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Autosar Sws Commanager

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Specification of Communication Manager

AUTOSAR CP Release 4.3.0

Document Title Specification of

Communication Manager
Document Owner AUTOSAR
Document Responsibility AUTOSAR
Document Identification No 079
Document Classification Standard

Document Status Final

Part of AUTOSAR Standard Classic Platform
Part of Standard Release 4.3.0

Document Change History

Date Release Changed by Change Description
2016-11-30 4.3.0 AUTOSAR Added the possiblity to switch
Release ehternet switch ports according to
Management ComM channel request / release
Added the wake up handling in case
of a ECU which is controlling a
Ethernet switch and using PNCs.
Minor corrections
2015-07-31 4.2.2 AUTOSAR Chapter added to explain partial
Release network usecase
Management Minor corrections
2014-10-31 4.2.1 AUTOSAR Release of PNC related FULL_COM
Release request already upon leaving
Several clarifications
Minor corrections
2014-03-31 4.1.3 AUTOSAR Max. number of supported PNCs by
Release ComM now 56
Management ComM supports VariantPostBuild
instead of
Restrictions for PNCs with
ComMChannels of

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- AUTOSAR confidential -
Specification of Communication Manager
AUTOSAR CP Release 4.3.0

Document Change History

Date Release Changed by Change Description
2013-10-31 4.1.2 AUTOSAR Introduced modeling of Service
Release Interfaces in Chapt. 8
Management Repair the reset after forcing
NO_COM Feature
Editorial changes
Removed chapter(s) on change
2013-03-15 4.1.1 AUTOSAR ComM allows configuration of
Administration arbitrary bus names for Bus SMs
Nm Variant Passive not configurable
on individual channels anymore
Assignment of ComMPncId to Nm
UserData bits specified
2011-12-22 4.0.3 AUTOSAR Partial Network Cluster
Administration Management
Improved/Corrected illustration of
start-up sequences (chap 9)
Forbid assigning ComM users to
channels with NmVariant=PASSIVE
Removed re-request of unchanged
communication mode in case of
mismatch with BusStateManager
Removed remains of DEM error
2009-12-18 4.0.1 AUTOSAR Table for interaction between ComM
Administration and NM added
Production error
NNEL removed
Lower range of configuration

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Specification of Communication Manager
AUTOSAR CP Release 4.3.0

Document Change History

Date Release Changed by Change Description
2010-02-02 3.1.4 AUTOSAR Changed interaction between ComM
Administration and ECU State Manager (EcuM)
Changed interaction between ComM
and Diagnostic Communication
Manager (DCM)
Added dependencies to new
modules Basic Software Mode
Manager (BswM) and Ethernet
State Manager
Legal disclaimer revised
2008-08-13 3.1.1 AUTOSAR Legal disclaimer revised
2007-07-24 2.1.18 AUTOSAR Bus specific error handling (e.g. bus
Administration off handling) removed
Control of the actual bus states
PDU group handling removed
Initialization of Communication stack
Document meta information
Small layout adaptations made

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Specification of Communication Manager
AUTOSAR CP Release 4.3.0

Document Change History

Date Release Changed by Change Description
2007-01-24 2.1.19 AUTOSAR Changed features
Administration Restart (silent com. -> full com.) now
possible even if mode limitation is
Channel state machine changed
Sequence diagrams changed
New services to upper layers
Mode indication API to RTE
New calls to other modules
Usage of channel specific API
(EcuM and ComM) to indicate that a
communication channel has been
woken up and has gone to sleep
API for NM control canged
Legal disclaimer revised
Release Notes added
Advice for users revised
Revision Information added
2005-05-31 1.0 AUTOSAR Initial Release

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Specification of Communication Manager
AUTOSAR CP Release 4.3.0


This specification and the material contained in it, as released by AUTOSAR, is for
the purpose of information only. AUTOSAR and the companies that have contributed
to it shall not be liable for any use of the specification.

The material contained in this specification is protected by copyright and other types
of Intellectual Property Rights. The commercial exploitation of the material contained
in this specification requires a license to such Intellectual Property Rights.

This specification may be utilized or reproduced without any modification, in any form
or by any means, for informational purposes only. For any other purpose, no part of
the specification may be utilized or reproduced, in any form or by any means, without
permission in writing from the publisher.

The AUTOSAR specifications have been developed for automotive applications only.
They have neither been developed, nor tested for non-automotive applications.

The word AUTOSAR and the AUTOSAR logo are registered trademarks.

Advice for users

AUTOSAR specifications may contain exemplary items (exemplary reference

models, "use cases", and/or references to exemplary technical solutions, devices,
processes or software).

Any such exemplary items are contained in the specifications for illustration purposes
only, and they themselves are not part of the AUTOSAR Standard. Neither their
presence in such specifications, nor any later documentation of AUTOSAR
conformance of products actually implementing such exemplary items, imply that
intellectual property rights covering such exemplary items are licensed under the
same rules as applicable to the AUTOSAR Standard.

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Specification of Communication Manager
AUTOSAR CP Release 4.3.0

Table of Contents

1 Introduction and functional overview .............................................................. 10

2 Acronyms and definitions ............................................................................... 11
3 Related documentation................................................................................... 13
3.1 Input documents.................................................................................. 13
3.2 Related standards and norms ............................................................. 14
3.3 Related specification ........................................................................... 15
4 Constraints and assumptions ......................................................................... 16
4.1 Limitations ........................................................................................... 16
4.2 Applicability to car domains ................................................................. 16
5 Dependencies to other modules ..................................................................... 17
5.1 File structure ....................................................................................... 17
5.1.1 Header file structure ............................................................................ 17
5.2 AUTOSAR Runtime Environment (RTE) ............................................. 18
5.3 ECU State Manager (EcuM)................................................................ 18
5.4 Basic Software Mode Manager (BswM) .............................................. 19
5.5 NVRAM Manager ................................................................................ 19
5.6 Diagnostic Communication Manager (DCM) ....................................... 19
5.7 LIN State Manager .............................................................................. 19
5.8 CAN State Manager ............................................................................ 20
5.9 FlexRay State Manager ...................................................................... 20
5.10 Ethernet State Manager ...................................................................... 20
5.11 Network Management (NM) ................................................................ 20
5.12 Default Error Tracer (DET) .................................................................. 20
5.13 Communication (COM) ....................................................................... 20
6 Requirements traceability ............................................................................... 21
7 Functional specification .................................................................................. 26
7.1 Partial Network Cluster Management.................................................. 29
7.1.1 Overview ............................................................................................. 29
7.1.2 Partial Network Cluster Management Functionality ............................. 29
7.1.3 ComM PNC state machine .................................................................. 30
7.1.4 PNC Gateway ..................................................................................... 36
7.1.5 ComM User to PNC Relations............................................................. 38
7.1.6 Partial Networking Configuration Hints ................................................ 39
7.2 ComM channel state machine ............................................................. 39
7.2.1 Behavior in state COMM_NO_COMMUNICATION ............................. 44
7.2.2 Behaviour in state COMM_SILENT_COMMUNICATION .................... 47
7.2.3 Behaviour in state COMM_FULL_COMMUNICATION ....................... 48
7.3 Extended functionality ......................................................................... 52
7.3.1 Communication inhibition .................................................................... 52
7.4 Bus communication management ....................................................... 55
7.5 Network management dependencies .................................................. 55
7.6 Bus error management ....................................................................... 56
7.6.1 Network Start Indication ...................................................................... 56
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Specification of Communication Manager
AUTOSAR CP Release 4.3.0

7.7 Test support requirements .................................................................. 57

7.7.1 Inhibited Full Communication Request Counter .................................. 57
7.8 Error classification ............................................................................... 57
7.8.1 Development Errors ............................................................................ 57
7.8.2 Runtime Errors .................................................................................... 58
7.8.3 Transient Faults .................................................................................. 58
7.9 Non functional requirements ............................................................... 58
7.10 Communication Manager Module Services ......................................... 58
7.10.1 Architecture ..................................................................................... 59
7.10.2 Use Cases ....................................................................................... 60
7.10.3 Specification of Ports and Port Interfaces ........................................ 63
7.10.4 Runnables and Entry points............................................................. 66
8 API specification ............................................................................................. 69
8.1 Imported types .................................................................................... 69
8.1.1 Standard types .................................................................................... 69
8.2 Type definitions ................................................................................... 69
8.2.1 ComM_InitStatusType ......................................................................... 69
8.2.2 ComM_PncModeType ........................................................................ 70
8.2.3 ComM_StateType ............................................................................... 70
8.2.4 ComM_ConfigType ............................................................................. 70
8.3 Function definitions ............................................................................. 70
8.3.1 ComM_Init ........................................................................................... 70
8.3.2 ComM_DeInit ...................................................................................... 71
8.3.3 ComM_GetState ................................................................................. 72
8.3.4 ComM_GetStatus................................................................................ 72
8.3.5 ComM_GetInhibitionStatus ................................................................. 73
8.3.6 ComM_RequestComMode .................................................................. 73
8.3.7 ComM_GetMaxComMode .................................................................. 74
8.3.8 ComM_GetRequestedComMode ........................................................ 75
8.3.9 ComM_GetCurrentComMode ............................................................. 75
8.3.10 ComM_PreventWakeUp .................................................................. 76
8.3.11 ComM_LimitChannelToNoComMode .............................................. 76
8.3.12 ComM_LimitECUToNoComMode .................................................... 77
8.3.13 ComM_ReadInhibitCounter ............................................................. 77
8.3.14 ComM_ResetInhibitCounter ............................................................ 78
8.3.15 ComM_SetECUGroupClassification ................................................ 78
8.3.16 ComM_GetVersionInfo .................................................................... 79
8.4 Callback notifications .......................................................................... 79
8.4.1 AUTOSAR Network Management Interface ........................................ 79
8.4.2 AUTOSAR Diagnostic Communication Manager Interface ................. 82
8.4.3 AUTOSAR ECU State Manager Interface ........................................... 83
8.4.4 AUTOSAR ECU State Manager and Basic Software Mode Manager
Interface ......................................................................................................... 84
8.4.5 Bus State Manager Interface............................................................... 84
8.4.6 COM Interface ..................................................................................... 85
8.5 Scheduled functions ............................................................................ 85
8.5.1 ComM_MainFunction .......................................................................... 85
8.6 Expected interfaces ............................................................................. 85
8.6.1 Mandatory Interfaces .......................................................................... 86
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Specification of Communication Manager
AUTOSAR CP Release 4.3.0

8.6.2 Optional Interfaces .............................................................................. 89

8.6.3 Configurable Interfaces ....................................................................... 89
8.6.4 AUTOSAR COM ................................................................................. 89
8.7 Service Interfaces ............................................................................... 90
8.7.1 Sender-Receiver-interfaces................................................................. 90
8.7.2 Client-Server-interfaces ...................................................................... 90
8.7.3 Mode-Switch-Interfaces ...................................................................... 96
8.7.4 Implementation Data Types ................................................................ 96
8.7.5 Ports .................................................................................................... 98
8.7.6 ModeDeclarationGroups ................................................................... 100
9 Sequence diagrams...................................................................................... 101
9.1 Transmission and Reception start (CAN) .......................................... 101
9.2 Passive Wake-up (CAN) ................................................................... 102
9.3 Network shutdown (CAN) .................................................................. 103
9.4 Communication request .................................................................... 105
10 Configuration specification ........................................................................... 106
10.1 How to read this chapter ................................................................... 106
10.2 Containers and configuration parameters ......................................... 107
10.2.1 ComM ............................................................................................ 108
10.2.2 ComMGeneral ............................................................................... 108
10.2.3 ComMConfigSet ............................................................................ 114
10.2.4 ComMUser .................................................................................... 115
10.2.5 ComMChannel............................................................................... 116
10.2.6 ComMNetworkManagement .......................................................... 122
10.2.7 ComMUserPerChannel ................................................................. 124
10.2.8 ComMPnc ...................................................................................... 124
10.2.9 ComMPncComSignal .................................................................... 125
10.3 Published information ........................................................................ 127
11 Not applicable requirements ......................................................................... 128

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Specification of Communication Manager
AUTOSAR CP Release 4.3.0

List of Figures
Figure 1: Communication Manager Module context view ......................................... 17
Figure 2: PNC State Machine ................................................................................... 32
Figure 3: User to Partial network and channel Mapping Use Cases......................... 38
Figure 4: ComM channel state machine ................................................................... 41
Figure 5: ARPackage of the Communication Manager Module ................................ 59
Figure 6: SW-C requests state changes to the Communication Manager Module ... 60
Figure 7: SW-C requires state changes within the Communication Manager Module
and reads out current communication state ....................................................... 61
Figure 8: Interaction between BswM and the ComM module ................................... 63
Figure 9: Starting transmission and reception on CAN ........................................... 101
Figure 10: Reaction on a wake-up indicated by the ECU State Manager module .. 102
Figure 11: Network shutdown (CAN) ...................................................................... 104
Figure 12: Request Communication ....................................................................... 105
Figure 13: Configuration ComM.............................................................................. 108
Figure 14: Configuration ComMGeneral ................................................................. 114
Figure 15: Configuration ComMUser ...................................................................... 116
Figure 16: Configuration ComMChannel ................................................................ 121
Figure 17: Configuration ComMNetworkManagement ............................................ 123

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Specification of Communication Manager
AUTOSAR CP Release 4.3.0

1 Introduction and functional overview

The Communication Manager Module (COM Manager, ComM) is a component of the
Basic Software (BSW). It is a Resource Manager, which encapsulates the
control of the underlying communication services. The ComM module
controls basic software modules relating to communication and not
software components or runnable entities. The ComM module collects the
bus communication access requests from communication requestors (see
definition of term User in Chapter 2) and coordinates the bus
communication access requests.

The purpose of the ComM module is:

1. Simplifying the usage of the bus communication stack for the user. This
includes a simplified network management handling.

2. Coordinating the availability of the bus communication stack (allow sending

and receiving of signals) of multiple independent software components on one

Comment: A user should not have any knowledge about the hardware (e.g. on which
channel to communicate). A user simply requests a "Communication Mode"
and ComM module switches the communication capability of the
corresponding channel on/off.

3. Offer an API to disable sending of signals to prevent the ECU from (actively)
waking up the communication bus.

Comment: On CAN every message wakes up the bus, on FlexRay it is only possible
to wake up the bus with a so called wake-up pattern.

4. Controlling of more than one communication bus channel of an ECU by

implementing a channel state machine for every channel.

Comment: The ComM module requests a Communication Mode from the

corresponding Bus State Manager module. The actual bus states are
controlled by the corresponding Bus State Manager module.

5. Offering the possibility to force an ECU that keeps the bus awake to the No
Communication mode (see Section for details).

6. Simplifying the resource management by allocating all resources necessary

for the requested Communication Mode.

Comment: E.g. check if communication is allowed when a user requests Full

Communication mode, and prevent the ECU from shutdown during

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Specification of Communication Manager
AUTOSAR CP Release 4.3.0

2 Acronyms and definitions

Abbreviation / Description:
BSW Basic Software
BswM Basic Software Mode Manager
ComM Communication Manager
DCM Diagnostic Communication Manager
Det Default Error Tracer
EcuM ECU State Manager module
I-PDU Information Protocol Data Unit
NM Network Management
PDU Protocol Data Unit
SW-C Software Component
VMM Vehicle Message Matrix

Term: Description:
DCM_ActiveDiagnostic The DCM module indicates an active diagnostic session. DCM need
indication full communication = COMM_FULL_COMMUNICATION for diagnostic
Active wake-up Wake-up caused by the hosting ECU e.g. by a sensor.
Application signal scheduling Sending of application signals according to the VMM. Scheduling of
CAN application signals is performed by the Communication Module,
scheduling of LIN application I-PDUs (a PDU containing signals) is
performed by the LIN interface and scheduling of FlexRay application
PDUs is performed by the FlexRay Interface module.
Bus sleep No activity required on the communication bus (e.g. CAN bus sleep).
Bus communication Bus communication messages are all messages that are sent on the
messages communication bus. This can be either a diagnostic message or an
application message.
COM Inhibition status Defines whether full communication, silent communication or wake-
up is allowed or not.
Communication Channel The medium used to convey information from a sender (or
transmitter) to a receiver.
Communication Mode Mode determining which kind of communication are allowed:
full communication = COMM_FULL_COMMUNICATION
no communication = COMM_NO_COMMUNICATION
silent communication = COMM_SILENT_COMMUNICATION
Note: COMM_SILENT_COMMUNICATION can not be requested by a
user. Internal mode for synchronizing network at shutdown
Diagnostic PDU scheduling Sending of diagnostic PDUs. Scheduling of CAN diagnostic PDUs is
performed by the diagnostic module, scheduling of LIN diagnostic
PDUs is performed by the diagnostic module and the LIN interface
and scheduling of FlexRay diagnostic PDUs is performed by the
diagnostic module and the FlexRay Interface module.
ECU shut down See ECU State Manager specification [6].
Fan-out Same message/indication are sent to multiple destinations/receivers
Independent software A separately developed software component performing a coherent
component set of functions with a minimum amount of interfaces to other
software applications on an ECU. This can be e.g. a basic software
component or an application software component.
Passive wake-up Wake-up by another ECU and propagated (e.g. by bus or wake-up-
line) to the ECU currently in focus.
System User An administration functionality (a specific "user", which is generated
within the internal context of the ComM) for making a default request
and for overriding the user requests.
User Concept for requestors of the ECU State Manager module and of the
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Specification of Communication Manager
AUTOSAR CP Release 4.3.0

Communication Manager Module. A user may be the BswM, a

runnable entity, a SW-C or a group of SW-Cs, which act as a single
unit towards the ECU State Manager module and the Communication
Manager Module.
User Request A User can request different Communication Modes from ComM

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Specification of Communication Manager
AUTOSAR CP Release 4.3.0

3 Related documentation

3.1 Input documents

[1] List of Basic Software Modules


[2] Layered Software Architecture


[3] General Requirements on Basic Software Modules


[4] Requirements on Mode Management


[5] Specification of ECU Configuration


[6] Specification of ECU State Manager


[7] Specification of NVRAM Manager


[8] Specification of RTE Software


[9] Specification of Generic Network Management Interface


[10] Specification of Communication


[11] Specification of Diagnostic Communication Manager


[12] Specification of LIN Interface


[13] Specification of FlexRay Interface


[14] Specification of Default Error Tracer


[16] Specification of CAN Transceiver Driver

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Specification of Communication Manager
AUTOSAR CP Release 4.3.0

[17] Specification of CAN Interface


[18] Specification of FlexRay Transceiver Driver


[19] Specification of PDU Router


[20] Requirements on IPDU Multiplexer


[21] Specification of System Services Mode Management


[22] Specification of C Implementation Rules


[23] Specification of LIN State Manager


[24] Specification of CAN State Manager


[25] Specification of FlexRay State Manager


[26] Basic Software Module Description Template,


[27] Glossary,

[28] Specification of Ethernet State Manager


[29] Specification of Basic Software Mode Manager


[30] Specification of ECU State Manager Fixed


[31] General Specification of Basic Software Modules


3.2 Related standards and norms

Not applicable.
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Specification of Communication Manager
AUTOSAR CP Release 4.3.0

3.3 Related specification

AUTOSAR provides a General Specification on Basic Software modules [31] (SWS

BSW General), which is also valid for COM Manager.

Thus, the specification SWS BSW General shall be considered as additional and
required specification for COM Manager.

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4 Constraints and assumptions

4.1 Limitations
No limitations.

4.2 Applicability to car domains

No restrictions.

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Specification of Communication Manager
AUTOSAR CP Release 4.3.0

5 Dependencies to other modules

A context view which shows the Communication Manager Module and the
dependencies to other modules is shown in Figure 1:

module module module module module

SchM::SchM Rte::Rte Det::Det Dcm::Dcm NvM::NvM

realize realize realize

use use realize mandatory
ResourceManager Rte Det_ReportError Dcm_ComM NvM_ReadBlock

use use ComM_Dcmmandatory mandatory mandatory

module module
realize mandatory
ComM::ComM EcuM::EcuM



BswM_RequestMode BswM::BswM

use use use realize realize


Nm ComM_COMCbk_<sn>

EthSM_RequestComMode FrSm CanSM_ComM use
mandatory realize
mandatory mandatory
realize mandatory realize realize realize

module module module module module module

EthSM::EthSM FrSm::FrSm CanSM::CanSM LinSm::LinSM Nm::Nm Com::Com

Figure 1: Communication Manager Module context view

The Communication Manager Module requests the communication capabilities,

requested from the users, from the Bus State Manager modules.

5.1 File structure

5.1.1 Header file structure

[SWS_ComM_00506] The ComM module shall, depending on the ComM

configuration, include the header files of the modules providing interfaces to the
ComM module (see Figure 1):
ComM Schedule Manager: SchM_ComM.h
RTE generated header file: Rte_ComM.h
Default Error Tracer: Det.h
Diagnostic Communication Manager: Dcm_Cbk.h
NVRAM Manager: NvM.h
ECU State Manager: EcuM.h
Network Management Interface: Nm.h
LIN State Manager: LinSM.h
CAN State Manager: CanSM_ComM.h
FlexRay State Manager: FrSM.h
Ethernet State Manager: EthSM.h

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Specification of Communication Manager
AUTOSAR CP Release 4.3.0

Basic Software Mode Manager: BswM_ComM.h

Communication: Com.h

[SWS_ComM_00956] The module header file ComM.h shall include

Rte_ComM_Type.h to include the types which are common used by BSW Modules
and Software Components.
This file shall only contain types, which are not already defined in
Rte_ComM_Type.h. ()

[SWS_ComM_00463] The ComM module shall provide in addition to

ComM_Lcfg.c and ComM_PBcfg.c at least the following files:
ComM header file: ComM.h
ComM callback declarations: ComM_Nm.h, ComM_EcuMBswM.h,
ComM_Dcm.h, ComM_BusSM.h,
ComM configuration file: ComM_Cfg.h
ComM source file: ComM.c (SRS_BSW_00346,
SRS_BSW_00381, SRS_BSW_00412, SRS_BSW_00415)

Rationale for SWS_ComM_00463: Source code and configuration are strictly

separated. User defined configurations will not imply the change of the original
source code.

5.2 AUTOSAR Runtime Environment (RTE)

Every user can request a Communication Mode. The RTE propagates the user
request to the ComM module and the Communication Mode indications from the
ComM to the users (for details refer to [8]).

5.3 ECU State Manager (EcuM)

Two different variants of EcuM can be used, called EcuM-Fixed and EcuM-Flex. For
details about the difference between to two variants, refer to EcuM-Flex [6] and
EcuM-Fixed [30].
The EcuM-Fixed is responsible for initialization of ComM. Both EcuMs are also
responsible to validate wake-up events and send an indication to ComM if a wake-up
is validated.
If EcuM-Fixed is used, EcuM-Fixed will indicate to ComM if communication is allowed
to start or not. Then EcuM-Fixed must check with ComM if the ECU can be shutdown
or not, i.e. if communication is in progress or not.
If EcuM-Flex is used, the above functionality (communication allowed and shutdown
of ECU) is handled by EcuM-Flex together with BswM.

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Specification of Communication Manager
AUTOSAR CP Release 4.3.0

5.4 Basic Software Mode Manager (BswM)

The BswM realizes two functionalities Mode Arbitration and Mode Control to allow
the application of an Application Mode Management and a Vehicle Mode
The BswM propagates user requests to the ComM module, if configured in the action
lists of BswM to be able to request ComM modes via BswM.
The BswM controls the PDU Groups in the AUTOSAR Communication Module
(COM), if the call of Com_IpduGroupControl is configured in the action list.
[SWS_ComM_00976] ComM indicates all channel main state changes and all
PNC state changes to the BswM. ()
If EcuM-Flex is used, BswM will indicate to ComM if communication is allowed or not.

5.5 NVRAM Manager

The ComM module uses the NVRAM Manager to store and read non-volatile data.
For details on initial values of the NVRAM data refer to Chapter 10.

Comment: The NVRAM Manager must be initialized after a power up or reset of the
ECU. It must be initialized before ComM, as when ComM is initialized, ComM
assumes that NVRAM is ready to be used, and that it can read back non-volatile
configuration data. When ComM is de-initialized, it writes non-volatile data to

5.6 Diagnostic Communication Manager (DCM)

The DCM performs the scheduling of diagnostic PDUs. The DCM acts as a user by
requesting Communication Mode COMM_FULL_COMMUNICATION via a
DCM_ActiveDiagnostic indication if diagnostics shall be performed. The DCM does
not provide an API to start/stop sending and receiving but guarantees that the
communication capabilities are according to the ComM module Communication

5.7 LIN State Manager

The LIN State Manager controls the actual states of the LIN bus that correspond to a
Communication Mode of the ComM module. The ComM module requests a
Communication Mode from the LIN State Manager and the LIN State Manager maps
the Communication Mode to a bus state.

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5.8 CAN State Manager

The CAN State Manager controls the actual states of the CAN bus that correspond to
a Communication Mode of the ComM module. The ComM module requests a
Communication Mode from the CAN State Manager and the CAN State Manager
maps the Communication Mode to a bus state.

5.9 FlexRay State Manager

The FlexRay State Manager controls the actual states of the FlexRay bus that
correspond to a Communication Mode of the ComM module. The ComM module
requests a Communication Mode from the FlexRay State Manager and the FlexRay
State Manager maps the Communication Mode to a bus state.

5.10 Ethernet State Manager

The Ethernet State Manager controls the actual states of the Ethernet bus that
correspond to a Communication Mode of the ComM module. The ComM module
requests a Communication Mode from the Ethernet State Manager and the Ethernet
State Manager maps the Communication Mode to a bus state.

5.11 Network Management (NM)

The ComM module uses the NM to synchronize the control of communication
capabilities across the network (synchronous start-up and shutdown).

5.12 Default Error Tracer (DET)

The DET provides services to store default errors (see Section 7.8).

5.13 Communication (COM)

[SWS_ComM_00975] The AUTOSAR Communication module (COM) shall be
used to distribute the status information about PNCs using COM signals. ()

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Specification of Communication Manager
AUTOSAR CP Release 4.3.0

6 Requirements traceability

Requirement Description Satisfied by

SRS_BSW_00004 All Basic SW Modules shall perform a SWS_ComM_00418
pre-processor check of the versions of all
imported include files
SRS_BSW_00005 Modules of the C Abstraction Layer SWS_ComM_00499
(MCAL) may not have hard coded
horizontal interfaces
SRS_BSW_00009 All Basic SW Modules shall be SWS_ComM_00499
documented according to a common
SRS_BSW_00010 The memory consumption of all Basic SWS_ComM_00499
SW Modules shall be documented for a
defined configuration for all supported
SRS_BSW_00101 The Basic Software Module shall be able SWS_ComM_00146
to initialize variables and hardware in a
separate initialization function
SRS_BSW_00158 All modules of the AUTOSAR Basic SWS_ComM_00464
Software shall strictly separate
configuration from implementation
SRS_BSW_00161 The AUTOSAR Basic Software shall SWS_ComM_00499
provide a microcontroller abstraction
layer which provides a standardized
interface to higher software layers
SRS_BSW_00162 The AUTOSAR Basic Software shall SWS_ComM_00499
provide a hardware abstraction layer
SRS_BSW_00164 The Implementation of interrupt service SWS_ComM_00499
routines shall be done by the Operating
System, complex drivers or modules
SRS_BSW_00167 All AUTOSAR Basic Software Modules SWS_ComM_00419
shall provide configuration rules and
constraints to enable plausibility checks
SRS_BSW_00168 SW components shall be tested by a SWS_ComM_00499
function defined in a common API in the
SRS_BSW_00170 The AUTOSAR SW Components shall SWS_ComM_00499
provide information about their
dependency from faults, signal qualities,
driver demands
SRS_BSW_00314 All internal driver modules shall separate SWS_ComM_00499
the interrupt frame definition from the
service routine
SRS_BSW_00323 All AUTOSAR Basic Software Modules SWS_ComM_00234
shall check passed API parameters for
SRS_BSW_00325 The runtime of interrupt service routines SWS_ComM_00499
and functions that are running in interrupt

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Specification of Communication Manager
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context shall be kept short

SRS_BSW_00327 Error values naming convention SWS_ComM_00234
SRS_BSW_00331 All Basic Software Modules shall strictly SWS_ComM_00649
separate error and status information
SRS_BSW_00336 Basic SW module shall be able to SWS_ComM_00147
SRS_BSW_00337 Classification of development errors SWS_ComM_00234
SRS_BSW_00341 Module documentation shall contains all SWS_ComM_00499
needed informations
SRS_BSW_00342 It shall be possible to create an SWS_ComM_00459
AUTOSAR ECU out of modules provided
as source code and modules provided as
object code, even mixed
SRS_BSW_00343 The unit of time for specification and SWS_ComM_00499
configuration of Basic SW modules shall
be preferably in physical time unit
SRS_BSW_00344 BSW Modules shall support link-time SWS_ComM_00499
SRS_BSW_00345 BSW Modules shall support pre-compile SWS_ComM_00456
SRS_BSW_00346 All AUTOSAR Basic Software Modules SWS_ComM_00463
shall provide at least a basic set of
module files
SRS_BSW_00348 All AUTOSAR standard types and SWS_ComM_00820
constants shall be placed and organized
in a standard type header file
SRS_BSW_00353 All integer type definitions of target and SWS_ComM_00499
compiler specific scope shall be placed
and organized in a single type header
SRS_BSW_00357 For success/failure of an API call a SWS_ComM_00820
standard return type shall be defined
SRS_BSW_00358 The return type of init() functions SWS_ComM_00146
implemented by AUTOSAR Basic
Software Modules shall be void
SRS_BSW_00361 All mappings of not standardized SWS_ComM_00499
keywords of compiler specific scope shall
be placed and organized in a compiler
specific type and keyword header
SRS_BSW_00369 All AUTOSAR Basic Software Modules SWS_ComM_00649
shall not return specific development
error codes via the API
SRS_BSW_00373 The main processing function of each SWS_ComM_00429
AUTOSAR Basic Software Module shall
be named according the defined
SRS_BSW_00375 Basic Software Modules shall report SWS_ComM_00499
wake-up reasons
SRS_BSW_00377 A Basic Software Module can return a SWS_ComM_00649
module specific types

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Specification of Communication Manager
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SRS_BSW_00378 AUTOSAR shall provide a boolean type SWS_ComM_00499

SRS_BSW_00381 The pre-compile time parameters shall be SWS_ComM_00463
placed into a separate configuration
header file
SRS_BSW_00385 List possible error notifications SWS_ComM_00234
SRS_BSW_00386 The BSW shall specify the configuration SWS_ComM_00234
for detecting an error
SRS_BSW_00398 The link-time configuration is achieved on SWS_ComM_00499
object code basis in the stage after
compiling and before linking
SRS_BSW_00404 BSW Modules shall support post-build SWS_ComM_00499
SRS_BSW_00405 BSW Modules shall support multiple SWS_ComM_00499
configuration sets
SRS_BSW_00406 A static status variable denoting if a BSW SWS_ComM_00242,
module is initialized shall be initialized SWS_ComM_00612,
with value 0 before any APIs of the BSW SWS_ComM_00858
module is called
SRS_BSW_00407 Each BSW module shall provide a SWS_ComM_00370
function to read out the version
information of a dedicated module
SRS_BSW_00412 References to c-configuration parameters SWS_ComM_00463
shall be placed into a separate h-file
SRS_BSW_00413 An index-based accessing of the SWS_ComM_00499
instances of BSW modules shall be done
SRS_BSW_00414 Init functions shall have a pointer to a SWS_ComM_00146
configuration structure as single
SRS_BSW_00415 Interfaces which are provided exclusively SWS_ComM_00463
for one module shall be separated into a
dedicated header file
SRS_BSW_00416 The sequence of modules to be initialized SWS_ComM_00499
shall be configurable
SRS_BSW_00417 Software which is not part of the SW-C SWS_ComM_00499
shall report error events only after the
DEM is fully operational.
SRS_BSW_00422 Pre-de-bouncing of error status SWS_ComM_00499
information is done within the DEM
SRS_BSW_00423 BSW modules with AUTOSAR interfaces SWS_ComM_00499
shall be describable with the means of
the SW-C Template
SRS_BSW_00424 BSW module main processing functions SWS_ComM_00499
shall not be allowed to enter a wait state
SRS_BSW_00425 The BSW module description template SWS_ComM_00499
shall provide means to model the defined
trigger conditions of schedulable objects
SRS_BSW_00426 BSW Modules shall ensure data SWS_ComM_00499
consistency of data which is shared
between BSW modules
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Specification of Communication Manager
AUTOSAR CP Release 4.3.0

SRS_BSW_00427 ISR functions shall be defined and SWS_ComM_00499

documented in the BSW module
description template
SRS_BSW_00428 A BSW module shall state if its main SWS_ComM_00499
processing function(s) has to be
executed in a specific order or sequence
SRS_BSW_00429 BSW modules shall be only allowed to SWS_ComM_00499
use OS objects and/or related OS
SRS_BSW_00432 Modules should have separate main SWS_ComM_00499
processing functions for read/receive and
write/transmit data path
SRS_BSW_00433 Main processing functions are only SWS_ComM_00499
allowed to be called from task bodies
provided by the BSW Scheduler
SRS_BSW_00437 Memory mapping shall provide the SWS_ComM_00499
possibility to define RAM segments which
are not to be initialized during startup
SRS_BSW_00438 Configuration data shall be defined in a SWS_ComM_00499
SRS_BSW_00439 Enable BSW modules to handle SWS_ComM_00499
SRS_BSW_00441 Naming convention for type, macro and SWS_ComM_00649,
function SWS_ComM_00863
SRS_ModeMgm_00049 The Communication Manager shall SWS_ComM_00869,
initiate the wake-up and keep awake SWS_ComM_00870
physical channels
SRS_ModeMgm_09071 It shall be possible to limit communication SWS_ComM_00303
modes independently for each physical
SRS_ModeMgm_09078 The Communication Manager shall SWS_ComM_00686
coordinate multiple communication
SRS_ModeMgm_09080 Each physical channel shall be controlled SWS_ComM_00051
by an independent communication mode
SRS_ModeMgm_09081 The Communication Manager shall SWS_ComM_00110
provide an API allowing collecting
communication requests
SRS_ModeMgm_09083 The Communication Manager shall SWS_ComM_00845,
support two communication modes for SWS_ComM_00846,
each physical channel SWS_ComM_00867,
SRS_ModeMgm_09084 The Communication Manager shall SWS_ComM_00083
provide an API which allows application
to query the current communication mode
SRS_ModeMgm_09085 The Communication Manager shall SWS_ComM_00091
provide an indication of communication
mode changes
SRS_ModeMgm_09087 The Minimum duration of communication SWS_ComM_00893,
request after wakeup shall be SWS_ComM_00894
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Specification of Communication Manager
AUTOSAR CP Release 4.3.0

SRS_ModeMgm_09089 The Communication Manager shall be SWS_ComM_00302

able to prevent waking up physical
SRS_ModeMgm_09090 Relationship between users and physical SWS_ComM_00159
channels shall be configurable at pre
compile time
SRS_ModeMgm_09133 It shall be possible to assign physical SWS_ComM_00327
channels to the Communication Manager
SRS_ModeMgm_09149 The Communication Manager shall SWS_ComM_00079
provide an API for querying the
requested communication mode
SRS_ModeMgm_09155 The Communication Manager shall SWS_ComM_00138
provide a counter for inhibited
communication requests
SRS_ModeMgm_09156 It shall be provided an API to retrieve the SWS_ComM_00108,
number of inhibited "Full Communication" SWS_ComM_00224
mode requests
SRS_ModeMgm_09157 It shall be possible to revoke a SWS_ComM_00124,
communication mode limitation, SWS_ComM_00156,
independently for each physical channel SWS_ComM_00163
SRS_ModeMgm_09168 The Communication Manager shall SWS_ComM_00664
support users that are connected to no
physical channel
SRS_ModeMgm_09172 It shall be possible to evaluate the current SWS_ComM_00176
communication mode
SRS_ModeMgm_09243 The Communication Manager shall be SWS_ComM_00164,
able to handle the Partial Networks on SWS_ComM_00959
Flexray and CAN
SRS_ModeMgm_09246 The communication manager shall SWS_ComM_00165
arbitrate and coordinate requests from
users on physical channel and users on
SRS_ModeMgm_09247 For each configured PNC an independent SWS_ComM_00165
state machine shall be instantiated
SRS_ModeMgm_09248 it shall be possible to distinguish between SWS_ComM_00165
internal and external PNC activation

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Specification of Communication Manager
AUTOSAR CP Release 4.3.0

7 Functional specification

The Communication Manager (ComM) module simplifies the resource management

for the users, whereat users may be runnable entities, SW-Cs, the BswM (e.g. SW-C
request via BswM) or DCM (communication needed to diagnostic purpose).

[SWS_ComM_00867] The ComM shall provide three different Communication

Modes. The highest Communication Mode shall be COMM_FULL_COMMUNICATION.
The lowest Communication Mode shall be

[SWS_ComM_00151] For a user it shall only be possible to request the

Communication Modes COMM_NO_COMMUNICATION and
SWS_ComM_00110). ()

Rationale for SWS_ComM_00151: The Communication Mode

COMM_SILENT_COMMUNICATION and sub-modes/sub-states are only
necessary for synchronization with AUTOSAR NM.

[SWS_ComM_00868] The Communication Mode

COMM_SILENT_COMMUNICATION shall only be used for network
synchronization. (SRS_ModeMgm_09083)

Note: The possibility to request COMM_SILENT_COMMUNICATION mode is removed

since release 2.0.

Comment: The ComM module allows querying the Communication Mode requested
by a particular user (see ComM_GetRequestedComMode(),

Comment: The ComM module allows querying the actual Communication Mode of a
channel (see ComM_GetCurrentComMode(), SWS_ComM_00083)

[SWS_ComM_00845] In COMM_FULL_COMMUNICATION mode, the ComM

module shall allow transmission and reception on the affected physical
channel. (SRS_ModeMgm_09083)

[SWS_ComM_00846] In COMM_NO_COMMUNICATION mode, the ComM module

shall prevent transmission and reception on the affected physical
channel. (SRS_ModeMgm_09083)

[SWS_ComM_00686] If at least one of multiple independent user requests

demands a higher Communication Mode (see SWS_ComM_00867 and
SWS_ComM_00868), the ComM module shall set this higher Communication Mode
as the target Communication Mode. (SRS_ModeMgm_09078)
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Specification of Communication Manager
AUTOSAR CP Release 4.3.0

Rationale for SWS_ComM_00686: ComM coordinates multiple independent user

requests according to the "highest wins" strategy: COMM_FULL_COMMUNICATION
Communication Mode overrules COMM_NO_COMMUNICATION.

[SWS_ComM_00500] The ComM module shall not queue user requests. The
latest user request of the same user shall overwrite an old user request
even if the request is not finished. ()

[SWS_ComM_00866] If configuration parameter

ComMNmVariant=FULL|LIGHT|NONE (ECUC_ComM_00568), an
DCM_ActiveDiagnostic indication shall be treated as a
COMM_FULL_COMMUNICATION request for the specified communication channel (see
ComM_DCM_ActiveDiagnostic(channel), SWS_ComM_00873). ()

Rationale for SWS_ComM_00866: If more channels needed for diagnostic purpose,

DCM needs to indicate DCM_ActiveDiagnostic for each channel.

[SWS_ComM_00092] There shall be one Communication Mode target state

(evaluated according to SWS_ComM_00686) per communication channel.
This target mode can differ temporarily from the actual mode controlled by
the corresponding Bus State Manager module. ()

Comment: Mode switching by the corresponding Bus State Manager module takes
time and a mode inhibition can be active.

[SWS_ComM_00084] The ComM module shall propagate a call of

ComM_GetCurrentComMode() (see SWS_ComM_00083) to the Bus
State Manager module(s) for the channel(s) the user are configured to (see
also SWS_ComM_00176 and SWS_ComM_00798) ()

Rationale for SWS_ComM_00084: State requests have to be propagated to the

corresponding Bus State Manager module since the ComM module does
not control the actual bus state.

Comment: This feature is not used by a "normal SW-C" because they don't have
knowledge about channels. This feature is necessary for privileged SW-Cs,
which (have to) know about the system topology, e.g. system diagnostic

[SWS_ComM_00884] The ComM module shall store status if communication for a

channel is allowed or not allowed in separate CommunicationAllowed
boolean flags for all supported channels. The default value after ComM
initialization shall be communication is not allowed, i.e.
CommunicationAllowed=FALSE. ()

[SWS_ComM_00885] Status changes for communication allowed or not allowed

in SWS_ComM_00884 shall be provided to ComM in
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Specification of Communication Manager
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TRUE|FALSE)(SWS_ComM_00871) indications. ()

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Specification of Communication Manager
AUTOSAR CP Release 4.3.0

7.1 Partial Network Cluster Management

7.1.1 Overview

ComM implements a state machine for each partial network cluster (PNC) to
represent the communication mode of a PNC.
Each PNC has its own state. The state definitions are related to the states of ComM
for a simple mapping.
ComM users are used to request and release the PNCs.
The status of all PNCs on the nodes of a system channel is exchanged via network
management user data.
Each PNC uses a dedicated bit position within a bit vector in the NM user data on
CAN and FlexRay. If a PNC is requested by a local ComM user on the node, the
node sets the corresponding bit in the NM user data to 1. If the PNC is not requested
anymore; the node sets the corresponding bit in the NM user data to 0. The BusNms
collect and aggregate the NM user data for the PNCs and provide the status via a
COM bit vector by means of a COM signal to ComM.
Each PNC uses the same bit position in the NM user data on every system channel
with NM. ComM uses two types of bit vector named EIRA and ERA to exchange
PNC status information. The definition of EIRA and ERA are located in the
ComM requests and releases the system communication bus channels needed for a
PNC on a node.
Enabling or disabling the partial network cluster management in the node shall be
post-build configurable.
Partial networking shall be supported on the bus types CAN, FlexRay. Activation and
deactivation of the I-PDU groups of the PNCs on a FlexRay node is required to avoid
false timeouts. Starting and Stopping of I-PDU groups in COM are handled in BSWM.
Deactivation of single FlexRay ECU is not possible.

7.1.2 Partial Network Cluster Management Functionality

[SWS_ComM_00910] PNC functionality shall only exist if the parameter

ComMPncSupport is set to TRUE. (see SWS_ComM_00839_Conf). ()

[SWS_ComM_00911] Enabling or disabling of the PNC functionality shall be post-

build configurable using the parameter ComMPncEnabled (see
SWS_ComM_00878_Conf). ()

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Specification of Communication Manager
AUTOSAR CP Release 4.3.0

Comment: The ComM module notifies the BswM about every state change of the
PNC state machine by calling BswM_ComM_CurrentPncMode(). (refer to

[SWS_ComM_00982] For exchanging PNC status information, bit vectors shall be

used. (i.e. only one signal containing a maximum of 56 PNC status
information bits). ()

Comment: ComM expects that the PNC bit vector is configured as an array of type
uint8_n, see config parameter ComMPncComSignalRef.

[SWS_ComM_00825] The byteIndex and bitIndex, in which a bit corresponding to

one ComMPncId resides, shall be determined as follows:
byteIndex=(ComMPncId div 8)-pncVectorOffset
bitIndex=(ComMPncId mod 8) ()

Comment: ComM825 defines only the calculation of the byteIndex and bitIndex, not
how it shall be implemented.

[SWS_ComM_00984] ComM receives the bit vectors (signals) which can be

ComMPncComSignalKind EIRA or ERA using Com_ReceiveSignal() ()

[SWS_ComM_00986] The ComM shall provide the API ComM_COMCbk_<sn>() to

indicate a change of signal(s) within the module communication. ()

[SWS_ComM_00916] The ComM module shall be able to distribute the status of a

PNC (result of the PNC state machine) via one or more communications
busses using one or more COM signals ,as a bit vector, containing a bit
which represents the status of the PNC with ComMPncComSignalDirection
TX assigned to this PNC. (For more details, refer to Figure 2: PNC State
Machine) ()

7.1.3 ComM PNC state machine

[SWS_ComM_00953] If the PNC functionality is enabled using the configuration

parameter ComMPncEnabled set to TRUE (see
SWS_ComM_00878_Conf), all actions related to PNC changes shall be
executed before the channel related actions (channel related actions, see
Chapter 7.3). ()

[SWS_ComM_00909] For every Partial Network, only one PNC state machine
shall be implemented (i.e. One PNC state machine per PNC, independent of the
amount of ComMChannels). ()

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Specification of Communication Manager
AUTOSAR CP Release 4.3.0

[SWS_ComM_00920] The ComM module shall support up to 56 PNC state

machines. ()

[SWS_ComM_00924] The PNC state machine shall consist of the two main states

[SWS_ComM_00907] The PNC main state

COMM_PNC_FULL_COMMUNICATION shall consist of the

[SWS_ComM_00908] Every state change (listed within the ComM_PncModeType),

excluding entering of the main state COMM_PNC_NO_COMMUNICATION coming
from PowerOff, shall be notified by the API call BswM_ComM_CurrentPncMode()
with the entered PNC state. ()

[SWS_ComM_00978] State transitions of the PNC state machines in ComM,

triggered by a call to ComM_RequestComMode() shall be executed in the
ComM_MainFunction_<Channel_Id> only. ()

Comment: Every PN activation triggers sending of the PN-vector n-times thus it

would increase the busload without debouncing.

[SWS_ComM_00944] If at least one bit corresponding to the PNC within the Rx

bitvectors with signal type "EIRA" equals '1', then the bit corresponding to
this PNC whithin EIRA in ComM shall be set to '1' ()

[SWS_ComM_00945] If the configuration parameter ComMPncGatewayEnabled

(see SWS_ComM_00840_Conf) is true and the parameter
ComMPncGatewayType is set to COMM_GATEWAY_TYPE_ACTIVE for a
ComMChannel and at least one bit corresponding to the PNC within the Rx
bitvectors with signal type "ERA" equals '1', then the bit corresponding to
this PNC within ERA in ComM shall be set to '1'. ()

[SWS_ComM_00971] The trigger ComM_COMCbk represents a notification by the

AUTOSAR Communication module about a received signal containing PNC status
information called ERA of EIRA. ()

[SWS_ComM_00972] The trigger ComMUser represents a notification about a

communication request of a ComMUser by calling the API
ComM_RequestComMode(). ()

[SWS_ComM_00987] Within the ComM_MainFunction_<Channel_Id> of a

channel that is mapped to one or more PNCs, the requested state shall be handled in
the following order:

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Specification of Communication Manager
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1. ComM user requests of ComM users mapped to one or more PNCs of that
2. ComM user requests of ComM users mapped to that channel
3. ERA (if the configuration switch ComMPncGatewayEnabled is set to
4. EIRA ()

Comment: Requests are handled in main functions of those channels they affect.

[SWS_ComM_00919] It shall be possible to assign more than one COM signal

containing bits representing the PNC to one PNC using the configuration
container ComMPncComSignal (see SWS_ComM_00881_Conf). ()

Rational: This allows the configurator to assign e.g. one EIRA and n ERAs to one

Comment: The different IDs of EIRA can be configured to the physical supported
channels FlexRay, Can1, Can2

[SWS_ComM_00827] Regarding "Communication allowed" and mode inhibitions,

requests originating from a pnc state machine shall be treated like user requests for
the according channels. ()

ComM_RequestComMode() OR ComM_COMCbk()
COMM_PNC_REQUESTED [ComMUser = FullCom OR (PNC bit within ERAn = 1
AND ComMPncGatewayEnabled = TRUE) ]
Channel Full Communication Request()
Stop ComMPncPrepareSleepTimer

ComM_RequestComMode() OR ComM_COMCbk()
ComM_RequestComMode() OR ComM_COMCbk() [ComMUser = NoCom AND (NOT (PNC bit within ERAn = 1
[ComMUser = FullCom OR (PNC bit within ERAn = 1 AND ComMPncGatewayEnabled = TRUE))]
AND ComMPncGatewayEnabled = TRUE) ] /BswM_ComM_CurrentPncMode()
/BswM_ComM_CurrentPncMode() Com_SendSignal()
Com_SendSignal() Release Channel Full Communication Request
Channel Full Communication Request()
ComM_COMCbk() [PNC bit within EIRA = 0]
Start ComMPncPrepareSleepTimer

ComM_COMCbk() [PNC bit within EIRA = 1]

Stop ComMPncPrepareSleepTimer
ComM_RequestComMode() OR ComM_COMCbk()
[ComMUser = FullCom OR (PNC bit within ERAn = 1 ComM_EcuM_WakeUpIndication(),
ComMPncPrepareSleepTimer [expired]
AND ComMPncGatewayEnabled = TRUE) ] ComM_COMCbk() [PNC bit within EIRA = 1] ComM_EcuM_PNCWakeUpIndication() /BswM_ComM_CurrentPncMode()
/BswM_ComM_CurrentPncMode() /BswM_ComM_CurrentPncMode() [ComMSynchronousWakeUp = TRUE]
Com_SendSignal() /BswM_ComM_CurrentPncMode()
Channel Full Communication Request() Start ComMPncPrepareSleepTimer



Figure 2: PNC State Machine

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- AUTOSAR confidential -
Specification of Communication Manager
AUTOSAR CP Release 4.3.0 Behavior in PNC main state COMM_PNC_NO_COMMUNICATION

shall be the default PNC state from power off. ()

The main state COMM_PNC_NO_COMMUNICATION is the target state as long as

the PNC is neither requested ECU internally nor requested externally.

[SWS_ComM_00931] If the API ComM_EcuM_WakeUpIndication() is called in

PNC state COMM_PNC_NO_COMMUNICATION, and the configuration switch
ComMSynchronousWakeUp is set to TRUE (see ComM695), the PNC main state
COMM_PNC_NO_COMMUNICATION shall be left and the PNC sub state
COMM_PNC_PREPARE_SLEEP shall be entered. ()

[SWS_ComM_00990] If the API ComM_EcuM_WakeUpIndication() is called in

PNC state COMM_PNC_NO_COMMUNICATION, and the configuration switch
ComMSynchronousWakeUp is set to FALSE, the PNC main state
COMM_PNC_NO_COMMUNICATION shall be the current state. ()

Comment: In case of asynchronous wake up, the PNC state shall stay in
COMM_PNC_NO_COMMUNICATION until the PNC request is received
(PNC bit in EIRA is set to 1).

[SWS_ComM_00964] If the API ComM_EcuM_PNCWakeUpIndication() is

called in PNC state PNC_NO_COMMUNICATION, the PNC main state
PNC_NO_COMMUNICATION shall be left and the PNC sub state
PNC_PREPARE_SLEEP shall be entered. ()

[SWS_ComM_00932] When at least one ComMUser assigned to this PNC

requests Full Communication in PNC main state
COMM_PNC_NO_COMMUNICATION, this state shall be left and the sub state
COMM_PNC_REQUESTED of the main state
COMM_PNC_FULL_COMMUNICATION shall be entered. ()

[SWS_ComM_00933] When in main state COMM_PNC_NO_COMMUNICATION

at least one bit representing this PNC in EIRA changes to 1, the main state
COMM_PNC_NO_COMMUNICATION shall be left and the
COMM_PNC_READY_SLEEP shall be entered. ()

[SWS_ComM_00934] When in main state COMM_PNC_NO_COMMUNICATION

at least one bit representing this PNC in an ERAn changes to 1, the main state
COMM_PNC_NO_COMMUNICATION shall be left and the sub state
COMM_PNC_REQUESTED shall be entered if the parameter
ComMPncGatewayEnabled (SWS_ComM_00840_Conf) equals TRUE. () On entry of PNC main state COMM_PNC_NO_COMMUNICATION from

[SWS_ComM_00927] After switching on the power supply, main state
COMM_PNC_NO_COMMUNICATION shall be entered from PowerOff. ()
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Specification of Communication Manager
AUTOSAR CP Release 4.3.0 Behavior in PNC main state COMM_PNC_FULL_COMMUNICATION

[SWS_ComM_00929] All ComMChannels assigned to this PNC shall be in state
Full Communication. () On entry of PNC sub state COMM_PNC_REQUESTED
[SWS_ComM_00930] When entering the PNC sub state
COMM_PNC_REQUESTED and if ComMPncGatewayEnabled = FALSE, the API
Com_SendSignal()shall be called with the value 1 for the bit representing this
PNC for the Com signal assigned to this PNC with ComMPncComSignalDirection
TX. ()

[SWS_ComM_00992] When entering the PNC sub state

COMM_PNC_REQUESTED and if ComMPncGatewayEnabled = TRUE, the API
Com_SendSignal() shall be called with the value 1 for the bits representing this
PNC for the Com signals assigned to this PNC with
ComMPncComSignalDirection TX for all ComM channels related to this PNC
and having ComMPncGatewayType == COMM_GATEWAY_TYPE_ACTIVE. ()

[SWS_ComM_00993] Every time the sub state COMM_PNC_REQUESTED is

entered from other states, ComM shall request
COMM_FULL_COMMUNICATION for all configured ComM channels for
this PNC, even if the channel is already requested. () Behavior in PNC sub state COMM_PNC_REQUESTED

[SWS_ComM_00164] If ComMPncGatewayEnabled == TRUE and either on
Com_SendSignal() shall be called with the value "1" for the bit representing this
PNC for the Com signal assigned to this PNC with ComMPncComSignalDirection
== "TX" on all ComM channels related to this PNC where ComMPncGatewayType
if at least one ComM user assigned to this PNC request "Full Com" or at least one
ComMPncComSignal received by Com_ReceiveSignal() from a channel where
the signal attributes ComMPncComSignalDirection == "RX" and
ComMPncComSignalKind == "ERA" and the channel attribute
ComMPncGatewayType == "COMM_GATEWAY_TYPE_ACTIVE" is set to
"1". (SRS_ModeMgm_09243)

[SWS_ComM_00959] If ComMPncGatewayEnabled == TRUE and within

COMM_PNC_REQUESTED, the API Com_SendSignal() shall be called with the
value "0" for the bit representing this PNC for the Com signal assigned to this PNC
with ComMPncComSignalDirection == "TX" on all ComM channels related to this
PNC where ComMPncGatewayType == COMM_GATEWAY_TYPE_PASSIVE if all
ComM users assigned to this PNC request "No Com" and all ComMPncComSignals
received by Com_ReceiveSignal() from a channel where the signal attributes
ComMPncComSignalDirection == "RX" and ComMPncComSignalKind == "ERA"
and the channel attribute ComMPncGatewayType ==
"COMM_GATEWAY_TYPE_ACTIVE" are set to "0". (SRS_ModeMgm_09243)

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Specification of Communication Manager
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As long as at least one ComMUser assigned to this PNC requests Full

Communication, COMM_PNC_REQUESTED will be the current PNC state.

[SWS_ComM_00966] If ComM0PncVectorAvoidance is set to TRUE and if all

signals are set to '0' (because of SWS_ComM_00959) for the referenced
ComMChannel(s), the ComM module shall release this ComMChannel.
As soon as at least one signal is set back to '1' again, the ComM module shall
request this ComMChannel again. ()

As long as a PNC is requested remotely (i.e. at least one bit within the ERA signal
assigned to this PNC equals 1) and the configuration switch
ComMPncGatewayEnabled is set to TRUE (see SWS_ComM_00840_Conf),
COMM_PNC_REQUESTED will be the current PNC state.

[SWS_ComM_00938] When all ComMUsers assigned to this PNC request No

Communication, the sub state COMM_PNC_REQUESTED shall be left and the sub
state COMM_PNC_READY_SLEEP shall be entered, if the configuration switch
ComMPncGatewayEnabled is set to FALSE. ()

[SWS_ComM_00991] When all ComMUsers assigned to this PNC request No

Communication and the PNC bit in all ERAn is equal to 0, the sub state
COMM_PNC_REQUESTED shall be left and the sub state
COMM_PNC_READY_SLEEP shall be entered, if the configuration switch
ComMPncGatewayEnabled is set to TRUE. () On entry PNC sub state COMM_PNC_READY_SLEEP

[SWS_ComM_00960] When entering the PNC sub state
Com_SendSignal() shall be called with the value 0 for the bit representing this
PNC for all Com signals assigned to this PNC with ComMPncComSignalDirection
TX. ()

[SWS_ComM_00961] When entering the PNC sub state

release the COMM_FULL_COMMUNICATION request for all configured ComM
channels for this PNC. () Behavior in PNC sub state COMM_PNC_READY_SLEEP

As long as the PNC is requested (i.e. at least one PNC bit within EIRA equals 1)
and no ComMUser assigned to this PNC requests Full Communication,
COMM_PNC_READY_SLEEP will be the current state.

[SWS_ComM_00940] If the PNC is released (i.e. all PNC bits within EIRA equals
0), the sub state COMM_PNC_READY_SLEEP shall be left and the sub state
COMM_PNC_PREPARE_SLEEP shall be entered. ()
[SWS_ComM_00165] In PNC sub state COMM_PNC_READY_SLEEP when at
least one ComMUser assigned to this PNC requests Full Communication or
ComMPncGatewayEnabled (ECUC_ComM_00887) equals TRUE and one bit
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Specification of Communication Manager
AUTOSAR CP Release 4.3.0

representing this PNC in an ERAn changes to 1, this state shall be left and the sub
state COMM_PNC_REQUESTED shall be entered. ( SRS_ModeMgm_09246
,SRS_ModeMgm_09247, SRS_ModeMgm_09248) On entry of PNC sub state COMM_PNC_PREPARE_SLEEP

[SWS_ComM_00952] If the sub state COMM_PNC_PREPARE_SLEEP is entered,
the timer ComMPncPrepareSleepTimer (see SWS_ComM_00841_Conf) shall be
started with the configured initial value. () Behavior in PNC sub state COMM_PNC_PREPARE_SLEEP
As long as the timer ComMPncPrepareSleepTimer
(see SWS_ComM_00841_Conf) is running and no changes in ComMUser, EIRA or
ERAn occur, COMM_PNC_PREPARE_SLEEP will be the current state.

[SWS_ComM_00947] When the timer ComMPncPrepareSleepTimer (see

SWS_ComM_00841_Conf) expires, the PNC sub state
COMM_PNC_PREPARE_SLEEP shall be left and the PNC main state
COMM_PNC_NO_COMMUNICATION shall be entered. ()

[SWS_ComM_00948] When in COMM_PNC_PREPARE_SLEEP at least one

ComMUser assigned to this PNC requests Full Communication, the
COMM_PNC_PREPARE_SLEEP state shall be left. The timer
ComMPncPrepareSleepTimer shall be stopped and the sub state
COMM_PNC_REQUESTED state shall be entered. ()

[SWS_ComM_00950] When in COMM_PNC_PREPARE_SLEEP at least one PNC

bit within EIRA changes to 1, the sub state COMM_PNC_PREPARE_SLEEP shall
be left. The timer ComMPncPrepareSleepTimer shall be stopped and the sub state
COMM_PNC_READY_SLEEP shall be entered. ()

[SWS_ComM_00951] When in sub state COMM_PNC_PREPARE_SLEEP at least

one PNC bit within ERAn changes to 1 and the parameter
ComMPncGatewayEnabled equals TRUE, the sub state
COMM_PNC_PREPARE_SLEEP shall be left. The timer
ComMPncPrepareSleepTimer shall be stopped and the sub state
COMM_PNC_REQUESTED shall be entered. ()

7.1.4 PNC Gateway

[SWS_ComM_00981] If the configuration parameter ComMPncGatewayEnabled

(see SWS_ComM_00840_Conf) is TRUE, the default gateway type shall be active

Comment to SWS_ComM_00981:
It can be assumed that both signal types (i.e. ComMPncComSignalKind = EIRA
and ComMPncComSignalKind = ERA) are configured.

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Specification of Communication Manager
AUTOSAR CP Release 4.3.0 Active PNC Gateway

Note: Even if the configuration parameter ComMPncGatewayEnabled (see
SWS_ComM_00840_Conf) is TRUE and the parameter ComMPncGatewayType is
set to COMM_GATEWAY_TYPE_ACTIVE for a ComMChannel (see
SWS_ComM_00842_Conf), the active PNC gateway still behaves as shown in
Figure 2: PNC State Machine.

Comment: An active PNC gateway on a system channel shall be the last node on a
system channel that releases a PNC.

Comment: If the bit for a PNC is equal to zero in all ERAn, no other node than the
PNC gateway is requesting the PNC. Passive PNC Gateway
Comment: The passively coordinated channels exist only if they are connected to
more than one PNC gateway. If the PNC gateway functionality of ComM
is enabled (ComMPncGatewayEnabled = true) ComM channels mapped
to this gateway can be set to type active or passive
COMM_GATEWAY_TYPE_PASSIVE). If a ComM channel is mapped to
two different PNC gateways, only one gateway coordinates this channel
actively, while the other passively. That means, a PNC gateway is always
mapped to at least one ComM channel type active and may be mapped
to one or some ComM channels type passive.

Comment: A PNC gateway requests the PNC if a local ComM user requests the PNC
or at least one PNC bit within ERA originate from the actively coordinated system
channels of a passive PNC gateway is not equal to 0.

Comment to SWS_ComM_00959: A PNC gateway calculates the PNCs bit value in

the ERA Tx bitvectors to be sent for a passively coordinated channel, in
the same manner as the bit value in ERA for an actively coordinated
channel, but sets the PNC's bit to 0 according to the rules of

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Specification of Communication Manager
AUTOSAR CP Release 4.3.0

7.1.5 ComM User to PNC Relations

User User User User User


Channel Channel Channel 1 Channel 2 Channel 1 Channel 2 Channel

1: Configuration 2: Redundant 3: Configuration 4: Configuration 5: Configuration

with Partial Network Configuration with Partial Network with Partial Network without Partial Network
Gateway Use Case 1 Gateway Use Case 2

User User User


Channel Channel

Link-Information Control

EthIfSwitch- EthIfSwitch-
Portgroup Portgroup

6: Configuration 7: Configuration
with Partial Network and without Partial Network
EthIfSwitch - Portgroup and EthIfSwitch - Portgroup
control via BswM control via Channel request

Figure 3: User to Partial network and channel Mapping Use Cases

[SWS_ComM_00912] It shall be possible to map a configurable amount of

ComMUsers to one or more PNCs using the parameter ComMUserPerPnc (see
SWS_ComM_00876_Conf). ()

[SWS_ComM_00994] No restrictions from the configuration of the BusNm Filter for

partial networking shall apply to ComM user assignment to PNCs. ()

Comment: The BusNM Filter configuration shall be independant from the ComM PNC

Rational: This enables waking up a PNC without being a member of the PNC, e.g. if
a node just triggers a wake up of a PNC but the node is not kept awake by the PNC
and other nodes keep the PNC awake

[SWS_ComM_00995] It shall be possible to map a configurable amount of

ComMUsers to one or more ComM channels using the parameter
ComMUserPerChannel. ()

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AUTOSAR CP Release 4.3.0

Comment: The existing mapping of ComM users to system channels shall still be
possible for backward compatibility. (i.e. the configuration containers will stay

[SWS_ComM_00913] It shall be possible to map a configurable amount of PNC(s)

to a configurable amount of ComM channels using the parameter
ComMChannelPerPnc (see SWS_ComM_00880_Conf). ()

[SWS_ComM_00996] It shall not be possible to map a ComMUsers to a PNC and

in addition to a ComM channel which is already referenced by the PNC (see figure 3
Use Case 2) ()

Rational: Avoid redundant configuration since the channel is implicitly already

referenced by the PNC.

[SWS_ComM_CONSTR_00001] ComM channel's that are referenced by a PNC

are not allowed to be referenced by any ComMUsers, if the PNC references at least
one EthIfSwitchPortGroup (see figure 3 Use Case 6). A configuration tool shall reject
such a configuration as invalid (error). This constraint is only valid for a host ecu that
control an Ethernet switch. In all other UseCases ComMChannels can be referenced
by a PNC's and ComMUsers. ()

Rational: If using PNC and SwitchPortGroups were derived

(EcuInstance.ethSwitchPortGroupDerivation==TRUE), then the SwitchPortGroups
are switched by the EthIf_SwitchPortGroupRequestMode API and not by a channel

7.1.6 Partial Networking Configuration Hints

Typically, every PNCSignal is sent / received on ComMChannels which are linked to

this PNC.
However, this is not mandatory, but it is also allowed having a configuration where:
- PNCSignal can be sent on a ComMChannel which is _NOT_ linked to this
- A PNCSignal can be received via a ComMChannel which is _NOT_ linked to
this PNC.

7.2 ComM channel state machine

[SWS_ComM_00979] If the optional PNC functionality is enabled (see
SWS_ComM_00839_Conf), all PNC actions shall be performed before the
channel related actions are executed. ()

[SWS_ComM_00980] If the parameter ComMPncNmRequest equals TRUE (see

SWS_ComM_00886_conf), if the FULL Communication is requested due
to a change in the PNC state machine to COMM_PNC_REQUESTED
(see SWS_ComM_00993)API Nm_NetworkRequest() shall be called,
even if the current state is already "Full communication". ()
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Specification of Communication Manager
AUTOSAR CP Release 4.3.0

Rationale: It is the trigger to enable the NM to transmit the NM message immediately

n-times (n=configurable) to ensure a wake up and a synchronization of the PNC

[SWS_ComM_00051] ComM shall implement one channel state machine as

shown in Figure 4 with requirements as listed in Table 1 for every
communication channel independently. (SRS_ModeMgm_09080)

Rationale for SWS_ComM_00051: Needed communication capability of channels

may be different, thus the controlling must be independent.

Use Case for SWS_ComM_00051: On an ECU with CAN and LIN channel, only the
LIN requires full communication to request e.g. sensor values while the
CAN remains inactive.

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Specification of Communication Manager
AUTOSAR CP Release 4.3.0

ComM_RequestComMode(<user>, ComM_RequestComMode(<user>, COMM_FULL_COMMUNICATION)
COMM_FULL_COMMUNICATION) COMM_NO_COMMUNICATION) [Communication limitation enabled]



Timer ComMTMinFullComModeDuration has

expired No user request
[ComMNmVariant = LIGHT | NONE]

No user request ComM_RequestComMode(<user>,

[ComMNmVariant = FULL]

[ComMNmVariant = PASSIVE]

Communication limitation requested [No

active Diagnostic on ChX]

Timer ComMLightTimeout
ComM_RequestComMode(<user>, has expired
[Communication limitation
disabled] ComM_Nm_PrepareBusSleepMode(ChX) ComM_Nm_NetworkMode(ChX)

[ComMBusType =
[EcuM entered RUN for the channel] COMM_BUS_TYPE_INTERNAL]

ComM_RequestComMode(<user>, ComM_Nm_BusSleepMode(ChX)


[Communication limitation


ComM_EcuM_WakeUpIndication(ChX) or
ComM_Nm_RestartIndication(ChX) or

Pending request for


ComM_RequestComMode(<user>, ComM_RequestComMode(<user>,

ComM state machine for Channel X

ChX - Channel ID
<user> - A user configured to ChX

Figure 4: ComM channel state machine

State Section / Requirement

Entering state: SWS_ComM_00898,
SWS_ComM_00313, SWS_ComM_00073,
SWS_ComM_00875, SWS_ComM_00876,
SWS_ComM_00893, SWS_ComM_00894,
SWS_ComM_00895 ,SWS_ComM_00897
Entering state: SWS_ComM_00071
In state: SWS_ComM_00877,
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Specification of Communication Manager
AUTOSAR CP Release 4.3.0

SWS_ComM_00878 SWS_ComM_00295,
Entering state: SWS_ComM_00069
In state: SWS_ComM_00637,
In sub-state: SWS_ComM_00869,
SWS_ComM_00870, SWS_ComM_00665,
SWS_ComM_00888, SWS_ComM_00889,
Entering sub-state: SWS_ComM_00133
In sub-state: SWS_ComM_00610,
SWS_ComM_00671, SWS_ComM_00882,
Transition Requirement
SWS_ComM_00694, SWS_ComM_00875
Table 1: Link to detailed explanation of the channel state machine resp. transition

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Specification of Communication Manager
AUTOSAR CP Release 4.3.0

[SWS_ComM_00879] The ComM channel state machine shall consist of the three
main states corresponding to the Communication Modes:

[SWS_ComM_00880] The COMM_FULL_COMMUNICATION state shall have


[SWS_ComM_00881] The COMM_NO_COMMUNICATION state shall have two


Rationale for SWS_ComM_00879 and SWS_ComM_00880:

are necessary to synchronize a communication shutdown on the bus. If
only one ECU switches the communication off, the others store errors
because this ECU stops sending application signals.

Comment: The main states present an abstracted status of communication

capabilities per channel, which are in focus of the users interests. The sub-
states represent intermediate states, which perform activities to support a
synchronized transition with external partners and managing protocols (e.g.

[SWS_ComM_00485] The default state for each ComM channel state machine

[SWS_ComM_00896] Each ComM channel state machine shall only evaluate its
corresponding communication status flag CommunicationAllowed
according to SWS_ComM_00884 in sub-state

Rationale for SWS_ComM_00896: A

(SWS_ComM_00871) indication has no visible effect if the channel is not
in sub-state COMM_NO_COM_REQUEST_PENDING, i.e. ComM channel state
machine will not immediately change to state COMM_NO_COMMUNICATION if
in another state as e.g. COMM_FULL_COMMUNICATION

[SWS_ComM_00472] Main state changes (see SWS_ComM_00879) shall be

indicated to the users with the corresponding notifications (see section and Exception: Default state after initialization, see
SWS_ComM_00313. ()

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Specification of Communication Manager
AUTOSAR CP Release 4.3.0

Comment: If more than one user is related to the corresponding channel state
machine, the ComM module has to perform a Fan-out to all users.

[SWS_ComM_00191] The internal functionality of the ComM channel state

machine(s) shall be invisible for the users. The user neither needs nor shall
get any information about the internal mechanisms and rules (e.g. "highest
wins" strategy) of the ComM channel state machine. ()

An overview of the requested communication capabilities in the Corresponding Mode

is shown in Table 2.

Message Message NM Wake-up/Restart

Communication Mode
Transmission Reception (COMM_NM_VARIANT=FULL) capability
COMM_SILENT_COMMUNICATION Off On Bus communication User/diagnostic request
released Network indication
COMM_NO_COMMUNICATION Off Off Bus communication User/diagnostic request
released Passive wake-up
Table 2: Granted communication capabilities in the corresponding modes

Note for section 7.1.1 - 7.1.3: Each ComM channel state machine is responsible to
handle one channel/network with a connected Bus State Manager (corresponding =
the channel/network the ComM channel state machine is responsible for).

Note for section 7.1.1 - 7.1.3: The ComM module contains one or several ComM
channel state machine(s). ComM channel state machine communicates directly with
its connected Bus State Manager, other interfaces are handled by the ComM

7.2.1 Behavior in state COMM_NO_COMMUNICATION

[SWS_ComM_00898] On entering state COMM_NO_COMMUNICATION the ComM

channel state machine shall go to sub-state

[SWS_ComM_00313] On entering state COMM_NO_COMMUNICATION by default

after initialization, ComM module shall not indicate the mode change to
users via RTE or BswM. ()

Rationale for SWS_ComM_00313: The RTE is not yet initialized at this point in time.

[SWS_ComM_00073] On entering state COMM_NO_COMMUNICATION the ComM

channel state machine shall switch off the transmission and reception
capability. This shall be performed by the ComM channel state machine
requesting the corresponding Communication Mode from the Bus State
Manager module (XXSM_RequestComMode(network:=<channel
state machines network>, mode:= COMM_NO_COMMUNICATION,
see SWS_ComM_00829)). ()
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Specification of Communication Manager
AUTOSAR CP Release 4.3.0

Rationale for SWS_ComM_00073: The COMM_NO_COMMUNICATION mode forbids

sending and receiving of bus communication PDUs for the corresponding

[SWS_ComM_00288] On entering state COMM_NO_COMMUNICATION and

configuration parameter ComMNmVariant=FULL (see
ECUC_ComM_00568) the ComM module shall request release of the
network from the Network Management module,
Nm_NetworkRelease(). ()

Note: Nm_NetworkRelease is needed if ComM has requested the Nm

(Nm_NetworkRequest or Nm_PassiveStartup) for that channel before and
has not yet released it.

Rationale for SWS_ComM_00073, SWS_COMM_00288 , SWS_ComM_00875 and

SWS_ComM_00876: FlexRay shutdown cannot be interrupted to avoid
partial networks.

Comment: In state COMM_NO_COMMUNICATION ComM channel state machine may

not request bus communication for the configured channel from the Bus
State Manager module.

Use Case for above Comment: The ECU is performing control functions locally
without participation in bus communication.

Comment: The communication mode is local for one channel, thus the ECU may still
communicate via other channels. COMM_NO_COM_NO_PENDING_REQUEST sub-state

[SWS_ComM_00875] In sub-state COMM_NO_COM_NO_PENDING_REQUEST and
user requests COMM_FULL_COMMUNICATION and communication limitation
is disabled (see Section 7.3.1), the ComM channel state machine shall
immediately switch to sub-state COMM_NO_COM_REQUEST_PENDING. ()


,configuration parameter ComMNmVariant=FULL|LIGHT|NONE
(ECUC_ComM_00568) and DCM indicate
ComM_DCM_ActiveDiagnostic(SWS_ComM_00873), the ComM
channel state machine shall immediately switch to sub-state

Rationale for SWS_ComM_00876: A potential communication limitation (see Section

7.3.1) shall temporarily be inactive during an active diagnostic session, see

[SWS_ComM_00893] In sub-state COMM_NO_COM_NO_PENDING_REQUEST and a

wake-up-indication is indicated by the EcuM module,
ComM_EcuM_WakeUpIndication() SWS_ComM_00275, the ComM
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Specification of Communication Manager
AUTOSAR CP Release 4.3.0

channel state machine shall immediately switch to sub-state


[SWS_ComM_00894] In sub-state COMM_NO_COM_NO_PENDING_REQUEST and

the NM module indicates a restart, ComM_Nm_RestartIndication()
SWS_ComM_00792, the ComM channel state machine shall immediately
switch to sub-state COMM_NO_COM_REQUEST_PENDING.

Rationale for SWS_ComM_00893 and SWS_ComM_00894: It must be guaranteed

that communication starts as soon as possible after a bus wake up.

Comment: The ComM channel state machine switches immediately to sub-state

COMM_FULL_COMMUNICATION state. If no user requests
module timer for
ComMTMinFullComModeDuration(ECUC_ComM_00557) prevent
toggling between COMM_NO_COMMUNICATION and
COMM_FULL_COMMUNICATION to overcome the init-/start-up time of the
system, before possible user requests occur.

[SWS_ComM_00694] In sub-state COMM_NO_COM_NO_PENDING_REQUEST and

configuration parameter ComMSynchronousWakeUp=TRUE
(ECUC_ComM_00695) and a wake-up-indication of a channel is indicated
by the EcuM, the ComM module shall immediately switch all ComM
channel state machines (resp. channels) to sub-state

[SWS_ComM_00895] In sub-state COMM_NO_COM_REQUEST_PENDING the
ComM channel state machine shall evaluate its corresponding
CommunicationAllowed flag, stored and set according to SWS_ComM_00884
and SWS_ComM_00885. If evaluated to CommunicationAllowed=TRUE, the
ComM channel state machine shall immediately switch to state

[SWS_ComM_00897] In sub-state COMM_NO_COM_REQUEST_PENDING and no

longer any valid pending request for COMM_FULL_COMMUNICATION, the ComM
channel state machine shall switch back to default sub-state

Rationale for SWS_ComM_00897: The possibility to switch back to default sub-state

if communication for some reason was never allowed. E.g. transition to
COMM_NO_COM_REQUEST_PENDING triggered by user request for
00871) or DCM indicated
ComM_DCM_ActiveDiagnostic(<channel>)(SWS_ComM_00873), but now
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Specification of Communication Manager
AUTOSAR CP Release 4.3.0

canceled with
71) or DCM

Comment: EcuM Fixed shall read and evaluate ComM channel state machine sub-
states, with ComM_GetState() (SWS_ComM_00872) before a sleep/shutdown.

7.2.2 Behaviour in state COMM_SILENT_COMMUNICATION

[SWS_ComM_00071] On entering state COMM_SILENT_COMMUNICATION the

ComM channel state machine shall switch off the transmission capability
(and keep reception capability on). This shall be performed by the ComM
channel state machine requesting the corresponding Communication Mode
from the Bus State Manager module
(XXSM_RequestComMode(network:=<channel state machines
SWS_ComM_00829). ()

Rationale for SWS_ComM_00071: The COMM_SILENT_COMMUNICATION mode

permits receiving of bus communication PDUs and forbids sending of bus
communication PDUs.

Comment: It may happen that nothing is received (e.g. during bus off) despite
receiving capability is switched on.

Use Case: Shut down coordination with means of the NM module (prepare bus sleep

[SWS_ComM_00877] In state COMM_SILENT_COMMUNICATION and user

requests COMM_FULL_COMMUNICATION and communication limitation is
disabled (see Section 7.3.1), the ComM channel state machine shall switch

[SWS_ComM_00878] In state COMM_SILENT_COMMUNICATION ,configuration

parameter ComMNmVariant=FULL|LIGHT|NONE (ECUC_ComM_00568)
and DCM indicate
ComM_DCM_ActiveDiagnostic(SWS_ComM_00873), the ComM
channel state machine shall switch to state

Rationale for SWS_ComM_00878: A potential communication limitation (see Section

7.3.1) shall temporarily be inactive during an active diagnostic session, see

[SWS_ComM_00295] In state COMM_SILENT_COMMUNICATION and the Network

Manager module indicates

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Specification of Communication Manager
AUTOSAR CP Release 4.3.0

ComM_Nm_BusSleepMode()(SWS_ComM_00392), the ComM channel

state machine shall switch to state COMM_NO_COMMUNICATION. ()

[SWS_ComM_00296] In state COMM_SILENT_COMMUNICATION and the Network

Manager module indicates See ComM_Nm_NetworkMode()
SWS_ComM_00390, the ComM channel state machine shall switch to state

7.2.3 Behaviour in state COMM_FULL_COMMUNICATION

[SWS_ComM_00899] On entering state COMM_FULL_COMMUNICATION the

ComM channel state machine shall go to sub-state
COMM_FULL_COM_NETWORK_REQUESTED, if not a specific sub-state is specified in
the transition. ()

Rationale for SWS_ComM_00899: When switching from

COMM_SILENT_COMMUNICATION, the ComM channel state machine can switch
directly to sub-state COMM_FULL_COM_READY_SLEEP, if specified in the transition,
see SWS_ComM_00296.

[SWS_ComM_00069] On entering state COMM_FULL_COMMUNICATION the

ComM channel state machine shall switch on the transmission and
reception capability. This shall be performed by the ComM channel state
machine requesting the corresponding Communication Mode from the Bus
State Manager module (XXSM_RequestComMode(network:=<channel
state machines network>, mode:=

Rationale for SWS_ComM_00069: The COMM_FULL_COMMUNICATION mode

permits sending and receiving of bus communication PDUs for the
corresponding channels.

[SWS_ComM_00637] In state COMM_FULL_COMMUNICATION and the Network

Manager module indicates ComM_Nm_BusSleepMode()
SWS_ComM_00392, the ComM channel state machine shall switch to state

Rationale for SWS_ComM_00637: A user may request to keep the bus awake "too
late" (NM is not able to send a vote to keep the bus awake because the
cluster already agreed to shutdown).

[SWS_ComM_00826] In COMM_FULL_COMMUNICATION and configuration

parameter ComMNmVariant=FULL|PASSIVE (ECUC_ComM_00568) and
the Network Manager module indicates
ComM_Nm_PrepareBusSleepMode() (SWS_ComM_00391), the ComM
state machine shall switch to state COMM_SILENT_COMMUNICATION. ()
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Rationale for SWS_ComM_00826: ComM_Nm_PrepareBusSleepMode() cannot be

received before an active request is released via Nm_NetworkRelease(),
and a PASSIVE channel cannot be woken up by an active wake-up,
therefore it is safe to assume that the transition is always valid. COMM_FULL_COM_NETWORK_REQUESTED sub-state
[SWS_ComM_00886] On entering sub-state
COMM_FULL_COM_NETWORK_REQUESTED and configuration parameter
ComMNmVariant=LIGHT|NONE (ECUC_ComM_00568), the timer for
ComMTMinFullComModeDuration (ECUC_ComM_00557) shall be started. ()

[SWS_ComM_00665] On entering sub-state

COMM_FULL_COM_NETWORK_REQUESTED and EcuM module has indicated
a wake-up, ComM_EcuM_WakeUpIndication(<channel>)
(SWS_ComM_00275), the ComM module shall request
Nm_PassiveStartup(<channel>) from the Network Management. ()

[SWS_ComM_00902] On entering sub-state

COMM_FULL_COM_NETWORK_REQUESTED and Nm module has indicated a restart,
ComM_Nm_RestartIndication(<channel>) (SWS_ComM_00792), the ComM
module shall request Nm_PassiveStartup(<channel>) from the Network
Management ()

[SWS_ComM_00903] On entering sub-state

COMM_FULL_COM_NETWORK_REQUESTED and Nm module has indicated a Network
start, ComM_Nm_NetworkStartIndication(<channel>) (SWS_ComM_00383),
the ComM module shall request Nm_PassiveStartup(<channel>) from the
Network Management ()

Comment for SWS_ComM_00903: This is not a normal transition to

ComM_Nm_NetworkStartIndication() as race condition error, see section

[SWS_ComM_00869] On entering sub-state

COMM_FULL_COM_NETWORK_REQUESTED from another state or substate, if
configuration parameter ComMNmVariant=FULL (ECUC_ComM_00568)
and if a user has requested
(SWS_ComM_00110) the ComM module shall request
Nm_NetworkRequest(<channel>) from the Network Management for
the corresponding NM channel. (SRS_ModeMgm_00049)

Note: Additionally Nm_NetworkRequest may be invoked due to SWS_ComM_00980.

[SWS_ComM_00870] On entering sub-state

COMM_FULL_COM_NETWORK_REQUESTED, if configuration parameter
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ComMNmVariant=FULL (ECUC_ComM_00568) and the DCM has

indicated ComM_DCM_ActiveDiagnostic(<channel>)
(SWS_ComM_00873), the ComM module shall request
Nm_NetworkRequest(<channel>) from the Network Management for
the corresponding NM channel. (SRS_ModeMgm_00049)


configuration parameter ComMNmVariant=LIGHT|NONE
(ECUC_ComM_00568) and timer for
ComMTMinFullComModeDuration(ECUC_ComM_00557) has expired
and no user request
ComM_RequestComMode(<user>,COMM_FULL_COMMUNICATION) and
the DCM does not indicate
ComM_DCM_ActiveDiagnostic(<channel>)(SWS_ComM_00873), the
ComM channel state machine shall switch to sub-state

Rationale for SWS_ComM_00889: As long as timer for

ComMTMinFullComModeDuration has not expired the sub-state shall be
kept, to prevent toggling.


configuration parameter ComMNmVariant=FULL (ECUC_ComM_00568)
and no user request
ComM_RequestComMode(<user>,COMM_FULL_COMMUNICATION) and
the DCM does not indicate
ComM_DCM_ActiveDiagnostic(<channel>)(SWS_ComM_00873), the
ComM channel state machine shall switch to sub-state

Rationale for SWS_ComM_00888: No timer needed if AUTOSAR NM is used. This

avoids redundant functionality because AUTOSAR NM also ensures this

[SWS_ComM_00915] In sub-state
parameter ComMNmVariant=PASSIVE (ECUC_ComM_00568), the ComM
channel state machine shall switch to sub-state


the DCM does not indicate
ComM_DCM_ActiveDiagnostic(<channel>)(SWS_ComM_00873) and
communication limitation is requested (see section 7.3.1), ComM channel
state machine shall immediately switch to sub-state

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Specification of Communication Manager

[SWS_ComM_00133] On entering sub-state COMM_FULL_COM_READY_SLEEP
and configuration parameter ComMNmVariant=FULL
(ECUC_ComM_00568), the ComM module shall request
Nm_NetworkRelease() from the Network Management for the
corresponding NM channels. ()

[SWS_ComM_00891] On entering sub-state COMM_FULL_COM_READY_SLEEP

and configuration parameter ComMNmVariant=LIGHT
(ECUC_ComM_00568), the timer for ComMNmLightTimeout
(ECUC_ComM_00606) shall be started. ()

[SWS_ComM_00610] In sub-state COMM_FULL_COM_READY_SLEEP and

configuration parameter ComMNmVariant=LIGHT (ECUC_ComM_00568)
and the timer for ComMNmLightTimeout (ECUC_ComM_00606) has
expired, the ComM channel state machine shall switch to state

[SWS_ComM_00671] In sub-state COMM_FULL_COM_READY_SLEEP and

configuration parameter ComMBusType=COMM_BUS_TYPE_INTERNAL
(ECUC_ComM_00567), the ComM channel state machine shall
immediately switch to state COMM_NO_COMMUNICATION. ()

[SWS_ComM_00882] In sub-state COMM_FULL_COM_READY_SLEEP and a user

request COMM_FULL_COMMUNICATION and communication limitation is
disabled (see Section 7.3.1), the ComM channel state machine shall
immediately switch to sub-state

[SWS_ComM_00883] In sub-state COMM_FULL_COM_READY_SLEEP

,configuration parameter ComMNmVariant=FULL|LIGHT|NONE
(ECUC_ComM_00568) and DCM indicate
ComM_DCM_ActiveDiagnostic(SWS_ComM_00873), the ComM
channel state machine shall switch to sub-state

Rationale for SWS_ComM_00883: A potential communication limitation (see Section

7.3.1) shall temporarily be inactive during an active diagnostic session, see

[SWS_ComM_00892] In sub-state COMM_FULL_COM_READY_SLEEP and

configuration parameter ComMNmVariant=LIGHT (ECUC_ComM_00568)
and a switch to sub-state COMM_FULL_COM_NETWORK_REQUESTED, due to
request for COMM_FULL_COMMUNICATION according to requirements in
SWS_ComM_00882 or SWS_ComM_00883, the timer for
ComMNmLightTimeout (ECUC_ComM_00606) shall be canceled. ()
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Specification of Communication Manager
AUTOSAR CP Release 4.3.0

7.3 Extended functionality

[SWS_ComM_00470] The extended functionality described in this chapter shall be
individually configurable during runtime per feature (e.g. enable wake up
inhibition but disable limitation to no communication). ()

Rationale for SWS_ComM_00470: During runtime a change in the inhibition /

strategy is required in order to cope with changing conditions.

Use Case: Change the wakeup inhibition via diagnostics.

Comment: Configurable with parameter ComMEcuGroupClassification (see


7.3.1 Communication inhibition

Note: The purpose of mode inhibition is to limit the communication capabilities. For
details see Section and Section

[SWS_ComM_00301] The ComM module shall offer interfaces to request and

release the corresponding mode inhibitions. ()

Comment: The ComM module doesn't care about who requests the mode inhibition
but it is not a "normal" SW-C. It is a privileged SW-C or an OEM specific

[SWS_ComM_00488] It shall be possible to enable and disable the mode

inhibition for each channel (channel state machine) independently. This
functionality shall not be used by the ComM module itself. ()

[SWS_ComM_00839] The ComM module shall store the status of the user
requests. ()
Comment: SWS_ComM_00839 describes the desired behaviour during an active
mode limitation.

[SWS_ComM_00840] The ComM module shall store the updated status of the
user requests if a user releases a request during an active mode
inhibition. ()

Rationale for SWS_ComM_00840: User requests shall be granted if the inhibition

gets disabled.

Comment: Amount of active user requests from different users. SWS_ComM_00840

describes the desired behaviour during an active mode limitation.

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[SWS_ComM_00182] The communication inhibition shall get temporarily inactive

during an active diagnostic session. ()

Rationale for SWS_ComM_00182: ECUs must not fall asleep during an active
diagnostic session.

Comment: The DCM indicates the start of an active diagnostic session with
ComM_DCM_ActiveDiagnostic(<channel>)(SWS_ComM_00873) and
the end of a diagnostic session with
ComM_DCM_InactiveDiagnostic(<channel>)(SWS_ComM_00874). Bus wake up inhibition

Information: Bus wake up inhibition in context of the ComM module means that the
ComM module should take precautions against awaking other ECUs by starting the

Rationale: Awaking other ECUs by communication should be avoided because it is

assumed that the ECU wakes up the bus because of an error (e.g. broken sensor).

Use Case: An error was detected on signal path of an active wake up line and this
non reliable wake-up-source should not be able to awake the whole system anymore.
An SW-C that controls error-reactions could set the wake up inhibition-status of
related communication channels that usually get communication-requests from SW-
Cs as the consequence of this event. This corrupts the forwarding of communication
system-wide, based on unreliable wake up events. Or in case of application-specific
system control, there is an SW-C that should switch off forwarding system wide
wakeup's by communication under conditions like e.g. transport mode.

[SWS_ComM_00302] Bus wake up Inhibition shall be performed by ignoring user

requests. (SRS_ModeMgm_09089)

Comment: Ignoring user requests means accepting the requests but not executing
them due to mode inhibition. The highest win strategy would apply
immediately as soon as mode inhibition is switched off (see
SWS_ComM_00839 and SWS_ComM_00840).

[SWS_ComM_00218] A communication request (COMM_FULL_COMMUNICATION)

by a user shall be inhibited if the ComM Inhibition status is equal to
ComMNoWakeup=TRUE (ECUC_ComM_00569) for the corresponding
channel and the current state of the channel is COMM_NO_COMMUNICATION

Rationale for SWS_ComM_00218: The inhibition should not get active, if the
inhibition-status is set but the communication channel is already active.

[SWS_ComM_00219] The inhibition shall not get active if the current

communication state is COMM_FULL_COMMUNICATION . ()
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Rationale for SWS_ComM_00219: The bus is already awake if the current

communication state is COMM_FULL_COMMUNICATION.

[SWS_ComM_00066] The ComM module shall never inhibit the passive wake-up
capability. ()

Rationale for SWS_ComM_00066: It must be always possible to react on bus wake

ups indicated by the EcuM module.

Comment: Reception is switched off in COMM_NO_COMMUNICATION mode but the

wake up capability is switched on.

[SWS_ComM_00157] ComMNoWakeup status must be stored non volatile. ()

Rationale for SWS_ComM_00157: Information must be available during start-up,

before the communication is active (Full Communication mode entered).
Changing or query is only possible after start-up with active communication
(usually the "master", who decides if the inhibition is active or not, is not on
the same ECU).

[SWS_ComM_00625] The status of the user requests shall also be updated if a

user releases a request. () Limit to COMM_NO_COMMUNICATION mode
[SWS_ComM_00303] The ComM module shall perform the limit to
COMM_NO_COMMUNICATION mode by switching to
COMM_FULL_COM_READY_SLEEP state to initiate a shutdown despite user
requests for COMM_FULL_COMMUNICATION mode and ignoring new
COMM_FULL_COMMUNICATION mode requests. (SRS_ModeMgm_09071)

Rationale for SWS_ComM_00303: Forcing into COMM_NO_COMMUNICATION mode is

needed to shut down software components, which keeps the bus awake.

[SWS_ComM_00355] ComM shall force an ECU reset by invoking

BswM_ComM_InitiateReset() after entering "No Communication" mode if
configured (ComMResetAfterForcingNoComm=TRUE). ()

Rationale: It is assumed that a faulty user will not release his "Full Communication"
request without a re-initialization. Keeping the "Full Communication"
request active leads to a toggling between network shutdown and network

Use Case: It is assumed that a faulty ECU keeps the bus awake. As a
consequence a "network master" decides to force all ECUs to go to sleep.

[SWS_ComM_00841] The ComM module shall only perform the limit to

COMM_NO_COMMUNICATION mode if the current state is
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Specification of Communication Manager
AUTOSAR CP Release 4.3.0

[SWS_ComM_00842] The ComM module shall ignore requests in other states


[SWS_ComM_00215] All active user requests for communication channel X shall

be ignored if the ComM Inhibition ComMNoCom=TRUE (see
ComM561_ConfECUC_ComM_00571) for the corresponding channel to
guarantee entering the COMM_NO_COMMUNICATION state for channel X. ()

[SWS_ComM_00582] The ComM module shall clear the user requests after all the
channels that belong to the corresponding user enter

Rationale for SWS_ComM_00582: Stored (faulty) user requests, which are assumed
to keep the bus awake, must be cleared.

Description: The ComM module shall reload the default value of the ComM inhibition
status from ComMNoCom (see ECUC_ComM_00571) during initialization.

Comment: The current ComMNoCom status for each channel shall not be stored
persistently. SWS_ComM_00582 describes the desired behaviour after an executed
mode limitation.

7.4 Bus communication management

[SWS_ComM_00402] The ComM module shall use the corresponding interfaces
of the Bus State Manager modules to control the communication
capabilities. ()

[SWS_ComM_00664] The ComM module shall omit calls to control the

communication capabilities if configuration parameter
(ECUC_ComM_00567). (SRS_ModeMgm_09168)

Rationale for SWS_ComM_00664: Internal communication has no corresponding bus


7.5 Network management dependencies

[SWS_ComM_00599] The ComM module shall support the shutdown
synchronization variants (configured with ComMNmVariant, see
ECUC_ComM_00568) LIGHT, PASSIVE and FULL described in Table
3. ()

Comment: Only variant FULL and PASSIVE guarantees a synchronized shutdown

between all nodes of a network. Note that since the NmIf cannot start the
synchronized shutdown of coordinated networks before all networks are
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Specification of Communication Manager
AUTOSAR CP Release 4.3.0

ready to go to sleep, requests from ComM to NmIf to release network

communication on such a coordinated bus will be considered, but not
always acted on directly. The NmIf will still answer with NM_E_OK, but
network will not be released until all coordinated networks are ready to go
to sleep.

NM variant Keep bus awake capability Shutdown synchronization

NONE No shutdown synchronization by ComM.
Shutdown by switching off the power of the
LIGHT Shutdown synchronization by ComM with
means of a timeout (configured with
PASSIVE ECU is not allowed to keep the Shutdown synchronization by ComM with
bus awake means of AUTOSAR NM.
FULL ECU is allowed to keep the bus Shutdown synchronization by ComM with
awake. means of AUTOSAR NM.
Table 3: Network management variants supported by the Communication Manager

Comment: A synchronized shutdown is not possible with the LIGHT variant thus the
ECU may continuously restart ("toggle") because of a message from a
node shutting down later.

[SWS_ComM_00602] The ComM module shall omit calls of NM services if

configuration parameter ComMNmVariant=LIGHT|NONE (see
ECUC_ComM_00568). ()

Rationale for SWS_ComM_00602: NM services are not available if no NM is


[SWS_ComM_00667] The ComM module shall omit to call

Nm_NetworkRequest() from NM if configuration parameter
ComMNmVariant=PASSIVE (see ECUC_ComM_00568). ()

Rationale for SWS_ComM_00667: Service Nm_NetworkRequest() is not


7.6 Bus error management

7.6.1 Network Start Indication

[SWS_ComM_00583] The ComM module shall switch channel X to

ComM_Nm_NetworkStartIndication(<channel X>) and
CommunicationAllowed flag is set to TRUE. ()

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Specification of Communication Manager
AUTOSAR CP Release 4.3.0

Use Case for SWS_ComM_00583: A node sends an NM message in "Prepare Bus

Sleep" state but other nodes are already in "Bus Sleep" state because of
"race conditions".

7.7 Test support requirements

7.7.1 Inhibited Full Communication Request Counter

[SWS_ComM_00138] The ComM module shall provide one Inhibit counter for all
rejected COMM_FULL_COMMUNICATION mode requests. It shall count user
requests, which cannot be fulfilled because the system has inhibited
communication modes. (SRS_ModeMgm_09155)

Rationale for SWS_ComM_00138: The counter is used for detecting latent software
problems related to unmotivated communication bus wake ups.

[SWS_ComM_00140] The Inhibit counter (SWS_ComM_00138) for all rejected

COMM_FULL_COMMUNICATION mode requests shall be stored in non-
volatile memory. ()

[SWS_ComM_00141] The range of the Inhibit counter (SWS_ComM_00138) for

all rejected COMM_FULL_COMMUNICATION mode requests shall be 0 to
65535. ()

[SWS_ComM_00142] The Inhibit counter (SWS_ComM_00138) for all rejected

COMM_FULL_COMMUNICATION mode requests shall stop to increment if the
maximum counter value is reached. ()

[SWS_ComM_00143] It shall be possible to read out and reset the Inhibit counter
(SWS_ComM_00138) for all rejected COMM_FULL_COMMUNICATION mode
requests value by a ComM module API call. ()

Use Case for SWS_ComM_00143: It shall be possible to read out and reset the
current status of the counter by a diagnostic service.

7.8 Error classification

7.8.1 Development Errors

[SWS_ComM_00234] The ComM module shall use the error codes of table 4 to
report errors.
Type or error Relevance Related error code Value
API service used without Development COMM_E_NOT_INITED 0x1
module initialization
API service used with Development COMM_E_WRONG_PARAMETERS 0x2
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Specification of Communication Manager
AUTOSAR CP Release 4.3.0

API Service used with a Development COMM_E_PARAM_POINTER 0x3
null pointer
Initialization failed Development COMM_E_INIT_FAILED 0x4
Table 4: Error classification (SRS_BSW_00323, SRS_BSW_00327,
SRS_BSW_00337, SRS_BSW_00385, SRS_BSW_00386)

[SWS_ComM_00612] If ComM is not initialized, all ComM module all API service
other than ComM_Init() (see SWS_ComM_00146), ComM_GetVersionInfo()
(see SWS_COMM_00370) and ComM_GetStatus() (see SWS_COMM_00242); shall:
- not execute their normal operation,
- and return E_NOT_OK, if it has a standard return type. (SRS_BSW_00406)

[SWS_ComM_00858] If ComM is not initialized and default error detection has

been switched on by ComMDevErrorDetect (see ECUC_ComM_00555), the
ComM module shall report a development error COMM_E_NOT_INITED (by using the
Det_ReportError service of the Default Error Tracer module) for all ComM
module API services other than ComM_Init() and ComM_GetVersionInfo(), and
ComM_GetStatus(). (SRS_BSW_00406)

7.8.2 Runtime Errors

There are no runtime errors.

7.8.3 Transient Faults

There are no transient faults.

7.9 Non functional requirements

[SWS_ComM_00459] It shall be possible to integrate the ComM module delivered
as source or object code into the AUTOSAR stack.
Allow IP protection and guaranteed test coverage: object code
Allow high efficiency and configurability at system generation time (by
integrator): source code. (SRS_BSW_00342)

7.10 Communication Manager Module Services

This section defines the AUTOSAR Interfaces of the Communication Manager
Module Service (ComM).

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AUTOSAR CP Release 4.3.0

7.10.1 Architecture

The overall architecture of the Communication Manager Module service is depicted

in Figure 5:

require provide
ComM_RequestMode ComM_RequestMode


. require provide
ComM_CurrentMode ComM_CurrentMode .
. .
. .

... ...

require provide
ComM_ChannelWakeup ComM_ChannelWakeup Com

Mode ... ... CL000

require provide
ComM_ChannelLimitation ComM_ChannelLimitation

require ComM_ECUModeLimitation


Figure 5: ARPackage of the Communication Manager Module

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Specification of Communication Manager
AUTOSAR CP Release 4.3.0

7.10.2 Use Cases SW-Cs does not care about the ComM module at all
A SW-C that does not care about the Communication Manager Module will not
require any of the interfaces defined in the ARPackage of the Communication
Manager Module. SW-Cs only cares about the state of its communication system
In this use case, a SW-C wants to know what communication capabilities it has
(expressed by a communication mode none, silent or full - see
ComM_ModeType). The SW-C finds out about that by defining a port requiring the
Interface ComM_GetCurrentComMode. Depending on the available communication
capabilities, the SW-C can specify that certain runnables of the SW-C should be
executed or not. The Communication Manager Module must be configured correctly
(with e.g. the physical channels that this SW-C uses for its logical communication)
such that it has a port that provides this information about the current communication
mode to the SW-C.


require provide
ComM_CurrentMode ComM_CurrentMode .


Figure 6: SW-C requests state changes to the Communication Manager Module

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Specification of Communication Manager
AUTOSAR CP Release 4.3.0 SW-Cs explicitly wants to take influence on its communication


require provide
ComM_RequestMode ComM_RequestMode


require provide
ComM_CurrentMode ComM_CurrentMode .



Figure 7: SW-C requires state changes within the Communication Manager Module and reads
out current communication state

In this use case, the SW-C wants to explicitly take influence on the communication-
state of the physical channels it needs. The SW-C indicates this by a specific port.
Through this port, the SW-C can then request the Communication Manager Module
mode No Communication or Full Communication. The Communication Manager
Module will use these calls to request the corresponding communication mode from
the corresponding Bus State Manager module.
[SWS_ComM_00848] The Communication Manager Module shall provide an
AUTOSAR port to allow the request of an communication mode by calling
ComM_RequestComMode (see SWS_ComM_00110). ()
For a SW-C using the direct API of the RTE, the SW-C could for example do the
// SW-C wants to send and receive data
e = Rte_Call_comRequest_RequestComMode(COMM_FULL_COMMUNICATION);
if (e == RTE_E_OK)
// successfully requested the Com Manager Module to move to
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Specification of Communication Manager
AUTOSAR CP Release 4.3.0

// full communication mode

// an error occurred when
// interacting with the Com Manager module
// a current ComMMode limitation forbids going into
// that mode;
// lets ask what the maximal allowed ComMMode is

// a more serious error occurred


if (status == ready_to_sleep)
//no need to send; ready for shutdown communication


Comment: Note that these APIs do not require that the SW-C has knowledge of the
channels that it needs. SW-C wants to interact directly with physical channels activate
ECU Mode Limitation
The SW-C shall request mode from BswM. BswM will handle the direct
communication with ComM.

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Specification of Communication Manager
AUTOSAR CP Release 4.3.0

require provide
ComM_ChannelWakeup ComM_ChannelWakeup



Basic Software ...

Mode require provide Com
Manager ComM_ChannelLimitation ComM_ChannelLimitation Manager


require ComM_ECUModeLimitation

Figure 8: Interaction between BswM and the ComM module

7.10.3 Specification of Ports and Port Interfaces

This section specifies the Port Interfaces that are needed to operate the
Communication Manager Module functionality over the RTE. Types used by the interfaces
See 8.7.4 Implementation Data Types. Ports and Port Interface for User Requests General Approach
A SW-C that wants to explicitly direct the local Communication Manager Module of
the ECU towards a certain state requires the client-server interface
ComM_UserRequest. Through this interface the SW-C can set the desired state of
all communication channels that are relevant for that component, to No
Communication or Full Communication. In order to keep the SW-Cs code
independent from the values of the handles that are used to identify the user towards
the Communication Manager Module, these handles are not passed from the SW-C
to the Communication Manager Module. Rather they are modeled as port defined
argument values of the Provide Ports on the Communication Manager Modules
side. As a consequence, these handles do not show up as arguments in the
operations of the client-server interface ComM_UserRequest. As a further
consequence of this approach, the Communication Manager Module has a separate
port for each user. Data Types
No data types are needed for this interface.

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Specification of Communication Manager
AUTOSAR CP Release 4.3.0 Port interface ComM_UserRequest

See ComM_UserRequest. Ports and Port Interfaces for the current mode of the
Communication Manager Module General approach
[SWS_ComM_00847] The Communication Manager Module shall have an
AUTOSAR port providing the ModeSwitchInterface interface
ComM_CurrentMode. ()

[SWS_ComM_00733] The Communication Manager Module shall have a separate

port providing the ModeSwitchInterface interface ComM_CurrentMode for each
configured user, to which a SW-C is connected. ()

A SW-C that wants to get informed about its current Communication Manager
Module Mode requires the ModeSwitchInterface interface ComM_CurrentMode. Port interface ComM_CurrentMode
See ComM_CurrentMode. Ports and Port Interfaces for the ComM users currently requesting
FULL_COMM General approach
[SWS_ComM_00734] The Communication Manager Module shall have an
optional (see ECUC_ComM_00787) separate port providing the sender-receiver
interface ComM_CurrentChannelRequest for each configured ComM
channel. ()

Rationale for SWS_ComM_00734: A SW-C that wants to get informed about, which
users are currently requesting FULL_COM requires the sender-receiver interface

[SWS_ComM_00736] Whenever the set of ComM users currently requesting

FULL_COMM for a channel changes, the Communication Manager Module shall
update the data element fullComRequestors. A change shall update the data
element only, when the Communication Manager Module accepts the communication
request of the ComM user. ()
Rationale for Com736: Requests rejected because of active ModeLimitations will not
lead to an update of the data element. Data Types
See ComM_UserHandleArrayType. Port Interface ComM_CurrentChannelRequest
See ComM_CurrentChannelRequest. Ports and Port Interface for ECU Mode Limitation General approach
[SWS_ComM_00740] The Communication Manager Module can be configured to
have an AUTOSAR port providing the client-server interface
ComM_ECUModeLimitation. ()
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Specification of Communication Manager
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A SW-C, which plays the role of a Mode Manager, can use this interface to change
the behaviour of the entire ECU. Port interface ComM_ECUModeLimitation
See ComM_ECUModeLimitation. Ports and Port Interface for Channel Wake up General approach
[SWS_ComM_00747] The Communication Manager Module can be configured to
have an AUTOSAR port providing the Client-Server Interface
ComM_ChannelWakeup. ()
A SW-C playing the role of a Mode Manager can use this interface to configure the
Communication Manager Module to take precautions against awaking other ECU's
by starting the communication. In order to keep the SW-Cs code independent from
the values of the handles that are used to identify a specific handle towards the
Communication Manager Module, these handles are not passed from the SW-C to
the Communication Manager Module. Rather they are modeled as port defined
argument values of the Provide Ports on the Communication Manager Modules
side. As a consequence, these handles do not show up as arguments in the
operations of the client-server interface ComM_ChannelWakeup. As a further
consequence of this approach, the Communication Manager Module has separate
ports for each channel. Port interface ComM_ChannelWakeup
See ComM_ChannelWakeup. Ports and Port Interface for interface Channel Limitation General approach
[SWS_ComM_00752] The Communication Manager Module can be configured to
have an AUTOSAR port providing the Client-Server Interface
ComM_ChannelLimitation. ()
A SW-C playing the role of a Mode Manager can use this interface to configure the
Communication Manager Module to inhibit communication mode for a given channel.
In order to keep the SW-Cs code independent from the values of the handles that are
used to identify a specific handle towards the Communication Manager Module,
these handles are not passed from the SW-C to the Communication Manager
Module. Rather they are modelled as port defined argument values of the Provide
Ports on the Communication Manager Module side. As a consequence, these
handles do not show up as arguments in the operations of the client-server interface
ComM_ChannelLimitation. As a further consequence of this approach, the
Communication Manager Module has separate ports for each channel. Port interface ComM_ChannelLimitation
See ComM_ChannelLimitation. Definition of the Service of the Communication Manager Module
This section provides guidance on the definition of the Communication Manager
Module service. There are ports on both sides of the RTE. This description of the
Communication Manager Module service defines the ports below the RTE. Each SW-
C, which uses the Service, must contain service ports in its own SW-C description
which will be connected to the ports of the COM Manager module, so that the RTE
can be generated.
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Specification of Communication Manager
AUTOSAR CP Release 4.3.0

Comment: Note that these definitions can only be completed during ECU
configuration (because it depends on certain configuration parameters of the
Communication Manager Module, which determine the number of ports provided by
the Communication Manager Module service). Also note that the implementation of
an SW-C does not depend on these definitions.

/* This is the definition of the Communication Manager Module as a service.

This is the outside-view of the Communication Manager Module */
Service ComM
// port present if ComMModeLimitationEnabled (see ECUC_ComM_00560)
ProvidePort ComM_ECUModeLimitation modeLimitation;

// port present for each channel

// if ComMModeLimitationEnabled (see ECUC_ComM_00560);
// there are NC channels;
ProvidePort ComM_ChannelLimitation CL000;

ProvidePort ComM_ChannelLimitation CL<NC-1>;

// port present for each channel

ProvidePort ComM_ChannelWakeup CW000;

ProvidePort ComM_ChannelWakeup CW<NC-1>;

// For each user the Communication Manager Module provides 2 ports.

// To facilitate configuration, the index of this user shall
// correspond to the index in the array COMM_USER_LIST used for the
// configuration of the Communication Manager Module (see ComM562).
// The number of users must correspond to the size of this array.
ProvidePort ComM_UserRequest UR000; // (see
ProvidePort ComM_CurrentMode UM000;
ProvidePort ComM_UserRequest UR001; //(see
ProvidePort ComM_CurrentMode UM001;

ProvidePort ComM_UserRequest UR<COMM_USER_LIST.size-1>;
ProvidePort ComM_CurrentMode UM<COMM_USER_LIST.size-1>;

// port present for each channel if configured

// (see ECUC_ComM_00787)
// there are NC channels;
ProvidePort ComM_CurrentChannelRequest CR000;

ProvidePort ComM_CurrentChannelRequest CR<NC-1>;

}; ()

7.10.4 Runnables and Entry points Internal behaviour

This is the inside description of the Communication Manager Module. This detailed
description is only needed for the configuration of the local RTE.

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Specification of Communication Manager
AUTOSAR CP Release 4.3.0

InternalBehavior of the Communication Manager Module

// Runnable entities of the Communication Manager Module
RunnableEntity LimitECUToNoComMode
symbol ComM_LimitECUToNoComMode /* see SWS_ComM_00124*/
canbeInvokedConcurrently = FALSE

RunnableEntity ReadInhibitCounter
symbol ComM_ReadInhibitCounter /* see SWS_ComM_00224 */
canbeInvokedConcurrently = FALSE

RunnableEntity ResetInhibitCounter
symbol ComM_ResetInhibitCounter /* see SWS_ComM_00108 */
canbeInvokedConcurrently = FALSE

RunnableEntity SetECUGroupClassification
symbol ComM_SetECUGroupClassification /* see SWS_ComM_00552 */
canbeInvokedConcurrently = FALSE

RunnableEntity LimitChannelToNoComMode
symbol ComM_LimitChannelToNoComMode /* see SWS_ComM_00163 */
canbeInvokedConcurrently = FALSE

RunnableEntity GetInhibitionStatus
symbol ComM_GetInhibitionStatus /*see SWS_ComM_00619 */
canbeInvokedConcurrently = FALSE

RunnableEntity PreventWakeup
symbol ComM_PreventWakeup
canbeInvokedConcurrently = FALSE

RunnableEntity RequestComMode
symbol ComM_RequestComMode /* see SWS_ComM_00110 */
canbeInvokedConcurrently = TRUE

RunnableEntity GetMaxComMode
symbol ComM_GetMaxComMode /* see SWS_ComM_00085 */
canbeInvokedConcurrently = TRUE

RunnableEntity GetRequestedComMode
symbol ComM_GetRequestedComMode
canbeInvokedConcurrently = TRUE

RunnableEntity GetCurrentComMode
symbol ComM_GetCurrentComMode /*see SWS_ComM_00083 */
canbeInvokedConcurrently = TRUE

// the following applies if ComMModeLimitationEnabled

// (see ECUC_ComM_00560)
modeLimitation.LimitECUToNoComMode -> LimitECUToNoComMode
modeLimitation.ReadInhibitCounter -> ReadInhibitCounter
modeLimitation.ResetInhibitCounter -> ResetInhibitCounter
modeLimitation.SetECUGroupClassification -> SetECUGroupClassification

// per-channel behaviour only present

// if ComMModeLimitationEnabled (see ECUC_ComM_00560)
// there are NC channels
// To facilitate configuration, the names of the channels correspond
// to the index of the channel in the Channel container used to
// configure the Communication Manager Module
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Specification of Communication Manager
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CL000.LimitChannelToNoComMode -> LimitChannelToNoComMode

CL000.GetInhibitionStatus -> GetInhibitionStatus
PortArgument {port=CL000,

CLnnn.LimitChannelToNoComMode -> LimitChannelToNoComMode
CLnnn.GetInhibitionStatus -> GetInhibitionStatus
PortArgument {port=CLnnn,

// per-channel behaviour only present

CW000.preventWakeUp -> PreventWakeUp
PortArgument {port=CW000,

CWnnn.preventWakeUp -> PreventWakeUp
PortArgument {port=CWnnn,

// per-user behaviour
// Note that the port-argument value must be consistent with the
// value in the configuration COMM_USER_LIST
// Note that the exact data-type of the UserHandleType must of course
// be defined BEFORE RTE_configuration, but does NOT affect the
// API seen by the SW-Cs that use the service
UR000.RequestComMode -> RequestComMode
UR000.GetMaxComMode -> GetMaxComMode
UR000.GetRequestedComMode -> GetRequestedComMode
UR000.GetCurrentComMode -> GetCurrentComMode
PortArgument {port=UR000,
value.type= ComM_UserhandleType,

URnnn.RequestComMode -> RequestComMode
URnnn.GetMaxComMode -> GetMaxComMode
URnnn.GetRequestedComMode -> GetRequestedComMode
URnnn.GetCurrentComMode -> GetCurrentComMode
PortArgument {port=URnnn,
value.type= ComM_UserhandleType,
}; ()

Comment: 'modeLimitation.LimitECUToNoComMode -> LimitECUToNoComMode' is

supposed to define an OperationInvokedEvent that links the OperationPrototype to
the runnable entity that is supposed to be executed. Header file to be included by the Communication Manager Module
The RTE deals with the Communication Manager Module as with any normal SW-C.
The RTE will be able to generate a header-file based on the internal-behaviour
description of the Communication Manager Module which contains for instance a
definition of the APIs (like Rte_Ports_CurrentMode_P) which are available to the
Communication Manager Module. This implies that an implementation of the
Communication Manager Module must include this generated header-file.
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Specification of Communication Manager
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8 API specification

8.1 Imported types

8.1.1 Standard types

In this chapter all types included from the following files are listed:

Module Imported Type
ComStack_Types NetworkHandleType
EcuM EcuM_StateType
NvM NvM_BlockIdType
Std_Types Std_ReturnType
(SRS_BSW_00348, SRS_BSW_00357)

The ComM API uses the following extension to Std_ReturnType:

Range: COMM_E_MODE_LIMITATION 2 Function call has been successfully but mode can not
be granted because of mode inhibition.
Description: --
(SRS_BSW_00331, SRS_BSW_00369, SRS_BSW_00377, SRS_BSW_00441)

8.2 Type definitions

[SWS_ComM_00863] The following Data Types shall be used for the functions
defined in this
Specification. (SRS_BSW_00441)

8.2.1 ComM_InitStatusType

Name: ComM_InitStatusType
Type: Enumeration
Range: COMM_UNINIT 0x00 The COM Manager is not initialized or not usable.
This shall be the default value after reset. This status
shall have the value 0.
COMM_INIT 0x01 The COM Manager is initialized and usable.
Description: Initialization status of ComM.

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8.2.2 ComM_PncModeType

Name: ComM_PncModeType
Type: Enumeration
Range: COMM_PNC_REQUESTED 0x00 PNC is requested by a local ComM user
COMM_PNC_READY_SLEEP 0x01 PNC is requested by a remote ComM user
COMM_PNC_PREPARE_SLEEP 0x02 PNC is active with no deadline monitoring
COMM_PNC_NO_COMMUNICATION 0x03 PNC does not communicate
Description: Current mode of a PNC

8.2.3 ComM_StateType

Name: ComM_StateType
Type: uint8
Description: State and sub-state of ComM state machine

ComM states vs. Communication Modes:

COMM_NO_COM* : Communication Mode='No Communication'
COMM_FULL_COM*: Communication Mode='Full Communication'
COMM_SILENT_COM: Communicatio Mode='Silent Communication'

8.2.4 ComM_ConfigType

Name: ComM_ConfigType
Type: Structure
Range: implementation The contents of the initialization data structure are
specific implementation specific
Description: This type contains the implementation-specific post build configuration structure.

8.3 Function definitions

This is a list of functions provided for upper layer modules.

8.3.1 ComM_Init

Service name: ComM_Init
Syntax: void ComM_Init(
const ComM_ConfigType* ConfigPtr
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Service ID[hex]: 0x01
Sync/Async: Synchronous
Reentrancy: Non Reentrant
Parameters (in): ConfigPtr Pointer to post-build configuration data
Parameters None
Parameters (out): None
Return value: None
Description: Initializes the AUTOSAR Communication Manager and restarts the internal state
(SRS_BSW_00101, SRS_BSW_00358, SRS_BSW_00414)
[SWS_ComM_00793] Caveats of ComM_Init(): The NVRAM Manager module
has to be initialized to have the possibility to "direct" access the ComM
modules parameters. ()

[SWS_ComM_00864] In ComM_Init() ComM shall read non-volatile parameters

specified in SWS_ComM_00103 from NVRAM. If no parameters are
available, ComM shall use the default values in the ComM
configuration. ()

8.3.2 ComM_DeInit

Service name: ComM_DeInit
Syntax: void ComM_DeInit(
Service ID[hex]: 0x02
Sync/Async: Synchronous
Reentrancy: Non Reentrant
Parameters (in): None
Parameters None
Parameters (out): None
Return value: None
Description: This API de-initializes the AUTOSAR Communication Manager.
[SWS_ComM_00794] De-initialization in ComM_DeInit() shall only be performed
if all channels controlled by the ComM module are in COMM_NO_COMMUNICATION
Rationale for SWS_ComM_00794: Since the ComM_DeInit()API cannot return an
error message, it must be assured that all channels are in
sub-state before ComM_DeInit()is called. E.g. the state should be checked with
ComM_CommunicationAllowed(Channel,TRUE) cannot be called before
ComM_DeInit() has been called. ()

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Specification of Communication Manager
AUTOSAR CP Release 4.3.0

[SWS_ComM_00865] In ComM_DeInit ComM shall store non-volatile

parameters specified in SWS_ComM_00103 to NVRAM. ()

8.3.3 ComM_GetState

Service name: ComM_GetState
Syntax: Std_ReturnType ComM_GetState(
NetworkHandleType Channel,
ComM_StateType* State
Service ID[hex]: 0x34
Sync/Async: Synchronous
Reentrancy: Non Reentrant
Channel The Network Channel for the requested state of ComM state
Parameters (in):
Parameters None
State State of the ComM channel state machine:
Parameters (out):
Std_ReturnType E_OK: Successfully return current state of ComM state
Return value:
E_NOT_OK: Return of current state of ComM state machine
Description: Return current state, including sub-state, of the ComM channel state machine.

Usage of function only valid if EcuM/Fixed is used:

To leave RUN: state/sub-state need to be
COMM_NO_COM_NO_PENDING_REQUEST (No communication and no
pending request to start communication)
In POST RUN to return to RUN: state/sub-state need to be in
COMM_NO_COM_REQUEST_PENDING (No communication, but a pending
request to start communication)

If EcuM/Flex and BswM is used, BswM instead use received mode indications
from ComM (BswM_ComM_RequestedMode(..)).

8.3.4 ComM_GetStatus

Service name: ComM_GetStatus
Syntax: Std_ReturnType ComM_GetStatus(
ComM_InitStatusType* Status
Service ID[hex]: 0x03
Sync/Async: Synchronous
Reentrancy: Non Reentrant
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Parameters (in): None

Parameters None
Status COMM_UNINIT: The ComM is not initialized or not usable.
Parameters (out): Default value after startup or after ComM_DeInit() is called.
COMM_INIT: The ComM is initialized and usable.
Std_ReturnType E_OK: Successfully return of initialization status
Return value:
E_NOT_OK: Return of initialization status failed
Description: Returns the initialization status of the AUTOSAR Communication Manager.
After a call to ComM_DeInit() ComM should have status COMM_UNINIT, and a
new call to ComM_Init needed to make sure ComM restart internal state machines
to defailt values.

8.3.5 ComM_GetInhibitionStatus

Service name: ComM_GetInhibitionStatus
Syntax: Std_ReturnType ComM_GetInhibitionStatus(
NetworkHandleType Channel,
ComM_InhibitionStatusType* Status
Service ID[hex]: 0x04
Sync/Async: Synchronous
Reentrancy: Non Reentrant
Parameters (in): Channel See NetworkHandleType
Parameters None
Parameters (out): Status See ComM_InhibitionStatusType
Std_ReturnType E_OK: Successfully returned Inhibition Status
Return value:
E_NOT_OK: Return of Inhibition Status failed
Description: Returns the inhibition status of a ComM channel.

8.3.6 ComM_RequestComMode

Service name: ComM_RequestComMode
Syntax: Std_ReturnType ComM_RequestComMode(
ComM_UserHandleType User,
ComM_ModeType ComMode
Service ID[hex]: 0x05
Sync/Async: Synchronous
Reentrancy: Reentrant
User Handle of the user who requests a mode
Parameters (in): ComMode COMM_FULL_COMMUNICATION
Parameters None
Parameters (out): None
Std_ReturnType E_OK: Successfully changed to the new mode
Return value:
E_NOT_OK: Changing to the new mode failed

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Specification of Communication Manager
AUTOSAR CP Release 4.3.0

COMM_E_MODE_LIMITATION: Mode can not be granted

because of mode inhibition.
Description: Requesting of a Communication Mode by a user.

Internally mode COMM_SILENT_COMMUNICATION is not a valid request for a
user, mode used for synchronization at shutdown.
Valid modes are COMM_NO_COMMUNICATION and
[SWS_ComM_00795] Configuration of ComM_RequestComMode: Relationship
between users and channels. A user is statically mapped to one or more
channels. ()

8.3.7 ComM_GetMaxComMode

Service name: ComM_GetMaxComMode
Syntax: Std_ReturnType ComM_GetMaxComMode(
ComM_UserHandleType User,
ComM_ModeType* ComMode
Service ID[hex]: 0x06
Sync/Async: Synchronous
Reentrancy: Reentrant
Parameters (in): User Handle of the user who requests a mode
Parameters None
Parameters (out): ComMode See ComM_ModeType
Std_ReturnType E_OK: Successfully returned maximum allowed Communication
Return value:
E_NOT_OK: Return of maximum allowed Communication Mode
Description: Function to query the maximum allowed Communication Mode of the
corresponding user.
Use Case: This function provides the possibility to request the maximum possible
mode (e.g. user wants to check if it is possible to get "Full Communication" mode or if
a limitation/inhibition is active). This is needed for diagnosis/debugging..

[SWS_ComM_00374] If more than one channel is linked to one user request and
the maximum allowed modes of the channels are different, then the function
ComM_GetMaxComMode shall return the lowest mode (see SWS_ComM_00867
and SWS_ComM_00868). ()

[SWS_ComM_00796] Configuration of ComM_GetMaxComMode: Relationship

between users and channels. A user is statically mapped to one or more
channels. ()

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8.3.8 ComM_GetRequestedComMode

Service name: ComM_GetRequestedComMode
Syntax: Std_ReturnType ComM_GetRequestedComMode(
ComM_UserHandleType User,
ComM_ModeType* ComMode
Service ID[hex]: 0x07
Sync/Async: Synchronous
Reentrancy: Reentrant
Parameters (in): User Handle of the user who requests a mode
Parameters None
Parameters (out): ComMode Name of the requested mode
Std_ReturnType E_OK: Successfully returned requested Communication Mode
Return value:
E_NOT_OK: Return of requested Communication Mode failed
Description: Function to query the currently requested Communication Mode of the
corresponding user.
Rationale for SWS_ComM_00079: The requested user "Communication Mode" has
to be stored volatile within the Communication Manager Module itself, to prevent
redundant storage of status information by the users.
Comment: If the Communication Manager Module would not have this service every
user has to store the status on its own --> redundant and possibly inconsistent
storage of the same data.
ComM797: Configuration of ComM_GetRequestedComMode: Relationship between
users and channels. A user is statically mapped to one or more channels.

8.3.9 ComM_GetCurrentComMode

Service name: ComM_GetCurrentComMode
Syntax: Std_ReturnType ComM_GetCurrentComMode(
ComM_UserHandleType User,
ComM_ModeType* ComMode
Service ID[hex]: 0x08
Sync/Async: Synchronous
Reentrancy: Reentrant
Parameters (in): User Handle of the user who requests a mode
Parameters None
Parameters (out): ComMode See ComM_ModeType
Std_ReturnType E_OK: Successfully returned Communication Mode from
Bus State Manager
Return value:
E_NOT_OK: Return of Communication Mode from Bus
State Manager failed
Description: Function to query the current Communication Mode. ComM shall use the
corresponding interfaces of the Bus State Managers to get the current
Communication Mode of the network.
(Call to Bus State Manager API: XXXSM _GetCurrentComMode(...))

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AUTOSAR CP Release 4.3.0

[SWS_ComM_00176] If more than one channel is linked to one user request and
the modes of the channels are different, the function ComM_GetCurrentComMode
shall return the lowest mode (see SWS_ComM_00867 and
SWS_ComM_00868). (SRS_ModeMgm_09172)

[SWS_ComM_00798] Configuration of ComM_GetCurrentComMode: Relationship

between users and channels. A user is statically mapped to one or more
channels. ()

8.3.10 ComM_PreventWakeUp

Service name: ComM_PreventWakeUp
Syntax: Std_ReturnType ComM_PreventWakeUp(
NetworkHandleType Channel,
boolean Status
Service ID[hex]: 0x09
Sync/Async: Synchronous
Reentrancy: Non Reentrant
Channel See NetworkHandleType
Parameters (in): Status FALSE: Wake up inhibition is switched off
TRUE: Wake up inhibition is switched on
Parameters None
Parameters (out): None
Std_ReturnType E_OK: Successfully changed wake up status for the channel
Return value:
E_NOT_OK: Changed of wake up status for the channel failed
Description: Changes the inhibition status COMM_NO_WAKEUP for the corresponding
[SWS_ComM_00799] Configuration of ComM_PreventWakeUp: Configurable with

8.3.11 ComM_LimitChannelToNoComMode

Service name: ComM_LimitChannelToNoComMode
Syntax: Std_ReturnType ComM_LimitChannelToNoComMode(
NetworkHandleType Channel,
boolean Status
Service ID[hex]: 0x0b
Sync/Async: Synchronous
Reentrancy: Non Reentrant
Channel See NetworkHandleType
Parameters (in): Status FALSE: Limit channel to COMM_NO_COMMUNICATION
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Parameters None
Parameters (out): None
Std_ReturnType E_OK: Successfully changed inhibition status for the channel
Return value: E_NOT_OK: Changed of inhibition status for the channel
Description: Changes the inhibition status for the channel for changing from
COMM_NO_COMMUNICATION to a higher Communication Mode.
(See also ComM_LimitECUToNoComMode, same functionality but for all
[SWS_ComM_00800] Configuration of ComM_LimitChannelToNoComMode:
Configurable with ComMModeLimitationEnabled (see ECUC_ComM_00560) and

8.3.12 ComM_LimitECUToNoComMode

Service name: ComM_LimitECUToNoComMode
Syntax: Std_ReturnType ComM_LimitECUToNoComMode(
boolean Status
Service ID[hex]: 0x0c
Sync/Async: Synchronous
Reentrancy: Non Reentrant
Parameters (in):
Parameters None
Parameters (out): None
Std_ReturnType E_OK: Successfully changed inhibition status for the ECU
Return value:
E_NOT_OK: Changed of inhibition status for the ECU failed
Description: Changes the inhibition status for the ECU (=all channels) for changing from
COMM_NO_COMMUNICATION to a higher Communication Mode.
(See also ComM_LimitChannelToNoComMode, same functionality but for a
specific channels)
[SWS_ComM_00801] Configuration of ComM_LimitECUToNoComMode:
Configurable with ComMModeLimitationEnabled (see ECUC_ComM_00560) and

8.3.13 ComM_ReadInhibitCounter

Service name: ComM_ReadInhibitCounter
Syntax: Std_ReturnType ComM_ReadInhibitCounter(
uint16* CounterValue

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Service ID[hex]: 0x0d

Sync/Async: Synchronous
Reentrancy: Non Reentrant
Parameters (in): None
Parameters None
CounterValue Amount of rejected COMM_FULL_COMMUNICATION user
Parameters (out):
Std_ReturnType E_OK: Successfully returned Inhibition Counter
Return value:
E_NOT_OK: Return of Inhibition Counter failed
Description: This function returns the amount of rejected COMM_FULL_COMMUNICATION
user requests.
[SWS_ComM_00802] Configuration of ComM_ReadInhibitCounter: Configurable
with ComMModeLimitationEnabled (see ECUC_ComM_00560). Function will only be
available if ComMModeLimitationEnabled (see ECUC_ComM_00560) is enabled and
ComMGlobalNvMBlockDescriptor is configured. ()

8.3.14 ComM_ResetInhibitCounter

Service name: ComM_ResetInhibitCounter
Syntax: Std_ReturnType ComM_ResetInhibitCounter(
Service ID[hex]: 0x0e
Sync/Async: Synchronous
Reentrancy: Non Reentrant
Parameters (in): None
Parameters None
Parameters (out): None
Std_ReturnType E_OK: Successfully reset of Inhibit
Return value:
Counter failed
Description: This function resets the Inhibited COMM_FULL_COMMUNICATION request
[SWS_ComM_00803] Configuration of ComM_ResetInhibitCounter: Configurable
with ComMModeLimitationEnabled (see ECUC_ComM_00560). Function will only be
available if ComMModeLimitationEnabled (see ECUC_ComM_00560) is enabled and
ComMGlobalNvMBlockDescriptor is configured. ()

8.3.15 ComM_SetECUGroupClassification

Service name: ComM_SetECUGroupClassification
Syntax: Std_ReturnType ComM_SetECUGroupClassification(
ComM_InhibitionStatusType Status
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Service ID[hex]: 0x0f

Sync/Async: Synchronous
Reentrancy: Non Reentrant
Parameters (in): Status See ComM_InhibitionStatusType
Parameters None
Parameters (out): None
Std_ReturnType E_OK: Successfully change the ECU Group Classification Status
Return value: E_NOT_OK: Change of the ECU Group Classification Status
Description: Changes the ECU Group Classification status (see chapter 10.2.2)

8.3.16 ComM_GetVersionInfo

Service name: ComM_GetVersionInfo
Syntax: void ComM_GetVersionInfo(
Std_VersionInfoType* Versioninfo
Service ID[hex]: 0x10
Sync/Async: Synchronous
Reentrancy: Reentrant
Parameters (in): None
Parameters None
Parameters (out): Versioninfo See Std_VersionInfoType
Return value: None
Description: This function returns the published information (for details refer to table 10.3)

8.4 Callback notifications

This is a list of functions provided for other modules. The function prototypes of the
callback functions shall be provided in the header files ComM_Nm.h,
ComM_EcuMBswM.h, ComM_Dcm.h, ComM_BusSM.h and ComM_Com.h.

[SWS_ComM_00620] All the provided indication functions shall be implemented

pre-compile time. ()

8.4.1 AUTOSAR Network Management Interface ComM_Nm_NetworkStartIndication
Service name: ComM_Nm_NetworkStartIndication
Syntax: void ComM_Nm_NetworkStartIndication(
NetworkHandleType Channel
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Service ID[hex]: 0x15

Sync/Async: Asynchronous
Reentrancy: Reentrant
Parameters (in): Channel See NetworkHandleType
Parameters None
Parameters (out): None
Return value: None
Description: Indication that a NM-message has been received in the Bus Sleep Mode, what
indicates that some nodes in the network have already entered the Network Mode.
[SWS_ComM_00805] Caveats of ComM_Nm_NetworkStartIndication: The
ComM module is initialized correctly. ()

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Specification of Communication Manager
AUTOSAR CP Release 4.3.0 ComM_Nm_NetworkMode
Service name: ComM_Nm_NetworkMode
Syntax: void ComM_Nm_NetworkMode(
NetworkHandleType Channel
Service ID[hex]: 0x18
Sync/Async: Asynchronous
Reentrancy: Reentrant
Parameters (in): Channel Channel
Parameters None
Parameters (out): None
Return value: None
Description: Notification that the network management has entered Network Mode.
[SWS_ComM_00806] Caveats of ComM_Nm_NetworkMode: The Communication
Manager Module is initialized correctly. () ComM_Nm_PrepareBusSleepMode
Service name: ComM_Nm_PrepareBusSleepMode
Syntax: void ComM_Nm_PrepareBusSleepMode(
NetworkHandleType Channel
Service ID[hex]: 0x19
Sync/Async: Asynchronous
Reentrancy: Reentrant
Parameters (in): Channel Channel
Parameters None
Parameters (out): None
Return value: None
Description: Notification that the network management has entered Prepare Bus-Sleep Mode.
Reentrancy: Reentrant (but not for the same NM-Channel)
[SWS_ComM_00808] Caveats of ComM_Nm_PrepareBusSleepMode: The
Communication Manager Module is initialized correctly. () ComM_Nm_BusSleepMode
Service name: ComM_Nm_BusSleepMode
Syntax: void ComM_Nm_BusSleepMode(
NetworkHandleType Channel
Service ID[hex]: 0x1a
Sync/Async: Asynchronous
Reentrancy: Reentrant
Parameters (in): Channel Channel
Parameters None
Parameters (out): None
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Return value: None

Description: Notification that the network management has entered Bus-Sleep Mode.
This callback function should perform a transition of the hardware and transceiver
to bus-sleep mode.
[SWS_ComM_00810] Caveats of ComM_Nm_BusSleepMode: The Communication
Manager Module is initialized correctly. () ComM_Nm_RestartIndication
Service name: ComM_Nm_RestartIndication
Syntax: void ComM_Nm_RestartIndication(
NetworkHandleType Channel
Service ID[hex]: 0x1b
Sync/Async: Asynchronous
Reentrancy: Reentrant
Parameters (in): Channel Channel
Parameters None
Parameters (out): None
Return value: None
Description: If NmIf has started to shut down the coordinated busses, AND not all
coordinated busses have indicated bus sleep state, AND on at least on one of
the coordinated busses NM is restarted, THEN the NM Interface shall call the
callback function ComM_Nm_RestartIndication with the nmNetworkHandle of the
channels which have already indicated bus sleep state.
[SWS_ComM_00812] Caveats of ComM_Nm_RestartIndication: The ComM
module is initialized correctly. ()

8.4.2 AUTOSAR Diagnostic Communication Manager Interface ComM_DCM_ActiveDiagnostic
Service name: ComM_DCM_ActiveDiagnostic
Syntax: void ComM_DCM_ActiveDiagnostic(
NetworkHandleType Channel
Service ID[hex]: 0x1f
Sync/Async: Synchronous
Reentrancy: Reentrant
Parameters (in): Channel Channel needed for Diagnostic communication
Parameters None
Parameters (out): None
Return value: None
Description: Indication of active diagnostic by the DCM.
() ComM_DCM_InactiveDiagnostic
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Service name: ComM_DCM_InactiveDiagnostic

Syntax: void ComM_DCM_InactiveDiagnostic(
NetworkHandleType Channel
Service ID[hex]: 0x20
Sync/Async: Synchronous
Reentrancy: Reentrant
Parameters (in): Channel Channel no longer needed for Diagnostic communication
Parameters None
Parameters (out): None
Return value: None
Description: Indication of inactive diagnostic by the DCM.

8.4.3 AUTOSAR ECU State Manager Interface ComM_EcuM_WakeUpIndication
Service name: ComM_EcuM_WakeUpIndication
Syntax: void ComM_EcuM_WakeUpIndication(
NetworkHandleType Channel
Service ID[hex]: 0x2a
Sync/Async: Synchronous
Reentrancy: Reentrant
Parameters (in): Channel Channel
Parameters None
Parameters (out): None
Return value: None
Description: Notification of a wake up on the corresponding channel.
[SWS_ComM_00814] Caveats of ComM_EcuM_WakeUpIndication: The
Communication Manager Module is initialized correctly. () ComM_EcuM_PNCWakeUpIndication
Service name: ComM_EcuM_PNCWakeUpIndication
Syntax: void ComM_EcuM_PNCWakeUpIndication(
PNCHandleType PNCid
Service ID[hex]: 0x37
Sync/Async: Synchronous
Reentrancy: Reentrant
Parameters (in): PNCid Identifier of the partial network cluster
Parameters None
Parameters (out): None
Return value: None
Description: Notification of a wake up on the corresponding partial network cluster.

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Specification of Communication Manager
AUTOSAR CP Release 4.3.0

[SWS_ComM_00965] Caveats of ComM_EcuM_PNCWakeUpIndication: The

Communication Manager Module is initialized correctly. ()

8.4.4 AUTOSAR ECU State Manager and Basic Software Mode Manager
Interface ComM_CommunicationAllowed
Service name: ComM_CommunicationAllowed
Syntax: void ComM_CommunicationAllowed(
NetworkHandleType Channel,
boolean Allowed
Service ID[hex]: 0x35
Sync/Async: Synchronous
Reentrancy: Non Reentrant
Channel Channel
Parameters (in): Allowed TRUE: Communication is allowed
FALSE: Communication is not allowed
Parameters None
Parameters (out): None
Return value: None
Description: EcuM or BswM shall indicate to ComM when communication is allowed.
If EcuM/Fixed is used: EcuM/Fixed.
If EcuM/Flex is used: BswM

8.4.5 Bus State Manager Interface ComM_BusSM_ModeIndication
Service name: ComM_BusSM_ModeIndication
Syntax: void ComM_BusSM_ModeIndication(
NetworkHandleType Channel,
ComM_ModeType ComMode
Service ID[hex]: 0x33
Sync/Async: Asynchronous
Reentrancy: Reentrant
Channel See NetworkHandleType
Parameters (in):
ComMode See ComM_ModeType
Parameters None
Parameters (out): None
Return value: None
Description: Indication of the actual bus mode by the corresponding Bus State Manager.
ComM shall propagate the indicated state to the users with means of the RTE and
[SWS_ComM_00816] Caveats of ComM_BusSM_ModeIndication(): The
Communication Manager Module is initialized correctly. ()
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8.4.6 COM Interface

Service name: ComM_COMCbk_<sn>
Syntax: void ComM_COMCbk_<sn>(
Service ID[hex]: 0x36
Sync/Async: Synchronous
Reentrancy: Non Reentrant
Parameters (in): None
Parameters None
Parameters (out): None
Return value: None
Description: This callback is called when the EIRA or ERA was updated in COM. The call only
informs the ComM about ERA and EIRA changes. The actual handling is done in
the next call to ComM_MainFunction_<Channel_Id> with changing the
corresponding PN State machine.

8.5 Scheduled functions

These functions are directly called by Basic Software Scheduler. The following
functions shall have no return value and no parameter. All functions shall be non

8.5.1 ComM_MainFunction

Service name: ComM_MainFunction_<Channel_Id>
Syntax: void ComM_MainFunction_<Channel_Id>(
Service ID[hex]: 0x60
Description: This function shall perform the processing of the AUTOSAR ComM activities that
are not directly initiated by the calls e.g. from the RTE. There shall be one
dedicated Main Function for each channel of ComM.

Precondition: ComM shall be initialized

[SWS_ComM_00818] Configuration of ComM_MainFunction_<Channel_Id>:
See section 10.2.2. ()

8.6 Expected interfaces

In this chapter all interfaces required from other modules are shown. An overview of
the required interfaces is shown in Figure 1.
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8.6.1 Mandatory Interfaces

This chapter defines all interfaces which are required to fulfil the core functionality of
the module.

API function Module Description
Nm_PassiveStartUp Nm This function calls the
<BusNm>_PassiveStartUp function (e.g.
CanNm_PassiveStartUp function is called if
channel is configured as CAN).
Nm_NetworkRequest Nm This function calls the
<BusNm>_NetworkRequest (e.g.
CanNm_NetworkRequest function is called if
channel is configured as CAN).
Nm_NetworkRelease Nm This function calls the
<BusNm>_NetworkRelease bus specific
function (e.g. CanNm_NetworkRelease function
is called if channel is configured as CAN).
Dcm_ComM_NoComModeEntered Dcm This call informs the Dcm module about a
ComM mode change to
Dcm_ComM_SilentComModeEntered Dcm This call informs the Dcm module about a
ComM mode change to
Dcm_ComM_FullComModeEntered Dcm This call informs the Dcm module about a
ComM mode change to
Rte_Ports_UserMode_P()[n].Switch_currentMode(RT Rte Indicate COMM_NO_COMMUNICATION mode to
Rte_Ports_UserMode_P()[n].Switch_currentMode(RT Rte Indicate COMM_SILENT_COMMUNICATION
mode to RTE
Rte_Ports_UserMode_P()[n].Switch_currentMode(RT Rte Indicate COMM_FULL_COMMUNICATION mode
to RTE
BswM_ComM_CurrentMode BswM Indicate Communication Mode to BswM
NvM_ReadBlock NvM NVRAM manager API for Read block
NvM_WriteBlock NvM NVRAM manager API for Write block
NvM_GetErrorStatus NvM NVRAM manager API for Get status
<BusSM>_GetCurrentComMode <BusS Function to query the actual communication
M> mode from the <Bus> State Manager.
<BusSM>_RequestComMode <BusS Function to request a communication mode
M> from the <Bus> State Manager.
() AUTOSAR NVRAM Manager module
[SWS_ComM_00103] The ComM module shall use the corresponding
standardized services of the NVRAM Manager module (see SWS_ComM_00828) for
storing and reading non-volatile configuration data ComMNoWakeup (see
ECUC_ComM_00569), ComMEcuGroupClassification(see
ECUC_ComM_00563), inhibition status (see SWS_ComM_00157) and the Inhibit
counter (see SWS_ComM_00140). ()

Comment: See SWS_ComM_00864 and SWS_ComM_00865 when configuration

data shall be read and stored
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For details refer to the AUTOSAR NVRAM Manager module Specification [7]. AUTOSAR Bus State Manager
[SWS_ComM_00962] The prefix for the StateManager APIs ("<BusSm>") shall be
CanSM, LinSM, FrSM, EthSM if the Parameter ComMBusType is
COMM_BUS_TYPE_ETH accordingly. ()

[SWS_ComM_00957] If ComMBusType = "COMM_BUS_TYPE_CDD" the API

prefix ("<BusSm>") shall be configured in the Parameter "ComMCDDBusPrefix". ()

[SWS_ComM_00963] The Communication Manager module shall use

<BusSm>_GetCurrentComMode() from the State Manager to query the current
communication mode if necessary. ()

[SWS_ComM_00958] The Communication Manager module shall use

<BusSm>_RequestComMode() from the State Manager to request a dedicated
communication mode. ()

When it is necessary to request a dedicated communication mode depends on the

current status of each instance of the channel state machine (see above).
For details of the functionality of the Bus State Manager modules refer to their
Specification [23], [24], [25], [28].
Comment: Those APIs can be called re-entrant, as long as different channel &
controller numbers are used. AUTOSAR Network Management Interface

[SWS_ComM_00261] The ComM module shall use the corresponding functions to
synchronize the bus start-up and shutdown of the Network Management (see
For details refer to the AUTOSAR NM Interface Specification [9]. () AUTOSAR Diagnostic Communication Manager Module
[SWS_ComM_00266] The ComM module shall use the corresponding functions
provided by DCM (see SWS_ComM_00828) to control the communication
capabilities of the DCM module. ()

Comment: DCM provides no functions to start/stop transmission and reception. DCM

ensures to control communication according the indicated Communication
Manager Module states.

For details refer to the AUTOSAR DCM Specification [11]. AUTOSAR RTE interface provided by RTE to ComM for the SW-C
[SWS_ComM_00091] The ComM module shall use the corresponding function
provided by RTE to indicate modes to the users. There shall be one
indication per user. Fan-out in case of a mode indication related to more

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Specification of Communication Manager
AUTOSAR CP Release 4.3.0

than one user shall be done by the Communication Manager

Module. (SRS_ModeMgm_09085)

[SWS_ComM_00663] If more than one channel is linked to one user request and
the modes of the channels are different, the ComM module shall indicate
the lowest mode to the user. ()

[SWS_ComM_00662] The sequence of users shall start with user 0 up to user N

and the name of the mode ports shall be UM000, UM001, ... UM<N>. ()

Rationale for SWS_ComM_00662: It shall be possible to use the port based API also
to address specific users directly.

Comment: Within the array of ports, the ports are named alphabetically.

[SWS_ComM_00778] The ComM module shall explicitly indicate changes in

modes to each individual user, to which a SW-C is connected. The ComM
module shall do this by calling the right API on the RTE through the ports
UMnnn. ()

Comment: There is one such port per configured user to which a SW-C is connected.
For users not used by SW-Cs (e.g. the users created due to
ECUC_ComM_00840 : ) no mode port will be created.

Implementation Hint: An implementation of the ComM module could use any of the
normal RTE-mechanisms to signal changes in the mode to the users. Given
the specific configurability of the Communication Manager Module, using
the RTE Indirect API seems most appropriate. This works as follows
(consult the RTE specification for details).
An implementation of the Communication Manager Module can use the Rte_Ports
API to obtain an array of the UMnnn ports at run-time.
/* Return an array of all ports that provide the interface ComM_CurrentMode.
Because of the specific naming conventions chosen, the element n in this
array of ports will reference to the port UM<nnn>. For example
userModePorts[1] will be a handle on port UM001 */
userModePorts = Rte_Ports_ComM_CurrentMode_P();

The number of such userModePorts can be obtained through the call

Rte_NPorts_ComM_CurrentMode_P. This value corresponds to the size of
the COMM_USER_LIST array.
To signal that a user n is in a new mode, the Communication Manager Module
should: userModePorts[n].Switch_currentMode(newMode)

For details refer to the AUTOSAR RTE specification [8] and AUTOSAR Services
Mode Management specification [21]. Basic Software Mode Manager (BswM)
[SWS_ComM_00861] The ComM module shall use the corresponding function
provided by BswM to report the states of Communication Manager Module channels
(see SWS_ComM_00828). ()
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Specification of Communication Manager
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For details refer to AUTOSAR Basic Software Mode Manager module [29] .

8.6.2 Optional Interfaces

This chapter defines all interfaces which are required to fulfill an optional functionality
of the module.

API function Module Description
Det_ReportError Det Service to report default errors
BswM_ComM_CurrentPNCMode BswM Function called by ComM to indicate the current
mode of the PNC
The Communication Manager module shall use Det_ReportError from the Default
Error Tracer Module to report default errors.

8.6.3 Configurable Interfaces



Service name: Com_SendSignal
Syntax: uint8 Com_SendSignal(
Com_SignalIdType SignalId,
const void* SignalDataPtr
Service ID[hex]: 0x0a
Sync/Async: Asynchronous
Reentrancy: Non Reentrant for the same signal. Reentrant for different signals.
SignalId Id of signal to be sent.
Parameters (in):
SignalDataPtr Reference to the signal data to be transmitted.
Parameters None
Parameters (out): None
uint8 E_OK: service has been accepted
COM_SERVICE_NOT_AVAILABLE: corresponding I-PDU group
Return value: was stopped (or service failed due to development error)
COM_BUSY: in case the TP-Buffer is locked for large data types
Description: The service Com_SendSignal updates the signal object identified by SignalId with
the signal referenced by the SignalDataPtr parameter.
Service name: Com_ReceiveSignal
Syntax: uint8 Com_ReceiveSignal(
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Com_SignalIdType SignalId,
void* SignalDataPtr
Service ID[hex]: 0x0b
Sync/Async: Synchronous
Reentrancy: Non Reentrant for the same signal. Reentrant for different signals.
Parameters (in): SignalId Id of signal to be received.
Parameters None
SignalDataPtr Reference to the location where the received signal data shall be
Parameters (out):
uint8 E_OK: service has been accepted
COM_SERVICE_NOT_AVAILABLE: corresponding I-PDU group
Return value: was stopped (or service failed due to development error)
COM_BUSY: in case the TP-Buffer is locked for large data types
Description: Com_ReceiveSignal copies the data of the signal identified by SignalId to the
location specified by SignalDataPtr.

8.7 Service Interfaces

8.7.1 Sender-Receiver-interfaces ComM_CurrentChannelRequest
Name ComM_CurrentChannelRequest_{channel_name}

Array of ComMUserIdentifier, that currently hold FULL_COM requests for this channel.
Comment The size of the attribute fullComRequestors.handleArray is

IsService true

Variation ComMFullCommRequestNotificationEnabled)} == true
channel_name = {ecuc(ComM/ComMConfigSet/ComMChannel.SHORT-NAME)}


Data Type ComM_UserHandleArrayType_{channel_name}

channel_name = {ecuc(ComM/ComMConfigSet/ComMChannel.SHORT-

8.7.2 Client-Server-interfaces ComM_ChannelLimitation
Name ComM_ChannelLimitation
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A SW-C playing the role of a "Mode Manager" can use this interface to configure the
Communication Manager Module to inhibit communication mode for a given channel.

IsService true

Variation {ecuc(ComM/ComMGeneral.ComMModeLimitationEnabled)} == true

0 E_OK



Comments returns the inhibition status of a channel

Variation --

Comment --

Type ComM_InhibitionStatusType
Parameters Status
Variation --

Direction OUT

E_OK Operation successful



Changes the inhibition status for the channel for changing from
Comments COMM_NO_COMMUNICATION to a higher Communication Mode.
(See also ComM_LimitECUToNoComMode, same functionality but for all channels)

Variation --

FALSE: Limit channel to

TRUE: Limit channel to
Parameters Status
Type boolean

Variation --

Direction IN

E_OK Operation successful


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Specification of Communication Manager
AUTOSAR CP Release 4.3.0 ComM_ChannelWakeup
Name ComM_ChannelWakeup

A SW-C playing the role of a "Mode Manager" can use this interface to configure the
Comment Communication Manager Module to take precautions against awakening other ECU's
by starting the communication.

IsService true

Variation {ecuc(ComM/ComMGeneral.ComMWakeupInhibitionEnabled)} == true

0 E_OK



Comments returns the inhibition status of a channel

Variation --

Comment --

Type ComM_InhibitionStatusType
Parameters Status
Variation --

Direction OUT

E_OK Operation successful

Possible Errors


Comments Changes the inhibition status COMM_NO_WAKEUP for the corresponding channel.

Variation --

Comment --

Type boolean
Parameters Status
Variation --

Direction IN

E_OK Operation successful

Possible Errors

92 of 128 Document ID 079: AUTOSAR_SWS_COMManager

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Specification of Communication Manager
AUTOSAR CP Release 4.3.0 ComM_ECUModeLimitation
Name ComM_ECUModeLimitation

A SW-C which plays the role of a "Mode Manager" can use this interface to change
the behavior of the entire ECU.

IsService true

Variation {ecuc(ComM/ComMGeneral.ComMModeLimitationEnabled)} == true

0 E_OK



Changes the inhibition status for the ECU (=all channels) for changing from
COMM_NO_COMMUNICATION to a higher Communication Mode.
(See also ComM_LimitChannelToNoComMode, same functionality but for a specific

Variation --

FALSE: Limit ECU to

Parameters Status
Type boolean

Variation --

Direction IN

E_OK Operation successful



Comments returns the value of the 'inhibited full communication request counter'

Variation {ecuc(ComM/ComMGeneral.ComMGlobalNvMBlockDescriptor)} != NULL

Comment --

Type uint16
Parameters CounterValue
Variation --

Direction OUT

Possible E_OK Operation successful

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Errors E_NOT_OK --


Comments reset the "inhibited full communication request counter"

Variation {ecuc(ComM/ComMGeneral.ComMGlobalNvMBlockDescriptor)} != NULL

E_OK Operation successful



Comments changes the ECU group classification status

Variation --

Comment --

Type ComM_InhibitionStatusType
Parameters Status
Variation --

Direction IN

E_OK Operation successful

() ComM_UserRequest
Name ComM_UserRequest

A SW-C that wants to explicitly direct the local Communication Manager Module of the
ECU towards a certain state requires the client-server interface ComM_UserRequest.
Comment Through this interface the SW-C can set the desired state of all communication
channels that are relevant for that component to "No Communication" or "Full

IsService true

Variation --

0 E_OK


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Comments Returns the current Communication Manager Module mode for the SW-C

Variation --

Comment --

Type ComM_ModeType
Parameters ComMode
Variation --

Direction OUT

E_OK Operation successful



Comments Returns the current Communication Manager Module mode for the SW-C

Variation --

Comment --

Type ComM_ModeType
Parameters ComMode
Variation --

Direction OUT

E_OK Operation successful



Comments Returns that last Communication Manager Module Mode requested by the SW-C

Variation --

Comment --

Type ComM_ModeType
Parameters ComMode
Variation --

Direction OUT

E_OK Operation successful


95 of 128 Document ID 079: AUTOSAR_SWS_COMManager
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The SW-C requests that all communication channels it needs are in the provided
Communication Manager Module mode

Variation --

Comment --

Type ComM_ModeType
Parameters ComMode
Variation --

Direction IN

E_OK Operation successful

Possible E_NOT_OK --
ComMMode cannot be granted because of
ComMMode inhibition

8.7.3 Mode-Switch-Interfaces ComM_CurrentMode
Name ComM_CurrentMode

A SW-C that wants to get informed about its current Communication Manager Module
Mode requires the ModeSwitchInterface ComM_CurrentMode.

IsService true

Variation --

ModeGroup currentMode ComMMode


8.7.4 Implementation Data Types ComM_InhibitionStatusType
Name ComM_InhibitionStatusType

Kind Bitfield


Kind Name Mask Description

bit WakeupInhibitionActive 0x01 Bit 0 (LSB): Wake Up inhibition active

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Bit 1: Limit to
bit LimitedToNoCom 0x02

Defines whether a mode inhibition is active or not.

Inhibition status of ComM.

e.g. status=00000011 -> Wake up inhibition and limitation to
() ComM_ModeType
Name ComM_ModeType

Kind Type


Description Current mode of the Communication Manager (main state of the state machine).

ComM state machine is in "No

Communication" mode. Configured channel
shall have no transmission or reception

ComM state machine is in "Silent

Communication" mode. Configured channel
shall have only reception capability, no
transmission capability.

ComM state machine is in "Full

Communication" mode. Configured channel
shall have both transmission and reception

Variation --
() ComM_UserHandleType
Name ComM_UserHandleType

Kind Type


Handle to identify a user.

For each user, a unique value must be defined at system generation time.
Description Maximum number of users is 255. Legal user IDs are in the range 0 .. 254; user ID 255
is reserved and shall have the symbolic representation

Variation --

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() ComM_UserHandleArrayType
Name ComM_UserHandleArrayType_{channel_name}

Kind Structure

numberOfRequesters uint8 --

handleArray ComM_UserHandleSubArrayType_{channel_name} --
channel_name = {ecuc(ComM/ComMConfigSet/

numberOfRequesters contains the number of valid user handle entries in the

Description "handleArray" member. If no user keeps the channel requested, this is zero

Variation channel_name = {ecuc(ComM/ComMConfigSet/ComMChannel.SHORT-NAME)}

() ComM_UserHandleSubArrayType
Name ComM_UserHandleSubArrayType_{channel_name}

Kind Array Element type ComM_UserHandleType


This element contains the user handles of the users which keep the channel requested
(if any), starting in its first entries. The size of the array
MAX_CHANNEL_REQUESTERS is the maximum of the number of users requesting a

Variation channel_name = {ecuc(ComM/ComMConfigSet/ComMChannel.SHORT-NAME)}


8.7.5 Ports ComM_CL
Name CL_{channel_name}

Kind ProvidedPort Interface ComM_ChannelLimitation

Description --

Type NetworkHandleType
Port Defined Argument
Value {ecuc(ComM/ComMConfigSet/ComMChannel/

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{ecuc(ComM/ComMGeneral.ComMModeLimitationEnabled)} == true
channel_name = {ecuc(ComM/ComMConfigSet/ComMChannel)}
() ComM_CR
Name CR_{channel_name}

Kind ProvidedPort Interface ComM_CurrentChannelRequest_{channel_name}

Description --

Variation ComMFullCommRequestNotificationEnabled)} == true
channel_name = {ecuc(ComM/ComMConfigSet/ComMChannel.SHORT-NAME)}
() ComM_CW
Name CW_{channel_name}

Kind ProvidedPort Interface ComM_ChannelWakeup

Description --

Type NetworkHandleType
Port Defined Argument
Value(s) {ecuc(ComM/ComMConfigSet/ComMChannel/

{ecuc(ComM/ComMGeneral.ComMWakeupInhibitionEnabled)} == true
channel_name = {ecuc(ComM/ComMConfigSet/ComMChannel)}
() ComM_modeLimitation
Name modeLimitation

Kind ProvidedPort Interface ComM_ECUModeLimitation

Description --

Variation {ecuc(ComM/ComMGeneral.ComMModeLimitationEnabled)} == true

() ComM_UM
Name UM_{user_name}

Kind ProvidedPort Interface ComM_CurrentMode

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Description --

Variation user_name = {ecuc(ComM/ComMConfigSet/ComMUser.SHORT-NAME)}

() ComM_UR
Name UR_{user_name}

Kind ProvidedPort Interface ComM_UserRequest

Description --

Type ComM_UserHandleType
Port Defined Argument
Value(s) ecuc(ComM/ComMConfigSet/ComMUser/

Variation user_name = {ecuc(ComM/ComMConfigSet/ComMUser.SHORT-NAME)}


8.7.6 ModeDeclarationGroups ComMMode
Name ComMMode

Kind ModeDeclarationGroup



On transition value --




Description --

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9 Sequence diagrams

9.1 Transmission and Reception start (CAN)

Figure 9 shows the sequence for starting transmission and reception on CAN. The
behaviour is equal for LIN, FlexRay and Ethernet just with different API

module module module

ComM Nm CanSM






alt NM variant

[Active startup] Std_ReturnType:=Nm_NetworkRequest(NetworkHandle)


[Passive startup]




Status: Proposed

Description: Successful
request to bus state manager and
request to NM.

Comment: - none -

Figure 9: Starting transmission and reception on CAN

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9.2 Passive Wake-up (CAN)

Figure 10 shows the behaviour after a wake-up indicated by the ECU State Manager
module, or the Nm module for a CAN channel. The behaviour is equal for
LIN, FlexRay and Ethernet just with different API names.
module module module module module module
EcuM Dcm Rte ComM Nm CanSM


alt Passive start up

[ECUM Wake up indication]


[EcuM PNC Wakeup indication]


[NM restart indication]


[NM Network Start Indication]



Wait for CommunicationAllowed =





alt NM Variant

Nm_PassiveStartUp(Std_ReturnType, NetworkHandleType)




Start timer


Figure 10: Reaction on a wake-up indicated by the ECU State Manager module

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9.3 Network shutdown (CAN)

Figure 11 shows the possibilities to shutdown the CAN network. It can be either
initiated if the last user releases his COMM_FULL_COMMUNICATION request
or ComM_LimitChannelToNoComMode() (see SWS_ComM_00163) is
called. The behaviour is equal for LIN, FlexRay and Ethernet just with
different API names.

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module module module module module module VehicleModeManager module

EcuM ComM Nm Dcm BswM Rte CanSM

alt Shutdown initiation

[No user requests COMM_FULL_COMMUNICATION and no DCM ActiveDiagnostics] Release last COMM_FULL_COMMUNICATION request


[Forcing to COMM_NO_COMMUNICATION state]


Switch to















Switch to








Status: Proposed.

Description: Release of
network for CAN. Similar
sequence for LIN, FlexRay
and Ethernet
If EcuM - Fixed is used:
EcuM - Fixed need to call and check ComM_Getstate() before an ECU shutdown Comments: - none -

If EcuM - Flex is used:

BswM should use BswM_ComM_RequestMode() indications to know when ECU can be shutdown

Figure 11: Network shutdown (CAN)

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9.4 Communication request

Figure 12 shows the possibilities to start COMM_FULL_COMMUNICATION on CAN. It
can be either initiated if a user requests COMM_FULL_COMMUNICATION
request or DCM indicates ComM_DCM_ActiveDiagnostic (see
SWS_ComM_00873 ). The behaviour is equal for LIN, FlexRay and
Ethernet just with different API names.
module module module module module module
EcuM Dcm Rte ComM Nm CanSM


alt Active start up

[User request]
ComM_RequestComMode(Std_ReturnType, ComM_UserHandleType,


[Active diagnostic]


Wait for Communication Allowed =

CanSM_RequestComMode(NetworkHandle, ComM_Mode:



alt NM Variant




[Passive] ComM_Nm_NetworkMode(Channel)

Start timer

ComM_BusSM_ModeIndication(Channel, ComMode:

Figure 12: Request Communication

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10 Configuration specification
In general, this chapter defines configuration parameters and their clustering into
containers. In order to support the specification Chapter 10.1 describes

Chapter 10.2 specifies the structure (containers) and the parameters of the module
Communication Manager Module.

Chapter 10.3 specifies published information of the Communication Manager


10.1 How to read this chapter

For details refer to the chapter 10.1 Introduction to configuration specification in


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10.2 Containers and configuration parameters

[SWS_ComM_00419] The ComM module pre-compile time and link time
configuration parameters shall be checked statically (at the latest during link
time) for correctness. (SRS_BSW_00167)

[SWS_ComM_00327] The ComM module configuration shall support the

possibility to assign communication-channels to users by static
configuration. (SRS_ModeMgm_09133)

[SWS_ComM_00159] The ComM module configuration shall support to configure

several communication channels to a user. (SRS_ModeMgm_09090)

Rationale for SWS_ComM_00159: In a multi channel system each user can be

assigned to one or more channels. If the user requests a mode, all
channels assigned to this user, shall switch to the corresponding mode. All
other channels shall not be affected.

[SWS_ComM_00160] ComMUsers shall be assignable to ComMChannels in

combination with all ComMNmVariants except ComMNmVariant =

[SWS_ComM_00161] ComMUsers shall be assignable to PNCs, which refer to

ComMChannels in combination with all ComMNmVariants except
ComMNmVariant = PASSIVE. ()

[SWS_ComM_00322] The ComM module configuration shall support configuration

of bus type for each channel. ()

Rationale for SWS_ComM_00322: Interfaces for controlling the communication stack

depends on the bus type.

[SWS_ComM_00464] The ComM module shall strictly separate configuration from

implementation. (SRS_BSW_00158)

Rationale for SWS_ComM_00464: Easy and clear configuration.

[SWS_ComM_00456] The ComM module pre-compile time and published

configuration data, shall group and export the configuration data to a static
configuration interface. The name of the interface shall be
ComM_Cfg.h. (SRS_BSW_00345)

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10.2.1 ComM

SWS Item ECUC_ComM_00890 :

Module Name ComM
Module Description Configuration of the ComM (Communications Manager) module.
Post-Build Variant Support true

Included Containers
Container Name Multiplicity Scope / Dependency
This container contains the configuration parameters and sub
ComMConfigSet 1
containers of the AUTOSAR ComM module.
General configuration parameters of the Communication
ComMGeneral 1

AUTOSARParameterDefinition :

(from ECUCParameterDefinitions)
ComMGeneral :EcucParamConfContainerDef
ComM :EcucModuleDef
upperMultiplicity = 1
upperMultiplicity = 1 lowerMultiplicity = 1
lowerMultiplicity = 0

ComMUser :
ComMConfigSet :EcucParamConfContainerDef +subContainer EcucParamConfContainerDef

upperMultiplicity = 255
+container lowerMultiplicity = 0

ComMNetworkManagement :
ComMChannel : EcucParamConfContainerDef
upperMultiplicity = 1
+subContainer lowerMultiplicity = 1 lowerMultiplicity = 1
upperMultiplicity = 256

+subContainer ComMUserPerChannel :

upperMultiplicity = 255
lowerMultiplicity = 0
ComMPnc :
+subContainer EcucParamConfContainerDef

lowerMultiplicity = 0
upperMultiplicity = 56

ComMPncEnabled :

defaultValue = false
lowerMultiplicity = 0
upperMultiplicity = 1

Figure 13: Configuration ComM

10.2.2 ComMGeneral

SWS Item ECUC_ComM_00554 :

Container Name ComMGeneral
Description General configuration parameters of the Communication Manager.
Configuration Parameters

SWS Item ECUC_ComM_00892 :

Name ComM0PncVectorAvoidance
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Description This parameter avoids sending of 0-PNC-Vectors in case

ComMPncGatewayEnabled is enabled.
Multiplicity 0..1
Type EcucBooleanParamDef
Default value false
Post-Build Variant Value false
Value Configuration Class Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time --
Post-build time --
Scope / Dependency scope: local
dependency: ComMPncGatewayEnabled is enabled

SWS Item ECUC_ComM_00555 :

Name ComMDevErrorDetect
Description Switches the development error detection and notification on or off.

true: detection and notification is enabled.

false: detection and notification is disabled.

Multiplicity 1
Type EcucBooleanParamDef
Default value false
Post-Build Variant Value false
Value Configuration Class Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time --
Post-build time --
Scope / Dependency scope: local

SWS Item ECUC_ComM_00840 :

Name ComMDirectUserMapping
Description If this parameter is set to true the configuration tool shall automatically
create a ComMUser per ComMPnc and a ComMUser per ComMChannel.
The shortName of the generated ComMUsers shall follow the following
naming convention:
PNCUser_ComMPncId, e.g. PNCUser_13
ChannelUser_ComMChannelId, e.g. ChannelUser_25

Restriction: ComMUser, which are created due to this configuration

parameter, shall not be used by SWCs (only available for BswM).
Multiplicity 0..1
Type EcucBooleanParamDef
Default value false
Post-Build Variant
Post-Build Variant Value false
Multiplicity ConfigurationPre-compile time X All Variants
Class Link time --
Post-build time --
Value Configuration Class Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time --
Post-build time --
Scope / Dependency scope: local

SWS Item ECUC_ComM_00563 :

Name ComMEcuGroupClassification
Description Defines whether a mode inhibition affects the ECU or not.
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000: No mode inhibition can be activated

001: Wake up inhibition can be enabled

Multiplicity 1
Type EcucIntegerParamDef
Range 0 .. 255
Default value 3
Post-Build Variant Value false
Value Configuration Class Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time --
Post-build time --
Scope / Dependency scope: local
dependency: Shall be stored non volatile (value must be kept during a
reset) at least if Wake up inhibition is enabled/allowed. Can be changed
during runtime with ComM_SetECUGroupClassification() thus the default
values shall be set only once (first ECU initialization).

SWS Item ECUC_ComM_00560 :

Name ComMModeLimitationEnabled
Description true if mode limitation functionality shall be enabled.
true: Enabled
false: Disabled
Multiplicity 1
Type EcucBooleanParamDef
Default value false
Post-Build Variant Value false
Value Configuration Class Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time --
Post-build time --
Scope / Dependency scope: local

SWS Item ECUC_ComM_00887 :

Name ComMPncGatewayEnabled
Description Enables or disables support of Partial Network Gateway.
False: Partial Networking Gateway is disabled
True: Partial Networking Gateway is enabled
Multiplicity 0..1
Type EcucBooleanParamDef
Default value false
Post-Build Variant
Post-Build Variant Value false
Multiplicity ConfigurationPre-compile time X All Variants
Class Link time --
Post-build time --
Value Configuration Class Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time --
Post-build time --
Scope / Dependency scope: local

SWS Item ECUC_ComM_00841 :

Name ComMPncPrepareSleepTimer
Description Time in seconds the PNC state machine shall wait in

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Multiplicity 0..1
Type EcucFloatParamDef
Range [0 .. 63]
Default value --
Post-Build Variant
Post-Build Variant Value false
Multiplicity ConfigurationPre-compile time X All Variants
Class Link time --
Post-build time --
Value Configuration Class Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time --
Post-build time --
Scope / Dependency scope: local
dependency: #CanNm: (CanNmPnResetTime +
ComMPncPrepareSleepTimer) < CanNmTimeoutTime
# FrNm: (FrNmPnResetTime + ComMPncPrepareSleepTimer) < (
(FrNmReadySleepCnt +1) * FrNmRepetitionCycle * "Duration of one
FlexRay Cycle" )
# UdpNm: (UdpNmPnResetTime + ComMPncPrepareSleepTimer) <

SWS Item ECUC_ComM_00839 :

Name ComMPncSupport
Description Enables or disables support of partial networking.
False: Partial Networking is disabled
True: Partial Networking is enabled
Multiplicity 1
Type EcucBooleanParamDef
Default value false
Post-Build Variant Value false
Value Configuration Class Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time --
Post-build time --
Scope / Dependency scope: local

SWS Item ECUC_ComM_00558 :

Name ComMResetAfterForcingNoComm
Description ComM shall perform a reset after entering "No Communication" mode
because of an active mode limitation to "No Communication" mode.
true: Enabled
false: Disabled
Multiplicity 1
Type EcucBooleanParamDef
Default value false
Post-Build Variant Value false
Value Configuration Class Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time --
Post-build time --
Scope / Dependency scope: local

SWS Item ECUC_ComM_00695 :

Name ComMSynchronousWakeUp
Description Wake up of one channel shall lead to a wake up of all channels if true.
true: Enabled
false: Disabled
Multiplicity 1
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Type EcucBooleanParamDef
Default value true
Post-Build Variant Value false
Value Configuration Class Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time --
Post-build time --
Scope / Dependency scope: local

SWS Item ECUC_ComM_00557 :

Name ComMTMinFullComModeDuration
Description Minimum time duration in seconds, spent in the
Multiplicity 1
Type EcucFloatParamDef
Range [0.001 .. 65]
Default value 5
Post-Build Variant Value false
Value Configuration Class Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time --
Post-build time --
Scope / Dependency scope: local

SWS Item ECUC_ComM_00622 :

Name ComMVersionInfoApi
Description Switches the possibility to read the published information with the service
true: Enabled
false: Disabled
Multiplicity 1
Type EcucBooleanParamDef
Default value false
Post-Build Variant Value false
Value Configuration Class Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time --
Post-build time --
Scope / Dependency scope: local

SWS Item ECUC_ComM_00559 :

Name ComMWakeupInhibitionEnabled
Description true if wake up inhibition functionality enabled.
true: Enabled
false: Disabled
Multiplicity 1
Type EcucBooleanParamDef
Default value false
Post-Build Variant Value false
Value Configuration Class Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time --
Post-build time --
Scope / Dependency scope: local

SWS Item ECUC_ComM_00783 :

Name ComMGlobalNvMBlockDescriptor
Description Reference to NVRAM block containing the none volatile data. If this
parameter is not configured it means that no NVRam is used at all.
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Multiplicity 0..1
Type Symbolic name reference to [ NvMBlockDescriptor ]
Post-Build Variant
Post-Build Variant Value false
Multiplicity ConfigurationPre-compile time X All Variants
Class Link time --
Post-build time --
Value Configuration Class Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time --
Post-build time --
Scope / Dependency scope: ECU
dependency: Derived from NvM configuration

No Included Containers

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ComMDevErrorDetect :EcucBooleanParamDef

+parameter ComMTMinFullComModeDuration :
ComMGeneral : defaultValue = false
EcucParamConfContainerDef EcucFloatParamDef

upperMultiplicity = 1 max = 65
lowerMultiplicity = 1 min = 0.001
ComMWakeupInhibitionEnabled : defaultValue = 5

defaultValue = false
ComMResetAfterForcingNoComm :

defaultValue = false
+parameter ComMModeLimitationEnabled :

defaultValue = false ComMEcuGroupClassification :

+parameter EcucIntegerParamDef

max = 255
ComMSynchronousWakeUp : min = 0
EcucBooleanParamDef defaultValue = 3

defaultValue = true
ComM0PncVectorAvoidance :
+parameter EcucBooleanParamDef

ComMVersionInfoApi :EcucBooleanParamDef defaultValue = false

lowerMultiplicity = 0
defaultValue = false upperMultiplicity = 1

+reference ComMGlobalNvMBlockDescriptor : +destination NvMBlockDescriptor :

EcucSymbolicNameReferenceDef EcucParamConfContainerDef

lowerMultiplicity = 0 upperMultiplicity = 65536

upperMultiplicity = 1 lowerMultiplicity = 1

(from Nvm)

+parameter ComMPncSupport :EcucBooleanParamDef

ComMPncPrepareSleepTimer :
defaultValue = false EcucFloatParamDef
min = 0
max = 63
ComMPncGatewayEnabled : lowerMultiplicity = 0
EcucBooleanParamDef upperMultiplicity = 1

defaultValue = false
lowerMultiplicity = 0
upperMultiplicity = 1 ComMDirectUserMapping :
+parameter EcucBooleanParamDef

defaultValue = false
lowerMultiplicity = 0
upperMultiplicity = 1

Figure 14: Configuration ComMGeneral

10.2.3 ComMConfigSet

SWS Item ECUC_ComM_00879 :

Container Name ComMConfigSet
This container contains the configuration parameters and sub containers of
the AUTOSAR ComM module.
Configuration Parameters

SWS Item ECUC_ComM_00878 :

Name ComMPncEnabled
Description Defines whether in this configuration set the partial networking is enabled.
true: Enabled

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false: Disabled
Multiplicity 0..1
Type EcucBooleanParamDef
Default value false
Post-Build Variant
Post-Build Variant Value true
Multiplicity ConfigurationPre-compile time X VARIANT-PRE-COMPILE
Class Link time --
Post-build time X VARIANT-POST-BUILD
Value Configuration Class Pre-compile time X VARIANT-PRE-COMPILE
Link time --
Post-build time X VARIANT-POST-BUILD
Scope / Dependency scope: ECU
dependency: ComMPncSupport

Included Containers
Container Name Multiplicity Scope / Dependency
This container contains the configuration (parameters) of the
ComMChannel 1..256 bus channel(s). The channel parameters shall be harmonized
within the whole communication stack.
This container contains the configuration of the partial network
ComMPnc 0..56
cluster (PNC).
This container contains a list of identifiers that are needed to
ComMUser 0..255 refer to a user in the system which is designated to request
Communication modes.

10.2.4 ComMUser

SWS Item ECUC_ComM_00653 :

Container Name ComMUser
This container contains a list of identifiers that are needed to refer to a user
in the system which is designated to request Communication modes.
Configuration Parameters

SWS Item ECUC_ComM_00654 :

Name ComMUserIdentifier
Description An identifier that is needed to refer to a user in the system which is
designated to request Communication Modes.
ImplementationType: ComM_UserHandleType
Multiplicity 1
Type EcucIntegerParamDef (Symbolic Name generated for this parameter)
Range 0 .. 254
Default value --
Post-Build Variant Value false
Value Configuration Class Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time --
Post-build time --
Scope / Dependency scope: local
dependency: EcuMUser: The concept of users is very similar to the
concept of requestors in the ECU State Manager specification. These two
parameters shall be harmonized during the configuration process.

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SWS Item ECUC_ComM_00786 :

Name ComMUserEcucPartitionRef
Description Denotes in which "EcucPartition" the requester is executed. When the
partition is stopped, the communication request shall be cancelled in the
to avoid a stay-awake situation of the bus due to a stopped partition.
Multiplicity 0..1
Type Reference to [ EcucPartition ]
Post-Build Variant
Post-Build Variant Value false
Multiplicity ConfigurationPre-compile time X All Variants
Class Link time --
Post-build time --
Value Configuration Class Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time --
Post-build time --
Scope / Dependency scope: ECU

No Included Containers

ComMUserIdentifier :
ComMUser :
EcucParamConfContainerDef +parameter

min = 0
upperMultiplicity = 255
symbolicNameValue = true
lowerMultiplicity = 0
max = 254

ComMUserEcucPartitionRef : EcucPartition :
EcucReferenceDef +destination EcucParamConfContainerDef

lowerMultiplicity = 0 lowerMultiplicity = 0
upperMultiplicity = 1 upperMultiplicity = *

(from EcucPartition)


ComMUserPerChannel : ComMUserChannel :
EcucParamConfContainerDef +reference EcucReferenceDef

upperMultiplicity = 255
lowerMultiplicity = 0

Figure 15: Configuration ComMUser

10.2.5 ComMChannel

SWS Item ECUC_ComM_00565 :

Container Name ComMChannel

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AUTOSAR CP Release 4.3.0

This container contains the configuration (parameters) of the bus

Description channel(s). The channel parameters shall be harmonized within the whole
communication stack.
Configuration Parameters

SWS Item ECUC_ComM_00567 :

Name ComMBusType
Description Identifies the bus type of the channel.
Multiplicity 1
Type EcucEnumerationParamDef
Post-Build Variant
Value Pre-compile time X All Variants
Configuration Link time --
Class Post-build time --
Scope / scope: ECU

SWS Item ECUC_ComM_00888 :

Name ComMCDDBusPrefix
Description Prefix to be used for API calls to CDD.
Multiplicity 0..1
Type EcucStringParamDef
Default value --
maxLength --
minLength --
regularExpression --
Post-Build Variant
Post-Build Variant Value false
Multiplicity ConfigurationPre-compile time X All Variants
Class Link time --
Post-build time --
Value Configuration Class Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time --
Post-build time --
Scope / Dependency scope: local
dependency: Only applicable if ComMBusType equals

SWS Item ECUC_ComM_00635 :

Name ComMChannelId
Description Channel identification number of the corresponding channel.
Multiplicity 1
Type EcucIntegerParamDef (Symbolic Name generated for this parameter)
Range 0 .. 255
Default value --
Post-Build Variant Value false
Value Configuration Class Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time --
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Post-build time --
Scope / Dependency scope: ECU
dependency: Shall be harmonized with channel IDs of
networkmanagement and the bus interfaces.

SWS Item ECUC_ComM_00787 :

Name ComMFullCommRequestNotificationEnabled
Description Defines if the optional SenderReceiver Port of Interface
ComM_CurrentChannelRequest will be provided for this channel.
True means enabled. False means disabled
Multiplicity 1
Type EcucBooleanParamDef
Default value false
Post-Build Variant Value false
Value Configuration Class Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time --
Post-build time --
Scope / Dependency scope: local
dependency: Shall be stored none volatile (value must be kept during a

SWS Item ECUC_ComM_00556 :

Name ComMMainFunctionPeriod
Description Specifies the period in seconds that the MainFunction has to be triggered
Comment: ComM scheduling shall be at least as fast as the
communication stack and a schedule longer than 100ms makes no sense
for communication.
Multiplicity 1
Type EcucFloatParamDef
Range ]0 .. INF[
Default value 0.02
Post-Build Variant Value false
Value Configuration Class Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time --
Post-build time --
Scope / Dependency scope: ECU

SWS Item ECUC_ComM_00571 :

Name ComMNoCom
Description Not allowed to change state of ComM channel to
true: Enabled - Not allowed to switch to Communication Modes above.
false: Disabled - Allowed to switch Communication Modes above.

Shall be possible to change parameter during runtime with ComM API's.

ECU/All channels: ComM_LimitECUToNoComMode().
Separate channels: ComM_LimitChannelToNoComMode().
Multiplicity 1
Type EcucBooleanParamDef
Default value false
Post-Build Variant Value false
Value Configuration Class Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time --
Post-build time --
Scope / Dependency scope: local
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AUTOSAR CP Release 4.3.0

dependency: ComMModeLimitationEnabled

SWS Item ECUC_ComM_00569 :

Name ComMNoWakeup
Description Defines if an ECU is not allowed to wake-up the channel.
true: Enabled (not allowed to wake-up))
false: Disabled

This is the default/init value of a runtime variable that can be changed

during runtime using ComM_PreventWakeUp().
Multiplicity 1
Type EcucBooleanParamDef
Default value false
Post-Build Variant Value false
Value Configuration Class Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time --
Post-build time --
Scope / Dependency scope: local
dependency: Shall be stored none volatile (value must be kept during a

SWS Item ECUC_ComM_00789 :

Name ComMNoWakeUpInhibitionNvmStorage
Description If this parameter is set to "true", the NoWakeUp inhibition state of the
channel shall be stored (in some implementation specific way) in the block
pointed to by ComMGlobalNvmBlockDescriptor.
Multiplicity 1
Type EcucBooleanParamDef
Default value --
Post-Build Variant Value false
Value Configuration Class Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time --
Post-build time --
Scope / Dependency scope: local
dependency: If the parameter is set to true, a valid Nvm block reference
must be given in the (existing, i.e. multiplicity 1)
ComMGlobalNvmBlockDescriptor pointing to a sufficiently big Nvm block.

SWS Item ECUC_ComM_00842 :

Name ComMPncGatewayType
Description Identifies the Partial Network Gateway behaviour of a ComMChannel.
Multiplicity 0..1
Type EcucEnumerationParamDef
Post-Build Variant
Post-Build Variant
Multiplicity Pre-compile time X All Variants
Configuration Link time --
Class Post-build time --
Value Pre-compile time X All Variants
Configuration Link time --
Class Post-build time --
Scope / scope: ECU
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Specification of Communication Manager
AUTOSAR CP Release 4.3.0

Included Containers
Container Name Multiplicity Scope / Dependency
This container contains the configuration parameters of the
ComMNetworkManagement 1
This container contains a list of identifiers that are needed to
ComMUserPerChannel 0..255
refer to a user in the system which is linked to a channel.

[SWS_ComM_00690] Configuration parameter ComMNoCom (see

ECUC_ComM_00571) need not to be evaluated in case
ComMModeLimitationEnabled = FALSE = Disabled (see
ECUC_ComM_00560) thus it can be removed in that case to
reduce/optimize the configuration. ()

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Specification of Communication Manager
AUTOSAR CP Release 4.3.0

ComMMainFunctionPeriod :
ComMChannel : EcucFloatParamDef
max = INF
lowerMultiplicity = 1 min = 0
upperMultiplicity = 256 defaultValue = 0.020

ComMChannelId :

symbolicNameValue = true
max = 255
min = 0

ComMBusType : COMM_BUS_TYPE_CAN :EcucEnumerationLiteralDef
COMM_BUS_TYPE_FR :EcucEnumerationLiteralDef

COMM_BUS_TYPE_INTERNAL :EcucEnumerationLiteralDef
COMM_BUS_TYPE_LIN :EcucEnumerationLiteralDef

COMM_BUS_TYPE_ETH :EcucEnumerationLiteralDef

COMM_BUS_TYPE_CDD :EcucEnumerationLiteralDef

ComMNoWakeup :

defaultValue = false

+parameter ComMNoCom :EcucBooleanParamDef

ComMCDDBusPrefix :
defaultValue = false
+parameter EcucStringParamDef

ComMFullCommRequestNotificationEnabled : lowerMultiplicity = 0
EcucBooleanParamDef upperMultiplicity = 1

defaultValue = false

+parameter ComMNoWakeUpInhibitionNvmStorage :

ComMUserPerChannel :
+subContainer EcucParamConfContainerDef

upperMultiplicity = 255
lowerMultiplicity = 0

ComMNetworkManagement :
+subContainer EcucParamConfContainerDef

upperMultiplicity = 1
lowerMultiplicity = 1
ComMPncGatewayType :
EcucEnumerationParamDef EcucEnumerationLiteralDef
lowerMultiplicity = 0
upperMultiplicity = 1 +literal

Figure 16: Configuration ComMChannel

121 of 128 Document ID 079: AUTOSAR_SWS_COMManager

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Specification of Communication Manager
AUTOSAR CP Release 4.3.0

10.2.6 ComMNetworkManagement

SWS Item ECUC_ComM_00607 :

Container Name ComMNetworkManagement
This container contains the configuration parameters of the
Configuration Parameters

SWS Item ECUC_ComM_00606 :

Name ComMNmLightTimeout
Description Defines the timeout (in seconds) after COMM_FULL_COMMUNICATION
sub-state COMM_FULL_COM_READY_SLEEP is left.
The range shall be greater than 0.0 and less or equal to 255.0.
Multiplicity 0..1
Type EcucFloatParamDef
Range [0 .. 255]
Default value 10
Post-Build Variant
Post-Build Variant Value false
Multiplicity ConfigurationPre-compile time X All Variants
Class Link time --
Post-build time --
Value Configuration Class Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time --
Post-build time --
Scope / Dependency scope: local
dependency: Only used if ComMNmVariant is configured as ComMLight

SWS Item ECUC_ComM_00568 :

Name ComMNmVariant
Description Defines the functionality of the networkmanagement.
Shall be harmonized with NM configuration.
Multiplicity 1
Type EcucEnumerationParamDef
Range FULL AUTOSAR NM available (default).
LIGHT No AUTOSAR NM available but
functionality to shut down a channel.
NONE No NM available
PASSIVE AUTOSAR NM running in passive mode
Default value FULL
Post-Build Variant
Value Pre-compile time X All Variants
Configuration Link time --
Class Post-build time --
Scope / scope: local
Dependency dependency: ComMNmVariant shall be NONE if ComMBusType =

SWS Item ECUC_ComM_00886 :

Name ComMPncNmRequest
Description If this parameter equals true then every time a FULL Communication is
requested due to a change in the PNC state machine to
COMM_PNC_REQUESTED Nm shall be called using the API

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AUTOSAR CP Release 4.3.0

Multiplicity 1
Type EcucBooleanParamDef
Default value false
Post-Build Variant Value false
Value Configuration Class Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time --
Post-build time --
Scope / Dependency scope: local
dependency: It shall only be possible to set ComMPncNmRequest to
TRUE, if ComMNmVariant is FULL.

No Included Containers

ComMChannel :

lowerMultiplicity = 1
upperMultiplicity = 256


ComMNetworkManagement : ComMNmVariant : +literal NONE :

EcucParamConfContainerDef EcucEnumerationParamDef EcucEnumerationLiteralDef

upperMultiplicity = 1 defaultValue = FULL

lowerMultiplicity = 1 +literal LIGHT :


+literal PASSIVE :

+literal FULL :

ComMNmLightTimeout :

max = 255
min = 0
defaultValue = 10
upperMultiplicity = 1
lowerMultiplicity = 0

+parameter ComMPncNmRequest :

defaultValue = false

Figure 17: Configuration ComMNetworkManagement

123 of 128 Document ID 079: AUTOSAR_SWS_COMManager

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Specification of Communication Manager
AUTOSAR CP Release 4.3.0

10.2.7 ComMUserPerChannel

SWS Item ECUC_ComM_00657 :

Container Name ComMUserPerChannel
This container contains a list of identifiers that are needed to refer to a user
in the system which is linked to a channel.
Configuration Parameters

SWS Item ECUC_ComM_00658 :

Name ComMUserChannel
Description Reference to the ComMUser that corresponds to this channel user.
ImplementationType: COMM_UserHandleType
Multiplicity 1
Type Reference to [ ComMUser ]
Post-Build Variant Value false
Value Configuration Class Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time --
Post-build time --
Scope / Dependency scope: local

No Included Containers

10.2.8 ComMPnc

SWS Item ECUC_ComM_00843 :

Container Name ComMPnc
This container contains the configuration of the partial network cluster
Configuration Parameters

SWS Item ECUC_ComM_00874 :

Name ComMPncId
Description Partial network cluster identification number.
Multiplicity 1
Type EcucIntegerParamDef (Symbolic Name generated for this parameter)
Range 8 .. 63
Default value --
Post-Build Variant Value false
Value Configuration Class Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time --
Post-build time --
Scope / Dependency scope: ECU

SWS Item ECUC_ComM_00880 :

Name ComMChannelPerPnc
Description Reference to the ComMChannel that is required for this PNC.
ImplementationType: NetworkHandleType
Multiplicity 1..256
Type Reference to [ ComMChannel ]
Post-Build Variant
Post-Build Variant Value true
Multiplicity Configuration Pre-compile time X VARIANT-PRE-COMPILE
Class Link time --
124 of 128 Document ID 079: AUTOSAR_SWS_COMManager
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Specification of Communication Manager
AUTOSAR CP Release 4.3.0

Post-build time X VARIANT-POST-BUILD

Value Configuration Class Pre-compile time X VARIANT-PRE-COMPILE
Link time --
Post-build time X VARIANT-POST-BUILD
Scope / Dependency scope: local

SWS Item ECUC_ComM_00891 :

Name ComMPncEthIfSwitchPortGroupRef
Description Reference to the PortGroups that correspond to this PNC. Note: This is
only for documentation.
Multiplicity 0..255
Type Symbolic name reference to [ EthIfSwitchPortGroup ]
Post-Build Variant
Post-Build Variant Value true
Multiplicity ConfigurationPre-compile time X VARIANT-PRE-COMPILE
Post-build time --
Value Configuration Class Pre-compile time X VARIANT-PRE-COMPILE
Post-build time --
Scope / Dependency scope: ECU

SWS Item ECUC_ComM_00876 :

Name ComMUserPerPnc
Description Reference to the ComMUsers that correspond to this PNC.
ImplementationType: COMM_UserHandleType
Multiplicity 0..255
Type Reference to [ ComMUser ]
Post-Build Variant
Post-Build Variant Value true
Multiplicity ConfigurationPre-compile time X VARIANT-PRE-COMPILE
Class Link time --
Post-build time X VARIANT-POST-BUILD
Value Configuration Class Pre-compile time X VARIANT-PRE-COMPILE
Link time --
Post-build time X VARIANT-POST-BUILD
Scope / Dependency scope: local

Included Containers
Container Name Multiplicity Scope / Dependency
Represents the PncComSignals which are used to
ComMPncComSignal 0..*
communicate the EIRA and ERA status of this PNC.

10.2.9 ComMPncComSignal

SWS Item ECUC_ComM_00881 :

Container Name ComMPncComSignal
Represents the PncComSignals which are used to communicate the EIRA
and ERA status of this PNC.
Configuration Parameters
125 of 128 Document ID 079: AUTOSAR_SWS_COMManager
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Specification of Communication Manager
AUTOSAR CP Release 4.3.0

SWS Item ECUC_ComM_00885 :

Name ComMPncComSignalDirection
Description Indicates the communication direction of this PncComSignal.
Multiplicity 1
Type EcucEnumerationParamDef
Range RX --
TX --
Post-Build Variant
Value Pre-compile time X All Variants
Configuration Link time --
Class Post-build time --
Scope / scope: local

SWS Item ECUC_ComM_00883 :

Name ComMPncComSignalKind
Description Indicates whether this PncComSignal represents EIRA or ERA PNC information.
This parameter ComMPncComSignalKind is optional and shall be ignored when
ComMPncComSignalDirection equals TX.
Multiplicity 0..1
Type EcucEnumerationParamDef
Range EIRA --
ERA --
Post-Build Variant
Post-Build Variant
Multiplicity Pre-compile time X All Variants
Configuration Link time --
Class Post-build time --
Value Pre-compile time X All Variants
Configuration Link time --
Class Post-build time --
Scope / scope: local
Dependency dependency: This parameter ComMPncComSignalKind shall be ignored when
ComMPncComSignalDirection equals TX.

SWS Item ECUC_ComM_00884 :

Name ComMPncComSignalChannelRef
Description Reference to the ComMChannel which is used to determine whether this
PncComSignal shall participate in the active or passive role (via the
parameter ComMPncGatewayType of the ComMChannel).
Multiplicity 0..1
Type Reference to [ ComMChannel ]
Post-Build Variant
Post-Build Variant Value false
Multiplicity ConfigurationPre-compile time X All Variants
Class Link time --
Post-build time --
Value Configuration Class Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time --
Post-build time --
Scope / Dependency scope: local

126 of 128 Document ID 079: AUTOSAR_SWS_COMManager

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Specification of Communication Manager
AUTOSAR CP Release 4.3.0

dependency: ComMPncGatewayEnabled

SWS Item ECUC_ComM_00882 :

Name ComMPncComSignalRef
Description Reference to the ComSignal which is used to transport the partial network
channel request information.
Multiplicity 1
Type Symbolic name reference to [ ComSignal ]
Post-Build Variant Value false
Value Configuration Class Pre-compile time X All Variants
Link time --
Post-build time --
Scope / Dependency scope: ECU

No Included Containers

10.3 Published information

[SWS_ComM_00418] The version information in the module header and source
files shall be validated and consistent (e.g. by comparing the version
information in the module header and source files with a pre-processor
macro). (SRS_BSW_00004)

127 of 128 Document ID 079: AUTOSAR_SWS_COMManager

- AUTOSAR confidential -
Specification of Communication Manager
AUTOSAR CP Release 4.3.0

11 Not applicable requirements

[SWS_ComM_00499] These requirements are not applicable to this specification.
(SRS_BSW_00005, SRS_BSW_00009, SRS_BSW_00010, SRS_BSW_00161,
SRS_BSW_00162, SRS_BSW_00164, SRS_BSW_00168, SRS_BSW_00170,
SRS_BSW_00314, SRS_BSW_00325, SRS_BSW_00341, SRS_BSW_00343,
SRS_BSW_00344, SRS_BSW_00353, SRS_BSW_00361, SRS_BSW_00375,
SRS_BSW_00378, SRS_BSW_00398, SRS_BSW_00404, SRS_BSW_00405,
SRS_BSW_00413, SRS_BSW_00416, SRS_BSW_00417, SRS_BSW_00422,
SRS_BSW_00423, SRS_BSW_00424, SRS_BSW_00425, SRS_BSW_00426,
SRS_BSW_00427, SRS_BSW_00428, SRS_BSW_00429, SRS_BSW_00432,
SRS_BSW_00433, SRS_BSW_00437, SRS_BSW_00438, SRS_BSW_00439)

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