Ece 250 Final Project

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Taylor Lesko

ECE 260
December 4, 2016
Observation Project

Circle one age group/grade: 3-4 4-5 K 1st 2nd

Section 1. Physical Environment
Documentation/examples (15 points)

1. Equipment (general listing of large items)

Tables, chairs, computers, books, crayons, white board, projector, bulletin boards,
rug, backpack rack, TV and storage bins.

2. Indoors: The classroom was neat and accessible to any student. There were four
main tables in the classroom that were numbered 1-4. Each table had the correct
number of chairs needed for each student. The table had cubbies located underneath
the table so the child would be able to access their belongings. On top of each table
was a storage container that held all of the supplies that the students might need in
any given day (markers, crayons, pencils, colored pencils). By the end of each table
there is a bucket filled with books. In front of the room, there was a big rug that was
designated for the children to sit on.

In front of the rug is a white board and there was also a projector. To the left of the
rug there was a station for the computers. There were 6 computers for the children to
use during certain time periods.

The teacher had a main desk in the room and the table was in a curved shape. She
would be able to have multiple students at her desk at the same time.

There is also another reading station to the right of the room with a book shelf and
small chairs. Right next to the reading station there is an arts and craft section where
they could get extra supplies.

3. Outdoors: On an average day the kids get to enjoy the playground when being
outdoors. The playground is your normal set up that includes the slide, monkey bars,
a bridge, hanging bars and plenty of room for the children to run around.

4. Room arrangement (drawing of room arrangement) See attached file

5. Centers (include type of each center and materials available to children within that

The centers depended on what subject was being taught but the computers were an
important section for every child to meet. At the tables there were centers for the
students to do. One activity was using papers that were laminated and had a marker to
practice their alphabet. Another center in math had a paper that had numbers and they
had to use themed erasers to display the number correctly.

Another center was on the rug in the room and the students either looked at the white
board or looked at the teacher when she sat in a chair when she showed them a book.

A popular center was a rack that had a poster hanging up that had the kids place
magnets on it when finding sight words that they are learning.

*D. EVALUATION (15 points)

Computers The program provides enough equipment that a child can become engaged
in technology-based activities in a sustained, deep way. Boys and girls have equal access
and opportunity to use technology. Page 242. Each child gets 30 minutes a week that is
designated for computers. The use the computers to help teach students reading and math.
The boys and girls get the same amount of time on the computers.
Environment and schedule The daily schedule includes periods of activity and
movement and also quiet and restful times. Page 221. The students in this class get the
chance to walk around in centers, sit on the rug as a whole class to work together or read
stories and then they also get time at there desk to independently learn.
Environment and schedule Teachers and assistants provide a safe environment and
attentive supervision Page 221. During recess the children had a safe environment where
they could play with their peers and run around. The play ground was safe and had
supervision from Miss Stanley and other staff members.
Section 2. Curriculum (make appointment with teacher for interview)
Documentation/Examples (15 points)

1. Teacher's philosophy (interview of teacher): This is Miss Stanleys first year

teaching and she wants to teach life long learners. She wants her students to crave
learning by themselves. She believes that it is her mission to show children how
important learning is and how much joy it can bring to us if we keep a positive
outlook on school and our studies.

2. Center/School philosophy (copy of statement): The school philosophy at Reynaldo

Martinez elementary is, "Our mission at Reynaldo Martinez is to ensure all students are
hard workers, critical thinkers, and responsible citizens who can work cooperatively to
achieve academic success."

At the end of announcements every day they say Dream big, Work hard, be kind

3. Goals (What children are expected to learn): At this school they have a Martinez
Essential 15 that they want children to go by.

- We will address adults by saying Yes sir, No maam, or by name.

- We will make eye contact and track the speaker.

- We will use proper manners and use complete sentence to respond when appropriate.

- We will say thank you when given something as well as, will never insult something
or someone.

- We will never cut in line.

- We will walk with a purpose.

- We will follow specific classroom procedures.

- We will greet visitors and make them feel welcome.

- We will take pride in our school by picking up after our selves and others.

- We will always hold the door open for people rather than letting it close on them.

- We will say excuse me if someone bumps into them, even if it was not your fault.

- We will enter the building and classrooms quietly.

- We will accept that we are going to make mistakes, learn from them and move on.

- We will encourage and praise their classmates.

- We will how good sportsmanship in victory or defeat.

4.Program goals (should be found in parent handbook): The staff at Reynaldo Martinez
Elementary School takes pride in our students, curriculum and school. With an apparent
unparalleled dedication to education and the well being of every student, it's easy to see
what makes our school different. Education is the core of human & social advancement,
which is why we take great care and caution to ensure that we help every student
approach their education with an engaging, positive and effective manner. Going "the
extra mile" is just the beginning for every staff member of our school.
5. Classroom goals (interview of teacher): Miss Stanley said that she wants her classroom
management to improve. She wants her classroom to run smoothly and efficiently and
effectively. It is her first year teaching so she is finding out what does work correctly and
what does not. She wants her classroom to be a productive space that has a clear purpose
where children can achieve their goals.

6. Lesson Plans (A copy of at least one weeks plans) See attached file.

7. Individualization (interview of teacher concerning planning for individual

children's needs/learning styles/etc.): When planning for individual children she looks
at levels and moves tables/groups around. She likes to put people who are similar in
range together so they can be on the same activities at the same time. She also likes
having students with lower grades next to children doing better so that they can learn
off of one another.

Miss Stanley makes smaller groups for a rotation that would come to her desk. These
smaller groups would consist of children who are on the same level for learning. She
would then go over lesson plans with them so it could be more personalized. If she
felt that some children need more time on their own then she would find a time to
pull certain children aside so they can get the one on one learning they need to grow.

*E. EVALUATION (15 points)

Integrated with teaching and curriculum- Teachers look at what each child can do
independently but also assess collaborative work with peers and adults. Page 250. Miss
Stanley wants to make smaller groups so she can focus on what each individual needs.
After the smaller groups get the attention they need in certain subjects she then moves to
one on one time in case students need more.
Teaching methods Teachers use a variety of instructional strategies to suit particular
learning goals and the needs of individual children Page 223. Miss Stanley is teaching
her first year of kindergarten and she is finding out quickly what works best by using a
variety of strategies.
Building classroom community Teachers respect the diversity of the classroom
community, providing activities and initiating discussions that explore the cultures and
languages Page 220. At Reynaldo Martinez Elementary they are about promoting
diversity in the classroom so every child can grow into the best learner they can be.

Section 3. Guidance (3 specific objective observations for each)

Documentation/Examples (15 points)

1. Routines (specific objective observations of routines being carried out)

1. In the morning there is a time where the teacher goes over the pledge of
allegiance. After the pledge of allegiance is done Miss Stanley always has
them start off with Zoo phonics. It is a song that goes over the alphabet with
the child and has a dance that accompanies the song. Miss Stanley told the
children that she wants to play this song every morning so that everyone
can learn the alphabet quickly.

2. The next routine was cleaning up at the end of the day. The children knew
that they had to clean up their work area and stack their chairs by their
table. Any work or handouts needed to be in their backpacks. They put their
backpacks on and wait in front of their desk with their arms folded and look
towards the teacher. The bus takers went first and lined up nicely. After the
bus children left and it was time for everyone else to line up quietly and
walk to where their parents would pick them up.

1. Classroom rules (specific objective observations of posted rules as and/or how

children are reminded of rules)

1. She has rules posted in the front of the room that are eye catching and visible for
every child to read. The heading of the poster says How to be a Great Student!
and gives examples like I will use my brain, I will listen and look at my
teacher, I will raise my hand to ask a question, and I will always do my best.
Although not all of the instructions are actually considered rules, they are friendly
reminders for the children to be the best they can be. When a child is blurting out
an answer to a question with out raising their hand, Miss Stanley corrected the
child by saying It is nice that you know the answer (insert childs name here) but
you want to make sure you raise our hand to show me that you know the answer.
I noticed another time when a child said an answer to a question without raising
their hand, she replied with We need to make sure to raise our hands so that we do
not say the answer when someone didnt know it! Everyone needs to use their

2. Another set of rules that were posted on the white board were STAR RULES.
These rules consisted of

- Sit in a learning position.

- Track.
- Answer on signal.
- Respect others.

I observed these rules come into play in the classroom when a little boy was reaching
across the table with his whole body spread out trying to reach supplies. She asked him
why he was reaching all over the table. He said he was trying to reach for the letter

She reinforced his behavior by letting him know that because he did not sit nicely in his
chair he ceased being productive and became a distraction for his classmates. Miss
Stanley told him that, Its not nice to stop others from learning and that is why we need
to be respectful of our surroundings.

1. Teacher Interactions (Specific objective observations of how teacher interacts

with children during regular activities/lessons)

1. Miss Stanley talked to her students in a welcoming and friendly voice. In the
morning when the kids arrived they were so quick to tell her about what went on
in their lives over night. For every story that she was told she showed a sincere
interest. One little girl went up to her and told her I missed school yesterday
because mommy passed out at the shelter. Miss Stanley then asked if her mom
was okay and gave her a big hug and said We missed you yesterday and are so
happy you are back today.
2. During the observation, a fire drill went off and startled some of the kids in the
class. Once she got all of her children outside she then went to check on the two
girls that were crying. She told them I know it can be scary but you have to stay
strong! I know you two are big girls, now give me a big hug so we can be happy
and get back to learning!

2. Guidance Techniques (Specific objective observations of the teacher utilizing


1. In her classroom she a poster board that has four different stages. In the middle of
the four stages there is a poster that says On the right trail that holds clothespins
that say every students name. Above the middle poster are two signs that say
junior ranger and smore great effort. Below the middle sign says check your
compass and forest fire.

When every ever a child does something remarkably good or bad they get told to move
their name up or down depending on their actions. She only asked two students to move
their pin down once when they continued to not follow the directions. She gave them
each two warnings. When she told them to move down their pin, she said Im going to
ask you to move your pin down and I want you to go back to your seat and put your head
down so you can have a couple minutes to your self to think about your choices.

After their time was up she then called them over to her desk to ask them why they think
they had to move their pin down. She then told them that they could go back to work and
she wants them to work hard so they can move their pins back up to where they should
2. During the observation Miss Stanley was teaching a student how to read sight
words. She would point at a word and read it off once. She then would have the
student use their finger to follow the letters of the word. When the student
struggled putting the full word together like (mad-mmm aaaaddd duuuhh) she
would have them sound out every letter in the word when she pointed at it. The
guidance from pointing at each letter helped the child put all the sounds together
to pronounce mad. After the child correctly pronounced the word she then would
say Kiss your brain!.

*E. EVALUATION (15 points)

Communication and language use- Teachers talk often and warmly with every child
getting to know children, building positive relationships with them, and gathering
information about them Page 224. Miss Stanley listened to every child when they had
something exciting to tell her in the morning. Especially when the little girl brought up
her experience at the shelter. Miss Stanley was genuine and cared about her experience.
Guidance Teachers model and encourage clam, patient behavior and facilitate
childrens development of self regulation by supporting them in thinking Page 227.
When her students were crying about the fire drill she then encourages them to stop
crying by being positive and caring
Fostering positive relationships Teachers design all classrooms activities to allow for
the full participation of all children, including those who are not fluent in English Page
219. Miss Stanley help make positive relationships for all children because even if they
didnt know the alphabet perfectly or spoke English she took the time to make sure every
could pronounce the word. It made them so happy once they correctly said the word.

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