Compressor Seal Selection PDF
Compressor Seal Selection PDF
Compressor Seal Selection PDF
Stephen L. Ross
Senior Service Engineer
Raymond F. Beckinger
Service Engineer
Elliott Company
Jeannette, Pennsylvania
Nearly all new compressors have dry gas seals specified to the
Stephen L. Ross is a Senior Service original equipment manufacturer (OEM). However, many older
Engineer in the Technical Services group of compressors are still operating with wet seals or even labyrinth
Elliott Company, in Jeannette, Pennsyl- seals. Is a retrofit justifiable, and why?
vania. He has 23 years of experience with Many factors play a role in the decision. Initial cost of the
centrifugal compressors and has been with retrofit, existing seal cavity dimensions, comparative operating
Elliott Company for 17 years, working in costs of wet and dry seals, type of service, existing seal problems,
compressor design and field service. He is and existing support system problems are some of the more
a previous author for the Twentieth and important factors. Other, less quantifiable, factors like standardiza-
Thirty-First Turbomachinery Symposia. tion, new technology, and initial application for operational
Mr. Ross obtained a B.S. degree experience can be considered as well.
(Mechanical Engineering, 1980) from The
Pennsylvania State University. He is a registered Professional OVERVIEW OF COMPRESSOR SHAFT END SEALS
Engineer in the State of Pennsylvania and a member of ASME. Shaft end seals are provided to restrict or prevent process gas
leaks to the atmosphere or sealing fluid leaks into the process gas
stream. Seals can be divided into three main classes:
Clearance seals (labyrinth and restrictive ring seals)
Raymond F. Beckinger is a Service
Engineer in the Technical Services group of
Elliott Company, in Jeannette, Pennsyl- Oil seals (mechanical/contact and liquid film seals)
Self-acting dry gas seals
vania. He has seven years of engineering
experience, four of which are in chemical
production and three are specifically with Here is a brief description of each of these types of seals as well
rotating machinery. He has been with Elliott as recent improvements where applicable.
for two years, working in field service.
Mr. Beckinger obtained a B.S. degree Labyrinth Seals
(Chemical Engineering, 1996) from the
A labyrinth seal may be specified where the process to be sealed
University of Pittsburgh.
is at low to moderate pressures and relatively high leakage flows
are tolerable. Users may specify a labyrinth seal because of
ABSTRACT favorable operating experience, cost, or a dislike of mechanical
seals. Air compressors generally will always use a labyrinth seal.
The sealing of rotating equipment has always presented a special As shown in Figure 1, the labyrinth seal is made up of a number
challenge for rotating equipment manufacturers and end users. of evenly spaced thin strips, sometimes called teeth or fins. The
Shaft seals are provided to restrict or prevent the escape of process diametral clearance between each of the seal teeth and the rotating
or sealing fluids to atmosphere. They are required to comply with shaft is equivalent to a series of orifices. The gas flow is restricted
environmental regulations, prevent monetary losses, and for at each orifice and then quickly expands into the space between the
personnel safety. Dry gas seal technology has demonstrated relia- teeth before being restricted by the next tooth. The leakage rate is
bility and cost savings for most applications of new compressors. proportional to this clearance, i.e., by the size of the orifices.
Compressors built prior to the 1980s used earlier seal technology Therefore, gas flow can be reduced by simply minimizing the
with varying amounts of success. In some cases a retrofit to a dry openings.
gas seal can easily be justified. In other cases, maintenance or The entire seal is considered a wearing, replaceable part. If the
improvements to existing seals can increase reliability and reduce process gas is corrosive, the stationary labyrinths will likely be
costs with a lower initial investment when compared to a dry gas made of stainless steel. Clearance for a stainless steel labyrinth
seal retrofit. Typical seal designs are reviewed along with recent will be large in order to minimize the potential for contact and a
improvements. Several applications with common seal problems severe rub between the steel seal and the steel shaft during periods
are also presented. A listing of factors to consider when contem- of high rotor vibration. If stainless steel is not a material require-
plating a seal retrofit is included for reference. Finally several case ment, then the stationary labyrinth is usually made from a softer
studies of seal retrofits are described. metal such as aluminum or bronze. Clearance can be reduced
since the relatively soft seal will sustain damage if there is contact,
INTRODUCTION but not the shaft. However, a mushrooming effect occurs during a
Retrofits from wet seals to dry gas seals have been performed on seal rub, which, in turn, increases clearance and flow, respectively,
numerous centrifugal compressors for the last 15 plus years. as seen in Figure 2.
Buffer systems for labyrinth seals can range from very simple to that are necessary when deciding upon buffer location. One case
complex. A single pressure regulating valve is all that is necessary with the buffer closest to the outside of the seal has been used for
for an air compressor with a subatmospheric inlet. A wet gas com- low and subatmospheric pressure inlet conditions. The second case
pressor may employ a complex system using sweet natural gas as with the buffer inboard is normally used for units with higher inlet
a buffer gas and steam or process gas as motive fluid for multiple pressure. Typically, buffer supply pressure has been maintained at
ejectors, plus differential pressure transmitters and numerous 3 to 5 psi above the highest downstream pressure, either the
valves. Operational problems can occur if supply and vent chamber behind the balance piston or atmosphere. The buffer gas
pressures are not correct. Seal rubs or fouling can increase leakage must be maintained after the compressor is shut down if process
rates and overpressurize vents or overwhelm ejectors. gas leakage to atmosphere is not permitted. Other systems have
Figure 6 shows a typical buffered labyrinth seal for use with a been used in applications with ejectors and/or having process gas
process gas compressor. Nitrogen is used as a buffer gas, injected throttle through the rings, but these types of systems should be
at Port A. Port B is plugged and Port C is vented to atmosphere. specifically designed for the application. As with labyrinth seals,
Table 1 provides a comparison of typical leakage rates into the operational problems can occur if supply and vent pressures are not
process and to atmosphere for the different seal materials that have correct. Carbon ring rubs or damage can increase leakage rates and
been discussed. overpressurize vents.
inboard of the sealing surfaces for use with optional buffer gas.
SEAL MATERIAL Diametral Clearance Fins Inboard Fins to Vent Fins Outboard Process (SCFM) Atmosphere (SCFM)
Stainless Steel 0.026 9 8 9 63.4 164
being shut down. They are also capable of sealing in the event of
RESTRICTIVE RING Approximate Number of Number of Leakage to Leakage to
SEAL MATERIAL Diam. Hot Clearance Rings Inboard Rings Outboard Process (SCFM) Atmosphere (SCFM)
sealant failure.
Carbon 0.008 2 5 2.421 7.746
Restrictive-Ring Seals A mechanical face seal is based on the concept of several com-
Application of restrictive-ring seals to centrifugal compressors ponents, a stationary seat, a rotating seat, and, in this example, a
is desirable when minimizing leakage (compared to a labyrinth carbon ring sandwiched in between, each requiring a high degree
seal) is important. The seal rings are typically made of carbon or of contact to form sealing faces between them. The seal surfaces
another suitable material. These rings are mounted in retainers or are held together by a combination of hydraulic and mechanical
spacers and may operate dry or with a sealing liquid. However, forces. The hydraulic forces are produced by the seal liquid, while
they are typically used with a buffer gas. Rings seals have an the mechanical forces are normally produced by some type of
excellent operating history for chlorine service compressors. Ring spring.
seals can be designed with closer clearances than labyrinth seals The mechanical face seal uses a liquid, such as oil, to lubricate,
since the rings can float with the shaft. Operating hot clearances cool, and create a positive sealing action to the sealing components
may be made smaller than bearing clearances. However, since the during normal operation. The lubricant pressures and flows may
carbon ring material has a lower coefficient of thermal expansion vary from compressor to compressor depending upon the speed
than steel, initial clearances must be made large enough so that the and size. A differential pressure is supplied at 35 to 50 psi above
shaft does not grow into the rings. the compressor suction pressure; thus a slight flow of seal oil takes
As shown in Figure 7 the standard arrangement of carbon ring place across the faces toward the process gas, which prevents
seals may contain several rings. Buffer gas may be supplied outward flow of gas to atmosphere. Normally, the flow across a
between a specific group of rings. There are a few considerations mechanical face seal can be expected to be 10 gallons per day or
Buffer Gas Composition: Methane (CH4)
Buffer Gas Supply: 69.7 PSIA @100 F
Speed: 10,000 RPM
Shaft Diameter: 4.75 INCHES
users may specify a liquid film seal for lower sealing pressures
Liquid Film Seal *3900 psig
ical seals.
Dry Gas Seal 5 **5000 psig 0 0 50.9 0.1
a bearing type tin- or lead-based babbitt to minimize shaft wear. above a gas pressure of 2500 psi. The general practice to
Inboard of the contaminated oil drain is a shaft labyrinth, which maintain this type of pressure difference is to use an overhead
prevents the seal oil leakage from entering the process gas stream. tank as shown in Figure 11. Here a seal oil level is maintained by
In different cases this may not be adequate to keep the oil out, so a a level control valve. With gas pressure on top of the seal oil, the
buffer gas supply is desirable. As previously mentioned above, static oil head automatically provides the correct pressure differ-
there are several other reasons that a labyrinth seal may be ential.
Gas in contact with the oil in the overhead tank can be another
Figure 10. Upgraded Two Bushing Oil Sleeve Seal for Case Study source of contamination of the oil. This is sometimes addressed by
C. A) Peek Labyrinth Seal, B) Gas Side Seal Bushing, C) the use of a transfer barrier between the oil providing the static
Atmospheric Side Bushings, D) Hardened Shaft Sleeve, E) Oil head and the fresh oil supply to the seals.
Bypass Orifice, F) Contaminated Seal Oil Drain, G) Seal Oil
Supply, H) Sweet Oil Drain. Dry Gas Seals
Nearly all new centrifugal compressors ordered in the last 10
A common problem with liquid film seals is hydrogen sulfide years have had dry gas seals specified by the customer. Therefore,
(H2S) and/or chlorides in the process gas attacking the babbitt and many new compressor designs have adopted the dry gas seal as a
the resulting buildup of corrosion products reducing clearances. standard, rather than an alternative. Reliability in most services is
The reduced clearance results in localized overheating of the tin- very high, and utility and environmental benefits are well docu-
based babbitt and washing out of the babbitt. The build up of mented. Due to these advantages, dry gas seal retrofits to older
corrosion products and lack of babbitt also results in scoring of the compressors have become a common practice.
shaft sleeves. The end result is increased clearance and extremely A dry gas seal uses gas, typically the process gas, as a sealing
high leakage rates for the sweet oil as well as contaminated oil. Oil medium. The gas leakage to atmosphere is minimized and con-
supply flowrates will increase until either pump capacity is trolled by a small, self-regulating gap between a rotating seal ring
exceeded or pressure losses in the pipes become equal to the design and a stationary seal ring. A balance of spring forces, hydrostatic
oil to gas differential pressure. In either case, an oil pressure higher forces, and hydrodynamic forces acting on the stationary seal ring
than the process gas pressure cannot be maintained and gas escapes controls the width of this gap. The hydrodynamic forces are
to atmosphere. Life of seals with these issues can be as low as six generated by a pattern of shallow grooves in the sealing surface of
months to a year, depending on the particular situation. Addition of the rotating seal ring. A secondary seal, typically an O-ring, is
a sweet buffer, if available, can eliminate this problem. located behind the stationary seal ring to prevent gas from
If a suitable buffer gas is not available then material changes to bypassing the gap. Gas pressure is broken down across one or two
seal parts have proven effective. In addition to material changes, sets of seal rings, and the leakage is vented to the flare system. A
many older liquid film seals from the 1960s and 1970s can benefit second or third set of seal rings serves as a backup in the event of
from design changes. New bushing designs are available to reduce damage to the primary set (Figure 12).
contaminated leakage rates, and new cartridge assemblies can Figure 12 illustrates a single seal arrangement, i.e., one set of
reduce maintenance time. sealing faces, rotating and stationary. Other arrangements are
available. A tandem seal is two sets of sealing faces arranged in
Liquid Film Seal Oil Supply System series. Older seals for very high pressures used a triple arrange-
The seal oil supply system for a liquid film seal is essentially ment with three sets of sealing faces arranged in series. The
the same as for a wet mechanical seal. The major difference is the pressure to be sealed was distributed across the first two sets with
amount of pressure difference between the oil and gas, and how the third serving as a common backup. Another arrangement is the
the pressure difference is maintained. A mechanical seal needs to double opposed, where two sets of sealing faces face each other,
provide oil at 35 to 50 psi above a gas pressure on the order of and the buffer gas is injected between them. Double opposed seals
400 psi. This can easily be done with a pressure-regulating valve. are commonly specified when the process gas is not suitable as a
A liquid film seal may be required to provide oil at 5 to 10 psi buffer gas and an inert buffer gas is supplied.
gas should be supplied to the seals during periods when the com-
pressor is pressurized but not rotating. If the process gas is
extremely hazardous, toxic, or dirty, an external gas may be used
as a continuous buffer. If a startup gas is not available at a high
enough pressure, air operated booster systems are available to raise
the pressure of the process gas enough that it can be fed through
the buffer system and into the gas seals for startup.
The main gas seal contains the process gas within the casing.
Additionally, a separation seal is required between the main gas
seal and the compressor journal bearings. This seal protects the dry
gas seal from contamination by lubricating oil. It can be a labyrinth
seal or a circumferential carbon ring seal and will be buffered with
either nitrogen or instrument air.
If the process gas is used as a buffer gas for the main seal, and
the process is dirty or prone to liquid condensation, additional gas
conditioning devices may be required to ensure reliable dry gas
seal operation. These may be two-stage filters, knockout vessels, or
mechanical separators. Heating the buffer gas with an external
heater or steam tracing the lines may be employed to keep the gas
above its dew point and prevent liquid formation.
Figure 12. Typical Dry Gas Seal.
While the basic concept of the dry gas seal is common to all
There are a vast number of industries using compressors:
designs, different seal manufacturers provide different features or
chemical, petrochemical, and refining just to name a few, and they
optional features. The pattern of the grooves in the sealing surface
all incorporate numerous processes to meet specific objectives.
may work in only one direction of rotation (unidirectional) or can
Below, several different processes with unique sealing problems
work in either a clockwise or counterclockwise direction (bidirec-
are described. While these different processes possess unique char-
tional). O-rings may be used as static seals between parts, or
acteristics in each plant, many basic elements and components
nonelastomer designs are available to address temperature
required are common to each.
extremes and explosive decompression.
Dry Gas Seal Buffer System Hydrogen (H2) Recycle
To function properly, dry gas seals require a steady flow of gas Hydrogen recycle compressors are used in a variety of refinery
that is both clean and dry. This is provided by a buffer gas system processes including catalytic reforming (platforming), hydrocrack-
that consists of filters, a regulating device, and instrumentation. ing, and hydrotreating. While these different processes have
The amount of gas supplied to the seals is determined by supplying unique operating pressures, temperatures, and catalysts, many
it at a pressure 5 to 15 psi above the pressure to be sealed, or basic elements are common to them all. Since hydrotreating to
supplying a certain minimum flow. In either case, the excess flow remove sulfur is currently an important topic in refining, a simpli-
of filtered gas returns to the process across a labyrinth seal inboard fied process schematic of this process is shown in Figure 14 as an
of the gas seal cartridge. A supply system based on differential example.
pressure is shown in Figure 13.
converted into hydrocarbons and ammonia (NH3). Olefins and Chlorine gas containing a considerable amount of water vapor is
other unsaturated hydrocarbons are saturated by the addition of collected and sent to coolers to condense out a majority of the
hydrogen, producing stable hydrocarbons. Metallic impurities are water vapor. The chlorine gas is then sent to drying towers (sulfuric
absorbed physically onto the catalyst surface. The reactor effluent acid scrubbers) where it is scrubbed and sent off to the compres-
then is cooled and flows through a series of gas/liquid separators. sors. The compressor is typically used to control the suction
A water wash of the effluent may be included. In this example, a pressure. The chlorine temperatures must be kept below 250F to
steam stripper removes gas and naphtha leaving the low sulfur avoid any extreme reactivity. This is why chlorine compressors are
product. The gas from the final separator flows to an H2S scrubber typically intercooled.
where liquid amines are used to remove H2S from the recycle gas. The gas from the compressor discharge is then sent to the
Gas from the scrubber enters the inlet of the recycle compressor. expansion drum where any residual sulfuric acid remnants can be
Since hydrogen is consumed by the chemical reactions, a makeup discarded. The chlorine stream is then passed through a refriger-
compressor supplies additional hydrogen to the loop. This com- ated condenser to lower final temperatures for storage.
pressor is typically a reciprocating unit. Seal consideration for such a compressor can be a difficult task
Seal design for hydrogen recycle compressors has always been to accommodate the very necessary requirements for this erratic
a challenge to the compressor OEM and a potential source of process stream. Some of the challenges are:
downtime for the user. Some of the seal design challenges are:
Subatmospheric pressures.
High pressureup to 2500 psi. Process stream reactivity with organics.
Rotordynamic considerationsthe low molecular weight of
Positive seal required due to toxic nature of gas.
hydrogen recycle gas demands many stages (a long rotor) and high
rotational speeds for just a moderate pressure rise. Seals can con- Contamination from process gas.
tribute to vibration problems on an already sensitive rotor. Even though all the challenges mentioned are important, the
Venting of flammable process gas. highest priority toward the handling of Cl2 is the environment,
Contamination from process gas.
safety, and health (ES&H). These reasons are why an oil seal
cannot be utilized, and a restrictive-ring or dry gas seal must be
While all these considerations are important, it is the contami- chosen to minimize the posing dangers.
nation issue that causes most seal related shutdowns. In the past
liquid film seals were always used due to high pressure. Over the Ethylene (C2H4) Refrigeration
past 15 years there have been numerous gas seal retrofits. These The refrigeration process is a simple cycle in even the most
have not been without their own particular problems; therefore, complicated systems. All refrigerants function in a similar fashion,
careful consideration is required before choosing a retrofit. but the physical properties may vary from one to the other.
Refrigeration systems are made up of the same essential compo-
Chlorine (Cl2) nents: compressor(s), condenser(s), receiver, expansion valve, and
Chlorine compressors are unique and pose their own difficulties evaporator. A common layout of a refrigeration unit can be seen in
in operation and control. However, chlorine in itself is the most Figure 16.
threatening factor in its production, and the handling of it can be
treacherous. Chlorine in a gaseous or liquid form is nonexplosive
and nonflammable. However, it is toxic and an oxidizer, therefore
capable of supporting combustion. Chlorine also reacts readily
with many organics, sometimes violently.
The majority of all chlorine produced presently and in the past
50 years is manufactured by means of electrolysis of salt brine. A
basic and simplified schematic of the process is shown in Figure
15. As seen in the schematic, the process consists of an electrolytic
cell where chlorine is produced along with sodium hydroxide
(caustic soda) and hydrogen.
Seal consideration for such a compressor is probably one of the As with other compressor applications, the dry gas seal has been
simplest given the desire for a clean and oil-free process. Some of the seal of choice for retrofitting and installation for new wet gas
the challenges are: compressors. However, the dirty process poses a tremendous
Low inlet temperatures. problem to the supply of clean and dry buffer gas to the seal.
(LNG) plant in Indonesia. All the compressors utilized mechanical Contaminated seal leakage rates were several barrels a day and
contact seals without any significant problems or troubles, but oil higher. The time between seal parts change outs was as little as six
ingestion into the process had been a concern. Refer to Table 4 for months. Chemical attack of the babbitt had forced a change to cast-
operating conditions. iron bushing parts with no lining at all in the bores. Wear and
scoring of the shaft sleeves required complete removal of the com-
Table 4. Case AOperating Conditions. pressor bundle and replacement with a refurbished spare rotor
whenever seal leakage rates became too high. At times, raised
metal of the sleeve required the use of a cold chisel to allow
removal of the bushings. The basic seal design dated from the
1970s and was difficult to assemble. Missing or pinched O-rings
often led to startup delays. In operation the compressor internals
would foul with chlorides and require frequent water washing to
maintain performance. The process gas was dirty and there was no
alternate source of gas available. Refer to Table 6 for operating
Problem Resolution
Oil-free dry gas seals were installed to prevent oil ingestion. The
work was performed during a scheduled plantwide overhaul of the
be remachined to incorporate the gas seal, but this was not feasible
due to the required downtime. So the dry gas seal was designed to
fit into the existing housing. A new rotor was installed for per-
formance reasons, but was modified to accept either the original
mechanical contact seal or the new dry gas seal. This was a typical
request during older retrofits for the reason that the dry gas seal Problem Resolution
may not have performed as expected. Dry gas seals were quoted but rejected due to cost and concerns
The installation of a new buffer system to support the dry gas with reliability using the process gas as a buffer. A cartridge design
seal was required, which was very similar to that of Figure 13. oil film seal assembly was suggested by the user and agreed to by
the compressor manufacturer. This would allow the seals to be
Case Study B bench assembled and checked prior to installation, thus eliminating
concerns about damaged or missing O-rings. It was obvious that
improved materials were necessary. New seal bushing parts with
A wet gas compressor was originally supplied with a buffered gold babbitts were installed. The inboard labyrinth seal, located
labyrinth seal. The labyrinth buffer supply was steam, but with between the process and the oil seal assembly, was made from
time, extensive wear would increase flowrates and overload the carbon filled polyetheretherketone (PEEK) thermoplastic instead
ejectors. Refer to Table 5 for operating conditions. of aluminum. The spare rotor was reworked with tungsten carbide
coated shaft sleeves and installed (Figure 10).
Table 5. Case BOperating Conditions. Additionally, tungsten carbide spray coating was applied to the
vertical surfaces of the housings where they are contacted by the
floating bushings. This coating provides two related benefits. The
hardness of the coating minimizes the chance of the bushing
brinelling the surface of the housing. This has occasionally
happened on high-pressure seals. If the damage is severe, it can
prevent the bushing from floating with the shaft and cause it to act
like a bearing, creating subsynchronous rotor vibration. The other
benefit is the smooth surface finish of the coating will reduce the
coefficient of friction between the bushing and the housing; again
helping the bushing to float and remain centered on the shaft.
Problem Resolution Oil passages were enlarged on the new design to reduce internal
It was retrofit with a dry gas seal, buffered from compressor pressure drops of the supply oil and to promote better drainage of
discharge, with an optional fuel gas available. A seal oil system did the contaminated or sour oil. The contaminated drain was a partic-
not exist, due to the use of the labyrinth seals. The lube oil system ular concern to the user, as the traps would no longer be vented.
capacity would have to be increased to include the seals; therefore The series of eight radial slots in the drain area was replaced by
a separate seal oil system would have to be constructed. two large bottom slots aligned with the casing drain and two slots
in the top that connect to an equalizing line with the overhead seal
Case Study C oil tank.
During a scheduled turnaround at the end of October 2001 all
Background the affected compressors and turbines from the refinery were sent
Four hydrogen recycle compressors operating at an oil refinery to two of the manufacturers service shops. The compressors
in Louisiana had been having seal problems for many years. receiving upgraded seals were disassembled, cleaned, and
inspected. Any worn or damaged parts were replaced. The casings porting was required for the separation seal gas. The additional
were machined to add larger annuluses in the seal oil feed areas. connections were added with internal tubing. The casing design
Any restrictions in internal oil passages were removed by grinding. has less than perfect sealing, along the splitline in the seal area;
Vents were drilled into the sweet oil drain cavities, as these were therefore allowing some leakage along the outside diameter (OD)
not included in the original design. of the seal cartridge itself.
Before startup the oil system was cleaned by hydroblasting. The
first two compressors were started November 16, 2001. The new CONCLUSION
seals continue to operate with leakage less than 1 gal/2 hours/seal, There are many items to consider when a user is deciding if a dry
or about 10 to 12 gal/day, which is better than expected for seals of gas seal retrofit is justified. For some applications the decision will
this diameter with an oil to gas differential pressure of 8 or 9 psid. be simple, others will require more study. In most cases the
decision will be simple economics. In cases of dirty process gas,
Case Study D
there may be technical and reliability concerns as well.
Background Improvements to older seal technology can offer a reliable and
cost-effective alternative.
A hydrocarbon mix compressor of a very old design in an East
Coast refinery employed a single mechanical contact seal between BIBLIOGRAPHY
the drive coupling and the casing. All bearings operated in contact
with the process gas. Refer to Table 7 for operating conditions. API Standard 617, 2002, Axial and Centrifugal Compressors and
Expander-Compressors for Petroleum, Chemical and Gas
Table 7. Case DOperating Conditions. Industry Services, Seventh Edition, American Petroleum
Institute, Washington, D.C.
Gresh, M. T., 2001, Compressor Performance, Aerodynamics for
the User, Second Edition, Boston, Massachusetts: Butterworth-
Loomis, A. W., 1980, Compressed Air and Gas Data, Third Edition,
o WoodCliff Lake, New Jersey: Ingersoll-Rand Company.
Ross, S. L., Gresh, M. T., and Kranz, R. M., 2002, Compressor
Seals for Hydrogen Recycle Service, Proceedings of the
Thirty-First Turbomachinery Symposium, Turbomachinery