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Adjustment Checklist

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Adjustment Checklist

Name: Class: Year: 2017

Primary Disability: Physical
Level of Adjustment: QTP
Have Parents/Carers been consulted regarding Teacher:
Consultation examples include: Phone calls, learning support team meetings, parent/teacher night, letters from specialists and doctors,
communication book, diary entries, conversation records, minutes of meetings, photographs, video recordings, documented observations
Reading Adjustments Writing Adjustments
High interest instructional level reading materials, Personal spelling dictionary
including multimodal texts Activities to reinforce spelling words eg: flash cards,
Highlight the key information lists on the students desk
Reduce content to include only vital information Word banks eg: sight/theme words
Provide key words with picture cues Provide reference material/work samples
Pre-teach special/technical vocabulary Divide paper into clearly marked sections
Provide a sound chart eg: Best Start Chunk Chart Scaffolds with model sentences
Have the student read independently each day Sentence starters
Use large type Graphic Organisers
Provide buff/blue/coloured paper instead of white Cloze exercises or multiple choice questions
Provide more oral feedback than written Teach memory strategies
Use a ruler to help track lines of text Reduce length of writing task
A reading strategy desktop prompt Allow a scribe
Use group work/peer based learning strategies Use alternatives to demonstrate learning eg: oral
explanation, PowerPoint etc
Mathematics Adjustments
Assessment Adjustments
Highlight maths symbols/keywords
Extra time/break time
Visual supports eg: number line, hundreds chart
Assessment on coloured paper
Varied manipulatives eg: counters, Unifix
Enlarged print
Daily drill activities eg: ten frames
Use oral testing
Reduce the number of activities/math problems
Use of a reader
Draw pictures to illustrate maths problems
Use of a scribe
A calculator to check answers to maths problems
More time to complete a task
Conduct assessment in quiet room
Classroom Adjustments Pictorial prompts to support comprehension
Seating eg: closer to the teachers, board etc Attempt and complete fewer activities/tasks
Establish class rules and review often Practice taking similar test questions
Use a visual timetable Permit student to use word processing
Stand near student when giving instructions Other:
Seat student near the teacher
Additional Support Programs/Learning Assistance
Assign student to low-distraction area
Learning & Support Teacher LAST
Seat student near positive peer models
EAL/D Teachers
Extra workspace
School Learning Support Officer SLSO
Consider sensory needs including noise
Reading Recovery Program
Colour coding for group organisation
Outside Support Agency
Clear desk between tasks of unessential items
Norta Norta Tutor
Arrange classroom for visibility and movement
Multilit Program
Finished box
Minilit Program
Consider sensory issues including noise
Itinerant Teacher
School Counsellor
Peer Tutoring/support
Parent Tutor
Adjustment Checklist
Autism Spectrum Disorder Adjustments Speech & Language Adjustments
Visual timetable & visual supports Additional modelling and concrete examples
Autism Spectrum learner profile A sensory/fidget toy during whole class listening
Use a feeling chart/emotional thermometer activities eg: Squeeze ball
Set up a home/school communication book Choral reading with a peer
Repetitive routines & activities Send home materials to preview
Social stories/scripts which explain to the student Checklists for sequencing and completing tasks
how to interact in specific situations Other:
Use specific praise
Use the students name at the start of a sentence Resources/Equipment
Seat the student close to the board/teacher IPad, ICT, assistive Technology
Use explicit, systematic instructions Sensory Aides eg: cushions, fidget toys etc
Break tasks into small achievable steps OT resources pencil grips/other
Have a particular time of day when the child can Slope boards
talk about isolated interests Blue paper
Use students favourite activities to motivate Magnified overlay
More time to process verbal and visual information FM Transmitter, hearing device
Provide breaks eg: book corner, have a drink, timer Concrete learning materials
Use sensory/fidget toys to improve concentration Wheelchair accessible desk
Teach social skills Modified furniture
Use a token chart to target behaviours IWB Coloured background
Other: Visuals/communication cards
Behaviour Support Adjustments
Establish classroom rules and refer to them often School Environment
Consistent routines and structure Ramps/handrails
Give available choices and logical consequences Disabled facilities
Teach the student ways to gain self-control eg: Quiet / timeout area eg: library, playground
count to ten, talk with a teacher etc Gates/rooms locked
Communicate with parents eg: face to face, SLSO on playground
communication book Other:
Provide constant, positive reinforcement for
appropriate/on task behaviour Planning
Give clear, short instructions one at a time Health Care Plan
Inform changes to the routine ahead of time Partial enrolment/negotiated attendance
Use a voice level chart Learning & Support team minutes
Praise a particular students behaviour to prompt Integration meetings
others Personalised Learning Support Plan (PLSP)
Other: Personalised Learning Plan (PLP)
Differentiated learning
Content & Delivery Adjustments
SMART goals
State learning outcomes at the start of the lesson
WALT (What are we learning today?) & WILF (What am I looking for?)
Risk Assessment
Alert student by using their name when new or Behaviour Management Plan
important information is going to be introduced OOHC Plan
Chunk content and tasks into achievable steps Individual /visual timetable
Visual aides with oral presentation Excursion planning
Explicit instruction I do, we do, you do Individual/visual timetable
Random student selection (names out of a hat) Visual prompts/displays
Highlight instruction/key words Social stories
Acknowledge effort no matter how small Autism Spectrum Planning Matrix
Reward effort more than achievement Other:
Ask student to repeat instruction
Remind student to stay on task Sign:
Give specific and timely feedback eg: well done using
your number line to solve the addition problem

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