly, Public Health Nurse for the immunizations, well child visits, and asthma
State of Vermont, presented the Pediatrics care action plans are all current. If not, the
team with a framed certificate and a copy of chart is flagged so providers can give any
Epidemiology and Prevention of Vaccine needed immunizations during the visit, and
Preventable Diseases. follow-up appointments can be scheduled
Gifford was one of nine practices in the automatically.
state to receive recognition for exceeding the The Center for Disease Control and
Healthy People 2020 target of 90 percent Prevention notes that vaccines are among the
immunizations coverage for two to three year most successful and cost-effective tools avail-
olds. Appropriately, the recognition came on able for preventing disease and death. They
National Infant Immunization week, an annu- help protect vaccinated individuals and also
al national observance to promote the benefits help protect entire communities by prevent-
of immunizations and improve the health of ing and reducing the spread of infectious
children two years old or younger. diseases. Among children born during 1994-
To find a practice where everyone partici- 2016, vaccination will prevent an estimated
patesfrom the providers down through the 381 million illnesses, 24.5 million hospital-
staffis really remarkable! Eberly said. izations, and 855,000 deaths over the course
Congratulations to all of you! of their lifetimes.
May 3, 2017 The WORLD page 5
David and Jenny Stoner Awarded the 2017
FREE COMIC Outstanding Tree Farmer of the Year Award
BOOK DAY The Vermont Woodlands Association and the Vermont Tree
Farm program are proud to announce the selection of David
and Jenny Stoner of Craftsbury Common as the recipients of
Sat May 6 11-5 the 2017 Outstanding Tree Farmer of the Year Award. The
Stoner Family Tree Farm is located in Greensboro, Vermont.
y The family was nominated by Orleans County Forester Jared
5 million comics given awa Each person Nunery and consulting forester Ross Morgan who nominated
worldwide in 2017, the them not only for their commitment to their woodlot and
16th year of the event will get up to woodlands, but for the stewardship ethic that they embody.
WonderCards&Comics 6 comic books The Stoners 361-acre Certified Tree Farm, purchased in the
late 1990s, is located in Greensboro. They have worked as a
on Facebook
lots of info @ FREE family to manage it from the ground up for the last 20 plus
years. The Stoner Family began considering owning and man-
aging land in Vermont when they attended a workshop in the
early 1980s led by Ross Morgan, who then became their
Consulting Forester. The Stoners have implemented a variety
802-476-4706 of habitat management practices with assistance from the
Natural Resources Conservation Services (NRCS), in addition
445 Rt. 302, Berlin, VT Wed.-Sat. 11am-7pm to working with Morgan on commercial harvest. They have
spent the last 20 years releasing over 280 abandoned apple
trees on their property. Their land is important to two major
watersheds in Vermont, with most of the drainage making its
way to the Black River and north to Lake Memphremagog, as
well as a smaller portion flowing into Caspian Lake in
Greensboro, which then flows to the Lamoille that feeds into
Lake Champlain.
The Stoners realize the value their land has to their family
and their community, and Nunery states that, The Stoner
Family is the first landowner who invited me and their for-
ester to walk their land with three generations of the family to
specifically discuss the transfer of not only their land, but a
common land ethic and management objectives.
That is, their land to the public via use of a ski trail con-
necting Greensboro and Craftsbury. The Stoners exemplify
stewardship and are enthusiastic about sharing their experi-
ences with the public by hosting workshops with the Forest
Stewards Guild, NRCS, and with their community.
Tree Farmers are woodland stewards who share a common David and Jenny Stoner of Craftsbury Common were the recipients
of the 2017 Outstanding Tree Farmer of the Year Award for their
love for and connection to their land and who proudly display Tree Farm in Greensboro, VT.
the Tree Farm sign, a nationally recognized symbol of sustain-
able forestry. The program is third party certified. Tree Farm tenets of Tree Farm: wildlife, water, recreation, and wood. If
foresters work with landowners to enroll their properties in the you see a green and white Tree Farm Family Forest sign,
program and write management plans that address the four know that it is a sign of good forestry.

New Advisors Added to Vermont Commission on Women

The Vermont Commission on Women (VCW) recently organizations, and early childhood providers committed to
announced the addition of the Vermont Early Childhood improving public policies that impact young children between
Alliance and Lets Grow Kids to its Advisory Council. The the ages of birth and eight in the areas of health, safety, food
Council is made up of organizations whose interests align and economic security and early care and education. To
with the Commissions mission to advance rights and oppor- achieve this goal, the Alliance creates an annual legislative
tunities for Vermont women and girls. agenda in partnership with organizations and provides advo-
Lack of affordable child care is often an obstacle to cacy support in communications and community organizing.
women working full-time and to achieving higher earnings. More information about the Alliance is at vermontearlychild-
We know that working women are significantly more likely
than men to live in poverty, in part because they often have the As a statewide commission, one of our roles is to act as the
main responsibility for the care of young children. Increasing spoke of the networking wheel on topics related to improving
access to high-quality, affordable child care is a key strategy
the status of women and girls. Having an established ongoing
to helping Vermont women stay and thrive in the workforce,
said Lets Grow Kids Campaign Director Robyn Freedner- relationship with our Advisors makes it easy for us to stay
Maguire. informed, move forward with conversations, and coalesce
Lets Grow Kids is a statewide campaign about the need for around action, said Cary Brown, VCWs Executive Director.
more high-quality, affordable child care in Vermont to better Were a small state, and we know that networking is one of
support children, families, communities and economy. The the most effective ways to create positive change. The
campaigns goal is to gain public support for increased, sus- Vermont Early Childhood Alliance and Lets Grow Kids are
tainable investment that gives all children the chance to reach invaluable partners, informing our Commission on topics like
their full potential. More information can be found at lets- access to early childhood services and programs, including nutrition, housing and health, workplace benefits like paid
The Vermont Early Childhood Alliance is a statewide, inde- family leave, shortage of quality affordable child care, and the
pendent advocacy coalition of parents, community members, career needs of our child care workforce.

Whats New in Business

FREE Afternoon Delight at L&M Diner in Barre

Limited Time
W ith a snap of the fingers,
L&M Diner on North
Main Street in Downtown
Hamburgers just about any
way you could imagine are
a mainstay at the Mountain
Offer Barre, famous for its hearty
breakfasts and lunches, will View Snack Bar, and you can
become Mountain View Snack double-size them, too. Other
Bar from 2:00 to 9:00 p.m. sandwiches include Reubens,
Tuesday through Sunday, haddock shwich, Philly
featuring a complete selection cheesesteak, "The Cowboy,"
of quick foods and over 60
flavors of soft and hard ice Manhattan lobster roll, gyro,
26 cream. etc.
& Yes, before 2:00 p.m. you Over six kinds of hotdogs,
COUNTING! can still enjoy your favorite chicken ngers and nuggets,
selections from the L&M quesadillas, clams, scallops,
TRUE Diner menu.
Owners Alicia and Ted
nachos, fries (including
Poutine), onion rings, zucchini
B &D
Colletti, culinary student
graduates, are very excited
stocks, wraps, salads, etc.
"Let us measure so you don't have to" about this expanded offering. Mountain View Snack Bar
Professional Installation Available They have three other similar setups in Stow, also features their homemade macaroni salad and
141 River Street coleslaw.
Montpelier, VT 05602 Morrisville and Hardwick.
223-1616 "For us this was the easiest thing to do. Customers Save room for dessert specialty sundaes, banana
[email protected] can still walk in and sit down or take out," note the boats, shakes and oats even fried dough!
Collettis, adding, "Everything is very affordable For a snack or dinner stop at Mountain View. Call
PROFESSIONAL INSTALLATION AVAILABLE that's the only way we would have it." 802-622-0706 for more info.

page 6 The WORLD May 3, 2017


Spring season is starting at Jail Branch!

VERMONT BLUEBERRIES...spring SHRUBS are popping, and

Members of the Barre Lions Club sorted 3,086 pounds of food that
provided 6,089 meals for the Vermont Foodbank. They volunteered
PANSIES are waiting for your home, PERENNIALS are arriving,
as part of The Lions Worldwide Week of Service.
and YES! Jail Branch is up and running!!

Vermont Brewers "Educated Choices For Healthy, Lasting Gardens"

Association Launching OPEN EVERYDAY
Green Mountain Beer Week Route 302 Between Barre & East Barre

Vermont joins American
Craft Beer Week for the first
479-1445 Jackie Abts, Owner Now
time this year as Green Mountain
Beer Week. The week of May
15-21 will be a weeklong cele-
bration of Vermont craft beer
and the talented brewers behind
the production.
As leaders in the industry
known for quality, award-win-
ning beers, Vermont brewers are
excited to join in on the national celebration, which is in its
12th year running. The weeklong tribute provides an opportu- VIOLA BAGS FISH EMULSION ONIONS
nity for craft brewers to share their diversity, creativity, and
passion for the beverage they love.
Events will be held at brewers taprooms, restaurants, and
craft beer bars across the state of Vermont. Craft beer enthu-
siast can enjoy special release, all Vermont beer tap takeovers,
multiple beer and cheese pairings, and a few special events.
Kicking off the week is an event at Magic Hat featuring mul-
tiple beers from former employees who now own or work at
another brewery. Lawsons Finest Liquids and Kingdom
Brewing are hosting the history sap beer event on May 19 at
Kingdom Brewing. Ticket holder can enjoy four different
maple sap beers and learn from the brewers themselves about
the history and process of these unique brews.
With 51 craft breweries in the Vermont Brewers Association,
it is time to celebrate those who produce Vermont beer. Visit
your local brewery to see how they are going to be involved
in Green Mountain Beer Week or visit www.greenmountain- for ticket information and a calendar listing of

Road Pitch Makes Way to

Lamoille County
If you are an existing small business, a new start-up or just
someone with an innovative idea for a business or new prod-
uct, and you are looking for free advice from the experts who
have been-there-done-that, or even looking for equity inves-
tors to help you make it all happen, you need to talk to us
about being a pitcher at this years Road Pitch event.
Potential pitchers are currently being interviewed in
preparation for Friday, August 4 in Hyde Park when those
selected will have the opportunity to give their pitch to 40 or
more riders who are themselves successful entrepreneurs,
venture capitalists, angel investors and business advisors.
No more than seven pitchers will be selected, but each will
be given extensive assistance in preparing their seven minute
pitches and will have the opportunity to meet and network
with some of the most influential and successful business
people in the tri-state area.
For an interview or more information contact John
Mandeville at 888-5640 or [email protected].

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(802) 485-4515
May 3, 2017 The WORLD page 7
Dewey P. Cecchini a past president of the Barre Town Thunder Chickens Legion Post 3, VFW Auxiliary Post 793 and the Canadian
Club. He especially enjoyed spending time at his camp on
and he was an avid Red Sox fan.
Dewey Paul Cecchini, Survivors include his wife, Beverlee, of Websterville; Prince Edward Island. Gary also enjoyed raising his Siberian
86, passed away on his son, Bradley Lawson, of Websterville; and his huskies, Sheeba and Simba, who meant the world to him.
Easter Sunday, April 16, 2017, granddaughter, Moire Lawson, also of Websterville; his
after a six-month battle with can- sisters, Janet Hutchins and her husband, Edward, of
cer, at the home in Barre City he CHARLES ELLSWORTH FORBES, 81, a
Websterville, and Jean LaCross and her husband, lifelong resident of Waterbury Center, passed
shared with his wife, Kristina, Richard, of Milton; as well as one niece, Susan Mobley,
family members and canine com- away in the comfort of his home and family on
and five nephews, John LaCross, Mark Hutchins, Monday afternoon, April 24, 2017. Born in
panion, Sophie, at his side. Michael Hutchins, Peter Hutchins and Tom Dean. Morrisville on Sept. 2, 1935, he was the son of
The son of Dewey S. and He was predeceased by his parents. the late Kathleen Ellsworth Forbes and Merwin
Sylvia (Bealieu) cecchini, A service to honor and celebrate his life was held at 1 Bishop Forbes. Charlie was previously married
Chuck, as everyone called him, p.m. on Friday, April 28, 2017, in the Hooker and to the former Patricia Albert, and they had one child, Scott
was born in Montpelier on October 10, 1930. He gradu- Whitcomb Funeral Home, 7 Academy St., Barre. Forbes, of Warren, Vt. In August of 1997, he met Karen
ated from Spaulding H.S. in 1950, served two years in Entombment will be in the Wilson Cemetery Hoskiewicz Baker, and they were married in Waterbury on
the U.S. Air Force and was honorably discharged in Columbarium. There are no calling hours. For a memo- March 20, 1998.
1952, before becoming a drafter for N.Y. Telephone rial guestbook, visit
Company, a job he enjoyed for 33 years until his retire- Memorial contributions made be made to Central
ment in 1989. ROLAND GILBERT FOURNIER, 84, a life-
Vermont Home Health and Hospice, 600 Granger Rd., long citizen of the Hill, peacefully passed away
Chuck is survived by his wife of 16 years, Kristina Barre, VT 05641; or the Barre Lodge of Elks #1535
(Nielsen) and his three children; Marie Sternquist on Saturday, April 22, 2017, at Woodridge
Scholarship Fund, P.O. Box 245, Barre, VT 05641- Nursing Home in Berlin, with his loving family
(Greg) of Anchorage, Alaska; Steven Cecchini, 0245. gathered at his bedside. He was born in Barre
Huntington Station, New York; Richard Cecchini and City on Aug. 27, 1932, to the French and Scot
Sandra Castillo, also of Huntington Station, New York; Other passings families of Conrad Buchie Fournier and Jeannine
and six grandchildren, Anthony, Michael, Nicolas, Smith. He received his elementary education at the Holy
David, Danielle, and Alex. A daughter, Susan Cecchini, AVELINA ANNA EVIE PUENTE ABBIATI, daughter of
Jose Carlos and Elsie Brusa Puente, passed from this life on Ghost Convent and graduated in 1950 from the old Spaulding
predeceased her father. High School on Washington Street. His military service to his
April 21, 2017, with her family by her side, to continue her
A man of many interests, Chuck enjoyed model journey. Evie, born on Nov. 9, 1926, was a strong-willed, country was in Korea arriving on his 21st birthday, but it was
trains, creating finely-crafted items with Native strong-bodied, stubborn Spaniard with a dose of Italian, who also after the treaty had been signed and his army duties were
American beadworks, bocce ball, hunting, skiing, and always had an opinion and wasnt afraid to speak it; and she as a MP. After a safe return home on Christmas Eve, he con-
the many excursions with Kris and the Lake Champlain was always right! Evie was a devoted wife to Bob Abbiati tinued working for Rock of Ages in the quarries. Even though
Winnebago Club. (Aug. 26, 1950). Her early life was blessed with wonderful the Fournier and Goulet families knew each other, it was until
A foster parent, along with Kris, Chuck was, until his parents from whom she gained her strength and character, and 1955 when Doris Goulet started working at the brand new
recent illness, very active in the Barre community. He two brothers, Joseph (Ping) and George, and her special Nona Rock of Ages manufacturing plant that they started dating.
worked as a substitute teacher in the Barre school sys- with whom she spent Saturdays making pasta and brushing They were married on June 22, 1957. The union brought five
tem, volunteered as a team leader for the Barre Girl her hair. Evie did everything and then some for her four very special children, David, Bruce, Wayne, Linda and Kevin,
Scouts and Boy Scouts, collected eyeglasses for the daughters, including wallpapering, housecleaning without within the next 15 years. His memberships included: Quarter
Lions Club, drove folks to doctor appointments, and, as their permission, using a bit too much Clorox when doing Century Club of Rock of Ages for 43 years; lifetime member
their laundry, and making mac-and-cheese at 9 a.m. of St. Sylvester Church where he served as an altar boy; Barre
a member of the Design Committee of The Barre Town Democratic Committee member and poll worker; jus-
Partnership, utilized his drafting/surveying skills for the tice of the peace in Barre Town; Barre Senior Center; lifetime
Main Street Reconstruction Project. KATHYRN LOUISE (GLADDING) BREER, member of 63 years of The American Legion Post #10 of
Proficient in American Sign Language, he volun- 98, a longtime Vermonter formerly of Barre, Barre; lifetime member of the Veterans of Foreign Wars Post
teered with the Vermont Association for the Blind & entered into eternal peace on April 20, 2017, at #790 of Barre; Barre Lodge of Elks #1535; United Steelworkers
Visually Impaired and served as co-chair of the Sight her daughters home in Cartersville, Georgia, Union, Graniteville; Fire District and Water Supply; member
and Hearing Committee, and was a former secretary of surrounded by her loving and devoted family. of the National Security Committee for the National American
the Barre Lions Club. Kathryn was born on March 20, 1919, in East Legion for five years; Anavicus honorary life member of
Chuck often sang in the choir and played the bells in Montpelier, Vermont, the daughter of the late Army, Navy and Air Force veterans in Canada; and longtime
the hand-bell choir of the Barre Congregational Church, William and Jennie (Hutchinson) Gladding. Kathryn received member of La Societe des Quarante Hommes et Huit
where a memorial service was held on April 29, 2017, her education through the Horn of the Moon School in East Chevaux.
A private interment was held at Hope Cemetery in Montpelier and Montpelier High School, graduating in 1936.
Barre. In lieu of flowers, please consider a memorial She graduated from Beals Business College in Bangor,
LEONA N. GARBACK, 86, of Barre, Vermont,
contribution to the Barre Congregational Church Book Maine, in 1938. In 1938, Kathryn married George Harold
died April 20, 2017, with peace and grace at
of Remembrance (35 Church St., Barre, VT 05641). Breer in Montpelier, Vermont. They were married for 60
home with her loving family and caregivers by
years. They lived in Graniteville, moved to Kays family farm
her side. Leona was born at home in Calais on
in the Horn of the Moon, East Montpelier, and then lived in
James A. Lawson Barre for 33 years, before George died on March 25, 1998.
March 26, 1931, daughter of Robert Converse
and Alice Slayton Converse. She grew up on the
James A. Lawson, 79, They had 10 wonderful children. Kathryn worked at the Rock
Converse farm, riding her horse to school daily,
of Church Hill Road, a of Ages Capacitor Plant in Barre, Vermont, the Vermont
something she enjoyed doing for many years. She graduated
lifelong resident of Websterville Department of Environmental Conservation and the Vermont
from Montpelier High School in 1949. She met her lifelong
and longtime owner of Lawsons Secretary of States Office. In her retirement, she delivered
sweetheart, Rudy, during her senior year. They eventually
Store, passed away on Thursday, the Burlington Free Press, volunteered in the Foster
married on Sept. 28, 1952, at the Old West Church in Calais.
April 20, 2017, at the Central Grandparents program in Barre Town School and enjoyed her
Leona and Rudy lived many years on Barre Street in
time spent at Project Independence in Barre. Kays 10 chil-
Vermont Medical Center in dren blessed her with 30 grandchildren whom she loved very
Montpelier. During that time, they had their two daughters,
Berlin. dearly, and they, in turn, blessed her with many more off-
Susan and Gloria. They eventually purchased the Alpine
Born on April 25, 1937, in spring.
Motel in 1969 and ran that until they sold it in 1987 and built
Barre, he was the son of Alfred their home in Barre where they had resided since. Leona
George and Florence (Finnigan) worked most of her life as a secretary for the Vermont State
Lawson. DALE LEE CHAMBERLIN, 43, passed away American Legion headquarters in Montpelier. She was an
Jim attended Websterville Elementary School and at his Duxbury home on Wednesday, April 19, active member of the Rural Carriers Auxiliary, the American
graduated from Spaulding High School with the class of 2017, following a valiant battle with cancer. Legion Auxiliary and Hedding Methodist Church.
1955. After high school, he attended the University of Born in Berlin on March 10, 1974, he was the
Vermont where he majored in accounting, before join- son of Arthur Edward Chamberlin. Dale was a GINA NEWMAN, age 85, of Berlin, Vermont
ing the U.S. Army National Guard, serving at the Barre graduate of Harwood Union High School in (formerly of Danville, Vermont), passed away
Armory. Duxbury. Throughout his life, he enjoyed play- on April 23, 2017, surrounded by her family.
ing horseshoes, riding his snowmobile and moped, watching Born in Bamberg, Germany, in 1932, to
On Aug. 29, 1959, he married Beverlee Fisher in the television and movies and going to auctions with his Dad and
St. Monicas Catholic Church in Barre. After their mar- Margareta (Gorgmaier) and Johann Georg
brothers. Known for his good sense of humor and his ability Kaiser, she was preceded in death by her sister,
riage, they made their home in Websterville. to joke with his siblings, Dale also enjoyed dinners and spend-
Jim owned and operated Lawsons Store in Margo, and is survived by her sisters, Resi and
ing time with his best friends, Jason and Ray, as well as going Rosewhita. From humble beginnings, she grew up in World
Websterville with his wife, Beverlee, for 58 years. The to the local stock car races. His warm, friendly smile will be War II Germany. She met her husband while working doing
store currently sells bike passes for the Millstone Trails greatly missed. laundry for the U.S. soldiers stationed in Bamberg. Always
Association. In 2015, he was named Barre Town Citizen mischievous, she stood him up on their first date and hid at the
of the Year.
His memberships include the St. Sylvester Catholic DONNA LEE DALLETT, 56, of Pioneer spot where they were to meet, just to see how hed react. He
Church in Graniteville, the Barre Lodge of Elks #1535, Apartments, died on Sunday, April 23, 2017, at passed the test and they married in 1953. They moved togeth-
the Canadian Club of Barre Town and the American her home. She was born on Jan. 10, 1961, in er to New York and eventually settled in Vermont, where they
Legion Post #10 of Barre. Springfield, Massachusetts, the daughter of were reminded of the Bavarian hillside. In Hardwick, Vermont,
Robert and Joan Ann (Robichaud) Gorman. She they took ownership of the Village Laundromat, which
In his spare time, Jim enjoyed snowmobiling, he was received her bachelors degree and masters remains in the family today. She was a gourmet baker and
degree from Norwich University. To her family master chef of German and other cuisines. Nothing made her
and friends, Donna was the sweetest lady who was always happier than cooking for and entertaining as many of her fam-
ily and friends as she could fit into her home. After the death
PRUNEAU-POLLI ready to help anyone that needed it.
of her late husband, Gina kept herself very busy with caring
for her loyal companion, Benji, exercising, gardening and
FUNERAL HOME GARY F. FIELD, 75, of Three Mile Bridge volunteering with Central Vermont Home Health and Hospice,
Road, died on April 22, 2017, at his home. He the Barre Area Senior Center and Women & Children First
Serving All Faiths was born on Dec. 15, 1941, in Columbia, New consignment shop in Barre.
Hampshire, the son of Clyde and Carmen
Family Owned & Operated (Garcia) Field Weeks. He attended St. Michaels
High School and graduated in the class of 1960. JILL SAHLMAN, 70, of Montpelier, suffered
After high school, he worked for A&P Grocery an accidental death on April 18, 2017. Jill was
58 Summer Street Barre, Vermont
Store, IBM in Essex until his retirement in 1992. He then very proud of growing up in Alexandria,
Virginia, but chose to spend most of her life in
d Member
Prou 802-476-4621 worked for Green Mountain Coffee Roasters, as well as the
Washington County Sheriffs Department. Gary was a mem- Vermont raising her two sons here. Jill worked
ber of St. Augustines Church, the Sons of the American for the last several years as a caregiver for the
continued on next page
National Funeral Directors Handicap Accessible

page 8 The WORLD May 3, 2017

continued from previous page happy, creative thought with intricate, complex, quilting pat-
elderly and disabled. She was skilled, kind, patient and caring terns and this led to hundreds of projects which she has given
with them. Her clients loved her. With her time off, Jill to children, grandchildren and complete strangers. Her other
enjoyed taking care of her extensive lawns and her home. passions included playing cribbage, painting pictures while at
They were always beautifully maintained. Jill also loved cars camp at Peacham Pond, knitting and reading many books per
and dogs and the wildlife that visited her backyard as long as week until the near complete loss of her eyesight changed her
it stayed out of her flowers. world.


South Barre, died Sunday, April 23, was born on July 12, 1924, in Barre,
2017, at the UVM Medical Center in Burlington. Vermont, to Alexander Duncan Straiton and
He was born Oct. 12, 1933, in Crafstbury, the Emily Anderson Straiton. Raised there, he grad-
youngest of six children born to the late Charles uated from Spaulding High School in 1942,
B. Smith Sr. and Alice (Lane) Smith. He received
his education at Craftsbury Academy and later
served on its board of trustees for nine years, six years as its
from Phillips Exeter Academy in 1943 and from
Dartmouth College in 1950 with a B.A. degree. Yes! WE DOoo
Brakes & Shocks!
He joined the military during World War II, spending the first
president. Cedric served in the Vermont Army National Guard two years stateside in the Air Corps instructing military police
for 12 years and spent 35 years as an administrative assistant through skits and demonstrations, which included being the
in the Materials & Research Division of the Vermont Agency padded target for attack dog training. Afterward, he served in
of Transportation. He was a member of the United Church of Along with most all automotive maintenance services
the U.S. Armys 3rd Armored Division in France during the
Craftsbury. He served on several boards, including board of
directors of the Blue Mountain Union School Board and was
last few months of the war and in Germany, during the first
year of occupation. Deane met Helen Hamilton in Roselle
Senior Citizens 10% OFF All Parts
chairman for three years, board of directors of the Vermont Park, New Jersey, where she was a maid of honor at his MORE THAN JUST A MUFFLER SHOP
State Employees Credit Union for five years, and past presi-
dent of the Vermont Retired State Employees Association. He
was currently serving as secretary to the VRSEA. For more
than 60 years, he dedicated his life to Masonic service travel-
cousins wedding. She was then attending the University of
Vermont, so they began dating. They were married on April
19, 1952. They lovingly raised three children. Following in
& R E PA I R
the footsteps of his father and grandfather, Deane worked in
ing throughout Vermont and the United States. He became
Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Vermont in 1985-1987, the Barre granite industry, serving seven years as an estimator
and later became Grand Secretary for the Grand Lodge of for the Rock of Ages Corp. Deane was a charter member of
Vermont, a position he held for more than 19 years. In addi- the Vermont Jaycees serving as the Barre chapter president Water
tion to his very active Masonic life, he had been associated and the state-level vice-president. 46
with the Order of the Eastern Star, a member of the Charity
Chapter in Williamstown, and was the oldest living Past LAWRENCE LARRY R. SUMNER JR. of Your Local Source
Grand Patron for the OES. He was a staunch supporter of the
Order of DeMolay and Rainbow for girls.
Moretown Vermont, passed peacefully at his home for
surrounded by his family, at age 77 on March 12, 2017. He
was born to Lawrence R. Sumner Sr. and Leona Sumner on WOOD
LUCILLE COLBY SPAULDING, 95, of November 6th, 1939. Larry was a veteran who served our
country at the age of 17. He was on Active Duty serving with
Heaton Woods in Montpelier, joined her son and
husband in Heaven on Tuesday, April 18, 2017. the 101st Airbourne, US Army from January 24, 1957 to
December 31st, 1959. Larry was a Mountain Man at heart
She died peacefully at her home while sur-
rounded by her children, grandchildren and and in life. He enjoyed all aspects of nature, from honey bee Locally Owned & Operated By Mike & Amanda P.
keeping to horseback and motorcycle riding. He was an avid
great-granddaughter. Lucille was born on Jan. gardener of flowers and vegetables and he knew his trees. He
97 US Rt. 302 Barre-Montpelier Rd 802-479-0671
20, 1922, in Franklin, New Hampshire, the loved to bunt, fish and trap, and he always had many great
daughter of Charles and Eva Colby. In 1942, she came to stories of his woodland adventures that he loved to share with
Montpelier to visit her sister; she met her sweetheart, John C. his family. He was a TRUE VERMONTER, born and
Spaulding, and never left Vermont. On July 4, 1943, they were raised. Larry is survived by his ex-wife Gabrielle Sumner and
married at Camp Breckenridge, Kentucky, while he was serv- their 5 children, Jaqueline Jameson, Lawrence Sumner III, Central Vermont Crime Stoppers
ing in the U.S. Army. During her career, she worked with Dr. Terry Kirkpatrick, Sherry Sumner and Caroline Watson. He
Robert Chastney at Montpelier High School, Dr. Rosaire
Bisson in Montpelier, as a lab technician at Heaton Hospital
had 13 Grand Children and 4 Great Grand Children, with
whom he loved spending time. Larry was predeceased by bis
and with Dr. Porter Dale in Montpelier. After retirement, she
spent time working with her favorite boss, her husband, at
parents Lawrence and Leona Sumner, his only sister Linda
Sweet of Connecticut, his cousin and best friend Albert
Therrien of Montpelier Vt., his daughter-in-law Sue Messler
(802) 476-9999
We want your information, not your name.
Allstate Insurance in Montpelier. Life changed in 1983 with
the death of her husband and she filled that void with new of Florida, an old friend, Paul Daigneault of Massachusetts. Cash Rewards Possible.
passions. Through the help of her friend, Elaine Larosa, she Funeral Services were held at 3:00 on Monday, May 1, 2017
discovered the amazing world of quilting. She spent hours in at Mount Hope Cemetery in Northfield, Vermont.

Bonnie Breer, RN, Named CVHHHs First Above DOWNLOAD OUR APP!
& Beyond Award Recipient World Publications
Central Vermont Home Health & To me, this is how death should be. It is my mission to help
Hospice is pleased to announce that people find comfort and peace at the end of their journey. The
Bonnie Breer, Hospice & Palliative work is challenging, and also rewarding when I can help

Team RN, has been named Above someone follow their own path. My patients and my wonder-
& Beyond Award winner for April. ful teammates keep me motivated to go above and beyond
CVHHH recently created the every day.
Award, which is given out monthly, Jewelene Griffin, RN, Hospice & Palliative Care Program
to celebrate the outstanding work Manager adds, Bonnie Breer is a valuable member of the
of one employee on behalf of CVHHH Team. She provides nursing services for our Hospice
CVHHH staff, the agency, or the & Palliative patients and serves as our on-call nurse weekdays
central Vermont community. to support our patients after hours. She is a compassionate and
Bonnie was nominated in recogni- caring nurse that is always willing to help her other team
tion of her skills, unwavering sup- members. We are very thankful for Bonnie and congratulate
port of the Hospice & Palliative
Care Team, and continued willing-
her on this recognition.
Bonnie joined CVHHHs Hospice & Palliative Care team

ness to step up and help her coworkers. Award recipients are in 2008. Outside of work, she enjoys spending time with her
nominated by their peers. two sons, Jeremiah and Jonah, her daughter-in-law, and
As a member of the hospice and palliative care team, I grandsons as well as her two dogs, two cats, and three birds.
help patients experience the kind of death that they want, at She lives in Cabot. HAVE YOU LEFT YOUR JOB? RETIRED? RETIRING?
home, surrounded by family and loved ones, says Bonnie.
If so, you may have a variety of options available
to you. We can educate you on your options

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May 3, 2017 The WORLD page 9

Aldrich Public Library Bookmarks

30% OFF
Spring Fling Gibbons. Copies are available at the library.
Saturday, May 6 from 6-9 p.m.
Come to the library after hours for Ticks, poison ivy, and mosquitoes - Oh My!
three floors of delicious food, live Thursday, May 25 at 5 p.m.
music, dancing, and magic. This is Vermonts Medical Reserve Corps is here to help you pre-
Through Aldrichs biggest fundraiser of the pare for all the health hazards that come with warmer weather,
May 31st year! Well have hors doeuvres from from tick borne diseases to sunburns and heat stroke. Learn
Cornerstone and desserts from Delicate some tips and tricks for managing warm weather risks so that
Decadence. The circulation desk you can safely enjoy the outdoors this season! All attendees
becomes a bar serving up craft beer, cider, and wine. Sarah receive a free warm weather Go Bag with sunscreen, insect
Munro, Mark LeGrand and the Lovesick Band will be playing repellent, band-aids, tweezers, and alcohol wipes.
live, and Marko the Magician will perform a full stage show.
Tickets are just $35 per person. Call 476-7550 or stop by the Paletteers Spring Art Show
library today to reserve yours! Show runs through May 27 in the Milne Room.
The latest works of art in a variety of media by Barres
Senior Day: Birding in Vermont with North Branch talented Paletteers. Many works available for purchase.
American-made leather furniture, made in the Nature Center
Swiss-Amish Tradition since 1926. A lifetime war- Wednesday, May 3 at 1:30 p.m. Milne Room Spanish Conversation Group restarting May 2!
ranty and classic styling ensure that you will want it Chip Darmstadt from the North Branch Nature Center vis- Tuesdays at 6 p.m. Vermont Room
around as long as it will last...for a lifetime. its to celebrate and discuss some of Vermonts most colorful, All levels of Spanish experience are welcome to this fun,
musical year-round and seasonal residents: birds! For ama- informal conversation group led by native speaker Charo
teurs and experienced birders alike. Light refreshments from Lima, Peru.
Help shape the future of library services in Barre
Its more fun to DIY: Dreamcatchers We are in the process of developing our next long-range
Route 5, Lyndonville, VT Second Tuesday of the month (May 9) at 5 p.m. plan. If you have 60-90 minutes and would like to participate
Mon. thru Fri. 9-5, Sat. 9-3, Sun. Closed Teens are invited to our do-it-yourself night where we in a conversation about the future of Barre and the Aldrich
1-800-439-5996 explore a different hands-on activity each month. Public Library, please contact Library Director Sarah Costa at
296 Meadow St., Littleton, NH 477-1216 or at [email protected] to register
4584 U.S. Rte. 5, Newport, VT The Great Gilly Hopkins: Screening and Discussion for a focus group session. We would love to hear from you!
with Author Katherine Paterson and Screenwriter David
Paterson Attention Barre Town residents: please vote!
Saturday, May 13 at 1 p.m. Milne Room The librarys operational support from Barre Town is split
Come to a special screening of this recent award-winning this year with $130,000 in the general fund and $50,000 out
PUZZLES ON PAGE 34 film adaptation starring Sophie Nlisse, Kathy Bates, and
PUZZLES ON as a special article (Article 5). If Article 5 passes, the library
Glenn Close. Author Katherine Paterson and Screenplay will receive level funding from the Town and your taxes will
writer David Paterson will be part of a panel discussion and
Q&A afterwards on foster care and filmmaking. Film rated
not increase. If it does not pass, the library will be defunded
by $50,000, potentially requiring cuts to essential services.
PG. Please vote on May 9 (or earlier by stopping by the Town
Clerks office), please tell your friends and family in the Town
Reading Circle Book Group to do likewise, and please vote Yes! on Article 5 to maintain
STICKLERS Wednesday, May 17 at 6:30 p.m. Board Room level funding for Aldrich!
This months selection is Cold Comfort Farm by Stella

Ainsworth Groton Free

Public Library Public Library
SNOWFLAKES Williamstown
Author Visit/Book Group : NEW! Billings Farm & Museum Family Pass. We are
The library has teamed up with The Gardens to present an pleased to add to our borrowing options a family pass for free
author visit from Debby Irving. Debby is the author of the general admission to the Billings Farm & Museum grounds
book Waking Up White and Finding Myself In The Story Of AND special events. (Special programs and workshops not
Race. Thursday, May 4 at 4 p.m. at The Gardens. We will have included.) Check out their website for additional info on this
a book discussion, questions and answers, and a book signing great opportunity located in Woodstock: www.billingsfarm.
MAGIC MAZE at the end. Want to read the book ahead of time? Stop into the org.
library to borrow a copy. Free. You do not need to be a
Williamstown resident to attend. Light refreshments will be NEW! Birds of Vermont Museum Pass. In addition, we
served. now offer a buy one admission, get one free pass for
entrance to the Birds of Vermont Museum, located in
SUDOKU Our Local Food Shelf Needs Donations: Huntington. Check out their website for additional info on
We are a drop off site for the local food shelf. We accept their fantastic collections and events! www.birdsofvermont.
non-perishable food items, toiletries and even pet supplies. org
Look for the pink bin inside the library.
Spring Book Discussion: Monday, May 22 at 6:30 p.m.
Storytime: Join us for our next book discussion of the highly acclaimed
Storytime is 11:30 a.m. on Wednesdays. Stories, a craft and memoir by Hope Jahren, Lab Girl. Copies of the book avail-
songs with Ms. Snow, our librarian. No need to register, just able to loan by request. New folks always welcome!
come. You do not need to be a resident to attend. This is a
great way to meet new families. Free Coming Soon...Summer Programs kicking off June 11!
Coming right up SUMMERTIME! Stay tuned for more
Library Hours: details about our full schedule of special summer offerings for
2 to 6 p.m. Mon, Thurs, Fri. all ages, designed around this years national summer reading
FEAR KNOT 2 to 7 p.m. Tuesday, 9:00 to 6:00 Wednesday, 9:00 to 1:00 program theme: Build a Better World.
Look for us on Facebook: Ainsworth Public Library, 802- All of our programs are free and open to residents of all
433-5887, [email protected], www.ainsworthpub- towns. Find us on Facebook (Groton Free Public Library) or contact Anne: [email protected], 802-584-3358.
Open M (2:30-7) W (10-4) F (2:30-7) Sat (10-12).

Montpelier Senior Activity Center

The Montpelier Senior Activity 50th Anniversary at a Gala event on Saturday, June 10 from
Center is your home for healthy aging 5-10:30 p.m. at the Capitol Plaza Hotel in Montpelier. Join us
and lifelong learning. We are an active for an evening of music, dancing, food, and fun, with a 60s
community, and theres always some- theme to celebrate our founding in 1967.
SUPER CROSSWORD thing to do, no matter your interest. If Join us at 5 p.m. for appetizers and dinner and a special
youre 50 or older, wed love to wel- program to celebrate our 50th Anniversary. Senator Patrick
come you as a member of the Montpelier Leahy is scheduled to attend. Tickets including dinner are
Senior Activity Center! Read on to $50. Or, join us after dinner for a dessert buffet and dancing
learn about our latest updates and our upcoming events, many to music by DJ Fred Wilbur. Tickets for dessert and dancing
of which are free and open to the public. If youd like to learn only are $20. All will enjoy a cash bar, fun photo booth, silent
more, call us at 223-2518 or stop by at 58 Barre St. in auction, and wonderful 60s themed decorations.
Montpelier. Buy tickets now in the MSAC office at 58 Barre St. or
online at
Remembering Our Veterans
Friday, May 26, 11:30 a.m. 2 p.m. Summer Class Registration
MSAC will host an event to honor our Veterans on Friday, Summer class registration will begin on Monday, June 5.
May 26 from 11:30 a.m. to 2 p.m., including a Color Guard Well be offering dozens of classes in a way array of areas.
flag presentation, comments by local representatives, a BBQ Stop by 58 Barre St. to learn more or sign up!
lunch, presentation about the Honor Flight program, Open
Mic for sharing your Veteran experience, and a patriotic Sing- Join Us On a Trip to Fenway Park
A-Long with special guests. Please make reservations for this Red Sox v. Angels, Sunday, June 25, 9 a.m. 9 p.m. | $95
meal by calling 262-6288, as it will fill up quickly. open to non-members
Join us for a trip to Fenway Park to see the Boston Red Sox
50th Anniversary Gala & Senior Prom v. Los Angeles Angels. Price includes round-trip transporta-
Saturday, June 10, 5-10:30 p.m. tion from the Berlin Park and Ride and Outfield Grandstand
The Montpelier Senior Activity Center will celebrate our tickets. Family and friends welcome. Sign up at 58 Barre St.
page 10 The WORLD May 3, 2017
GUEST OPINION *** Weve been creating
NorthStar Has Detailed Plan to Decommission Vermont Raving Fans since 1974 ***
Yankee on Time, Under Budget
100% Satisfaction Guaranteed or your money back

By Guy Page NorthStars completion timeline is explicit and detailed,

Vermonts regulatory system works best when it expertly and is summarized by this statement: regulatory commitment
and promptly considers a projects economic benefits and
environmental impacts. I have confidence the Vermont Public
for Partial Site Release is 12.31.2030. The term partial
refers to all work necessary to restore the site EXCEPT for
Let SR Services
Service Board will act in this fine tradition in Docket 8880,
NorthStars proposed decommissioning of Vermont Yankee.
U.S. Department of Energy pickup of the spent fuel stored on
the storage pads. This final step may occur before 2030 if a
Help With Your
In this spirit, I am concerned by two significant misunder- nuclear fuel repository is approved by the U.S. Nuclear
standings expressed at public meetings and in the press: that Regulatory Commission.
Spring Cleaning!
the project is underfunded, and that it has no set completion One must also consider NorthStars past and future. It has Well wash your windows,
date. Both positions are incorrect, according to a January 24 decommissioned thousands of power facilities, and has exten-
report to the Nuclear Decommissioning Citizens Advisory sive experience in nuclear decommissioning. A company scrub your floors and clean
Panel and an April 6 document submitted by NorthStar to the doesnt become the world leader in decommissioning by fail-
Nuclear Regulatory Commission. your upholstery and carpet!
ing to plan for the unforeseen. It hopes to become the nation-
As of February, 2017, the Vermont Yankee Nuclear al leader in commercial nuclear power plant decommissioning
Decommissioning Trust was valued at $572,000,000 [Pg. 17, and clearly recognizes that the success of this long-term mis-
April 6, 2017 NorthStar Revised Post-Shutdown
Decommissioning Activities Report]. License termination sion depends on how well it performs at Vermont Yankee.
expenses, carefully separated and budgeted into 900-plus sub- The Public Service Board can do its job well and in timely
projects, are estimated at $498,450,000 [Table 3, 4/6/2017 fashion. It is my hope that after careful review, the Board will Professional Carpet/Upholstery
PSDAR]. In addition to this $73 million projected surplus, find that early decommissioning of the site is in the public
NorthStar is providing additional cost overrun risk mitigation, interest and that NorthStar is more than qualified to get the Cleaning & Maintenance
including: job done. That will allow Windham County to move forward
Guaranteed fixed payment (via bonding companies) with an economic development project that is vital to its
Team performance bonds (project partner companies also future prosperity and quality of life.
have been bonded) Guy Page is the Communications Director for the Vermont
Team contractual commitments (partners penalized for not Energy Partnership (, a Montpelier-based
completing work on time and on budget); and last but not coalition of businesses and business groups, economic devel-
least, a opment and labor organizations, and individuals committed
$125 million support agreement in essence, an insurance to policies promoting clean, safe, affordable reliable energy
policy. in Vermont. Entergy Vermont Yankee is a member of VTEP.

Randolph Senior Center


The Randolph Senior come in for lunch and to send out in our Meals on Wheels MONTPELIER
Center at 6 Hale St. is open program. If you have any questions about what types of veg-
for the public from 9 a.m. to gies we recommend, please call us at 728-9324. 223-6577
2 p;m. Lunch is served at the
Centers Fork and Spoon Fork and Spoon Caf Menu for the next two weeks is as
Caf Monday through follows:
Thursday at noon. A list of Thursday, 5/4: CINCO DE MAYO Tacos w/ soft & hard
on-going activities can be shells w/ hamburg, lettuce, onions, tomatoes, cheese, and sour
found on the Calendar of cream, Surprise Dessert
Events section of this paper. Monday, 5/8: Meatball Stroganoff, Buttered noodles,
Carrots, Tossed Salad, Whole Wheat bread, Tropical fruit
May is Older Americans Month, and the theme this year is Tuesday, 5/9: Sliced ham, Scalloped potatoes, Broccoli
Age Out Loud and is intended to give aging a new voice spears, Zucchini bread, Pumpkin stuff
one that reflects what todays older adults have to say about Wednesday, 5/10: Liver & onions or Chicken, Mashed The following honors list is provided from the school. Any
aging. The 2017 theme gives us an opportunity to shine a light potatoes, Spinach, Coleslaw, Whole Wheat bread, Chocolate questions or concerns should be addressed directly to the school.

on many important issues and trends. More than ever before, cake
older Americans are working longer, trying new things, and Thursday, 5/11: MOTHERS DAY DINNER Baked
engaging in their communities. What it means to age has Chicken, Squash, Brussels sprouts, Tossed salad, Whole
changed, and Older Americans Month 2017 is a perfect
opportunity to recognize and celebrate what getting older
wheat bread, Cherry cobbler
Monday, 5/15: Baked Spaghetti, Tossed salad, Garlic MIDDLE / HIGH SCHOOL
looks like today. We have scheduled several activities that we bread, Peaches Respect ~ Responsibility ~ Recognition
hope prove to be interesting to many of you. Learn about Tuesday, 5/16: Ranch Chicken, Mashed Potatoes, Peas & 120 Hebert Road ~ Williamstown, VT 05679
Diabetes & Nutrition on Wednesday, May 3, at 11 a.m. Hear Carrots, Whole Wheat Bread, Applesauce Phone: 802.433.5350 ~
from folks on Safeline and Elder Abuse on Tuesday, May 23, Wednesday, 5/17: Dried Beef Gravy or chicken, Mashed Third Marking Period 2016-17 Honor Roll
at 12:30 p.m. Join a group and learn how to needle-felt an owl Potatoes, California Blend Veggies, Cornbread, Hot Fudge
on Thursday, May 25, from 1- 4 p.m. You may call 728-9324, Cake High Honors with Principals Recognition
for further information. Thursday, 5/18: Roses Pasta Salad, Potato salad, Tossed (Average of 4.0 or Higher)
salad, Biscuits, Brownies Nicole Ashe, Brody Brown, Brandon Carrier, Lauren Covey, Eric
How about plant a row of vegetables for our meals pro- Hulbert, Hayden Lafond, Elizabeth Laughlin, Jonathan Myles,
grams? If you enjoy gardening and are able to plant an extra Donations are welcome from those 60 and older. For those
row of vegetables for the senior center, we would appreciate under 60, the cost is $5. All donations are voluntary and Ronald Saldi, Megan Sanborn, Brittaney Townsend
it. We strive to use more local foods in our menus. While you anonymous. Coffee, tea, water and low-fat milk are served
are thinking of what you are going to grow this summer, with each meal. High Honors (Average of 3.75 or Higher)
please consider Planting a Row to share with us. We are Call 728-9324 to confirm activities or for additional infor- Seanna Amell, Madison Ashford, Cannon Blanchard, Jared
grateful to be able to offer fresh and local foods to people who mation. Blanchard, Evan Choquette, McKenzie Collins, Moriah Covey,
TJ DeRose, Jayme Ducharme, Eliza Dwinell, Bryton Hanchett,

Savannah King, Emily Noelk, Devin ONeill, Kaitlyn Trottier

Honor Roll (Average of 3.0 or Higher)

Ryan Ashe, Jason Ball, Gage Bishop, Benjamin Bristow, Safija

April showers bring May flowers... Cajic, Sienna Campbell, Aurora Carminati-King, Vanessa
Choquette, Mackenzie Christman, Blake Clark, Taylor Clark,

Whats your favorite spring flower?

Lexis Coates, Leah Cole, Emily Coletti, Matthew Coletti, Keana
Cote, Hunter Covey, Savannah Covey, Autumn DeForge, James
DeForge, Gabriel Dexter, Nicholas Donovan, Megan Dow,
Jared Dwinell, Alexa Eaton, Marcus Fleury, Lia Gerrish, Daniel
Gordon, Connor Graves, Emma Lee Hallock, Kirsten Hanchett,
Austin Hegarty, Matthew Henderson, Taydence Hood, Gavin
Hutchinson, Kail Johnson, Shylah King, Ayden LaPoint, Parker
LaRocque, Amanda Lasell, Journi LeClair, Keira Lee, Hannah
MacAskill, Kyle MacAskill, Meredith MacAskill, Lillian Martell,
Kate Mascitti, Brianna McLaughlin, Michal Mitro, Coulson Moran,
Alyssa Morande, Brandon Morse, Natalie Myles, Naveda Orton,
Autumn Parrott, Fasika Parrott, Thomas Parrott, Desirae Pelletier,
Caroline Perry, Jacob Plante, Nathan Poulin, Julianne Rafferty-
Desroches, Ryan Spencer, Darion Stone, Caleb Sweet, Christina
Maureen - Montpelier Betsy - East Calais Silene & Claudette - Barre Elizabeth - Thivierge, Matelyn Thygesen, Bruna Travassos, Madison Varano,
PANSY IRIS AZALEA Marshfield Jude Wilson
LILAC Congratulations, Students, on Your Educational Achievements!

Ceramic Hardwood
ITEMS Natural Stone Granite
RESTAURANT Carpet Countertops
Paul - Montpelier Paul - Montpelier Mary - Orange Leslie - Williamstown GAS
WILLIAMSTOWN, VT. (802) 476-0912

May 3, 2017 2 col x8.3

The WORLD page 11

Older Items & Antiques
Call before you have a tag sale!
We Buy: Older Mixing Bowls, Pottery, China, Glass, Vases,
Candlesticks, Sterling, Coins, Costume Jewelry, Toys, Jugs,
Crocks, Canning Jars & Bottles, Lamps, Prints, Paintings,
Knick-Knacks, Holiday Decorations, etc., etc.
Full House - Attic/Basement Contents - Estate Liquidations
802-563-2204 802-595-3632 CELL
Rich Aronson

Once a Catholic
for Catholics who have not been practicing
their faith and may have questions or
concerns about their faith.
Starting Wed., May 3 at 7:00PM The WORLD welcomes Letters to the Editor concerning public 3:00 p.m. while sprucing up the capitol city. Our motto is:
at St. Monica Church (Church Basement) issues. Letters should be 400 words or less and may be subject to
This work is beneath us.
79 Summer Street, Barre editing due to space constraints. Submissions should also contain
the name of the author and a contact telephone number for verifica- Shortly before 2:00 p.m., we gather at the Rec Department/
tion. For letters of thanks, contact our advertising department at Senior Center (58 Barre St.) where reflective vests, tongs, and
What We Believe 479-2582; non-profit rates are available. bags are distributed.
How We Worship Affordable Housing Bond Then we set out on foot to cruise the sidewalks, parking
The Rules We Live By lots, and streets of the downtown. Please feel free to join us as
Editor, your schedule permits. Theres no obligation to come every
If you have any questions about the program, Two weeks ago I testified at the State House to ask the week. Its easy to remember: Trash Tramps, Tuesdays at
you may call Thomas Prindiville 476-6775 or legislature to support the Governors proposed $35 million
The Rectory at 479-3253. Two!
bond for affordable housing. Last week Vermont mayors and
other advocates of the bond gathered at the State House for a Nancy Schulz (aka Sister Sludge)
press conference. In supporting this bond, my organization Montpelier, VT
and our partners can build great new affordable housing while
also adding short term jobs in construction and related indus- We Need a Better Way to Deal with
tries. The long-term benefits include strengthened Vermont
communities through the growing of our city and town grand Nuisance Wildlife
CABOT SCHOOL lists and healthier, safer and more sustainable communities Editor,
KINDERGARTEN through smart growth and green design.
Nearly one third of Vermont families live in households
Some of you may be familiar with official trapping season
each year, but did you know that trapping occurs all year long
REGISTRATION that are housing cost burdened, meaning that they pay more under the guise of nuisance wildlife control? This unregu-
Cabot School welcomes Kindergarten students than 30 percent of their income on housing costs. That number lated, year-round trapping and killing occurs at biologically
to the 2017-2018 school year! Parents of all translates to about 36,000 children in Vermont living on the inappropriate times when animals like foxes, raccoons and
children who will be ve by September 1, 2017 edge of homelessness, food insecurity, and the many other others are raising their young. This means, among other
risks of poverty. According to a report released by Voices for things, animals are left orphaned with little chance of survival
and plan to enroll in Cabot School Kindergarten Vermont Children and discussed on VTDigger, there are
must register their children during the week of when their mothers are killed.
approximately 2,000 Vermont children experiencing home- There are no set parameters as to what constitutes a nui-
May 22-26, 2017 at the Cabot School ofce. lessness defined as lacking a fixed, regular and adequate sance animal. A warden once told me that a raccoon could be
Please bring an original birth certicate and nighttime residence. Some recent data from Barres Good defecating in your garden and that could be considered a nui-
vaccination records. You may contact Samaritan Haven states they served in 2014-2016 54 veterans, sance and therefore an excuse to kill the animal. There are
Linda Savoca at 563-2289 if you have questions. 26 elderly adults and 62 victims of domestic violence. In this many non-lethal ways to address wild animals causing dam-
beautiful state that offers so much to so many, this is simply age that dont involve killing, but the state seems to be mired
IMPORTANT DATES: unacceptable. in a trap/kill/repeat loop. Tragically, beavers are one of the
KINDERGARTEN REGISTRATION The challenge we all face to address Vermonts affordable most heavily trapped animals, leaving entire family units bro-
MAY 22-26, 2017 housing crisis lies not only in adding new affordable homes. ken. Beaver kits stay with the parents for two years so the loss
At Downstreet we often say that housing provides the first of a parent can be detrimental to the survival of offspring.
PARENT INFORMATION MEETING critical need for security and stability, but it is not enough. For
Water flow control devices, exclusion fencing and wrapping
JUNE 2, 2017, 11:00 a.m. many families to be successful, Vermont needs to invest in the trees are all long-lasting, humane options to address beaver
IN THE KINDERGARTEN ROOM necessary social services that are an integral part of the wrap-
around approach to addressing poverty. Affordable housing damage.
providers collaborate every day with mental health agencies, Not only is this unjustified trapping and killing bad for
community action agencies, and a host of other critical sup- wildlife, its bad for people. Unlicensed, unregistered nui-
port agencies. Whether it is providing homes and services sance wildlife control operators can collect payment to trap
through the Family Center of Washington County to homeless and kill animals, but these operators are not even required to
REQUEST FOR CONCRETE BID families, or offering financial wellness classes to our com- have a trapping license. This means that they havent under-
gone the trapper education program nor are they familiar with
Sealed bids for the work described below will munities, we are committed to the comprehensive solutions to
poverty in Vermont. best management practices. Animals trapped and killed as
be accepted by the Town of Orange at the town Investing $35 million in affordable housing through the nuisances arent reported to the Fish & Wildlife Department
ofces located at 392 U.S. Route 302 in Orange Governors bond proposal is the right tool to reduce the unac- so there is no data collection or controls in place to monitor
or may be mailed to P.O. Box 233 East Barre, VT ceptable number of Vermonters living day to day and being what kinds of animals are killed, how many and why. For a
05649 until 4:00 PM on Monday, June 12, 2017. forced to choose between paying the rent and buying grocer- Department who is responsible for protecting wildlife for the
ies. A stable, secure, affordable home is the first step towardbenefit of all Vermonters, including future generations, this
TYPE OF PROJECT: Phase I of the addition for seems to be a lapse in responsibility.
reducing poverty and providing all of Vermonts children and
Orange Town Garage families the opportunity to live the Vermont dream. We are thankful for bill, H.262, An act relating to the
LOCATION: On TH 4, 144 Richardson Road, Eileen Peltier, Executive Director licensing of nuisance wildlife control operators, introduced by
Orange Town Garage Downstreet Housing & Community Development Representative Jim McCullough, which will hopefully close
some of these loopholes, if the bill is successful. When unli-
of Orange is putting and addition on our Town Come Join the Trash Tramps! censed trappers set leghold and body gripping traps during the
warmer months when people are out recreating with their
Garage. We are looking for bids on a concrete Editor, dogs, that presents an unintended threat. A baited trap for a
footing and a 4 frost wall approximately 110in Youre cordially invited to join a group of friendly volun- raccoon will just as likely trap a dog or cat. We must emerge
length. The Town will be responsible for teers who pick up litter in Montpelier on a weekly basis from the dark ages and find a better way.
excavating and prepping the site where the work throughout the year. Brenna Galdenzi, President
will be performed. The Trash Tramps have fun every Tuesday from 2:00 to Protect Our Wildlife POW
BID OPENING: Sealed bids shall be quoted as

a Lump Sum price and be marked Concrete

work for Orange Town Garage and will be
publicly opened and read aloud on June 12, 2017
at 6:00 PM at a regular Selectboard meeting.
A mandatory pre-bid meeting will be held at 144
Richardson Road on Thursday, May 18, 2017 at
10:00 AM.
The Road Commissioner and Road Foreman will
be available at that time to ask questions and all
prospective bidders are encouraged to attend.
If there are any questions please direct them to
George Wild, Road Commissioner at 802-476-

page 12 The WORLD May 3, 2017

Reisss Pieces Memorial Day
I Early Deadlines
By Judy Reiss
was all set to write a column about in my mind is a sweet and easy smelling aroma!
drugs and as I was all set to begin, Think about it. Dont you think that certain aromas remind

Publication Date:
a friend, Jennifer, sat down and you of something or someone? And some of those aromas are
asked me a question about soap! I took wonderful or at least pleasant and some of them are really

May 31, 2017

my ngers off the keys and the two of gross and are not pleasant or even nice. And I am assuming
us began discussing soap and how much we both love lilacs that if you dont like the smell you dont want to rub the soap
and how we both love scented soap. And perfume, too. Which and scent all over your body!
brought us to how much we both like many things alike. And If I am wrong please feel free to rub whatever smell you like Display Deadline:
Wednesday, May 24
we, of course, also talked about what we didnt like. And right all over your body. Of course if you like the smell of skunk
at the top of my list was lavender! And I shared with Jennifer you should remember that the smell could and will keep that
my dislike or unlike of the smell of lavender. And the interest-
ing problem for me the many gifts that I have received of soap
smell on your clean body probably close to forever! And if
you have forgotten, forever is a long, long time! 5:00 P.M.
are gifts of lavender. Yuck!
Now that I have confessed to the whole world that I hate the
So, we all tend to forget that smells do last a long, long
time, probably not forever but darn near close!
Classified Deadline:
smell of lavender, let me explain why I hate lavender and this Thank God that Jennifer is here and has been willing to talk Thursday, May 25
5:00 P.M.
is it. Lavender always makes me think I am in a mens room me through the embarrassing spelling errors in this adorable
or at least just standing outside one. Phew! Now keep in mind column! Oh well, every now and then I like to demonstrate to
what I want and always want is lilac and not lavender, which all of you just how old I really am!

Senate Perspectives: School Daze

403 U.S. Rt. 302 - Berlin

By Joe Benning 479-2582 Fax 479-7916
Email: [email protected]

State Senator, Caledonia District
s Vermonters slowly adjust to the it was prohibitive cost, declining enrollment or a combination
school governance models dic- of both I do not know. They decided not to rebuild Mosquito
tated by Act 46, it was inevitable School. Foliage invaded where a community once gathered to
that some are dazed and frustrated by educate their children.
the idea of forced change to the familiar. But the story does not end there. Over the course of the next
We Vermonters, after all, are naturally suspicious of activity three decades the remaining one room school houses and ne
under the Golden Dome. But my daily walk reminds me that brick buildings built to educate a growing and more mobile THE STATE OF VERMONT
education governance and delivery are always changing. student population became obsolete. By the 1990s, another DEPARTMENT OF BUILDINGS AND GENERAL
The road I live on is a hill, one of the earlier roads in town, difcult debate ensued balancing the need for better space SERVICES IS SEEKING LEASE PROPOSALS
built to reach a very old farmhouse perched on the top of that against the rising cost of maintaining deteriorating facilities. FOR WORKSHOP SPACE IN BARRE
hill. At the other end is an intersection, a connecting artery Familiar arguments over loss of community institutions ver-
older than my own road, built to reach widely dispersed farm- sus cost savings and new educational opportunities split the The Department of Buildings and General Services
houses that controlled an agrarian economy since the early towns residents. In the end, a ne new school was built to is looking for approximately 2,000 square feet of
1800s. accommodate 800 students. program space consisting of a work-shop/garage and
Most driving by that intersection will never see it, but at a But once again, the story didnt end. Over the next two storage area for the Vermont Department of Correc-
walking pace one notices an anomaly in the landscape, a cellar decades a substantial statewide decline in student popula- tions. Ideal space would have overhead door(s) to ac-
hole that leads the curious (me, anyway) to visit the local li- tion was also felt in Lyndon. (Student head count has now commodate indoor parking for three vans/trucks. The
brary. Perusal of an ancient Caledonia County map reveals the fallen below 500.) The Supreme Courts Brigham decision facility should be in close proximity to a bus route. At
hole was once occupied by the Mosquito School, built to edu- resulted in legislation requiring state collection and distribu- minimum parking spaces for 4 vehicles which shall
cate the children of the eight or nine families whose parents tion of all education taxes to more equitably deliver education include ADA parking. Lavatory and hand washing
were area farmers in the nineteenth century. Since transporta- to all Vermont students. But the tradeoff was loss of the local facilities are required. Property must be ADA compli-
tion at the time was limited to two or four legs, the town was taxpayers ability to have direct control over his/her property ant. Lease shall be full service, all inclusive.
forced by law to distribute schoolhouses to meet the needs of a tax rates. Property taxes rose even when local school boards
widely dispersed student population growing up in an agrarian decreased school budgets. LEASE PROPOSALS MUST BE RECEIVED BY
economy. In every town in the Northeast Kingdom, indeed in Twenty years later frustrated Vermonters demanded change 3:00 PM, FRIDAY, MAY 19, 2017. FAXED OR
every Vermont town, educational cellar holes and still existing and the legislature responded with Act 46. It changes gover- ELECTRONIC SUBMISSIONS WILL NOT BE AC-
one room school houses converted to other uses are a common nance boundary lines to provide better education at less cost. CEPTED. MAIL OR DELIVER REPLIES TO:
feature of our landscape. All change brings discomfort, but the ghosts still lingering State of Vermont
The Mosquito School burned down in the 1950s. I have no over a cellar hole in Lyndon offer hope. Act 46 is not the
doubt a difcult conversation followed, a conversation now end of the discussion. It is merely a momentary solution in a
Department of Buildings and General Services
being repeated today over Act 46. Times had changed. The centuries-old debate that will continue long after we become Property Management
horse and buggy had been replaced by the horseless carriage. ghosts ourselves. Governing boundary lines do not educate our Attn: Diane Colgan
Farmers were trading in their plows for better paying jobs in children. The crucial component in our educational heritage is BARRE SPACE RFP
town. There were better educational opportunities if children the willingness of parents and neighbors to stay engaged. If 4 Governor Aiken Avenue
were sent to the bigger, more centralized schools. Conversely, Vermonters stay focused on seeing our children succeed, our Montpelier, Vermont 05633-7001
there was genuine concern for the loss of local control and descendants will be all right.
community engagement that small schools offered. Whether




EARNING Researchers at UVM are conducting a study to look at the lung health of
workers who were employed in the Vermont granite industry at any time

during 1979 - 1987.

We thank everyone who responded to our letter about the study and agreed

to participate. We will be calling you in the next few weeks to schedule
your X-ray. It will be taken June 5 - June 17 in a medical coach located at
the Vermont Granite Museum.

We will train you for a If you received a letter and have not yet decided to participate -- or worked
successful career in in the granite industry during 1979-1987 but did not get a letter -- please
sales, no experience call the number below to let us know whether or not youre willing to take
part in the study. Participants will receive $50 in compensation.
It is important that our study have as many participants as possible, and
Flexible Hours. include workers with both long and short employment in the granite indus-
Great Pay. try. We also need workers with differing types of jobs, including those that
Vacation & Benefits. do not involve exposure to granite dust. This will enable us to see if there
are differences in workers lungs that related to their type of job or length
of employment.

403 U.S. Rte. 302-Berlin For more information or to participate in the study please call:
Barre, VT 05641 Pamela Vacek or Suzanne Ledoux at (802) 656-2526
email you resume to: [email protected] Thank you for your help in making this study a success.
May 3, 2017 The WORLD page 13
3 Hour Limo Service

Mad River Chorale Celebrates Spring

Sunset Limo On Saturday evening, May 6, at the Waterbury
Congregational Church and Sunday evening, May 7, at the
Warren United Church, Mad River Chorale will Spring into
Song with a varied program of choral music to herald and
celebrate the new season. Both concerts will begin at 7:30
Proms p.m.
Weddings The 40-strong choral ensemble will sing works by Haydn,
Birthday Parties Mendelssohn, Brahms, John Rutter, Vermont composer
Bachelor/Bachelorette Parties Gwyneth Walker, and other contemporary American compos-
Rides to the game ers. The theme of springtime, re-awakening, and general joy
CALL NOW Girls Night Out
802.279.5342 ...endless possibilities as winter ends will usher in the greening time Vermonters Monteverdi Music School and Sky Meadow Chamber Players
anticipate with delight as the snow melts from the moun- and vocal coach at the EPCASO opera program in Italy,
tains. Arthur elicits a high level of performance from the group of
Mad River Chorale is an adult community chorus rehears- local singers.
ing at Harwood UHS and drawing singers from the Mad River For advance tickets and further information, visit madriver-
Valley, Waterbury, and beyond. Conductor Arthur Zorn, for- or call 496-4781. Adults $15. Students 12-21 and
mer Chair of the Fine Arts Department at Spaulding High Seniors 65+ $12, Children 11 and under are always admitted
School, current music director at Bethany Church, composer free to Mad River Chorale concerts. A dollar will be taken off
and bass soloist, brings his wide experience of choral music to the ticket price for donors of a non-perishable item for the
the group. With the help of accompanist Mary Jane Austin of local food shelf.


Vermonts Capital City Launches Flag Design Contest

The City of Montpelier, Vermont announced the kickoff of designs and finalists will be posted for voting by the general

ANNOUNCEMENTS a contest to design the new flag for the nations smallest state
capital. This follows a 2015 TED talk from flag expert Roman
Mars in which he identified the current Montpelier flag as his
public. The city will accept entries now through May 28th and
public voting on finalists will run from June 5-23. The win-
ners will be announced at the citys Independence Day fes-
The following birth announcements were submitted by Central Vermont Medical Center
example of what a flag should not look like.
on April 26, 2017. Any questions or concerns should be addressed directly to CVMC.

A daughter, Kaylee Marie Armstrong, was born April 17 to The contest will be held online, and is being coordinated tivities on July 3rd, and the winners flag will be flown in
Chelsea Balch and Taylor Armstrong of Waitsfield. through the office of the City Clerk. Participants can upload front of the City Hall.
A son, Tyrone John-Thomas Pinder III, was born April 18 to an original design through a form on the city website over the The URL of the contest web page is
Rebecca ONeill and Tyrone John-Thomas Pinder Jr. of Barre. coming weeks. A committee will then vet the submitted
A daughter, Alice Marie Welch, was born April 19 to
Chelsea Otis and Josh Welch of Williamstown.
SAVE $$$$!

J i's

o d Curt's Drop-Off Deadline Is

5-3 Birthday,
Before 10AM
near VT Granite Museum &
April 29, 1998-Dec. 17, 2003
Faith Community Church
in Barre Whoever said being
a parent is easy?
19 years ago you were
3.25 per 30 gal. and/or
25 lb. rubbish bag
for 2 or more at
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25 lb. rubbish bag
have own by. You are Text or Call (802)793-7417 Free Recycling ~ Limits Apply
160 N. Seminary St. Barre See You 7:30AM to 1PM! 1-800-244-5373
celebrating in Heaven
with Jesus but you will

always be celebrated in ARIES (March 21 to April
19) The often-skeptical Aries
our hearts here on earth. might nd that an answer to

Love and miss you , a question is hard to believe.
But check it out before you
Nana & Papa Bernier chuck it out. You might well be surprised at what you
could learn.
The Quarry Kitchen & Spirits and The WORLD would like to help you wish a TAURUS (April 20 to May 20) Your resolute determina-
special couple a Happy Anniversary. Just send their name, address & wed- tion to stick by a position might make some people uncom-
fortable. But if youre proved right (as I expect you to be),

Happy Birthday!
ding forget...
anniversary date. Each week12-7
we Armour
publishMoodie, 63, plus well have
the names,
a monthly winner for a Gift Certifi12-14
cate for lunch or dinner
Jaime Clark, Barre
at The Quarry a lot of changes will tilt in your favor.
5-13 Kristen Lee Deleandro,
Kitchen & Spirits
28, Mentor, OH in Barre. No obligation,
12-25 Jenna nothing to buy.
Companion, 19,Just send an- GEMINI (May 21 to June 20) You might feel conicted
5-14 John,names two (2) weeks prior Waterbury
Chelsea Ctr. date, to: The WORLD,
to anniversary between what you want to do and what you should do. Best
FROM 5-14
HAPPY Downing, Chelsea 12-31302
403 U.S.Rt. Chelsea Phillips,
- Berlin, Barre,29,VT 05641. Please advice: Honor your obligations rst. Then go ahead and
5-20 Bill Boyce, Chelsea Manassas, VA
BARRE-MONTPELIER RD. provide name, address & phone
5-20 Mary Lefcourt, Essex Jct. number for prize notification. enjoy your well-earned rewards.
5-22 Ruth Madigan P., 73, 1-4 Betsy Cody, 61, Barre CANCER (June 21 to July 22) That nancial matter still
needs to be sorted out before you can consider any ma-
Price Chopper (Berlin, VT) and The WORLD would like to help you wish someone Bethel 1-14 Brandon McLeon, 26,
special a Happy Birthday. Just send their name, address & birthdate. Well publish the 5-27 Candy McLeon, 70, Hardwick
names in this space each week. Plus, well draw one (1) winner each week for a FREE Hardwick 1-15 Peggy Zurla, 54, Mayaez, jor monetary moves. Pressures ease midweek, with news
BIRTHDAY CAKE from Price Chopper (Berlin, VT). No obligation, nothing to buy. Just
send birthday names two (2) weeks prior to birthdate, to: The WORLD, c/o BIRTHDAY
Puerto Rico about a potential career change.
LEO (July 23 On to August 22) A workplace problem threat-
6-3 Joey, Wby Ctr, 39 1-15 Shawn Kasulka, E.Mplr
CAKE, 403 U.S. Rt. 302 - Berlin, Barre, VT 05641. Please provide your name, address
6-5 Rob Salvas, 55, Barre 1-19 Kevn Sare, 36, Cabot County Rd. 2.7 miles up Main St. Montpelier
& phone number for prize notification.
6-6 Heather Holmes, 49, (no i) ens to derail your well-planned project.
Open Every DayBut your quick
APRIL 23 MAY 4 Woodbury 1-27 Caitlyn Couture, 26, mind should lead you to a solution and get you back on
Lee Richardson Jr. (Rick), 64, Bethel Jennnifer Rogers, 29, Groton 210 North Main St. Barre Barre 802-479-7002
track without too much delay.
APRIL 27 MAY 6 7-7 Marti Elliott, Barre 1-31 Joyce LaMountain (The
7-9 Pierce Salvas, 32, Barre
Please Send Plant Lady), 85, Adamant VIRGO (August 23 to September 22) An opportunity
29, Us Your MayCouture,
Grace Isabelle, 14, So. Barre
Gary Villa, Washington 7-11 Joslyn Richardson, 1-31 Linda Barre opens up but could quickly close down if you allow pes-
Jade Holland, 15, Randolph
Jim Elliott, 50, Barre And VT
Waterbury, Be Automatically Registered
1-31 Wayne Michaud,To 70, Win A
simism to override enthusiasm. A trusted friend can offer
7-11 Marcus Hass, 28 Santa Rosa, CA
Gift Certificate From The Quarry Kitchen & Spirits the encouragement
WEEKyouOF need.
Ashley Weston, 25, Barre
7-12 Emily Rappold, Plainfield LAST THE
Gracie Laramore, 11, So. Barre 7-18 Mike Jacques, So. Barre 2-1 Nancy Prescott, Barre
MAY 1 LIBRA (September 23 to October 22) Youve come
Karen Lafreniere, 52 MAY 9 2-6 Bob Edwards, 75
2-8 Warren Lanigan
through a difcult period of helping others deal with their
Sarah Utton, 58, Waterbury Gloria Mayo, 73, Montpelier TOM
8-8 Gary & CRYSTAL ISABELLE, SOUTH BARRE, 18 YEARS problems. Now you can concentrateCOUPLE
on putting your en-
CAKE WINNER: Please call Price Chopper (Berlin, VT) at 479-9078 and
8-8 Shirley Combs, Randolph
8-9 Bob Evans, 63, Woodstock
2-12 Joe Richardson,
ergy to work on your own projects.
ask for Julie Fandino (Bakery Manager) or Beverlee Hutchins (Cake
Decorator) by Thursday, May 4 to arrange for cake pick-up.
8-16 Charlotte Edwards, Barre
2-13 Sandy Salvas, Barre
2-14 LauraBARRE,
to November 21) Forget about
et to 8-20 Rachel Salvas, 23, Barre Montpelier whos to blame and, instead,
On APRIL 26, VICmake
& ANNEthe rst move toward
8-21 Chriiis MAY 9 Retherford
2-16 Aaron patching up a misunderstanding
of WAITSFIELD before
celebrate their 58thitANNIVERSARY!
creates a rift that
This Weeks Cake Winner:
8-24 Terry Spaulding,
2-23 Pauline Nelson,
Waterbury youll never be able to cross.
8-26 Joshua McLeon, 27, 2-25 Meah & Mya Couture, 9, SAGITTARIUS (November 22 to December 21) Good
Hartford, CT
8-29 Connie Spaulding, Minot,
news for the travel-loving Sagittarian who enjoys gallop-
ing off to new places: That trip you put off will soon be
HAPPY ANNIVERSARY 3-5 Rebecca Pressman, 38
3-17 Pat Wieja, Baltimore, MD back on your schedule.
Mail this coupon to: The WORLD c/o Birthday Cake 9-5 Sally
MailFontaine, Walden
this coupon to: The WORLD
3-19 Ruth Weeks, Barre
CAPRICORN (December 22 to January 19) A mood
9-8 Arlo Benjamin Lefcourt, 7 3-22 Nicholas Salvas, 25
403 U.S. Rt. 302 - Berlin 9-15 Deborah Phillips c/o Happy3-25 Anniversary
Zarek Michael Gonet, 10, change could make the gregarious Goat seek the company
Barre, VT 05641 9-26 Aeletha403 U.S.
Kelly, Rt. 302 - Berlin,
Barre Barre,NH
Charlestown, VT 05641 of just a few friends. But you charge back into the crowd
Open to people of all ages. Just send in the entry blank below, and we will 9-28send
Just Jessica
in theMcLeon, 28, below, and we will publish it in this space each week.
entry blank
publish it in this space each week. Plus, we will draw one (1) name each week Plus,Hardwick
we will draw one (1) couple each4-1 month
Adam forLefcourt,
a gift certificate
38 from The Quarry for weekend fun and games.
for a FREE BIRTHDAY CAKE from the Price Chopper Super Center (Berlin, Kitchen & Spirits in Barre. No obligation, nothing
4-12 to buy.
Meredith Entries
Page, 62, must be mailed two AQUARIUS (January 20 to February 18) A decision you
VT). No obligation, nothing to buy. Entries must be mailed two (2) weeks prior
to birthdate. Telephone calls to The WORLD will not be accepted.
10-5 Lisa Companion, Croyden, NH
(2) weeks prior to anniversary date. Telephone calls to The WORLD will not be
Waterbury made in good faith could come under re. Best advice:
10-6 Steven Lefcourt, 33,
4-19 Elliott Ackerman, 30,
Barre Open your mind to other possibilities by listening to your
BIRTHDATE______________________________ ANNIVERSARY
Hollywood, CA 4-20 Jessie Phillips, 26, E. challengers point of view.
PISCES (February 19 to March 20) You can avoid being
10-18 Kay Santamore, Mplr.
NAME___________________________________ DATE_______________________# YEARS______
Plainfield 4-21 Kathy Churchill, 62,
10-29 Eric Evans, 33, Woodstock swamped by all those tasks dangling from your line this
AGE (this birthday)_________________________ NAMES___________________________________
Proctorsville 4-30 Lillian Kasulka, 8, E. week by tackling them one by one, according to priority.
ADDRESS________________________________ ADDRESS_________________________________
11-7 Karen Evans, 63,
Montpelier The weekend brings good news.
4-30 Darlene Callahan, 56,
Plymouth Barre BORN THIS WEEK: You have a fine business sense and a
________________________________________ _________________________________________
11-15 Jessup Max Lefcourt, 4 love of the arts. You enjoy living life to its fullest.
11-15 Bob Spaulding, Minot, (c) 2017 King Features Synd., Inc.
PHONE__________________________________ PHONE___________________________________
5-6 Gary Villa, Washington
5-6 Jim Elliott, 51, Barre
11-19 Henry Kasulka, 13, E.
page 14 The WORLD May 3, 2017 Mplr
11-22 Ruth Pearce, Chelsea
11-23 Jason Lowe, 28, Wby
11-28 Neil, 28, Waterbury
Beaver Fever Giardiasis in Vermont
By Anthony Sassi
Summer is fast approaching in Vermont,
their feces posing a risk of infection to others.
This can continue throughout the time a per-
When the Atlas is out of Balance
and many are looking forward to spending son is infected. In more extreme cases of By Rosalene Bussiere

more time outdoors with family, friends, and untreated Giardiasis, the infection may linger hen the Atlas Once the
four-legged companions. Many Vermonters resulting in chronic Giardiasis. Unfortunately, bone or Sub- body is in
are familiar with the term Beaver Fever and the symptoms of chronic Giardiasis may
its association with illness after drinking from mimic health issues such as gallbladder or occipital joint alignment
streams, ponds, lakes, or other untreated peptic ulcer disease, irritable bowel, chronic is out of place it causes with the
water sources. Beaver Fever, or Giardiasis, fatigue syndrome, and even cancer, making it the head to tilt and turn head or
is caused by a single-celled parasite called difficult for a healthcare provider to diagnose and the entire spine sub-occipital
Giardia intestinalis. Giardia is found in every the infection. Chronic giardiasis has also been follows this error, joint, old
state in the United States and is, in fact, the linked with eye lesions, arthritis, muscular
most commonly identified intestinal parasite weakness, malnutrition, growth stunting, and spreading confusion throughout the bodys traumas
in the world. Giardia infection is common in impaired cognitive function. skeletal structure. A direct symptom of this (MISALIGNED) ATLAS BONE may be
humans and both wild and domestic mam- If infection with Giardia is so common in condition is a stiffening of the muscles. OR SUB-OCCIPITAL JOINT released,
mals. Vermont, how can infection be prevented? This stiffening of the muscles causes and limiting thoughts and emotional
So how could Giardia affect you? According Since this parasite lives in water, try to make
to the most recent reports by the CDC, sure that drinking water is obtained from a many other painful symptoms to affect the patterns may surface and dissolve. Even
Vermont consistently has the highest rate of filtered or treated water source, rather than body such as constriction of blood ow, depression, anxiety and fear disorders can
Giardia infection in the nation and has an natural ground water found in springs, lakes, specically from the brain to the body be inuenced in a positive way through
incidence rate (number of new infections in ponds, or rivers. Since swimming in the lakes and body to brain. Atlas bone dislocation this self-healing process. This happens
the population at a given time) that is approx- and ponds of Vermont is common and may be causes spinal and bodily uid restrictions automatically and cannot be predicted in
imately three times higher than that of Maine, difficult to avoid, be aware that infection is
the state that ranks second in Giardia infec- possible. In addition, when people or animals causing the immune system to become any time frame. However, people do have
tion. A representative at the Vermont are infected with Giardia, they can release weak and sluggish. The body instinctively a tendency to move forward in positive
Department of Health indicated that simply cysts in their feces. Poor hygiene and sanita- tries to straighten the head while keeping lifestyles and clear decision making after
living in Vermont is a risk factor to becoming tion practices could lead to further ingestion the head over the feet for gravity. This receiving this work. My suspicion is that
infected, because Giardia is ubiquitous in our and spread of Giardia, so practice good hand
ground water. Since the risk of infection for washing skills to avoid infection through con- further causes stress throughout the head, by releasing tension on the sympathetic
Vermonters is so high, it is important to tact with infected people or animals. jaw, spine, shoulders, pelvis, hips, knees, nervous system relives these symptoms by
understand the transmission, symptoms, and If you think that you may have Giardiasis ankles and feet. way of better oxygen ow to the brain/
treatment of this very common disease. or are worried about coming into contact with Depending on the upper cervical struc- body connection and less pressure on the
Giardiasis may be contracted through the the parasite, please speak with your doctor. ture and the degree of the atlas rotation, a spinal cord.
drinking of contaminated water or by ingest- Giardia is easily treated with an oral medica-
ing Giardia cysts after contact with a person tion. Many times, an acute Giardia infection person can suffer from headaches, sinus
or animal that has the infection. Once ingest- is easily recognizable based on the history pressure, ring in the ears, TMJ, grinding of THE 9TH CHAKRA ACTIVATION
ed, the Giardia cysts rupture, and the matur- provided to the healthcare provider, but if the the teeth, neck pain, stiff neck, upper and TECHNIQUE IS UNIQUE BLEND
ing parasite invades the intestinal wall. It is infection is not diagnosed and becomes lower back pain, herniated disk, scoliosis, OF BODY, MIND AND SPIRITUAL
this invasion that tends to start many of the chronic, it may be overlooked as a potential
symptoms of Giardiasis. While some indi- cause of illness and be mistaken for other distorted brain messages, jammed spinal HEALING.
viduals may exhibit no symptoms of infec- similarly presenting diseases. nerves, immune system weakness, pain The 9th Chakra Activation Technique
tion, most will experience abdominal cramps, Anthony Stassi is a medical student at the in the shoulders, hips, knees, feet, have does not involve diagnosis or therapy in
bloating, nausea, weight loss, and bouts of University of Vermont College of Medicine, differences in leg length and continuous the physical sense. We are working with
diarrhea lasting anywhere from days to and has been working on a public health pressure on the spinal column. energetic healing, touch for health and
months. As the infection progresses and the related project in conjunction with healthcare
parasite develops within the host, the infected providers at The Health Center in Plainfield, Current research shows that if birth was spiritual healing. This work is not meant
person or animal will pass Giardia cysts in VT. He is from Woodbury, VT. complicated in any way the atlas rotation to replace the therapeutic work of the
can be turned even more from its natural medical profession but is a support in re-

Home Alone, Intentionally

position. This critical dislocation and awakening the self-healing capabilities and

tilting of this vertebra can cause a number health in every person. The methodology
ecently Ive noticed that par- used when you are not home. of discomforts and even diseases. Life intertwines body, mind and spirit and is
ents have been eager to ask me 2. Make sure your child knows how experiences such as falls and accidents can used for the healing of the whole person. If
at what age they can leave to respond in the event of an emer- continue worsen the position by a matter you like to know more you may go to my
their children home without a sitter. I gency, such as a fire, by talking
feel at home, but not alone, with this through such situations and hearing of degrees. With age the body starts to website: or
common question so let me provide how they would respond. have system and structural failures due 802-793-9371 May you always be well!
some information on the topic. 3. Post all key phone numbers and to subluxation on the nervous system
First of all, children under 10 any special instructions on a visible and bone structure caused by this joint
should never be left alone, even for a place, such as the fridge.
few minutes. If your child is over 10, but still 4. If your children are staying alone after misalignment.
frightened or apprehensive about being left school until you get home, ask one of them to
alone, dont leave them alone either. call you or a neighbor if you are unavailable
On the other hand, if they are over 10 and as soon as they get home from school to let
showing signs of responsibility, such as getting you know theyre okay.
homework and chores done without asking, With these hints in place, you might give A SPECIAL SUPPLEMENT TO THE WORLD
following rules and understanding safety mea- your child the opportunity to try this experi-
sures in your house, and are interested in try- ence perhaps first by leaving him or her alone
ing to be left alone while you are out, then you for a brief period of time, such as 15 to 30
can consider leaving them alone by them- minutes and then increasing the time alone
selves. over time.
Here are a few suggestions that will make Hopefully tips like these will hit home when
things go well: it comes to allowing your older child to stay
1. Set the house rules ahead of time and make home alone when you cannot be there to pro-
sure your child understands and can repeat vide supervision.
back to you these rules. Just what these rules Lewis First, MD, is chief of Pediatrics at
are is up to you, but they usually include no The University of Vermont Childrens Hospital
guests when an adult is not at home, never and chair of the Department of Pediatrics at
answering the door for a stranger, and never the University of Vermont College of Medicine.
telling a stranger on the phone that they are You can also catch First with Kids weekly
home alone. There might also be a rule about on WOKO 98.9FM and WPTZ Channel 5, or
not using the oven in your absence and how visit the First with Kids video archives at www.
long television is to be watched or the internet

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802-793-9371 To reserve your advertising space call a WORLD representative today at 479-2582.
May 3, 2017 The WORLD page 15
Mother's Day Celebrate Mom with Flowers
May 14,
14, 2017

others Day is an annual holiday that honors motherhood
Reservations Recommended Breakfast
Breakfast Buffet
Reservations Recommended
(802) 888-4242
(802) 888-4242 Served 8 a.m. until 12:00 p.m. and provides an opportunity for men, women and
Mothers Day
Served 8 a.m. until 12:00 p.m.

Day Egg, Omelette & Waffle Stations French Toast and Pancakes with VT Maple Syrup
Egg, Omelette
Bacon &Baked
Stations French ToastMaple
and Pancakes
Sausage with VT Fries
Maple Syrup children to show their mothers how much they
Dinner Specials
Carved Vermont Home

Dinner Specials
Sausage Baked
Gravy Ham Carved
and Biscuits
Sausage Adults...$11.95
Fresh Vermont
Gravy and Biscuits Children
Maple Sausage
Fruit Assorted
Fresh Fruit
Pastries Home Fries
Juice and
5-8...$6.95 Under 5...FREE more...
Assorted Pastries Juice and
more... appreciate them.
12 - 6 p.m. Adults...$11.95 Children 5-8...$6.95 Under 5...FREE
12 - 6 p.m.
The tradition of Mothers Day in the Unit-
with cornbread stuffingTURKEY DINNER
with cornbread stuffing
Dinner Buffet Buffet
Free Carnatio
for M arnati ns
for Mom! ons
ed States dates back more than a century to
Served from 12:00 Noon until 6:00 p.m. om!
1908, when West Virginia native Anna Jarvis
ROAST PRIME RIB au jus King cut $21.95 Served from 12:00 Noon until 6:00 p.m.
ROAST PRIME RIB au jus Queen King cut
cut $18.95
$21.95 Roast Pork Roast Turkey Steamship of Beef Chicken Wings
held a memorial service to honor her mother,
Queen cut $18.95 Roast PorkPenne
Baked Roast TurkeyHaddock
Baked Steamship of Shrimp
Fried Beef Chicken Wings
Rice Pilaf
8 oz. FILET MIGNON Charbroiled Baked Penne
Roasted Baked
Red Haddock
Potatoes Fried
Vegetable Shrimp
Medley RiceBar
Salad Pilaf
8 oz. FILET
with a Burgundy Charbroiled
wine Demi Glaze $21.95 Roasted Red Potatoes
Homemade Rolls INCLUDES
Vegetable Medley Salad
Dessert TableBar who had passed away three years earlier,
and all mothers in Grafton, West Virginia.
Served with a Burgundy wine Demi Glaze $21.95 Homemade
Moms ONLY...$15.95 Rolls INCLUDES
Adults...$18.95 Children Dessert Table Under 5...FREE
BAKED STUFFED SHRIMP $18.95 Moms ONLY...$15.95 Adults...$18.95 Children 5-8...$6.95 $7.95 Under 5...FREE
Seafood Stuffing$18.95 Mothers Day would ultimately become a
Topped with Homemade
Topped with Homemade Seafood Stuffing
Above served with choice of two sides. Drink
Drink Specials
Specials national holiday in the United States in 1914,
Above served with choice of two sides.
Salad bar Mimosa...............$5.75
Bloody Mary.........$5.75 Full Bar Available
Salad bar Mimosa...............$5.75 Bloody Mary.........$5.75 Full Bar Available thanks in large part to Jarvis campaigning.
Reservations Recommended 888-4242 Routes 15 & 100, Morrisville VT
Reservations Recommended 888-4242 Routes 15 & 100, Morrisville VT As Jarvis, who never married and never had
children of her own, grew old, she criticized
Mothers Day as overly commercial, even
AT Bragg Farm trying to have it removed from the calendar.
Those efforts failed, and Mothers Day re-
mains popular now, more than 100 years after
the idea for it was conceived.
Vermont Grown While Mothers Day traditions have

PANSIES changed since Jarvis rst proposed the

holiday, many people feel its customary to
give mothers gifts on Mothers Day, when
and make the perfect oral gift for mothers
who like traditional owers. If you want to
spice things up, order a bouquet made up of
have arrived! moms take the day off from chores and roses of various colors.
Organically grown. relax with their families. Flowers make for
Lots of great colors. popular Mothers Day gifts, and well-wishers DAFFODILS
who want to give the special women in their Yellow is synonymous with spring, and
lives owers this year can consider a host of daffodils can highlight the season in which
Sweeten Moms Day varieties. Mothers Day takes place while also provid-
ing a cheerful look thats perfect for Mothers
with a Gift of Sweet CARNATIONS Day oral bouquets. Daffodils can be given
Carnations are popular Mothers Day on their own or added to mixed bouquets.
Maple Treats from owers, perhaps because they are available Daffodils also last quite a while when cared
in a number of colors. That means its highly
Bragg Farm!! likely sons, daughters, husbands and others
for correctly, giving moms more than just a
few days to enjoy their bouquets.
gifting moms this Mothers Day can nd
some carnations in Moms favorite color. FREESIA
Worlds Best Ask your orist about what each carnation Like daffodils, freesia are long-lasting,
Maple color symbolizes, as each has its own unique meaning mothers will still be enjoying them
& meaning. Pink carnations, for example, are long after Mothers Day has come and gone.
Chocolate believed to symbolize a mothers love. The inviting fragrance of freesia makes
Creemees, bouquets of these owers popular choices
Served ROSES for Mothers Day gifts. Freesia also come in
802-223-5757 Everyday
1 mile north of E. Montpelier Village on Rt. 14N (follow signs) Few mothers can resist roses, making many colors, proving Mothers Day gift giv-
OPEN Every Day from 8:30AM-6:00PM them one of the more popular owers come ers a greater chance of nding owers their
Mothers Day. Roses are symbolic of love mothers will love.

Make Memories for Mom!

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Valid only at participating retailers. Prices before taxes. No substitutions. See store for details. 802-476-4342
page 16 The WORLD May 3, 2017
Bridging the distance on Mothers Day
any modern families are spread Skype and FaceTime enable you to video chat with others in
real time. Come Mothers Day, connect with mom via such
out across the country if not apps so you can watch her open up her gifts.
the globe. Some people move
away from family to further their RECONNECT WITH HOME
If Mom is the one who ventured from home, help her to
careers, while others are called upon to care reconnect with her hometown or another place she feels at-
for others. Children may separate from their tached to. Ship her some favorite regional foods that can only
parents to witness new travel experiences. be bought in town. Make a photo or video montage of places
Military service may call individuals away from of interest in town. These little touches of home can mean the
world to her.
home as well.
Distance can make it challenging to spend time together for CREATE A SPECIAL DAY
major holidays and other special occasions like Mothers Even if you do not live near your mother, you can still plan
Day. But Mothers Day can still be special even if Mom lives a fun day for her in her town. Make reservations for a spa,
hundreds or thousands of miles away. hair salon or other sources of pampering and surprise her
with all the details.
Technology helps break down some of the barriers created Treat her to the ultimate surprise
by distance. While phone calls were once the way to keep in If possible, make a surprise visit this Mothers Day. Coor-
touch, many people now utilize various forms of digital com- dinate the plan with your father or another relative and then
munication. Someone who lives across different time zones enjoy seeing her eyes light up when you arrive.
can talk through texting or the various social media avenues With a little creativity, even families separated by geogra-
available on computers, phones and tablets. Video apps like phy can share the magic of Mothers Day together.

Kids of All Ages...

Come to Blossom Cottage Fraziers
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May 3, 2017 The WORLD page 17

Now Taking
Orders for All calendar submissions should be sent to editor@vt-world. Greater Barre Democrats. Town & City residents welcome.

Chicks! com or mailed to The WORLD, Attn: Calendar, 403 U.S. Route
302, Barre, Vt. 05641. The deadline is 5:00 p.m., Thursday
preceding publication. The Ongoing section is for free/low cost
community events, which should be verified monthly. We are
Aldrich Public Library, last Wednesdays, 5:15-6:15 p.m. Info
Play Group. St. Monicas Church, lower level, Thursdays dur-
ing school year, 9:30-11 a.m.
Rhode Island Reds $2.65 no longer able to include ongoing classes.
Golden Comets $2.65 American Legion Auxiliary Unit 10. Meets at the post, first
Barred Rock $2.65 Order By Ongoing Events Thursday of each month (not July), 6:30 p.m.
Vermont Modelers Club. Building & flying model airplanes
Ameraucanas $2.85 MAY BARRE - Central VT Adult Basic Education. Free classes. year-round, visitors welcome. Info. 485-7144.
12 Pre-GED and high school diploma prep classes at Barre
Buff Orpington $2.85 Community Breakfast. First Presbyterian Church, 78 Summer
Learning Center, 46 Washington St. Info./pre-register 476- St., 3rd Sunday of month, FREE, 7:30-9 a.m. 476-3966.
Speckled Sussex $2.85 Pickup: June 14-15 4588.
Grandparents Raising Their Childrens Children. Support
PAWS. Support for those grieving the loss of a beloved pet. group. 23 Summer St., 1st & 3rd Weds., 10 a.m.-noon. 476-
MEAT BIRDS Universalist Church. 1st Thursday of month. 7 p.m. Info. beyon- 1480.
[email protected]
TURKEYS: Mammoth Bronze ($7.99 ea.) Friends of Aldrich Public Library. Aldrich Library, 2nd floor
Rainbow Umbrella of Central Vermont, an adult LGBTQ boardroom, 4th Tuesday of month, 6:30 p.m. Info. 476-7550.
group, bowls at Twin City Lanes on Sunday afternoons twice a
Broad Breasted White ($6.99 ea.) month. For dates and times: [email protected] Circle of Parents. Confidential support group for parents and
caregivers. Meets Tuesday evenings. Info. 229-5724 or
Order Deadline: May 12 Pickup: June 13-14 Central Vermont Woodcarving Group. Free instruction proj- 1-800-CHILDREN.
ects for all abilities. Barre Congregational Church, Mondays 1-4
p.m. 479-9563 Mothers of Preschoolers. Monthly get-togethers for crafts,
Jumbo Cornish Cross Rock & Soul Chorus. 6:30-8:30 p.m. at the Church of the Good
refreshments, etc. Christian Alliance Church, 476-3221.
BROILERS: White Meat Bird ($1.22 ea.) Shepherd on 39 Washington St. Sing songs from the Sixties and Alcoholics Anonymous. Meetings in Barre, daily; call 802-229-
beyond. Ability to read music is not required. No audition, but 5100 for latest times & locations;
Red Broilers Bird ($1.22 ea.) singers should be able to accurately sing back whats been sung to Hedding United Methodist Activities & Meetings. 40
Order Deadline: May 23 Pickup: June 22 them. All ages are welcome. Children under 13 should come with Washington Street, 476-8156. Choir, Thursdays 7 p.m; Free
a parent. Community Supper, Fridays 5:30-6:30 p.m.; Community
Order Forms Available At: Heart of Vermont Quilt Guild. Meets on third Tuesday of the Service & Food Shelf Hours: Weds & Thurs. 3-5 p.m.
month at First Presbyterian Church on Seminary Street from 5:30- Turning Point Recovery Center. 489 N. Main St., Barre. Safe &
Farm 7:30 p.m. supportive place for individuals/families in or seeking substance
abuse recovery. Recovery coaching and other support programs;
Step n Time Line Dancers of Central Vermont. Fall Session:
& Yard Thursdays at The Old Labor Hall, 46 Granite St. 6:30-8:30 p.m. recreational facilities (pool, ping pong, games). Open Mon.-Wed.
19 Barre St., Montpelier 229-0567 10 a.m.-5 p.m., Thurs. 10 a.m.-9 p.m., Fri. 10 a.m.-11 p.m., Sat.
Monday-Friday 8-6 Saturday 8-5 Sunday 10-2
Playgroup. Universalist Church, Tuesdays 9:30-11 a.m., while 6-11 p.m. Making Recovery Easier, Tuesdays at 6 p.m.; Wits school is in session. Sponsored by Building Bright Futures. Info. End parent support group, Wednesdays at 6 p.m.; All Recovery
279-0993. support group Fridays at 6 p.m. Alcoholics Anonymous: Sane
Additional Recyclables Collection Center. Open for collection & Sober group, Saturdays at 7:30 a.m.; Living Sober group,
Mon., Wed., Friday noon 6 p.m., 3rd Saturdays 9 a.m.-1 p.m. Sundays at 8:30 a.m. Narcotics Anonymous: When Enough is
540 N. Main St., Barre. Visit for list of accept- Enough group, Thursdays at 6:30 p.m. & Sundays at 5:30 p.m.
able items. Al-Anon: Courage to Change group, Saturdays at 5 p.m.
Jabbok Christian Center Prayer Meeting. 8 Daniel Dr. 6:30-8 (childcare provided). For help, or Info on special programs, call
p.m. 1st & 3rd Thursdays. Info: 479-0302 479-7373.
Medicare and You. New to Medicare? Have questions? We Green Mountain Spirit Chapter. National women bikers club.
have answers. Central Vermont Council on Aging, 59 N. Main 2nd Wed. of month; info [email protected].
St., Suite 200, 2nd and 4th Tuesdays of the month. Call 479- BERLIN - Drop-in Meditation Sitting Group. W/Sherry
0531 to register. Rhynard. CVMC, conf. room #2, Thursdays, 6-7 p.m. sherry@

High Tea, Historical Home, Great Music, and Fabulous Company
Celebrate Recovery. Recovery for all your hurts/habits/hang-ups. or 272-2736.
Christ Community Church, 43 Berlin St. across from R&L Barre Tones Womens A Capella Chorus. Capital City Grange
Richs Hollow Benefit Concert Archery, Monday, 6-8 p.m. 476-3221. 6612 Rt 12. Mondays, 6:30-9 p.m. 223-
Wheelchair Basketball. Barre Evangelical Free Church, 17 So. 2039.

Main St., Every other Tuesday, 5:30-7 p.m. Info 498-3030 (David) Survivors of Suicide Loss Support. For family and friends
Lost Nation Theaters Into The Woods or 249-7931 (Sandy). who lost someone to suicide. CVMC, conf. room #1, 3rd

Aldrich Public Library Activities. 6 Washington St., 476- Tuesdays, 6-7:30 p.m. Info. 223-0924.

7550. Story Hour, Mondays & Tuesdays starting 9/22, 10:30 Bereavement/Grief Support Group. CVHHH Conference

a.m. Reading Circle Book Club, 3rd Wednesdays, 6:30 p.m. Center, 600 Granger Rd. Open to anyone who has experienced the
Living & Learning Series, 1st Sundays, 1 p.m. Senior Day, 1st death of a loved one. No fee. Group 1: 10-11:30 a.m. every other
Wednesdays, 1 p.m. Wednesday starting May 10. Group 2: 6-7:30 p.m. every other
Monday starting May 15. Info: Diana Moore at 802-223-1878

Central Vermont Business Builders. Community National
Bank, 1st & 3rd Tuesdays, 8-9 a.m. Info. 777-5419. NAMI-VT Connection Recovery Support Group. Central
Weekly Storytime. Next Chapter Bookstore, 158 North Main Vermont Medical Center Boardroom, 130 Fisher Rd. Second
St., Saturdays, 10:30 a.m. Info. 476-3114. Thursdays, 4:30 p.m. Free, 90-minute recovery support groups for

Overeaters Anonymous. Church of the Good Shepherd, people living with mental illness.
Tuesdays 5:30-6:30 p.m. and Saturdays 8:30-9:30 a.m. Info: Cancer Support Group. With potluck. Second Wednesday of
Valerie, 279-0385. each month, 6 p.m. Info. 229-5931. continued on page 20

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Humiliating auditions, grueling
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FINAL SHOWS! Theater fascinates movie-makers.

Now thru May 7 With insightful commentary and

scintillating gossip from noted film
historian Rick Winston,12 films
including All About Eve, Birdman,
and The Dresser are featured.
$10 advance/ $15 door

7:30pm | montpelier city hall arts center |

ad courtesy of The World

Call: 229-0492 LNT Judevine photos:

p John Snell. Ad Courtesyy of The World
Underwriters: Capitol Copy, City of Motpelier, National Life Group, The Point, WDEV
page 18 The WORLD May 3, 2017
Montpelier Mayfest
May 5th, 6th & 7th
Celebrate Spring during Montpelier Mayfest!
The rst weekend in May is host to a full calendar of fun, family friendly events in the Capital City. Many events
take place outdoors in beautiful (and walkable!) downtown Montpelier, Vermont. While youre downtown, stop
in to some of our amazing restaurants and independent shops & boutiques.

Friday, May 5th Yoga at The State House Lawn

Yoga 10:00 am-noon ABB Y S
Spring Art Walk Start your Green-Up Day off right with


4:00 pm-8:00 pm Grateful Yoga at the Vermont State House
in downtown Montpelier. Previously
Downtown Montpelier
Montpeliers local shops and known as Yoga on State Street, this year we Commercial
boutiques transform into pop-up art are moving to the steps of the iconic Ver- ResidentialPersonal
69 Main Street mont State House for an incredible outdoor
Montpelier, VT 05602 galleries featuring some of our most CLEAN,WELL-LIT FACILITY
talented local artists work in a vari- community event.
802-223-4633 The event is family friendly, free, includes a live rafe,
ety of mediums. Enjoy lovely Spring
Locally owned and proud benets an excellent cause, and a great way to get
of our independence weather while strolling Montpeliers historic district.
involved in the local community. Last year Yoga on State 802-229-2645
Guidebooks will be in local stores the week of May 2nd.
Street hosted over 100 yogis and we are hoping to attract
even more this year!
Saturday, May 6th The Onion River Sports 2017 Bike
The areas Kiwanis All-You-Can-Eat Breakfast
7:00 am-11:30 am
Drop off: Friday April 30th-Friday
original Boutwell Masonic Center Gal- May 5th Contemporary Vermont Crafts
Real Maple lison Hill Road Event: Saturday May 6th 9:00 am-
Creemees The ALL YOU CAN EAT BREAK- 12:00 pm Gifts made
OPEN EVERY DAY FAST features French toast, pan- Langdon Street in Vermont
802-223-2740 cakes, sausage, eggs, toast, coffee, milk. Kiwanis Serv- Dig those old bikes you never ride
1-800-242-2740 ing the Community enables the organization to continue out of the garage, clean em up, its programs and funding for community services and and bring them down to Onion
1168 County Rd., Montpelier
programs for children. Tickets are available at the door or River Sports for our annual Bike Swap on Saturday, May 89 Main at City Center, Montpelier
with any Kiwanian. 6 from 9 am till noon!Find great bikes for the whole fam- Like us on facebook for more images
Adult - $7.00 and Child Under 12 - $4.00 ily at bargain prices! Our friendly staff will be on hand
to help you choose the perfect new-to-you bike from the
HUNDREDS of bicycles in the ORS parking lot (plus bike
Orchard Valley Waldorf Schools trailers, baby joggers, tag-a-longs, and more, too!).
Sweet-n-Savory Pie Brunch Plan to show up early the best bikes go rst, and the Vermont
8:30 am -10:30 am line usually starts sometime between 6:30 and 7:30 am. PANSIES
Unitarian Church, have arrived!
130 Main Street, Montpelier Organically grown. Lots of great colors.
Bring your friends and family to eat First Annual (hopefully not last) Worlds Best Maple & Chocolate
Montpelier Pedestrian Walk- Creemees, Served Everyday
119 River St., P.O. Box 279 pie!
Montpelier, VT 05601 For more information call 802-456-7400 Scramble (Rain Date: May 20th)
(802) 223-7735 Fax: 223-7515 Gathering and Finishing Location:
In Front of City Hall, 39 Main
Opening Day of The Capital City Street
Farmers Market 2 pm 802-223-5757
1 mile north of E. Montpelier Village on Rt. 14N (follow signs)

9 am-1 pm OPEN Every Day from 8:30AM-6:00PM

60 State Street What is this event in general? A Pedestrian Walk-Scram-

The rst outdoor Market of the year! ble is one variety of a Scramble, an event which has
Affordable Hair Get all your local foods from the mar- taken place in various cities throughout the U.S. Scram-
Styling for Men
and Children kets 50+ farmers, food producers, and bles offer a unique way to explore a city. Destinations
craftspeople. Youll nd a full market- are marked on a map and described on a separate sheet.
223-7361 place of artisanal goat and cow chees- Your goal is to nd as many as you can before time runs
100 State St., Montpelier es, grass-fed beef, free-range chicken, out! Each destination you nd will feel like a small thrill,
at The Masters Edge maple syrup, owers, vegetable and but you may discover that the journey between them is
NEW HOURS ower starts, and crafts, plus much more. Find foods even better; Hidden gems await you.
Mon., Tues., Thurs. & Fri. starting at 7AM
(Closed Wednesdays) from all over the world, to eat at market or bring home to
enjoy. EBT and Debit cards welcome. How does it work specically? Participants will pick
up: 1) Sign Up Sheets for individual and group par- BARRE-MONTPELIER ROAD

Green Up Day! ticipants starting April 20th up to Scramble. (Possible
9 am-1 pm Individual Categories: Youth, Senior Citizen, Non 802-223-6337
State Street Youth- Non Senior Citizen; Possible Groups: Family- TOLL FREE 1-800-278-CODY

RESULTS! Help keep our city beautiful! Come based; Occupation-based ; Friends-based Youth or Se-
down to the Capital City Farmers nior Citize n-based and at the beginning of the Scramble
Market and visit the Green Up Day 2) a street map of Montpelier and 3) a list of Scramble
table hosted by Montpelier Alive. destinations and questions about destinations. Partici-

Volunteers will get trash and recy- pants will gather by 2 PM in front of City Hall 15 or more
cling bags, assigned a city location minutes before the race start.
or Toll Free
for clean up and a whole page of
coupons good for discounts and Montbeerlier -- Three Penny
1-800-639-9753 free gifts all around town. Coupons pages are only for Taprooms 8th Anniversary Party
Fax: 802-479-7916
our green up volunteers! Volunteers are welcome to 3:00 pm to 9:00 pm
Barre-Montpelier Rd. Barre, VT 05641 Landgon Street
clean up trash any time over the weekend and leave bags
Visit Our Web Site curbside in city limits. Our wonderful DPW will remove Block party on Langdon Street with MONTPELIER all bags on Monday! live music, beer garden including
Congrats to 2017 Overall Poster Design Contest Winner: casks and rare beers, freshly made 223-0928
Hope Petraro, Grade 9, from here in Montpelier! grilled sandwiches. Open 5am M-S, 6am Sun.

Capital City Classic Ultimate

Tournament Sunday, May 7th
Saturday, May 7th
& Sunday May 8th All Species Day
9:00 am-4:00 pm Multiple Events Happen-
Montpelier High Schoo ing Throughout the Day
5 High School Drive in Montpelier
High School ultimate teams from Always held on the rst
around New England gather to compete for the tourna- Sunday in May it Begins
ment title right here in Montpelier. 5/6 is the open divi- at Noon in Hubbard
sion, 5/7 is the girls division. Park with calling in the
Come watch Montpeliers teams play the fastest growing creatures of the four
sport in Vermont! directions, honoring the awakening Spring with song,
dance and puppet pageantry. Everyone is invited to come Farm & Yard
dressed as their favorite species ad join in the festivi- 19 Barre St., Montpelier
ties. The parade leaves the park after 1 pm arriving at 229-0567
the Statehouse 2:30 pm for the Birth of Spring Pageant, Monday-Friday 8-6 Saturday 8-5
Maypole dancing and more. Join us in celebrating the Sunday 10-2
interdependence of all of the earths beauty and bounty.

May 3, 2017 The WORLD page 19

We will reopen Wednesday, November 7th with new shop hours:
Wednesday through Friday 10am-4pm Barre-Montpelier Rd Montpelier Call Us! FOR
Saturday 9am-2pm. CURRENT
Call 1-800
Sorry, We Can No Longer Accept Checks For Payment PRICE For Price and
Minimum 100
Come check out our new look and shop for the holidays!
We look forward to seeing you soon, and thank you for
your patronage.
15 Cottage St., Barre 479-4309 Living w/ Advanced or Metastatic Cancer: Lunch provided, Brookfield Community Singers Rehearsals. Pond Village POULIN AUTO
2nd Tuesday of month, noon-1 p.m. Writing to Enrich Your Church. 6:30-8:30 p.m. Four-part 302, between
rehearses Barre &
Life: For anyone touched by cancer, 3rd Tuesday of each month, Wednesdays for June concert. If 476-8159
in M-Th
joining, 8-6,
e-mailFri. 8-5, S
and also at: Rte. 14, Williamst
noon-1 p.m. Both held at CVMC Cancer Center Wereresource place Director
the bestroom. to stay inKathy Rotondi, at [email protected].
Shop Hours: Info. 225-5449. CABOT - Fiddle Lessons with Katie Trautz: Monday www.poulinautosale
Central Vermont Rotary Club. Visitors & potential 173 So. Main
members noons, St.,
call 279-2236; Dungeons & Dragons, Fridays 3-5:30MORTG
Wednesday through Friday 10am-4pm welcome. Steakhouse Restaurant, Mondays, 6:15 p.m. Barre 229-476-6678
p.m. All at Cabot Library, 563-2721. OUR ONL
Saturday 9am-2pm 0235.
Operated by The Jeff Anton Family Great New CALAIS
Indoor - Mens and Womens Bible Study Groups. County
Pool! Let
Parkinsons Support Group. Woodbridge Nursing Home, 142 Road, Wednesdays, 7 p.m. 485-7577 or www.thefishermenmin- Pro
Woodridge Rd, third Thursdays, 10 a.m. Info. 439-5554.
NOTICE Denis, Ricker & Brown
Diabetes Support Program. CVMC, conf. rooms, first Thursday Open Mic night at Whammy Bar every Wednesday. Upcoming
RE-OPENING of month, 7-8 p.m., free. Info. 371-4152. events: Dupont Brothers (5/4), Kava Express
172 N. (5/5),
MAINBobST. Hannan Pat
Civil Air Patrol. At the airport
Insurance & Financial w/Services
Seamus Hannan and Geof BARRE, VT 05641
Hewitt (5/6), TBA (5/11), Dark

(blue hangar), Tuesdays,
p.m. Info at 229-5193. Star (5/12), Beatles Sing-a-long with Bob Sassaman (5/13).
Pregnancy & Newborn Loss Support Group. CVMC confer- Music Thursdays starts at 7 p.m., Fri/Sat at 7:30. All events are
Donations Welcome ence room #3, 4th Monday of month, 6:30-8:30 p.m. 371-4304 Free.
Clothing & Household Items... or -4376. CHELSEA - Story Time. Songs, stories & crafts for children
We Sort While You Wait! Partners for Prevention-Alcohol & Drug Abuse Coalition. birth to 5 years. Chelsea Public Library, Wednesdays, 1:15 p.m.
Barre-Montpelier Rd. 47
CVH, 2nd Weds. of month, 11:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m. Info 479- 685-2188.
~ THIS AD SPONSORED BY~ 4250. TOPS Take Off Pounds Sensibly. Nonprofit support (across grp.
Fassetts bread

VERMONT MUTUAL Savvy Speakers Toastmasters Club. BC/BS conf. room, Church of Chelsea, North Common, Wednesdays, 5:45 p.m. 685-
Industrial Ln., 1st & 3rd Tuesdays, 5:30-7 p.m. Info. 883-2313 2271/685-4429.
INSURANCE COMPANY or [email protected] & &
Giffords Chronic Conditions Support Group. Join a discussion
Birthing Center Open House. For parents, sibs, grandparents, and educational group for people with chronic illnesses on
89 State St., Montpelier etc. CVMC, 1st Wed. of month, 5:30-7
p.m. RSVP/Info. STORE
371-& ATMFridays 8:30-11 a.m. at the Chelsea Senior Center (in the United
Open Everyday 6 am - 11 pm Church of Chelsea, 13 North Common. Free. Info/register: Megan FIRE INSU
at 802-728-7714.
342 N. Main St., Downtown Barre 479-3675 139 State Mo
Knee/Hip Replacement Orientation Class. CVMC, conf.
room #3, free, 1st Thurs. of each month, 2-3 p.m. Info 371- Chelsea Historical Society House/Museum. Open 3rd
4188. Saturdays May-October, FREE, 10 a.m.-noon. 685-4447.


~ This message sponsored by ~
Breastfeeding Support Group. CVMC Garden Path Birthing EAST BARRE - Story Hour. Aldrich Library York Branch,
Center, 1st Monday of month, 5:30-7 p.m. Info. Noyle Johnson EAST
371-4415. Group
Tuesdays, ages 0-3 10 a.m., ages 3-5 10:30 a.m. Info. 476-5118.
Infant & Child Car Seat Inspections. Berlin Fire
first Friday of month, 12-4 p.m. Appointments required, 371-
Station, free,
119 River St., Montpelier Church,
HARDWICK - Touch of Grace Assembly of God
(802) 223-7735 INSURANCE CO
corner Rts. 15 &16, Pastor Matt Preston, 472-5550.
83 Washington St., Barre Sunday a.m. worship 10:00 (incl. 11:20 childrens church); adult
(802) 479-3366
P.O. Box 195, Danville
Sunday School 9:00 (Sep. thru June). Tue. evening89 StateBibleSt.,
starts (802)
(call 684-3924
World Publications
(It's Worth The Drive)
BETHEL - YMCA Diabetes Prevention Program
Thursday, October 6, from 11 a.m. to noon at
United Church
for info). Wed. youth group: 5:00 dinner, 6:00 activity.
of Bethel on Church Street. People at risk for developing type-2 EAST MONTPELIER - Crossroads Christian Church. Mens
diabetes can take steps to reduce their risk and prevent diabetes. Ministry: For Men Only group. Monday nights 7-9 p.m. Mens
This free program offers education and support for 25 sessions Breakfast, 2nd Sat., 8 a.m. 272-7185. Sunday Service 9:30-11

FREE throughout the year. Info/register: Megan at 802-728-7714. a.m. Pastor Thorsten Evans 476-8536. Church Office hours Tues
& Fri 9 a.m. to noon. 476-4843
BRADFORD - Rockinghorse Circle of Support. For young
women with or w/o kids, childcare & transportation avail- Twin Valley Senior Center. 4583 U.S. Rte 2. Open Mon., Weds.,
able. Wednesdays, 1-2:30 p.m., Grace Methodist Church. Fri., 9 a.m.-2 p.m. Sign up for Meal-on-Wheels Program or join
Info 479-1086. us for an On-site meal at 12:15 p.m. Seniors/$5, under 60/$6.
Nobody turned away. Free bus service for seniors & disabled in
New Hope II Support Group. Grace United Methodist, every six towns served. Many classes offered from bone strengthening
Mon., 7-9 p.m. Info. at 1-800-564-2106. to art. Donations welcomed. Info: 802-223-3322 or email info.
BROOKFIELD - MOPS - Mothers of Preschoolers. Moms of [email protected]
kids birth through kindergarten welcome. Meal & childcare Bone Builders Classes: Osteoporosis exercise and prevention
provided. New Covenant Church, 2252 Ridge Rd., 3rd Fridays, class at Twin Valley Senior Center every Monday, Wednesday and
6 p.m. 276-3022. Friday starting at 7:30 a.m. Extra 9 a.m. class on Monday and
Health-focused Group. Learn to cope w/ lifes passages. Weds, Wednesday. All ages welcome. Free of charge. Donations wel-
7-8 p.m.; Info 276-3142; Dr. Alice Kempe. comed. continued on next page

Peoples Health & Wellness Clinics

One of the Best Regional
Theaters in America - 11th Annual
LNT: Born
LNT: Born 1977
977 nyc drama league
bristol, vermont
bristol, vermont

Saturday May 6, 2017

0 - 3:00 PM

Twin City Family Fun Centerr

O(aupotetrLy Coabuardet)
Form your team and
reserve your lane

In LNTs club-like
Lobby Cabaret. FREE!
Teams are asked to raise a minimum of $250
Poetry Out Loud (or $50 a bowler on a team of 5).


Judevine Cast perform Team or Individual Name:
favorite Budbill poems Wed May 3 Captain/Contact Person:
Email: Phone: Mailing Address:
Team Members (ideally 5):
Lost Nation Theater One of the Best Regional Theaters in America, NYC Drama League
celebrates its 40th Birthday in 2017 .
Then, 2018 marks 30 years as the communitys professional theater at Montpelier City Hall Arts Center Mail form to: Peoples Health & Wellness Clinic, 553 North Main Street, Barre, VT 05641
Underwriters & Sponsors: Capitol Copy, City of Montpelier, Eternity Web, National Life Group, The Point, The Times Argus, WDEV, The World; Vermont Mutual Insurance Co, Deadline for registration is Friday, April 28

page 20 The WORLD May 3, 2017

Tai Chi Classes: Advanced Class Mondays and Fridays 1-2 p.m. location: 802-244-7001, 2nd Saturday of month (Sept. through
Beginner Class Tuesdays and Thursdays 10-11 a.m. All ages wel- June), 1-3 p.m.
come. Free of charge. Co-Dependents Anonymous (CoDA). Bethany Church base-
Tuesday Night Bingo: Doors open at 5 p.m., games start at 6 p.m. ment, Tuesdays, 6:30 p.m. Info. 229-9036.
Refreshments available. The Vermont Association for Mental Health & Addiction
Death Cafe. 1st Friday of the month 11:45 a.m. to 1 p.m. Recovery Advocates Weekly Breakfast. We are inviting a small
Discussions of events past, present, and future. All are welcome group of advocates to join us each Tuesday morning from 8:30-
and discussions are confidential. 9:30 a.m. during the legislative session. Capitol Plaza Hotel
Conference Room 232. Coffee, Tea, Scones, Fruit, and more!
GROTON - YA Book Club: 3rd Mondays, 6:30 p.m.; Book RSVP encouraged to [email protected] but never required. Just May 6, 2017
Discussion Group: 4th Mondays, 7 p.m.; Crafts & Conversation, drop-in!
Wednesdays, 1-3 p.m. Round Robin Storytime, for kids age 0-5
& their caregivers: Tuesdays, 10 a.m. All at Groton Public Kellogg-Hubbard Library Activities. 135 Main St., 223-3338.
Story Time: Tues/Fri, 10:30 a.m.; Sit N Knit: for young knitters
7:00 AM to
Library, 584-3358.
age 6 & up, Mondays, 3:30-4 p.m.; Read to Coco: Wednesdays,
HARDWICK - Caregiver Support Group. Agency on Aging, 3:30-4:30 p.m.; Origami Club: Thursdays, 3-4 p.m.; Read with
11:30 AM
rear entrance Merchants Bank, 2nd Thurs of month. 229-0308 Arlo: Thursdays 4-5 p.m.
CHADD ADHD Parent Support Group. Childcare not avail-
Peace and Justice Coalition. G.R.A.C.E. Arts bldg (old fire- able, please make plans for your child. Woodbury College, second
French Toast,
house), Tues., 7 p.m. Info. Robin 533-2296. Tuesday of month, 5:30-7:30 p.m. Info. 498-5928.
Nurturing Fathers Program. Light supper included. Thurs., Resurrection Baptist Church Weekly Events. 144 Elm St. Sausage,
6-8:30 p.m. Registration/info 472-5229. Sunday, 9:45 a.m. Bible Study for all Ages; 11 a.m. Worship
MARSHFIELD - Playgroup. Twinfield Preschool, Mondays, 11 Service; Wednesday, 7 p.m. Prayer Meeting.
Eggs, Toast,
a.m.-12:30 p.m. (except when school not in session). Overeaters Anonymous. Bethany Church basement, Mondays Coffee, Milk,
Jaquith Public Library Activities. Old Schoolhouse Common, 5:30-6:30 p.m. 223-3079. VT Maple Syrup
426-3581. Story & Play Group, Wednesdays, 10-11:30 a.m. Good Beginnings of Central VT. 174 River St. 595-7953. Drop-
Book Group for Adults, stop by for copy of the book, 4th In Hours at the Nest. 1st floor Weds, Thurs, Fri 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Mondays, 7 p.m. Babywearers of Central Vermont meet up. Upstairs 4th Adults: $8 Children under 12: $4
MIDDLESEX - Food Shelf. United Methodist Church, Saturdays, Monday 5:45-7:45 p.m. and 2nd Thursdays 9:30-11:30 a.m. Check Boutwell Masonic Center
9-10:30 a.m. Facebook for last-minute schedule changes. La Leche League
MONTPELIER - Central VT Adult Basic Education. Free Meetup. Breastfeeding info and support. 3rd Thursdays, 9:30- on Gallison Hill Road
classes. Intermediate Level Reading for Adults: Thurs. 9-10 11:30 a.m. Info: 802-879-3000. Nursing Beyond a Year Meetup.
a.m.; Learning English: Tues. or Weds. 9-10 a.m.; English 3rd Fridays, 9:30-11:30 a.m. Info: 802-879-3000. Come join other Benet Kiwanis Community
Conversation: Tues. 4-5 p.m. Montpelier Learning Center, 100 nursing parents in a warm, supportive environment to discuss the
State St. Info/register 223-3403. joys and challenges of an older nursling. Services For Children
Ballroom Dance Classes. Union Elementary School, Six-week Al-Anon. Trinity Methodist Church, Main St., Sun., 6:15-7:30
sessions, Tuesdays April 25-May 30, 6-7 p.m. Waltz and Foxtrot p.m. Info. 1-866-972-5266.
(three weeks of each). 7-8 p.m. Rumba and Swing (three weeks of Al-Anon. Bethany Church basement, 115 Main St., Tuesdays &
each). Singles welcome, no experience necessary. Register: call Thursdays noon-1 p.m., Wednesdays 7-8 p.m. Info. 1-866-972-
Montpelier Rec. Dept. 225-8699 5266.
Sunday School. For children (up to 20) to study the
Bible and SL AA. 12-step recovery group for sex/relationship problems.
teachings of Jesus. Christian Science Church, 145 State St., Bethany Church, Wed., 5 p.m. Info. 802-249-6825.
Sundays, 10:30 a.m. month/march/ Survivors of Incest Anonymous. Bethany Church parlor, 115
Robins Nest Nature Playgroup. North Branch Nature Center.
Mondays 9:30-11:30 a.m. March 13-June 5. Fee: By donation. 8402.
Main St., Mondays, 5 p.m. Please call first: 229-9036 or 454-

Outdoor playgroup for parents, caregivers, and children ages 0 -days/weird/?year=2017

5. Brain Injury Support Group. Unitarian Church, third Thursday
Join us for 2 hours of spontaneous play, exploration, discovery, of the month, 1:30-2:30 p.m. Info. 1-877-856-1772
song, nature inspired crafts, and oral story telling. Come learn Playgroups: Dads & Kids Playgroup, Thursdays, 6-7:30 p.m.
about the benefits of nature connection and enjoy the community and Playgroup, Saturdays, 9:30-11 a.m., both at Family Center of
experience of time immersed in nature with your young ones. Washington County. All held during school year only.
Montpelier Kiwanis Club. Tuesdays, 6 p.m. at The Steak House. Kindred Connections Peer to Peer Cancer Support for Patients
All are welcome. Info: Elliott Curtin at 229-6973.
M AY 2 0 1 7
and Caregivers. Info 1-800-652-5064 email [email protected]
Vermont Association for the Blind PALS Group meets on 2nd Christian Meditation. Christ Church, Mondays, 12-1 p.m.
and 4th Weds. at Division for the Blind Conference room at the
Capital Plaza Hotel. 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. The PALS Group is a program MARSHFIELD - Story Time and Playgroup. Jaquith Public
for visually impaired Vermonters to support their independence Library. Wednesdays from 10 to 11:30 a.m. Join Sylvia Smith for
within home, families, and communities. Info: Harriet Hall at 323- story time, and follow up with playgroup with Cassie Bickford.
3055 or Vermont Association of the Blind office at 505-4006 For children birth to age six and their grown-ups. We do not hold
the program the days Twinfield Union is closed.
Onion River Exchange Tool Library. Over 85 tools including:
power tools, all sorts of hand tools including wrench kits, caulk- MORETOWN - Mad River Chorale. New singers welcome.
ing guns, sawzall, tall tree branch cutter, belt sander, wet vac, drop Rehearsals at Harwood Union H.S., Mondays, 7-9 p.m. 496-
cloths, have a heart traps, bulb planter, and tool boxes to be used 2048.
for easy carry. Plus safety Lunar
gear. 46 Phases
Barre St.Open
office MORRISVILLE Time - Overeaters Anonymous. First Congregational
hours: T 9-4, W 9-4, THNew 9-4.Moon First Quarter Church, Full85Moon
Upper Main St., Fridays ThirdatQuarter
noon. Info. 888-2356.
Feb. 3, Fr.11:19 PMNORTHFIELD Feb. 10, Fr.07:33 - Civil
PMAir Patrol
Feb. 18, Sa.02:35 PM
Cadet Program. For ages
Rainbow Umbrella ofFeb. Central Vermont,
26, Su.10:00 AM anMar. adult LGBTQ AM
5, Su.06:33 Mar. 12, Su.10:54 AM Mar. 20, Mo.12:01
group, meets third Tuesdays 12-18. Readiness & Regional Technology Center,PM
Norwich cam-
Mar. 27,ofMo.10:59
the month,
PM 5:30-7
Apr. 3,p.m., at 58 PM
Mo.02:40 pus, Apr. 11, Tu.02:09
Tuesdays, 6-8:30 AM Info.Apr.
p.m. 19, We.06:00 AM
[email protected]
Barre St. Optional dinner afterwards. Info: RUCVTAdmin@
Apr. 26, We.08:18 AM May 2, Tu.10:48 PM May 10, We.05:43 PM May 18, Th.08:35 PM Full Flower Moon - Flowers spring forth in abundance Clogging
May 25, Th.03:46 PM June 1, Th.08:43 AM June&9,IrishFr.09:11 StepAMLessons. W/Green
June Mountain
17, Sa.07:35 AM Cloggers, this month. Some Algonquin tribes knew this full
ages 8-78, donations. Sundays 5-8
Friday Night Group. June Open23,to Fr.10:32
all LGBTQPM youthJuneages 13-22. PM July 9, Su.12:08 AM
30, Fr.08:51 Julyp.m. 522-2935.
16, Su.03:27 PM Moon as the Corn Planting Moon or the Milk Moon.
Pizza & social time, facilitated by adults
July 23, Su.05:47 AM from JulyOutright VT. AM
30, Su.11:23 Playgroup.
Aug. 7,United
Mo.02:12 Church
PM of Aug.
Northfield, Wednesdays,
14, Mo.09:16 PM 9:30-11
Unitarian Church, 2nd Aug.& 4th21,Fridays, 6:30-8 May 2, Tu.10:48 PM
PM p.m.Aug.223-7035 or AMa.m. Held
Sept.only when school AM is inSept.
session. Info. 262-3292
AM x113.
1st Quarter
Mo.02:31 29, Tu.04:14 6, We.03:04 13, We.02:26
[email protected] Sept. 20, We.01:30 AM Sept. 27, We.10:55 ORANGE PM Oct. 5,-Th.02:41 SundayPM morningOct.
service at Christ
12, Th.08:27 AM Community
Full Moon May 10, We.05:43 PM
Meditation, Mondays atOct. 1 p.m.; Intro toPMYoga, Tuesdays 4 p.m.; PM Alliance Church at 10:30 Quarter May 18, Th.08:35 PM
19, Th.03:12 Oct. 27, Fr.06:23 Nov. 4, Sa.01:24 AMa.m. off Route
Nov. 302 nearPM
10, Fr.03:38 the Elementary
New Moon May 25, Th.03:46 PM
Consults, Fridays 11 a.m. Nov.Free
18, classes,
AM limits
Nov.apply. All at PM
26, Su.12:03 SchoolDec. in Orange.
3, Su.10:48 AM Dec. 10, Su.02:53 AM
Fusion Studio, 56 East Dec.
272-8923AM or www.fusionstudio.
Dec. 26, Tu.04:20 AM PLAINFIELD - Cutler Memorial Library Activities: Classic 1 May Day 13 National Train Day
org Book Club: 1st Mondays, 6 p.m; Food for Thought Book Club: 1 Mother Goose Day 14 Dance Like a Chicken Day
Open Library. Open to all,
Month Namebooks and DVDs Description
for all ages. 2nd Mondays, 6:30 p.m. Plainfield Book Club: 3rd Mondays, 7 1 Save the Rhino Day 14 Mothers Day second Sunday
Resurrection 2 Brothers and Sisters Day in May
January Baptist Church, FullopenWolf
Moon12:30 p.m.-2
This fullp.m. p.m. Call when
Moon appeared 454-8504.
wolves Story Time for Kids, ages 2-5. Thursdays, 3 Lumpy Rug Day 15 National Chocolate Chip Day
Central VT Roller Derbys Wrecking Doll Society. howled Intro to 10:30
in hunger a.m. the villages.
outside 3 World Press Freedom Day 15 Police Officers Memorial Day
roller derby, gear supplied, bring a mouth guard. FirstIttime knownDiabetes
is free.
is also as the OldDiscussion
Moon. To & Support Group. Everyone welcome. 4 Bird Day 16 Love a Tree Day
Montpelier Rec. Center, Barre St., Saturdays 5-6:30some p.m.Native
The Health Center
tribes, this wasconf. room, 3rd Thursdays, 1:30 p.m. Info. 4 Candied Orange Peel Day 16 National Sea Monkey Day the Snow Moon,322-6600. but most applied that 4 Star Wars Day 16 Wear Purple for Peace Day
Celiac Support Group. Tulsi Tea Room, 34 Elm nameSt., 2ndnext
full Moon, in -Febru-Ongoing Health Support Groups at Gifford - 5 Cinco de Mayo 17 Pack Rat Day
5 International Tuba Day 18 International Museum Day
Wednesdays, 4-5 p.m. Info. 598-9206. ary. Quit in Person Group. Giffords Tobacco Cessation Program 5 National Hoagie Day 18 No Dirty Dishes Day
MSAC Public Activities: FEAST
February Full SnowTogether
Moon (communalUsuallymeal), regularly
the heaviest snows offers
in Feb- Quit in Person group sessions in the 5 Space Day - first Friday in May 18 Visit Your Relatives Day
suggested donation for seniors 60+ is $7, under 60ruary. priceHunting Maple Leaf
is $9. becomes veryRoom
difficult,at Gifford Medical Center and Kingwood 6 Beverage Day 19 Boys Club Day
FEAST Together is always available for takeout, with and the
hence same Health
to some Center.
Native Free gum, patches and lozenges are available for
American 6 National Nurses Day 19 National Bike to Work Day
donation and pricing. Tuesdays and Fridays fromtribes 12-1thisp.m.,was participants.
the Hunger Moon. Call 802-728-7714, to learn more or to sign up for 6 No Diet Day 20 Armed Forces Day
RSVP 262-6288. Piano Workshop, informal time to play & lis- the next series of classes. 8 Iris Day 20 Pick Strawberries Day
March Full Worm Moon At the time of this spring Moon, the ground
ten, Thursdays, 4-6 p.m. Living Strong, group loves begins to sing to softenDiabetes
while Management casts Program. Thursdays from 10 a.m. to
8 No Socks Day 21 National Memo Day
and earthworm
exercising, Mondays 2:30-3:30 p.m. & Fridays 2-3 p.m. Crafters
reappear, 12:30
inviting the p.m.
robins. Health Center (lower level Conference
8 V-E Day 21 Waiters and Waitresses Day
Room), 1422 VT Route 66. This free six week program for people 8 World Red Cross Day 22 Buy a Musical Instrument Day
Group, Thursdays 10-11:30 a.m. All at Montpelier Senior This isActivity
also known as the Sap Moon, 9 Lost Sock Memorial Day 22 World Goth Day
Center, 58 Barre St., 223-2518. diagnosed with type-2 diabetes offers support to help them better
as it marks the managetime when maple
their sap and prevent more serious health problems.
10 Clean up Your Room Day 23 Lucky Penny Day
A Course In Miracles study group. Everyone is welcome begins toand flow and the annualMegan tapping 10 National Receptionist Day the 24 National Escargot Day
there is no charge. Christ Church, Tuesdays, 7 p.m. Info. 229- Info/register: at 802-728-7714. second Wednesday in May 25 Missing Childrens Day
of maple trees begins.
5253.April Full Pink Moon This full Moon heralded NewtheBusiness
appearance Forum.of Vermont Tech Enterprise Center, 1540 VT 11 Twilight Zone Day 25 National Brown Bag It Day
Parents Group and Meet-Up. Connect with local theparents
moss pink, to Rte 66, ground
or wild 2nd Wednesdays,
phlox 11:30 a.m.-1 p.m. 728-9101.
12 Child Care Provider Day or
Daycare Provider Day - Friday
25 National Wine Day
25 Tap Dance Day
share advice & information, kids welcome. Kellogg-Hubbard one of the first Yoga springClasses.
flowers.All It isages & levels, donations benefit Safeline. VTC before Mothers Day 26 Sally Ride Day
Library, Hayes Rm, first Mondays, 10-11:30 a.m. Info: alsomamasay-
known as the Campus Center,
Sprouting last Sunday of month, 2-3:30 p.m.
Grass 12 International Nurses Day 27 International Jazz Day
[email protected] Moon, the Egg Moon, Step n and Time Line Dancers of Central Vermont. Fall Session:
the Fish 12 Limerick Day 27 Ramadan - date varies
Families Anonymous. For families or friends of those Moon.who have Wednesdays at Chandler Center. 6:45-8:45 p.m. 12 Military Spouses Day the 27 Sun Screen Day
Maywith addiction, alcohol Fulland/or
Moon illness.FlowersBethany
spring Randolph Senior Ctr., 6 Hale Street, 728-9324. Lift for Life
forth in abundance Friday before Mothers Day 28 Amnesty International Day
Church, 2nd floor youth room, Mondays, 7-8 p.m. 229-6219. this month. Some Exercises,
Algonquin 8:30 a.m. Tu/Th and Weds/Fri; Cribbage, 10 a.m.
tribes 13 Birth Mothers Day - Saturday 29 Learn About Composting Day
before Mothers Day 29 Memorial Day
Freeride Montpelier Open Shop Nights. Need help kneww/a thisbike
full Moon as theBingo,
Mondays; 10:30 a.m. Mondays; Bridge, 2:15 p.m. at the
Corn Plant- 13 Blame Someone Else Day 30 Water a Flower Day
repair? Come to the volunteer-run community bike shop. 89 Barre
ing Moon or theJoslyn House Mondays; Mahjongg, 10 a.m. Tuesdays; Crafts,
Milk Moon. 13 Frog Jumping Day 31 National Macaroon Day
St., June
Wednesdays 4-6 p.m., other days seasonal,
Full Strawberry Moondonations.
The AlgonquinInfo: 10:30
tribes knew this Moon Knit-Wits, 10 a.m. Thursdays; Foot
a.m. Wednesdays; 13 Migratory Bird Day 31 Save Your Hearing Day as a time to gather Clinics, 1st Weds,
ripening strawber- call to sign up; Book Club 12:45 p.m. 1st 13 Leprechaun Day 31 World No Tobacco Day
Free Community Meals. Mondays: Unitarian Church, ries.11It is
a.m.-1 Wednesday
also known as theofRose month.
p.m.; Tuesdays: Bethany Church, 11:30 a.m.-1 p.m.; Moon Wednesdays: Cancer
Moon.Support Group. For survivors, sufferers & family.
JulyChurch, 11 a.m.-12:30Full p.m.;
Moon Trinity
and the Hot
begin toGifford
BucksChurch, grow new Conference
antlers atCtr, 2nd Tuesdays, 9:30-11 a.m. 728-2270. Your Flower & Vegetable
11:30 a.m.-1 p.m.; Fridays: St. Augustine Church, 11 thisa.m.-12:30
time. This full Storytime.
Moon was Kimball
also Library, Wed., 11 a.m., ages 2-5; Toddlertime, Headquarters
p.m.; Last Sundays, Bethany Church, 4:30-6:30 p.m.
Grandparents Raising Their Childrens Children. Support p.m.
Fri., 10:30 a.m.; Gathering for hand work, 2nd & 4th Mon., 6

group, childcare provided. Resurrection Baptist Church, 144 Elm WAITSFIELD - Community Acupuncture Night. Free assess-
St., 2nd Thursday of the month, 6-8 p.m. Info. 476-1480. ment & treatment, donations welcome. Three Moons Wellness, 190 E. Montpelier Rd, Montpelier229-9187
Calico County Quilters. All skill levels welcome. Call to confirm continued on next page
May 3, 2017 The WORLD page 21
Still Time To Join Us!
Were Going To
Montreal, Quebec City & Ottawa
859 Old County Rd., 2nd fl., last Weds., of month, 4-7 p.m. RSVP Choir Concert. Old Meeting House, 1620 Center Rd. 7 p.m. A
June 18-23, 2017 272-3690. cappella gospel and original music. By donation. Info: seven-
with Diamond Tours & the Randolph Senior Center WARREN - Knit and Play. Bring your kids and your projects. [email protected] or call 802-249-0404
$709 per person (Double occupancy) All levels welcome. Warren Public Library, Thursdays, 9:30- Color Run. U-32 High School. Registrations accepted at 9:15
11:30 a.m. a.m. on race day. Race at 10:30. $15. Walk, run, or jog, all ages
includes Motorcoach, WASHINGTON - Central VT ATV Club. Washington Fire and abilities. Distance: 1, 2, or 3 miles. Student hosts splash racers
5 nights lodging, Station, 3rd Tuesdays, 6:30 p.m. 224-6889. with color on the course. Music, food, great raffle prizes! Find us
on Facebook!
5 breakfasts/5 dinners, Art and Adventure with April, 3rd Saturdays at 11 a.m.;
Local guide for each day in Storytime, Mondays at 11 a.m.; Tech Help Drop-In, Saturdays 10 MONTPELIER - Spring Migration Bird Walks. Cow Pasture.
Canada, cruise on a.m.-2 p.m. All at Calef Memorial Library. Info. 883-2343. 7-8:30 a.m. Fee: $10, free for members. Explore NBNC for spring
migrants, such as warblers, vireos, thrushes and waterfowl. Learn
St. Lawrence River, WATERBURY - Waterbury Public Library. Preschool Story birding basics, expand your birding ear and discover more.
and much more! Time Thursdays at 10 a.m. Keep your busy preschooler enter-
tained with picture books, interactive play, music, and crafts. Green Mountain Youth Symphony Auditions. We have open
Baby & Toddler Story Time Mondays at 10 a.m. Stimulate your seats for musicians novice through advanced next fall. Registration
Call for more info 802-728-9324 babys developing intellect with rhymes, songs, stories, music, is also open for the GMYS Creative Arts & Music Program
and lap games, suitable for newborns through 36 months. (CAMP) for intermediate advanced music students. To schedule
an audition/info: email GMYS at [email protected], call 802-
WATERBURY CTR - Bible Study Group. Bring your bible, 888-4470 or visit our website at

Spring Rummage Sale

coffee provided. Waterbury Center Grange, Sundays, 5-6 p.m.
498-4565. Orchard Valley Waldorf Schools Annual Sweet N Savory Pie
Breakfast. Unitarian Church, 130 Main St. 10:30 a.m. to 12:30
WEBSTERVILLE - Fire District #3, Prudential Committee. p.m. $8 per person, $30 per family, children under 5 free. Info:
Monthly meeting, 105 Main St., 2nd Tuesdays, 6 p.m.
St. Augustine Church WEST TOPSHAM - Bible Study. New Hope Methodist Church,, or 802-456-7400
Montpelier Kiwanis Club All-You-Can-eat Breakfast. Boutwell
16 Barre Street, Montpelier 2 Gendron Rd. Wednesdays at 6:30 p.m. Masonic Center, 288 Gallison Hill Rd. 7-11:30 a.m. $8/adults, $4/
WILLIAMSTOWN - Bible Study. Christian Alliance Church, children under 12. Money raised sends Central VT children to
Thursday, May 4 4PM-7PM Sun., 6 p.m. Info. 476-3221. summer camp.
Friday, May 5 9AM-3PM Community Supper. The Williamstown United Federated Church Capital City Farmers Market. 60 State St. 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Shop
offers a community supper at 5:30 p.m. on the third Thursday of from 50 local farmers and producers each week in downtown
NOON-3PM BAG SALE each month. Everyone is welcome, donations accepted. Please Montpelier. CCFM is a producer-only market meaning everything
come share a meal with your friends and neighbors. being sold is grown or made by each vendor. Featuring regular live
Sponsored by Catholic Daughters WOODBURY - Woodbury Community Library winter hours. music, vendor demonstrations, and local chef run cooking demos.
1-5 p.m. Mondays & Wednesdays, 10 a.m. to noon Saturdays. NORTHFIELD - Texas HoldEm Tournament. American
Valley Lake Road. Info: 472-5710. Knitting/Handworkers Legion. 1 p.m. $50 in advance, $75 the day of.
Circle, Saturdays, 10 a.m. to noon, all ages and abilities PEACHAM - Peacham Corner Guild opening for season. 643


WORCESTER - Knitting Night. The Wool Shed, Tuesdays, Bayley Hazen Rd. Open daily 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. except closed

6:30-8:30 p.m. Tuesdays. Featuring small antiques, fine handcrafted gifts and
specialty foods. Info: 802-592-3332.
Wednesday, May 3 PLAINFIELD - Green Up Day! 9 a.m. to noon. Recreation Field
MONTPELIER - Strengths-Based Happiness with Ginny - pick up bags and reserve your road section. Refreshments. Take
Sassaman, creator of the Happiness Paradigm Strengths-Based filled Green Up bags to the trailer at the Town Garage until 3 p.m.
Happiness. Hunger Mountain Coop. 5:30-7:30 p.m. Learn how For more information and/or to reserve a road section ahead of
and why using your own unique strengths and virtues can help time, call Becky Atchinson at 479-4326.
THURS.-SUN. 11AM-8PM you be more successful and happier in all you do. $8 mem- RANDOLPH - Chicken Pie Supper. Our Lady of Angels Church.
Dining Room & Window Service Available bers/$10 nonmembers. Corner of Route 66 and Hebard Hill Road. 5 p.m. Regular admis-
SOUTH ROYALTON - John Lackard Blues Jam at Crossroads, sion: $10; Children: $5. Take-outs available. Knights of Columbus
108 Rainbow St. 9 p.m. fundraiser. Info: Jim Kirkpatrick, Grand Knight, 802-276-3014
WATERBURY - Introduction to Trout Fishing with Spinning
2678 River Street, Bethel (2.6 mi. on VT Rt. 107) Thursday, May 4 Equipment. Waterbury Public Library, SAL Room. 9:30 a.m. to
802-234-9400 BARRE - Red Cross Blood Donation. Barre City Elementary,
1:30 p.m. Free. The course will cover targeting trout with spin-
ning equipment, and will also include reviews of ecology, knot
50 Parkside Terrace. 2:30-7 p.m. tying, casting, lure making and more. At the conclusion of the
MONTPELIER - Rummage Sale. St. Augustines Parish Hall, clinic, participants will go fishing on the nearby Winooski River
This week we have.... 16 Barre St. 4-7 p.m. Clothing for all ages, household items,
books, games, puzzles, costume jewelry and more! All proceeds
to practice their skills.
Mad River Chorale concert Spring into Song. Waterbury
Fried Bay Barbecue benefit the charitable works of CDA Court St. Augustine #976. Congregational Church. 7:30 p.m. Varied program of songs about
spring, renewal, reawakening: Brahms, Haydn, Mendelssohn,
Scallops Spare Ribs Friday, May 5 Rutter, Gwyneth Walker and others. Tickets: Adults $15; Seniors
EAST MONTPELIER - Death Cafe. Twin Valley Senior Center 65+ and Students 12-21, $12; Children 11 and under, Free. $1
Rte. 2. 11:45 a.m. to 1 p.m. Discussions of events past, present, discount for non-perishable food shelf item.
and future. All are welcome and discussions are confidential. Info:
802-223-3322 or [email protected] Sunday, May 7
MARSHFIELD - Art and Author Night. Jaquith Public Library. MORRISVILLE - Northeast Fiddlers Assoc. monthly jam
6 p.m. You Are Here, Photography by Jennifer Barlow. This and meet. VFW, Pleasant Street. Noon to 5 p.m. Fiddlers and
exhibit celebrates the moments in life when we are really able to

public welcome. Local food shelf donations welcomed. Info: Lee
see the exquisiteness of this place we call home. 7 p.m. Reading Deyette at 802-728-5188
with Poet Laureate Sydney Lea. Refreshments will be served. WARREN - Mad River Chorale concert Spring into Song.

MONTPELIER - Environmental Justice and Nuclear Waste: Warren United Church. 7:30 p.m. Varied program of songs about
The Road from Vermont Yankee to Texas. Christ Church, State spring, renewal, reawakening: Brahms, Haydn, Mendelssohn,
Street. 5:30 p.m. potluck, 6:30 p.m. program. Forum on high- Rutter, Gwyneth Walker and others. Tickets: Adults $15; Seniors
level nuclear waste (HLNW), the federal waste policy and envi- 65+ and Students 12-21, $12; Children 11 and under, Free. $1
ronmental racism of the nuclear waste industry.
325 North Main Street discount for non-perishable food shelf item.
Barre 479-9862 Rummage Sale. St. Augustines Parish Hall, 16 Barre St. 9 a.m.
American Express Discover Visa Mastercard
to 3 p.m. Clothing for all ages, household items, books, games,
puzzles, costume jewelry and more! Bag Sale fill a bag for $2
Monday, May 8
from noon to 3 p.m. All proceeds benefit the charitable works of BARRE - Red Cross Blood Donation. Barre Elks Club, 10
CDA Court St. Augustine #976. Jefferson St. 11:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.
ArtWalk: Coleen Kearon Book Launch & Reading. Bear Pond MONTPELIER - Complete Stress Management for Health &
Books, 77 Main St. 5 p.m. author signing, 6 p.m. reading, 6:30 Wellness with Dennis Seavey-Windsinger, CHT, CHI. Hunger
p.m. cake. Free and open to the public. Mountain Coop. 6-7 p.m. This is not just another class showing
meditation or other stress coping techniques. Identify what
MORRISVILLE - Red Cross Blood Donation. Lamoille stresses you and why. Learn how your stress is affecting your
County Mental Health Services, 72 Harrel St, 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. health. Learn the 4 step process to reduce and manage stress to
NORTHFIELD - Coffee House Benefit Evening. United better health. $4 members/$8 nonmembers.
Church of Northfield, 58 South Main St. 6:30-9 p.m. $4 cover
charge includes first beverage (Family max. $20) Benefit NMHS
students going to Tanzania, and United Church of Northfields
Tuesday, May 9
energy efficiency renovation project. Entertainment (music and BARRE - BASC Annual Tea. 1-3 p.m. Wear your fanciest hat
readings) for all ages. Coffee, tea, cider and desserts when you join us for tea, sandwiches & sweet treatsincluding
our Young at Heart Singers who will perform melodiously.
PLAINFIELD - VT Flood Hazards as Arctic Warms. Cutler Reservations required; only $10; please see Sandy.
Memorial Library, 151 High St. 6:30 p.m. Presented by Michael
Ceruilli Billingsley, the focus will be the hazardous local weather Business Building Blocks Networking Workshops. CAPSTONE
impacts likely associated with rapid warming underway in the Community Action, 20 Gable Place. 6-8 p.m. How to Start a
Arctic. Info: Loona Brogan, Librarian 802-454-8504 Business - Establish achievable and realistic goals that will help
you create your business plan. Register: 802-477-5214, mfergu-
THETFORD - Red Cross Blood Donation. Thetford Academy, [email protected]
304 Academy Rd. 12-5 p.m.
MONTPELIER - The Art of the Conscious and Connected
Saturday, May 6 Breath with Dunja Moeller, PhD. Hunger Mountain Coop. 6-7:30
p.m. Learn how to inhale and exhale properly. Add awareness and
BARRE - Barre Elks Lodge Cornhole Tournament. the ability to heal whatever is in the way of an optimal breathing
Registration at 5 p.m., double elimination tournament at 6 p.m. In pattern. For more information go to www.workshopsforabetter-
Main Hall, Jefferson Street entrance.
BERLIN - Yard Sale Cookout. Kinney Drug on Barre-Montpelier
Road. 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. To benefit Childrens Miracle Network in Wednesday, May 10
Burlington. Hot dog or hamburger with all the fixings, chips, and BARRE - Book Signing. Next Chapter Bookstore, 162 N. Main
soda for $5 donation. St. 6 p.m. Ralph Peterson will be presenting his new book
BETHEL - White Elephant and Food Sale. Miller Memorial Adventures in Dietland: How to Win at the Game of Dieting.
United Methodist Church (the Little Yellow Church), 122 North WATERBURY - Socratic Community Caf: Does Privacy
Main St. 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. 1/2 price sales begin at noon. Bargains Matter in our Country Today? Waterbury Public Library. 6:30-
for everyone. Info: 234-9441 8 p.m. Info/questions: Judi Byron, Adult Program Director, at
CALAIS - Calais Green Up Day. Trash/Recycling Depot, [email protected] or Katherine Cadwell, Harwood
Moscow Woods Rd. 9 a.m. to noon. Volunteers can drop off bags faculty member at [email protected]
of roadside litter. Metal also accepted (no refrigerators, liquids or
tires on rims). Household trash and recyclables accepted for the
usual fee. No personal tires, please! Bags and returnable bottles & Thursday, May 11
cans only may be brought to Maple Corner Store. Info: Fletcher BARRE - Taping of New England Cooks. 386 North Main St. 7
Dean, 456-8924, [email protected] p.m. Be part of our live studio audience at the taping of New
EAST MONTPELIER - Montpelier Community Gospel continued on next page
page 22 The WORLD May 3, 2017
For Showtimes 229-0343 or
Audio Descriptive Available on certain movies...
Fri. & Sat. 6:30 (3D) & 9:30 (3D) -- Sun. thru Thurs. 6:45 (3D)
Matinees Sat. & Sun. at 12:30 (3D) & 3:30 (3D) MATINEES SAT. & SUN.
England Cooks! with Tony & Sandy. Guest Chef Stefano Coppola interpret it and discuss what we can learn from it. The sounds, patterns BEAUTY AND THE BEAST --PG--
from Morse Block Deli & Janet Stewart from Greenfield Highland and movements of birds provide insight
OF THE our local
VOL. 2 ecosystems
--PG-13-- and Fri. & Sat. 6:20 & 9:15 -- Sun. thru Thurs. 6:35 PARAMOUNT BARRE
Beef. Tickets $15 on or call 802-476-1087. the many living and nonlivingMatinees
factorsSat.that create
at 12:15it. $25/adult,
& 3:15 (2D) teen and
Fri. & Sat. 6:15 (2D) & 9:15 (2D) -- Sun. thru Thurs. 6:30 (2D) For Showtimes 479-0078 or
& Sun. (2D) Matinees Sat. & Sun. at 12:20 & 3:20

Washington County Retired Teachers Association meeting. Elders $10/accompanied child (ages 6-12). Discounts available for THEIR FINEST --R--
FRI. - THURS. MAY 5 - MAY 11

Aldrich Public Library. Social Time: 9:30-10 a.m., Business Meeting: groups and AmeriCorps members. Pre-registration is required. Fri. & Sat. 6:25 & 9:05 -- Sun. thru Thurs. 6:50
10-11 a.m., Program: 11 a.m. to noon with lunch to follow. The pro- Questions: 802-454-8500 or email [email protected]. Matinees Sat. & Sun. at 12:30 & 3:30 GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY VOL. 2
gram is Lincoln Center presenting a Biomimicry how we can copy WATERBURY - Childrens Room, Annual Tag Sale. Wesley THE CIRCLE --PG-13-- Fri. & Sat. 6:30 (3D) & 9:30 (3D)
some of the structures and processes of living organisms to create United Methodist Church, 56 South Main St. 9 a.m. to noon. Come Fri. & Sat. 6:30 & 9:15 -- Sun. thru Thurs. 6:35 Sun. thru Thurs. 6:45 (3D)
Matinees Sat. & Sun. at
new and useful products. Lunch of soup, sandwiches and dessert is check out our wide assortment of childrens furniture, toys, books, Matinees Sat. & Sun. at 12:25 & 3:25
12:30 (3D) & 3:30 (3D)
provided for $10. New members please RSVP to Paula Dolan at 476- baby equipment, infant and childrens clothing, maternity clothing, THE FATE OF THE FURIOUS --PG-13-- GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY VOL. 2
7414 or [email protected] so we can get a count for lunch. and so much more. All proceeds to benefit The Childrens Room. Fri. & Sat. 6:15 & 9:15 -- Sun. thru Thurs. 6:35 -PG-13--
BRADFORD - Rosies Mom: Forgotten Women of the First Info: 244-5605 or email [email protected] Matinees Sat. & Sun. at 12:15 & 3:15 Fri. & Sat. 6:15 (2D) & 9:15 (2D)
Sun. thru Thurs. 6:30 (2D)
World War. Bradford Academy Auditorium. 172 N. Main St. 7 WEST FAIRLEE - Annual Wild Game Supper. West Fairlee THE BOSS BABY --PG-- Matinees Sat. & Sun. at
p.m. Free illustrated talk about the role of women in war indus- Congregational Church, 954 VT Route 113. 5-6:30 p.m. Fri. & Sat. 6:20 & 9:00 -- Sun. thru Thurs. 6:30
Matinees Sat. & Sun. at 12:20 & 3:20
12:15 (2D) & 3:15 (2D)
tries by historian Carrie Brown. Museum display Bradford and Adults/$20, Kids 5 to 12 years old/$10, Kids under 5 eat free.
WW I open 6:15-7 p.m. Info: 802-222-4423 Reservations strongly recommended. Take-outs available. All you 24-Hr Movie Line 229-0343 BUY TICKETS ONLINE AT:

EAST MONTPELIER - Red Cross Blood Donation. Twin can eat buffet. Info: Steve Garrow, [email protected]
Valley Senior Center, 583 US Route 2. 1-6 p.m. or 802-685-3141; Church at 333-4748
MONTPELIER - Bike Montpelier with GMC. Easy. 12 miles.
Sunday, May 14
Montpelier to Middlesex and return. Helmet required. We will
stop at the Red Hen for lunch. Meet at 10:30 a.m. in the parking
lot behind the Dept. of Labor near the bike path. Leaders: Mary
BARRE - Mothers Day Brunch. Barre Elks Lodge, Jefferson
Street. $10 per person. Children 5 and under $5. No reservations
Garcia, 622-0585 and Mary Smith, 505-0603. required. Free carnations to first 100 mothers. Book Your Get-togethers, BBQs,
Creating Consistency in Your Running Practice with Sarah
Richardson, Certified Running Instructor. Hunger Mountain
BERLIN - Belsher & Wood Concert. First Congregational Weddings, Anniversaries, etc.
Church of Berlin, 1808 Scott Hill Rd. 4 p.m. $15. Reservations:
Coop. 6-7:30 p.m. Free. If youre stuck in a quit & start cycle and
want to get back into a steady practice, learn whats keeping you
Carole, 229-9504. Sambels Catering 249-7758
MARSHFIELD - Mothers Day Spring Wildflower Walk with
stuck and how to create a sustainable practice you love. Brett Engstrom. Stranahan Forest. 1-4 p.m. Meet at the Stranahan
Forest parking lot at the beginning of Thompson Road (right off
Friday, May 12 of Hollister Hill Road).
EAST MONTPELIER - Learn make-up and nail care tech-
niques. Twin Valley Senior Center, 4583 US Rt. 2. 11 a.m. to 2 p.m.
MORRISVILLE - Mothers Day Brunch. VFW Post 9653
Pleasant St. 8-10:30 a.m. Adults/$10, Children under 10/$5. Menu
Join us! Were Going To
Demonstrations by Rachael Biggers. Free event and the public is
welcome. Info: 223-3322 or [email protected]
includes eggs, bacon, sausage, ham, sausage gravy & biscuits, corn
beef hash, stratas, pancakes, baked beans, mac & cheese, home fries,
Lancaster, PA & Dutch Country
MONTPELIER - Spring/Summer Soft Rummage Sale. fresh fruit salad and more. Benefit: VFW Auxiliary to Post 9653 September 24-29, 2017
Unitarian Church of Montpelier, 130 Main St. 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. NORTHFIELD - Mothers Day Breakfast. American Legion. with Diamond Tours & the Randolph Senior Center
Spring and summer clothes/light weight jackets/sheets/towels. 8-11 a.m. $9
FEAST Lunch with a Cop. Montpelier Senior Activity Center, 58 $679 per person (Double occupancy)
Barre St. 11:45 a.m. to 1:15 p.m. Lunch is no cost with a $7 suggested
donation for those 60+ or $7 for those under 60. Enjoy FEAST
Monday, May 15 includes Motorcoach,
Together lunch with members of the Montpelier Police Department. EAST MONTPELIER - Red Cross Blood Donation. Union 32 5 nights lodging,
Part of the Coffee with a Cop program, we invite you to come High School, 930 Gallison Hill Rd. 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. 5 breakfasts/1 lunch/5 dinners,
together in an informal, neutral space to discuss community issues, MONTPELIER - Cultivating the Earth Element Remedies JONAH & VEGAS LEGENDS
build relationships, and enjoy lunch. Call 262-6288 to reserve a meal. for Digestion and Energy with Baylen Slote. VCIH, 252 Main shows,
WATERBURY - Childrens Room, Annual Tag Sale. Wesley St. 6-7:15 p.m. $8 members/$10 non-members. Pre-registration Luncheon Cruise,
United Methodist Church, 56 South Main St. 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. required. Call 802-224-7100 or email [email protected]
Kitchen Kettle Village,
Come check out our wide assortment of childrens furniture, toys,
books, baby equipment, infant and childrens clothing, maternity Tuesday, May 16 Landis Valley Museum,
clothing, and so much more. All proceeds to benefit The Childrens MONTPELIER - New Laws for Farmers and the People They Guided tour of Lancaster
Room. Info: 244-5605 or email [email protected] Feed with Andrea Stander, Rural Vermont director. Hunger & Gettysburg,
WATERBURY CTR - Plant Sale to Benefit The Childrens Mountain Coop. 6-7:30 p.m. Free. What changes and opportuni- and much more!
Room. Evergreen Gardens on Route 100. 5-7 p.m. You will find a ties will the 2017 legislative session present for the farm and food
sector? Get an overview of new laws impacting farmers, food
wide variety of Perennials, Annuals, Trees and Shrubs along with
all the gardening supplies you could need. Cash and check only. producers, and eaters, as well as a preview of what may be con- Call for more info 802-728-9324
sidered in the 2018 session.
Saturday, May 13 MORRISVILLE - GED Testing: Central Vermont Adult Basic
Education. Morrisville Learning Center, 52 Portland St. 11 a.m.
DUXBURY - GMC Work Hike. All abilities are welcome and
needed as we work on the Long Trail south of the Winooski River
to Bamforth Ridge Shelter, and farther south on Camels Hump,

E-mail RD S A L E & C O O KOUT

snow conditions permitting. Bring lunch and work gloves. Wear

sturdy boots and work clothes. Tools provided. Meet at Montpelier to benefit the

High School at 8 a.m. Contact Andrew Nuquist, 223-3550, or
[email protected]. Rain Date: Sunday, May 14
EAST MONTPELIER - TVSC 9th Annual Perennial Plant
Sale. Twin Valley Senior Center, 4583 US Rt. 2. 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. 1. The Fate of the Furious
Featuring perennials, vegetable, and houseplants. Plant donations (PG-13) Vin Diesel, Dwayne
Classified & Display Johnson
are always welcome. Flea Market table rentals available for $25
per table. Refreshments available. Entertainment by Country
Chorus Singers from 11 a.m. to noon. Info: 223-3322 or twinval-
ADS 2. The Boss Baby (PG) ani-
[email protected] Now Placing Your 3. Beauty and the Beast (PG) Hospital in Burlington
Classified Or Display Ad Emma Watson, Dan Stevens
MARSHFIELD - Friends Annual Plant Swap. Jaquith Public
Library. 9 a.m. to noon. Bring plants to swap, make sure to label
Is Even Easier!
4. Smurfs: The Lost Village MAY 6TH 9A.M. TIL 2 P.M.
them, no invasive plants please. (PG) animated Kinney Drug on the
MONTPELIER - Spring/Summer Soft Rummage Sale. Unitarian 5. Going in Style (PG-13) Barre/Montpelier Road
Church of Montpelier, 130 Main St. 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Spring and sum- Morgan Freeman, Michael
mer clothes/light weight jackets/sheets/towels. Bag sale. Caine COOKOUT: Hotdog or hamburger with all
Green Mountain Youth Symphony Auditions. We have open 6. Gifted (PG-13) Chris the xings; chips, soda for a $5 donation.
seats for musicians novice through advanced next fall. Registration Evans, Mckenna Grace
is also open for the GMYS Creative Arts & Music Program 7. Get Out (R) Daniel All money raised stays here in Vermont to
(CAMP) for intermediate advanced music students. To schedule Kaluuya, Allison Williams benet the children and families.
an audition/info: email GMYS at [email protected], call 802- Our E-mail address is 8. Power Rangers (PG-13)
888-4470 or visit our website at Dacre Montgomery, Naomi
Capital City Farmers Market. 60 State St. 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Shop
[email protected] Scott
Please include contact 9. The Case for Christ (PG)
from 50 local farmers and producers each week in downtown
person & payment info Mike Vogel, Erika
Montpelier. CCFM is a producer-only market meaning everything
being sold is grown or made by each vendor. Featuring regular live ( Only) Christensen
music, vendor demonstrations, and local chef run cooking demos.
PLAINFIELD - EarthWalk Village Workshop Series: Bird 479-2582 or
10. Kong: Skull Island (PG-
13) Tom Hiddleston, Samuel MAY

Language. Goddard College Campus. 1-4 p.m. Open to ages 6 and
up. The Workshop will explore the language of birds, share how to
1-800-639-9753 L. Jackson
(c) 2017 King Features Synd., Inc. SUNDAY, MONDAY, TUESDAY


Turning 65? New to Medicare?

Served 4:00
Join CVCOA for a workshop to 9:30PM
to learn about your
Flash Ball 2: $650
May 9 and 23 Mini Jackpot 50#'s: $2,800. STRAWBERRIES & CREAM
June 13 and 27 Jackpot 52#'s: $1,200. PEACHES & CREAM
3:00 - 5:00 pm Thursday Night BLUEBERRIES & CREAM
Doors Open at 4:00 PM THIS WEEK'S
Call to Register: Premies at 6:00 PM
Regular Games at 7:00 PM
(802) 479-0531
ROUTE 14 479-9090
Central Vermont Council on Aging
Just outside of Barre STEAK Enjoy A Von Trapp's Bohemian Lager!
59 N. Main Street - 2nd Floor - Barre & POTATOES BARRE-MONTPELIER RD. 223-6611
May 3, 2017 The WORLD page 23
NOW ON NETFLIX completely compatible with IBM. Now, if a consumer already

owned a bunch of IBM software and had learned how to use
Silicon Cowboys it, he could buy a Compaq for his next device and feel right
at home.

BARRE - Studio Place Arts Exhibits. Exhibit dates: April 25 It sounds simple, but this nifty little change started a chain
reaction, transforming PCs from a niche product into the ma-
- May 28, 2017. Main floor gallery: Seeing the Forests for the en thousand years ago, man developed written lan-
Trees This show is inspired by the diversity of woody plants guage. Written language allowed for the advancement chines that run our lives.
and forests; it involves more than 25 artists and includes nontra- of technology, the growth of cities, and the creation of Compaq also made its rst computer portable. Granted, the
ditional and traditional media. Second floor gallery: Silent lasting civilizations. Compaq Portable weighed 28 pounds. But it had a durable
Auction to Benefit SPA Programs: including artwork, crafts and plastic shell and a leather strap so that
other items. Wendy James and Rene Schall are featured artists. Five hundred years ago, a German
invented the printing press. Sudden- business people could take it to and
Bidding starts April 25 and concludes at the BASH on May 12. from the ofce.
Third floor gallery: Visual Jazz-Homage to the Earth by Roger ly, Western Europeans became the
most educated and the most intel- Those three Texas pals who al-
Goldenberg, includes oil on canvas assemblages and a series of most opened a Mexican restaurant
monotypes inspired by our Earths climate, weather and geolo- lectually rebellious people in world
history. Within a generation, another had started a chain reaction that would
gy. end with half the human race carrying
-- Paletteers Spring Art Show. Aldrich Library Milne Room German guy permanently destroyed
the hegemony of the Roman Catho- little computers in their pocket at all
during regular library hours. April 8 to May 26, 2017. times.
Reception: Tuesday, April 11 from 5:30-7 p.m. Refreshments lic Church.
Forty years ago, nobody had a computer in their home, on The most entertaining part of this thoroughly entertaining
served. documentary is when we see how savvy Compaq was at mar-
BERLIN - The Gallery at Central Vermont Medical Center their desk at work, or in their pocket. Now we all do. The
universal availability of personal computers is as revolution- keting.
presents Spring Four-Ward - Watercolors by four award-winning So, its 1983. Youre selling a $3000 luxury product aimed
members of the Vermont Watercolor Society through June 2. ary to human communication as the invention of the printing
press and the written word itself. at the 30-something nerds who can afford it. Who is the per-
CHELSEA - Los Colores de Mexico, photographs by John fect pitchman?
Douglas/Flying Squirrel of Vershire, Vermont, on exhibit in Silicon Cowboys tells the scintillating story of some
Two words: John. Cleese.
May and June at the Chelsea Public Library, 685-2188. American underdogs who spearheaded the computer revolu-
The 70-minute lm does not skimp on the footage of John
MONTPELIER - Sculpture Exhibit. Featuring contemporary tion. Cleeses charmingly irreverent ad campaign that transformed
sculpture created by Vermont artists. Vermont Arts Council In 1982, three nerdy friends quit their jobs at Texas Instru- Compaq from underdog outsider to Wall Street mega-titan.
Sculpture Garden, ongoing. ments and in order to start a company of their own. They Silicon Valley is a joyous little lm that celebrates an
-- The Vermont Supreme Court Gallery presents From almost opened a Mexican restaurant (seriously), but they ul- American company that made a billion dollars, gave hundreds
Nature to Abstract works by Maria Anghelache. 111 State St. timately decided to build a factory in Houston and produce of Texans solid factory jobs, and changed the world forever.
Through June 30, 2017. Opening reception April 13 from 4-7 computers. They called the company Compaq. For the record, I am not saying that the computer revolution
p.m. At the dawn of the PC era, there were several companies was a good thing. I saw Terminator. And I dont like how
-- The Vermont Governors Gallery presents Moments selling home computers. The problem was, the companies addicted I am to my iPhone. But the revolution is here, its ir-
Watercolors by Jo MacKenzie. The exhibit will be up until were all separate from each other and it was hard for a new reversible, and its as important to human history as the Print-
June 30, 2017. Opening reception April 13 from 3-5 p.m. user to decide which PC universe to dive into. ing Press. Silicon Cowboys is an interesting story about the
-- A Change in the Weather exhibit. T.W. Wood Gallery, 46 Compaqs brilliant innovation was to make its computers guys who did it.
Dead & Company Barre St. May 2, 2017-July 7, 2017. Gallery hours are Tuesday-

Saratoga PerformingSaturday, noonNYto 4 p.m. and by appointment. A Joint Exhibit
TUE, JUN 20 @ 7:00PM
Arts Center - Saratoga,
Michael Franti & Spearhead Adelaide Murphy Tyrol and Richard Murphy. Opening

- Lebanon, NHon Friday, May 5 from 4-8 p.m. at the Gallery with a
THU, JUN 22 @ 7:30PM
Lebanon Opera House
Third Eye Blind presentation by the artists at 6 p.m. This event is part of DONT PUT OFF TIL
Saratoga PerformingMontpeliers
SAT, JUL 1 @ 7:30PM
Arts Center - Saratoga,Art
NY Walk. Music with the CBT band will be play- TOMORROW WHAT YOU
Tedeschi Trucks Band
SUN, JUL 2 @ 6:30PM
ing before the talk.
-- Midway
Champlain Valley Expo Pastel Society Art Exhibit Color Comes Alive.
Lawn - Essex
T.W. Wood Gallery, 46 Barre St. May 2-26, 2017. Opening
onnections CAN SELL TODAY!
Junction, VT
Cinderella Four Voices: Joan Baez, Mary Chapin Carpenter,
My Morning Jacket
WED, JUL 12 @ 7:00PMreception Friday, May 5 from 5-7 p.m. FRI, MAY 5 - SUN, MAY 7 and Indigo Girls
-- Studies in the Art of Chance works by Laura Jane Walker
Shelburne Museum - Shelburne, VT Lebanon Opera House - Lebanon, NH FRI, JUN 16 @ 7:00PM
Bank of New Hampshire Pavilion - Gilford, NH
Or Toll Free 1-800-639-9753
Kris Kristofferson
at the Spotlight Gallery. A reception with the artist will be held
Elvis Costello & The Imposters
SUN, JUL 23 @ 7:00PM FRI, MAY 5 @ 8:00PM Dave Matthews & Tim Reynolds
Shelburne Museum -Friday, Central Vermonts Newspaper
May 5 from 4-7 p.m. during Art Walk. The exhibit will
Shelburne, VT Flynn Theater - Burlington, VT FRI, JUN 16 - SAT, JUN 17
Saratoga Performing Arts Center - Saratoga, NY
be shown through May 25, 2017. Open Monday through Friday
Kings of Leon An Evening with Livingston Taylor
WED, JUL 26 @ 7:00PM THU, MAY 11 @ 7:30PM Dead & Company
Saratoga Performingfrom 8 -a.m.
Arts Center toNY4:30 p.m. in the Vermont Arts Council office,
Saratoga, Woodstock Town Hall - Woodstock, VT TUE, JUN 20 @ 7:00PM
FRI, JUL 28 - SAT, JUL 29 State St.
Twiddles Tumble Down Festival Storm Large
SUN, MAY 14 @ 7:00PM
Saratoga Performing Arts Center - Saratoga, NY
Michael Franti & Spearhead
-- Art
Waterfront Park - Burlington, VT Opening: Jayne Shoup. The Cheshire Cat, 28 Elm St. Johnsbury School - St. Johnsbury, VT THU, JUN 22 @ 7:30PM
403 U.S. Route 302 - Berlin Barre, Vermont 05641
St.Friday, May 5, from 4-8 p.m. Pastels by Jayne Shoup. Jayne
The Shins The Record Company Lebanon Opera House - Lebanon, NH
SUN, JUL 30 @ 4:00PM FRI, MAY 19 @ 8:00PM Third Eye Blind
drawsVTinspiration from the beauty of central Vermont. Her bril-
Waterfront Park - Burlington, Higher Ground - South Burlington, VT SAT, JUL 1 @ 7:30PM
John Mellencamp
FRI, SEP 1 @ 7:00PM liantly colored pastel paintings depict scenes from her rural Rock Your Camo 5K
Saratoga Performing Arts Center - Saratoga, NY

neighborhood. Artwork will be on display through the month of

Dead & Company
Champlain Valley Expo Coca-Cola Grand Stand SAT, MAY 20 @ 10:00AM TUE, JUN 20 @ 7:00PM
Grace Potters GrandMay
- Essex Junction, VT
Point North
Arrowhead Recreation Area - Claremont, NH
David Crosby and Friends
Saratoga Performing Arts Center - Saratoga, NY
CVTV CHANNEL 194 Up-to-date schedules for CVTV can also
be viewed online at
SAT, SEP 16 - SUN,PLAINFIELD - Harriet Wood Retrospective. Goddard
Michael Franti & Spearhead
SEP 17 TUE, MAY 23 @ 8:00PM THU, JUN 22 @ 7:30PM Wednesday 6 PM Barre Congregational Church 4:30 PM Rice TV Mass
College Art Gallery. Pratt Center. Vermont artist and Goddard
Waterfront Park - Burlington, VT Flynn Theater - Burlington, VT Lebanon Opera House - Lebanon, NH Community Bulletin Board 1a 7:30 PM Lutheran 5 PM Calvary Life
alum, Harriet Wood. Paintings and sculpture. Reception Friday
An Evening with CAKE Third Eye Blind Barre City Council 9a,12p,3p 9 PM Calvary Life 6 PM Washington Baptist Church
SAT, MAY 27 @ 8:00PM SAT, JUL 1 @ 7:30PM Democracy Now 6p 10 PM Rice TV Mass
June 16, 4 to 6 p.m. Gallery hours: MF, 9-4. Info: 802-322-
7 PM Faith Community Church
Shelburne Museum - Shelburne, VT Saratoga Performing Arts Center - Saratoga, NY Williamstown Select 7p, 10p Sunday
8 PM Barre Congregational Church
1604. Through June 16. An Evening with the Avett Brothers
THU, JUN 1 @ 8:00PM
Tedeschi Trucks Band
SUN, JUL 2 @ 6:30PM
Community Bulletin Board 1a
Community Bulletin Board 1a
2 AM Barre Congregational Church 9:30 PM Lutheran
RANDOLPH - Work by Photographer Jason M. Wallace at Bank of New Hampshire Pavilion - Gilford, NH Williamstown Select 6a, 9a, 12p 3:30 AM St. Monicas Mass 10 PM St. Monicas Mass
Champlain Valley Expo Midway Lawn - Essex
Democracy Now My6pMorning Jacket 4:30 AM Washington Baptist Church 11 PM Calvary Life
Gifford Gallery. The 14 black and white and color photographs Jack Johnson
FRI, JUN 9 @ 7:30PM
Junction, VT
Barre Supervisory Union 3p,7p,10p
WED, JUL 12 @ 7:00PM 6:30 AM Barre Congregational Monday
in this exhibit include rural and urban scenes that range from Xfinity Center - Mansfield, MA Friday Church VT
Shelburne Museum - Shelburne, Community Bulletin Board 1a
the New York City skyline to the Staten Island shoreline and a
Community Bulletin Board 1a& The Imposters
Elvis Costello 8 AM Calvary Life Statehouse Programming 6a,9a,12p
For venue phone numbers, call Barre Supervisory Union 6a,9a,12p
SUN, JUL 23 @ 7:00PM 9 AM Washington Baptist Church Democracy Now 6p
snow-covered dam and spillway in Waterbury, VT. Through The Point at 223-2396 9:00 to 5:00
Democracy Now 6p
Shelburne 10 AM 1stVT
Museum - Shelburne, Presbyterian Church Barre Act 46 3, 7, 10p
May 17, 2017. Free and open to public.
Barre Town Select 3p,7p,10p
Kings of Leon 11 AM Barre Congregational
Mon.-Fri., or visit our web site at Saturday WED, JUL 26 @ 7:00PMChurch
Community Bulletin Board 1a 12:30 PM Rice TV MassNY Barre Act 46 6a,9a,12p
Saratoga Performing Arts Center - Saratoga, Statehouse Programming 3-5pm
Barre Town Select 6a, 9a, 12p
Twiddles Tumble Down 1Festival
PM St. Monicas Mass
Democracy Now 6p
4 PM Washington Baptist Church
FRI, JUL 28 - SAT, JUL 292 PM Barre Congregational Church
Waterfront 3:30 PM
Park - Burlington, VT Washington Baptist Barre City Council Live 7pm

Bethel Braintree Montpelier Randolph Rochester U-32 District Towns Waterbury Schedules subject to change without notice. CHARTER
SUN, JUL 30 @ALL 4:00PM
Waterfront Park - Burlington, VT
ORCA Media Channel 15 3:00p Democracy Now! 2:00p The Struggle Friday, May 5 11:30a Vermont State House
John Mellencamp
Public Access 4:00p Gay USA 2:30p StressLESS Mindfulness 12:00p Washington Central Supervisory 7:00p Waterbury Selectboard FRI, SEP 1 @ 7:00PM
5:00p Senior Moments Meditation 10:00p Under the Golden Dome
CVTV Channel 192 BARRE, VT
Champlain Valley Expo Coca-Cola Grand Stand - Essex Junction, Allchange,
schedules are subject to
Weekly Program Schedule please call us
6:30p For the Animals 3:00p Democracy Now! 4:00p OSHER Lifelong Learning Institute 10:30p Inside Your Statehouse VT with questions - 479-1075.
Wednesday, May 3 7:00p Bear Pond Books 4:00p Net Zero 6:00p First Wednesdays Wednesday Opening 5:30 AM Talking About Movies
6:00a Spotlight on Vermont Issues 9:00p Gay USA 6:00p Fake News? 8:00p U-32 School Board 1:00 AM The Artful Word 4:30 PM Holiday Fun 6:00 AM City Room with Steven
7:30a All Right Vermont Fri, May 5 1:30 AM Hendersons Herb Tinctures 5:00 PM Ghost Chronicles Pappas
10:00p Poem City 9:00p Goddard College Haybarn 7:00a Bethel Selectboard 3:00 AM Health Talk 6:00 PM 13 Most Haunted - MA 6:30 AM Ghost Chronicles
8:00a Democracy Now! Theatre 3:30 AM New England Music Awards 6:30 PM Understanding PTSD 7:30 AM Gory Storytime
9:00a Red Warrior Mama Pt. 2 10:00p The Importance of Old-Growth Saturday, May 6 10:00a Vermont Congressional 5:30 AM The Better Part 8:00 PM Hunger Mountain Co-op 8:00 AM Sidewalks Entertainment
10:00a Goddard College Haybarn Saturday, May 6 12:00p VT State Board of Education Delegation 6:00 AM The Better Part 10:30 PM Issues of Aging 8:30 AM Energy Conservation
Theatre 6:00a The State of Opioid Addiction in VT Forests 4:30p Washington Central Supervisory 1:00p Moretown Selectboard 6:30 AM Saturday 10:00 AM Ethan Allen Homestead
8:00 AM Poetry Outloud - live broad- 2:30 AM Moose & Bears in NH 11:30 AM Will the Constitution
12:00p The Thom Hartmann Program 10:00a Building Sled for Climate Change Union 4:00p Berlin Selectboard cast 4:00 AM Burlington Bookfest Preview 12:30 PM Lego Chat
1:00p Bear Pond Books 12:00p Bill Doyle on VT Issues Tuesday, May 9 8:00p East Montpelier School Board 8:00p Capital Beat 4:00 PM The Better Part 4:30 AM Sustainable Living Series 1:00 PM Community Producers
3:00p Democracy Now! 1:00p Goddard College Haybarn 6:00a The Spark of Creativity 10:00p Massachusetts School of Law 9:00p Montpelier Planning Commission 4:30 PM The Better Part 6:00 AM Floor Hockey 1:30 PM Talking About Movies
8:00a Democracy Now! 5:00 PM 7:00 AM Upper Valley Humane Society 2:00 PM City Room with Steven
4:00p Bill Doyle on VT Issues Theatre 6:32 PM 1st Wednesdays 7:30 AM SlowLiving Pappas
5:00p Migrant Justice Action 3:00p VTDigger News & Brews 9:00a Vermont Historical Society Sat, May 6 8:00 PM 30 Minutes with Bill Schmick 9:00 AM Montpelier Brown Bag Series 2:30 PM Ghost Chronicles
11:00a You and Your Health Sunday, May 7
5:30p Poem City 4:30p Roman Catholic Mass 12:00p U-32 School Board 6:00a Vermont State House 8:30 PM Conversations with Kay 12:00 PM Moose & Bears in NH 3:30 PM Gory Storytime
11:30a Labor Today in Vermont 9:00 PM Vermont Historical Society 1:30 PM Burlington Bookfest Preview 4:00 PM Sidewalks Entertainment
7:30p Labor Today in Vermont 5:00p Washington Baptist Church 3:30p Montpelier School Board 8:00a Central Vermont Regional Planning 10:00 PM The Artful Word 2:00 PM Sustainable Living Series
12:00p The Thom Hartmann Program 4:30 PM Energy Conservation
8:00p Veterans Voice 6:00p Slavery & the Underground 7:30p VT State Board of Education Commission 10:30 PM Hendersons Herb Tinctures 3:30 PM Floor Hockey 6:00 PM Ethan Allen Homestead
9:00p Senior Moments Railroad 1:00p All Things LGBTQ 11:00a Randolph Selectboard Thursday 4:30 PM Upper Valley Humane Society 7:30 PM Will the Constitution
2:00p Energy Week 2:00 AM The State of Marriage 5:00 PM SlowLiving
10:30p Spotlight on Vermont Issues 7:30p Vermont Treasures 4:00p Vermont State House 8:30 PM Lego Chat
3:00 AM Yestermorrow Lecture Series 6:30 PM Montpelier Brown Bag Series 9:00 PM Community Producers
8:00p All Things LGBTQ 3:00p Democracy Now! Monday, May 8 6:00p Bernie Sanders Town Meetings 4:00 AM Taste for Life 9:30 PM Moose & Bears in NH 9:30 PM Talking About Movies
9:30p All Right Vermont 4:00p Extempo 12:00p Rumney Memorial School 9:00p Green Mountain Care Board 4:30 AM On the Waterfront 11:00 PM Burlington Bookfest Preview 10:00 PM City Room with Steven
Thursday, May 4 10:00p The Spark of Creativity 5:00p VT Film Essentials 3:00p East Montpelier School Board 5:00 AM 2015 Cornish Fair 11:30 PM Sustainable Living Series Pappas
6:00a Hunger Mountain Coop Workshop 6:00p The Importance of Old-Growth 6:00p Norwich Writers Symposium 5:30 AM Salaam/Shalom Sunday 10:30 PM Ghost Chronicles
6:30 AM Yoga To Go 1:30 AM Lego Chat
Series Forests 8:00p Game of the Week Sun, May 7 7:30 AM RagFest Concerts 2:00 AM Community Producers
11:30 PM Gory Storytime
8:00a Democracy Now! Sunday, May 7 7:30p Bill Doyle on VT Issues 7:00a Waterbury Trustees 8:30 AM Judge Ben 2:30 AM Talking About Movies
3:00 AM Ethan Allen Homestead
9:00a VTDigger News & Brews 6:00a Washington Baptist Church 8:00p Net Zero 10:30a Waterbury Selectboard 9:30 AM Ethan Allen Homestead 3:00 AM Vaccine Mandates 4:00 AM Ragtime - All Tha Jazz
10:30a Exploring Climate Change in VT 7:00a Gay USA Tuesday, May 9 3:00p Montpelier Development Review 10:30 AM Its News to Us 3:30 AM Ghost Chronicles 5:00 AM Talking About Movies
10:00p Ounce of Prevention 12:00p Vermont Youth Orchestra 11:30 AM The Y Connection 4:30 AM Gory Storytime
12:00p The Thom Hartmann Program 8:00a Eckankar 10:30p NOFA VT Winter Conference Board 12:00 PM Vermont Today 5:00 AM Green Mountain Vets for
6:00 AM Lifelines
1:00p North Branch Nature Center 8:30a Poem City 1:00p Orange Southwest Supervisory 6:00p Montpelier Design Review 1:30 PM The State of Marriage Peace
6:30 AM For the Animals
Union 7:00 AM Authors at the Aldrich
3:00p Democracy Now! 10:30a Roman Catholic Mass Committee 2:30 PM Yestermorrow Lecture Series 6:00 AM Holistically Speaking
8:00 AM Sidewalks Entertainment
4:00p Building Sled for Climate Change 11:00a Bear Pond Books 4:00p Rumney Memorial School 8:00p Montpelier City Council
3:30 PM Taste for Life 6:30 AM Mountain Man Adventures
8:30 AM Green Mountain Vets for
6:00p The State of Opioid Addiction in VT 12:30p The Artful Word ORCA Media Channel 16 8:00p Bethel School Board Mon, May 8 6:00a Vermont State House
4:00 PM On the Waterfront
4:30 PM 2015 Cornish Fair
7:00 AM Cuban Bridge
8:31 AM Car Stories Peace
8:00p Vote for Vermont 3:00p Spotlight on Vermont Issues Education Access 11:00a Bethel Selectboard 5:00 PM Salaam/Shalom 9:00 AM Health Talk 9:30 AM Holistically Speaking
10:00 AM Mountain Man Adventures
9:00p Exploring Climate Change in VT 5:00p Vote for Vermont Weekly Program Schedule 2:00p Berlin Selectboard
6:00 PM Yoga To Go 9:30 AM Ethan Allen Homestead
10:30 AM Cuban Bridge
7:00 PM RagFest Concerts 10:30 AM Ragtime - All Tha Jazz
10:30p Fake News? 6:30p All Right Vermont Wednesday, May 3 5:30p Montpelier Planning Commission 8:00 PM Judge Ben 11:30 AM Talking About Movies 11:00 AM Hometown Storytellers
7:00p Gay USA 12:00p Game of the Week ORCA Media Channel 17 LIVE 9:00 PM Ethan Allen Homestead 12:30 PM Lifelines 12:00 PM Car Stories
12:30 PM Health Talk
8:00p Vermont Countryside 4:00p Berlin School Board Government Access 10:00 PM Its News to Us 1:00 PM For the Animals
Friday, May 5 9:30p North Branch Nature Center Weekly Program Schedule 11:00 PM The Y Connection 1:30 PM Authors at the Aldrich 1:00 PM Ethan Allen Homestead
6:00a Fake News? 5:30p UVM French Connections Tue, May 9 11:30 PM Vermont Today 2:30 PM 2:00 PM Ragtime - All Tha Jazz
3:00 PM Talking About Movies
7:30a The Struggle 11:30p The Struggle 7:00p Montpelier School Board LIVE Wed, May 3 6:00a Vermont State House
Friday 4:02 PM Truck Pull 2015
4:00 PM Lifelines
1:00 AM Green Mountain Care Board 5:00 PM Cuban Bridge
8:00a Democracy Now! 7:00a Vermont Congressional Delegation 9:00a Bernie Sanders Town Meetings 2:30 AM Twin St vs Granite St Derby 6:00 PM Conversations with Kay 4:30 PM For the Animals
9:00a Extempo Monday, May 8 Thursday, May 4 9:00a Green Mountain Care Board 1:30p Inside Your Statehouse 4:00 AM WRJ Vet Center Grand 6:30 PM Vermont Historical Society 5:00 PM Authors at the Aldrich
3:00p Waterbury Trustees Opening 7:30 PM Its News to Us 6:00 PM Sidewalks Entertainment
10:00a All Things LGBTQ 6:00a Senior Moments 12:00p Bethel School Board 2:00p Capital Beat 5:00 AM Holiday Fun 8:30 PM The Y Connection 6:30 PM Green Mountain Vets for
11:00a Veterans for Peace 8:00a Democracy Now! 3:00p Berlin School Board 5:30p Montpelier City Council 3:00p Under the Golden Dome 5:30 AM Ghost Chronicles 9:00 PM Vermont Today Peace
9:00a Vote for Vermont 6:30 AM 13 Most Haunted - MA 10:30 PM The State of Marriage 7:30 PM Holistically Speaking
12:00p Brunch With Bernie 6:00p Orange Southwest Supervisory 4:00p Vermont State House
7:00 AM Understanding PTSD 11:30 PM Yestermorrow Lecture Series 8:00 PM Mountain Man Adventures
1:00p The Thom Hartmann Program 10:00a North Branch Nature Center Union Thu, May 4 5:30p Mont Design Review Committee 8:30 AM Hunger Mountain Co-op Monday 8:30 PM Cuban Bridge
2:00p Yoga for You 12:00p The Thom Hartmann Program 10:00p First Wednesdays 6:00a Vermont State House 7:00p Montpelier Development Review 11:00 AM Issues of Aging 2:00 AM Ethan Allen Homestead 9:00 PM Hometown Storytellers
2:30p Labor Today in Vermont 1:00p Red Warrior Mama Pt. 2 7:00a Randolph Selectboard Board 12:30 PM Green Mountain Care Board 3:30 AM Will the Constitution 10:00 PM Car Stories
3:00 PM High on the Hog 4:30 AM Lego Chat 10:30 PM Health Talk
3:30 PM WRJ Vet Center Grand 5:00 AM Community Producers 11:00 PM Talking About Movies
Community Media (802) 224-9901 Check out our Web page at Up-to-date schedules for CVTV can also be viewed online at

page 24 The WORLD May 3, 2017

PICKS between coping with loss while embracing new
beginnings and facing lifes ongoing struggles.
OF THE All the while, Huppert gives a performance of
WEEK stern intellect mixed with human vulnerability.

Fifty Shades Void (R) -- This low-budget love letter to
Darker (R) -- 1980s horror traps a small-town cop (Aaron
This second installment in the movie franchise Poole) and a bunch of Canadian locals in a hos-
based on the obscenely well-sold erotica books pital surrounded by robed knife-wielding cult-
offers more less-wild-than-youd-think sex ists. The night really takes a turn when people in

scenes packaged in a degradingly dumb roman- the hospital start turning into twisted shape-
tic plot. In the last movie, Ana (Dakota Johnson) shifting gore monsters, a la 1982s The Thing.
ditched chiseled billionaire bedroom badboy As a true fan of that cinematic classic, this
Christian (Jamie Dornan) after things got a little reviewer was impressed by the dedication to
rough. Now he really wants her back, and Ana practical effects, and the confirmation that using

can barely say no before giving in to whatever good ol rubber parts and fake blood makes bet-
Stubbleface McMoneybags wants. ter horror than any CGI. Too bad the plots a bit *
To try to develop the plot this time around, pro- top-heavy and the characters arent as fleshed- others
ducers deftly avoided giving Ana or Christian out as the fleshy monsters.
any kind of depth or meaningful shift in their
relationship. Instead, theres a plot with Anas A Street Cat Named Bob (Not Rated) -- James
aggressive lawsuit-liability of a boss. Ana says Bowen (James Treadaway) lived on the streets,
she wants independence, before handing control strumming his guitar for money between metha- average number of people reading this issue
of her life and career to Chris in exchange for done treatments and meetings with his addiction
lavish wealth and sexy times in a really nice counselor (Joanne Froggatt). As James starts to
shower. piece a life together in a new apartment, a ram-
bunctious orange cat breaks into his kitchen --
Things to Come (R) -- After 25 years of mar- and into his heart. Dubbing him Bob, the cat and
riage, Nathalie (Isabelle Huppert) learns that her human help each other through their respective
husband (Andre Marcon) is moving in with his recoveries. Based on the best-selling memoir by
much-younger lover. Nathalie still has intel-
lectual fulfillment as a professor of philosophy,
with strong bonds to her adult children and for-
the real-life Bowen, its predictability puts up
barriers around many of the sentimental moments
in the uplifting drama checklist. Cats are good at
mer students. As she explores the newfound getting around barriers though, and Bob defies
freedom she didnt ask for, a former student you not to be charmed by him.
(Roman Kolinka) appears as a potential romance. TV RELEASES
Nathalie also must care for her ailing mother Divorce: Season 1
(Edith Scob) grappling with dementia. Inside Amy Schumer: Season 4
Hupperts performance already has award Orange is the New Black: Season 4 *According to the nationally known audit rm
rumors popping up, as she handles a strong and Unleashing Mr. Darcy Circulation Verication Council (CVC)
complicated character. Theres a fine balance The WORLD has an average readership of 30,000 per issue
(c) 2017 King Features Synd., Inc. Audited numbers are numbers you can trust.


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May 3, 2017 The WORLD page 25

Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide (CO2) released in March. Data from GOES-16 is considered pre-
Late April measurement for Carbon Dioxide CO2 was liminary while the satellite undergoes testing. It is expected to
409.76 ppm as measured at the Mauna Loa Observatory. be operational sometime in the next few months.
Highest-ever daily average CO2 at Mauna Loa Observatory
412.63 ppm back on April 26th, 2017. Right now were on
track to create a climate unseen in 50 million years by mid-
The world just passed another round-numbered climate
milestone. Scientists predicted it would happen this year and
it has. The Mauna Loa Observatory recorded its first-ever
carbon dioxide reading in excess of 410 parts per million.
April 2017 Weather Statistics Barre-Montpelier VT Carbon dioxide hasnt reached that height in millions of years.
Its a new atmosphere that humanity will have to contend
Highest temperature: 79 degrees on the 16th with, one thats trapping more heat and causing the climate to
Coolest daytime high: 34 degrees on the 1st change at a quickening rate.
Lowest temperature: 22 degrees on the 3rd In whats become a spring tradition like Passover and
Warmest minimum 58 degrees on the 28th Easter, carbon dioxide has set a record high each year since
Monthly average 45.4 which was 3.0 degrees above normal measurements began. It stood at 280 ppm when record keep-
Heating Degree days 581 Normal 678 ing began at Mauna Loa in 1958. In 2013, it passed 400
Cooling degree days 3 Normal 1 ppm. Just four years later, the the 400 ppm mark is no long a
Average daytime Sky cover: 6/10ths which is partly to mostly novelty. Its the norm. Its pretty depressing that its only a
cloudy couple of years since the 400 ppm milestone was toppled,
Heaviest precipitation: 0.87 on the 6th Gavin Foster, a paleoclimate researcher at the University of
Accumulated April precipitation: 3.21 Normal 2.66 Southampton told Climate Central last month. These mile-
Precipitation Percent of normal: 121% of normal stones are just numbers, but they give us an opportunity to
Largest snowfall: 0.8 on the 1st Forecasters are excited about the advantage offered by
pause and take stock and act as useful yard sticks for com- GLM, said Harold Brooks, a researcher at the National Severe
Total snowfall accumulation: 0.8 parisons to the geological record.
Thunderstorm days: none Storms Laboratory (NSSL). Now, before stuff starts happen-
Strongest winds 40 mph on the 29th from the southeast ing near the ground, theyll have gotten a clue that the storm
has really started to be active. Research done at the Marshall
April Weather Milder but Wetter... Space Flight Center shows that the lightning data from GLM,
The month of April was milder than normal by 3 degrees. which has already observed hundreds of storms, provides
It was also wetter with 121% of normal precipitation, and sky anywhere from eight to 20 extra minutes of lead time on that
cover averaged 6/10ths. No thunderstorms were recorded but first cloud-to-ground flash, said Schultz. This could be criti-
there were two days with thunder that reached into the cal for alerting people to seek shelter from those first flashes
Champlain Valley as well as portions of southern Vermont and other threats that could be coming.
whereas most storms last month made a run out of New York Some research has found that in recent decades, more
state before dying out in eastern Vermont. This is common as severe tornado outbreaks have occurred over fewer days.
stable air typically comes on south or southeastern winds Whether climate change is playing a role in this trend remains
from off the chilly North Atlantic. uncertain, and much more research needs to be done to illumi-
April started out with heavy wet snow loading event in the nate the connection between climate change, more intense
upper elevations just off the valley floors. In Worcester about storms, and related severe weather events. But it looks like
9.8 as measured at 7 AM April first. This was offset having GLM will help.
occurred before midnight on March 31st where 4.1 was Even when concentrations of carbon dioxide level off, the
recorded at the Barre-Montpelier airport. impacts of climate change will extend centuries into the Vermont May Weather Trends Chilly and Wet Start
April had no issues with fire this year as it was sufficiently future. The planet has already warmed 1.8F (1C), including The grass is going to grow quickly and bug season might be
wet to keep this in check. The greening of April was a little a run of 627 months in a row of above-normal heat. Sea levels rather nasty, but beautifying shades of green will be fully on
ahead of schedule in most lower valley elevations. Poplars have risen about a foot and oceans have acidified. Extreme soon. Its May, and that means thunderstorm activity may perk
had already leafed out by April 30th, with many other tree heat has become more common. All of these impacts will last up now and then, possibly associated with gusty winds driven
species not too far behind. The rainfall plus the slightly longer and intensify into the future even if we cut carbon by an active jet stream and moisture that slides up the
warmer temperatures likely getting us on a head start for emissions. But we face a choice of just how intense they Appalachians. Typically the flow when coming off the Atlantic
leaf-out. become based on when we stop polluting the atmosphere. is a buzz kill for thunderstorm talk as stable air in Vermont via
the chilly North Atlantic just does work thunderstorms to keep
GOES-16 Lightning Mapper - Fantastic for Weather up their pace unless they are very fast movers.
Professional and Geek alike... May looks rather chilly and wet which is contradictory to
Lightning strikes the ground around the U.S. roughly 25 the many American models that want to keep up a warm and
million times a year, but thats nothing compared to the num- somewhat drier May. Farmers looking for the first cut of hay
ber of lightning flashes that stay up in the cloud, which hap- will more than likely have issues simply because of a fast flow
pen five to 10 times as often. Now, there is a new eye in the from the west and storm track featuring small but frequent
sky watching out for all lightning types, which could improve disturbances and no to little opportunity to dry things out. The
forecasting of the severe storms that lightning signals, as well worst of the wettest dampest conditions was most likely over
as providing novel insights into climate changes impacts on the first three weeks of the month.
such storms. The Geostationary Lightning Mapper (GLM) is There could also be a couple of colder frosty nights ahead,
one of the 34 meteorological, solar, and space weather instru- but wetter conditions typically keep frost at bay so the air
ments on the brand new GOES-16 satellite. GLM, an optical mass may have to be a rather cold one. Per the mid to long
detector, continuously looks for lightning flashes in the range European model, warming may hang out around the
Western hemisphere with a higher sensitivity than previous 23rd of the month. Another rather chilly period ends the
space-borne instruments and wider coverage than current month of May.
ground-based systems. The first images from GLM were Roger Hill of Weathering Heights and Radio Vermont

Vermonts Catch-and-Release Bass Fishing Season in Full Swing

Vermonts celebrated catch-and-release bass fishing season
is underway with some of the hottest bass fishing action in the
Green Mountain State happening right now.
The spring catch-and-release season is a really special
time to be on the water in Vermont, and the fishing can be
truly spectacular, said avid bass angler Chris Adams, infor-
mation specialist with Vermont Fish & Wildlife. Combine
warming weather, minimal boat traffic and feeding large-
mouth and smallmouth bass, and spring bass fishing is hard to
Vermonts catch-and-release bass season runs primarily
from the second Saturday in April to the Friday before the
second Saturday in June, when Vermonts traditional bass
season opens.
However, catch-and-release, open-water bass fishing is also
permitted year-round on waters that are not listed by the
Department as seasonally closed. A full listing of waters and
applicable regulations can be found in the 2017 Vermont
Fishing Guide & Regulations Digest, or by using the new
Online Fishing Regulations Tool found at www.vtfishand-
Adams said Vermonts spring catch-and-release bass sea-
son is well-known throughout New England and the north- John Austin of Middlesex with a beautiful large mouth bass he Tom Jones of Northfield with a trophy Vermont smallmouth bass he
east, and is recognized not only for producing numbers of caught and released while fishing recently on Lake Champlain. landed during Vermonts spring catch-and-release bass fishing
fish, but also for kicking out some of the biggest bass of the
year. Vermont Fish & Wildlife has assembled a few basic tips for baitfish and ultimately feeding smallmouth and largemouth
From ice-out right through early June, the catch-and- anglers heading out to fish for bass during the spring catch- bass. Marshy, weedy bays will also warm up quickly and will
release bass fishing in Vermont is incredible, said Adams. and-release season.
After nearly two decades as a bass enthusiast, I had one of attract numbers of largemouth bass in various stages of their
Let water temperatures dictate your tactics and lure choic- springtime movements.
my best days ever for giant Vermont smallmouth bass just last es. Often fishing slowly on the bottom with jig-style baits can
week, despite water temperatures still being in the upper Pay attention to the clues. If you catch a fish, get a bite, or
be most effective shortly after ice-out. As water temperatures
30-degree range. Its hard to overemphasize how much fun begin to rise into the 45 to 60-degree range and fish feeding see a fish follow your lure, take another pass through the same
spring bass fishing can be. Folks should definitely give it a activity increases, moving baits such as spinners, crankbaits area. Many fish will often stack up on the same structure dur-
try. and stickbaits can be big producers. ing the spring as they transition from winter to spring and
During the catch-and-release season, all bass must be Look for rocky shorelines and marshy back bays. Shallow, summer haunts.
immediately released after being caught and only artificial gradual rocky shorelines consisting of ledge, chunk rock, To purchase a fishing license or learn more about fishing in
lures may be used. The use of live bait is prohibited. gravel or boulders will hold heat and warm up first, attracting Vermont, visit
page 26 The WORLD May 3, 2017

PHOTO: Moose Highway.jpg

The State Farm Mike
Cutline: Estrada 4/6 Cylinder
Enduros Scheduled for
5 Events
The Bear Ridge Speedway endure series will be competing
monthly in 2017 with five events on on the schedule. This year
the Ridge is proud to announce that the Enduro series is being
VT Fish &Wildlife cautions drivers that moose are more likely to be crossing roadways at this time of year, especially after dark or early sponsored by State Farm Mike Estrada of Lebanon NH.
in the morning as they move from wintering areas to spring feeding locations. Photo from VT Fish & Wildlife The first event is scheduled for May 27 on the R&M

Be Alert to Avoid Moose on the Highway

Automotive Bear Ridges remembrance of lost friend night.
Also on hand will be the visiting WYKR Sprint Cars of New
England. The next appearance of the State Farm Mike Estrada
Drivers need to be alert and cautious because moose are on when you see MOOSE CROSSING signs along the highway. 4/6 Cylinder Enduro will be on June 24. They will be back on
the move, according to the Vermont Fish & Wildlife When on secondary roads, the recommended speed is 40 mph July 29, and September 2 with their last event scheduled for
Department. Moose are more likely to be crossing roadways or less in these moose crossing areas. the final race night of 2017 September 23.
at this time of year, especially after dark or early in the morn- -Drive defensively and dont overdrive your headlights. Cars and stars from all divisions; the DIRTcar sanctioned
ing as they move from wintering areas to spring feeding loca- Moose are more active at night and early morning, and they
Sabil & Sons Sportsman Modifieds, Wells River Chevrolet
tions. are difficult to see because of their dark color.
More moose are hit by motorists in the spring than at any -If you see a moose ahead, slow down or stop. Trying to Sportsman Coupes, USAC DMA Laquerre Sports Midgets,
other time of the year. There is another peak of activity in speed past them before they can move can be a serious CA Miller Inc Limited Late Models, Weglarz Property Service
September and October, the breeding season for moose. mistake. Four Cylinders are expected to be on hand to give the fans a
Motorists hit 63 moose on Vermont highways during Vermont highway sections most frequented by moose: sneak peek and up close look of the machines set to hit the dirt
2016, said Fish & Wildlife Commissioner Louis Porter. We -Rt.105 from Island Pond to Bloomfield. the following Saturday, May 6.
are asking drivers to be especially careful and for people to -Rt.114 from East Burke to Canaan. Following this all on Saturday May 6 will be the annual car
enjoy watching moose from a distance. Moose can be unpre- -Rt.2 from Lunenberg to East St. Johnsbury. show at the between NAPA of Bradford FMS Auto parts and
dictable and dangerous if you get too close and they feel -Interstate 91 at Sheffield Heights. the Bradford Jiffy Mart followed by a test and tune session,
cornered or get irritated. -Interstate 89 from Bolton to Montpelier. then it is the 50th consecutive opening night, this year spon-
Moose are a threat to motorists, but there are measures you -Rt. 12 from Worcester to Elmore. sored by NAPA of Bradford F.M.S. Autoparts LLC for the
can take to avoid hitting them, according to Fish & Wildlife: -Rt 118 near Belvidere Corners and the Rt. 109 intersec- 99ROCK WFRD weekly racing series at the Ridge with all
-Always be aware of the danger moose cross the road tion.
five divisions set to begin the battle for the championship.
randomly, as well as at their regular crossings. Nineteen people have died in motor vehicle collisions with
-Increase your roadside awareness and reduce your speed moose on Vermont highways since 1985. The 2017 Bear Ridge Speedway 99ROCK WFRD weekly
racing series will consist of the DIRTcar sanctioned Sabil &

Sons Sportsman Modifieds, Wells River Chevrolet Sportsman
Coupes, USAC DMA Laquerre Sports Midgets, CA Miller

Antlerless Deer Proposal Voted on by F&W Board Inc Limited Late Models, and the Weglarz Property Service
Four Cylinders.
The Vermont Fish & Wildlife Board voted on the Fish & the November 4-5 youth weekend hunt. Youths took 885 Season passes are available for general admission, Adults is
Wildlife Departments proposal for antlerless deer hunting for antlerless deer during the 2016 youth weekend hunt. $180.00, Seniors and Teens $150.00. 2017 membership and
2017 at its meeting on April 26 in Montpelier. The December 2-10 muzzleloader season would have car owner applications are available on line or by calling
We are recommending an increase in muzzleloader season 24,500 antlerless permits distributed in 18 of Vermonts 21 603/222-4052.
antlerless deer permits this year to account for the increase in Wildlife management Units (WMU), which is estimated to Bear Ridge Speedway is as an alcohol free family friendly
the deer population following another mild winter in 2017, result in 3,608 antlerless deer being taken. entertainment spot, with our goal to make each experience at
said Nick Fortin, deer project leader for the Fish & Wildlife The Fish & Wildlife Departments antlerless deer hunting the Ridge better than the last. Remember Dirt where every
Department. Much of Vermont has experienced two con- proposal for 2017 and the Fish & Wildlife Boards recom- lap is the last lap we continue to offer the best source of good
secutive very mild winters. As a result, the recommendation mended permits by each WMU are on Vermont Fish & inexpensive high quality entertainment for families.
is intended to stabilize or reduce deer densities in some parts Wildlifes website ( Public Bear Ridge Speedway is located off exit 16 of I91 on to rte
of the state while allowing for moderate population growth in comments on the proposal may be emailed to ANR. 25 west 1 mile to South Road up the hill to Kidder Rd. The
other areas.
[email protected] by May 23, 2017. green will wave every Saturday starting May 6 at 6:00
The departments annual recommendation is based on
population estimates, biological data, winter severity data, The department held three deer hunting public hearings pm(ish). Be sure to check the web www.bearridgespeedway.
and deer sighting rates reported by hunters, as well as input earlier and will hold two more in May. The meetings will be com. Questions can be sent to [email protected]
from game wardens, foresters and the public. held 6:30-8:30 p.m. on Thursday May 11 at Randolph Union
We expect the statewide deer population to be about High School, 15 Forest Street, Randolph, VT 05060 and on
157,000 prior to the start of the 2017 deer seasons, said Tuesday May 16 at Burr and Burton Academy, 57 Seminary
Fortin. Avenue, Manchester, VT 05254.
Hunting for antlerless deer is proposed statewide for the The Fish & Wildlife Board will vote again at their May 24
October 7-November 3 and December 2-10 archery season. board meeting on the antlerless deer hunting proposal.
Last year, hunters took 2,595 antlerless deer during the Muzzleloader season antlerless permit applications are sched-
archery season. uled to be available on the Fish & Wildlife Departments
One deer of either sex would be allowed for youths during website in early June.

Young Wildlife Belong in the Wild

Watching wildlife is enjoyable, especially when young happening upon it.
animals appear in the spring. But its best to keep your dis- Animals that act sick can carry rabies, parasites or other
tance. Picking up young wildlife can do more harm than harmful diseases. Do not handle them. Even though they do
good, according to the Vermont Fish & Wildlife Department. not show symptoms, healthy-looking raccoons, foxes, skunks,
Its also against the law. and bats also may also be carriers of the deadly rabies virus.
When people see young animals alone, they often mistak- Many wildlife species will not feed or care for their young
enly assume these animals are helpless or lost, in trouble or when people are close by. Obey signs that restrict access to
needing to be rescued. Bringing young wildlife into a human wildlife nesting areas, including hiking trails that may be
environment often results in permanent separation from their temporarily closed.
mothers and a sad ending for the animal. Keep domestic pets indoors, leashed or fenced in. Dogs
Handling wildlife could also pose a threat to the people and cats kill many baby animals each year.
involved. Wild animals can transmit disease and angry wild- Avoid projects that remove trees, shrubs and dead snags
life mothers can pose significant dangers. that contain nests during the spring and summer.
Department scientists encourage wildlife watchers to For information about rabies and nuisance wildlife, call the
respect the behavior of animals in the spring and early sum- Vermont
mer, and to resist the urge to assist wildlife in ways that may Rabies Hotline at 1-800-4RABIES (1-800-472-2437). If
be harmful. Here are some helpful tips: bitten or in contact with a raccoon, fox, skunk, or bat, or a
Deer and moose nurse their young at different times during domestic animal that has been in contact with one of these
the day, and often leave young alone for long periods of time. species, call the Vermont Department of Health at 1-800-640-
These animals are not lost. Their mother knows where they 4374.
are and will return. For the safety of all wildlife, taking a wild animal into
Young birds on the ground may have left their nest, but captivity is illegal, even one you suspect is sick, injured or
their parents will still feed them. has been abandoned. To learn about injured or orphaned BERLIN 622-0250 BARRE 479-0629
Young animals such as fox and raccoon will often follow wildlife, to Vermonts Fish & Wildlifes website vtfishand-
their parents. The family of a wandering animal searching
Open 5am M-S, 6am Sun. Open 24 Hours or contact the Vermont Fish & Wildlife
for food is usually nearby but just out of sight to a person Department at 802-828-1000 if you have any questions. MONTPELIER 223-0928
Open 5am M-S, 6am Sun.
May 3, 2017 The WORLD page 27
802-479-2582 1-800-639-9753 Fax 802-479-7916 Email: [email protected] Web:


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High School diploma and beyond of a position w/benefits next school year. Experience with food
Drivers license preparation and line service preferred, but we will train the right
experience in one or more of the following trades: person. A friendly positive attitude and desire to work with young
construction, electrical, plumbing/heating, automotive and adults is a must.
certifications in a trade is strongly encouraged For information, please call Brian Fischer at (802) 229-0321
******************************************************* ext. 5136.
Qualified candidates are invited to send a letter of interest,
resume, and 3 letters of recommendation to or apply thru Interested individuals should submit a completed application with current references to:
Penny Chamberlin, Director Steven Dellinger-Pate, Principal
Central Vermont Career Center
155 Ayers Street, Barre, VT 05641 U-32, 930 Gallison Hill Road, Montpelier, VT 05602
Website: Deadline: Open until filled
(Available at or in the main office)
Position open until filled
EOE Equal Opportunity Employer

page 28 The WORLD May 3, 2017

continued continued
GOT KNEE PAIN? BACK 802-461-7828 TERNET $29.99/MO.
PAIN? SHOULDER PAIN? Meshbags $8.00/ea. Free
We Buy-Sell-Barter (for 12 mos.) No term agree- delivery to Seniors. 802-279-
Get a pain-relieving brace at
little or NO cost to you. Medi- Lets Make a Deal ment. Fast Downloads! PLUS 2595
care Patients, Call Health Williamstown VT Ask about TV (140 Channels)
Get FAA approved maintenance training at campuses
Hotline Now! 1-800-279-6038 Internet Bundle for $79.99/ HOTELS FOR HEROESto coast to coast. Job placement assistance.
mo. (for 12 mos.) CALL 1-844- find out more about how you Financial Aid for qualifying students. Military friendly.
835-5117 can help our service mem-
Lose 20 pounds in one week? JUNK CARS, TRUCKS
This is almost impossible! 802-522-4279. Diagnosed with Mesothelioma
bers, veterans and their fami- Call Aviation Institute of Maintenance
lies in their time of need, visit
Weight loss ads must reflect
the typical experiences of the A PLACE FOR MOM. The
or Asbestos Lung Cancer? If
the Fisher House website at 800-481-7894
so, you and your family may
nations largest senior living
diet users. Beware of pro- be entitled to a substantial fi-
referral service. Contact our
grams that claim you can lose nancial award. We can help
trusted, local experts today! HughesNet: Gen4 satellite in-
weight effortlessly. TIP: Clues you get cash quick! Call 24/7
Our service is FREE/no obli- ternet is ultra fast and secure.
to fraudulent ads include
words like: breakthrough,
gation. CALL 1-800-217-3942 : 844-865-4336
Plans as low as $39.99 in Auto Parts Person
effortless, and new discov- A PLACE FOR MOM. The For Sale; 3 Salon Stations w/ select areas. Call 1-855-440- BFCP, an auto parts distributor
ery. When you see words like sinks & mirrors, $500 or Best 4911 now to get a $50 Gift is seeking a motivated person to
nations largest senior living
these be skeptical. Before you referral service. Contact our Offer. Denis 802-371-9126 Card!
invest your time and money
help in our busy Barre, Vermont
trusted, local experts today!
call the ATTORNEY GEN- Our service is FREE/no obli- FRESH START AUTO LIFE ALERT. 24/7. One press warehouse. Duties will include inventory, customer
ERALS CONSUMER ASSIS- gation. CALL 1-800-417-0524 SALES of a button sends help FAST! service, dispatching, delivery and computer entry.
TANCE PROGRAM, at 1-800- & Financing, LLC. Medical, Fire, Burglar. Even
649-2424. ADVERTISE to 10 Million East Montpelier VT if you cant reach a phone! Clean VT license and lifting is required.
Homes across the USA! Place Repossessions, Foreclosure FREE brochure. CALL 800- Prior automotive or warehouse experience
LUNG CANCER? And 60 your ad in over 140 commu- Bankruptcies. 457-1917 would be helpful.
years old? If so, you and your nity newspapers, with circu- 802-229-2888
family may be entitled to a sig- lation totaling over 10 million Apply in person Mon.-Fri. from 8:00-5:00 at
nificant cash award. Call 800- homes. Contact Independent FUNERALS CAN BE VERY BFCP, 115 Granger Rd, Barre, VT 05641
364-0517 to learn more. No EXPENSIVE. Can your loved continued on page 31
Free Papers of America IFPA
risk. No money out of pocket. ones afford it? Protect them
at danielleburnett-ifpa@live.
with Final Expense Insurance.
Executive Assistant to the Superintendent
WANT A CURE-ALL? com or visit our website cad-
Health fraud is a business for more informa- Call today to learn more. 800-
that sells false hope. Beware tion. 758-0417
of unsubstantiated claims for OSSU Central Office
health products and services.
Comcast Hi-Speed Internet
$29.99/mo (for 12 mos.)
Portable w/transfer switch,
2017-2018 School Year
There are no Quick Cures
no matter what the ad is
No term agreement. Fast $1200. This full time administrative position provides a wide variety of complex and
claiming. TIP: DO NOT rely
Downloads! PLUS Ask About MATTRESS California King confidential administrative and secretarial support, i.e., interprets policy and
on promises of a money back
TV (140 Channels) Internet Tempur-Pedic w/cover $1000. administrative regulations to officials and the public; analyzes requests and
Bundle for $79.00/mo (for 12 802-728-4440
guarantee! Watch out for key mos.) CALL 1-844-714-4451,
provides recommendations for action; communicates information on behalf
words such as exclusive se- HARDWOOD KINDLING, of the District and the Governing Board to staff, other districts, and public
cret, amazing results, or agencies.
Thank You For Saying
Meshbags $8.00/ea. Free
scientific breakthrough. For delivery to Seniors. 802-279-
more information on health re- 2595
Candidate must be knowledgeable with standard assistant procedures and office
lated products or services, call
I Saw It In management techniques; record keeping and filing systems; Roberts Rules
of Order; standard office equipment and software applications; principles of
CONSUMER ASSISTANCE internet research; and effective telephone techniques.
PROGRAM at 1-800-649-
Associates Degree preferred, as well as training and/or experience which
2424, or consult a health care
provider. demonstrates ability to perform the duties described within the job description
including satisfactory experience at the Executive Assistant level, preferably
UP TO $17.00 PER HOUR in a public education environment; coursework in business administration or a
WANTED TO START related field is desirable.
OLD LICENSE PLATES Top pay for experience. Must have prior For a complete job description, and to make application go to:
WANTED. Pre 1920 by Seri- reconditioning experience. Attention to detail is job #2782110.
ous Collector. Cash buyer. critical. Great hours. Use of shop for own vehicle.
Conrad Hughson Drivers license required. Family owned - make This position is expected to begin mid-to-late May.
Box 1, Putney, VT 05346
[email protected] the change now and enjoy what you do! Person offered employment will complete the Criminal Records process.
802-387-4498 Email resume for consideration.
WANTS TO purchase miner- Poulin Auto Sales
als and other oil and gas inter- 473 E. Barre Rd. Barre
ests. Send details to: PO Box Mike Culligan, Service Manager
13557, Denver, CO 80201
802-479-8961 Ext. 1104
Email: [email protected]
Furniture and Smalls. UP TO $26.00 PER HOUR
G.S. Antiques Top pay for top techs. Great hours. Use of
802-461-3004 shop for own vehicle. Drivers and inspection
GREAT DEALS and always
license required. Own tools required.
buying. Family owned - make the change now and
Johnson Antiques enjoy what you do!
4 Summer St. E.Barre Email resume for consideration.
802-249-2525, 8:30-3:30
Mon-Wed-Thurs-Fri; Sat till
noon; Closed Sun & Tues.
Poulin Auto Sales
We BuySell -
473 E. Barre Rd. Barre
Mike Culligan, Service Manager
802-479-8961 Ext. 1104
Cosmetologist Wanted
Trade- Estate Sales Woodridge Rehabilitation and Nursing is currently looking for
Call For appointment
Email: [email protected]
802-461-6441 a Cosmetologist to join their dynamic team 1-2 days a week.
We are searching for that special someone who is customer
service oriented and who enjoys working with elderly people
and their families. The Cosmetologist would utilize Woodridges
salon as an independent contractor and work with staff to
collaboratively meet the needs of the residents. Applicants
must have a VT Cosmetology license and have experience
A Full Service Glass Company in hair-cutting (men and women) perms and sets. For more
information, please contact Trisha Hunt at 371-4246 or
[email protected].
Full-Time Glass Installers
Glassworks is looking for installers with glass and glazing
experience a plus and/or a minimum of 2 years of
carpentry skills. A clean driving record is a must!
Interested persons should send rsum to
2319 US Rte. 2, Waterbury 05676 WOODRIDGE
or email it to [email protected] Equal Opportunity Employer

May 3, 2017 The WORLD page 29

Just a click away EAST CALIAS, Sat May 6,
8-3pm Ginormous yard sale,
Thousands of items for sale
antiques, furniture, tools, 6 MERRILL TERRACE from Jackie Wilders Trove SATURDAY, MAY 6
Now Placing Your Classified Or households, old boxes, small MONTPELIER, VERMONT Quilts and Craft Supplies 8 White St, Barre, VT
stands, old prints, and much Xmas decorations & 9:00-3:00
Display Ad Is Even Easier! much more. Rain or shine. 86 antique items Something for Everyone!
Sand Hill Rd just off Rte 14. Friday May 5 @ 8:00AM Saturday, 6 May: 10 AM-5P
Saturday May 6 @ 8:00AM Old Town Hall(inside) WATERBURY
Brookfield, Vermont FLEA MARKET
Contact Person
& Payment Info Tall blanket chest with 2 Something for everyone OPENS for the Season
VISA, MasterCard 4/29/2017. Over 100 spaces
& Discover drawers(very old & rare), 18th Call: 276-3959 for more info
available for vendors. Beauti-
century blanket box, ward-
LAWN SALE ful open field in the Center
Email us at... robe cabinet, large braided 513 BLISS RD, of Vermont. Buy old buy new
rug, oriental rugs, cherry E.MONTPELIER anything in between. Visit
[email protected]
YARD drop leaf table, Queen size 4
post bed (nice), maple dining
table, 2 maple top tables, 13
5/6 & 5/13.. 8-12.
and more.
the wonderful concession
stand for homemade frys
and burgers. $20.00 a day

SALES! Stowe canoe, HO scale train

set (complete), chain saw, 5
bench seat, 4 new Toyo sum-
Over 300 varities of plants!
for vendors. No reserved
spaces. Free parking and
no admission. Open Every

GARAGE mer tires 225/65/R17, Flo Offering a Full Array of

Vegetables, Medicinal and
Weekend in till
10/29/2017. 802-882-1919

potato barn
blue china 8 piece plus set of
Culinary Herbs, Complete
Copeland Spodes Tower chi- YARD SALE/C OOKOUT
na, lawn mower, tiller, garden Collection of Dye Plants, to benefit the

antiques HOURS: Open Thurs.-Sun. 9-5

cart, dressers, twin bed, 3 air
conditioners, kitchen island,
household, pipe collection
Over 50 Varieties of Flowers,
Annuals and Perennials.
Open for sales at our farm in
NETWORK Hospital
in Burlington.
Location: Kinney Drug on the
(includes a nice Meerchaum), Brookfield starting April 30th:
Barre/Montpelier Road
SALES! Sundays 9am-2pm
Mondays by chance Closed Tues. & Wed. old commode, 2 Cannondale Date: May 6th
7500 sq.ft. of Antiques & Collectables, including: Bikes R100 & T200, small Wednesdays 9am-4pm Time: 9a.m. til 2 p.m.
Vintage Clothing Costume Jewelry Lamps, Lighting, Rewires & chest freezer, hand tools, Arc of the Eye Farm is lo- Cook out: Hot dog or ham-
Repairs Official Aladdin Lamp Dealer Glass China fireplace soldier andirons and cated at 2007 Twin Pond Rd burger with all the fixings;
Ephemera & more NO SALES TAX! CLIP & lots more. in Brookfield, VT chips, soda for a $5 dona-
Always Buying Vintage Clothing 603-636-2611 SAVE! tion.
& Accessories, Lamps & Lighting 802-276-3839 All money raised stays here ANOTHER SALE BY in Vermont to benefit the chil-
for more info.
Just 40 minutes East of St. J. Route 3 Northumberland, NH DANA & STAN dren and families.
4 mi. North of Lancaster, NH, Fairground


403 U.S. RT. 302 - BERLIN BARRE, VT 05641-2274

479-2582 1-800-639-9753 FAX 479-7916
Use your V IS A /M
and call 47

LINE RATE 1-3 Words Per Line $1.75/LINE

9-2582 or
4 for 3



SPECIAL Capitalizing more than the first 2 words, etc. 70/WORD Or any other
personal information
Run The Same DEADLINE: For The WORLD is MONDAY by 10:00
Classified for AM To someone you dont know
3 Consecutive Weeks- when answering an advertisement.
ORD CANCELLATIONS: A classified ad cancelled before 10:00 AM
PER W MIN. Get 4th Week on Monday will receive credit for the remaining paid weeks.
$3.P5e0r Week
A public service announcement
The WORLD asks that you check your ad on its first publication. If you find an error presented to you by The WORLD
Per A please notify us immediately so that corrections can be made. The WORLD will not be
(Any changes void free week)
responsible for more than one incorrect publication of the ad.


Animals-Farm ......................500
Fountain Pen
PHONE NUMBER ___________________________________________________________________________ Animals-Pet .........................430
Antiques/Restorations .........144 Q: My dad was a banker in
LAST NAME _______________________________________________________________________________ Baby/Children Items ............140 Kansas, and I never saw him
Bicycles ...............................220 use a writing instrument that
FIRST NAME ______________________________________________________________________________ Boating/Fishing ...................210 wasnt a fountain pen. I inherited one of his favorite ones,
Building Materials................300 a Parker Duofold Senior. It is a beautiful pen, and I would
ADDRESS _________________________________________________________________________________ Business Items....................080 like to know about when it was made.
Business Opportunities .......060 -- Stan, Overland Park, Kansas
CITY _______________________________________________ STATE ____________ ZIP _______________ Camping ..............................205
Childcare Service ................030 A: Your pen was manufactured in 1958 and is quite collect-
START DATE: ___________ NUMBER OF ISSUES: __________ Christmas Trees ..................370 ible. I found it listed in Collecting Pens, by Edward
Class & Workshops .............103 Kiersh and published by House of Collectibles. Kiersh
Clothing & Accessories .......130 values your pen at $175, but this may be a little low since
EXACTLY HOW YOU WANT THE AD TO READ Computers/Electronics ........100 fountain pens have become a hot collectible and values
Please print, we cannot be responsible for words we can't read. Farm/Garden/Lawn .............410 have steadily risen. I occasionally write with a Big Red
Free Ads..............................108 from the 1930s, and it is one of the pleasures of life to write
________________________________________________________________ Garage Sales/Flea Mkt. ......145
a note or letter with a vintage pen.
Health ..................................113 ***
________________________________________________________________ Home Appliances ................160 Q: My grandparents immigrated to the United States from
Hunting/Guns/Archery.........305 Europe in about 1920. Among the heirlooms they managed
________________________________________________________________ Insurance/Investments ........090 to bring with them is a set of sterling flatware in the
Job Opportunities................020 Acanthus pattern by Georg Jensen. What can you tell me
________________________________________________________________ Lost and Found ...................110 about it? -- Martha, Waco, Texas
Miscellaneous .....................150
________________________________________________________________ Musical ................................200 A: Georg Jensen opened his silver business in Copenhagen,
Personals ............................105 Denmark, in 1904, and his craftsmanship made him famous
________________________________________________________________ Professional Services .........540 throughout Europe. His mark is distinctive: a wreath
Rideshare ............................125 topped by a crown and the words Georg Jensen, Inc.
________________________________________________________________ Snow Removal Equip. .........355 Georg Jensen Inc., USA, opened in New York in 1941, but
Snowmobiles/Access. .........360 closed within a decade.
Sporting Equipment ............250 Your pattern was introduced in 1917. Typical pieces of
Storage................................235 this pattern are three piece carving set, $800; dinner knife,
Support Groups ..................107 $280; sugar tongs, $190; and salad fork, $120.
Tools ....................................330 ***
Wanted ................................120
________________________________________________________________ Wood/Heating Equip............350
Q: I purchased a Quezal vase at a yard sale for 25 cents. It
Work Wanted .......................040 looks like a Tiffany, and I have several friends who wish to
buy it. -- Pat, Riverside, Rhode Island
Each separate word, each phone number counts as one word Campers/Motor Homes .......845 A: Quezal glass was made from 1901 until about 1924 in
Cars & Accessories ............875 the Queens, N.Y., studio of Martin Bach Sr. Other compa-
Motorcycles/ATVs ...............850 nies made similar art glass, including Loetz, Steuben and
Number of words ____________ times 35($3.50 min.)_________________ (cost for one week) Trucks/Vans/Jeeps Access. .870 Tiffany. Since Quezal vases generally sell for well above
Vintage/Classic Vehicles .....873 $1,000, my advice is to contact a reputable dealer or
Work Vehicles/Heavy Equip. ....855 appraiser in your area and find out if your piece is authen-
times number of weeks __________ 4 for 3 Special TOTAL COST __________________ tic. If it is, you have a good eye and made a wonderful
Apts./House for Rent...........630
Camps for Sale ...................650 Write to Larry Cox in care of KFWS, 628 Virginia Drive,
$ FULL PAYMENT MUST ACCOMPANY THIS FORM Comm. Rentals/Sales .........605 Orlando, FL 32803, or send e-mail to questionsforcox@
MasterCard Condominiums ....................680 Due to the large volume of mail he receives, Mr.
Apt. Blds. for Sale................685 Cox cannot personally answer all reader questions, nor
Credit Card
Visa Homes .................................690
does he do appraisals. Do not send any materials requiring
Number ____________________________________________________ Discover Land for Sale.......................670
return mail.
Mobile Homes .....................600
CVC#______ Vacation Rentals/Sales .......645 (c) 2017 King Features Synd., Inc.
Signature __________________________________________Exp. Date ___________________ Wanted to Rent/Buy ............610

page 30 The WORLD May 3, 2017

Lung Cancer? And Age 60+?
Fretted Instrument Repair.

802-229-0952 or GOLF CLUBS GALORE
You And Your Family May Be Many sets, left and right hand,
802-272-1875 www.north-
Entitled To Signicant Cash
Award. Call 866-428-1639 lots of putters, shoes, balls, STUMPS STUMPS STUMPS
We Grind All Stumps for rea-
for Information. No Risk. No
pull carts. Lots of collectible
golf items. Come and see. sonable prices, Call Randy Paws
Money Out of Pocket. Pet Grooming &
BOATING & Very reasonable. Call
Pickel Tree Service at 802-
479-3403/802-249-7164 Boarding
Classified & Display
Radiant Heated Floors For Winter,
youre Home or Away. For 12 ALUMINUM BUILDING Air Conditioning In Summer

Now Placing Your

Safety and Peace of Mind. No
Long Term Contracts! Free
Classified Or Display Ad
Brochure! Call Today! 1-844- 802-485-6185 GUINEA PIGSBlack male Is Even Easier!
892-1017 BUILDERS SURPLUSbar- DRY MULCH hay. Call 802- teddy, Tri-texel maleBa-
ALUMINUM DOCKS Alu- gain prices(2) New 30x48 279-6675. bies ready May 26, Deposit
OXYGENAnytime, Any- minum docks and boat lifts, vinyl clad double hung Si- will hold, $25 each after 7pm.
where. No tanks to rell. No standing, roll in, and oating FOOD GRADE Barrels totes, 802-883-5547
monton thermapane windows We have over 700 in stock
deliveries. The All-New Inogen are in stock at FAIRLEE MA- with lowe, argon, screens
One G4 is only 2.8 pounds! RINE Very easy to install and from 2 1/2Gal275 Gal totes.
$175 each; beautiful new 48 Call for Info; Bicknell Barrels continued on page 32
FAA approved! FREE info kit: take out yourself. Call 802-
844-558-7482 333-9745 for more informa- maple vanity cabinet $200; The Barrel Man. 802-439-

tion. (3) like new large propane 5149/802-439-5519.
SAFE STEP WALK-IN TUB space heaters $65 each; like
#1 Selling Walk-in tub in No. BOAT RENTALS. Enjoy sh- GROW THE BEST GARDEN
new stainless steel whirlpool Two Year old black cow ma-
America. BBB Accredited. ing, skiing, tubing Pontoons

5 burner gas range $250. call nure
Arthritis Foundation Com- cruising, kayaks & canoeing 249-8251
mendation. Therapeutic Jets. or stand-up paddleboarding! 3-yards delivered $125.
MicroSoothe Air Therapy Sys- Fairlee Marine rents them all! Top Soil/cow manure mixed Our E-mail address is
50/50 3-yards $150.
tem. Less that 4 Inch Step-In.
Wide Door. Anti-Slip Floors.
They even put the runabout
boats and pontoon boats in HUNTING/GUNS/ Also including deliver of Now Placing Your sales@vt-world
crushed slate, stone, sand Classified Or Display Ad
American Made. Call 855-400-
0439 for up to $1500. Off.
and out of the water so you
can just enjoy the boating.
ARCHERY and gravel. Is Even Easier! .com
Daily and weekly rates. Prices Sparrow Farm Please include contact
SELL YOUR STRUCTURED are all on our website at www. 50 CAL. THOMPSON THUN- 802-229-2347 person & payment info
SETTLEMENTS or annu- Call for DER HAWK $125.00. 476-
3060 LAWNGEVITY ( Only)
ity payments for CASH NOW. reservations at 802-333-9745 LAWN MOWING, *hauling*
you dont have to wait for your LIVE BAIT yard clean-up, garden, tree &
future payments any longer! BOAT SERVICE. Need it bush planting & removal, lawn
Shiners, Crawlers, Perch Bait
Call 1-800-938-8092 checked out for the season? Is
your boat unreliable? Are you
Through July 1st. seeding. Free Estimates. Call Our Fax Number Is 479-2582 or
OPEN EARLYOPEN LATE Kyle 802-249-6270.
SOCIAL SECURITY DIS- afraid to go boating because call anytime. 802 479-7916 1-800-639-9753
ABILITY BENEFITS. Unable your boat engine might not Route 12, Putnamville. SCOTTS LAWN
work? Maybe it just Doesnt 802-229-4246 MOWING Please Include Contact
to work? Denied benets? We CALL Person & Payment Info
Can Help? WIN or Pay Noth- have the power it used to? Our
NEW AND used guns, muzzle 802-917-1626 VISA, MasterCard & Discover
ing! Contact Bill Gordon & As- Certied Technicians know OR
loaders, accessories. Snows-
sociates at 1-855-498-6323 to how to Fix Things Right. We ville Store, E.Braintree 802- 802-917-3094
start your application today! can check your boat over and 728-5252
turn it into a pleasure to use
again. A water test or dyno
We Grind All Stumps for rea- ONE STOP TRAILER CENTER
benets. Unable to work? De- test can be included. Call for TOOLS/ sonable prices, Call Randy
Pickel Tree Service at 802-
Registration Inspection Brake Controllers
nied benets? We can Help! an appointment or just bring it
MACHINERY 479-3403/802-249-7164
Wiring Hitches Parts Service
Win or pay nothing! Contact in soon so you can be ready
Bill Gordon & Associates at
1-800-586-7449 to start your
for a fun season. FAIRLEE
MARINE-802-333-9745; Tool Warehouse Outlet, Inc.
application today!
Rt. 302 Barre-Montpelier


Central Vermont's Best
Spectrum Triple Play TV, In- Lots of good used boats to Selection Of Quality Tools

ternet & Voice for $29.99 ea. choose from. All of them have Discount Prices! A Cut Above The Rest
60 MB per second speed No been Checked over by our In Home Grooming!
contract or commitment. We certied technicians and are - Limited Tool Rentals - Professionally trained pet
buy your existing contract up all in Good Operating Condi- 802-479-3363 800-462-7656 stylist offering high quality,
compassionate, and afford-
to $500! 1-855-652-9304 tion so you can just go boating
TOOLS REPAIRED able dog grooming. Done in
and have fun. If its not reli- the convenience & comfort of
SPECTRUM TRIPLE PLAY able, we wont sell it. Check Very fast turn around time.
TV, Internet & Voice for $29.99 Tool Warehouse Outlet, Barre- your own home! Call Nermina
them out at our website at: @
/ea. 60 MB per second speed. Montpelier Rd.
No contract or commitment. 802- 802-479-3363, 802-461-8504 or email; 402 VT Rt. 107 (Exit 3, I-89) So. Royalton, VT 05068
We buy your existing contract 333-9745. 1-800-462-7656 inhomegrooming802@yahoo. 1-800-877-5854
up to $500.! 1-844-592-9018 com 28 Jasper Mine Rd (Exit 17, I-89) Colchester, VT 05446
STAIRS. Give your life a lift
good late model boats on
consignment. We do the sale WOOD/HEATING AKC POMERANIAN PUP-
PIES, 11/10/16 D.O.B.
with an ACORN STAIRLIFT! and warrantyyou collect
the cash. With our website/
EQUIP. $950 Champion Bloodline.
Call now for $250. OFF your
Financial Aid for Pet Care
stairlift purchase and FREE and

Thank You For Saying

our reputation, They usually BEAT THE MAY RUSH !
DVD & brochure! 1-844-286-
0854 sell fast and you often get as FIREWOOD, EXCELLENT
much or more than selling it WOOD excellent Supply
WALK-IN-TUBS- Save $1500 yourself. Fairlee Marine, 802- little to no wait. $235/CORD I Saw It In DEAR PAWS
if you own your own home & 333-9745. Green. Ash/Black Cherry mix, CORNER: I have two
its value is $100K+ Free heat- Good supplement for your re- cats, one of whom suf-
ed seat ($600 value)Ameri- fers from a number of
maining dry $235/cord. Spar-
cas Favorite Brand! Call (844) row Farm 802-229-2347 health conditions,
including diabetes. The
A STORAGE PLACE BEWARE OF The Vermont cost of her care is way
WE CAN remove bankrupt- Williamstown Land Trust. You shake hands
cies, judgments, liens, and Route 64 with them be sure to count
more than that of my
other cat, but I will pay
bad loans from your credit le
forever! The Federal Trade
Move-In Special
10x10 Units $50/mo.
rst 3 months
your ngers when you are
done. 802-454-8561. KENNEL it no matter what. Still,
its sometimes difficult
Commission says companies
that promise to scrub your 802-505-1921 DAVES LOGGING & Jim & Shelly Roux to cover veterinary bills
credit report of accurate nega- BIG ROCK PROPERTIES
FIREWOOD 802-485-5296 and medications. Do you have any suggestions?
tive information for a fee are
Green & Seasoned Roxbury, VT 05699 -- Greg in Austin, Texas
Self storage units available, 802-454-1062
lying. Under FEDERAL law, 5x10, 10x10, 10x20. Rte 113 modern facility
accurate negative informa- Chelsea. 802-249-2368. FIREWOOD for SALE; cut to radiant floor heat DEAR GREG: Pet care costs, especially pet health care,
tion can be reported for up to length, split and delivered in air conditioning have risen steadily over the past several years. Even rou-
seven years, and some bank- Montpelier and Barre. Green fresh air system tine care can take a bite out of your budget. And in all but
ruptcies for up to 10 years.
$215/cord, Seasoned $300/ indoor kennel a few cases, pet owners must bear the cost of care.
FOR LEASE OR SALE... cord, all Hardwood. 802-485- outdoor You do have a few immediate options:

Learn about managing credit

and debt at A
8525 exercise --Negotiate payments or care costs with the vet. While
message from The World and MAY SPECIAL area routine visits are usually required to be paid for up front,
the vet may be willing to work with an owner to pay for

the FTC. Winter Cut Firewood
Split & Delivered treatment of acute illnesses or long-term conditions.
$200/cord Cat boarding --Financing through a service like CareCredit can close
HOME Paul Poulin is also the gap between a vet visit and your next paycheck. Read
802-883-5563 available. the terms carefully, though; you may be better off paying
with a major credit card when it comes to interest rates.
--Pet insurance can ease the financial burden of pet care,
BUILDERS SURPLUSbar- LIMA (BEAN) although you may only be able to insure your healthy cat.
gain prices(2) New 30x48
vinyl clad double hung Si- DELIVERED TO YOUR SITE LIMA (BEAN)
Lima (Bean) may be seven, but so many
This insurance reimburses you for medical costs after treat-
ment, so youll still need to have a way to pay up front for
monton thermapane windows
with lowe, argon, screens
experiences seem new to her, it's like she's a
young pup! She's curious and joyful about the little your cats care. Consumers Advocate recently rated its top
10 insurers.
Spayed Female
$175 each; beautiful new 48 things in life, and would love someone to join her
maple vanity cabinet $200; Call For Prices in the adventure of exploring her world. She loves
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What if you need more assistance in paying for your pets
(3) like new large propane 1-877-204-3054 plays well with other dogs, but we haven't had a care? Low-cost vaccination clinics in your area can help
space heaters $65 each; like with routine care; assistance for more complex issues is
reported Lima (Bean) may is a be
chance to give her a playmate here yet. It was also
new stainless steel whirlpool that Lima LOVES couch time, and provided by some animal care facilities.
5 burner gas range $250. call lists resources by state.
especiallyseven, butand dry!so
Lima hasmany
very good snuggler. She rides well in the car,
249-8251 if she can be warm a


off I-89
experiences seem new toSend your tips, questions or comments to ask@pawscorn-
beautiful velvety chocolate coat, and she's happy
to show it off with a "sit pretty."
old. Perfect working condi-
Royalton, VT
1-877-204-3054 (802) 763-7876
her, it's like she's
1589 VT Rte 14S East Montpelier 476-3811 (c) 2017 King Features Synd., Inc.
$250.00. 802-793-8686. young pup! She's curi-
Tues.-Fri. 1pm-5pm,
Sat. 10am-4pm

ous and joyful about the little things in life, and

May 3, 2017 The WORLD page 31
would love someone to join her in the adventure
continued continued continued continued continued
$ CASH $
Paying reasonable amounts AND NEVER is there a time that good exterior cleaning? We ING SEASON. Now accept-
depending on the Fluctuation ASPHALT SHINGLE ROOF- Spoiling Ourselves is not can pressure wash it spotless. ing New Customers
of the market for cars and ING Important. I provide HOUSE Approx. FREE ESTIMATES For Mowing and Trimming.
trucks, FREE Local Scrap CARPET AND Chimneys, steps, fireplace
CLEANING on a weekly, bi-
weekly or a one time need for
Call 802-461-6441. Fully Insured, great rates,
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802-917-2495, 802-476-4815, UPHOLSTERY 46 years experience
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we all want and deserve. I
439-9347 or 505-8041.
Residential & Commercial love pets and children and Mowin, Trimmin and Loving
$A1-CASH PAID Removal & Full Tree Services, Everyday!
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vide Honesty, trust and pride Stump Grinding, Hedge and
Our Reputation Is Clean! HOUSECLEANING
CARS, TRUCKS with every job i do. I have Shrubs trimming, for free es-
For More Info, 802-522-4279 timates call Randy 802-479- Business/Residential
many references. We all have
(also cooking)
BLACK DUCK busy lives and I would like to 3403/802-249-7164 35+ years
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be given the opportunity to experience, Fully Insured.
Commercial/Residential Is Monday give you more time with your
Professionally Cleaned &
Repaired. Reasonable Prices,
Septic Install Before family and friends and less
time cleaning after your busy
I N T E R I O R / E X T E R I O R

Thank You For Saying

elivery Available, Geo Thermal 10:00AM day. Cleanliness is next to
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ClockWork Wayne, Alternative Wood Heating
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always. Please call 802-249-
4932 or 802-622-0580 I Saw It In attention to detail, Excellent
references, Insured and Certi-
fied. 802-558-3555

continued on next page

Quality In
Concrete business since 1972. [email protected] 2483 elm street MONTPELIER PLAINFIELD MARSHFIELD
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Very Handy Services Landfill Runs
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Free estimate Deliveries for Montpelier
Local Businesses 802-224-1360
page 32 The WORLD May 3, 2017
continued continued continued continued continued continued
MINI EXCAVATING & Fruit Tree Pruning INTERIOR/EXTERIOR CLEANING Let Us help fix the problem
Small excavating projects, LANDCARE Tree Removal Small or Large, done in Barre/Montpelier area. forever from the outside of
post hole drilling, small stump Serving Central Vermont Area Stone Walls Reclaimed Rental make readies, Free Estimates. Call Joe 802- the Foundation. We will exca-
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rototilling, food plots, util- 802-883-5090 Prompt Service/Fair Prices repairs and more. Qual- system with Perforate pipe,
ity ditches, material moving 60 Bucket Truck w/chipper ity work. Free Estimates. STUMPS * STUMPS * clean stone, and Filter Fabric.
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$25, Free Estimate on any H: 802-586-2223 Call 802-793-1017. for reasonable prices, Call
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in small jobs, One day or one size lawn, Quality, depend- PICARDS GENERAL Randy Pickel Tree Service at 6441
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Compact equipment fits where Interior & Exterior SPRING CLEAN UP
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ERVICE DIRECTOR 802-505-3818 Cell 802-793-2363 Cell 802-793-2363
Now accepting credit cards,
debit cards, checks and cash.
(Visa, MasterCard, Discover)
(Post holes, fencing, grading,
driveways, raking, excava-
tion, leveling, lawns, ditching,
repair, landscaping, landshap-

For Classified
That Works
Call 479-2582 or 5 Residential & 6 Commercial
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802-883-2286 800-499-6326 802-334-6326
WASHinGtOn, VerMOnt Visit Our Website: Also For All Your VERMONT PELLET NEEDS

The Troy West Bobs Creative Landscaping

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A Professional Sewing Service Since 1982
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Alterations and Tailoring
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Dry Cleaning Services Walkways,
Embroidery and Monograms Dry Circular Foam Decking
325 N. Main St., BARRE - 476-8389 Carpet & Upholstery Cleaning Maintenance,
te Bob Richardson, Owner
Tel: 802 472-8877
168 River St., MONTPELIER - 778-9311 & Consulting! Cell: 802 249-8448

MB Excavate & Landscape Rates Lowered Due To The Economy

Site Work, Foundations, Septic Systems, Drainage, CENTRAL VERMONT PAINTING
Patios, Walls, Lawn Care & Maintenance, ~Interior ~Exterior ~Pressure Washing
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Tree Removal/Trimming ~Commercial/Residential ~Free Estimates
Snow Removal ~Insured ~EMP Lead Removal Certified
Matthew R. Briggs 15 Years Experience
Owner 802-793-6351CELL
180 Mill St., E. Barre, VT 05649 (802) 917-2177
[email protected]
5% of profit
charity ofchoice
goes to

Top To BoTTom Chimney ServiCeS

Richard Dickinson
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Washington, VT
CEDAR SHINGLES Serving Central Vermont Area
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[email protected] 802-456-1332 MARIO VERDON 802-476-3331 or 1-800-463-7311
[email protected] Please call for Free Estimate 337 VT Route 110, Orange, VT 05641
May 3, 2017 The WORLD page 33


We Service All
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MOTORHOMES JEEPS/ACCESS. ACCESSORIES The Dust Has Settled Super Saver Discount
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KZ1000 (1976-1982), Z1R, KZ 3HP Backhoe $2,500. 802-
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DA-CB750K (1969-1976),
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1-800-772-1142 1-310-721- UP TO $300+ 866-928-9370 For more de-

Call Toll Free
2008 VW JETTA 156K mi,
2001 NISSAN SENTRA ONLY $3700. 802-476-8114 or dud-
WORK VEHICLES/ 78K mi, $3000. 802-476-8114 MONDAY - FRIDAY 7 - 5 SATURDAY 7 - 12. OFFERS GOOD WITH AD TIL 5-31-17.
HEAVY continued on next page
JOHN DEERE 420 Bulldozer. JUST296 EastGOOD AUTOS
Montpelier Rd Rt. 14 North - Barre
runs and steers good. Has 802-479-0140
newer idlers, good tracks, new 2011 FORD F250 XL EXTRA CAB FX4
exhaust and some upgrades. auto, 4x4, AC, PW, PL, cruise, tilt,
$2,900.00 8 ft. Fisher plow, 73K, 1 owner
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TRUCKS/VANS/ auto., 4x4, AC, PW, PL, 8 ft. Fisher SS V-plow,

low miles - 32K, 1 owner

auto., loaded, leather, sunroof, one owner
LTD, original owner, loaded, $5,995
leather, Pwr; windows, 1994 JEEP CHEROKEE
mirrors, moon roof, heated
AC, PW, PL, low miles, one owner
pwr seat, 6 CD, Silver, Only
117,000 miles, Very nice $4,995
Truck, $6875.00 obo. 2009 CHEVROLET COBALT LS

802-244-8403 2-door, auto., low miles

$5,995 East Barre Auto Sales 4-door, auto, PW, PL, AC
866-928-9370 For more De- $4,995
tails Text 0KX7 TO 27414 2006 FORD F150 XCAB XLT 4X4
auto., AC, PW, PL, one owner,
2006 DODGE DAKOTA low miles, NY title, warranty
Crew cab w/cap, 76K mi, runs $12,995
great, 2WD, blue, automatic, 2005 BUICK LACROSSE
6cyl, good condition/body. auto., PW, PL, AC, low miles
$6995.00. 802-871-5155 $4,995
2007 CHEVY EXPRESS 5 spd., PW, PL, low miles
135 (STK # 28017A): 4-SPD,
Automatic w/OD, 52K, Now loaded, sunroof, 5-spd, low miles, sharp red
$12,988. Cody Chevrolet-
Cadillac Barre-Montpeleir Rd, $4,995
223-6337, 1800-278-CODY or 2004 BUICK LASABRE
auto., leather, one owner, low miles
auto., loaded, low miles (81K)
auto., 4WD, loaded, low miles
auto, NY title, low miles

Trades Welcome
Prices Negotiable
Just a Sample of Many
Just Good Autos!

Motorcycle Repair /
Street & Dirt
Full Restorations State Inspections
Engine Rebuilding Parts &
Carburetor Accessories
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Randolph Center
Gas Tank Repair TIRE VT 05061
& Painting SPECIALS 802728-3264
Oil Changes and NOW! 802498-8213
Tire Mounting &
May 3, 2017 The WORLD page 35
State of Vermont Surplus Asset - Live Public Auction CARS & CARS & CARS &
Saturday, MAY
MAY13, 2017 at
89K mi, $5000. 802-476-8114 (STK#34916A), Automatic, FOREVER!
or 23K, Sharp car, Now $14,900. Credit repair companies make
Sale Location: Central Garage- 1756 US Route 302, Berlin, VT 05602 Cody Chevrolet-Cadillac, false claims and promises to
2009 KIA SPECTRA $5,995 erase a trail of unpaid bills or
Inventory Preview: Friday, May12,
Friday, May 6, 2016;
2017; 11am-3pm
11am-3pm East Barre Auto Sales (866) Barre-Montpelier Rd, 223- late payments from your credit
928-9370 For more details 6337, 1-800-278-CODY or report. However, only time can
Auction Registration:/Preview:
Sat., MaySat.,
7, 2016
Maystarting at 8am-10am
13, 2017; 8am text GGZ0 to 27414 888-495-0672 erase negative, but accurate
credit information. In addition,
Inventory to include; Police cruisers, pickup trucks, dump trucks and MORE!! 2013 CHEVROLET EQUINOX 2016 CHEVY CRUISE Limited federal law forbids credit re-
For complete auction details please visit our website or call us: AWD LTZ (2257P1), 6SPD, (2263P) Certied pre-owned, pair companies from collect-
Automatic, Now $24,988. automatic Now $15,988, Cody ing money before they provide Cody Chevrolet-Cadillac
Barre-Montpelier Rd. Mont-
Chevrolet Caddillac, Barre-
Montpelier Rd, Montpelier.
their service. TIP: If you have
questions about your credit
pelier. 223-6337, 1-800-278- history or you want to know
1-800-536-1401 CODY, 888-495-0672 or www. 223-6337, 1-800-278-CODY,
888-495-0672 or www.cody- how to get a free copy of your credit report call the ATTOR-
Selling surplus assets nightly for 750+ govt agencies NEY GENERALS CONSUM-
3.6L V6 RWD (STK # 1516B): 4 FIRESTONE TIRES used at 1-800-649-2424. Dont
6-SPD, Automatic, only 11K, one season P225/55R/1795T send any money to a credit re-
Very cool car, certied Pre- MF BJ 802-479-9860 pair company until you check
owned, Now $24,988. Cody it out.
Montpelier Rd. 223-6337,
1-800-287-cody or 888-495-
All Make/Models 2000-2015!
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ADS, VISIT OUR WEB PAGE: 0672 Not. Competitive Offer! Free
Towing! Were Nationwide!
(STK#40016A), Automatic, Call Now: 1-888-416-2330 INCOME?
Nice car for the money, Now 100% Loan Approval
$12,988. Cody Chevrolet-Ca- COOPER TOURING TIRES. Fresh Start Auto Sales
dillac, Barre-Montpelier Rd. 215/60R16 M&S. & Financing, LLC.
223-6337, 1-800-287-CODY $100.00 for 4. 802-223-7451. East Montpelier VT
or 888-495-0672 802-229-2888
2015 CHEVROLET TRA- ans Today! Help and Support
VERSE AWD 2LT (STK # our Veterans. FastFREE
28217A) 6-SPD, Automatic,
only 26K, Strong car, Now pick up. 100% tax deductible. Classified
$28,988. Cody Chevrolet- Call 1-800-245-0398. Deadline Is

Cadillac, Barre-Montpeleir Rd,
or 888-495-0672 I SAW IT IN Before 10AM

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Mon., Tues., Thurs., Fri. 7-5

Wed. 7-7 SAT. 8-2

Ser vice & P ar t s

Call toll free: 866-764-7509 403 US RTE 302 - BERLIN, BARRE, VT 05641 479-2582 OR 1-800-639-9753 Fax (802) 479-7916 [email protected]
The best service at the best prices. Period. Hours: Monday - Friday 8:00am - 5:00pm
page 36 The WORLD May 3, 2017
AUTOMOTIVE Jerry Dudley's Auto Connection
395 Washington Street
Barre, VT 05641

A Little Auto Care Goes a Long Way Phone: 802.476.8114

30+ Years In Satisfying Customers

Robert Dudley
erforming simple preventative main- -Check the tires, including tire pressure and tread. Uneven Jerry Dudley
wear indicates a need for wheel alignment. Tires should also Find Us Online at
tenance on your vehicle will go a long
be checked for bulges and bald spots. CARS TRUCKS, SUVs & VANS
way toward protecting your vehicle
-Check the hoses and belts to make sure they are not Warranties Available
investment, says the non-profit Car cracked, brittle, frayed, loose or showing signs of excessive We Are Now A FULL SERVICE SHOP Doing State
Care Council. Inspections, Tires, Oil & Filter, Mechanical, etc.

Buying a new car today comes with a hefty price tag -Check the heating, ventilating and air conditioning (HVAC)
when you add up the down payment, monthly car pay- system as proper heating and cooling performance is critical
ments and higher insurance rates. Neglecting its care can for interior comfort and safety reasons, such as defrosting.
mean even higher costs down the line in the form of more -Check the wipers and lighting so that you can see and be Hunter Heavy Duty
extensive repairs and lost resale value, said Rich White,
executive director, Car Care Council. By following a proac-
seen. Check that all interior and exterior lighting is work-
ing properly and replace worn wiper blades so you can see ALIGNMENTS
tive auto care plan, the typical car should deliver at least clearly when driving during precipitation.
200,000 miles of safe, dependable, efcient and enjoyable For All
Be sure to fully inspect your vehicle annually, includ-
performance. Sizes
National Car Care Month in April is the perfect time of ing performing a tune-up and wheel alignment, continued
White. If you ever suspect there is a problem, its a good
of RVs
year to give your car some extra attention. The Car Care Trucks,
Council recommends following a vehicle service schedule, idea to address it quickly before minor repairs become more Trailers &
keeping a free copy of the councils Car Care Guide in the complicated, expensive repairs. Buses
glovebox and performing the most common routine mainte- The Car Care Council is the source of information for
nance procedures to keep your vehicle performing at its best.
-Check all uids, including engine oil, power steering, brake
and transmission as well as windshield washer solvent and
the Be Car Care Aware consumer education campaign
promoting the benets of regular vehicle care, maintenance McLEODS Your Truck
and repair to consumers. For the latest car care news, visit SPRING & CHASSIS
antifreeze/coolant. the councils online media room at 32 BLACKWELL ST., BARRE, VT 05641 1-802-476-4971
-Check the brake system annually and have the brake lin- To order a free copy of the popular Car Care Guide, visit the
ings, rotors and drums inspected at each oil change. councils consumer education website at

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REPAIR Closed Sunday


Seminary Sts., Barre Stk#1516B, automatic Stk#34916A, auto., 23K miles Stk#28217A, 6-Speed Automatic , 26K miles
24,988 NOW $
14,900 NOW $28,988
WRANGLER HANKOOK COOPER Cody Chevrolet Cadillac Barre-Montpelier Road Montpelier 802-223-6337 Toll Free 1-800-278-Cody
May 3, 2017 The WORLD page 37
real estate
May 3, 2017 WE GET
Display Ads Fri. 3 PM
Word Ads Mon. 10AM [email protected]


All real estate advertising in this newspaper is subject to the fair housing act which makes it illegal to RENTALS/SALES ROOMS/HOUSES
advertise any preference, limitation or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap,
familial status or national origin, or an intention, to make any such preference, limitation or discrimina-
Updated Weekly Additionally, Vermonts Fair Housing and Public Accomodations Act prohibits advertising that indicates We have commercial space
available for lease and sale continued
Home Mortgage Rates
any preference, limitation or discrimination based on age, marital status, sexual orientation or receipt
of public assistance. and businesses for sale
This newspaper will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which is in violation of the BARRE EFFICIENCY $600
throughout Central Vermont.
law. Our readers are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised in this newspaper are available on heat and electric included. 1st
LAST DOWN an equal opportunity basis. For more information, contact: floor, No pets, references, de-
LENDER UPDATE RATE APR TERM PTS PAYMENT To file a complaint of discrimination, call the Vermont Human Rights Commisson toll-free at
1-800-416-2010 (voice & TTY) or call HUD toll free at 1-800-669-9777 (voice) or 1-800-927- John Biondolillo posit, credit check. Howard.
Community National 4/28/17 4.000% 4.008% 30 yr fixed 0 5% 9275 (TTY). William Raveis BCK Real Estate 476-2092
Bank 1-800-340-3460 3.250% 3.263% 15 yr fixed 0 5% (802) 479-3366, ext. 309
[email protected] BARRE ONE Bedroom, $675,
Merchants Bank 4/28/17 4.800% 4.861% 30 yr fixed 0 20% heat included. 2nd floor, No
1-800-322-5222 3.450% 3.552% 15 yr fixed 0 20% pets, references, deposit,
New England Federal 4/28/17 4.000% 4.024% 30 yr fixed 0 5% credit, Howard 476-2092
Credit Union 866-805-6267 3.250% 3.292% 15 yr fixed 0 5%
BARRE: Large 3-Bedroom,
Northfield Savings 4/28/17 4.000% 4.039% 30 yr fixed 0 5% 1.5-baths, +den. Sunny, mod-
Bank (NSB) 3.250% 3.318% 15 yr fixed 0 5% APARTMENTS
ern apartment, owner-occu-
pied duplex, highly desired
Orange Street neighborhood,
walking distance to down-
VT State Employees 4/28/17 3.875% 3.914% 30 yr fixed 0 5%
Credit Union (VSECU)
1-800-371-5162 X5345
3.000% 3.068% 15 yr fixed 0 5%
Gerry Tallman, Esq. town. Recently renovated, re-
stored hardwood floors, new
Rates can change without notice. Serving Central Vermont floor. $900.00. No pets, refer- carpet,
BARRE 3 BEDROOM first fresh paint, remodeled
kitchen w/new stainless-steel
***APRs are based on 20% down payment. Some products are available with as little as
for over 15 years appliances, washer/dryer,
5% down, with purchase of Private Mortgage Insurance (PMI). The cost of PMI is not ences, deposit, credit check. dishwasher. Ample storage
included in the APR calculations. 802-476-2092. space. 1600-sq.ft+enclosed
338 River St. Montpelier and 26 North Main St. Randolph sun-porch. $1395 includes
BARRE Apartment 1 BED- heat/hotwater, snow/trash
toll free: 877.392.5529 or 802.728.9103
EMAILED ADVERTISEMENT heat/ removal. Non-smokers/p ets.
4BR Cape Home w/2-Car Garage [email protected] ADVERTISING INSERTION
/r ubbish, No pets, 802-272-0321 lannenproper-
non-smoking, deposit., 802-
Thomas Hirchak Company
FROM: Terra Keene 595-7585, 802-476-4662
Phone: WIDE
800-634-7653 continued on next page

212 South Main Street, Barre, VT Custom Built
Mobile Home Lots
For Rent
In-House Design
Energy Smart Packages
Financing The World
& Site Work

Verdmont Mobile Home Park, Waitseld
Lot rent is $259 includes sewer & trash.

Whistlestop Mobile Home Park, Bradford

Lot rent is $275, includes sewer, trash &
EMAILED TO: [email protected]
Please contact

1C=1.48; 2C=3.1; 3C=4.68; 4C=6.3 Downstreet
Tour Homes Deals Rafe Fun! Housing &
Sells Absolute to the highest bidder!
SATURDAY, MAY 6 Development
for an
10 A.M.-3 P.M. application at
Thomas Hirchak Company 802-229-1592 | 1083 Route 2, Berlin, VT 802-477-1329


Just Listed! Ideal Home/Business

located in Barre, is currently accepting applications
for 2-bedroom apartments
Hardwood floors, fresh paint, modern kitchen & baths, yard space,
ample closets, & washer/dryer hook-ups. Laundry room on site.
Rent includes heat/hot water, 24-hour emergency maintenance,
parking, snow removal, & trash removal. Income limits apply.
To request an application, call 476-8645 or stop by the on-site
On 5 Acres With Spectacular Views Three Bedroom, One and a Half Bath rental office at 73 Highgate Drive, #121, Barre, VT.
Two Bedroom, Two Bath Hardwood Floors
Master Suite With Move-In Condition E
Heated Three Season Porch X
Two Car Detached Heated E
Three Car Insulated, Garage With Shop
Heated Garage With Great Rental Income
Barre Town $245,000 Barre $170,000
Doug Tim
Denison Contact Doug, 505-2051 Contact Tim, 552-0184 Heney WINDYAWINDY
common interest community
A common interest community
SUNDAY OR 802-734-1920
1 TO 3 PM

135 Washington St. 81 Main St.
OR shown
One Level Living: single and duplex units, 2by appointment
bedrooms, 2 baths,anytime
full basement, 1 or 2 car garage option

CALL 802-249-8251 OR 802-734-1920

Barre Montpelier
Priced from the mid $220,000s
One Level Living: single and duplex units, 2 bedrooms, 2 baths,
Directions: From RT 302, turn onto Hill Street at Elmwood Cemetery, mile on Hill Street, left onto
full basement, 1 or 2 car garage option

476-6500 229-0345
Windy Wood Road, look for sign on left and turn into Windy Wood.
Single family homes priced from $262,000 and
R E A LT O R S Duplex homes priced from $229,000
Directions: From RT 302, turn onto Hill Street at Elmwood Cemetery, 1-800-696-1456
mile on Hill Street, left onto Windy Wood Road, look for sign on left
and turn into Windy Wood.

page 38 The WORLD May 3, 2017

CAMP FOR Sale, off the grid.
NEW HOME & LAND package,
Williamstown VT. $149,900.
3bdrm, 2 bath, great neigh-
3 bedrooms, bathroom, gas borhood, close to recreation,
water heater, gas stove, sep- access to I-89. Dont miss
RULE OF THUMB...... tic system. Class 4 road 10+ out!. 802-272-7422.
Describe your property, acres, full concrete founda-
not the appropriate buyer or WILLIAMSTOWN: 3Bdrm/
tion. Easy access. 802-485- 2bath, 2 story on 5.9 acres.
renter, not the landlord,

7524 or 802-485-7789 Master bedroom has on suite
not the neighbors.
deck and bath. Home also
Just describe the property and has single level, attached
youll almost always obey the LAND 3bdrm/2bth apartment, great
FOR SALE for in-law or rental income.

Detached 28x30, 2 story high
WILLIAMSTOWN, 2 BED- bay garage, Huge room up-
ROOM APT, 2nd Floor, heat BUILDING LOT w/Well & stairs for office/play/exercise.
& Electrcity included, Newly Septic in Williamstown, Minutes from I-89 access and

V isit
Renovated, partially Furish, $49,900.00. 802-272-7422 vast trail. $184,900. 802-433-
$850/mo. 1st, Last & Security 1359
Deposit, References & Credit MARSHFIELD RT 232, 1
Check, No Pets or smoking al- Acre. Drilled well, septic in
lowed, Please Call place, beautiful views, power
Having trouble paying your Searching for your dream home? Mention this ad
mortgage? The Federal Trade
Denis 802-371-9126 at road, 50X24 garage w/ Commission says dont pay
high ceiling in 1/2, power door any fees in advance to peo- for a FREE Hom
Opener. $69,500 obo. 239- ple who promise to protect e
VACATION 495-1153 your home from foreclosure. Appraisal!
Report them to the FTC, the
RENTALS/SALES MORETOWN: 63 acres nations consumer protection
$150,000 802-244-7517 agency. For more information,
LAKE WINNIPESAUKEE, call 1-877-FTC-HELP or click
WEIRS BEACH NH, Chan- MORRISTOWN: 10 +/- acres on A message from
nel waterfront Cottages- The World and the FTC.
1,2,3+Queen Bedrooms,
$55.000 802-244-7517
Kitchens, Beach, Air Condi- OLD TOWN, FL 2-1/2 acres
tioning, Free WiFi, Walk to
Everything, Clean and Com-
$12,000 802-244-7517
Thank You For Saying for a FREE, no commitment Mortgage Pre-Approval, and educational tools
fortable, Call Today 1-603-
366-4673, WWW.CHANNEL-
W.FAIRLEE VT, 3/4 acre Mo-
bile Home Lot, $12,900.00.
I Saw It In
COTTAGES.COM 802-866-5961

For Real Estate

Lake, very clean, beach ac- (802)476-7000
cess, $450/wkly, 802-456-

1706 Equal Housing Lender | Licensed Lender State of VT | NMLS#854380 105 North Main Street, Ste 102 | Barre, VT 05641
Cannot combine with any other offer. Minimum mortgage amount of $80,000. Must close your mortgage financing with Premium Mortgage. Other restrictions may

That Works
Round in Aruba. The water
is safe, and the dining is fan-

Call Marsheld Village Historic Gem

tastic. Walk out to the beach.
3-Bedroom weeks available.

Sleeps 8. $3500. email: caro-
[email protected]
for more information.


Education is the key to home-ownership
We offer a HUD certified class that
provides a detailed overview of
the home purchase process to help
homebuyers make smart, informed
decisions in their journey to
becoming homeowners. Three bedroom, one bath home on visible corner lot in village setting. Updated kitchen
and full bath. Antique details remain throughout the home including hardwood oors
Go to and vintage tin ceiling in dining room, wainscoting, door and window trim and more.
to schedule an appointment Full basement walkouts to expansive backyard with river views. Potential for in-home
business, too.
Purchase Ready Workshop
Saturday, June 3rd New To Market $175,000 MLS#4628606
9am-5pm in Barre Visit Our Website For Details On These And Other Listings
(must register by May 22nd)
802-563-6000 or 802-595-1156
Cabot, Vermont

Middlesex! Putter, Paint and Prosper!

Just Listed Nice Simple Ranch

Need to escape, but don't have time to drive far?

Cozy 1-rm seasonal 14'x20'5 camp, built in 1997,
2-3BR Country Plainfield residence, located across Beautifully cared for by its one-owner Seven room, 2-Bedroom ranch
the road from the Country Club of Barre, has a 5+/-
with brook frontage on a very good, flat Class 4 acre fenced dog/animal pen for your critters! Several with walk-out basement, back deck on first oor, nice simple yard, cheery
road, only 10 miles to the Center of Downtown improvement projects have been started, and are left
Montpelier! Furnishings available. Comfortably to be finished by the next owner to their specifications. interior and laundry on first oor. For more photos go to www.ClaireDuke.
sleeps four. Wall-to-wall carpeting. Propane Kitchen has newer cabinets plus a refrigerator and
recent electric range/oven. Unfinished bath was
com, MLS #4628876. Call for your appointment to see this neat, clean and
space heater and gas range/oven included, but
currently disconnected. Exterior freshly painted. enlarged to accommodate an oversized shower. Full, organized NEW listing!
unfinished walkout basement. Roof is only 2-3 years
Galvanized metal roof. Outhouse. Just a few old. Oil hot air furnace is 2-years old, but the current Barre ..........................................................................................$159,000.
hundred feet from the Putnam Forest Trail head owners heat the house with their woodstove. 10x12
Claire Duke Real Estate
parking lot. 0.4 acres. $39,000! barn for storage. 6+/- Acre total lot size. $125,000.

317 River Street 484 E. Montpelier Road, PO Box 545, Barre, VT 05641
Montpelier Contact
Tel: 802-476-2055 Fax: 802-476-8440
Lori Holt [email protected]
Jack Associates REALTOR 223-6302, REALTOR / MLS

Each Office is Independently Owned and Operated Ext. 1
May 3, 2017 The WORLD page 39

Barre Town - $300,000 Barre Town- $189,000 Groton - $112,900

Wide pine oors, perennial gardens and sunny western This expansive 5 bedroom ranch style home offers plenty of Enjoy the peaceful sounds of the Wells River in the comfort
exposure are just some of the many highlights of this space for the family. Kitchen offers plenty of space for that of your four-season room with gorgeous views of the river. A
comfortable three bedroom home. Imagine coffee on the deck gourmet cook in the family. Relax in the large living room with 2 bedroom, 1.5 bathroom home featuring a rst -oor master
overlooking 15 acres and mountain views. Located in an area replace after that big meal. Mostly nished basement offers bedroom with en suite bathroom, bright and airy living room
of well-maintained homes this house would allow for one level a huge family room with 2 replaces and separate room which with wood stove and fabulous kitchen with many built-ins.
living but has ample space for a family. Denitely a must see! could be used as a game room. Enjoy your morning coffee on This beautifully updated home would be perfect as a year-
MLS #4629431 Listed by John Biondolillo the back deck overlooking the large level lot. round home or a summer place within close proximity to the
MLS# 4629920 Listed by Kevin Copeland Groton State Forests trails and parks. Motivated Seller!
MLS #4624581 Listed by Sarah Pregent



Barre Town- $134,950 Orange - $299,000 Washington - $349,000

Ready to move in 3 bedroom ranch on a very quiet Barre Ideally located in a private country setting, the custom kitchen This beautiful cape is situated on 5 acres just outside the
Town street. Freshly painted and renovated featuring new features Corian counters and a large kitchen island. This village of Washington. This home features 4 bedrooms with
ooring in the living room, hallway and master bedroom. Nice home offers a great deal of natural sunlight with its large a mother-in-law apartment, underground utilities, 3 bay
quiet neighborhood with very little trafc. Privacy on one side windows throughout. Enjoy relaxing and having your morning heated attached garage, nished basement with radiant heat.
from wooded hill. Finished downstairs allowing for extra living, coffee on the front porch, entertaining on the expansive back Includes 3 bathrooms, front deck and much more! Pool table
play, ofce and storage space as well as a bonus room. deck or in the above ground pool with a slide. This home is goes with the sale.
MLS# 4627999 Listed by Mathew Ghafoori equipped with speakers throughout so you can relax with your MLS #4619505 Listed by Butch Churchill
music. The solar panels heat all the homes water saving you
money each year.
MLS #4628305 Listed by Kevin Copeland



Barre City - $69,900 Barre City - $269,000 East Montpelier - $125,000 (JUST LISTED)
Very affordable 3 bedroom, 1 bath home, a great home for This stunning, meticulously maintained Colonial has so much to Previously a working farm. This property offers a multitude
rst time homebuyers and those looking to downsize. Enjoy offer! Featuring four bedrooms and two bathrooms in the main home, of opportunities, such as an agriculture farm, horse property,
relaxing on the front covered porch or cooking out on the this home also features a completely updated Carriage House, produce farm, etc. This premium, open 28+ acre lot hosts a 3
back covered porch. renovated into an amazing apartment. Stunning features include
hardwood oors, original woodwork, spacious kitchen, a newer gas bedroom, 2 bathroom home, barns, free stall structure, farm
MLS #4614369 Listed by Kevin Copeland stove and clawfoot tubs. In the Carriage House, youll nd an updated equipment shop, 4 silos and much, much more.
kitchen, brick replace, and large bathroom with 2 person Jacuzzi MLS # 4627300 Listed by Kevin Copeland
Tub! This home also offers a two car garage with attached heated
workshop. An absolute must see!
MLS #4516894 Listed by Courtney Brummert

As a Vermont family business, we know what home means. Our approach is local,
B A R R E E S S E X J C T. S T. J O H N S B U R Y S T O W E S T R A T T O N W O O D S T O C K
B A R R E E S S E X J C T. S T. J O H N8S0B2U. 4
R7Y9. 3S3T6O
6W E S T R A T T O N W O O D S T O C K
personalized and unique. 8 0Local
2 . 4 7 9ownership
.3366 and decision making combined with the Indep
resources and strengths of one of the largest real estate brokerages in the northeast Indep
allows us to offer our clients the best of all worlds. Call us today to learn more about
the William Raveis difference. -John B.
Come work with a local family-owned company
that knows the market and gets results.
John Biondolillo

B A R R E E S S E X J C T. S T. J O H N S B U R Y S T O W E S T R A T T O N W O O D S T O C K
8 02 . 479. 3 3 6 6
Independently Owned and Operated

page 40 The WORLD May 3, 2017

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