Unit 15 Assignment
Unit 15 Assignment
Unit 15 Assignment
Understand the benefits and implications of installing and maintaining software
in technology systems........................................................................................... 3
Explain the benefits of installing and maintaining software for two different
technology systems.
(2A.P1) 3
Review how installing and maintaining software in one technology system
could improve productivity for an individual or organisation.
(2A.M1) 3
Discuss the strengths and weaknesses of software for a given technology
system. (2A.D1......3
Plan installation and maintenance of software in a technology system.................3
Describe the purpose and client requirements for installing and maintaining
software in a technology system........................................................................3
Produce a plan for installing and maintaining software in a technology system
including:............................................................................................................ 3
a list of installation and maintenance activities...........................................3
a description of software resources required for an installation or upgrade.3
a description of customisation tools and techniques....................................3
a test plan.................................................................................................... 3
Produce a detailed plan including reasons why alternative ideas for installing
and maintaining software have been discarded.................................................3
Justify final decisions, explaining how the technology system will fulfil the
stated purpose and client requirements, describing the impact of any
constraints on the plan....................................................................................... 4
Install, maintain and test software in a technology system...................................4
Install and maintain software in a technology system that includes the: (2C.P4)
Installation or upgrade of one operating system..........................................4
Installation or upgrade of at least two different software applications.........4
Customisation of at least three different components in software
application(s)...................................................................................................... 4
Test the modified technology system for functionality against the purpose, and
repair any faults as necessary.................................................................. (2C.P5)
Install and maintain software in a technology system, using appropriate tools
and techniques to protect the data and system settings, demonstrating
awareness of the user requirements and taking account of usability...... (2C.M3)
........................................................................................................................... 4
Test the modified technology system, gather feedback, and use it to improve
the technology system for functionality, productivity and user experience.
(2C.M4) 4
Refine the modified technology system in order to improve productivity, taking
account of feedback.
(2C.D3) 4
Task 1 - Understand the benefits and
implications of installing and maintaining
software in technology systems
How installing software can improve the productive style of the workers;
the software that would be installed is planned to improve the work
environment and by having the software on the computer system, there
will be optional scans for the system and tools from the software to allow
the user to get more additional opportunities in adding extra quality to the
Maintaining: By making sure that the software that is being use is up to
date and fully functional is important to ensuring that the things like the
version is updated and doing this will have an impact on the quality of
work or entertainment is produced.
Strength: The software that will potentially be installed with improves the
productivity and general performance. The systems speed, style and
accuracy will be improved and increased to have a good CPU; this will
increase the usefulness of the CEOs computer system.
Strength: The anti-virus will be using scans and system checks for the
computer allowing the user to access a wider range of detailed forms and
configurations that are inside of the computer system giving the user
(having the required amount of knowledge) the option of modifying,
maintaining and securing the areas the need change to benefit the
Upgrade: The best and one of the only ways to upgrade the software already in
use is to go onto the software itself and it will give the option to or by going onto
the origin of the software then there is usually an option to update it.
One person making some pieces of software can be extremely hard but not
impossible but that person most likely wont be able to think of all the ideas
when it comes to layout, wording, programming and the overall attraction of the
software so the task for all software has been a team effort and their techniques
are at a very good quality as the team has experience or as individuals they are
at a professional level.
Test plan
This is a test plan introducing software and what is does in the form of a
description, this will also include my expected outcome and the actual outcome.
There are potential problems and I will be explaining them if any are found.
Depending on what software the user is downloading and the general CPU or
processing power the users computer system can withhold, can vary the amount
of KB, MB, or GB needed to download as so many pieces of software have a
massive difference in size.
The installations of software are going to fit in the state purpose and the client
requirements because they are going to do the following;
Contact: The emails can easily be done through an online site application such
as Outlook and Skype which are both extremely productive when sending
business email or having conversations.
Skype for one of the examples is good because it gives the ability of have a face
chat and voice call, and the messaging is almost instant making it useful for fast
and creative ways of communication between employees. Outlook is designed
more on the side of focusing on the format and layout of the emails and the
general letters between clients and the business employees. It is also very useful
for managing communication between employees, employers and clients to
ensure that there is no confusing and better organisation.
The software that would be installed will also be a good layer of protection for
communication for both business and confidential information. This is advantage
for the computer system as there would be a massive grant of access to
employees detail including clients as well as a danger of there being a way of
phishing method of computer manipulation.
Upgrading: The operating system for the computer that has recently been
installed will already be up to date and there will be no new upgrades, though
the older version will require some upgrades with updating as it will be less
useful and the utility software that its function is connected and controlled to
will have some features that the new system will have and the old version will
AVG: The AVG software is design to keep the computer system secure and well
managed when it comes to online safety. It gives different options for online and
indoor security for the users computer system. The main options that would be
available are with the settings, firewall and the option for system scans to check
for any viruses and different types of malwares.
Purchasing software;
Off the shelf: This form of purchase is where the manufacturer is using software
that has already been made for their clients, this works out being cheaper.
Custom made: For many manufacturers they will offer the custom made software
choice though it will cost more as they will have to abide by the specifications of
the client and the type of software that is being made isnt going to be different
to the of the shelf other than the details of what the client wanted differently.
Functionality against the purpose: The software that has been installed has
started up as predicted and the setup has been executed correctly making the
software run accordingly. The software that is on the computer system is a
product that is a necessary piece in making the upgrade for productivity in the
communication, security and processing worth getting.
Faults: There werent any faults as far as the downloading and running go. The
software that was run created a shortcut to the software as it should always do
as well as the usage was giving a more than adequate performance.
Usability: Some of the software that is being installed has been made to protect
the users data, this software on needs maintenance as it runs by its self and
when there is something that appears, it will notify the user on what comes up
on the scans.
Functionality: The software that has been installed will work because they have
been programmed by professionals and the software does a good enough job to
get recommendations and good reviews. After the installations, all the tools and
other assets of the software were aligned and run to their programming. This
clearly represents some form of functionality in the software.
Productivity: The installations will fulfil their purpose and with users have the
ability of using the software to help with the security and communications it will
have a good implication on the productivity of the employees and the job
environment including some of the software that was installed for the
information inputs.
User: The user requirements were giving a the statement of needing good
security, communication and a generally well performing computer system, this
target was met by giving Central employment the requisite software to ensure
that the computer system that was required including the limited budget on the
task in hand was good enough to do the job that the company needs.
Feedback: The feedback on the upgraded system has been mostly positive,
although there were some negatives that were well given. The comment section
was small but still useful as the opinions that were given had quite different
perspectives such as the low spending on the security. After having an analysis
over the feedback I have decided to switch the security because out of all the
sections that was the important, the security for the company is the priority for
the companys clients and staff.
Improved productivity: The software installed has been installed because the
company Central employment wants a better computer system for increased
productivity, communication and security. This new software that has been
installed and will be used for such purposes, whilst doing the employees job the
software will be acting as tools to make sure that the work is being done a
reasonable rate and this will be improved productivity. The idea is being briefed
through the client requirements and has been made clear that there is a
production rate that is in need to be increased for the companys standards.
The software that has been installed is the upgrading type compared to the old
versions/types of software that was originally on the computer system, this
means that the newer software that has been installed contains an increased
warranty due to the reliability and the quality. This is a refinement to the
computer system that is extremely beneficial towards any computer.