Junior High School:: All Students
Junior High School:: All Students
Junior High School:: All Students
All Seniors who plan to eat Friday at the BBQ need to bring $5.00 and a bag of chips/or drinks to share.
ALL HS TRACK athletes need to be released all day Friday to help with the elementary track and field day. If you
have a test you need to go to that class.
May 3 we will recognize all off our 1st, 2nd, 3rd time scholar athlete recipients at an assembly. 2nd time
recipients will receive a pizza party following the assembly. We will release at 11:15 to the gym.
Kristpy Kremes donuts will be available in Mrs. Wisners room today will supplies last!! $8 for glazed.
On Wednesday, May 3rd, PHS student council will be serving a Bring your Banana Day treat during both
interventions by the cafeteria. You must bring a banana to receive a free treat, but if you forget to bring one,
you can purchase a treat for $2.00.
Baccalaureate will be held Sunday at 7:00 p.m. in the HS gym. All 8 th graders and Seniors are invited to attend.
Still have books out!! Books need to be ASAP!!! Come talk to Mrs. Harris if any questions.
Seniors if you have a book out please return before Friday!!
Upcoming Activities: