Veda Brahmasri Kota Vasudeva Somayaji was a renowned Vidwan The reference book for meanings is Samhita books published by
in four Shastras- Mimamsa, Dharamashastra, Jyothisha and Sahitya. Jayachamarajendra Veda mala a monumental work commissioned
He was also a scholar in Agama and Vedanta. He was Professor of by His Highness Jayachamarajendra wadeyar, ruler of erstwhile
Dharmashastra at Maharajas Sanskrit College, Mysore and was Mysore in the year 1949.
Tantri of several temples In Karnataka. He has several books to his
credits, expounding the Shastras and Agamas in order to propagate January 16, 2005.
and thus preserve them for posterity. He has been bestowed with
several awards and titles. Kootastha Veda Shastra Poshaka Sangha
Koortastha Veda Shastra Poshaka Sangha is a registered trust 97, 3rd Main, 2nd Cross
formed in memory of Sri Somayaji to fulfill his ardent desire of setting Sarakki Dollar Layout
up a trust for promoting Vedas and Shastras. J P Nagar 4th Phase
Bangalore 560 078
Introducing Rig-Veda or expounding it is beyond the scope of ours. Phone : +91- 080 -26582401
Our attempt is here is to introduce few of the rare Suktas which are Email : [email protected]
recited at car festival in temples and at auspicious functions. The Web : www.
Suktas presented here are Prata: Shakunta, Svasti and Shanti
Suktas. This CD has these Suktas recited by Sri Somayaji recorded
earlier for private use. We firmly believe that the reciting and listening
of these Suktas have more impact if one knows the meanings of
these Suktas. An attempt has been made here towards this.
The Numbers within the bracket against Suktas denote the Mandala
Number in Rig-Veda followed by number of the Sukta.
3 4
Prayer (1/89)
(Recited first before functions start)
x (1/89)
(PAiPU F AvU oAz DgAsUv)
pS Mhp: vhrq Su pS mvrqpre:|
xuxil CS uu: xuxil: mw uuS:|
xjUUXaxiuxxilpurvq SuWi rSr:||
xuxilxir AUlq: xuxil oWxmiSki||
bhadraM karNebhiH shRNuyAma devA bhadraM
pashyemAkSabhiryajatrAH |
svasti na indro vRddhashravAH svasti naH puSA vishvavedAH |
sthirairaN^gai stuSTuvAMsastanUbhirvyashemadevahitaM
svasti nastArkSyo ariSTanemiH svasti no bRhaspatirdadhAtu||
O Gods; let us hear with our ears what is good, let us see with our May Indra, who listens to our praise, guard our welfare. May Pushan
eyes what is good. While engaged in your praises, let us enjoy with who knows all things, guard our welfare. May Tarkshya with
firm limbs and sound bodies the term of life granted by the Gods. unharmed weapons and Brahaspati the protector of Gods, guard
our welfare.
AidU egz K zvU, QUAz AiiU
svz gz C EAz P wAi QAi
Ptgz vAi P xgUAvAi v
, DPApvz DAizs UgvAv v zvU Pz
PtUAz AUPgzz q xgUAvAi
wAi U gvz AUAl iq.
CU, zqsUz CAiUAz Prz jgUAU
wv ewAz CUvz DAi jwAi
CsAv CU.
7 8
par(mi:) xq (7/41)
Bhagya(prata:) Sukta(7/41)
(Recited at Car festivals of temples before the start of Prabodhotsava
and also in the mornings at the time of worshipping Gods)
sU(v:) P(7/41)
(zU gxv Aiz qAi zsvz
xV, U U zg eU p AvU)
miUal miUlS WuqW miquh miUl| miei paqa Wuq ur mqSir uki|
mipa mwh ohxmi mi: xqqi S Wuq|| AbS r qlrqlxiUS Ue cS r pa pirW||
We invoke at dawn Agni, at dawn Indra, at dawn, Mitra and Varuna, We invoke at dawn the victorious strong Bhaga, the son of Aditi,
at dawn Ashvins at dawn Bhaga, Pushan, Brahmanaspati, at dawn who is the sustainer of the world, who is worshipped by one and
Soma and Rudra. all( both by poor and kings alike) with the prayer Give us wealth.
pa Lu pau Axi Suxil ur pauli: xrq| xqkuUrwx lqli Skuu vcr mSr|
i iu pa xu CeeWui x l pa mULi puW|| Aucl uxuS pa l Ujqu uel AuWli||
bhaga eva bhagavAnastu devAstena vayaM bhagavantaH syAma | samadhvarAyoSaso namanta dadhikrAveva shucaye padAya
taM tvA bhaga sarva ijjohavIti sa no bhaga puraetA bhaveha || arvAcInaM vasuvidaM bhagaM no rathamivAshvA vAjina A
vahantu ||
sU K sUA C z AiA sU: |
zsgAi zP ZAi zAi|
vA v sU Eew sU gKv s||
CaA zA sUA gx f D||
vMli xq(2/42,43)
Shakunta Sukta(2/42,43)
(Recited at temple festivals when temple deity is being taken out and
also at homes while praying before auspicious functions start)
P P(2/42,43)
( gxvPz zg grU U U AU
P iq z s El y P)
Auiaqil Ewx uUui: xSqcNli pS:| MlSeelw mouh Cri ucqUiu luq|
bi SWl ui: mmi rr mi xuxip: xS l:|| xqXas vMl pux q iu McSpp ur uSi||
ashvAvatIrgomatIrna uSAso vIravatIH sadamuchantu bhadrAH kanikradajjanuSaM prabruvANa iyarti vAcamariteva nAvam |
ghRtaM duhAnA vishvataH prapItA yUyaM pAta svastibhiH sadA sumaN^galashca shakune bhavAsi mA tvA kA cidabhibhA
naH|| vishvyA vidat ||
May the auspicious Dawns who provide us precious water, bestow The bird Kapinjala, making sounds and foretelling what will come
upon us horses, cattles and male descendents. May Dawns to pass, gives due direction to its voice as helmsman guides a
eliminate darkness. May Gods endow us with good things and bless boat. Ominous bird of good fortune; may no calamity whatever befall
us. on you from any quarter.
q iu vrl ES uklq xmh q iu uSSwql uU Axi| AulS Shi aWh xqXas pSuS vMli|
mrql mSv MlMSi xqXas pSuS uSW|| q l: xilDvi qbvx oWS uSq uSj xuU:||
mA tvA shyena ud vadhIn mA suparNo mA tvA vidadiSumAnvIro ava kranda dakSiNato gRhANAM sumaN^galo bhadravAdI
astA | shakunte|
pitryAmanu pradishaM kanikradat sumaN^galo bhadravAdI mA na stena Ishata mAghashaMso bRhad vadema vidathe
vadeha || suvIrAH||
i v Gz u i v zi g CP zQtv UuA Y sz P|
C| i : Fv iWA z z zx g:||
v A PPzv Y sz z||
May no kite, no eagle, harm you may no archer reach you. Making O Bird; ominous of good fortune, the proclaimer of good luck, sing
sound repeatedly in the southern direction, be ominous of good from the southern side of our dwellings. May no thief, no evil do
fortune, proclaimer of good luck, speak to us on this occasion. prevail against us. We may worthily praise you at this sacrifice,
blessed with excellent descendents.
J PAd QAi, z QAi QAi z
Ag. Ugq QAi Gzrg. t J PAd QAi, AUvPVAi, AU
AiV q g. zQt QAi rAiVAi UU zQtQ iq. P
iqv AUvPz gVAi A Pt v QAi vjg. U, Zj v
rAiVAi E sP r. v s gg. gz vjAzqUr
AidUz UtU t qsz wU pv.
17 18
mShSp ahli MUu ur uSli Gij vMlir:| Eiu vMl xq arx om Cu xulw vxx|
Ep uc uSi xqa Cu ar c p cl Uei|| uwu ue vvqiUmir xui l: vMl pSquS ui l:
The Kapinjala birds undertake journeys in clockwise circular routes Kapinjala, you sing like the Udgatri chanting the Sama;
in quest of their food, according to the seasons. Like performers of You announce arrival of seasons like Brahmaputra reciting at
sacred rites, recite Gayatri and Trishtup. These birds delight listeners sacrifices. Sing delightedly like a horse making sound when
by reciting both these notes. approaching a mare. Proclaim to us good fortune from every quarter.
Proclaim aloud prosperity to us.
PAd QU IvPP jAiiV C qPv vUAv
zQtgz AZg Pnv. pg J PAd QAi, Gzv UiqAv U
UAiwAi, vs pAv F QU Jgq zsz iqwAi. AidPU uZAAi AvU pAv
PU GZjv. Avg Cz Pg Av rv. Ivzs PnwAi. Z x C t
PzgAi iqAv AvZPz
iq. J QAi U JPqUAz AU .
gvz Pt p.
19 20
xuxi xq(5/51)
Svasti Sukta(5/51)
(Recited at temple festivals when temple deity is being taken out
and also at homes while praying before auspicious functions start )
(gxvPz zg grU U U AU
AuSxiu vMl pSquS iwhqxl: xqi cM l:| P iq z s El y P)
rSimiluSx MMUrj oWS uSq uSj xuU:||
xuxi l qqiql pa: xuxi SurSiUluh:|
AvadaMstvaM shakune bhadramA vada tUSNImAsInaH sumatiM xuxi mw AxU Ski l: xuxi umju xcil ||
cikiddhi naH |
yadutpatan vadasi karkariryathA bRhad vadema vidathe
svasti no mimItAm ashvinA bhagaH svasti devy aditir anarvaNaH |
svasti pUSA asuro dadhAtu naH svasti dyAvApRthivI sucetunA ||
DzAA P sziz vi: wA aQ :|
v sU: zwgt:|
Aizvvz PPjAix z z zx g:||
Cg zzsv : zy Zv ||
May the Ashvins contribute to our prosperity, May Bhaga and the
O, bird, proclaim to us good fortune. When sitting silently, wish good divine Aditi Contribute to our prospeity, May Pushan, the irrestible
things to happen to us. When you sing as you fly, let your voice be and destroyer of enemies, bestow upon us prosperity. May the
melodious as that of Lute. We may worthily praise you at this conscious heaven and earth bestow upon us prosperity.
sacrifice, blessed with excellent descendents.
D zvU, sU, zvvz CwAi U AUAl
J PAd QAi, iqv AU GZj. iq. Cwv, vP Dz Gv eAz Prz
iqz PvU Aiz MAizUAz g.
zyU U PtPgPgU.
gv qU PAo PPj zzAv zsgVg. AidUz
UtU tv wAi vvg evAi p.
21 22
xuxir urqm ouqW xq xuxi pulxr rxmi:| u Su l A xuxir ulU uxUal: xuxir|
oWxmi xuah xuxir xuxir ASirx puli l:|| Su Auliupu: xuxir xuxi l S: miuWx:||
svastaye vAyum upa bravAmahai somaM svasti bhuvanasya yas vishve devA no adyA svastaye vaishvAnaro vasur agniH
patiH | svastaye |
bRhaspatiM sarvagaNaM svastaye svastaya AdityAso bhavantu devA avantv RbhavaH svastaye svasti no rudraH pAtv aMhasaH ||
naH ||
z Cz Ai g gV: Ai|
Ai Ai A s Aiw:| z Cs: Ai gz: vA:||
wA UtA Ai Ai Dv s :||
We praise Vayu for prosperity, Soma the protector of world for May all the Gods be with us today for our prosperity; May Agni the
prosperity, we praise Brahaspati attended by all deities for prosperity guide for all and giver of dwellings be with us for our prosperity.
and may Adityas sons of Aditi, be ours. May the divine Ribhus protect us for our prosperity. May Rudra
protect us from sins for our prosperity.
U PtsPV Ai, PPz wv,
UAi P zvUtUAU Prz wAi wv. Cw gz zvU F AiiUz PtsPV
vgz Dvg U PtUAv CUAvU. gQ. PjU iUzP wzAiP Dz DVAi U
PtPgPU. zvvgz IsU PtPV gQ.
gzz AUPV Az gQ.
23 24
svasti mitrAvaruNA svasti pathye revati | svasti panthAm anu carema sUryAcandramasAv iva |
svasti na indrash cAgnish ca svasti no adite kRdhi || punar dadatAghnatA jAnatA saM gamemahi ||
O,Mitra;Varuna; grant us prosperity. Path of firmament; and goddess Like the sun and the moon follow their path eternally, let we also
of riches; grant us prosperity; May Indra and Agni; grant us perform sacrifices without hindrance. May we be associated with
prosperity, Aditi; bestow on us prosperity. those relatives, who value our relationships and who also return
our help.
J vgtg U AU GAmU. zsAiPz CAvjPiU,
U Pt GAmU. EAz DVAi U AUAl iq. ZAzAig v iUU vV CjAv
J CwAi U AUAliq. Aid tiU Wz CjAvU.
GPgP vPgiqg, Azsv ZV CjAig
Dz AzsUAU jPAvU.
25 26
A v F Av IUzz Pz EgzjAz Cx r.
This and the next Mantra are not from Rig-Veda and hence authentic
meanings have not been provided.
27 28
vi x(1/89)
Shanti Sukta(1/89)
(Recited before meals are offered to guests and on special occasions)
Aw P(1/89)
( igAsU sdP z U J AU Pz
p P)
Sul pS xqiGeri Sul UiUp l l uii|
A l pS: iu rli uiSokx AmUix ES:|
Sul xZrqm xSq ur Su l Ar: miUli eux||
Su l rj xSqS uk Axmru UiU SuSu||
devAnAM bhadrA sumatirRjUyatAM devAnAM rAtirabhi noni
A no bhadrAH kratavo xyantu vishvato.adabdhAso aparItAsa vartatAm |
udbhidaH | devAnAM sakhyamupa sedimA vayaM devA na AyuH pra tirantu
devA no yathA sadamid vRdhe asannaprAyuvo rakSitAro dive\- jIvase ||
dive ||
zA sz wIdAivA zA gwg
D sz: Pv Ai vz Cjv Gz:| vvA|
z Aix zz zs CAi gQvg zA R i AiA z DAi: wg f||
May auspicious work(or excellent wisdom) unmolested, unimpeded May the auspicious favor of the gods be ours; may the bounty of
and unconquered come to us from every quarter; may the gods not the gods; ever approving of the upright; light upon us; may we obtain
turning away from us but granting us protection day by day be, ever the friendship of the gods and may the gods extend our life that we
with us for our advancement may live.
tAn pUrvayA nividA hUmahe vayaM bhagaM mitramaditiM tan no vAto mayobhu vAtu bheSajaM tan mAtA pRthivI tatpitA
dakSamasridham | dyauH |
aryamaNaM varuNaM somamashvinA sarasvatInaH subhagA tad grAvANaH somasuto mayobhuvastadashvinA shRNutaM
mayas karat || dhiSNyA yuvam ||
We invoke Bhaga, Mitra, Aditi, Daksha, Asridha,Aryaman, Varuna, May the wind waft to us the grateful medicament. May mother earth,
Soma,the Ashwins with a time immemorial speech(Veda vakya); may father heaven, convey it to us. May the stones that express the
and may the gracious Sarasvati grant us happiness. soma- juice(the productive of pressure) bring it to us.O Ashvins;
whom we meditate hear our prayer for this medication.
zvU UAU jz sU, v, CwAi, zP,
Czs, gzt, CAi, gt, , C Ai RzAiPz, D Ozs U VPAq Az j.
zvU, CAiiV Az zvPz QAz y PjU dAiiz sAi, gPPz zP RzAiPz
PgAiv. z zsAz Prz gwAi U RAl g Aq PU D Ozs U vAz j. zsP
iq. AiUgz C zvU D OUV iq
xAi Pj.
31 32
tamIshAnaM jagatastasthuSas patiM dhiyaMjinvamavase svasti na indro vRddhashravAH svasti naH puSA vishvavedAH |
hUmahe vayam | svasti nastArkSyo ariSTanemiH svasti no bRhaspatirdadhAtu ||
pUSA no yathA vedasAmasad vRdhe rakSitA pAyuradabdhaH
svastaye || EAz z: : z:|
P Cj: wzzsv||
vA dUvwA AiAf Aii|
Aix zz zs gQv Aigz: Ai||
We invoke Indra,the lord of living beings, the protector of immovable May Indra, who listens to our praise, guard our welfare. May Pushan
things, who is propitiated by pious rites, for our protection. Let who knows all things, guard our welfare. May Tarkshya with
Pushan who has been our defender of the increase of our riches, unharmed weapons and Brahaspati the protector of Gods, guard
may continue to be unmolested and be guardian of our welfare. our welfare.
May the Maruts, whose horses are spotted dear, who are the sons O Gods; let us hear with our ears what is good, let us see with our
of Prashni, who are graceful frequenters at sacrifices, who are seated eyes what is good. While engaged in your praises, let us enjoy with
on the tongue of Agni, who also observe and take care of all and firm limbs and sound bodies the term of life granted by the Gods.
are as radiant as the Sun and may all the Gods come hither for our
protection. AidU egz K zvU, QUAz AiiU
Ptgz vAi P xgUAvAi v
AzUAz Prz fAPU,Vg, Ai vAiiV PtUAz AUPgzz q xgUAvAi
Gg, AidU Aajg, CVAi UAigg, J CU, zqsUz CAiUAz Prz jgUAU
Q Ug, AiAv PAwAivg Dz gvU, wv ewAz CUvz DAi jwAi
PzvU, F Aid sU UV v gPuAiAU zAiiq. CsAv CU.
35 36
shatamin nu sharado anti devA yatrA nashcakrA jarasaM aditirdyauraditirantarikSamaditirmAtA sa pitA sa putraH |
tanUnAm | vishve devA aditiH paca janA aditirjAtamaditirjanitvam||
putrAso yatra pitaro bhavanti mA no madhyA rIriSatAyurgantoH ||
CwzgwgjPwiv v v:|
v gz C z Aiv P dgA vi| z Cw: k d Cwevwdvi||
v Aiv vg s i zs jjvAiU:||
O Gods; it is destined that only hundred years are the lifespan of Aditi is heaven, Aditi is firmament, Aditi is mother, father and all
man. May you never destroy our life while it is yet running its course, things. Aditi is all the gods. Aditi is 5 classes of men, Aditi is what is
by causing old age to our bodies and forcing us to be under the born. Aditi is what shall be born.
care of our children.
CRAqz CwAi P P dzvAi. C dUdAi,
J zvU, ijU fvz g CAiAz, dUdP,Gvz P C. CwAi Gvw .
VAi Ez. Dzg D g U DAi AtV uvPz v zjAz Prz Lz ewAi dg C.
Cswg Pz zsz jgUU Av CwAi P zvU. C Piz U. C
z GAlir CzjAz z jg gPuAi CAvjP.C P . C AiiP.
sg PAz DUAv ir DAi zsPz
tUU vqUn Ar.