Reports 10g Nag
Reports 10g Nag
Reports 10g Nag
Click on Finish.
If we want to see the Data Model , selct Data Model button from
top of the menu bar
Similarly If we want to see the Layout Model,selct Layout
Modle button from top of the menu bar
Similarly If we want to see the Object Navigator press F5 to see
the objects which are created.
Development of Report through Manually
Click on Ok.
Click on SQL Query button from left side the menu
Agin click on Right side of the canvas
Fields Text
Frame ing
Select Frame press F4. set the properties as below
Lexical Parameter.
Select SQL Query button from left side the menu bar.
Drop on the canvas and write the below statement as it is.
Click on Ok button.
Give the username,pass word ,data base details as below
Click on connect.
click on Paper layout button from top of the menu bar
Goto toolsoptionsRulersChatector cells ok
Design the layout as per previous report designment.
Run the Report to see the output.
Example 2 For Lexical Parameter(Using ofter from clause)
System Parameters
System Parameters are used to transfer report
output to the client location or corporate office location.
Design the layout as below mentioned.
Select userparameters
Click on Ok.
Select SQL Query button from left side the menu bar and place
it in canvas
Write a following statement and click on connect button
click on ok.
Similary select SQL Query button from left side the menu bar
and place it in data model.
Click on Ok.
Select Data link from left side the menu bar.
Drag deptno to deptno columns of two data models.
Click on paper Layout from top of the menu bar.
Go to Tools optionsRulers
Select character cell and click on ok.
Design the layout as mentioned below.
Click on Compile and close.
----------------- Used to perform DDL Operations.
Go to programs complieall
Go to programsRun paper layout to see the firing status.
Format Trigger
Format Trigger is used to displays the object and hide the object
Select summary Column from Left side the menu bar and
place into canvas
Complie ctrl+shift+k;
Run the Report;
Click on ok.
SELECT SQL Query button from left side the menu bar.
Write below statement.
Again Select SQL Query Button from left side the menu bar.
Click on Ok.
Press F5 for Object Navigator.
Select User parameter
Click on +(Green color) from left side the menu bar.
Give the below name or any name and DATA TYPE and
WIDTH as mentioned below.
the Report Using SELECT * FROM
Design the Layour as mentioned Below.Similarly set all
fram,repeating frame and field properties.
after that follow the below mentioined navigation.
Write following code and complie and close and run the report
to see the output.
Run the Report,see the below output .The logo is displayed only in
3 Page.