Oracle®VMServer For SPARC 3.3 Administration Guide

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The document discusses administration of Oracle VM Server for SPARC and covers topics such as virtual functions, virtual networks, virtual disks and more.

The document provides guidance on administration of Oracle VM Server for SPARC including configuration, management and troubleshooting of logical domains.

The document covers topics such as virtual functions, virtual networks, virtual disks, logical domains, resource allocation and more.

Oracle VM Server for SPARC 3.

Administration Guide

Part No: E62358

October 2015
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Preface ...................................................................................................................................................21

Part I Oracle VM Server for SPARC 3.3 Software ........................................................................................23

1 Overview of the Oracle VM Server for SPARC Software .................................................................25

About Oracle VM Server for SPARC and Oracle Solaris OS Versions .......................................... 25
Hypervisor and Logical Domains ...................................................................................................... 26
Logical Domains Manager ................................................................................................................. 28
Roles for Domains ........................................................................................................................ 28
Command-Line Interface ........................................................................................................... 29
Virtual Input/Output .................................................................................................................. 29
Resource Configuration .............................................................................................................. 31
Persistent Configurations ........................................................................................................... 31
Oracle VM Server for SPARC Physical-to-Virtual Conversion Tool ........................................... 31
Oracle VM Server for SPARC Management Information Base ..................................................... 32
Oracle VM Server for SPARC Troubleshooting .............................................................................. 32

2 Oracle VM Server for SPARC Security ............................................................................................... 33

Delegating the Management of Logical Domains by Using Rights ............................................... 33
Using Rights Profiles and Roles .................................................................................................. 34
Logical Domains Manager Profile Contents ............................................................................ 36
Controlling Access to a Domain Console by Using Rights ............................................................ 37
How to Control Access to All Domain Consoles by Using Roles ........................................... 38
How to Control Access to All Domain Consoles by Using Rights Profiles ........................... 40
How to Control Access to a Single Console by Using Roles ................................................... 41
How to Control Access to a Single Console by Using Rights Profiles .................................... 42
Enabling and Using Logical Domains Manager Auditing .............................................................. 43


How to Enable Logical Domains Manager Auditing ............................................................... 43

How to Disable Logical Domains Manager Auditing .............................................................. 44
How to Review Audit Records .................................................................................................... 45
Using Domain Console Logging ....................................................................................................... 45
How to Enable or Disable Console Logging ............................................................................. 45
Service Domain Requirements for Domain Console Logging ............................................... 46

3 Setting Up Services and the Control Domain ................................................................................. 47

Output Messages ................................................................................................................................. 47
Creating Default Services ................................................................................................................... 48
How to Create Default Services .................................................................................................. 48
Initial Configuration of the Control Domain .................................................................................. 49
Configuring the Control Domain .............................................................................................. 49
Decreasing the CPU and Memory Resources From the Control Domain's Initial
factory-default Configuration ............................................................................................... 50
Rebooting to Use Domains ................................................................................................................ 51
How to Reboot .............................................................................................................................. 51
Enabling Networking Between the Oracle Solaris 10 Service Domain and Other Domains ..... 52
How to Configure the Virtual Switch as the Primary Interface .............................................. 52
Enabling the Virtual Network Terminal Server Daemon ............................................................... 53
How to Enable the Virtual Network Terminal Server Daemon ............................................. 53
Verifying That the ILOM Interconnect Is Enabled ......................................................................... 54
How to Verify the ILOM Interconnect Configuration ............................................................ 54
How to Re-Enable the ILOM Interconnect Service ................................................................. 55

4 Setting Up Guest Domains ................................................................................................................. 57

Creating and Starting a Guest Domain ............................................................................................. 57
How to Create and Start a Guest Domain ................................................................................. 58
Installing Oracle Solaris OS on a Guest Domain ............................................................................. 60
Memory Size Requirements ........................................................................................................ 61
How to Install the Oracle Solaris OS on a Guest Domain From a DVD ................................ 61
How to Install the Oracle Solaris OS on a Guest Domain From an Oracle Solaris ISO
File .................................................................................................................................................. 63
How to Use the Oracle Solaris JumpStart Feature on an Oracle Solaris 10 Guest
Domain ......................................................................................................................................... 64

6 Oracle VM Server for SPARC 3.3 Administration Guide October 2015


5 Configuring I/O Domains ....................................................................................................................67

I/O Domain Overview ........................................................................................................................ 67
General Guidelines for Creating an I/O Domain ............................................................................ 68

6 Creating a Root Domain by Assigning PCIe Buses ......................................................................... 69

Creating a Root Domain by Assigning PCIe Buses ......................................................................... 69
Static PCIe Bus Assignment ........................................................................................................ 71
Dynamic PCIe Bus Assignment ................................................................................................. 71
How to Create a Root Domain by Assigning a PCIe Bus ......................................................... 72

7 Creating an I/O Domain by Using PCIe SR-IOV Virtual Functions .................................................77

SR-IOV Overview ................................................................................................................................ 77
SR-IOV Hardware and Software Requirements .............................................................................. 80
Current SR-IOV Feature Limitations ............................................................................................... 83
Static SR-IOV ....................................................................................................................................... 84
Static SR-IOV Software Requirements ...................................................................................... 85
Dynamic SR-IOV ................................................................................................................................ 85
Dynamic SR-IOV Software Requirements ............................................................................... 86
Dynamic SR-IOV Configuration Requirements ...................................................................... 86
Enabling I/O Virtualization ............................................................................................................... 87
How to Enable I/O Virtualization for a PCIe Bus .................................................................... 87
Planning for the Use of PCIe SR-IOV Virtual Functions ............................................................... 88
Using Ethernet SR-IOV Virtual Functions ...................................................................................... 89
Ethernet SR-IOV Hardware Requirements .............................................................................. 89
Ethernet SR-IOV Limitations ..................................................................................................... 89
Planning for the Use of Ethernet SR-IOV Virtual Functions ................................................. 89
Ethernet Device-Specific and Network-Specific Properties ................................................... 90
Creating Ethernet Virtual Functions ......................................................................................... 90
Destroying Ethernet Virtual Functions ..................................................................................... 95
Modifying Ethernet SR-IOV Virtual Functions ....................................................................... 97
Adding and Removing Ethernet SR-IOV Virtual Functions on I/O Domains .................... 99
Advanced SR-IOV Topics: Ethernet SR-IOV ......................................................................... 101
Using an SR-IOV Virtual Function to Create an I/O Domain ............................................. 104
Using InfiniBand SR-IOV Virtual Functions ................................................................................. 108
InfiniBand SR-IOV Hardware Requirements ........................................................................ 108


Creating and Destroying InfiniBand Virtual Functions ....................................................... 108

Adding and Removing InfiniBand Virtual Functions on I/O Domains ............................. 113
Adding and Removing InfiniBand Virtual Functions to Root Domains ............................ 116
Advanced SR-IOV Topics: InfiniBand SR-IOV ..................................................................... 117
Using Fibre Channel SR-IOV Virtual Functions ........................................................................... 121
Fibre Channel SR-IOV Hardware Requirements .................................................................. 121
Fibre Channel SR-IOV Requirements and Limitations ........................................................ 122
Fibre Channel Device Class-Specific Properties .................................................................... 122
Creating Fibre Channel SR-IOV Virtual Functions .............................................................. 124
Destroying Fibre Channel SR-IOV Virtual Functions .......................................................... 128
Modifying Fibre Channel SR-IOV Virtual Functions ........................................................... 130
Adding and Removing Fibre Channel SR-IOV Virtual Functions on I/O Domains ......... 131
Advanced SR-IOV Topics: Fibre Channel SR-IOV ............................................................... 133
I/O Domain Resiliency ..................................................................................................................... 134
Resilient I/O Domain Requirements ....................................................................................... 135
I/O Domain Resiliency Limitations ......................................................................................... 136
Configuring Resilient I/O Domains ........................................................................................ 136
Example Using Resilient and Non-Resilient Configurations ............................................ 140
Rebooting the Root Domain With Non-Resilient I/O Domains Configured ............................ 140

8 Creating an I/O Domain by Using Direct I/O .................................................................................. 143

Creating an I/O Domain by Assigning PCIe Endpoint Devices .................................................. 143
Direct I/O Hardware and Software Requirements ........................................................................ 145
Current Direct I/O Feature Limitations ......................................................................................... 146
Planning PCIe Endpoint Device Configuration ............................................................................ 147
Rebooting the Root Domain With PCIe Endpoints Configured ................................................. 149
Making PCIe Hardware Changes .................................................................................................... 150
Minimizing Guest Domain Outages When Removing a PCIe Card ................................... 151
Creating an I/O Domain by Assigning a PCIe Endpoint Device ................................................. 152
How to Create an I/O Domain by Assigning a PCIe Endpoint Device ................................ 152

9 Using Non-primary Root Domains .................................................................................................159

Non-primary Root Domains Overview ......................................................................................... 159
Non-primary Root Domain Requirements ................................................................................... 160
Non-primary Root Domain Limitations ....................................................................................... 161

8 Oracle VM Server for SPARC 3.3 Administration Guide October 2015


Non-primary Root Domain Examples ........................................................................................... 162

Enabling I/O Virtualization for a PCIe Bus ............................................................................ 162
Managing Direct I/O Devices on Non-primary Root Domains .......................................... 164
Managing SR-IOV Virtual Functions on Non-primary Root Domains ............................. 165

10 Using Virtual Disks ............................................................................................................................169

Introduction to Virtual Disks .......................................................................................................... 169
Virtual Disk Identifier and Device Name ....................................................................................... 171
Managing Virtual Disks .................................................................................................................... 171
How to Add a Virtual Disk ........................................................................................................ 172
How to Export a Virtual Disk Back End Multiple Times ...................................................... 172
How to Change Virtual Disk Options ..................................................................................... 173
How to Change the Timeout Option ....................................................................................... 173
How to Remove a Virtual Disk ................................................................................................. 173
Virtual Disk Appearance .................................................................................................................. 173
Full Disk ...................................................................................................................................... 174
Single-Slice Disk ......................................................................................................................... 174
Virtual Disk Back End Options ....................................................................................................... 175
Read-only (ro) Option .............................................................................................................. 175
Exclusive (excl) Option ............................................................................................................ 175
Slice (slice) Option .................................................................................................................. 176
Virtual Disk Back End ....................................................................................................................... 176
Physical Disk or Disk LUN ....................................................................................................... 177
How to Export a Physical Disk as a Virtual Disk .................................................................... 177
Physical Disk Slice ...................................................................................................................... 178
How to Export a Physical Disk Slice as a Virtual Disk ........................................................... 178
How to Export Slice 2 ................................................................................................................ 179
File and Volume Exporting ....................................................................................................... 179
Configuring Virtual Disk Multipathing ......................................................................................... 183
Virtual Disk Multipathing and Virtual Disk Timeout ........................................................... 184
How to Configure Virtual Disk Multipathing ........................................................................ 184
Dynamic Path Selection ............................................................................................................ 186
CD, DVD and ISO Images ................................................................................................................ 187
How to Export a CD or DVD From the Service Domain to the Guest Domain ................. 188
How to Export an ISO Image From the Control Domain to Install a Guest Domain ........ 189


Virtual Disk Timeout ........................................................................................................................ 190

Virtual Disk and SCSI ....................................................................................................................... 191
Virtual Disk and the format Command ......................................................................................... 192
Using ZFS With Virtual Disks ......................................................................................................... 192
Configuring a ZFS Pool in a Service Domain ......................................................................... 192
Storing Disk Images With ZFS ................................................................................................. 192
Creating a Snapshot of a Disk Image ....................................................................................... 194
Using Clone to Provision a New Domain ............................................................................... 194
Using Volume Managers in an Oracle VM Server for SPARC Environment ............................ 196
Using Virtual Disks With Volume Managers ......................................................................... 196
Using Volume Managers With Virtual Disks ......................................................................... 198
Virtual Disk Issues ............................................................................................................................. 199
In Certain Conditions, a Guest Domain's Solaris Volume Manager Configuration or
Metadevices Can Be Lost ........................................................................................................... 199
Oracle Solaris Boot Disk Compatibility .................................................................................. 200

11 Using Virtual SCSI Host Bus Adapters ............................................................................................ 203

Introduction to Virtual SCSI Host Bus Adapters .......................................................................... 203
Operational Model for Virtual SCSI HBAs .................................................................................... 205
Virtual SCSI HBA Identifier and Device Name ............................................................................. 206
Managing Virtual SCSI HBAs .......................................................................................................... 207
Obtaining Physical SCSI HBA Information ........................................................................... 207
Creating a Virtual Storage Area Network ............................................................................... 208
Creating a Virtual SCSI Host Bus Adapter .............................................................................. 209
Verifying the Presence of a Virtual SCSI HBA ....................................................................... 209
Setting the Virtual SCSI HBA Timeout Option ..................................................................... 210
Removing a Virtual SCSI Host Bus Adapter ........................................................................... 210
Removing a Virtual Storage Area Network ............................................................................ 210
Adding or Removing a LUN ..................................................................................................... 211
Appearance of Virtual LUNs in a Guest Domain .......................................................................... 211
Virtual SCSI HBA and Virtual SAN Configurations .................................................................... 212
Configuring Virtual SCSI HBA Multipathing ............................................................................... 213
How to Configure Virtual SCSI HBA Multipathing .............................................................. 214
How to Enable Multipathing for Virtual SCSI HBAs ............................................................ 215
How to Disable Multipathing for Virtual SCSI HBAs ........................................................... 215

10 Oracle VM Server for SPARC 3.3 Administration Guide October 2015


Booting From SCSI Devices ............................................................................................................. 216

Booting From a Virtual LUN .................................................................................................... 216
Booting From a SCSI DVD Device .......................................................................................... 217
Installing a Virtual LUN ................................................................................................................... 217
Virtual SCSI HBA Timeout .............................................................................................................. 218
Virtual SCSI HBA and SCSI ............................................................................................................. 218
Supporting Highly Fragmented I/O Buffers in the Guest Domain ............................................. 218

12 Using Virtual Networks .....................................................................................................................221

Introduction to a Virtual Network .................................................................................................. 222
Oracle Solaris 11 Networking Overview ......................................................................................... 222
Oracle Solaris 10 Networking Overview ......................................................................................... 225
Maximizing Virtual Network Performance ................................................................................... 226
Hardware and Software Requirements ................................................................................... 226
Configuring Your Domains to Maximize the Performance of Your Virtual Network ..... 227
Virtual Switch .................................................................................................................................... 227
Virtual Network Device .................................................................................................................... 229
Inter-Vnet LDC Channels ........................................................................................................ 230
Viewing Network Device Configurations and Statistics ............................................................... 231
Controlling the Amount of Physical Network Bandwidth That Is Consumed by a Virtual
Network Device ................................................................................................................................. 235
Network Bandwidth Limitations ............................................................................................. 235
Setting the Network Bandwidth Limit ..................................................................................... 235
Virtual Device Identifier and Network Interface Name ................................................................ 238
Finding the Oracle Solaris 11 Network Interface Name ........................................................ 239
Assigning MAC Addresses Automatically or Manually ............................................................... 241
Range of MAC Addresses Assigned to Domains ................................................................... 242
Automatic Assignment Algorithm .......................................................................................... 242
Duplicate MAC Address Detection ......................................................................................... 242
Using Network Adapters With Domains That Run Oracle Solaris 10 ........................................ 243
How to Determine Whether a Network Adapter Is GLDv3-Compliant ............................. 244
Configuring a Virtual Switch and the Service Domain for NAT and Routing ........................... 244
Configuring NAT on an Oracle Solaris 11 System ................................................................. 244
Configuring NAT on an Oracle Solaris 10 System ................................................................. 246
Configuring IPMP in an Oracle VM Server for SPARC Environment ....................................... 248


Configuring Virtual Network Devices Into an IPMP Group in an Oracle Solaris 11

Domain ....................................................................................................................................... 248
Configuring Virtual Network Devices Into an IPMP Group in an Oracle Solaris 10
Domain ....................................................................................................................................... 249
Configuring and Using IPMP in the Service Domain ........................................................... 251
Using Link-Based IPMP in Oracle VM Server for SPARC Virtual Networking ................ 252
Using VLAN Tagging ....................................................................................................................... 255
Port VLAN ID ............................................................................................................................ 256
VLAN ID ..................................................................................................................................... 257
Assigning and Using VLANs .................................................................................................... 257
How to Install a Guest Domain When the Install Server Is in a VLAN ............................... 259
Using Private VLANs ........................................................................................................................ 260
PVLAN Requirements .............................................................................................................. 261
Configuring PVLANs ................................................................................................................ 262
Tuning Packet Throughput Performance ...................................................................................... 265
Using NIU Hybrid I/O ...................................................................................................................... 266
How to Configure a Virtual Switch With an NIU Network Device ..................................... 270
How to Enable or Disable Hybrid Mode ................................................................................. 271
Using Link Aggregation With a Virtual Switch ............................................................................. 271
Configuring Jumbo Frames .............................................................................................................. 273
How to Configure Virtual Network and Virtual Switch Devices to Use Jumbo Frames ... 274
Compatibility With Older (Jumbo-Unaware) Versions of the vnet and vsw Drivers (Oracle
Solaris 10) .................................................................................................................................... 276
Oracle Solaris 11 Networking-Specific Feature Differences ......................................................... 277
Using Virtual NICs on Virtual Networks ....................................................................................... 279
Configuring Virtual NICs on Virtual Network Devices ........................................................ 280
Creating Oracle Solaris 11 Zones in a Domain ....................................................................... 281

13 Migrating Domains ...........................................................................................................................283

Introduction to Domain Migration ................................................................................................ 284
Overview of a Migration Operation ................................................................................................ 284
Software Compatibility ..................................................................................................................... 285
Security for Migration Operations .................................................................................................. 285
Configuring SSL Certificates for Migration ............................................................................ 286
Removing SSL Certificates ........................................................................................................ 287
FIPS 140-2 Mode for Domain Migration ....................................................................................... 287

12 Oracle VM Server for SPARC 3.3 Administration Guide October 2015


How to Run Logical Domains Manager in FIPS 140-2 Mode ............................................... 287
How to Revert the Logical Domains Manager to the Default Mode From FIPS 140-2
Mode ............................................................................................................................................ 288
Domain Migration Restrictions ....................................................................................................... 289
Version Restrictions for Migration .......................................................................................... 289
CPU Restrictions for Migration ............................................................................................... 290
Migration Restrictions for Setting perf-counters ............................................................... 290
Migrating a Domain .......................................................................................................................... 291
Performing a Dry Run ............................................................................................................... 291
Performing Non-Interactive Migrations ................................................................................. 292
Migrating an Active Domain ........................................................................................................... 292
Domain Migration Requirements for CPUs .......................................................................... 293
Migration Requirements for Memory ..................................................................................... 294
Migration Requirements for Physical I/O Devices ................................................................ 295
Migration Requirements for Virtual I/O Devices .................................................................. 295
Migration Requirements for PCIe Endpoint Devices ........................................................... 296
Migration Requirements for PCIe SR-IOV Virtual Functions ............................................. 296
Migration Requirements for NIU Hybrid I/O ........................................................................ 297
Migration Requirements for Cryptographic Units ................................................................ 297
Delayed Reconfiguration in an Active Domain ..................................................................... 297
Migrating While an Active Domain Has the Power Management Elastic Policy in Effect 297
Operations on Other Domains ................................................................................................. 298
Migrating a Domain From the OpenBoot PROM or a Domain That Is Running in the
Kernel Debugger ........................................................................................................................ 298
Migrating Bound or Inactive Domains ........................................................................................... 298
Migration Requirements for Virtual I/O Devices .................................................................. 299
Migration Requirements for PCIe Endpoint Devices ........................................................... 299
Migration Requirements for PCIe SR-IOV Virtual Functions ............................................. 299
Monitoring a Migration in Progress ............................................................................................... 300
Canceling a Migration in Progress .................................................................................................. 300
Recovering From a Failed Migration .............................................................................................. 301
Migration Examples .......................................................................................................................... 301

14 Managing Resources .........................................................................................................................305

Resource Reconfiguration ................................................................................................................ 305
Dynamic Reconfiguration ........................................................................................................ 306


Delayed Reconfiguration .......................................................................................................... 306

Resource Allocation .......................................................................................................................... 307
CPU Allocation .................................................................................................................................. 308
How to Apply the Whole-Core Constraint ............................................................................. 308
How to Apply the Max-Cores Constraint ............................................................................... 309
Interactions Between the Whole-Core Constraint and Other Domain Features .............. 310
Configuring the System With Hard Partitions .............................................................................. 311
Checking the Configuration of a Domain ............................................................................... 312
Configuring a Domain With CPU Whole Cores ................................................................... 313
Interaction of Hard Partitioned Systems With Other Oracle VM Server for SPARC
Features ....................................................................................................................................... 316
Assigning Physical Resources to Domains ..................................................................................... 318
How to Remove the physical-bindings Constraint ........................................................... 319
How to Remove All Non-Physically Bound Resources ......................................................... 320
Managing Physical Resources on the Control Domain ......................................................... 321
Restrictions for Managing Physical Resources on Domains ................................................ 321
Using Memory Dynamic Reconfiguration ..................................................................................... 322
Adding Memory ......................................................................................................................... 322
Removing Memory .................................................................................................................... 322
Partial Memory DR Requests .................................................................................................... 323
Memory Reconfiguration of the Control Domain ................................................................. 323
Dynamic and Delayed Reconfiguration .................................................................................. 324
Memory Alignment ................................................................................................................... 324
Memory DR Examples .............................................................................................................. 326
Using Resource Groups .................................................................................................................... 329
Resource Group Requirements and Restrictions ................................................................... 329
Using Power Management ............................................................................................................... 330
Using Dynamic Resource Management ......................................................................................... 330
Listing Domain Resources ............................................................................................................... 333
Machine-Readable Output ....................................................................................................... 333
Flag Definitions .......................................................................................................................... 334
Utilization Statistic Definition ................................................................................................. 334
Viewing Various Lists ................................................................................................................ 335
Listing Constraints .................................................................................................................... 338
Listing Resource Group Information ...................................................................................... 338
Using Perf-Counter Properties ........................................................................................................ 339

14 Oracle VM Server for SPARC 3.3 Administration Guide October 2015


15 Managing Domain Configurations .................................................................................................343

Managing Domain Configurations ................................................................................................. 343
Available Configuration Recovery Methods .................................................................................. 344
Restoring Configurations By Using Autosave ........................................................................ 344
Autorecovery Policy ................................................................................................................... 346
Saving Domain Configurations ............................................................................................... 347
Restoring Domain Configurations .......................................................................................... 348
Addressing Service Processor Connection Problems ................................................................... 350

16 Handling Hardware Errors ...............................................................................................................353

Hardware Error-Handling Overview .............................................................................................. 353
Using FMA to Blacklist or Unconfigure Faulty Resources ........................................................... 354
Recovering Domains After Detecting Faulty or Missing Resources ........................................... 355
Recovery Mode Hardware and Software Requirements ....................................................... 357
Degraded Configuration ........................................................................................................... 357
Controlling Recovery Mode ..................................................................................................... 358
Marking Domains as Degraded ....................................................................................................... 359
Marking I/O Resources as Evacuated .............................................................................................. 359

17 Performing Other Administration Tasks .......................................................................................361

Entering Names in the CLI ............................................................................................................... 362
Updating Property Values in the /etc/system File ...................................................................... 362
How to Add or Modify a Tuning Property Value ................................................................... 362
Connecting to a Guest Console Over the Network ....................................................................... 363
Using Console Groups ...................................................................................................................... 363
How to Combine Multiple Consoles Into One Group .......................................................... 363
Stopping a Heavily Loaded Domain Can Time Out ..................................................................... 364
Operating the Oracle Solaris OS With Oracle VM Server for SPARC ........................................ 365
OpenBoot Firmware Not Available After the Oracle Solaris OS Has Started ..................... 365
Performing a Power Cycle of a Server ...................................................................................... 365
Result of Oracle Solaris OS Breaks ........................................................................................... 365
Results From Rebooting the Control Domain ....................................................................... 366
Using Oracle VM Server for SPARC With the Service Processor ................................................ 366
Configuring Domain Dependencies ............................................................................................... 367
Domain Dependency Examples ............................................................................................... 368


Dependency Cycles .................................................................................................................... 369

Determining Where Errors Occur by Mapping CPU and Memory Addresses ......................... 370
CPU Mapping ............................................................................................................................. 371
Memory Mapping ...................................................................................................................... 371
Example of CPU and Memory Mapping ................................................................................. 371
Using Universally Unique Identifiers ............................................................................................. 373
Virtual Domain Information Command and API ........................................................................ 373
Using Logical Domain Channels ..................................................................................................... 374
Booting a Large Number of Domains ............................................................................................. 377
Cleanly Shutting Down and Power Cycling an Oracle VM Server for SPARC System ............. 378
How to Power Off a System With Multiple Active Domains ................................................ 378
How to Power Cycle the System ............................................................................................... 379
Logical Domains Variable Persistence ............................................................................................ 379
Adjusting the Interrupt Limit .......................................................................................................... 380
Listing Domain I/O Dependencies ................................................................................................. 382
Enabling the Logical Domains Manager Daemon ........................................................................ 384
How to Enable the Logical Domains Manager Daemon ....................................................... 384
Saving and Restoring Autosave Configuration Data .................................................................... 384
Saving and Restoring Autosave Configuration Directories .................................................. 385
Saving and Restoring the Logical Domains Constraints Database File ............................... 386
Factory Default Configuration and Disabling Domains .............................................................. 386
How to Remove All Guest Domains ........................................................................................ 386
How to Remove All Domain Configurations ......................................................................... 387
How to Restore the Factory Default Configuration ............................................................... 387
How to Disable the Logical Domains Manager ...................................................................... 387
How to Restore the Factory Default Configuration From the Service Processor ............... 388

Part II Optional Oracle VM Server for SPARC Software ............................................................................389

18 Using Oracle VM Server for SPARC Templates .............................................................................. 391

Oracle VM Server for SPARC Templates Overview ...................................................................... 391
Installing the Oracle VM Server for SPARC Template Utilities .................................................. 392
Oracle VM Server for SPARC Template Lifecycle ......................................................................... 392
Oracle VM Server for SPARC Template Examples ....................................................................... 395

16 Oracle VM Server for SPARC 3.3 Administration Guide October 2015


19 Oracle VM Server for SPARC Physical-to-Virtual Conversion Tool ............................................. 401

Oracle VM Server for SPARC P2V Tool Overview ....................................................................... 401
Collection Phase ......................................................................................................................... 402
Preparation Phase ...................................................................................................................... 402
Conversion Phase ...................................................................................................................... 403
Back-End Devices .............................................................................................................................. 404
Installing and Configuring the Oracle VM Server for SPARC P2V Tool ................................... 405
Prerequisites for using the SPARC P2V Tool ......................................................................... 405
Limitations of Using the SPARC P2V Tool ............................................................................. 405
How to Configure the Oracle VM Server for SPARC P2V Tool ........................................... 406
Using the ldmp2v Command ........................................................................................................... 407
Known Issues With the Oracle VM Server for SPARC Physical-to-Virtual Conversion Tool 413
ldmp2v convert Command: VxVM Warning Messages During Boot .............................. 413
Upgrade Option Not Presented When Using ldmp2v prepare -R ......................................414
ldmp2v Command: ufsdump Archiving Method Is No Longer Used ................................... 415

20 Using Power Management ...............................................................................................................417

Using Power Management ............................................................................................................... 417
Power Management Features ................................................................................................... 418
Viewing Power-Consumption Data ........................................................................................ 419

21 Using the Oracle VM Server for SPARC Management Information Base Software .................423
Oracle VM Server for SPARC Management Information Base Overview ................................. 423
Related Products and Features ................................................................................................. 424
Software Components ............................................................................................................... 424
System Management Agent ...................................................................................................... 425
Logical Domains Manager and the Oracle VM Server for SPARC MIB ............................. 426
Oracle VM Server for SPARC MIB Object Tree ..................................................................... 426
Installing and Configuring the Oracle VM Server for SPARC MIB Software ............................ 427
Installing and Configuring the Oracle VM Server for SPARC MIB Software ..................... 428
Managing Security ............................................................................................................................. 430
How to Create the Initial snmpv3 User ..................................................................................... 430
Monitoring Domains ........................................................................................................................ 431
Setting Environment Variables ................................................................................................ 431
Querying the Oracle VM Server for SPARC MIB .................................................................. 431


Retrieving Oracle VM Server for SPARC MIB Information ................................................. 433

Using SNMP Traps ............................................................................................................................ 453
Using Oracle VM Server for SPARC MIB Module Traps ...................................................... 453
Oracle VM Server for SPARC MIB Trap Descriptions .......................................................... 454
Starting and Stopping Domains ...................................................................................................... 460
How to Start a Domain .............................................................................................................. 460
How to Stop a Domain .............................................................................................................. 462

22 Logical Domains Manager Discovery .............................................................................................465

Discovering Systems Running the Logical Domains Manager .................................................... 465
Multicast Communication ........................................................................................................ 465
Message Format .......................................................................................................................... 465
How to Discover Logical Domains Managers Running on Your Subnet ............................ 466

23 Using the XML Interface With the Logical Domains Manager ....................................................469
XML Transport .................................................................................................................................. 469
XMPP Server .............................................................................................................................. 470
Local Connections ..................................................................................................................... 470
XML Protocol .................................................................................................................................... 470
Request and Response Messages .............................................................................................. 471
Event Messages .................................................................................................................................. 475
Registration and Unregistration .............................................................................................. 475
<LDM_event> Messages .............................................................................................................. 476
Event Types ................................................................................................................................. 476
Logical Domains Manager Actions ................................................................................................. 479
Logical Domains Manager Resources and Properties .................................................................. 481
Domain Information (ldom_info) Resource ......................................................................... 481
CPU (cpu) Resource .................................................................................................................. 483
MAU (mau) Resource ................................................................................................................. 484
Memory (memory) Resource ..................................................................................................... 485
Virtual Disk Server (vds) Resource ......................................................................................... 485
Virtual Disk Server Volume (vds_volume) Resource ............................................................ 486
Disk (disk) Resource ................................................................................................................. 487
Virtual Switch (vsw) Resource .................................................................................................. 487
Network (network) Resource ................................................................................................... 488

18 Oracle VM Server for SPARC 3.3 Administration Guide October 2015


Virtual Console Concentrator (vcc) Resource ...................................................................... 489

Variable (var) Resource ............................................................................................................ 490
Physical I/O Device (physio_device) Resource ................................................................... 490
SP Configuration (spconfig) Resource .................................................................................. 493
DRM Policy Configuration (policy) Resource ..................................................................... 493
Virtual Data Plane Channel Service (vdpcs) Resource ......................................................... 494
Virtual Data Plane Channel Client (vdpcc) Resource ........................................................... 495
Console (console) Resource .................................................................................................... 495
Domain Migration ..................................................................................................................... 496
XML Schemas .................................................................................................................................... 497

Glossary .............................................................................................................................................. 499

Index ................................................................................................................................................... 509


Overview Provides detailed information and procedures that describe the overview,
security considerations, installation, configuration, modification, and execution of common
tasks for the Oracle VM Server for SPARC 3.3 software on supported servers, blades, and
server modules. See Supported Platforms in Oracle VM Server for SPARC 3.3 Installation

Note The features that are described in this book can be used with all of the supported
system software and hardware platforms that are listed in Oracle VM Server for SPARC 3.3
Installation Guide. However, some features are only available on a subset of the supported
system software and hardware platforms. For information about these exceptions, see
Whats New in This Release in Oracle VM Server for SPARC 3.3 Release Notes and What's
New in Oracle VM Server for SPARC Software (

Audience System administrators who manage virtualization on SPARC servers

Required knowledge System administrators on these servers must have a working
knowledge of UNIX systems and the Oracle Solaris operating system (Oracle Solaris OS)

Product Documentation Library

Documentation and resources for this product and related products are available at

Provide feedback about this documentation at


Oracle VM Server for SPARC 3.3 Software

This part introduces the Oracle VM Server for SPARC 3.3 software, which provides highly
efficient, enterprise-class virtualization capabilities for SPARC T-Series, SPARC M-Series,
and Fujitsu M10 platforms.
Chapter 1, Overview of the Oracle VM Server for SPARC Software
Chapter 2, Oracle VM Server for SPARC Security
Chapter 3, Setting Up Services and the Control Domain
Chapter 4, Setting Up Guest Domains
Chapter 5, Configuring I/O Domains
Chapter 6, Creating a Root Domain by Assigning PCIe Buses
Chapter 7, Creating an I/O Domain by Using PCIe SR-IOV Virtual Functions
Chapter 8, Creating an I/O Domain by Using Direct I/O
Chapter 9, Using Non-primary Root Domains
Chapter 10, Using Virtual Disks
Chapter 11, Using Virtual SCSI Host Bus Adapters
Chapter 12, Using Virtual Networks
Chapter 13, Migrating Domains
Chapter 14, Managing Resources
Chapter 15, Managing Domain Configurations
Chapter 16, Handling Hardware Errors
Chapter 17, Performing Other Administration Tasks

C H A P T E R 1

Overview of the Oracle VM Server for SPARC


This chapter provides an overview of the Oracle VM Server for SPARC software.

Oracle VM Server for SPARC provides highly efficient, enterprise-class virtualization

capabilities for Oracle SPARC T-Series and SPARC M-Series platforms, and Fujitsu M10
platforms. Using the Oracle VM Server for SPARC software, you can create up to 128 virtual
servers, called logical domains, on a single system. This kind of configuration enables you to
take advantage of the massive thread scale offered by SPARC T-Series and SPARC M-Series
platforms, Fujitsu M10 platforms and the Oracle Solaris OS.

This chapter covers the following topics:

About Oracle VM Server for SPARC and Oracle Solaris OS Versions on page 25
Hypervisor and Logical Domains on page 26
Logical Domains Manager on page 28
Oracle VM Server for SPARC Physical-to-Virtual Conversion Tool on page 31
Oracle VM Server for SPARC Management Information Base on page 32
Oracle VM Server for SPARC Troubleshooting on page 32

About Oracle VM Server for SPARC and Oracle Solaris OS

The Oracle VM Server for SPARC software depends on particular Oracle Solaris OS versions,
required software patches, and particular versions of system firmware. For more information,
see Fully Qualified Oracle Solaris OS Versions in Oracle VM Server for SPARC 3.3 Installation

The version of the Oracle Solaris OS that runs on a guest domain is independent of the Oracle
Solaris OS version that runs on the primary domain. So, if you run the Oracle Solaris 11 OS in
the primary domain, you can still run the Oracle Solaris 10 OS in a guest domain.

Hypervisor and Logical Domains

Note Some platforms no longer support the Oracle Solaris 10 OS in the primary domain.
Check your platform documentation. You can continue to run the Oracle Solaris 10 OS in the
other domains.

The only difference between running the Oracle Solaris 10 OS or the Oracle Solaris 11 OS on the
primary domain is the feature differences in each OS.

Hypervisor and Logical Domains

This section provides an overview of the SPARC hypervisor, which supports logical domains.

The SPARC hypervisor is a small firmware layer that provides a stable virtualized machine
architecture to which an operating system can be written. SPARC servers that use the
hypervisor provide hardware features to support the hypervisor's control over a logical
operating system's activities.

A logical domain is a virtual machine comprised of a discrete logical grouping of resources. A

logical domain has its own operating system and identity within a single computer system. Each
logical domain can be created, destroyed, reconfigured, and rebooted independently, without
requiring you to perform a power cycle of the server. You can run a variety of applications
software in different logical domains and keep them independent for performance and security

Each logical domain is only permitted to observe and interact with those server resources that
are made available to it by the hypervisor. The Logical Domains Manager enables you to specify
what the hypervisor should do through the control domain. Thus, the hypervisor enforces the
partitioning of the server's resources and provides limited subsets to multiple operating system
environments. This partitioning and provisioning is the fundamental mechanism for creating
logical domains. The following diagram shows the hypervisor supporting two logical domains.
It also shows the following layers that make up the Oracle VM Server for SPARC functionality:
User/services (applications)
Kernel (operating systems)
Firmware (hypervisor)
Hardware, including CPU, memory, and I/O

26 Oracle VM Server for SPARC 3.3 Administration Guide October 2015

Hypervisor and Logical Domains

FIGURE 11 Hypervisor Supporting Two Domains

The number and capabilities of each logical domain that a specific SPARC hypervisor supports
are server-dependent features. The hypervisor can allocate subsets of the overall CPU, memory,
and I/O resources of a server to a given logical domain. This capability enables support of
multiple operating systems simultaneously, each within its own logical domain. Resources can
be rearranged between separate logical domains with an arbitrary granularity. For example,
CPUs are assignable to a logical domain with the granularity of a CPU thread.

Each logical domain can be managed as an entirely independent machine with its own
resources, such as:
Kernel, patches, and tuning parameters
User accounts and administrators
Network interfaces, MAC addresses, and IP addresses

Each logical domain can be stopped, started, and rebooted independently of each other without
requiring you to perform a power cycle of the server.

Chapter 1 Overview of the Oracle VM Server for SPARC Software 27

Logical Domains Manager

The hypervisor software is responsible for maintaining the separation between logical domains.
The hypervisor software also provides logical domain channels (LDCs) that enable logical
domains to communicate with each other. LDCs enable domains to provide services to each
other, such as networking or disk services.

The service processor (SP), also known as the system controller (SC), monitors and runs the
physical machine, but it does not manage the logical domains. The Logical Domains Manager
manages the logical domains.

In addition to using the ldm command to manage the Oracle VM Server for SPARC software,
you can now use Oracle VM Manager.

Oracle VM Manager is a web-based user interface that you can use to manage the Oracle VM
environment. Earlier versions of this user interface only managed the Oracle VM Server x86
software, but starting with Oracle VM Manager 3.2 and Oracle VM Server for SPARC 3.0, you
can also manage the Oracle VM Server for SPARC software. For more information about Oracle
VM Manager, see Oracle VM Documentation (

Logical Domains Manager

The Logical Domains Manager is used to create and manage logical domains, as well as to map
logical domains to physical resources. Only one Logical Domains Manager can run on a server.

Roles for Domains

All logical domains are the same and can be distinguished from one another based on the roles
that you specify for them. Logical domains can perform the following roles:
Control domain. The Logical Domains Manager runs in this domain, which enables you to
create and manage other logical domains, and to allocate virtual resources to other domains.
You can have only one control domain per server. The control domain is the first domain
created when you install the Oracle VM Server for SPARC software. The control domain is
named primary.
Service domain. A service domain provides virtual device services to other domains, such
as a virtual switch, a virtual console concentrator, and a virtual disk server. You can have
more than one service domain, and any domain can be configured as a service domain.
I/O domain. An I/O domain has direct access to a physical I/O device, such as a network
card in a PCI EXPRESS (PCIe) controller. An I/O domain can own the following:
A PCIe root complex.
A PCIe slot or on-board PCIe device by using the direct I/O (DIO) feature. See Creating
an I/O Domain by Assigning PCIe Endpoint Devices on page 143.

28 Oracle VM Server for SPARC 3.3 Administration Guide October 2015

Logical Domains Manager

A PCIe SR-IOV virtual function. See Chapter 7, Creating an I/O Domain by Using PCIe
SR-IOV Virtual Functions.

An I/O domain can share physical I/O devices with other domains in the form of virtual
devices when the I/O domain is also used as a service domain.
Root domain. A root domain has a PCIe root complex assigned to it. This domain owns the
PCIe fabric and provides all fabric-related services, such as fabric error handling. A root
domain is also an I/O domain, as it owns and has direct access to physical I/O devices.
The number of root domains that you can have depends on your platform architecture. For
example, if you are using an eight-socket Oracle SPARC T5-8 server, you can have up to 16
root domains.
The default root domain is the primary domain. You can use non-primary domains to act
as root domains.
Guest domain. A guest domain is a non-I/O domain that consumes virtual device services
that are provided by one or more service domains. A guest domain does not have any
physical I/O devices but only has virtual I/O devices, such as virtual disks and virtual
network interfaces.

You can install the Logical Domains Manager on an existing system that is not already
configured with Oracle VM Server for SPARC. In this case, the current instance of the OS
becomes the control domain. Also, the system is configured with only one domain, the control
domain. After configuring the control domain, you can balance the load of applications across
other domains to make the most efficient use of the entire system by adding domains and
moving those applications from the control domain to the new domains.

Command-Line Interface
The Logical Domains Manager uses a command-line interface (CLI) to create and configure
logical domains. The CLI is a single command, ldm, that has multiple subcommands. See the
ldm(1M) man page.

The Logical Domains Manager daemon, ldmd, must be running to use the Logical Domains
Manager CLI.

Virtual Input/Output
In an Oracle VM Server for SPARC environment, you can provision up to 128 domains on a
system (up to 256 on a Fujitsu M10 server). Some servers, particularly single-processor and
some dual-processor systems, have a limited number of I/O buses and physical I/O slots. As a
result, you might be unable to provide exclusive access to a physical disk and network devices to
all domains on these systems. You can assign a PCIe bus or endpoint device to a domain to
provide it with access to a physical device. Note that this solution is insufficient to provide all

Chapter 1 Overview of the Oracle VM Server for SPARC Software 29

Logical Domains Manager

domains with exclusive device access. This limitation on the number of physical I/O devices
that can be directly accessed is addressed by implementing a virtualized I/O model. See
Chapter 5, Configuring I/O Domains.

Any logical domains that have no physical I/O access are configured with virtual I/O devices
that communicate with a service domain. The service domain runs a virtual device service to
provide access to a physical device or to its functions. In this client-server model, virtual I/O
devices either communicate with each other or with a service counterpart through interdomain
communication channels called logical domain channels (LDCs). The virtualized I/O
functionality includes support for virtual networking, storage, and consoles.

Virtual Network
Oracle VM Server for SPARC uses the virtual network device and virtual network switch device
to implement virtual networking. The virtual network (vnet) device emulates an Ethernet
device and communicates with other vnet devices in the system by using a point-to-point
channel. The virtual switch (vsw) device primarily functions as a multiplexor of all the virtual
network's incoming and outgoing packets. The vsw device interfaces directly with a physical
network adapter on a service domain, and sends and receives packets on behalf of a virtual
network. The vsw device also functions as a simple layer-2 switch and switches packets between
the vnet devices connected to it within the system.

Virtual Storage
The virtual storage infrastructure uses a client-server model to enable logical domains to access
block-level storage that is not directly assigned to them. The model uses the following
Virtual disk client (vdc), which exports a block device interface
Virtual disk service (vds), which processes disk requests on behalf of the virtual disk client
and submits them to the back-end storage that resides on the service domain

Although the virtual disks appear as regular disks on the client domain, most disk operations
are forwarded to the virtual disk service and processed on the service domain.

Virtual Console
In an Oracle VM Server for SPARC environment, console I/O from the primary domain is
directed to the service processor. The console I/O from all other domains is redirected to the
service domain that is running the virtual console concentrator (vcc). The domain that runs the
vcc is typically the primary domain. The virtual console concentrator service functions as a
concentrator for console traffic for all domains, and interfaces with the virtual network terminal
server daemon (vntsd) to provide access to each console through a UNIX socket.

30 Oracle VM Server for SPARC 3.3 Administration Guide October 2015

Oracle VM Server for SPARC Physical-to-Virtual Conversion Tool

Resource Configuration
A system that runs the Oracle VM Server for SPARC software can configure resources such as
virtual CPUs, virtual I/O devices, cryptographic units, and memory. Some resources can be
configured dynamically on a running domain, while others must be configured on a stopped
domain. If a resource cannot be dynamically configured on the control domain, you must first
initiate a delayed reconfiguration. The delayed reconfiguration postpones the configuration
activities until after the control domain has been rebooted. For more information, see
Resource Reconfiguration on page 305.

Persistent Configurations
You can use the ldm command to store the current configuration of a logical domain on the
service processor. You can add a configuration, specify a configuration to be used, remove a
configuration, and list the configurations. For details, see the ldm(1M) man page. You can also
specify a configuration to boot from the SP, as described in Using Oracle VM Server for SPARC
With the Service Processor on page 366.

For information about managing configurations, see Managing Domain Configurations on

page 343.

Oracle VM Server for SPARC Physical-to-Virtual Conversion

The Oracle VM Server for SPARC Physical-to-Virtual (P2V) Conversion tool automatically
converts an existing physical system to a virtual system that runs the Oracle Solaris 10 OS in a
logical domain on a chip multithreading (CMT) system. You can run the ldmp2v command
from a control domain that runs the Oracle Solaris 11 OS to convert one of the following source
systems to a logical domain:
Any sun4u SPARC based system that runs at least the Solaris 8, Solaris 9, or Oracle Solaris 10
Any sun4v system that runs the Oracle Solaris 10 OS but does not run the Oracle VM Server
for SPARC software

Note You cannot use the P2V tool to convert an Oracle Solaris 11 physical system to a virtual

For information about the tool and about installing it, see Chapter 19, Oracle VM Server for
SPARC Physical-to-Virtual Conversion Tool. For information about the ldmp2v command, see
the ldmp2v(1M) man page.

Chapter 1 Overview of the Oracle VM Server for SPARC Software 31

Oracle VM Server for SPARC Management Information Base

Oracle VM Server for SPARC Management Information Base

The Oracle VM Server for SPARC Management Information Base (MIB) enables third-party
system management applications to perform remote monitoring of domains, and to start and
stop logical domains (domains) by using the Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP).
For more information, see Chapter 21, Using the Oracle VM Server for SPARC Management
Information Base Software.

Oracle VM Server for SPARC Troubleshooting

You can get information about particular problems with the Oracle VM Server for SPARC
software from the following publications:
Known Issues in Oracle VM Server for SPARC 3.3 Release Notes
Information Center: Overview of Oracle VM Server for SPARC (LDoms) (Doc ID
1589473.2) (

32 Oracle VM Server for SPARC 3.3 Administration Guide October 2015

C H A P T E R 2

Oracle VM Server for SPARC Security

This chapter describes some security features that you can enable on your Oracle VM Server for
SPARC system.

This chapter covers the following topics:

Delegating the Management of Logical Domains by Using Rights on page 33
Controlling Access to a Domain Console by Using Rights on page 37
Enabling and Using Logical Domains Manager Auditing on page 43
Using Domain Console Logging on page 45

Note The examples in this book are shown as being performed by superuser. However, you can
use profiles instead to have users acquire more fine-grained permissions to perform
management tasks.

Delegating the Management of Logical Domains by Using

The Logical Domains Manager package adds two predefined rights profiles to the local rights
configuration. These rights profiles delegate administrative privileges to unprivileged users:
The LDoms Management profile permits a user to use all ldm subcommands.
The LDoms Review profile permits a user to use all list-related ldm subcommands.

These rights profiles can be assigned directly to users or to a role that is then assigned to users.
When one of these profiles is assigned directly to a user, you must use the pfexec command or a
profile shell, such as pfbash or pfksh, to successfully use the ldm command to manage your
domains. Determine whether to use roles or rights profiles based on your rights configuration.
See System Administration Guide: Security Services or Securing Users and Processes in Oracle
Solaris 11.3 .

Delegating the Management of Logical Domains by Using Rights

Users, authorizations, rights profiles, and roles can be configured in the following ways:
Locally on the system by using files
Centrally in a naming service, such as LDAP

Installing the Logical Domains Manager adds the necessary rights profiles to the local files. To
configure profiles and roles in a naming service, see System Administration Guide: Naming and
Directory Services (DNS, NIS, and LDAP) . For an overview of the authorizations and execution
attributes delivered by the Logical Domains Manager package, see Logical Domains Manager
Profile Contents on page 36. All of the examples in this chapter assume that the rights
configuration uses local files.

Using Rights Profiles and Roles

Caution Be careful when using the usermod and rolemod commands to add authorizations,
rights profiles, or roles.
For the Oracle Solaris 11 OS, add values by using the plus sign (+) for each authorization you
For example, the usermod -A +auth username command grants the auth authorization to
the username user; similarly for the rolemod command.
For the Oracle Solaris 10 OS, the usermod or rolemod command replaces any existing values.
To add values instead of replacing them, specify a comma-separated list of existing values
and the new values.

Managing User Rights Profiles

The following procedures show how to manage user rights profiles on the system by using local
files. To manage user profiles in a naming service, see System Administration Guide: Naming
and Directory Services (DNS, NIS, and LDAP) .

How to Assign a Rights Profile to a User

Users who have been directly assigned the LDoms Management profile must invoke a profile shell
to run the ldm command with security attributes. For more information, see System
Administration Guide: Security Services or Securing Users and Processes in Oracle Solaris 11.3 .

1 Become an administrator.
For Oracle Solaris 11.3, see Chapter 1, About Using Rights to Control Users and Processes, in
Securing Users and Processes in Oracle Solaris 11.3 .

34 Oracle VM Server for SPARC 3.3 Administration Guide October 2015

Delegating the Management of Logical Domains by Using Rights

2 Assign an administrative profile to a local user account.

You can assign either the LDoms Review profile or the LDoms Management profile to a user
# usermod -P "profile-name" username
The following command assigns the LDoms Management profile to user sam:

# usermod -P "LDoms Management" sam

Assigning Roles to Users

The following procedure shows how to create a role and assign it to a user by using local files. To
manage roles in a naming service, see System Administration Guide: Naming and Directory
Services (DNS, NIS, and LDAP) .

The advantage of using this procedure is that only a user who has been assigned a specific role
can assume that role. When assuming a role, a password is required if the role has been assigned
a password. These two layers of security prevent a user who has not been assigned a role from
assuming that role even though he has the password.

How to Create a Role and Assign the Role to a User

1 Become an administrator.
For Oracle Solaris 11.3, see Chapter 1, About Using Rights to Control Users and Processes, in
Securing Users and Processes in Oracle Solaris 11.3 .

2 Create a role.
# roleadd -P "profile-name" role-name

3 Assign a password to the role.

You will be prompted to specify and then verify a new password.
# passwd role-name

4 Assign the role to a user.

# useradd -R role-name username

5 Assign a password to the user.

You will be prompted to specify and then verify a new password.
# passwd username

6 Become the user and provide the password, if necessary.

# su username

Chapter 2 Oracle VM Server for SPARC Security 35

Delegating the Management of Logical Domains by Using Rights

7 Verify that the user has access to the assigned role.

$ id
uid=nn(username) gid=nn(group-name)
$ roles

8 Assume the role and provide the password, if necessary.

$ su role-name

9 Verify that the user has assumed the role.

$ id
uid=nn(role-name) gid=nn(group-name)

Example 21 Creating a Role and Assigning the Role to a User

This example shows how to create the ldm_read role, assign the role to the user_1 user, become
the user_1 user, and assume the ldm_read role.

# roleadd -P LDoms Review ldm_read

# passwd ldm_read
New Password:
Re-enter new Password:
passwd: password successfully changed for ldm_read
# useradd -R ldm_read user_1
# passwd user_1
New Password:
Re-enter new Password:
passwd: password successfully changed for user_1
# su user_1
$ id
uid=95555(user_1) gid=10(staff)
$ roles
$ su ldm_read
$ id
uid=99667(ldm_read) gid=14(sysadmin)

Logical Domains Manager Profile Contents

The Logical Domains Manager package adds the following rights profiles to the local rights
profile description database:

LDoms Power Mgmt Observability:::View LDoms Power Consumption:auths=solaris.ldoms.ldmpower

LDoms Review:::Review LDoms configuration:profiles=LDoms Power Mgmt Observability;
LDoms Management:::Manage LDoms domains:profiles=LDoms Power Mgmt Observability;auths=solaris.ldoms.*

The Logical Domains Manager package also adds the following execution attribute that is
associated with the LDoms Management profile and the LDoms Power Mgmt Observability
profile to the local execution profiles database:

36 Oracle VM Server for SPARC 3.3 Administration Guide October 2015

Controlling Access to a Domain Console by Using Rights

LDoms Management:suser:cmd:::/usr/sbin/ldm:privs=file_dac_read,file_dac_search
LDoms Power Mgmt Observability:suser:cmd:::/usr/sbin/ldmpower:privs=file_dac_search

The following table lists the ldm subcommands with the corresponding user authorization that
is needed to perform the commands.

TABLE 21 ldm Subcommands and User Authorizations

ldm Subcommand1 User Authorization

add-* solaris.ldoms.write

bind-domain solaris.ldoms.write



panic-domain solaris.ldoms.write

remove-* solaris.ldoms.write

set-* solaris.ldoms.write

start-domain solaris.ldoms.write

stop-domain solaris.ldoms.write

unbind-domain solaris.ldoms.write
Refers to all the resources you can add, list, remove, or set.

Controlling Access to a Domain Console by Using Rights

By default, any user can access all domain consoles. To control access to a domain console,
configure the vntsd daemon to perform authorization checking. The vntsd daemon provides a
Service Management Facility (SMF) property named vntsd/authorization. This property can
be configured to enable authorization checking of users and roles for a domain console or a
console group. To enable authorization checking, use the svccfg command to set the value of
this property to true. While this option is enabled, vntsd listens and accepts connections only
on localhost. If the listen_addr property specifies an alternative IP address when
vntsd/authorization is enabled, vntsd ignores the alternative IP address and continues to
listen only on localhost.

Caution Do not configure the vntsd service to use a host other than localhost.

If you specify a host other than localhost, you are no longer restricted from connecting to
guest domain consoles from the control domain. If you use the telnet command to remotely
connect to a guest domain, the login credentials are passed as clear text over the network.

Chapter 2 Oracle VM Server for SPARC Security 37

Controlling Access to a Domain Console by Using Rights

By default, an authorization to access all guest consoles is present in the local authorization
description database.

solaris.vntsd.consoles:::Access All LDoms Guest Consoles::

Use the usermod command to assign the required authorizations to users or roles in local files.
This command permits only the user or role who has the required authorizations to access a
given domain console or console group. To assign authorizations to users or roles in a naming
service, see System Administration Guide: Naming and Directory Services (DNS, NIS, and

You can control the access to all domain consoles or to a single domain console.
To control the access to all domain consoles, see How to Control Access to All Domain
Consoles by Using Roles on page 38 and How to Control Access to All Domain Consoles
by Using Rights Profiles on page 40.
To control access to a single domain console, see How to Control Access to a Single
Console by Using Roles on page 41 and How to Control Access to a Single Console by
Using Rights Profiles on page 42.

How to Control Access to All Domain Consoles by Using

1 Restrict access to a domain console by enabling console authorization checking.
primary# svccfg -s vntsd setprop vntsd/authorization = true
primary# svcadm refresh vntsd
primary# svcadm restart vntsd

2 Create a role that has the solaris.vntsd.consoles authorization, which permits access to all
domain consoles.
primary# roleadd -A solaris.vntsd.consoles role-name
primary# passwd role-name

3 Assign the new role to a user.

primary# usermod -R role-name username

Example 22 Controlling Access to All Domain Consoles by Using Roles

First, enable console authorization checking to restrict access to a domain console.

primary# svccfg -s vntsd setprop vntsd/authorization = true

primary# svcadm refresh vntsd
primary# svcadm restart vntsd
primary# ldm ls

38 Oracle VM Server for SPARC 3.3 Administration Guide October 2015

Controlling Access to a Domain Console by Using Rights

primary active -n-cv- UART 8 16G 0.2% 47m

ldg1 active -n--v- 5000 2 1G 0.1% 17h 50m
ldg2 active -t---- 5001 4 2G 25% 11s

The following example shows how to create the all_cons role with the
solaris.vntsd.consoles authorization, which permits access to all domain consoles.

primary# roleadd -A solaris.vntsd.consoles all_cons

primary# passwd all_cons
New Password:
Re-enter new Password:
passwd: password successfully changed for all_cons

This command assigns the all_cons role to the sam user.

primary# usermod -R all_cons sam

User sam assumes the all_cons role and can access any console. For example:

$ id
uid=700299(sam) gid=1(other)
$ su all_cons
$ telnet localhost 5000
Connected to 0.
Escape character is ^].

Connecting to console "ldg1" in group "ldg1" ....

Press ~? for control options ..

$ telnet localhost 5001

Connected to 0.
Escape character is ^].

Connecting to console "ldg2" in group "ldg2" ....

Press ~? for control options ..

This example shows what happens when an unauthorized user, dana, attempts to access a
domain console:

$ id
uid=702048(dana) gid=1(other)
$ telnet localhost 5000
Connected to 0.
Escape character is ^].
Connection to 0 closed by foreign host.

Chapter 2 Oracle VM Server for SPARC Security 39

Controlling Access to a Domain Console by Using Rights

How to Control Access to All Domain Consoles by Using

Rights Profiles
1 Restrict access to a domain console by enabling console authorization checking.
primary# svccfg -s vntsd setprop vntsd/authorization = true
primary# svcadm refresh vntsd
primary# svcadm restart vntsd

2 Create a rights profile with the solaris.vntsd.consoles authorization.

Use the profiles command to create a new profile.
primary# profiles -p LDoms Consoles \
set desc=Access LDoms Consoles; set auths=solaris.vntsd.consoles

3 Assign the rights profile to a user.

primary# usermod -P +LDoms Consoles username

4 Connect to the domain console as the user.

$ telnet localhost 5000

Example 23 Controlling Access to All Domain Consoles by Using Rights Profiles

The following example shows how to use rights profiles to control access to all domain consoles.
Use the profiles command to create a rights profile with the solaris.vntsd.consoles
authorization in the rights profile description database.

primary# profiles -p LDoms Consoles \

set desc=Access LDoms Consoles; set auths=solaris.vntsd.consoles

Assign the rights profile to a user.

primary# usermod -P +LDoms Consoles sam

The following commands show how to verify that the user is sam and that the All, Basic
Solaris User, and LDoms Consoles rights profiles are in effect. The telnet command shows
how to access the ldg1 domain console.

$ id
uid=702048(sam) gid=1(other)
$ profiles
Basic Solaris User
LDoms Consoles
$ telnet localhost 5000
Connected to 0.
Escape character is ^].

40 Oracle VM Server for SPARC 3.3 Administration Guide October 2015

Controlling Access to a Domain Console by Using Rights

Connecting to console "ldg1" in group "ldg1" ....

Press ~? for control options ..

How to Control Access to a Single Console by Using

1 Restrict access to a domain console by enabling console authorization checking.
primary# svccfg -s vntsd setprop vntsd/authorization = true
primary# svcadm refresh vntsd
primary# svcadm restart vntsd

2 Add an authorization for a single domain to the authorization description database.

The authorization name is derived from the name of the domain and has the form
solaris.vntsd.console-domain:::Access domain Console::

3 Create a role with the new authorization to permit access only to the console of the domain.
primary# roleadd -A solaris.vntsd.console-domain role-name
primary# passwd role-name
New Password:
Re-enter new Password:
passwd: password successfully changed for role-name

4 Assign the role-name role to a user.

primary# usermod -R role-name username

Example 24 Accessing a Single Domain Console

This example shows how user terry assumes the ldg1cons role and accesses the ldg1 domain

First, add an authorization for a single domain, ldg1, to the authorization description database.

solaris.vntsd.console-ldg1:::Access ldg1 Console::

Then, create a role with the new authorization to permit access only to the console of the

primary# roleadd -A solaris.vntsd.console-ldg1 ldg1cons

primary# passwd ldg1cons
New Password:
Re-enter new Password:
passwd: password successfully changed for ldg1cons

Assign the ldg1cons role to user terry, assume the ldg1cons role, and access the domain

Chapter 2 Oracle VM Server for SPARC Security 41

Controlling Access to a Domain Console by Using Rights

primary# usermod -R ldg1cons terry

primary# su terry
$ id
uid=700300(terry) gid=1(other)
$ su ldg1cons
$ id
uid=700303(ldg1cons) gid=1(other)
$ telnet localhost 5000
Escape character is ^].

Connecting to console "ldg1" in group "ldg1" ....

Press ~? for control options ..

The following example shows that the user terry cannot access the ldg2 domain console:

$ telnet localhost 5001

Connected to 0.
Escape character is ^].
Connection to 0 closed by foreign host.

How to Control Access to a Single Console by Using

Rights Profiles
1 Restrict access to a domain console by enabling console authorization checking.
primary# svccfg -s vntsd setprop vntsd/authorization = true
primary# svcadm refresh vntsd
primary# svcadm restart vntsd

2 Add an authorization for a single domain to the authorization description database.

The following example entry adds the authorization for a domain console:
solaris.vntsd.console-domain:::Access domain Console::

3 Create a rights profile with an authorization to access a specific domain console.

Use the profiles command to create a new profile.
primary# profiles -p domain Console \
set desc=Access domain Console;
set auths=solaris.vntsd.console-domain

4 Assign the rights profile.

primary# usermod -P +domain Console username

42 Oracle VM Server for SPARC 3.3 Administration Guide October 2015

Enabling and Using Logical Domains Manager Auditing

Enabling and Using Logical Domains Manager Auditing

The Logical Domains Manager uses the Oracle Solaris OS auditing feature to examine the
history of actions and events that have occurred on your control domain. The history is kept in
a log that tracks what was done, when it was done, by whom, and what was affected.

Note In Oracle VM Server for SPARC, audit records are not generated for Logical Domains
Manager actions by default.

You can enable and disable the Oracle Solaris OS auditing feature. Use the audit command. See
the audit(1M) man page and Managing Auditing in Oracle Solaris 11.3 .

How to Enable Logical Domains Manager Auditing

Although Oracle Solaris 11 auditing is enabled by default, you must configure Logical Domains
Manager auditing.

Note Pre-existing processes are not audited for the virtualization software (vs) class. Ensure
that you perform this step before regular users log in to the system.

1 Add customizations to the /etc/security/audit_event and /etc/security/audit_class

These customizations are preserved across Oracle Solaris upgrades, but should be re-added
after a fresh Oracle Solaris installation.

a. Add the following entry to the audit_event file if not already present:
40700:AUE_ldoms:ldoms administration:vs

b. Add the following entry to the audit_class file if not already present:

2 Preselect the vs audit class.

a. Determine which auditing classes are already selected.

Ensure that any audit classes that have already been selected are part of the updated set of
classes. The following example shows that the lo class is already selected:
# auditconfig -getflags
active user default audit flags = lo(0x1000,0x1000)
configured user default audit flags = lo(0x1000,0x1000)

Chapter 2 Oracle VM Server for SPARC Security 43

Enabling and Using Logical Domains Manager Auditing

b. Add the vs auditing class.

# auditconfig -setflags [class],vs
class is zero or more audit classes, separated by commas. You can see the list of audit classes
in the /etc/security/audit_class file. Be sure to include the vs class on your Oracle VM
Server for SPARC system.
For example, the following command selects both the lo and vs classes:

# auditconfig -setflags lo,vs

c. (Optional) Log out of the system if you want to audit your processes, either as the
administrator or as the configurer.
If you do not want to log out, see How to Update the Preselection Mask of Logged In Users
in Managing Auditing in Oracle Solaris 11.3 .

3 Verify that Oracle Solaris OS auditing is enabled.

# auditconfig -getcond
If the auditing software is running, audit condition = auditing appears in the output.

4 Configure Logical Domains Manager to generate audit records.

a. Set the ldmd/audit SMF property value to true.

# svccfg -s ldmd setprop ldmd/audit = boolean: true

b. Refresh the ldmd service.

# svcadm refresh ldmd

c. Restart the ldmd service.

# svcadm restart ldmd

How to Disable Logical Domains Manager Auditing

1 Set the ldmd/audit SMF property value to false.
# svccfg -s ldmd setprop ldmd/audit = boolean: false

2 Refresh the ldmd service.

# svcadm refresh ldmd

3 Restart the ldmd service.

# svcadm restart ldmd

44 Oracle VM Server for SPARC 3.3 Administration Guide October 2015

Using Domain Console Logging

How to Review Audit Records

Use one of the following methods to review vs audit output:

Use the auditreduce and praudit commands to review audit output.

# auditreduce -c vs | praudit
# auditreduce -c vs -a 20060502000000 | praudit

Use the praudit -x command to print audit records in XML form.

Using Domain Console Logging

In an Oracle VM Server for SPARC environment, console I/O from the primary domain is
directed to the service processor (SP). The console I/O from all other domains is redirected to
the service domain that runs the virtual console concentrator, vcc. If the service domain runs
the Oracle Solaris 11 OS, the guest domain console output can be logged to a file.

Service domains support console logging for logical domains. While the service domain must
run the Oracle Solaris 11 OS, the guest domain being logged can run either the Oracle Solaris 10
OS or the Oracle Solaris 11 OS.

The domain console log is saved to a file on the service domain called
/var/log/vntsd/domain/console-log that provides the vcc service. You can rotate console
log files by using the logadm command. See the logadm(1M) and logadm.conf(4) man pages.

The Oracle VM Server for SPARC software enables you to selectively enable and disable console
logging for each logical domain. Console logging is enabled by default.

How to Enable or Disable Console Logging

You must enable or disable console logging for each individual logical domain even if the
domains belong to the same console group.

1 List the current console settings for the domain.

primary# ldm list -o console domain

2 Stop and unbind the domain.

The domain must be in an inactive and unbound state before you modify the console settings.
primary# ldm stop domain
primary# ldm unbind domain

Chapter 2 Oracle VM Server for SPARC Security 45

Using Domain Console Logging

3 Enable or disable console logging.

To enable console logging.

primary# ldm set-vcons log=on domain

To disable console logging.

primary# ldm set-vcons log=off domain

Service Domain Requirements for Domain Console

A domain that is attached to a service domain that runs an OS version older than Oracle Solaris
11.1 cannot be logged.

Note Even if you enable console logging for a domain, the domain's virtual console is not
logged if the required support is not available on the service domain.

46 Oracle VM Server for SPARC 3.3 Administration Guide October 2015

C H A P T E R 3

Setting Up Services and the Control Domain

This chapter describes the procedures necessary to set up default services and your control
This chapter covers the following topics:
Output Messages on page 47
Creating Default Services on page 48
Initial Configuration of the Control Domain on page 49
Rebooting to Use Domains on page 51
Enabling Networking Between the Oracle Solaris 10 Service Domain and Other Domains
on page 52
Enabling the Virtual Network Terminal Server Daemon on page 53
Verifying That the ILOM Interconnect Is Enabled on page 54

Output Messages
If a resource cannot be dynamically configured on the control domain, the recommended
practice is to first initiate a delayed reconfiguration. The delayed reconfiguration postpones the
configuration activities until after the control domain has been rebooted.
You receive the following message when you initiate a delayed reconfiguration on the primary

Initiating a delayed reconfiguration operation on the primary domain.

All configuration changes for other domains are disabled until the
primary domain reboots, at which time the new configuration for the
primary domain also takes effect.
You receive the following notice after every subsequent operation on the primary domain until

Notice: The primary domain is in the process of a delayed reconfiguration.

Any changes made to the primary domain will only take effect after it reboots.

Creating Default Services

Creating Default Services

The following virtual device services must be created to use the control domain as a service
domain and to create virtual devices for other domains:
vcc Virtual console concentrator service
vds Virtual disk server
vsw Virtual switch service

How to Create Default Services

1 Create a virtual console concentrator (vcc) service for use by the virtual network terminal server
daemon (vntsd) and as a concentrator for all logical domain consoles.
For example, the following command would add a virtual console concentrator service
(primary-vcc0) with a port range from 5000 to 5100 to the control domain (primary).
primary# ldm add-vcc port-range=5000-5100 primary-vcc0 primary

2 Create a virtual disk server (vds) to allow importing virtual disks into a logical domain.
For example, the following command adds a virtual disk server (primary-vds0) to the control
domain (primary).
primary# ldm add-vds primary-vds0 primary

3 Create a virtual switch service (vsw) to enable networking between virtual network (vnet)
devices in logical domains.
Assign a GLDv3-compliant network adapter to the virtual switch if each logical domain must
communicate outside the box through the virtual switch.
Add a virtual switch service (primary-vsw0) on a network device that you want to use for guest
domain networking.
primary# ldm add-vsw net-dev=network-device vsw-service primary
For example, the following command adds a virtual switch service (primary-vsw0) on network
device net0 to the control domain (primary):

primary# ldm add-vsw net-dev=net0 primary-vsw0 primary

You can use the ldm list-netdev -b command to determine the backend network devices that
are available for the virtual switch. See Virtual Switch on page 227.
You can dynamically update the net-dev property value by using the ldm set-vsw command.

48 Oracle VM Server for SPARC 3.3 Administration Guide October 2015

Initial Configuration of the Control Domain

4 Verify the services have been created by using the list-services subcommand.
Your output should look similar to the following:
primary# ldm list-services primary
primary-vcc0 5000-5100
primary-vsw0 02:04:4f:fb:9f:0d net0 switch@0 prog,promisc

Initial Configuration of the Control Domain

Initially, all system resources are allocated to the control domain. To allow the creation of other
logical domains, you must release some of these resources.

Configuring the Control Domain

How to Configure the Control Domain
This procedure contains examples of resources to set for your control domain. These numbers
are examples only, and the values used might not be appropriate for your control domain.

For domain sizing recommendations, see Oracle VM Server for SPARC Best Practices

1 Assign virtual CPUs to the control domain.

Service domains, including the control domain, require CPU and memory resources to perform
virtual disk and virtual network I/O operations for guest domains. The amount of CPU and
memory resources to allocate depends on the workload of the guest domain.
For example, the following command assigns two CPU cores (16 virtual CPU threads) to the
control domain, primary. The remainder of the virtual CPU threads are available for guest
primary# ldm set-core 2 primary
You can dynamically change the actual CPU allocation based on application requirements. Use
the ldm list command to determine the CPU utilization of the control domain. If the control
domain has high CPU utilization, use the ldm add-core and ldm set-core commands to add
CPU resources to a service domain.

Chapter 3 Setting Up Services and the Control Domain 49

Initial Configuration of the Control Domain

2 Determine whether you need cryptographic devices in the control domain.

Note that only UltraSPARC T2, UltraSPARC T2 Plus, and SPARC T3 platforms have
cryptographic devices (MAUs). Newer platforms such as SPARC T4 systems and Fujitsu M10
servers already provide cryptographic acceleration, so you do not need to assign cryptographic
accelerators to these platforms.
If you are using one of the older processors, assign one cryptographic unit for each CPU whole
core in the control domain.
The following example assigns two cryptographic resources to the control domain, primary:
primary# ldm set-crypto 2 primary

3 Initiate a delayed reconfiguration on the control domain.

primary# ldm start-reconf primary

4 Assign memory to the control domain.

For example, the following command assigns 16 Gbytes of memory to the control domain,
primary. This setup leaves the remainder of the memory available to guest domains.
primary# ldm set-memory 16G primary

5 Save the domain configuration to the service processor (SP).

For example, the following command would add a configuration called initial.
primary# ldm add-config initial

6 Verify that the configuration is ready to be used at the next reboot.

primary# ldm list-config
initial [current]
This ldm list-config command shows that the initial configuration set will be used after
you perform a power cycle.

7 Reboot the control domain to make the reconfiguration changes take effect.

Decreasing the CPU and Memory Resources From the

Control Domain's Initial factory-default Configuration
You can use CPU DR to decrease the number of the control domain's cores from an initial
factory-default configuration. However, you must use a delayed reconfiguration instead of a
memory DR to decrease the control domain's memory.

When in the factory-default configuration, the control domain owns all of the host system's
memory. The memory DR feature is not well suited for this purpose because an active domain is
not guaranteed to add or, more typically, give up, all of the requested memory. Rather, the OS

50 Oracle VM Server for SPARC 3.3 Administration Guide October 2015

Rebooting to Use Domains

running in that domain makes a best effort to fulfill the request. In addition, memory removal
can be a long-running operation. These issues are amplified when large memory operations are
involved, as is the case for the initial decrease of the control domain's memory.

Note When the Oracle Solaris OS is installed on a ZFS file system, it automatically sizes and
creates swap and dump areas as ZFS volumes in the ZFS root pool based on the amount of
physical memory that is present. If you change the domain's memory allocation, it might alter
the recommended size of these volumes. The allocations might be larger than needed after
reducing control domain memory. For swap space recommendations, see Planning for Swap
Space in Managing File Systems in Oracle Solaris 11.3. Before you free disk space, you can
optionally change the swap and dump space. See Managing ZFS Swap and Dump Devices in
Managing ZFS File Systems in Oracle Solaris 11.3.

How to Decrease the CPU and Memory Resources From the Control
Domain's Initial factory-default Configuration
This procedure shows how to decrease the CPU and memory resources from the control
domain's initial factory-default configuration. You first use CPU DR to decrease the number
of cores and then initiate a delayed reconfiguration before you decrease the amount of memory.

The example values are for CPU and memory sizes for a small control domain that has enough
resources to run the ldmd daemon and to perform migrations. However, if you want to use the
control domain for additional purposes, you can assign a larger number of cores and more
memory to the control domain as needed.

1 Boot the factory-default configuration.

2 Configure the control domain.

See How to Configure the Control Domain on page 49.

Rebooting to Use Domains

You must reboot the control domain for the configuration changes to take effect and for the
resources to be released for other logical domains to use.

How to Reboot
Shut down and reboot the control domain.
primary# shutdown -y -g0 -i6

Chapter 3 Setting Up Services and the Control Domain 51

Enabling Networking Between the Oracle Solaris 10 Service Domain and Other Domains

Note Either a reboot or power cycle instantiates the new configuration. Only a power cycle
actually boots the configuration saved to the service processor (SP), which is then reflected in
the list-config output.

Enabling Networking Between the Oracle Solaris 10 Service

Domain and Other Domains
By default, networking between an Oracle Solaris 10 service domain and other domains in the
system is disabled. Because networking is not enabled by default in the Oracle Solaris 10 OS,
you must enable networking by configuring the virtual switch device as a network device. The
virtual switch can either replace the underlying physical device (nxge0 in this example) as the
primary interface or be configured as an additional network interface in the domain.

Guest domains can automatically communicate with the Oracle Solaris 10 service domain as
long as the corresponding network back-end device is configured in the same virtual LAN or
virtual network.

How to Configure the Virtual Switch as the Primary

Note Perform the following procedure from the Oracle Solaris 10 service domain's console, as
the procedure could temporarily disrupt network connectivity to the domain.

If necessary, you can configure the virtual switch as well as the physical network device. In this
case, create the virtual switch as in Step 2, and do not delete the physical device (skip Step 3).
You must then configure the virtual switch with either a static IP address or a dynamic IP
address. You can obtain a dynamic IP address from a DHCP server. For additional information
and an example of this case, see Configuring a Virtual Switch and the Service Domain for NAT
and Routing on page 244.

1 Print the addressing information for all interfaces.

# ifconfig -a

2 Configure the virtual switch network interface.

# ifconfig vsw0 plumb

3 Remove the physical interface for the device that is assigned to the virtual switch (net-dev).
# ifconfig nxge0 down unplumb

52 Oracle VM Server for SPARC 3.3 Administration Guide October 2015

Enabling the Virtual Network Terminal Server Daemon

4 To migrate properties of the physical network device (nxge0) to the virtual switch device (vsw0),
do one of the following:

If networking is configured by using a static IP address, reuse the IP address and netmask of
nxge0 for the virtual switch.
# ifconfig vsw0 IP-of-nxge0 netmask netmask-of-nxge0 broadcast + up

If networking is configured by using DHCP, enable DHCP for the virtual switch.
# ifconfig vsw0 dhcp start

5 Make the required configuration file modifications to make this change permanent.
# mv /etc/hostname.nxge0 /etc/hostname.vsw0
# mv /etc/dhcp.nxge0 /etc/dhcp.vsw0

Enabling the Virtual Network Terminal Server Daemon

You must enable the virtual network terminal server daemon (vntsd) to provide access to the
virtual console of each logical domain. Refer to the vntsd(1M) man page for information about
how to use this daemon.

How to Enable the Virtual Network Terminal Server


Note Be sure that you have created the default service vconscon (vcc) on the control domain
before you enable vntsd. See Creating Default Services on page 48 for more information.

1 Enable the virtual network terminal server daemon, vntsd.

primary# svcadm enable vntsd

2 Verify that the vntsd daemon is enabled.

primary# svcs vntsd
online Oct_08 svc:/ldoms/vntsd:default

Chapter 3 Setting Up Services and the Control Domain 53

Verifying That the ILOM Interconnect Is Enabled

Verifying That the ILOM Interconnect Is Enabled

The ILOM interconnect is required for communication between the ldmd daemon and the
service processor (SP) on SPARC T7 series servers and SPARC M7 series servers and should not
be disabled. For more information, see the ilomconfig(1M) man page.

Note Avoid disabling the ILOM interconnect on other SPARC T-Series systems, SPARC M5,
and SPARC M6 systems. However, if you do so, the ldmd daemon can still communicate with
the SP.

If an attempt to use the ldm command to manage domain configurations on SPARC T7 series
servers and SPARC M7 series servers fails because of an error communicating with the SP, check
the ILOM interconnect state and re-enable the ilomconfig-interconnect service if necessary.
See How to Verify the ILOM Interconnect Configuration on page 54 and How to Re-Enable
the ILOM Interconnect Service on page 55.

How to Verify the ILOM Interconnect Configuration

1 Verify that the ilomconfig-interconnect service is enabled.
primary# svcs ilomconfig-interconnect
online 9:53:28 svc:/network/ilomconfig-interconnect:default

2 Verify that the ILOM interconnect is configured properly.

A proper configuration shows the State value as enabled and the Host Interconnect IP Address
value as an IP address and not none.
primary# ilomconfig list interconnect
State: enabled
Type: USB Ethernet
SP Interconnect IP Address:
Host Interconnect IP Address:
Interconnect Netmask:
SP Interconnect MAC Address: 02:21:28:57:47:16
Host Interconnect MAC Address: 02:21:28:57:47:17

3 Verify that the ldmd daemon can communicate with the SP.
primary# ldm list-spconfig

54 Oracle VM Server for SPARC 3.3 Administration Guide October 2015

Verifying That the ILOM Interconnect Is Enabled

How to Re-Enable the ILOM Interconnect Service

The ilomconfig-interconnect service is enabled by default. Use this procedure if you need to
re-enable this service manually.

1 Enable the ILOM interconnect service.

primary# svcadm enable ilomconfig-interconnect

2 Verify that the ilomconfig-interconnect service is enabled.

primary# svcs ilomconfig-interconnect
online 9:53:28 svc:/network/ilomconfig-interconnect:default

3 Verify that the ILOM interconnect is configured properly.

A proper configuration shows the State value as enabled and the Host Interconnect IP Address
value as an IP address and not none.
primary# ilomconfig list interconnect
State: enabled
Type: USB Ethernet
SP Interconnect IP Address:
Host Interconnect IP Address:
Interconnect Netmask:
SP Interconnect MAC Address: 02:21:28:57:47:16
Host Interconnect MAC Address: 02:21:28:57:47:17

4 Verify that the ldmd daemon can communicate with the SP.
primary# ldm list-spconfig

Chapter 3 Setting Up Services and the Control Domain 55

C H A P T E R 4

Setting Up Guest Domains

This chapter describes the procedures necessary to set up guest domains.

This chapter covers the following topics:

Creating and Starting a Guest Domain on page 57
Installing Oracle Solaris OS on a Guest Domain on page 60

Creating and Starting a Guest Domain

The guest domain must run an operating system that is compatible with both the sun4v
platform and the virtual devices presented by the hypervisor. Currently, this requirement
means that you must run at least the Oracle Solaris 10 11/06 OS. Running the Oracle Solaris 10
1/13 OS provides you with all the Oracle VM Server for SPARC 3.3 features. See Oracle VM
Server for SPARC 3.3 Installation Guide for any specific patches that might be necessary. Once
you have created default services and reallocated resources from the control domain, you can
create and start a guest domain.

Note A guest domain that has been assigned more than 1024 CPUs cannot run the Oracle
Solaris 10 OS. In addition, you cannot use CPU DR to reduce the number of CPUs below 1024
to run the Oracle Solaris 10 OS.

To work around this problem, unbind the guest domain, remove CPUs until you have no more
than 1024 CPUs, and then rebind the guest domain. You can then run the Oracle Solaris 10 OS
on this guest domain.

Creating and Starting a Guest Domain

How to Create and Start a Guest Domain

1 Create a logical domain.
The following command would create a guest domain named ldg1.
primary# ldm add-domain ldg1

2 Add CPUs to the guest domain.

Do one of the following:

Add virtual CPUs.

The following command would add eight virtual CPUs to guest domain ldg1.
primary# ldm add-vcpu 8 ldg1

Add whole cores.

The following command would add two whole cores to guest domain ldg1.
primary# ldm add-core 2 ldg1

3 Add memory to the guest domain.

The following command would add 2 gigabytes of memory to guest domain ldg1.
primary# ldm add-memory 2G ldg1

4 Add a virtual network device to the guest domain.

The following command would add a virtual network device with these specifics to the guest
domain ldg1.
primary# ldm add-vnet vnet1 primary-vsw0 ldg1

vnet1 is a unique interface name to the logical domain, assigned to this virtual network
device instance for reference on subsequent set-vnet or remove-vnet subcommands.
primary-vsw0 is the name of an existing network service (virtual switch) to which to

Note Steps 5 and 6 are simplified instructions for adding a virtual disk server device (vdsdev)
to the primary domain and a virtual disk (vdisk) to the guest domain. To learn how ZFS
volumes and file systems can be used as virtual disks, see How to Export a ZFS Volume as a
Single-Slice Disk on page 181 and Using ZFS With Virtual Disks on page 192.

5 Specify the device to be exported by the virtual disk server as a virtual disk to the guest domain.

58 Oracle VM Server for SPARC 3.3 Administration Guide October 2015

Creating and Starting a Guest Domain

You can export a physical disk, disk slice, volumes, or file as a block device. The following
examples show a physical disk and a file.
Physical Disk Example. This example adds a physical disk with these specifics:
primary# ldm add-vdsdev /dev/dsk/c2t1d0s2 vol1@primary-vds0

/dev/dsk/c2t1d0s2 is the path name of the actual physical device. When adding a
device, the path name must be paired with the device name.
vol1 is a unique name you must specify for the device being added to the virtual disk
server. The volume name must be unique to this virtual disk server instance because this
name is exported by this virtual disk server to the clients for adding. When adding a
device, the volume name must be paired with the path name of the actual device.
primary-vds0 is the name of the virtual disk server to which to add this device.
File Example. This example exports a file as a block device.
primary# ldm add-vdsdev backend vol1@primary-vds0

backend is the path name of the actual file exported as a block device. When adding a
device, the back end must be paired with the device name.
vol1 is a unique name you must specify for the device being added to the virtual disk
server. The volume name must be unique to this virtual disk server instance because this
name is exported by this virtual disk server to the clients for adding. When adding a
device, the volume name must be paired with the path name of the actual device.
primary-vds0 is the name of the virtual disk server to which to add this device.

6 Add a virtual disk to the guest domain.

The following example adds a virtual disk to the guest domain ldg1.
primary# ldm add-vdisk vdisk1 vol1@primary-vds0 ldg1

vdisk1 is the name of the virtual disk.
vol1 is the name of the existing volume to which to connect.
primary-vds0 is the name of the existing virtual disk server to which to connect.

Chapter 4 Setting Up Guest Domains 59

Installing Oracle Solaris OS on a Guest Domain

Note The virtual disks are generic block devices that are associated with different types of
physical devices, volumes, or files. A virtual disk is not synonymous with a SCSI disk and,
therefore, excludes the target ID in the disk label. Virtual disks in a logical domain have the
following format: cNdNsN, where cN is the virtual controller, dN is the virtual disk number,
and sN is the slice.

7 Set the auto-boot? and boot-device variables for the guest domain.
The following example command sets auto-boot? to true for guest domain ldg1.
primary# ldm set-var auto-boot\?=true ldg1
The following example command sets boot-device to vdisk1 for guest domain ldg1.

primary# ldm set-var boot-device=vdisk1 ldg1

8 Bind resources to the guest domain ldg1 and then list the domain to verify that it is bound.
primary# ldm bind-domain ldg1
primary# ldm list-domain ldg1
ldg1 bound ----- 5000 8 2G

9 To find the console port of the guest domain, you can look at the output of the preceding
list-domain subcommand.
You can see under the heading CONS that logical domain guest 1 (ldg1) has its console output
bound to port 5000.

10 Connect to the console of a guest domain from another terminal by logging into the control
domain and connecting directly to the console port on the local host.
$ ssh hostname.domain-name
$ telnet localhost 5000

11 Start the guest domain ldg1.

primary# ldm start-domain ldg1

Installing Oracle Solaris OS on a Guest Domain

This section provides instructions for several different ways you can install the Oracle Solaris
OS on a guest domain.

Caution Do not disconnect from the virtual console during the installation of the Oracle Solaris

For Oracle Solaris 11 domains, use the DefaultFixed network configuration profile (NCP).
You can enable this profile during or after installation.

60 Oracle VM Server for SPARC 3.3 Administration Guide October 2015

Installing Oracle Solaris OS on a Guest Domain

During the Oracle Solaris 11 installation, select the Manual networking configuration. After the
Oracle Solaris 11 installation, ensure that the DefaultFixed NCP is enabled by using the
netadm list command. See Chapters 2, 3, 5, and 6 of Configuring and Managing Network
Components in Oracle Solaris 11.3 .

Memory Size Requirements

The Oracle VM Server for SPARC software does not impose a memory size limitation when you
create a domain. The memory size requirement is a characteristic of the guest operating system.
Some Oracle VM Server for SPARC functionality might not work if the amount of memory
present is smaller than the recommended size. For recommended and minimum memory
requirements for the Oracle Solaris 10 OS, see System Requirements and Recommendations
in Oracle Solaris 10 1/13 Installation Guide: Planning for Installation and Upgrade . For
recommended and minimum memory requirements for the Oracle Solaris 11 OS, see Oracle
Solaris 11 Release Notes , Oracle Solaris 11.1 Release Notes , Oracle Solaris 11.2 Release Notes ,
and Oracle Solaris 11.3 Release Notes .

The OpenBoot PROM has a minimum size restriction for a domain. Currently, that restriction
is 12 Mbytes. If you have a domain smaller than that size, the Logical Domains Manager will
automatically boost the size of the domain to 12 Mbytes. The minimum size restriction for a
Fujitsu M10 server is 256 Mbytes. Refer to the release notes for your system firmware for
information about memory size requirements.

The memory dynamic reconfiguration (DR) feature enforces 256-Mbyte alignment on the
address and size of the memory involved in a given operation. See Memory Alignment on
page 324.

How to Install the Oracle Solaris OS on a Guest Domain

From a DVD
1 Insert the Oracle Solaris 10 OS or Oracle Solaris 11 OS DVD into the DVD drive.

2 Stop the volume management daemon, vold(1M), on the primary domain.

primary# svcadm disable volfs

3 Stop and unbind the guest domain (ldg1).

primary# ldm stop ldg1
primary# ldm unbind ldg1

Chapter 4 Setting Up Guest Domains 61

Installing Oracle Solaris OS on a Guest Domain

4 Add the DVD with the DVD-ROM media as a secondary volume and virtual disk.
The following example uses c0t0d0s2 as the DVD drive in which the Oracle Solaris media
resides, dvd_vol@primary-vds0 as a secondary volume, and vdisk_cd_media as a virtual disk.
primary# ldm add-vdsdev options=ro /dev/dsk/c0t0d0s2 dvd_vol@primary-vds0
primary# ldm add-vdisk vdisk_cd_media dvd_vol@primary-vds0 ldg1

5 Verify that the DVD is added as a secondary volume and virtual disk.
primary# ldm list-bindings
primary active -n-cv SP 8 8G 0.2% 22h 45m
primary-vds0 vol1 /dev/dsk/c2t1d0s2
dvd_vol /dev/dsk/c0t0d0s2
ldg1 inactive ----- 60 6G
vdisk1 vol1@primary-vds0
vdisk_cd_media dvd_vol@primary-vds0

6 Bind and start the guest domain (ldg1).

primary# ldm bind ldg1
primary# ldm start ldg1
LDom ldg1 started
primary# telnet localhost 5000
Connected to localhost.
Escape character is ^].
Connecting to console "ldg1" in group "ldg1" ....
Press ~? for control options ..

7 Show the device aliases in the client OpenBoot PROM.

In this example, see the device aliases for vdisk_cd_media, which is the Oracle Solaris DVD,
and vdisk1, which is a virtual disk on which you can install the Oracle Solaris OS.
ok devalias
vdisk_cd_media /virtual-devices@100/channel-devices@200/disk@1
vdisk1 /virtual-devices@100/channel-devices@200/disk@0
vnet1 /virtual-devices@100/channel-devices@200/network@0
virtual-console /virtual-devices/console@1
name aliases

8 On the guest domain's console, boot from vdisk_cd_media (disk@1) on slice f.

ok boot vdisk_cd_media:f
Boot device: /virtual-devices@100/channel-devices@200/disk@1:f File and args: -s
SunOS Release 5.10 Version Generic_139555-08 64-bit
Copyright (c), 1983-2010, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

62 Oracle VM Server for SPARC 3.3 Administration Guide October 2015

Installing Oracle Solaris OS on a Guest Domain

9 Continue with the Oracle Solaris OS installation.

How to Install the Oracle Solaris OS on a Guest Domain

From an Oracle Solaris ISO File
1 Stop and unbind the guest domain (ldg1).
primary# ldm stop ldg1
primary# ldm unbind ldg1

2 Add the Oracle Solaris ISO file as a secondary volume and virtual disk.
The following example uses solarisdvd.iso as the Oracle Solaris ISO file,
iso_vol@primary-vds0 as a secondary volume, and vdisk_iso as a virtual disk:
primary# ldm add-vdsdev /export/solarisdvd.iso iso_vol@primary-vds0
primary# ldm add-vdisk vdisk_iso iso_vol@primary-vds0 ldg1

3 Verify that the Oracle Solaris ISO file is added as a secondary volume and virtual disk.
primary# ldm list-bindings
primary active -n-cv SP 8 8G 0.2% 22h 45m
primary-vds0 vol1 /dev/dsk/c2t1d0s2
iso_vol /export/solarisdvd.iso
ldg1 inactive ----- 60 6G
vdisk1 vol1@primary-vds0
vdisk_iso iso_vol@primary-vds0

4 Bind and start the guest domain (ldg1).

primary# ldm bind ldg1
primary# ldm start ldg1
LDom ldg1 started
primary# telnet localhost 5000
Connected to localhost.
Escape character is ^].

Connecting to console "ldg1" in group "ldg1" ....

Press ~? for control options ..

Chapter 4 Setting Up Guest Domains 63

Installing Oracle Solaris OS on a Guest Domain

5 Show the device aliases in the client OpenBoot PROM.

In this example, see the device aliases for vdisk_iso, which is the Oracle Solaris ISO image, and
vdisk_install, which is the disk space.
ok devalias
vdisk_iso /virtual-devices@100/channel-devices@200/disk@1
vdisk1 /virtual-devices@100/channel-devices@200/disk@0
vnet1 /virtual-devices@100/channel-devices@200/network@0
virtual-console /virtual-devices/console@1
name aliases

6 On the guest domain's console, boot from vdisk_iso (disk@1) on slice f.

ok boot vdisk_iso:f
Boot device: /virtual-devices@100/channel-devices@200/disk@1:f File and args: -s
SunOS Release 5.10 Version Generic_139555-08 64-bit
Copyright (c) 1983-2010, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

7 Continue with the Oracle Solaris OS installation.

How to Use the Oracle Solaris JumpStart Feature on an

Oracle Solaris 10 Guest Domain
Note The Oracle Solaris JumpStart feature is available only for the Oracle Solaris 10 OS. See
Oracle Solaris 10 1/13 Installation Guide: JumpStart Installations .

To perform an automated installation of the Oracle Solaris 11 OS, you can use the Automated
Installer (AI) feature. See Transitioning From Oracle Solaris 10 to Oracle Solaris 11.3 .

Modify your JumpStart profile to reflect the different disk device name format for the guest
Virtual disk device names in a logical domain differ from physical disk device names. Virtual
disk device names do not contain a target ID (tN). Instead of the usual cNtNdNsN format,
virtual disk device names use the cNdNsN format. cN is the virtual controller, dN is the virtual
disk number, and sN is the slice number.

Note A virtual disk can appear either as a full disk or as a single-slice disk. The Oracle Solaris
OS can be installed on a full disk by using a regular JumpStart profile that specifies multiple
partitions. A single-slice disk only has a single partition, s0, that uses the entire disk. To install
the Oracle Solaris OS on a single disk, you must use a profile that has a single partition (/) that
uses the entire disk. You cannot define any other partitions, such as swap. For more
information about full disks and single-slice disks, see Virtual Disk Appearance on page 173.

JumpStart profile for installing a UFS root file system.

See Oracle Solaris 10 1/13 Installation Guide: JumpStart Installations .

64 Oracle VM Server for SPARC 3.3 Administration Guide October 2015

Installing Oracle Solaris OS on a Guest Domain

Normal UFS Profile

filesys c1t1d0s0 free /
filesys c1t1d0s1 2048 swap
filesys c1t1d0s5 120 /spare1
filesys c1t1d0s6 120 /spare2
Actual UFS Profile for Installing a Domain on a Full Disk

filesys c0d0s0 free /

filesys c0d0s1 2048 swap
filesys c0d0s5 120 /spare1
filesys c0d0s6 120 /spare2
Actual UFS Profile for Installing a Domain on a Single-Slice Disk

filesys c0d0s0 free /

JumpStart profile for installing a ZFS root file system.

See Chapter 9, Installing a ZFS Root Pool With JumpStart, in Oracle Solaris 10 1/13
Installation Guide: JumpStart Installations .
Normal ZFS Profile
pool rpool auto 2G 2G c1t1d0s0
Actual ZFS Profile for Installing a Domain

pool rpool auto 2G 2G c0d0s0

Chapter 4 Setting Up Guest Domains 65

C H A P T E R 5

Configuring I/O Domains

This chapter describes I/O domains and how to configure them in an Oracle VM Server for
SPARC environment.

This chapter covers the following topics:

I/O Domain Overview on page 67
General Guidelines for Creating an I/O Domain on page 68

I/O Domain Overview

An I/O domain has direct ownership of and direct access to physical I/O devices. It can be
created by assigning a PCI EXPRESS (PCIe) bus, a PCIe endpoint device, or a PCIe SR-IOV
virtual function to a domain. Use the ldm add-io command to assign a bus, device, or virtual
function to a domain.

You might want to configure I/O domains for the following reasons:
An I/O domain has direct access to a physical I/O device, which avoids the performance
overhead that is associated with virtual I/O. As a result, the I/O performance on an I/O
domain more closely matches the I/O performance on a bare-metal system.
An I/O domain can host virtual I/O services to be used by guest domains.

For information about configuring I/O domains, see the information in the following chapters:
Chapter 6, Creating a Root Domain by Assigning PCIe Buses
Chapter 8, Creating an I/O Domain by Using Direct I/O
Chapter 7, Creating an I/O Domain by Using PCIe SR-IOV Virtual Functions
Chapter 9, Using Non-primary Root Domains

General Guidelines for Creating an I/O Domain

Note You cannot migrate a domain that has PCIe buses, PCIe endpoint devices, or SR-IOV
virtual functions. For information about other migration limitations, see Chapter 13,
Migrating Domains.

General Guidelines for Creating an I/O Domain

An I/O domain might have direct access to one or more I/O devices, such as PCIe buses,
network interface units (NIUs), PCIe endpoint devices, and PCIe single root I/O virtualization
(SR-IOV) virtual functions.

This type of direct access to I/O devices means that more I/O bandwidth is available to provide
the following:
Services to the applications in the I/O domain
Virtual I/O services to guest domains

The following basic guidelines enable you to effectively use the I/O bandwidth:
Assign CPU resources at the granularity of CPU cores. Assign one or more CPU cores based
on the type of I/O device and the number of I/O devices in the I/O domain.
For example, a 1-Gbps Ethernet device might require fewer CPU cores to use the full
bandwidth compared to a 10-Gbps Ethernet device.
Abide by memory requirements. Memory requirements depend on the type of I/O device
that is assigned to the domain. A minimum of 4 Gbytes is recommended per I/O device. The
more I/O devices you assign, the more memory you must allocate.
When you use the PCIe SR-IOV feature, follow the same guidelines for each SR-IOV virtual
function that you would use for other I/O devices. So, assign one or more CPU cores and
memory (in Gbytes) to fully use the bandwidth that is available from the virtual function.

Note that creating and assigning a large number of virtual functions to a domain that does not
have sufficient CPU and memory resources is unlikely to produce an optimal configuration.

SPARC systems, up to and including the SPARC T5 and SPARC M6 platforms, provide a finite
number of interrupts, so Oracle Solaris limits the number of interrupts that each device can use.
The default limit should match the needs of a typical system configuration but you might need
to adjust this value for certain system configurations. For more information, see Adjusting the
Interrupt Limit on page 380.

68 Oracle VM Server for SPARC 3.3 Administration Guide October 2015

C H A P T E R 6

Creating a Root Domain by Assigning PCIe


This chapter describes how to create a root domain by assigning PCIe buses.
Creating a Root Domain by Assigning PCIe Buses on page 69

Creating a Root Domain by Assigning PCIe Buses

You can use the Oracle VM Server for SPARC software to assign an entire PCIe bus (also known
as a root complex) to a domain. An entire PCIe bus consists of the PCIe bus itself and all of its
PCI switches and devices. PCIe buses that are present on a server are identified with names such
as pci@400 (pci_0). An I/O domain that is configured with an entire PCIe bus is also known as
a root domain.

The following diagram shows a system that has three root complexes, pci_0, pci_1, and pci_2.

Creating a Root Domain by Assigning PCIe Buses

FIGURE 61 Assigning a PCIe Bus to a Root Domain

The maximum number of root domains that you can create with PCIe buses depends on the
number of PCIe buses that are available on the server. Use the ldm list-io to determine the
number of PCIe buses available on your system.

When you assign a PCIe bus to a root domain, all devices on that bus are owned by that root.
You can assign any of the PCIe endpoint devices on that bus to other domains.

When a server is initially configured in an Oracle VM Server for SPARC environment or is

using the factory-default configuration, the primary domain has access to all the physical
device resources. Therefore, the primary domain is the only root domain configured on the
system and it owns all the PCIe buses.

70 Oracle VM Server for SPARC 3.3 Administration Guide October 2015

Creating a Root Domain by Assigning PCIe Buses

Static PCIe Bus Assignment

The static PCIe bus assignment method for a root domain requires you to initiate a delayed
reconfiguration on the root domain when assigning or removing a PCIe bus. When you intend
to use this method for a domain that does not yet own a PCIe bus, you must stop the domain
before you assign the PCIe bus. After you complete the configuration steps on the root domain,
you must reboot it. You must use the static method when the Oracle VM Server for SPARC 3.2
firmware is not installed in the system or when the OS version that is installed in the respective
domain does not support dynamic PCIe bus assignment.

While the root domain is stopped or in delayed reconfiguration, you can run one or more of the
ldm add-io and ldm remove-io commands before you reboot the root domain. To minimize
domain downtime, plan ahead before assigning or removing PCIe buses.
For root domains, both primary and non-primary, use delayed reconfiguration. After you
have added or removed the PCIe buses, reboot the root domain to make the changes take
primary# ldm start-reconf root-domain
Add or remove the PCIe bus by using the ldm add-io or ldm remove-io command
primary# ldm stop -r domain-name

Note that you can use delayed reconfiguration only if the domain already owns a PCIe bus.
For non-root domains, stop the domain and then add or remove the PCie bus.
primary# ldm stop domain-name
Add or remove the PCIe bus by using the ldm add-io or ldm remove-io command
primary# ldm start domain-name

Dynamic PCIe Bus Assignment

The dynamic PCIe bus assignment feature enables you to dynamically assign or remove a PCIe
bus from a root domain.

The dynamic PCIe bus assignment feature is enabled when your system runs the required
firmware and software. See Dynamic PCIe Bus Assignment Requirements on page 71. If your
system does not run the required firmware and software, the ldm add-io and ldm remove-io
commands fail gracefully.

When enabled, you can run the ldm add-io and ldm remove-io commands without stopping
the root domain or putting the root domain in delayed reconfiguration.

Dynamic PCIe Bus Assignment Requirements

The dynamic PCIe bus assignment feature is supported on SPARC M5 servers, SPARC M6
servers, SPARC M7 series servers, SPARC T7 series servers, and Fujitsu M10 servers that run the
Oracle Solaris 11 OS in the root domain. SPARC M5 servers and SPARC M6 servers must run at

Chapter 6 Creating a Root Domain by Assigning PCIe Buses 71

Creating a Root Domain by Assigning PCIe Buses

least the 9.4.2 version of the system firmware, SPARC T7 series servers and SPARC M7 series
servers must run at least 9.4.3, and the Fujitsu M10 server must run at least XCP2240.

How to Create a Root Domain by Assigning a PCIe Bus

This example procedure shows how to create a new root domain from an initial configuration
where several buses are owned by the primary domain. By default the primary domain owns all
buses present on the system. This example is for a SPARC T4-2 server. This procedure can also
be used on other servers. The instructions for different servers might vary slightly from these,
but you can obtain the basic principles from this example.
Ensure that you do not remove the PCIe buses that host the boot disk and primary network
interface from the primary domain.

Caution All internal disks on the supported servers might be connected to a single PCIe bus. If a
domain is booted from an internal disk, do not remove that bus from the domain.
Ensure that you do not remove a bus that has devices that are used by a domain, such as
network ports or usbecm devices. If you remove the wrong bus, a domain might not be able to
access the required devices and could become unusable. To remove a bus that has devices that
are used by a domain, reconfigure that domain to use devices from other buses. For example,
you might have to reconfigure the domain to use a different on-board network port or a PCIe
card from a different PCIe slot.
On certain SPARC servers, you can remove a PCIe bus that contains USB, graphics controllers,
and other devices. However, you cannot add such a PCIe bus to any other domain. Such PCIe
buses can be added only to the primary domain.

In this example, the primary domain uses only a ZFS pool (rpool) and network interface
(igb0). If the primary domain uses more devices, repeat Steps 2-4 for each device to ensure that
none are located on the bus that will be removed.
You can add a bus to or remove a bus from a domain by using its device path (pci@nnn) or its
pseudonym (pci_n). The ldm list-bindings primary or ldm list -l -o physio primary
command shows the following:
pci@400 corresponds to pci_0
pci@500 corresponds to pci_1
pci@600 corresponds to pci_2
pci@700 corresponds to pci_3

1 Verify that the primary domain owns more than one PCIe bus.
primary# ldm list-io
---- ---- --- ------ ------

72 Oracle VM Server for SPARC 3.3 Administration Guide October 2015

Creating a Root Domain by Assigning PCIe Buses

pci_0 BUS pci_0 primary

pci_1 BUS pci_1 primary
pci_2 BUS pci_2 primary
pci_3 BUS pci_3 primary
/SYS/MB/PCIE1 PCIE pci_0 primary EMP
/SYS/MB/SASHBA0 PCIE pci_0 primary OCC
/SYS/MB/NET0 PCIE pci_0 primary OCC
/SYS/MB/PCIE5 PCIE pci_1 primary EMP
/SYS/MB/PCIE6 PCIE pci_1 primary EMP
/SYS/MB/PCIE7 PCIE pci_1 primary EMP
/SYS/MB/PCIE2 PCIE pci_2 primary EMP
/SYS/MB/PCIE3 PCIE pci_2 primary EMP
/SYS/MB/PCIE4 PCIE pci_2 primary EMP
/SYS/MB/PCIE8 PCIE pci_3 primary EMP
/SYS/MB/SASHBA1 PCIE pci_3 primary OCC
/SYS/MB/NET2 PCIE pci_3 primary OCC
/SYS/MB/NET0/IOVNET.PF0 PF pci_0 primary
/SYS/MB/NET0/IOVNET.PF1 PF pci_0 primary
/SYS/MB/NET2/IOVNET.PF0 PF pci_3 primary
/SYS/MB/NET2/IOVNET.PF1 PF pci_3 primary

2 Determine the device path of the boot disk that must be retained.

For UFS file systems, run the df / command to determine the device path of the boot disk.
primary# df /
/ (/dev/dsk/c0t5000CCA03C138904d0s0):22755742 blocks 2225374 files

For ZFS file systems, first run the df / command to determine the pool name. Then, run the
zpool status command to determine the device path of the boot disk.
primary# zpool status rpool
pool: rpool
state: ONLINE
scan: none requested
rpool ONLINE 0 0 0
c0t5000CCA03C138904d0s0 ONLINE 0 0 0

3 Obtain information about the system's boot disk.

For a disk that is managed with Solaris I/O multipathing, determine the PCIe bus under
which the boot disk is connected by using the mpathadm command.
Starting with the SPARC T3 servers, the internal disks are managed by Solaris I/O

a. Find the initiator port to which the disk is connected.

primary# mpathadm show lu /dev/rdsk/c0t5000CCA03C138904d0s0
Logical Unit: /dev/rdsk/c0t5000CCA03C138904d0s2
Product: H106030SDSUN300G

Chapter 6 Creating a Root Domain by Assigning PCIe Buses 73

Creating a Root Domain by Assigning PCIe Buses

Revision: A2B0
Name Type: unknown type
Name: 5000cca03c138904
Asymmetric: no
Current Load Balance: round-robin
Logical Unit Group ID: NA
Auto Failback: on
Auto Probing: NA

Initiator Port Name: w50800200014100c8
Target Port Name: w5000cca03c138905
Override Path: NA
Path State: OK
Disabled: no

Target Ports:
Name: w5000cca03c138905
Relative ID: 0

b. Determine the PCIe bus on which the initiator port is present.

primary# mpathadm show initiator-port w50800200014100c8
Initiator Port: w50800200014100c8
Transport Type: unknown
OS Device File: /devices/pci@400/pci@2/pci@0/pci@e/scsi@0/iport@1

For a disk that is not managed with Solaris I/O multipathing, determine the physical device
to which the block device is linked by using the ls -l command.
Use this command for a disk on an UltraSPARC T2 or UltraSPARC T2 Plus system that is
not managed with Solaris I/O multipathing.
The following example uses block device c1t0d0s0:
primary# ls -l /dev/dsk/c0t1d0s0
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 49 Oct 1 10:39 /dev/dsk/c0t1d0s0 ->
In this example, the physical device for the primary domain's boot disk is connected to the
pci@400 bus.

4 Determine the network interface that is used by the system.

Identify the primary network interface that is plumbed by using the ifconfig command. A
plumbed interface has streams set up so that the IP protocol can use the device.
primary# ifconfig -a
lo0: flags=2001000849<UP,LOOPBACK,RUNNING,MULTICAST,IPv4,VIRTUAL> mtu 8232 index 1
inet netmask ff000000
net0: flags=1004843<UP,BROADCAST,RUNNING,MULTICAST,DHCP,IPv4> mtu 1500 index 3
inet netmask ffffff00 broadcast
ether 0:10:e0:e:f1:78

primary# dladm show-phys net0

net0 Ethernet up 1000 full igb0

74 Oracle VM Server for SPARC 3.3 Administration Guide October 2015

Creating a Root Domain by Assigning PCIe Buses

5 Determine the physical device to which the network interface is linked.

The following command uses the igb0 network interface:
primary# ls -l /dev/igb0
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 46 Oct 1 10:39 /dev/igb0 ->
Perform the ls -l /dev/usbecm command, as well.
In this example, the physical device for the network interface used by the primary domain is
under bus pci@500, which corresponds to the earlier listing of pci_1. So, the other two buses,
pci_2 (pci@600) and pci_3 (pci@700), can safely be assigned to other domains because they are
not used by the primary domain.
If the network interface used by the primary domain is on a bus that you want to assign to
another domain, reconfigure the primary domain to use a different network interface.

6 Remove a bus that does not contain the boot disk or the network interface from the primary
In this example, the pci_2 bus is being removed from the primary domain.

Dynamic method:
Ensure that the devices in the pci_2 bus are not in use by the primary domain OS. If they
are, this command might fail to remove the bus. Use the static method to forcibly remove
the pci_2 bus.
primary# ldm remove-io pci_2 primary

Static method:
Before you remove the bus, you must initiate a delayed reconfiguration.
primary# ldm start-reconf primary
primary# ldm remove-io pci_2 primary
primary# shutdown -y -g0 -i6
The bus that the primary domain uses for the boot disk and the network device cannot be
assigned to other domains. You can assign any of the other buses to another domain. In this
example, the pci@600 is not used by the primary domain, so you can reassign it to another

7 Add a bus to a domain.

In this example, you add the pci_2 bus to the ldg1 domain.

Dynamic method:
primary# ldm add-io pci_2 ldg1

Chapter 6 Creating a Root Domain by Assigning PCIe Buses 75

Creating a Root Domain by Assigning PCIe Buses

Static method:
Before you add the bus, you must stop the domain.
primary# ldm stop-domain ldg1
primary# ldm add-io pci_2 ldg1
primary# ldm start-domain ldg1

8 Save this configuration to the service processor.

In this example, the configuration is io-domain.
primary# ldm add-config io-domain
This configuration, io-domain, is also set as the next configuration to be used after the reboot.

9 Confirm that the correct bus is still assigned to the primary domain and that the correct bus is
assigned to domain ldg1.
primary# ldm list-io
---- ---- --- ------ ------
pci_0 BUS pci_0 primary
pci_1 BUS pci_1 primary
pci_2 BUS pci_2 ldg1
pci_3 BUS pci_3 primary
/SYS/MB/PCIE1 PCIE pci_0 primary EMP
/SYS/MB/SASHBA0 PCIE pci_0 primary OCC
/SYS/MB/NET0 PCIE pci_0 primary OCC
/SYS/MB/PCIE5 PCIE pci_1 primary EMP
/SYS/MB/PCIE6 PCIE pci_1 primary EMP
/SYS/MB/PCIE7 PCIE pci_1 primary EMP
/SYS/MB/PCIE2 PCIE pci_2 ldg1 EMP
/SYS/MB/PCIE3 PCIE pci_2 ldg1 EMP
/SYS/MB/PCIE4 PCIE pci_2 ldg1 EMP
/SYS/MB/PCIE8 PCIE pci_3 primary EMP
/SYS/MB/SASHBA1 PCIE pci_3 primary OCC
/SYS/MB/NET2 PCIE pci_3 primary OCC
/SYS/MB/NET0/IOVNET.PF0 PF pci_0 primary
/SYS/MB/NET0/IOVNET.PF1 PF pci_0 primary
/SYS/MB/NET2/IOVNET.PF0 PF pci_3 primary
/SYS/MB/NET2/IOVNET.PF1 PF pci_3 primary
This output confirms that PCIe buses pci_0, pci_1, and pci_3 and their devices are assigned to
the primary domain. It also confirms that PCIe bus pci_2 and its devices are assigned to the
ldg1 domain.

76 Oracle VM Server for SPARC 3.3 Administration Guide October 2015

C H A P T E R 7

Creating an I/O Domain by Using PCIe SR-IOV

Virtual Functions

This chapter covers the following PCIe SR-IOV topics:

SR-IOV Overview on page 77
SR-IOV Hardware and Software Requirements on page 80
Current SR-IOV Feature Limitations on page 83
Static SR-IOV on page 84
Dynamic SR-IOV on page 85
Enabling I/O Virtualization on page 87
Planning for the Use of PCIe SR-IOV Virtual Functions on page 88
Using Ethernet SR-IOV Virtual Functions on page 89
Using InfiniBand SR-IOV Virtual Functions on page 108
Using Fibre Channel SR-IOV Virtual Functions on page 121
I/O Domain Resiliency on page 134
Rebooting the Root Domain With Non-Resilient I/O Domains Configured on page 140

SR-IOV Overview
Note Because root domains cannot have dependencies on other root domains, a root domain
that owns a PCIe bus cannot have its PCIe endpoint devices or SR-IOV virtual functions
assigned to another root domain. However, you can assign a PCIe endpoint device or virtual
function from a PCIe bus to the root domain that owns that bus.

The Peripheral Component Interconnect Express (PCIe) single root I/O virtualization
(SR-IOV) implementation is based on version 1.1 of the standard as defined by the PCI-SIG.
The SR-IOV standard enables the efficient sharing of PCIe devices among virtual machines and
is implemented in the hardware to achieve I/O performance that is comparable to native
performance. The SR-IOV specification defines a new standard wherein new devices that are
created enable the virtual machine to be directly connected to the I/O device.

SR-IOV Overview

A single I/O resource, which is known as a physical function, can be shared by many virtual
machines. The shared devices provide dedicated resources and also use shared common
resources. In this way, each virtual machine has access to unique resources. Therefore, a PCIe
device, such as an Ethernet port, that is SR-IOV-enabled with appropriate hardware and OS
support can appear as multiple, separate physical devices, each with its own PCIe configuration

For more information about SR-IOV, see the PCI-SIG web site (

The following figure shows the relationship between virtual functions and a physical function in
an I/O domain.

FIGURE 71 Using Virtual Functions and a Physical Function in an I/O Domain

78 Oracle VM Server for SPARC 3.3 Administration Guide October 2015

SR-IOV Overview

SR-IOV has the following function types:

Physical function A PCI function that supports the SR-IOV capabilities as defined by the
SR-IOV specification. A physical function contains the SR-IOV capability structure and
manages the SR-IOV functionality. Physical functions are fully featured PCIe functions that
can be discovered, managed, and manipulated like any other PCIe device. Physical functions
can be used to configure and control a PCIe device.
Virtual function A PCI function that is associated with a physical function. A virtual
function is a lightweight PCIe function that shares one or more physical resources with the
physical function and with virtual functions that are associated with that physical function.
Unlike a physical function, a virtual function can only configure its own behavior.

Each SR-IOV device can have a physical function and each physical function can have up to 256
virtual functions associated with it. This number is dependent on the particular SR-IOV device.
The virtual functions are created by the physical function.

After SR-IOV is enabled in the physical function, the PCI configuration space of each virtual
function can be accessed by the bus, device, and function number of the physical function. Each
virtual function has a PCI memory space, which is used to map its register set. The virtual
function device drivers operate on the register set to enable its functionality and the virtual
function appears as an actual PCI device. After creation, you can directly assign a virtual
function to an I/O domain. This capability enables the virtual function to share the physical
device and to perform I/O without CPU and hypervisor software overhead.

You might want to use the SR-IOV feature in your environment to reap the following benefits:
Higher performance and reduced latency Direct access to hardware from a virtual
machines environment
Cost reduction Capital and operational expenditure savings, which include:
Power savings
Reduced adapter count
Less cabling
Fewer switch ports

The Oracle VM Server for SPARC SR-IOV implementation includes both static and dynamic
configuration methods. For more information, see Static SR-IOV on page 84 and Dynamic
SR-IOV on page 85.

The Oracle VM Server for SPARC SR-IOV feature enables you to perform the following
Creating a virtual function on a specified physical function
Destroying a specified virtual function on a physical function
Assigning a virtual function to a domain
Removing a virtual function from a domain

Chapter 7 Creating an I/O Domain by Using PCIe SR-IOV Virtual Functions 79

SR-IOV Hardware and Software Requirements

To create and destroy virtual functions in the SR-IOV physical function devices, you must first
enable I/O virtualization on that PCIe bus. You can use the ldm set-io or ldm add-io
command to set the iov property to on. You can also use the ldm add-domain or ldm
set-domain command to set the rc-add-policy property to iov. See the ldm(1M) man page.

Note On SPARC M7 series servers, SPARC T7 series servers, and Fujitsu M10 servers, PCIe
buses are enabled for I/O virtualization by default.

Assigning a SR-IOV virtual function to a domain creates an implicit dependency on the domain
providing the SR-IOV physical function service. You can view these dependencies or view
domains that depend on this SR-IOV physical function by using the ldm list-dependencies
command. See Listing Domain I/O Dependencies on page 382.

SR-IOV Hardware and Software Requirements

The dynamic and static PCIe SR-IOV features are supported on the SPARC T4 server, SPARC
T5 server, SPARC T7 series server, SPARC M5 server, SPARC M6 server, and SPARC M7 series
server. The dynamic feature is supported on Fujitsu M10 platforms for Ethernet devices only
while the other device types require that you use the static method. The SPARC T3 platform
supports only the static PCIe SR-IOV feature.
Hardware Requirements.

Refer to your platform's hardware documentation to verify which cards can be used on your
platform. For an up-to-date list of supported PCIe cards, see https://
Ethernet SR-IOV. To use the SR-IOV feature, you can use on-board PCIe SR-IOV
devices as well as PCIe SR-IOV plug-in cards. All on-board SR-IOV devices in a given
platform are supported unless otherwise explicitly stated in the platform
InfiniBand SR-IOV. InfiniBand devices are supported on the SPARC T4 server, SPARC
T5 server, SPARC T7 series server, SPARC M5 server, SPARC M6 server, SPARC M7
series server, and Fujitsu M10 server.
Fibre Channel SR-IOV. Fibre Channel devices are supported on the SPARC T4 server,
SPARC T5 server, SPARC T7 series server, SPARC M5 server, SPARC M6 server, SPARC
M7 series server, and Fujitsu M10 server.
For an up-to-date list of supported devices on Fujitsu M10 platforms, see Fujitsu
M10/SPARC M10 Systems PCI Card Installation Guide in the product notes for your
model at

80 Oracle VM Server for SPARC 3.3 Administration Guide October 2015

SR-IOV Hardware and Software Requirements

Firmware Requirements.
Ethernet SR-IOV. To use the dynamic SR-IOV feature, SPARC T4 server must run at
least version 8.4.0.a of the system firmware. SPARC T5 servers, SPARC M5 servers, and
SPARC M6 servers must run at least version 9.1.0.a of the system firmware. SPARC T7
series servers and SPARC M7 series servers must run at least version 9.4.3 of the system
firmware. Fujitsu M10 servers must run at least version XCP2210 of the system
firmware. The SPARC T3 server supports only the static SR-IOV feature.
To use the SR-IOV feature, PCIe SR-IOV devices must run at least device firmware
version 3.01. Perform the following steps to update the firmware for the Sun Dual
10-Gigabit Ethernet SFP+ PCIe 2.0 network adapters:
1. Determine whether you need to upgrade the FCode version on the device.
Perform these commands from the ok prompt:
{0} ok cd path-to-device
{0} ok .properties
The version value in the output must be one of the following:
LP Sun Dual 10GbE SFP+ PCIe 2.0 LP FCode 3.01 4/2/2012
PEM Sun Dual 10GbE SFP+ PCIe 2.0 EM FCode 3.01 4/2/2012
FEM Sun Dual 10GbE SFP+ PCIe 2.0 FEM FCode 3.01 4/2/2012
2. Download patch ID 13932765 from My Oracle Support (https://
3. Install the patch.
The patch package includes a document that describes how to use the tool to perform
the upgrade.
InfiniBand SR-IOV. To use this feature, your system must run at least the following
version of the system firmware:
SPARC T4 Servers 8.4
SPARC T5 Servers 9.1.0.x
SPARC T7 Series Servers 9.4.3
SPARC M5 and SPARC M6 Servers 9.1.0.x
SPARC M7 Series Servers 9.4.3
Fujitsu M10 Server XCP2210

To support the Dual 40-Gigabit (4x) InfiniBand Host Channel Adapter M2 as an

InfiniBand SR-IOV device, the card or express module must run at least version
2.11.2010 of the firmware. You can obtain this version of the firmware by installing the
following patches:
Low Profile (X4242A) Patch ID 16340059

Chapter 7 Creating an I/O Domain by Using PCIe SR-IOV Virtual Functions 81

SR-IOV Hardware and Software Requirements

Express Module (X4243A) Patch ID 16340042

Use the Oracle Solaris 11.1 fwflash command to list and update the firmware in the
primary domain. To list the current firmware version, use the fwflash -lc IB
command. To update the firmware, use the fwflash -f firmware-file -d device
command. See the fwflash(1M) man page.

To use InfiniBand SR-IOV, ensure that InfiniBand switches have at least firmware
version 2.1.2. You can obtain this version of the firmware by installing the following
Sun Datacenter InfiniBand Switch 36 (X2821A-Z) Patch ID 16221424
Sun Network QDR InfiniBand GatewaySwitch (X2826A-Z) Patch ID 16221538

For information about how to update the firmware, see your InfiniBand switch
Fibre Channel SR-IOV. To use this feature, your system must run at least the following
version of the system firmware:
SPARC T4 Server 8.4.2.c
SPARC T5 Server 9.1.2.d
SPARC T7 Series Server 9.4.3
SPARC M5 Server 9.1.2.d
SPARC M6 Server 9.1.2.d
SPARC M7 Series Server 9.4.3
Fujitsu M10 Server XCP2210

The firmware on the Sun Storage 16 Gb Fibre Channel Universal HBA, Emulex must be
at least revision to enable the Fibre Channel SR-IOV feature. The installation
instructions are provided with the firmware.

Caution Only perform the firmware update to the Fibre Channel card if you plan to use
the Fibre Channel SR-IOV feature.

Software Requirements.
Ethernet SR-IOV. To use the SR-IOV feature, all domains must be running at least the
Oracle Solaris 11.1 SRU 10 OS.
InfiniBand SR-IOV. The following domains must run the supported Oracle Solaris OS:
The primary domain or a non-primary root domain must run at least the Oracle
Solaris 11.1 SRU 10 OS.
The I/O domains must run at least the Oracle Solaris 11.1 SRU 10 OS.

82 Oracle VM Server for SPARC 3.3 Administration Guide October 2015

Current SR-IOV Feature Limitations

Update the /etc/system file on any root domain that has an InfiniBand SR-IOV
physical function from which you plan to configure virtual functions.
set ldc:ldc_maptable_entries = 0x20000

For information about correctly creating or updating /etc/system property values,

see Updating Property Values in the /etc/system File on page 362.

Update the /etc/system file on the I/O domain to which you add a virtual function.
set rdsv3:rdsv3_fmr_pool_size = 16384
Fibre Channel SR-IOV. To use the SR-IOV feature, all domains must be running at
least the Oracle Solaris 11.1 SRU 17 OS.

See the following for more information about static and dynamic SR-IOV software
Static SR-IOV Software Requirements on page 85
Dynamic SR-IOV Software Requirements on page 86

See the following for more information about the class-specific SR-IOV hardware
Ethernet SR-IOV Hardware Requirements on page 89
InfiniBand SR-IOV Hardware Requirements on page 108
Fibre Channel SR-IOV Hardware Requirements on page 121

Current SR-IOV Feature Limitations

The SR-IOV feature has the following limitations:
An I/O domain cannot start if any associated root domain is not running.
Migration is disabled for any domain that has one or more virtual functions assigned to it.
You can destroy only the last virtual function that was created for a physical function. So, if
you create three virtual functions, the first virtual function that you can destroy must be the
third one.
If an SR-IOV card is assigned to a domain by using the Direct I/O (DIO) feature, the
SR-IOV feature is not enabled for that card.
The PCIe endpoint devices and SR-IOV virtual functions from a particular PCIe bus can be
assigned up to a maximum of 15 domains on supported SPARC T-Series and SPARC
M-Series systems. On SPARC T7 series servers and SPARC M7 series servers, you can assign
PCIe endpoint devices and SR-IOV virtual functions from a particular PCIe bus to a
maximum of 31 domains. On a Fujitsu M10 server you can assign PCIe endpoint devices
and SR-IOV virtual functions from a particular PCIe bus to a maximum of 24 domains. The

Chapter 7 Creating an I/O Domain by Using PCIe SR-IOV Virtual Functions 83

Static SR-IOV

PCIe resources, such as interrupt vectors for each PCIe bus, are divided among the root
domain and I/O domains. As a result, the number of devices that you can assign to a
particular I/O domain is also limited. Make sure that you do not assign a large number
virtual functions to the same I/O domain. There is no interrupt limitation for the SPARC T7
series servers and SPARC M7 series servers. For a description of the problems related to
SR-IOV, see Oracle VM Server for SPARC 3.3 Release Notes.
The root domain is the owner of the PCIe bus and is responsible for initializing and
managing the bus. The root domain must be active and running a version of the Oracle
Solaris OS that supports the SR-IOV feature. Shutting down, halting, or rebooting the root
domain interrupts access to the PCIe bus. When the PCIe bus is unavailable, the PCIe
devices on that bus are affected and might become unavailable.
The behavior of I/O domains with PCIe SR-IOV virtual functions is unpredictable when the
root domain is rebooted while those I/O domains are running. For instance, I/O domains
with PCIe endpoint devices might panic during or after the reboot. Upon reboot of the root
domain, you would need to manually stop and start each domain.
If the I/O domain is resilient, it can continue to operate even if the root domain that is the
owner of the PCIe bus becomes unavailable. See I/O Domain Resiliency on page 134.
SPARC systems, up to and including the SPARC T5 and SPARC M6 platforms, provide a
finite number of interrupts, so Oracle Solaris limits the number of interrupts that each
device can use. The default limit should match the needs of a typical system configuration
but you might need to adjust this value for certain system configurations. For more
information, see Adjusting the Interrupt Limit on page 380.

Static SR-IOV
The static SR-IOV method requires that the root domain be in delayed reconfiguration or the
I/O domain be stopped while performing SR-IOV operations. After you complete the
configuration steps on the root domain, you must reboot it. You must use this method when the
Oracle VM Server for SPARC 3.1 firmware is not installed in the system or when the OS version
that is installed in the respective domain does not support dynamic SR-IOV.

To create or destroy an SR-IOV virtual function, you first must initiate a delayed
reconfiguration on the root domain. Then you can run one or more ldm create-vf and ldm
destroy-vf commands to configure the virtual functions. Finally, reboot the root domain. The
following commands show how to create a virtual function on a non-primary root domain:

primary# ldm start-reconf root-domain-name

primary# ldm create-vf pf-name
primary# ldm stop-domain -r root-domain-name

primary# shutdown -i6 -g0 -y

84 Oracle VM Server for SPARC 3.3 Administration Guide October 2015

Dynamic SR-IOV

To statically add a virtual function to or remove one from a guest domain, you must first stop
the guest domain. Then perform the ldm add-io and ldm remove-io commands to configure
the virtual functions. After the changes are complete, start the domain. The following
commands show how to assign a virtual function in this way:

primary# ldm stop guest-domain

primary# ldm add-io vf-name guest-domain
primary# ldm start guest-domain

You can also add a virtual function to or remove one from a root domain instead of a guest
domain. To add an SR-IOV virtual function to or remove one from a root domain, first initiate a
delayed reconfiguration on the root domain. Then, you can run one or more of the ldm add-io
and ldm remove-io commands. Finally, reboot the root domain.

To minimize domain downtime, plan ahead before configuring virtual functions.

Note InfiniBand SR-IOV devices are supported only with static SR-IOV.

Static SR-IOV Software Requirements

The static SR-IOV features are supported by at least the Oracle VM Server for SPARC 3.0
software and firmware. See PCIe SR-IOV Hardware and Software Requirements in Oracle
VM Server for SPARC 3.0 Release Notes .

You can use the ldm set-io or ldm add-io command to set the iov property to on. You can
also use the ldm add-domain or ldm set-domain command to set the rc-add-policy property
to iov. See the ldm(1M) man page.

Rebooting the root domain affects SR-IOV, so carefully plan your direct I/O configuration
changes to maximize the SR-IOV related changes to the root domain and to minimize root
domain reboots.

Dynamic SR-IOV
The dynamic SR-IOV feature removes the following static SR-IOV requirements:
Root domain. Initate a delayed reconfiguration on the root domain, create or destroy a
virtual function, and reboot the root domain
I/O domain. Stop the I/O domain, add or remove a virtual function, and start the I/O

Chapter 7 Creating an I/O Domain by Using PCIe SR-IOV Virtual Functions 85

Dynamic SR-IOV

With dynamic SR-IOV you can dynamically create or destroy a virtual function without having
to initiate a delayed reconfiguration on the root domain. A virtual function can also be
dynamically added to or removed from an I/O domain without having to stop the domain. The
Logical Domains Manager communicates with the Logical Domains agent and the Oracle
Solaris I/O virtualization framework to effect these changes dynamically.

Dynamic SR-IOV Software Requirements

For information about the required PCIe SR-IOV software and firmware versions, see SR-IOV
Hardware and Software Requirements on page 80.

Note If your system does not meet the dynamic SR-IOV software and firmware requirements,
you must use the static SR-IOV method to perform SR-IOV-related tasks. See Static SR-IOV
on page 84.

Dynamic SR-IOV Configuration Requirements

To dynamically create or destroy a virtual function, ensure that the following conditions are
I/O virtualization has been enabled for a PCIe bus before you begin to configure virtual
The OS that runs on the root domain and on I/O domains must be at least the Oracle Solaris
11.1 SRU 10 OS.
The physical function device is not configured in the OS or is in a multipathing
configuration. For example, you can unplumb an Ethernet SR-IOV device or have it in an
IPMP or an aggregation to successfully create or destroy a virtual function.
An operation to create or destroy a virtual function requires that the physical function
device driver toggle between the offline and online states. A multipathing configuration
permits the device driver to toggle between these states.
The virtual function is either not in use or in a multipathing configuration before you
remove a virtual function from an I/O domain. For example, you can either unplumb an
Ethernet SR-IOV virtual function or not use it in an IPMP configuration.

Note You cannot use aggregation for Ethernet SR-IOV virtual functions because the
current multipathing implementation does not support virtual functions.

86 Oracle VM Server for SPARC 3.3 Administration Guide October 2015

Enabling I/O Virtualization

Enabling I/O Virtualization

Before you can configure SR-IOV virtual functions, you must enable I/O virtualization for the
PCIe bus while the root domain is in a delayed reconfiguration. Reboot the domain to make this
change take effect.

Note On SPARC M7 series servers, SPARC T7 series servers, and Fujitsu M10 servers, PCIe
buses are enabled for I/O virtualization by default.

How to Enable I/O Virtualization for a PCIe Bus

This procedure needs to be performed only one time per root complex. The root complex must
be running as part of the same SP configuration.

1 Initiate a delayed reconfiguration on the root domain.

primary# ldm start-reconf root-domain-name

2 Enable I/O virtualization operations for a PCIe bus.

Perform this step only if I/O virtualization is not enabled already for the bus that has the
physical function.
Run one of the following commands:

Enable I/O virtualization if the specified PCIe bus already is assigned to a root domain.
primary# ldm set-io iov=on bus

Enable I/O virtualization while you add a PCIe bus to a root domain.
primary# ldm add-io iov=on bus

3 Reboot the root domain.

Run one of the following commands:

Reboot the non-primary root domain.

primary# ldm stop-domain -r root-domain

Reboot the primary root domain.

primary# shutdown -i6 -g0 -y

Chapter 7 Creating an I/O Domain by Using PCIe SR-IOV Virtual Functions 87

Planning for the Use of PCIe SR-IOV Virtual Functions

Planning for the Use of PCIe SR-IOV Virtual Functions

Plan ahead to determine how you want to use virtual functions in your configuration.
Determine which virtual functions from the SR-IOV devices will satisfy your current and future
configuration needs.

If you have not yet enabled I/O virtualization, which requires using the static method, combine
this step with the steps to create virtual functions. By combining these steps, you need to reboot
the root domain only once.

Even when dynamic SR-IOV is available, the recommended practice is to create all the virtual
functions at once because you might not be able to create them dynamically after they have been
assigned to I/O domains.

In the static SR-IOV case, planning helps you to avoid performing multiple root domain
reboots, each of which might negatively affect I/O domains.

For information about I/O domains, see General Guidelines for Creating an I/O Domain on
page 68.

Use the following general steps to plan and perform SR-IOV virtual function configuration and
1. Determine which PCIe SR-IOV physical functions are available on your system and which
ones are best suited to your needs.
Use the following commands to identify the required information:
ldm list-io Identifies the available SR-IOV physical function devices.
prtdiag -v Identifies which PCIe SR-IOV cards and on-board devices are
ldm list-io -l pf-name Identifies additional information about a specified physical
function, such as the maximum number of virtual functions
that are supported by the device.
ldm list-io -d pf-name Identifies the device-specific properties that are supported by
the device. See Advanced SR-IOV Topics: Ethernet SR-IOV
on page 101.
2. Enable I/O virtualization operations for a PCIe bus.
See How to Enable I/O Virtualization for a PCIe Bus on page 87.
3. Create the required number of virtual functions on the specified SR-IOV physical function.
Use the following command to create the virtual functions for the physical function:
primary# ldm create-vf -n max pf-name

88 Oracle VM Server for SPARC 3.3 Administration Guide October 2015

Using Ethernet SR-IOV Virtual Functions

For more information, see How to Create an Ethernet SR-IOV Virtual Function on
page 90, How to Create an InfiniBand Virtual Function on page 108, and How to Create a
Fibre Channel SR-IOV Virtual Function on page 124.
4. Use the ldm add-config command to save the configuration to the SP.
For more information, see How to Add an Ethernet SR-IOV Virtual Function to an I/O
Domain on page 99, How to Add an InfiniBand Virtual Function to an I/O Domain on
page 113, and How to Add a Fibre Channel SR-IOV Virtual Function to an I/O Domain on
page 131.

Using Ethernet SR-IOV Virtual Functions

You can use both the static and dynamic SR-IOV methods to manage Ethernet SR-IOV devices.

Ethernet SR-IOV Hardware Requirements

For information about the required PCIe Ethernet SR-IOV hardware, see SR-IOV Hardware
and Software Requirements on page 80.

Ethernet SR-IOV Limitations

The Ethernet SR-IOV feature has the following limitations in this release:
You can enable VLAN configurations of virtual functions by setting either the pvid or the
vid property. You cannot set both of these virtual function properties simultaneously.
You cannot use an SR-IOV virtual function as a back-end device for a virtual switch.

Planning for the Use of Ethernet SR-IOV Virtual

When dynamically creating virtual functions, ensure that the physical functions use
multipathing or that they are not plumbed.

If you cannot use multipathing or must plumb the physical function, use the static method to
create the virtual functions. See Static SR-IOV on page 84.

Chapter 7 Creating an I/O Domain by Using PCIe SR-IOV Virtual Functions 89

Using Ethernet SR-IOV Virtual Functions

Ethernet Device-Specific and Network-Specific

Use the ldm create-vf command to set device-specific and network-specific properties of a
virtual function. The unicast-slots property is device-specific. The mac-addr,
alt-mac-addrs, mtu, pvid, and vid properties are network-specific.

Note that the mac-addr, alt-mac-addrs, and mtu network-specific properties can be changed
only when the virtual function is assigned to the primary domain while in a delayed

Attempts to change these properties fail when the virtual function is assigned as follows:
When the virtual function is assigned to an active I/O domain: A property change request is
rejected because the change must be made when the owning domain is in the inactive or
bound state.
When the virtual function is assigned to a non-primary domain and a delayed
reconfiguration is already in effect: A property change request fails with an error message.

The pvid and vid network-specific properties can be changed without restriction.

Creating Ethernet Virtual Functions

This section describes how to dynamically create and destroy virtual functions. If you cannot
use the dynamic methods to perform these actions, initiate a delayed reconfiguration on the
root domain before you create or destroy virtual functions.

How to Create an Ethernet SR-IOV Virtual Function

If you cannot use this dynamic method, use the static method instead. See Static SR-IOV on
page 84.

1 Identify the physical function device.

primary# ldm list-io
Note that the name of the physical function includes the location information for the PCIe
SR-IOV card or on-board device.

2 If I/O virtualization for the bus that has the physical function is not enabled already, enable it.
Perform this step only if I/O virtualization is not enabled already for the bus that has the
physical function.
See How to Enable I/O Virtualization for a PCIe Bus on page 87.

90 Oracle VM Server for SPARC 3.3 Administration Guide October 2015

Using Ethernet SR-IOV Virtual Functions

3 Create a single virtual function or multiple virtual functions from an Ethernet physical function
either dynamically or statically.
After you create one or more virtual functions, you can assign them to a guest domain.

Dynamic method:

To create multiple virtual functions from a physical function all at the same time, use the
following command:
primary# ldm create-vf -n number | max pf-name
Use the ldm create-vf -n max command to create all the virtual functions for that
physical function at one time.

Caution When your system uses an Intel 10-Gbit Ethernet card, maximize performance
by creating no more than 31 virtual functions from each physical function.
You can use either the path name or the pseudonym name to specify virtual functions.
However, the recommended practice is to use the pseudonym name.

To create one virtual function from a physical function, use the following command:
ldm create-vf [mac-addr=num] [alt-mac-addrs=[auto|num1,[auto|num2,...]]]
[pvid=pvid] [vid=vid1,vid2,...] [mtu=size] [name=value...] pf-name

Note If not explicitly assigned, the MAC address is automatically allocated for network
Use this command to create one virtual function for that physical function. You can also
manually specify Ethernet class-specific property values.

Note Sometimes a newly created virtual function is not available for immediate use while
the OS probes for IOV devices. Use the ldm list-io command to determine whether the
parent physical function and its child virtual functions have the INV value in the Status
column. If they have this value, wait until the ldm list-io output no longer shows the INV
value in the Status column (about 45 seconds) before you use that physical function or any
of its child virtual functions. If this status persists, there is a problem with the device.

A device status might be INV immediately following a root domain reboot (including that of
the primary) or immediately after you use the ldm create-vf or ldm destroy-vf

Chapter 7 Creating an I/O Domain by Using PCIe SR-IOV Virtual Functions 91

Using Ethernet SR-IOV Virtual Functions

Static method:

a. Initiate a delayed reconfiguration.

primary# ldm start-reconf root-domain-name

b. Create a single virtual function or multiple virtual functions from an Ethernet physical
Use the same commands as shown previously to dynamically create the virtual

c. Reboot the root domain.

To reboot the non-primary root domain:

primary# ldm stop-domain -r root-domain

To reboot the primary root domain:

primary# shutdown -i6 -g0 -y

Example 71 Displaying Information About the Ethernet Physical Function

This example shows information about the /SYS/MB/NET0/IOVNET.PF0 physical function:
This physical function is from an on-board NET0 network device.
The IOVNET string indicates that the physical function is a network SR-IOV device.

primary# ldm list-io

---- ---- --- ------ ------
niu_0 NIU niu_0 primary
niu_1 NIU niu_1 primary
pci_0 BUS pci_0 primary
pci_1 BUS pci_1 primary
/SYS/MB/PCIE0 PCIE pci_0 primary OCC
/SYS/MB/PCIE2 PCIE pci_0 primary OCC
/SYS/MB/PCIE4 PCIE pci_0 primary OCC
/SYS/MB/PCIE6 PCIE pci_0 primary EMP
/SYS/MB/PCIE8 PCIE pci_0 primary EMP
/SYS/MB/SASHBA PCIE pci_0 primary OCC
/SYS/MB/NET0 PCIE pci_0 primary OCC
/SYS/MB/PCIE1 PCIE pci_1 primary OCC
/SYS/MB/PCIE3 PCIE pci_1 primary OCC
/SYS/MB/PCIE5 PCIE pci_1 primary OCC
/SYS/MB/PCIE7 PCIE pci_1 primary EMP
/SYS/MB/PCIE9 PCIE pci_1 primary EMP
/SYS/MB/NET2 PCIE pci_1 primary OCC
/SYS/MB/NET0/IOVNET.PF0 PF pci_0 primary
/SYS/MB/NET0/IOVNET.PF1 PF pci_0 primary
/SYS/MB/PCIE5/IOVNET.PF0 PF pci_1 primary
/SYS/MB/PCIE5/IOVNET.PF1 PF pci_1 primary

92 Oracle VM Server for SPARC 3.3 Administration Guide October 2015

Using Ethernet SR-IOV Virtual Functions

/SYS/MB/NET2/IOVNET.PF0 PF pci_1 primary

/SYS/MB/NET2/IOVNET.PF1 PF pci_1 primary

The following command shows more details about the specified physical function. The maxvfs
value indicates the maximum number of virtual functions that is supported by the device.

primary# ldm list-io -l /SYS/MB/NET0/IOVNET.PF0

---- ---- --- ------ ------
/SYS/MB/NET0/IOVNET.PF0 PF pci_0 primary
maxvfs = 7

Example 72 Dynamically Creating an Ethernet Virtual Function Without Setting Optional

This example dynamically creates a virtual function without setting any optional properties. In
this case, the MAC address for a network class virtual function is automatically allocated.

Ensure that I/O virtualization is enabled on the pci_0 PCIe bus. See How to Enable I/O
Virtualization for a PCIe Bus on page 87.

Now, you can use the ldm create-vf command to create the virtual function from the
/SYS/MB/NET0/IOVNET.PF0 physical function.

primary# ldm create-vf /SYS/MB/NET0/IOVNET.PF0

Created new vf: /SYS/MB/NET0/IOVNET.PF0.VF0

Example 73 Dynamically Creating an Ethernet Virtual Function and Setting Properties

This example dynamically creates a virtual function while setting the mac-addr property to
00:14:2f:f9:14:c0 and the vid property to VLAN IDs 2 and 3.

primary# ldm create-vf mac-addr=00:14:2f:f9:14:c0 vid=2,3 /SYS/MB/NET0/IOVNET.PF0

Example 74 Dynamically Creating an Ethernet Virtual Function With Two Alternate MAC
This example dynamically creates a virtual function that has two alternate MAC addresses. One
MAC address is automatically allocated, and the other is explicitly specified as

primary# ldm create-vf alt-mac-addrs=auto,00:14:2f:f9:14:c2 /SYS/MB/NET0/IOVNET.PF0

Chapter 7 Creating an I/O Domain by Using PCIe SR-IOV Virtual Functions 93

Using Ethernet SR-IOV Virtual Functions

Example 75 Statically Creating a Virtual Function Without Setting Optional Properties

This example statically creates a virtual function without setting any optional properties. In this
case, the MAC address for a network class virtual function is automatically allocated.

First you initiate a delayed reconfiguration on the primary domain and then enable I/O
virtualization on the pci_0 PCIe bus. Because the pci_0 bus has already been assigned to the
primary root domain, use the ldm set-io command to enable I/O virtualization.

primary# ldm start-reconf primary

Initiating a delayed reconfiguration operation on the primary domain.
All configuration changes for other domains are disabled until the primary
domain reboots, at which time the new configuration for the primary domain
will also take effect.
primary# ldm set-io iov=on pci_0

Now, you can use the ldm create-vf command to create the virtual function from the
/SYS/MB/NET0/IOVNET.PF0 physical function.

primary# ldm create-vf /SYS/MB/NET0/IOVNET.PF0

Notice: The primary domain is in the process of a delayed reconfiguration.
Any changes made to the primary domain will only take effect after it reboots.
Created new vf: /SYS/MB/NET0/IOVNET.PF0.VF0

Finally, reboot the primary root domain to make the changes take effect.

primary# shutdown -i6 -g0 -y

Example 76 Creating Multiple SR-IOV Ethernet Virtual Functions

The following command shows how you can create four virtual functions from the
/SYS/MB/NET2/IOVNET.PF1 physical function:

primary# ldm create-vf -n 31 /SYS/MB/NET2/IOVNET.PF1

Created new vf: /SYS/MB/NET2/IOVNET.PF1.VF0
Created new vf: /SYS/MB/NET2/IOVNET.PF1.VF1
Created new vf: /SYS/MB/NET2/IOVNET.PF1.VF2
Created new vf: /SYS/MB/NET2/IOVNET.PF1.VF30

Note that the ldm create-vf -n command creates multiple virtual functions that are set with
default property values, if appropriate. You can later specify non-default property values by
using the ldm set-io command.

94 Oracle VM Server for SPARC 3.3 Administration Guide October 2015

Using Ethernet SR-IOV Virtual Functions

Destroying Ethernet Virtual Functions

A virtual function can be destroyed if it is not currently assigned to a domain. A virtual function
can be destroyed only in the reverse sequential order of creation, so only the last virtual function
that was created can be destroyed. The resulting configuration is validated by the physical
function driver.

How to Destroy an Ethernet SR-IOV Virtual Function

If you cannot use this dynamic method, use the static method instead. See Static SR-IOV on
page 84.

1 Identify the physical function device.

primary# ldm list-io

2 Destroy single a virtual function or multiple virtual functions either dynamically or statically.

Dynamic method:

To destroy some or all of the virtual functions from a physical function at one time, use
the following command:
primary# ldm destroy-vf -n number | max pf-name
Use the ldm destroy-vf -n max command to destroy all the virtual functions for that
physical function at one time.
If you specify number as an argument to the -n option, the last number of virtual
functions are destroyed. Use this method as it performs this operation with only one
physical function device driver state transition.
You can use either the path name or the pseudonym name to specify virtual functions.
However, the recommended practice is to use the pseudonym name.

To destroy a specified virtual function:

primary# ldm destroy-vf vf-name
Due to delays in the affected hardware device and in the OS, the affected physical function
and any remaining child virtual functions might not be available for immediate use. Use the
ldm list-io command to determine whether the parent physical function and its child
virtual functions have the INV value in the Status column. If they have this value, wait until
the ldm list-io output no longer shows the INV value in the Status column (about 45
seconds). At that time, you can safely use that physical function or any of its child virtual
functions. If this status persists, there is a problem with the device.

Chapter 7 Creating an I/O Domain by Using PCIe SR-IOV Virtual Functions 95

Using Ethernet SR-IOV Virtual Functions

A device status might be INV immediately following a root domain reboot (including that of
the primary) or immediately after you use the ldm create-vf or ldm destroy-vf

Static method:

a. Initiate a delayed reconfiguration.

primary# ldm start-reconf root-domain-name

b. Destroy either a single virtual function or multiple virtual functions.

To destroy all of the virtual functions from the specified physical function at the same
time, use the following command:
primary# ldm destroy-vf -n number | max pf-name
You can use either the path name or the pseudonym name to specify virtual
functions. However, the recommended practice is to use the pseudonym name.

To destroy a specified virtual function:

primary# ldm destroy-vf vf-name

c. Reboot the root domain.

To reboot the non-primary root domain:

primary# ldm stop-domain -r root-domain

To reboot the primary root domain:

primary# shutdown -i6 -g0 -y

Example 77 Destroying an Ethernet Virtual Function

This example shows how to dynamically destroy the /SYS/MB/NET0/IOVNET.PF0.VF0 virtual

primary# ldm destroy-vf /SYS/MB/NET0/IOVNET.PF0.VF0

The following example shows how to statically destroy the /SYS/MB/NET0/IOVNET.PF0.VF0

virtual function.

primary# ldm start-reconf primary

Initiating a delayed reconfiguration operation on the primary domain.
All configuration changes for other domains are disabled until the primary
domain reboots, at which time the new configuration for the primary domain
will also take effect.

96 Oracle VM Server for SPARC 3.3 Administration Guide October 2015

Using Ethernet SR-IOV Virtual Functions

primary# ldm destroy-vf /SYS/MB/NET0/IOVNET.PF0.VF0

primary# shutdown -i6 -g0 -y

Example 78 Destroying Multiple Ethernet SR-IOV Virtual Functions

This example shows the results of destroying all the virtual functions from the
/SYS/MB/NET2/IOVNET.PF1 physical function. The ldm list-io output shows that the physical
function has seven virtual functions. The ldm destroy-vf command destroys all virtual
functions, and the final ldm list-io output shows that none of the virtual functions remain.

primary# ldm list-io

primary# ldm destroy-vf -n max /SYS/MB/NET2/IOVNET.PF1
primary# ldm list-io
/SYS/MB/NET2/IOVNET.PF1 PF pci_1 ldg1

Modifying Ethernet SR-IOV Virtual Functions

The ldm set-io vf-name command modifies the current configuration of a virtual function by
changing the property values or by setting new properties. This command can modify both the
network-specific properties and the device-specific properties. For information about
device-specific properties, see Advanced SR-IOV Topics: Ethernet SR-IOV on page 101.

If you cannot use this dynamic method, use the static method instead. See Static SR-IOV on
page 84.

You can use the ldm set-io command to modify the following properties:
mac-addr, alt-mac-addrs, and mtu
To change these virtual function properties, stop the domain that owns the virtual function,
use the ldm set-io command to change the property values, and start the domain.
pvid and vid
You can dynamically change these properties while the virtual functions are assigned to a
domain. Note that doing so might result in a change to the network traffic of an active virtual
function; setting the pvid property enables a transparent VLAN. Setting the vid property to
specify VLAN IDs permits VLAN traffic to those specified VLANs.
Device-specific properties

Chapter 7 Creating an I/O Domain by Using PCIe SR-IOV Virtual Functions 97

Using Ethernet SR-IOV Virtual Functions

Use the ldm list-io -d pf-name command to view the list of valid device-specific
properties. You can modify these properties for both the physical function and the virtual
function. You must use the static method to modify device-specific properties. See Static
SR-IOV on page 84. For more information about device-specific properties, see Advanced
SR-IOV Topics: Ethernet SR-IOV on page 101.

How to Modify Ethernet SR-IOV Virtual Function Properties

1 Identify the physical function device.

primary# ldm list-io
Note that the name of the physical function includes the location information for the PCIe
SR-IOV card or on-board device.

2 Modify a virtual function property.

ldm set-io name=value [name=value...] vf-name

Example 79 Modifying Ethernet Virtual Function Properties

These examples describe how to use the ldm set-io command to set properties on an Ethernet
virtual function.
The following example modifies properties of the specified virtual function,
/SYS/MB/NET0/IOVNET.PF0.VF0, to be part of VLAN IDs 2, 3, and 4.
primary# ldm set-io vid=2,3,4 /SYS/MB/NET0/IOVNET.PF0.VF0

Note that this command dynamically changes the VLAN association for a virtual function.
To use these VLANs, the VLAN interfaces in the I/O domains must be configured by using
the appropriate Oracle Solaris OS networking commands.
The following example sets the pvid property value to 2 for the
/SYS/MB/NET0/IOVNET.PF0.VF0 virtual function, which transparently makes the virtual
function part of VLAN 2. Namely, the virtual function will not view any tagged VLAN
primary# ldm set-io pvid=2 /SYS/MB/NET0/IOVNET.PF0.VF0
The following example assigns three automatically allocated alternate MAC addresses to a
virtual function. The alternate addresses enable the creation of Oracle Solaris 11 virtual
network interface cards (VNICs) on top of a virtual function. Note that to use VNICs, you
must run the Oracle Solaris 11 OS in the domain.

Note Before you run this command, stop the domain that owns the virtual function.

primary# ldm set-io alt-mac-addrs=auto,auto,auto /SYS/MB/NET0/IOVNET.PF0.VF0

98 Oracle VM Server for SPARC 3.3 Administration Guide October 2015

Using Ethernet SR-IOV Virtual Functions

The following example sets the device-specific unicast-slots property to 12 for the
specified virtual function. To find the device-specific properties that are valid for a physical
function, use the ldm list-io -d pf-name command.
primary# ldm set-io unicast-slots=12 /SYS/MB/NET0/IOVNET.PF0.VF0

All configuration changes for other domains are disabled until the primary
domain reboots, at which time the new configuration for the primary domain
will also take effect.

Adding and Removing Ethernet SR-IOV Virtual

Functions on I/O Domains
How to Add an Ethernet SR-IOV Virtual Function to an I/O Domain
If you cannot dynamically remove the virtual function, use the static method. See Static
SR-IOV on page 84.

1 Identify the virtual function that you want to add to an I/O domain.
primary# ldm list-io

2 Add a virtual function dynamically or statically.

To dynamically add a virtual function:

primary# ldm add-io vf-name domain-name
vf-name is the pseudonym name or the path name of the virtual function. The
recommended practice is to use the pseudonym name. domain-name specifies the name of
the domain to which you add the virtual function.
The device path name for the virtual function in the domain is the path shown in the
list-io -l output.

To statically add a virtual function:

a. Initiate a delayed reconfiguration and then add the virtual function.

primary# ldm start-reconf root-domain-name
primary# ldm add-io vf-name domain-name
vf-name is the pseudonym name or the path name of the virtual function. The
recommended practice is to use the pseudonym name. domain-name specifies the name
of the domain to which you add the virtual function. The specified guest must be in the
inactive or bound state.

Chapter 7 Creating an I/O Domain by Using PCIe SR-IOV Virtual Functions 99

Using Ethernet SR-IOV Virtual Functions

The device path name for the virtual function in the domain is the path shown in the
list-io -l output.

b. Reboot the root domain.

To reboot the non-primary root domain:

primary# ldm stop-domain -r root-domain

To reboot the primary root domain:

primary# shutdown -i6 -g0 -y

Example 710 Adding an Ethernet Virtual Function

This example shows how to dynamically add the /SYS/MB/NET0/IOVNET.PF0.VF0 virtual
function to the ldg1 domain.

primary# ldm add-io /SYS/MB/NET0/IOVNET.PF0.VF0 ldg1

If you cannot add the virtual function dynamically, use the static method:

primary# ldm stop-domain ldg1

primary# ldm add-io /SYS/MB/NET0/IOVNET.PF0.VF0 ldg1
primary# ldm start-domain ldg1

How to Remove an Ethernet Virtual SR-IOV Function From an I/O

If you cannot dynamically remove the virtual function, use the static method. See Static
SR-IOV on page 84.

Caution Before removing the virtual function from the domain, ensure that it is not critical for
booting that domain.

1 Identify the virtual function that you want to remove from an I/O domain.
primary# ldm list-io

2 Remove a virtual function either dynammically or statically.

To dynamically remove a virtual function:

primary# ldm remove-io vf-name domain-name
vf-name is the pseudonym name or the path name of the virtual function. The
recommended practice is to use the device pseudonym. domain-name specifies the name of
the domain from which you remove the virtual function.

100 Oracle VM Server for SPARC 3.3 Administration Guide October 2015
Using Ethernet SR-IOV Virtual Functions

To statically remove a virtual function:

a. Stop the I/O domain.

primary# ldm stop-domain domain-name

b. Remove the virtual function.

primary# ldm remove-io vf-name domain-name
vf-name is the pseudonym name or the path name of the virtual function. The
recommended practice is to use the device pseudonym. domain-name specifies the name
of the domain from which you remove the virtual function. The specified guest must be
in the inactive or bound state.

c. Start the I/O domain.

primary# ldm start-domain domain-name

Example 711 Dynamically Removing an Ethernet Virtual Function

This example shows how to dynamically remove the /SYS/MB/NET0/IOVNET.PF0.VF0 virtual
function from the ldg1 domain.

primary# ldm remove-io /SYS/MB/NET0/IOVNET.PF0.VF0 ldg1

If the command succeeds, the virtual function is removed from the ldg1 domain. When ldg1 is
restarted, the specified virtual function no longer appears in that domain.

If you cannot remove the virtual function dynamically, use the static method:

primary# ldm stop-domain ldg1

primary# ldm remove-io /SYS/MB/NET0/IOVNET.PF0.VF0 ldg1
primary# ldm start-domain ldg1

Advanced SR-IOV Topics: Ethernet SR-IOV

This section describes some advanced topics related to using SR-IOV virtual functions.

Advanced Network Configuration for Virtual Functions

When you use SR-IOV virtual functions, note the following issues:
SR-IOV virtual functions can only use the MAC addresses that are assigned by the Logical
Domains Manager. If you use other Oracle Solaris OS networking commands to change the
MAC address on the I/O domain, the commands might fail or might not function properly.
At this time, link aggregation of SR-IOV network virtual functions in the I/O domain is not
supported. If you attempt to create a link aggregation, it might not function as expected.

Chapter 7 Creating an I/O Domain by Using PCIe SR-IOV Virtual Functions 101
Using Ethernet SR-IOV Virtual Functions

You can create virtual I/O services and assign them to I/O domains. These virtual I/O
services can be created on the same physical function from which virtual functions are also
created. For example, you can use an on-board 1-Gbps network device (net0 or igb0) as a
network back-end device for a virtual switch and also statically create virtual functions from
the same physical function device.

Booting an I/O Domain by Using an SR-IOV Virtual Function

An SR-IOV virtual function provides similar capabilities to any other type of PCIe device, such
as the ability to use a virtual function as a logical domain boot device. For example, a network
virtual function can be used to boot over the network to install the Oracle Solaris OS in an I/O

Note When booting the Oracle Solaris OS from a virtual function device, verify that the Oracle
Solaris OS that is being loaded has virtual function device support. If so, you can continue with
the rest of the installation as planned.

SR-IOV Device-Specific Properties

SR-IOV physical function device drivers can export device-specific properties. These properties
can be used to tune the resource allocation of both the physical function and its virtual
functions. For information about the properties, see the man page for the physical function
driver, such as the igb(7D) and ixgbe(7D) man pages.

The ldm list-io -d command shows device-specific properties that are exported by the
specified physical function device driver. The information for each property includes its name,
brief description, default value, maximum values, and one or more of the following flags:
P Applies to a physical function
V Applies to a virtual function
R Read-only or informative parameter only

primary# ldm list-io -d pf-name

Use the ldm create-vf or ldm set-io command to set the read-write properties for a physical
function or a virtual function. Note that to set a device-specific property, you must use the static
method. See Static SR-IOV on page 84.

The following example shows the device-specific properties that are exported by the on-board
Intel 1-Gbps SR-IOV device:

primary# ldm list-io -d /SYS/MB/NET0/IOVNET.PF0

Device-specific Parameters

102 Oracle VM Server for SPARC 3.3 Administration Guide October 2015
Using Ethernet SR-IOV Virtual Functions

Flags = PR
Default = 7
Descr = Max number of configurable VFs
Flags = VR
Default = 9216
Descr = Max MTU supported for a VF
Flags = VR
Default = 32
Descr = Max number of VLAN filters supported
Flags = VR
Default = 1
Descr = Exclusive configuration of pvid required
Flags = PV
Default = 0 Min = 0 Max = 24
Descr = Number of unicast mac-address slots

The following example sets the unicast-slots property to 8:

primary# ldm create-vf unicast-slots=8 /SYS/MB/NET0/IOVNET.PF0

Creating VNICs on SR-IOV Virtual Functions

The creation of Oracle Solaris 11 VNICs is supported on SR-IOV virtual functions. However,
the number of VNICs that is supported is limited to the number of alternate MAC addresses
(alt-mac-addrs property) assigned to the virtual function. Make sure that you assign a
sufficient number of alternate MAC addresses when you use VNICs on the virtual function. Use
the ldm create-vf or ldm set-io command to set the alt-mac-addrs property with the
alternate MAC addresses.

The following example shows the creation of four VNICs on an SR-IOV virtual function. The
first command assigns alternate MAC addresses to the virtual function device. This command
uses the automatic allocation method to allocate four alternate MAC addresses to the
/SYS/MB/NET0/IOVNET.PF0.VF0 virtual function device:

primary# ldm set-io alt-mac-addrs=auto,auto,auto,auto /SYS/MB/NET0/IOVNET.PF0.VF0

The next command starts the ldg1 I/O domain. Because the auto-boot? property is set to true
in this example, the Oracle Solaris 11 OS is also booted in the I/O domain.

primary# ldm start ldg1

The following command uses the Oracle Solaris 11 dladm command in the guest domain to
show virtual function that has alternate MAC addresses. This output shows that the net30
virtual function has four alternate MAC addresses.

Chapter 7 Creating an I/O Domain by Using PCIe SR-IOV Virtual Functions 103
Using Ethernet SR-IOV Virtual Functions

guest# dladm show-phys -m

net0 primary 0:14:4f:fa:b4:d1 yes net0
net25 primary 0:14:4f:fa:c9:eb no --
net30 primary 0:14:4f:fb:de:4c no --
1 0:14:4f:f9:e8:73 no --
2 0:14:4f:f8:21:58 no --
3 0:14:4f:fa:9d:92 no --
4 0:14:4f:f9:8f:1d no --

The following commands create four VNICs. Note that attempts to create more VNICs than are
specified by using alternate MAC addresses will fail.

guest# dladm create-vnic -l net30 vnic0

guest# dladm create-vnic -l net30 vnic1
guest# dladm create-vnic -l net30 vnic2
guest# dladm create-vnic -l net30 vnic3
guest# dladm show-link
net0 phys 1500 up --
net25 phys 1500 up --
net30 phys 1500 up --
vnic0 vnic 1500 up net30
vnic1 vnic 1500 up net30
vnic2 vnic 1500 up net30
vnic3 vnic 1500 up net30

Using an SR-IOV Virtual Function to Create an I/O

The following procedure explains how to create an I/O domain that includes PCIe SR-IOV
virtual functions.

How to Create an I/O Domain by Assigning an SR-IOV Virtual Function

to It
Plan ahead to minimize the number of reboots of the root domain, which minimizes downtime.

Before You Begin Before you begin, ensure that you have enabled I/O virtualization for the PCIe bus that is the
parent of the physical function from which you create virtual functions. See How to Enable I/O
Virtualization for a PCIe Bus on page 87.

1 Identify an SR-IOV physical function to share with an I/O domain that uses the SR-IOV feature.
primary# ldm list-io

2 Create one or more virtual functions for the physical function.

primary# ldm create-vf pf-name

104 Oracle VM Server for SPARC 3.3 Administration Guide October 2015
Using Ethernet SR-IOV Virtual Functions

You can run this command for each virtual function that you want to create. You can also use
the -n option to create more than one virtual function from the same physical function in a
single command. See Example 76 and the ldm(1M) man page.

Note This command fails if other virtual functions have already been created from the
associated physical function and if any of those virtual functions are bound to another domain.

3 View the list of available virtual functions on the root domain.

primary# ldm list-io

4 Assign the virtual function that you created in Step 2 to its target I/O domain.
primary# ldm add-io vf-name domain-name

Note If the OS in the target I/O domain does not support dynamic SR-IOV, you must use the
static method. See Static SR-IOV on page 84.

5 Verify that the virtual function is available on the I/O domain.

The following Oracle Solaris 11 command shows the availability of the virtual function:
guest# dladm show-phys

Example 712 Dynamically Creating an I/O Domain by Assigning an SR-IOV Virtual Function to It
The following dynamic example shows how to create a virtual function,
/SYS/MB/NET0/IOVNET.PF0.VF0, for a physical function, /SYS/MB/NET0/IOVNET.PF0, and
assign the virtual function to the ldg1 I/O domain.

This example assumes that the following circumstances are true:

The OS on the primary domain supports dynamic SR-IOV operations
The pci_0 bus is assigned to the primary domain and has been initialized for I/O
virtualization operations
The /SYS/MB/NET0/IOVNET.PF0 physical function belongs to the pci_0 bus
The /SYS/MB/NET0/IOVNET.PF0 physical function does not have any existing virtual
functions assigned to domains
The ldg1 domain is active and booted and its OS supports dynamic SR-IOV operations

Create the virtual function from the /SYS/MB/NET0/IOVNET.PF0 physical function.

primary# ldm create-vf /SYS/MB/NET0/IOVNET.PF0

Created new vf: /SYS/MB/NET0/IOVNET.PF0.VF0

Add the /SYS/MB/NET0/IOVNET.PF0.VF0 virtual function to the ldg1 domain.

Chapter 7 Creating an I/O Domain by Using PCIe SR-IOV Virtual Functions 105
Using Ethernet SR-IOV Virtual Functions

primary# ldm add-io /SYS/MB/NET0/IOVNET.PF0.VF0 ldg1

The following command shows that the virtual function has been added to the ldg1 domain.

primary# ldm list-io

---- ---- --- ------ ------
niu_0 NIU niu_0 primary
niu_1 NIU niu_1 primary
pci_0 BUS pci_0 primary IOV
pci_1 BUS pci_1 primary
/SYS/MB/PCIE0 PCIE pci_0 primary OCC
/SYS/MB/PCIE2 PCIE pci_0 primary OCC
/SYS/MB/PCIE4 PCIE pci_0 primary OCC
/SYS/MB/PCIE6 PCIE pci_0 primary EMP
/SYS/MB/PCIE8 PCIE pci_0 primary EMP
/SYS/MB/SASHBA PCIE pci_0 primary OCC
/SYS/MB/NET0 PCIE pci_0 primary OCC
/SYS/MB/PCIE1 PCIE pci_1 primary OCC
/SYS/MB/PCIE3 PCIE pci_1 primary OCC
/SYS/MB/PCIE5 PCIE pci_1 primary OCC
/SYS/MB/PCIE7 PCIE pci_1 primary EMP
/SYS/MB/PCIE9 PCIE pci_1 primary EMP
/SYS/MB/NET2 PCIE pci_1 primary OCC
/SYS/MB/NET0/IOVNET.PF0 PF pci_0 primary
/SYS/MB/NET0/IOVNET.PF1 PF pci_0 primary
/SYS/MB/PCIE5/IOVNET.PF0 PF pci_1 primary
/SYS/MB/PCIE5/IOVNET.PF1 PF pci_1 primary
/SYS/MB/NET2/IOVNET.PF0 PF pci_1 primary
/SYS/MB/NET2/IOVNET.PF1 PF pci_1 primary
/SYS/MB/NET0/IOVNET.PF0.VF0 VF pci_0 ldg1

Example 713 Statically Creating an I/O Domain by Assigning an SR-IOV Virtual Function to It
The following static example shows how to create a virtual function,
/SYS/MB/NET0/IOVNET.PF0.VF0, for a physical function, /SYS/MB/NET0/IOVNET.PF0, and
assign the virtual function to the ldg1 I/O domain.

This example assumes that the following circumstances are true:

The OS on the primary domain does not support dynamic SR-IOV operations
The pci_0 bus is assigned to the primary domain and has not been initialized for I/O
virtualization operations
The /SYS/MB/NET0/IOVNET.PF0 physical function belongs to the pci_0 bus
The /SYS/MB/NET0/IOVNET.PF0 physical function does not have any existing virtual
functions assigned to domains
The ldg1 domain is active and booted and its OS does not support dynamic SR-IOV
The ldg1 domain has the auto-boot? property set to true so that the domain boots
automatically when the domain is started

106 Oracle VM Server for SPARC 3.3 Administration Guide October 2015
Using Ethernet SR-IOV Virtual Functions

First, initiate a delayed reconfiguration on the primary domain, enable I/O virtualization, and
create the virtual function from the /SYS/MB/NET0/IOVNET.PF0 physical function.

primary# ldm start-reconf primary

Initiating a delayed reconfiguration operation on the primary domain.
All configuration changes for other domains are disabled until the primary
domain reboots, at which time the new configuration for the primary domain
will also take effect.
primary# ldm set-io iov=on pci_0
primary# ldm create-vf /SYS/MB/NET0/IOVNET.PF0
Notice: The primary domain is in the process of a delayed reconfiguration.
Any changes made to the primary domain will only take effect after it reboots.
Created new vf: /SYS/MB/NET0/IOVNET.PF0.VF0

Next, shut down the primary domain.

primary# shutdown -i6 -g0 -y

Stop the ldg1 domain, add the virtual function, and start the domain.

primary# ldm stop ldg1

primary# ldm add-io /SYS/MB/NET0/IOVNET.PF0.VF0 ldg1
primary# ldm start ldg1

The following command shows that the virtual function has been added to the ldg1 domain.

primary# ldm list-io

---- ---- --- ------ ------
niu_0 NIU niu_0 primary
niu_1 NIU niu_1 primary
pci_0 BUS pci_0 primary IOV
pci_1 BUS pci_1 primary
/SYS/MB/PCIE0 PCIE pci_0 primary OCC
/SYS/MB/PCIE2 PCIE pci_0 primary OCC
/SYS/MB/PCIE4 PCIE pci_0 primary OCC
/SYS/MB/PCIE6 PCIE pci_0 primary EMP
/SYS/MB/PCIE8 PCIE pci_0 primary EMP
/SYS/MB/SASHBA PCIE pci_0 primary OCC
/SYS/MB/NET0 PCIE pci_0 primary OCC
/SYS/MB/PCIE1 PCIE pci_1 primary OCC
/SYS/MB/PCIE3 PCIE pci_1 primary OCC
/SYS/MB/PCIE5 PCIE pci_1 primary OCC
/SYS/MB/PCIE7 PCIE pci_1 primary EMP
/SYS/MB/PCIE9 PCIE pci_1 primary EMP
/SYS/MB/NET2 PCIE pci_1 primary OCC
/SYS/MB/NET0/IOVNET.PF0 PF pci_0 primary
/SYS/MB/NET0/IOVNET.PF1 PF pci_0 primary
/SYS/MB/PCIE5/IOVNET.PF0 PF pci_1 primary
/SYS/MB/PCIE5/IOVNET.PF1 PF pci_1 primary
/SYS/MB/NET2/IOVNET.PF0 PF pci_1 primary

Chapter 7 Creating an I/O Domain by Using PCIe SR-IOV Virtual Functions 107
Using InfiniBand SR-IOV Virtual Functions

/SYS/MB/NET2/IOVNET.PF1 PF pci_1 primary

/SYS/MB/NET0/IOVNET.PF0.VF0 VF pci_0 ldg1

Using InfiniBand SR-IOV Virtual Functions

Only the static SR-IOV feature is supported for InfiniBand SR-IOV devices.

To minimize downtime, run all of the SR-IOV commands as a group while the root domain is
in delayed reconfiguration or a guest domain is stopped. The SR-IOV commands that are
limited in this way are the ldm create-vf, ldm destroy-vf, ldm add-io, and ldm remove-io

Typically, virtual functions are assigned to more than one guest domain. A reboot of the root
domain affects all of the guest domains that have been assigned the root domain's virtual

Because an unused InfiniBand virtual function has very little overhead, you can avoid
downtime by creating the necessary virtual functions ahead of time, even if they are not used

InfiniBand SR-IOV Hardware Requirements

For information about the required PCIe InfiniBand SR-IOV hardware, see SR-IOV Hardware
and Software Requirements on page 80.

For InfiniBand SR-IOV support, the root domain must be running at least the Oracle Solaris
11.1 SRU 10 OS. The I/O domains can run at least the Oracle Solaris 11.1 SRU 10 OS.

Creating and Destroying InfiniBand Virtual Functions

How to Create an InfiniBand Virtual Function
This procedure describes how to create an InfiniBand SR-IOV virtual function.

1 Initiate a delayed reconfiguration on the root domain.

primary# ldm start-reconf root-domain-name

2 Enable I/O virtualization by setting iov=on.

Perform this step only if I/O virtualization is not enabled already for the bus that has the
physical function.
primary# ldm set-io iov=on bus

108 Oracle VM Server for SPARC 3.3 Administration Guide October 2015
Using InfiniBand SR-IOV Virtual Functions

3 Create one or more virtual functions that are associated with the physical functions from that
root domain.
primary# ldm create-vf pf-name
You can run this command for each virtual function that you want to create. You can also use
the -n option to create more than one virtual function from the same physical function in a
single command. See Example 76 and the ldm(1M) man page.

4 Reboot the root domain.

Run one of the following commands:

Reboot the non-primary root domain.

primary# ldm stop-domain -r root-domain

Reboot the primary root domain.

primary# shutdown -i6 -g0 -y

Example 714 Creating an InfiniBand Virtual Function

The following example shows information about the /SYS/MB/RISER1/PCIE4/IOVIB.PF0
physical function:
This physical function is in PCIE slot 4.
The IOVIB string indicates that the physical function is an InfiniBand SR-IOV device.

primary# ldm list-io

---- ---- --- ------ ------
pci_0 BUS pci_0 primary
niu_0 NIU niu_0 primary
/SYS/MB/RISER0/PCIE0 PCIE pci_0 primary EMP
/SYS/MB/RISER1/PCIE1 PCIE pci_0 primary EMP
/SYS/MB/RISER2/PCIE2 PCIE pci_0 primary EMP
/SYS/MB/RISER0/PCIE3 PCIE pci_0 primary OCC
/SYS/MB/RISER1/PCIE4 PCIE pci_0 primary OCC
/SYS/MB/RISER2/PCIE5 PCIE pci_0 primary EMP
/SYS/MB/SASHBA0 PCIE pci_0 primary OCC
/SYS/MB/SASHBA1 PCIE pci_0 primary OCC
/SYS/MB/NET0 PCIE pci_0 primary OCC
/SYS/MB/NET2 PCIE pci_0 primary OCC
/SYS/MB/RISER0/PCIE3/IOVIB.PF0 PF pci_0 primary
/SYS/MB/RISER1/PCIE4/IOVIB.PF0 PF pci_0 primary
/SYS/MB/NET0/IOVNET.PF0 PF pci_0 primary
/SYS/MB/NET0/IOVNET.PF1 PF pci_0 primary
/SYS/MB/NET2/IOVNET.PF0 PF pci_0 primary
/SYS/MB/NET2/IOVNET.PF1 PF pci_0 primary

The following command shows more details about the specified physical function. The maxvfs
value indicates the maximum number of virtual functions that are supported by the device.

Chapter 7 Creating an I/O Domain by Using PCIe SR-IOV Virtual Functions 109
Using InfiniBand SR-IOV Virtual Functions

primary# ldm list-io -l /SYS/MB/RISER1/PCIE4/IOVIB.PF0

---- ---- --- ------ ------
/SYS/MB/RISER1/PCIE4/IOVIB.PF0 PF pci_0 primary
maxvfs = 64

The following example shows how to create a static virtual function. First, initiate a delayed
reconfiguration on the primary domain and enable I/O virtualization on the pci_0 PCIe bus.
Because the pci_0 bus has been assigned already to the primary root domain, use the ldm
set-io command to enable I/O virtualization.

primary# ldm start-reconf primary

Initiating a delayed reconfiguration operation on the primary domain.
All configuration changes for other domains are disabled until the primary
domain reboots, at which time the new configuration for the primary domain
will also take effect.
primary# ldm set-io iov=on pci_0
Notice: The primary domain is in the process of a delayed reconfiguration.
Any changes made to the primary domain will only take effect after it reboots.

Now, use the ldm create-vf command to create a virtual function from the
/SYS/MB/RISER1/PCIE4/IOVIB.PF0 physical function.

primary# ldm create-vf /SYS/MB/RISER1/PCIE4/IOVIB.PF0

Notice: The primary domain is in the process of a delayed reconfiguration.
Any changes made to the primary domain will only take effect after it reboots.
Created new vf: /SYS/MB/RISER1/PCIE4/IOVIB.PF0.VF0

Note that you can create more than one virtual function during the same delayed
reconfiguration. The following command creates a second virtual function:

primary# ldm create-vf /SYS/MB/RISER1/PCIE4/IOVIB.PF0

Notice: The primary domain is in the process of a delayed reconfiguration.
Any changes made to the primary domain will only take effect after it reboots.
Created new vf: /SYS/MB/RISER1/PCIE4/IOVIB.PF0.VF1

Finally, reboot the primary root domain to make the changes take effect.

primary# shutdown -i6 -g0 -y

Shutdown started.

Changing to init state 6 - please wait


110 Oracle VM Server for SPARC 3.3 Administration Guide October 2015
Using InfiniBand SR-IOV Virtual Functions

How to Destroy an InfiniBand Virtual Function

This procedure describes how to destroy an InfiniBand SR-IOV virtual function.

A virtual function can be destroyed if it is not currently assigned to a domain. A virtual function
can be destroyed only in the reverse sequential order of creation, so only the last virtual function
that was created can be destroyed. The resulting configuration is validated by the physical
function driver.

1 Initiate a delayed reconfiguration on the root domain.

primary# ldm start-reconf root-domain-name

2 Destroy one or more virtual functions that are associated with the physical functions from that
root domain.
primary# ldm destroy-vf vf-name
You can run this command for each virtual function that you want to destroy. You can also use
the -n option to destroy more than one virtual function from the same physical function in a
single command. See Example 78 and the ldm(1M) man page.

3 Reboot the root domain.

Run one of the following commands:

Reboot the non-primary root domain.

primary# ldm stop-domain -r root-domain

Reboot the primary root domain.

primary# shutdown -i6 -g0 -y

Example 715 Destroying an InfiniBand Virtual Function

The following example shows how to destroy a static InfiniBand virtual function,

The ldm list-io command shows information about the buses, physical functions, and virtual

primary# ldm list-io

---- ---- --- ------ ------
pci_0 BUS pci_0 primary IOV
/SYS/MB/RISER1/PCIE4/IOVIB.PF0 PF pci_0 primary

Chapter 7 Creating an I/O Domain by Using PCIe SR-IOV Virtual Functions 111
Using InfiniBand SR-IOV Virtual Functions

You can obtain more details about the physical function and related virtual functions by using
the ldm list-io -l command.

primary# ldm list-io -l /SYS/MB/RISER1/PCIE4/IOVIB.PF0

---- ---- --- ------ ------
/SYS/MB/RISER1/PCIE4/IOVIB.PF0 PF pci_0 primary
maxvfs = 64

A virtual function can be destroyed only if it is unassigned to a domain. The DOMAIN column
of the ldm list-io -l output shows the name of any domain to which a virtual function is
assigned. Also, virtual functions must be destroyed in the reverse order of their creation.
Therefore, in this example, you must destroy the /SYS/MB/RISER1/PCIE4/IOVIB.PF0.VF1
virtual function before you can destroy the /SYS/MB/RISER1/PCIE4/IOVIB.PF0.VF0 virtual

After you identify the proper virtual function, you can destroy it. First, initiate a delayed

primary# ldm start-reconf primary

Initiating a delayed reconfiguration operation on the primary domain.
All configuration changes for other domains are disabled until the primary
domain reboots, at which time the new configuration for the primary domain
will also take effect.
primary# ldm destroy-vf /SYS/MB/RISER1/PCIE4/IOVIB.PF0.VF1
Notice: The primary domain is in the process of a delayed reconfiguration.
Any changes made to the primary domain will only take effect after it reboots.

You can issue more than one ldm destroy-vf command while in delayed reconfiguration.
Thus, you could also destroy the /SYS/MB/RISER1/PCIE4/IOVIB.PF0.VF0.

Finally, reboot the primary root domain to make the changes take effect.

primary# shutdown -i6 -g0 -y

Shutdown started.

Changing to init state 6 - please wait


112 Oracle VM Server for SPARC 3.3 Administration Guide October 2015
Using InfiniBand SR-IOV Virtual Functions

Adding and Removing InfiniBand Virtual Functions on

I/O Domains
How to Add an InfiniBand Virtual Function to an I/O Domain
This procedure describes how to add an InfiniBand SR-IOV virtual function to an I/O domain.

1 Stop the I/O domain.

primary# ldm stop-domain domain-name

2 Add one or more virtual functions to the I/O domain.

vf-name is the pseudonym name or the path name of the virtual function. The recommended
practice is to use the pseudonym name. domain-name specifies the name of the domain to
which you add the virtual function. The specified I/O domain must be in the inactive or bound
primary# ldm add-io vf-name domain-name

3 Start the I/O domain.

primary# ldm start-domain domain-name

Example 716 Adding an InfiniBand Virtual Function

The following example shows how to add the /SYS/MB/RISER1/PCIE4/IOVIB.PF0.VF2 virtual
function to the iodom1 I/O domain.

First, identify the virtual function that you want to assign.

primary# ldm list-io

---- ---- --- ------ ------
pci_0 BUS pci_0 primary IOV
/SYS/MB/RISER1/PCIE4/IOVIB.PF0 PF pci_0 primary

To add a virtual function to an I/O domain, it must be unassigned. The DOMAIN column
indicates the name of the domain to which the virtual function is assigned. In this case, the
/SYS/MB/RISER1/PCIE4/IOVIB.PF0.VF2 is not assigned to a domain.

To add a virtual function to a domain, the domain must be in the inactive or bound state.

Chapter 7 Creating an I/O Domain by Using PCIe SR-IOV Virtual Functions 113
Using InfiniBand SR-IOV Virtual Functions

primary# ldm list-domain

primary active -n-cv- UART 32 64G 0.2% 0.2% 56m
iodom1 active -n---- 5000 8 8G 33% 33% 25m

The ldm list-domain output shows that the iodom1 I/O domain is active, so it must be

primary# ldm stop iodom1

LDom iodom1 stopped
primary# ldm list-domain
primary active -n-cv- UART 32 64G 0.0% 0.0% 57m
iodom1 bound ------ 5000 8 8G

Now you can add the virtual function to the I/O domain.

primary# ldm add-io /SYS/MB/RISER1/PCIE4/IOVIB.PF0.VF2 iodom1

primary# ldm list-io
/SYS/MB/RISER1/PCIE4/IOVIB.PF0.VF2 VF pci_0 iodom1

Note that you can add more than one virtual function while an I/O domain is stopped. For
example, you might add other unassigned virtual functions such as
/SYS/MB/RISER1/PCIE4/IOVIB.PF0.VF3 to iodom1. After you add the virtual functions, you
can restart the I/O domain.

primary# ldm start iodom1

LDom iodom1 started
primary# ldm list-domain
primary active -n-cv- UART 32 64G 1.0% 1.0% 1h 18m
iodom1 active -n---- 5000 8 8G 36% 36% 1m

How to Remove an InfiniBand Virtual Function From an I/O Domain

This procedure describes how to remove an InfiniBand SR-IOV virtual function from an I/O

1 Stop the I/O domain.

primary# ldm stop-domain domain-name

2 Remove one or more virtual functions from the I/O domain.

vf-name is the pseudonym name or the path name of the virtual function. The recommended
practice is to use the device pseudonym. domain-name specifies the name of the domain from
which you remove the virtual function. The specified I/O domain must be in the inactive or
bound state.

114 Oracle VM Server for SPARC 3.3 Administration Guide October 2015
Using InfiniBand SR-IOV Virtual Functions

Note Before removing the virtual function from the I/O domain, ensure that it is not critical for
booting that domain.

primary# ldm remove-io vf-name domain-name

3 Start the I/O domain.

primary# ldm start-domain domain-name

Example 717 Removing an InfiniBand Virtual Function

The following example shows how to remove the /SYS/MB/RISER1/PCIE4/IOVIB.PF0.VF2
virtual function from the iodom1 I/O domain.

First, identify the virtual function that you want to remove.

primary# ldm list-io

---- ---- --- ------ ------
pci_0 BUS pci_0 primary IOV
/SYS/MB/RISER1/PCIE4/IOVIB.PF0 PF pci_0 primary
/SYS/MB/RISER1/PCIE4/IOVIB.PF0.VF2 VF pci_0 iodom1
/SYS/MB/RISER1/PCIE4/IOVIB.PF0.VF3 VF pci_0 iodom1

The DOMAIN column shows the name of the domain to which the virtual function is assigned.
The /SYS/MB/RISER1/PCIE4/IOVIB.PF0.VF2 virtual function is assigned to iodom1.

To remove a virtual function from an I/O domain, the domain must be inactive or bound state.
Use the ldm list-domain command to determine the state of the domain.

primary# ldm list-domain

primary active -n-cv- UART 32 64G 0.3% 0.3% 29m
iodom1 active -n---- 5000 8 8G 17% 17% 11m

In this case, the iodom1 domain is active and so must be stopped.

primary# ldm stop iodom1

LDOM iodom1 stopped
primary# ldm list-domain
primary active -n-cv- UART 32 64G 0.0% 0.0% 31m
iodom1 bound ------ 5000 8 8G

Chapter 7 Creating an I/O Domain by Using PCIe SR-IOV Virtual Functions 115
Using InfiniBand SR-IOV Virtual Functions

Now you can remove the /SYS/MB/RISER1/PCIE4/IOVIB.PF0.VF2 virtual function from


primary# ldm remove-io /SYS/MB/RISER1/PCIE4/IOVIB.PF0.VF2 iodom1

primary# ldm list-io
---- ---- --- ------ ------

Note that the DOMAIN column for the virtual function is now empty.

You can remove more than one virtual function while an I/O domain is stopped. In this
example, you could also remove the /SYS/MB/RISER1/PCIE4/IOVIB.PF0.VF3 virtual function.
After you remove the virtual functions, you can restart the I/O domain.

primary# ldm start iodom1

LDom iodom1 started
primary# ldm list-domain
primary active -n-cv- UART 32 64G 0.3% 0.3% 39m
iodom1 active -n---- 5000 8 8G 9.4% 9.4% 5s

Adding and Removing InfiniBand Virtual Functions to

Root Domains
How to Add an InfiniBand Virtual Function to a Root Domain
This procedure describes how to add an InfiniBand SR-IOV virtual function to a root domain.

1 Initiate a delayed reconfiguration.

primary# ldm start-reconf root-domain

2 Add one or more virtual functions to the root domain.

vf-name is the pseudonym name or the path name of the virtual function. The recommended
practice is to use the pseudonym name. root-domain-name specifies the name of the root
domain to which you add the virtual function.
primary# ldm add-io vf-name root-domain-name

3 Reboot the root domain.

Run one of the following commands:

Reboot the non-primary root domain.

primary# ldm stop-domain -r root-domain-name

116 Oracle VM Server for SPARC 3.3 Administration Guide October 2015
Using InfiniBand SR-IOV Virtual Functions

Reboot the primary root domain.

primary# shutdown -i6 -g0 -y

How to Remove an InfiniBand Virtual Function From a Root Domain

This procedure describes how to remove an InfiniBand SR-IOV virtual function from a root

1 Initiate a delayed reconfiguration.

primary# ldm start-reconf root-domain

2 Remove one or more virtual functions from the root domain.

vf-name is the pseudonym name or the path name of the virtual function. The recommended
practice is to use the pseudonym name. root-domain-name specifies the name of the root
domain to which you add the virtual function.
primary# ldm remove-io vf-name root-domain-name

3 Reboot the root domain.

Run one of the following commands:

Reboot the non-primary root domain.

primary# ldm stop-domain -r root-domain-name

Reboot the primary root domain.

primary# shutdown -i6 -g0 -y

Advanced SR-IOV Topics: InfiniBand SR-IOV

This section describes how to identify InfiniBand physical and virtual functions as well as to
correlate the Logical Domains Manager and the Oracle Solaris view of InfiniBand physical and
virtual functions.

Listing InfiniBand SR-IOV Virtual Functions

The following example shows different ways to display information about the
/SYS/MB/RISER1/PCIE4/IOVIB.PF0 physical function. A physical function name that includes
the IOVIB string indicates that it is an InfiniBand SR-IOV device.

primary# ldm list-io

---- ---- --- ------ ------
pci_0 BUS pci_0 primary IOV
niu_0 NIU niu_0 primary
/SYS/MB/RISER0/PCIE0 PCIE pci_0 primary EMP

Chapter 7 Creating an I/O Domain by Using PCIe SR-IOV Virtual Functions 117
Using InfiniBand SR-IOV Virtual Functions

/SYS/MB/RISER1/PCIE1 PCIE pci_0 primary EMP

/SYS/MB/RISER2/PCIE2 PCIE pci_0 primary EMP
/SYS/MB/RISER0/PCIE3 PCIE pci_0 primary OCC
/SYS/MB/RISER1/PCIE4 PCIE pci_0 primary OCC
/SYS/MB/RISER2/PCIE5 PCIE pci_0 primary EMP
/SYS/MB/SASHBA0 PCIE pci_0 primary OCC
/SYS/MB/SASHBA1 PCIE pci_0 primary OCC
/SYS/MB/NET0 PCIE pci_0 primary OCC
/SYS/MB/NET2 PCIE pci_0 primary OCC
/SYS/MB/RISER0/PCIE3/IOVIB.PF0 PF pci_0 primary
/SYS/MB/RISER1/PCIE4/IOVIB.PF0 PF pci_0 primary
/SYS/MB/NET0/IOVNET.PF0 PF pci_0 primary
/SYS/MB/NET0/IOVNET.PF1 PF pci_0 primary
/SYS/MB/NET2/IOVNET.PF0 PF pci_0 primary
/SYS/MB/NET2/IOVNET.PF1 PF pci_0 primary
/SYS/MB/RISER0/PCIE3/IOVIB.PF0.VF0 VF pci_0 primary
/SYS/MB/RISER0/PCIE3/IOVIB.PF0.VF1 VF pci_0 primary
/SYS/MB/RISER0/PCIE3/IOVIB.PF0.VF2 VF pci_0 iodom1
/SYS/MB/RISER0/PCIE3/IOVIB.PF0.VF3 VF pci_0 iodom1
/SYS/MB/RISER1/PCIE4/IOVIB.PF0.VF0 VF pci_0 primary
/SYS/MB/RISER1/PCIE4/IOVIB.PF0.VF1 VF pci_0 primary
/SYS/MB/RISER1/PCIE4/IOVIB.PF0.VF2 VF pci_0 iodom1
/SYS/MB/RISER1/PCIE4/IOVIB.PF0.VF3 VF pci_0 iodom1

The ldm list-io -l command provides more detailed information about the specified
physical function device, /SYS/MB/RISER1/PCIE4/IOVIB.PF0. The maxvfs value shows that the
maximum number of virtual functions supported by the physical device is 64. For each virtual
function that is associated with the physical function, the output shows the following:
Function name
Function type
Bus name
Domain name
Optional status of the function
Device path

This ldm list-io -l output shows that VF0 and VF1 are assigned to the primary domain and
that VF2 and VF3 are assigned to the iodom1 I/O domain.

primary# ldm list-io -l /SYS/MB/RISER1/PCIE4/IOVIB.PF0

---- ---- --- ------ ------
/SYS/MB/RISER1/PCIE4/IOVIB.PF0 PF pci_0 primary
maxvfs = 64
/SYS/MB/RISER1/PCIE4/IOVIB.PF0.VF0 VF pci_0 primary
/SYS/MB/RISER1/PCIE4/IOVIB.PF0.VF1 VF pci_0 primary
/SYS/MB/RISER1/PCIE4/IOVIB.PF0.VF2 VF pci_0 iodom1
/SYS/MB/RISER1/PCIE4/IOVIB.PF0.VF3 VF pci_0 iodom1

118 Oracle VM Server for SPARC 3.3 Administration Guide October 2015
Using InfiniBand SR-IOV Virtual Functions

Identifying InfiniBand SR-IOV Functions

This section describes how to identify the InfiniBand SR-IOV devices.

Use the ldm list-io -l command to show the Oracle Solaris device path name that is
associated with each physical function and virtual function.

primary# ldm list-io -l /SYS/MB/RISER1/PCIE4/IOVIB.PF0

---- ---- --- ------ ------
/SYS/MB/RISER1/PCIE4/IOVIB.PF0 PF pci_0 primary
maxvfs = 64
/SYS/MB/RISER1/PCIE4/IOVIB.PF0.VF0 VF pci_0 primary
/SYS/MB/RISER1/PCIE4/IOVIB.PF0.VF1 VF pci_0 primary
/SYS/MB/RISER1/PCIE4/IOVIB.PF0.VF2 VF pci_0 iodom1
/SYS/MB/RISER1/PCIE4/IOVIB.PF0.VF3 VF pci_0 iodom1

Use the dladm show-phys -L command to match each IP over InfiniBand (IPoIB) instance to
its physical card. For example, the following command shows which IPoIB instances use the
card in slot PCIE4, which is the same card shown in the previous ldm list-io -l example.

primary# dladm show-phys -L | grep PCIE4

net5 ibp0 PCIE4/PORT1
net6 ibp1 PCIE4/PORT2
net19 ibp8 PCIE4/PORT1
net9 ibp9 PCIE4/PORT2
net18 ibp4 PCIE4/PORT1
net11 ibp5 PCIE4/PORT2

Each InfiniBand host channel adapter (HCA) device has a globally unique ID (GUID). There
are also GUIDs for each port (typically there are two ports to an HCA). An InfiniBand HCA
GUID uniquely identifies the adapter. The port GUID uniquely identifies each HCA port and
plays a role similar to a network device's MAC address. These 16-hexadecimal digit GUIDs are
used by InfiniBand management tools and diagnostic tools.

Use the dladm show-ib command to obtain GUID information about the InfiniBand SR-IOV
devices. Physical functions and virtual functions for the same device have related HCA GUID
values. The 11th hexadecimal digit of the HCA GUID shows the relationship between a physical
function and its virtual functions. Note that leading zeros are suppressed in the HCAGUID and
PORTGUID columns.

For example, physical function PF0 has two virtual functions, VF0 and VF1, which are assigned
to the primary domain. The 11th hexadecimal digit of each virtual function is incremented by
one from the related physical function. So, if the GUID for the PF0 is 8, the GUIDs for VF0 and
VF1 will be 9 and A, respectively.

Chapter 7 Creating an I/O Domain by Using PCIe SR-IOV Virtual Functions 119
Using InfiniBand SR-IOV Virtual Functions

The following dladm show-ib command output shows that the net5 and net6 links belong to
the physical function PF0. The net19 and net9 links belong to VF0 of the same device while the
net18 and net11 links belong to VF1.

primary# dladm show-ib

net6 21280001A17F56 21280001A17F58 2 up FFFF
net5 21280001A17F56 21280001A17F57 1 up FFFF
net19 21290001A17F56 14050000000001 1 up FFFF
net9 21290001A17F56 14050000000008 2 up FFFF
net18 212A0001A17F56 14050000000002 1 up FFFF
net11 212A0001A17F56 14050000000009 2 up FFFF

The device in the following dladm show-phys output shows the relationship between the links
and the underlying InfiniBand port devices (ibpX).

primary# dladm show-phys

net6 Infiniband up 32000 unknown ibp1
net5 Infiniband up 32000 unknown ibp0
net19 Infiniband up 32000 unknown ibp8
net9 Infiniband up 32000 unknown ibp9
net18 Infiniband up 32000 unknown ibp4
net11 Infiniband up 32000 unknown ibp5

Use the ls -l command to show the actual InfiniBand port (IB port) device paths. An IB port
device is a child of a device path that is shown in the ldm list-io -l output. A physical
function has a one-part unit address such as pciex15b3,673c@0 while virtual functions have a
two-part unit address, pciex15b3,1002@0,2. The second part of the unit address is one higher
than the virtual function number. (In this case, the second component is 2, so this device is
virtual function 1.) The following output shows that /dev/ibp0 is a physical function and
/dev/ibp5 is a virtual function.

primary# ls -l /dev/ibp0
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 83 Apr 18 12:02 /dev/ibp0 ->
primary# ls -l /dev/ibp5
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 85 Apr 22 23:29 /dev/ibp5 ->

You can use the OpenFabrics ibv_devices command to view the OpenFabrics device name
and the node (HCA) GUID. When virtual functions are present, the Type column indicates
whether the function is physical or virtual.

primary# ibv_devices
device node GUID type
------ ---------------- ----
mlx4_4 0002c90300a38910 PF
mlx4_5 0021280001a17f56 PF
mlx4_0 0002cb0300a38910 VF
mlx4_1 0002ca0300a38910 VF

120 Oracle VM Server for SPARC 3.3 Administration Guide October 2015
Using Fibre Channel SR-IOV Virtual Functions

mlx4_2 00212a0001a17f56 VF
mlx4_3 0021290001a17f56 VF

Using Fibre Channel SR-IOV Virtual Functions

An SR-IOV Fibre Channel host bus adapter (HBA) might have one or more ports each of which
appears as SR-IOV physical function. You can identify Fibre Channel physical functions by the
IOVFC string in its device name.

Each Fibre Channel physical function has unique port and node world-wide name (WWN)
values that are provided by the card manufacturer. When you create virtual functions from a
Fibre Channel physical function, the virtual functions behave like a Fibre Channel HBA device.
Each virtual function must have a unique identity that is specified by the port WWN and node
WWN of the SAN fabric. You can use the Logical Domains Manager to automatically or
manually assign the port and node WWNs. By assigning your own values, you can fully control
the identity of any virtual function.

The Fibre Channel HBA virtual functions use the N_Port ID Virtualization (NPIV) method to
log in to the SAN fabric. Because of this NPIV requirement, you must connect the Fibre
Channel HBA port to an NPIV-capable Fibre Channel switch. The virtual functions are
managed entirely by the hardware or the firmware of the SR-IOV card. Other than these
exceptions, Fibre Channel virtual functions work and behave the same way as a non-SR-IOV
Fibre Channel HBA device. The SR-IOV virtual functions have the same capabilities as the
non-SR-IOV devices, so all types of SAN storage devices are supported in either configuration.

The virtual functions' unique port and node WWN values enable a SAN administrator to assign
storage to the virtual functions in the same way as he would for any non-SR-IOV Fibre Channel
HBA port. This mananagement includes zoning, LUN masking, and quality of service (QoS).
You can configure the storage so that it is accessible exclusively to a specific logical domain
without being visible to the physical function in the root domain.

You can use both the static and dynamic SR-IOV methods to manage Fibre Channel SR-IOV

Fibre Channel SR-IOV Hardware Requirements

For information about the required PCIe Fibre Channel SR-IOV hardware, see SR-IOV
Hardware and Software Requirements on page 80.
Control domain.
QLogic cards. At least the Oracle Solaris 11.2 OS
Emulex cards. At least the Oracle Solaris 11.1 SRU 17 OS

Chapter 7 Creating an I/O Domain by Using PCIe SR-IOV Virtual Functions 121
Using Fibre Channel SR-IOV Virtual Functions

I/O domain.
QLogic cards. At least the Oracle Solaris 11.2 OS
Emulex cards. At least the Oracle Solaris 11.1 SRU 17 OS

Fibre Channel SR-IOV Requirements and Limitations

The Fibre Channel SR-IOV feature has the following recommendations and limitations:
The SR-IOV card must run the latest version of firmware that supports the SR-IOV feature.
The Fibre Channel PCIe card must be connected to a Fibre Channel switch that supports
NPIV and that is compatible with the PCIe card.
The Logical Domains Manager properly autogenerates unique port-wwn and node-wwn
property values by connecting the control domains of all systems to the same SAN fabric
and by being part of the same multicast domain.
If you cannot configure this environment, you must manually provide the node-wwn and
port-wwn values when you create the virtual function. This behavior ensures that there are
no naming conflicts. See World-Wide Name Allocation for Fibre Channel Virtual
Functions on page 123.

Fibre Channel Device Class-Specific Properties

You can use the ldm create-vf or the ldm set-io commands to set the following Fibre
Channel virtual function properties:
bw-percent Specifies the percentage of the bandwidth to be allocated to the Fibre Channel
virtual function. Valid values are from 0 to 100. The total bandwidth value
assigned to a Fibre Channel physical function's virtual functions cannot exceed
100. The default value is 0 so that the virtual function gets a fair share of the
bandwidth that is not already reserved by other virtual functions that share the
same physical function.
node-wwn Specifies the node world-wide name (WWN) for the Fibre Channel virtual
function. Valid values are non-zero. By default, this value is allocated
automatically. If you manually specify this value, you must also specify a value
for the port-wwn property. For more information, see World-Wide Name
Allocation for Fibre Channel Virtual Functions on page 123.
port-wwn Specifies the port WWN for the Fibre Channel virtual function. Valid values
are non-zero. By default, this value is allocated automatically. If you manually
specify this value, you must also specify a value for the node-wwn property. For
more information, see World-Wide Name Allocation for Fibre Channel
Virtual Functions on page 123.

122 Oracle VM Server for SPARC 3.3 Administration Guide October 2015
Using Fibre Channel SR-IOV Virtual Functions

You cannot modify the node-wwn or the port-wwn property values while the Fibre Channel
virtual function is in use. However, you can modify the bw-percent property value dynamically
even when the Fibre Channel virtual function is in use.

World-Wide Name Allocation for Fibre Channel Virtual Functions

The Logical Domains Manager supports both the automatic allocation and the manual
assignment of world-wide names for the Fibre Channel virtual functions.
Automatic World-Wide Name Allocation
Logical Domains Manager allocates a unique MAC address from its automatic MAC address
allocation pool and creates IEEE format node-wwn and port-wwn property values.
port-wwn = 10:00:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX
node-wwn = 20:00:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX

XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX is the automatically allocated MAC address.

This automatic allocation method produces unique WWNs when the control domains of all
systems that are connected to the same Fibre Channel fabric are also connected by Ethernet
and are part of the same multicast domain. If you cannot meet this requirement, you must
manually assign unique WWNs, which is required on the SAN.
Manual World-Wide Name Allocation
You can construct unique WWNs by using any method. This section describes how to create
WWNs from the Logical Domains Manager manual MAC address allocation pool. You must
guarantee the uniqueness of the WWNs you allocate.

Logical Domains Manager has a pool of 256,000 MAC addresses that are available for
manual allocation in the 00:14:4F:FC:00:00 - 00:14:4F:FF:FF:FF range.

The following example shows the port-wwn and node-wwn property values based on the
00:14:4F:FC:00:01 MAC address:
port-wwn = 10:00:00:14:4F:FC:00:01
node-wwn = 20:00:00:14:4F:FC:00:01

00:14:4F:FC:00:01 is the manually allocated MAC address. For information about

automatic MAC address allocation, see Assigning MAC Addresses Automatically or
Manually on page 241.

Note It is best to manually assign the WWNs to ensure predictable configuration of the SAN

You must use the manual WWN allocation method when all systems are not connected to
the same multicast domain by Ethernet. You can also use this method to guarantee that the
same WWNs are used when Fibre Channel virtual functions are destroyed and re-created.

Chapter 7 Creating an I/O Domain by Using PCIe SR-IOV Virtual Functions 123
Using Fibre Channel SR-IOV Virtual Functions

Creating Fibre Channel SR-IOV Virtual Functions

This section describes how to dynamically create and destroy virtual functions. If you cannot
use the dynamic methods to perform these actions, initiate a delayed reconfiguration on the
root domain before you create or destroy virtual functions.

How to Create a Fibre Channel SR-IOV Virtual Function

If you cannot use this dynamic method, use the static method instead. See Static SR-IOV on
page 84.

1 Identify the physical function device.

primary# ldm list-io
Note that the name of the physical function includes the location information for the PCIe
SR-IOV card or on-board device.

2 If I/O virtualization for the bus that has the physical function is not enabled already, enable it.
Perform this step only if I/O virtualization is not enabled already for the bus that has the
physical function.
See How to Enable I/O Virtualization for a PCIe Bus on page 87.

3 Create a single virtual function or multiple virtual functions from a physical function either
dynamically or statically.
After you create one or more virtual functions, you can assign them to a guest domain.

Dynamic method:

To create multiple virtual functions from a physical function all at the same time, use the
following command:
primary# ldm create-vf -n number | max pf-name
Use the ldm create-vf -n max command to create all the virtual functions for that
physical function at one time. This command automatically allocates the port and node
WWNs for each virtual function and sets the bw-percent property to the default value,
which is 0. This value specifies that fair share bandwidth is allocated to all virtual

124 Oracle VM Server for SPARC 3.3 Administration Guide October 2015
Using Fibre Channel SR-IOV Virtual Functions

Tip Create all virtual functions for the physical function at once. If you want to
manually assign WWNs, first create all of the virtual functions and then use the ldm
set-io command to manually assign your WWN values for each virtual function. This
technique minimizes the number of state transitions when creating virtual functions
from a physical function.

You can use either the path name or the pseudonym name to specify virtual functions.
However, the recommended practice is to use the pseudonym name.

To create one virtual function from a physical function, use the following command:
ldm create-vf [bw-percent=value] [port-wwn=value node-wwn=value] pf-name
You can also manually specify Fibre Channel class-specific property values.

Note Sometimes a newly created virtual function is not available for immediate use while
the OS probes for IOV devices. Use the ldm list-io command to determine whether the
parent physical function and its child virtual functions have the INV value in the Status
column. If they have this value, wait until the ldm list-io output no longer shows the INV
value in the Status column (about 45 seconds) before you use that physical function or any
of its child virtual functions. If this status persists, there is a problem with the device.

A device status might be INV immediately following a root domain reboot (including that of
the primary) or immediately after you use the ldm create-vf or ldm destroy-vf

Static method:

a. Initiate a delayed reconfiguration.

primary# ldm start-reconf root-domain-name

b. Create a single virtual function or multiple virtual functions from a physical function.
Use the same commands as shown previously to dynamically create the virtual

c. Reboot the root domain.

To reboot the non-primary root domain:

primary# ldm stop-domain -r root-domain

To reboot the primary root domain:

primary# shutdown -i6 -g0 -y

Chapter 7 Creating an I/O Domain by Using PCIe SR-IOV Virtual Functions 125
Using Fibre Channel SR-IOV Virtual Functions

Example 718 Displaying Information About the Fibre Channel Physical Function
This example shows information about the /SYS/MB/PCIE7/IOVFC.PF0 physical function:
This physical function is from a board in a PCIe slot, PCIE7.
The IOVFC string indicates that the physical function is a Fibre Channel SR-IOV device.

primary# ldm list-io

---- ---- --- ------ ------
pci_0 BUS pci_0 primary IOV
pci_1 BUS pci_1 rootdom1 IOV
niu_0 NIU niu_0 primary
niu_1 NIU niu_1 primary
/SYS/MB/PCIE0 PCIE pci_0 primary OCC
/SYS/MB/PCIE2 PCIE pci_0 primary OCC
/SYS/MB/PCIE4 PCIE pci_0 primary OCC
/SYS/MB/PCIE6 PCIE pci_0 primary EMP
/SYS/MB/PCIE8 PCIE pci_0 primary EMP
/SYS/MB/SASHBA PCIE pci_0 primary OCC
/SYS/MB/NET0 PCIE pci_0 primary OCC
/SYS/MB/PCIE1 PCIE pci_1 rootdom1 OCC
/SYS/MB/PCIE3 PCIE pci_1 rootdom1 OCC
/SYS/MB/PCIE5 PCIE pci_1 rootdom1 OCC
/SYS/MB/PCIE7 PCIE pci_1 rootdom1 OCC
/SYS/MB/PCIE9 PCIE pci_1 rootdom1 OCC
/SYS/MB/NET2 PCIE pci_1 rootdom1 OCC
/SYS/MB/NET0/IOVNET.PF0 PF pci_0 primary
/SYS/MB/NET0/IOVNET.PF1 PF pci_0 primary
/SYS/MB/PCIE5/IOVNET.PF0 PF pci_1 rootdom1
/SYS/MB/PCIE5/IOVNET.PF1 PF pci_1 rootdom1
/SYS/MB/PCIE7/IOVFC.PF0 PF pci_1 rootdom1
/SYS/MB/PCIE7/IOVFC.PF1 PF pci_1 rootdom1
/SYS/MB/NET2/IOVNET.PF0 PF pci_1 rootdom1
/SYS/MB/NET2/IOVNET.PF1 PF pci_1 rootdom1

The following command shows more details about the specified physical function. The maxvfs
value indicates the maximum number of virtual functions that is supported by the device.

primary# ldm list-io -l /SYS/MB/PCIE7/IOVFC.PF0

---- ---- --- ------ ------
/SYS/MB/PCIE7/IOVNET.PF0 PF pci_0 rootdom1
maxvfs = 8

Example 719 Dynamically Creating a Fibre Channel Virtual Function Without Setting Optional
This example dynamically creates a virtual function without setting any optional properties. In
this case, the ldm create-vf command automatically allocates the default bandwidth
percentage, port world-wide name (WWN), and node WWN values.

126 Oracle VM Server for SPARC 3.3 Administration Guide October 2015
Using Fibre Channel SR-IOV Virtual Functions

Ensure that I/O virtualization is enabled on the pci_1 PCIe bus. See How to Enable I/O
Virtualization for a PCIe Bus on page 87.

You can use the ldm create-vf command to create all the virtual functions from the
/SYS/MB/PCIE7/IOVFC.PF0 physical function.

primary# ldm create-vf -n max /SYS/MB/PCIE7/IOVFC.PF0

Created new vf: /SYS/MB/PCIE7/IOVFC.PF0.VF0
Created new vf: /SYS/MB/PCIE7/IOVFC.PF0.VF1
Created new vf: /SYS/MB/PCIE7/IOVFC.PF0.VF2
Created new vf: /SYS/MB/PCIE7/IOVFC.PF0.VF3
Created new vf: /SYS/MB/PCIE7/IOVFC.PF0.VF4
Created new vf: /SYS/MB/PCIE7/IOVFC.PF0.VF5
Created new vf: /SYS/MB/PCIE7/IOVFC.PF0.VF6
Created new vf: /SYS/MB/PCIE7/IOVFC.PF0.VF7

Example 720 Dynamically Creating a Fibre Channel Virtual Function and Setting Properties
This example dynamically creates a virtual function while setting the bw-percent property
value to 25 and specifies the port and node WWNs.

primary# ldm create-vf port-wwn=10:00:00:14:4F:FC:00:01 \

node-wwn=20:00:00:14:4F:FC:00:01 bw-percent=25 /SYS/MB/PCIE7/IOVFC.PF0

Example 721 Statically Creating a Fibre Channel Virtual Function Without Setting Optional
This example statically creates a virtual function without setting any optional properties. In this
case, the ldm create-vf command automatically allocates the default bandwidth percentage,
port world-wide name (WWN), and node WWN values.

First you initiate a delayed reconfiguration on the rootdom1 domain. Then, enable I/O
virtualization on the pci_1 PCIe bus. Because the pci_1 bus has already been assigned to the
rootdom1 root domain, use the ldm set-io command to enable I/O virtualization.

primary# ldm start-reconf rootdom1

Initiating a delayed reconfiguration operation on the rootdom1 domain.
All configuration changes for other domains are disabled until the rootdom1
domain reboots, at which time the new configuration for the rootdom1 domain
will also take effect.
primary# ldm set-io iov=on pci_1

Now, you can use the ldm create-vf command to create all the virtual functions from the
/SYS/MB/PCIE7/IOVFC.PF0 physical function.

primary# ldm create-vf -n max /SYS/MB/PCIE7/IOVFC.PF0

Notice: The rootdom1 domain is in the process of a delayed reconfiguration.

Chapter 7 Creating an I/O Domain by Using PCIe SR-IOV Virtual Functions 127
Using Fibre Channel SR-IOV Virtual Functions

Any changes made to the rootdom1 domain will only take effect after it reboots.
Created new vf: /SYS/MB/PCIE7/IOVFC.PF0.VF0
Created new vf: /SYS/MB/PCIE7/IOVFC.PF0.VF1
Created new vf: /SYS/MB/PCIE7/IOVFC.PF0.VF2
Created new vf: /SYS/MB/PCIE7/IOVFC.PF0.VF3
Created new vf: /SYS/MB/PCIE7/IOVFC.PF0.VF4
Created new vf: /SYS/MB/PCIE7/IOVFC.PF0.VF5
Created new vf: /SYS/MB/PCIE7/IOVFC.PF0.VF6
Created new vf: /SYS/MB/PCIE7/IOVFC.PF0.VF7

Finally, reboot the rootdom1 root domain to make the changes take effect in one of the
following ways:
rootdom1 is a non-primary root domain
primary# ldm stop-domain -r rootdom1
rootdom1 is the primary domain
primary# shutdown -i6 -g0 -y

Destroying Fibre Channel SR-IOV Virtual Functions

A virtual function can be destroyed if it is not currently assigned to a domain. A virtual function
can be destroyed only in the reverse sequential order of creation, so only the last virtual function
that was created can be destroyed. The resulting configuration is validated by the physical
function driver.

How to Destroy a Fibre Channel SR-IOV Virtual Function

If you cannot use this dynamic method, use the static method instead. See Static SR-IOV on
page 84.

1 Identify the physical function device.

primary# ldm list-io

2 Destroy a single virtual function or multiple virtual functions either dynamically or statically.

Dynamic method:

To destroy all of the virtual functions from a physical function at one time, use the
following command:
primary# ldm destroy-vf -n number | max pf-name
You can use either the path name or the pseudonym name to specify virtual functions.
However, the recommended practice is to use the pseudonym name.
Use the ldm destroy-vf -n max command to destroy all the virtual functions for that
physical function at one time.

128 Oracle VM Server for SPARC 3.3 Administration Guide October 2015
Using Fibre Channel SR-IOV Virtual Functions

If you specify number as an argument to the -n option, the last number of virtual
functions are destroyed. Use this method as it performs this operation with only one
physical function device driver state transition.

To destroy a specified virtual function:

primary# ldm destroy-vf vf-name
Due to delays in the affected hardware device and in the OS, the affected physical function
and any remaining child virtual functions might not be available for immediate use. Use the
ldm list-io command to determine whether the parent physical function and its child
virtual functions have the INV value in the Status column. If they have this value, wait until
the ldm list-io output no longer shows the INV value in the Status column (about 45
seconds). At that time, you can safely use that physical function or any of its child virtual
functions. If this status persists, there is a problem with the device.
A device status might be INV immediately following a root domain reboot (including that of
the primary) or immediately after you use the ldm create-vf or ldm destroy-vf

Static method:

a. Initiate a delayed reconfiguration.

primary# ldm start-reconf root-domain-name

b. Destroy either a single virtual function or multiple virtual functions.

To destroy all of the virtual functions from the specified physical function at the same
time, use the following command:
primary# ldm destroy-vf -n number | max pf-name
You can use either the path name or the pseudonym name to specify virtual
functions. However, the recommended practice is to use the pseudonym name.

To destroy a specified virtual function:

primary# ldm destroy-vf vf-name

c. Reboot the root domain.

To reboot the non-primary root domain:

primary# ldm stop-domain -r root-domain

To reboot the primary root domain:

primary# shutdown -i6 -g0 -y

Chapter 7 Creating an I/O Domain by Using PCIe SR-IOV Virtual Functions 129
Using Fibre Channel SR-IOV Virtual Functions

Example 722 Dynamically Destroying Multiple Fibre Channel SR-IOV Virtual Functions
This example shows the results of destroying all the virtual functions from the
/SYS/MB/PCIE5/IOVFC.PF1 physical function. The ldm list-io output shows that the physical
function has eight virtual functions. The ldm destroy-vf -n max command destroys all the
virtual functions, and the final ldm list-io output shows that none of the virtual functions

primary# ldm list-io

primary# ldm destroy-vf -n max /SYS/MB/PCIE5/IOVFC.PF1
primary# ldm list-io

Example 723 Destroying a Fibre Channel Virtual Function

This example shows how to statically destroy the virtual functions from the
/SYS/MB/PCIE7/IOVFC.PF0 physical function.

primary# ldm start-reconf rootdom1

Initiating a delayed reconfiguration operation on the rootdom1 domain.
All configuration changes for other domains are disabled until the rootdom1
domain reboots, at which time the new configuration for the rootdom1 domain
will also take effect.
primary# ldm destroy-vf -n max /SYS/MB/PCIE7/IOVFC.PF0
primary# ldm stop-domain -r rootdom1

Modifying Fibre Channel SR-IOV Virtual Functions

The ldm set-io command modifies the current configuration of a virtual function by changing
the property values or by setting new properties.

If you cannot use this dynamic method, use the static method instead. See Static SR-IOV on
page 84.

You can use the ldm set-io command to modify the bw-percent, port-wwn, and node-wwn

You can dynamically change only the bw-percent propery while the virtual functions are
assigned to a domain.

130 Oracle VM Server for SPARC 3.3 Administration Guide October 2015
Using Fibre Channel SR-IOV Virtual Functions

How to Modify Fibre Channel SR-IOV Virtual Function Properties

1 Identify the physical function device.

primary# ldm list-io
Note that the name of the physical function includes the location information for the PCIe
SR-IOV card or on-board device.

2 Modify a virtual function property.

ldm set-io [bw-percent=value] [port-wwn=value node-wwn=value] pf-name
Unlike the bw-percent property value, which you can dynamically change at any time, you can
dynamically modify the port-wwn and node-wwn property values only when the virtual function
is not assigned to a domain.

Example 724 Modifying Fibre Channel SR-IOV Virtual Function Properties

This example modifies the properties of the specified virtual function,
/SYS/MB/PCIE7/IOVFC.PF0.VF0, to specify the bandwidth percentage and the port and node
WWN values.

primary# ldm set-io port-wwn=10:00:00:14:4f:fc:f4:7c \

node-wwn=20:00:00:14:4f:fc:f4:7c bw-percent=25 /SYS/MB/PCIE7/IOVFC.PF0.VF0

Adding and Removing Fibre Channel SR-IOV Virtual

Functions on I/O Domains
How to Add a Fibre Channel SR-IOV Virtual Function to an I/O Domain
If you cannot dynamically remove the virtual function, use the static method. See Static
SR-IOV on page 84.

1 Identify the virtual function that you want to add to an I/O domain.
primary# ldm list-io

2 Add a virtual function either dynamically or statically.

To dynamically add a virtual function:

primary# ldm add-io vf-name domain-name
vf-name is the pseudonym name or the path name of the virtual function. The
recommended practice is to use the pseudonym name. domain-name specifies the name of
the domain to which you add the virtual function.

Chapter 7 Creating an I/O Domain by Using PCIe SR-IOV Virtual Functions 131
Using Fibre Channel SR-IOV Virtual Functions

The device path name for the virtual function in the domain is the path shown in the
list-io -l output.

To statically add a virtual function:

a. Stop the domain and then add the virtual function.

primary# ldm stop-domain domain-name
primary# ldm add-io vf-name domain-name
vf-name is the pseudonym name or the path name of the virtual function. The
recommended practice is to use the pseudonym name. domain-name specifies the name
of the domain to which you add the virtual function. The specified guest must be in the
inactive or bound state.
The device path name for the virtual function in the domain is the path shown in the
list-io -l output.

b. Restart the domain.

primary# ldm start-domain domain-name

Example 725 Adding a Fibre Channel Virtual Function

This example shows how to dynamically add the /SYS/MB/PCIE7/IOVFC.PF0.VF0 virtual
function to the ldg2 domain.

primary# ldm add-io /SYS/MB/PCIE7/IOVFC.PF0.VF0 ldg2

If you cannot add the virtual function dynamically, use the static method:

primary# ldm stop-domain ldg2

primary# ldm add-io /SYS/MB/PCIE7/IOVFC.PF0.VF0 ldg2
primary# ldm start-domain ldg2

How to Remove a Fibre Channel SR-IOV Virtual Function From an I/O

If you cannot use this dynamic method, use the static method instead. See Static SR-IOV on
page 84.

Caution Before removing the virtual function from the domain, ensure that it is not critical for
booting that domain.

1 Identify the virtual function that you want to remove from an I/O domain.
primary# ldm list-io

132 Oracle VM Server for SPARC 3.3 Administration Guide October 2015
Using Fibre Channel SR-IOV Virtual Functions

2 Remove a virtual function either dynamically or statically.

To dynamically remove a virtual function:

primary# ldm remove-io vf-name domain-name
vf-name is the pseudonym name or the path name of the virtual function. The
recommended practice is to use the device pseudonym. domain-name specifies the name of
the domain from which you remove the virtual function.

To statically remove a virtual function:

a. Stop the I/O domain.

primary# ldm stop-domain domain-name

b. Remove the virtual function.

primary# ldm remove-io vf-name domain-name
vf-name is the pseudonym name or the path name of the virtual function. The
recommended practice is to use the device pseudonym. domain-name specifies the name
of the domain from which you remove the virtual function. The specified guest must be
in the inactive or bound state.

c. Start the I/O domain.

primary# ldm start-domain domain-name

Example 726 Dynamically Removing a Fibre Channel Virtual Function

This example shows how to dynamically remove the /SYS/MB/PCIE7/IOVFC.PF0.VF0 virtual
function from the ldg2 domain.

primary# ldm remove-io /SYS/MB/PCIE7/IOVFC.PF0.VF0 ldg2

If the command succeeds, the virtual function is removed from the ldg2 domain. When ldg2 is
restarted, the specified virtual function no longer appears in that domain.

If you cannot remove the virtual function dynamically, use the static method:

primary# ldm stop-domain ldg2

primary# ldm remove-io /SYS/MB/PCIE7/IOVFC.PF0.VF0 ldg2
primary# ldm start-domain ldg2

Advanced SR-IOV Topics: Fibre Channel SR-IOV

This section describes some advanced topics related to using Fibre Channel SR-IOV virtual

Chapter 7 Creating an I/O Domain by Using PCIe SR-IOV Virtual Functions 133
I/O Domain Resiliency

Accessing a Fibre Channel Virtual Function in a Guest Domain

The ldg2 console log shows the operations of the assigned Fibre Channel virtual function
device. Use the fcadm command to view and access the Fibre Channel virtual function device.

ldg2# fcadm hba-port

HBA Port WWN: 100000144ffb8a99
Port Mode: Initiator
Port ID: 13d02
OS Device Name: /dev/cfg/c3
Manufacturer: Emulex
Model: 7101684
Firmware Version: 7101684
FCode/BIOS Version: Boot: Fcode:4.03a4
Serial Number: 4925382+133400002R
Driver Name: emlxs
Driver Version: (2014.
Type: N-port
State: online
Supported Speeds: 4Gb 8Gb 16Gb
Current Speed: 16Gb
Node WWN: 200000144ffb8a99
NPIV Not Supported

Use the format command to show the visible LUNs.

ldg2# format
Searching for disks...done
0. c2d0 <Unknown-Unknown-0001-25.00GB>
1. c3t21000024FF4C4BF8d0 <SUN-COMSTAR-1.0-10.00GB>
Specify disk (enter its number): ^D

I/O Domain Resiliency

I/O domain resiliency improves the availability and performance of an I/O domain by enabling
it to continue to run even when one of its associated root domains is interrupted. When a root
domain is interrupted, the I/O domains that use its services continue to run by enabling its
affected devices to fail over to the alternate I/O path. When the root domain returns to service,
the affected devices in the resilient I/O domain are also returned to service and the failover
capabilities are restored.

The following diagrams show and describe what happens when one of the configured root
domains fails and what happens when the root domain returns to service.

134 Oracle VM Server for SPARC 3.3 Administration Guide October 2015
I/O Domain Resiliency

Each root domain provide a virtual function to the I/O domain.

The I/O domain uses virtual device multipathing such as IPMP
for network devices and MPxIO for Fibre Channel devices.

When root domain B is interrupted by a panic or reboot, virtual

function B is suspended in the I/O domain and then
multipathing engages to route all I/O through root domain A.

When root domain B is restored to service, virtual function B

resumes operation in the I/O domain. The multipath group is
restored to full reduncancy.

In this configuration, the virtual function could be a virtual network device or a virtual storage
device, which means that the I/O domain can be configured with any combination of virtual
functions or virtual devices.

You can create a configuration where you have both resilient and non-resilient I/O domains.
For an example, see Example Using Resilient and Non-Resilient Configurations on
page 140.

Resilient I/O Domain Requirements

Note The Oracle Solaris 10 OS does not provide I/O domain resiliency.

Chapter 7 Creating an I/O Domain by Using PCIe SR-IOV Virtual Functions 135
I/O Domain Resiliency

A resilient I/O domain must meet the following requirements:

Runs at least the Oracle Solaris 11.2 SRU 8 OS and its primary domain runs at least the
Oracle VM Server for SPARC 3.2 software.
Uses multipathing to create failover configurations for virtual functions and virtual devices.
This configuration requires the virtual functions and the virtual devices to be of the same
class: network or storage.
Has the master property value set to the name of a root domain whose failure-policy
property is set to ignore. Any other failure policy setting, such as stop, reset, or panic,
supersedes I/O resiliency and the I/O domain is interrupted.
Uses only SR-IOV virtual functions, virtual network devices, and virtual storage devices that
support I/O domain resiliency. See

I/O Domain Resiliency Limitations

When you hotplug an SR-IOV card to the root domain and then assign virtual functions to
it to an I/O domain, the I/O domain might fail to provide resiliency when the root domain
fails. Therefore, you should only add the SR-IOV card while the root domain is down. Then
assign the virtual functions after the root domain boots.
If you have a resilient I/O domain and then assign a device in one of the following ways, then
the I/O domain is no longer resilient:
Add a virtual function from a card that does not support I/O resiliency
Directly assign a device by using the direct I/O feature

In that case, set the failure-policy from ignore to reset or stop.

Configuring Resilient I/O Domains

How to Configure a Resilient I/O Domain
Before You Begin Use only the PCIe cards that support the I/O domain resiliency feature. See

Ensure that the I/O domain, root domain, service domain, and primary domain run at least the
Oracle Solaris 11.2 SRU 8 OS and the Logical Domains Manager 3.2 software.

1 On the root domain, set the failure-policy property to ignore.

primary# ldm set-domain failure-policy=ignore root-domain-name

136 Oracle VM Server for SPARC 3.3 Administration Guide October 2015
I/O Domain Resiliency

Note If you add any devices to the I/O domain that are not supported for resiliency, that
domain is no longer resilient. So, reset the failure-policy property value to stop, reset, or
For information about domain dependencies, see Configuring Domain Dependencies on
page 367.

2 On the I/O domain, set the master property to the name of the root domain.
primary# ldm set-domain master=root-domain-name I/O-domain-name

3 Configure multipathing across the paths.

Ethernet. Use IPMP to configure multipathing across the paths.

For information about using IPMP to configure multipathing, see Administering TCP/IP
Networks, IPMI, and IP Tunnels in Oracle Solaris 11.2.

Fibre Channel. Use MPxIO to configure multipathing across the paths.

For information about using MPxIO to configure multipathing, see Managing SAN Devices
and Multipathing Oracle Solaris 11.2.

Example 727 Using IPMP to Configure Multipathing With Ethernet SR-IOV Functions
This example shows how to use IPMP to configure network virtual-function devices for a
resilient I/O domain. For more information, see Administering TCP/IP Networks, IPMI, and IP
Tunnels in Oracle Solaris 11.2.
1. Identify two Ethernet SR-IOV physical functions that are assigned to different root
In this example, the root-1 and root-2 root domains have Ethernet SR-IOV physical
primary# ldm list-io | grep root-1 | grep PF
/SYS/PCI-EM8/IOVNET.PF0 PF pci_1 root-1
primary# ldm list-io | grep root-2 | grep PF
/SYS/RIO/NET2/IOVNET.PF0 PF pci_2 root-2
2. Create two Ethernet virtual functions on each of the specified physical functions.
primary# ldm create-vf /SYS/MB/NET0/IOVNET.PF0
Created new vf: /SYS/PCI-EM8/IOVNET.PF0.VF0
primary# ldm create-vf /SYS/RIO/NET2/IOVNET.PF0
Created new vf: /SYS/RIO/NET2/IOVNET.PF0.VF0
3. Assign the Ethernet virtual functions to the io-1 I/O domain.
primary# ldm add-io /SYS/PCI-EM8/IOVNET.PF0.VF0 io-1
primary# ldm add-io /SYS/RIO/NET2/IOVNET.PF0.VF0 io-1
4. Configure the Ethernet virtual functions into an IPMP group on the I/O domain.

Chapter 7 Creating an I/O Domain by Using PCIe SR-IOV Virtual Functions 137
I/O Domain Resiliency

a. Identify the newly added network devices, net1 and net2, on the I/O domain.
i0-1# dladm show-phys
net0 Ethernet up 0 unknown vnet0
net1 Ethernet up 1000 full igbvf0
net2 Ethernet up 1000 full igbvf1
b. Create IP interfaces for the newly added network devices.
io-1# ipadm create-ip net1
io-1# ipadm create-ip net2
c. Create the ipmp0 IPMP group for the two network interfaces.
io-1# ipadm create-ipmp -i net1 -i net2 ipmp0
d. Assign an IP address to the IPMP group.
This example configures the DHCP option.
io-1# ipadm create-addr -T dhcp ipmp0/v4
e. Check the status of the IPMP group interface.
io-1# ipmpstat -g

Example 728 Using MPxIO to Configure Multipathing With Fibre Channel SR-IOV Functions
This example shows how to use MPxIO to configure Fibre Channel virtual-function devices for
a resilient I/O domain. For more information, see Managing SAN Devices and Multipathing
Oracle Solaris 11.2.
1. Identify two Fibre Channel SR-IOV physical functions that are assigned to different root
In this example, the root-1 and root-2 root domains have Fibre Channel SR-IOV physical
primary# ldm list-io | grep root-1 | grep PF
/SYS/PCI-EM4/IOVFC.PF0 PF pci_1 root-1
primary# ldm list-io | grep root-2 | grep PF
/SYS/PCI-EM15/IOVFC.PF0 PF pci_2 root-2
2. Create two virtual functions on each of the specified physical functions.
For more information, see How to Create a Fibre Channel SR-IOV Virtual Function on
page 124.
primary# ldm create-vf port-wwn=10:00:00:14:4f:fc:60:00 \
node-wwn=20:00:00:14:4f:fc:60:00 /SYS/PCI-EM4/IOVFC.PF0
Created new vf: /SYS/PCI-EM4/IOVFC.PF0.VF0
primary# ldm create-vf port-wwn=10:00:00:14:4f:fc:70:00 \
node-wwn=20:00:00:14:4f:fc:70:00 /SYS/PCI-EM15/IOVFC.PF0
Created new vf: /SYS/PCI-EM15/IOVFC.PF0.VF0
3. Add the newly created virtual functions to the io-1 I/O domain.
primary# ldm add-io /SYS/PCI-EM4/IOVFC.PF0.VF0 io-1
primary# ldm add-io /SYS/PCI-EM15/IOVFC.PF0.VF0 io-1

138 Oracle VM Server for SPARC 3.3 Administration Guide October 2015
I/O Domain Resiliency

4. Determine whether MPxIO is enabled on the I/O domain by using the prtconf -v
If the output for the fp device includes the following device property setting, MPxIO is

If the mpxio-disable property is set to yes, update the property value to no in the
/etc/driver/drv/fp.conf file and then reboot the I/O domain.

If the mpxio-disable device property does not appear in the prtconf -v output, add the
mpxio-disable="no" entry to the /etc/driver/drv/fp.conf file and then reboot the I/O
5. Check the status of MPxIO group.
io-1# mpathadm show LU

Logical Unit: /dev/rdsk/c0t600A0B80002A384600003D6B544EECD0d0s2

Vendor: SUN
Product: CSM200_R
Revision: 0660
Name Type: unknown type
Name: 600a0b80002a384600003d6b544eecd0
Asymmetric: yes
Current Load Balance: round-robin
Logical Unit Group ID: NA
Auto Failback: on
Auto Probing: NA

Initiator Port Name: 100000144ffc6000
Target Port Name: 201700a0b82a3846
Override Path: NA
Path State: OK
Disabled: no

Initiator Port Name: 100000144ffc7000

Target Port Name: 201700a0b82a3846
Override Path: NA
Path State: OK
Disabled: no

Target Port Groups:

ID: 1
Explicit Failover: yes
Access State: active
Target Ports:
Name: 201700a0b82a3846
Relative ID: 0

Chapter 7 Creating an I/O Domain by Using PCIe SR-IOV Virtual Functions 139
Rebooting the Root Domain With Non-Resilient I/O Domains Configured

Example Using Resilient and Non-Resilient

You can use configurations with both resilient and non-resilient domains.

The following figure shows that I/O domain A and I/O domain C are not resilient because
neither use multipathing. I/O domain A has a virtual function and I/O domain C has a direct
I/O device.

FIGURE 72 Configuration With Resilient and Non-Resilient I/O Domains

I/O domain B and I/O domain D are resilient. I/O domains A, B, and D depend on root domain
A. I/O domains B and D depend on root domain B. I/O domain C depends on root domain C.

If root domain A is interrupted, I/O domain A is interrupted as well. I/O domains B and D,
however, fail over to alternate paths and continue to run applications. If root domain C is
interrupted, I/O domain C fails in the way specified by the failure-policy property value of
root domain C.

Rebooting the Root Domain With Non-Resilient I/O Domains

Note If your I/O domain is resilient, it can continue to operate even when the root domain that
services it is interrupted. For information about configuring resilient I/O domains, see I/O
Domain Resiliency on page 134.

140 Oracle VM Server for SPARC 3.3 Administration Guide October 2015
Rebooting the Root Domain With Non-Resilient I/O Domains Configured

As with PCIe slots in the I/O domain, the concerns that are described in Rebooting the Root
Domain With PCIe Endpoints Configured on page 149 also pertain to the virtual functions that
are assigned to an I/O domain.

Note An I/O domain cannot start if the associated root domain is not running.

Chapter 7 Creating an I/O Domain by Using PCIe SR-IOV Virtual Functions 141
C H A P T E R 8

Creating an I/O Domain by Using Direct I/O

This chapter covers the following direct I/O topics:

Creating an I/O Domain by Assigning PCIe Endpoint Devices on page 143
Direct I/O Hardware and Software Requirements on page 145
Current Direct I/O Feature Limitations on page 146
Planning PCIe Endpoint Device Configuration on page 147
Rebooting the Root Domain With PCIe Endpoints Configured on page 149
Making PCIe Hardware Changes on page 150
Creating an I/O Domain by Assigning a PCIe Endpoint Device on page 152

Creating an I/O Domain by Assigning PCIe Endpoint Devices

You can assign an individual PCIe endpoint (or direct I/O-assignable) device to a domain. This
use of PCIe endpoint devices increases the granularity of the device assignment to I/O domains.
This capability is delivered by means of the direct I/O (DIO) feature.

The DIO feature enables you to create more I/O domains than the number of PCIe buses in a
system. The possible number of I/O domains is now limited only by the number of PCIe
endpoint devices.

A PCIe endpoint device can be one of the following:

A PCIe card in a slot
An on-board PCIe device that is identified by the platform

Note Because root domains cannot have dependencies on other root domains, a root domain
that owns a PCIe bus cannot have its PCIe endpoint devices or SR-IOV virtual functions
assigned to another root domain. However, you can assign a PCIe endpoint device or virtual
function from a PCIe bus to the root domain that owns that bus.

Creating an I/O Domain by Assigning PCIe Endpoint Devices

The following diagram shows that the PCIe endpoint device, PCIE3, is assigned to an I/O
domain. Both bus pci_0 and the switch in the I/O domain are virtual. The PCIE3 endpoint
device is no longer accessible in the primary domain.

In the I/O domain, the pci_0 block and the switch are a virtual root complex and a virtual PCIe
switch, respectively. This block and switch are similar to the pci_0 block and the switch in the
primary domain. In the primary domain, the devices in slot PCIE3 are a shadow form of the
original devices and are identified as SUNW,assigned.

Caution You cannot use Oracle Solaris hot-plug operations to hot-remove a PCIe endpoint
device after that device is removed from the primary domain by using the ldm remove-io
command. For information about replacing or removing a PCIe endpoint device, see Making
PCIe Hardware Changes on page 150.

FIGURE 81 Assigning a PCIe Endpoint Device to an I/O Domain

144 Oracle VM Server for SPARC 3.3 Administration Guide October 2015
Direct I/O Hardware and Software Requirements

Use the ldm list-io command to list the PCIe endpoint devices.

Though the DIO feature permits any PCIe card in a slot to be assigned to an I/O domain, only
certain PCIe cards are supported. See Direct I/O Hardware and Software Requirements on
page 145.

Caution PCIe cards that have a bridge are not supported. PCIe function-level assignment is also
not supported. Assigning an unsupported PCIe card to an I/O domain might result in
unpredictable behavior.

The following items describe important details about the DIO feature:
This feature is enabled only when all the software requirements are met. See Direct I/O
Hardware and Software Requirements on page 145.
Only PCIe endpoints that are connected to a PCIe bus assigned to a root domain can be
assigned to another domain with the DIO feature.
I/O domains that use DIO have access to the PCIe endpoint devices only when the root
domain is running.
Rebooting the root domain affects I/O domains that have PCIe endpoint devices. See
Rebooting the Root Domain With PCIe Endpoints Configured on page 149. The root
domain also performs the following tasks:
Initializes and manages the PCIe bus.
Handles all bus errors that are triggered by the PCIe endpoint devices that are assigned
to I/O domains. Note that only the primary domain receives all PCIe bus-related errors.

Direct I/O Hardware and Software Requirements

To successfully use the direct I/O (DIO) feature to assign direct I/O devices to domains, you
must run the appropriate software and use supported PCIe cards.
Hardware Requirements. Only certain PCIe cards can be used as a direct I/O endpoint
device on an I/O domain. You can still use other cards in your Oracle VM Server for SPARC
environment but they cannot be used with the DIO feature. Instead, they can be used for
service domains and for I/O domains that have entire root complexes assigned to them.
Refer to your platform's hardware documentation to verify which cards can be used on your
platform. For an up-to-date list of supported PCIe cards, see https://

Chapter 8 Creating an I/O Domain by Using Direct I/O 145

Current Direct I/O Feature Limitations

Note The SPARC T7 series server and SPARC M7 series server have an I/O controller that
provides several PCIe buses and you can assign PCIe cards to different domains by using the
PCIe bus assignment feature. For information, see Chapter 6, Creating a Root Domain by
Assigning PCIe Buses.

Software Requirements. To use the DIO feature, the following domains must run the
supported OS:
Root domain. At least the Oracle Solaris 11.3 OS.
The recommended practice is for all domains to run at least the Oracle Solaris 10 1/13
OS plus the required patches in Fully Qualified Oracle Solaris OS Versions in Oracle
VM Server for SPARC 3.3 Installation Guide or the Oracle Solaris 11.3 OS.
I/O domain. At least the Oracle Solaris 11 OS. Note that additional feature support is
included in more recent Oracle Solaris 11 releases.

Note All PCIe cards that are supported on a platform are supported in the root domains. See
the documentation for your platform for the list of supported PCIe cards. However, only direct
I/O-supported PCIe cards can be assigned to I/O domains.

To add or remove PCIe endpoint devices by using the direct I/O feature, you must first enable
I/O virtualization on the PCIe bus itself.

You can use the ldm set-io or ldm add-io command to set the iov property to on. You can
also use the ldm add-domain or ldm set-domain command to set the rc-add-policy property
to iov. See the ldm(1M) man page.

Rebooting the root domain affects direct I/O, so carefully plan your direct I/O configuration
changes to maximize the direct I/O-related changes to the root domain and to minimize root
domain reboots.

Current Direct I/O Feature Limitations

For information about how to work around the limitations, see Planning PCIe Endpoint
Device Configuration on page 147.

Assignment or removal of a PCIe endpoint device to any non-root domain is permitted only
when that domain is either stopped or inactive.

146 Oracle VM Server for SPARC 3.3 Administration Guide October 2015
Planning PCIe Endpoint Device Configuration

Note The Fujitsu M10 server supports the dynamic reconfiguration of PCIe endpoint devices.
You can assign or remove PCIe endpoint devices without rebooting the root domain or
stopping the I/O domain.

For up-to-date information about this feature, see Fujitsu M10/SPARC M10 Systems System
Operation and Administration Guide for your model at

Note The direct I/O feature is not supported on the SPARC M7 series server and SPARC T7
series server. Instead, use the PCIe bus assignment feature. See Chapter 6, Creating a Root
Domain by Assigning PCIe Buses.

SPARC systems, up to and including the SPARC T5 and SPARC M6 platforms, provide a finite
number of interrupts, so Oracle Solaris limits the number of interrupts that each device can use.
The default limit should match the needs of a typical system configuration but you might need
to adjust this value for certain system configurations. For more information, see Adjusting the
Interrupt Limit on page 380.

Planning PCIe Endpoint Device Configuration

Carefully plan ahead when you assign or remove PCIe endpoint devices to avoid root domain
downtime. The reboot of the root domain not only affects the services that are available on the
root domain itself but also the I/O domains that have PCIe endpoint devices assigned. Though
the changes to each I/O domain do not affect the other domains, planning ahead helps to
minimize the consequences on the services that are provided by that domain.

When in a delayed reconfiguration, you can continue to add or remove more devices and then
reboot the root domain only one time to make all the changes take effect.

For an example, see How to Create an I/O Domain by Assigning a PCIe Endpoint Device on
page 152.

You must take the following general steps to plan and perform a DIO device configuration:
1. Understand and record your system hardware configuration.
Specifically, record information about the part numbers and other details of the PCIe cards
in the system.
Use the ldm list-io -l and prtdiag -v commands to obtain the information and save it
for future reference.
2. Determine which PCIe endpoint devices are required to be in the primary domain.

Chapter 8 Creating an I/O Domain by Using Direct I/O 147

Planning PCIe Endpoint Device Configuration

For example, determine the PCIe endpoint devices that provide access to the following:
Boot disk device
Network device
Other devices that the primary domain offers as services
3. Remove all PCIe endpoint devices that you might use in I/O domains.
This step helps you to avoid performing subsequent reboot operations on the root domain,
because reboots affect I/O domains.
Use the ldm remove-io command to remove the PCIe endpoint devices. Use pseudonyms
rather than device paths to specify the devices to the remove-io and add-io subcommands.

Note After you have removed all the devices you want during a delayed reconfiguration,
you need to reboot the root domain only one time to make all the changes take effect.

4. Save this configuration to the service processor (SP).

Use the ldm add-config command.
5. Reboot the root domain to release the PCIe endpoint devices that you removed in Step 3.
6. Confirm that the PCIe endpoint devices you removed are no longer assigned to the root
Use the ldm list-io -l command to verify that the devices you removed appear as
SUNW,assigned-device in the output.
7. Assign an available PCIe endpoint device to a guest domain to provide direct access to the
physical device.
After you make this assignment, you can no longer migrate the guest domain to another
physical system by means of the domain migration feature.
8. Add a PCIe endpoint device to or remove one from a guest domain.
Use the ldm add-io command.
Minimize the changes to I/O domains by reducing the reboot operations and by avoiding
downtime of services offered by that domain.
9. (Optional) Make changes to the PCIe hardware.
See Making PCIe Hardware Changes on page 150.

148 Oracle VM Server for SPARC 3.3 Administration Guide October 2015
Rebooting the Root Domain With PCIe Endpoints Configured

Rebooting the Root Domain With PCIe Endpoints Configured

The root domain is the owner of the PCIe bus and is responsible for initializing and managing
the bus. The root domain must be active and running a version of the Oracle Solaris OS that
supports the DIO or SR-IOV feature. Shutting down, halting, or rebooting the root domain
interrupts access to the PCIe bus. When the PCIe bus is unavailable, the PCIe devices on that
bus are affected and might become unavailable.

The behavior of I/O domains with PCIe endpoint devices is unpredictable when the root
domain is rebooted while those I/O domains are running. For instance, I/O domains with PCIe
endpoint devices might panic during or after the reboot. Upon reboot of the root domain, you
would need to manually stop and start each domain.

Note that if the I/O domain is resilient, it can continue to operate even if the root domain that is
the owner of the PCIe bus becomes unavailable. See I/O Domain Resiliency on page 134.

Note An I/O domain cannot start if the associated root domain is not running.

To work around these issues, perform one of the following steps:

Manually shut down any domains on the system that have PCIe endpoint devices assigned
to them before you shut down the root domain.
This step ensures that these domains are cleanly shut down before you shut down, halt, or
reboot the root domain.
To find all the domains that have PCIe endpoint devices assigned to them, run the ldm
list-io command. This command enables you to list the PCIe endpoint devices that have
been assigned to domains on the system. For a detailed description of this command output,
see the ldm(1M) man page.
For each domain found, stop the domain by running the ldm stop command.
Configure a domain dependency relationship between the root domain and the domains
that have PCIe endpoint devices assigned to them.
This dependency relationship ensures that domains with PCIe endpoint devices are
automatically restarted when the root domain reboots for any reason.
Note that this dependency relationship forcibly resets those domains, and they cannot
cleanly shut down. However, the dependency relationship does not affect any domains that
were manually shut down.
primary# ldm set-domain failure-policy=reset primary
primary# ldm set-domain master=primary domain-name

Chapter 8 Creating an I/O Domain by Using Direct I/O 149

Making PCIe Hardware Changes

EXAMPLE 81 Configuring Failure Policy Dependencies for a Configuration With a Non-primary Root
Domain and I/O Domains
The following example describes how you can configure failure policy dependencies in a
configuration that has a non-primary root domain and I/O domains.
In this example, ldg1 is a non-primary root domain. ldg2 is an I/O domain that has either PCIe
SR-IOV virtual functions or PCIe endpoint devices assigned from a root complex that is owned
by the ldg1 domain.

primary# ldm set-domain failure-policy=stop ldg1

primary# ldm set-domain master=ldg1 ldg2
This dependency relationship ensures that the I/O domain is stopped when the ldg1 root
domain reboots.
If it is the non-primary root domain rebooting, this dependency relationship ensures that
the I/O domain is stopped. Start the I/O domain after the non-primary root domain boots.
primary# ldm start ldg2
If it is the primary domain rebooting, this policy setting stops both the non-primary root
domain and the dependent I/O domains. When the primary domain boots, you must start
the non-primary root domain first. When the domain boots, start the I/O domain.
primary# ldm start ldg1
Wait for the ldg1 domain to become active and then start the I/O domain.
primary# ldm start ldg2

Making PCIe Hardware Changes

The following steps help you avoid misconfiguring the PCIe endpoint assignments. For
platform-specific information about installing and removing specific hardware, see the
documentation for your platform.
No action is required if you are installing a PCIe card into an empty slot. This PCIe card is
automatically owned by the domain that owns the PCIe bus.
To assign the new PCIe card to an I/O domain, use the ldm remove-io command to first
remove the card from the root domain. Then, use the ldm add-io command to assign the
card to an I/O domain.
No action is required if a PCIe card is removed from the system and assigned to the root
To remove a PCIe card that is assigned to an I/O domain, first remove the device from the
I/O domain. Then, add the device to the root domain before you physically remove the
device from the system.
To replace a PCIe card that is assigned to an I/O domain, verify that the new card is
supported by the DIO feature.

150 Oracle VM Server for SPARC 3.3 Administration Guide October 2015
Making PCIe Hardware Changes

If so, no action is required to automatically assign the new card to the current I/O domain.
If not, first remove that PCIe card from the I/O domain by using the ldm remove-io
command. Next, use the ldm add-io command to reassign that PCIe card to the root
domain. Then, physically replace the PCIe card you assigned to the root domain with a
different PCIe card. These steps enable you to avoid a configuration that is unsupported by
the DIO feature.

Minimizing Guest Domain Outages When Removing a

PCIe Card
While you remove or replace a PCIe card from a system that runs the Oracle VM Server for
SPARC software, the domains that depend on this hardware are unavailable. To minimize such
guest domain outages, you must prepare your system to use the hotplug capabilities to
physically remove the card.

How to Minimize Guest Domain Outages When Removing a PCIe Card

This procedure enables you to avoid an outage to a guest domain that does not have direct I/O
or SR-IOV device assigned to it and that has multiple paths configured. Note that this
procedure requires two reboots of the primary domain.

Note This procedure does not apply when the PCIe card is on a root complex owned by a
non-primary root domain. Instead, see How to Replace PCIe Direct I/O Cards Assigned to an
Oracle VM Server for SPARC Guest Domain (Doc ID 1684273.1) (https://

1 Stop the guest domain that has the PCIe slot assigned to it.
primary# ldm stop domain-name

2 Remove the PCIe slot from the guest domain.

primary# ldm remove-io PCIe-slot domain-name

3 Stop the guest domains that have PCIe slots and SR-IOV virtual functions assigned to them.
primary# ldm stop domain-name

Note You do not need to stop guest domains that have PCIe buses assigned to them because
they might be providing alternate paths to network and disk devices to the guest domains.

Chapter 8 Creating an I/O Domain by Using Direct I/O 151

Creating an I/O Domain by Assigning a PCIe Endpoint Device

4 Initiate a delayed reconfiguration on the primary domain so that you can assign this slot to it.
primary# ldm start-reconf primary

5 Add the PCIe slot to the primary domain.

primary# ldm add-io PCIe-slot domain-name

6 Reboot the primary domain.

primary# shutdown -i6 -g0 -y

7 Use the hotplug commands to replace the PCIe card.

For information about Oracle Solaris OS hotplug capabilities, see Chapter 2, Dynamically
Configuring Devices, in Managing Devices in Oracle Solaris 11.3 .

8 After the card is replaced, perform the following steps if you must reassign this same PCIe slot to
the guest domain:

a. Initiate a delayed reconfiguration on the primary domain.

primary# ldm start-reconf primary

b. Remove the PCIe slot from the primary domain.

primary# ldm remove-io PCIe-slot domain-name

c. Reboot the primary domain to cause the removal of the PCIe slot to take effect.
primary# shutdown -i6 -g0 -y

d. Reassign the PCIe slot to the guest domain.

primary# ldm add-io PCIe-slot domain-name

e. Start the guest domains to which you want to assign PCIe slots and SR-IOV virtual functions.
primary# ldm start domain-name

Creating an I/O Domain by Assigning a PCIe Endpoint Device

How to Create an I/O Domain by Assigning a PCIe

Endpoint Device
Plan all DIO deployments ahead of time to minimize downtime.

152 Oracle VM Server for SPARC 3.3 Administration Guide October 2015
Creating an I/O Domain by Assigning a PCIe Endpoint Device

Caution The primary domain loses access to the on-board DVD device if you assign the
/SYS/MB/SASHBA1 slot on a SPARC T3-1 or a SPARC T4-1 system to a DIO domain.

The SPARC T3-1 and SPARC T4-1 systems include two DIO slots for on-board storage, which
are represented by the /SYS/MB/SASHBA0 and /SYS/MB/SASHBA1 paths. In addition to hosting
multiheaded on-board disks, the /SYS/MB/SASHBA1 slot hosts the on-board DVD device. So, if
you assign /SYS/MB/SASHBA1 to a DIO domain, the primary domain loses access to the
on-board DVD device.

The SPARC T3-2 and SPARC T4-2 systems have a single SASHBA slot that hosts all on-board
disks as well as the on-board DVD device. So, if you assign SASHBA to a DIO domain, the
on-board disks and the on-board DVD device are loaned to the DIO domain and unavailable to
the primary domain.

For an example of adding a PCIe endpoint device to create an I/O domain, see Planning PCIe
Endpoint Device Configuration on page 147.

Note In this release, use the DefaultFixed NCP to configure datalinks and network interfaces
on Oracle Solaris 11 systems.

The Oracle Solaris 11 OS includes the following NCPs:

DefaultFixed Enables you to use the dladm or ipadm command to manage networking
Automatic Enables you to use the netcfg or netadm command to manage networking

Ensure that the DefaultFixed NCP is enabled by using the netadm list command. See
Chapter 7, Using Datalink and Interface Configuration Commands on Profiles, in Oracle
Solaris Administration: Network Interfaces and Network Virtualization .

1 Identify and archive the devices that are currently installed on the system.
The output of the ldm list-io -l command shows how the I/O devices are currently
configured. You can obtain more detailed information by using the prtdiag -v command.

Note After the devices are assigned to I/O domains, the identity of the devices can be
determined only in the I/O domains.

primary# ldm list-io -l

---- ---- --- ------ ------
niu_0 NIU niu_0 primary
niu_1 NIU niu_1 primary

Chapter 8 Creating an I/O Domain by Using Direct I/O 153

Creating an I/O Domain by Assigning a PCIe Endpoint Device

pci_0 BUS pci_0 primary

pci_1 BUS pci_1 primary
/SYS/MB/PCIE0 PCIE pci_0 primary OCC
/SYS/MB/PCIE2 PCIE pci_0 primary OCC
/SYS/MB/PCIE4 PCIE pci_0 primary OCC
/SYS/MB/PCIE6 PCIE pci_0 primary EMP
/SYS/MB/PCIE8 PCIE pci_0 primary EMP
/SYS/MB/SASHBA PCIE pci_0 primary OCC
/SYS/MB/NET0 PCIE pci_0 primary OCC
/SYS/MB/PCIE1 PCIE pci_1 primary OCC
/SYS/MB/PCIE3 PCIE pci_1 primary OCC
/SYS/MB/PCIE5 PCIE pci_1 primary OCC
/SYS/MB/PCIE7 PCIE pci_1 primary EMP

154 Oracle VM Server for SPARC 3.3 Administration Guide October 2015
Creating an I/O Domain by Assigning a PCIe Endpoint Device

/SYS/MB/PCIE9 PCIE pci_1 primary EMP
/SYS/MB/NET2 PCIE pci_1 primary OCC
/SYS/MB/NET0/IOVNET.PF0 PF pci_0 primary
maxvfs = 7
/SYS/MB/NET0/IOVNET.PF1 PF pci_0 primary
maxvfs = 7
/SYS/MB/PCIE5/IOVNET.PF0 PF pci_1 primary
maxvfs = 63
/SYS/MB/PCIE5/IOVNET.PF1 PF pci_1 primary
maxvfs = 63
/SYS/MB/NET2/IOVNET.PF0 PF pci_1 primary
maxvfs = 7
/SYS/MB/NET2/IOVNET.PF1 PF pci_1 primary
maxvfs = 7

2 Determine the device path of the boot disk that must be retained.
See Step 2 in How to Create a Root Domain by Assigning a PCIe Bus on page 72.

3 Determine the physical device to which the block device is linked.

See Step 3 in How to Create a Root Domain by Assigning a PCIe Bus on page 72.

4 Determine the network interface that is used by the system.

See Step 4 in How to Create a Root Domain by Assigning a PCIe Bus on page 72.

5 Determine the physical device to which the network interface is linked.

The following command uses the igb0 network interface:
primary# ls -l /dev/igb0
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 46 Jul 30 17:29 /dev/igb0 ->
In this example, the physical device for the network interface used by the primary domain is
connected to the PCIe endpoint device (pci@500/pci@0/pci@8), which corresponds to the
listing of MB/NET0 in Step 1. So, you do not want to remove this device from the primary
domain. You can safely assign all other PCIe devices to other domains because they are not used
by the primary domain.
If the network interface used by the primary domain is on a bus that you want to assign to
another domain, the primary domain would need to be reconfigured to use a different network

Chapter 8 Creating an I/O Domain by Using Direct I/O 155

Creating an I/O Domain by Assigning a PCIe Endpoint Device

6 Remove the PCIe endpoint devices that you might use in I/O domains.
In this example, you can remove the PCIE2, PCIE3, PCIE4, and PCIE5 endpoint devices because
they are not being used by the primary domain.

a. Remove the PCIe endpoint devices.

Caution Do not remove the devices that are used or required by the primary domain. Do
not remove a bus that has devices that are used by a domain, such as network ports or
usbecm devices.

If you mistakenly remove the wrong devices, use the ldm cancel-reconf primary
command to cancel the delayed reconfiguration on the primary domain.
You can remove multiple devices at one time to avoid multiple reboots.

primary# ldm start-reconf primary

primary# ldm set-io iov=on pci_1
All configuration changes for other domains are disabled until the primary
domain reboots, at which time the new configuration for the primary domain
will also take effect.
primary# ldm remove-io /SYS/MB/PCIE1 primary
Notice: The primary domain is in the process of a delayed reconfiguration.
Any changes made to the primary domain will only take effect after it reboots.
primary# ldm remove-io /SYS/MB/PCIE3 primary
Notice: The primary domain is in the process of a delayed reconfiguration.
Any changes made to the primary domain will only take effect after it reboots.
primary# ldm remove-io /SYS/MB/PCIE5 primary
Notice: The primary domain is in the process of a delayed reconfiguration.
Any changes made to the primary domain will only take effect after it reboots.

b. Save the new configuration to the service processor (SP).

The following command saves the configuration in a file called dio:
primary# ldm add-config dio

c. Reboot the system to reflect the removal of the PCIe endpoint devices.
primary# shutdown -i6 -g0 -y

7 Log in to the primary domain and verify that the PCIe endpoint devices are no longer assigned
to the domain.
primary# ldm list-io
---- ---- --- ------ ------
niu_0 NIU niu_0 primary

156 Oracle VM Server for SPARC 3.3 Administration Guide October 2015
Creating an I/O Domain by Assigning a PCIe Endpoint Device

niu_1 NIU niu_1 primary

pci_0 BUS pci_0 primary
pci_1 BUS pci_1 primary IOV
/SYS/MB/PCIE0 PCIE pci_0 primary OCC
/SYS/MB/PCIE2 PCIE pci_0 primary OCC
/SYS/MB/PCIE4 PCIE pci_0 primary OCC
/SYS/MB/PCIE6 PCIE pci_0 primary EMP
/SYS/MB/PCIE8 PCIE pci_0 primary EMP
/SYS/MB/SASHBA PCIE pci_0 primary OCC
/SYS/MB/NET0 PCIE pci_0 primary OCC
/SYS/MB/PCIE7 PCIE pci_1 primary EMP
/SYS/MB/PCIE9 PCIE pci_1 primary EMP
/SYS/MB/NET2 PCIE pci_1 primary OCC
/SYS/MB/NET0/IOVNET.PF0 PF pci_0 primary
/SYS/MB/NET0/IOVNET.PF1 PF pci_0 primary
/SYS/MB/NET2/IOVNET.PF0 PF pci_1 primary
/SYS/MB/NET2/IOVNET.PF1 PF pci_1 primary

Note The ldm list-io -l output might show SUNW,assigned-device for the PCIe endpoint
devices that were removed. Actual information is no longer available from the primary domain,
but the domain to which the device is assigned has this information.

8 Assign a PCIe endpoint device to a domain.

a. Add the PCIE3 device to the ldg1 domain.

primary# ldm add-io /SYS/MB/PCIE3 ldg1

b. Bind and start the ldg1 domain.

primary# ldm bind ldg1
primary# ldm start ldg1
LDom ldg1 started

9 Log in to the ldg1 domain and verify that the device is available for use.
Verify that the network device is available and then configure the network device for use in the
primary# dladm show-phys
net0 Ethernet unknown 0 unknown nxge0
net1 Ethernet unknown 0 unknown nxge1
net2 Ethernet unknown 0 unknown nxge2
net3 Ethernet unknown 0 unknown nxge3

Chapter 8 Creating an I/O Domain by Using Direct I/O 157

C H A P T E R 9

Using Non-primary Root Domains

This chapter covers the following non-primary root domain topics:

Non-primary Root Domains Overview on page 159
Non-primary Root Domain Requirements on page 160
Non-primary Root Domain Limitations on page 161
Non-primary Root Domain Examples on page 162

Non-primary Root Domains Overview

A root domain has a PCIe root complex assigned to it. This domain owns the PCIe fabric and
provides all fabric-related services, such as fabric error handling. A root domain is also an I/O
domain, as it owns and has direct access to physical I/O devices. The primary domain is the
default root domain.

You can perform direct I/O and SR-IOV operations on PCIe buses that are assigned to any root
domain. You can now perform the following operations for all root domains, including
non-primary root domains:
Show the status of PCIe slots
Show the SR-IOV physical functions that are present
Assign a PCIe slot to an I/O domain or a root domain
Remove a PCIe slot from an I/O domain or a root domain
Create a virtual function from its physical function
Destroy a virtual function
Assign a virtual function to another domain
Remove a virtual function from another domain

The Logical Domains Manager obtains the PCIe endpoint devices and SR-IOV physical
function devices from the Logical Domains agents that run in the non-primary root domains.
This information is cached while the root domain is down after it is first discovered but only
until the root domain is booted.

Non-primary Root Domain Requirements

You can perform direct I/O and SR-IOV operations only when the root domain is active.
Logical Domains Manager operates on the actual devices that are present at that time. The
cached data might be refreshed when the following operations occur:
The Logical Domains agent is restarted in the specified root domain
A hardware change, such as a hot-plug operation, is performed in the specified root domain

Use the ldm list-io command to view the PCIe endpoint device status. The output also shows
the sub-devices and physical function devices from the root complexes that are owned by each
non-primary root domain.

You can use apply the following commands to any root domain:
ldm add-io
ldm remove-io
ldm set-io
ldm create-vf
ldm destroy-vf
ldm start-reconf
ldm cancel-reconf

Delayed reconfiguration support has been extended to include non-primary root domains.
However, it can be used only to run the ldm add-io, ldm remove-io, ldm set-io, ldm
create-vf and ldm destroy-vf commands. The delayed reconfiguration can be used for any
operation that cannot be completed by using dynamic operations such as the following:
Performing direct I/O operations
Creating and destroying virtual functions from a physical function that does not meet the
dynamic SR-IOV configuration requirements.

Caution Plan ahead to minimize the number of reboots of the root domain, which minimizes

Non-primary Root Domain Requirements

Non-primary root domains can be used in addition to the control domain to provide direct I/O
and SR-IOV capabilities to other domains. This feature is supported on the SPARC T4 servers,
SPARC T5 servers, SPARC T7 series servers, SPARC M5 servers, SPARC M6 servers, SPARC M7
series servers, and Fujitsu M10 servers.
Hardware Requirements.
In addition to the PCIe cards for the direct I/O and SR-IOV described in
CSP/main/article?cmd=show&type=NOT&doctype=REFERENCE&id=1325454.1, other PCIe

160 Oracle VM Server for SPARC 3.3 Administration Guide October 2015
Non-primary Root Domain Limitations

cards can be used, but not for DIO and SR-IOV. To determine which cards you can use on
your platform, see your platform's hardware documentation.
Firmware Requirements.
SPARC T4 platforms must run at least version 8.4.0.a of the system firmware.
SPARC T5 servers, SPARC M5 servers, and SPARC M6 servers must run at least version
9.1.0.x of the system firmware.
SPARC T7 series servers and SPARC M7 series servers must run at least version 9.4.3 of the
system firmware.
Fujitsu M10 servers must run at least version XCP2210 of the system firmware.
Software Requirements.
Non-primary domains must run at least the Oracle Solaris 11.2 OS.

Non-primary Root Domain Limitations

Use of the non-primary root domain has the following limitations:
An I/O domain cannot start if the associated root domain is not running.
Support for delayed reconfiguration has been extended to the non-primary root domains.
Only the following commands can be run until that root domain has been rebooted or the
delayed reconfiguration has been canceled:
ldm add-io
ldm remove-io
ldm set-io
ldm create-vf
ldm destroy-vf
The root domain must be active and booted to perform the following operations:
Creating and destroying SR-IOV virtual functions
Adding and removing PCIe slots
Adding and removing SR-IOV virtual functions
You must initiate a delayed reconfiguration on the root domain when you perform the ldm
add-io and ldm remove-io direct I/O operations for PCIe slots.
When your configuration does not meet the dynamic I/O virtualization requirements, you
must use delayed reconfiguration for the following SR-IOV virtual function operations:
ldm create-vf
ldm destroy-vf
ldm add-io
ldm remove-io
ldm set-io

Chapter 9 Using Non-primary Root Domains 161

Non-primary Root Domain Examples

The reboot of a root domain affects any I/O domain that has a device from the PCIe buses
that the root domain owns. See Rebooting the Root Domain With PCIe Endpoints
Configured on page 149.
You cannot assign an SR-IOV virtual function or a PCIe slot from one root domain to
another root domain. This limitation prevents circular dependencies.

Non-primary Root Domain Examples

The following examples describe how to enable I/O virtualization for a PCIe bus, manage direct
I/O devices on non-primary root domains, and manage SR-IOV virtual functions on
non-primary root domains.

Enabling I/O Virtualization for a PCIe Bus

The following example shows how to enable I/O virtualization by using the ldm add-io and ldm
set-io commands.

The following SPARC T4-2 I/O configuration shows that bus pci_1 already has been removed
from the primary domain.

primary# ldm list-io

---- ---- --- ------ ------
pci_0 BUS pci_0 primary IOV
pci_1 BUS pci_1
niu_0 NIU niu_0 primary
niu_1 NIU niu_1 primary
/SYS/MB/PCIE0 PCIE pci_0 primary OCC
/SYS/MB/PCIE2 PCIE pci_0 primary OCC
/SYS/MB/PCIE4 PCIE pci_0 primary OCC
/SYS/MB/PCIE6 PCIE pci_0 primary EMP
/SYS/MB/PCIE8 PCIE pci_0 primary EMP
/SYS/MB/SASHBA PCIE pci_0 primary OCC
/SYS/MB/NET0 PCIE pci_0 primary OCC
/SYS/MB/NET0/IOVNET.PF0 PF pci_0 primary
/SYS/MB/NET0/IOVNET.PF1 PF pci_0 primary

The following listing shows that the guest domains are in the bound state:

primary# ldm list

primary active -n-cv- UART 8 8G 0.6% 0.6% 8m

162 Oracle VM Server for SPARC 3.3 Administration Guide October 2015
Non-primary Root Domain Examples

rootdom1 bound ------ 5000 8 4G

ldg2 bound ------ 5001 8 4G
ldg3 bound ------ 5002 8 4G

The following ldm add-io command adds the pci_1 bus to the rootdom1 domain with I/O
virtualization enabled for that bus. The ldm start command starts the rootdom1 domain.

primary# ldm add-io iov=on pci_1 rootdom1

primary# ldm start rootdom1
LDom rootdom1 started

If a specified PCIe bus is assigned already to a root domain, use the ldm set-io command to
enable I/O virtualization.

primary# ldm start-reconf rootdom1

primary# ldm set-io iov=on pci_1
primary# ldm stop-domain -r rootdom1

The root domain must be running its OS before you can configure the I/O devices. Connect to
the console of the rootdom1 guest domain and then boot the OS of the rootdom1 root domain if
your guest domains are not already set to autoboot.

primary# telnet localhost 5000

Connected to localhost.
Escape character is ^].
Connecting to console "rootdom1" in group "rootdom1" ....
Press ~? for control options ..
ok> boot

The following command shows that the pci_1 PCIe bus and its children are now owned by the
rootdom1 root domain.

primary# ldm list-io

---- ---- --- ------ ------
pci_0 BUS pci_0 primary IOV
pci_1 BUS pci_1 rootdom1 IOV
niu_0 NIU niu_0 primary
niu_1 NIU niu_1 primary
/SYS/MB/PCIE0 PCIE pci_0 primary OCC
/SYS/MB/PCIE2 PCIE pci_0 primary OCC
/SYS/MB/PCIE4 PCIE pci_0 primary OCC
/SYS/MB/PCIE6 PCIE pci_0 primary EMP
/SYS/MB/PCIE8 PCIE pci_0 primary EMP
/SYS/MB/SASHBA PCIE pci_0 primary OCC
/SYS/MB/NET0 PCIE pci_0 primary OCC
/SYS/MB/PCIE1 PCIE pci_1 rootdom1 OCC
/SYS/MB/PCIE3 PCIE pci_1 rootdom1 OCC
/SYS/MB/PCIE5 PCIE pci_1 rootdom1 OCC
/SYS/MB/PCIE7 PCIE pci_1 rootdom1 OCC
/SYS/MB/PCIE9 PCIE pci_1 rootdom1 EMP

Chapter 9 Using Non-primary Root Domains 163

Non-primary Root Domain Examples

/SYS/MB/NET2 PCIE pci_1 rootdom1 OCC

/SYS/MB/NET0/IOVNET.PF0 PF pci_0 primary
/SYS/MB/NET0/IOVNET.PF1 PF pci_0 primary
/SYS/MB/PCIE5/IOVNET.PF0 PF pci_1 rootdom1
/SYS/MB/PCIE5/IOVNET.PF1 PF pci_1 rootdom1
/SYS/MB/NET2/IOVNET.PF0 PF pci_1 rootdom1
/SYS/MB/NET2/IOVNET.PF1 PF pci_1 rootdom1

Managing Direct I/O Devices on Non-primary Root

The following example shows how to manage direct I/O devices on non-primary root domains.

The following command produces an error because it attempts to remove a slot from the root
domain while it is still active:

primary# ldm remove-io /SYS/MB/PCIE7 ldg1

Dynamic I/O operations on PCIe slots are not supported.
Use start-reconf command to trigger delayed reconfiguration and make I/O
changes statically.

The following command shows the correct method of removing a slot by first initiating a
delayed reconfiguration on the root domain.

primary# ldm start-reconf ldg1

Initiating a delayed reconfiguration operation on the ldg1 domain.
All configuration changes for other domains are disabled until the ldg1
domain reboots, at which time the new configuration for the ldg1 domain
will also take effect.
primary# ldm remove-io /SYS/MB/PCIE7 ldg1
Notice: The ldg1 domain is in the process of a delayed reconfiguration.
Any changes made to the ldg1 domain will only take effect after it reboots.
primary# ldm stop-domain -r ldg1

The following ldm list-io command verifies that the /SYS/MB/PCIE7 slot is no longer on the
root domain.

primary# ldm list-io

---- ---- --- ------ ------
pci_0 BUS pci_0 primary IOV
pci_1 BUS pci_1 ldg1 IOV
niu_0 NIU niu_0 primary
niu_1 NIU niu_1 primary
/SYS/MB/PCIE0 PCIE pci_0 primary OCC
/SYS/MB/PCIE2 PCIE pci_0 primary OCC
/SYS/MB/PCIE4 PCIE pci_0 primary OCC
/SYS/MB/PCIE6 PCIE pci_0 primary EMP
/SYS/MB/PCIE8 PCIE pci_0 primary EMP
/SYS/MB/SASHBA PCIE pci_0 primary OCC

164 Oracle VM Server for SPARC 3.3 Administration Guide October 2015
Non-primary Root Domain Examples

/SYS/MB/NET0 PCIE pci_0 primary OCC

/SYS/MB/PCIE1 PCIE pci_1 ldg1 OCC
/SYS/MB/PCIE3 PCIE pci_1 ldg1 OCC
/SYS/MB/PCIE5 PCIE pci_1 ldg1 OCC
/SYS/MB/PCIE9 PCIE pci_1 ldg1 EMP
/SYS/MB/NET2 PCIE pci_1 ldg1 OCC
/SYS/MB/NET0/IOVNET.PF0 PF pci_0 primary
/SYS/MB/NET0/IOVNET.PF1 PF pci_0 primary
/SYS/MB/PCIE5/IOVNET.PF0 PF pci_1 ldg1
/SYS/MB/PCIE5/IOVNET.PF1 PF pci_1 ldg1
/SYS/MB/NET2/IOVNET.PF0 PF pci_1 ldg1
/SYS/MB/NET2/IOVNET.PF1 PF pci_1 ldg1

The following commands assign the /SYS/MB/PCIE7 slot to the ldg2 domain. The ldm start
command starts the ldg2 domain.

primary# ldm add-io /SYS/MB/PCIE7 ldg2

primary# ldm start ldg2
LDom ldg2 started

Managing SR-IOV Virtual Functions on Non-primary

Root Domains
These commands create two virtual functions from each of the two physical functions that
belong to the non-primary root domain.

primary# ldm create-vf /SYS/MB/PCIE5/IOVNET.PF0

Created new vf: /SYS/MB/PCIE5/IOVNET.PF0.VF0
primary# ldm create-vf /SYS/MB/PCIE5/IOVNET.PF0
Created new vf: /SYS/MB/PCIE5/IOVNET.PF0.VF1
primary# ldm create-vf /SYS/MB/NET2/IOVNET.PF1
Created new vf: /SYS/MB/NET2/IOVNET.PF1.VF0
primary# ldm create-vf /SYS/MB/NET2/IOVNET.PF1
Created new vf: /SYS/MB/NET2/IOVNET.PF1.VF1

You can also use the -n option to create the two virtual functions by using the following two

primary# ldm create-vf -n 2 /SYS/MB/PCIE5/IOVNET.PF0

Created new vf: /SYS/MB/PCIE5/IOVNET.PF0.VF0
Created new vf: /SYS/MB/PCIE5/IOVNET.PF0.VF1
primary# ldm create-vf -n 2 /SYS/MB/NET2/IOVNET.PF1
Created new vf: /SYS/MB/NET2/IOVNET.PF1.VF0
Created new vf: /SYS/MB/NET2/IOVNET.PF1.VF1

If you were unable to dynamically create the virtual functions on a given physical function,
initiate a delayed reconfiguration to create them statically.

primary# ldm start-reconf ldg1

primary# ldm create-vf /SYS/MB/PCIE5/IOVNET.PF0
Created new vf: /SYS/MB/PCIE5/IOVNET.PF0.VF0

Chapter 9 Using Non-primary Root Domains 165

Non-primary Root Domain Examples

primary# ldm create-vf /SYS/MB/PCIE5/IOVNET.PF0

Created new vf: /SYS/MB/PCIE5/IOVNET.PF0.VF1
primary# ldm create-vf /SYS/MB/NET2/IOVNET.PF1
Created new vf: /SYS/MB/NET2/IOVNET.PF1.VF0
primary# ldm create-vf /SYS/MB/NET2/IOVNET.PF1
Created new vf: /SYS/MB/NET2/IOVNET.PF1.VF1
Then reboot the root domain, ldg1, to effect the changes.

primary# ldm stop-domain -r ldg1

The following command shows the new virtual functions.

primary# ldm list-io

---- ---- --- ------ ------
pci_0 BUS pci_0 primary IOV
pci_1 BUS pci_1 ldg1 IOV
niu_0 NIU niu_0 primary
niu_1 NIU niu_1 primary
/SYS/MB/PCIE0 PCIE pci_0 primary OCC
/SYS/MB/PCIE2 PCIE pci_0 primary OCC
/SYS/MB/PCIE4 PCIE pci_0 primary OCC
/SYS/MB/PCIE6 PCIE pci_0 primary EMP
/SYS/MB/PCIE8 PCIE pci_0 primary EMP
/SYS/MB/SASHBA PCIE pci_0 primary OCC
/SYS/MB/NET0 PCIE pci_0 primary OCC
/SYS/MB/PCIE1 PCIE pci_1 ldg1 OCC
/SYS/MB/PCIE3 PCIE pci_1 ldg1 OCC
/SYS/MB/PCIE5 PCIE pci_1 ldg1 OCC
/SYS/MB/PCIE7 PCIE pci_1 ldg2 OCC
/SYS/MB/PCIE9 PCIE pci_1 ldg1 EMP
/SYS/MB/NET2 PCIE pci_1 ldg1 OCC
/SYS/MB/NET0/IOVNET.PF0 PF pci_0 primary
/SYS/MB/NET0/IOVNET.PF1 PF pci_0 primary
/SYS/MB/PCIE5/IOVNET.PF0 PF pci_1 ldg1
/SYS/MB/PCIE5/IOVNET.PF1 PF pci_1 ldg1
/SYS/MB/NET2/IOVNET.PF0 PF pci_1 ldg1
/SYS/MB/NET2/IOVNET.PF1 PF pci_1 ldg1
The following command dynamically adds the /SYS/MB/PCIE5/IOVNET.PF0.VF1 virtual
function to the ldg1 non-primary root domain:

primary# ldm add-io /SYS/MB/PCIE5/IOVNET.PF0.VF1 ldg1

The following command dynamically adds the /SYS/MB/NET2/IOVNET.PF1.VF0 virtual
function to the ldg2 domain:

primary# ldm add-io /SYS/MB/NET2/IOVNET.PF1.VF0 ldg2

The following command adds the /SYS/MB/NET2/IOVNET.PF1.VF1 virtual function to the
bound ldg3 domain:

166 Oracle VM Server for SPARC 3.3 Administration Guide October 2015
Non-primary Root Domain Examples

primary# ldm add-io /SYS/MB/NET2/IOVNET.PF1.VF1 ldg3

primary# ldm start ldg3
LDom ldg3 started

Connect to the console of the ldg3 domain and then boot its OS.

The following output shows that all the assignments appear as expected. One virtual function is
unassigned so it can be assigned dynamically to the ldg1, ldg2, or ldg3 domain.

# ldm list-io
---- ---- --- ------ ------
pci_0 BUS pci_0 primary IOV
pci_1 BUS pci_1 ldg1 IOV
niu_0 NIU niu_0 primary
niu_1 NIU niu_1 primary
/SYS/MB/PCIE0 PCIE pci_0 primary OCC
/SYS/MB/PCIE2 PCIE pci_0 primary OCC
/SYS/MB/PCIE4 PCIE pci_0 primary OCC
/SYS/MB/PCIE6 PCIE pci_0 primary EMP
/SYS/MB/PCIE8 PCIE pci_0 primary EMP
/SYS/MB/SASHBA PCIE pci_0 primary OCC
/SYS/MB/NET0 PCIE pci_0 primary OCC
/SYS/MB/PCIE1 PCIE pci_1 ldg1 OCC
/SYS/MB/PCIE3 PCIE pci_1 ldg1 OCC
/SYS/MB/PCIE5 PCIE pci_1 ldg1 OCC
/SYS/MB/PCIE7 PCIE pci_1 ldg2 OCC
/SYS/MB/PCIE9 PCIE pci_1 ldg1 EMP
/SYS/MB/NET2 PCIE pci_1 ldg1 OCC
/SYS/MB/NET0/IOVNET.PF0 PF pci_0 primary
/SYS/MB/NET0/IOVNET.PF1 PF pci_0 primary
/SYS/MB/PCIE5/IOVNET.PF0 PF pci_1 ldg1
/SYS/MB/PCIE5/IOVNET.PF1 PF pci_1 ldg1
/SYS/MB/NET2/IOVNET.PF0 PF pci_1 ldg1
/SYS/MB/NET2/IOVNET.PF1 PF pci_1 ldg1
/SYS/MB/PCIE5/IOVNET.PF0.VF1 VF pci_1 ldg1
/SYS/MB/NET2/IOVNET.PF1.VF0 VF pci_1 ldg2
/SYS/MB/NET2/IOVNET.PF1.VF1 VF pci_1 ldg3

Chapter 9 Using Non-primary Root Domains 167

C H A P T E R 1 0

Using Virtual Disks

This chapter describes how to use virtual disks with Oracle VM Server for SPARC software.

This chapter covers the following topics:

Introduction to Virtual Disks on page 169
Virtual Disk Identifier and Device Name on page 171
Managing Virtual Disks on page 171
Virtual Disk Appearance on page 173
Virtual Disk Back End Options on page 175
Virtual Disk Back End on page 176
Configuring Virtual Disk Multipathing on page 183
CD, DVD and ISO Images on page 187
Virtual Disk Timeout on page 190
Virtual Disk and SCSI on page 191
Virtual Disk and the format Command on page 192
Using ZFS With Virtual Disks on page 192
Using Volume Managers in an Oracle VM Server for SPARC Environment on page 196
Virtual Disk Issues on page 199

Introduction to Virtual Disks

A virtual disk contains two components: the virtual disk itself as it appears in a guest domain,
and the virtual disk back end, which is where data is stored and where virtual I/O is sent. The
virtual disk back end is exported from a service domain by the virtual disk server (vds) driver.
The vds driver communicates with the virtual disk client (vdc) driver in the guest domain
through the hypervisor using a logical domain channel (LDC). Finally, a virtual disk appears as
/dev/[r]dsk/cXdYsZ devices in the guest domain.

Introduction to Virtual Disks

Note You can refer to a disk either by using /dev/dsk or /dev/rdsk as part of the disk path
name. Either reference produces the same result.

Caution Do not use the d0 device to represent the entire disk. This device represents the entire
disk only when the disk has an EFI label and not a VTOC label. Using the d0 device results in
the virtual disk being a single-slice disk, which might cause you to corrupt the disk label if you
write the beginning of the disk.

Instead, use the s2 slice to virtualize the entire disk. The s2 slice is independent of the label.

The virtual disk back end can be physical or logical. Physical devices can include the following:
Physical disk or disk logical unit number (LUN)
Physical disk slice

Logical devices can be any of the following:

A file on a local file system, such as ZFS or UFS, or on a remote file system that is made
available by means of NFS
A logical volume from a volume manager, such as ZFS, VxVM, or Solaris Volume Manager
Any disk pseudo device accessible from the service domain

FIGURE 101 Virtual Disks With Oracle VM Server for SPARC

170 Oracle VM Server for SPARC 3.3 Administration Guide October 2015
Managing Virtual Disks

Virtual Disk Identifier and Device Name

When you use the ldm add-vdisk command to add a virtual disk to a domain, you can specify
its device number by setting the id property.

ldm add-vdisk [id=disk-id] disk-name volume-name@service-name domain-name

Each virtual disk of a domain has a unique device number that is assigned when the domain is
bound. If a virtual disk is added with an explicit device number (by setting the id property), the
specified device number is used. Otherwise, the system automatically assigns the lowest device
number available. In that case, the device number assigned depends on how virtual disks were
added to the domain. The device number eventually assigned to a virtual disk is visible in the
output of the ldm list-bindings command when a domain is bound.

When a domain with virtual disks is running the Oracle Solaris OS, each virtual disk appears in
the domain as a c0dn disk device, where n is the device number of the virtual disk.

In the following example, the ldg1 domain has two virtual disks: rootdisk and pdisk.
rootdisk has a device number of 0 (disk@0) and appears in the domain as the disk device c0d0.
pdisk has a device number of 1 (disk@1) and appears in the domain as the disk device c0d1.

primary# ldm list-bindings ldg1

rootdisk dsk_nevada@primary-vds0 disk@0 primary
pdisk c3t40d1@primary-vds0 disk@1 primary

Caution If a device number is not explicitly assigned to a virtual disk, its device number can
change when the domain is unbound and is later bound again. In that case, the device name
assigned by the OS running in the domain can also change and break the existing configuration
of the system. This might happen, for example, when a virtual disk is removed from the
configuration of the domain.

Managing Virtual Disks

This section describes adding a virtual disk to a guest domain, changing virtual disk and
timeout options, and removing a virtual disk from a guest domain. See Virtual Disk Back End
Options on page 175 for a description of virtual disk options. See Virtual Disk Timeout on
page 190 for a description of the virtual disk timeout.

A virtual disk back end can be exported multiple times either through the same or different
virtual disk servers. Each exported instance of the virtual disk back end can then be assigned to
either the same or different guest domains.

Chapter 10 Using Virtual Disks 171

Managing Virtual Disks

When a virtual disk back end is exported multiple times, it should not be exported with the
exclusive (excl) option. Specifying the excl option will only allow exporting the back end once.
The back end can be safely exported multiple times as a read-only device with the ro option.

Assigning a virtual disk device to a domain creates an implicit dependency on the domain
providing the virtual disk service. You can view these dependencies or view domains that
depend on the virtual disk service by using the ldm list-dependencies command. See Listing
Domain I/O Dependencies on page 382.

How to Add a Virtual Disk

1 Export the virtual disk back end from a service domain.
ldm add-vdsdev [-fq] [options={ro,slice,excl}] [mpgroup=mpgroup] \
backend volume-name@service-name

2 Assign the back end to a guest domain.

ldm add-vdisk [timeout=seconds] [id=disk-id] disk-name volume-name@service-name domain-name
You can specify a custom ID of a new virtual disk device by setting the id property. By default,
ID values are automatically generated, so set this property if you need to match an existing
device name in the OS. See Virtual Disk Identifier and Device Name on page 171.

Note A back end is actually exported from the service domain and assigned to the guest
domain when the guest domain (domain-name) is bound.

How to Export a Virtual Disk Back End Multiple Times

Caution When a virtual disk back end is exported multiple times, applications running on guest
domains and using that virtual disk are responsible for coordinating and synchronizing
concurrent write access to ensure data coherency.

The following example describes how to add the same virtual disk to two different guest
domains through the same virtual disk service.

1 Export the virtual disk back end two times from a service domain.
ldm add-vdsdev [options={ro,slice}] backend volume1@service-name
# ldm add-vdsdev -f [options={ro,slice}] backend volume2@service-name
Note that the second ldm add-vdsdev command uses the -f option to force the second export
of the back end. Use this option when using the same back-end path for both commands and
when the virtual disk servers are located on the same service domain.

172 Oracle VM Server for SPARC 3.3 Administration Guide October 2015
Virtual Disk Appearance

2 Assign the exported back end to each guest domain.

The disk-name can be different for ldom1 and ldom2.
ldm add-vdisk [timeout=seconds] disk-name volume1@service-name ldom1
# ldm add-vdisk [timeout=seconds] disk-name volume2@service-name ldom2

How to Change Virtual Disk Options

For more information about virtual disk options, see Virtual Disk Back End Options on
page 175.

After a back end is exported from the service domain, you can change the virtual disk options.
primary# ldm set-vdsdev options=[{ro,slice,excl}] volume-name@service-name

How to Change the Timeout Option

For more information about virtual disk options, see Virtual Disk Back End Options on
page 175.

After a virtual disk is assigned to a guest domain, you can change the timeout of the virtual disk.
primary# ldm set-vdisk timeout=seconds disk-name domain-name

How to Remove a Virtual Disk

1 Remove a virtual disk from a guest domain.
primary# ldm rm-vdisk disk-name domain-name

2 Stop exporting the corresponding back end from the service domain.
primary# ldm rm-vdsdev volume-name@service-name

Virtual Disk Appearance

When a back end is exported as a virtual disk, it can appear in the guest domain either as a full
disk or as a single-slice disk. The way it appears depends on the type of the back end and on the
options used to export it.

Chapter 10 Using Virtual Disks 173

Virtual Disk Appearance

Caution The SPARC T7 series server and SPARC M7 series server introduce Non-Volatile
Memory Express (NVMe) storage, which can be a disk drive or a Flash Accelerator F160 PCIe
card. This disk type cannot be used as a full disk to build a virtual disk back end.

When using such a disk, use a slice of the disk or the slice option when creating the vdsdev.
For example, after you partition the disk, use one of the following commands:

ldm add-vdsdev dev/dsk/c14t1d0s6 volume3@primary-vds4


ldm add-vdsdev options=slice /dev/dsk/c14t1d0s2 volume3@primary-vds4

Caution Single-slice disks do not have device IDs. If a device ID is required, use a full physical
disk backend.

Full Disk
When a back end is exported to a domain as a full disk, it appears in that domain as a regular
disk with eight slices (s0 to s7). This type of disk is visible with the format(1M) command. The
disk's partition table can be changed using either the fmthard or format command.

A full disk is also visible to the OS installation software and can be selected as a disk onto which
the OS can be installed.

Any back end can be exported as a full disk except physical disk slices that can be exported only
as single-slice disks.

Single-Slice Disk
When a back end is exported to a domain as a single-slice disk, it appears in that domain as a
regular disk with eight slices (s0 to s7). However, only the first slice (s0) is usable. This type of
disk is visible with the format(1M) command, but the disk's partition table cannot be changed.

A single-slice disk is also visible from the OS installation software and can be selected as a disk
onto which you can install the OS. In that case, if you install the OS using the UNIX File System
(UFS), then only the root partition (/) must be defined, and this partition must use all the disk

Any back end can be exported as a single-slice disk except physical disks that can only be
exported as full disks.

174 Oracle VM Server for SPARC 3.3 Administration Guide October 2015
Virtual Disk Back End Options

Note Prior to the Oracle Solaris 10 10/08 OS release, a single-slice disk appeared as a disk with a
single partition (s0). This type of disk was not visible with the format command. The disk also
was not visible from the OS installation software and could not be selected as a disk device onto
which the OS could be installed.

Virtual Disk Back End Options

Different options can be specified when exporting a virtual disk back end. These options are
indicated in the options= argument of the ldm add-vdsdev command as a comma-separated
list. The valid options are: ro, slice, and excl.

Read-only (ro) Option

The read-only (ro) option specifies that the back end is to be exported as a read-only device. In
that case, the virtual disk assigned to the guest domain can be accessed only for read operations,
and any write operation to the virtual disk will fail.

Exclusive (excl) Option

The exclusive (excl) option specifies that the back end in the service domain has to be opened
exclusively by the virtual disk server when it is exported as a virtual disk to another domain.
When a back end is opened exclusively, it is not accessible by other applications in the service
domain. This restriction prevents the applications running in the service domain from
inadvertently using a back end that is also being used by a guest domain.

Note Some drivers do not honor the excl option and will disallow some virtual disk back ends
from being opened exclusively. The excl option is known to work with physical disks and
slices, but the option does not work with files. It might work with pseudo devices, such as disk
volumes. If the driver of the back end does not honor the exclusive open, the back end excl
option is ignored, and the back end is not opened exclusively.

Chapter 10 Using Virtual Disks 175

Virtual Disk Back End

Because the excl option prevents applications running in the service domain from accessing a
back end exported to a guest domain, do not set the excl option in the following situations:
When guest domains are running, if you want to be able to use commands such as format or
luxadm to manage physical disks, then do not export these disks with the excl option.
When you export a Solaris Volume Manager volume, such as a RAID or a mirrored volume,
do not set the excl option. Otherwise, this can prevent Solaris Volume Manager from
starting some recovery operation in case a component of the RAID or mirrored volume
fails. See Using Virtual Disks With Solaris Volume Manager on page 197 for more
If the Veritas Volume Manager (VxVM) is installed in the service domain and Veritas
Dynamic Multipathing (VxDMP) is enabled for physical disks, then physical disks have to
be exported without the (non-default) excl option. Otherwise, the export fails, because the
virtual disk server (vds) is unable to open the physical disk device. See Using Virtual Disks
When VxVM Is Installed on page 197 for more information.
If you are exporting the same virtual disk back end multiple times from the same virtual disk
service, see How to Export a Virtual Disk Back End Multiple Times on page 172 for more

By default, the back end is opened non-exclusively. That way the back end still can be used by
applications running in the service domain while it is exported to another domain.

Slice (slice) Option

A back end is normally exported either as a full disk or as a single-slice disk depending on its
type. If the slice option is specified, then the back end is forcibly exported as a single-slice disk.

This option is useful when you want to export the raw content of a back end. For example, if you
have a ZFS or Solaris Volume Manager volume where you have already stored data and you
want your guest domain to access this data, then you should export the ZFS or Solaris Volume
Manager volume using the slice option.

For more information about this option, see Virtual Disk Back End on page 176.

Virtual Disk Back End

The virtual disk back end is the location where data of a virtual disk are stored. The back end
can be a disk, a disk slice, a file, or a volume, such as ZFS, Solaris Volume Manager, or VxVM. A
back end appears in a guest domain either as a full disk or as single-slice disk, depending on
whether the slice option is set when the back end is exported from the service domain. By
default, a virtual disk back end is exported non-exclusively as a readable-writable full disk.

176 Oracle VM Server for SPARC 3.3 Administration Guide October 2015
Virtual Disk Back End

Physical Disk or Disk LUN

A physical disk or disk LUN is always exported as a full disk. In that case, virtual disk drivers
(vds and vdc) forward I/O from the virtual disk and act as a pass-through to the physical disk or
disk LUN.

A physical disk or disk LUN is exported from a service domain by exporting the device that
corresponds to the slice 2 (s2) of that disk without setting the slice option. If you export the
slice 2 of a disk with the slice option, only this slice is exported and not the entire disk.

How to Export a Physical Disk as a Virtual Disk

Caution When configuring virtual disks, ensure that each virtual disk references a distinct
physical (back-end) resource, such as a physical disk, a disk slice, a file, or a volume.

Some disks, such as FibreChannel and SAS, have a dual-ported nature, which means that the
same disk can be referenced by two different paths. Ensure that the paths you assign to different
domains do not refer to the same physical disk.

1 Export a physical disk as a virtual disk.

For example, to export the physical disk c1t48d0 as a virtual disk, you must export slice 2 of that
disk (c1t48d0s2).
primary# ldm add-vdsdev /dev/dsk/c1t48d0s2 c1t48d0@primary-vds0

2 Assign the disk to a guest domain.

For example, assign the disk (pdisk) to guest domain ldg1.
primary# ldm add-vdisk pdisk c1t48d0@primary-vds0 ldg1

3 After the guest domain is started and running the Oracle Solaris OS, verify that the disk is
accessible and is a full disk.
A full disk is a regular disk that has eight (8) slices.
For example, the disk being checked is c0d1.
ldg1# ls -1 /dev/dsk/c0d1s*

Chapter 10 Using Virtual Disks 177

Virtual Disk Back End

Physical Disk Slice

A physical disk slice is always exported as a single-slice disk. In that case, virtual disk drivers
(vds and vdc) forward I/O from the virtual disk and act as a pass-through to the physical disk
A physical disk slice is exported from a service domain by exporting the corresponding slice
device. If the device is different from slice 2 then it is automatically exported as a single-slice
disk regardless of whether you specify the slice option. If the device is the slice 2 of the disk,
you must set the slice option to export only slice 2 as a single-slice disk. Otherwise, the entire
disk is exported as full disk.

Caution The SPARC T7 series server and SPARC M7 series server introduce Non-Volatile
Memory Express (NVMe) storage, which can be a disk drive or a Flash Accelerator F160 PCIe
card. This disk type cannot be used as a full disk to build a virtual disk back end.
When using such a disk, use a slice of the disk or the slice option when creating the vdsdev.

How to Export a Physical Disk Slice as a Virtual Disk

1 Export a slice of a physical disk as a virtual disk.
For example, to export slice 0 of the physical disk c1t57d0 as a virtual disk, you must export the
device that corresponds to that slice (c1t57d0s0) as follows.
primary# ldm add-vdsdev /dev/dsk/c1t57d0s0 c1t57d0s0@primary-vds0
You do not need to specify the slice option because a slice is always exported as a single-slice

2 Assign the disk to a guest domain.

For example, assign the disk (pslice) to guest domain ldg1.
primary# ldm add-vdisk pslice c1t57d0s0@primary-vds0 ldg1

3 After the guest domain is started and running the Oracle Solaris OS, you can list the disk (c0d13,
for example) and see that the disk is accessible.
ldg1# ls -1 /dev/dsk/c0d13s*
Although there are eight devices, because the disk is a single-slice disk, only the first slice (s0) is

178 Oracle VM Server for SPARC 3.3 Administration Guide October 2015
Virtual Disk Back End

How to Export Slice 2

To export slice 2 (disk c1t57d0s2, for example) you must specify the slice option. Otherwise,
the entire disk is exported.
primary# ldm add-vdsdev options=slice /dev/dsk/c1t57d0s2 c1t57d0s2@primary-vds0

File and Volume Exporting

A file or volume (for example from ZFS or Solaris Volume Manager) is exported either as a full
disk or as single-slice disk depending on whether the slice option is set.

File or Volume Exported as a Full Disk

If you do not set the slice option, a file or volume is exported as a full disk. In that case, virtual
disk drivers (vds and vdc) forward I/O from the virtual disk and manage the partitioning of the
virtual disk. The file or volume eventually becomes a disk image containing data from all slices
of the virtual disk and the metadata used to manage the partitioning and disk structure.

When a blank file or volume is exported as full disk, it appears in the guest domain as an
unformatted disk; that is, a disk with no partition. Then you need to run the format command
in the guest domain to define usable partitions and to write a valid disk label. Any I/O to the
virtual disk fails while the disk is unformatted.

Note You must run the format command in the guest domain to create partitions.

How to Export a File as a Full Disk

1 From the service domain, create a file (fdisk0 for example) to use as the virtual disk.
service# mkfile 100m /ldoms/domain/test/fdisk0
The size of the file defines the size of the virtual disk. This example creates a 100-Mbyte blank
file to get a 100-Mbyte virtual disk.

2 From the control domain, export the file as a virtual disk.

primary# ldm add-vdsdev /ldoms/domain/test/fdisk0 fdisk0@primary-vds0
In this example, the slice option is not set, so the file is exported as a full disk.

3 From the control domain, assign the disk to a guest domain.

For example, assign the disk (fdisk) to guest domain ldg1.
primary# ldm add-vdisk fdisk fdisk0@primary-vds0 ldg1

Chapter 10 Using Virtual Disks 179

Virtual Disk Back End

4 After the guest domain is started and running the Oracle Solaris OS, verify that the disk is
accessible and is a full disk.
A full disk is a regular disk with eight slices.
The following example shows how to list the disk, c0d5, and verify that it is accessible and is a
full disk.
ldg1# ls -1 /dev/dsk/c0d5s*

How to Export a ZFS Volume as a Full Disk

1 Create a ZFS volume to use as a full disk.

The following example shows how to create a ZFS volume, zdisk0, to use as a full disk:
service# zfs create -V 100m ldoms/domain/test/zdisk0
The size of the volume defines the size of the virtual disk. This example creates a 100-Mbyte
volume to result in a 100-Mbyte virtual disk.

2 From the control domain, export the corresponding device to that ZFS volume.
primary# ldm add-vdsdev /dev/zvol/dsk/ldoms/domain/test/zdisk0 \
In this example, the slice option is not set so the file is exported as a full disk.

3 From the control domain, assign the volume to a guest domain.

The following example shows how to assign the volume, zdisk0, to the guest domain ldg1:
primary# ldm add-vdisk zdisk0 zdisk0@primary-vds0 ldg1

4 After the guest domain is started and running the Oracle Solaris OS, verify that the disk is
accessible and is a full disk.
A full disk is a regular disk with eight slices.
The following example shows how to list the disk, c0d9, and verify that it is accessible and is a
full disk:
ldg1# ls -1 /dev/dsk/c0d9s*

180 Oracle VM Server for SPARC 3.3 Administration Guide October 2015
Virtual Disk Back End


File or Volume Exported as a Single-Slice Disk

If the slice option is set, then the file or volume is exported as a single-slice disk. In that case,
the virtual disk has only one partition (s0), which is directly mapped to the file or volume back
end. The file or volume only contains data written to the virtual disk with no extra data like
partitioning information or disk structure.

When a file or volume is exported as a single-slice disk, the system simulates a fake disk
partitioning which makes that file or volume appear as a disk slice. Because the disk partitioning
is simulated, you do not create partitioning for that disk.

How to Export a ZFS Volume as a Single-Slice Disk

1 Create a ZFS volume to use as a single-slice disk.

The following example shows how to create a ZFS volume, zdisk0, to use as a single-slice disk.
service# zfs create -V 100m ldoms/domain/test/zdisk0
The size of the volume defines the size of the virtual disk. This example creates a 100-Mbyte
volume to get a 100-Mbyte virtual disk.

2 From the control domain, export the corresponding device to that ZFS volume, and set the
slice option so that the volume is exported as a single-slice disk.
primary# ldm add-vdsdev options=slice /dev/zvol/dsk/ldoms/domain/test/zdisk0 \

3 From the control domain, assign the volume to a guest domain.

The following shows how to assign the volume, zdisk0, to guest domain ldg1.
primary# ldm add-vdisk zdisk0 zdisk0@primary-vds0 ldg1

4 After the guest domain is started and running the Oracle Solaris OS, you can list the disk (c0d9,
for example) and see that the disk is accessible and is a single-slice disk (s0).
ldg1# ls -1 /dev/dsk/c0d9s*

Chapter 10 Using Virtual Disks 181

Virtual Disk Back End

Exporting Volumes and Backward Compatibility

If you have a configuration exporting volumes as virtual disks, volumes are now exported as full
disks instead of single-slice disks. To preserve the old behavior and to have your volumes
exported as single-slice disks, you need to do either of the following:
Use the ldm set-vdsdev command in Oracle VM Server for SPARC 3.3 software, and set the
slice option for all volumes you want to export as single-slice disks. See the ldm(1M) man
Add the following line to the /etc/system file on the service domain.
set vds:vd_volume_force_slice = 1

For information about correctly creating or updating /etc/system property values, see
Updating Property Values in the /etc/system File on page 362.

Note Setting this tunable forces the export of all volumes as single-slice disks, and you
cannot export any volume as a full disk.

Summary of How Different Types of Back Ends Are Exported

Back End No Slice Option Slice Option Set

Disk (disk slice 2) Full disk Single-slice disk2

Disk slice (not slice 2) Single-slice disk3 Single-slice disk

File Full disk Single-slice disk

Volume, including ZFS, Solaris Volume Full disk Single-slice disk

Manager, or VxVM
Export the entire disk.
Export only slice 2
A slice is always exported as a single-slice disk.

Guidelines for Exporting Files and Disk Slices as Virtual Disks

This section includes guidelines for exporting a file and a disk slice as a virtual disk.

Using the Loopback File (lofi) Driver

Using the loopback file (lofi) driver to export a file as a virtual disk adds an extra driver layer
and affects performance of the virtual disk. Instead, you can directly export a file as a full disk or
as a single-slice disk. See File and Volume Exporting on page 179.

182 Oracle VM Server for SPARC 3.3 Administration Guide October 2015
Configuring Virtual Disk Multipathing

Directly or Indirectly Exporting a Disk Slice

To export a slice as a virtual disk either directly or indirectly (for example through a Solaris
Volume Manager volume), ensure that the slice does not start on the first block (block 0) of the
physical disk by using the prtvtoc command.

If you directly or indirectly export a disk slice which starts on the first block of a physical disk,
you might overwrite the partition table of the physical disk and make all partitions of that disk

Configuring Virtual Disk Multipathing

Virtual disk multipathing enables you to configure a virtual disk on a guest domain to access its
back-end storage by more than one path. The paths lead through different service domains that
provide access to the same back-end storage, such as a disk LUN. This feature enables a virtual
disk in a guest domain to remain accessible even if one of the service domains goes down. For
example, you might set up a virtual disk multipathing configuration to access a file on a network
file system (NFS) server. Or, you can use this configuration to access a LUN from shared storage
that is connected to more than one service domain. So, when the guest domain accesses the
virtual disk, the virtual disk driver goes through one of the service domains to access the
back-end storage. If the virtual disk driver cannot connect to the service domain, the virtual
disk attempts to reach the back-end storage through a different service domain.

Note You cannot use mpgroups and SCSI reservation together.

Note that the virtual disk multipathing feature can detect when the service domain cannot
access the back-end storage. In such an instance, the virtual disk driver attempts to access the
back-end storage by another path.

To enable virtual disk multipathing, you must export a virtual disk back end from each service
domain and add the virtual disk to the same multipathing group (mpgroup). The mpgroup is
identified by a name and is configured when you export the virtual disk back end.

The following figure shows a virtual disk multipathing configuration that is used as an example
in the procedure How to Configure Virtual Disk Multipathing on page 184. In this example, a
multipathing group named mpgroup1 is used to create a virtual disk, whose back end is
accessible from two service domains: primary and alternate.

Chapter 10 Using Virtual Disks 183

Configuring Virtual Disk Multipathing

FIGURE 102 Configuring Virtual Disk Multipathing

Virtual Disk Multipathing and Virtual Disk Timeout

With virtual disk multipathing, the path that is used to access the back end automatically
changes if the back end becomes inaccessible by means of the currently active path. This path
change occurs independently of the value of the virtual disk timeout property.

The virtual disk timeout property specifies the amount of time after which an I/O fails when no
service domain is available to process the I/O. This timeout applies to all virtual disks, even
those that use virtual disk multipathing.

As a consequence, setting a virtual disk timeout when virtual disk multipathing is configured
can prevent multipathing from working correctly, especially with a small timeout value. So,
avoid setting a virtual disk timeout for virtual disks that are part of a multipathing group.

For more information, see Virtual Disk Timeout on page 190.

How to Configure Virtual Disk Multipathing

See Figure 102.

1 Export the virtual disk back end from the primary service domain.
primary# ldm add-vdsdev mpgroup=mpgroup1 backend-path1 volume@primary-vds0

184 Oracle VM Server for SPARC 3.3 Administration Guide October 2015
Configuring Virtual Disk Multipathing

backend-path1 is the path to the virtual disk back end from the primary domain.

2 Export the same virtual disk back end from the alternate service domain.
primary# ldm add-vdsdev mpgroup=mpgroup1 backend-path2 volume@alternate-vds0
backend-path2 is the path to the virtual disk back end from the alternate domain.

Note backend-path1 and backend-path2 are paths to the same virtual disk back end, but from
two different domains (primary and alternate). These paths might be the same or different,
depending on the configuration of the primary and alternate domains. The volume name is a
user choice. It might be the same or different for both commands.

3 Export the virtual disk to the guest domain.

primary# ldm add-vdisk disk-name volume@primary-vds0 domain-name

Note Although the virtual disk back end is exported several times through different service
domains, you assign only one virtual disk to the guest domain and associate it with the virtual
disk back end through any of the service domains.

Example 101 Using an Mpgroup to Add a LUN to the Virtual Disk Service of Both Primary and
Alternate Domains
The following shows how to create a LUN and add it to the virtual disk service for both primary
and alternate domains by using the same mpgroup:

To determine which domain to use first when accessing the LUN, specify the associated path
when adding the disk to the domain.
Create the virtual disk devices:
primary# ldm add-vdsdev mpgroup=ha lun1@primary-vds0
primary# ldm add-vdsdev mpgroup=ha lun1@alternate-vds0
To use the LUN from primary-vds0 first, perform the following command:
primary# ldm add-vdisk disk1 lun1@primary-vds0 gd0
To use the LUN from alternate-vds0 first, perform the following command:
primary# ldm add-vdisk disk1 lun1@alternate-vds0 gd0

More Information Result of Virtual Disk Multipathing

After you configure the virtual disk with multipathing and start the guest domain, the virtual
disk accesses its back end through one of the service domains it has been associated with. If this
service domain becomes unavailable, the virtual disk attempts to access its back end through
another service domain that is part of the same multipathing group.

Chapter 10 Using Virtual Disks 185

Configuring Virtual Disk Multipathing

Caution When defining a multipathing group (mpgroup), ensure that the virtual disk back ends
that are part of the same mpgroup are effectively the same virtual disk back end. If you add
different back ends into the same mpgroup, you might see some unexpected behavior, and you
can potentially lose or corrupt data stored on the back ends.

Dynamic Path Selection

You can dynamically select the path to be used for a virtual disk on guest domains that run at
least the Oracle Solaris 11.2 SRU 1 OS.

Dynamic path selection occurs when the first path in an mpgroup disk is changed by using the
ldm set-vdisk command to set the volume property to a value in the form
volume-name@service-name. An active domain that supports dynamic path selection can switch
to only the selected path. If the updated drivers are not running, this path is selected when the
Oracle Solaris OS reloads the disk instance or at the next domain reboot.

The dynamic path selection feature enables you to dynamically perform the following steps
while the disk is in use:
Specify the disk path to be tried first by the guest domain when attaching the disk
Change the currently active path to the one that is indicated for already attached
multipathing disks

Using the ldm add-vdisk command with an mpgroup disk now specifies the path indicated by
volume-name@service-name as the selected path with which to access the disk.

The selected disk path is listed first in the set of paths provided to the guest domain irregardless
of its rank when the associated mpgroup was created.

You can use the ldm set-vdisk command on bound, inactive, and active domains. When used
on active domains, this command permits you to choose only the selected path of the mpgroup

The ldm list-bindings command shows the following information:

The STATE column for each mpgroup path indicates one of the following values:
active Current active path of the mpgroup
standby Path is not currently used
unknown Domain does not support dynamic path selection, the device is not attached,
or an error prevents the path state from being retrieved
The disk paths are listed in the order that is used for choosing the active path
The volume that is associated with the disk is the selected path for the mpgroup and is listed

186 Oracle VM Server for SPARC 3.3 Administration Guide October 2015
CD, DVD and ISO Images

The following example shows that the selected path is vol-ldg2@opath-ldg2 and that the
currently used active path is going through the ldg1 domain. You might see this situation if
the selected path could not be used and the second possible path was used instead. Even if
the selected path comes online, the non-selected path continues to be used. To make the first
path active again, re-issue the ldm set-vdisk command to set the volume property to the
name of the path you want.
disk disk-ldg4@primary-vds0 0 disk@0 primary
tdiskgroup vol-ldg2@opath-ldg2 1 disk@1 ldg2 testdiskgroup
2 vol-ldg2@opath-ldg2 ldg2 standby
0 vol-ldg1@opath-vds ldg1 active
1 vol-prim@primary-vds0 primary standby

If you use the ldm set-vdisk command on an mpgroup disk of a bound domain that does not
run at least the Oracle Solaris 11.2 SRU 1 OS, the operation changes the order of the path
priorities and the new path can be used first during next disk attach or reboot or if the OBP
needs to access it.

CD, DVD and ISO Images

You can export a compact disc (CD) or digital versatile disc (DVD) the same way you export
any regular disk. To export a CD or DVD to a guest domain, export slice 2 of the CD or DVD
device as a full disk; that is, without the slice option.

Note You cannot export the CD or DVD drive itself. You can export only the CD or DVD that
is inside the CD or DVD drive. Therefore, a CD or DVD must be present inside the drive before
you can export it. Also, to be able to export a CD or DVD, that CD or DVD cannot be in use in
the service domain. In particular, the Volume Management file system, volfs service must not
use the CD or DVD. See How to Export a CD or DVD From the Service Domain to the Guest
Domain on page 188 for instructions on how to remove the device from use by volfs.

If you have an International Organization for Standardization (ISO) image of a CD or DVD

stored in file or on a volume and export that file or volume as a full disk, then it appears as a CD
or DVD in the guest domain.

When you export a CD, DVD, or an ISO image, it automatically appears as a read-only device in
the guest domain. However, you cannot perform any CD control operations from the guest
domain; that is, you cannot start, stop, or eject the CD from the guest domain. If the exported
CD, DVD, or ISO image is bootable, the guest domain can be booted on the corresponding
virtual disk.

Chapter 10 Using Virtual Disks 187

CD, DVD and ISO Images

For example, if you export a Oracle Solaris OS installation DVD, you can boot the guest domain
on the virtual disk that corresponds to that DVD and install the guest domain from that DVD.
To do so, when the guest domain reaches the ok prompt, use the following command.

ok boot /virtual-devices@100/channel-devices@200/disk@n:f

Where n is the index of the virtual disk representing the exported DVD.

Note If you export a Oracle Solaris OS installation DVD and boot a guest domain on the virtual
disk that corresponds to that DVD to install the guest domain, then you cannot change the
DVD during the installation. So, you might need to skip any step of the installation requesting a
different CD/DVD, or you will need to provide an alternate path to access this requested media.

How to Export a CD or DVD From the Service Domain

to the Guest Domain
1 From the service domain, check whether the volume management daemon, vold, is running
and online.
service# svcs volfs
online 12:28:12 svc:/system/filesystem/volfs:default

2 If the volume management daemon is running and online, as in the example in Step 1, do the

a. In the /etc/vold.conf file, comment out the line starting with the following words:
use cdrom drive....
See the vold.conf(4) man page.

b. Insert the CD or DVD in the CD or DVD drive.

c. From the service domain, restart the volume management file system service.
service# svcadm refresh volfs
service# svcadm restart volfs

3 From the service domain, find the disk path for the CD-ROM device.
service# cdrw -l
Looking for CD devices...
Node Connected Device Device type
/dev/rdsk/c1t0d0s2 | MATSHITA CD-RW CW-8124 DZ13 | CD Reader/Writer

188 Oracle VM Server for SPARC 3.3 Administration Guide October 2015
CD, DVD and ISO Images

4 Export the CD or DVD disk device as a full disk.

primary# ldm add-vdsdev /dev/dsk/c1t0d0s2 cdrom@primary-vds0

5 Assign the exported CD or DVD to the guest domain.

The following command shows how to assign the exported CD or DVD to domain ldg1:
primary# ldm add-vdisk cdrom cdrom@primary-vds0 ldg1

More Information Exporting a CD or DVD Multiple Times

A CD or DVD can be exported multiple times and assigned to different guest domains. See
How to Export a Virtual Disk Back End Multiple Times on page 172 for more information.

How to Export an ISO Image From the Control Domain

to Install a Guest Domain
Before You Begin This procedure assumes that both the primary domain and the guest domain are configured.

For example, the following ldm list shows that both the primary and ldom1 domains are

primary# ldm list

primary active -n-cv SP 8 8G 0.3% 15m
ldom1 active -t-- 5000 4 1G 25% 8m

1 Add a virtual disk server device to export the ISO image.

In this example, the ISO image is /export/images/sol-10-u8-ga-sparc-dvd.iso.
primary# ldm add-vdsdev /export/images/sol-10-u8-ga-sparc-dvd.iso dvd-iso@primary-vds0

2 Stop the guest domain.

In this example, the logical domain is ldom1.
primary# ldm stop-domain ldom1
LDom ldom1 stopped

3 Add the virtual disk for the ISO image to the logical domain.
In this example, the logical domain is ldom1.
primary# ldm add-vdisk s10-dvd dvd-iso@primary-vds0 ldom1

4 Restart the guest domain.

In this example, the logical domain is ldom1.
primary# ldm start-domain ldom1
LDom ldom1 started
# ldm list

Chapter 10 Using Virtual Disks 189

Virtual Disk Timeout


primary active -n-cv SP 8 8G 0.4% 25m
ldom1 active -t-- 5000 4 1G 0.0% 0s
In this example, the ldm list command shows that the ldom1 domain has just been started.

5 Connect to the guest domain.

primary# telnet localhost 5000
Connected to localhost.
Escape character is ^].
Connecting to console "ldom1" in group "ldom1" ....
Press ~? for control options ..

6 Verify the existence of the ISO image as a virtual disk.

{0} ok show-disks
a) /virtual-devices@100/channel-devices@200/disk@1
b) /virtual-devices@100/channel-devices@200/disk@0
Enter Selection, q to quit: q
In this example, the newly added device is

7 Boot the guest domain to install from the ISO image.

In this example, boot from the f slice of the
/virtual-devices@100/channel-devices@200/disk@1 disk.
{0} ok boot /virtual-devices@100/channel-devices@200/disk@1:f

Virtual Disk Timeout

By default, if the service domain providing access to a virtual disk back end is down, all I/O from
the guest domain to the corresponding virtual disk is blocked. The I/O automatically is resumed
when the service domain is operational and is servicing I/O requests to the virtual disk back

However, in some cases, file systems or applications might not want the I/O operation to block
but rather to fail and report an error if the service domain is down for too long. You can now set
a connection timeout period for each virtual disk, which can then be used to establish a
connection between the virtual disk client on a guest domain and the virtual disk server on the
service domain. When that timeout period is reached, any pending I/O and any new I/O will fail
as long as the service domain is down and the connection between the virtual disk client and
server is not reestablished.

Set this timeout by using one of the following methods:

Using the ldm add-vdisk command.

190 Oracle VM Server for SPARC 3.3 Administration Guide October 2015
Virtual Disk and SCSI

ldm add-vdisk timeout=seconds disk-name volume-name@service-name domain-name

Using the ldm set-vdisk command.
ldm set-vdisk timeout=seconds disk-name domain-name
Adding the following line to the /etc/system file on the guest domain.
set vdc:vdc_timeout=seconds

For information about correctly creating or updating /etc/system property values, see
Updating Property Values in the /etc/system File on page 362.

Note If this tunable is set, it overwrites any timeout setting done using the ldm CLI. Also,
the tunable sets the timeout for all virtual disks in the guest domain.

Specify the timeout in seconds. If the timeout is set to 0, the timeout is disabled and I/O is
blocked while the service domain is down (this is the default setting and behavior).

Virtual Disk and SCSI

If a physical SCSI disk or LUN is exported as a full disk, the corresponding virtual disk supports
the user SCSI command interface, uscsi and multihost disk control operations mhd. Other
virtual disks, such as virtual disks having a file or a volume as a back end, do not support these

Note You cannot use mpgroups and SCSI reservation together.

As a consequence, applications or product features using SCSI commands (such as Solaris

Volume Manager metaset or Oracle Solaris Cluster shared devices) can be used in guest
domains only with virtual disks having a physical SCSI disk as a back end.

Note SCSI operations are effectively executed by the service domain, which manages the
physical SCSI disk or LUN used as a virtual disk back end. In particular, SCSI reservations are
done by the service domain. Therefore, applications running in the service domain and in guest
domains should not issue SCSI commands to the same physical SCSI disks. Doing so can lead to
an unexpected disk state.

Chapter 10 Using Virtual Disks 191

Virtual Disk and the format Command

Virtual Disk and the format Command

The format command recognizes all virtual disks that are present in a domain. However, for
virtual disks that are exported as single-slice disks, the format command cannot change the
partition table of the virtual disk. Commands such as label will fail unless you try to write a
disk label similar to the one that is already associated with the virtual disk.

Virtual disks whose back ends are SCSI disks support all format(1M) subcommands. Virtual
disks whose back ends are not SCSI disks do not support some format(1M) subcommands,
such as repair and defect. In that case, the behavior of format(1M) is similar to the behavior
of Integrated Drive Electronics (IDE) disks.

Using ZFS With Virtual Disks

This section describes using the Zettabyte File System (ZFS) to store virtual disk back ends
exported to guest domains. ZFS provides a convenient and powerful solution to create and
manage virtual disk back ends. ZFS enables you to do the following:
Store disk images in ZFS volumes or ZFS files
Use snapshots to back up disk images
Use clones to duplicate disk images and provision additional domains

Refer to Oracle Solaris ZFS Administration Guide for more information about using ZFS.

In the following descriptions and examples, the primary domain is also the service domain
where disk images are stored.

Configuring a ZFS Pool in a Service Domain

To store the disk images, first create a ZFS storage pool in the service domain. For example, this
command creates the ZFS storage pool ldmpool containing the disk c1t50d0 in the primary

primary# zpool create ldmpool c1t50d0

Storing Disk Images With ZFS

The following command creates a disk image for guest domain ldg1. A ZFS file system for this
guest domain is created, and all disk images of this guest domain will be stored on that file

primary# zfs create ldmpool/ldg1

192 Oracle VM Server for SPARC 3.3 Administration Guide October 2015
Using ZFS With Virtual Disks

Disk images can be stored on ZFS volumes or ZFS files. Creating a ZFS volume, whatever its
size, is quick using the zfs create -V command. On the other hand, ZFS files have to be
created by using the mkfile command. This command can take some time to complete,
especially if the file to be created is quite large, which is often the case when creating a disk

Both ZFS volumes and ZFS files can take advantage of ZFS features such as the snapshot and
clone features, but a ZFS volume is a pseudo device while a ZFS file is a regular file.

If the disk image is to be used as a virtual disk onto which an OS is installed, the disk image must
be large enough to accommodate the OS installation requirements. This size depends on the
version of the OS and on the type of installation performed. If you install the Oracle Solaris OS,
you can use a disk size of 20 Gbytes to accommodate any type of installation of any version of
the Oracle Solaris OS.

Examples of Storing Disk Images With ZFS

The following examples show how to store disk images using a ZFS volume or a ZFS file. The
syntax to export a ZFS volume or file is the same but the path to the back end is different.

When the guest domain is started, the ZFS volume or file appears as a virtual disk on which the
Oracle Solaris OS can be installed.

EXAMPLE 102 Storing a Disk Image Using a ZFS Volume

First, create a 20-Gbyte image on a ZFS volume.

primary# zfs create -V 20gb ldmpool/ldg1/disk0

Then, export the ZFS volume as a virtual disk.

primary# ldm add-vdsdev /dev/zvol/dsk/ldmpool/ldg1/disk0 ldg1_disk0@primary-vds0

Assign the ZFS volume to the ldg1 guest domain.

primary# ldm add-vdisk disk0 ldg1_disk0@primary-vds0 ldg1

EXAMPLE 103 Storing a Disk Image Using a ZFS File

First, create a 20-Gbyte disk image on a ZFS volume and create the ZFS file.

primary# zfs create ldmpool/ldg1/disk0

primary# mkfile 20g /ldmpool/ldg1/disk0/file

Then, export the ZFS file as a virtual disk.

primary# ldm add-vdsdev /ldmpool/ldg1/disk0/file ldg1_dis0@primary-vds0

Assign the ZFS file to the ldg1 guest domain.

Chapter 10 Using Virtual Disks 193

Using ZFS With Virtual Disks

EXAMPLE 103 Storing a Disk Image Using a ZFS File (Continued)

primary# ldm add-vdisk disk0 ldg1_disk0@primary-vds0 ldg1

Creating a Snapshot of a Disk Image

When your disk image is stored on a ZFS volume or on a ZFS file, you can create snapshots of
this disk image by using the ZFS snapshot command.

Before you create a snapshot of the disk image, ensure that the disk is not currently in use in the
guest domain to ensure that data currently stored on the disk image are coherent. You can
ensure that a disk is not in use in a guest domain in one of the following ways:
Stop and unbind the guest domain. This solution is the safest, and is the only solution
available if you want to create a snapshot of a disk image used as the boot disk of a guest
Unmount any slices of the disk you want to snapshot that are used in the guest domain, and
ensure that no slice is in use in the guest domain.

In this example, because of the ZFS layout, the command to create a snapshot of the disk image
is the same whether the disk image is stored on a ZFS volume or on a ZFS file.

EXAMPLE 104 Creating a Snapshot of a Disk Image

This example creates a snapshot of the disk image that was created for the ldg1 domain.

primary# zfs snapshot ldmpool/ldg1/disk0@version_1

Using Clone to Provision a New Domain

Once you have created a snapshot of a disk image, you can duplicate this disk image by using
the ZFS clone command. The cloned image then can be assigned to another domain. Cloning a
boot disk image quickly creates a boot disk for a new guest domain without having to perform
the entire Oracle Solaris OS installation process.

For example, if the disk0 created was the boot disk of domain ldg1, do the following to clone
that disk to create a boot disk for domain ldg2.

primary# zfs create ldmpool/ldg2

primary# zfs clone ldmpool/ldg1/disk0@version_1 ldmpool/ldg2/disk0

Then ldompool/ldg2/disk0 can be exported as a virtual disk and assigned to the new ldg2
domain. The domain ldg2 can directly boot from that virtual disk without having to go through
the OS installation process.

194 Oracle VM Server for SPARC 3.3 Administration Guide October 2015
Using ZFS With Virtual Disks

Cloning a Boot Disk Image

When a boot disk image is cloned, the new image is exactly the same as the original boot disk,
and it contains any information that has been stored on the boot disk before the image was
cloned, such as the host name, the IP address, the mounted file system table, or any system
configuration or tuning.
Because the mounted file system table is the same on the original boot disk image and on the
cloned disk image, the cloned disk image has to be assigned to the new domain in the same
order as it was on the original domain. For example, if the boot disk image was assigned as the
first disk of the original domain, then the cloned disk image has to be assigned as the first disk of
the new domain. Otherwise, the new domain is unable to boot.
If the original domain was configured with a static IP address, then a new domain using the
cloned image starts with the same IP address. In that case, you can change the network
configuration of the new domain by using the Oracle Solaris 11 sysconfig unconfigure
command or the Oracle Solaris 10 sys-unconfig command. To avoid this problem, you can
also create a snapshot of a disk image of an unconfigured system.
If the original domain was configured with the Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP),
then a new domain using the cloned image also uses DHCP. In that case, you do not need to
change the network configuration of the new domain because it automatically receives an IP
address and its network configuration as it boots.

Note The host ID of a domain is not stored on the boot disk, but rather is assigned by the
Logical Domains Manager when you create a domain. Therefore, when you clone a disk image,
the new domain does not keep the host ID of the original domain.

How to Create a Snapshot of a Disk Image of an Unconfigured System

1 Bind and start the original domain.

2 Unconfigure the system.

Oracle Solaris 11 OS: Run the sysconfig unconfigure command.

Oracle Solaris 10 OS: Run the sys-unconfig command.

When this operation completes, the domain halts.

3 Stop and unbind the domain, do not reboot it.

4 Take a snapshot of the domain boot disk image.

For example:
primary# zfs snapshot ldmpool/ldg1/disk0@unconfigured

Chapter 10 Using Virtual Disks 195

Using Volume Managers in an Oracle VM Server for SPARC Environment

At this point, you have the snapshot of the boot disk image of an unconfigured system.

5 Clone this image to create a new domain which, when first booted, asks for the configuration of
the system.

Using Volume Managers in an Oracle VM Server for SPARC

This section describes using volume managers in an Oracle VM Server for SPARC

Using Virtual Disks With Volume Managers

Any ZFS, Solaris Volume Manager, or Veritas Volume Manager (VxVM) volume can be
exported from a service domain to a guest domain as a virtual disk. A volume can be exported
either as a single-slice disk (if the slice option is specified with the ldm add-vdsdev command)
or as a full disk.

Note The remainder of this section uses a Solaris Volume Manager volume as an example.
However, the discussion also applies to ZFS and VxVM volumes.

The following examples show how to export a volume as a single-slice disk.

The virtual disk in the guest domain (for example, /dev/dsk/c0d2s0) is directly mapped to the
associated volume (for example, /dev/md/dsk/d0), and data stored onto the virtual disk from
the guest domain are directly stored onto the associated volume with no extra metadata. Data
stored on the virtual disk from the guest domain can therefore also be directly accessed from the
service domain through the associated volume.

If the Solaris Volume Manager volume d0 is exported from the primary domain to domain1,
then the configuration of domain1 requires some extra steps.
primary# metainit d0 3 1 c2t70d0s6 1 c2t80d0s6 1 c2t90d0s6
primary# ldm add-vdsdev options=slice /dev/md/dsk/d0 vol3@primary-vds0
primary# ldm add-vdisk vdisk3 vol3@primary-vds0 domain1
After domain1 has been bound and started, the exported volume appears as
/dev/dsk/c0d2s0, for example, and you can use it.
domain1# newfs /dev/rdsk/c0d2s0
domain1# mount /dev/dsk/c0d2s0 /mnt
domain1# echo test-domain1 > /mnt/file

196 Oracle VM Server for SPARC 3.3 Administration Guide October 2015
Using Volume Managers in an Oracle VM Server for SPARC Environment

After domain1 has been stopped and unbound, data stored on the virtual disk from domain1
can be directly accessed from the primary domain through Solaris Volume Manager volume
primary# mount /dev/md/dsk/d0 /mnt
primary# cat /mnt/file

Using Virtual Disks With Solaris Volume Manager

When a RAID or mirror Solaris Volume Manager volume is used as a virtual disk by another
domain, then it has to be exported without setting the exclusive (excl) option. Otherwise, if
there is a failure on one of the components of the Solaris Volume Manager volume, then the
recovery of the Solaris Volume Manager volume using the metareplace command or using a
hot spare does not start. The metastat command sees the volume as resynchronizing, but the
resynchronization does not progress.

For example, /dev/md/dsk/d0 is a RAID Solaris Volume Manager volume exported as a virtual
disk with the excl option to another domain, and d0 is configured with some hot-spare devices.
If a component of d0 fails, Solaris Volume Manager replaces the failing component with a hot
spare and resynchronizes the Solaris Volume Manager volume. However, the
resynchronization does not start. The volume is reported as resynchronizing, but the
resynchronization does not progress.

primary# metastat d0
d0: RAID
State: Resyncing
Hot spare pool: hsp000
Interlace: 32 blocks
Size: 20097600 blocks (9.6 GB)
Original device:
Size: 20100992 blocks (9.6 GB)
Device Start Block Dbase State Reloc
c2t2d0s1 330 No Okay Yes
c4t12d0s1 330 No Okay Yes
/dev/dsk/c10t600C0FF0000000000015153295A4B100d0s1 330 No Resyncing Yes

In such a situation, the domain using the Solaris Volume Manager volume as a virtual disk has
to be stopped and unbound to complete the resynchronization. Then the Solaris Volume
Manager volume can be resynchronized using the metasync command.

# metasync d0

Using Virtual Disks When VxVM Is Installed

When the VxVM is installed on your system and Veritas Dynamic Multipathing (DMP) is
enabled on a physical disk or partition you want to export as virtual disk, then you have to
export that disk or partition without setting the (non-default) excl option. Otherwise, you
receive an error in /var/adm/messages while binding a domain that uses such a disk.

Chapter 10 Using Virtual Disks 197

Using Volume Managers in an Oracle VM Server for SPARC Environment

vd_setup_vd(): ldi_open_by_name(/dev/dsk/c4t12d0s2) = errno 16

vds_add_vd(): Failed to add vdisk ID 0
You can check whether Veritas DMP is enabled by checking the multipathing information in
the vxdisk list output. For example:

# vxdisk list Disk_3

Device: Disk_3
devicetag: Disk_3
type: auto
info: format=none
flags: online ready private autoconfig invalid
pubpaths: block=/dev/vx/dmp/Disk_3s2 char=/dev/vx/rdmp/Disk_3s2
guid: -
udid: SEAGATE%5FST336753LSUN36G%5FDISKS%5F3032333948303144304E0000
site: -
Multipathing information:
numpaths: 1
c4t12d0s2 state=enabled
Alternatively, if Veritas DMP is enabled on a disk or a slice that you want to export as a virtual
disk with the excl option set, then you can disable DMP using the vxdmpadm command. For

# vxdmpadm -f disable path=/dev/dsk/c4t12d0s2

Using Volume Managers With Virtual Disks

This section describes using volume managers with virtual disks.

Using ZFS With Virtual Disks

Any virtual disk can be used with ZFS. A ZFS storage pool (zpool) can be imported in any
domain that sees all the storage devices that are part of this zpool, regardless of whether the
domain sees all these devices as virtual devices or real devices.

Using Solaris Volume Manager With Virtual Disks

Any virtual disk can be used in the Solaris Volume Manager local disk set. For example, a virtual
disk can be used for storing the Solaris Volume Manager metadevice state database, metadb, of
the local disk set or for creating Solaris Volume Manager volumes in the local disk set.
Any virtual disk whose back end is a SCSI disk can be used in a Solaris Volume Manager shared
disk set, metaset. Virtual disks whose back ends are not SCSI disks cannot be added into a
Solaris Volume Manager share disk set. Trying to add a virtual disk whose back end is not a
SCSI disk into a Solaris Volume Manager shared disk set fails with an error similar to the

# metaset -s test -a c2d2

metaset: domain1: test: failed to reserve any drives

198 Oracle VM Server for SPARC 3.3 Administration Guide October 2015
Virtual Disk Issues

Using VxVM With Virtual Disks

For VxVM support in guest domains, refer to the VxVM documentation from Symantec.

Virtual Disk Issues

The following section describe issues that you might encounter when using virtual disks.

In Certain Conditions, a Guest Domain's Solaris

Volume Manager Configuration or Metadevices Can
Be Lost
If a service domain is running a version of Oracle Solaris 10 OS prior to Oracle Solaris 10 1/13
OS and is exporting a physical disk slice as a virtual disk to a guest domain, then this virtual disk
will appear in the guest domain with an inappropriate device ID. If that service domain is then
upgraded to Oracle Solaris 10 1/13 OS, the physical disk slice exported as a virtual disk will
appear in the guest domain with no device ID.

This removal of the device ID of the virtual disk can cause problems to applications attempting
to reference the device ID of virtual disks. In particular, Solaris Volume Manager might be
unable to find its configuration or to access its metadevices.

Workaround: After upgrading a service domain to Oracle Solaris 10 1/13 OS, if a guest domain
is unable to find its Solaris Volume Manager configuration or its metadevices, perform the
following procedure.

How to Find a Guest Domain's Solaris Volume Manager Configuration

or Metadevices
1 Boot the guest domain.

2 Disable the devid feature of Solaris Volume Manager by adding the following lines to the
/kernel/drv/md.conf file:

3 Reboot the guest domain.

After the domain has booted, the Solaris Volume Manager configuration and metadevices
should be available.

4 Check the Solaris Volume Manager configuration and ensure that it is correct.

Chapter 10 Using Virtual Disks 199

Virtual Disk Issues

5 Re-enable the Solaris Volume Manager devid feature by removing from the
/kernel/drv/md.conf file the two lines that you added in Step 2.

6 Reboot the guest domain.

During the reboot, you will see messages similar to this:
NOTICE: mddb: unable to get devid for vdc, 0x10
These messages are normal and do not report any problems.

Oracle Solaris Boot Disk Compatibility

Historically, the Oracle Solaris OS has been installed on a boot disk configured with an SMI
VTOC disk label. Starting with the Oracle Solaris 11.1 OS, the OS is installed on a boot disk that
is configured with an extensible firmware interface (EFI) GUID partition table (GPT) disk label
by default. If the firmware does not support EFI, the disk is configured with an SMI VTOC disk
label instead. This situation applies only to SPARC T4 servers that run at least system firmware
version 8.4.0, to SPARC T5 servers, SPARC M5 servers, and SPARC M6 servers that run at least
system firmware version 9.1.0, to SPARC T7 series servers and SPARC M7 series servers that
run at least system firmware version 9.4.3, and to Fujitsu M10 servers that run at least system
firmware version XCP2230.

The following servers cannot boot from a disk that has an EFI GPT disk label:
UltraSPARC T2, UltraSPARC T2 Plus, and SPARC T3 servers no matter which system
firmware version is used
SPARC T4 servers that run system firmware versions prior to 8.4.0
SPARC T5 servers, SPARC M5 servers, and SPARC M6 servers that run system firmware
versions prior to 9.1.0
SPARC T7 series servers and SPARC M7 series servers that run system firmware versions
prior to 9.4.3

So, an Oracle Solaris 11.1 boot disk that is created on an up-to-date SPARC T4 server, SPARC
T5 server, SPARC T7 series server, SPARC M5 server, SPARC M6 server, or SPARC M7 series
server cannot be used on older servers or on servers that run older firmware.

This limitation restrains the ability to use either cold or live migration to move a domain from a
recent server to an older server. This limitation also prevents you from using an EFI GPT boot
disk image on an older server.

To determine whether an Oracle Solaris 11.1 boot disk is compatible with your server and its
firmware, ensure that the Oracle Solaris 11.1 OS is installed on a disk that is configured with an
SMI VTOC disk label.

200 Oracle VM Server for SPARC 3.3 Administration Guide October 2015
Virtual Disk Issues

To maintain backward compatibility with systems that run older firmware, use one of the
following procedures. Otherwise, the boot disk uses the EFI GPT disk label by default. These
procedures show how to ensure that the Oracle Solaris 11.1 OS is installed on a boot disk with
an SMI VTOC disk label on a SPARC T4 server with at least system firmware version 8.4.0, on a
SPARC T5 server, SPARC M5 server, or SPARC M6 server with at least system firmware version
9.1.0, and on a SPARC T7 series server or SPARC M7 series server with at least system firmware
version 9.4.3.
Solution 1: Remove the gpt property so that the firmware does not report that it supports
1. From the OpenBoot PROM prompt, disable automatic booting and reset the system to
be installed.
ok setenv auto-boot? false
ok reset-all

After the system resets, it returns to the ok prompt.

2. Change to the /packages/disk-label directory and remove the gpt property.
ok cd /packages/disk-label
ok gpt delete-property
3. Begin the Oracle Solaris 11.1 OS installation.
For example, perform a network installation:
ok boot net - install
Solution 2: Use the format -e command to write an SMI VTOC label on the disk to be
installed with the Oracle Solaris 11.1 OS.
1. Write an SMI VTOC label on the disk.
For example, select the label option and specify the SMI label:
# format -e c1d0
format> label
[0] SMI Label
[1] EFI Label
Specify Label type[1]: 0
2. Configure the disk with a slice 0 and slice 2 that cover the entire disk.
The disk should have no other partitions. For example:
format> partition
partition> print
Current partition table (unnamed):
Total disk cylinders available: 14087 + 2 (reserved cylinders)
Part Tag Flag Cylinders Size Blocks
0 root wm 0 - 14086 136.71GB (14087/0/0) 286698624
1 unassigned wu 0 0 (0/0/0) 0
2 backup wu 0 - 14086 136.71GB (14087/0/0) 286698624
3 unassigned wm 0 0 (0/0/0) 0
4 unassigned wm 0 0 (0/0/0) 0

Chapter 10 Using Virtual Disks 201

Virtual Disk Issues

5 unassigned wm 0 0 (0/0/0) 0
6 unassigned wm 0 0 (0/0/0) 0
7 unassigned wm 0 0 (0/0/0) 0
3. Re-write the SMI VTOC disk label.
partition> label
[0] SMI Label
[1] EFI Label
Specify Label type[0]: 0
Ready to label disk, continue? y
4. Configure your Oracle Solaris Automatic Installer (AI) to install the Oracle Solaris OS
on slice 0 of the boot disk.
Change the <disk> excerpt in the AI manifest as follows:
<disk whole_disk="true">
<disk_keyword key="boot_disk"/>
<slice name="0" in_zpool="rpool"/>
5. Perform the installation of the Oracle Solaris 11.1 OS.

202 Oracle VM Server for SPARC 3.3 Administration Guide October 2015
C H A P T E R 1 1

Using Virtual SCSI Host Bus Adapters

This chapter describes how to use virtual SCSI Host Bus Adapters (HBAs) with Oracle VM
Server for SPARC software.

This chapter covers the following topics:

Introduction to Virtual SCSI Host Bus Adapters on page 203
Operational Model for Virtual SCSI HBAs on page 205
Virtual SCSI HBA Identifier and Device Name on page 206
Managing Virtual SCSI HBAs on page 207
Appearance of Virtual LUNs in a Guest Domain on page 211
Virtual SCSI HBA and Virtual SAN Configurations on page 212
Configuring Virtual SCSI HBA Multipathing on page 213
Booting From SCSI Devices on page 216
Installing a Virtual LUN on page 217
Virtual SCSI HBA Timeout on page 218
Virtual SCSI HBA and SCSI on page 218
Supporting Highly Fragmented I/O Buffers in the Guest Domain on page 218

Introduction to Virtual SCSI Host Bus Adapters

A virtual SCSI host bus adapter (HBA) is composed of two components: a virtual HBA in the
guest domain and a virtual storage area network (SAN) in the service domain. The virtual HBA
and virtual SAN instances cooperate to implement a SCSI HBA interface for SCSI target drivers
that execute in the guest domain. The vSAN service is implemented by the vsan driver, which
passes SCSI I/O requests to the physical SCSI HBA driver that executes in the service domain.
The vhba driver sends I/O requests to vsan by using a hypervisor-managed logical domain
channel (LDC).

A vHBA instance provides access to all SCSI devices that are reachable by a specific vSAN
instance. A vHBA can recognize any SCSI device type such as disk, CD, DVD, or tape. The set of
reachable SCSI devices changes based on the set of physical SCSI devices that is currently

Introduction to Virtual SCSI Host Bus Adapters

known to the virtual SAN's associated physical HBA driver. The identity and number of SCSI
devices known to a specific vHBA are not known until runtime, which also occurs with a
physical HBA driver.

The vHBA has virtual LUNs (vLUNs) as its child devices and they behave the same way as
physical LUNs. For example, you can use the native Oracle Solaris multipathing solution
(MPxIO) with a vHBA instance and its vLUNs. The device path for a vLUN uses the full
cXtYdZsN notation: /dev/[r]dsk/cXtYdZsN. The tY part of the device name indicates the
SCSI target device.

After you configure the virtual SAN and virtual SCSI HBA, you can perform operations such as
booting a virtual LUN from the OpenBoot prompt or viewing all the virtual LUNs by using the
format command.

FIGURE 111 Virtual SCSI HBAs With Oracle VM Server for SPARC

A virtual SAN exists in a service domain and is implemented by the vsan kernel module,
whereas a virtual SCSI HBA exists in a guest domain and is implemented by the vhba module. A
virtual SAN is associated with a specific physical SCSI HBA initiator port, whereas a virtual
SCSI HBA is associated with a specific virtual SAN.

204 Oracle VM Server for SPARC 3.3 Administration Guide October 2015
Operational Model for Virtual SCSI HBAs

The vhba module exports a SCSA-compliant interface to receive I/O requests from any
SCSA-compliant SCSI target driver. The vhba module translates the I/O requests into virtual
I/O protocol messages that are sent through an LDC to the service domain.

The vsan module translates the virtual I/O messages sent by vhba into I/O requests. These
requests are sent to a SCSA-compliant physical SCSI HBA driver. The vsan module returns the
I/O payload and status to vhba through the LDC. Finally, the vhba forwards this I/O response to
the originator of the I/O request.

Operational Model for Virtual SCSI HBAs

The operational model for using virtual SCSI HBAs is qualitatively different than for other types
of Oracle VM Server for SPARC virtual devices because only the virtual SCSI HBA and virtual
SAN instances are known to the Logical Domains Manager. The virtual LUNs that appear in the
guest domain and the physical LUNs that appear in the service domain are not known until they
are discovered at runtime. The virtual LUNs and physical LUNs are discovered implicitly when
the associated LDC connection is reset and explicitly by using the ldm rescan-vhba command.

Although you use the ldm command to name a virtual disk explicitly, a virtual LUN in a guest
domain derives its identity from the identity of the associated physical LUN in the service
domain. See the ldm(1M) man page.

For example, the physical LUN and the virtual LUN share the text shown in bold in the
following device paths:
Physical LUN in the service domain:
Virtual LUN in the guest domain:

Note The guest domain device path is present only when MPxIO is disabled in the guest
domain. If MPxIO is enabled, the scsi_vhci module creates the device path in the guest
domain and it has a different syntax.

Note that the scsi@1 component in the virtual LUN's device path denotes the virtual SCSI HBA
instance of which this virtual LUN is a member.

Because a virtual SCSI HBA's set of virtual LUNs is derived from the service domain at runtime,
virtual LUNs cannot be added or removed explicitly from the guest domain. Instead, you must
add or remove the underlying physical LUNs so that the guest domain's virtual LUN
membership can be altered. An event such as a domain reboot or a domain migration, might
cause the guest domains' virtual LUN membership to change. This change occurs because the

Chapter 11 Using Virtual SCSI Host Bus Adapters 205

Virtual SCSI HBA Identifier and Device Name

virtual LUNs are rediscovered automatically whenever the virtual SCSI HBA's LDC connection
is reset. If a virtual LUN's underlying physical LUN is not found on a future discovery, the
virtual LUN is marked as unavailable and accesses to the virtual LUN return an error similar to
the following:

WARNING: .../scsi@1/iport@0/disk@w216000c0ff8089d5,0 (sd6): ... Command failed to complete...Device is gone

A virtual SCSI HBA instance is managed by the vhba driver, but a virtual LUN is managed by a
SCSI target driver based on the device type of the underlying physical LUN. The following
output confirms that the vhba driver manages the virtual SCSI HBA instance and that the sd
SCSI disk driver manages the virtual LUN:

# prtconf -a -D /dev/dsk/c2t216000C0FF8089D5d0
SUNW,SPARC-Enterprise-T5220 (driver name: rootnex)
virtual-devices, instance #0 (driver name: vnex)
channel-devices, instance #0 (driver name: cnex)
scsi, instance #0 (driver name: vhba)
iport, instance #3 (driver name: vhba)
disk, instance #30 (driver name: sd)

Virtual SCSI HBA Identifier and Device Name

When you use the ldm add-vhba command to add a virtual SCSI HBA to a domain, you can
specify its device number by setting the id property.

ldm add-vhba [id=vHBA-ID] vHBA-name vSAN-name domain-name

Each virtual SCSI HBA of a domain has a unique device number that is assigned when the
domain is bound. If a virtual SCSI HBA is added with an explicit device number (by setting the
id property to a decimal value), the specified device number is used. Otherwise, the system
automatically assigns the lowest device number available. In that case, the device number
assigned depends on how the virtual SCSI HBAs were added to the domain. When a domain is
bound, the device number eventually assigned to a virtual SCSI HBA is visible in the output of
the ldm list-bindings and ldm list -o hba commands.

The ldm list-bindings, ldm list -o hba, and ldm add-vhba id=id commands all show and
specify the id property value as a decimal value. The Oracle Solaris OS shows the virtual SCSI
HBA id value as hexadecimal.

The following example shows that the vhba@0 device is the device name for the vh1 virtual SCSI
HBA on the gdom domain.

primary# ldm list -o hba gdom


206 Oracle VM Server for SPARC 3.3 Administration Guide October 2015
Managing Virtual SCSI HBAs


vh1 vs1 vhba@0 0 svcdom

Caution If a device number is not assigned explicitly to a virtual SCSI HBA, its device number
can change when the domain is unbound and is later re-bound. In that case, the device name
assigned by the OS running in the domain might also change and break the existing
configuration of the system. This might happen, for example, when a virtual SCSI HBA is
removed from the configuration of the domain.

Managing Virtual SCSI HBAs

This section covers the following tasks:
Obtaining Physical SCSI HBA Information on page 207
Creating a Virtual Storage Area Network on page 208
Creating a Virtual SCSI Host Bus Adapter on page 209
Verifying the Presence of a Virtual SCSI HBA on page 209
Setting the Virtual SCSI HBA Timeout Option on page 210
Removing a Virtual SCSI Host Bus Adapter on page 210
Removing a Virtual Storage Area Network on page 210
Adding or Removing a LUN on page 211

For more information about the commands that are shown in this section, see the ldm(1M) man

Obtaining Physical SCSI HBA Information

Before you configure a virtual SCSI HBA, you must obtain information about the physical SCSI
HBAs that are attached to the service domain. For more information about configuring HBA
cards in I/O domains, see Chapter 5, Configuring I/O Domains.

Note If at least the Oracle Solaris 11.3 OS is installed in the primary domain, the service
domain can be the control domain.

The ldm list-hba command lists the physical SCSI HBA initiator ports for the specified active
domain. After identifying a logical domain's SCSI HBA initiator ports, you can specify a
particular initiator port on the ldm add-vsan command line to create a virtual SAN.

ldm list-hba [-d] [-l] [-p] [-t] domain-name

The following example shows the initiator ports for the SCSI HBAs that are attached to the
svcdom service domain. The -l option shows detailed information.

Chapter 11 Using Virtual SCSI Host Bus Adapters 207

Managing Virtual SCSI HBAs

primary# ldm list-hba -l svcdom

---- ----

If the LUNs you expect to see for an initiator port do not appear in the ldm list-hba output,
verify that multipathing is disabled in the referenced service domain for the referenced initiator
port. See Managing SAN Devices and Multipathing in Oracle Solaris 11.3.

If you add a virtual SAN to a bound service domain, sometimes the connection to the guest
domain is not established. You might see the following symptoms:
Disks from the virtual SCSI HBA do not appear in format output
LDC errors appear when booting from a virtual LUN

To resolve this issue, add a line that says ddi-no-autodetach="yes" to the

/etc/driver/drv/vsan.conf file, and then reboot the service domain.

Creating a Virtual Storage Area Network

After you obtain the initiator port of the physical SCSI HBA, you must create the virtual storage
area network (SAN) on the service domain. The virtual SAN manages all SCSI devices that are
reachable from the specified SCSI HBA initiator port.

ldm add-vsan [-q] iport-path vSAN-name domain-name

The vSAN name is unique to the control domain and not to the specified domain name. The
domain name identifies the domain in which the SCSI HBA initiator port is configured. You
can create multiple virtual SANs that reference the same initiator port path.

You can configure an initiator port path into one or more virtual SANs by using the ldm
add-vsan command. This configuration enables multiple service domains in the control
domain to use the same initiator port path.

208 Oracle VM Server for SPARC 3.3 Administration Guide October 2015
Managing Virtual SCSI HBAs

Note When the Oracle Solaris 11.3 OS is running on the service domain, the ldm add-vsan
command verifies that the initiator port path is a valid device path. If the specified service
domain is not active when you run the ldm add-vsan command, the specified initiator port
path cannot be verified by the service domain. If the initiator port path does not correspond to
an installed physical SCSI HBA initiator port that is part of the service domain, a warning
message is written to the service domain's system log after the service domain becomes active.

In this example, you associate the /SYS/MB/PCIE1/HBA0,1/PORT0,0 initiator port on the

svcdom service domain with a virtual SAN. You can choose the name of the virtual SAN. In this
example, port0 is the name of the virtual SAN.

primary# ldm add-vsan /SYS/MB/PCIE1/HBA0,1/PORT0,0 port0 svcdom

/SYS/MB/PCIE1/HBA0,1/PORT0,0 resolved to device:

Creating a Virtual SCSI Host Bus Adapter

After the virtual SAN has been defined, you can use the ldm add-vhba command to create a
virtual SCSI HBA in a guest domain. The virtual SCSI HBA sends I/O requests to the physical
SCSI devices in the virtual SAN.

ldm add-vhba [id=vHBA-ID] vHBA-name vSAN-name domain-name

In this example, you create the port0_vhba virtual SCSI HBA on the gdom guest domain that
communicates with the port0 virtual SAN.

primary# ldm add-vhba port0_vhba port0 gdom

Verifying the Presence of a Virtual SCSI HBA

Use the ldm list command to verify the presence of the newly created virtual SCSI HBA and
virtual SAN devices on the service domain and the guest domain.

ldm list -o san,hba [domain-name ...]

In this example, the service domain that has the virtual SAN is svcdom and the guest domain
that has the virtual SCSI HBA is gdom. Note that the virtual HBA identifier is not allocated in
this example because the gdom domain is not yet bound.

primary# ldm list -o san,hba svcdom gdom


Chapter 11 Using Virtual SCSI Host Bus Adapters 209

Managing Virtual SCSI HBAs

port0 VSAN [/pci@300/pci@1/pci@0/pci@4/SUNW,emlxs@0,1/fp@0,0]
port0_vhba port0 0 svcdom

Setting the Virtual SCSI HBA Timeout Option

The ldm set-vhba command enables you to specify a timeout value for the virtual SCSI HBA
on the specified logical domain. The timeout property specifies how long, in seconds, the
specified virtual SCSI HBA instance waits before declaring that an LDC connection cannot be
made with the virtual SAN. See Virtual SCSI HBA Timeout on page 218.

The default timeout value of zero causes vhba to wait indefinitely to create the LDC connection
with the virtual SAN.

ldm set-vhba [timeout=seconds] vHBA-name domain-name

In this example, you set a timeout of 90 sections for the port0_vhba virtual SCSI HBA on the
gdom guest domain.

primary# ldm set-vhba timeout=90 port0_vhba gdom

Removing a Virtual SCSI Host Bus Adapter

You can use the ldm remove-vhba command to remove a virtual SCSI HBA from a specified
guest domain.

Ensure that neither the OS nor any applications are actively using the virtual SCSI HBA before
you attempt to remove it. If the virtual SCSI HBA is in use, the ldm remove-vhba command

ldm remove-vhba vHBA-name domain-name

In this example, you remove the port0_vhba virtual SCSI HBA from the gdom guest domain.

primary# ldm remove-vhba port0_vhba gdom

Removing a Virtual Storage Area Network

You can use the ldm remove-vsan command to remove a virtual SAN.

210 Oracle VM Server for SPARC 3.3 Administration Guide October 2015
Appearance of Virtual LUNs in a Guest Domain

First, remove the virtual SCSI HBA that is associated with the virtual SAN. Then, use the ldm
remove-vsan command to remove the virtual SAN.

ldm remove-vsan vSAN-name

In this example, you remove the port0 virtual SAN:

primary# ldm remove-vsan port0

Adding or Removing a LUN

You cannot add or remove a virtual LUN directly from a virtual SCSI HBA. You must first add
or remove a physical LUN and then run the ldm rescan-vhba command to synchronize the set
of SCSI devices that are seen by the virtual SCSI HBA and virtual SAN. The commands to add
or remove a physical LUN are specific to the topology of the virtual SAN's associated initiator
port. For example, if the initiator port communicates with a physical SAN, you must use SAN
administration commands to add a LUN to or remove a LUN from a SAN element.

ldm rescan-vhba vHBA-name domain-name

For example, the following command synchronizes the SCSI devices for the port0_vhba virtual
SCSI HBA on the gdom domain:

primary# ldm rescan-vhba port0_vhba gdom

Appearance of Virtual LUNs in a Guest Domain

The virtual LUN or LUNs that are associated with a virtual SCSI HBA behave as if they are
physical LUNs.

A virtual LUN that represents a SCSI disk, for example, appears in the guest domain as a regular
disk under /dev/[r]dsk. The virtual LUN is visible in the output of the format command
because the underlying associated physical LUN is of type disk. The device path of the virtual
LUN can be operated on by other commands, such as prtpicl and prtconf.

If the virtual LUN represents a CD or a DVD, its device path is defined in /dev/[r]dsk. If the
virtual LUN represents a tape device, its device path is defined in /dev/rmt. For commands that
can operate on the virtual LUN, see Managing Devices in Oracle Solaris 11.3 .

Chapter 11 Using Virtual SCSI Host Bus Adapters 211

Virtual SCSI HBA and Virtual SAN Configurations

Virtual SCSI HBA and Virtual SAN Configurations

Configuring virtual SCSI HBAs and virtual SANs is very flexible. The physical SCSI HBA
initiator port that is used by the ldm add-vsan command can drive any type of bus that
supports SCSI, such as Fibre Channel, SAS, or SATA. The virtual SCSI HBA and virtual SAN
can execute in the same domain. Also, a virtual SAN can execute in an I/O domain after using
the ldm add-io command to add a physical SCSI HBA card to a service domain.

Although a virtual SAN is conceptually associated with a physical SAN, it does not need to be.
You can create a virtual SAN that comprises one or more of a server's local disks. For example,
some systems have disks that are reachable from the motherboard's SAS HBA, which is shown
as SASHBA in the following ldm list-hba output:

primary# ldm list-hba -d primary

---- ----

If you define a virtual SAN that encapsulates a server's local disks, be sure to use the following
zpool command so that you do not mistakenly create a virtual LUN for the disk from which the
primary domain boots. For example, the following zpool command confirms that the root
rpool is mounted on disk c4t5000CCA0564F6B89d0, which is reachable from the
/SYS/MB/SASHBA0/HBA/PORT2 initiator port:

# zpool iostat -v
capacity operations bandwidth
pool alloc free read write read write
----------------------- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- -----
rpool 25.0G 531G 0 10 257 81.7K
c4t5000CCA0564F6B89d0 25.0G 531G 0 10 257 81.7K
----------------------- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- -----

When configuring a virtual SAN, note that only SCSI target devices with a LUN 0 have their
physical LUNs visible in the guest domain. This constraint is imposed by an Oracle Solaris OS
implementation that requires a target's LUN 0 to respond to the SCSI REPORT LUNS command.

212 Oracle VM Server for SPARC 3.3 Administration Guide October 2015
Configuring Virtual SCSI HBA Multipathing

Configuring Virtual SCSI HBA Multipathing

The virtual SCSI HBA subsystem supports multipathing in the guest domain by leveraging the
native Oracle Solaris multipathing implementation (MPxIO). For more information, see
Managing SAN Devices and Multipathing in Oracle Solaris 11.3.

As in native multipathing, a specific back-end SCSI device can be accessed by one or more
paths. For the virtual SCSI HBA subsystem, each path is associated with one virtual LUN. The
scsi_vhci module implements the native multipathing behavior, which sends I/O requests to
the set of virtual LUNs based on arguments passed to the associated mpathadm administrative
command. For more information, see the scsi_vhci(7D) and mpathadm(1M) man pages.

To configure multipathing, you must configure two or more distinct paths from the guest
domain to the same back-end device. Note that multipathing still operates with one configured
path. However, the expected configuration has two or more paths that send their I/O requests
through distinct physical SCSI HBA initiator ports that reside on distinct service domains.
1. Execute a pair of ldm add-vhba and ldm add-vsan commands for each separate path to the
back-end storage.
2. Enable native multipathing in the guest domain for the initiator ports that are managed by
the vhba virtual HBA module.

Note The virtual SCSI HBA subsystem does not support the enabling of native multipathing in
the service domain. If you expect to see LUNs and they are not shown in the ldm list-hba
output for a specific service domain, verify that MPxIO is disabled for the LUNs' associated
physical SCSI HBA initiator port. If necessary, use the stmsboot command to disable MPxIO
for the initiator port.

The following figure is an example of a multipathing configuration. It shows one physical LUN
of a SAN that is accessed by two paths that are managed by MPxIO. For a procedure that
describes how to create the configuration shown in this figure, see How to Configure Virtual
SCSI HBA Multipathing on page 214.

Chapter 11 Using Virtual SCSI Host Bus Adapters 213

Configuring Virtual SCSI HBA Multipathing

FIGURE 112 Configuring Virtual SCSI HBA Multipathing

How to Configure Virtual SCSI HBA Multipathing

This procedure describes how to create the virtual SCSI HBA multipathing configuration that is
shown in Figure 112. This example is just one of many possible multipathing configurations.

1 Create an I/O domain with the physical SCSI HBA assigned to it.
See Chapter 5, Configuring I/O Domains.

2 Export the virtual SAN for the first initiator port path from the first service domain.
ldm add-vsan vSAN-path1 vSAN-name domain-name
vSAN-path1 is the first initiator port path to the SAN.
For example, the following command exports the vsan-mpxio1 virtual SAN from the svcdom1

primary# ldm add-vsan /SYS/MB/RISER0/PCIE1/HBA0/PORT0 vsan-mpxio1 svcdom1

3 Export the virtual SAN for the second initiator port path from the second service domain.
ldm add-vsan vSAN-path2 vSAN-name domain-name
vSAN-path2 is the second initiator port path to the SAN.

214 Oracle VM Server for SPARC 3.3 Administration Guide October 2015
Configuring Virtual SCSI HBA Multipathing

For example, the following command exports the vsan-mpxio2 virtual SAN from the svcdom2

primary# ldm add-vsan /SYS/MB/RISER0/PCIE3/HBA0/PORT0 vsan-mpxio2 svcdom2

4 Export the virtual SCSI HBAs to the guest domain.

ldm add-vhba vHBA-name vSAN-name domain-name
For example, the following commands export the vhba-mpxio1 and vhba-mpxio2 virtual SCSI
HBAs to the gdom domain:

primary# ldm add-vhba vhba-mpxio1 vsan-mpxio1 gdom

primary# ldm add-vhba vhba-mpxio2 vsan-mpxio2 gdom

5 Specify the timeout property value for the virtual SCSI HBAs on the guest domain.
ldm set-vhba timeout=seconds vHBA-name domain-name
For example, the following commands set the timeout property value to 30 for the
vsan-mpxio1 and vsan-mpxio2 virtual SCSI HBAs on the gdom domain:

primary# ldm set-vhba timeout=30 vhba-mpxio1 gdom

primary# ldm set-vhba timeout=30 vhba-mpxio2 gdom

6 Reboot the guest domain.

How to Enable Multipathing for Virtual SCSI HBAs

Perform this task on the guest domain.

1 Copy the /platform/sun4v/kernel/drv/vhba.conf file to the /etc/driver/drv directory.

# cp /platform/sun4v/kernel/drv/vhba.conf /etc/driver/drv

2 Enable MPxIO by editing the /etc/driver/drv/vhba.conf file to set the mpxio-disable

property to no.

3 Reboot the guest domain.

How to Disable Multipathing for Virtual SCSI HBAs

Perform this task on the guest domain.

1 Copy the /platform/sun4v/kernel/drv/vhba.conf file to the /etc/driver/drv directory.

# cp /platform/sun4v/kernel/drv/vhba.conf /etc/driver/drv

Chapter 11 Using Virtual SCSI Host Bus Adapters 215

Booting From SCSI Devices

2 Disable MPxIO by editing the /etc/driver/drv/vhba.conf file to set the mpxio-disable

property to yes.

3 Reboot the guest domain.

Booting From SCSI Devices

The following sections describe how to boot from SCSI devices:
Booting From a Virtual LUN on page 216
Booting From a SCSI DVD Device on page 217

Booting From a Virtual LUN

You can boot any virtual LUN whose associated physical LUN references a SCSI device type
that is bootable by OBP, such as CD, DVD, or disk.

Before you issue the boot command at the OpenBoot PROM prompt, run the probe-scsi-all
command to find the guest domain's virtual SCSI HBAs and associated virtual LUNs.

The following annotated example highlights the relevant parts of the output:

{0} ok probe-scsi-all
/virtual-devices@100/channel-devices@200/scsi@0 Line 1


TPORT-PHYS: w200200110d214900 Line 2

LUN: 1 Disk VLUN 2097152 Blocks, 1073 MB
LUN: 0 Disk VLUN 32768000 Blocks, 16 GB Line 3

This example probe-scsi-all output shows one virtual SCSI HBA instance (scsi@0) that has
two LUNs that are of type disk.

To boot from a specific virtual LUN, manually compose the device path to pass to the boot
command. The device path has this syntax:


To boot from the LUN on Line 3, you must compose the device path as follows:
Take the value of target-port from Line 2
Take the value of vhba-device-path from Line 1

The following is the resulting device path:

216 Oracle VM Server for SPARC 3.3 Administration Guide October 2015
Installing a Virtual LUN


You can pass this device path to the OBP boot command as follows:

{0} ok boot /virtual-devices@100/channel-devices@200/scsi@0/disk@w200200110d214900,0

Booting From a SCSI DVD Device

You can boot from a SCSI digital versatile disc (DVD) drive to install the guest domain from
that DVD.

The following example shows the configuration of a virtual SCSI HBA that has a SCSI DVD
device attached to the primary domain.

primary# ldm list-hba -t -d primary

----- ----
init-port w50800200008f4329
Transport Protocol SAS
lun 0
removable media 1

primary# ldm add-vsan /SYS/MB/SASHBA1/HBA0/PORT40 dvd_vsan primary

/SYS/MB/SASHBA1/HBA0/PORT40 resolved to device: /pci@400/pci@2/pci@0/pci@4/scsi@0/iport@40
primary# ldm add-vhba dvd_vhba dvd_vsan gdom

From the gdom domain console, probe the SCSI devices and boot from the DVD.

{0} ok probe-scsi-all


LUN: 0 Removable Read Only device TEAC DV-W28SS-V 1.0B

{0} ok boot /virtual-devices@100/channel-devices@200/scsi@0/disk@p3


Installing a Virtual LUN

You can install an OS on any virtual LUN whose associated physical LUN references a SCSI
device whose type is supported by the installation program. You can then boot from the
specified virtual LUN.

Chapter 11 Using Virtual SCSI Host Bus Adapters 217

Virtual SCSI HBA Timeout

Virtual SCSI HBA Timeout

By default, if the service domain that provides access to a virtual SAN is unavailable, all I/O
from the guest domain to the corresponding virtual SCSI HBA is blocked. The I/O is resumed
automatically when the service domain becomes operational and restores service to the virtual

Sometimes, file systems or applications might require an I/O operation to fail and report an
error if the service domain is unavailable for too long. You can set a connection timeout period
for each virtual SCSI HBA to establish a connection between the virtual SCSI HBA on a guest
domain and the virtual SAN on the service domain. When that timeout period is reached, any
pending I/O and any new I/O operations fail as long as the service domain is unavailable and
the connection between the virtual SCSI HBA and the virtual SAN is not re-established.

Other circumstances in which you might want to specify the timeout value include the
If you want MPxIO to fail over to another configured path, you must set the timeout for each
virtual SCSI HBA involved.
If you perform a live migration, set the timeout property value to 0 for each virtual SCSI
HBA in the guest domain to be migrated. After the migration completes, reset the timeout
property to the original setting for each virtual SCSI HBA.

To find out how to set the timeout value, see Setting the Virtual SCSI HBA Timeout Option
on page 210.

Virtual SCSI HBA and SCSI

The vhba module proxies SCSI commands to the physical SCSI HBA driver that is associated
with the virtual SAN's SCSI initiator port.

The scsi_vhci driver, which implements native Oracle Solaris multipathing, handles
reservation persistency during path failover for both SCSI-2 reservations and SCSI-3
reservations. The vhba module plugs in to the Oracle Solaris I/O framework and thus supports
SCSI reservations by leveraging the scsi_vhci support.

Supporting Highly Fragmented I/O Buffers in the Guest

As with other sun4v virtual devices, the vhba module operates on an I/O buffer that is created by
higher layers in the software stack. If the I/O buffer is an aggregation of too many fragments of
physical memory, the vhba module issues the following fatal warning message when processing
the I/O request:

218 Oracle VM Server for SPARC 3.3 Administration Guide October 2015
Supporting Highly Fragmented I/O Buffers in the Guest Domain

WARNING: ... ldc_mem_bind_hdl: ncookies(max, actual) = (8, 9)

Each physical memory fragment is associated with one cookie. If the actual number of cookies
cannot be supported by the maximum number of cookies, the I/O request will fail.

The error message shows the actual number of cookies that are required. To eliminate the error,
change the vhba_desc_ncookies value in the /etc/system file, which specifies the number of
per-I/O buffer cookies to use, to be at least as large as the actual value. Also, increase the value of
the vhba_desc_max_ncookies property, which specifies the allowable maximum number of

For information about correctly creating or updating /etc/system property values, see
Updating Property Values in the /etc/system File on page 362.

You then re-create the virtual SCSI HBA's connection by performing a sequence of ldm
remove-vhba and ldm add-vhba commands or by rebooting the guest domain.

For example, to set the vhba_desc_max_ncookies property value to 12, add the following line to
the /etc/system file:

set vhba:vhba_desc_ncookies = 12

Chapter 11 Using Virtual SCSI Host Bus Adapters 219

C H A P T E R 1 2

Using Virtual Networks

This chapter describes how to use a virtual network with Oracle VM Server for SPARC software,
and covers the following topics:
Introduction to a Virtual Network on page 222
Oracle Solaris 11 Networking Overview on page 222
Oracle Solaris 10 Networking Overview on page 225
Maximizing Virtual Network Performance on page 226
Virtual Switch on page 227
Virtual Network Device on page 229
Viewing Network Device Configurations and Statistics on page 231
Controlling the Amount of Physical Network Bandwidth That Is Consumed by a Virtual
Network Device on page 235
Virtual Device Identifier and Network Interface Name on page 238
Assigning MAC Addresses Automatically or Manually on page 241
Using Network Adapters With Domains That Run Oracle Solaris 10 on page 243
Configuring a Virtual Switch and the Service Domain for NAT and Routing on page 244
Configuring IPMP in an Oracle VM Server for SPARC Environment on page 248
Using VLAN Tagging on page 255
Using Private VLANs on page 260
Tuning Packet Throughput Performance on page 265
Using NIU Hybrid I/O on page 266
Using Link Aggregation With a Virtual Switch on page 271
Configuring Jumbo Frames on page 273
Oracle Solaris 11 Networking-Specific Feature Differences on page 277
Using Virtual NICs on Virtual Networks on page 279

Oracle Solaris OS networking changed a great deal between the Oracle Solaris 10 OS and the
Oracle Solaris 11 OS. For information about issues to consider, see Oracle Solaris 10
Networking Overview on page 225, Oracle Solaris 11 Networking Overview on page 222, and
Oracle Solaris 11 Networking-Specific Feature Differences on page 277.

Introduction to a Virtual Network

Introduction to a Virtual Network

A virtual network enables domains to communicate with each other without using any external
physical networks. A virtual network also can enable domains to use the same physical network
interface to access a physical network and communicate with remote systems. A virtual
network is created by having a virtual switch to which you can connect virtual network devices.

Oracle Solaris networking differs greatly between the Oracle Solaris 10 OS and the Oracle
Solaris 11 OS. The following two sections provide overview information about networking for
each OS.

Note Oracle Solaris 10 networking behaves the same as it would on a domain or a system. The
same is true for Oracle Solaris 11 networking. For more information about Oracle Solaris OS
networking, see Oracle Solaris 10 Documentation and Oracle Solaris 11.3 Documentation.

The feature differences between Oracle Solaris 10 and Oracle Solaris 11 networking are
described in Oracle Solaris 11 Networking Overview on page 222.

Oracle Solaris 11 Networking Overview

The Oracle Solaris 11 OS introduced many new networking features, which are described in the
Oracle Solaris 11 networking documentation at Oracle Solaris 11.3 Documentation.

The following Oracle Solaris 11 networking features are important to understand when you use
the Oracle VM Server for SPARC software:
All network configuration is performed by the ipadm and dladm commands.
The vanity name by default feature generates generic link names, such as net0, for all
physical network adapters. This feature also generates generic names for virtual switches
(vswn) and virtual network devices (vnetn), which appear like physical network adapters to
the OS. To identify the generic link name that is associated with a physical network device,
use the dladm show-phys command.
By default in Oracle Solaris 11, physical network device names use generic vanity names.
Generic names, such as net0, are used instead of device driver names, such as nxge0, which
were used in Oracle Solaris 10.
The following command creates a virtual switch for the primary domain by specifying the
generic name, net0, instead of a driver name, such as nxge0:
primary# ldm add-vsw net-dev=net0 primary-vsw0 primary
The Oracle Solaris 11 OS uses virtual network interface cards (VNICs) to create internal
virtual networks.
A VNIC is a virtual instantiation of a physical network device that can be created from the
physical network device and assigned to a zone.

222 Oracle VM Server for SPARC 3.3 Administration Guide October 2015
Oracle Solaris 11 Networking Overview

Use the Oracle Solaris 11 DefaultFixed network configuration profile (NCP) when
configuring the Oracle VM Server for SPARC software.
For Oracle Solaris 11 domains, use the DefaultFixed NCP. You can enable this profile
during or after installation. During an Oracle Solaris 11 installation, select the Manual
networking configuration.
Do not replace the primary network interface with the virtual switch (vsw) interface. The
service domain can use the existing primary network interface to communicate with the
guest domains that have virtual network devices connected to the same virtual switch.
Do not use the physical network adapter's MAC address for the virtual switch because using
the physical adapter's MAC address for the virtual switch conflicts with the primary network

Note In this release, use the DefaultFixed NCP to configure datalinks and network interfaces
on Oracle Solaris 11 systems by using the dladm or ipadm command.

Ensure that the DefaultFixed NCP is enabled by using the netadm list command. See
Chapter 7, Using Datalink and Interface Configuration Commands on Profiles, in Oracle
Solaris Administration: Network Interfaces and Network Virtualization .

The following diagram shows that a guest domain that runs the Oracle Solaris 10 OS is fully
compatible with an Oracle Solaris 11 service domain. The only differences are features added or
enhanced in the Oracle Solaris 11 OS.

Chapter 12 Using Virtual Networks 223

Oracle Solaris 11 Networking Overview

FIGURE 121 Oracle VM Server for SPARC Network Overview for the Oracle Solaris 11 OS

The diagram shows that network device names, such as nxge0 and vnet0, can be represented by
generic link names, such as netn in Oracle Solaris 11 domains. Also note the following:
The virtual switch in the service domain is connected to the guest domains, which enables
guest domains to communicate with each other.
The virtual switch is also connected to the physical network device nxge0, which enables
guest domains to communicate with the physical network.
The virtual switch also enables guest domains to communicate with the service domain
network interface net0 and with VNICs on the same physical network device as nxge0. This
includes communication between the guest domains and the Oracle Solaris 11 service
domain. Do not configure the virtual switch itself (the vswn device) as a network device, as
this functionality has been deprecated in Oracle Solaris 11 and is no longer supported.
The virtual network device vnet0 in an Oracle Solaris 10 guest domain can be configured as
a network interface by using the ifconfig command.
The virtual network device vnet0 in an Oracle Solaris 11 guest domain might appear with a
generic link name, such as net0. It can be configured as a network interface by using the
ipadm command.

224 Oracle VM Server for SPARC 3.3 Administration Guide October 2015
Oracle Solaris 10 Networking Overview

A virtual switch behaves like a regular physical network switch and switches network packets
between the different systems to which it is connected. A system can be a guest domain, a
service domain, or a physical network.

Oracle Solaris 10 Networking Overview

The following diagram shows that a guest domain that runs the Oracle Solaris 11 OS is fully
compatible with an Oracle Solaris 10 service domain. The only differences are features added or
enhanced in the Oracle Solaris 11 OS.

FIGURE 122 Oracle VM Server for SPARC Network Overview for the Oracle Solaris 10 OS

The previous diagram shows interface names such as nxge0, vsw0, and vnet0 which apply to the
Oracle Solaris 10 OS only. Also note the following:
The virtual switch in the service domain is connected to the guest domains, which enables
guest domains to communicate with each other.
The virtual switch is also connected to the physical network interface nxge0, which enables
guest domains to communicate with the physical network.

Chapter 12 Using Virtual Networks 225

Maximizing Virtual Network Performance

The virtual switch network interface vsw0 is created in the service domain, which enables
the two guest domains to communicate with the service domain.
The virtual switch network interface vsw0 in the service domain can be configured by using
the Oracle Solaris 10 ifconfig command.
The virtual network device vnet0 in an Oracle Solaris 10 guest domain can be configured as
a network interface by using the ifconfig command.
The virtual network device vnet0 in an Oracle Solaris 11 guest domain might appear with a
generic link name, such as net0. It can be configured as a network interface by using the
ipadm command.
The virtual switch behaves like a regular physical network switch and switches network packets
between the different systems, such as guest domains, the service domain, and the physical
network, to which it is connected. The vsw driver provides the network device functionality that
enables the virtual switch to be configured as a network interface.

Maximizing Virtual Network Performance

You can achieve high transfer rates for guest and external networks and for guest-to-guest
communications when you configure your platform and the domains as described in this
section. The virtual network stack introduces support for large segment offload (LSO), which
produces high TCP performance without requiring the use of jumbo frames.

Hardware and Software Requirements

Meet the following requirements to maximize the network performance for your domains:
Hardware requirements. These performance improvements are available only for the
SPARC T4 server, SPARC T5 server, SPARC T7 series server, SPARC M5 server, SPARC M6
server, and SPARC M7 series server.
System firmware requirements. These SPARC systems must run the latest system
firmware. See Fully Qualified System Firmware Versions in Oracle VM Server for
SPARC 3.3 Installation Guide.
Oracle Solaris OS requirements. Ensure that the service domain and guest domain run the
following Oracle Solaris OS versions.

Note Running the fully qualified Oracle Solaris OS version provides you with access to new
features. See Fully Qualified Oracle Solaris OS Versions in Oracle VM Server for
SPARC 3.3 Installation Guide.

Service domain. At least the Oracle Solaris 11.1 SRU 9 OS or the Oracle Solaris 10 OS
with the 150031-03 patch.

226 Oracle VM Server for SPARC 3.3 Administration Guide October 2015
Virtual Switch

Guest domain. At least the Oracle Solaris 11.1 SRU 9 OS or the Oracle Solaris 10 OS
with the 150031-03 patch.
CPU and memory requirements. Ensure that you assign sufficient CPU and memory
resources to the service domain and the guest domains.
Service domain. Because the service domain acts as a data proxy for the guest domains,
assign at least 2 CPU cores and at least 4 Gbytes of memory to the service domain.
Guest domain. Configure each guest domain to be able to drive at least 10-Gbps
performance. Assign at least 2 CPU cores and at least 4 Gbytes of memory to each guest

Configuring Your Domains to Maximize the

Performance of Your Virtual Network
In previous versions of Oracle VM Server for SPARC and the Oracle Solaris OS, you could
improve your network performance by configuring jumbo frames. This configuration is no
longer required and unless required for another reason, using the standard MTU value of 1500
for your service and guest domains is best.

To achieve the improved networking performance, set the extended-mapin-space property to

on for the service domain and the guest domains. This is the default behavior.

primary# ldm set-domain extended-mapin-space=on domain-name

To check the extended-mapin-space property value, run the following command:

primary# ldm list -l domain-name |grep extended-mapin


Note A change to the extended-mapin-space property value triggers a delayed

reconfiguration on the primary domain. This situation requires a primary domain reboot. You
also must first stop the guest domains before you change this property value.

Virtual Switch
A virtual switch (vsw) is a component running in a service domain and managed by the virtual
switch driver. A virtual switch can be connected to some guest domains to enable network
communications between those domains. In addition, if the virtual switch is also associated
with a physical network interface, network communication is permitted between guest
domains and the physical network over the physical network interface. When running in an
Oracle Solaris 10 service domain, a virtual switch also has a network interface, vswn, which

Chapter 12 Using Virtual Networks 227

Virtual Switch

permits the service domain to communicate with the other domains that are connected to that
virtual switch. The virtual switch can be used like any regular network interface and configured
with the Oracle Solaris 10 ifconfig command.

Assigning a virtual network device to a domain creates an implicit dependency on the domain
providing the virtual switch. You can view these dependencies or view domains that depend on
this virtual switch by using the ldm list-dependencies command. See Listing Domain I/O
Dependencies on page 382.

In an Oracle Solaris 11 service domain, the virtual switch cannot be used as a regular network
interface. If the virtual switch is connected to a physical network interface, communication with
the service domain is possible by using this physical interface. If configured without a physical
interface, you can enable communication with the service domain by using an etherstub as the
network device (net-dev) that is connected with a VNIC.

To determine which network device to use as the back-end device for the virtual switch, search
for the physical network device in the dladm show-phys output or use the ldm list-netdev
command to list the network devices for logical domains.

Note When a virtual switch is added to an Oracle Solaris 10 service domain, its network
interface is not created. So, by default, the service domain is unable to communicate with the
guest domains connected to its virtual switch. To enable network communications between
guest domains and the service domain, the network interface of the associated virtual switch
must be created and configured in the service domain. See Enabling Networking Between the
Oracle Solaris 10 Service Domain and Other Domains on page 52 for instructions.

This situation occurs only for the Oracle Solaris 10 OS and not for the Oracle Solaris 11 OS.

You can add a virtual switch to a domain, set options for a virtual switch, and remove a virtual
switch by using the ldm add-vsw, ldm set-vsw, and ldm rm-vsw commands, respectively. See
the ldm(1M) man page.

When you create a virtual switch on a VLAN tagged instance of a NIC or an aggregation, you
must specify the NIC (nxge0), the aggregation (aggr3), or the vanity name (net0) as the value of
the net-dev property when you use the ldm add-vsw or ldm set-vsw command.

Note Starting with the Oracle Solaris 11.2 SRU 1 OS, you can dynamically update the net-dev
property value by using the ldm set-vsw command. In previous Oracle Solaris OS releases,
using the ldm set-vsw command to update the net-dev property value in the primary domain
causes the primary domain to enter a delayed reconfiguration.

You cannot add a virtual switch on top of an InfiniBand IP-over-InfiniBand (IPoIB) network
device. Although the ldm add-vsw and ldm add-vnet commands appear to succeed, no data

228 Oracle VM Server for SPARC 3.3 Administration Guide October 2015
Virtual Network Device

will flow because these devices transport IP packets by means of the InfiniBand transport layer.
The virtual switch only supports Ethernet as a transport layer.

The following command creates a virtual switch on a physical network adapter called net0:

primary# ldm add-vsw net-dev=net0 primary-vsw0 primary

The following example uses the ldm list-netdev -b command to show only the valid virtual
switch back-end devices for the svcdom service domain.

primary# ldm list-netdev -b svcdom



---- ----- ----- ----- ----- ---- ---
net0 PHYS ETHER up 10000 ixgbe0 /SYS/MB/RISER1/PCIE
net1 PHYS ETHER unknown 0 ixgbe1 /SYS/MB/RISER1/PCIE4
net2 ESTUB ETHER unknown 0 -- --
net3 ESTUB ETHER unknown 0 -- --
ldoms-estub.vsw0 ESTUB ETHER unknown 0 -- --

Virtual Network Device

A virtual network device is a virtual device that is defined in a domain connected to a virtual
switch. A virtual network device is managed by the virtual network driver, and it is connected to
a virtual network through the hypervisor using logical domain channels (LDCs).

A virtual network device can be used as a network interface with the name vnetn, which can be
used like any regular network interface and configured with the Oracle Solaris 10 ifconfig
command or the Oracle Solaris 11 ipadm command.

Note For Oracle Solaris 11, the devices are assigned generic names, so vnetn would use a
generic name, such as net0.

You can add a virtual network device to a domain, set options for an existing virtual network
device, and remove a virtual network device by using the ldm add-vnet, ldm set-vnet, and ldm
rm-vnet commands, respectively. See the ldm(1M) man page.

See the information about Oracle VM Server for SPARC networking for Oracle Solaris 10 and
Oracle Solaris 11 in Figure 122 and Figure 121, respectively.

Chapter 12 Using Virtual Networks 229

Virtual Network Device

Inter-Vnet LDC Channels

By default, the Logical Domains Manager would assign LDC channels in the following manner:
An LDC channel would be assigned between the virtual network devices and the virtual
switch device.
An LDC channel would be assigned between each pair of virtual network devices that are
connected to the same virtual switch device (inter-vnet).

The inter-vnet LDC channels are configured so that virtual network devices can communicate
directly to achieve high guest-to-guest communications performance. However, as the number
of virtual network devices in a virtual switch device increases, the number of required LDC
channels for inter-vnet communications increases quadratically.

You can choose to enable or disable inter-vnet LDC channel allocation for all virtual network
devices attached to a given virtual switch device. By disabling this allocation, you can reduce the
consumption of LDC channels, which are limited in number.

Disabling this allocation is useful in the following situations:

When guest-to-guest communications performance is not of primary importance
When a large number of virtual network devices are required in a virtual switch device

By not assigning inter-vnet channels, more LDC channels are available for use to add more
virtual I/O devices to a guest domain.

Note If guest-to-guest performance is of higher importance than increasing the number of

virtual network devices in the system, do not disable inter-vnet LDC channel allocation.

You can use the ldm add-vsw and the ldm set-vsw commands to specify a value of on or off for
the inter-vnet-link property.

The following figure shows a typical virtual switch that has three virtual network devices. The
inter-vnet-link property is set to on, which means that inter-vnet LDC channels are
allocated. The guest-to-guest communications between vnet1 and vnet2 is performed directly
without going through the virtual switch.

230 Oracle VM Server for SPARC 3.3 Administration Guide October 2015
Viewing Network Device Configurations and Statistics

FIGURE 123 Virtual Switch Configuration That Uses Inter-Vnet Channels

The following figure shows the same virtual switch configuration with the inter-vnet-link
property set to off. The inter-vnet LDC channels are not allocated. Fewer LDC channels are
used than when the inter-vnet-link property is set to on. In this configuration, guest-to-guest
communications between vnet1 and vnet2 must go through vsw1.

Note Disabling the assignment of inter-vnet LDC channels does not prevent guest-to-guest
communications. Instead, all guest-to-guest communications traffic goes through the virtual
switch rather than directly from one guest domain to another guest domain.

FIGURE 124 Virtual Switch Configuration That Does Not Use Inter-Vnet Channels

Viewing Network Device Configurations and Statistics

The ldm list-netdev and ldm list-netstat commands enable you to view information
about the network devices in the system and the network statistics, respectively. As a result, you
have a centralized view of the network devices and statistics in a given physical domain.

To use these commands, you must run at least the Oracle Solaris 11.2 SRU 1 OS in the guest

Chapter 12 Using Virtual Networks 231

Viewing Network Device Configurations and Statistics

EXAMPLE 121 Listing Network Device Configuration Information

The following example shows a short listing of the network devices for the ldg1 domain by
using the ldm list-netdev command.

primary# ldm list-netdev ldg1

---- ----- ----- ----- ----- ---- ---
net0 VNET ETHER up 0 -- primary-vsw0/vne t0_ldg1
net3 PHYS ETHER up 10000 -- /SYS/MB/RISER1/PCIE4
net4 VSW ETHER up 10000 -- ldg1-vsw1
net1 PHYS ETHER up 10000 -- /SYS/MB/RISER1/PCIE4
net5 VNET ETHER up 0 -- ldg1-vsw1/vnet1_ldg1
net6 VNET ETHER up 0 -- ldg1-vsw1/vnet2_ldg1
aggr2 AGGR ETHER unknown 0 net1,net3 --
ldoms-vsw0.vport3 VNIC ETHER unknown 0 -- ldg1-vsw1/vnet2_ldg1
ldoms-vsw0.vport2 VNIC ETHER unknown 0 -- ldg1-vsw1/vnet1_ldg1
ldoms-vsw0.vport1 VNIC ETHER unknown 0 -- ldg1-vsw1/vnet2_ldg3
ldoms-vsw0.vport0 VNIC ETHER unknown 0 -- ldg1-vsw1/vnet2_ldg2

EXAMPLE 122 Listing Detailed Network Device Configuration Information

The following example shows a detailed listing of the network devices for the ldg1 domain by
using the ldm list-netdev -l command.

primary# ldm list-netdev -l ldg1

---- ----- ----- ----- ----- ---- ---
net0 VNET ETHER up 0 -- primary-vsw0/vnet0_ldg1
MTU : 1500 [1500-1500]
MAC_ADDRS : 00:14:4f:fb:9c:df
net3 PHYS ETHER up 10000 -- /SYS/MB/RISER1/PCIE4
MTU : 1500 [576-15500]
MAC_ADDRS : a0:36:9f:0a:c5:d2
net4 VSW ETHER up 10000 -- ldg1-vsw1
MTU : 1500 [1500-1500]
MAC_ADDRS : 00:14:4f:fb:61:6e
net1 PHYS ETHER up 10000 -- /SYS/MB/RISER1/PCIE4
MTU : 1500 [576-15500]

232 Oracle VM Server for SPARC 3.3 Administration Guide October 2015
Viewing Network Device Configurations and Statistics

EXAMPLE 122 Listing Detailed Network Device Configuration Information (Continued)

MAC_ADDRS : a0:36:9f:0a:c5:d2
net5 VNET ETHER up 0 -- ldg1-vsw1/vnet1_ldg1
MTU : 1500 [1500-1500]
: fe80::214:4fff:fef8:5062/ffc0::
MAC_ADDRS : 00:14:4f:f8:50:62
net6 VNET ETHER up 0 -- ldg1-vsw1/vnet2_ldg1
MTU : 1500 [1500-1500]
: fe80::214:4fff:fef8:af92/ffc0::
MAC_ADDRS : 00:14:4f:f8:af:92
aggr2 AGGR ETHER unknown 0 net1,net3 --
MEMBER : net1 [PORTSTATE = attached]
MEMBER : net3 [PORTSTATE = attached]
MAC_ADDRS : a0:36:9f:0a:c5:d2
ldoms-vsw0.vport3 VNIC ETHER unknown 0 -- ldg1-vsw1/vnet2_ldg1
MTU : 1500 [576-1500]
MAC_ADDRS : 00:14:4f:f8:af:92
ldoms-vsw0.vport2 VNIC ETHER unknown 0 -- ldg1-vsw1/vnet1_ldg1
MTU : 1500 [576-1500]
MAC_ADDRS : 00:14:4f:f8:50:62
ldoms-vsw0.vport1 VNIC ETHER unknown 0 -- ldg1-vsw1/vnet2_ldg3
MTU : 1500 [576-1500]
MAC_ADDRS : 00:14:4f:f9:d3:88

ldoms-vsw0.vport0 VNIC ETHER unknown 0 -- ldg1-vsw1/vnet2_ldg2

MTU : 1500 [576-1500]
MAC_ADDRS : 00:14:4f:fa:47:f4
: 00:14:4f:f9:65:b5
: 00:14:4f:f9:60:3f

EXAMPLE 123 Listing Network Device Statistics

The ldm list-netstat command shows network statistics for one or more domains in the

The following example shows the default network statistics for all domains in the system.

primary# ldm list-netstat


Chapter 12 Using Virtual Networks 233

Viewing Network Device Configurations and Statistics

EXAMPLE 123 Listing Network Device Statistics (Continued)


---- -------- ------ -------- ------
net3 0 0 0 0
net0 2.72M 778.27M 76.32K 6.01M
net4 2.72M 778.27M 76.32K 6.01M
net6 2 140 1.30K 18.17K
net7 0 0 0 0
net2 0 0 0 0
net1 0 0 0 0
aggr1 0 0 0 0
ldoms-vsw0.vport0 935.40K 74.59M 13.15K 984.43K
ldoms-vsw0.vport1 933.26K 74.37M 11.42K 745.15K
ldoms-vsw0.vport2 933.24K 74.37M 11.46K 747.66K
ldoms-vsw1.vport1 202.26K 17.99M 179.75K 15.69M
ldoms-vsw1.vport0 202.37K 18.00M 189.00K 16.24M


---- -------- ------ -------- ------
net0 5.19K 421.57K 68 4.70K
net3 0 0 2.07K 256.93K
net4 0 0 4.37K 560.17K
net1 0 0 2.29K 303.24K
net5 149 31.19K 78 17.00K
net6 147 30.51K 78 17.29K
aggr2 0 0 0 0
ldoms-vsw0.vport3 162 31.69K 52 14.11K
ldoms-vsw0.vport2 163 31.74K 51 13.76K
ldoms-vsw0.vport1 176 42.99K 25 1.50K
ldoms-vsw0.vport0 158 40.19K 45 4.42K


---- -------- ------ -------- ------
net0 5.17K 418.90K 71 4.88K
net1 2.70K 201.67K 2.63K 187.01K
net2 132 36.40K 1.51K 95.07K
---- -------- ------ -------- ------
net0 5.16K 417.43K 72 4.90K
net1 2.80K 206.12K 2.67K 190.36K
net2 118 35.00K 1.46K 87.78K

234 Oracle VM Server for SPARC 3.3 Administration Guide October 2015
Controlling the Amount of Physical Network Bandwidth That Is Consumed by a Virtual Network Device

Controlling the Amount of Physical Network Bandwidth That

Is Consumed by a Virtual Network Device
The bandwidth resource control feature enables you to limit the physical network bandwidth
consumed by a virtual network device. This feature is supported on a service domain that runs
at least the Oracle Solaris 11 OS and is configured with a virtual switch. Oracle Solaris 10 service
domains silently ignore network bandwidth settings. This feature ensures that one guest
domain does not take over the available physical network bandwidth and leave none for the

Use the ldm add-vnet and ldm set-vnet commands to specify the bandwidth limit by
providing a value for the maxbw property. Use the ldm list-bindings or the ldm list-domain
-o network command to view the maxbw property value for an existing virtual network device.
The minimum bandwidth limit is 10 Mbps.

Network Bandwidth Limitations

Note This feature is not supported by a Hybrid I/O-enabled virtual network device. The maxbw
property is not enforced for Hybrid mode virtual networks because the Hybrid I/O assigns a
specific unit of hardware resource that cannot be changed to limit bandwidth. To limit a virtual
network device's bandwidth, you must disable the Hybrid mode.

The bandwidth resource control applies only to the traffic that goes through the virtual switch.
Thus, inter-vnet traffic is not subjected to this limit. If you do not have a physical backend
device configured, you can ignore bandwidth resource control.

The minimum supported bandwidth limit depends on the Oracle Solaris network stack in the
service domain. The bandwidth limit can be configured with any desired high value. There is no
upper limit. The bandwidth limit ensures only that the bandwidth does not exceed the
configured value. Thus, you can configure a bandwidth limit with a value greater than the link
speed of the physical network device that is assigned to the virtual switch.

Setting the Network Bandwidth Limit

Use the ldm add-vnet command to create a virtual network device and specify the bandwidth
limit by providing a value for the maxbw property.

primary# ldm add-vnet maxbw=limit if-name vswitch-name domain-name

Use the ldm set-vnet command to specify the bandwidth limit for an existing virtual network

Chapter 12 Using Virtual Networks 235

Controlling the Amount of Physical Network Bandwidth That Is Consumed by a Virtual Network Device

primary# ldm set-vnet maxbw=limit if-name domain-name

You can also clear the bandwidth limit by specifying a blank value for the maxbw property:

primary# ldm set-vnet maxbw= if-name domain-name

The following examples show how to use the ldm command to specify the bandwidth limit. The
bandwidth is specified as an integer with a unit. The unit is M for megabits-per-second or G for
gigabits-per-second. The unit is megabits-per-second if you do not specify a unit.

EXAMPLE 124 Setting the Bandwidth Limit When Creating a Virtual Network Device
The following command creates a virtual network device (vnet0) that has a bandwidth limit of
100 Mbps.

primary# ldm add-vnet maxbw=100M vnet0 primary-vsw0 ldg1

The following command would issue an error message when attempting to set a bandwidth
limit below the minimum value, which is 10 Mbps.

primary# ldm add-vnet maxbw=1M vnet0 primary-vsw0 ldg1

EXAMPLE 125 Setting the Bandwidth Limit on an Existing Virtual Network Device
The following commands sets the bandwidth limit to 200 Mbps on the existing vnet0 device.

Depending on the real-time network traffic pattern, the amount of bandwidth might not reach
the specified limit of 200 Mbps. For example, the bandwidth might be 95 Mbps, which does not
exceed the 200 Mbps limit.

primary# ldm set-vnet maxbw=200M vnet0 ldg1

The following command sets the bandwidth limit to 2 Gbps on the existing vnet0 device.

Because there is no upper limit on bandwidth in the MAC layer, you can still set the limit to be 2
Gbps even if the underlying physical network speed is less than 2 Gbps. In such a case, there is
no bandwidth limit effect.

primary# ldm set-vnet maxbw=2G vnet0 ldg1

EXAMPLE 126 Clearing the Bandwidth Limit on an Existing Virtual Network Device
The following command clears the bandwidth limit on the specified virtual network device
(vnet0). By clearing this value, the virtual network device uses the maximum bandwidth
available, which is provided by the underlying physical device.

primary# ldm set-vnet maxbw= vnet0 ldg1

236 Oracle VM Server for SPARC 3.3 Administration Guide October 2015
Controlling the Amount of Physical Network Bandwidth That Is Consumed by a Virtual Network Device

EXAMPLE 127 Viewing the Bandwidth Limit of an Existing Virtual Network Device
The ldm list-bindings command shows the value of the maxbw property for the specified
virtual network device, if defined.

The following command shows that the vnet0 virtual network device has a bandwidth limit of
15 Mbps. If no bandwidth limit is set, the MAXBW field is blank.

primary# ldm list-bindings

primary-vsw0 00:14:4f:f9:95:97 net0 0 switch@0 1
1 1 1500 on
vnet0@ldg1 00:14:4f:fb:b8:c8 1 1500 15
ldg1 bound ------ 5000 8 2G

vnet0 primary-vsw0@primary 0 network@0


00:14:4f:fb:b8:c8 1 1500 15


primary-vsw0@primary 00:14:4f:f9:95:97 1

You can also use the dladm show-linkprop command to view the maxbw property value as

# dladm show-linkprop -p maxbw

ldoms-vsw0.vport0 maxbw rw 15 15 -- --

Chapter 12 Using Virtual Networks 237

Virtual Device Identifier and Network Interface Name

Virtual Device Identifier and Network Interface Name

When you add a virtual switch or virtual network device to a domain, you can specify its device
number by setting the id property.

primary# ldm add-vsw [id=switch-id] vswitch-name domain-name

primary# ldm add-vnet [id=network-id] if-name vswitch-name domain-name

Each virtual switch and virtual network device of a domain has a unique device number that is
assigned when the domain is bound. If a virtual switch or virtual network device was added with
an explicit device number (by setting the id property), the specified device number is used.
Otherwise, the system automatically assigns the lowest device number available. In that case,
the device number assigned depends on how virtual switch or virtual network devices were
added to the system. The device number eventually assigned to a virtual switch or virtual
network device is visible in the output of the ldm list-bindings command when a domain is

The following example shows that the primary domain has one virtual switch, primary-vsw0.
This virtual switch has a device number of 0 (switch@0).

primary# ldm list-bindings primary

primary-vsw0 00:14:4f:fb:54:f2 net0 switch@0 1 1 5,6 1500

The following example shows that the ldg1 domain has two virtual network devices: vnet and
vnet1. The vnet device has a device number of 0 (network@0) and the vnet1 device has a device
number of 1 (network@1).

primary# ldm list-bindings ldg1

vnet primary-vsw0@primary network@0 00:14:4f:fb:e0:4b hybrid 1 1500
vnet1 primary-vsw0@primary network@1 00:14:4f:f8:e1:ea 1 1500

Similarly, when a domain with a virtual network device is running the Oracle Solaris OS, the
virtual network device has a network interface, vnetN. However, the network interface number
of the virtual network device, N, is not necessarily the same as the device number of the virtual
network device, n.

238 Oracle VM Server for SPARC 3.3 Administration Guide October 2015
Virtual Device Identifier and Network Interface Name

Note On Oracle Solaris 11 systems, generic link names in the form of netn are assigned to both
vswn and vnetn. Use the dladm show-phys command to identify which netn names map to the
vswn and vnetn devices.

Caution The Oracle Solaris OS preserves the mapping between the name of a network interface
and a virtual switch or a virtual network device based on the device number. If a device number
is not explicitly assigned to a virtual switch or virtual network device, its device number can
change when the domain is unbound and is later bound again. In that case, the network
interface name assigned by the OS running in the domain can also change and make the
existing system configuration unusable. This situation might happen, for example, when a
virtual switch or a virtual network interface is removed from the configuration of the domain.

You cannot use the ldm list-* commands to directly determine the Oracle Solaris OS network
interface name that corresponds to a virtual switch or virtual network device. However, you can
obtain this information by using a combination of the output from ldm list -l command and
from the entries under /devices on the Oracle Solaris OS.

Finding the Oracle Solaris 11 Network Interface Name

On Oracle Solaris 11 systems, you can use the ldm list-netdev command to find the Oracle
Solaris OS network interface names. For more information, see the ldm(1M) man page.

The following example shows the ldm list-netdev and ldm list -o network commands.
The ldm list -o network command shows the virtual network devices in the NAME field. The
ldm list-netdev output shows the corresponding OS interface name in the NAME column.

primary# ldm list -o network ldg1

vnet0-ldg1 primary-vsw0@primary 0 network@0 00:14:4f:fa:eb:4e 1
vnet1-ldg1 svcdom-vsw0@svcdom 1 network@1 00:14:4f:f8:53:45 4
PVLAN :400,community
primary# ldm list-netdev ldg1
---- ----- ----- ----- ----- ---- ---
net0 VNET ETHER up 0 vnet0 primary-vsw0/vnet0-ldg1

Chapter 12 Using Virtual Networks 239

Virtual Device Identifier and Network Interface Name

net1 VNET ETHER up 0 vnet1 svcdom-vsw0/vnet1-ldg1

net2 VNET ETHER unknown 0 vnet2 svcdom-vsw1/vnet2-ldg1

To verify that the ldm list-netdev output is correct, run the dladm show-phys and dladm
show-linkprop -p mac-address commands from the ldg1:

ldg1# dladm show-phys

net0 Ethernet up 0 unknown vnet0
net1 Ethernet up 0 unknown vnet1
net2 Ethernet unknown 0 unknown vnet2

ldg1# dladm show-linkprop -p mac-address

net0 mac-address rw 0:14:4f:fa:eb:4e 0:14:4f:fa:eb:4e 0:14:4f:fa:eb:4e --
net1 mac-address rw 0:14:4f:f8:53:45 0:14:4f:f8:53:45 0:14:4f:f8:53:45 --

How to Find the Oracle Solaris OS Network Interface Name

This procedure describes how to find the Oracle Solaris OS network interface name in ldg1 that
corresponds to net-c. This example also shows differences if you are looking for the network
interface name of a virtual switch instead of a virtual network device. In this example procedure,
guest domain ldg1 contains two virtual network devices, net-a and net-c.

1 Use the ldm command to find the virtual network device number for net-c.
primary# ldm list -l ldg1
net-a primary-vsw0@primary network@0 00:14:4f:f8:91:4f
net-c primary-vsw0@primary network@2 00:14:4f:f8:dd:68
The virtual network device number for net-c is 2 (network@2).
To determine the network interface name of a virtual switch, find the virtual switch device
number, n, as switch@n.

2 Find the corresponding network interface on ldg1 by logging into ldg1 and finding the entry
for this device number under /devices.
ldg1# uname -n
ldg1# find /devices/virtual-devices@100 -type c -name network@2\*
The network interface name is the part of the entry after the colon; that is, vnet1.
To determine the network interface name of a virtual switch, replace the argument to the -name
option with virtual-network-switch@n\*. Then, find the network interface with the name

240 Oracle VM Server for SPARC 3.3 Administration Guide October 2015
Assigning MAC Addresses Automatically or Manually

3 Verify that vnet1 has the MAC address 00:14:4f:f8:dd:68 as shown in the ldm list -l output
for net-c in Step 1.

Oracle Solaris 11 OS.

a. Determine the name of the interface to specify for vnet1.

ldg1# dladm show-phys |grep vnet1
net2 Ethernet up 0 unknown vnet1

b. Determine the MAC address of net2.

# dladm show-linkprop -p mac-address net2
net2 mac-address rw 00:14:4f:f8:dd:68 00:14:4f:f8:dd:68 -- --
This example MAC address matches the output of the ldm list -l command for net-c
in Step 1.

Oracle Solaris 10 OS.

ldg1# ifconfig vnet1
vnet1: flags=1000842<BROADCAST,RUNNING,MULTICAST,IPv4> mtu 1500 index 3
inet netmask 0
ether 0:14:4f:f8:dd:68

Assigning MAC Addresses Automatically or Manually

You must have enough media access control (MAC) addresses to assign to the number of
logical domains, virtual switches, and virtual networks you are going to use. You can have the
Logical Domains Manager automatically assign MAC addresses to a logical domain, a virtual
network, and a virtual switch, or you can manually assign MAC addresses from your own pool
of assigned MAC addresses. The ldm subcommands that set MAC addresses are add-domain,
add-vsw, set-vsw, add-vnet, and set-vnet. If you do not specify a MAC address in these
subcommands, the Logical Domains Manager assigns one automatically.

The advantage to having the Logical Domains Manager assign the MAC addresses is that it uses
the block of MAC addresses dedicated for use with logical domains. Also, the Logical Domains
Manager detects and prevents MAC address collisions with other Logical Domains Manager
instances on the same subnet. This behavior frees you from having to manually manage your
pool of MAC addresses.

MAC address assignment happens as soon as a logical domain is created or a network device is
configured into a domain. In addition, the assignment is persistent until the device, or the
logical domain itself, is removed.

Chapter 12 Using Virtual Networks 241

Assigning MAC Addresses Automatically or Manually

Range of MAC Addresses Assigned to Domains

Domains have been assigned the following block of 512K MAC addresses:

00:14:4F:F8:00:00 ~ 00:14:4F:FF:FF:FF

The lower 256K addresses are used by the Logical Domains Manager for automatic MAC
address allocation, and you cannot manually request an address in this range:

00:14:4F:F8:00:00 - 00:14:4F:FB:FF:FF

You can use the upper half of this range for manual MAC address allocation:

00:14:4F:FC:00:00 - 00:14:4F:FF:FF:FF

Note In Oracle Solaris 11, the allocation of MAC addresses for VNICs uses addresses outside
these ranges.

Automatic Assignment Algorithm

When you do not specify a MAC address when creating a logical domain or a network device,
the Logical Domains Manager automatically allocates and assigns a MAC address to that logical
domain or network device.

To obtain this MAC address, the Logical Domains Manager iteratively attempts to select an
address and then checks for potential collisions. The MAC address is randomly selected from
the 256K range of addresses set aside for this purpose. The MAC address is selected randomly to
lessen the chance of a duplicate MAC address being selected as a candidate.

The address selected is then checked against other Logical Domains Managers on other systems
to prevent duplicate MAC addresses from actually being assigned. The algorithm employed is
described in Duplicate MAC Address Detection on page 242. If the address is already
assigned, the Logical Domains Manager iterates, choosing another address and again checking
for collisions. This process continues until a MAC address is found that is not already allocated
or a time limit of 30 seconds has elapsed. If the time limit is reached, then the creation of the
device fails, and an error message similar to the following is shown.

Automatic MAC allocation failed. Please set the vnet MAC address manually.

Duplicate MAC Address Detection

To prevent the same MAC address from being allocated to different devices, the Logical
Domains Manager checks with other Logical Domains Managers on other systems by sending a
multicast message over the control domain's default network interface, including the address

242 Oracle VM Server for SPARC 3.3 Administration Guide October 2015
Using Network Adapters With Domains That Run Oracle Solaris 10

that the Logical Domains Manager wants to assign to the device. The Logical Domains Manager
attempting to assign the MAC address waits for one second for a response. If a different device
on another Oracle VM Server for SPARC-enabled system has already been assigned that MAC
address, the Logical Domains Manager on that system sends a response containing the MAC
address in question. If the requesting Logical Domains Manager receives a response, it notes the
chosen MAC address has already been allocated, chooses another, and iterates.

By default, these multicast messages are sent only to other managers on the same subnet. The
default time-to-live (TTL) is 1. The TTL can be configured using the Service Management
Facilities (SMF) property ldmd/hops.

Each Logical Domains Manager is responsible for the following:

Listening for multicast messages
Keeping track of MAC addresses assigned to its domains
Looking for duplicates
Responding so that duplicates do not occur

If the Logical Domains Manager on a system is shut down for any reason, duplicate MAC
addresses could occur while the Logical Domains Manager is down.

Automatic MAC allocation occurs at the time the logical domain or network device is created
and persists until the device or the logical domain is removed.

Note A detection check for duplicate MAC addresses is performed when the logical domain or
network device is created, and the logical domain is started.

Using Network Adapters With Domains That Run Oracle

Solaris 10
In an Oracle Solaris 10 logical domains environment, the virtual switch service running in a
service domain can directly interact with GLDv3-compliant network adapters. Though
non-GLDv3 compliant network adapters can be used in these systems, the virtual switch cannot
interface with them directly. See Configuring a Virtual Switch and the Service Domain for
NAT and Routing on page 244 for information about how to use non-GLDv3 compliant
network adapters.

Note GLDv3 compliance is not an issue for Oracle Solaris 11 environments.

For more information about using link aggregation, see Using Link Aggregation With a
Virtual Switch on page 271.

Chapter 12 Using Virtual Networks 243

Configuring a Virtual Switch and the Service Domain for NAT and Routing

How to Determine Whether a Network Adapter Is

This procedure applies only to Oracle Solaris 10 domains.

Determine whether the network adapter is GLDv3-compliant.

The following example uses bge0 as the network device name.
# dladm show-link bge0
bge0 type: non-vlan mtu: 1500 device: bge0
The value of the type: field is one of the following:
GLDv3-compliant drivers have a type of non-vlan or vlan.
Non-GLDv3-compliant drivers have a type of legacy.

Configuring a Virtual Switch and the Service Domain for NAT

and Routing
In the Oracle Solaris 10 OS, the virtual switch (vsw) is a layer-2 switch, which also can be used as
a network device in the service domain. The virtual switch can be configured to act only as a
switch between the virtual network devices in the various logical domains but with no
connectivity to a network outside the box through a physical device. In this mode, creating the
vsw as a network device and enabling IP routing in the service domain enables virtual networks
to communicate outside the box using the service domain as a router. This mode of operation is
essential to provide external connectivity to the domains when the physical network adapter is
not GLDv3-compliant.

The advantages of this configuration are:

The virtual switch does not need to use a physical device directly and can provide external
connectivity even when the underlying device is not GLDv3-compliant.
The configuration can take advantage of the IP routing and filtering capabilities of the
Oracle Solaris OS.

Configuring NAT on an Oracle Solaris 11 System

The Oracle Solaris 11 network virtualization features include etherstub, which is a pseudo
network device. This device provides functionality similar to physical network devices but only
for private communications with its clients. This pseudo device can be used as a network
back-end device for a virtual switch that provides the private communications between virtual
networks. By using the etherstub device as a back-end device, guest domains can also
communicate with VNICs on the same etherstub device. Using the etherstub device in this

244 Oracle VM Server for SPARC 3.3 Administration Guide October 2015
Configuring a Virtual Switch and the Service Domain for NAT and Routing

way enables guest domains to communicate with zones in the service domain. Use the dladm
create-etherstub command to create an etherstub device.

The following diagram shows how virtual switches, etherstub devices, and VNICs can be used
to set up Network Address Translation (NAT) in a service domain.

FIGURE 125 Virtual Network Routing

You might consider using persistent routes. For more information, see Troubleshooting Issues
When Adding a Persistent Route in Troubleshooting Network Administration Issues in Oracle
Solaris 11.3 and Creating Persistent (Static) Routes in Configuring and Managing Network
Components in Oracle Solaris 11.3 .

How to Set Up a Virtual Switch to Provide External Connectivity to

Domains (Oracle Solaris 11)
1 Create an Oracle Solaris 11 etherstub device.
primary# dladm create-etherstub stub0

Chapter 12 Using Virtual Networks 245

Configuring a Virtual Switch and the Service Domain for NAT and Routing

2 Create a virtual switch that uses stub0 as the physical back-end device.
primary# ldm add-vsw net-dev=stub0 primary-stub-vsw0 primary

3 Create a VNIC on the stub0 device.

primary# dladm create-vnic -l stub0 vnic0

4 Configure vnic0 as the network interface.

primary# ipadm create-ip vnic0
primary# ipadm create-addr -T static -a vnic0/v4static

5 Enable IPv4 forwarding and create NAT rules.

See Customizing IP Interface Properties and Addresses in Configuring and Managing
Network Components in Oracle Solaris 11.3 and Packet Forwarding and Routing on IPv4
Networks in Oracle Solaris Administration: IP Services .

Configuring NAT on an Oracle Solaris 10 System

The following diagram shows how a virtual switch can be used to configure Network Address
Translation (NAT) in a service domain to provide external connectivity for guest domains.

246 Oracle VM Server for SPARC 3.3 Administration Guide October 2015
Configuring a Virtual Switch and the Service Domain for NAT and Routing

FIGURE 126 Virtual Network Routing

How to Set Up a Virtual Switch on Oracle Solaris 10 Service Domains to

Provide External Connectivity to Domains
1 Create a virtual switch that does not have an associated physical device.
If assigning an address, ensure that the virtual switch has a unique MAC address.
primary# ldm add-vsw [mac-addr=xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx] ldg1-vsw0 ldg1

2 Create the virtual switch as a network device in addition to the physical network device being
used by the domain.
See How to Configure the Virtual Switch as the Primary Interface on page 52 for more
information about creating the virtual switch.

3 Configure the virtual switch device for DHCP, if needed.

See How to Configure the Virtual Switch as the Primary Interface on page 52 for more
information about configuring the virtual switch device for DHCP.

4 Create the /etc/dhcp.vsw file, if needed.

Chapter 12 Using Virtual Networks 247

Configuring IPMP in an Oracle VM Server for SPARC Environment

5 Configure IP routing in the service domain, and set up required routing tables in all the
For more information about IP routing, see Packet Forwarding and Routing on IPv4
Networks in Oracle Solaris Administration: IP Services .

Configuring IPMP in an Oracle VM Server for SPARC

The Oracle VM Server for SPARC software supports link-based IP network multipathing
(IPMP) with virtual network devices. When configuring an IPMP group with virtual network
devices, configure the group to use link-based detection. If you are using older versions of the
Oracle VM Server for SPARC (Logical Domains) software, you can only configure probe-based
detection with virtual network devices.

Configuring Virtual Network Devices Into an IPMP

Group in an Oracle Solaris 11 Domain
Figure 127 shows two virtual networks (vnet0 and vnet1) connected to separate virtual switch
instances (vsw0 and vsw1) in the service domain, which in turn use two different physical
interfaces. The physical interfaces are net0 and net1 in the Oracle Solaris 11 service domain.

If a physical link failure occurs in the service domain, the virtual switch device that is bound to
that physical device detects the link failure. Then, the virtual switch device propagates the
failure to the corresponding virtual network device that is bound to this virtual switch. The
virtual network device sends notification of this link event to the IP layer in the guest LDom_A,
which results in failover to the other virtual network device in the IPMP group.

248 Oracle VM Server for SPARC 3.3 Administration Guide October 2015
Configuring IPMP in an Oracle VM Server for SPARC Environment

FIGURE 127 Two Virtual Networks Connected to Separate Virtual Switch Instances (Oracle Solaris 11)

Figure 128 shows that you can achieve further reliability in the logical domain by connecting
each virtual network device (vnet0 and vnet1) to virtual switch instances in different service
domains. In this case, in addition to physical network failure, LDom_A can detect virtual network
failure and trigger a failover following a service domain crash or shutdown.

FIGURE 128 Virtual Network Devices Each Connected to Different Service Domains (Oracle Solaris 11)

For more information, see Establishing an Oracle Solaris Network in the Oracle Solaris 11.3
Information Library.

Configuring Virtual Network Devices Into an IPMP

Group in an Oracle Solaris 10 Domain
Figure 129 shows two virtual networks (vnet0 and vnet1) connected to separate virtual switch
instances (vsw0 and vsw1) in the service domain, which in turn use two different physical
interfaces. The physical interfaces are nxge0 and nxge1 in the Oracle Solaris 10 service domain.

Chapter 12 Using Virtual Networks 249

Configuring IPMP in an Oracle VM Server for SPARC Environment

If a physical link failure occurs in the service domain, the virtual switch device that is bound to
that physical device detects the link failure. Then, the virtual switch device propagates the
failure to the corresponding virtual network device that is bound to this virtual switch. The
virtual network device sends notification of this link event to the IP layer in the guest LDom_A,
which results in failover to the other virtual network device in the IPMP group.

FIGURE 129 Two Virtual Networks Connected to Separate Virtual Switch Instances (Oracle Solaris 10)

Figure 1210 shows that you can achieve further reliability in the logical domain by connecting
each virtual network device (vnet0 and vnet1) to virtual switch instances in different service
domains. In this case, in addition to physical network failure, LDom_A can detect virtual network
failure and trigger a failover following a service domain crash or shutdown.

FIGURE 1210 Virtual Network Devices Each Connected to Different Service Domains (Oracle Solaris 10)

For more information, see Oracle Solaris Administration: IP Services .

250 Oracle VM Server for SPARC 3.3 Administration Guide October 2015
Configuring IPMP in an Oracle VM Server for SPARC Environment

Configuring and Using IPMP in the Service Domain

On an Oracle Solaris 11 system, you can configure IPMP in a service domain by configuring
physical interfaces into a group in the same way as on a system that has no virtual network or
domains. On an Oracle Solaris 10 system, you can configure IPMP in the service domain by
configuring virtual switch interfaces into a group. Figure 1211 and Figure 1212 show two
virtual switch instances (vsw0 and vsw1) that are bound to two different physical devices. The
two virtual switch interfaces can then be created and configured into an IPMP group. In the
event of a physical link failure, the virtual switch device that is bound to that physical device
detects the link failure. Then, the virtual switch device sends notification of this link event to the
IP layer in the service domain, which results in a failover to the other virtual switch device in the
IPMP group. The two physical interfaces are net0 and net1 in Oracle Solaris 11 and nxge0 and
nxge1 in Oracle Solaris 10.

FIGURE 1211 Two Physical NICs Configured as Part of an IPMP Group (Oracle Solaris 11)

Chapter 12 Using Virtual Networks 251

Configuring IPMP in an Oracle VM Server for SPARC Environment

FIGURE 1212 Two Virtual Switch Interfaces Configured as Part of an IPMP Group (Oracle Solaris 10)

Using Link-Based IPMP in Oracle VM Server for SPARC

Virtual Networking
The virtual network and virtual switch devices support link status updates to the network stack.
By default, a virtual network device reports the status of its virtual link (its LDC to the virtual
switch). This configuration is enabled by default and does not require you to perform additional
configuration steps.

Sometimes detecting physical network link state changes might be necessary. For instance, if a
physical device has been assigned to a virtual switch, even if the link from a virtual network
device to its virtual switch device is up, the physical network link from the service domain to the
external network might be down. In such a case, you might need to obtain and report the
physical link status to the virtual network device and its stack.

You can use the linkprop=phys-state option to configure physical link state tracking for
virtual network devices as well as for virtual switch devices. When this option is enabled, the
virtual device (virtual network or virtual switch) reports its link state based on the physical link
state while it is created as an interface in the domain. You can use standard Oracle Solaris
network administration commands such as dladm and ifconfig to check the link status. In
addition, the link status is also logged in the /var/adm/messages file.

For Oracle Solaris 10, see the dladm(1M) and ifconfig(1M) man pages. For Oracle Solaris 11,
see the dladm(1M), ipadm(1M), and ipmpstat(1M) man pages.

252 Oracle VM Server for SPARC 3.3 Administration Guide October 2015
Configuring IPMP in an Oracle VM Server for SPARC Environment

Note You can run both link-state-unaware and link-state-aware vnet and vsw drivers
concurrently on an Oracle VM Server for SPARC system. However, if you intend to configure
link-based IPMP, you must install the link-state-aware driver. If you intend to enable physical
link state updates, upgrade both the vnet and vsw drivers to the Oracle Solaris 10 1/13 OS, and
run at least version 1.3 of the Logical Domains Manager.

How to Configure Physical Link Status Updates

This procedure shows how to enable physical link status updates for virtual network devices.

You can also enable physical link status updates for a virtual switch device by following similar
steps and specifying the linkprop=phys-state option to the ldm add-vsw and ldm set-vsw

Note You need to use the linkprop=phys-state option only if the virtual switch device itself is
created as an interface. If linkprop=phys-state is specified and the physical link is down, the
virtual network device reports its link status as down, even if the connection to the virtual
switch is up. This situation occurs because the Oracle Solaris OS does not currently provide
interfaces to report two distinct link states, such as virtual-link-state and physical-link-state.

1 Become an administrator.
For Oracle Solaris 11.3, see Chapter 1, About Using Rights to Control Users and Processes, in
Securing Users and Processes in Oracle Solaris 11.3 .

2 Enable physical link status updates for the virtual device.

You can enable physical link status updates for a virtual network device in the following ways:
Create a virtual network device by specifying linkprop=phys-state when running the ldm
add-vnet command.
Specifying the linkprop=phys-state option configures the virtual network device to obtain
physical link state updates and report them to the stack.

Note If linkprop=phys-state is specified and the physical link is down (even if the
connection to the virtual switch is up), the virtual network device reports its link status as
down. This situation occurs because the Oracle Solaris OS does not currently provide
interfaces to report two distinct link states, such as virtual-link-state and physical-link-state.
primary# ldm add-vnet linkprop=phys-state if-name vswitch-name domain-name

The following example enables physical link status updates for ldom1_vnet0 connected to
primary-vsw0 on the logical domain ldom1:
primary# ldm add-vnet linkprop=phys-state ldom1_vnet0 primary-vsw0 ldom1

Chapter 12 Using Virtual Networks 253

Configuring IPMP in an Oracle VM Server for SPARC Environment

Modify an existing virtual network device by specifying linkprop=phys-state when

running the ldm set-vnet command.
primary# ldm set-vnet linkprop=phys-state if-name domain-name
The following example enables physical link status updates for vnet0 on the logical domain
primary# ldm set-vnet linkprop=phys-state ldom1_vnet0 ldom1
To disable physical link state updates, specify linkprop= by running the ldm set-vnet
The following example disables physical link status updates for ldom1_vnet0 on the logical
domain ldom1:

primary# ldm set-vnet linkprop= ldom1_vnet0 ldom1

Example 128 Configuring Link-Based IPMP

The following examples show how to configure link-based IPMP both with and without
enabling physical link status updates:
The following example configures two virtual network devices on a domain. Each virtual
network device is connected to a separate virtual switch device on the service domain to use
link-based IPMP.

Note Test addresses are not configured on these virtual network devices. Also, you do not
need to perform additional configuration when you use the ldm add-vnet command to
create these virtual network devices.

The following commands add the virtual network devices to the domain. Note that because
linkprop=phys-state is not specified, only the link to the virtual switch is monitored for
state changes.
primary# ldm add-vnet ldom1_vnet0 primary-vsw0 ldom1
primary# ldm add-vnet ldom1_vnet1 primary-vsw1 ldom1
The following commands configure the virtual network devices on the guest domain and
assign them to an IPMP group. Note that test addresses are not configured on these virtual
network devices because link-based failure detection is being used.
Oracle Solaris 10 OS: Use the ifconfig command.
# ifconfig vnet0 plumb
# ifconfig vnet1 plumb
# ifconfig vnet0 group ipmp0
# ifconfig vnet1 group ipmp0
The second and third commands configure the ipmp0 interface with the IP address, as

254 Oracle VM Server for SPARC 3.3 Administration Guide October 2015
Using VLAN Tagging

Oracle Solaris 11 OS: Use the ipadm command.

Note that net0 and net1 are the Oracle Solaris 11 vanity names for vnet0 and vnet1,
# ipadm create-ip net0
# ipadm create-ip net1
# ipadm create-ipmp ipmp0
# ipadm add-ipmp -i net0 -i net1 ipmp0
The following example configures two virtual network devices on a domain. Each domain is
connected to a separate virtual switch device on the service domain to use link-based IPMP.
The virtual network devices are also configured to obtain physical link state updates.
primary# ldm add-vnet linkprop=phys-state ldom1_vnet0 primary-vsw0 ldom1
primary# ldm add-vnet linkprop=phys-state ldom1_vnet1 primary-vsw1 ldom1

Note The virtual switch must have a physical network device assigned for the domain to
successfully bind. If the domain is already bound and the virtual switch does not have a
physical network device assigned, the ldm add-vnet commands will fail.

The following commands create the virtual network devices and assign them to an IPMP
Oracle Solaris 10 OS: Use the ifconfig command.
# ifconfig vnet0 plumb
# ifconfig vnet1 plumb
# ifconfig vnet0 up
# ifconfig vnet1 up
# ifconfig vnet0 group ipmp0
# ifconfig vnet1 group ipmp0
Oracle Solaris 11 OS: Use the ipadm command.
Note that net0 and net1 are the vanity names for vnet0 and vnet1, respectively.
# ipadm create-ip net0
# ipadm create-ip net1
# ipadm create-ipmp ipmp0
# ipadm add-ipmp -i net0 -i net1 ipmp0
# ipadm create-addr -T static -a ipmp0/v4addr1
# ipadm create-addr -T static -a ipmp0/v4addr2

Using VLAN Tagging

The Oracle VM Server for SPARC software supports 802.1Q VLAN-Tagging in the network

The virtual switch (vsw) and virtual network (vnet) devices support switching of Ethernet
packets based on the virtual local area network (VLAN) identifier (ID) and handle the necessary
tagging or untagging of Ethernet frames.

Chapter 12 Using Virtual Networks 255

Using VLAN Tagging

You can create multiple VLAN interfaces over a virtual network device in a guest domain. Use
the Oracle Solaris 10 ifconfig command or the Oracle Solaris 11 dladm and ipadm commands
to create a VLAN interface over a virtual network device. The creation method is the same as
the method used to configure a VLAN interface over any other physical network device. The
additional requirement in the Oracle VM Server for SPARC environment is that you must use
the ldm command to assign VLANs to a vsw or vnet virtual network device. See the ldm(1M)
man page.
Similarly, you can configure VLAN interfaces over a virtual switch device in an Oracle Solaris
10 service domain. VLAN IDs 2 through 4094 are valid. VLAN ID 1 is reserved as the
default-vlan-id. You do not have to configure VLAN IDs on a virtual switch in an Oracle
Solaris 11 service domain.
When you create a virtual network device on a guest domain, you must assign it to the required
VLANs by specifying a port VLAN ID and zero or more VLAN IDs for this virtual network
using the pvid= and vid= arguments to the ldm add-vnet command. This information
configures the virtual switch to support multiple VLANs in the Oracle VM Server for SPARC
network and switch packets using both MAC address and VLAN IDs in the network.
Any VLANs to be used by an Oracle Solaris 10 service domain must be configured on the vsw
device. Use the ldm add-vsw or ldm set-vsw command to specify the pvid and vid property
You can change the VLANs to which a device belongs using ldm set-vnet or ldm set-vsw

The Port VLAN ID (PVID) specifies the VLAN of which the virtual network device must be a
member in untagged mode. In this case, the vsw device provides the necessary tagging or
untagging of frames for the vnet device over the VLAN specified by its PVID. Any outbound
frames from the virtual network that are untagged are tagged with its PVID by the virtual
switch. Inbound frames tagged with this PVID are untagged by the virtual switch, before
sending it to the vnet device. Thus, assigning a PVID to a virtual network implicitly means that
the corresponding virtual network port on the virtual switch is marked untagged for the VLAN
specified by the PVID. You can have only one PVID for a virtual network device.
The corresponding virtual network interface, when configured without a VLAN ID and using
only its device instance, results in the interface being implicitly assigned to the VLAN specified
by the virtual network's PVID.
For example, if you were to create virtual network instance 0 using one of the following
commands and if the pvid= argument for the vnet has been specified as 10, the vnet0 interface
would be implicitly assigned to belong to VLAN 10. Note that the following commands show
the vnet0 interface names, which pertain to Oracle Solaris 10. For Oracle Solaris 11, use the
generic name instead, such as net0.

256 Oracle VM Server for SPARC 3.3 Administration Guide October 2015
Using VLAN Tagging

Oracle Solaris 10 OS: Use the ifconfig command.

# ifconfig vnet0 plumb
Oracle Solaris 11 OS: Use the ipadm command.
# ipadm create-ip net0

The VID ID (VID) specifies the VLAN of which a virtual network device or virtual switch must
be a member in tagged mode. The virtual network device sends and receives tagged frames over
the VLANs specified by its VIDs. The virtual switch passes any frames that are tagged with the
specified VID between the virtual network device and the external network.

Assigning and Using VLANs

The example devices used in the following tasks use an instance number of 0 in the domains.
The VLANs are mapped to the following subnets:
VLAN 20 Subnet (netmask:
VLAN 21 Subnet (netmask:
VLAN 22 Subnet (netmask:

How to Assign and Use VLANs in an Oracle Solaris 11 Service Domain

1 Assign the virtual switch (vsw).

primary# ldm add-vsw net-dev=net0 primary-vsw0 primary

2 Create the VLAN interface in the service domain.

Note that the -T static option of the ipadm create-addr command is required only if
running an Oracle Solaris 11 OS older than the Oracle Solaris 11.1 OS. Starting with the Oracle
Solaris 11 OS, -T static is the default behavior.
# ipadm create-ip net0
# ipadm create-addr -T static -a net0
# dladm create-vlan -l net0 -v 20 vlan20
# ipadm create-ip vlan20
# ipadm create-addr -T static -a vlan20
For more information about how to configure VLAN interfaces in the Oracle Solaris 11 OS,
refer to Chapter 3, Configuring Virtual Networks by Using Virtual Local Area Networks, in
Managing Network Datalinks in Oracle Solaris 11.3.

Chapter 12 Using Virtual Networks 257

Using VLAN Tagging

How to Assign and Use VLANs in an Oracle Solaris 10 Service Domain

1 Assign the virtual switch (vsw) to two VLANs.

For example, configure VLAN 21 as untagged and VLAN 20 as tagged. Note that the service
domain is not configured to access VLAN ID 22.
primary# ldm add-vsw net-dev=nxge0 pvid=21 vid=20 primary-vsw0 primary

2 Create the VLAN interface in the service domain.

# ifconfig vsw0 plumb
# ifconfig vsw0 netmask 0xffffff00 broadcast + up
# ifconfig vsw20000 plumb
# ifconfig vsw20000 netmask 0xffffff00 broadcast + up

How to Assign and Use VLANs in an Oracle Solaris 11 Guest Domain

After you complete this task, the ldom1 guest domain can communicate with the primary
service domain and with remote and external systems that use externally tagged VLAN ID 21
and IP addresses on The ldom1 guest domain can also communicate with the
service domain and external systems that use tagged VLAN ID 20 and IP addresses on The ldom1 guest domain can communicate only with external systems but not
with the service domain that uses VLAN 22 and IP addresses on

1 Assign the virtual network (vnet) to two VLANs.

For example, configure VLAN 21 as untagged and VLAN 20 as tagged.
primary# ldm add-vnet pvid=21 vid=20,22 vnet0 primary-vsw0 ldom1
ldom1# ipadm create-ip net0
ldom1# ipadm create-addr -t net0

2 Create the VLAN interface in the guest domain.

ldom1# dladm create-vlan -l net0 -v 20 vlan20
ldom1# ipadm create-ip vlan20
ldom1# ipadm create-addr -t vlan20

ldom1# dladm create-vlan -l net0 -v 22 vlan22

ldom1# ipadm create-ip vlan22
ldom1# ipadm create-addr -t vlan22

How to Assign and Use VLANs in an Oracle Solaris 10 Guest Domain

After you complete this task, the ldom1 guest domain can communicate with the primary
service domain and with remote and external systems that use externally tagged VLAN ID 21
and IP addresses on The ldom1 guest domain can also communicate with the
service domain and external systems that use tagged VLAN ID 20 and IP addresses on The ldom1 guest domain can communicate only with external systems but not
with the service domain that uses VLAN 22 and IP addresses on

258 Oracle VM Server for SPARC 3.3 Administration Guide October 2015
Using VLAN Tagging

1 Assign the virtual network (vnet) to two VLANs.

For example, configure VLAN 21 as untagged and VLAN 20 as tagged.
primary# ldm add-vnet pvid=21 vid=20,22 vnet0 primary-vsw0 ldom1
ldom1# ifconfig vnet0 plumb
ldom1# ifconfig vnet0 netmask 0xffffff00 broadcast + up

2 Create the VLAN interface in the guest domain.

ldom1# ifconfig vnet20000 plumb
ldom1# ifconfig vnet20000 netmask 0xffffff00 broadcast + up
ldom1# ifconfig vnet22000 plumb
ldom1# ifconfig vnet22000 netmask 0xffffff00 broadcast + up

How to Install a Guest Domain When the Install Server

Is in a VLAN
Be careful when using the Oracle Solaris JumpStart feature to install a guest domain over the
network when the installation server is in a VLAN. This feature is supported only on Oracle
Solaris 10 systems.

For more information about using the Oracle Solaris JumpStart feature to install a guest
domain, see How to Use the Oracle Solaris JumpStart Feature on an Oracle Solaris 10 Guest
Domain on page 64.

1 Configure the network device in untagged mode.

For example, if the install server is in VLAN 21, configure the virtual network initially as
primary# ldm add-vnet pvid=21 vnet01 primary-vsw0 ldom1
Do not configure any tagged VLANs (vid) for that virtual network device. You must do this
because the OpenBoot PROM (OBP) is not aware of VLANs and cannot handle VLAN-tagged
network packets.

2 After the installation is complete and the Oracle Solaris OS boots, configure the virtual network
in tagged mode.
primary# ldm set-vnet pvid= vid=21, 22, 23 vnet01 primary-vsw0 ldom1
You can now add the virtual network device to additional VLANs in tagged mode.

Chapter 12 Using Virtual Networks 259

Using Private VLANs

Using Private VLANs

The private VLAN (PVLAN) mechanism enables you to divide a regular VLAN into
sub-VLANs to isolate network traffic. The PVLAN mechanism is defined in RFC 5517
( Usually, a regular VLAN is a single broadcast
domain, but when configured with PVLAN properties, the single broadcast domain is
partitioned into smaller broadcast subdomains while keeping the existing Layer 3
configuration. When you configure a PVLAN, the regular VLAN is called the primary VLAN
and the sub-VLANs are called secondary VLANs.

When two virtual networks use the same VLAN ID on a physical link, all broadcast traffic is
passed between the two virtual networks. However, when you create virtual networks that use
PVLAN properties, the packet-forwarding behavior might not apply to all situations.

The following table shows the broadcast packet-forwarding rules for isolated and community

TABLE 121 Broadcast Packet-Forwarding Rules

PVLAN Type Isolated Community A Community B

Isolated No No No

Community A No Yes No

Community B No No Yes

For example, when both the vnet0 and vnet1 virtual networks are isolated on the net0
network, net0 does not pass broadcast traffic between the two virtual networks. However, when
the net0 network receives traffic from an isolated VLAN, the traffic is not passed to the isolated
ports that are related to the VLAN. This situation occurs because the isolated virtual network
accepts only traffic from the primary VLAN.

The inter-vnet-links feature supports the communication restrictions of isolated and

community PVLANs. Inter-vnet-links are disabled for isolated PVLANs and are enabled only
for virtual networks that are in the same community for community PVLANs. Direct traffic
from other virtual networks outside of the community is not permitted.

Note If a target service domain does not support the PVLAN feature, the migration of a guest
domain that is configured for PVLAN might fail.

260 Oracle VM Server for SPARC 3.3 Administration Guide October 2015
Using Private VLANs

PVLAN Requirements
You can configure PVLANs by using the ldm add-vnet and ldm set-vnet commands. Use
these commands to set the pvlan property. Note that you must also specify the pvid property to
successfully configure the PVLAN.

This feature requires at least the Oracle Solaris 11.2 SRU 4 OS.

To configure a PVLAN, you must specify the following information:

Primary VLAN ID. The primary VLAN ID is the port VLAN ID (PVID) that is used to
configure a PVLAN for a single virtual network device. This configuration ensures that a
guest domain does receive VLAN packets. Note that you cannot configure VIDs with a
PVLAN. This value is represented by the pvid property.
Secondary VLAN ID. A secondary VLAN ID is used by a particular VLAN to provide
PVLAN functionality. You specify this information as the secondary-vid part of the pvlan
value. secondary-vid is an integer value in the range of 1-4094. A primary VLAN can have
many secondary VLANs with the following restrictions:
Neither the primary VLAN ID nor the secondary VLAN ID can be the same as the
default VLAN ID.
The primary VLAN ID and the secondary VLAN ID cannot have the same values for
both isolated and community PVLAN types.
Each primary VLAN can configure only one isolated PVLAN. So, you cannot create two
isolated PVLANs that use the same primary VLAN ID.
A primary VLAN can have multiple community VLANs with the following restrictions:
A primary VLAN ID cannot be used as secondary VLAN ID create another
community PVLAN.
For example, if you have a community PVLAN with a primary VLAN ID of 3 and a
secondary VLAN ID of 100, you cannot create another community PVLAN that uses
3 as the secondary VLAN ID.
A secondary VLAN ID cannot be used as primary VLAN ID to create a community
For example, if you have a community PVLAN with a primary VLAN ID of 3 and a
secondary VLAN ID of 100, you cannot create another community PVLAN that uses
100 as the primary VLAN ID.
The secondary VLAN ID cannot already be used as a VLAN ID for regular virtual
networks or VNICs.

Chapter 12 Using Virtual Networks 261

Using Private VLANs

Caution The Logical Domains Manager can validate only the configuration of the virtual
networks on a particular virtual switch. If a PVLAN configuration is set up for Oracle
Solaris VNICs on the same back-end device, ensure that the same requirements are met
across all VNICs and virtual networks.

PVLAN type. You specify this information as the pvlan-type part of the pvlan value.
pvlan-type is one of the following values:
isolated. The ports that are associated with an isolated PVLAN are isolated from all of
the peer virtual networks and Oracle Solaris virtual NICs on the back-end network
device. The packets reach only the external network based on the values you specified for
the PVLAN.
community. The ports that are associated with a community PVLAN can communicate
with other ports that are in the same community PVLAN but are isolated from all other
ports. The packets reach the external network based on the values you specified for the

Configuring PVLANs
This section includes tasks that describes how to create PVLANs and list information about

Creating a PVLAN
You can configure a PVLAN by setting the pvlan property value by using the ldm add-vnet or
ldm set-vnet command. See the ldm(1M) man page.

You can use the following commands to create or remove a PVLAN:

Use ldm add-vnet to create a PVLAN:
ldm add-vnet pvid=port-VLAN-ID pvlan=secondary-vid,pvlan-type \
if-name vswitch-name domain-name

The following command shows how to create a virtual network with a PVLAN that has a
primary vlan-id of 4, a secondary vlan-id of 200, and a pvlan-type of isolated.
primary# ldm add-vnet pvid=4 pvlan=200,isolated vnet1 primary-vsw0 ldg1
Use ldm set-vnet to create a PVLAN:
ldm set-vnet pvid=port-VLAN-ID pvlan=secondary-vid,pvlan-type if-name domain-name

The following command shows how to create a virtual network with a PVLAN that has a
primary vlan-id of 3, a secondary vlan-id of 300, and a pvlan-type of community.
primary# ldm add-vnet pvid=3 pvlan=300,community vnet1 primary-vsw0 ldg1

262 Oracle VM Server for SPARC 3.3 Administration Guide October 2015
Using Private VLANs

Use ldm set-vnet to remove a PVLAN:

ldm set-vnet pvlan= if-name vswitch-name domain-name

The following command removes the PVLAN configuration for the vnet0 virtual network.
The result of this command is that the specified virtual network is a regular VLAN that uses
the vlan-id that you specified when you configured the PVLAN.
primary# ldm set-vnet pvlan= vnet0 primary-vsw0 ldg1

Viewing PVLAN Information

You can view information about a PVLAN by using several of the Logical Domains Manager
listing subcommands. See the ldm(1M) man page.

You can use the following commands to view PVLAN information.

Use ldm list-domain -o network to list PVLAN information:
ldm list-domain [-e] [-l] -o network [-p] [domain-name...]

The following examples show information about PVLAN configuration on the ldg1
domain by using the ldm list-domain -o network command.
The following ldm list-domain command shows information about the PVLAN
configuration on the ldg1 domain.
primary# ldm list-domain -o network ldg1


vnet0 primary-vsw0@primary 0 network@0 00:14:4f:f8:03:ed
1 3 1500 1700
PVLAN : 200,community
The following ldm list-domain command shows PVLAN configuration information in
a parseable form for the ldg1 domain.
primary# ldm list-domain -o network -p ldg1
Use ldm list-bindings to list PVLAN information:
ldm list-bindings [-e] [-p] [domain-name...]

Chapter 12 Using Virtual Networks 263

Using Private VLANs

The following examples show information about PVLAN configuration on the ldg1
domain by using the ldm list-bindingsnetwork command.
The following ldm list-bindings command shows information about the PVLAN
configuration on the ldg1 domain.
primary# ldm list-bindings
vnet0 primary-vsw0@primary 0 network@0 00:14:4f:f8:03:ed
1 3 1500 1700
PVLAN :200,community
primary-vsw0@primary 00:14:4f:f8:fe:5e 1
The following ldm list-bindings command shows PVLAN configuration information
in a parseable form for the ldg1 domain.
primary# ldm list-bindings -p
Use ldm list-constraints to list PVLAN information:
ldm list-constraints [-x] [domain-name...]

The following shows the output generated by running the ldm list-constraints
primary# ldm list-constraints -x ldg1
<Section xsi:type="ovf:VirtualHardwareSection_Type">
<gprop:GenericProperty key="vnet_name">vnet0</gprop:GenericProperty>
<gprop:GenericProperty key="service_name">primary-vsw0</gprop:GenericProperty>
<gprop:GenericProperty key="pvid">1</gprop:GenericProperty>
<gprop:GenericProperty key="vid">3</gprop:GenericProperty>
<gprop:GenericProperty key="pvlan">200,community</gprop:GenericProperty>
<gprop:GenericProperty key="maxbw">1700000000</gprop:GenericProperty>
<gprop:GenericProperty key="device">network@0</gprop:GenericProperty>
<gprop:GenericProperty key="id">0</gprop:GenericProperty>

264 Oracle VM Server for SPARC 3.3 Administration Guide October 2015
Tuning Packet Throughput Performance

Tuning Packet Throughput Performance

You can use the ldm add-vnet and ldm set-vnet commands to set the following data link
property values to tune packet throughput performance:
priority Specifies the CPU packet-processing priority
cos Specifies the IEEE 802.1p link service class of the link
protection Specifies packet traffic security type

For information about valid and default property values, see the ldm(1M) man page.

EXAMPLE 129 Setting and Viewing Data Link Packet Properties

The following example shows how to use the ldm set-vnet command to set the priority,
protection, and cos property values in a single command. You can also use the ldm add-vnet
command to add a new virtual network that uses the specified data link property values.

primary# ldm set-vnet allowed-ips=192.168.100,1, \

[email protected], \
00:14:4f:f9:d3:88,system2,00:14:4f:fb:61:6e cos=7 priority=high \
protection=restricted,mac-nospoof,ip-nospoof,dhcp-nospoof vnet3_ldg3 ldg3

The ldm list -o network command shows the data link property values on the ldg3 domain
that you set with the previous ldm set-vnet command. The protection values are
mac-nospoof, restricted, ip-nospoof for the 192.168.100,1, MAC address,
and dhcp-nospoof for
[email protected],00:14:4f:f9:d3:88,system2,00:14:4f:fb:61:6e. The priority is
set to high and the class of service (cos) is set to 7.

primary# ldm list -o network ldg3


ldg3_vsw1 00:14:4f:f9:65:b5 net3 0 switch@0 1 1
1500 on
vnet3 primary-vsw0@primary 0 network@0 00:14:4f:fa:47:f4 1
vnet1_ldg3 primary-vsw1@primary 1 network@1 00:14:4f:fb:90:b7 1
vnet2_ldg3 ldg1_vsw1@ldg1 2 network@2 00:14:4f:fb:61:6e 1

Chapter 12 Using Virtual Networks 265

Using NIU Hybrid I/O

EXAMPLE 129 Setting and Viewing Data Link Packet Properties (Continued)

vnet3_ldg3 ldg1_vsw1@ldg1 3 network@3 00:14:4f:fb:25:70 1
1500 1000
PROTECTION: mac-nospoof
dhcp-nospoof/[email protected],
COS : 7

Using NIU Hybrid I/O

The virtual I/O framework implements a hybrid I/O model for improved functionality and
performance. The hybrid I/O model combines direct and virtualized I/O to enable flexible
deployment of I/O resources to virtual machines. It is particularly useful when direct I/O does
not provide full capability for the virtual machine, or direct I/O is not persistently or
consistently available to the virtual machine due to resource availability or virtual machine

The hybrid I/O architecture is well-suited for the Network Interface Unit (NIU) on Oracle Sun
UltraSPARC T2, SPARC T3, and SPARC T4 platforms. An NIU is a network I/O interface that is
integrated on the chip. This architecture enables the dynamic assignment of Direct Memory
Access (DMA) resources to virtual networking devices and, thereby, provides consistent
performance to applications in the domain.

Note The NIU Hybrid I/O feature is deprecated in favor of SR-IOV. Oracle VM Server for
SPARC 3.3 is the last software release to include this feature.

NIU hybrid I/O is available for Oracle Sun UltraSPARC T2, SPARC T3, and SPARC T4
platforms. This feature is enabled by an optional hybrid mode that provides for a virtual
network (vnet) device where the DMA hardware resources are loaned to a vnet device in a
guest domain for improved performance. In the hybrid mode, a vnet device in a guest domain
can send and receive unicast traffic from an external network directly into the guest domain
using the DMA hardware resources. The broadcast or multicast traffic and unicast traffic to the
other guest domains in the same system continue to be sent using the virtual I/O
communication mechanism.

266 Oracle VM Server for SPARC 3.3 Administration Guide October 2015
Using NIU Hybrid I/O

Note NIU hybrid I/O is not available on UltraSPARC T2 Plus platforms.

Figure 1213 and Figure 1214 show hybrid I/O configurations for Oracle Solaris 11 and Oracle
Solaris 10, respectively.

Chapter 12 Using Virtual Networks 267

Using NIU Hybrid I/O

FIGURE 1213 Hybrid Virtual Networking (Oracle Solaris 11)

268 Oracle VM Server for SPARC 3.3 Administration Guide October 2015
Using NIU Hybrid I/O

FIGURE 1214 Hybrid Virtual Networking (Oracle Solaris 10)

The hybrid mode applies only for the vnet devices that are associated with a virtual switch (vsw)
configured to use an NIU network device. Because the shareable DMA hardware resources are
limited, up to only three vnet devices per vsw can have DMA hardware resources assigned at a
given time. If more than three vnet devices have the hybrid mode enabled, the assignment is
done on a first-come, first-served basis. Because there are two NIU network devices in a system,
there can be a total of six vnet devices on two different virtual switches with DMA hardware
resources assigned.

Chapter 12 Using Virtual Networks 269

Using NIU Hybrid I/O

Note the following points when using this feature:

Hybrid mode option for a vnet device is treated as a suggestion only, so DMA resources are
assigned only when they are available and the device is capable of using them.
Logical Domains Manager CLI commands do not validate the hybrid mode option; that is,
you can set the hybrid mode on any vnet or any number of vnet devices.
Guest domains and the service domain need to run Oracle Solaris 10 10/08 OS at a
Up to a maximum of only three vnet devices per vsw can have DMA hardware resources
loaned at a given time. Because there are two NIU network devices, there can be a total of six
vnet devices with DMA hardware resources loaned.

Note Set the hybrid mode only for three vnet devices per vsw so that they are guaranteed to
have DMA hardware resources assigned.

The hybrid mode option cannot be changed dynamically while the guest domain is active.
The DMA hardware resources are assigned only when an active vnet device is created in the
guest domain.
The NIU 10-gigabit Ethernet driver (nxge) is used for the NIU card. The same driver is also
used for other 10-gigabit network cards. However, the NIU hybrid I/O feature is available
for NIU network devices only.

How to Configure a Virtual Switch With an NIU

Network Device
1 Determine an NIU network device.
The following example shows the output on an UltraSPARC T2 server.
primary# grep nxge /etc/path_to_inst
"/niu@80/network@0" 0 "nxge"
"/niu@80/network@1" 1 "nxge"
The following example shows the output on a SPARC T3-1 or SPARC T4-1 server.

primary# grep nxge /etc/path_to_inst

"/niu@480/network@0" 0 "nxge"
"/niu@480/network@1" 1 "nxge"

270 Oracle VM Server for SPARC 3.3 Administration Guide October 2015
Using Link Aggregation With a Virtual Switch

2 Oracle Solaris 11 OS only: Identify the link name that corresponds to the NIU network device,
such as nxge0.
primary# dladm show-phys -L |grep nxge0
net2 nxge0 /SYS/MB

3 Configure a virtual switch.

The following example uses net2 instead of nxge0.
primary# ldm add-vsw net-dev=net2 primary-vsw0 primary

How to Enable or Disable Hybrid Mode

Hybrid mode is disabled by default for a vnet device and must be explicitly enabled.

Use the ldm command to enable and disable hybrid mode.

To enable a hybrid mode for a vnet device while it is being created:

primary# ldm add-vnet mode=hybrid vnet01 primary-vsw0 ldom01

To disable hybrid mode for a vnet device:

primary# ldm set-vnet mode= vnet01 ldom01

Using Link Aggregation With a Virtual Switch

A virtual switch can be configured to use a link aggregation. A link aggregation is used as the
virtual switch's network device to connect to the physical network. This configuration enables
the virtual switch to leverage the features provided by the IEEE 802.3ad Link Aggregation
Standard. Such features include increased bandwidth, load balancing, and failover. For
information about how to configure link aggregation, see Creating a Link Aggregation in
Managing Network Datalinks in Oracle Solaris 11.3.

After you create a link aggregation, you can assign it to the virtual switch. Making this
assignment is similar to assigning a physical network device to a virtual switch. Use the ldm
add-vswitch or ldm set-vswitch command to set the net-dev property.

When the link aggregation is assigned to the virtual switch, traffic to and from the physical
network flows through the aggregation. Any necessary load balancing or failover is handled
transparently by the underlying aggregation framework. Link aggregation is completely
transparent to the virtual network (vnet) devices that are on the guest domains and that are
bound to a virtual switch that uses an aggregation.

Chapter 12 Using Virtual Networks 271

Using Link Aggregation With a Virtual Switch

Note You cannot group the virtual network devices (vnet and vsw) into a link aggregation.

You can create and use the virtual switch that is configured to use a link aggregation in the
service domain. See How to Configure the Virtual Switch as the Primary Interface on page 52.

Figure 1215 and Figure 1216 show a virtual switch configured to use an aggregation, aggr1,
over physical interfaces net0 and net1, and nxge0 and nxge1, respectively.

FIGURE 1215 Configuring a Virtual Switch to Use a Link Aggregation (Oracle Solaris 11)

272 Oracle VM Server for SPARC 3.3 Administration Guide October 2015
Configuring Jumbo Frames

FIGURE 1216 Configuring a Virtual Switch to Use a Link Aggregation (Oracle Solaris 10)

Configuring Jumbo Frames

The Oracle VM Server for SPARC virtual switch (vsw) and virtual network (vnet) devices can
now support Ethernet frames with payload sizes larger than 1500 bytes. These drivers are
therefore now able to increase network throughput.

You enable jumbo frames by specifying the maximum transmission unit (MTU) for the virtual
switch device. In such cases, the virtual switch device and all virtual network devices that are
bound to the virtual switch device use the specified MTU value.

If the required MTU value for the virtual network device should be less than that supported by
the virtual switch, you can specify an MTU value directly on a virtual network device.

Note Only on the Oracle Solaris 10 5/09 OS, the MTU of a physical device must be configured
to match the MTU of the virtual switch. For information about configuring particular drivers,
see the man page that corresponds to that driver in Section 7D of the Oracle Solaris reference
manual. For example, to obtain information about the Oracle Solaris 10 nxge driver, see the
nxge(7D) man page.

In rare circumstances, you might need to use the ldm add-vnet or ldm set-vnet command to
specify an MTU value for a virtual network device that differs from the MTU value of the virtual

Chapter 12 Using Virtual Networks 273

Configuring Jumbo Frames

switch. For example, you might change the virtual network device's MTU value if you configure
VLANs over a virtual network device and the largest VLAN MTU is less than the MTU value on
the virtual switch. A vnet driver that supports jumbo frames might not be required for domains
where only the default MTU value is used. However, if the domains have virtual network
devices bound to a virtual switch that uses jumbo frames, ensure that the vnet driver supports
jumbo frames.

If you use the ldm set-vnet command to specify an mtu value on a virtual network device,
future updates to the MTU value of the virtual switch device are not propagated to that virtual
network device. To re-enable the virtual network device to obtain the MTU value from the
virtual switch device, run the following command:

primary# ldm set-vnet mtu= vnet-name domain-name

Note that enabling jumbo frames for a virtual network device automatically enables jumbo
frames for any hybrid I/O resource that is assigned to that virtual network device.

On the control domain, the Logical Domains Manager updates the MTU values that are
initiated by the ldm set-vsw and ldm set-vnet commands as delayed reconfiguration
operations. To make MTU updates to domains other than the control domain, you must stop a
domain prior to running the ldm set-vsw or ldm set-vnet command to modify the MTU

How to Configure Virtual Network and Virtual Switch

Devices to Use Jumbo Frames
1 Log in to the control domain.

2 Become an administrator.
For Oracle Solaris 11.3, see Chapter 1, About Using Rights to Control Users and Processes, in
Securing Users and Processes in Oracle Solaris 11.3 .

3 Determine the value of MTU that you want to use for the virtual network.
You can specify an MTU value from 1500 to 16000 bytes. The specified MTU must match the
MTU of the physical network device that is assigned to the virtual switch.

4 Specify the MTU value of a virtual switch device or virtual network device.
Do one of the following:
Enable jumbo frames on a new virtual switch device in the service domain by specifying its
MTU as a value of the mtu property.
primary# ldm add-vsw net-dev=device mtu=value vswitch-name ldom

274 Oracle VM Server for SPARC 3.3 Administration Guide October 2015
Configuring Jumbo Frames

In addition to configuring the virtual switch, this command updates the MTU value of each
virtual network device that will be bound to this virtual switch.
Enable jumbo frames on an existing virtual switch device in the service domain by
specifying its MTU as a value of the mtu property.
primary# ldm set-vsw net-dev=device mtu=value vswitch-name

In addition to configuring the virtual switch, this command updates the MTU value of each
virtual network device that will be bound to this virtual switch.

Example 1210 Configuring Jumbo Frames on Virtual Switch and Virtual Network Devices
The following example shows how to add a new virtual switch device that uses an MTU
value of 9000. This MTU value is propagated from the virtual switch device to all of the
client virtual network devices.
First, the ldm add-vsw command creates the virtual switch device, ldg1-vsw0, with an MTU
value of 9000. Note that instance 0 of the network device net0 is specified as a value of the
net-dev property.
primary# ldm add-vsw net-dev=net0 mtu=9000 ldg1-vsw0 ldg1

Next, the ldm add-vnet command adds a client virtual network device to this virtual switch,
ldg1-vsw0. Note that the MTU of the virtual network device is implicitly assigned from the
virtual switch to which it is bound. As a result, the ldm add-vnet command does not require
that you specify a value for the mtu property.
primary# ldm add-vnet vnet01 ldg1-vsw0 ldg1

Depending on the version of the Oracle Solaris OS that is running, do the following:
Oracle Solaris 11 OS: Use the ipadm command to view the mtu property value of the
primary interface.
# ipadm show-ifprop -p mtu net0
net0 mtu ipv4 rw 9000 -- 9000 68-9000

The ipadm command creates the virtual network interface in the guest domain, ldg1.
The ipadm show-ifprop command output shows that the value of the mtu property is
ldg1# ipadm create-ip net0
ldg1# ipadm create-addr -T static -a net0/ipv4
ldg1# ipadm show-ifprop -p mtu net0
net0 mtu ipv4 rw 9000 -- 9000 68-9000
Oracle Solaris 10 OS: The ifconfig command creates the virtual switch interface in the
service domain, ldg1. The ifconfig vsw0 command output shows that the value of the mtu
property is 9000.

Chapter 12 Using Virtual Networks 275

Configuring Jumbo Frames

ldg1# ifconfig vsw0 plumb

ldg1# ifconfig vsw0 up
ldg1# ifconfig vsw0
vsw0: flags=201000843<UP,BROADCAST,RUNNING,MULTICAST,IPv4,CoS> mtu 9000 index 5
inet netmask ffffff00 broadcast
ether 0:14:4f:fa:0:99

The ifconfig command creates the virtual network interface in the guest domain, ldg1.
The ifconfig vnet0 command output shows that the value of the mtu property is 9000.
ldg1# ifconfig vnet0 plumb
ldg1# ifconfig vnet0 up
ldg1# ifconfig vnet0
vnet0: flags=201000843<UP,BROADCAST,RUNNING,MULTICAST,IPv4,CoS> mtu 9000 index 4
inet netmask ffffff00 broadcast
ether 0:14:4f:f9:c4:13
The following example shows how to change the MTU of the interface to 4000.
Note that the MTU of an interface can only be changed to a value that is less than the MTU
of the device that is assigned by the Logical Domains Manager. This method is useful when
VLANs are configured and each VLAN interface requires a different MTU.
Oracle Solaris 11 OS: Use the ipadm command.
primary# ipadm set-ifprop -p mtu=4000 net0
primary# ipadm show-ifprop -p mtu net0
net0 mtu ipv4 rw 4000 -- 9000 68-9000
Oracle Solaris 10 OS: Use the ifconfig command.
primary# ifconfig vnet0 mtu 4000
primary# ifconfig vnet0
mtu 4000 index 4
inet netmask ffffff00 broadcast
ether 0:14:4f:f9:c4:13

Compatibility With Older (Jumbo-Unaware) Versions

of the vnet and vsw Drivers (Oracle Solaris 10)

Note This section applies only to the Oracle Solaris 10 OS.

Drivers that support jumbo frames can interoperate with drivers that do not support jumbo
frames on the same system. This interoperability is possible as long as jumbo frame support is
not enabled when you create the virtual switch.

276 Oracle VM Server for SPARC 3.3 Administration Guide October 2015
Oracle Solaris 11 Networking-Specific Feature Differences

Note Do not set the mtu property if any guest or service domains that are associated with the
virtual switch do not use Oracle VM Server for SPARC drivers that support jumbo frames.

Jumbo frames can be enabled by changing the mtu property of a virtual switch from the default
value of 1500. In this instance, older driver versions ignore the mtu setting and continue to use
the default value. Note that the ldm list output will show the MTU value you specified and not
the default value. Any frames larger than the default MTU are not sent to those devices and are
dropped by the new drivers. This situation might result in inconsistent network behavior with
those guests that still use the older drivers. This limitation applies to both client guest domains
and the service domain.

Therefore, while jumbo frames are enabled, ensure that all virtual devices in the Oracle VM
Server for SPARC network are upgraded to use the new drivers that support jumbo frames. You
must be running at least Logical Domains 1.2 to configure jumbo frames.

Oracle Solaris 11 Networking-Specific Feature Differences

Some of the Oracle VM Server for SPARC networking features work differently when a domain
runs the Oracle Solaris 10 OS as compared to the Oracle Solaris 11 OS. The feature differences
for the Oracle VM Server for SPARC virtual network device and virtual switch when the Oracle
Solaris 11 OS is run in a domain are as follows:
Configuring the vswn device as the primary network interface to enable a service domain
to communicate with guest domains
This configuration is required only for domains that run the Oracle Solaris 10 OS. For
Oracle Solaris 11, a virtual switch uses the Oracle Solaris 11 network stack, automatically
enabling its virtual network devices to communicate with the network interface that
corresponds to its back-end device, such as net0. Configuring the vswn device as a network
interface on Oracle Solaris 11 is not supported.
Using an Oracle Solaris 11 etherstub device as a back-end device to create a private
virtual switch
If not connected to a back-end device, a virtual switch provides communication only
between guest domains and not between guest domains and the service domain. Using an
etherstub as a back-end device enables a guest domain to communicate with a zone
(including the global zone) that is configured in an Oracle Solaris 11 service domain. This
configuration is accomplished by using a VNIC connected to that etherstub.
Using generic names for the virtual switch and virtual network devices

Chapter 12 Using Virtual Networks 277

Oracle Solaris 11 Networking-Specific Feature Differences

The Oracle Solaris 11 OS assigns generic names for vswn and vnetn devices. Ensure that you
do not create a virtual switch with the back-end device that is another vsw or vnet device.
Use the dladm show-phys command to see the actual physical devices that are associated
with generic network device names.
Using an Oracle Solaris 11 VNIC to create a VLAN on an Ethernet stub
Do not configure VLANs on the virtual switch interface for Oracle Solaris 11 service
domains because this configuration is not supported. Instead, create the VLAN on the
interface that corresponds to the virtual switch's net-dev property value.
For Oracle Solaris 10, you can set the net-dev property with a null value to create a routed
virtual switch. However, this method is not supported for Oracle Solaris 11. Instead,
configure the VNIC over the Ethernet stub device to be part of the VLAN.
The following example shows how to create VNICs on an Ethernet stub. The dladm
create-etherstub command creates an Ethernet stub, estub100, which is a backing device
used by the ldm add-vsw command to create the virtual switch. The ldm add-vsw command
creates the virtual switch. The dladm create-vnic command creates a VNIC on top of the
etherstub to create the VLAN for that virtual switch.
primary# dladm create-etherstub estub100
primary# ldm add-vsw net-dev=estub100 vid=100 inter-vnet-link=off \
primary-vsw100 primary
primary# dladm create-vnic -l estub100 -m auto -v 100 vnic100

The following ldm add-vnet commands create two VNICs that enable communication
between the ldg1 and ldg2 domains over VLAN 100.
primary# ldm add-vnet vid=100 ldg1-vnet100 primary-vsw100 ldg1
primary# ldm add-vnet vid=100 ldg2-vnet100 primary-vsw100 ldg2

In the following example, the dladm commands create VLANs on the ldg1 and ldg2 guest
domains. The ipadm commands create IP addresses for the VNICs that you created on the
ldg1 and ldg2 domains.
ldg1# dladm create-vlan -l net1 -v 100 vlan100
ldg1# ipadm create-ip vlan100
ldg1# ipadm create-ipaddr -T static -a vlan100/v4
ldg2# dladm create-vlan -l net1 -v 100 vlan100
ldg2# ipadm create-ip vlan100
ldg2# ipadm create-ipaddr -T static -a vlan100/v4
Using generic names for the virtual switch and virtual network devices
The Oracle Solaris 11 OS assigns generic names for vswn and vnetn devices. Ensure that you
do not create a virtual switch with the back-end device that is another vsw or vnet device.
Use the dladm show-phys command to see the actual physical devices that are associated
with generic network device names.
Using VNICs on the virtual switch and virtual network devices

278 Oracle VM Server for SPARC 3.3 Administration Guide October 2015
Using Virtual NICs on Virtual Networks

You cannot use VNICs on vswn devices. An attempt to create a VNIC on vswn fails. See
Oracle Solaris 11: Zones Configured With an Automatic Network Interface Might Fail to
Start in Oracle VM Server for SPARC 3.3 Release Notes.
Using the network observability commands on Oracle Solaris 11 guest domains
You can use the ldm list-netdev and ldm list-netstat commands to obtain
information about Oracle Solaris 11 guest domains.

Using Virtual NICs on Virtual Networks

The Oracle Solaris 11 OS enables you to define virtual networks that consist of virtual network
interface cards (VNICs), virtual switches, and etherstubs. Oracle Solaris Zones virtualize
operating system services and provide isolated and secure environments for running
applications within the same Oracle Solaris OS instance of a logical domain.

Oracle Solaris 11 improves on the Oracle Solaris 10 shared IP zone model in which zones
inherit network properties from the global zone and cannot set their own network address or
other properties. Now, by using zones with virtual network devices, you can configure multiple
isolated virtual NICs, associate zones with each virtual network, and establish rules for
isolation, connectivity, and quality of service (QoS).

For more information, see the networking books in the Oracle Solaris 11.3 information library

A virtual network device in a logical domain can support multiple Oracle Solaris 11 virtual
NICs. The virtual network device must be configured to support multiple MAC addresses, one
for each virtual NIC it will support. Oracle Solaris zones in the logical domain connect to the
virtual NICs.

Figure 1217 shows a logical domain, domain1, that provides a single virtual network device
called vnet1 to the Oracle Solaris OS. This virtual network device can host multiple Oracle
Solaris 11 virtual network devices, each of which has its own MAC address and can be assigned
individually to a zone.

Within the domain1 domain are three Oracle Solaris 11 zones: zone1, zone2, and zone3. Each
zone is connected to the network by a virtual NIC based on the vnet1 virtual network device.

Chapter 12 Using Virtual Networks 279

Using Virtual NICs on Virtual Networks

FIGURE 1217 Virtual NICs on Virtual Network Devices

The following sections describe the configuring of virtual NICs on virtual network devices and
the creating of zones in the domain with the virtual NICs:
Configuring Virtual NICs on Virtual Network Devices on page 280
Creating Oracle Solaris 11 Zones in a Domain on page 281

For information about using virtual NICs on Ethernet SR-IOV virtual functions, see the
following sections:
Creating Ethernet Virtual Functions on page 90
Modifying Ethernet SR-IOV Virtual Functions on page 97
Creating VNICs on SR-IOV Virtual Functions on page 103

Configuring Virtual NICs on Virtual Network Devices

To configure virtual NICs on virtual network devices, the control domain must run at least
Oracle Solaris 11.1 SRU 4 OS and the guest domain must run at least the Oracle Solaris 11.1 OS.

280 Oracle VM Server for SPARC 3.3 Administration Guide October 2015
Using Virtual NICs on Virtual Networks

To configure a virtual network device to host multiple MAC addresses, use the ldm add-vnet or
ldm set-vnet command to specify one or more comma-separated values for the
alt-mac-addrs property. Valid values are an octet MAC address and auto. The auto value
indicates that the system generates the MAC address.

For example, you can specify three system-generated alternate MAC addresses for a virtual
network device in either of the following ways:
By using the ldm add-vnet command. The following ldm add-vnet command creates the
vnet1 virtual network device on the domain1 domain and makes three system-generated
MAC addresses available to the device.
primary# ldm add-vnet alt-mac-addrs=auto,auto,auto vnet1 primary-vsw0 domain1
By using a combination of the ldm add-vnet and ldm set-vnet commands. The following
ldm add-vnet and ldm set-vnet commands show how to create a virtual network device
and subsequently assign more MAC addresses to the existing virtual network device.
The first command uses the ldm add-vnet command to create the vnet1 virtual network
device on the domain1 domain. The second command uses the ldm set-vnet command to
make three system-generated MAC addresses available to the vnet1 virtual network device.
primary# ldm add-vnet vnet1 primary-vsw0 domain1
primary# ldm set-vnet alt-mac-addrs=auto,auto,auto vnet1 domain1

Creating Oracle Solaris 11 Zones in a Domain

After creating the virtual NICs in Configuring Virtual NICs on Virtual Network Devices on
page 280, create a zone that is associated with an available MAC address. For information about
Oracle Solaris Zones, see Creating and Using Oracle Solaris Zones .

Use the zonecfg command to specify a MAC address to use for a zone:

zonecfg:zone-name> set mac-address=[MAC-address,auto]

You can either specify a value of auto to choose one of the available MAC addresses
automatically or provide a specific alternate MAC address that you created with the ldm
set-vnet command.

Chapter 12 Using Virtual Networks 281


Migrating Domains
1 3

This chapter describes how to migrate domains from one host machine to another host

This chapter covers the following topics:

Introduction to Domain Migration on page 284
Overview of a Migration Operation on page 284
Software Compatibility on page 285
Security for Migration Operations on page 285
FIPS 140-2 Mode for Domain Migration on page 287
Domain Migration Restrictions on page 289
Migrating a Domain on page 291
Migrating an Active Domain on page 292
Migrating Bound or Inactive Domains on page 298
Performing a Dry Run on page 291
Monitoring a Migration in Progress on page 300
Canceling a Migration in Progress on page 300
Recovering From a Failed Migration on page 301
Performing Non-Interactive Migrations on page 292
Migration Examples on page 301

Note To use the migration features described in this chapter, you must be running the most
recent versions of the Logical Domains Manager, system firmware, and Oracle Solaris OS. For
information about migration using previous versions of Oracle VM Server for SPARC, see
Oracle VM Server for SPARC 3.3 Release Notes and related versions of the administration guide.

Introduction to Domain Migration

Introduction to Domain Migration

Domain migration enables you to migrate a guest domain from one host machine to another
host machine. The machine on which the migration is initiated is the source machine. The
machine to which the domain is migrated is the target machine.

While a migration operation is in progress, the domain to be migrated is transferred from the
source machine to the migrated domain on the target machine.

The live migration feature provides performance improvements that enable an active domain to
be migrated while it continues to run. In addition to live migration, you can migrate bound or
inactive domains, which is called cold migration.

You might use domain migration to perform tasks such as the following:
Balancing the load between machines
Performing hardware maintenance while a guest domain continues to run

To achieve the best migration performance, ensure that both the source machine and the target
machine are running the latest version of the Logical Domains Manager.

Overview of a Migration Operation

The Logical Domains Manager on the source machine accepts the request to migrate a domain
and establishes a secure network connection with the Logical Domains Manager that runs on
the target machine. The migration occurs after this connection has been established. The
migration operation is performed in the following phases:

Phase 1: After the source machine connects with the Logical Domains Manager that runs in the
target machine, information about the source machine and the domain to be migrated are
transferred to the target machine. This information is used to perform a series of checks to
determine whether a migration is possible. The checks to perform are based on the state of the
domain to be migrated. For example, if the domain to be migrated is active, a different set of
checks are performed than if that domain is bound or inactive.

Phase 2: When all checks in Phase 1 have passed, the source and target machines prepare for the
migration. On the target machine, a domain is created to receive the domain to be migrated. If
the domain to be migrated is inactive or bound, the migration operation proceeds to Phase 5.

Phase 3: If the domain to be migrated is active, its runtime state information is transferred to
the target machine. The domain to be migrated continues to run, and the Logical Domains
Manager simultaneously tracks the modifications being made by the OS to this domain. This
information is retrieved from the hypervisor on the source machine and installed in the
hypervisor on the target machine.

284 Oracle VM Server for SPARC 3.3 Administration Guide October 2015
Security for Migration Operations

Phase 4: The domain to be migrated is suspended. At this time, all of the remaining modified
state information is recopied to the target machine. In this way, there is little or no perceivable
interruption to the domain. The amount of interruption depends on the workload.

Phase 5: A handoff occurs from the Logical Domains Manager on the source machine to the
Logical Domains Manager on the target machine. The handoff occurs when the migrated
domain resumes execution (if the domain to be migrated was active) and the domain on the
source machine is destroyed. From this point forward, the migrated domain is the sole version
of the domain running.

Software Compatibility
For a migration to occur, both the source and target machines must be running compatible
software, as follows:
The Logical Domains Manager version running on both machines must be either the
current version or the most recent previously released version.
Both the source and target machines must have a compatible version of firmware installed
to support live migration. Both machines must be running at least the minimum version of
the firmware supported with this release of the Oracle VM Server for SPARC software.

For more information, see Version Restrictions for Migration on page 289.

Security for Migration Operations

Oracle VM Server for SPARC provides the following security features for migration operations:
Authentication. Because the migration operation executes on two machines, a user must be
authenticated on both the source and target machines in some cases. In particular, a user
other than superuser must use the LDoms Management rights profile. However, if you
perform a migration with SSL certificates, users are not required to be authenticated on both
the target and source machines and you cannot specify another user.
The ldm migrate-domain command permits you to optionally specify an alternate user
name for authentication on the target machine. If this alternate user name is not specified,
the user name of the user who is executing the migration command is used. See
Example 133. In either case, the user is prompted for a password for the target machine,
unless the -p option is used to initiate a non-interactive migration. See Performing
Non-Interactive Migrations on page 292.
Encryption. Oracle VM Server for SPARC uses SSL to encrypt migration traffic to protect
sensitive data from exploitation and to eliminate the requirement for additional hardware
and dedicated networks.

Chapter 13 Migrating Domains 285

Security for Migration Operations

On platforms that have cryptographic units, the speed of the migration operation increases
when the primary domain on the source and target machines has cryptographic units
assigned. This increase in speed occurs because the SSL operations can be off-loaded to the
cryptographic units.
The speed of a migration operation is automatically improved on platforms that have
cryptographic instructions in the CPU. This improvement occurs because the SSL
operations can be carried out by the cryptographic instructions rather than in software.
FIPS 140-2. You can configure your system to perform domain migrations to use the Oracle
Solaris FIPS 140-2 certified OpenSSL libraries. See FIPS 140-2 Mode for Domain
Migration on page 287.

Configuring SSL Certificates for Migration

To perform certificate-based authentication, use the -c option with the ldm migrate-domain
command. This option is mutually exclusive with the password file and alternate user options.
If the -c option is not specified, the migration operation performs password authentication.

How to Configure SSL Certificates for Migration

To configure SSL certificates, you must perform the steps in this task on the control domain of
both the source machine and the target machine.

1 Create the /var/share/ldomsmanager/trust directory if it does not already exist.

2 Securely copy the remote ldmd certificate to the local ldmd trusted certificate directory.
The remote ldmd certificate is the /var/share/ldomsmanager/server.crt on the remote host.
The local ldmd trusted certificate directory is /var/share/ldomsmanager/trust. Call the
remote certificate file remote-hostname.pem.

3 Create a symbolic link from the certificate in the ldmd trusted certificate directory to
Set the REMOTE variable to remote-host.
localhost# ln -s /var/share/ldomsmanager/trust/${REMOTE}.pem /etc/certs/CA/

4 Restart the svc:/system/ca-certificates service.

localhost# svcadm restart svc:/system/ca-certificates

5 Verify that the configuration is operational.

localhost# openssl verify /var/share/ldomsmanager/trust/${REMOTE}.pem
/var/share/ldomsmanager/trust/remote-hostname.pem: OK

6 Restart the ldmd daemon.

localhost# svcadm restart ldmd

286 Oracle VM Server for SPARC 3.3 Administration Guide October 2015
FIPS 140-2 Mode for Domain Migration

Removing SSL Certificates

If you remove a .pem file from the /var/share/ldomsmanager/trust and /etc/certs/CA
directories, you must restart the svc:/system/ca-certificates service and then the ldmd
service. Note that any migrations that use that .pem file are still permitted until the services

localhost# svcadm restart svc:/system/ca-certificates

localhost# svcadm restart ldmd

FIPS 140-2 Mode for Domain Migration

You can configure your Logical Domains Manager to perform domain migrations that use the
Oracle Solaris FIPS 140-2 certified OpenSSL libraries. When the Logical Domains Manager is in
FIPS 140-2 mode, you can use it only to migrate domains to another system that has the Logical
Domains Manager running in FIPS 140-2 mode. Attempts to migrate to a non-FIPS system are
rejected. If the Logical Domains Manager is not in FIPS 140-2 mode, it cannot migrate to a
Logical Domains Manager that is in FIPS 140-2 mode.

To successfully start the Logical Domains Manager in FIPS 140-2 mode, you must enable the
FIPS mediator. For step-by-step instructions, see How to Run Logical Domains Manager in
FIPS 140-2 Mode on page 287.

For more information and showing how to use the FIPS 140-capable OpenSSL implementation,
see How to Switch to the FIPS 140-Capable OpenSSL Implementation in Managing
Encryption and Certificates in Oracle Solaris 11.3 and Example of Enabling Two Applications
in FIPS 140 Mode on an Oracle Solaris System in Oracle SuperCluster M7-8 Owners Guide:
Overview .

How to Run Logical Domains Manager in FIPS 140-2

Before You Begin Before you can run the Logical Domains Manager in FIPS 140-2 mode, ensure that you are
running at least version 3.2 of the Logical Domains Manager and that the primary domain runs
at least the Oracle Solaris 11.2 OS.

1 Install and enable the FIPS 140-2 OpenSSL mediator.

a. Install the FIPS 140-2 OpenSSL mediator if necessary.

This package should be installed by default when you install the Oracle Solaris 11.2 OS.
# pkg install openssl-fips-140

Chapter 13 Migrating Domains 287

FIPS 140-2 Mode for Domain Migration

b. List the current OpenSSL mediator.

# pkg mediator openssl
openssl vendor local default

c. List the available OpenSSL mediators.

# pkg mediator -a openssl
openssl vendor vendor default
openssl system system fips-140

Caution The OpenSSL implementation to which you switch must exist in the system. If you
switch to an implementation that is not in the system, the system might become unusable.

d. Enable the FIPS 140-2 mediator.

# pkg set-mediator -I fips-140 openssl

e. Reboot.
# reboot

f. Confirm that the FIPS 140-2 mediator is set.

# pkg mediator openssl
openssl system local fips-140

2 Configure the ldmd Daemon to use FIPS 140-2 mode.

a. Put the ldmd daemon in FIPS 140-2 mode.

# svccfg -s ldoms/ldmd setprop ldmd/fips1402_enabled = true

b. Restart the ldmd daemon.

# svcadm refresh ldmd
# svcadm restart ldmd

How to Revert the Logical Domains Manager to the

Default Mode From FIPS 140-2 Mode
1 Stop using the FIPS 140-2 OpenSSL mediator by reverting to the default OpenSSL mediator.
Only perform this step if the FIPS 140-2 mediator is not required for other applications.
# pkg set-mediator -I default openssl

2 Reboot.
# reboot

288 Oracle VM Server for SPARC 3.3 Administration Guide October 2015
Domain Migration Restrictions

3 Configure the ldmd daemon to use the default mode.

# svccfg -s ldoms/ldmd setprop ldmd/fips1402_enabled = false

4 Restart the ldmd daemon.

# svcadm refresh ldmd
# svcadm restart ldmd

Domain Migration Restrictions

The following sections describe restrictions for domain migration. The Logical Domains
Manager software and the system firmware versions must be compatible to permit migrations.
Also, you must meet certain CPU requirements to ensure a successful domain migration.

Live migration is not qualified and supported on all combinations of the source and target
platforms and system firmware versions. For those combinations that cannot perform a live
migration, you can perform a cold migration instead.

Version Restrictions for Migration

This section describes version restrictions for performing live migrations.
Logical Domains Manager version. You can perform a live migration in either direction
when one system runs the latest version of the Logical Domains Manager and the other
system runs at least the immediately preceding version of the Logical Domains Manager.
Oracle Solaris OS version. You can perform a live migration of a guest domain that runs at
least the Oracle Solaris 10 9/10 OS. You cannot perform a live migration of a guest domain
that runs the Oracle Solaris 10 10/09 OS or earlier Oracle Solaris OS versions. You can still
boot these older Oracle Solaris OS versions and perform cold migrations of such domains.
System firmware version. In general, you can perform a live migration between two
systems when both the source and target machines support the appropriate minimum
system firmware versions. See Minimum System Firmware Versions in Oracle VM Server
for SPARC 3.3 Installation Guide.

However, some specific platform and firmware combinations do not support live migration.
Attempting to perform the live migration of a domain from a system that runs at least system
firmware version 8.4 or XCP2210 to a system that runs an older system firmware version fails.
The failure occurs because of a hypervisor API mismatch between the newer and older system
firmware versions. In this instance, the following message is issued:

primary# ldm migrate ldg1 root@target-name

Target Password:
Domain ldg1 is using features of the system firmware that are not supported in
the version of the firmware running on the target machine.
Domain Migration of LDom ldg1 failed

Chapter 13 Migrating Domains 289

Domain Migration Restrictions

Note that you can perform the live migration of a domain from a system that runs system
firmware version 8.3 to a system that runs at least system firmware version 8.4 unless the target
machine is a SPARC M5-32 system. For more information, see Domain Migrations From
SPARC T4 Systems That Run System Firmware 8.3 to SPARC T5, SPARC M5, or SPARC M6
Systems Are Erroneously Permitted in Oracle VM Server for SPARC 3.3 Release Notes.

Cross-CPU Restrictions for Migration

You cannot perform live migration operations between an UltraSPARC T2, UltraSPARC T2
Plus, or SPARC T3 system and a SPARC T5, SPARC M5, or SPARC M6 system.

CPU Restrictions for Migration

If the domain to be migrated is running an Oracle Solaris OS version older than the Oracle
Solaris 10 1/13 OS, you might see the following message during the migration:

Domain domain-name is not running an operating system that is

compatible with the latest migration functionality.

The following CPU requirements and restrictions apply when you run an OS prior to the Oracle
Solaris 10 1/13 OS:
Full cores must be allocated to the migrated domain. If the number of threads in the domain
to be migrated is less than a full core, the extra threads are unavailable to any domain until
after the migrated domain is rebooted.
After a migration, CPU dynamic reconfiguration (DR) is disabled for the migrated domain
until it has been rebooted. At that time, you can use CPU DR on the migrated domain.
The target machine must have enough free full cores to provide the number of threads that
are required for the migrated domain. After the migration, if a full core is only partially used
by the migrated domain, any extra threads are unavailable to any domain until after the
migrated domain is rebooted.

These restrictions also apply when you attempt to migrate a domain that is running in
OpenBoot or in the kernel debugger. See Migrating a Domain From the OpenBoot PROM or a
Domain That Is Running in the Kernel Debugger on page 298.

Migration Restrictions for Setting perf-counters

Take care when performing migrations of domains that have the perf-counters property
value set.

Before you perform the migration of a domain that has the perf-counters property value set to
global, ensure that no other domain on the target machine has the perf-counters property set
to global.

290 Oracle VM Server for SPARC 3.3 Administration Guide October 2015
Migrating a Domain

During a migration operation, the perf-counters property is treated differently based on

whether the performance access capability is available on the source machine, the target
machine, or both.

The perf-counters property value is treated as follows:

Source machine only. The perf-counters property value is not propagated to the target
Target machine only. The perf-counters property value on the machine to be migrated is
updated to be equivalent to perf-counters=.
Source and target machines. The perf-counters property value is propogated from the
domain to be migrated to the migrated domain on the target machine.

For more information about the perf-counters property, see Using Perf-Counter Properties
on page 339 and the ldm(1M) man page.

Migrating a Domain
You can use the ldm migrate-domain command to initiate the migration of a domain from one
host machine to another host machine.

Note If you migrate a domain, any named resources that you assigned by using the cid and
mblock properties are dropped. Instead, the domain uses anonymous resources on the target

For information about migrating an active domain while it continues to run, see Migrating an
Active Domain on page 292. For information about migrating a bound or inactive domain, see
Migrating Bound or Inactive Domains on page 298.

For information about the migration options and operands, see the ldm(1M) man page.

Note After a domain migration completes, save a new configuration to the SP of both the
source and target systems. As a result, the state of the migrated domain is correct if either the
source or target system undergoes a power cycle.

Performing a Dry Run

When you provide the -n option to the ldm migrate-domain command, migration checks are
performed but the domain is not migrated. Any requirement that is not satisfied is reported as
an error. The dry run results enable you to correct any configuration errors before you attempt
an actual migration.

Chapter 13 Migrating Domains 291

Migrating an Active Domain

Note Because of the dynamic nature of logical domains, a dry run could succeed and an actual
migration fail, and vice versa.

Performing Non-Interactive Migrations

Use the SSL certificate method to perform non-interactive migration operations. Although the
use of the legacy ldm migrate-domain -p filename command to initiate a non-interactive
migration operation is deprecated, you can still use it.

The file name you specify as an argument to the -p option must have the following
The first line of the file must contain the password.
The password must be plain text.
The password must not exceed 256 characters in length.

A newline character at the end of the password and all lines that follow the first line are ignored.

The file in which you store the target machine's password must be properly secured. If you plan
to store passwords in this manner, ensure that the file permissions are set so that only the root
owner or a privileged user can read or write the file (400 or 600).

Migrating an Active Domain

Certain requirements and restrictions are imposed on the domain to be migrated, the source
machine, and the target machine when you attempt to migrate an active domain. For more
information, see Domain Migration Restrictions on page 289.

Tip You can reduce the overall migration time by adding more virtual CPUs to the primary
domain on both the source and target machines. Having at least two whole cores in each
primary domain is recommended but not required.

A domain loses time during the migration process. To mitigate this time-loss issue,
synchronize the domain to be migrated with an external time source, such as a Network Time
Protocol (NTP) server. When you configure a domain as an NTP client, the domain's date and
time are corrected shortly after the migration completes.

To configure a domain as an Oracle Solaris 10 NTP client, see Managing Network Time
Protocol (Tasks) in System Administration Guide: Network Services . To configure a domain as
an Oracle Solaris 11 NTP client, see Managing Network Time Protocol (Tasks) in
Introduction to Oracle Solaris 11 Network Services .

292 Oracle VM Server for SPARC 3.3 Administration Guide October 2015
Migrating an Active Domain

Note During the suspend phase at the end of a migration, a guest domain might experience a
slight delay. This delay should not result in any noticeable interrupt to network
communications, especially if the protocol includes a retry mechanism such as TCP or if a retry
mechanism exists at the application level such as NFS over UDP. However, if the guest domain
runs a network-sensitive application such as Routing Information Protocol (RIP), the domain
might experience a short delay or interrupt when attempting an operation. This delay would
occur during the short period when the guest network interface is being torn down and
re-created during the suspension phase.

Domain Migration Requirements for CPUs

Following are the requirements and restrictions on CPUs when you perform a migration:
The target machine must have sufficient free virtual CPUs to accommodate the number of
virtual CPUs in use by the domain to be migrated.
Setting the cpu-arch property on the guest domain enables you to migrate the domain
between systems that have different processor types. Note that the guest domain must be in
a bound or inactive state to change the cpu-arch value.
The supported cpu-arch property values are as follows:
native uses CPU-specific hardware features to enable a guest domain to migrate only
between platforms that have the same CPU type. native is the default value.
migration-class1 is a cross-CPU migration family for SPARC platforms starting with
the SPARC T4. These platforms support hardware cryptography during and after these
migrations so that there is a lower bound to the supported CPUs.
This value is not compatible with UltraSPARC T2, UltraSPARC T2 Plus, or SPARC T3
platforms, or Fujitsu M10 platforms.
sparc64-class1 is a cross-CPU migration family for SPARC64 platforms. Because the
sparc64-class1 value is based on SPARC64 instructions, it has a greater number of
instructions than the generic value. Therefore, it does not have a performance impact
compared to the generic value.
This value is compatible only with Fujitsu M10 servers.
generic uses the lowest common CPU hardware features that are used by all platforms
to enable a guest domain to perform a CPU-type-independent migration.

The following isainfo -v commands show the instructions that are available on a system
when cpu-arch=generic and when cpu-arch=migration-class1.
# isainfo -v
64-bit sparcv9 applications
asi_blk_init vis2 vis popc

Chapter 13 Migrating Domains 293

Migrating an Active Domain

32-bit sparc applications

asi_blk_init vis2 vis popc v8plus div32 mul32
# isainfo -v
64-bit sparcv9 applications
crc32c cbcond pause mont mpmul sha512 sha256 sha1 md5
camellia des aes ima hpc vis3 fmaf asi_blk_init vis2
vis popc
32-bit sparc applications
crc32c cbcond pause mont mpmul sha512 sha256 sha1 md5
camellia des aes ima hpc vis3 fmaf asi_blk_init vis2
vis popc v8plus div32 mul32

Using the generic value might result in reduced performance of the guest domain
compared to using the native value. The possible performance degradation occurs because
the guest domain uses only generic CPU features that are available on all supported CPU
types instead of using the native hardware features of a particular CPU. By not using these
features, the generic value enables the flexibility of migrating the domain between systems
that use CPUs that support different features.

If migrating a domain between at least SPARC T4 systems, you can set

cpu-arch=migration-class1 to improve the guest domain performance. While the
performance is improved from using the generic value, the native value still provides the
best performance for the guest domain.

Use the psrinfo -pv command when the cpu-arch property is set to native to determine
the processor type, as follows:
# psrinfo -pv
The physical processor has 2 virtual processors (0 1)
SPARC-T5 (chipid 0, clock 3600 MHz)

Note that when the cpu-arch property is set to a value other than native, the psrinfo -pv
output does not show the platform type. Instead, the command shows that the sun4v-cpu
CPU module is loaded.
# psrinfo -pv
The physical processor has 2 cores and 13 virtual processors (0-12)
The core has 8 virtual processors (0-7)
The core has 5 virtual processors (8-12)
sun4v-cpu (chipid 0, clock 3600 MHz)

Migration Requirements for Memory

The target machine memory requirements are as follows:
Sufficient free memory to accommodate the migration of a domain
The free memory must be available in a compatible layout

294 Oracle VM Server for SPARC 3.3 Administration Guide October 2015
Migrating an Active Domain

Compatibility requirements differ for each SPARC platform. However, at a minimum the real
address and physical address alignment relative to the largest supported page size must be
preserved for each memory block in the migrated domain.

Use the pagesize commmand to determine the largest page size that is supported on the target

For a guest domain that runs at least the Oracle Solaris 11.3 OS, the migrated domain's memory
blocks might be automatically split up during the migration so that the migrated domain can fit
into smaller available free memory blocks. Memory blocks can only be split up on boundaries
aligned with the largest page size.

Other memory layout requirements for operating systems, firmware, or platforms might
prevent memory blocks from being split during a given migration. This situation could cause
the migration to fail even when the total amount of free memory available is sufficient for the

Migration Requirements for Physical I/O Devices

Domains that have direct access to physical devices cannot be migrated. For example, you
cannot migrate I/O domains. However, virtual devices that are associated with physical devices
can be migrated.

For more information, see Migration Requirements for PCIe Endpoint Devices on page 296
and Migration Requirements for PCIe SR-IOV Virtual Functions on page 296.

Migration Requirements for Virtual I/O Devices

All virtual I/O services that are used by the domain to be migrated must be available on the
target machine. In other words, the following conditions must exist:
Each virtual disk back end that is used in the domain to be migrated must be defined on the
target machine. This shared storage can be a SAN disk, or storage that is available by means
of the NFS or iSCSI protocols. The virtual disk back end you define must have the same
volume and service names as on the source machine. Paths to the back end might be
different on the source and target machines, but they must refer to the same back end.

Caution A migration will succeed even if the paths to a virtual disk back end on the source
and target machines do not refer to the same storage. However, the behavior of the domain
on the target machine will be unpredictable, and the domain is likely to be unusable. To
remedy the situation, stop the domain, correct the configuration issue, and then restart the
domain. If you do not perform these steps, the domain might be left in an inconsistent state.

Chapter 13 Migrating Domains 295

Migrating an Active Domain

Each virtual network device in the domain to be migrated must have a corresponding virtual
network switch on the target machine. Each virtual network switch must have the same
name as the virtual network switch to which the device is attached on the source machine.
For example, if vnet0 in the domain to be migrated is attached to a virtual switch service
named switch-y, a domain on the target machine must provide a virtual switch service
named switch-y.

Note The physical network on the target machine must be correctly configured so that the
migrated domain can access the network resources it requires. Otherwise, some network
services might become unavailable on the domain after the migration completes.
For example, you might want to ensure that the domain can access the correct network
subnet. Also, you might want to ensure that gateways, routers, or firewalls are properly
configured so that the domain can reach the required remote systems from the target

MAC addresses used by the domain to be migrated that are in the automatically allocated
range must be available for use on the target machine.
A virtual console concentrator (vcc) service must exist on the target machine and have at
least one free port. Explicit console constraints are ignored during the migration. The
console for the migrated domain is created by using the migrated domain name as the
console group and by using any available port on any available vcc device in the control
domain. If no available ports are available in the control domain, the console is created by
using an available port on an available vcc device in a service domain. The migration fails if
there is a conflict with the default group name.
Each virtual SAN that is used by the domain to be migrated must be defined on the target

Migration Requirements for PCIe Endpoint Devices

You cannot perform a domain migration on an I/O domain that is configured with PCIe
endpoint devices.
For information about the direct I/O feature, see Creating an I/O Domain by Assigning PCIe
Endpoint Devices on page 143.

Migration Requirements for PCIe SR-IOV Virtual

You cannot perform a domain migration on an I/O domain that is configured with PCIe
SR-IOV virtual functions.

296 Oracle VM Server for SPARC 3.3 Administration Guide October 2015
Migrating an Active Domain

For information about the SR-IOV feature, see Chapter 7, Creating an I/O Domain by Using
PCIe SR-IOV Virtual Functions.

Migration Requirements for NIU Hybrid I/O

You can migrate a domain that uses NIU Hybrid I/O resources. A constraint that specifies NIU
Hybrid I/O resources is not a hard requirement of a domain. If such a domain is migrated to a
machine that does not have available NIU resources, the constraint is preserved but not

Note that the NIU Hybrid I/O feature is deprecated in favor of SR-IOV. Oracle VM Server for
SPARC 3.3 is the last software release to include this feature.

Migration Requirements for Cryptographic Units

On platforms that have cryptographic units, you can migrate a guest domain that has bound
cryptographic units if it runs an operating system that supports cryptographic unit dynamic
reconfiguration (DR).

At the start of the migration, the Logical Domains Manager determines whether the domain to
be migrated supports cryptographic unit DR. If supported, the Logical Domains Manager
attempts to remove any cryptographic units from the domain. After the migration completes,
the cryptographic units are re-added to the migrated domain.

Note If the constraints for cryptographic units cannot be met on the target machine, the
migration operation will not be blocked. In such a case, the migrated domain might have fewer
cryptographic units than it had prior to the migration operation.

Delayed Reconfiguration in an Active Domain

Any active delayed reconfiguration operations on the source or target machine prevent a
migration from starting. You are not permitted to initiate a delayed reconfiguration operation
while a migration is in progress.

Migrating While an Active Domain Has the Power

Management Elastic Policy in Effect
You can perform a live migration when the power management (PM) elastic policy is in effect
on either the source machine or the target machine.

Chapter 13 Migrating Domains 297

Migrating Bound or Inactive Domains

Operations on Other Domains

While a migration is in progress on a machine, any operation that might result in the
modification of the state or configuration of the domain being migrated is blocked. All
operations on the domain itself, as well as operations such as bind and stop on other domains
on the machine, are blocked.

Migrating a Domain From the OpenBoot PROM or a

Domain That Is Running in the Kernel Debugger
Performing a domain migration requires coordination between the Logical Domains Manager
and the Oracle Solaris OS that is running in the domain to be migrated. When a domain to be
migrated is running in OpenBoot or in the kernel debugger (kmdb), this coordination is not
possible. As a result, the migration attempt fails.

When a domain to be migrated is running in OpenBoot, you will see the following message:

primary# ldm migrate ldg1 system2

Migration is not supported while the domain ldg1 is in the OpenBoot Running state
Domain Migration of LDom ldg1 failed

When a domain to be migrated is running in the kernel debugger (kmdb), you will see the
following message:

primary# ldm migrate ldg1 system2

Migration is not supported while the domain ldg1 is in the Solaris debugging state
Domain Migration of LDom ldg1 failed

Migrating Bound or Inactive Domains

Only a few domain migration restrictions apply to a bound or inactive domain because such
domains are not executing at the time of the migration. Therefore, you can migrate between
different platform types, such as SPARC T3 to SPARC T5 platforms or Fujitsu M10 platforms,
because no runtime state is being copied across.

The migration of a bound domain requires that the target machine is able to satisfy the CPU,
memory, and I/O constraints of the domain to be migrated. If these constraints cannot be met,
the migration will fail.

298 Oracle VM Server for SPARC 3.3 Administration Guide October 2015
Migrating Bound or Inactive Domains

Caution When you migrate a bound domain, the virtual disk back-end options and mpgroup
values are not checked because no runtime state information is exchanged with the target
machine. This check does occur when you migrate an active domain.

The migration of an inactive domain does not have such requirements. However, the target
machine must satisfy the migrated domain's constraints when a bind is later attempted or the
domain binding will fail.

Note After a domain migration completes, save a new configuration to the SP of both the
source and target systems. As a result, the state of the migrated domain is correct if either the
source or target system undergoes a power cycle.

Migration Requirements for Virtual I/O Devices

For an inactive domain, no checks are performed of the virtual I/O (VIO) constraints.
Therefore, the VIO servers do not need to exist for the migration to succeed. As with any
inactive domain, the VIO servers must exist and be available at the time the domain is bound.

Migration Requirements for PCIe Endpoint Devices

You cannot perform a domain migration on an I/O domain that is configured with PCIe
endpoint devices. This requirement applies to bound domains but not to inactive domains.

For information about the direct I/O (DIO) feature, see Creating an I/O Domain by Assigning
PCIe Endpoint Devices on page 143.

Migration Requirements for PCIe SR-IOV Virtual

You cannot perform a domain migration on an I/O domain that is configured with PCIe
SR-IOV virtual functions. This requirement applies to bound domains but not to inactive

For information about the SR-IOV feature, see Chapter 7, Creating an I/O Domain by Using
PCIe SR-IOV Virtual Functions.

Chapter 13 Migrating Domains 299

Monitoring a Migration in Progress

Monitoring a Migration in Progress

When a migration is in progress, the domain being migrated and the migrated domain are
shown differently in the status output. The output of the ldm list command indicates the state
of the migrating domain.

The sixth column in the FLAGS field shows one of the following values:
s The domain that is the source of the migration.
+ The migrated domain that is the target of the migration.
e An error has occurred that requires user intervention.

The following command shows that the ldg-src domain is the source of the migration:

# ldm list ldg-src

ldg-src suspended -n---s 1 1G 0.0% 2h 7m

The following command shows that the ldg-tgt domain is the target of the migration:

# ldm list ldg-tgt

ldg-tgt bound -----t 5000 1 1G

The long form of the status output shows additional information about the migration. On the
source machine, the status output shows the completion percentage of the operation as well as
the names of the target machine and the migrated domain. Similarly, on the target machine, the
status output shows the completion percentage of the operation as well as the names of the
source machine and the domain being migrated.

The following command shows the progress of a migration operation for the ldg-src domain:

# ldm list -o status ldg-src

migration 17% system2

Canceling a Migration in Progress

After a migration starts, the migration operation is terminated if the ldm command is
interrupted by a KILL signal. When the migration operation is terminated, the migrated
domain is destroyed and the domain to be migrated is resumed if it was active. If the controlling
shell of the ldm command is lost, the migration continues in the background.

A migration operation can also be canceled externally by using the ldm cancel-operation
command. This command terminates the migration in progress and the domain being

300 Oracle VM Server for SPARC 3.3 Administration Guide October 2015
Migration Examples

migrated resumes as the active domain. The ldm cancel-operation command must be
initiated from the source machine. On a given machine, any migration-related command
affects the migration operation that was started from that machine. A target machine cannot
control a migration operation.

Recovering From a Failed Migration

The migration operation terminates if the network connection is lost after the domain being
migrated has completed sending all the runtime state information to the migrated domain but
before the migrated domain can acknowledge that the domain has been resumed.

You must determine whether the migration completed successfully by taking the following
1. Determine whether the migrated domain has successfully resumed operations. The
migrated domain will be in one of two states:
If the migration completed successfully, the migrated domain is in the normal state.
If the migration failed, the target machine cleans up and destroys the migrated domain.
2. If the migrated domain successfully resumed operations, you can safely destroy the domain
on the source machine that is in the error state. However, if the migrated domain is not
present, the domain on the source machine is still the master version of the domain and
must be recovered. To recover this domain, run the ldm cancel-operation command on
the source machine. This command clears the error state and restores the domain to its
original condition.

Migration Examples
EXAMPLE 131 Using SSL Certificates to Perform a Guest Domain Migration
This example shows how to migrate the ldg1 domain to a machine called system2. Before the
migration operation starts, you must have configured the SSL certificates on both the source
and target machines. See How to Configure SSL Certificates for Migration on page 286.

# ldm migrate-domain -c ldg1 system2

EXAMPLE 132 Migrating a Guest Domain

This example shows how to migrate the ldg1 domain to a machine called system2.

# ldm migrate-domain ldg1 system2

Target Password:

To perform this migration without being prompted for the target machine password, use the
following command:

Chapter 13 Migrating Domains 301

Migration Examples

EXAMPLE 132 Migrating a Guest Domain (Continued)

# ldm migrate-domain -p pfile ldg1 system2

The -p option takes a file name as an argument. The specified file contains the superuser
password for the target machine. In this example, pfile contains the password for the target
machine, system2.

EXAMPLE 133 Migrating and Renaming a Guest Domain

This example shows how to rename a domain as part of the migration operation. The ldg-src
domain on the source machine is renamed to ldg-tgt on the target machine (system2) as part
of the migration. In addition, the ldm-admin user is used for authentication on the target

# ldm migrate ldg-src ldm-admin@system2:ldg-tgt

Target Password:

EXAMPLE 134 Migration Failure Message

This example shows the error message that you might see if the target machine does not support
the latest migration functionality.

# ldm migrate ldg1 dt212-346

Target Password:
The target machine is running an older version of the domain
manager that does not support the latest migration functionality.

Upgrading to the latest software will remove restrictions on

a migrated domain that are in effect until it is rebooted.
Consult the product documentation for a full description of
these restrictions.

The target machine is running an older version of the domain manager

that is not compatible with the version running on the source machine.

Domain Migration of LDom ldg1 failed

EXAMPLE 135 Obtaining the Migration Status for the Domain on the Target Machine
This example shows how to obtain the status on a migrated domain while a migration is in
progress. In this example, the source machine is t5-sys-1.

# ldm list -o status ldg-tgt


migration 55% t5-sys-1

302 Oracle VM Server for SPARC 3.3 Administration Guide October 2015
Migration Examples

EXAMPLE 136 Obtaining the Parseable Migration Status for the Domain on the Source Machine
This example shows how to obtain the parseable status on the domain being migrated while a
migration is in progress. In this example, the target machine is system2.

# ldm list -o status -p ldg-src


Chapter 13 Migrating Domains 303


Managing Resources
1 4

This chapter contains information about performing resource management on Oracle VM

Server for SPARC systems.

This chapter covers the following topics:

Resource Reconfiguration on page 305
Resource Allocation on page 307
CPU Allocation on page 308
Configuring the System With Hard Partitions on page 311
Assigning Physical Resources to Domains on page 318
Using Memory Dynamic Reconfiguration on page 322
Using Resource Groups on page 329
Using Power Management on page 330
Using Dynamic Resource Management on page 330
Listing Domain Resources on page 333
Using Perf-Counter Properties on page 339

Resource Reconfiguration
A system that runs the Oracle VM Server for SPARC software is able to configure resources,
such as virtual CPUs, virtual I/O devices, cryptographic units, and memory. Some resources
can be configured dynamically on a running domain, while others must be configured on a
stopped domain. If a resource cannot be dynamically configured on the control domain, you
must first initiate a delayed reconfiguration. The delayed reconfiguration postpones the
configuration activities until after the control domain has been rebooted.

Resource Reconfiguration

Dynamic Reconfiguration
Dynamic reconfiguration (DR) enables resources to be added or removed while the operating
system (OS) is running. The capability to perform DR of a particular resource type is dependent
on having support in the OS running in the logical domain.

Dynamic reconfiguration is supported for the following resources:

Virtual CPUs Supported in all versions of the Oracle Solaris 10 OS and the Oracle Solaris
11 OS
Virtual I/O devices Supported in at least the Oracle Solaris 10 10/08 OS and the Oracle
Solaris 11 OS
Cryptographic units Supported in at least the Oracle Solaris 10 1/13 OS and the Oracle
Solaris 11 OS
Memory See Using Memory Dynamic Reconfiguration on page 322
CPU whole cores See Fully Qualified Oracle Solaris OS Versions in Oracle VM Server for
SPARC 3.3 Installation Guide
Physical I/O devices Not supported

To use the DR capability, the Logical Domains DR daemon, drd, must be running in the
domain that you want to change. See the drd(1M) man page.

Delayed Reconfiguration
In contrast to DR operations that take place immediately, delayed reconfiguration operations
take effect in the following circumstances:
After the next reboot of the OS
After a stop and start of a logical domain if no OS is running

In general, delayed reconfiguration operations are restricted to the control domain. For all other
domains, you must stop the domain to modify the configuration unless the resource can be
dynamically reconfigured.

Delayed reconfiguration operations are restricted to the control domain. You can run a limited
number of commands while a delayed reconfiguration on the root domain is in progress to
support operations that cannot be completed dynamically. These subcommands are add-io,
set-io, remove-io, create-vf, and destroy-vf. You can also run the ldm start-reconf
command on the root domain. For all other domains, you must stop the domain to modify the
configuration unless the resource can be dynamically reconfigured.

While a delayed reconfiguration is in progress, other reconfiguration requests for that domain
are deferred until it is rebooted or stopped and started.

306 Oracle VM Server for SPARC 3.3 Administration Guide October 2015
Resource Allocation

The ldm cancel-reconf command cancels delayed reconfiguration operations on the domain.
For more information about how to use the delayed reconfiguration feature, see the ldm(1M)
man page.

Note You cannot use the ldm cancel-reconf command if any other ldm remove-* commands
have already performed a delayed reconfiguration operation on virtual I/O devices. The ldm
cancel-reconf command fails in this circumstance.

You can use delayed reconfiguration to decrease resources on the control domain. To remove a
large number of CPUs from the control domain, see Removing a Large Number of CPUs From
a Domain Might Fail in Oracle VM Server for SPARC 3.3 Release Notes. To remove large
amounts of memory from the control domain, see Decrease the Control Domain's Memory
on page 323.

Note When the primary domain is in a delayed reconfiguration state, resources that are
managed by Oracle VM Server for SPARC are power-managed only after the primary domain
reboots. Resources that are managed directly by the OS, such as CPUs that are managed by the
Solaris Power Aware Dispatcher, are not affected by this state.

Only One CPU Configuration Operation Is Permitted to Be Performed

During a Delayed Reconfiguration
Do not attempt to perform more than one CPU configuration operation on the primary
domain while it is in a delayed reconfiguration. If you attempt more CPU configuration
requests, they will be rejected.

Workaround: Perform one of the following actions:

Cancel the delayed reconfiguration, start another one, and request the configuration
changes that were lost from the previous delayed reconfiguration.
Reboot the control domain with the incorrect CPU count and then make the allocation
corrections after the domain reboots.

Resource Allocation
The resource allocation mechanism uses resource allocation constraints to assign resources to a
domain at bind time.

A resource allocation constraint is a hard requirement that the system must meet when you
assign a resource to a domain. If the constraint cannot be met, both the resource allocation and
the binding of the domain fail.

Chapter 14 Managing Resources 307

CPU Allocation

Caution Do not create a circular dependency between two domains in which each domain
provides services to the other. Such a configuration creates a single point of failure condition
where an outage in one domain causes the other domain to become unavailable. Circular
dependency configurations also prevent you from unbinding the domains after they have been
bound initially.

The Logical Domains Manager does not prevent the creation of circular domain dependencies.

If the domains cannot be unbound due to a circular dependency, remove the devices that cause
the dependency and then attempt to unbind the domains.

CPU Allocation
When you run threads from the same core in separate domains, you might experience
unpredictable and poor performance. The Oracle VM Server for SPARC software uses the CPU
affinity feature to optimize CPU allocation during the logical domain binding process, which
occurs before you can start the domain. This feature attempts to keep threads from the same
core allocated to the same logical domain because this type of allocation improves cache sharing
between the threads within the same core.

CPU affinity attempts to avoid the sharing of cores among domains unless there is no other
recourse. When a domain has been allocated a partial core and requests more strands, the
strands from the partial core are bound first, and then another free core is located to fulfill the
request, if necessary.

The CPU allocation mechanism uses the following constraints for CPU resources:
Whole-core constraint. This constraint specifies that CPU cores are allocated to a domain
rather than virtual CPUs. As long as the domain does not have the max-cores constraint
enabled, the whole-core constraint can be added or removed by using the ldm set-core or
ldm set-vcpu command, respectively. The domain can be inactive, bound, or active.
However, enough cores must be available to satisfy the request to apply the constraint. As a
worst-case example, if a domain that shares cores with another domain requests the
whole-core constraint, cores from the free list would need to be available to satisfy the
request. As a best-case example, all the virtual CPUs in the core are already on core
boundaries, so the constraint is applied without changes to CPU resources.
Maximum number of cores (max-cores) constraint. This constraint specifies the
maximum number of cores that can be assigned to a bound or active domain.

How to Apply the Whole-Core Constraint

Ensure that the domain has the whole-core constraint enabled prior to setting the max-cores

308 Oracle VM Server for SPARC 3.3 Administration Guide October 2015
CPU Allocation

1 Apply the whole-core constraint on the domain.

primary# ldm set-core 1 domain-name

2 Verify that the domain has the whole-core constraint enabled.

primary# ldm ls -o resmgmt domain-name
Notice that max-cores is set to unlimited. The domain cannot be used in conjunction with
hard partitioning until the max-cores constraint is enabled.

Example 141 Applying the Whole-Core Constraint

This example shows how to apply the whole-core constraint on the ldg1 domain. The first
command applies the constraint, while the second command verifies that it is enabled.

primary# ldm set-core 1 ldg1

primary# ldm ls -o resmgmt ldg1


How to Apply the Max-Cores Constraint

Ensure that the domain has the whole-core constraint enabled prior to setting the max-cores

You can only enable, modify, or disable the max-cores constraint on an inactive domain, not on
a domain that is bound or active. Before you update the max-cores constraint on the control
domain, you must first initiate a delayed reconfiguration.

1 Enable the max-cores constraint on the domain.

primary# ldm set-domain max-cores=max-number-of-CPU-cores domain-name

Note The cryptographic units that are associated with those cores are unaffected by core
additions. So, the system does not automatically add the associated cryptographic units to the
domain. However, a cryptographic unit is automatically removed only when the last virtual
CPU of the core is being removed. This action prevents a cryptographic unit from being

2 Verify that the whole-core constraint is enabled.

primary# ldm ls -o resmgmt domain-name

Chapter 14 Managing Resources 309

CPU Allocation

3 Bind and restart the domain.

primary# ldm bind domain-name
primary# ldm start domain-name
Now, you can use the domain with hard partitioning.

Example 142 Applying the Max-Cores Constraint

This example shows how to constrain max-cores to three cores by setting the max-cores
property, and verifying that the constraint is enabled:

primary# ldm set-domain max-cores=3 ldg1

primary# ldm ls -o resmgmt ldg1

Now, you can use the domain with hard partitioning.

The following example removes the max-cores constraint from the unbound and inactive ldg1
domain, but leaves the whole-core constraint as-is.

primary# ldm stop ldg1

primary# ldm unbind ldg1
primary# ldm set-domain max-cores=unlimited ldg1

Alternately, to remove both the max-cores constraint and the whole-core constraint from the
ldg1 domain, assign virtual CPUs instead of cores, as follows:

primary# ldm set-vcpu 8 ldg1

In either case, bind and restart the domain.

primary# ldm bind ldg1

primary# ldm start ldg1

Interactions Between the Whole-Core Constraint and

Other Domain Features
This section describes the interactions between the whole-core constraint and the following
CPU Dynamic Reconfiguration on page 311
Dynamic Resource Management on page 311

310 Oracle VM Server for SPARC 3.3 Administration Guide October 2015
Configuring the System With Hard Partitions

CPU Dynamic Reconfiguration

The whole-core constraint is fully compatible with CPU dynamic reconfiguration (DR). When
a domain is defined with the whole-core constraint, you can use the ldm add-core, ldm
set-core, or ldm remove-core command to change the number of cores on an active domain.

However, if a bound or active domain is not in delayed reconfiguration mode, its number of
cores cannot exceed the maximum number of cores. This maximum is set with the maximum
core constraint, which is automatically enabled when the whole-core constraint is enabled. Any
CPU DR operation that does not satisfy the maximum core constraint fails.

Dynamic Resource Management

The whole-core constraint is fully compatible with dynamic resource management (DRM).

The expected interactions between the whole-core constraint and DRM are as follows:
While a DRM policy exists for a domain, you cannot switch the domain from being
whole-core constrained to whole-core unconstrained or from being whole-core
unconstrained to whole-core constrained. For example:
When a domain is whole-core constrained, you cannot use the ldm set-vcpu command
to specify a number of virtual CPUs and to remove the whole-core constraint.
When a domain is not whole-core constrained, you cannot use the ldm set-core
command to specify a number of whole cores and to add the whole-core constraint.
When a domain is whole-core constrained and you specify the attack, decay, vcpu-min, or
vcpu-max value, the value must be a whole-core multiple.

Configuring the System With Hard Partitions

This section describes hard partitioning with the Oracle VM Server for SPARC software, and
how to use hard partitioning to conform to the Oracle CPU licensing requirements.

For information about Oracle's hard partitioning requirements for software licenses, see
Partitioning: Server/Hardware Partitioning (
CPU cores and CPU threads. The Oracle VM Server for SPARC software runs on SPARC
T-Series and SPARC M-Series platforms, and Fujitsu M10 platforms. The processors that
are used in these systems have multiple CPU cores, each of which contains multiple CPU
Hard partitioning and CPU whole cores. Beginning with the Oracle VM Server for SPARC
2.0 release, hard partitioning is enforced by using CPU whole-core configurations. A CPU
whole-core configuration has domains that are allocated CPU whole cores instead of
individual CPU threads. By default, a domain is configured to use CPU threads.

Chapter 14 Managing Resources 311

Configuring the System With Hard Partitions

When binding a domain in a whole-core configuration, the system provisions the specified
number of CPU cores and all its CPU threads to the domain. Using a CPU whole-core
configuration limits the number of CPU cores that can be dynamically assigned to a bound
or active domain.
Oracle hard partition licensing. To conform to the Oracle hard partition licensing
requirement, you must use at least the Oracle VM Server for SPARC 2.0 release. You must
also use CPU whole cores as follows:
A domain that runs applications that use Oracle hard partition licensing must be
configured with CPU whole cores.
A domain that does not run applications that use Oracle hard partition licensing is not
required to be configured with CPU whole cores. For example, if you do not run any
Oracle applications in the control domain, that domain is not required to be configured
with CPU whole cores.

Checking the Configuration of a Domain

You use the ldm list-o command to determine whether a domain is configured with CPU
whole cores and how to list the CPU cores that are assigned to a domain.
To determine whether the domain is configured with CPU whole cores:
primary# ldm list -o resmgmt domain-name

Verify that the whole-core constraint appears in the output and that the max-cores property
specifies the maximum number of CPU cores that are configured for the domain. See the
ldm(1M) man page.

The following command shows that the ldg1 domain is configured with CPU whole cores
and a maximum of five cores:
primary# ldm list -o resmgmt ldg1
When a domain is bound, CPU cores are assigned to the domain. To list the CPU cores that
are assigned to a domain:
primary# ldm list -o core domain-name

The following command shows the cores that are assigned to the ldg1 domain:
primary# ldm list -o core ldg1

312 Oracle VM Server for SPARC 3.3 Administration Guide October 2015
Configuring the System With Hard Partitions

1 (8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15)
2 (16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23)

Configuring a Domain With CPU Whole Cores

The tasks in this section explain how to create a new domain with CPU whole cores, how to
configure an existing domain with CPU whole cores, and how to configure the primary domain
with CPU whole cores.

Use the following command to configure a domain to use CPU whole cores:

ldm set-core number-of-CPU-cores domain

This command also specifies the maximum number of CPU cores for the domain, which is the
CPU cap. See the ldm(1M) man page.

The CPU cap and the allocation of CPU cores is handled by separate commands. By using these
commands, you can independently allocate CPU cores, set a cap, or both. The allocation unit
can be set to cores even when no CPU cap is in place. However, running the system in this mode
is not acceptable for configuring hard partitioning on your Oracle VM Server for SPARC
Allocate the specified number of CPU cores to a domain by using the add-core, set-core,
or rm-core subcommand.
Set the CPU cap by using the create-domain or set-domain subcommand to specify the
max-cores property value.
You must set the cap if you want to configure hard partitioning on your Oracle VM Server
for SPARC system.

How to Create a New Domain With CPU Whole Cores

Note You only need to stop and unbind the domain if you optionally set the max-cores

1 Create the domain.

primary# ldm create domain-name

2 Set the number of CPU whole cores for the domain.

primary# ldm set-core number-of-CPU-cores domain

3 (Optional) Set the max-cores property for the domain.

primary# ldm set-domain max-cores=max-number-of-CPU-cores domain

Chapter 14 Managing Resources 313

Configuring the System With Hard Partitions

4 Configure the domain.

During this configuration, ensure that you use the ldm add-core, ldm set-core, or ldm
rm-core command.

5 Bind and start the domain.

primary# ldm bind domain-name
primary# ldm start domain-name

Example 143 Creating a New Domain With Two CPU Whole Cores
This example creates a domain, ldg1, with two CPU whole cores. The first command creates the
ldg1 domain. The second command configures the ldg1 domain with two CPU whole cores.

At this point, you can perform further configuration on the domain, subject to the restrictions
described in Step 3 in How to Create a New Domain With CPU Whole Cores on page 313.

The third and fourth commands show how to bind and start the ldg1 domain, at which time
you can use the ldg1 domain.

primary# ldm create ldg1

primary# ldm set-core 2 ldg1
primary# ldm bind ldg1
primary# ldm start ldg1

How to Configure an Existing Domain With CPU Whole Cores

If a domain already exists and is configured to use CPU threads, you can change its
configuration to use CPU whole cores.

1 (Optional) Stop and unbind the domain.

This step is required only if you also set the max-cores constraint.
primary# ldm stop domain-name
primary# ldm unbind domain-name

2 Set the number of CPU whole cores for the domain.

primary# ldm set-core number-of-CPU-cores domain

3 (Optional) Set the max-cores property for the domain.

primary# ldm set-domain max-cores=max-number-of-CPU-cores domain

4 (Optional) Rebind and restart the domain.

This step is required only if you also set the max-cores constraint.
primary# ldm bind domain-name
primary# ldm start domain-name

314 Oracle VM Server for SPARC 3.3 Administration Guide October 2015
Configuring the System With Hard Partitions

Example 144 Configuring an Existing Domain With Four CPU Whole Cores
This example updates the configuration of an existing domain, ldg1 by configuring it with four
CPU whole cores.

primary# ldm set-core 4 ldg1

How to Configure the Primary Domain With CPU Whole Cores

If the primary domain is configured to use CPU threads, you can change its configuration to
use CPU whole cores.

1 (Optional) Place the primary domain in delayed reconfiguration mode.

You need to initiate a delayed reconfiguration only if you want to modify the max-cores
primary# ldm start-reconf primary

2 Set the number of CPU whole cores for the primary domain.
primary# ldm set-core number-of-CPU-cores primary

3 (Optional) Set the max-cores property for the primary domain.

primary# ldm set-domain max-cores=max-number-of-CPU-cores primary

4 (Optional) Reboot the primary domain.

Use the appropriate procedure to reboot the primary domain depending on the system
configuration. See Rebooting the Root Domain With PCIe Endpoints Configured on
page 149.
You need to reboot the domain only if you want to modify the max-cores property.

Example 145 Configuring the Control Domain With Two CPU Whole Cores
This example configures CPU whole cores on the primary domain. The first command initiates
delayed reconfiguration mode on the primary domain. The second command configures the
primary domain with two CPU whole cores. The third command sets the max-cores property
to 2, and the fourth command reboots the primary domain.

primary# ldm start-reconf primary

primary# ldm set-core 2 primary
primary# ldm set-domain max-cores=2 primary
primary# shutdown -i 5

The optional Steps 1 and 4 are required only if you want to modify the max-cores property.

Chapter 14 Managing Resources 315

Configuring the System With Hard Partitions

Interaction of Hard Partitioned Systems With Other

Oracle VM Server for SPARC Features
This section describes how hard partitioned systems interact with other Oracle VM Server for
SPARC features.

CPU Dynamic Reconfiguration

You can use CPU dynamic reconfiguration with domains that are configured with CPU whole
cores. However, you can add or remove only entire CPU cores, not individual CPU threads. The
hard partitioning state of the system is maintained by the CPU dynamic reconfiguration
feature. In addition, if CPU cores are dynamically added to a domain, the maximum is
enforced. Therefore, the CPU DR command would fail if it attempted to exceed the maximum
number of CPUs.

Note The max-cores property cannot be altered unless the domain is stopped and unbound.
So, to increase the maximum number of cores from the value specified at the time the
whole-core constraint was set, you must first stop and unbind the domain.

Use the following commands to dynamically add to or remove CPU whole cores from a bound
or active domain and to dynamically set the number of CPU whole cores for a bound or active

ldm add-core number-of-CPU-cores domain

ldm rm-core number-of-CPU-cores domain

ldm set-core number-of-CPU-cores domain

Note If the domain is not active, these commands also adjust the maximum number of CPU
cores for the domain. If the domain is bound or active, these commands do not affect the
maximum number of CPU cores for the domain.

EXAMPLE 146 Dynamically Adding Two CPU Whole Cores to a Domain

This example shows how to dynamically add two CPU whole cores to the ldg1 domain. The
ldg1 domain is an active domain that has been configured with CPU whole cores. The first
command shows that the ldg1 domain is active. The second command shows that the ldg1
domain is configured with CPU whole cores and a maximum of four CPU cores. The third and
fifth commands show the CPU cores that are assigned to the domain before and after the
addition of two CPU whole cores. The fourth command dynamically adds two CPU whole
cores to the ldg1 domain.

316 Oracle VM Server for SPARC 3.3 Administration Guide October 2015
Configuring the System With Hard Partitions

EXAMPLE 146 Dynamically Adding Two CPU Whole Cores to a Domain (Continued)

primary# ldm list ldg1

ldg1 active -n---- 5000 16 2G 0.4% 5d 17h 49m
primary# ldm list -o resmgmt ldg1
primary# ldm list -o core ldg1
1 (8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15)
2 (16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23)
primary# ldm add-core 2 ldg1
primary# ldm list -o core ldg1

1 (8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15)
2 (16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23)
3 (24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31)
4 (32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39)

CPU Dynamic Resource Management

Dynamic resource management (DRM) can be used to automatically manage CPU resources
on some domains.

Power Management
You can set a separate power management (PM) policy for each hard-partitioned domain.

Domain Reboot or Rebind

A domain that is configured with CPU whole cores remains configured with CPU whole cores
when the domain is restarted, or if the entire system is restarted. A domain uses the same
physical CPU cores for the entire time it remains bound. For example, if a domain is rebooted, it
uses the same physical CPU cores both before and after the reboot. Or, if the entire system is
powered off while a domain is bound, that domain will be configured with the same physical
CPU cores when the system is powered on again. If you unbind a domain and then rebind it, or
if the entire system is restarted with a new configuration, the domain might use different
physical CPU cores.

Chapter 14 Managing Resources 317

Assigning Physical Resources to Domains

Assigning Physical Resources to Domains

The Logical Domains Manager automatically selects the physical resources to be assigned to a
domain. The Oracle VM Server for SPARC 3.3 software also enables expert administrators to
explicitly choose the physical resources to assign to or remove from a domain.

Resources that you explicitly assign are called named resources. Resources that are automatically
assigned are called anonymous resources.

Caution Do not assign named resources unless you are an expert administrator.

You can explicitly assign physical resources to the control domain and to guest domains.
Because the control domain remains active, the control domain might optionally be in a
delayed reconfiguration before you make physical resource assignments. Or, a delayed
reconfiguration is automatically triggered when you make physical assignments. See
Managing Physical Resources on the Control Domain on page 321. For information about
physical resource restrictions, see Restrictions for Managing Physical Resources on Domains
on page 321.

You can explicitly assign the following physical resources to the control domain and to guest
Physical CPUs. Assign the physical core IDs to the domain by setting the cid property.
The cid property should be used only by an administrator who is knowledgeable about the
topology of the system to be configured. This advanced configuration feature enforces
specific allocation rules and might affect the overall performance of the system.
You can set this property by running any of the following commands:
ldm add-core cid=core-ID[,core-ID[,...]] domain-name
ldm set-core cid=core-ID[,core-ID[,...]] domain-name

ldm rm-core [-f] cid=core-ID[,core-ID[,...]] domain-name

If you specify a core ID as the value of the cid property, core-ID is explicitly assigned to or
removed from the domain.

Note You cannot use the ldm add-core command to add named core resources to a
domain that already uses anonymous core resources.

Physical memory. Assign a set of contiguous physical memory regions to a domain by

setting the mblock property. Each physical memory region is specified as a physical memory
start address and a size.

318 Oracle VM Server for SPARC 3.3 Administration Guide October 2015
Assigning Physical Resources to Domains

The mblock property should be used only by an administrator who is knowledgeable about
the topology of the system to be configured. This advanced configuration feature enforces
specific allocation rules and might affect the overall performance of the system.
You can set this property by running any of the following commands:
ldm add-mem mblock=PA-start:size[,PA-start:size[,...]] domain-name
ldm set-mem mblock=PA-start:size[,PA-start:size[,...]] domain-name
ldm rm-mem mblock=PA-start:size[,PA-start:size[,...]] domain-name

To assign a memory block to or remove it from a domain, set the mblock property. A valid
value includes a physical memory starting address (PA-start) and a memory block size (size),
separated by a colon (:).

Note You cannot use dynamic reconfiguration (DR) to move memory or core resources
between running domains when you set the mblock or cid property. To move resources
between domains, ensure that the domains are in a bound or inactive state. For information
about managing physical resources on the control domain, see Managing Physical Resources
on the Control Domain on page 321.

Note If you migrate a domain, any named resources that you assigned by using the cid and
mblock properties are dropped. Instead, the domain uses anonymous resources on the target

You can use the ldm list-constraints command to view the resource constraints for
domains. The physical-bindings constraint specifies which resource types have been
physically assigned to a domain. When a domain is created, the physical-bindings constraint
is unset until a physical resource is assigned to that domain.

The physical-bindings constraint is set to particular values in the following cases:

memory when the mblock property is specified
core when the cid property is specified
core,memory when both the cid and mblock properties are specified

How to Remove the physical-bindings Constraint

To remove the physical-bindings constraint for a guest domain, you must first remove all
physically bound resources.

1 Unbind the domain.

primary# ldm unbind domain-name

Chapter 14 Managing Resources 319

Assigning Physical Resources to Domains

2 Remove the named resources.

To remove named cores:
primary# ldm set-core cid= domain-name
To remove named memory:
primary# ldm set-mem mblock= domain-name

3 Add CPU or memory resources.

To add a CPU resource:
primary# ldm add-vcpu number domain-name
To add a memory resource:
primary# ldm add-mem size[unit] domain-name

4 Rebind the domain.

primary# ldm bind domain-name

How to Remove All Non-Physically Bound Resources

To constrain guest domains that do not have the physical-bindings constraint, you must first
remove all non-physically bound resources.

1 Unbind the domain.

primary# ldm unbind domain-name

2 Set the number of resources to 0.

To set the CPU resource:
primary# ldm set-core 0 domain-name
To set the memory resource:
primary# ldm set-mem 0 domain-name

3 Add CPU or memory resources that are physically bound.

To add a CPU resource:
primary# ldm add-core cid=core-ID domain-name
To add a memory resource:
primary# ldm add-mem mblock=PA-start:size domain-name

4 Rebind the domain.

primary# ldm bind domain-name

320 Oracle VM Server for SPARC 3.3 Administration Guide October 2015
Assigning Physical Resources to Domains

Managing Physical Resources on the Control Domain

To constrain or remove the physical-bindings constraint from the control domain, follow the
appropriate steps in the previous section. However, instead of unbinding the domain, place the
control domain in a delayed reconfiguration.
A change of constraint between anonymous resources and physically bound named resources
auto-triggers a delayed reconfiguration. You can still explicitly enter a delayed reconfiguration
by using the ldm start-reconf primary command.
As with any delayed reconfiguration change, you must perform a reboot of the domain, in this
case the control domain, to complete the process.

Note When the control domain is in delayed reconfiguration mode, you can perform
unlimited memory assignments by using the ldm add-mem and ldm rm-mem commands on the
control domain. However, you can perform only one core assignment to the control domain by
using the ldm set-core command.

Restrictions for Managing Physical Resources on

The following restrictions apply to the assignment of physical resources:
You cannot make physical and non-physical memory bindings, or physical and
non-physical core bindings, in the same domain.
You can have non-physical memory and physical core bindings, or non-physical core and
physical memory bindings, in the same domain.
When you add a physical resource to a domain, the corresponding resource type becomes
constrained as a physical binding.
Attempts to add anonymous CPUs to or remove them from a domain where
physical-bindings=core will fail.
For unbound resources, the allocation and checking of the resources can occur only when
you run the ldm bind command.
When removing physical memory from a domain, you must remove the exact physical
memory block that was previously added.
Physical memory ranges must not overlap.
You can use only the ldm add-core cid= or ldm set-core cid= command to assign a
physical resource to a domain.
If you use the ldm add-mem mblock= or ldm set-mem mblock= command to assign multiple
physical memory blocks, the addresses and sizes are checked immediately for collisions with
other bindings.

Chapter 14 Managing Resources 321

Using Memory Dynamic Reconfiguration

A domain that has partial cores assigned to it can use the whole-core semantics if the
remaining CPUs of those cores are free and available.

Using Memory Dynamic Reconfiguration

Memory dynamic reconfiguration (DR) is capacity-based and enables you to add an arbitrary
amount of memory to or remove it from an active logical domain.
The requirements and restrictions for using the memory DR feature are as follows:
You can perform memory DR operations on any domain. However, only a single memory
DR operation can be in progress on a domain at a given time.
The memory DR feature enforces 256-Mbyte alignment on the address and size of the
memory involved in a given operation. See Memory Alignment on page 324.
Unaligned memory in the free memory pool cannot be assigned to a domain by using the
memory DR feature. See Adding Unaligned Memory on page 325.
If the memory of a domain cannot be reconfigured by using a memory DR operation, the
domain must be stopped before the memory can be reconfigured. If the domain is the control
domain, you must first initiate a delayed reconfiguration.
Under certain circumstances, the Logical Domains Manager rounds up the requested memory
allocation to either the next largest 8-Kbyte or 4-Mbyte multiple. The following example shows
sample output of the ldm list-domain -l command, where the constraint value is smaller
than the actual allocated size:

Constraints: 1965 M
raddr paddr5 size
0x1000000 0x291000000 1968M

Adding Memory
If a domain is active, you can use the ldm add-memory command to dynamically add memory to
the domain. The ldm set-memory command can also dynamically add memory if the specified
memory size is greater than the current memory size of the domain.

Removing Memory
If a domain is active, you can use the ldm remove-memory command to dynamically remove
memory from the domain. The ldm set-memory command can also dynamically remove
memory if the specified memory size is smaller than the current memory size of the domain.
Memory removal can be a long-running operation. You can track the progress of an ldm
remove-memory command by running the ldm list -l command for the specified domain.

322 Oracle VM Server for SPARC 3.3 Administration Guide October 2015
Using Memory Dynamic Reconfiguration

You can cancel a removal request that is in progress by interrupting the ldm remove-memory
command (by pressing Control-C) or by issuing the ldm cancel-operation memdr command.
If you cancel a memory removal request, only the outstanding portion of the removal request is
affected; namely, the amount of memory still to be removed from the domain.

Partial Memory DR Requests

A request to dynamically add memory to or remove memory from a domain might only be
partially fulfilled. This result depends on the availability of suitable memory to add or remove,

Note Memory is cleared after it is removed from a domain and before it is added to another

Memory Reconfiguration of the Control Domain

You can use the memory DR feature to reconfigure the memory of the control domain. If a
memory DR request cannot be performed on the control domain, you must first initiate a
delayed reconfiguration.

Using memory DR might not be appropriate for removing large amounts of memory from an
active domain because memory DR operations might be long running. In particular, during the
initial configuration of the system, you should use delayed reconfiguration to decrease the
memory in the control domain.

Decrease the Control Domain's Memory

Use a delayed reconfiguration instead of a memory DR to decrease the control domain's
memory from an initial factory default configuration. In such a case, the control domain owns
all of the host system's memory. The memory DR feature is not well suited for this purpose
because an active domain is not guaranteed to add, or more typically give up, all of the
requested memory. Rather, the OS running in that domain makes a best effort to fulfill the
request. In addition, memory removal can be a long-running operation. These issues are
amplified when large memory operations are involved, as is the case for the initial decrease of
the control domain's memory.

For these reasons, use a delayed reconfiguration by following these steps:

1. Use the ldm start-reconf primary command to put the control domain in delayed
reconfiguration mode.
2. Partition the host system's resources that are owned by the control domain, as necessary.
3. Use the ldm cancel-reconf command to undo the operations in Step 2, if necessary, and
start over.

Chapter 14 Managing Resources 323

Using Memory Dynamic Reconfiguration

4. Reboot the control domain to make the reconfiguration changes take effect.

Dynamic and Delayed Reconfiguration

If a delayed reconfiguration is pending in the control domain, a memory reconfiguration
request is rejected for any other domain. If a delayed reconfiguration is not pending in the
control domain, a memory reconfiguration request is rejected for any domain that does not
support memory DR. For those domains, the request is converted to a delayed reconfiguration

Memory Alignment
Memory reconfiguration requests have different alignment requirements that depend on the
state of the domain to which the request is applied.

Memory Alignment for Active Domains

Dynamic addition and removal. The address and size of a memory block are
256-Mbyte-aligned for dynamic addition and dynamic removal. The minimum operation
size is 256 Mbytes.
A nonaligned request or a removal request that is larger than the bound size is rejected.

Use the following commands to adjust memory allocations:

ldm add-memory. If you specify the --auto-adj option with this command, the amount
of memory to be added is 256-Mbyte-aligned, which might increase the amount of
memory actually added to the domain.
ldm remove-memory. If you specify the --auto-adj option with this command, the
amount of memory to be removed is 256-Mbyte-aligned, which might decrease the
amount of memory actually removed from the domain.
ldm set-memory. This command is treated as an addition or a removal operation. If you
specify the --auto-adj option, the amount of memory to be added or removed is
256-Mbyte-aligned as previously described. Note that this alignment might increase the
resulting memory size of the domain.
Delayed reconfiguration. The address and size of a memory block are 4-Mbyte-aligned. If
you make a nonaligned request, the request is rounded up to be 4-Mbyte-aligned.

Memory Alignment for Bound Domains

The address and size of a memory block are 4-Mbyte-aligned for bound domains. If you make a
nonaligned request, the request is rounded up to be 4-Mbyte-aligned. Therefore, the resulting
memory size of the domain might be more than you specified.

324 Oracle VM Server for SPARC 3.3 Administration Guide October 2015
Using Memory Dynamic Reconfiguration

For the ldm add-memory, ldm set-memory, and ldm remove-memory commands, the
--auto-adj option rounds up the size of the resulting memory to be 256-Mbyte-aligned.
Therefore, the resulting memory might be more than you specified.

Memory Alignment for Inactive Domains

For the ldm add-memory, ldm set-memory, and ldm remove-memory commands, the
--auto-adj option rounds up the size of the resulting memory to be 256-Mbyte-aligned. There
is no alignment requirement for an inactive domain. The restrictions described in Memory
Alignment for Bound Domains on page 324 take effect after such a domain is bound.

Adding Unaligned Memory

The memory DR feature enforces 256-Mbyte memory alignment on the address and size of the
memory that is dynamically added to or removed from an active domain. Therefore, any
unaligned memory in an active domain cannot be removed by using memory DR.

Also, any unaligned memory in the free memory pool cannot be added to an active domain by
using memory DR.

After all the aligned memory has been allocated, you can use the ldm add-memory command to
add the remaining unaligned memory to a bound or inactive domain. You can also use this
command to add the remaining unaligned memory to the control domain by means of a
delayed reconfiguration operation.

The following example shows how to add the two remaining 128-Mbyte memory blocks to the
primary and ldom1 domains. The ldom1 domain is in the bound state.

The following command initiates a delayed reconfiguration operation on the control domain.

primary# ldm start-reconf primary

Initiating a delayed reconfiguration operation on the primary domain.
All configuration changes for other domains are disabled until the
primary domain reboots, at which time the new configuration for the
primary domain also takes effect.

The following command adds one of the 128-Mbyte memory blocks to the control domain.

primary# ldm add-memory 128M primary

Notice: The primary domain is in the process of a delayed reconfiguration.
Any changes made to the primary domain will only take effect after it reboots.
primary# ldm list
primary active -ndcv- SP 8 2688M 0.1% 23d 8h 8m
primary# ldm list

Chapter 14 Managing Resources 325

Using Memory Dynamic Reconfiguration

primary active -n-cv- SP 8 2560M 0.5% 23d 8h 9m

ldom1 bound ------ 5000 1 524M

The following command adds the other 128-Mbyte memory block to the ldom1 domain.

primary# ldm add-mem 128M ldom1

primary# ldm list
primary active -n-cv- SP 8 2560M 0.1% 23d 8h 9m
ldom1 bound ------ 5000 1 652M

Memory DR Examples
The following examples show how to perform memory DR operations. For information about
the related CLI commands, see the ldm(1M) man page.

EXAMPLE 147 Memory DR Operations on Active Domains

This example shows how to dynamically add memory to and remove it from an active domain,

The ldm list output shows the memory for each domain in the Memory field.

primary# ldm list

primary active -n-cv- SP 4 27392M 0.4% 1d 22h 53m
ldom1 active -n---- 5000 2 2G 0.4% 1d 1h 23m
ldom2 bound ------ 5001 2 200M

The following ldm add-mem command exits with an error because you must specify memory in
multiples of 256 Mbytes. The next ldm add-mem command uses the --auto-adj option so that
even though you specify 200M as the amount of memory to add, the amount is rounded up to
256 Mbytes.

primary# ldm add-mem 200M ldom1

The size of memory must be a multiple of 256MB.
primary# ldm add-mem --auto-adj 200M ldom1
Adjusting request size to 256M.
The ldom1 domain has been allocated 56M more memory
than requested because of memory alignment constraints.
primary# ldm list
primary active -n-cv- SP 4 27392M 5.0% 8m
ldom1 active -n---- 5000 2 2304M 0.5% 1m
ldom2 bound ------ 5001 2 200M

The ldm rm-mem command exits with an error because you must specify memory in multiples of
256 Mbytes. When you add the --auto-adj option to the same command, the memory removal
succeeds because the amount of memory is rounded down to the next 256-Mbyte boundary.

326 Oracle VM Server for SPARC 3.3 Administration Guide October 2015
Using Memory Dynamic Reconfiguration

EXAMPLE 147 Memory DR Operations on Active Domains (Continued)

primary# ldm rm-mem --auto-adj 300M ldom1

Adjusting requested size to 256M.
The ldom1 domain has been allocated 44M more memory
than requested because of memory alignment constraints.
primary# ldm list
primary active -n-cv- SP 4 27392M 0.3% 8m
ldom1 active -n---- 5000 2 2G 0.2% 2m
ldom2 bound ------ 5001 2 200M

EXAMPLE 148 Memory DR Operations on Bound Domains

This example shows how to add memory to and remove it from a bound domain, ldom2.

The ldm list output shows the memory for each domain in the Memory field. The first ldm
add-mem command adds 100 Mbytes of memory to the ldom2 domain. The next ldm add-mem
command specifies the --auto-adj option, which causes an additional 112 Mbytes of memory
to be dynamically added to ldom2.

The ldm rm-mem command dynamically removes 100 Mbytes from the ldom2 domain. If you
specify the --auto-adj option to the same command to remove 300 Mbytes of memory, the
amount of memory is rounded down to the next 256-Mbyte boundary.

primary# ldm list

primary active -n-cv- SP 4 27392M 0.4% 1d 22h 53m
ldom1 active -n---- 5000 2 2G 0.4% 1d 1h 23m
ldom2 bound ------ 5001 2 200M
primary# ldm add-mem 100M ldom2
primary# ldm list
primary active -n-cv- SP 4 27392M 0.5% 1d 22h 54m
ldom1 active -n---- 5000 2 2G 0.2% 1d 1h 25m
ldom2 bound ------ 5001 2 300M
primary# ldm add-mem --auto-adj 100M ldom2
Adjusting request size to 256M.
The ldom2 domain has been allocated 112M more memory
than requested because of memory alignment constraints.
primary# ldm list
primary active -n-cv- SP 4 27392M 0.4% 1d 22h 55m
ldom1 active -n---- 5000 2 2G 0.5% 1d 1h 25m
ldom2 bound ------ 5001 2 512M
primary# ldm rm-mem 100M ldom2
primary# ldm list
primary active -n-cv- SP 4 27392M 3.3% 1d 22h 55m

Chapter 14 Managing Resources 327

Using Memory Dynamic Reconfiguration

EXAMPLE 148 Memory DR Operations on Bound Domains (Continued)

ldom1 active -n---- 5000 2 2G 0.2% 1d 1h 25m

ldom2 bound ------ 5001 2 412M
primary# ldm rm-mem --auto-adj 300M ldom2
Adjusting request size to 256M.
The ldom2 domain has been allocated 144M more memory
than requested because of memory alignment constraints.
primary# ldm list
primary active -n-cv- SP 4 27392M 0.5% 1d 22h 55m
ldom1 active -n---- 5000 2 2G 0.2% 1d 1h 26m
ldom2 bound ------ 5001 2 256M

EXAMPLE 149 Setting Domain Memory Sizes

This example shows how to use the ldm set-memory command to add memory to and remove it
from a domain.
The ldm list output shows the memory for each domain in the Memory field.

primary# ldm list

primary active -n-cv- SP 4 27392M 0.5% 1d 22h 55m
ldom1 active -n---- 5000 2 2G 0.2% 1d 1h 26m
ldom2 bound ------ 5001 2 256M
The following ldm set-mem command attempts to set the primary domain's size to 3400
Mbytes. The resulting error states that the specified value is not on a 256-Mbyte boundary.
Adding the --auto-adj option to the same command enables you to successfully remove some
memory and stay on the 256-Mbyte boundary. This command also issues a warning to state that
not all of the requested memory could be removed as the domain is using that memory.

primary# ldm set-mem 3400M primary

An ldm set-mem 3400M command would remove 23992MB, which is not a multiple
of 256MB. Instead, run ldm rm-mem 23808MB to ensure a 256MB alignment.
primary# ldm set-mem --auto-adj 3400M primary
Adjusting request size to 3.4G.
The primary domain has been allocated 184M more memory
than requested because of memory alignment constraints.
Only 9472M of memory could be removed from the primary domain
because the rest of the memory is in use.
The next ldm set-mem command sets the memory size of the ldom2 domain, which is in the
bound state, to 690 Mbytes. If you add the --auto-adj option to the same command, an
additional 78 Mbytes of memory is dynamically added to ldom2 to stay on a 256-Mbyte

primary# ldm set-mem 690M ldom2

primary# ldm list

328 Oracle VM Server for SPARC 3.3 Administration Guide October 2015
Using Resource Groups

EXAMPLE 149 Setting Domain Memory Sizes (Continued)

primary active -n-cv- SP 4 17920M 0.5% 1d 22h 56m

ldom1 active -n---- 5000 2 2G 0.6% 1d 1h 27m
ldom2 bound ------ 5001 2 690M

primary# ldm set-mem --auto-adj 690M ldom2

Adjusting request size to 256M.
The ldom2 domain has been allocated 78M more memory
than requested because of memory alignment constraints.
primary# ldm list
primary active -n-cv- SP 4 17920M 2.1% 1d 22h 57m
ldom1 active -n---- 5000 2 2G 0.2% 1d 1h 27m
ldom2 bound ------ 5001 2 768M

Using Resource Groups

A resource group provides an alternate way to view the resources in a system. Resources are
grouped based on the underlying physical relationships between processor cores, memory, and
I/O buses. Different platforms, and even different platform configurations within the same
server family, such as SPARC T5-2 and SPARC T5-8, can have different resource groups that
reflect the differences in the hardware. Use the ldm list-resrc-group command to view
resource group information.

The membership of resource groups is statically defined by the hardware configuration. You
can use the ldm remove-core and ldm remove-memory commands to operate on resources
from a particular resource group.
The remove-core subcommand specifies the number of CPU cores to remove from a
domain. When you specify a resource group by using the -g option, the cores that are
selected for removal all come from that resource group.
The remove-memory subcommand removes the specified amount of memory from a logical
domain. When you specify a resource group by using the -g option, the memory that is
selected for removal all comes from that resource group.

For information about these commands, see the ldm(1M) man page.

For examples, see Listing Resource Group Information on page 338.

Resource Group Requirements and Restrictions

The resource group feature is available only on SPARC T5 servers, SPARC T7 series servers,
SPARC M5 servers, SPARC M6 servers, SPARC M7 series servers, and Fujitsu M10 servers.

Chapter 14 Managing Resources 329

Using Power Management

The resource group feature has the following restrictions:

It is not available on UltraSPARC T2, UltraSPARC T2 Plus, SPARC T3, and SPARC T4
The ldm list-rsrc-group command does not show any information about those
unsupported platforms and the -g variants of the ldm remove-core and ldm
remove-memory commands are not functional.
On supported platforms, specifying _sys_ in place of domain-name moves all system
memory to free memory in a different resource group. This command is a no-op on
unsupported platforms.

Using Power Management

To enable power management (PM), you first need to set the PM policy in at least version 3.0 of
the ILOM firmware. This section summarizes the information that you need to be able to use
PM with the Oracle VM Server for SPARC software.

For more information about PM features and ILOM features, see the following:
Chapter 20, Using Power Management
Monitoring Power Consumption in the Oracle Integrated Lights Out Manager (ILOM) 3.0
CLI Procedures Guide
Oracle Integrated Lights Out Manager (ILOM) 3.0 Feature Updates and Release Notes

Using Dynamic Resource Management

You can use policies to determine how to automatically perform DR activities. At this time, you
can create policies only to govern the dynamic resource management of virtual CPUs.

Caution The following restrictions affect CPU dynamic resource management (DRM):
On UltraSPARC T2 and UltraSPARC T2 Plus platforms, DRM cannot be enabled when the
PM elastic policy is set.
On UltraSPARC T2 and UltraSPARC T2 Plus platforms, any change from the performance
policy to the elastic policy is delayed while DRM is enabled.
Ensure that you disable CPU DRM prior to performing a domain migration operation, or
you will see an error message.
When the PM elastic policy is set, you can use DRM only when the firmware supports
normalized utilization (8.2.0).

330 Oracle VM Server for SPARC 3.3 Administration Guide October 2015
Using Dynamic Resource Management

A resource management policy specifies the conditions under which virtual CPUs can be
automatically added to and removed from a logical domain. A policy is managed by using the
ldm add-policy, ldm set-policy, and ldm remove-policy commands:

ldm add-policy [enable=yes|no] [priority=value] [attack=value] [decay=value]

[elastic-margin=value] [sample-rate=value] [tod-begin=hh:mm[:ss]]
[tod-end=hh:mm[:ss]] [util-lower=percent] [util-upper=percent] [vcpu-min=value]
[vcpu-max=value] name=policy-name domain-name...
ldm set-policy [enable=[yes|no]] [priority=[value]] [attack=[value]] [decay=[value]]
[elastic-margin=[value]] [sample-rate=[value]] [tod-begin=[hh:mm:ss]]
[tod-end=[hh:mm:ss]] [util-lower=[percent]] [util-upper=[percent]] [vcpu-min=[value]]
[vcpu-max=[value]] name=policy-name domain-name...
ldm remove-policy [name=]policy-name... domain-name

For information about these commands and about creating resource management policies, see
the ldm(1M) man page.

A policy is in effect during the times specified by the tod-begin and tod-end properties. The
time specified by tod-begin must be earlier than the time specified by tod-end in a 24-hour
period. By default, values for the tod-begin and tod-end properties are 00:00:00 and 23:59:59,
respectively. When the default values are used, the policy is always in effect.

The policy uses the value of the priority property to specify a priority for a dynamic resource
management (DRM) policy. Priority values are used to determine the relationship between
DRM policies on a single domain and between DRM-enabled domains on a single system.
Lower numerical values represent higher (better) priorities. Valid values are between 1 and
9999. The default value is 99.

The behavior of the priority property depends on the availability of a pool of free CPU
resources, as follows:
Free CPU resources are available in the pool. In this case, the priority property
determines which DRM policy will be in effect when more than one overlapping policy is
defined for a single domain.
No free CPU resources are available in the pool. In this case, the priority property
specifies whether a resource can be dynamically moved from a lower-priority domain to a
higher-priority domain on the same system. The priority of a domain is the priority
specified by the DRM policy that is in effect for that domain.
For example, a higher-priority domain can acquire CPU resources from another domain
that has a DRM policy with a lower priority. This resource-acquisition capability pertains
only to domains that have DRM policies enabled. Domains that have equal priority values
are unaffected by this capability. So, if the default priority is used for all policies, domains
cannot obtain resources from lower-priority domains. To take advantage of this capability,
adjust the priority property values so that they have unequal values.

Chapter 14 Managing Resources 331

Using Dynamic Resource Management

For example, the ldg1 and ldg2 domains both have DRM policies in effect. The priority
property for the ldg1 domain is 1, which is more favorable than the priority property value of
the ldg2 domain (2). The ldg1 domain can dynamically remove a CPU resource from the ldg2
domain and assign it to itself in the following circumstances:
The ldg1 domain requires another CPU resource.
The pool of free CPU resources has been exhausted.
The policy uses the util-high and util-low property values to specify the high and low
thresholds for CPU utilization. If the utilization exceeds the value of util-high, virtual CPUs
are added to the domain until the number is between the vcpu-min and vcpu-max values. If the
utilization drops below the util-low value, virtual CPUs are removed from the domain until
the number is between the vcpu-min and vcpu-max values. If vcpu-min is reached, no more
virtual CPUs can be dynamically removed. If the vcpu-max is reached, no more virtual CPUs
can be dynamically added.

EXAMPLE 1410 Adding Resource Management Policies

For example, after observing the typical utilization of your systems over several weeks, you
might set up policies to optimize resource usage. The highest usage is daily from 9:00 a.m. to
6:00 p.m. Pacific, and the low usage is daily from 6:00 p.m. to 9:00 a.m. Pacific.
Based on this system utilization observation, you decide to create the following high and low
policies based on overall system utilization:
High: Daily from 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Pacific
Low: Daily from 6:00 p.m. to 9:00 a.m. Pacific
The following ldm add-policy command creates the high-usage policy to be used during the
high utilization period on the ldom1 domain.
The following high-usage policy does the following:
Specifies that the beginning and ending times are 9:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. by setting the
tod-begin and tod-end properties, respectively.
Specifies that the lower and upper limits at which to perform policy analysis are 25 percent
and 75 percent by setting the util-lower and util-upper properties, respectively.
Specifies that the minimum and maximum number of virtual CPUs is 2 and 16 by setting
the vcpu-min and vcpu-max properties, respectively.
Specifies that the maximum number of virtual CPUs to be added during any one resource
control cycle is 1 by setting the attack property.
Specifies that the maximum number of virtual CPUs to be removed during any one resource
control cycle is 1 by setting the decay property.
Specifies that the priority of this policy is 1 by setting the priority property. A priority of 1
means that this policy will be enforced even if another policy can take effect.
Specifies that the name of the policy file is high-usage by setting the name property.

332 Oracle VM Server for SPARC 3.3 Administration Guide October 2015
Listing Domain Resources

EXAMPLE 1410 Adding Resource Management Policies (Continued)

Uses the default values for those properties that are not specified, such as enable and
sample-rate. See the ldm(1M) man page.

primary# ldm add-policy tod-begin=09:00 tod-end=18:00 util-lower=25 util-upper=75 \

vcpu-min=2 vcpu-max=16 attack=1 decay=1 priority=1 name=high-usage ldom1

The following ldm add-policy command creates the med-usage policy to be used during the
low utilization period on the ldom1 domain.

The following med-usage policy does the following:

Specifies that the beginning and ending times are 6:00 p.m. and 9:00 a.m. by setting the
tod-begin and tod-end properties, respectively.
Specifies that the lower and upper limits at which to perform policy analysis are 10 percent
and 50 percent by setting the util-lower and util-upper properties, respectively.
Specifies that the minimum and maximum number of virtual CPUs is 2 and 16 by setting
the vcpu-min and vcpu-max properties, respectively.
Specifies that the maximum number of virtual CPUs to be added during any one resource
control cycle is 1 by setting the attack property.
Specifies that the maximum number of virtual CPUs to be removed during any one resource
control cycle is 1 by setting the decay property.
Specifies that the priority of this policy is 1 by setting the priority property. A priority of 1
means that this policy will be enforced even if another policy can take effect.
Specifies that the name of the policy file is high-usage by setting the name property.
Uses the default values for those properties that are not specified, such as enable and
sample-rate. See the ldm(1M) man page.

primary# ldm add-policy tod-begin=18:00 tod-end=09:00 util-lower=10 util-upper=50 \

vcpu-min=2 vcpu-max=16 attack=1 decay=1 priority=1 name=med-usage ldom1

Listing Domain Resources

This section shows the syntax usage for the ldm subcommands, defines some output terms, such
as flags and utilization statistics, and provides examples that are similar to what appears as

Machine-Readable Output
If you are creating scripts that use ldm list command output, always use the -p option to
produce the machine-readable form of the output.

Chapter 14 Managing Resources 333

Listing Domain Resources

To view syntax usage for all ldm subcommands, use the following command:

primary# ldm --help

For more information about the ldm subcommands, see the ldm(1M) man page.

Flag Definitions
The following flags can be shown in the output for a domain (ldm list). If you use the long,
parseable options (-l -p) for the command, the flags are spelled out for example,
flags=normal,control,vio-service. If not, you see the letter abbreviation, for example
-n-cv-. The list flag values are position dependent. The following values can appear in each of
the six columns from left to right.

Column 1 Starting or stopping domains

s Starting or stopping

Column 2 Domain status

n Normal
t Transition
d Degraded domain that cannot be started due to missing resources

Column 3 Reconfiguration status

d Delayed reconfiguration
r Memory dynamic reconfiguration

Column 4 Control domain

c Control domain

Column 5 Service domain

v Virtual I/O service domain

Column 6 Migration status

s Source domain in a migration
t Target domain in a migration
e Error occurred during a migration

Utilization Statistic Definition

The per virtual CPU utilization statistic (UTIL) is shown through the long (-l) option of the ldm
list command. The statistic is the percentage of time that the virtual CPU spent executing on
behalf of the guest operating system. A virtual CPU is considered to be executing on behalf of

334 Oracle VM Server for SPARC 3.3 Administration Guide October 2015
Listing Domain Resources

the guest operating system except when it has been yielded to the hypervisor. If the guest
operating system does not yield virtual CPUs to the hypervisor, the utilization of CPUs in the
guest operating system will always show as 100%.

The utilization statistic reported for a logical domain is the average of the virtual CPU
utilizations for the virtual CPUs in the domain. The normalized utilization statistic (NORM) is the
percentage of time the virtual CPU spends executing on behalf of the guest OS. This value takes
into account such operations as cycle skip. Normalized virtualization is only available when
your system runs at least version 8.2.0 of the system firmware.

When PM does not perform cycle skip operations, 100% utilization equals 100% normalized
utilization. When PM adjusts the cycle skip to four eighths, 100% utilization equals 50%
utilization, which means that the CPU effectively has only half the possible number of cycles
available. So, a fully utilized CPU has a 50% normalized utilization. Use the ldm list or ldm
list -l command to show normalized utilization for both virtual CPUs and the guest OS.

Viewing Various Lists

To view the current software versions installed:
primary# ldm -V
To generate a short list for all domains:
primary# ldm list
To generate a long list for all domains:
primary# ldm list -l
To generate an extended list of all domains:
primary# ldm list -e
To generate a parseable, machine-readable list of all domains:
primary# ldm list -p
You can generate output as a subset of resources by entering one or more of the following
format options. If you specify more than one format, delimit the items by a comma with no
primary# ldm list -o resource[,resource...] domain-name
console Output contains virtual console (vcons) and virtual console concentrator
(vcc) service
core Output contains information about domains that have whole cores allocated
cpu Output contains information about the virtual CPU (vcpu), physical CPU (pcpu),
and core ID
crypto Cryptographic unit output contains Modular Arithmetic Unit (mau) and any
other supported cryptographic unit, such as the Control Word Queue (CWQ)

Chapter 14 Managing Resources 335

Listing Domain Resources

disk Output contains virtual disk (vdisk) and virtual disk server (vds)
domain-name Output contains variables (var), host ID (hostid), domain state, flags,
UUID, and software state
memory Output contains memory
network Output contains media access control (mac) address , virtual network switch
(vsw), and virtual network (vnet) device
physio Physical input/output contains peripheral component interconnect (pci) and
network interface unit (niu)
resmgmt Output contains dynamic resource management (DRM) policy information,
indicates which policy is currently running, and lists constraints related to whole-core
serial Output contains virtual logical domain channel (vldc) service, virtual logical
domain channel client (vldcc), virtual data plane channel client (vdpcc), and virtual
data plane channel service (vdpcs)
stats Output contains statistics that are related to resource management policies
status Output contains status about a domain migration in progress

The following examples show various subsets of output that you can specify.
To list CPU information for the control domain:
primary# ldm list -o cpu primary
To list domain information for a guest domain:
primary# ldm list -o domain ldm2
To list memory and network information for a guest domain:
primary# ldm list -o network,memory ldm1
To list DRM policy information for a guest domain:
primary# ldm list -o resmgmt,stats ldm1
To show a variable and its value for a domain:
primary# ldm list-variable variable-name domain-name

For example, the following command shows the value for the boot-device variable on the
ldg1 domain:
primary# ldm list-variable boot-device ldg1
To list the resources that are bound to a domain:
primary# ldm list-bindings domain-name
To list logical domain configurations that have been stored on the SP:

336 Oracle VM Server for SPARC 3.3 Administration Guide October 2015
Listing Domain Resources

The ldm list-config command lists the logical domain configurations that are stored on
the service processor. When used with the -r option, this command lists those
configurations for which autosave files exist on the control domain.
For more information about configurations, see Managing Domain Configurations on
page 343. For more examples, see the ldm(1M) man page.
primary# ldm list-config
foo [next poweron]

The labels to the right of the configuration name mean the following:
[current] Last booted configuration, only as long as it matches the currently running
configuration; that is, until you initiate a reconfiguration. After the reconfiguration, the
annotation changes to [next poweron].
[next poweron] Configuration to be used at the next power cycle.
[degraded] Configuration is a degraded version of the previously booted
To list all server resources, bound and unbound:
primary# ldm list-devices -a
To list the amount of memory available to be allocated:
primary# ldm list-devices mem
0x14e000000 2848M
To determine which portions of memory are unavailable for logical domains:
primary# ldm list-devices -a mem
0x0 57M _sys_
0x3900000 32M _sys_
0x5900000 94M _sys_
0xb700000 393M _sys_
0x24000000 192M _sys_
0x30000000 255G primary
0x3ff0000000 64M _sys_
0x3ff4000000 64M _sys_
0x3ff8000000 128M _sys_
0x80000000000 2G ldg1
0x80080000000 2G ldg2
0x80100000000 2G ldg3
0x80180000000 2G ldg4
0x80200000000 103G
0x81bc0000000 145G primary
To list the services that are available:
primary# ldm list-services

Chapter 14 Managing Resources 337

Listing Domain Resources

Listing Constraints
To the Logical Domains Manager, constraints are one or more resources you want to have
assigned to a particular domain. You either receive all the resources you ask to be added to a
domain or you get none of them, depending upon the available resources. The
list-constraints subcommand lists those resources you requested assigned to the domain.
To list constraints for one domain:
# ldm list-constraints domain-name
To list constraints in XML format for a particular domain:
# ldm list-constraints -x domain-name
To list constraints for all domains in a parseable format:
# ldm list-constraints -p

Listing Resource Group Information

You can use the ldm list-rsrc-group command to show information about resource groups.

The following command shows information about all the resource groups:

primary# ldm list-rsrc-group

/SYS/CMU4 12 256G 4
/SYS/CMU5 12 256G 4
/SYS/CMU6 12 128G 4
/SYS/CMU7 12 128G 4

Like the other ldm list-* commands, you can specify options to show parseable output,
detailed output, and information about particular resource groups and domains. For more
information, see the ldm(1M) man page.

The following example uses the -l option to show detailed information about the /SYS/CMU5
resource group.

primary# ldm list-rsrc-group -l /SYS/CMU5

/SYS/CMU5 12 256G 4
192, 194, 196, 198, 200, 202, 208, 210 primary
212, 214, 216, 218 primary
0xc0000000000 228M ldg1
0xc0030000000 127G primary

338 Oracle VM Server for SPARC 3.3 Administration Guide October 2015
Using Perf-Counter Properties

0xc1ffc000000 64M _sys_

0xd0000000000 130816M primary
0xd1ffc000000 64M _sys_

pci@900 pci_24 primary
pci@940 pci_25 primary
pci@980 pci_26 primary
pci@9c0 pci_27 primary

Using Perf-Counter Properties

The performance register access control feature enables you to get, set and unset a domain's
access rights to certain groups of performance registers.

Use the ldm add-domain and ldm set-domain commands to specify a value for the
perf-counters property. The new perf-counters property value will be recognized by the
guest domain on the next reboot. If no perf-counters value is specified, the value is htstrand.
See the ldm(1M) man page.

You can specify the following values for the perf-counters property:
global Grants the domain access to the global performance counters that its allocated
resources can access. Only one domain at a time can have access to the global
performance counters. You can specify this value alone or with either the strand
or htstrand value.
strand Grants the domain access to the strand performance counters that exist on the
CPUs that are allocated to the domain. You cannot specify this value and the
htstrand value together.
htstrand Behaves the same as the strand value and enables instrumentation of
hyperprivilege mode events on the CPUs that are allocated to the domain. You
cannot specify this value and the strand value together.

To disable all access to any of the performance counters, specify perf-counters=.

If the hypervisor does not have the performance access capability, attempting to set the
perf-counters property fails.

The ldm list -o domain and ldm list -e commands show the value of the perf-counters
property. If the performance access capability is not supported, the perf-counters value is not
shown in the output.

Chapter 14 Managing Resources 339

Using Perf-Counter Properties

EXAMPLE 1411 Creating a Domain and Specifying Its Performance Register Access
Create the new ldg0 domain with access to the global register set:

primary# ldm add-domain perf-counters=global ldg0

EXAMPLE 1412 Specifying the Performance Register Access for a Domain

Specify that the ldg0 domain has access to the global and strand register sets:

primary# ldm set-domain perf-counters=global,strand ldg0

EXAMPLE 1413 Specifying that a Domain Does Not Have Access to Any Register Sets
Specify that the ldg0 domain does not have access to any of the register sets:

primary# ldm set-domain perf-counters= ldg0

EXAMPLE 1414 Viewing Performance Access Information

The following examples show how to view performance access information by using the ldm
list -o domain command.
The following ldm list -o domain command shows that the global and htstrand
performance values are specified on the ldg0 domain:
primary# ldm list -o domain ldg0
ldg0 active -n---- 0.0% 0.0%
Solaris running





340 Oracle VM Server for SPARC 3.3 Administration Guide October 2015
Using Perf-Counter Properties

EXAMPLE 1414 Viewing Performance Access Information (Continued)

The following ldm list -p -o domain command shows the same information as in the
previous example but in the parseable form:
primary# ldm list -p -o domain ldg0

Chapter 14 Managing Resources 341

C H A P T E R 1 5

Managing Domain Configurations

This chapter contains information about managing domain configurations.

This chapter covers the following topics:
Managing Domain Configurations on page 343
Available Configuration Recovery Methods on page 344

Managing Domain Configurations

A domain configuration is a complete description of all the domains and their resource
allocations within a single system. You can save and store configurations on the service
processor (SP) for later use.
Saving a configuration on the SP makes it persist across system power cycles. You can save
several configurations and specify which configuration to boot on the next power-on attempt.
When you power up a system, the SP boots the selected configuration. The system runs the
same set of domains and uses the same virtualization and partitioning resource allocations that
are specified in the configuration. The default configuration is the one that is most recently
saved. You can also explicitly request another configuration by using the ldm set-spconfig
command or the appropriate ILOM command.

Caution Always save your stable configuration to the SP and save it as XML. Saving the
configuration in these ways enable you to recover your system configuration after a power
failure and save it for later use. See Saving Domain Configurations on page 347.

A local copy of the SP configuration and the Logical Domains constraint database is saved on
the control domain whenever you save a configuration to the SP. This local copy is called a
bootset. The bootset is used to load the corresponding Logical Domains constraints database
when the system undergoes a power cycle.

Available Configuration Recovery Methods

On the SPARC T5 server, SPARC T7 series server, SPARC M5 server, SPARC M6 server, SPARC
M7 series server, and Fujitsu M10 server, the bootsets on the control domain are the master
copies of the configurations. On startup, the Logical Domains Manager automatically
synchronizes all configurations with the SP, which ensures that the configurations on the SP are
always identical to the bootsets that are stored on the control domain.

Note Because the bootsets contain critical system data, ensure that the control domain's file
system uses technology such as disk mirroring or RAID to reduce the impact of disk failures.

A physical domain is the scope of resources that are managed by a single Oracle VM Server for
SPARC instance. A physical domain might be a complete physical system as is the case of
supported SPARC T-Series platforms. Or, it might be either the entire system or a subset of the
system as is the case of supported SPARC M-Series platforms.

Available Configuration Recovery Methods

Oracle VM Server for SPARC supports the following configuration recovery methods:
The autosave method, used when the configuration is not available on the SP.

This situation might occur in one of the following circumstances:

The hardware that holds the saved configurations has been replaced
The configuration is not up to date because you neglected to save the latest configuration
changes to the SP or an unexpected power cycle occurred
The ldm add-domain method, used if a subset of the domains need to have their
configurations restored
The ldm init-system method, which should be used only as a last resort. Use this method
only when both the configuration on the SP and the autosave information from the control
domain are lost.

Restoring Configurations By Using Autosave

A copy of the current configuration is automatically saved on the control domain whenever the
domain configuration is changed. This autosave operation does not explicitly save the
configuration to the SP.

The autosave operation occurs immediately, even in the following situations:

When the new configuration is not explicitly saved on the SP
When the configuration change is not made until after the affected domain reboots

344 Oracle VM Server for SPARC 3.3 Administration Guide October 2015
Available Configuration Recovery Methods

This autosave operation enables you to recover a configuration when the configurations that are
saved on the SP are lost. This operation also enables you to recover a configuration when the
current configuration was not explicitly saved to the SP after a system power cycle. In these
circumstances, the Logical Domains Manager can restore that configuration on restart if it is
newer than the configuration marked for the next boot.

Note Power management, FMA, and ASR events do not cause an update to the autosave files.

You can automatically or manually restore autosave files to new or existing configurations. By
default, when an autosave configuration is newer than the corresponding running
configuration, a message is written to the Logical Domains log. Thus, you must use the ldm
add-spconfig -r command to manually update an existing configuration or create a new one
based on the autosave data. Note that you must perform a power cycle after using this command
to complete the manual recovery.

Note When a delayed reconfiguration is pending, the configuration changes are immediately
autosaved. As a result, if you run the ldm list-config -r command, the autosave
configuration is shown as being newer than the current configuration.

For information about how to use the ldm *-spconfig commands to manage configurations
and to manually recover autosave files, see the ldm(1M) man page.

For information about how to select a configuration to boot, see Using Oracle VM Server for
SPARC With the Service Processor on page 366. You can also use the ldm set-spconfig
command, which is described on the ldm(1M) man page.

Chapter 15 Managing Domain Configurations 345

Available Configuration Recovery Methods

Autorecovery Policy
The autorecovery policy specifies how to handle the recovery of a configuration when one
configuration that is automatically saved on the control domain is newer than the
corresponding running configuration. The autorecovery policy is specified by setting the
autorecovery_policy property of the ldmd SMF service. This property can have the following
autorecovery_policy=1 Logs warning messages when an autosave configuration is
newer than the corresponding running configuration. These messages are logged in the
ldmd SMF log file. You must manually perform any configuration recovery. This is the
default policy.
autorecovery_policy=2 Displays a notification message if an autosave configuration is
newer than the corresponding running configuration. This notification message is printed
in the output of any ldm command the first time an ldm command is issued after each restart
of the Logical Domains Manager. You must manually perform any configuration recovery.
autorecovery_policy=3 Automatically updates the configuration if an autosave
configuration is newer than the corresponding running configuration. This action
overwrites the SP configuration that will be used during the next power cycle. To make this
configuration available, you must perform another power cycle. This configuration is
updated with the newer configuration that is saved on the control domain. This action does
not affect the currently running configuration. It affects only the configuration that will be
used during the next power cycle. A message is also logged that states that a newer
configuration has been saved on the SP and that it will be booted at the next system power
cycle. These messages are logged in the ldmd SMF log file.

How to Modify the Autorecovery Policy

1 Log in to the control domain.

2 Become an administrator.
For Oracle Solaris 11.3, see Chapter 1, About Using Rights to Control Users and Processes, in
Securing Users and Processes in Oracle Solaris 11.3 .

3 View the autorecovery_policy property value.

# svccfg -s ldmd listprop ldmd/autorecovery_policy

4 Stop the ldmd service.

# svcadm disable ldmd

5 Change the autorecovery_policy property value.

# svccfg -s ldmd setprop ldmd/autorecovery_policy=value

346 Oracle VM Server for SPARC 3.3 Administration Guide October 2015
Available Configuration Recovery Methods

For example, to set the policy to perform autorecovery, set the property value to 3:

# svccfg -s ldmd setprop ldmd/autorecovery_policy=3

6 Refresh and restart the ldmd service.

# svcadm refresh ldmd
# svcadm enable ldmd

Example 151 Modifying the Autorecovery Policy From Log to Autorecovery

The following example shows how to view the current value of the autorecovery_policy
property and change it to a new value. The original value of this property is 1, which means that
autosave changes are logged. The svcadm command is used to stop and restart the ldmd service,
and the svccfg command is used to view and set the property value.

# svccfg -s ldmd listprop ldmd/autorecovery_policy

ldmd/autorecovery_policy integer 1
# svcadm disable ldmd
# svccfg -s ldmd setprop ldmd/autorecovery_policy=3
# svcadm refresh ldmd
# svcadm enable ldmd

Saving Domain Configurations

You can save a domain configuration for a single domain or for all the domains on a system.

With the exception of the named physical resources, the following method does not preserve
actual bindings. However, the method does preserve the constraints used to create those
bindings. After saving and restoring the configuration, the domains have the same virtual
resources but are not necessarily bound to the same physical resources. Named physical
resources are bound as specified by the administrator.
To save the configuration for a single domain, create an XML file containing the domain's
# ldm list-constraints -x domain-name >domain-name.xml

The following example shows how to create an XML file, ldg1.xml, which contains the ldg1
domain's constraints:
# ldm list-constraints -x ldg1 >ldg1.xml
To save the configurations for all the domains on a system, create an XML file containing the
constraints for all domains.
# ldm list-constraints -x >file.xml

The following example shows how to create an XML file, config.xml, which contains the
constraints for all the domains on a system:

Chapter 15 Managing Domain Configurations 347

Available Configuration Recovery Methods

# ldm list-constraints -x >config.xml

Restoring Domain Configurations

This section describes how to restore a domain configuration from an XML file for guest
domains and for the control (primary) domain.
To restore a domain configuration for guest domains, you use the ldm add-domain -i
command, as described in How to Restore a Domain Configuration From an XML File
(ldm add-domain) on page 348. Although you can save the primary domain's constraints
to an XML file, you cannot use the file as input to this command.
To restore a domain configuration for the primary domain, you use the ldm init-system
command and the resource constraints from the XML file to reconfigure your primary
domain. You can also use the ldm init-system command to reconfigure other domains
that are described in the XML file, but those domains might be left inactive when the
configuration is complete. See How to Restore a Domain Configuration From an XML File
(ldm init-system) on page 349.

How to Restore a Domain Configuration From an XML File (ldm

This procedure works for guest domains but not for the control (primary) domain. If you want
to restore the configuration for the primary domain, or for other domains that are described in
the XML file, see How to Restore a Domain Configuration From an XML File (ldm
init-system) on page 349.

1 Create the domain by using the XML file that you created as input.
# ldm add-domain -i domain-name.xml

2 Bind the domain.

# ldm bind-domain [-fq] domain-name
The -f option forces the binding of the domain even if invalid back-end devices are detected.
The -q option disables the validation of back-end devices so that the command runs more

3 Start the domain.

# ldm start-domain domain-name

Example 152 Restoring a Single Domain From an XML File

The following example shows how to restore a single domain. First, you restore the ldg1
domain from the XML file. Then, you bind and restart the ldg1 domain that you restored.

348 Oracle VM Server for SPARC 3.3 Administration Guide October 2015
Available Configuration Recovery Methods

# ldm add-domain -i ldg1.xml

# ldm bind ldg1
# ldm start ldg1

How to Restore a Domain Configuration From an XML File (ldm

This procedure explains how to use the ldm init-system command with an XML file to
re-create a previously saved configuration.

Caution The ldm init-system command might not correctly restore a configuration in which
physical I/O commands have been used. Such commands are ldm add-io, ldm set-io, ldm
remove-io, ldm create-vf, and ldm destroy-vf. For more information, see ldm init-system
Command Might Not Correctly Restore a Domain Configuration on Which Physical I/O
Changes Have Been Made in Oracle VM Server for SPARC 3.3 Release Notes.

Before You Begin You should have created an XML configuration file by running the ldm list-constraints -x
command. The file should describe one or more domain configurations.

1 Log in to the primary domain.

2 Verify that the system is in the factory-default configuration.

primary# ldm list-config | grep factory-default
factory-default [current]
If the system is not in the factory-default configuration, see How to Restore the Factory
Default Configuration on page 387.

3 Become an administrator.
For Oracle Solaris 11.3, see Chapter 1, About Using Rights to Control Users and Processes, in
Securing Users and Processes in Oracle Solaris 11.3 .

4 Restore the domain configuration or configurations from the XML file.

# ldm init-system [-frs] -i filename.xml
The primary domain must be rebooted for the configuration to take effect. The -r option
reboots the primary domain after the configuration. If you do not specify the -r option, you
must perform the reboot manually.
The -s option restores only the virtual services configuration (vds, vcc, and vsw) and might be
able to be performed without having to reboot.
The -f option skips the factory-default configuration check and continues regardless of what
was already configured on the system. Use the -f option with caution. The ldm init-system
command assumes that the system is in the factory-default configuration and so directly applies
the changes that are specified by the XML file. Using -f when the system is in a configuration

Chapter 15 Managing Domain Configurations 349

Addressing Service Processor Connection Problems

other than the factory default will likely result in a system that is not configured as specified by
the XML file. One or more changes might fail to be applied to the system, depending on the
combination of changes in the XML file and the initial configuration.
The primary domain is reconfigured as specified in the file. Any non-primary domains that
have configurations in the XML file are reconfigured but left inactive.

Example 153 Restoring Domains From XML Configuration Files

The following examples show how to use the ldm init-system command to restore the
primary domain and all the domains on a system from the factory-default configuration.
Restore the primary domain. The -r option is used to reboot the primary domain after the
configuration completes. The primary.xml file contains the XML domain configuration
that you saved at an earlier time.
primary# ldm init-system -r -i primary.xml
Restore all the domains on a system. Restore the domains on the system to the
configurations in the config.xml XML file. The config.xml file contains the XML domain
configurations that you saved at an earlier time. The primary domain is restarted
automatically by the ldm init-system command. Any other domains are restored but not
bound and restarted.
# ldm init-system -r -i config.xml

After the system reboots, the following commands bind and restart the ldg1 and ldg2
# ldm bind ldg1
# ldm start ldg1
# ldm bind ldg2
# ldm start ldg2

Addressing Service Processor Connection Problems

On a SPARC T7 series server and SPARC M7 series server, the ILOM interconnect is used to
communicate between the ldmd service and the SP.

350 Oracle VM Server for SPARC 3.3 Administration Guide October 2015
Addressing Service Processor Connection Problems

If an attempt to use the ldm command to manage domain configurations fails because of an
error communicating with the SP, perform the following recovery step that applies to your
SPARC T7 Series Server and SPARC M7 Series Server: Check the ILOM interconnect state
and re-enable the ilomconfig-interconnect service. See How to Verify the ILOM
Interconnect Configuration on page 54 and How to Re-Enable the ILOM Interconnect
Service on page 55.
SPARC T3, SPARC T4, SPARC T5, SPARC M5, and SPARC M6 Servers: Restart the ldmd
primary# svcadm enable ldmd

If these steps fail to restore communications, restart the SP.

Chapter 15 Managing Domain Configurations 351

C H A P T E R 1 6

Handling Hardware Errors

This chapter contains information about how Oracle VM Server for SPARC handles hardware

This chapter covers the following topics:

Hardware Error-Handling Overview on page 353
Using FMA to Blacklist or Unconfigure Faulty Resources on page 354
Recovering Domains After Detecting Faulty or Missing Resources on page 355
Marking Domains as Degraded on page 359
Marking I/O Resources as Evacuated on page 359

Hardware Error-Handling Overview

The Oracle VM Server for SPARC software adds the following RAS capabilities for the SPARC
enterprise-class platforms starting with SPARC T5 and SPARC M5:
Fault Management Architecture (FMA) blacklisting. When FMA detects faulty CPU or
memory resources, Oracle VM Server for SPARC places them on a blacklist. A faulty
resource that is on the blacklist cannot be reassigned to any domains until FMA marks it as
being repaired.
Recovery mode. Automatically recover domain configurations that cannot be booted
because of faulty or missing resources.

The Fujitsu M10 platform also supports recovery mode. While the blacklisting of faulty
resources is not supported, the Fujitsu M10 platform auto-replacement feature provides similar

Using FMA to Blacklist or Unconfigure Faulty Resources

Using FMA to Blacklist or Unconfigure Faulty Resources

FMA contacts the Logical Domains Manager when it detects a faulty resource. Then, the
Logical Domains Manager attempts to stop using that resource in all running domains. To
ensure that a faulty resource cannot be assigned to a domain in the future, FMA adds the
resource to a blacklist.

The Logical Domains Manager supports blacklisting only for CPU and memory resources, not
for I/O resources.

If a faulty resource is not in use, the Logical Domains Manager removes it from the available
resource list, which you can see in the ldm list-devices output. At this time, this resource is
internally marked as blacklisted so that it cannot be re-assigned to a domain in the future.

If the faulty resource is in use, the Logical Domains Manager attempts to evacuate the resource.
To avoid a service interruption on the running domains, the Logical Domains Manager first
attempts to use CPU or memory dynamic reconfiguration to evacuate the faulty resource. The
Logical Domains Manager remaps a faulted core if a core is free to use as a target. If this live
evacuation succeeds, the faulty resource is internally marked as blacklisted and is not shown in
the ldm list-devices output so that it will not be assigned to a domain in the future.

If the live evacuation fails, the Logical Domains Manager internally marks the faulty resource as
evacuation pending. The resource is shown as normal in the ldm list-devices output
because the resource is still in use on the running domains until the affected guest domains are
rebooted or stopped.

When the affected guest domain is stopped or rebooted, the Logical Domains Manager
attempts to evacuate the faulty resources and internally mark them as blacklisted so that the
resource cannot be assigned in the future. Such a device is not shown in the ldm output. After
the pending evacuation completes, the Logical Domains Manager attempts to start the guest
domain. However, if the guest domain cannot be started because sufficient resources are not
available, the guest domain is marked as degraded and the following warning message is
logged for the user intervention to perform the manual recovery.

primary# ldm ls
primary active -n-cv- UART 368 2079488M 0.1% 0.0% 16h 57m
gd0 bound -d---- 5000 8

warning: Could not restart domain gd0 after completing pending evacuation.
The domain has been marked degraded and should be examined to see
if manual recovery is possible.

When the system is power-cycled, FMA repeats the evacuation requests for resources that are
still faulty and the Logical Domains Manager handles those requests by evacuating the faulty
resources and internally marking them as blacklisted.

354 Oracle VM Server for SPARC 3.3 Administration Guide October 2015
Recovering Domains After Detecting Faulty or Missing Resources

Prior to support for FMA blacklisting, a guest domain that panicked because of a faulty resource
might result in a never-ending panic-reboot loop. By using resource evacuation and blacklisting
when the guest domain is rebooted, you can avoid this panic-reboot loop and prevent future
attempts to use a faulty resource.

Recovering Domains After Detecting Faulty or Missing

If a SPARC T5 server, SPARC T7 series server, SPARC M5 server, SPARC M6 server, SPARC M7
series server, or Fujitsu M10 server detects a faulty or missing resource at power on, the Logical
Domains Manager attempts to recover the configured domains by using the remaining
available resources. While the recovery takes place, the system (or physical domain on SPARC
M5, SPARC M6, and SPARC M7 series servers) is said to be in recovery mode. Recovery mode is
enabled by default. See Controlling Recovery Mode on page 358.

At power on, the system firmware reverts to the factory-default configuration if the last selected
power-on configuration cannot be booted in any of the following circumstances:
The I/O topology within each PCIe switch in the configuration does not match the I/O
topology of the last selected power-on configuration
CPU resources or memory resources of the last selected power-on configuration are no
longer present in the system

When recovery mode is enabled, the Logical Domains Manager recovers all active and bound
domains from the last selected power-on configuration. The resulting running configuration is
called the degraded configuration. The degraded configuration is saved to the SP and remains
the active configuration until either a new SP configuration is saved or the physical domain is

Note The physical domain does not require a power cycle to activate the degraded
configuration after recovery as it is already the running configuration.

If the physical domain is power-cycled, the system firmware first attempts to boot the last
original power-on configuration. That way, if the missing or faulty hardware was replaced in
the meantime, the system can boot the original normal configuration. If the last selected
power-on configuration is not bootable, the firmware next attempts to boot the associated
degraded configuration if it exists. If the degraded configuration is not bootable or does not
exist, the factory-default configuration is booted and recovery mode is invoked.

Chapter 16 Handling Hardware Errors 355

Recovering Domains After Detecting Faulty or Missing Resources

The recovery operation works in the following order:

Control domain. The Logical Domains Manager recovers the control domain by restoring
its CPU, memory, and I/O configuration as well as its virtual I/O services.
If the amount of CPU or memory required for all recoverable domains is larger than the
remaining available amounts, the number of CPUs or cores or memory is reduced in
proportion to the size of the other domains. For example, in a four-domain system where
each domain has 25% of the CPUs and memory assigned, the resulting degraded
configuration still assigns 25% of the CPUs and memory to each domain. If the primary
domain originally had up to two cores (16 virtual CPUs) and eight Gbytes of memory, the
control domain size is not reduced.
Root complexes and PCIe devices that are assigned to other domains are removed from the
control domain. The virtual functions on root complexes that are owned by the control
domain are re-created. Any missing root complex, PCIe device, physical function, or virtual
function that is assigned to the control domain is marked as evacuated. The Logical
Domains Manager then reboots the control domain to make the changes active.
Root domains. After the control domain has been rebooted, the Logical Domains Manager
recovers the root domains. The amount of CPU and memory is reduced in proportion to the
other recoverable domains, if needed. If a root complex is no longer physically present in the
system, it is marked as evacuated. This root complex is not configured into the domain
during the recovery operation. A root domain is recovered as long as at least one of the root
complexes that is assigned to the root domain is available. If none of its root complexes are
available, the root domain is not recovered. The Logical Domains Manager boots the root
domain and re-creates the virtual functions on the physical functions that are owned by the
root domain. It also removes the PCIe slots that are loaned out by the root domain. Any
missing PCIe slots, physical functions, and virtual functions are marked as evacuated. Any
virtual I/O services that are provided by the domain are re-created, if possible.
I/O domains. Logical Domains Manager recovers any I/O domains. Any PCIe slots and
virtual functions that are missing from the system are marked as evacuated. If none of the
required I/O devices are present, the domain is not recovered and its CPU and memory
resources are available for use by other domains. Any virtual I/O services that are provided
by the domain are re-created, if possible.
Guest domains. A guest domain is recovered only if at least one of the service domains that
serves the domain has been recovered. If the guest domain cannot be recovered, its CPU and
memory resources are available for use by other guest domains.

When possible, the same number of CPUs and amount of memory are allocated to a domain as
specified by the original configuration. If that number of CPUs or amount of memory are not
available, these resources are reduced proportionally to consume the remaining available

356 Oracle VM Server for SPARC 3.3 Administration Guide October 2015
Recovering Domains After Detecting Faulty or Missing Resources

Note When a system is in recovery mode, you can only perform ldm list-* commands. All
other ldm commands are disabled until the recovery operation completes.

The Logical Domains Manager only attempts to recover bound and active domains. The
existing resource configuration of any unbound domain is copied to the new configuration
During a recovery operation, fewer resources might be available than in the previously booted
configuration. As a result, the Logical Domains Manager might only be able to recover some of
the previously configured domains. Also, a recovered domain might not include all of the
resources from its original configuration. For example, a recovered bound domain might have
fewer I/O resources than it had in its previous configuration. A domain might not be recovered
if its I/O devices are no longer present or if its parent service domain could not be recovered.
Recovery mode records its steps to the Logical Domains Manager SMF log,
/var/svc/log/ldoms-ldmd:default.log. A message is written to the system console when
Logical Domains Manager starts a recovery, reboots the control domain, and when the recovery

Caution A recovered domain is not guaranteed to be completely operable. The domain might
not include a resource that is essential to run the OS instance or an application. For example, a
recovered domain might only have a network resource and no disk resource. Or, a recovered
domain might be missing a file system that is required to run an application. Using multipathed
I/O for a domain reduces the impact of missing I/O resources.

Recovery Mode Hardware and Software Requirements

Hardware Requirements The recovery mode feature is supported on the SPARC T5
server, SPARC T7 series server, SPARC M5 server, SPARC M6 server, SPARC M7 series
server, and Fujitsu M10 server.
Firmware Requirements At least version 9.1.0.a of the system firmware for the SPARC T5
server, SPARC M5 server, and SPARC M6 server. At least version 9.4.3 of the system
firmware for the SPARC T7 series server and SPARC M7 series server. At least version
XCP2230 of the system firmware for the Fujitsu M10 server.
Software Requirements Non-primary root domains that loan out PCIe slots must be
running at least the Oracle Solaris 10 1/13 OS or the Oracle Solaris 11.2 OS.

Degraded Configuration
Each physical domain can have only one degraded configuration saved to the SP. If a degraded
configuration already exists, it is replaced by the newly created degraded configuration.

Chapter 16 Handling Hardware Errors 357

Recovering Domains After Detecting Faulty or Missing Resources

You cannot interact directly with degraded configurations. The system firmware transparently
boots the degraded version of the next power-on configuration, if necessary. This transparency
enables the system to boot the original configuration after a power cycle when the missing
resources reappear. When the active configuration is a degraded configuration, it is marked as
[degraded] in the ldm list-spconfig output.

The autosave functionality is disabled while the active configuration is a degraded

configuration. If you save a new configuration to the SP while a degraded configuration is
active, the new configuration is a normal non-degraded configuration.

Note A previously missing resource that reappears on a subsequent power cycle has no effect
on the contents of a normal configuration. However, if you subsequently select the
configuration that triggered recovery mode, the SP boots the original, non-degraded
configuration now that all its hardware is available.

Controlling Recovery Mode

The ldmd/recovery_mode SMF property controls recovery mode behavior. Recovery mode is
enabled by default.

When the ldmd/recovery_mode property is not present or is set to auto, recovery mode is

When the ldmd/recovery_mode property is set to never, the Logical Domains Manager exits
recovery mode without taking any action and the physical domain runs the factory-default

Note If the system firmware requests recovery mode while it is not enabled, issue the following
commands to enable recovery mode after the request is made:

primary# svccfg -s ldmd setprop ldmd/recovery_mode = astring: auto

primary# svcadm refresh ldmd
primary# svcadm restart ldmd

Recovery mode is initiated immediately in this scenario only if no changes were made to the
system, that is, if it is still in the factory-default configuration.

In addition to enabling recovery mode, you can specify a timeout value for a root domain boot
during recovery. By default, the ldmd/recovery_mode_boot_timeout property value is 30
minutes. Valid values start at 5 minutes.

358 Oracle VM Server for SPARC 3.3 Administration Guide October 2015
Marking I/O Resources as Evacuated

Marking Domains as Degraded

A domain is marked as degraded if the FMA blacklisting of a resource leaves a domain with
insufficient resources to start. The domain then remains in the bound state, which prevents the
remaining resources that are assigned to the domain from being reallocated to other domains.

Marking I/O Resources as Evacuated

An I/O resource that is detected as missing by recovery mode is marked as evacuated by
showing an asterisk (*) in ldm list output.

Chapter 16 Handling Hardware Errors 359

C H A P T E R 1 7

Performing Other Administration Tasks

This chapter contains information about using the Oracle VM Server for SPARC software and
tasks that are not described in the preceding chapters.

This chapter covers the following topics:

Entering Names in the CLI on page 362
Updating Property Values in the /etc/system File on page 362
Connecting to a Guest Console Over the Network on page 363
Using Console Groups on page 363
Stopping a Heavily Loaded Domain Can Time Out on page 364
Operating the Oracle Solaris OS With Oracle VM Server for SPARC on page 365
Using Oracle VM Server for SPARC With the Service Processor on page 366
Configuring Domain Dependencies on page 367
Determining Where Errors Occur by Mapping CPU and Memory Addresses on page 370
Using Universally Unique Identifiers on page 373
Virtual Domain Information Command and API on page 373
Using Logical Domain Channels on page 374
Booting a Large Number of Domains on page 377
Cleanly Shutting Down and Power Cycling an Oracle VM Server for SPARC System on
page 378
Logical Domains Variable Persistence on page 379
Adjusting the Interrupt Limit on page 380
Listing Domain I/O Dependencies on page 382
Enabling the Logical Domains Manager Daemon on page 384
Saving and Restoring Autosave Configuration Data on page 384
Factory Default Configuration and Disabling Domains on page 386

Entering Names in the CLI

Entering Names in the CLI

The following sections describe the restrictions on entering names in the Logical Domains
Manager CLI.
File names (file) and variable names (var-name)
First character must be a letter, a number, or a forward slash (/).
Subsequent letters must be letters, numbers, or punctuation.
Virtual disk server backend and virtual switch device names
The names must contain letters, numbers, or punctuation.
Configuration Name (config-name)
The logical domain configuration name (config-name) that you assign to a configuration
stored on the service processor (SP) must have no more than 64 characters.
All other names
The remainder of the names, such as the logical domain name (domain-name), service
names (vswitch-name, service-name, vdpcs-service-name, and vcc-name), virtual network
name (if-name), and virtual disk name (disk-name), must be in the following format:
First character must be a letter or number.
Subsequent characters must be letters, numbers, or any of the following characters

Updating Property Values in the /etc/system File

Do not make manual changes to the /etc/system file. This file is automatically generated upon
reboot when files in the /etc/system.d directory specify tuning property values.

How to Add or Modify a Tuning Property Value

1 Search for the tuning property name in the existing /etc/system file and in the /etc/system.d
For example, to specify a value for the vds:vd_volume_force_slice property, determine
whether the property is already set.
# grep vds:vd_volume_force_slice /etc/system /etc/system.d/*

2 Update the property value:

If the property is found in one of the /etc/system.d files, update the property value in the
existing file.

362 Oracle VM Server for SPARC 3.3 Administration Guide October 2015
Using Console Groups

If the property is found in the /etc/system file or it is not found, create a file in the
/etc/system.d directory with a name such as the following example:

Connecting to a Guest Console Over the Network

You can connect to a guest console over a network if the listen_addr property is set to the IP
address of the control domain in the vntsd(1M) SMF manifest. For example:

$ telnet hostname 5001

Note Enabling network access to a console has security implications. Any user can connect to a
console and for this reason it is disabled by default.

A Service Management Facility manifest is an XML file that describes a service. For more
information about creating an SMF manifest, refer to the Oracle Solaris 10 System
Administrator Documentation (

Note To access a non-English OS in a guest domain through the console, the terminal for the
console must be in the locale required by the OS.

Using Console Groups

The virtual network terminal server daemon, vntsd, enables you to provide access for multiple
domain consoles using a single TCP port. At the time of domain creation, the Logical Domains
Manager assigns a unique TCP port to each console by creating a new default group for that
domain's console. The TCP port is then assigned to the console group as opposed to the console
itself. The console can be bound to an existing group using the set-vcons subcommand.

How to Combine Multiple Consoles Into One Group

1 Bind the consoles for the domains into one group.
The following example shows binding the console for three different domains (ldg1, ldg2, and
ldg3) to the same console group (group1).
primary# ldm set-vcons group=group1 service=primary-vcc0 ldg1
primary# ldm set-vcons group=group1 service=primary-vcc0 ldg2
primary# ldm set-vcons group=group1 service=primary-vcc0 ldg3

Chapter 17 Performing Other Administration Tasks 363

Stopping a Heavily Loaded Domain Can Time Out

2 Connect to the associated TCP port (localhost at port 5000 in this example).
# telnet localhost 5000
primary-vnts-group1: h, l, c{id}, n{name}, q:
You are prompted to select one of the domain consoles.

3 List the domains within the group by selecting l (list).

primary-vnts-group1: h, l, c{id}, n{name}, q: l
0 ldg1 online
1 ldg2 online
2 ldg3 online

Note To reassign the console to a different group or vcc instance, the domain must be
unbound; that is, it has to be in the inactive state. Refer to the vntsd(1M) man page for more
information about configuring and using SMF to manage vntsd and using console groups.

Stopping a Heavily Loaded Domain Can Time Out

An ldm stop-domain command can time out before the domain completes shutting down.
When this happens, an error similar to the following is returned by the Logical Domains

LDom ldg8 stop notification failed

However, the domain could still be processing the shutdown request. Use the ldm list-domain
command to verify the status of the domain. For example:

# ldm list-domain ldg8

ldg8 active s---- 5000 22 3328M 0.3% 1d 14h 31m

The preceding list shows the domain as active, but the s flag indicates that the domain is in the
process of stopping. This should be a transitory state.

The following example shows the domain has now stopped.

# ldm list-domain ldg8

ldg8 bound ----- 5000 22 3328M

The ldm stop command uses the shutdown command to stop a domain. The execution of the
shutdown sequence usually takes much longer than a quick stop, which can be performed by
running the ldm stop -q command. See the ldm(1M) man page.

A long shutdown sequence might generate the following timeout message:

364 Oracle VM Server for SPARC 3.3 Administration Guide October 2015
Operating the Oracle Solaris OS With Oracle VM Server for SPARC

domain-name stop timed out. The domain might still be in the process of shutting down.
Either let it continue, or specify -f to force it to stop.

While this shutdown sequence runs, the s flag is also shown for the domain.

Operating the Oracle Solaris OS With Oracle VM Server for

This section describes the changes in behavior in using the Oracle Solaris OS that occur once a
configuration created by the Logical Domains Manager is instantiated.

OpenBoot Firmware Not Available After the Oracle

Solaris OS Has Started
The OpenBoot firmware is not available after the Oracle Solaris OS has started because it is
removed from memory.

To reach the ok prompt from the Oracle Solaris OS, you must halt the domain by using the
Oracle Solaris OS halt command.

Performing a Power Cycle of a Server

Whenever performing any maintenance on a system running Oracle VM Server for SPARC
software that requires you to perform a power cycle of the server, you must save your current
logical domain configurations to the SP first.

To save your current domain configurations to the SP, use the following command:

# ldm add-config config-name

Result of Oracle Solaris OS Breaks

You can initiate Oracle Solaris OS breaks as follows:
1. Press the L1-A key sequence when the input device is set to keyboard.
2. Enter the send break command when the virtual console is at the telnet prompt.

When you initiate such a break, the Oracle Solaris OS issues the following prompt:

c)ontinue, s)ync, r)eset, h)alt?

Type the letter that represents what you want the system to do after these types of breaks.

Chapter 17 Performing Other Administration Tasks 365

Using Oracle VM Server for SPARC With the Service Processor

Results From Rebooting the Control Domain

You can use the reboot and shutdown -i 5 commands to reboot the control (primary)
No other domains configured. Reboots the control domain without graceful shutdown,
no power off.
Other domains configured. Reboots the control domain without graceful shutdown, no
power off.
shutdown -i 5:
No other domains configured. Host powered off after graceful shutdown, stays off until
powered on at the SP.
Other domains configured. Reboots with graceful shutdown, no power off.

For information about the consequences of rebooting a domain that has the root domain role,
see Rebooting the Root Domain With PCIe Endpoints Configured on page 149.

Using Oracle VM Server for SPARC With the Service Processor

The section describes information related to using the Integrated Lights Out Manager (ILOM)
service processor (SP) with the Logical Domains Manager. For more information about using
the ILOM software, see the documents for your specific platform at

An additional config option is available to the existing ILOM command:

-> set /HOST/bootmode config=config-name

This option enables you to set the configuration on the next power on to another configuration,
including the factory-default shipping configuration.

You can invoke the command regardless of whether the host is powered on or off. It takes effect
on the next host reset or power on.

To reset the logical domain configuration, you set the option to factory-default.

-> set /HOST/bootmode config=factory-default

You also can select other configurations that have been created with the Logical Domains
Manager using the ldm add-config command and stored on the service processor (SP). The
name you specify in the Logical Domains Manager ldm add-config command can be used to
select that configuration with the ILOM bootmode command. For example, assume you stored
the configuration with the name ldm-config1.

366 Oracle VM Server for SPARC 3.3 Administration Guide October 2015
Configuring Domain Dependencies

-> set /HOST/bootmode config=ldm-config1

Now, you must perform a power cycle of the system to load the new configuration.
See the ldm(1M) man page for more information about the ldm add-config command.

Configuring Domain Dependencies

You can use the Logical Domains Manager to establish dependency relationships between
domains. A domain that has one or more domains that depend on it is called a master domain.
A domain that depends on another domain is called a slave domain.
Each slave domain can specify up to four master domains by setting the master property. For
example, the pine slave domain specifies its four master domains in the following
comma-separated list:

# ldm add-domain master=alpha,beta,gamma,delta pine

The alpha, beta, gamma, and delta master domains all specify a failure policy of stop.
Each master domain can specify what happens to its slave domains in the event that the master
domain fails. For instance, if a master domain fails, it might require its slave domains to panic. If
a slave domain has more than one master domain, each master domain must have the same
failure policy. So, the first master domain to fail triggers its defined failure policy on all of its
slave domains.
The master domain's failure policy is controlled by setting one of the following values to the
failure-policy property:
ignore ignores any slave domains
panic panics any slave domains (similar to running the ldm panic command)
reset immediately stops and then restarts any slave domains (similar to running the ldm
stop -f command and then the ldm start command)
stop stops any slave domains (similar to running the ldm stop -f command)
In this example, the master domains specify their failure policy as follows:

primary# ldm set-domain failure-policy=ignore apple

primary# ldm set-domain failure-policy=panic lemon
primary# ldm set-domain failure-policy=reset orange
primary# ldm set-domain failure-policy=stop peach
primary# ldm set-domain failure-policy=stop alpha
primary# ldm set-domain failure-policy=stop beta
primary# ldm set-domain failure-policy=stop gamma
primary# ldm set-domain failure-policy=stop delta
You can use this mechanism to create explicit dependencies between domains. For example, a
guest domain implicitly depends on the service domain to provide its virtual devices. A guest
domain's I/O is blocked when the service domain on which it depends is not up and running. By

Chapter 17 Performing Other Administration Tasks 367

Configuring Domain Dependencies

defining a guest domain as a slave of its service domain, you can specify the behavior of the
guest domain when its service domain goes down. When no such dependency is established, a
guest domain just waits for its service domain to return to service.

Note The Logical Domains Manager does not permit you to create domain relationships that
create a dependency cycle. For more information, see Dependency Cycles on page 369.

For domain dependency XML examples, see Example 236.

Domain Dependency Examples

The following examples show how to configure domain dependencies.

EXAMPLE 171 Configuring a Failure Policy by Using Domain Dependencies

The first command creates a master domain called twizzle. This command uses
failure-policy=reset to specify that slave domains reset if the twizzle domain fails. The
second command modifies a master domain called primary. This command uses
failure-policy=reset to specify that slave domains reset if the primary domain fails. The
third command creates a slave domain called chocktaw that depends on two master domains,
twizzle and primary. The slave domain uses master=twizzle,primary to specify its master
domains. In the event either the twizzle or primary domain fails, the chocktaw domain will

primary# ldm add-domain failure-policy=reset twizzle

primary# ldm set-domain failure-policy=reset primary
primary# ldm add-domain master=twizzle,primary chocktaw

EXAMPLE 172 Modifying a Domain to Assign a Master Domain

This example shows how to use the ldm set-domain command to modify the orange domain to
assign primary as the master domain. The second command uses the ldm set-domain
command to assign orange and primary as master domains for the tangerine domain. The
third command lists information about all of these domains.

primary# ldm set-domain master=primary orange

primary# ldm set-domain master=orange,primary tangerine
primary# ldm list -o domain
primary active -n-cv- 0.2%

Solaris running


368 Oracle VM Server for SPARC 3.3 Administration Guide October 2015
Configuring Domain Dependencies

EXAMPLE 172 Modifying a Domain to Assign a Master Domain (Continued)

orange bound ------
tangerine bound ------

EXAMPLE 173 Showing a Parseable Domain Listing

The following shows an example listing with parseable output:

primary# ldm list -o domain -p

Dependency Cycles
The Logical Domains Manager does not permit you to create domain relationships that create a
dependency cycle. A dependency cycle is a relationship between two or more domains that lead
to a situation where a slave domain depends on itself or a master domain depends on one of its
slave domains.

The Logical Domains Manager determines whether a dependency cycle exists before adding a
dependency. The Logical Domains Manager starts at the slave domain and searches along all
paths that are specified by the master array until the end of the path is reached. Any dependency
cycles found along the way are reported as errors.

Chapter 17 Performing Other Administration Tasks 369

Determining Where Errors Occur by Mapping CPU and Memory Addresses

The following example shows how a dependency cycle might be created. The first command
creates a slave domain called mohawk that specifies its master domain as primary. So, mohawk
depends on primary in the dependency chain shown in the following diagram.

FIGURE 171 Single Domain Dependency

The second command creates a slave domain called primary that specifies its master domain as
counter. So, mohawk depends on primary, which depends on counter in the dependency chain
shown in the following diagram.

FIGURE 172 Multiple Domain Dependency

The third command attempts to create a dependency between the counter and mohawk
domains, which would produce the dependency cycle shown in the following diagram.

FIGURE 173 Domain Dependency Cycle

The ldm set-domain command will fail with the following error message:

# ldm add-domain master=primary mohawk

# ldm set-domain master=counter primary
# ldm set-domain master=mohawk counter
Dependency cycle detected: LDom "counter" indicates "primary" as its master

Determining Where Errors Occur by Mapping CPU and

Memory Addresses
This section describes how you can correlate the information that is reported by the Oracle
Solaris Fault Management Architecture (FMA) with the logical domain resources that are
marked as being faulty.

370 Oracle VM Server for SPARC 3.3 Administration Guide October 2015
Determining Where Errors Occur by Mapping CPU and Memory Addresses

FMA reports CPU errors in terms of physical CPU numbers and memory errors in terms of
physical memory addresses.
If you want to determine within which logical domain an error occurred and the corresponding
virtual CPU number or real memory address within the domain, then you must perform a

CPU Mapping
You can find the domain and the virtual CPU number within the domain that correspond to a
given physical CPU number.
First, generate a long parseable list for all domains by using the following command:

primary# ldm list -l -p

Look for the entry in the list's VCPU sections that has a pid field equal to the physical CPU
If you find such an entry, the CPU is in the domain the entry is listed under, and the virtual
CPU number within the domain is given by the entry's vid field.
If you do not find such an entry, the CPU is not in any domain.

Memory Mapping
You can find the domain and the real memory address within the domain that correspond to a
given physical memory address (PA).
First, generate a long parseable list for all domains.

primary# ldm list -l -p

Look for the line in the list's MEMORY sections where the PA falls within the inclusive range pa to
(pa + size - 1); that is, pa PA (pa + size - 1). pa and size refer to the values in the
corresponding fields of the line.
If you find such an entry, the PA is in the domain the entry is listed under and the
corresponding real address within the domain is given by ra + (PA - pa).
If you do not find such an entry, the PA is not in any domain.

Example of CPU and Memory Mapping

EXAMPLE 174 Determining the Configuration of Domains
The following command produces a long parseable list of logical domains configurations.

Chapter 17 Performing Other Administration Tasks 371

Determining Where Errors Occur by Mapping CPU and Memory Addresses

EXAMPLE 174 Determining the Configuration of Domains (Continued)

primary# ldm list -l -p

softstate=Solaris running
softstate=Solaris running
softstate=Solaris running

EXAMPLE 175 Determining the Virtual CPU That Corresponds to a Physical CPU Number
The logical domain configuration is shown in Example 174. This example describes how to
determine the domain and the virtual CPU corresponding to physical CPU number 5, and the
domain and the real address corresponding to physical address 0x7e816000.

Looking through the VCPU entries in the list for the one with the pid field equal to 5, you can find
the following entry under logical domain ldg1.


Hence, the physical CPU number 5 is in domain ldg1 and within the domain it has virtual CPU
number 1.

Looking through the MEMORY entries in the list, you can find the following entry under domain

372 Oracle VM Server for SPARC 3.3 Administration Guide October 2015
Virtual Domain Information Command and API

EXAMPLE 175 Determining the Virtual CPU That Corresponds to a Physical CPU Number


Where 0x78000000 <= 0x7e816000 <= (0x78000000 + 1073741824 - 1); that is, pa <= PA <= (pa
+ size - 1). Hence, the PA is in domain ldg2 and the corresponding real address is 0x8000000 +
(0x7e816000 - 0x78000000) = 0xe816000.

Using Universally Unique Identifiers

Each domain is assigned a universally unique identifier (UUID). The UUID is assigned when a
domain is created. For legacy domains, the UUID is assigned when the ldmd daemon initializes.

Note The UUID is lost if you use the ldm migrate-domain -f command to migrate a domain
to a target machine that runs an older version of the Logical Domains Manager. When you
migrate a domain from a source machine that runs an older version of the Logical Domains
Manager, the domain is assigned a new UUID as part of the migration. Otherwise, the UUID is

You can obtain the UUID for a domain by running the ldm list -l, ldm list-bindings, or
ldm list -o domain command. The following examples show the UUID for the ldg1 domain:

primary# ldm create ldg1

primary# ldm ls -l ldg1
ldg1 inactive ------


primary# ldm ls -l -p ldg1


Virtual Domain Information Command and API

The virtinfo command enables you to gather information about a running virtual domain.
You can also use the Virtual Domain Information API to create programs to gather
information related to virtual domains.

Chapter 17 Performing Other Administration Tasks 373

Using Logical Domain Channels

The following list shows some of the information that you can gather about a virtual domain by
using the command or API:
Domain type (implementation, control, guest, I/O, service, root)
Domain name determined by the Virtual Domain Manager
Universally unique identifier (UUID) of the domain
Network node name of the domain's control domain
Chassis serial number on which the domain is running

For information about the virtinfo command, see the virtinfo(1M) man page. For
information about the API, see the libv12n(3LIB) and v12n(3EXT) man pages.

Using Logical Domain Channels

Oracle VM Server for SPARC uses logical domain channels (LDCs) to implement all
communications such as console, virtual I/O, and control traffic. An LDC is the method used to
enable communications between two endpoints. Although typically each endpoint is in a
different domain, the endpoints can be in the same domain to enable loopback

This software and system firmware provide a large pool of LDC endpoints that you can use for
the control domain and guest domains. This LDC endpoint pool is available only for the SPARC
T4 servers, SPARC T5 servers, SPARC T7 series servers, SPARC M5 servers, SPARC M6 servers,
SPARC M7 series servers, and Fujitsu M10 servers. The number of LDCs in the pool is based on
the platform type as follows:
SPARC T4 Server 1984 LDC endpoints per guest domain, 98304 LDC endpoints total
SPARC T5 Server 1984 LDC endpoints per guest domain, 98304 LDC endpoints total
SPARC T7 Series Server 1984 LDC endpoints per guest domain, 98304 LDC endpoints
SPARC M5 Server 1984 LDC endpoints per guest domain, 98304 LDC endpoints per
physical domain
SPARC M6 Server 1984 LDC endpoints per guest domain, 98304 LDC endpoints per
physical domain
SPARC M7 Series Server 1984 LDC endpoints per guest domain, 98304 LDC endpoints
per physical domain
Fujitsu M10 server 1984 LDC endpoints per guest domain, 196608 LDC endpoints total

The required system firmware to support the LDC endpoint pool is 8.5.2 for SPARC T4 servers,
9.2.1 for SPARC T5 servers, SPARC M5 servers, and SPARC M6 servers, 9.4.3 for SPARC T7
series servers and SPARC M7 series servers, and XCP2240 for Fujitsu M10 servers.

374 Oracle VM Server for SPARC 3.3 Administration Guide October 2015
Using Logical Domain Channels

The following LDC endpoint limits still apply if you run an older version of the system firmware
on a supported platform or on an UltraSPARC T2, UltraSPARC T2 Plus, or SPARC T3
UltraSPARC T2 Server 512 LDC endpoints
UltraSPARC T2 Plus Server 768 LDC endpoints
SPARC T3 Server 768 LDC endpoints
SPARC T4 Server 768 LDC endpoints
SPARC T5 Server 768 LDC endpoints
SPARC T7 Series Server 768 LDC endpoints
SPARC M5 Server 768 LDC endpoints
SPARC M6 Server 768 LDC endpoints
SPARC M7 Series Servers 768 LDC endpoints
Fujitsu M10 servers 768 LDC endpoints

This limitation might be an issue on the control domain because of the potentially large number
of LDC endpoints that are used for both virtual I/O data communications and the Logical
Domains Manager control of the other domains.

If you attempt to add a service or bind a domain so that the number of LDC endpoints exceeds
the limit on any single domain, the operation fails with an error message similar to the

13 additional LDCs are required on guest primary to meet this request,

but only 9 LDCs are available

The following guidelines enable you to plan properly for using LDC endpoints and explain why
you might experience an overflow of the LDC capabilities of the control domain:
The control domain uses approximately 15 LDC endpoints for various communication
purposes with the hypervisor, Fault Management Architecture (FMA), and the system
processor (SP), independent of the number of other domains configured. The number of
LDC endpoints used by the control domain depends on the platform and on the version of
the software that is used.
The Logical Domains Manager allocates an LDC endpoint to the control domain for every
domain, including itself, for control traffic.
Each virtual I/O service on the control domain uses one LDC endpoint for every connected
client of that service. Each domain needs at least a virtual network, a virtual disk, and a
virtual console.

The following equation incorporates these guidelines to determine the number of LDC
endpoints that are required by the control domain:

15 + number-of-domains + (number-of-domains x number-of-virtual-services)

= total-LDC-endpoints

Chapter 17 Performing Other Administration Tasks 375

Using Logical Domain Channels

number-of-domains is the total number of domains including the control domain and
number-of-virtual-services is the total number of virtual I/O devices that are serviced by this

The following example shows how to use the equation to determine the number of LDC
endpoints when there is a control domain and eight additional domains:

15 + 9 + (8 x 3) = 48 LDC endpoints

The following example has 45 guest domains and each domain includes five virtual disks, two
virtual networks, and a virtual console. The calculation yields the following result:

15 + 46 + 45 x 8 = 421 LDC endpoints

Depending upon the number of supported LDC endpoints of your platform, the Logical
Domains Manager will either accept or reject the configuration.

If you run out of LDC endpoints on the control domain, consider creating service domains or
I/O domains to provide virtual I/O services to the guest domains. This action enables the LDC
endpoints to be created on the I/O domains and the service domains instead of on the control

A guest domain can also run out of LDC endpoints. This situation might be caused by the
inter-vnet-link property being set to on, which assigns additional LDC endpoints to guest
domains to connect directly to each other.

The following equation determines the number of LDC endpoints that are required by a guest
domain when inter-vnet-link=off:
2 + number-of-vnets + number-of-vdisks = total-LDC-endpoints

2 represents the virtual console and control traffic, number-of-vnets is the total number of
virtual network devices assigned to the guest domain, and number-of-vdisks is the total number
of virtual disks assigned to the guest domain.

The following example shows how to use the equation to determine the number of LDC
endpoints per guest domain when inter-vnet-link=off and you have two virtual disks and
two virtual networks:

2 + 2 + 2 = 6 LDC endpoints

The following equation determines the number of LDC endpoints that are required by a guest
domain when inter-vnet-link=on:
2 + [[(number-of-vnets-from-vswX x number-of-vnets-in-vswX)] ...] + number-of-vdisks =

2 represents the virtual console and control traffic, number-of-vnets-from-vswX is the total
number of virtual network devices assigned to the guest domain from the vswX virtual switch,

376 Oracle VM Server for SPARC 3.3 Administration Guide October 2015
Booting a Large Number of Domains

number-of-vnets-in-vswX is the total number of virtual network devices on the vswX virtual
switch, and number-of-virtual-disks is the total number of virtual disks assigned to the guest

The following example shows how to use the equation to determine the number of LDC
endpoints per guest domain when inter-vnet-link=on and you have two virtual disks and two
virtual switches. The first virtual switch has eight virtual networks and assigns four of them to
the domain. The second virtual switch assigns all eight of its virtual networks to the domain:

2 + (4 x 8) + (8 x 8) + 2 = 100 LDC endpoints

To resolve the issue of running out of LDC endpoints on a guest domain, consider using the ldm
add-vsw or ldm set-vsw command to set the inter-vnet-link property to off. This action
reduces the number of LDC endpoints in the domain or domains that have the virtual network
devices. However, the off property value does not affect the service domain that has the virtual
switch because the service domain still requires an LDC connection to each virtual network
device. When this property is set to off, LDC channels are not used for inter-vnet
communications. Instead, an LDC channel is assigned only for communication between virtual
network devices and virtual switch devices. See the ldm(1M) man page.

Note Although disabling the assignment of inter-vnet links reduces the number of LDC
endpoints, it might negatively affect guest-to-guest network performance. This degradation
would occur because all guest-to-guest communications traffic goes through the virtual switch
rather than directly from one guest domain to another guest domain.

Booting a Large Number of Domains

You can boot the following number of domains depending on your server:
Up to 256 on Fujitsu M10 servers per physical partition
Up to 128 on SPARC M7 series servers per physical domain
Up to 128 on SPARC M6 servers per physical domain
Up to 128 on SPARC M5 servers per physical domain
Up to 128 on SPARC T7 series servers
Up to 128 on SPARC T5 servers
Up to 128 on SPARC T4 servers
Up to 128 on SPARC T3 servers
Up to 128 on UltraSPARC T2 Plus servers
Up to 64 on UltraSPARC T2 servers

If unallocated virtual CPUs are available, assign them to the service domain to help process the
virtual I/O requests. Allocate 4 to 8 virtual CPUs to the service domain when creating more
than 32 domains. In cases where maximum domain configurations have only a single CPU in
the service domain, do not put unnecessary stress on the single CPU when configuring and

Chapter 17 Performing Other Administration Tasks 377

Cleanly Shutting Down and Power Cycling an Oracle VM Server for SPARC System

using the domain. The virtual switch (vsw) services should be spread across all the network
adapters available in the machine. For example, if booting 128 domains on a Sun SPARC
Enterprise T5240 server, create 4 vsw services, each serving 32 virtual net (vnet) instances.
Assigning more than 32 vnet instances per vsw service could cause hard hangs in the service

To run the maximum configurations, a machine needs an adequate amount of memory to

support the guest domains. The amount of memory is dependent on your platform and your
OS. See the documentation for your platform, Oracle Solaris 10 8/11 Installation Guide:
Planning for Installation and Upgrade and Installing Oracle Solaris 11.3 Systems .

Memory and swap space usage increases in a guest domain when the vsw services used by the
domain provide services to many virtual networks in multiple domains. This increase is due to
the peer-to-peer links between all the vnet instances connected to the vsw. The service domain
benefits from having extra memory. The recommended minimum is four Gbytes when running
more than 64 domains. Start domains in groups of 10 or fewer and wait for them to boot before
starting the next batch. The same advice applies to installing operating systems on domains.
You can reduce the number of links by disabling inter-vnet links. See Inter-Vnet LDC
Channels on page 230.

Cleanly Shutting Down and Power Cycling an Oracle VM

Server for SPARC System
If you have made any configuration changes since last saving a configuration to the SC, before
you attempt to power off or power cycle an Oracle VM Server for SPARC system, make sure that
you save the latest configuration that you want to keep.

How to Power Off a System With Multiple Active

1 Shut down, stop, and unbind all the non-I/O domains.

2 Shut down, stop, and unbind any active I/O domains.

3 Change the domain into init state 5.

primary# shutdown -i 5
Instead of using the shutdown command, you can also use the init 5 command.

378 Oracle VM Server for SPARC 3.3 Administration Guide October 2015
Logical Domains Variable Persistence

How to Power Cycle the System

1 Power off the system.
See How to Power Off a System With Multiple Active Domains on page 378.

2 Use the SP to power on the system.

Logical Domains Variable Persistence

Variable updates persist across a reboot but not across a power cycle unless the variable updates
are either initiated from OpenBoot firmware on the control domain or followed by saving the
configuration to the SC.

Note the following conditions:

When the control domain reboots, if there are no bound guest domains and no delayed
reconfiguration in progress, the SC performs a power cycle of the system.
When the control domain reboots, if guest domains are bound or active (or the control
domain is in the middle of a delayed reconfiguration), the SC does not perform a power
cycle of the system.

Logical Domains variables for a domain can be specified using any of the following methods:
At the OpenBoot prompt.
Using the Oracle Solaris OS eeprom(1M) command.
Using the Logical Domains Manager CLI (ldm).
In a limited fashion, from the system controller (SC) using the bootmode command. This
method can be used for only certain variables, and only when in the factory-default

Variable updates that are made by using any of these methods should always persist across
reboots of the domain. The variable updates also always apply to any subsequent domain
configurations that were saved to the SC.

In Oracle VM Server for SPARC 3.3 software, variable updates do not persist as expected in a
few cases:
All methods of updating a variable persist across reboots of that domain. However, they do
not persist across a power cycle of the system unless a subsequent logical domain
configuration is saved to the SC.
However in the control domain, updates made using either OpenBoot firmware commands
or the eeprom command do persist across a power cycle of the system even without
subsequently saving a new logical domain configuration to the SC. The eeprom command

Chapter 17 Performing Other Administration Tasks 379

Adjusting the Interrupt Limit

supports this behavior on SPARC T5 servers, SPARC T7 series servers, SPARC M5 servers,
SPARC M6 servers, and SPARC M7 series servers, and on SPARC T3 servers and SPARC T4
servers that run at least version 8.2.1 of the system firmware.

If you are concerned about Logical Domains variable changes, do one of the following:
Bring the system to the ok prompt and update the variables.
Update the variables while the Logical Domains Manager is disabled:
# svcadm disable ldmd
update variables
# svcadm enable ldmd
When running Live Upgrade, perform the following steps:
# svcadm disable -t ldmd
# luactivate be3
# init 6

If you modify the time or date on a logical domain, for example, using the ntpdate command,
the change persists across reboots of the domain but not across a power cycle of the host. To
ensure that time changes persist, save the configuration with the time change to the SP and boot
from that configuration.

The following Bug IDs have been filed to resolve these issues: 15375997, 15387338, 15387606,
and 15415199.

Adjusting the Interrupt Limit

Hardware provides a finite number of interrupts, so Oracle Solaris limits the number of
interrupts that each device can use. The default limit should match the needs of a typical system
configuration but you might need to adjust this value for certain system configurations.

Note These limitations do not apply to the SPARC M7 series servers and SPARC T7 series

When you enable I/O virtualization on a PCIe bus, interrupt hardware resources are assigned to
each I/O domain. Each domain is allotted a finite number of those resources, which might lead
to some interrupt allocation issues. This situation affects only the UltraSPARC T2, UltraSPARC
T2 Plus, SPARC T3, SPARC T4, SPARC T5, SPARC M5, and SPARC M6 platforms.

The following warning on the Oracle Solaris console means the interrupt supply was exhausted
while attaching I/O device drivers:

WARNING: ddi_intr_alloc: cannot fit into interrupt pool

380 Oracle VM Server for SPARC 3.3 Administration Guide October 2015
Adjusting the Interrupt Limit

Specifically, the limit might need adjustment if the system is partitioned into multiple logical
domains and if too many I/O devices are assigned to any guest domain. Oracle VM Server for
SPARC divides the total number of interrupts into smaller sets and assigns them to guest
domains. If too many I/O devices are assigned to a guest domain, its interrupt supply might be
too small to provide each device with the default limit of interrupts. Thus, the guest domain
exhausts its interrupt supply before it completely attaches all the drivers.

Some drivers provide an optional callback routine that permits the Oracle Solaris OS to
automatically adjust their interrupts. The default limit does not apply to these drivers.

Use the ::irmpools and ::irmreqs MDB macros to determine how interrupts are used. The
::irmpools macro shows the overall interrupt supply divided into pools. The ::irmreqs macro
shows which devices are mapped to each pool. For each device, ::irmreqs shows whether the
default limit is enforced by an optional callback routine, how many interrupts each driver
requested, and how many interrupts each driver has.

Although these macros do not show information about drivers that failed to attach, you can use
the information to calculate the extent to which you can adjust the default limit. You can force
any device that uses more than one interrupt without providing a callback routine to use fewer
interrupts by adjusting the default limit. For such devices, reduce the default limit to free
interrupts that can be used by other devices.

To adjust the default limit, set the ddi_msix_alloc_limit property to a value from 1 to 8 in the
/etc/system file. Then, reboot the system for the change to take effect.

For information about correctly creating or updating /etc/system property values, see
Updating Property Values in the /etc/system File on page 362.

To maximize performance, start by assigning larger values and decrease the values in small
increments until the system boots successfully without any warnings. Use the ::irmpools and
::irmreqs macros to measure the adjustment's impact on all attached drivers.

For example, suppose the following warnings are issued while booting the Oracle Solaris OS in a
guest domain:

WARNING: emlxs3: interrupt pool too full.

WARNING: ddi_intr_alloc: cannot fit into interrupt pool

The ::irmpools and ::irmreqs macros show the following information:

# echo ::irmpools | mdb -k

00000400016be970 px#0 MSI/X 36 36 36
# echo 00000400016be970::irmreqs | mdb -k
00001000143acaa8 emlxs#0 MSI-X No 32 8 8
00001000170199f8 emlxs#1 MSI-X No 32 8 8
000010001400ca28 emlxs#2 MSI-X No 32 8 8

Chapter 17 Performing Other Administration Tasks 381

Listing Domain I/O Dependencies

0000100016151328 igb#3 MSI-X No 10 3 3

0000100019549d30 igb#2 MSI-X No 10 3 3
0000040000e0f878 igb#1 MSI-X No 10 3 3
000010001955a5c8 igb#0 MSI-X No 10 3 3

The default limit in this example is 8 interrupts per device, which is not enough interrupts to
accommodate attaching the final emlxs3 device to the system. Assuming that all emlxs
instances behave in the same way, emlxs3 probably requested 8 interrupts.

By subtracting the 12 interrupts used by all of the igb devices from the total pool size of 36
interrupts, 24 interrupts are available for the emlxs devices. Dividing the 24 interrupts by 4
suggests that 6 interrupts per device would enable all emlxs devices to attach with equal
performance. So, the following adjustment is added to the /etc/system file:

set ddi_msix_alloc_limit = 6

For information about correctly creating or updating /etc/system property values, see
Updating Property Values in the /etc/system File on page 362.

When the system successfully boots without warnings, the ::irmpools and ::irmreqs macros
show the following updated information:

primary# echo ::irmpools | mdb -k

00000400018ca868 px#0 MSI/X 36 36 36
# echo 00000400018ca868::irmreqs | mdb -k
0000100016143218 emlxs#0 MSI-X No 32 8 6
0000100014269920 emlxs#1 MSI-X No 32 8 6
000010001540be30 emlxs#2 MSI-X No 32 8 6
00001000140cbe10 emlxs#3 MSI-X No 32 8 6
00001000141210c0 igb#3 MSI-X No 10 3 3
0000100017549d38 igb#2 MSI-X No 10 3 3
0000040001ceac40 igb#1 MSI-X No 10 3 3
000010001acc3480 igb#0 MSI-X No 10 3 3

Listing Domain I/O Dependencies

I/O operations for a domain are often provided by another domain such as a service domain or
an I/O domain. For example, a service domain can export a virtual device or a root domain can
provide direct access to a physical device.

Be aware of these implicit I/O dependencies, as an outage in a service domain or a root domain
will result in a service interruption of the dependent domain, as well.

You can use the ldm list-dependencies command to view the I/O dependencies between
domains. In addition to listing the dependencies of a domain, you can invert the output to show
the dependents of a particular domain.

382 Oracle VM Server for SPARC 3.3 Administration Guide October 2015
Listing Domain I/O Dependencies

The following list shows the types of I/O dependencies that you can view by using the ldm
list-dependencies command:
VDISK Dependency created when a virtual disk is connected to a virtual disk backend that
has been exported by a virtual disk server
VNET Dependency created when a virtual network device is connected to a virtual switch
IOV Dependency created when an SR-IOV virtual function is associated with an SR-IOV
physical function

The following ldm list-dependencies commands show some of the ways in which you can
view domain dependency information:
To show detailed domain dependency information, use the -l option.
primary# ldm list-dependencies -l
ldg0 primary VDISK primary-vds0/vdisk0
VNET primary-vsw0/vnet0
svcdom VDISK svcdom-vds0/vdisk1
VNET svcdom-vsw0/vnet1
ldg1 primary VDISK primary-vds0/vdisk0
VNET primary-vsw0/vnet0
svcdom VDISK svcdom-vds0/vdisk1
VNET svcdom-vsw0/vnet1
To show detailed information about dependents grouped by their dependencies, use both
the -l and -r options.
primary# ldm list-dependencies -r -l
primary ldg0 VDISK primary-vds0/vdisk0
VNET primary-vsw0/vnet0
ldg1 VDISK primary-vds0/vdisk0
VNET primary-vsw0/vnet0
svcdom ldg0 VDISK svcdom-vds0/vdisk1
VNET svcdom-vsw0/vnet1
ldg1 VDISK svcdom-vds0/vdisk1
VNET svcdom-vsw0/vnet1

Chapter 17 Performing Other Administration Tasks 383

Enabling the Logical Domains Manager Daemon

Enabling the Logical Domains Manager Daemon

The Logical Domains Manager daemon, ldmd, is automatically enabled when the Oracle VM
Server for SPARC software package is installed. Once the daemon is enabled, you can create,
modify, and control the logical domains.

On SPARC T7 series servers and SPARC M7 series servers, the ILOM interconnect service
enables communication between the ldmd daemon and the service processor (SP). The
ilomconfig-interconnect service is enabled by default. To verify that the ILOM interconnect
service is enabled, see How to Verify the ILOM Interconnect Configuration on page 54.

Caution Do not disable the ilomconfig-interconnect service. Disabling this service might
prevent the correct operation of logical domains and the OS.

How to Enable the Logical Domains Manager Daemon

Use this procedure to enable the ldmd daemon if it has been disabled.

1 Use the svcadm command to enable the Logical Domains Manager daemon, ldmd.
# svcadm enable ldmd
For more information about the svcadm command, see the svcadm(1M) man page.

2 Verify that the Logical Domains Manager is running.

The ldm list command should list all domains that are currently defined on the system. In
particular, the primary domain should be listed and be in the active state. The following
sample output shows that only the primary domain is defined on the system.
# ldm list
primary active ---c- SP 64 3264M 0.3% 19d 9m

Saving and Restoring Autosave Configuration Data

The following sections describe how to save and restore autosave configuration directories and
the constraints database file.

384 Oracle VM Server for SPARC 3.3 Administration Guide October 2015
Saving and Restoring Autosave Configuration Data

Saving and Restoring Autosave Configuration

You can save and restore autosave configuration directories prior to reinstalling the operating
system on the control domain. Whenever you reinstall the operating system on the control
domain, you must save and restore the domain autosave configuration data, which is found in
the /var/share/ldomsmanager/autosave-autosave-name directories.

You can use the tar or cpio command to save and restore the entire contents of the directories.

Note Each autosave directory includes a timestamp for the last SP configuration update for the
related configuration. If you restore the autosave files, the timestamp might be out of sync. In
this case, the restored autosave configurations are shown in their previous state, either [newer]
or up to date.

For more information about autosave configurations, see Managing Domain Configurations
on page 343.

How to Save and Restore Autosave Directories

1 Save the autosave directories.

# cd /
# tar -cvpf autosave.tar var/share/ldomsmanager/autosave-*

2 (Optional) Remove the existing autosave directories to ensure a clean restore operation.
Sometimes an autosave directory might include extraneous files, perhaps left over from a
previous configuration, that might corrupt the configuration that was downloaded to the SP. In
such cases, clean the autosave directory prior to the restore operation as shown in this example:
# cd /
# rm -rf var/share/ldomsmanager/autosave-*

3 Restore the autosave directories.

These commands restore the files and directories in the /var/share/ldomsmanager directory.
# cd /
# tar -xvpf autosave.tar

Chapter 17 Performing Other Administration Tasks 385

Factory Default Configuration and Disabling Domains

Saving and Restoring the Logical Domains Constraints

Database File
Whenever you upgrade the operating system on the control domain, you must save and restore
the /var/share/ldomsmanager/ldom-db.xml Logical Domains constraints database file.

Also save and restore the /var/share/ldomsmanager/ldom-db.xml file when you perform any
other operation that is destructive to the control domain's file data, such as a disk swap.

Note The /var/share/ldomsmanager directory is shared between all boot environments.

/var/opt/SUNWldm is a symbolic link to /var/share/ldomsmanager for
backward-compatibility purposes.

Factory Default Configuration and Disabling Domains

The initial configuration, in which the platform appears as a single system hosting only one
operating system, is called the factory default configuration. If you want to disable logical
domains, you probably also want to restore this configuration so that the system regains access
to all resources (CPUs, memory, I/O) that might have been assigned to other domains.

This section describes how to remove all guest domains, remove all domain configurations, and
revert the configuration to the factory default.

How to Remove All Guest Domains

1 Stop all domains.
primary# ldm stop-domain -a

2 Unbind all domains except for the primary domain.

primary# ldm unbind-domain ldom

Note You might be unable to unbind an I/O domain if it is providing services required by the
control domain. In this situation, skip this step.

3 Destroy all domains except for the primary domain.

primary# ldm remove-domain -a

386 Oracle VM Server for SPARC 3.3 Administration Guide October 2015
Factory Default Configuration and Disabling Domains

How to Remove All Domain Configurations

1 List all the domain configurations that are stored on the service processor (SP).
primary# ldm list-config

2 Remove all configurations (config-name) previously saved to the SP except for the
factory-default configuration.
Use the following command for each such configuration:
primary# ldm rm-config config-name
After you remove all the configurations previously saved to the SP, the factory-default
domain is the next domain to use when the control domain (primary) is rebooted.

How to Restore the Factory Default Configuration

1 Select the factory default configuration.
primary# ldm set-config factory-default

2 Stop the control domain.

primary# shutdown -i5 -g0 -y

3 Perform a power cycle of the system to load the factory default configuration.
-> stop /SYS
-> start /SYS

How to Disable the Logical Domains Manager

Disabling the Logical Domains Manager does not stop any running domains, but does disable
the ability to create a new domains, change the configuration of existing domains, or monitor
the state of the domains.

Caution If you disable the Logical Domains Manager, this action disables some services, such as
error reporting and power management. In the case of error reporting, if you are in the
factory-default configuration, you can reboot the control domain to restore error reporting.
However, you cannot re-enable power management. In addition, some system management or
monitoring tools rely on the Logical Domains Manager.

Disable the Logical Domains Manager from the control domain.

primary# svcadm disable ldmd

Chapter 17 Performing Other Administration Tasks 387

Factory Default Configuration and Disabling Domains

How to Restore the Factory Default Configuration

From the Service Processor
You can restore the factory default configuration from the service processor.

1 Restore the factory default configuration from the service processor.

-> set /HOST/bootmode config=factory-default

2 Perform a power cycle of the system to load the factory default configuration.
-> reset /SYS

388 Oracle VM Server for SPARC 3.3 Administration Guide October 2015

Optional Oracle VM Server for SPARC

This part introduces optional software and features that you can use with the Oracle VM
Server for SPARC 3.3 software.
Chapter 18, Using Oracle VM Server for SPARC Templates
Chapter 19, Oracle VM Server for SPARC Physical-to-Virtual Conversion Tool
Chapter 20, Using Power Management
Chapter 21, Using the Oracle VM Server for SPARC Management Information Base
Chapter 22, Logical Domains Manager Discovery
Chapter 23, Using the XML Interface With the Logical Domains Manager

C H A P T E R 1 8

Using Oracle VM Server for SPARC Templates

This chapter covers the following topics:

Oracle VM Server for SPARC Templates Overview on page 391
Installing the Oracle VM Server for SPARC Template Utilities on page 392
Oracle VM Server for SPARC Template Lifecycle on page 392
Oracle VM Server for SPARC Template Examples on page 395

Oracle VM Server for SPARC Templates Overview

The Oracle VM Server for SPARC Templates commands enable you to create, deploy, and
configure Oracle VM Server for SPARC templates for SPARC systems. These commands are
based on the OVF template specification that includes disk image files and an XML descriptor
of properties that is contained in an archive (.ova).

You run these commands in the control domain of an Oracle VM Server for SPARC system. In
addition to running the commands on the command line, you can run them in a fully
automated fashion or from other programs as part of a larger workflow.

The Oracle VM Server for SPARC template commands are:

ovmtconfig Performs configuration operations directly on a domain's file system. The
command backmounts the domain disks and associated ZFS file systems and then runs
commands on the file systems. These commands can be further controlled by properties
files and by specifying property name-value pairs. See the ovmtconfig(1M) man page.
Note that the ovmtconfig command requires that the guest domain run a version of the
Oracle Solaris OS that is not newer than the version running on the control domain.
ovmtcreate Creates a template from an existing Oracle VM Server for SPARC domain.
See the ovmtcreate(1M) man page.
ovmtdeploy Creates a domain from an Oracle VM Server for SPARC template. See the
ovmtdeploy(1M) man page.

Installing the Oracle VM Server for SPARC Template Utilities

ovmtlibrary Manages a database and file-system-based repository for Oracle VM Server

for SPARC templates by organizing files, and storing, retrieving, and editing information in
the database. See the ovmtlibrary(1M) man page.
ovmtprop Enables you to view and set Oracle Solaris OS properties. The property is
specified as a name-value pair. See the ovmtprop(1M) man page.

Installing the Oracle VM Server for SPARC Template Utilities

To install the Oracle VM Server for SPARC template utilities software package on the control
domain, you must first download and install the Oracle VM Server for SPARC 3.3 software on
the control domain. See Chapter 2, Installing Software, in Oracle VM Server for SPARC 3.3
Installation Guide.

Then, install the Oracle VM Server for SPARC template utilities software package, ovmtutils.

# pkg install -v -g IPS-package-directory/ldoms.repo ovmtutils

Oracle VM Server for SPARC Template Lifecycle

This section describes each stage of the template creation process, the actions that are taken,
and how to use the Oracle VM Server for SPARC template utilities to assist in the process:

Note The creation and development of templates with applications and first-boot scripts is an
iterative process. Take care to synchronize all aspects of the configuration by using a source
code management system to manage the scripts and properties.

The following describes the stages of the template-creation process, the actions that are taken,
and how to use the Oracle VM Server for SPARC template utilities to assist in the process:
1. Authoring a template. While pre-built, generic templates are available, you can create a
custom template from an existing domain. This domain must have all of the operating
system components, application software, and other utilities that you want fully installed.
Typically, the environment is configured as fully as possible, with only a small number of
actions required to finalize the environment. Any domain settings such as memory, virtual
CPU, virtual networking, and disks should reflect the deployment that you want.
At this stage, you create one or more first-boot scripts. Include these scripts in the
environment that performs the final configuration based on the properties that you supply.
Be sure to record and describe these properties in a README file for each template.

392 Oracle VM Server for SPARC 3.3 Administration Guide October 2015
Oracle VM Server for SPARC Template Lifecycle

Note If any first-boot scripts access domain variables, ensure that the ovmtprop utility is
installed in the guest domain.

2. Creating a template. Before you create a template, ensure that the source domain
environment is not configured so that it can be configured later by prescribed actions that
are often part of the first-boot scripts.
For example, perform the following steps:
Remove any application-specific configurations to be re-created later.
Use default values for configuration files.
Ensure that you reset any Oracle Solaris OS configuration information such as system
name, network configuration, and passwords. This configuration information is later
supplied by property values and configuration scripts.
Export any zpools other than the root file system so that they can be recognized by new
After you take these steps, you can shut down the domain and run the ovmtcreate utility to
create a template from the domain.
3. Specifying the name of the template. Use the following format:
For example, the following template name is for a domain that runs build 2 of the Oracle
Solaris 11.2 OS on a SPARC platform and that runs version 12.1.2 of the WebLogic server:
4. Distributing the template. The template is a single file with a .ova extension. The file
contains the compressed disk images and the metadata that are required for deploymment.
The template also contains a manifest file of payload file checksums, which might be
combined with an overall archive checksum to validate that the content has not been
changed since distribution.
You can distribute the template by using web-based services or maintain a central repository
rather than duplicating templates.
5. Deploying the template. Because the template captures only those aspects of a system that
are seen by the source domain, you must understand which services must be present to
support the deployment of the template.
The required services include the following:
One or more virtual switches to appropriate interfaces to which virtual networks from
the template might be attached
Virtual disk services
Console services

Chapter 18 Using Oracle VM Server for SPARC Templates 393

Oracle VM Server for SPARC Template Lifecycle

Sufficient virtual CPU and memory to accommodate the template requirements

While the ovmtdeploy utility can override many of these settings, the minimum values that
are supplied with a template represent the baseline requirements.

You can use the ovmtdeploy utility to automatically extract, decompress, and copy the
virtual disks to deployment directories, and to build the various virtual devices that the
template describes.

At this point, you could start the domain but you might need to perform some manual
configuration steps by using the domain console before the domain is fully functional.
6. Automatically configuring the domain. The configuration of a domain that is created by a
template consists of several types of actions. For example, you might specify property
name-value pairs to provide first-boot scripts with the information to configure. You might
also back-mount virtual disks to the control domain to perform actions on the domain file
systems such as copying configuration files.
The ovmtconfig utility automates these domain-configuration activities and enables you to
specify the actions to take and the properties to use to configure a domain by specifying one
or more command scripts and property files.
To configure the Oracle Solaris OS, the ovmtconfig utility back-mounts the domain's root
file system and creates an sc_profile.xml file from the supplied configuration scripts and
properties. This profile enables the Oracle Solaris OS to configure itself on first boot.
7. First configuration. Following the successful configuration of the Oracle Solaris OS and
first boot, you must configure any installed applications. During the configuration phase,
the ovmtconfig utility passes configuration information to the deployed domain by using
one of the following methods:
Direct action The ovmtconfig utility back-mounts the guest domain file systems to
the control domain and takes direct action on the files and file systems. Actions might
include the creation of configuration files or the copying of system binaries. These
actions are described in the scripts that you supply to the ovmtconfig utility.
These actions do not typically include processes that are designed to run in the guest
domain because such actions might affect the control domain. Use the ovmtconfig -c
command to specify the commands to run.
Domain variables In addition to a local properties file, you can set domain variables by
running the ovmtconfig utility in the control domain that can then be used by the
ovmtprop utility in the guest domain. This method enables first-boot scripts to access the
properties directly and provides configuration information directly to the guest domain
after the configuration completes.

394 Oracle VM Server for SPARC 3.3 Administration Guide October 2015
Oracle VM Server for SPARC Template Examples

Caution Do not use unencrypted properties to pass sensitive information to the domain
such as passwords. Properties other than those that are used to configure the Oracle
Solaris OS are passed to the domain as ldm variables in clear text. These property values
are visible to a user on the control domain who is authorized to execute ldm commands
and to a user who is logged in to the deployed domain.

To work around this issue, manually remove the domain variable after you have
deployed the guest domain and the application is fully configured.

A domain variable is prefixed with the OVMTVAR_ID string, where ID is four digits. This
example shows a domain variable declaration for the system netmask:

From the control domain, use the ldm list-variable | grep OVMTVAR_ command to
list the domain variables. Then, remove any variables with sensitive information by
using the ldm remove-variable OVMTVAR_ID command.

For example, you might automate a change of a configuration aspect that does not have
network access by using a supervisor script that runs ovmtprop in the guest and by
running ovmtconfig -v from the control domain.

At this point, the domain should be fully configured and operational.

Oracle VM Server for SPARC Template Examples

This section shows examples of the following Oracle VM Server for SPARC template tasks:
Example 181
Example 182
Example 183
Example 184

EXAMPLE 181 Creating an Oracle VM Server for SPARC Template

The following ovmtcreate command creates a template based on the ldg1 domain called
ovmtcreate_example. Note that the resulting template name has the .ova suffix.

# ovmtcreate -d ldg1 -o ovmtcreate_example

Oracle Virtual Machine for SPARC Template Creation Utility
ovmtcreate Version:
Copyright (c) 2014, 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.


Performing platform & prerequisite checks

Chapter 18 Using Oracle VM Server for SPARC Templates 395

Oracle VM Server for SPARC Template Examples

EXAMPLE 181 Creating an Oracle VM Server for SPARC Template (Continued)

Checking user permissions

Checking for required packages
Checking for required services
Checking directory permissions
Retrieving and processing attributes
Checking domain state
Getting domain resource settings
Discovering network topology
Discovering disk topology
Checking destination and current directory capacity
Compressing disk image
Creating XML configuration
Calculating manifest checksums
Creating archive file
Checking archive
Started: Tue Aug 18 15:29:14 PDT 2015
Completed: Tue Aug 18 15:41:25 PDT 2015
Elapsed time: 0:12:11

EXAMPLE 182 Configuring Oracle VM Server for SPARC Template Properties

You can use the ovmtconfig and ovmtprop utilities to specify Oracle VM Server for SPARC
template property values and Oracle Solaris OS property values, respectively.
The following ovmtconfig command performs configuration operations directly on the
ldg1 domain's file system.
The -c option specifies the /opt/ovmtutils/share/scripts/
script to set property values. The -p option specifies particular values for the and properties.
# ovmtconfig -v -d ldg1 -f -s \
-c /opt/ovmtutils/share/scripts/ \
Oracle Virtual Machine for SPARC Configuration Utility
ovmtconfig Version:
Copyright (c) 2014, 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.


Checking operating system
Checking platform type

396 Oracle VM Server for SPARC 3.3 Administration Guide October 2015
Oracle VM Server for SPARC Template Examples

EXAMPLE 182 Configuring Oracle VM Server for SPARC Template Properties (Continued)

Checking user permissions

Checking packages
Checking host domain name
Checking host domain type
Checking services
Parsing individual properties
Creating consolidated properties list
Stopping domain ldg1
Analyzing domain disk topology for domain ldg1
Discovering 1 volumes for vDisks
Examining 1 backend devices
unbinding domain ldg1
Creating 1 virtual disks for back mount
Created virtual disk 0
Finding Solaris device for vdisks
Importing zpools for 1 Solaris devices
Detected conflicting zpool name, attempting rename
Getting boot file system for properties in 1 zpool
Setting properties in 1 zpools
Mounting ZFS file systems
Mounting ZFS found in zpool rpool_1
Rolling back commands DEBUG [20150819-07:02:42]: Rolling back 8 /usr/sbin/zfs unmount -f rpool_1/ROOT/solaris/var
Checking 2 properties to set as domain variables
/opt/ovmtutils/bin/agent/lib/ldoms/ FutureWarning: The behavior of this method will change in future versions. Use
len(elem) or elem is not None test instead.
if outgoing:
.. Starting domain
Process completed
The following ovmtprop command specifies Oracle Solaris OS property values.
# ovmtprop set-prop ldg1
Oracle Virtual Machine for SPARC Properties Utility
ovmtprop Version:
Copyright (c) 2014, 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
/opt/ovmtutils/bin/agent/lib/ldoms/ FutureWarning: The behavior of this method will change in future versions. Use

Chapter 18 Using Oracle VM Server for SPARC Templates 397

Oracle VM Server for SPARC Template Examples

EXAMPLE 182 Configuring Oracle VM Server for SPARC Template Properties (Continued)

specific len(elem) or elem is not None test instead.

if outgoing:
solaris property set via VM-API

Use the ldm list -l command to verify that the value for the property is test.
# ldm ls -l ldg1
ldg1 active -n---- 5000 16 16G 0.0% 0.0% 2h 7m

EXAMPLE 183 Deploying Oracle VM Server for SPARC Templates

The following ovmtdeploy command creates a domain called ldg1 by using the
ovmtcreate_example.ova Oracle VM Server for SPARC template in the /export/ovmtdeploy

# ovmtdeploy -d ldg1 -o /export/ovmtdeploy ovmtcreate_example.ova

Oracle Virtual Machine for SPARC Deployment Utility
ovmtdeploy Version
Copyright (c) 2014, 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Checking user privilege
Performing platform & prerequisite checks
Checking for required services
Named resourced available
Checking .ova format and contents
Validating archive configuration
Checking sufficient resources present
WARNING: Virtual switch primary-vsw0 already exists
Extracting archive
Validating checksums
Decompressing disk image(s)
Creating domain and adding resources

398 Oracle VM Server for SPARC 3.3 Administration Guide October 2015
Oracle VM Server for SPARC Template Examples

EXAMPLE 183 Deploying Oracle VM Server for SPARC Templates (Continued)

Validating deployment
Domain created:

The ldm list output shows that you have created a new domain called ldg1.

# ldm list
primary active -n-cv- UART 8 40G 1.4% 1.1% 6d 2h 18m
ldg1 active -n---- 5000 8 8G 41% 38% 28s

EXAMPLE 184 Managing the Oracle VM Server for SPARC Template Library
The ovmtlibrary command manages a database and file-system-based repository for Oracle
VM Server for SPARC templates by organizing files and by storing, retrieving, and editing
information in the database.
The following command creates a template library in
# ovmtlibrary -c init -l /export/user1/ovmtlibrary_example
Oracle Virtual Machine for SPARC Template Library Utility
ovmtlibrary Version:
Copyright (c) 2015 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Init complete
The following command stores the sol-11_2-ovm-2-sparc.ova template in the
export/user1/ovmtlibrary_example library:
# ovmtlibrary -c store -d ovmtlibrary example -o -l /export/

Oracle Virtual Machine for SPARC Template Library Utility

ovmtlibrary Version:
Copyright (c) 2015 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Templates present in path "/export/user1/ovmtlibrary_example"

event id is 2

converted (646) -> (UTF-8)
--2015-08-18 16:37:17--
Resolving (
Connecting to (||:80... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
Length: 1018341888 (971M) [text/plain]
Saving to: /export/user1/ovmtlibrary_example/repository/templates/1/1/sol-11_2-ovm-2-sparc.ova
/export/user1/ovmtlibrary_example/repo 100%
[==============================================================================>] 971.17M 6.05MB/s in 5m 37s
2015-08-18 16:42:55 (2.88 MB/s) - /export/user1/ovmtlibrary_example/repository/templates/1/1/sol-11_2-ovm-2-sparc.ova saved

Chapter 18 Using Oracle VM Server for SPARC Templates 399

Oracle VM Server for SPARC Template Examples

EXAMPLE 184 Managing the Oracle VM Server for SPARC Template Library (Continued)

Download complete
Extracting the ova file...
Extract complete
Decompress file System.img.gz
Store complete
The following command lists the contents of the export/user1/ovmtlibrary_example
# ovmtlibrary -c list -l /export/user1/ovmtlibrary_example
Oracle Virtual Machine for SPARC Template Library Utility
ovmtlibrary Version:
Copyright (c) 2015 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Templates present in path "/export/user1/ovmtlibrary_example"
ID Name Version Description Date
1 sol-11_2-ovm-2-sparc 1 ovmtlibrary example 2015-08-18
The following command shows a detailed listing of the
export/user1/ovmtlibrary_example library:
# ovmtlibrary -c list -i 1 -o -l /export/user1/ovmtlibrary_example
Oracle Virtual Machine for SPARC Template Library Utility
ovmtlibrary Version:
Copyright (c) 2015 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Templates present in path "/export/user1/ovmtlibrary_example"
ID Name Type Path Size(bytes)
1 sol-11_2-ovm-2-sparc.ova ova /export/user1/ovmtlibrary_example/repository/templates/1/1/sol-11_2-ovm-2-sparc.ova 1018341888
2 sol-11_2-ovm-sparc.ovf ovf /export/user1/ovmtlibrary_example/repository/templates/1/1/sol-11_2-ovm-sparc.ovf 3532
3 mf /export/user1/ovmtlibrary_example/repository/templates/1/1/ 137
4 System.img img /export/user1/ovmtlibrary_example/repository/templates/1/1/System.img 21474836480

400 Oracle VM Server for SPARC 3.3 Administration Guide October 2015
C H A P T E R 1 9

Oracle VM Server for SPARC Physical-to-Virtual

Conversion Tool

This chapter covers the following topics:

Oracle VM Server for SPARC P2V Tool Overview on page 401
Back-End Devices on page 404
Installing and Configuring the Oracle VM Server for SPARC P2V Tool on page 405
Using the ldmp2v Command on page 407
Known Issues With the Oracle VM Server for SPARC Physical-to-Virtual Conversion Tool
on page 413

Note The ldmp2v utility will no longer be updated to address bug fix or enhancement requests.
This utility will no longer be supported, but will continue to be included and documented as
part of the Oracle VM Server for SPARC software.

Oracle VM Server for SPARC P2V Tool Overview

The Oracle VM Server for SPARC Physical-to-Virtual (P2V) Conversion tool automatically
converts an existing physical system to a virtual system that runs the Oracle Solaris 10 OS in a
logical domain on a chip multithreading (CMT) system. You can run the ldmp2v command
from a control domain that runs the Oracle Solaris 11 OS to convert one of the following source
systems to a logical domain:
Any sun4u SPARC based system that runs at least the Solaris 8, Solaris 9, or Oracle Solaris 10
Any sun4v system that runs the Oracle Solaris 10 OS but does not run in a logical domain

Note The ldmp2v command does not support any SPARC based system that runs the Oracle
Solaris 10 OS with a ZFS root or the Oracle Solaris 11 OS.

Oracle VM Server for SPARC P2V Tool Overview

The conversion from a physical system to a virtual system is performed in the following phases:
Collection phase. Runs on the physical source system. In the collect phase, a file system
image of the source system is created based on the configuration information that it collects
about the source system.
Preparation phase. Runs on the control domain of the target system. In the prepare phase,
a logical domain is created on the target system based on the configuration information
collected in the collect phase. The file system image is restored to one or more virtual
disks. You can use the P2V tool to create virtual disks on plain files or ZFS volumes. You can
also create virtual disks on physical disks or LUNs, or on volume manager volumes that you
created. The image is modified to enable it to run as a logical domain.
Conversion phase. Runs on the control domain of the target system. In the convert phase,
the created logical domain is converted into a logical domain that runs the Oracle Solaris 10
OS by using the standard Oracle Solaris upgrade process.

For information about the P2V tool, see the ldmp2v(1M) man page.

The following sections describe how the conversion from a physical system to a virtual system is

Collection Phase
The Collection phase runs on the system to be converted. To create a consistent file system
image, ensure that the system is as quiet as possible and that all applications are stopped. The
ldmp2v command creates a backup of all mounted UFS file systems, so ensure that any file
systems to be moved to a logical domain are mounted. You can exclude mounted file systems
that you do not want to move, such as file systems on SAN storage or file systems that will be
moved by other means. Use the -x option to exclude such file systems. File systems that are
excluded by the -x option are not re-created on the guest domain. You can use the -O option to
exclude files and directories.

No changes are required on the source system. The only requirement is the ldmp2v script that
was installed on the control domain. Ensure that the flarcreate utility is present on the source

Preparation Phase
The preparation phase uses the data collected during the collection phase to create a logical
domain that is comparable to the source system.

402 Oracle VM Server for SPARC 3.3 Administration Guide October 2015
Oracle VM Server for SPARC P2V Tool Overview

You can use the ldmp2v prepare command in one of the following ways:
Automatic mode. This mode automatically creates virtual disks and restores file system
Creates the logical domain and the required virtual disks of the same size as on the
source system.
Partitions the disks and restores the file systems.
If the combined size of the /, /usr, and /var file systems is less than 10 Gbytes, the sizes
of these file systems are automatically adjusted to allow for the larger disk space
requirements of the Oracle Solaris 10 OS. Automatic resize can be disabled by using the
-x no-auto-adjust-fs option or by using the -m option to manually resize a file system.
Modifies the OS image of the logical domain to replace all references to physical
hardware with versions that are appropriate for a logical domain. You can then upgrade
the system to the Oracle Solaris 10 OS by using the normal Oracle Solaris upgrade
process. Modifications include updating the /etc/vfstab file to account for new disk
names. Any Oracle Solaris Volume Manager or Veritas Volume Manager (VxVM)
encapsulated boot disks are automatically unencapsulated during this process. When a
disk is unencapsulated, it is converted into plain disk slices. If VxVM is installed on the
source system, the P2V process disables VxVM on the created guest domain.
Non-automatic mode. You must create the virtual disks and restore the file system data
manually. This mode enables you to change the size and number of disks, the partitioning,
and the file system layout. The preparation phase in this mode runs only the logical domain
creation and the OS image modification steps on the file system.
Cleanup mode. Removes a logical domain and all of the underlying back-end devices that
are created by ldmp2v.

Conversion Phase
In the conversion phase, the logical domain uses the Oracle Solaris upgrade process to upgrade
to the Oracle Solaris 10 OS. The upgrade operation removes all existing packages and installs
the Oracle Solaris 10 sun4v packages, which automatically performs a sun4u-to-sun4v
conversion. The convert phase can use an Oracle Solaris DVD ISO image or a network
installation image. On Oracle Solaris 10 systems, you can also use the Oracle Solaris JumpStart
feature to perform a fully automated upgrade operation.

Chapter 19 Oracle VM Server for SPARC Physical-to-Virtual Conversion Tool 403

Back-End Devices

Back-End Devices
You can create virtual disks for a guest domain on a number of back-end types: files (file), ZFS
volumes (zvol), physical disks or LUNs (disk), or volume manager volumes (disk). The
ldmp2v command automatically creates files or ZFS volumes of the appropriate size if you
specify file or zvol as the back-end type in one of the following ways:
By using the -b option
By specifying the value of the BACKEND_TYPE parameter in the /etc/ldmp2v.conf file

The disk back-end type enables you to use a physical disk, LUN, or volume manager volume
(Oracle Solaris Volume Manager and Veritas Volume Manager (VxVM)) as a back-end device
for virtual disks. You must create the disk or volume with an appropriate size prior to beginning
the prepare phase. For a physical disk or LUN, specify the back-end device as slice 2 of the
block or character device of the disk, such as /dev/dsk/c0t3d0s2. For a volume manager
volume, specify the block or character device for the volume, such as /dev/md/dsk/d100 for
Oracle Solaris Volume Manager or /dev/vx/dsk/ldomdg/vol1 for VxVM.

Unless you specify the volume and virtual disk names with the -B backend:volume:vdisk
option, the volumes and virtual disks that you create for the guest are given default names.
backend specifies the name of the back end to use. You must specify backend for the disk
back-end type. backend is optional for the file and zvol back-end types, and can be used to
set a non-default name for the file or ZFS volume that ldmp2v creates. The default name is
volume is optional for all back-end types and specifies the name of the virtual disk server
volume to create for the guest domain. If not specified, volume is guest-name-volN.
vdisk is optional for all back-end types and specifies the name of the volume in the guest
domain. If not specified, vdisk is diskN.

Note During the conversion process, the virtual disk is temporarily named guest-name-diskN
to ensure that the name in the control domain is unique.

To specify a blank value for backend, volume, or vdisk, include only the colon separator. For
example, specifying -B ::vdisk001 sets the name of the virtual disk to vdisk001 and uses the
default names for the back end and volume. If you do not specify vdisk, you can omit the trailing
colon separator. For example, -B /ldoms/ldom1/vol001:vol001 specifies the name of the
back-end file as /ldoms/ldom1/vol001 and the volume name as vol001. The default virtual disk
name is disk0.

404 Oracle VM Server for SPARC 3.3 Administration Guide October 2015
Installing and Configuring the Oracle VM Server for SPARC P2V Tool

Installing and Configuring the Oracle VM Server for SPARC

P2V Tool
The Oracle VM Server for SPARC P2V Tool package must be installed and configured only on
the control domain of the target system. You do not need to install the package on the source
system. Instead, you can simply copy the /usr/sbin/ldmp2v script from the target system to the
source system.

Note The ldmp2v is installed by default from the ldomsmanager package.

Prerequisites for using the SPARC P2V Tool

Before you can run the Oracle VM Server for SPARC P2V tool, ensure that the following
conditions are met:
The following Flash Archive patches are installed on the source system:
For the Solaris 8 OS: At least patch ID 109318-34
For the Solaris 9 OS: At least patch ID 113434-06
The control domain of the target system runs at least the Oracle Solaris 11 OS
Guest domains run at least the Oracle Solaris 10 5/08 OS
The source system runs at least the Solaris 8 OS

In addition to these prerequisites, configure an NFS file system to be shared by both the source
and target systems. This file system should be writable by root. However, if a shared file system
is not available, use a local file system that is large enough to hold a file system dump of the
source system on both the source and target systems.

Limitations of Using the SPARC P2V Tool

The Oracle VM Server for SPARC P2V tool has the following limitations:
Only UFS file systems are supported.
Only plain disks (/dev/dsk/c0t0d0s0), Oracle Solaris Volume Manager metadevices
(/dev/md/dsk/dNNN), and VxVM encapsulated boot disks are supported on the source
During the P2V process, each guest domain can have only a single virtual switch and virtual
disk server. You can add more virtual switches and virtual disk servers to the domain after
the P2V conversion.

Chapter 19 Oracle VM Server for SPARC Physical-to-Virtual Conversion Tool 405

Installing and Configuring the Oracle VM Server for SPARC P2V Tool

Support for VxVM volumes is limited to the following volumes on an encapsulated boot
disk: rootvol, swapvol, usr, var, opt, and home. The original slices for these volumes must
still be present on the boot disk. The P2V tool supports Veritas Volume Manager 5.x on the
Oracle Solaris 10 OS. However, you can also use the P2V tool to convert Solaris 8 and Solaris
9 operating systems that use VxVM.
Oracle Solaris 10 systems that have zones can be converted if the zones are detached by
using the zoneadm detach command prior to running the ldmp2v collect operation. After
the P2V conversion completes, use the zoneadm attach command to reattach the zones that
have been created on the guest domain. For information about performing these steps on a
guest domain, see Chapter 23, Moving and Migrating Non-Global Zones (Tasks), in
System Administration Guide: Oracle Solaris Containers-Resource Management and Oracle
Solaris Zones .

Note The P2V tool does not update any zone configuration, such as the zone path or
network interface, nor does the tool move or configure the storage for the zone path. You
must manually update the zone configuration and move the zone path on the guest domain.
See Chapter 23, Moving and Migrating Non-Global Zones (Tasks), in System
Administration Guide: Oracle Solaris Containers-Resource Management and Oracle Solaris
Zones .

How to Configure the Oracle VM Server for SPARC P2V

The ldmp2v command is installed by default when you install the ldomsmanager package.

1 Become an administrator.
For Oracle Solaris 11.3, see Chapter 1, About Using Rights to Control Users and Processes, in
Securing Users and Processes in Oracle Solaris 11.3 .

2 Create the /etc/ldmp2v.conf file and configure the following default properties:
VDS Name of the virtual disk service, such as VDS="primary-vds0"
VSW Name of the virtual switch, such as VSW="primary-vsw0"
VCC Name of the virtual console concentrator, such as VCC="primary-vcc0"
BACKEND_TYPE Back-end type of zvol, file, or disk
BACKEND_SPARSE Determines whether to create back-end devices as sparse volumes or files
(BACKEND_SPARSE="yes") or non-sparse volumes or files (BACKEND_SPARSE="no")
BACKEND_PREFIX Location to create virtual disk back-end devices

406 Oracle VM Server for SPARC 3.3 Administration Guide October 2015
Using the ldmp2v Command

When BACKEND_TYPE="zvol", specify the BACKEND_PREFIX value as a ZFS dataset name.

When BACKEND_TYPE="files", the BACKEND_PREFIX value is interpreted as a path name of a
directory that is relative to /.
For example, BACKEND_PREFIX="tank/ldoms" would result in having ZVOLs created in the
tank/ldoms/domain-name dataset, and files created in the /tank/ldoms/domain-name
The BACKEND_PREFIX property is not applicable to the disk back end.
BOOT_TIMEOUT Timeout for Oracle Solaris OS boot in seconds
For more information, see the ldmp2v.conf.sample configuration file that is part of the
downloadable bundle.

Using the ldmp2v Command

This section includes examples for the three phases of conversion.

EXAMPLE 191 Collection Phase Examples

The following examples show how you might use the ldmp2v collect command.
Sharing an NFS-mounted file system. The following example shows the simplest way to
perform the collect step where the source and target systems share an NFS-mounted file
As superuser, ensure that all required UFS file systems are mounted.
volumia# df -k
Filesystem kbytes used avail capacity Mounted on
/dev/dsk/c1t1d0s0 16516485 463289 15888032 3% /
/proc 0 0 0 0% /proc
fd 0 0 0 0% /dev/fd
mnttab 0 0 0 0% /etc/mnttab
/dev/dsk/c1t1d0s3 8258597 4304 8171708 1% /var
swap 4487448 16 4487432 1% /var/run
swap 4487448 16 4487432 1% /tmp
/dev/dsk/c1t0d0s0 1016122 9 955146 1% /u01
6230996752 1051158977 5179837775 17% /home/dana

The following example shows how to run the collection tool when the source and target
systems share an NFS-mounted file system:
volumia# ldmp2v collect -d /home/dana/volumia
Collecting system configuration ...
Archiving file systems ...
Determining which filesystems will be included in the archive...
Creating the archive...
895080 blocks
Archive creation complete.

Chapter 19 Oracle VM Server for SPARC Physical-to-Virtual Conversion Tool 407

Using the ldmp2v Command

EXAMPLE 191 Collection Phase Examples (Continued)

Not sharing an NFS-mounted file system. When the source and target systems do not
share an NFS-mounted file system, the file system image can be written to local storage and
later copied to the control domain. The Flash Archive utility automatically excludes the
archive that it creates.
volumia# ldmp2v collect -d /var/tmp/volumia
Collecting system configuration ...
Archiving file systems ...
Determining which filesystems will be included in the archive...
Creating the archive...
895080 blocks
Archive creation complete.

Copy the flash archive and the manifest file from the /var/tmp/volumia directory to the
target system.

Tip In some cases, ldmp2v might show cpio command errors. Most commonly, these errors
generate messages such as File size of etc/mnttab has increased by 435. You can
ignore messages that pertain to log files or to files that reflect the system state. Be sure to
review all error messages thoroughly.

Skip file-system backup step. If you already create backups of the system using a
third-party backup tool such as NetBackup, you can skip the file system backup step by
using the none archiving method. When you use this option, only the system configuration
manifest is created.
volumia# ldmp2v collect -d home/dana/p2v/volumia -a none
Collecting system configuration ...
The following file system(s) must be archived manually: / /u01 /var

Note that if the directory specified by -d is not shared by the source and target systems, you
must copy the contents of that directory to the control domain. The directory contents must
be copied to the control domain prior to the preparation phase.

EXAMPLE 192 Preparation Phase Examples

The following examples show how you might use the ldmp2v prepare command.
The following example creates a logical domain called volumia by using the defaults
configured in /etc/ldmp2v.conf while keeping the MAC addresses of the physical system:
# ldmp2v prepare -d /home/dana/p2v/volumia -o keep-mac volumia
Creating vdisks ...
Creating file systems ...
Populating file systems ...
Modifying guest domain OS image ...
Removing SVM configuration ...
Unmounting guest file systems ...

408 Oracle VM Server for SPARC 3.3 Administration Guide October 2015
Using the ldmp2v Command

EXAMPLE 192 Preparation Phase Examples (Continued)

Creating domain volumia ...

Attaching vdisks to domain volumia ...
The following command shows information about the volumia logical domain:
# ldm list -l volumia
volumia inactive ------ 2 4G

vnet0 primary-vsw0 00:03:ba:1d:7a:5a 1

disk0 volumia-vol0@primary-vds0
disk1 volumia-vol1@primary-vds0
The following example shows how to completely remove a domain and its back-end devices
by using the -C option.
# ldmp2v prepare -C volumia
Cleaning up domain volumia ...
Removing vdisk disk0 ...
Removing vdisk disk1 ...
Removing domain volumia ...
Removing volume volumia-vol0@primary-vds0 ...
Removing ZFS volume tank/ldoms/volumia/disk0 ...
Removing volume volumia-vol1@primary-vds0 ...
Removing ZFS volume tank/ldoms/volumia/disk1 ...
The following example shows how to resize one or more file systems during P2V by
specifying the mount point and the new size with the -m option.
# ldmp2v prepare -d /home/dana/p2v/volumia -m /:8g volumia
Resizing file systems ...
Creating vdisks ...
Creating file systems ...
Populating file systems ...
Modifying guest domain OS image ...
Removing SVM configuration ...
Modifying file systems on SVM devices ...
Unmounting guest file systems ...
Creating domain volumia ...
Attaching vdisks to domain volumia ...

Chapter 19 Oracle VM Server for SPARC Physical-to-Virtual Conversion Tool 409

Using the ldmp2v Command

EXAMPLE 193 Conversion Phase Examples

The following examples show how you might use the ldmp2v convert command.
Using a network installation server. The ldmp2v convert command boots the domain
over the network by using the specified virtual network interface. You must run the
setup_install_server and add_install_client scripts on the installation server.
On Oracle Solaris 10 systems, you can use the Oracle Solaris JumpStart feature to perform a
fully automated conversion. This feature requires that you create and configure the
appropriate sysidcfg and profile files for the client on the JumpStart server. The profile
should consist of the following lines:
install_type upgrade
root_device c0d0s0

The sysidcfg file is only used for the upgrade operation, so a configuration such as the
following should be sufficient:
network_interface=PRIMARY {netmask=
default_route=none protocol_ipv6=no}

For more information about using JumpStart, see Oracle Solaris 10 1/13 Installation Guide:
JumpStart Installations .

Note The example sysidcfg file includes the auto_reg keyword, which was introduced in
the Oracle Solaris 10 9/10 release. This keyword is required only if you are running at least
the Oracle Solaris 10 9/10 release.
# ldmp2v convert -j -n vnet0 -d /p2v/volumia volumia
LDom volumia started
Waiting for Solaris to come up ...
Using Custom JumpStart
Connected to 0.
Escape character is ^].
Connecting to console "volumia" in group "volumia" ....
Press ~? for control options ..
SunOS Release 5.10 Version Generic_137137-09 64-bit
Copyright (c) 1983-2010, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Configuring devices.
Using RPC Bootparams for network configuration information.
Attempting to configure interface vnet0...
Configured interface vnet0

410 Oracle VM Server for SPARC 3.3 Administration Guide October 2015
Using the ldmp2v Command

EXAMPLE 193 Conversion Phase Examples (Continued)

Reading ZFS config: done.

Setting up Java. Please wait...
Serial console, reverting to text install
Beginning system identification...
Searching for configuration file(s)...
Using sysid configuration file
Search complete.
Discovering additional network configuration...
Completing system identification...
Starting remote procedure call (RPC) services: done.
System identification complete.
Starting Solaris installation program...
Searching for JumpStart directory...
Using rules.ok from
Checking rules.ok file...
Using begin script: Clients/volumia/begin
Using profile: Clients/volumia/profile
Using finish script: Clients/volumia/finish
Executing JumpStart preinstall phase...
Executing begin script "Clients/volumia/begin"...
Begin script Clients/volumia/begin execution completed.
Searching for SolStart directory...
Checking rules.ok file...
Using begin script: install_begin
Using finish script: patch_finish
Executing SolStart preinstall phase...
Executing begin script "install_begin"...
Begin script install_begin execution completed.
WARNING: Backup media not specified. A backup media (backup_media)
keyword must be specified if an upgrade with disk space reallocation
is required

Processing profile

Loading local environment and services

Generating upgrade actions

Checking file system space: 100% completed
Space check complete.

Building upgrade script

Preparing system for Solaris upgrade

Upgrading Solaris: 10% completed

Using an ISO image. The ldmp2v convert command attaches the Oracle Solaris DVD ISO
image to the logical domain and boots from it. To upgrade, answer all sysid prompts and
select Upgrade.

Chapter 19 Oracle VM Server for SPARC Physical-to-Virtual Conversion Tool 411

Using the ldmp2v Command

EXAMPLE 193 Conversion Phase Examples (Continued)

Caution A safety check is performed prior to converting the guest domain. This check
ensures that none of the original system's IP addresses are active so as to prevent duplicate
active IP addresses on the network. You can use the -x skip-ping-test option to skip this
safety check. Skipping this check speeds up the conversion process. Use this option only if
you are certain that no duplicate IP addresses exist, such as when the original host is not

The answers to the sysid questions are used only for the duration of the upgrade process.
This data is not applied to the existing OS image on disk. The fastest and simplest way to run
the conversion is to select Non-networked. The root password that you specify does not
need to match the root password of the source system. The system's original identity is
preserved by the upgrade and takes effect after the post-upgrade reboot. The time required
to perform the upgrade depends on the Oracle Solaris Cluster that is installed on the original
# ldmp2v convert -i /tank/iso/s10s_u5.iso -d /home/dana/p2v/volumia volumia
Testing original system status ...
LDom volumia started
Waiting for Solaris to come up ...
Select Upgrade (F2) when prompted for the installation type.
Disconnect from the console after the Upgrade has finished.
Connected to 0.
Escape character is ^].
Connecting to console "volumia" in group "volumia" ....
Press ~? for control options ..
Configuring devices.
Using RPC Bootparams for network configuration information.
Attempting to configure interface vnet0...
Extracting windowing system. Please wait...
Beginning system identification...
Searching for configuration file(s)...
Search complete.
Discovering additional network configuration...
Configured interface vnet0
Setting up Java. Please wait...
Select a Language

0. English
1. French
2. German
3. Italian
4. Japanese
5. Korean
6. Simplified Chinese

412 Oracle VM Server for SPARC 3.3 Administration Guide October 2015
Known Issues With the Oracle VM Server for SPARC Physical-to-Virtual Conversion Tool

EXAMPLE 193 Conversion Phase Examples (Continued)

7. Spanish
8. Swedish
9. Traditional Chinese
Please make a choice (0 - 9), or press h or ? for help:
- Solaris Interactive Installation --------------------------------------------
This system is upgradable, so there are two ways to install the Solaris
The Upgrade option updates the Solaris software to the new release, saving
as many modifications to the previous version of Solaris software as
possible. Back up the system before using the Upgrade option.
The Initial option overwrites the system disks with the new version of
Solaris software. This option allows you to preserve any existing file
systems. Back up any modifications made to the previous version of Solaris
software before starting the Initial option.
After you select an option and complete the tasks that follow, a summary of
your actions will be displayed.
F2_Upgrade F3_Go Back F4_Initial F5_Exit F6_Help

Known Issues With the Oracle VM Server for SPARC

Physical-to-Virtual Conversion Tool

ldmp2v convert Command: VxVM Warning Messages

During Boot
Running Veritas Volume Manager (VxVM) 5.x on the Oracle Solaris 10 OS is the only
supported (tested) version for the Oracle VM Server for SPARC P2V tool. Older versions of
VxVM, such as 3.x and 4.x running on the Solaris 8 and Solaris 9 operating systems, might also
work. In those cases, the first boot after running the ldmp2v convert command might show
warning messages from the VxVM drivers. You can ignore these messages. You can remove the
old VRTS* packages after the guest domain has booted.

Boot device: disk0:a File and args:

SunOS Release 5.10 Version Generic_139555-08 64-bit
Copyright 1983-2009 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.
Use is subject to license terms.
Hostname: normaal
Configuring devices.
/kernel/drv/sparcv9/vxdmp: undefined symbol romp

Chapter 19 Oracle VM Server for SPARC Physical-to-Virtual Conversion Tool 413

Known Issues With the Oracle VM Server for SPARC Physical-to-Virtual Conversion Tool

WARNING: mod_load: cannot load module vxdmp

WARNING: vxdmp: unable to resolve dependency, module misc/ted not found
/kernel/drv/sparcv9/vxdmp: undefined symbol romp
WARNING: mod_load: cannot load module vxdmp
WARNING: vxdmp: unable to resolve dependency, module misc/ted not found
/kernel/drv/sparcv9/vxio: undefined symbol romp
WARNING: mod_load: cannot load module vxio
WARNING: vxio: unable to resolve dependency, module drv/vxdmp not found
WARNING: VxVM vxspec V-5-0-0 vxspec: vxio not loaded. Aborting vxspec load
WARNING: VxVM vxspec V-5-0-0 vxspec: vxio not loaded. Aborting vxspec load
WARNING: VxVM vxspec V-5-0-0 vxspec: vxio not loaded. Aborting vxspec load
WARNING: VxVM vxspec V-5-0-0 vxspec: vxio not loaded. Aborting vxspec load
WARNING: VxVM vxspec V-5-0-0 vxspec: vxio not loaded. Aborting vxspec load
WARNING: VxVM vxspec V-5-0-0 vxspec: vxio not loaded. Aborting vxspec load
NOTICE: VxVM not started

Upgrade Option Not Presented When Using ldmp2v

prepare -R
The Oracle Solaris Installer does not present the Upgrade option when the partition tag of the
slice that holds the root (/) file system is not set to root. This situation occurs if the tag is not
explicitly set when labeling the guest's boot disk. You can use the format command to set the
partition tag as follows:


0. c0d0 <SUN-DiskImage-10GB cyl 282 alt 2 hd 96 sec 768>
1. c4t2d0 <SUN146G cyl 14087 alt 2 hd 24 sec 848>
2. c4t3d0 <SUN146G cyl 14087 alt 2 hd 24 sec 848>
Specify disk (enter its number)[0]: 0
selecting c0d0
[disk formatted, no defect list found]
format> p

0 - change 0 partition
1 - change 1 partition
2 - change 2 partition
3 - change 3 partition
4 - change 4 partition
5 - change 5 partition
6 - change 6 partition
7 - change 7 partition
select - select a predefined table

414 Oracle VM Server for SPARC 3.3 Administration Guide October 2015
Known Issues With the Oracle VM Server for SPARC Physical-to-Virtual Conversion Tool

modify - modify a predefined partition table

name - name the current table
print - display the current table
label - write partition map and label to the disk
!<cmd> - execute <cmd>, then return

partition> 0
Part Tag Flag Cylinders Size Blocks
0 unassigned wm 0 0 (0/0/0) 0
Enter partition id tag[unassigned]: root
Enter partition permission flags[wm]:
Enter new starting cyl[0]: 0
Enter partition size[0b, 0c, 0e, 0.00mb, 0.00gb]: 8g
partition> label
Ready to label disk, continue? y

ldmp2v Command: ufsdump Archiving Method Is No

Longer Used
Restoring ufsdump archives on a virtual disk that is backed by a file on a UFS file system might
cause the system to hang. In such a case, the ldmp2v prepare command will exit. You might
encounter this problem when you manually restore ufsdump archives in preparation for the
ldmp2v prepare -R /altroot command when the virtual disk is a file on a UFS file system. For
compatibility with previously created ufsdump archives, you can still use the ldmp2v prepare
command to restore ufsdump archives on virtual disks that are not backed by a file on a UFS file
system. However, the use of ufsdump archives is not recommended.

Chapter 19 Oracle VM Server for SPARC Physical-to-Virtual Conversion Tool 415

C H A P T E R 2 0

Using Power Management

This chapter contains information about using power management on Oracle VM Server for
SPARC systems.
Using Power Management on page 417

Using Power Management

To enable power management (PM), you first need to set the PM policy in the Oracle Integrated
Lights Out Manager (ILOM) 3.0 firmware. This section summarizes the information that you
need to be able to use PM with the Oracle VM Server for SPARC software.
For more information about ILOM, see the following:
Monitoring Power Consumption in the Oracle Integrated Lights Out Manager (ILOM) 3.0
CLI Procedures Guide
Oracle Integrated Lights Out Manager (ILOM) 3.0 Feature Updates and Release Notes
The power policy governs system power usage at any point in time. The following power
policies are supported, assuming that the underlying platform has implemented PM features:
Disabled. Permits the system to use all the power that is available.
Performance. Enables one or more of the following PM features that have a negligible affect
on performance:
CPU core auto-disabling
CPU clock cycle skip
CPU dynamic voltage and frequency scaling (DVFS)
Coherency link scaling
Oracle Solaris Power Aware Dispatcher (PAD)
Elastic. Adapts the system power usage to the current utilization level by using the PM
features described in the performance section. For example, the power state of resources is
reduced as utilization decreases.

Using Power Management

Power Management Features

The PM features are as follows:
CPU core auto-disabling. When the elastic or performance policy is in effect, the Logical
Domains Manager automatically disables a CPU core when all the hardware threads
(strands) on that core are not bound to a domain. This feature is available only for the
UltraSPARC T2, UltraSPARC T2 Plus, SPARC T3, and SPARC T4 platforms.
CPU clock cycle skip.When the elastic policy is in effect, the Logical Domains Manager
automatically adjusts the number of clock cycles that execute instructions on the following
CPU resources that are bound to domains:
Processors (SPARC T3 or SPARC T4 on domains that run the Oracle Solaris 10 or Oracle
Solaris 11 OS)
Cores (SPARC M5 only on domains that run the Oracle Solaris 10 OS)
Core-pairs (SPARC T5 or SPARC M6 only on domains that run the Oracle Solaris 10
SPARC Cache Cluster (SCC) (SPARC T7 series servers and SPARC M7 servers only on
domains that run the Oracle Solaris 10 OS)

The Logical Domains Manager also applies cycle skipping if the processor, core, core-pair,
or SCC has no bound strands.
CPU dynamic voltage and frequency scaling (DVFS). When the elastic policy is in effect,
the Logical Domains Manager automatically adjusts the clock frequency of processors or
SCCs that are bound to domains running the Oracle Solaris 10 OS. The Logical Domains
Manager also reduces the clock frequency on SPARC T5, SPARC M5, and SPARC M6
processors that have no bound strands. On SPARC T7 series servers, the clock frequency is
reduced on SCCs. This feature is available only on SPARC T5 servers, SPARC T7 series
servers, SPARC M5 servers, SPARC M6 servers, and SPARC M7 series servers.
Coherency link scaling. When the elastic policy is in effect, the Logical Domains Manager
causes the hypervisor to automatically adjust the number of coherency links that are in use.
This feature is only available on SPARC T5-2 systems.
Power limit. You can set a power limit on SPARC T3 servers, SPARC T4 servers, SPARC T5
servers, SPARC T7 series servers, SPARC M5 servers, SPARC M6 servers, and SPARC M7
series servers to restrict the power draw of a system. If the power draw is greater than the
power limit, PM uses techniques to reduce power. You can use the ILOM service processor
(SP) to set the power limit.

See the following documents:

Oracle Integrated Lights Out Manager (ILOM) 3.0 CLI Procedures Guide
Oracle Integrated Lights Out Manager (ILOM) 3.0 Feature Updates and Release Notes

418 Oracle VM Server for SPARC 3.3 Administration Guide October 2015
Using Power Management

You can use the ILOM interface to set a power limit, grace period, and violation action. If
the power limit is exceeded for more than the grace period, the violation action is
If the current power draw exceeds the power limit, an attempt is made to reduce the power
state of CPUs. If the power draw drops below the power limit, the power state of those
resources is permitted to increase. If the system has the elastic policy in effect, an increase in
the power state of resources is driven by the utilization level.
Solaris Power Aware Dispatcher (PAD). A guest domain that runs the Oracle Solaris 11.1
OS uses the power-aware dispatcher (PAD) on SPARC T5 servers, SPARC T7 series servers,
SPARC M5 servers, SPARC M6 servers, and SPARC M7 series servers to minimize power
consumption from idle or under-utilized resources. PAD, instead of the Logical Domains
Manager, adjusts the CPU or SCC clock cycle skip level and DVFS level.
For instructions on configuring the power policy by using the ILOM 3.0 firmware CLI, see
Monitoring Power Consumption in the Oracle Integrated Lights Out Manager (ILOM) 3.0 CLI
Procedures Guide.

Viewing Power-Consumption Data

The Power Management (PM) Observability Module and the ldmpower command enable you
to view CPU thread power-consumption data for your domains.
The PM Observability Module is enabled by default because the
ldmd/pm_observability_enabled Service Management Facility (SMF) property is set to true.
See the ldmd(1M) man page.
The ldmpower command has the following options and operands with which you can customize
the power-consumption reporting data:

ldmpower [-ehiprstvx | -o hours | -m minutes] | -c resource [-l domain-name[,domain-name[,...]]]

[interval [count]]
For information about the options, see the ldmpower(1M) man page.
To run this command as a non-privileged user, you must be assigned the LDoms Power Mgmt
Observability rights profile. If you already have been assigned the LDoms Management or
LDoms Review rights profile, you automatically have permission to run the ldmpower command.
For information about how Oracle VM Server for SPARC uses rights, see Logical Domains
Manager Profile Contents on page 36.
These rights profiles can be assigned directly to users or to a role that is then assigned to users.
When one of these profiles is assigned directly to a user, you must use the pfexec command or a
profile shell, such as pfbash or pfksh, to successfully use the ldmpower command to view CPU
thread power-consumption data. See Delegating the Management of Logical Domains by
Using Rights on page 33.

Chapter 20 Using Power Management 419

Using Power Management

The following examples show how to enable the PM Observability Module and show ways in
which to gather power-consumption data for the CPUs that are assigned to your domains.

EXAMPLE 201 Enabling the Power Management Observability Module

The following command enables the PM Observability Module by setting the
ldmd/pm_observability_enabled property to true if the property is currently set to false.

# svccfg -s ldmd setprop ldmd/pm_observability_enabled=true

# svcadm refresh ldmd
# svcadm restart ldmd

EXAMPLE 202 Using a Profile Shell to Obtain CPU Thread Power-Consumption Data by Using Roles and
Rights Profiles
The following example shows how to create the ldmpower role with the LDoms Power Mgmt
Observability rights profile, which permits you to run the ldmpower command.
primary# roleadd -P LDoms Power Mgmt Observability ldmpower
primary# passwd ldmpower
New Password:
Re-enter new Password:
passwd: password successfully changed for ldmpower

This command assigns the ldmpower role to the sam user.

primary# usermod -R ldmpower sam

User sam assumes the ldmpower role and can use the ldmpower command. For example:
$ id
uid=700299(sam) gid=1(other)
$ su ldmpower
$ pfexec ldmpower
Processor Power Consumption in Watts
primary 75 84 86
gdom1 47 24 19
gdom2 10 24 26
The following example shows how to use rights profiles to run the ldmpower command.
Assign the rights profile to a user.
primary# usermod -P +LDoms Power Mgmt Observability sam

The following commands show how to verify that the user is sam and that the All, Basic
Solaris User, and LDoms Power Mgmt Observability rights profiles are in effect.
$ id
uid=702048(sam) gid=1(other)
$ profiles
Basic Solaris User
LDoms Power Mgmt Observability
$ pfexec ldmpower

420 Oracle VM Server for SPARC 3.3 Administration Guide October 2015
Using Power Management

EXAMPLE 202 Using a Profile Shell to Obtain CPU Thread Power-Consumption Data by Using Roles and
Rights Profiles (Continued)

Processor Power Consumption in Watts

primary 75 84 86
gdom1 47 24 19
gdom2 10 24 26

EXAMPLE 203 Viewing Processor Power-Consumption Data

The following examples show how to use the ldmpower to report processor power-consumption
data for your domains.
The following command shows the 15-second, 30-second, and 60-second rolling average
processor power-consumption data for all domains:
primary# ldmpower
Processor Power Consumption in Watts
primary 75 84 86
gdom1 47 24 19
gdom2 10 24 26
The following command shows extrapolated power-consumption data for all the domains:
primary, gdom1, and gdom2.
primary# ldmpower -x
System Power Consumption in Watts
primary 585/57.47% 701/68.96% 712/70.22%
gdom1 132/12.97% 94/9.31% 94/9.30%
gdom2 298/29.27% 218/21.47% 205/20.22%
The following command shows the instantaneous processor power-consumption data for
the gdom2 and gdom5 domains. It reports the data every ten seconds for five times.
primary# ldmpower -itl gdom2,gdom5 10 5
Processor Power Consumption in Watts
gdom2 2013.05.17 11:14:45 13
gdom5 2013.05.17 11:14:45 24
gdom2 2013.05.17 11:14:55 18
gdom5 2013.05.17 11:14:55 26
gdom2 2013.05.17 11:15:05 9
gdom5 2013.05.17 11:15:05 16
gdom2 2013.05.17 11:15:15 15
gdom5 2013.05.17 11:15:15 19
gdom2 2013.05.17 11:15:25 12
gdom5 2013.05.17 11:15:25 18
The following command shows the average power-consumption data for the last 12 hours
for all domains. Data is shown at one-hour intervals starting from the last requested hourly

Chapter 20 Using Power Management 421

Using Power Management

EXAMPLE 203 Viewing Processor Power-Consumption Data (Continued)

primary# ldmpower -eto 12

Per domain MINIMUM and MAXIMUM power consumption ever recorded:
primary 2013.05.17 08:53:06 3 Min Processors
primary 2013.05.17 08:40:44 273 Max Processors
gdom1 2013.05.17 09:56:35 2 Min Processors
gdom1 2013.05.17 08:53:06 134 Max Processors
gdom2 2013.05.17 10:31:55 2 Min Processors
gdom2 2013.05.17 08:56:35 139 Max Processors

primary 2013.05.17 08:53:06 99 Min Memory

primary 2013.05.17 08:40:44 182 Max Memory
gdom1 2013.05.17 09:56:35 13 Min Memory
gdom1 2013.05.17 08:53:06 20 Max Memory
gdom2 2013.05.17 10:31:55 65 Min Memory
gdom2 2013.05.17 08:56:35 66 Max Memory

Processor Power Consumption in Watts

12 hours worth of data starting from 2013.05.16 23:17:02
primary 2013.05.17 09:37:35 112
gdom1 2013.05.17 09:37:35 15
gdom2 2013.05.17 09:37:35 26

primary 2013.05.17 10:37:35 96

gdom1 2013.05.17 10:37:35 12
gdom2 2013.05.17 10:37:35 21

primary 2013.05.17 11:37:35 85

gdom1 2013.05.17 11:37:35 11
gdom2 2013.05.17 11:37:35 23

422 Oracle VM Server for SPARC 3.3 Administration Guide October 2015
C H A P T E R 2 1

Using the Oracle VM Server for SPARC

Management Information Base Software

The Oracle VM Server for SPARC Management Information Base (MIB) enables third-party
system management applications to perform remote monitoring of domains, and to start and
stop logical domains (domains) by using the Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP).

You can run only one instance of the Oracle VM Server for SPARC MIB software on the control
domain. The control domain should run at least the Solaris 10 11/06 OS and at least the Oracle
VM Server for SPARC 2.2 software.

This chapter covers the following topics:

Oracle VM Server for SPARC Management Information Base Overview on page 423
Installing and Configuring the Oracle VM Server for SPARC MIB Software on page 427
Managing Security on page 430
Monitoring Domains on page 431
Using SNMP Traps on page 453
Starting and Stopping Domains on page 460

Oracle VM Server for SPARC Management Information Base

This section covers the following topics:
Related Products and Features on page 424
Software Components on page 424
System Management Agent on page 425
Logical Domains Manager and the Oracle VM Server for SPARC MIB on page 426
Oracle VM Server for SPARC MIB Object Tree on page 426

Oracle VM Server for SPARC Management Information Base Overview

Related Products and Features

To successfully use the Oracle VM Server for SPARC MIB, you must understand how to use the
following software products and features:
Oracle Solaris OS
Oracle VM Server for SPARC software
Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP)
SNMP Management Information Base (MIB)
Oracle Solaris SNMP Agent
SNMP version 1 (SNMPv1), SNMP version 2 (SNMPv2c), and SNMP version 3 (SNMPv3)
Structure of Management Information (SMI) version 1 and version 2
Management Information Base (MIB) structure
Abstract Syntax Notation (ASN.1)

Software Components
The Oracle VM Server for SPARC MIB package, SUNWldmib.v, contains the following software
SUN-LDOM-MIB.mib is an SNMP MIB in the form of a text file. This file defines the objects in
the Oracle VM Server for SPARC MIB. is a System Management Agent extension module in the form of a shared
library. This module enables the Oracle Solaris SNMP agent to respond to requests for
information that are specified in the Oracle VM Server for SPARC MIB and to generate

The following figure shows the interaction between the Oracle VM Server for SPARC MIB, the
Oracle Solaris SNMP agent, the Logical Domains Manager, and a third-party system
management application. The interaction shown in this figure is described in System
Management Agent on page 425 and Logical Domains Manager and the Oracle VM Server for
SPARC MIB on page 426.

424 Oracle VM Server for SPARC 3.3 Administration Guide October 2015
Oracle VM Server for SPARC Management Information Base Overview

Oracle VM Server for SPARC MIB Interaction With Oracle Solaris SNMP Agent, Logical
Domains Manager, and a Third-Party System Management Application

System Management Agent

The Oracle Solaris SNMP agent performs the following functions:
Listens for requests from a third-party system management application to get or set data
offered by the Oracle VM Server for SPARC MIB. The agent listens on the standard SNMP
port, 161.
Issues traps to the configured system management application by using the standard port
for SNMP notifications, 162.

The Oracle VM Server for SPARC MIB is exported by the Oracle Solaris OS default Oracle
Solaris SNMP agent on the control domain.

The Oracle Solaris SNMP agent supports the get, set, and trap functions of SNMP versions v1,
v2c, and v3. Most Oracle VM Server for SPARC MIB objects are read-only for monitoring
purposes. However, to start or stop a domain, you must write a value to the ldomAdminState
property of the ldomTable table. See Table 211.

Chapter 21 Using the Oracle VM Server for SPARC Management Information Base Software 425
Oracle VM Server for SPARC Management Information Base Overview

Logical Domains Manager and the Oracle VM Server

A domain is a container that consists of a set of virtual resources for a guest operating system.
The Logical Domains Manager provides the command-line interface (CLI) for creating,
configuring, and managing the domains. The Logical Domains Manager and the Oracle VM
Server for SPARC MIB support the following virtual resources:
Disk, network, and console I/O
Cryptographic units

Parsing the XML-Based Control Interface

The Logical Domains Manager exports an XML-based control interface to the Oracle VM
Server for SPARC MIB. The Oracle VM Server for SPARC MIB parses the XML interface and
populates the MIB. The Oracle VM Server for SPARC MIB only provides support for the
control domain.

Providing SNMP Traps

The Oracle VM Server for SPARC MIB polls the Logical Domains Manager periodically for
updates or status changes, and then issues SNMP traps to the system management applications.

Providing Fault and Recovery Information

If the Oracle VM Server for SPARC MIB can no longer allocate a needed resource, the MIB
returns a general error to the system management application through the SNMP agent. The
SNMP trap-delivery mechanism does not confirm the error. No specific state or checkpointing
is implemented in the Oracle VM Server for SPARC MIB. The Oracle Solaris SNMP agent with
the Oracle VM Server for SPARC MIB is started and monitored by the init process and the
Service Management Facility (SMF). If the Oracle Solaris SNMP agent fails and exits, SMF
restarts the process automatically, and then the new process dynamically restarts the Oracle
VM Server for SPARC MIB module.

Oracle VM Server for SPARC MIB Object Tree

SNMP-managed objects are organized into a tree-like hierarchy. An object identifier (OID)
consists of a series of integers based on the nodes in the tree, separated by dots. Each managed
object has a numerical OID and an associated textual name. The Oracle VM Server for SPARC
MIB is registered as the ldom (205) branch in this part of the object tree:


426 Oracle VM Server for SPARC 3.3 Administration Guide October 2015
Installing and Configuring the Oracle VM Server for SPARC MIB Software

The following figure shows the major subtrees under the Oracle VM Server for SPARC MIB.

FIGURE 212 Oracle VM Server for SPARC MIB Tree

Installing and Configuring the Oracle VM Server for SPARC

MIB Software
This section covers the installation and configuration of the Oracle VM Server for SPARC MIB
software. For information about administering SNMP, see the snmpd.conf(4) or snmpd.conf(5)
man page.

Chapter 21 Using the Oracle VM Server for SPARC Management Information Base Software 427
Installing and Configuring the Oracle VM Server for SPARC MIB Software

Installing and Configuring the Oracle VM Server for

SPARC MIB Software
The following table lists the tasks that you can use to install and configure the Oracle VM Server
for SPARC MIB software.

Task Description For Instructions

Install the Oracle VM Server for Use the pkg install command to How to Install the Oracle VM
SPARC MIB software package on install the system/ldoms/mib Server for SPARC MIB Software
the primary domain. package. Package on page 428

Load the Oracle VM Server for Modify the SNMP configuration How to Load the Oracle VM
SPARC MIB module into the file to load the module. Server for SPARC MIB Module
Oracle Solaris SNMP agent to Into the Oracle Solaris SNMP
query the Oracle VM Server for Agent on page 429

Remove the Oracle VM Server for Use the pkg remove command to How to Remove the Oracle VM
SPARC MIB software package from remove the system/ldoms/mib Server for SPARC MIB Software
the primary domain. package. Package on page 429

How to Install the Oracle VM Server for SPARC MIB Software Package
This procedure describes how to install the Oracle VM Server for SPARC MIB software
package. The Oracle VM Server for SPARC MIB software package is included as part of the
Oracle VM Server for SPARC 3.3 software.

The Oracle VM Server for SPARC MIB package includes the following files:

Before You Begin Download and install the Oracle VM Server for SPARC 3.3 software. See Chapter 2, Installing
Software, in Oracle VM Server for SPARC 3.3 Installation Guide.

Install the Oracle VM Server for SPARC MIB software package, system/ldoms/mib.
primary# pkg install -v -g IPS-package-directory/ldoms.repo mib

Next Steps After you install this package, you can configure your system to dynamically load the Oracle
VM Server for SPARC MIB module. See How to Load the Oracle VM Server for SPARC MIB
Module Into the Oracle Solaris SNMP Agent on page 429.

428 Oracle VM Server for SPARC 3.3 Administration Guide October 2015
Installing and Configuring the Oracle VM Server for SPARC MIB Software

How to Load the Oracle VM Server for SPARC MIB Module Into the
Oracle Solaris SNMP Agent
The Oracle VM Server for SPARC MIB module,, must be loaded into the Oracle
Solaris SNMP agent to query the Oracle VM Server for SPARC MIB. The Oracle VM Server for
SPARC MIB module is dynamically loaded so that the module is included within the SNMP
agent without requiring you to recompile and relink the agent binary.

This procedure describes how to configure your system to dynamically load the Oracle VM
Server for SPARC MIB module. Instructions for dynamically loading the module without
restarting the Oracle Solaris SNMP agent are provided in Solaris System Management Agent
Developer's Guide. For more information about the Oracle Solaris SNMP agent, see Solaris
System Management Administration Guide.

1 Update the SNMP configuration file.

Append the following line to the /etc/net-snmp/snmp/snmpd.conf configuration file:
dlmod ldomMIB /opt/SUNWldmib/lib/

2 Restart the SMF service.

primary# svcadm restart svc:/application/management/net-snmp:default

How to Remove the Oracle VM Server for SPARC MIB Software Package
This procedure describes how to remove the Oracle VM Server for SPARC MIB software
package and unload the Oracle VM Server for SPARC MIB module.

1 Stop the SMF service.

primary# svcadm disable svc:/application/management/net-snmp:default

2 Remove the Oracle VM Server for SPARC MIB software package from the primary domain.
primary# pkg uninstall system/ldoms/mib

3 Update the SNMP configuration file.

Remove the line that you added to the /etc/net-snmp/snmp/snmpd.conf file during
dlmod ldomMIB /opt/SUNWldmib/lib/

4 Restart the SMF service.

primary# svcadm restart svc:/application/management/net-snmp:default

Chapter 21 Using the Oracle VM Server for SPARC Management Information Base Software 429
Managing Security

Managing Security
This section describes how to create new Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP)
version 3 (v3) users to provide secure access to the Oracle Solaris SNMP agent. For SNMP
version 1 (v1) and version 2 (v2c), the access control mechanism is the community string, which
defines the relationship between an SNMP server and its clients. This string controls the client
access to the server similar to a password controlling a user's access to a system. See Solaris
System Management Agent Administration Guide.

Note Creating snmpv3 users enables you to use the Oracle Solaris SNMP agent in SNMP with
the Oracle VM Server for SPARC MIB. This type of user does not interact with or conflict with
users that you might have configured by using the rights feature of Oracle Solaris for the Logical
Domains Manager.

How to Create the Initial snmpv3 User

This procedure describes how to create the initial snmpv3 user.

You can create additional users by cloning this initial user. Cloning enables subsequent users to
inherit the initial user's authentication and security types. You can change these types later.

When you clone the initial user, you set secret key data for the new user. You must know the
passwords for the initial user and for the subsequent users that you configure. You can only
clone one user at a time from the initial user. See To Create Additional SNMPv3 Users with
Security in Solaris System Management Agent Administration Guide for your version of the
Oracle Solaris OS.

1 Stop the Oracle Solaris SNMP agent.

primary# svcadm disable svc:/application/management/net-snmp:default

2 Create the initial user.

This step creates user initial-user with a password that you choose, my-password, and adds an
entry to the /etc/sma/snmp/snmpd.conf file. This entry gives the initial user read and write
access to the agent.

Note Passwords must contain at least eight characters.

primary# /usr/bin/net-snmp-config --create-snmpv3-user -a my-password initial-user

3 Start the Oracle Solaris SNMP agent.

primary# svcadm enable svc:/application/management/net-snmp:default

430 Oracle VM Server for SPARC 3.3 Administration Guide October 2015
Monitoring Domains

4 Verify that the initial user has been created.

primary# snmpget -v 3 -u initial-user -l authNoPriv -a MD5 \
-A my-password localhost sysUpTime.0

Monitoring Domains
This section describes how to monitor logical domains (domains) by querying the Oracle VM
Server for SPARC MIB. This section also provides descriptions of the various types of MIB

This section covers the following topics:

Setting Environment Variables on page 431
Querying the Oracle VM Server for SPARC MIB on page 431
Retrieving Oracle VM Server for SPARC MIB Information on page 433

Setting Environment Variables

Before you can query the Oracle VM Server for SPARC MIB, you must set the PATH, MIBDIRS,
and MIBS environment variables.

$ PATH=/usr/bin:$PATH; export PATH

$ MIBDIRS=/opt/SUNWldmib/lib/mibs:/etc/net-snmp/snmp/mibs; export MIBDIRS

Querying the Oracle VM Server for SPARC MIB

When a system has large number of domains, the SNMP agent might time out before being able
to respond to an SNMP request. To increase the timeout value, use the -t option to specify a
longer timeout value. For example, the following snmpwalk command sets the timeout value to
20 seconds:

# snmpwalk -t 20 -v1 -c public localhost SUN-LDOM-MIB::ldomTable

You can also use the -t option to specify the timeout value for the snmpget and snmptable
To retrieve a single MIB object:
# snmpget -v version -c community-string host MIB-object
To retrieve an array of MIB objects:
Use the snmpwalk or snmptable command.
# snmpwalk -v version -c community-string host MIB-object
# snmptable -v version -c community-string host MIB-object

Chapter 21 Using the Oracle VM Server for SPARC Management Information Base Software 431
Monitoring Domains

Note You receive empty SNMP tables if you query the Oracle VM Server for SPARC MIB 2.1
software using the snmptable command with the -v2c or -v3 option. The snmptable command
with the -v1 option works as expected.

To work around this issue, use the -CB option to use only GETNEXT, not GETBULK, requests to
retrieve data. See Querying the Oracle VM Server for SPARC MIB on page 431.

EXAMPLE 211 Retrieving a Single Oracle VM Server for SPARC MIB Object (snmpget)
The following snmpget command queries the value of the ldomVersionMajor object. The
command specifies snmpv1 (-v1) and a community string (-c public) for the localhost host.

# snmpget -v1 -c public localhost SUN-LDOM-MIB::ldomVersionMajor.0

SUN-LDOM-MIB::ldomVersionMajor.0 = INTEGER: 1

EXAMPLE 212 Retrieving Object Values From ldomTable (snmpwalk)

The following examples show how to use the snmpwalk command to retrieve object values from
The following snmpwalk -v1 command returns the values for all objects in the ldomTable
# snmpwalk -v1 -c public localhost SUN-LDOM-MIB::ldomTable
SUN-LDOM-MIB::ldomName.1 = STRING: primary
SUN-LDOM-MIB::ldomName.2 = STRING: LdomMibTest_1
SUN-LDOM-MIB::ldomAdminState.1 = INTEGER: 0
SUN-LDOM-MIB::ldomAdminState.2 = INTEGER: 0
SUN-LDOM-MIB::ldomOperState.1 = INTEGER: active(1)
SUN-LDOM-MIB::ldomOperState.2 = INTEGER: bound(6)
SUN-LDOM-MIB::ldomNumVCpu.1 = INTEGER: 8
SUN-LDOM-MIB::ldomNumVCpu.2 = INTEGER: 4
SUN-LDOM-MIB::ldomMemSize.1 = INTEGER: 3360
SUN-LDOM-MIB::ldomMemSize.2 = INTEGER: 256
SUN-LDOM-MIB::ldomMemUnit.1 = INTEGER: megabytes(2)
SUN-LDOM-MIB::ldomMemUnit.2 = INTEGER: megabytes(2)
SUN-LDOM-MIB::ldomNumCrypto.1 = INTEGER: 1
SUN-LDOM-MIB::ldomNumCrypto.2 = INTEGER: 0
SUN-LDOM-MIB::ldomUUID.1 = STRING: 5f8817d4-5d2e-6f7d-c4af-91b5b34b5723
SUN-LDOM-MIB::ldomUUID.2 = STRING: 11284146-87ca-4877-8d80-cd0f60d5ec26
SUN-LDOM-MIB::ldomMacAddress.1 = STRING: 00:14:4f:46:47:d6
SUN-LDOM-MIB::ldomMacAddress.2 = STRING: 00:14:4f:f8:d5:6c
SUN-LDOM-MIB::ldomHostID.1 = STRING: 0x844647d6
SUN-LDOM-MIB::ldomHostID.2 = STRING: 0x84f8d56c
SUN-LDOM-MIB::ldomFailurePolicy.1 = STRING: ignore
SUN-LDOM-MIB::ldomFailurePolicy.2 = STRING: ignore
SUN-LDOM-MIB::ldomMaster.1 = STRING:
SUN-LDOM-MIB::ldomMaster.2 = STRING:
SUN-LDOM-MIB::ldomExtMapinSpace.1 = STRING: off
SUN-LDOM-MIB::ldomExtMapinSpace.2 = STRING: off
SUN-LDOM-MIB::ldomWholeCore.1 = INTEGER: 0

432 Oracle VM Server for SPARC 3.3 Administration Guide October 2015
Monitoring Domains

EXAMPLE 212 Retrieving Object Values From ldomTable (snmpwalk) (Continued)

SUN-LDOM-MIB::ldomWholeCore.2 = INTEGER: 0
SUN-LDOM-MIB::ldomCpuArch.1 = STRING: native
SUN-LDOM-MIB::ldomCpuArch.2 = STRING: native
SUN-LDOM-MIB::ldomShutdownGroup.1 = INTEGER: 0
SUN-LDOM-MIB::ldomShutdownGroup.2 = INTEGER: 15
SUN-LDOM-MIB::ldomPerfCounters.1 = STRING: htstrand
SUN-LDOM-MIB::ldomPerfCounters.2 = STRING: global,htstrand
The following snmpwalk commands use snmpv2c and snmpv3 to retrieve the contents of
# snmpwalk -v2c -c public localhost SUN-LDOM-MIB::ldomTable
# snmpwalk -v 3 -u test -l authNoPriv -a MD5 -A testpassword localhost \

EXAMPLE 213 Retrieving Object Values From ldomTable in Tabular Form (snmptable)
The following examples show how to use the snmptable command to retrieve object values
from ldomTable in tabular form.
The following snmptable -v1 command shows the contents of ldomTable in tabular form.
# snmptable -v1 -c public localhost SUN-LDOM-MIB::ldomTable
The following snmptable command shows the contents of ldomTable in tabular form by
using snmpv2c.
Note that for the v2c or v3 snmptable command, use the -CB option to specify only
GETNEXT, not GETBULK, requests to retrieve data.
# snmptable -v2c -CB -c public localhost SUN-LDOM-MIB::ldomTable

Retrieving Oracle VM Server for SPARC MIB

This section describes the information that you can retrieve from the Oracle VM Server for
SPARC MIB in the form of tables or scalar objects.

Domain Table (ldomTable)

ldomTable is used to represent each domain in the system. Information includes resource
constraints for virtual CPUs, memory, cryptographic units, and I/O buses. The table also
includes other domain information, such as the universally unique identifier (UUID), MAC
address, host ID, failure policy, and master domain.

Chapter 21 Using the Oracle VM Server for SPARC Management Information Base Software 433
Monitoring Domains

TABLE 211 Domain Table (ldomTable)

Name Data Type Access Description

ldomIndex Integer Not accessible Integer that is used as an index of this table

ldomName Display string Read-only Name of the domain

ldomAdminState Integer Read/Write Starts or stops the domain for active

Value of 1 starts the domain
Value of 2 stops the domain

ldomOperState Integer Read-only Current state of the domain, which can be

one of the following values:
1 is the Active state
2 is the Stopping state
3 is the Inactive state
4 is the Binding state
5 is the Unbinding state
6 is the Bound state
7 is the Starting state

ldomNumVCPU Integer Read-only Number of virtual CPUs used. If the

domain is in an inactive state, this value is
the requested number of virtual CPUs.

ldomMemSize Integer Read-only Amount of virtual memory used. If the

domain is in an inactive state, this value is
the requested memory size.

ldomMemUnit Integer Read-only One of the following memory units:

1 is KB
2 is MB
3 is GB
4 is bytes
If not specified, the unit value is bytes.

ldomNumCrypto Integer Read-only Number of cryptographic units used. If the

domain is in an inactive state, this value is
the requested number of cryptographic

ldomNumIOBus Integer Read-only Number of physical I/O devices used

ldomUUID Display string Read-only UUID of the domain

ldomMacAddress Display string Read-only MAC address of the domain

ldomHostID Display string Read-only Host ID of the domain

434 Oracle VM Server for SPARC 3.3 Administration Guide October 2015
Monitoring Domains

TABLE 211 Domain Table (ldomTable) (Continued)

Name Data Type Access Description

ldomFailurePolicy Display string Read-only Master domain's failure policy, which can
be one of ignore, panic, reset, or stop

ldomMaster Display string Read-only Name of up to four master domains for a

slave domain

ldomExtMapinSpace Display string Read-only Extended mapin space for a domain. The
extended mapin space refers to the
additional LDC shared memory space.
This memory space is required to support
a large number of virtual I/O devices that
use direct-mapped shared memory. This
space is also used by virtual network
devices to improve performance and
scalability. The default value is off.

ldomWholeCore Integer Read-only Constrains the domain to use whole-cores

only. If the whole-core constraint is not
enabled, the value is 0. Otherwise, the
value shows the number of max-cores.

ldomCpuArch Display string Read-only CPU architecture for a domain. The CPU
architecture specifies whether the domain
can be migrated to another sun4v CPU
architecture. Valid values are:
native, which means that the domain
is permitted to be migrated only to
platforms of the same sun4v CPU
architecture (default value)
generic, which means that the
domain is permitted to be migrated to
all compatible sun4v CPU

ldomShutdownGroup Integer Read-only Shutdown-group number for a guest

domain. On a Fujitsu M10 server, an
SP-initiated ordered shutdown will shut
down domains in descending order of
their shutdown-group numbers, from 15
to 0. The default value is 15.

ldomPerfCounters String Read-only Performance register access information

for a guest domain. Values can be global
(on one domain at a time only) and
optionally one of the following: htstrand
or strand. The default value is htstrand.

Chapter 21 Using the Oracle VM Server for SPARC Management Information Base Software 435
Monitoring Domains

TABLE 211 Domain Table (ldomTable) (Continued)

Name Data Type Access Description

ldomNumCMI Integer Read-only Number of CMI resources used. If the

domain is in an inactive state, this value is
the requested number of CMI resources.

Environment Variables Table (ldomEnvVarsTable)

ldomEnvVarsTable describes the OpenBoot PROM environment variables that all domains use.

TABLE 212 Environment Variables Table (ldomEnvVarsTable)

Name Data Type Access Description

ldomEnvVarsLdomIndex Integer Read-only Integer that is used as an index into

ldomTable that represents the domain that
contains the OpenBoot PROM
environment variables

ldomEnvVarsIndex Integer Read-only Integer that is used to index the OpenBoot

PROM environment variables in this table

ldomEnvVarsName Display string Read-only Name of the OpenBoot PROM variable

ldomEnvVarsValue Display string Read-only Value of the OpenBoot PROM variable

Domain Policy Table (ldomPolicyTable)

ldomPolicyTable describes the dynamic resource management (DRM) policies that apply to all

TABLE 213 Domain Policy Table (ldomPolicyTable)

Name Data Type Access Description

ldomPolicyLdomIndex Integer Read-only Integer that is used as an index into

ldomTable that represents the domain that
contains the DRM policy

ldomPolicyIndex Integer Not accessible Integer that is used to index the DRM
policy in this table

ldomPolicyName Display string Read-only Policy name

ldomPolicyStatus Display string Read-only Policy status

ldomPolicyPriority Integer Read-only Priority that is used to determine which

DRM policy is selected when policies

436 Oracle VM Server for SPARC 3.3 Administration Guide October 2015
Monitoring Domains

TABLE 213 Domain Policy Table (ldomPolicyTable) (Continued)

Name Data Type Access Description

ldomPolicyVcpuMin Integer Read-only Minimum number of virtual CPUs for a


ldomPolicyVcpuMax Integer Read-only Maximum number of virtual CPUs for a

domain. A value of unlimited uses the
maximum integer value of 2147483647.

ldomPolicyUtilLower Integer Read-only Lower utilization level at which policy

analysis is triggered

ldomPolicyUtilUpper Integer Read-only Upper utilization level at which policy

analysis is triggered

ldomPolicyTodBegin Display string Read-only Effective start time of a policy with a

format of hh:mm:[ss]

ldomPolicyTodEnd Display string Read-only Effective stop time of a policy with a

format of hh:mm:[ss]

ldomPolicySampleRate Integer Read-only Resource cycle time in seconds

ldomPolicyElasticMargin Integer Read-only Amount of buffer between util-lower

property (ldomPolicyUtilLower) and the
number of free virtual CPUs to avoid
oscillations at low virtual CPU counts

ldomPolicyAttack Integer Read-only Maximum amount of a resource to be

added during any one resource-control
cycle. A value of unlimited uses the
maximum integer value of 2147483647.

ldomPolicyDecay Integer Read-only Maximum amount of a resource to be

removed during any one resource-control

Service Processor Configuration Table (ldomSPConfigTable)

ldomSPConfigTable describes the service processor (SP) configurations for all domains.

TABLE 214 Service Processor Configuration Table (ldomSPConfigTable)

Name Data Type Access Description

ldomSPConfigIndex Integer Not accessible Integer that is used to index an SP

configuration in this table

ldomSPConfigName Display string Read-only SP configuration name

ldomSPConfigStatus Display string Read-only SP configuration status

Chapter 21 Using the Oracle VM Server for SPARC Management Information Base Software 437
Monitoring Domains

Domain Resource Pool and Scalar Variables

The following resources can be assigned to domains:
Virtual CPU (vcpu)
Memory (mem)
Cryptographic unit (mau)
Virtual switch (vsw)
Virtual network (vnet)
Virtual disk server (vds)
Virtual disk server device (vdsdev)
Virtual disk (vdisk)
Virtual console concentrator (vcc)
Virtual console (vcons)
Physical I/O device (io)
CMI resources (cmi)

The following scalar MIB variables are used to represent resource pools and their properties.

TABLE 215 Scalar Variables for CPU Resource Pool

Name Data Type Access Description

ldomCpuRpCapacity Integer Read-only Maximum reservation allowed by the

resource pool in

ldomCpuRpReserved Integer Read-only Accumulated processor clock speed of the

CPU, in MHz, that is currently reserved
from the resource pool

ldomCpuRpCapacityUnit Integer Read-only One of the following CPU allocation units:

and 1 is MHz
ldomCpuRpReservedUnit 2 is GHz
The default value is MHz.

TABLE 216 Scalar Variables for Memory Resource Pool

Name Data Type Access Description

ldomMemRpCapacity Integer Read-only Maximum reservation allowed by the

resource pool in MemRpCapacityUnits

ldomMemRpReserved Integer Read-only Amount of memory, in

MemRpReservedUnits, that is currently
reserved from the resource pool

438 Oracle VM Server for SPARC 3.3 Administration Guide October 2015
Monitoring Domains

TABLE 216 Scalar Variables for Memory Resource Pool (Continued)

Name Data Type Access Description

ldomMemRpCapacityUnit Integer Read-only One of the following memory allocation

and units:
ldomMemRpReservedUnit 1 is KB
2 is MB
3 is GB
4 is bytes

If not specified, the unit value is bytes.

TABLE 217 Scalar Variables for Cryptographic Resource Pool

Name Data Type Access Description

ldomCryptoRpCapacity Integer Read-only Maximum reservation allowed by the

resource pool

ldomCryptoRpReserved Integer Read-only Number of cryptographic units that is

currently reserved from the resource pool

TABLE 218 Scalar Variables for I/O Bus Resource Pool

Name Data Type Access Description

ldomIOBusRpCapacity Integer Read-only Maximum reservation allowed by the pool

ldomIOBusRpReserved Integer Read-only Number of I/O buses that is currently

reserved from the resource pool

TABLE 219 Scalar Variables for CMI Resource Pool

Name Data Type Access Description

ldomCMIRpCapacity Integer Read-only Maximum reservation allowed by the pool

ldomCMIRpReserved Integer Read-only Number of CMI resources that are

currently reserved from the resource pool

Virtual CPU Table (ldomVcpuTable)

ldomVcpuTable describes the virtual CPUs that all domains use.

Chapter 21 Using the Oracle VM Server for SPARC Management Information Base Software 439
Monitoring Domains

TABLE 2110 Virtual CPU Table (ldomVcpuTable)

Name Data Type Access Description

ldomVcpuLdomIndex Integer Read-only Integer that is used as an index into

ldomTable that represents the domain that
contains the virtual CPU

ldomVcpuIndex Integer Not Integer that is used to index the virtual

accessible CPU in this table

ldomVcpuDeviceID Display Read-only Identifier of the virtual CPU (VID)


ldomVcpuOperationalStatus Integer Read-only One of the following CPU statuses:

6=Predictive failure
8=Nonrecoverable error
12=In service
13=No contact
14=Lost communication
17=Supporting entity in error
19=Power mode
The default value is 1 (Unknown) because
the Logical Domains Manager does not
provide the CPU state.

440 Oracle VM Server for SPARC 3.3 Administration Guide October 2015
Monitoring Domains

TABLE 2110 Virtual CPU Table (ldomVcpuTable) (Continued)

Name Data Type Access Description

ldomVcpuPhysBind Display Read-only Physical binding (PID). Contains the

string identifier of a hardware thread (strand)
that is assigned to this virtual CPU. This
identifier uniquely identifies the core and
the chip.

ldomVcpuPhysBindUsage Integer Read-only Indicates how much (in MHz) of the total
capacity of the thread is used by this
virtual CPU. For example, assume a thread
can run at a maximum of one GHz. If only
half of that capacity is allocated to this
virtual CPU (50% of the thread), the
property value is 500.

ldomVcpuCoreID Display Read-only Identifier of the core (core ID).


ldomVcpuUtilPercent Display Read-only Indicates the utilization percentage of the

string virtual CPU.

Virtual Memory Tables

A domain's memory space is referred to as real memory, that is, virtual memory. Host platform
memory space that is detected by the hypervisor is referred to as physical memory. The
hypervisor maps blocks of physical memory to form a block of real memory that is used by a

The following example shows that the requested memory size can be split between two memory
blocks instead of being assigned to a single large memory block. Assume that a domain requests
521 Mbytes of real memory. The memory can be assigned two 256-Mbyte blocks on the host
system as physical memory by using the {physical-address, real-address, size} format.

{0x1000000, 0x1000000, 256}, {0x2000000, 0x2000000,256}

A domain can have up to 64 physical memory segments assigned to a guest domain. Therefore,
an auxiliary table is used to hold each memory segment instead of a display string. A display
string has a 255-character limit.

Virtual Memory Table (ldomVmemTable)

ldomVmemTable describes the properties of virtual memory that domains use.

Chapter 21 Using the Oracle VM Server for SPARC Management Information Base Software 441
Monitoring Domains

TABLE 2111 Virtual Memory Table (ldomVmemTable)

Name Data Type Access Description

ldomVmemLdomIndex Integer Read-only Integer that is used as an index into

ldomTable that represents the domain that
contains the virtual memory

ldomVmemIndex Integer Not accessible Integer that is used to index the virtual
memory in this table

ldomVmemNumberofBlocks Integer Read-only Number of blocks of virtual memory

Virtual Memory Physical Binding Table (ldomVmemPhysBindTable)

ldomVmemPhysBindTable is an auxiliary table that contains physical memory segments for all

TABLE 2112 Virtual Memory Physical Binding Table (ldomVmemPhysBindTable)

Name Data Type Access Description

ldomVmemPhysBindLdomIndex Integer Read-only Integer that is used as an index into

ldomTable that represents the domain that
contains the physical memory segments

ldomVmemPhysBind Display Read-only List of physical memory that is mapped to

string this virtual memory block in the following
format: {physical-address, real-address,

Virtual Disk Tables

A virtual disk service (vds) and the physical device to which it maps (vdsdev) provide the
virtual disk capability to the Oracle VM Server for SPARC technology. A virtual disk service
exports a number of local volumes (physical disks or file systems). When a virtual disk service is
specified, the following are included:
Complete /dev path of the backing device (vdsdev)
Unique name (volume name) for the device being added to the service

One or more disks, disk slices, and file systems can be bound to a single disk service. Each disk
has a unique name and volume name. The volume name is used when the disk is bound to the
service. The Logical Domains Manager creates virtual disk clients (vdisk) from the virtual disk
service and its logical volumes.

Virtual Disk Service Table (ldomVdsTable)

ldomVdsTable describes the virtual disk services for all domains.

442 Oracle VM Server for SPARC 3.3 Administration Guide October 2015
Monitoring Domains

TABLE 2113 Virtual Disk Service Table (ldomVdsTable)

Name Data Type Access Description

ldomVdsLdomIndex Integer Read-only Integer that is used as an index into

ldomTable that represents the domain that
contains the virtual disk service

ldomVdsIndex Integer Not accessible Integer that is used to index the virtual
disk service in this table

ldomVdsServiceName Display string Read-only Service name for the virtual disk service.
The property value is the service-name
specified by the ldm add-vds command.

ldomVdsNumofAvailVolume Integer Read-only Number of logical volumes exported by

this virtual disk service

ldomVdsNumofUsedVolume Integer Read-only Number of logical volumes used (bound)

to this virtual disk service

Virtual Disk Service Device Table (ldomVdsdevTable)

ldomVdsdevTable describes the virtual disk service devices that all virtual disk services use.

TABLE 2114 Virtual Disk Service Device Table (ldomVdsdevTable)

Name Data Type Access Description

ldomVdsdevVdsIndex Integer Read-only Integer that is used to index into

ldomVdsTable that represents the virtual
disk service that contains the virtual disk

ldomVdsdevIndex Integer Not accessible Integer that is used to index the virtual
disk service device in this table

ldomVdsdevVolumeName Display string Read-only Volume name for the virtual disk service
device. This property specifies a unique
name for the device that is being added to
the virtual disk service. This name is
exported by the virtual disk service to the
clients for the purpose of adding this
device. The property value is the
volume-name specified by the ldm
add-vdsdev command.

ldomVdsdevDevPath Display string Read-only Path name of the physical disk device. The
property value is the backend specified by
the ldm add-vdsdev command.

Chapter 21 Using the Oracle VM Server for SPARC Management Information Base Software 443
Monitoring Domains

TABLE 2114 Virtual Disk Service Device Table (ldomVdsdevTable) (Continued)

Name Data Type Access Description

ldomVdsdevOptions Display string Read-only One or more of the options for the disk
device, which are ro, slice, or excl

ldomVdsdevMPGroup Display string Read-only Multipath group name for the disk device

Virtual Disk Table (ldomVdiskTable)

ldomVdiskTable describes the virtual disks for all domains.

TABLE 2115 Virtual Disk Table (ldomVdiskTable)

Name Data Type Access Description

ldomVdiskLdomIndex Integer Read-only Integer that is used as an index into

ldomTable that represents the domain that
contains the virtual disk device

ldomVdiskVdsDevIndex Integer Read-only Integer that is used to index into

ldomVdsdevTable that represents the
virtual disk service device

ldomVdiskIndex Integer Not accessible Integer that is used to index the virtual
disk in this table

ldomVdiskName Display string Read-only Name of the virtual disk. The property
value is the disk-name specified by the ldm
add-vdisk command.

ldomVdiskTimeout Integer Read-only Timeout, in seconds, for establishing a

connection between a virtual disk client
and a virtual disk server

ldomVdiskID Display string Read-only Identifier of the virtual disk

The following figure shows how indexes are used to define relationships among the virtual disk
tables and the domain table. The indexes are used as follows:
ldomIndex in ldomVdsTable and ldomVdiskTable points to ldomTable.
VdsIndex in ldomVdsdevTable points to ldomVdsTable.
VdsDevIndex in ldomVdiskTable points to ldomVdsdevTable.

444 Oracle VM Server for SPARC 3.3 Administration Guide October 2015
Monitoring Domains

FIGURE 213 Relationship Among Virtual Disk Tables and the Domain Table

Virtual Network Tables

Oracle VM Server for SPARC virtual network support enables guest domains to communicate
with each other and with external hosts through a physical Ethernet device. The virtual network
contains the following main components:
Virtual switch (vsw)
Virtual network device (vnet)

After you create a virtual switch on a service domain, you can bind a physical network device to
the virtual switch. After that, you can create a virtual network device for a domain that uses the
virtual switch service for communication. The virtual switch service communicates with other
domains by connecting to the same virtual switch. The virtual switch service communicates
with external hosts if a physical device is bound to the virtual switch.

Chapter 21 Using the Oracle VM Server for SPARC Management Information Base Software 445
Monitoring Domains

Virtual Switch Service Table (ldomVswTable)

ldomVswTable describes the virtual switch services for all domains.

TABLE 2116 Virtual Switch Service Table (ldomVswTable)

Name Data Type Access Description

ldomVswLdomIndex Integer Read-only Integer that is used as an index into

ldomTable that represents the domain that
contains the virtual switch service

ldomVswIndex Integer Not accessible Integer that is used to index the virtual
switch device in this table

ldomVswServiceName Display string Read-only Virtual switch service name

ldomVswMacAddress Display string Read-only MAC address used by the virtual switch

ldomVswPhysDevPath Display string Read-only Physical device path for the virtual
network switch. The property value is null
when no physical device is bound to the
virtual switch.

ldomVswMode Display string Read-only Value is mode=sc for running cluster


ldomVswDefaultVlanID Display string Read-only Default VLAN ID for the virtual switch

ldomVswPortVlanID Display string Read-only Port VLAN ID for the virtual switch

ldomVswVlanID Display string Read-only VLAN ID for the virtual switch

ldomVswLinkprop Display string Read-only Value is linkprop=phys-state to report

the link status based on the physical
network device

ldomVswMtu Integer Read-only Maximum transmission unit (MTU) for a

virtual switch device

ldomVswID Display string Read-only Identifier of the virtual switch device

ldomVswInterVnetLink Display string Read-only State of LDC channel assignment for

inter-vnet communications. Value is
either on or off.

Virtual Network Device Table (ldomVnetTable)

ldomVnetTable describes the virtual network devices for all domains.

446 Oracle VM Server for SPARC 3.3 Administration Guide October 2015
Monitoring Domains

TABLE 2117 Virtual Network Device Table (ldomVnetTable)

Name Data Type Access Description

ldomVnetLdomIndex Integer Read-only Integer that is used as an index into

ldomTable that represents the domain that
contains the virtual network device

ldomVnetVswIndex Integer Read-only Integer that is used to index into the

virtual switch service table

ldomVnetIndex Integer Not accessible Integer that is used to index the virtual
network device in this table

ldomVnetDevName Display string Read-only Virtual network device name. The

property value is the net-dev property
specified by the ldm add-vnet command.

ldomVnetDevMacAddress Display string Read-only MAC address for this network device. The
property value is the mac-addr property
specified by the ldm add-vnet command.

ldomVnetMode Display string Read-only Value is mode=hybrid to use NIU hybrid

I/O on the virtual network device

ldomVnetPortVlanID Display string Read-only Port VLAN ID for the virtual network

ldomVnetVlanID Display string Read-only VLAN ID for the virtual network device

ldomVnetLinkprop Display string Read-only Value is linkprop=phys-state to report

the link status based on the physical
network device

ldomVnetMtu Integer Read-only MTU for a virtual network device

ldomVnetID Display string Read-only Identifier of the virtual network device

Virtual Console Tables

The Oracle VM Server for SPARC service domain provides a virtual network terminal service
(vNTS). vNTS provides a virtual console service, called a virtual console concentrator (vcc), with
a range of port numbers. Each virtual console concentrator has multiple console groups
(vcons), and each group is assigned a port number. Each group can contain multiple domains.

Virtual Console Concentrator Table (ldomVccTable)

ldomVccTable describes the virtual console concentrators for all domains.

Chapter 21 Using the Oracle VM Server for SPARC Management Information Base Software 447
Monitoring Domains

TABLE 2118 Virtual Console Concentrator Table (ldomVccTable)

Name Data Type Access Description

ldomVccLdomIndex Integer Read-only Integer that is used as an index into

ldomTable that represents the domain that
contains the virtual console service

ldomVccIndex Integer Not accessible Integer that is used to index the virtual
console concentrator in this table

ldomVccName Display string Read-only Virtual console concentrator name. The

property value is the vcc-name specified by
the ldm add-vcc command.

ldomVccPortRangeLow Integer Read-only Low number for the range of TCP ports to
be used by the virtual console
concentrator. The property value is the x
part of the port-range specified by the
ldm add-vcc command.

ldomVccPortRangeHigh Integer Read-only High number for the range of TCP ports to
be used by the virtual console
concentrator. The property value is the y
part of the port-range specified by the
ldm add-vcc command.

Virtual Console Group Table (ldomVconsTable)

ldomVconsTable describes the virtual console groups for all virtual console services. This table
also shows whether console logging is enabled or disabled on each domain.

TABLE 2119 Virtual Console Group Table (ldomVconsTable)

Name Data Type Access Description

ldomVconsIndex Integer Not accessible Integer that is used to index a virtual group
in this table

ldomVconsGroupName Display string Read-only Group name to which to attach the virtual
console. The property value is the group
specified by the ldm set-vcons command.

ldomVconsLog Display string Read-only Console logging status. The property value
is the string on or off as specified by the
ldm set-vcons command.
When a group contains more than one
domain, this property shows the console
logging status of the domain that has most
recently been modified by the ldm
set-vcons command.

448 Oracle VM Server for SPARC 3.3 Administration Guide October 2015
Monitoring Domains

TABLE 2119 Virtual Console Group Table (ldomVconsTable) (Continued)

Name Data Type Access Description

ldomVconsPortNumber Integer Read-only Port number assigned to this group. The

property value is the port specified by the
ldm set-vcons command.

Virtual Console Relationship Table (ldomVconsVccRelTable)

ldomVconsVccRelTable contains index values to show the inter-table relationships among a
domain, a virtual console concentrator, and console groups.

TABLE 2120 Virtual Console Relationship Table (ldomVconsVccRelTable)

Name Data Type Access Description

ldomVconsVccRelVconsIndex Integer Read-only Value of ldomVconsIndex in


ldomVconsVccRelLdomIndex Integer Read-only Value of ldomIndex in ldomTable

ldomVconsVccRelVccIndex Integer Read-only Value of ldomVccIndex in ldomVccTable

The following figure shows how indexes are used to define relationships among the virtual
console tables and the domain table. The indexes are used as follows:
ldomIndex in ldomVccTable and ldomVconsVccRelTable points to ldomTable.
VccIndex in ldomVconsVccRelTable points to ldomVccTable.
VconsIndex in ldomVconsVccRelTable points to ldomVconsTable.

Chapter 21 Using the Oracle VM Server for SPARC Management Information Base Software 449
Monitoring Domains

FIGURE 214 Relationship Among Virtual Console Tables and the Domain Table

Cryptographic Units Table (ldomCryptoTable)

ldomCryptoTable describes the cryptographic units that all domains use. A cryptographic unit
is sometimes referred to as a modular arithmetic unit (MAU).

TABLE 2121 Cryptographic Units Table (ldomCryptoTable)

Name Data Type Access Description

ldomCryptoLdomIndex Integer Read-only Integer that is used as an index into

ldomTable that represents the domain that
contains the cryptographic unit

450 Oracle VM Server for SPARC 3.3 Administration Guide October 2015
Monitoring Domains

TABLE 2121 Cryptographic Units Table (ldomCryptoTable) (Continued)

Name Data Type Access Description

ldomCryptoIndex Integer Not accessible Integer that is used to index the

cryptographic unit in this table

ldomCryptoCpuSet Display string Read-only List of CPUs that is mapped to MAU-unit

cpuset. For example, {0, 1, 2, 3}.

I/O Bus Table (ldomIOBusTable)

ldomIOBusTable describes the physical I/O devices and PCI buses that all domains use.

TABLE 2122 I/O Bus Table (ldomIOBusTable)

Name Data Type Access Description

ldomIOBusLdomIndex Integer Read-only Integer that is used as an index into

ldomTable that represents the domain that
contains the I/O bus

ldomIOBusIndex Integer Not accessible Integer that is used to index the I/O bus in
this table

ldomIOBusName Display string Read-only Physical l/O device name

ldomIOBusPath Display string Read-only Physical I/O device path

ldomIOBusOptions Display string Read-only Physical I/O device options

CMI Table (ldomCMITable)

ldomCMITable describes the CMI resource information for all domains.

TABLE 2123 CMI Table (ldomCMITable)

Name Data Type Access Description

ldomCMILdomIndex Integer Read-only Integer that is used as an index into

ldomTable that represents the domain that
contains the CMI resource

ldomCMIIndex Integer Not accessible Integer that is used to index the CMI
resource in this table

ldomCMIID Display string Read-only Identifier of a CMI resource (CMI ID)

ldomCMICpuSet Display string Read-only List of CPUs that are mapped to the CMI

ldomCMICores Display string Read-only List of cores that are mapped to the CMI

Chapter 21 Using the Oracle VM Server for SPARC Management Information Base Software 451
Monitoring Domains

Core Table (ldomCoreTable)

ldomCoreTable describes the core information, such as core-id and cpuset, for all domains.

TABLE 2124 Core Table (ldomCoreTable)

Name Data Type Access Description

ldomCoreLdomIndex Integer Read-only Integer that is used as an index into

ldomTable that represents the domain that
contains the core

ldomCoreIndex Integer Not accessible Integer that is used to index a core in this

ldomCoreID Display string Read-only Identifier of a core (core ID)

ldomCoreCpuSet Display string Read-only List of CPUs that is mapped to the core

Scalar Variables for Domain Version Information

The Logical Domains Manager protocol supports domain versions, which consists of a major
number and a minor number. The Oracle VM Server for SPARC MIB has scalar variables to
describe the domain version information.

TABLE 2125 Scalar Variables for Domain Version Information

Name Data Type Access Description

ldomVersionMajor Integer Read-only Major version number

ldomVersionMinor Integer Read-only Minor version number

The values for ldomVersionMajor and ldomVersionMinor are equivalent to the version shown
by the ldm list -p command. For example:

$ ldm ls -p

$ snmpget -v1 -c public localhost SUN-LDOM-MIB::ldomVersionMajor.0

SUN-LDOM-MIB::ldomVersionMajor.0 = INTEGER: 1
$ snmpget -v1 -c public localhost SUN-LDOM-MIB::ldomVersionMinor.0
SUN-LDOM-MIB::ldomVersionMinor.0 = INTEGER: 5

452 Oracle VM Server for SPARC 3.3 Administration Guide October 2015
Using SNMP Traps

Using SNMP Traps

This section describes how to set up your system to send and receive traps. It also describes the
traps that you can use to receive change notification for logical domains (domains), as well as
other traps that you can use.

The snmptrapd daemon does not automatically accept all incoming traps. Instead, the daemon
must be configured with authorized SNMP v1 and v2c community strings, with SNMPv3 users,
or both. Unauthorized traps or notifications are dropped. See the snmptrapd.conf(4) or
snmptrapd.conf(5) man page.

Using Oracle VM Server for SPARC MIB Module Traps

Access control checks are applied to incoming notifications. If snmptrapd runs without a
suitable configuration file, or with equivalent access control settings, such traps are not
processed. See the snmptrapd.conf(4) or snmptrapd.conf(5) man page.

How to Send Traps

1 Configure the trap.

Edit the /etc/net-snmp/snmp/snmpd.conf SNMP configuration file to add the directives to
define the trap, inform version, and destination.
You must use the pfedit command to edit the /etc/net-snmp/snmp/snmpd.conf file.
trapcommunity string --> define community string to be used when sending traps
trapsink host[community [port]] --> to send v1 traps
trap2sink host[community [port]] --> to send v2c traps
informsink host[community [port]] --> to send informs
For more information, see the snmpd.conf(4) or snmpd.conf(5) man page.
For example, the following directives use the public string as the community string when
sending traps and indicate that the v1 traps are sent to the localhost destination:

trapcommunity public
trapsink localhost

2 Configure access control settings by creating or editing the /usr/etc/snmp/snmptrapd.conf

SNMP trapd configuration file.
You must use the pfedit command to edit the /etc/net-snmp/snmp/snmpd.conf file.
The following example shows who is authorized to send traps (public) and how incoming traps
should be processed (log,execute,net). See the snmptrapd.conf(4) or snmptrapd.conf(5)
man page.
authCommunity log,execute,net public

Chapter 21 Using the Oracle VM Server for SPARC Management Information Base Software 453
Using SNMP Traps

3 To receive SNMP trap messages, start the SNMP trap daemon utility, snmptrapd.

Example 214 Sending SNMP v1 and v2c Traps

This example sends send both v1 and v2c traps to the SNMP trap daemon that runs on the same
host. Update the /etc/net-snmp/snmp/snmpd.conf file with the following directives:

trapcommunity public
trapsink localhost
trap2sink localhost

How to Receive Traps

Start the SNMP trap daemon utility.

For information about the output format options, see the snmptrapd(1M) man page.
The snmptrapd utility is an SNMP application that receives and logs SNMP TRAP messages. For
example, the following snmptrapd command shows that a new domain was created
(ldomTrapDesc = Ldom Created) with a name of ldg2 (ldomName = ldg2).
# /usr/sbin/snmptrapd -f -Le -F \
TRAP from %B on %m/%l/%y at %h:%j:%k Enterprise=%N Type=%w SubType=%q\n
with Varbinds: %v\nSecurity info:%P\n\n localhost:162
NET-SNMP version 5.4.1
TRAP from localhost on 6/27/2012 at 12:13:48
Enterprise=SUN-LDOM-MIB::ldomMIBTraps Type=6 SubType=SUN-LDOM-MIB::ldomCreate
with Varbinds: SUN-LDOM-MIB::ldomIndexNotif = INTEGER: 3
SUN-LDOM-MIB::ldomName = STRING: ldg2 SUN-LDOM-MIB::ldomTrapDesc = STRING:
Ldom Created
Security info:TRAP, SNMP v1, community public
Note that the -F option argument string is broken on to two lines for readability purposes.

Oracle VM Server for SPARC MIB Trap Descriptions

This section describes the Oracle VM Server for SPARC MIB traps that you can use.

Domain Creation (ldomCreate)

This trap notifies you when any domains are created.

TABLE 2126 Domain Creation Trap (ldomCreate)

Name Data Type Description

ldomIndexNotif Integer Index into ldomTable

ldomName Display string Name of the domain

454 Oracle VM Server for SPARC 3.3 Administration Guide October 2015
Using SNMP Traps

TABLE 2126 Domain Creation Trap (ldomCreate) (Continued)

Name Data Type Description

ldomTrapDesc Display string Description of the trap

Domain Destroy (ldomDestroy)

This trap notifies you when any domains are destroyed.

TABLE 2127 Domain Destroy Trap (ldomDestroy)

Name Data Type Description

ldomIndexNotif Integer Index into ldomTable

ldomName Display string Name of the domain

ldomTrapDesc Display string Description of the trap

Domain State Change (ldomStateChange)

This trap notifies you of any domain operating state changes.

TABLE 2128 Domain State Change Trap (ldomStateChange)

Name Data Type Description

ldomIndexNotif Integer Index into ldomTable

ldomName Display string Name of the domain

ldomOperState Integer New state of the domain

ldomStatePrev Integer Previous state of the domain

ldomTrapDesc Display string Description of the trap

Virtual CPU Change (ldomVCpuChange)

This trap notifies you when the number of virtual CPUs in a domain changes.

TABLE 2129 Domain Virtual CPU Change Trap (ldomVCpuChange)

Name Data Type Description

ldomIndexNotif Integer Index into ldomTable

ldomName Display string Name of the domain that contains the

virtual CPU

ldomNumVCPU Integer New number of virtual CPUs for the


Chapter 21 Using the Oracle VM Server for SPARC Management Information Base Software 455
Using SNMP Traps

TABLE 2129 Domain Virtual CPU Change Trap (ldomVCpuChange) (Continued)

Name Data Type Description

ldomNumVCPUPrev Integer Previous number of virtual CPUs for the


ldomTrapDesc Display string Description of the trap

Virtual Memory Change (ldomVMemChange)

This trap notifies you when the amount of virtual memory in a domain changes.

TABLE 2130 Domain Virtual Memory Change Trap (ldomVMemChange)

Name Data Type Description

ldomIndexNotif Integer Index into ldomTable

ldomName Display string Name of the domain that contains the

virtual memory

ldomMemSize Integer Amount of virtual memory for the domain

ldomMemSizePrev Integer Previous amount of virtual memory for

the domain

ldomMemUnit Integer Memory unit for virtual memory, which is

one of the following:
1 is KB
2 is MB
3 is GB
4 is bytes
If not specified, the unit value is bytes.

ldomMemUnitPrev Integer Memory unit for previous virtual memory,

which is one of the following:
1 is KB
2 is MB
3 is GB
4 is bytes
If not specified, the unit value is bytes.

ldomTrapDesc Display string Description of the trap

Virtual Disk Service Change (ldomVdsChange)

This trap notifies you when a domain's virtual disk service changes.

456 Oracle VM Server for SPARC 3.3 Administration Guide October 2015
Using SNMP Traps

TABLE 2131 Domain Virtual Disk Service Change Trap (ldomVdsChange)

Name Data Type Description

ldomIndexNotif Integer Index into ldomTable

ldomName Display string Name of the domain that contains the

virtual disk service

ldomVdsServiceName Display string Name of the virtual disk service that has

ldomChangeFlag Integer Indicates one of the following changes that

occurred to the virtual disk service:
1 is Added
2 is Modified
3 is Removed

ldomTrapDesc Display string Description of the trap

Virtual Disk Change (ldomVdiskChange)

This trap notifies you when a domain's virtual disk changes.

TABLE 2132 Virtual Disk Change Trap (ldomVdiskChange)

Name Data Type Description

ldomIndexNotif Integer Index into ldomTable

ldomName Display string Name of the domain that contains the

virtual disk device

ldomVdiskName Display string Name of the virtual disk device that has

ldomChangeFlag Integer Indicates one of the following changes that

occurred to the virtual disk service:
1 is Added
2 is Modified
3 is Removed

ldomTrapDesc Display string Description of the trap

Virtual Switch Change (ldomVswChange)

This trap notifies you when a domain's virtual switch changes.

Chapter 21 Using the Oracle VM Server for SPARC Management Information Base Software 457
Using SNMP Traps

TABLE 2133 Virtual Switch Change Trap (ldomVswChange)

Name Data Type Description

ldomIndexNotif Integer Index into ldomTable

ldomName Display string Name of the domain that contains the

virtual switch service

ldomVswServiceName Display string Name of the virtual switch service that has

ldomChangeFlag Integer Indicates one of the following changes that

occurred to the virtual switch service:
1 is Added
2 is Modified
3 is Removed

ldomTrapDesc Display string Description of the trap

Virtual Network Change (ldomVnetChange)

This trap notifies you when a domain's virtual network changes.

TABLE 2134 Virtual Network Change Trap (ldomVnetChange)

Name Data Type Description

ldomIndexNotif Integer Index into ldomTable

ldomName Display string Name of the domain that contains the

virtual network device

ldomVnetDevName Display string Name of the virtual network device for the

ldomChangeFlag Integer Indicates one of the following changes that

occurred to the virtual disk service:
1 is Added
2 is Modified
3 is Removed

ldomTrapDesc Display string Description of the trap

Virtual Console Concentrator Change (ldomVccChange)

This trap notifies you when a domain's virtual console concentrator changes.

458 Oracle VM Server for SPARC 3.3 Administration Guide October 2015
Using SNMP Traps

TABLE 2135 Virtual Console Concentrator Change Trap (ldomVccChange)

Name Data Type Description

ldomIndexNotif Integer Index into ldomTable

ldomName Display string Name of the domain that contains the

virtual console concentrator

ldomVccName Display string Name of the virtual console concentrator

service that has changed

ldomChangeFlag Integer Indicates one of the following changes that

occurred to the virtual console
1 is Added
2 is Modified
3 is Removed

ldomTrapDesc Display string Description of the trap

Virtual Console Group Change (ldomVconsChange)

This trap notifies you when a domain's virtual console group changes.

TABLE 2136 Virtual Console Group Change Trap (ldomVconsChange)

Name Data Type Description

ldomIndexNotif Integer Index into ldomTable

ldomName Display string Name of the domain that contains the

virtual console group

ldomVconsGroupName Display string Name of the virtual console group that has

ldomChangeFlag Integer Indicates one of the following changes that

occurred to the virtual console group:
1 is Added
2 is Modified
3 is Removed

ldomTrapDesc Display string Description of the trap

CMI Resource Change (ldomCMIChange)

This trap notifies you when the number of CMI resources in a domain changes.

Chapter 21 Using the Oracle VM Server for SPARC Management Information Base Software 459
Starting and Stopping Domains

TABLE 2137 CMI Resource Change Trap (ldomCMIChange)

Name Data Type Description

ldomIndexNotif Integer Index into ldomTable

ldomName Display string Name of the domain that contains the

CMI resource

ldomNumCMI Integer New number of CMI resources for the


ldomNumCMIPrev Integer Previous number of CMI resources for the


ldomTrapDesc Display string Description of the trap

Starting and Stopping Domains

This section describes the active management operations that you use to stop and start
domains. You can control these active management operations by setting a value for the
ldomAdminState property of the Domain Table, ldomTable. See Table 211.

How to Start a Domain

This procedure describes how to start an existing bound domain. If a domain with the specified
domain name does not exist or is not already bound, this operation fails.

1 Verify that the domain-name domain exists and is bound.

# ldm list domain-name

2 Identify domain-name in ldomTable.

# snmpwalk -v1 -c public localhost SUN-LDOM-MIB::ldomTable
SUN-LDOM-MIB::ldomName.1 = STRING: primary
SUN-LDOM-MIB::ldomName.2 = STRING: LdomMibTest_1
SUN-LDOM-MIB::ldomAdminState.1 = INTEGER: 0
SUN-LDOM-MIB::ldomAdminState.2 = INTEGER: 0
SUN-LDOM-MIB::ldomOperState.1 = INTEGER: active(1)
SUN-LDOM-MIB::ldomOperState.2 = INTEGER: bound(6)
SUN-LDOM-MIB::ldomNumVCpu.1 = INTEGER: 8
SUN-LDOM-MIB::ldomNumVCpu.2 = INTEGER: 4
SUN-LDOM-MIB::ldomMemSize.1 = INTEGER: 3360
SUN-LDOM-MIB::ldomMemSize.2 = INTEGER: 256
SUN-LDOM-MIB::ldomMemUnit.1 = INTEGER: megabytes(2)
SUN-LDOM-MIB::ldomMemUnit.2 = INTEGER: megabytes(2)
SUN-LDOM-MIB::ldomNumCrypto.1 = INTEGER: 1
SUN-LDOM-MIB::ldomNumCrypto.2 = INTEGER: 0

460 Oracle VM Server for SPARC 3.3 Administration Guide October 2015
Starting and Stopping Domains

SUN-LDOM-MIB::ldomUUID.1 = STRING: 5f8817d4-5d2e-6f7d-c4af-91b5b34b5723

SUN-LDOM-MIB::ldomUUID.2 = STRING: 11284146-87ca-4877-8d80-cd0f60d5ec26
SUN-LDOM-MIB::ldomMacAddress.1 = STRING: 00:14:4f:46:47:d6
SUN-LDOM-MIB::ldomMacAddress.2 = STRING: 00:14:4f:f8:d5:6c
SUN-LDOM-MIB::ldomHostID.1 = STRING: 0x844647d6
SUN-LDOM-MIB::ldomHostID.2 = STRING: 0x84f8d56c
SUN-LDOM-MIB::ldomFailurePolicy.1 = STRING: ignore
SUN-LDOM-MIB::ldomFailurePolicy.2 = STRING: ignore
SUN-LDOM-MIB::ldomMaster.1 = STRING:
SUN-LDOM-MIB::ldomMaster.2 = STRING:
SUN-LDOM-MIB::ldomExtMapinSpace.1 = STRING: off
SUN-LDOM-MIB::ldomExtMapinSpace.2 = STRING: off
SUN-LDOM-MIB::ldomWholeCore.1 = INTEGER: 0
SUN-LDOM-MIB::ldomWholeCore.2 = INTEGER: 0
SUN-LDOM-MIB::ldomCpuArch.1 = STRING: native
SUN-LDOM-MIB::ldomCpuArch.2 = STRING: native
SUN-LDOM-MIB::ldomShutdownGroup.1 = INTEGER: 0
SUN-LDOM-MIB::ldomShutdownGroup.2 = INTEGER: 15
SUN-LDOM-MIB::ldomPerfCounters.1 = STRING: htstrand
SUN-LDOM-MIB::ldomPerfCounters.2 = STRING: global,htstrand

3 Start the domain-name domain.

Use the snmpset command to start the domain by setting a value of 1 to the ldomAdminState
property. n specifies the domain to start.
# snmpset -v version -c community-string hostname \
SUN-LDOM-MIB::ldomTable.1.ldomAdminState.n = 1

4 Verify that the domain-name domain is active by using one of the following commands:

# ldm list domain-name

# snmpget -v version -c community-string hostname SUN-LDOM-MIB::ldomOperState.n

Example 215 Starting a Guest Domain

This example verifies that the LdomMibTest_1 domain exists and is bound before setting the
ldomAdminState property to 1. Finally, the ldm list LdomMibTest_1 command verifies that
the LdomMibTest_1 domain is active.

# ldm list LdomMibTest_1

# snmpset -v1 -c private localhost SUN-LDOM-MIB::ldomTable.1.ldomAdminState.2 = 1
# ldm list LdomMibTest_1

You can also use the snmpget command to retrieve the LdomMibTest_1 domain's state instead of
using the ldm list command.

# snmpget -v1 -c public localhost SUN-LDOM-MIB::ldomOperState.2

Chapter 21 Using the Oracle VM Server for SPARC Management Information Base Software 461
Starting and Stopping Domains

Note that if the domain is inactive when you use snmpset to start the domain, the domain is first
bound and then started.

How to Stop a Domain

This procedure describes how to stop a started domain. Any operating system instances that are
hosted by the domain are stopped.

1 Identify domain-name in ldomTable.

# snmpwalk -v1 -c public localhost SUN-LDOM-MIB::ldomTable
SUN-LDOM-MIB::ldomName.1 = STRING: primary
SUN-LDOM-MIB::ldomName.2 = STRING: LdomMibTest_1
SUN-LDOM-MIB::ldomAdminState.1 = INTEGER: 0
SUN-LDOM-MIB::ldomAdminState.2 = INTEGER: 0
SUN-LDOM-MIB::ldomOperState.1 = INTEGER: active(1)
SUN-LDOM-MIB::ldomOperState.2 = INTEGER: bound(6)
SUN-LDOM-MIB::ldomNumVCpu.1 = INTEGER: 8
SUN-LDOM-MIB::ldomNumVCpu.2 = INTEGER: 4
SUN-LDOM-MIB::ldomMemSize.1 = INTEGER: 3360
SUN-LDOM-MIB::ldomMemSize.2 = INTEGER: 256
SUN-LDOM-MIB::ldomMemUnit.1 = INTEGER: megabytes(2)
SUN-LDOM-MIB::ldomMemUnit.2 = INTEGER: megabytes(2)
SUN-LDOM-MIB::ldomNumCrypto.1 = INTEGER: 1
SUN-LDOM-MIB::ldomNumCrypto.2 = INTEGER: 0
SUN-LDOM-MIB::ldomUUID.1 = STRING: 5f8817d4-5d2e-6f7d-c4af-91b5b34b5723
SUN-LDOM-MIB::ldomUUID.2 = STRING: 11284146-87ca-4877-8d80-cd0f60d5ec26
SUN-LDOM-MIB::ldomMacAddress.1 = STRING: 00:14:4f:46:47:d6
SUN-LDOM-MIB::ldomMacAddress.2 = STRING: 00:14:4f:f8:d5:6c
SUN-LDOM-MIB::ldomHostID.1 = STRING: 0x844647d6
SUN-LDOM-MIB::ldomHostID.2 = STRING: 0x84f8d56c
SUN-LDOM-MIB::ldomFailurePolicy.1 = STRING: ignore
SUN-LDOM-MIB::ldomFailurePolicy.2 = STRING: ignore
SUN-LDOM-MIB::ldomMaster.1 = STRING:
SUN-LDOM-MIB::ldomMaster.2 = STRING:
SUN-LDOM-MIB::ldomExtMapinSpace.1 = STRING: off
SUN-LDOM-MIB::ldomExtMapinSpace.2 = STRING: off
SUN-LDOM-MIB::ldomWholeCore.1 = INTEGER: 0
SUN-LDOM-MIB::ldomWholeCore.2 = INTEGER: 0
SUN-LDOM-MIB::ldomCpuArch.1 = STRING: native
SUN-LDOM-MIB::ldomCpuArch.2 = STRING: native
SUN-LDOM-MIB::ldomShutdownGroup.1 = INTEGER: 0
SUN-LDOM-MIB::ldomShutdownGroup.2 = INTEGER: 15
SUN-LDOM-MIB::ldomPerfCounters.1 = STRING: htstrand
SUN-LDOM-MIB::ldomPerfCounters.2 = STRING: global,htstrand

462 Oracle VM Server for SPARC 3.3 Administration Guide October 2015
Starting and Stopping Domains

2 Stop the domain-name domain.

Use the snmpset command to stop the domain by setting a value of 2 to the ldomAdminState
property. n specifies the domain to stop.
# snmpset -v version -c community-string hostname \
SUN-LDOM-MIB::ldomTable.1.ldomAdminState.n = 2

3 Verify that the domain-name domain is bound by using one of the following commands:

# ldm list domain-name

# snmpget -v version -c community-string hostname SUN-LDOM-MIB::ldomOperState.n

Example 216 Stopping a Guest Domain

This example sets the ldomAdminState property to 2 to stop the guest domain and then uses the
ldm list LdomMibTest_1 command to verify that the LdomMibTest_1 domain is bound.

# snmpset -v1 -c private localhost SUN-LDOM-MIB::ldomTable.1.ldomAdminState.2 = 2

# ldm list LdomMibTest_1

Chapter 21 Using the Oracle VM Server for SPARC Management Information Base Software 463
C H A P T E R 2 2

Logical Domains Manager Discovery

This chapter provides information about discovering the Logical Domains Manager running
on systems on a subnet.
Discovering Systems Running the Logical Domains Manager on page 465

Discovering Systems Running the Logical Domains Manager

Logical Domains Managers can be discovered on a subnet by using multicast messages. The
ldmd daemon is able to listen on a network for a specific multicast packet. If that multicast
message is of a certain type, ldmd replies to the caller. This enables ldmd to be discovered on
systems that are running Oracle VM Server for SPARC.

Multicast Communication
This discovery mechanism uses the same multicast network that is used by the ldmd daemon to
detect collisions when automatically assigning MAC addresses. To configure the multicast
socket, you must supply the following information:

#define MAC_MULTI_PORT 64535

#define MAC_MULTI_GROUP ""

By default, only multicast packets can be sent on the subnet to which the machine is attached.
You can change the behavior by setting the ldmd/hops SMF property for the ldmd daemon.

Message Format
The discovery messages must be clearly marked so as not to be confused with other messages.
The following multicast message format ensures that discovery messages can be distinguished
by the discovery listening process:

Discovering Systems Running the Logical Domains Manager

#include <netdb.h> /* Used for MAXHOSTNAMELEN definition */

#define MAC_MULTI_MAGIC_NO 92792004
enum {
typedef struct {
uint32_t version_no;
uint32_t magic_no;
uint32_t msg_type;
uint32_t resv;
union {
mac_lookup_t Mac_lookup;
ldmd_discovery_t Ldmd_discovery;
} payload;
#define lookup payload.Mac_lookup
#define discovery payload.Ldmd_discovery
} multicast_msg_t;

typedef struct {
uint64_t mac_addr;
char source_ip[INET_ADDRSTRLEN];
} mac_lookup_t;
typedef struct {
char ldmd_version[LDMD_VERSION_LEN];
char hostname[MAXHOSTNAMELEN];
struct in_addr ip_address;
int port_no;
} ldmd_discovery_t;

How to Discover Logical Domains Managers Running

on Your Subnet
1 Open a multicast socket.
Ensure that you use the port and group information specified in Multicast Communication
on page 465.

2 Send a multicast_msg_t message over the socket.

The message should include the following:
Valid value for version_no, which is 1 as defined by MAC_MULTI_VERSION
Valid value for magic_no, which is 92792004 as defined by MAC_MULTI_MAGIC_NO
msg_type of LDMD_DISC_SEND

466 Oracle VM Server for SPARC 3.3 Administration Guide October 2015
Discovering Systems Running the Logical Domains Manager

3 Listen on the multicast socket for responses from Logical Domains Managers.
The responses must be a multicast_msg_t message with the following information:
Valid value for version_no
Valid value for magic_no
msg_type set to LDMD_DISC_RESP
Payload consisting of a ldmd_discovery_t structure, which contains the following
ldmd_version Version of the Logical Domains Manager running on the system
hostname Host name of the system
ip_address IP address of the system
port_no Port number being used by the Logical Domains Manager for
communications, which should be XMPP port 6482
When listening for a response from Logical Domains Managers, ensure that any auto-allocation
MAC collision-detection packets are discarded.

Chapter 22 Logical Domains Manager Discovery 467

C H A P T E R 2 3

Using the XML Interface With the Logical

Domains Manager

This chapter explains the Extensible Markup Language (XML) communication mechanism
through which external user programs can interface with Oracle VM Server for SPARC
software. These basic topics are covered:
XML Transport on page 469
XML Protocol on page 470
Event Messages on page 475
Logical Domains Manager Actions on page 479
Logical Domains Manager Resources and Properties on page 481
XML Schemas on page 497

XML Transport
External programs can use the Extensible Messaging and Presence Protocol (XMPP RFC
3920) to communicate with the Logical Domains Manager. XMPP is supported for both local
and remote connections and is on by default. To disable a remote connection, set the
ldmd/xmpp_enabled SMF property to false and restart the Logical Domains Manager.

# svccfg -s ldom/ldmd setprop ldmd/xmpp_enabled=false

# svcadm refresh ldmd
# svcadm restart ldmd

Note Disabling the XMPP server also prevents domain migration and the dynamic
reconfiguration of memory.

XML Protocol

XMPP Server
The Logical Domains Manager implements an XMPP server which can communicate with
numerous available XMPP client applications and libraries. The Logical Domains Manager uses
the following security mechanisms:
Transport Layer Security (TLS) to secure the communication channel between the client
and itself.
Simple Authentication and Security Layer (SASL) for authentication. PLAIN is the only SASL
mechanism supported. You must send in a user name and password to the server so it can
authorize you before allowing monitoring or management operations.

Local Connections
The Logical Domains Manager detects whether user clients are running on the same domain as
itself and, if so, does a minimal XMPP handshake with that client. Specifically, the SASL
authentication step after the setup of a secure channel through TLS is skipped. Authentication
and authorization are done based on the credentials of the process implementing the client

Clients can choose to implement a full XMPP client or to simply run a streaming XML parser,
such as the libxml2 Simple API for XML (SAX) parser. Either way, the client has to handle an
XMPP handshake to the point of TLS negotiation. Refer to the XMPP specification for the
sequence needed.

XML Protocol
After communication initialization is complete, Oracle VM Server for SPARC-defined XML
messages are sent next. The two general types of XML messages are:
Request and response messages, which use the <LDM_interface> tag. This type of XML
message is used for communicating commands and getting results back from the Logical
Domains Manager, analogous to executing commands using the command-line interface
(CLI). This tag is also used for event registration and unregistration.
Event messages, which use the <LDM_event> tag. This type of XML message is used to
asynchronously report events posted by the Logical Domains Manager.

470 Oracle VM Server for SPARC 3.3 Administration Guide October 2015
XML Protocol

Request and Response Messages

The XML interface into Oracle VM Server for SPARC has two different formats:
A format for sending commands into the Logical Domains Manager
A format for Logical Domains Manager to respond on the status of the incoming message
and the actions requested within that message.

The two formats share many common XML structures, but they are separated in this discussion
for a better understanding of the differences between them.

Request Messages
An incoming XML request to the Logical Domains Manager at its most basic level includes a
description of a single command operating on a single object. More complicated requests can
handle multiple commands and multiple objects per command. The following example shows
the structure of a basic XML command.

EXAMPLE 231 Format of a Single Command Operating on a Single Object

<LDM_interface version="1.3">
<action>Place command here</action>
<options>Place options for certain commands here</options>
<arguments>Place arguments for certain commands here</arguments>
<data version="3.0">
<!-- Note a <Section> section can be here instead of <Content>
<Content xsi:type="ovf:VirtualSystem_Type" id="Domain name">
<Section xsi:type="ovf:ResourceAllocationSection_type">
<rasd:OtherResourceType>LDom Resource Type</rasd:OtherResourceType>
key="Property name">Property Value</gprop:GenericProperty>

<LDM_interface> Tag
All commands sent to the Logical Domains Manager must start with the <LDM_interface> tag.
Any document sent into the Logical Domains Manager must have only one <LDM_interface>
tag contained within it. The <LDM_interface> tag must include a version attribute as shown in
Example 231.

Chapter 23 Using the XML Interface With the Logical Domains Manager 471
XML Protocol

The <cmd> Tag

Within the <LDM_interface> tag, the document must include at least one <cmd> tag. Each
<cmd> section must have only one <action> tag. Use the <action> tag to describe the command
to run. Each <cmd> tag must include at least one <data> tag to describe the objects on which the
command is to operate.

The <cmd> tag can also have an <options> tag, which is used for options and flags that are
associated with some commands. The following commands use options:
The ldm remove-domain command can use the -a option.
The ldm bind-domain command can use the -f option.
The ldm add-vdsdev command can use the -f option.
The ldm cancel-operation command can use the migration or reconf option.
The ldm add-spconfig command can use the -r autosave-name option.
The ldm remove-spconfig command can use the -r option.
The ldm list-spconfig command can use the -r [autosave-name] option.
The ldm stop-domain command can use the following tags to set the command arguments:
<force> represents the -f option.
<halt> represents the -h option.
<message> represents the -m option.
<quick> represents the -q option.
<reboot> represents the -r option.
<timeout> represents the -t option.

Note that the tags must not have any content value. However, the -t and -m options must
have a non-null value, for example, <timeout>10</timeout> or <message>Shutting down

The following XML example fragment shows how to pass a reboot request with a reboot
message to the ldm stop-domain command:

<message>my reboot message</message>

The <data> Tag

Each <data> section contains a description of an object pertinent to the command specified.
The format of the <data> section is based on the XML schema portion of the Open
Virtualization Format (OVF) draft specification. That schema defines an <Envelope> section
which contains a <References> tag (unused by Oracle VM Server for SPARC) and <Content>
and <Section> sections.

472 Oracle VM Server for SPARC 3.3 Administration Guide October 2015
XML Protocol

For Oracle VM Server for SPARC, the <Content> section is used to identify and describe a
particular domain. The domain name in the id= attribute of the <Content> node identifies the
domain. Within the <Content> section are one or more <Section> sections describing
resources of the domain as needed by the particular command.

If you need to identify only a domain name, then you do not need to use any <Section> tags.
Conversely, if no domain identifier is needed for the command, then you need to provide a
<Section> section describing the resources needed for the command, placed outside a
<Content> section but still within the <Envelope> section.

A <data> section does not need to contain an <Envelope> tag in cases where the object
information can be inferred. This situation mainly applies to requests for monitoring all objects
applicable to an action, and event registration and unregistration requests.

Two additional OVF types enable the use of the OVF specification's schema to properly define
all types of objects:
<gprop:GenericProperty> tag
<Binding> tag

The <gprop:GenericProperty> tag handles any object's property for which the OVF
specification does not have a definition. The property name is defined in the key= attribute of
the node and the value of the property is the contents of the node. The <binding> tag is used in
the ldm list-bindings command output to define resources that are bound to other resources.

Response Messages
An outgoing XML response closely matches the structure of the incoming request in terms of
the commands and objects included, with the addition of a <Response> section for each object
and command specified, as well as an overall <Response> section for the request. The
<Response> sections provide status and message information. The following example shows the
structure of a response to a basic XML request.

EXAMPLE 232 Format of a Response to a Single Command Operating on a Single Object

<LDM_interface version="1.3">
<action>Place command here</action>
<data version="3.0">
<!-- Note a <Section> section can be here instead of <Content>
<Content xsi:type="ovf:VirtualSystem_Type" id="Domain name">
<Section xsi:type="ovf:ResourceAllocationSection_type">
LDom Resource Type
key="Property name">

Chapter 23 Using the XML Interface With the Logical Domains Manager 473
XML Protocol

EXAMPLE 232 Format of a Response to a Single Command Operating on a Single Object (Continued)

Property Value
<!-- Note: More <Section>
<status>success or failure</status>
<resp_msg>Reason for failure</resp_msg>
<status>success or failure</status>
<resp_msg>Reason for failure</resp_msg>
<status>success or failure</status>
<resp_msg>Reason for failure</resp_msg>

Overall Response
This <response> section, which is the direct child of the <LDM_interface> section, indicates
overall success or failure of the entire request. Unless the incoming XML document is
malformed, the <response> section includes only a <status> tag. If this response status
indicates success, all commands on all objects have succeeded. If this response status is a failure
and there is no <resp_msg> tag, then one of the commands included in the original request
failed. The <resp_msg> tag is used only to describe some problem with the XML document

Command Response
The <response> section under the <cmd> section alerts the user to success or failure of that
particular command. The <status> tag shows whether that command succeeds or fails. As with
the overall response, if the command fails, the <response> section includes only a <resp_msg>
tag if the contents of the <cmd> section of the request is malformed. Otherwise, the failed status
means one of the objects that the command ran against caused a failure.

Object Response
Finally, each <data> section in a <cmd> section also has a <response> section. This section
shows whether the command being run on this particular object passes or fails. If the status of
the response is SUCCESS, there is no <resp_msg> tag in the <response> section. If the status is

474 Oracle VM Server for SPARC 3.3 Administration Guide October 2015
Event Messages

FAILURE, there are one or more <resp_msg> tags in the <response> field depending on the
errors encountered when running the command against that object. Object errors can result
from problems found when running the command, or a malformed or unknown object.

In addition to the <response> section, the <data> section can contain other information. This
information is in the same format as an incoming <data> field, describing the object that caused
a failure. See The <data> Tag on page 472. This additional information is especially useful in
the following cases:
When a command fails against a particular <data> section but passes for any additional
<data> sections
When an empty <data> section is passed into a command and fails for some domains but
passes for others

Event Messages
In lieu of polling, you can subscribe to receive event notifications of certain state changes that
occur. There are three types of events to which you can subscribe individually or collectively.
See Event Types on page 476 for complete details.

Registration and Unregistration

Use an <LDM_interface> message to register for events. See <LDM_interface> Tag on
page 471. The <action> tag details the type of event for which to register or unregister and the
<data> section is left empty.

EXAMPLE 233 Example Event Registration Request Message

<LDM_interface version="1.3">
<data version="3.0"/>

The Logical Domains Manager responds with an <LDM_interface> response message stating
whether the registration or unregistration was successful.

EXAMPLE 234 Example Event Registration Response Message

<LDM_interface version="1.3">
<data version="3.0"/>

Chapter 23 Using the XML Interface With the Logical Domains Manager 475
Event Messages

EXAMPLE 234 Example Event Registration Response Message (Continued)


The action string for each type of event is listed in the events subsection.

<LDM_event> Messages
Event messages have the same format as an incoming <LDM_interface> message with the
exception that the start tag for the message is <LDM_event>. The <action> tag of the message is
the action that was performed to trigger the event. The <data> section of the message describes
the object associated with the event; the details depend on the type of event that occurred.

EXAMPLE 235 Example <LDM_event> Notification

<LDM_event version=1.1>
<action>Event command here</action>
<data version=3.0>
<Content xsi:type=ovf:VirtualSystem_Type ovf:id=ldg1/>
<Section xsi:type="ovf:ResourceAllocationSection_type">
<rasd:OtherResourceType>LDom Resource Type</rasd:OtherResourceType>
key="Property name">Property Value</gprop:GenericProperty>

Event Types
You can subscribe to the following event types:
Domain events
Hardware events
Progress events

476 Oracle VM Server for SPARC 3.3 Administration Guide October 2015
Event Messages

Resource events

All the events correspond to ldm subcommands.

Domain Events
Domain events describe which actions can be performed directly to a domain. The following
domain events can be specified in the <action> tag in the <LDM_event> message:

These events always contain only a <Content> tag in the OVF <data> section that describes the
domain to which the event happened. To register for the domain events, send an
<LDM_interface> message with the <action> tag set to reg-domain-events. To unregister for
these events, send an <LDM_interface> message with the <action> tag set to

Hardware Events
Hardware events pertain to changing the physical system hardware. In the case of Oracle VM
Server for SPARC software, the only hardware changes are those to the service processor (SP)
when you add, remove, or set an SP configuration. Currently, the only three events of this type

The hardware events always contain only a <Section> tag in the OVF <data> section which
describes which SP configuration to which the event is happening. To register for these events,
send an <LDM_interface> message with the <action> tag set to reg-hardware-events. To
unregister for these events, send an <LDM_interface> message with the <action> tag set to

Progress Events
Progress events are issued for long-running commands, such as a domain migration. These
events report the amount of progress that has been made during the life of the command. At
this time, only the migration-process event is reported.

Chapter 23 Using the XML Interface With the Logical Domains Manager 477
Event Messages

Progress events always contain only a <Section> tag in the OVF <data> section that describes
the SP configuration affected by the event. To register for these events, send an
<LDM_interface> message with the <action> tag set to reg-hardware-events. To unregister
for these events, send an <LDM_interface> message with the <action> tag set to

The <data> section of a progress event consists of a <content> section that describes the
affected domain. This <content> section uses an ldom_info <Section> tag to update progress.
The following generic properties are shown in the ldom_info section:
--progress Percentage of the progress made by the command
--status Command status, which can be one of ongoing, failed, or done
--source Machine that is reporting the progress

Resource Events
Resource events occur when resources are added, removed, or changed in any domain. The
<data> section for some of these events contains the <Content> tag with a <Section> tag
providing a service name in the OVF <data> section.

The following events can be specified in the <action> tag in the <LDM_event> message:

The following resource events always contain only the <Content> tag in the OVF <data>
section that describes the domain to which the event happened:

478 Oracle VM Server for SPARC 3.3 Administration Guide October 2015
Logical Domains Manager Actions


To register for the resource events, send an <LDM_interface> message with the <action> tag
set to reg-resource-events. Unregistering for these events requires an <LDM_interface>
message with the <action> tag set to unreg-resource-events.

All Events
You can also register to listen for all three type of events without having to register for each one
individually. To register for all three types of events simultaneously, send an <LDM_interface>
message with the <action> tag set to reg-all-events. Unregistering for these events require
an <LDM_interface> message with the <action> tag set to unreg-all-events.

Logical Domains Manager Actions

The commands specified in the <action> tag, with the exception of *-*-events commands,
correspond to those of the ldm command-line interface. For details about ldm subcommands,
see the ldm(1M) man page.

Note The XML interface does not support the verb or command aliases supported by the
Logical Domains Manager CLI.

The supported strings in the <action> tag are as follows:


Chapter 23 Using the XML Interface With the Logical Domains Manager 479
Logical Domains Manager Actions


480 Oracle VM Server for SPARC 3.3 Administration Guide October 2015
Logical Domains Manager Resources and Properties


Logical Domains Manager Resources and Properties

This section provides examples of the Logical Domains Manager resources and the properties
that can be defined for each of those resources. The resources and properties are shown in bold
type in the XML examples. These examples show resources, not binding output. The constraint
output can be used to create input for the Logical Domains Manager actions except domain
migration output. See Domain Migration on page 496. Each resource is defined in a
<Section> OVF section and is specified by a <rasd:OtherResourceType> tag.

Domain Information (ldom_info) Resource

The following example shows the optional properties of the ldom_info resource:

EXAMPLE 236 Example ldom_info XML Output

The following example shows values specified for several ldom_info properties such as uuid,
hostid, and Address.

<Content xsi:type="ovf:VirtualSystem_Type" id="primary">
<Section xsi:type="ovf:ResourceAllocationSection_type">
<gprop:GenericProperty key="hostid">83d8baf6</gprop:GenericProperty>
<gprop:GenericProperty key="master">plum</gprop:GenericProperty>
<gprop:GenericProperty key="failure-policy">reset</gprop:GenericProperty>
<gprop:GenericProperty key="extended-mapin-space">on</gprop:GenericProperty>
<gprop:GenericProperty key="progress">45%</gprop:GenericProperty>
<gprop:GenericProperty key="status">ongoing</gprop:GenericProperty>

Chapter 23 Using the XML Interface With the Logical Domains Manager 481
Logical Domains Manager Resources and Properties

EXAMPLE 236 Example ldom_info XML Output (Continued)

<gprop:GenericProperty key="source">system1</gprop:GenericProperty>
<gprop:GenericProperty key="rc-add-policy"></gprop:GenericProperty>
<gprop:GenericProperty key="perf-counters">global</gprop:GenericProperty>

The ldom_info resource is always contained within a <Content> section. The following
properties within the ldom_info resource are optional properties:
<uuid> tag, which specifies the UUID of the domain.
<rasd:Address> tag, which specifies the MAC address to be assigned to a domain.
<gprop:GenericProperty key="extended-mapin-space"> tag, which specifies whether
extended mapin space is enabled (on) or disabled (off) for the domain. The default value is
<gprop:GenericProperty key="failure-policy"> tag, which specifies how slave
domains should behave should the master domain fail. The default value is ignore.
Following are the valid property values:
ignore ignores failures of the master domain (slave domains are unaffected).
panic panics any slave domains when the master domain fails.
reset resets any slave domains when the master domain fails.
stop stops any slave domains when the master domain fails.
<gprop:GenericProperty key="hostid"> tag, which specifies the host ID to be assigned to
the domain.
<gprop:GenericProperty key="master"> tag, which specifies up to four
comma-separated master domain names.
<gprop:GenericProperty key="progress"> tag, which specifies the percentage of
progress made by the command.
<gprop:GenericProperty key="source"> tag, which specifies the machine reporting on
the progress of the command.
<gprop:GenericProperty key="status"> tag, which specifies the status of the command
(done, failed, or ongoing).
<gprop:GenericProperty key="rc-add-policy"> tag, which specifies whether to enable
or disable the direct I/O and SR-IOV I/O virtualization operations on any root complex that
might be added to the specified domain. Valid values are iov and no value
<gprop:GenericProperty key="perf-counters"> tag, which specifies the performance
register sets to access (global, htstrand, strand).
If the platform does not have the performance access capability, the perf-counters
property value is ignored.

482 Oracle VM Server for SPARC 3.3 Administration Guide October 2015
Logical Domains Manager Resources and Properties

CPU (cpu) Resource

Note that the allocation units property, <rasd:AllocationUnits>, for the cpu resource always
specifies the number of virtual CPUs and not the number of cores.

A cpu resource is always contained within a <Content> section.

EXAMPLE 237 cpu XML Section Output from the ldm list-bindings Command
The following example shows the XML output for the <cpu> section by using the ldm
list-bindings command.

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<data version="3.0">
<Content xsi:type="ovf:VirtualSystem_Type" ovf:id="primary">
<Section xsi:type="ovf:ResourceAllocationSection_Type">
<gprop:GenericProperty key="hostid">0x8486632a</gprop:GenericProperty>
<gprop:GenericProperty key="state">active</gprop:GenericProperty>
<Section xsi:type="ovf:VirtualHardwareSection_Type">
<gprop:GenericProperty key="vid">0</gprop:GenericProperty>
<gprop:GenericProperty key="pid">0</gprop:GenericProperty>
<gprop:GenericProperty key="cid">0</gprop:GenericProperty>
<gprop:GenericProperty key="strand_percent">100</gprop:GenericProperty>
<gprop:GenericProperty key="util_percent">1.1%</gprop:GenericProperty>
<gprop:GenericProperty key="normalized_utilization">0.1%</gprop:GenericProperty>

Chapter 23 Using the XML Interface With the Logical Domains Manager 483
Logical Domains Manager Resources and Properties

EXAMPLE 237 cpu XML Section Output from the ldm list-bindings Command (Continued)


EXAMPLE 238 cpu XML Section Output from the ldm list-domain Command
The following example shows the XML output for the <cpu> section by using the ldm
list-domain command.

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<data version="3.0">
<Content xsi:type="ovf:VirtualSystem_Type" ovf:id="primary">
<Section xsi:type="ovf:ResourceAllocationSection_Type">
<gprop:GenericProperty key="state">active</gprop:GenericProperty>
<gprop:GenericProperty key="flags">-n-cv-</gprop:GenericProperty>
<gprop:GenericProperty key="utilization">0.7%</gprop:GenericProperty>
<gprop:GenericProperty key="uptime">3h</gprop:GenericProperty>
<gprop:GenericProperty key="normalized_utilization">0.1%</gprop:GenericProperty>

MAU (mau) Resource

A mau resource is always contained within a <Content> section. The only property is the
<rasd:AllocationUnits> tag, which signifies the number of MAUs or other cryptographic

484 Oracle VM Server for SPARC 3.3 Administration Guide October 2015
Logical Domains Manager Resources and Properties

Note The mau resource is any supported cryptographic unit on a supported server. Currently,
the two cryptographic units supported are the Modular Arithmetic Unit (MAU) and the
Control Word Queue (CWQ).

EXAMPLE 239 Example mau XML

<Content xsi:type="ovf:VirtualSystem_Type" id="ldg1">
<Section xsi:type="ovf:VirtualHardwareSection_Type">

Memory (memory) Resource

A memory resource is always contained within a <Content> section. The only property is the
<rasd:AllocationUnits> tag, which signifies the amount of memory.

EXAMPLE 2310 Example memory XML

<Content xsi:type="ovf:VirtualSystem_Type" id="ldg1">
<Section xsi:type="ovf:VirtualHardwareSection_Type">

Virtual Disk Server (vds) Resource

A virtual disk server (vds) resource can be in a <Content> section as part of a domain
description, or it can appear on its own in an <Envelope> section. The only property is the
<gprop:GenericProperty> tag with a key of service_name, which contains the name of the
vds resource being described.

EXAMPLE 2311 Example vds XML

<Content xsi:type="ovf:VirtualSystem_Type" id="ldg1">

Chapter 23 Using the XML Interface With the Logical Domains Manager 485
Logical Domains Manager Resources and Properties

EXAMPLE 2311 Example vds XML (Continued)

<Section xsi:type="ovf:VirtualHardwareSection_Type">

Virtual Disk Server Volume (vds_volume) Resource

A vds_volume resource can be in a <Content> section as part of a domain description, or it can
appear on its own in an <Envelope> section. It must have <gprop:GenericProperty> tags with
the following keys:
vol_name Name of the volume
service_name Name of the virtual disk server to which this volume is to be bound
block_dev File or device name to be associated with this volume

Optionally, a vds_volume resource can also have the following properties:

vol_opts One or more of the following, comma-separated, within one string:
mpgroup Name of the multipath (failover) group

EXAMPLE 2312 Example vds_volume XML

<Section xsi:type="ovf:VirtualHardwareSection_Type">
<gprop:GenericProperty key="vol_name">vdsdev0</gprop:GenericProperty>
<gprop:GenericProperty key="service_name">primary-vds0</gprop:GenericProperty>
<gprop:GenericProperty key="block_dev">
<gprop:GenericProperty key="vol_opts">ro</gprop:GenericProperty>
<gprop:GenericProperty key="mpgroup">mpgroup-name</gprop:GenericProperty>

486 Oracle VM Server for SPARC 3.3 Administration Guide October 2015
Logical Domains Manager Resources and Properties

Disk (disk) Resource

A disk resource is always contained within a <Content> section. It must have
<gprop:GenericProperty> tags with the following keys:
vdisk_name Name of the virtual disk
service_name Name of the virtual disk server to which this virtual disk is to be bound
vol_name Virtual disk service device with which this virtual disk is to be associated

Optionally, the disk resource can also have the timeout property, which is the timeout value in
seconds for establishing a connection between a virtual disk client (vdc) and a virtual disk
server (vds). If there are multiple virtual disk (vdisk) paths, then the vdc can try to connect to a
different vds. The timeout ensures that a connection to any vds is established within the
specified amount of time.

EXAMPLE 2313 Example disk XML

<Content xsi:type="ovf:VirtualSystem_Type" id="ldg1">
<Section xsi:type="ovf:VirtualHardwareSection_Type">
<gprop:GenericProperty key="vdisk_name">vdisk0</gprop:GenericProperty>
<gprop:GenericProperty key="vol_name">vdsdev0</gprop:GenericProperty>
<gprop:GenericProperty key="timeout">60</gprop:GenericProperty>

Virtual Switch (vsw) Resource

A vsw resource can be either in a <Content> section as part of a domain description, or it can
appear on its own in an <Envelope> section. It must have a <gprop:GenericProperty> tag with
the service_name key, which is the name to be assigned to the virtual switch.

Optionally, the vsw resource can also have the following properties:
<rasd:Address> Assigns a MAC address to the virtual switch
default-vlan-id Specifies the default virtual local area network (VLAN) to which a
virtual network device or virtual switch needs to be a member, in tagged mode. The first
VLAN ID (vid1) is reserved for the default-vlan-id.
dev_path Path of the network device to be associated with this virtual switch
id Specifies the ID of a new virtual switch device. By default, ID values are generated
automatically, so set this property if you need to match an existing device name in the OS.

Chapter 23 Using the XML Interface With the Logical Domains Manager 487
Logical Domains Manager Resources and Properties

inter_vnet_link Specifies whether to assign LDC channels for inter-vnet

communication. The default value is on.
linkprop Specifies whether the virtual device should get physical link state updates. When
the value is phys-state, the virtual device gets physical link state updates. When the value is
blank, the virtual device does not get physical link state updates (the default setting).
mode sc for Oracle Solaris Cluster heartbeat support.
pvid Port virtual local area network (VLAN) identifier (ID) indicates the VLAN of which
the virtual network needs to be a member, in untagged mode.
mtu Specifies the maximum transmission unit (MTU) of a virtual switch, virtual network
devices that are bound to the virtual switch, or both. Valid values are in the range of
1500-16000. The ldm command issues an error if an invalid value is specified.
vid Virtual local area network (VLAN) identifier (ID) indicates the VLAN of which a
virtual network and virtual switch need to be a member, in tagged mode.

EXAMPLE 2314 Example vsw XML

<Content xsi:type="ovf:VirtualSystem_Type" id="ldg2">
<Section xsi:type="ovf:VirtualHardwareSection_Type">
<gprop:GenericProperty key="service_name">test-vsw1</gprop:GenericProperty>
<gprop:GenericProperty key="inter_vnet_link">on</gprop:GenericProperty>
<gprop:GenericProperty key="default-vlan-id">1</gprop:GenericProperty>
<gprop:GenericProperty key="pvid">1</gprop:GenericProperty>
<gprop:GenericProperty key="mtu">1500</gprop:GenericProperty>
<gprop:GenericProperty key="dev_path">switch@0</gprop:GenericProperty>
<gprop:GenericProperty key="id">0</gprop:GenericProperty>

Network (network) Resource

A network resource is always contained within a <Content> section. It must have
<gprop:GenericProperty> tags with the following keys:
linkprop Specifies whether the virtual device should get physical link state updates. When
the value is phys-state, the virtual device gets physical link state updates. When the value is
blank, the virtual device does not get physical link state updates (the default setting).
vnet_name Name of the virtual network (vnet)
service_name Name of the virtual switch (vswitch) to which this virtual network is to be

488 Oracle VM Server for SPARC 3.3 Administration Guide October 2015
Logical Domains Manager Resources and Properties

Optionally, the network resource can also have the following properties:
<rasd:Address> Assigns a MAC address to the virtual switch
pvid Port virtual local area network (VLAN) identifier (ID) indicates the VLAN of which
the virtual network needs to be a member, in untagged mode.
vid Virtual local area network (VLAN) identifier (ID) indicates the VLAN of which a
virtual network and virtual switch need to be a member, in tagged mode.
mode hybrid to enable hybrid I/O for that virtual network.

Note The NIU Hybrid I/O feature is deprecated in favor of SR-IOV. Oracle VM Server for
SPARC 3.3 is the last software release to include this feature.

EXAMPLE 2315 Example network XML

<Content xsi:type="ovf:VirtualSystem_Type" id="ldg1">
<Section xsi:type="ovf:VirtualHardwareSection_Type">
<gprop:GenericProperty key="linkprop">phys-state</gprop:GenericProperty>
<gprop:GenericProperty key="vnet_name">ldg1-vnet0</gprop:GenericProperty>

Virtual Console Concentrator (vcc) Resource

A vcc resource can be either in a <Content> section as part of a domain description, or it can
appear on its own in an <Envelope> section. It can have <gprop:GenericProperty> tags with
the following keys:
service_name Name to be assigned to the virtual console concentrator service
min_port Minimum port number to be associated with this vcc
max_port Maximum port number to be associated with this vcc

EXAMPLE 2316 Example vcc XML

<Content xsi:type="ovf:VirtualSystem_Type" id="ldg1">
<Section xsi:type="ovf:VirtualHardwareSection_Type">
<gprop:GenericProperty key="service_name">vcc1</gprop:GenericProperty>

Chapter 23 Using the XML Interface With the Logical Domains Manager 489
Logical Domains Manager Resources and Properties

EXAMPLE 2316 Example vcc XML (Continued)

<gprop:GenericProperty key="min_port">6000</gprop:GenericProperty>
<gprop:GenericProperty key="max_port">6100</gprop:GenericProperty>

Variable (var) Resource

A var resource is always contained within a <Content> section. It can have
<gprop:GenericProperty> tags with the following keys:
name Name of the variable
value Value of the variable

EXAMPLE 2317 Example var XML

<Content xsi:type="ovf:VirtualSystem_Type" id="ldg1">
<Section xsi:type="ovf:VirtualHardwareSection_Type">
<gprop:GenericProperty key="name">test_var</gprop:GenericProperty>
<gprop:GenericProperty key="value">test1</gprop:GenericProperty>

Physical I/O Device (physio_device) Resource

A physio_device resource is always contained within a <Content> section. This resource can
be modified by using the add-io, set-io, remove-io, create-vf, destroy-vf, and set-domain

EXAMPLE 2318 Example physio_device XML

The following examples show how to perform actions on virtual functions, physical functions,
and root complexes.
The following XML example fragment shows how to use the ldm add-io command to add
the /SYS/MB/NET0/IOVNET.PF0.VF0 virtual function to the ldg1 domain.
<LDM_interface version="1.3">
<data version="3.0">

490 Oracle VM Server for SPARC 3.3 Administration Guide October 2015
Logical Domains Manager Resources and Properties

EXAMPLE 2318 Example physio_device XML (Continued)

<Content xsi:type="ovf:VirtualSystem_Type" ovf:id="ldg1">
<Section xsi:type="ovf:VirtualHardwareSection_Type">
<gprop:GenericProperty key="name">
The following XML example fragment shows how to use the ldm set-io command to set
the iov_bus_enable_iov property value to on for the pci_1 root complex.
<LDM_interface version="1.3">
<data version="3.0">
<Section xsi:type="ovf:VirtualHardwareSection_Type">
<gprop:GenericProperty key="name">pci_1</gprop:GenericProperty>
<gprop:GenericProperty key="iov_bus_enable_iov">
The following XML example fragment shows how to use the ldm set-io command to set
the unicast-slots property value to 6 for the /SYS/MB/NET0/IOVNET.PF1 physical
<LDM_interface version="1.3">
<data version="3.0">
<Section xsi:type="ovf:VirtualHardwareSection_Type">
<gprop:GenericProperty key="name">
<gprop:GenericProperty key="unicast-slots">6</gprop:GenericProperty>

Chapter 23 Using the XML Interface With the Logical Domains Manager 491
Logical Domains Manager Resources and Properties

EXAMPLE 2318 Example physio_device XML (Continued)

The following XML example fragment shows how to use the ldm create-vf command to
create the /SYS/MB/NET0/IOVNET.PF1.VF0 virtual function with the following property
<LDM_interface version="1.3">
<data version="3.0">
<Section xsi:type="ovf:VirtualHardwareSection_Type">
<gprop:GenericProperty key="iov_pf_name">
<gprop:GenericProperty key="unicast-slots">6</gprop:GenericProperty>
<gprop:GenericProperty key="pvid">3</gprop:GenericProperty>
<gprop:GenericProperty key="mtu">1600</gprop:GenericProperty>
The following XML example fragment shows how to use the ldm create-vf command to
create the number of virtual functions specified by the iov_pf_repeat_count_str value (3)
with the /SYS/MB/NET0/IOVNET.PF1 physical function. You cannot specify other property
values when you create multiple virtual functions with the iov_pf_repeat_count_str
<LDM_interface version="1.3">
<data version="3.0">
<Section xsi:type="ovf:VirtualHardwareSection_Type">
<gprop:GenericProperty key="iov_pf_name">
<gprop:GenericProperty key="iov_pf_repeat_count_str">

492 Oracle VM Server for SPARC 3.3 Administration Guide October 2015
Logical Domains Manager Resources and Properties

EXAMPLE 2318 Example physio_device XML (Continued)


SP Configuration (spconfig) Resource

A service processor (SP) configuration (spconfig) resource always appears on its own in an
<Envelope> section. It can have <gprop:GenericProperty> tags with the following keys:
spconfig_name Name of a configuration to be stored on the SP
spconfig_status The current status of a particular SP configuration. This property is
used in the output of an ldm list-spconfig command.

EXAMPLE 2319 Example spconfig XML

<Section xsi:type="ovf:ResourceAllocationSection_type">

DRM Policy Configuration (policy) Resource

A DRM policy (policy) resource appears in an <Envelope> section and can have
<gprop:GenericProperty> tags with the following keys:
policy_name Name of the DRM policy
policy_enable Specifies whether the DRM policy is enabled or disabled
policy_priority Priority of the DRM policy
policy_vcpu_min Minimum number of virtual CPU resources for a domain
policy_vcpu_max Maximum number of virtual CPU resources for a domain
policy_util_lower Lower utilization level at which policy analysis is triggered
policy_util_upper Upper utilization level at which policy analysis is triggered
policy_tod_begin Effective start time of the DRM policy
policy_tod_end Effective stop time of the DRM policy

Chapter 23 Using the XML Interface With the Logical Domains Manager 493
Logical Domains Manager Resources and Properties

policy_sample_rate The sample rate, which is the cycle time in seconds

policy_elastic_margin Amount of buffer between the upper and lower CPU utilization
policy_attack Maximum amount of a resource to be added during any one resource
control cycle
policy_decay Maximum amount of a resource to be removed during any one resource
control cycle

EXAMPLE 2320 Example policy XML

<Section xsi:type="ovf:VirtualHardwareSection_Type">
<gprop:GenericProperty key="policy_name">test-policy</gprop:GenericProperty>
<gprop:GenericProperty key="policy_enable">on</gprop:GenericProperty>
<gprop:GenericProperty key="policy_priority">1</gprop:GenericProperty>
<gprop:GenericProperty key="policy_vcpu_min">12</gprop:GenericProperty>
<gprop:GenericProperty key="policy_vcpu_max">13</gprop:GenericProperty>
<gprop:GenericProperty key="policy_util_lower">8</gprop:GenericProperty>
<gprop:GenericProperty key="policy_util_upper">9</gprop:GenericProperty>
<gprop:GenericProperty key="policy_tod_begin">07:08:09</gprop:GenericProperty>
<gprop:GenericProperty key="policy_tod_end">09:08:07</gprop:GenericProperty>
<gprop:GenericProperty key="policy_sample_rate">1</gprop:GenericProperty>
<gprop:GenericProperty key="policy_elastic_margin">8</gprop:GenericProperty>
<gprop:GenericProperty key="policy_attack">8</gprop:GenericProperty>
<gprop:GenericProperty key="policy_decay">9</gprop:GenericProperty>

Virtual Data Plane Channel Service (vdpcs) Resource

This resource is of interest only in a Netra DPS environment. A vdpcs resource can be either in
a <Content> section as part of a domain description, or it can appear on its own in an
<Envelope> section. The only property is the <gprop:GenericProperty> tag with the
service_name key property value, which is the name of the virtual data plane channel service
(vdpcs) resource being described.

EXAMPLE 2321 Example vdpcs XML

<Content xsi:type="ovf:VirtualSystem_Type" id="ldg1">
<Section xsi:type="ovf:VirtualHardwareSection_Type">
<gprop:GenericProperty key="service_name">dg1-vdpcs</gprop:GenericProperty>

494 Oracle VM Server for SPARC 3.3 Administration Guide October 2015
Logical Domains Manager Resources and Properties

EXAMPLE 2321 Example vdpcs XML (Continued)


Virtual Data Plane Channel Client (vdpcc) Resource

This resource is of interest only in a Netra DPS environment. A virtual data plane channel client
resource is always contained within a <Content> section. It can have
<gprop:GenericProperty> tags with the following keys:
vdpcc_name Name of the virtual data plane channel client (vdpcc)
service_name Name of the virtual data plane channel service vdpcs to which this vdpcc is
to be bound

EXAMPLE 2322 Example vdpcc XML

<Content xsi:type="ovf:VirtualSystem_Type" id="ldg1">
<Section xsi:type="ovf:VirtualHardwareSection_Type">
<gprop:GenericProperty key="vdpcc_name">vdpcc</gprop:GenericProperty>

Console (console) Resource

A console resource is always contained within a <Content> section. It can have
<gprop:GenericProperty> tags with the following keys:
port Port to which to change this virtual console (console)
service_name Virtual console concentrator (vcc) service to which to bind this console
group Name of the group to which to bind this console
enable-log Enable or disable virtual console logging for this console

EXAMPLE 2323 Example console XML

<Content xsi:type="ovf:VirtualSystem_Type" id="ldg1">
<Section xsi:type="ovf:VirtualHardwareSection_Type">

Chapter 23 Using the XML Interface With the Logical Domains Manager 495
Logical Domains Manager Resources and Properties

EXAMPLE 2323 Example console XML (Continued)

<gprop:GenericProperty key="port">6000</gprop:GenericProperty>
<gprop:GenericProperty key="service_name">vcc2</gprop:GenericProperty>
<gprop:GenericProperty key="group">group-name</gprop:GenericProperty>
<gprop:GenericProperty key="enable-log">on</gprop:GenericProperty>

Domain Migration
This example shows what is contained in the <data> section for a ldm migrate-domain
First <Content> node (without an <ldom_info> section) is the source domain to migrate.
Second <Content> node (with an <ldom_info> section) is the target domain to which to
migrate. The source and target domain names can be the same.
The <ldom_info> section for the target domain describes the machine to which to migrate
and the details needed to migrate to that machine:
target-host is the target machine to which to migrate.
user-name is the login user name for the target machine, which must be SASL 64-bit
password is the password to use for logging into the target machine, which must be
SASL 64-bit encoded.

Note The Logical Domains Manager uses sasl_decode64() to decode the target user name
and password and uses sasl_encode64() to encode these values. SASL 64 encoding is
equivalent to base64 encoding.

EXAMPLE 2324 Example migrate-domain <data> Section

<Content xsi:type="ovf:VirtualSystem_Type" ovf:id="ldg1"/>
<Content xsi:type="ovf:VirtualSystem_Type" ovf:id="ldg1"/>
<Section xsi:type="ovf:ResourceAllocationSection_Type">
<gprop:GenericProperty key="target">target-host</gprop:GenericProperty>
<gprop:GenericProperty key="username">user-name</gprop:GenericProperty>
<gprop:GenericProperty key="password">password</gprop:GenericProperty>

496 Oracle VM Server for SPARC 3.3 Administration Guide October 2015
XML Schemas

EXAMPLE 2324 Example migrate-domain <data> Section (Continued)


XML Schemas
The XML schemas that are used by the Logical Domains Manager are located in the
/opt/SUNWldm/bin/schemas directory. The file names are as follows:
cim-common.xsd cim-common.xsd schema
cim-rasd.xsd cim-rasd.xsd schema
cim-vssd.xsd cim-vssd.xsd schema
cli-list-constraint-v3.xsd cli-list-constraint-v3.xsd schema
combined-v3.xsd LDM_interface XML schema
event-v3.xsd LDM_Event XML schema
ldmd-binding.xsd Binding_Type XML schema
ldmd-property.xsd GenericProperty XML schema
ovf-core.xsd ovf-core.xsd schema
ovf-envelope.xsd ovf-envelope.xsd schema
ovf-section.xsd ovf-section.xsd schema
ovf-strings.xsd ovf-strings.xsd schema
ovfenv-core.xsd ovfenv-core.xsd schema
ovfenv-section.xsd ovfenv-section.xsd schema

Chapter 23 Using the XML Interface With the Logical Domains Manager 497

This glossary defines terminology, abbreviations, and acronyms in the Oracle VM Server for
SPARC documentation.

API Application programming interface.

ASN Abstract Syntax Notation.
auditreduce Command to merge and select audit records from audit trail files (see the auditreduce(1M) man page).
auditing Tracking changes to the system and identifying the user who made the changes.

authorization A way in which to determine who has permission to perform tasks and access data by using Oracle Solaris
OS rights.

bge Broadcom Gigabit Ethernet driver on Broadcom BCM57xx devices.

BSM Basic Security Module.

bsmconv Command to enable the BSM (see the bsmconv(1M) man page).
bsmunconv Command to disable the BSM (see the bsmunconv(1M) man page).

CMT Chip multithreading.

compliance Determining whether a system's configuration is in compliance with a predefined security profile.


configuration Name of the logical domain configuration that is saved on the service processor.

constraints To the Logical Domains Manager, constraints are one or more resources you want to have assigned to a
particular domain. You either receive all the resources you ask to be added to a domain or you get none of
them, depending upon the available resources.
control domain A privileged domain that creates and manages other logical domains and services by using the Logical
Domains Manager.

CWQ Control Word Queue; cryptographic unit.

DHCP Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol.

DIO Direct I/O.
DMA Direct Memory Access is the ability to directly transfer data between the memory and a device (for
example, a network card) without involving the CPU.

DMP Dynamic Multipathing (Veritas).

domain See logical domain.
DPS Data plane software.
DR Dynamic reconfiguration.
drd Oracle Solaris OS dynamic reconfiguration daemon for Logical Domains Manager (see the drd(1M) man

DRM Dynamic resource management.

DS Domain Services module.

DVD Digital versatile disc.

EFI Extensible firmware interface.

ETM Encoding Table Management module.

500 Oracle VM Server for SPARC 3.3 Administration Guide October 2015

FC_AL Fiber Channel Arbitrated Loop.

FMA Fault Management Architecture.

fmd Oracle Solaris OS fault manager daemon (see the fmd(1M) man page).
format Disk partitioning and maintenance utility (see the format(1M) man page).
fmthard Command to populate label on hard disks (see the fmthard(1M) man page).

Gb Gigabit.
guest domain Uses services from the I/O and service domains and is managed by the control domain.
GLDv3 Generic LAN Driver version 3.

hardening Modifying Oracle Solaris OS configuration to improve security.

hypervisor Firmware layer interposed between the operating system and the hardware layer.

I/O domain Domain that has direct ownership of and direct access to physical I/O devices and that shares those devices
to other logical domains in the form of virtual devices.
IB Infiniband.

IDE Integrated Drive Electronics.

IDR Interim Diagnostics Release.

ILOM Integrated Lights Out Manager, a dedicated system of hardware and supporting software that enables you
to manage your server independently of the operating system.

I/O Input/output devices, such as internal disks and PCIe controllers and their attached adapters and devices.
ioctl Input/output control call.


IPMP Internet Protocol Network Multipathing.

kaio Kernel asynchronous input/output.

KB Kilobyte.
KU Kernel update.

LAN Local-area network.

LDAP Lightweight Directory Access Protocol.
LDC Logical domain channel.
ldm Logical Domains Manager utility (see the ldm(1M) man page).
ldmd Logical Domains Manager daemon.
lofi Loopback file.
logical domain A virtual machine comprised of a discrete logical grouping of resources, which has its own operating
system and identity within a single computer system. Also called a domain.
Logical Domains A CLI to create and manage logical domains and allocate resources to domains.

MAC Media access control address, which Logical Domains Manager can automatically assign or you can assign

MAU Modular Arithmetic Unit.

MB Megabyte.

MD Machine description in the server database.

mem, memory Memory unit default size in bytes, or specify gigabytes (G), kilobytes (K), or megabytes (M). Virtualized
memory of the server that can be allocated to guest domains.

502 Oracle VM Server for SPARC 3.3 Administration Guide October 2015

metadb Command to create and delete replicas of the Solaris Volume Manager metadevice state database (see the
metadb(1M) man page).

metaset Command to configure disk sets (see the metaset(1M) man page).
mhd Command to perform multihost disk control operations (see the mhd(7i) man page).

MIB Management Information Base.

minimizing Installing the minimum number of core Oracle Solaris OS package necessary.
MMF Multimode fiber.
MMU Memory management unit.
mpgroup Multipathing group name for virtual disk failover.
mtu Maximum transmission unit.

ndpsldcc Netra DPS Logical Domain Channel Client. See also vdpcc.
ndpsldcs Netra DPS Logical Domain Channel Service. See also vdpcs.
NIS Network Information Services.
NIU Network Interface Unit (Oracle's Sun SPARC Enterprise T5120 and T5220 servers).
NTS Network terminal server.

NVRAM Non-volatile random-access memory.

nxge Driver for an NIU 10Gb Ethernet adapter.

OID Object identifier, which is a sequence of numbers that uniquely identifies each object in a MIB.

OVF Open Virtualization Format.

P2V Oracle VM Server for SPARC Physical-to-Virtual Conversion Tool.


PA Physical address.

PCI Peripheral component interconnect bus.


PCI-X PCI Extended bus.

pcpu Physical CPU.

physical domain The scope of resources that are managed by a single Oracle VM Server for SPARC instance. A physical
domain might be a complete physical system as is the case of supported SPARC T-Series platforms. Or, it
might be either the entire system or a subset of the system as is the case of supported SPARC M-Series

physical function A PCI function that supports the SR-IOV capabilities as defined in the SR-IOV specification. A physical
function contains the SR-IOV capability structure and is used to manage the SR-IOV functionality.
Physical functions are fully featured PCIe functions that can be discovered, managed, and manipulated
like any other PCIe device. Physical functions have full configuration resources, and can be used to
configure or control the PCIe device.

physio Physical input/output.

PICL Platform Information and Control Library.

picld PICL daemon (see the picld(1M) man page).

PM Power management of virtual CPUs and memory.
praudit Command to print contents of an audit trail file (see the praudit(1M) man page).
PRI Priority.

RA Real address.

RAID Redundant Array of Inexpensive Disks, which enables you to combine independent disks into a logical
RPC Remote Procedure Call.

SAN Storage Area Network.

SASL Simple Authentication and Security Layer.

504 Oracle VM Server for SPARC 3.3 Administration Guide October 2015

SAX Simple API for XML parser, which traverses an XML document. The SAX parser is event-based and used
mostly for streaming data.

system controller Also see service processor.

SCSA Sun Common SCSI Architecture.

SCSI HBA SCSI Host Bus Adapter.

service domain Logical domain that provides devices, such as virtual switches, virtual console connectors, and virtual disk
servers, to other logical domains.
SMA System Management Agent.
SMF Service Management Facility.
SMI Structure of Management Information, which defines and groups managed objects for use by a MIB.
SNMP Simple Network Management Protocol.
service processor The SP, also known as the system controller (SC), monitors and runs the physical machine.

SR-IOV Single root I/O virtualization.

SSH Secure Shell.
ssh Secure Shell command (see the ssh(1) man page).
sshd Secure Shell daemon (see the sshd(1M) man page).

SunVTS Sun Validation Test Suite.

svcadm Manipulates service instances (see the svcadm(1M) man page).

TLS Transport Layer Security.

UDP User Diagram Protocol.

unicast Network communication that takes place between a single sender and a single receiver.

uscsi User SCSI command interface (see the uscsi(7I) man page).


UTP Unshielded twisted pair.

var Variable.
VBSC Virtual blade system controller.
vcc, vconscon Virtual console concentrator service with a specific port range to assign to guest domains.
vcons, vconsole Virtual console for accessing system-level messages. A connection is achieved by connecting to the
vconscon service in the control domain at a specific port.

vcpu Virtual central processing unit. Each core in a server is represented as a virtual CPU.
vdc Virtual disk client.
vdisk A virtual disk is a generic block device associated with different types of physical devices, volumes, or files.
vdpcc Virtual data plane channel client in a Netra DPS environment.
vdpcs Virtual data plane channel service in a Netra DPS environment.

vds, vdiskserver Virtual disk server enables you to import virtual disks into a logical domain.
vdsdev, Virtual disk server device is exported by the virtual disk server. The device can be an entire disk, a slice on a
vdiskserverdevice disk, a file, or a disk volume.

virtual function A PCI function that is associated with a physical function. A virtual function is a lightweight PCIe function
that shares one or more physical resources with the physical function and with other virtual functions that
are associated with the same physical function. Virtual functions are only permitted to have configuration
resources for its own behavior.

VNIC Virtual network interface card, which is a virtual instantiation of a physical network device that can be
created from the physical network device and assigned to a zone.
vldc Virtual logical domain channel service.

vldcc Virtual logical domain channel client.

vnet Virtual network device implements a virtual Ethernet device and communicates with other vnet devices
in the system by using the virtual network switch (vswitch).

vNTS Virtual network terminal service.

vntsd Oracle Solaris OS virtual network terminal server daemon for domain consoles (see the vntsd(1M) man

volfs Volume Management file system (see the volfs(7FS) man page).

506 Oracle VM Server for SPARC 3.3 Administration Guide October 2015

vsw, vswitch Virtual network switch that connects the virtual network devices to the external network and also switches
packets between them.

VTOC Volume table of contents.

VxDMP Veritas Dynamic Multipathing.

VxVM Veritas Volume Manager.

XFP eXtreme Fast Path.

XML Extensible Markup Language.
XMPP Extensible Messaging and Presence Protocol.

ZFS Zettabyte File System.

zpool ZFS storage pool (see the zpool(1M) man page).
ZVOL ZFS Volume Emulation Driver.


A assigning (Continued)
accessing, Fibre Channel virtual functions from a guest roles to users, 3536
domain, 134 VLANs, 257259
adding VLANs in an Oracle Solaris 10 guest
Ethernet virtual functions to an I/O domain, 99 domain, 258259
Fibre Channel virtual functions to an I/O VLANs in an Oracle Solaris 10 service domain, 258
domain, 131 VLANs in an Oracle Solaris 11 guest domain, 258
InfiniBand virtual functions to a root domain, 116 VLANs in an Oracle Solaris 11 service domain, 257
InfiniBand virtual functions to an I/O domain, 113 audit records
memory to a domain, 322 reviewing, 4345, 45
unaligned memory, 325326 auditing
virtual disks, 172 disabling, 4345
adjusting, interrupt limit, 380382 disabling Logical Domains Manager, 44
allocating enabling, 4345
CPU resources, 308311 enabling Logical Domains Manager, 43
resources, 307308 reviewing records, 4345, 45
world-wide names for Fibre Channel virtual authorization, ldm subcommands, 37
functions, 123124 autorecovery policy for domain
applying configurations, 346347
max-cores constraint, 309 autosave configuration directories
whole-core constraint, 308 restoring, 385
assigning saving, 385
endpoint device to an I/O domain, 143145
MAC addresses, 241243
automatically, 241243
manually, 241243 B
master domain, 368369 back ends
PCIe buses to a root domain, 6976 See also virtual disk backend exporting
PCIe endpoint device, 72 backward compatibility, exporting volumes, 182
physical resources to domains, 318322 blacklisting
rights profiles, 3337 Fault Management Architecture (FMA), 353
roles, 3337 faulty hardware resources, 354355


boot disk image, cloning, 195196 configuring (Continued)

booting, from SCSI DVD device, 217 SSL certificates for migration, 286
booting an I/O domain by using an Ethernet SR-IOV Oracle Solaris 11, 286
virtual functions, 102 system with hard partitions, 311317
breaks, Oracle Solaris OS, 365 virtual disk multipathing, 184186
bus assignment virtual network devices into an IPMP
dynamic, 7172 group, 248249, 249250
static, 71 virtual SCSI HBA multipathing, 214215
virtual switch and service domain for NAT and
routing, 244248
virtual switch as the primary interface, 52
C virtual switch on Oracle Solaris 10 service domains
cancel-reconf subcommand, 307 to provide external connectivity to
CD images, exporting, 187190 domains, 247248
CD or DVD image virtual switch to provide external connectivity to an
exporting from service domain to guest Oracle Solaris 11 domain, 245246
domain, 188189 ZFS pool in a service domain, 192
exporting multiple times, 189
connecting, to a guest console over the network, 363
changing, changes to PCIe hardware, 150152
console groups, using, 363364
checking, domain configuration, 312313
CLI, See command-line interface
combining into a single group, 363364
cloning, boot disk image, 195196
logging, 45
coherency link scaling, 418
control domain, 28
combining, consoles into a single group, 363364
configuring, 4950
command-line interface, 29
configuration, selecting to boot, 31 decreasing memory, 323324
configuring memory reconfiguration, 323324
control domain, 4950 rebooting, 5152, 366
control domain with CPU whole cores, 315 control domain CPU and memory resources,
domain dependencies, 367370 decreasing, 5051
domain with CPU whole cores, 313315 controlling, recovery mode, 358
existing domain with CPU whole cores, 314 CPU allocation, 308311
IPMP in a service domain, 251 CPU clock cycle skip, 418
IPMP in an Oracle VM Server for SPARC CPU core disable, 418
environment, 248255 CPU DR, 311, 316317
jumbo frames, 273277 CPU dynamic resource management, 317
ldmp2v, 405407 CPU dynamic voltage and frequency scaling
NAT on Oracle Solaris 10 system, 246248 (DVFS), 418
NAT on Oracle Solaris 11 system, 244246 CPU mapping, 371
Oracle VM Server for SPARC MIB, 427429 CPU power management, 317
Oracle VM Server for SPARC MIB CPU resources, allocating, 308311
software, 428429 CPU whole cores
Oracle VM Server for SPARC P2V tool, 406407 configuring a domain with, 313315
performance register access, 339341 configuring an existing domain with, 314
physical link status updates, 253 configuring the control domain with, 315

510 Oracle VM Server for SPARC 3.3 Administration Guide October 2015

CPU whole cores (Continued) device-specific properties, Ethernet SR-IOV, 102103

creating a domain with, 313 direct I/O (DIO)
rebinding system with, 317 limitations, 146147
rebooting system with, 317 managing devices on non-primary root
creating domains, 164165
default services on the control domain, 4849 planning, 147
disk image snapshot, 194 requirements, 145146
disk image snapshot of an unconfigured disabling
system, 195196 auditing, 4345
domain with CPU whole cores, 313 domains, 386388
Ethernet virtual functions, 9094 Logical Domains Manager, 387
Fibre Channel virtual functions, 124 Logical Domains Manager auditing, 44
guest domains, 5760 NIU hybrid I/O, 271
I/O domain Ethernet virtual functions, 104108 disk images
InfiniBand virtual functions, 108 creating a snapshot, 194
PVLANs, 262263 creating snapshot of an unconfigured
roles, 3536 system, 195196
root domain from entire PCIe bus, 72 storing by using a ZFS file, 193194
snmpv3 user, 430431 storing by using a ZFS volume, 193
VNICs on Ethernet virtual functions, 103104 storing with ZFS, 192194
disk slice, See physical disk slice
domain configurations
D autorecovery policy, 346347
autorecovery policy for, 346347
drd, 306 checking, 312313
ldmd, 29 degraded, 357358
vntsd, 30 determining, 371372
decreasing managing, 343344
control domain CPU and memory resources, 5051 persistent, 31
memory on the control domain, 323324 removing all, 387
default services on the control domain, creating, 4849 restoring, 344345, 349350
delayed reconfiguration, 306, 324 restoring from an XML file with ldm
delegating administrative privileges, rights add-domain, 350
profiles, 3337 restoring from an XML file with ldm
dependency cycles, 369370 init-system, 349
destroying restoring with autosave, 344345
See also removing saving, 344350
Ethernet virtual functions, 9094, 95 domain console, controlling access to, 3742
Fibre Channel virtual functions, 128 domain listing, parseable, 369
InfiniBand virtual functions, 111 domain migration restrictions, 289291
determining domain migrations, 291292
domain configurations, 371372 active, 292298
GLDv3 compliance of a network device (Oracle bound or inactive domain, 298299
Solaris 10), 244 canceling in progress, 300301


domain migrations (Continued) domains (Continued)

delayed reconfiguration for an active domain, 297 starting, 460462
failure message, 302 stopping, 462463
from OpenBoot PROM or in kernel debugger, 298 stopping a heavily loaded, 364365
monitoring progress, 300 types of, 28, 29
non-interactive, 301 DR, See dynamic reconfiguration (DR)
obtaining status, 302 DVD images, exporting, 187190
operation, 284285 dynamic path selection, 186187
operations on other domains, 298 dynamic reconfiguration (DR), 306, 324
performing a dry run, 291292 CPUs, 311, 316317
performing non-interactive, 292 memory, 322329
recovering from failed, 301 partial memory requests, 323
requirements for CPUs, 293294 dynamic reconfiguration daemon (drd), 306
requirements for cryptograph units, 297 dynamic resource management, 311
requirements for memory, 294295 CPUs, 317
requirements for NIU hybrid I/O, 297 using, 330333
requirements for PCIe endpoint devices, 296, 299
requirements for physical I/O devices, 295
requirements for SR-IOV virtual
functions, 296297, 299
requirements for virtual I/O devices, 295296, 299
auditing, 4345
security, 285287
I/O virtualization, 87
software compatibility, 285
I/O virtualization for a PCIe bus, 162164
when active domain has power management elastic
ILOM interconnect service, 55
policy in effect, 297 Logical Domains Manager auditing, 43
domain resource pool, Oracle VM Server for SPARC Logical Domains Manager daemon, 384
MIB, 438439 NIU hybrid I/O, 271
domain resources, listing, 333339 power management observability module, 420
domain scalar variables, Oracle VM Server for SPARC virtual network terminal server daemon (vntsd), 53
MIB, 438439 environment variables, setting, 431
domains errors, troubleshooting through CPU and memory
configuring a failure policy for dependencies, 368 address mapping, 370373
configuring dependencies, 367370 /etc/system file, updating, 362363
definition, 26 Ethernet SR-IOV
dependencies, 367370 device-specific properties, 90, 102103
dependency cycles, 369370 limitations, 89
disabling, 386388 network configuration, 101102
marked as degraded, 359 planning, 89
migrating, 284 requirements, 89
monitoring with Oracle VM Server for SPARC evacuated I/O resources, 359
MIB, 431452 exporting
provisioning by using a clone, 194196 back ends
roles, 2829 comparison, 182
service, 30 back ends, summary, 182

512 Oracle VM Server for SPARC 3.3 Administration Guide October 2015

exporting (Continued) FIPS 140-2 mode for migration, 287289

CD images, 187190 FMA, See Fault Management Architecture (FMA)
CD or DVD image from service domain to guest format, virtual disks, 192
domain, 188189
CD or DVD image multiple times, 189
disk slice
directly, 183 G
indirectly, 183 GLD compliance (Oracle Solaris 10), of network
DVD images, 187190 device, 244
file as a full disk, 179180 guest console, connecting to over the network, 363
file or volume as a full disk, 179 guest domains, 29
file or volume as a single-slice disk, 181 creating, 5760
files, 179183 migrating, 301302
files and volumes as virtual disks migrating and renaming, 302
guidelines, 182183 removing all, 386
lofi, 182 starting, 5760
ISO image from service domain to guest guidelines
domain, 189190 exporting files and volumes as virtual
ISO images, 187190
disks, 182183
physical disk as a virtual disk, 177
I/O domain creation, 68
physical disk slice as a virtual disk, 178
slice 2, 179
virtual disk back end, 172173
volumes, 179183 H
backward compatibility, 182
hard partitions, configuring systems with, 311317
ZFS volume as a full disk, 180181
hardware errors, troubleshooting, 353
ZFS volume as a single-slice disk, 181
definition, 26
Logical Domains Manager and, 2628
factory default configuration
restoring, 387
restoring from the service processor, 388
failure policy, configuring for a domain I/O domains, 6768, 7780, 143145
dependency, 368 booting by assigning an SR-IOV virtual
fault and recovery information, providing, 426 function, 102
Fault Management Architecture (FMA), creating by assigning an endpoint device, 143145
blacklisting, 353 creating by assigning an SR-IOV virtual
faulty hardware resources function, 7780
blacklisting, 354355 creation guidelines, 68
recovering domains with, 355358 migration limitations, 68
unconfiguring, 354355 PCIe bus, 6768
Fibre Channel world-wide names for virtual functions, using PCIe SR-IOV virtual functions, 7780
allocating, 123124 I/O resources, marking as evacuated, 359


I/O virtualization L
enabling, 87 LDC, See logical domain channels (LDC)
enabling for a PCIe bus, 162164 ldmd, See Logical Domains Manager daemon
identifying, InfiniBand functions, 119121 ldmp2v
ILOM interconnect configuration, verificating, 54 backend devices, 404
ILOM interconnect service, enabling, 55 collection phase, 402, 407408
InfiniBand SR-IOV, requirements, 108 configuring, 405407
installing conversion phase, 403, 410413
guest domain when install server in a VLAN, 259 installing, 405407
ldmp2v, 405407 limitations, 405406
Oracle Solaris OS from a DVD, 6163 Oracle VM Server for SPARC P2V conversion
Oracle Solaris OS from an ISO file, 6364 tool, 401403
Oracle VM Server for SPARC P2V tool, 31
Oracle Solaris OS in guest domains, 6065
preparation phase, 402403, 408409
Oracle VM Server for SPARC MIB, 427429
prerequisites, 405
Oracle VM Server for SPARC MIB
ldmp2v(1M) command, 402
software, 428429
Oracle VM Server for SPARC template utilities, 392 direct I/O, 146147
using JumpStart (Oracle Solaris 10), 6465 Ethernet SR-IOV, 89
inter-vnet LDC channels, 230231 Fibre Channel virtual functions, 122
inter-vnet-links, PVLANs, 260 non-primary root domains, 161162
interrupt limit, adjusting, 380382 physical network bandwidth, 235
configuring in a service domain, 251 link aggregation, using with a virtual switch, 271272
configuring in an Oracle VM Server for SPARC link-based IPMP, using, 252255
environment, 248255 listing
configuring virtual network devices into a domain resources, 333339
group, 248249, 249250 InfiniBand virtual functions, 117118
ISO images PVLAN information, 263264
exporting, 187190 resource constraints, 338
exporting from service domain to guest resources as machine-readable output, 333334
domain, 189190 loading
Oracle VM Server for SPARC MIB
module, 428429
Oracle VM Server for SPARC MIB module in to
J Oracle Solaris SNMP agent, 429
jumbo frames lofi, exporting files and volumes as virtual disks, 182
compatibility with jumbo-unaware versions of the logical domain channels (LDC), 28
Oracle Solaris 10 vnet and vsw drivers, 276277 inter-vnet, 230231
configuring, 273277 logical domain channels (LDCs), 374377
JumpStart, using to install the Oracle Solaris 10 OS on a Logical Domains constraints database
guest domain, 6465 restoring, 386
saving, 386
Logical Domains Manager, 26, 28

514 Oracle VM Server for SPARC 3.3 Administration Guide October 2015

Logical Domains Manager (Continued) memory (Continued)

daemon (ldmd), 29 mapping, 371
disabling, 387 removing from a domain, 322323
discovery mechanism, 465 setting sizes for a domain, 328329
Oracle VM Server for SPARC MIB and, 426 memory DR, See memory dynamic reconfiguration
XML schema used with, 469 (DR)
Logical Domains Manager daemon, enabling, 384 memory dynamic reconfiguration
operations on active domains, 326327
operations on bound domains, 327328
partial requests, 323
M memory dynamic reconfiguration (DR), 322
MAC addresses memory reconfiguration, control domain, 323324
assigned to domains, 242 memory size requirements, 61
assigning, 241243 migrating
assigning automatically, 241243 domains, 284
assigning manually, 241243 guest domain, 301302
automatic assignment algorithm, 242 guest domain and renaming, 302
detecting duplicates, 242243 using SSL certificates, 301
machine-readable output, listing resources, 333334 migration, non-interactive, 301
managing migration limitations
direct I/O devices on non-primary root I/O domain, 68
domains, 164165 PVLANs, 260
domain configurations, 343344 missing hardware resources, recovering domains
Oracle VM Server for SPARC MIB with, 355358
security, 430431 modifying
physical resources on the control domain, 321 domain configuration autorecovery
resource groups, 329330 policy, 346347
SR-IOV virtual functions on non-primary root Ethernet SR-IOV virtual function properties, 9799
domains, 165167 Fibre Channel virtual function properties, 131
virtual disks, 171173 virtual disk options, 173
virtual SCSI HBAs, 207211 virtual disk timeout option, 173
mapping CPU and memory addresses, monitoring, domains with Oracle VM Server for
troubleshooting, 370373 SPARC MIB, 431452
master domain, assigning, 368369 multipathing
max-cores constraint, applying, 309 See virtual disk multipathing
maximizing See virtual SCSI HBA multipathing
virtual network performance, 226227, 227
adding to a domain, 322
adding unaligned, 325326 N
alignment, 324326 NAT
for active domains, 324 configuring on Oracle Solaris 10 system, 246248
alignment for bound domains, 324325 configuring on Oracle Solaris 11 system, 244246
alignment for inactive domains, 325 configuring virtual switch and service
decreasing on the control domain, 323324 domain, 244248


network booting, I/O domain by using an Ethernet Oracle VM Server for SPARC
SR-IOV virtual functions, 102 troubleshooting, 32
network configuration, Ethernet SR-IOV, 101102 using with the service processor, 366367
network device configurations, viewing, 231234 Oracle VM Server for SPARC Management Information
network device statistics, viewing, 231234 Base (MIB), 423
network devices See Oracle VM Server for SPARC MIB
network bandwidth limit, setting, 235237 Oracle VM Server for SPARC MIB, 32, 423
using, 243244 configuring, 427429
network interface name, 238241 domain resource pool, 438439
finding, 240 domain scalar variables, 438439
NIU hybrid I/O for Oracle VM Server for SPARC, 32
disabling, 271 installing, 427429
enabling, 271 Logical Domains Manager and, 426
using, 266271 object tree, 426427
non-interactive domain migration, 301 overview, 423427
non-physically bound resources, removing, 320 querying, 431433
non-primary root domain, restrictions, 160161 related products and features, 424
non-primary root domains, 159160 software components, 424
assigning a PCIe endpoint device, 159160 starting domains, 460463
assigning a PCIe SR-IOV virtual function, 159160 stopping domains, 460463
limitations, 161162 system management agent, 425
managing direct I/O devices, 164165 virtual console tables, 447449
managing SR-IOV virtual functions, 165167
virtual disk tables, 442444
overview, 159160
virtual memory tables, 441442
virtual network tables, 445447
virtual network terminal service (vNTS), 447449
O XML-based control interface
obtaining, domain migration status, 302 parsing, 426
Oracle Solaris 10 networking, 225226 Oracle VM Server for SPARC MIB module
Oracle Solaris 11 networking, 222225 loading, 428429
Oracle Solaris 11 networking-specific feature loading in to Oracle Solaris SNMP agent, 429
differences, 277279 Oracle VM Server for SPARC MIB module traps
Oracle Solaris OS receiving, 453454
breaks, 365 sending, 453454
installing on a guest domain, 6065 Oracle VM Server for SPARC MIB object
from a DVD, 6163 retrieving an
from an ISO file, 6364 snmpget, 432
network interface name (Oracle Solaris 11) Oracle VM Server for SPARC MIB object values
finding, 239 retrieving
operating with Oracle VM Server for snmptable, 433
SPARC, 365366 snmpwalk, 432433
Oracle Solaris SNMP agent, loading Oracle VM Server Oracle VM Server for SPARC MIB security,
for SPARC MIB module in to, 429 managing, 430431

516 Oracle VM Server for SPARC 3.3 Administration Guide October 2015

Oracle VM Server for SPARC MIB software Oracle VM Server for SPARC MIB traps (Continued)
configuring, 428429 domain destroy (ldomDestroy), 455
installing, 428429 domain state change (ldomStateChange), 455
removing, 428429, 429 receiving, 454
Oracle VM Server for SPARC MIB tables sending, 453454
CMI table (ldomCMITable), 451452 virtual console concentrator change
core table (ldomCoreTable), 452 (ldomVccChange), 458459
cryptographic units table virtual console group change
(ldomCryptoTable), 450451 (ldomVconsChange), 459
domain policy table (ldomPolicyTable), 436437 virtual CPU change (ldomVCpuChange), 455456
domain table (ldomTable), 433436 virtual disk change (ldomVdiskChange), 457
environment variables table virtual disk service change
(ldomEnvVarsTable), 436 (ldomVdsChange), 456457
I/O bus table (ldomIOBusTable), 451 virtual memory change (ldomVMemChange), 456
scalar variables for CMI resource pool, 439 virtual network change (ldomVnetChange), 458
scalar variables for CPU resource pool, 438 virtual switch change (ldomVswChange), 457458
scalar variables for cryptographic resource Oracle VM Server for SPARC P2V tool
pool, 439 configuring, 406407
scalar variables for domain version ldmp2v, 31, 401403
information, 452 limitations, 405406
scalar variables for I/O bus resource pool, 439 Oracle VM Server for SPARC template utilities,
service processor configuration table installing, 392
(ldomSPConfigTable), 437438
virtual console concentrator table
(ldomVccTable), 447448
virtual console group table P
(ldomVconsTable), 448449 parseable domain listing
virtual console relationship table showing, 369
(ldomVconsVccRelTable), 449 viewing, 369
virtual CPU table (ldomVcpuTable), 439441 parsing
virtual disk service device table XML-based control interface
(ldomVdsdevTable), 443444 Oracle VM Server for SPARC MIB, 426
virtual disk service table (ldomVdsTable), 442443 PCIe bus, 6768
virtual disk table (ldomVdiskTable), 444 changing the hardware, 150152
virtual memory physical binding table enabling I/O virtualization, 87
(ldomVmemPhysBindTable), 442 PCIe SR-IOV virtual functions
virtual memory table (ldomVmemTable), 441442 See virtual functions
virtual network device table planning for, 8889
(ldomVnetTable), 446447 performance
virtual switch service device table maximizing for virtual networks, 226227, 227
(ldomVswTable), 446 requirements for maximizing virtual
Oracle VM Server for SPARC MIB traps, 454460 networks, 226227
CMI resource change (ldomCMIChange), 459460 performance register access, setting, 339341
domain creation (ldomCreate), 454455 physical-bindings constraint, removing, 319


physical CPU number, determining the corresponding PVLANs (Continued)

virtual CPU, 372373 listing information, 263264
physical devices, 28, 29 migration limitations, 260
physical disk, 177 removing, 262263
physical disk LUN, 177 requirements, 261262
physical disk slice, 178 restrictions, 260
physical disk slices, exporting as a virtual disk, 178 updating, 262263
physical disks, exporting as a virtual disk, 177
physical link status updates, configuring, 253
physical machine, 28
physical network bandwidth Q
controlling used by a virtual network querying, Oracle VM Server for SPARC MIB, 431433
device, 235237
limitations, 235
setting limit, 235237
physical resources R
assigning to domains, 318322 rebinding, system with CPU whole cores, 317
managing on the control domain, 321 rebooting
restrictions on managing, 321322 control domain, 5152
planning root domains, 140141, 149150
direct I/O (DIO), 147 system with CPU whole cores, 317
Ethernet SR-IOV, 89 receiving, Oracle VM Server for SPARC MIB traps, 454
for PCIe SR-IOV virtual functions, 8889 recovering
port VLAN ID (PID), 256257 domains with faulty hardware resources, 355358
power-consumption data, viewing, 419422 domains with missing hardware resources, 355358
power cycle, performing on a server, 365 from failed domain migrations, 301
power limit, 418 recovery mode for domain configurations, 353
power management (PM), 418, 419 controlling, 358
CPUs, 317 removing
features, 418419 See also destroying
observability module all domain configurations, 387
enabling, 420 all guest domains, 386
using, 330, 417422 Ethernet virtual functions from an I/O domain, 100
primary domain, 28 Fibre Channel virtual functions from an I/O
private VLANs (PVLANs), using, 260264 domain, 132
processor power-consumption data, viewing, 421422 InfiniBand virtual functions to a root domain, 117
properties InfiniBand virtual functions to an I/O domain, 114
Ethernet SR-IOV device-specific, 90 memory from a domain, 322323
Fibre Channel virtual function device-specific non-physically bound resources, 320
properties, 122124 Oracle VM Server for SPARC MIB
provisioning, domain by using a clone, 194196 software, 428429, 429
PVLANs physical-bindings constraint, 319
creating, 262263 PVLANs, 262263
inter-vnet-links, 260 virtual disks, 173

518 Oracle VM Server for SPARC 3.3 Administration Guide October 2015

requirements retrieving, Oracle VM Server for SPARC MIB object

direct I/O, 145146 values (Continued)
Ethernet SR-IOV, 89 snmpwalk, 432433
Fibre Channel virtual functions, 121122, 122 reviewing
for dynamic SR-IOV, 86 audit records, 4345, 45
for maximizing virtual network rights profiles
performance, 226227 assigning, 3337
for static SR-IOV, 85 ro option, virtual disk back end, 175
InfiniBand SR-IOV, 108 roles
PVLANs, 261262 assigning, 3337
resource groups, 329330 assigning to users, 3536
SR-IOV, 8083 creating, 3536
resource allocation, 307308 domains, 28
resource configuration, 31 root domains, 29, 6976
resource constraints, listing, 338 creating, 72
resource groups creating by assigning PCIe buses, 6976
managing, 329330 rebooting, 140141, 149150
requirements, 329330 routing, configuring virtual switch and service
restrictions, 329330 domain, 244248
resource management, dynamic, 311
See also virtual devices
allocating, 307308
definition, 27
autosave configuration directories, 385
flag definitions in output, 334 domain configurations, 344350
restoring Logical Domains constraints database, 386
autosave configuration directories, 385 SCSI and virtual disk, 191
domain configurations, 344345, 349350 SCSI and virtual SCSI HBAs, 218
from an XML file with ldm add-domain, 350 sending, Oracle VM Server for SPARC MIB
from an XML file with ldm init-system, 349 traps, 453454
factory default configuration, 387 server, performing power cycle on, 365
factory default configuration from the service service domains, 28, 30
processor, 388 configuring a ZFS pool, 192
Logical Domains constraints database, 386 service processor (SP)
restrictions monitoring and running physical machines, 28
PVLANs, 260 restoring factory default configuration, 388
resource groups, 329330 using Oracle VM Server for SPARC with, 366367
retrieving setting
an Oracle VM Server for SPARC MIB object environment variables, 431
snmpget, 432 memory sizes for a domain, 328329
Oracle VM Server for SPARC MIB physical network bandwidth limit, 235237
information, 433452 power limit, 418
Oracle VM Server for SPARC MIB object values slice 2, exporting, 179
snmptable, 433 slice option, virtual disk back end, 176


SNMP traps system controller, See service processor (SP)

providing, 426 system management agent, Oracle VM Server for
using, 453460 SPARC MIB, 425
retrieving an
Oracle VM Server for SPARC MIB object, 432
snmptable, retrieving Oracle VM Server for SPARC T
MIB object values, 433 tables, See Oracle VM Server for SPARC MIB tables
snmpv3 user, creating, 430431 timeout option, virtual disks, 173
snmpwalk, retrieving Oracle VM Server for SPARC MIB traps, See Oracle VM Server for SPARC MIB traps
object values, 432433 troubleshooting
Solaris power aware dispatcher (PAD), 419 mapping CPU and memory addresses, 370373
Solaris Volume Manager Oracle VM Server for SPARC, 32
using, 198
using with virtual disks, 197
SR-IOV, 7780
dynamic, 8587 U
Ethernet device-specific properties, 90 unconfiguring, faulty hardware resources, 354355
function types, 79 universally unique identifiers (UUID), 373
limitations, 8384 updating
requirements, 8083 /etc/system file, 362363
requirements for dynamic, 86 PVLANs, 262263
requirements for static, 85 using
static, 8485 link-based IPMP, 252255
SR-IOV virtual functions, See virtual functions VLANs, 257259
SSL certificates, migrating, 301 utilization statistics, 334335
SSL certificates for migration
configuring, 286
Oracle Solaris 11, 286
starting V
domains, 460462 verificating, ILOM interconnect configuration, 54
domains with Oracle VM Server for SPARC verify, presence of virtual SCSI HBAs, 209210
MIB, 460463 viewing
guest domains, 5760 network device configurations, 231234
stopping network device statistics, 231234
domains, 462463 parseable domain listing, 369
domains with Oracle VM Server for SPARC power-consumption data, 419422
MIB, 460463 processor power-consumption data, 421422
heavily loaded domain, 364365 virtinfo, virtual domain information, 373374
storing virtual console tables, Oracle VM Server for SPARC
disk image by using a ZFS file, 193194 MIB, 447449
disk image by using a ZFS volume, 193 virtual CPU, determining the corresponding physical
disk images with ZFS, 192194 CPU number, 372373
SUNWldm package, 29 virtual device identifier, 238241

520 Oracle VM Server for SPARC 3.3 Administration Guide October 2015

virtual devices virtual functions (Continued)

I/O, 30 adding Ethernet to an I/O domain, 99
virtual console concentrator (vcc), 30 adding Fibre Channel to an I/O domain, 131
virtual disk client (vdc), 30 adding InfiniBand to a root domain, 116
virtual disk service (vds), 30 adding InfiniBand to an I/O domain, 113
virtual network (vnet), 30 creating an I/O domain, 104108
virtual switch (vsw), 30 creating Ethernet, 9094
virtual disk tables, Oracle VM Server for SPARC creating Ethernet VNICs on, 103104
MIB, 442444 creating Fibre Channel, 124
virtual disks, 169170 creating InfiniBand, 108
adding, 172 destroying Ethernet, 9094, 95
appearance, 173175 destroying Fibre Channel, 128
back end, 176183 destroying InfiniBand, 111
back end excl option, 175176 device-specific Fibre Channel properties, 122124
back end exporting, 172173 Ethernet, 89108
back end exporting as a full disk, 174 Fibre Channel, 121134
back end exporting as a single-slice disk, 174175 Fibre Channel limitations, 122
back end options, 175176 Fibre Channel requirements, 121122, 122
back end ro option, 175 InfiniBand, 108121
back end slice option, 176 listing InfiniBand, 117118
configuring multipathing, 184186 modifying Ethernet properties, 9799
device name, 171 modifying Fibre Channel properties, 131
disk identifier, 171 removing Fibre Channel from an I/O domain, 132
exporting from a physical disk, 177 removing from an I/O domain, 100
exporting from a physical disk slice, 178 removing InfiniBand to a root domain, 117
format command and, 192 removing InfiniBand to an I/O domain, 114
managing, 171173 using to create an I/O domain, 104
modifying options, 173 virtual input/output, 2930
modifying timeout option, 173 virtual machine, 28
multipathing, 183, 184 virtual memory tables, Oracle VM Server for SPARC
removing, 173 MIB, 441442
SCSI and, 191 virtual network, 222
timeout, 184, 190191 maximizing performance, 226227, 227
using with Solaris Volume Manager, 197 virtual network devices, 229231
using with volume managers, 196198 controlling amount of physical network
using with VxVM, 197198 bandwidth, 235237
using with ZFS, 192196, 198 virtual network tables, Oracle VM Server for SPARC
virtual domain information MIB, 445447
API, 373374 virtual network terminal server daemon (vntsd), 30
virtinfo, 373374 enabling, 53
virtual function, Ethernet network booting an I/O virtual network terminal service (vNTS), Oracle VM
domain by using an, 102 Server for SPARC MIB, 447449
virtual functions, 8889 virtual SCSI HBAs
accessing Fibre Channel from a guest domain, 134 appearance, 211


virtual SCSI HBAs (Continued) XML (Continued)

configuring multipathing, 214215 command response, 474
device name, 206207 domain migration, 496497
identifier, 206207 Logical Domains Manager resources and
managing, 207211 properties, 481497
multipathing, 213216 object response, 474475
SCSI and, 218 overall response, 474
timeout, 210, 218 request and response messages, 471475
verify presence of, 209210 request messages, 471473
virtual switch, 227229 response messages, 473475
configuring as the primary interface, 52 schemas, 497
configuring on Oracle Solaris 10 service domain to XML-based control interface
provide external connectivity to Oracle VM Server for SPARC MIB
domains, 247248 parsing, 426
configuring to provide external connectivity to an XML events
Oracle Solaris 11 domain, 245246 all, 479
VLAN domain, 477
assigning, 257259 hardware, 477
assigning in an Oracle Solaris 10 guest messages, 475479
domain, 258259 progress, 477478
assigning in an Oracle Solaris 10 service registration and unregistration, 475476
domain, 258 resource, 478479
assigning in an Oracle Solaris 11 guest domain, 258 types, 476479
assigning in an Oracle Solaris 11 service XML protocol, 470475
domain, 257
XML resources
using, 257259
console, 495496
VLAN ID (VID), 257
cpu, 483484
VLAN tagging, using, 255259
disk, 487
VNICs, creating SR-IOV virtual functions, 103104
ldom_info, 481482
volume managers, using with virtual disks, 196198
mau, 484485
memory, 485
using, 199
network, 488489
using with virtual disks, 197198
physio_device, 490493
policy, 493494
spconfig, 493
W var, 490
whole-core constraint, applying, 308 vcc, 489490
vdpcc, 495
vdpcs, 494495
vds, 485486
X vds_volume, 486
XML vsw, 487488
<LDM_event> messages, 476 XML schemas, 497
actions, Logical Domains Manager, 479481 Logical Domains Manager used with, 469

522 Oracle VM Server for SPARC 3.3 Administration Guide October 2015

XML tags
<cmd>, 472
<data>, 472473
<LDM_interface>, 471
XML transport frames, 469470
local connections, 470
server, 470

storing disk images with, 192194
using with virtual disks, 198
virtual disks and, 192196
ZFS file, storing a disk image by using a, 193194
ZFS pool, configuring in a service domain, 192
ZFS volume
exporting as a full disk, 180181
exporting as a single-slice disk, 181
storing a disk image by using a, 193
ZFS volumes, exporting a virtual disk back end multiple
times, 172173


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