13-3-2017 45 Minutes. 20 Fs1
13-3-2017 45 Minutes. 20 Fs1
13-3-2017 45 Minutes. 20 Fs1
Medium level: Students will see how their Medium level: Students will sort easily and
friends did it, and then they may do the cell. they may answer why but not for all the pictures.
Low level: Students may do it with assistant Low level: students may only sort the pictures
help. and the teacher will explain why for them by
asking them different questions like: did the
caterpillar eats or drinks?
Description of activity 3:
Each student will have plat, two colors (yellow and black) and eyes to create their own bees.
Learning Outcome(s):
- Understanding the world.
- Creativity.
-Math: colors and patterns.
High level: Create a bee with sticking the eyes and doing the pattern (6) and explaining what they
Medium level: Create a bee but not clearly painting with the patterns only (4).
Low level: Create a bee with assistant or teacher helps.
General Comments: (including: documented evidence of learning; comments from MST, MCT and/or TA as appropriate)
I enjoyed my lesson while Im teaching. It was very nice lesson for me and my MCT
liked my lesson, she liked it. In the carped I didnt sat there for a long time so it were not
making students feel boring from it. When I did the transition in was good and clear for
students to understand what I want them to do. Also with doing the activities which
students enjoyed in and they liked them. I gave them a nicely feedback and appropriate.
When I was interacting with the students it was friendly and I listen to them if they
wanted to tell me something or explain or even ask me about anything. I needed to start
thinking about reflecting for students learning for next semester.
Name of Student Teacher: Shaikha
Date & Duration of lesson: Number of students: Age Range of students:
8-3-2017 45 20 Fs1
Learning Outcomes: (Link to the Early Learning Goals from the UK EYFS curriculum Resources: (for each activity)
Begins to accept the needs of others and can take turns and Activity 1: Ball game.
share resources, sometimes with support from others.
Beginning to use more complex sentences to link thoughts. Activity 2: colored pins game.
Explain why.
Usually manage washing and drying hands. Activity 3: painting pattern
Recites numbers in order to 5.
Knows that numbers identify how many objects are in a set.
Physical development.
High level: students will describe their answers
without teachers question.
Learning Outcome(s):
Paint an AB pattern Math: what color is this? / Understanding the world: use colors of the
animals to do the patterns (example: black and orange for the tiger)
Painting using different brushes & painting using different amount of boxes (High: 9 boxes
Average: 6 boxes Low: 4 boxes).
General Comments: (including: documented evidence of learning; comments from MST, MCT and/or TA as appropriate)
When I was teaching this lesson I had a good voice that was clear for students so easy to
understand what I was saying. I was trying to make eye contact with all students and I did
it well with that. I liked the way I explained the activities in the circle time before
students go to do the activities. I walked around the students while they are doing the
activities and I asked them questions about the activities. I asked one of the students if he
wants to do the activities with me, who didnt do the activities and he just went to
different areas in the classroom, he accepted that because I sat on my legs while I am
asking him. I recognize that he likes people who talk with him with the clear and not loud
voice and when people sat on their legs so they can be on his length. Again I took notes
for students to assess them while I was walking around. It was a very nice lesson for me.
Number of students:20 Unite: living and nonliving things Theme: land animals
Learning Outcomes:
Begins to accept the needs of others and can take turns and share resources,
sometimes with support from others.
Usually manage washing and drying hands.
Uses shapes appropriately for tasks.
Recites numbers in order to 10.
Can talk about some of the things they have observed such as animals.
Knows that numbers identify how many objects are in a set.
Beginning to talk about the shapes of everyday objects.
High level: students will make a pattern from 3 shapes from different animals akin
and they may do it in (4 times).
Medium level: Students will make a pattern from two shapes and they may do it in
4 times. .
Low level: students may two different shapes or skins and they may do it in 3 times
Description of different areas: Students will be allowed to go in any area they
want so they can play and learn in the same time.
Different areas have differentiation for students and they may choose which of the
areas they like to play in.
With this lesson, I prepared one main activity about pattern which was the main focus for
this week in math. I explained the activity for the students during circle time and I asked
two of them to help me while I am explaining for them. It was a very good idea to get
students attention and let them interest with the lesson. After that I walked around the
students and I asked them questions about the lesson or what they were doing so that can
develop their self-esteem and their confidence also it can help them with social and
emotional skills. I had good eye contact and I was confidence with teaching the lessons.
Learning Outcomes:
Begins to accept the needs of others and can take turns and share resources,
sometimes with support from others.
Can talk about some of the things they have observed such as animals.
Shows care and concern for living things and the environment.
High level: Students will do as what the teacher showed them and they will make it
Medium level: Students may do it nicely with observing their friends.
Low level: students may do it but not by their own or they may not do it as a
medium or high level.
Description of different areas: Students will be allowed to go in any area they
want so they can play and learn in the same time.
Different areas have differentiation for students and they may choose which of the
areas they like to play in.
With this activity I liked what I have done because students were enjoying and learning
some of them were reminding their friends about the story they already took. I helped the
low level students and I showed them before they start how they are going to make it.
One of the students didnt know how to glue the black papers inside the cupcake paper
and I was busy with helping other student. So he just put lots of glue and I had to watch
them all. But generally students liked the owls because of the story and they all were
engage and they were interest in doing that activity.
Name of Student Teacher: Shaikha
Date & Duration of lesson: Number of students: Age Range of students:
7-3-2017 45 20 Fs1
Learning Outcomes: (Link to the Early Learning Goals from the UK EYFS curriculum Resources: (for each activity)
Begins to accept the needs of others and can take turns and Activity 1: Paint the puffer
share resources, sometimes with support from others. fish.
Beginning to use more complex sentences to link thoughts.
Explain why. Activity 2: Choosing one of
Usually manage washing and drying hands. three sea animals (jellyfish,
Recites numbers in order to 5. starfish fish).
Knows that numbers identify how many objects are in a set.
Beginning to talk about the shapes of everyday objects. Activity 3: fishing activity.
General Comments: (including: documented evidence of learning; comments from MST, MCT and/or TA as appropriate)
Number of students:20 Unite: living and nonliving things Theme: land animals
Learning Outcomes:
Begins to accept the needs of others and can take turns and share resources,
sometimes with support from others.
Can talk about some of the things they have observed such as animals.
Shows care and concern for living things and the environment.
High level: Students will do as what the teacher showed them and they will make it
Medium level: Students may do it nicely with observing their friends.
Low level: students may do it but not by their own or they may not do it as a
medium or high level.
Description of different areas: Students will be allowed to go in any area they
want so they can play and learn in the same time.
Different areas have differentiation for students and they may choose which of the
areas they like to play in.
With this activity I liked what I have done because students were enjoying and learning
some of them were reminding their friends about the story they already took. I helped the
low level students and I showed them before they start how they are going to make it.
One of the students didnt know how to glue the black papers inside the cupcake paper
and I was busy with helping other student. So he just put lots of glue and I had to watch
them all. But generally students liked the owls because of the story and they all were
engage and they were interest in doing that activity.
Name of Student Teacher: Shaikha
Date & Duration of lesson: Number of Age Range of students:
26-2-2017 45 20 Fs1
Learning Outcomes: (Link to the Early Learning Goals from the UK EYFS curriculum Resources: (for each activity)
Uses talk to connect ideas. Activity 1: Sorting.
Listens to others.
Shows confidence in asking adults for help. Activity 2: Mosaic birds.
Realises not only objects, but anything can be counted,
Including steps, claps or jumps. Activity 3: Create a nest.
Can talk about some of the things they have observed such
as animals.
Shows interest in shapes in the environment.
Differentiation: Differentiation:
High level: students will sort easily and they High level: they will choose different colors
will answer why they are living or not-living. they like and they will explain why they choose
these colors.
Medium level: Students will sort easily and
they may answer why but not for all the pictures. Medium level: they will do it but they may not
paint the whole picture.
Low level: students may only sort the pictures
only and the teacher could explain why for them Low level: they may just do as their friends.
by asking them different questions like: did the
bird eats or drinks?
Description of activity 3:
Student will have a straw and glue to create their own nest then they will have papers so they will
cut them on circles to look like eggs.
Learning Outcome(s):
- Understanding the world.
- Creativity.
High level: create a nest and cut the paper as oval and make more than one egg and count the
Medium level: create a nest and cut the paper as oval but only one.
Tell the students about the new Students will answer the Some of students may didnt do the
theme and staring with asking teacher and respect each activity to the teacher may do with
the students.
them questions for warming up. other.
Make a discussion about living Students will collaborate In this area students will
and not-living things on the sky. with their teacher. develop their PSE.
I did very well with this lesson when I started my lesson with circle time, I described for
the students about the activities and I walked around to assess them during the class time.
I took note and I had a good eye contact and I had a good, clear voice to let students
understand easily. I gave positive feedback for the students but I need to give more
enthusiastic positive feedback. It was my problem or what I need to try to work in during
my teaching practice. I also needed to add assessments even summative or formative
assessments in my lesson plans.