Tailings Management
Tailings Management
Tailings Management
Tailings Management
This publication was produced jointly by the Ministerial Council on Mineral and Petroleum Resources
and the Minerals Council of Australia.
ISR 2003/091
ISBN 0 642 72243 9
2003. This work is copyright to the Ministerial Council on Mineral and Petroleum Resources
(MCMPR). It may be reproduced in whole or in part subject to the inclusion of an acknowledgment of
the source and no commercial usage or sale. Reproduction for purposes other than those indicated
above, require written permission from the MCMPR Secretariat, GPO Box 9839, Canberra ACT 2601
International ix
Industry ix
1.4 Innovation 4
1.5 Benchmarking 4
2.3 Responsiveness 7
4.3 Compliance 15
4.4 Reporting 15
Standards and Guidelines 19
References 21
Definitions 22
Acronyms 23
Box 1 Tailings Storage Facility or Tailings Dam vii
Tailings is the fine grained waste material remaining after the economically recoverable metals
and minerals have been extracted. The physical and chemical composition varies with the nature
of the material being processed, and the process itself. These differences, along with the location
of the operation, will dictate the level of management required for the tailings and for the tailings
storage facility.
The ultimate purpose of a tailings impoundment is to contain fine grained tailings, often with a
secondary purpose of conserving water for use in the mine or mill. This has to be accomplished in
a cost-effective manner that provides for long-term stability of the embankment structure and the
impounded tailings and the long-term protection of the environment (US EPA, 1994).
Nash (1998) makes the following observation.
Tailings continue to concern the industry as well as regulators and the general public due
to several highly newsworthy tailings dam failures. Several such failures have arisen from
unexpected natural events, while others seem to be related to a deficiency in some aspects
of the tailings life cycle. The mining industry strives to minimise human error in tailings
disposal systems through improved technology and management practices.
The mining industry has long sought to strike a balance between economic, social and environmental
factors. In recent years the term sustainability has come to represent this approach. Sustainability is
most commonly defined as a condition in which the needs of the present generation are met without
compromising the ability of future generations to meet their needs. Applying this approach to tailings
management requires consideration of many aspects of the activity.
Application of the principles of good environmental stewardship based on elements such as waste
minimisation, continual improvement and innovation is essential to the development of a sustainable
approach. Effective engagement with stakeholders is also required if businesses are to implement
sustainable solutions to tailings management challenges. To continue to meet the expectations of
communities with respect to sustainability, operators must strive for excellence in the management of
risks and implementation of both the operational works and the closure plans for tailings facilities.
A key objective of this Strategic Framework for Tailings Management is to encourage the mining
industry to take a longer-term approach to the planning of tailings storage facilities. One of the
factors critical to the final rehabilitation of a tailings storage facility is the management of the tailings
deposition during the mining operation. Without systematic tailings deposition and careful water
management, the final rehabilitation could be very costly, at a time when cash flow is limited or
non-existent. Much of this challenge can be overcome by adequate planning, associated with good
tailings management and the use of a sound technical approach early in the life of the facility.
The Strategic Framework
This Strategic Framework for Tailings Management has evolved as a cooperative development between
the Ministerial Council on Mineral and Petroleum Resources (MCMPR) and the Australian Minerals
Industry (represented by the Minerals Council of Australia (MCA)). It is designed to provide a broadly
consistent framework for tailings management across the various Australian jurisdictions.
The Strategic Framework is not a detailed set of guidelines for tailings management. There is already
a comprehensive body of codes, guidelines and procedures relating to tailings management (see the
end of this document for a list of some of the key documents). However, it is anticipated that, as both
government and industry review and update these regulations, there will emerge a consistency of
purpose reflecting the principles of this Framework and leading to an increase in the effectiveness of
tailings management. It is hoped that these initiatives will reflect, and further develop, the principles
outlined in this document.
The Strategic Framework is designed to cover a broad range of mining and mining related activities.
In this context, mineral processing is considered part of the broader mining function. While it is
acknowledged that the focus of the Strategic Framework is primarily on improving tailings related
activities at operating mines, the principles are relevant to a broad range of activities.
Box 1 Tailings Storage Facility or Tailings Dam
There is some confusion in the use of the terms Tailings Dam and Tailings Storage Facility.
They are variously used to define the overall disposal facility and/or the physical dam wall.
The two terms have precise meanings as used in this document.
Tailings Storage Facility is defined as an area used to confine tailings. It refers to the
overall facility, and may include one or more tailings (or water) dams.
Tailings Dam is defined as an artificial embankment used to retain tailings.
The regulation of tailings (and tailings storage facilities) in Australia is principally a State and Territory
matter. The Commonwealth Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 has
established a new and nationally consistent framework for environmental assessment of new projects
and variations to existing projects, based on consultative agreements between the Commonwealth and
State and Territory Governments. Issues related to tailings management are an important consideration
in the assessment process for mining proposals at both the State and Federal levels.
1 As an example, in New South Wales, the Dams Safety Committee oversees dam regulation under the
Dams Safety Act (1978).
At an international level, the International Commission on Large Dams (ICOLD) and the National
Committees of its 81 member countries, provides a forum for technical interaction amongst dam
designers and constructors. ICOLD has numerous technical committees that publish Bulletins giving
guidance on various aspects of dam design, construction and monitoring.
For its part, the mining industry has responded directly to heightened community concerns
regarding tailings management through the development of voluntary codes and guidelines.
This is illustrated by the initiative of the Mining Association of Canadas (MAC) development of A
Guide to the Management of Tailings Facilities. This guide was developed through a collaborative
effort by representatives of the Canadian mining industry to provide guidance on good practices for
the safe and environmentally responsible management of tailings facilities (MAC, 1998). Its purpose
is threefold:
to provide information on safe and environmentally responsible management of
tailings facilities;
to help companies develop tailings management systems that include environmental
and safety criteria; and
to improve the consistency of application of sound engineering and management
principles to tailings facilities.
While there is no equivalent industry guideline for tailings management in Australia, the industrys
commitment to improved tailings management is evident through the development of mechanisms
such as the Australian Mining Industry (2000) Code for Environmental Management (the Code)
and through the adoption of international environmental management system standards such as
ISO 14001. The Code encourages self-regulation by the industry, with improved performance and
enhanced community consultation as key components. Some key elements of the Code in relations to
tailings management include:
applying risk management techniques on a site-specific basis to achieve sound
environmental outcomes over the life of the project;
developing contingency plans to address residual risk;
ensuring resources are adequate to implement the environmental plans during
operations and closure;
minimising wastes through recycling, and by re-using process residues; and
encouraging external involvement in monitoring, reviewing and verifying our
environmental performance.
The Minerals Council of Australia recognises nine key principles of effective tailings management in
its Tailings Management Policy adopted in April 2000. The key principles are to:
adopt a risk-based approach;
minimise the production of tailings and maximise their safe re-use;
ensure all tailings structures are operationally stable, able to be rehabilitated and
retain their long-term integrity;
consider economic, environmental and social aspects in all stages of tailings
management to minimise short- and long-term impacts;
contribute to focused and relevant research into strategic issues aimed at improved
tailings management;
share knowledge and expertise across industry on best practice approaches;
recognise that effective stakeholder involvement is essential for successful planning,
management and closure of tailings storage facilities;
promote understanding of potential community health issues relating to tailings; and
effectively monitor and report on tailings management practice.
To adopt a stewardship approach to the safe management of tailings.
1. Commit to the implementation of best practice in tailings management.
2. Select mineral treatment and tailings management practices to minimise potential
impacts on the environment.
3. Manage for continual improvement.
4. Promote and sponsor innovation.
5. Benchmark operations against industry standards and community expectations.
To engage with the community and other stakeholders on issues of concern.
1. Identify key stakeholders and provide appropriate information for their needs.
2. Establish consultative processes to ensure ongoing engagement with the community.
3. Respond to community concerns in a transparent and effective manner.
To promote and facilitate a systematic and effective approach to minimising risks associated
with the transportation and storage of tailings.
1. Ensure that risk assessment is an integral component of feasibility studies,
facility design, and operations.
2. Adopt risk management principles in the design, construction, and operation of
the tailings storage facility.
3. Develop and implement effective emergency response plans in consultation with
regulators and the community.
To develop and implement effective processes for tailings management.
1. Provide the necessary information, training and resources to effectively
manage tailings.
2. Implement appropriate operational controls including procedures, monitoring
and audit programmes.
3. Comply with all applicable laws and regulations.
4. Report tailings volume, composition and containment performance information on a
regular basis to management, appropriate authorities and stakeholders.
To ensure the effective long-term stability of tailings storage facilities.
1. Ensure tailings closure planning is an integral component of project development,
design and operations.
2. Minimise the potential environmental impacts of decommissioned tailings facilities
by designing for long-term stability.
3. Ensure that an effective monitoring programme is in place to demonstrate that the
agreed completion criteria have been achieved.
Stewardship is an approach to natural resource management that is based on the idea of the developer
being a temporary custodian of community assets. In the development of mineral resources this
approach is particularly appropriate since most ore bodies are eventually depleted and mines,
along with their associated infrastructure, are then decommissioned. Stewardship implies that the
proponent will take account of the foreseeable effects and consequences of the development and
will seek to minimise the cost of the current development to future generations. Thus acceptance
of stewardship principles includes efforts to achieve high standards in the reduction of wastes and
their management, and a commitment to continual improvement. This imperative, to look beyond the
narrow confines of production, will bring a new approach to the management of mine tailings.
As one of the biggest issues facing the minerals industry, tailings management will benefit from
adopting a more holistic view. Managers need to understand the potential impacts that begins with
reagent input and ends with the establishment of viable alternative land uses on decommissioned
tailings storage facilities.
1.2 Waste minimisation
Select mineral treatment and tailings management practices to minimise potential impacts on the
The principles of waste minimisation include the reduction of waste stream volumes and/or toxicity.
Beneficial outcomes can be achieved by process changes that reduce the generation of wastes,
re-direct wastes to useful purposes or modify wastes so they are more benign to the environment.
For example, process improvements that reduce the use of toxic reagents can result in a less toxic
waste stream and cost savings to the operator.
It is now widely accepted that industry should implement the principles of waste minimisation in the
management of production activities. This means that managers use the waste management hierarchy
(Box 2) as a guide to assist them in making decisions. Waste characterisation is a key prerequisite to
adopting one or more of these strategies.
Avoidance or elimination of wastes is not practical in most cases for mine tailings, although it
may be possible to reduce the volume of tailings at some mines. In addition, some technologies
which offer promise for elimination of tailings wastes, such as in-situ solution mining, introduce
other environmental risks. In general, however, operators should demonstrate commitment to the
improvement of tailings management practice and the better use of tailings wherever feasible.
This approach should commence at the project design stage with a rigorous examination of available
technologies. Regular re-evaluation of tailings disposal strategies should then be a part of the ongoing
management system for the operation.
Box 2 Waste Management Hierarchy
In general, managers should use the following hierarchy to guide decisions about appropriate processes,
technology and management of wastes.
In order of preference:
1. Avoidance where possible, processes or materials should be changed to eliminate the
generation of the waste.
2. Reuse some wastes may be useful as feedstock for other processes.
3. Recycling the raw materials contained in the waste may be reusable for further
4. Recovery of energy wastes may be useful as fuel for energy production or substitution.
5. Treatment it may be possible to make wastes innocuous by further treatment or
6. Containment secure storage of wastes in facilities that are isolated from the
environment is often preferable to discharge.
7. Disposal discharge of waste to the environment under controlled conditions and in a
manner which does not harm the beneficial uses is the final alternative.
implementing appropriate changes to practices or equipment; and
setting new objectives and goals.
This is an iterative process and requires a long-term commitment to improvement by all levels of
The implementation of significant improvement to an existing operation requires careful planning,
and will often involve incremental change over a long period. In addition to good operational
management systems, these constraints underscore the need for careful planning prior to development
of a facility.
1.4 Innovation
Promote and sponsor innovation.
Strategic research can be a powerful tool for identification and development of new technologies
for the management of tailings. Research projects can be conducted at a small scale appropriate for
individual operations, or may be much larger and only practical as collaborative projects sponsored
by many stakeholders. Operators should evaluate their needs and decide on an appropriate research
strategy for their circumstances. Where mine geology or local conditions create unique challenges, it
is appropriate that the operator develop site specific research projects to address those issues. It may
also be desirable for individual companies to fund research directed to improvements in technologies
or processes specific to their operations. However, all operators should also consider participation
in broader research programmes aimed at more general improvement in the management of tailings.
Operators should consider forming strategic alliances to identify and promote useful research.
Operators should also maintain processes for regular review of relevant technical literature to ensure
that they are aware of emerging technologies and can direct their own research or development
resources to the best effect. There is a need to encourage and improve information exchanges on a
variety of tailings related policy and technical issues. This will improve the ability of both industry and
the regulator to locate the practical guidance they need to make effective day-to-day decisions.
The outcomes from sponsored research and work by others should be evaluated regularly.
Current management and operational practices should be reviewed in light of any new technologies
1.5 Benchmarking
Benchmark operations against industry standards and community expectations.
To ensure best practice is achieved it is essential that effective communication is maintained with both
the wider industry and the community.
Operators should maintain close contact with other companies and industry organisations.
Current tailings management systems should be regularly benchmarked against those in operation at
other sites and those regarded in the wider industry as state of the art in technology and operation.
Knowledge and expertise relating to tailings management should be shared and other operators
should be encouraged to also implement best practice technologies and systems.
While technically sound operational systems may provide good protection for the environment,
they may not be fully adequate if key concerns held in the local community are not also addressed.
Mechanisms for community consultation should be used to ensure management has a good
understanding of community expectations and concerns in relation to tailings management. Those
concerns should also be considered in any programme for continual improvement.
The challenge for the mining industry is to assure itself, regulators, local communities and other
stakeholders that it is capable of meeting its responsibilities to manage tailings in a manner which
achieves the highest standards (Brehaut, 1998).
Continual and constructive engagement between the community and the company is essential
if confidence and trust are to be created. Successful consultation may lead to improved mutual
understanding, a decrease in public criticism and adverse publicity, less contention during planning
and environmental permitting, less prescriptive regulatory controls, and greater confidence in a
companys environmental programme.
Objective: to engage with the community and other stakeholders on issues of concern.
2.3 Responsiveness
Respond to community concerns in a transparent and effective manner.
Establishing effective consultation structures and procedures during the development phase of a
project is essential to ensuring that all opinions are considered in the design of the tailings storage
facility. Community concerns must continue to be identified and considered during operations,
and system performance must be verified in a transparent manner (Brehaut, 1998). By demonstrating
a commitment to high standards, and responding to community issues in an effective manner,
industry can satisfy most of the concerns of key stakeholders.
Being amongst the largest man-made structures, tailings storage facilities present significant safety,
health, environmental and financial hazards that must be managed to ensure risk levels are minimised.
Although there are many possible mechanisms of failure, it can be argued that the majority of tailings
related incidents can be avoided through effective management. In particular, all tailings design and
management guidelines advocate a risk-based approach to tailings management.
Risk management encompasses the regular assessment of facility performance against its design,
during which process the likelihood and consequence of identified hazards are rigorously assessed
(Box 3). The result allows clear definition and prioritisation of the actions required to minimise the
occurrence or impact of the risks. .
Risk management principles can also be applied to hazards incidental to the operation of tailings
facilities such as impacts on fauna, generation of dust, odour or other environmental effects.
Appropriate cost-effective modifications and response strategies should be implemented to reduce
the risks to a level acceptable to all stakeholders. An appropriate risk management programme can
ensure that:
incidents associated with tailings transportation and storage can be minimised;
organisations have a risk-based tailings management strategy to minimise
environmental, health, safety and business risks;
monitoring of key performance indicators against design parameters is used to
identify hazards, assess risks and prioritise action plans;
all risks and scheduled actions are reviewed regularly and subject to periodic audits;
tailings risk management performance is reported to the highest management level
to promote transparency and to maintain risk awareness and to focus management
attention; and
tangible financial and social benefits accrue through implementation of a responsible
risk-based tailings management process.
3.1 Risk assessment
Ensure that risk assessment is an integral component of feasibility studies, facility design
and operations.
Risk assessment can be quantitative, qualitative or a combination of both, tailored to suit the
complexity of the facility, the type of risk and the participants skills level. Generally, the steps are:
1. identify the possible hazards or types of incidents;
2. assess the likelihood or probability that an incident may occur;
3. assess the potential consequences of an incident; and
4. implement risk mitigation actions according to priority ranking.
Where the emphasis is on pro-active incident avoidance, a qualitative approach is recommended.
The risk assessment team, comprising a variety of operational roles, agree a qualitative assessment
of risk, and schedule actions in order of agreed priority ranking. Quantitative risk assessment may
be applicable to specific hazards relating to technical or design issues requiring closer definition for
more accurate assessment and comparison.
Risk assessments should be updated on a regular basis to ensure currency, and to take account of
altered processes or changing circumstances.
Box 3
3.2 Risk mitigation
Adopt risk management principles in the design, construction and operation of the tailings
storage facility.
The design of all components of tailings storage facilities should be carried out by competent
practitioners. Appropriate investigations must be carried out to provide comprehensive design data
and a robust design. Mitigation of risks should be undertaken in the following order of preference:
elimination or substitution which is a permanent solution that eliminates the hazard
altogether or substitutes one that presents a lower risk; then
engineering controls or safety measures to reduce risk; then
administrative controls which reduce or eliminate exposure to a hazard by adherence
to procedures or instructions.
This risk-based design approach should clearly identify the lead indicators which need to be
monitored during operation to minimise the risk of a failure or incident. The design of tailings storage
and transportation facilities should attempt to minimise potential impacts by including automated
monitoring systems and contingency elements such as flow diversion barriers.
Construction quality control by competent practitioners is important in ensuring that all elements of
the facility are constructed in accordance with the design specifications.
Daily inspections by operations personnel and regular performance and risk audits by competent
geotechnical engineers should monitor key performance indicators against the design. The frequency
of the audits should ensure that there is sufficient time to implement remedial actions where
Operational monitoring should be used to validate the assumptions of the risk management plan and
to indicate aspects of the operation where further risk assessment is warranted. Where monitoring
or audit indicates deficiencies in previous risk assessment or reduction activities, there should be a
clearly defined process for review of those measures.
The results of risk audits and risk assessments should be reported to the highest levels of
management within the organisation to deter complacency in actioning risk avoidance measures.
Management should ensure responsibility is clearly assigned for actions critical to the management of
risks and that outcomes are reviewed on a regular basis.
operate in isolation, especially when it comes to the safety and well-being of our
surrounding communities.
Each facility should have an emergency response plan to ensure that:
all potentially affected parties understand the possible causes and consequences of
tailings failures or incidents; and
a warning system is in place to ensure that all potentially affected persons are isolated
from the impacts of a tailings failure.
Emergency response should also include strategies to minimise the impact of a failure, but such
actions should only be implemented if there is no danger to personal safety.
Emergency response procedures should include provision for de-briefing and analysis of incidents
and to ensure appropriate changes are made to risk management measures.
Much is said about the need to ensure that all tailings storage facilities are operationally stable,
able to be rehabilitated and retain their long-term integrity (MAC, 1998). There is clearly an imperative
to avoid environmental, health and safety impacts.
The process for tailings management must commence at the very inception of mine development.
It should be factored into every aspect of the mines planning processes. The handling and storage
of tailings should be considered at every design and decision making stage and should account for
the specific requirements of the process under consideration, siting of operation, consideration of
alternatives and ultimately the cost of closure2.
An effective management system involves:
top management commitment and the setting of challenging but achievable
plans, procedures, and resources to attain the objectives;
communicating the companys objectives and expectations to employees;
providing employees with the necessary resources, training and incentives;
monitoring progress and adjusting objectives and methods accordingly; and
transparent performance reporting.
2 Issues to do with risk assessment and management and closure are dealt with elsewhere in this document
and also in ANZMEC/MCA (2000) Strategic Framework for Mine Closure.
establishment of a tailings management team, selected for their knowledge, skills and competency
in planning, designing and managing all aspects of tailings operations. The membership of the team
may vary from time to time depending on the demands at different stages of development however
their roles, responsibilities and authority should be clearly defined and understood (MAC, 1998).
The tailings management team will be held responsible for all aspects of tailings management. It will
establish and set the objectives from conceptual planning through to final closure within the following
broad objectives:
identifying and managing risk, including the identification and evaluation of possible
failure modes, performance monitoring, and developing contingency and emergency
response plans;
managing the changes that are often required during the implementation of plans; and
providing the resources and scheduling to effectively implement the plans. This will
include, staffing, specialised skills development, technology and financial resources.
Managers are accountable to ensure that competent and suitably qualified people are involved in all
stages of the process. Where these are not available then training should be undertaken to enable the
development of existing personnel. This is applicable to staff, contractors and consultants, and for all
levels of relevant personnel in the management structure.
Management should ensure all relevant staff are aware of their roles and responsibilities in the
process and that they understand the potential risks and impacts of their actions. Ongoing monitoring
and assessment of staff performance should ensure they are cognisant of these responsibilities and
that they are aware of any changes that may have taken place.
providing for routine and regular inspection, monitoring and reporting on the
performance of the tailings facility; and
senior management due diligence review of the whole process including policy,
objectives and performance of the designs and management processes.
4.3 Compliance
Comply with all applicable laws and regulations.
It is essential that the statutory requirements for the design, construction, operation and closure of the
tailings storage facility are identified and understood. These may vary between different jurisdictions,
so it will be essential to verify particular requirements with local authorities.
There is a move towards less prescriptive and more enabling legislation that places the onus of
responsibility on the developer. This duty of care approach firmly places the responsibility and
accountability on the operator and emphasises the need for effective risk assessment and management
in the design, construction, operation and closure of the tailings storage facility.
4.4 Reporting
Report tailings volume, composition and containment information on a regular basis to management,
appropriate authorities, and key stakeholders.
The most important aspect of reporting is to ensure that the results of monitoring are routinely fed
back to management in a manner which enhances their understanding of the operation of the tailings
transport and storage facility. This will improve management efficiency, and encourage preventative
maintenance and timely changes to management procedures.
Relevant information in regard to the design and construction of the facility should be reported.
Typically designers need to clearly define the parameters and assumptions that are made in the design
process and develop an appropriate design response. Reports should document parameters important
to the design and verify their application in construction. The retention of construction records is
essential for the effective monitoring of long-term performance.
A key component in any management process is feedback on how the process is working.
Due diligence review of tailings management is no exception. Reporting should be on a regular basis
and should reflect the true status and performance of the tailings storage facility. It should record key
performance aspects of the facility and should summarise and provide comment on the implications
of monitoring results with recommendations for changes where necessary.
Statutory agencies require regular reporting to demonstrate compliance with the conditions of
approvals and licences, as well as the overall performance of the tailings storage facility.
This information should be complementary to data the tailings management team use in their own
internal monitoring and assessment of the facility for ongoing management decisions.
All man-made structures remaining after mine closure should be physically and chemically stable
(Ricks, 1997). The closed tailings storage facility should present no hazard to public health and safety,
or the environment, as a result of failure or physical deterioration. At any time, it should be capable of
performing the functions for which it was designed.
There are a number of objectives that need to be considered when planning the final land form of a
tailings storage facility (EPA, 1995b). They include:
containing/encapsulating tailings to prevent leaching into ground and surface waters;
providing surface drainage and erosion protection to prevent surface water
transporting tailings from the storage area;
providing a stabilised surface cover to prevent wind erosion; and
designing the closure to minimise post-closure maintenance.
The sections below deal specifically with the closure of tailings storage facilities. The broader
principles of mine closure can be found in ANZMEC/MCA (2000) Strategic Framework for Mine
5.2 Long-term stability
Minimise the potential environmental impacts of decommissioned tailings facilities by designing for
long-term stability.
The potential environmental impacts of decommissioned tailings facilities include water and
windblown particulate dispersal, groundwater contamination and acid drainage. While the threat
of catastrophic failure is usually reduced due to the dewatered nature of the deposit, under certain
circumstances it remains an important consideration. The final landform design must be compatible
with community needs, any legal requirements, climate, topography and the level of management
available after reclamation.
A risk-based approach to closure design is recommended. Taking a risk management approach
recognises the underlying uncertainty in engineering structures for long-term stability.
Comprehensive risk analysis should provide sufficient understanding to either eliminate hazards,
or to minimise their likelihood and/or minimise possible consequences (Box 3).
There is a wide range of options for the closure design of a tailings storage facility, from stable
cappings or wet closure systems to restrict oxygen ingress, to closure systems which actively or
passively manage emissions. Environment Australia (1998) Landform Design for Rehabilitation
and the Minerals Council of Australia (1998) Mine Rehabilitation Handbook provide useful basic
introductions to some of the options. Ultimately, designing for long-term stability is highly
site-specific, and depends on the individual characteristics of the tailings, as well as the climatic,
topographic, hydrogeologic and geotechnical characteristics of the disposal site.
All closure situations are unique, and although past experience and good planning can minimise the
risks of failure, some remedial activity may be necessary.
Monitoring should be designed to demonstrate that completion criteria have been met and that the
site is safe and stable. Broadly, and within the land use objectives set for closure, monitoring should
demonstrate that:
structures are geotechnically stable, and covers are not eroding at unacceptable rates;
there is a low risk of an uncontrolled release of tailings or contaminants;
should this occur, the release of contaminants or tailings will not result in
recognisable detrimental effects on the water, soil and air surrounding the closed
facility; and
plant growth has been successful and that, over a period of several growing seasons,
a self-sustaining community has developed.
When the Responsible Authority has agreed to relinquishment of a tailings storage facility,
the management and maintenance of the facility would rest with subsequent owners or the State.
US Environmental Protection Agency (1994) Design and Evaluation of Tailings Dams.
Technical Report 530-R-94-038.
United Nations Environment Programme (2001) APELL for Mining. Guidance for the
Mining Industry in Raising Awareness and Preparedness for Emergencies at Local
Level. Technical Report #41.
WA Department of Minerals and Energy (1996) Guidelines on the Safe Design and
Operating Standards for Tailings Storages.
WA Department of Minerals and Energy (1998) Guidelines on the Development of an
Operating Manual for Tailings Storage.
ANZMEC/MCA (2000) Strategic Framework for Mine Closure.
Carrington (2001) In: UNEP APELL for Mining. Technical Report #41.
Dunn, W.J. (2000) Beyond Beads n Trinkets: A systematic approach to community relations for the
Environment Australia (1998) Landform Design for Rehabilitation. Best Practice Environmental
EPA (Environment Protection Agency) (1995a) Community Consultation and Involvement. Best
EPA (Environment Protection Agency) (1995b) Tailings Containment. Best Practice Environmental
Nash, G. (1998) Foreword. In: UNEP/ICME Case Studies on Tailings Management. November, 1998.
Ricks, G. (1997) Environmental considerations in mine closure planning. In: Mining and Sustainable
US EPA (1994) Design and Evaluation of Tailings Dams. Technical Report 530-R-94-038.
Acceptable risk: that level of risk that is sufficiently low that society is comfortable with it. Society
does not generally consider expenditure in further reducing such risks justifiable.
Acid rock drainage (ARD): the seepage of sulphuric acid solutions (pH 2.0-4.5) from mines and
tailings; these solutions are produced by the interaction of oxygen in ground and surface water with
sulphide minerals exposed by mining.
Comparative risk assessment: process that generally uses the judgement of experts to predict effects
and set priorities among a wide range of environmental problems.
Contingency plan: a programme intended to address malfunctions, accidents or unplanned events that
may occur in connection with the undertaking.
Dam: an artificial barrier, together with appurtenant works, constructed for storage, control or
diversion of water, other liquids, silt, debris or other liquid-borne material.
Dam failure: the uncontrolled release of the contents of a dam through collapse of the dam or some
part of it, or the inability of a dam to perform functions such as water supply, prevention of excessive
seepage or containment of hazardous substances.
Hazard analysis: that part of the overall planning process which identifies and describes hazards and
their effects upon the community.
Risk assessment: the process used to determine risk management priorities by evaluating and
comparing the level of risk against predetermined standards, target risk levels or other criteria.
Risk management: the process of evaluating and selecting alternative regulatory and non-regulatory
responses to risk. The selection process necessarily requires the consideration of legal, economic,
and behavioural factors.
Stable: a condition where the rates of change of specified parameters meet agreed criteria.
Stakeholder: a person, group or organisation with the potential to be affected by the process of, or
outcome of, an activity or process.
Tailings: the fine grained waste material remaining after the economically recoverable metals and
minerals have been extracted.
Tailings dam: an artificial embankment used to retain tailings.
Tailings storage facility: an area used to confine tailings; its prime function is to achieve solids settling
and improve water quality. It refers to the overall facility, and may include one or more tailings (or
water) dams.
Waste minimisation: measures or techniques that reduce the amount of wastes generated during
industrial production processes; term is also applied to recycling and other efforts to reduce the
amount of waste going into the waste stream.