01 Ağustos 2015 Vocabulary-Attack-2

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Vocabulary Attack 2

You will learn the following target words in this section
1 sustainable 41 fruit 81 black-market
2 agriculture 42 vegetable 82 arrangement
3 production 43 consumer 83 with the help of
4 product 44 likewise 84 lawyer
5 farming 45 rancher 85 familiar
6 protect 46 dangerous 86 process
7 environment 47 promoter 87 legal
8 public 48 careful 88 requirement
9 community 49 responsible 89 abortion
10 welfare 50 management 90 stigma
11 enable 51 waste 91 formerly
12 produce 52 farmer 92 attach
13 healthful 53 exposure 93 unwed
14 compromise 54 pathogen 94 motherhood
15 future 55 pollutant 95 lift
16 farm 56 bad 96 infant
17 crop 57 document 97 adoption
18 raise 58 mythology 98 increasingly
19 rely on 59 transplant 99 difficult
20 toxic 60 skin 100 outside
21 pesticide 61 credit to 101 particularly
22 synthetic 62 switch 102 demand
23 fertilizer 63 surgery 103 be accompanied by
24 genetically 64 patient 104 adoptive
25 practice 65 research 105 advertise
26 degrade 66 successful 106 put into contact with
27 natural 67 transplantation 107 birth
28 resource 68 take place 108 growing
29 rotation 69 once 109 placement
30 conservation 70 widespread 110 prospective
31 tillage 71 clinical 111 agency
32 livestock 72 application 112 hazardous
33 husbandry 73 until
34 biodiversity 74 develop
35 foster 75 recipient
36 development 76 reject
37 maintenance 77 approve
38 ecosystem 78 drug
39 at the expense of 79 overall
40 avoid 80 adopt

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Vocabulary Attack 2
In simplest terms, sustainable agriculture is the production of food, fiber, or other plant or animal
products using farming techniques that protect the environment, public health, human communities,
and animal welfare. This form of agriculture enables us to produce healthful food without
compromising future generations' ability to do the same. Sustainable farms produce crops and raise
animals without relying on toxic chemical pesticides, synthetic fertilizers, genetically modified seeds,
or practices that degrade soil, water, or other natural resources. By growing a variety of plants and
using techniques such as crop rotation, conservation tillage, and pasture-based livestock husbandry,
sustainable farms protect biodiversity and foster the development and maintenance of healthy
ecosystems. Food production should never come at the expense of human health. Since sustainable
crop farms avoid hazardous pesticides, they're able to grow fruits and vegetables that are safer for
consumers, workers, and surrounding communities. Likewise, sustainable livestock farmers and
ranchers raise animals without dangerous practices like use of nontherapeutic antibiotics G or
arsenic-based growth promoters. Through careful, responsible management of livestock waste,
sustainable farmers also protect humans from exposure to pathogens, toxins, and other hazardous

En basit deyimle, srdrlebilir tarm evreyi, halk saln, insan topluluklarn ve hayvan refahn
koruyan iftilik tekniklerini kullanan yiyecek, lif ve dier bitki ve hayvan rnlerinin retimidir. Tarmn
bu ekli gelecek nesillerin aynsn yapma kapasitesini tehlikeye atmadan salkl yiyecekler
retmemize olanak salar. Srdrlebilir iftlikler rnler retir ve zararl kimyasal bcek ilalar,
yapay gbreler, genetii deitirilmi tohumlar ya da topraa, suya ve dier doal kaynaklara zarar
veren uygulamalara bal kalmadan hayvanlar yetitirir. eitli bitkiler yetitirerek ve rn dngs,
koruma arazileri ve meraya dayal iftlik hayvan yetitirme gibi teknikleri kullanarak srdrlebilir
iftlikler biyo-eitlilii korur ve salkl ekosistemin gelimesini ve bakmn tevik eder. Yiyecek
retimi asla insan salnn pahasna olmaz. Srdrlebilir rn iftlikleri zararl bcek ilalarndan
kand iin, tketiciler, iilere ve komu topluluklar iin daha gvenli olan meyve ve sebzeler
yetitirebilirler. Ayn ekilde, srdrlebilir hayvan iftileri ve iftlik sahipleri tedavi edici olmayan G
antibiyotikleri ve arsenik bazl byme organizatrleri gibi tehlikeli uygulamalar olmadan hayvan
yetitirirler. iftlik hayvan atklarnn dikkatli, sorumlu idaresiyle srdrlebilir iftiler insanlar
patojenlerden, toksinlerden ve dier zararl kirletici maddelerden de korur.

Find the words!

ykseltmek, oalmak v retim n
tarm, iftilik n topluluk, halk n
gbre n zehirli adj
bytmek, gelitirmek v salkl adj
halk, kamu n rn, mahsul n
hesabna, pahasna pp korumak v
saknmak, kanmak v evre n
olanak tanmak v idare, ynetim n
tehlikeli adj tarm n
tketici n bcek ilac n
meyve n refah, zenginlik n
retmek, yapmak, gvenmek, bel
v pv
neden olmak balamak
anlamaya varmak v bakm, koruma n
gelecek, ileriki adj patojen n
srdrlebilir adj sebze n
rn, ekin n kaynak n
israf, artk n tehlikeli adj
aalamak, alaltmak v sorumlu adj
doal, tabii adj geliim, ilerleme n
dikkatli adj iftilik n
benzer ekilde ba iftlik n
ilenmi toprak n ifti n
iftlik hayvanlar n maruz kalma n
dnm, devir n biyo-eitlilik n

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sustainable healthful maintenance responsible safe
production community raise development protect
hazardous compromise

no definition word

to allow your principles to be less strong or your standards or morals

to be lower

2 dangerous

3 to keep someone or something safe from injury, damage or loss

4 able to continue over a period of time

when someone or something grows or changes and becomes more

the people living in one particular area or people who are considered
6 as a unit because of their common interests, social group or

7 not in danger or likely to be harmed

8 to cause something to increase or become bigger, better, higher, etc

9 the process of making or growing goods to be sold

the work needed to keep a road, building, machine, etc. in good

to have control and authority over something or someone and the
duty of taking care of it or them

12 helping to produce good health

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The idea of replacing a bad organ with a good one has been documented in ancient mythology. The
first real organ transplants were probably skin grafts that may have been done in India as early as the
second century B.C. The first heart transplant in any animal is credited to Vladimer Demikhov. In
1946 Demikhov switched the hearts between two dogs. The dogs survived the surgery. The first heart
transplant in human beings was done in South Africa in 1967; the patient only lived 18 days. Most of
the research that led to successful heart transplantation took place in the United States at Stanford
University. Once Stanford started reporting better results, other centers started doing heart
transplants. However, successful transplantation of a human heart was not ready for widespread
clinical application until medications were developed to prevent the recipient from "rejecting" the
donor heart. This happened in 1983 when the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved a drug
called cyclosporine. Before the advent of cyclosporine, overall results of heart transplant were not
very good.

Kt bir organ iyisiyle deitirme fikri eski mitolojide belgelendirilmitir. lk gerek organ nakli
muhtemelen M 2. Yzyl kadar erken zamanda Hindistanda 2da yaplm olan cilt yamasyd.
Herhangi bir hayvanda ilk kalp nakli Vladimer Demikhova mal edilir. 1946da Demikhov iki kpek
arasnda kalpleri deitirdi. Kpekler ameliyattan sa kt. nsanlarda ilk kalp ameliyat 1967de
Gney Afrikada yapld; hasta sadece 18 gn yaad. Baarl kalp nakline yol aan aratrmann
ou Stanford niversitesinde ABDde gerekleti. Stanford daha iyi sonular verdikten sonra dier
merkezler kalp nakilleri yapmaya balad. Ancak, baarl insan kalp nakli alclarn donr kalbi
reddetmesini nlemek iin ilalar gelitirilene kadar yaygn klinik uygulamasna hazr deildi. Bu
Yiyecek ve la Ynetimi siklosporin adl ilac onaylad 1983 ylnda oldu. siklosporinin ortaya
kndan nce kalp naklinin genel sonular ok iyi deildi.

Find the words!

reddetmek v yaygn adj
kt, berbat adj -e kadar ba
belgelendirmek v baarl, bilinen adj
-den sonra ba deri, cilt n
organ nakli n hasta n
mal etmek, beklemek pv aratrma n
dnmek, deitirmek v onaylamak v
uygulama, bavuru n alc n
kapsaml, tam, geni adj aktarm, aktarma n
gelimek, bymek v ila, uyuturucu n
meydana gelmek, ameliyat,
pv n
olmak operasyon

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replace survive result reject overall
document successful develop approve widespread
transplant take place

no definition word

1 to happen

when something is moved, especially an operation in which a new

organ is put into someone's body

3 existing or happening in many places and/or among many people

in general rather than in particular, or including all the people or

things in a particular group or situation
to take the place of something, or to put something or someone in the
place of something or someone else

6 something that happens or exists because of something else

7 to accept, allow or officially agree to something

to continue to live or exist, especially after coming close to dying or

being destroyed

9 to refuse to accept, use or believe something or someone

10 to record the details of an event, a process, etc.

to (cause something to) grow or change into a more advanced, larger

or stronger form

12 achieving the results wanted or hoped for

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Many children are adopted through public or private agencies, but a growing number are adopted
through private placement, in which the prospective adoptive parents advertise for or are otherwise
put into contact with a birth mother, usually with the help of a lawyer who is familiar with the process
and the legal requirements of the individual states. As birth control and abortion have become more
available and as the stigma formerly attached to unwed motherhood has lifted, fewer infants have
been put up for adoption, making it increasingly difficult for prospective parents to find young children
to adopt .In many cases, parents have adopted babies from outside the United States, particularly
South Korea, and Mexico and other Latin American countries, but the increased demand has also
been accompanied by black-market adoption arrangements.

Birok ocuk halk ve zel daireler yoluyla evlat edinilir ama artan bir say beklenen vey ailelerin ilan
verdii ya da bunun dnda sk sk srele ve her bir devletin yasal koullarna aina olan avukatn
yardmyla doum yapan anneyle irtibata getii zel yerletirmeyle evlat edinilir. Doum kontrol ve
krtaj daha ok mevcut olduka ve nceden bekar annelie verilen damga kalktka, daha az ocuk
evlat edinme iin verilir ve olas ebeveynlerin evlat edinmek iin kk ocuk bulmasn giderek
zorlatrr. Birok durumda, ebeveynler ABDnin dnda zellikle Gney Kore, Meksika ve dier Latin
Amerika lkelerinden bebekler evlat edinmilerdir, ama artan talep kara borsa evlat edinme
dzenlemelerini beraberinde getirmitir.

Find the words!

ile beraber grlmek pv ilitirmek v
beklenen, olas adj kara borsa n
vey, evlat edinen adj acente, kurum n
reklam yapmak v annelik n
kaldrmak, armak v doum n
bebek, ocuk n dzenleme n
-n yardmyla pp talep n
zellikle, bilhassa adv bekar adj
tandk, aina adj krtaj n
ilem, sre n yerletirme n
darda, dnda prep zor, g adj
gereksinim, koul n avukat n
byyen, artan adj yasal adj
iz, damga n eskiden adv
kabullenme, benimsemek,
n v
benimseme evlat edinmek
artarak, artan bir
adv temasa gemek ph

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adopt advertise attach arrangement
private familiar increasingly accompany
prospective requirement demand particularly

no definition word

1 to fasten, join or connect; to place or fix in position

2 expected to do something or to become something

to go with someone or to be provided or exist at the same time as


4 only for one person or group and not for everyone

5 a strong request / a need for something to be sold or supplied

6 more and more

to take another person's child into your own family and legally look
after him or her as your own child

8 especially, or more than usual

9 easy to recognize because of being seen, met, heard, etc. before

10 a plan for how something will happen

to make something known generally or in public, especially in order to

sell it

12 something that you must do, or something you need

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-er -ivity -al -ing -able
-ion -ly -ist -ment -ous
-ive -ed -ity -ence -ful
-less -age -ant -ize -hood
re- un- super- en- ir-
trans- im- dis- il-
no main word derived word F TR
1 producer n
2 product n
3 production n
4 productive adj
5 productivity n
retmek, sebep
6 reproduce v
7 reproduction n
8 reproductive adj
9 unproductive adj
10 unproductively adv
11 protection n
12 protector n
13 protect protected adj
14 korumak protective adj
15 protectively adv
16 unprotected adj
17 environmental adj
18 environment environmentally adv
19 evre environmentalist n
20 publication n
21 publicity n
22 publicly adv
23 practitioner n
24 practice practised adj
25 uygulama practising adj
26 practise v
27 natural adj
28 naturalist n
29 naturalistic adj
30 naturally adv
31 unnatural adj
32 unnaturally adv
33 supernatural adj
34 developer n
35 development n
36 develop developing adj
37 gelimek, developed adj
38 gelitirmek undeveloped adj
39 redevelop v
40 redevelopment n
41 avoidance n
42 avoidable adj
43 unavoidable adj
44 dangerous adj
45 danger dangerously adv
46 tehlike endanger v
47 endangered adj
48 careful adj
49 careless adj
50 caring adj
zen, bakm
51 carefully adv
52 carelessly adv
53 responsible responsibility n
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54 sorumlu responsibly adv
55 irresponsible adj
56 irresponsibility n
57 irresponsibly adv
58 manager n
59 management n
60 manageable adj
61 wasteful adj
62 wastage n
63 wastefully adv
64 plant plantation n
65 dikmek, koymak transplant v
67 patience n
68 patiently adv
69 impatient adj
70 impatience n
71 impatiently adv
72 searching adj
73 research n
74 researcher n
75 succeed v
76 succession n
77 successor n
78 success successful adj
79 baar successive adj
80 successfully adv
81 unsuccessful adj
82 unsuccessfully adv
83 applicant n
84 apply application n
85 bavurmak applicable adj
86 applied adj
87 approval n
88 approving adj
89 approve approvingly adv
90 onaylamak disapprove v
91 disapproval n
92 disapproving adj
93 placement n
94 displace v
95 replace v
96 displacement n
97 replacement n
98 advertisement n
99 advertising n
reklam yapmak
100 advertiser n
101 processing n
102 process procession n
103 sre processor n
104 processed adj
105 legality n
106 legally adv
107 legalize v
108 legalization n
109 illegal adj
110 illegality n
111 illegally adv
112 attachment n
113 attached adj
114 detach v
115 detached adj
116 detachable adj
117 mother motherhood n

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118 anne motherly adj
119 increase increased adj
120 artmak increasingly adv
121 demand demanding adj
122 talep undemanding adj
123 arrange arrangement n
124 dzenlemek rearrange v

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detail nation chemical lengthy connection
look breathe group work embarrassing
short happy cruel calmly answer
complicated difference enjoyable objection earn
mistake membership establish huge subtle
holiday pesticide logical developing punishment
walk summary profit rapidly marriage
valid meaningful interview properly calculation
no EN TR
1 balant kurmak
2 mantkl cevap
3 acmasz ceza
4 hzlca nefes alp vermek
5 anlaml bak
6 utan verici hata
7 karmak hesaplama
8 dzgnce almak
9 grup yelii
10 sakince yrmek
11 uzun grme
12 byk fark
13 kk detay
14 geerli itiraz
15 kimyasal bcek ilac
16 gelien millet
17 kr elde etmek
18 elenceli tatil
19 mutlu evlilik
20 ksa zet

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no word F synonymous with
1 production n
2 product n
3 protect v
4 community n
5 synthetic adj
6 foster v
7 maintenance n
8 avoid v
9 likewise ba
10 dangerous adj
11 management n
12 bad adj
13 surgery n
14 patient n
15 approve v
16 with the help of pp
17 lawyer n
18 legal adj
19 attach v
20 difficult adj

repair n tamirat unsafe adj gvenli olmayan
advocate n avukat thanks to pp sayesinde
goods n ticari mal guard v korumak
legitimate adj meru society n toplum
yield n rn treacherous adj tehlikeli
hard adj zor lawful adj yasal
nasty adj sinir bozucu output n kt
artificial adj yapay administration n ynetim
fasten v balamak commodity n ticari mal
defend v savunmak with the aid of pp yardmyla
uphold v desteklemek hazardous adj tehlikeli
preserve v korumak upkeep n bakm
risky adj riskli fix v onarmak
similarly ba benzer ekilde confirm v onaylamak
through prep araclyla stay away pv uzak durmak
operation n ameliyat safeguard v korumak
shield v kalkan olmak sufferer n hasta
promote v ne karmak man-made adj insan yapm
keep your distance ph mesafeni korumak demanding adj yorucu, zor
challenging adj zorlayc unpleasant adj ho olmayan
tie v balamak

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no word F synonymous with
1 particularly adv
2 prospective adj
3 avoidable adj
4 unavoidable adj
5 danger n
6 careless adj
7 manage v
8 impatient adj
9 displace v
10 illegal adj
11 complicated adj
12 happy adj
13 mistake n

achieve v baarmak threat n tehdit
probable adj muhtemel inevitable adj kanlmaz
avid adj hevesli eager adj istekli
intricate adj karmak error n hata
blissful adj mutlu especially adv zellikle
in particular pp zellikle expel v kovmak
accomplish v baarmak satisfied adj memnun
forgetful adj unutkan criminal adj sulu, yasad
inescapable adj kanlmaz elaborate adj karmak, ayrntl
succeed v baarmak enthusiastic adj hevesli
preventable adj nlenebilir deport v srgn etmek
absent-minded adj dalgn risk n risk
likely adj muhtemel content adj memnun
menace n tehdit fulfil v yerine getirmek
attain v ulamak complex adj karmak
potential adj potansiyel exile v srgn etmek
hazard n tehlike illegitimate adj yasad, gayrimeru
accomplish v baarmak joyful adj neeli
keen adj hevesli possible adj olas
banish v srgn etmek unlawful adj yasad

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Vocabulary Attack 2
1 volume ------ production retim hacmi
2 the means ------ production retim aralar
3 to protect ------ sth bir eye kar korumak
4 to protect ------ sth bir eyden korumak
5 to protect ------- sth bir ey ile korumak
6 to be protected ------ law kanun tarafndan korunmak
7 to work ------ a competitive environment rekabeti bir ortamda almak
an ideal environment ------ economic
8 ekonomik kalknma iin ideal bir ortam
9 ------ public herkesin nnde, alenen
10 open ------ the public halka ak
11 ------ the scientific community bilimsel toplum ierisinde
12 community ------ a whole bir btn olarak toplum
13 a compromise ------ the two sides iki taraf arasnda uzlama
14 a compromise ------ the amount to be paid denecek tutar zerinde uzlama
15 a compromise ------ the nationalists milliyetilerle uzlama
16 plans ------ the future gelecek iin planlar
17 ------ the future gelecekte
18 scientists ------ the future gelecein bilim insanlar
19 toxic ------ many forms of life birok hayat formu iin zehirli
20 put sth ------ practice pratie dkmek
21 ------ practice pratikte
22 practice ------ acupuncture akupunktur uygulamas
23 a safe practice ------ children ocuklar iin gvenli bir uygulama
24 a lack ------ resources kaynak eksiklii
25 access ------ resources kaynaklara eriim
26 allocation ------ resources kaynak tahsisi
27 distribution ------ resources kaynaklarn dalm/datm
28 development ------ sth bir eyde gelime
29 ------ the expense ------ sth bir ey pahasna
30 the fruit ------ governments campaign hkmet kampanyasnn meyvesi/sonucu
31 dangerous ------ humans insanlar iin tehlikeli
32 careful ------ sth bir konuda dikkatli olmak
33 responsible ------ sth bir eyden sorumlu
34 waste ------ energy enerji israf
35 exposure ------ sth bir eye maruz kalma
36 bad ------ health salk iin kt
37 bad ------ cooking yemek piirmede kt olmak
38 a shortage of kidneys ------ transplant nakil iin bbrek ktl
39 blisters ------ your skin cildinizde su toplanmas
40 some viruses can penetrate ------ the skin baz virsler cilde nfuz edebilir
41 ------ surgery ameliyat esnasnda
42 patients ------ with liver cancer karacier kanseri olan hastalar
43 research ------ sth bir eyi aratrma
44 successful ------ sth bir eyde baarl
45 widespread ------ the poor fakirler arasnda yaygn
46 application ------ sth bir ey iin bavuru
47 application ------ sb birine bavurma
48 approve ------ sth bir eyi onaylamak
49 ------ the help ------ sb birinin yardmyla

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50 familiar ------ sth bir eye aina
51 the process ------ change deiim sreci
52 requirement ------ sth bir ey iin gereksinim
53 attach sth ------ sth bir eyi bir eye balamak
54 ------ demand revata
55 demand ------ sth bir ey iin talep
56 demand ------ sb birinden talep
57 ------ birth doumda
58 the moment ------ death doum an
59 to find a job ------ an agency bir acente araclyla i bulmak
60 hazardous ------ sth bir ey iin tehlikeli
61 ------ the protection ------ sth bir eyin korumas altnda
62 protection ------ sth bir eye kar koruma
63 protection ------ sth bir eyden koruma
64 to be found ------ nature doada bulunmak
65 ------ danger tehlikede
66 ------ danger tehlikede deil
67 ------ danger ------ extinction nesli tkenme tehlikesi altnda
68 responsibility ------ sth bir eyden sorumluluk
69 patient ------ sth bir konuda sabrl
70 patient ------ sb birine kar sabrl
71 impatient ------ sth bir ey iin sabrsz
72 impatient ------ sb birine kar sabrsz
73 search ------ sth bir eyi aramak
74 ------ success baarl
75 ------ success baarsz
76 success ------ sth bir eyde baar
77 key ------ success baarnn anahtar
78 to succeed ------ doing sth bir ey yapmay baarmak
79 ------ succession arka arkaya
80 disapprove ------ sth bir eyi onaylamamak
81 attached ------ sth bir eye bal
82 ------ detail detayl
83 short ------ sth bir ey eksiklii
84 happy ------ sth bir konuda mutlu olmak
85 divide the class ------ small groups snf kk gruplara ayrmak
86 objection ------ sth bir eye itiraz
87 ------ connection ------ sth bir ey ile ilikili
88 ------ mistake yanllkla
89 ------ holiday tatilde
90 ------ summary zetle
91 ------ punishment ------ his crimes sular iin ceza olarak
92 ----- repair tamir edilemeyecek seviyede
93 to defend ------ sth bir eye kar korumak
94 a tie ------ a mother and her children bir anne ve ocuklar arasnda ba
95 thanks ------ sth bir ey sayesinde
96 ------ society toplumda
97 ------ the aid ------ sb birinin yardmyla
98 to stay ----- sth bir eyden uzak durmak
99 ------ particular zellikle
100 a menace ------ society topluma bir tehdit
101 potential ------ sth bir ey iin potansiyel
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102 pose a hazard ------ sth bir ey iin tehlike oluturmak
103 keen ------ sth bir eyde hevesli
104 threat ------ the authority bir eye tehdit
105 threat ------ sth bir eyden tehdit
106 threat ------ violence iddet tehdidi
107 eager ------ sth bir ey iin hevesli/istekli
108 to expelled ------ school okuldan atlmak
109 satisfied ------ sth bir eyden memnun
110 enthusiastic ------ sth bir konuda hevesli
111 to be deported/exiled ------ England ngiltereden srgn edilmek
112 to be deported/exiled ------ America Amerikaya srgn edilmek
113 ------ risk ------ sth bir ey riski altnda

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no EN F TR
1 sustainable adj srdrlebilir
2 agriculture n tarm
3 production n retim
4 product n rn, mahsul
5 farming n tarm, iftilik
6 protect v korumak
7 environment n evre
8 public n halk, kamu
9 community n topluluk, halk
10 welfare n refah, zenginlik
11 enable v olanak tanmak
12 produce v retmek, yapmak, neden olmak
13 healthful adj salkl
14 compromise v anlamaya varmak
15 future n gelecek, istikbal
16 farm n iftlik
17 crop n rn, ekin
18 raise v ykseltmek, oalmak
19 rely on pv gvenmek, bel balamak
20 toxic adj zehirli
21 pesticide n bcek ilac
22 synthetic adj sentetik, yapay
23 fertilizer n gbre
24 genetically adv genetik olarak
25 practice n alma, uygulama, idman
26 degrade v aalamak, alaltmak
27 natural adj doal, tabii
28 resource n kaynak
29 rotation n dnm, devir
30 conservation n koruma
31 tillage n ilenmi toprak
32 livestock n iftlik hayvanlar
33 husbandry n iftilik
34 biodiversity n biyo-eitlilik
35 foster v bytmek, gelitirmek
36 development n geliim, ilerleme
37 maintenance n bakm, koruma
38 ecosystem n ekosistem
39 at the expense of pp hesabna, pahasna
40 avoid v saknmak, kanmak
41 fruit n meyve
42 vegetable n sebze
43 consumer n tketici
44 likewise ba ayn biimde, benzer ekilde
45 rancher n iftlik sahibi, iftlik alan
46 dangerous adj tehlikeli
47 promoter n dzenleyici, organizatr
48 careful adj dikkatli
49 responsible adj sorumlu
50 management n idare, ynetim
51 waste v israf etmek
52 farmer n ifti
53 exposure n maruz kalma
54 pathogen n patojen
55 pollutant n kirletici madde
56 bad adj kt, berbat
57 document v belgelendirmek
58 transplant n organ nakli
59 skin n deri, cilt
60 credit to pv mal etmek, beklemek
61 switch v dnmek, deitirmek

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62 surgery n ameliyat, operasyon
63 patient n hasta
64 research v aratrmak
65 successful adj baarl, bilinen
66 transplantation n aktarm, aktarma
67 take place pv meydana gelmek, olmak
68 once ba -den sonra
69 widespread adj yaygn
70 application n uygulama, bavuru
71 until ba -e kadar
72 develop v gelimek, bymek
73 recipient n alc
74 reject v reddetmek
75 approve v onaylamak
76 drug n ila, uyuturucu
77 overall adj kapsaml, tam, geni
78 adopt v benimsemek, evlat edinmek
79 black-market n kara borsa
80 arrangement n dzenleme
81 with the help of pp -n yardmyla
82 lawyer n avukat
83 familiar adj tandk, aina
84 process n ilem, sre
85 legal adj yasal
86 requirement n gereksinim, koul
87 abortion n krtaj
88 stigma n iz, damga
89 formerly adv eskiden
90 attach v ilitirmek
91 unwed adj bekar
92 motherhood n annelik
93 lift v kaldrmak, armak
94 infant n bebek, ocuk
95 adoption n kabullenme, benimseme
96 increasingly adv artarak, artan bir ekilde
97 difficult adj zor, g
98 outside n d, d yzeyi
99 particularly adv zellikle, bilhassa
100 demand v talep etmek, gerektirmek
101 be accompanied by pv ile beraber grlmek
102 adoptive adj vey, evlat edinen
103 advertise v reklam yapmak
104 put into contact with phr temasa gemek
105 birth n doum
106 growing adj byyen, artan
107 placement n yerletirme
108 prospective adj beklenen, olas
109 agency n acente, kurum
110 hazardous adj tehlikeli
111 producer n retici, yapmc
112 productive adj retken, yaratc, verimli
113 productivity n retkenlik
114 reproduce v oalmak, remek
115 reproduction n oalma, kopya
116 reproductive adj remeyle ilgili
117 unproductive adj verimsiz, retken olmayan
118 protection n koruma
119 protector n koruyucu ey
120 unprotected adj korunmasz
121 protective adj koruyucu
122 protectively adv koruyucu biimde
123 environmental adj evresel
124 environmentally adv evresel olarak

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Vocabulary Attack 2
125 environmentalist n evreci
126 publication n yayn
127 publicity n reklam
128 practitioner n avukat, doktor
129 practised adj deneyimli, yetenekli
130 practise v altrma yapmak, uygulamak
131 nature n doa, miza, huy
132 naturalist n doa bilimci
133 naturalistic adj doal
134 naturally adv doal olarak
135 unnatural adj tuhaf, garip
136 unnaturally adv doal olmayan biimde
137 supernatural adj doa st
138 developer n inaat yatrmcs
139 developmental adj geliimsel
140 developing adj gelien
141 developed adj gelimi
142 undeveloped adj gelimemi
143 redevelop v yeniden gelitirmek
144 redevelopment n yeniden gelitirme
145 avoidance n kanma, saknma
146 avoidable adj kanlabilir
147 unavoidable adj kanlmaz
148 dangerously adv tehlikeli bir ekilde
149 danger n tehlike, risk
150 dangerousness n tehlikelilik
151 endanger v tehlikeye atmak
152 endangered adj nesli tkenmekte olan
153 carefully adv dikkatlice
154 care n ilgi, dikkat, bakm
155 careless adj dikkatsiz
156 carelessly adv dikkatsizce
157 responsibly adv sorumlu olarak
158 responsibility n sorumluluk
159 irresponsible adj sorumsuz
160 irresponsibly adv sorumsuzca
161 irresponsibility n sorumsuzluk
162 manage v ynetmek, baarmak
163 manageable adj idare edilebilir
164 manager n ynetici, idareci
165 wasteful adj savurgan
166 wastage n israf, savurganlk
167 wastefully adv savurganca
168 plant v dikmek
169 plantation n iftlik, plantasyon
170 transplant v organ nakli yapmak
171 patient adj sabrl
172 patiently adv sabrl bir ekilde
173 patience n sabr, tahamml
174 impatient adj sabrsz
175 impatiently adv sabrszca
176 impatience n sabrszlk
177 search v aratrmak, aramak
178 searching adj aratrc
179 research n aratrma
180 researcher n aratrmac
181 success n baar
182 succeed v baarl olmak
183 succession n ardk olma, yerine geme
184 successor n halef, varis
185 successfully adv baarl bir ekilde
186 successive adj art arda gelen
187 successively adv ardk bir ekilde

19 www.remzihoca.com
Vocabulary Attack 2
188 unsuccessfully adv baarsz bir biimde
189 unsuccessful adj baarsz
190 apply v uygulamak, bavurmak, kullanmak
191 applicant n aday
192 applicable adj uygulanabilir, ilgili
193 applied adj uygulamal
194 approval n onay
195 approving adj onaylayc
196 approvingly adv onaylayarak
197 disapprove v onaylamamak
198 disapproval n onaylamama
199 place v koymak, yerletirmek
200 displace v yerinden etmek
201 displacement n karma
202 replace v yerini almak, deitirmek
203 replacement n yerine geme
204 advertisement n reklam
205 advertiser n reklamc, ilanc
206 advertising n reklamclk
207 process v ilemek
208 processing n ilem
209 procession n kafile, alay
210 processed adj ilenmi
211 processor n bilgi ilemci
212 legality n yasallk
213 legally adv yasal olarak
214 legalization n yasallatrma
215 legalize v yasallatrmak
216 illegal adj yasa d
217 illegally adv yasad olarak
218 attached adj iliik, ekli
219 attachment n ballk, ilave
220 detach v karmak, ayrmak
221 detachable adj ayrlabilir
222 detached n mstakil ev
223 mother n anne
224 motherly adj anne gibi
225 increase n art
226 demand n talep
227 demanding adj aba gerektiren, etin
228 undemanding adj basit
229 arrange v dzenlemek
230 rearrange v yeniden dzenlemek
231 detail n ayrnt, detay
232 look v bakmak, grnmek
233 short adj ksa, az
234 complicated adj karmak
235 nation n ulus, millet
236 breathe v nefes alp vermek
237 happy adj mutlu, memnun
238 difference n ayrm, farkllk
239 chemical n kimyasal madde
240 group n grup, topluluk
241 cruel adj zalim, acmasz
242 enjoyable adj elenceli, zevkli
243 lengthy adj uzun, ayrntl
244 calmly adv sakin bir ekilde
245 objection n itiraz, kar kma
246 connection n balant, iliki
247 embarrassing adj utandran
248 earn v para kazanmak
249 mistake n hata, kusur
250 holiday n tatil, izin

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Vocabulary Attack 2
251 valid adj geerli
252 membership n yelik
253 summary n zet
254 meaningful adj anlaml
255 establish v kurmak, belirlemek
256 logical adj mantkl
257 profit n kar
258 interview v grmek, rportaj yapmak
259 huge adj byk
260 rapidly adv hzlca
261 properly adv doru drst, gzelce
262 subtle adj g alglanan, kurnaz
263 punishment n cezalandrma, ceza
264 marriage n evlilik
265 calculation n hesaplama
266 repair n onarm, tamirat
267 advocate n savunucu, avukat
268 goods n mal, eya
269 legitimate adj meru, yasal, yerinde
270 yield n rn, gelir
271 hard adj zor, etin , kat
272 nasty adj kt, pis, kaba
273 artificial adj yapay
274 fasten v balamak, tutturmak
275 defend v savunmak
276 uphold v desteklemek, onaylamak
277 preserve v korumak, muhafaza etmek
278 risky adj tehlikeli, riskli
279 similarly ba benzer ekilde
280 through prep -in iinden, -den geerek ; sayesinde
281 operation n ameliyat, iletme
282 shield v korumak, siper olmak
283 promote v ilerletmek, terfi ettirmek
284 challenging adj zor
285 tie v balamak, berabere olmak
286 unsafe adj emniyetsiz, tehlikeli
287 thanks to pp -n sayesinde
288 guard v korumak, nbet tutmak
289 society n toplum, cemiyet
290 treacherous adj tehlikeli, hain
291 lawful adj yasal, kanuni
292 output n rn, kt
293 administration n ynetim, uygulama
294 commodity n ticari mal
295 with the aid of pp -n yardmyla
296 upkeep n bakm, tamir
297 fix v onarmak
298 confirm v dorulamak
299 stay away pv uzak durmak
300 safeguard v korumak
301 sufferer n hasta, dertli kii
302 man-made adj insan yapm, yapay
303 unpleasant adj naho, irkin
304 achieve v baarmak, ulamak
305 probable adj muhtemel, olas
306 avid adj hevesli, istekli
307 intricate adj dolak, kark
308 blissful adj mutlu
309 in particular pp zellikle, bilhassa
310 accomplish v baarmak, tamamlamak
311 forgetful adj unutkan
312 inescapable adj kanlmaz
313 preventable adj nlenebilir

21 www.remzihoca.com
Vocabulary Attack 2
314 likely adj muhtemel, olas
315 menace n tehdit
316 attain v elde etmek, ulamak
317 potential adj muhtemel, olas
318 hazard n tehlike
319 keen adj istekli, cokulu, ilgili
320 banish v srgn etmek, kovmak
321 threat n tehdit
322 inevitable adj kanlmaz
323 eager adj hevesli, istekli
324 error n hata, kusur
325 especially adv zellikle, bilhassa
326 expel v atmak, kovmak, srmek
327 satisfied adj memnun, tatmin olmu
328 criminal adj sulu, yasad
329 elaborate adj ayrntl, karmak
330 enthusiastic adj hevesli, cokulu
331 deport v snr d etmek
332 risk n tehlike, risk
333 content adj memnun
334 fulfil v yerine getirmek
335 complex n kuruntu
336 exile v srgne yollamak
337 illegitimate adj gayri meru
338 joyful adj neeli, sevinli
339 possible adj olas, mmkn
340 unlawful adj kanunsuz, yasad

22 www.remzihoca.com
Vocabulary Attack 2
You will learn the following target words in this section
1 compose 28 nose 55 bulb
2 intelligent 29 important 56 straight
3 quick 30 front 57 hit
4 search 31 unconditioned 58 action
5 reveal 32 exercise 59 reflection
6 assist 33 majority 60 direction
7 whatever 34 breathe 61 differently
8 harness 35 substantial 62 smooth
9 clever 36 inhale 63 shiny
10 mixed 37 pass through 64 surface
11 phrase 38 condition 65 mirror
12 coin 39 as well as 66 directly
13 describe 40 advantageous 67 odd
14 journal 41 portion 68 face
15 spark 42 nasal 69 side
16 interest 43 contribute 70 pot
17 somehow 44 outcome 71 pan
18 improve 45 subject 72 still
19 plausible 46 contribution 73 beautiful
20 undoubtedly 47 optimal 74 mountain
21 genius 48 performance 75 scene
22 complex 49 workload 76 lake
23 hope 50 ventilation 77 refract
24 intelligence 51 eyeglasses 78 bend
25 rub off on 52 clearly 79 light
26 enlarge 53 magnify 80 spoon
27 view 54 useful

23 www.remzihoca.com
Vocabulary Attack 2
You have probably heard of the Mozart effect. Its the idea that if children or even babies listen to
music composed by Mozart they will become more intelligent. A quick internet search reveals plenty
of products to assist you in the task. Whatever your age there are CDs and books to help you to
harness the power of Mozarts music, but when it comes to scientific evidence that it can make you
more clever, the picture is more mixed. The phrase the Mozart effect was coined in 1991, but it is a
study described two years later in the journal Nature that sparked real media and public interest about
the idea that listening to classical music somehow improves the brain. It is one of those ideas that
feels plausible. Mozart was undoubtedly a genius himself, his music is complex and there is a hope
that if we listen to enough of it, a little of that intelligence might rub off on us.

Muhtemelen Mozart etkisini duymusunuzdur. ocuklarn ya da hatta bebeklerin Mozartn besteledii

mzii dinlerlerse daha akll olacaklar fikridir. Hzl bir internet aratrmas grevde size yardm
edecek ok rn ortaya karr. Yan ne olursa olsun Mozartn mzik gcn kullanmada yardm
edecek CD ler ve kitaplar vardr ama seni daha zeki yapabilecei bilimsel kantna gelindiinde resim
daha karmaktr. Mozart etkisi szck bei 1991de tretildi ama gerek medya ve klasik mzik
dinlemenin bir ekilde beyni gelitirdii fikri hakknda halk ilgisini balatan Doa dergisinde iki yl
sonra tanmlanan bir almadr. Akla yatkn duran fikirlerden birisidir. Mozartn kendisi phesiz
dhiydi, mzii karmaktr ve yeterince mzik dinlersek biraz zeknn bize geeceine dair bir umut

Find the words!

bestelemek, balatmak,
v v
oluturmak alevlendirmek
gemek, bulamak pv tanmlamak v
abuk adj her ne ba
akl, zeka n kark, karma adj
aklamak, ortaya kullanmak,
v v
karmak yararlanmak
yardm etmek, her naslsa, bir
v adv
desteklemek ekilde
umut, beklenti n akll, zeki adj
ilgi, faiz, kar n aratrma n
hi phesiz adv dahi, deha n
karmak adj dergi, gnlk n
szck takm n zeki, akll adj
para basmak, szck gelimek,
v v
tretmek ilerlemek
akla yatkn, inandrc adj

24 www.remzihoca.com
Vocabulary Attack 2
compose assist describe plausible hope
intelligent scientific spark harness interest
quick mixed

no definition word

1 to help

2 to cause the start of something, especially an argument or fighting

3 happening or done with great speed, or lasting only a short time

the feeling of wanting to give your attention to something or of

wanting to be involved with and

5 made of a combination of different people or things

6 to produce music, poetry or formal writing

something good that you want to happen in the future, or a confident

feeling about what will happen in the future

8 to say or write what someone or something is like

9 seeming likely to be true, or able to be believed

good at learning, understanding and thinking in a logical way about

things; showing this ability

11 to control something, usually in order to use its power

12 relating to science, or using the organized methods of science

25 www.remzihoca.com
Vocabulary Attack 2
The nose has an important frontier role protecting the lower airways from unconditioned air. In resting
and light exercise situations, the majority of individuals breathe all air through the nose. However,
with increased exercise a substantial part of the inhaled air also passes through and is being
conditioned by the nose. At rest as well as during exercise it seems to be advantageous to have a
significant portion of the air conditioned by the nose. In patients with asthma, improvement of nasal
breathing contributes to an overall better disease control, with reduced nocturnal asthma as one
important outcome. However, also in healthy subjects, nasal contribution seems important for optimal
physical performance, measured as oxygen consumption related to workload and ventilation.

Burun, alt hava yollarn doal havadan koruyan nemli snr rolne sahiptir. Dinlenme ve hafif
egzersiz durumlarnda bireylerin ou tm havay burun yoluyla nefes alp verir. Ancak, artan
egzersizle alnan havann nemli bir ksm da iinden geer ve burun tarafndan koullandrlr.
Egzersiz srasnn yan sra dinlenmede burun tarafndan koullandrlan havann nemli bir ksmna
sahip olmak yararl gibi grnyor. Astml hastalarda burundan nefes almann gelimesi, nemli bir
sonu olarak azaltlm gece olan astmla birlikte genel daha iyi hastalk kontrolne katkda bulunur.
Ancak, salkl vatandalarda da burunla ilgili katk i yk ve havalandrmayla ilgili oksijen tketimi
olarak llen en iyi fiziksel performans iin nemli grnyor.

Find the words!

nemli adj avantaj salayan adj
nemli, gerekli adj i younluu n
blm, para, katkda bulunmak,
n v
porsiyon sebep olmak
koulsuz, doal adj ounluk n
idman, egzersiz, gsteri, oyun,
n n
altrma performans
havalandrma n n, ilk adj
nefes alp vermek v burun n
en iyi adj katk n
nefes almak v sonu n
iinden gemek pv konu, ders, zne n
ve de, yan sra pp artlandrmak v
burunla ilgili adj

26 www.remzihoca.com
Vocabulary Attack 2
low breathe significant reduce
rest substantial contribute to consumption
light advantageous outcome workload

no definition word

1 not heavy

2 to help to cause an event or situation

a period of time in which you relax, do not do anything active, or


4 important or noticeable

5 when someone uses, eats, or drinks something

6 large in size, value or importance

7 to make something smaller in size, amount, degree, importance, etc

8 below the usual level

the amount of work to be done, especially by a particular person or

machine in a period of time

10 giving advantages or helping to make you more successful

11 to move air into and out of the lungs

12 a result or effect of an action, situation, etc.

27 www.remzihoca.com
Vocabulary Attack 2
Light from the sun or a light bulb moves in straight waves. When the light waves hit an object, they
bounce off of it. This action is called reflection. For most objects, the light bounces in many directions
at the same time. When this happens, it allows us to see the object. A picture of the object is sent to
the brain from the eye. The brain helps us understand what we see. Light waves act differently when
they hit a smooth, shiny surface. Hitting a surface like a mirror makes the light waves bounce directly
back to your eyes. This odd movement allows you to see yourself. It creates a reflection. You see the
objects around it instead of the mirror itself. Anything shiny may act like a mirror when the light hits it.
Have you ever seen your face reflected in the rounded side of a pot or pan? You can even see
reflections on the surface of water if it is smooth and still. You have probably seen beautiful pictures
of mountain scenes. Often the mountains and sky are reflected on the smooth surface of the lake.
Water and glass have a special ability. They can refract, or bend, light. Thats why a spoon in a clear
glass of water will look bent when it really is not. The ability of glass to refract light has given us some
useful products. Eyeglasses help us see clearly. Magnifying glasses enlarge our view of an object.

Gneten k ya da k ampul dz dalgalarda hareket eder. Ik dalgalar nesneye arptnda

zplar. Bu eyleme yansma ad verilir. ou nesneler iin k ayn zamanda birok yne zplar. Bu
meydana geldiinde nesneyi grmemizi salar. Nesnenin resmi gzden beyne gnderilir. Beyin
grdmz anlamamza yardmc olur. Ik dalgalar dz, parlak yzeye arptnda farkl hareket
eder. Ayna gibi bir yzeye arpmak k dalgalarn dorudan gzmze geri arptrr. Bu tuhaf
hareket kendinizi grmenizi salar. Yansma yaratr. Aynann kendisinden ziyade etrafndaki
nesneleri grrsnz. Parlak herhangi bir ey k ona arptnda ayna gibi hareket eder. Tencere
yada tavann yuvarlak tarafnda yansyan yznz hi grdnz m? Eer dz ve hareketsizse su
yzeyinin zerindeki yansmalar bile grebilirsiniz. Da manzaralarnn gzel resimlerini muhtemelen
grmsnzdr. Sklkla dalar ve gkyz gln dz yzeyi zerine yansr. Su ve cam zel bir
yetenee sahiptir. Onlar krlabilir yada bklebilir, aydnlatabilir. Bu yzden temiz bir bardak su
ierisindeki kak su gerekten scak olduunda bklm gibi grnr. Camn krma yetenei
bize faydal rnler vermitir. Gzlkler net olarak grmemize yardmc olur. Bylten gzlkler
nesneyi grmz geniletir.

Find the words!

tencere, tava n bytmek v
dz, doru, drst adj ayna n
vurmak, arpmak v dorudan adv
eylem, hareket n yzey n
yansma, grnm n gl n
yn, talimat n yz, surat n
farkl bir ekilde adv kap, mlek n
dz, przsz, sakin adj gzel adj
hareketsiz, durgun adj kullanl adj
ampul, bitki soan n kak n
yakmak, aydnlatmak v aka adv
sahne, manzara n da n
tuhaf, allmam, tek adj geniletmek v
(k) krmak v gr, fikir n
yan, taraf, kenar n parlak adj
emek, bkmek v gzlk n

28 www.remzihoca.com
Vocabulary Attack 2
move smooth reflect bend
hit shiny beautiful enlarge
allow odd special useful

no definition word

to make it possible for someone to do something, or to not prevent

something from happening; give permission

2 o (cause to) curve

3 to (cause to) change position

4 smooth and bright; reflecting the light

5 very attractive and pleasant

6 to touch something with sudden force

7 to send the light, etc. back and not to absorb it

8 effective; helping you to do or achieve something

9 not ordinary or usual

having a surface or substance which is perfectly regular and has no

holes, lumps or areas that rise or fall suddenly

11 to become bigger or to make something bigger

12 strange or unexpected

29 www.remzihoca.com
Vocabulary Attack 2


-ence -ent -able -ly -er
-ed -ion -ive -ism -ist
-ic -ing -ment -ful -less
-ness -al -ous -or -y
un- in- dis- out-
no main word derived word F TR
1 intelligent adj
2 intelligible adj
3 intelligently adv
4 unintelligent adj
5 unintelligible adj
6 mixer n
7 mixture n
8 mixed adj
9 description n
10 descriptive adj
11 descriptively adv
12 describable adj
13 indescribable adj
14 journalism n
15 journalist adj
16 journalistic adj
17 interested adj
18 interesting adj
19 interestingly adv
ilgi, faiz
20 uninterested adj
21 disinterested adj
22 improve improved adj
23 gelitirmek improvement n
24 doubter n
25 doubtful adj
26 doubt doubtless adj
27 phe duymak doubtfully adv
28 undoubted adj
29 undoubtedly adv
30 hopeful adj
31 hopeless adj
32 hope hopefully adv
33 umut hopelessly adv
34 hopefulness n
35 hopelessness n
36 important adj
37 importantly adv
38 unimportant adj
39 breathe v
40 breather n
41 breathing n
42 breathless adj
43 breathlessly adv
44 substance substantial adj
45 madde, deer substantially adv
46 conditioner n
47 conditioning n
48 condition conditional adj
49 art, koul conditionally adv
50 unconditional adj
51 unconditionally adv
52 advantageous adj
53 advantageously adv
54 disadvantage n
30 www.remzihoca.com
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55 disadvantaged adj
56 contribution n
57 contributor n
katkda bulunmak
58 contributory adj
59 perform performer n
60 gsteri yapmak performance n
61 straighten v
62 reflect reflection n
63 yanstmak reflective adj
64 smooth smoothly adv
65 dzgn smoothness n
67 shine shiny adj
68 parlamak outshine v
69 beauty beautiful adj
70 gzellik beautifully adv

31 www.remzihoca.com
Vocabulary Attack 2
balance path healthy importance firm
perceive permit expense possible accusation
collection interpret future detect different
explain enjoy build decrease impression
crucial danger satisfactorily migration apparently
deficiency wrong slightly fair trust
mistakenly markedly additional tremendously legally
false recommendation accurately near valuable
no EN TR
1 hayati nem
2 tatmin edici bir ekilde aklamak
3 ek masraf
4 g yolu
5 grnrde salkl
6 doru alglamak
7 yanl sulama
8 belirgin bir ekilde azalmak
9 yanl etki
10 yasal olarak izin vermek
11 gven oluturmak
12 sk tavsiye
13 biraz farkl
14 yakn gelecek
15 deerli koleksiyon
16 eksiklik saptamak
17 olas tehlike
18 son derece elenmek
19 adil denge
20 yanl yorumlamak

32 www.remzihoca.com
Vocabulary Attack 2
no word F synonymous with
1 compose v
2 intelligent adj
3 reveal v
4 assist v
5 mixed adj
6 plausible adj
7 advantageous adj
8 odd adj
9 substance n
10 advantage n
11 unimportant adj
12 hopeless adj
13 mix v

favourable adj lehimize, olumlu bizarre adj tuhaf
brilliant adj parlak, zeki aid v yardm etmek
benefit n fayda miscellaneous adj kark
beneficial adj faydal desperate adj umutsuz
show v gstermek weird adj tuhaf
smart adj zeki possible adj mmkn
minor adj kk, nemsiz be composed of v den olumak
believable adj inanlr matter n madde
help v yardm etmek mingle v karmak
insignificant adj nemsiz clever adj zeki
strange adj tuhaf credible adj mmkn
consist of v den olumak bright adj parlak, zeki
in despair pp umutsuz, aresiz constitute v oluturmak
material n malzeme, madde conceivable adj mmkn
make sth up pv oluturmak trivial adj nemsiz
blend v kartrmak

33 www.remzihoca.com
Vocabulary Attack 2
1 to be composed ------ sth bir eyden olumak
2 assist sb ------ sth birine bir eyde yardm etmek
3 ------ the journal dergide
4 interest ------ sth bir eye ilgi
5 ------ hope umutsuz
6 hope ------ winning kazanma umudur
7 my views ------ this subject bu konudaki fikirlerim
8 point ------ view bak as
9 a room ------ a view manzaras olan bir oda
10 to breathe ------ your nose burnundan nefes almak
11 ------ the majority ------ the cases vakalarn ounluunda
12 contribute ------ sth bir eye katkda bulunmak
13 the outcome ------ the election seimin sonucu
14 to take action ------ drug dealers uyuturucu satanlara kar nlem almak
15 ------ this direction bu ynde
16 to float ------ the surface of the water su yzeyinde yzmek
17 the expression ------ her face yzndeki ifade
18 the side ------ the road yolun kenar
19 the scene ------ the accident kaza alan
20 We walked ------ the lake. gln etrafnda yrdk
21 Many kinds of fish live ------ this lake. bu glde birok balk tr yaar
22 She fell ------ the lake. O, gle dt.
23 to hold sth ------ the light bir eyi a tutmak
24 the light ------ the kitchen mutfaktan gelen k
25 a source of ------ light bir k kayna
26 ------ the speed ------ light k hznda
27 to shed light ------ sth bir eyi aydnlatmak (aklk getirmek)
28 ------ doubt phesiz
29 doubt ------ sth bir ey hakknda phe
30 hopeless ------ sth bir konuda umutsuz (vaka)
31 ------ vital importance hayati neme sahip
32 ------ breath nefessiz
33 advantage ------ the others dierlerine gre daha fazla avantaj
34 advantage ------ us bizim iin avantaj
35 ------ our advantage bizim avantajmza
36 contribution ------ sth bir eye katk
37 contribution ------ sb birinin katks
38 Conditions are favourable ------ skiing. artlar, kayak iin elverilidir.
39 ------ the benefit ------ the patients hastalarn yararna/yarar iin
The agreement is ------ great benefit
40 Anlama her iki tarafn da yararnadr.
------ both sides.
41 beneficial ------ health sala yararl
42 ------ need ------ help yardma muhta
43 ------ the help ------ sth bir eyin yardmyla
44 consist ------ sth bir eyden olumak
45 ------ despair umutsuz
46 make up ------ sth bir eyi telafi etmek
47 be made ------ sth bir eyden olumak
48 ------ the aid ----- sth bir eyin yardmyla
49 ------ the aid ----- sth bir eyin yardm olmadan

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Vocabulary Attack 2
50 desperate ------ the future gelecek hakknda umutsuz
51 to be composed ------ sth bir eyden olumak
52 ------ these matters bu konularda
53 to speak ------ the matter konu zerine konuma yapmak
54 a matter ------ the police polis iin bir sorun
55 a matter ------ time an meselesi
56 to feel fear mingled ------ excitement heyecanla kark korku hissetmek

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Vocabulary Attack 2
REVISION 10 | 11
no EN F TR
1 sustainable adj srdrlebilir
2 agriculture n tarm
3 production n retim
4 product n rn, mahsl
5 farming n tarm, iftilik
6 protect v korumak
7 environment n evre
8 public n halk, kamu
9 community n topluluk, halk
10 welfare n refah, zenginlik
11 enable v olanak tanmak
12 produce v retmek, yapmak, neden olmak
13 healthful adj salkl
14 compromise v anlamaya varmak
15 future n gelecek, istikbal
16 farm n iftlik
17 crop n rn, ekin
18 raise v ykseltmek, oalmak
19 rely on pv gvenmek, bel balamak
20 toxic adj zehirli
21 pesticide n bcek ilac
22 synthetic adj sentetik, yapay
23 fertilizer n gbre
24 genetically adv genetik olarak
25 practice n alma, uygulama, idman
26 degrade v aalamak, alaltmak
27 natural adj doal, tabii
28 resource n kaynak
29 rotation n dnm, devir
30 conservation n koruma
31 tillage n ilenmi toprak
32 livestock n iftlik hayvanlar
33 husbandry n iftilik
34 biodiversity n biyo-eitlilik
35 foster v bytmek, gelitirmek
36 development n geliim, ilerleme
37 maintenance n bakm, koruma
38 ecosystem n ekosistem
39 at the expense of pp hesabna, pahasna
40 avoid v saknmak, kanmak
41 fruit n meyve
42 vegetable n sebze
43 consumer n tketici
44 likewise ba ayn biimde, benzer ekilde
45 rancher n iftlik sahibi, iftlik alan
46 dangerous adj tehlikeli
47 promoter n dzenleyici, organizatr
48 careful adj dikkatli
49 responsible adj sorumlu
50 management n idare, ynetim
51 waste v israf etmek
52 farmer n ifti
53 exposure n maruz kalma
54 pathogen n patojen
55 pollutant n kirletici madde
56 bad adj kt, berbat
57 document v belgelendirmek
58 transplant n organ nakli
59 skin n deri, cilt
60 credit to pv mal etmek, beklemek
61 switch v dnmek, deitirmek

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Vocabulary Attack 2
62 surgery n ameliyat, operasyon
63 patient n hasta
64 research v aratrmak
65 successful adj baarl, bilinen
66 transplantation n aktarm, aktarma
67 take place pv meydana gelmek, olmak
68 once ba -den sonra
69 widespread adj yaygn
70 application n uygulama, bavuru
71 until ba -e kadar
72 develop v gelimek, bymek
73 recipient n alc
74 reject v reddetmek
75 approve v onaylamak
76 drug n ila, uyuturucu
77 overall adj kapsaml, tam, geni
78 adopt v benimsemek, evlat edinmek
79 black-market n kara borsa
80 arrangement n dzenleme
81 with the help of pp -n yardmyla
82 lawyer n avukat
83 familiar adj tandk, aina
84 process n ilem, sre
85 legal adj yasal
86 requirement n gereksinim, koul
87 abortion n krtaj
88 stigma n iz, damga
89 formerly adv eskiden
90 attach v ilitirmek
91 unwed adj bekar
92 motherhood n annelik
93 lift v kaldrmak, armak
94 infant n bebek, ocuk
95 adoption n kabullenme, benimseme
96 increasingly adv artarak, artan bir ekilde
97 difficult adj zor, g
98 outside n d, d yzeyi
99 particularly adv zellikle, bilhassa
100 demand v talep etmek, gerektirmek
101 be accompanied by pv ile beraber grlmek
102 adoptive adj vey, evlat edinen
103 advertise v reklam yapmak
104 put into contact with ph temasa gemek
105 birth n doum
106 growing adj byyen, artan
107 placement n yerletirme
108 prospective adj beklenen, olas
109 agency n acente, kurum
110 hazardous adj tehlikeli
111 producer n retici, yapmc
112 productive adj retken, yaratc, verimli
113 productivity n retkenlik
114 reproduce v oalmak, remek
115 reproduction n oalma, kopya
116 reproductive adj remeyle ilgili
117 unproductive adj verimsiz, retken olmayan
118 protection n koruma
119 protector n koruyucu ey
120 unprotected adj korunmasz
121 protective adj koruyucu
122 protectively adv koruyucu biimde
123 environmental adj evresel
124 environmentally adv evresel olarak

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Vocabulary Attack 2
125 environmentalist n evreci
126 publication n yayn
127 publicity n reklam
128 practitioner n avukat, doktor
129 practised adj deneyimli, yetenekli
130 practise v altrma yapmak, uygulamak
131 nature n doa, miza, huy
132 naturalist n doa bilimci
133 naturalistic adj doal
134 naturally adv doal olarak
135 unnatural adj tuhaf, garip
136 unnaturally adv doal olmayan biimde
137 supernatural adj doa st
138 developer n inaat yatrmcs
139 developmental adj geliimsel
140 developing adj gelien
141 developed adj gelimi
142 undeveloped adj gelimemi
143 redevelop v yeniden gelitirmek
144 redevelopment n yeniden gelitirme
145 avoidance n kanma, saknma
146 avoidable adj kanlabilir
147 unavoidable adj kanlmaz
148 dangerously adv tehlikeli bir ekilde
149 danger n tehlike, risk
150 dangerousness n tehlikelilik
151 endanger v tehlikeye atmak
152 endangered adj nesli tkenmekte olan
153 carefully adv dikkatlice
154 care n ilgi, dikkat, bakm
155 careless adj dikkatsiz
156 carelessly adv dikkatsizce
157 responsibly adv sorumlu olarak
158 responsibility n sorumluluk
159 irresponsible adj sorumsuz
160 irresponsibly adv sorumsuzca
161 irresponsibility n sorumsuzluk
162 manage v ynetmek, baarmak
163 manageable adj idare edilebilir
164 manager n ynetici, idareci
165 wasteful adj savurgan
166 wastage n israf, savurganlk
167 wastefully adv savurganca
168 plant v dikmek
169 plantation n iftlik, plantasyon
170 transplant v organ nakli yapmak
171 patient adj sabrl
172 patiently adv sabrl bir ekilde
173 patience n sabr, tahamml
174 impatient adj sabrsz
175 impatiently adv sabrszca
176 impatience n sabrszlk
177 search v aratrmak, aramak
178 searching adj aratrc
179 research n aratrma
180 researcher n aratrmac
181 success n baar
182 succeed v baarl olmak
183 succession n ardk olma, yerine geme
184 successor n halef, varis
185 successfully adv baarl bir ekilde
186 successive adj art arda gelen
187 successively adv ardk bir ekilde

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Vocabulary Attack 2
188 unsuccessfully adv baarsz bir biimde
189 unsuccessful adj baarsz
190 apply v uygulamak, bavurmak, kullanmak
191 applicant n aday
192 applicable adj uygulanabilir, ilgili
193 applied adj uygulamal
194 approval n onay
195 approving adj onaylayc
196 approvingly adv onaylayarak
197 disapprove v onaylamamak
198 disapproval n onaylamama
199 place v koymak, yerletirmek
200 displace v yerinden etmek
201 displacement n karma
202 replace v yerini almak, deitirmek
203 replacement n yerine geme
204 advertisement n reklam
205 advertiser n reklamc, ilanc
206 advertising n reklamclk
207 process v ilemek
208 processing n ilem
209 procession n kafile, alay
210 processed adj ilenmi
211 processor n bilgi ilemci
212 legality n yasallk
213 legally adv yasal olarak
214 legalization n yasallatrma
215 legalize v yasallatrmak
216 illegal adj yasa d
217 illegally adv yasad olarak
218 attached adj iliik, ekli
219 attachment n ballk, ilave
220 detach v karmak, ayrmak
221 detachable adj ayrlabilir
222 detached n mstakil ev
223 mother n anne
224 motherly adj anne gibi
225 increase n art
226 demand n talep
227 demanding adj aba gerektiren, etin
228 undemanding adj basit
229 arrange v dzenlemek
230 rearrange v yeniden dzenlemek
231 detail n ayrnt, detay
232 look v bakmak, grnmek
233 short adj ksa, az
234 complicated adj karmak
235 nation n ulus, millet
236 breathe v nefes alp vermek
237 happy adj mutlu, memnun
238 difference n ayrm, farkllk
239 chemical n kimyasal madde
240 group n grup, topluluk
241 cruel adj zalim, acmasz
242 enjoyable adj elenceli, zevkli
243 lengthy adj uzun, ayrntl
244 calmly adv sakin bir ekilde
245 objection n itiraz, kar kma
246 connection n balant, iliki
247 embarrassing adj utandran
248 earn v para kazanmak
249 mistake n hata, kusur
250 holiday n tatil, izin

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Vocabulary Attack 2
251 valid adj geerli
252 membership n yelik
253 summary n zet
254 meaningful adj anlaml
255 establish v kurmak, belirlemek
256 logical adj mantkl
257 profit n kar
258 interview v grmek, rportaj yapmak
259 huge adj byk
260 rapidly adv hzlca
261 properly adv doru drst, gzelce
262 subtle adj g alglanan, kurnaz
263 punishment n cezalandrma, ceza
264 marriage n evlilik
265 calculation n hesaplama
266 repair n onarm, tamirat
267 advocate n savunucu, avukat
268 goods n mal, eya
269 legitimate adj meru, yasal, yerinde
270 yield n rn, gelir
271 hard adj zor, etin , kat
272 nasty adj kt, pis, kaba
273 artificial adj yapay
274 fasten v balamak, tutturmak
275 defend v savunmak
276 uphold v desteklemek, onaylamak
277 preserve v korumak, muhafaza etmek
278 risky adj tehlikeli, riskli
279 similarly ba benzer ekilde
280 through prep -in iinden, -den geerek ; sayesinde
281 operation n ameliyat, iletme
282 shield v korumak, siper olmak
283 promote v ilerletmek, terfi ettirmek
284 challenging adj zor
285 tie v balamak, berabere olmak
286 unsafe adj emniyetsiz, tehlikeli
287 thanks to pp -n sayesinde
288 guard v korumak, nbet tutmak
289 society n toplum, cemiyet
290 treacherous adj tehlikeli, hain
291 lawful adj yasal, kanuni
292 output n rn, kt
293 administration n ynetim, uygulama
294 commodity n ticari mal
295 with the aid of pp -n yardmyla
296 upkeep n bakm, tamir
297 fix v onarmak
298 confirm v dorulamak
299 stay away pv uzak durmak
300 safeguard v korumak
301 sufferer n hasta, dertli kii
302 man-made adj insan yapm, yapay
303 unpleasant adj naho, irkin
304 achieve v baarmak, ulamak
305 probable adj muhtemel, olas
306 avid adj hevesli, istekli
307 intricate adj dolak, kark
308 blissful adj mutlu
309 in particular pp zellikle, bilhassa
310 accomplish v baarmak, tamamlamak
311 forgetful adj unutkan
312 inescapable adj kanlmaz
313 preventable adj nlenebilir

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Vocabulary Attack 2
314 likely adj muhtemel, olas
315 menace n tehdit
316 attain v elde etmek, ulamak
317 potential adj muhtemel, olas
318 hazard n tehlike
319 keen adj istekli, cokulu, ilgili
320 banish v srgn etmek, kovmak
321 threat n tehdit
322 inevitable adj kanlmaz
323 eager adj hevesli, istekli
324 error n hata, kusur
325 especially adv zellikle, bilhassa
326 expel v atmak, kovmak, srmek
327 satisfied adj memnun, tatmin olmu
328 criminal adj sulu, yasad
329 elaborate adj ayrntl, karmak
330 enthusiastic adj hevesli, cokulu
331 deport v snr d etmek
332 risk n tehlike, risk
333 content adj memnun
334 fulfil v yerine getirmek
335 complex n kuruntu
336 exile v srgne yollamak
337 illegitimate adj gayri meru
338 joyful adj neeli, sevinli
339 possible adj olas, mmkn
340 unlawful adj kanunsuz, yasad
341 compose v bestelemek, oluturmak
342 intelligent adj zeki, akll
343 quick adj abuk
344 reveal v aklamak, ortaya karmak
345 assist v yardm etmek, desteklemek
346 whatever ba her ne
347 harness v kullanmak, yararlanmak
348 clever adj akll, zeki
349 mixed adj kark, karma
350 phrase n szck takm
351 coin n bozuk para
352 describe v tanmlamak
353 journal n dergi, gnlk
354 spark n buji
355 interest n ilgi, faiz, kar
356 somehow adv her naslsa, bir ekilde
357 improve v gelimek, ilerlemek
358 plausible adj akla yatkn, inandrc
359 undoubtedly adv hi phesiz
360 genius n dahi, deha
361 complex adj karmak
362 hope v ummak, mit etmek
363 intelligence n akl, zeka
364 rub off on pv gemek, bulamak
365 enlarge v geniletmek
366 view v bakmak, grmek
367 nose n burun
368 front n n, yz, cephe
369 unconditioned adj koulsuz, doal
370 exercise v altrma yapmak
371 majority n ounluk
372 substantial adj nemli
373 inhale v nefes almak
374 pass through pv iinden gemek
375 as well as pp ve de, yan sra
376 advantageous adj avantaj salayan

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Vocabulary Attack 2
377 portion n blm, para, porsiyon
378 nasal adj burunla ilgili
379 contribute v katkda bulunmak, sebep olmak
380 outcome n sonu
381 subject n konu, ders, zne
382 optimal adj en iyi
383 performance n gsteri, oyun, performans
384 workload n i younluu
385 ventilation n havalandrma
386 eyeglasses n gzlk
387 clearly adv aka
388 magnify v bytmek
389 bulb n ampul, bitki soan
390 straight adj dz, doru, drst
391 hit n arpma, vuru, popler
392 action n eylem, hareket
393 reflection n yansma, grnm
394 direction n yn, talimat
395 differently adv farkl bir ekilde
396 smooth v dzletirmek
397 shiny adj parlak
398 surface n yzey
399 mirror n ayna
400 directly adv dorudan
401 odd adj tuhaf, allmam, tek
402 face n yz, surat
403 side n yan, taraf, kenar
404 potato n patates
405 pan n tencere, tava
406 still ba yine de
407 beautiful adj gzel
408 mountain n da
409 scene n sahne, manzara
410 lake n gl
411 refract v (k) krmak
412 bend v emek, bkmek
413 light n k, lamba
414 spoon n kak
415 intelligible adj anlalr
416 intelligently adv akllca
417 mixer n rpc, mikser
418 mixture n karm, eit
419 mix v kartrmak, uyumak
420 description n tanmlama
421 descriptive adj tanmlayc
422 indescribable adj tanmlanamaz, tarifsiz
423 journalist n gazeteci
424 journalism n basn, gazetecilik
425 journalistic adj gazetecilere zg
426 interest v ilgisini ekmek
427 interested adj ilgili, merakl
428 interesting adj ilgin, ilgi ekici
429 interestingly adv ilgin ekilde
430 uninterested adj ilgisiz
431 disinterested adj tarafsz, ilgisiz
432 improved adj gelimi, yksek
433 improvement n gelime, ilerleme
434 doubt v phelenmek
435 doubt n phe
436 doubtful adj pheli
437 doubtfully adv pheyle
438 doubtless adv phesiz, kesin
439 undoubted adj phesiz, phe duyulmayan

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440 hopeful adj umutlu
441 hopeless adj mitsiz, aresiz
442 hopefully adv mit ederek, umutla
443 hopelessly adv umutsuzca
444 hopelessness n umutsuzluk
445 hope n umut, beklenti
446 importance n nem
447 importantly adv nemli biimde
448 important adj nemli, gerekli
449 unimportant adj nemsiz
450 breath n nefes, soluk
451 breather n ksa dinlenme
452 breathing n nefes alp verme
453 breathless adj nefessiz
454 breathlessly adv nefes nefese
455 substance n madde
456 substantially adv nemli derecede
457 advantage n avantaj
458 advantageously adv faydal bir ekilde
459 disadvantage n dezavantaj
460 disadvantageous adj dezavantajl
461 contribute to pv katkda bulunmak, sebep olma
462 contribution n katk
463 contributor n katlmc, desteki
464 contributory adj yardmc, katk salayan
465 perform v yapmak, sergilemek
466 performer n oyuncu, sanat
467 straight adv dmdz, hemen
468 straighten v dzeltmek
469 reflect v yanstmak
470 reflecting n yanstma
471 reflective adj yanstc
472 smooth adj dz, przsz, sakin
473 smoothly adv przszce, tkr tkr
474 smoothness n przszlk
475 shine v parlamak, aydnlatmak
476 shine n parlaklk
477 beauty n gzellik
478 beautifully adv gzelce
479 favourable adj olumlu, uygun, faydal
480 brilliant adj harika, parlak
481 benefit v faydalanmak
482 beneficial adj faydal
483 show v gstermek
484 smart adj akll
485 minor adj nemsiz, basit, kk
486 believable adj inanlabilir
487 help v yardm etmek, yarar olmak
488 insignificant adj nemsiz, deersiz
489 strange adj acayip, yabanc
490 consist of pv den olumak
491 despair n umutsuzluk
492 material n malzeme, madde
493 make up pv oluturmak, uydurmak
494 blend v kartrmak
495 bizarre adj garip, tuhaf
496 aid v yardm etmek
497 miscellaneous adj eitli, trl
498 desperate adj umutsuz, aresiz
499 weird adj tuhaf, garip
500 composed of pv -den olumak
501 matter n sorun, mesele, madde
502 mingle v kartrmak

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503 credible adj gvenilir, inandrc
504 bright adj parlak, zeki
505 constitute v oluturmak
506 conceivable adj akla gelebilir, olas
507 trivial adj nemsiz

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Vocabulary Attack 2
You will learn the following target words in this section
1 method 21 generally 40 surroundings
2 track 22 unable 41 obvious
3 study 23 immune system 42 bear
4 learn 24 recognize 43 specialist
5 experiment 25 foreign 44 decade
6 find out 26 attack 45 lifetime
7 interest 27 seem 46 thanks to
8 observe 28 carefully 47 recent
9 topic 29 screen 48 technology
10 read 30 once 49 understanding
11 observation 31 repeat 50 associate
12 set up 32 usual 51 negative
13 experiment 33 by the time 52 long-term
14 smart 34 finish 53 poverty
15 guess 35 either ... or 54 neglect
16 prediction 36 prove 55 maltreatment
17 common sense 37 wrong 56 well documented
18 hypothesis 38 okay 57 virtually
19 uncontested 39 neuroscientist 58 already
20 well-being

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Vocabulary Attack 2
The scientific method is the way that scientists organize and track their studies. As they learn and
experiment, they use the scientific method. They ask questions and try to find out the answers. You
can use this method, too. Start with a question about something that interests you. See what you
observe about your topic in the real world. Read about your topic as much as you can. Organize your
observations and take notes. After you have made a lot of observations, it is time to set up an
experiment. Make a smart guess, or prediction, about what you think will happen. Use all the
information you have and your common sense. Scientists call this guess a hypothesis. Experiments
should be done more than once. Repeating them will let you know what the usual result will be. It is
important to take good notes so you know the result of each experiment. By the time you finish, you
will either prove that your guess was right, or you will prove that your guess was wrong. Either result
is okay. You are learning how things work!

Bilimsel metot, bilim insanlarnn almalarn rgtleme ve izleme eklidir. renirken ve deney
yaparken, bilimsel metodu kullanrlar. Soru sorarlar ve cevaplar bulmaya alrlar. Siz de bu metodu
kullanabilirsiniz. lginizi eken bir ey hakknda bir soru ile balayn! Gerek dnyada konunuzla ilgili
gzlediiniz eylere bakn. Konunuz hakknda elinizden geldiince ok okuyun. Gzlemleriniz
rgtleyin ve notlar aln. ok fazla gzlem yaptktan sonra deney yapmann vakti gelmitir. Olacak
eylerle ilgili akllca bir tahmin yani ngrde bulunun. Sahip olduunun tm bilgileri ve saduyuyu
kullann. Bilim insanlar bu tahmine hipotez der. Deneyler birden fazla yaplmaldr. Onlar tekrar
etmek, genel sonucun ne olacan gsterir. yi not almak nemlidir bylece her deneyin sonucunu
bilirsiniz. Bitirinceye kadar ya tahmininizin doru olduunu kantlarsnz ya da tahmininizin yanl
olduunu kantlarsnz. Her bir sonu da iyidir. lerin nasl yrdn reniyorsunuz!

Find the words!

allm, olaan adj sa duyu n
akll adj yntem, usul n
takip etmek,
alma, renme n v
renmek, haber tekrar etmek,
v v
almak yinelemek
deney yapmak v gzlemek v
anlamak, bulmak, ispatlamak,
pv v
zmek, kefetmek kantlamak
bir defa, eskiden adv okumak v
tahmin n deney n
ya ... ya ... ba varsaym, hipotez n
ilgisini ekmek v tahmin, varsaym n
bitirmek, sona ermek v gzlem n
kurmak, dzenlemek,
pv iyi, gzel, uygun adj
yanl, hatal adj
-d zaman, -d
zamana kadar

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Vocabulary Attack 2
method experiment repeat prove set up
organize find out observe guess usual
track real

no definition word

to try something in order to discover what it is like or find out more

about it

2 to show a particular result after a period of time

3 a particular way of doing something

to watch carefully the way something happens or the way someone

does something
to prepare something for use, especially by putting the different parts
of it together
to get information about something because you want to know more
about it, or to learn a fact or piece of information for the first time

7 normal; happening, done or used most often

8 to make arrangements for something to happen

9 existing in fact; not imaginary

an attempt to give the right answer when you are not certain if you
are correct

11 to record the progress or development of something over a period

12 to say or tell people something more than once

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Vocabulary Attack 2
Cancer cells from one person are generally unable to live in the body of another healthy person. A
healthy persons immune system recognizes foreign cells and destroys them, including cancer cells
from another person. However, there have been a few cases in which organ transplants from people
with cancer have been able to cause cancer in the person who got the organ. But theres a major
factor that makes this possible people who get organ transplants take medicines that weaken their
immune systems. This must be done so that their immune system wont attack and destroy the
transplanted organ. This seems to be the main reason that cancer in a transplanted organ can, in rare
cases, give cancer to the person who gets the organ. Organ donors are carefully screened to help
keep this from happening.

Bir kiiden gelen kanser hcreleri baka bir salkl kiinin vcudunda genellikle yaayamaz. Salkl
bir kiinin baklk sistemi baka bir kiiden gelen kanser hcreleri dahil yabanc hcreleri tanr ve
onlar yok eder. Ancak, kanserli birinden nakledilen organn, organ alan kiide kansere sebep olduu
birka vaka vardr. Ama bunu mmkn klan nemli bir unsur vardr organ nakli olan kiiler
baklk sistemlerini zayflatacak ilalar alyor. Baklk sistemleri nakliden organa saldrp onu yok
etmesin diye yaplmaldr. Nakledilen bir organdaki kanserin organ alan kiiye, nadir vakalarda,
kanser verebilmesinin temel sebebi gibi grnyor. Organ balar bunun meydana gelmesini
nlemek iin dikkatle incelenir.

Find the words!

gstermek, aratrmak v dikkatlice adv
elinden gelmez,
adj baklk sistemi n
gibi grnmek v yabanc adj
tanmak, kabul etmek v genellikle adv
saldrmak v

48 www.remzihoca.com
Vocabulary Attack 2
healthy major attack screen carefully
recognize possible foreign rare keep from
destroy weaken

no definition word

1 with great attention

to know someone or something because you have seen, heard or

experienced them before

3 to prevent someone or something from doing something

4 strong and well / good for your health

5 able to be done or achieved, or able to exist

6 to try to hurt or defeat using violence / to damage

7 not common; very unusual

to damage something so badly that it does not exist or cannot be


9 to (cause to) become less strong, powerful or determined

10 belonging or connected to a country which is not your own

11 more important, bigger or more serious than others of the same type

to test or examine someone or something to discover if there is

anything wrong with them

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Vocabulary Attack 2
The fact that children are affected by their surroundings is too obvious to bear repeating. Child
development specialists have produced decades of research showing that the environment of a
childs earliest years can have effects that last a lifetime. Thanks to recent advances in technology,
we have a clearer understanding of how these effects are related to early brain development.
Neuroscientists can now identify patterns in brain activity that appear to be associated with some
types of negative early experiences. But the long-term effects of early stress, poverty, neglect and
maltreatment were well documented and virtually uncontested years before we could see them with
brain scanning tools. So why should we need an understanding of brain development to show us how
important childrens earliest experiences are for their well-being? Isnt neuroscience just telling us
what we already know?

ocuklarn evrelerinden etkilendii gerei tekrar etmeye demeyecek kadar nettir. ocuk geliimi
uzmanlar, bir ocuun ilk yllarndaki evrenin mr boyu sren etkileri olabileceini gsteren onlarca
yllk almalar retti. Teknolojideki yeni gelimeler sayesinde bu etkilerin ilk beyin geliimi ile nasl
ilikili olduunu net bir ekilde anlyoruz. Nroloji uzmanlar u anda, baz trde olumsuz ilk
tecrbelerle ilikili gibi grnen beyin aktivitesinde kalplar saptayabiliyor. Ama erken stres, yoksulluk,
ihmal ve kt muamelenin uzun vadeli etkileri, belgelerle ok iyi gsteriliyor ve beyin tarama aletleri
ile onlar grebilmemiz neredeyse an meselesi. yleyse ocuklarn ilk tecrbelerinin onlarn iyilii iin
ne kadar nemli olduunu gstermesi iin neden beyin geliiminin anlalmasna ihtiyacmz var?
Nroloji uzmanlar bize zaten bildiimiz bir eyi sylemiyorlar m?

Find the words!

tek adayl, anlamal adj uzun vadeli adj
on yl n anlay, kavrama n
yoksulluk n olumsuz, eksi adj
evre, civar n yeni, son adj
teknoloji n sinir bilimi n
ilikilendirmek v uzman n
ihmal n salk, esenlik n
detayl olarak oktan, zaten,
adj adv
hazrlanm halihazrda
ak, belli adj yaam sresi n
dayanmak, tamak v -n sayesinde pp
hemen hemen,
adv kt davranma n

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Vocabulary Attack 2
affect last associated poverty long-term
obvious advance experience maltreatment well-being
research identify

no definition word

1 clear; easy to see, recognize or understand

(the process of getting) knowledge or skill from doing, seeing or

feeling things
to recognize someone or something and say or prove who or what
they are

4 to continue to exist

5 the state of feeling healthy and happy

6 the condition of being extremely poor

to have an influence on someone or something, or to cause them to


8 very cruel and violent treatment of a person or an animal

9 connected

a detailed study of a subject, especially in order to discover (new)

information or reach a (new) understanding

11 continuing a long time into the future

the forward movement of something, or an improvement or

development in something

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Vocabulary Attack 2


-ology -ical -ly -al -er
-ship -ing -able -ion -ed
-ive -en -ful -ize -ization
un- dis- counter-
no main word derived word F TR
1 methodology n
2 method methodical adj
3 yol, yntem methodological adj
4 methodologically adv
5 experiment experimental adj
6 deney experimentally adv
7 reader n
8 readership n
9 reading n
10 readable adj
11 unreadable adj
12 repetition n
13 repeated adj
14 repetitive adj
tekrar etmek
15 repeatedly adv
16 repetitively adv
17 finish finished adj
18 bitirmek unfinished adj
19 proof n
20 prove proven adj
21 kantlamak unproven adj
22 disprove v
23 wrongful adj
24 wrongly adv
yanl, hatal
25 wrongfully adv
26 generalize v
27 generally adv
28 generalization n
29 recognition n
30 recognize recognizable adj
31 tanmak recognizably adv
32 unrecognizable adj
33 attack attacker n
34 saldrmak counter-attack n
35 bear bearable adj
36 katlanmak unbearable adj
37 technology technological adj
38 teknoloji technologically adv

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Vocabulary Attack 2
place sudden influence use slow
leading vivid prevention loyal warmly
peculiar response need hide explanatory
awareness memory compete entry market
lasting color excellent cultural scheme
nationally efficiently crowded writer mixture
employee eruption thank ticket verbal
secret comparatively statement competitive urgent
no EN TR
1 nlem plan
2 kltrel farkllk
3 sr gizlemek
4 szl yant
5 nde gelen yazc
6 giri bileti
7 acil ihtiya
8 tuhaf karm
9 nispeten yava
10 aklayc ifade
11 verimli bir ekilde kullanmak
12 sadk ii
13 ulusal olarak yarmak
14 kalabalk yer
15 mkemmel hafza
16 canl renk
17 ani patlama
18 devam eden etki
19 itenlikle teekkr etmek
20 rekabeti piyasa

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Vocabulary Attack 2
no word F synonymous with
1 method n
2 track v
3 learn v
4 experiment v
5 topic n
6 read v
7 set up pv
8 guess v
9 hypothesis n
10 attack v
11 seem v
12 repeat v
13 finish v
14 wrong adj
15 bear v
16 experimental adj
17 proof n
18 unbearable adj
19 slow adj
20 hide v

chase v takip etmek discover v kefetmek
false adj yanl intolerable adj tahamml edilemez
unreasonable adj mantksz try out v denemek, snamak
skim v taramak technique n teknik
endure v dayanmak raid v istila etmek
strike v saldrmak disguise v klk deitirmek
defective adj kusurlu scan v taramak
means n ara close v kapatmak
mask v maskelemek follow v takip etmek
test v test etmek theory n teori
evidence kant forecast v tahmin etmek
way n yol, ekil, yntem hear v duymak
calculate v hesaplamak unacceptable adj kabul edilemez
look through pv gz atmak put up with pv tahamml etmek
gradual adj yava establish v kurmak
find out pv renmek look v grnmek
tolerate v ho grmek subject n konu
charge v saldrmak mistaken adj hatal
incorrect adj yanl form v oluturmak
terminate v sonlandrmak untrue adj yanl
thesis n tez assault v saldrmak
found v kurmak empirical adj deneysel
predict v tahmin etmek proposition n teklif, neri
conceal v gizlemek estimate v tahmin etmek
echo v tekrar etmek appear v gibi grnmek
faulty adj hatal camouflage v kamufle olmak
complete v tamamlamak finalize v sonlandrmak
sound v kulaa gelmek end v bitirmek
restate v tekrar etmek

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Vocabulary Attack 2
1 a study ------ the causes ------ cancer kanserin sebeplerini aratrma
2 to be proven ------ experiment deney ile kantlanmak
3 ------ the experiment deney srasnda
an interesting hypothesis ------ the
4 dil geliimi hakknda ilgin bir tez
development ------ language
5 ------ attack saldr altnda
6 an attack ------ an armed gang silahl bir ete tarafndan bir saldr
7 an attack ------ a bus driver otobs ofrne bir saldr saldr
8 Steve was, ------ usual, late for school. Steve, her zamanki gibi okula gel kald.
9 a specialist ------ childrens literature ocuk edebiyatnda uzman
10 ------ decades on yllardr
11 ------ the last three decades son otuz yldr
12 ------ his lifetime mr boyunca
13 technology ------ the extraction of gold altn karmak iin teknoloji
14 ------ your understanding senin anlayamayacan kadar
15 to be associated ------ sth bir ey ile ilikili
16 to live ------ poverty yoksulluk iinde yaamak
the extent ------ poverty ------ the
17 isizler arasnda yoksulluk derecesi
18 a reader ------ science fiction bilim kurgu okuru
19 accusations ------ proof kantsz sulamalar
20 there is no concrete proof------ his guilt suunun hibir somut kant yok.
21 Whats wrong ------ you? Neyin var senin?
22 ------ general genellikle
generalization ------ the causes ------
23 krizin sebepleriyle ilgili genelleme
the crisis
24 to change ------ recognition tannmayacak kadar deimek
25 ------ place ------ sth bir eyin yerine
26 influence ------ sb ------ sth birinin bir ey zerinde etkisi
27 ------ the influence ------ sth bir eyin etkisi altnda
this phone number is only ------ use --- bu telefon numaras sadece acil durumlarda kullanm
--- an emergency. iindir.
29 the use ------ technology teknoloji kullanm
30 It is ------ no practical use. Onun hi pratik kullanm yok.
31 to be used ------ sth bir ey olarak kullanlmak
32 to be used ------ sth bir ey iin kullanlmak
33 to be used ------ (doing) sth bir eye alk olmak
34 used ------ do sth (nceden) bir ey yapard. (artk yapmyor)
35 need ------ change deiiklik ihtiyac
36 to raise awareness ------ young people genler arasnda farkndalk uyandrmak
37 awareness ------ sth bir ey farkndal
38 to compete ------ larger companies daha byk irketlerle rekabet etmek
39 ------ the market piyasada
40 excellent ------ sth bir konuda muhteem
41 excellent ------ sth bir ey iin mkemmel
42 crowded ------ shoppers alveri yapanlarla dolu (kalabalk)
43 thank sb ------ sth birine bir ey iin teekkr etmek
44 to be married ------ secret gizlice evlenmek
45 ------ means ------ phones telefonlar araclyla
46 ------ means ------ communication iletiim arac olarak
47 ------ the way yolda

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Vocabulary Attack 2
48 ------ this way bu ekilde
49 We dont charge ------ delivery. Teslimat cretlendirmiyoruz.
50 to be charged ------ sth bir ey ile sulanmak
51 to be ------ charge grevde olmak, sorumlu olmak
52 free ------ charge cretsiz
53 ------ charge ------ finance finanstan sorumlu olmak
54 raids ------ Vikings Vikingler tarafndan baskn
55 close ------ sth bir eye yakn
56 to be followed ------ sth bir ey tarafndan takip edilmek
57 ------ theory teoride
Have you heard ------ something like
58 Daha nce byle bir ey duydun mu?
that before?
59 looking forward to hearing ------ you senden haber almay drt gzle bekliyorum
60 ------ the end ------ September Eylln sonunda
61 come ------ an end sona ermek
62 ------ the end sonunda (finally)
63 ------ beginning ------ end bandan sonuna kadar
64 the end ------ an era bir dnemin sonu

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Vocabulary Attack 2
REVISION 11 | 12 | 13
no EN F TR
1 sustainable adj srdrlebilir
2 agriculture n tarm
3 production n retim
4 product n rn, mahsl
5 farming n tarm, iftilik
6 protect v korumak
7 environment n evre
8 public n halk, kamu
9 community n topluluk, halk
10 welfare n refah, zenginlik
11 enable v olanak tanmak
12 produce v retmek, yapmak, neden olmak
13 healthful adj salkl
14 compromise v anlamaya varmak
15 future n gelecek, istikbal
16 farm n iftlik
17 crop n rn, ekin
18 raise v ykseltmek, oalmak
19 rely on pv gvenmek, bel balamak
20 toxic adj zehirli
21 pesticide n bcek ilac
22 synthetic adj sentetik, yapay
23 fertilizer n gbre
24 genetically adv genetik olarak
25 practice n alma, uygulama, idman
26 degrade v aalamak, alaltmak
27 natural adj doal, tabii
28 resource n kaynak
29 rotation n dnm, devir
30 conservation n koruma
31 tillage n ilenmi toprak
32 livestock n iftlik hayvanlar
33 husbandry n iftilik
34 biodiversity n biyo-eitlilik
35 foster v bytmek, gelitirmek
36 development n geliim, ilerleme
37 maintenance n bakm, koruma
38 ecosystem n ekosistem
39 at the expense of pp hesabna, pahasna
40 avoid v saknmak, kanmak
41 fruit n meyve
42 vegetable n sebze
43 consumer n tketici
44 likewise ba ayn biimde, benzer ekilde
45 rancher n iftlik sahibi, iftlik alan
46 dangerous adj tehlikeli
47 promoter n dzenleyici, organizatr
48 careful adj dikkatli
49 responsible adj sorumlu
50 management n idare, ynetim
51 waste v israf etmek
52 farmer n ifti
53 exposure n maruz kalma
54 pathogen n patojen
55 pollutant n kirletici madde
56 bad adj kt, berbat
57 document v belgelendirmek
58 transplant n organ nakli
59 skin n deri, cilt
60 credit to pv mal etmek, beklemek
61 switch v dnmek, deitirmek

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62 surgery n ameliyat, operasyon
63 patient n hasta
64 research v aratrmak
65 successful adj baarl, bilinen
66 transplantation n aktarm, aktarma
67 take place pv meydana gelmek, olmak
68 once ba -den sonra
69 widespread adj yaygn
70 application n uygulama, bavuru
71 until ba -e kadar
72 develop v gelimek, bymek
73 recipient n alc
74 reject v reddetmek
75 approve v onaylamak
76 drug n ila, uyuturucu
77 overall adj kapsaml, tam, geni
78 adopt v benimsemek, evlat edinmek
79 black-market n kara borsa
80 arrangement n dzenleme
81 with the help of pp -n yardmyla
82 lawyer n avukat
83 familiar adj tandk, aina
84 process n ilem, sre
85 legal adj yasal
86 requirement n gereksinim, koul
87 abortion n krtaj
88 stigma n iz, damga
89 formerly adv eskiden
90 attach v ilitirmek
91 unwed adj bekar
92 motherhood n annelik
93 lift v kaldrmak, armak
94 infant n bebek, ocuk
95 adoption n kabullenme, benimseme
96 increasingly adv artarak, artan bir ekilde
97 difficult adj zor, g
98 outside n d, d yzeyi
99 particularly adv zellikle, bilhassa
100 demand v talep etmek, gerektirmek
101 be accompanied by pv ile beraber grlmek
102 adoptive adj vey, evlat edinen
103 advertise v reklam yapmak
104 put into contact with ph temasa gemek
105 birth n doum
106 growing adj byyen, artan
107 placement n yerletirme
108 prospective adj beklenen, olas
109 agency n acenta, kurum
110 hazardous adj tehlikeli
111 producer n retici, yapmc
112 productive adj retken, yaratc, verimli
113 productivity n retkenlik
114 reproduce v oalmak, remek
115 reproduction n oalma, kopya
116 reproductive adj remeyle ilgili
117 unproductive adj verimsiz, retken olmayan
118 protection n koruma
119 protector n koruyucu ey
120 unprotected adj korunmasz
121 protective adj koruyucu
122 protectively adv koruyucu biimde
123 environmental adj evresel
124 environmentally adv evresel olarak

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125 environmentalist n evreci
126 publication n yayn
127 publicity n reklam
128 practitioner n avukat, doktor
129 practised adj deneyimli, yetenekli
130 practise v altrma yapmak, uygulamak
131 nature n doa, miza, huy
132 naturalist n doa bilimci
133 naturalistic adj doal
134 naturally adv doal olarak
135 unnatural adj tuhaf, garip
136 unnaturally adv doal olmayan biimde
137 supernatural adj doa st
138 developer n inaat yatrmcs
139 developmental adj geliimsel
140 developing adj gelien
141 developed adj gelimi
142 undeveloped adj gelimemi
143 redevelop v yeniden gelitirmek
144 redevelopment n yeniden gelitirme
145 avoidance n kanma, saknma
146 avoidable adj kanlabilir
147 unavoidable adj kanlmaz
148 dangerously adv tehlikeli bir ekilde
149 danger n tehlike, risk
150 dangerousness n tehlikelilik
151 endanger v tehlikeye atmak
152 endangered adj nesli tkenmekte olan
153 carefully adv dikkatlice
154 care n ilgi, dikkat, bakm
155 careless adj dikkatsiz
156 carelessly adv dikkatsizce
157 responsibly adv sorumlu olarak
158 responsibility n sorumluluk
159 irresponsible adj sorumsuz
160 irresponsibly adv sorumsuzca
161 irresponsibility n sorumsuzluk
162 manage v ynetmek, baarmak
163 manageable adj idare edilebilir
164 manager n ynetici, idareci
165 wasteful adj savurgan
166 wastage n israf, savurganlk
167 wastefully adv savurganca
168 plant v dikmek
169 plantation n iftlik, plantasyon
170 transplant v organ nakli yapmak
171 patient adj sabrl
172 patiently adv sabrl bir ekilde
173 patience n sabr, tahamml
174 impatient adj sabrsz
175 impatiently adv sabrszca
176 impatience n sabrszlk
177 search v aratrmak, aramak
178 searching adj aratrc
179 research n aratrma
180 researcher n aratrmac
181 success n baar
182 succeed v baarl olmak
183 succession n ardk olma, yerine geme
184 successor n halef, varis
185 successfully adv baarl bir ekilde
186 successive adj art arda gelen
187 successively adv ardk bir ekilde

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188 unsuccessfully adv baarsz bir biimde
189 unsuccessful adj baarsz
190 apply v uygulamak, bavurmak, kullanmak
191 applicant n aday
192 applicable adj uygulanabilir, ilgili
193 applied adj uygulamal
194 approval n onay
195 approving adj onaylayc
196 approvingly adv onaylayarak
197 disapprove v onaylamamak
198 disapproval n onaylamama
199 place v koymak, yerletirmek
200 displace v yerinden etmek
201 displacement n karma
202 replace v yerini almak, deitirmek
203 replacement n yerine geme
204 advertisement n reklam
205 advertiser n reklamc, ilanc
206 advertising n reklamclk
207 process v ilemek
208 processing n ilem
209 procession n kafile, alay
210 processed adj ilenmi
211 processor n bilgi ilemci
212 legality n yasallk
213 legally adv yasal olarak
214 legalization n yasallatrma
215 legalize v yasallatrmak
216 illegal adj yasa d
217 illegally adv yasad olarak
218 attached adj iliik, ekli
219 attachment n ballk, ilave
220 detach v karmak, ayrmak
221 detachable adj ayrlabilir
222 detached n mstakil ev
223 mother n anne
224 motherly adj anne gibi
225 increase n art
226 demand n talep
227 demanding adj aba gerektiren, etin
228 undemanding adj basit
229 arrange v dzenlemek
230 rearrange v yeniden dzenlemek
231 detail n ayrnt, detay
232 look v bakmak, grnmek
233 short adj ksa, az
234 complicated adj karmak
235 nation n ulus, millet
236 breathe v nefes alp vermek
237 happy adj mutlu, memnun
238 difference n ayrm, farkllk
239 chemical n kimyasal madde
240 group n grup, topluluk
241 cruel adj zalim, acmasz
242 enjoyable adj elenceli, zevkli
243 lengthy adj uzun, ayrntl
244 calmly adv sakin bir ekilde
245 objection n itiraz, kar kma
246 connection n balant, iliki
247 embarrassing adj utandran
248 earn v para kazanmak
249 mistake n hata, kusur
250 holiday n tatil, izin

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251 valid adj geerli
252 membership n yelik
253 summary n zet
254 meaningful adj anlaml
255 establish v kurmak, belirlemek
256 logical adj mantkl
257 profit n kar
258 interview v grmek, rportaj yapmak
259 huge adj byk
260 rapidly adv hzlca
261 properly adv doru drst, gzelce
262 subtle adj g alglanan, kurnaz
263 punishment n cezalandrma, ceza
264 marriage n evlilik
265 calculation n hesaplama
266 repair n onarm, tamirat
267 advocate n savunucu, avukat
268 goods n mal, eya
269 legitimate adj meru, yasal, yerinde
270 yield n rn, gelir
271 hard adj zor, etin , kat
272 nasty adj kt, pis, kaba
273 artificial adj yapay
274 fasten v balamak, tutturmak
275 defend v savunmak
276 uphold v desteklemek, onaylamak
277 preserve v korumak, muhafaza etmek
278 risky adj tehlikeli, riskli
279 similarly ba benzer ekilde
280 through prep -in iinden, -den geerek ; sayesinde
281 operation n ameliyat, iletme
282 shield v korumak, siper olmak
283 promote v ilerletmek, terfi ettirmek
284 challenging adj zor
285 tie v balamak, berabere olmak
286 unsafe adj emniyetsiz, tehlikeli
287 thanks to pp -n sayesinde
288 guard v korumak, nbet tutmak
289 society n toplum, cemiyet
290 treacherous adj tehlikeli, hain
291 lawful adj yasal, kanuni
292 output n rn, kt
293 administration n ynetim, uygulama
294 commodity n ticari mal
295 with the aid of pp -n yardmyla
296 upkeep n bakm, tamir
297 fix v onarmak
298 confirm v dorulamak
299 stay away pv uzak durmak
300 safeguard v korumak
301 sufferer n hasta, dertli kii
302 man-made adj insan yapm, yapay
303 unpleasant adj naho, irkin
304 achieve v baarmak, ulamak
305 probable adj muhtemel, olas
306 avid adj hevesli, istekli
307 intricate adj dolak, kark
308 blissful adj mutlu
309 in particular pp zellikle, bilhassa
310 accomplish v baarmak, tamamlamak
311 forgetful adj unutkan
312 inescapable adj kanlmaz
313 preventable adj nlenebilir

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314 likely adj muhtemel, olas
315 menace n tehdit
316 attain v elde etmek, ulamak
317 potential adj muhtemel, olas
318 hazard n tehlike
319 keen adj istekli, cokulu, ilgili
320 banish v srgn etmek, kovmak
321 threat n tehdit
322 inevitable adj kanlmaz
323 eager adj hevesli, istekli
324 error n hata, kusur
325 especially adv zellikle, bilhassa
326 expel v atmak, kovmak, srmek
327 satisfied adj memnun, tatmin olmu
328 criminal adj sulu, yasad
329 elaborate adj ayrntl, karmak
330 enthusiastic adj hevesli, cokulu
331 deport v snr d etmek
332 risk n tehlike, risk
333 content adj memnun
334 fulfil v yerine getirmek
335 complex n kuruntu
336 exile v srgne yollamak
337 illegitimate adj gayri meru
338 joyful adj neeli, sevinli
339 possible adj olas, mmkn
340 unlawful adj kanunsuz, yasad
341 compose v bestelemek, oluturmak
342 intelligent adj zeki, akll
343 quick adj abuk
344 reveal v aklamak, ortaya karmak
345 assist v yardm etmek, desteklemek
346 whatever ba her ne
347 harness v kullanmak, yararlanmak
348 clever adj akll, zeki
349 mixed adj kark, karma
350 phrase n szck takm
351 coin n bozuk para
352 describe v tanmlamak
353 journal n dergi, gnlk
354 spark n buji
355 interest n ilgi, faiz, kar
356 somehow adv her naslsa, bir ekilde
357 improve v gelimek, ilerlemek
358 plausible adj akla yatkn, inandrc
359 undoubtedly adv hi phesiz
360 genius n dahi, deha
361 complex adj karmak
362 hope v ummak, mit etmek
363 intelligence n akl, zeka
364 rub off on pv gemek, bulamak
365 enlarge v geniletmek
366 view v bakmak, grmek
367 nose n burun
368 front n n, yz, cephe
369 unconditioned adj koulsuz, doal
370 exercise v altrma yapmak
371 majority n ounluk
372 substantial adj nemli
373 inhale v nefes almak
374 pass through pv iinden gemek
375 as well as pp ve de, yansra
376 advantageous adj avantaj salayan

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377 portion n blm, para, porsiyon
378 nasal adj burunla ilgili
379 contribute v katkda bulunmak, sebep olmak
380 outcome n sonu
381 subject n konu, ders, zne
382 optimal adj en iyi
383 performance n gsteri, oyun, performans
384 workload n i younluu
385 ventilation n havalandrma
386 eyeglasses n gzlk
387 clearly adv aka
388 magnify v bytmek
389 bulb n ampul, bitki soan
390 straight adj dz, doru, drst
391 hit n arpma, vuru, popler
392 action n eylem, hareket
393 reflection n yansma, grnm
394 direction n yn, talimat
395 differently adv farkl bir ekilde
396 smooth v dzletirmek
397 shiny adj parlak
398 surface n yzey
399 mirror n ayna
400 directly adv dorudan
401 odd adj tuhaf, allmam, tek
402 face n yz, surat
403 side n yan, taraf, kenar
404 potato n patates
405 pan n tencere, tava
406 still ba yine de
407 beautiful adj gzel
408 mountain n da
409 scene n sahne, manzara
410 lake n gl
411 refract v (k) krmak
412 bend v emek, bkmek
413 light n k, lamba
414 spoon n kak
415 intelligible adj anlalr
416 intelligently adv akllca
417 mixer n rpc, mikser
418 mixture n karm, eit
419 mix v kartrmak, uyumak
420 description n tanmlama
421 descriptive adj tanmlayc
422 indescribable adj tanmlanamaz, tarifsiz
423 journalist n gazeteci
424 journalism n basn, gazetecilik
425 journalistic adj gazetecilere zg
426 interest v ilgisini ekmek
427 interested adj ilgili, merakl
428 interesting adj ilgin, ilgi ekici
429 interestingly adv ilgin ekilde
430 uninterested adj ilgisiz
431 disinterested adj tarafsz, ilgisiz
432 improved adj gelimi, yksek
433 improvement n gelime, ilerleme
434 doubt v phelenmek
435 doubt n phe
436 doubtful adj pheli
437 doubtfully adv pheyle
438 doubtless adv phesiz, kesin
439 undoubted adj phesiz, phe duyulmayan

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Vocabulary Attack 2
440 hopeful adj umutlu
441 hopeless adj mitsiz, aresiz
442 hopefully adv mit ederek, umutla
443 hopelessly adv umutsuzca
444 hopelessness n umutsuzluk
445 hope n umut, beklenti
446 importance n nem
447 importantly adv nemli biimde
448 important adj nemli, gerekli
449 unimportant adj nemsiz
450 breath n nefes, soluk
451 breather n ksa dinlenme
452 breathing n nefes alp verme
453 breathless adj nefessiz
454 breathlessly adv nefes nefese
455 substance n madde
456 substantially adv nemli derecede
457 advantage n avantaj
458 advantageously adv faydal bir ekilde
459 disadvantage n dezavantaj
460 disadvantageous adj dezavantajl
461 contribute to pv katkda bulunmak, sebep olma
462 contribution n katk
463 contributor n katlmc, desteki
464 contributory adj yardmc, katk salayan
465 perform v yapmak, sergilemek
466 performer n oyuncu, sanat
467 straight adv dmdz, hemen
468 straighten v dzeltmek
469 reflect v yanstmak
470 reflecting n yanstma
471 reflective adj yanstc
472 smooth adj dz, przsz, sakin
473 smoothly adv przszce, tkr tkr
474 smoothness n przszlk
475 shine v parlamak, aydnlatmak
476 shine n parlaklk
477 beauty n gzellik
478 beautifully adv gzelce
479 favourable adj olumlu, uygun, faydal
480 brilliant adj harika, parlak
481 benefit v faydalanmak
482 beneficial adj faydal
483 show v gstermek
484 smart adj akll
485 minor adj nemsiz, basit, kk
486 believable adj inanlabilir
487 help v yardm etmek, yarar olmak
488 insignificant adj nemsiz, deersiz
489 strange adj acayip, yabanc
490 consist of pv den olumak
491 despair n umutsuzluk
492 material n malzeme, madde
493 make up pv oluturmak, uydurmak
494 blend v kartrmak
495 bizarre adj garip, tuhaf
496 aid v yardm etmek
497 miscellaneous adj eitli, trl
498 desperate adj umutsuz, aresiz
499 weird adj tuhaf, garip
500 composed of pv -den olumak
501 matter n sorun, mesele, madde
502 mingle v kartrmak

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Vocabulary Attack 2
503 credible adj gvenilir, inandrc
504 bright adj parlak, zeki
505 constitute v oluturmak
506 conceivable adj akla gelebilir, olas
507 trivial adj nemsiz
508 method n yntem, usl
509 track v takip etmek, izlemek
510 study v almak, okumak, aratrmak
511 learn v renmek, haber almak
512 experiment v deney yapmak
513 find out pv anlamak, bulmak, zmek, kefetmek
514 observe v gzlemek
515 topic n konu
516 read v okumak
517 observation n gzlem
518 set up pv kurmak, dzenlemek, hazrlamak
519 experiment n deney
520 guess v tahmin etmek
521 guess n tahmin, varsaym
522 prediction n tahmin
523 common sense n sa duyu
524 hypothesis n varsaym, hipotez
525 uncontested adj tek adayl, anlamal
526 well-being n salk, esenlik
527 generally adv genellikle
528 unable adj elinden gelmez, yapamaz
529 immune system n baklk sistemi
530 recognize v tanmak, kabul etmek
531 foreign adj yabanc
532 attack v saldrmak
533 seem v gibi grnmek
534 screen v gstermek, aratrmak
535 once adv bir defa, eskiden
536 repeat v tekrar etmek, yinelemek
537 usual adj allm, olaan
538 by the time ba -d zaman, -d zamana kadar
539 finish v bitirmek, sona ermek
540 either ... or ba ya ... ya ...
541 prove v ispatlamak, kantlamak
542 wrong n hata, kusur
543 okay adj iyi, gzel, uygun
544 neuroscientist n sinir bilimci
545 surroundings n evre, civar
546 obvious adj ak, belli
547 bear v dayanmak, tamak
548 specialist n uzman
549 decade n on yl
550 lifetime n yaam sresi
551 recent adj yeni, son
552 technology n teknoloji
553 understanding n anlay, kavrama
554 associate v ilikilendirmek
555 negative adj olumsuz, eksi
556 long-term adj uzun vadeli
557 poverty n yoksulluk
558 neglect n ihmal
559 maltreatment n kt davranma
560 well documented adj detayl olarak hazrlanm
561 virtually adv hemen hemen, yaklak
562 already adv oktan, zaten, halihazrda
563 methodology n yntembilim
564 methodical adj dzenli, sistemli
565 methodological adj metodolojik

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566 methodically adv dzenli olarak
567 experimental adj deneysel
568 experimentally adv deneysel olarak
569 reader n okuyucu
570 reading n okuma
571 readable adj okunabilir
572 repetition n tekrar, yineleme
573 repeated adj tekrarlanan
574 repetitive adj tekrarl
575 repeatedly adv ard ardna, tekrar tekrar
576 finished adj bitmi
577 unfinished adj bitmemi, eksik
578 proof n kant
579 proven adj ispatlanm
580 unproven adj ispatlanmam
581 disprove v aksini ispat etmek
582 wrong adj yanl, hatal
583 wrongful adj hatal, haksz
584 wrongly adv hatal olarak
585 generalize v genelleme yapmak
586 general adj genel, yaygn
587 generalization n genelleme
588 recognition n tannma, dorulama
589 recognizable adj tannabilir
590 recognizably adv fark edilir ekilde
591 unrecognizable adj tannmaz
592 attacker n saldrgan
593 bearable adj katlanlabilir
594 unbearable adj dayanlmaz, ekilmez
595 technological adj teknolojik
596 technologically adv teknolojik olarak
597 place n yer, konum
598 sudden adj ani
599 influence v etkilemek
600 use v kullanmak
601 slow adj yava
602 leading adj nde gelen, nemli
603 vivid adj canl, etkili
604 prevention n nlem, koruma
605 need v ihtiya duymak
606 hide v saklamak, gizlenmek
607 explanatory adj aklayc
608 awareness n farkndalk
609 memory n hafza, an, hatra
610 compete v rekabet etmek, yarmak
611 entry n giri, katlm
612 market n ar, pazar, market
613 lasting adj uzun sren, kalc
614 colour n renk
615 excellent adj mkemmel
616 cultural adj kltrel
617 scheme n tasar, proje
618 writer n yazar
619 crowded adj kalabalk
620 efficiently adv verimli bir ekilde
621 nationally adv ulusal
622 employee n ii
623 eruption n patlama
624 thank v teekkr etmek
625 ticket n bilet, trafik cezas
626 verbal adj szl
627 secret n sr
628 comparatively adv nispeten, ksmen

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Vocabulary Attack 2
629 statement n ifade, sz
630 competitive adj rekabetci
631 urgent adj acil
632 chase v takip etmek, kovalamak
633 FALSE adj yanl, sahte
634 unreasonable adj mantksz
635 skim v syrp almak
636 endure v dayanmak, katlanmak
637 strike v vurmak, grev yapmak
638 defective adj kusurlu, defolu
639 means n ara, yntem, olanak
640 mask v gizlemek, rtmek
641 test v denemek, snav yapmak
642 evidence n kant
643 way n yol, yntem
644 calculate v hesaplamak
645 look through pv incelemek, gz atmak
646 gradual adj aamal, yava
647 tolerate v katlanmak, ho grmek
648 charge v sulamak, cretlendirmek, arj etmek
649 incorrect adj yanl, hatal
650 terminate v son vermek, bitirmek
651 thesis n tez, aratrma
652 found v kurmak
653 predict v tahmin etmek
654 conceal v gizlemek, saklamak
655 echo v yanklanmak
656 faulty adj kusurlu, sorunlu
657 complete v tamamlamak
658 sound v gibi gelmek
659 restate v yeniden sylemek
660 discover v kefetmek, bulmak
661 intolerable adj dayanlmaz, kabul edilmez
662 try out pv denemek
663 technique n teknik, usl
664 raid v baskn yapmak, yamalamak
665 disguise v klk deitirmek
666 scan v incelemek
667 close v kapatmak, son vermek
668 follow v izlemek, takip etmek
669 theory n kuram, teori
670 forecast v tahmin etmek
671 hear v duymak, renmek
672 unacceptable adj kabul edilemez
673 put up with pv dayanmak, katlanmak
674 mistaken adj hatal, yanl
675 form v oluturmak
676 untrue adj sahte, yalan
677 assault v saldrmak
678 empirical adj deneysel, ampirik
679 proposition n teklif, neri
680 estimate v tahmin etmek, deer bimek
681 appear v grnmek, ortaya kmak
682 camouflage v saklamak, kamufle etmek
683 finalize v bitirmek, sona erdirmek
684 end v sona ermek, bitirmek

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You will learn the following target words in this section
1 write 29 readily 56 line
2 eventual 30 respond 57 curve
3 publication 31 changing 58 swing
4 goal 32 environmental 59 move up
5 novel 33 biological 60 move down
6 lofty 34 cultural 61 blade
7 reputation 35 acclimatize 62 compare
8 subsequently 36 a wide range of 63 behind
9 acquire 37 humidity 64 distance
10 primarily 38 altitude 65 measurement
11 great 39 receive 66 customary
12 humanitarian 40 sufficient 67 hope
13 work 41 constantly 68 progressive
14 encourage 42 physiological 69 democratic
15 compassion 43 internal 70 drive
16 adversity 44 infection 71 commitment
17 injustice 45 pollution 72 reform
18 historical 46 dietary 73 progress
19 scope 47 imbalance 74 literary
20 analysis 48 overcrowding 75 revolution
21 provide 49 rapidly 76 desert
22 detailed 50 adapt 77 wasteland
23 politics 51 varying 78 densely-populated
24 society 52 region 79 considerable
25 couple 53 successfully 80 relatively
26 redemption 54 humid 81 adaptability
27 meticulous 55 forest 82 harsh
28 documentation

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Vocabulary Attack 2
Hugo began writing Les Misrables twenty years before its eventual publication in 1862. His goals in
writing the novel were as lofty as the reputation it has subsequently acquired; Les Misrables is
primarily a great humanitarian work that encourages compassion and hope in the face of adversity
and injustice. It is also, however, a historical novel of great scope and analysis, and it provides a
detailed vision of nineteenth-century French politics and society. By coupling his story of redemption
with a meticulous documentation of the injustices in Frances recent past, Hugo hoped Les
Misrables would encourage a more progressive and democratic future. Driven by his commitment to
reform and progress, Hugo wrote Les Misrables with nothing less than a literary and political
revolution in mind.

Hugo, Les Misrables 1862de sonun yaynlanmasndan yirmi yl nce yazmaya balad. Roman
yazmasndaki amalar daha sonrasnda edindii hret kadar yksekti. Les Misrables temel
olarak, zorluk ve adaletsizlik karsnda efkate ve umuda tevik eden byk bir insancl eserdir. Ama
ayn zamanda byk bir kapsam ve analizi olan tarihi bir romandr, ve on dokuzuncu yzyl Fransz
politikas ve toplumunun detayl bir grntsn sunar. Kefaret yksn, Fransann yakn
gemiindeki adaletsizleri titiz bir ekilde belgelendirilmesi ile birletirerek Hugo, Les Misrablesin
daha yeniliki ve demokratik bir gelecee tevik edeceini umuyordu. Kendini reform ve ilerlemeye
adamasyla ilerleyen Hugo, Les Misrables zihninde tamamen edebi ve siyasi devrim olarak yazd.

Find the words!

birletirmek, ift olmak v edebi adj
gelimek, ilerlemek v kurtulma, itfa n
titiz, dikkatli adj demokratik adj
yksek, gururlu adj tarihi, tarihsel adj
sonunda olan, sonraki adj yazmak v
yardmsever, insancl adj ama, hedef n
saha, alan, kapsam n inceleme n
ummak, mit etmek v nam, n n
tevik etmek v balca adv
belgelendirme n devrim n
sonradan, akabinde adv hakszlk n
kazanmak, edinmek v roman n
glk, zor durum n detayl adj
byk, mkemmel, salamak, temin
adj v
nemli etmek
i, meslek, alma n toplum, cemiyet n
ballk , sorumluluk n yayn n
efkat, sevecenlik n gelien, ilerleyen adj
deitirmek, reform
v (araba) srmek v
politika, siyaset n

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Vocabulary Attack 2
eventual goal progressive detailed meticulous
publication provide revolution injustice encourage
acquire commitment

no definition word

the act of making information or stories available to people in a

printed form

2 very careful and with great attention to every detail

when you are willing to give your time and energy to something that
you believe in, or a promise or firm decision to do something
to make someone more likely to do something, or to make something
more likely to happen

5 to get something

6 giving a lot of information with many details

7 developing or happening gradually

8 a very important change in the way that people do things

happening or existing at a later time or at the end, especially after a

lot of effort, problems, etc.

10 an aim or purpose

11 (an example of) a situation in which there is no fairness and justice

12 to give someone something that they need

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Vocabulary Attack 2
The human body readily responds to changing environmental stresses in a variety of biological and
cultural ways. We can acclimatize to a wide range of temperature and humidity. When traveling to
high altitudes, our bodies adjust so that our cells still receive sufficient oxygen. We also are constantly
responding in physiological ways to internal and external stresses such as bacterial and viral
infections, air and water pollution, dietary imbalance, and overcrowding. This ability to rapidly adapt to
varying environmental conditions has made it possible for us to survive in most regions of the world.
We live successfully in humid tropical forests, harsh deserts, arctic wastelands, and even densely
populated cities with considerable amounts of pollution. Most other animal and plant species are
restricted to one or relatively few environments due to their more limited adaptability.

nsan vcudu, birok biyolojik ve kltrel ekilde deien evresel streslere hemen tepki verir. Geni
aralkta scakla ve neme uyum salayabiliyoruz. Yksek rakma seyahat ederken hcrelerimizin
hala yeterli oksijen alabilmesi iin kendini deitirir. Biz ayrca srekli, bakteriyel ve viral
enfeksiyonlar, hava ve su kirlilii, besinsel dengesizlik ve ar kalabalklama gibi i ve d streslere
psikolojik ekillerde tepkiler veriyoruz. Deien evresel artlara hzla adapte olabilmek dnyann
birok blgesinde hayatta kalmamz mmkn klmtr. Biz baarl bir ekilde nemli tropikal
blgelerde, sert llerde, kuzey kutup llerinde ve hatta nemli miktarda kirlilik olan youn nfuslu
ehirlerde bile yaayabiliyoruz. ou dier hayvan ve bitki trleri daha snrl uyum yeteneklerinden
dolay bir veya nispeten az evrelerle snrldr.

Find the words!

blge, yre n i adj
baarl bir ekilde adv l n
yant/tepki vermek v rejimle ilgili adj
deien adj dengesizlik n
orman n nispeten adv
biyolojik adj almak v
isteyerek, kolaylkla adv yeterli adj
iklime altrmak, nemli, hatr
v adj
uyum salamak saylr derecede
bir ok farkl pp uyarlanrlk n
nem n evresel adj
ykseklik n hzlca adv
youn nfuslu adj deiken adj
uyum salamak v nemli adj
devaml olarak adv sert, kaba adj
fizyolojik adj kirlilik n
enfeksiyon, hastalk n orak arazi n
ar kalabalklama n kltrel adj

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Vocabulary Attack 2
respond acclimatize pollution humid harsh
readily infection adjust overcrowding sufficient
restricted considerable

no definition word

1 to (cause to) change to suit different conditions of life, weather, etc.

2 damage caused to water, air, etc. by harmful substances or waste

to say or do something as a reaction to something that has been said

or done

4 the situation when there are too many people or things in one place

5 unpleasant, unkind, cruel or unnecessarily severe

6 a disease in a part of your body that is caused by bacteria or a virus

7 large or of noticeable importance

8 enough for a particular purpose

9 quickly, immediately, willingly or without any problem

to change something slightly, especially to make it more correct,

effective, or suitable
(of air and weather conditions) containing extremely small drops of
water in the air

12 limited, especially by official rules, laws, etc

72 www.remzihoca.com
Vocabulary Attack 2
We can watch things around us move. When something is in motion, it changes its position. Objects
can move from one place to another. They can move in many directions. If you roll a ball, it might
move in a straight line. It might also move in a curve. A swing can move back and forth. A light switch
can move up and down. Fans have blades that move in a circle. If you want to know if something is
moving, you can compare it to other things around it that are not moving. If the things behind the
object are changing, the object is probably moving. If they are not changing, the object is probably not
moving. You can measure the motion of an object. Just measure the distance between where it was
when it started to move and where it was when it stopped. Distance can be measured in inches, feet,
yards or miles. Those measurements are in the customary system. It can also be measured in
millimeters, centimeters, meters and kilometers. Those measurements are in the metric system.

Etrafmzdaki nesnelerin hareket ettiini izleyebiliriz. Bir ey hareket halindeyken konumunu deitirir.
Nesneler bir yerden baka bir yere hareket edebilir. Birok ynde hareket edebilirler. Eer bir topu
yuvarlarsanz dz bir izgide hareket edebilir. Ayrca kavisli de hareket edebilir. Bir salnca ileri geri
hareket edebilir. Bir lamba dmesi yukar aa hareket edebilir. Fanlar ve pervaneler dairesel
hareket edebilir. Bir eyin hareket edip etmediini bilmek istiyorsanz onu etrafnda hareket etmeyen
dier eylerle kyaslayabilirsiniz. Nesnenin arkasndaki eyler deiiyorsa o nesne muhtemelen
hareket ediyordur. Eer deimiyorsa o nesne muhtemelen hareket etmiyordur. Bir nesnenin
hareketini lebilirsiniz. Sadece hareket etmedii zaman bulunduu yer ile durduunda bulunduu
yer arasndaki mesafeyi ln. Mesafeler in, fit, yard veya mil ile llebilir. Bu lmler geleneksel
sistemlerdedir. Ayrca milimetre, santimetre, metre ve kilometre ile de llebilir. Bu lmler metrik

Find the words!

ykselmek pv lm, l n
salncak n pervane n
adet olan, allm adj aa tamak pv
arkasnda prep eri, kavis n
karlatrmak v uzaklk, mesafe n
izgi, hat, sra n

73 www.remzihoca.com
Vocabulary Attack 2
straight customary direction curve know
watch distance compare circle roll
stop motion

no definition word

1 traditional or usual

to look at something for a period of time, especially something that is

changing or moving

3 a line which bends continuously and has no straight parts

4 to examine or look for the difference between two or more things

5 to finish doing something that you were doing

a continuous curved line, the points of which are always the same
distance away from a fixed central point

7 the act or process of moving, or a particular action or movement

8 continuing in one direction without bending or curving

9 the position towards which someone or something moves or faces

10 the amount of space between two places

to (cause to) move somewhere by turning over and over or from side
to side

12 to have information in your mind

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-er -ing -en -ful -al
-ly -ation -ist -ity -ize
-ed -able -ness -ment -an
-ic -ologist -ology -ive -ent
-ous -ry
re- un- non- dis- pre-
anti- il- sub- over- de-
in- im-
no main word derived word F TR
1 writer n
2 writing n
3 written adj
4 rewrite v
5 unwritten adj
6 eventful adj
7 eventual adj
8 event eventfully adv
9 olay eventually adv
10 uneventful adj
11 non-event n
12 publication n
13 publicist n
14 publicity n
15 publicize v
16 publicly adv
17 reputedly adv
18 reputable adj
19 reputed adj
n, nam
20 disrepute n
21 disreputable adj
22 great greatly adv
23 byk, harika greatness n
24 encouraged adj
25 encouraging adj
26 encouragingly adv
27 encouragement n
cesaret vermek
28 discourage v
29 discouraging adj
30 discouragingly adv
31 historian n
32 historic adj
33 historical adj
34 historically adv
35 prehistoric adj
36 provider n
37 provide provision n
38 salamak provisional adj
39 provisionally adv
40 politician n
41 political adj
42 politically adv
43 politicize v
44 politicized adj
45 social adj
46 socially adv
47 sociologist n
48 sociology n
49 sociable adj
50 unsociable adj
51 unsocial adj
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52 anti-social adj
53 democracy n
54 democrat democratic adj
55 demokrat democratically adj
56 undemocratic adj
57 drive driver n
58 srmek driving n
59 commitment n
60 committed adj
61 non-committal adj
62 literary adj
63 literacy literate adj
64 okur yazarlk illiterate adj
65 literature n
67 ready readily adv
68 hazr readiness n
69 response n
70 responsive adj
71 responsiveness n
cevap vermek
72 unresponsive adj
73 respondent n
74 cultural adj
75 culture cultured adj
76 kltr culturally adv
77 subculture n
78 receipt n
79 receive receiver n
80 almak reception n
81 receptive adj
82 infection n
83 infectious adj
84 infectiously adv
hastalk kapmak
85 disinfect v
86 disinfectant n
87 crowded adj
88 overcrowded adj
89 overcrowding n
90 forestry n
91 forested adj
92 deforestation n
93 comparison n
94 comparable adj
95 comparative adj
96 comparatively adv
97 incomparable adj
98 distance distant adj
99 uzaklk distantly adv
100 measurement n
101 measure measurable adj
102 lmek immeasurable adj
103 immeasurably adv
104 customer n
105 customs n
106 customary adj
107 customarily adv
108 accustom v

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have industry lose progress known
proof needy remove disappear meal
receive situation kick official produce
transport act economy question simply
remarkable delicious familiarity fishing scholarship
opening concrete temporarily decisively cheap
stable furiously instantly financially describe
naturally reliability fact hazardous confidence
no EN TR
1 ainal olmak
2 dikkate deer ilerleme
3 geici olarak ortadan kaldrmak
4 bilinen gerek
5 ucuz tama
6 gven kaybetmek
7 maddi adan muhta
8 balklk sanayisi
9 gvenilirlii sorgulamak
10 resmi al
11 doal olarak retmek
12 lezzetli yemek
13 basite tanmlamak
14 tehlikeli durum
15 istikrarl ekonomi
16 burs almak
17 kararl bir ekilde hareket etmek
18 hemen ortadan kaybolmak
19 somut kant
20 kzgnlkla tekmelemek

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no word F synonymous with
1 reputation n
2 encourage v
3 adversity n
4 injustice n
5 couple v
6 respond v
7 constantly adv
8 harsh adj
9 discourage v
10 committed adj
11 comparable adj
12 delicious adj
13 stable adj
14 changing adj

constant adj sabit unfairness n adaletsizlik
inequality n eitsizlik stir up pv kkrtmak
severe adj ciddi, sert, iddetli regular adj dzenli
fame n n varying adj deien
link v balamak faithful adj inanl, gvenilir
reliable adj gvenilir urge v tevik etmek
invariably adv daima consistent adj tutarl
trouble n sknt, sorun trustworthy adj gvenilir
fuel v krklemek always adv daima
unchanging adj deimeyen hardship n zorluk
tasty adj lezzetli inequity n eitsizlik
dedicated adj kendini adam dissuade v cesaretini krmak
mouth-watering adj lezzetli react v tepki vermek
connect v balamak similar adj benzer
steady adj sabit reply v cevaplamak
perpetually adv daima yummy adj lezzetli
equivalent adj edeer devoted adj kendini adam
answer v cevaplamak

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Vocabulary Attack 2
He wrote his name ------ the cover of
1 kitabn kapana adn yazd.
the book.
a journalist writing ------ the problems gelimekte olan dnyadaki sorunla ilgili yazan bir
------ the developing world gazeteci
3 to write ------ English ngilizce (dilinde) yazmak
4 goal ------ doing sth bir ey yapma amac
5 ------ the novel romanda
6 reputation ------ a fearless journalist korkusuz bir gazeteci olarak n
7 comparison ------ two things iki eyin karlatrlmas
8 ------ comparison ------ sth bir ey ile kyaslandnda
9 ------ the scope ------ sth kapsam dahilde
10 ------ the scope ------ sth kapsam dnda
He provided us ------ a lot of useful
11 Bize bir ok faydal bilgi salad.
The organization provides food and
12 Kurulu, mlteciler iin gda ve snak salar.
shelter ------ refugees.
13 couple sth ------ sth bir eyi bir ey ile birletirmek
The demonstrators threw stones and Gstericiler ta att ve polis gz yaartc bomba ile
police responded ------ tear gas. cevap verdi.
15 to respond ------ sth bir eye tepki/cevap vermek
16 ------ high altitudes yksek rakmlarda
17 to receive sth ------ sb birinden bir ey almak
His salary was sufficient ------ his
18 Maa ihtiyalar iin yeterliydi.
19 resistant ------ infection enfeksiyona direnli
20 imbalance ------ two things iki ey arasnda dengesizlik
21 adapt ------ sth bir eye ayak uydurmak
22 ------ the region blgede
23 ------ the forest ormanda
24 ------ the forest ormann iinden
25 to walk ------ a line tek sra halinde yrmek
26 to stand ------ the line srada/kuyrukta beklemek
27 ------ line ------ sth bir ey ile ayn dorultuda
28 to be compared ------ sth bir ey ile kyaslanmak
the distance ------ the sun and the
29 dnya ve gne arasndaki mesafe
30 commitment ------ sth kendini bir eye adama
31 ------ progress gelimekte / ilerlemekte
32 ------ the desert lde
33 ------ the event ------ sth bir ey durumunda
34 discourage sb ------ doing sth birini bir ey yapmaktan caydrmak
35 ------ the history tarih boyunca
36 ready ------ sth bir ey iin hazr
37 ------ response ------ sth bir eye tepki/cevap olarak
38 infected ------ malaria stma bulam
39 comparable ------ sth bir eye benzer/kyaslanabilir
40 to be accustomed ------ sth bir eye alkn
41 ------ this situation bu durumda
42 familiarity ------ sth bir eye ainalk
43 to be troubled ------ sth bir ey ile ba belada
44 to dedicated yourself ------ sth kendini bir eye adamak
45 equivalent ------ sth bir eye e deer
46 answer ------ sth bir eye tepki/cevap
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Vocabulary Attack 2
47 consistent ------ sth bir ey ile tutarl
48 to react ------ sth bir eye tepki vermek
49 similar ------ sth bir eye benzer
50 devoted ------ sth kendini bir eye adam

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Vocabulary Attack 2
REVISION 12 | 13 | 14
no EN F TR
1 compose v bestelemek, oluturmak
2 intelligent adj zeki, akll
3 quick adj abuk
4 reveal v aklamak, ortaya karmak
5 assist v yardm etmek, desteklemek
6 whatever ba her ne
7 harness v kullanmak, yararlanmak
8 clever adj akll, zeki
9 mixed adj kark, karma
10 phrase n szck takm
11 coin n bozuk para
12 describe v tanmlamak
13 journal n dergi, gnlk
14 spark n buji
15 interest n ilgi, faiz, kar
16 somehow adv her naslsa, bir ekilde
17 improve v gelimek, ilerlemek
18 plausible adj akla yatkn, inandrc
19 undoubtedly adv hi phesiz
20 genius n dahi, deha
21 complex adj karmak
22 hope v ummak, mit etmek
23 intelligence n akl, zeka
24 rub off on pv gemek, bulamak
25 enlarge v geniletmek
26 view v bakmak, grmek
27 nose n burun
28 front n n, yz, cephe
29 unconditioned adj koulsuz, doal
30 exercise v altrma yapmak
31 majority n ounluk
32 substantial adj nemli
33 inhale v nefes almak
34 pass through pv iinden gemek
35 as well as pp ve de, yansra
36 advantageous adj avantaj salayan
37 portion n blm, para, porsiyon
38 nasal adj burunla ilgili
39 contribute v katkda bulunmak, sebep olmak
40 outcome n sonu
41 subject n konu, ders, zne
42 optimal adj en iyi
43 performance n gsteri, oyun, performans
44 workload n i younluu
45 ventilation n havalandrma
46 eyeglasses n gzlk
47 clearly adv aka
48 magnify v bytmek
49 bulb n ampul, bitki soan
50 straight adj dz, doru, drst
51 hit n arpma, vuru, popler
52 action n eylem, hareket
53 reflection n yansma, grnm
54 direction n yn, talimat
55 differently adv farkl bir ekilde
56 smooth v dzletirmek
57 shiny adj parlak
58 surface n yzey
59 mirror n ayna
60 directly adv dorudan
61 odd adj tuhaf, allmam, tek

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62 face n yz, surat
63 side n yan, taraf, kenar
64 potato n patates
65 pan n tencere, tava
66 still ba yine de
67 beautiful adj gzel
68 mountain n da
69 scene n sahne, manzara
70 lake n gl
71 refract v (k) krmak
72 bend v emek, bkmek
73 light n k, lamba
74 spoon n kak
75 intelligible adj anlalr
76 intelligently adv akllca
77 mixer n rpc, mikser
78 mixture n karm, eit
79 mix v kartrmak, uyumak
80 description n tanmlama
81 descriptive adj tanmlayc
82 indescribable adj tanmlanamaz, tarifsiz
83 journalist n gazeteci
84 journalism n basn, gazetecilik
85 journalistic adj gazetecilere zg
86 interest v ilgisini ekmek
87 interested adj ilgili, merakl
88 interesting adj ilgin, ilgi ekici
89 interestingly adv ilgin ekilde
90 uninterested adj ilgisiz
91 disinterested adj tarafsz, ilgisiz
92 improved adj gelimi, yksek
93 improvement n gelime, ilerleme
94 doubt v phelenmek
95 doubt n phe
96 doubtful adj pheli
97 doubtfully adv pheyle
98 doubtless adv phesiz, kesin
99 undoubted adj phesiz, phe duyulmayan
100 hopeful adj umutlu
101 hopeless adj mitsiz, aresiz
102 hopefully adv mit ederek, umutla
103 hopelessly adv umutsuzca
104 hopelessness n umutsuzluk
105 hope n umut, beklenti
106 importance n nem
107 importantly adv nemli biimde
108 important adj nemli, gerekli
109 unimportant adj nemsiz
110 breath n nefes, soluk
111 breather n ksa dinlenme
112 breathing n nefes alp verme
113 breathless adj nefessiz
114 breathlessly adv nefes nefese
115 substance n madde
116 substantially adv nemli derecede
117 advantage n avantaj
118 advantageously adv faydal bir ekilde
119 disadvantage n dezavantaj
120 disadvantageous adj dezavantajl
121 contribute to pv katkda bulunmak, sebep olma
122 contribution n katk
123 contributor n katlmc, desteki
124 contributory adj yardmc, katk salayan

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Vocabulary Attack 2
125 perform v yapmak, sergilemek
126 performer n oyuncu, sanat
127 straight adv dmdz, hemen
128 straighten v dzeltmek
129 reflect v yanstmak
130 reflecting n yanstma
131 reflective adj yanstc
132 smooth adj dz, przsz, sakin
133 smoothly adv przszce, tkr tkr
134 smoothness n przszlk
135 shine v parlamak, aydnlatmak
136 shine n parlaklk
137 beauty n gzellik
138 beautifully adv gzelce
139 favourable adj olumlu, uygun, faydal
140 brilliant adj harika, parlak
141 benefit v faydalanmak
142 beneficial adj faydal
143 show v gstermek
144 smart adj akll
145 minor adj nemsiz, basit, kk
146 believable adj inanlabilir
147 help v yardm etmek, yarar olmak
148 insignificant adj nemsiz, deersiz
149 strange adj acayip, yabanc
150 consist of pv den olumak
151 despair n umutsuzluk
152 material n malzeme, madde
153 make up pv oluturmak, uydurmak
154 blend v kartrmak
155 bizarre adj garip, tuhaf
156 aid v yardm etmek
157 miscellaneous adj eitli, trl
158 desperate adj umutsuz, aresiz
159 weird adj tuhaf, garip
160 composed of pv -den olumak
161 matter n sorun, mesele, madde
162 mingle v kartrmak
163 credible adj gvenilir, inandrc
164 bright adj parlak, zeki
165 constitute v oluturmak
166 conceivable adj akla gelebilir, olas
167 trivial adj nemsiz
168 method n yntem, usl
169 track v takip etmek, izlemek
170 study v almak, okumak, aratrmak
171 learn v renmek, haber almak
172 experiment v deney yapmak
173 find out pv anlamak, bulmak, zmek, kefetmek
174 observe v gzlemek
175 topic n konu
176 read v okumak
177 observation n gzlem
178 set up pv kurmak, dzenlemek, hazrlamak
179 experiment n deney
180 guess v tahmin etmek
181 guess n tahmin, varsaym
182 prediction n tahmin
183 common sense n sa duyu
184 hypothesis n varsaym, hipotez
185 uncontested adj tek adayl, anlamal
186 well-being n salk, esenlik
187 generally adv genellikle

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Vocabulary Attack 2
188 unable adj elinden gelmez, yapamaz
189 immune system n baklk sistemi
190 recognize v tanmak, kabul etmek
191 foreign adj yabanc
192 attack v saldrmak
193 seem v gibi grnmek
194 screen v gstermek, aratrmak
195 once adv bir defa, eskiden
196 repeat v tekrar etmek, yinelemek
197 usual adj allm, olaan
198 by the time ba -d zaman, -d zamana kadar
199 finish v bitirmek, sona ermek
200 either ... or ba ya ... ya ...
201 prove v ispatlamak, kantlamak
202 wrong n hata, kusur
203 okay adj iyi, gzel, uygun
204 neuroscientist n sinir bilimci
205 surroundings n evre, civar
206 obvious adj ak, belli
207 bear v dayanmak, tamak
208 specialist n uzman
209 decade n on yl
210 lifetime n yaam sresi
211 recent adj yeni, son
212 technology n teknoloji
213 understanding n anlay, kavrama
214 associate v ilikilendirmek
215 negative adj olumsuz, eksi
216 long-term adj uzun vadeli
217 poverty n yoksulluk
218 neglect n ihmal
219 maltreatment n kt davranma
220 well documented adj detayl olarak hazrlanm
221 virtually adv hemen hemen, yaklak
222 already adv oktan, zaten, halihazrda
223 methodology n yntembilim
224 methodical adj dzenli, sistemli
225 methodological adj metodolojik
226 methodically adv dzenli olarak
227 experimental adj deneysel
228 experimentally adv deneysel olarak
229 reader n okuyucu
230 reading n okuma
231 readable adj okunabilir
232 repetition n tekrar, yineleme
233 repeated adj tekrarlanan
234 repetitive adj tekrarl
235 repeatedly adv ard ardna, tekrar tekrar
236 finished adj bitmi
237 unfinished adj bitmemi, eksik
238 proof n kant
239 proven adj ispatlanm
240 unproven adj ispatlanmam
241 disprove v aksini ispat etmek
242 wrong adj yanl, hatal
243 wrongful adj hatal, haksz
244 wrongly adv hatal olarak
245 generalize v genelleme yapmak
246 general adj genel, yaygn
247 generalization n genelleme
248 recognition n tannma, dorulama
249 recognizable adj tannabilir
250 recognizably adv fark edilir ekilde

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251 unrecognizable adj tannmaz
252 attacker n saldrgan
253 bearable adj katlanlabilir
254 unbearable adj dayanlmaz, ekilmez
255 technological adj teknolojik
256 technologically adv teknolojik olarak
257 place n yer, konum
258 sudden adj ani
259 influence v etkilemek
260 use v kullanmak
261 slow adj yava
262 leading adj nde gelen, nemli
263 vivid adj canl, etkili
264 prevention n nlem, koruma
265 need v ihtiya duymak
266 hide v saklamak, gizlenmek
267 explanatory adj aklayc
268 awareness n farkndalk
269 memory n hafza, an, hatra
270 compete v rekabet etmek, yarmak
271 entry n giri, katlm
272 market n ar, pazar, market
273 lasting adj uzun sren, kalc
274 colour n renk
275 excellent adj mkemmel
276 cultural adj kltrel
277 scheme n tasar, proje
278 writer n yazar
279 crowded adj kalabalk
280 efficiently adv verimli bir ekilde
281 nationally adv ulusal
282 employee n ii
283 eruption n patlama
284 thank v teekkr etmek
285 ticket n bilet, trafik cezas
286 verbal adj szl
287 secret n sr
288 comparatively adv nispeten, ksmen
289 statement n ifade, sz
290 competitive adj rekabetci
291 urgent adj acil
292 chase v takip etmek, kovalamak
293 FALSE adj yanl, sahte
294 unreasonable adj mantksz
295 skim v syrp almak
296 endure v dayanmak, katlanmak
297 strike v vurmak, grev yapmak
298 defective adj kusurlu, defolu
299 means n ara, yntem, olanak
300 mask v gizlemek, rtmek
301 test v denemek, snav yapmak
302 evidence n kant
303 way n yol, yntem
304 calculate v hesaplamak
305 look through pv incelemek, gz atmak
306 gradual adj aamal, yava
307 tolerate v katlanmak, ho grmek
308 charge v sulamak, cretlendirmek, arj etmek
309 incorrect adj yanl, hatal
310 terminate v son vermek, bitirmek
311 thesis n tez, aratrma
312 found v kurmak
313 predict v tahmin etmek

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314 conceal v gizlemek, saklamak
315 echo v yanklanmak
316 faulty adj kusurlu, sorunlu
317 complete v tamamlamak
318 sound v gibi gelmek
319 restate v yeniden sylemek
320 discover v kefetmek, bulmak
321 intolerable adj dayanlmaz, kabul edilmez
322 try out pv denemek
323 technique n teknik, usl
324 raid v baskn yapmak, yamalamak
325 disguise v klk deitirmek
326 scan v incelemek
327 close v kapatmak, son vermek
328 follow v izlemek, takip etmek
329 theory n kuram, teori
330 forecast v tahmin etmek
331 hear v duymak, renmek
332 unacceptable adj kabul edilemez
333 put up with pv dayanmak, katlanmak
334 mistaken adj hatal, yanl
335 form v oluturmak
336 untrue adj sahte, yalan
337 assault v saldrmak
338 empirical adj deneysel, ampirik
339 proposition n teklif, neri
340 estimate v tahmin etmek, deer bimek
341 appear v grnmek, ortaya kmak
342 camouflage v saklamak, kamufle etmek
343 finalize v bitirmek, sona erdirmek
344 end v sona ermek, bitirmek
345 write v yazmak
346 eventual adj sonunda olan, sonraki
347 goal n ama, hedef
348 novel n roman
349 lofty adj yksek, gururlu
350 reputation n nam, n
351 subsequently adv sonradan, akabinde
352 acquire v kazanmak, edinmek
353 primarily adv balca
354 humanitarian adj yardmsever, insancl
355 encourage v tevik etmek
356 compassion n efkat, sevecenlik
357 adversity n glk, zor durum
358 injustice n hakszlk
359 historical adj tarihi, tarihsel
360 scope n saha, alan, kapsam
361 analysis n inceleme
362 provide v salamak, temin etmek
363 detailed adj detayl
364 politics n politika, siyaset
365 couple v birletirmek, ift olmak
366 redemption n kurtulma, itfa
367 meticulous adj titiz, dikkatli
368 documentation n belgelendirme
369 readily adv isteyerek, kolaylkla
370 respond v yant/tepki vermek
371 changing adj deien
372 acclimatise v iklime altrmak
373 a wide range of pp bir ok farkl
374 humidity n nem
375 altitude n ykseklik
376 receive v almak

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Vocabulary Attack 2
377 sufficient adj yeterli
378 constantly adv devaml olarak
379 physiological adj fizyolojik
380 internal adj i
381 infection n enfeksiyon, hastalk
382 pollution n kirlilik
383 dietary n beslenme kurallar, perhiz yemei
384 imbalance n dengesizlik
385 overcrowding n ar kalabalklama
386 adapt v uyum salamak
387 varying adj deiken
388 region n blge, yre
389 humid adj nemli
390 forest n orman
391 line n izgi, hat, sra
392 curve n eri, kavis
393 swing n salncak
394 move up pv ykselmek
395 blade n bak
396 compare v karlatrmak
397 behind prep arkasnda
398 distance n uzaklk, mesafe
399 measurement n lm, l
400 customary adj adet olan, allm
401 progressive adj gelien, ilerleyen
402 drive v (araba) srmek
403 commitment n ballk , sorumluluk
404 reform n yenilik, slahat
405 progress n gelime (ilerleme)
406 literary adj edebi
407 revolution n devrim
408 desert n l
409 wasteland n orak arazi
410 densely-populated adj youn nfuslu
411 considerable adj nemli, hatr saylr derecede
412 relatively adv nispeten
413 adaptability n uyarlanrlk
414 harsh adj sert, kaba
415 rewrite v yeniden yazmak
416 unwritten adj yazl olmayan
417 event n olay
418 eventful adj olayl
419 eventually adv sonunda, nihayetinde
420 uneventful adj olaysz
421 public adj umumi, ortak
422 reputedly adv dediklerine gre
423 reputable adj sayg deer
424 reputed adj saygn, sanlan
425 disrepute n kt n
426 disreputable adj kt nl
427 encouragement n cesaretlendirme
428 encouraging adj tevik edici, cesaret verici
429 encouragingly adv tevik edici bir ekilde
430 discourage v cesaretini krmak
431 discouraged adj hevesi krlm
432 discouragement n cesaretin krlmas
433 discouraging adj cesaret krc, hayal krklna uratan
434 discouragingly adv cesaret krc bir ekilde
435 history n tarih, gemi
436 historian n tarihi
437 historic adj tarihi, tarihsel
438 historically adv tarihsel adan, tarihsel olarak
439 prehistoric adj tarih ncesine ilikin, tarih ncesi

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440 provider n tedariki kii
441 provision n temin, koul
442 political adj siyasi, politik
443 politically adv siyaseten, politik adan
444 politician n siyaseti
445 politicize v politikletirmek
446 social adj sosyal, toplumsal
447 sociability n sosyallik
448 sociable adj sosyal, arkada canls
449 socialist n sosyalist
450 unsociable adj ekingen, utanga
451 unsocial adj asosyal, ekingen
452 driver n src
453 driving n sr
454 commit v ilemek, yapmak
455 committed adj kendini adam
456 literacy n okur yazarlk, edebi kltr
457 literate adj bilgili, okuryazar
458 illiterate adj cahil, bilgisiz
459 literature n edebiyat
460 ready adj hazr, gnll
461 readiness n hazr olma, gnlllk
462 response v tepki vermek
463 response n cevap, yant
464 responsive adj duyarl, hassas
465 responsively adv duyarl bir biimde
466 respondent n cevaplayan
467 subculture n alt kltr
468 receiver n alc
469 reception n resepsiyon
470 receptive adj anlayl, yeniliklere ak
471 infect v bulatrmak
472 infected adj bulam, enfekte
473 infectious adj bulac
474 infectiously adv bulac bir ekilde
475 crowd n kalabalk, topluluk
476 overcrowded adj ar kalabalk
477 forestry n ormanclk
478 deforestation n ormanszlatrma
479 comparison n karlatrma
480 comparable adj benzer, kyaslanabilir
481 comparative adj karlatrmal
482 incomparable adj kyaslanamaz
483 distant adj uzak
484 measurable adj llebilir
485 measure v lmek
486 measure n nlem, l
487 custom n adet, gelenek
488 customer n mteri
489 customs n gmrk
490 customarily adv geleneklere gre
491 accustom v altrmak
492 situation n durum
493 kick v tekmelemek
494 meal n n, yemek
495 delicious adj lezzetli
496 familiarity n ainalk, bilme
497 fishing n balklk
498 scholarship n ilim, burs
499 concrete adj somut, beton
500 temporarily adv geici olarak
501 decisively adv kararl bir ekilde
502 cheap adj ucuz

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503 stable adj sabit, deimez
504 furiously adv kzgnlkla
505 instantly adv hemen, derhal
506 confidence n gven
507 constant adj sabit
508 inequality n eitsizlik
509 severe adj ar, ciddi, sert
510 fame n hret, n
511 link v balamak, birletirmek
512 reliable adj gvenilir
513 invariable adj deimez, srekli
514 trouble n sorun, bela, karklk
515 fuel v desteklemek, glendirmek
516 unchanging adj deimeyen
517 tasty adj lezzetli
518 dedicate v adamak
519 connect v balant kurmak, ilikilendirmek
520 steady adj devaml, deimez
521 perpetually adv srekli olarak
522 equivalent adj eit, denk
523 answer v cevap vermek, yantlamak
524 unfairness n hakszlk
525 stir up pv sebep olmak, tahrik etmek
526 regular adj dzenli
527 faithful adj sadk, aslna uygun
528 urge v zorlamak, ikna etmek
529 consistent adj istikrarl, tutarl
530 trustworthy adj gvenilir, salam
531 always adv herzaman
532 hardship n glk
533 inequity n adaletsizlik
534 dissuade v vazgeirmek, caydrmak
535 react v tepki gstermek
536 similar adj benzer
537 reply v cevap vermek
538 devoted adj adanm, ayrlm

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Vocabulary Attack 2
You will learn the following target words in this section
1 average 26 access 50 thought
2 increase 27 stimulate 51 feeling
3 event 28 release 52 govern
4 introduce 29 moreover 53 behaviour
5 refer to 30 consume 54 alert
6 as a result of 31 digestive 55 behave
7 greenhouse 32 tract 56 according to
8 trap 33 break down 57 social
9 rise 34 fatty 58 threaten
10 thus 35 bind 59 belief
11 landscape 36 intestine 60 evaluate
12 fat 37 lymph 61 middle
13 gain 38 eventually 62 presentation
14 true 39 gain 63 inadvertently
15 unhealthy 40 bloodstream 64 belch
16 vital 41 exit 65 loudly
17 critical 42 waste 66 instead
18 unlimited 43 rather than 67 negatively
19 reserve 44 substance 68 regret
20 expand 45 embarrassment 69 wrongdoing
21 original 46 self-conscious 70 evaluation
22 size 47 quite 71 concerning
23 in relation to 48 guilt 72 awkward
24 exposed 49 shame 73 pride
25 given that

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Vocabulary Attack 2
Global Warming is an average temperature increase in the atmosphere of the Earth's surface and
troposphere. Global Warming can be caused by natural and human events. Too much carbon dioxide
(CO2) introduced into the air can produce Global Warming. Global Warming often refers to a warming
that can occur as a result of increased CO2 emissions by man. This can create a greenhouse effect.
The greenhouse effect traps heat within the atmosphere causing the average temperature of the
Earth to increase. This increased temperature causes ice caps to melt. The melting of the Earth's ice
caps causes sea levels to rise, thus changing the Earth's landscape.

Kresel snma dnyann yzeyinde ve troposferin atmosferdeki ortalama bir scaklk artdr. Kresel
snma doal ve insan olaylarna sebep olabilir. Havaya sokulan ok fazla karbondioksit kresel
snma retebilir. Kresel snma genellikle insan tarafndan artan karbondioksit salmnn sonucu
olarak meydana gelebilen bir snma anlamna gelir. Bu bir sera etkisi yaratabilir. Sera etkisi dnyann
ortalama scaklnn artmasna sebep olan atmosfer iinde sy tutar. Bu artan scaklk buz
rtsnn erimesine sebep olur. Dnyann buz rtsnn erimesi deniz seviyesinde arta sebep
olur, bu yzden dnyann manzarasnn deimesine sebep olur.

Find the words!

anlamna gelmek,
ortaya koymak, den bahsetmek,
v pv
tantrmak ilgilendirmek,
bu yzden ba v
art n manzara n
olay n -n sonucu olarak pp
sera n tuzak kurmak v
ortalama adj

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global warming emission average occur cause
greenhouse landscape as a result of temperature within
melt effect thus

no definition word

calculated by adding several amounts together, finding a total, and

dividing the total by the number of amounts

2 to make something happen, especially something bad or unpleasant

3 the production or sending out of light, heat, gas, etc.

everything you can see when you look across a large area of land,
especially in the country

5 because of something

6 when the air around the world becomes warmer because of pollution

7 a building made of glass for growing plants in

8 to become or make something become liquid as a result of heating

before a particular period of time has passed; during a particular

period of time

10 how hot or cold something is

a change that somebody/something causes in somebody/something

else; a result

12 to happen

13 as a result of something just mentioned

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Vocabulary Attack 2
Over the years, fat has developed a bad reputation for causing weight gain and increasing your risk of
heart disease. Although it is true that too much fat in your diet is unhealthy, fat actually has a number
of vital roles in your body and is critical to keeping you healthy. Fat is a major source of energy. Not
only does fat contain 9 calories per gram, the most of any of the macronutrients, but your body also
has an unlimited ability to store fat. Your fat reserves can expand to 1,000 times their original size.
When your body does not have access to glucose from carbohydrates, a hormone called glucagon
stimulates the body to release fat for energy. Moreover, the fat in your body allows you to absorb the
fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E and K. When you consume foods that contain the fat-soluble vitamins,
your digestive tract breaks them down so that fatty acids can bind to the vitamins. These fatty acids
carry the vitamins through the wall of the small intestine and into the lymph system, where they
eventually gain access to your bloodstream. Without fat, these vitamins would exit the body through
waste material rather than enter the bloodstream. Fat also allows you to absorb substances called
carotenoids, which act as antioxidants in your body.

Yllardr, ya kalp hastalnn kilo alma ve artma riskine sebep olan kt bir n gelitirmi
durumdadr. Her ne kadar senin nndeki ok fazla ya salksz olduu gerek olsa da, ya
aslnda vcudunda hayati rollerin bir saysna sahiptir ve saln devam ettirmek iin nemlidir. Ya
enerjinin ana bir kaynadr. Ya sadece gram bana 9 kalori, besin geleri herhangi bir
ounluunu iermez, ayn zamanda vcudun ya depolamak iin snrsz yetenee sahiptir. Senin
ya rezervlerin orijinal byklkleri 1000 kez genileyebilir. Vcudun karbonhidrattan ekere
ulaamad zaman, glkagon olarak adlandrlan bir hormon enerji iin ya salmas vcudu harekete
geirir. Ayrca, vcudundaki ya yada znen A, D, E ve K vitaminlerini emmesine izin verir. Sen
yada znen vitaminleri ieren besinler tkettiin zaman, sindirim kanal onlar paralar, dolaysyla
yal asitler vitaminlere balanabilir. Bu yal asitler sonunda kan dolamna ulamay elde ettii
kk barsan duvar boyunca ve lenf sistemine tar. Yasz bu vitaminler kan dolamna
girmekten ziyade atk madde araclyla vcuttan kacak. Ya ayn zamanda vcudundaki
antioksidan olarak hareket eden karatonoid olarak adlandrlan maddeleri emmesine izin verir.

Find the words!

salksz adj gerek, doru adj
kritik, hassas, nemli adj ya n
uyarmak, tevik etmek n geniletmek v
madde n gerek, asl adj
kar, fayda, edinim n hayati, nemli adj
-den ziyade pp pv
yedek n snrsz, saysz adj
eriim, ulam n alan, blge n
byklk, boyut
dahas, ayrca ba n
sindirime ilikin,
adj nihayetinde adv
serbest brakmak,
piyasaya sunmak,
balamak, ciltlemek v v

tketmek v lenf bezi n

kazanmak v yal adj
barsak n atk adj
kmak, ayrlmak v kan dolam n

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develop reputation allow bind expand
heart digestive intestine contain substance
reserve consume absorb eventually moreover

no definition word

to ask for a seat, table, room, etc. to be available for you or

somebody else at a future time

2 relating to digestion

3 to gradually grow or become bigger, more advanced,

4 If one thing contains another, it has it inside it.

used for introducing a statement that makes the main statement in a

sentence seem surprising
the organ in the chest that sends blood around the body, usually on
the left in humans

7 in the end, especially after a long time

to let somebody/something do something; to let something happen or

be done
the opinion that people have about what somebody/something is like,
based on what has happened in the past
used to introduce some new information that adds to or supports
what you have said previously

11 to use something such as a product, energy, or fuel

12 a long tube in the body between the stomach and the anus

13 a type of solid, liquid or gas that has particular qualities

to take in a liquid, gas or other substance from the surface or space

to tie somebody/something with rope, string, etc. so that they/it
cannot move or are held together firmly

16 to increase in size or amount, or to make something increase

94 www.remzihoca.com
Vocabulary Attack 2
Embarrassment is considered one of the self-conscious emotions, quite at ease in the company of
guilt, shame, and pride. Given that embarrassment happens in relation to other people, it is a public
emotion that makes you feel exposed, awkward, and filled with regret for whatever your wrongdoing
happens to be. Potential negative evaluations concerning standards about actions, thoughts, and
feelings that govern our behavior are at the core of embarrassment and other self-conscious
emotions The experience of embarrassment alerts you to your failure to behave according to certain
social standards, which threaten the beliefs you hold concerning how others evaluate you as well as
the ways in which you evaluate yourself. For example, if in the middle of giving an important
presentation you inadvertently belch loudly, embarrassment would be linked to your concern that
others, who generally hold a high evaluation of you, might instead think negatively as you would
about yourself

Utan; su, utanma ve gururun grubundaki olduka rahat, kendini bilen duygulardan biri olarak
dnlr. Utan dier insanlarla ilgili meydana geldiini farz edersek, kabahat her ne olursa olsun
korumasz, sakar ve pimanlkla dolu hissettiren bir ortak duygudur. Davranlarmz yneten
eylemler, dnce ve duygularn standartlarna ilikin olumsuz deerlendirmeler utan ve dier
bilinli duygularn znde vardr. Utancn deneyimi senin kendini deerlendirmedeki yollarn yan sra
dierlerin nasl deerlendirmesiyle ilgili seni tutan inanlarn tehdit eden baz sosyal standartlara gre
davranma baarszln uyarr. rnein eer nemli bir sunumun ortasnda sen yanllkla sesli
geirirsen, utan kendiniz hakknda olduu gibi olumsuz dnebilmenin yerine sizden genellikle
yksek bir deerlendirme tutan dierleri senin endienle ilikili olacaktr.

Find the words!

ayp, utan,
etin, sakar adj n
olduka, ok adv utan, sklma n
maruz kalm,
kendini bilen adj adj
kastsz bir
farz edersek ba adv
dnce n su, kabahat n
gurur, vn n geirmek v
ile ilgili prep ile ilgili pp
pimanlk n deerlendirme n
ynetmek, idare
v davranmak v
-e gre pp tehdit etmek v
sosyal, toplumsal adj su, kabahat n
tehlikeye kar
his n v
inan n davran n
deerlendirmek v olumsuz olarak adv
sergileme, sunum,
n orta, orta ksm n
-n yerine adv grltyle adv

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Vocabulary Attack 2

emotion alert self-conscious awkward negatively
happen in relation to behave govern generally
expose evaluation according to

no definition word

1 to take place, especially without being planned

2 when compared with something

3 to show something that is usually hidden

a situation in which people are watching for danger and ready to deal
with it
a strong feeling such as love, fear or anger; the part of a persons
character that consists of feelings
to legally control a country or its people and be responsible for
introducing new laws, organizing public services, etc.

7 usually, or in most situations

the act of forming an opinion of the amount, value or quality of

something after thinking about it carefully
too aware of what other people are thinking about you
and your appearance

10 to do or say things in a particular way

11 in a bad or harmful way

12 as stated or reported by somebody/something

13 making you feel embarrassed

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Vocabulary Attack 2


-ion -ory -en -ing -ful
-ly -ness -ism -al -ize
-ity -or -ed -ment -y
-less -able
un- mis- dis-
no main word derived word F TR
1 introduce introduction n
2 tantmak introductory adj
3 fatty adj
4 fatten v
5 fattening adj
6 truth n
7 truthful adj
8 truthfully adv
9 truly adv
doru, gerek
10 truthfulness n
11 untrue adj
12 untruth n
13 criticism n
14 critical adj
15 criticize v
16 critically adv
17 uncritical adj
18 original adj
19 originality n
20 origin originator n
21 kken originate v
22 originally adv
23 unoriginal adj
24 embarrassed adj
25 embarrass embarrassing adj
26 utandrmak embarrassment n
27 embarrassingly adv
28 guilty adj
29 guiltily adv
30 guiltiness n
31 shameful adj
32 shameless adj
33 shame shamefully adv
34 utan shamelessly adv
35 unashamed adj
36 ashamed adj
37 regrettable adj
38 regret regretful adj
39 pimanlk duymak regrettably adv
40 regretfully adv
41 thoughtful adj
42 thoughtless adj
43 thoughtfully adv
44 thoughtlessly adv
45 thoughtfulness n
46 government n
47 governor n
48 governmental adj
49 governing adj
50 governmentally adv
51 behavior n
52 behavioral adj
53 misbehave v

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Vocabulary Attack 2
54 misbehavior n
55 threaten v
56 threatening adj
57 threateningly adv
58 belief n
59 believable adj
60 unbelievable adj
61 unbelievably adv
62 disbelief n

surprised environment assistance energy consideration
conduct buy cure specifically rule
long challenging time restricted weather
inform strength country examine significance
golden gloomy academically access politely
spend exclude detailed expression incredible
developed emergency addiction distance present
external gain spare experiment meticulously
no EN TR
1 bo zaman
2 zellikle hari tutmak
3 gelimi lke
4 hediye almak
5 acil durum yardm
6 bamll tedavi etmek
7 altn kural
8 enerji harcamak
9 snrl eriim
10 nem kazanmak
11 akademik olarak zorlu
12 uzun mesafe
13 kibarca bilgilendirmek
14 akn ifade
15 inanlmaz g
16 zenle incelemek
17 detayl dnme
18 kasvetli hava
19 deney yrtmek
20 d evre

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Vocabulary Attack 2
no word F synonymous with
1 refer to pv
2 simulate v
3 gain v
4 exit v
5 waste n
6 quite adv
7 thought n
8 govern v
9 alert n
10 belief n
11 evaluate v
12 middle n
13 presentation n
14 wrong-doing n
15 awkward adj
16 truth n
17 origin n
18 guilty adj

faith n inan reign v hkm srmek
rather adv olduka go v gitmek
mention v bahsetmek scrap n p
wrong adj yanl depart v ayrlmak
trash n p inappropriate adj uygunsuz
concept n konsept notice n duyuru
rule v ynetmek reconstruct v tekrar yaplandrmak
leave v ayrlmak demonstration
starting point n balama noktas assess v deerlendirmek
alarm n alarm win v kazanmak
rubbish v p fairly adv olduka
pretty adv olduka idea n fikir
earn v kazanmak unsuitable adj uygunsuz
judge v yarglamak responsible adj sorumlu
root n kk garbage v p
bad adj kt beginning n balang
center n merkez crime n su
warning n uyar cause n sebep
reasonably adv olduka fact n gerek
remake v tekrar yapmak

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Vocabulary Attack 2

to introduce new technologies ------ the
1 yeni teknolojileri fabrikalara
2 refer ------ sth bir ey anlamna gelmek
3 ------ a result ------ sth bir eyin sonucu olarak
4 ------ the rise artta
5 vital ------ sth bir ey iin hayati
6 critical ------ sth bir eyi eletiren
7 critical ------ sth bir ey iin kritik
8 to be exposed ------ sth bir eye maruz kalmak
9 access ------ sth bir eye eriim
10 ------ middle ------ sth bir eyin ortasnda
11 belief ------ God Tanrya inan
12 presentation ------ sth bir konu zerine sunum
13 ------ the introduction ------ sth bir eyin ortaya kmasyla
14 ------ truth aslnda, gerekte
15 criticize sb ------ sth birinin bir ey iin eletirmek
16 the origin ------ sth bir eyin kkeni
17 originate ------ sth bir eyden kaynaklanmak
18 believe ------ sth bir eye inanmak (varlna inanmak)
19 to be surprised ------ sth bir eye armak
20 to find a cure ------ cancer kansere bir tedavi bulmak
21 addiction ------ sth bir eye bamllk
22 ------ warning haber vermeden
23 depart ------ somewhere bir yerden ayrlmak
24 inappropriate ------ sb birisi iin uygun olmayan
25 unsuitable ------ sb birisi iin uygun olmayan

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Vocabulary Attack 2
REVISION 13 | 14 | 15
no EN F TR
1 track v takip etmek, izlemek
2 study v almak, okumak, aratrmak
3 learn v renmek, haber almak
4 experiment v deney yapmak
5 find out pv anlamak, bulmak, zmek, kefetmek
6 observe v gzlemek
7 topic n konu
8 read v okumak
9 observation n gzlem
10 set up pv kurmak, dzenlemek, hazrlamak
11 experiment n deney
12 guess v tahmin etmek
13 guess n tahmin, varsaym
14 prediction n tahmin
15 common sense n sa duyu
16 hypothesis n varsaym, hipotez
17 uncontested adj tek adayl, anlamal
18 well-being n salk, esenlik
19 generally adv genellikle
20 unable adj elinden gelmez, yapamaz
21 immune system n baklk sistemi
22 recognize v tanmak, kabul etmek
23 foreign adj yabanc
24 attack v saldrmak
25 seem v gibi grnmek
26 screen v gstermek, aratrmak
27 once adv bir defa, eskiden
28 repeat v tekrar etmek, yinelemek
29 usual adj allm, olaan
30 by the time ba -d zaman, -d zamana kadar
31 finish v bitirmek, sona ermek
32 either ... or ba ya ... ya ...
33 prove v ispatlamak, kantlamak
34 wrong n hata, kusur
35 okay adj iyi, gzel, uygun
36 neuroscientist n sinir bilimci
37 surroundings n evre, civar
38 obvious adj ak, belli
39 bear v dayanmak, tamak
40 specialist n uzman
41 decade n on yl
42 lifetime n yaam sresi
43 recent adj yeni, son
44 technology n teknoloji
45 understanding n anlay, kavrama
46 associate v ilikilendirmek
47 negative adj olumsuz, eksi
48 long-term adj uzun vadeli
49 poverty n yoksulluk
50 neglect n ihmal
51 maltreatment n kt davranma
52 well documented adj detayl olarak hazrlanm
53 virtually adv hemen hemen, yaklak
54 already adv oktan, zaten, halihazrda
55 methodology n yntembilim
56 methodical adj dzenli, sistemli
57 methodological adj metodolojik
58 methodically adv dzenli olarak
59 experimental adj deneysel
60 experimentally adv deneysel olarak
61 reader n okuyucu

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Vocabulary Attack 2
62 reading n okuma
63 readable adj okunabilir
64 repetition n tekrar, yineleme
65 repeated adj tekrarlanan
66 repetitive adj tekrarl
67 repeatedly adv ard ardna, tekrar tekrar
68 finished adj bitmi
69 unfinished adj bitmemi, eksik
70 proof n kant
71 proven adj ispatlanm
72 unproven adj ispatlanmam
73 disprove v aksini ispat etmek
74 wrong adj yanl, hatal
75 wrongful adj hatal, haksz
76 wrongly adv hatal olarak
77 generalize v genelleme yapmak
78 general adj genel, yaygn
79 generalization n genelleme
80 recognition n tannma, dorulama
81 recognizable adj tannabilir
82 recognizably adv fark edilir ekilde
83 unrecognizable adj tannmaz
84 attacker n saldrgan
85 bearable adj katlanlabilir
86 unbearable adj dayanlmaz, ekilmez
87 technological adj teknolojik
88 technologically adv teknolojik olarak
89 place n yer, konum
90 sudden adj ani
91 influence v etkilemek
92 use v kullanmak
93 slow adj yava
94 leading adj nde gelen, nemli
95 vivid adj canl, etkili
96 prevention n nlem, koruma
97 need v ihtiya duymak
98 hide v saklamak, gizlenmek
99 explanatory adj aklayc
100 awareness n farkndalk
101 memory n hafza, an, hatra
102 compete v rekabet etmek, yarmak
103 entry n giri, katlm
104 market n ar, pazar, market
105 lasting adj uzun sren, kalc
106 colour n renk
107 excellent adj mkemmel
108 cultural adj kltrel
109 scheme n tasar, proje
110 writer n yazar
111 crowded adj kalabalk
112 efficiently adv verimli bir ekilde
113 nationally adv ulusal
114 employee n ii
115 eruption n patlama
116 thank v teekkr etmek
117 ticket n bilet, trafik cezas
118 verbal adj szl
119 secret n sr
120 comparatively adv nispeten, ksmen
121 statement n ifade, sz
122 competitive adj rekabetci
123 urgent adj acil
124 chase v takip etmek, kovalamak

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Vocabulary Attack 2
125 false adj yanl, sahte
126 unreasonable adj mantksz
127 skim v syrp almak
128 endure v dayanmak, katlanmak
129 strike v vurmak, grev yapmak
130 defective adj kusurlu, defolu
131 means n ara, yntem, olanak
132 mask v gizlemek, rtmek
133 test v denemek, snav yapmak
134 evidence n kant
135 way n yol, yntem
136 calculate v hesaplamak
137 look through pv incelemek, gz atmak
138 gradual adj aamal, yava
139 tolerate v katlanmak, ho grmek
140 charge v sulamak, cretlendirmek, arj etmek
141 incorrect adj yanl, hatal
142 terminate v son vermek, bitirmek
143 thesis n tez, aratrma
144 found v kurmak
145 predict v tahmin etmek
146 conceal v gizlemek, saklamak
147 echo v yanklanmak
148 faulty adj kusurlu, sorunlu
149 complete v tamamlamak
150 sound v gibi gelmek
151 restate v yeniden sylemek
152 discover v kefetmek, bulmak
153 intolerable adj dayanlmaz, kabul edilmez
154 try out pv denemek
155 technique n teknik, usl
156 raid v baskn yapmak, yamalamak
157 disguise v klk deitirmek
158 scan v incelemek
159 close v kapatmak, son vermek
160 follow v izlemek, takip etmek
161 theory n kuram, teori
162 forecast v tahmin etmek
163 hear v duymak, renmek
164 unacceptable adj kabul edilemez
165 put up with pv dayanmak, katlanmak
166 mistaken adj hatal, yanl
167 form v oluturmak
168 untrue adj sahte, yalan
169 assault v saldrmak
170 empirical adj deneysel, ampirik
171 proposition n teklif, neri
172 estimate v tahmin etmek, deer bimek
173 appear v grnmek, ortaya kmak
174 camouflage v saklamak, kamufle etmek
175 finalize v bitirmek, sona erdirmek
176 end v sona ermek, bitirmek
177 write v yazmak
178 eventual adj sonunda olan, sonraki
179 goal n ama, hedef
180 novel n roman
181 lofty adj yksek, gururlu
182 reputation n nam, n
183 subsequently adv sonradan, akabinde
184 acquire v kazanmak, edinmek
185 primarily adv balca
186 humanitarian adj yardmsever, insancl
187 encourage v tevik etmek

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Vocabulary Attack 2
188 compassion n efkat, sevecenlik
189 adversity n glk, zor durum
190 injustice n hakszlk
191 historical adj tarihi, tarihsel
192 scope n saha, alan, kapsam
193 analysis n inceleme
194 provide v salamak, temin etmek
195 detailed adj detayl
196 politics n politika, siyaset
197 couple v birletirmek, ift olmak
198 redemption n kurtulma, itfa
199 meticulous adj titiz, dikkatli
200 documentation n belgelendirme
201 readily adv isteyerek, kolaylkla
202 respond v yant/tepki vermek
203 changing adj deien
204 acclimatise v iklime altrmak
205 a wide range of P.ph bir ok farkl
206 humidity n nem
207 altitude n ykseklik
208 receive v almak
209 sufficient adj yeterli
210 constantly adv devaml olarak
211 physiological adj fizyolojik
212 internal adj i
213 infection n enfeksiyon, hastalk
214 pollution n kirlilik
215 dietary n beslenme kurallar, perhiz yemei
216 imbalance n dengesizlik
217 overcrowding n ar kalabalklama
218 adapt v uyum salamak
219 varying adj deiken
220 region n blge, yre
221 humid adj nemli
222 forest n orman
223 line n izgi, hat, sra
224 curve n eri, kavis
225 swing n salncak
226 move up pv ykselmek
227 blade n bak
228 compare v karlatrmak
229 behind prep arkasnda
230 distance n uzaklk, mesafe
231 measurement n lm, l
232 customary adj adet olan, allm
233 progressive adj gelien, ilerleyen
234 drive v (araba) srmek
235 commitment n ballk , sorumluluk
236 reform n yenilik, slahat
237 progress n gelime (ilerleme)
238 literary adj edebi
239 revolution n devrim
240 desert n l
241 wasteland n orak arazi
242 densely-populated adj youn nfuslu
243 considerable adj nemli, hatr saylr derecede
244 relatively adv nispeten
245 adaptability n uyarlanrlk
246 harsh adj sert, kaba
247 rewrite v yeniden yazmak
248 unwritten adj yazl olmayan
249 event n olay
250 eventful adj olayl

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Vocabulary Attack 2
251 eventually adv sonunda, nihayetinde
252 uneventful adj olaysz
253 public adj umumi, ortak
254 reputedly adv dediklerine gre
255 reputable adj sayg deer
256 reputed adj saygn, sanlan
257 disrepute n kt n
258 disreputable adj kt nl
259 encouragement n cesaretlendirme
260 encouraging adj tevik edici, cesaret verici
261 encouragingly adv tevik edici bir ekilde
262 discourage v cesaretini krmak
263 discouraged adj hevesi krlm
264 discouragement n cesaretin krlmas
265 discouraging adj cesaret krc, hayal krklna uratan
266 discouragingly adv cesaret krc bir ekilde
267 history n tarih, gemi
268 historian n tarihi
269 historic adj tarihi, tarihsel
270 historically adv tarihsel adan, tarihsel olarak
271 prehistoric adj tarih ncesine ilikin, tarih ncesi
272 provider n tedariki kii
273 provision n temin, koul
274 political adj siyasi, politik
275 politically adv siyaseten, politik adan
276 politician n siyaseti
277 politicize v politikletirmek
278 social adj sosyal, toplumsal
279 sociability n sosyallik
280 sociable adj sosyal, arkada canls
281 socialist n sosyalist
282 unsociable adj ekingen, utanga
283 unsocial adj asosyal, ekingen
284 driver n src
285 driving n sr
286 commit v ilemek, yapmak
287 committed adj kendini adam
288 literacy n okur yazarlk, edebi kltr
289 literate adj bilgili, okuryazar
290 illiterate adj cahil, bilgisiz
291 literature n edebiyat
292 ready adj hazr, gnll
293 readiness n hazr olma, gnlllk
294 response v tepki vermek
295 response n cevap, yant
296 responsive adj duyarl, hassas
297 responsively adv duyarl bir biimde
298 respondent n cevaplayan
299 subculture n alt kltr
300 receiver n alc
301 reception n resepsiyon
302 receptive adj anlayl, yeniliklere ak
303 infect v bulatrmak
304 infected adj bulam, enfekte
305 infectious adj bulac
306 infectiously adv bulac bir ekilde
307 crowd n kalabalk, topluluk
308 overcrowded adj ar kalabalk
309 forestry n ormanclk
310 deforestation n ormanszlatrma
311 comparison n karlatrma
312 comparable adj benzer, kyaslanabilir
313 comparative adj karlatrmal

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Vocabulary Attack 2
314 incomparable adj kyaslanamaz
315 distant adj uzak
316 measurable adj llebilir
317 measure v lmek
318 measure n nlem, l
319 custom n adet, gelenek
320 customer n mteri
321 customs n gmrk
322 customarily adv geleneklere gre
323 accustom v altrmak
324 situation n durum
325 kick v tekmelemek
326 meal n n, yemek
327 delicious adj lezzetli
328 familiarity n ainalk, bilme
329 fishing n balklk
330 scholarship n ilim, burs
331 concrete adj somut, beton
332 temporarily adv geici olarak
333 decisively adv kararl bir ekilde
334 cheap adj ucuz
335 stable adj sabit, deimez
336 furiously adv kzgnlkla
337 instantly adv hemen, derhal
338 confidence n gven
339 constant adj sabit
340 inequality n eitsizlik
341 severe adj ar, ciddi, sert
342 fame n hret, n
343 link v balamak, birletirmek
344 reliable adj gvenilir
345 invariable adj deimez, srekli
346 trouble n sorun, bela, karklk
347 fuel v desteklemek, glendirmek
348 unchanging adj deimeyen
349 tasty adj lezzetli
350 dedicate v adamak
351 connect v balant kurmak, ilikilendirmek
352 steady adj devaml, deimez
353 perpetually adv srekli olarak
354 equivalent adj eit, denk
355 answer v cevap vermek, yantlamak
356 unfairness n hakszlk
357 stir up pv sebep olmak, tahrik etmek
358 regular adj dzenli
359 faithful adj sadk, aslna uygun
360 urge v zorlamak, ikna etmek
361 consistent adj istikrarl, tutarl
362 trustworthy adj gvenilir, salam
363 always adv herzaman
364 hardship n glk
365 inequity n adaletsizlik
366 dissuade v vazgeirmek, caydrmak
367 react v tepki gstermek
368 similar adj benzer
369 reply v cevap vermek
370 devoted adj adanm, ayrlm
371 average n ortalama
372 increase v artrmak, oalmak
373 introduce v ortaya koymak, tantrmak
anlamna gelmek, den bahsetmek, ilgilendirmek,
374 refer to pv
375 as a result of P.ph -n sonucu olarak

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Vocabulary Attack 2
376 greenhouse n sera
377 rise v artmak, ykselmek
378 thus ba bu yzden
379 landscape n manzara
380 fat n ya
381 gain v kazanmak
382 true adj gerek, doru
383 unhealthy adj salksz
384 vital adj hayati, nemli
385 critical adj kritik, hassas, nemli
386 unlimited adj snrsz, saysz
387 reserve n yedek
388 expand v geniletmek
389 original adj gerek, asl
390 size n byklk, boyut
391 in relation to P.ph ile ilgili
392 expose v aa karmak, maruz brakmak
393 given that ba farz edersek
394 access n eriim, ulam
395 simulate v benzemek, taklidini yapmak
396 release v serbest brakmak, piyasaya sunmak, yaymak
397 moreover ba dahas, ayrca
398 consume v tketmek
399 digestive adj sindirime ilikin, sindirim
400 tract n alan, blge
401 break down pv bozulmak, paralamak
402 fatty adj yal
403 bind v balamak, ciltlemek
404 intestine n barsak
405 lymph n lenf bezi
406 gain n kar, fayda, edinim
407 bloodstream n kan dolam
408 exit v kmak, ayrlmak
409 waste adj atk
410 rather than P.ph -den ziyade
411 embarrassment n utan, sklma
412 self-conscious adj kendini bilen
413 quite adv olduka, ok
414 guilt n su, kabahat
415 shame n ayp, utan, gnah
416 thought n dnce
417 feeling n his
418 govern v ynetmek, idare etmek
419 behaviour n davran
420 alert n uyar, ikaz
421 behave v davranmak
422 according to P.ph -e gre
423 threaten v tehdit etmek
424 belief n inan
425 evaluate v deerlendirmek
426 middle n orta, orta ksm
427 presentation n sergileme, sunum, tren
428 inadvertently adv kastsz bir ekilde
429 belch v geirmek
430 loudly adv grltyle
431 instead ba yerine
432 negatively adv olumsuz olarak
433 regret v piman olmak, zlmek
434 wrongdoing n su, kabahat
435 evaluation n deerlendirme
436 concerning prep ile ilgili
437 awkward adj etin, sakar
438 pride n gurur, vn

107 www.remzihoca.com
Vocabulary Attack 2
439 introduction n tantm, balang
440 introductory adj giri niteliinde
441 fatten v imanlatmak
442 truth n gerek
443 truthful adj dorucu, drst
444 truthfully adv doru bir ekilde
445 truly adv gerekten, tam anlamyla
446 critic n eletirmen
447 criticism n eletiri, tenkit
448 critically adv eletirel bir ekilde
449 criticize v eletirmek, knamak
450 origin n kken
451 originality n zgnlk, gereklik
452 originally adv aslnda , balangta
453 originate v balamak
454 embarrass v utandrmak
455 embarrassed adj utanm, ekingen
456 guilty adj sulu, kusurlu
457 shameful adj utan verici
458 shamelessly adv utanmadan
459 unashamed adj utanmaz
460 unashamedly adv utanmaz bir ekilde
461 regret n pimanlk
462 regretful adj piman
463 regretfully adv pimanlkla
464 regrettable adj zc
465 regrettably adv zlerek
466 thoughtful adj dnceli
467 thoughtfully adv dnceli bir ekilde
468 thoughtfulness n dncelilik
469 thoughtless adj dncesiz
470 thoughtlessly adv dncesizce
471 thoughtlessness n dncesizlik
472 governance n ynetim, kontrol
473 government n hkumet, ynetim
474 governmental adj idari, hkumet
475 governor n ynetici, vali
476 governorship n valilik, yneticilik
477 behavioural adj davransal
478 behaviourally adv davransal olarak
479 behaviourism n davranlk
480 behaviourist n davran bilimci
481 threatened adj tehdit edilen
482 threatening adj tehditkar, korkutucu
483 believe v inanmak, gvenmek
484 believer n iman sahibi
485 unbelievable adj inanlmaz
486 surprised adj arm
487 conduct v yrtmek, iletmek
488 buy v satn almak
489 strength n g
490 assistance n destek, yardm
491 cure n tedavi, are
492 specifically adv zellikle
493 examine v incelemek, muayene etmek
494 golden adj altndan yaplm
495 external adj d, harici
496 gloomy adj ktmser, kasvetli
497 exclude v hari tutmak
498 emergency n acil durum
499 addiction n bamllk
500 spare adj yedek
501 politely adv kibarca

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Vocabulary Attack 2
502 incredible adj inanlmaz
503 present n bugn, u an, hediye
504 faith n inan
505 rather adv olduka, biraz
506 mention v bahsetmek, sylemek
507 trash n p, samalk
508 concept n kavram, fikir
509 rule v ynetmek
510 leave v ayrlmak, terketmek
511 alarm n alarm
512 rubbish n p, samalk
513 pretty adv olduka, epey
514 judge v yarglamak, deerlendirmek
515 root n kk
516 warning n uyar, ikaz
517 reasonably adv makul bir biimde
518 remake v yeniden yapmak
519 reign n devir, hkmdarlk
520 go v gitmek, uymak
521 depart v ayrlmak
522 inappropriate adj uygun olmayan
523 notice n duyuru, uyar, dikkat
524 reconstruct v yeniden ina etmek
525 demonstration n gsterme, gsteri
526 assess v deerlendirmek
527 win v kazanmak, yenmek
528 fairly adv olduka, adil bir ekilde
529 idea n neri, fikir, niyet
530 unsuitable adj uygun olmayan
531 garbage n p, bo laf
532 beginning n balang
533 crime n su, kabahat
534 cause n sebep, neden
535 fact n gerek, olgu

109 www.remzihoca.com
Vocabulary Attack 2
You will learn the following target words in this section
1 cavity 22 floss 43 marketing
2 permanently 23 habit 44 work out
3 damaged 24 perfectly 45 organizational
4 area 25 suit 46 operational
5 opening 26 dry 47 sale
6 hole 27 little 48 enhance
7 tooth 28 climate 49 competitiveness
8 decay 29 feature 50 goods
9 caries 30 short 51 in order to
10 combination 31 nocturnal 52 obtain
11 frequent 32 mean 53 profit
12 snack 33 sleep 54 function
13 sip 34 come out 55 formation
14 sugary 35 cool 56 advertising
15 clean 36 eyelash 57 stimulation
16 teenager 37 sand 58 plan
17 adult 38 nostril 59 commercial
18 deep 39 close 60 operation
19 severe 40 drink 61 transport
20 toothache 41 service 62 manage
21 visit 42 brush 63 salesman

110 www.remzihoca.com
Vocabulary Attack 2
The goal of marketing is to create the conditions to adapt production to social demand and the
requirements of the market and to work out an organizational and operational system to study the
market, increase sales, and enhance the competitiveness of goods in order to obtain maximum
profits. The primary functions of marketing are studying demand, price formation, and advertising and
the stimulation of sales; planning the line of goods, sales, and commercial operations; storing and
transporting goods; managing salesmen and sales personnel; and organizing consumer services.

Pazarlamann amac pazarn gereksinimleri ve sosyal talebe retimi benimsetmek ve pazar

almasna ilevsel sistem ve bir organizasyonal almak, maksimum kazanc elde etmek iin
mallarn rekabetini artrmak ve satlar artrmak iin koullar yaratmaktr. Pazarlamann ana ilevi
satlarn hareketi, reklam ve fiyat oluumu, talepleri aratrmaktr; mallarn srasn planlamak ve
ticari faaliyetler; depolama ve tama mallar; satcy ynetmek ve sat personelleri ve tketici
hizmetlerini organize etmek.

Find the words!

ynetmek, baarmak v ticari adj
ilev, grev n -mek iin pp
reklamclk n elde etmek v
kar n sat n
pazarlama n ameliyat, iletme n
anlamak, hesaplamak,
pv iler halde, faal adj
antrenman yapmak
satc n rekabet yetenei n
rgtsel, kurumsal adj mal, eya n
gelitirmek, arttrmak v servis, hizmet n
tevik, uyarm,
tamak, nakletmek v n
oluma, ekillenme n v

111 www.remzihoca.com
Vocabulary Attack 2
marketing work out sale enhance goods
obtain profit formation advertising stimulation
plan commercial operation transport manage
salesman service

no definition word

1 related to buying and selling things

o understand something or to find the answer to something by

thinking about it

3 to take goods or people from one place to another

when something causes someone or something to become more

active or enthusiastic, or to develop or operate

5 an act of exchanging something for money

6 a job that involves encouraging people to buy a product or service

7 the business of trying to persuade people to buy products or services

8 things for sale, or the things that you own

9 a man whose job is selling things in a shop or directly to customers

to get something, especially by asking for it, buying it, working for it or
producing it from something else
the way that parts of a machine or system work together, or the
process of making parts of a machine or system work together

12 to improve the quality, amount or strength of something

to be responsible for controlling or organizing someone or something

especially a business

14 the way something is naturally made or the way it has been arranged

to think about and decide what you are going to do or how you are
going to do something
money which is earned in trade or business, especially after paying
the costs of producing and selling goods and services

17 a system or organization that provides for a basic public need

112 www.remzihoca.com
Vocabulary Attack 2
It might seem that very few things can survive in the desert. Most plants and animals that you see in
your town probably wouldnt. But there are many different types of plants and animals that are
perfectly suited to the hot, dry climate. In the desert, there is very little water. The plants and animals
that live in the desert have special features for living with little water. Plants like the cactus have short
leaves. These leaves trap and store water. The cactus also has spines on its leaves. This is to keep
animals from taking its water. Animals that live in the desert are often nocturnal. This means they
sleep during the day. They come out to eat at night when it is cool. Other animals, like the camel, are
awake during the heat of the day. They have special eyelashes that keep the sand out of their eyes.
They have nostrils that can close to keep the sand out of their noses. They can go for many days
without drinking. Many animals that live in the desert can get all the water they need from the foods
they eat.

ok az eyler lde hayatta kalm gibi grlebilir. Senin ehrinde grdn ou bitkiler ve
hayvanlar muhtemelen grlmeyecek. Fakat mkemmel bir ekilde scak, kuru iklime uygun olan
bitkiler ve hayvanlarn birok farkl trleri vardr. llerde ok az su vardr. llerde yaayan bitkiler
ve hayvanlar ok az suyla yaamak iin belli zelliklere sahiptir. Bitkiler kaktsler gibi ksa yapraklara
sahiptir. Bu yapraklar suyu tutar ve depolar. Kaktsler ayn zamanda yapraklarn zerinde omurgalara
sahiptir. Bu suyunu alarak hayvanlar tutmaktr. llerde yaayan hayvanlar genellikle gececidir. Bu
gece boyunca onlarn uyuduu anlamna gelir. Onlar souk olduu zaman geceleyin yemee karlar.
Dier hayvanlar, deve gibi gnn scakl boyunca uyanktr. Onlar gzlerinin dnda kumu tutan
zel kirpie sahiptir. Onlar burunlarnn dnda tuzu tutmak iin yakn olabilen burun deliine sahiptir.
llerde yaayan birok hayvan yedikleri besinlerden ihtiya duyduklar tm suyu alabilirler.

Find the words!

dar kmak,
anlamna gelmek,
piyasaya kmak, pv v
demek istemek
ortaya kmak
kusursuzca, tamamen adv iklim n
gececi adj uygun olmak v
kuru, kurak, skc adj kum n
ok az, kk adj burun delii n
serin, souk adj zellik n
kirpik n ksa, az adj
uyumak v imek v
kapatmak, son vermek v

113 www.remzihoca.com
Vocabulary Attack 2
suit dry little climate feature
short nocturnal mean sleep cool
eyelash sand nostril drink

no definition word

1 small in size or amount

2 small in length, distance or height

3 happening in or active during the night, or relating to the night

describes something that has no water or other liquid in, on, or

around it

5 the general weather conditions usually found in a particular place

6 to express or represent something such as an idea, thought, or fact

7 to be right for a particular person, situation or occasion

8 to take liquid into the body through the mouth

9 any of the short hairs which grow along the edges of the eye

either of the two openings in the nose through which air moves when
you breathe

11 a typical quality or an important part of something

12 to (cause something to) change from being open to not being open

13 slightly cold; of a low temperature

to be in the state of rest when your eyes are closed, your body is not
active, and your mind is unconscious
a substance that is found on beaches and in deserts, which is made
from very small grains of rock

114 www.remzihoca.com
Vocabulary Attack 2
Cavities are permanently damaged areas in the hard surface of your teeth that develop into tiny
openings or holes. Cavities, also called tooth decay or caries, are caused by a combination of factors,
including bacteria in your mouth, frequent snacking, sipping sugary drinks, and not cleaning your
teeth well. Cavities and tooth decay are among the world's most common health problems. They're
especially common in children, teenagers and older adults. But anyone who has teeth can get
cavities, including infants. If cavities aren't treated, they get larger and affect deeper layers of your
teeth. They can lead to severe toothache, infection and tooth loss. Regular dental visits and good
brushing and flossing habits are your best protection against cavities and tooth decay.

Oyuklar kalc bir ekilde kk aklk ya da deliklere gelien diinin sert yzeyinde hasarl
alanlardadr. Oyuklar ayn zamanda di rmesi ya da dite rme olarak adlandrlr, azndaki
bakteri, sk attrma, ekerli iecekler yudumlama ve dilerini iyi temizlememek dahil etkenlerin bir
bileimi sebep olur. Oyuklar ve di rmeleri dnyann en yaygn salk problemleri arasndadr.
Onlar zellikle ocuklar, genler ve yal yetikinlerde yaygndr. Fakat die sahip olan herkeste
bebekler dahil oyuk olabilir. Eer oyuklar tedavi edilmezse, onlar dilerinin daha derin katmanlarn
etkiler ve daha byk olur. Onlar iddetli di ars, enfeksiyon ve di kaybna sebep olabilir. Dzenli
di ile ilgili ziyaretler ve iyi fralama ve di ipi ile temizleme alkanlklar oyuklara ve di rmelerine
kar en iyi korumadr.

Find the words!

bozuk, hasarl, zarar
adj oyuk, kovuk n
yudumlamak v kalc bir ekilde adv
ekerli, tatl adj delik, ukur n
delik, balang, al n di n
temizlemek v rme n
gen, ergen n alan, blge n
bileim, birleim n ziyaret n
allm, sk sk olan adj di r n
attrmak v fralamak v
di ipiyle
ar, ciddi, sert adj v
alkanlk n di ars n
yetikin n derin adj

115 www.remzihoca.com
Vocabulary Attack 2
cavity hole permanently sip adult
damaged tooth frequent sugary deep
visit decay snack teenager severe

no definition word

1 always and forever

2 to (cause something to) become gradually damaged, worse or less

one of the hard white objects in the mouth, which are used for biting
and chewing (= crushing food)

4 to eat small amounts of food between meals

5 to drink, taking only a very small amount at a time

6 containing sugar

something which you do often and regularly, sometimes without

knowing that you are doing it

8 young person between 13 and 19 years old

9 a hole, or an empty space between two surfaces

going or being a long way down from the top or surface, or being of a
particular distance from the top to the bottom

11 causing very great pain, difficulty, worry, damage, etc; very serious

12 a person or animal that has grown to full size and strength

13 harmed or spoilt

to go to a place in order to look at it, or to a person in order to spend

time with them
an empty space in an object, usually with an opening to the object's
surface, or an opening which goes completely through an object

16 happening often; common

17 to remove dirt from something

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Vocabulary Attack 2


-ing -able -ion -ive -or
-al -ly -ity -er -ment
-ist -age -ness -en -ful
-less -ed
co- un- im-
no main word derived word F TR
1 market marketing n
2 pazar marketable adj
3 operation n
4 operative adj
5 operator n
6 operational adj
7 operationally adv
8 cooperate v
9 cooperation n
10 cooperative adj
11 profitable adj
12 profit profitably adv
13 kr profitability n
14 unprofitable adj
15 advertising n
16 advertiser n
reklam yapmak
17 advertisement n
18 planner n
19 planning n
20 unplanned adj
21 perfectly adv
22 perfection n
23 perfectionist n
24 imperfect adj
25 imperfection n
26 shortage n
27 short shortness n
28 ksa shorten v
29 shortly adv
30 meaning n
31 mean meaningful adj
32 anlamna gelmek meaningless adj
33 meaningfully adv
34 opening n
35 open openness n
36 amak opener n
37 openly adv
38 combine combined adj
39 birletirmek combination n
40 depth n
41 deep deepen v
42 derin deeply adv
43 deepening adj
44 habit habitual adj
45 alkanlk habitually adv

117 www.remzihoca.com
Vocabulary Attack 2

ancient daily big clear governmental
supervision frequently primitive increasing privately
centrally regular horrible energetic idea
sharply medical rapid partial political
allowance update dynasty educated advantage
disagree locate admission regulation order
shortage accumulation comment fulfillment marvelous
establishment man arise performance disaster
no EN TR
1 byk avantaj
2 ak giri
3 eski hanedanlk
4 merkezi olarak yerini belirlemek
5 idari dzenleme
6 enerji dolu performans
7 ksmi yerine getirme
8 politik yorum
9 gnlk izin
10 artan ktlk
11 zel olarak eitimli
12 tbbi kurulu
13 sk sk ortaya kmak
14 ilkel insan
15 korkun felaket
16 dzenli gncelleme
17 harika fikir
18 aniden ayn fikirde olmamak
19 hzl birikme
20 denetleme emri

118 www.remzihoca.com
Vocabulary Attack 2
no word F synonymous with
1 cavity n
2 sip v
3 deep adj
4 visit v
5 feature n
6 work out pv
7 enhance v
8 obtain v
9 shortage n
10 shorten v
11 ancient adj

property n zellik deficiency n eksiklik
get v elde etmek attribute n zellik
absence n eksiklik old adj eski, yal
drop in pv uramak narrow v daralmak
scarcity n ktlk profound adj derin
enrich v zenginletirmek calculate v hesaplamak
contract v klmek crater n krater
make out pv anlamak, zmek figure out pv bulmak, zmek
antique adj antik quality n nitelik
deficit n eksiklik long-standing adj uzun sredir var olan
trait n zellik drink v imek
hole n delik lack n eksiklik
acquire v edinmek improve v gelimek
shrink v bzmek characteristic n zellik

119 www.remzihoca.com
Vocabulary Attack 2
1 ------ the area blgede
2 ------ a hole ------ the wall duvardaki deliin iinden
3 ------ combination ------ sth bir ey ile birlikte
4 ------ an adult bir yetikin olarak
5 ------ a child ocukken
6 ------ this current political climate u anki siyasi ortamda
7 a feature ------ sth bir eyin zellii
8 ------ sleep uykuda
We could get more sales ------
9 Pazarlama araclyla daha fazla sat yapabiliriz.
10 ------ sale satlk
11 to obtain sth ------ sb birinden bir ey elde etmek / almak
12 to profit ------ sth bir eyden kr etmek
13 to cooperate ------ sb birisi ile i birlii yapmak
14 shortage ------ sth bir ey ktl
15 meaning ------ sth bir eyin anlam
16 to combine sth ------ sth bir eyi bir ey ile birletirmek
17 ------ a depth ------ 300m 300m derinlikte
18 ------ the supervision ------ sb birinin denetiminde/ denetimi altnda
19 to disagree ------ sb birisi ile ayn fikirde olmamak
20 to disagree ------ sth bir konuda ayn fikirde olmamak
21 accumulation ------ sth bir eyin birikmesi
22 admission ------ hospital hastaneye yat
23 to comment ------ sth bir eye yorum yapmak
24 ------ the absence ------ sth bir eyin yokluunda
25 lack ------ sth bir ey eksiklii

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Vocabulary Attack 2
REVISION 14 | 15 | 16
no EN F TR
1 write v yazmak
2 eventual adj sonunda olan, sonraki
3 goal n ama, hedef
4 novel n roman
5 lofty adj yksek, gururlu
6 reputation n nam, n
7 subsequently adv sonradan, akabinde
8 acquire v kazanmak, edinmek
9 primarily adv balca
10 humanitarian adj yardmsever, insancl
11 encourage v tevik etmek
12 compassion n efkat, sevecenlik
13 adversity n glk, zor durum
14 injustice n hakszlk
15 historical adj tarihi, tarihsel
16 scope n saha, alan, kapsam
17 analysis n inceleme
18 provide v salamak, temin etmek
19 detailed adj detayl
20 politics n politika, siyaset
21 couple v birletirmek, ift olmak
22 redemption n kurtulma, itfa
23 meticulous adj titiz, dikkatli
24 documentation n belgelendirme
25 readily adv isteyerek, kolaylkla
26 respond v yant/tepki vermek
27 changing adj deien
28 acclimatise v iklime altrmak
29 a wide range of pp bir ok farkl
30 humidity n nem
31 altitude n ykseklik
32 receive v almak
33 sufficient adj yeterli
34 constantly adv devaml olarak
35 physiological adj fizyolojik
36 internal adj i
37 infection n enfeksiyon, hastalk
38 pollution n kirlilik
39 dietary n beslenme kurallar, perhiz yemei
40 imbalance n dengesizlik
41 overcrowding n ar kalabalklama
42 adapt v uyum salamak
43 varying adj deiken
44 region n blge, yre
45 humid adj nemli
46 forest n orman
47 line n izgi, hat, sra
48 curve n eri, kavis
49 swing n salncak
50 move up pv ykselmek
51 blade n bak
52 compare v karlatrmak
53 behind prep arkasnda
54 distance n uzaklk, mesafe
55 measurement n lm, l
56 customary adj adet olan, allm
57 progressive adj gelien, ilerleyen
58 drive v (araba) srmek
59 commitment n ballk , sorumluluk
60 reform n yenilik, slahat
61 progress n gelime (ilerleme)

121 www.remzihoca.com
Vocabulary Attack 2
62 literary adj edebi
63 revolution n devrim
64 desert n l
65 wasteland n orak arazi
66 densely-populated adj youn nfuslu
67 considerable adj nemli, hatr saylr derecede
68 relatively adv nispeten
69 adaptability n uyarlanrlk
70 harsh adj sert, kaba
71 rewrite v yeniden yazmak
72 unwritten adj yazl olmayan
73 event n olay
74 eventful adj olayl
75 eventually adv sonunda, nihayetinde
76 uneventful adj olaysz
77 public adj umumi, ortak
78 reputedly adv dediklerine gre
79 reputable adj sayg deer
80 reputed adj saygn, sanlan
81 disrepute n kt n
82 disreputable adj kt nl
83 encouragement n cesaretlendirme
84 encouraging adj tevik edici, cesaret verici
85 encouragingly adv tevik edici bir ekilde
86 discourage v cesaretini krmak
87 discouraged adj hevesi krlm
88 discouragement n cesaretin krlmas
89 discouraging adj cesaret krc, hayal krklna uratan
90 discouragingly adv cesaret krc bir ekilde
91 history n tarih, gemi
92 historian n tarihi
93 historic adj tarihi, tarihsel
94 historically adv tarihsel adan, tarihsel olarak
95 prehistoric adj tarih ncesine ilikin, tarih ncesi
96 provider n tedariki kii
97 provision n temin, koul
98 political adj siyasi, politik
99 politically adv siyaseten, politik adan
100 politician n siyaseti
101 politicize v politikletirmek
102 social adj sosyal, toplumsal
103 sociability n sosyallik
104 sociable adj sosyal, arkada canls
105 socialist n sosyalist
106 unsociable adj ekingen, utanga
107 unsocial adj asosyal, ekingen
108 driver n src
109 driving n sr
110 commit v ilemek, yapmak
111 committed adj kendini adam
112 literacy n okur yazarlk, edebi kltr
113 literate adj bilgili, okuryazar
114 illiterate adj cahil, bilgisiz
115 literature n edebiyat
116 ready adj hazr, gnll
117 readiness n hazr olma, gnlllk
118 response v tepki vermek
119 response n cevap, yant
120 responsive adj duyarl, hassas
121 responsively adv duyarl bir biimde
122 respondent n cevaplayan
123 subculture n alt kltr
124 receiver n alc

122 www.remzihoca.com
Vocabulary Attack 2
125 reception n resepsiyon
126 receptive adj anlayl, yeniliklere ak
127 infect v bulatrmak
128 infected adj bulam, enfekte
129 infectious adj bulac
130 infectiously adv bulac bir ekilde
131 crowd n kalabalk, topluluk
132 overcrowded adj ar kalabalk
133 forestry n ormanclk
134 deforestation n ormanszlatrma
135 comparison n karlatrma
136 comparable adj benzer, kyaslanabilir
137 comparative adj karlatrmal
138 incomparable adj kyaslanamaz
139 distant adj uzak
140 measurable adj llebilir
141 measure v lmek
142 measure n nlem, l
143 custom n adet, gelenek
144 customer n mteri
145 customs n gmrk
146 customarily adv geleneklere gre
147 accustom v altrmak
148 situation n durum
149 kick v tekmelemek
150 meal n n, yemek
151 delicious adj lezzetli
152 familiarity n ainalk, bilme
153 fishing n balklk
154 scholarship n ilim, burs
155 concrete adj somut, beton
156 temporarily adv geici olarak
157 decisively adv kararl bir ekilde
158 cheap adj ucuz
159 stable adj sabit, deimez
160 furiously adv kzgnlkla
161 instantly adv hemen, derhal
162 confidence n gven
163 constant adj sabit
164 inequality n eitsizlik
165 severe adj ar, ciddi, sert
166 fame n hret, n
167 link v balamak, birletirmek
168 reliable adj gvenilir
169 invariable adj deimez, srekli
170 trouble n sorun, bela, karklk
171 fuel v desteklemek, glendirmek
172 unchanging adj deimeyen
173 tasty adj lezzetli
174 dedicate v adamak
175 connect v balant kurmak, ilikilendirmek
176 steady adj devaml, deimez
177 perpetually adv srekli olarak
178 equivalent adj eit, denk
179 answer v cevap vermek, yantlamak
180 unfairness n hakszlk
181 stir up pv sebep olmak, tahrik etmek
182 regular adj dzenli
183 faithful adj sadk, aslna uygun
184 urge v zorlamak, ikna etmek
185 consistent adj istikrarl, tutarl
186 trustworthy adj gvenilir, salam
187 always adv herzaman

123 www.remzihoca.com
Vocabulary Attack 2
188 hardship n glk
189 inequity n adaletsizlik
190 dissuade v vazgeirmek, caydrmak
191 react v tepki gstermek
192 similar adj benzer
193 reply v cevap vermek
194 devoted adj adanm, ayrlm
195 average n ortalama
196 increase v artrmak, oalmak
197 introduce v ortaya koymak, tantrmak
198 refer to pv anlamna gelmek, den bahsetmek, ilgilendirmek, ynlendirmek
199 as a result of pp -n sonucu olarak
200 greenhouse n sera
201 rise v artmak, ykselmek
202 thus ba bu yzden
203 landscape n manzara
204 fat n ya
205 gain v kazanmak
206 true adj gerek, doru
207 unhealthy adj salksz
208 vital adj hayati, nemli
209 critical adj kritik, hassas, nemli
210 unlimited adj snrsz, saysz
211 reserve n yedek
212 expand v geniletmek
213 original adj gerek, asl
214 size n byklk, boyut
215 in relation to pp ile ilgili
216 expose v aa karmak, maruz brakmak
217 given that ba farz edersek
218 access n eriim, ulam
219 simulate v benzemek, taklidini yapmak
220 release v serbest brakmak, piyasaya sunmak, yaymak
221 moreover ba dahas, ayrca
222 consume v tketmek
223 digestive adj sindirime ilikin, sindirim
224 tract n alan, blge
225 break down pv bozulmak, paralamak
226 fatty adj yal
227 bind v balamak, ciltlemek
228 intestine n barsak
229 lymph n lenf bezi
230 gain n kar, fayda, edinim
231 bloodstream n kan dolam
232 exit v kmak, ayrlmak
233 waste adj atk
234 rather than pp -den ziyade
235 embarrassment n utan, sklma
236 self-conscious adj kendini bilen
237 quite adv olduka, ok
238 guilt n su, kabahat
239 shame n ayp, utan, gnah
240 thought n dnce
241 feeling n his
242 govern v ynetmek, idare etmek
243 behaviour n davran
244 alert n uyar, ikaz
245 behave v davranmak
246 according to pp -e gre
247 threaten v tehdit etmek
248 belief n inan
249 evaluate v deerlendirmek
250 middle n orta, orta ksm

124 www.remzihoca.com
Vocabulary Attack 2
251 presentation n sergileme, sunum, tren
252 inadvertently adv kastsz bir ekilde
253 belch v geirmek
254 loudly adv grltyle
255 instead ba yerine
256 negatively adv olumsuz olarak
257 regret v piman olmak, zlmek
258 wrongdoing n su, kabahat
259 evaluation n deerlendirme
260 concerning prep ile ilgili
261 awkward adj etin, sakar
262 pride n gurur, vn
263 introduction n tantm, balang
264 introductory adj giri niteliinde
265 fatten v imanlatmak
266 truth n gerek
267 truthful adj dorucu, drst
268 truthfully adv doru bir ekilde
269 truly adv gerekten, tam anlamyla
270 critic n eletirmen
271 criticism n eletiri, tenkit
272 critically adv eletirel bir ekilde
273 criticize v eletirmek, knamak
274 origin n kken
275 originality n zgnlk, gereklik
276 originally adv aslnda , balangta
277 originate v balamak
278 embarrass v utandrmak
279 embarrassed adj utanm, ekingen
280 guilty adj sulu, kusurlu
281 shameful adj utan verici
282 shamelessly adv utanmadan
283 unashamed adj utanmaz
284 unashamedly adv utanmaz bir ekilde
285 regret n pimanlk
286 regretful adj piman
287 regretfully adv pimanlkla
288 regrettable adj zc
289 regrettably adv zlerek
290 thoughtful adj dnceli
291 thoughtfully adv dnceli bir ekilde
292 thoughtfulness n dncelilik
293 thoughtless adj dncesiz
294 thoughtlessly adv dncesizce
295 thoughtlessness n dncesizlik
296 governance n ynetim, kontrol
297 government n hkumet, ynetim
298 governmental adj idari, hkumet
299 governor n ynetici, vali
300 governorship n valilik, yneticilik
301 behavioural adj davransal
302 behaviourally adv davransal olarak
303 behaviourism n davranlk
304 behaviourist n davran bilimci
305 threatened adj tehdit edilen
306 threatening adj tehditkar, korkutucu
307 believe v inanmak, gvenmek
308 believer n iman sahibi
309 unbelievable adj inanlmaz
310 surprised adj arm
311 conduct v yrtmek, iletmek
312 buy v satn almak
313 strength n g

125 www.remzihoca.com
Vocabulary Attack 2
314 assistance n destek, yardm
315 cure n tedavi, are
316 specifically adv zellikle
317 examine v incelemek, muayene etmek
318 golden adj altndan yaplm
319 external adj d, harici
320 gloomy adj ktmser, kasvetli
321 exclude v hari tutmak
322 emergency n acil durum
323 addiction n bamllk
324 spare adj yedek
325 politely adv kibarca
326 incredible adj inanlmaz
327 present n bugn, u an, hediye
328 faith n inan
329 rather adv olduka, biraz
330 mention v bahsetmek, sylemek
331 trash n p, samalk
332 concept n kavram, fikir
333 rule v ynetmek
334 leave v ayrlmak, terketmek
335 alarm n alarm
336 rubbish n p, samalk
337 pretty adv olduka, epey
338 judge v yarglamak, deerlendirmek
339 root n kk
340 warning n uyar, ikaz
341 reasonably adv makul bir biimde
342 remake v yeniden yapmak
343 reign n devir, hkmdarlk
344 go v gitmek, uymak
345 depart v ayrlmak
346 inappropriate adj uygun olmayan
347 notice n duyuru, uyar, dikkat
348 reconstruct v yeniden ina etmek
349 demonstration n gsterme, gsteri
350 assess v deerlendirmek
351 win v kazanmak, yenmek
352 fairly adv olduka, adil bir ekilde
353 idea n neri, fikir, niyet
354 unsuitable adj uygun olmayan
355 garbage n p, bo laf
356 beginning n balang
357 crime n su, kabahat
358 cause n sebep, neden
359 fact n gerek, olgu
360 cavity n oyuk, kovuk
361 permanently adv kalc bir ekilde
362 damaged adj bozuk, hasarl, zarar grm
363 area n alan, blge
364 opening n delik, balang, al
365 hole n delik, ukur
366 tooth n di
367 decay n rme
368 caries n di r
369 combination n bileim, birleim
370 frequent adj allm, sk sk olan
371 snack v attrmak
372 sip v yudumlamak
373 sugary adj ekerli, tatl
374 clean v temizlemek
375 teenager n gen, ergen
376 adult n yetikin

126 www.remzihoca.com
Vocabulary Attack 2
377 deep adj derin
378 severely adv iddetli derecede
379 toothache n di ars
380 visit v ziyaret etmek, gezmek
381 floss v di ipiyle temizlemek
382 habit n alkanlk
383 perfectly adv kusursuzca, tamamen
384 suit v uygun olmak
385 dry adj kuru, kurak, skc
386 little adj ok az, kk
387 climate n iklim
388 feature n zellik
389 nocturnal adj gececi
390 mean v anlamna gelmek, demek istemek
391 sleep v uyumak
392 come out pv dar kmak, piyasaya kmak, ortaya kmak
393 cool adj serin, souk
394 eyelash n kirpik
395 sand n kum
396 nostril n burun delii
397 drink v imek
398 service n servis, hizmet
399 brush v fralamak
400 marketing n pazarlama
401 work out pv anlamak, hesaplamak, antrenman yapmak
402 organizational adj rgtsel, kurumsal
403 operational adj iler halde, faal
404 sale n sat
405 enhance v gelitirmek, arttrmak
406 competitiveness n rekabet yetenei
407 in order to pp -mek iin
408 obtain v elde etmek
409 profit v faydalanmak
410 function n ilev, grev
411 formation n oluma, ekillenme
412 stimulation n tevik, uyarm, drt
413 plan n plan, proje
414 commercial adj ticari
415 transport v tamak, nakletmek
416 salesman n satc
417 market v pazarlamak
418 marketable adj pazarlanabilir
419 operate v iletmek, altrmak, ameliyat yapmak
420 operating n ameliyat, iletim
421 operative adj faal, alr durumda
422 operator n operatr, santral, irket
423 cooperate v ibirlii kurmak
424 cooperation n ibirlii, dayanma
425 cooperative adj i birlii yapan
426 cooperatively adv i birlii yaparak
427 profitable adj karl
428 profitably adv karl ekilde
429 profitability n karllk
430 unprofitable adj kar etmeyen
431 perfection n mkemmellik
432 perfectionism n mkemmelliyetilik
433 perfectionist n mkemmeliyeti
434 imperfect adj kusurlu, bozuk
435 imperfection n eksiklik, kusur
436 imperfectly adv kusurlu, eksik olarak
437 shortage n ktlk
438 shorten v ksaltmak
439 shortly adv ksa zaman sonra

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Vocabulary Attack 2
440 shortness n ksalk
441 meaning n anlam
442 meaningless adj anlamsz
443 open v amak, balatmak
444 open adj ak, drst
445 openness n drstlk, aklk
446 opener n ac
447 openly adv aka
448 combine v birletirmek
449 deep adv derin
450 deepen v derinletirmek
451 deeply adv derinden
452 depth n derinlik
453 habitual adj her zamanki, allm
454 habitually adv alld ekilde
455 supervision n denetleme
456 ancient adj eski
457 centrally adv merkezi olarak
458 sharply adv keskince, aniden
459 daily adj gnlk
460 regularly adv dzenli olarak, sk sk
461 medical adj tbbi, tedaviyle ilgili
462 big adj byk, kocaman, nemli
463 primitive adj ilkel
464 horrible adj berbat, kt
465 rapid adj hzl, abuk
466 privately adv zel olarak
467 allowance n harlk, izin, pay
468 disagree v ayn fikirde olmamak
469 update v gncelletirmek, modernletirmek
470 locate v yerini belirlemek, oturmak
471 accumulation n birikme, yn
472 dynasty n hanedanlk
473 admission n kabul, giri
474 comment v yorum yapmak
475 comment n yorum, fikir
476 fulfillment n yerine getirme
477 marvelous adj harika, mthi
478 disaster n felaket
479 property n zellik, eya, mal mlk
480 get v almak, elde etmek
481 absence n yokluk, var olmama
482 drop in pv ziyaret etmek
483 scarcity n ktlk
484 enrich v zenginletirmek
485 contract v klmek, ksaltmak, szleme yapmak
486 make out pv anlamak, zmek
487 antique adj antik, eskiye ait
488 deficit n eksiklik
489 trait n zellik
490 shrink v daralmak, klmek
491 deficiency n yetersizlik
492 attribute n zellik
493 old adj yal, eski
494 narrow v daraltmak, azaltmak
495 profound adj derin, iddetli
496 crater n krater
497 figure out pv anlamak, zmek
498 quality n kalite, nitelik
499 long-standing adj eskiden beri sregelen
500 drink n iecek, iki
501 lack n eksiklik
502 characteristic n zellik

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Vocabulary Attack 2

You will learn the following target words in this section
1 dropout 22 go through 43 chance
2 leave 23 various 44 probability
3 motivation 24 stage 45 surround
4 hard 25 maturity 46 name
5 almost 26 traditionally 47 near
6 miss 27 theory 48 extremely
7 class 28 senescence 49 warm
8 catch up 29 programmed 50 separate
9 prepared 30 stochastic 51 monsoon
10 unemployed 31 aging 52 savannah
11 graduate 32 imply 53 grassland
12 data 33 regulate 54 coast
13 pupil 34 clock 55 shape
14 implication 35 throughout 56 sphere
15 demand 36 span 57 equal
16 offer 37 expression 58 face
17 evening 38 repair 59 move away
18 come back 39 defence 60 direct
19 unless 40 response 61 warmth
20 induce 41 blame 62 genetic
21 cumulative 42 impact 63 heterogeneity

129 www.remzihoca.com
Vocabulary Attack 2
Some American high schools have a dropout rate of up to 50%. There are many reasons for students
leaving school: For two thirds of the dropouts motivation is the problem. They can't just work hard
enough. Almost half of them said that they had missed so many classes that they could not catch up
any more. Many said that they were not prepared well enough in their earlier school. For a third of
them getting a job was more important than finishing school. High school dropouts have more
problems in society and in their future lives. They are more likely to be unemployed or live in poverty.
There is also a big difference in income if you compare high school dropouts with graduates.
According to data by the US Census bureau Americans with a bachelor's degree earn about $
50,000, those with a high school diploma about $28,000 and dropouts only about $ 20,000. Many
pupils do not understand the implications of dropping out of school. They often demand better
teachers, more lessons to catch up in subjects and more help with learning problems. Some schools
have adopted to this situation. They offer evening classes or allow students to come back at a later

Baz Amerikan yksekokullar % 50ye kadar okulu brakan kimselere sahiptir. Okulu brakan
renciler iin birok sebep vardr. Okulu brakmann te ikisi iin motivasyon problemdir. Onlar
yeterince sk alamaz. Onlarn yaklak yars birok snf kardklarn artk yakalayamadklarn
sylediler. Birou daha erken okullarnda yeterince iyi hazrlanmadklarn syledi. Bir i almak
onlarn te biri iin okulu bitirmekten daha nemlidir. Yksekokulu brakan kimseler toplumda ve
gelecek yaamlarnda daha fazla probleme sahiptir. Onlar isiz ya da yoksulluk iinde yaamaya
daha muhtemeldir. Eer sen mezunlarla yksekokulu brakanlar karlatrrsan gelir bakmndan
byk farkllklar vardr. US nfus saym tarafndan verilere gre bir niversite mezununun
derecesine sahip Amerikallar yaklak 50.000 dolar, bir yksek okul diplomasna sahip olanlar 28.000
ve okulu brakanlar sadece 20.000 dolar kazanrlar. Birok renci okulun dnda okulu brakmann
sonularn anlamazlar. Onlar genellikle daha iyi retmen, konular yakalamak iin daha fazla ders
ve renme problemleriyle daha fazla yardm talep ederler. Baz okullar bu durumu benimsemi
durumdadrlar. Onlar bir sonraki yata geri gelmek iin rencilere izin verir ya da akam snflar

Find the words!

ayrlmak, terk etmek v hazr adj
motivasyon, istek n akam n
glkle, iddetle adv bilgi, veri n
hemen hemen, okuldan ayrlan
adv n
yaklak kii
talep etmek,
renci, gzbebei n v
teklif etmek,
ima, karm n v
hzna yetimek,
geri dnmek ,
tamamlamak , pv Pv
aklna gelmek
niversite mezunu n v
isiz, bota adj snf, ders n

130 www.remzihoca.com
Vocabulary Attack 2
dropout leave motivation miss class
hard catch up prepared unemployed graduate
data pupil implication offer evening

no definition word

1 difficult to understand, do, experience or deal with

2 ready to deal with a situation

to fail to do or experience something, often something planned or

expected, or to avoid doing or experiencing something

4 a person, especially a child at school, who is being taught

a person who leaves school, college or university before finishing a

course, or a person who lives in an unusual way

6 the part of the day between the end of the afternoon and night

7 a person who has a first degree from a university or college

to go away from someone or something, for a short time or

to ask for something forcefully, in a way that shows that you do not
expect to be refused
a group of students who are taught together at school, college or

11 enthusiasm for doing something

12 to reach someone in front of you by going faster than them

13 not having a job that provides money

information, especially facts or numbers, collected to be examined

14 and considered and used to help decision-making, or information in
an electronic form that can be stored and processed by a computer

15 when you seem to suggest something without saying it directly

] to ask someone if they would like to have something or if they would

like you to do something

131 www.remzihoca.com
Vocabulary Attack 2
Unless disease or trauma occurs, most humans go through the various stages of life. Human
development is the process of growing to maturity and mental ability. Traditionally, theories that
explain senescence have generally been divided between the programmed and stochastic theories of
aging. Programmed theories imply that aging is regulated by biological clocks operating throughout
the life span. This regulation would depend on changes in gene expression that affect the systems
responsible for maintenance, repair and defence responses. Stochastic theories blame environmental
impacts on living organisms that induce cumulative damage at various levels as the cause of aging.
However, aging is now seen as a combination of genetic and environmental processes; a progressive
failure of homeostatic mechanisms involving maintenance and repair genes, stochastic events
leading to molecular damage and molecular heterogeneity, and chance events determining the
probability of death.

Hastalk ya da travma meydana gelmedike, ou insanlar yaamn eitli aamalarn yaarlar.

nsan geliimi olgunluk ve zihinsel yetenee gelimenin srecidir. Geleneksel olarak yall
aklayan teoriler genellikle yalanmann programl ve olaslksal teoriler arasnda blnm
durumdadr. Programl teoriler mr boyunca alma biyolojik saat tarafndan dzenlenir. Bu
dzenleme bakm, onarm ve savunma yantlarndan sorumlu sistemleri etkileyen gen ifadesindeki
deiimlere balanacak. Olaslksal teoriler yalanmann sebebi olarak eitli seviyelerde birikimli
zarara neden olan canl organizmalar zerinde evresel etkileri sularlar. Fakat yalanma imdi
hemostatik mekanizmalarn aamal bir baarszl, bakm ve onarm geni, molekler hasar ve
molekler heterojenlik ve lmn olasln belirleyen ans olaylar genetik ve evresel srelerin bir
bileimi olarak grlr.

Find the words!

ima etmek, anlamna
v saat n
yaamak, geirmek, rastgele,
pv adj
incelemek olaslksal
olgunluk n -mezse, -mazsa ba
sahne, aama n kuram, teori n
dzenlemek v yalanma n
geleneksel olarak adv sre, mesafe n
cevap, yant n eitli, farkl adj
ok trellik n birikerek artan adj
programlanm adj kaltsal, kaltmsal adj
olaslk, ihtimal n ifade n
yalanma n n
ikna etmek, sebep
ans, talih, olanak n v
boyunca prep sulamak v
etki n onarm, tamirat n

132 www.remzihoca.com
Vocabulary Attack 2
go through various stage maturity theory
imply regulate clock span expression
repair defence response blame impact
induce cumulative chance probability genetic

no definition word

1 to experience a difficult or unpleasant situation

a powerful effect that something, especially something new, has on a

situation or person

3 the quality of behaving mentally and emotionally like an adult

to say or think that someone or something did something wrong or is

responsible for something bad happening

5 when something is done to fix something that is broken or damaged

6 many different

7 an answer or reaction

8 an occasion which allows something to be done; an opportunity

a device for measuring and showing time, which is usually found in or

on a building and is not worn by a person

10 belonging or relating to genes

the level of possibility of something happening or being true;


12 to communicate an idea or feeling without saying it directly

13 protection or support against attack, criticism or infection

14 a part of an activity or a period of development

15 to cause something to happen

16 the period of time that sometimes exists or happens

17 to control something, especially by making it work in a particular way

a formal statement of the rules on which a subject of study is based

18 or of ideas which are suggested to explain a fact or event or, more
generally, an opinion or explanation

19 increasing by one addition after another

when you say what you think or show how you feel using words or

133 www.remzihoca.com
Vocabulary Attack 2
Earths atmosphere is the layers of gases that surround our planet. A climate is the usual condition of
the atmosphere in a certain area. The climate of a certain area can change a little from day to day. A
climate is what the weather is usually. There are quite a few different climates found in the world.
Scientists have identified 11 different climates on Earth. They are named either for the region where
they occur or for the weather found there. The polar regions of Earth are the areas near the North
Pole and the South Pole. They have two extremely cold climates, called ice caps and tundra. The
regions near the equator are warm and tropical. They have three separate climates, known as
monsoon, wet and savannah/grasslands. The subtropical regions are between the tropical regions
and the polar regions. They have six different climates. These are called dry summer, dry winter,
humid, marine west coast, Mediterranean and wet. Why are the warmest climates found near the
equator? Earth is shaped like a sphere. The equator is the line that is equal distance from the North
Pole and the South Pole. The sun shines directly on the equator when Earth is facing the sun. The
surface of the Earth curves as it moves away from the equator. Those curved areas receive less
direct sunlight. The poles, at the top and bottom of Earth, receive the least direct sunlight of all. The
poles dont get enough warmth from the sun. Thats why they have a layer of ice all year.

Dnyann atmosferi bizim gezegenimizi evreleyen gazlarn katmandr. Bir iklim belli bir alanda
atmosferin allm durumudur. Belli bir alann iklimi gnden gne biraz deiebilir. Bir iklim hava
durumunun genellikle olduu eydir. Dnyada temellendirilen birka farkl iklim vardr. Bilim adamlar
dnya zerinde on bir farkl iklim tanmlam durumdadr. Hava durumu ya orada bulunduu iin ya
da meydana geldii blgeler iin isimlendirilir. Dnyann kutup blgeleri Kuzey Kutbu ve Gney Kutbu
yaknndaki alanlardr. Onlar olduka iki souk buzul ve tundra olarak adlandrlan iklimlere sahiptir.
Ekvator yaknndaki blgeler lk ve tropikaldir. Onlar muson, nemli ve savan olarak adlandrlan
ayr iklime sahiptir. Alt tropikal blgeler tropik blgeler ve kutup blgeleri arasndadr. Onlar alt farkl
iklime sahiptir. Bu kuru yaz, kuru k, nemli, deniz bat kylar, Akdeniz ve nemli olarak adlandrlr.
Niin en scak iklimler ekvator yaknnda bulunur? Dnya bir kre gibi ekillendirilir. Ekvator Kuzey
Kutbu ve Gney Kutbundan eit uzaklktaki izgidir. Dnya gnele karlat zaman ekvator
zerinden dorudan k saar. Dnyann yzeyi ekvatordan uzakta hareket ettii iin eilir. Bu eimli
alanlar dorudan gne n daha az alr. Kutuplar, dnyann altnda ve stnde hepsinin
arasndan en az dorudan gne n alr. Kutuplar gneten yeterince scaklk almazlar. Bu
yzden onlar tm yl buzun bir katmanna sahiptir.

Find the words!

ky n uzaklamak pv
aal bozkr n kuatmak v
yakn , yaknda prep adlandrmak v
ayr, otlak n olduka adv
muson n eit adj
ayr, ayrlm adj ekillendirmek v
lk, sevecen adj dorudan, drst adj
kar karya kalmak v kre, alan, saha n
scaklk, samimiyet n

134 www.remzihoca.com
Vocabulary Attack 2
surround near extremely warm separate
monsoon savannah grassland coast shape
sphere equal face direct

no definition word

1 the land next to or close to the sea

2 very

3 not far away in distance

to decide or influence the form of something, especially a belief or

idea, or someone's character

5 a large area of land covered with grass

going in a straight line towards somewhere or someone without

stopping or changing direction

7 the front of the head, where the eyes, nose and mouth are

the same in amount, number or size, or the same in importance and

deserving the same treatment

9 having or producing a comfortably high temperature, although not hot

10 an object shaped like a round ball

11 to be everywhere around something

a large flat area of land covered with grass, usually with few trees,
which is found in hot countries, especially in Africa

13 to (cause to) divide into parts

14 the season of heavy rain during the summer in hot Asian countries

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Vocabulary Attack 2


-en -ly -ship -ion -ed
-ory -er -ment -al -ist
-ize -ive -able -ity -less
un- ir- dis- im- in-
no main word derived word F TR
1 harden v
2 hardly adv
kat, zor
3 hardship n
4 preparation n
5 prepare prepared adj
6 hazrlamak preparatory adj
7 unprepared adj
8 employee n
9 employer n
10 employment n
11 unemployed adj
12 unemployment n
13 traditional adj
14 traditionally adv
15 traditionalist n
16 theorist n
17 theory theoretical adj
18 teori theorize v
19 theoretically adv
20 expression n
21 expressive adj
ifade etmek
22 expressively adv
23 irreparable adj
24 irreparably adv
tamir etmek
25 disrepair n
26 probably adv
27 probable probability n
28 olas improbable adj
29 improbably adv
30 named adj
31 nameless adj
32 namely adv
33 unnamed adj
34 rename v
35 warm warmth n
36 lk warmly adv
37 separation n
38 separable adj
39 separately adv
40 inseparable adj
41 inseparably adv
42 shape shapely adv
43 ekil shapeless adj
44 equally adv
45 equality n
46 equal equalize v
47 eit inequality n
48 unequal adj
49 unequally adv

136 www.remzihoca.com
Vocabulary Attack 2
silent typical damaged believe heavy
interactive significant determined viable emotional
fresh rarely exact creative abruptly
potential prime circular unhealthy frozen
criticism skin resistance drawback alternative
deeply fashion composition perspective wilderness
percentage interrupt witness approach deprivation
media rarely fat suspect argument
no EN TR
1 kararl diren
2 birinci phe
3 derinden inanmak
4 nadiren bahsetmek
5 olas dezavantaj
6 sessiz tank
7 yeni bak as
8 zarar grm cilt
9 yaratc yaklam
10 nemli yzde oran
11 tam karm
12 karakteristik moda
13 etkileimli medya
14 youn eletiri
15 uygulanabilir alternatif
16 aniden araya girmek
17 duygusal yoksunluk
18 souk vahi orman
19 sirkler tartma
20 salksz ya

137 www.remzihoca.com
Vocabulary Attack 2
no word F synonymous with
1 leave v
2 motivation n
3 catch up pv
4 unemployed adj
5 induce v
6 stage n
7 imply v
8 blame v
9 surround v
10 coast n
11 employ v
12 tradition n
13 traditional adj
14 express v
15 probably adv
16 equal adj
17 silent adj
18 creative adj

phase n aama shore n sahil
keep up pv hzna yetimek hint v ima etmek
inventive adj yaratc quit v kmak
say v sylemek convention n gelenek
step down pv istifa etmek presumably adv muhtemelen
coastline n sahil out of work adj isiz
stimulus n uyaran motivate v motive etmek
identical adj ayn seashore n deniz kenar
hire v kiralamak, ie almak resign v istifa etmek
conventional adj geleneksel encircle v etrafn evrelemek
retire v emekli olmak round n raunt
enclose v etrafn evrelemek mute adj dilsiz
seaside n deniz kenar uniform adj ayn
prompt v ikna, tevik etmek incentive n tevik
jobless adj isiz innovative adj yeniliki
norm n norm attack v saldrmak
step n adm the same adj ayn
beach n kumsal keep pace pv hzna yetimek
depart v ayrlmak speechless adj sessiz
recruit v grevlendirmek custom n gelenek
criticize v eletirmek redundant adj isiz
doubtless adv phesiz exit v kmak
indistinguishable adj ayrt edilemez

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Vocabulary Attack 2
1 leave ------ Scotland skoyaya gitmek
motivation ------ governments
2 hkmet mdahalesinin arkasndaki sebep
3 to be prepared ------ sth bir ey iin hazr olmak
4 ------ the evening akamleyin
5 ------ this stage bu aamada
6 ------ the stage sahnede
7 ------ five oclock saat bete
8 to blame sb ------ sth birini bir ey ile sulamak
9 impact ------ sth ------ sth bir eyin bir ey zerindeki etkisi
10 chance ------ doing sth bir ey yapma ans/ihtimali
11 to be named ------ sth adn bir eyden almak
12 to separate sth ------ sth bir eyi bir eyden ayrmak
13 ------ the coast sahilde
14 ------ the coast sahil aklarnda
15 to be faced ------ sth bir ey ile yz yze olmak
16 to be equal ------ sth bir eye eit olmak
17 typical ------ sb birinin tipik zellii
18 resistance ------ sth bir eye diren
19 approach ------ sth bir eye yaklam
20 to be suspected ------ doing sth bir ey yaptndan phe duyulmak
21 ------ an alternative ------ sth bir eye alternatif olarak
22 deprivation ------ sth bir eyden mahrum olma
23 ------ this phase bu aamada
24 identical ------ sth bir ey ile tpa tp ayn
25 to lie ------ the beach kumsalda uzanmak
26 the same ------ sth bir ey ile ayn

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Vocabulary Attack 2
REVISION 15 | 16 | 17
no EN F TR
1 average n ortalama
2 increase v artrmak, oalmak
3 introduce v ortaya koymak, tantrmak
anlamna gelmek, den bahsetmek, ilgilendirmek,
4 refer to pv
5 as a result of pp -n sonucu olarak
6 greenhouse n sera
7 rise v artmak, ykselmek
8 thus ba bu yzden
9 landscape n manzara
10 fat n ya
11 gain v kazanmak
12 true adj gerek, doru
13 unhealthy adj salksz
14 vital adj hayati, nemli
15 critical adj kritik, hassas, nemli
16 unlimited adj snrsz, saysz
17 reserve n yedek
18 expand v geniletmek
19 original adj gerek, asl
20 size n byklk, boyut
21 in relation to pp ile ilgili
22 expose v aa karmak, maruz brakmak
23 given that ba farz edersek
24 access n eriim, ulam
25 simulate v benzemek, taklidini yapmak
26 release v serbest brakmak, piyasaya sunmak, yaymak
27 moreover ba dahas, ayrca
28 consume v tketmek
29 digestive adj sindirime ilikin, sindirim
30 tract n alan, blge
31 break down pv bozulmak, paralamak
32 fatty adj yal
33 bind v balamak, ciltlemek
34 intestine n barsak
35 lymph n lenf bezi
36 gain n kar, fayda, edinim
37 bloodstream n kan dolam
38 exit v kmak, ayrlmak
39 waste adj atk
40 rather than pp -den ziyade
41 embarrassment n utan, sklma
42 self-conscious adj kendini bilen
43 quite adv olduka, ok
44 guilt n su, kabahat
45 shame n ayp, utan, gnah
46 thought n dnce
47 feeling n his
48 govern v ynetmek, idare etmek
49 behaviour n davran
50 alert n uyar, ikaz
51 behave v davranmak
52 according to pp -e gre
53 threaten v tehdit etmek
54 belief n inan
55 evaluate v deerlendirmek
56 middle n orta, orta ksm
57 presentation n sergileme, sunum, tren
58 inadvertently adv kastsz bir ekilde
59 belch v geirmek
60 loudly adv grltyle

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Vocabulary Attack 2
61 instead ba yerine
62 negatively adv olumsuz olarak
63 regret v piman olmak, zlmek
64 wrongdoing n su, kabahat
65 evaluation n deerlendirme
66 concerning prep ile ilgili
67 awkward adj etin, sakar
68 pride n gurur, vn
69 introduction n tantm, balang
70 introductory adj giri niteliinde
71 fatten v imanlatmak
72 truth n gerek
73 truthful adj dorucu, drst
74 truthfully adv doru bir ekilde
75 truly adv gerekten, tam anlamyla
76 critic n eletirmen
77 criticism n eletiri, tenkit
78 critically adv eletirel bir ekilde
79 criticize v eletirmek, knamak
80 origin n kken
81 originality n zgnlk, gereklik
82 originally adv aslnda , balangta
83 originate v balamak
84 embarrass v utandrmak
85 embarrassed adj utanm, ekingen
86 guilty adj sulu, kusurlu
87 shameful adj utan verici
88 shamelessly adv utanmadan
89 unashamed adj utanmaz
90 unashamedly adv utanmaz bir ekilde
91 regret n pimanlk
92 regretful adj piman
93 regretfully adv pimanlkla
94 regrettable adj zc
95 regrettably adv zlerek
96 thoughtful adj dnceli
97 thoughtfully adv dnceli bir ekilde
98 thoughtfulness n dncelilik
99 thoughtless adj dncesiz
100 thoughtlessly adv dncesizce
101 thoughtlessness n dncesizlik
102 governance n ynetim, kontrol
103 government n hkumet, ynetim
104 governmental adj idari, hkumet
105 governor n ynetici, vali
106 governorship n valilik, yneticilik
107 behavioural adj davransal
108 behaviourally adv davransal olarak
109 behaviourism n davranlk
110 behaviourist n davran bilimci
111 threatened adj tehdit edilen
112 threatening adj tehditkar, korkutucu
113 believe v inanmak, gvenmek
114 believer n iman sahibi
115 unbelievable adj inanlmaz
116 surprised adj arm
117 conduct v yrtmek, iletmek
118 buy v satn almak
119 strength n g
120 assistance n destek, yardm
121 cure n tedavi, are
122 specifically adv zellikle
123 examine v incelemek, muayene etmek

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Vocabulary Attack 2
124 golden adj altndan yaplm
125 external adj d, harici
126 gloomy adj ktmser, kasvetli
127 exclude v hari tutmak
128 emergency n acil durum
129 addiction n bamllk
130 spare adj yedek
131 politely adv kibarca
132 incredible adj inanlmaz
133 present n bugn, u an, hediye
134 faith n inan
135 rather adv olduka, biraz
136 mention v bahsetmek, sylemek
137 trash n p, samalk
138 concept n kavram, fikir
139 rule v ynetmek
140 leave v ayrlmak, terketmek
141 alarm n alarm
142 rubbish n p, samalk
143 pretty adv olduka, epey
144 judge v yarglamak, deerlendirmek
145 root n kk
146 warning n uyar, ikaz
147 reasonably adv makul bir biimde
148 remake v yeniden yapmak
149 reign n devir, hkmdarlk
150 go v gitmek, uymak
151 depart v ayrlmak
152 inappropriate adj uygun olmayan
153 notice n duyuru, uyar, dikkat
154 reconstruct v yeniden ina etmek
155 demonstration n gsterme, gsteri
156 assess v deerlendirmek
157 win v kazanmak, yenmek
158 fairly adv olduka, adil bir ekilde
159 idea n neri, fikir, niyet
160 unsuitable adj uygun olmayan
161 garbage n p, bo laf
162 beginning n balang
163 crime n su, kabahat
164 cause n sebep, neden
165 fact n gerek, olgu
166 cavity n oyuk, kovuk
167 permanently adv kalc bir ekilde
168 damaged adj bozuk, hasarl, zarar grm
169 area n alan, blge
170 opening n delik, balang, al
171 hole n delik, ukur
172 tooth n di
173 decay n rme
174 caries n di r
175 combination n bileim, birleim
176 frequent adj allm, sk sk olan
177 snack v attrmak
178 sip v yudumlamak
179 sugary adj ekerli, tatl
180 clean v temizlemek
181 teenager n gen, ergen
182 adult n yetikin
183 deep adj derin
184 severely adv iddetli derecede
185 toothache n di ars
186 visit v ziyaret etmek, gezmek

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Vocabulary Attack 2
187 floss v di ipiyle temizlemek
188 habit n alkanlk
189 perfectly adv kusursuzca, tamamen
190 suit v uygun olmak
191 dry adj kuru, kurak, skc
192 little adj ok az, kk
193 climate n iklim
194 feature n zellik
195 nocturnal adj gececi
196 mean v anlamna gelmek, demek istemek
197 sleep v uyumak
198 come out pv dar kmak, piyasaya kmak, ortaya kmak
199 cool adj serin, souk
200 eyelash n kirpik
201 sand n kum
202 nostril n burun delii
203 drink v imek
204 service n servis, hizmet
205 brush v fralamak
206 marketing n pazarlama
207 work out pv anlamak, hesaplamak, antrenman yapmak
208 organizational adj rgtsel, kurumsal
209 operational adj iler halde, faal
210 sale n sat
211 enhance v gelitirmek, arttrmak
212 competitiveness n rekabet yetenei
213 in order to pp -mek iin
214 obtain v elde etmek
215 profit v faydalanmak
216 function n ilev, grev
217 formation n oluma, ekillenme
218 stimulation n tevik, uyarm, drt
219 plan n plan, proje
220 commercial adj ticari
221 transport v tamak, nakletmek
222 salesman n satc
223 market v pazarlamak
224 marketable adj pazarlanabilir
225 operate v iletmek, altrmak, ameliyat yapmak
226 operating n ameliyat, iletim
227 operative adj faal, alr durumda
228 operator n operatr, santral, irket
229 cooperate v ibirlii kurmak
230 cooperation n ibirlii, dayanma
231 cooperative adj i birlii yapan
232 cooperatively adv i birlii yaparak
233 profitable adj karl
234 profitably adv karl ekilde
235 profitability n karllk
236 unprofitable adj kar etmeyen
237 perfection n mkemmellik
238 perfectionism n mkemmelliyetilik
239 perfectionist n mkemmeliyeti
240 imperfect adj kusurlu, bozuk
241 imperfection n eksiklik, kusur
242 imperfectly adv kusurlu, eksik olarak
243 shortage n ktlk
244 shorten v ksaltmak
245 shortly adv ksa zaman sonra
246 shortness n ksalk
247 meaning n anlam
248 meaningless adj anlamsz
249 open v amak, balatmak

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Vocabulary Attack 2
250 open adj ak, drst
251 openness n drstlk, aklk
252 opener n ac
253 openly adv aka
254 combine v birletirmek
255 deep adv derin
256 deepen v derinletirmek
257 deeply adv derinden
258 depth n derinlik
259 habitual adj her zamanki, allm
260 habitually adv alld ekilde
261 supervision n denetleme
262 ancient adj eski
263 centrally adv merkezi olarak
264 sharply adv keskince, aniden
265 daily adj gnlk
266 regularly adv dzenli olarak, sk sk
267 medical adj tbbi, tedaviyle ilgili
268 big adj byk, kocaman, nemli
269 primitive adj ilkel
270 horrible adj berbat, kt
271 rapid adj hzl, abuk
272 privately adv zel olarak
273 allowance n harlk, izin, pay
274 disagree v ayn fikirde olmamak
275 update v gncelletirmek, modernletirmek
276 locate v yerini belirlemek, oturmak
277 accumulation n birikme, yn
278 dynasty n hanedanlk
279 admission n kabul, giri
280 comment v yorum yapmak
281 comment n yorum, fikir
282 fulfillment n yerine getirme
283 marvelous adj harika, mthi
284 disaster n felaket
285 property n zellik, eya, mal mlk
286 get v almak, elde etmek
287 absence n yokluk, var olmama
288 drop in pv ziyaret etmek
289 scarcity n ktlk
290 enrich v zenginletirmek
291 contract v klmek, ksaltmak, szleme yapmak
292 make out pv anlamak, zmek
293 antique adj antik, eskiye ait
294 deficit n eksiklik
295 trait n zellik
296 shrink v daralmak, klmek
297 deficiency n yetersizlik
298 attribute n zellik
299 old adj yal, eski
300 narrow v daraltmak, azaltmak
301 profound adj derin, iddetli
302 crater n krater
303 figure out pv anlamak, zmek
304 quality n kalite, nitelik
305 long-standing adj eskiden beri sregelen
306 drink n iecek, iki
307 lack n eksiklik
308 characteristic n zellik
309 dropout n okuldan ayrlan kii
310 leave n izin, dinlenme
311 motivation n motivasyon, istek
312 hard adv glkle, iddetle

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313 almost adv hemen hemen, yaklak
314 miss v zlemek, karmak
315 class n snf, ders
316 catch up pv hzna yetimek, tamamlamak , konumak
317 prepared adj hazr
318 unemployed adj isiz, bota
319 graduate n niversite mezunu
320 data n bilgi, veri
321 pupil n renci, gzbebei
322 implication n ima, karm
323 offer v teklif etmek, sunmak
324 evening n akam
325 come back pv geri dnmek , aklna gelmek
326 unless ba -mezse, mazsa
327 induce v ikna etmek, sebep olmak
328 cumulative adj birikerek artan
329 go through pv yaamak, geirmek, incelemek
330 various adj eitli, farkl
331 stage n sahne, aama
332 maturity n olgunluk
333 traditionally adv geleneksel olarak
334 senescence n yalanma
335 programmed adj programlanm
336 stochastic adj rastgele, olaslksal
337 aging n yalanma
338 imply v ima etmek, anlamna gelmek
339 regulate v dzenlemek
340 clock n saat
341 throughout prep boyunca
342 span v srmek, kapsamak
343 expression n ifade
344 repair v onarmak, dzeltmek
345 defence n savunma, mdafaa
346 blame v sulamak
347 impact n etki
348 chance n ans, talih, olanak
349 probability n olaslk, ihtimal
350 surround v kuatmak
351 name v adlandrmak
352 near prep yakn , yaknda
353 extremely adv olduka
354 warm v stmak
355 separate v ayrmak
356 monsoon n muson
357 savannah n aal bozkr
358 grassland n ayr, otlak
359 coast n ky
360 shape n ekil, biim
361 face v kar karya kalmak
362 move away pv uzaklamak
363 direct v ynlendirmek, ynetmek
364 warmth n scaklk, samimiyet
365 genetic adj kaltsal, kaltmsal
366 heterogeneity n ok trellik
367 harden v katlamak, sertletirmek
368 hardly adv neredeyse hi
369 prepare v hazrlamak, hazrlanmak
370 unprepared adj hazrlksz
371 employ v ie almak, kullanmak
372 employed adj ii olan
373 employer n i veren
374 employment n i, istihdam
375 tradition n gelenek, grenek

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376 traditional adj geleneksel
377 traditionalist n geleneki
378 theorist n kuramc
379 theoretical adj teorik, kuramsal
380 theoretically adv teorik olarak
381 theorize v teori ne srmek
382 express v ifade etmek
383 expressible adj ifade edilebilir
384 expressionism n davurumculuk
385 expressionist n davurumcu
386 expressive adj anlaml, ifadeli
387 repairer n tamirci
388 irreparable adj onarlamaz
389 irreparably adv onarlamaz biimde
390 disrepair n tamire ihtiya duyma
391 probably adv muhtemelen
392 improbable adj olaslk d, beklenmeyen
393 improbably adv olanaksz bir ekilde
394 name n ad,n
395 nameless adj nsiz
396 namely adv yani, yle ki
397 warm adj lk, sevecen
398 warming n snma
399 warmly adv samimi bir ekilde
400 warmer n stc
401 separate adj ayr, ayrlm
402 separated adj ayrlm
403 separately adv ayr bir ekilde
404 separateness n ayrlm olma, ayrlk
405 shape v ekillendirmek
406 shaped adj ekillendirilmi
407 equal v eitlemek, ayn olmak
408 equal adj eit
409 equality n eitlik
410 equalize v eitlemek
411 equally adv ayn derecede
412 unequal adj eit olmayan
413 unequally adv eit olmayan biimde
414 silent adj sessiz, sakin
415 interactive adj etkileimli
416 fresh adj taze, yeni, serin
417 typical adj karakteristik, tipik
418 determined adj kararl, belirlenmi
419 circular adj dairesel
420 viable adj uygulanabilir, yaayabilir, yaplabilir
421 creative adj yaratc
422 emotional adj duygusal, hissi
423 abruptly adv aniden, hemen
424 frozen adj donmu
425 percentage n yzde oran
426 media n basn, medya
427 fashion n moda, tarz, biim
428 interrupt v araya girmek
429 rarely adv nadiren
430 resistance n diren
431 composition n karm, kompozisyon
432 witness v ahitlik etmek
433 witness n tank, ahit
434 fat adj iman, iri, kaln
435 drawback n dezavantaj
436 perspective n bak as, izim
437 approach v yaklamak
438 approach n yaklam

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439 suspect v phelenmek
440 suspect n pheli, zanl
441 alternative n alternatif
442 alternative adj alternatif
443 wilderness n vahi orman, ssz yer
444 deprivation n yoksunluk
445 argument n tartma, iddia
446 phase n aama, evre
447 keep up pv yukarda tutmak
448 inventive adj yaratc
449 say v sylemek, demek
450 step down pv istifa etmek, ayrlmak, azaltmak
451 coastline n ky eridi
452 stimulus n drt, uyarc
453 identical adj benzer, ayn
454 hire v cretle tutmak, kiralamak
455 conventional adj sradan, allm, geleneksel
456 retire v emekli olmak
457 enclose v ilitirmek, evrelemek
458 seaside n deniz kenar
459 prompt v sebep olmak, harekete geirmek
460 jobless adj isiz
461 norm n kural, l
462 step n adm, basamak
463 beach n plaj
464 recruit v askere almak, kaydetmek
465 indistinguishable adj ayrt edilemeyen
466 shore n sahil, ky
467 hint v ima etmek
468 quit v brakmak, terketmek
469 convention n anlama, toplant, gelenek
470 presumably adv galiba, tahminen
471 motivate v harekete geirmek, gdlemek
472 resign v istifa etmek, ayrlmak
473 encircle v kuatmak, evrelemek
474 round n dizi, seri, raunt
475 mute adj sessiz, dilsiz
476 uniform adj ayn, benzer
477 incentive n tevik
478 innovative adj yenilikci
479 attack n saldr
480 same adj ayn, benzer
481 keep pace with pv ayak uydurmak
482 redundant adj gereksiz, fazla
483 exit n k, ayrlma

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Vocabulary Attack 2
You will learn the following target words in this section
1 forever 20 pathway 38 deteriorate
2 renewable 21 relay 39 care
3 plant 22 mechanism 40 what is more
4 cut down 23 sensitization 41 worldwide
5 dig 24 normally 42 account for
6 conserve 25 intense 43 twice
7 use up 26 damaging 44 numerous
8 pipe 27 mediate 45 education
9 faucet 28 design 46 therefore
10 leak 29 needle 47 restricted
11 choice 30 prick 48 security
12 dishwasher 31 success 49 reality
13 turn off 32 story 50 housing
14 sensitive 33 history 51 pension
15 potentially 34 mankind 52 viability
16 harmful 35 nevertheless 53 labour
17 stimuli 36 familial 54 sustainability
18 benefit 37 personal 55 tendency
19 arise

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Vocabulary Attack 2
Resources are things that we use. Natural resources come from Earth. Many of our natural resources
are limited. This means that they will not last forever. Some resources are renewable. This means the
resource can be replaced or grown. You can plant a new tree when you cut one down. Other
resources are not renewable. This means that they cannot be replaced or grown. You can dig coal
out of the ground. Once the coal is used, it is gone. Many of Earths natural resources are limited, but
people can help conserve those resources. When you try to conserve a natural resource, you use
less of it so it does not get used up so fast. One way that people conserve fuel, like gasoline, is by
riding a bicycle or walking. This works well when the distance is short. We dont have to drive
everywhere. Water is a very important natural resource. We all need it to live. We can conserve water
by making sure that our pipes and faucets do not leak. We can also conserve water by making smart
choices. One choice is to use the dishwasher and washing machine only when they are full. Another
choice is to turn off the water when you brush your teeth. We can all make a difference!

Kaynaklar kullandmz eylerdir. Doal kaynaklar dnyadan gelir. Bizim doal kaynaklarmzn ou
snrlandrlr. Bu sonsuza kadar srmeyecei anlamna gelir. Baz kaynaklar yenilenebilir. Bu
kaynaklarn deiebildii ya byyebildii anlamna gelir. Sen bir ey kestiin zaman yeni bir aa
dikebilirsin. Dier kaynaklar yenilenemez. Bu onlarn deimedii ya da bymedii anlamna gelir.
Sen topraktan kmr kazabilirsin. Kmr kullanldktan sonra, gider. Dnyann doal kaynaklarnn
birou snrlandrlr, fakat insanlar kaynaklarn korumaya yardm edebilir. Sen doal bir kayna
korumaya alt zaman, daha az kullan, dolaysyla ok hzl kullanma. nsanlarn yakt
korumalarnn bir yolu, benzin gibi, bir bisiklete binerek ya da yryerektir. Bu mesafe ksald zaman
daha iyi alr. Biz her yerde srmek zorunda deiliz. Su ok nemli bir kaynaktr. Biz yaamak iin
tmne ihtiya duyarz. Biz borularmzn ve musluklarmzn szdrmadna emin olarak suyu
koruyabiliriz. Biz ayn zamanda zeki seimler yaparak suyu koruyabiliriz. Bir seim onlar dolduu
zaman sadece bulak makinesi ya da amar makinesi kullanmaktr. Dier seim sen dilerini
fraladn zaman suyu kapatmaktr. Biz bir farkllk yaratabiliriz.

Find the words!

seim n bulak makinesi n
daima, sonsuza kadar adv kapatmak pv
musluk n dikmek v
yenilenebilir adj korumak v
szdrmak, akmak v boru, pipo n
kesmek, azaltmak pv pv
kazmak, aratrmak v

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Vocabulary Attack 2
forever renewable plant cut down dig
conserve use up pipe faucet leak
choice dishwasher

no definition word

1 a machine that washes dirty plates, cups, forks, etc.

to put a plant into the ground or into a container of earth so that it will

3 to finish a supply of something

4 for all time

5 to keep and protect something from damage, change or waste

6 an act or the possibility of choosing

describes a form of energy that can be produced as quickly as it is


8 a device that controls the flow of liquid, especially water, from a pipe

to make a tree or other plant fall to the ground by cutting it near the

10 a tube inside which liquid or gas flows from one place to another

11 to break up and move soil using a tool, a machine or your hands

to escape from a hole or crack in a pipe or container or (of a

container) to allow liquid or gas to escape

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Vocabulary Attack 2
Pain systems need to be sensitive enough to detect potentially harmful stimuli. But often they become
too sensitive, causing us pain that provides no benefit. This hypersensitivity arises because our pain
pathways actually increase in sensitivity when they relay pain messages, and the mechanisms of this
sensitization are beginning to be revealed. Normally, pain is produced only by intense stimuli that are
potentially or actually damaging to tissue. This pain is mediated by a specific system of high-threshold
peripheral and central neurons designed to respond only to such noxious stimuli, which is responsible
for the 'ouch' pain we experience in response to a needle prick or on touching a hot surface.

Ar sistemleri potansiyel olarak zararl uyarcy bulmak iin yeterince hassas olmak zorundadr. bze
fayda salamayan arlara sebep olanlar sklkla ok hassas olur. Bu ar hassaslk ortaya kar
nk bizim ar yolumuz gerekte onlar ar mesajlarn ilettii zaman hassaslkta artar ve bu
hassasln mekanizmas ortaya kmaya balyor. Normalde, ar potansiyel olarak ya da gerekte
dokuya zarar veren sadece youn uyarc tarafndan retilir. Bu ar acdan sorumlu olan byle
zararl uyarclara yant vermek iin hazrlanm evresel ve merkez nronlar yksek alt snrn belli
bir eii tarafndan araclk eder, biz bir ine ile batrmak ya da scak bir yzeye dokunmaya tepki
olarak yaarz.

Find the words!

ortaya kmak, mekanizma,
v n
meydana gelmek dzenek
uyarc n fayda, yarar n
tasarlamak v normalde adv
imkan dahilinde adv youn adj
hassas, duyarl adj batrma, ineleme n
ine, t n araclk etmek v
zararl adj duyarllatrma n
zararl, zarar
patika, yaya geidi n adj
sylemek, bildirmek v

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Vocabulary Attack 2
sensitive possibly stimuli benefit arise
pathway relay mechanism intense damaging
mediate design needle

no definition word

1 extreme and forceful or (of a feeling) very strong

2 potentially

a thin metal pin, used in sewing, which is pointed at one end and has
a hole called an eye at the other end for thread

4 to happen

easily upset by the things people say or do, or causing people to be

upset, embarrassed or angry

7 a part of a machine, or a set of parts that work together

8 something that causes growth or activity

to repeat something you have heard, or to broadcast a signal,

message or programme on television or radio

10 helpful or good effect, or something intended to help

11 a track which a person can walk along

12 causing harm

to talk to two separate people or groups involved in a disagreement

to try to help them to agree or find a solution to their problems

14 to make or draw plans for something, for example clothes or buildings

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Vocabulary Attack 2
Population ageing should be seen as a success story in the history of mankind, but nevertheless it
brings problems at the familial, community and national levels, affecting their ability to provide for
older generations. The rapid increase in the size of older age groups means changes in personal
needs. The tendency towards deteriorating health, for example, means an increase in the demand for
care for these groups. Whats more, the fact that women live longer than men leads to a higher
proportion of women in these at-risk groups. Worldwide, women now account for 55 per cent of the
population aged 60 years and over. Among the very old (aged 80 and over), women are almost twice
as numerous as men. These women are likely to be widows, and to have acquired less education
with fewer years at work and therefore more restricted access to social security. Special attention
needs to be paid to these realities when deciding upon public policies concerning health, housing,
social services and pension systems. The viability of long-living societies will depend on the
adaptability of labour markets and the sustainability of social protection systems.

Nfus yalanmas insanolunun tarihinde bir baar hikayesi olarak grlmelidir, fakat yine de daha
yal nesiller salamak iin yeteneklerini etkileyen ailevi, toplum ve ulusal seviyelerde problemler
getirir. Daha yal ya gruplarnn byklndeki hzl art kiisel ihtiyalardaki deiiklik anlamna
gelir. Bozulan sala doru eilim, bu gruplar iin bakm taleplerindeki bir art anlamna gelir.
Ayrca, gerek u ki kadnlar erkeklerden daha uzun yaarlar, bu yksek gruplardaki kadnlarn daha
yksek oranna sebep olur. Dnyada kadnlar imdi 60 ya ve zeri yal nfusun % 55ini oluturur.
ok yallar arasnda (80 yal ve zeri), kadnlar erkeklerden yaklak 2 kat kadar daha fazladr. Bu
kadnlar muhtemelen dul olmaktadr ve ite daha az yllarla daha az eitim edinmektedir ve bu
yzden sosyal gvenlie ulamak daha snrl olmaktadr. zel dikkat, salk, konut, sosyal hizmetler
ve emekli maa sistemleriyle ilgili halk politikalar zerinde karar verdii zaman bu gerekler iin
denmek zorundadr. Uzun yaama toplumlarnn tutarll i piyasasnn uyum yetenei ve sosyal
koruma sistemlerinin srdrebilirliine bal olacak.

Find the words!

kiisel adj ailevi adj
baar n ayrca ba
tarih, gemi n yine de ba
eitim n bu yzden ba
hikaye, yk n iki kez, iki defa adv
yerleim, iskan n ok, saysz adj
insanolu n dnya apnda adv
oluturmak, aklamak pv v
gvenlik, garanti n snrl, kstl adj
gerek, hakikat n eilim n
ilgi, dikkat, bakm n tutarllk n
emekli maa n srdrlebilirlik n
alma, i, emek n

153 www.remzihoca.com
Vocabulary Attack 2
success story history mankind personal
deteriorate care worldwide account for twice
numerous education restricted security reality
housing pension viability labour

no definition word

1 limited, especially by official rules, laws, etc

relating or belonging to a single or particular person rather than to a

group or an organization
a sum of money paid regularly by the government or a private
3 company to a person who does not work any more because they are
too old or they have become ill

4 the achieving of the results wanted or hoped for

5 ability to work as intended or to succeed

6 to form the total of something

7 practical work, especially that which involves physical effort

8 the whole of the human race, including both men and women

9 two times

10 a description, either true or imagined, of a connected series of events

11 existing or happening in all parts of the world

(the study of or a record of) past events considered together,

especially events of a particular period, country or subject
protection of a person, building, organization or country against
threats such as crime or attacks by foreign countries

14 to become worse

15 the state of things as they are, rather than as they are imagined to be

16 the process of protecting and looking after someone or something

17 many

18 buildings for people to live in

the process of teaching or learning in a school or college, or the

knowledge that you get from this

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Vocabulary Attack 2


-ful -less -ly -ness -ity
-hood -ed -ous -ion -al
un- out-
no main word derived word F TR
1 harmful adj
2 harmless adj
3 harmlessly adv
4 harmfulness n
5 unharmed adj
6 normality n
7 normally adv
8 abnormal adj
9 abnormality n
10 abnormally adv
11 manhood n
12 man mankind n
13 adam, insanolu manned adj
14 unmanned adj
15 numeral n
16 number numerical adj
17 say numerous adj
18 outnumber v
19 education n
20 educated adj
21 educational adj
22 educationally adv
23 uneducated adj

155 www.remzihoca.com
Vocabulary Attack 2
hardly globally infection anxiety lifelong
firmly considerable physical serious dynamic
outstanding similar fragile provoke progressive
malnutrition helpfully relative limited distinction
reduction distribute afford deliberately freedom
acute fix nature essential thread
employment suggest dilemma service contribution
suffer aggression viral accomplishment scenario
no EN TR
1 ciddi ikilem
2 viral enfeksiyon
3 neredeyse gc yetmemek
4 yardmseverlikle nermek
5 kresel olarak datmak
6 kasten kkrtmak
7 mr boyu sren istihdam
8 gerekli ayrm
9 snrl hizmet
10 skca onarmak
11 iddetli endie
12 dinamik doa
13 nemli katk
14 hassas iplik
15 aamal azalma
16 benzer senaryo
17 kt beslenmeden ekmek
18 fiziksel saldrganlk
19 nemli baar
20 nisbi zgrlk

156 www.remzihoca.com
Vocabulary Attack 2
no word F synonymous with
1 use up pv
2 choice n
3 harmful adj
4 intense adj
5 story n
6 deteriorate v
7 education n
8 labour n
9 tendency n
10 harmless adj
11 abnormal adj
12 outstanding adj

get worse v ktlemek trend n eilim
consume v tketmek excellent adj muhteem
election n seim detrimental adj zararl
exhaust v tketmek safe adj gvenli
perfect adj mkemmel work n i
violent adj iddetli tale n masal
selection n seim decline v kmek
non-standard adj standart olmayan fierce adj iddetli
damaging adj hasar veren training n eitim
weaken v zayflamak worsen v ktlemek
deplete v tketmek

157 www.remzihoca.com
Vocabulary Attack 2
1 to cut down ------ sugar ekeri kesmek, azaltmak
2 to transport oil ------ a pipe boru araclyla petrol tamak
3 sensitive ------ sunlight gne na kar duyarl/hassas
4 harmful ------ humans insanlar iin zararl
5 the benefit ------ sth bir eyin faydas
6 to benefit ------ sth bir eyden faydalanmak
7 to arise ------ sth bir eyden kaynaklanmak
8 to be designed ------ sb birisi tarafndan tasarlanm
9 to be designed ------ sb birisi iin tasarlanm
10 ------ the story hikayede
11 to be restricted ------ sth bir ey ile snrlandrlm
12 pose harm ------ the environment evreye zarar tekil etmek
13 the number ------ people insanlarn says
14 a number ------ people birok insan
15 the distinction ------ two things iki ey arasndaki fark
a reduction ------ the number ------ people lkenin bu ksmnda yaayan insanlarn saysnda
living ------ this part ------ the country bir azalma
17 freedom ------ speech konuma zgrl
18 ------ the elections seimlerde
19 the result ------ the election seimin sonucu

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Vocabulary Attack 2
REVISION 16 | 17 | 18
no EN F TR
1 cavity n oyuk, kovuk
2 permanently adv kalc bir ekilde
3 damaged adj bozuk, hasarl, zarar grm
4 area n alan, blge
5 opening n delik, balang, al
6 hole n delik, ukur
7 tooth n di
8 decay n rme
9 caries n di r
10 combination n bileim, birleim
11 frequent adj allm, sk sk olan
12 snack v attrmak
13 sip v yudumlamak
14 sugary adj ekerli, tatl
15 clean v temizlemek
16 teenager n gen, ergen
17 adult n yetikin
18 deep adj derin
19 severely adv iddetli derecede
20 toothache n di ars
21 visit v ziyaret etmek, gezmek
22 floss v di ipiyle temizlemek
23 habit n alkanlk
24 perfectly adv kusursuzca, tamamen
25 suit v uygun olmak
26 dry adj kuru, kurak, skc
27 little adj ok az, kk
28 climate n iklim
29 feature n zellik
30 nocturnal adj gececi
31 mean v anlamna gelmek, demek istemek
32 sleep v uyumak
33 come out pv dar kmak, piyasaya kmak, ortaya kmak
34 cool adj serin, souk
35 eyelash n kirpik
36 sand n kum
37 nostril n burun delii
38 drink v imek
39 service n servis, hizmet
40 brush v fralamak
41 marketing n pazarlama
42 work out pv anlamak, hesaplamak, antrenman yapmak
43 organizational adj rgtsel, kurumsal
44 operational adj iler halde, faal
45 sale n sat
46 enhance v gelitirmek, arttrmak
47 competitiveness n rekabet yetenei
48 in order to ph -mek iin
49 obtain v elde etmek
50 profit v faydalanmak
51 function n ilev, grev
52 formation n oluma, ekillenme
53 stimulation n tevik, uyarm, drt
54 plan n plan, proje
55 commercial adj ticari
56 transport v tamak, nakletmek
57 salesman n satc
58 market v pazarlamak
59 marketable adj pazarlanabilir
60 operate v iletmek, altrmak, ameliyat yapmak
61 operating n ameliyat, iletim

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Vocabulary Attack 2
62 operative adj faal, alr durumda
63 operator n operatr, santral, irket
64 cooperate v ibirlii kurmak
65 cooperation n ibirlii, dayanma
66 cooperative adj i birlii yapan
67 cooperatively adv i birlii yaparak
68 profitable adj karl
69 profitably adv karl ekilde
70 profitability n karllk
71 unprofitable adj kar etmeyen
72 perfection n mkemmellik
73 perfectionism n mkemmelliyetilik
74 perfectionist n mkemmeliyeti
75 imperfect adj kusurlu, bozuk
76 imperfection n eksiklik, kusur
77 imperfectly adv kusurlu, eksik olarak
78 shortage n ktlk
79 shorten v ksaltmak
80 shortly adv ksa zaman sonra
81 shortness n ksalk
82 meaning n anlam
83 meaningless adj anlamsz
84 open v amak, balatmak
85 open adj ak, drst
86 openness n drstlk, aklk
87 opener n ac
88 openly adv aka
89 combine v birletirmek
90 deep adv derin
91 deepen v derinletirmek
92 deeply adv derinden
93 depth n derinlik
94 habitual adj her zamanki, allm
95 habitually adv alld ekilde
96 supervision n denetleme
97 ancient adj eski
98 centrally adv merkezi olarak
99 sharply adv keskince, aniden
100 daily adj gnlk
101 regularly adv dzenli olarak, sk sk
102 medical adj tbbi, tedaviyle ilgili
103 big adj byk, kocaman, nemli
104 primitive adj ilkel
105 horrible adj berbat, kt
106 rapid adj hzl, abuk
107 privately adv zel olarak
108 allowance n harlk, izin, pay
109 disagree v ayn fikirde olmamak
110 update v gncelletirmek, modernletirmek
111 locate v yerini belirlemek, oturmak
112 accumulation n birikme, yn
113 dynasty n hanedanlk
114 admission n kabul, giri
115 comment v yorum yapmak
116 comment n yorum, fikir
117 fulfillment n yerine getirme
118 marvelous adj harika, mthi
119 disaster n felaket
120 property n zellik, eya, mal mlk
121 get v almak, elde etmek
122 absence n yokluk, var olmama
123 drop in pv ziyaret etmek
124 scarcity n ktlk

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Vocabulary Attack 2
125 enrich v zenginletirmek
126 contract v klmek, ksaltmak, szleme yapmak
127 make out pv anlamak, zmek
128 antique adj antik, eskiye ait
129 deficit n eksiklik
130 trait n zellik
131 shrink v daralmak, klmek
132 deficiency n yetersizlik
133 attribute n zellik
134 old adj yal, eski
135 narrow v daraltmak, azaltmak
136 profound adj derin, iddetli
137 crater n krater
138 figure out pv anlamak, zmek
139 quality n kalite, nitelik
140 long-standing adj eskiden beri sregelen
141 drink n iecek, iki
142 lack n eksiklik
143 characteristic n zellik
144 dropout n okuldan ayrlan kii
145 leave n izin, dinlenme
146 motivation n motivasyon, istek
147 hard adv glkle, iddetle
148 almost adv hemen hemen, yaklak
149 miss v zlemek, karmak
150 class n snf, ders
151 catch up pv hzna yetimek, tamamlamak , konumak
152 prepared adj hazr
153 unemployed adj isiz, bota
154 graduate n niversite mezunu
155 data n bilgi, veri
156 pupil n renci, gzbebei
157 implication n ima, karm
158 offer v teklif etmek, sunmak
159 evening n akam
160 come back pv geri dnmek , aklna gelmek
161 unless ba -mezse, mazsa
162 induce v ikna etmek, sebep olmak
163 cumulative adj birikerek artan
164 go through pv yaamak, geirmek, incelemek
165 various adj eitli, farkl
166 stage n sahne, aama
167 maturity n olgunluk
168 traditionally adv geleneksel olarak
169 senescence n yalanma
170 programmed adj programlanm
171 stochastic adj rastgele, olaslksal
172 aging n yalanma
173 imply v ima etmek, anlamna gelmek
174 regulate v dzenlemek
175 clock n saat
176 throughout prep boyunca
177 span v srmek, kapsamak
178 expression n ifade
179 repair v onarmak, dzeltmek
180 defence n savunma, mdafaa
181 blame v sulamak
182 impact n etki
183 chance n ans, talih, olanak
184 probability n olaslk, ihtimal
185 surround v kuatmak
186 name v adlandrmak
187 near prep yakn , yaknda

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Vocabulary Attack 2
188 extremely adv olduka
189 warm v stmak
190 separate v ayrmak
191 monsoon n muson
192 savannah n aal bozkr
193 grassland n ayr, otlak
194 coast n ky
195 shape n ekil, biim
196 face v kar karya kalmak
197 move away pv uzaklamak
198 direct v ynlendirmek, ynetmek
199 warmth n scaklk, samimiyet
200 genetic adj kaltsal, kaltmsal
201 heterogeneity n ok trellik
202 harden v katlamak, sertletirmek
203 hardly adv neredeyse hi
204 prepare v hazrlamak, hazrlanmak
205 unprepared adj hazrlksz
206 employ v ie almak, kullanmak
207 employed adj ii olan
208 employer n i veren
209 employment n i, istihdam
210 tradition n gelenek, grenek
211 traditional adj geleneksel
212 traditionalist n geleneki
213 theorist n kuramc
214 theoretical adj teorik, kuramsal
215 theoretically adv teorik olarak
216 theorize v teori ne srmek
217 express v ifade etmek
218 expressible adj ifade edilebilir
219 expressionism n davurumculuk
220 expressionist n davurumcu
221 expressive adj anlaml, ifadeli
222 repairer n tamirci
223 irreparable adj onarlamaz
224 irreparably adv onarlamaz biimde
225 disrepair n tamire ihtiya duyma
226 probably adv muhtemelen
227 improbable adj olaslk d, beklenmeyen
228 improbably adv olanaksz bir ekilde
229 name n ad,n
230 nameless adj nsiz
231 namely adv yani, yle ki
232 warm adj lk, sevecen
233 warming n snma
234 warmly adv samimi bir ekilde
235 warmer n stc
236 separate adj ayr, ayrlm
237 separated adj ayrlm
238 separately adv ayr bir ekilde
239 separateness n ayrlm olma, ayrlk
240 shape v ekillendirmek
241 shaped adj ekillendirilmi
242 equal v eitlemek, ayn olmak
243 equal adj eit
244 equality n eitlik
245 equalize v eitlemek
246 equally adv ayn derecede
247 unequal adj eit olmayan
248 unequally adv eit olmayan biimde
249 silent adj sessiz, sakin
250 interactive adj etkileimli

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Vocabulary Attack 2
251 fresh adj taze, yeni, serin
252 typical adj karakteristik, tipik
253 determined adj kararl, belirlenmi
254 circular adj dairesel
255 viable adj uygulanabilir, yaayabilir, yaplabilir
256 creative adj yaratc
257 emotional adj duygusal, hissi
258 abruptly adv aniden, hemen
259 frozen adj donmu
260 percentage n yzde oran
261 media n basn, medya
262 fashion n moda, tarz, biim
263 interrupt v araya girmek
264 rarely adv nadiren
265 resistance n diren
266 composition n karm, kompozisyon
267 witness v ahitlik etmek
268 witness n tank, ahit
269 fat adj iman, iri, kaln
270 drawback n dezavantaj
271 perspective n bak as, izim
272 approach v yaklamak
273 approach n yaklam
274 suspect v phelenmek
275 suspect n pheli, zanl
276 alternative n alternatif
277 alternative adj alternatif
278 wilderness n vahi orman, ssz yer
279 deprivation n yoksunluk
280 argument n tartma, iddia
281 phase n aama, evre
282 keep up pv yukarda tutmak
283 inventive adj yaratc
284 say v sylemek, demek
285 step down pv istifa etmek, ayrlmak, azaltmak
286 coastline n ky eridi
287 stimulus n drt, uyarc
288 identical adj benzer, ayn
289 hire v cretle tutmak, kiralamak
290 conventional adj sradan, allm, geleneksel
291 retire v emekli olmak
292 enclose v ilitirmek, evrelemek
293 seaside n deniz kenar
294 prompt v sebep olmak, harekete geirmek
295 jobless adj isiz
296 norm n kural, l
297 step n adm, basamak
298 beach n plaj
299 recruit v askere almak, kaydetmek
300 indistinguishable adj ayrt edilemeyen
301 shore n sahil, ky
302 hint v ima etmek
303 quit v brakmak, terketmek
304 convention n anlama, toplant, gelenek
305 presumably adv galiba, tahminen
306 motivate v harekete geirmek, gdlemek
307 resign v istifa etmek, ayrlmak
308 encircle v kuatmak, evrelemek
309 round n dizi, seri, raunt
310 mute adj sessiz, dilsiz
311 uniform adj ayn, benzer
312 incentive n tevik
313 innovative adj yenilikci

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Vocabulary Attack 2
314 attack n saldr
315 same adj ayn, benzer
316 keep pace with pv ayak uydurmak
317 redundant adj gereksiz, fazla
318 exit n k, ayrlma
319 forever adv daima, sonsuza kadar
320 renewable adj yenilenebilir
321 plant n bitki, fabrika
322 cut down pv kesmek, azaltmak
323 dig v kazmak, aratrmak
324 conserve v korumak
325 use up pv tketmek, harcamak
326 pipe n boru, pipo
327 faucet n musluk
328 leak n sznt, kaak
329 choice n seim
330 dishwasher n bulak makinesi
331 turn off pv kapatmak
332 sensitive adj hassas, duyarl
333 potentially adv imkan dahilinde
334 harmful adj zararl
335 stimuli n uyarc
336 benefit n fayda, yarar
337 arise v ortaya kmak, meydana gelmek
338 pathway n patika, yaya geidi
339 relay v sylemek, bildirmek
340 mechanism n mekanizma, dzenek
341 sensitization n duyarllatrma
342 normally adv normalde
343 intense adj youn
344 damaging adj zararl, zarar veren
345 mediate v araclk etmek
346 design v tasarlamak
347 needle n ine, t
348 prick n batrma, ineleme
349 story n hikaye, yk
350 mankind n insanolu
351 nevertheless ba yine de
352 familial adj ailevi
353 personal adj kiisel
354 deteriorate v ktlemek, bozulmak
355 care v bakmak, ilgilenmek
356 what is more ba ayrca
357 worldwide adj dnya apnda
358 account for pv oluturmak, aklamak
359 twice adv iki kez, iki defa
360 numerous adj ok, saysz
361 education n eitim
362 therefore ba bu yzden
363 restricted adj snrl, kstl
364 security n gvenlik, garanti
365 reality n gerek, hakikat
366 housing n yerleim, iskan
367 pension n emekli maa
368 viability n tutarllk
369 labour n alma, i, emek
370 sustainability n srdrlebilirlik
371 tendency n eilim
372 harm v zarar vermek
373 harm n zarar, ziyan
374 harmfully adv zararl bir ekilde
375 harmless adj zararsz
376 unharmed adj zarar grmemi

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Vocabulary Attack 2
377 normal adj her zamanki gibi, normal
378 normality n normallik
379 abnormal adj garip, anormal
380 abnormality n anormallik
381 abnormally adv anormal bir ekilde
382 man n adam, insanolu
383 manned adj iinde insan olan
384 unmanned adj insansz
385 number n numara, say
386 numeral n rakam
387 numerical adj saysal
388 outnumber v sayca fazla olmak
389 educate v eitmek
390 educated adj eitimli
391 educational adj eitimsel
392 educator n eitimci
393 educative adj eitici
394 educationally adv eitim ynnden
395 firmly adv skca
396 outstanding adj gze arpan
397 malnutrition n kt beslenme
398 fragile adj krlgan
399 provoke v kkrtmak, neden olmak
400 distinction n ayrm
401 reduction n azalma
402 acute adj iddetli, gl
403 aggression n saldrganlk
404 dilemma n ikilem
405 viral adj virsle ilgili
406 deliberately adv kasten, bilerek
407 essential adj gerekli
408 accomplishment n baar, tamamlama
409 freedom n zgrlk, hrriyet
410 thread n iplik, tel
411 scenario n senaryo
412 election n seim
413 exhaust v tketmek
414 perfect adj mkemmel, ideal
415 violent adj iddetli
416 selection n seim
417 weaken v zayflatmak, gszletirmek
418 deplete v azalmak, tkenmek
419 trend n eilim
420 detrimental adj zararl
421 safe adj emin, gvenli
422 work n i, meslek, alma
423 tale n yk, hikaye
424 decline v azalmak, reddetmek
425 fierce adj iddetli
426 training n eitim
427 worsen v ktlemek

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Vocabulary Attack 2

You will learn the following target words in this section
1 placebo 17 corner 33 reconstruction
2 trial 18 angle 34 after
3 inactive 19 inside 35 gradually
4 researcher 20 triangle 36 partnership
5 experimental 21 vertice 37 introduction
6 subset 22 length 38 single
7 neither 23 rectangle 39 currency
8 in addition 24 constant 40 lastly
9 unexpected 25 philosopher 41 fundamental
10 detrimental 26 founding 42 structure
11 undermine 27 cooperation 43 institution
12 plane 28 initially 44 concept
13 always 29 secure 45 formulate
14 flat 30 lasting 46 nearly
15 shape 31 peace 47 edge
16 look like 32 boost

166 www.remzihoca.com
Vocabulary Attack 2
Placebos are often used in clinical trials as an inactive control so that researchers can better evaluate
the true overall effect of the experimental drug treatment under study. In these clinical trials, one
subset of patients would receive the placebo and one group would receive the experimental drug, but
neither group is aware of which treatment they have received. In addition, researchers in the study
would not know which patients have received active or placebo treatments. These studies are called
double-blind and placebo-controlled and are considered the gold standard for experimental drug
research. However, unexpected high placebo rates in clinical trials can be detrimental, undermining
the true effect of an active treatment.

Teselli ilac genellikle aratrmaclar alma altnda deneysel ila tedavilerinin doru tm etkilerini
daha iyi deerlendirebilsinler diye hareketsiz bir kontrol olarak klinik deneylerde kullanlr. Bu klinik
deneylerde hastalarn bir alt teselli ilac alacak ve bir grup deneysel ila alacak, fakat dier grup
tedavi alm olduunun farkndadr. Bu almalar ift kr ve kontroll teselli ilac olarak adlandrlr
ve deneysel ila aratrmas iin altn standartlar olarak dnlr. Fakat klinik deneylerdeki
beklenmedik yksek teselli ilac aktif bir tedavinin doru etkilerini zayflatarak zararl olabilir.

Find the words!

teselli ilac n ayrca ba
deneme, mahkeme n hibiri det
hareketsiz adj beklenmedik adj
aratrmac n zararl adj
v deneysel adj
alt kme n

167 www.remzihoca.com
Vocabulary Attack 2
placebo trial inactive experimental subset
detrimental undermine

no definition word

1 doing nothing

2 non expected; surprising

3 a set that is part of another, larger set

4 causing harm or damage

a substance given to someone who is told that it is a particular

5 medicine, either to make them feel as if they are getting better or to
compare the effect of the particular medicine when given to others
to make someone less confident, less powerful or less likely to
succeed, or to make something weaker, often gradually

7 relating to tests, especially scientific ones

a test, usually over a limited period of time, to discover how effective

or suitable something or someone is

168 www.remzihoca.com
Vocabulary Attack 2
A plane does not always fly through the air. It does not always carry people from one place to
another. In math, a plane is a flat area. It is home to many different kinds of geometric shapes. Lets
take a look at some of the most common geometric shapes. At first, the circle does not look like it
belongs with the other shapes. They all have straight edges and sharp corners. A circle has curves.
Did you know the angles you find inside the corners of the other shapes are measured with a circle?
An angles measurement tells how much of a circle it is. So, circle does belong. A triangle has three
sides. It also has three angles. It has three vertices (corners), too. There are different kinds of
triangles. They are named for the lengths of their sides and size of their angles. A rectangle has four
sides and four right angles. Right angles make the corners perfectly square. If all the sides of a
rectangle are the same length, it is a special kind of rectangle. You may know it by its more common
name, a square.

Bir uak her zaman hava sayesinde umaz. O her zaman bir yerden dierine insan tamaz.
Matematikte, bir uak dz bir alandadr. O geometrik ekillerin birok farkl trlere ev sahiplii yapar.
En yaygn geometrik ekillerin bazsna bir bak. lk olarak daire dier ekillere sahip olmu gibi
grnmez. Onlarn tm dz kenar ve keskin kelere sahiptir. Bir daire eriye sahiptir. Dier
ekillerin kelerinin iinde bulduun alarn daireyle lldn biliyor muydun? Bir ann lm
bir dairenin ne kadar olduunu anlatr. Dolaysyla, daire aittir. Bir gen 3 kenara sahiptir. O ayn
zamanda 3 aya sahiptir. O 3 keye de sahiptir. genlerin farkl trleri vardr. Onlar alarn
kenarlar ve byklkleriyle isimlendirilir. Bir dikdrtgen 4 kenara ve 4 doru alara sahiptir. Doru
alar mkemmel bir ekilde keleri kare yapar. Eer tm bir dikdrtgenin tm kenarlar ayn
uzunluktadr, o dikdrtgenin zel bir trdr. Sen bir kareyi en yaygn ismiyle bilebilirsin.

Find the words!

dz, havasz,
kenar, eik, avantaj n adj
a n ke n
dikdrtgen n uzunluk, boy, sre n
uak n iinde, ieride
her zaman adv gen n
gibi grnmek,
ke n pv
ekil, biim n

169 www.remzihoca.com
Vocabulary Attack 2
sharp fly measure perfectly inside
straight length find rectangle look
curve measurement

no definition word

1 to move through air or space

the act or the process of finding the size, quantity or degree of


3 to find the size, quantity, etc. of something in standard units

having a fine edge or point, especially of something that can cut or

make a hole in something
a flat shape with four straight sides, two of which are longer than the
other two, and four angles of 90

6 used to emphasize the word that follows it

7 not in a curve or at an angle; in a straight line

to move in a curve, form a curve, or make something into

the shape of a curve

9 the part of something that is under its surface

10 the size or measurement of something from one end to the other

to turn your eyes in the direction of something or someone so that

you can see them

12 to discover something or someone that you have been searching for

170 www.remzihoca.com
Vocabulary Attack 2
"The only constant is change." If the words of the Greek philosopher Heraclitus were not 2500 years
old, you might think that he was referring to the European Union, as the EU has been in a constant
state of development since the founding of the original European Coal and Steel Community in 1952.
The starting point for European cooperation was initially to secure lasting peace in Europe and boost
the reconstruction of the European economies after World War II. Gradually, the partnership
expanded with the introduction of the Single Market, then the single currency, the euro, and lastly the
common foreign policy. However, the EU's fundamental structures, institutions and ideas are to a
large degree still based on the original concept, which was formulated nearly 60 years ago.

Tek sabit deiimdir. Eer Yunan filozofu Heraklitosun kelimeleri 2500 yl eski deildi, sen Avrupa
Birliinin orijinal Avrupa Kmr ve 1952deki elik topluluunun bulunmasndan beri gelimenin sabit
bir ifadesinde olduu iin o Avrupa Birliinden bahsetmi olduunu dnebilirsin. Avrupa ibirliinin
ana noktas ilk olarak gvenli kalc bart ve 2. Dnya Savandan sonra Avrupa ekonomilerinin
yeniden yaplandrlmasn artrmakt. Aamal olarak, ortaklk tek piyasann retimiyle geniledi,
yleyse tek para birimi, Euro ve son olarak yaygn yabanc politikadr. Fakat, Avrupann temel yaps,
kurumu ve dnceleri yaklak olarak 60 yl nce ekillendirildii orijinal kavram zerine dayanan
byk bir aamadr.

Find the words!

para birimi n n
tantm, balang n balangta adv
korumak, elde
-den sonra prep v
temel, asl adj uzun sren, kalc adj
artrmak, ykseltmek v yaklak adv
ortaklk, ibirlii n kavram, fikir n
yeniden yapm,
bar, huzur n n
yeniden ina
filozof n tek, bekar adj
kurum n aama aama adv
sabit adj son olarak adv
ekillendirmek, ak
v yap, bina n
seik anlatmak
kurulu n

171 www.remzihoca.com
Vocabulary Attack 2
constant original refer to initially formulate
fundamental reconstruction base on idea peace
introduction expand nearly lasting

no definition word

1 special and interesting because of not being the same as others

2 at the beginning

3 happening a lot or all the time

4 relating to the most important or main part of something

5 to read something in order to get information

6 to increase in size or amount, or to make something increase

when you create a description of a past event using all

the information that you have

8 to develop all the details of a plan for doing something

If you base something on facts or ideas, you use

those facts or ideas to develop it.
when you make something exist, happen, or be used for the
first time

11 almost; not quite; not completely

12 continuing to exist or to have an effect for a long time

a plan, thought or suggestion, especially about what to do in a

particular situation
a situation or a period of time in which there is no war or violence in a
country or an area

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Vocabulary Attack 2


-ing -er -ancy -ation -ant
-ly -ed -en -y -ful
-ory -al
re- un-
no main word derived word F TR
1 searching adj
2 research n
3 researcher n
4 expectancy n
5 expectation n
6 expect expectant adj
7 ummak expectantly adv
8 unexpected adj
9 unexpectedly adv
10 flat flatly adv
11 dz flatten v
12 lengthy adj
13 length lengthen v
14 uzunluk lengthily adv
15 lengthening adj
16 peace peaceful adj
17 huzur peacefully adv
18 introduce introduction n
19 tanstrmak introductory adj
20 single singly adv
21 tek singular adj
22 structural adj
23 structure structurally adv
24 yap restructure v
25 restructuring n

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Vocabulary Attack 2
achievement indifferent positively new eastern
expel hard symbolic oblige pay
bone revolutionary impress practically measurement
precise figure uncertain prospective senseless
observer waste meaning outlook immediately
seemingly employer react radically ideology
represent pivotal standard invent philosopher
willingly exercise definition retirement broken
no EN TR
1 standart lm
2 beklenen iveren
3 olumlu ekilde tepki gstermek
4 emeklilik demesi
5 kkten yeni
6 istekli bir ekilde zorunda brakmak
7 anlamsz israf
8 dou filozofu
9 belirsiz grnm
10 baary temsil etmek
11 aniden kovmak
12 nemli ahsiyet
13 gzlemciyi etkilemek
14 krk kemik
15 kesin tanm
16 zor egzersiz
17 hemen hemen icat etmek
18 grnte umursamaz
19 sembolik anlam
20 devrim yaratan ideoloji

174 www.remzihoca.com
Vocabulary Attack 2
no word F synonymous with
1 trial n
2 undermine v
3 flat adj
4 gradually adv
5 fundamental adj
6 flatten v
7 lengthen v
8 peaceful adj
9 oblige v

slowly adv yavaa broaden v geniletmek
expand v geniletmek wear down pv ypratmak
silent adj sessiz enlarge v geniletmek
impel v zorlamak level adj dz
smooth adj przsz tear down pv ykmak
force v zorlamak experiment n deney
test n test compel v zorlamak
stretch v uzatmak weaken v zayflatmak
demolish v ykmak radical adj kkl
erode v andrmak

1 in active ------ the day gndz inaktif
2 ------ the corner kede
3 ------ the plane uakta
4 the length ------ sth bir eyin uzunluu
5 rest ------ peace Allah rahmet eylesin / nur iinde yatsn
6 ------ my flat dairemde
7 indifferent ------ sth bir eye kar kaytsz
8 the level ------ sth bir eyin seviyesi

175 www.remzihoca.com
Vocabulary Attack 2
REVISION 17 | 18 | 19
no EN F TR
1 dropout n okuldan ayrlan kii
2 leave n izin, dinlenme
3 motivation n motivasyon, istek
4 hard adv glkle, iddetle
5 almost adv hemen hemen, yaklak
6 miss v zlemek, karmak
7 class n snf, ders
8 catch up pv hzna yetimek, tamamlamak , konumak
9 prepared adj hazr
10 unemployed adj isiz, bota
11 graduate n niversite mezunu
12 data n bilgi, veri
13 pupil n renci, gzbebei
14 implication n ima, karm
15 offer v teklif etmek, sunmak
16 evening n akam
17 come back pv geri dnmek , aklna gelmek
18 unless ba -mezse, mazsa
19 induce v ikna etmek, sebep olmak
20 cumulative adj birikerek artan
21 go through pv yaamak, geirmek, incelemek
22 various adj eitli, farkl
23 stage n sahne, aama
24 maturity n olgunluk
25 traditionally adv geleneksel olarak
26 senescence n yalanma
27 programmed adj programlanm
28 stochastic adj rastgele, olaslksal
29 aging n yalanma
30 imply v ima etmek, anlamna gelmek
31 regulate v dzenlemek
32 clock n saat
33 throughout prep boyunca
34 span v srmek, kapsamak
35 expression n ifade
36 repair v onarmak, dzeltmek
37 defence n savunma, mdafaa
38 blame v sulamak
39 impact n etki
40 chance n ans, talih, olanak
41 probability n olaslk, ihtimal
42 surround v kuatmak
43 name v adlandrmak
44 near prep yakn , yaknda
45 extremely adv olduka
46 warm v stmak
47 separate v ayrmak
48 monsoon n muson
49 savannah n aal bozkr
50 grassland n ayr, otlak
51 coast n ky
52 shape n ekil, biim
53 face v kar karya kalmak
54 move away pv uzaklamak
55 direct v ynlendirmek, ynetmek
56 warmth n scaklk, samimiyet
57 genetic adj kaltsal, kaltmsal
58 heterogeneity n ok trellik
59 harden v katlamak, sertletirmek
60 hardly adv neredeyse hi
61 prepare v hazrlamak, hazrlanmak

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Vocabulary Attack 2
62 unprepared adj hazrlksz
63 employ v ie almak, kullanmak
64 employed adj ii olan
65 employer n i veren
66 employment n i, istihdam
67 tradition n gelenek, grenek
68 traditional adj geleneksel
69 traditionalist n geleneki
70 theorist n kuramc
71 theoretical adj teorik, kuramsal
72 theoretically adv teorik olarak
73 theorize v teori ne srmek
74 express v ifade etmek
75 expressible adj ifade edilebilir
76 expressionism n davurumculuk
77 expressionist n davurumcu
78 expressive adj anlaml, ifadeli
79 repairer n tamirci
80 irreparable adj onarlamaz
81 irreparably adv onarlamaz biimde
82 disrepair n tamire ihtiya duyma
83 probably adv muhtemelen
84 improbable adj olaslk d, beklenmeyen
85 improbably adv olanaksz bir ekilde
86 name n ad,n
87 nameless adj nsiz
88 namely adv yani, yle ki
89 warm adj lk, sevecen
90 warming n snma
91 warmly adv samimi bir ekilde
92 warmer n stc
93 separate adj ayr, ayrlm
94 separated adj ayrlm
95 separately adv ayr bir ekilde
96 separateness n ayrlm olma, ayrlk
97 shape v ekillendirmek
98 shaped adj ekillendirilmi
99 equal v eitlemek, ayn olmak
100 equal adj eit
101 equality n eitlik
102 equalize v eitlemek
103 equally adv ayn derecede
104 unequal adj eit olmayan
105 unequally adv eit olmayan biimde
106 silent adj sessiz, sakin
107 interactive adj etkileimli
108 fresh adj taze, yeni, serin
109 typical adj karakteristik, tipik
110 determined adj kararl, belirlenmi
111 circular adj dairesel
112 viable adj uygulanabilir, yaayabilir, yaplabilir
113 creative adj yaratc
114 emotional adj duygusal, hissi
115 abruptly adv aniden, hemen
116 frozen adj donmu
117 percentage n yzde oran
118 media n basn, medya
119 fashion n moda, tarz, biim
120 interrupt v araya girmek
121 rarely adv nadiren
122 resistance n diren
123 composition n karm, kompozisyon
124 witness v ahitlik etmek

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Vocabulary Attack 2
125 witness n tank, ahit
126 fat adj iman, iri, kaln
127 drawback n dezavantaj
128 perspective n bak as, izim
129 approach v yaklamak
130 approach n yaklam
131 suspect v phelenmek
132 suspect n pheli, zanl
133 alternative n alternatif
134 alternative adj alternatif
135 wilderness n vahi orman, ssz yer
136 deprivation n yoksunluk
137 argument n tartma, iddia
138 phase n aama, evre
139 keep up pv yukarda tutmak
140 inventive adj yaratc
141 say v sylemek, demek
142 step down pv istifa etmek, ayrlmak, azaltmak
143 coastline n ky eridi
144 stimulus n drt, uyarc
145 identical adj benzer, ayn
146 hire v cretle tutmak, kiralamak
147 conventional adj sradan, allm, geleneksel
148 retire v emekli olmak
149 enclose v ilitirmek, evrelemek
150 seaside n deniz kenar
151 prompt v sebep olmak, harekete geirmek
152 jobless adj isiz
153 norm n kural, l
154 step n adm, basamak
155 beach n plaj
156 recruit v askere almak, kaydetmek
157 indistinguishable adj ayrt edilemeyen
158 shore n sahil, ky
159 hint v ima etmek
160 quit v brakmak, terketmek
161 convention n anlama, toplant, gelenek
162 presumably adv galiba, tahminen
163 motivate v harekete geirmek, gdlemek
164 resign v istifa etmek, ayrlmak
165 encircle v kuatmak, evrelemek
166 round n dizi, seri, raunt
167 mute adj sessiz, dilsiz
168 uniform adj ayn, benzer
169 incentive n tevik
170 innovative adj yenilikci
171 attack n saldr
172 same adj ayn, benzer
173 keep pace with pv ayak uydurmak
174 redundant adj gereksiz, fazla
175 exit n k, ayrlma
176 forever adv daima, sonsuza kadar
177 renewable adj yenilenebilir
178 plant n bitki, fabrika
179 cut down pv kesmek, azaltmak
180 dig v kazmak, aratrmak
181 conserve v korumak
182 use up pv tketmek, harcamak
183 pipe n boru, pipo
184 faucet n musluk
185 leak n sznt, kaak
186 choice n seim
187 dishwasher n bulak makinesi

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Vocabulary Attack 2
188 turn off pv kapatmak
189 sensitive adj hassas, duyarl
190 potentially adv imkan dahilinde
191 harmful adj zararl
192 stimuli n uyarc
193 benefit n fayda, yarar
194 arise v ortaya kmak, meydana gelmek
195 pathway n patika, yaya geidi
196 relay v sylemek, bildirmek
197 mechanism n mekanizma, dzenek
198 sensitization n duyarllatrma
199 normally adv normalde
200 intense adj youn
201 damaging adj zararl, zarar veren
202 mediate v araclk etmek
203 design v tasarlamak
204 needle n ine, t
205 prick n batrma, ineleme
206 story n hikaye, yk
207 mankind n insanolu
208 nevertheless ba yine de
209 familial adj ailevi
210 personal adj kiisel
211 deteriorate v ktlemek, bozulmak
212 care v bakmak, ilgilenmek
213 what is more ba ayrca
214 worldwide adj dnya apnda
215 account for pv oluturmak, aklamak
216 twice adv iki kez, iki defa
217 numerous adj ok, saysz
218 education n eitim
219 therefore ba bu yzden
220 restricted adj snrl, kstl
221 security n gvenlik, garanti
222 reality n gerek, hakikat
223 housing n yerleim, iskan
224 pension n emekli maa
225 viability n tutarllk
226 labour n alma, i, emek
227 sustainability n srdrlebilirlik
228 tendency n eilim
229 harm v zarar vermek
230 harm n zarar, ziyan
231 harmfully adv zararl bir ekilde
232 harmless adj zararsz
233 unharmed adj zarar grmemi
234 normal adj her zamanki gibi, normal
235 normality n normallik
236 abnormal adj garip, anormal
237 abnormality n anormallik
238 abnormally adv anormal bir ekilde
239 man n adam, insanolu
240 manned adj iinde insan olan
241 unmanned adj insansz
242 number n numara, say
243 numeral n rakam
244 numerical adj saysal
245 outnumber v sayca fazla olmak
246 educate v eitmek
247 educated adj eitimli
248 educational adj eitimsel
249 educator n eitimci
250 educative adj eitici

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Vocabulary Attack 2
251 educationally adv eitim ynnden
252 firmly adv skca
253 outstanding adj gze arpan
254 malnutrition n kt beslenme
255 fragile adj krlgan
256 provoke v kkrtmak, neden olmak
257 distinction n ayrm
258 reduction n azalma
259 acute adj iddetli, gl
260 aggression n saldrganlk
261 dilemma n ikilem
262 viral adj virsle ilgili
263 deliberately adv kasten, bilerek
264 essential adj gerekli
265 accomplishment n baar, tamamlama
266 freedom n zgrlk, hrriyet
267 thread n iplik, tel
268 scenario n senaryo
269 election n seim
270 exhaust v tketmek
271 perfect adj mkemmel, ideal
272 violent adj iddetli
273 selection n seim
274 weaken v zayflatmak, gszletirmek
275 deplete v azalmak, tkenmek
276 trend n eilim
277 detrimental adj zararl
278 safe adj emin, gvenli
279 work n i, meslek, alma
280 tale n yk, hikaye
281 decline v azalmak, reddetmek
282 fierce adj iddetli
283 training n eitim
284 worsen v ktlemek
285 placebo n teselli ilac
286 trial n deneme, mahkeme
287 inactive adj hareketsiz
288 subset n alt kme
289 neither det hibiri
290 in addition ba ayrca
291 unexpected adj beklenmedik
292 undermine v zayflatmak, baltalamak
293 plane n uak
294 flat adj dz, havasz, skc
295 corner n ke
296 angle n a
297 inside n ii, i taraf
298 triangle n gen
299 vertice n ke
300 length n uzunluk, boy, sre
301 rectangle n dikdrtgen
302 philosopher n filozof
303 founding n kurulu
304 initially adv balangta
305 secure adj gvenli
306 lastingly adv dayankl, srekli
307 peace n bar, huzur
308 boost v artrmak, ykseltmek
309 reconstruction n yeniden yapm, yeniden ina
310 after ba -den sonra
311 gradually adv aama aama
312 partnership n ortaklk, ibirlii
313 single adj tek, bekar

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Vocabulary Attack 2
314 currency n para birimi
315 lastly adv son olarak
316 fundamental adj temel, asl
317 structure n yap, bina
318 institution n kurum
319 formulate v ekillendirmek, ak seik anlatmak
320 nearly adv yaklak
321 edge n kenar, eik, avantaj
322 flat n daire
323 flatten v dzletirmek
324 lengthen v uzamak, uzatmak
325 peaceful adj barl, huzurlu
326 peacefully adv barl ekilde
327 singular adj tekil, esiz
328 structural adj yapsal
329 structurally adv yapsal olarak
330 restructure v yeniden yaplandrmak
331 achievement n baar
332 bone n kemik
333 precise adj tam, kesin
334 indifferent adj kaytsz, umursamaz
335 figure n rakam, ahsiyet, ekil
336 revolutionary adj devrim yaratan
337 impress v etkilemek
338 oblige v zorunda brakmak
339 practically adv yaklak, hemen hemen
340 senseless adj anlamsz
341 observer n gzlemci
342 seemingly adv grnte
343 represent v temsil etmek
344 willingly adv istekli bir ekilde
345 waste n israf, artk
346 pivotal adj ok nemli
347 outlook n hayata bak, grnm
348 radically adv kkten, derinden
349 invent v icat etmek
350 retirement n emeklilik
351 immediately adv hemen, aniden
352 broken adj krk, bozuk, arzal
353 slowly adv yava yava
354 impel v zorlamak, iteklemek
355 force v zorlamak
356 stretch v uzanmak, yaymak, germek
357 demolish v ykmak
358 erode v anmak, ypranmak
359 broaden v geniletmek
360 wear down pv ypratmak, gcn tketmek
361 tear down pv ykmak
362 level adj dz, yatay, seviyeli
363 compel v zorlamak
364 radical adj kkl

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Vocabulary Attack 2

You will learn the following target words in this section
1 serve 18 centrally 35 ant
2 beneficial 19 expanse 36 both ... and
3 purpose 20 master 37 cooperative
4 interact 21 craftsman 38 aggressive
5 time-release 22 possess 39 in fact
6 practicality 23 profound 40 raid
7 get into 24 appreciate 41 enslave
8 appropriate 25 reasonable 42 offspring
9 navigate 26 presume 43 take care of
10 destination 27 extraordinary 44 achieve
11 orally 28 exquisite 45 carry back
12 pill 29 slightly 46 slave
13 inject 30 frustrated 47 capture
14 vein 31 wolf 48 supply
15 indirectly 32 chemically 49 mode
16 suppository 33 journey 50 target
17 deliver 34 delivery 51 effective

182 www.remzihoca.com
Vocabulary Attack 2
Medicines are drugs that serve some beneficial purpose in the body by interacting with specific
molecules in the body. In order to understand how a time-release medication works, it is important to
consider first the practicalities of getting any drug into the body and directing it to the appropriate
place for it to take effect. Most medicines must enter the bloodstream in order to navigate through the
body to reach their destinations. There are many ways for a medicine to reach the bloodstream. A
person can take a dose of medicine orally in the form of a pill or capsule; an inhalant may be used to
reach the blood through the lungs; medicine may be injected directly into a vein or indirectly into the
lymph; a suppository may be given; or medicine may be delivered through the skin. Different
medicines will have different characteristics and so must be tested in order to find the most effective
mode of transport to the bloodstream. A medicine will only work if enough of the drug makes it to the
target without getting chemically changed or destroyed in the process. Since the bodys digestive
system can have a great effect on the drug during its journey to the bloodstream, it is important to
choose an appropriate system of delivery in order to make sure there is enough of the active drug
available once it reaches its target.

lalar vcutta belli molekllerle etkileimde olarak vcutta baz belli amalara hizmet eden ilalardr.
Nasl yava salnml ilalarn nasl altn anlamak iin, o etkilemek iin uygun bir yere
ynlendirerek ve vcuda herhangi bir ila almann ilk kullanlln dnmek nemlidir. ou ilalar
gidilecek yere ulamak vcut boyunca gitmek iin kan dolamna girmelidir. Bir kii bir ila ya da
kapsln formunda azdan ilacn bir dozunu alabilir; bir soluu eken akcierler araclyla
ulaabilirdi; ila lenf dolayl ya da bir damara dorudan ine yaplabilir; bir fitil verilebilir; ya da ila deri
araclyla teslim edilebilir. Farkl ilalar farkl zelliklere sahip olacak ve dolaysyla kan dolamna
dnmenin en etkili durumunu bulmak iin test edilmeli. Bir ila sadece yeterince bu srete
kimyasal olarak hedefe deimeksizin ya da bozulmakszn alr. Vcudun sindirim sistemi kana
yolculuk boyunca ila zerinde byk bir etkiye sahip olabilir, o hedefe ulatktan sonra aktif ila
ulalabilirlii yeterince vardr emin olmak iin teslimin uygun bir sistemini semek nemlidir.

Find the words!

yolunu bulmak,
v hizmet etmek v
toplar damar n biim, tarz n
var yeri n teslim etmek v
hap, ila n etkileimde olmak v
hedef n fitil n
teslimat n uygulanabilirlik n
girmek, binmek,
faydal adj pv
ama n kimyasal adan adv
uygun adj gezi, yolculuk n
ine yapmak,
etkili adj v
azdan, szl
yava salnml adj adv
dolayl olarak adv

183 www.remzihoca.com
Vocabulary Attack 2

consider beneficial effect lung reach
purpose appropriate in order to appropriate orally
specific deliver target directly inject

no definition word

1 used to refer to a particular thing and not something general

2 helpful or useful

3 by speaking rather than writing

4 to take things such as letters, parcels, or goods to a person orplace

5 the feeling of knowing what you want to do

6 to think carefully about a decision or something you might do

7 to arrive somewhere

8 a change, reaction, or result that is caused by something

9 suitable or right for a particular situation or person

10 to put a drug into someone's body using a needle

11 with the purpose of achieving something

12 successful or achieving the result that you want

13 suitable or right for a particular situation or person

14 one of the two organs inside your chest that are used for breathing

15 something that you intend to achieve

16 with no other person or thing involved or between

184 www.remzihoca.com
Vocabulary Attack 2
Around 1550, in a town called Cremona, which is centrally placed in the flat expanse of the Po Valley,
worked an instrument maker named Andrea Amati. As well as being a master craftsman he
possessed a profound understanding of sound. He appreciated how sounds travelled, responded to
surroundings and interacted. It might also be reasonable to presume that he was sensitive to and
appreciated the extraordinary effect of the exquisite music which was being composed and
performed. He might also have been slightly frustrated by a few wolf notes here and there!

1550 civarnda, Po Valleyin dz aklkta merkezi olarak yerletirilen bir Cremona olarak adlandrlan
bir kasabada Andrea Amati olarak isimlendirilen bir ara retici olarak alt. Bir uzman usta olmann
yan sra o sesi anlamann derin bir anlayna sahipti. O evreye ve etkileime yant veren sesin nasl
dolatn takdir etti. O ayn zamanda uyguland ve bestelendii harika mziin sra d etkilerini
takdir etmek ve hassas olduunu varsaymak mantkl olabilir. O ayn zamanda biraz burada ve orada
birka wolf notalar tarafndan kzdrlm olabilir.

Find the words!

olaan st adj derin, iddetli adj
beenmek, takdir
mantkl, makul adj v
kurt n kabiliyetli, bilgili adj
merkezi olarak adv
aklk, geni alan n sahip olmak v
biraz, hafif derecede adv harika, enfes adj
zanaatkar, usta n fkelenmi adj
sanmak, tahmin etmek v

185 www.remzihoca.com
Vocabulary Attack 2
call centrally instrument respond reasonable
appreciate extraordinary sensitive sound master
profound presume compose perform frustrate

no definition word

1 very great; felt or experienced very strongly

2 to do a job or a piece of work

to suppose that something is true, although you do not have actual


4 in a place that is easily reached from many areas

5 a tool that is used for doing something

6 unexpected, surprising or strange

7 to combine together to form a whole / to write a piece of music

8 something that you hear or that can be heard

9 a little

to say or do something as an answer or reaction to something that

has been said or done

11 to give someone or something a particular name

12 fair and showing good judgment

to make somebody feel annoyed or impatient because they cannot

do or achieve what they want
able to understand what people are feeling and deal with them in a
way that does not upset them
to understand how good something or someone is and
be ableto enjoy them

16 someone who does something very well

186 www.remzihoca.com
Vocabulary Attack 2
Like human beings, ants can be both cooperative and aggressive towards one another; in fact,
certain species of ants survive by raiding other ant colonies and enslaving the offspring. Scientists
believe that these slave-maker ants cannot survive on their own and need other ants to take care of
them. The only way in which they can achieve this is by raiding other colonies and seizing the larvae
and pupae; they then carry them back to their own colonies and raise them as slaves. Once their
slaves die, they raid new colonies, capture new larvae, and acquire a new supply of slaves.

nsanolu gibi, karncalar birbirine kar hem ibirliki hem de agresiftir; aslnda karncalarn belli
trleri yavrularna kolonileri gmen olarak dier karncalara baskn yaparak hayatta kalr. Bilim
adamlar bu kle yapc karncalar onlarn bakmna kazc karncalar ihtiya duyar ve kendileri
hayatta kalamadklarna inanrlar. Sadece onlarn baarabildikleri yoldur bu larva ve pupa
yakalayarak ve kazc kolonilere baskn yaparaktr. Kleleri ldkten sonra, onlar yeni kolonilere
baskn yaparlar ederler, yeni larvalar yakalarlar ve klelerin yeni bir kaynan elde ederler.

Find the words!

i birlii yapan adj ba
sinirli adj hem ... hem ... ba
esir etmek v geri gtrmek pv
ilgilenmek, gz
evlat, yavru, dl n pv
kulak olmak
karnca n v
kle n ele geirmek v
baskn yapmak,
v kaynak n

187 www.remzihoca.com
Vocabulary Attack 2
achieve cooperative acquire aggressive survive
believe both and raise in fact offspring
like supply certain new

no definition word

1 similar to or in the same way as someone or something

2 involving people working together to achieve the same aim

completely sure of something, or knowing without doubt that

something is true
to feel certain that something is true or that somebody is telling you
the truth
used to give extra details about something that has just been
to provide things that people want or need, often over a long
period of time

7 to increase an amount or level

8 to get something

9 used to emphasize that you are talking about two people or things

10 to succeed in doing something good, usually by working hard

11 the child of a person or animal

12 not existing before; recently made, invented, introduced, etc.

13 behaving in an angry and violent way towards another person

to continue to live after almost dying because of an accident,

illness, etc.

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Vocabulary Attack 2


-ant -er -ing -ly -ful
-ive -ness -ist -ry -al
-ion -able -ed -est -ment
no main word derived word F TR
1 servant n
2 serve server n
3 hizmet etmek service n
4 serving n
5 purposely adv
6 purposeful adj
7 purposefully adv
8 effective adj
9 effectiveness n
10 ineffective adj
11 ineffectiveness n
12 ineffectively adv
13 chemically adv
14 chemist n
15 chemistry n
16 appreciation n
17 appreciate appreciable adj
18 takdir etmek appreciative adj
19 appreciatively adv
20 slighted adj
21 slightest adj
ufak, kk
22 slightly adv
23 achievement n
24 achiever n
25 achievable adj

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Vocabulary Attack 2
centre variety cardiovascular evaluation citizen
shallow constructive dirty conflict interaction
periodic sensitive substantial extent wonderful
instance helpful forthcoming novel notion
respectable ridiculous business invention multiple
direct comprehensive greatest town particularly
inspection cave engagement event domestic
risk wide original incredibly disadvantage
no EN TR
1 kardiovaskler risk
2 orjinal roman
3 ok eitli
4 i atma
5 dorudan etkileim
6 ehir merkezi
7 kacak olan olay
8 kirli i
9 saygdeer vatanda
10 oklu rnek
11 en byk boyut
12 inanlmaz bir ekilde yardmsever
13 sama dnce
14 yapc szleme
15 mkemmel icat
16 zellikle hassas
17 periyodik denetleme
18 s maara
19 nemli dezavantaj
20 kapsaml deerlendirme

190 www.remzihoca.com
Vocabulary Attack 2
no word F synonymous with
1 purpose n
2 appropriate adj
3 possess v
4 appreciate v
5 frustrated adj
6 journey n
7 aggressive adj
8 raid n
9 offspring n
10 capture v
11 purposeful adj
12 instance n
13 forthcoming adj
14 notion n
15 ridiculous adj

convenient adj uygun value v deer vermek
ambitious adj hrsl unhappy adj mutsuz
attack n saldr baby n bebek
admire v hayran olmak plan n plan
catch v yakalamak arrest v tutuklamak
aim n ama travel n seyahat
dissatisfied adj memnun olmayan right adj doru
tour n tur conscious adj bilinli
have v sahip olmak coming adj yaklaan, gelen
apprehend v tutuklamak invasion n istila
case n vaka trip n seyahat
deliberate adj kastl own v sahip olmak
thought n dnce idea n fikir
silly adj aptal example n rnek
suitable adj uygun intended adj kastl
assault n saldr upcoming adj yaklaan
wilful adj kastl intention n niyet, ama
bust v enselemek absurd adj tuhaf, absrt
sahip olmak,
boast v pilgrimage n dini seyahat (hac)
tadn karmak,
enjoy v sahip olmak, excursion n seyahat (gemi ile)
intentional adj kastl

191 www.remzihoca.com
Vocabulary Attack 2
1 ------ the purpose ------- doing sth bir ey yapma amacyla
2 ------ purpose bile bile, kasten
3 to interact ------ sth bir ey ile etkileimde olmak
4 to be frustrated ------ sth bir eye ok kzmak
5 to take care ------ sth bir ey ile ilgilenmek
6 ------ instance rnein
7 interaction ------ two things iki ey arasnda etkileim
8 to be dissatisfied ------ sth bir eyden memnun olmamak
9 ------ this case bu durumda
10 ------ the intention ------ doing sth bir ey yapma niyetiyle

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Vocabulary Attack 2
REVISION 18 | 19 | 20
no EN F TR
1 exit n k, ayrlma
2 forever adv daima, sonsuza kadar
3 renewable adj yenilenebilir
4 plant n bitki, fabrika
5 cut down pv kesmek, azaltmak
6 dig v kazmak, aratrmak
7 conserve v korumak
8 use up pv tketmek, harcamak
9 pipe n boru, pipo
10 faucet n musluk
11 leak n sznt, kaak
12 choice n seim
13 dishwasher n bulak makinesi
14 turn off pv kapatmak
15 sensitive adj hassas, duyarl
16 potentially adv imkan dahilinde
17 harmful adj zararl
18 stimuli n uyarc
19 benefit n fayda, yarar
20 arise v ortaya kmak, meydana gelmek
21 pathway n patika, yaya geidi
22 relay v sylemek, bildirmek
23 mechanism n mekanizma, dzenek
24 sensitization n duyarllatrma
25 normally adv normalde
26 intense adj youn
27 damaging adj zararl, zarar veren
28 mediate v araclk etmek
29 design v tasarlamak
30 needle n ine, t
31 prick n batrma, ineleme
32 story n hikaye, yk
33 mankind n insanolu
34 nevertheless ba yine de
35 familial adj ailevi
36 personal adj kiisel
37 deteriorate v ktlemek, bozulmak
38 care v bakmak, ilgilenmek
39 what is more ba ayrca
40 worldwide adj dnya apnda
41 account for pv oluturmak, aklamak
42 twice adv iki kez, iki defa
43 numerous adj ok, saysz
44 education n eitim
45 therefore ba bu yzden
46 restricted adj snrl, kstl
47 security n gvenlik, garanti
48 reality n gerek, hakikat
49 housing n yerleim, iskan
50 pension n emekli maa
51 viability n tutarllk
52 labour n alma, i, emek
53 sustainability n srdrlebilirlik
54 tendency n eilim
55 harm v zarar vermek
56 harm n zarar, ziyan
57 harmfully adv zararl bir ekilde
58 harmless adj zararsz
59 unharmed adj zarar grmemi
60 normal adj her zamanki gibi, normal
61 normality n normallik

193 www.remzihoca.com
Vocabulary Attack 2
62 abnormal adj garip, anormal
63 abnormality n anormallik
64 abnormally adv anormal bir ekilde
65 man n adam, insanolu
66 manned adj iinde insan olan
67 unmanned adj insansz
68 number n numara, say
69 numeral n rakam
70 numerical adj saysal
71 outnumber v sayca fazla olmak
72 educate v eitmek
73 educated adj eitimli
74 educational adj eitimsel
75 educator n eitimci
76 educative adj eitici
77 educationally adv eitim ynnden
78 firmly adv skca
79 outstanding adj gze arpan
80 malnutrition n kt beslenme
81 fragile adj krlgan
82 provoke v kkrtmak, neden olmak
83 distinction n ayrm
84 reduction n azalma
85 acute adj iddetli, gl
86 aggression n saldrganlk
87 dilemma n ikilem
88 viral adj virsle ilgili
89 deliberately adv kasten, bilerek
90 essential adj gerekli
91 accomplishment n baar, tamamlama
92 freedom n zgrlk, hrriyet
93 thread n iplik, tel
94 scenario n senaryo
95 election n seim
96 exhaust v tketmek
97 perfect adj mkemmel, ideal
98 violent adj iddetli
99 selection n seim
100 weaken v zayflatmak, gszletirmek
101 deplete v azalmak, tkenmek
102 trend n eilim
103 detrimental adj zararl
104 safe adj emin, gvenli
105 work n i, meslek, alma
106 tale n yk, hikaye
107 decline v azalmak, reddetmek
108 fierce adj iddetli
109 training n eitim
110 worsen v ktlemek
111 placebo n teselli ilac
112 trial n deneme, mahkeme
113 inactive adj hareketsiz
114 subset n alt kme
115 neither det hibiri
116 in addition ba ayrca
117 unexpected adj beklenmedik
118 undermine v zayflatmak, baltalamak
119 plane n uak
120 flat adj dz, havasz, skc
121 corner n ke
122 angle n a
123 inside n ii, i taraf
124 triangle n gen

194 www.remzihoca.com
Vocabulary Attack 2
125 vertice n ke
126 length n uzunluk, boy, sre
127 rectangle n dikdrtgen
128 philosopher n filozof
129 founding n kurulu
130 initially adv balangta
131 secure adj gvenli
132 lastingly adv dayankl, srekli
133 peace n bar, huzur
134 boost v artrmak, ykseltmek
135 reconstruction n yeniden yapm, yeniden ina
136 after ba -den sonra
137 gradually adv aama aama
138 partnership n ortaklk, ibirlii
139 single adj tek, bekar
140 currency n para birimi
141 lastly adv son olarak
142 fundamental adj temel, asl
143 structure n yap, bina
144 institution n kurum
145 formulate v ekillendirmek, ak seik anlatmak
146 nearly adv yaklak
147 edge n kenar, eik, avantaj
148 flat n daire
149 flatten v dzletirmek
150 lengthen v uzamak, uzatmak
151 peaceful adj barl, huzurlu
152 peacefully adv barl ekilde
153 singular adj tekil, esiz
154 structural adj yapsal
155 structurally adv yapsal olarak
156 restructure v yeniden yaplandrmak
157 achievement n baar
158 bone n kemik
159 precise adj tam, kesin
160 indifferent adj kaytsz, umursamaz
161 figure n rakam, ahsiyet, ekil
162 revolutionary adj devrim yaratan
163 impress v etkilemek
164 oblige v zorunda brakmak
165 practically adv yaklak, hemen hemen
166 senseless adj anlamsz
167 observer n gzlemci
168 seemingly adv grnte
169 represent v temsil etmek
170 willingly adv istekli bir ekilde
171 waste n israf, artk
172 pivotal adj ok nemli
173 outlook n hayata bak, grnm
174 radically adv kkten, derinden
175 invent v icat etmek
176 retirement n emeklilik
177 immediately adv hemen, aniden
178 broken adj krk, bozuk, arzal
179 slowly adv yava yava
180 impel v zorlamak, iteklemek
181 force v zorlamak
182 stretch v uzanmak, yaymak, germek
183 demolish v ykmak
184 erode v anmak, ypranmak
185 broaden v geniletmek
186 wear down pv ypratmak, gcn tketmek
187 tear down pv ykmak

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Vocabulary Attack 2
188 level adj dz, yatay, seviyeli
189 compel v zorlamak
190 radical adj kkl
191 serve v hizmet etmek
192 purpose n ama
193 interact v etkileimde olmak
194 time-release adj yava salnml
195 practicality n uygulanabilirlik
196 get into pv girmek, binmek, seilmek
197 appropriate adj uygun
198 navigate v yolunu bulmak, seyretmek
199 destination n var yeri
200 orally adv azdan, szl olarak
201 pill n hap, ila
202 inject v ine yapmak, eklemek
203 vein n toplar damar
204 indirectly adv dolayl olarak
205 suppository n fitil
206 deliver v teslim etmek
207 expanse n aklk, geni alan
208 master n usta, patron
209 craftsman n zanaatkar, usta
210 possess v sahip olmak
211 appreciate v beenmek, takdir etmek
212 reasonable adj mantkl, makul
213 presume v sanmak, tahmin etmek
214 extraordinary adj olaan st
215 exquisite adj harika, enfes
216 slightly adv biraz, hafif derecede
217 frustrated adj fkelenmi
218 wolf n kurt
219 chemically adv kimyasal adan
220 journey n gezi, yolculuk
221 delivery n teslimat
222 ant n karnca
223 both ... and ba hem ... hem ...
224 aggressive adj sinirli
225 in fact ba aslnda, gerekten
226 raid n baskn, saldr
227 enslave v esir etmek
228 offspring n evlat, yavru, dl
229 take care of pv ilgilenmek, gz kulak olmak
230 carry back pv geri gtrmek
231 slave n kle
232 capture v ele geirmek
233 supply v salamak, temin etmek
234 mode n biim, tarz
235 target n hedef
236 effective adj etkili
237 servant n hizmeti, uak
238 serving n porsiyon, servis
239 purposeful adj kastl, amal
240 purposefully adv kasten, amal
241 purposely adv kastl
242 chemical adj kimyasal
243 chemist n kimyac
244 chemistry n kimya
245 appreciated adj takdir edilen
246 appreciation n takdir, teekkr
247 appreciative adj deer bilen
248 appreciatively adv mteekkir durumda
249 slight adj biraz
250 achiever n baaran

196 www.remzihoca.com
Vocabulary Attack 2
251 shallow adj s
252 periodic adj periyodik
253 instance n rnek, vaka
254 dirty adj pis, kirli, ak sak
255 forthcoming adj yaklaan, gelecek
256 conflict n atma, anlamazlk
257 citizen n yurtta
258 interaction n etkileim
259 wonderful adj ahane, ok gzel
260 notion n gr, dnce
261 respectable adj sayg deer
262 inspection n denetleme, kontrol
263 ridiculous adj sama, gln
264 comprehensive adj kapsaml, detayl
265 cave n maara
266 wide adj geni, yaygn
267 business n i , i yeri
268 engagement n nianllk, szleme
269 domestic adj i, evcil
270 convenient adj uygun
271 ambitious adj hrsl
272 admire v hayran olmak
273 dissatisfied adj memnuniyetsiz
274 tour n gezi, seyahat
275 apprehend v kavramak, tutuklamak
276 case n durum, vaka, dava
277 deliberate adj kasti, planl
278 silly adj akn, nemsiz
279 assault n saldr
280 wilful adj kastl
281 boast v bbrlenmek
282 intentional adj kastl
283 value v deer vermek, fiyat bimek
284 unhappy adj mutsuz, zntl
285 baby n bebek
286 arrest v tutuklamak
287 travel n yolculuk, seyahat
288 invasion n istila
289 trip n gezi, yolculuk
290 intended adj kastl, planlanm
291 upcoming adj gelecekteki
292 intention n niyet, ama
293 absurd adj sama, aptalca
294 pilgrimage n hac yolculuu
295 excursion n gezi, seyahat

197 www.remzihoca.com

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