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GigaPX Tools 2.

Solutions for oversized images

Michele Bighignoli
February 2016
GigaPX Tools 2.0

Choose the right version....................................................................................................................1
Format conversion..............................................................................................................................2
Crop image..........................................................................................................................................5
Image resize.........................................................................................................................................6
Split image...........................................................................................................................................7
Merge tiles...........................................................................................................................................9
Appendix A : Opening RAW files....................................................................................................11

GigaPX Tools 2.0


GigaPX Tools is a program which consist in a set of useful functions to manage gigapixel images. It
supports, both for input and output, three of the most used file formats : RAW, TIFF/bigTIFF and

The tools provided by the software are : Format conversion, Split, Merge, Crop and
Resize. Format conversion is useful to change the image file format to a different one. Split is
used to divide the giant image into small tiles. This could be necessary when the image needs to be
retouched in some areas and its not possible to edit the whole image due to the size of the picture.
Merge is used to recombine the tiles into a single image, but it could be used to paste different
images into one picture too. Crop permits to cut out the borders or to extract a small part of the
image, while Resize is useful to get a reduced version of the whole image.

The program doesn't need much memory, thus it can be used successfully with a 32-bit operating
system and 2-4 GB of ram. Using a test image of 76.8 gigapixel it ran smoothly and all procedures
were completed with success.

Choose the right version

GigaPX Tools is offered in three different editions : Free, Lite and Pro. The Free version is free
both for personal and commercial use. See the table below for the differences between the versions:


Maximum image side dimension (width or height) 150,000 pixels 300,000 pixels 100,000,000 pixels

Maximum image size 2.0 gigapixel 6.0 gigapixel No limits

Maximum tile side dimension (width or height) 30,000 pixels 30,000 pixels 1,000,000 pixels

Please refer to www.gigapxtools.com for additional information regarding the price of the licenses.

GigaPX Tools 2.0

Format conversion

As stated in the introduction, the program is capable of managing RAW, TIFF/bigTIFF and KRO
files both 8-bit or 16-bit.
RAW and TIFF must have 3 channels (RGB), while KRO must have 4 channels (RGB + Alpha).
The byte order of the 16-bit RAW files must be PC-IBM.
The conversion tool can open any image in one of the supported formats and save it in any other
supported format. The saved images always have the same color depth as the input files.

Before proceeding with the conversion, you've got to select the input file (the image to be
converted). Click the button on the right side of Input file and select the image. It is also
possible to drag the selected file into the Input file area.

GigaPX Tools 2.0

The input file area marked in red

When a RAW file is selected, a new small window could appear asking the width, the height and
the number of bits of the image. Click the 8-bit or 16-bit button, then, while the width or the height
value is typed in the proper input box, the program automatically calculates the value of the other

If the file name ends with the values of the width and the height, then the
program retrieves the image dimensions and the number of bits automatically.
Ex : test_10000x5000.raw.
The presence of the underscore (_) before the first number is mandatory.

Before saving the picture it is possible to select a different folder for the output file. This could be
useful to save time in moving the image after conversion, but it's very helpful to increase the
conversion speed if the computer has at least two physical disks (one disk with two or more
partitions counts as one disk). Saving the image to a different disk dramatically reduces the disk
heads movements, increasing the read/write operations speed.
Click the button on the right side of Output directory and choose the disk and folder you want.
It is also possible to drag the output directory in the Output directory area.

If this field is left empty the program saves the image in the same directory as
the source file.
To clear a previous selection double click the Output directory input box.

GigaPX Tools 2.0

The output directory area marked in red

To convert the image into one of the three formats, click the appropriate radio button : TIFF,

TIFF means uncompressed, while TIFF (LZW) means compressed using

the lossless LZW algorithm. If the possible compression ratio is low the size
of the compressed file could result bigger than the uncompressed version.

The bigTIFF format is automatically used, while saving, if the predicted file
size is 4 GB or more. To avoid confusion, in this case the program adds .big
to the end of the file name and before the .tif extension.

Depending on the image dimensions the conversion process could take from some minutes to some
hours. Click Start to begin the conversion.

During the operation a progress bar is shown and it's possible to pause or abort the operation.

The progress bar

GigaPX Tools 2.0

Crop image

This tool is useful to cut out black areas around the image borders or to extract a portion of the
picture. The program will create a copy of the image starting to copy pixels from the topmost left
point indicated in the input boxes and using the width and height values inserted.

Choose the input file, the output file format and the destination directory as described in the
Format conversion chapter. Insert the coordinates, in pixel, of the topmost left point, then insert
the desired width and height for the resulting image.

The first point of an image is located on the top-left corner and its coordinates
are (0,0)

The program is designed to protect the input file from being overwritten by the output file.

GigaPX Tools 2.0

Image resize

Sometimes it could be useful to have a smaller version of the gigapixel image, for example to have
a quick preview of the just rendered image, to publish it on a web page, to print a copy or set it as
desktop background. Using this tool it's possible to create an image of any dimension (smaller than
the original) easily.

Select the input file, the output file format and the destination directory as described in the Format
conversion chapter, then insert the desired width of the resized image. The height will be
calculated automatically to match the original aspect ratio.

In some cases the dimensions of the resized picture could be slight different
than the user selection due to divisions approximation during the scale

GigaPX Tools 2.0

Split image

Stitching many photos into a gigapixel image is not a problem using recent software. These
programs are powerful and precise, and often there is the possibility of removing ghosts artifacts
automatically. However, it could happen that small areas of the big image needs to be retouched by
hand using a photo editing software like Photoshop or Gimp. In most cases it's not possible to load
the whole image in the editor due to the huge file size.

To bypass this problem GigaPX Tools offers the Split function. This tool divides the picture into
small pieces, so its possible to edit the tiles that need to be adjusted.
When all the required changes are done, its possible to combine the tiles back to the gigapixel
image using the Merge function.

Before proceeding, choose the input file and the output directory as described in the Format
conversion chapter.

GigaPX Tools 2.0

Now select the width and the height, in pixel, of the tiles. The program calculates the number of
tiles along the X axis and the Y axis that will be generated. Chose the file format of the tiles (Tiff,
Raw or Kro), then click Split.

It could take a while, depending on the image size, but in the end the user will find X * Y tiles saved
on the disk.

Dont change the file name of the tiles or the merge function will fail. For
more info about the file name convention see the Merge tiles chapter.

GigaPX Tools 2.0

Merge tiles

This function is normally used after the Split to recombine all the tiles generated into a single
gigapixel image, but the same tool could be useful to merge two or more images not related with the
splitting process.

Merge after split:

click the button on the right side of Input file and select all the images of the set.
It is also possible to drag all the files into the Input file area. Note that you've got to drag all the
files together and it's not possible to drag one file at time.

To select two or more files: click the first file with the mouse, press and hold
the SHIFT key, click the last file then release the SHIFT key.

GigaPX Tools 2.0

After the selection of the input files, the program checks if one ore more tiles are missing analyzing
the file names. If everything is right, the software shows the number of tiles along the X and the Y
axis as confirmation. If an error message is displayed, check if you selected the right number of
Select the output format of the gigapixel image and the output directory as explained in the first
chapter, then click Merge and the big file will be recreated.

Merge images without a previous split:

as mentioned above, it is possible to merge two or more images even if these files weren't created
using the Split function. In this case its important to follow two simple rules :

1. Tile size: all tiles must have the same dimensions (the shape can be square or rectangular).
The tiles of the last column can be thinner, and the tiles of the last row can be lower.

2. File name: all tiles must have the same base name (lets say Test). After the base name,
add the underscore _ and the size in pixel (ie 1000x500), then a new underscore _ and
the X/Y position of the tile (ie X1Y1, which is the topmost left tile). Finally add the file
extension (ie .raw)
Example: Test_1000x500_X1Y1.raw, Test_1000x500_X2Y1.raw,
Test_750x500_X3Y1.raw. The X3 is the last in the row and it's thinner. As last tile it's
permitted to have a different width.

When the tiles follow these rules its possible to merge the files as described in the previous

GigaPX Tools 2.0

Appendix A : Opening RAW files

Most of the image file formats contain useful info as the width and height in pixels, the number of
color channels and the number of bits per color. The RAW file format doesn't contains anyone of
these info, so, when opening it with an image editor like Photoshop or Gimp, you must provide
these info manually. Using wrong parameters will cause to show the image as corrupted.

To give an example of the corrected data, suppose the image's dimensions are 1792 x 1280 pixels,
with 3 channels and 8 bits color depth. The right data to insert to open the image correctly are:

GigaPX Tools 2.0


Website : www.gigapxtools.com

Support : [email protected]

Copyright 2013-2016 Michele Bighignoli


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