Irwin Rippes Intensive Care Medicine 7th Edition
Irwin Rippes Intensive Care Medicine 7th Edition
Irwin Rippes Intensive Care Medicine 7th Edition
Richard S. Irwin, MD, James M. Rippe, MD
Master FCCP Professor of Biomedical Sciences, University of
Professor of Medicine and Nursing Central Florida
University of Massachusetts Orlando, Florida
Worcester, Massachusetts Associate Professor of Medicine (Cardiology),
Chair, Critical Care Operations Tufts University School of Medicine
UMass Memorial Medical Center Boston, Massachusetts
Worcester, Massachusetts Founder and Director, Rippe Lifestyle Institute
Shrewsbury, Massachusetts
Founder and Director, Rippe Health Evaluation
Orlando, Florida
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7th Edition
2012 by Richard S. Irwin, M.D. and James M. Rippe, M.D.
530 Walnut Street
Philadelphia, PA 19106
6th Edition 2008 by Richard S. Irwin, M.D. and James M. Rippe, M.D., 5th Edition 2003 by
Richard S. Irwin, M.D. and James M. Rippe, M.D., 4th Edition 1999 by Richard S. Irwin, M.D.,
Frank B. Cerra, M.D., and James M. Rippe, M.D., 3rd Edition 1996 by James M. Rippe, M.D.,
Richard S. Irwin, M.D., Mitchell P. Fink, M.D., and Frank B. Cerra, M.D., 2nd Edition 1991 by
James M. Rippe, M.D., Richard S. Irwin, M.D., Joseph S. Alpert, M.D., and Mitchell P. Fink, M.D.,
1st Edition 1985 by James M. Rippe, M.D., Richard S. Irwin, M.D., Joseph S. Alpert, M.D., and
James E. Dalen, M.D.
All rights reserved. This book is protected by copyright. No part of this book may be reproduced in any
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To Our Families
Diane, Rachel, Sara, Catherine, Rebecca, John, Andrew K. Andrew M. and Adam;
Stephanie, Hart, Jaelin, Devon, and Jamie
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vi Contributors
Contributors vii
viii Contributors
Contributors ix
x Contributors
Contributors xi
xii Contributors
Ammar Habib, MD
Kim L. Goring, MMBS
Internal Medicine Resident
Assistant Professor of Medicine
Department of Internal Medicine
Department of Internal Medicine
Mayo Clinic
Division of Pulmonary, Critical Care and Sleep Medicine
Rochester, MN
Howard University Hospital
Washington, DC
Shirin Haddady, MD
Assistant Professor of Medicine and Neurology
Robert M. Gougelet, MD Department of Medicine
Assistant Professor of Medicine (Emergency Medicine) University of Massachusetts Medical School
Director, New England Center of Emergency Preparedness UMass Memorial Medical Center
Department of Emergency Medicine Worcester, MA
Dartmouth Hitchcock Medical Center
Lebanon, NH Pegge M. Halandras, MD
Assistant Professor
Andis Graudins, MBBS, PhD, FACEM, FACMT Department of Surgery
Professor of Emergency Medicine Research and Division of Vascular Surgery and Endovascular
Clinical Toxicology Therapy
Faculty of Medicine Nursing and Health Sciences Loyola University Chicago Stritch School of Medicine
Monash University Maywood, IL
Department of Emergency Medicine
Monash Medical Centre Wiley R. Hall, MD
Clayton, Victoria, Australia Assistant Professor in Neurology and Surgery
Director of Neuroscience Critical Care
Barth A. Green, MD University of Massachusetts Medical School
Professor and Chairman Medical Director of the Neuro/Trauma ICU
Department of Neurological Surgery Neurology Department
Jackson Memorial/University of Miami UMass Memorial Medical Center
Miami, FL Worcester, MA
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Contributors xiii
xiv Contributors
Paul G. Jodka, MD
Eric M. Isselbacher, MD Assistant Professor of Medicine and
Professor of Medicine Anesthesiology
Harvard Medical School Tufts University School of Medicine
Co-Director, Thoracic Aortic Center Adult Critical Care Division
Massachusetts General Hospital Baystate Medical Center
Boston, MA Springfield, MA
Eric W. Jacobson, MD
Bryan S. Judge, MD
Associate Professor of Medicine
University of Massachusetts Medical School Associate Program Director
Senior Vice President, Clinical Research and Assistant Professor
Regulatory Affairs Spectrum Health
Chief Medical Officer Grand Rapids MERC/Michigan State University
Synta Pharmaceuticals Corp. Program in Emergency Medicine
Lexington, MA Grand Rapids, MI
Contributors xv
xvi Contributors
Contributors xvii
xviii Contributors
Michael S. Niederman, MD
John P. Mordes, MD
Professor of Medicine
Professor of Medicine
SUNY at Stony Brook
Department of Medicine/Endocrinology Chairman, Department of Medicine
UMass Memorial Medical Center
Winthrop-University Hospital
University of Massachusetts Medical School
Mineola, NY
Worcester, MA
Dominic J. Nompleggi, MD, PhD
David A. Morrow, MD, MPH Associate Professor of Medicine and Surgery
Director, Samuel A. Levine Cardiac Unit University of Massachusetts Medical School
Department of Cardiovascular Medicine Chief, Division of Gastroenterology
Brigham and Womens Hospital Director, Adult Nutrition Support Service
Harvard Medical School UMass Memorial Medical Center
Boston, MA Worcester, MA
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Contributors xix
Patrick T. OGara, MD
Executive Medical Director of the Carl J. and Laura Santos Pavia, MD
Ruth Shapiro Cardiovascular Center Resident in Anesthesiology
Associate Professor Boston Medical Center
Harvard Medical School Boston University School of Medicine
Director, Clinical Cardiology Boston, MA
Brigham and Womens Hospital
Boston, MA Marie T. Pavini, MD, FCCP
Paulo J. Oliveira, MD, FCCP Department of Intensive Care Unit
Director, Advanced Bronchoscopic and Rutland Regional Medical Center
Pleural Procedures Rutland, VT
Assistant Professor of Medicine
Division of Pulmonary, Allergy and Critical David Paydarfar, MD
Care Medicine
Professor of Neurology and Physiology
UMass Memorial Medical Center
Department of Neurology
Worcester, MA
University of Massachusetts Medical School
Worcester, MA
Medical Director, San Francisco Division
California Poison Control System
William D. Payne, MD
Clinical Professor of Medicine and Pharmacy Professor of Surgery
University of California, San Francisco Director, Liver Transplant
San Francisco, CA Department of Surgery
University of Minnesota
Minneapolis, MN
Steven M. Opal, MD
Professor of Medicine
Warren Alpert Medical School of Brown University Randall S. Pellish, MD
Memorial Hospital of Rhode Island Assistant Professor of Medicine
Division of Infectious Disease Division of Gastroenterology
Pawtucket, RI University of Massachusetts Medical School
Worcester, MA
Achikam Oren-Grinberg, MD, MS
Director of Critical Care Echocardiography Alexis C. Perkins, MD
Department of Anesthesia, Critical Care & Chief Resident
Pain Medicine Department of Dermatology
Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center University of Massachusetts Medical School
Boston, MA Worcester, MA
xx Contributors
Contributors xxi
xxii Contributors
Contributors xxiii
xxiv Contributors
Contributors xxv
Christopher H. Wigfield, MD, FRCS Rebecca J. Zapatochny Rufo, DNSc, RN, CCRN
Assistant Professor, Cardiothoracic Surgery Resurrection eICUr Program Operations Director
Department of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery Department of eICU
Loyola University Medical Center Resurrection Healthcare
Maywood, IL Holy Family Medical
Des Plaines, IL
Mark M. Wilson, MD
Associate Director of Medical ICU John K. Zawacki, MD
Associate Professor Professor of Medicine
Department of Medicine Department of Medicine
Division of Pulmonary, Allergy and Critical Care Division of Gastroenterology
Medicine University of Massachusetts Medical School
University of Massachusetts Medical School UMass Memorial Medical Center
UMass Memorial Medical Center Worcester, MA
Worcester, MA
Chad A. Zender, MD, FACS
Ann E. Woolfrey, MD Assistant Professor
Associate Professor Department of Otolaryngology
Department of Clinical Research University Hospitals Case Western Reserve
Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center Cleveland, OH
Seattle, WA
Iva Zivna, MD
Shan Yin, MD, MPH Assistant Professor
Fellow, Medical Toxicology Department of Infectious Disease
Rocky Mountain Poison and Drug Center University of Massachusetts Medical School
Denver Health UMass Memorial Medical Center
Denver, CO Worcester, MA
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It is with great pleasure that we present the seventh edition (ii) decreasing variability by following clinical practice guide-
of Irwin and Rippes Intensive Care Medicine. As with pre- lines based upon the best available evidence to ensure better
vious editions, the editorial challenge that we faced with the outcomes for our patients; and (iii) doing more with less to
seventh edition was to continue to ensure that the textbook decrease the cost of caring for our patients. While these prin-
evolved as the field has evolved and improved to meet the var- ciples have always been espoused, it has become clear that we
ied and rigorous demands placed on it by the diverse group of must more consistently follow them. With respect to specific
specialty physicians and nonphysicians practicing in the adult issues, the day-to-day use of ultrasonography by critical care
intensive care environment without losing strengths that have specialists is a very recent change and this is reflected in the
made previous editions so useful and popular. We hope and liberal use of ultrasonographic images throughout the book
believe that the seventh edition of Irwin and Rippes Intensive and a new chapter entitled Interventional Ultrasound; these are
Care Medicine has risen to meet these challenges. prominently featured in the procedure and monitoring chap-
Over the past 27 years since the publication of the first ters. Moreover, there is an imperative to increasingly utilize
edition of our textbook, dramatic changes have occurred in information technology in the everyday practice of intensive
virtually every area of critical care, and these are reflected in care medicine. This not only includes using electronic medical
the evolution of our textbook. While our textbook initially records, computer physician order entry, and clinical decision
focused primarily on medical intensive care, it now provides support tools but also tele-ICU. All of these issues are covered
an interdisciplinary emphasis on anesthesia, surgery, trauma, in the section entitled Contemporary Challenges in the Inten-
and neurointensive care as well as medical intensive care with sive Care Unit edited by Craig Lilly.
strong collaboration across all these disciplines. With this edi- In coronary care, rapid advances in techniques and inter-
tion, a critical care nursing-centric section has been added. This ventions continue to occur. These changes are reflected in the
reflects the reality that intensive care medicine has inevitably Cardiovascular Problems and Coronary Care section of the
become more interdisciplinary and collaborative. seventh edition. It is interesting to see how cardiovascular in-
The seventh edition is approximately the same length as the tensive care has dramatically changed since the publication of
previous edition. To make this happen, we challenged every our first few editions, as the advances in cardiology and cardiac
section editor and author to carefully balance edited materi- surgery became known from the large, multicenter, randomized
als emphasizing new evidence-based as well as state-of-the-art controlled clinical trials. We welcome Akshay Desai who has
information by discarding outdated information. All of our joined Patrick OGara as co-section editor for this section.
section editors and chapter authors have done a superb job Equally important advances have occurred in surgical criti-
meeting this challenge. All chapters in every section have been cal care, including new therapies and techniques in a variety of
updated with recent references and other materials that reflect conditions treated in this environment. Our Surgical Problems
current information, techniques, and principles. New chapters in the Intensive Care Unit section remains a great strength
have been added to reflect emerging areas of interest. As stated of this book. Fred Luchette did his usual magnificent job on
earlier, an entirely new section has been added on Nursing this edition. We recognize Arthur Trask and Stephen Barnes
Issues in the ICU that was ably coedited by Dorrie Fontaine who have done an admirable job of updating the Shock and
and Shawn Cody. This section was meant to focus on issues Trauma section of the textbook as well.
related to collaboration, healthy work environments, and the While our textbook has been updated and broadened to
expanding roles of nurses not the specifics of nursing care that include new understandings, information and techniques, our
have been brilliantly covered in textbooks of ICU nursing; and goal has been to maintain the practical, clinically oriented ap-
Dorrie and Shawn have admirably succeeded in this regard. An- proach that readers have come to expect from previous edi-
other new section on Critical Care Consequences of Weapons tions. Our editorial focus remains on clinically relevant studies
(or Agents) of Mass Destruction reflects the changing realities and information that readers have found so useful in the pre-
of our world and has been ably edited by Larry Mohr. vious six editions.
Evidenced-based medicine continues to play an ever more As in the past, our textbook opens with a detailed section
prominent role in all branches of medicine including critical on commonly performed Procedures and Techniques in the
care. With this in mind, we have asked every chapter author Intensive Care Unit. This section, along with the Mini-
to make recommendations that specifically reflect recent trials mally Invasive Monitoring section, has also been simultane-
with a particular emphasis on randomized prospective con- ously published as a smaller book entitled Procedures, Tech-
trolled trials. Authors have summarized such evidence, when niques, and Minimally Invasive Monitoring in Intensive Care
the data have allowed, with helpful tables. Medicine. All chapters in these sections have been updated with
In medical intensive care, important changes and advances new figures and descriptions of techniques which have been
have occurred since the publication of the sixth edition. These added to reflect changes since the sixth edition of the textbook.
include managing our ICUs according to the following guid- We are indebted that section editors Stephen Heard and Alan
ing principles: (i) making our ICUs safer for our patients; Lisbon who have done a superb job on these sections.
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xxviii Preface
The Pharmacology, Overdoses, and Poisoning section, Some new section editors have joined us for the seventh
consisting of 29 chapters, remains a great strength of this book edition and done great work. In addition to the individuals
and essentially represents a textbook on these topics embedded that we have already mentioned, we would like to specifically
into our larger book. In this edition, we welcome new section acknowledge the excellent efforts by the following new sec-
editors Luke Yip and Kennon Heard who have joined Steven tion editors or co-section editors: Pang-Yen Fan (Renal), Do-
Bird as section editors for this outstanding and comprehensive minic Nompleggi (Gastrointestinal Problems), Patrick Fogarty
section. (Hematologic Problems), David Paydarfar (Neurologic Prob-
Because intensive care cannot be divorced from public pol- lems), David Harlan (Endocrine Problems), and Nancy Liu
icy, we continue to emphasize this with a major section of our (Rheumatologic, Immunologic and Dermatologic Problems).
textbook entitled Contemporary Challenges in the Intensive As with previous editions, our emphasis remains on clinical
Care Unit. This section includes not only more ethical and management. Discussions of basic pathophysiology are also in-
legal issues but also issues related to ICU organization and cluded and guided and supplemented by extensive references
management, economics, safety, and information technology. to help clinicians and researchers who wish to pursue more
With this edition, we welcome Craig Lilly, who has done an in-depth knowledge of these important areas. When therapies
outstanding job on this section. reflect institutional or individual bias or are considered contro-
Our team of section editors continue to do a wonderful versial, we have attempted to indicate this.
job coordinating large bodies of information that comprise We hope and believe that the outstanding efforts of many
the core of modern intensive care. Many of our section editors people over the past 4 years have continued to result in an
have been with us for one or more editions. Richard Ellison III evidence-based and state-of-the-art and comprehensive text-
(Infectious Disease), Neil Aronin (Endocrinology), Stephanie book that will elucidate the important principles in intensive
Levine (Transplantation), Dominic Nompleggi (Metabolism/ care and will continue to guide and support the best efforts of
Nutrition), Mark Madison (Pulmonary), John Querques practitioners in this challenging environment in their ongoing
(Psychiatry), and Joseph Frassica (Appendix, Calculations efforts to diagnosis and treat complicated diseases and relieve
Commonly used in Critical Care) all fall into this category and human suffering.
have done their usual, excellent job. A new table on Antidotes
has been added to the Appendix based on the efforts of Luke Richard S. Irwin, MD, Master FCCP
Yip, Jeremy Helphenstine, Jerry Thomas, and Ian Ball. James M. Rippe, MD
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Numerous outstanding individuals have made significant con- this textbook. We have very much appreciated their deep com-
tributions to all phases of writing and production of this text- mitment to this book and to advancing the field of intensive
book and deserve special recognition and thanks. First and care medicine.
foremost is our managing editor, Elizabeth Grady. Beth lit- Our editors at Lippincott Williams & Wilkins including
erally lives and breathes this textbook as it works its way Brian Brown, executive editor, have been a source of great help
through the production cycle every 4 years. She is the guid- and encouragement. As with the last edition, Nicole Dernoski
ing and organizing force behind this textbook. It would sim- continues to be extremely helpful and accommodating in su-
ply not be possible without Beths incredible organizational pervising and coordinating all phases of production in an out-
skills, good humor, and enormous energy. She has guided this standing way.
book through six editionsthis book is as much hers as it is Lastly, we are grateful to Indu Jawwad and her staff for the
ours. outstanding job they have done copyediting the manuscript for
Our administrative assistants, office assistant, and clinical this edition.
coordinators, Carol Moreau, Debra Adamonis, Karen Barrell, Our families support our efforts with unfailing encourage-
Mary Garabedian, and Cynthia French have helped us con- ment and love. To them, and the many others who have helped
tinue to coordinate and manage our complex professional and in ways too numerous to count, we are deeply grateful.
personal lives and create room for the substantial amount of
time required to write and edit. Our section editors have de- Richard S. Irwin, MD, Master FCCP
voted enormous skill, time, and resources to every edition of James M. Rippe, MD
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Contributors v
Preface xxvii
Acknowledgments xxix
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xxxii Contents
Contents xxxiii
xxxiv Contents
Contents xxxv
xxxvi Contents
Contents xxxvii
S E C T I O N X P H A R M A C O L O G Y, O V E R D O S E S,
xxxviii Contents
Contents xxxix
xl Contents
Contents xli
xlii Contents
Chapter 200 Managing the Suicidal Patient in the Intensive Care Unit 2099
Saori A. Murakami and Hoa Thi Lam
Chapter 201 Problematic Behaviors of Patients, Family, and Staff in the
Intensive Care Unit 2103
Craigan T. Usher
Contents xliii
Chapter 211 Medical Ethics, End of Life Care, and Clinical Research in
the Intensive Care Unit 2170
Mark Tidswell, Paul G. Jodka and Jay S. Steingrub
Chapter 212 Assessing the Value and Impact of Critical Care in an Era
of Limited Resources: Outcomes Research in the Intensive
Care Unit 2180
Andrew F. Shorr, William L. Jackson Jr and Derek C. Angus
Index 2255
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In the emergency room and critical care environment, manage- has a difficult airway and when learning how to insert airway
ment of the airway to ensure optimal ventilation and oxygena- devices such as the laryngeal mask airway (LMA; discussed in
tion is of prime importance. Although initial efforts should be Management of the Difficult Airway section).
directed toward improving oxygenation and ventilation with-
out intubating the patient (see Chapter 59) [1], these interven-
tions may fail and the placement of an endotracheal tube may Nasopharynx
be required. Although endotracheal intubation is best left to the
trained specialist, emergencies often require that the procedure The base of the skull forms the roof of the nasopharynx, and
be performed before a specialist arrives. Because intubated pa- the soft palate forms the floor. The roof and the posterior walls
tients are commonly seen in the intensive care unit (ICU) and of the nasopharynx contain lymphoid tissue (adenoids), which
coronary care unit, all physicians who work in these environ- may become enlarged and compromise nasal airflow or become
ments should be skilled in the techniques of airway manage- injured during nasal intubation, particularly in children. The
ment, endotracheal intubation, and management of intubated Eustachian tubes enter the nasopharynx on the lateral walls and
patients. may become blocked secondary to swelling during prolonged
nasotracheal intubation.
An understanding of the techniques of endotracheal intuba-
tion and potential complications is based on knowledge of the The soft palate defines the beginning of the oropharynx, which
anatomy of the respiratory passages [2]. Although a detailed extends inferiorly to the epiglottis. The palatine tonsils pro-
anatomic description is beyond the scope of this book, an un- trude from the lateral walls and in children occasionally be-
derstanding of some features and relationships is essential to come so enlarged that exposure of the larynx for intubation
performing intubation. becomes difficult. A large tongue can also cause oropharyn-
geal obstruction. Contraction of the genioglossus muscle nor-
mally moves the tongue forward to open the oropharyngeal
Nose passage during inspiration. Decreased tone of this muscle (e.g.,
in the anesthetized state) can cause obstruction. The orophar-
The roof of the nose is partially formed by the cribriform plate. ynx connects the posterior portion of the oral cavity to the
The anatomic proximity of the roof to intracranial structures hypopharynx.
dictates that special caution be exercised during nasotracheal
intubations. This is particularly true in patients with significant
maxillofacial injuries. Hypopharynx
The mucosa of the nose is provided with a rich blood sup-
ply from branches of the ophthalmic and maxillary arteries, The epiglottis defines the superior border of the hypopharynx,
which allow air to be warmed and humidified. Because the and the beginning of the esophagus forms the inferior bound-
conchae provide an irregular, highly vascularized surface, they ary. The larynx is anterior to the hypopharynx. The pyriform
are particularly susceptible to trauma and subsequent hem- sinuses that extend around both sides of the larynx are part of
orrhage. The orifices from the paranasal sinuses and naso- the hypopharynx.
lacrimal duct open onto the lateral wall. Blockage of these
orifices by prolonged nasotracheal intubation may result in
sinusitis. Larynx
The larynx (Fig. 1.1) is bounded by the hypopharynx superi-
Mouth and Jaw orly and is continuous with the trachea inferiorly. The thyroid,
cricoid, epiglottic, cuneiform, corniculate, and arytenoid carti-
The mouth is formed inferiorly by the tongue, alveolar ridge, lages compose the laryngeal skeleton. The thyroid and cricoid
and mandible. The hard and soft palates compose the supe- cartilages are readily palpated in the anterior neck. The cricoid
rior surface, and the oropharynx forms the posterior surface. cartilage articulates with the thyroid cartilage and is joined to
Assessment of the anatomic features of the mouth and jaw is es- it by the cricothyroid ligament. When the patients head is
sential before orotracheal intubation. A clear understanding of extended, the cricothyroid ligament can be pierced with a
the anatomy is also essential when dealing with a patient who scalpel or large needle to provide an emergency airway (see
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The adult trachea averages 15 cm long. Its external skeleton
Thyrohyoid is composed of a series of C-shaped cartilages. It is bounded
posteriorly by the esophagus and anteriorly for the first few
Superior horn cartilage rings by the thyroid gland. The trachea is lined with
Thyroid notch ciliated cells that secrete mucus; through the beating action of
Body of thyroid the cilia, foreign substances are propelled toward the larynx.
cartilage The carina is located at the fourth thoracic vertebral level (of
Cricothyroid relevance when judging proper endotracheal tube positioning
membrane on chest radiograph). The right main bronchus takes off at
Cricoid a less acute angle than the left, making right main bronchial
intubation more common if the endotracheal tube is in too far.
FIGURE 1.1. Anatomy of the larynx, anterior, and lateral aspects. MANAGEMENT
[From Ellis H: Anatomy for Anaesthetists. Oxford, Blackwell Scien-
tific, 1963, with permission.] In an emergency situation, establishing adequate ventilation
and oxygenation assumes primary importance [3]. Too fre-
quently, inexperienced personnel believe that this requires im-
mediate intubation; however, attempts at intubation may delay
Chapter 12). The cricoid cartilage completely encircles the air- establishment of an adequate airway. Such efforts are time con-
way. It is attached to the first cartilage ring of the trachea by suming, can produce hypoxemia and arrhythmias, and may in-
the cricotracheal ligament. The anterior wall of the larynx is duce bleeding and regurgitation, making subsequent attempts
formed by the epiglottic cartilage, to which the arytenoid carti- to intubate significantly more difficult and contributing to sig-
lages are attached. Fine muscles span the arytenoid and thyroid nificant patient morbidity and even mortality [4,5]. Some sim-
cartilages, as do the vocal cords. The true vocal cords and space ple techniques and principles of emergency airway management
between them are collectively termed the glottis (Fig. 1.2). The can play an important role until the arrival of an individual who
glottis is the narrowest space in the adult upper airway. In is skilled at intubation.
children, the cricoid cartilage defines the narrowest portion
of the airway. Because normal phonation relies on the pre-
cise apposition of the true vocal cords, even a small lesion can Airway Obstruction
cause hoarseness. Lymphatic drainage to the true vocal cords
is sparse. Inflammation or swelling caused by tube irritation Compromised ventilation often results from upper airway ob-
or trauma may take considerable time to resolve. The supe- struction by the tongue, by substances retained in the mouth,
rior and recurrent laryngeal nerve branches of the vagus nerve or by laryngospasm. Relaxation of the tongue and jaw lead-
innervate the structures of the larynx. The superior laryngeal ing to a reduction in the space between the base of the tongue
nerve supplies sensory innervation from the inferior surface and the posterior pharyngeal wall is the most common cause of
of the epiglottis to the superior surface of the vocal cords. upper airway obstruction. Obstruction may be partial or com-
From its takeoff from the vagus nerve, it passes deep to both plete. The latter is characterized by total lack of air exchange.
branches of the carotid artery. A large internal branch pierces The former is recognized by inspiratory stridor and retraction
the thyrohyoid membrane just inferior to the greater cornu of of neck and intercostal muscles. If respiration is inadequate,
the hyoid. This branch can be blocked with local anesthetics the head-tiltchin-lift or jaw-thrust maneuver should be per-
for oral or nasal intubations in awake patients. The recurrent formed. In patients with suspected cervical spine injuries, the
laryngeal branch of the vagus nerve provides sensory inner- jaw-thrust maneuver (without the head tilt) may result in the
vation below the cords. It also supplies all the muscles of the least movement of the cervical spine. To perform the head-tilt
larynx except the cricothyroid, which is innervated by the ex- maneuver, place a palm on the patients forehead and apply
ternal branch of the superior laryngeal nerve. pressure to extend the head about the atlanto-occipital joint.
To perform the chin lift, place several fingers of the other hand
in the submental area and lift the mandible. Care must be taken
to avoid airway obstruction by pressing too firmly on the soft
tissues in the submental area. To perform the jaw thrust, lift up
Epiglottis on the angles of the mandible [3] (Fig. 1.3). Both of these ma-
neuvers open the oropharyngeal passage. Laryngospasm can
be treated by maintaining positive airway pressure using a face
Glottic mask and bag valve device (see the following section). If the
Opening patient resumes spontaneous breathing, establishing this head
position may constitute sufficient treatment. If obstruction per-
sists, a check for foreign bodies, emesis, or secretions should
Vocal be performed [6].
tight fit with the face mask, covering the patients mouth and
FIGURE 1.5. The mechanism of upper airway obstruction and the
nose. To perform this procedure apply the mask initially to the proper position of the oropharyngeal airway. [From Textbook of ad-
bridge of the nose and draw it downward toward the mouth, vanced cardiac life support. Dallas, TX, American Heart Association,
using both hands. The operator stands at the patients head and 1997, with permission.]
presses the mask onto the patients face with the left hand. The
thumb should be on the nasal portion of the mask, the index
finger near the oral portion, and the rest of the fingers spread to establish an adequate airway when proper head positioning
on the left side of the patients mandible so as to pull it slightly alone is insufficient (Figs. 1.4 and 1.5). The oropharyngeal air-
forward. The bag is then alternately compressed and released way is semicircular and made of plastic or hard rubber. The
with the right hand. A good airway is indicated by the rise and two types are the Guedel airway, with a hollow tubular design,
fall of the chest; moreover, lungchest wall compliance can be and the Berman airway, with airway channels along the sides.
estimated from the amount of pressure required to compress Both types are most easily inserted by turning the curved por-
the bag. The minimum effective insufflation pressure should be tion toward the palate as it enters the mouth. It is then advanced
used to decrease the risk of insufflating the stomach with gas beyond the posterior portion of the tongue and rotated down-
and subsequently increase the risk of aspiration. ward into the proper position (Fig. 1.5). Often, depressing the
tongue or moving it laterally with a tongue blade helps to po-
sition the oropharyngeal airway. Care must be exercised not to
Airway Adjuncts push the tongue into the posterior pharynx, causing or exac-
erbating obstruction. Because insertion of the oropharyngeal
If proper positioning of the head and neck or clearance of for- airway can cause gagging or vomiting, or both, it should be
eign bodies and secretions fails to establish an adequate air- used only in unconscious patients.
way, several airway adjuncts may be helpful if an individual The nasopharyngeal airway is a soft tube approximately
who is skilled in intubation is not immediately available. An 15 cm long, which is made of rubber or plastic (Figs. 1.4
oropharyngeal or nasopharyngeal airway occasionally helps and 1.6). It is inserted through the nostril into the posterior
TA B L E 1 . 1
L Look externally
Look at the patient externally for characteristics that are known to cause difficult laryngoscopy,
intubation or ventilation.
E Evaluate the 3-3-2 rule
In order to allow alignment of the pharyngeal, laryngeal, and oral axes and therefore simple intubation,
the following relationships should be observed. The distance between the patient's incisor teeth should
be at least 3 finger breadths (3), the distance between the hyoid bone and the chin should be at least
3 finger breadths (3), and the distance between the thyroid notch and the floor of the mouth should be
at least 2 finger breadths (2).
1 Inter-incisor distance in fingers 3
2 Hyoid mental distance in fingers
3 Thyroid to floor of mouth in
M Mallampati
The hypopharynx should be visualized adequately. This has been done traditionally by assessing the
Mallampati classification. The patient is sat upright, told to open the mouth fully and protrude the
tongue as far as possible. The examiner then looks into the mouth with a light torch to assess the degree
of hypopharynx visible. In the case of a supine patient, Mallampati score can be estimated by getting
the patient to open the mouth fully and protrude the tongue and a laryngoscopy light can be shone into
the hypopharynx from above.
Class I: soft palate, Class II: soft palate, Class III: soft palate, Class IV: hard palate
uvula, fauces, pillars uvula, fauces visible base of uvula visible only visible
O Obstruction?
Any condition that can cause obstruction of the airway will make laryngoscopy and ventilation difficult.
Such conditions are epiglottis, peritonsillar abscesses, and trauma.
N Neck mobility
This is a vital requirement for successful intubation. It can be assessed easily by getting the patient to
place his or her chin down onto the chest and then to extend the neck so the patient is looking towards the
ceiling. Patients in hard collar neck immobilization obviously have no neck movement and are therefore
harder to intubate.
FIGURE 1.7. The LEMON airway assessment method. [From Reed MJ, Dunn MJ, McKeown DW: Can
an airway assessment score predict difficulty at intubation in the emergency department? Emerg Med J
22(2):99102, 2005, with permission.]
with the use of LEMON since it is difficult to ascertain the Mal- these include neck radiation changes, male sex, a diagnosis
lampati class. Nonetheless, using elements of LEMON that of sleep apnea, Mallampati class III or IV airway, and the
could be incorporated into the emergency evaluation of pa- presence of a beard [14]. Among these factors, neck radiation
tients, Reed et al. [13] found that large incisors, a reduced changes were the most significant predictor of impossible mask
interincisor distance, and a reduced distance between the thy- ventilation.
roid and floor of the mouth were associated with a limited
laryngoscopic view in emergency department patients. When-
ever possible, patients in need of elective and emergent air- Education and Intubation Management
way management should be assessed for indicators of difficult
mask ventilation as this may significantly influence the deci- Emergent intubation in the acute care setting is associated with
sion on the primary approach to airway management. In the a high complication rate. It is therefore important to provide
largest analysis published to date, five independent predictors adequate training to practitioners working in this environment,
of impossible mask ventilation were identified by the authors; and have an adequate number of trained personnel be available
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FIGURE 1.8. The two basic types of laryngoscope blades, MacIntosh (A) and Miller (B). The MacIntosh
blade is curved. The blade tip is placed in the vallecula and the handle of the laryngoscope pulled forward
at a 45-degree angle. This allows visualization of the epiglottis. The Miller blade is straight. The tip is
placed posterior to the epiglottis, pinning the epiglottis between the base of the tongue and the straight
laryngoscope blade. The motion on the laryngoscope handle is the same as that used with the MacIntosh
TA B L E 1 . 3
TA B L E 1 . 4
Induction drugs
Thiopental 2.54.5 2050 Hypotension
Propofol 1.02.5 <60 Pain on injection
Midazolam 0.020.20 3060 Hypotension
Ketamine 0.52.0 3060 Increases in intracranial pressure
Increase in secretions
Emergence reactions
Etomidate 0.20.3 2050 Adrenal insufficiency
Pain on injection
Muscle relaxants
Succinylcholine 12 4560 Hyperkalemia
Increased intragastric pressure
Increased intracranial pressure
Rocuronium 0.61.0 6090
weighed against the risk of various hemodynamic derange- bone. The rate of absorption of lidocaine differs by method,
ments that might occur secondary to tracheal intubation and being greater with the aerosol and transtracheal techniques.
initiation of positive-pressure ventilation. Laryngoscopy in an The patient should be observed for signs of lidocaine toxicity
inadequately anesthetized patient can result in tachycardia and (circumoral paresthesia, agitation, and seizures).
an increase in blood pressure. This may be well tolerated in If adequate topical anesthesia cannot be achieved or if the
younger patients but may be detrimental in a patient with patient is not cooperative, general anesthesia may be required
coronary artery disease or raised intracranial pressure. Some- for intubation. Table 1.4 lists common drugs and doses that
times laryngoscopy and intubation may result in a vasovagal are used to facilitate intubation. Ketamine and etomidate are
response, leading to bradycardia and hypotension. Initiation of two drugs that are used commonly because cardiovascular sta-
positive-pressure ventilation in a hypovolemic patient can lead bility is maintained. Caution should be exercised when using
to hypotension from diminished venous return. etomidate in patients with signs and symptoms consistent with
Some of these responses can be attenuated by providing severe sepsis or septic shock. In an analysis of risk factors of rel-
local anesthesia to the nares, mouth, and/or posterior phar- ative adrenocortical deficiency in intensive care patients need-
ynx before intubation. Topical lidocaine (1% to 4%) with ing mechanical ventilation, single bolus etomidate administra-
phenylephrine (0.25%) or cocaine (4%, 200 mg total dose) tion was independently associated with relative adrenocortical
can be used to anesthetize the nasal passages and provide local deficiency [24]. Similarly, when studied for rapid sequence in-
vasoconstriction. This allows the passage of a larger endotra- tubation in acutely ill patients both ketamine and etomidate
cheal tube with less likelihood of bleeding. Aqueous lidocaine provided adequate intubating conditions but the percentage of
phenylephrine or cocaine can be administered via atomizer, patients with adrenal insufficiency was significantly higher in
nose dropper, or long cotton-tipped swabs inserted into the the etomidate group [25]. Lastly, post hoc analysis of the cor-
nares. Alternatively, viscous 2% lidocaine can be applied via ticosteroid therapy of septic shock study revealed an increased
a 3.5-mm endotracheal tube or small nasopharyngeal airway rate of death at 28 days among patients who received etomidate
inserted into the nose. Anesthesia of the tongue and poste- before randomization in both groups (hydrocortisone group
rior pharynx can be accomplished with lidocaine spray (4% and in the placebo group), as compared with patients who did
to 10%) administered via an atomizer or an eutectic mixture not receive etomidate [26]. Taken together these findings war-
of local anesthetics cream applied on a tongue blade and oral rant a careful analysis of risks and benefits before etomidate is
airway [22]. Alternatively, the glossopharyngeal nerve can be used to facilitate endotracheal intubation in acutely ill patients
blocked bilaterally with an injection of a local anesthetic, but with, or at risk for, severe sepsis.
this should be performed by experienced personnel. Use of opioids such as morphine, fentanyl, sufentanil, alfen-
Anesthetizing the larynx below the vocal cords before intu- tanil, or remifentanil allow the dose of the induction drugs to
bation is controversial. The cough reflex can be compromised, be reduced and may attenuate the hemodynamic response
increasing the risk of aspiration. However, tracheal anesthesia to laryngoscopy and intubation. Muscle relaxants can be used
may decrease the incidence of arrhythmias or untoward circu- to facilitate intubation, but unless the practitioner has extensive
latory responses to intubation and improve patient tolerance experience with these drugs and airway management, alterna-
of the endotracheal tube. Clinical judgment in this situation tive means of airway control and oxygenation should be used
is necessary. Several methods can be used to anesthetize these until an anesthesiologist arrives to administer the anesthetic
structures. Transtracheal lidocaine (4%, 160 mg) is adminis- and perform the intubation. Although the use of muscle relax-
tered by cricothyroid membrane puncture with a small needle ants is associated with improved laryngoscopy grade during
to anesthetize the trachea and larynx below the vocal cords. Al- intubation, their use may not be associated with a decrease in
ternatively, after exposure of the vocal cords with the laryngo- overall airway related complications, hypotension or hypox-
scope, the cords can be sprayed with lidocaine via an atomizer. emia.
Aerosolized lidocaine (4%, 6 mL) provides excellent anesthesia Recent reviews have extolled the virtue of rapid sequence
to the mouth, pharynx, larynx, and trachea [23]. The superior intubation (RSI) [27,28]: The process by which a drug such
laryngeal nerve can be blocked with 2 mL of 1.0% to 1.5% as etomidate, thiopental, ketamine, or propofol (Table 1.4) is
lidocaine injected just inferior to the greater cornu of the hyoid administered to the patient to induce anesthesia and is followed
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FIGURE 1.9. The four grades of laryngeal view during direct laryngoscopy. Grade I: the entire glottis is
seen. Grade II: only the posterior aspect of the glottis is seen. Grade III: only the epiglottis is seen. Grade
IV: the epiglottis is not visualized. [From Cormack RS, Lehane J: Difficult tracheal intubation in obstetrics.
Anaesthesia 39:11051111, 1984, with permission.]
to prevent a leak during positive-pressure ventilation with a of the endotracheal tube and changes color on exposure to
bag valve device. carbon dioxide. An additional method to detect esophageal in-
A classification grading the view of the laryngeal aper- tubation uses a bulb that attaches to the proximal end of the
ture during direct laryngoscopy has been described [42] and endotracheal tube [47]. The bulb is squeezed. If the tube is in
is depicted in Figure 1.9. Occasionally, the vocal cords can- the trachea, the bulb reexpands, and if the tube is in the esoph-
not be seen entirely; only the corniculate and cuneiform tuber- agus, the bulb remains collapsed. It must be remembered that
cles, interarytenoid incisure, and posterior portion of the vocal none of these techniques is foolproof. Bronchoscopy is the only
cords or only the epiglottis is visualized (grades II to IV view; method to be absolutely sure the tube is in the trachea. After
Fig. 1.9). In this situation, it is helpful to insert the soft metal estimating proper tube placement clinically, it should be con-
stylet into the endotracheal tube and bend it into a hockey- firmed by chest radiograph or bronchoscopy because the tube
stick configuration. The stylet should be bent or coiled at the may be malpositioned. The tip of the endotracheal tube should
proximal end to prevent the distal end from extending beyond be several centimeters above the carina (T-4 level). It must be
the endotracheal tube and causing tissue damage. The stylet remembered that flexion or extension of the head can advance
should be lubricated to ensure easy removal. The BURP ma- or withdraw the tube 2 to 5 cm, respectively.
neuver (backwardupwardr ightward pressure on the larynx)
improves the view of the laryngeal aperture [43]. Alternatively,
a control-tip endotracheal tube can be used. This tube has a Nasotracheal Intubation
nylon cord running the length of the tube attached to a ring Many of the considerations concerning patient preparation and
at the proximal end, which allows the operator to direct the positioning outlined for orotracheal intubation apply to nasal
tip of the tube anteriorly. Another aid is a stylet with a light intubation as well. Blind nasal intubation is more difficult to
(light wand). With the room lights dimmed, the endotracheal perform than oral intubation, because the tube cannot be ob-
tube containing the lighted stylet is inserted into the orophar- served directly as it passes between the vocal cords. However,
ynx and advanced in the midline. When it is just superior to nasal intubation is usually more comfortable for the patient and
the larynx, a glow is seen over the anterior neck. The stylet is is generally preferable in the awake, conscious patient. Nasal
advanced into the trachea, and the tube is threaded over it. The intubation should not be attempted in patients with abnor-
light intensity is diminished if the wand enters the esophagus mal bleeding parameters, nasal polyps, extensive facial trauma,
[44]. The gum elastic bougie (flexible stylet) is another alterna- cerebrospinal rhinorrhea, sinusitis, or any anatomic abnormal-
tive device that can be passed into the larynx; once in place, the ity that would inhibit atraumatic passage of the tube.
endotracheal tube is advance over it and the stylet is removed. As previously discussed in Airway Adjuncts section, after
Endotracheal tubes and stylets are now available that have a the operator has alternately occluded each nostril to ascertain
fiberoptic bundle intrinsic to the tube or the stylet that can be that both are patent, a topical vasoconstrictor and anesthetic
attached to a video monitor. If the attempt to intubate is still un- are applied to the nostril that will be intubated. The nostril
successful, the algorithm that is described in the Management may be dilated with lubricated nasal airways of increasing size
of the Difficult Airway section should be followed. to facilitate atraumatic passage of the endotracheal tube. The
Proper depth of tube placement is clinically ascertained by patient should be monitored with a pulse oximeter, and sup-
observing symmetric expansion of both sides of the chest and plemental oxygen should be given as necessary. The patient
auscultating equal breath sounds in both lungs. The stomach may be either supine or sitting with the head extended in the
should also be auscultated to ensure that the esophagus has sniffing position. The tube is guided slowly but firmly through
not been entered. If the tube has been advanced too far, it the nostril to the posterior pharynx. Here the tube operator
will lodge in one of the main bronchi (particularly the right must continually monitor for the presence of air movement
bronchus), and only one lung will be ventilated. If this error through the tube by listening for breath sounds with the ear
goes unnoticed, the nonventilated lung may collapse. A use- near the open end of the tube. The tube must never be forced
ful rule of thumb for tube placement in adults of average size or pushed forward if breath sounds are lost, because damage
is that the incisors should be at the 23-cm mark in men and to the retropharyngeal mucosa can result. If resistance is met,
the 21-cm mark in women [45]. Alternatively, proper depth the tube should be withdrawn 1 to 2 cm and the patients head
(5 cm above the carina) can be estimated using the following repositioned (extended further or turned to either side). If the
formula: (height in cm/5) minus 13 [46]. Palpation of the an- turn still cannot be negotiated, the other nostril or a smaller
terior trachea in the neck may detect cuff inflation as air is tube should be tried. Attempts at nasal intubation should be
injected into the pilot tube and can serve as a means to ascer- abandoned and oral intubation performed if these methods fail.
tain correct tube position. Measurement of end-tidal carbon Once positioned in the oropharynx, the tube should be ad-
dioxide by standard capnography if available or by means of vanced to the glottis while listening for breath sounds through
a calorimetric chemical detector of end-tidal carbon dioxide the tube. If breath sounds cease, the tube is withdrawn several
(e.g., Easy Cap II, Nellcor, Inc., Pleasanton, CA) can be used to centimeters until breath sounds resume, and the plane of en-
verify correct endotracheal tube placement or detect esophageal try is adjusted slightly. Passage through the vocal cords should
intubation. The latter device is attached to the proximal end be timed to coincide with inspiration. Entry of the tube into
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Airway management
Direct Laryngoscopy
Ablation vs. preservation of No Yes
SB, with or without NMBA
FIGURE 1.11. Modification of the difficult air-
Intubating-, video- way algorithm. ASA DAA, American Society
Fails, mask of Anesthesiologists difficult airway algorithm;
Fails, mask assisted-, or classic LMA
ventilation DMV, difficult mask ventilation; FOI, fiberoptic
ventilation as bridge for definitive
adequate intubation; LMA, laryngeal mask airway; NIPPV,
inadequate airway mgt
noninvasive positive pressure ventilation; NMBA,
neuromuscular blocking agents; SB, spontaneous
breathing. [From Walz JM, Zayaruzny M, Heard
ASA DAA emergency pathway(s) SO, et al. Chest 131(2):608620, 2007, with per-
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should be followed [49]. When a difficult airway is recognized If the operator is able to maintain mask ventilation in a
before the patient is anesthetized, an awake tracheal intuba- patient with an unrecognized difficult airway, a call for expe-
tion is usually the best option. Multiple techniques can be used rienced help should be initiated (Fig. 1.11). If mask ventilation
and include (after adequate topical or local anesthesia) direct cannot be maintained, a cannot ventilatecannot intubate sit-
laryngoscopy, LMA (or variants), blind or bronchoscopic oral uation exists and immediate lifesaving rescue maneuvers are
or nasal intubation, retrograde technique, rigid bronchoscopy, required. Options include an emergency cricothyrotomy or in-
lighted stylet, or a surgical airway. sertion of a supraglottic ventilatory device, such as an LMA or
a Combitube. (Puritan Bennett, Pleasanton, CA.)
Cuff Management
Although low-pressure cuffs have markedly reduced the inci-
dence of complications related to tracheal ischemia, monitoring
FIGURE 1.13. The laryngeal mask airway (LMA)-Fastrach (A) has a cuff pressures remains important. The cuff should be inflated
shorter tube than a conventional LMA. A special endotracheal tube just beyond the point where an audible air leak occurs. Mainte-
(B) [without the adapter (C)] is advanced through the LMA-Fastrach nance of intracuff pressures between 17 and 23 mm Hg should
into the trachea. The extender (D) is attached to the endotracheal tube, allow an adequate seal to permit mechanical ventilation under
and the LMA-Fastrach is removed. After the extender is removed, the most circumstances while not compromising blood flow to the
adapter is placed back on the tube. tracheal mucosa. The intracuff pressure should be checked pe-
riodically by attaching a pressure gauge and syringe to the cuff
port via a three-way stopcock. The need to add air continually
(i.e., 14-gauge) catheter into the airway through the cricothy- to the cuff to maintain its seal with the tracheal wall indicates
roid membrane while aspirating with a syringe attached to the that (a) the cuff or pilot tube has a hole in it, (b) the pilot
needle of the catheter. When air is aspirated, the needle is in tube valve is broken or cracked, or (c) the tube is positioned
the airway and the catheter is passed over the needle into the incorrectly, and the cuff is between the vocal cords. The tube
trachea. The needle is attached to a high-frequency jet venti- position should be reevaluated to exclude the latter possibility.
lation apparatus. Alternatively, a 3-mL syringe barrel can be If the valve is broken, attaching a three-way stopcock to it will
connected to the catheter. Following this, a 7-mm inside diam- solve the problem. If the valve housing is cracked, cutting the
eter endotracheal tube adapter is fitted into the syringe and is pilot tube and inserting a blunt needle with a stopcock into the
connected to a high-pressure gas source or a high-frequency jet lumen of the pilot tube can maintain a competent system. A
ventilator. An algorithm with suggestions for the management hole in the cuff necessitates a change of tube.
of the difficult airway is provided in Figure 1.11.
Tube Suctioning
Management of the Airway in Patients with Suspected A complete discussion of tube suctioning can be found in Chap-
Cervical Spine Injury ter 62. Routine suctioning should not be performed in patients
Any patient with multiple trauma who requires intubation in whom secretions are not a problem. Suctioning can produce
should be treated as if cervical spine injury were present. In a variety of complications, including hypoxemia, elevations
the absence of severe maxillofacial trauma or cerebrospinal in intracranial pressure, and serious ventricular arrhythmias.
rhinorrhea, nasal intubation can be considered. However, in Preoxygenation should reduce the likelihood of arrhythmias.
the profoundly hypoxemic or apneic patient, the orotracheal Closed ventilation suction systems (Stericath) may reduce the
approach should be used. If oral intubation is required, an risk of hypoxemia but have not been shown to reduce the rate
assistant should maintain the neck in the neutral position by of ventilator-associated pneumonia (VAP) compared to open
ensuring axial stabilization of the head and neck as the patient suction systems [52].
is intubated [51]. A cervical collar also assists in immobiliz-
ing the cervical spine. In a patient with maxillofacial trauma Humidification
and suspected cervical spine injury, retrograde intubation can Intubation of the trachea bypasses the normal upper airway
be performed by puncturing the cricothyroid membrane with structures responsible for heating and humidifying inspired air.
an 18-gauge catheter and threading a 125-cm Teflon-coated It is thus essential that inspired air be heated and humidified
(0.025-cm diameter) guidewire through the catheter. The wire (see Chapter 62).
is advanced into the oral cavity, and the endotracheal tube is
then advanced over the wire into the trachea. Alternatively, the Tube Replacement
wire can be threaded through the suction port of a 3.9-mm
bronchoscope. At times, endotracheal tubes may need to be replaced because of
an air leak, obstruction, or other problems. Before attempting
to change an endotracheal tube, one should assess how difficult
Airway Management in the Intubated Patient it will be. After obtaining appropriate topical anesthesia or IV
sedation and achieving muscle relaxation, direct laryngoscopy
can be performed to ascertain whether there will be difficulties
Securing the Tube in visualizing the vocal cords. If the cords can be seen, the defec-
Properly securing the endotracheal tube in the desired posi- tive tube is removed under direct visualization and reintubation
tion is important for three reasons: (a) to prevent accidental performed using the new tube. If the cords cannot be seen on
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direct laryngoscopy, the tube can be changed over an airway the pharynx, larynx, or trachea; dislocation of an arytenoid
exchange catheter (e.g., Cook Critical Care, Bloomington, IN) cartilage; retropharyngeal perforation; epistaxis; hypoxemia;
which allows insufflation of oxygen via either standard oxygen myocardial ischemia; laryngospasm with noncardiogenic pul-
tubing or a bag valve device [53]. monary edema; and death [5,54]. Many of these complications
can be avoided by paying careful attention to technique and
ensuring that personnel with the greatest skill and experience
COMPLICATIONS OF perform the intubation. Complications during endotracheal in-
tubation vary according to the location of the patient in need
ENDOTRACHEAL INTUBATION of emergency airway management. Although the complication
rates on the regular hospital floor and in the ICU appear to
Table 1.5 is a partial listing of the complications associated be high at around 28% for both locations, they can be mod-
with endotracheal intubation. Factors implicated in the etiol- ified with standardized algorithms as outlined previously. The
ogy of complications include tube size, characteristics of the most frequent complications encountered in these two settings
tube and cuff, trauma during intubation, duration and route are multiple intubation attempts and esophageal intubation in
of intubation, metabolic or nutritional status of the patient, the general hospital units, and severe hypoxemia and hemody-
tube motion, and laryngeal motor activity. namic collapse in the ICU. Presence of acute respiratory failure
During endotracheal intubation, traumatic injury can occur and presence of shock appear to be an independent risk factor
to any anatomic structure from the lips to the trachea. Pos- for the occurrence of complications in the latter setting [55,56].
sible complications include aspiration; damage to teeth and
dental work; corneal abrasions; perforation or laceration of
tube is in position relate to mechanical ventilation (e.g., pneu- consciousness following anesthesia, or (c) sufficient resolution
mothorax) and are discussed in detail in Chapter 58. of the initial indications for intubation.
EXTUBATION Tracheostomy
The decision to extubate a patient is based on (a) a favorable The optimal time of conversion from an endotracheal tube to a
clinical response to a carefully planned regimen of weaning tracheostomy remains controversial. The reader is referred to
from mechanical ventilation (see Chapter 60), (b) recovery of Chapter 12 for details on tracheostomy.
1. Caples SM, Gay PC: Noninvasive positive pressure ventilation in the inten- 10. Tse JC, Rimm EB, Hussain A: Predicting difficult endotracheal intubation in
sive care unit: a concise review. Crit Care Med 33:26512658, 2005. surgical patients scheduled for general anesthesia: a prospective blind study.
2. Snell RS, Katz J: Clinical Anatomy for Anesthesiologists. Norwalk, CT, Ap- Anesth Analg 81:254258, 1995.
pleton and Lange, 1988. 11. Levitan RM, Everett WW, Ochroch EA: Limitations of difficult airway pre-
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The art and science of central venous catheter (CVC) insertion, and it is simply inexcusable for institutions not to fully adapt
maintenance, and management continues to evolve. Increased proven protocols and procedures that have been shown to
emphasis on patient safety and prevention of nosocomial significantly reduce CRI and other catheter complications [1].
complications has focused attention on the impact of CVCs on Patient safety is also the main impetus for increased availability
patient health. Catheter-related infection (CRI), often with a of simulation laboratories [2,3] for operator training in the
resistant organism such as methicillin-resistant Staphylococcal use of portable ultrasound [4,5] to facilitate catheter insertion.
aureus or vancomycin-resistant enterococci (VRE) remains an Insertion of CVCs is a procedure at the crossroads of the
important cause of increased patient morbidity and mortality, controversy of the need for training versus patient safety.
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Training of physicians in the United States has been guided [6,10]. Ultrasound has been less useful in cannulating the sub-
for years by the mantra see one, do one, teach one, but this clavian vein [11]. The subclavian vein is more difficult to ac-
approach can no longer be defended as the best practice. Dif- cess using ultrasound due to its deeper and posterior location
ferent institutions have developed different solutions, ranging to the clavicle which prevents the transmission of ultrasound
from specially designated catheter teams responsible for waves. The subclavian vein may be accessed at the midpoint of
all hospital-wide catheter insertions, to well equipped simu- the clavicle using a long-axis view or by a supraclavicular ap-
lation laboratories that provide certification of competence proach. Similarly, the infraclavicular axillary vein, which lies a
and which have been shown to reduce subsequent clinical few centimeters lateral to the subclavian vein, can be accessed
complications [2]. with the short-axis ultrasound view [12].
Because of the availability and relatively low cost of portable Because of the success of ultrasound, some experts have ar-
ultrasound units, many nonradiologists have been performing gued for the complete elimination of all nonultrasound-guided
bedside image-guided central venous cannulation. Ultrasound CVC insertions. Although we recognize that even very experi-
guidance allows visualization of the vessel showing its precise enced operators will benefit from ultrasound (if nothing else,
location and patency in real time. It is especially useful for pa- by detection of anatomic variations and thrombosed vessels),
tients with suboptimal body habitus, volume depletion, shock, it is not yet feasible to insist on 100% ultrasound availability.
anatomic deformity, previous cannulation, underlying coagu- We also feel that there are still circumstances where standard
lopathy, and intravenous drug use. The use of ultrasound guid- subclavian catheterization is warranted and that this access site
ance has significantly decreased the failure rate, complication should not be abandoned. Therefore, it is important that one
rate, and the number of attempts in obtaining central venous learns to obtain CVC via landmark techniques.
access and, as a result, has become routine in many centers In this chapter, we review the techniques and complications
[4,6]. Experts all over the world argue that ultrasound guidance of the various routes available for central venous catheteri-
should be viewed as standard of care for all CVC insertions, a zation, and present a strategy for catheter management that
recommendation met with resistance by many clinicians [6,7]. incorporates all of the recent advances.
In 2001, the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality
Report listed bedside ultrasonography during central venous
access as one of the Top 11 Highly Proven patient safety
practices that are not routinely used in patient care, and it rec- INDICATIONS AND SITE
ommended all CVC insertions be guided by real-time, dynamic SELECTION
ultrasound [8]. The Third Sonography Outcomes Assessment
Program (SOAP-3) trial, a concealed, randomized, controlled Like any medical procedure, CVC has specific indications and
multicenter study, had an odds ratio 53.5 times higher for suc- should be reserved for the patient who has potential to benefit
cess with ultrasound guidance compared with the landmark from it. After determining that CVC is necessary, physicians
technique. It also demonstrated a significantly lower average often proceed with catheterization at the site they are most ex-
number of attempts and average time of catheter placement [9]. perienced with, which might not be the most appropriate route
Given the existing data and recommendations, it appears no in that particular patient. Table 2.1 lists general priorities in
longer defensible to lack an active ultrasound training and uti- site selection for different indications of CVC; the final choice
lization program in the intensive care unit (ICU). Ultrasound of site in a particular patient should vary based on individual
can be used in obtaining central venous access from multi- institutional and operator experiences. In general, we recom-
ple sites, especially the internal jugular and femoral veins (FV) mend that all internal jugular and femoral vein cannulations
TA B L E 2 . 1
Site selection
Indication First Second Third
AV, antecubital vein; EJV, external jugular vein; FV, femoral vein; IJV, internal jugular vein; L, left; PICC, peripherally inserted central venous catheter;
R, right; SCV, subclavian vein. IJV and FV assume ultrasound guidance. see text for details.
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be performed under ultrasound guidance. As noted earlier, we drugs and defibrillation, central access should be obtained by
feel the traditional subclavian route offers many advantages for the most experienced operator available with a minimum inter-
central access and should not be abandoned. However, only ex- ruption of CPR. Emergency ultrasound-guided femoral CVC
perienced operators should use the traditional infraclavicular placement has been shown to be slightly faster with fewer com-
approach; others should use ultrasound guidance with a mod- plications than the landmark technique [20].
ified approach that is described later. The placement of CVC is now common in patients with se-
Volume resuscitation alone is not an indication for CVC. vere sepsis, septic shock, or acute respiratory distress syndrome
A 2.5-inch, 16-gauge catheter used to cannulate a peripheral (ARDS), to monitor central venous pressure (CVP) and central
vein can infuse twice the amount of fluid as an 8-inch, 16- venous oxygen saturation (ScvO2 ). Rivers showed a 16% abso-
gauge CVC [13]. However, peripheral vein cannulation can be lute reduction of in-hospital mortality with early goal-directed
impossible in the hypovolemic, shocked individual. Previously, therapy for patients with severe sepsis, which included keeping
we recommended the subclavian vein (SCV) as the most reliable the ScvO2 greater than 70% [21]. Early goal-directed therapy
central site because it remains patent due to its fibrous attach- was subsequently shown to be achievable in real-world set-
ments to the clavicle. But recently, use of real-time ultrasound- tings [22]. For these patients, the relationship between superior
guided CVC placement by direct visualization of the internal vena caval and inferior vena caval oxygen saturations has not
jugular vein (IJV) has increased success rate and decreased com- been definitively elucidated [23]. Likewise, the ARDS network
plications in the shocked or hypovolemic patient [5,6]. reported that CVP monitoring using a CVC is as effective as
Long-term total parenteral nutrition is best administered a pulmonary artery catheter in managing patients with acute
through SCV catheters, which should be inserted by interven- lung injury and ARDS [24]. Because many of these patients
tional radiology or surgically implanted if appropriate. The are on high levels of positive end expiratory pressure (PEEP)
IJV is the preferred site for acute hemodialysis, and the SCV and at high risk for complications from pneumothorax, IJV
should be avoided because of the relatively high incidence of catheterization under ultrasound guidance represents the safest
subclavian stenosis following temporary dialysis, which then approach.
limits options for an AV fistula should long-term dialysis be-
come necessary [14,15]. The FV is also suitable for acute short-
term hemodialysis or plasmapheresis in nonambulatory pa- GENERAL CONSIDERATIONS AND
tients [16].
Emergency trans-venous pacemakers and flow-directed pul- COMPLICATIONS
monary artery catheters are best inserted through the right IJV
because of the direct path to the right ventricle. This route is General considerations for CVC independent of the site of
associated with the fewest catheter tip malpositions. The SCV insertion are the need for signed informed consent, insuring
is an alternative second choice for pulmonary artery catheter- patient comfort and safety, ultrasound preparation, catheter
ization even in many patients with coagulopathy [17]. The tip location, vascular erosions, catheter-associated thrombosis,
left SCV is preferred to the right SV due to a less torturous air and catheter embolism, and the presence of coagulopathy.
route to the heart. The reader is referred to Chapter 4 for ad- Catheter-associated infection is reviewed separately.
ditional information on the insertion and care of pulmonary
artery catheters.
Preoperative CVC is desirable in a wide variety of clinical Informed Consent
situations. One specific indication for preoperative right ven-
tricular catheterization is the patient undergoing a posterior It seems intuitively obvious that a signed informed consent is
craniotomy or cervical laminectomy in the sitting position. mandatory before CVC insertion, but in clinical practice, it is
These patients are at risk for air embolism, and the catheter not that straightforward. CVC insertions in the ICU are ex-
can be used to aspirate air from the right ventricle [18]. Neu- tremely common, occur at all hours of the day, and may be
rosurgery is the only common indication for (but used only crucial for early and appropriate resuscitation and commence-
rarely) antecubital approach, as IJV catheters are in the op- ment of care. Many critically ill patients, especially in urban
erative field and theoretically can obstruct blood return from settings, have no available family members or legal net of kin.
the cranial vault and increase intracranial pressure. Subclavian Obtaining informed consent for these patients may inappro-
catheters are an excellent alternative for preoperative neurosur- priately delay completion of the procedure and impact quality
gical patients if pneumothorax is ruled out prior to induction of care. Because of these considerations, there is no uniform
of general anesthesia. clinical or legal opinion regarding the necessity of individual
Venous access during cardiopulmonary resuscitation war- informed consent prior to all CVC insertions or other ICU pro-
rants special comment. Peripheral vein cannulation in circula- cedures [25]. Some institutions have dealt with this matter by
tory arrest may prove impossible, and circulation times of drugs developing a single general consent form for critical care
administered peripherally are prolonged when compared with that is signed one time for each individual ICU admission and
central injection [19]. Drugs injected through femoral catheters covers all commonly performed bedside procedures. A recent
also have a prolonged circulation time unless the catheter tip review reported that 14% of all surveyed ICUs used such a
is advanced beyond the diaphragm, although the clinical sig- consent form, and overall consent practice varied widely. In
nificance of this is debated. Effective drug administration is general, providers in medical ICUs sought consent for CVC in-
an extremely important element of successful cardiopulmonary sertion more often than providers in surgical ICUs [25]. Given
resuscitation, and all physicians should understand the appro- the lack of agreement on this topic, it seems prudent to make
priate techniques for establishing venous access. It is logical to a few recommendations: (1) Written informed consent should
establish venous access as quickly as possible, either peripher- be obtained prior to all truly elective CVC insertion or other
ally or centrally if qualified personnel are present. Prolonged procedures (2). Whenever possible, competent patients or le-
attempts at arm vein cannulation are not warranted, and un- gal next of kin of incompetent/incapacitated patients should
der these circumstances, the FV is a good alternative. Despite be thoroughly informed of the indications, risks, and benefits
the potential of longer drug circulation times, the FV is rec- of emergency CVC insertion prior to the performance of the
ommended for access in a code situation as cardiopulmonary procedure. If informed consent is not possible prior to CVC
resuscitation (CPR) is interrupted the least with its placement. insertion, then consent should be obtained as soon as possi-
If circulation is not restored after administration of appropriate ble after completion of the procedure. A signed consent form
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is always preferable, but sometimes not feasible. Oral consent ultrasound plane and appears as single bright echogenic foci on
should be documented in the procedure note by the person ultrasound image. Needle position may be better ascertained
obtaining assent. (3) Emergent CVC placement should not be by slightly moving the needle back and forth displacing the
delayed inappropriately by efforts to obtain consentoral or surrounding soft tissue and possible tenting of vessel wall. It is
written. Patients and family should be told as soon as possible important to note the depth of the vessel on the ultrasound im-
after insertion why the CVC was required. (4) A general con- age to be mindful of how far to penetrate safely with the needle.
sent form that is signed one time as close as possible to ICU The return of blood flow confirms intravascular placement of
admission is a reasonable way to try and inform patients of the the needle tip, and CVC placement may proceed in the usual
benefits/risks of procedures without incurring unnecessary de- fashion. It is good practice to confirm guidewire placement
lays or consumption of clinical time. This form can also serve within the vein as well. The longitudinal approach gives more
as a useful reference for patients and families of all the various information but is more difficult. When using the longitudinal
common procedures that are performed in the ICU. (5) Finally, approach, the plane of the ultrasound and of the needle must
it is good practice to document the practice that is used in the be perfectly aligned and is best for one operator to be holding
ICU Policies and Procedures book and the rationale for it. both probe and needle. First, the vein artery must be visualized
using the transverse view. The probe should then be turned 90
degrees to image just the vein in the long-axis view. Enter the
Patient Comfort and Safety skin just adjacent to the probe at a 45-degree angle. The needle
and needle tip can be directly viewed as it is advanced through
Many patients requiring CVC have an unstable airway or are the vessel. Once in place, advance the guidewire under direct
hemodynamically unstable. These considerations should im- visualization.
pact preparation and choice of site. For example, many pa-
tients are claustrophobic and will not tolerate their face being
covered; others who are dyspneic will not tolerate lying flat. Mobile Catheter Cart
In our experience, significant physiologic decompensation or
even code blues may occur during CVC placement because Availability of a mobile catheter cart that contains all neces-
the operator is focused on establishing access and/or interprets sary supplies and that can be wheeled to the patients bedside
the silent patient as one who is having no problems. Every is good practice and likely reduces overall catheter infection
patient should be specifically assessed prior to CVC regarding rate by decreasing breaks in sterile technique [26]. In our expe-
their positioning, airway, and hemodynamic stability. On more rience, the mobile cart is also an excellent way to standardize
than one occasion, we have placed a femoral catheter because all catheter insertions, facilitate communication of procedural
a patient could not lie flat or needed emergency venous access tasks (such as use of a time-out), and allow for staff to timely
for endotracheal intubation. Once the patient is stabilized, the complete mandatory forms.
appropriate site/catheter can then be inserted under less unsta-
ble/rigorous conditions.
Catheter Tip Location
Ultrasound Preparation Catheter tip location is a very important consideration in CVC
placement. The ideal location for the catheter tip is the dis-
Ultrasound enables immediate identification of anatomic varia- tal innominate or proximal superior vena cava (SVC), 3 to
tion, confirmation of vessel patency, and direct visualization of 5 cm proximal to the cavalatrial junction. Positioning of the
the needle entering the vessel. The difference between vein and catheter tip within the right atrium or right ventricle should
artery can be determined by compressibility, shape, Doppler be avoided. Cardiac tamponade secondary to catheter tip per-
flow, and increasing size with the Valsalva or other maneuvers. foration of the cardiac wall is uncommon, but two thirds of
Veins are usually ovoid in shape, completely compressible, and patients suffering this complication die [27]. Perforation likely
have thin walls; in contrast, arteries are circular, difficult to results from vessel wall damage from infused solutions com-
compress, and have thick walls. bined with catheter tip migration that occurs from the motion
When performing ultrasound, the same general technique is of the beating heart as well as patient arm and neck movements.
followed regardless of the site of puncture [6]. A quick, nonster- Migration of catheter tips can be impressive: 5 to 10 cm with
ile survey should be made with the vascular probe to quickly antecubital catheters and 1 to 5 cm with IJV or SCV catheters
identify the presence of a suitable vein for catheterization. After [28,29]. Other complications from intracardiac catheter tip po-
sterile preparation of the patient and site, the vascular probe sition include provocation of arrhythmias from mechanical irri-
should be used with a sterile probe cover kit. This kit contains tation and infusion of caustic medications or unwarmed blood
a sterile sleeve, sterile jelly, and rubber bands. To apply the [30].
sterile sleeve, have an assistant place nonsterile jelly inside the Correct placement of the catheter tip is relatively simple,
sleeve and then place probe in the sleeve. Extend the sleeve beginning with an appreciation of anatomy. The cavalatrial
over the cord and fasten the sleeve with rubber bands. One junction is approximately 16 to 18 cm from right-sided skin
band should be fastened toward the head of the probe to en- punctures and 19 to 21 cm from left-sided insertions and is rel-
sure the jelly remains in place for optimal imaging. Sterile jelly atively independent of patient gender and body habitus [31,32].
is then applied to the tip of probe on the outside of sleeve. Insertion of a standard 20-cm triple-lumen catheter to its full
The target vessels may be visualized using a transverse or length frequently places the tip within the heart, especially fol-
longitudinal view. The transverse approach is technically eas- lowing right-sided insertions. A chest radiograph should be
ier than the longitudinal approach and is the best approach for obtained following every initial CVC insertion to ascertain
beginners. The transverse view allows identification of the tar- catheter tip location and to detect complications. The right
get vein in relation to the artery, which helps decrease risk of tracheobronchial angle is the most reliable landmark on plain
unintentional puncture of the artery. Once identified, the vein film chest X-ray for the upper margin of the SVC, and is always
should be centered underneath the probe. An 18-gauge needle at least 2.9 cm above the cavalatrial junction. The catheter tip
should slowly be advanced with the skin puncture site proxi- should lie about 1 cm below this landmark, and above the
mal to the probe, so that vessel puncture is directly visualized. right upper cardiac silhouette to ensure placement outside of
With this approach, the needle traverses diagonally across the the pericardium [33].
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Technique of Cannulation the catheter cannot be advanced easily, another site should be
Several kits are available for antecubital CVC. The PICC and
midline catheters are made of silicone or polyurethane and,
depending on catheter stiffness and size, are usually placed Success Rate and Complications
through an introducer. The method described below is for a Using the above-mentioned technique, PICC catheters have a
PICC inserted through a tear-away introducer. 75% to 95% successful placement rate. Overall, PICCs ap-
The success rates from either arm are comparable, though pear to be at least as safe as CVCs, but important compli-
the catheter must traverse a greater distance from the left. With cations include sterile phlebitis, thrombosis (especially of the
the patients arm at his or her side, the antecubital fossa is SCV and IJV), infection, limb edema, and pericardial tampon-
prepared with chlorhexidine and draped using maximum bar- ade. Phlebitis may be more common with antecubital CVCs,
rier precautions (mask, cap and sterile gown, gloves and large probably due to less blood flow in these veins as well as the
drape covering the patient). A tourniquet is placed proximally proximity of the venipuncture site to the skin [52,53]. The risk
by an assistant and a portable ultrasound device used to iden- of pericardial tamponade may also be increased if the catheter
tify the basilic or its main branches. A vein can be distinguished tip is inserted too deep because of greater catheter tip migra-
from an artery by visualizing compressibility, color flow, and tion occurring with arm movements [54]. Complications are
Doppler flow (Fig. 2.1). After a time-out and administration minimized by strict adherence to recommended techniques for
of local anesthesia subcutaneously, venipuncture is performed catheter placement and care.
with the thin wall entry needle a few centimeters proximal
to the antecubital crease to avoid catheter breakage and em-
bolism. When free backflow of venous blood is confirmed, the
tourniquet is released and the guidewire carefully threaded into Internal Jugular Approach
the vein for a distance of 15 to 20 cm. Leaving the guidewire in
place, the thin-wall needle is withdrawn and the puncture site The IJV has been used for venous access in pediatric and adult
enlarged with a scalpel blade. The sheath-introducer assem- patients for many years but its use in some circumstances has
bly is threaded over the guidewire with a twisting motion, and been limited by a relatively lower rate of success due to its com-
the guidewire removed. Next, leaving the sheath in place, the pressibility and propensity to collapse in hypovolemic condi-
dilator is removed, and the introducer is now ready for PICC tions. In our opinion, ultrasound has had its greatest impact by
insertion. The length of insertion is estimated by measuring improving the efficiency of IJV cannulation, since real-time di-
the distance along the predicted vein path from the venipunc- rect visualization of the vein is easily obtained. This minimizes
ture site to the manubriosternal junction, using the measuring the impact of hypovolemia or anatomical variations on overall
tape provided in the kit. The PICC is typically supplied with success, and has rendered the need for EJV catheterization al-
an inner obturator that provides stiffness for insertion. The most extinct. Furthermore, under ultrasound guidance, the cen-
PICC is trimmed to the desired length and flushed with saline tral approach is almost always used, and as a result, we will no
and the obturator is inserted into the PICC up to the tip. The longer review the anterior or posterior approaches. In general,
PICC/obturator assembly is inserted through the introducer to these techniques will differ only in the point of skin puncture
the appropriate distance, the introducer peeled away, and the (Fig. 2.2), and readers are referred to previous editions of this
obturator removed. The PICC is secured in place and a chest text for a thorough description of these approaches.
X-ray obtained to determine tip position.
If resistance to advancing the PICC is met, options are lim- Anatomy
ited. Techniques such as abducting the arm are of limited value.
The IJV emerges from the base of the skull through the jugular
If a catheter-through- or over-needle device has been used, the
foramen and enters the carotid sheath dorsally with the inter-
catheter must never be withdrawn without simultaneously re-
nal carotid artery (ICA). It then courses posterolaterally to the
tracting the needle to avoid catheter shearing and embolism. If
artery and runs beneath the sternocleidomastoid (SCM) mus-
cle. The vein lies medial to the anterior portion of the SCM
muscle superiorly and then runs beneath the triangle formed
by the two heads of the muscle in its medial portion before
entering the SCV near the medial border of the anterior sca-
lene muscle at the sternal border of the clavicle. The junction
of the right IJV (which averages 2 to 3 cm in diameter) with
the right SCV forming the innominate vein follows a straight
path to the SVC. As a result, catheter malposition and looping
of the catheter inserted through the right IJV are unusual. In
contrast, a catheter passed through the left IJV must negotiate
a sharp turn at the left jugulosubclavian junction, which re-
sults in a greater percentage of catheter malpositions [55]. This
sharp turn may also produce tension and torque at the catheter
tip, resulting in a higher incidence of vessel erosion.
Knowledge of the structures neighboring the IJV is essential
as they may be compromised by a misdirected needle. The ICA
runs medial to the IJV but, rarely, may lie directly posterior
or, rarely, anterior. Behind the ICA, just outside the sheath, lie
the stellate ganglion and the cervical sympathetic trunk. The
dome of the pleura, which is higher on the left, lies caudal to the
junction of the IJV and SCV. Posteriorly, at the root of the neck,
course the phrenic and vagus nerves. The thoracic duct lies
posterior to the left IJV and enters the superior margin of the
FIGURE 2.1. Ultrasound view of the basilica vein at the antecubital SCV near the jugulosubclavian junction. The right lymphatic
fossa. duct has the same anatomical relationship but is much smaller,
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FIGURE 2.2. Surface anatomy and various approaches to cannulation of the internal jugular vein.
A: Surface anatomy. B: Anterior approach. C: Central approach. D: Posterior approach. The external
jugular vein is also shown.
and chylous effusions typically occur only with left-sided IJV The IJV is usually readily identified by ultrasound (Fig. 2.3),
cannulations. and if the anatomy is normal and the IJV of substantial size,
use of a finder needle is not required. The operator can directly
visualize the needle entering the vein, and then proceed with
Technique of Cannulation insertion of the guidewire and catheter as described later. It
With careful preparation of equipment and attention to patient is important not to be mesmerized or to have a false sense
comfort and safety as described earlier, the patient is placed in a of confidence because ultrasound is being used. Always follow
15-degree Trendelenburg position to distend the vein and min- standard catheterization technique and always confirm (using
imize the risk of air embolism. The head is turned gently to multiple techniques) venous puncture. For example, it is good
the contralateral side. The surface anatomy is identified, espe- practice to document that the needle or short cannula is in the
cially the angle of the mandible, the two heads of the SCM, the IJV through the use of manometry or to visualize the guidewire
clavicle, the EJV, and the trachea (Fig. 2.2). We recommend pre- within the vein by using ultrasound before proceeding with
liminary ultrasound examination of the IJV before skin prepa- catheter insertion.
ration to quickly identify anatomical variations and suitability If ultrasound is unavailable, skin puncture is at the apex
for catheterization. The probe should initially be placed in the of the triangle formed by the two muscle bellies of the SCM
center of the triangle formed by the clavicle and two heads of and the clavicle. The ICA pulsation is usually felt 1 to 2 cm
the SCM. If on the ultrasound the IJV is very small, throm- medial to this point, beneath or just medial to the sternal head
bosed, or there is a significant anatomical variant, it is best to of the SCM. The skin at the apex of the triangle is infiltrated
choose another site since successful cannulation is directly de- with 1% lidocaine using the smallest needle available. Use of a
pendent on cross-sectional luminal size of the vessel. The neck small-bore finder needle to locate the IJV should prevent unin-
is then prepared with chlorhexidine and fully draped, using tentional ICA puncture and unnecessary probing with a larger
maximum barrier precautions. Before the procedure is begun, bore needle. To avoid collapsing the IJV, the operator should
a time-out is performed. maintain minimal to no pressure on the ICA with the left hand
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approach is to remove small bore catheters and avoid hep- vanced in the axis of the vein at 20 degrees to the frontal plane.
arinization if possible, as hemorrhage appears to be a greater The EJV may be more difficult to cannulate than expected be-
risk than thromboembolism. For larger bore catheters and cause of its propensity to roll and displace rather than puncture
complicated cases, we involve interventional radiology and vas- in response to the advancing needle. A firm, quick thrust is often
cular surgery before removal, and individualize the manage- required to effect venipuncture. When free backflow of blood
ment based on the circumstances. is established, the needle tip is advanced a few millimeters fur-
Pneumothorax, which may be complicated by blood, in- ther into the vein and the catheter is threaded over the needle.
fusion of intravenous fluid, or tension, is considered an un- The catheter may not thread its entire length because of valves,
usual adverse consequence of IJV cannulation; however, it has tortuosity, or the SCV junction, but should be advanced at least
an incidence of 1.3% in a large meta-analysis, statistically the 3 to 5 cm to secure venous access. The syringe and needle can
same as 1.5% found for subclavian puncture [66]. It usually then be removed and the guidewire, J-tip first, threaded up to
results from a skin puncture too close to the clavicle or, rarely, 20 cm and the catheter removed. Manipulation and rotation
from other causes. Logically, ultrasound should decrease or of the guidewire, especially when it reaches the SCV junction,
even eliminate pneumothorax as a complication during IJV may be necessary but should not be excessive. Various arm and
catheterization. head movements are advocated to facilitate guidewire passage;
An extraordinary number of case reports indicate that any abduction of the ipsilateral arm and anteriorposterior pressure
complication from IJV catheterization is possible, even the in- exerted on the clavicle may be helpful. Once the guidewire has
trathecal insertion of a pulmonary artery catheter [67]. In real- advanced 20 cm, two 90-degree skin stabs are made with a
ity, the IJ route is reliable, with a low incidence of major compli- scalpel, and the vein dilator inserted to its hub, maintaining
cations. Operator experience is not as important a factor as in control of the guidewire. The triple-lumen catheter is then in-
SCV catheterization; the incidence of catheter tip malposition serted an appropriate length (16 to 17 cm on the right, 18 to
is low, and patient acceptance is high. It is best suited for acute, 20 cm on the left). The guidewire is withdrawn, the catheter
short-term hemodialysis and for elective or urgent catheteriza- bandaged, and a chest radiograph obtained to screen for com-
tions in volume-replete patients, especially pulmonary artery plications and tip placement.
catheterizations and insertion of temporary transvenous pace-
makers. It is not the preferred site during airway emergencies, Success Rates and Complications
for parenteral nutrition, or for long-term catheterization be-
Central venous catheterization via the EJV is successful in 80%
cause infectious complications are higher with IJV compared
of patients (range 75% to 95%) [68,69]. Inability to perform
with SCV catheterizations.
venipuncture accounts for up to 10% of failures [70,71] and the
remainders are a result of catheter tip malpositioning. Failure
to position the catheter tip is usually due to inability to ne-
External Jugular Vein Approach gotiate the EJVSCV junction, loop formation, or retrograde
passage down the ipsilateral arm. Serious complications aris-
The EJV is now rarely used for CVC, but in selected cases, it
ing from the EJV approach are rare and almost always asso-
remains an excellent alternative. The main advantages to the
ciated with catheter maintenance rather than venipuncture. A
EJV route for CVC are that it is part of the surface anatomy, the
local hematoma forms in 1% to 5% of patients at the time of
risk of hemorrhage is low even in the presence of coagulopathy,
venipuncture [72] but has little consequence unless it distorts
and the risk of pneumothorax is all but eliminated. The main
the anatomy leading to catheterization failure. External jugular
disadvantage is the unpredictability of passage of the catheter
venipuncture is safe in the presence of coagulopathy. Infectious,
to the central compartment.
thrombotic, and other mechanical complications are no more
frequent than with other central routes.
The EJV is formed anterior and caudal to the ear at the angle
of the mandible by the union of the posterior auricular and Femoral Vein Approach
retromandibular veins (Fig. 2.2). It courses obliquely across
the anterior surface of the SCM, then pierces the deep fascia The FV has many practical advantages for CVC; it is directly
just posterior to the SCM and joins the SCV behind the medial compressible, it is remote from the airway and pleura, the tech-
third of the clavicle. In 5% to 15% of patients, the EJV is nique is relatively simple, and the Trendelenburg position is not
not a distinct structure but a venous plexus, in which case it required during insertion. During the mid-1950s, percutaneous
may receive the ipsilateral cephalic vein. The EJV varies in size catheterization of the IVC via a femoral vein approach became
and contains valves throughout its course. Its junction with the popular until 1959 when Moncrief [73] and Bansmer et al.
SCV may be at a severe, narrow angle that can be difficult for [74] reported a high incidence of complications, especially in-
a catheter to traverse [50,51]. fection and thrombosis, after which, it was largely abandoned.
In the subsequent two decades, FV cannulation was restricted
Technique to specialized clinical situations. Interest in short-term (<48
hour) FV catheterization was renewed by positive experiences
The EJV should be cannulated using the 16-gauge catheter-
during the Vietnam conflict and with patients in the emergency
over-needle, since guidewire manipulations are often necessary,
department [75]. Some reports on long-term FV catheteriza-
and secure venous access with a catheter is preferable. The pa-
tion [76] suggest an overall complication rate no higher than
tient is placed in a comfortable supine position with arms to the
that with other routes, although deep vein thrombosis remains
side and head turned slightly to the contralateral side. The right
a legitimate concern. Furthermore, Centers for Disease Control
EJV should be chosen for the initial attempt and can be identi-
and Prevention (CDC) guidelines for the prevention of catheter-
fied where it courses over the anterior portion of the clavicular
related bloodstream infection recommend against the use of the
belly of the SCM. After skin preparation with chlorhexidine,
femoral site for catheterization if possible [77].
use of maximum barrier precautions, administration of local
anesthesia subcutaneously and a time-out, venipuncture is per-
formed with the 16-gauge catheter-over-needle using the left
index finger and thumb to distend and anchor the vein. Skin The FV (Fig. 2.4A) is a direct continuation of the popliteal vein
puncture should be well above the clavicle and the needle ad- and becomes the external iliac vein at the inguinal ligament. At
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FIGURE 2.4. A: Anatomy of the femoral vein. B: Ultrasound appearance of femoral vein and artery.
the inguinal ligament, the FV lies within the femoral sheath a pubic tubercle is divided into three equal segments. The femoral
few centimeters from the skin surface. The FV lies medial to the artery is usually found where the medial segment meets the
femoral artery, which in turn lies medial to the femoral branch two lateral ones, and the FV lies 1 to 1.5 cm medial. Follow-
of the genitofemoral nerve. The medial compartment contains ing a time-out, an 18-gauge thin-wall needle is inserted at this
lymphatic channels and Cloquets node. The external iliac vein point, 2 to 3 cm inferior to the inguinal ligament, ensuring that
courses cephalad from the inguinal ligament along the anterior venipuncture occurs caudal to the inguinal ligament, which
surface of the iliopsoas muscle to join its counterpart from the minimizes the risk of retroperitoneal hematoma in the event of
other leg and form the (IVC) anterior to and to the right of arterial puncture. While maintaining constant back pressure
the fifth lumbar vertebra. Using ultrasound, the femoral vein on the syringe, the needle, tip pointed cephalad, is advanced
can be readily identified by placing the probe a few centime- at a 45-degree angle to the frontal plane. Insertion of the nee-
ters caudal to the inguinal ligament, just medial to the arterial dle to its hub is sometimes required in obese patients. Blood
pulsation (Fig. 2.4B). return may not occur until slow withdrawal. If the initial at-
tempt is unsuccessful, landmarks should be reevaluated and
subsequent attempts oriented slightly more medial or lateral.
Technique A common error is to direct the needle tip too medially, toward
Femoral vein cannulation is the easiest of all central venous the umbilicus. The femoral vessels lie in the sagittal plane at the
procedures to learn and perform. Either side is suitable, and inguinal ligament (Fig. 2.4), and the needle should be directed
the side chosen is based on operator convenience. Ultrasound accordingly. If unintentional arterial puncture occurs, pressure
guidance is not usually required but for elective situations, we is applied for 5 to 10 minutes.
believe it is optimal practice. Ultrasound confirms the anatomy, When venous blood return is established, the syringe angle
identifies the depth needed for venipuncture, rules out preexist- is depressed slightly and free aspiration of blood reconfirmed.
ing thrombosis, and should not unduly delay time to catheter- The syringe is removed, ensuring that blood return is not pul-
ization. It may be particularly useful in the obese [21]. The pa- satile. The guidewire should pass easily and never forced, al-
tient is placed in the supine position (if tolerated) with the leg though rotation and minor manipulation are sometimes re-
extended and slightly abducted at the hip. Excessive hair should quired. The needle is then withdrawn, two scalpel blade stab
be clipped with scissors and the skin prepped with chlorhex- incisions made at 90 degrees at the guidewire insertion site,
idine. Maximum barrier precautions should be used. The FV and the vein dilator inserted over the wire to the hub. The dila-
lies 1 to 1.5 cm medial to the arterial pulsation, and the over- tor is then withdrawn and a catheter appropriate to clinical
lying skin is infiltrated with 1% lidocaine. In a patient without requirements inserted, taking care never to lose control of the
femoral artery pulsations, the FV can be located by dividing guidewire. The catheter is secured with a suture and bandage
the distance between the anterior superior iliac spine and the applied.
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Success Rate and Complications thrombosis occurs with similar frequency as with IJ and SV
catheters, but it may be more clinically relevant.
FV catheterization is successful in 90% to 95% of patients,
including those in shock or cardiopulmonary arrest [77,78].
Unsuccessful catheterizations are usually a result of venipunc-
ture failure, hematoma formation, or inability to advance the
guidewire into the vein. Operator inexperience may increase Subclavian Vein Approach
the number of attempts and complication rate but does not
This route has been used for central venous access for many
appear to significantly decrease the overall success rate.
years and is associated with the most controversy, largely be-
Three complications occur regularly with FV catheteriza-
cause of the relatively high incidence of pneumothorax and the
tion: arterial puncture with or without local bleeding, infection,
occasional mortality associated with it. With the added safety
and thromboembolic events. Other reported complications are
of ultrasound-guided IJV catheterization, there has been some
rare and include scrotal hemorrhage, right lower quadrant
debate about abandonment of landmark guided SCV catheter-
bowel perforation, retroperitoneal hemorrhage, puncture of
ization. Ultrasound guidance is possible with the SCV, but it
the kidney, and perforation of IVC tributaries. These com-
is more technically demanding and may require a different site
plications occur when skin puncture sites are cephalad to the
for venipuncture [12]. Given these factors, we still believe the
inguinal ligament or when long catheters are threaded into the
SCV is a valuable alternative in certain situations for experi-
enced operators, who should have a pneumothorax rate well
Femoral artery puncture occurs in 5% to 10% of
under 1%. Inexperienced operators have a far greater rate of
adults. Most arterial punctures are uncomplicated, but major
pneumothorax; therefore, in settings where relatively inexperi-
hematomas may form in 1% of patients, especially in the pres-
enced physicians perform the majority of CVC, the SCV should
ence of anticoagulants, fibrinolytics, or antithrombotic agents.
be used more selectively or perhaps, not at all. The advantages
As is the case with other routes, ultrasound should essentially
of this route include consistent identifiable landmarks, easier
eliminate this complication. Even in the presence of coagu-
long-term catheter maintenance with a comparably lower rate
lopathy, arterial puncture with the 18-gauge thin-wall needle
of infection, and relatively high patient comfort. Assuming an
is usually of minor consequence, but there is a potential for
experienced operator is available, the SCV is the preferred site
life-threatening thigh or retroperitoneal hemorrhage [79]. Ar-
for CVC in patients with hypovolemia, for long-term total par-
teriovenous fistula and pseudoaneurysm are rare chronic com-
enteral nutrition (TPN), and in patients with elevated intracra-
plications of arterial puncture; the former is more likely to oc-
nial pressure who require hemodynamic monitoring. It should
cur when both femoral vessels on the same side are cannulated
not be considered the primary choice in the presence of throm-
concurrently [80].
bocytopenia (platelets <50,000), for acute hemodialysis, or in
Infectious complications with FV catheters are probably
patients with high PEEP (i.e., >12 cm H2 O).
more frequent than SCV catheters but comparable to IJV
catheters [8183]. Modern series involving both short- and
long-term FV catheterization in adults and children have re-
ported significant CRI rates of about 5% or less [77,84]. Fur-
ther evidence that the inguinal site is not inherently dirty is The SCV is a direct continuation of the axillary vein, begin-
provided by experience with femoral artery catheters, which ning at the lateral border of the first rib, extending 3 to 4 cm
have an infection rate comparable to that with radial artery along the undersurface of the clavicle and becoming the bra-
catheters [85]. Although more recent reports suggest that a chiocephalic vein where it joins the ipsilateral IJV at Pirogoffs
catheter properly placed and cared for has a similar rate of in- confluence behind the sternoclavicular articulation (Fig. 2.5).
fection regardless of venipuncture site, CDC guidelines recom- The vein is 1 to 2 cm in diameter, contains a single set of
mend avoidance of the femoral site unless absolutely necessary valves just distal to the EJV junction, and is fixed in position
[77,86]. directly beneath the clavicle by its fibrous attachments. These
Two reports in 1958 highlighted the high incidence of FV attachments prevent collapse of the vein, even with severe vol-
catheter-associated deep venous thrombosis, but these studies ume depletion. Anterior to the vein throughout its course lie
were primarily autopsy based and prior to modern techno- the subclavius muscle, clavicle, costoclavicular ligament, pec-
logical advances. Catheter-associated thrombosis is a risk of toralis muscles, and epidermis. Posteriorly, the SCV is separated
all CVCs, regardless of the site of insertion, and comparative from the subclavian artery and brachial plexus by the anterior
studies using contrast venography, impedance plethysmogra- scalenus muscle, which is 10 to 15 mm thick in the adult. Poste-
phy, or Doppler ultrasound suggest that FV catheters are no rior to the medial portion of the SCV are the phrenic nerve and
more prone to thrombosis than upper extremity catheters. Pul- internal mammary artery as they pass into the thorax. Supe-
monary emboli have been reported following CVC-associated riorly, the relationships are the skin, platysma, and superficial
upper extremity thrombosis [46] and the relative risk of aponeurosis. Inferiorly, the vein rests on the first rib, Sibsons
femoral catheter-related thrombosis is unknown. Clearly, the fascia, the cupola of the pleura (0.5 cm behind the vein), and
potential thromboembolic complications of FV catheters can- pulmonary apex [88]. The thoracic duct on the left and right
not be discounted [87], but they do not warrant total aban- lymphatic duct cross the anterior scalene muscle to join the
donment of this approach. superior aspect of the SV near its union with the IJV.
In summary, available evidence supports the view that the The clavicle presents a significant barrier for ultrasound vi-
FV may be cannulated safely in critically ill adults. It is partic- sualization of the SCV, which mandates using a different ap-
ularly useful for inexperienced operators because of the high proach [12]. Typically, we identify the axillary/subclavian vein
rate of success and lower incidence of major complications. FV junction by placing the probe inferior to the clavicle in the del-
catheterizations may be performed during airway emergencies topectoral groove. We usually initially produce an axial view
and cardiopulmonary arrest, in patients with coagulopathy, in of the vein by placing the probe in the cranialcaudal direction.
patients who are unable to lie flat, and for access during re- The probe is then rotated 90 degrees to produce a longitudinal
nal replacement therapy. The most common major complica- view of the vein, which is maintained during venipuncture and
tion during FV catheterization is arterial puncture, which can guidewire insertion (Fig. 2.6). Although this method is usu-
be lessened or eliminated by ultrasound guidance. Infection is ally successful it tends to be more time consuming and in our
no more common than with IJV catheters. Catheter-associated experience, not as useful.
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FIGURE 2.6. Ultrasound view of the subclavian vein. A: Axial view; B: longitudinal view. See text for details.
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FIGURE 2.7. A: Patient positioning for subclavian cannulation. B: Cannulation technique for supraclav-
icular approach.
walked down the clavicle until the inferior edge is cleared. puncture is the claviculosternocleidomastoid angle, just above
To avoid pneumothorax, it is imperative the needle stay parallel the clavicle and lateral to the insertion of the clavicular head of
to the floor and not angle down toward the chest. This is accom- the SCM. The needle is advanced toward or just caudal to the
plished by using the operators left thumb to provide downward contralateral nipple just under the clavicle. This corresponds to
displacement in the vertical plane after each attempt, until the a 45-degree angle to the sagittal plane, bisecting a line between
needle advances under the clavicle. the sternoclavicular joint and clavicular insertion of the SCM.
As the needle is advanced further, the inferior surface of the The depth of insertion is from just beneath the SCM clavicular
clavicle should be felt hugging the needle. This ensures that the head at a 10- to 15-degree angle below the coronal plane. The
needle tip is as superior as possible to the pleura. The needle needle should enter the jugulosubclavian venous bulb after 1 to
is advanced toward the suprasternal notch during breath hold- 4 cm, and the operator may then proceed with catheterization.
ing or expiration, and venipuncture occurs when the needle tip
lies beneath the medial end of the clavicle. This may require
insertion of the needle to its hub. Blood return may not oc-
Success and Complication Rates
cur until slow withdrawal of the needle. If venipuncture is not Subclavian vein catheterization is successful in 90% to 95%
accomplished on the initial thrust, the next attempt should be of cases, generally on the first attempt [96]. The presence of
directed slightly more cephalad. If venipuncture does not occur shock does not alter the success rate as significantly as it does
by the third or fourth attempt, another site should be chosen, during IJV catheterization [97]. Unsuccessful catheterizations
as additional attempts are unlikely to be successful and may are a result of venipuncture failure or inability to advance the
result in complications. guidewire or catheter. Catheter tip malposition occurs in 5% to
When blood return is established, the bevel of the needle is 20% of cases and tends to be more frequent with the infraclav-
rotated 90 degrees toward the heart. The needle is anchored icular approach. Malposition occurs most commonly to the
firmly with the left hand while the syringe is detached with ipsilateral IJV and contralateral SCV and is usually correctable
the right. Blood return should not be pulsatile, and air em- without repeat venipuncture.
bolism prophylaxis is necessary at all times. The guidewire is The overall incidence of noninfectious complications varies
then advanced through the needle to 15 cm and the needle depending on the operators experience and the circumstances
withdrawn. To increase the success rate of proper placement under which the catheter is inserted. Large series involving sev-
of the catheter, the J-wire tip should point inferiorly [94]. The eral thousand SCV catheters have reported an incidence of ma-
remainder of the procedure is as previously described. Triple- jor complications of 1% to 3%, with an overall rate of 5%.
lumen catheters should be sutured at 15 to 16 cm on the right In smaller, probably more clinically relevant studies, the ma-
and 17 to 18 cm on the left to avoid intracardiac tip placement jor complication rate has ranged from 1% to 10% [98100].
[31,32,95]. Factors resulting in a higher complication rate are operator in-
For the supraclavicular approach (Fig. 2.7), the important experience, multiple attempts at venipuncture, emergency con-
landmarks are the clavicular insertion of the SCM muscle and ditions, variance from standardized technique, and body mass
the sternoclavicular joint. The operator is positioned at the index. Major noninfectious complications include pneumotho-
head of the patient on the side to be cannulated. The site of skin rax, arterial puncture, and thromboembolism. There are many
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case reports of isolated major complications involving neck IJV catheterization, its use should be limited to those opera-
structures or the brachial plexus; the reader is referred else- tors skilled in the technique. Inexperienced operators should
where for a complete listing of reported complications [11]. use an alternative site. Experienced operators should continue
Pneumothorax accounts for one fourth to one half of re- to use this route for certain indications (Table 2.1) but should
ported complications, with an incidence of about 1.5%. The scrupulously avoid it in patients who cannot tolerate a pneu-
incidence varies inversely with the operators experience and mothorax (severe lung disease, one lung), or in patients with
the number of breaks in technique. There is no magic figure severe coagulopathy, especially platelets <50,000. Ultrasound
whereby an operator matures from inexperienced to experi- guidance may be helpful, but requires a higher skill level and a
enced. Fifty catheterizations are cited frequently as a cutoff different approach to catheterization.
number [101], but it is reasonable to expect an operator to
be satisfactorily experienced after having performed fewer. For
the experienced operator, a pneumothorax incidence of less INFECTIOUS COMPLICATIONS
than 1% is expected. Most pneumothoraces are a result of
lung puncture at the time of the procedure, but late-appearing Tremendous advances in the understanding of the pathophys-
pneumothoraces have been reported. iology, causes, and prevention of CRI have occurred in re-
Most pneumothoraces will require thoracostomy tube cent years and have led to corresponding dramatic improve-
drainage with a small chest tube and a Heimlich valve but some ments in catheter technology, insertion, and management.
can be managed conservatively with 100% oxygen and serial Table 2.2 summarizes current recommendations or interven-
radiographs or needle aspiration only [1]. Rarely, a pneumoth- tions that have been shown to reduce the risk of CRI. This
orax is complicated by tension, blood, infusion of intravenous section reviews these recommendations, focusing on the epi-
fluid (immediately or days to weeks after catheter placement), demiology, pathogenesis, diagnosis, management, and preven-
chyle, or massive subcutaneous emphysema. Bilateral pneu- tion of central CRI.
mothoraces can occur from unilateral attempts at venipunc-
ture. Pneumothorax can result in death, especially when it goes
unrecognized [102]. Definitions and Epidemiology
Subclavian artery puncture occurs in 0.5% to 1.0% of cases,
constituting one fourth to one third of all complications. Ar- Consensus regarding the definition and diagnosis of CRI is a
terial puncture is usually managed easily by applying pressure necessary initial step in discussing catheter-related infectious
above and below the clavicle. Bleeding can be catastrophic in complications. The semiquantitative culture method described
patients with coagulopathy, especially thrombocytopenia. As by Maki et al. [103] for culturing catheter segments is the most
with other routes, arterial puncture may result in arteriovenous accepted technique for diagnosing CRI. Which catheter seg-
fistula or pseudoaneurysm. ment to culture (the tip or intradermal segment) is still con-
Clinical evidence of central venous thrombosis, including troversial; out of convenience, most centers routinely culture
SVC syndrome, development of collaterals around the shoul- the catheter tip. If semiquantitative methods are used, catheter
der girdle, and pulmonary embolism, occurs in 0% to 3% of contamination (probably occurring at time of withdrawal) is
SCV catheterizations, but routine phlebography performed at defined as less than 15 colony-forming units (CFUs) per culture
catheter removal reveals a much higher incidence of thrombotic plate. CRI is a spectrum: growth of greater than or equal to 15
phenomena. The importance of the discrepancy between clin- CFUs is identified as significant colonization (all other cultures
ical symptoms and radiologic findings is unknown, but upper negative and no clinical symptoms); local or exit-site infec-
extremity thrombosis, even if asymptomatic, is not a totally tion (skin site with erythema, cellulitis, or purulence); catheter-
benign condition [46]. Duration of catheterization, catheter related bacteremia (systemic blood cultures positive for iden-
material, and patient condition probably impact the frequency tical organism on catheter segment and no other source);
of thrombosis, but to an uncertain degree. and catheter-related sepsis or septic shock. Alternative meth-
In summary, the SCV is an extremely reliable and useful ods to diagnose CRI include differential time to positivity
route for CVC, but because of the relatively high rate of pneu- [104] and direct Gram [105] or acridine-orange staining [106]
mothorax and the increased success rate of ultrasound-guided of catheters. Using the differential time to positivity, blood
TA B L E 2 . 2
1. Institution-supported standardized education, with knowledge assessment, of all physicians involved in CVC insertion and care
2. Site preparation with approved chlorhexidine-based preparation
3. Maximal barrier precautions during catheter insertion
4. Use of mobile procedure carts, safety checklist, empowerment of staff
5. Strict protocols for catheter maintenance (including bandage and tubing changes), preferably by dedicated IV catheter team
6. Appropriate site selection, avoiding heavily colonized or anatomically abnormal areas; use of SCV for anticipated CVC of >4 d
7. For anticipated duration of catheterization exceeding 96 hr, use of silver-impregnated cuff, sustained release chlorhexidine
gluconate patch, and/or antibiotic/antiseptic-impregnated catheters
8. Prompt removal of any catheter which is no longer required
9. Remove pulmonary artery catheters and introducers after 5 d
10. Replace any catheter not placed with sterile precautions within 48 hr (i.e., catheter placed in emergency)
11. Use multilumen catheters only when indicated; remove when no longer needed
12. Avoid routine guidewire exchanges
13. Use surgically implanted catheters or PICCs for long term (i.e., >3 wk) or permanent CVC
CVC, central venous catheterization; PICC, peripherally inserted central catheter; SCV, subclavian vein.
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TA B L E 2 . 3
IVD-related BSIs
Device per 1,000 days (95% CI)
Adapted from Maki DG, Kluger DM, Crnich CJ: The risk of bloodstream infection in adults with different
intravascular devices: a systematic review of 200 published prospective studies. Mayo Clin Proc
81:11591171, 2006.
BSI, bloodstream infection; CI, confidence interval; CVC, central venous catheter; IVD, intravascular
device; PICC, peripherally inserted central venous catheter.
cultures are drawn from the catheter and a peripheral vein. If shown that catheters are most commonly infected by bacteria
the time to positive culture is greater than 120 minutes longer colonizing the skin site, followed by invasion of the intrader-
for the peripheral cultures, a diagnosis of CRI is made. This mal catheter tract. Once the external surface of the intrader-
method has good sensitivity, specificity, and the advantage of mal catheter is infected, bacteria can quickly traverse the en-
faster diagnosis. tire length and infect the catheter tip, sometimes encasing the
The morbidity and economic costs associated with CRI are catheter in a slime layer known as a biofilm (coagulase-negative
truly impressive. Estimates vary because the overall incidence staph). From the catheter tip, bacteria may shed into the blood-
of CRI is impacted by so many independent variables, includ- stream, potentially creating metastatic foci of infection [113].
ing type of ICU, catheter type and composition, duration of The pathophysiology of most catheter infections explains why
catheterization, and site of insertion. Furthermore, critical care guidewire exchanges are not effective in preventing or treating
practice is extremely dynamic, and the frequency and type of in- CRI: the colonized tract and, in many cases, biofilm, remain
travascular catheters used changes over time, rendering much intact and quickly reinfect the new catheter [114].
of the data, somewhat out of date. Intravascular devices are The catheter hub(s) also becomes colonized but contributes
now the single most important cause of health-care associated to catheter-related infectious complications less frequently than
bloodstream infection in the United States and Europe, with an the insertion site [115,116]. Hub contamination may be rela-
estimated incidence of 250,000 to 500,000 cases annually in tively more important as a source of infection for certain types
the United States alone [107]. More than 5 million CVCs are in- of catheters (hemodialysis) and the longer the catheter remains
serted annually in the United States, accounting for 15 million in place [117]. Hematogenous seeding of catheters from bac-
CVC-days. Approximately 3% to 9% of all CVCs will become teremia is an infrequent cause of CRI.
infected during clinical use, and the National Healthcare Safety
Network reports rates of CVC-associated bloodstream infec-
tions varying from 1.2 to 5.5 per 1,000 catheter-days depend- Site Preparation and Catheter Maintenance
ing on the location of the patient [108]. A recently completed
systematic review of the literature reported BSI rates for all in- That the majority of CRIs are caused by skin flora highlights
travascular devices [108] (Table 2.3); noncuffed, nontunneled the importance of site sterility during insertion and catheter
CVCs had an average BSI rate of 2.9 per 1,000 catheter-days. maintenance. Organisms that colonize the insertion site orig-
When BSI does occur, often with a resistant organism such as inate from the patients own skin flora or the hands of op-
methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) and VRE, erators. Thorough hand washing and scrupulous attention to
it increases healthcare costs by as much as $20,000 to 40,000, aseptic technique is mandatory during catheter insertion. A
prolongs ICU and hospital stay by several days, and may in- prospective study proved that a nonsterile cap and mask, sterile
crease attributable mortality [109111]. Importantly, it has gown, and a large drape covering the patients head and body
been estimated that as many as 50% of CRIs are preventable (maximal (triple) sterile barriers, compared to sterile gloves
[112], which should serve as a powerful impetus and render it and small drape) reduced the catheter-related bloodstream in-
indefensible for critical care physicians not to implement ev- fection rate sixfold and were highly cost-effective [118]. If a
erything possible to minimize CRI. break in sterile technique occurs during insertion, termination
of the procedure and replacement of contaminated equipment
is mandatory. Use of a mobile catheter cart that can be wheeled
Pathophysiology of Catheter Infection to the patient bedside facilitates maintenance of the sterile
Assuming that they are not contaminated during insertion, Chlorhexidine is a superior disinfectant and should be used
catheters can become infected from four potential sources: the instead of iodine-based solutions [119,120]. Proper application
skin insertion site, the catheter hub(s), hematogenous seeding, includes liberally scrubbing the site using expanding concentric
and infusate contamination. Animal and human studies have circles. Excessive hair should be clipped with scissors prior to
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application of the antiseptic, as shaving can cause minor skin placed single-lumen catheters for many indications for central
lacerations and disruption of the epidermal barrier to infection. venous access. Because catheter hubs are a potential source
Care of the catheter after insertion is extremely important of infection and triple-lumen catheters can require three times
in minimizing infection, and all medical personnel should fol- the number of tubing changes, it was widely believed that they
low standardized protocols [121]. The number of piggyback would have a higher infection rate. Studies have presented con-
infusions and medical personnel handling tubing changes and flicting results, but overall the data support the view that triple-
manipulation of the catheter site should be minimized. Re- lumen catheters have a modestly higher rate of infection [134
placement of administration sets every 72 to 96 hours is safe 136]. If used efficiently, however, they provide greater intravas-
and cost-efficient [122], unless there are specific recommenda- cular access per device and can decrease the total number of
tions for the infusate (e.g., propofol). Transparent polyurethane catheter days and exposure to central venipuncture. A slight
dressings have become more popular than gauze and tape, but increase in infection rate per catheter is therefore justifiable
have not been found to be superior. It is recommended that from an overall riskbenefit analysis, if multilumen catheters
the transparent dressing be changed every 7 days or sooner are used only when multiple infusion ports are truly indicated.
if damp or soiled. Addition of a silver-impregnated cuff or Finally, it was hoped that routine subcutaneous tunneling
chlorhexidine sponge has been shown to reduce the rate of of short-term CVCs, similar to long-term catheters, might be
CRI and is cost-effective [123,124]. Application of iodophor an effective way to minimize CRI. This approach is rational
or polymicrobial ointments to the skin site at the time of inser- since the long subcutaneous tract acts to stabilize the catheter
tion or during dressing changes does not convincingly reduce and perhaps act as a barrier to bacterial invasion, and great
the overall incidence of catheter infection, and certain polymi- technical skill is not required. A meta-analysis did not support
crobial ointments may increase the proportion of Candida the routine practice of tunneling all percutaneously inserted
infections [125]. CVCs [137], and it is not a common practice. However, further
studies of the tunneling of short-term IJV and FV catheters are
warranted, especially hemodialysis catheters, since these sites
Frequency of Catheter-Related Infection have a higher infection rate and past studies have generally
favored this approach [108,138].
Observing the above-mentioned recommendations for catheter
insertion and maintenance will minimize catheter-associated
infection. Colonization of the insertion site can begin within
24 hours and increases with duration of catheterization; Duration of Catheterization
10% to 40% of catheters may eventually become colonized
The length of catheterization should be based solely on the need
[126]. Catheter-associated bacteremia occurs in 3% to 8% of
for continued catheterization of the patient. No catheter should
catheters [101,127129], although some studies incorporat-
be left in longer than absolutely necessary. Most data suggest
ing newer catheter technologies and procedures have demon-
that the daily risk of infection remains relatively constant and
strated rates of catheter-associated bacteremia of 2% or less
routine replacement of CVCs without a clinical indication does
[130132]. Overall, catheter-infection rates are best expressed
not reduce the rate of CRI [137,139]. Multiple clinical and
as number of episodes per 1,000 days, and although each ICU
experimental studies have also demonstrated that guidewire
should strive for perfection (it is possible to attain and maintain
exchanges neither decrease nor increase infectious risk [140].
the holy grail of zero CRIs over an extended period of time
The above-mentioned recommendations do not necessar-
[1]), each ICU should definitely reach or exceed an appropri-
ily apply to other special-use catheters, which can be ex-
ate benchmark. The NHSN publishes average rates of CRIs for
posed to different clinical situations and risk. Pulmonary artery
different types of ICUs [109]. Table 2.3 provides national ref-
catheters (PACs) and the introducer should be removed after
erences from published literature that has the added advantage
96 to 120 hours because of the increased risk of infection after
of unique data for each specific catheter type [108].
this time [141]. These catheters are at greater risk for infection
because patients are sicker, the introducer used for insertion is
shorter, and catheter manipulations are frequent.
Type of Catheter Catheters inserted for acute temporary hemodialysis histor-
ically have had a higher rate of infection than other percuta-
The data presented earlier are derived from large studies and
neously placed catheters. Factors contributing to the increased
are not necessarily applicable to any given catheter in any spe-
rate have not been completely elucidated, but logically patient
cific ICU because of variations in definitions, types of catheters,
factors probably influence the incidence of infection more than
site of insertion, duration of catheterization, types of fluid in-
the type of catheter or site of insertion [84]. For acutely ill,
fused, and policies regarding routine guidewire changes, all of
hospitalized patients, temporary dialysis catheters should be
which have been implicated at some point as important fac-
managed similarly to other multilumen catheters, recognizing
tors in the incidence of CRI. The duration of catheterization
that the underlying propensity for infection is distinctly higher
in combination with the type of catheter are major factors; the
[108]. As mentioned earlier, perhaps this is the area that tun-
site of insertion is less important. Guidewire changes have an
neling of catheters should be more thoroughly investigated.
important role in evaluation of the febrile catheterized patient,
For ambulatory outpatients, long-term experience with double-
but routine guidewire changes do not prevent infection. Under
lumen, Dacron-cuffed, silicone CVCs inserted in the IJV has
ideal conditions, all of these factors are less important. Long-
been positive [142].
term TPN catheters can be maintained for months with low
rates of infection, and there is no cutoff time at which coloniza-
tion and clinical infection accelerate. Today, when the need for
long-term catheterization is anticipated, surgically implanted Site of Insertion
catheters should be used. These catheters have low infection
rates and are never changed routinely [133]. PICCs are also an The condition of the site is more important than the location.
acceptable option for patients requiring long-term CVC. Whenever possible, sites involved by infection, burns, or other
Catheters inserted percutaneously in the critical care unit, dermatologic processes, or in close proximity to a heavily col-
however, are not subject to ideal conditions and have a finite onized area (e.g., tracheostomy) should not be used as primary
lifespan. For practical purposes, multilumen catheters have re- access. Data tends to support that PICC and SCV catheters
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are associated with the lowest rate of CRI, and IJV and FV 0 per 1,000 catheter days. These simple interventions were:
catheters the highest [101]. education of physicians and nurses of evidence-based infection
control practices, creation of a central catheter insertion cart
which contained every item needed for insertion of a catheter,
Guidewire Exchanges daily questioning of whether catheters could be removed, a bed-
side checklist for insertion of catheters, and empowering nurses
Guidewire exchanges have always been theoretically flawed as to stop procedures where the infection control guidelines were
a form of infection control, because although a new catheter is not being followed [146]. Similar interventions in Pennsylvania
placed, the site, specifically the intradermal tract, remains the reduced their CRI rate from 4.31 to 1.36 per 1,000 catheter
same. Studies have shown that when the tract and old catheter days [147]. A statewide initiative in Michigan, the Keystone
are colonized, the new catheter invariably also becomes in- Project, implemented these strategies on a large scale over the
fected. Alternatively, if the initial catheter is not colonized, entire state with equally impressive results [1]. Despite the fact
there is no reason the new catheter will be more resistant to that these and other simple systems interventions and imple-
subsequent infection than the original one. In neither situation mentation require very little capital outlay, many ICUs have
will a guidewire change prevent infection. However, guidewire yet to adopt them [148,149].
changes continue to have a valuable role for replacing defec-
tive catheters, exchanging one type of catheter for another, and
in the evaluation of a febrile patient with an existing central
catheter. In the latter situation, the physician can assess the MANAGEMENT OF THE FEBRILE
sterility of the catheter tract without subjecting the patient to PATIENT
a new venipuncture. However one decides to use guidewire
exchanges, they must be performed properly. Using maximal Patients with a CVC frequently develop fever. Removal of the
barriers, the catheter should be withdrawn until an intravascu- catheter in every febrile patient is neither feasible nor clini-
lar segment is exposed, transected sterilely, and the guidewire cally indicated, as the fever is often unrelated to the catheter.
inserted through the distal lumen. The catheter fragment can Management must be individualized (Fig. 2.7) and depends on
then be removed (always culture the tip) and a new catheter type of catheter, duration of catheterization, anticipated need
threaded over the guidewire. To ensure sterility, most operators for continued central venous access, risk of establishing new
should re-prep the site and change gloves before inserting the central venous access, and underlying medical condition and
new catheter or introducer over the guidewire. Insertion of the prognosis. All critical care units must have protocols for man-
guidewire through the distal hub of the existing catheter is not aging the febrile, catheterized patient [150]. Decisions to re-
appropriate. move, change over a guidewire, or leave catheters in place must
be based on a fundamental knowledge of risks and benefits for
catheters inserted at each site.
NEW CATHETER TECHNOLOGIES Catheter sites in the febrile patient should always be ex-
amined. Clinical infection of the site mandates removal of
Improvements in catheter technology continue to play an im- the catheter and institution of antibiotics. Surgically implanted
portant role in minimizing catheter complications. Catheter catheters are not easily removed or replaced and can often be
material is an important factor in promoting thrombogenesis left in place while the infection is cleared with antibiotics, unless
and adherence of organisms. Most catheters used for CVC are tunnel infection is present. Percutaneously inserted CVCs are
composed of flexible silicone (for surgical implantation) and relatively easily removed, and the risks of leaving a catheter in
polyurethane (for percutaneous insertion), because research place through an infected site outweigh the risk of replacement
has shown these materials are less thrombogenic. Knowledge at a new site, except in very unusual circumstances.
of the pathogenesis of most CRI has stimulated improvements In patients with severe sepsis or septic shock, CVCs should
designed to interrupt bacterial colonization of the skin site, be considered a possible source. If all catheter sites appear
catheter, and intradermal tract, and migration to the catheter normal and a noncatheter source of infection is implicated,
tip. Antibiotic and antiseptic impregnated catheters represent a appropriate antibiotics are initiated and the catheters left in
major advance in catheter management. Catheters differ from place. The usual guidelines for subsequent catheter manage-
one another by the type of antibiotic or antiseptic with which ment should be followed, and this rarely results in treatment
they are impregnated. Clinical results with these commercially failure. In contrast, if a noncatheter source cannot be identi-
available catheters have been variable [143,144], likely due to fied, then central catheters in place more than 3 days should be
varying practices and the baseline infection rate. Good ran- managed individually, with attention to duration of catheter-
domized controlled trials comparing the various types of anti- ization (Table 2.3). Only for patients with excessive risks for
septic catheters with each other are lacking, but we believe that new catheter placement (i.e., severe coagulopathy), guidewire
current evidence supports using one of the above catheters if exchange of the catheter is justifiable after obtaining blood
the baseline CRI rate remains high after instituting infection cultures through the catheter and a peripheral site and semi-
control practices [101,132,133]. The preponderance of data quantitative culture of a catheter segment. If within the next 24
indicates that in real-life practice, these catheters decrease the hours an alternative source for sepsis is found, or if the catheter
rate of CRI and improve patient safety, likely at a neutral or fa- segment culture is negative and the patient improves and stabi-
vorable cost [129,145]. The emergence of resistant organisms lizes, the guidewire catheter can be left in place and the risk of
and allergic reactions has not yet been a problem, but ongoing catheter insertion avoided. Alternatively, if the catheter culture
surveillance is needed. becomes positive, especially if the same organism is identified
on peripheral blood cultures, the cutaneous tract is also infected
and the guidewire catheter should be removed and alternative
The most common situation is the stable febrile patient
Not surprisingly, evidence is pointing to systems-based fac- with a CVC in place (Table 2.4). As mentioned earlier, if a
tors as being more important in reducing the incidence of CRI noncatheter source for fever is identified, appropriate antibi-
than any new technology. At Johns Hopkins, the addition of otics are given and the catheter is left in place, assuming it is
five systems-based changes reduced the CRI rate from 11.3 to still needed and the site is clinically uninvolved. In the patient
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TA B L E 2 . 4
with no obvious source of fever [1], indications for the CVCs cultures without subjecting the patient to repeat venipuncture.
should be reviewed and the catheter withdrawn if it is no longer If within the next 24 hours an alternative source for fever is
required. Otherwise, the physician must decide between ob- identified, and/or the initial catheter segment culture is nega-
servation, potential premature withdrawal, and a guidewire tive, then the guidewire catheter can be left in place.
change of the catheter. If the catheter is less than 72 hours When catheter-related bacteremia does develop, antibiotic
old, observation is reasonable, as it is very unlikely that the therapy is necessary for a period of 7 to 14 days. Even in pa-
catheter is already infected unless breaks in sterile technique oc- tients treated for 14 days, metastatic infection can develop.
curred during insertion. For catheters that are at least 72 hours Catheter-related fever, infection, and septicemia is a compli-
old, guidewire exchanges are rational but, in our opinion, not cated disease, and the expertise of an infectious disease consul-
mandatory. An appropriately performed guidewire change al- tant may be required to assist with the decision on how long
lows comparison of catheter segment cultures to other clinical to continue antibiotic therapy.
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Arterial catheterization remains an extremely important skill nostic. Waveform inspection can rapidly diagnose electrocar-
for critical care physicians. The most common indications for diogram lead disconnect, indicate the presence of aortic valve
inserting an arterial catheter remain the need for close blood disease, help determine the effect of dysrhythmias on perfusion,
pressure monitoring and frequent blood gas sampling in unsta- and reveal the impact of the respiratory cycle on blood pres-
ble and ventilated patients. Newer technologies that necessitate sure (pulsus paradoxus). In addition, in mechanically ventilated
arterial access continue to mature. For example, arterial pulse patients, responsiveness to fluid boluses may be predicted by
contour analysis can now be used to predict fluid responsive- calculating the systolic pressure variation (SPV) or pulse pres-
ness and compute cardiac output more reliably and less inva- sure variation (PPV) from the arterial waveform, and stroke
sively in appropriately selected patients [1]. Although it is likely volume variation (SVV) from the pulse contour analysis. In pa-
that advancements in current noninvasive technology, such as tients on volume-controlled mechanical ventilation, all of these
transcutaneous PCO2 monitoring and pulse oximetry, will de- techniques have been shown to predict, with a high degree of
crease the need for arterial catheter placement, intensivists will accuracy, patients likely to respond (with an increase in stroke
always need to be knowledgeable in the setup and interpreta- volume) to fluid volume challenge [1].
tion of arterial catheter systems. In this chapter, we review the Recent advances allow continuous CO monitoring using
principles of hemodynamic monitoring and discuss the indica- arterial pulse contour analysis. This method relies on the as-
tions, routes, and management of arterial cannulation. sumption that the contour of the arterial pressure waveform is
proportional to the stroke volume [6]. This, however, does not
take into consideration the differing impedances among the
arteries of individuals and different disease states and there-
INDICATIONS FOR ARTERIAL fore requires calibration with another method of determining
CANNULATION cardiac output [7]. This is usually done with lithium dilution
or transpulmonary thermodilution methods. A different pulse
Arterial catheters should be inserted only when they are specif- contour analysis device has been introduced which does not re-
ically required and removed immediately when no longer quire an additional method of determining CO for calibration,
needed. Too often they are left in place for convenience to al- but instead estimates impedance based upon a proprietary for-
low easy access to blood sampling, which leads to increased mula that uses waveform and patient demographic data [7].
laboratory testing and excessive diagnostic blood loss [2,3]. This method has significant limitations (i.e., atrial fibrillation)
Protocols incorporating guidelines for arterial catheterization and there is concern that the device may not be accurate in
and alternative noninvasive monitoring, such as pulse oxime- clinical situations with dynamic changes in vascular tone (i.e.,
try and end tidal CO2 , have realized significant improvements sepsis) [8]. Further data and comparison among the methods
in resource utilization and cost savings, without impacting the in authentic and diverse clinical situations are required before
quality of care [4]. definitive recommendations can be made.
The indications for arterial cannulation can be grouped into Management of complicated patients in critical care units
four broad categories (Table 3.1): (1) hemodynamic monitor- typically requires multiple laboratory and arterial blood gas de-
ing (blood pressure and/or cardiac output/pulse contour anal- terminations. In these situations, arterial cannulation permits
ysis); (2) frequent arterial blood gas sampling; (3) diagnostic routine laboratory tests without multiple needle sticks and ves-
or therapeutic/interventional radiology procedures, including sel trauma. In our opinion, an arterial catheter for blood gas
intra-aortic balloon pump (IABP) use, arterial administration determination should be placed when a patient requires two or
of drugs, vascular stenting and embolization, and (4) continu- more measurements daily.
ous cardiac output monitoring.
Noninvasive, indirect blood pressure measurements deter-
mined by auscultation of Korotkoff sounds distal to an occlud-
ing cuff (RivaRocci method) are generally accurate, although
systolic readings are consistently lower compared to a si- TECHNIQUES, AND
multaneous direct measurement. In hemodynamically unstable SOURCES OF ERROR
patients, however, indirect techniques may significantly under-
estimate blood pressure. Automated noninvasive blood pres- The equipment necessary to display and measure an arterial
sure measurement devices can also be inaccurate, particularly waveform has not changed and includes (a) an appropriate in-
in rapidly changing situations, at the extremes of blood pres- travascular catheter; (b) fluid-filled noncompliant tubing with
sure, and in patients with dysrhythmias [5]. For these reasons, stopcocks; (c) transducer; (d) a constant flush device; and (e)
direct blood pressure monitoring is usually required for unsta- electronic monitoring equipment. Using this equipment, in-
ble patients. Rapid beat-to-beat changes can easily be mon- travascular pressure changes are transmitted through the hy-
itored and appropriate therapeutic modalities initiated, and draulic (fluid-filled) elements to the transducer, which converts
variations in individual pressure waveforms may prove diag- mechanical displacement into a proportional electrical signal.
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precisely. This allows measurement of the effect of ectopic beats superficial temporal arteries. Peripheral sites are cannulated
on blood pressure, PPV, SPV, or assessment of the severity of percutaneously with a 2-inch, 20-gauge, nontapered Teflon
pulsus paradoxus. catheter-overneedle and larger arteries using the Seldinger tech-
When presented with pressure data or readings believed to nique with a prepackaged kit, typically containing a 6-inch,
be inaccurate, or which are significantly different from indirect 18-gauge Teflon catheter, appropriate introducer needles, and
readings, a few quick checks can ensure system accuracy. Im- guidewire.
proper zeroing of the system, because of either change in patient Arterial catheterization is performed by physicians from
position or zero drift, is the single most important source of er- many different specialties and usually the procedure to be per-
ror. Zeroing can be checked by opening the transducer stopcock formed dictates the site chosen. For example, insertion of an
to air and aligning with the midaxillary line, confirming that the IABP is almost always performed through the femoral artery
monitor displays zero. Zeroing should be repeated with patient regardless of the specialty of the physician performing the pro-
position changes, (a transducer that is below the zero reference cedure. Critical care physicians need to be facile with arterial
line will result in falsely high readings and vice versa), when sig- cannulation at all sites, but the radial and femoral arteries are
nificant changes in blood pressure occur, and routinely every 6 used successfully for more than 90% of all arterial catheteri-
to 8 hours because of zero drift. Disposable pressure transduc- zations performed in the ICU. Although each site has unique
ers incorporate semiconductor technology and are very small, complications, available data do not indicate a preference for
yet rugged and reliable, and due to standardization, calibration any one site [1517]. Radial artery cannulation is usually at-
of the system is not necessary [13]. Transducers are faulty on tempted initially unless the patient is in shock, on high dose va-
occasion, however, and calibration may be checked by attach- sopressors, and/or pulses are not palpable. If this fails, femoral
ing a mercury manometer to the stopcock and applying 100, artery cannulation should be performed. If catheterization at
150, and/or 200 mm Hg pressure. A variation of 5 mm Hg these two sites proves unsuccessful or not appropriate, then
is acceptable. If calibration is questioned and the variation is the dorsalis pedis, brachial, and axillary artery are the recom-
out of range, or a manometer is not available for testing, the mended alternative sites. Which of these is chosen depends on
transducer should be replaced. the exact clinical situation and the experience and expertise of
If zero referencing and calibration are correct, a fast-flush the operator.
test will assess the systems dynamic response. Overdamped
tracings are usually caused by problems that are correctable,
such as air bubbles, kinks, clot formation, overly compliant
tubing, loose connections, a deflated pressure bag, or anatom- Use of Portable Ultrasound
ical factors affecting the catheter. An underdamped tracing re-
Bedside ultrasound has not had as great an impact on arterial
sults in systolic overshoot and can be secondary to excessive
as it has on venous catheterization because vessel puncture is
tubing length or patient factors such as increased inotropic or
based on a palpable landmark that guides needle placement,
chronotropic state. Many monitors can be adjusted to filter
and the complication rate during insertion is much lower. How-
out frequencies above a certain limit, which can eliminate fre-
ever, we have found ultrasound guidance to be very useful and
quencies in the input signal causing ringing. However, this may
efficient in assisting with brachial and femoral artery catheteri-
also cause inaccurate readings if important frequencies are ex-
zations, and have even used it successfully for selected difficult
radial artery procedures. In our experience, ultrasound has the
same impact with arterial as it does with venous catheteriza-
tions; higher success rate with less procedure time, number of
TECHNIQUE OF ARTERIAL attempts, and complications. Operator technique of ultrasound
CANNULATION for arterial is the same as for venous catheterization and the
reader is referred to Chapter 2 for a description of ultrasound
equipment and technique. Ultrasound images for each of the
Site Selection major arterial routes are shown in Figure 3.2.
Several factors are important in selecting the site for arterial
cannulation. The ideal artery has extensive collateral circula-
tion that will maintain the viability of distal tissues if throm- Radial Artery Cannulation
bosis occurs. The site should be comfortable for the patient,
accessible for nursing care and insertion, and close to the mon- A thorough understanding of normal arterial anatomy and
itoring equipment. Sites involved by infection or disruption in common anatomical variants greatly facilitates insertion of
the epidermal barrier should be avoided. Certain procedures, catheters and management of unexpected findings at all sites.
such as coronary artery bypass grafting, may dictate preference The radial artery is one of two final branches of the brachial
for one site over another. Larger arteries and catheters provide artery. It courses over the flexor digitorum sublimis, flexor pol-
more accurate (central aortic) pressure measurements. Physi- licis longus, and pronator quadratus muscles and lies just lat-
cians should also be cognizant of differences in pulse contour eral to the flexor carpi radialis in the forearm. As the artery
recorded at different sites. As the pressure pulse wave travels enters the floor of the palm, it ends in the deep volar arterial
outward from the aorta, it encounters arteries that are smaller arch at the level of the metacarpal bones and communicates
and less elastic, with multiple branch points, causing reflections with the ulnar artery. A second site of collateral flow for the
of the pressure wave. This results in a peripheral pulse contour radial artery occurs via the dorsal arch running in the dorsum
with increased slope and amplitude, causing recorded values of the hand (Fig. 3.3).
to be artificially elevated. As a result, distal extremity artery The ulnar artery runs between the flexor carpi ulnaris and
recordings yield higher systolic values than central aortic or flexor digitorum sublimis in the forearm, with a short course
femoral artery recordings. Diastolic pressures tend to be less over the ulnar nerve. In the hand the artery runs over the trans-
affected, and mean arterial pressures measured at the different verse carpal ligament and becomes the superficial volar arch,
sites are similar [14]. which forms an anastomosis with a small branch of the radial
The most commonly used sites for arterial cannulation in artery. These three anastomoses provide excellent collateral
adults are the radial, femoral, axillary, dorsalis pedis, and flow to the hand [18]. A competent superficial or deep pal-
brachial arteries. Additional sites include the ulnar, axillary and mar arch must be present to ensure adequate collateral flow.
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FIGURE 3.2. Portable ultrasound images. A. Radial artery longitudinal view. B. Brachial artery axial
view. C. Femoral artery axial view. D. Axillary artery axial view. See text for details.
At least one of these arches may be absent in up to 20% of catheter that suggests decreased perfusion (color or tempera-
individuals. ture change, paresthesias, loss of capillary refill) should prompt
immediate removal of the catheter and further investigation if
the changes do not reverse.
Modified Allens Test
Hand ischemia is a rare but potential devastating complication
of radial artery catheterization that may require amputation
[19]. Hand ischemia is rare because of the rich collateral cir- Percutaneous Insertion
culation described earlier that insures perfusion even if one of
the main arteries thrombose. Historically, the modified Allens The hand is positioned in 30 to 60 degrees of dorsiflexion with
test [20], described in previous editions of this text, was used the aid of a roll of gauze and armband, avoiding hyperabduc-
prior to radial catheterization to detect patients in whom the tion of the thumb. The volar aspect of the wrist is prepared
collateral circulation may not be intact and presumably at in- (alcoholic chlorhexidine) and draped using sterile technique,
creased risk for hand ischemia. However, as a screening tool and approximately 0.5 mL of lidocaine is infiltrated on both
the Allens test has never had very good predictive value [21] sides of the artery through a 25-gauge or smaller needle. Lido-
and our institution, as well as many others, has abandoned its caine serves to decrease patient discomfort and may decrease
routine use. The best way to prevent hand ischemia is to avoid the likelihood of arterial vasospasm [22]. The catheter over the
radial catheterization in patients at increased risk (i.e., high needle approach (e.g., radial or brachial site) necessitates cap,
dose vasopressor therapy, scleroderma, vasculopathy) and to mask, sterile gloves and a small fenestrated drape; whereas, the
perform clinical evaluation of hand perfusion at each nursing Seldinger technique (i.e., femoral approach) requires maximum
shift change. Any change in the hand distal to a radial artery barrier precautions. A time out confirming correct patient,
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FIGURE 3.3. Anatomy of the radial artery. Note the collateral circula-
tion to the ulnar artery through the deep volar arterial arch and dorsal Brachial Artery Cannulation
The brachial artery is cannulated in the bicipital groove prox-
imal to the antecubital fossa at a point where there is no
correct site, correct equipment and informed consent is nec- collateral circulation (Fig. 3.2B). In theory, clinical ischemia
essary before the procedure begins. should be a greater risk, but in most series brachial artery
A 20-gauge, nontapered, Teflon 11/2- or 2-inch catheter- catheters have complication rates comparable to other routes
overneedle apparatus is used for puncture. Entry is made at [17,18,26,27]. Even when diminution of distal pulses occurs,
a 30- to 60-degree angle to the skin approximately 3 to 5 cm because of either proximal obstruction or distal embolization,
proximal to the distal wrist crease. Ultrasound image of the clinical ischemia is unlikely [26]. An additional anatomic con-
radial artery at this position is shown in Figure 3.2A. The sideration is that the median nerve lies in close proximity to the
needle and cannula are advanced until blood return is noted brachial artery and may be punctured in 1% to 2% of cases
in the hub, signifying intra-arterial placement of the tip of the [27]. This usually causes only transient paresthesias, but me-
needle. A small amount of further advancement is necessary for dian nerve palsy has been reported. Median nerve palsy is a par-
the cannula to enter the artery as well. With this accomplished, ticular risk in patients with coagulopathy because even minor
needle and cannula are brought flat to the skin and the cannula bleeding into the fascial planes can produce compression of the
advanced to its hub with a firm, steady rotary action. Correct median nerve [28]. Coagulopathy should be considered a rela-
positioning is confirmed by pulsatile blood return on removal tive contraindication to brachial artery cannulation. Given all
of the needle. If the initial attempt is unsuccessful, subsequent these considerations, brachial artery cannulation should only
attempts should be more proximal, rather than closer to the be considered if the radial, femoral, and dorsalis pedis sites are
wrist crease, as the artery is of greater diameter [18], although not available or appropriate.
this may increase the incidence of catheters becoming kinked Cannulation of the brachial artery is best performed using a
or occluded [23]. prepackaged kit designed for larger arteries (see femoral artery
If difficulty is encountered when attempting to pass the cannulation). The brachial artery is punctured by extending the
catheter, carefully replacing the needle and slightly advancing arm at the elbow and locating the pulsation a few centimeters
the whole apparatus may remedy the problem. Alternately, a proximal to the antecubital fossa, just medial to the bicipi-
fixation technique can be attempted (Fig. 3.3). Advancing the tal tendon. Once the catheter is established, the elbow must be
needle and catheter through the far wall of the vessel purposely kept in full extension to avoid kinking or breaking the catheter.
transfixes the artery. The cannula is then pulled back with the Clinical examination of the hand, and Doppler studies if indi-
needle partially retracted within the catheter until vigorous ar- cated, should be repeated daily while the brachial catheter is
terial blood return is noted. The catheter can then be advanced in place. The catheter should be promptly removed if diminu-
into the arterial lumen, using the needle as a reinforcing stent. tion of any pulse occurs or there is evidence of embolism. An
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FIGURE 3.4. Cannulation of the radial artery. A: A towel is placed behind the wrist, and the hand is
immobilized with tape. B: The catheter-needle-guidewire apparatus is inserted into the skin at a 30- to
60-degree angle. C: The guidewire is advanced into the artery after pulsatile blood flow is obtained. D: The
catheter is advanced over the guidewire into the artery. [From Irwin RS, Rippe JM: Manual of Intensive
Care Medicine. 4th ed. Philadelphia, PA: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2006:17, with permission.]
additional concern is air embolism (see later) since placement and the middle third of a straight line drawn between the pu-
of a 6-inch catheter puts the tip in the axillary artery. bis and the anterior superior iliac spine (Fig. 3.2C). The artery
is cannulated using the Seldinger technique and any one of
several available prepackaged kits. Kits contain the equivalent
Femoral Artery Cannulation of a 19-gauge thin-wall needle, appropriate guidewire, and a
6-inch, 18-gauge Teflon catheter. The patient lies supine with
The femoral artery is usually the next alternative when ra- the leg extended and slightly abducted. Skin puncture should
dial artery cannulation fails or is inappropriate [1517]. The be 3 to 5 cm caudal to the inguinal ligament to minimize
femoral artery is large and often palpable when other sites are the risk of retroperitoneal hematoma or bowel perforation,
not, and the technique of cannulation is easy to learn. The most which can occur when needle puncture of the vessel is cepha-
common reason for failure to cannulate is severe atheroscle- lad to the inguinal ligament. The thin-wall needle is directed,
rosis or prior vascular procedures involving both femoral ar- bevel up, cephalad at a 45-degree angle. When arterial blood
teries, in which case axillary or brachial artery cannulation is return is confirmed, the needle and syringe may need to be
appropriate. Complications unique to this site are rare but in- brought down against the skin to facilitate guidewire passage.
clude retroperitoneal hemorrhage and intra-abdominal viscus The guidewire should advance smoothly, but minor manip-
perforation. These complications occur because of poor tech- ulation and rotation is sometimes required if the wire meets
nique (puncture above the inguinal ligament) or in the presence resistance at the needle tip or after it has advanced into the
of anatomical variations (i.e., large inguinal hernia). Ischemic vessel. Inability to pass the guidewire may be due to an inti-
complications from femoral artery catheters are very rare. mal flap over the needle bevel or atherosclerotic plaques in the
The external iliac artery becomes the common femoral vessel. In the latter instance, cannulation of that femoral artery
artery at the inguinal ligament (Fig. 3.5). The artery courses may prove impossible. When the guidewire will not pass be-
under the inguinal ligament near the junction of the medial yond the needle tip it should be withdrawn and blood return
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Arterial cannulation is a relatively safe invasive procedure. Al-
though estimates of the total complication rate range from 15%
to 40%, clinically relevant complications occur in 5% or less
(Table 3.2). Risk factors for infectious and noninfectious com-
plications have been identified [31,32] (Table 3.3), but the clin-
ical impact of most of these factors is minimal, given the overall
low incidence of complications.
FIGURE 3.5. Anatomy of the femoral artery and adjacent structures. Thrombosis is the single most common complication of intra-
The artery is cannulated below the inguinal ligament.
arterial catheters. The incidence of thrombosis varies with the
site, method of detection, size of the cannula, and duration of
Site Complication
preparation is paramount and triple barrier protection is ap- 7- to 14-day course of appropriate antibiotics. In complicated
propriate for all larger artery insertions. Chlorhexadine should cases, longer courses are sometimes necessary.
be used for skin preparation [41] and use of a chlorhexidine The optimal evaluation of febrile catheterized patients can
soaked dressing at the insertion site is excellent practice. Breaks be a challenging problem (see Chapter 2). If the site appears ab-
in sterile technique during insertion mandate termination of normal or the patient is in septic shock with no other etiology,
the procedure and replacement of compromised equipment. the catheter should be removed. More specific guidelines are
Nursing personnel should follow strict guidelines when draw- difficult to recommend, and individual factors should always
ing blood samples or manipulating tubing. Blood withdrawn be considered. In general, arterial catheters in place less than 5
to clear the tubing prior to drawing samples should not be rein- days will not be the source of fever unless insertion was contam-
jected unless a specially designed system is in use [42]. Inspec- inated. Catheters in place 7 days or longer should be changed
tion of the site at the start of every nursing shift is mandatory, to a different site given the safety of arterial cannulation and
and the catheter should be removed promptly if abnormalities the small but measurable chance of infection. Guidewire ex-
are noted. Routine change of the pressure monitoring system changes should only be used to change a malfunctioning or
does not reduce infectious complications and may simply be damaged catheter.
another opportunity to introduce colonization.
Historically, it was always felt that arterial catheters had
a lower risk for infection than central venous catheters, but
that is probably no longer true. Impressive reductions in over- RECOMMENDATIONS
all Catheter Related Infections (CRI) have occurred as a result
of increased research, better technology, and an emphasis on Either the radial or femoral artery is an appropriate initial site
patient safety, leading to a convergence of infectious risks for for percutaneous arterial cannulation. Most centers have more
arterial and central venous catheters [43,44]. Using modern experience with radial artery cannulation, but femoral artery
techniques, arterial catheterrelated colonization may occurs catheters are reliable and have a comparable incidence of com-
in up to 5% to 10% of catheters but the incidence of catheter- plication. In our opinion, the femoral artery should be used
related bacteremia should be in the range of 0.5 to 2.0 per first in shocked patients, especially when vasopressors are in-
1,000 catheter-days [15,16,4345]. The site of insertion does fusing, because of the risk of tissue loss with radial or dorsalis
not appear to be an important factor impacting on the inci- pedis catheters. In more than 90% of patients, the radial or
dence of infection [1517,25] but duration is likely important femoral site is adequate to achieve arterial pressure monitor-
[44]. We believe 7 days is an appropriate time to reassess the ing. When these sites are not appropriate, the dorsalis pedis
need for and the location of arterial catheterization [44] but artery is a good alternative, but cannulation is frequently not
each institution should determine its own catheter-associated possible, especially if radial artery cannulation failed because
infection rate so that rational policies can be formulated based of poor perfusion. Under these circumstances, the brachial fol-
on existing local infection rates. lowed by the axillary artery can be safely cannulated; when a
When arterial catheter infection does occur, Staphylococ- coagulopathy is present, ultrasound guidance should be used to
cus species are commonly isolated. Gram-negative organisms avoid complications. Arterial catheters can be left in place until
are less frequent, but predominate in contaminated infusate there is clinical indication to remove them, but infection rate
or equipment-related infection. Infection with Candida species increases proportionally. Iatrogenic anemia and overutilization
is a greater risk in prolonged catheterization of the glucose- of blood tests are a real phenomenon associated with arterial
intolerant patient on multiple systemic broad-spectrum antibi- catheters, which should be discontinued promptly when no
otics. Catheter-associated bacteremia should be treated with a longer required for patient management.
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26. Barnes RW, Foster EJ, Janssen GA, et al: Safety of brachial arterial catheters as 37. Smoller BR, Kruskall MS: Phlebotomy for diagnostic laboratory tests in
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Since their introduction into clinical practice in 1970 by Swan the flow-directed PA catheter, there was no way to assess all
et al. [1], balloon-tipped, flow-directed pulmonary artery (PA) of these by using one instrument in a clinically useful way at
catheters have found widespread use in the clinical manage- bedside. The catheter allows the reflection of right ventricular
ment of critically ill patients. However, in recent years, both (RV) preload (right atrial pressure), RV afterload (PA pressure),
the safety and efficacy of these catheters have been brought left ventricular preloadPA occlusion pressure (PAOP) or pul-
into question. In this chapter, I review the physiologic basis for monary capillary wedge pressure (PCWP)and contractility
their use, some history regarding their development and use, (stroke volume or CO). Left ventricular afterload is reflected
the concerns raised about their use, and suggestions for appro- by the systemic arterial pressure. This information allows the
priate use of the catheters and the information obtained from calculation of numerous parameters, including vascular resis-
them. tances. No other tool allows the gathering of such a large
amount of information.
TA B L E 4 . 1
Lower morbidity/mortality
Rao et al. [4] 1983 733/364 Historical controls/cohort Lower mortality
Hesdorffer et al. [5] 1987 61/87 Historical controls/cohort Lower mortality
Shoemaker et al. [6] 1988 146 RCT Lower mortality
Berlauk et al. [7] 1991 89 RCT Lower morbidity
Fleming et al. [8] 1992 33/34 RCT Lower morbidity
Tuchschmidt et al. [9] 1992 26/25 RCT Decreased LOS;
trend toward lower mortality
Boyd et al. [10] 1993 53/54 RCT Lower mortality
Bishop et al. [11] 1995 50/65 RCT Lower mortality
Schiller et al. [12] 1997 53/33/30 Retrospective cohort Lower mortality
Wilson et al. [13] 1999 92/46 RCT Lower mortality
Chang et al. [14] 2000 20/39 Prospective retrospective cohort Lower morbidity
Polonen et al. [15] 2000 196/197 RCT Decreased morbidity
Friese et al. [16] 2006 51379 (no PAC)/ Retrospective analysis of Improved survival in patients
1933 (PAC) National Trauma Data Bank older than 60 or with ISS 2575
and severe shock
No difference
Pearson et al. [17] 1989 226 RCT No difference
Isaacson et al. [18] 1990 102 RCT No difference
Joyce et al. [19] 1990 40 RCT No difference
Yu et al. [20] 1993 35/32 RCT No difference
Gattinoni et al. [21] 1995 252/253/257 RCT No difference
Yu et al. [22] 1995 89 RCT No difference
Durham et al. [23] 1996 27/31 Prospective cohort No difference
Afessa et al. [24] 2001 751 Prospective observational No difference
Rhodes et al. [25] 2002 201 RCT No difference
Richard [26] 2003 676 RCT No difference
Yu et al. [27] 2003 1,010 Prospective cohort No difference
Sandham et al. [28] 2003 997/997 RCT No difference in mortality;
increased risk of pulmonary
embolism in PA group
Sakr et al. [29] 2005 3,147 Observational cohort No difference
Harvey et al. [30] 2005 519/522 RCT No difference in mortality
Binanay et al. [31] 2005 433 RCT No difference in mortality
The National Heart, 2006 513/487 RCT No difference in
Lung and Blood mortality or organ function
Institute ARDS
Clinical Trials Network [32]
Higher or worse morbidity/mortality
Tuman et al. [33] 1989 1094 Controlled prospective cohort Increased ICU stay with PAC
Guyatt [34] 1991 33/148 RCT Higher morbidity
Hayes et al. [35] 1994 50 RCT Higher mortality
Connors et al. [36] 1996 5,735 Prospective cohort Higher mortality
Valentine et al. [37] 1998 60 RCT Increased morbidity
Stewart et al. [38] 1998 133/61 Retrospective cohort Increased morbidity
Ramsey et al. [39] 2000 8,064/5,843 Retrospective cohort Higher mortality
Polanczyk et al. [40] 2001 215/215 Prospective cohort Increased morbidity
Chittock et al. [41] 2004 7,310 Observational cohort Increased mortality in low severity;
decreased mortality in high severity
Peters et al. [42] 2003 360/690 Retrospective case control Increased risk of death
Cohen et al. [43] 2005 26,437/735 Retrospective cohort Increased mortality
ICU, intensive care unit; ISS, injury security score; LOS, length of stay; PA, pulmonary artery; PAC, pulmonary artery catheter; RCT, randomized
control trial.
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TA B L E 4 . 2
Adapted from JM Gore, JS Alpert, JR Benotti, et al: Handbook of Hemodynamic Monitoring. Boston, MA,
Little, Brown, 1984.
in normal volunteers by Kumar et al. [44] who found there was tions in which PA catheterization may be useful are character-
a poor correlation between initial CV pressure and PAOP, with ized by a clinically unclear or rapidly changing hemodynamic
both respective end diastolic ventricular volume and stroke vol- status. Table 4.2 is a partial listing of the indications. Use of
ume indices. Their data call into question the basic tenet of the PA catheters in specific disease entities is discussed in other
theoretical benefit of the PA catheter. chapters.
FIGURE 4.1. Quadruple-lumen pulmonary artery catheter. A: Connection to thermodilution cardiac out-
put computer. B: Connection to distal lumen. C: Connection to proximal lumen. D: Stopcock connected
to balloon at the catheter tip for balloon inflation. E: Thermistor. F: Balloon. Note that the catheter is
marked in 10-cm increments.
intrathoracic veins through the right heart chambers into the (e.g., dopamine, epinephrine) are used. Figure 4.2 shows the
PA. When fully inflated in a vessel of sufficiently large caliber, balloon on the tip inflated.
the balloon protrudes above the catheter tip, thus distributing Several special-purpose PA catheter designs are available.
tip forces over a large area and minimizing the chances for Pacing PA catheters incorporate two groups of electrodes on
endocardial damage or arrhythmia induction during catheter the catheter surface, enabling intracardiac electrocardiographic
insertion (Fig. 4.2). Progression of the catheter is stopped when (ECG) recording or temporary cardiac pacing [48]. These
it impacts in a PA slightly smaller in diameter than the fully in- catheters are used for emergency cardiac pacing, although it is
flated balloon. From this position, the PAOP is obtained. Bal- often difficult to position the catheter for reliable simultaneous
loon capacity varies according to catheter size, and the opera- cardiac pacing and PA pressure measurements. A five-lumen
tor must be aware of the individual balloons maximal inflation catheter allows passage of a specially designed 2.4-Fr bipolar
volume as recommended by the manufacturer. The balloon is pacing electrode (probe) through the additional lumen (located
usually inflated with air, but filtered carbon dioxide should be 19 cm from the catheter tip) and allows emergency temporary
used in any situation in which balloon rupture might result in intracardiac pacing without the need for a separate central ve-
access of the inflation medium to the arterial system (e.g., if a nous puncture. The pacing probe is Teflon coated to allow easy
right-to-left intracardiac shunt or a pulmonary arteriovenous introduction through the pacemaker port lumen; the intracavi-
fistula is suspected). If carbon dioxide is used, periodic deflation tary part of the probe is heparin impregnated to reduce the risk
and reinflation may be necessary, since carbon dioxide diffuses of thrombus formation. One report demonstrated satisfactory
through the latex balloon at a rate of approximately 0.5 cm3 per ventricular pacing in 19 of 23 patients using this catheter de-
minute. Liquids should never be used as the inflation medium. sign (83% success rate) [49]. When a pacing probe is not in
A variety of catheter constructions is available, each use, the fifth lumen may be used for additional central venous
designed for particular clinical applications. Double-lumen access or continuous RV pressure monitoring.
catheters allow balloon inflation through one lumen, and a dis- Continuous mixed venous oxygen saturation measurement
tal opening at the tip of the catheter is used to measure intravas- is clinically available using a fiberoptic five-lumen PA catheter
cular pressures and sample blood. Triple-lumen catheters have [50]. Segal et al. [51] described a catheter that incorpo-
a proximal port terminating 30 cm from the tip of the catheter, rates Doppler technology for continuous CO determinations.
allowing simultaneous measurement of right atrial and PA or Catheters equipped with a fast-response (95 milliseconds)
occlusion pressures. The most commonly used PA catheter in thermistor and intracardiac ECG-monitoring electrodes are
the ICU setting is a quadruple-lumen catheter, which has a lu- also available. These catheters allow determination of the
men containing electrical leads for a thermistor positioned at RV ejection fraction and RV systolic time intervals in criti-
the catheter surface 4 cm proximal to its tip (Fig. 4.1) [47]. The cally ill patients [5255]. The calculated RV ejection fraction
thermistor measures PA blood temperature and allows ther- has correlated well with simultaneous radionuclide first-pass
modilution CO measurements. A five-lumen catheter is also studies [54].
available, with the fifth lumen opening 40 cm from the tip of Aside from the intermittent determination of CO by bo-
the catheter. The fifth lumen provides additional central venous lus administration of cold injectate, PA catheters have been
access for fluid or medication infusions when peripheral access adapted to determine near continuous CO by thermal pulses
is limited or when drugs requiring infusion into a large vein generated by a heating filament on the catheter to produce
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FIGURE 4.2. Balloon properly inflated at the tip of a pulmonary artery catheter. Note that the balloon
shields the catheter tip and prevents it from irritating cardiac chambers on its passage to the pulmonary
temperature changes [56]. The accuracy and reliability of CO Threading the catheter into the PA is more difficult from the
determination by this heatingcooling cycle have been con- basilica, brachial, or femoral vein.
firmed by several studies [5760].
FIGURE 4.3. A: Easy blood aspiration has been demonstrated using the guidewire introducer needle. B:
The inner needle is removed. C: The spring guidewire is advanced, soft end first, through the cannula into
the vessel. D: With the guidewire held in place, the cannula is withdrawn from the vessel by being pulled
over and off the length of the guidewire.
PA catheter. Flush the proximal and distal catheter lumens distal end of the sleeve adapter to the introducer sheath
with normal saline. hub.
6. If a sterile sleeve adapter is to be used, insert the catheter 7. Pass the catheter through the introducer sheath into the
through it and pull the adapter proximally over the vein (Fig. 4.8). Advance it, using the marks on the catheter
catheter to keep it out of the way. Once the catheter is shaft indicating 10-cm distances from the tip, until the
advanced to its desired intravascular location, attach the tip is in the right atrium. This requires advancement of
FIGURE 4.4. The spring guidewire, stiff end protruding, is now FIGURE 4.5. A small incision is made with a scalpel to enlarge the
located in the subclavian vein. puncture site.
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FIGURE 4.6. A: The vessel dilator-sheath apparatus is threaded over the guidewire and advanced into
the vessel. B: A twisting motion is used to thread the apparatus into the vessel.
FIGURE 4.7. The guidewire and vessel dilator are removed, leaving FIGURE 4.8. The catheter is passed through the introducer sheath
the introducer sheath in the vessel. into the vein.
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FIGURE 4.9. A: With the catheter tip in the right atrium, the balloon is inflated. B: The catheter is ad-
vanced into the right ventricle with the balloon inflated, and right ventricle pressure tracings are obtained.
(Center): Waveform tracings generated as the balloon-tipped catheter is advanced through the right heart
chambers into the pulmonary artery. [Adapted from Wiedmann HP, Matthay MA, Matthey RA: Cardio-
vascular pulmonary monitoring in the intensive care unit (Part 1) Chest 85:537;1984, with permission.]
C: The catheter is advanced through the pulmonary valve into the pulmonary artery. A rise in diastolic
pressure should be noted. D: The catheter is advanced to the pulmonary artery occlusion pressure position.
A typical pulmonary artery occlusion pressure tracing should be noted with a and v waves. E: The balloon
is deflated. Phasic pulmonary artery pressure should reappear on the monitor. (See text for details.)
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approximately 35 to 40 cm from the left antecubital fossa, to supplement pressure monitoring and checks on balloon
10 to 15 cm from the internal jugular vein, 10 cm from the inflation volumes. An initial cross-table lateral radiograph
subclavian vein, and 35 to 40 cm from the femoral vein. may be obtained in patients on positive end-expiratory
A right atrial waveform on the monitor, with appropriate pressure (PEEP) to rule out superior placements.
fluctuations accompanying respiratory changes or cough,
confirms proper intrathoracic location (Fig. 4.9, center).
If desired, obtain right atrial blood for oxygen saturation Special Considerations
from the distal port. Flush the distal lumen with saline and
record the right atrial pressures. (Occasionally, it is neces- In certain disease states (right atrial or RV dilatation, severe
sary to inflate the balloon to keep the tip from adhering to pulmonary hypertension, severe tricuspid insufficiency, low
the atrial wall during blood aspiration.) CO syndromes), it may be difficult to position a flow-directed
8. With the catheter tip in the right atrium, inflate the bal- catheter properly. These settings may require fluoroscopic guid-
loon with the recommended amount of air or carbon diox- ance to aid in catheter positioning. Infusion of 5 to 10 mL of
ide (Fig. 4.9A). Inflation of the balloon should be associ- cold saline through the distal lumen may stiffen the catheter and
ated with a slight feeling of resistanceif it is not, suspect aid in positioning. Alternatively, a 0.025-cm guidewire 145 cm
balloon rupture and do not attempt further inflation or long may be used to stiffen the catheter when placed through
advancement of the catheter before properly reevaluating the distal lumen of a 7-Fr PA catheter. This manipulation should
balloon integrity. If significant resistance to balloon infla- be performed only under fluoroscopic guidance by an expe-
tion is encountered, suspect malposition of the catheter in rienced operator. Rarely, nonflow-directed PA catheters (e.g.,
a small vessel; withdraw the catheter and readvance it to Cournand catheters) may be required. Because of their rigidity,
a new position. Do not use liquids to inflate the balloon, these catheters have the potential to perforate the right heart
as they might be irretrievable and could prevent balloon and must be placed only under fluoroscopy by a physician ex-
deflation. perienced in cardiac catheterization techniques.
9. With the balloon inflated, advance the catheter until a RV
pressure tracing is seen on the monitor (Fig. 4.9, center).
Obtain and record RV pressures. Catheter passage into PHYSIOLOGIC DATA
and through the RV is an especially risky time in terms
of arrhythmias. Maintaining the balloon inflated in the Measurement of a variety of hemodynamic parameters and
RV minimizes ventricular irritation (Fig. 4.9B), but it is oxygen saturations is possible using the PA catheter. A sum-
important to monitor vital signs and ECG throughout the mary of normal values for these parameters is found in Tables
entire insertion procedure. Elevating the head of the bed to 4.3 and 4.4.
5 degrees and a right tilt position will facilitate the passage
of the catheter through the right ventricle and minimize
the generation of arrhythmias [61]. Pressures
10. Continue advancing the catheter until the diastolic pres-
sure tracing rises above that in the RV (Fig. 4.9, center), Right Atrium
indicating PA placement (Fig. 4.9C). If a RV trace still ap- With the tip of the PA catheter in the right atrium (Fig. 4.9A),
pears after the catheter has been advanced 15 cm beyond the balloon is deflated and a right atrial waveform recorded
the original distance needed to reach the right atrium, sus- (Fig. 4.10). Normal resting right atrial pressure is 0 to 6 mm
pect curling in the ventricle; deflate the balloon, withdraw Hg. Two major positive atrial pressure waves, the a wave and
it to the right atrium, then reinflate it and try again. Ad- v wave, can usually be recorded. On occasion, a third positive
vancement beyond the PA position results in a fall on the wave, the c wave, can also be seen. The a wave is due to atrial
pressure tracing from the levels of systolic pressure noted contraction and follows the simultaneously recorded ECG P
in the RV and PA. When this is noted, record the PAOP wave [62,63]. The a wave peak generally follows the peak of
(Fig. 4.9, center, D) and deflate the balloon. Phasic PA pres-
sure should reappear on the pressure tracing when the bal-
loon is deflated. If it does not, pull back the catheter with
the deflated balloon until the PA tracing appears. With TA B L E 4 . 3
the balloon deflated, blood may be aspirated for oxygen NORMAL RESTING PRESSURES OBTAINED DURING
saturation measurement. Watch for intermittent RV trac- RIGHT HEART CATHETERIZATION
ings indicating slippage of the catheter backward into the
ventricle. Cardiac chamber Pressure (mm Hg)
11. Carefully record the balloon inflation volume needed to
change the PA pressure tracing to the PAOP tracing. If Right atrium
PAOP is recorded with an inflation volume significantly Range 06
lower than the manufacturers recommended volume, or Mean 3
if subsequent PAOP determinations require decreasing
amounts of balloon inflation volume as compared with an Right ventricle
initial appropriate amount, the catheter tip has migrated Systolic 1730
too far peripherally and should be pulled back immedi- Diastolic 06
ately. Pulmonary artery
12. Secure the catheter in the correct PA position by suturing or Systolic 1530
taping it to the skin to prevent inadvertent advancement. Diastolic 513
Apply a transparent dressing with a chlorhexidine sponge Mean 1018
if indicated. Pulmonary artery occlusion (mean) 212
13. Order a chest radiograph to confirm catheter position; the
catheter tip should appear no more than 3 to 5 cm from the Adapted from JM Gore, JS Alpert, JR Benotti, et al: Handbook of
midline. To assess whether peripheral catheter migration Hemodynamic Monitoring. Boston, MA, Little, Brown, 1984.
has occurred, daily chest radiographs are recommended
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TA B L E 4 . 4
Adapted from JM Gore, JS Alpert, JR Benotti, et al: Handbook of Hemodynamic Monitoring. Boston, MA,
Little, Brown, 1984.
the electrical P wave by approximately 80 milliseconds [64]. diastolic volume index and RV ejection fraction can be accu-
The v wave represents the pressure generated by venous filling rately measured [6669].
of the right atrium while the tricuspid valve is closed. The peak
of the v wave occurs at the end of ventricular systole when the Pulmonary Artery
atrium is maximally filled, corresponding to the point near the
end of the T wave on the ECG. The c wave is due to the sud- With the catheter in proper position and the balloon deflated,
den motion of the atrioventricular valve ring toward the right the distal lumen transmits PA pressure (Fig. 4.9E). Normal rest-
atrium at the onset of ventricular systole. The c wave follows ing PA pressure is 15 to 30/5 to 13 mm Hg, with a mean pres-
the a wave by a time equal to the ECG PR interval. The c wave sure of 10 to 18 mm Hg. The PA waveform is characterized by
is more readily visible in cases of PR prolongation [64]. The x a systolic peak and diastolic trough with a dicrotic notch due
descent follows the c wave and reflects atrial relaxation. The y to closure of the pulmonic valve. The peak PA systolic pressure
descent is due to rapid emptying of the atrium after opening occurs in the T wave of a simultaneously recorded ECG.
of the tricuspid valve. The mean right atrial pressure decreases Since the pulmonary vasculature is normally a low-
during inspiration with spontaneous respiration (secondary to resistance circuit, PA diastolic pressure (PADP) is closely re-
a decrease in intrathoracic pressure), whereas the a and v waves lated to mean PAOP (PADP is usually 1 to 3 mm Hg higher
and the x and y descents become more prominent. Once a than mean PAOP) and thus can be used as an index of left ven-
multilumen PA catheter is in position, right atrial blood can tricle filling pressure in patients in whom an occlusion pressure
be sampled and pressure monitored using the proximal lumen. is unobtainable or in whom PADP and PAOP have been shown
It should be noted that the pressures obtained via the proxi- to correlate closely. However, if pulmonary vascular resis-
mal lumen may not accurately reflect right atrial pressure due tance is increased, as in pulmonary embolic disease, pulmonary
to positioning of the lumen against the atrial wall or within fibrosis, or reactive pulmonary hypertension (see Chapter 56),
the introducer sheath. The latter problem is more frequently PADP may markedly exceed mean PAOP and thus become an
encountered in shorter patients [65]. unreliable index of left heart function [64]. Similar provisos ap-
ply when using PA mean pressure as an index of left ventricular
Right Ventricle function.
The normal resting RV pressure is 17 to 30/0 to 6 mm Hg,
recorded when the PA catheter crosses the tricuspid valve (Fig. Pulmonary Artery Occlusion Pressure
4.9B). The RV systolic pressure should equal the PA systolic An important application of the balloon flotation catheter is
pressure (except in cases of pulmonic stenosis or RV outflow the recording of PAOP. This measurement is obtained when
tract obstruction). The RV diastolic pressure should equal the the inflated balloon impacts a slightly smaller branch of the PA
mean right atrial pressure during diastole when the tricuspid (Fig. 4.9D). In this position, the balloon stops the flow, and the
valve is open. Introduction of the catheter with a pacing lumen catheter tip senses pressure transmitted backward through the
allows continuous monitoring of RV hemodynamics when the static column of blood from the next active circulatory bed
pacing wire is not in place. Using special catheters, RV end- the pulmonary veins. Pulmonary venous pressure is a prime de-
terminant of pulmonary congestion and thus of the tendency
for fluid to shift from the pulmonary capillaries into the in-
terstitial tissue and alveoli. Also, pulmonary venous pressure
and PAOP closely reflect left atrial pressure (except in rare in-
stances, such as pulmonary veno-occlusive disease, in which
there is obstruction in the small pulmonary veins), and serve
as indices of left ventricular filling pressure [70,71]. The PAOP
is required to assess left ventricular filling pressure, since mul-
tiple studies have demonstrated that right atrial (e.g., central
venous) pressure correlates poorly with PAOP [72].
The PAOP is a phase-delayed, amplitude-dampened ver-
FIGURE 4.10. Stylized representation of a right atrial waveform in sion of the left atrial pressure. The normal resting PAOP is 2
relation to heart sounds. (See text for discussion of a, c, and v waves to 12 mm Hg and averages 2 to 7 mm Hg below the mean
and x and y descents.) S1 , first heart sound; S2 , second heart sound. PA pressure. The PAOP waveform is similar to that of the
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TA B L E 4 . 5
Zone 3 Zone 1 or 2
LA, left atrium; PAD, pulmonary artery diastolic pressure; PALV , alveolar pressure; PAOP, pulmonary artery
occlusion pressure; PEEP, positive end-expiratory pressure.
Adapted from RJ Schultz, GF Whitfield, JJ LaMura, et al: The role of physiologic monitoring in patients
with fractures of the hip. J Trauma 25:309, 1985.
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use of PEEP. How much PEEP is transmitted to the pleural is adequate), the resultant cooling curve recorded at a down-
space cannot be estimated easily, since it varies depending on stream site allows calculation of net blood flow. CO is inversely
lung compliance and other factors. When normal lungs deflate proportional to the integral of the time-versus-temperature
passively, end-expiratory pleural pressure increases by approx- curve.
imately one half of the applied PEEP. In patients with reduced In practice, a known amount of cold or room temperature
lung compliance (e.g., patients with acute respiratory distress solution (typically 10 mL of 0.9% saline in adults and 5 mL of
syndrome; ARDS), the transmitted fraction may be one-fourth 0.9% saline in children) is injected into the right atrium via the
or less of the PEEP value. In the past, PEEP levels greater than catheters proximal port. The thermistor allows recording of
10 mm Hg were thought to interrupt the column of blood be- the baseline PA blood temperature and subsequent temperature
tween the left atrium and PA catheter tip, causing the PAOP to change. The resulting curve is usually analyzed by computer,
reflect alveolar pressure more accurately than left atrial pres- although it can be analyzed manually by simple planimetric
sure. However, two studies suggest that this may not hold true methods. Correction factors are added by catheter manufac-
in all cases. Hasan et al. [80] concluded that the PAOP left turers to account for the mixture of cold indicator with warm
atrial fluid column was protected by lung injury, and Teboul residual fluid in the catheter injection lumen and the heat trans-
et al. [81] could find no significant discrepancy between PAOP fer from the catheter walls to the cold indicator.
and simultaneously measured LVEDP at PEEP levels of 0, 10, Reported coefficients of variation using triplicate determi-
and 16 to 20 cm H2 O in patients with ARDS. They hypothesize nations, using 10 mL of cold injectate and a bedside computer,
that (a) a large intrapulmonary right-to-left shunt may provide are approximately 4% or less. Variations in the rate of injec-
a number of microvessels shielded from alveolar pressure, al- tion can also introduce error into CO determinations, and it
lowing free communication from PA to pulmonary veins, or (b) is thus important that the solution be injected as rapidly as
in ARDS, both vascular and lung compliance may decrease, possible. Careful attention must be paid to the details of this
reducing transmission of alveolar pressure to the pulmonary procedure; even then, changes of less than 10% to 15% above
microvasculature and maintaining an uninterrupted blood col- or below an initial value may not truly establish directional va-
umn from the catheter tip to the left atrium. lidity. Thermodilution CO is inaccurate in low-output states,
Although it is difficult to estimate precisely the true transmu- tricuspid regurgitation, and in cases of atrial or ventricular sep-
ral vascular pressure in a patient on PEEP, temporarily discon- tal defects [84].
necting PEEP to measure PAOP is not recommended. Because Normal values for arterialvenous oxygen content differ-
the hemodynamics have been destabilized, these measurements ence, mixed venous oxygen saturation, and CO can be found
will be of questionable value. Venous return increases acutely in Table 4.6.
after discontinuation of PEEP [81], and abrupt removal of
PEEP will cause hypoxia, which may not reverse quickly on Analysis of Mixed Venous Blood
reinstitution of PEEP [82]. Additional discussion of measure-
ment and interpretation of pulmonary vascular pressures on CO can be approximated merely by examining mixed venous
PEEP is found in Chapter 58. (PA) oxygen saturation. Theoretically, if CO rises, then the
mixed venous oxygen partial pressure will rise, since peripheral
tissues need to exact less oxygen per unit of blood. Conversely,
if CO falls, peripheral extraction from each unit will increase
Cardiac Output to meet the needs of metabolizing tissues. Serial determinations
of mixed venous oxygen saturation may display trends in CO.
Normal mixed venous oxygen saturation is 70% to 75%; val-
Thermodilution Technique ues of less than 60% are associated with heart failure and values
A catheter equipped with a thermistor 4 cm from its tip al- of less than 40% with shock [85]. Potential sources of error in
lows calculation of CO by using the thermodilution principle this determination include extreme low-flow states where poor
[47,83]. The thermodilution principle holds that if a known mixing may occur, contamination of desaturated mixed venous
quantity of cold solution is introduced into the circulation and blood by saturated pulmonary capillary blood when the sam-
adequately mixed (passage through two valves and a ventricle ple is aspirated too quickly through the nonwedged catheter
TA B L E 4 . 6
Adapted from JM Gore, JS Alpert, JR Benotti, et al: Handbook of Hemodynamic Monitoring. Boston, MA,
Little, Brown, 1984.
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TA B L E 4 . 7
[86] or in certain disease states (e.g., sepsis) where microcircu- cular basis to explain abnormal symptoms or signs and as a
latory shunting may occur. Fiberoptic reflectance oximetry PA baseline to gauge a patients disease progression or response to
catheters can continuously measure and record mixed venous therapy. Right atrial pressures of 0 to 6 mm Hg, PA systolic
oxygen saturations in appropriate clinical situations [50,87]. pressures of 15 to 30 mm Hg, PADPs of 5 to 12 mm Hg, PA
mean pressures of 9 to 18 mm Hg, PAOP of 5 to 12 mm Hg, and
a cardiac index exceeding 2.5 L per minute per m2 characterize
Derived Parameters a normal cardiovascular state at rest.
Table 4.7 summarizes specific hemodynamic patterns for a
Useful hemodynamic parameters that can be derived using data variety of disease entities in which PA catheters have been indi-
with PA catheters include the following: cated and provide clinical information that can impact patient
1. Cardiac index = CO (L/minute)/BSA (m2 )
2. Stroke volume = CO (L/minute)/heart rate (beats/minute)
3. Stroke index = CO (L/minute)/[heart rate (beats/minute)
BSA (m2 )]
4. Mean arterial pressure (mmHg) = [(2 diastolic) + Minor and major complications associated with bedside bal-
systolic]/3 loon flotation PA catheterization have been reported (Table
5. Systemic vascular resistance (dyne/second/cm5 ) = ([mean 4.8). During the 1970s, in the first 10 years of clinical catheter
arterial pressure mean right atrial pressure (mm Hg)] use, a number of studies reported a relatively high incidence
80)/CO (L/minute) of certain complications. Consequent revision of guidelines for
6. Pulmonary arteriolar resistance (dyne/second/cm5 ) = PA catheter use and improved insertion and maintenance tech-
([mean PA pressure PAOP (mm Hg)] 80)/CO (L/minute) niques resulted in a decreased incidence of these complications
7. Total pulmonary resistance (dyne/second/cm5 ) = ([mean
PA pressure (mm Hg)] 80)/CO (L/minute)
8. Left ventricular stroke work index = 1.36 (mean arterial TA B L E 4 . 8
pressure PAOP) stroke index/100
9. Do2 (mL/minute/m2 ) = cardiac index arterial O2 content COMPLICATIONS OF PULMONARY ARTERY
Normal values are listed in Table 4.6. Associated with central venous access
Balloon rupture
Pulmonary artery perforation
Normal Resting Hemodynamic Profile Intracardiac damage
The finding of normal CO associated with normal left and right Miscellaneous complications
heart filling pressures is useful in establishing a noncardiovas-
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in the 1980s [88]. The majority of complications are avoid- in an attempt to restore an apparently damped pressure trace.
able by scrupulous attention to detail in catheter placement Pulmonary embolic phenomena resulting from thrombus for-
and maintenance. mation around the catheter or over areas of endothelial damage
can also result in pulmonary infarction.
The reported incidence of pulmonary infarction secondary
Complications Associated with Central to PA catheters in 1974 was 7.2% [101], but recently reported
rates of pulmonary infarction are much lower. Boyd et al. [103]
Venous Access found a 1.3% incidence of pulmonary infarction in a prospec-
tive study of 528 PA catheterizations. Sise et al. [104] reported
The insertion techniques and complications of central venous
no pulmonary infarctions in a prospective study of 319 PA
cannulation are discussed in Chapter 2. Reported local vascu-
catheter insertions. Use of continuous saline flush solutions and
lar complications include local arterial or venous hematomas,
careful monitoring of PA waveforms are important reasons for
unintentional entry of the catheter into the carotid system, atri-
the decreased incidence of this complication.
oventricular fistulas, and pseudoaneurysm formation [8991].
Adjacent structures, such as the thoracic duct, can be damaged,
with resultant chylothorax formation. Pneumothorax can be
a serious complication of insertion, although the incidence is Pulmonary Artery Perforation
relatively low (1% to 2%) [64,89,92]. The incidence of pneu-
A serious and feared complication of PA catheterization is rup-
mothorax is higher with the subclavian approach than with the
ture of the PA leading to hemorrhage, which can be massive and
internal jugular approach in some reports [93], but other stud-
sometimes fatal [105107]. Rupture may occur during inser-
ies demonstrate no difference between the two sites [94,95].
tion or may be delayed a number of days [107]. PA rupture or
The incidence of complications associated with catheter inser-
perforation has been reported in approximately 0.1% to 0.2%
tion is generally considered to be inversely proportional to the
of patients [93,108,109], although recent pathologic data sug-
operators experience.
gest the true incidence of PA perforation is somewhat higher
[110]. Proposed mechanisms by which PA rupture can occur in-
clude (a) an increased pressure gradient between PAOP and PA
Balloon Rupture pressure brought about by balloon inflation and favoring distal
catheter migration, where perforation is more likely to occur;
Balloon rupture occurred more frequently in the early 1970s (b) an occluded catheter tip position favoring eccentric or dis-
than it does now and was generally related to exceeding rec- tended balloon inflation with a spearing of the tip laterally and
ommended inflation volumes. The main problems posed by through the vessel; (c) cardiac pulsation causing shearing forces
balloon rupture are air emboli gaining access to the arterial and damage as the catheter tip repeatedly contacts the vessel
circulation and balloon fragments embolizing to the distal pul- wall; (d) presence of the catheter tip near a distal arterial bifur-
monary circulation. If rupture occurs during catheter insertion, cation where the integrity of the vessel wall against which the
the loss of the balloons protective cushioning function can pre- balloon is inflated may be compromised; and (e) simple lateral
dispose to endocardial damage and attendant thrombotic and pressure on vessel walls caused by balloon inflation (this tends
arrhythmic complications. to be greater if the catheter tip was occluded before inflation be-
gan). Patient risk factors for PA perforation include pulmonary
hypertension, mitral valve disease, advanced age, hypothermia,
Knotting and anticoagulant therapy. In patients with these risk factors
and in whom PADP reflects PAOP reasonably well, avoidance
Knotting of a catheter around itself is most likely to occur when of subsequent balloon inflation altogether constitutes prudent
loops form in the cardiac chambers and the catheter is repeat- prophylaxis.
edly withdrawn and readvanced [96]. Knotting is avoided if Another infrequent but life-threatening complication is false
care is taken not to advance the catheter significantly beyond aneurysm formation associated with rupture or dissection of
the distances at which entrance to the ventricle or PA would the PA [111]. Technique factors related to PA hemorrhage are
ordinarily be anticipated. Knotted catheters usually can be ex- distal placement or migration of the catheter; failure to remove
tricated transvenously; guidewire placement [97], venotomy, or large catheter loops placed in the cardiac chambers during in-
more extensive surgical procedures are occasionally necessary. sertion; excessive catheter manipulation; use of stiffer catheter
Knotting of PA catheters around intracardiac structures [98] designs; and multiple overzealous or prolonged balloon infla-
or other intravascular catheters [99] has been reported. Rarely, tions. Adherence to strict technique may decrease the incidence
entrapment of a PA catheter in cardiac sutures after open-heart of this complication. In a prospective study reported in 1986,
surgery has been reported, requiring varying approaches for no cases of PA rupture occurred in 1,400 patients undergoing
removal [100]. PA catheterization for cardiac surgery [94].
PA perforation typically presents with massive hemoptysis.
Emergency management includes immediate occlusion arteri-
Pulmonary Infarction ogram and bronchoscopy, intubation of the unaffected lung,
and consideration of emergency lobectomy or pneumonec-
Peripheral migration of the catheter tip (caused by catheter tomy. PA catheter balloon tamponade resulted in rapid control
softening and loop tightening over time) with persistent, unde- of bleeding in one case report [112]. Application of PEEP to
tected wedging in small branches of the PA is the most common intubated patients may also tamponade hemorrhage caused by
mechanism underlying pulmonary ischemic lesions attributable a PA catheter [113,114].
to PA catheters [101]. These lesions are usually small and
asymptomatic, often diagnosed solely on the basis of changes
in the chest radiograph demonstrating an occlusion-shaped Thromboembolic Complications
pleural-based density with a convex proximal contour [102].
Severe infarctions are usually produced if the balloon is left Because PA catheters constitute foreign bodies in the cardio-
inflated in the occlusion position for an extended period, thus vascular system and can potentially damage the endocardium,
obstructing more central branches of the PA, or if solutions are they are associated with an increased incidence of thrombo-
injected at relatively high pressure through the catheter lumen sis. Thrombi encasing the catheter tip and aseptic thrombotic
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vegetations forming at endocardial sites in contact with the plete heart block during catheter insertion, and some have ad-
catheter have been reported [103,115]. Extensive clotting vocated the insertion of a temporary transvenous pacing wire,
around the catheter tip can occlude the pulmonary vasculature a PA catheter with a pacing lumen, or pacing PA catheter with
distal to the catheter, and thrombi anywhere in the venous sys- the pacing leads on the external surface of the catheter [129].
tem or right heart can serve as a source of pulmonary emboli. However, use of an external transthoracic pacing device should
Subclavian venous thrombosis, presenting with unilateral neck be sufficient to treat this complication.
vein distention and upper extremity edema, may occur in up
to 2% of subclavian placements [116,117]. Venous thrombo-
sis complicating percutaneous internal jugular vein catheter- Intracardiac Damage
ization is fairly commonly reported, although its clinical
importance remains uncertain [118]. Consistently damped Damage to the right heart chambers, tricuspid valve, pul-
pressure tracings without evidence of peripheral catheter mi- monic valve, and their supporting structures as a consequence
gration or pulmonary vascular occlusion should arouse suspi- of PA catheterization has been reported [130133]. The re-
cion of thrombi at the catheter tip. A changing relationship of ported incidence of catheter-induced endocardial disruption
PADP to PAOP over time should raise concern about possible detected by pathologic examination varies from 3.4% [115] to
pulmonary emboli. 75% [134], but most studies suggest a range of 20% to 30%
If an underlying hypercoagulable state is known to exist, if [117,131,132]. These lesions consist of hemorrhage, sterile
catheter insertion was particularly traumatic, or if prolonged thrombus, intimal fibrin deposition, and nonbacterial throm-
monitoring becomes necessary, one should consider cautiously botic endocarditis. Their clinical significance is not clear, but
anticoagulating the patient. there is concern that they may serve as a nidus for infectious
Heparin-bonded catheters reduce thrombogenicity [45] and endocarditis.
are commonly used. However, an important complication of Direct damage to the cardiac valves and supporting chordae
heparin-bonded catheters is heparin-induced thrombocytope- occurs primarily by withdrawal of the catheters while the bal-
nia (HIT) [119,120]. Routine platelet counts are recommended loon is inflated [1]. However, chordal rupture has been reported
for patients with heparin-bonded catheters in place. Because despite balloon deflation [113]. The incidence of intracardiac
of the risk of HIT, some hospitals have abandoned the use of and valvular damage discovered on postmortem examination
heparin-bonded catheters. is considerably higher than that of clinically significant valvular
postpneumonectomy patients with pulmonary hypertension in after each PAOP recording. There is never an indication
the remaining lung [146], (b) disruption of the catheters in- for continuous PAOP monitoring.
traluminal septum as a result of injecting contrast medium un- b. Constant pressure monitoring is required each time the
der pressure [147], (c) artifactual production of a midsystolic balloon is inflated. It should be inflated slowly, in small
click caused by a slapping motion of the catheter against the increments, and must be stopped as soon as the pressure
interventricular septum in a patient with RV strain and para- tracing changes to PAOP or damped.
doxic septal motion [148], (d) thrombocytopenia secondary c. If an occlusion is recorded with balloon volumes signif-
to heparin-bonded catheters [119,120], and (e) dislodgment of icantly less than the inflation volume recommended on
pacing electrodes [149]. Multiple unusual placements of PA the catheter shaft, withdraw the catheter to a position
catheters have also been reported, including in the left peri- where full (or nearly full) inflation volume produces the
cardiophrenic vein, via the left superior intercostal vein into desired trace.
the abdominal vasculature, and from the superior vena cava d. Anticipate catheter tip migration. Softening of the
through the left atrium and left ventricle into the aorta after catheter material with time, repeated manipulations, and
open-heart surgery [150152]. cardiac motion make distal catheter migration almost in-
i. Continuous PA pressure monitoring is mandatory,
and the trace must be closely watched for changes
GUIDELINES FOR SAFE USE OF from characteristic PA pressures to those indicating
PULMONARY ARTERY a PAOP or damped tip position.
ii. Decreases over time in the balloon inflation volumes
CATHETERS necessary to attain occlusion tracings should raise
suspicion regarding catheter migration.
Multiple revisions and changes in emphasis to the original iii. Confirm satisfactory tip position with chest radio-
recommended techniques and guidelines have been published graphs immediately after insertion and at least daily.
[88,153,154]. These precautions are summarized as follows: e. Do not use liquids to inflate the balloon. They may pre-
vent deflation, and their relative incompressibility may
1. Avoiding complications associated with catheter insertion. increase lateral forces and stress on the walls of pul-
a. Inexperienced personnel performing insertions must be monary vessels.
supervised. Many hospitals require that PA catheters be f. Hemoptysis is an ominous sign and should prompt an
inserted by a fully trained intensivist, cardiologist, or urgent diagnostic evaluation and rapid institution of ap-
anesthesiologist. Use of ultrasound guidance is recom- propriate therapy.
mended. g. Avoid injecting solutions at high pressure through the
b. Keep the patient as still as possible. Restraints or sedation catheter lumen on the assumption that clotting is the
may be required but the patient should be fully monitored cause of the damped pressure trace. First, aspirate from
with ECG and pulse oximetry. the catheter. Then consider problems related to catheter
c. Strict sterile technique is mandatory. A chlorhexidine position, stopcock position, transducer dome, transduc-
skin prep solution and maximum barrier precautions are ers, pressure bag, flush system, or trapped air bubbles.
recommended. Never flush the catheter in the occlusion position.
d. Examine the postprocedure chest radiograph for pneu- 5. Avoiding thromboembolic complications.
mothorax (especially after subclavian or internal jugular a. Minimize trauma induced during insertion.
venipuncture) and for catheter tip position. b. Consider the judicious use of anticoagulants in patients
2. Avoiding balloon rupture. with hypercoagulable states or other risk factors.
a. Always inflate the balloon gradually. Stop inflation if no c. Avoid flushing the catheter under high pressure.
resistance is felt. d. Watch for a changing PADPPAOP relationship, as well
b. Do not exceed recommended inflation volume. At the as for other clinical indicators of pulmonary embolism.
recommended volume, excess air will automatically be 6. Avoiding arrhythmias.
expelled from a syringe with holes bored in it that is con- a. Constant ECG monitoring during insertion and main-
stantly attached to the balloon port. Maintaining recom- tenance, as well as ready accessibility of all supplies
mended volume also helps prevent the accidental injec- for performing cardiopulmonary resuscitation, defibril-
tion of liquids. lation, and temporary pacing, are mandatory.
c. Keep the number of inflationdeflation cycles to a mini- b. Use caution when catheterizing patients with an acutely
mum. ischemic myocardium or preexisting left bundle branch
d. Do not reuse catheters designed for single usage, and do block.
not leave catheters in place for prolonged periods. c. When the balloon is deflated, do not advance the catheter
e. Use carbon dioxide as the inflation medium if communi- beyond the right atrium.
cation between the right and left sides of the circulation d. Avoid over manipulation of the catheter.
is suspected. e. Secure the introducer in place at the insertion site.
3. Avoiding knotting. Discontinue advancement of the catheter f. Watch for intermittent RV pressure tracings when the
if entrance to right atrium, RV, or PA has not been achieved catheter is thought to be in the PA position. An unex-
at distances normally anticipated from a given insertion site. plained ventricular arrhythmia in a patient with a PA
If these distances have already been significantly exceeded, catheter in place indicates the possibility of catheter-
or if the catheter does not withdraw easily, use fluoroscopy provoked ectopy.
before attempting catheter withdrawal. Never pull force- 7. Avoiding valvular damage.
fully on a catheter that does not withdraw easily. a. Avoid prolonged catheterization and excessive manipu-
4. Avoiding damage to pulmonary vasculature and paren- lation.
chyma. b. Do not withdraw the catheter when the balloon is in-
a. Keep recording time of PAOP to a minimum, particularly flated.
in patients with pulmonary hypertension and other risk 8. Avoiding infections.
factors for PA rupture. Be sure the balloon is deflated a. Use meticulously sterile technique on insertion.
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b. Avoid excessive number of CO determinations and blood concludes that the use of the PA catheter neither increased over-
withdrawals. all mortality or hospital days nor conferred benefit. The authors
c. Avoid prolonged catheterization. conclude that despite nearly 20 years of randomized clinical tri-
d. Remove the catheter if signs of phlebitis develop. Culture als involving the PA catheter, there has not been a clear strategy
the tip and use antibiotics as indicated. in its use which has lead to improved survival [155].
Although there are open trials involving the PA catheter
listed in the clinical trials registry, these are focused on ele-
SUMMARY ments of catheter data interpretation or comparisons of hemo-
dynamics obtained from the PA catheter to other methods of
Hemodynamic monitoring enhances the understanding of obtaining these measurements [156]. There are no further ran-
cardiopulmonary pathophysiology in critically ill patients. domized clinical trials looking at the PA catheter and patient
Nonetheless, the risk-to-benefit profile of PA catheterization in outcomes recruiting patients at this time.
various clinical circumstances remains uncertain. Recent large Until the results of future studies are available, clinicians us-
trials have concluded that there may be no outcome benefit to ing hemodynamic monitoring should carefully assess the risk-
patients with PA catheters used as part of clinical decision mak- to-benefit ratio on an individual patient basis. The operator
ing. There is increasing concern that PA catheterization may be should understand the indications, insertion techniques, equip-
overused and that the data obtained may not be optimally used, ment, and data that can be generated before undertaking PA
or perhaps in specific groups may increase morbidity and mor- catheter insertion. PA catheterization must not delay or replace
tality. A recent meta-analysis of 13 randomized clinical trials bedside clinical evaluation and treatment.
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Temporary cardiac pacing may be urgently required for the onds) are important in the successful conversion of atrial flutter
treatment of cardiac conduction and rhythm disturbances com- to sinus rhythm.
monly seen in patients treated in the intensive care unit (ICU). In some clinical situations, pacing termination of atrial flut-
Therefore, ICU personnel should be familiar with the indica- ter may be preferable to synchronized cardioversion, which
tions and techniques for initiating and maintaining temporary requires sedation with its attendant risks. Pacing termination
cardiac pacing as well as the possible complications of this pro- is the treatment of choice for atrial flutter in patients with epi-
cedure. Recommendations for training in the performance of cardial atrial wires in place after cardiac surgery. It may be
transvenous pacing have been published by a Task Force of preferred as the means to convert atrial flutter in patients on
the American College of Physicians, American Heart Associ- digoxin and those with sick sinus syndrome, as these groups
ation and American College of Cardiology [1]. Competence often demonstrate prolonged sinus pauses after DC cardiover-
in the performance of transvenous pacing also requires the op- sion.
erator to have training in central venous access (Chapter 2) and Temporary pacing may be required for the prevention of
hemodynamic monitoring (Chapters 4 and 26) [25]. paroxysmal polymorphic ventricular tachycardia in patients
with prolonged QT intervals (torsades de pointes), particularly
when secondary to drugs [9,10]. Temporary cardiac pacing is
INDICATIONS FOR TEMPORARY the treatment of choice to stabilize the patient while a type
I antiarrhythmic agent exacerbating ventricular irritability is
CARDIAC PACING metabolized. In this situation, the pacing rate is set to provide
a mild tachycardia. The effectiveness of cardiac pacing proba-
As outlined in Table 5.1, temporary pacing is indicated in the bly relates to decreasing the dispersion of refractoriness of the
diagnosis and management of a number of serious rhythm and ventricular myocardium (shortening the QT interval).
conduction disturbances. Temporary ventricular pacing may be successful in termi-
nating ventricular tachycardia. If ventricular tachycardia must
be terminated urgently, cardioversion is mandated (Chapter 6).
Bradyarrhythmias However, in less urgent situations, conversion of ventricular
tachycardia via rapid ventricular pacing may be useful. The
The most common indication for temporary pacing in the ICU success of this technique depends on the setting in which ven-
setting is a hemodynamically significant or symptomatic brad- tricular tachycardia occurs. Overdrive ventricular pacing is
yarrhythmia such as sinus bradycardia or high-grade atrioven- often effective in terminating monomorphic ventricular tachy-
tricular (AV) block. cardia in a patient with remote myocardial infarction or in
Sinus bradycardia and AV block are commonly seen the absence of heart disease. This technique is less effective
in patients with acute coronary syndromes, hyperkalemia, when ventricular tachycardia complicates acute myocardial in-
myxedema, or increased intracranial pressure. Infectious pro- farction or cardiomyopathy. Rapid ventricular pacing is most
cesses such as endocarditis or Lyme disease [6] may impair successful in terminating ventricular tachycardia when the ven-
AV conduction. Bradyarrhythmias also result from treatment tricle can be captured (asynchronous pacing for 5 to 10 beats
or intoxication with digitalis, antiarrhythmic, beta-blocker, or at a rate of 50 beats per minute greater than that of the under-
calcium channel blocker medications and may also result from lying tachycardia). Extreme caution is advised, as pacing may
exaggerated vasovagal reactions to ICU procedures such as suc- result in acceleration of ventricular tachycardia or degenera-
tioning of the tracheobronchial tree in the intubated patient. tion to ventricular fibrillation; a cardiac defibrillator should be
Bradycardia-dependent ventricular tachycardia may occur in immediately available at the bedside.
association with ischemic heart disease.
TA B L E 5 . 1
A. Conduction disturbances
1. Symptomatic persistent third-degree AV block with inferior myocardial infarction
2. Third-degree AV block, new bifascicular block (e.g., right bundle branch block and left
anterior hemiblock, left bundle branch block, first-degree AV block), or alternating left and
right bundle branch block complicating acute anterior myocardial infarction
3. Symptomatic idiopathic third-degree AV block, or high-degree AV block
B. Rate disturbances
1. Hemodynamically significant or symptomatic sinus bradycardia
2. Bradycardia-dependent ventricular tachycardia
3. AV dissociation with inadequate cardiac output
4. Polymorphic ventricular tachycardia with long QT interval (torsades de pointes)
5. Recurrent ventricular tachycardia unresponsive to medical therapy
AV, atrioventricular.
TA B L E 5 . 2
AV conduction
First-degree AV block Mobitz I second-degree AV block Mobitz II second-degree AV block
conduction Action Class Action Class Action Class Action Class Action Class Action Class Action Class
Normal OB 1 OB 1 OB 1 OB 2B OB 2A OB 3 OB 3
A 3 A 3 A 3 A* 3 A 3 A 3 A 3
TC 3 TC 2B TC 2B TC 1 TC 1 TC 1 TC 1
TV 3 TV 3 TV 3 TV 3 TV 3 TV 2A TV 2A
Old or new OB 1 OB 2B OB 2B OB 2B OB 2B OB 3 OB 3
fascicular block A 3 A 3 A 3 A* 3 A 3 A 3 A 3
(LAFB or LPFB) TC 2B TC 1 TC 2A TC 1 TC 1 TC 1 TC 1
TV 3 TV 3 TV 3 TV 3 TV 3 TV 2A TV 2B
Old BBB OB 1 OB 3 OB 3 OB 3 OB 3 OB 3 OB 3
A 3 A 3 A 3 A* 3 A 3 A 3 A 3
TC 2B TC 1 TC 1 TC 1 TC 1 TC 1 TC 1
TV 3 TV 2B TV 2B TV 2B TV 2B TV 2A TV 2A
New BBB OB 3 OB 3 OB 3 OB 3 OB 3 OB 3 OB 3
A 3 A 3 A 3 A* 3 A 3 A 3 A 3
TC 1 TC 1 TC 1 TC 1 TC 1 TC 2B TC 2B
TV 2B TV 2A TV 2A TV 2A TV 2A TV 1 TV 1
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Fascicular block + OB 3 OB 3 OB 3 OB 3 OB 3 OB 3 OB 3 LWBK834-05-10
RBBB A 3 A 3 A 3 A* 3 A 3 A 3 A 3
TC 1 TC 1 TC 1 TC 1 TC 1 TC 2B TC 2B
TV 2B TV 2A TV 2A TV 2A TV 2A TV 1 TV 1
Alternating left and OB 3 OB 3 OB 3 OB 3 OB 3 OB 3 OB 3
right BBB A 3 A 3 A 3 A* 3 A 3 A 3 A 3
TV 1 TV 1 TV 1 TV 1 TV 1 TV 1 TV 1
Notes: This table is designed to summarize the atrioventricular (column headings) and intraventricular (row headings) conduction disturbances that may occur during acute anterior or nonanterior
STEMI, the possible treatment options, and the indications for each possible therapeutic option.
LAFB, left anterior fascicular block; LPFB, left posterior fascicular block; RBBB, right bundle-branch block; BBB, bundle-branch block; OB, observe; A, atropine; TC, transcutaneous pacing; TV,
temporary transvenous pacing; STEMI, ST elevation myocardial infarction; AV, atrioventricular; and MI, myocardial infarction; AMI, anterior myocardial infarction; non-AMI, nonanterior
myocardial infarction.
Action: There are four possible actions, or therapeutic options, listed and classified for each bradyarrhythmia or conduction problem:
1. Observe: continued ECG monitoring, no further action planned.
2. A and A*: Atropine administered at 0.6 to 1.0 mg IV every 5 minutes to up to 0.04 mg/kg. In general, because the increase in sinus rate with atropine is unpredictable, this is to be avoided unless
there is symptomatic bradycardia that will likely respond to a vagolytic agent, such as sinus bradycardia or Mobitz I, as denoted by the asterisk in the table.
3. TC: Application of transcutaneous pads and standby transcutaneous pacing with no further progression to transvenous pacing imminently planned.
4. TV: Temporary transvenous pacing. It is assumed, but not specified in the table, that at the discretion of the clinician, transcutaneous pads will be applied and standby transcutaneous pacing will be
in effect as the patient is transferred to the fluoroscopy unit for temporary transvenous pacing.
Class: Each possible therapeutic option is further classified according to ACC/AHA criteria as Class 1: indicated, Class 2A: probably indicated, 2B: possibly indicated, and Class 3: not indicated.
Level of Evidence: This table was developed from (1) published observational case reports and case series; (2) published summaries, not meta-analyses, of these data; and (3) expert opinion, largely
from the prereperfusion era. There are no published randomized trials comparing different strategies of managing conduction disturbances after STEMI. Thus, the level of evidence for the
recommendations in this table is C.
How to Use the Table:
Example: 54-year-old man is admitted with an anterior STEMI and a narrow QRS on admission. On day 1, he develops a right bundle-branch block (RBBB), with a PR interval of 0.28 seconds.
1. RBBB is an intraventricular conduction disturbance, so look at row New bundle-branch block.
2. Find the column for First-Degree AV Block.
3. Find the Action and Class cells at the convergence.
4. Note that Observe and Atropine are class 3, not indicated; transcutaneous pacing (TC) is class 1. Temporary transvenous pacing (TV) is class 2B.
From Antman EM, Anbe DT, Armstrong PW, et al: ACC/AHA guidelines for the management of patients with ST-elevation myocardial infarctionexecutive summary. A report of the American
College of Cardiology/American Heart Association Task Force on Practice Guidelines (Writing Committee to revise the 1999 guidelines for the management of patients with acute myocardial
infarction). J Am Coll Cardiol 44:671719, 2004, with permission. Copyright 2004 American College of Cardiology Foundation.
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Epicardial Pacing
The placement of epicardial electrodes requires open thora-
cotomy. These electrodes are routinely placed electively during
cardiac surgical procedures for use during the postoperative pe-
riod [12,13]. Typically, both atrial and ventricular electrodes
are placed for use in diagnosis of postoperative atrial arrhyth-
mias and for AV pacing. Because ventricular capture is not
always reliable, in patients with underlying asystole or an un-
stable escape rhythm additional prophylactic transvenous pac-
ing should be considered.
TA B L E 5 . 3
Ventricular pacing effectively counteracts bradycardia and the recorded intracardiac electrogram. When the tip of the
is most frequently used in ICU patients; however, it cannot catheter reaches the right ventricle, the balloon is deflated and
restore normal cardiac hemodynamics because it disrupts AV the catheter advanced to the right ventricular apex. ST segment
synchrony [2931]. In patients with noncompliant ventricles elevation of the intracardiac electrogram due to a current of in-
(ischemic heart disease, left ventricular hypertrophy, aortic jury indicates contact of the catheter tip with the ventricular
stenosis, and right ventricular infarction), loss of the atrial con- endocardium.
tribution to ventricular stroke volume (the atrial kick) during After the tip of the pacing catheter is satisfactorily inserted
ventricular pacing may result in increased atrial pressure, inter- in the right ventricular apex, the leads are connected to the
mittent mitral and tricuspid regurgitation with reduced cardiac ventricular output connectors of the pulse generator, with the
output and blood pressure. pacemaker box in the off position. The pacemaker is then set
In addition to the hemodynamic benefit of atrial or AV se- to asynchronous mode (VOO) and the ventricular rate set to
quential pacing, the risk of atrial fibrillation or flutter may be exceed the patients intrinsic ventricular rate by 10 to 20 beats
reduced because of decreased atrial size and/or atrial pressure per minute. The threshold current for ventricular pacing is set
[32,33]. This suggests that patients with intermittent atrial fib- at 5 to 10 mA. Then the pacemaker is switched on. Satisfac-
rillation may be better maintained in normal sinus rhythm with tory ventricular pacing is evidenced by a wide QRS complex,
atrial or AV sequential pacing, rather than ventricular demand with ST segment depression and T wave inversion immediately
pacing. preceded by a pacemaker depolarization (spike). With pacing
from the apex of the right ventricle, the paced rhythm usu-
ally demonstrates a pattern of left bundle branch block on the
surface ECG [35].
PROCEDURE TO ESTABLISH Ventricular pacing is maintained as the output current for
TEMPORARY PACING ventricular pacing is slowly reduced. The pacing threshold is
defined as the lowest current at which consistent ventricular
After achieving venous access, most often via the internal jugu- capture occurs. With the ventricular electrode appropriately
lar or subclavian approach (Chapter 2), the pacing catheter is positioned at or near the apex of the right ventricle, a pacing
advanced to the central venous circulation and then positioned threshold of less than 0.5 to 1.0 mA should be achieved. If
in the right heart using fluoroscopic or ECG guidance [34]. the output current for continuous ventricular pacing is consis-
To position the electrode using ECG guidance, the patient is tently greater than 1 to 1.5 mA, the pacing threshold is too high.
connected to the limb leads of the ECG machine, and the dis- Possible causes of a high pacing threshold include relatively re-
tal (negative) electrode of the balloon-tipped pacing catheter is fractory endomyocardial tissue (fibrosis) or, most commonly,
connected to lead V1 with an alligator clip or a special adap- unsatisfactory positioning of the pacing electrode. The tip of
tor supplied with the lead. Lead V1 is then used to continu- the pacing electrode should be repositioned in the region of the
ously monitor a unipolar intracardiac electrogram. The mor- ventricular apex until satisfactory ventricular capture at a cur-
phology of the recorded electrogram indicates the position of rent of less than 1.0 mA is consistently maintained. After the
the catheter tip (Fig. 5.2). The balloon is inflated in the supe- threshold current for ventricular pacing has been established at
rior vena cava, and the catheter is advanced while observing a satisfactory level, the ventricular output is set to exceed the
threshold current at least threefold. This guarantees uninter-
rupted ventricular capture despite any modest increase in the
pacing threshold.
The pacemaker is now in VOO mode. However, the pacing
generator generally should be set in the VVI (demand) mode,
as this prevents pacemaker discharge soon after an intrinsic
or spontaneous premature depolarization, while the heart lies
in the electrically vulnerable period for induction of sustained
ventricular arrhythmias [36]. To set the pacemaker in VVI
mode, the pacing rate is set at 10 beats per minute less than the
intrinsic rate and the sensitivity control is moved from asyn-
chronous to the minimum sensitivity level. The sensitivity is
gradually increased until pacing spikes appear. This level is the
sensing threshold. The sensitivity is then set at a level slightly
below the determined threshold and the pacing rate reset to the
minimum desired ventricular rate.
If AV sequential pacing is desired, the atrial J-shaped pacing
catheter should be advanced into the right atrium and rotated
anteromedially to achieve a stable position in the right atrial
appendage; however, positioning the atrial catheter usually re-
quires fluoroscopy [34,37]. The leads are then connected to the
atrial output of the pulse generator. The atrial current is set to
20 mA and the atrial pacing rate adjusted to at least 10 beats
per minute greater than the intrinsic atrial rate. The AV in-
terval is adjusted at 100 to 200 milliseconds (shorter intervals
usually provide better hemodynamics), and the surface ECG is
inspected for evidence of atrial pacing (electrode depolarization
and capture of the atrium at the pacing rate).
FIGURE 5.2. Pattern of recorded electrogram at various locations in
the venous circulation. (From Harthorne JW, McDermott J, Poulin Atrial capture on ECG is indicated by atrial depolarization
FK: Cardiac pacing, in Johnson RA, Haber E, Austen WG (eds): The (P waves) immediately following the atrial pacing spikes. In pa-
Practice of Cardiology: The Medical and Surgical Cardiac Units at the tients with intact AV conduction, satisfactory atrial capture can
Massachusetts General Hospital. Boston, Little, Brown, 1980, with be verified by shutting off the ventricular portion of the pace-
permission.) maker and demonstrating AV synchrony during atrial pacing.
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As long as the atrial pacing rate continually exceeds the intrin- cannulation of the right internal jugular vein provided the sim-
sic sinus rate, the atrial P wave activity should track with the plest, most direct route to the right-sided cardiac chambers
atrial pacing spike. [41].
The dual-chamber temporary pacemaker may not have Complications of internal jugular venous cannulation may
atrial sensing capability. If not, the pacemaker will function in include pneumothorax, carotid arterial injury, venous throm-
a DVI mode (Table 5.3). Should the intrinsic atrial rate equal or bosis, and pulmonary embolism (Chapter 2) [42]. These risks
exceed the atrial pacing rate, the atrial stimulus will fail to cap- are minimized by knowledge of anatomic landmarks, adher-
ture and AV sequential pacing will be lost. If the pacemaker has ence to proved techniques, use of a small-caliber needle to lo-
atrial sensing capability, the atrial sensing threshold should be calize the vein before insertion of the large-caliber needle and
determined and an appropriate level set. The pacer will then use of ultrasound assistance (for full discussion see Chapter 2).
function in the DDD mode. The DDD mode is usually pre- Full-dose systemic anticoagulation, thrombolytic therapy, and
ferred, as it provides optimum cardiac hemodynamics through prior neck surgical procedures are relative contraindications to
a range of intrinsic atrial rates. In this mode, an upper-rate limit routine internal jugular vein cannulation [43].
must be set to prevent rapid ventricular pacing in response to Percutaneous subclavian venipuncture is also frequently
a paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia. used for insertion of temporary pacemakers [36,44]. This ap-
proach should be avoided in patients with severe obstructive
lung disease or a bleeding diathesis (including thrombolytic
therapy), in whom the risk of pneumothorax or bleeding is
TEMPORARY PACING Although insertion of a pacing lead via the brachial vein may
reduce the risk of central arterial injury or hematoma formation
Transvenous pacing in the ICU setting is most often performed in the patient receiving thrombolytic therapy or full-dose an-
via the internal jugular or subclavian approach. Appropriate ticoagulation, motion of the patients arm relative to the torso
selection of the optimal route requires an understanding of the may result in an unstable position of the pacing electrode [41].
results and complications of each technique [38,39]. The risk of infection may also be increased with this approach.
Complications of temporary pacing from any venous ac- The femoral venous approach is used for electrophysiologic
cess route include pericardial friction rub, arrhythmia, right studies or during cardiac catheterization when the catheter is
ventricular perforation, cardiac tamponade, infection, uninten- left in place for only a few hours. This approach is less de-
tional arterial injury, diaphragmatic stimulation, phlebitis, and sirable when long-term cardiac pacing is required, since there
pneumothorax. Using predominantly the subclavian or inter- is a risk of deep venous thrombosis or infection around the
nal jugular approaches, Donovan and Lee reported a 7% rate catheter approach [45]. Central venous access by the subcla-
of serious complications related to temporary cardiac pacing vian or internal jugular route provides more stable long-term
[40]. The Mayo Clinic experience revealed that percutaneous positioning of the pacing lead.
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review. Part 2: Selection of epicardial pacing modes and troubleshooting. 27. Kelly JS, Royster RL, Angert KC, et al: Efficacy of noninvasive transcuta-
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The use of electric shock to terminate arrhythmia is one of arrhythmias by simultaneously depolarizing all excitable tissue,
the critical findings of the last century and underlies much disrupting the process of reentry.
of the modern treatment of arrhythmias. Thanks to the pi- Arrhythmias may also be due to disorders of impulse for-
oneering work of Zoll et al. [1] and Lown et al. [2] in the mation (increased automaticity or triggered activity). These in-
second half of the twentieth century, the use of electric shock clude sinus tachycardia, focal atrial tachycardia, and idiopathic
gained widespread acceptance. Although incorporating the ventricular tachycardias. Sinus tachycardia is a physiologic re-
same mechanism and physics, Cardioversion refers to the use sponse and not a pathologic tachycardia; thus, sinus tachycar-
of direct-current electric shock to terminate arrhythmias other dia will not respond to cardioversion, but atrial tachycardias
than ventricular fibrillation, while Defibrillation refers to the and ventricular tachycardias generally will terminate.
termination of ventricular fibrillation. Cardioversion shocks Insight into the effect of shock on fibrillating myocardial
are synchronized to the QRS to avoid the initiation of ventric- cells has grown in the past few decades. Although it was ini-
ular fibrillation which may result from shocks on the T-wave tially thought that all activation fronts had to be terminated
while defibrillation occurs with unsynchronized shocks. simultaneously to stop atrial and ventricular fibrillation [4],
it is now believed that if the vast majority of myocardium is
silenced, the remaining mass is insufficient to perpetuate the ar-
rhythmia [5]. The effect of shock on fibrillating myocardium is
PHYSIOLOGY OF ARRHYTHMIA complex and is dependent on multiple factors including energy,
AND SHOCK waveform, and myocardial refractory state [6]. Electric shocks
at low energy levels may fail to terminate atrial and ventricular
Arrhythmias may be due to reentry, increased automaticity, or fibrillation [7]. Atrial and ventricular arrhythmias may also be
triggered activity. Reentry refers to the phenomenon in which a terminated by the shock and then reinitiated shortly thereafter.
wave of excitation travels repeatedly over a closed pathway or And finally, ventricular fibrillation can be triggered in patients
circuit of conduction tissue. Reentry requires slow conduction not already in this rhythm if shock occurs on the vulnerable
in a portion of myocardium so that by the time the impulse exits portion of the T wave. Thus, synchronization of shocks with
the slowly conducting portion the remaining myocardium has the R wave will minimize the risk.
repolarized and is hence able to be depolarized again.
Many of the commonly encountered arrhythmias are due
to a fixed reentrant mechanism, including atrial flutter, atri-
oventricular (AV) nodal reentrant tachycardia (AVNRT), AV INDICATIONS AND
reentrant tachycardia (AVRT), and most ventricular tachycar- CONTRAINDICATIONS
dias. Atrial fibrillation, once thought exclusively reentrant, has
been shown to be caused by foci in the pulmonary veins in Cardioversion and defibrillation are performed for a variety
many individuals [3]. Atrial fibrillation may also be secondary of reasons in the intensive care setting. In the case of hemody-
to functional reentry. Ventricular fibrillation is also due to func- namic instability due to tachyarrhythmia of nearly any type, the
tional reentry. Cardioversion and defibrillation terminate these urgent use of shock is strongly indicated. One must be careful,
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however, not to shock sinus tachycardia, which is commonly patient safety and comfort become paramount. As with any
present in patients who are hypotensive for noncardiac reasons. procedure, informed consent should be obtained. Patients
Acute congestive heart failure and angina that are secondary to should refrain from eating and drinking for several hours to de-
an acute tachyarrhythmia are also indications for urgent car- crease the risk of regurgitation and aspiration. Constant heart
dioversion; however, there is usually sufficient time to provide rhythm monitoring should be used throughout the procedure
some sedation. Care must be taken not to shock tachycardias and a 12-lead electrocardiogram should be obtained before and
that are secondary to the heart failure or chest pain. In the after the shock.
absence of hemodynamic instability or significant symptoms, Medications with rapid onset and short half-life are favored
cardioversion is usually considered elective and the risks and for achieving analgesia, sedation, and amnesia. The combina-
benefits of the procedure must be carefully weighed. tion of a benzodiazepine, such as midazolam, and a narcotic,
Extreme caution should be exercised in patients with dig- such as fentanyl, is a common choice in the absence of anesthe-
italis toxicity or electrolyte imbalance because of the in- siology assistance. Propofol is often used when an anesthesiol-
creased risk of ventricular tachycardia or fibrillation after being ogist is present to assist with airway management and sedation.
shocked. Patients with severe sinus node disease may exhibit Existing hospital policies for monitoring during moderate se-
significant bradyarrhythmia after cardioversion from atrial fib- dation should be followed, including frequent assessment of
rillation. In addition, patients who have been in atrial fibrilla- blood pressure and pulse oximetry. Supplemental oxygen is
tion for greater than 48 hours are at risk for thromboembolism delivered via nasal cannula or face mask.
after cardioversion; appropriate measures should be taken to
minimize this risk (see later). Shock Waveforms
Defibrillators that employ biphasic waveforms have largely
CLINICAL COMPETENCE replaced those using monophasic waveforms. Advantages of
biphasic waveforms are lower defibrillation thresholds, mean-
A clinical competence statement by the American College of ing shocks using biphasic waveforms require less energy to
Cardiology and American Heart Association outlines the cog- achieve defibrillation [6], and they are less likely to cause skin
nitive and technical skills required for the successful and safe burns and myocardial damage. Both biphasic truncated expo-
performance of elective external cardioversion (Table 6.1). A nential waveform and biphasic rectilinear waveform are com-
minimum of eight cardioversions should be supervised before a mercially available, with the former being more common. Ran-
physician is considered competent to perform the procedure in- domized trials comparing the two types of biphasic waveforms
dependently. In addition, a minimum of four procedures should in the cardioversion of atrial fibrillation have failed to show
be performed annually to maintain competence [8]. any significant difference in efficacy [911].
The efficacy of biphasic shocks in the termination of ven-
tricular fibrillation has been well established [12,13]. Further-
Methods more, clinical studies of atrial fibrillation cardioversion have
established the superiority of biphasic over monophasic wave-
form shocks [14,15]. For instance, one study demonstrated the
Patient Preparation equivalent efficacy of a 120 to 200 J biphasic sequence with a
In the case of unconsciousness due to tachyarrhythmia, the 200 to 360 J monophasic sequence [15]. Biphasic waveforms
shock must be performed urgently. In more elective settings, allow fewer shocks to be given and a lower total energy delivery
TA B L E 6 . 1
From Tracy CM, Akhtar M, DiMarco JP, et al: American College of Cardiology/American Heart Association 2006 Update of the Clinical Competence
Statement on invasive electrophysiology studies, catheter ablation, and cardioversion: A report of the American College of Cardiology/American Heart
Association/American College of Physicians-American Society of Internal Medicine Task Force on Clinical Competence. Circulation 114:16541668,
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FIGURE 6.1. A: Self-adhesive defibrillator pads in the anterior and lateral positions. B: Self-adhesive
defibrillator pad in the posterior position. When posterior positioning is used, the second pad is placed
[14]. Whether or not this translates into a significant clinical Using the Defibrillator
advantage remains to be demonstrated. However, there is ev-
External defibrillators are designed for easy operation. After
idence that biphasic shocks result in less dermal injury [14].
the patient is adequately prepared and the electrodes are ap-
Although an animal model suggested better maintenance of
plied, attention may be turned to the device itself. If the QRS
cardiac function after biphasic shocks [16], human data on
amplitude on the rhythm tracing is small and difficult to see,
myocardial function are unavailable.
a different lead should be selected. If cardioversionrather
than defibrillationis to be performed, the synchronization
function should be selected. Many defibrillators require that
Electrodes external leads be applied for synchronization. The appropri-
Until recently, hand-held paddles were the only available means ate initial energy is selected. Finally, the capacitor is charged,
of cardioversion or defibrillation. Self-adhesive pads have be- the area is cleared, and the shock is delivered. One should
come more common in the past few years, although paddles be aware that the synchronization function is automatically de-
may still be used. Limited data are available comparing the selected after each shock in most devices, meaning that it must
two modalities, but one study suggested the superiority of pad- be manually reselected prior to any further shock delivery if
dles over pads in cardioverting atrial fibrillation [17]). This another synchronized shock is desired.
phenomenon might be explained by the lower transthoracic Table 6.2 provides a checklist for physicians involved in
impedance achieved with paddles [18]. Whichever modality cardioversion. Table 6.3 gives recommendations for the initial
is used, impedance can be minimized by avoiding positioning energy selection for defibrillation and cardioversion of vari-
over breast tissue, by clipping body hair when it is excessive ous arrhythmias. Recommendations specific to each device are
[19], by delivering the shock during expiration, and by firm available in the manufacturers manuals and should be con-
pressure on the pads or paddles. sulted by physicians unfamiliar with their particular device.
The optimal anatomic placement of pads and paddles
is controversial; however, the general principal holds that
the heart must lie between the two electrodes [6]. Both TA B L E 6 . 2
anteriorlateral and anteriorposterior placements are accept-
able (Fig. 6.1). The anterior paddle is placed on the right CHECKLIST FOR PERFORMING CARDIOVERSION
infraclavicular chest. In anteriorlateral placement, the lat-
eral paddle should be located lateral to the left breast and Preparing the patient:
should have a longitudinal orientation, since this results in 1. Ensure NPO status
a lower transthoracic impedance than horizontal orientation 2. Obtain informed consent
[20]. When anteriorposterior positioning is used, the pos- 3. Apply self-adhesive pads (clip hair if needed)
terior pad is commonly located to the left of the spine at 4. Apply external lead
the level of the lower scapula, although some physicians fa- 5. Achieve adequate sedation and analgesia
vor placement to the right of, or directly over, the spine. 6. Monitor vital signs and cardiac rhythm throughout
There are data to suggest that anteriorposterior placement Performing the cardioversion:
is more successful in the cardioversion of atrial fibrillation 1. Select initial energy appropriate for specific device
than anteriorlateral positioning when monophasic wave- 2. Select the synchronization function
forms are used [21]. It is thought that anteriorposterior po- 3. Confirm that arrhythmia is still present
sitioning directs more of the delivered energy to the atria 4. Charge, clear, and deliver shock
than anteriorlateral placement. However, a study employing 5. If no change in rhythm, escalate energy as appropriate
biphasic waveforms failed to show any difference of success
with anteriorlateral compared with anteriorposterior pad NPO, nil per os.
positions [22].
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TA B L E 6 . 3
arrhythmia. Cardioversion is indicated only rarely for clinical Dofetilide, flecainide, ibutilide, propafenone, amiodarone,
instability, usually in patients with underlying heart disease in and quinidine have been demonstrated to have some degree of
whom the initial therapies fail. efficacy in restoring sinus rhythm [27]. Each of these medica-
tions has potential toxicities including malignant arrhythmias
and hypotension. The risks and benefits should be carefully
Treatment of Atrial Fibrillation and Flutter weighed when selecting a pharmacologic agent. Although beta-
blockers and calcium channel antagonists are often believed to
facilitate cardioversion, their efficacy has not been established
Rate Control
in controlled trials.
Although the majority of patients with atrial fibrillation and
flutter remain hemodynamically stable, many develop bother- Management of Resistant Atrial Fibrillation
some symptoms such as palpitations, chest pressure, and, oc- Electrical cardioversion is unsuccessful in up to 10% of atrial
casionally, pulmonary edema. However, a rapid ventricular re- fibrillation and atrial flutter, most often because of early re-
sponse is usually secondary torather than the cause of heart currences of arrhythmia. The duration of atrial fibrillation is
failure and ischemia. Beta-blockers and nondihydropyridine inversely related to the probability of successful cardioversion.
calcium channel antagonists are used to slow the ventricular re- When cardioversion fails to even temporarily terminate the
sponse rate by slowing AV nodal conduction. Many patients be- arrhythmia, the operators technique should be reviewed and
come asymptomatic or minimally symptomatic with adequate modified. Electrode position may be altered, from anterior
rate control, allowing the decision about cardioversion to be posterior to anteriorlateral or vice versa. Firmer pressure may
made electively. be employed via the paddles or pads. If a device that deliv-
ers monophasic waveform shocks is being employed, it may be
Electrical Cardioversion exchanged for one that delivers biphasic waveform shocks. Ibu-
Cardioversion for atrial fibrillation or flutter is usually per- tilide may be initiated prior to another attempt at cardioversion
formed electively. The risk of thromboembolism dictates a [32]. Other antiarrhythmic agents may reduce the recurrence
thoughtful decision about treatment options. When cardiover- of arrhythmia.
sion is performed, an appropriate initial starting dose is 100
to 200 J for monophasic waveform shock and 120 to 200 J Complications of Defibrillation
for biphasic shock. Atrial flutter responds to lower energy, so a
starting dose of 50 to 100 J is recommended with a monopha- and Cardioversion
sic waveform. The ideal starting energy for biphasic devices
is unknown, so 50 to 100 J is reasonable. If atrial fibrillation Burns
or flutter fails to terminate, shock energy should be escalated. Shock can cause first-degree burns and pain at the paddle or
For most defibrillators, the synchronization function must be pad site. One study documented moderate to severe pain in
selected after each shock. nearly one quarter of patients undergoing cardioversion. Pain
was directly related to total energy delivered and number of
Anticoagulation shocks [33]. Another study showed a lower rate of dermal in-
Patients with atrial fibrillation or flutter may develop throm- jury with biphasic rather than monophasic shocks, probably
bus in the left atrial appendage or left atrial cavity, leading due to the lower energy necessary with biphasic shocks [14].
to thromboembolism during or after cardioversion. One study The lowest effective energy should be used to minimize skin
demonstrated a risk of pericardioversion thromboembolism of injury. In addition, saline-soaked gauzes between the skin and
5.3% in patients who were not anticoagulated and 0.8% in the paddles, rather than conductive gel, will minimize burns.
those who were [26].
There is general agreement that cardioversion of patients
who have been in atrial fibrillation for less than 24 to 48 hours Cardioversion of atrial fibrillation and atrial flutter carries a
is very unlikely to cause thromboembolism. Current guidelines risk of thromboembolism. Up to 7% of patients in atrial fib-
indicate that pericardioversion anticoagulation with heparin rillation who undergo cardioversion without receiving antico-
or low molecular weight heparin is optional in these patients agulation may experience this complication [26], and antico-
[27]. Individuals in atrial fibrillation or flutter for greater than agulation is standard of care for those in atrial fibrillation or
48 hours are at risk for thromboembolism. In these individu- flutter for those in arrhythmias more than 48 hours [27].
als, a transesophageal echocardiogram is necessary to exclude
left atrial thrombus in all but the most emergent cases [28,29]. Arrhythmia
Alternatively, one can therapeutically anticoagulate for at least Bradyarrhythmias such as sinus arrest and sinus bradycardia
3 weeks prior to cardioversion. Most physicians will anticoag- are common immediately after shock and are almost always
ulate for a few weeks after cardioversion, as the risk of throm- short lived. Patients who have atrial fibrillation may have con-
boembolism still exists during this period. comitant sinus node dysfunction that is masked by the atrial
fibrillation and unmasked by cardioversion.
Pharmacologic Cardioversion Ventricular tachycardia and ventricular fibrillation can oc-
Cardioversion can be achieved not only electrically but casionally be precipitated by shock, particularly in patients
also pharmacologically. Pharmacologic cardioversion is used with digitalis toxicity or hypokalemia [34,35]. Elective car-
mainly for atrial fibrillation and flutter of relatively short du- dioversion should therefore be avoided in patients with these
ration. Although electrical cardioversion is quicker and has conditions. If cardioversion or defibrillation must be performed
a higher probability of success, pharmacologic cardioversion urgently, one should anticipate the ventricular arrhythmias to
does not require sedation. The risk of thromboembolism with be more refractory to shock than usual.
pharmacologic cardioversion has not been well established but
is thought to be similar to that of electric shock because it is
Myocardial Damage
the return of sinus rhythm rather than the shock itself that is Occasionally, one may see transient ST segment elevations on
believed to precipitate thromboembolism [30,31]. postshock electrocardiograms [36]. This is unlikely to signify
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myocardial injury. Although a study of cardioversion using external electric shock should never be placed over the device.
higher-than-usual energy levels demonstrated an increase in In addition, interrogation of the device immediately after any
creatine-kinaseMB levels above that expected from skeletal external shock delivery is recommended.
muscle damage in 10% of patients, there was no elevation in
troponin-T or -I seen [37]. This observation suggests that clin-
ically significant myocardial damage from cardioversion or de-
Chest Thump
fibrillation is unlikely. Nonetheless, it has been suggested that The use of a manual thump on the chest to successfully termi-
any two consecutive shocks be delivered no less than 1 minute nate ventricular tachycardia was described in several patients
apart to minimize the chance of myocardial damage [38]. Of in 1970 [39]. Unfortunately, this technique may inadvertently
course, this recommendation applies only to nonemergent sit- trigger ventricular fibrillation if the blow happens to fall dur-
uations. ing the vulnerable period of the ventricle [40]. A chest thump is
extremely unlikely to terminate ventricular fibrillation [41,42].
For these reasons, chest thump is considered a therapy of last
Miscellaneous Topics resort, administered only to a pulseless patient when a defib-
rillator is unavailable and unlikely to become available soon.
It should not be administered when a pulse is present unless a
Patients with Implanted Pacemakers and Defibrillators
defibrillator is immediately available.
Patients with implanted pacemakers and defibrillators may un-
dergo external cardioversion and defibrillation safely. How-
ever, one must be aware of the possibility that external energy
Cardioversion and Defibrillation in Pregnancy
delivery may alter the programming of the internal device. Fur- Cardioversion and defibrillation have been performed in all
thermore, energy may be conducted down an internal lead, trimesters of pregnancy without obvious adverse fetal effects
causing local myocardial injury and a resultant change in the or premature labor [43]. It has been suggested that the fetal
pacing or defibrillation threshold. The paddles or pads used for heart rhythm be monitored during cardioversion [44].
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diography to guide cardioversion in patients with atrial fibrillation. N Engl significance of ST segment elevation after electrical cardioversion of atrial
J Med 344:14111420, 2001. fibrillation and atrial flutter. Am Heart J 121:5156, 1991.
29. Klein AL, Grimm RA, Jasper SE, et al: Efficacy of transesophageal 37. Lund M, French JK, Johnson RN, et al: Serum troponins T and I after elective
echocardiography-guided cardioversion of patients with atrial fibrillation cardioversion. Eur Heart J 21:245253, 2000.
at 6 months: a randomized controlled trial. Am Heart J 151:380389, 38. Dahl CF, Ewy GA, Warner ED, et al: Myocardial necrosis from direct cur-
2006. rent countershock. Effect of paddle electrode size and time interval between
30. Manning WJ, Leeman DE, Gotch PJ, et al: Pulsed Doppler evaluation of discharges. Circulation 50:956961, 1974.
atrial mechanical function after electrical cardioversion of atrial fibrillation. 39. Pennington JE, Taylor J, Lown B: Chest thump for reverting ventricular
J Am Coll Cardiol 13:617623, 1989. tachycardia. N Engl J Med 283:11921195, 1970.
31. ONeill PG, Puleo PR, Bolli R, et al: Return of atrial mechanical function 40. Yakaitis RW, Redding JS: Precordial thumping during cardiac resuscitation.
following electrical conversion of atrial dysrhythmias. Am Heart J 120:353 Crit Care Med 1:2226, 1973.
359, 1990. 41. Pellis T, Kette F, Lovisa D, et al: Utility of pre-cordial thump for treatment of
32. Oral H, Souza JJ, Michaud GF, et al: Facilitating transthoracic cardioversion out of hospital cardiac arrest: a prospective study. Resuscitation 80:1723,
of atrial fibrillation with ibutilide pretreatment. N Engl J Med 340:1849 2009.
1854, 1999. 42. Madias C, Maron BJ, Alsheikh-Ali AA, et al: Precordial thump for cardiac ar-
33. Ambler JJ, Sado DM, Zideman DA, et al: The incidence and severity of cu- rest is effective for asystole but not for ventricular fibrillation. Heart Rhythm
taneous burns following external DC cardioversion. Resuscitation 61:281 6:14951500, 2009.
288, 2004. 43. Schroeder JS, Harrison DC: Repeated cardioversion during pregnancy. Treat-
34. Lown B, Kleiger R, Williams J: Cardioversion and digitalis drugs: changed ment of refractory paroxysmal atrial tachycardia during 3 successive preg-
threshold to electric shock in digitalized animals. Circ Res 17:519531, 1965. nancies. Am J Cardiol 27:445446, 1971.
35. Aberg H, Cullhed I: Direct current countershock complications. Acta Med 44. Meitus ML: Fetal electrocardiography and cardioversion with direct current
Scand 183:415421, 1968. countershock. Report of a case. Dis Chest 48:324325, 1965.
Pericardiocentesis is a potentially life-saving procedure per- needle passage rates approaching 90% and relief of tamponade
formed in the critical care setting. In contrast to other cardiac in over 97% [7]. As a result, the 2004 European Society of Car-
conditions, however, there is a paucity of randomized clinical diology (ESC) recommends pericardiocentesis as the method
data to help guide physicians in the diagnosis and manage- of choice for pericardial fluid removal/sampling [8]. Surgical
ment of pericardial diseases. This chapter reviews the indica- intervention is recommended for recurring large effusions for
tions for emergent and urgent pericardiocentesis, summarizes which repeated pericardiocentesis has not been effective, loc-
the pathobiology of pericardial effusions, and provides a step- ulated or posterior effusions of hemodynamic consequence,
by-step approach to pericardiocentesis, including management purulent pericarditis, traumatic hemopericardium, constrictive
of patients following the procedure. pericarditis, and effusions due to aortic dissection [8]. When-
ever possible, elective pericardiocentesis should be performed
by an experienced operator using echocardiographic guidance.
While generally safe, it should be performed in a location with
INDICATIONS FOR adequate physiologic monitoring to assess any hemodynamic
PERICARDIOCENTESIS sequelae from complications and to aid in the diagnosis of
effusive-constrictive pericarditis.
The initial management of patients with a known or suspected In contrast to diagnostic pericardiocentesis, the manage-
pericardial effusion is largely determined by clinical status. In ment of hemodynamically compromised patients requires
the absence of hemodynamic instability or suspected purulent emergent removal of pericardial fluid to restore adequate ven-
bacterial pericarditis, there is no need for emergent or urgent tricular filling (preload) and hasten clinical stabilization. Ag-
pericardiocentesis. Diagnostic pericardiocentesis may be per- gressive fluid resuscitation and inotropic agents have been
formed to establish the etiology of an effusion, although only the mainstay of medical management for cardiac tamponade.
after thorough noninvasive workup is completed before con- These measures are largely ineffective and should be used only
sideration of an invasive procedure [1]. While the etiology of as a bridge to pericardial drainage [9,10]. The exact method
effusions varies widely in the literature depending upon patient and timing of pericardiocentesis is ultimately dictated by the
population, a diagnosis based on initial examination alone was patients overall degree of instability. While echocardiographic
highly predictive of effusion etiology in one study [2]. In an- and fluoroscopic guidance is preferred, unguided (or blind)
other large series of patients, between 50% and 60% of mod- pericardiocentesis may be required in patients with severe hy-
erate to large effusions were due to a previously established potension not responsive to temporizing measures. In this set-
medical condition [3]. In addition, the clinical context in which ting, there are no absolute contraindications to the proce-
diagnostic pericardiocentesis is performed affects its predictive dure, and it should be performed without delay at the patients
value, with greater diagnostic yield for large effusions than bedside.
for acute pericarditis [46]. Primarily due to the routine use Urgent pericardiocentesis is indicated for patients with an
of echocardiographic guidance, the major (1.2%) and minor established effusion who are initially hypotensive but respond
(3.5%) complications of pericardiocentesis have significantly quickly to hemodynamic support. Unlike acute tamponade,
decreased over the past several decades, with successful single subacute tamponade is more likely to present with protean
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symptoms such as dyspnea and fatigue. Patients with preex- of 2,000 mL or greater may accumulate without significant
isting hypertension may not demonstrate severe hypotension hemodynamic compromise. As a result, chronic effusions may
due to a persistent sympathetic response. Echocardiographic present with symptoms such as cough, dyspnea, dysphagia, or
assessment of effusion size, hemodynamic impact, and optimal early satiety owing to compression of adjacent thoracic struc-
percutaneous approach are of paramount importance [11]. tures. Conversely, intravascular hypovolemia, impaired ven-
The procedure should be performed within several hours of tricular systolic function, and ventricular hypertrophy with
presentation while careful monitoring and support continue. decreased elasticity of the myocardium (diastolic dysfunction)
As in elective circumstances, pericardiocentesis in these pa- may exacerbate hemodynamic compromise without significant
tients should be undertaken with appropriate visual guidance, effusions present.
the method of which depends on the physicians expertise and
Three additional points must be stressed regarding pa- PROCEDURE
tients undergoing expedited pericardiocentesis. First, coagu-
lation parametersprothrombin time, partial thromboplastin Since the first blind (or closed) pericardiocentesis performed
time, and platelet count (>50,000 per L)should be checked in 1840 [16], numerous approaches to the pericardial space
and, when possible, quickly normalized prior to the procedure. have been described. Marfan [17] performed the subcostal ap-
If clinically feasible, the procedure should be postponed until proach in 1911, which then became the standard approach for
the international normalized ratio is less than 1.4. An anti- unguided pericardiocentesis as it is extrapleural and avoids the
Xa level is recommended for patients receiving low-molecular- coronary and internal mammary arteries.
weight heparin. For emergent pericardiocentesis performed on The advent of clinically applicable ultrasonography has
anticoagulant therapy, prolonged and continuous drainage is opened a new chapter in diagnostic and therapeutic approaches
recommended. Second, many critical care specialists and car- to pericardial disease, allowing clinicians to quantitate and lo-
diologists advocate performance of all pericardiocentesis pro- calize pericardial effusions quickly and noninvasively [18,19].
cedures in the catheterization laboratory with concomitant Callahan et al. [20,21] at the Mayo Clinic established the effi-
right heart pressure monitoring to document efficacy of the cacy and safety of two-dimensional echocardiography to guide
procedure and to exclude a constrictive element of pericar- pericardiocentesis. While direct quantification of total fluid ac-
dial disease, although excessive delays must be avoided (see cumulation with echo is not yet possible, circumferential ef-
Chapter 34). Finally, efforts to ensure a cooperative and sta- fusions of more than 10 mm are considered large (500 mL),
tionary patient during the procedure greatly facilitate the per- and the ESC recommends pericardiocentesis of effusions of
formance, safety, and success of pericardiocentesis. more than 20 mm, regardless of the presence of hemody-
The clinical presentation of hemodynamically significant namic compromise (class IIa indication) [8]. Typically, at least
pericardial effusions varies widely among patients. A compre- 250 mL of fluid is required for safe pericardiocentesis. The rou-
hensive understanding requires knowledge of normal pericar- tine use of echocardiography has resulted in two major trends
dial anatomy and physiology. in clinical practice: First, two-dimensional echocardiography is
commonly used to guide pericardiocentesis, with success rates
comparable to those of traditionally fluoroscopic-guided pro-
ANATOMY cedures [2224]. Second, approaches other than the traditional
subxiphoid method have been investigated owing to the abil-
The pericardium is a membranous structure with two layers: ity to clearly define the anatomy (location and volume) of each
the visceral and parietal pericardium. The visceral pericardium patients effusion [20,21]. In one series of postsurgical patients,
is a monolayer of mesothelial cells adherent to the epicardial the subxiphoid approach was the most direct route in only 12%
surface by a loose collection of small blood vessels, lymphatics, of effusions [25]. With the use of echo guidance, apical pericar-
and connective tissue. The parietal pericardium is a relatively diocentesis and parasternal pericardiocentesis are increasingly
inelastic 2 mm dense outer network of collagen and elastin performed with success rates comparable to those of the subx-
with an inner surface of mesothelial cells. It is invested around iphoid approach. In the apical approach, the needle is directed
the great vessels and defines the shape of the pericardium, with parallel to the long axis of the heart toward the aortic valve.
attachments to the sternum, diaphragm, and anterior medi- Parasternal pericardiocentesis is performed with needle inser-
astinum while anchoring the heart in the thorax [12]. Pos- tion 1 cm lateral to the sternal edge to avoid internal mam-
teriorly, the visceral epicardium is absent, with the parietal mary laceration. All approaches employ a Seldinger technique
epicardium attached directly to the heart at the level of the of over-the-wire catheter insertion. As the subxiphoid approach
vena cavae [13]. The potential space between the visceral and remains the standard of practice and is the preferred approach
parietal mesothelial cell layers normally contains 15 to 50 mL for unguided emergent pericardiocentesis, it will be described
of serous fluid, which is chemically similar to plasma ultrafil- later.
trate, in the atrioventricular (AV) and interventricular grooves Regardless of the approach used, confirmation of appropri-
[14]. The pericardium is relatively avascular, but is well inner- ate positioning is mandatory and preferably performed before a
vated and may produce significant pain with vagal responses dilation catheter is advanced over the wire. Direct visualization
during procedural manipulation or inflammation [15]. of the needle with either echocardiography or fluoroscopy and
Because of the inelastic physical properties of the peri- injection of agitated saline (echo guided) or a small amount of
cardium, the major determinant of when and how pericar- contrast (fluoroscopy guided) should be performed to confirm
dial effusions come to clinical attention is directly related to the correct position. Contrast layering inferiorly and not enter-
the speed of accumulation. Effusions that collect rapidly (over ing circulation or causing a myocardial stain confirms correct
minutes to hours) may cause hemodynamic compromise with positioning.
volumes of 250 mL or less. These effusions are usually located In addition to two large-bore peripheral intravenous lines
posteriorly and are often difficult to detect without echocar- for aggressive resuscitative efforts, standard electrocardio-
diography or other imaging modalities such as multislice com- graphic monitoring is mandatory. Historically, an electro-
puted tomography or cardiac magnetic resonance imaging . cardiographic (ECG) lead directly attached to the puncture
In contrast, effusions developing slowly (over days to weeks) needle has been used to detect contact with the myocardium
allow for dilation of the fibrous parietal membrane. Volumes via the appearance of a large injury current (ST elevation).
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Chapter 7: Pericardiocentesis 79
TA B L E 7 . 1
Site preparation
Sterile drapes and towels
Sterile gloves, masks, gowns, caps
5-mL or 10-mL syringe with 25-gauge needle
1% lidocaine (without epinephrine)
Code cart
Atropine (1-mg dose vial)
No. 11 blade
20-mL syringe with 10 mL of 1% lidocaine (without
18-gauge, 8-cm, thin-walled needle with blunt tip
Multiple 20- and 40-mL syringes
Electrocardiogram machine
Three red-top tubes
Two purple-top (heparinized) tubes
Culture bottles
Suture material
Sterile gauze and bandage
FIGURE 7.1. Materials required for pericardiocentesis (clockwise
from upper left): 1% lidocaine solution, suture material, 10-mL sy-
ringe with 25-gauge needle, 10-mL syringe with 22-gauge needle, no.
Because a suboptimally grounded needle could fibrillate the 11 blade, 18-gauge 8-cm thin-walled needle, 20-mL syringe, 30-mL
heart (and the widespread availability of echocardiography), syringe, alligator clip, hemostat, three red-top tubes, two purple-top
many cardiologists have abandoned this practice and the 2004 tubes, culture bottles, scissors.
ESC guidelines consider it an inadequate safeguard [8,26].
The materials required for bedside pericardiocentesis are
listed in Table 7.1 (Fig. 7.1). Table 7.2 (Fig. 7.2) lists the mate- cutaneous wheal by infiltrating the needle entry site with 1%
rials required for simultaneous placement of an intrapericardial lidocaine solution (without epinephrine). To facilitate nee-
drainage catheter. The materials are available in prepackaged dle entry, incise the skin with a no. 11 blade at the selected
kits or individually. site after achieving adequate local anesthesia.
The subxiphoid approach for pericardiocentesis is as 4. Insertion of the needle apparatus. The angle of entry with
follows: respect to the skin should be approximately 45 degree in
1. Patient preparation. Assist the patient in assuming a com- the subxiphoid area. Direct the needle tip superiorly, aim-
fortable supine position with the head of the bed elevated ing for the patients left shoulder. Continue to advance the
to approximately 45 degree from the horizontal plane. Ex- needle posteriorly while alternating between aspiration and
tremely dyspneic patients may need to be positioned fully
upright, with a wedge if necessary. Elevation of the thorax
allows free-flowing effusions to collect inferiorly and ante- TA B L E 7 . 2
riorly, sites that are safest and easiest to access using the
2. Needle entry site selection. Locate the patients xiphoid pro-
cess and the border of the left costal margin using inspection Catheter placement
and careful palpation. The needle entry site should be 0.5 Teflon-coated flexible J-curved guidewire
cm to the (patients) left of the xiphoid process and 0.5 to 6 Fr dilator
1.0 cm inferior to the costal margin (Fig. 7.3). It is help- 8 Fr dilator
ful to estimate (by palpation) the distance between the skin 8 Fr, 35-cm flexible pigtail catheter with multiple
surface and the posterior margin of the bony thorax: This fenestrations (end and side holes)
helps guide subsequent needle insertion. The usual distance Drainage systema
is 1.0 to 2.5 cm, increasing with obesity or protuberance of Three-way stopcock
the abdomen. Sterile intravenous tubing
3. Site preparation. Strict sterile techniques must be main- 500-mL sterile collecting bag (or bottle)
tained at all times in preparation of the needle entry site. Sterile gauze and adhesive bag (or bottle)
Prepare a wide area in the subxiphoid region and lower Suture material
thorax with a chlorhexidine solution. Use maximum bar-
rier precautions and use a large fenestrated drape to cover a
System described allows continuous drainage.
the field. After performing a time out, raise a 1- to 2-cm sub-
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Chapter 7: Pericardiocentesis 81
TA B L E 7 . 3
White blood cell count with differential
Grams stain
Routine aerobic and anaerobic cultures
Smear and culture for acid-fast bacilli
Cholesterol, triglyceride
Lactate dehydrogenase
Special cultures (viral, parasite, fungal)
Antinuclear antibody
Rheumatoid factor
Total complement, C3
TA B L E 7 . 4 TA B L E 7 . 5
1. Permayer-Miulda G, Sagrista-Sauleda J, Soler-Soler J: Primary acute pericar- 13. Roberts WC, Spray TL: Pericardial heart disease: a study of its causes, conse-
dial disease: a prospective study of 231 consecutive patients. Am J Cardiol quences, and morphologic features, in Spodick D (ed): Pericardial Diseases.
56:623, 1985. Philadelphia, FA Davis, 1976, p 17.
2. Levy PY, Corey R, Berger P, et al: Etiologic diagnosis of 204 pericardial 14. Shabatai R: Function of the pericardium, in Fowler NO (ed): The Peri-
effusions. Medicine (Baltimore) 82:385, 2003. cardium in Health and Disease. Mount Kisco, NY, Futura, 1985, p 19.
3. Sagrista-Sauleda J, Merce J, Permanyer-Miralda G, et al: Clinical clues to the 15. Little W, Freeman G: Pericardial disease. Circulation 113:16221632,
causes of large pericardial effusions. Am J Med 109:95, 2000. 2006.
4. Corey GR, Campbell PT, van Trigt P, et al: Etiology of large pericardial 16. Schuh R: Erfahrungen uber de Paracentese der Brust und des Herz Beutels.
effusions. Am J Med 95:209, 1993. Med Jahrb Osterr Staates Wien 33:388, 1841.
5. Permanyer-Miralda G, Sagrista-Sauleda J, Soler-Soler J. Primary acute peri- 17. Marfan AB: Poncitian du pericarde par l espigahe. Ann Med Chir Infarct
cardial disease: a prospective series of 231 consecutive patients. Am J Cardiol 15:529, 1911.
56:623, 1985. 18. Tibbles CD, Porcaro W: Procedural applications of ultrasound. Emerg Med
6. Zayas R, Anguita M, Torres F, et al: Incidence of specific etiology and role Clin North Am 22:797, 2004.
of methods for specific etiologic diagnosis of primary acute pericarditis. Am 19. Rifkin RD, Mernoff DB: Noninvasive evaluation of pericardial effusion com-
J Cardiol 75:378, 1995. position by computed tomography. Am Heart J 149:1120, 2005.
7. Quinones M, Douglas P, Foster E, et al: ACC/AHA clinical competence state- 20. Callahan JA, Seward JB, Nishimura RA: 2-dimensional echocardiography-
ment on echocardiography: a report of the American College of Cardiol- guided pericardiocentesis: experience in 117 consecutive patients. Am J Car-
ogy/American Heart Association/American College of Physicians-American diol 55:476, 1985.
Society of Internal Medicine Task Force on Clinical Competence. J Am Coll 21. Callahan JA, Seward JB, Tajik AJ: Pericardiocentesis assisted by
Cardiol 41(4):687708, 2003. 2-dimensional echocardiography. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 85:877,
8. Maisch B, Seferovic PM, Ristic AD, et al: Guidelines on the diagnosis and 1983.
management of pericardial diseases. The task force on the diagnosis and 22. Tsang TSM, Freeman WK, Sinak LJ, et al: Echocardiographically guided
management of pericardial diseases of the European Society of Cardiology. pericardiocentesis: evolution and state-of-the-art technique. Mayo Clin Proc
Eur Heart J 25(7):587610, 2004. 73:647, 1998.
9. Callahan M: Pericardiocentesis in traumatic and non-traumatic cardiac tam- 23. Callahan JA, Seward JB, Tajik AJ: Cardiac tamponade: pericardiocentesis
ponade. Ann Emerg Med 13:924, 1984. directed by two-dimensional echocardiography. Mayo Clin Proc 60:344,
10. Spodick DH: Medical treatment of cardiac tamponade, in Caturelli G (ed): 1985.
Cura Intensive Cardiologica. Rome, TIPAR Poligrafica, 1991, pp 265 24. Tsang TS, Enriquez-Sarano M, Freeman WK, et al: Consecutive 1127 thera-
268. peutic echocardiographically guided pericardiocentesis: clinical profile, prac-
11. Cheitlin MD, Armstrong WF, Aurigemma GP, et al: ACC/AHA/ASE 2003 tice patterns, and outcomes spanning 21 years. Mayo Clin Proc 77:429,
guideline for the clinical application of echocardiography. J Am Coll Cardiol 2002.
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12. Spodick DH: Macrophysiology, microphysiology, and anatomy of the peri- 26. Tweddell JS, Zimmerman AN, Stone CM, et al: Pericardiocentesis guided by
cardium: a synopsis. Am Heart J 124:10461051, 1992. a pulse generator. J Am Coll Cardiol 14(4):10741083, 1989.
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27. Kapoor AS: Technique of pericardiocentesis and intrapericardial drainage, 33. Shepherd FA, Morgan C, Evans WK, et al: Medical management of malig-
in Kapoor AS (ed): International Cardiology. New York, Springer-Verlag, nant pericardial effusion by tetracycline sclerosis. Am J Cardiol 60:1161,
1989, p 146. 1987.
28. Patel AK, Kogolcharoen PK, Nallasivan M, et al: Catheter drainage of 34. Morm JE, Hallonby D, Gonda A, et al: Management of uremia pericarditis:
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29. Armstrong WF, Feigenbaum H, Dillon JC: Acute right ventricular dilation 35. Reitknecht F, Regal AM, Antkowiak JG, et al: Management of cardiac tam-
and echocardiographic volume overload following pericardiocentesis for re- ponade in patients with malignancy. J Surg Oncol 30:19, 1985.
lief of cardiac tamponade. Am Heart J 107:12661270, 1984. 36. Maisch B, Ristic AD, Pankuweit S, et al: Neoplastic pericardial effusion.
30. Tsang TS, Barnes ME, Gersh BJ, et al: Outcomes of clinically significant idio- Efficacy and safety of intrapericardial treatment with cisplatin. Eur Heart J
pathic pericardial effusion requiring intervention. Am J Cardiol 91(6):704 23:1625, 2002.
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31. Wong B, Murphy J, Chang CJ, et al: The risk of pericardiocentesis. Am J diotomy for the treatment of cardiac tamponade and large pericardial effu-
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32. Krikorian JG, Hancock EW: Pericardiocentesis. Am J Med 65: 808, 1978. Cardiol 21:15, 1993.
FIGURE 8.1. Positioning of the patient with the arm flexed over the FIGURE 8.2. Dissection with Kelly clamp.
head. Identification of the triangle of safety.
allows for a subcutaneous tunnel to be developed, through 7. The closed clamp is carefully inserted through the parietal
which the tube will travel, and discourages air entry into pleura, hugging the superior portion of the lower rib to
the chest following removal of the tube.) prevent injury to the intercostal bundle of the rib above.
4. A 2-cm transverse incision is made at the wheal, and ad- The clamp is placed to a depth of less than 1 cm to prevent
ditional lidocaine is administered to infiltrate the tissues injury to the intrathoracic structures and is spread open
through which the tube will pass, including a generous approximately 2 cm.
area in the intercostal space (especially the periosteum of 8. A finger is inserted into the pleural space to explore the
the ribs above and below the targeted interspace). Care anatomy and confirm proper location and lack of pleural
should be taken to anesthetize the parietal pleura fully, as symphysis. Only easily disrupted adhesions should be bro-
it (unlike the visceral pleura) contains pain fibers. Each in- ken. Bluntly dissecting strong adhesions may tear the lung
jection of lidocaine should be preceded by aspiration of the and initiate bleeding.
syringe to prevent injection into the intercostal vessels. Up 9. The end of the chest tube is grasped with the clamp and
to 30 to 40 mL of 1% lidocaine may be needed to achieve guided with the finger through the tunnel into the pleu-
adequate local anesthesia. ral space. Once the tip of the tube is in the pleural space,
5. To confirm the location of air or fluid, a thoracentesis is the clamp is removed and the chest tube is advanced and
then performed at the proposed site of tube insertion. If air positioned apically for a pneumothorax and dependently
or fluid is not aspirated, the anatomy should be reassessed for fluid removal (Fig. 8.3A, B). All holes must be con-
and chest radiographs and CT scans reexamined before firmed to be within the pleural space. The use of undue
proceeding. pressure or force to insert the tube should be avoided
6. A short tunnel is created to the chosen intercostal space (Fig. 8.4A, B).
using Kelly clamps and the intercostal muscles are bluntly 10. The location of the tube should be confirmed by observing
divided (Fig. 8.2). the flow of air (seen as condensation within the tube) or
FIGURE 8.3. A, B: The clamp penetrates the intercostal muscle. The end of the chest tube is grasped
with a Kelly clamp and guided with a finger through the chest incision. The clamp can be placed above
or bellow the tube.
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FIGURE 8.4. A, B: Advance the tube once the clamp has been removed.
TA B L E 8 . 3
a suction regulator. Suction is routinely established at 15 to or both. For a pneumothorax, the drainage system is left on
20 cm water, controlled by the height of the column in the suction until the air leak stops. If an air leak persists, brief
suction regulator unit, and maintained as long as an air leak clamping of the chest tube can be performed to confirm that
is present. The drainage system is examined daily to ensure the leak is from the patient and not the system. If, after sev-
that appropriate levels are maintained in the underwater seal eral days, an air leak persists, placement of an additional tube
and suction regulator chambers. If suction is desired, bubbling may be indicated. When the leak has ceased for more than
should be noted in the suction regulator unit. Connections be- 24 to 48 hours (or if no fluctuation is seen in the underwa-
tween the chest tube and the drainage system should be tightly ter seal chamber), the drainage system is placed on water seal
fitted and securely taped. For continuous drainage, the chest by disconnecting the wall suction, followed by a chest film
tube and the tubing to the drainage system should remain free several hours later. If no pneumothorax is present and no air
of kinks, should not be left in a dependent position, and should leak appears in the system with coughing, deep breathing, and
never be clamped. If problems are encountered with repeti- reestablishment of suction, the tube can be removed. For fluid
tive kinking, a corrugated tubing splint can be used around collections, the tube can be removed when drainage is less
the chest tube to improve the resistance [29]. The tube can be than 200 cc per 24 hours or lesser [33], unless sclerotherapy is
milked and gently stripped, although with caution, as this may planned.
generate negative pressures of up to 1,500 mm Hg and can in- Tube removal is often preceded by oral or parenteral analge-
jure adjacent tissues [30]. Irrigation of the tube is discouraged. sia at an appropriate time interval [34]. The suture holding the
Dressing changes should be performed every 2 or 3 days and tube to the skin is cut. At end-inspiration, the tube is pulled out
as needed. Adequate pain control is mandatory to encourage and the hole simultaneously covered with occlusive petrolatum
coughing and ambulation to facilitate lung reexpansion. gauze dressing at peak inspiration or end expiration the chest
Chest films can be obtained to evaluate the progress of tube is pulled [35]. A chest radiograph is performed immedi-
drainage and to ensure that the most proximal drainage hole ately to check for a pneumothorax if there are clinical signs and
has not migrated from the pleural space (a situation that may symptoms or if the patient is at high risk for reaccumulation;
result in pneumothorax or subcutaneous emphysema). If this otherwise, a nonurgent chest radiograph can be ordered and
occurs and the pathologic process is not corrected, replacement repeated 24 hours later to rule out reaccumulation of air or
of the tube is usually indicated, especially if subcutaneous em- fluid [36].
physema is developing. Mandatory routine daily chest X-rays
are not indicated to monitor chest tubes in the intensive care
unit unless there is a clinical necessity [31]. A tube should never
be readvanced into the pleural space, and if a tube is to be re- RELATED SYSTEMS
placed, it should always be at a different site rather than the
same hole. If a pneumothorax persists, increasing the suction Percutaneous aspiration of the pleural space to relieve a pneu-
level may be beneficial, but an additional tube may be required mothorax without an active air leak has been reported. Al-
if no improvement results; other etiologies should be consid- though successful in up to 75% cases of needle-induced or
ered after this point and further evaluation with a CT scan of traumatic pneumothoraces, the success rate is less for
the chest. Proper positioning may also be confirmed by chest those with a spontaneous pneumothorax [37,38]. Small-bore
CT scanning [32]. catheters placed via Seldinger technique or using a trocar have
been successful for treatment of spontaneous and iatrogenic
pneumothoraces [3941].
CHEST TUBE REMOVAL Heimlich valves (one-way flutter valves that allow egress of
air from pleural tubes or catheters) have also gained popularity
Indications for removal of chest tubes include resolution of because ambulation is facilitated and outpatient care can be
the pneumothorax or fluid accumulation in the pleural space, provided to those with persistent air leaks [42,43].
1. Advanced Trauma life Support for Doctors, Manual for Coordinators & Fac- 12. Bouros D, Schiza S, Patsourakis G, et al: Intrapleural streptokinase ver-
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23. Kang SN: Rib fractures, pneumothorax, haemothorax and chest drain inser- 33. Younes RN, Gross JL, Aguiar S, et al: When to remove a chest tube? A
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chest tubes after coronary artery bypass. Chest 124:108, 2003. parison of thoracic drainage vs. immediate or delayed needle aspiration.
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31. Silverstein DS, Livingston DH, Elcavage J, et al: The utility of routine daily taneous pneumothorax. Am J Med Sci 304:345, 1992.
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localize the site of bleeding (34% to 91%) compared with 50% of all significant bacterial species initially identified in
delayed bronchoscopy (11% to 52%) [10]. Bronchoscopy is significant numbers had colony counts reduced to below the
more likely to identify a bleeding source in patients with mod- pathogenic threshold level. After 48 hours of therapy, only
erate or severe hemoptysis [11]. Whenever patients have an en- 14% of isolates are still present above threshold values [22].
dotracheal or tracheostomy tube in place, hemoptysis should It is therefore essential to obtain quantitative cultures before
always be evaluated, because it may indicate potentially life- starting or changing antibiotics.
threatening tracheal damage. Unless the bleeding is massive, a Despite the greater accuracy of quantitative bronchoscopic
flexible bronchoscope, rather than a rigid bronchoscope, is the cultures, prospective randomized trials of early invasive di-
instrument of choice for evaluating hemoptysis. In the setting agnostic strategies employing bronchoscopy and quantitative
of massive hemoptysis, the patient is at risk for imminent de- lower respiratory tract cultures for VAP have not demonstrated
compensation and death due to asphyxiation. Stabilization of significant advantages in mortality or other major clinical end
the patient, focusing on establishment of a secure airway, and points [23,24] over simpler methods. The largest such trial
timely communication with pulmonology, thoracic surgery, [24] found that compared to therapy based on nonquantitative
anesthesiology, and interventional radiology is of utmost im- endotracheal aspirates, patients randomized to bronchoscopy
portance. This coordinated, multidisciplinary effort should fo- with quantitative cultures had no improvement in mortality,
cus on rapid transfer to the operation room (OR) suite for rigid duration of mechanical ventilation, or length of ICU or hospital
bronchoscopy. The rigid bronchoscope is ideal in this situation stay. On the basis of these findings, routine use of bronchoscopy
because it provides a secure route for ventilation, serves as a in immunocompetent adults with suspected VAP cannot be rec-
larger conduit for adequate suctioning, and can quickly isolate ommended.
the lung in the case of a lateralized bleeding source. In most
situations, once an adequate airway has been established and Pulmonary Infiltrates in Immunocompromised Patients
initial suctioning of excessive blood has been performed, the
When an infectious process is suspected, the diagnostic yield
flexible bronchoscope can be inserted through the rigid bron-
depends on the organism and the immune status of the pa-
choscope to more accurately assess and localize the source of
tient. In immunocompetent patients, BAL has a sensitivity of
bleeding beyond the main bronchi [12].
87% for detecting respiratory pathogens [19], and a negative
BAL quantitative culture has a specificity of 96% in predicting
Diffuse Parenchymal Disease sterile lung parenchyma. Numerous recent investigations have
The clinical setting influences the choice of procedure. When examined the utility of bronchoscopy in immunocompromised
diffuse pulmonary infiltrates suggest sarcoidosis, carcinomato- patients. Most of these investigations have found that the diag-
sis, or eosinophilic pneumonia, transbronchoscopic lung for- nostic yield of BAL in such patients is approximately 50% and
ceps biopsy should be considered initially because it has an that the results of BAL lead to a change in treatment in 17%
extremely high yield in these situations (see Chapter 69). Trans- to 38% of patients. In one prospective multicenter trial [25],
bronchial lung biopsy has a low yield for the definitive diag- BAL was the only conclusive diagnostic study in 33% of pa-
nosis of inorganic pneumoconiosis and pulmonary vasculitides tients. Although it is difficult to distinguish respiratory decom-
[13]; when these disorders are suspected, surgical lung biopsy pensation caused by bronchoscopy from the natural history
is the procedure of choice. In the case of pulmonary fibrosis of the patients underlying disease, the same study found that
and acute interstitial pneumonitis, transbronchial biopsy usu- 48% of patients developed deterioration in respiratory status
ally does not provide adequate tissue for a specific histologic after bronchoscopy and 27% of patients were intubated. Trans-
diagnosis, although by excluding infection the procedure may bronchial biopsy may add little to the diagnostic yield of BAL
provide sufficient information to guide therapy. in immunocompromised patients, with an incremental yield of
7% to 12% [2629]. In some series, the major complication
Ventilator-Associated Pneumonia rate of transbronchial biopsy was greater than the diagnostic
utility, including a 14% incidence of major bleeding requir-
The ability to determine the probability of ventilator-associated
ing intubation [29]. BAL has a relatively poor sensitivity for
pneumonia (VAP) is very limited, with a sensitivity of only
detecting fungal infections in this population (40%) [26]. In
50% and a specificity of 58% [14]. Quantitative cultures ob-
AIDS patients, the sensitivity of lavage or transbronchial lung
tained via bronchoscopy may thus play an important role in
biopsy for identifying all opportunistic organisms can be as
the diagnostic strategy. Quantitative cultures of bronchoalve-
high as 87% [30,31]. Transbronchial biopsy adds significantly
olar lavage (BAL) fluid and protected specimen brush (PSB),
to the diagnostic yield in AIDS patients and may be the sole
with thresholds of 104 colony-forming units (CFU) per mL
means of making a diagnosis in up to 24% of patients, includ-
and 103 CFU per mL, respectively, are most commonly em-
ing diagnoses of Pneumocystis jirovecii, Cryptococcus neofor-
ployed prior to initiation of antimicrobial therapy. Cultures of
mans, Mycobacterium tuberculosis, and nonspecific interstitial
bronchial washings do not add to the diagnostic yield of quan-
pneumonitis [32]. Lavage alone may have a sensitivity of up to
titative BAL culture alone [15]. For a brief description of how
97% for the diagnosis of P. jirovecii pneumonia [33]. How-
to perform BAL and obtain PSB cultures, see the Procedure
ever, because induced sputum samples can also be positive for
section, given later in the chapter.
P. jirovecii in up to 79% of cases [33], induced expectorated
For BAL, an evidence-based analysis of 23 prior investi-
sputum, when available, should be evaluated first for this or-
gations yields a sensitivity of 73% and a specificity of 82%,
ganism before resorting to bronchoscopy.
indicating that BAL cultures fail to diagnose VAP in almost
one-fourth of all cases [16]. A similar analysis of PSB cultures
indicates a very wide range of results, with a sensitivity of 33%
Acute Inhalation Injury
to greater than 95% and a median of 67%, and a specificity In patients exposed to smoke inhalation, flexible nasopharyn-
of 50% to 100% with a median of 95% [17,18]. PSB is thus goscopy, laryngoscopy, and bronchoscopy are indicated to
more specific than it is sensitive, and negative results may not identify the anatomic level and severity of injury. Prophylactic
be sufficient to exclude the presence of VAP [19]. Blind pro- intubation should be considered if considerable upper airway
tected telescoping catheter specimens yield similar results to mucosal injury is noted early; acute respiratory failure is more
bronchoscopically directed PSB cultures [20,21]. It is critical likely in patients with mucosal changes seen at segmental or
to note that colony counts change very quickly with antibi- lower levels [34]. Upper airway obstruction is a life-threatening
otic therapy. Within 12 hours of starting antibiotic therapy, problem that usually develops during the initial 24 hours
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Chapter 9: Bronchoscopy 91
after inhalation injury. It correlates significantly with increased with asthma, these patients must be pretreated with a bron-
size of cutaneous burns, burns of the face and neck, and rapid chodilator.
intravenous fluid administration, and also portends a greater
mortality [35].
Foreign Bodies
Blunt Chest Trauma
Patients may present with atelectasis, pulmonary contusion, Although the rigid bronchoscope is considered by many to be
hemothorax, pneumothorax, pneumomediastinum, or hemop- the instrument of choice for removing foreign bodies, devices
tysis. Prompt bronchoscopic evaluation of such patients has with which to grasp objects are available for use with the flexi-
a diagnostic yield of 53%; findings may include tracheal or ble bronchoscope [41]. A review of flexible bronchoscopy in the
bronchial laceration or transection (14%), aspirated material management of tracheobronchial foreign bodies in adults from
(6%), supraglottic tear with glottic obstruction (2%), mucus the Mayo Clinic demonstrated a success rate of 89% [42]. The
plugging (15%), and distal hemorrhage (13%) [36]. Many of success of flexible bronchoscopy in foreign body removal can
these diagnoses may not be clinically evident and require sur- be enhanced by rigorous preprocedure preparation, assuring
gical intervention. the availability of appropriate ancillary grasping equipment,
practicing a dry run, and ensuring that a bronchoscopist
with experience in foreign body removal is involved. It is also
Postresectional Surgery important to have an appreciation for situations in which rigid
Flexible bronchoscopy can identify a disrupted suture line bronchoscopy with added ancillary interventions, such as laser
causing bleeding and pneumothorax following surgery and an therapy or cryotherapy, might be useful (e.g., an embedded for-
exposed endobronchial suture causing cough. In these postp- eign body with significant granulation tissue reaction at risk for
neumonectomy situations, the location of dehiscence and the bleeding) [43].
subsequent bronchopleural fistula (BPF) is easily identified vi-
sually via flexible bronchoscopy at the stump site. However,
when the BPF occurs in the setting of acute respiratory distress
syndrome (ARDS) or necrotizing pneumonia, localization at
Endotracheal Intubation
the segmental and subsegmental level can be more challenging. In patients with ankylosing spondylitis and other mechanical
Readers are referred to Chapter 57, which comprehensively problems of the neck, the flexible bronchoscope may be used
covers this topic. as an obturator for endotracheal intubation. The broncho-
scope with an endotracheal tube passed over it can be passed
Assessment of Intubation Damage transnasally (after proper local anesthesia) or transorally. The
tube can then be advanced over the scope.
When a nasotracheal or orotracheal tube of the proper size is in
place, the balloon can be routinely deflated and the tube with-
drawn over the bronchoscope to look for subglottic damage.
The tube is withdrawn up through the vocal cords and over Hemoptysis
the flexible bronchoscope and glottic and supraglottic damage
sought. This technique may by useful after reintubation for stri- On rare occasions where brisk bleeding threatens asphyxia-
dor, or when deflation of the endotracheal tube cuff does not tion, endobronchial tamponade may stabilize the patient be-
produce a significant air leak, suggesting the potential for life- fore definitive therapy is performed (see Chapter 53). With
threatening upper airway obstruction when extubation takes the use of the flexible bronchoscope, usually passed through
place. The flexible bronchoscope may readily identify mechan- a rigid bronchoscope or endotracheal tube, a Fogarty catheter
ical problems such as increased airway granulation tissue lead- with balloon is passed into the bleeding lobar orifice. When the
ing to airway obstruction, tracheal stenosis at pressure points balloon is inflated and wedged tightly, the patient may be trans-
along the artificial airwaytracheal interface, and tracheobron- ferred to surgery or angiography for bronchial arteriography
chomalacia. and bronchial artery embolization [44]. Other bronchial block-
ing and lung separation techniques have been described and
reviewed in the literature [45]. The wire-guided endobronchial
blocker (Arndt blocker) is a dedicated bronchial blocker that
THERAPEUTIC INDICATIONS has a wire loop at its distal end, whichwhen looped around
the distal end of the flexible bronchoscopecan be guided to
Atelectasis the bleeding airway, inflated, and its position adjusted under
direct visualization. More simple techniques that take advan-
When atelectasis occurs in critically ill patients who had a tage of the flexible bronchoscopes ability to act as a stylet for
normal chest film on admission, mucus plugging is the most a single-lumen endotracheal tube can be used to separate the
likely cause [37]. Bronchoscopy has a success rate of up to lung. One can use the bronchoscope to preferentially intubate
89% in cases of lobar atelectasis, but only produced clini- the right main or left main bronchus in an acute, emergent
cal improvement in 44% of patients when performed for re- situation. Hemostasis may also be achieved by using flexible
tained secretions [38]. One randomized trial found no ad- bronchoscopy to apply oxidized regenerated cellulose mesh to
vantage of bronchoscopy over a very aggressive regimen of the bleeding site, instill thrombin/thrombinfibrinogen prepa-
frequent chest physiotherapy, recruitment maneuvers, saline rations, and more traditionally, perform iced saline lavage or
nebulization, and postural drainage [39]. This study also found apply topical epinephrine (1:20,000) to temporize the bleeding
that the presence of air bronchograms on the initial chest [10,46]. There have also been reports of treating hemoptysis
X-ray predicted relative failure of either intervention to resolve by instilling cyanoacrylate through a catheter in the working
the atelectasis. Occasionally, the direct instillation of acetyl- channel of the flexible bronchoscope [47]. In the case of a visi-
cysteine (Mucomyst) through the bronchoscope may be nec- bly bleeding endobronchial tumor, hemostasis can be attained
essary to liquefy the thick, tenacious inspissated mucus [40]. with laser photocoagulation (Nd-YAG laser), electrocautery,
Because acetylcysteine may induce bronchospasm in patients or argon plasma coagulation.
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Thoracentesis is an invasive procedure that involves the intro- uation of a pleural effusion of unknown etiology is presented
duction of a needle, cannula, or trocar into the pleural space to in Figure 10.1. In patients whose pleural effusion remains un-
remove accumulated fluid or air. Although a few prospective diagnosed after thoracentesis and closed pleural biopsy, tho-
studies have critically evaluated the clinical value and compli- racoscopy should be considered for visualization of the pleura
cations associated with it [13], most studies concerning tho- and directed biopsy. Thoracoscopy has provided a positive di-
racentesis have dealt with the interpretation of the pleural fluid agnosis in more than 80% of patients with recurrent pleural ef-
analyses [4,5]. fusions that are not diagnosed by repeated thoracentesis, pleu-
ral biopsy, or bronchoscopy.
Therapeutic thoracentesis is indicated to remove fluid or
air that is causing cardiopulmonary embarrassment or to re-
INDICATIONS lieve severe symptoms. Definitive drainage of the pleural space
with a thoracostomy tube must be done for a tension pneu-
Although history (cough, dyspnea, or pleuritic chest pain)
mothorax (PTX) and should be considered for a PTX that is
and physical findings (dullness to percussion, decreased breath
slowly enlarging, any size PTX in the mechanically ventilated
sounds, and decreased vocal fremitus) suggest that an effusion
patient, hemothorax, or the instillation of a sclerosing agent
is present, chest radiography or ultrasonic examination is es-
after drainage of a recurrent malignant pleural effusion.
sential to confirm the clinical suspicion. Thoracentesis can be
performed for diagnostic or therapeutic reasons. When done
for diagnostic reasons, the procedure should be performed
whenever possible before any treatment has been given to CONTRAINDICATIONS
avoid confusion in interpretation [5]. Analysis of pleural fluid
has been shown to yield clinically useful information in more Absolute contraindications to performing a thoracentesis are
than 90% of cases [2]. The four most common diagnoses for an uncooperative patient, the inability to identify the top of
symptomatic and asymptomatic pleural effusions are malig- the rib clearly under the percutaneous puncture site, a lack
nancy, congestive heart failure, parapneumonia, and postop- of expertise in performing the procedure, and the presence of
erative sympathetic effusions. A diagnostic algorithm for eval- a coagulation abnormality that cannot be corrected. Relative
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Pleural Effusion(s)
contraindications to a thoracentesis include entry into an area The reported incidence of PTX varies between 3% and 30%
where known bullous lung disease exists, a patient who is on [13,6,7], with up to one-third to one-half of those with
positive end-expiratory pressure, and a patient who has only demonstrated PTX requiring subsequent intervention. Various
one functioning lung (the other having been surgically re- investigators have reported associations between PTX and un-
moved or that has severe disease limiting its gas exchange func- derlying lung disease (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease,
tion). In these settings, it may be safest to perform the thora- prior thoracic radiation, prior thoracic surgery, or lung can-
centesis under ultrasonic guidance. cer) [8,9], needle size and technique [3,8], number of passes
required to obtain a sample [8], aspiration of air during the
procedure, experience level of the operator [1,3,6], use of a vac-
COMPLICATIONS uum bottle [9], size of the effusion [2,8], and mechanical ven-
tilation versus spontaneously breathing patients. Some of the
A number of prospective studies have documented that compli- above-mentioned studies report directly contradictory findings
cations associated with the procedure are not infrequent [1,2]. compared to other similar studies. This is most apparent in the
The overall complication rate has been reported to be as high reported association between PTX and therapeutic thoracente-
as 50% to 78%, and can be further categorized as major (15% sis [3,8], which was not supported by subsequent large prospec-
to 19%) or minor (31% to 63%) [2,3]. Complication rates tive trials [8,9]. The most likely explanation for this discrep-
appear to be inversely related to experience level of the oper- ancy in the literature concerning the presumed increased risk
ator; the more experienced, the fewer the complications [6]. for PTX for therapeutic over diagnostic procedures is the gen-
Although death due to the procedure is infrequently reported, erally lower experience level of the operator in the first group.
complications may be life threatening [1]. Small sample sizes also limit the generalization of reported find-
Major complications include PTX, hemopneumothorax, ings to allow for the delineation of a clear risk profile for the
hemorrhage, hypotension, and reexpansion pulmonary edema. development of a PTX due to thoracentesis. The presence of
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baseline lung disease, low experience level of the operator with receive appropriate supervision from an experienced oper-
the procedure, and the use of positive-pressure mechanical ven- ator before performing thoracentesis on their own.
tilation appear for now to be the best-established risk factors 3. With the patient sitting, arms at sides, mark the inferior tip
in the literature. Further research involving more patients is of the scapula on the side to be tapped. This approximates
needed. the eighth intercostal space and should be the lowest inter-
Although PTX is most commonly due to laceration of lung space punctured, unless it has been previously determined
parenchyma, room air may enter the pleural space if the tho- by sonography that a lower interspace can be safely entered
racentesis needle is open to room air when a spontaneously or chest radiographs and sonography show the diaphragm
breathing patient takes a deep breath. (Intrapleural pressure is to be higher than the eighth intercostal space.
subatmospheric.) The PTX may be small and asymptomatic, 4. Position the patient sitting at the edge of the bed, com-
resolving spontaneously, or large and associated with respira- fortably leaning forward over a pillow-draped, height-
tory compromise, requiring chest tube drainage. Hemorrhage adjusted, bedside table (Fig. 10.2). The patients arms
can occur from laceration of an intercostal artery or inadvertent should be crossed in front to elevate and spread the scapu-
puncture of the liver or spleen even if coagulation studies are lae. An assistant should stand in front of the patient to
normal. The risk of intercostal artery laceration is greatest in prevent any unexpected movements.
the elderly because of increased tortuosity of their vessels. This 5. Percuss the patients posterior chest to determine the high-
last complication is potentially lethal, and open thoracotomy est point of the effusion. The interspace below this point
may be required to control the bleeding. should be entered in the posterior axillary line, unless it is
Hypotension may occur during the procedure (as part of a below the eighth intercostal space. Gently mark the supe-
vasovagal reaction or tension PTX) or hours after the proce- rior aspect of the rib in the chosen interspace with your
dure (most likely due to reaccumulation of fluid into the pleu- fingernail. (The inferior portion of each rib contains an
ral space or the pulmonary parenchyma from the intravascular intercostal artery and should be avoided.)
space). Hypotension in the latter settings responds to volume 6. Cleanse the area with 2% chlorhexidine in 70% isopropyl
expansion; it can usually be prevented by limiting pleural fluid alcohol and allow it to dry. Using sterile technique, drape
drainage to 1.5 L or less. Other major complications are rare, the area surrounding the puncture site.
and include implantation of tumor along the needle tract of 7. Anesthetize the superficial skin with 2% lidocaine using a
a previously performed thoracentesis, venous and cerebral air 25-gauge needle. Change to an 18- to 22-gauge, 2-in.-long
embolism (so-called pleural shock) [10,11], and inadvertent needle and generously anesthetize the deeper soft tissues,
placement of a sheared-off catheter into the pleural space [1]. aiming for the top of the rib. Always aspirate through the
Minor complications include dry tap or insufficient fluid, syringe as the needle is advanced and before instilling li-
pain, subcutaneous hematoma or seroma, anxiety, dyspnea, docaine to ensure that the needle is not in a vessel or the
and cough [2]. Reported rates for these minor complications pleural space. Carefully aspirate through the syringe as the
range from 16% to 63% and depend on the method used to pleura is approached. (The rib is 1 to 2 cm thick.) Fluid
perform the procedure, with higher rates associated with the enters the syringe on reaching the pleural space. The pa-
catheter-through-needle technique [2,3]. Dry tap and insuffi- tient may experience discomfort as the needle penetrates
cient fluid are technical problems, and they expose the pa- the well-innervated parietal pleura. Be careful not to instill
tient to increased risk of morbidity because of the need to anesthetic into the pleural space; it is bactericidal for most
perform a repeat thoracentesis. Under these circumstances, it organisms, including Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Place
is recommended that the procedure be repeated under direct a gloved finger at the point on the needle where it exits
sonographic guidance. Pain may originate from parietal pleu- the skin (to estimate the required depth of insertion) and
ral nerve endings from inadequate local anesthesia, inadvertent remove the needle.
scraping of rib periosteum, or piercing an intercostal nerve dur- 8. Attach a three-way stopcock to a 20-gauge, 1.5-in.-long
ing a misdirected needle thrust. needle and to a 50-mL syringe. The valve on the stopcock
should be open to the needle to allow aspiration of fluid
during needle insertion.
9. Insert the 20-gauge needle (or the catheter-over-needle ap-
PROCEDURES paratus) into the anesthetized tract with the bevel of the
needle down and always aspirate through the syringe as the
General Considerations needle/catheter-over-needle apparatus is slowly advanced.
When pleural fluid is obtained using the needle-only tech-
The most common techniques for performing thoracentesis nique, stabilize the needle by attaching a clamp to the nee-
are catheter-over-needle, needle-only, and needle under direct dle where it exits the skin to prevent further advancement
sonographic guidance. The catheter-through-needle technique of the needle into the pleural space. Once pleural fluid
has been used much less frequently over the past decade. is obtained with the catheter-over-needle technique, direct
the needle-catheter apparatus downward to ensure that the
catheter descends to the most dependent area of the pleu-
ral space. Advance the catheter forward in a single smooth
Technique for Diagnostic motion as the inner needle is simultaneously pulled back
(Needle-Only or Catheter-Over-Needle) out of the chest.
Removal of Freely Flowing Fluid 10. Once pleural fluid can easily be obtained, fill a heparinized
blood gas syringe from the side port of the three-way stop-
The technique for diagnostic removal of freely flowing fluid is cock for measurement of fluid pH [12]. Express all air bub-
as follows: bles from the sample, cap it, and place it in a bag containing
iced slush for immediate transport to the laboratory.
1. Obtain a lateral decubitus chest radiograph to confirm a 11. Fill the 50-mL syringe and transfer its contents into the
free-flowing pleural effusion. appropriate collection tubes and containers [12]. Always
2. Describe the procedure to the patient and obtain written maintain a closed system during the procedure to prevent
informed consent. Operators should be thoroughly famil- room air from entering the pleural space. For most diag-
iar with the procedure they will be performing and should nostic studies, 50 to 100 mL should be ample fluid [1315].
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FIGURE 10.2. Catheter-over-needle technique for thoracentesis of freely flowing pleural field. A: The
patient is comfortably positioned, sitting up and leaning forward over a pillow-draped, height-adjusted,
bedside table. The arms are crossed in front of the patient to elevate and spread the scapulae. The preferred
entry site is along the posterior axillary line. B: The catheter apparatus is gently advanced through the
skin and across the upper surface of the rib. The needle is advanced several millimeters at a time while
continuously aspirating through the syringe. C: As soon as the parietal pleura has been punctured, fluid will
appear in the syringe. D: Before the catheter is advanced any farther, the apparatus is directed downward.
E, F: In rapid sequence, the catheter is advanced fully to the chest wall and the needle withdrawn from
the apparatus. The one-way valve in the apparatus maintains a closed system until the operator manually
changes the position of the stopcock to allow drainage of the pleural fluid.
Always ensure that the three-way stopcock has the valve PTX is suspected by developing signs or symptoms, or mul-
closed toward the patient when changing syringes. tiple needle passes were required [1619].
12. When the thoracentesis is completed, remove the needle (or
catheter) from the patients chest as he or she hums or per-
forms a Valsalva maneuver. Apply pressure to the wound
for several minutes and then apply a sterile bandage. Technique for Therapeutic Removal
13. A routine chest radiograph after thoracentesis is gener- of Freely Flowing Fluid
ally not indicated for most asymptomatic, nonventilated
patients. Obtain a postprocedure upright end-expiratory To perform the technique for therapeutic removal of freely
chest radiograph if air was aspirated during the procedure, flowing fluid, steps 1 to 7 should be followed as described
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previously. Removal of more than 100 mL pleural fluid gen- should be to classify the effusion as a transudate or an exudate,
erally involves placement of a catheter into the pleural space to using the criteria discussed later. Additional studies can then be
minimize the risk of PTX from a needle during this longer pro- ordered to help establish a final diagnosis for the etiology of
cedure. Commercially available kits generally use a catheter- the pleural effusion, especially in the setting of an exudate.
over-needle system, although catheter-through-needle systems
are still available in some locations. Each kit should have a
specific set of instructions for performing this procedure. Op- Transudates Versus Exudates
erators should be thoroughly familiar with the recommended
procedure for the catheter system that they will be using and A transudate is biochemically defined by meeting all of the fol-
should receive appropriate supervision from an experienced lowing classic (Lights) criteria [24]: pleural fluidserum total
operator before performing thoracentesis on their own. protein ratio of less than 0.5, pleural fluidserum lactate dehy-
drogenase (LDH) ratio of less than 0.6, and pleural fluid LDH
of less than two-thirds the normal serum level. Transudates are
Technique for Thoracentesis generally caused by hydrostatic or oncotic pressure imbalances
by Directed Guidance or from migration of fluid from peritoneal or retroperitoneal
spaces to the pleural space. An exudate is present when any of
Ultrasound guidance has long been used to assist thoracente- the foregoing criteria for transudates is not met. Exudates arise
sis for loculated or small-volume pleural effusions. In recent through a variety of mechanisms that result primarily from in-
years, dynamic (real-time) sonographic scanners have become flammation of the lung or pleura, impaired lymphatic drainage,
more readily available, and coupled with brief physician train- or migration of fluid from the peritoneal space.
ing time, ultrasound-assisted thoracentesis is rapidly becoming A wide variety of alternative diagnostic criteria have been
standard of practice for free-flowing effusions as well [2023]. studied since Lights original work was published. Abbrevi-
The protocol is similar to that described for the needle-only ated criteria with similar diagnostic accuracy, but without the
technique, but the needle can be inserted under direct guid- need for concurrent serum measurements, have been proposed
ance after localization of the effusion. The use of a catheter is [4,25]. Meta-analysis indicates that a classic transudate can
optional in this setting. Of important note is that mandatory be identified with equal accuracy by the combination of both
use of ultrasound for choosing the thoracentesis site and/or for pleural fluid cholesterol of less than 45 mg per dL and a pleural
guiding the procedure, the rate of PTX in one study decreased fluid LDH less than 0.45 times the upper limit of normal for
from 8.6% to 1.1% [21]. serum LDH.
If a transudate is present, generally no further tests on pleu-
Technique for Removal of Freely ral fluid are indicated (Table 10.1). One exception to this is the
transudative pleural effusion due to urinothorax [26]. An aci-
Moving Pneumothorax dotic transudate is characteristic of a urinothorax, and elevated
pleural fluid creatinine confirms the diagnosis. If an exudate is
The technique for removal of freely moving PTX is as follows: identified, further laboratory evaluation is generally warranted
1. Follow the same catheter-over-needle protocol described for (Fig. 10.1). If subsequent testing does not narrow the differen-
removing freely moving fluid, but position the patient supine tial diagnosis and tuberculous pleuritis is a diagnostic consider-
with the head of the bed elevated to 30 to 45 degrees. ation, a percutaneous pleural biopsy should be considered [27].
2. Prepare the second or third intercostal space in the anterior Thoracoscopy-guided pleural biopsy should be considered in
midclavicular line (which avoids hitting the more medial patients with pleural effusion of unknown etiology despite the
internal mammary artery) for the needle and catheter inser- above-listed evaluation.
3. Have the bevel of the needle facing up and direct the nee-
dle upward so that the catheter can be guided toward the Selected Tests That Are Potentially Helpful to
superior aspect of the hemithorax. Establish Etiology for a Pleural Effusion
4. Air can be actively withdrawn by syringe or pushed out
when intrapleural pressure is supra-atmospheric (e.g., dur-
ing a cough) as long as the catheter is intermittently open to
the atmosphere. In the latter setting, air can leave but not Pleural fluid pH determinations may have diagnostic and ther-
reenter if the catheter is attached to a one-way check-valve apeutic implications [2830]. For instance, the differential di-
apparatus (Heimlich valve) or if it is put to underwater seal. agnosis associated with a pleural fluid pH of less than 7.2 is
5. When local anesthesia and skin cleansing are not possible consistent with systemic acidemia, bacterially infected effusion
because a tension PTX is life threatening, perform the proce- (empyema), malignant effusion, rheumatoid or lupus effusion,
dure without them. If a tension PTX is known or suspected tuberculous effusion, ruptured esophagus, noninfected parap-
to be present and a chest tube is not readily available, quickly neumonic effusion that needs drainage, and urinothorax. Pleu-
insert a 14-gauge needle and 16-gauge catheter according to ral effusions with a pH of less than 7.2 are potentially sclerotic
the above technique to avoid puncturing the lung. If a ten- and require consideration for chest tube drainage to aid reso-
sion PTX is present, air escapes under pressure. When the lution [31,32].
situation has stabilized and the tension PTX has been diag-
nosed, leave the catheter in place until a sterile chest tube Amylase
can be inserted.
A pleural fluid amylase level that is twice the normal serum level
or with an absolute value of greater than 160 Somogyi units
may be seen in patients with acute and chronic pancreatitis,
INTERPRETATION OF PLEURAL pancreatic pseudocyst that has dissected or ruptured into the
FLUID ANALYSIS pleural space, primary and metastatic cancer, and esophageal
rupture. Salivary isoenzymes predominate with malignancy
To determine the etiology of a pleural effusion, a number of and esophageal rupture, whereas intrinsic pancreatic disease
tests on pleural fluid are helpful. The initial determination is characterized by the presence of pancreatic isoenzymes.
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TA B L E 1 0 . 1
effusions containing more than 100,000 red blood cells per Cytology
mm3 are most consistent with trauma, malignancy, or pul-
Malignancies can produce pleural effusions by implantation
monary infarction. To distinguish a traumatic thoracentesis
of malignant cells on the pleura or impairment of lymphatic
from a preexisting hemothorax, several observations are help-
drainage secondary to tumor obstruction. The tumors that
ful. First, because a preexisting hemothorax has been defibri-
most commonly cause pleural effusions are lung, breast, and
nated, it does not form a clot on standing. Second, a hemotho-
lymphoma. Pleural fluid cytology should be performed for an
rax is suggested when a pleural fluid hematocrit value is 30%
exudative effusion of unknown etiology, using at least 60 to
or more of the serum hematocrit value.
150 mL fluid [13,14,33]. If initial cytology results are neg-
ative and strong clinical suspicion exists, additional samples
Cultures and Stains
of fluid can increase the chance of a positive result to ap-
To maximize the yield from pleural fluid cultures, anaerobic proximately 60% to 70%. The addition of a pleural biopsy
and aerobic cultures should be obtained. Because acid-fast increases the yield to approximately 80%. In addition to malig-
stains may be positive in up to 20% of tuberculous effusions, nancy, cytologic examination can definitively diagnose rheuma-
they should always be performed in addition to Gram-stained toid pleuritis, whose pathognomonic picture consists of slen-
smears. By submitting pleural biopsy pieces to pathology and der, elongated macrophages and giant, round, multinucleated
microbiology laboratories, it is possible to diagnose up to 90% macrophages, accompanied by amorphous granular back-
of tuberculous effusions percutaneously [24]. ground material.
1. Seneff MG, Corwin RW, Gold LH, et al: Complications associated with tho- 17. Capizzi SA, Prakash UB: Chest roentgenography after outpatient thoracen-
racentesis. Chest 89:97100, 1986. tesis. Mayo Clin Proc 73:948950, 1998.
2. Collins TR, Sahn SA: Thoracocentesis: clinical value, complications, techni- 18. Doyle JJ, Hnatiuk OW, Torrington KG, et al: Necessity of routine chest
cal problems, and patient experience. Chest 91:817822, 1987. roentgenography after thoracentesis. Ann Intern Med 124:816820, 1996.
3. Grogan DR, Irwin RS, Channick R, et al: Complications associated with tho- 19. Terres RT: Thoracentesis. N Engl J Med 356:641, 2007.
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4. Heffner JE, Brown LK, Barbieri CA: Diagnostic value of tests that discrimi- 21. Duncan DR, Morganthaler TI, Ryu JH, et al: Reducing iatrogenic risk in tho-
nate between exudative and transudative pleural effusions. Chest 111:970 racentesis: establishing best practice via experimental training in a zero-risk
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5. Romero-Candeira S, Fernandez C, Martin C, et al: Influence of diuretics on 22. Mayo PH, Goltz HR, Tafreshi M, et al: Safety of ultrasound-guided thora-
the concentration of proteins and other components of pleural transudates centesis in patients receiving mechanical ventilation. Chest 125:10591062,
in patients with heart failure. Am J Med 110:681686, 2001. 2004.
6. Bartter T, Mayo PD, Pratter MR, et al: Lower risk and higher yield for thora- 23. Barnes TW, Morgenthaler TI, Olson EJ, et al: Sonographically guided tho-
centesis when performed by experimental operators. Chest 103:18731876, racentesis and rate of pneumothorax. J Clin Ultrasound 33:442446, 2005.
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7. Colt HG, Brewer N, Barbur E: Evaluation of patient-related and procedure- nostic separation of transudates and exudates. Ann Intern Med 77:507513,
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8. Raptopoulos V, Davis LM, Lee G, et al: Factors affecting the develop- dates. J Biomed Sci 12:985990, 2005.
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racentesis. Chest 117:10381042, 2000. 27. Maskell NV, Gleeson FJO, Davies R: Standard pleural biopsy versus CT-
10. Wilson MM, Curley FJ: Gas embolism (Pt I). Venous gas emboli. J Intensive guided cutting-needle biopsy for diagnosis of malignant disease in pleural
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11. Wilson MM, Curley FJ: Gas embolism (Pt II). Arterial gas embolism and 28. Burrows CM, Mathews WC, Colt HG: Predicting survival in patients with re-
decompression sickness. J Intensive Care Med 11:261283, 1996. current symptomatic malignant pleural effusions: an assessment of the prog-
12. Rahman NM, Mishra EK, Davies HE, et al: Clinically important factors in- nostic values of physiologic, morphologic, and quality of life measures of
fluencing the diagnostic measurement of pleural fluid pH and glucose. Am J extent of disease. Chest 117:7378, 2000.
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13. Sallach SM, Sallach JA, Vasquez E, et al: Volume of pleural fluid required for patients with malignant pleural effusions. Chest 117:7986, 2000.
for diagnosis of pleural malignancy. Chest 122:19131917, 2002. 30. Heffner JE, Nietert PJ, Barbieri C: Pleural fluid pH as a predictor of pleu-
14. Abouzgheib W, Bartter T, Dagher H, et al: A prospective study of the volume rodesis failure: analysis of primary data. Chest 117:8795, 2000.
of pleural fluid required fro accurate diagnosis of malignant pleural effusion. 31. Heffner JE, Heffner JN, Brown LK: Multilevel and continuous pleural fluid
Chest 135:9991001, 2009. pH likelihood ratios for draining parapneumonic effusions. Respiration
15. Swiderek J, Morcos S, Donthireddy V, et al: Prospective study to determine 72:351356, 2005.
the volume of pleural fluid required to diagnose malignancy. Chest 137:68 32. Jimenez Castro D, Diaz Nuevo G, Sueiro A, et al: Pleural fluid parameters
73, 2010. identifying complicated parapneumonic effusions. Respiration 72:357364,
16. Aleman C, Alegre J, Armadans L, et al: The value of chest roentgenography in 2005.
the diagnosis of pneumothorax after thoracentesis. Am J Med 107:340343, 33. Heffner JE, Klein JS: Recent advances in the diagnosis and management of
1999. malignant pleural effusions. Mayo Clin Proc 83:235250, 2008.
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Analysis of a sample of arterial blood for pHa , partial arte- because entry is easiest and pain is minimized. The radial artery
rial carbon dioxide pressure (PaCO2 ), partial arterial oxygen best fulfills the criteria discussed earlier in the chapter; it is very
pressure (PaO2 ), bicarbonate, and percentage oxyhemoglobin superficial at the wrist, and the collateral circulation to the
saturation is performed with an arterial blood gas (ABG) anal- hand by the ulnar artery provides sufficient collateral blood
ysis. Because an ABG can be safely and easily obtained and fur- flow in approximately 92% of normal adults in the event of
nishes rapid and accurate information on how well the lungs total occlusion of the radial artery [6].
and kidneys are working, it is the single most useful labora- The absence of a report of total occlusion of the radial artery
tory test in managing patients with respiratory and metabolic after puncture for ABG in an adult with normal hemostasis and
disorders. One should not rely on oximetry alone to evalu- the absence of significant peripheral vascular disease attest to
ate arterial oxygen saturation (SaO2 ) fully. Given the shape the safety of the percutaneous arterial puncture. It also suggests
of the oxyhemoglobin saturation curve, there must be a sub- that determining the adequacy of collateral flow to the superfi-
stantial fall in PaO2 before SaO2 is altered to any apprecia- cial palmar arch by Allens test [7], a modification of Allens test
ble degree, and it is not possible to predict the level of PaO2 [8] (see Chapter 3), or Doppler ultrasound [6] before puncture
and PaCO2 reliably using physical signs such as cyanosis [1] is not routinely necessary in patients with normal hemostasis
and depth of breathing [2]. In addition, a discrepancy between and the absence of significant peripheral vascular disease. If
SaO2 measured by pulse oximetry and that calculated by the radial artery sites are not accessible, dorsalis pedis, posterior
ABG can aid in the diagnosis of carboxyhemoglobinemia and tibial, superficial temporal (in infants), brachial, and femoral
methemoglobinemia. arteries are alternatives (see Chapter 3).
Unsuspected hypoxemia or hypercapnia (acidemia) can
cause a constellation of central nervous system and cardiovas-
cular signs and symptoms. The clinician should have a high
index of suspicion that a respiratory or metabolic disorder, or Contraindications
both, is present in patients with these findings and is most ap-
propriately evaluated by obtaining an ABG. Although acute hy- Brachial and especially femoral artery punctures are not ad-
percapnia to 70 mm Hg (pH 7.16) and hypoxemia to less than vised in patients with abnormal hemostatic mechanisms be-
30 mm Hg may lead to coma and circulatory collapse, chronic cause adequate vessel tamponade may not be possible in that
exposures permit adaptation with more subtle effects [3]. Thus, these vessels are not located superficially, risking greater chance
the ABG provides the most important way of making a diagnos- of complications [9]. If frequent sampling of superficial arteries
tic assessment regarding the nature and severity of a respiratory in the same situation becomes necessary, arterial cannulation
or metabolic disturbance and of following its course over time. is recommended (see Chapter 3). Moreover, any vessel that has
Normal range of values for pHa is 7.35 to 7.45 and for been reconstructed surgically should not be punctured for fear
PaCO2 , 35 to 45 mm Hg [4]. For PaO2 , the accepted predictive of forming a pseudoaneurysm, compromising the integrity of
regression equation in nonsmoking, upright, normal individu- an artificial graft site or seeding the foreign body that could be-
als aged 40 to 74 years is as follows [5]: PaO2 = 108.75 come a nidus for infection. This should also include avoidance
(0.39 age in years). of a femoral arterial puncture on the same side as a transplanted
The conventional recommended radial artery technique is
as follows:
1. Put on protective gloves and sit in a comfortable position
GAS SPECIMEN facing the patient.
2. With the patients hand supinated and the wrist slightly
Percutaneous Arterial Puncture hyperextended, palpate the radial artery. Severe hyperex-
tension may obliterate the pulse.
The conventional technique of sampling arterial blood using a 3. Cleanse the skin with an alcohol swab.
glass syringe is described in detail, because it is the standard to 4. With a 25-gauge needle, inject enough 1% lidocaine intra-
which all other methods are compared. The pulsatile arterial dermally to raise a small wheal at the point where the skin
vessel is easily palpated in most cases. If a large enough needle puncture is to be made. The local anesthetic makes subse-
is used, entry is apparent as the syringe fills spontaneously by quent needle puncture with a 22-gauge needle less painful
the pressurized arterial flow of blood, without the need for and often painless [10]. If local anesthesia is not given,
applying a vacuum or using a vacuum-sealed collecting tube. however, the potential pain and anxiety, if associated with
It is logical to preferentially enter arteries that have the best breath holding, may cause substantial blood gas changes.
collateral circulation so that if spasm or clotting occurs, the Thirty-five seconds of breath holding in normal subjects
distal tissue is not deprived of perfusion. Logic also dictates that has been associated with a fall in PaO2 of 50 mm Hg and
puncture of a site where the artery is superficial is preferable, a pH of 0.07 and a rise in PaCO2 of 10 mm Hg [11].
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5. Attach a needle no smaller than 22 gauge to a glass syringe 5. Unintentional sampling of a vein normally causes a falsely
that can accept 5 mL blood. low PaO2 . A venous PO2 greater than 50 mm Hg can be ob-
6. Wet the needle and syringe with a sodium heparin solution tained if the sampling area is warmed. The PO2 of arterial-
(1,000 units per mL). Express all excess solution. ized venous blood can approximate PaO2 when blood flow
7. With the needle, enter the artery at an angle of approxi- is greatly increased by warming, compromising the time for
mately 30 degrees to the long axis of the vessel. This in- peripheral oxygen extraction.
sertion angle minimizes the pain associated with uninten-
tional contact with the periosteum below the artery.
8. As soon as the artery is entered, blood appears in the sy- Complications
ringe. Allow the arterial pressure to fill the syringe with at
least 3 mL of blood. Do not apply suction by pulling on Using the conventional radial artery technique described ear-
the syringe plunger. lier in the chapter, complications are unusual. They include a
9. Immediately after obtaining the specimen, expel any tiny rare vasovagal episode, local pain, and limited hematomas. An
air bubbles to ensure that the specimen will be anaerobic expanding aneurysm of the radial artery and reflex sympathetic
and then cap the syringe. dystrophy [22] have been reported even more rarely after fre-
10. Roll the blood sample between both palms for 5 to 15 quent punctures [23].
seconds to mix the heparin and blood. Apply pressure to
the puncture site for 5 minutes or longer, depending on
the presence of a coagulopathy. If the arterial sample was
obtained from the brachial artery, compress this vessel so MEASUREMENTS FROM THE
that the radial pulse cannot be palpated. ARTERIAL BLOOD GAS SPECIMEN
11. Immerse the capped sample in a bag of ice and water (slush)
and immediately transport it to the blood gas laboratory. Although pH, PCO2 , PO2 , bicarbonate, and SaO2 are all usu-
12. Write on the ABG slip the time of drawing and the condi- ally reported, it is important to understand that the bicarbonate
tions under which it was drawn (e.g., fraction of inspired and SaO2 are calculated, not directly measured. Although the
oxygen, ventilator settings, and the patients position and calculated bicarbonate value is as reliable as the measured pH
temperature). and PCO2 values, given their immutable relationship through
the HendersonHasselbalch equation, the calculated SaO2 is
Deviations from these recommended techniques may intro-
often inaccurate because of the many variables that cannot be
duce the following errors:
corrected (e.g., 2,3-diphosphoglycerate and binding character-
1. The syringe material may influence the results of PaO2 [12 istics of hemoglobin).
14]. The most accurate results have been consistently ob- The patient in the intensive care unit often requires serial
tained using a glass syringe. If plastic is used, the following ABG measurements to follow the progression of critical illness
errors may occur: (a) falsely low PaO2 values may be ob- and guide therapy. Although it is understandable to interpret
tained because plastic allows oxygen to diffuse to the atmo- fluctuations in the ABG data as a sign of the patients condi-
sphere from the sample whenever the PO2 exceeds 221 mm tion worsening or improving, depending on the trend, it is also
Hg; (b) plastic syringes with high surface area to volume ra- important to appreciate that modest fluctuations may be due
tios (e.g., 1-mL tuberculin syringes) worsen gas permeabil- to deviations in the collection of the ABG specimen. Therefore,
ity errors as compared to standard 3-mL syringes. For this routine monitoring of ABGs without an associated change in
reason, butterfly infusion kits with their long, thin tubing patient status may not be warranted and may lead to an un-
should not be used [15]; (c) plastic syringes tenaciously re- productive, lengthy, and expensive search for the cause.
tain air bubbles, and extra effort is necessary to remove them When electrolytes and other blood values are measured
[13]; (d) plastic impedes smooth movement of the plunger from the unused portion of an ABG sample, clinicians should
that can have an impact on the clinicians confidence that be aware of the following: Traditional liquid and crystalline
arterial rather than venous blood has been sampled. heparins for ABG sampling are sodium-heparin salts that ar-
2. If suction is applied for plunger assistance, gas bubbles may tificially increase plasma sodium concentrations. Calcium and
be pulled out of the solution. If they are expelled, measured potassium bind to the negatively charged heparins, spuriously
PaO2 and PaCO2 tensions may be falsely lowered [16]. lowering their values. Lithium or electrolyte-balanced heparin
3. Although liquid heparin is a weak acid, plasma pH is not is now available that contains physiologic concentrations of
altered because it is well buffered by hemoglobin. Mixing sodium and potassium that should be used whenever sodium,
liquid heparin with blood dilutes dissolved gasses, shifting potassium, ionized magnesium, ionized calcium, chloride, glu-
their concentration to that of heparin (PO2 approximately cose, and lactate are measured in an ABG specimen [2426].
150 mm Hg and PCO2 less than 0.3 mm Hg at sea level and Although lithium or electrolyte-balanced heparin minimizes the
room temperature). The degree of alteration depends on the errors in electrolyte concentrations, dilutional error may still
amount of heparin relative to blood and the hemoglobin exist if excessive amounts are used for anticoagulation.
concentration [1619]. The dilutional error is no greater By convention, ABG specimens are analyzed at 37 C. Al-
than 4% if a glass syringe and 22-gauge needle are only though no studies have demonstrated that correction for the pa-
wetted with approximately 0.2 mL heparin and 3 to 5 mL tients temperature is clinically necessary, blood gases drawn at
blood collected. Any less heparin risks a clotted and unus- temperatures greater than 39 C should probably be corrected
able sample. Dilutional errors are avoided with the use of for temperature [27]. Because the solubility of oxygen and car-
crystalline heparin, but this preparation is difficult to mix bon dioxide increases as blood is cooled to 37 C, the hyper-
and increases the risk of clotting the specimen. thermic patient is more acidotic and less hypoxemic than uncor-
4. If an ABG specimen is not analyzed within 1 minute of be- rected values indicate. Therefore, for each 1 C that the patients
ing drawn or not immediately cooled to 2 C, the PO2 and temperature is greater than 37 C, PaO2 should be increased
pH fall and PCO2 rises because of cellular respiration and 7.2%, PaCO2 increased 4.4%, and pH decreased 0.015. Tem-
consumption of oxygen by leukocytes, platelets, and retic- perature correction for pH and PaCO2 in the hypothermic pa-
ulocytes [20]. This is of particular concern in patients with tient is controversial. Although correction back to the patients
leukemia (leukocytes greater than 40 109 per L) or throm- temperature may result in better preservation of cerebral blood
bocytosis (1,000 109 per L) [21]. flow, intracranial pressure can be adversely affected in selected
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Note that pH 7.40 corresponds to hydrogen ion concentration of
40 nM/L and that, over the small range shown, each deviation in pH
Even when the ABG values of pH, PCO2 , PO2 , and bicarbon- of 0.01 units corresponds to opposite deviation in [H+ ] of 1 nM/L.
ate appear consistently reliable, the clinician should periodi- For pH values between 7.28 and 7.45, [H+ ] calculated empirically in
this fashion agrees with the actual value obtained by means of
cally check the accuracy of the blood gas samples because the logarithms to the nearest nM/L (nearest 0.01 pH unit). However, in
bicarbonate is calculated, not directly measured. Aliquots of ar- the extremes of pH values, less than pH 7.28 and greater than pH
terial blood can be sent simultaneously for ABG analysis and 7.45, the estimated [H+ ] is always lower than the actual value, with
to the chemistry laboratory for a total (T) CO2 content. Accu- the discrepancy reaching 11% at pH 7.10 and 5% at pH 7.50.
racy of the blood gas laboratorys values can be checked using Modified from Kassirer J, Bleich H: Rapid estimation of plasma
Hendersons simple mathematical equation that is a rearrange- carbon dioxide tension from pH and total carbon dioxide content.
N Engl J Med 171:1067, 1965.
ment of the HendersonHasselbalch equation: [H+ ] = 25
PaCO2 /HCO +
3 . [H ] is solved by using the pH measured in the
blood gas laboratory (Table 11.1). Measured arterial TCO2
should be close to the calculated bicarbonate value. Venous and acidbase status have been identified, pulse oximetry can
TCO2 should not be used in this exercise because it is often be used to follow trends in SaO2 in stable or improving patients
and normally up to 5 mEq per L greater than arterial TCO2 . because serial ABGs are costly and risk vessel injury with re-
peated arterial punctures.
Some progress has been made in the area of noninvasive
ALTERNATIVES measurement of gas exchange. This includes oximetry, tran-
scutaneous PO2 and PCO2 (Ptc CO2 ) measurement, end-tidal
Many situations may arise whereby arterial blood samples are CO2 , and indwelling intravascular electrode systems. Measure-
not available. For example, severe peripheral vascular disease ment of end-tidal CO2 requires a closed system of gas collec-
makes radial arterial puncture difficult, or the patient refuses tion (i.e., ventilator circuit or noninvasive mask ventilation)
arterial blood sampling or cannulation. In general, in the ab- that is not always possible. Thus, there has been increased fo-
sence of circulatory failure or limb ischemia, central and pe- cus on transcutaneous measurement of carbon dioxide tension.
ripheral venous blood may substitute for arterial when mon- These systems require localized heating of the skin by a heat-
itoring acidbase and ventilatory status. In hemodynamically ing element to increase local perfusion. Studies have suggested
stable patients, pHa is, on average, 0.03 units higher than cen- improvement in the ability of transcutaneous systems to accu-
tral venous pH (pHcv ) and PaCO2 is lower than central ve- rately assess SpO2 and Ptc CO2 in critically ill patients as long
nous carbon dioxide (Pcv CO2 ) by 5 mm Hg [32], and changes as the PaCO2 is less than 56 mm Hg [34,35].
in each are tightly correlated [33]. Regression analysis re-
veals pHa = (1.027 pHcv ) 0.156 and PaCO2 = (0.754
Pcv CO2 ) + 2.75. In shock, the accentuated discrepancy may POINT-OF-CARE TESTING
be due to increased carbon dioxide generated by the buffer-
ing of acids in conditions characterized by increased lactic acid Blood gas analysis is now routinely performed at the bed-
production. side with point-of-care testing (POCT) devices. Advantages of
It must be made clear that in the absence of warming a POCT include convenience and rapid turnaround time, the-
sampling area to collect arterialized venous blood, an arte- oretically improving the quality of patient care. With regard
rial sample is still necessary for evaluation of accurate oxy- to pH, PO2 , and PCO2 , several studies have verified a high
genation status for precise measurements of PO2 and alveolar correlation between POCT results and conventional analysis
arterial oxygen gradient determination. Once the oxygenation methods [36,37].
1. Comoroe J, Botelho S: The unreliability of cyanosis in the recognition of 4. Raffin T: Indications for arterial blood gas analysis. Ann Intern Med 105:390,
arterial anoxemia. Am J Med Sci 214:1, 1947. 1986.
2. Mithoefer J, Bossman O, Thibeault D, et al: The clinical estimation of alve- 5. Cerveri I, Zoia M, Fanfulla F, et al: Reference values of arterial oxygen ten-
olar ventilation. Am Rev Respir Dis 98:868, 1968. sion in the middle-aged and elderly. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 152:934,
3. Weiss E, Faling L, Mintz S, et al: Acute respiratory failure in chronic ob- 1995.
structive pulmonary disease I. Pathophysiology. Disease-a-Month 1, October 6. Felix WJ, Sigel B, Popky G: Doppler ultrasound in the diagnosis of peripheral
1969. vascular disease. Semin Roentgenol 4:315, 1975.
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7. Allen E: Thromboangiitis obliterans: methods of diagnosis of chronic occlu- 23. Mathieu A, Dalton B, Fischer J, et al: Expanding aneurysm of the radial
sive arterial lesions distal to the wrist, with illustrative cases. Am J Med Sci artery after frequent puncture. Anesthesiology 38:401, 1973.
178:237, 1929. 24. Burnett R, Covington A, Fogh-Anderson N: Approved IFCC recommen-
8. Bedford R: Radial arterial function following percutaneous cannulation with dations on whole blood sampling, transport and storage for simultaneous
18- and 20-gauge catheters. Anesthesiology 47:37, 1977. determination of pH, blood gases and electrolytes. Eur J Clin Chem Clin
9. Macon WI, Futrell J: Median-nerve neuropathy after percutaneous puncture Biochem 33:247, 1995.
of the brachial artery in patients receiving anticoagulants. N Engl J Med 25. Lyon M, Bremner D, Laha T, et al: Specific heparin preparations interfere
288:1396, 1973. with the simultaneous measurement of ionized magnesium and ionized cal-
10. Giner J, Casan P, Belda J, et al: Pain during arterial puncture. Chest 110:1143, cium. Clin Biochem 28:79, 1995.
1996. 26. Toffaletti J, Thompson T: Effects of blended lithium-zinc heparin on ionized
11. Sasse S, Berry R, Nguyen T: Arterial blood gas changes during breath-holding calcium and general clinical chemistry tests. Clin Chem 41:328, 1995.
from functional residual capacity. Chest 110:958, 1996. 27. Curley F, Irwin R: Disorders of temperature control, I. hyperthermia. J In-
12. Janis K, Gletcher G: Oxygen tension measurements in small samples: sam- tensive Care Med 1:5, 1986.
pling errors. Am Rev Respir Dis 106:914, 1972. 28. Kollmar R, Georgiadis D, Schwab S: Alpha-stat versus pH-stat guided ven-
13. Winkler J, Huntington C, Wells D, et al: Influence of syringe material on tilation in patients with large ischemic stroke treated by hypothermia. Neu-
arterial blood gas determinations. Chest 66:518, 1974. rocrit Care 10:173, 2009.
14. Ansel G, Douce F: Effects of syringe material and needle size on the min- 29. Collinson PO, John CM, Gaze DC, et al: Changes in blood gas samples
imum plunger-displacement pressure of arterial blood gas syringes. Respir produced by a pneumatic tube system. J Clin Pathol 55(2):105, 2002.
Care 27:147, 1982. 30. Astles JR, Lubarsky D, Loun B, et al: Pneumatic transport exacerbates inter-
15. Thelin O, Karanth S, Pourcyrous M, et al: Overestimation of neonatal Po2 ference of room air contamination in blood gas samples. Arch Pathol Lab
by collection of arterial blood gas values with the butterfly infusion set. Med 120(7):642, 1996.
J Perinatol 13:65, 1993. 31. Lu JY, Kao JT, Chien TI, et al: Effects of air bubbles and tube transportation
16. Adams A, Morgan-Hughes J, Sykes M: pH and blood gas analysis: methods on blood oxygen tension in arterial blood gas analysis. J Formos Med Assoc
of measurement and sources of error using electrode systems. Anaesthesia 102(4):246, 2003.
22:575, 1967. 32. Adrogue H, Rashad M, Gorin A, et al: Assessing acid-base status in circula-
17. Bloom S, Canzanello V, Strom J, et al: Spurious assessment of acid-base status tory failure; differences between arterial and central venous blood. N Engl J
due to dilutional effect of heparin. Am J Med 79:528, 1985. Med 320:1312, 1989.
18. Hansen J, Simmons D: A systematic error in the determination of blood 33. Philips B, Peretz D: A comparison of central venous and arterial blood gas
Pco2 . Am Rev Respir Dis 115:1061, 1977. values in the critically ill. Ann Intern Med 70:745, 1969.
19. Bloom S, Canzanello V, Strom J, et al: Spurious assessment of acid-base status 34. Senn O, Clarenbach CF, Kaplan V, et al: Monitoring carbon dioxide tension
due to dilutional effect of heparin. Am J Med 79:528, 1985. and arterial oxygen saturation by a single earlobe sensor in patients with
20. Eldridge F, Fretwell L: Change in oxygen tension of shed blood at various critical illness or sleep apnea. Chest 128:1291, 2005.
temperatures. J Appl Physiol 20:790, 1965. 35. Cuvelier A, Grigoriu B, Molano LC, et al: Limitations of transcutaneous car-
21. Schmidt C, Mullert-Plathe O: Stability of Po2 , Pco2 and pH in heparinized bon dioxide measurements for assessing long-term mechanical ventilation.
whole blood samples: influence of storage temperature with regard to leuko- Chest 127:1744, 2005.
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ing arterial blood gas sampling in the intensive care unit. Chest 108:578, of respiratory blood gases among different blood gas analysers in different
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Although reports of performing tracheostomy date back to the (ICU). The prevalence of tracheostomies in ICU patients ranges
first century bc [1], it was not performed regularly until the from 8% to more than 30% [2,3].
1800s when used by Trousseau and Bretonneau in the man- In this chapter we review the indications, contraindications,
agement of diphtheria. In the early 1900s, this procedure was complications, and techniques associated with tracheostomy.
used to treat difficult cases of respiratory paralysis from po- We also discuss the timing of converting an orally intubated
liomyelitis. Largely because of improvements in tubes and ad- patient to tracheostomy.
vances in clinical care, endotracheal intubation has become the
treatment of choice for short-term airway management.
Although tracheostomy is occasionally required in critically INDICATIONS
ill and injured patients who cannot be intubated for various
reasons (e.g., cervical spine injury, upper airway obstruction, The indications for tracheostomy can be divided into three gen-
laryngeal injury, and anatomic considerations), the most com- eral categories: (i) to bypass obstruction of the upper airway, (ii)
mon use of this procedure today is to provide long-term access to provide an avenue for tracheal toilet and removal of retained
to the airway in patients who are dependent on mechanical ven- secretions, and (iii) to provide a means for ventilatory support.
tilation. With improvements in critical care medicine over the These indications are summarized in Table 12.1 [410].
past 30 years, more patients are surviving the initial episodes of Anticipated prolonged ventilatory support, especially pa-
acute respiratory failure, trauma, and extensive surgeries and tients receiving mechanical ventilation via translaryngeal in-
are requiring prolonged periods of mechanical ventilation. It is tubation, is the most common indication for placing a tra-
now common practice to expeditiously convert these patients cheostomy in the ICU. There are several advantages and
from translaryngeal intubation to tracheostomy. Tracheostomy disadvantages of both translaryngeal intubation and tra-
is becoming a very common procedure in the intensive care unit cheostomy in patients requiring prolonged ventilator support,
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Kremer B, Botos-Kremer A, Eckel H, et al: Indications, complications, and surgical technique for pediatric tracheostomies. J Pediatr Surg 37:1556, 2002.
Bjure J: Tracheotomy: A satisfactory method in the treatment of acute epiglottis. A clinical and functional follow-up study. Int J Pediatr
Otorhinolaryngol 3:37, 1981.
Hanline MH Jr: Tracheotomy in upper airway obstruction. South Med J 74:899, 1981.
Taicher S, Givol M, Peleg M, et al: Changing indications for tracheostomy in maxillofacial trauma. J Oral Maxillofac Surg 54:292, 1996.
Guilleminault C, Simmons FB, Motta J, et al: Obstructive sleep apnea syndrome and tracheostomy. Arch Intern Med 141:985, 1981.
Burwell C, Robin E, Whaley R, et al: Extreme obesity associated with alveolar hypoventilation. Am J Med 141:985, 1981.
Yung MW, Snowdon SL: Respiratory resistance of tracheostomy tubes. Arch Otolaryngol 110:591, 1984.
and these are summarized in Table 12.2 [1113]. Most authors more than 1 week with regard to receiving a tracheostomy or
feel that when the procedure is performed by a skilled surgical continuing with an endotracheal tube [2,3].
group, the potential benefits of tracheostomy over translaryn-
geal intubation for most patients justify the application despite
its potential risks. However, there are no detailed clinical tri- CONTRAINDICATIONS
als consistently confirming the advantages of tracheostomy in
patients requiring prolonged mechanical ventilation. In a ret- There are no absolute contraindications to tracheostomy. Rel-
rospective and a nonrandomized study, there were conflicting ative complications include uncorrected coagulopathy, high
data regarding mortality in patients with respiratory failure of levels of ventilator support (i.e., high levels of positive
TA B L E 1 2 . 2
Translaryngeal intubation
Advantages Disadvantages
Reliable airway during urgent intubation Bacterial airway colonization
Avoidance of surgical complications Inadvertent extubation
Lower initial cost Laryngeal injury
Tracheal stenosis
Purulent sinusitis (nasotracheal intubations)
Patient discomfort
Advantages Disadvantages
Avoids direct injury to the larynx Complications (see Table 12.3)
Facilitates nursing care Bacterial airway colonization
Enhances patient mobility Cost
More secure airway Surgical scar
Improved patient comfort Tracheal and stomal stenosis
Permits speech
Provides psychologic benefit
More rapid weaning from mechanical
Better oral hygiene
Decreased risk of nosocomial pneumonia
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end-expiratory pressure [PEEP]), and abnormal anatomy of associated with placing a tracheostomy, plus the advantages
the upper airway. However, a prospective cohort study has and disadvantages of both translaryngeal intubation and tra-
demonstrated that percutaneous tracheostomy can be safely cheostomy. In summary, if a patient remains ventilator depen-
preformed in patients with refractory coagulopathy from liver dent after a week of translaryngeal intubation, a tracheostomy
disease [14]. Morbidly obese patients with body mass index can be considered. Whether to perform the procedure or not
greater than 30 kg per m2 also appear to be at higher risk for should depend on the anticipated duration of ventilatory sup-
complications with both open tracheostomy [15] and percuta- port and the benefits of a tracheostomy in that specific patient.
neous tracheostomy [16]. In patients with severe brain injury, If the patient appears to have minimal barriers to weaning and
percutaneous tracheostomy can be safely performed without appears likely to be successfully weaned and extubated within
significantly further increasing intracranial pressure [17]. 7 days, tracheostomy should be avoided. In those patients
Certain conditions warrant special attention before anes- whom it appears unlikely that they will successfully be weaned
thesia and surgery. In patients undergoing conversion from and extubated in 7 days, tracheostomy should be strongly con-
translaryngeal intubation to a tracheostomy for prolonged ven- sidered. For those patients whose ability to wean and be ex-
tilatory support, the procedure should be viewed as an elective tubated is unclear, the patients status should be readdressed
or semielective procedure. Therefore, the patient should be as daily [11].
medically stable as possible, and all attempts should be made Over the past several years there has been momentum to per-
to correct the existing coagulopathies, including uremia. Venti- form a tracheostomy early, that is, after 1 week of mechanical
lator settings should be reduced to where tube exchange during ventilation. Fueling this was a meta-analysis [20], which sug-
the tracheostomy is safe because during the exchange positive gested advantages to early tracheostomy, performed within
pressure is temporarily lost for some period of time. If not al- 7 days of translaryngeal intubation over a late tracheostomy
ready on 5 cm H2 O of PEEP, placing the patient supine and (>7 days) in critically ill patients requiring mechanical ventila-
using 5 or 7.5 cm H2 O of PEEP temporarily is a good test tion. The meta-analysis combined five prospective studies and
to decide if the patient will tolerate the exchange. For obvious included 406 patients and suggested that early tracheostomy
reasons, emergent tracheostomies for upper airway obstruction resulted in a decrease in length of ICU stay by an average of
may need to be preformed when the patient is unstable or has 15.3 days and a decrease in duration of mechanical ventila-
a coagulopathy. tion by an average of 8.5 days [20]. Potential reasons for the
decrease in duration of mechanical ventilation include easier
weaning due to less dead space, less resistance, and less obstruc-
TIMING OF TRACHEOSTOMY tion due to mucus plugging in patients with tracheostomies.
There was no significant increase in hospital mortality or risk of
When to perform a tracheostomy on an intubated, critically hospital-acquired pneumonia. However, there are obvious lim-
ill patient has continued to remain very controversial. Older itations to the meta-analysis. Since this meta-analysis, several
recommendations range from performing a tracheostomy af- other studies have revealed conflicting data. Table 12.3 summa-
ter just 3 days of translaryngeal intubation due to the risk of rizes several studies comparing early versus late tracheostomy
mucosal damage to the larynx and vocal cords [18] to more [2028]. In summary, it remains unclear if early tracheostomy
than 21 days on the basis of reported high complication rates has any impact on mortality, length of ICU stay, days on
of open tracheostomies [19]. In 2003, Heffner recommended a mechanical ventilation, or ventilatory-associated pneumonia.
more up-to-date approach regarding the timing of converting Until more definitive data are available, Heffners 2003 recom-
an intubated patient to a tracheostomy [11]. This recommenda- mendations [11] appear to make the most sense for most med-
tion takes into account the very low mortality and morbidity ical and surgical patients on prolonged mechanical ventilation.
TA B L E 1 2 . 3
No. of
Study patients Study type Patient type Results
Rodriquez et al., 1990 106 Prospective Surg Decreased ICU LOS and MV days with early tracheostomy
Sugarman et al., 1997 127 Prospective Surg, Trauma No difference in mortality, VAP rate, or ICU LOS
Brook et al., 2000 90 Prospective Med, Surg Decreased MV days and hospital costs
Rumbak et al., 2004 120 Prospective Med Decreased mortality, VAP 2004 rate, ICU LOS, and MV
days with early trach
Griffiths et al., 2005 Meta-analysis Med, Surg Decreased MV days and ICU LOS with early trach, no
difference in mortality or VAP rate
Scales et al., 2008 10,927 Retrospective Med, Surg Decreased mortality, MV days, ICU LOS with early trach
Blot et al., 2008 123 Prospective Med, Surg No difference in mortality, VAP rate, or ICU LOS
Durbin et al., 2010 641 Meta-analysis Med, Surg No difference in mortality, VAP rate, or MV days
Terragni et al., 2010 419 Prospective Med, Surg No difference in VAP rate ICU LOS or mortality, but
Randomized decreased MV days
LOS, length of stay; Med, medicine patients; MV, mechanical ventilation; Surg, surgery patients; VAP, ventilator-associated pneumonia.
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Early tracheostomy may be beneficial in some specific in- airway in an emergency when oral or nasotracheal intubation is
stances. Patients with blunt, multiple-organ trauma have a nonsuccessful or contraindicated. The cricothyroid membrane
shorter duration of mechanical ventilation, fewer episodes of is higher in the neck than the tracheal rings and therefore closer
nosocomial pneumonia [29], and a significant reduction in hos- to the surface and more accessible. In emergency situations,
pital costs [30] when the tracheostomy is performed within translaryngeal intubations fail because of massive oral or nasal
1 week of their injuries. Similar benefits have been reported in hemorrhage or regurgitation, structural deformities of the up-
patients with head trauma and poor Glasgow Coma Score [31 per airway, muscle spasm and clenched teeth, and obstruction
33], acute spine trauma [34,35], and thermal injury [36] if a by foreign body through the upper airway [52]. Cricothyro-
tracheostomy is performed within a week after the injury. Also, tomy finds its greatest use in trauma management, axial or
patients with facial injuries may require early tracheostomy to suspected cervical spine injury, alone or in combination with
allow or facilitate facial fracture surgery, fixation, and immo- severe facial trauma, where nasotracheal and orotracheal in-
bilization. tubation is both difficult and hazardous. Thus cricothyrotomy
has an important role in emergency airway management [53].
cricothyrotomy within 48 to 72 hours with a standardized tra- lished between 1991 and 1999 totaling 236 patients and con-
cheostomy procedure. This is commonly done by an open sur- cluded that there is no difference in mortality between PDT and
gical tracheostomy (OST), which occurs between the second OST, and PDT was associated with less bleeding and stomal
and third tracheal rings, as compared to a percutaneous dila- infections and was performed quicker. Delancy et al. [67] also
tional tracheostomy (PDT), which usually occurs between the concluded that there was no significant difference in mortality
cricoid cartilage and the first ring or the first and second rings and major complications between PDT and OST in a meta-
[58]. analysis consisting of 17 randomized trials and a total of 1,212
patients. They also showed a decrease in stomal infections in
the PDT group, but no difference in bleeding complications.
TRACHEOSTOMY PROCEDURES Similar findings were demonstrated by meta-analysis studies
by Higgins and Punthakee [68] and Oliver et al. [69]. How-
IN THE INTENSIVE CARE UNIT ever, Dulguerov et al. [70] reviewed 3,512 patients from 48
studies performed between 1960 and 1996 and concluded that
Tracheostomy is one of the most common surgical ICU proce- OST was more favorable than PDT. Subsequent critiques of
dures and is commonly performed for weaning purposes and these papers indicate the inherent weakness of heterogeneous
for airway protection for patients requiring prolonged ventila- patient populations and the use of case series and nonrandom-
tion. There are two major techniques for tracheostomy, open ized studies in meta-analyses [7173]. It is likely that expe-
and percutaneous, with various modifications of each. The dif- rience and technical modifications allow both the techniques
ferent surgical tracheostomy techniques are well described in to be performed in appropriate patients with the same de-
the references for this chapter [5962]. gree of safety and efficiency (<1% procedure-related mortality)
Other factors have been used to justify the use of one pro-
Open Surgical Tracheostomy cedure over the other such as cost efficiency [75,76], bleeding,
infection, procedural time, and estimated time from the deci-
In OST the patients neck is extended and the surgical field sion to proceed to successful completion of the procedure [74].
is exposed from the chin to several inches below the clavicle. Each factor can be used to justify one procedure over another,
This area is prepped and draped, and prophylactic antibiotics but it is likely that institutional practice variations and operator
are administered at the discretion of the surgeon. A vertical or experience are more important in the selection of one proce-
horizontal incision may be used; however, a horizontal incision dure over another. This is particularly relevant with respect to
will provide a better cosmetic result. The platysma muscle is the target population where ICU daily expenses far outweigh
divided in line with the incision and the strap muscles are sep- the procedural costs of either technique [77], and the expected
arated in the midline. The thyroid isthmus is then mobilized patient mortality can reach as high as 35% [78].
superiorly or divided as needed to access the trachea. In the It is probably more important to judiciously use the institu-
event of a low-lying cricoid cartilage, dissection on the ante- tional resources and the operator experience in providing the
rior wall of the trachea helps to mobilize the trachea out of best tracheal technique for these compromised patients. It is
the mediastinum, and also the use of a cricoid hook will ele- possible that the target population may vary from one institu-
vate the trachea to expose the second or third tracheal ring. tion to another (cardiac vs. trauma vs. neurosurgical vs. medi-
Following identification of the second or third tracheal ring, a cal ICU patients), which may influence the decision to perform
vertical tracheostomy is created or a tracheal flap (Bjork flap) one technique over another. Patient body habitus also plays a
is fashioned to create a fistulous tract by suturing the tracheal large role in selection: difficulty palpating tracheal rings in a
mucosal flap to the skin in the incision. short, thick-necked patient makes percutaneous tracheostomy
Variations on this technique include the use of retention not only difficult but dangerous. This patient is better served in
sutures through the lateral aspect of the tracheal walls for re- an operating room setting where optimum sedation/paralysis
traction purposes during tracheostomy tube insertion and for (if needed) and positioning can be accomplished while directly
expeditious reinsertion of a tracheostomy tube in the event of exposing the anterior trachea, mobilizing it if necessary to ac-
accidental tube decannulation [61,63]. cess the airway with an appropriately sized, sometimes custom-
made, tube.
Nonetheless, there are certain distinct advantages of PDT
Percutaneous Dilational Techniques that can be outlined as follows: (a) easier access for timing
of the procedure; (b) reduced operating room and manpower
The PDT are divided into several techniques; however, all are utilization; (c) less expensive than OST (even if both the pro-
alike in that they depend on the basic technique of guidewire cedures are performed in the ICU); (d) no requirement for
placement through the anterior tracheal wall, followed by di- transportation of critically ill patients to an operating room;
lation over this guidewire to create a tracheal stoma. This (e) improved cosmetic result; and (f) possibly reduced stomal
is all accomplished with provision of adequate monitoring infection, bleeding, and reduced tracheal secretions in the
of O2 saturations as well as adequate monitoring of cardiac parastomal area due to the tight fitting of the stoma around
rhythm and blood pressure. To be assured of early successful the tracheostomy tube.
tracheal cannulation within the operating room, use end-tidal We do recommend considering performing OST instead of
CO2 monitoring via the fresh tracheostomy tube and in the PST in the following patients: (a) patients with more severe res-
ICU by capnography [64]. There are several different modifica- piratory distress (FIO2 >0.60, positive end-expiratory pressure
tions from the original technique that was described by Ciaglia >10, and complicated translaryngeal intubation or a nonpal-
et al. [65] in 1988. There modifications are described in details pable cricoid cartilage or a cricoid cartilage <3 cm above the
elsewhere [62]. sternal notch [75]); (b) obese patients with abundant pretra-
Both techniques, PDT and OST, can be performed in either cheal subcutaneous fat; (c) patients with large goiters; (d) ab-
the ICU or the operating room. There have been several meta- normal airways secondary to congenital-acquired conditions;
analyses comparing OST with PDT, most showing no signifi- (e) the need for the constant attendance of a second physician
cant difference in mortality or major complications between to monitor ventilation or circulatory abnormalities; (f) abnor-
the two methods of performing the tracheostomy. Freeman mal bleeding diathesis that cannot be adequately corrected by
et al. [66] reviewed multiple prospective controlled studies pub- coagulation factors [79].
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tube that is lined with silicone and does not require an inner
TUBES AND CANNULAS cannula. In other tracheotomy tubes, inner cannulas serve to
extend the life of the tracheostomy tubes by preventing the
Characteristics of a good tracheostomy tube are flexibility to buildup secretions within the tracheostomy. The inner cannu-
accommodate varying patient anatomies, inert material, wide las can be easily removed and either cleaned or replaced with a
internal diameter, the smallest external diameter possible, a sterile, disposable one. Disposable inner cannulas have the ad-
smooth surface to allow easy insertion and removal, and suf- vantage of quick and efficient changing, a decrease in nursing
ficient length to be secured once placed, but not so long as time, decreased risk of cross-contamination, and guaranteed
to impinge the carina or other tracheal parts [80]. Until the sterility [87]. The obturator should be kept at the bedside at
late 1960s, when surgeons began to experiment with silicone all times in the event that reinsertion of the tracheostomy is
and other synthetic materials, tracheostomy tubes and cannu- necessary.
las were made of metal. At present, almost all tracheostomy
tubes are made of synthetic material. One disadvantage of a
silicone tube over a metal one is the increased thickness of the
tube wall, resulting in a larger outer diameter. Silicone tubes Humidification
are available with or without a cuff. The cuff allows occlusion
of the airway around the tube, which is necessary for positive- One of the functions of the upper airway is to moisten and hu-
pressure ventilation. It may also minimize aspiration. In the midify inspired air. Because tracheostomies bypass the upper
past, cuffs were associated with a fairly high incidence of tra- airway, it is vital to provide patients who have tracheostomies
cheal stenosis caused by ischemia and necrosis of the mucus with warm, humidified air. Humidification of inspired gases
membrane and subsequent cicatricial contracture at the cuff prevents complications in patients with tracheostomies. Fail-
site [81,82]. High-volume, low-pressure cuffs diminish pres- ure to humidify the inspired gases can obstruct the tube by
sure on the wall of the trachea, thereby minimizing (but not inspissated secretions, impair mucociliary clearance, and de-
eliminating) problems due to focal areas of pressure necrosis crease cough [88].
[83]. Cuff pressures should always be maintained at less than
30 cm H2 O, as higher pressures impair mucosal capillary blood
flow leading to ischemic injury to the trachea [84]. Cuff pres-
sures should be checked with a manometer daily in critically Suctioning
ill patients. Once the patient is weaned from mechanical ven-
tilation, the cuff should be deflated or consideration should be Patients with tracheostomies frequently have increased
given to placing an uncuffed tracheostomy tube until the pa- amounts of airway secretions coupled with decreased ability
tient can be decannulated. If the only purpose of the tube is to to clear them effectively. Keeping the airways clear of excess
secure the airway (sleep apnea) or provide access for suctioning secretions is important in decreasing the risk of lung infection
secretions, a tube without a cuff can be placed. A comprehen- and airway plugging [86]. Suctioning is frequently required
sive review of tracheostomy tubes can be found elsewhere [85]. in patients with poor or ineffective cough. Suction techniques
should remove the maximal amount of secretions while causing
the least amount of airway trauma [89]. Routine suctioning,
however, is not recommended [90]. In the patient who requires
POSTOPERATIVE CARE frequent suctioning because of secretions, who otherwise ap-
pears well, without infection and without tracheitis, the tube
The care of a tracheostomy tube after surgery is important.
itself may be the culprit. Downsizing the tube or even a short
Highlighted below are some specific issues that all intensivists
trial (while being monitored) with the tube removed may result
need to know when caring for patients with tracheostomies.
in significantly less secretions, obviating the need for the tube.
as 4% [111] to as high as 39% [28], with reported mortality with swallowing and promote aspiration [120]. Reintubation
rates from 0.03% to 0.6% [70,112]. Complication rates ap- of a tracheostomy can be accomplished by using a smaller,
pear to decrease with increasing experience of the physician beveled endotracheal tube and then applying a tracheostomy
performing the procedure [113]. Posttracheostomy mortality tube over the smaller tube, using the Seldinger technique [121].
and morbidity is usually due to iatrogenic tracheal laceration Using a nasogastric tube as a guidewire has also been described
[114], hemorrhage, tube dislodgment, infection, or obstruc- [92].
tion. Neurosurgical patients have a higher posttracheostomy If a tracheostomy becomes dislodged within 7 to 10 days of
complication rate than other patients [115,116]. Tracheostomy surgery, we recommend translaryngeal endotracheal intubation
is more hazardous in children than in adults, and carries special to establish a safe airway. The tracheostomy tube can then be
risks in the very young, often related to the experience of the replaced under less urgent conditions, with fiberoptic guidance
surgeon [117]. A comprehensive understanding of immediate, if needed.
intermediate, and late complications of tracheostomy and their
management is essential for the intensivist.
Subcutaneous Emphysema
Obstruction Approximately 5% of patients develop subcutaneous emphy-
sema after tracheostomy [121]. It is most likely to occur when
Obstruction of the tracheostomy tube is a potentially life- dissection is extensive and/or the wound is closed tightly. Par-
threatening complication. The tube may become plugged with tial closure of the skin wound is appropriate, but the underlying
clotted blood or inspissated secretions. In this case, the inner tissues should be allowed to approximate naturally. Subcuta-
cannula should be removed immediately and the patient suc- neous emphysema generally resolves over the 48 hours after
tioned. Should that fail, it may be necessary to remove the outer tracheostomy, but when the wound is closed tightly and the pa-
cannula also, a decision that must take into consideration the tient is coughing or on positive-pressure ventilation, pneumo-
reason the tube was placed and the length of time it has been in mediastinum, pneumopericardium, and/or tension pneumoth-
place. Obstruction may also be due to angulation of the distal orax may occur [118].
end of the tube against the anterior or posterior tracheal wall.
An undivided thyroid isthmus pressing against the angled tra-
cheostomy tube can force the tip against the anterior tracheal Pneumothorax and Pneumomediastinum
wall, whereas a low superior transverse skin edge can force
the tip of the tracheostomy tube against the posterior tracheal The cupola of the pleura extends well into the neck, especially
wall. An indication of this type of obstruction is an expiratory in patients with emphysema; thus, the pleura can be damaged
wheeze. Division of the thyroid isthmus and proper placement during tracheostomy. This complication is more common in
of transverse skin incisions prevent anterior or posterior tube the pediatric age group because the pleural dome extends more
angulation and obstruction [118]. cephalad in children [1]. The incidence of pneumothorax af-
ter tracheostomy ranges from 0% to 5% [1,111,121]. Many
surgeons routinely obtain a postoperative chest radiograph.
Tube Displacement/Dislodgment
Dislodgment of a tracheostomy tube that has been in place for Hemorrhage
2 weeks or longer is managed simply by replacing the tube. If it
cannot be immediately replaced or if it is replaced and the pa- Minor postoperative fresh tracheostomy bleeding occurs in up
tient cannot be ventilated (indicating that the tube is not in the to 37% of cases [1] and is probably the most common compli-
trachea), orotracheal intubation should be performed. Imme- cation of this procedure. Postoperative coughing and straining
diate postoperative displacement can be fatal if the tube cannot can cause venous bleeding by dislodging a clot or ligature. El-
be promptly replaced and the patient cannot be reintubated. evating the head of the bed, packing the wound, and/or using
Dislodgment in the early postoperative period is usually homeostatic materials usually controls minor bleeding. Major
caused by one of several technical problems. Failure to divide bleeding can occur in up to 5% of tracheotomies and is due
the thyroid isthmus may permit the intact isthmus to ride up to hemorrhage from the isthmus of the thyroid gland, loss of a
against the tracheostomy tube and thus displace it [118]. Exces- ligature from one of the anterior jugular veins, or injury to the
sively low placement of the stoma (i.e., below the second and transverse jugular vein that crosses the midline just above the
third rings) can occur when the thoracic trachea is brought jugular notch [122]. Persistent bleeding may require a return
into the neck by overextending the neck or by excessive trac- to the operating room for management. Techniques to decrease
tion on the trachea. When the normal anatomic relationships the likelihood of early posttracheostomy hemorrhage include
are restored, the trachea recedes below the suprasternal notch, (a) use of a vertical incision; (b) careful dissection in the mid-
causing the tube to be dislodged from the trachea [118,119]. line, with care to pick up each layer of tissue with instruments
The risk of dislodgment of the tracheostomy tube, a potentially rather than simply spread tissues apart; (c) liberal use of lig-
lethal complication, can be minimized by (a) transection of the atures rather than electrocautery; and (d) careful division and
thyroid isthmus at surgery, if indicated; (b) proper placement suture ligation of the thyroid isthmus. Late hemorrhage after
of the stoma; (c) avoidance of excessive neck hyperextension tracheostomy is usually due to bleeding granulation tissue or
and/or tracheal traction; (d) application of sufficiently tight another relatively minor cause. However, in these late cases, a
tracheostomy tube retention tapes; and (e) suture of the tra- tracheoinnominate artery fistula needs to be ruled out.
cheostomy tube flange to the skin in patients with short necks.
Some surgeons apply retaining sutures to the trachea for use
in the early postoperative period in case the tube becomes dis- Tracheoinnominate Artery Fistula
lodged, allowing the trachea to be pulled into the wound for
reintubation. Making a Bjork flap involves suturing the inferior At one point, it had been reported that 50% of all tracheostomy
edge of the trachea stoma to the skin, thus allowing a sure path- bleeding occurring more than 48 hours after the procedure was
way for tube placement. Bjork flaps, however, tend to interfere due to an often fatal complication of rupture of the innominate
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artery caused by erosion of the tracheostomy tube at its tip of patients, more commonly in the pediatric age group. Early
or cuff into the vessel [121]. However, because the advent of postoperative fistula is a result of iatrogenic injury during the
the low-pressure cuff, the incidence of this complication has procedure [121,128]. The chances of creating a fistula can be
decreased considerably and occurs less than 1% of the time minimized by entering the trachea initially with a horizontal
[123]. incision between two tracheal rings (the second and third),
Eighty-five percent of tracheoinnominate fistulas occur thereby eliminating the initial cut into a hard cartilaginous
within the first month after tracheostomy [124], although they ring [118]. A late tracheoesophageal fistula may be due to tra-
have been reported as late as 7 months after operation. Other cheal necrosis caused by tube movement or angulation, as in
sites of delayed exsanguinating posttracheostomy hemorrhage neck hyperflexion, or excessive cuff pressure [119,121,128]. A
include the common carotid artery, superior and inferior thy- tracheoesophageal fistula should be suspected in patients with
roid arteries, aortic arch, and innominate vein [124]. Rupture cuff leaks, abdominal distention, recurrent aspiration pneu-
and fistula formation are caused by erosion through the tra- monia, and reflux of gastric fluids through the tracheostomy
chea into the artery due to excessive cuff pressure or by an- site. It may be demonstrated on endoscopy and contrast stud-
gulation of the tube tip against the anterior trachea. Infection ies. Tracheoesophageal fistulas require surgical repair. For pa-
and other factors that weaken local tissues, such as malnourish- tients who could not tolerate a major surgical procedure,
ment and steroids, also seem to play a role [125]. The innom- placement of an esophageal and a tracheal stent may be used
inate artery rises to about the level of the sixth ring anterior [130132].
to the trachea, and low placement of the stoma can also cre-
ate close proximity of the tube tip or cuff to the innominate
artery. Rarely, an anomaly of the innominate, occurring with Tracheal Stenosis
an incidence of 1% to 2% [124], is responsible for this disas-
trous complication. Pulsation of the tracheostomy tube is an Some degree of tracheal stenosis is seen in 40% to 60% of pa-
indication of potentially fatal positioning [124]. Initially, hem- tients with tracheostomies [112,133]. However, 3% to 12%
orrhage from a tracheoinnominate fistula is usually not exsan- of these stenoses are clinically significant enough to require in-
guinating. Herald bleeds must be investigated promptly using tervention [134]. Stenosis most commonly occurs at the level
fiberoptic tracheoscopy. If a tracheoinnominate fistula seems of the stoma or just above the stoma, but distal to the vocal
probable (minimal tracheitis, anterior pulsating erosions), the cords [127]. The stenosis typically results from bacterial in-
patient should be taken to the operating room for evaluation. fection or chondritis of the anterior and lateral tracheal walls.
Definitive management involves resection of the artery [126]. Granulation tissue usually develops first. Ultimately the gran-
The mortality rate approaches 100%, even with emergent sur- ulation tissue matures, becoming fibrous and covered with a
gical intervention [127]. Sudden exsanguinating hemorrhage layer of epithelium. The granulation tissue itself can also result
may be managed by hyperinflation of the tracheostomy cuff in other complications, such as obstructing the airway at the
tube or reintubation with an endotracheal tube through the level of the stoma, making changing the tracheostomy tube dif-
stoma, attempting to place the cuff at the level of the fistula. ficult, and occluding tube fenestrations. Identified risk factors
A lower neck incision with blind digital compression on the for developing tracheal stenosis include sepsis, stomal infec-
artery may be part of a critical resuscitative effort [128]. If a tra- tions, hypotension, advanced age, male gender, corticosteroid
cheoinnominate artery fistula is suspected, the patient should use, excess motion of the tracheostomy tube, oversized tube,
be evaluated in the operating room and preparations should be prolonged placement, elevated cuff pressures, and excessive ex-
made for a possible sternotomy. cision of the anterior trachea cartilage [127,135]. Using prop-
erly sized tracheostomy tubes, inflating cuffs only when indi-
cated, and maintaining intracuff pressures to less than 15 to
Misplacement of Tube 20 mm Hg may decrease the incidence of tracheal stenosis
[136]. Tracheal stenosis, as well as other long-term compli-
Misplacement of the tube error occurs at the time of surgery or cations, appears to be less with the percutaneous procedure
when the tube is changed or replaced through a fresh stoma. If [137139].
not recognized, associated mediastinal emphysema and tension Treatment options for granulation tissue include topical
pneumothorax can occur, along with alveolar hypoventilation. strategies (such as topical antibiotic or steroids, silver nitrate,
Injury to neurovascular structures, including the recurrent la- and polyurethane form dressings) or surgical strategies (laser
ryngeal nerve, is possible [119]. The patient must be orally in- excision, electrocautery, and surgical removal) [127]. Treat-
tubated or the tracheostoma recannulated. Some advise placing ment options for symptomatic tracheal stenosis include dilata-
retaining sutures in the trachea at the time of surgery. The avail- tion with a rigid bronchoscopy with coring, intralumen laser
ability of a tracheostomy set at the bedside after tracheostomy excision, or surgical resection with end-to-end tracheal anas-
facilitates emergency reintubation. tomosis [140].
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Gastrointestinal (GI) endoscopy has evolved into an essential tients with hemodynamic instability or continuing transfusion
diagnostic and therapeutic tool for the treatment of critically requirements [2,3]. Urgent evaluation allows differentiation
ill patients in the new millennium. Innovations in the field con- between nonvariceal (peptic ulcer, esophagitis, MalloryWeiss
tinue to emerge. This chapter reviews general aspects of cur- tear, and angiodysplasia) and variceal lesions (esophageal or
rent indications and contraindications, provides an update of gastric varices), therefore promoting targeted therapy [4,5].
emerging technologies, and concludes by discussing potential Furthermore, urgent evaluation allows the identification and
future directions in the field. stratification of stigmata of bleeding, promoting appropriate
triage and risk stratification. Finally, urgent evaluation allows
the early identification of patients who may require surgical or
INDICATIONS radiologic intervention [6,7].
The indications for GI endoscopy in the intensive care unit Foreign Body Ingestions
(ICU) are summarized in Table 13.1 and are divided into those
for (a) evaluation of the upper GI tract (esophagus, stomach, Foreign body ingestions (FBI) can be divided into two groups:
and duodenum); (b) evaluation of the pancreaticobiliary tract; (i) food impactions and (ii) caustic ingestion. Food impactions
(c) evaluation of the mid-GI tract (jejunum and ileum); and (d) constitute the majority of FBI. Although most will pass spon-
evaluation of the lower GI tract (colon and rectum). taneously, endoscopic removal will be needed for 10% to 20%
of cases, and 1% of patients will ultimately require surgery [8].
Evaluation is crucial to determine the underlying cause of the
Evaluation of the Upper Gastrointestinal Tract obstruction (strictures, rings, and carcinoma). Although caus-
tic ingestions constitute only a small number of FBI, they are
Common indications for evaluation of the upper GI tract in the frequently life threatening, especially when they occur inten-
ICU include, but are not limited to, upper GI bleeding (UGIB), tionally in adults, and warrant endoscopic evaluation to prog-
caustic or foreign body ingestion, and placement of feeding nosticate and triage this group of patients [9].
tubes. Evaluation of the GI tract in ICU patients with clinically
insignificant bleeding or chronic GI complaints should gener- Feeding Tubes
ally be postponed until their medical/surgical illnesses improve.
One exception in this group of patients is if anticoagulation or Enteral nutrition improves outcomes in critically ill patients
thrombolytic therapy is being contemplated. and is preferred over parenteral nutrition in patients with a
functional GI tract [10]. Although nasoenteric and oroenteric
feeding tubes may be used for short-term enteral nutrition,
Upper Gastrointestinal Bleeding these tubes are felt to carry a higher risk of aspiration, dis-
With an estimated 300,000 admissions annually, acute UGIB placement, and sinus infections than endoscopically placed
is one of the most common medical emergencies [1]. It is de- percutaneous tubes. Percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy
fined as the presence of melena, hematemesis, or blood in the (PEG) [11] is appropriate for most patients in the ICU when
nasogastric (NG) aspirate. Studies have shown improved out- there is a reversible disease process likely to require more
comes with urgent endoscopic management in critically ill pa- than 4 weeks of enteral nutrition (e.g., neurologic injury,
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TA B L E 1 3 . 1
Upper GI endoscopy
Upper GI bleeding (variceal or nonvariceal)
Caustic or foreign body ingestion
Placement of feeding or drainage tubes
Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography
Severe gallstone pancreatitis
Severe cholangitis
Bile leak
Lower GI endoscopy
Lower GI bleeding
Decompression of nontoxic megacolon or sigmoid volvulus
Unexplained diarrhea in the immunocompromised (graft
vs. host disease and cytomegalovirus infection) FIGURE 13.2. Tumor seen in proximal jejunum during double-
balloon enteroscopy (DBE). (Courtesy: David Cave, MD: Professor
of Medicine, University of Massachusetts Medical School.)
tracheostomy, and neoplasms of the upper aerodigestive tract)
[12]. PEG with jejunostomy tube and direct percutaneous en-
doscopic jejunostomy (PEJ) tubes are appropriate for select ing is the treatment of choice. When conventional ERCP is
patients in the ICU with high risk of aspiration. This includes unsuccessful, the recent introduction of miniature endoscopes
patients with severe gastroesophageal reflux disease and those (cholangioscopes or pancreatic scopes) with direct endoscopic
with gastroparesis. Enteral feeding beyond the ligament of Tre- visualization into these ductal systems has proved to be ben-
itz with a nasojejunal tube or a jejunostomy tube has been eficial through the use of advanced techniques such as elec-
demonstrated to be beneficial in patients with necrotizing pan- trohydraulic lithotripsy (EHL), laser lithotripsy, and glue [21].
creatitis. Occasionally, endoscopic gastrostomies or jejunos- Unfortunately, this technique is limited by its lack of availabil-
tomies may be indicated for decompression in patients with ity at all centers and the great deal of experience that is needed
GI obstruction [13]. Although these procedures are technically for its proper use.
simple and can be performed at the bedside under moderate
sedation, the risks and benefits should always be weighed care-
fully in this critically ill group of patients [14].
Evaluation of the Mid-Gastrointestinal Tract
(Jejunum and Ileum)
Evaluation of the Pancreaticobiliary Tract
Persistent, obscure GI bleeding is the most common indication
The indications for evaluation of the pancreaticobiliary tract for evaluation of this portion of the GI tract. Although this area
by endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP) of the GI tract had been difficult to evaluate in the past, this is
in critically ill patients are described in detail in Chapter 97 no longer the case. The advent of the wireless video capsule en-
and only briefly discussed here. Indications include biliary tract doscope (VCE), the double-balloon endoscope (DBE), and the
obstruction by gallstones [1517], pancreatic duct leaks, and spiral endoscope has made this area of the GI tract easily acces-
bile duct leaks (generally a postoperative or traumatic com- sible. VCE is usually the first test performed to look for possible
plication) [1820]. ERCP with sphincterotomy and/or stent- sites of bleeding in the jejunum and ileum (Fig. 13.1). If bleed-
ing or lesions are identified, the DBE (Fig. 13.2) or the spiral
endoscope (Fig. 13.3) would be used to implement therapy.
FIGURE 13.4. A: X-ray showing cecal volvulus. (Courtesy: Milliam Kataoka, MD, Radiology Fellow,
UMass Memorial Medical Center.) B: CT scan showing cecal volvulus. (Courtesy: Milliam, MD, Radiology
Fellow, UMass Memorial Medical Center.)
TA B L E 1 3 . 3
Key elements of planning interventional endoscopic proce-
dures include appropriate resuscitation and reversal of co- Thermal methods of hemostasis
agulopathies [32]. Proper sedation may simply involve light Heater probe
sedation in some patients [33]. However, in uncooperative, Multipolar electrocoagulation (bicap)
confused, or hypoxemic patients, it may require endotracheal Neodymium yttrium-aluminium-garnet (YAG) laser
intubation with deep sedation or general anesthesia. Although Argon plasma coagulation
endotracheal intubation does not significantly alter the risk of
Injection therapy for hemostasis
acquired pneumonia or cardiovascular events [33,34], it does
Distilled water or saline
generate controlled conditions during the procedure and may
Epinephrine (adrenaline)
help prevent massive aspiration (especially in patients with
Sclerosants (Cyanoacrylate, polidocanol, ethanol,
variceal bleeding). Antibiotics need to be considered in patients
ethanolamine oleare, sodium tetradecyl sulfate, sodium
with ascites and those with a history of endocarditis [35].
Thrombin Fibrin-glue
Mechanical methods
Upper Gastrointestinal Endoscopy Clips
Band ligation
Upper Gastrointestinal Bleeding Detachable loops
In all patients with upper GI bleeding, an empty stomach is cru-
cial for thorough evaluation and identification of the bleeding
lesion. Through proper identification and treatment, studies
have shown a reduction in the risk of rebleeding and in the for hemostasis therapy (Fig. 13.5A and B). Controlled trials
need for surgical intervention [36]. Gastric lavage with an NG comparing clipping alone with other endoscopic hemostatic
tube or through use of the endoscope can clear the stomach techniques for nonvariceal UGIB are limited. Current evidence
of blood and clot partially. At times, the use of the prokinetic suggests that the hemoclip is not superior to other endoscopic
agents such as erythromycin (250 mg in 50 mL of normal saline modalities in terms of initial hemostasis, rebleeding rate, emer-
IV, 20 minutes prior to the procedure) may also be helpful. gency surgery, and the mortality rate for treatment of peptic
Studies have in fact shown that this approach may improve ulcer bleed [41]. However, they may be especially useful in the
the endoscopic visualization, improve the outcome, and de- treatment of critically ill patients [42] and patients with coag-
crease the need for second-look endoscopy [37]. Although ulopathy. Argon plasma coagulation (APC) is a noncoaptive
metoclopramide may theoretically have a similar effect, the technique that provides cautery to tissues by means of ionized
use of this agent has not been studied extensively. If a variceal argon gas. This method is most commonly used in the treat-
hemorrhage is suspected, on the basis of a clinical history or ment of AVMs. The YAG laser has fallen out of favor in the
physical examination suggesting portal hypertension, adjunc- acute management of high-risk patients because of its poor
tive therapy should be initiated immediately in the absence of portability and associated high cost.
contraindications. Both somatostatin analogues (octreotide) or Whatever method of hemostasis is used, patients with non-
vasopressin and its analogues have been used intravenously variceal UGIB need to be placed on antisecretory therapy with
(IV) to reduce portal pressures and prevent recurrent bleeding. a proton pump inhibitor (PPI) following endoscopic hemosta-
A recent meta-analysis slightly favored octreotide over terli- sis [2,40]. IV administration of a PPI is a faster way to achieve
pressin/vasopressin in the control of esophageal variceal bleed- gastric acid suppression than is oral administration of the same
ing [38]. Octreotide is usually given as a onetime bolus of 50 agent. Peak suppression after IV administration occurs within
to 100 g IV, followed by 25 to 50 g IV per hour for 3 to hours, compared with several days later after oral administra-
5 days. In addition, prophylactic antibiotics should be given to tion. This is crucial because it can reduce the risk of rebleeding
patients with active esophageal variceal bleeding for the pre- and the need for surgery [43,44]. The PPIs currently approved
vention of bacterial infections [39]. In contrast to nonvariceal for IV use in the United States include pantoprazole, lansopra-
hemorrhage, volume resuscitation should be performed judi- zole, and esomeprazole [45].
ciously in variceal bleeding as volume repletion can theoreti- If the bleeding is found to be caused by esophageal varices,
cally increase portal pressures. endoscopic variceal ligation (EVL) has become the procedure
If the bleeding source is found to be a peptic ulcer, the in- of choice [46]. With this technique, the varix is suctioned into
tervention will depend on the specific endoscopic findings [7]. a banding device attached to the tip of the endoscope and a
If an actively bleeding or a nonbleeding visible vessel is iden- rubber band is then deployed at its base to obliterate the varix.
tified in the crater of the ulcer, endoscopic hemostatic tech- In contrast, endoscopic sclerotherapy (EST) causes obliteration
niques are recommended. If the ulcer has a clean base with no by injection of a sclerosing agent (e.g., sodium morrhuate) in or
signs of active bleeding, endoscopic intervention is not indi- around the bleeding varix. A meta-analysis by Laine and Cook
cated. A number of endoscopic methods have been developed [47] suggested that EVL was superior to EST in all major out-
for hemostasis, including injection therapy, thermal cautery comes (recurrent bleeding, local complications such as ulcers
therapy, and mechanical hemostasis with clips (Table 13.3). or strictures, time to variceal obliteration, and survival). How-
The combination of injection therapy with thermal coaptive ever, EST is effective in controlling active bleeding in more than
therapy is superior to either alone [1,40]. Although no sin- 90% of cases and can be injected even with poor visualization
gle solution for endoscopic injection therapy appears superior during an active bleed.
to another, an epinephrinesaline solution is usually injected in Endoscopic methods (EST, EVL, and injection of fibrin glue)
four quadrants surrounding the lesion. Heater probe and multi- have also been used for the treatment of bleeding gastric varices
polar electrocoagulation instruments are subsequently applied in small and mostly uncontrolled studies. However, these meth-
with firm pressure to achieve optimal coaptation. Mechanical ods carry a considerable risk of rebleeding and mortality. Pa-
hemostasis, with hemoclips, has been a more recent addition tients with bleeding gastric varices generally require urgent
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placement of a transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunt colon distention. This will establish the presence or absence of
(TIPS) [48]. mechanical obstruction. Subsequently, the patient should un-
dergo resuscitation with IV fluids (IVF), frequent reposition-
Enteric Feeding Tubes ing, NG and rectal tube placement, correction of metabolic
imbalances, and discontinuation of medications known to slow
Please see Chapter 16 for more detail on the placement of intestinal transit [50]. If conservative measures are unsuccess-
enteric feeding tubes. ful, decompressive endoscopy with minimal inflation of air re-
solves acute obstruction of the colon in the majority of cases
(81%) [51]. Despite a high recurrence rate (23% to 57%),
Pancreaticobiliary Endoscopy colonoscopy is often considered the initial procedure of choice
(Refer to Chapter 97) in the absence of intestinal ischemia [52,53]. This may be re-
duced with the placement of a decompression tube beyond
Small Bowel Endoscopy the splenic flexure [54]. In patients with mechanical obstruc-
tion, self-expanding metallic stents (SEMS) can be placed with
The techniques are essentially the same as those for upper GI good outcome [55]. In patients with nonmechanical obstruc-
endoscopy. Please refer to that section for details. tion, medical therapy with the parasympathomimetic agent
neostigmine should be considered. On the basis of a double-
blind, placebo-controlled, randomized trial, the parasympath-
Lower Gastrointestinal Endoscopy omimetic agent neostigmine has been shown to reduce colonic
distention significantly, reduce recurrence, and cause minimal
Unlike any of the other types of endoscopies previously dis- risk [56]. This agent should only be given in the absence of
cussed, this is the only one requiring a preprocedure bowel contraindications and under close cardiorespiratory monitor-
preparation. In urgent situations, this can be done through a ing with atropine at the bedside. Percutaneous, endoscopic, or
technique known as a rapid purge. This technique is usually surgical cecostomy presents another alternative if the afore-
achieved by drinking 4 L or more polyethylene glycolbased mentioned interventions are unsuccessful.
solutions over a 2- to 3-hour period. Approximately one-third
of hospitalized patients require an NGT for this type of prepa-
ration [49]. Metoclopramide (10 mg IV 1), administered
prior to starting the preparation, may help to control nausea COMPLICATIONS
and promote gastric emptying [25].
Although major complications of endoscopic procedures are
Lower Gastrointestinal Bleeding infrequent, critically ill patients may be particularly sensitive
to adverse outcomes due to multiple comorbidities. Complica-
The endoscopic treatment options for LGIB are similar to those tions can be divided into two groups: (i) general complications
for UGIB (see earlier in the chapter) and should be based on and (ii) specific complications (Table 13.4).
the stigmata of bleeding that are identified. Hemostasis is usu-
ally approached through a combination approach of injection
therapy with clipping or coagulation therapy.
Decompressive Endoscopy With the start of the new millennium, rapid advances have
A water-soluble contrast enema or computed tomography (CT) been made in the development of new techniques [57]. Nat-
should be the initial procedure to perform in patients with acute ural orifice transluminal endoscopic surgery (NOTES) is such
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30 to 45
epigastric artery
Rectus abdominus
Inferior epigastric
artery 4 Remove needle and allow cutaneous
tissue to retract to original position.
Possible sites of Needle tract
Bladder (empty) needle insertion
Ascitic fluid
2 Insert needle
1 Stretch skin 1 to 2 cm
caudad to insertion site. CAUDAL
abdomen, just lateral to the rectus abdominis muscle and in- ance. Diagnostic paracentesis usually requires 20 to 50 mL
ferior to the umbilicus. It is important to stay lateral to the peritoneal fluid and is commonly performed using the needle
rectus abdominis muscle to avoid injury to the inferior epigas- technique. However, if large volumes of peritoneal fluid are re-
tric artery and vein. In patients with chronic cirrhosis and caput quired, the catheter technique is used because it is associated
medusae (engorged anterior abdominal wall veins), these visi- with a lower incidence of complications. LVP should always
ble vascular structures must be avoided. Injury to these veins be performed with the catheter technique. Ultrasound guid-
can cause significant bleeding because of the underlying por- ance can be helpful in diagnostic paracentesis using the needle
tal hypertension and may result in hemoperitoneum. The left technique or in LVP using the catheter technique.
lower quadrant of the abdominal wall is preferred over the right
lower quadrant for abdominal paracentesis because critically
ill patients often have cecal distention. The ideal site is there-
Needle Technique
fore in the left lower quadrant of the abdomen, lateral to the With the patient in the appropriate position and the access
rectus abdominis muscle in the midclavicular line and inferior site for paracentesis determined, the patients abdomen is pre-
to the umbilicus. It has also been determined that the left lower pared with 2% chlorhexidine and sterile aseptic technique is
quadrant is significantly thinner and the depth of ascites greater used. If necessary, intravenous sedation is administered to pre-
compared with the infraumbilical midline position, confirming vent the patient from moving excessively during the procedure
the left lower quadrant as the preferred location for paracen- (see Chapter 20). Local anesthesia, using 1% or 2% lidocaine
tesis [11]. with 1:200,000 epinephrine, is infiltrated into the site. A skin
If the patient had previous abdominal surgery limited to the wheal is created with the local anesthetic, using a short 25-
lower abdomen, it may be difficult to perform a paracentesis in or 27-gauge needle. Then, using a 22-gauge, 1.5-in. needle,
the lower abdomen and the upper abdomen may be chosen. The the local anesthetic is infiltrated into the subcutaneous tissues
point of entry, however, remains lateral to the rectus abdominis and anterior abdominal wall, with the needle perpendicular to
muscle in the midclavicular line. If there is concern that the the skin. Before the anterior abdominal wall and peritoneum
ascites is loculated because of a previous abdominal surgery or are infiltrated, the skin is pulled taut inferiorly, allowing the
peritonitis, abdominal paracentesis should be performed under peritoneal cavity to be entered at a different location than the
ultrasound guidance to prevent iatrogenic complications. skin entrance site, thereby decreasing the chance of ascitic leak.
Abdominal paracentesis can be performed by the needle This is known as the Z-track technique. While tension is main-
technique, by the catheter technique, or with ultrasound guid- tained inferiorly on the abdominal skin, the needle is advanced
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through the abdominal wall fascia and peritoneum, and local fluid can be sent for smear and culture for acid-fast bacilli if
anesthetic is injected. Intermittent aspiration identifies when tuberculous peritonitis is in the differential diagnosis.
the peritoneal cavity is entered, with return of ascitic fluid
into the syringe. The needle is held securely in this position Catheter Technique
with the left hand, and the right hand is used to withdraw ap-
Positioning, use of aseptic technique, and local anesthetic infil-
proximately 20 to 50 mL ascitic fluid into the syringe for a
tration are the same as for the needle technique. A 22-gauge,
diagnostic paracentesis.
1.5-in. needle attached to a 10-mL syringe is used to docu-
Once adequate fluid is withdrawn, the needle and syringe
ment the free return of peritoneal fluid into the syringe at the
are withdrawn from the anterior abdominal wall and the para-
chosen site. This needle is removed from the peritoneal cavity
centesis site is covered with a sterile dressing. The needle is re-
and a catheter-over-needle assembly is used to gain access to
moved from the syringe, because it may be contaminated with
the peritoneal cavity. If the anterior abdominal wall is thin, an
skin organisms. A small amount of peritoneal fluid is sent in a
18- or 20-gauge Angiocath can be used as the catheter-over-
sterile container for Gram stain and 10 mL is inoculated into
needle assembly. If the anterior abdominal wall is quite thick,
blood culture bottles immediately at bedside for culture and
as in obese patients, it may be necessary to use a long (5.25-in.,
sensitivity. The remainder of the fluid is sent for appropriate
18- or 20-gauge) catheter-over-needle assembly or a percuta-
studies, which may include cytology, cell count and differential,
neous single- or multiple-lumen central venous catheter (18-
protein, specific gravity, amylase, pH, lactate dehydrogenase,
or 20-gauge) and gain access to the peritoneal cavity using the
bilirubin, triglycerides, and albumin. A serum to ascites albu-
Seldinger technique.
min gradient (SAAG) greater than 1.1 g per dL is indicative of
The peritoneal cavity is entered as for the needle technique.
portal hypertension and cirrhosis (Table 14.1) [12]. Peritoneal
The catheter-over-needle assembly is inserted perpendicular to
the anterior abdominal wall using the Z-track technique; once
peritoneal fluid returns into the syringe barrel, the catheter is
TA B L E 1 4 . 1 advanced over the needle, the needle is removed, and a 20-
or 50-mL syringe is connected to the catheter. The tip of the
ETIOLOGIES OF ASCITES BASED ON NORMAL OR catheter is now in the peritoneal cavity and can be left in place
DISEASED PERITONEUM AND SERUM TO ASCITES until the appropriate amount of peritoneal fluid is removed.
ALBUMIN GRADIENT (SAAG) This technique, rather than the needle technique, should be
used when LVP is performed, because complications (e.g., in-
Normal peritoneum testinal perforation) may occur if a needle is left in the peri-
Portal hypertension (SAAG > 1.1 g/dL) toneal space for an extended period.
Hepatic congestion When the Seldinger technique is used in patients with a large
Congestive heart failure anterior abdominal wall, access to the peritoneal cavity is ini-
Constrictive pericarditis tially gained with a needle or catheter-over-needle assembly. A
Tricuspid insufficiency guidewire is then inserted through the needle and an 18- or
BuddChiari syndrome 20-gauge single- or multiple-lumen central venous catheter is
threaded over the guidewire. It is very important to use the
Liver disease
Z-track method for the catheter technique to prevent develop-
ment of an ascitic leak, which may be difficult to control and
Alcoholic hepatitis
may predispose the patient to peritoneal infection.
Fulminant hepatic failure
Massive hepatic metastases
Ultrasound Guidance Technique
Hypoalbuminemia (SAAG < 1.1 g/dL)
Patients who have had previous abdominal surgery or peritoni-
Nephrotic syndrome
tis are predisposed to abdominal adhesions, and it may be quite
Protein-losing enteropathy
difficult to gain free access into the peritoneal cavity for di-
Severe malnutrition with anasarca
agnostic or therapeutic paracentesis. Ultrasound-guided para-
Miscellaneous conditions (SAAG < 1.1 g/dL) centesis can be very helpful in this population, and in patients
Chylous ascites where the traditional technique fails, by providing accurate lo-
Pancreatic ascites calization of the peritoneal fluid collection and determining the
Bile ascites best abdominal access site. This procedure can be performed
Nephrogenic ascites using the needle or catheter technique as described earlier in
Urine ascites the chapter, depending on the volume of peritoneal fluid to be
Ovarian disease drained. Once the fluid collection is localized by the ultrasound
Diseased peritoneum infections (SAAG < 1.1 g/dL) probe, the abdomen is prepared and draped in the usual ster-
Bacterial peritonitis ile fashion. A sterile sleeve can be placed over the ultrasound
Tuberculous peritonitis probe so that there is direct real-time ultrasound visualization
Fungal peritonitis of the needle or catheter as it enters the peritoneal cavity. The
HIV-associated peritonitis needle or catheter is thus directed to the area to be drained,
and the appropriate amount of peritoneal or ascitic fluid is re-
Malignant conditions moved. If continued drainage of a loculated peritoneal fluid
Peritoneal carcinomatosis collection is desired, the radiologist can place a chronic in-
Primary mesothelioma dwelling peritoneal catheter using a percutaneous guidewire
Pseudomyxoma peritonei technique (see Chapter 22).
Hepatocellular carcinoma The use of ultrasound guidance for drainage of loculated
Other rare conditions peritoneal fluid collections has markedly decreased the inci-
Familial Mediterranean fever dence of iatrogenic complications related to abdominal para-
Vasculitis centesis. If the radiologist does not identify loculated ascites on
Granulomatous peritonitis the initial ultrasound evaluation and documents a large amount
Eosinophilic peritonitis of peritoneal fluid that is free in the abdominal cavity, he or she
can then indicate the best access site by marking the anterior
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abdominal wall with an indelible marker. The paracentesis can studies did not specifically examine prevention of PICD (de-
then be performed by the clinician and repeated whenever nec- fined by an increase in plasma renin activity or aldosterone
essary. This study can be performed at the bedside in the in- concentration), and some studies have determined that albu-
tensive care unit with a portable ultrasound unit. A video for min prevented PCID more effectively than synthetic plasma
the correct procedural technique for paracentesis is available expanders [15,16].
for review [13]. Randomized trials comparing terlipressin (a vasoconstric-
tor) with albumin in PICD in cirrhosis documented that both
terlipressin and albumin prevented paracentesis-induced renal
Complications impairment in these patients [17,18]. Terlipressin may be as
effective as intravenous albumin in preventing PICD in pa-
The most common complications related to abdominal para- tients with cirrhosis. Midodrine and octreotide in combina-
centesis are bleeding and persistent ascitic leak. Because most tion or alone have shown conflicting results for improving
patients in whom ascites have developed also have some com- systemic and renal hemodynamics and renal function in pa-
ponent of chronic liver disease with associated coagulopathy tients with cirrhosis-related complications, including the pre-
and thrombocytopenia, it is very important to consider correc- vention of PICD, and additional studies are warranted [19].
tion of any underlying coagulopathy before proceeding with LVP is only transiently therapeutic; the underlying chronic
abdominal paracentesis. In addition, it is very important to se- disease induces reaccumulation of the ascites. Percutaneous
lect an avascular access site on the anterior abdominal wall. placement of a tunneled catheter is a viable and safe technique
The Z-track technique is very helpful in minimizing persistent to consider in patients who have symptomatic malignant as-
ascitic leak and should always be used. Another complication cites that require frequent therapeutic paracentesis for relief of
associated with abdominal paracentesis is intestinal or urinary symptoms [20].
bladder perforation, with associated peritonitis and infection.
Intestinal injury is more common when the needle technique is
used. Because the needle is free in the peritoneal cavity, iatro- DIAGNOSTIC PERITONEAL
genic intestinal perforation may occur if the patient moves or
if intra-abdominal pressure increases with Valsalva maneuver
or coughing. Urinary bladder injury is less common and un- Before the introduction of diagnostic peritoneal lavage (DPL)
derscores the importance of draining the urinary bladder with by Root et al. [21] in 1965, nonoperative evaluation of the in-
a catheter before the procedure. This injury is more common jured abdomen was limited to standard four-quadrant abdom-
when the abdominal access site is in the suprapubic location; inal paracentesis. Abdominal paracentesis for the evaluation
therefore, this access site is not recommended. Careful adher- of hemoperitoneum was associated with a high false-negative
ence to proper technique of paracentesis minimizes associated rate. This clinical suspicion was confirmed by Giacobine and
complications. Siler [22] in an experimental animal model of hemoperitoneum
In patients who have large-volume chronic abdominal as- documenting that a 500-mL blood volume in the peritoneal
cites, such as that secondary to hepatic cirrhosis or ovarian cavity yielded a positive paracentesis rate of only 78%. The
carcinoma, transient hypotension and paracentesis-induced cir- initial study by Root et al. [21] reported 100% accuracy in the
culatory dysfunction (PICD) may develop during LVP. PICD is identification of hemoperitoneum using 1-L peritoneal lavage
characterized by worsening hypotension and arterial vasodila- fluid. Many subsequent clinical studies confirmed these find-
tion, hyponatremia, azotemia, and an increase in plasma renin ings, with the largest series reported by Fischer et al. [23] in
activity. Evidence is accumulating that PICD is secondary to an 1978. They reviewed 2,586 cases of DPL and reported a false-
accentuation of an already established arteriolar vasodilation positive rate of 0.2%, false-negative rate of 1.2%, and overall
with multiple etiologies, including the dynamics of paracente- accuracy of 98.5%. Since its introduction in 1965, DPL has
sis (the rate of ascitic fluid extraction), release of nitric oxide been a cornerstone in the evaluation of hemoperitoneum due
from the vascular endothelium, and mechanical modifications to blunt and penetrating abdominal injuries. However, it is non-
due to abdominal decompression [14]. specific for determination of the type or extent of organ injury.
PICD is associated with increased mortality and may be pre- Recent advances have led to the use of ultrasound (focused
vented with the administration of plasma expanders. It is very assessment with sonography in trauma [FAST]; Fig. 14.2) and
important to obtain reliable peripheral or central venous access rapid helical computed tomography (CT) in the emergent eval-
in these patients so that fluid resuscitation can be performed uation of abdominal trauma and have significantly decreased
if PICD develops during the procedure. A study randomized the use of DPL in the evaluation of abdominal trauma to less
72 patients to receive albumin or saline after total paracen- than 1% [2426]. FAST has replaced DPL as the initial screen-
tesis [15]. The incidence of PICD was significantly higher in ing modality of choice for severe abdominal trauma in more
the saline group compared with the albumin group (33.3% vs. than 80% of North American centers surveyed [27] and FAST
11.4%, p = 0.03). However, no significant differences were is now taught in the Advanced Trauma Life Support course
found when less than 6 L of ascitic fluid was evacuated (6.7% [28]. Practice management guidelines from the Eastern Associ-
vs. 5.6%, p = 0.9). Significant increases in plasma renin activ- ation for the Surgery of Trauma recommend FAST be consid-
ity were found 24 hours and 6 days after paracentesis when ered the initial diagnostic modality to exclude hemoperitoneum
saline was used, whereas no changes were observed with albu- [29]. DPL remains a valuable adjunct to modern imaging tech-
min. Albumin was more effective than saline in the prevention niques in early trauma assessment, particularly in hemodynam-
of PICD, but it is not required when less than 6 L of ascitic fluid ically unstable patients with initial FAST examination that is
is evacuated. Therefore, the administration of albumin intra- negative or equivocal and in the assessment of potential hol-
venously (6 to 8 g per L of ascites removed) is recommended low visceral injury in blunt abdominal trauma [30]. Diagnostic
with LVP (>6 L). peritoneal aspiration, without a full lavage, has also been uti-
There have been nine prospective randomized controlled tri- lized successfully in these circumstances [31].
als (n = 806) on the use of plasma expanders for therapeutic
paracentesis [1]. In a recent systematic review, there was no
significant difference between therapeutic paracentesis with or Indications
without volume expansion with albumin, nor with nonalbumin
plasma expanders compared with albumin for hyponatremia, The primary indication for DPL is evaluation of blunt abdomi-
renal impairment, encephalopathy, or death. However, these nal trauma in patients with associated hypotension. If the initial
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FIGURE 14.2. The FAST examination.
FAST examination is positive for hemoperitoneum, surgical inal trauma [33]. A hemodynamically unstable patient with
intervention (laparotomy) is required. If the FAST examina- abdominal penetrating injury requires no further investigation
tion is negative or equivocal, DPL should be considered. If and immediate laparotomy should be undertaken. Instead, the
the patient is hemodynamically stable and can be transported role of DPL in the hemodynamically stable patient with pen-
safely, CT scan of the abdomen and pelvis is the diagnostic etrating abdominal injury is to identify hemoperitoneum and
method of choice. If the patient is hemodynamically unstable hollow viscus or diaphragmatic injury. DPL has also been rec-
or requires emergent surgical intervention for a craniotomy, ommended as the initial diagnostic study in stable patients with
thoracotomy, or vascular procedure, it is imperative to de- penetrating trauma to the back and flank, defining an RBC
termine whether there is a coexisting intraperitoneal source count greater than 1,000 per L as a positive test [34]. Imple-
of hemorrhage to prioritize treatment of life-threatening in- mentation of this protocol decreased the total celiotomy rate
juries. FAST or DPL can be used to diagnose hemoperitoneum from 100% to 24%, and the therapeutic celiotomy rate in-
in patients with multisystem injury, who require general anes- creased from 15% to 80%.
thesia for the treatment of associated traumatic injuries. Pa- DPL may prove to be useful in evaluation for possible peri-
tients with associated thoracic or pelvic injuries should also tonitis or ruptured viscus in patients with an altered level of
have definitive evaluation for abdominal trauma, and DPL consciousness but no evidence of traumatic injury. DPL can be
can be used in these individuals. DPL can also be used to considered in critically ill patients with sepsis to determine if
evaluate for traumatic hollow viscus injury, and a cell count intra-abdominal infection is the underlying source. When DPL
ratio (defined as the ratio between white blood cell (WBC) is used to evaluate intra-abdominal infection, a WBC count
and red blood cell (RBC) count in the lavage fluid divided by greater than 500 per L of lavage fluid is considered positive.
the ratio of the same parameters in the peripheral blood) less DPL can also serve a therapeutic role. It is very effective in
than or equal to 1 has a specificity of 97% and sensitivity of rewarming patients with significant hypothermia. It may po-
100% [32]. tentially be used therapeutically in pancreatitis, fecal peritoni-
DPL can also be used to evaluate penetrating abdominal tis, and bile pancreatitis, but multiple clinical studies have not
trauma; however, its role differs from that in blunt abdom- documented its efficacy in these cases.
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DPL should not be performed in patients with clear signs of returns on aspiration through the catheter, peritoneal lavage is
significant abdominal trauma and hemoperitoneum associated performed using 1 L Ringers lactate solution or normal saline
with hemodynamic instability. These patients should undergo that has been previously warmed to prevent hypothermia. The
emergent celiotomy. Pregnancy is a relative contraindication fluid is instilled into the peritoneal cavity through the DPL
to DPL; it may be technically difficult to perform because of catheter; afterward, the peritoneal fluid is allowed to drain out
the gravid uterus and is associated with a higher risk of com- of the peritoneal cavity by gravity until the fluid return slows.
plications. Bedside ultrasound evaluation of the abdomen in A minimum of 250 mL lavage fluid is considered a represen-
the pregnant trauma patient is associated with least risk to the tative sample of the peritoneal fluid [36]. A sample is sent to
woman and to the fetus. An additional relative contraindica- the laboratory for determination of RBC count, WBC count,
tion to DPL is multiple previous abdominal surgeries. These amylase concentration, and presence of bile, bacteria, or par-
patients commonly have multiple abdominal adhesions, and it ticulate matter. When the lavage is completed, the catheter is
may be very difficult to gain access to the free peritoneal cavity. removed and a sterile dressing applied over the site. Suture ap-
If DPL is indicated, it must be performed by the open technique proximation of the skin edges is not necessary when the closed
to prevent iatrogenic complications such as intestinal injury. technique is used for DPL.
Semiclosed Technique
Techniques Local anesthetic is infiltrated in the area of the planned incision
and a 2- to 3-cm vertical incision made in the infraumbilical or
Three techniques can be used to perform DPL: (i) the closed supraumbilical area. The incision is continued sharply down
percutaneous technique, (ii) the semiclosed technique, and (iii) through the subcutaneous tissue and linea alba, and the peri-
the open technique. The closed percutaneous technique, intro- toneum is then visualized. Forceps, hemostats, or Allis clamps
duced by Lazarus and Nelson [35] in 1979, is easy to perform, are used to grasp the edges of the linea alba and elevate the
can be done rapidly, is associated with a low complication rate, fascial edges to prevent injury to the underlying abdominal
and is as accurate as the open technique. It should not be used structures. The DPL lavage catheter with a metal inner stylet
in patients who have had previous abdominal surgery or a his- is inserted through the closed peritoneum into the peritoneal
tory of abdominal adhesions. The open technique entails the cavity at a 45-degree angle to the anterior abdominal wall,
placement of the peritoneal lavage catheter into the peritoneal directed toward the pelvis. When the cathetermetal stylet as-
cavity under direct visualization. It is more time consuming sembly is in the peritoneal cavity, the DPL catheter is advanced
than the closed percutaneous technique. The semiclosed tech- into the pelvis and the metal stylet removed. A 10-mL syringe
nique requires a smaller incision than does the open technique is attached to the catheter, and aspiration is conducted as previ-
and uses a peritoneal lavage catheter with a metal stylet to gain ously described. When the lavage is completed, the fascia must
entrance into the peritoneal cavity. It has become less popular be reapproximated with sutures, the skin closed, and a sterile
as clinicians have become more familiar and skilled with the dressing applied.
LazarusNelson closed technique.
The patient is placed in the supine position for all three Open Technique
techniques. A catheter is placed into the urinary bladder and a
nasogastric tube is inserted into the stomach to prevent iatro- After the administration of appropriate local anesthetic, a ver-
genic bladder or gastric injury. The nasogastric tube is placed tical midline incision approximately 3 to 5 cm long is made.
on continuous suction for gastric decompression. The skin of This incision is commonly made in the infraumbilical location,
the anterior abdominal wall is prepared with 2% chlorhex- but in patients with presumed pelvic fractures or retroperi-
idine solution and sterilely draped, leaving the periumbilical toneal hematomas or in pregnant patients, a supraumbilical
area exposed. Standard aseptic technique is used throughout location is preferred. The vertical midline incision is carried
the procedure. Local anesthesia with 1% or 2% lidocaine with down through the skin, subcutaneous tissue, and linea alba
1:200,000 epinephrine is used as necessary throughout the pro- under direct vision. The linea alba is grasped on either side
cedure. The infraumbilical site is used unless there is clinical using forceps, hemostats, or Allis clamps, and the fascia is ele-
concern of possible pelvic fracture and retroperitoneal or pelvic vated to prevent injury to the underlying abdominal structures.
hematoma, in which case the supraumbilical site is optimal. The peritoneum is identified, and a small vertical peritoneal in-
cision is made to gain entrance into the peritoneal cavity. The
DPL catheter is then inserted into the peritoneal cavity under
Closed Percutaneous Technique direct visualization and advanced inferiorly toward the pelvis.
With the closed percutaneous technique, local anesthesia is in- It is inserted without the stylet or metal trocar. When in posi-
filtrated inferior to the umbilicus and a 5-mm skin incision is tion, a 10-mL syringe is attached for aspiration. If aspiration of
made just at the inferior umbilical edge. An 18-gauge needle the peritoneal cavity is negative (i.e., no gross blood returns),
is inserted through this incision and into the peritoneal cav- peritoneal lavage is performed, as described earlier in the chap-
ity, angled toward the pelvis at approximately a 45-degree an- ter. As in the semiclosed technique, the fascia and skin must be
gle with the skin. The penetration through the linea alba and reapproximated to prevent dehiscence or evisceration, or both.
then through the peritoneum is felt as two separate pops. A A prospective randomized study documented that the
J-tipped guidewire is passed through the needle and into the LazarusNelson technique of closed percutaneous DPL can
peritoneal cavity, again directing the wire toward the pelvis be performed faster than the open procedure [37]. The pro-
by maintaining the needle at a 45-degree angle to the skin. cedure times with the closed technique varied from 1 to 3 min-
The 18-gauge needle is then removed and the DPL catheter utes, compared with 5 to 24 minutes for the open technique. It
inserted over the guidewire into the peritoneal cavity, using a was documented that the closed percutaneous technique was
twisting motion and guided inferiorly toward the pelvis. The as accurate as the open procedure and was associated with a
guidewire is then removed, and a 10-mL syringe is attached to lower incidence of wound infections and complications. The
the catheter for aspiration. If free blood returns from the DPL closed percutaneous technique, using the Seldinger technique,
catheter before the syringe is attached or if gross blood returns should therefore be used initially in all patients except those
in the syringe barrel, hemoperitoneum has been documented, who have had previous abdominal surgery or in pregnant pa-
the catheter is removed, and the patient is quickly transported tients. This has been confirmed in a study of 2,501 DPLs
to the operating room for emergent celiotomy. If no gross blood performed over a 75-month period for blunt or penetrating
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LWBK834-15 LWBK834-Irwin/Rippe LWBK834-Irwin-v1.cls March 17, 2011 17:48
Gastroesophageal variceal hemorrhage is an acute and catas- surveillance, whereas secondary prophylaxis includes nitrates,
trophic complication that occurs in one-third to one-half of transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunt (TIPS), and sur-
patients with portal pressures greater than 12 mm Hg [1]. Be- gical shunt [3]. Management of acute variceal bleeding involves
cause proximal gastric varices and varices in the distal 5 cm multiple simultaneous and sequential modalities. Balloon tam-
of the esophagus lie in the superficial lamina propria, they ponade is considered a temporary bridge within these modal-
are more likely to bleed and respond to endoscopic treat- ities. Self-expanding metal stents as an alternative to balloon
ment [2]. Variceal rupture is likely a factor of size, wall thick- tamponade are currently under investigation [4].
ness, and portal pressure, and may be predicted by Child-Pugh Splanchnic vasoconstrictors such as somatostatin, oc-
class, red wale markings indicating epithelial thickness, and treotide, terlipressin (the only agent shown to decrease mortal-
variceal size [1]. Although urgent endoscopy, sclerotherapy, ity), or vasopressin (with nitrates to reduce cardiac side effects)
and band ligations are considered first-line treatments, bal- decrease portal blood flow and pressure, and should be ad-
loon tamponade remains a valuable intervention in the treat- ministered as soon as possible [57]. In fact, Pourriat et al. [8]
ment of bleeding esophageal varices. Balloon tamponade is advocate administration of octreotide by emergency medical
accomplished using a multilumen tube, approximately 1 m personnel before patient transfer to the hospital. Recombinant
in length, with esophageal and gastric cuffs that can be in- activated factor VII has been reported to achieve hemostasis
flated to compress esophageal varices and gastric submucosal in bleeding esophageal varices unresponsive to standard treat-
veins, thereby providing hemostasis through tamponade, while ment, and may also be considered [9]. Emergent therapeutic
incorporating aspiration ports for diagnostic and therapeutic endoscopy in conjunction with pharmacotherapy is more ef-
usage. fective than pharmacotherapy alone and is also performed as
soon as possible. Band ligation has a lower rate of rebleed-
ing and complications when compared with sclerotherapy, and
should be performed preferentially, provided visualization is
HISTORICAL DEVELOPMENT adequate to ligate varices successfully [3,10]. Tissue adhe-
sives such as polidocanol and cyanoacrylate delivered through
In 1930, Westphal described the use of an esophageal sound as an endoscope are being used and studied outside the United
a means of controlling variceal hemorrhage. In 1947, successful States.
control of hemorrhage by balloon tamponade was achieved by Balloon tamponade is performed to control massive variceal
attaching an inflatable latex bag to the end of a MillerAbbot hemorrhage, with the hope that band ligation or sclerother-
tube. In 1949, a two-balloon tube was described by Patton and apy and secondary prophylaxis will then be possible (Fig.
Johnson. A triple-lumen tube with gastric and esophageal bal- 15.1). If bleeding continues beyond these measures, TIPS
loons, as well as a port for gastric aspiration, was described [11] is considered. Shunt surgery [12] may be considered if
by Sengstaken and Blakemore in 1950. In 1955, Linton and TIPS is contraindicated. Other alternatives include percuta-
Nachlas engineered a tube with a larger gastric balloon capa- neous transhepatic embolization, emergent esophageal tran-
ble of compressing the submucosal veins in the cardia, thereby section with stapling [13], esophagogastric devascularization
minimizing flow to the esophageal veins, with suction ports with esophageal transection and splenectomy, and hepatic
above and below the balloon. The Minnesota tube was de- transplantation. If gastric varices are noted, therapeutic op-
scribed in 1968 as a modification of the SengstakenBlakemore tions include endoscopic administration of the tissue adhe-
tube, incorporating the esophageal suction port, which will be sive cyanoacrylate, TIPS, balloon-occluded retrograde transve-
described later. Several studies have published combined expe- nous obliteration [14], balloon-occluded endoscopic injection
rience with tubes such as the LintonNachlas tube; however, therapy [15], and devascularization with splenectomy, shunt
the techniques described here are limited to the use of the Min- surgery, and liver transplantation.
nesota and SengstakenBlakemore tubes.
Chapter 15: Gastroesophageal Balloon Tamponade for Acute Variceal Hemorrhage 131
Sedatives and analgesics are more readily administered in in- presence of infection [23]. Prophylactic antibiotic use reduces
tubated patients, and may be required often because balloon the incidence of early rebleeding and increases survival [24].
tamponade is poorly tolerated in most patients and retching or Intravenous proton pump inhibitors are more efficacious than
vomiting may lead to esophageal rupture [21]. The incidence histamine-2-receptor antagonists in maintaining gastric pH at
of pulmonary complications is significantly lower when endo- a goal of 7. Ulcers can form from sclerotherapy, banding, or
tracheal intubation is routinely used [22]. direct cuff pressure during balloon tamponade. Shaheen et al.
[25] found that the postbanding ulcers in patients receiving a
proton pump inhibitor were two times smaller than those in
Hypovolemia, Shock, and Coagulopathy patients who had not received a proton pump inhibitor.
Chapter 15: Gastroesophageal Balloon Tamponade for Acute Variceal Hemorrhage 133
secured a few centimeters proximal to the esophageal balloon this stage suggests esophageal placement [27,35]. A (portable)
to be used for esophageal decompression. The nasogastric tube radiograph must be obtained that includes the upper abdomen
should be used even if the esophageal balloon is not inflated be- and lower chest (Figs. 15.4 and 15.5). When it is documented
cause inflation of the gastric balloon precludes proper drainage that the gastric balloon is below the diaphragm, it should be
of esophageal secretions [28]. If the patient is to be placed in further inflated with air in 100 mL aliquots to a volume of
an aircraft (i.e., for evacuation), water should be instilled into 250 to 300 mL. The gastric balloon of the Minnesota tube can
balloon(s) instead of air [29]. be inflated to 450 to 500 mL. If the change in manometric
pressure for an aliquot is more than 15 mm Hg of the preinser-
tion pressure or if the gastric balloon is underinflated causing
upward migration, erroneous esophageal placement should be
Insertion and Placement of the Tube considered. Record tube insertion depth (i.e., at the teeth). Tube
balloon inlets should be clamped with rubber-shod hemostats
The head of the bed should be elevated to reduce the risk of as- after insufflation. Hemorrhage is frequently controlled with
piration. Oral suction should be readied and the correct length insufflation of the gastric balloon alone without applying trac-
of the tube to reach the patients stomach should be selected tion, but in patients with torrential hemorrhage, it is necessary
(usually 45 to 60 cm orally). If the patient is not intubated, head to apply traction (vide infra). If the bleeding continues, the
down with left lateral positioning should be attained to mini- manometer attached to the esophageal pressure port is used to
mize the risk of aspiration [17]. If using a Minnesota tube, the inflate the esophageal balloon to a pressure of approximately
esophageal aspiration port should be set to continuous suc- 45 mm Hg. Some authors inflate the esophageal balloon in all
tion and the tube generously lubricated with lidocaine jelly patients immediately after insertion. If there is still bleeding,
prior to inserting it through the nose or mouth into the stom- deflate the esophageal balloon, apply more traction, and rein-
ach. However, the nasal route is not recommended in patients flate in the event that it is a gastric variceal bleed. Pressures
with coagulopathy or thrombocytopenia. In the difficult in- should be monitored and maintained.
sertion, the tube may be placed endoscopically [30] or with
a guidewire [31]. Duarte described a technique of placing the
tube in a longitudinally split Ewald tube [32]. Auscultation in
the epigastrium while air is injected through the gastric lumen
verifies the position of the tube, but the position of the gas- Fixation and Traction Techniques
tric balloon must be confirmed at this time radiologically or
by ultrasound if it is more expedient [33] as high placement Fixation and traction on the tube depend on the route of in-
can lead to esophageal rupture and low placement to duodenal sertion. When the nasal route is used, attachment of a sponge
rupture [34]. The manometer is then connected to the gastric rubber cuff around the tube at the nostril prevents skin and
pressure port and the gastric balloon is inflated with no more cartilage necrosis. When traction is required, the tube should
than 80 mL of air. A pressure of greater than 15 mm Hg at be attached to a cord that is passed over a catchers mask for
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1. Rikkers LF: Surgical complications of cirrhosis and portal hyperten- 20. Pasquale MD, Cerra FB: Sengstaken-Blakemore tube placement. Crit Care
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3. Zaman A, Chalasani N: Bleeding caused by portal hypertension. Gastroen- 23. Papatheodoridis GV, Patch D, Webster JM, et al: Infection and hemostasis
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acute bleeding from esophageal varices; implantation of a self-expanding 24. Pohl J, Pollmann K, Sauer P, et al: Antibiotic prophylaxis after variceal
stent. Surg Endosc 22:21492152, 2008. hemorrhage reduces incidence of early rebleeding. Hepatogastroenterology
5. Sandford NL, Kerlin P: Current management of oesophageal varices. Aust 51(56):541, 2004.
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6. Stein C, Korula J: Variceal bleeding: what are the options? Postgrad Med postbanding ulcers after variceal band ligation: a randomized control trial.
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7. Erstad B: Octreotide for acute variceal bleeding. Ann Pharmacother 35:618, 26. Greenwald B: Two devices that facilitate the use of the Minnesota tube.
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8. Pourriat JL, Leyacher S, Letoumelin P, et al: Early administration of terli- 27. Bard, Inc: Bard Minnesota four lumen esophagogastric tamponade tube for
pressin plus glyceryl trinitrate to control active upper gastrointestinal bleed- the control of bleeding from esophageal varices [package insert], 1997.
ing in cirrhotic patients. Lancet 346:865, 1995. 28. Boyce HW: Modification of the Sengstaken-Blackmore balloon tube. Nord
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from esophageal varices. Clin Gastroenterol Hepatol 2:78, 2004. associated risk with balloon tamponade after endoscopic therapy. Myth or
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apy versus variceal ligation in the long-term management of patients with 30. Lin TC, Bilir BM, Powis ME: Endoscopic placement of Sengstaken-
cirrhosis after variceal bleeding: a prospective randomized study. J Hepatol Blakemore tube. J Clin Gastroenterol 31(1):2932, 2000.
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variceal hemorrhage. Dig Dis Sci 10[Suppl 1]:46, 1992. tric balloon of a Sengstaken-Blakemore tube under ultrasonographic control.
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sophagogastric devascularization with gastro-oesophageal stapling in the 34. Kandel G, Gray R, Mackenzie RL, et al: Duodenal perforation by a Linton-
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When medications are administered via an enteric feeding tube,
Flange held
by anchors it is important to be certain that the drugs are compatible with
each other and with the enteral formula. In general, medica-
tions should be delivered separately rather than as a combined
bolus. For medications that are better absorbed in an empty
stomach, tube feedings should be suspended for 30 to 60 min-
utes before administration.
FIGURE 16.3. Transgastric duodenal feeding tube, which allows si- Medications should be administered in an elixir formulation
multaneous gastric decompression and duodenal feeding, can be placed via enteral feeding tubes whenever possible to prevent occlu-
percutaneously (with endoscopic or fluoroscopic assistance) or surgi- sion of the tube. Enteral tubes should always be flushed with
cally. 20 mL of saline after medications are administered. To use
an enteral feeding tube to administer medications dispensed in
tablet form, often the pills must be crushed and delivered as
duodenum or jejunum. The advantage of these tubes is that slurry mixed with water. This is inappropriate for some med-
only one enterotomy into the stomach is needed, eliminating ications, however, such as those absorbed sublingually or for-
the possible complications associated with open jejunostomy mulated as a sustained-released tablet or capsule.
tube placement. In addition, only one tube is necessary for
gastric decompression and jejunal feeding, eliminating the po-
tential complications of two separate tubes for this purpose. COMPLICATIONS
The transgastric jejunostomy tube is placed surgically in the
same manner as a gastrostomy tube, and the distal portion of Enteral tube placement is associated with few complications
the tube is advanced manually through the pylorus into the if practitioners adhere to appropriate protocols and pay close
duodenum, with its final tip resting as far distally as possible attention to the details of the procedures [52].
in the duodenum or jejunum (Fig. 16.3). The transgastric je-
junostomy tube is preferred to transgastric duodenostomy tube
because it is associated with less reflux of feedings into the Nasopulmonary Intubation
stomach and a decreased risk of aspiration pneumonia. Sur-
gical placement of transgastric jejunostomy tubes at the time Passage of an enteral feeding tube into the tracheobronchial
of laparotomy is recommended for patients who likely require tree most commonly occurs in patients with diminished cough
prolonged gastric decompression and enteral feeding. or gag reflexes due to obtundation, altered mental status, or
other causes such as the presence of endotracheal intubation.
The presence of a tracheostomy or endotracheal tube does not
DELIVERING THE TUBE-FEEDING guarantee proper placement. A chest (or upper abdominal)
FORMULA radiograph should always be obtained before initiating tube
feedings with a new tube to ensure that the tube is properly
The enteral formula can be delivered by intermittent bolus feed- positioned. Endotracheal or transpulmonary placement of a
ing, gravity infusion, or continuous pump infusion. In the in- feeding tube can be associated with pneumothorax, hydrotho-
termittent bolus method, the patient receives 300 to 400 mL of rax, pneumonia, pulmonary hemorrhage, abscess formation,
formula every 4 to 6 hours. The bolus is usually delivered with or death. A chest radiograph or a means of detecting CO2
the aid of a catheter-tipped, large-volume (60-mL) syringe. The through the tube after it has been inserted 30 cm should be
main advantage of bolus feeding is simplicity. This approach obtained to prevent inadvertent placement of small-bore feed-
is often used for patients requiring prolonged supplemental ing tubes into the lungs.
enteral nutritional support after discharge from the hospital.
Bolus feeding can be associated with serious side effects, how-
ever. Bolus enteral feeding into the stomach can cause gastric Aspiration
distention, nausea, cramping, and aspiration. The intermittent
bolus method should not be used when feeding into the duo- Pulmonary aspiration is a serious and potentially fatal com-
denum or jejunum because boluses of formula can cause dis- plication of enteral nutritional support [53]. The incidence
tention, cramping, and diarrhea. of this complication is variable and depends on the patient
Gravity-infusion systems allow the formula to drip contin- population studied. The two most common bedside tests for
uously during 16 to 24 hours or intermittently during 20 to detecting aspiration in tube-fed patients include adding dye
30 minutes, four to six times per day. This method requires to the formula and observing for its appearance in tracheo-
constant monitoring because the flow rate can be extremely ir- bronchial secretions, and using glucose oxidase reagent strips
regular. The main advantages of this approach are simplicity, to test tracheobronchial secretions for glucose-containing en-
low cost, and close simulation of a normal feeding pattern. teral formula [54]. No large prospective clinical trials have vali-
Continuous pump infusion is the preferred method for the dated the use and safety of bedside monitors for aspiration, and
delivery of enteral nutrition in the critically ill patient. A peri- their use should be abandoned. Nonrecumbent positioning is
staltic pump can be used to provide a continuous infusion of an evidence-based method for aspiration prevention that needs
formula at a precisely controlled flow rate, which decreases to be initiated in all patients receiving enteral nutrition.
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This chapter presents guidelines for safe cerebrospinal fluid spinal fluid glucose concentration lag blood levels by about
(CSF) aspiration for the emergency department or the inten- 2 hours. Increased CSF glucose is nonspecific and usually re-
sive care physician, and provides a basic understanding of the flects hyperglycemia. Hypoglycorrhachia can be the result of
indications, techniques, and potential complications of these any inflammatory or neoplastic meningeal disorder, and it re-
procedures. flects increased glucose use by nervous tissue or leukocytes and
Physicians and supervised physician extenders routinely inhibited transport mechanisms. Elevated lactate levels caused
and safely perform CSF aspiration procedures with necessary by anaerobic glycolysis in bacterial and fungal meningitis usu-
equipment and sterile supplies readily accessible in most acute ally accompany lower glucose concentrations.
hospital patient care units. Most CSF aspirations are performed CSF protein content is usually less than 0.5% of that in
using local anesthesia alone, without sedation. Because it may plasma with an intact bloodbrain barrier. Albumin consti-
be a painful and anxiety-provoking procedure, sedation may be tutes up to 75% of CSF protein, and immunoglobulin G (IgG)
required for an uncooperative patient or for the pediatric popu- is the major component of the -globulin fraction. IgG freely
lation [1,2]. Radiographic imaging (fluoroscopy or ultrasound) traverses a damaged bloodbrain barrier. Although often non-
is needed in situations in which external anatomic landmarks specific, elevated CSF protein is an indicator of CNS pathology.
provide inadequate guidance for safe needle placement or when There is a gradient of total protein content in the spinal CSF
needle placement using external landmarks alone has proved to column, with the highest level normally found in the lumbar
be unsuccessful due to anatomic variations caused by trauma, subarachnoid space at 20 to 50 mg per dL. This is followed by
operative scar, congenital defects, or degenerative changes. Flu- the cisterna magna at 15 to 25 mg per dL and the ventricles at
oroscopy may be used for complicated lumbar puncture, C12 6 to 12 mg per dL. A value exceeding 500 mg per dL is compat-
puncture, and myelography. Computed tomography (CT) or ible with an intraspinal tumor or spinal compression causing a
magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) may be used for stereotac- complete subarachnoid block, meningitis, or bloody CSF [3].
tic placement of ventricular catheters. Clinicians should recog- Low protein levels are seen in healthy children younger than
nize the need for specialized equipment and training in certain 2 years, pseudotumor cerebri, acute water intoxication, and
cases. leukemic patients.
A normal CSF cell count includes no erythrocytes and a
maximum of five leukocytes per milliliter. A greater number of
CEREBROSPINAL FLUID ACCESS white blood cells (WBCs) are normally found in children (up to
10 per milliliter, mostly lymphocytes). Pathologically, increased
WBCs are present in infection, leukemia, GuillianBarre
Diagnostic Objectives syndrome, hemorrhage, encephalitis, and multiple sclerosis
CSF analysis continues to be a major diagnostic tool in many
diseases. The most common indication for CSF sampling is
the suspicion of a cerebral nervous system (CNS) infection.
CSF is also analyzed for the diagnosis of subarachnoid hem- A nontraumatic SAH in the adult population may be due to
orrhage (SAH), demyelinating diseases, CNS spread of neo- a ruptured aneurysm. A paroxysmal severe headache is the
plasm, and CNS degenerative conditions. CSF access is neces- classic symptom of aneurysm rupture, but atypical headaches
sary for neurodiagnostic procedures, such as myelography and reminiscent of migraine are not uncommon. Warning leaks or
cisternography, and studies for device patencies (tube studies) a sentinel headache occurring at least 4 weeks prior to the
that require injection of contrast agents. CSF access for pressure diagnosis of SAH was reported by Beck et al. [4] in 17.3% of
recording is also important in the diagnosis of normal-pressure patients with subsequent diagnosis of SAH.
hydrocephalus, benign intracranial hypertension, and head Leblanc [5] reported that up to 50% of patients with a
injury. warning leak headache are undiagnosed after evaluation by
CSF is an ultrafiltrate of plasma and is normally clear and their physician and 55% of patients with premonitory warning
colorless. Its analysis is a sample of the fluid surrounding the headaches had normal CT findings, but all had a positive find-
brain and spinal cord. Abnormalities of color and clarity can ing of SAH on lumbar puncture. Lumbar puncture is indicated
reflect the presence of cells, protein, hemosiderin, or bilirubin with such presenting headache if the head CT is normal and if
that indicates pathologic processes. The diagnostic tests per- the clinical history and presentation are typical for aneurysm
formed on the aspirated CSF depend on the patients age, his- rupture.
tory, and differential diagnosis. A basic profile includes glucose A lumbar puncture should not be performed without prior
and protein values, a blood cell count, Gram stain, and aerobic CT if the patient has any focal neurologic deficit. The neuro-
and anaerobic cultures. CSF glucose depends on blood glucose logic abnormality might indicate the presence of an intracranial
levels and is usually equivalent to two-thirds of the serum glu- mass lesion, and lumbar puncture can increase the likelihood of
cose. It is slightly higher in neonates. Glucose is transported downward transtentorial herniation. SAH can also cause acute
into the CSF via carrier-facilitated diffusion, and changes in obstructive hydrocephalus by intraventricular extension or
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obstruction to CSF resorptive mechanisms at the arach- Aspiration from the reservoir or valve system of a shunt can
noid granulations. The CT scan would demonstrate ventricu- be performed to determine patency and collect CSF to diag-
lomegaly, which is best treated by CSF access and diversion nose an infectious process. The necessity of and procedure for
using a ventricular catheter. a shunt tap is best left to a neurosurgeon. Shunt aspiration is an
A traumatic lumbar puncture presents a diagnostic invasive procedure that carries a risk of contaminating the sys-
dilemma, especially in the context of diagnosing suspected tem with skin flora, and the resultant shunt infection requires
SAH. Differentiating characteristics include a decreasing red a lengthy hospitalization for shunt externalization, antibiotic
blood cell count in tubes collected serially during the proce- treatment, and replacement of all hardware. Therefore, CSF
dure, the presence of a fibrinous clot in the sample, and a typ- collection by shunt tap should be performed very selectively
ical ratio of about 1 leukocyte per 700 red blood cells. Xan- and after other potential sources of infection have been evalu-
thochromia is more indicative of SAH and is quickly evaluated ated. When shunt failure is due to distal obstruction, aspiration
by spinning a fresh CSF sample and comparing the color of the of CSF may temper neurologic impairment and even be lifesav-
supernatant to that of water. In performing this test, the use of ing until surgical revision can be performed.
a spectrophotometer is much more sensitive than by visual in-
spection. Spinal fluid accelerates red blood cell hemolysis, and Normal-Pressure Hydrocephalus
hemoglobin products are released within 2 hours of the initial
hemorrhage, creating the xanthochromia. Associated findings, Serial lumbar punctures or continuous CSF drainage via a lum-
such as a slightly depressed glucose level, increased protein, bar subarachnoid catheter can be used as provocative diagnos-
and an elevated opening pressure, are also more suggestive of tic tests to select patients who would benefit from a shunt for
the presence of an SAH. CSF diversion. The results have a positive predictive value if
the patients gait improves. Lumbar CSF access may also be
used for infusion tests, measurement of CSF production rate,
Infection pressurevolume index, and outflow resistance or absorption.
CSF evaluation is the single most important aspect of the labo- Some studies suggest that these values are also predictive of
ratory diagnosis of meningitis. The analysis usually includes a therapeutic CSF diversion [810].
Gram stain, blood cell count with white cell differential, pro-
tein and glucose levels, and aerobic and anaerobic cultures with Benign Intracranial Hypertension
antibiotic sensitivities. With suspicion of tuberculosis or fun- (Pseudotumor Cerebri)
gal meningitis, the fluid is analyzed by acid-fast stain, India Benign intracranial hypertension occurs in young persons, of-
ink preparation, cryptococcal antigen, and culture in appro- ten obese young women. Intracranial pressure (ICP) is elevated
priate media. More extensive cultures may be performed in the without focal deficits and in the absence of ventriculomegaly
immunocompromised patient. or intracranial mass lesions [11]. The condition causes blind-
Immunoprecipitation tests to identify bacterial anti- ness, and most patients demonstrate some visual loss. Etiologic
gens for Streptococcus pneumoniae, streptococcus group B, factors for childhood presentation include chronic middle ear
Haemophilus influenzae, and Neisseria meningitidis (meningo- infection, dural sinus thrombosis, head injury, vitamin A over-
coccus) allow rapid diagnosis and early specific treatment. dosage, tetracycline exposure, internal jugular venous throm-
Polymerase chain reaction testing can be performed on CSF for bosis, and idiopathic causes. Some authors have proposed a
rapid identification of several viruses, particularly those com- broader definition of the pseudotumor cerebri syndrome on
monly responsible for CNS infections in patients with acquired the basis of the underlying pathophysiologic mechanism of the
immunodeficiency syndrome. Polymerase chain reaction test- presumed CSF circulation disorder [12].
ing exists for herpes, varicella zoster, cytomegalovirus, and Lumbar puncture demonstrates an elevated ICP (up to
EpsteinBarr virus, as well as toxoplasmosis and Mycobac- 40 cm H2 O), and CSF dynamics demonstrates an increase
terium tuberculosis [6]. If the clinical suspicion is high for in outflow resistance. Serial daily punctures can be therapeu-
meningitis, administration of broad-spectrum antibiotic ther- tic, with CSF aspirated until closing pressure is within nor-
apy should be initiated without delay following CSF collection mal limits (<20 cm H2 O). In some cases, this can restore the
[7]. balance between CSF formation and absorption; other cases
require medical therapy, such as weight loss, steroids, acetazo-
Shunt Malfunction lamide, diuretics, and glycerol. If all these therapeutic interven-
tions fail, placement of a permanent shunting system may be
A ventriculoperitoneal shunt is the most commonly encoun- necessary.
tered implanted system for CSF diversion. The system consists
of a ventricular catheter connected to a reservoir and valve
mechanism at the skull and a catheter that passes in the sub-
cutaneous soft tissue in the neck and anterior chest wall to The subarachnoid space can be infiltrated by various primary
the peritoneum. The distal tubing can be alternatively inserted or secondary tumors, giving rise to symptoms of meningeal
in the jugular vein, the pleura, or even the urinary bladder. irritation. CSF cytology can determine the presence of neo-
Proximal shunt failure of the ventricular catheter may occur plastic cells, although their complete identification is not al-
due to choroid plexus obstruction or cellular debris from CSF ways possible. Systemic neoplasms, such as melanoma or breast
infection. Valve or distal tubing obstruction occurs also from cancer, have a greater propensity to metastasize into the CSF
cellular debris, from disconnection, poor CSF absorption, or spaces than do primary CNS tumors and may even present
formation of an intra-abdominal pseudocyst. primarily as meningeal carcinomatosis. Ependymoma, medul-
The clinical presentation of an obstructed shunt is variable. loblastoma or primitive neuroectodermal tumor, germinoma,
It may be slowly progressive and intermittent, or there may be a and high-grade glioma are the most commonly disseminated
rapid decline in mentation progressing into a coma. A CT scan primary tumors. Hematopoietic cancers such as leukemia and
should be performed immediately to determine ventricular size. lymphoma also frequently infiltrate the subarachnoid spaces
Ventriculomegaly is a reliable indicator of a malfunctioning with little or no parenchymal involvement. CSF sampling is
shunt; however, the CT scan should be compared with previous useful for an initial diagnostic and screening tool in the neuro-
studies because the ventricular system in a shunted patient is logically intact patient who harbors a tumor type with high risk
often congenitally or chronically abnormal. of CNS relapse. Lymphoma cells in primary CNS lymphoma
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are present in increased number and pleocytosis correlates with positive for glucose. A chloride level often shows a higher value
positive cytology [13]. A generous amount of CSF or multiple than in peripheral blood, but identification of 2 -transferrin is
samples may be required for diagnosis and cisternal puncture the most accurate diagnostic for CSF. This protein is produced
may enhance the diagnosis if the lumbar CSF is nondiagnos- by neuraminidase in the brain and is uniquely found in the
tic. Acute leukemias that tend to invade the CNS include acute spinal and perilymph fluids [19].
lymphocytic leukemia, acute nonlymphocytic leukemia, acute Elevation of the patients head is the primary treatment of
myelogenous leukemia, acute myelomonocytic leukemia, and CSF leak. Placement of a lumbar drainage catheter or daily lum-
acute undifferentiated leukemia [14]. bar punctures should be used if conservative therapy fails. The
use of a continuous lumbar drainage by a catheter is somewhat
Myelography controversial because of the potential for intracranial contam-
ination from the sinuses if the ICP is lowered. To help prevent
Lumbar puncture is the most common means of access for lum- such complications, the lumbar drain collection bag can be
bar and cervical myelography because the density of contrast maintained no lower than the patients shoulder level and the
material is higher than CSF and may be directed by gravity to duration of drainage should not exceed 5 days.
the area of interest. Cervical C12 puncture had been a usual
access route for cervical myelography, but now, it is often re-
served for patients in whom a successful lumbar puncture is not Intracranial Hypertension
possible due to extensive arachnoiditis, epidural tumor, severe
Intracranial hypertension can cause significant neurologic mor-
spinal stenosis, or CSF block.
bidity or even death. Access to the intracranial CSF space is
useful for diagnosis and treatment [20]. A ventriculostomy is
Other Neurologic Disorders commonly used both as an ICP monitor and as a means to treat
There is extensive literature on CSF changes in demyelinat- intracranial hypertension by CSF drainage. An ICP-measuring
ing diseases, including MS. Typical lumbar puncture findings device should be placed following traumatic brain injury for
are normal ICP, normal glucose levels, mononuclear pleocy- patients who exhibit a Glasgow Coma Scale score less than
tosis, and elevated protein levels due to increased endothelial 8, a motor score less than 6 (not aphasic), and with initial
permeability. Immunoelectrophoresis reveals elevated IgG and CT findings of diffuse brain edema, intercranial hematoma,
oligoclonal bands that suggest inflammation in the CNS and cortical contusions, or absent or compressed basal cisterns
may be a sign of MS [15,16]. [21]. ICP monitoring can also be indicated in cerebrovascu-
CSF findings described in other disease states include ele- lar diseases, including aneurysmal SAH, spontaneous cerebral
vated tau protein and decreased -amyloid precursor protein hematoma, ischemic and hypoxic cerebral insults, and intra-
in Alzheimers disease and the presence of anti-GM1 antibod- ventricular hemorrhage. Obstructive hydrocephalus is another
ies and cytoalbumin dissociation in GuillainBarre syndrome major indication for placement of a ventricular catheter for
[17]. drainage and monitoring. ICP may be elevated due to cerebral
edema that surrounds tumors, intracranial hematomas, stroke,
and traumatic contusions, or that occurs postoperatively or
Therapeutic Intervention following cranial radiation therapy. Diffuse brain swelling also
occurs in the setting of inflammatory and infectious disor-
ders such as Reyes syndrome or meningitis, or as a result
of hyperthermia, carbon dioxide retention, or intravascular
CSF leaks occur due to a variety of nontraumatic and traumatic congestion.
etiologies. Orthostatic headaches are a characteristic symptom
of CSF leak, and rhinorrhea may be evident. Iatrogenic post-
operative CSF leaks may occur following surgery at the skull Drug Therapy
base as a result of dural or bony defects. CSF fistulas following The CSF can be a route of administration for medications
middle cranial fossa or cerebellopontine angle surgery occur in- such as chemotherapeutic agents and antibiotics. Treatment
frequently, and CSF usually leaks through the auditory tube to of lymphoma and leukemia often involves intrathecal injec-
the nasopharynx. Dural closure in the posterior fossa following tions of various agents, which may be infused through a lum-
suboccipital craniectomy is often difficult and not watertight. bar route or an intraventricular injection via an implanted
A fistula in that area usually results in a pseudomeningocele, reservoir. Meningeal carcinomatosis is treated by intrathecal
which is clinically apparent as subcutaneous swelling at the in- chemotherapy (e.g., methotrexate). Serial injections of small
cision site. Leaks following lumbar surgery are unusual, but amounts are performed in an attempt to minimize neurotoxic-
they may occur as a result of recent myelography, dural tear, ity, and the use of a ventricular reservoir may be less traumatic
or inadequate dural closure [18]. In pediatric patients, repair for the patient than that of multiple lumbar punctures. Treat-
of meningoceles or other spina bifida defects are more likely to ment of meningitis and ventriculitis may include intrathecal
present with a CSF leak because of dural or fascial defects. antibiotics in addition to systemic therapy. Careful dosage and
The most common presentation of a CSF fistula follows administration are recommended, especially if the ventricular
trauma. Basilar skull fractures that traverse the ethmoid or route is used, as many antibiotics can cause seizures or an in-
frontal sinuses can cause CSF rhinorrhea. Fractures along the flammatory ventriculitis when given intrathecally.
long axis of the petrous bone usually involve the middle ear,
causing the hemotympanum noted on examination and CSF ot-
orrhea if the tympanic membrane is ruptured. Most CSF leaks
present within 48 hours, but delayed leaks are not uncommon
because the fistula can be occluded with adhesions, hematoma, TECHNIQUES OF CEREBROSPINAL
or herniated brain tissue, which temporarily tamponades the FLUID ACCESS
The diagnosis of a leak may be easily made on clinical exam- There are several techniques for CSF aspiration. All procedures
ination; however, at times, the nature of a drainage fluid is should be performed using sterile technique (including sterile
uncertain and laboratory characterization is necessary. Dipping gloves and a mask), and the skin is prepared with antiseptic
the fluid for glucose is misleading because nasal secretions are solution and draped with sterile towels.
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Lumbar Puncture
Lumbar puncture is a common procedure that is readily per-
formed by the general practitioner at the bedside and can be
performed in any hospital or outpatient setting where commer-
cially prepared lumbar puncture trays are available. In patients
with advanced spinal degeneration, extensive previous lumbar
surgery for congenital defects and the assistance of a radiol-
ogist for needle placement using fluoroscopy or ultrasonog-
raphy may be required. Contraindications to lumbar punc-
ture include skin infection at the entry site, anticoagulation or
blood dyscrasias, papilledema in the presence of supratentorial
masses, posterior fossa lesions, and known spinal subarachnoid
block or spinal cord arteriovenous malformations.
In adults, CSF aspirations are adequately performed under
local anesthesia using 1% lidocaine without premedication. In
the pediatric population, however, sedation is often required
and allows for a smoother procedure. This is also true in the
case of anxious, confused, or combative adult patients.
Oral or rectal chloral hydrate may be used in small children,
and moderate sedation using intravenous midazolam and fen-
tanyl or dexmedetomidine can be highly successful in appropri- FIGURE 17.2. Patient sitting on the edge of the bed leaning on bedside
ately monitored adults and children when performed in a mon- stand. [From Davidson RI: Lumbar puncture, in VanderSalm TJ (ed):
itored setting by an experienced individual. The application of Atlas of Bedside Procedures. 2nd ed. Boston, Little, Brown, 1988, with
a topical anesthetic, such as EMLA cream (2.5% lidocaine and
2.5% prilocaine), preceding injection can also be useful. Con-
versely, it has been demonstrated in a controlled clinical trial
that in the neonatal population, injection of a local anesthetic medullaris, which lies more caudal than in adults. The needle
for lumbar puncture is probably not required and does not is advanced with the stylet or obturator in place to maintain
reduce perceived stress or discomfort [22]. needle patency and prevent iatrogenic intraspinal epidermoid
Figures 17.1 and 17.2 depict some of the steps for lumbar tumors. The bevel of the needle should be parallel to the longi-
puncture. The patient is placed in the lateral knee-chest posi- tudinal fibers of the dura and spinal column. The needle should
tion or with the patient sitting leaning forward over a bedside be oriented rostrally at an angle of about 30 degrees to the
table. The sitting position may be preferred for obese patients skin and virtually aimed toward the umbilicus. When properly
in whom adipose tissue can obscure the midline or in elderly pa- oriented, the needle passes through the following structures
tients with significant lumbar degenerative disease. Following a before entering the subarachnoid space: skin, superficial fas-
time-out (correct patient, procedure, site, and equipment), the cia, supraspinous ligament, interspinous ligament, ligamentum
local anesthetic is injected subcutaneously using a 25- or 27- flavum, epidural space with its fatty areolar tissue and internal
gauge needle. A 1.5-in. needle is then inserted through the skin vertebral plexus, dura, and arachnoid membrane (Fig. 17.3).
wheal and additional local anesthetic is injected along the mid- The total depth varies from less than 1 in. in the very young
line, thus anesthetizing the interspinous ligaments and muscles. patient to as deep as 4 in. in the obese adult. The kinesthetic
This small anesthetic volume is usually adequate; however, a sensations of passing through the ligaments into the epidural
more extensive field block is accomplished by additional injec-
tions on each side of the interspinous space near the lamina
The point of skin entry is midline at the level of the superior
iliac crests, which is usually between the spinous processes of
L3 to L4. Lower needle placement at L4 to L5 or L5 to S1 is
required in children and neonates to avoid injury to the conus
space followed by dural puncture are quite consistent and rec- An uncommon sequela of lumbar puncture or continuous
ognized with practice. Once intradural, the bevel of the needle CSF drainage is hearing loss. Drainage decreases ICP, which is
is redirected in a cephalad direction in order to improve CSF transmitted to the perilymph via the cochlear aqueduct and can
flow. A spinal needle no smaller than 22 gauge should be used cause hearing impairment [35]. The rate of occurrence of this
for pressure measurement. The opening pressure is best mea- complication is reported to be 0.4%, but is probably higher
sured with the patients legs relaxed and extended partly from because it goes unrecognized and seems reversible. There are a
the knee-chest position. Pressure measurements may be difficult few documented cases of irreversible hearing loss [36].
in children and may be estimated using CSF flow rate [24]. Transient sixth-nerve palsy has also been reported, proba-
Once CSF is collected, the closing pressure is measured prior bly due to nerve traction following significant CSF removal.
to needle withdrawal. It is best to replace the stylet in the needle Neurovascular injury can occur uncommonly in the setting of
prior to exiting the subarachnoid space. CSF pressure measure- a subarachnoid block due to spinal tumors. In this situation,
ments are not accurate if performed in the sitting position due CSF drainage leads to significant traction and spinal coning
to the hydrostatic pressure of the CSF column above the entry with subsequent neurologic impairment [37,38].
point or if a significant amount of CSF was lost when the stylet
is first withdrawn. If necessary, the pressure could be measured
by reclining the patient to the lateral position once entry in the Lateral Cervical (C12) Puncture
CSF space has been secured.
Although a lumbar puncture is typically safe, there are a The C12 or lateral cervical puncture was originally developed
number of potential complications and risks involved. Hemor- for percutaneous cordotomy. It may be used for myelography
rhage is uncommon but can be seen in association with bleeding or aspiration of CSF if the lumbar route is inaccessible. It is
disorders and anticoagulation therapy. Spinal SAH has been most safely performed with fluoroscopic guidance with the pa-
reported in such conditions, resulting in blockage of CSF out- tient supine, the head and neck flexed, and the lateral neck
flow with subsequent back and radicular pain, sphincter distur- draped. The skin entry point is 1 cm caudal and 1 cm dorsal
bances, and even paraparesis [25]. Spinal subdural hematoma to the tip of the mastoid process. The site is infiltrated with
is likewise very infrequent, but it is associated with significant a local anesthetic, and the spinal needle is introduced and di-
morbidity that may require prompt surgical intervention. In- rected toward the junction of the middle and posterior thirds
fection by introduction of the patients skin flora or the opera- of the bony canal to avoid an anomalous vertebral or poste-
tors mouth or nose flora into the subarachnoid spaces, causing rior inferior cerebellar artery that may lie in the anterior half
meningitis, is uncommon and preventable if aseptic techniques of the canal. The stylet should be removed frequently to check
(including mask) are used. Risks of infection are increased in for CSF egress. When the procedure is performed under fluo-
serial taps or placement of lumbar catheters for the treatment roscopy, the needle is seen to be perpendicular to the neck and
of CSF fistulas. just under the posterior ring of C1. The same sensation is rec-
Postural headache is the most common complication fol- ognized when piercing the dura as in a lumbar puncture and
lowing lumbar puncture. Its reported frequency varies from the bevel is then directed cephalad in a similar fashion. Com-
1% to 70% [26]. It is thought to be due to excessive leakage of plications of the lateral cervical puncture include injury to the
CSF into the paraspinous spaces, resulting in intracranial hy- spinal cord or the vertebral artery and irritation of a nerve root,
potension with stretching and expansion of the pain-sensitive causing local pain and headache.
intracerebral veins. MRI has demonstrated a reduced CSF vol-
ume following lumbar puncture, but with no significant brain
displacement and no correlation with headache [27]. Psycho-
logic factors and previous history of headaches seem to strongly Cisternal Puncture
influence the patients risk of and tolerance to headache [28].
A smaller needle size, parallel orientation to the dural fibers, A cisternal puncture provides CSF access via the cisterna magna
a paramedian approach, and stylet reinsertion prior to with- when other routes are not possible. A preoperative lateral skull
drawal of the spinal needle have also been reported to decrease radiograph is performed to ensure normal anatomy. The pa-
the risk of headache after lumbar puncture [29]. tient is positioned sitting with the head slightly flexed. The
The choice of needle type has been the subject of litera- hair is removed in the occipital region and the area prepared,
ture debate. Several needle tip designs are available, includ- draped, and infiltrated with lidocaine. The entry point is in the
ing the traditional Quincke needle with a beveled cutting tip, midline between the external occipital protuberance in the up-
the Sprotte needle with a pencil point and side hole, and the per margin of the spinous process of C2 or via an imaginary
Whitacre needle, which is similar to the Sprotte needle but with line through both external auditory meati. The spinal needle is
a smaller side hole. The use of an atraumatic needle seems to be directed through a slightly cephalad course and usually strikes
adequate for the performance of a diagnostic lumbar puncture the occipital bone. It is then redirected more caudally in a step-
and is probably associated with a lower risk of a postpuncture wise fashion until it passes through the atlanto-occipital mem-
headache [30,31]. brane and dura, producing a popping sensation. The cisterna
Postdural puncture headache typically develops within 72 magna usually lies 4 to 6 cm deep to the skin; the needle should
hours and lasts 3 to 5 days. Conservative treatment con- not be introduced beyond 7.0 to 7.5 cm from the skin to prevent
sists of bed rest, hydration, and analgesics. Non-phenothiazine injury to the medulla or the vertebral arteries. The procedure
antiemetics are administered if the headache is associated with can be performed relatively safely in a cooperative patient as
nausea. If the symptoms are more severe, methylxanthines (caf- the cisterna magna is a large CSF space; however, it is rarely
feine or theophylline) are prescribed orally or parenterally. practiced due to the greater potential morbidity.
These agents are successful in up to 85% of patients [32]. Sev-
eral other pharmacologic agents are discussed in the literature,
but none seems to be as effective as caffeine. If the headache Aspiration of Reservoirs and Shunts
persists or is unaffected, an epidural blood patch is then recom-
mended because it is one of the most effective treatments for An implanted reservoir or shunt system should not be accessed
this condition [33]. Epidural injection of other agents, such as without prior consultation with a neurosurgeon, despite the
saline, dextran, or adenocorticotropic hormone, has also been apparent simplicity of the procedure itself. Violating implanted
described and may be valuable under certain conditions (e.g., systems carries several risks, including infection, which can re-
sepsis or acquired immunodeficiency syndrome) [34]. sult in a lengthy hospitalization, prolonged antibiotic course,
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Lumboperitoneal Shunt
Lumboperitoneal shunts are placed via percutaneous insertion
of a lumbar subarachnoid catheter or through a small skin in-
FIGURE 17.4. Close-up view of ventricular reservoir in the calvarial cision. They are tunneled subcutaneously around the patients
burr hole, the funneled base connected directly to the proximal end of flank to the abdomen, where the distal catheter enters the peri-
the ventricular catheter. The distal perforated end is shown. toneal cavity through a separate abdominal incision. A reser-
voir or valve or both may be used and are located on the lateral
aspect of the flank. Careful palpation between the two inci-
and several operative procedures for shunt externalization, sions usually reveals the tubing path and reservoir placement
hardware removal, and insertion of a new shunt system. in the nonobese patient. The patient is placed in lateral decubi-
Subcutaneous reservoirs in ventriculoatrial or ventricu- tus position and a pillow under the dependent flank may be of
loperitoneal shunting systems are located proximal to the uni- assistance. The same technique as described for a ventricular
directional valve and can be accessed percutaneously. The reser- shunt is then performed. Fluid aspiration should be particu-
voirs are usually button-sized, measuring approximately 7 to larly gentle as an additional risk of this procedure is nerve root
10 mm in diameter and 2 mm in height. They can be located irritation.
in the burr hole directly connected to the ventricular catheter
(Fig. 17.4) or as an integral part of the valve system (Fig. 17.5). Ventricular Reservoirs
Indications for reservoir taps have been previously discussed.
The procedure can be performed in any hospital or out- Ventricular reservoirs are inserted as part of a blind system
patient setting. Gloves, mask, antiseptic solution, razor, sterile consisting of a catheter located in a CSF space, usually the
drapes, 23- or 25-gauge needle (short hub or butterfly), tu- lateral ventricle, and without distal runoff. Such systems are
berculin syringe, and sterile collection tubes are readied. The placed for CSF access purposes only, such as for instilla-
patient can be in any comfortable position that allows access tion of antibiotics or chemotherapeutic agents, or CSF aspi-
to the reservoir. Sedation may be required for toddlers, but is ration for treatment and monitoring. Ommaya reservoirs are
otherwise unnecessary. Reference to a skull radiograph may dome-shaped structures (Fig. 17.6) with a diameter of 1 to
be helpful in localization. The reservoir is palpated, overlying 2 cm and have a connecting port placed at their base or side.
hair is removed preferably with a clipper rather than a razor They are placed subcutaneously and attached to a ventricular
and the skin cleansed. Local anesthesia is usually not required
and the use of topical anesthetic creams is occasionally consid-
FIGURE 17.5. A domed reservoir in series in one type of shunt valve. FIGURE 17.6. Close-up view of a ventricular (Ommaya) double-
The large, clear-domed area for puncture lies immediately proximal to domed reservoir, the caudal half of which is designed to lie within
the one-way valve. the burr hole.
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Lumbar Drainage
Continuous CSF drainage via a lumbar catheter is useful in the
treatment of CSF fistulas and as a provocative test to demon-
strate the potential effects of shunting in normal-pressure
hydrocephalus or ventriculomegaly of various etiologies.
Commercially available lumbar drainage kits are closed sterile
FIGURE 17.7. Coronal section through the brain at the level of the
frontal horns, illustrating the subgaleal/epicalvarial location at the
systems that drain into a replaceable collection bag. Catheter
reservoir, with the distal perforated part of the catheter lying within placement is performed just as in lumbar puncture; however,
the ventricle. a large-bore Tuohy needle is used, through which the catheter
is threaded once CSF return has been confirmed. Needle ori-
entation follows the same guidelines as discussed for a lum-
subarachnoid catheter (Fig. 17.7). Aspiration technique is es- bar puncture and is even more important in the case of this
sentially the same as from a shunt reservoir; however, the Om- large-gauge needle. Epidural catheter kits could also be used,
maya reservoir is often larger and differs in shape from many although the catheters tend to be slightly stiffer and have a
shunt reservoirs. It is accessed, preferably, with a 25-gauge nee- narrower diameter. Complications include hemorrhage in the
dle or butterfly. CSF is allowed to flow by gravity if possible; epidural or subarachnoid space, infection, inability to aspirate
a volume equal to that to be instilled is removed and held CSF, CSF leak, nerve root irritation, and, most ominously, a
for analysis or reinjection. The antibiotic or chemotherapeu- supratentorial subdural hematoma secondary to overdrainage.
tic agent is injected; 1 mL of CSF or sterile saline can be used This complication tends to be more common in elderly indi-
to flush the dose into the ventricle, or gentle barbotage of the viduals. The potential for overdrainage is significant because
reservoir may be performed to achieve the same goal. Risks of the large diameter of the catheter and because the amount
and complications are essentially the same as in shunt aspira- of drainage depends on the cooperation of the patient and the
tions (i.e., infection, bleeding, and improper insertion), with nursing staff.
the addition of chemical ventriculitis or arachnoiditis.
Of the various techniques available for CSF access, lumbar
A ventriculostomy is a catheter placed in the lateral ventricle for puncture is the procedure most commonly and safely per-
CSF drainage or ICP monitoring and treatment. It is performed formed by the general practitioner. Other techniques are de-
by a neurosurgeon in the operating room or at the bedside in scribed that may require the assistance of a radiologist, neurol-
the intensive care unit or emergency department. It is usually ogist, anesthesiologist, or neurosurgeon.
1. Hollman GA, Schultz MM, Eickhoff JC, et al: Propofol-fentanyl versus 9. Lundar T, Nornes H: Determination of ventricular fluid outflow resistance
propofol alone for lumbar puncture sedation in children with acute hema- in patients with ventriculomegaly. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry 53:896,
tologic malignancies: propofol dosing and adverse events. Pediatr Crit Care 1990.
Med 9:616, 2007. 10. Walchenback R, Geiger E, Thomeer R, et al: The value of temporary exter-
2. Dilli D, Dallar Y, Sorguc N: Comparison of ketamine plus midazolam ver- nal lumbar CSF drainage in predicting the outcome of shunting on normal
sus ketamine for sedation in children during lumbar puncture. Clin J Pain pressure hydrocephalus. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry 72:503, 2002.
25:349, 2009. 11. Ball AK, Clarke CE: Idiopathic intracranial hypertension. Lancet Neurol
3. Wood J: Cerebrospinal fluid: techniques of access and analytical interpreta- 5:433, 2006.
tion, in Wilkins R, Rengachary S (eds): Neurosurgery. 2nd ed. New York, 12. Johnston I, Hawke S, Halmagyi J, et al: The pseudotumor syndrome: dis-
McGraw-Hill, 1996, p 165. orders of cerebrospinal fluid circulation causing intracranial hypertension
4. Beck J, Raabe A, Szelenyi, et al: Sentinel headache and the risk of rebleeding without ventriculomegaly. Arch Neurol 48:740, 1991.
after aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage. Stroke 27:2733, 2006. 13. Fischer L, Jahnke K, Martus P, et al: The diagnostic value of cerebrospinal
5. Leblanc R: The minor leak preceding subarachnoid hemorrhage. J Neurosurg fluid pleocytosis and protein in the detection of lymphomatous meningitis in
66:35, 1981. primary central nervous system lymphomas. Haematologica 91:429, 2006.
6. DArminio-Monteforte A, Cinque P, Vago L, et al: A comparison of brain 14. Bigner SH, Johnston WWW: The cytopathology of cerebrospinal fluid, I.
biopsy and CSF PCR in the diagnosis of CNS lesions in AIDS patients. Non-neoplastic condition, lymphoma and leukemia. Acta Cytol 25:335,
J Neurol 244:35, 1997. 1981.
7. Fitch M, van de Beek D: Emergency diagnosis and treatment of adult menin- 15. Fishman RA: Cerebrospinal Fluid in Diseases of the Nervous System.
gitis. Lancet Infect Dis 7:191, 2007. 2nd ed. Philadelphia, WB Saunders, 1992.
8. Albeck MJ, Borgesen SE, Gjerris F, et al: Intracranial pressure and cere- 16. Link H, Huang Y: Oligoclonal bands in multiple sclerosis cerebrospinal fluid:
brospinal fluid outflow conductance I healthy subjects. J Neurosurg 74:597, an update on methodology and clinical usefulness. J Neuroimmunol 180:17,
1991. 2006.
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17. Fagan AM, Roe CM, Xiong C, et al: Cerebrospinal fluid tau/-amyloid 42 28. Lee T, Maynard N, Anslow P, et al: Post-myelogram headache: physiological
ratio as a prediction of cognitive decline in nondemented older adults. Arch or psychological? Neuroradiology 33:155, 1991.
Neurol 64:343, 2007. 29. Peterman S: Post myelography headache: a review. Radiology 200:765,
18. Agrillo U, Simonetti G, Martino V: Postoperative CSF problems after spinal 1996.
and lumbar surgery: general review. J Neurosurg Sci 35:93, 1991. 30. Lavi R, Rowe JM, Avivi I: Traumatic vs. atraumatic 22 G needle for therapeu-
19. Nandapalan V, Watson ID, Swift AC: 2 -Transferrin and CSF rhinorrhea. tic and diagnostic lumbar puncture in the hematologic patient: a prospective
Clin Otolaryngol 21:259, 1996. clinical trial. Haematologica 92:1007, 2007.
20. Lyons MK, Meyer FB: Cerebrospinal fluid physiology and the management 31. Torbati S, Katz D, Silka P, et al: Comparison of blunt versus sharp spinal
of increased intracranial pressure. Mayo Clin Proc 65:684, 1990. needles used in the emergency department in rates of post-lumbar puncture
21. American Association of Neurological Surgeons, Congress of Neurological headache. Ann Emerg Med 54:S73, 2009.
Surgeons, Joint Section on Neurotrauma and Critical Care: guidelines for the 32. Ahmed SV, Jayawarna C, Jude E: Post lumbar puncture headache: diagnosis
management of severe traumatic brain injury. 3rd edition. J Neurotrauma and management. Postgrad Med J 82:713, 2006.
24:S1, 2007. 33. van Kooten F, Oedit R, Bakker S, et al: Epidural blood patch in post dural
22. Porter FL, Miller JP, Cole FS, et al: A controlled clinical trial of local anes- puncture headache: a randomized, observer-blind, controlled clinical trial.
thesia for lumbar punctures in newborns [see comments]. Pediatrics 88:663, J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry 79:553, 2007.
1991. 34. Choi A, Laurito CE, Cunningham FE: Pharmacologic management of post-
23. Wilkinson HA: Technical note: anesthesia for lumbar puncture. JAMA dural headache. Ann Pharmacother 30:831, 1996.
249:2177, 1983. 35. Walsted A, Salomon G, Thomsen J: Hearing decrease after loss of
24. Ellis RW III, Strauss LC, Wiley JM, et al: A simple method of estimating cere- cerebrospinal fluid: a new hydrops model? Acta Otolaryngol 111:468,
brospinal fluid pressure during lumbar puncture. Pediatrics 89:895, 1992. 1991.
25. Scott EW, Cazenave CR, Virapongse C: Spinal subarachnoid hematoma 36. Michel O, Brusis T: Hearing loss as a sequel of lumbar puncture. Ann Otol
complicating lumbar puncture: diagnosis and management. Neurosurgery Rhinol Laryngol 101:390, 1992.
25:287, 1989. 37. Wong MC, Krol G, Rosenblum MK: Occult epidural chloroma compli-
26. Strupp M, Brandt T: Should one reinsert the stylet during lumbar puncture? cated by acute paraplegia following lumbar puncture. Ann Neurol 31:110,
N Engl J Med 336:1190, 1997. 1992.
27. Grant F, Condon B, Hart I, et al: Changes in intracranial CSF volume af- 38. Mutoh S, Aikou I, Ueda S: Spinal coning after lumbar puncture in prostate
ter lumbar puncture and their relationship to post-LP headache. J Neurol cancer with asymptomatic vertebral metastasis: a case report. J Urol 145:834,
Neurosurg Psychiatry 54:440, 1991. 1991.
Percutaneous suprapubic cystostomy was described four cen- may require a larger bore catheter, such as 20 or 22 French (Fr).
turies ago; safety of the procedure was first demonstrated by When dealing with urethral strictures, a smaller bore catheter
Garson and Peterson in 1888. The first modern method was should be used, such as 12 or 14 Fr. Patients with a history of
the Campbell trocar set, described in 1951 [1]. It is used to prior prostatic surgery such as transurethral resection of the
divert urine from the bladder when standard urethral catheter- prostate, open prostatectomy, or radical prostatectomy may
ization is impossible or undesirable [2]. In emergency situ- have an irregular bladder neck as a result of contracture after
ations, the majority of these patients are men with urethral surgery. The use of a coude-tip catheter, which has an upper
stricture or complex prostatic disease or patients with trauma deflected tip, may help in negotiating the altered anatomy af-
with urethral disruption. Complete urethral transection asso- ter prostate surgery. The presence of a high-riding prostate or
ciated with a pelvic fracture is an absolute indication for emer- blood at the urethral meatus suggests urethral trauma. In this
gent suprapubic cystostomy. The procedure for placement of a situation, urethral integrity must be demonstrated by retro-
small-diameter catheter is rapid, safe, and easily accomplished grade urethrogram before urethral catheterization is attempted.
at the bedside under local anesthesia. This chapter first ad- Urethral catheterization for gross hematuria requires large
dresses methods for urethral catheterization before discussing catheters, such as 22 or 24 Fr, which have larger holes for
the percutaneous approach. irrigation and removal of clots. Alternatively, a three-way ure-
thral catheter may be used to provide continuous bladder ir-
rigation to prevent clotting. Large catheters impede excretion
of urethral secretions, however, and can lead to urethritis or
URETHRAL CATHETERIZATION epididymitis if used for prolonged periods.
Urethral catheterization remains the principal method for blad-
der drainage. The indications for the catheter should be clari-
fied because they influence the type and size of catheter to be Technique
used [3]. A history and physical examination with particular
attention to the patients genitourinary system are important. In male patients, after the patient is prepared and draped,
Catheterization may be difficult with male patients in several 10 mL of a 2% lidocaine hydrochloride jelly is injected ret-
instances. Patients with lower urinary tract symptoms (e.g., uri- rograde into the urethra. Anesthesia of the urethral mucosa
nary urgency, frequency, nocturia, decreased stream, and hesi- requires 5 to 10 minutes after occluding the urethral meatus
tancy) may have benign prostatic hypertrophy. These patients either with a penile clamp or manually to prevent loss of the
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jelly [4]. The balloon of the catheter is tested, and the catheter TA B L E 1 8 . 2
tip is covered with a water-soluble lubricant. After stretching
the penis upward and perpendicular to the body, the catheter RELATIVE CONTRAINDICATIONS TO
is inserted into the urethral meatus. The catheter is advanced PERCUTANEOUS SUPRAPUBIC CYSTOTOMY
up to the hub to ensure its entrance into the bladder. To pre-
vent urethral trauma, the balloon is not inflated until urine is Nonpalpable bladder
observed draining from the catheter. Irrigation of the catheter Previous lower abdominal surgery
with normal saline helps verify the position. A common site of Coagulopathy
resistance to catheter passage is the external urinary sphincter Known bladder tumor
within the membranous urethra, which may contract voluntar- Clot retention
ily. Any other resistance may represent a stricture, necessitating
urologic consultation. In patients with prior prostate surgery,
an assistants finger placed in the rectum may elevate the ure-
thra and allow the catheter to pass into the bladder. with saline to distend it. In men, a 14-Fr catheter is placed in the
In female patients, short, straight catheters are preferred. fossa navicularis just inside the urethral meatus and the balloon
Typically, a smaller amount of local anesthesia is used. Dif- is filled with 2 to 3 mL of sterile water to occlude the urethra.
ficulties in catheter placement occur after urethral surgery or Saline is injected slowly into the catheter until the bladder is
vulvectomy, or with vaginal atrophy or morbid obesity. In these palpable and then the suprapubic tube may be placed. In pa-
cases, the meatus is not visible and may be retracted under the tients with a contracted neurogenic bladder, it is impossible to
symphysis pubis. Blind catheter placement over a finger located adequately distend the bladder by this approach. For these pa-
in the vagina at the palpated site of the urethral meatus may tients, ultrasonography is used to locate the bladder and allow
be successful. the insertion of a 22-gauge spinal needle. Saline is instilled into
When urologic consultation is obtained, other techniques the bladder via the needle to distend the bladder enough for
for urethral catheterization can be used. Flexible cystoscopy suprapubic tube placement (Fig. 18.1).
may be performed to ascertain the reason for difficult catheter In patients with previous lower abdominal surgery, ultra-
placement and for insertion of a guidewire. A urethral catheter sonographic guidance is often necessary before a percutaneous
can then be placed over the guidewire by the Seldinger tech- cystotomy can be performed safely. Previous surgery can lead
nique. Filiforms and followers are useful for urethral strictures. to adhesions that can hold a loop of intestine in the area of in-
sertion. Other relative contraindications include patients with
coagulopathy, a known history of bladder tumors, or active
Indications hematuria and retained clots. In patients with bladder tumors,
percutaneous bladder access should be avoided because tumor
On occasion, despite proper technique (as outlined previ- cell seeding can occur along the percutaneous tract. Suprapu-
ously), urethral catheterization is unsuccessful. These are the bic cystotomy tubes are small in caliber and therefore do not
instances when percutaneous suprapubic cystotomy is neces- function effectively with severe hematuria and retained clots.
sary. Undoubtedly, the most common indication for percuta- Instead, open surgical placement of a large-caliber tube is nec-
neous suprapubic cystotomy is for the management of acute essary if urethral catheterization is impossible.
urinary retention in men. Other indications for a percutaneous
suprapubic cystotomy in the intensive care unit are provided
in Table 18.1. Technique
There are two general types of percutaneous cystotomy tubes
Contraindications that range in size from 8 to 14 Fr [5,6]. The first type uses
an obturator with a preloaded catheter. Examples include the
The contraindications to percutaneous suprapubic cystotomy Stamey catheter (Cook Urological, Spencer, IN) and the Bo-
are provided in Table 18.2. An inability to palpate the bladder nanno catheter (Beckton Dickinson and Co, Franklin Lakes,
or distortion of the pelvic anatomy from previous surgery or NJ) [7]. The Stamey device is a polyethylene Malecot catheter
trauma makes percutaneous entry of the bladder difficult. In with a luer lock hub that fits over a hollow needle obturator
these situations, the risks of penetrating the peritoneal cavity (Fig. 18.2A). When the obturator is locked to the hub of the
become substantial. The bladder may not be palpable if the pa- catheter, the Malecot flanges are pulled inward (closed) and
tient is in acute renal failure with oliguria or anuria, has a small the system is ready for use. The Bonanno catheter uses a flexi-
contracted neurogenic bladder, or is incontinent. When the ble 14-Fr Teflon tube, which is inserted over a hollow 18-gauge
bladder is not palpable, it can be filled in a retrograde manner obturator (Fig. 18.2B). The obturator locks into the catheter
hub and extends beyond the catheter tip. When the obturator
is withdrawn, the tube pigtails in the bladder. One advantage
TA B L E 1 8 . 1 to the Stamey catheter is that the flanges provide a secure re-
taining system. The Bonanno catheter generally induces fewer
COMMON INDICATIONS FOR PERCUTANEOUS bladder spasms, however, and is better tolerated.
CYSTOTOMY The second type of percutaneous cystotomy tube consists of
a trocar and sheath, which are used to penetrate the abdominal
Unsuccessful urethral catheterization in the setting of acute wall and bladder [8,9]. One of the most popular systems is the
urinary retention Lawrence suprapubic catheter (Rusch, Duluth, GA). This sys-
History of prostate surgery tem allows a standard Foley catheter to be placed after removal
Presence or suspected urethral trauma of the trocar (Fig. 18.2C).
Urethral stricture The patient is placed in the supine position; a towel roll
Severe hypospadias may be placed under the hips to extend the pelvis. Trende-
Periurethral abscess lenburg position may help to move the abdominal contents
Presence of severe urethral, epididymal, or prostate infection away from the bladder. The bladder is palpated to ensure that
it is distended. The suprapubic region is prepared with 2%
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Inability to place
Uretheral catheter
Bladder adequately filled
Bladder filling
Previous abdominal
Yes No
chlorhexidine/10% povidoneiodine solution and draped with the suprapubic crease, where the fat thickness is minimal. One
sterile towels. The insertion site is several centimeters above percent lidocaine is used to anesthetize the skin, subcutaneous
the symphysis pubis in the midline: this approach avoids the tissues, rectus fascia, and retropubic space. A 22-gauge spinal
epigastric vessels. In obese patients with a large abdominal fat needle with a 5-mL syringe is directed vertically and advanced
pad, the fold is elevated. The needle should be introduced into until urine is aspirated. If the bladder is smaller or the patient
had previous pelvic surgery, the needle is directed at a 60-degree
caudal angle. Insertion of the cystotomy tube is predicated on
the feasibility of bladder puncture and after the angle and depth
of insertion are established with the spinal needle (Fig. 18.3).
At the site of bladder puncture, a small 2-mm incision is
made with a no. 11 blade. The catheter mounted on the ob-
turator is advanced into the bladder. Two hands are used to
grasp the system to provide a forceful, but controlled, thrust
through the abdominal wall. One hand can be positioned on
A the obturator at a site marking the depth of the bladder. A
syringe attached to the end of the obturator is used to aspi-
rate urine and confirm obturator placement. Once the bladder
is penetrated, the entire system is advanced 2 to 3 cm. This
prevents the catheter tip from withdrawing into the retropubic
space when the bladder decompresses. After unlocking the ob-
turator from the catheter, the obturator acts as a guide while
the catheter is advanced into the bladder. When using a Stamey
B catheter, the catheter can be gently withdrawn until the Malecot
flanges meet resistance against the anterior bladder wall. The
Stamey catheter is then advanced 2 cm back into the bladder
to allow for movement. This maneuver pulls the catheter away
from the bladder trigone and helps reduce bladder spasms.
The same general technique applies to placement of the
Lawrence suprapubic catheter system. After the bladder is pen-
etrated, urine appears at the hub of the suprapubic catheter in-
C troducer (trocar plus sheath). The trocar is then removed and a
FIGURE 18.2. A: Stamey suprapubic cystostomy trocar set (A is the Foley catheter is inserted. The Foley catheter balloon is inflated
obturator, B is the Malecot catheter, and C is the drainage tube). to secure it in the bladder. Pulling the tab at the top of the peel-
B: Bonanno catheter set (A is the obturator and B is the catheter). away sheath allows the remaining portion of the sheath to be
C: Lawrence suprapubic catheter (A is the trocar and B is the sheath). removed away from the catheter.
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Ultrasound provides physicians with a twofold increase in suc- Placement of suprapubic cystotomy tubes is generally safe with
cess rates for suprapubic bladder needle aspiration and was infrequent complications. Possible complications are provided
sensitive in evaluating and confirming bladder distention [10]. in Table 18.3 [13]. Bowel complications are severe, but rare,
It is readily available, can be performed at the bedside, is easy with this procedure [14]. Penetration of the peritoneal cavity
to perform, and poses no additional risk to the patient [11,12]. or bowel perforation produces peritoneal or intestinal symp-
Ultrasound visualization of a full bladder is easy to learn and toms and signs. This complication may be avoided by attempt-
provides a well-defined image of the bladder (Fig. 18.4). The ing the procedure on well-distended bladders, using a midline
bladder is located beneath the abdominal muscles in the lower
midline position, anterior to the uterus in females. A full blad-
der is easy to visualize as a midline symmetrical hypoechoic TA B L E 1 8 . 3
image under the abdominal rectus muscles in the suprapubic
abdominal region. The bladder is best visualized when it is COMPLICATIONS OF PERCUTANEOUS CYSTOTOMY
distended, using 3.5-, 5.0-, or 7.5-MHz transducer probes on
transabdominal transverse and longitudinal axial planes. Ul- Peritoneal and bowel perforation
trasound can establish the presence of fluid in and surround- Hematuria
ing the bladder, as well as provide dimensions of depth and Retained or calcified catheter
size of the bladder itself. Tenting of the bladder wall can be Bladder stones
seen by ultrasound as the needle pushes against the bladder be- Postobstructive diuresis
fore penetration occurs and the catheter can be seen within Hypotension
the bladder once the cystostomy tube placement has been Bladder perforation and infection of space of Retzius
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Entrapped bowel
approach no more than 4 cm above the pubis or under image Complications associated with the catheter include loss
guidance. of a portion of the catheter in the bladder, calcification of
In patients who have had previous lower abdominal or the catheter, or bladder stone formation. These complications
pelvic surgery, an ultrasound may be used to properly place may be avoided by preventing prolonged catheter use. Beyond
the suprapubic tube and rule out entrapped bowel (Fig. 18.5). 4 weeks, evaluation and replacement or removal of catheter is
Patients who develop peritoneal symptoms and signs require a advisable.
full evaluation of the location of not only the suprapubic tube When chronically distended bladders are decompressed, pa-
(by a cystogram) but also the cystotomy tract. A kidneyureter tients are at risk for postobstructive diuresis [15]. Patients who
bladder radiograph and computed tomography scans may be are at greatest risk include those with azotemia, peripheral
helpful. edema, congestive heart failure, and mental status changes.
Hematuria is the most common complication after supra- Patients with postobstructive diuresis (i.e., urine outputs
pubic tube placement. Rarely, this requires open cystotomy for >200 mL per hour) require frequent monitoring of vital signs
placement of a large-caliber tube for irrigation. Hematuria can and intravenous fluid replacement.
result secondary to laceration of blood vessels or rapid de- Hypotension rarely occurs after suprapubic tube placement.
compression of a chronically distended bladder, and the risk It may be caused by a vasovagal response or bleeding, allevi-
of hematuria may be reduced by gradual bladder decompres- ated by fluid administration. Another rare, but possible, com-
sion. Another risk with decompression of chronically distend plication is a through-and-through bladder perforation that is
bladder is postobstructive diuresis. treated conservatively with bladder decompression.
1. Hodgkinson CP, Hodari AA: Trocar suprapubic cystostomy for postopera- 9. Chiou RK, Morton JJ, Engelsgjerd JS, et al: Placement of large suprapubic
tive bladder drainage in the female. Am J Obstet Gynecol 96(6):773783, tube using peel-away introducer. J Urol 153(4):11791181, 1995.
1966. 10. Munir V, Barnett P, South M: Does the use of volumetric bladder ultrasound
2. Wein AJ, Kavoussi LR, Novick AC, et al: Campbell-Walsh Urology Ninth improve the success rate of suprapubic aspiration of urine? Pediatr Emerg
Edition Review. Philadelphia, PA, Saunders/Elsevier, 2007. Care 18(5):346, 2002.
3. Brosnahan J, Jull A, Tracy C: Types of urethral catheters for management of 11. Aguilera PA, Choi T, Durham BA: Ultrasound-guided suprapubic cystostomy
short-term voiding problems in hospitalised adults. Cochrane Database Syst catheter placement in the emergency department. J Emerg Med 26(3):319
Rev (1):Cd004013, 2004. 321, 2004.
4. Siderias J, Guadio F, Singer AJ: Comparison of topical anesthetics and lu- 12. Lee MJ, Papanicolaou N, Nocks BN, et al: Fluoroscopically guided percuta-
bricants prior to urethral catheterization in males: a randomized controlled neous suprapubic cystostomy for long-term bladder drainage: an alternative
trial. Acad Emerg Med 11(6):703706, 2004. to surgical cystostomy. Radiology 188(3):787789, 1993.
5. Irby Iii P, Stoller M: Percutaneous suprapubic cystostomy. J Endourol 13. Dogra P, Goel R: Complication of percutaneous suprapubic cystostomy. Int
7(2):125130, 1993. Urol Nephrol 36(3):343344, 2004.
6. Lawrentschuk N, Lee D, Marriott P, et al: Suprapubic stab cystostomy: a 14. Liau S, Shabeer U: Laparoscopic management of cecal injury from a mis-
safer technique. Urology 62(5):932934, 2003. placed percutaneous suprapubic cystostomy. Surg Laparosc Endosc Percutan
7. Bonanno PJ, Landers DE, Rock DE: Bladder drainage with the suprapubic Tech 15(6):378, 2005.
catheter needle. Obstet Gynecol 35(5):807812, 1970. 15. Nyman MA, Schwenk NM, Silverstein MD: Management of urinary reten-
8. Obrien WM, Pahira JJ: Percutaneous placement of suprapubic tube using tion: rapid versus gradual decompression and risk of complications. Mayo
peel-away sheath introducer. Urology 31(6):524525, 1988. Clin Proc 72(10):951956, 1997.
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Chapter 19: Aspiration of the Knee and Synovial Fluid Analysis 155
Arthrocentesis is a safe and relatively simple procedure that in- lateral joint line. If a bulge of fluid is noted at the medial joint
volves the introduction of a needle into a joint space to remove line, a small effusion is present (Fig. 19.1). If a large effusion is
synovial fluid. It constitutes an essential part of the evaluation present, one can detect a ballotable patella by pushing it against
of arthritis of unknown cause, frequently with the intent to rule the femur with the right index finger while applying pressure to
out a septic process [13]. the suprapatellar pouch with the left hand [13]. Comparison
Ropes and Bauer [4] first categorized synovial fluid as in- with the opposite joint is helpful. Many texts describe joint
flammatory or noninflammatory in 1953. In 1961, Hollander examination and assessment for fluid in the knee and other
et al. [5] and Gatter and McCarty [6] coined the term syn- joints [1113].
ovianalysis to describe the process of joint fluid analysis and
were instrumental in establishing its critical role in the diag-
nosis of certain forms of arthritis. Septic arthritis and crys-
talline arthritis can be diagnosed by synovial fluid analysis
alone. They may present similarly but require markedly dif- CONTRAINDICATIONS
ferent treatments, thus necessitating early arthrocentesis and
Absolute contraindications to arthrocentesis include local in-
prompt synovial fluid analysis.
fection of the overlying skin or other periarticular structures
and severe coagulopathy [13,10]. If coagulopathy is present
and septic arthritis is suspected, every effort should be made
to correct the coagulopathy (with fresh-frozen plasma or al-
INDICATIONS ternate factors) before joint aspiration. Therapeutic anticoag-
ulation is not an absolute contraindication, but every effort
Arthrocentesis is performed for diagnostic and therapeutic pur-
should be made to avoid excessive trauma during aspiration
poses. The main indication for arthrocentesis is to assist in
in this circumstance. Known bacteremia is a contraindication
the evaluation of arthritis of unknown cause. In the intensive
because inserting a needle into the joint space disrupts capil-
care unit, it is most commonly performed to rule out septic
lary integrity, allowing joint space seeding [14]. However, if
arthritis. As many types of inflammatory arthritis mimic sep-
septic arthritis is strongly suspected, joint aspiration is indi-
tic arthritis, synovial fluid analysis is essential in differentiat-
cated. The presence of articular instability (e.g., that seen with
ing the various causes of inflammatory arthritis [4,7] (Table
badly damaged joints) is a relative contraindication, although
19.1). Therefore, patients presenting with acute monoarthri-
the presence of a large presumed inflammatory fluid may still
tis or oligoarthritis require prompt arthrocentesis with sub-
warrant joint aspiration.
sequent synovial fluid analysis, preferably before initiation of
Arthrocentesis is also used for therapeutic purposes. In a
septic joint, serial joint aspirations are required to remove ac-
cumulated inflammatory or purulent fluid. This accomplishes COMPLICATIONS
complete drainage of a closed space and allows serial mon-
itoring of the total white blood cell count, Gram stain, and The major complications of arthrocentesis are iatrogenically in-
culture to assess treatment response. Inflammatory fluid con- duced infection and bleeding, both of which are extremely rare
tains many destructive enzymes that contribute to cartilage [1]. The risk of infection after arthrocentesis has been estimated
and bony degradation; removal of the fluid may slow this to be less than 1 in 10,000 [15]. Hollander [16] reported an
destructive process [8,9]. Additionally, arthrocentesis allows incidence of less than 0.005% in 400,000 injections. Strict ad-
for injection of long-acting corticosteroid preparations into herence to aseptic technique reduces the risk of postarthrocen-
the joint space, which may be a useful treatment for var- tesis infection. Significant hemorrhage is also extremely rare.
ious inflammatory and noninflammatory forms of arthritis Correction of prominent coagulopathy before arthrocentesis
[10]. reduces this risk.
Before performing arthrocentesis, it must be ascertained Another potential complication of arthrocentesis is direct
that the true joint is inflamed and an effusion is present. This injury to the articular cartilage by the needle. This is not quan-
requires a meticulous physical examination to differentiate tifiable, but any injury to the cartilage could be associated with
arthritis from periarticular inflammation. Bursitis, tendinitis, degenerative change over time. To avoid cartilaginous dam-
and cellulitis all may mimic arthritis. In the knee, the exami- age, the needle should be pushed in only as far as necessary to
nation begins with assessment of swelling. A true effusion may obtain fluid and excessive movement of the needle during the
cause bulging of the parapatellar gutters and the suprapatellar procedure should be avoided.
pouch [11]. The swelling should be confined to the joint space. Other complications include discomfort from the procedure
To check for small effusions, the bulge test is performed [12]. itself, allergic reactions to the skin preparation or local anes-
Fluid is stroked from the medial joint line into the suprapatellar thetic, and in the case of steroid injection, postinjection flare
pouch and then from the suprapatellar pouch down along the and local soft-tissue atrophy from the glucocorticoid [17].
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TA B L E 1 9 . 1 TA B L E 1 9 . 2
Procedure Equipment
Noninflammatory Inflammatory
Skin preparation and 2% chlorhexidine in 70% isopropyl
Osteoarthritis Rheumatoid arthritis local anesthesia alcohol
Trauma/internal derangement Spondyloarthropathies Ethyl chloride spray
Avascular necrosis Psoriatic arthritis For local anesthesia1% lidocaine;
Hemarthrosis Reiters syndrome/reactive 25-gauge, 1.5-in needle; 22-gauge,
Malignancy arthritis 1.5-in. needle; 5-mL syringe
Benign tumors Ankylosing spondylitis Sterile sponge/cloth
Osteochondroma Ulcerative colitis/regional Arthrocentesis Gloves
Pigmented villonodular enteritis 20- to 60-mL syringe (depending on
synovitis size of effusion)
Crystal-induced arthritis
Monosodium urate (gout) 18- to 22-gauge, 1.5-in. needle
Calcium pyrophosphate Sterile sponge/cloth
dihydrate (pseudogout) Sterile clamp
Hydroxyapatite Sterile bandage
Infectious arthritis Collection 15-mL anticoagulated tube (with
Bacterial sodium heparin or ethylene-
Mycobacterial diaminetetraacetic acid)
Fungal Sterile tubes for routine cultures
Connective tissue diseases Slide, cover slip
Systemic lupus
Polymyositis are quite difficult to enter blindly and are more appropriately
Hypersensitivity entered using radiologic guidance, such as with fluoroscopy or
Serum sickness computed tomography; these include the hip, sacroiliac, and
temporomandibular joints. Many texts describe in detail the
aspiration technique of other joints [3,1618]. The technique
for knee aspiration is as follows:
Chapter 19: Aspiration of the Knee and Synovial Fluid Analysis 157
TA B L E 1 9 . 3
it drops off the end of the needle or syringe like water dropping
GROSS EXAMINATION from a faucet.
The mucin clot, another measure of viscosity, estimates the
Color presence of intact hyaluronic acid and hyaluronic acidprotein
interactions. This test is performed by placing several drops of
Color and clarity should be tested using a clear glass tube. synovial fluid in 5% acetic acid and then mixing with a stirring
Translucent plastic, as used in most disposable syringes, in- stick. A good mucin clot forms in normal, noninflammatory
terferes with proper assessment [1]. Normal synovial fluid is fluid. The fluid remains condensed in a clot resembling chewed
colorless. Noninflammatory and inflammatory synovial fluid gum. A poor mucin clot is seen with inflammatory fluid; the
appears yellow or straw colored. Septic effusions frequently ap- fluid disperses diffusely within the acetic acid.
pear purulent and whitish. Depending on the number of white
blood cells present, pure pus may be extracted from a sep-
tic joint. Hemorrhagic effusions appear red or brown. If the CELL COUNT AND DIFFERENTIAL
fluid looks like pure blood, the tap may have aspirated venous
blood. The needle is removed, pressure is applied, and the joint The cell count should be obtained as soon as possible after
is reentered from an alternate site. If the same bloody appear- arthrocentesis, as a delay of even several hours may cause an
ance is noted, the fluid is a hemorrhagic effusion and probably artificially low white blood cell count [21]. The total white
not related to the trauma of the aspiration. If any question re- blood cell count of synovial fluid differentiates noninflamma-
mains, the hematocrit of the effusion is compared with that of tory from inflammatory fluid, as noted previously. In general,
peripheral blood. The hematocrit in a hemorrhagic effusion is the higher the total white blood cell count, the more likely
typically lower than that of peripheral blood. In the case of a the joint is to be infected. This is not absolute, however, and
traumatic tap, the hematocrit of the fluid should be equal to there is considerable overlap. For instance, a total white cell
that of peripheral blood. For causes of a hemorrhagic effusion, count greater than 100,000 per L may be seen in conditions
refer to Table 19.4. other than infection, whereas a total white blood cell count of
50,000 per L may be due to infection, crystalline disease, or
systemic inflammatory arthropathy [28]. The technique for the
cell count is identical to that used with peripheral blood. The
Clarity fluid may be diluted with normal saline for a manual count, or
an automated counter may be used. Viscous fluid with exces-
The clarity of synovial fluid depends on the number and types
sive debris may clog a counter or give falsely elevated results,
of cells or particles present. Clarity is tested by reading black
thus making the manual procedure somewhat more accurate.
print on a white background through a glass tube filled with the
The differential white blood cell count is also performed
synovial fluid. If the print is easily read, the fluid is transparent.
using the technique used for peripheral blood, typically using
This is typical of normal and noninflammatory synovial fluid.
Wrights stain. The differential is calculated on the basis of
If the black print can be distinguished from the white back-
direct visualization. The differential count includes cells typi-
ground, but is not clear, the fluid is translucent. This is typical
cally seen in peripheral blood, such as polymorphonuclear cells,
of inflammatory effusions. If nothing can be seen through the
monocytes, and lymphocytes, as well as cells localized to the
fluid, it is opaque. This occurs with grossly inflammatory, sep-
synovial space. In general, the total white blood cell count and
tic, and hemorrhagic fluids.
the polymorphonuclear cell count increase with inflammation
and infection. Septic fluid typically has a differential of greater
than 75% polymorphonuclear cells (see Table 19.3).
Viscosity In addition to distinguishing polymorphonuclear cells from
monocytes and lymphocytes, Wrights stain can detect other
The viscosity of synovial fluid is a measure of the hyaluronic cells in synovial fluid that can be useful in establishing a diag-
acid content. Degradative enzymes such as hyaluronidase nosis. For instance, iron-laden chondrocytes, which are seen in
are released in inflammatory conditions, thus destroying hemochromatosis, may be picked up by Wrights stain, as may
hyaluronic acid and other proteinaceous material, resulting in be fat droplets and bone marrow spicules, which are suggestive
a thinner, less viscous fluid. Highly viscous fluid, on the other of trauma or a fracture into the joint [19].
hand, can be seen in myxedematous or hypothyroid effusions.
Viscosity can be assessed at the bedside using the string sign
[1]. A drop of fluid is allowed to fall from the end of the needle CRYSTALS
or syringe and the length of the continuous string that forms is
estimated. Normal fluid typically forms at least a 6-cm contin- All fluid should be assessed for the presence of crystals. As
uous string. Inflammatory fluid does not form a string; instead, with cell count, crystal analysis should be performed as soon
as possible after arthrocentesis. A delay is associated with a
decreased yield [21]. One drop of fluid is placed on a slide and
TA B L E 1 9 . 4 covered with a coverslip; this is examined for crystals using
a compensated polarized light microscope. The presence of
CAUSES OF A HEMORRHAGIC EFFUSION intracellular monosodium urate (MSU) or calcium pyrophos-
phate dihydrate (CPPD) crystals confirms a diagnosis of gout or
Trauma (with or without fracture) pseudogout, respectively. MSU crystals are typically long and
Hemophilia and other bleeding disorders needle shaped: they may appear to pierce through a white blood
Anticoagulant therapy cell. The crystals are strongly negatively birefringent, appear-
Tumor (metastatic and local) ing yellow when parallel to the plane of reference. Typically,
Hemangioma CPPD crystals are small and rhomboid. The crystals are weakly
Pigmented villonodular synovitis positively birefringent, appearing blue when oriented parallel
Ehlers-Danlos syndrome to the plane of reference. Rotating the stage of the microscope
Scurvy by 90 degrees and thereby the orientation of the crystals (now
perpendicular to the plane of reference) changes their color:
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Chapter 19: Aspiration of the Knee and Synovial Fluid Analysis 159
and differential. A more recent critical appraisal of synovial Of note, there are special stains for synovial fluid that can
fluid analysis was conducted by Swan et al. [31] in 2002. be helpful as the clinical picture warrants; these include Congo
Through a detailed survey of the literature, the authors con- red staining for amyloid arthropathy. Amyloid deposits display
firmed the diagnostic value of synovial fluid analysis in cases an apple-green birefringence with polarized light [32]. Prussian
of acute arthritis when an infectious or crystalline etiology is blue stain for iron deposition may reveal iron in synovial lin-
suspected, as well as in cases of intercritical gout. The useful- ing cells in hemochromatosis [19]. However, neither of these
ness of other synovial fluid assays was not supported by the studies should be considered a routine component of synovial
literature. fluid analysis.
1. Gatter RA: A Practical Handbook of Joint Fluid Analysis. Philadelphia, Lea 18. Canoso JJ: Aspiration and injection of joints and periarticular tissues, in
& Febiger, 1984. Hochberg MC, Silman AJ, Smolen JS, et al: (eds): Rheumatology. 3rd ed.
2. Stein R: Manual of Rheumatology and Outpatient Orthopedic Disorders. London, Philadelphia, Elsevier, 2003, p 233.
Boston, Little, Brown, 1981. 19. Schumacher HR Jr: Synovial fluid analysis, in Katz WA (ed): Diagnosis and
3. Krey PR, Lazaro DM: Analysis of Synovial Fluid. Summit, NJ, CIBA-GEIGY, Management of Rheumatic Diseases. 2nd ed. Philadelphia, JB Lippincott,
1992. 1988, pp 248255.
4. Ropes MW, Bauer W: Synovial Fluid Changes in Joint Disease. Cambridge, 20. Tanphaichitr K, Spilberg I, Hahn B: Lithium heparin crystals simulating cal-
MA, Harvard University Press, 1953. cium pyrophosphate dihydrate crystals in synovial fluid [letter]. Arthritis
5. Hollander JL, Jessar RA, McCarty DJ: Synovianalysis: an aid in arthritis Rheum 9:966, 1976.
diagnosis. Bull Rheum Dis 12:263, 1961. 21. Kerolus G, Clayburne G, Schumacher HR Jr: Is it mandatory to examine syn-
6. Gatter RA, McCarty DJ: Synovianalysis: a rapid clinical diagnostic proce- ovial fluids promptly after arthrocentesis? Arthritis Rheum 32:271, 1989.
dure. Rheumatism 20:2, 1964. 22. Reginato AJ, Schumacher HR Jr: Crystal-associated arthropathies. Clin Geri-
7. Schumacher HR: Synovial fluid analysis. Orthop Rev 13:85, 1984. atr Med 4(2):295, 1988.
8. Greenwald RA: Oxygen radicals, inflammation, and arthritis: pathophysio- 23. Paul H, Reginato AJ, Schumacher HR: Alizarin red S staining as a screening
logical considerations and implications for treatment. Semin Arthritis Rheum test to detect calcium compounds in synovial fluid. Arthritis Rheum 26:191,
20:219, 1991. 1983.
9. Robinson DR, Tashjian AH, Levine L: Prostaglandin E2 induced bone re- 24. Hoffman G, Schumacher HR, Paul H, et al: Calcium oxalate microcrys-
sorption by rheumatoid synovia: a model for bone destruction in RA. J Clin talline associated arthritis in end stage renal disease. Ann Intern Med 97:36,
Invest 56:1181, 1975. 1982.
10. Gray RG, Tenenbaum J, Gottlieb NL: Local corticosteroid injection treat- 25. Reginato AJ, Feweiro JL, Barbazan AC, et al: Arthropathy and cutaneous
ment in rheumatic disorders. Semin Arthritis Rheum 10:231, 1981. calcinosis in hemodialysis oxalosis. Arthritis Rheum 29:1387, 1986.
11. Polley HF, Hunder GG: Rheumatologic Interviewing and Physical Exami- 26. Schumacher HR, Reginato AJ, Pullman S: Synovial fluid oxalate depo-
nation of the Joints. 2nd ed. Philadelphia, WB Saunders, 1978. sition complicating rheumatoid arthritis with amyloidosis and renal fail-
12. Doherty M, Hazelman BL, Hutton CW, et al: Rheumatology Examination ure. Demonstration of intracellular oxalate crystals. J Rheumatol 14:361,
and Injection Techniques. London, WB Saunders, 1992. 1987.
13. Moder KG, Hunder GG: History and physical examination of the muscu- 27. Dornan TL, Blundell JW, Morgan AG: Widespread crystallization of para-
loskeletal system, in Harris ED Jr, Budd RC, Firestein GS, et al: (eds): Kelleys protein in myelomatosis. QJM 57:659, 1985.
Textbook of Rheumatology. 7th ed. Philadelphia, Elsevier Saunders, 2005, 28. Shmerling RH: Synovial fluid analysis. A critical reappraisal. Rheum Dis
p 483. Clin North Am 20(2):503, 1994.
14. McCarty DJ Jr: A basic guide to arthrocentesis. Hosp Med 4:77, 1968. 29. Mahowald ML: Gonococcal arthritis, in Hochberg MC, Silman AJ, Smolen
15. Gottlieb NL, Riskin WG: Complications of local corticosteroid injections. JS, et al: (eds): Rheumatology. 3rd ed. London, Mosby, 2003, p 1067.
JAMA 243:1547, 1980. 30. Shmerling RH, Delbanco TL, Tosteson ANA, et al: Synovial fluid tests. What
16. Hollander JL: Intrasynovial steroid injections, in Hollander JL, McCarty DL should be ordered? JAMA 264:1009, 1990.
Jr (eds): Arthritis and Allied Conditions. 8th ed. Philadelphia, Lea & Febiger, 31. Swan A, Amer H, Dieppe P: The value of synovial fluid assays in the di-
1972, p 517. agnosis of joint disease: a literature survey. Ann Rheum Dis 61(6):493,
17. Wise C: Arthrocentesis and injection of joints and soft tissues, in Harris ED 2002.
Jr, Budd RC, Firestein GS, et al: (eds): Kelleys Textbook of Rheumatology. 32. Lakhanpal S, Li CY, Gertz MA, et al: Synovial fluid analysis for diagnosis of
7th ed. Philadelphia, Elsevier Saunders, 2005, p 692. amyloid arthropathy. Arthritis Rheum 30(4):419, 1987.
When a patient in an intensive care unit (ICU) requires a bed- COMMON PAIN MANAGEMENT
side procedure, it is usually the attending intensivist, as opposed
to a consultant anesthesiologist, who directs the administration
of the necessary hypnotic, analgesic, and/or paralytic drugs.
Furthermore, unlike in the operating room, the ICU usually Dosing of Agent
has no equipment for the administration of gaseous (e.g., ni-
trous oxide) or volatile (e.g., isoflurane) anesthetics. Anesthesia Selecting the proper dose of an analgesic to administer is prob-
for bedside procedures in the ICU is thus accomplished via a lematic for several reasons, including difficulty in assessing the
technique involving total intravenous anesthesia (TIVA). effectiveness of pain relief, pharmacokinetic (PK) differences
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between the critically ill and other patients, and normal physi- 80 Propofol
ologic changes associated with aging. Midazolam
70 Sufentanil
Assessing the Effectiveness of Pain Relief 60
Half-Time (min)
Critically ill patients are often incapable of communicating 50
their feelings because of delirium, obtundation, or endotracheal 40
intubation. This makes psychologic evaluation quite difficult 30
because surrogate markers of pain intensity (e.g., tachycardia,
hypertension, and diaphoresis) are inherent in the host response
to critical illness. 10
Pharmacokinetic Considerations 0 100 200 300 400 500 600
Infusion Duration (min)
Most of the pressors and vasodilators administered in the
ICU by continuous intravenous (IV) infusion have a relatively FIGURE 20.2. The context-sensitive half-times for propofol [4], mida-
straightforward PK behavior: they are water-soluble molecules zolam [5], sufentanil [6], and remifentanil [7] as a function of infusion
that are bound very little to plasma proteins. In contrast, the duration.
hypnotics and opioids used in TIVA have high lipid solubility
and most are extensively bound to plasma proteins, causing
their PK behavior to be far more complex. Figure 20.1 shows
the disappearance curves of fentanyl and nitroprusside after sensitive half-times (CSHTs). This concept may be defined as
bolus injection. The fentanyl curve has three phases: (i) a very follows: when a drug is given as an IV bolus followed by an
rapid phase (with a half-life of 0.82 minutes) lasting about IV infusion designed to maintain a constant plasma drug con-
10 minutes, during which the plasma concentration decreases centration, the time required for the plasma concentration to
more than 90% from its peak value; (ii) an intermediate phase fall by 50% after termination of the infusion is the CSHT [3].
(with a half-life of 17 minutes) lasting from about 10 min- Figure 20.2 depicts the CSHT curves for the medications most
utes to an hour; and (iii) finally a terminal, very slow phase likely to be used for TIVA in ICU patients.
(with a half-life of 465 minutes) beginning about an hour after PK behavior in critically ill patients is unlike that in normal
bolus injection. After a single bolus injection of fentanyl, the subjects for several reasons. Because ICU patients frequently
terminal phase occurs at plasma concentrations below which have renal and/or hepatic dysfunction, drug excretion is signifi-
there is a pharmacologic effect. However, after multiple bolus cantly impaired. Hypoalbuminemia, common in critical illness,
injections or a continuous infusion, this latter phase occurs at decreases protein binding and increases free drug concentration
therapeutic plasma concentrations. Thus, fentanyl behaves as [8]. Because free drug is the only moiety available to tissue re-
a short-acting drug after a single bolus injection, but as a very ceptors, decreased protein binding increases the pharmacologic
long-lasting drug after a continuous infusion of more than an effect for a given plasma concentration. It is therefore more im-
hour in duration (i.e., fentanyl accumulates). Thus, it is inap- portant in ICU patients that the doses of medications used for
propriate to speak of the half-life of fentanyl. TIVA are individualized for a particular patient.
The disappearance curve of nitroprusside has two phases: (i)
a very rapid phase (with a half-life of 0.89 minute) lasting about
10 minutes, during which the plasma concentration decreases Physiologic Changes Associated with Aging
more than 85% from its peak value, and (ii) a terminal phase People 65 years of age and older comprise the fastest grow-
(with a half-life of 14 minutes). It may be slightly slower in ing segment of the population and constitute the majority of
offset as compared with fentanyl during the initial 10 minutes patients in many ICUs. Aging leads to (a) a decrease in total
after a bolus injection, but it does not accumulate at all even body water and lean body mass; (b) an increase in body fat
after a prolonged infusion. and, hence, an increase in the volume of distribution of lipid-
The PK behavior of the lipid-soluble hypnotics and anal- soluble drugs; and (c) a decrease in drug clearance rates, due
gesics given by infusion may be described by their context- to reductions in liver mass, hepatic enzyme activity, liver blood
flow, and renal excretory function. There is a progressive, age-
dependent increase in pain relief and electroencephalographic
100 suppression among elderly patients receiving the same dose of
opioid as younger patients. There is also an increase in central
% of Maximum concentration
nervous system (CNS) depression in elderly patients following
administration of identical doses of benzodiazepines.
Selection of Agent
Procedures performed in ICUs today (Table 20.1) span a spec-
trum that extends from those associated with mild discom-
0.1 fort (e.g., esophagogastroscopy) to those that are quite painful
0 30 60 90 120 150 180 210 240 (e.g., orthopedic manipulations, wound debridement, and tra-
Time (min) cheostomy). Depending on their technical difficulty, these pro-
cedures can last from minutes to hours. To provide a proper
FIGURE 20.1. The time courses, on a semilogarithmic scale, of the
plasma concentrations of fentanyl [1] and nitroprusside [2] following anesthetic, medications should be selected according to the na-
a bolus injection. Each concentration is expressed as the percentage of ture of the procedure and titrated according to the patients re-
the peak plasma concentration. The fentanyl curve has three phases sponse to surgical stimulus. In addition, specific disease states
with half-lives of 0.82, 17, and 465 minutes. The nitroprusside curve should be considered in order to maximize safety and effective-
has two phases with half-lives of 0.89 and 14 minutes. ness.
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Description. Propofol is a hypnotic agent associated with
Head Trauma pleasant emergence and little hangover. It has essentially
replaced thiopental for induction of anesthesia, especially in
Head-injured patients require a technique that provides effec- outpatients. It is extremely popular because it is readily titrat-
tive, yet brief, anesthesia so that the capacity to assess neuro- able and has more rapid onset and offset kinetics than midazo-
logic status is not lost for extended periods of time. In addi- lam. Thus, patients emerge from anesthesia more rapidly after
tion, the technique must not adversely affect cerebral perfusion propofol than after midazolam, a factor that may make propo-
pressure. If the effects of the anesthetics dissipate too rapidly, fol the preferred agent for sedation and hypnosis in general and
episodes of agitation and increased intracranial pressure (ICP) for patients with altered level of consciousness in particular.
may occur that jeopardize cerebral perfusion. In contrast, if the The CSHT for propofol is about 10 minutes following a
medications last too long, there may be difficulty in making an 1-hour infusion, and the CSHT increases about 5 minutes for
adequate neurologic assessment following the procedure. each additional hour of infusion for the first several hours, as
shown in Figure 20.2. Thus, the CSHT is about 20 minutes
after a 3-hour infusion. The CSHT rises much more slowly
Coronary Artery Disease
for infusions longer than a day; a patient who is sedated (but
Postoperative myocardial ischemia following cardiac and non- not rendered unconscious) with propofol for 2 weeks recovers
cardiac surgery strongly predicts adverse outcome [9]. Accord- in approximately 3 hours [10]. This rapid recovery of neuro-
ingly, sufficient analgesia should be provided during and after logic status makes propofol a good sedative in ICU patients,
TA B L E 2 0 . 2
TA B L E 2 0 . 3
especially those with head trauma, who may not tolerate me- Currently available propofol preparations contain ethylenedi-
chanical ventilation without pharmacologic sedation. aminetetraacetic acid (EDTA), metabisulfite, or benzyl alcohol
Even though recovery following termination of a con- as a bacteriostatic agent. Because EDTA chelates trace metals,
tinuous infusion is faster with propofol than with midazo- particularly zinc, serum zinc levels should be measured daily
lam, a comparative trial showed that the two drugs were during continuous propofol infusions. Hyperlipidemia may oc-
roughly equivalent in effectiveness for overnight sedation of cur, particularly in infants and small children. Accordingly,
ICU patients [11]. For long-term sedation (e.g., more than triglyceride levels should be monitored daily in this popula-
1 day), however, recovery is significantly faster in patients given tion whenever propofol is administered continuously for more
propofol. than 24 hours.
In spontaneously breathing patients sedated with propo-
fol, respiratory rate appears to be a more predictable sign of Fospropofol
adequate sedation than hemodynamic changes. The ventila-
tory response to rebreathing carbon dioxide during a main- Fospropofol is a water-soluble prodrug of propofol. Fospropo-
tenance propofol infusion is similar to that induced by other fol is metabolized to propofol by the action of alkaline phos-
sedative drugs (i.e., propofol significantly decreases the slope phatase. The peak hypnotic effect occurs in about 10 minutes
of the carbon dioxide response curve). Nevertheless, sponta- following a bolus injection. The kinetic disposition of liberated
neously breathing patients anesthetized with propofol are able propofol differs from that of injected propofol emulsion, with
to maintain normal end-tidal carbon dioxide values during the former being slower for reasons that are as yet unexplained
minor surgical procedures. [16,17]. Apparent advantages of an aqueous solution of fos-
Bolus doses of propofol in the range of 1 to 2 mg per kg propofol are the reduced risk of bacterial contamination as
induce loss of consciousness within 30 seconds. Maintenance compared to propofol emulsion and the absence of a lipid load
infusion rates of 100 to 200 g per kg per minute are adequate that has been associated with organ toxicity during long-term
in younger subjects to maintain general anesthesia, whereas infusions of propofol emulsion. Although fospropofol does not
doses should be reduced by 20% to 50% in elderly individuals. usually cause pain at the site of injection, it commonly causes
a burning sensation distant to the site of injection, typically in
the perineum or buttocks. Although it is currently approved
Adverse Effects
for procedural sedation only, it may find utility for sedation or
Cardiovascular. Propofol depresses ventricular systolic func-
anesthesia in the ICU.
tion and lowers afterload, but has no effect on diastolic func-
Because the molecular weight of fospropofol is higher than
tion [12,13]. Vasodilation results from calcium channel block-
that of propofol, its administered dose is necessarily higher.
ade. In patients undergoing coronary artery bypass surgery,
The package label is unfortunately written in terms of dosing
propofol (2 mg per kg IV bolus) produced a 23% fall in mean
in volume units; because virtually every other medication used
arterial blood pressure, a 20% increase in heart rate, and a
in the ICU is dosed in terms of an infusion rate that is a function
26% decrease in stroke volume. In pigs, propofol caused a
of the body mass, such doses will be used here. The marketed
dose-related depression of sinus node and His-Purkinje system
preparation contains 3.5% fospropofol (35 mg per mL). The
functions, but had no effect on atrioventricular node function
manufacturer recommends a bolus dose of 6.5 mg per kg fol-
or on the conduction properties of atrial and ventricular tissues.
lowed by repeat injections of 1.6 mg per kg no more often than
In patients with coronary artery disease, propofol administra-
every 4 minutes; an infusion rate of 400 g per kg per minute
tion may be associated with a reduction in coronary perfusion
following the bolus dose would be equivalent. Furthermore,
pressure and increased myocardial lactate production [14].
the manufacturer recommends that the doses be decreased by
25% in persons older than 65 years or with severe systemic
Neurologic. Propofol may improve neurologic outcome and
disease. These dose recommendations are designed to achieve
reduce neuronal damage by depressing cerebral metabolism.
procedural sedation and not general anesthesia. As with propo-
Propofol decreases cerebral oxygen consumption, cerebral
fol, the dose will likely need to be increased two- to threefold
blood flow, and cerebral glucose utilization in humans and an-
to induce and maintain general anesthesia; however, no such
imals to the same degree as that reported for thiopental and
study in human beings has yet been published.
etomidate [15]. Propofol frequently causes pain when injected
into a peripheral vein. Injection pain is less likely if the injection
site is located proximally on the arm or if the injection is made
via a central venous catheter. Description. Etomidate has onset and offset PK characteris-
tics similar to propofol and an unrivaled cardiovascular pro-
Metabolic. The emulsion used as the vehicle for propofol con- file, even in the setting of cardiomyopathy [18]. Not only does
tains soybean oil and lecithin and supports bacterial growth; etomidate lack significant effects on myocardial contractility,
iatrogenic contamination leading to septic shock is possible. but baseline sympathetic output and baroreflex regulation of
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sympathetic activity are well preserved. Etomidate depresses in Because pulmonary hypertension is a characteristic feature
a dose-related manner cerebral oxygen metabolism and blood of acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS), drugs that in-
flow without changing the intracranial volumepressure rela- crease right ventricular afterload should be avoided. In infants
tionship. with either normal or elevated pulmonary vascular resistance,
Etomidate is particularly useful (rather than thiopental or ketamine does not affect pulmonary vascular resistance as long
propofol) in certain patient subsets: patients with hypovolemia, as constant ventilation is maintained, a finding also confirmed
those with multiple trauma with closed-head injury, and those in adults.
with low ejection fraction, severe aortic stenosis, left main coro- Cerebral blood flow does not change when ketamine is in-
nary artery disease, or severe cerebral vascular disease. Etomi- jected into cerebral vessels. In mechanically ventilated pigs with
date may be contraindicated in patients with established or artificially produced intracranial hypertension in which ICP
evolving septic shock because of its inhibition of cortisol syn- is on the shoulder of the compliance curve, 0.5 to 2.0 mg
thesis (see later). per kg IV ketamine does not raise ICP; likewise, in mechan-
ically ventilated preterm infants, 2 mg per kg IV ketamine does
not increase anterior fontanelle pressure, an indirect monitor
Adverse Effects of ICP [31,32]. Unlike propofol and etomidate however, ke-
Metabolic. Etomidate, when given by prolonged infusion, may tamine does not lower cerebral metabolic rate. It is relatively
increase mortality associated with low plasma cortisol levels contraindicated in patients with an intracranial mass, with in-
[19]. Even single doses of etomidate can produce adrenal cor- creased ICP, or who have suffered recent head trauma.
tical suppression lasting 24 hours or more in normal patients
undergoing elective surgery [20]. These effects are more pro-
nounced as the dose is increased or if continuous infusions Adverse Effects
are used for sedation. Etomidate-induced adrenocortical sup- Psychologic. Emergence phenomena following ketamine anes-
pression occurs because the drug blocks the 11-hydroxylase thesia have been described as floating sensations, vivid dreams
that catalyzes the final step in the synthesis of cortisol. It is (pleasant or unpleasant), hallucinations, and delirium. These
also noteworthy that etomidate causes the highest incidence of effects are more common in patients older than 16 years, in
postoperative nausea and vomiting of any of the IV anesthetic females, after short operative procedures, after large doses
agents. (>2 mg per kg IV), and after rapid administration (>40 mg per
In 2005, Jackson warned against the use of etomidate in pa- minute). Pre- or concurrent treatment with benzodiazepines or
tients with septic shock [21]. Since then, there have been several propofol usually minimizes or prevents these phenomena [33].
studies that have attempted to confirm or refute the safety of
etomidate in critically ill patients, including those with sepsis.
Cardiovascular. Because ketamine increases myocardial oxy-
Unfortunately, some of these studies purportedly confirmed the
gen consumption, there is risk of precipitating myocardial is-
danger of etomidate [2225], whereas others support its con-
chemia in patients with coronary artery disease if ketamine is
tinued use in patients with sepsis [2630].
used alone. On the other hand, combinations of ketamine plus
diazepam, ketamine plus midazolam, or ketamine plus sufen-
Ketamine tanil are well tolerated for induction in patients undergoing
coronary artery bypass surgery. Repeated bolus doses are often
Description. Ketamine induces a state of sedation, amnesia, associated with tachycardia. This can be reduced by adminis-
and marked analgesia in which the patient experiences a strong tering ketamine as a constant infusion.
feeling of dissociation from the environment. It is unique Ketamine produces myocardial depression in the isolated
among the hypnotics in that it reliably induces unconscious- animal heart. Hypotension has been reported following ke-
ness by the intramuscular route. Ketamine is rapidly metabo- tamine administration in hemodynamically compromised pa-
lized by the liver to norketamine, which is pharmacologically tients with chronic catecholamine depletion.
active. Ketamine is both slower in onset and offset as compared
with propofol or etomidate following IV infusion.
Many clinicians consider ketamine to be the analgesic of Neurologic. Ketamine does not lower the minimal elec-
choice in patients with a history of bronchospasm. In the usual troshock seizure threshold in mice. When administered with
dosage, it decreases airway resistance, probably by blocking aminophylline, however, a clinically apparent reduction in
norepinephrine uptake, which in turn stimulates -adrenergic seizure threshold is observed.
receptors in the lungs. In contrast to many -agonist bron-
chodilators, ketamine is not arrhythmogenic when given to
patients with asthma receiving aminophylline.
Ketamine may be safer than other hypnotics or opioids in Description. Although capable of inducing unconsciousness in
unintubated patients because it depresses airway reflexes and high doses, midazolam is more commonly used as a sedative.
respiratory drive to a lesser degree. It may be particularly use- Along with its sedating effects, midazolam produces anxiolysis,
ful for procedures near the airway, where physical access and amnesia, and relaxation of skeletal muscle.
ability to secure an airway are limited (e.g., gunshot wounds Anterograde amnesia following midazolam (5 mg IV) peaks
to the face). Because ketamine increases salivary and tracheo- 2 to 5 minutes after IV injection and lasts 20 to 40 minutes. Be-
bronchial secretions, an anticholinergic (e.g., 0.2 mg glycopy- cause midazolam is highly (95%) protein bound (to albumin),
rrolate) should be given prior to its administration. In patients drug effect is likely to be exaggerated in ICU patients. Recov-
with borderline hypoxemia despite maximal therapy, ketamine ery from midazolam is prolonged in obese and elderly patients
may be the drug of choice because it does not inhibit hypoxic and following continuous infusion because it accumulates to
pulmonary vasoconstriction. a significant degree. In patients with renal failure, active con-
Another major feature that distinguishes ketamine from jugated metabolites of midazolam may accumulate and delay
most other IV anesthetics is that it stimulates the cardiovas- recovery. Although flumazenil may be used to reverse excessive
cular system (i.e., raises heart rate and blood pressure). This sedation or respiratory depression from midazolam, its dura-
action appears to result from both direct stimulation of the tion of action is only 15 to 20 minutes. In addition, flumazenil
CNS with increased sympathetic nervous system outflow and may precipitate acute anxiety reactions or seizures, particularly
blockade of norepinephrine reuptake in adrenergic nerves. in patients receiving chronic benzodiazepine therapy.
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Midazolam causes dose-dependent reductions in cerebral large intestines), often leading to adynamic ileus, appear to be
metabolic rate and cerebral blood flow, suggesting that it may mediated both peripherally (by opioid receptors located in the
be beneficial in patients with cerebral ischemia. gut) and centrally (by the vagus nerve).
Because of its combined sedative, anxiolytic, and amnestic
properties, midazolam is ideally suited for both brief, relatively Cardiovascular. Hypotension is not unusual following mor-
painless procedures (e.g., endoscopy) and prolonged sedation phine administration, especially if it is given rapidly (i.e., 5
(e.g., during mechanical ventilation). to 10 mg per minute). In patients pretreated with both H1 -
and H2 -antagonists, the hypotensive response following mor-
Adverse Effects phine administration is significantly attenuated, despite compa-
Respiratory. Midazolam (0.15 mg per kg IV) depresses the rable increases in plasma histamine concentrations. These data
slope of the carbon dioxide response curve and increases the strongly implicate histamine as the mediator of these changes.
dead spacetidal volume ratio and arterial PCO2 . Respiratory
depression is even more marked and prolonged in patients with
chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Midazolam Respiratory. Morphine administration is followed by a dose-
also blunts the ventilatory response to hypoxia. dependent reduction in responsiveness of brain stem respi-
ratory centers to carbon dioxide. Key features of this phe-
Cardiovascular. Small (<10%) increases in heart rate and nomenon include a reduction in the slope of the ventilatory
small decreases in systemic vascular resistance are frequently and occlusion pressure responses to carbon dioxide, a right-
observed after administration of midazolam. It has no signifi- ward shift of the minute ventilatory response to hypercarbia,
cant effects on coronary vascular resistance or autoregulation. and an increase in resting end-tidal carbon dioxide and the ap-
neic threshold (i.e., the PCO2 value below which spontaneous
Neurologic. Because recovery of cognitive and psychomotor ventilation is not initiated without hypoxemia). The duration
function may be delayed for up to 24 hours, midazolam as the of these effects often exceeds the time course of analgesia. In
sole hypnotic may not be appropriate in situations where rapid addition to blunting the carbon dioxide response, morphine
return of consciousness and psychomotor function are a high decreases hypoxic ventilatory drive. Morphine administration
priority. in patients with renal failure has been associated with pro-
longed respiratory depression secondary to persistence of its
active metabolite, morphine-6-glucuronide [35].
The administration of small doses of IV naloxone (40 g) to
Opioids patients in order to reverse the ventilatory depressant effect of
morphine may produce some adverse effects. Anecdotal reports
Morphine describe the precipitation of vomiting, delirium, arrhythmias,
Description. Pain relief by morphine and its surrogates is rel- pulmonary edema, cardiac arrest, and sudden death subsequent
atively selective in that other sensory modalities (touch, vibra- to naloxone administration in otherwise healthy patients after
tion, vision, and hearing) are not obtunded. Opioids blunt pain surgery. Furthermore, the duration of action of naloxone is
by (i) inhibiting pain processing by the dorsal horn of the spinal shorter than any of the opioids it may be used to antagonize
cord, (ii) decreasing transmission of pain by activating descend- (except remifentanil). Recurring ventilatory depression there-
ing inhibitory pathways in the brain stem, and (iii) altering the fore remains a distinct possibility, and in the spontaneously
emotional response to pain by actions on the limbic cortex. breathing patient, it is a source of potential morbidity.
Various types of opioid receptors (denoted by Greek let- Reversal with a mixed opioid agonistantagonist agent such
ters) have been discovered in the CNS. The classical pharma- as nalbuphine or butorphanol appears to be safer than with
cologic effects of morphine such as analgesia and ventilatory naloxone. Mixed opioid agonistantagonist agents may either
depression are mediated by -receptors. Other -effects in- increase or decrease the opioid effect, depending on the dose
clude sedation, euphoria, tolerance and physical dependence, administered, the particular agonist already present, and the
decreased gastrointestinal motility, biliary spasm, and miosis. amount of agonist remaining.
The -receptor shares a number of effects with the -receptor, For bedside procedures in the ICU, many of these problems
including analgesia, sedation, and ventilatory depression. The can be obviated by using a shorter acting opioid.
-receptor is responsible for mediating some of the analgesic ef-
fects of the endogenous opioid peptides, especially in the spinal Neurologic. Morphine has little effect on cerebral metabolic
cord. Few of the clinically used opioids have significant activity rate or cerebral blood flow when ventilation is controlled. Mor-
at -receptors at the usual analgesic doses. phine may affect cerebral perfusion pressure adversely by low-
Morphine is a substrate for the P-glycoprotein, a protein ering mean arterial pressure.
responsible for the transport of many molecules out of cells.
The combination of slow CNS penetration due to lower lipid
solubility and rapid efflux accounts for the slow onset of mor-
Fentanyl and Its Congeners
phines CNS effects. Peak analgesic effects may not occur for Description. Fentanyl, sufentanil, and remifentanil enter and
more than an hour after IV injection; hence, the plasma profile leave the CNS much more rapidly than does morphine, thereby
of morphine does not parallel its clinical effects [34]. causing a much faster onset of effect after IV administration.
Morphine is unique among the opioids in causing signif- The only significant difference among these agents is their PK
icant histamine release after IV injection that occurs almost behavior.
immediately. The beneficial effect of giving morphine to a pa- Fentanyl may be useful when given by intermittent bolus in-
tient with acute pulmonary edema is far more related to this jection (50 to 100 g), but when given by infusion, its duration
hemodynamic effect rather than to its analgesic and sedating becomes prolonged [36]. For TIVA in ICU patients in whom
effects. rapid emergence is desirable, sufentanil or remifentanil is the
preferred choice for continuous infusion. When the procedure
Adverse Effects is expected to be followed by postoperative pain, sufentanil is
Gastrointestinal. Constipation, nausea, and/or vomiting are preferred. Figure 20.2 shows that its CSHT is similar to that
well-described side effects of morphine administration. Re- of propofol for infusions of up to 10 hours. When the proce-
duced gastric emptying and bowel motility (both small and dure is expected to be followed by minimal postoperative pain
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on the left of the screen and that the corresponding marker manikins of excellent design are now commercially available
on the transducer always be held such that it is pointed to- [11]. Trainees may practice ultrasound control of the needle
ward the left side of the examiner (unless scanning the vessel and targeted vascular access multiple times before their first
in longitudinal axis when the transducer marker is directed effort at the patient bedside. This is imperative for patient
cephalad). It is important to understand and standardize safety and comfort as well as for operator confidence.
orientation and transducer marker position so that the op-
erator can direct the needle in predictable fashion during
real-time guidance of needle insertion. Ultrasound Guidance of Vascular Access
5. Whenever planning an ultrasound-guided procedure, the
operator should explore the structure of interest before Vascular access is a major responsibility of the intensivist. In-
prepping and draping the patient. This allows for optimal sertion of catheters of varying size and function requires central
site selection before site preparation. If the procedure aims venous cannulation, accurate ongoing measurement of arterial
to cannulate a vessel (e.g., central venous or arterial catheter- pressure and waveform requires arterial line insertion, whereas
ization), the potential target should be evaluated on both peripheral venous (PV) access is a routine requirement of pa-
sides of the body unless absolute contraindications exist on tient care. Considerations such as obesity or unusual body habi-
one side (e.g., arteriovenous fistula in the upper extremity tus (e.g., kyphoscoliosis or genetic disease) and coagulopathy
would preclude radial arterial catheterization on that side). may present special challenges. PV access may be difficult in
Multiple studies have documented significant anatomic vari- patients due to obesity, intravenous drug use, or chemother-
ability in vascular lumina, positioning, and location with apy. Ultrasound is uniquely useful for guidance of all forms of
respect to adjacent structures for both venous and arterial vascular access.
targets [49]. A benefit of ultrasound guidance of vascular access is that
6. Initially, vascular structures should be imaged in their trans- it allows the operator to identify contraindications to vascu-
verse axis, as this approach is best to differentiate the artery lar access that are not apparent by simple physical examina-
and the vein [10]. Features such as compressibility, pul- tion. For example, marked respiratory effort may completely
sation, luminal variation with respiratory effort, and/or obliterate internal jugular and subclavian vein lumina during
respiratory maneuvers can all be used to help distinguish inspiration in the volume-depleted patient. Such intermittent
arterial from venous vessels. The cross-sectional ultrasono- luminal collapse precludes successful vascular access and can-
graphic view usually displays the vein in close proximity not be identified, except with ultrasonography. The presence
to its accompanying artery, thus facilitating comparison of of a thrombus in the femoral vein (FV) frequently cannot be
vessel changes with dynamic maneuvers, such as compres- detected by physical examination, but it is readily identified ul-
sion and Valsalva. Detection of vessel pulsatility requires a trasonographically and contraindicates cannulation at that site.
steady imaging plane for at least a few seconds. Pulsatility Ultrasonography thus warns the operator to redirect attention
is sometimes diminished with hypotension. Differentiation to less complication-prone sites.
of arterial from venous structures is challenging especially
when the patients perfusion is maintained with a nonpul-
satile ventricular assist device (impeller device). The much
less compressible, thicker arterial walls, as well as the lack SPECIFIC PROCEDURES
of vessel lumen variability with respiratory effort and/or res-
piratory maneuvers, provide the most reliable features that Internal Jugular Venous Access
differentiate arterial from venous structures in this situation.
Color and spectral Doppler analysis may occasionally be re- Several studies report that ultrasound guidance of IJV access
quired to distinguish the vein from the artery in situations is superior to landmark technique, with lower complication
of difficult anatomy or in the subclavian position. and higher success rate [12]. The reasons for this are obvious.
7. For pleural or abdominal access, initial orientation should Landmark technique may be straightforward in a slender sub-
always be achieved in the longitudinal image plane. The ject, but much less so in an obese subject. Asymmetric IJV size
variable position of the diaphragm in the critically ill patient and variation in IJV position relative to the carotid occur in up
makes is easiest to differentiate intrathoracic from intra- to 30% of the normal population and cannot be appreciated by
abdominal fluid collections using longitudinal image planes. surface physical examination [13,14]. A national quality orga-
8. Whenever possible, the operator should document relevant nization has stated that ultrasound guidance of IJV access is re-
ultrasound images during the procedure. This may be as quired for patient safety purposes [15]. The Residency Review
simple as capturing a frozen video image that can be placed Committee has stated that training in this technique is highly
in the chart. Depending on system capability, video clips recommended during critical care fellowship training; this will
may be captured and stored off line. Image documentation is likely be followed by it becoming a mandatory requirement.
important for quality review and billing purposes. However, In guiding IJV access, ultrasonography should be used in a
it may not be practical in all situations, particularly during methodical fashion in order to maximize its utility as follows:
hectic resuscitation efforts.
9. Ultrasound guidance of procedures requires specific train- 1. Vascular access requires the use of a linear ultrasound
ing. The cognitive aspects of the field are straightforward, transducer typically of 7.5 MHz frequency. This allows
and can be easily learned from books, audiovisual sources, for adequate resolution of structures that are relatively
courses, or via e-learning program. Image interpretation and near the surface of the body. Lower frequency transduc-
acquisition require a component of hands-on scanning un- ers, which penetrate more deeply at the cost of reduced
der the supervision of a skilled bedside instructor. Real-time resolution, are not suitable for guidance of vascular access.
guidance of needle insertion is a complex psychomotor skill The patient should be placed in Trendelenburg in order to
that requires practice. Unfortunately, this is often achieved distend the vein as much as possible.
with the experiential approach; that is, the inexperienced 2. The operator should perform a preliminary scan of both
operator is expected to perform the procedure the first time sides of the neck before the sterile preparation. This al-
on an actual patient. To avoid this, we strongly recom- lows for identification of aberrant anatomy and/or throm-
mend that training in real-time needle insertion take place on bus, and determination of the best site, angle, and depth of
an ultrasound manikin. Ultrasound-capable vascular access needle penetration. The IJV is usually lateral to the carotid
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artery when scanning the anterior neck, and is differenti- is advantageous. A variation of ultrasound guidance of
ated from the carotid artery by its larger size, thin wall, and vascular access is the mark-and-stick technique wherein
lack of characteristic pulsation, easy compressibility, size the operator identifies the vessel and marks an appropriate
fluctuation with respiration or respiratory maneuvers, and site for line insertion. The needle is introduced without the
the presence of thin mobile venous valves. Color Doppler benefit of real-time guidance. Although this yields higher
may be used to confirm, but it is not generally required. success rate than traditional landmark method, it is inferior
The examination of the vein starts with a two-dimensional to real-time guidance [12] and so is not discussed further.
(2-D) study to examine the anatomy and observe for visi- 6. The operator needs to decide whether to use transverse
ble echogenic thrombus. The 2-D examination is followed or longitudinal scanning plane for real-time needle guid-
by compression of the vessel to exclude isoechoic throm- ance. This is based on personal preference and training
bus not visible on 2-D imaging. A fully compressible IJV background. Some skilled operators prefer longitudinal
indicates that there is no thrombus at the site of the exam- approach, as they maintain that it is easier to identify the
ination. In order to ensure patency of the vessel along the needle in long axis and therefore to guide it into the vessel.
length that will be traversed by the central venous catheter, Many operators prefer the transverse plane. In either case,
several sites along the course of the vessel must be exam- maximal safety is achieved by maintaining clear identifica-
ined and then compressed. The presence of an ipsilateral tion of the needle tip throughout the procedure [17].
thrombus contraindicates line insertion, whereas the pres- 7. There are two general approaches to real-time guidance in
ence of a contralateral thrombus is of concern, as the pro- the transverse scanning plane. The first, which is concep-
posed IJV insertion may itself predispose to thrombus. This tually easier, is to insert the needle very close to the trans-
may yield bilateral IJV thrombus, which is undesirable. ducer and angle down toward the vessel, with the goal of
3. The preprocedure scan should include examination of the identifying the needle tip as it enters the scanning plane
anterior lung (with the patient in supine position) in or- and the vessel. This technique results in a very acute angle
der to rule out pneumothorax before the procedure. The at which the vessel is accessed, which sometimes makes it
transducer is held perpendicular to the chest wall in order difficult to thread the guidewire. Alternatively, the needle
to examine the rib interspaces of the upper anterior chest. may be introduced at some distance from the target ves-
The pleural interface is identified between the rib shad- sel. The transducer is then moved toward the needle until
ows. Presence of lung sliding, lung pulse, or B-lines rules the needle tip is identified. The transducer and needle tip
out pneumothorax with a high level of certainty [16]. The are then moved forward in tandem, with the needle tip
examination may be accomplished with similar result, us- adjusted at the appropriate angle. In this manner, visual
ing a low-frequency abdominal or cardiac transducer, or control of the needle tip is maintained throughout its for-
using a high-frequency vascular transducer that is used to ward movement. In addition, the angle at which the vessel
guide vascular access. Following the procedure, the oper- is accessed tends to be less acute, making it easier to thread
ator again examines the anterior chest for pneumothorax. the guidewire. With the longitudinal scanning method, the
The finding of pneumothorax following the procedure, transducer is used to obtain a longitudinal image of the tar-
when none existed before, is strong evidence for procedu- get vessel. The needle is introduced along the longitudinal
ral mishap. The preprocedure chest examination should midline of the transducer and kept in full view while it is
include both lungs to cover the very rare eventuality that moved toward the vessel wall. The longitudinal approach
the patient has a contralateral pneumothorax before the tends to result in the least acute angle at which the vessel
procedure. is accessed, making it easiest to thread the guidewire into
4. Before the sterile field is established, the ultrasound ma- the vessel successfully even when the vessel is located rela-
chine must be positioned to allow optimal handeye coor- tively far from the skin surface, for example, in the obese
dination for the operator. Because the operator normally patient.
stands on the side of the IJV to be cannulated, next to 8. A vexing problem with IJV access is vessel compression.
the patients head and facing the patients feet, the optimal Under ultrasound guidance, the advancing needle may
position for the ultrasound machine is on the operators compress the anterior wall of the IJV, often to the ex-
side of the patient, immediately adjacent to the patients tent that the vascular lumen is effaced. With further for-
lower chest or upper abdomen. Inadequate placement of ward movement of the needle, it passes through the poste-
the ultrasound screen makes efficient handeye coordina- rior wall of the vessel. Frequently, as the needle is slowly
tion very difficult. With an inappropriately placed ultra- withdrawn, the vessel lumen opens up, blood enters the
sound screen, the operator needs to rotate his or her head needle and syringe, and the wire is passed without prob-
in order to compare changes in the ultrasound image with lem. Whether minor needle insertion through the posterior
changes in needle insertion depth and angle. With a well- wall has any clinical implication or not has not been deter-
placed ultrasound screen, the operator needs to only move mined. It may be avoided by downward orientation of the
his or her head up or down in order to compare ultrasono- bevel and careful attention to angulation of the needle, as
graphic image changes with changes in needle angle and well as positioning the patient in Trendelenburg. Extensive
insertion depth on the sterile field. The chance of acciden- head rotation or head extension and the presence of a la-
tally changing the ultrasonographic imaging plane (thus ryngeal mask airway all reduce IJV diameter and move the
losing the ultrasound image essential for real-time guid- vein into a position anterior to the carotid artery, thus in-
ance) during head rotation is much greater than the chance creasing the risk of inadvertent arterial puncture [1820].
of an inadvertent change in scanning plane during a simple 9. Following wire insertion and before dilation of the ves-
up-and-down movement of the head. sel, the location of the wire in a venous vessel should be
5. Following preliminary scanning and appropriate place- documented. This is best achieved in a longitudinal view
ment of the ultrasound unit, the patient is prepared with of the vessel. If the wire is found to be in the artery (an
standard sterile technique. The transducer is covered with occasional event, particularly with a less experienced op-
a purpose-designed sterile transducer cover. The operator erator), it may be removed without great consequence to
has a choice at this point. A helper may hold the transducer the patient. However, inadvertent dilation of the carotid
while the operator introduces the needle, or the operator artery may have catastrophic effect. Positive identification
may hold the transducer in one hand while guiding the nee- of the wire within the vein adds only a short additional
dle with the other. The latter is the preferred technique. The time to the procedure and avoids a rare, but dangerous,
ability to manipulate the transducer and needle in tandem complication.
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10. Generally, a postprocedure chest radiograph is used to doc- ultrasound guidance of SCV access presents a psychologic
ument proper position of the venous catheter. Ultrasonog- challenge. The operator is so used to relying on the clavicle
raphy may be used as an alternative method [21]. Identi- as a definitive structural guide during insertion that it is dif-
fication of suboptimal line position with ultrasonography ficult to perform the access at a lateral site that ignores the
allows repositioning while the sterile field is still in place, clavicle landmark completely. More lateral puncture sites,
unlike a delayed chest radiograph. However, identification however, are anatomically less risky for both arterial and
of line position with ultrasonography adds several minutes pleural puncture, whereas vessel lumen is reduced only by
to the procedure and requires a high level of ultrasound 25% [25].
training. 4. Because the puncture site of the subclavian vein is consid-
11. Following the procedure, the operator should examine the erably more lateral for ultrasound-guided punctures com-
anterior chest in order to rule out procedure-related pneu- pared to landmark-guided punctures, the tip of the central
mothorax. The presence of sliding lung, lung pulse, and/or venous catheter may not reach to the superior vena cava
B-lines excludes pneumothorax. This underlines the im- when a short catheter is used. This is especially true when
portance of performing ultrasonography both before and the left subclavian vein is used for access.
after the procedure. The loss of lung sliding, lung pulse, 5. For safety purposes, the operator should use the same
and/or B-lines following IJV central venous access, when precautions as with the IJV insertion by checking for
they were present immediately before the procedure, is pneumothorax before and after the procedure and by doc-
strong evidence for a procedure-related pneumothorax. Ul- umenting that the wire is within the vein before dilation.
trasonography is more accurate than standard supine chest Unlike the IJV and FV, where wire identification is straight-
radiography for the detection of pneumothorax, and has forward, identification of the wire in the subclavian vein
similar accuracy as chest computerized tomography [22]. may be difficult, as the clavicle may block easy identifica-
tion. A useful technique is to image the ipsilateral IJV and
follow it down to the medial supraclavicular area. Down-
ward rotation of the probe reveals the confluence of the IJV
Subclavian Venous Access and the SCV with wire identification.
Ultrasonography may be used to guide SCV access [23,24].
The authors opinion is that ultrasound guidance of SCV ac-
cess may not augment safety or success in patients with normal Femoral Venous Access
anatomy. However, it does have utility in patients with chal-
lenging anatomy or coagulopathy. It also requires a higher skill Ultrasonography may be used to guide FV access [26], and has
level than IJV or FV access. It should only be used by the op- the same rationale as for the IJV. It reduces complication rate
erator who has a high level of competence in real-time needle and improves success rate. It has particular utility in emergency
guidance. The pleural surface is in close proximity to the SCV situations that mandate immediate venous access. A trained
and so accurate identification and precise control of the needle operator can safely establish venous access very rapidly using
tip are required in order to avoid a pneumothorax. Many of the ultrasound guidance. Many of the principles described for IJV
principles described for IJV insertion apply to the SCV. What insertion apply to the FV site. What follows are concerns that
follows are concerns that are specific to this site: are specific to this site:
1. The SCV is more difficult to locate than the IJV. One strategy 1. The safe site for FV access should be at the common femoral
is to scan the upper chest with the transducer in longitudi- vein (CVF) level. Immediately below the inguinal crease,
nal scanning plane in order to locate the clavicle. Once this the FV rotates so that it is posterior to the artery (then be-
is done, the transducer is moved laterally along the clavicle coming the superficial FV). Attempts at access at this level
until the vessel is seen to appear from under the clavicle. risk arterial injury. In the worst-case scenario, the needle
Further lateral movement of the transducer will image the passes through the artery into the vein. Following dilation,
SCV independent of the clavicle. At this point, the trans- the catheter is passed through the artery and rests, as a fully
ducer is rotated 90 degrees to obtain a long axis view of the functional venous line, in the vein. Subsequently, it is re-
vein. This is the appropriate orientation for real-time guid- moved with no special precaution as the operator believes
ance of needle insertion. The subclavian artery is located that it was a well-placed venous line. Major arterial bleeding
immediately adjacent to the vein, and most often deep to ensues. Ultrasonography allows identification of the CFV
it. Unfortunately, the vein may not be compressible due to in a position that is medial to the vein at a site close to
anatomic constraint, so it may be challenging to differenti- the inguinal ligament. This is the appropriate site for needle
ate the artery from the vein. Observation of respirophasic puncture. The position of the vein remains side by side with
changes, venous valves, and the use of color and pulse wave the artery for a longer distance caudally if the leg is rotated
Doppler all have utility in making the critical distinction externally (similar to optimal positioning for insertion using
between the two structures. It is difficult to visualize SCV the landmark technique [27]).
thrombus, as compression study is often not possible. Lack 2. Identification of the vein and artery is straightforward and is
of respirophasic changes and/or lack of color Doppler flow based on methods outlined in the discussion on IJV access.
augmentation on compression of the ipsilateral arm suggest The vessel should be imaged in transverse plane and the
the possibility of thrombus. needle guided into it under real-time ultrasound control. The
2. In order to minimize operator head movement during the wire should be documented within the vein before dilation.
insertion, the ultrasound machine should be positioned im-
mediately adjacent to the patients axilla on the side that is
contralateral to the side at which access will be attempted
(e.g., adjacent to the patients right axilla if the left SCV has
Peripheral Venous Access
been chosen for venous access). Ultrasound guidance for PV access improves success rates
3. Ultrasound guidance of SCV access should be performed and reduces complications [28]. Site-specific considerations for
with the vein imaged in its long axis so that the entire needle ultrasound-guided PV insertion follow:
and its tip can be visualized real time throughout the inser-
tion. Any loss of needle tip control runs the risk of pleural or 1. The operator must have knowledge of the complex venous
arterial puncture. For the experienced landmark operator, anatomy of the upper extremity. Accessing PVs may be
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performed using both cross-sectional and longitudinal scan- ceeding with thoracentesis, operators must be completely
ning techniques. The advantage of the latter is that the nee- confident in their identification of fluid within the thorax.
dle is visualized along its entire length so that it may be 2. It is important that the patient maintain the same position
guided accurately into a small venous structure. between ultrasonographic site localization and actual de-
vice insertion. If the patient changes position between ul-
trasonographic site localization and actual device insertion,
Arterial Access free-flowing fluid may redistribute to a different area in the
hemithorax. A large pleural effusion is easy to locate by
Principles for ultrasound guidance of arterial access are similar scanning in the midaxillary line. It may be more difficult to
to those for ultrasound guidance of venous access. Particular identify a safe access site in patients with smaller effusions,
points of importance for each arterial access site follow. as the mattress blocks appropriate transducer position in
the supine patient. In this situation, the operator may need
to reposition the patient for better access.
Radial Artery 3. When localizing a safe access site and angle, the operator
Ultrasound-guided radial arterial cannulation has been shown should explore its extent in all three dimensions. This re-
to significantly increase success on the first attempt [29], and is quires imaging the collection in two orthogonal planes (typ-
especially valuable in hypotensive and grossly edematous pa- ically, a longitudinal and a coronal plane). A moderate-sized
tients. In the patient without edema, the artery is located quite collection that tracks into an interlobar fissure may appear
superficially at the wrist. Color Doppler imaging can help in to have a considerable extent, with a wide separation be-
its identification. The artery is accompanied by two easily col- tween parietal and visceral pleural surface, if its long axis is
lapsible venous structures, the venae comitantes. Wrist exten- imaged; however, an orthogonal scan in a coronal plane will
sion beyond 60 degrees reduces vessel diameter, thus making quickly reveal the small lateral extent of such a collection.
cannulation more difficult [8]. When determining where to insert the device, the opera-
tor must take into consideration not only the optimal point
Femoral Artery on the thoracic skin, but also the angle with the thorax in
which the ultrasound transducer provides the image of the
Ultrasound guidance for femoral arterial access has been collections largest extent. This optimal transducer angle for
proved valuable in obese and hypotensive patients [30]. The imaging of the collection must then be reproduced without
technique is also of benefit in coagulopathic patients. In ad- continuous ultrasonographic guidance during insertion of
dition, ultrasound allows selection of a vessel site that is less the device. Reproduction of the optimal imaging angle as-
affected by atherosclerotic changes, as well as permits prompt sures that the largest extent of the fluid collection is accessed
detection of complications due to catheterization, such as pseu- during device insertion. In this manner, fluid collections with
doaneurysm, hematoma, or arteriovenous fistula [31,32]. a separation between visceral and parietal pleural surfaces
of 15 mm or more can be accessed safely [34].
4. The hypoechoic space between parietal and visceral pleura
Ultrasound Guidance of Pleural Access is usually presumed to contain fluid; however, gelatinous
contents can occasionally present with a similar ultrasono-
Pleural fluid collections are frequently encountered in critically graphic image [36]. If sterile transducer sheaths are available
ill patients. Ultrasound guidance of thoracentesis reduces the during the procedure, the operator can image the intratho-
risk of pneumothorax [33]. Ultrasound-guided thoracentesis racic device position if no fluid return is achieved, thus assur-
is safe for patients on mechanical ventilatory support [34,35]. ing access to the intended space. If color Doppler signals are
Ultrasound guidance for pleural access and device insertion imaged in the hypoechoic space on preinsertion scanning,
should incorporate the following points: this also assures liquid rather than gelatinous intrathoracic
contents [37].
1. Prior to establishing the sterile field, a comprehensive scan
of the hemithorax should be undertaken with the aim of If a pleural device is inserted in order to perform medical
identifying a safe site, angle, and depth for needle insertion. pleurodesis, the extent of pleurodesis can be assessed in follow-
It is of paramount importance that the operators first ac- up pleural ultrasound 1 to 2 days later and repeat ultrasound-
tion be a differentiation between peritoneal and retroperi- guided local pleurodesis can then be performed in locules with
toneal structures and pleural structures. This requires un- persistent fluid content [38].
equivocal identification of the diaphragm. In the intubated,
sedated patient, the diaphragm is often located more cra-
nially than in the awake, upright patient. The prudent op- Ultrasound Guidance of Pericardiocentesis
erator first proceeds with identification of the kidney and
the adjacent liver or spleen in the longitudinal axis. The Pericardiocentesis may be performed safely with ultrasound
operator then scans more cranially, identifying the curvilin- guidance [39]. The intensivist performs pericardiocentesis for
ear diaphragm with its characteristic respiratory movement. diagnostic purposes. Alternatively, pericardiocentesis may be
Positive identification of the diaphragm avoids inadvertent a lifesaving procedure if the patient has pericardial tampon-
subdiaphragmatic needle insertion with its potentially lethal ade. The skills required for performance of ultrasound-guided
effect. Pleural fluid, unless loculated, assumes a dependent pericardiocentesis are similar to those required for thoracen-
position in the hemithorax. In the supine patient, the fluid tesis and paracentesis. The operator must identify a safe site,
is posterior in location. Ultrasonographically, pleural fluid angle, and depth for needle insertion that avoids injury to struc-
appears as a hypoechoic space that is subtended by typical tures adjacent to the pericardial fluid. This requires that the
anatomic boundaries (inside of chest wall and diaphragm) operator examine the heart from multiple windows: paraster-
and associated with typical dynamic findings (lung flapping, nal, apical, and subcostal. Using ultrasonography, the operator
diaphragmatic movement, plankton sign, and mobile ele- identifies the largest area of fluid collection. This is often at the
ments within the fluid, such as septations). Complex effu- apical four-chamber view, or in large effusions, from a paraster-
sions, such as empyema or hemothorax, may be difficult to nal view. The subcostal approach is frequently prohibited by
identify by the inexperienced ultrasonographer. Before pro- the presence of the liver in a blocking position, a feature that is
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easily recognized with ultrasonography. The use of fluoroscopy guided peritoneal access. Specifically, a comprehensive scan of
to guide pericardiocentesis is typically limited to the subcostal the abdomen should first ascertain the area of maximal in-
approach. The liver is not easily identified using fluoroscopy, traperitoneal fluid, and the patient should maintain the same
so hepatic laceration is a hazard that is not readily apparent position between the ultrasonographic site localization and the
when using fluoroscopy. In addition, the apical or parasternal actual procedure so as to avoid fluid redistribution. The oper-
windows frequently reveal a larger fluid collection target than ator should explore the extent of the peritoneal fluid collection
does the subcostal approach. Some concerns specific to peri- using two orthogonal planes. In addition, the operator who ac-
cardiocentesis are as follows: cesses the peritoneal space under ultrasound guidance should
bear in mind the following:
1. Lacerations of the myocardium or a coronary artery are
specific potentially lethal complications of pericardiocente- 1. The best site, angle, and depth for needle penetration are de-
sis. Site selection requires that there be sufficient fluid to termined at the bedside. The needlesyringe assembly must
allow safe needle insertion. In making this determination, duplicate the angle at which the transducer was held when
the operator must observe for cardiac movement that oc- determining the best angle of attack. Normally, an area supe-
curs during contractile cycle, which is respirophasic or re- rior to and medial to the left anterosuperior iliac spine con-
sults from cardiac swinging within the effusion. A minimum tains some of the free intra-abdominal fluid in the left para-
of 10 mm of space within the effusion is required for safe colic gutter (similar to the area identified with the landmark
needle insertion. Large effusions may allow the operator to technique). Because the sigmoid colon courses retroperi-
select an angle of approach that is free of any cardiac struc- toneally at this location, the risk of large bowel injury is
ture. The presence of interposed liver may preclude a sub- less than that on the contralateral side, which contains the
costal approach. Aerated lung does not permit transmission intraperitoneal cecum. Perihepatic and perisplenic fluid col-
of ultrasound so that the ultrasonographic visualization of lections also occur in patients with ascites, but the risk of
the heart precludes injury to interposed aerated lung. Con- solid organ injury is higher in these locations, and the op-
solidated lung has a specific ultrasonographic appearance, erator should have experience prior to attempting puncture
and must not be interposed in the planned needle track. A at these subdiaphragmatic sites.
coexisting pleural effusion may be interposed between the 2. In the edematous patient, compression of the subcutaneous
pericardial effusion and the needle insertion site. The pleu- tissue leads to an underestimation of the soft-tissue dis-
ral effusion should be removed before the pericardial fluid tance that needs to be traversed prior to entering the peri-
is accessed. toneal space (so-called compression artifact). Any ultra-
2. Once the site is selected, it should be marked without placing sonographic measurement of the distance between the skin
traction on the skin that may cause inadvertent site move- and the peritoneal cavity should thus be performed from an
ment on release of the traction. The depth of needle penetra- image acquired while the transducer is applied to the skin
tion is a critical measurement. Compression artifact caused with minimal pressure.
by firm pressure of the transducer in the obese or edema-
tous patient may cause an underestimation of the depth of
needle penetration. This needs to be factored into the depth Other Ultrasound-Guided Procedures
estimate; otherwise the operator will not be able to access
the pericardial fluid, out of mistaken concern that the nee- Beyond vascular access, thoracentesis, paracentesis, and peri-
dle has been inserted too far. Angle selection is determined cardiocentesis, ultrasonography may be used to guide other
by the location of the fluid. Whenever possible, it should be procedures of interest to the intensivist as follows:
perpendicular to the skin surface, as this is the easiest angle 1. Aspiration and biopsy of solid and fluid-filled structures.
to duplicate with the needle and syringe assembly. Ultrasonography allows the intensivist to identify a fluid-
3. Unlike thoracentesis and paracentesis, it is important to in- filled structure such as an abscess [41]. With knowledge
clude the transducer with full sterile cover into the set up of surrounding anatomy, a safe site, angle, and depth of
of the sterile field. The intensivist should be prepared to needle penetration may be identified for access. Similarly,
rescan the target site just before needle insertion in order solid lesions may be accessed for aspiration and biopsy [42].
to document the correct angle for needle insertion, recheck 2. Airway management. Ultrasonography may be used to doc-
depth in case of initial failure due to compression artifact, ument endotracheal tube placement and diagnose inadver-
and check for proper device position immediately following tent main stem bronchial intubation [43]. Ultrasonography
catheter insertion. is useful in performing percutaneous tracheostomy to screen
4. Real-time guidance of needle insertion is not necessary for for dangerous vascular aberrancy and guide tracheal access.
safe performance of pericardiocentesis, similar to thora- 3. Transvenous pacemaker insertion. Ultrasonography may
centesis and paracentesis. A final confirmatory scan is per- be used to guide transvenous pacemaker insertion. The
formed immediately before needle insertion and the needle subcostal window permits visualization of the IVC, right
is placed with free-hand technique duplicating the angle de- atrium, and right ventricle. The pacemaker wire may be
fined by the transducer. Aspiration of fluid is followed by manipulated into position under real-time guidance.
wire insertion and device insertion via Seldinger technique. 4. Lumbar puncture. Ultrasonography may be used to guide
Correct catheter position may be verified by injection of lumbar puncture [44]. This has application in the patients
agitated saline solution. with difficult anatomy.
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Over the past decade, image-guided percutaneous drainage equipment, and nature of the collection such as size, location,
procedures have become accepted as safe and effective alterna- and presence of septations. Advantages of ultrasound include
tives to surgery for the first-line treatment of symptomatic fluid portability, lack of radiation, low cost, and real-time visualiza-
collections in the body. Image guidance typically provided by tion of needle placement into a collection. Ultrasound can also
sonography or computed tomography (CT) allows for precise be readily combined with fluoroscopic guidance techniques.
localization of fluid collections, improved drainage techniques, Limitations of ultrasound include poor visualization of deep
and faster patient recovery. Rapid imaging localization and per- collections secondary to large body habitus, bone, overlying
cutaneous treatment has played a major role in decreasing the bowel gas, or surgical dressings. CT provides excellent visual-
morbidity and mortality associated with surgical exploration ization of the fluid collection and its relation to vital structures,
[14]. allowing for the safest percutaneous access route to be cho-
sen. For deep collections such as those located in the pelvis or
retroperitoneal space, CT is particularly well suited [6]. There
GENERAL AIMS is typically a shorter learning curve to master CT-guided pro-
cedures, especially given the availability of commercially pro-
The aim of the interventional radiologist is to detect and local- duced skin grids to help aid needle placement. The main lim-
ize symptomatic fluid collections, ascertain if additional imag- itations of CT include radiation exposure, cost, and lack of
ing or laboratory tests are needed, and determine what, if any, real-time visualization of needle placement. The recent advent
intervention is required. Close communication between inter- of CT fluoroscopy allowing the operator to obtain rapid se-
ventional and critical care staff is essential to accomplish these quential images of needle position without having to leave the
goals. Image-guided aspiration or drainage procedures can al- patient is a major step forward for helping to resolve some
leviate symptoms due to mass effect or inflammation, provide of these technical issues [5]. Table 22.2 is a summary of the
fluid samples for laboratory characterization, and cause reduc- advantages and limitations of CT versus sonography [7].
tion in sepsis [5]. A list of fluid collections amenable to image-
guided procedures is provided in Table 22.1.
DIAGNOSTIC IMAGING The indications for image-guided drainage and aspiration in-
CT and ultrasound are the two main imaging modalities used clude, but are not limited to, fluid sampling to assess infected
for percutaneous image guidance. Magnetic resonance imaging versus sterile collections, reduction of microorganism burden
(MRI)-guided drainage is available at some academic institu- due to extraction of contaminated material, and relief of pres-
tions, but limited by availability, cost, and paucity of MRI- sure symptoms secondary to excess fluid accumulation. In the
compatible devices. The choice between CT and ultrasound is critically ill patient, catheter drainage may stabilize the pa-
ultimately determined by operator experience, availability of tients condition so that a more definitive surgical procedure
can be performed at a later time [8,9]. Abscess size is an impor-
tant determinant of the need for percutaneous drainage. Many
patients with abscesses smaller than 4 cm in diameter can be
treated conservatively with broad-spectrum antibiotics, hydra-
TA B L E 2 2 . 1 tion, and bowel rest [10]. If a small collection is unresponsive
to initial antibiotic therapy, a drainage procedure should be
FLUID COLLECTIONS SUCCESSFULLY TREATED WITH considered. In patients with abscesses larger than 4 cm, studies
PERCUTANEOUS DRAINAGE have shown that percutaneous catheter placement is beneficial
and less invasive than surgical intervention [10].
Sterile Nonsterile
Hematoma Enteric abscess CONTRAINDICATIONS
Lymphocele Lung abscess and empyema
Pancreatic pseudocyst Ruptured appendicitis Contraindications are divided into absolute and relative. Ab-
Postsurgical seroma Pancreatic abscess solute contraindications for percutaneous drainage include
Urinoma Tubo-ovarian abscess absence of a safe access route or uncorrectable coagulopathy.
Multilocular fluid collections Cholecystitis An uncooperative or unwilling patient may also cause termi-
nation of a procedure. Often, the study may be rescheduled
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TA B L E 2 2 . 2
Advantages Limitations
CT Excellent 2-D and 3-D (with reformatting) spatial resolution Radiation exposure
Images not obscured by overlying structures Lack of real-time image guidance
Procedures take longer
Higher cost
US No radiation required, real time visualization of anatomy Overlying structures (i.e., bowel gas, real-time visualization of
and needle placement bone) may obscure target
Portability allows bedside procedures More difficult to master
Low cost Need cooperative patient
to allow for general anesthesia or deep sedation to be pro- mination of the imaging modality used to characterize the fluid
vided for patient safety. The utmost care should be taken to collection depends on location and operator preference. Once
avoid transgression of major blood vessels, pleura, pancreas, the collection has been localized, the access route is planned.
and spleen. One should also avoid prolonged drainage of sterile The basic tenets of surgical drainage are followed using estab-
collections due to the risk of secondary infection [11]. In pa- lished surgical routes to find the shortest and least invasive path
tients with relative contraindications, procedures may require while avoiding lung, pleura, bowel, and other vital structures.
more planning or additional time, but are usually amenable to Prior to the procedure, the patient should stop all anticoagu-
treatment. For example, a transenteric (small bowel) route may lant medications, given the benefits of the drainage procedure
allow for needle aspiration of a collection previously thought outweigh the risk to the patient from thrombosis. For example,
to be inaccessible [12]. If no direct route is available, the liver, clopidogrel (Plavix), an antiplatelet agent, should be held for 7
kidney, and stomach may be safely transgressed during needle to 10 days before the procedure [19]. For patients receiving vi-
aspiration or catheter placement. Recent advances in technique tamin K antagonists such as Coumadin, guidelines recommend
such as transgluteal, transvaginal, or transrectal sampling pro- bridging anticoagulation with therapeutic dose low-molecular-
vide more options for draining difficult-to-reach collections weight heparin (given subcutaneously) or intravenous unfrac-
[1315]. tionated heparin (given intravenously) [19,20]. The goal is to
maintain the international normalized ratio (INR) less than
1.5. It is believed that anticoagulants can be safely restarted 6
to 8 hours following the procedure. Coagulation parameters
RISKS, BENEFITS, AND should also be obtained within a few days before the proce-
ALTERNATIVES dure and corrected if necessary. In a nonemergent situation,
the prothrombin time (PT) should be less than 15 seconds, the
Overall complications associated with percutaneous drainage partial thromboplastin time less than 35 seconds, platelet count
are reported to be less than 15% [16]. These include damage to greater than 75,000 per mL and INR less than 1.5. In emergent
vital structures, bleeding, and infection among others. Mortal- situations where the PT is elevated, fresh-frozen plasma should
ity (ranging from 1% to 6%) is frequently secondary to sepsis be given. Platelet transfusions can be administered just prior to
or multiorgan failure rather than the drainage procedure itself. the procedure to raise levels to an acceptable value.
Depending on the location and physical properties of an in- The patient should have nothing to eat for 4 to 6 hours
fected or sterile collection, percutaneous drainage is curative prior to the study to reduce the risk of aspiration during mod-
in 75% to 90% of cases [6,16,17]. In approximately 10% of erate sedation. Transient bacteremia associated with percuta-
cases, percutaneous drainage can serve as a temporizing mea- neous drainage of an infected collection may require prophy-
sure allowing surgery to be postponed or performed in a single lactic treatment with antibiotics. Initial coverage should utilize
step [10]. Patients whose drainage collections contain feculent a broad-spectrum antibiotic before more selective therapy can
material or a fistulous communication tend to respond poorly, be deduced from fluid Gram stain and culture. If intravenous
and further surgical intervention may be required. Indications contrast is required to visualize a collection, the patients renal
for surgery also include visceral perforation, peritonitis, un- function (blood urea nitrogen [BUN] and creatinine) should be
controlled sepsis, and lack of improvement or deterioration of evaluated. If elevated (serum creatinine >1.5 mg per dL), the
clinical status following several days of medical treatment [18]. patient may require hydration and pretreatment with sodium
bicarbonate and oral or intravenous N-acetylcysteine (Mu-
comyst) [21]. Low osmolality contrast agents may also be used
PREPROCEDURE PREPARATION to help reduce the risk of contrast-induced nephrotoxicity. In
patients with a history of prior contrast reaction, the inci-
Regardless of the study to be performed, certain basic prin- dent should be discussed to determine if symptoms were truly
cipals apply to all patients about to undergo a drainage pro- an anaphylactic reaction. In the setting of a validated contrast
cedure. After review of the risks, benefits, and alternatives to reaction, the risks and benefits of the study should be weighed
the procedure, informed consent should be obtained from the and discussed with both the patient and the referring physi-
patient or health care proxy. The radiologist should review the cian. If a decision is made to precede with intravenous con-
case with the referring physician to determine if the procedure trast administration, these patients are usually pretreated with
is medically indicated or if other treatment alternatives exist. a combination of a steroid and an antihistamine. Oral contrast
A comprehensive history and physical examination is taken, may be given to patients prior to CT to better delineate bowel
including review of previous and current imaging studies to loops. Reports of unopacified bowel mistaken for an abscess
evaluate fluid collection size, location, and complexity. Deter- collection are not uncommon.
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* *
FIGURE 22.2. A 63-year-old female status postrecent sigmoid resection presenting with abdominal pain.
A: Chest x-ray showing large amount of free intraperitoneal air (asterisks) concerning for bowel perfora-
tion. B: Computed tomography (CT) scan obtained with oral contrast shows large gas and fluid containing
collection (arrow) from leak at the surgical anastomosis. C: CT scan performed after satisfactory position
of drainage catheter into the collection. D: Due to high drainage output (>50 cc per day), abscessogram
was performed demonstrating a fistulous communication (arrow) with the descending colon.
between interventional and critical care staff is critical to pre- instructed in catheter care and to how to recognize any poten-
vent catheter malfunction. Daily rounds should be conducted tial or existing malfunction. The patient is advised to return to
to ensure the catheter is draining and not kinked or dislodged. the department in the event of abdominal pain, leakage from
During rounds, the skin insertion site, catheter tubing, amount the catheter entry site, fever, or chills. When long-term drainage
of drainage, and body temperature should be evaluated. It is is anticipated, catheters should be exchanged approximately
useful to mark the level of the skin insertion on the catheter dur- every 3 months to avoid blockage from encrustation or debris.
ing initial placement to allow for easy assessment of catheter
dislodgement. Most catheters are connected to a bag for ex-
ternal drainage, allowing for evaluation of fluid volume and Patient Response
consistency. Gentle irrigation of the abscess cavity with 10 to
20 mL of sterile saline is recommended three to four times daily Following complete evacuation of purulent material from an
to ensure patency. Vigorous irrigation is not recommended as infected cavity, improved clinical response should be seen in a
expansion of the abscess cavity may lead to transient bac- matter of hours to several days [8,12]. Parameters of improv-
teremia [28]. Dressing changes should also be performed daily. ing clinical status include defervescence, reduction in pain, and
In anticipation of the patients discharge from the hospital, fam- resolution of leukocytosis. If there is no improvement after
ily members are instructed in catheter care or a visiting nursing 2 to 3 days, suspicion should be raised for an undrained col-
service is arranged. The patient and his or her family should be lection, catheter malfunction, or fistula formation. In such
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1. Bufalari A, Giustozzi G, Moggi L: Postoperative intraabdominal abscesses: 12. vanSonnenberg E, Gerhard R, Wittich MD, et al: Percutaneous abscess
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2. vanSonnenberg E, Ferrucci JT, Mueller PR, et al: Percutaneous drainage of 13. Walser E, Raza S, Hernandez A, et al: Sonographically guided transgluteal
abscesses and fluid collections: technique, results and applications. Radiol- drainage of pelvic abscesses. Am J Roentgenol 181:498, 2003.
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3. Nakamoto DA, Haaga JR: Percutaneous drainage of postoperative intra- of one-step sonographically guided transrectal needle aspiration and lavage.
abdominal abscesses and collections, in Cope C (ed): Current Techniques in Am J Roentgenol 164:201, 1995.
Interventional Radiology. Philadelphia, PA, Current Medicine, 1995. 15. Sudakoff GS, Lundeen SJ, Otterson MF: Transrectal and transvaginal sono-
4. vanWaes P, Feldberg M, Mali W, et al: Management of loculated abscesses graphic intervention of infected pelvic fluid collections: a complete approach.
that are difficult to drain: a new approach. Radiology 147:57, 1983. Ultrasound Q 21:175, 2005.
5. Krebs TL, Daly B, Wong JJ, et al: Abdominal and pelvis therapeutic proce- 16. vanSonnenberg E, Mueller PR, Ferrucci JT Jr: Percutaneous drainage of 250
dures using CT-fluoroscopic guidance. Semin Intervent Radiol 16:191, 1999. abdominal abscesses and fluid collections. Part I. Results, failures, and com-
6. Harisinghani MG, Gervais DA, Hahn PF, et al: CT-guided transgluteal plications. Radiology 151:337, 1984.
drainage of deep pelvic abscesses: indications, technique, procedure-related 17. Lambiase RE, Deyoe L, Cronan JJ, et al: Percutaneous drainage of 335 con-
complications, and clinical outcome. RadioGraphics 22:1353, 2002. secutive abscesses: results of primary drainage with 1-year follow-up. Radi-
7. Yeung E: Percutaneous abdominal biopsy, in Allison DJ, Adam A (eds): Bal- ology 184:167, 1992.
lieres Clinical Gastroenterology. London, Balliere Tindall, 1992, p 219. 18. Jacobs D: Diverticulitis. N Engl J Med 357:2057, 2007.
8. vanSonnenberg E, Wing VW, Casola G, et al: Temporizing effect of percuta- 19. Kearon C, Hirsh MD: Management of Anticoagulation before and elective
neous drainage of complicated abscesses in critically ill patients. AJR Am J surgery. N Engl J Med 336(21):1506, 1997.
Roentgenol 142:821, 1984. 20. Douketis JD, Berger PB, Dunn AS, et al: The perioperative management of
9. Bernini A, Spencer MP, Wong WD, et al: Computed tomography-guided per- antithrombic therapy. Chest 133:299S, 2008.
cutaneous abscess drainage in intestinal disease. Dis Colon Rectum 40:1009, 21. Pannu N, Wiebe N, Tonelli M, et al: Prophylaxis strategies for contrast-
1997. induced neuropathy. JAMA 295(23):2765, 2006.
10. Siewert B, Tye G, Kruskal J, et al: Impact of CT-guided drainage in the 22. Appelbaum PS, Grisso T: Assessing patients capacities to consent to treat-
treatment of diverticular abscesses: size matters. Am J Roentgenol 186:680, ment. N Engl J Med 319(25):1635, 1988.
2006. 23. Palmon SC, Lloyd AT, Kirsch JR: The effect of needle gauge and lidocaine
11. Walser EM, Nealon WH, Marroquin S, et al: Sterile fluid collections in pan- pH on pain during intradermal injection. Anesth Analg 86:379, 1998.
creatitis: catheter drainage versus simple aspiration. Cardiovasc Intervent 24. Peterson AF, Rosenberg A, Alatary SD: Comparative evaluation of surgical
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25. vanSonnenberg E, Mueller PR, Ferrucci JT, Jr: Percutaneous drainage of 250 29. Lahorra JM, Haaga JR, Stellato T, et al: Safety of intracavity urokinase with
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TA B L E 2 3 . 1
Taylor et al. [15] Longer compression Proposed use of longer duration to 40%50% of the duration
compressionrelaxation cycle
Chandra et al. [14,16] Simultaneous chest compression High airway pressures of 60110 mm Hg are used to augment
and lung inflation carotid flow, requiring intubation and a mechanical ventilator. Its
use has not met with universal success
Harris et al. [17] Abdominal binding Abdominal binding increases intrathoracic pressure by redistributing
blood into the thorax during CPR. Studies have demonstrated
adverse effects on coronary perfusion, cerebral oxygenation, and
canine resuscitation
Redding [18]
Koehler et al. [19]
Chandra et al. [20]
Ralston et al. [21] Interposed abdominal Abdominal compression is released when the sternum is compressed.
Higher oxygen delivery and cerebral and myocardial blood flows
are reported. One study suggests an improved survival and
neurologic outcome
Barranco et al. [22] Simultaneous chest Simultaneous chest and abdominal compression provided higher
intrathoracic pressures in compression in humans
Maier et al. [23] High-impulse CPR At compression rates of 150/min (with moderate force and brief
duration), cardiac output in dogs increased as the coronary flow
remained as high as 75% of prearrest values. High impulse and
high compression rates can result in rescuer fatigue and increased
Cohen et al. [24] Active compression Forceful rebound using a plunger-like device resulted in improved
hemodynamics. Clinical results are equivocal
Halperin et al. [25] Vest inflation Circumferential chest pressure with an inflatable vest showed
improved hemodynamics and survival in dogs
responders have been trained in their use, survival rates have CPR. Indeed, it is possible that several mechanisms are opera-
been dramatically improved [27]. tive, which of these is most important may vary according to a
Although the current approach is modestly successful for patients size and chest configuration.
VF, CPR techniques have most likely not yet been optimized,
and further improvement is greatly needed. Cardiac output has
been measured at no better than 25% of normal during conven-
tional CPR in humans [28]. In animal models, myocardial per- Cardiac Compression Theory
fusion and coronary flow have been measured at 1% to 5% of
In 1960, when Kouwenhoven et al. [6] reported on the ef-
normal [29]. Cerebral blood flow has been estimated to be 3%
ficacy of closed chest cardiac massage, most researchers ac-
to 15% of normal when CPR is begun immediately [30], but
cepted the theory that blood is propelled by compressing the
it decreases progressively as CPR continues [31] and intracra-
heart trapped between the sternum and the vertebral columns.
nial pressures rise. Despite these pessimistic findings, complete
According to this theory, during sternal compression, the intra-
neurologic recovery has been reported in humans even after
ventricular pressures would be expected to rise higher than the
prolonged administration of CPR [32].
pressures elsewhere in the chest. With each sternal compres-
Researchers continue to evaluate new approaches and tech-
sion, the semilunar valves would be expected to open and the
niques, and further refinements in the delivery of CPR can be
atrioventricular (AV) valves to close. With sternal release, the
expected. Although research in improved CPR techniques and
pressure in the ventricles would be expected to fall and the AV
devices should be encouraged, research in this field is difficult.
valves to open, allowing the heart to fill from the lungs and sys-
Animal models vary, and animal data may not be valid in hu-
temic veins. Indeed, a transesophageal echocardiographic study
mans. Before new CPR techniques can be adopted, they must
in humans also supports this theory [33]. If the cardiac com-
have been demonstrated, ideally in humans, to improve either
pression mechanism were operative, ventilation would best be
survival or neurologic outcome.
interposed between sternal compressions so as not to interfere
with cardiac compression. Also, the faster the sternal compres-
sion, the higher the volume of blood flow, assuming that the
MECHANISMS OF BLOOD FLOW ventricles could fill adequately. The theory of cardiac compres-
DURING RESUSCITATION sion was first brought into question in 1962, when Weale and
Rothwell-Jackson [34] demonstrated that during chest com-
Any significant improvement in CPR technique would seem to pression, there is a rise in venous pressure almost equal to that
require an understanding of the mechanism by which blood of the arterial pressure. The following year, Wilder et al. [35]
flows during CPR. However, there is no unanimity among re- showed that ventilating synchronously with chest compression
searchers in this area. It is of interest that significant advances produced higher arterial pressures than alternating ventilation
seem to have been made by research groups holding very differ- and compression. It was more than a decade, however, before
ent ideas concerning the basic mechanism of blood flow during more data confirmed these initial findings.
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TA B L E 2 3 . 2
Adult Child
Lay rescuer: 8 y Lay rescuers: 18 y
Maneuver HCP: adolescent and older HCP: 1 yadolescent Younger than 1 y of age
Airway Head tiltchin lift (HCP: suspected trauma, use jaw thrust)
Breathing: initial 2 breaths at 1 s/breath 2 effective breaths at 1 s/breath
HCP: rescue breathing 1012 breaths/min (approximate) 1220 breaths/min (approximate)
without chest
HCP: rescue breaths for 810 breaths/min (approximate)
CPR with advanced
Foreign body airway Conscious: abdominal thrusts Infant conscious: back slaps
obstruction and chest thrusts
Unconscious: CPR Infant unconscious: CPR
Circulation HCP: pulse Carotid Brachial or femoral
check (10 s)
Compression landmarks Lower half of the sternum, between nipples Just below the nipple line
(lower half of the sternum)
Compression method: Heel of one hand, other hand on top Heel of one hand or as for adults Two or three fingers
Push hard and fast
Allow complete recoil HCP (two rescuers): two
thumbencircling hands
Compression depth 11/22 in Approximately one-third to one-half the depth of the chest
Compression rate Approximately 100/min
Compression-to-ventilation 30:2 (one or two rescuers) 30:2 (single rescuer)
ratio HCP: 15:2 (two rescuers)
Defibrillation: AED Use adult pads Use AED after 5 cycles of No recommendation for
Do not use child pads CPR (out of hospital) infants <1 y of age
Use pediatric system for
children 18 y if available
HCP: for sudden collapse
(out of hospital)
or in-hospital arrest use AED
as soon as available
Note: Maneuvers used by only health care providers are indicated by HCP. AED, automatic external defibrillator.
Adapted from ECC Committee, Subcommittees and Task Forces of the American Heart Association: 2005 American Heart Association Guidelines for
Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation and Emergency Cardiovascular Care. Circulation 112[24, Suppl]:IV1203, 2005.
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provide little, if any, barrier protection and should not be con- The skills necessary to perform adequately during a car-
sidered for routine use. With these guidelines in mind, health diac or respiratory arrest and to interface smoothly with ACLS
care professionals are reminded that they have a special moral techniques cannot be learned from reading texts and manu-
and ethical, and in some instances legal, obligation to provide als. CPR courses taught according to AHA guidelines allow
CPR, especially in the setting of their occupational duties. hands-on experience that approximates the real situation and
tests the psychomotor skills needed in an emergency. All those
who engage in patient care should be trained in BLS. Those
whose duties require a higher level of performance should be
Implications for Manikin Training in trained in ACLS as well. As these skills deteriorate with disuse,
Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation they need to be updated. It is worth noting that there is no
certification in BLS or ACLS. Issuance of a card is neither
The guidelines of the American Heart Association (AHA) spec- a license to perform these techniques nor a guarantee of skill,
ify that students or instructors should not actively participate but simply an acknowledgment that an individual attended a
in CPR training sessions with manikins if they have derma- specific course and passed the required tests. If employers or
tologic lesions on their hands or in oral or circumoral areas, government agencies require such a card of their health work-
if they are known to be infected with hepatitis or HIV, or if ers, it is by their own mandate.
they have reasons to believe that they are in the active stage The ensuing discussion of BLS and ACLS techniques follows
of any infectious process. In routine ventilation training, in- the recommendations and guidelines established by the AHA
structors should not allow participants to exchange saliva by and presented in a supplement to volume 112 of Circulation
performing mouth-to-mouth ventilation in sequence without [57].
barrier mouthpieces. Special plastic mouthpieces and special-
ized manikins protect against such interchange of mucus.
the rescuer fails to see movement, hear respiration, or feel the patients lungs to deflate between breaths. Thereafter, the rate
rush of air against the ear and cheek, rescue breathing should of 10 to 12 breaths per minute is maintained for as long as
be initiated. necessary, with tidal volumes of approximately 700 mL. De-
livering the breath during 1 second helps to prevent gastric
insufflation compared with faster delivery. Melker et al. [59]
Rescue Breathing demonstrated airway pressures well in excess of those required
to open the lower esophageal sphincter when quick breaths are
If spontaneous breathing is absent, rescue breathing with an used to ventilate patients. If the patient wears dentures, they are
airwaymaskbag unit must be initiated (see Chapter 1). If usually best left in place to assist in forming an adequate seal.
equipment is immediately available and the rescuer is trained, If air cannot be passed into the patients lungs, another at-
intubation and ventilatory adjuncts should be used initially. tempt at opening the airway should be made. The jaw-thrust
Each breath should be delivered during 1 second, allowing the maneuver may be necessary. If subsequent attempts at venti-
lation are still unsuccessful, the patient should be considered
to have an obstructed airway and attempts should be made to
dislodge a potential foreign body obstruction.
Determining Pulselessness
In the adult, the absence of a central pulse is best determined
by palpating the carotid artery (Fig. 23.6), although rarely the
carotid pulse may be absent because of localized obstruction.
If a pulse is not felt after 10 seconds of careful searching, chest
compression is initiated, unless electric countershock for ven-
tricular arrhythmia or artificial pacing for asystole is immedi-
ately available. Although lay rescuers are no longer expected to
perform a pulse check because it has been shown that checking
the carotid pulse by a lay person is an inaccurate method of
confirming the presence or absence of circulation, it is the po-
sition of the AHA that health care providers should continue
to be taught and to perform a pulse check. Therefore, rescuers
should start CPR if the victim is unconscious (unresponsive),
not moving and not breathing [60].
FIGURE 23.5. Jaw-thrust maneuver: opening the airway with min- Chest Compression
imal extension of the neck. [From BLS for Healthcare Providers,
American Heart Association, 2006, with permission. Copyright 2006, Artificial circulation depends on adequate chest compression
American Heart Association.] through sternal depression. Recent recommendations of CPR
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FIGURE 23.6. Determining pulselessness. A: Feeling the laryngeal cartilage. B: Fingers slide into groove
between trachea and sternocleidomastoid muscle, searching for carotid pulse. [From BLS for Health-
care Providers, American Heart Association, 2006, with permission. Copyright 2006, American Heart
Whether chest compression-only therapy supplants standard during CPR, with studies in clinical situations showing that pa-
therapy will require further research. tients are commonly ventilated at a rate of 18 to 30, far faster
than recommended. The adequacy of circulation is assessed by
noting an adequate carotid pulse with sternal compressions.
Two-Rescuer CPR Animal and clinical studies suggest that the best guides to
the efficacy of ongoing CPR efforts are aortic diastolic pres-
The combination of artificial ventilation and circulation can be sure and myocardial perfusion pressure (aortic diastolic mi-
delivered more efficiently and with less fatigue by two rescuers. nus right atrial diastolic) [6668]. In instrumented patients for
One rescuer, positioned at the patients side, performs sternal whom systemic arterial pressure (with or without central ve-
compressions, while the other, positioned at the patients head, nous pressure) is available, attempts should be made to opti-
maintains an open airway and performs ventilation. This tech- mize myocardial perfusion pressure during CPR.
nique should be mastered by all health care workers called on to Pupillary response, if present, is a good indicator of cere-
perform CPR. Lay people have not been routinely taught this bral circulation. However, fixed and dilated pupils should not
method in the interest of improving retention of basic skills. be accepted as evidence of irreversible or biologic death. Ocular
The compression rate for two-rescuer CPR, as for one-rescuer diseases, such as cataracts, and a variety of drugs (e.g., atropine
CPR, is approximately 100 compressions per minute. The new and ganglion-blocking agents) interfere with the pupillary light
recommendation of the compression-to-ventilation ratio is 30 reflex. The decision to cease BLS should be made only by the
to 2. In an animal model of cardiac arrest, a compression-to- physician in charge of the resuscitation effort; this decision
ventilation ratio of 30 to 2 was associated with significantly should not be made until it is obvious that the patients car-
shorter time to ROSC [64]. The only exception to this recom- diovascular system will not respond with ROSC to adequate
mendation is when two health care workers are providing CPR administration of ACLS, including electric and pharmacologic
to a child or infant (except newborns); in this instance, a 15 to interventions. Remediable problems such as airway obstruc-
2 compression-to-ventilation ratio should be used [60]. When tion, severe hypovolemia, and pericardial tamponade should
the rescuer performing compressions is tired, the two rescuers also have been reasonably excluded by careful attention to
should switch responsibilities with the minimum possible delay. ACLS protocols. Published guidelines in the literature suggest
that BLS can be stopped if all of the following are present: the
event was not witnessed by EMS personnel, no AED has been
used, and there is no ROSC in the prehospital setting [57].
Complications of BLS Procedures
Proper application of CPR should minimize serious compli-
cations, but serious risks are inherent in BLS procedures and PEDIATRIC RESUSCITATION
should be accepted in the context of cardiac arrest. Awareness
Most infants and children who require resuscitation have had
of these potential complications is important to the postresus-
a primary respiratory arrest. Cardiac arrest results from the
citative care of the arrest patient.
ensuing hypoxia and acidosis; therefore, the focus of pediatric
Gastric distention and regurgitation are common complica-
resuscitation is airway maintenance and ventilation. The out-
tions of artificial ventilation without endotracheal intubation.
comes for CPR in children with cardiac arrest are poor because
These complications are more likely to occur when ventilation
the cessation of cardiac activity is usually the manifestation of
pressures exceed the opening pressure of the lower esophageal
prolonged hypoxia. Brain damage is, therefore, all too com-
sphincter. In mask ventilation, 1 second should be allowed for
mon. Respiratory arrest, if treated before cessation of cardiac
air delivery. Although an esophageal obturator airway may
activity has supervened, carries a much better prognosis [69].
decrease the threat of distention and regurgitation during its
It is for this reason that it is recommended to provide the initial
use, the risk is increased at the time of its removal. To obviate
steps of CPR for infants and children before taking the time to
this risk, the trachea should be intubated and protected with
telephone for emergency assistance. The first minute of CPR
an inflated cuff before the esophageal cuff is deflated and the
will allow opening of the airway and the beginning of artificial
esophageal obturator removed.
ventilation. If an obstructed airway is found, attempts at dis-
Complications of sternal compression and manual thrusts
lodging a foreign body should not be delayed. In children with
include rib and sternal fractures, costochondral separation, flail
a history of cardiac disease or arrhythmias, or in previously
chest, pneumothorax, hemothorax, hemopericardium, subcu-
healthy children who are witnessed to have a sudden collapse,
taneous emphysema, mediastinal emphysema, pulmonary con-
a primary arrhythmic event is more likely and immediate acti-
tusions, bone marrow and fat embolism, and lacerations of the
vation of the EMS system may be beneficial.
esophagus, stomach, inferior vena cava, liver, or spleen [65].
Effective techniques for ventilation and chest compression
Although rib fractures are common during CPR, especially in
vary with the childs size. Infant procedures are applicable to
the elderly, no serious sequelae are likely unless tension pneu-
patients who are smaller than an average child of 1 year. Child
mothorax occurs and is not recognized. The more serious com-
techniques are applicable to patients who are of a size similar
plications are unlikely to occur in CPR if proper hand position
to the average child of 1 to 8 years. Adult techniques are ap-
is maintained and exaggerated depth of sternal compression is
propriate for patients who appear larger than the typical child
avoided. Overzealous or repeated abdominal or chest thrusts
of 8 years of age.
for relief of airway obstruction are more likely to cause frac-
If the child is found to be apneic, he or she is placed in the
tures or lacerations. For this reason, abdominal thrust is not
supine position and the head tiltchin lift maneuver is used to
recommended for the infant younger than 1 year.
open the airway (Fig. 23.8). Overextension of the neck is un-
necessary and is best avoided. Some believe that overextension
of the childs flexible neck may obstruct the trachea; however,
Monitoring the Effectiveness of there are no data to support this. The jaw-thrust maneuver
Basic Life Support should be used if an adequate airway is not obtained with the
head tiltchin lift maneuver or if neck injury is suspected.
The effectiveness of rescue effort is assessed regularly by the Artificial ventilation of the infant requires the rescuers
ventilating rescuer, who notes the chest motion and the es- mouth to cover both the mouth and the nose to make an effec-
cape of expired air. Unintentional hyperventilation is frequent tive seal. If the childs face is too large to allow a tight seal to
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FIGURE 23.8. Head tiltchin lift in the infant: opening the airway.
[From BLS for Healthcare Providers, American Heart Association, FIGURE 23.9. Locating finger position for sternal compression in the
2006, with permission. Copyright 2006, American Heart Association.] infant, using an imaginary line between the nipples. [From Standards
and guidelines for cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) and emer-
gency cardiac care (ECC). JAMA 255:2843, 1986, with permission.
Copyright 1986, American Medical Association.]
be made over both the mouth and the nose, the mouth alone is
covered, as for the adult.
The lung volume of the pediatric patient is small enough hands technique may be used when two rescuers are available
that a puff of air from the airwaymaskbag unit apparatus (Fig. 23.10). The frequency of sternal compressions for infants
might be adequate to inflate the lungs. However, the smaller di- and children is 100 per minute. During one-rescuer support,
ameter of the tracheobronchial tree and any pulmonary disease the ratio of compression to ventilation is 30 to 2 for infants
that may be contributing to the arrest usually provide consid- and children [60].
erable resistance to airflow. Therefore, a surprising amount of
inspiratory pressure may be needed to move adequate air into
the lungs. This is especially true for the child who may have
edematous respiratory passages. Accordingly, adequacy of ven- OBSTRUCTED AIRWAY
tilation must be monitored by observing the rising and falling
An unconscious patient can experience airway obstruction
of the chest and feeling and listening for the exhaled air from
when the tongue falls backward into the pharynx. Alterna-
the childs mouth and nose. Excessive ventilatory volumes may
tively, the epiglottis may block the airway when the pharyn-
exceed esophageal opening pressure and cause gastric disten-
geal muscles are lax. In the sedated or ill patient, regurgitation
of stomach contents into the pharynx is a frequent cause of
Gastric decompression is dangerous and should be avoided
respiratory arrest. Blood clots from head and facial injuries
until the patient has been intubated and the cuff inflated to
are another source of pharyngeal and upper airway obstruc-
protect the respiratory tract from aspiration. If the gastric dis-
tion. Even otherwise healthy people may have foreign body
tention is so severe that ventilation is greatly compromised, the
obstruction from poorly chewed food, large wads of gum, and
childs body should be turned to one side before pressure on
so forth. The combination of attempting to swallow inade-
the abdomen is applied. It is preferable to use a gastric tube
quately chewed food, drinking alcohol, and laughing is partic-
with suction whenever possible.
ularly conducive to pharyngeal obstruction. Childrens smaller
The ventilation rate for infants is approximately 20 breaths
airways are likely to obstruct with small nuts or candies.
per minute (one every 3 seconds), whereas the rate for children
can be 12 to 20 breaths per minute (one every 3 to 5 seconds).
Adolescents are ventilated at the adult rate of 10 to 12 breaths
per minute (one every 5 seconds). If artificial circulation is not
necessary, more rapid ventilatory rates are acceptable.
Artificial circulation is instituted in the absence of a palpable
pulse. The pulse of the larger child can easily be detected at the
carotid artery, as in the adult. The neck of the infant, however,
is too short and fat for reliable palpation of the carotid artery.
Palpation of the precordium is also unreliable; some infants
have no precordial impulse in spite of adequate cardiac output.
It is recommended, therefore, that the presence of an infants
pulse be determined by palpating the brachial artery between
the elbow and the shoulder.
To apply chest compression in an infant, the rescuers index
finger is placed on the sternum, just below the intermammary
line. The proper area for compression is one fingerbreadth be-
low the intermammary line on the lower sternum, at the loca- FIGURE 23.10. Chest compression in the infant using the two thumb
tion of the middle and ring fingers (Fig. 23.9). Using two or encircling hands technique. (Two rescuers are required.) [From Guide-
three fingers, the sternum is compressed approximately one- lines 2000 for cardiopulmonary resuscitation and emergency cardio-
third to one-half the depth of the thorax. Alternatively, for vascular care. Circulation 102[Suppl 8]:I-1, 2000, with permission.
chest compressions in the infant, the two thumbencircling Copyright 2000, American Heart Association.]
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Children are also prone to airway obstruction by placing toys beside or astride the persons thighs and places the heel of one
or objects such as marbles or beads in their mouths. hand against the persons abdomen, slightly above the navel
Patients who experience partial obstruction with reasonable and well below the xiphoid process. The other hand is placed
gas exchange should be encouraged to continue breathing ef- directly on top of the first and pressed inward and upward
forts with attempts at coughing. A patient whose obstruction with a quick forceful thrust. If the patient is unresponsive, CPR
is so severe that air exchange is obviously markedly impaired should be initiated.
(cyanosis with lapsing consciousness) should be treated as If attempted rescue breathing in an arrested patient fails to
having complete obstruction. move air into the lungs, an obstructed airway must be presumed
Patients who experience complete obstruction may still be to be present. It may simply be due to the tongue or epiglottis,
conscious. They are unable to cough or vocalize. A subdi- rather than a foreign body. If the airway remains closed after
aphragmatic abdominal thrust may force air from the lungs repositioning the head, other maneuvers to open the airway, in-
in sufficient quantity to expel a foreign body from the airway cluding the jaw-thrust and tongue-jaw lift, must be used. Chest
[70]. thrusts may be substituted for abdominal thrusts in patients in
If the person is still standing, the rescuer stands behind the advanced stages of pregnancy, in patients with severe ascites, or
person and wraps his or her arms around the persons waist. in the markedly obese. The fist is placed in midsternum for the
The fist of one hand is placed with the thumb side against the erect and conscious patient. For the supine patient, the hand is
persons abdomen in the midline, slightly above the umbilicus positioned on the lower sternum, as for external cardiac com-
and well below the xiphoid process (Fig. 23.11). The fist is pression. Each thrust is delivered slowly and distinctly.
grasped with the other hand and quickly thrust inward and If attempts at dislodging a foreign body or relieving airway
upward. It may be necessary to repeat the thrust six to ten obstruction fail, special advanced procedures are necessary to
times to clear the airway. Each thrust should be a separate and provide oxygenation until direct visualization, intubation, or
distinct movement. tracheostomy is accomplished.
If the patient is responsive and lying down, he or she should
be positioned face up in the supine position. The rescuer kneels
be overemphasized that the success of this method depends be present. This alarm warns the rescuer that the patient re-
on airway patency and an adequate seal between the mask quires higher inspiratory pressures and may not be adequately
and the face. Equally important is adequate compression of ventilated. Barotrauma is likely to occur in infants and chil-
the bag to deliver the required tidal volume. It is advisable dren. Children often have high airway resistances and are diffi-
that everyone who uses this technique practice on a recording cult to ventilate with these resuscitators. These devices should
ventilating manikin to assess the adequacy of the method in his be avoided in general and should not be used with infants or
or her hands. Many people will discover that their hands are children.
not large enough or strong enough to deliver 700 mL air. Some Endotracheal intubation is required if the patient cannot
may have to squeeze the bag between their elbow and chest wall be rapidly resuscitated or when adequate spontaneous venti-
to supply adequate ventilation. If two people are available to lation does not resume quickly. Experienced personnel should
ventilate, one should secure the mask while the other uses both attempt intubation. Resuscitative efforts should not be inter-
hands to attend to the bag. rupted for more than 30 seconds with each attempt. Cricoid
The mask design should include the following features: pressure should be applied, when possible, by a second person
The use of transparent material, which allows the rescuer
during endotracheal intubation to protect against regurgita-
tion of gastric contents. The prominence inferior to that of the
to assess lip color and to observe vomitus, mucus, or other
thyroid cartilage is the cricoid cartilage. Downward pressure
obstructing material in the patients airway.
should be applied with the thumb and index finger (Fig. 23.12)
A cushioned rim around the masks perimeter to conform to
until the cuff of the endotracheal tube is inflated.
the patients face and to facilitate a tight seal.
Once the patient is intubated and the trachea is protected
A standard 15- to 22-mm connector, which allows the use
from regurgitation, faster inspiratory flow rates are possible.
of additional airway equipment.
However, hyperventilation should be avoided. Checking arte-
A comfortable fit to the rescuers hand.
rial blood gases will assist in the determination of an adequate
An oxygen insufflation inlet, which allows oxygen supple-
minute ventilation. Increasing the respiratory rate may be detri-
mentation during mouth-to-mask ventilation.
mental [72].
A one-way valve, which allows some protection during
The laryngeal mask airway (LMA) has been effective for
mouth-to-mask ventilation.
maintaining airway patency during anesthesia since 1988 and
Availability in appropriate sizes and shapes, for various-
has been accepted as one of the adjuncts for airway control
sized faces. Most adults will be accommodated by a standard
and ventilation during CPR. The LMA provides a more sta-
medium-sized (no. 4) oval-shaped mask.
ble and consistent means of ventilation than bagmask ven-
Ventilating bags must be designed to include the following tilation [73]. The current research concludes that regurgita-
features: tion is less common with LMA than with the bag-mask, and
A self-refilling bag, which allows operation independent of
although it cannot provide complete protection from aspira-
tion, it is less frequent when used as the first-line airway device
a fresh gas source.
A fresh gas inlet, which allows ambient air or supplemental
[73,74]. Multiple studies have documented the advantages of
LMA for its relative ease with insertion and ease of use by
oxygen to flow into the reservoir bag through a valve inlet.
A nipple for oxygen connection, located near the gas inlet
a variety of personnel: nurses, medical students, respiratory
therapists, and EMS, many with little prior experience using
An oxygen reservoir bag.
the device. Studies have shown that inexperienced personnel
Availability in pediatric and adult sizes.
achieved an 80% to 94% success rate on first placement at-
A nonrebreathing valve directing flow to the patient during
tempts and achieved 98% and 94% on subsequent attempts
of adult and pediatric cases, respectively. The LMA provides
inhalation and to the atmosphere during exhalation. The
adequate and effective ventilation when measured against en-
valve casing should be transparent to allow visual inspec-
dotracheal intubation [75]. Additionally, less equipment and
tion of its function. A pop-off feature is often present to
training are needed to insert the device successfully. It may also
prevent high airway pressures; however, such valves should
have advantages over the endotracheal tube when patient air-
have provision to override the pop-off feature because higher
way access is obstructed, when the patient has an unstable neck
airway pressures are sometimes required to ventilate lungs
with unusually high resistances, especially in children.
Reservoir tubing that can be attached to the fresh gas inlet
valve, which allows an accumulation of oxygen to refill the
reservoir bag during the refill cycle. Such a reservoir allows
delivered oxygen to approach 100%; without it, the self-
refilling bag can deliver only 40% to 50% oxygen.
Oxygen-powered resuscitators allow the pressure of com-
pressed oxygen tanks at 50 psi to drive lung inflation. They are
usually triggered by a manual control button, and the oxygen
can be delivered through a mask or tube for ease of ventila-
tion. These devices deliver oxygen at a flow rate of 100 L per
minute and allow airway pressures of 60 cm H2 O. However,
when used with masks and unprotected airways (not separated
from the esophagus by an inflated cuff), these devices are likely
to cause gastric distention and poor ventilation. They are not
as reliable as mouth-to-mask or valvebagmask ventilation.
When used in adults, they should be recalibrated to deliver
flows of no more than 40 L per minute to avoid opening the
lower esophageal sphincter. A relief valve that opens at ap- FIGURE 23.12. Cricoid pressure: application of downward pressure
proximately 60 cm H2 O and vents any excess volume into over the cricoid with neck extended. [From Sellick BA: Cricoid pres-
the atmosphere should be present. In addition, an alarm that sure to control regurgitation of stomach contents during induction of
sounds whenever the relief valve pressure is exceeded should anaesthesia. Lancet 2:404, 1961, with permission.]
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5. No contact with anyone other than the patient. The rescuer In infants and children as well as adults, the intraosseous
must be sturdily balanced on both feet and not standing on a (IO) route is easy to achieve and very effective for venous access.
wet floor. CPR must be discontinued with no one remaining Special kits to achieve IO access in the adult are now available.
in contact with the patient. It is the responsibility of the per- Drugs such as epinephrine, atropine, and lidocaine can be
son defibrillating to check the patients surroundings, ensure administered via the endotracheal tube if there is delay in
the safety of all participants, loudly announce the intention achieving venous access. However, this route requires a higher
to countershock, and depress both buttons. The use of an dose to achieve an equivalent blood level [38], and a sustained
automatic or semiautomatic defibrillator does not decrease duration of action (a depot effect) can be expected if there is
the operators need for diligence. a return in spontaneous circulation [38]. It is suggested that 2.0
6. If no skeletal muscle twitch or spasm has occurred, the to 2.5 times the IV dose be administered when using the endo-
equipment, contacts, and synchronizer switch used for elec- tracheal route. Delivery of the drug to the circulation is facili-
tive cardioversions should be rechecked. tated by diluting the drug in 10 mL of normal saline or distilled
water and delivering it through a catheter positioned beyond
Electric energy delivered in a biphasic waveform is clearly the tip of the endotracheal tube. Stop chest compressions, spray
superior to monophasic waveforms for implantable defibrilla- the solution quickly down the endotracheal tube, and give sev-
tors (see Chapter 6), but there is a paucity of evidence to show eral quick insufflations before reinitiating chest compressions.
that one waveform is superior over another with regard to Intracardiac injection of epinephrine is to be avoided.
ROSC or survival to hospital discharge. External defibrillators
are now available with biphasic waveforms.
Correction of Hypoxia
Electronic Pacemaker Hypoxia should be corrected early during CPR with admin-
istration of the highest possible oxygen concentration. Inade-
Pacemaker therapy requiring positioning of transvenous or quate perfusion, decreased pulmonary blood flow, pulmonary
transthoracic electrodes is time consuming, technically de- edema, atelectasis, and ventilationperfusion mismatch all con-
manding, and usually interferes with adequate performance tribute to the difficulty in maintaining adequate tissue oxy-
of CPR. External pacing equipment often allows myocardial genation. Inadequate tissue oxygenation results in anaerobic
capture with some discomfort and skeletal muscle contraction metabolism, the generation of lactic acid, and the development
[76]. Obviously, this is unimportant during asystole or brady- of metabolic acidosis.
cardic cardiac arrest. Unfortunately, pacing does not produce a
perfusing rhythm in most cases of cardiac arrest. Patients who
respond to emergency pacing are those with severe bradycar- Correction of Acidosis
dias or conduction block who have reasonably well-preserved
myocardial function [77]. Correction of acidosis must be considered when the arrest has
lasted for more than several minutes. Metabolic acidosis de-
velops because of tissue hypoxia and conversion to anaero-
Venous Access bic metabolism. Respiratory acidosis occurs because of apnea
or hypoventilation with intrapulmonary ventilationperfusion
Venous access with a reliable intravenous (IV) route must be abnormalities; the marked decrease in pulmonary blood flow
established early in the course of the resuscitative effort to al- that exists even with well-performed CPR also contributes.
low for the administration of necessary drugs and fluids. How- Sodium bicarbonate reacts with hydrogen ions to buffer
ever, initial defibrillation attempts and CPR should not be de- metabolic acidosis by forming carbonic acid and then carbon
layed for the placement of an IV line. Peripheral venous access dioxide and water. Each 50 mEq sodium bicarbonate gener-
through antecubital veins is often more convenient because it is ates 260 to 280 mm Hg carbon dioxide, which can be elimi-
less likely to interfere with other rescue procedures. Cannula- nated only through the expired air. Because carbon dioxide of
tion of such veins may be difficult, however, because of venous exhaled gas during CPR is decreased, the carbonic acid gener-
collapse or constriction. A large-bore catheter system should be ated by sodium bicarbonate cannot be effectively eliminated.
used because needles in the vein are apt to become dislodged Paradoxic intracellular acidosis is likely to result, and arterial
during CPR. A long catheter may be threaded into the central blood gases may not correctly reflect the state of tissue aci-
circulation. Alternatively, the extremity may be elevated for 10 dosis. The sodium and osmolar load of bicarbonate is high;
to 20 seconds and 20 mL of flush solution used to help entry excessive administration results in hyperosmolarity, hyperna-
of the drug into the central circulation [78]. Lower extremity tremia, and worsened cellular acidosis. With these concerns in
peripheral veins should be avoided because it is questionable mind, the AHA guidelines suggest that sodium bicarbonate be
whether drugs enter into the central circulation from such veins avoided until successful resuscitation has reestablished a per-
during CPR [79]. fusing rhythm [80]. In the postresuscitative state, the degree
Central venous access offers a more secure route for drug of acidosis can be better estimated from blood gases and the
administration and should be attempted if initial resuscitative acidemia corrected with hyperventilation and possibly bicar-
efforts are not successful. Femoral vein cannulation is appar- bonate administration. Sodium bicarbonate is of questionable
ently difficult to achieve during CPR, and flow into the thorax value in treating the metabolic acidosis during cardiac arrest;
is slower than with upper torso access. If the femoral vein is it has not been shown to facilitate ventricular defibrillation
successfully cannulated, a long line should be placed into the or survival in cardiac arrest [81,82]. In any case, bicarbonate
vena cava above the level of the diaphragm. Internal jugular or should not be used during cardiac arrest until at least 10 min-
subclavian routes are preferable, but central venous catheteri- utes have passed, the patient is intubated, and the patient has
zation at these sites should not be allowed to delay defibrilla- not responded to initial defibrillation and drug intervention. An
tion attempts or interfere with CPR. They should be placed by exception is the patient with known preexisting hyperkalemia
experienced operators. in whom administration of bicarbonate is recommended. The
Although central lines may be associated with an increased use of bicarbonate may also be of value in patients who have
incidence of complications for patients receiving fibrinolytic a known preexisting bicarbonate-responsive acidosis or a tri-
therapy, they are not an absolute contraindication to its use. cyclic antidepressant overdosage, or to alkalinize the urine in
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drug overdosage. When bicarbonate is used, 1 mEq per kg citation has been noted in several studies [83], whereas ad-
may be given as the initial dose. When possible, further ther- ministration of pure -agonists (e.g., isoproterenol or dobu-
apy should be guided by the calculated base deficit. To avoid tamine) has been shown to be ineffective [84]. The -action
iatrogenically induced alkalosis, complete correction of the of epinephrine is theoretically useful in asystole and brady-
calculated base deficit should be avoided. cardic arrests by increasing heart rate. The -effect has also
been touted to convert asystole to VF or to convert fine VF
to coarse. Coarse or wide-amplitude VF is easier to convert
Volume Replacement to a perfusing rhythm than fine or small-amplitude VF. How-
ever, this may be primarily due to the shorter time course of the
Increased central volume is often required during CPR, espe- arrest in patients still manifesting wide-amplitude rather than
cially if the initial attempts at defibrillation have failed. PEA is small-amplitude VF.
particularly likely to be caused either by acute severe hypov- Epinephrine is best administered IV. As soon as possible
olemia (e.g., exsanguination) or by a cardiovascular process for after failed ventricular defibrillation attempts (or if defibrilla-
which volume expansion may be a lifesaving temporizing mea- tion is not an option), an adult in cardiac arrest should be
sure (e.g., pericardial tamponade, pulmonary embolism, and given a 1-mg dose at a 1 to 10,000 dilution (10 mL). It should
septic shock). The usual clues for hypovolemia, such as col- be given in the upper extremity or centrally (see the earlier dis-
lapsed jugular and peripheral veins and evidence of peripheral cussion in the section Venous Access), and may be repeated
vasoconstriction, are unavailable during cardiac arrest; further- every 5 minutes. If a peripheral line is used, the drug should be
more, dry mucus membranes and absence of normal secretions administered rapidly and followed by a 20-mL bolus of IV fluid
(tears and saliva) are unreliable in acute hypovolemia. Most and elevation of the extremity. It should not be administered
physical findings of tamponade, pulmonary embolism, or septic in the same IV line as an alkaline solution. If an IV line has
shock are absent during arrest. Therefore, one must be guided not been established, the endotracheal route may be used, but
by an appropriate clinical history and have a low threshold to the intracardiac route should be avoided because it is prone to
administer volume during CPR. serious complications such as intramyocardial injection, coro-
Simple crystalloids, such as 5% dextrose in water (D5 W), nary laceration, and pneumothorax. An IV infusion of 1 to
are inappropriate for rapid expansion of the circulatory blood 10 g per minute can also be given for inotropic and pressor
volume. Isotonic crystalloids (0.9% saline and Ringers lac- support. Two multicenter trials evaluating the effectiveness of
tate), colloids, or blood are necessary for satisfactory volume high-dose epinephrine in cardiac arrest failed to demonstrate
expansion. Crystalloids are more readily available, easier to ad- an improvement in survival or neurologic outcome [85,86].
minister, and less expensive than colloids. They are also free of Risks in the use of epinephrine and other -agonists include
the potential to cause allergic reactions or infections. Colloids tissue necrosis from extravasation and inactivation from ad-
are more likely to sustain intravascular volume and oncotic mixture with bicarbonate.
If the patient has a weak pulse, simple elevation of the legs Norepinephrine
may help by promoting venous return to the central circulation.
Volume challenges should be given as needed until pulse and Norepinephrine is a potent -agonist with -activity. Its salu-
blood pressure have been restored or until there is evidence of tary -effects during CPR are similar to those of epinephrine
volume overload. [87]. However, there are no data to support the belief that it is
superior to epinephrine during an arrest.
The major effect of norepinephrine is on the blood vessels.
Initial coronary vasoconstriction usually gives way to coronary
DRUG THERAPY vasodilatation, probably as a result of increased myocardial
metabolic activity. In a heart with compromised coronary re-
Sympathomimetic Drugs and Vasopressors serve, this may cause further ischemia. During cardiac arrest, its
usefulness, like that of epinephrine, is most likely due to periph-
Sympathomimetic drugs act either directly on adrenergic re- eral vasoconstriction with an increase in perfusion pressure. In
ceptors or indirectly by releasing catecholamines from nerve patients with spontaneous circulation who are in cardiogenic
endings. Most useful during cardiac emergencies are the adren- shock (when peripheral vasoconstriction is often already ex-
ergic agents, which include the endogenous biogenic amines treme), its effect is more difficult to predict. Norepinephrine
epinephrine, norepinephrine, and dopamine, and the synthetic also causes considerable renal and mesenteric vasoconstriction,
agent isoproterenol and its derivative dobutamine [57]. Of whereas dopamine at low infusion rates causes vasodilatation
note, none of the sympathomimetics can be administered in in these vascular beds.
a line with an alkaline infusion. Extravasation of any agent Indications for the use of norepinephrine during cardiac ar-
with -adrenergic activity can result in tissue necrosis, so they rest are similar to those for epinephrine, although there does
should be infused via a central venous catheter if possible. If not appear to be any reason to prefer it to epinephrine. Nore-
extravasation does occur, 5 to 10 mg phentolamine in 10 to pinephrine appears to be most useful in the treatment of shock
15 mL saline should be infiltrated as soon as possible into the caused by inappropriate decline in peripheral vascular resis-
area of extravasation. tance, such as septic shock and neurogenic shock. It is admin-
istered by IV infusion and titrated to an adequate perfusion
pressure. Bitartrate, 4 to 8 mg (2 to 4 mg of the base), should
Epinephrine be diluted in 500 mL D5 W or 5% dextrose in normal saline.
Epinephrine is a naturally occurring catecholamine that has A typical starting infusion rate is 0.5 g per minute and most
both - and -activities. Although epinephrine is the pressor adults respond to 2 to 12 g per minute, but some require
agent used most frequently during CPR, the evidence that it rates up to 30 g per minute. Abrupt termination of the in-
improves the outcome in humans is scant. fusion (as may occur in transport) may lead to sudden severe
Indications for the use of epinephrine include all forms of hypotension.
cardiac arrest because its -vasoconstrictive activity is impor- Precautions to the use of norepinephrine include its inappro-
tant in raising the perfusion pressure of the myocardium and priate use in hypovolemic shock and in patients with already
brain. The importance of -adrenergic activity during resus- severe vasoconstriction. Intra-arterial pressure monitoring
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is strongly recommended when using norepinephrine because receptor activity dilates renal and mesenteric arterial beds at
indirect blood pressure measurement is often incorrect in pa- low doses (1 to 2 g per kg per minute). -adrenergic activity is
tients with severe vasoconstriction. In patients with myocardial more prominent with doses from 2 to 10 g per kg per minute,
ischemia or infarction, the myocardial oxygen requirements whereas -adrenergic activity is predominant at doses greater
are increased by all catecholamines, but especially by nore- than 10 g per kg per minute It has not been shown that these
pinephrine because of its marked afterload-increasing proper- dose ranges have relevance in the clinical setting. Indications
ties. Unless the increased oxygen delivery occasioned by the for the use of dopamine are primarily significant hypotension
rise in perfusion pressure outweighs the increase in myocardial and cardiogenic shock.
oxygen requirement caused by the afterload increase, nore- Dopamine is administered by IV titration in the range of
pinephrine is likely to have deleterious effects. Heart rate, 2 to 20 g per kg per minute. Rarely, a patient may need in
rhythm, ECG evidence for ischemia, direct systemic and pul- excess of 20 g per kg per minute. A 200-mg ampule is diluted
monary pressures, urine output, and cardiac output should to 250 or 500 mL in D5 W or 5% dextrose in normal saline
be closely monitored when using this drug in patients with for a concentration of 800 or 400 mg per mL. As with all
myocardial ischemia or infarction. catecholamine infusions, the lowest infusion rate that results
in satisfactory perfusion should be the goal of therapy.
Isoproterenol Precautions for dopamine are similar to those for other
catecholamines. Tachycardia or ventricular arrhythmias may
This synthetic catecholamine has almost pure -adrenergic
require reduction in dosage or discontinuation of the drug.
activity. Its cardiac activity includes potent inotropic and
If significant hypotension occurs from the dilating activity of
chronotropic effects, both of which will increase the my-
dopaminergic or -active doses, small amounts of an -active
ocardiums oxygen demand. In addition to bronchodilatation,
drug may be added. Dopamine may increase myocardial is-
the arterial beds of the skeletal muscles, kidneys, and gut di-
late, resulting in a marked drop in systemic vascular resistance.
Cardiac output can be expected to increase markedly unless the
increased myocardial oxygen demand results in substantial my-
ocardial ischemia. Systolic blood pressure is usually maintained Dobutamine is a potent synthetic -adrenergic agent that dif-
because of the rise in cardiac output, but the diastolic and mean fers from isoproterenol in that tachycardia is less problematic.
pressures usually decrease. As a result, coronary perfusion pres- Unless ischemia supervenes, cardiac output will increase, as
sure drops at the same time that the myocardial oxygen require- will renal and mesenteric blood flow.
ment is increased. This combination can be expected to have Dobutamine is indicated primarily for the short-term en-
deleterious effects in patients with ischemic heart disease, es- hancement of ventricular contractility in the patient with heart
pecially during cardiac arrest. The main clinical usefulness of failure. It may be used for stabilization of the patient after re-
isoproterenol is in its ability to stimulate pacemakers within suscitation or for the patient with heart failure refractory to
the heart. other drugs. It may also be used in combination with IV ni-
Indications for isoproterenol are primarily in the setting of troprusside, which lowers peripheral vascular resistance and
atropine-resistant, hemodynamically significant bradyarrhyth- thereby left ventricular afterload. Although nitroprusside low-
mias, including profound sinus and junctional bradycardia, ers peripheral resistance, dobutamine maintains the perfusion
as well as various forms of high-degree AV block. It should pressure by augmenting the cardiac output.
be used only as an interim measure, until effective transcuta- Dobutamine is administered by slow-titrated IV infusion.
neous or IV pacing can be instituted. If the aortic diastolic pres- A dose as low as 0.5 g per kg per minute may prove to be
sure is already low, epinephrine is likely to be better tolerated effective, but the usual dose range is 2.5 to 10.0 g per kg per
as a stimulus to pacemakers. Under no circumstances should minute. A 250-mg vial is dissolved in 10 mL of sterile water
isoproterenol be used during cardiac arrest. and then to 250 or 500 mL D5 W for a concentration of 1.0 or
Isoproterenol is administered by titration of an IV solution. 0.5 g per mL.
One mg isoproterenol (Isuprel) is diluted with either 250 mL Precautions for dobutamine are similar to those for other
D5 W (4 mg per mL) or 500 mL D5 W (2 mg per mL). The in- -agonists. Dobutamine may cause tachycardia, ventricular ar-
fusion rate should be only rapid enough to effect an adequate rhythmias, myocardial ischemia, and extension of infarction.
perfusing heart rate (2 to 20 g per minute, or 0.05 to 0.5 g It must be used with caution in patients with coronary artery
per kg per minute). Depending on the adequacy of cardiac re- disease.
serve, a target heart rate as low as 50 to 55 beats per minute
may be satisfactory. Occasionally, more rapid rates are neces- Vasopressin
Vasopressin is not a catecholamine, but a naturally occurring
Precautions in the use of isoproterenol are largely due to
antidiuretic hormone. In high doses, it is a powerful constrictor
the increase in myocardial oxygen requirement, with its po-
of smooth muscles and as such has been studied as an adjunc-
tential for provoking ischemia; this effect, coupled with the
tive therapy for cardiac arrest in an attempt to improve perfu-
possibility of dropping the coronary perfusion pressure, makes
sion pressures and organ flows. Vasopressin may be especially
isoproterenol a dangerous selection in the coronary patient.
useful in prolonged cardiac arrest as it remains effective as a
The marked chronotropic effects may cause tachycardia and
vasopressor even in severe acidosis [88]. It may be used as a
provoke serious ventricular arrhythmias, including VF. Iso-
first agent in arrest in lieu of epinephrine or as the second agent
proterenol is usually contraindicated if tachycardia is already
if the first dose of epinephrine failed to cause a return in pulse.
present, especially if the arrhythmia may be secondary to digi-
The dose of vasopressin is 40 units IV or IO.
talis toxicity. If significant hypotension develops with its use, it
may be combined with another -agonist with -activity. How-
ever, switching to dopamine or epinephrine is usually prefer-
able; better yet is the use of pacing for rate control. Antiarrhythmic Agents
Antiarrhythmic agents have been thought to play an important
Dopamine role in stabilizing the rhythm in many resuscitation situations;
This naturally occurring precursor of norepinephrine has -, -, however, the data in support of their value are scanty. Although
and dopamine-receptorstimulating activities. The dopamine- lidocaine, bretylium, and procainamide had been considered
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useful in counteracting the tendency to ventricular arrhyth- Administration of lidocaine begins with an IV bolus. The
mias, convincing evidence of benefit to their use for pulseless onset of action is rapid. Its duration of action is brief, but may
VT and VF is wanting. On the basis of recent studies, amio- be prolonged by continuous infusion. A solution of lidocaine,
darone has gained considerable acceptance for the emergency typically 20 mg per mL (2%), should be prepared for IV ad-
treatment of refractory VT and VF. ministration. Prefilled syringes are available for bolus injection
(see the section Ventricular Fibrillation and Pulseless Ventric-
Amiodarone ular Tachycardia for current dosing recommendations). If the
patient has suffered an acute myocardial infarction and has had
Amiodarone is a benzofuran derivative that is structurally
ventricular arrhythmias, the infusion is continued for hours to
similar to thyroxine and contains a considerable level of io-
days and tapered slowly. If the cause of the arrhythmia has
dine. Gastrointestinal absorption is slow; therefore, when given
been corrected, the infusion may be tapered more rapidly.
orally, the onset of action is delayed while the drug slowly accu-
Precautions should be taken against excessive accumulation
mulates in adipose tissue. The mean elimination half-life is 64
of lidocaine. The dosage should be reduced in patients with low
days (range, 24 to 160 days). IV administration allows rapid
cardiac output, congestive failure, hepatic failure, and age older
onset of action, with therapeutic blood levels achieved with
than 70 years because of the decreased liver metabolism of
600 mg given over 24 hours.
the drug. Toxic manifestations are usually neurologic, and can
Amiodarone decreases myocardial contractility, and it also
vary from slurred speech, tinnitus, sleepiness, and dysphoria
causes vasodilatation, which counterbalances the decrease in
to localizing neurologic symptoms. Frank seizures may occur
contractility. In general, it is therefore well tolerated even by
with or without preceding neurologic symptoms and may be
those with myocardial dysfunction.
controlled with short-acting barbiturates or benzodiazepines.
Amiodarone given IV has been successful in terminating a
Conscious patients should be warned about possible symptoms
variety of reentrant and other types of supraventricular and
of neurologic toxicity and asked to report them immediately if
ventricular rhythms. In a major study of out-of-hospital car-
they occur. Enlisting the patients aid may also allay the fear that
diac arrest due to ventricular arrhythmias refractory to shock,
could otherwise develop from unexpected neurologic symp-
patients were initially treated with either amiodarone (246 pa-
toms. Excessive blood levels can significantly depress myocar-
tients) or placebo (258 patients). Patients given amiodarone
dial contractility.
had a higher incidence of bradycardia (41% vs. 25%) and hy-
potension (59% vs. 48%), but also a higher rate of survival
to hospital admission (44% vs. 34%) [89]. This study did not Procainamide
demonstrate an increase in survival to hospital discharge or in
Procainamide hydrochloride is an antiarrhythmic agent with
neurologic status. On the basis of this study, amiodarone has
quinidine-like activity. Like quinidine, it is useful in suppressing
been given status as an option for use after defibrillation at-
a wide variety of ventricular and supraventricular arrhythmias.
tempts and epinephrine in refractory ventricular arrhythmias
It is effective against reentrant as well as ectopic arrhythmo-
during cardiac arrest. It is also an option for ventricular rate
genic mechanisms. It has somewhat less vagolytic effect than
control in rapid atrial arrhythmias in patients with impaired
quinidine and does not cause the rise in digoxin level seen with
left ventricular function when digitalis has proved ineffective.
quinidine. Procainamide is sometimes of use in the critical care
Other optional uses are for control of hemodynamically stable
setting for the suppression of ventricular arrhythmias not ef-
VT, polymorphic VT, preexcited atrial arrhythmias, and wide-
fectively treated by amiodarone or lidocaine or in patients who
complex tachycardia of uncertain origin. It may also be useful
cannot be treated with either of these two agents. It may also
for chemical cardioversion of atrial fibrillation or as an adjunct
be used in patients with supraventricular arrhythmias causing
to electric cardioversion of refractory paroxysmal supraven-
hemodynamic compromise or worsening ischemia.
tricular tachycardia (PSVT) and atrial fibrillation or flutter.
Procainamide is administered either orally or by IV in-
Administration in cardiac arrest (pulseless VT or VF) is by
jection. For serious arrhythmias in the critical care setting,
rapid IV infusion of 300 mg diluted in 20 to 30 mL of saline
IV injection is preferable. An infusion of 20 mg per minute
or D5 W. Supplementary infusions of 150 mg may be used for
(0.3 mg per kg per minute) is given up to a loading dose of
recurrent or refractory VT or VF.
17 mg per kg (1.2 g for a 70-kg patient) or until the arrhyth-
Administration for rhythms with a pulse is by IV infusion
mia is suppressed, hypotension develops, or the QRS widens by
of 150 mg given during 10 minutes, followed by infusion of
50% of its original width. A maintenance infusion may then be
1 mg per minute for 6 hours and then 0.5 mg per minute.
started at 1 to 4 mg per minute. The dosage should be lowered
Supplemental infusions of 150 mg may be given for recurrent
in the presence of renal failure. Blood levels of procainamide
or resistant arrhythmias to a total maximum dose of 2 g during
and its metabolite N-acetylprocainamide should be monitored
24 hours.
in patients with renal failure or patients who are receiving more
than 3 mg per minute for more than 24 hours. Infusions as low
Lidocaine as 1.4 mg per kg per hour may be needed in patients with renal
This antiarrhythmic agent has been used for ventricular ar- insufficiency.
rhythmias, such as premature ventricular complexes and VT. Precautions in the use of procainamide include its produc-
Premature ventricular complexes are not unusual in apparently tion of systemic hypotension, disturbance in AV conduction,
healthy people and most often are benign. Even in the patient and decreased ventricular contractility. IV infusion must be
with chronic heart disease, premature ventricular complexes carefully monitored, with frequent blood pressure determina-
and nonsustained VT are usually asymptomatic, and contro- tions and measurement of ECG intervals PR, QRS, and QT. Hy-
versy exists concerning the need to treat under these circum- potension usually responds to slowing the infusion rate. If the
stances. The situation is different for patients with myocardial QRS interval increases by more than 50% of its initial width,
ischemia or recent myocardial infarction, who are much more procainamide infusion should be discontinued. Widened QRS
likely to progress from premature ventricular complexes to sus- signifies toxic blood levels and may herald serious AV con-
tained VT or VF. There is some evidence for the efficacy of duction abnormalities and asystole. This is particularly true of
prophylactic lidocaine in reducing primary VF in patients with patients with digitalis intoxication and those with antecedent
acute myocardial infarction. However, the toxic-to-therapeutic AV conduction abnormalities. A marked increase in QT inter-
ratio is not favorable enough to warrant its routine use in val may predispose a patient to torsades de pointes. Patients
patients with suspected acute myocardial infarction [90]. who have ventricular arrhythmias of the torsades variety or
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tolerance. Whenever possible, intermittent dosing with nitrate- dose, attempts should be made to decrease the dose, and other
free periods is recommended, and the use of the lowest effective modalities of therapy, including heparin or cardiac catheteri-
dose is advised. zation, should be considered with a view to early revasculari-
Precautions for nitroglycerin use include hypotension and zation.
syncope, especially if the patient has had an acute myocar-
dial infarction, is volume depleted, has either restriction to
left ventricular filling (e.g., pericardial constriction or tampon-
ade, hypertrophic disease, mitral stenosis, pulmonic stenosis, or CLINICAL SETTINGS
pulmonary hypertension) or obstruction to left ventricular out-
flow (e.g., aortic stenosis, pulmonic stenosis, or hypertrophic The procedures involved in the resuscitation of a person who
obstructive cardiomyopathy). Rapid titration of IV nitroglyc- has experienced cardiovascular or respiratory collapse are all
erin in patients with left ventricular failure requires careful part of a continuum progressing from the initial recognition of
hemodynamic monitoring to ensure efficacy and safety. The the problem and the institution of CPR to intervention with
hypotensive patient may be placed in the Trendelenburg posi- defibrillators, drugs, pacemakers, transport, and postresusci-
tion and given volume replacement. Rarely, a patient with se- tative evaluation and care (Figs. 23.14 to 23.17). The follow-
vere obstructive coronary disease develops worsened ischemia ing sections focus on the pharmacologic and electric interven-
with nitroglycerin through a coronary steal mechanism. If is- tions appropriate to various clinical settings common in cardiac
chemia is persistent in spite of maximal tolerated nitroglycerin arrest.
No movement or response
PHONE 911 or emergency number
or send second rescuer (if available) to do this
If no response, check pulse: pulse Give 1 breath every
Do you DEFINITELY feel 5 to 6 seconds
pulse within 10 seconds? Recheck pulse every
2 minutes
No pulse
Give cycles of 30 COMPRESSIONS and 2 BREATHS
until AED/defibrillator arrives, ALS providers take over, or
victim starts to move
Push hard and fast (100/min) and release completely
Minimize interruptions in compressions
AED/defibrillator ARRIVES
Check Rhythm
Shockable rhythm?
Shockable Not Shockable
9 10
Give 1 shock Resume CPR immediately
Resume CPR immediately for 5 cycles FIGURE 23.14. Adult basic life support health
for 5 cycles Check rhythm every care provider algorithm. [From Circulation
5 cycles: continue until ALS 112[Suppl 24]:IV-1934, 2005, with permis-
providers take over or sion. Copyright 2005, American Heart Associ-
victim starts to move ation guidelines for cardiopulmonary resuscita-
tion and emergency cardiovascular care.]
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BLS algorithm: Call for help, give CPR
Give oxygen when available
Attach monitor/defibrillator when available
Shockable Check rhythm Not Shockable
3 Shockable rhythm? 9
VF/VT Asystole/PEA
Give 1 shock
Manual biphasic: device specific
(typically 120 to 200 J)
Note: If unknown, use 200 J Resume CPR immediately for 5 cycles
AED: device specific When IV/IO available, give vasopressor
Monophasic: 360 J Epinephrine 1 mg IV/IO
Resume CPR immediately Repeat every 3 to 5 min
May give 1 dose of vasopressin 40 U IV/IO to
5 Give 5 cycles of CPR*
replace first or second dose of epinephrine
Check rhythm No
Consider atropine 1 mg IV/IO
Shockable rhythm? for asystole or slow PEA rate
Repeat every 3 to 5 min (up to 3 doses)
6 Shockable
8 During CPR
Continue CPR while defibrillator is charging Push hard and fast (100/min) Rotate compressors every
Give 1 shock Ensure full chest recoil 2 minutes with rhythm checks
Manual biphasic: device specific Search for and treat possible
(same as first shock or higher dose) Minimize interruptions in chest
contributing factors:
Note: If unknown, use 200 J compressions Hypovolemia
AED: device specific One cycle of CPR: 30 compressions Hypoxia
Monophasic: 360 J then 2 breaths; 5 cycles 2 min Hydrogen ion (acidosis)
Resume CPR immediately after the shock Avoid hyperventilation Hypo-/hyperkalemia
Consider antiarrhythmics; give during CPR Hypoglycemia
(before or after the shock) Secure airway and confirm placement Hypothermia
amiodarone (300 mg IV/IO once, then Toxins
consider additional 150 mg IV/IO once) or Tamponade, cardiac
lidocaine (1 to 1.5 mg/kg first dose, then 0.5 to
* After an advanced airway is placed, Tension pneumothorax
rescuers no longer deliver cycles
0.75 mg/kg IV/IO, maximum 3 doses or 3 mg/kg) of CPR. Give continous chest com- Thrombosis (coronary or
Consider magnesium, loading dose pressions without pauses for breaths. pulmonary)
1 to 2 g IV/IO for torsades de points Give 8 to 10 breaths/minute. Check Trauma
After 5 cycles of CPR,* go to Box 5 above rhythm every 2 minutes
FIGURE 23.15. Advanced cardiac life support pulseless arrest algorithm. [From Circulation 112[Suppl
24]:IV-5866, 2005, with permission. Copyright 2005, American Heart Association guidelines for car-
diopulmonary resuscitation and emergency cardiovascular care.]
With pulses
Assess and support ABCs as needed
Give oxygen
Monitor ECG (identify rhythm), blood pressure, oximetry
Identify and treat reversible causes
FIGURE 23.16. Advanced cardiac life support tachycardia algorithm. [From Circulation 112[Suppl
24]:IV-6777, 2005, with permission. Copyright 2005, American Heart Association guidelines for car-
diopulmonary resuscitation and emergency cardiovascular care.]
available, vasopressors (epinephrine, 1 mg IV, or IO every 3 additional dose of 150 mg IV/IO if necessary) or lidocaine (1.0
to 5 minutes, or vasopressin 40 units, IV/IO) are administered. to 1.5 mg per kg IV/IO followed by additional doses of 0.5 to
After another 5 cycles of CPR, the rhythm is checked again. If 0.75 mg per kg, if necessary, up to a total dose of 3 mg per kg).
VF or VT is still present, another shock is applied. Adequacy of ventilation should be assessed with an arterial
After the second shock, if the patient remains in VF or VT, blood gas determination, if possible. Sodium bicarbonate is of
consideration should be given to the administration of an an- questionable value during cardiac arrest but should be adminis-
tiarrhythmic agent: amiodarone (300 mg IV/IO once with an tered if the patient is known to have preexisting hyperkalemia.
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Heart rate <60 bpm and
inadequate for clinical condition
4A Adequate Poor 4
perfusion perfusion
Observe/Monitor Prepare for transcutaneous pacing;
use without delay for high-degree block
(type II second-degree block or
third-degree AV block)
Consider atropine 0.5 mg IV while
awaiting pacer. May repeat to a
total dose of 3 mg. If ineffective,
begin pacing
Consider epinephrine (2 to 10 g/min)
or dopamine (2 to 10 g/kg per minute)
If pulseless arrest develops, go to Pulseless Arrest Algorithm infusion while awaiting pacer or if
Search for and treat possible contributing factors: pacing ineffective
Hypovolemia Toxins
Hypoxia Tamponade, cardiac 5
Hydrogen ion (acidosis) Tension pneumothorax
Hypo-/hyperkalemia Thrombosis (coronary or pulmonary) Prepare for transvenous pacing
Hypoglycemia Trauma (hypovolemia, increased ICP) Treat contributing causes
Hypothermia Consider expert consultation
FIGURE 23.17. Bradycardia algorithm. [From Circulation 112[Suppl 24]:I-V-6777, 2005, with per-
mission. Copyright 2005, American Heart Association guidelines for cardiopulmonary resuscitation and
emergency cardiovascular care.]
likely to be detrimental, whereas -agonists seem to increase exists of irreversible death, such as putrefaction or dependent
myocardial and cerebral perfusion. rubor.
Hypothermia may occur with environmental exposures
other than cold-water drowning. The bodys ability to main-
Pulseless Electric Activity tain temperature is diminished by alcohol, sedation, antidepres-
sants, neurologic problems, and advanced age. Because of the
PEA is present when an arrest patient is found to have orga- associated bradycardia and oxygen-sparing effects, prolonged
nized ECG ventricular complexes (QRS) not associated with hypothermia and arrest may be tolerated with complete recov-
a palpable pulse (Fig. 23.15). Pulseless VT is not considered ery. A longer period may be needed to establish breathlessness
a form of PEA. Electromechanical dissociation is a form of and pulselessness because of profound bradycardia and slowed
PEA in which the QRS is unaccompanied by any evidence respiratory rate. Resuscitative efforts should not be abandoned
of ventricular contraction and the emergency response is the until near-normal temperature has been reestablished.
same. Bradyasystolic rhythms and severe wide-complex brady- Electric shock and lightning strike may lead to tetanic spasm
cardias may be considered along with PEA. These arrhythmias of respiratory muscles or convulsion, causing respiratory ar-
may be associated with specific clinical states that if reversed rest. VF or asystole may occur from the electric shock or after
early, may lead to the return of a pulse. It is, therefore, best to prolonged respiratory arrest. Before initiating assessment and
consider them together. When PEA is encountered, severe hy- CPR, the potential rescuer must ascertain whether the person
povolemia, hypoxia, acidosis, hyperkalemia or hypokalemia, who has been shocked is still in contact with the electric en-
hypoglycemia, hypothermia, drug overdose, cardiac tampon- ergy and that live wires are not in dangerous proximity. If the
ade, massive pulmonary embolism, tension pneumothorax, individual is located at the top of a utility pole, CPR is best
and severe myocardial contractile dysfunction should be instituted after the person is lowered to the ground [101].
considered. Open-chest CPR with thoracotomy should be applied early
With the diagnosis of PEA, CPR is initiated and, as soon in cases of penetrating chest trauma associated with cardiac
as possible, volume is administered in the form of IV crys- arrest (see previous discussion). In such patients, thoracotomy
talloid or colloid. If PEA is indeed caused by intravascular by trained personnel allows for the relief of pericardial tam-
volume depletion, a fluid challenge may return a pulse. As ponade and possible control of exsanguinating hemorrhage.
described in the section Asystole, vasopressors should be Well-equipped trauma centers should have multidisciplinary
administered every 3 to 5 minutes if a pulse has not returned. teams that can provide early, definitive surgical treatment. The
In bradycardic PEA, atropine is given as in asystole. Bicarbon- unanswered question is whether another subgroup of patients
ate is used for preexisting hyperkalemia and is acceptable for who have not responded to conventional ACLS techniques (in-
known preexisting bicarbonate-responsive acidosis, tricyclic cluding defibrillation attempts and drugs) would benefit from
overdose, to alkalinize the urine with other drug overdoses and thoracotomy and open-chest CPR. Animal studies suggest that
in intubated and well-ventilated patients with prolonged arrest survival may be improved over closed-chest compression if
intervals. open-chest CPR is used within the first 15 minutes of arrest
In patients at high risk for pericardial effusions (i.e., pa- [102]. If open-chest CPR is delayed until 20 minutes or more
tients hospitalized with known malignancy, severe renal fail- of closed-chest CPR, there is no improvement in outcome de-
ure, recent myocardial infarction, or recent cardiac catheter- spite improved hemodynamics. In patients with out-of-hospital
ization), pericardiocentesis should be attempted early in the arrest in whom open-chest CPR was attempted after 30 min-
course of CPR if the patient is not responding to volume ad- utes of conventional CPR, survival did not improve [103].
ministration and -agonists. In prehospital arrests, pericardial Open-chest CPR may also be indicated in blunt trauma
tamponade is rare, but an attempt at pericardiocentesis is war- with cardiac arrest and cardiac arrest due to hypothermia, pul-
ranted if there is no favorable response to volume or -agonists. monary embolism, pericardial tamponade, or abdominal hem-
Echocardiography, when available, almost always confirms or orrhage in which initiation of conventional therapy and closed-
excludes the possibility of tamponade and may be useful in chest CPR is not proving effective. In the aforementioned cases,
delineating the volume status as well as the function of the the decision to use open-chest CPR presupposes quick avail-
ventricles. ability of definitive surgical intervention. Early surgical explo-
ration is indicated in penetrating abdominal trauma with de-
terioration and cardiac arrest in which aortic cross-clamping
Special Situations may provide temporary control of abdominal hemorrhage.
Induced therapeutic hypothermia (32 C to 34 C) for 12
Patients who have nearly drowned in cold water may recover to 24 hours improves survival and neurologic outcome in co-
after prolonged periods of submersion. Apparently, the hy- matose patients who have survived an out-of-hospital VF arrest
pothermia and bradycardia of the diving reflex may serve to [104,105]. Hypothermia may also be beneficial for in-hospital
protect against organ damage [100]. Successful resuscitation arrests. Lower cardiac index and hyperglycemia tend to occur
has been described after considerable periods of submersion more frequently in hypothermic patients. Shivering must be
[100]. Because it is often difficult for bystanders and rescuers prevented to reduce metabolic rate. Please see Chapter 64 on
to estimate the duration of submersion, in most cases it is war- hypothermia for an in-depth discussion of induced therapeutic
ranted to initiate CPR at the scene, unless physical evidence hypothermia.
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2. Stephenson HE Jr: Cardiac Arrest and Resuscitation. St. Louis, Mosby, arm-lift method. N Engl J Med 258:671, 1958.
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7. Cardiopulmonary resuscitation: statement by the Ad Hoc Committee on 39. Niemann JT, Rosborough JP, Hausknecht M, et al: Pressure-synchronized
Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation of the Division of Medical Sciences, Na- cineangiography during experimental cardiopulmonary resuscitation. Cir-
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Pain in critically ill patients should be systematically observed ately in critically ill patients. It is estimated that as many as 70%
and regularly assessed. All means of analgesic interventions of patients experience moderate-intensity procedure-related or
should be evaluated in a coordinated, individualized, and goal- postoperative pain during their stay in the hospital intensive
oriented interdisciplinary manner. care unit (ICU) [69]. Pain is frequently treated inappropri-
Pain may stem from acute medical or surgical illness as ately because of fears of depressing spontaneous ventilation,
well as preexisting medical conditions. Mechanical ventilation, inducing opioid dependence, and precipitating cardiovascular
placement of indwelling tubes and catheters, procedures per- instability. Moreover, many clinicians often poorly understand
formed such as placement of chest tubes, intracranial pressure the methods for assessing pain, the techniques for optimally
(ICP) monitors, and turning and suctioning are also causes of treating it, and the benefits of its effective management. State-
pain [1,2]. Exposure to high levels of pain has negative psy- of-the-art pain management means not only decreasing pain
chologic and physiologic consequences, and its effective man- intensity, but also reducing analgesics side effects, which may
agement is important in the maintenance of patients dignity indeed facilitate patient recovery and is likely to shorten ICU
[35]. and hospital stay [1012]. Recent studies also suggest that ef-
Despite numerous improvement initiatives over the past two fective acute pain management may help in reducing the devel-
decades, pain is very common and often not treated appropri- opment of chronic pain [13].
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In 2005, the American Pain Society (APS) published the fol- who feels happy because he or she has no pain or sad because
lowing guidelines for quality improvement in acute and cancer he or she has some or a lot of pain. The patient is then asked
pain management [14]: to choose the face that best describes how they feel from six
possible options.
Recognize, identify, and treat pain promptly.
It has been shown that the NRSs have the least variance and
Involve patients and families in the pain management plan.
may be the preferred tool overall. Mechanically ventilated and
Improve treatment patterns.
sedated patients will be unable to use the VAS ruler or other self-
Reassess and adjust the pain management plan as needed.
report pain assessment tools. Once sedation has ceased, some
Monitor processes and outcomes of pain management.
patients may be alert enough to use a VAS ruler. This should
The primary goal of this structured approach to pain man- be attempted as an option for these patients. If psychomotor
agement was to prevent pain through the administration of abilities are impaired at this point, an NRS or FPS may prove
analgesics at regular intervals and before performing poten- to be more helpful.
tially painful procedures.
Implementation of the APS guidelines in 120 postcardiac
surgery patients over a 3-month period revealed that 95% of Objective Pain Assessment
them had effective pain relief during every ICU staff shift for the
first 6 days after surgery [15]. Data also revealed dramatically When the patient is critically ill, sedated, and/or ventilated, pain
improved side-effect profile and reduced length of hospital stay. severity can be estimated only by observing the behavioral and
Implementation of a similar pain management protocol in a physiologic responses to pain:
medical ICU resulted in a decrease in ventilator days (from 10.3 The Behavioral Pain Scale (BPS) is the earliest and most
to 8.9) and significant reductions of average hospital costs.
widely tested pain assessment tool for sedated patients. The
ICU pain management strategies may also incorporate the
BPS was developed by Payen et al. There are three compo-
application of regional analgesia techniques (neuraxial and pe-
nent domains: facial expression, upper limb movement,
ripheral nerve blocks) when possible. Regional analgesia, when
and compliance with ventilation. Patients are scored from
used appropriately, helps reduce the total amount of opioid
1 to 4 on each section, giving a total score between 3 (no
analgesics necessary to achieve adequate pain control and the
pain) and 12 (maximum pain) [17].
development of potentially dangerous side effects. The Critical Care Pain Observation Tool (CPOT) was de-
signed by Gelinas et al. The CPOT has four domains: fa-
cial expression, body movement, muscle tension, and
EVALUATION OF PAIN compliance with ventilation. Patients are scored in each
section between 0 and 2, giving an overall score of 0 (no
It is difficult to perform assessment of pain in the ICU. Struc-
pain) to 8 (maximum pain).
tured approaches to pain assessment are mandatory for favor- The Non-Verbal Pain Scale (NVPS) was developed by
able patient outcome.
Odhner et al. The NVPS incorporates three behavioral do-
Pain assessment tools are useful to monitor for deterioration
mains and two physiologic domains. The behavioral do-
or improvements over time, and evaluate and titrate analgesic
mains are face, activity (movement), and guarding.
therapy appropriately [5,16].
The first physiologic domain considers vital signs and the
There are several newly proposed methods available for
second incorporates other physiologic indicators includ-
pain assessment in the ICU. The chosen strategy should be
ing skin color and temperature, perspiration, and pupillary
adapted to the patients capacity to interact with the practi-
changes. Again, specific descriptors are given to enable the
tioner in order to provide assessment of static (rest) and dy-
assessors to rate a patients pain from 0 to 2 within each
namic pain (while moving the affected part or while taking
domain, giving a total pain score between 0 (no pain) and
deep breaths or coughing).
10 (maximum pain).
Assessment of pain should include determining cause, type,
intensity, duration, site, and prior response to therapy. Catego- None of these tools can be regarded as gold standard and
rization of pain into somatic, visceral, neuropathic in nature, they require further evaluation and research to investigate the
or identification of specific sites, such as focal bone pain as impact of their use on pain management in clinical practice.
opposed to allodynia or diffuse bowel distention, is important Nonetheless, they offer a consistent and systematic approach
because it helps in determining the most effective type of inter- that might improve pain management in ICUs.
vention. Analgesic trials can be another assessment tool if pain is
In general, appropriate assessment of pain improves the suspected in ICU patients. They involve administration of a low
overall quality of pain management. dose of an analgesic followed by observation of the patients
pain-related behavior [5,18].
stimulus. It is transmitted through nonmyelinated C-sensory Hyperalgesia (the lowering of pain threshold and an in-
fibers and small myelinated A-fibers via the dorsal root gan- creased response to noxious stimuli), allodynia (the evocation
glion and spinothalamic pathways in the spinal cord to the of pain by non-noxious stimuli), hyperpathia (explosive pains
thalamus, periaqueductal gray, and other centers in the brain evoked in areas with an increased sensory threshold when the
[19]. Nociceptive pain is often dull, aching, sharp, or tender. stimulus exceeds the threshold), dysesthesia (spontaneous or
Somatic pain: It is due to nociceptive signals arising from evoked unpleasant abnormal sensation), and paresthesia (spon-
the musculoskeletal system. taneous or evoked abnormal sensation) are typical elements of
Visceral pain: It is due to a disease process or abnormal func- neuropathic pain.
tion of an internal organ or its covering (parietal pleura,
pericardium, and peritoneum). It can be frequently associ-
ated with nausea, vomiting, sweating, and changes in heart MEDICAL MANAGEMENT
rate and blood pressure.
Inflammatory pain occurs in response to tissue injury and Consequences of inadequate sedation and analgesia in the ICU
the subsequent inflammatory reaction. In order to help heal- may result in excessive pain and anxiety, agitation, self-removal
ing of the injured body part, the sensory nervous system un- of tubes and catheters, violence toward caregivers, myocar-
dergoes a profound change as a result; normally innocuous dial ischemia, patient-ventilator asynchrony, hypoxemia, and
stimuli now produce pain, and responses to noxious stimuli pain-related immunosuppression. In contrast, excessive and/or
are both exaggerated and prolonged [20]. This is secondary prolonged sedation can lead to skin breakdown, nerve com-
to plasticity in nociceptors and central nociceptive pathways pression, delirium, unnecessary testing for altered mental sta-
[21,22]. Ablation of a specific set of nociceptor neurons, tus, prolonged mechanical ventilation and associated problems
such as the one expressing the tetrodotoxin-resistant sodium such as ventilator-associated pneumonia (VAP), and perhaps
channel Nav1.8, eliminates inflammatory pain, but leaves post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Balanced treatment us-
neuropathic pain intact, indicating a fundamental difference ing both nonpharmacologic and pharmacologic methods are
in the neuronal pathways responsible for these pain states imperative for pain management in the ICU [27,28]. Improve-
[23,24]. ment in quality of care results in a reduction of the time spent
Neuropathic pain: It can be burning, tingling, or electric on mechanical ventilation and length of stay in the ICU.
in character. Patients with neuropathic pain may describe
positive or negative neurologic phenomena. Positive phe-
nomena include spontaneous pain (arising without stimulus) Nonpharmacologic Treatments
and evoked pains (abnormal response to stimulus). Negative
phenomena include impaired sensation to touch or thermal Nonpharmacologic interventions are easy to provide, safe, and
stimuli. Neuropathic pain is initiated or caused by a primary economical. They may include attention to proper positioning
lesion or dysfunction in the central or peripheral nervous of patients to avoid pressure points, stabilization of fractures,
system (CNS or PNS). and elimination of irritating physical stimulation (e.g., avoiding
traction on the endotracheal tube).
Central neuropathic pain most commonly results from Several mechanisms have been proposed to explain how
spinal cord injury, stroke, or multiple sclerosis [25]. to inhibit or modulate the ascending transmission of a nox-
Peripheral neuropathic pain can be caused by [26] the fol- ious stimulus from the periphery or, conversely, to stimulate
lowing: descending inhibitory control from the brain [29].
Trauma (e.g., complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS) and They include the following:
chronic postsurgical pain) 1. Gate control theory
Infection (e.g., postherpetic neuralgia and HIV-induced neu- 2. Busy-line effect
ropathy) 3. Production of endogenous opioids at the periaqueductal
Ischemia (e.g., diabetic neuropathy and central poststroke gray, reticular activating system, and spinal gate
pain) 4. Activation of monoaminergic neurons in the thalamus, hy-
Cancer (e.g., invasion and compression of peripheral nerve pothalamus, and brain stem
structures) 5. Activation of second-order neurons in the dorsal horn, se-
Chemically induced (e.g., chemotherapy-induced neuropa- lective inhibition of abnormally hypersensitive neurons in
thy) the dorsal horn, and increased release of -aminobutyric
acid (GABA) in spinal neurons
Neural damage to either the PNS or the CNS provokes mal-
6. Descending inhibition from supraspinal centers via the pre-
adaptive responses in nociceptive pathways that drive sponta-
tectal zone and posterior columns
neous pain and sensory amplification. This maladaptive plas-
ticity leads to persistent changes and, therefore, needs to be Stimulation-produced analgesia (SPA) is a term that de-
considered a disease state of the nervous system in its own right, scribes noninvasive or minimally invasive techniques such as
independent of the etiologic factor(s) that triggered it. Studies acupuncture, electroacupuncture (EA), transcutaneous electric
suggest that peripheral and central sensitization mechanisms nerve stimulation (TENS), acupressure and spinal cord stim-
are also involved. In the PNS, they include altered gene expres- ulation (SCS), peripheral nerve stimulation (PNS), deep-brain
sion and changes in ion channels that lead to ectopic activity. stimulation, and motor cortex stimulation. Evidence suggests
In the CNS, the regulation of many genes also changes. In addi- that these modalities are useful as a sole or supplementary anal-
tion, synaptic facilitation and loss of inhibition at multiple lev- gesic technique for both acute and chronic painful conditions
els of the neuraxis produce central amplification. Neuronal cell [29].
death and aberrant synaptic connectivity provide the structural Peripherally applied heat causes local vasodilation that pro-
basis for persistently altered processing of both nociceptive and motes circulatory removal of biomediators of pain from the
innocuous afferent input. Highly organized neuroimmunologic site of injury, whereas cold application decreases the release of
interactions as a result of neural damage play an important part pain-inducing chemicals [30].
in the development of persistent neuropathic pain. Genetically Modifications of the ICU environment, such as creat-
determined susceptibility is also likely to unveil the risk of de- ing units with single rooms, decreasing noise, and providing
veloping neuropathic pain [24]. music and appropriate lighting that better reflect a daynight
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orientation [31], may help patients achieve normal sleep pat- able, the clinician must carefully judge the risks and benefits
terns and also improve pain control. For the cognitively intact on an individual basis.
ICU patients, provision of sensory and procedural information
may improve their ability to cope with the discomfort.
Acetaminophen is an analgesic and antipyretic. It may also
Pharmacologic Treatments have anti-inflammatory properties. The mechanism of action
of acetaminophen remains unknown. The greater sensitivity of
The pharmacologic characteristics of the ideal analgesic med- cells containing COX-3 to acetaminophen is frequently cited
ication include easy titration, rapid onset and offset of action as indicating that the target of action of acetaminophen is
without accumulation, and no side effects. COX-3. Recent research indicates that acetaminophen inhibits
prostaglandin synthesis in cells that have a low rate of synthe-
sis and low levels of peroxide. When the levels of arachidonic
Nonsteroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs acid are low, acetaminophen appears to be a selective COX-2
Cyclooxygenase (COX) is located in all cells. It metabolizes inhibitor. Acetaminophen has predominant effects on the CNS
arachidonic acid to generate prostaglandin H2 . A number of because the peroxide and arachidonic acid levels in the brain
enzymes further modify this product to generate bioactive are lower than at peripheral sites of inflammation [38]. It is
lipids (prostanoids) such as prostacyclin, thromboxane A2 , and available in oral, rectal, and parenteral formulations. The par-
prostaglandins D2 , E2 , and F2 . Three isoforms COX-1, COX- enteral formulation is not yet available in the United Sates al-
2, and COX-3 have been described. COX-1 is ubiquitous and though approval of the Food and Drug Administration (FDA)
constitutive. COX-2 is present in areas of inflammation and is pending. Acetaminophen is an effective adjuvant to opioid
located in inflammatory cells. COX-3 is a splice variant, found analgesia, and a reduction in opioid requirement by 20% to
centrally, and its inhibition is thought to be responsible for the 30% can be achieved when combined with a regular regimen
action of acetaminophen [32]. of oral or rectal acetaminophen.
It is now recognized that COX-2 is expressed in normal en- It has been shown that 1 g of acetaminophen significantly
dothelial cells in response to shear stress and its inhibition is as- reduces postoperative morphine consumption over a 6-hour
sociated with suppression of prostacyclin synthesis. Inhibition period. Doses greater than 1,000 mg have been reported to
of COX-2 results in prothrombotic inclination on endothelial have a superior effect when compared to lower doses. IV ac-
surfaces and an increase in sodium and water retention, leading etaminophen has been shown to reduce PCA morphine require-
to edema, as well as exacerbations of heart failure and hyper- ments after spinal surgery [39] and hip arthroplasty.
tension. Loss of the protective effects of COX-2 upregulation Its side-effect profile is comparable to placebo [40];
in the setting of myocardial ischemia and infarction leads to a hypersensitivity reactions are rare. Major concerns with
larger infarct size, greater thinning of the left ventricular wall acetaminophen administration relate to the potential for hep-
in the infarct zone, and an increased tendency to myocardial atotoxicity, which, however, is extremely rare following ther-
rupture [33,34]. apeutic dosing [41]. In patients with severe liver disease, the
Blockade of the proinflammatory mediators by nonsteroidal elimination half-life can be prolonged. A reduced dose of 1 g
anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) reduces the inflammatory three times a day with short duration of therapy is recom-
response (and subsequent pain). Classically, their effect is anti- mended. Prospective studies administering acetaminophen to
inflammatory, analgesic, and antipyretic because of the di- patients consuming alcohol have found no increased evidence
rect inhibition of prostaglandin production. Adding NSAIDs of liver injury [42]. In a recent study, nonallergic hypotension
to intravenous (IV) opioid-based patient-controlled analgesia has been reported in a cohort of ICU patients on therapeutic
(PCA) reduces opioid consumption by 30% to 50% and results doses of acetaminophen. The authors indicated brain injury
in a significant reduction in the incidence of nausea, vomiting, and sepsis as the potential risk factors for this type of hypoten-
and sedation [35]. sive reaction [43].
On the other hand, the nonspecific blockade of COX in-
hibits the physiologic role of COX-1 and results in clinically
significant deterioration of renal function and risk of devel-
opment of peptic ulceration and upper gastrointestinal (GI) For the critically ill patient, opioids remain the main pharmaco-
hemorrhage, bronchospasm, and platelet dysfunction. A meta- logic method for the treatment of pain. Despite their extensive
analysis published in 2002 showed that the risk of GI hemor- side-effect profile, there are no therapeutic alternatives avail-
rhage is related to the patient and drug-related factors, and is able currently (Table 24.1).
irrespective of the type of NSAID used. Patients who smoke, Opiates refer to the nonpeptide synthetic morphine-like
those with history of GI hemorrhage, and those taking antico- drugs while the term opioid is more generic, encompassing all
agulants are at increased risk [36]. substances that produce morphine-like actions. Opioids can be
Current evidence indicates that selective COX-2 inhibitors loosely divided into four groups:
have important adverse cardiovascular effects that include in-
creased risk for myocardial infarction, stroke, heart failure, Naturally occurring, endogenously produced opioid pep-
and hypertension. The risk for these adverse effects is likely tides (e.g., dynorphin and Met-enkephalin)
to be greatest in patients with a history of or at high risk for Opium alkaloids, such as morphine, purified from the poppy
cardiovascular disease. In these patients, COX-2 inhibitors for (Papaver somniferum)
pain relief should be used only if there are no alternatives and Semisynthetic opioids (modifications to the natural mor-
then only in the lowest dose and shortest duration necessary phine structure) such as diacetylmorphine (heroin), hydro-
[37]. Currently, celecoxib is available for clinical use world- morphone, oxycodone, and oxymorphone
wide, whereas parecoxib is available only outside the United Synthetic derivatives with structure unrelated to morphine,
States. which include the phenylpiperidine series (e.g., pethidine
Opioid-sparing properties of NSAIDs have not been stud- and fentanyl), methadone series (e.g., methadone and dex-
ied in critically ill patients, so it is unclear if potential benefits tropropoxyphene), benzomorphan series (e.g., pentazocine),
outweigh potential risks such as GI bleeding or renal failure. and semisynthetic thebaine derivatives (e.g., etorphine and
Therefore, until more evidence for such agents becomes avail- buprenorphine)
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TA B L E 2 4 . 1
Snyder et al. in 1973 reported on the presence of specific is 5 to 10 mg and the approximate half-life is 3 hours. How-
binding sites for opioids, providing the first evidence of dis- ever, with repeated dosing or continuous infusions, half-life ki-
tinct receptors for opioids. There are several types of opioid netics become unreliable. Morphine is conjugated by the liver
receptors. They differ in their potency, selective antagonism, to metabolites that include morphine-6-glucuronide, a potent
and stereospecificity of opiate action. With a recent addition, metabolite with 20 times the activity of morphine. Both mor-
the opioid receptor subtypes are listed as (MOP), (KOP) phine and morphine-6-glucuronide are eliminated by the kid-
and (DOP) and nociception/orphanin FQ (N/OFQ) peptide ney; therefore, renal dysfunction results in a prolonged drug
receptor (NOP). effect.
Opioids bind to the CNS and peripheral tissue receptors. Morphine may also cause hypotension due to vasodilatation
1-Receptors mediate analgesia, whereas 2-receptor bind- (secondary to the release of histamine).
ing produces respiratory depression, nausea, vomiting, consti-
pation, and euphoria. -Receptor activation causes sedation,
miosis, and spinal analgesia. In addition to analgesia, opioid Fentanyl
receptors may provide mild-to-moderate anxiolysis. Opioids
have no reliable amnestic effect on patients. Opioid admin- Fentanyl is highly lipid soluble with rapid onset of action
istration is associated with a dose-dependent, centrally medi- (1 minute) and rapid redistribution into peripheral tissues, re-
ated respiratory depression. The respiratory rate is reduced, sulting in a short half-life (0.5 to 1.0 hour) after a single dose.
whereas the tidal volume is initially preserved. The ventilatory The duration of action with small doses (50 to 100 g) is short
response to hypoxia is eradicated and the CO2 response curve as a result of redistribution from the brain to other tissues.
is shifted to the right. Opioids facilitate patients compliance to Larger or repeated doses, including the doses delivered via a
the ventilator due to their cough-suppressant effects. Despite continuous infusion, alter the context-sensitive half-time and
minimal cardiovascular effects in normovolemic patients, they result in drug accumulation and prolonged effects of the drug.
may generate hypotension via decreased sympathetic tone, and The hepatic metabolism of fentanyl creates inactive metabolites
thus may decrease heart rate and systemic vascular resistance that are renally excreted, making this drug a more attractive
in critically ill patients. Additionally, opioids increase venous choice in patients with renal insufficiency. Fentanyl causes mi-
capacitance, thereby decreasing venous return. Hypotension nor hemodynamic changes and does not affect inotropy.
clearly is more pronounced in hypovolemic patients.
Opioid-induced ileus is a common problem in critically ill
Hydromorphone is a semisynthetic opioid that is five- to ten-
Morphine fold more potent than morphine, but with a similar duration of
action. It has minimal hemodynamic effects, lacks a clinically
Morphine has poor lipid solubility and thus has a relatively significant active metabolite, and causes minor to no histamine
slow onset of action (5 to 10 minutes). The standard IV dose release [44]. Recently published data (Chang et al.) suggest
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that patients who received IV hydromorphone have a greater propofol-based regimen are almost twice as likely to be
decrease in pain than those given an equianalgesic dose of IV extubated and discharged from the ICU within the first 3 days
morphine [45]. of treatment than patients on conventional regimens [53].
In addition, remifentanil does not exert significantly pro-
longed clinical effects when it is administered to ICU patients
Methadone with renal failure or chronic liver disease [49]. On the basis
of these studies, it can be concluded that remifentanil is ef-
Methadone is a synthetic opioid agent with properties sim- fective for providing both analgesia and sedation in critically
ilar to morphine. It can be given enterally and parenterally. ill patients, even those suffering from multiple organ failure.
Methadone is an attractive choice for opioid analgesia due to its However, further data are needed to better guide clinicians on
long half-life and low cost. It produces N-methyl-d-aspartate the use of this drug in ICU patients.
(NMDA) antagonism, which makes it ideal for neuropathic
pain. Although methadone is not the drug of choice for an
acutely ill patient whose hospital course is rapidly changing, it OPIOID SIDE EFFECTS
is a good alternative for the patient who has preexisting opioid
tolerance or prolonged ventilatory wean. It may help facilitate Opioid-related adverse effects occur commonly in the ICU [54].
the tapering of opioid infusions [46,47]. Metabolized in the Opioid-induced respiratory depression is generally dose re-
liver, 40% of the drug is eliminated from kidney and free from lated and is most deleterious for the spontaneously breathing
active metabolites. It does not accumulate in renal failure. ICU patients. Incidence of opioid-induced nausea and vomit-
ing is low in the ICU. High-dose fentanyl may cause muscle
rigidity. Opioid-induced hypotension occurs most commonly
Oxycodone in patients who are hemodynamically unstable, are volume de-
pleted, or have a high sympathetic tone. The use of morphine
Oxycodone is effective for postoperative pain management. It is associated with histamine release; therefore, hypotension,
has a higher bioavailability and a slightly longer half-life than urticaria, pruritus, flushing, and bronchospasm are possible.
oral morphine. When transferring patients from parenteral Fentanyl can safely be used in patients with a suspected al-
morphine to oral oxycodone, the dose should be based on a lergy to morphine. Excessive sedation from opioids is most
1:1.5 ratio (i.e., 1 mg IV morphine = 0.5 to 0.7 mg oral oxy- often seen with the use of continuous infusions, particularly
codone). Individual patient variability and incomplete cross- in patients with end-stage renal disease who are receiving fen-
tolerance requires careful titration [48]. tanyl or morphine. Methadone may cause excessive sedation
The use of controlled-release oxycodone (OxyContin) is in- if the dose is not titrated downward after the first 5 days of
dicated for the treatment of moderate-to-severe pain when con- therapy or if a human cytochrome P450 inhibitor is concomi-
tinuous analgesia is required for prolonged periods. The release tantly administered. QTc-interval prolongation and the risk
of oxycodone from the OxyContin capsule is biphasic; there of development of torsades de pointes can occur with high
is a rapid initial absorption phase within 37 minutes followed doses of methadone because of its effects on the hERG chan-
by a slow absorption phase over 6.2 hours. Peak pain relief for nel, particularly if the chlorbutanol-containing IV formulation
OxyContin capsules occurs at approximately 1 hour and lasts is used. Opioids may cause hallucinations, agitation, eupho-
for 12 hours, with peak plasma concentrations at 2 to 3 hours ria, sleep disturbances, and delirium [55]. Methadone may be
after administration. the least likely drug to cause delirium because of its antago-
nistic activity at the NMDA receptor [56]. The effects of opi-
oids on ICP in patients with traumatic brain injury remain un-
Remifentanil clear. Gastric retention and ileus are common in patients who
are critically ill and receiving opioids, with prokinetic therapy
Remifentanil (a derivative of fentanyl) is a powerful analgesic and/or postpyloric access required in patients prescribed en-
with ultrashort duration of action. It is metabolized by nonspe- teral nutrition. Prophylactic use of a stimulant laxative reduces
cific esterases to remifentanil acid, which has negligible activity the incidence of constipation. Methylnaltrexone, an opioid an-
in comparison. Its metabolism is independent from hepatore- tagonist specific to peripheral receptors, may have a role in
nal function. The context-sensitive half-time of remifentanil is treating opioid-induced constipation that fails to respond to
consistently short (3.2 minutes), even after an infusion of long laxative therapy [57]. The possibility of developing an addic-
duration up to 72 hours [49]. tion problem in adult patients receiving long-term opioids is
In terms of safety, efficacy, and speed of onset and offset, extremely low.
remifentanil has been reported to have a better profile when
compared to fentanyl [50]. When a morphine-based pain and
sedation regimen was compared to another based on remifen-
tanil, the mean duration of mechanical ventilation and ex- OPIOIDS ADMINISTRATION
tubation time were significantly shorter in the remifentanil METHODS
group [51]. Breen et al. [52] compared a remifentanil-based
analgesiasedation regimen with a midazolam-based one, to Opioid analgesics administered by either continuous infusion
which fentanyl or morphine could be added for analgesia, in a or titration to effect provide better pain control and less drug-
group of critically ill patients requiring prolonged mechanical related adverse effects. As needed protocols make it difficult
ventilation for up to 10 days. The remifentanil-based sedation to achieve adequate analgesic plasma concentrations with re-
regimen was associated with significantly reduced duration of sultant poor pain control.
mechanical ventilation by more than 2 days. When a continuous infusion is used, a sedation vacation
Rozendaal et al. reported that in patients with anticipated protocol allows more effective analgesic titration with a lower
short-term mechanical ventilation, a remifentanilpropofol total dose of opioid used. Daily awakening may also be as-
analgesiasedation regimen provides better control of seda- sociated with a shorter duration of ventilation and ICU stay.
tion and agitation and reduces weaning time compared to For patients in whom a long recovery and a prolonged ventila-
conventional regimens. In addition, patients on a remifentanil tory wean are anticipated, it is appropriate to use a long-acting
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medication (e.g., methadone) to achieve adequate background IV PCA allows the patient to self-administer a predeter-
pain control in combination with bolus doses of a short-acting mined dose of opioid within the limits of a lockout period.
opioid for management of breakthrough pain. This results in less variability in the blood levels of the drug,
thereby enabling titration of the drug to effect [58].
The epidural and intrathecal routes of administration pro-
Conventional Routes of Administration vide a more rapid analgesia due to the application of the drug
directly within the CNS.
(Oral, Intramuscular, and Subcutaneous) Patient-controlled epidural analgesia (PCEA) regimens al-
low better titration of the medication. In general, the analgesic
Because of first-pass metabolism in the liver, larger doses of efficacy of neuraxial opioids is greater than that achieved with
medications are required when oral preparations are used. parenteral opioid administration, resulting in superior pain
Immediate-release oral opioids (e.g., morphine, oxycodone, relief despite the smaller doses used in the subarachnoid or
and hydromorphone) are preferred because onset analgesia is epidural space (e.g., subarachnoid morphine 0.1 mg = epidu-
obtained in 45 to 60 minutes. Fixed-interval dosing (e.g., every ral morphine 1 mg = IV morphine 10 mg). Opioid solutions
4 hour) is preferable to a when required regimen to ensure with preservative-free formulations should be used for neurax-
adequate relief of moderate-to-severe pain. ial administration to avoid potential neurotoxicity.
The rectal route is rarely used in the ICU. Drugs absorbed Highly lipid-soluble opioids (e.g., fentanyl and buprenor-
from the lower half of the rectum bypass the portal vein and phine) have been formulated as a skin patch for transdermal
first-pass metabolism in the liver. Suppository formulations delivery, especially in the management of severe pain in chronic
containing morphine, oxycodone, hydromorphone, and oxy- and palliative care. Fentanyl patches are usually not a recom-
morphone are available. mended modality for acute analgesia because of their 12- to
Intramuscular injections of opioids are useful if there is a 24-hour delay to peak effect and similar lag time to complete
lack of personnel trained to administer IV injections or if ve- offset once the patch is removed. However, it is appropriate
nous access is difficult. The intramuscular injection of mor- to continue its use in the ICU if the patient has a known
phine takes 30 to 60 minutes to be effective. Absorption of history of using this formulation of the medication prior to
intramuscular opioids is variable and depends on the injection admission.
site, especially in the critically ill patients. Technological advances have led to the development of a
Subcutaneous injection via an indwelling cannula in the sub- transdermal delivery system that uses ionophoresis for the
cutaneous tissue of the upper outer aspect of the arm or thigh management of acute postoperative and post-trauma pain. This
is a useful alternative route of administration. The rate of ab- is a compact, self-contained, and self-adhesive system, which
sorption of morphine after subcutaneous injection is similar to is applied to the patients upper arm or chest. The system is
that of an intramuscular injection; therefore, the guidelines for preprogrammed and uses an imperceptible electric field to de-
titration are the same (Fig. 24.1). liver 40 g of fentanyl over 10 minutes and is unresponsive to
additional dose requests during this time; patients can initiate
up to 6 doses per hour for a 24-hour period or a maximum of
Advanced Methods of Administration 80 doses per system, whichever occurs first. Numerous trials
have already demonstrated fentanyl iontophoretic transdermal
The IV route is the preferred route of administration. There is system (ITS) to be better than placebo and therapeutically com-
less variability in blood levels when the IV route is used, making parable with a standard morphine IV PCA. The pharmacoki-
it easier to titrate the drug to effective analgesia concentration. netics is similar to those of IV fentanyl [59,60]. Its release waits
IV infusions are a commonly used method. An opioid infu- completion of further clinical trials.
sion at a fixed rate takes five half-lives of the drug to reach 98%
of a steady-state concentration. Therefore, a front-loading dose Other Drugs
is needed to achieve adequate pain relief more rapidly before
starting the infusion. If breakthrough pain occurs, more IV bo- Adjuvants are compounds which by themselves have undesir-
lus doses may be needed to reestablish pain relief before the able side effects or low potency, but in combination with opi-
infusion rate is increased. oids, allow a reduction of opioid dosing for pain control.
opioids, local anesthetics, and other analgesic agents [6264]. shown a positive effect of the gabapentinoids on postoperative
Administration of regular benzodiazepines should be consid- pain in humans. Single doses of gabapentin up to 1,200 mg
ered to minimize the psychomimetic side effects associated with have been shown to reduce pain scores and/or morphine con-
its use. sumption after abdominal and vaginal hysterectomy, lower
Subhypnotic doses of ketamine administered as infusions limb arthroplasty, and laparoscopic cholecystectomy. Differ-
have been used for critically ill ICU patients who are very ent meta-analyses have confirmed these effects, which persist
difficult to sedate with opioid and benzodiazepine infusions. for up to 24 hours after surgery [72]. Common side effects
Because of its potential adverse effects, ketamine is not rec- of these medications include dizziness and drowsiness, which
ommended for routine sedation and analgesia of the critically should not limit its use in ICU. Gabapentin has minimal drug
ill patient, but it can be useful for more difficult situations interactions.
and/or when short surgical procedures with intense pain, such Pregabalin has the same mechanism of action as that of
as placement of chest tubes, dressing changes, and/or wound gabapentin. It has higher efficacy due to its linear pharmacoki-
debridement in burn patients, are necessary. netics. In addition, pregabalin appears to have a faster onset of
action, which is due in part to its smaller volume of distribu-
2 -Adrenergic Agonists Perioperative gabapentinoids (gabapentin/pregabalin) re-
duce postoperative pain, opioid requirements, and the inci-
2 -Adrenergic activation represents an intrinsic mechanism of dence of opioid-related adverse effects, but increase the risk
pain control at the level of the CNS. 2 -Adrenergic receptors of sedation.
exist in large numbers in the substantia gelatinosa of the spinal
cord dorsal horn in humans. Agonists produce their pain con-
trol effect on those receptors. REGIONAL ANALGESIA
Clonidine Recent studies suggest that advances in perioperative anesthe-
sia and analgesia improve pain relief, patient satisfaction, and
Clonidine produces analgesia after systemic, epidural, or in- outcome in surgical and trauma patients. Neuraxial anesthesia
trathecal administration. It has a short duration of action af- and peripheral nerve blockade have the potential to reduce or
ter a single dose and may produce sedation, bradycardia, and eliminate the physiologic stress response to surgery and trauma,
hypotension. Clonidine improves opioid analgesia and poten- decreasing the possibility of surgical complications and im-
tiates the effect of local anesthetic [65,66]. proving outcomes.
When used alone or in combination with other treatment
modalities, regional analgesia techniques are an invaluable tool
Dexmedetomidine to address pain-related problems in critically ill patients, but
the indications for their use must be established correctly. ICU
Dexmedetomidine is a centrally acting 2 -agonist with seda- patients are at risk for numerous complications and the use of
tive and analgesic properties. It has a much greater affinity for an inappropriate regional analgesia technique can cause a dete-
2 -receptors than clonidine. The sedative properties are facili- rioration of the patients clinical status, affecting a potentially
tated through the locus coeruleus in the CNS. Analgesic effects favorable outcome.
occur via activation of the 2 -receptors and through potenti- The purpose of this section is to discuss risk and benefits of
ation of the action of opioids [67]. The drug causes no sig- neuraxial and peripheral nerve blockade for the management
nificant effect on the respiratory drive even when used with of pain in the critically ill patient.
opioids. Dexmedetomidine has a biphasic effect on the cardio-
vascular system. The initial bolus injection is associated with
vasoconstrictive effects, causing bradycardia and hypertension. General Considerations
Continuous infusion is associated with hypotension secondary
to vasodilation caused by central sympatholysis. Studies con- The use of ultrasound (US) technology in regional anesthesia
ducted in postoperative ICU patients demonstrated successful allows a easier and more reliable identification of neural struc-
short-term sedation and analgesic sparing [68]. There are a tures, the safe administration of lower doses of local anesthetic,
few studies examining long-term administration to critically and the insertion of nerve catheters even in the heavily se-
ill, mechanically ventilated patients with encouraging results dated ICU patients. Ultrasound-guided (USG) techniques have
[69]. Suggested dosing recommendation would be a loading reduced misplacement and failure rates in clinical practice. Ef-
dose of 1 g per kg over 10 minutes followed by an infusion fective identification of the needle allows for the reduction of
at a rate of 0.2 to 0.7 g per kg per hour. the amount of administered drug volumes, which may be of
importance in the critically ill, children, and patients who need
more than one block, especially for those who have undergone
Anticonvulsants multisite surgery or sustained multitrauma [73].
Regional analgesia techniques also effectively block sympa-
Gabapentin and pregabalin are licensed for the management thetic outflow. Many studies show that surgically related stress
of neuropathic pain. is reduced when regional anesthesia and analgesia techniques
Despite its structural similarity to GABA, gabapentin does are used, neuraxial techniques in particular. The use of neu-
not bind to GABA receptors. It has a high affinity for 2 /- raxial analgesia has also been reported to decrease the rate
subunits of voltage-dependent calcium channels, resulting in of postoperative myocardial infarctions, shorten postoperative
postsynaptic inhibition of the calcium influx and thereby reduc- and post-traumatic ileus, improve the outcome, and shorten
ing the presynaptic excitatory neurotransmitter release [70]. It the length of ICU stay [74].
markedly decreases postoperative opioid consumption when The use of such techniques may also reduce the incidence of
given at the time of anesthetic induction [71]. Several random- chronic pain in patients undergoing surgical procedures, such
ized controlled trials (RCTs) using different pain models have as limb amputations and thoracotomies, two procedures in
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particular associated with the development of chronic persis- complications after thoracic or lumbar PVB was reported to
tent postsurgical pain [75]. be as follows: hypotension 5%, vascular puncture 3.8%, pleu-
ral puncture 0.9%, and pneumothorax 0.3% [79,80].
techniques, upper and lower portions of the abdominal wall position and enables more secure placement of a peripheral
can be preferentially blocked [83]. nerve catheter with high success rate.
postoperative pain several days after the expected duration are agement specialists and anesthesiologists is often necessary for
prone to develop chronic pain. the management of these complex situations.
Postoperative chronic pain is defined as persisting pain, Choosing the treatment plan that best fits the patients clin-
without relapse or pain-free interval, 2 months after the surgi- ical conditions is mandatory. A potentially favorable outcome
cal insult. Chronic pain syndromes have been described com- can be altered if inappropriate pain modalities are chosen and
monly after breast surgery, inguinal hernia repair, cholecys- used.
tectomy, thoracic surgery, cardiac surgery, and limb or organ A rational multimodal approach including the use of non-
amputation. Its incidence has been recorded to be up to 60% pharmacologic, pharmacologic, and regional analgesia tech-
[112]. With such a high incidence, it is very important to pro- niques is desirable and often needed. The continued use of these
vide good postoperative and post-trauma pain control to pre- techniques extended into the postoperative period may shorten
vent the occurrence of chronic pain syndromes. recovery time and speed discharge.
Always assess and monitor the effects of a treatment modal-
ity on the patients pain and clinical conditions as well. Be pre-
pared to make changes in therapy as needed.
CONCLUSIONS Regional analgesia techniques (epidural and peripheral
nerve blockade), although proved to be safe and effective, are
Pain control in critically ill patients is of paramount impor- underused in the management of pain in critically ill patients.
tance. Achieving adequate levels of analgesia in trauma and They allow a decrease in the overall use of opioid analgesics
surgery patients decreases the stress response and improves and sedatives and reduce the possibility of developing poten-
morbidity and mortality. tially dangerous side effects. A correct indication, as well as an
Individual units and acute pain teams should employ pain appropriate timing for their use, is required in order to increase
assessment techniques for patients with cognition impairment. their beneficial effects.
Lack of education, fear of possible side effects, and inappro- The availability of new technologies (e.g., ultrasonography)
priate use of medications contribute to the ineffective treatment improves the quality and safety of upper and lower extremity
of pain in critically ill ICU patients. The expertise of pain man- peripheral nerve blocks even in heavily sedated ICU patients.
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The most common indications for the use of neuromuscu- membrane and the postsynaptic end plate contain specialized
lar blocking agents (NMBAs) in the intensive care unit (ICU) nicotinic ACh receptors (nAChRs). The chemical signal is con-
include emergency or elective intubations, optimization of verted into an electric signal by binding of two ACh molecules
patientventilator synchrony, management of increased in- to the receptor (- and -subunits), causing a transient influx
tracranial pressure, reduction of oxygen consumption, and of sodium and calcium, and efflux of potassium from muscle
treatment of muscle spasms associated with tetanus. Accord- cells. This depolarization propagates an action potential that
ing to the American College of Critical Care Medicine and the results in a muscle contraction. Unbound ACh is quickly hy-
Society of Critical Care Medicine clinical practice guidelines drolyzed in the synapse by the enzyme acetylcholinesterase to
for sustained neuromuscular blockade in the adult critically ill acetic acid and choline, thus effectively controlling the dura-
patient, these medications should be used only when all other tion of receptor activation. A repolarization of the motor end
means of optimizing a patients condition have been used. This plate and muscle fiber then occurs.
recommendation is based on the concern that the administra-
tion of NMBAs may worsen patient outcome when adminis-
tered during a course of critical illness, particularly if the patient THE NICOTINIC
is receiving systemic steroids at the same time [1]. In a recent
international multicenter trial, 13% of patients on mechanical ACETYLCHOLINE RECEPTOR
ventilation received NMBAs for at least 1 day, which was asso-
The nAChR is built of five subunit proteins, forming an ion
ciated with a longer duration of mechanical ventilation, longer
channel. This ionic channel mediates neurotransmission at the
weaning time and stay in the ICU, and higher mortality [2].
NMJ, autonomic ganglia, spinal cord, and brain. During early
In addition to the pharmacology of the most commonly ad-
development, differentiation and maturation of the NMJ and
ministered agents, we briefly review the biology of the neu-
transformation of the nAChR take place: fetal nAChRs gradu-
romuscular junction (NMJ), its alterations during the course
ally disappear with a rise of new, functionally distinct, mature
of critical illness, and the resulting implications for the use
of depolarizing and nondepolarizing NMBAs. Recommenda-
These mature nAChRs (also termed adult, innervated, -
tions for administration of NMBAs to ICU patients on based
containing) have a subunit composition of two , , , and
on available evidence are provided.
in the synaptic muscle membrane. The only structural dif-
ference from the fetal nAChR is in substitution of the
for the -subunit, although functional, pharmacologic, and
PHARMACOLOGY OF NMBAS metabolic characteristics are quite distinct. Mature nAChRs
have a shorter burst duration and a higher conductance to Na+ ,
The NMJ consists of the motor nerve terminus, acetylcholine K+ , and Ca2+ and are metabolically stable with a half-life av-
(ACh), and muscle end plate. In response to neuronal action eraging about 2 weeks. The two -, -, -, and / -subunits
potentials, ACh is released from presynaptic axonal storage interact to form a channel and an extracellular binding site for
vesicles into the synapse of the NMJ. Both the presynaptic ACh and other mediators as well. As mentioned previously,
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simultaneous binding of two ACh molecules to - and - sis of chemical structure: benzylisoquinoliniums and aminos-
subunits of an nAChR initiates opening of the channel and a teroids. Within each of these classes, the therapeutic agents
flow of cations down their electrochemical gradient. In the ab- may further be categorized as short-acting, intermediate-acting,
sence of ACh or other mediators, the stable closed state (a major or long-acting agents. The benzylisoquinolinium agents com-
function of / -subunits) normally precludes channel opening monly used in the critical care setting include atracurium,
[3]. cisatracurium, and doxacurium, whereas the aminosteroid
Adult skeletal muscle retains the ability to synthesize not agents include vecuronium, rocuronium, pancuronium, and
only adult, but also fetal (often called immature or extrajunc- pipecuronium.
tional)-type nAChRs. The synthesis of fetal nAChRs may be The nondepolarizing NMBAs are administered by the intra-
triggered in response to altered neuronal input, such as loss of venous route and have volumes of distribution (Vd s) ranging
nerve function or prolonged immobility, or in the presence of from 0.2 to 0.3 L per kg in adults.
certain disease states. The major difference between fetal- and A clinical relationship exists between the time to onset of
adult-type nAChRs is that fetal receptors migrate across the paralysis and neuromuscular blocker dosing, drug distribution,
entire membrane surface and adult ones are mostly confined to and ACh-receptor sensitivity. An important factor to consider
the muscle end plate. In addition, these fetal nAChRs have a is Vd , which may change as a result of disease processes. Cir-
much shorter half-life, are more ionically active with prolonged rhotic liver disease and chronic renal failure often result in an
open channel time that exaggerates the K+ efflux, and are much increased Vd and decreased plasma concentration for a given
more sensitive to depolarizing agents such as succinylcholine dose of water-soluble drugs. However, drugs dependent on re-
and resistant to nondepolarizing neuromuscular blockers. nal or hepatic excretion may have a prolonged clinical effect.
The functional difference between depolarizing and nonde- Therefore, a larger initial dose but smaller maintenance dose
polarizing neuromuscular blockers lies in their interaction with may be appropriate.
AChRs. Depolarizing neuromuscular blockers are structurally Alterations in Vd affect both peak neuromuscular blocker
similar to ACh and bind to and activate AChRs. Nondepolar- serum concentrations and time to paralysis. The pharma-
izing neuromuscular blockers are competitive antagonists. cokinetic and pharmacodynamic principles of commonly used
NMBAs are summarized in Table 25.1.
Atracurium is an intermediate-acting nondepolarizing agent.
Succinylcholine is the only depolarizing neuromuscular blocker Neuromuscular paralysis typically occurs between 3 and 5 min-
in clinical use. Its use is limited to facilitating rapid-sequence utes and lasts for 25 to 35 minutes after an initial bolus dose.
intubation in the emergency setting. Succinylcholine mimics the Atracurium undergoes ester hydrolysis as well as Hofmann
effects of ACh by binding to the ACh receptor and inducing a degradation, a nonenzymatic breakdown process that occurs
persistent depolarization of the muscle fiber. Muscle contrac- at physiologic pH and body temperature, independent of re-
tion remains inhibited until succinylcholine diffuses away from nal or hepatic function. Renal and hepatic dysfunction should
the motor end plate and is metabolized by serum (pseudo-) not affect the duration of neuromuscular paralysis. The neu-
cholinesterase [4]. The clinical effect of succinylcholine is a roexcitatory metabolite laudanosine is renally excreted. Lau-
brief excitatory period, with muscular fasciculations followed danosine is epileptogenic in animals and may induce central
by neuromuscular blockade and flaccid paralysis. The intra- nervous system (CNS) excitation in patients with renal failure
venous dose of succinylcholine is 1 to 1.5 mg per kg and of- who are receiving prolonged atracurium infusions. Atracurium
fers the most rapid onset of action (60 to 90 seconds) of the may induce histamine release after rapid administration.
NMBAs. Recovery to 90% muscle strength after an intra-
venous dose of 1 mg per kg takes from 9 to 13 minutes. Suc-
cinylcholine is also suitable for intramuscular administration, Cisatracurium
most frequently for the treatment of laryngospasm in pediatric
patients without intravenous access; however, there are several Cisatracurium and atracurium are similar intermediate-acting
limitations. First, the required dose is higher (4 mg per kg) nondepolarizing agents. A bolus dose of 0.2 mg per kg of
and time to maximum twitch depression is significantly longer cisatracurium usually results in neuromuscular paralysis within
(approximately 4 minutes). Second, the duration of action of 1.5 to 2.5 minutes and lasts 45 to 60 minutes. When compared
succinylcholine after intramuscular injection is prolonged. with atracurium, cisatracurium is three times as potent and
Potential adverse drug events associated with succinyl- has a more desirable adverse drug event profile, including lack
choline include hypertension, arrhythmias, increased in- of histamine release, minimal cardiovascular effects, and less
tracranial and intraocular pressure, hyperkalemia, malignant interaction with autonomic ganglia. It also undergoes ester hy-
hyperthermia, myalgias, and prolonged paralysis. Neuromus- drolysis as well as Hofmann degradation. However, plasma
cular blockade can persist for hours in patients with genetic laudanosine concentrations after cisatracurium administration
variants of pseudocholinesterase isoenzymes [5]. Contraindi- are five to ten times lower than those detected after atracurium
cations to succinylcholine use include major thermal burns, administration [7,8].
significant crush injuries, spinal cord transection, malignant
hyperthermia, and upper or lower motor neuron lesions. Cau-
tion is also advised in patients with open-globe injuries, renal Rocuronium
failure, serious infections, and near-drowning victims [6].
Rocuronium is the fastest onset, shortest acting aminosteroidal
NMBA. A bolus dose of 0.6 mg per kg usually results in neu-
NONDEPOLARIZING NMBAS romuscular paralysis within 60 to 90 seconds. It may be con-
sidered an alternative to succinylcholine for rapid-sequence
Nondepolarizing NMBAs function as competitive antagonists intubation (0.8 to 1.2 mg per kg), although, even with large
and inhibit ACh binding to postsynaptic nAChRs on the mo- doses, the onset of action is slower as compared to succinyl-
tor end plate. They are categorized into two classes on the ba- choline [9]. Rocuronium is primarily eliminated in the liver and
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TA B L E 2 5 . 1
Benzylisoquinolinium agents
Aminosteroidal agents
bile. Hepatic or renal dysfunction may reduce drug clearance desacetyl vecuronium, with 50% to 70% activity of the parent
and prolong recovery time. drug. Both vecuronium and its active metabolites are renally ex-
creted. There is potential for prolonged neuromuscular paraly-
sis in patients with renal dysfunction receiving vecuronium by
Vecuronium continuous infusion [10].
potential to induce tachycardia, hypertension, and increased also equally safe when compared with placebo and neostigmine
cardiac output. Pancuronium is primarily excreted unchanged [19].
(60% to 70%) in the urine and bile, whereas the remaining
30% to 40% is hydroxylated by the liver to 3-hydroxy pan-
curonium. It has 50% activity of the parent drug and is renally DRUG INTERACTIONS
eliminated. Renal dysfunction may result in the accumulation
of pancuronium and its metabolites [11]. A substantial number of medications commonly used in clin-
ical practice have the potential for interaction with NMBAs.
These interactions typically influence the degree and duration
Doxacurium of clinical effects through either potentiation of or resistance
to neuromuscular blockade. The most clinically relevant drug
Doxacurium is the most potent nondepolarizing agent avail- interactions with NMBA are discussed here and summarized
able, but it has the slowest onset (as long as 10 minutes). in Table 25.2.
It is practically devoid of histaminergic, vagolytic, or sym- Aminoglycosides and other antibiotics (e.g., tetracyclines,
pathomimetic effects. Doxacurium undergoes minimal hepatic clindamycin, and vancomycin) have the ability to potentiate
metabolism, and excretion occurs unchanged in both the urine neuromuscular blockade and prolong the action of nondepo-
and the bile, with significantly prolonged effects seen in pa- larizing agents through mechanisms including the inhibition
tients with renal dysfunction and, to a lesser extent, hepatic of presynaptic ACh release, reduction of postsynaptic recep-
disease [12,13]. tor sensitivity to ACh, blockade of cholinergic receptors, and
impairment of ion channels. Penicillin and cephalosporin an-
tibiotics do not interact with NMBAs and thus do not influence
the degree of neuromuscular blockade.
Pipecuronium Local, inhalational, and intravenous anesthetic and sedative
agents may potentiate neuromuscular blockade. Local anes-
Pipecuronium is structurally related to pancuronium and its thetics reduce ACh release and decrease muscle contractions
duration of action is 90 to 100 minutes, making it the longest through direct membrane effects, whereas inhalational anes-
acting NMBA. It is metabolized to 3-desacetyl pipecuronium thetics desensitize the postsynaptic membrane and also depress
by the liver, and both the parent compound and the metabo- muscle contractility.
lite are renally excreted. When compared with pancuronium, Cardiovascular drugs such as furosemide, procainamide,
pipecuronium has a longer duration of action, less histamine quinidine, beta-blockers, and calcium channel blockers have
release, and minimal cardiovascular effects [14]. the ability to potentiate neuromuscular blocking effects. The
role of the calcium ion in the release of ACh from vesicles into
the synapse has been well established, although the exact inter-
REVERSAL AGENTS action between calcium channel blockers and NMBAs remains
to be determined. Verapamil, a calcium channel blocker, has
The clinical effects of nondepolarizing neuromuscular block- local analgesic effects and direct skeletal muscle effects, but
ers can be reversed by acetylcholinesterase inhibitors (anti- its significance in drug interaction with NMBAs remains to be
cholinesterases). These agents increase the synaptic concentra- defined.
tion of ACh by preventing its synaptic degradation and allow Chronic antiepileptic therapy, specifically phenytoin and
it to competitively displace nondepolarizing NMBAs from carbamazepine, can increase the resistance to neuromuscular
postsynaptic nAChRs on the motor end plate. Because an- blocking effects, whereas the acute administration of pheny-
ticholinesterase drugs (e.g., neostigmine, edrophonium, and toin potentiates neuromuscular blockade. Chronic phenytoin
pyridostigmine) also inhibit acetylcholinesterase at muscarinic therapy appears to induce an upregulation of ACh receptors,
receptor sites, they are used in combination with the antimus- resulting in decreased postsynaptic sensitivity. Carbamazepine
carinic agents (e.g., atropine or glycopyrrolate) to minimize has been shown to induce resistance and shorten recovery times
adverse muscarinic effects (e.g., bradycardia, excessive secre- in combination with both pancuronium and vecuronium, pos-
tions, and bronchospasm) while maximizing nicotinic effects. sibly resulting from competition at the NMJ [4,20].
Typical combinations include neostigmine and glycopyrrolate
(slower acting agents) and edrophonium and atropine (faster
acting agents). The depth of neuromuscular blockade deter- MONITORING OF NMBAS
mines how rapidly neuromuscular activity returns [15,16].
Sugammadex is a new and novel agent (modified - Current guidelines recommend the routine monitoring of depth
cyclodextrin) that reverses rocuronium and other aminosteroid of neuromuscular blockade in critically ill patients [1]. It is
NMBAs by selectively binding and encapsulating the NMBA important to remember that NMBAs have no analgesic and
[16]. One of the advantages of sugammadex is the rapid re- sedative effect. Careful clinical monitoring of the patient for
versal of the profound neuromuscular block, induced by the signs consistent with inadequate sedation or analgesiasuch as
high dose of rocuronium needed for the rapid-sequence induc- tachycardia, hypertension, salivation, and lacrimationwhile
tion [17,18]an effect that is equivalent to, if not better than, receiving NMBAs is important. A recommendation to use mon-
the spontaneous recovery from succinylcholine. Hence, rocuro- itors such as the Bispectral Index or the Patient State Index
nium/sugammadex may prove to be an effective and safer al- to ensure adequate depth of sedation while receiving NMBAs
ternative to succinylcholine in cases of the difficult airway and seems plausible; however, more studies are needed to determine
contraindications to the use of succinylcholine. Sugammadex whether these monitors are reliable and cost-effective in the
is also useful as a reversal agent whenever the blockade is pro- critical care setting and whether they contribute to improved
found and there is an advantage for a timely reversal [18]. It outcomes [2123]. The modality of choice to monitor the depth
is approved for use in Europe, but not in the United States. of nondepolarizing neuromuscular blockade at present is train-
The nonapproval of the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) of-four (TOF) monitoring. To determine the depth of block-
was based on concerns related to hypersensitivity and allergic ade, four supramaximal stimuli are applied to a peripheral
reactions. However, a recently published Cochrane systemic re- nerve (ideally, the ulnar nerve to assess an evoked response
view concluded that sugammadex was not only effective but of the adductor pollicis muscle) every 0.5 seconds (2 Hz). Each
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TA B L E 2 5 . 2
Aminoglycosides Potentiate blockade; decreased acetylcholine release
Tetracyclines Potentiate blockade
Clindamycin and lincomycin Potentiate blockade
Vancomycin Potentiate blockade
Sedative/anesthetics Potentiate blockade
Cardiovascular agents
Furosemide Low doses: potentiate blockade; high doses:
antagonize blockade
Beta-blockers Potentiate blockade
Procainamide Potentiate blockade
Quinidine Potentiate blockade
Calcium channel blockers Potentiate blockade
Methylxanthines Antagonize blockade
Antiepileptic drugs Acute: potentiate blockade; chronic: resistance to blockade
Carbamazepine Resistance to blockade
Ranitidine Antagonize blockade
Lithium Potentiate blockade
Immunosuppressive agents
Azathioprine Mild antagonism; phosphodiesterase inhibition
Cyclosporin Potentiate blockade
Corticosteroids Potentiate steroid myopathy
Local anesthetics Potentiate blockade
Adapted from Buck ML, Reed MD: Use of nondepolarizing neuromuscular blocking agents in
mechanically ventilated patients. Clin Pharm 10(1):32, 1991.
stimulus in the train causes the muscle to contract, and fade viously outlined, immature receptors are not confined to the
in the response provides the basis for evaluation. To obtain NMJ proper, but can be found over the entire surface of skele-
the TOF ratio, the amplitude of the fourth response is divided tal muscle (Fig. 25.1). This will lead to increased sensitivity
by the amplitude of the first response. Before administration to depolarizing NMBAs and decreased sensitivity to nondepo-
of a nondepolarizing muscle relaxant, all four responses are larizing NMBAs. Furthermore, these changes in receptor dis-
ideally the same: the TOF ratio is 1 to 1. During a partial non- tribution and physiology put the patient at a heightened risk
depolarizing block, the ratio decreases (fades) and is inversely for succinylcholine-induced hyperkalemia. This is based on the
proportional to the degree of blockade [24]. fact that immature (fetal) and 7nAChRs are low conductance
Three prospective clinical trials have examined the ques- channels with prolonged opening times and significantly higher
tion whether the routine use of TOF monitoring in the ICU potassium efflux into the systemic circulation as compared to
will increase the cost-effectiveness and decrease the incidence mature (adult) nAChRs. Furthermore, succinylcholine is me-
of prolonged neuromuscular weakness. TOF monitoring for tabolized more slowly as compared to ACh, thus prolonging
vecuronium appears to improve the outcome and decrease the the open state of the immature receptors. Upregulation of
cost of therapy. However, these outcomes could not be demon- receptors during periods of immobilization has been described
strated for the benzylisoquinolinium agents, atracurium, and as early as 6 to 12 hours into the disease process. Therefore,
cisatracurium [2527]. it seems advisable to avoid succinylcholine in critically ill pa-
tients beyond 48 to 72 hours of immobilization and/or dener-
vation. In contrast, a reduction in the number of postsynaptic
ADVERSE EFFECTS OF nAChRs will result in resistance to depolarizing and increased
sensitivity to nondepolarizing NMBAs. For conditions asso-
DEPOLARIZING AND ciated with the potential for ACh receptor upregulation, see
Significant progress has been made in the recent past in our INTENSIVE CARE
understanding of the changes in regulation and distribution of UNITACQUIRED WEAKNESS
ACh receptors during a course of critical illness. The major-
ity of patients hospitalized in an ICU will undergo postsynap- ICU-acquired weakness (ICUAW) is a relatively new term used
tic upregulation of nAChRs due to immobility, upper and/or to describe all weaknesses developed in critically ill patients
lower motor neuron lesions, and/or pharmacologic denerva- after the onset of illness and in the absence of any identi-
tion (such as NMBAs and aminoglycoside antibiotics). As pre- fiable causes. ICUAW is further classified into three entities:
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critical illness polyneuropathy (CIP), critical illness myopathy risk of myopathy [31]. Furthermore, both methylprednisolone
(CIM), and critical illness neuromyopathy (CINM) [28,29] (See and hydrocortisone antagonize nAChRs, possibly potentiating
Chapter 180). These conditions occur in up to 50% to 70% the effects of NMBAs [32]. A differential diagnosis of weakness
of patients meeting diagnostic criteria for the systemic inflam- in ICU patients is presented in Table 25.4.
matory response syndrome as well as in patients immobilized
and on mechanical ventilation for more than a week [30]. They
manifest as limb weakness and difficulty in weaning from the Critical Illness Polyneuropathy
mechanical ventilator. Nondepolarizing muscle relaxants of
both classes, aminosteroids and benzylisoquinoliniums, have Electrophysiologic findings of CIP are consistent with a pri-
been associated with the development of these neuromuscular mary, axonal degeneration, resulting in reduction in ampli-
disorders [31]; however, the etiology appears to be multifacto- tudes of the compound muscle action potential and sensory
rial and includes alterations in microvascular blood flow in con-
ditions of sepsis/systemic inflammatory response syndrome and
TA B L E 2 5 . 4
the concomitant administration of corticosteroids [30]. There
is evidence suggesting that high-dose corticosteroids have di- WEAKNESS IN INTENSIVE CARE UNIT PATIENTS:
rect physiologic effects on muscle fibers, resulting in a typical ETIOLOGIES AND SYNDROMESa
myopathy with loss of thick-filament proteins. Atrophy and
weakness are observed primarily in muscles of trunk and ex- Prolonged recovery from neuromuscular blocking agents
tremities, and functional denervation of muscle with NMBAs in (secondary to parent drug, drug metabolite, or
conjunction with corticosteroid therapy seems to heighten the drugdrug interaction)
Myasthenia gravis
EatonLambert syndrome
TA B L E 2 5 . 3 Muscular dystrophy
GuillainBarre syndrome
CONDITIONS ASSOCIATED WITH THE POTENTIAL Central nervous system injury or lesion
UPREGULATION Steroid myopathy
Mitochondrial myopathy
Severe infection/SIRS Human immunodeficiency virusrelated myopathy
Muscle atrophy associated with prolonged immobility Critical illness myopathy
Thermal injury Disuse atrophy
Upper and/or lower motor neuron defect Critical illness polyneuropathy
Prolonged pharmacologic or chemical denervation Severe electrolyte toxicity (e.g., hypermagnesemia)
(e.g., NMBAs, magnesium, aminoglycoside antibiotics, Severe electrolyte deficiency (e.g., hypophosphatemia)
and clostridial toxins)
Adapted from Murray MJ, Cowen J, DeBlock H, et al: Clinical
NMBAs, neuromuscular blocking agents; SIRS, systemic inflammatory practice guidelines for sustained neuromuscular blockade in the adult
response syndrome. critically ill patient. Crit Care Med 30(1):142, 2002, with permission.
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TA B L E 2 5 . 5
1. Develop, use, and document a standardized approach for administering and monitoring NMBA
2. Use NMBA only after optimizing ventilator settings and sedative and analgesic medication administration
3. Establish the indications and clinical goals of neuromuscular blockade, and evaluate at least daily
4. Select the best NMBA on the basis of patient characteristics:
A. Use intermittent NMBA therapy with pancuronium, doxacurium, or other suitable agent if clinical goals can be met
B. If continuous infusion is required and renal or hepatic dysfunction is present, select atracurium or cisatracurium, and avoid
5. Use the lowest effective dose for the shortest possible time (<48 h if possible), particularly if corticosteroids are concomitantly
6. Administer adequate analgesic and/or sedative medication during neuromuscular blockade, and monitor clinically and by
bispectral array EEG if available
7. Systematically anticipate and prevent complications, including provision of eye care, careful positioning, physical therapy, and
DVT prophylaxis
8. Avoid the use of medications that affect NMBA actions. Promptly recognize and manage conditions that affect NMBA actions
9. Adjust NMBA dosage to achieve clinical goals (i.e., patientventilator synchrony, apnea, or complete paralysis)
10. Periodically (i.e., at least once or twice daily) perform NMBA dosage reduction, and preferably cessation (drug holiday) if clinically
tolerated, to determine whether neuromuscular blockade is still needed and to perform physical and neurologic examination
11. Periodically perform and document a clinical assessment in which spontaneous respiration, as well as limb movement, and/or
the presence of DTRs are observed during steady-state infusion and/or during dosage reduction/cessation. With deep blockade,
muscle activity may be present only during dosage reduction/cessation
12. Perform and document scheduled (i.e., every 48 h) TOF testing for patients receiving vecuronium NMBA and/or undergoing
deep neuromuscular blockade (i.e., apnea or complete paralysis), and adjust dosage to achieve one-fourth or more twitches.
If clinical goals cannot be met when one-fourth or more twitches are present during steady-state infusion, demonstrate
one-fourth or more twitches during dosage reduction/cessation. Consider TOF testing in all patients
DTR, deep tendon reflexes; DVT, deep venous thrombosis; EEG, electroencephalogram; TOF, train of four.
Modified from Gehr LC, Sessler CN: Neuromuscular blockade in the intensive care unit. Semin Respir Crit Care Med 22:175, 2001, with permission.
nerve action potential. Although several case reports have sug- ICU and hospital mortality in critically ill patients, CIP and
gested that NMBAs are causative agents in the etiology of this CIM appear to be important causes of increased morbidity dur-
disorder, prospective studies of CIP have not confirmed a cor- ing and after acute care hospital stay [37] (See Chapter 180).
relation between the use of NMBAs, steroids, and CIP [33].
It seems plausible, however, that NMBAs contribute to nerve
and muscle damage during a course of critical illness. Their
use should be avoided whenever possible until more prospec- SUMMARY AND
tive data demonstrating their safety in critically ill patients are RECOMMENDATIONS
available [34] (See Chapter 180).
Although there is currently insufficient evidence to demonstrate
an unequivocal link between the use of NMBAs and an increase
in morbidity and mortality in critically ill patients, it seems
Critical Illness Myopathy prudent to perform a careful riskbenefit analysis prior to the
administration of this class of drugs in the ICU setting. Indeed,
CIM can occur in association with, or independently from, a recent prospective, randomized study of patients in the early
CIP. A group of several myopathies of critical illness are now stage of the acute respiratory distress syndrome demonstrated
thought to be part of the same syndrome; these include acute that use of cisatracurium was associated with improved sur-
quadriplegic myopathy, critical care myopathy, acute corti- vival without an increase in ICUAW [38]. Nonetheless, more
costeroid myopathy, acute hydrocortisone myopathy, acute prospective data are needed to identify proper indications, se-
myopathy in severe asthma, and acute corticosteroid and lection of agents, and doses in the ICU setting. Concomitant use
pancuronium-associated myopathy [35]. The major feature of of drugs predisposing patients for the development of CIM-like
this syndrome is flaccid, diffuse weakness, involving all limb steroids and aminoglycoside antibiotics should alert the clini-
muscles and neck flexors, and often the facial muscles and di- cian for the increased risk of CIP/CIM in this setting. Succinyl-
aphragm. As with CIP, this can result in difficulty to wean from choline can subject patients who are immobilized with upper
the mechanical ventilator. The syndrome is more difficult to and lower motor neuron lesions or with burns to a markedly
diagnose than CIP, and diagnostic evaluations include electro- increased risk for succinylcholine-induced hyperkalemia, and
physiologic studies, muscle biopsy, and laboratory evaluations should be avoided in the ICU whenever possible. For recom-
(plasma creatine kinase levels). Again, there is no definitive ev- mendations for the administration of NMBAs to ICU patients,
idence suggesting that NMBAs are causative agents for this please see Table 25.5.
syndrome, but rather a component in a multifactorial etiology.
However, the incidence of CIP and CIM appears to be higher
in ICUs where these agents are more frequently used [36]. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
The question whether CIP and CIM increase hospital mor-
tality was recently addressed by Latronico et al. [37]. Although We thank Dr. Jerry D. Thomas and Dr. Greg A. Bauer for the
only limited data are available suggesting that CIP increases significant contributions to previous revisions of this chapter.
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cis atracurium besylate (51W89) and plasma laudanosine concentrations in comparison of train-of-four monitoring and clinical assessment during con-
health and chronic renal failure. Br J Anaesth 75(4):431435, 1995. tinuous ICU cisatracurium paralysis. Chest 126(4):12671273, 2004.
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anesthetized humans. Anesthesiology 81(5):11101115, 1994. best clinical assessment during continuous paralysis. Am J Respir Crit Care
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11. Reeves ST, Turcasso NM: Nondepolarizing neuromuscular blocking drugs ing and classifying intensive care unitacquired weakness. Crit Care Med
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A key difference between intensive care units (ICUs) and other of this vital measurement. Clinicians should understand the im-
hospital units is the level of detail with which patients are rou- pact of the thermometer type and the measurement site on how
tinely monitored. This careful monitoring alerts the health care to interpret the patients reported temperature.
team to changes in the patients severity of illnesshelping to
both diagnose disease and assess prognosis. Careful monitor-
ing also helps the health care team safely apply therapies such
as volume resuscitation, vasoactive infusions, and mechanical Indications for Temperature Monitoring
The Society of Critical Care Medicines Task Force on Guide-
This chapter deals with the routine, predominantly nonin-
lines recommendations for care in a critical care setting grades
vasive monitoring that is often done for many patients in ICUs.
temperature monitoring as an essential service for all criti-
It examines the indications for, the technology of, and problems
cal care units [3]. Critically ill patients are at high risk for
encountered in the routine monitoring of temperature, blood
temperature disorders because of debility, impaired control of
pressure, ECG rhythm, ST segments, respiratory rate, and oxy-
temperature, frequent use of sedative drugs, and a high pre-
gen and carbon dioxide levels. In addition, it reviews noninva-
disposition to infection. All critically ill patients should have
sive monitoring of tissue perfusion, with particular attention to
core temperature measured at least intermittently. Patients with
gastric tonometry, sublingual capnometry, and transcutaneous
marked temperature abnormalities should be considered for
oxygen and carbon dioxide monitoring.
continuous monitoring; patients undergoing active interven-
tions to alter temperature, such as breathing heated air or using
a coolingwarming blanket, should have continuous monitor-
MONITORING SYSTEMS ing to prevent overtreatment or undertreatment of temperature
When ICUs came into being in the late 1950s, nurses moni-
tored patients vital signs intermittently. Continuous measure-
ment was either unavailable or necessitated invasive proce-
dures. Now, however, nearly all routine vital signs can now Measurement Sites
be monitored accurately, noninvasively, and continuously. As
The goal of temperature measurements is generally to estimate
a result, patients now are monitored more intensively and con-
core temperaturethe deep body temperature that is carefully
tinuously in the ICU than in any other part of the hospital, with
regulated by the hypothalamus so as to be independent of tran-
the possible exception of the operating room.
sient small changes in ambient temperature. Core temperature
Over the past decades, the trend in monitoring systems has
exists more as a physiologic concept than as the temperature
been toward multipurpose systems that integrate monitoring
of an anatomic location. An ideal measurement site would be
of a variety of parameters. Multipurpose systems eliminate the
protected from heat loss, painless and convenient to use, and
need for multiple, freestanding devicesreducing clutter and
would not interfere with the patients ability to move and com-
improving workflow ergonomics at the bedside. These systems
municate. No one location provides an accurate measurement
also interface critical care information systems to provide more
of core temperature in all clinical circumstances.
efficient data management, quality improvement reports, and
in some cases prospective data-driven alerts.
Sublingual Temperature Measurements
Sublingual temperature measurements are convenient, but suf-
TEMPERATURE MONITORING fer numerous limitations. Although open-mouth versus closed-
mouth breathing and use of nasogastric tubes do not alter
Temperature changes in the critically ill are associated with temperature measurement [4], oral temperature is obviously
significant morbidity and mortality [1] (see Chapters 65 and altered if measured immediately after the patient has consumed
66)making it clinically important to recognize an abnormal hot or cold drinks. Falsely low oral temperatures may occur
temperature. In one surgical ICU study, rectal temperatures on because of cooling from tachypnea. Sixty percent of sublin-
admission were normal in only 30% of patients, were above gual temperatures are more than 1 F lower than simultane-
37.6 C in 38%, and were below 36.8 C in 32% [2]. An ab- ously measured rectal temperatures; 53% differ by 1 to 2 F,
normal temperature is frequently the earliest clinical sign of and 6% differ by more than 2 F. Continuous sublingual mea-
infection, inflammation, central nervous system dysfunction, surement is not generally practical. Sublingual measurement is
or drug toxicity. Unfortunately, the type of thermometer and best suited for intermittent monitoring when some inaccuracy
the site where the temperature is taken can affect the accuracy can be tolerated.
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Axillary Temperature Measurements great vessel and rectal temperatures [7,8]. Bladder temperature
under steady-state conditions is more reproducible than that
Axillary temperatures are commonly used as an index of core
taken at most other sites [7].
temperature. Although some studies indicate close approxima-
tion of the axillary site with pulmonary artery temperatures
[5], temperatures average 1.5 to 1.9 C lower than tympanic Central Circulation Temperature Measurements
temperatures [6]. Positioning the sensor over the axillary artery
may improve accuracy. The accuracy and precision of axillary ICU practitioners can measure the temperature of blood in
temperature measurements are less than at other sites [6], per- the pulmonary artery using a thermistor-equipped pulmonary
haps due in part to the difficulty of maintaining a good probe artery catheter. The temperature sensor is located at the distal
position. tip and can record accurate great vessel temperatures once the
catheter is in place in the pulmonary artery. Pulmonary artery
temperatures have generally been accepted as the gold standard
Rectal Temperature Measurements for accurate measures of core temperature, although readings
Rectal temperature is the most widely accepted standard of might be expected to differ from core temperature when heated
measuring core temperature in clinical use. Before a rectal ther- air was breathed or warm or cold intravenous fluids were in-
mometer is inserted, a digital rectal examination should be fused. However, this understanding may not be true in neuro-
performed because feces can blunt temperature measurement. surgical patients. A study in patients undergoing neurosurgical
Readings are more accurate when the sensor is passed more procedures with induced hypothermic circulatory arrest found
than 10 cm (4 in) into the rectum. Rectal temperature correlates that pulmonary arterial temperature measurement was not ef-
well in most patients with distal esophageal, bladder, and tym- fective in assessing core brain temperature with a correlation
panic temperatures [7]. Rectal temperatures typically respond coefficient of 0.63. A greater degree of correlation was found in
to induced changes in temperature more slowly than other cen- bladder temperature [15]. Inserting a central venous thermistor
tral measurement sites [8]. Reusable, electronic, sheath-covered specifically to monitor temperature is probably warranted only
rectal thermometers have been associated with the transmission when other sites are felt to be unreliable and accurate, rapid,
of Clostridium difficile and vancomycin-resistant Enterococ- continuous temperature measurements are critical to the pa-
cus, so disposable probes are generally preferred. tients management.
Thermocouples consist of a junction of two dissimilar met- changes in probe position can affect the accuracy of esophageal
als. The voltage change across the junction can be precisely measurements, so this mode is probably best used in patients
related to temperature. The measuring thermocouple must be undergoing active, aggressive temperature management in cen-
calibrated against a second constant-temperature junction for ters with substantial experience with the modality. Meanwhile,
absolute temperature measurements. In the range of 20 to rectal probes may be extruded or may be refused by patients.
50 C, thermocouples may have a linearity error of less than The third option, bladder temperature monitoring, is simplified
0.1 [18]. by the fact that most critically ill patients have an indwelling
Thermistors consist of semiconductor metal oxides in which Foley catheter. Monitoring the bladder temperature in these
the electrical resistance changes inversely with temperature. A patients requires only a thermistor-equipped catheter. Patients
linearity error of up to 4 C may occur over the temperature with a thermistor-tipped pulmonary artery catheter already in
range of 20 to 50 C, but this can be substantially reduced place require no additional temperature monitoring.
by mathematical adjustments and electrical engineering tech-
niques [18]. Semiconductors measure temperature by taking Patient Safety and Temperature Monitoring
advantage of the fact that the base-to-emitter voltage change is
temperature dependent, whereas the collector current of the sil- Therapeutic hypothermia is increasingly prevalent in ICU set-
icon resistor is constant. Thermistors are more sensitive, faster tings (Chapter 65]). Some devices used to induce hypothermia
responding, and less linear than thermocouples or semiconduc- are closed-looped systems. Since core temperature probes can
tors [18]. fail (for example, dislodgement of a rectal probe to a position
outside the patient), practitioners should consider monitoring
Infrared Emission Detection Thermometers core temperature from two sites when temperature is being
actively manipulated.
Tympanic Thermometers. Commonly used in a hospital set-
ting, infrared emission detection tympanic thermometers use
a sensor that detects infrared energy emitted by the core-
temperature tissues behind the tympanic membrane. Infrared
emissions through the tympanic membrane vary linearly with MONITORING
temperature. Operator technique is important: errors due to
improper calibration, setup, or poor probe positioning can sig- The first recorded blood pressure measurement occurred in
nificantly alter temperatures [19]. Measurements are most ac- 1733 andsomewhat surprisinglywas intra-arterial pres-
curate when the measuring probe blocks the entrance of ambi- sure monitoring. The Reverend Stephen Hales placed a 9-foot
ent air into the ear canal and when the midposterior external brass tube in a horses crural artery and found a blood pressure
ear is tugged posterosuperiorly so as to direct the probe to the of about 8 feet 3 inches. This was obviously not clinically ap-
anterior, inferior third of the tympanic membrane. Studies are plicable. In the mid-1800s, Carl Ludwig recorded the first arte-
mixed on whether tympanic thermometers provide accurate rial pressure waveforms, but it was not until 1881 that the first
core temperature measurements, ranging from a 4% clinically noninvasive blood pressure recordings were made. In 1896,
meaningful error rate [14] to a finding that 21% of tympanic Riva-Rocci developed and popularized the mercury sphygmo-
readings might result in delays in therapy for or evaluation of manometer, which was then adopted and disseminated at least
fever [20]. in part by Harvey Cushing. In 1905, Korotkoff developed tech-
niques for detecting diastolic pressure by listening for what are
Temporal Artery Thermometers. Infrared technology can also now called Korotkoff sounds. More clinical techniques of di-
measure temperature over the temporal artery. A probe is rect blood pressure measurement by intra-arterial cannula were
passed over the forehead and searches for the highest tem- initially developed in the 1930s and popularized in the 1950s
perature; some systems also scan the area behind the ear. An [22]. These measurements were soon accepted as representing
algorithm estimates ambient heat loss and blood cooling to true systolic and diastolic pressures.
calculate core temperature. The device is convenient, pain- Since that time, a variety of invasive and alternative indi-
less, and provides a rapid reading. Although one small study rect methods have been developed that equal and even surpass
of normothermic patients found good correlation with pul- auscultation in reproducibility and ease of measurement. This
monary artery temperatures [5], another study in patients with section examines the advantages and disadvantages of various
a broader temperature range found that 89% of measurements methods of arterial pressure monitoring and provides recom-
differed from pulmonary artery temperatures by more than mendations for their use in the ICU.
0.5 C, the amount the authors had specified a priori as clini-
cally significant [21].
Noninvasive (Indirect) Blood
Pressure Measurement
Selecting the Measurement Site
Providers can indirectly monitor blood pressure using a num-
The site used to monitor temperature must be an individualized ber of techniques, most of which describe the external pressure
choice, but certain generalizations can be made. When inter- applied to block flow to an artery distal to the occlusion. These
mittent temperature measurement is all that is clinically needed methods therefore actually detect blood flow, not intra-arterial
(e.g., in routine monitoring), or the consequences of inaccurate pressure, although one method describes the pressure required
measurement are low, rectal or sublingual measurement may be to maintain a distal artery with a transmural pressure gradi-
preferred. If less accuracy is required, tympanic, temporal, or ent of zero. These differences in what is actually measured are
axillary sites may be chosen. When more accurate measurement the major points of discrepancy between direct and indirect
is needed, bladder, esophageal, and rectal temperatures in gen- measurements.
eral appear to be most accurate and reproduciblealthough Indirectly measured pressures vary depending on the size of
rectal temperatures may lag behind other temperatures when the cuff used. Cuffs of inadequate width and length can pro-
the patients status is changing quickly [7,13]. However, routine vide falsely elevated readings. Bladder width should equal 40%
measurement of esophageal temperatures would necessitate in- and bladder length at least 60% of the circumference of the ex-
serting an esophageal probe in all patients. In addition, small tremity measured [23]. Anyone who makes indirect pressure
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measurements must be aware of these factors and carefully cultation. Pulse oximeters have been similarly used and corre-
select the cuff to be used. late well with other methods; the point at which a plethysmo-
graphic trace appears is taken as the systolic pressure [27].
Manual Methods
Automated Methods
Auscultatory (Riva-Rocci) Pressures
Automated indirect blood pressure devices operate on one of
The traditional way to measure blood pressure involves inflat- several principles: Doppler flow, infrasound, oscillometry, vol-
ing a sphygmomanometer cuff around an extremity and aus- ume clamp, arterial tonometry, and pulse wave arrival time.
cultating over an artery distal to the occlusion. Sounds from
the vibrations of the artery under pressure (Korotkoff sounds) Doppler Flow
indicate systolic and diastolic pressures. The level at which the
sound first becomes audible is taken as the systolic pressure. Systems that operate on the Doppler principle take advantage
The point at which there is an abrupt diminution in or disap- of the change in frequency of an echo signal when there is
pearance of sounds is used as diastolic pressure. This method, movement between two objects. Doppler devices emit brief
still commonly used in the ICU, yields an acceptable value in pulses of sound at a high frequency that are reflected back
most situations. Its advantages include low cost, time-honored to the transducer [28]. The compressed artery exhibits a large
reliability, and simplicity. Disadvantages include operator vari- amount of wall motion when flow first appears in the vessel
ability, susceptibility to environmental noise, and the absence distal to the inflated cuff. This causes a change in frequency of
of Korotkoff sounds when pressures are very low. Auscultatory the echo signal, known as a Doppler shift. The first appearance
pressures also correlate poorly with directly measured pres- of flow in the distal artery represents systolic pressure. In an un-
sures at the extremes of pressure [24]. compressed artery, the small amount of motion does not cause
a change in frequency of the reflected signal. Therefore, the
Manual Oscillation Method disappearance of the Doppler shift in the echo signal repre-
sents diastolic pressure [29].
When a cuff is slowly deflated and blood first begins to flow
through the occluded artery, the arterys walls begin to vibrate. Infrasound
This vibration can be detected as an oscillation in pressure
and has served as the basis for the development of several au- Infrasound devices use a microphone to detect low-frequency
tomated blood pressure monitoring devices. However, it also (20 to 30 Hz) sound waves associated with the oscillation of the
continues to be used in manual blood pressure measurement. arterial wall. These sounds are processed by a minicomputer,
The first discontinuity in the needle movement of an aneroid and the processed signals are usually displayed in digital form
manometer indicates the presence of blood flow in the distal [30].
artery and is taken as systolic pressure [25]. The advantages
of the oscillation method are its low cost and simplicity. The Oscillometry
disadvantages include the inability to measure diastolic pres- Oscillometric devices operate on the same principle as manual
sure, poor correlation with directly measured pressures [25], oscillometric measurements. The cuff senses pressure fluctua-
and lack of utility in situations in which Riva-Rocci measure- tions caused by vessel wall oscillations in the presence of pul-
ments are also unobtainable. Aneroid manometers may also satile blood flow [31]. Maximum oscillation is seen at mean
be inaccurate: in one study, 34% of all aneroid manometers in pressure, whereas wall movement greatly decreases below di-
use in one large medical system gave inaccurate measurements, astolic pressure [32]. As with the other automated methods
even when more lenient standards were used than those advo- described, the signals produced by the system are processed
cated by the National Bureau of Standards and the Association electronically and displayed in numeric form.
for the Advancement of Medical Instrumentation [26]. In the
same survey, 36% of the devices were found to be mechanically
Volume Clamp Technique
defectivepointing out the need for regular maintenance. Al-
though the manometers themselves can also be used for auscul- The volume clamp method avoids the use of an arm cuff. A fin-
tatory measurements, oscillometric readings probably provide ger cuff is applied to the proximal or middle phalanx to keep the
no advantage over auscultation in the ICU. artery at a constant size [33]. The pressure in the cuff is changed
as necessary by a servocontrol unit strapped to the wrist. The
Palpation, Doppler, and Pulse-Oximetric Methods feedback in this system is provided by a photoplethysmograph
that estimates arterial size. The pressure needed to keep the
Systolic pressures can be measured any method that detects artery at its unloaded volume can be used to estimate the intra-
flow in a distal artery as the blood pressure cuff is slowly de- arterial pressure [34].
flated. Palpation of the radial artery is the most commonly
used technique; it is most useful in emergency situations in
which Korotkoff sounds cannot be heard and an arterial line is
Arterial Tonometry
not in place. The inability to measure diastolic pressure makes Arterial tonometry provides continuous noninvasive measure-
the palpation method less valuable for ongoing monitoring. ment of arterial pressure, including pressure waveforms. It
In addition, palpation obtains no better correlation with direct slightly compresses the superficial wall of an artery (usually the
measurements than the previously described techniques. In one radial). Pressure tracings obtained in this manner are similar
study, variation from simultaneously obtained direct pressure to intra-arterial tracings. A generalized transfer function can
measurements was as high as 60 mm Hg [24]. Like other indi- convert these tracings to an estimate of aortic pressure [35].
rect methods, palpation tends to underestimate actual values to This method has not yet achieved widespread clinical use. One
greater degrees at higher levels of arterial pressure. Any method available system studied in ICU patients had approximately
which detects blood flow distal to a sphygmomanometer cuff one third of MAP readings which differed by 10 mm Hg
may be used in this fashion. Doppler machines are commonly compared with intra-arterial pressure measurements and was
used and may be particularly useful in situations where the associated with significant drift during the course of the study
pulse is not palpable or environmental noise precludes aus- [36]. However, more studies of a different system reported more
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accurate readings in patients undergoing anesthesia [37], in- of arterial catheters. Here, we discuss the advantages and dis-
cluding those with induced hypotension [38]. advantages of invasive monitoring compared with noninvasive
Arterial catheters contain a fluid column that transmits
Utility of Noninvasive Blood the pressure back through the tubing to a transducer. A low-
compliance diaphragm in the transducer creates a reproducible
Pressure Measurements volume change in response to the applied pressure change. The
volume change alters the resistance of a Wheatstone bridge and
Only four of the methods described previously (infrasound, is thus converted into an electrical signal. Most systems display
oscillometry, Doppler flow, volume clamp) are associated with the pressure in both wave and numeric forms.
significant clinical experience. Of these, methods that use infra-
sound technology correlate least well with direct measures of
arterial blood pressure [31,39]. Therefore, infrasound is rarely
Problems in Direct Pressure Monitoring
used in systems designed for critical care. System-Related Problems. Several technical problems can af-
Although they have not been consistently accurate, auto- fect the measurement of arterial pressure with the arterial line.
mated methods have the potential to yield pressures as accurate Transducers must be calibrated to zero at the level of the heart.
as values derived by auscultation. Commonly used oscillomet- Improper zeroing can lead to erroneous interpretation. Throm-
ric methods can correlate to within 1 mm Hg of the directly bus formation at the catheter tip can occlude the catheter, mak-
measured group average values [31] but may vary substantially ing accurate measurement impossible. This problem can be
from intra-arterial pressures in individual subjects, particularly largely eliminated by using a 20-gauge polyurethane catheter,
at the extremes of pressure. One study revealed as good a corre- rather than a smaller one, with a slow, continuous heparin flush
lation with directly measured pressures as Riva-Rocci pressures [49], although this may be associated with heparin-induced
have traditionally obtained [31]. Another study demonstrated thrombocytopenia [50]. Because movement may interrupt the
that mean arterial pressures determined by auscultation were column of fluid and prevent accurate measurement, the pa-
extremely close to those measured by automated devices [40]. tients limb should be immobile during readings.
When volume clamp methods using a finger cuff have been The frequency response of the system is a phenomenon not
compared with standard methods [41,42], these devices have only of transducer design but also of the tubing and the fluid
been found to respond rapidly to changes in blood pressure in it. The length, width, and compliance of the tubing all af-
and give excellent correlation in group averages. In one study fect the systems response to change. Small-bore catheters are
looking at a large number of measurements, 95% of all mea- preferable because they minimize the mass of fluid that can os-
surements using this method were within 10 mm Hg of the cillate and amplify the pressure [51]. The compliance of the
directly measured values [43]. Studies by Aitken et al. [42] system (the change in volume of the tubing and the transducer
and Hirschl et al. [41] demonstrated acceptable correlation of for a given change in pressure) should be low [51]. In addi-
volume clamp technique with systolic pressures measured di- tion, bubbles in the tubing can affect measurements in two
rectly. However, other studies have shown clinically significant ways. Large amounts of air in the measurement system damp
differences between the volume clamp technique and invasively the system response and cause the system to underestimate the
measured pressures in patients undergoing anesthesia [44]. pressure [52]. This is usually easily detectable. Small air bub-
One of the proposed advantages of automated noninvasive bles cause an increase in the compliance of the system and can
monitoring is patient safety. Avoiding arterial lines eliminates significantly amplify the reported pressure [51,52].
the risk of vessel occlusion, hemorrhage, and infection. Au-
tomated methods, however, have complications of their own. Arterial Catheter Infections. Recent data challenge the clas-
Ulnar nerve palsies have been reported with frequent inflation sical perception that that arterial catheters are less likely to
and deflation of a cuff [45]. Decreased venous return from the become infected [53] than central venous catheters. A prospec-
limb and eventually reduced perfusion to that extremity can tive cohort study examined 321 arterial and 618 central venous
also be seen when the cuff is set to inflate and deflate every catheters and found that arterial catheter colonization occurred
minute [45,46]. with similar incidence to central venous catheter colonization
In summary, automated noninvasive blood pressure forms [54]. Another recent study found similar results [55]. There
a major component of modern critical care monitoring. Oscil- is good evidence to support a link between the incidence of
lometric and Doppler-based devices are adequate for frequent catheter colonization and catheter related blood stream infec-
blood pressure checks in patients without hemodynamic in- tions [56]. Although one study suggested that full barrier pre-
stability, in patient transport situations in which arterial lines cautions did not reduce the incidence of arterial line infection,
cannot be easily used, and in the severely burned patient, in interpretation of this trial is complex [57]. Taken together, the
whom direct arterial pressure measurement may lead to an un- weight of evidence suggests that arterial catheters are an im-
acceptably high risk of infection [47]. Automated noninvasive portant potential source for infection in the critically ill patient
blood pressure monitors have a role in following trends of pres- and should be treated similar to central venous catheters in this
sure change [48] and when group averages, not individual mea- setting.
surements, are most important. In general, they have significant Finally, the location within the hospital where the procedure
limitations in patients with rapidly fluctuating blood pressures is performed is important as catheters placed in non-ICU loca-
and may diverge substantially from directly measured intra- tions may be associated with an increased risk of colonization
arterial pressures. Given these limitations, critical care practi- versus those placed in the ICU [54].
tioners should be wary of relying solely on these measurements
in patients with rapidly changing hemodynamics or in whom Site Selection. The radial artery is the most common site of ar-
very exact measurements of blood pressure are important. terial cannulation for pressure measurement. This site is acces-
sible and can be easily immobilized to protect both the catheter
and the patient. The major alternative site is the femoral artery.
Direct Invasive Blood Pressure Measurement Both sites are relatively safe for insertion [58,59]. The ulnar,
brachial, dorsalis pedis, and axillary arteries are also used with
Direct blood pressure measurement is performed with an intra- some frequency [60]. Mechanical complications such as bleed-
arterial catheter. Chapter 3 reviews insertion and maintenance ing and nerve injury are discussed in Chapter 11. How should a
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provider choose a site? Although there are a number of theoret- either absent or inaccurate, and do not require repeated in-
ical considerations about comparing blood pressures from one flation and deflation of a cuff. In addition, they provide easy
site to another, there is little data in critically ill patients. A sys- access for phlebotomy and blood gas sampling, and they may
tematic review of 19,617 radial, 3,899 femoral, and 1,989 ax- provide additional information about cardiac status. However,
illary cannulations found that serious complications occurred particular care should be taken with aseptic technique and line
infrequently (<1% of cannulations) and were similar between site maintenance, since the reported incidence of arterial line
the sites [60]. In 14 septic surgical patients on vasopressors, infection approaches that of central venous catheterization. Re-
radial pressures were significantly lower than femoral arterial gardless of the method used, the mean arterial pressure should
pressures. In 11 of the 14 patients, vasopressor dose was re- generally be the value used for decision making in most criti-
duced based on the femoral pressure without untoward con- cally ill patients.
sequences; after vasopressors were discontinued, radial and
femoral pressures equalized. The authors concluded that clin-
ical management based on radial artery pressures may lead to ELECTROCARDIOGRAPHIC
excessive vasopressor administration [61]. Similar significant
differences in systolic pressures between the radial and femoral MONITORING
sites were found in the reperfusion phase of liver transplanta-
Almost all ICUs in the United States routinely perform con-
tion, although MAPs did not differ [62]. However, another
tinuous electrocardiographic (ECG) monitoring. Continuous
somewhat larger observational study in critically ill patients
ECG monitoring combines the principles of ECG, which have
[63] found no clinically meaningful differences in blood pres-
been known since 1903, with the principles of biotelemetry,
sures between the sites. Although data are sparse, mean arterial
which were first put into practical application in 1921 [65].
pressure readings between the radial and femoral sites are prob-
Here we review the principles of arrhythmia monitoring, au-
ably interchangeable in many or most patients. There may be
tomated arrhythmia detection, and the role of automated ST
a preference toward using femoral arterial pressure readings
segment analysis.
in patients with vasopressor resistant shock, but this decision
ECG monitoring in most ICUs is done over hard-wired ap-
should be balanced by the risks of the femoral approach.
paratus. Skin electrodes detect cardiac impulses and transform
Should the risk of infection drive site selection? The data
them into an electrical signal, which is transmitted over wires
are mixed. Earlier work suggested that there was no differ-
directly to the signal converter and display unit. This removes
ence in infection rates between the femoral and radial sites
the problems of interference and frequency restrictions seen in
[60]. More recently, a prospective observational study of 2,949
telemetry systems. Although this comes at the cost of reduced
catheters in the intensive care unit found the incidence of
patient mobility, mobility is often not an immediate concern
catheter related blood stream infection was significantly higher
for this group of patients.
for femoral access (1.92/1,000 catheter-days) than for radial
access (0.25/1,000 catheter-days) (odds ratio, 1.9; p = 0.009].
Localized skin infections were also significantly increased in
femoral versus radial arterial catheters. In addition, femoral ar- Arrhythmia Monitoring in the ICU
terial catheter blood stream infections may have an increased
association with gram negative bacteria when compared to The American Heart Associations Practice Standards guideline
the radial site, similar to previous data from central venous considers continuous ECG monitoring a Class I intervention
catheters [64]. for all patients with indications for intensive care, regardless
of whether the patients primary admitting diagnosis related
to a cardiac problem [66]. Approximately 20% of ICU pa-
Advantages tients in a general ICU have significant arrhythmias, mostly
Despite technical problems, direct arterial pressure measure- atrial fibrillation or ventricular tachycardia [67]. There is also
ment offers several advantages. Arterial lines actually measure a substantial incidence of arrhythmia following major surgery
the end-on pressure propagated by the arterial pulse. In con- [68]. Although no studies address whether monitoring for ar-
trast, indirect methods report the external pressure necessary rhythmias in a general ICU population alters outcomes, this
either to obstruct flow or to maintain a constant transmu- monitoring is generally accepted and considered standard care
ral vessel pressure. Arterial lines can also detect pressures at [66]. In postmyocardial infarction patients, on the other hand,
which Korotkoff sounds are either absent or inaccurate. Arte- the data is compelling. Arrhythmia monitoring was shown to
rial lines provide a continuous measurement, with heartbeat- improve the prognosis of patients admitted to the ICU for acute
to-heartbeat blood pressures. In situations in which frequent myocardial infarction (AMI) many years ago [69]. It has been a
blood drawing is necessary, indwelling arterial lines eliminate standard of care in the United States since that time. Although
the need for multiple percutaneous punctures. Finally, analy- ventricular tachycardia and fibrillation after myocardial infarc-
sis of the respiratory change in systolic or pulse pressure may tion have declined in frequency over the years, they still occur
provide important information on cardiac preload and fluid in about 7.5% of patients [70]. Monitoring enables the rapid
responsiveness. detection of these potentially lethal rhythms.
faulty monitors [72]. Subsequently, monitors equipped with lead ECG from four recording electrodes and a reference elec-
built-in rate alarms that sounded when a preset maximum or trode. Good correlation has been demonstrated between the
minimum rate was detected proved inadequate because some EASI system and traditional 12-lead ECG in detection of ST
runs of VT are too brief to exceed the rate limit for a given segment deviation in acute myocardial ischemia and also in
time interval [71,73]. Ultimately, computerized arrhythmia de- analyzing cardiac rhythm [80]. Other proposed enhancements
tection systems were incorporated into the monitors. The soft- to continuous ECG monitoring include signal-averaged ECG,
ware in these systems is capable of diagnosing arrhythmias QT dispersion, QT interval beat-to-beat variability, and heart
based on recognition of heart rate, variability, rhythm, inter- rate variability [81]. Although associated with subsequent ar-
vals, segment lengths, complex width, and morphology [74]. rhythmic events, these have not yet reached common clinical
These systems have been validated in coronary care and general use.
medical ICUs [71,75]. Computerized arrhythmia detection sys-
tems are well accepted by nursing personnel, who must work
most closely with them [76]. Technical Considerations
As with any other biomedical measurement, technical problems
Ischemia Monitoring can arise when monitoring cardiac rhythms. Standards have
been devised to guide manufacturers and purchasers of ECG-
Just as simple monitoring systems can miss episodes of VT monitoring systems [82].
and ventricular fibrillation, they can fail to detect significant The possibility of electrical shock exists whenever a patient
episodes of myocardial ischemia. This is either because the is directly connected to an electrically operated piece of equip-
episode is asymptomatic or because the patients ability to com- ment by a low-resistance path. Electrical shocks would most
municate is impaired by intubation or altered mental status. commonly occur with improper grounding of equipment when
ECG monitoring systems with automated ST segment analysis a device such as a pacemaker is in place. Necessary precautions
have been devised to attempt to deal with this problem. to avoid this potential catastrophe include (a) periodic checks
In most ST segment monitoring systems, the computer ini- to ensure that all equipment in contact with the patient is at
tially creates a template of the patients normal QRS complexes. the same ground potential as the power ground line; (b) insu-
It then recognizes the QRS complexes and the J points of sub- lating exposed lead connections; and (c) using appropriately
sequent beats and compares an isoelectric point just before the grounded plugs [83]. Each hospitals biomedical engineering
QRS with a portion of the ST segment 60 to 80 milliseconds department should have a documented preventive maintenance
after the J point [77]. It compares this relationship to that of the plan for all equipment in the unit.
same points in the QRS complex template. The system must de- The size of the ECG signal is important for accurate recog-
cide whether the QRS complex in question was generated and nition of cardiac rate and rhythm. Several factors may affect
conducted in standard fashion or whether the beats are aber- signal size. The amplitude can be affected by mismatching be-
rant, which negates the validity of comparison. Therefore, an tween skin-electrode and preamplifier impedance. The combi-
arrhythmia detection system must be included in all ischemia nation of high skin-electrode impedance, usually the result of
monitoring systems. Standard systems can monitor three leads poor contact between the skin and electrode, with low-input
simultaneously. These leads are usually chosen to represent the impedance of the preamplifier can decrease the size of the ECG
three major axes (anteroposterior, left-right, and craniocaudal]. signal. Good skin preparation, site selection, and conducting
The machine can either display these axes individually or sum gels can promote low skin-electrode impedance. A high pream-
up the ST segment deviations and display them in a graph over plifier input impedance or the use of buffer amplifiers can also
time [77]. improve impedance matching and thereby improve the signal
Automated ST segment analysis has gained widespread pop- obtained. Another factor that affects complex size is critical
ularity among cardiologists. Since 1989, the American Heart damping, the systems ability to respond to changes in the in-
Association has recommended that ischemia monitoring be in- put signal. An underdamped system responds to changes in in-
cluded in new monitoring systems developed for use in the put with displays that exaggerate the signal, called overshoot.
coronary care unit [78]. In patients admitted for suspected An overdamped system responds slowly to a given change and
acute coronary syndromes, ischemia is both frequently silent may underestimate actual amplitude. The ECG signal can also
and strongly associated with adverse events after discharge be affected by the presence of inherent, unwanted voltages at
[66]. Although noting that no randomized clinical trials doc- the point of input. These include the common mode signal, a
ument improved patient outcomes when automated ST seg- response to surrounding electromagnetic forces; the direct cur-
ment monitoring is used to detect ischemia, the American Heart rent skin potential produced by contact between the skin and
Association recommends ST segment monitoring for patients the electrode; and a potential caused by internal body resis-
with a number of primary cardiac issues (for example, acute tance. Finally, the ECG system must have a frequency response
coronary syndromes), based on expert opinion. The guidelines that is accurate for the signals being monitored. Modern, com-
make no statement regarding ST segment monitoring for ICU mercially available systems have incorporated features to deal
patients [66]. with each of these problems.
found problems with RIPs estimation of lung volumes. No- cians and nurses who use pulse oximeters do not understand
tably, RIP must be calibrated against a known gas volume in or- their underlying fundamental principles [110]. This section re-
der to provide tidal volume estimates. This calibration is not al- views the essential technology involved in pulse oximetry and
ways accurate and may result in errors of >10% in 5% to 10% practical problems that limit its use.
of patients even in highly controlled circumstances [97,101]. In
mechanically ventilated patients, RIP had significant measure- Theory. Oximeters distinguish between oxyhemoglobin and
ment drift (25 cm3 /min) and imprecise volume estimates. Only reduced hemoglobin on the basis of their different absorp-
about two thirds of tidal volume estimates were accurate to tion of light. Oxyhemoglobin absorbs much less red (660
within 10% of the reference value [102]. nm) and slightly more infrared (910 to 940 nm) light than
In addition to displaying respiratory rate and percentage nonoxygenated hemoglobin. Oxygen saturation thereby deter-
change in tidal volume, RIP can provide asynchronous and mines the ratio of red to infrared absorption. When red and
paradoxical breathing measurements and alarms, which are infrared light are directed from light-emitting diodes (LEDs) to
common during early weaning and may be helpful in predict- a photodetector across a pulsatile tissue bed, the absorption of
ing respiratory failure [103]. The noninvasive nature of the each wavelength by the tissue bed varies cyclically with pulse.
tidal volume measurement may be helpful in patients in whom During diastole, absorption is due to the nonvascular tissue
technical problems or leaks make it difficult to directly measure components (e.g., bone, muscle, and interstitium) and venous
expired volume (e.g., patients with bronchopleural fistulas]. In blood. During systole, absorption is determined by all of these
addition, RIP can display changes in functional residual capac- components and arterialized blood. The pulse amplitude ac-
ity, which permits health care providers to assess the effect of counts for only 1% to 5% of the total signal [111]. Thus,
changing positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP). Providers the difference between absorption in systole and diastole is in
can determine the presence and estimation of the amount of theory due to the presence of arterialized blood. The change in
auto (intrinsic) PEEP by observing the effect of applied (ex- ratio of absorption between systole and diastole can then be
trinsic) PEEP on functional residual capacity [104], with the used to calculate an estimate of arterial oxygen saturation. Ab-
caveats noted earlier regarding possible inaccuracy of volume sorption is typically measured hundreds of times per second.
measurements. Signals usually are averaged over several seconds and then dis-
RIP systems are available with central station configura- played numerically. The algorithm used for each oximeter is
tions, which have been used in noninvasively monitored respi- determined by calibration on human volunteers. Most oxime-
ratory care units; these units have allowed ICU-level patients ters under ideal circumstances measure the saturation indicated
to be safely moved to a less-expensive level of care [105]. Com- by the pulse oximeter (SpO2 ) to within 2% of arterial oxygen
pared with impedance methods, RIP is more accurate and offers saturation [112].
a variety of other useful measurements but is less convenient Cooximeters perform measurements on whole blood ob-
and more expensive. tained from an artery or a vein. They frequently measure ab-
sorbance at multiple wavelengths and compute the percentage
Other Methods of oxyhemoglobin, deoxyhemoglobin, methemoglobin, and
carboxyhemoglobin (COHb) in total hemoglobin based on dif-
Although health care providers can also use pneumotachome- ferent absorption spectra. They are mostly free of the artifacts
ters, capnographs, and electromyography to accurately mea- that limit the accuracy of tissue oximeters and are regarded as
sure respiratory rate, these methods are not commonly used the gold standard by which other methods of assessing satura-
in the ICU. A pneumotachometer requires complete collection tion are measured.
of exhaled gas and, therefore, either intubation or use of a
tight-fitting face mask is not practical simply for monitoring. A Technology. Many manufacturers market pulse oximeters. Be-
second alternative, capnography, works exceedingly well as a cause of the variety of manufacturers, the numerous algorithms
respiratory rate monitor. Because it does not require intubation used, and the diverse patient populations studied, it is difficult
or a face mask, it can be a useful tool in many circumstances. to generalize the studies performed with one particular instru-
Capnography is discussed in more detail later. A third option, ment, with its specific version of software, in one defined group
surface electromyography of respiratory muscles can be used of patients, to critically ill patients in general. The reader should
to calculate respiratory rate accurately [106] but cannot detect always check with an oximeters manufacturer before general-
obstructive apnea or provide a measure of tidal volume. Elec- izing the following discussion to his or her oximeter and patient
tromyography works well in infants but presents difficulties in population.
adults, especially in obese adults and those with edema.
Recently, substantial research has focused on better ways Problems Encountered in Use. Because pulse oximeters are
to noninvasively monitor respiratory rate. All of these need ubiquitous, all ICU providers must understand their limita-
clinical validation in a critical care setting, but examples of tions. A meta-analysis of problems encountered in pulse oxime-
potentially emerging technologies include mechanical contact try trials found that severe hypoxemia, dyshemoglobinemia,
sensors placed in either patient beds or pillows, acoustical res- low perfusion states, skin pigmentation, and hyperbilirubine-
piratory monitoring, and photoplethysmography. mia may affect the accuracy of pulse oximeter readings [109].
Any process that affects or interferes with the absorption of
light between the LEDs and photodetector, alters the quality
Measurements of Gas Exchange of pulsatile flow, or changes the hemoglobin may distort the
oximeters calculations. Pulse oximeters should be able to ob-
tain valid readings in 98% of patients in an operating room
Pulse Oximetry or postanesthesia care unit [113]. Table 26.1 lists the problems
Clinical estimation of hypoxemia is exceptionally unreli- that must be considered in clinical use.
able [107,108]. Pulse oximeters measure the saturation of
hemoglobin in the tissue during the arterial and venous phases Calibration. Manufacturers use normal volunteers to derive
of pulsation and mathematically derive arterial saturation. pulse oximeter calibration algorithms. This creates three prob-
Meta-analysis of 74 oximeter studies suggests that these es- lems. First, manufacturers use different calibration algorithms,
timates are usually accurate within 5% of simultaneous gold which results in a difference in SpO2 of up to 2.7% between
standard measurements [109]. However, up to 97% of physi- different manufacturers oximeters used to measure the same
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SpO2 , saturation indicated by the pulse oximeter. Ambient light. Ambient light that affects absorption in the
660- or 910-nm wavelengths, or both, may affect calculations
of saturation and pulse. Xenon arc surgical lights [129], fluores-
cent lights [130], and fiberoptic light sources [131] have caused
falsely elevated saturation but typically obvious dramatic ele-
patient [114]. Second, manufacturers define SpO2 differently vations in reported pulse. An infrared heating lamp [132] has
for calibration purposes. Calibration may or may not account produced falsely low saturations and a falsely low pulse, and
for the interference of small amounts of dyshemoglobinemia a standard 15-W fluorescent bulb resulted in falsely low satu-
(e.g., methemoglobin or COHb). For example, if an oximeter ration without a change in heart rate [133]. Interference from
is calibrated on the basis of a study of nonsmokers with a 2% surrounding lights should be suspected by the presence of pulse
COHb level, the measured SpO2 percentage would differ de- values discordant from the palpable pulse or ECG, or changes
pending on whether the value used to calibrate SpO2 included in the pulse-saturation display when the probe is transiently
or excluded the 2% COHb [114]. Third, it is difficult, for eth- shielded from ambient light with an opaque object. Most man-
ical reasons, for manufacturers to obtain an adequate num- ufacturers have now modified their probes to minimize this
ber of validated readings in people with an SpO2 of less than problem. Studies report that ambient lighting has little or no ef-
70% to develop accurate calibration algorithms in this satura- fect on newer generation oximeters [134], although this varies
tion range. Most oximeters give less precise readings in this among manufacturers [135].
saturation range [115]. Unless better calibration algorithms
become available, oximeters should be considered unreliable Hyperbilirubinemia. Bilirubins absorbance peak is maximal
when SpO2 is less than 70%, although this may have little clin- in the 450-nm range but has tails extending in either direc-
ical impact since emergent intervention is usually required for tion [136]. Bilirubin, therefore, does not typically affect pulse
all SpO2 readings <70%. oximeters that use the standard two-diode system [136,137].
However, it may greatly interfere with the measurement of sat-
Measurement sites. Careful sensor positioning is crucial to ob- uration by cooximeters. Cooximeters typically use four to six
taining accurate results from a pulse oximeter [116]. Practition- wavelengths of light and measure absolute absorbance to quan-
ers can obtain accurate measurements from fingers, forehead, tify the percentage of all major hemoglobin variants. Serum
and earlobes. The response time from a change in the partial bilirubin values as high as 44 mg per dL had no effect on the
pressure of arterial oxygen (PaO2 ) to a change in displayed accuracy of pulse oximeters but led to falsely low levels of oxy-
SpO2 is delayed in finger and toe probes compared with ear, hemoglobin measured by cooximetry [136].
cheek, or glossal probes [117,118]. Forehead edema, wetness,
and head motion may result in inaccurate forehead SpO2 values Dyshemoglobinemias. Conventional (two-diode) pulse oxime-
[119]. Motion and perfusion artifacts are the greatest problems ters cannot detect the presence of methemoglobin, COHb, or
with finger or toe measurements. The earlobe is believed to be fetal hemoglobin. Fetal hemoglobin may confound readings
the site least affected by vasoconstriction artifact [120], but in neonates but is rarely a problem in adults. On the other
paradoxically the finger may give a better signal in times of hand, acquired methemoglobinemiaalthough uncommon
hypoperfusion [109]. is seen in routine practice, largely due to the use of methe-
moglobinemia-inducing drugs such as topical anesthetics
Fingernails. Long fingernails may prevent correct positioning [138]. Because methemoglobin absorbs more light at 660 nm
of the finger pulp over the LEDs used in inflexible probes and than at 990 nm, it affects pulse oximetry readings [139]. More-
therefore produce inaccurate SpO2 readings without affecting over, higher levels of methemoglobin tend to bias the read-
the pulse rate [121]. Synthetic nails have produced erroneous ing toward 85% to 90% [140]. COHb is typically read by a
results [112]. Adhesive tape, even when placed over both sides two-diode oximeter as 90% oxyhemoglobin and 10% reduced
of a finger, did not affect measured SpO2 [122]. Since pulse hemoglobin [141], resulting in false elevations of SpO2 . A gap
oximetry depends fundamentally on color, nail polish may between pulse oximetry and pO2 or cooximetrically measured
falsely lower SpO2 . In a 1988 study, blue, green, and black oxygen saturation may suggest elevated COHb levels, partic-
polish showed greater decreases than red or purple [123]. How- ularly in patients with smoke inhalation or potential carbon
ever, a 2002 study with a newer-generation oximeter did not monoxide poisoning [142]. Because COHb may routinely be
find this effect [124]. In addition, placing the probe sideways 10% in smokers, pulse oximetry may fail to detect significant
across the fingernail bed appeared to ameliorate any effect of desaturation in this group of patients. Oxygen saturation in
fingernail polish in one study [125]. smokers, when measured by cooximetry, was on average 5%
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lower than pulse oximetric values [143]. Hemolytic anemia by the oximeter may no longer reflect the presence of just arte-
may also elevate COHb up to 2.6% [144]. Because other eti- rial blood. In patients with severe tricuspid regurgitation, the
ologies of COHb are rare in the hospital and the half-life of measured saturation may be falsely low, especially with ear
COHb is short, this problem is unusual in the critical care probes [160].
setting except in newly admitted patients, patients with active
hemolysis, or those on COHb-inducing drugs such as sodium Indications. The Society of Critical Care Medicine considers
nitroprusside [145]. More recently, some pulse oximeters that pulse oximetry (or transcutaneous oxygen measurement) es-
use multi-wavelength technology have been able to successfully sential monitoring for all ICU patients receiving supplemental
report methemoglobin and COHb levels [146]. oxygen [161]. Unsuspected hypoxemia is common in critically
ill patients. Sixteen percent of patients not receiving supple-
Anemia. Few clear data are available on the effect of anemia on mental oxygen in the recovery room have saturations of less
pulse oximetry. In dogs, there was no significant degradation in than 90% [162]. In 35% of patients, saturations of less than
accuracy until the hematocrit was less than 10% [147]. In one 90% develop during transfer out of the operating room [163].
study of humans who had hemorrhagic anemia, there appeared Because of the high frequency of hypoxemia in critically ill pa-
to be little effect on pulse oximetry accuracy [148]. tients, the frequent need to adjust oxygen flow, and the unrelia-
bility of visual inspection to detect mild desaturation, oximeters
Lipids. Patients with elevated chylomicrons and those receiv- should be used in most critically ill patients for routine, con-
ing lipid infusions may have falsely low SpO2 because of in- tinuous monitoring. In one study that randomized more than
terference in absorption by the lipid [149]. This also affects 20,000 operative and perioperative patients to continuous or
cooximetry and may lead to spurious methemoglobin readings no oximetric monitoring, the authors concluded that oxime-
[150]. try permitted detection of more hypoxemic events, prompted
increases in the fraction of oxygen in inspired air, and signifi-
Hypothermia. Good-quality signals may be unobtainable in cantly decreased the incidence of myocardial ischemia but did
10% of hypothermic patients [151]. The decrease in signal not significantly decrease mortality or complication rates [164].
quality probably results from hypothermia-induced vasocon- Oximeters have been used in the ICU for reasons other than
striction. When good-quality signals could be obtained, SpO2 continuous monitoring. For example, oximeters may be help-
differed from cooximetry-measured saturation by only 0.6% ful during difficult intubations. Once desaturation occurs, at-
[151] in one series. tempts to intubate should be postponed until manual ventila-
tion restores saturation. Note, however, that oximetry is not
Intravascular dyes. Methylene blue, used to treat methe- helpful in promptly detecting inadvertent esophageal intuba-
moglobinemia, has a maximal absorption at 670 nm and there- tion because desaturation may lag significantly behind apnea
fore falsely lowers measured SpO2 [152]. Indocyanine green in preoxygenated patients [165]. Oximeters can be useful in de-
and indigo carmine also lower SpO2 , but the changes are mi- tecting systolic blood pressure (see arterial pressure monitoring
nor and brief [153]. Fluorescein has no effect on SpO2 [153]. earlier), and have been used in other clinical applications with
Because of the rapid vascular redistribution of injected dyes, varying degrees of success. Notably, a normal SpO2 reading
the effect on oximetry readings typically lasts only 5 to 10 min- should not be used to exclude pulmonary embolism [166].
utes [154]. Patent V dye, which is used to visualize lymphatics
in sentinel node mapping, confounds pulse oximetry, an effect Capnography
which may persist for more than 90 minutes [155]. Capnography involves the measurement and display of expired
PCO2 concentrations. This section reviews the technology, the
Motion artifact. Shivering and other motions that change the sources of difference between end-tidal PCO2 (EtCO2 ) and
distance from diode to receiver may result in artifact. Oxime- PaCO2 , and the indications for capnography in the ICU.
ters account for motion by different algorithms. Some oxime-
ters display a warning sign, others stop reporting data, and Technology. Expired PCO2 concentration is usually deter-
others display erroneous values. The display of a plethysmo- mined by infrared absorbance or mass spectrometry. The in-
graphic waveform rather than a signal strength bar helps to frared technique relies on the fact that carbon dioxide has a
indicate to providers that artifact has distorted the pulse signal characteristic absorbance of infrared light, with maximal ab-
and lowered the quality of the SpO2 reading. Newer genera- sorbance near a wavelength of 4.28 mm. A heated wire with
tion oximeters appear to have significantly less susceptibility to optical filters is used to generate an infrared light of appropri-
motion artifact than earlier models [156]. ate wavelength. When carbon dioxide passes between a focused
beam of light and a semiconductor photodetector, an electronic
Hypoperfusion. During a blood pressure cuff inflation model signal can be generated that, when calibrated, accurately re-
of hypoperfusion, most oximeters remained within 2% of con- flects the PCO2 of the tested gas.
trol readings [157]. Increasing systemic vascular resistance and A mass spectrometer bombards gas with an electron stream.
decreasing cardiac output can also make it harder to obtain a The ion fragments that are generated can be deflected by a
good-quality signal. In one series, the lowest cardiac index and magnetic field to detector plates located in precise positions to
highest systemic vascular resistance at which a signal could be detect ions that are characteristic of the molecule being eval-
detected were 2.4 L per minute per m2 and 2,930 dynes second uated. The current generated at the detector can be calibrated
per cm5 per m2 , respectively [158]. Warming the finger [159] or to be proportional to the partial pressure of the molecule being
applying a vasodilating cream [158] tended to extend the range evaluated.
of signal detection in individual patients. The oximeters ability The two techniques have different strengths. Mass spec-
to display a waveform and detect perfusion degradation of the trometers can detect the partial pressures of several gases simul-
signal was crucial in determining when the readings obtained taneously and can monitor several patients at once. Infrared
were valid [157]. techniques measure only PCO2 and are usually used on only
one patient at a time. The calibration and analysis time re-
Pulsatile venous flow. In physiologic states in which venous quired for mass spectrometry is significantly longer than with
and capillary flows become pulsatile, the systolic pulse detected infrared techniques. Infrared systems respond to changes in
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in dead space fraction and pulmonary perfusion, the relation- scutaneous values of oxygen and carbon dioxide are typically
ship of EtCO2 to arterial PaCO2 may change rapidly and unpre- 10 mm Hg lower [177] and 5 to 23 mm Hg higher [178] than
dictably. In one study of anesthetized, stable, generally healthy arterial values, respectively.
adults, PaCO2 could not be reliably determined from end-tidal However, local pO2 and pCO2 therefore depend not only
values [172]. In patients undergoing weaning from mechanical on global gas exchange, cardiac output, and oxygen content,
ventilation, EtCO2 was also shown to have no predictable re- but also on regional blood flow and oxygen delivery to the
lationship to PaCO2 [173]. Although end-tidal and arterial val- site of measurement. Under normal circumstances, oxygen de-
ues correlated well (r = 0.78) and rarely differed by more than livery far exceeds consumption. In critical illness, however, re-
4 mm Hg, changes in EtCO2 correlated poorly with changes gional hypoperfusion or inadequate regional delivery of oxygen
in arterial PCO2 (r 2 = 0.58]. Because of changes in dead space may occur for any number of reasons: hypotension, regional
and perfusion, arterial and end-tidal measurements at times vasoconstriction, low cardiac output states, anemia, vascular
moved unpredictably in opposite directions. Although theoret- occlusion, etc. If there is no flow to the region, there can be
ically attractive, the use of end-tidal carbon dioxide measure- no delivery of oxygen and no elimination of carbon dioxide
ments to evaluate changes in ventilation-perfusion mismatch by the vasculaturethus creating lower local pO2 and higher
in response to ventilator changes has failed to yield consistent local pCO2 than in the arterial circulation. When tissue is hy-
clinical benefits [174]. poperfused, local metabolism then further alters local pO2 and
Capnography has been helpful in the operating room in pCO2 . As cellular processes use available oxygen for the pro-
detecting air and pulmonary embolism as well as malignant duction of adenosine triphosphate (ATP), local pO2 falls. When
hyperthermia [167]. In these situations, the capnograph does these cells use ATP faster than they replenish it, they liberate
not provide a diagnosis; it records a change that, if limits are hydrogen ions (H+ ) and reduce local pH. (Alternatively, cells
exceeded, signals an alarm. The responsibility for accurately may produce lactic acid through the anaerobic metabolic path-
interpreting the subtleties of changes in the capnogram remains way.) These addition hydrogen ions are then buffered by tis-
the task of an experienced physician. sue bicarbonate, generating CO2 : H+ + HCO 3 H2 O3
H2 O + CO2. This increases local pCO2 above corresponding
Conclusions. Capnography is of limited use in the critically ill global/arterial values [179]. For these reasons, local pO2 and
patient. In any patient with changing cardiac output, fluctu- pCO2 therefore vary not only with global gas exchange, but
ating respiratory function, or chronic lung disease, it should also with local tissue perfusion.
not be used to replace PaCO2 monitoring. It has been used
to assess correct endotracheal tube placement (or inadvertent
extubation) and offers rapid information about the return of Gastric Tonometry
spontaneous circulation after cardiac arrest. It does, however,
monitor respiratory rate accurately and may be useful in some Gastric tonometry, probably the most commonly used of the
circumstances for that function. Capnography may be better three perfusion monitoring techniques discussed in this sec-
suited to the operating room, where its value is increased be- tion, assesses regional splanchnic perfusion based on the stom-
cause of its ability to help detect endotracheal tube malposition, achs mucosal pCO2 . The splanchnic circulation has several
air embolism, pulmonary embolism, and malignant hyperther- properties which make this region particularly useful to as-
mia, and where there is a highly skilled anesthesiologist imme- sess in critically ill patients. Early in the development of shock
diately available to interpret subtle changes in the capnogram. states, the splanchnic circulation vasoconstricts, shunting car-
diac output toward other core organs. Although this helps to
prevent circulatory collapse, it may also result in intestinal mu-
NONINVASIVE TISSUE cosal ischemiaincreasing the risk of gastric stress ulceration,
PERFUSION MONITORING mesenteric ischemia, and translocation of gut bacteria into the
systemic circulation [180]. The gut is particularly sensitive to
Bedside providers usually monitor tissue perfusion based on hypoperfusion and so may provide earlier warning of occult hy-
clinical signs such as skin temperature and capillary refill time. poperfusion than other vascular bedsleading some to liken
However, several noninvasive technologies provide quantita- it to a coal miners canary [181]. Gastric tonometry measures
tive data about overall or regional tissue perfusion. Unlike most gastric luminal pCO2 and estimates gastric intramucosal pCO2
of the other monitoring technologies described in this chapter, and pH (pHi).
clinical adoption of these techniques has been relatively lim-
ited and heterogeneous [175]. This section reviews three such Technical Considerations
technologies that measure local pCO2 or pO2 : gastric tonom- Development. Early measurements of visceral mucosal pH re-
etry, sublingual capnometry, and transcutaneous oxygen and quired operative implantation of monitors and focused on the
carbon dioxide monitoring. Measurements from each of these gallbladder, urinary bladder, and small bowel [182,183]. De-
techniques correlate meaningful clinical outcomes such as pa- velopment of silastic tubing [184]which is exceptionally per-
tient survival. meable to O2 and CO2 and confirmation that gases in tissue
equilibrate rapidly with fluid in the lumen of a hollow vis-
cus [185] allowed development of the modern gastrointestinal
Physiology: Why Regional pO2 and pCO2 tonometer.
Reflects Tissue Perfusion and Not Just
Global Gas Exchange Technique. The upper gastrointestinal catheter is inserted with
standard technique for nasogastric tube placement, and place-
At first glance, it would appear that measurement of pO2 or ment is confirmed radiographically. The stopcock is flushed
pCO2 in the skin, stomach, or tongue would reflect global gas with fluid to eliminate any trapped air, the balloon is filled to
exchange and might be used for noninvasive blood gas estima- the manufacturers specifications with fluid, and the tonome-
tion. In some cases, this is true. In healthy adults, for example, ter lumen is closed to the outside environment. The fluid is
transcutaneously measured pO2 and CO2 (PtcO2 and PtcCO2 ) allowed to equilibrate with the fluid in the lumen of the organ
accurately reflect PaO2 and PaCO2 [176]. The measured tran- being monitored, a process believed to require approximately
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90 minutes, although formulas are available to correct the val- quent randomized, controlled trial of 210 general ICU patients,
ues obtained with 30 to 90 minutes of equilibration [186]. reported in 2000, found no difference between intervention and
After adequate time for equilibration, the dead space (usually control arms [204]. In patients with a normal initial pHi, there
1.0 mL) is aspirated and discarded, and the fluid in the balloon was a nonsignificant trend toward increased 30-day mortality
is completely aspirated under anaerobic conditions. An ABG in the group treated based on pHi. One patient in the interven-
sample is taken simultaneously, and both samples are sent for tion group was excluded from analysis due to a conversion to
analysis. The pCO2 of the tonometer sample is measured di- comfort-measures-only status 5 hours after enrollment. A 2005
rectly. Providers can then calculate an arterial/mucosal pCO2 study randomized 151 trauma patients to pHi-driven therapy,
gap or, using the HCO3 of arterial blood and the modified splanchnic ischemia/reperfusion-based protocol, or usual care.
HendersonHasselbalch equation, pHi [187,188]. The authors found no significant differences in mortality, or-
An air-based tonometer has also gained popularity. This de- gan dysfunction, ventilator days, or length of stay. Analysis was
vice operates on the same principles as the saline-based tonome- intention-to-treat [205]. Other, smaller randomized trials have
ter, but automatically aspirates small amounts of air from a generally found no effect [206].
semipermeable balloon. This is substantially more convenient
than the saline-based device, and allows semicontinuous mea- Alternative Regional pCO2 Measurement: Sublingual Cap-
surement of gastric mucosal pCO2 . Results are generally similar nometry. Sublingual capnometry operates on the same fun-
to saline-based tonometry [189]. damental principles as gastric tonometry. A sensor is placed
under the tongue and CO2 diffuses across a semipermeable
Technical Limitations. Several issues may confound the clini- membrane into a dye, which fluoresces differently based on
cal use of gastric tonometry. Two of these apply only to saline- CO2 concentration. A fiberoptic cable transmits light of the
based tonometry. The fluid in the tonometer balloon requires appropriate wavelength and detects the resulting fluorescence,
90 minutes for full equilibration with the fluid in the stomach. which is proportional to CO2 concentration in the sensor [175].
In a rapidly changing patient, this time window may not be ap- Results from this technique correlate with gastric tonome-
propriately timely. In addition, manufacturers calibrate blood try [207] and patient outcome [208]. No randomized inter-
gas analyzers to measure pCO2 in blood, not saline. pCO2 mea- vention trials based on sublingual capnometry have yet been
surements in tonometer saline, therefore, may vary based on published. Although sublingual capnometry was entering non-
the blood gas analyzer used [190]. Other limitations apply to research clinical use, the manufacturer recalled the commer-
the general principle of measure gastric luminal pCO2 to es- cially available sublingual capnometry device in 2004 after an
timate mucosal perfusion. Tonometrically derived gastric pHi outbreak of Burkholderia cepacia related to contaminated sub-
can be affected by the acid-secretory status of the stomach. lingual probes [209].
In one study, mean gastric pHi was 7.30 in untreated normal
volunteers but 7.39 in a similar group treated with ranitidine Summary. Although gastric tonometry predicts many impor-
[191]. This was because the pCO2 in the gastric fluid of the tant clinical outcomes, high-quality data does not support
treated patients was 42 4 mm Hg, compared with 52 gastric-tonometrybased resuscitation. The Surviving Sepsis
14 mm Hg in the untreated group. The difference in carbon Campaigns 2004 guidelines for hemodynamic management
dioxide content of the fluid is thought to be due to production of septic shockrepresenting eleven international professional
of carbon dioxide by the conversion of secreted H+ and HCO3 societiesconcludes that these results make gastric tonometry
into water and carbon dioxide. Enteral feeding may also affect of interest largely as a research tool rather than as a useful
pHi reading. Tube feedings may lead to increased production clinical monitor for routine use [194]. Researchers are ac-
of carbon dioxide through the interaction of secreted hydro- tively investigating the use of sublingual capnometry, a similar
gen ions and HCO3 . Some suggest temporarily discontinuing technology, as a potential resuscitation endpoint.
tube feeds before doing pHi measurements [192], although the
pCO2 affect appears to diminish after 24 hours of continuous
feeding [193]. Finally, pHi is a calculated variable which uses Transcutaneous Oxygen and Carbon
the systemic arterial bicarbonate value; this probably does not
reflect regional perfusion [188]. The present consensus favors
Dioxide Measurement in Adults
the use of arterial-gastric pCO2 gap rather than pHi [189,194].
Transcutaneous measurements of the partial pressures of oxy-
gen (PtcO2 ) and carbon dioxide (PtcCO2 ) are frequently
Clinical Usefulness and Limitations. pHi correlates well with used for neonatal blood gas monitoring but have not gained
a number of clinically important endpoints. Changes in pHi widespread clinical acceptance in adult ICUs [175]. In adults,
during weaning from mechanical ventilation predict weaning similar to gastric tonometry, PtcO2 and PtcCO2 reflect local
failure [195]. Intraoperative and postoperative cardiac surgery tissue oxygen and carbon dioxide levels and therefore blur the
patients have been particularly well studied, and in that group boundary between assessment of global gas exchange and re-
gastric pHi appears to predict complications well [196,197]. gional tissue perfusion monitoring. More recently, measure-
Most importantly, pHi predicts mortality in septic [198], ments of transcutaneous hemoglobin oxygen saturation (StO2 )
acutely injured [199], and general ICU patients [200]. have entered the research and clinical realms.
For a diagnostic tool to be therapeutically useful, however, This section refers only to transcutaneous monitoring in
we must be able to act on its results in a way that improves adults.
patient outcome [201]. Therapeutic protocols based on gastric
tonometry have produced conflicting results. A randomized,
controlled trial of 260 ICU patients, reported in 1992, found
that gastric pHi-based therapy had no effect on mortality of Oxygen and carbon dioxide diffuse out of the capillaries, into
patients with a low admission pHi but was associated with re- the interstitium, and through the skin. The skin usually resists
duced mortality in patients with a normal admission pHi [202]. O2 and CO2 diffusion, but heating the skin promotes diffu-
However, interpretation of this finding is severely limited be- sion by changing the structure of the stratum corneum, shifting
cause the authors did not analyze the results in an intention-to- the oxygen dissociation curve, and promoting arterialization of
treat fashion, thus abandoning many of the benefits of random- dermal capillaries [175]. Transcutaneous systems take advan-
ization [203], and 21 patients were withdrawn from the study tage of these properties to measure partial pressures of oxygen
due to protocol noncompliance by treating physicians. A subse- (PtcO2 ) and carbon dioxide (PtcCO2 ). Typically, a unit less
P1: OSO/OVY P2: OSO/OVY QC: OSO/OVY T1: OSO Printer: Prepress
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than 1 inch in diameter is attached with an airtight seal to the sion and metabolism may cause PtcO2 values to fall to zero
skin with an adhesive. An electrode heats the skin to improve and PtcCO2 values to climb to more than 30 mm Hg above
gas exchange; a temperature sensor measures skin temperature arterial values [212]. During cardiac decompensation and ar-
at the skin surface and adjusts the heater to provide a con- rest, PtcO2 correlates best with cardiac output [215]. In hem-
stant temperaturetypically about 44 C. Oxygen and carbon orrhagic shock, the ratio of PtCO2 to PaO2 decreases, even
dioxide diffuse out of the capillaries into the interstitium and though PaO2 may remain normal [216]. Because the measure-
through the skin to measuring electrodes. ments are very sensitive to changes in flow, they can be useful
in predicting or warning of imminent change before a blood
Technical Limitations pressure response is seen. In a small series of high-risk perioper-
ative patients, declines in the PtCO2 /PaO2 ratio predicted sub-
Because units use electrodes for partial pressure measurement,
sequent hemodynamic collapse [217]. Transcutaneous PtcO2
problems with calibration and electrode drift during prolonged
also correlates with mortality. In emergency department pa-
monitoring can clearly alter measurements. Drift may alter
tients with severe sepsis or septic shock, PtcO2 was lower in
readings by up to 12% over a 2-hour period [210]. Because of
nonsurvivors than survivors [218]. In trauma patients, PtcO2
the heating requirement, probe sites must be changed at least
values were significantly higher in survivors than nonsurvivors
every 4 hours to prevent burns [211]. Units must be recalibrated
( p < 0.001) with an area under the receiver operating char-
whenever the probe temperature is changed and every 4 to
acteristics curve of 0.74 for predicting in-hospital mortality
6 hours to prevent artifact from electrode drift. Many units take
15 to 60 minutes to warm the skin and establish stable readings.
Probes must be firmly attached to the skin, or leaks from the
surrounding atmosphere lower PtcCO2 and alter PtcO2 values.
Ongoing Development
Adhesion is a problem in diaphoretic patients. More recent work has focused on the use of near-infrared
Thick or edematous skin provides a diffusion barrier that spectroscopy to measure tissue hemoglobin oxygen satura-
amplifies differences between arterial and transcutaneous pO2 tion. This technique, rather than quantifying partial pres-
and pCO2 . The longer the distance the gases must diffuse to sures of oxygen, instead measures the percent of microvascular
be measured, the more important are the effects of temper- hemoglobin saturated with oxygen. It has shown clinical cor-
ature, perfusion, and local metabolism. This appears to be relations with invasive hemodynamic measures in sepsis [220]
the fundamental reason why transcutaneous measurements are and severity of shock in trauma [221]. Further research is re-
usually more closely related to arterial values in neonates than quired to define the role of StO2 as a potential resuscitation
in adults. Edema, burns, abrasions, or scleroderma would all endpoint.
be expected to alter transcutaneous values.
Clinical Usefulness and Limitations
Transcutaneous monitors have little role in the ICU as simple
Because PtcO2 and PtcCO2 reflect local pO2 and pCO2 , they tools to replace other means of measuring arterial gas. They
change in response both to regional perfusion/oxygen deliv- predictably reflect arterial pO2 and pCO2 values only in hemo-
ery and to global derangements. In stable, healthy adults with- dynamically stable patients, who are least likely to demand in-
out hemodynamic or respiratory instability, PtcO2 and PtcCO2 tensive care or to benefit from ICU monitoring. As monitors of
accurately reflect PaO2 and PaCO2 [176,210]. The measured trends in PCO2 and PO2 , they can be regarded as effective only
transcutaneous values of oxygen and carbon dioxide are typi- in the sense that they typically do not produce false-negative
cally 10 mm Hg lower [177] and 5 to 23 mm Hg higher [212] alarmsthat is, if the arterial values change, the transcuta-
than arterial values, respectively. In stable patients, it may be neous values reflect the change. So many other factors, such as
reasonable to use transcutaneously measured values as surro- changes in tissue edema and perfusion, may result in alterations
gates for arterial pO2 and pCO2 . However, systemic hypoper- in transcutaneous trends that the supervising staff can initially
fusion due to low cardiac output, regional hypoperfusion due determine only that something has changed. An accurate inter-
to sepsis or shock, and local hypoperfusion due to cutaneous pretation of the clinical event usually requires reassessment of
vasoconstriction caused by medication or cold produces dis- either cardiac status or arterial gases.
crepancies. In these cases, transcutaneous measurements cease Therefore, transcutaneous monitors are inadequate cardiac
to reflect arterial values and better track oxygen delivery and monitors and inadequate pulmonary monitors but are good
tissue metabolism [213]. For these reasons, many authors have cardiopulmonary monitors. When perfusion is stable, values
argued against relying on PtcO2 and PtcCO2 to estimate arte- reflect gas exchange. When gas exchange is stable, values
rial pO2 and pCO2 in critically ill adults [213,214]. reflect perfusion. When both are unstable, the results can-
Several studies have demonstrated the value of transcuta- not be interpreted without additional information. The use
neous oxygen measurements as indices of perfusion or oxygen of near infrared spectroscopy to measure tissue hemoglobin
delivery. When PaO2 remains constant, a decrease in PtcO2 is oxygenationStO2 is a promising development, but one that
probably due to changes in perfusion. Changes in local perfu- requires further clinical study.
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oxygen monitoring during respiratory failure, cardiac decompensation,
perfusion as surrogates for CO. The goal of this research has cal usefulness of others is still unclear (partial carbon dioxide
been to develop feasible minimally invasive techniques that rebreathing).
provide accurate measurements in the ICU patient. In some
cases, these studies have focused on adapting monitoring tech-
nology that is already routinely used in this patient population. Esophageal Doppler
In this chapter, we focus on several emerging technologies
being used to determine CO and tissue perfusion in the ICU.
The methods of Doppler echocardiography, pulse contour anal-
ysis, partial carbon dioxide rebreathing, and gastric tonometry To date, the esophageal Doppler (ED) has been one of the
represent the modalities best studied to date. Consideration most rigorously studied noninvasive CO measurement modal-
will also be given to new and developing methods such as sub- ities. Side et al. described ED in 1971 and it was later refined
lingual capnometry and biomarkers. Given its known limita- by Singer et al. [25,26]. This technique uses a Doppler probe
tions in critically ill patients, thoracic bioimpedance will not placed in the esophagus to measure blood flow in the descend-
be discussed in detail in this chapter. We will conclude with a ing thoracic aorta. The ED uses the Doppler Shift principle,
summary of practice recommendations and future directions. which implies that when a transmitted sound wave is impeded
by a structure, the reflected sound wave will vary in a frequency
dependent manner with the structures characteristics. In the
CARDIAC OUTPUT case of a fluid filled tube, such as the aorta, the magnitude
of Doppler shift will vary in direct proportion to the veloc-
CO is the amount of blood flow through the cardiovascular ity of flow in the tube (Fig. 27.1). Thus, the reflected sound
system over a period of time. Traditionally, it is reported in wave can be used to determine flow velocity in the descending
liters per minute and can be normalized for body surface area aorta. Multiplying this flow velocity by the ejection time and
to provide the cardiac index. In the normal subject, CO is di- the cross-sectional area of the aorta provides an estimate of
rectly related to a subjects metabolic rate and oxygen con- the stroke volume (SV). As this measurement does not account
sumption (VO2 ). The fundamental principles of CO will be for the component of total stroke volume that travels to the
described in more detail elsewhere in this text. The therapy for coronary, carotid, and subclavian arteries, a correction factor
a hypotensive patient with diminished CO (cardiogenic shock) must be applied to estimate the total SV. CO is then calculated
is fundamentally different from the therapy for a patient with by multiplying corrected stroke volume by the heart rate. The
diminished vascular tone (distributive shock). Therefore, an original versions of the ED system provided only Doppler shift
accurate knowledge of these variables is vital to the effective data; therefore, the cross-sectional area of the aorta was esti-
treatment of hypotension. The systemic vascular resistance is mated from a nomogram based on a patients height, weight,
calculated from the ratio of pressure gradient (mean arterial and age. Subsequently, a combined Doppler and ultrasound
pressure minus central venous pressure) to flow rate (CO). This probe has been introduced to provide estimates of both aortic
formula assumes an Ohmic resistor (i.e., one with a linear pres- flow velocity and cross-sectional area [27]. The descending aor-
sure flow relationship). Because a fall in systemic vascular re- tic cross-sectional area measured by this model correlated very
sistance could represent a decrease in blood pressure or a rise well with that measured by transesophageal echocardiography.
in CO, we favor the use of the primary measured variables in In addition, aortic blood flow measured with this model was
hemodynamic assessments. We would also suggest caution in well correlated with CO as measured by thermodilution [27].
the interpretation of changes in systemic vascular resistance Beyond providing an estimate of CO, ED systems can pro-
in isolation, without consideration for underlying mechanism vide information about the preload and the contractility of
(e.g., changes in CO). the heart. Singer et al. analyzed the flow-velocity waveform de-
Traditionally, a number of techniques have been used for rived from an ED system and discovered that the corrected flow
the assessment of cardiac function. Jugular venous pulsations, time (FTc ) correlated with preload [26,28] (Fig. 27.2). These
S3 gallop, and skin temperature have all been used to esti- studies further demonstrated that as preload was increased or
mate CO with mixed results [1618]. The pulmonary artery
occlusion pressure (PAOP) and central venous pressure (CVP)
have also been used as surrogates for left and right ventricular
function, respectively. The PAOP is commonly used to estab- Esophagus
lish the diagnosis of left heart failure in the hypotensive patient
and is often used to guide resuscitation. Magder et al. demon-
strated that the CVP could provide useful information about Probe
the volume status of critically ill patients [19,20]. Because the
majority of the blood volume is in the systemic veins, and the Aorta
right ventricle is the major determinant of CO, some would
Blood flow
argue that the CVP should receive more attention as the focus
of hemodynamic resuscitation protocols [21]. Unfortunately,
PAOP and CVP only represent the end-diastolic pressures of
their respective chambers. These variables do not always ac-
curately translate into systolic function and CO. In addition,
invasive assessment of PAOP [22,23] and clinical assessment of
CVP [24] have been notoriously difficult to assess accurately
and reliably.
Over the last few decades, considerable research has been
devoted to the accurate measurement of CO by minimally in-
vasive means. At present, there exist several modalities that
are able to provide estimates of CO on a continuous or near- FIGURE 27.1. Esophageal Doppler probe using the Doppler Shift
continuous basis. As described later, some have been estab- principle. Transmitted ultrasound waves are reflected back at vary-
lished enough to warrant increasing use in clinical settings ing frequencies, which depend on the velocity of flow of the red blood
(esophageal Doppler, pulse contour analysis) while the clini- cells they encounter.
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decreased, the corrected flow time increased or decreased, re- probe can be placed in minutes and has been associated with a
spectively [26,28]. It is not clear, however, if following trends low incidence of major iatrogenic complications [3739]. Some
in FTc in response to volume loading is superior to following data suggest that once inserted, an esophageal probe can be left
trends to SV [29]. Wallmeyer et al. described a correlation be- in situ safely for more than 2 weeks [40]. One study determined
tween the peak velocity measured by Doppler and contractil- that the training required to become proficient in the use of ED
ity measured by electromagnetic catheter measured flow [30]. consisted of no more than 12 patients [41]. Furthermore, as the
Singer et al. further substantiated this finding by demonstrat- esophagus is a nonsterile environment, it is logical to assume
ing that dobutamine infusions increased peak flow velocities that the infectious risk of ED probe use is less than that of a
measured by an ED system in a dose-dependent fashion [31]. PAC placed percutaneously.
These observations suggest that an experienced operator may There are also technical disadvantages to the ED system.
be able to extrapolate useful hemodynamic parameters beyond One is the high up-front cost of the system itself as compared
the CO, through careful data synthesis. to the PAC apparatus. This cost may represent a very real lim-
itation in the number of systems that a facility can purchase
and maintain. This financial obstacle must be balanced with
Clinical Utility
the likelihood that multiple patients would have need of this
The clinical usefulness of the ED system is still being deter- system simultaneously, which would necessitate multiple sys-
mined. The majority of recent studies that have compared this tems. Another disadvantage of this system is that it can only
system to the gold standard of thermodilution have been per- be used in the intubated patient. Although a large percentage
formed in either intraoperative or postoperative settings and of critically ill and/or surgical patients who would benefit from
have revealed mixed results. One single-center study of 35 pa- this system fit this criterion, the nonintubated patient would
tients that compared ED measurements of CO to simultane- be more problematic. Additional concerns would include the
ous measurements of CO by thermodilution during off-pump likely need for repositioning or recalibration in the ICU patient.
coronary artery bypass graft showed very poor correlation be- Though surgical patients are often immobile, ICU patients are
tween the two techniques [32]. Other studies, including a meta- often repositioned frequently to prevent skin breakdown or to
analysis of 11 trials, have shown that ED systems are better at facilitate improved oxygenation. Such movements will increase
following changes in CO in response to fluid challenges than the chance of probe position changes that will require frequent
they are at measuring the absolute CO [3335]. The authors calibration and repositioning. Finally, Roeck et al. suggested
of the meta-analysis also made an important point when dis- that there is significant interobserver variability when measur-
cussing the reliability of comparing ED systems to thermodilu- ing changes in stroke volume in response to fluid challenges
tion. They argued that the poor reproducibility inherent in the with ED [35]. Poor reproducibility may limit the utility of this
thermodilution technique will likely affect the limits of agree- system.
ment between ED systems and thermodilution even if ED sys-
tems were reliable [33]. This concept was described by Bland Future Research
and Altman [36] and has important implications when com-
paring the accuracy of absolute CO measured by any system As the ED is used more widely, outcome data will be crucial. To
when compared to thermodilution. date, the majority of research has focused on the techniques va-
lidity and feasibility. One notable study which compared intra-
operative ED use with conventional monitoring during femoral
Advantages and Disadvantages neck fracture repair found a faster recovery time and signifi-
While comparing ED systems to thermodilution, technical ad- cantly shorter hospital stay in the ED group [42]. Similarly,
vantages and disadvantages deserve consideration (Table 27.1). Gan et al. demonstrated in a prospective randomized trial of
One advantage of the ED system is that it is continuous. Unlike patients undergoing major elective surgery that stroke volume
the traditional bolus thermodilution techniques, an ED system optimization using ED shortened hospital length of stay and
can continuously display CO, which allows earlier recognition resumption of PO intake as compared to conventional intra-
of hemodynamic deterioration or improvement in system re- operative care [43]. This latter finding may be due to less gut
sponsiveness to a therapeutic intervention. In addition, an ED hypoperfusion which has also been demonstrated with the use
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of ED [44]. A recent meta-analysis of nine trials of periopera- is used for calibration, a PAC is not necessary. When compared
tive ED use also found improvements in length of stay as well with pulmonary artery thermodilution, the arterial thermodi-
as time to resuming an oral diet [45]. lution method was found to be accurate, implying that it is an
Although the above-mentioned data suggest that periopera- acceptable method for calibration of a PCA system [4951].
tive outcomes are improved with the use of ED, there are no ro- More recently, a novel PCA system known as the Flotrac
bust parallel data for nonoperative ICU patients. The ultimate (Edwards Lifesciences, LLC, Irvine, CA) has been introduced.
use of ED will depend on further outcome data, availability of It is designed to autocalibrate on a continuous basis. It cal-
equipment and local experience and expertise. culates stroke volume using a general equation: SV = K pul-
satility, where K is a constant including arterial compliance
and vascular resistance [54]. This constant is initially derived
Pulse Contour Analysis by patient variables such as height, weight, sex, and age by
using a method described by Langewouters et al. [55] and is
subsequently adjusted once per minute using arterial waveform
Background characteristics. Pulsatility is determined by analyzing the stan-
Pulse Contour Analysis (PCA) is another modality for measur- dard deviation of the arterial pressure waveform over preceding
ing CO noninvasively that has been extensively studied. This 20-second intervals. Thus, the variables used to calculate SV
method relies on the theory, first described by Frank in the early are updated at least once per minute. This algorithm offers the
part of the twentieth century, that SV and CO can be derived advantage of not needing an alternative method for calculating
from the characteristics of an aortic pressure waveform [46]. CO for calibration purposes. When compared to pulmonary
Wesseling et al. eventually published in 1983 an algorithm to artery catheter thermodilution in a postcardiac surgery setting,
link mathematically SV and the pressure waveform [47]. This this system showed good correlation over a wide range of COs.
original version calculated SV continuously by dividing the area In addition, it appears that a radial artery catheter is just as
under the curve of the aortic pressure waveform by the aortic accurate as a femoral artery catheter in this setting, which is
impedance. As aortic impedance varies between patients, it had another advantage of this system [54].
to be measured using another modality to initially calibrate the
PCA system. The calibration method usually employed was Clinical Utility
arterial thermodilution. Aortic impedance, however, is not a
static property. It is based on the complex interaction of the As mentioned earlier, the initial trials studying PCA systems
resistive and compliant elements of each vascular bed, which used data from static ventricular loading conditions. Both the
are often dynamic, especially in hemodynamically unstable critically ill and the intraoperative patient, however, often ex-
patients. Since the first PCA algorithm was introduced, sev- perience rapid changes in ventricular preload. The accuracy
eral unique algorithms have been created to model accurately of the PiCCO system with dynamic changes in preload was
the properties of the human vascular system for use in PCA addressed in a subsequent study, which used a modified algo-
systems. rithm. Felbinger et al. showed that changes in CO in response
PCA involves the use of an arterial placed catheter with a to preload could be accurately measured in a cardiac surgical
pressure transducer, which can measure pressure tracings on ICU population when compared to pulmonary thermodilution
a beat-to-beat basis. Such catheters are now routinely used in [56].
operating rooms and ICUs as they provide a continuous mea- Although being able to monitor changes in CO during vol-
surement of blood pressure that is superior to intermittent non- ume loading is important, being able to predict a priori when
invasive measurements in hemodynamically unstable patients. a patient would benefit from volume loading is perhaps more
These catheters are interfaced with a PCA system, which uses useful. Pulse pressures commonly vary throughout the respira-
its unique algorithm as well as the initial aortic impedance cal- tory cycle. Pulse pressure variation (PPV) is defined as the result
ibration data from a thermodilution measurement of CO to of the minimum pulse pressure subtracted from the maximum
provide a continuously displayed measurement of CO. Obvi- pulse pressure divided by the mean of these two pressures.
ously, the reliability of a PCA system depends upon the accu-
racy of the algorithm that it employs. Because each algorithm Pulse Pressuremax Pulse Pressuremin
PPV = (1)
is unique in the weight that it ascribes to each element of vas- Pulse Pressuremean
cular conductivity, it is impossible to ensure that a system will
be able to reproduce the results of another system under simi- The magnitude of the PPV in a patient can predict preload
lar conditions [48]. Keeping this in mind, one cannot conclude responsiveness [5759]. Analogous to PPV, an additional piece
that all systems are equally reliable. of data that PCA systems can provide is the stroke volume vari-
PiCCO (Pulsion SG, Munich, Germany) is a PCA system ation (SVV). The SVV represents the change in percentage of
that has received considerable attention in the literature. Nu- SV over a preceding time period as a result of changes in SV
merous studies have demonstrated good correlation between due to ventilation. So far, the ability to use SVV to determine
this system and pulmonary thermodilution in both critically preload responsiveness has yielded mixed results. Reuter et al.
ill and surgical patients [4953]. Notably, this system did not found that SVV reliably decreased as cardiac index increased
require recalibration during these study periods, which were in response to preloading with colloids in ventilated postoper-
performed under static ventricular loading conditions. The sys- ative cardiac surgical patients [60]. This finding supports the
tem involves the placement of a femoral arterial catheter that argument that the magnitude of SVV may be used to predict
is passed into the abdominal aorta. In addition to a pressure preload responsiveness. It is important to note that the tidal
transducer, the catheter also contains a thermistor for arterial volumes used in this study were supraphysiologic (15 mL per
thermodilution. The system is calibrated by injecting cold saline kg), which results in a larger SVV and a resultant increase in the
via a central venous catheter at the right atrium in a manner accuracy of this approach. Subsequently, another study used a
similar to pulmonary arterial thermodilution. Instead of using smaller tidal volume (10 mL per kg) in a similar patient popula-
a thermistor in the pulmonary artery, however, the thermistor tion and could not demonstrate a reliable relationship between
on the femoral arterial catheter allows calculation of CO. This SVV and an increase in cardiac index in response to preloading
initial value of CO is then used to calibrate the PCA system that [61]. This finding suggests that when using lower tidal volume
is attached to the arterial catheter. Because the arterial catheter ventilation strategies, which are optimal for acute respiratory
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TA B L E 2 7 . 2
Partial Carbon Dioxide Rebreathing Method
The Fick equation for calculating CO has been known for over
Concept: Arterial catheter used to determine stroke volume a 100 years. Its underlying principle states that for a gas (X)
from aortic pressure waveforms. whose uptake in the lung is transferred completely to the blood,
Advantages the ratio of that gass consumption (VX) to the difference be-
Continuous tween the arterial (Ca X) and venous (Cv X) contents of the gas
Uses catheters that are already commonly used in ICU will equal the CO. In its original form, Fick used the example
patients of oxygen (O2 ) and described the following equation:
Does not require calibration with pulmonary artery catheter VO2
Disadvantages Cardiac Output = (2)
Ca O2 Cv O2
Likely unable to determine preload responsiveness during
low tidal volume ventilation For this equation to be accurate, several conditions must
Questionable accuracy during large changes in blood exist. The first is that blood flow through the pulmonary capil-
pressure laries must be constant. In order for this to occur, the right and
Questionable accuracy during vasoconstrictor use left ventricular outputs must be equal (i.e., steady state) and
there must be no respiratory variation of pulmonary capillary
flow. Another condition critical to this methods accuracy is
an absence of shunts. As this method is dependent upon using
distress syndrome (ARDS), PCA-derived SVV should not be gas exchange to calculate CO, any blood that does not par-
used to estimate preload responsiveness. ticipate in gas exchange will result in underestimation of CO.
Furthermore, oxygen uptake by the lung itself must be minimal
to maintain the integrity of this equation.
Advantages and Disadvantages Although possible, the accurate measurement of VO2 is
Overall, the pulse contour analysis system offers several ad- clinically challenging, especially in patients who require high
vantages over the traditional gold standard of pulmonary FiO2 [64]. This prompted investigators to focus on using car-
artery thermodilution (Table 27.2). Depending on the system, bon dioxide production (VCO2 ) in place of VO2 [6567]. As
only an arterial catheter (Flotrac) or an arterial catheter and a VO2 is equal to VCO2 divided by the respiratory quotient,
central venous catheter (PiCCO) are required, both of which they determined that CO could be calculated by VCO2 divided
are commonly in place in critically ill and surgical patients. by the arteriovenous difference between O2 concentrations as
Thus, PACs and their possible risks can be avoided when us- well as the respiratory quotient (R). To measure O2 concentra-
ing these systems. The PCA systems also provide a continuous tions continuously, arterial and venous oximeters were used to
measurement of CO as opposed to the intermittent nature of measure oxygen saturation (SO2 ) and concentration was deter-
traditional thermodilution systems. mined based on measured hemoglobin (Hgb) levels. This tech-
As with any system, there are disadvantages to the PCA nique, therefore, relied upon the assumption that both R and
system as well. The ability to use this system to determine hemoglobin levels remained constant during the measurement
preload responsiveness is questionable in patients who are be- period.
ing managed with recommended ventilatory strategies. In ad-
dition, some data suggest that in patients who have marked VO2 = (3)
changes in blood pressure, the algorithm is not able to model R
adequately the changes in vascular resistance and compliance Ca O2 = 13.4 Hgb Sa O2 (4)
and, therefore, the accuracy of the measured CO declines [62].
Furthermore, a similar breakdown in the accuracy of measured VCO2
CO = (5)
CO has been suggested during the administration of vasocon- 13.4 Hgb R [Sa O2 Sv O2 ]
strictors [63], which are common in the critically ill patient.
Using this method, one study found good correlation with
CO determined by thermodilution [67]. The drawback to this
Future Research
approach, however, is the need for an invasive central venous
The clinical utility of the pulse contour analysis system is still catheter to measure accurately venous oxygen saturations as
being determined. Future studies that may help in defining the well as initially to calibrate the system and determine R. Sub-
systems clinical role could focus on several points. First, a sequently, the partial carbon dioxide rebreathing method was
better understanding of how changes in blood pressure and introduced in an attempt to avoid the need for such catheters.
vasoconstrictor use affect the accuracy of a particular systems The partial CO2 rebreathing method is based upon the Fick
algorithm will help to determine when a system needs to be equation for CO2 [68]:
recalibrated to maintain its accuracy. In addition, an analy-
sis of how SVV predicts preload responsiveness at lower tidal
CO = (6)
volumes will provide more applicable information. Finally, a Cv CO2 Ca CO2
paucity of data regarding how PCA systems affect patient out-
comes exists at present. Comparisons between the outcomes When using this method, a disposable rebreathing loop is
seen with this system and pulmonary artery thermodilution placed between the endotracheal tube and the ventilator re-
may provide convincing evidence about the real usefulness of sulting in the rebreathing of carbon dioxide. A carbon diox-
PCA. In particular, the common question will the patient re- ide sensor, an airflow sensor, and an arterial noninvasive pulse
spond to fluids? may be replaced by the question should oximeter are then used to gather data before and after a period
the patient be given fluids? once adequate outcome data are of CO2 rebreathing. The CO2 sensor and airflow monitor allow
available. for the calculation of produced carbon dioxide (VCO 2 ) both
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before and during the rebreathing period. Because CO does not certain clinical situations as the accuracy of currently marketed
change from baseline during rebreathing conditions [69], one systems is improved.
can generate the following equation [68]: Determining which clinical situations are appropriate for
the partial rebreathing method is critical when considering its
baseline use. Because the methods accuracy depends upon an estimate
CO =
Cv CO2 Ca CO2 of Ca CO2 from etCO2 as well as an estimate of shunt, clinical
baseline baseline
situations that affect these estimates may not be appropriate
VCO2 for using this method. For instance, post-operative cardiac sur-
= gical patients tend to have increased pulmonary dead space
Cv CO2 Ca CO2 and shunt [77] and may not be an appropriate population for
rebreathing rebreathing
partial CO2 rebreathing monitor use [76]. In addition, some
(7) data suggest that the correlation between this method and ther-
Gedeon et al. [70] determined that subtracting the rebreath- modilution declines as the amount of venous admixture from
ing ratio from the baseline ratio yields the following equation shunting increases in animal models [78]. In order for Ca CO2
[68]: to be estimated accurately by etCO2 , gas exchange needs to be
somewhat homogenous throughout the lung. One of the hall-
CO = marks of acute lung injury (ALI) and ARDS is a heterogeneous
2 pattern of injury and fibrosis. This heterogeneity results in a
baseline rebreathing
large variation of gas exchange throughout the lung. Conse-
Cv CO2 Ca CO2 Cv CO2 Ca CO2 quently, the etCO2 may be a poor estimate of Ca CO2 leading
baseline baseline rebreathing rebreathing
to an important source of error. Indeed, one study, which com-
pared the partial CO2 rebreathing method to thermodilution in
As CO2 diffuses rapidly into the blood, one can further as- patients with varying degrees of ALI, found poor agreement be-
sume that the mixed venous CO2 concentration (Cv CO2 ) re- tween the two methods [79]. The disagreement intensified with
mains unchanged between baseline and rebreathing conditions, worsening severity of ALI. Finally, significant variations in tidal
that is, Cv CO2 = Cv CO2 . This allows for fur- volume during a period of measurement will often markedly
baseline rebreathing
affect the accuracy of VCO2 on a breath-to-breath basis. Con-
ther simplification of the equation to the following [68]:
sequently, the accuracy of measured CO is limited in situations
of varying tidal volume such as pressure support ventilation
CO = (9) [80].
Ca CO2
Ca CO2 can be estimated from end-tidal carbon dioxide
(etCO2 ) and the carbon dioxide dissociation curve. Therefore, Advantages and Disadvantages
Ca CO2 can be substituted for by etCO2 multiplied by the The most notable advantage of the partial CO2 rebreathing
slope (S) of the dissociation curve [68]: method is its true noninvasive nature. With the exception of the
arterial blood gases used to estimate shunt, this method does
CO = (10) not require any additional invasive procedures. In addition,
etCO2 S CO can be measured on a near-continuous basis. However, the
An estimate of CO can now be calculated using data that disadvantages of the system are substantial (Table 27.3). It is
can be measured before and after a period of rebreathing, in challenging to use in patients who are not intubated or in in-
addition to S, which can be determined from a carbon dioxide tubated patients with spontaneous ventilation. Its accuracy is
dissociation curve. It is important to note that the estimate of questionable in patients with intrapulmonary shunt and lung
CO calculated using equation 10 only accounts for the blood injury, which are both common findings in the ICU. Because the
that is able to participate in gas exchange. Any blood involved technique raises arterial PCO2 , its safety in patients with hy-
in a right to left intrapulmonary shunt is not considered by this percapnia or increased intracranial pressure is unknown. Each
equation; therefore, a correction factor must be incorporated system also represents an important fixed cost but can only
to account for this shunted blood. This is determined by a be used by one patient at any given time. The limited clinical
partial rebreathing system by using the data collected from utility of these systems may not justify this expenditure.
the noninvasive arterial oximeter, the FiO2 , and the PaO2 as
determined by arterial blood gases. These data allow one to
determine an estimate of shunted blood using Nunns iso-shunt
tables [71]. TA B L E 2 7 . 3
So far, the results of comparisons between partial CO2 re- FOR CARDIAC OUTPUT MONITORING
breathing techniques and alternative methods of measuring
CO have been mixed at best. Although some studies have Concept: Using exhaled carbon dioxide to determine cardiac
demonstrated reasonable agreement with the gold standard output using a modified Fick equation
of thermodilution [7274], others have shown poor agreement Advantages
[52,75,76]. One of these studies [76] did demonstrate good re- Truly noninvasive
producibility of the results obtained from the partial rebreath- Nearly continuous
ing method despite the fact that they did not correlate with Disadvantages
results obtained by thermodilution. One could infer from this High up-front cost
that the method may have been appropriately precise but that Can only be used in the intubated patient
something in its algorithm, that is, estimation of shunt or es- Questionable accuracy in patients with lung injury
timation of Ca CO2 from etCO2 , prevented it from obtaining Unclear risk in patients with hypercapnia or increased
accurate results. This may be encouraging evidence that the intracranial pressure
partial rebreathing method can be an acceptable technique in
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Future Research Tissue levels of CO2 rise early in the setting of hypoperfusion
[8789]. The level of CO2 in a tissue is determined by the bal-
At present, the clinical applicability of partial CO2 rebreathing
ance between the concentration of arterial CO2 (Ca CO2 ), blood
systems is not completely known. Future research should focus
flow to the tissue, and CO2 production by the tissue. In a state
on further examining the accuracy of these systems in patients
of hypoperfusion, CO2 increase is thought to be multifactorial.
with lung injury as the current data are limited. Improvements
Carbon dioxide production increases in hypoperfused tissue to
of existing algorithms for shunt and Ca CO2 estimation could
buffer the increase in hydrogen ions generated by the hydrol-
also aid in increasing this methods generalizability. Finally, de-
ysis of ATP during glycolysis [90]. In addition, the low flow
termining if this methods noninvasive nature truly makes a
state seen in hypoperfusion results in an impaired clearance of
difference in clinical outcomes should be an important focus
CO2 causing a further increase in tissue CO2 concentrations
of upcoming investigation. In critically ill patients, there may be
[91]. This impaired clearance is likely the largest contributor
no major advantage to using monitoring techniques that avoid
to tissue hypercapnia in states of hypoperfusion [92]. The com-
central lines and arterial lines since these are nearly ubiquitous
plex mucosal circulation of the gut results in the recirculation
in the ICU.
of CO2 as well as arteriovenous O2 shunting, which is exacer-
bated by the low-flow state of hypoperfusion. As a result, the
gut mucosa is one of the earliest regions in the body affected
OXYGEN DELIVERY AND by hypoperfusion. This characteristic combined with the rela-
TISSUE PERFUSION tively easy accessibility of the gut makes gastric tonometry an
appealing choice for the early detection of shock [93].
Although directly measuring CO can provide information vital Tonometry is based on the principle that gases will equili-
to the management of critically ill patients, one can also argue brate between semipermeable compartments over time. Gastric
that accurate knowledge of oxygen delivery and/or adequacy tonometry involves placing a nasogastric tube tipped with a
of tissue perfusion can be similarly useful. Proponents of this fluid or air filled balloon into the lumen of the stomach and al-
concept are less interested in the absolute CO as long as ad- lowing its contents to equilibrate with the fluid in the stomach.
equate oxygen is delivered to tissues. One of the traditional This gastric fluid, in turn, is in equilibrium with the mucosal
techniques used to assess oxygen delivery is the mixed venous lining the stomach. Therefore, by sampling the steady state con-
oxygen saturation (Smv O2 ). The Smv O2 is measured by sampling tents of the balloon, one can estimate the partial pressure of
blood from the pulmonary artery, which is representative of the CO2 in the gastric mucosa (Pgm CO2 ). The original set-ups used
venous return from both the superior and inferior vena cava saline in the balloon, which required approximately 90 minutes
after sufficient mixing. Smv O2 is dependent on both systemic for equilibration. Once equilibrated, the saline was aspirated
oxygen delivery (DO2 ) as well as systemic oxygen consump- and its PCO2 was determined. Newer automated models use air
2 ). Because VO2 does not dramatically change in the
tion (VO in place of saline, which results in shorter equilibration times
absence of major metabolic derangements, decreases in Smv O2 (less than 20 minutes) and improved precision [9496]. Many
can be considered to be due to decreases in DO2 (and, thereby, of the early studies performed with gastric tonometry used the
CO) in many patients. As a result, investigators have focused Pgm CO2 to determine the intramucosal pH (pHi ) by estimat-
on the clinical utility of measuring Smv O2 as a surrogate means ing the tissue bicarbonate levels from serum bicarbonate and
of monitoring CO [81,82]. Pearson et al. found that Smv O2 solving the HendersonHasselbach equation. Recent focus has
monitoring did not improve length of ICU stay or length of shifted away from this approach due to the introduction of
vasopressor requirement when compared to traditional pul- error by estimating intramucosal bicarbonate from serum bi-
monary artery catheter use and CVP monitoring. In addition, carbonate. Instead, the PCO2 gap (Pgm CO2 Pa CO2 ) has been
Smv O2 monitoring cost more [83]. proposed as an alternative measure of tissue perfusion that is
Another potential drawback of Smv O2 monitoring is the less influenced by the systemic acidbase status [97].
need for PAC and the possible associated risks. Because many
critically ill patients receive central venous catheters, some re- Clinical Utility
search has focused on using central venous oxygen saturations
(Scv O2 ) rather than Smv O2 . One early study found that Scv O2 Given its relatively noninvasive nature, gastric tonometry
tended to be approximately 5% to 10% lower than Smv O2 in would be an ideal candidate for a safe modality for the guidance
humans [84]. While studying dogs, Reinhart et al. found good of resuscitation in shock. Indeed, many studies have attempted
correlation (r = 0.96) between the two [85]. So far, clinical to explore this techniques ability to guide therapy in situations
data using this variable are limited, however, the previously of hypoperfusion. Silva et al. measured changes in PCO2 gap
mentioned landmark trial by Rivers et al. used Scv O2 among in addition to changes in systemic hemodynamic variables in
other variables with success [13,14]. response to fluid challenges in septic patients. They found that
In addition to estimating oxygen delivery, recent research while cardiac index increased in response to fluid loading, in-
has focused on estimating tissue perfusion as a guide for resus- dices of global oxygen delivery such as Smv O2 did not. The
citative therapy. With this approach, the adequacy of blood and PCO2 gap, however, was noted to significantly fall in response
oxygen delivery is assessed by measuring markers of hypoper- to fluid challenges [98]. This implies that gastric tonometry
fusion of accessible organs. We will focus on three modalities may provide a more reliable and less invasive means of mon-
that have demonstrated considerable promise in this field to itoring response to resuscitation than monitoring traditional
date: gastric tonometry, sublingual capnometry, and cardiac global variables of oxygenation such as Smv O2 . Jeng et al. mon-
biomarkers. itored Pgm CO2 in a small series of burn patients and found that
changes in Pgm CO2 often preceded more traditional signs of
hypoperfusion such as changes in mean arterial pressure and
Gastric Tonometry urine output [99].
In perhaps the best-known trial using this modality, Gui-
tierrez et al. randomized 260 critically ill patients in the ICU
Background to a standard therapy arm and a protocol arm in which pa-
Mounting evidence that early correction of hypoperfusion in tients received additional therapy aimed at improving oxygen
shock improves mortality [13,14,86] has led investigators to delivery whenever pHi fell below 7.35 [100]. These authors
focus on the development of methods for its early detection. found a significant increase in 28-day survival in a subset of the
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is placed under the tongue. As CO2 diffuses into the capsule, of cardiac biomarkers in the ICU setting is becoming an in-
the pH of the buffered solution is altered by production of creasingly popular method of determining early cardiac dys-
carbonic acid (H2 CO3 ). This change in pH results in an al- function. As they can be obtained from a peripheral venous
teration of the fluorescent emissions from the solution, which blood sample, they represent completely noninvasive and po-
is ultimately sensed as a change in projected light by the at- tentially valuable data that may assist in prognostication as
tached optic fiber. Hence, by calibrating wavelengths of light well as in guiding management. To date, research has focused
with known partial pressures of CO2 , one can measure PCO2 primarily on two proteins: troponin and B-type natriuretic pep-
with this system. To ensure the highest possible accuracy of the tide (BNP).
device, it must be placed securely under the tongue with the
mouth closed. An open mouth allows the entrance of light and Troponin
ambient air to the optode, which can significantly alter accu-
Troponin T (TnT) and Troponin I (TnI) are cardiac-specific
racy. The reliable range of a well-seated and calibrated probe
contractile proteins that have been studied extensively in the
is 30 to 150 mm Hg [119].
context of myocardial ischemia. Both have been shown to be
superior to the traditional creatinine kinase MB (CK-MB) in
Clinical Utility diagnosing myocardial injury in certain clinical contexts [125
Using this probe, researchers began to further investigate the 127]. As such, they have become part of the mainstay for diag-
comparability of sublingual capnometry and gastric tonometry nosing acute myocardial infarction today. Less is known about
as well as the clinical utility of capnometry. In one validation their role in the ICU in patients who are not undergoing my-
study, Marik demonstrated close correlation between Pgm CO2 ocardial infarction due to coronary plaque rupture. Several
and Psl CO2 (r = 0.78; p < 0.001) in a heterogeneous popula- authors have observed an elevated level of troponin in ICU
tion of 76 ICU patients [120]. Furthermore, Marik and Bankov patients who are not undergoing an acute coronary syndrome
went on to show that in another ICU population of 54 pa- [128,129]. One recent prospective case control study showed
tients, Psl CO2 and Psl CO2 Pa CO2 gap were better predictors that 17 out of 20 patients (85%) with systemic inflammatory
of outcome than lactate or Smv O2 . These authors specifically response syndrome (SIRS), sepsis, or septic shock had eleva-
found that a Psl CO2 Pa CO2 gap greater than 25 mm Hg was tions in TnI. Furthermore, of the six patients who died in the
the best discriminator of outcome. In addition, they found that study, five had elevated TnI levels. Ten of the seventeen patients
Psl CO2 and Psl CO2 Pa CO2 gap were more responsive to treat- with elevated TnI levels had no evidence of important coronary
ment measures than were lactate and Smv O2 [121]. Weil et al. artery disease by coronary angiography, stress echocardiogra-
also demonstrated the prognostic abilities of sublingual cap- phy, or autopsy [130]. Interestingly, in this study there were
nometry when they found that a Psl CO2 <70 mm Hg had a patients with a normal LVEF by echocardiography who had in-
positive predictive value of 93% for survival [122]. creased TnI levels. This suggests that TnI may be able to detect
Unfortunately, in 2004 Nellcor initiated a voluntary recall myocardial dysfunction even when echocardiography cannot.
of the Capnoprobe device after reports of Burkholderia cepa- Troponin has also been studied as a prognostic marker in sep-
cia being cultured from patients using this device as well as sis. Spies et al. measured serum TnT levels in 26 septic patients
from unused devices themselves. As such, there is currently in a surgical ICU. They found that elevated TnT levels within
no system commercially available for sublingual capnography. the first 24 hours of sepsis were associated with a significantly
Further insight into its clinical utility will have to wait until higher mortality rate when compared to normal TnT levels
this technology is again available for clinical use. [131]. Thus, troponin may be useful for detection of occult
myocardial dysfunction as well as for prognostication in ICU
Conclusion patients in the absence of an acute coronary syndrome. These
promising early findings as well as the development of more
In summary, the existing research regarding the clinical utility sensitive troponin assays [132] should lead to further research
of sublingual capnometry appears promising. This technique into the utility of troponin in the ICU.
may provide similar accuracy to gastric tonometry while being
less invasive and providing results on a more instantaneous BNP
basis. In addition, it does not require discontinuation of enteral
feeding during measurement periods, as some have advocated The natriuretic peptides are a family of hormones that exert
for gastric tonometry. If sublingual capnography is safely made a wide range of biologic functions including diuresis and va-
available again, it may replace the use of lactate and Smv O2 as sodilation. Two members of this family, atrial natriuretic pep-
markers of hypoperfusion and as resuscitative guides. Further tide (ANP) and B-type (or brain) natriuretic peptide (BNP),
research into this techniques effect on patient outcome would are secreted by the atria and the ventricles, respectively. Their
also be warranted in the future. secretion is stimulated by myocardial stretch induced by in-
creased filling volumes. Each hormone is derived from a
prohormone that is cleaved into the biologically active C-
Cardiac Biomarkers terminal component and the biologically quiescent but longer
lasting N-terminal component. In recent years, research has
suggested that BNP can be a valuable surrogate for left ventric-
Background ular end-diastolic pressure and left ventricular ejection fraction
Cardiac biomarkers are molecules, usually proteins, which are and can correlate with New York Heart Association heart fail-
specifically released from the heart into the blood and can be ure class in patients with congestive heart failure (CHF) [133
used to judge both cardiac function and dysfunction. Myocar- 137]. Until recently, however, little was known about the role
dial dysfunction is commonly seen early in the course of sepsis of BNP as a marker of myocardial dysfunction in the critically
[123] and may be related to elevated levels of proinflammatory ill population. Prompted by data that suggest that BNP can
cytokines such as interleukin-1 and tumor necrosis factor-, correlate with pulmonary artery occlusion pressure (PAOP)
which have been shown to be cardiodepressant [124]. How- in patients with severe CHF [138,139], Tung et al. investi-
ever, due to a concomitant increase in left ventricular ejection gated the utility of using BNP as a surrogate for pulmonary
fraction (LVEF) caused by afterload reduction from systemic artery catheter placement in a heterogeneous population in
vasodilation, diagnosis of myocardial dysfunction early in sep- shock. Although BNP levels did not correlate with cardiac in-
sis can be difficult by traditional echocardiography. The study dex or PAOP in this study, they did find that a BNP level of
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<350 pg per mL had a 95% negative predictive value for the di- TA B L E 2 7 . 5
agnosis of cardiogenic shock [140]. This suggests that although
BNP should not be used in place of PAOP, a low BNP level may SUMMARY OF RECOMMENDATIONS BASED ON
This study also demonstrated that BNP levels have prognos-
tic significance among the critically ill. The median BNP level at Early intervention in shock is beneficial
the time of PAC placement was significantly higher in the non- Esophageal Doppler can be used to follow trends in cardiac
survivor population as compared with survivors. In addition, a output
multivariate analysis showed that a BNP concentration in the Pulse contour analysis can reliably estimate cardiac output
highest log-quartile was the strongest predictor of mortality in perioperative patients
with an odds ratio of 4.5. This was an even stronger predictor Stroke volume variation cannot reliably be used to estimate
of mortality than the APACHE II scores [140]. The prognos- preload responsiveness during low tidal volume ventilation
tic utility of BNP was further validated by Brueckmann et al.
when these authors found that elevated N-terminal proBNP
(NT-proBNP) levels on day 2 were significantly correlated with
an increased mortality rate in patients with severe sepsis. These arguably, the most important variable to follow. Alternatively,
authors did not, however, find prognostic significance with N- gastric tonometry, and by extension sublingual capnometry, do
terminal proANP (NT-proANP). Interestingly, the levels of NT- not focus on the absolute CO but instead measure indices of
proBNP, NT-proANP, and troponin I were all found to be sig- tissue perfusion. This quality combined with noninvasiveness,
nificantly lower in patients being treated with drotrecogin alfa makes these techniques appealing as replacements of thermod-
(activated) than in those not receiving it [141]. This suggests ilution. The partial carbon dioxide rebreathing method has
that drotrecogin alfa (activated) may provide some cardiopro- not yet sufficiently demonstrated its applicability to the crit-
tective effect in severe sepsis, perhaps through its proposed ically ill patient. Confounding clinical features such as ALI are
anti-inflammatory properties [142]. However, the sample size commonly found in this population and would likely impair
did not allow assessment of mortality benefit from APC. the validity of existing systems. Finally, although BNP has not
shown the ability to replace the PAC to date, there is some evi-
dence that suggests that patients with a low BNP may not need
one for diagnostic purposes. At present, use of any of these
In summary, the study of cardiac biomarkers in the ICU is still modalities must be performed cautiously. The majority of data
in the early stages. Till date, the majority of data suggests that available regarding these techniques has focused on comparing
troponin and BNP may have some prognostic significance in their accuracy with that of thermodilution. Few studies have
critically ill patients without CHF. Neither has been shown addressed patient outcomes. Ultimately, before definite recom-
to be able to guide management, so far, although some data mendations can be made, further research focusing on clinical
suggest that low BNP levels may exclude cardiogenic shock outcomes will be necessary.
thereby preventing the need for a diagnostic PA line. Larger
trials may further prove this concept in the future allowing for
less invasive management of a select population of patients.
Furthermore, a better understanding of the effect of drotreco-
gin alfa (activated) on cardiac biomarkers may provide some As medical technology continues to advance at an explosive
insight into the nature of the myocardial dysfunction seen in rate, it is easy to imagine that ICU practice will completely
sepsis. change in the not too distant future. The next generation of in-
tensivists and likely younger members of this generation may
find themselves looking back with awe at the archaic meth-
PRACTICE RECOMMENDATIONS ods of current practice. At present, there are many technologies
that are still in their early stages but may one day provide useful
Independent of which cardiac monitoring technique is em- clinical information. A few of these deserve mention.
ployed, a strategy that should be utilized in all patients with Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) has become a common
shock is early intervention. Mounting evidence suggests that fixture in many large hospitals and is routinely used in a variety
mitochondrial failure may play a role in late shock [11,12] of clinical settings due to its improved accuracy over computed
and efforts to correct hemodynamic derangements and aug- tomography (CT) in defining soft tissue structure. The role of
ment oxygen delivery early in shock have shown promising MRI continues to expand as clinicians and researchers develop
results, thus far [13]. The optimal method for cardiac monitor- new ways to use its capabilities. One area in which MRI has
ing, however, is yet to be determined. At present, pulmonary shown particular promise is that of cardiac MRI. Although this
artery thermodilution remains the gold standard; however, technique is still being primarily used experimentally, early re-
increasing interest has been given to less invasive monitoring sults have demonstrated its ability to assess both cardiac func-
modalities. Till date, the most substantial research has focused tion as well as viability [143145]. As more data become avail-
on ED, pulse contour analysis (Table 27.5), and gastric tonome- able, one can envision the possibility of more routine use of
try systems. Although there remains some question whether the MRI to assess cardiac function in the ICU. In addition, ad-
absolute CO determined by ED is accurate, most studies have vances in nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy
proven its reliability in monitoring trends in CO in response to have made it possible to estimate arterial oxygen supply (DO2 )
therapeutic interventions. This ability to monitor trends may as well as skeletal muscle reoxygenation, mitochondrial ATP
be sufficient for the management of patients in shock. Pulse production, and oxygen consumption(VO2 ) [146]. Although
contour analysis systems have also proven to be useful in mon- cost and the technical difficulties of using MRI in the ICU may
itoring trends in response to interventions. In addition, PCA be prohibitive, there clearly exists potential in this arena.
systems do not require additional invasive procedures other Although traditional two-dimensional transthoracic echo-
than an arterial catheter, which is commonly used in patients cardiography is certainly not a new technology, recently there
with shock. has been new interest in this technique among intensivists.
Despite these positive attributes, both ED and PCA systems Echocardiography has historically fallen under the domain of
do not provide a direct measure of tissue perfusion, which is, cardiologists who are formally trained to perform and interpret
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these useful studies. This technique can provide a wealth of in- through insights gained in the fields of proteomics, genomics,
formation about systolic function, valvular dysfunction and and metabolomics. These techniques use next-generation tech-
pericardial disease in critically ill patients [147]. More and nologies of mass spectroscopy and microarray analysis to iso-
more, noncardiology intensivists are now learning how to per- late and compare which proteins, genes, and other molecular
form, at least, basic exams to help quickly guide initial man- markers are preferentially expressed during different disease
agement decisions. For example, some bedside ultrasound de- states. Through analysis of these patterns, it may be possible
vices used for central line placement, also have probes, which to better understand the mechanisms behind diseases such as
allow at least cursory examination of cardiac function (e.g., sepsis and ARDS. Ultimately such technologies could theoret-
to exclude pericardial tamponade). However, the authors are ically be used in the field of hemodynamic monitoring if such
aware of instances of erroneous information being gathered patterns could be associated with specific hemodynamic states.
from such devices when used in untrained hands. Therefore, Ideally, for example, a simple blood or urine test could re-
a more formal education in echocardiography would likely be veal a biomarker pattern consistent with cardiogenic shock that
beneficial for intensivists who do not have access to immediate would take the place of invasive measuring of CO. Determin-
echocardiography by an expert. ing these expression patterns as well as refining the technique
Finally, as in other areas of medicine, in the coming years such that the information could be obtained in a timely manner
emerging technology may substantially impact critical care will be important and challenging obstacles to overcome.
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tissue oxygenation in critically ill patients [see comment]. Crit Care Med tion: myocardial viability assessment in patients early thereafter compar-
31(3):818822, 2003. ison of contrast-enhanced MR imaging with resting (201)tl SPECT. Sin-
122. Weil MH, Nakagawa Y, Tang W, et al: Sublingual capnometry: a new nonin- gle photon emission computed tomography. Radiology 226(1):138144,
vasive measurement for diagnosis and quantitation of severity of circulatory 2003.
shock [see comment]. Crit Care Med 27(7):12251229, 1999. 146. Carlier PG, Brillault-Salvat C, Giacomini E, et al: How to investigate oxygen
123. Price S, Anning PB, Mitchell JA, et al: myocardial dysfunction in sepsis: supply, uptake, and utilization simultaneously by interleaved NMR imag-
mechanisms and therapeutic implications [review] [93 refs]. Eur Heart J ing and spectroscopy of the skeletal muscle. Magn Reson Med 54(4):1010
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Neurologic function is a major determinant of quality of life. ties to use, and that determining the most beneficial application
Injury or dysfunction can have a profound effect on a patients of these technologies requires further prospective study.
ability to be alert, communicate, and interact with his or her The compelling theoretical importance of brain monitoring
environment meaningfully, and function as an independent hu- is based on the high vulnerability of the brain to hypoxic and
man being. The brain is a highly complex organ with special- ischemic injuries. The brain uses more oxygen and glucose per
ized areas of function and is exquisitely sensitive to metabolic weight of tissue than any large organ, yet has no appreciable
and physical insults such as hypoxemia, acidosis, trauma, and reserves of oxygen or glucose. The brain is thus completely de-
hypoperfusion. The goal of neurocritical care is to protect pendent on uninterrupted cerebral blood flow (CBF) to supply
the brain and preserve neurologic functions in the critically ill metabolic substrates that are required for continued function
patient. The impetus for multimodal monitoring of brain func- and survival and to remove toxic byproducts. Even transient
tion arises from both its importance and vulnerability and interruptions in CBF, whether local or global, can injure or kill
also the difficulty in obtaining a satisfactory assessment of func- neural cells. These perturbations may not result in immediate
tion in the setting of numerous insults and processes including cell death, but can initiate metabolic or cellular processes (e.g.,
toxic and metabolic encephalopathy, sedation and chemical re- gene transcription, secondary injury) that may lead to cell death
straints, and primary central nervous system (CNS) processes days, months, or years after the insult. Therefore, clinical moni-
like stroke and traumatic brain injury. toring of neuronal well-being should emphasize early detection
There has been rapid growth and there continues to be and reversal of potentially harmful conditions. Although there
much interest in the field as numerous devices and modali- is limited conclusive data to demonstrate that morbidity and
ties are developed to monitor brain function and processes mortality are reduced by the information gathered from cur-
including intracranial pressure (ICP) monitoring, electroen- rent neurologic monitoring techniques, most clinicians caring
cephalography, and corticography, global and regional brain for patients with critical neurologic illness have confidence that
tissue oxygen monitoring, cerebral blood flow measurements, their use improves management. In this chapter, we review cur-
and neurochemical and cellular metabolism assessment with rently available techniques with emphasis on the current scien-
microdialysis. tific literature and indications for utilization.
As with any diagnostic or therapeutic tool, an understand-
ing of the indications, limitations, risks and benefits of an
intervention are essential in the effective utilization, interpreta-
tion, and application of the obtained information to the man-
agement of the individual patient. Important characteristics of GOALS OF BRAIN
monitoring devices include the ability to detect important ab- MONITORING
normalities (sensitivity), to differentiate between dissimilar dis-
ease states (specificity), and to prompt changes in care that Monitoring devices cannot independently improve outcome.
alter long-term prognosis (Table 28.1). Limitations of tech- Instead, they contribute physiologic data that can be integrated
niques include risks to patients (during placement, use, and into a care plan that, while frequently adding risks (associated
removal), variability errors in generation of data (e.g., calibra- with placement, use, and removal), may lead to an overall de-
tion and drift), and inherent trade-offs between specificity and crease in morbidity and mortality.
sensitivity. Monitors with high specificityvalues fall outside Neurologic monitoring can be categorized into three main
of threshold levels only when a disease state is unequivocally groups: (i) Monitors of neurologic function (e.g., neurologic
presentare unlikely to detect less profound levels of disease, examination, EEG, evoked potentials, functional MRI), (ii)
while monitors with high sensitivity (will detect any value out- Monitors of physiologic parameters (e.g., ICP, cerebral blood
side of the normal range) are likely to demonstrate small devia- flow, transcranial Doppler), and (iii) Monitors of cellular
tions from normal, which may be trivial in individual patients. metabolism (e.g., SjvO2 , NIRS, Brain tissue oxygen tension,
The advantage of multimodal monitoring is it increases the Microdialysis, PET, MRSPECT). Most categorizations are ar-
sensitivity and accuracy of our detection of physiologic and bitrary and obviously overlaps and inter-relationships between
cellular changes that signal further impending clinical deteri- modalities (e.g., blood flow and electrical activity, oxygena-
oration by using different monitoring modalities in a comple- tion, and perfusion) blur the lines of distinction. All cate-
mentary fashion. A legitimate concern raised by some is that gories provide information that may be useful in assessing
the vastly larger amounts of data generated by these devices the current status of the brain and nervous system and in
requires computer-supported data analyses which is costly and directing therapies as well as monitoring responses to inter-
time-consuming and may overwhelm the ill-prepared clinician ventions, but it cannot be overemphasized that the data ob-
and detract whatever benefits may be gained from the new tained from these monitoring devices should always be inter-
technology [1]. Most agree that careful consideration should preted in relation to the overall clinical picture of the individual
go into selecting the appropriate patient to monitor, the modali- patient.
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TA B L E 2 8 . 1
Term Definition
Bias Average difference (positive or negative) between monitored values and gold standard values
Precision Standard deviation of the differences (bias) between measurements
Sensitivity Probability that the monitor will demonstrate cerebral ischemia when cerebral ischemia is present
Positive predictive value Probability that cerebral ischemia is present when the monitor suggests cerebral ischemia
Specificity Probability that the monitor will not demonstrate cerebral ischemia when cerebral ischemia is not present
Negative predictive value Probability that cerebral ischemia is not present when the monitor reflects no cerebral ischemia
Threshold value The value used to separate acceptable (i.e., no ischemia present) from unacceptable (i.e., ischemia present)
Speed The time elapsed from the onset of actual ischemia or the risk of ischemia until the monitor provides
CBF reduction (Fig. 28.1). Ischemia and hypoxemia initiate a
Local CBF
TA B L E 2 8 . 2 1 2 3 PERMANENT
75 75
50 50 50
25 25
0 0 0
1 2 3 4 5 6 50 130 20 40 60 80
A (mL/100 g/min) B (mm Hg) C (mm Hg)
FIGURE 28.2. A: The normal relationship between the cerebral metabolic rate of oxygen consumption
(CMRO2 ) and cerebral blood flow (CBF) is characterized by closely couple changes in both variables.
Normally, CBF is 50 mL per 100 g per minute in adults (open triangle). As CMRO2 increases of decreases,
CBF changes in a parallel fashion (solid line). B: Effect of mean arterial pressure (MAP) on CBF. Note
that changes in MAP produce little change in CBF over a broad range of pressures. If intracranial pressure
(ICP) exceeds normal limits, substitute cerebral perfusion pressure on the horizontal axis. C: Effect of
PaCO2 on CBF. Changes in PaCO2 exert powerful effects on cerebral vascular resistance across the entire
clinically applicable range of values.
that ischemia will necessarily progress to infarction nor does and SjvO2 [9,10]. For this reason, hyperventilation has fallen
it clearly define what biochemical or genetic transcriptional out of favor as a treatment modality for intracranial hyper-
changes may subsequently occur. Also, because more severe tension. If hyperventilation is required to acutely reduce ICP
ischemia produces neurologic injury more quickly than less se- to bridge a patient to emergent surgery for example, admin-
vere ischemia, time and dose effects must be considered. More istration of an increased inspired oxygen concentration can
important, if regional ischemia involves structures that are not markedly increase SjvO2 (Fig. 28.3). In response to decreasing
components of the monitored variable, then infarction could arterial oxygen content (CaO2 ), whether the reduction is sec-
develop without warning. ondary to a decrease of hemoglobin (Hgb) concentration or
In healthy persons, CBF is tightly regulated through multi- of arterial oxygen saturation (SaO2 ), CBF normally increases,
ple pathways such that CDO2 is adjusted to meet the metabolic although injured brain tissue has impaired ability to increase
requirements of the brain. In the normal, coupled relation- CBF [11].
ship, CBF is dependent on the cerebral metabolic rate for oxy-
gen (CMRO2 ), which varies directly with body temperature
and with the level of brain activation (Fig. 28.2A). As CMRO2
increases or decreases, CBF increases or decreases to match TECHNIQUES OF NEUROLOGIC
oxygen requirements with oxygen delivery. Pressure autoregu-
lation maintains CBF at a constant rate (assuming unchanged
metabolic needs) over a wide range of systemic blood pressures
(Fig. 28.2B). If pressure autoregulation is intact, changes of Neurologic Examination
cerebral perfusion pressure (CPP) do not alter CBF over a range
of pressures of 50 to 130 mm Hg. CPP can be described by the Frequent and accurately recorded neurologic examinations are
equation CPP = MAP ICP, where MAP equals mean arterial an essential aspect of medical care, but are often limited in pa-
pressure. After neurologic insults (e.g., TBI), autoregulation of tients with moderate-to-severe neurologic compromise. Neu-
the cerebral vasculature may be impaired such that CBF may rologic examination quantifies three key characteristics: level
not increase sufficiently in response to decreasing CPP [7]. This of consciousness, focal brain dysfunction, and trends in neuro-
failure to maintain adequate CDO2 can lead to ischemia and logic function. Recognition of changing consciousness or new
add to preexisting brain injury, a process termed secondary in- focal deficits may warn of a variety of treatable conditions, such
jury, at blood pressures that would not normally be associated as progression of intracranial hypertension, new mass lesions
with cerebral ischemia/injury. Normally, arterial partial pres- such as expansion of intraparenchymal contusions or subdural
sure of carbon dioxide, (PaCO2 ) significantly regulates cerebral hematoma and systemic complications of intracranial pathol-
vascular resistance over a range of PaCO2 of 20 to 80 mm Hg ogy, such as hyponatremia.
(Fig. 28.2C). CBF is acutely halved if PaCO2 is halved, and The GCS score, originally developed as a tool for the as-
doubled if PaCO2 is doubled. This reduction in CBF (via arte- sessment of impaired consciousness [12], has also been used as
riolar vasoconstriction) results in a decrease in cerebral blood a prognostic tool for patients with TBI [13]. The GCS score
volume and a decrease in ICP. Conceptually, decreasing PaCO2 at the time of initial hospitalization is used to characterize the
to decrease ICP may appear to be desirable. Hyperventilation severity of TBI, with severe TBI defined as a GCS score less than
as a clinical tool was described by Lundberg et al. [8] in 1959 as or equal to 8, moderate TBI as a GCS score of 9 to 12, and mild
a treatment for increased ICP and was a mainstay of treatment TBI as that associated with a GCS score greater than 12. Lower
for over 40 years. However, in healthy brain, there are limits to GCS scores are generally associated with poorer long-term out-
maximal cerebral vasoconstriction with falling PaCO2 (as well comes, although correlation to individual patients with TBI is
as vasodilation with increasing PaCO2 ), such that, as CBF de- difficult because of the significant variations in mortality rates
creases to the point of producing inadequate CDO2 , local va- and functional outcome [14]. Significant concern has arisen re-
sodilatory mechanisms tend to restore CBF and CDO2 . As a garding the validity of the initial GCS score on presentation
consequence, in healthy brain, hyperventilation does not pro- given the aggressive prehospital management of these patients
duce severe cerebral ischemia; however, after TBI, hypocapnia over the last decade or so, that includes sedation and intubation
can generate cerebral ischemia as reflected in decreased PbtO2 in the field or the administration of paralytics and sedatives in
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SjvO2 %
the emergency room. Some authors have reported a loss of pre- in healthy individuals. After brain injury, autoregulation may
dictive value of the GCS score from 1997 onwards and call for a become impaired, especially in traumatically brain-injured pa-
critical reconsideration of its use [15]. Other studies done have tients. Chesnut et al. [17,18] reported that even brief periods
looked at GCS in the field versus GCS upon arrival and have of hypotension (systolic blood pressure less than 90 mm Hg)
found good correlation and prognostic value in predicting out- worsened outcome after TBI, and recommended that systolic
come and have even found the changes in scores from field GCS blood pressure be maintained greater than 90 mm Hg (with
to arrival GCS to be highly predictive of outcome in patients possible benefit from higher pressures). These recommenda-
with moderate to severe TBI [16]. Many centers use the best tions have also been promoted by the Brain Trauma Foundation
GCS or postresuscitation GCS in the first 24 hours or just the for patients with severe TBI [19]. To achieve this goal, the use
motor component of the GCS instead of initial GCS given these of vasoactive substances, such as norepinephrine, may be re-
issues. Nevertheless, the GCS score is popular as a quick, re- quired [20]. Nevertheless, optimal blood pressure management
producible estimate of level of consciousness (Table 28.3), has
become a common tool for the serial monitoring of conscious-
ness, and has been incorporated into various outcome models,
such as the Trauma score, APACHE II, and the Trauma-Injury TA B L E 2 8 . 3
Severity score. The GCS score, which includes eye opening,
motor responses in the best functioning limb, and verbal re- GLASGOW COMA SCALE
sponses is limited and by no means replaces a thoughtful and
focused neurologic examination. It should be supplemented by Component Response Score
recording pupillary size and reactivity, cranial nerve examina-
Eye opening Spontaneously 4
tion and more detailed neurologic testing depending on the rel-
To verbal command 3
evant neuroanatomy involved in the disease process. Even so,
To pain 2
the use of serial GCS determinations remains a common tool
None 1
in the management of patients with neurologic dysfunction.
Subtotal: 14
Motor response Obeys verbal command 6
(best extremity) Localizes pain 5
Systemic Monitoring Flexion-withdrawal 4
Although not specific to neurologic monitoring, systemic pa- Flexor (decorticate 3
rameters, including blood pressure, arterial oxygen saturation posturing)
(SaO2 ), PaCO2 , serum glucose concentration, and temperature, Extensor (decerebrate 2
have clinical relevance in the management of patients with neu- posturing)
rologic dysfunction or injury. The relationships between these No response (flaccid) 1
systemic variables and long-term outcome after neurologic in- Subtotal: 16
sults are closely linked and are subject to continuing research. Best verbal Oriented and converses 5
Perhaps the most important systemic monitor is blood pres- response Disoriented and converses 4
sure, as CBF is dependent on the relationship between CPP Inappropriate words 3
and cerebral vascular resistance (CVR), and can be modeled Incomprehensive sounds 2
generally by the equation: CBF = CPP/CVR. As previously dis- No verbal response 1
cussed, CBF is maintained relatively constant over a wide range Subtotal: 15
of blood pressures (pressure autoregulation) through arteriolar Total: 315
changes in resistance (assuming no change in brain metabolism)
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for patients with TBI has yet to be defined. Some clinical data to both diagnosis and length of stay [43,44]. Hyperthermia
suggest that the influence of hypotension on outcome after TBI is generally associated with poorer outcome when associated
is equivalent to the influence of hypotension on outcome after with neurologic injury in adults and children [45], but a causal
non-neurologic trauma [21]. Proposed treatment protocols in- link with adverse outcome (as with serum glucose levels) is
clude CPP greater than 70 mm Hg [22], greater than 60 mm lacking. It is unclear whether increased temperatures result in
Hg [23], or greater than 50 mm Hg [24]. The augmentation of worsened long-term neurologic outcome, or whether a greater
CPP above 70 mm Hg with fluids and vasopressors has, how- severity of brain injury is associated with more frequent or se-
ever, been associated with increased risk of acute respiratory vere increases in systemic temperature.
distress syndrome and is not universally recommended [23]. The method of temperature monitoring is important. Ther-
Another essential step in insuring adequate CDO2 is the mal gradients exist throughout the body, and the site of mea-
maintenance of adequate CaO2 , which in turn is dependent surement influences the diagnosis of hypothermia, normother-
on Hgb and SaO2 ; therefore, anemia and hypoxemia can re- mia, or hyperthermia. Measurements of systemic temperature
duce CDO2 , which would normally result in compensatory in- may underestimate brain temperature. In studies of tempera-
creases in CBF. However, these compensatory mechanisms are ture monitoring by site, variations of up to 3 C have been iden-
limited. As SaO2 (or PaO2 ) decreases below the compensatory tified between the brain and other routinely used monitoring
threshold, SjvO2 and jugular venous oxygen content (CjvO2 ), sites, emphasizing the importance of monitoring site selection
which reflect the ability of CDO2 to supply CMRO2 , also de- in patients with neurologic injury and the need to appreciate
crease. The correlation is most evident below a PaO2 of ap- the difference between brain temperature and the active site of
proximately 60 mm Hg, the PaO2 at which SaO2 is 90% and measurement used clinically for a given patient.
below which SaO2 rapidly decreases. In contrast, as Hgb is
reduced by normovolemic hemodilution, SjvO2 remains rela-
tively constant unless severe anemia is produced [25]. EEG/Electrocorticography
The management of arterial CO2 in patients with neurologic
injury has changed dramatically in the past 10 years. Although Electroencephalographic (EEG) monitoring has long been used
hyperventilation as a management strategy for increased ICP in neurology for diagnosis and intraoperative monitoring, but
was routine in the 1990s, it is now reserved for acute or life- has less frequently been used as a neurologic monitoring tech-
threatening increases in the intensive care unit (ICU) and is no nique in critically ill patients. EEG is indicated in response to
longer recommended for routine use. Having been associated suspicion of a new or progressive abnormality such as cerebral
with cerebral ischemia in children and adults [9,10] with se- ischemia or new onset of seizures. The cortical EEG or elec-
vere TBI, hyperventilation is least likely to be harmful when trocorticography, which is altered by mild cerebral ischemia
combined with monitoring, such as SjvO2 or PbtO2 , that can and abolished by profound cerebral ischemia, can be used to
identify cerebral ischemia. indicate potentially damaging cerebral hypoperfusion. More
Hyperglycemia increased injury in experimental TBI [26] recent research has documented its utility in the detection of
and was associated with worse outcome in clinical TBI [27,28], cortical spreading depression and peri-infarct depolarizations
although it is difficult to distinguish between elevated glucose (proposed to be early indicators of delayed ischemic injury) in
causing worsened outcome versus increased severity of TBI in- the acutely injured human cortex in traumatic brain injury and
ducing more elevated glucose levels [29]. In critically ill patients subarachnoid hemorrhage [46,47]. The EEG can document
requiring mechanical ventilation, elevated glucose levels were seizures, either convulsive or nonconvulsive, and provide infor-
associated with worsened outcomes [30], and current recom- mation as to the efficacy of antiseizure therapy. Other functions
mendations are to tightly control serum glucose in critically ill include defining the depth or type of coma, documenting focal
patients in the medical and surgical ICU [31]. Caution must be or lateralizing intracranial abnormalities, and the diagnosis of
exercised in the brain injured patient as there is also evidence brain death.
to suggest that hypoglycemia can be more detrimental than hy- If the EEG is to be used for monitoring, care must be taken
perglycemia and microdialysis studies in traumatic brain injury and weaknesses of the technique appreciated [48]. In the ICU,
patients found that extracellular glucose concentration is low electrical noise from other equipment may produce artifacts
after TBI and is associated with markers for tissue distress and and interfere with technically adequate tracings. Continuous
poor outcome [32]. EEG recording was cumbersome in the past owing to the sheer
The monitoring and management of body temperature re- volume of data (300 pages per hour of hard copy on as many as
mains an important aspect of care for critically ill patients. Hy- 16 channels), but techniques for digital recording and network-
pothermia and hyperthermia should be considered separately ing direct computer recording of EEG data are now available
in this context. The use of hypothermia as a treatment for brain given adequate computer power and storage. Scalp fixation has
injury, while demonstrating benefit in animals [33] and in some also been a significant limiting factor, although newer fixation
phase II human studies, has not shown consistent benefit in techniques are easier to apply and more stable. Techniques of
larger studies [34] and is not recommended for general use mathematical data analysis, such as rapid Fourier analysis, can
in TBI [35,36]. Although the largest clinical trials (NABISH- be used to determine the relative amplitude in each frequency
1 and Hypothermia Pediatric Head Injury Trial Investigators band (deltaless than 4 Hz, theta4 to 8 Hz, alpha8 to
and the Canadian Critical Care Trials Group) were negative 13 Hz, betagreater than 13 Hz), which can then be displayed
[37,38], there were numerous smaller human trials and meta- graphically in formats such as the compressed spectral array
analyses that suggested improved neurologic outcomes with or density spectral array. Alpha variability has been found to
hypothermia in TBI. Some authors suggest that the failure of predict vasospasm/delayed cerebral ischemia in subarachnoid
these trials was because of poor protocol design and lack of hemorrhage patients [49] and the percentage of alpha variabil-
proper management of the side effects of hypothermia [39,40]. ity was found to have prognostic value in traumatic brain injury
In contrast, induced hypothermia after resuscitation from car- [50]. Analytic software has been developed that processes the
diac arrest (secondary to ventricular tachycardia or fibrillation) raw EEG signal to provide single number interpretation of the
has improved outcome in some trials [41,42]. Research into depth of sedation. These devices have been recommended
this complex area is ongoing, and clinical practice is likely to for use during general anesthesia as a means to reduce the risk
undergo further refinement. of awareness [51], although the scientific justification for this
Hyperthermia is common in critically ill patients, occur- claim is not conclusive. The American Society of Anesthesiolo-
ring in up to 90% of patients with neurologic disease, related gists has developed a practice advisory on this issue [52]. Use of
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this type of monitoring has also been implemented by some for motor tracts. Stimulation of proximal motor tracts (cortical or
use in the ICU for monitoring sedation levels in the critically ill, spinal) and evaluation of subsequent responses yield informa-
the utility of which has yet to be proven [53,54]. All devices use tion that can be used for intraoperative and early postoperative
proprietary analysis of an EEG signal (either spontaneous or neurosurgical management. Induction of motor EP and its in-
evoked, with or without electromyogram monitoring), which terpretation is exquisitely sensitive to sedative, analgesic, and
is converted to a single number that is intended to correspond anesthetic drugs, making clinical use difficult when drugs are
to an awareness level based on an arbitrary scale. The future given concurrently. Despite these limitations, motor EP evalu-
role and evidence of improved patient outcomes with this mon- ation has been successfully used for the management of neuro-
itoring modality remain unclear. A more detailed discussion of ICU patients and may become more common as techniques and
the clinical indications, technical aspects, and limitations can equipment improve [56,57].
be found in a recent review [55]. The sensitivity of EP monitoring is similar to that of EEG
monitoring. EPs, especially brainstem auditory EPs, are rela-
tively robust, although they can be modified by trauma, hy-
EVOKED POTENTIALS poxia, or ischemia. Because obliteration of EPs occurs only
under conditions of profound cerebral ischemia or mechanical
Sensory-evoked potentials (EPs), which include somato- trauma, EP monitoring is one of the most specific ways in which
sensory-evoked potentials (SSEPs), brainstem auditory EPs, to assess neurologic integrity in specific monitored pathways.
and visual EPs, can be used as qualitative threshold monitors However, as with the discussion of cerebral ischemia, there is
to detect severe neural ischemia. Unlike EEG that records the a dosetime interaction that ultimately determines the magni-
continuous, spontaneous activity of the brain, EPs evaluate the tude of cerebral injury. As a result, neurologic deficits occur
responses of the brain to specific stimuli. To record SSEPs, that have not been predicted by changes in EPs, and severe
stimuli are applied to a peripheral nerve, usually the median changes in EPs may not be followed by neurologic deficits. The
nerve at the wrist or posterior tibial nerve at the ankle, by a most definitive indication for SSEPs is in the prognostication
low-amplitude current of approximately 20 milliseconds in du- of anoxic brain injury from cardiac arrest. The absence of the
ration. The resultant sensory (afferent) nerve stimulation and N20 response on bilateral SSEPs of the median nerve within
resultant cortical response to the stimulus are recorded at the 3 days postarrest has been found to be a reliable predictor
scalp. Repeated identical stimuli are applied and signal aver- of negative outcome or recovery of consciousness in anoxic
aging is used to remove the highly variable background EEG postarrest coma and is part of the AAN practice parameter in
and other environmental electrical noise and thereby visualize the prognostication of postanoxic coma [58].
reproducible evoked responses (Fig. 28.4).
EPs are described in terms of the amplitude of cortical re-
sponse peaks and the conduction delay (latency) between the
stimulus and the appearance of response waveform. Because INTRACRANIAL PRESSURE
peripheral nerve stimulation can be uncomfortable, SSEPs are MONITORING
usually obtained from sedated or anesthetized patients. SSEPs
are unaffected by neuromuscular blocking agents but may be The symptoms and signs of intracranial hypertension are
significantly influenced by sedative, analgesic, and anesthetic neither sensitive nor specific. Usually, the physical findings
agents, often in a dose-dependent manner. In general, however, associated with increasing ICP (e.g., Cushings response
the doses of drugs required to influence EPs are sufficient to hypertension and Cushings triadhypertension, reflex brady-
produce general anesthesia and are not usually clinically im- cardia, and alterations in respiratory function) become
portant in the ICU. If a patient is undergoing EP monitoring apparent only when intracranial hypertension has become suf-
and requires large doses of analgesic or sedative agents, po- ficiently severe to injure the brain. Likewise, papilledema is
tential impairment of monitoring should be considered. Motor a late development and is often difficult to identify clinically.
EPs represent a method of selectively evaluating descending Because ICP cannot otherwise be adequately assessed, direct
100 msec
FIGURE 28.4. Averaging reduces
background noise. After 100 trials,
TRIAL 1V this visual evoked potential (EP) is
relatively noise-free. The same EP
is hard to distinguish after only 10
trials and would be impossible to
find in the original unaveraged data.
(From Nuwer MR: Evoked Potential
Monitoring in the Operating Room.
New York, Raven Press, 1986, p 29,
with permission.)
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measurement and monitoring of ICP has become a common but fixation and equipment reliability are practical issues. This
intervention, especially in the management of TBI [59], and technique is used uncommonly for these reasons.
less commonly after critical illnesses such as SAH or stroke. Intraparenchymal placement of a fiber-optic catheter is also
Although there is no class 1 evidence that the use of this tech- possible and is associated with complications similar to ventric-
nique improves outcomes, there is a large body of clinical ev- ular fiber-optic catheters. Complications are generally noted to
idence supporting its use to guide therapeutic interventions in be highest with ventriculostomies (when compared with fiber-
traumatic brain injury that have potential risks (such as ag- optic catheter usage), and complications of ICP monitoring are
gressive osmotherapy, induced hypothermia and barbiturate associated with a worse GCS score.
coma), to aid in the detection intracranial mass lesions and to Management decisions based on ICP data are the focus
provide prognostic data [60]. ICP monitoring has been found of ongoing debate and study. Clinical studies after TBI have
to improve outcome prediction in TBI and next to clinical pa- demonstrated that increased ICP is associated with worsened
rameters such as age, GCS motor score and abnormal pupillary outcome [68]. Therefore, control of ICP has been considered
responses, the proportion of hourly ICP recordings greater than by some clinicians to be the primary focus of treatment [24],
20 mm Hg was the next most significant predictor of outcome while other clinicians have considered restoration of CPP (by
in an analysis done of the National Traumatic Coma Data Bank increasing MAP) to be the primary goal of medical manage-
[61]. Despite this, the debate continues on how to use ICP data ment [21]. To date, the ideal approach has not been established
to change patient care and reduce morbidity and mortality. It is by outcome trials; therefore, practice patterns remain variable
unlikely that a large randomized clinical trial will ever be done [69]. Clinical experience with ICP monitoring of head-injured
given the lack of clinical equipoise. The Brain Trauma Founda- patients has resulted in publication of clinical guidelines using
tion/American Association of Neurosurgeons Guidelines rec- an evidence-based approach (Fig. 28.5) [70].
ommend ICP monitoring in all patients with severe TBI (GCS
<8) and an abnormal CT scan or a normal scan with patients
who are greater than 40 years old, have motor posturing, or
a systolic BP <90 mm Hg [62,63]. Because pressure gradients CEREBRAL BLOOD FLOW
may exist among various sites within the calvarium, it may MONITORING
be advantageous to monitor in or adjacent to the most severely
damaged hemisphere [64], some even recommend bilateral ICP The first quantitative clinical method of measurement of CBF,
monitoring to circumvent this problem [65]. the KetySchmidt technique, calculated global CBF from the
ICP functions as the outflow pressure apposing MAP difference between the arterial and jugular bulb concentration
(CPP = MAP ICP) when ICP exceeds jugular venous pres- curves of an inhaled, inert gas as it equilibrated with blood and
sure. Because the skull is not distensible, the brain, cere- brain tissue. Later techniques used extracranial gamma detec-
brospinal fluid (CSF), and cerebral blood volume have little tors to measure regional cortical CBF from washout curves af-
room to expand without increasing ICP. It is important to ap- ter intracarotid injection of a radioisotope such as 133-xenon
preciate that some increase in intracranial volume is possible (Xe 133). Carotid puncture was avoided by techniques that
without much change in ICP, but when the compensatory mech- measured cortical CBF after inhaled or intravenous adminis-
anisms are exhausted, even small changes in volume can lead tration of Xe 133, using gamma counting of exhaled gas to
to significant increases in pressure. Although CBF cannot be correct clearance curves for recirculation of Xe 133. Because Xe
directly inferred from knowledge of MAP and ICP, severe in- is radiodense, saturation of brain tissue increases radiographic
creases in ICP reduce CPP and CBF. ICP monitoring provides density in proportion to CBF. Imaging of the brain after equi-
temporally relevant, quantitative information. The problems libration with stable (nonradioactive) Xe provides a regional
associated with ICP monitoring fall generally into three cat- estimate of CBF that includes deep brain structures. Clinical
egories: direct morbidity due to monitor placement (e.g., in- studies of CBF after TBI performed using stable xenon com-
tracranial hemorrhage, cortical damage, and infection), inac- puted tomography (CT) have prompted a radical revision of
curate measurement, and misinterpretation or inappropriate conventional understanding by demonstrating that one third
use of the data. Clinically, one of three sites is used to mea- of patients had evidence of cerebral ischemia within 8 hours
sure ICP: a lateral ventricle, the brain parenchyma, and much of trauma. Although slow in becoming a routine clinical tool,
less commonly the subdural space. Ventricular catheterization, Xe CT is becoming a more common technique for monitor-
when performed using strict asepsis, is the method of choice for ing CBF in patients. The use of helical and spiral CT scanners
ICP monitoring and CSF drainage [66] in patients with acute (with very short acquisition times) reduces the radiation expo-
intracranial hypertension and excess CSF (i.e., acute hydro- sure to the patient and decreases the time needed for a scan,
cephalus). In practice, intraventricular catheters may be diffi- improving clinical utility [71]. A newer method of measuring
cult to place if cerebral edema or brain swelling has compressed CBF that provides continuous bedside quantitative measure-
the ventricular system. Intraventricular pressure monitoring ments is the thermal diffusion technique. This consists of the
can also be performed with fiber-optic catheters (instead of a insertion of a microprobe into the brain parenchyma with a
hollow catheter) that use a variable reflectance pressure sensing thermistor at the tip and a temperature sensor proximal to it.
system (transducer tip) to measure pressure (Camino Laborato- The thermistor is heated to 2 degrees above tissue temperature
ries, San Diego, CA). These fiber-optic catheters are less suscep- and CBF is calculated using the thermal gradient and provides
tible to short-term malfunction than conventional, fluid-filled a quantified regional CBF measurement in mL per 100 g per
catheters but may slowly and unpredictably drift over days to minute. Some studies suggest a correlation with regional brain
weeks [67]. tissue oxygenation and possible role in guiding management
Pressure monitoring from the subdural space may use a of ICP. Technical issues such as the invasive nature of the de-
fluid-coupled bolt (simple transcranial conduit), fluid-coupled vice, frequent calibration, and the limitations seen in the febrile
subdural catheters (or reservoirs), or fiber-optic transducer- patient have kept this method from becoming more widely
tipped catheters (see earlier). Because subdural bolts are open adopted [72]. Another CT-based technique, perfusion CT, uses
tubes facing end-on against the brain surface, brain tissue may iodinated contrast infusion with repeated images to calculate
herniate into the system, obstructing the system, distorting local CBF. This technique is limited to smaller regions and
measurements, and potentially damaging the cerebral cortex. may not provide uniform results between brain regions [73].
Reservoir systems require surgical placement into the subdural Other techniques, such as single-photon emission CT (SPECT)
space. Fiber-optic systems do not have these specific problems, and magnetic resonance perfusion imaging also can provide
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Insert ICP monitor
Maintain CPP
(age appropriate)
Yes NO
Yes No
Drain CSF if
ventriculostomy present
Consider Carefully
Yes No withdraw
repeating ICP?
CT scan ICP
Yes treatment
Neuromuscular blockade
Yes No
Hyperosmolar therapy
Mannitol PRN
(3% saline infusion)
Mild hyperventilation
(PaCO2 30 - 35 mm Hg)
Yes No
FIGURE 28.5. Critical pathway for treatment of intracranial hypertension in the pediatric patient with
severe head injury. ICP, intracranial pressure. (From Adelson PD, Bratton SL, Carney NA, et al: Critical
pathway for the treatment of established intracranial hypertension in pediatric traumatic brain injury. Ped
Crit Care Med 4(3)[Suppl]:S65S67, 2003, with permission.)
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200 is distributed to the right and left lateral sinus contribute to dif-
ferences between the two jugular bulbs. Ideally, a jugular bulb
Flow Velocity cm/sec
which is that the global saturation measurements provide no ter clinical trial is in the planning stages but has not started
information about regional or focal tissue oxygenation. Only recruiting patients yet (BOOST-2).
relatively profound focal global ischemia causes SjvO2 to de-
crease to less than the accepted critical threshold of 50%. Even
severe regional ischemia may not result in desaturation if ve- NEUROCHEMICAL MONITORING
nous effluent from other regions is normally saturated, in part
because the absolute flow of poorly saturated blood returning Neuronal injury is associated with the release or production
from ischemic regions is by definition less per volume of tis- of chemical markers such as free radicals, inflammatory me-
sue than flow from well-perfused regions, resulting in a smaller diators, metabolic products, and excitatory amino acids [4].
percentage of poorly oxygenated to well-oxygenated blood. In- Neurochemical monitoring via microdialysis allows assessment
tracranial, intraparenchymal probes have been developed that of the chemical milieu of cerebral extracellular fluid, provides
monitor only PbtO2 or that also monitor brain tissue PCO2 and valuable information about neurochemical processes in vari-
pH [79]. Modified from probes designed for continuous mon- ous neuropathologic states, and is used clinically in the man-
itoring of arterial blood gases, intraparenchymal probes can agement of severe TBI [86] and SAH [87,88]. There is data
be inserted through multiple-lumen ICP monitoring bolts. Al- to suggest that chemical changes detected by microdialysis
though these probes provide no information about remote re- precede secondary neurologic injury and clinical worsening
gions, they nevertheless provide continuous information about in intracranial hypertension, subarachnoid hemorrhage, and
the region that is contiguous to the probe. They also carry the ischemic stroke. Substances monitored via microdialysis in-
theoretical risk of hematoma formation, infection, and direct clude energy-related metabolites such as glucose, lactate, pyru-
parenchymal injury. Evaluation of PbtO2 after severe TBI has vate, adenosine, and xanthine; neurotransmitters such as gluta-
shown that low partial pressures (PbtO2 less than 10 mm Hg mate, aspartate, gamma-amino butyric acid; markers of tissue
for greater than 15 minutes) powerfully predict poor outcomes damage such as glycerol and potassium [89], and alterations in
and that PbtO2 probes are safe [80,81]. Both PbtO2 and SjvO2 membrane phospholipids by oxygen radicals [90]. Lactate lev-
may reflect changes in cerebral oxygenation secondary to alter- els and lactate/pyruvate ratios are reliable markers of ischemia
ations in CBF (Fig. 28.7) [82]. However, comparisons of simul- and have been found to correlate well with PET, cerebral per-
taneous PbtO2 and SjvO2 monitoring suggest that each monitor fusion pressure and jugular venous bulb oxygen saturation val-
detects cerebral ischemia that the other fails to detect. In 58 pa- ues and associated with outcome in traumatic brain injury and
tients with severe TBI, the two monitors detected 52 episodes subarachnoid hemorrhage. Elevations of the excitatory neuro-
in which SjvO2 decreased to less than 50% or PbtO2 decreased transmitter glutamate have been found in hypoxic-ischemic in-
to less than 8 mm Hg; of those 52 episodes, both monitored jury seen in low CBF, jugular venous bulb desaturation, seizures
variables fell below the ischemic threshold in 17, only SjvO2 and low CPP, and correlated with poor outcome in TBI. The
reflected ischemia in 19, and only PbtO2 reflected ischemia in magnitude of release of these substances correlates with the ex-
16 (Fig. 28.8) [83]. Ongoing research will determine the role of tent of ischemic damage. The time-dependent changes of these
PbtO2 monitoring and the relationship between PbtO2 moni- substances and the clinical implications are being evaluated,
toring and SjvO2 monitoring in critical neurologic illness. Re- and their incorporation into standard practice is being studied.
cent single-center prospective studies comparing brain tissue Certain issues related to quantification, bedside presentation
oxygen directed protocols in traumatic brain injury with his- of data, implantation strategies, and standardization of proto-
torical controls report reduced mortality as well as improved cols need to be addressed. An excellent review of the current
6-month clinical outcomes [84,85]. A randomized multicen- status, issues surrounding potential future developments and
[n = 13] *
20 Hyperventilation
80 80 80
60 60 60
40 40 40
20 20 20
0 0 0
Baseline Event Baseline Event Baseline Event Baseline Event Baseline Event Baseline Event
SjvO2 PbtO2 SjvO2 PbtO2 SjvO2 PbtO2
Both SjvO2 and PbtO2 decrease Only PbtO2 decreased below Only SjvO2 decreased below
below critical thresholds (17 cases) critical threshold (16 cases) critical threshold (19 cases)
FIGURE 28.8. Changes in jugular venous oxygen saturation (SjvO2 ) and brain tissue PO2 (PbtO2 ) dur-
ing 52 episodes of cerebral hypoxia/ischemia. The horizontal line across the box plot represents the
median, and the lower and upper ends of the box plot are the 25th percentile and 75th percentile, respec-
tively. The error bars mark the 10th and 90th percentiles. The closed circles indicate any outlying points.
A: Summary of the 17 cases in which both SjvO2 and PbtO2 decreased to less than their respective thresh-
olds, as defined in the text. B: Summary of the 16 cases in which PbtO2 decreased to less than the defined
threshold; but SjvO2 ; although decreased, did not decrease to less than 50%. C: Summary of the 19 cases
in which SjvO2 decreased to less than the threshold, but PbtO2 remained at greater than 10 torr. (From
Gopinath SP, Valadka AB, Uzura M, et al: Comparison of jugular venous oxygen saturation and brain
tissue PO2 as monitors of cerebral ischemia after head injury. Crit Care Med 27:23372345, 1999, with
methodological aspects of microdialysis are discussed in detail but studies are not definitive [95]. Despite the promise and
in a recent article [91]. enthusiasm generated by NIRS, many problems remain with
the technology including tissue penetration, spatial and tem-
poral resolution, artifacts from subcutaneous blood flow and
methods of quantitative analysis which need to be resolved
NEAR-INFRARED SPECTROSCOPY [96]. Therefore, validation studies suggest that NIRS may be
more useful for qualitatively monitoring trends of brain tis-
Theoretically, the best monitor of brain oxygenation would be a sue oxygenation than for actual quantification and its cur-
noninvasive device that characterizes brain oxygenation in real rent clinical use is limited to a few centers and is adjunc-
time: near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) might eventually offer tive at best [93,97]. Some of the liabilities of near-infrared
the opportunity to assess the adequacy of brain oxygenation spectroscopy may be overcome by optoacoustic monitoring of
continuously and noninvasively, although to date the use of the cerebral venous saturation. Optoacoustic monitoring of cere-
technique in adults has been limited. bral venous saturation depends on the generation by near-
Near-infrared light penetrates the skull and, during trans- infrared light of ultrasonic signals in blood. The acoustic sig-
mission through or reflection from brain tissue, undergoes nals are then transmitted linearly through tissue and bone and
changes in intensity that are proportional to the relative con- provide a focused, depth-resolved signal that reflects venous
centrations of oxygenated and deoxygenated hemoglobin in oxygenation [98].
the arteries, capillaries, and veins within the field [92]. The
absorption (A) of light by a chromophore (i.e., hemoglobin)
is defined by Beers Law: A = abc, where a is the absorption
constant, b is the path length of the light, and c is the concen- NEUROIMAGING
tration of the chromophore, namely, oxygenated and deoxy-
genated hemoglobin. Because it is impossible to measure the Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), positron emission spec-
path length of NIRS light in tissue, approximations as to rel- troscopy (PET) scans, cerebral angiography, and radionuclide
ative lengths and arterial versus venous contribution must be scans do not function as monitors per se. Rather, they are
made. indicated in response to suspicion of a new or progressive
Extensive preclinical and clinical data demonstrate that anatomic lesion, such as a subdural or intracerebral hematoma
NIRS detects qualitative changes in brain oxygenation [93]. or cerebral arterial vasospasm, that requires altered treatment.
Studies have been done comparing NIRS to other technologies Most neuroimaging modalities provide static, discontinuous
and assessing its correlation with EEG, transcranial Doppler, data and require moving a critically ill patient from the ICU to
PbtO2 and jugular venous O2 saturation changes. NIRS was a remote location. Even so, these techniques play an important
found to correlate with EEG, TCD, and PtO2 in transient cere- role in the overall management of patients with brain injury
bral hypoxia, subarachnoid hemorrhage, and during intraop- [99]. With the introduction of portable CT scanners and the
erative monitoring for carotid endarterectomy. It did not cor- development of ultrafast helical and spiral CT scanners, avail-
relate well with SjvO2 [94] values but was thought to provide ability and acquisition time for evaluations have significantly
complementary focal oxygenation data to SjvO2 s global oxy- decreased and can now be used for serial monitoring of ongo-
genation assessment. Clinical applications include traumatic ing neurologic processes and for evaluation of changes in CBF
brain injury where an rSO2 of less than 55% was thought to (see above).
suggest inadequate CPP and NIRS values were lower in the CT scans obtained at the time of admission to the hospital
high ICP group of patients vasospasm detection in the setting can provide valuable prognostic information. Marshall et al.
of subarachnoid hemorrhage, and the detection of intracra- [100] predicted outcome of head-injured patients in relation
nial hemorrhages such as subdural and epidural hematomas to four grades of increasingly severe diffuse brain injury and
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TA B L E 2 8 . 4
GR, good recovery; MD, moderate disability; SD, severe disability; PVS, persistent vegetative state; DI, diffuse injury; DI categories I to IV represent
increasingly severe classes of diffuse brain injury.
From Marshall LF, Marshall SB, Klauber MR, et al: A new classification of head injury based on computerized tomography. J Neurosurg 75:S14S20,
1991, with permission.
the presence of evacuated or nonevacuated intracranial mass Diffusion Tensor Imaging has been found to be helpful in
lesions (Table 28.4). Normal CT scans at admission in patients further defining the anatomy of fiber tracts that have been
with GCS scores less than 8 are associated with a 10% to 15% damaged and has also been found to have prognostic value
incidence of ICP elevation [101,102]; however, the risk of ICP in severe TBI [106]. Functional MRI provides information re-
elevation increases in patients older than age 40 years, those garding neural activity, localization and the physiology of brain
with unilateral or bilateral motor posturing, or those with sys- function but is currently in use only for neurosurgical plan-
tolic blood pressure less than 90 mm Hg [101]. ning, brain mapping and in the investigation of neurobehav-
Although MRI often provides better resolution than CT ioral aspects and neuropsychologic sequelae of disorders such
scans, the powerful magnetic fields make the use of ferrous as Alzheimers disease, stroke, multiple sclerosis, brain tumors,
metals impractical (and dangerous), a ubiquitous component of and traumatic brain injury.
life-support equipment. To address this issue, MRI-compatible
ventilators, monitors, and infusion pumps have been devel-
oped, although the logistics of transport and the time re-
quired for scans continues to make this technique difficult MULTIMODAL MONITORING
for repeated monitoring. Recent advances in MRI technol- STRATEGIES
ogy, such as diffusion-weighted imaging, magnetic resonance
spectroscopy (carbon labeled, phosphorus labeled, and nitro- With technological advances and active ongoing research the
gen labeled), phase-contrast angiography, and functional MRI field of neurologic monitoring is developing rapidly. Multi-
provide information about oxidative metabolic pathways, cere- modal monitoring takes into account the limitations of each
bral blood volume, functional CBF, and neuronal activation monitoring modality and compensates by combining different
[99,103,104]. These techniques, while undergoing further eval- techniques into a generalized strategy that help to further eluci-
uation and validation, may one day prove useful in evaluat- date the pathophysiology and underlying cellular mechanisms
ing brain injury and its management. Recent clinical evidence of disease and focuses care on the physiologic aspects of dis-
of brain mitochondrial dysfunction after TBI, despite appar- ease. This concept is not new (consider the operating room and
ently adequate CDO2 , suggests that functional cellular evalu- the role of the anesthesiologist) and is becoming more common
ation and associated therapy may someday be as important as in the management of brain injury [107] as well as other neu-
maintaining CDO2 [105]. In addition to providing informa- rologic diseases. It is hoped that the use of these regimented
tion regarding ischemia and defining tissue at risk, MRI-based techniques will lead to improvements in patient outcome [108].
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INTRODUCTION formation about the heart; systolic and diastolic function, cav-
ity size, and valvular function [1].
Echocardiography was introduced to the operating suite in the Ease of use, availability of diagnostic information within
1970s, with epicardial echocardiography as its initial applica- 10 to 15 minutes from the start of examination, high-
tion. Transesophageal echocardiography (TEE) during surgery quality imaging in most patients, and low complication
was first described in 1980 but did not become commonplace rates have all led to the pervasive use of echocardiography
until the mid-1980s. Since then, TEE has evolved to become in the perioperative environment and increasing use in the
a widely used and versatile modality for diagnosis and mon- ICU [28]. However, patient safety and optimal outcome
itoring of critically ill patients. As such, its use has expanded depend heavily on a thorough understanding of both the
into the perioperative period and the intensive care unit (ICU). strengths and limitations of the available technologies and their
Echocardiography provides both anatomic and functional in- applications.
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Doppler Echocardiography
Doppler echocardiography is used to supplement 2D and M-
mode echocardiography. It can provide functional information PERFORMING TEE
regarding intracardiac hemodynamics; systolic and diastolic
flows, blood velocities and volumes, severity of valvular le- Although TEE is safe [18,19], there are several contraindica-
sions, location and severity of intracardiac shunts, and assess- tions to probe insertion. These include significant esophageal
ment of diastolic function. The four types of Doppler modal- or gastric pathology; mass or tumors, strictures, diverticulum,
ities used include continuous-wave, pulsed-wave, color flow Mallory-Weiss tears, recent esophageal or gastric surgery, up-
mapping, and tissue Doppler [9]. Continuous-wave Doppler is per gastrointestinal bleeding, and dysphagia or odynophagia
used for measuring high-pressure gradient/high-velocity flows not previously evaluated. Esophageal varices are not an abso-
such as seen in aortic stenosis. When using continuous wave lute contraindication, and a riskbenefit analysis of each case
Doppler, the ultrasound probe continuously transmits and re- must be carried out before performing TEE in any individual
ceives sound waves. This increases the maximum limit of blood patient [20]. Practitioners must be aware of the potential for
velocity that can be evaluated before exceeding the Nyquist severe bleeding, in particular when a coagulation abnormality
limit. The Nyquist limit represents the maximum flow ve- exists. Cervical spinal injury is another relative contraindica-
locity that can be evaluated by Doppler and is dependent tion requiring careful riskbenefit analysis.
on both equipment and imaging variables. Continuous wave
Doppler can evaluate higher flows but does so at the expense
of spatial specificity. This is referred to as range ambigu- COMPLICATIONS AND
ity. Pulsed-wave Doppler is used for measuring lower-pressure SAFETY OF TEE
gradient/lower-velocity flows such as in mitral stenosis. In this
mode, the ultrasound probe sends out a pulse of sound and TEE is considered a moderately invasive procedure and com-
then waits to receive reflected waves. This lowers the Nyquist plications are rare. In one study of ICU patients, complica-
limit and the maximum velocities that can be interrogated but tion rates reached 1.6% and included hypotension following
allows for precise spatial resolution. Color flow mapping is sedation for probe insertion, oropharyngeal bleeding in a co-
useful for screening valves for stenosis or regurgitation, quanti- agulopathic patient, and aspiration during tracheal intubation
fying the degree of valvular regurgitation, imaging systolic and performed prior to TEE [19]. Another study in 2,508 ICU pa-
diastolic flow, and detection of intracardiac shunts. Doppler tients reported a complication rate of 2.6%. In this study, there
tissue imaging has been introduced as a new method of quanti- was no examination-related mortality. Complications included
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transient hypotension or hypertension, circulatory deteriora- may often times be discerned from the echocardiographic eval-
tion, hypoxemia, arrhythmias, vomiting, coughing, superficial uation allowing for appropriate therapy to be initiated.
mucous membrane lesions, displacement of a tracheostomy
tube and accidental removal of a duodenal feeding tube [18]. A
large European multicenter study of 10,419 examinations re-
ported a complication rate of 2.5% with one (0.01%) case of Assessment of Left Ventricular
fatal hematemesis due to a malignant tumor [2]. In addition, in Systolic Function
0.88% of the reported cases, the TEE exam had to be prema-
turely terminated due to either patient intolerance or because Use of several echocardiographic assessment modalities is nec-
of cardiac, pulmonary, or bleeding events [2]. essary for evaluation of left ventricular systolic function. These
modalities include quantitative as well as qualitative assess-
Common Indications for TEE in the ICU ments.
ESV (A4C) 56 mL
EDV (BP) 81 mL
FIGURE 29.1. Calculation of cardiac output using the disc method (Simpsons rule). TEE Mid-esophageal
4-chamber view in diastole (A) and systole (B) is shown. Using the Simpsons rule, LVEDV (81 mL) and
LVESV (56 mL) were calculated by the echocardiographic computer. From these volumes, the cardiac
output was calculated to be 1.7 L/min (8156 mL) 69 beats per minute.
Qualitative Assessment of Left Ventricular ities in all coronary arterial circulatory beds as well as rudimen-
Systolic Function tary evaluation of volume status [26]. However, it is important
to remember that this view alone is never satisfactory for as-
2D Evaluation of Ventricular Systolic Function. Using 2D sessing overall systolic function.
imaging, two of the most important questions regarding hemo-
dynamic stability can be rapidly answered; are the ventricles
contracting well and are they adequately filled. Using 2D, an
experienced observer can qualitatively evaluate systolic func- Regional Left Ventricular Function
tion. This should be assessed from multiple tomographic planes
and attention must be given to obtaining adequate endocardial Most commonly, abnormal regional wall motion is the result of
definition. Normal ventricular contraction consists of simul- coronary artery disease and resultant ischemia/infarction. Ab-
taneous myocardial thickening and endocardial excursion to- normal wall motion is a continuum of conditions consisting of
ward the center of the ventricle. It is important to look for this hypokinesis, akinesis, and dyskinesis. With dyskinesis, the af-
myocardial thickening; infarcted myocardium may be pulled fected wall segment moves away from the center of the ventricle
inward by surrounding, normal myocardium. There is some during systole. To standardize echocardiographic evaluations
regional heterogeneity of normal wall motion with the prox- of wall motion, a 17-segment model of the LV has been defined
imal lateral and inferolateral (or posterior) walls contracting [25]. These 17 segments are evaluated separately for the pres-
somewhat later than the septum and inferior wall [25]. For ence and degree of regional wall motion abnormality. When
qualitative assessment of overall systolic function, the echocar- the etiology of the wall motion abnormality is CAD, the loca-
diographer integrates the degree of wall thickening and endo- tion of the coronary lesion can be usually predicted from the
cardial motion in all tomographic views and reaches a con- location of the regional wall motion abnormality.
clusion about overall LV systolic function and EF. Although
different institutions use different standards, severe LV systolic
dysfunction is usually defined as an EF <30%, moderate dys-
function 30% to 45%, mild depression 45% to 55%, and nor- Contrast Echocardiography
mal >55%. This method of EF estimation is of great clinical
utility and can be performed with good correlation to quantita- Recent innovations have been made to overcome some of the
tive measurements. There are however, a few potential pitfalls technical obstacles related to endocardial border detection and
to 2D assessment of EF that must be considered: image quality. Intravenous echocardiographic contrast agents
that opacify the left side of the heart can markedly improve
1. Accurate assessment requires satisfactory endocardial bor- visualization of the LV cavity and enhance endocardial defini-
der definition. Qualitative EF estimation becomes inaccu- tion. These agents can aid assessment of regional and global LV
rate when the endocardium is inadequately defined. functions [2730]. They also have the potential to salvage
2. Accurate estimation of EF depends on the experience of the nondiagnostic TTEs in ICU patients. One study demonstrated
echocardiographer. a salvage rate of 51% [31] and another 77% of nondiag-
3. In asynchronous contraction (paced-rhythm, conduction nostic TTEs [32]. In addition to improving visualization and
defects, etc.), assessment of EF is more difficult. assessment of LV function, assessment of myocardial perfusion
defects with intravenous contrast has been reported with vari-
Despite its limitations, 2D qualitative assessment is the most ous imaging techniques and modalities [3335].
widely used technique for assessment of LV systolic function
due to its ease of application in the clinical setting. In the op- Doppler Assessment of Left Ventricular
erating room, after completing the TEE exam, most physicians
monitor LV systolic function continuously with 2D imaging
Systolic Function
using the transgastric (TG) midpapillary short-axis view. This Doppler spectral profiles can be used to evaluate left ventric-
allows for quick assessment of regional wall motion abnormal- ular function quantitatively. This evaluation of left ventricular
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systolic function is based on calculation of stroke volume (SV) equals 1. Deviations up to 20 degrees in intercept angle are
and CO. acceptable since only a 6% error in measurement is intro-
Stroke Volumethe volume of blood ejected during each duced.
cardiac cycle is a key indicator of cardiac performance. SV can 3. Velocity and diameter measurements should be made at the
be calculated by using pulse wave Doppler (PWD) to measure same anatomic site. When the two are measured at different
the instantaneous blood velocity recorded during systole from places, the accuracy of SV and CO calculations is decreased.
an area in the heart where a cross-sectional area (CSA) can be 4. Although the pattern of flow is assumed to be laminar, in
easily determined. The left ventricular outflow tract (LVOT) is reality the flow profile is parabolic. This does have some im-
most commonly used because its cross section is essentially a pact on velocity-based calculations [25]. However, in rou-
circle. By measuring the diameter of the LVOT and assuming a tine clinical practice this factor is of little significance and
circular geometry, the CSA is calculated as (D/2)2 . Any car- can be essentially ignored.
diac chamber or structure that has a measurable CSA may be
used; mitral valve annulus, right ventricular outflow tract out- Determination of Left Ventricular dP/dt
flow, and tricuspid annulus are some examples. By tracing the
outline of the PWD profile, the echocardiographic computer The changing rate of left ventricular pressure (dP/dt) is an
can calculate the integral of velocity by time or the velocity important parameter in the assessment of myocardial systolic
time integral (VTI). The VTI is the distance (commonly referred function. Traditionally, dP/dt was derived from the left ven-
as the stroke distance) that the average red cell has traveled tricular pressure curve acquired at cardiac catheterization us-
during the systolic ejection phase. SV (cm3 ) is then calculated ing a micromanometer catheter recording. It has been shown
by multiplying the VTI (stroke distance in cm) by the CSA in that echocardiography can be used accurately and reliably to
cm2 of the conduit (i.e., LVOT, aorta, mitral valve annulus, pul- assess dP/dt by performing Doppler assessment of mitral regur-
monary artery) through which the blood has traveled [3642]; gitant jet [45,46]. Using continuous wave Doppler, a spectral
SV = CSA VTI. CO is then easily derived by multiplying display of the mitral regurgitation (MR) jet is obtained. From
the calculated SV by the heart rate: CO (cm3 /min) = SV HR the spectral display, information about the rate of pressure de-
(Fig. 29.2). velopment within the LV can be derived using measurements
This approach to SV and CO calculations has shown very undertaken in the early phase of systole (the upstroke of the
good correlation with thermodilution-derived CO measure- velocity curve is used for calculations). Determination of dP/dt
ments [43]. There are however, several potential sources of error: using the MR spectral jet is done by calculation of the time re-
quired for the MR jet velocity to go from 1 m per second to
3 m per second. The time between these two points represents
1. CSA determination often leads to the greatest source of er- the time that it takes for a 32 mm Hg pressure change to oc-
ror. When using any diameter for CSA determination, any cur in the left ventricular cavity. This is based on the modified
error in measurement will be squared (CSA = (D/2)2 ). This Bernoulli equation (P = 4v2 ), which relates pressure to velocity.
translates to a 20% error in calculation of CO for each 2- Thus, in going from 1 m per second to 3 m per second:
mm error when measuring a 2.0-cm diameter LV outflow
tract [25]. Studies have shown that while the Doppler ve- P = 4vB2 4vA2 (4(32 ) 4(12 ) = 32)
locity curves can be recorded consistently with little interob-
server measurement variability (2% to 5%), the variability where vB is velocity of 3 m/s.
in 2D LVOT diameter measurements for CSA is significantly dP/dt is then is calculated using the formula:
greater (8% to 12%) [44]. dP/dt = 32 mm Hg time (seconds).
2. The Doppler signal is assumed to have been recorded at a
parallel or near parallel intercept angle, called , to blood A depressed ventricle will take a longer time to develop
flow. The Doppler equation has a cos term in its denom- this pressure gradienta lower dP/dt. Normal dP/dt value
inator. With an intercept angle of 0 degree, the cos term is >1,200 mm Hg per second (or time 27 milliseconds),
FIGURE 29.2. Calculation of CO using spectral Doppler approach. A: Mid-esophageal long-axis view of
LVOT. LVOT measurement is 2.0 cm. The CSA is calculated as (D/2)2 to be 3.14 cm2 . B: Transgastric
long-axis view using a PWD directed through the aortic valve opening. VTI is calculated by the computer
through tracing the outer envelope of the spectral signal and is determined to be 14.6 cm. SV is the product
of CSA and VTI: 3.14 14.6 = 46 mL. CO = SV HR: 46 61 = 2.8 L/min.
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moderately depressed systolic function value range between volume is increased. Conversely, using lung-protective ven-
1,000 and 1,200 mm Hg per second, and when dP/dt is de- tilation with low tidal volume may lead to minimal pleural
creased bellow 1,000 mm Hg per second, left ventricular sys- pressure changes over a single respiratory cycle. In this case,
tolic function is severely depressed [47,48]. inspiration will not induce any significant change in LV SV,
even in fluid-responsive patients (leading to a false-negative
reading). This may explain why the SVV has been found
ASSESSMENT OF PATIENT to be a reliable predictor of fluid responsiveness in patients
with tidal volume ranging between 8 and 15 mL per kg
VOLUME STATUS [49,55,56].
One of the most challenging and crucial tasks in the manage- Three echocardiographic indices have been shown to reli-
ment of a hemodynamically unstable patient is to predict ac- ably assess fluid responsiveness based on the dynamic param-
curately whether the patient would benefit from fluid therapy. eter approach:
Overhydration may lead to pulmonary edema, hypoxia, and
worsening outcome and therefore should be avoided. A novel 1. Aortic Flow Index: The increase in SV during positive pres-
and effective method for determining this fluid responsive- sure ventilation as described earlier leads to increased peak
ness is through the assessment of dynamic parameters. Ex- flow across the LVOT, the aortic valve and descending aorta.
amples of such dynamic parameters are stroke volume variation Similarly, the decrease in SV during exhalation leads to de-
(SVV) and pulse pressure variation (PPV). These parameters crease in peak flow across these structures. The aortic flow
can be readily assessed with echocardiography. index can efficiently predict fluid responsiveness in patients
SVV and PPV are caused by the interaction of the cardiac ventilated with positive pressure. To calculate the aortic flow
and respiratory systems; that is, the changes in intrathoracic index, one has to use the pulse wave Doppler to sample flow
pressure during controlled ventilation have an impact on SV at the ascending aorta. This will generate a series of peak
and therefore, arterial pressure. The increase in intrathoracic flow spectral displays that are increased during inspiration
pressure during the inspiratory phase of positive pressure venti- and decreased during exhalation (Fig. 29.3). The formula
lation leads to simultaneous but different physiologic effects on to calculate the aortic flow index is
the left and right sides of the heart. In the left side, SV increases Aortic flow index
as blood is pushed forward out of the pulmonary veins into
= (PEAK maxins PEAK minexp )/mean 100
the LV. In addition, the increased intrathoracic pressure leads
to improved afterload matching for the LV, which increases An index of >12% has been shown to discriminate
SV by functionally decreasing afterload. The interventricular between fluid responders and nonresponders with high
septum is shifted toward the right ventricle (RV) also increas- sensitivity and specificity (100% and 89%, respectively)
ing LV SV. On the right side, right ventricular inflow decreases [57]. This index can be calculated rapidly by either TTE
secondary to compression of the inferior vena cava (IVC). The or TEE.
rightward shift of the septum also decreases RV SV. At the be- 2. Superior Vena Cava Collapsibility Index: This concept is
ginning of the exhalation phase, SV decreases since both the similar to other dynamic parameters. During the inspiratory
pulmonary veins and the RV are relatively empty. In hypo- phase of positive pressure ventilation, the superior vena cava
volemic patients, the magnitude of these cyclical or dynamic (SVC) collapses due to increase in the intrathoracic pres-
changes is increased and this serves as the basis for the accu- sure. The SVC re-expands back to its baseline during exha-
rate assessment of fluid responsiveness using these parameters lation. The degree of collapsibility depends on the degree of
[4954]. hypovolemia; as less volume circulates in the intravascular
In addition to preload, other factors affecting SVV and compartment the SVC will be susceptible to the increase in
PPV include chest wall compliance and ventilation parame- intrathoracic pressure, and thus this phenomenon is exac-
ters, including tidal volumes and airway pressures. In situations erbated in a state of hypovolemia. The SVC index can be
wherein chest wall compliance and respiratory parameters are calculated with TEE only by using either 2D or M-mode
held relatively constant, SVV can be used as a guide to estab- modality to measure the SVC diameter during PPV (Fig.
lishing whether a given patient will respond to fluid loading by 29.4). The formula to calculate this index is
increasing CO.
Limitations to this technique include the following: SVC collapsibility index
= (Dmaxexp Dminins )/Dmaxexp 100
1. Need for positive pressure ventilation with either total paral-
ysis or heavy sedation preventing from the patient to initiate An index of >36% has been shown to predict fluid re-
the ventilator. sponsiveness with high sensitivity and specificity (90% and
2. Effect of cardiac rhythm. In patients with cardiac arrhyth- 100%, respectively) [58] and can be very useful in predict-
mia, the beat-to-beat variation in SV and hence in BP may ing the need for fluid therapy in hemodynamically unstable
no longer reflect the effects of mechanical ventilation. This patients.
is particularly true in patients with atrial fibrillation or fre- 3. Inferior Vena Cava Collapsibility Index: The rationale be-
quent extrasystoles. In patients with few-and-far-between hind the IVC collapsibility index is similar to other dynamic
extrasystoles, the arterial pressure curve can still be ana- parameters. The physiology, however, is slightly different.
lyzed if the cardiac rhythm is regular during at least one The increased intrathoracic pressure during positive pres-
respiratory cycle. sure ventilation as compared to the extrathoracic pressure
3. Effect of tidal volume. Increasing tidal volume will result leads to reduced pressure gradient to venous return. This,
in increasing the mean airway pressure and, hence, in de- in turn, leads to decrease in systemic venous return and as a
creasing the mean cardiac preload (leftward shift on the consequence to increase in the volume of the extrathoracic
FrankStarling curve). Therefore, a patient operating on the venous blood. The end result is an increase in extrathoracic
flat portion of the FrankStarling curve (i.e., insensitive to IVC diameter during positive pressure breath, followed by
changes in preload) may operate on the steep portion and a decrease in its diameter during exhalation [59,60]. Re-
hence become sensitive to changes in preload (in essence cently, IVC collapsibility during positive pressure ventilation
leading to false-positive reading of this index) if the tidal has been used to predict fluid responsiveness similar to the
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FIGURE 29.3. TEE deep transgastric view assessment of aortic flow index. The pulse-wave Doppler
sample volume is positioned at the LVOT level, demonstrating spectral displays of peak flows during PPV.
The peak flows vary with respiration; increased during positive pressure breath (1) and decreased during
exhalation (2). The aortic flow index is calculated as the difference between the peaks flows divided by
their mean. In this example, the aortic flow index = (PEAK maxins PEAK minexp )/mean 100 = (1.12
0.88/1) 100 = 24%. This indicated severe hypovolemia and fluid resuscitation initiated.
aortic flow index and other dynamic parameters [61]. In thus estimate preload. These measurements can be com-
this study, the change in IVC diameter during positive pres- pared with reported estimates of normal ventricular dimen-
sure ventilation (DIVC ) was defined as the difference be- sions to define degrees of ventricular enlargement. A single
tween the maximum and the minimum IVC diameter over measurement, however, is of limited value in defining the
the mean and expressed as percentage: DIVC = (DIVCmax preload state of any given patient. A patient with a history
DIVCmin )/mean 100%. In this study, a threshold DIVC of cardiomyopathy, as an example, will have an increased
value of 12% allowed identification of fluid responders with LV end-diastolic diameter compared to a normal patient. To
positive and negative predictive values of 93% and 92%, define such a patient as having adequate or excess preload
respectively. To assess for IVC collapsibility, the IVC is vi- is not justifiable. Serial measurements of LV diameter are
sualized in the subcostal view, and the IVC diameter is mea- more useful clinically in assessing changes over time and in
sured 3 cm from the right atrium by either 2D or M-mode response to therapies such as intravenous fluid challenge or
technique. diuresis. A number of studies that have compared echocar-
diographic estimates of preload with PAOP have shown the
potential superiority of the echocardiographic method [62
ASSESSMENT OF LEFT 64]. This method seems to perform well in detecting de-
VENTRICULAR PRELOAD creased end-diastolic volumes and hypovolemia. However,
when used to diagnose high preload or fluid overload, they
Preload is defined as the myocardial fiber length at end diastole may not be as reliable [43]. In the operating room, both
[43]. LV end-diastolic volume (LVEDV) is one of several clinical end-diastolic areas and volumes correlated well with ther-
variables used to assess preload. Accurate preload estimation modilution cardiac index in patients undergoing coronary
is one of the main challenges faced when caring for critically ill artery bypass grafting [65] and liver transplantation [66],
patients, even to the most experienced physician. Traditionally, while PAWP showed no correlation.
preload has been assessed using physical examination, clinical B. Pulsed Wave Doppler Method: Preload estimation can be
assessment of end-organ perfusion, and direct measurement assessed by Doppler echocardiography. The velocity profile
of intravascular pressures. Echocardiography can be used effi- of blood flow through the mitral valve during diastole is
ciently to supplement clinical assessment. normally biphasic. In a young individual with normal LV
compliance and relaxation, the early, passive filling phase,
A. 2D Echo Method: LV diameter measured with 2D echo represented by the E-wave, exceeds the component of filling
can be used to extrapolate LV volume at end-diastole, and due to atrial contraction, represented by the A-wave. The
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FIGURE 29.4. TEE upper esophageal view of the superior vena cava M-mode. SVC collapsibility index
= (Dmaxexp Dminins )/Dmaxexp 100 = (2.1 1.1)/2.1 100 = 47%, indicating hypovolemia and
fluid responsiveness.
FIGURE 29.5. A: Schematic representation of transmitral inflow profile showing E- and A waves during
diastole. B: TEE mid-esophageal four-chamber view of transmitral inflow showing E- and A waves.
reason, this section will concentrate on evaluation of regurgi- annulus, to prolapse wherein the excursion of a leaflet tip is
tant valvular lesions. above the level of the mitral annulus during systole, to flail,
where a leaflet flows freely into the left atrium, frequently
as a consequence of ruptured chordae tendineae. Typically,
the MR jet is eccentrically directed away from the affected
Echocardiographic Evaluation of leaflet.
Mitral Regurgitation Class IIIRestrictive leaflet motion: Characterized by re-
striction of the leaflet, most commonly as a result of left
Echocardiographic evaluation of MR includes assessment of ventricular dilation that displaces the papillary muscle away
valve anatomy, severity of regurgitation, LA enlargement due from the mitral valve annulus and in this way prevents
to volume overload, ventricular function, and the severity leaflet coaptation. The direction of the MR jet may be cen-
of pulmonary arterial hypertension. The mitral apparatus in- tral or eccentrically directed toward the side of the more
cludes the anterior and posterior leaflets, the annulus, chor- affected leaflet. Mitral valvular systolic anterior motion
dae tendineae, and the papillary muscles with their supporting (SAM), which is discussed later, is also considered as an ex-
LV walls. The etiology of MR could be a result of anatomical ample of restricted leaflet motion
or functional changes in the mitral valve and its supporting
structures. Anatomical changes in mitral valve leaflet pathol-
ogy can be caused by rheumatic disease, endocarditis, myx-
omatous disease, infiltrative diseases, such as amyloid, sar-
Mitral Regurgitation Assessment
coid, mucopolysaccharidosis, and collagen-vascular disorders, 1. 2D Examination: Basic 2D assessment may provide clues
such as systemic lupus erythematosus and rheumatoid arthri- for the presence of MR. Structural leaflet abnormality or
tis. Functional changes in the mitral annulus leading to dila- coaptation defects may be obvious in some cases. Indirect
tion, secondary to LA as well as LV dilation, may result in signs of MR should also be sought. These include LV and LA
MR due to incomplete leaflet coaptation. MR can also oc- enlargement and signs of pulmonary arterial hypertension;
cur as a result of chordal tear or elongation, which leads to elevated PA pressures estimated from Doppler interrogation
inadequate tensile support of the closed leaflet(s) in systole of Tricuspid regurgitation (TR) jets as an example.
with prolapse of the leaflet(s) into the left atrium [44]. Pap- 2. Doppler Flow Examination: Doppler flow examination is
illary muscle rupture can occur in the setting of acute myocar- the most common method used to screen and evaluate MR.
dial infarction and frequently leads to cardiogenic shock from MR is graded as trivial, mild, moderate, or severe, which
acute, severe MR. Partial rupture is more common and better corresponds to the angiography scores of 1+, 2+, 3+, and
tolerated. 4+. A visual assessment of the area of the MR color map
The Carpentier classification is commonly used to define provides a rough estimate of the severity of regurgitation.
the pathophysiologic mechanism leading to the regurgitation: However, this simple visual assessment has limitations. As
normal, restrictive, or excessive leaflet motion [72]. an example, eccentric MR jets that run along an LA wall
may appear less severe (the Coanda effect). In addition,
Class INormal leaflet motion: the most common cause color gain settingsa technical issuecan have significant
of MR wherein leaflet motion is normal and there is mitral impact on the size of the MR color map. Low color gains
annular dilation and papillary muscle dysfunction due to will increase the size where as high gains will reduce it. This
myocardial ischemia. In most cases, the MR jet is centrally is sometimes referred to as the dial-a-jet phenomenon.
directed into the left atrium. Typically, color flow velocity limits should be set in the
Class IIExcessive leaflet motion: Characterized by exces- 50 to 60 cm per second range when evaluating MR. As
sive leaflet motion ranging from leaflet billowing wherein mentioned in the prior section, MR jet direction has im-
a portion of a leaflet projects above the annulus in sys- portant clinical implications. Centrally directed jets usually
tole while the coaptation point remains below the mitral result from annular dilation or ischemic and dysfunctional
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papillary muscle. Eccentric jets are caused almost exclu- diseases of the valve leaflets include degenerative calcification,
sively by structural abnormalities of the mitral apparatus. rheumatic fever, infective endocarditis, and congenital bicuspid
As a consequence, eccentric jets are unlikely to improve after aortic valve (which is usually associated with aortic stenosis)
improving myocardial ischemia. [75]. Dilation of the ascending aorta and aortic root may be
due to chronic hypertension, aortic dissection, degenerative dis-
eases of the aorta, cystic medial necrosis, Marfans syndrome,
Quantification of Mitral Regurgitation and several rare conditions including ankylosing spondylitis,
and syphilitic disease.
A. Vena Contracta Width: The vena contracta is the narrow
contracted portion of the MR jet seen just below the mitral
leaflets. The width of this jet has been shown to correlate Evaluation of Aortic Regurgitation Severity
well with the severity of MR [73]. Widths of <3 mm corre-
spond to mild MR, 3 to 5 mm with moderate MR, and more A. Jet Width/LVOT Diameter Ratio: By viewing the LVOT in
than 7 mm with severe MR [74]. Limitation includes the sit- the long axis, the regurgitant jet width can be qualitatively
uation where there are multiple MR jets or the presence of compared with the diameter of the LVOT. A ratio of 1%
eccentric jets. to 24% is considered trivial AR (0 to 1+ ), 25% to 46%
B. Pulmonary Vein Flow Reversal: Blunting or reversal of the mild AR (1+ to 2+ ), 47% to 64% moderate (2+ to 3+ ),
systolic component of pulmonary venous inflow is one of and >65% severe (3+ to 4+ ) AR [76]. An alternate method
the most reliable signs of hemodynamically significant MR. is the use of M-mode, where the Doppler beam is placed
Systolic flow reversal is associated with severe MR whereas perpendicular to the outflow tract. The regurgitant jet can be
blunting is usually associated with moderate or moderate- seen within the LVOT boundaries during diastole. Dividing
to-severe MR. Limitations includes the inability to use this the regurgitant jet width by the LVOT width can then be
in the presence of atrial fibrillation where there is systolic used as outlined to grade the AR.
blunting of flow due to loss of atrial relaxation, independent B. Jet Area/LVOT Area Ratio: Using a short-axis view of the
of the degree of MR. aortic valve, the area of the regurgitant jet can be compared
C. Proximal Isovelocity Surface Area Method (PISA): The with the area of the LVOT. A ratio of <4% is considered
PISA method is based on the principle that a regurgitant jet trivial AR (0 to 1+ ), 4% to 24% mild (1+ to 2+ ), 25% to
accelerates in layers of concentric shells proximal to the re- 59% moderate (2+ to 3+ ), and >60% severe (3+ to 4+ ) AR
gurgitant orifice. Immediately adjacent to the orifice, these [77].
shells have small area with high-velocity flow and at in- C. Vena Contracta: The vena contracta width of an aortic in-
creasing distance from the orifice they have larger area and sufficiency (AI) jet can be measured in the long-axis view
lower velocities [44]. By interrogating this area with color of the jet. A vena contracta width of more than 6 mm has
Doppler, the regurgitant volume can be calculated. The re- been associated with severe AR [78].
gurgitant volume of blood is the product of the shell area D. Slope of Aortic Regurgitant Jet Velocity Profile: The veloc-
(PISA) and the aliasing velocity. Since this regurgitant vol- ity of the regurgitant jet is directly correlated to the pres-
ume is passing through a defect in the mitral valve, the re- sure gradient between the aorta and the LV in diastole. The
gurgitant orifice area (ROA) can be calculated as follows: more severe the AR, the faster the velocity profile will ap-
ROA = regurgitant volume VTIMRjet . proach zero as the gradient between the aorta and the LV
decreases rapidly. Using this principle, the slope of the rate
Systolic Anterior Motion: SAM of the mitral valve repre- of decay of the velocity jet can be used as a measure of
sents an important diagnosis that must be considered in the regurgitation severity. A measurement of the pressure half
unstable patient. MV SAM is caused when a venturi effect time of this decay (the time interval between maximal AR
of blood flow at high velocity through a narrowed space be- gradient and the time it takes to half the maximal gradi-
tween the anterior mitral valve leaflet and LV septum causes ent). A pressure half-time of less than 200 ms corresponds
the MV leaflet(s) to be displaced toward the LVOT, causing ob- to severe, 200 to 500 ms moderate, and >500 ms mild AR
struction to systolic flow. Patients at risk for developing SAM [79,80]. A potential pitfall of this grading technique is that
include those with hypertrophied LV septums, whether asym- it may be influenced by other pathologies that influence
metric or symmetric, patients with small LV diameters, patients the gradient between the aorta and LV, such as diastolic
with redundant mitral apparatus tissue and patients with hy- dysfunction.
percontractile left ventricles. 2D imaging of the mitral leaflet
and LVOT will show movement of the leaflet into the path of
blood flow. Color Doppler imaging will reveal color alias-
ing of blood flow, the Doppler equivalence of turbulence, Assessing Tricuspid Regurgitation
in the LVOT. In addition, SAM frequently prevents normal
coaptation of the mitral leaflets resulting in significant, usually Tricuspid regurgitation may be the result of leaflet abnormal-
anteriorly directed, eccentric MR. Continuous wave Doppler ities due to myxomatous disease or destruction from endo-
interrogation of the outflow tract from deep gastric windows carditis. More frequently, increases in TR may be secondary
will reveal a high-velocity flow profile, often dagger shaped, to processes that impact right ventricular and tricuspid annu-
which can be used to quantify a pressure gradient across the lar dimensions. Such examples include both acute and chronic
obstruction. The response of this process to therapeutic inter- volume overload and acute and chronic increases to RV after-
ventions can be followed using these echocardiographic assess- load. Examples of the latter include pulmonary embolus and
ments. primary or secondary pulmonary artery hypertension. TR is
typically quantified by assessing color map area and with vena
contracta width as described in the assessment of MR. Evalu-
Assessing Aortic Regurgitation ation for RV enlargement and systolic function is important.
Continuous wave Doppler interrogation of the TR jet allows
Causes of aortic regurgitation (AR) can be divided into ab- for quantification of systolic pulmonary arterial pressures and
normalities of the aortic valve leaflets and the aorta. Primary partial assessment of RV afterload. This is performed by adding
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Pericardial Tamponade
Cardiac tamponade is a clinical and hemodynamic diagno-
sis; echocardiography may however, be assistance in equivocal
cases. Chronic, or slowly accumulating effusions can become
very large (>1,000 mL) without significant increase in pericar-
dial pressures. In the acute setting, however, even a small vol-
ume of fluid (50 to 100 mL) may lead to significant increase in
pericardial pressure and tamponade physiology. The echocar-
diographic diagnosis of tamponade first requires demonstra-
tion of an effusion. From there, the examination should
focus on identifying cardiac chamber collapse. As the pericar- FIGURE 29.7. Transthoracic echocardiography subcostal view focus-
dial pressure increases, the cardiac chambers will show col- ing on the right atrium demonstrating a mobile mass in the atrium
lapse in sequence from lowest pressure to highest; the atria will making the diagnosis of emboli in transit in a patient with acute car-
diovascular collapse. RA, right atrium; TV, tricuspid valve.
collapse first, followed by the RV and then LV. Furthermore,
the collapse of each chamber will be most pronounced dur-
ing the portion of the cardiac cycle during which the pressure
is the lowest in that chamber; ventricular systole for the atria is nondiagnostic and the clinician has high level of suspicion,
and ventricular diastole for the ventricles. This collapse can be or there is evidence of RV overload or hemodynamic instabil-
evaluated with M-mode interrogation of the chamber walls. ity, TEE examination is indicated [81]. In these circumstances,
Pulsed-wave Doppler echocardiographic interrogation of ven- TEE has a sensitivity of 80% and a specificity of 100%. 2D
tricular inflow, across both the mitral and tricuspid valves, can echo visualization of the main and proximal right and left pul-
also be used to assess for the effects of respiratory variation on monary arteries may allow visualization of an embolus lodged
ventricular fillingthe echocardiographic equivalent of pulsus in those locations. The left pulmonary artery may be difficult to
paradoxus. In the setting of tamponade, the peak LV inflow visualize as the left bronchus is frequently interposed between
velocities will decrease by more than 25% with spontaneous the TEE probe and the artery. When the PE is not extensive and
inspiration while peak RV velocities will decrease by more than easily diagnosed by echocardiography, several indirect echocar-
25% during expiration [44] (Fig. 29.6). diographic signs may suggest the presence of one. These include
evidence of acute right ventricular pressure overload with ele-
vated PA pressures, right ventricular dilation, right ventricular
Pulmonary Embolus systolic dysfunction, and increased tricuspid regurgitation. In
situations where the echocardiogram can not definitively make
Diagnosis of pulmonary embolism (PE) in ICU patients can the diagnosis of PE, the exam findings can aid the clinician in
be extremely challenging. TTE has been described as a rou- guiding therapy (Fig. 29.7).
tine screening test in patients with suspected PE. When TTE
Aortic Dissection
Aortic dissection is a life-threatening condition where an inti-
mal tear in the aortic wall allows passage of blood into a false
lumen between the intima and the media. The mortality rate
for acute aortic dissection is as high as a 1% per hour among
untreated patients in the first 48 hours [82]. A rapid and correct
diagnosis is paramount for improving survival rate. TEE has
become a standard modality for the evaluation of suspected
aortic dissection due to its availability, low cost, and noninva-
siveness [83]. In addition, TEE can be used to diagnose other
dissection-related cardiac and noncardiac complications such
as AI, coronary occlusion, pericardial effusion with or without
tamponade, and hemothorax.
Diagnosis of an ascending aortic dissection can prove to be
very challenging due to imaging-related issues. The ascending
aorta and aortic arch are areas where imaging artifacts due to
reverberation and refraction are common. These artifacts can
mimic the appearance of dissection flaps. Furthermore, at the
level of the distal ascending aorta and proximal arch, the left
FIGURE 29.6. Transthoracic subcostal view demonstrating large peri- mainstem bronchus crosses between the esophagus and aorta,
cardial effusion with end-diastolic right-ventricular chamber collapse causing image degradation. As an end result, imaging from
making the echocardiographic diagnosis of tamponade. RV, right ven- different tomographic planes and angles is mandatory to in-
tricle; LV, left ventricle. sure accurate reporting. To distinguish artifact from dissection
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FIGURE 29.8. TEE mid-esophageal four chamber view (zooming on FIGURE 29.9. TEE mid-esophageal four chamber view showing a left
the aortic valve) showing acute aortic dissection with an intimal flap to right shunt through an atrial septal defect (arrow). LA, left atrium;
(arrow). The color Doppler showing severe aortic regurgitation. RA, right atrium; ASD, atrial septal defect.
flap, the echocardiographer should establish whether or not the tension. This right-sided pressure increase may then lead to
linear echodensity conforms to the limits of the aorta or if it right-to-left shunting through the same defect. In clinical prac-
seems to disregard such anatomic boundaries as would an ar- tice, right-to-left shunt is more commonly seen in settings where
tifact. Color Doppler imaging can be used to establish whether right-sided pressure acutely increases over left-sided pressures
or not blood flow respects or ignores the echodensity. and typically involves defects in the interatrial septum. The di-
Usually, an intimal flap creates a true and false lumen. Iden- agnosis of an intracardiac shunt can be made with color flow
tification of these lumina is frequently an important goal of TEE Doppler. Typically, the flow across an atrial septal defect (ASD)
evaluation but can create a diagnostic challenge for the sonog- is of low velocity because of the small pressure difference be-
rapher. There are several indirect findings that can help differ- tween the chambers. A significant right-to-left shunt will oc-
entiate the lamina. First, the true lumen usually expands during cur when right atrial pressure exceeds LA as with severe pul-
systole and is slightly compressed during diastole [84]. Second, monary arterial hypertension. Other echocardiographic signs
spontaneous echo contrast or thrombus may be seen in the false consistent with an ASD are biatrial and RV enlargement. The
lumen as a result of stagnant flow; however, this may occasion- ratio of pulmonary to systemic blood flow, Qp /Qs , can be de-
ally be misleading as in some instances it may be the true lumen termined by Doppler flow measurements. To calculate Qp /Qs ,
where flow is stagnant. In addition, the true lumen is usually it is necessary to measure SV form the left and right sides of
smaller than the false lumen, especially in chronic dissection the heart. Transpulmonary flow, Qp, can be calculated by mea-
[85,86]. Several communications between the true and false surement of the pulmonary artery CSA and VTI at the same
lamina can often be identified by color Doppler. Although some site. Systemic flow, Qs, is calculated from the measurement of
of these communications represent entry sites allowing blood to LVOT CSA and VTI as outlined earlier (Fig. 29.9).
flow from the true to the false lumen, others are exit sites with
bidirectional flow. Identification of the starting point of a dis- CSAPA VTIPA
section can have ramifications for deciding therapy (Fig. 29.8). Qp /Qs = CSALVOT VTILVOT
Assessment of unexplained hypoxemia and the inability to
wean from ventilatory support is another potential use of Several disease processes, including intracardiac mass and
echocardiography in the ICU. Etiologies of hypoxemia that can shunt, are potential sources of systemic emboli leading to acute
be diagnosed by echocardiography include intracardiac right to vascular occlusive events. Echocardiography can be very useful
left shunting, pulmonary embolus, and LV pathologies such as in the diagnosis or exclusion of the heart as a source of systemic
LV systolic and/or diastolic dysfunction and mitral valvular ab- emboli.
normalities which can lead to pulmonary edema. The echocar- Cardiac masses: the three basic types of cardiac masses in-
diographic evaluation of pulmonary embolus and of LV and clude vegetation, thrombus, and tumor, all of which are known
mitral valvular pathologies has been discussed earlier. causes of emboli.
Intracardiac shunt is defined as an abnormal communica-
tion between two cardiac chambers and is characterized by A. Vegetation: suspected infective endocarditis is a common
blood flow across the defect [44]. The direction and volume of indication for a TEE in the ICU, since critically ill patients
flow is determined by the pressure gradient across the defect are at a high risk for bacteremia. Endocarditis is a diagnosis
and the size of the defect. A chronic left-to-right shunt may based on a combination of findings from physical exami-
lead to right-sided volume overload and, over time, right-sided nation, laboratory findings (most importantly bacteremia),
pressure overload from irreversible pulmonary arterial hyper- and echocardiographic examination. The purpose of the
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echocardiographic exam is to identify valvular lesions that ically ill patients, TEE findings had therapeutic implications,
may be consistent with endocarditis, to evaluate any func- either surgical interventions or changes in medical therapy, in
tional abnormality associated with the affected valve, to 68.5% of patients. [18] 5.6% of patients underwent a surgical
assess the impact of the valvular disease on chamber func- intervention without additional investigations following their
tion and dimensions, and to discover other complications TEE. In 62.9% of patients, the TEE study had a therapeutic,
of endocarditis such as paravalvular abscess and pericardial nonsurgical impact. Included within this group was the institu-
effusion. All valves have to be carefully inspected as more tion or dose adjustment of inotropic or vasopressor drugs, an-
than one valve can be involved. Echocardiographic eval- tibiotics, anticoagulation, thrombolysis, fluid administration,
uation of valvular endocarditis involves multiple acoustic and the initiation of advanced hemodynamic monitoring. This
windows and 2D views, since the vegetation may be seen represents the largest reported series evaluating the use of TEE
only in a certain tomographic planes. Most commonly, the in a noncardiac surgical ICU setting.
vegetation is attached to the upstream, lower pressure side The current body of literature that focuses on the use of
of the valve leaflet. It appears as an abnormal, echogenic, echocardiography in the ICU lacks prospective, randomized
irregular mass attached to a leaflet [44]. Although vegeta- controlled studies demonstrating efficacy in decreasing mor-
tions can be attached to any part of the leaflet, attachment bidity and mortality and cost-effectiveness. However, this lit-
to the coaptation point is most common. erature does point to the potential benefits that may be gained
B. Thrombus: Intracardiac thrombi form in areas of blood by the availability of echocardiography in ICUs. It also demon-
stasis or low flow. Examples of this within the ventricles strates the potential benefit of more widespread and advanced
include ventricular aneurysm, pseudoaneurysm, and areas training in echocardiography for intensive care physicians.
adjacent to severely hypokinetic or akinetic wall segments.
LA thrombi are usually associated with atrial enlargement,
mitral stenosis, and atrial fibrillation. Most LA thrombi are
found in the LA appendage, which is best visualized by TEE.
Thrombi are usually more echogenic than the underlying
myocardium and have a shape distinct from the endocar- ECHOCARDIOGRAPHY IN
dial border. Imaging from several tomographic planes is TRAUMA PATIENTS IN THE ICU
frequently necessary to rule out artifact that may mimic
thrombus. Again, color Doppler can be used to establish Recently, hand-carried ultrasound (HCU) devices have been in-
whether or not blood flow respects the apparent bound- troduced into clinical use [8789]. These devices are attractive
aries of the suspected thrombus to attempt to distinguish it because of their size, portability, and cost. They may be easily
from an echo artifact. stored in the ICU, which makes them immediately available for
C. Cardiac Tumors: Nonprimary tumors, which are about bedside use. Portable echocardiograms performed at the bed-
twenty times more common than primary cardiac tumors, side can help the physician to diagnose and manage critically
can involve the heart by either metastatic or lymphatic ill patients. Although overall image and color flow qualities
spread, or invasion from neighboring malignancies. They of hand-carried echocardiographic devices are not equivalent
can invade all structures of the heart; the pericardium, epi- to the standard full-featured machines, they have been found
cardium, myocardium and endocardium. About 75% of to compare well with standard platforms for the identification
metastatic cardiac tumors involve the pericardium and epi- of cardiac pathology [90]. Reports in the literature regarding
cardium and most commonly present as pericardial effu- the use of these devices are mixed. Early reports showed favor-
sion. A definite diagnosis usually cannot be made from the able results in the outpatient setting [88], when used on hos-
echocardiographic images alone. A probable diagnosis can pital rounds [89], and in a small cohort of ICU patients [87].
sometimes be made by incorporating the clinical informa- Some of these reports have shown a good correlation between
tion along with the echocardiographic images. Renal cell these devices and standard echocardiographic equipment for
carcinoma has a propensity to develop finger-like projec- the evaluation of wall motion abnormalities and valvular re-
tions that may extend up the IVC into the right atrium. Oc- gurgitation. [91,92] In addition, data from a few studies have
casionally, uterine tumors may present in a similar manner shown a high level of agreement between hand-carried de-
D. Shunts: As described earlier, right-to-left shunting can play vice examination and standard echocardiographic examination
a role in hypoxemia. In addition, any right to left commu- [87,89,9395]. In one study, examination with a HCU device
nications can allow for paradoxical emboli to travel from was able to evaluate and answer 85% of clinical questions
the systemic venous to arterial circulation. This can lead to presented by the referring physician. Of those questions, 86%
stroke or vascular occlusive disease of one or several organs. were later confirmed as correctly answered [96]. Although one
study has demonstrated the relative equivalence of the HCU
device with regards to 2D imaging, even in mechanically venti-
IMPACT OF ICU lated patients [97], other studies have shown it to be inferior to
standard echocardiography when comparing spectral Doppler
ECHOCARDIOGRAPHY ON capabilities [98]. Other reports have shown that HCU imaging
PATIENT MANAGEMENT may lead to inadequate evaluation of pulmonary hypertension,
valvular disease, and LV outflow tract obstruction in severely ill
Indications for performing a TEE study vary significantly de- patients [96,97]. In ICU cohorts, several reports have demon-
pending on patient type: for patients in the medical and neuro- strated similar shortcomings. [96,98]
surgical ICUs, most TEE studies are performed to rule out or In addition to cardiac evaluation, the HCU can be used in
confirm bacterial endocarditis (medical ICU) and/or a cardiac the ICU to aid in placing central venous catheters and arterial
source of emboli (neurosurgical ICU). In contrast, in medical- lines as well as for ultrasound guidance of pleurocentesis and
surgical and coronary ICU patients the most common indica- paracentesis. The day when the HCU becomes an extension
tions are for diagnosing aortic dissection, valvular dysfunction, of the traditional physical exam may not be far off. It is also
or hemodynamic instability [18]. not unreasonable to imagine the HCU used by the hospital
A recent review of 21 studies evaluating the impact of TEE code team for better diagnosis and patient management during
on patient management demonstrated that out of 2,508 crit- resuscitative efforts.
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Gastrointestinal system function is of paramount importance sessed to evaluate feeding tolerance and prevent nosocomial
for the maintenance of the bodys homeostasis, which is not pneumonias.
only limited to the important functions of digestion and ab- Traditionally this is done by quantification of gastric resid-
sorption but also closely related to immune function. Monitor- ual volumes (GRV), which despite being easy to perform, are
ing the gastrointestinal tract function remains largely based on a poor predictor of the patients ability to tolerate enteral nu-
clinical exam and a few diagnostic tests. The majority of the trition. In addition, a recent article suggests that the use of
tests that are available have been primarily used for research residual volumes as a marker of risk for aspiration in critically
purposes and are not available at the bedside of the critically ill patients has poor validity [3].
ill patient (Table 30.1). Reflectometry (RFT) of gastric contents seems to provide
This chapter examines the diagnostic modalities available, complementary information on the adequacy of gastric empty-
on an organ system basis, for assessing abnormalities in the ing [4] by differentiating gastric contents from feeding formula
critically ill patient. when measuring GRVs. This model implies the measurement
of the Brix value (BV) of the gastric aspirate at several time
points. The BV is the refractive index of a substance, which is
ESOPHAGUS the degree of deviation or refraction of a beam of light when
passing obliquely through a solution [5]. Chang et al. [6] stud-
Tests of Esophageal Motility and Lower ied 36 patients receiving continuous enteral nutrition. Based
on the data collected, the authors created and algorithm using
Esophageal Sphincter Function BVs and GRV, which suggest values at which enteral feedings
can be safety continued. RFT uses an inexpensive handheld in-
Impaired tubular esophageal motility is involved in the patho- strument (refractometer) similar to a small telescope. A drop of
genesis of gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) which might the solution is placed in the viewing window and the BV is read
cause nosocomial pneumonias in the critically ill. thought the eyepiece. The use of RFT is simple, inexpensive,
Esophageal manometry has been used extensively to study and quick, but it has not been compared with what is consider
GERD in critically ill patients. One study, of 15 critically ill the gold standard, gamma scintigraphy.
patients, demonstrated that low esophageal sphincter (LES) Gamma scintigraphy is a quantitative method to measuring
pressure (mean 2.2 0.4 mm Hg) and poor motor response gastric motility by administering radiolabeled solid food (usu-
to reflux correlated with the presence of GERD. Further- ally greater than 200 kcal) and measuring transit after 2 to
more, low LES pressures were associated with frequent reflux 4 hours. The administration of liquids may not be relevant as
episodes (60% of untreated patients) and decreased esophageal liquids may empty from the stomach even as solid food remains
motility [1]. behind. The feasibility of scintigraphy testing for the critically
In a more recent 24-hour manometric study, the authors ill patient makes is difficult as it is often impractical to trans-
demonstrated that propulsive esophageal motility is impaired port these individuals to the nuclear radiology suite for this
in critically ill patients receiving sedation and postulated that study.
24-hour motility studies appear to be a valuable and feasible Breath tests are a novel and useful bedside technique to as-
method to analyze and quantify esophageal motor disorders in sess gastric emptying of both solids and liquids by using 13 C-
critically ill patients [2]. or 14 C-labeled octanoic acid. The absorption of the labeled oc-
Twenty-fourhour pH and impedance monitoring further tanoic acid in the small intestine and subsequent metabolism
elucidates the function of the LES and the amount of gastric in the liver produce 13 CO2 , which can be measured in the ex-
reflux a patient is experiencing. Over a 24-hour period, the pH haled air. The delivery of the 13-octanoic acid into the duo-
should not drop below 4 frequently or for a prolonged duration denum is the rate-limiting step for these processes. As such,
(6% of total time in the supine patient, 10% of total time in measurement of 13 CO2 levels correlates with the rate of gas-
the upright patient). tric emptying. Ritz et al. [7] founded that gastric emptying of
Both barium swallow and real-time fluoroscopy yield func- a caloric-dense liquid meal is slow in 40 to 45 of unselected
tional and anatomic data about the esophagus and the swal- mechanically ventilated patients by using the 13-octanoic acid
lowing mechanisms. Similarly, an isotope swallow, using a breath test. They concluded that this test is a useful bedside
technetium-99 colloid and a gamma camera, may provide data adjunct to measure gastric emptying in ventilated, critically ill
regarding esophageal physiology. patients.
Gastroduodenal manometry has also been used to study
STOMACH the effects of critical illness in gastric motor activity. Nguyen
demonstrated that in critical illness in addition to impaired
proximal and distal gastric motor activity, the association be-
Tests of Gastric and Duodenal Motility tween the two regions was also abnormal which interferes with
meal distribution and affects GE [8]. Similar data was observed
Delayed gastric emptying (GE) is common during critical ill- by Chapman et al. who noted that in critical illness there is
ness. Patients receiving enteral nutrition are frequently as- slower GE probably associated by fewer anterograde waves
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TA B L E 3 0 . 1
HIDA, hepatic iminodiacetic acid; ICG, indocyanine green; LES, low esophageal sphincter; MEGX,
and more retrograde waves as recorded when measuring the sess GE, which has not allowed standardization or validation
antroduodenal motility [9]. despite its obvious benefits of availability, lack of radiation and
The acetaminophen absorption test may also be used good interobserver agreement. GIM, which measures increases
to assess gastric emptying, by administering 1,000 mg of in impedance as the stomach fills, and declines as it empties,
acetaminophen and measuring serum concentrations of ac- seems to be a promising tool. However, the time needed to com-
etaminophen over a 1-hour period to construct an area under plete and the requirement of a fasting state for baseline may
the curve (AUC) absorption model. This AUC is then compared interfere with its use in the clinical setting.
to a known AUC model constructed from healthy volunteers.
The utility of this test may be quite variable in the critically
ill patient given differences in volume of distribution, hepatic Tests of Mucosal Permeability and Ischemia
metabolism, and renal clearance [5].
Other novel methods to assess GE include the use of ultra- Microcirculatory dysfunction plays an important role in the
sound and gastric impedance monitoring (GIM). Ultrasound pathogenesis of the systemic inflammatory response, sepsis,
has used different equipment and different methods to as- and shock. Global hemodynamic measurements do not assess
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oxygen delivery at the microcirculatory level. Gut ischemia at showed that NIRS gut pH correlated with the pH obtained by
this level causes changes in permeability leading to bacterial microelectrodes. This technology has progressed to the mea-
translocation that may initiate, perpetuate, and aggravate sep- surement of muscle tissue oxygenation and microcirculation by
sis and multisystem organ failure (MOF). Many methods have measuring thenar muscle oxygenation saturation with promis-
been used to study the gut microcirculation. Unfortunately, ing results [23].
most of them have failed to be applicable in the clinical set-
ting or have flaws in the data collected.
Near-Infrared Spectometry
Near-infrared spectrometry (NIRS) has been used to measure
local tissue blood flow and oxygenation at the cellular level SPECTROMETRY AND
[20]. Local oxygen delivery and oxygen saturation can be de- SIDESTREAM DARK FIELD
termined by comparing the differences in the absorption spec-
trum of oxyhemoglobin with its deoxygenated counterpart, de- Recently devices able to allow the microcirculation to be vi-
oxyhemoglobin [21]. Puyana et al. [22] reported using NIRS sualized directly have been used clinically [31]. Orthogonal
to measure tissue pH in a model of experimental shock and polarization spectrometry (OPS) and the sidestream dark field
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provide high-contrast images of the microvasculature. Both de- absorbed in the small intestine by a passive mechanism. The
vices are based on the principle that green light penetrates a test consists in the ingestion of a 25 g dose of d-xylose and the
tissue and that then green light is absorbed by red blood cells subsequent measurement of the levels in the serum or urine. In
(RBCs) hemoglobin contained in superficial vessels. Therefore, normal individuals, a serum sample taken 1 to 2 hours after
capillaries and venules can be visualized if they contain RBCs. ingestion will reveal a level of 25 mg per dL and a 5-hour urine
The easiest assessment method is the microvascular flow index. collection will result in at least 4 g of this substance. Many enti-
The image is divided into four quadrants and the flow is char- ties such celiac disease, alterations in gastrointestinal motility,
acterized and scored as absent (0), intermittent (1), sluggish (2), and impaired function of the pylorus will result in abnormal
or normal (3). The values of the quadrants are then averaged. results. In the critically ill, renal function may be altered and
Clinical studies suggest that this is a good method to assess mi- may alter the results of the urine test. Chiolero et al. [39] stud-
crocirculation in critically ill patients. Those patients with more ied the intestinal absorption of d-xylose in critically ill patients
severe alterations have a higher mortality and that if these alter- that were tolerating enteral feeding. They introduced d-xylose
ations persist they may lead to MOF [3234]. In most studies, to the stomach or the jejunum and found that although the
the sublingual circulation has been the site chosen. An attempt levels in plasma in all patients in the study increased indicating
to use this method for gut ischemia by assessment of the villi proper gastric emptying, in those receiving the compound in the
microvasculature per se was not successful. Likely causes in- stomach, the levels of d-xylose were lower than normal, indi-
clude blood flow redistribution, heterogenicity of the intestine cating delays or depression in absorption. These results were
microcirculation, and suboptimal OPS imaging, which resulted similar to a prior study in trauma and septic patients. In that
in large interobserver differences in the quantification of vessel study, in both groups the d-xylose test showed abnormal results
density [35]. at the onset of the illness with resolution by 1 to 3 weeks after
trauma or resolution of sepsis. Interestingly, enteral feedings
were tolerated by these patients before the test results returned
SMALL INTESTINE to normal [40]. As the patients in both studies were tolerating
tube feeds even with abnormal d-xylose test results, Chiolero
et al. [39] suggested that this test may not be a good indicator
Tests of Intestinal Absorption to determine the capacity of patients to tolerate enteral feeds.
This does confirm that absorption of d-xylose stays depressed
Clinically, the recognition of malabsorption in the ICU is as- for a prolonged period of time in the critically ill.
sociated with a variety of signs and symptoms. On physical Johnson et al. [41] also found decreased absorption in the
exam, abdominal distention, abdominal pain, and increased septic population when compared with healthy individuals.
flatulence may be present. Isolated carbohydrate malabsorp- They used an oral test solution that contained 5 g of lactu-
tion may result in increased gas production, which can lead to lose, 1 g of l-rhamnose, 0.5 g of d-xylose, and 0.2 g of 3-O-
flatulence, bloating, and abdominal distention. Likewise, diar- methyl-d-glucose. l-rhamnose is absorbed by passive diffusion
rhea may indicate a problem with absorption of nutrients, but and therefore particularly sensitive to changes of the absorp-
again it is nonspecific and other potential causes should be ex- tive capacity of the gut when compared with d-xylose and 3-
amined. Steatorrhea may indicate pancreatic insufficiency. It is O-methyl-d-glucose, which depend on specific carrier mech-
also important to elicit the past medical history since it can pro- anisms. The authors found that septic patients had decreased
vide useful information in regards to primary (i.e., lactose intol- l-rhamnose/3-O-methyl-d-glucose ratios when compared with
erance) or secondary (i.e., chronic pancreatitis) malabsorptive normal individuals, a result consistent with decrease absorptive
problems. capacity during sepsis. They also used the lactulose/l-rhamnose
Malabsorption can be detected by a variety of tests. Stool ratio to assess permeability of the gut. This group concluded
analysis may provide information regarding carbohydrate and that the changes in the absorptive capacities of the gut may
fat malabsorption. Bacterial fermentation of malabsorbed car- contribute to the pathophysiology of sepsis.
bohydrates may result in an acidic fecal pH. Eherer and Ford-
tran [36] found that when diarrhea was caused by carbohydrate
malabsorption (lactulose or sorbitol), the fecal fluid pH was al- Other Tests
ways less than 5.6 and usually less than 5.3. Other causes of
The rapid absorption of acetaminophen at the jejunal level can
diarrhea rarely caused fecal pH to be as low as 5.6 and never
also aid the assessment of the absorptive capacity of the gut.
caused a pH less than 5.3.
It has, however, been used more to assess gastric emptying [5]
Another measurement is of fecal osmolarity. Assuming the
and tube feeding location for enteral feeding [42]. From these
fecal osmolality is similar to that of the serum, the fecal os-
data, it appears that either carbohydrate absorption tests or the
motic gap can be calculated. A sample is taken from the stool
acetaminophen test could be used to a monitor absorption in
supernatant and if the value is greater than 50 to 100 mOsm,
the critically ill. No correlation has been established between
it would suggest the presence of an unmeasured solute. Al-
tolerating tube feeds and the degree of absorption. The role of
though this solute may be a malabsorbed carbohydrate, other
this test may be to monitor improvement of absorptive function
compounds, such as sorbitol, or ions, such as sulfates, may
of the gastrointestinal tract after critical illness.
yield similar results.
Breath tests are a simple and safe alternative to diag-
Steatorrhea is defined as the presence of at least 7 g of fat
nose many gastrointestinal conditions including malabsorp-
in a 24-hour stool collection [37]. Sudan II stain is a simple
tion. Most of the data are from the gastroenterology literature
screen testing and it is helpful to detect those patients with
and are used to diagnose specific gastrointestinal pathologies.
mild degrees of steatorrhea (7 to 20 g per 24 hours). The gold
However, it seems feasible to apply this test to the critically
standard is represented by quantitative fecal fat analysis [38].
ill population. These tests are based on the appearance of a
Stool is collected over 2 to 3 days while the patient ingests 75
metabolite of a specific test substance in the breath [43]. Both
to 100 g of fat within 24 hours. Normal values are less than
hydrogen gas excretion and carbon dioxide appearance on
7 g per day. However, this test is laborious and may not help
breath tests are available.
with differentiating diagnoses.
If carbohydrates are not absorbed in the small intestine,
they are fermented in the colon by colonic bacteria. This pro-
D-Xylose Uptake cess results in the production of hydrogen. For example, in
The d-xylose test has been used in the diagnosis of malabsorp- cases of lactose intolerance, this disaccharide will reach the
tion. This pentose sugar of vegetable origin is incompletely colon and a peak on the end-expiratory hydrogen of more of
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20 ppm over baseline by either gas chromatography or portable ity of injury, they do indicate that injury is present. Pancreatitis
hydrogen analyzers at 2 to 3 hours indicates malabsorption for will be covered in other portions of this text (see Chapter 99).
this carbohydrate [44]. A similar test using a nonabsorbable
carbohydrate, such as lactulose, has been used for the diag- Secretin Test
nosis of bacterial overgrowth in which the peak of hydrogen
occurs earlier but is less pronounced. The use of carbon diox- The secretin test is a direct measurement of pancreatic exocrine
ide that results from the fermentation of labeled substances has function that measures the intraduodenal secretion of bicar-
also been reported. The use of both radioactive 14 C and stable bonate, amylase, and trypsin after exogenous administration of
C compounds has been described. However, since the nonra- secretin. Generally, bicarbonate and amylase secretion will in-
dioactive substances can be detected by mass spectrometry and crease in adults, whereas the increase of bicarbonate, amylase,
do not involve radiation exposure, they seem to be preferred and trypsin will increase in children. In the presence of chronic
over the radioactive ones [45]. pancreatitis, concentrations and quantity will be diminished;
In critically ill patients 13 C-acetate has been studied to eval- in contrast to pancreatic cancer, which presents with dimin-
uate intestinal absorption [12]. Acetate possesses interesting ished volume but normal concentration. The maintenance of
properties that allow its use for absorption purposes since it is normal concentrations in pancreatic cancer is attributed to nor-
readily absorbed by the intestinal mucosa and it is metabolized mal pancreatic function in the nonmalignant portions of the
through oxidative metabolism by nearly all body tissues. Ac- pancreas.
etate is converted into acetylCoA and then oxidized to CO2 .
When marked acetate is provided, the 13 CO2 is then measured
in the breath by mass spectometry. 13 C-acetate was provided LIVER
by intravenous infusion and enterally at both gastric and je-
junal levels. Surprisingly, the kinetics of all three routes was Liver function includes vital functions of metabolism, synthe-
similar (the gastric group was delayed but probably secondary sis, detoxification, and excretion. It is then, not surprising that
to the time for gastric emptying), indicating a rapid absorption patients with deteriorating liver function will have a more com-
and metabolism. The authors concluded that further studies plex course during critical illness. Traditionally, tests related to
are needed in this area before this particular breath test can measuring the products of liver synthesis have been use to as-
be used to assess tolerance of enteral feeding [15]. C-octanoic sess liver function and damage in a static fashion, but as it will
acid has been used to assess gastric emptying in the critically ill be discussed, tests that evaluate the liver function in a more
and was discussed in the motility section [3]. Other breath tests dynamic fashion are also available.
have been use to assess absorption anomalies [44]. In the case
of bile acid malabsorption and bacterial overgrowth, cholyl-
glycine (glycocholic acid) is not absorbed at the ileum and the
glycine is cleaved from the labeled cholylglycine by colonic bac- Tests of Liver Injury and Static Function
teria. Glycine is then absorbed and metabolized into CO2 . The
In the critically ill, different levels of dysfunction can be man-
CO2 can be detected in the breath and 4.5% of the radioactivity
ifest ranging from mild elevation of the transaminases to pro-
is seen in the breath over the subsequent 6 hours. To differenti-
found hepatic failure. It is difficult to separate completely those
ate between bacterial overgrowth and bile acid malabsorption
tests that assess liver injury from those that are related to its
a stool collection is needed to detect bile acid losses.
function as some will suggest the insult to the organ as well
In pancreatic insufficiency mixed triglycerides that are hy-
as the alteration on its function, particularly in the acute set-
drolyzed to glycerol and fatty acid are then absorbed and finally
ting. The tests described in this section are considered static
metabolized in the liver where they release labeled CO2 . This
and will reflect an injury that has occurred and changes on
test indirectly measures intraluminal fat digestion by pancreatic
the livers function, but they do not assess current functional-
enzymes. Other substances such as triolein, hiolein, tripalmitin,
ity, particularly in the patient with chronic liver failure. How-
and labeled starch have been use for this purpose but are not
ever, in a critically ill patient with no prior liver problems these
sensitive enough for patients with mild disease [44].
tests are helpful in detecting an ongoing morbid process in the
PANCREAS Transaminases
Although the pancreas performs both endocrine and exocrine Serum glutamic-oxaloacetic transaminase (SGOT), or aspar-
functions, only the functions affecting the digestive tract are tate aminotransferase (AST), and serum glutamate-pyruvate
discussed here. Although diabetes mellitus may decrease gastric transaminase (SGPT), or alanine aminotransferase (ALT), are
motility, the diagnosis and management of endocrine disorders enzymes that are present in all organism cells; however, they
will be dealt with elsewhere (see Section VIII). are found in highest concentration in the hepatocyte: SGPT in
the cytoplasm and SGOT in the cytoplasm as well as the mito-
chondria. Therefore, as injury and necrosis of the hepatocyte
occurs the enzymes levels in the plasma will increase reflecting
Fecal Fat Concentration the damage to this organ. The rate and the level of the eleva-
tion are usually related to the onset of the dysfunction and its
As discussed in the digestion and absorption section, in the severity. Severe ischemic hepatitis is characterized by an acute
presence of pancreatic steatorrhea, fecal fat concentration is elevation of the aminotransferases to at least 20 times the upper
elevated [37,38]. Diarrhea resolves and fecal fat concentration limit of normal [45].
abates once the individual is challenged with enzyme replace-
ment therapy.
One of the main functions of the liver is to conjugate and ex-
Amylase/Lipase crete bilirubin, a product of erythrocyte breakdown. Therefore,
These simple blood tests are elevated in the presence of acute either elevations of the bilirubin clinically (jaundice, icterus,
pancreatic inflammation. Although not indicative of the sever- dark urine) or by laboratory testing should raise the clinical
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suspicion of liver dysfunction or injury. It is possible to deter- quantitative tests may be more complicated to perform and
mine if the bilirubin has already been conjugated, and this helps more expensive than conventional tests, they may prove supe-
in searching for the causes of the hyperbilirubinemia. Uncon- rior in monitoring the degree of liver dysfunction by monitoring
jugated (or indirect) hyperbilirubinemia is the result of excess the livers metabolic or clearance functions [47]. Different tests
production of bilirubin (e.g., hemolysis) or decreased hepatic have been used in an attempt to have a dynamic or real-time
uptake. Conjugated hyperbilirubinemia results when intrinsic assessment of the livers metabolic or clearance functions and
parenchymal injury or biliary obstruction exists. Acute changes complement the information provided by the static tests.
of the conjugated bilirubin levels are related to acute hepatocyte
injury in situations such as viral hepatitis or ischemic hepatitis Monoethylglycinexylidide
and will be related to the increase in the transaminases. This
The hepatic metabolism of lidocaine by sequential oxidative
should alert the clinician of injury and dysfunction of the liver.
N-dealkylation by the cytochrome P450 system into its major
Tests to study cholestasis are described in a separate section
metabolite; monoethylglycinexylidide (MEGX) is a dynamic
of this chapter. However, it should be remembered that biliary
liver function test [48]. Because of the high extraction ratio of
obstruction may also lead to hepatic dysfunction.
lidocaine by the liver, this test not only evaluates liver metabolic
capacity but also hepatic blood flow [49]. Detection of this
Lactate metabolite can be accomplished by different techniques such
The ability of the liver to clear lactate is profound. Greater than as immunoassay based on the fluorescence polarization im-
99% of lactate is cleared by first pass metabolism by a healthy munoassay technique, high performance liquid chromatogra-
liver. Inability to clear lactate may be an indicator of poor or- phy, and gas liquid chromatography [49]. Fluorescence polar-
gan perfusion and anaerobic metabolism, and this metabolite ization immunoassay technique may cross react with another
can be used as a resuscitation parameter. If other indicators metabolite (3-OH-MEGX). The other two tests are specific for
of resuscitation are optimized and the arterial lactate levels re- MEGX.
main elevated, this may indicate severe liver dysfunction and This test has been useful in patients with end-stage liver dis-
injury, particularly in patients in shock. ease in which a MEGX level at 15 or 30 minutes of less than
10 mg per L indicates poor 1-year survival. In liver transplant
recipients, a change in the levels may indicate a deterioration
Albumin of the graft function. In critically ill patients, a rapid decrease
Liver function may also be evaluated by measuring its ability to in MEGX test values have been associated not only with liver
synthesize a variety of proteins. Albumin is the most common dysfunction but with the development of multisystem organ
protein measured when evaluating liver synthetic ability. Al- failure and an enhanced systemic inflammatory response [49].
though hepatocellular dysfunction may be the cause of hypoal- McKindley et al. [50] reported on the pharmacokinetics of li-
buminemia, the protein concentration also varies in a variety of docaine and MEGX in a rat model of endotoxic shock. They
diseases/acute injury phases (e.g., burns, nephrotic syndrome, found that the metabolism of both compounds was altered and
etc.) and can be nonspecific. It is a better marker to assess the attributed the results to both the reduced hepatic blood flow
degree of chronic hepatic failure than acute dysfunction and it and altered function of the cytochrome P450 system, particu-
does not reflect injury. larly cytochrome P4503A4. Chandel et al. [51] also report the
use of this test in an animal model of hypovolemic shock. They
found that the MEGX levels were significantly lower in shocked
Coagulation Studies animals. Once the animals were resuscitated with Ringers lac-
More sensitive and specific measurements of hepatic function tate, the MEGX levels were higher but still lower than the con-
include evaluation of the coagulation cascade and the produc- trol group. They concluded that shock produced significant
tion of specific coagulation factors. If the prothrombin time depression of hepatocyte function and that MEGX seemed a
(PT) is elevated, one of two conditions exists: vitamin K de- suitable tool for clinical evaluation and therapeutic interven-
ficiency or deficiency in vitamin K dependent factors (II, VII, tion after shock.
IX, and X). If vitamin K has been replaced and the PT remains
elevated, this is very specific for liver dysfunction. This is not Dyes
a sensitive test, as the PT remains normal as long as 20% of Another dynamic test of liver function is related to the rate
the liver remains intact. Far more sensitive, although more time of elimination of dyes such as indocyanine green (ICG) and/or
consuming and costly, is the measurement of factor V levels. bromsulphthalein [52]. Most of the data in the critically ill
Factor V, produced in the liver, is not vitamin K dependent, come from the use of ICG. This dye is a water-soluble inert
and its deficiency is both sensitive and specific for hepatocellu- compound that is injected intravenously. In the plasma, it binds
lar synthetic dysfunction. to albumin and is then selectively taken up by hepatocytes. The
ICG is then excreted into the bile via an adenosine triphosphate
(ATP)-dependent transport process. This compound is not me-
Dynamic or Qualitative tabolized and does not undergo enterohepatic recirculation.
Tests of Liver Function The excretion rate of ICG into the bile reflects the hepatic ex-
cretory function and the hepatic energy status and justifies its
Although the tests discussed in the earlier section are very im- use as a tool for assessment of liver function [53]. In a study
portant in detecting and helping the clinician assess liver dys- comparing cirrhotic and noncirrhotic patients, Hashimoto and
function, they are not perfect as some are nonspecific (lactate, Watanabe [54] found that ICG clearance was proportional to
coagulation disorders, albumin levels) or reflect past damage liver parenchymal cell volume and is related to the hepatic dys-
(transaminases) in assessing the current state of liver function- function in cirrhotic patients. Traditionally, the ICG clearance
ality. Figg et al. [46] compared the Pughs classification, which has been measured by a series of blood samples and subsequent
is based in clinical and laboratory data, with dynamic or qual- laboratory analysis. NIRS has also been used to measure hep-
itative methods of hepatic function and found that the Pughs atic ICG clearance with promising results in the assessment of
classification seemed to be a reliable indicator of the degree of hepatic parenchymal dysfunction [55].
chronic liver disease but could not replace qualitative metabolic Fortunately, bedside techniques have become available
markers particularly isozyme-specific markers. Although the to measure the plasma disappearance rate (PDR) of ICG.
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Von Spiegel et al. [56] compared the clearance method of a using this test. As similar results were achieved, the authors
transpulmonary indicator dilution technique with an arterial concluded that this test could be used to measure hepatic dys-
fiberoptic thermistor catheter that assessed the ICG-circulating function associated with obstructive jaundice [68]. Reports of
curve in patients undergoing liver transplantation. They found the use of other marked compounds to assess liver function
that both methods were effective in detecting onset and main- using the breath test principles, such as 13 C-methacetin [69],
tenance of graft function in these patients. Newer technology l-[1,213C] Ornithine [70], and l-[1130 C] alanine [71] have
allows the use of assessment of ICG PDR transcutaneously. been described with promising results.
In two separate publications, Sakka et al. [57,58] suggested Other dynamic tests that are available include the antipyrine
that this technology, when compared with invasive methods, clearance test [46,47], the caffeine clearance test [47], and the
reflected ICG blood clearance with sufficient accuracy in crit- pharmacokinetics of acetaminophen. Zapater et al. [72] re-
ically ill patients to be used as a surrogate. In contrast, in a ported a higher AUC concentration and lower clearance and
model of hyperdynamic porcine endotoxemia the PDR of ICG higher elimination half-life in cirrhotics when compared with
failed to accurately substitute for direct short-term measure- healthy volunteers.
ments of ICG excretion [59]. The authors suggested that nor-
mal values of PDR of ICG should be interpreted with caution
in early, acute inflammatory conditions. As mentioned before,
ICG clearance also aids with the evaluation of the hepatic en-
Blood Flow Tests
ergy status since the excretion into bile is energy dependent. Tests to determine hepatic blood flow are also useful. Xylocaine
Chijiiwa et al. [60] correlated the biliary excretion of ICG with metabolism also evaluates hepatic blood flow [35]. The use of
the ATP levels in liver samples obtained from patients with bil- ICG has also been described for this purpose. The use of intra-
iary obstruction, and in a second study, they were able to cor- venous infusions of ICG seemed more reliable and accurate in
relate those variables with the biliary acid output [61]. They evaluation of hepatic blood flow than with the use of boluses or
concluded that biliary bile acid output and ICG excretion are intravenous injections of galactose [59]. Apparently with the
valuable parameters of hepatic energy status, which is essential use of boluses, extrahepatic accumulation of the dye occurs and
for organ viability. ICG can be considered a valuable tool to alters the results [60]. More recently, pulse dye-densitometry
assess liver function in patients after liver transplantation, at (PDD) has been used in the critically ill patient instead of blood
risk to develop, or with ongoing liver injury to assess damage tests. Mizushima et al. [61] measured effective hepatic blood
and recovery and to assess the energy status of the liver. volume (EHBV) and cardiac output (CO) using ICG-PDD [61].
They found that in septic patients, the EHBF/CO ratio was
Radiological Studies lower than that of nonseptic patients, suggesting that inade-
quate splanchnic perfusion or metabolic changes occur in septic
Another method to assess functional liver reserve is with the use
patients. In addition, the lower EHBF/CO ratio was related to
of technetium-99 diethylenetriamine penta-acetic acid galac-
a fatal outcome in septic patients. The authors concluded that
tosyl human serum albumin (99mTc-DTPA-GSA) clearance.
PDD could be a clinically useful method of assessing splanchnic
Studies using hepatic scintigraphy and more recently single-
conditions in critically ill patients. Dysfunction in one of the
proton emission computer tomography (SPECT) scan have
components of the gastrointestinal system, in this case the liver,
been described [62,63]. Hwang et al. [63] demonstrated the use
manifested by decreased metabolic [3537] capacities or hep-
of this test as a reflection of hepatic function and also suggested
atic blood flow [36,61] are related to shock states and are prob-
that predicting residual hepatic values was a good indicator of
ably an integral part of the multiorgan system failure (MOSF)
postoperative hepatic function and early prognosis after liver
cascade, highlighting the relationship of the gastrointestinal
resection. Kira et al. [62] showed that using this test before and
system with immunity.
after transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunt was useful
to evaluate changes in hepatic functional reserve and evalu-
ate the degree of portosystemic shunt. At this time, the test is
mostly used as a predictor of liver function after liver resection Tests of Cholestasis
and not used in the critically ill [64].
In patients with conjugated hyperbilirubinemia but without
other indicators of liver dysfunction or injury, biliary ob-
Breath Tests struction should be suspected. Alkaline phosphatase (AP), like
The use of breath tests as qualitative measurement of liver func- SGOT and SGPT, is found in a variety of different organs, but
tion has also been described. The principle behind these tests has its highest concentration in the liver. As such, it is most
is similar to the description of breaths tests used for monitor- often elevated in situations where cholestasis is present. AP
ing of gut absorption described earlier. As the carbon marked is more specific than gamma glutamyl transpeptidase (GTT)
compound is metabolized, the resulting marked carbon diox- for biliary tree inflammation, as GGT is sensitive to even mild
ide can be measured in the breath. As liver function declines, liver inflammation and/or activation of the cytochrome P-450
less of the marked CO2 will be detected in the breath. In an enzymes.
animal model of hepatectomy, Ishii et al. [65] injected l-[1- Further workup may include radiological evaluation. Hep-
(13)C] methionine and l-[1-(13)C] phenylalanine intravascu- atic iminodiacetic acid (HIDA) scan may also prove valuable in
larly and measured the exhaled 13 CO2 over 15 minutes. They differentiating the cause of cholestasis. The test reveals many
concluded that this test could qualitatively evaluate liver dys- facets of hepatic function with respect to its ability to conju-
function. In a human study, Kobayashi et al. [66] demonstrated gate bile: If the liver does not actively uptake tracer, than its
that the use of the 13 C phenylalanine test correlated well with ability to conjugate bile must be questioned. In addition, when
ICG clearance test, Child Pughs classification, and standard conjugation is not an issue, definitive anatomic localization of
liver blood tests, suggesting that this test is a useful nonin- biliary obstruction is possible. In addition, in the presence of
vasive method to determine liver functional reserve. Koeda et a functional sphincter of Oddi, it is possible to diagnose acute
al. [67] studied the validity of the 13 C phenylalanine breath cholecystitis. Further assessment of biliary architecture can be
test in both chronic cirrhosis and acute hepatitis patients and made with ultrasonography. Not only can one determine the
concluded that in both groups this test allows the noninvasive architecture of the liver and gallbladder, but one can also deter-
evaluation of hepatic function. Hepatic dysfunction associated mine the amount of intra- and extrahepatic biliary dilatation,
with obstructive jaundice in a rat model was also evaluated further delineating the source of biliary obstruction.
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is usually corrected by supplemental oxygen therapy. Further- blood gas (ABG) analysis include the fact that it is a fairly exact
more, Pa CO2 is rarely affected by diffusion impairments be- representation of the current state of the patient with regard to
cause it is highly soluble and is eliminated in multiple forms, acidbase status, oxygenation, and ventilation. However, the
such as bicarbonate. limitations of blood gas analysis as a tool for monitoring gas
The most common cause of hypoxemia in the ICU is exchange are numerous, including the fact that it is invasive,
ventilationperfusion (V Q)
mismatch. One manifestation of wasteful (blood), and noncontinuous (i.e., it is only a snapshot
VQ mismatch is shunting. The true shunt fraction is the of the patients condition at the time the ABG is drawn).
amount of cardiac output that results in venous blood mixing Central and peripheral venous blood gas sampling has been
with end-arterial blood without participating in gas exchange. proposed as an acceptable surrogate to arterial blood for moni-
This has little effect on carbon dioxide tension; however, in- toring pH, Pa CO2 , and base deficit [1]. The obvious advantage
creases in shunt can lead to hypoxemia. The true shunt is ex- is mitigation of the invasiveness (i.e., patients are not required
pressed by the shunt equation as follows: to have arterial access or punctures), while the disadvantages
are the need for correlation and inability to assess oxygenation.
Qs /Qt = (Cc Ca )/(Cc Cv ) With the exception of patients undergoing cardiopulmonary
resuscitation [2], good correlation has been observed between
where Qs and Qt are the shunt and total blood flows, and Cc , arterial and venous pH and Pa CO2 in patients with acute res-
Ca , and Cv represent the oxygen contents of pulmonary end- piratory disease, with one study noting an average difference
capillary, arterial, and mixed venous blood, respectively. The of 0.03 for pH and 5.8 for Pa CO2 [1]. Another study in me-
absolute oxygen content of arterial and mixed venous blood is chanically ventilated trauma patients also demonstrated good
calculated according to the oxygen content equation: correlation between arterial and central venous pH, Pa CO2 ,
and base deficit; however, the authors concluded that the lim-
Cx = (1.34 Hb Sx O2 ) + (Px O2 0.003)
its of agreement (0.09 to 0.03 for pH and 2.2 to 10.9 for
where Cx , Sx O2 , and Px O2 are the oxygen content, saturation, Pa CO2 ) represented clinically significant ranges that could af-
and partial pressure of oxygen within arterial and mixed ve- fect management and therefore should not be used in initial
nous blood, respectively. The oxygen content of end-capillary resuscitation efforts of trauma patients [3].
blood is estimated by the alveolar gas equation as follows:
Cc = (Patm PH2 O ) Fi O2 + Pa CO2 /RQ Pulse Oximetry
where Patm and PH2 O are the partial pressures of the atmosphere Without question, pulse oximetry has been the most significant
and water (typically 760 and 47 at sea level), respectively; while advance in respiratory monitoring in the past three decades. On
Fi O2 is the concentration of inspired oxygen; Pa CO2 the arte- the basis of established oxyhemoglobin dissociation curve (Fig.
rial partial pressure of carbon dioxide; and RQ the respira- 31.1), pulse oximetry allows for the continuous, noninvasive
tory quotient. The significance of true shunt is the fact that estimate of a patients oxyhemoglobin and is expressed as a
it is not amenable to supplemental oxygen therapy. Shunted percentage of total hemoglobin. A detailed explanation of pulse
blood reenters the circulation and dilutes oxygenated blood, oximetry including the physics and limitations is provided in
resulting in a lower partial pressure of oxygen (Pa O2 ) in the Chapter 26.
arterial system. Increasing the Fi O2 will not improve oxygena-
tion since the shunted fraction of blood does not meet alveolar
VQ mismatch is the result of inequality of the normal venti- Expired Carbon Dioxide Measurements
lation/perfusion ratio within the lung. VQ mismatch is a spec-
Capnometry is the quantification of the carbon dioxide con-
trum of abnormal ratios signifying inadequate gas exchange
centration in a sample of gas. Capnography is the continuous
at the alveolar level. It is possible with supplemental oxygen
to overcome hypoxemia that is caused by an abnormal ratio
of ventilation and perfusion, which differentiates this form of
hypoxemia from true shunt. However, in the extreme, as the
VQ ratio in any alveolus approaches zero (i.e., ventilation ap-
proaches zero), it approaches true shunt as described above.
At the other end of the spectrum, as the ratio in any alveolus
approaches infinity (i.e., as perfusion approaches zero), it be-
comes physiologic dead space, which denotes alveoli that are
ventilated but not perfused. Dead space is described in greater
detail later in this chapter.
plotting of carbon dioxide over time to create a waveform (Fig. disease (COPD). Vd /Vt can also increase with dynamic hyper-
31.2). When capnography is performed on continuous samples inflation or auto-PEEP, as well as with overaggressive applica-
of gas from the airway circuit, a waveform is created whereby tion of extrinsic positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP) due
the plateau is reported as the maximum pressure in millime- to overinflation of alveoli impeding pulmonary artery blood
ters Hg and termed end-tidal carbon dioxide, or Pet CO2 . Al- floweffectively increasing the West Zone 1 volume. Serial
though continuous capnography has limited usefulness in the measurements of Vd /Vt have been shown to correlate with out-
ICU, capnometry has many clinical uses such as early detec- come in ARDS [6] and have been used to monitor the degree of
tion of esophageal intubation. For a detailed explanation of respiratory compromise in critically ill patients [7]. However,
capnography and its uses, please refer to Chapter 26. these data have not translated into changes in treatment. Fur-
thermore, Mohr et al. [8] found no appreciable difference in
Vd /Vt while studying a series of posttracheostomy patients suc-
Dead Space Measurements cessfully weaned from mechanical ventilation compared with
those who had failed weaning.
Dead space is defined as any space in the respiratory system
that is ventilated but not perfused, such that no gas exchange
can occur. Measurement of dead space is a marker of respi- PULMONARY MECHANICS
ratory efficiency with regard to carbon dioxide elimination.
Dead space can be subdivided into several categories including
alveolar and anatomic. Anatomic dead space is the sum of the Basic Pulmonary Variables
inspiratory volume that does not reach the alveoli and, there-
fore, participate in gas exchange. For mechanically ventilated Modern ventilators allow manipulation and measurement of
patients, the anatomic dead space includes the proximal air- the airway pressures (Paw ), including peak, plateau, mean and
end-expiratory; volumes (V); and flows (V). Integration of
ways, trachea, endotracheal tube, and breathing circuit up to
the Y-adapter. In normal human subjects, anatomic dead space these measurements allows assessment of the mechanical com-
in cubic centimeters is approximately two to three times the ponents of the respiratory system. The mechanical components
ideal body weight in kilograms, or 150 to 200 cm3 . Alveolar are influenced by various disease states, and understanding
dead space is the conceptual sum of all alveoli that are venti- these relationships may allow delivery of more appropriate ven-
lated but not participating in gas exchange, otherwise described tilator support. The airway pressure (Paw ) is described by the
as West Zone 1 [4]. Physiologic dead space (Vd ) is the sum equation of motion and must be equal to all opposing forces.
of anatomic and alveolar dead space and is usually expressed For the relaxed respiratory system ventilating at normal fre-
as a ratio of the total tidal volume (Vt ) and can be calculated quencies, the major forces that oppose Paw are the elastive and
at the bedside using the modified Bohr equation: resistive properties of the respiratory system as they relate to
the tidal volume (Vt ) and flow (V),
Vd /Vt = Pa CO2 Pexp CO2 /Pa CO2
Paw = Ers Vt + Rrs (V)
where Pa CO2 is the partial pressure of carbon dioxide and
Pexp CO2 the partial pressure of carbon dioxide in the expired where Ers and Rrs are the elastance and resistance of the respi-
tidal volume of gas. The Pexp CO2 is difficult to measure, of- ratory system, respectively.
ten requiring metabolic monitoring systems. However, volume Constant flow inflation in a relaxed, ventilator-dependent
capnography is a novel and simple approach to estimating patient produces a typical picture as depicted in Figure 31.3
Pexp CO2 , involving measurements of carbon dioxide at the Y- [9]. The rapid airway occlusion method at end inflation re-
adapter, and has been shown to correlate with more complex sults in zero flow and a drop in Paw from the peak value (peak
methods of metabolic monitoring [5]. The Pa CO2 is often es- inspiratory pressure, PIP) to a lower initial value and then a
timated as end-tidal carbon dioxide, Pet CO2 , however this is gradual decrease over the rest of the inspiratory period until a
known to be inaccurate in disease states. Therefore, determi- plateau pressure (Pplat ) is observed. The Pplat measured at the
nation of the Pa CO2 is most often measured directly by an airway represents the static end-inspiratory recoil of the entire
ABG. respiratory system [10].
Physiologic dead space, Vd /Vt , is often increased in critical Measurement of the pleural pressures would allow further
illnesses that cause respiratory failure, such as acute respiratory partitioning of these pressures into the lung (i.e., transpul-
distress syndrome (ARDS) and chronic obstructive pulmonary monary pressure, PL ) and chest wall (i.e., pleural pressure, Ppl )
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Flow (lpm)
2 4 6 8 10 12 14
Pairway (cm H2O)
Peso (cm H2O)
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14
Pair-Peso (cm H2O)
Time (seconds)
2 4 6 8 10 12 14
FIGURE 31.4. Esophageal pressure tracing (Peso ) can be seen superimposed on the airway pressure tracing
(Pair ) during pressure control ventilation (PCV). Transpulmonary pressure has been estimated as the
difference between these pressures with specific assumptions.
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inflation. The maximum resistance (Rmax ) of the respiratory conditions, where resistance and compliance depend on vol-
system is calculated by ume, flow, and respiratory frequency.
Rmax = [Ppeak Pplat ]/V
Dynamic Measurements of the PressureVolume Curve
And the minimum resistance (Rmin ) of the respiratory system Dynamic measurement of the PV curve allows continuous
can be computed by dividing monitoring of the respiratory mechanics and in particular of the
response to ventilator changes. These measurements are done
Rmin = [Ppeak PEEPt ]/V with the patient on therapeutic ventilator settings and therefore
Rmin reflects ohmic airway resistance, while the difference may reflect more accurately the complex interaction of patient,
between Rmax and Rmin (R) reflects both the viscoelastic endotracheal tube, and ventilator. A continuous display of pres-
properties (stress relaxation) and the timeconstant variabil- sure may be obtained either proximal to the endotracheal tube
ity within the respiratory tissues (pendelluft effect). (at the patient connector or from the ventilator itself) or distal
to the endotracheal tube. This pressure may then be plotted
against tidal volume to produce a dynamic PV curve. Each of
these methods has advantages; however, the more commonly
PressureVolume Curves used proximal method suffers from the disadvantage of being
heavily influenced by the resistance of the endotracheal tube.
Static Measurements of the PressureVolume Curve Neither the peak pressure nor the end-expiratory pressures are
The gold standard of pressurevolume (PV) curve measure- accurately recorded, and this will lead to an underestimation
ment is the super-syringe method. Using a large calibrated sy- of compliance [12].
ringe, increments of volume of 50 100 mL gas are used to
inflate the lung up to a total volume of 1,000 2,000 mL. Clinical Use of the PressureVolume Curve
After each increment, the static airway pressure is measured There is a characteristic shape to the static respiratory system
during a pause lasting a few seconds during which there is no PV curve of patients with injured lungs. This shape includes
flow, and the pressure is the same in the entire system from an S-shaped inflation curve with an upper and lower inflec-
the super-syringe to the alveoli. The lung is then deflated in tion point (UIP and LIP, respectively; Fig. 31.5), an increased
the same manner and the pressure at each decrement of gas recoil pressure at all lung volumes, and reduced compliance
is recorded and the inspiratory and expiratory PV curves are (Fig. 31.6), which is seen in the slope of the inflation curve
plotted. Continued oxygen uptake from the blood during this between LIP and UIP. The LIP has often been considered the
slow inflationdeflation cycle, coupled with equalization of the critical opening pressure of collapsed lung units and has been
partial pressure of CO2 in the blood and alveoli, will lead to used as a method of setting the optimal PEEP in patients with
a decrease in the deflation volume as compared with the infla- acute lung injury (ALI). The pressure at UIP, in turn, was con-
tion volume of gas. This artifact may appear to contribute to sidered to indicate alveolar overdistension that should not be
the phenomena of hysteresis. The more important mechanical exceeded during mechanical ventilation [15]. These ideas have
cause of hysteresis is based on the slow inflation of the lung been challenged for multiple reasons. Accurate identification
during the PV curve maneuver. This slow inflation recruits or of the LIP and UIP is challenging even for experienced clini-
opens up areas of the lung with slow time constants and col- cians [16]. In addition, changes in the PV curve are not spe-
lapsed alveoli. This again will lead to a decreased expiratory cific for alveolar collapse and have been observed in saline-filled
volume and hysteresis. lungs, such as would be seen in patients with pulmonary edema
[17,18]. When applied clinically to patients mechanically ven-
Semistatic Measurements of the PressureVolume Curve tilated with ARDS, Amato et al. [19] demonstrated that use of
There are two methods for obtaining semistatic measure- the PV curve and titration of PEEP to a level that exceeds the
ments of the PV curve. These methods do not require the LIP may be part of a successful lung-protective strategy. It is
specialized skill and equipment needed for the super-syringe unclear from this study, however, what the relative importance
technique. The multiple occlusion technique uses a sequence of the higher levels of PEEP was in the context of the ventilatory
of different-sized volume-controlled inflations with an end- strategy, which included delivery of low tidal volumes and the
inspiratory pauses [11,12]. Pressure and volume are plotted use of intermittent recruitment maneuvers. Subsequent trials
for each end-inspiratory pause to form a static PV curve. If have confirmed the survival benefit in patients ventilated using
expiratory interruptions are also done, the deflation limb of the low tidal volumes but not in those ventilated with a higher level
PV curve may also be plotted. This process may take several of PEEP [20,21].
minutes to complete, but yields results close to those obtained
by static measurements. The second method is the low-flow
inflation technique. This technique uses a very small constant Separating the Lung and Chest Wall
inspiratory flow to generate a large total volume. The slope Components of Respiratory Mechanics
(compliance) of the curve is parallel with a static PV curve
only if airway resistance is constant throughout the inspira-
tion. This is likely not the case as the low flow lessens airway
Esophageal Pressure Monitoring
resistance. The low flow also causes a minimal but recognizable Ventilator-induced damage to the lungs arguably depends on
pressure decrease over the endotracheal tube, which means that the transpulmonary pressure (Paw Ppl ), whereas current rec-
the dynamic inspiratory pressurevolume curve will be shifted ommendations for management of ARDS specify limits for
to the right [13,14]. The long duration of the inspiration pro- pressure applied across the whole respiratory system and are
duces the same artifacts as the super-syringe technique, which based on pressures measured at the airway. This approach
is represented as hysteresis. Another drawback of static and could be seriously misleading if Ppl were to vary substan-
semistatic methods is that they require stopping therapeutic tially among patients. In healthy subjects and upright sponta-
ventilation while the maneuver is performed. The question has neously breathing patients, Ppl is often estimated by measuring
been raised, therefore, if these maneuvers are relevant in pre- esophageal pressure (Pes ); however, this is rarely done in pa-
dicting the mechanical behavior of the lung under dynamic tients with acute injury, possibly because of a widespread, but
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Open lung
tidal volume
FIGURE 31.5. Schematic representation of normal pressurevolume curve (PV curve) with upper and
lower inflection points (UIP and LIP, respectively) delineating the more compliant portion of the inspiratory
limb and corresponding tidal volume that has been proposed as an open lung approach to ventilation
in ARDS.
untested, belief that artifacts make Pes unreliable as an estimate accurate, but the absolute values were not [23]. Others have
of Ppl [22]. However, in a lung-injured canine model, Pelosi postulated the explicit assumption that absolute values of Pes ,
et al. [23] demonstrated good correlation at mid-lung height corrected for a positional artifact, may reliably reflect an effec-
between an esophageal balloon catheter measuring the pres- tive Ppl in critically ill patients [24].
sures in the esophagus (Pes ) and the pleural pressures measured Variations in Ppl may have contributed to inconsistent out-
by pressure-transducing wafers inserted directly in the thorax. comes among clinical trials of ventilation strategies in ARDS.
Although the absolute values of the esophageal pressures were Although one large-scale randomized trial demonstrated a sur-
not identical with the pleural pressures, Pelosi noted the excur- vival benefit from use of low tidal volume ventilation, results
sions of esophageal pressure were the same as those observed from other studies have been equivocal [20,25,26]. It is pos-
in the directly measured pleural pressures. The authors there- sible that in some patients with high Ppl , low tidal volume
fore concluded that the changes in esophageal pressures were ventilation coupled with inadequate levels of PEEP results in
cyclic alveolar collapse at end-expiration. In such cases, re-
sulting atelectrauma might negate the benefit of limiting tidal
volume. Similarly, higher levels of PEEP have been shown to
be lung protective in numerous animal models of ARDS but
have demonstrated inconsistent benefit in clinical investiga-
tions [19,21]. This too may reflect failure to account for Ppl ,
leading to under- or overapplication of PEEP in some patients
as well as misinterpretation of high-plateau airway pressures
as evidence of lung overdistension [27,28]. Measuring Pes to
estimate transpulmonary pressure may allow mechanical ven-
tilator settings to be individualized to accommodate variations
in lung and chest wall mechanical characteristics. Such an in-
dividual approach may reduce the risk of further lung injury in
ARDS [22,27,29]. This was the hypothesis of a recent single-
center, randomized control trial (EPVENT Trial) of 61 patients
by Talmor et al. in which ARDS and ALI patients with low
tidal lung-protective ventilation were randomized to a high or
low PEEP. Unique when compared with prior trials, the in-
tervention group received PEEP based on the contribution of
FIGURE 31.6. Schematic representation of altered compliance (C) the chest wall as measured by esophageal pressure manometry.
and the effect on the volumepressure (V/P) curve as occurs with pul- The control group received PEEP based on the PEEP/Fi O2 ta-
monary edema. bles from earlier trials that were created from expert opinion
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Flow (lpm)
2 4 6 8 10 12 14
Pairway (cm H2O)
Peso (cm H2O)
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14
Volume (mL)
Time (seconds)
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14
FIGURE 31.8. Spontaneous ventilation with continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) at 7.5 mm Hg.
Airway and esophageal pressure tracings are superimposed and marked as A and B, respectively. Note
the onset of inspiration and flow, marked by the first vertical line, as esophageal (Peso ) and airway (Pair )
pressures separate, creating a pressure gradient. Flow then ceases, as marked by the second vertical line,
when the expiratory valve is opened on the ventilator and airway pressure quickly decreases.
inspiration, the ventilator would need to initiate support si- an esophageal pressure monitor and correlates with oxygen re-
multaneously with the patients neural firing at the onset of quirements of breathing, is considered superior for quantifying
inspiration, continue this support throughout the neural firing, a patients effort and degree of unloading [34]. This is a calcula-
and stop support at the end of neural firing. In reality, this tion of the difference in the time integrals between esophageal
goal is virtually impossible, as currently there is no practical pressure, Pes , during assisted breathing and the recoil pressure
monitor for efferent motor neurons of the respiratory system. of the chest wall during passive breathing at a similar tidal
Rather than monitoring neural impulses, modern ventilators volume and flow [40].
sense changes in pressure and flow within the circuit in an ef-
fort to match the patients respiratory cycle. The variables that
we discuss regarding the patientventilator interaction include Airway Occlusion Pressure
ventilator triggering, cycling-off, and delivery of gas between
these two events (i.e., the posttrigger phase). However, it is es- Airway occlusion pressure at 0.1 seconds (P0.1 ) is an indicator
sential to first define some of the measures of respiratory drive of respiratory drive and is determined by measuring the pres-
and effort that are commonly used to assess patientventilator sure in the airway a tenth of a second after the onset of inspira-
interaction and weaning such as work of breathing, pressure tion beginning at functional residual capacity (FRC). This has
time product (PTP), airway occlusion pressure, maximal inspi- been shown to correlate well with work of breathing during
ratory force, vital capacity (VC), and rapid shallow breathing pressure support ventilation [40]. Therefore, several authors
index (RSBI). have advocated its use as a potential predictor for discontinua-
tion of mechanical ventilation [4144]. The threshold value for
P0.1 of 6 cm H2 O appeared to delineate success versus failure
Work of Breathing in one such study, although this value was variable among au-
thors. Although the utility of this measurement is still debated,
Patient respiratory effort is typically discussed and quantified it has been incorporated into several commercially available
via some measure of the patients work of breathing. Work is ventilators.
defined as the force acting on an object to cause displacement of
that object. Therefore, mechanical work of breathing includes
the measurement of a force required to create a change in vol- Maximal Inspiratory Force
ume of gas and is expressed in Joules per liter. However, mea-
surements that are based on volume frequently fail to account Maximal inspiratory pressure (MIP), also known as negative
for the work done by the diaphragm and respiratory muscles inspiratory force, is another marker of respiratory muscle func-
during isometric contraction against a closed valve [40], as oc- tion and strength and is determined by measuring the maxi-
curs before triggering in some assisted modes of ventilation. mum pressure that can be generated by the inspiratory muscles
The PTP, which measures swings in intrathoracic pressure by against an occluded airway beginning FRC. A normal value is
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considered to be approximately 80 cm H2 O, with respiratory As a criterion for extubation, the RSBI has had mixed suc-
compromise typically observed at values less than 40% of nor- cess. Values of 100 to 105 breaths per minute per liter are
mal. The major disadvantage and limitation of this measure- typically used as a cutoff to predict extubation success from
ment is the fact that it is extremely effort dependent, which failure. The RSBI is limited by the fact that rapid and shal-
can make interpretation difficult in severely ill, sedated, and low breathing, although sensitive indicators of respiratory dis-
neurologically impaired patients. tress, are not specific. For example, pain and anxiety are also
consistent with an abnormally high RSBI and are common-
place among critically ill patients weaning from mechanical
Vital Capacity ventilation.
Flow (lpm)
10 20 30
Pressure (cm H2O)
0 10 20 30
Volume (mL)
Time (seconds)
0 10 20 30
FIGURE 31.9. Normal triggering in assisted-control ventilation. The circles marked A denote the pressure
and flow that correspond to patient neural inspiration that is detected by the ventilator and leads to delivery
of a mechanical breath.
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work of breathing is less in a system that does not require an fective triggering can create a challenge to the clinician when
initial inspiratory effort against this closed valve. Many stud- attempting to optimize the ventilator settings. In general, it is
ies have compared flow triggering and pressure triggering with helpful to reduce the trigger threshold to a point where the de-
respect to work of breathing with most showing significant lay between neural firing and ventilator support is minimized
advantages in favor of flow-triggered systems [5153]. This is without allowing autotriggering to occur.
partially explained by the fact that flow-triggering results in
improved responsiveness with shorter delay between onset of
diaphragm contraction and ventilator triggering [53]. Cycle-Off Variable
The main variable that can be controlled on the ventilator
with regard to triggering is termed sensitivity. Typical values Neurons in the respiratory center continue firing beyond ven-
for pressure triggering are 1 to 2 cm H2 O, while those for flow tilator triggering and throughout inspiration. The cessation of
triggering are 2 to 3 L per minute. The sensitivity threshold firing is an important time point in the respiratory cycle and
is important because it is required to strike a balance between marks the beginning of expiration. The neural inspiratory time
two main problems associated with triggering. First, if the sen- is often variable from breath to breath [34]. This can lead
sitivity is set too low, patients may experience autotriggering, in to considerable dyssynchrony in controlled modes of ventila-
which pressure and flow changes that occur from sources of ar- tion such as assisted-control, pressure-control, and intermittent
tifact such as cardiac oscillations, water in the circuit, patient mandatory ventilation, where cycling-off of the ventilator
movement, or resonance within the system lead to irregular into expiration is a function of the inspiratory time (Ti ) and is
breathing patterns and dyssynchrony. Second, sensitivity set- generally constant from one breath to the next. This can lead
tings that are too high will lead to ineffective triggering, which to increased sedation requirements that are inconsistent with
has the consequences of increased and wasted work and energy the goal of ventilator weaning, as mentioned earlier. Ideally, the
(Fig. 31.10). Ineffective triggering is also common in the setting ventilator should be able to detect the end of neural firing and
of dynamic hyperinflation, as seen in obstructive disorders such react accordingly to halt the inspiratory pressure supplied. This
as asthma and COPD. In the setting of obstructive diseases, dy- is one of the goals and advantages of the supportive modes
namic hyperinflation leads to elevations in the intrinsic PEEP of ventilation such as pressure support ventilation. That is,
(PEEPi ) above a critical threshold such that the patients res- supportive modes of ventilation have the ability to detect pa-
piratory drive is insufficient to overcome the elastic recoil of tient expiration and stop ventilator inspiration such that the
the lung and chest wall and trigger the ventilator [34]. Clearly, Ti is variable. This can be accomplished by measuring flow or
this is also disadvantageous to the patient in terms of work pressure changes within the circuit. As neural firing ceases and
of breathing and may contribute to ventilator dyssynchrony. Pmus decreases to baseline with muscle relaxation, total pres-
Leung et al. [54] demonstrated that ineffective trigger attempts sure and thus flow should decrease according to the elastive
required 38% increases in patient effort as compared to suc- and resistive properties of the lung according to the equation
cessfully triggered breaths. Obviously, autotriggering and inef- of motion previously described. Typically, support modes have
Flow (lpm)
10 20 30
Pairway (cm H2O)
Peso (cm H2O)
10 20 30
Volume (mL)
Time (seconds)
0 10 20 30
FIGURE 31.10. This pressure and flow tracing demonstrated failed trigger attempts that can be appreci-
ated by the negative deflections in the expiratory limbs in the flow waveform and delineated by lines A
and B.
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Flow (lpm))
10 20 30
Pressure (cm H2O)
10 20 30
Volume (mL)
Time (seconds)
0 10 20 30
FIGURE 31.11. The pressure and flow waveforms demonstrate active recruitment of expiratory muscles
to terminate ventilator inspiration. Note the time point marked by line A in which flow decreases rapidly
corresponding to a sharp increase in the airway pressure due to active exhalation.
Flow (lpm)
10 20 30
50 A
Pairway (cm H2O)
Peso (cm H2O)
-10 10 20 30
Volume (mL)
Time (seconds)
0 10 20 30
FIGURE 31.12. The pressure and flow waveforms above demonstrate the classic depressions on the
inspiratory airway (Pair ) pressure tracing in a patient with an elevated respiratory drive as highlighted by
circle A. Peso , esophageal pressure.
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software that detects a preset decrement in flow, which in turn modes of mechanical ventilation in an effort to decrease the
leads to cycling off the inspiratory support. This preset thresh- work of breathing and intrinsic PEEP in these situations. How-
old can be an absolute value of flow or a percentage of maxi- ever, a recent series of studies has shown that this may in fact
mum flow in the circuit, or both. Often, an increase in pressure be counterproductive due to a phenomenon now recognized
that exceeds the programmed support level will also signal the as flow-associated tachypnea [34]. Puddy and Younes [56]
ventilator to stop inspiration and open the expiratory valve as demonstrated this phenomenon by adjusting inspiratory flow
well. in awake volunteers breathing on a volume-cycled ventilator
Just as with triggering, the cycle-off variable can be a source in assisted-control mode in which inspiratory Ti was variable.
of serious tribulations with the patientventilator interaction. Laghi et al. [57] later delineated the contributions of flow, tidal
For example, in the setting of decreased lung elastance, such as volume, and inspiratory time in their study in which flow was
emphysematous lung disease, flow may not diminish enough increased from 60 to 90 L per minute and balanced with tidal
to be detected properly despite a drop in Pmus at the end of volume settings of 1.0 and 1.5 L to maintain a constant inspira-
neural inspiratory time. This can lead to patient discomfort tory time, where frequency did not change. Furthermore, they
and was studied by Jubran et al. [55], who noticed that 5 out were able to show that imposed ventilator inspiratory time dur-
of 12 patients with COPD required active exhalation to cy- ing mechanical ventilation can determine frequency indepen-
cle off the ventilator during pressure support ventilation at dently of delivered inspiratory flow and tidal volume. There-
20 cm H2 O. Active exhalation is counterproductive to both fore, the clinician must consider the counteracting variables
the primary goal of respiratory muscle unloading and venti- of flow, tidal volume, and inspiratory time when attempting
lator synchrony (Fig. 31.11). Furthermore, active exhalation to ventilate patients with elevated respiratory drive in acute
will increase transpulmonary pressure, which can lead to pre- respiratory failure and how one may negatively influence the
mature airway closure and increased intrinsic PEEPi as closing other.
capacity increases.
Inspiratory Flow Variable
Respiratory monitoring is a complicated task in the critically
Inspiratory flow is now being recognized as an important pa- ill patient who requires mechanical ventilation. The clinician
rameter in assisted modes of ventilation. Critically ill patients in must carefully balance a plethora of data acquired from study-
acute respiratory failure often have elevated respiratory drives ing variables of gas exchange, pulmonary mechanics, neuro-
that appear to demand greater flow to overcome the resistance muscular function, and patient ventilator interactions. Skilled
of the failing respiratory system and ventilator breathing cir- intensive-caretrained personnel must then process these data
cuit [34]. Classically, this appears as a depression on the in- so that a plan of respiratory support, often with mechanical
spiratory limb of the airway pressure tracing and has been de- ventilation, can be instituted. This plan must proceed in such a
scribed by some practitioners as flow hunger (Fig. 31.12). way that the patient is safely ventilated and oxygenated with-
Clinically, the response has been to increase flow, which typi- out imposing the undue harm that is associated with injurious
cally ranges between 30 and 80 L per minute during assisted and careless methods of ventilation.
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Hypotension and hemodynamic instability are frequently en- rial line should be considered, especially if vasoactive medica-
countered clinical problems in the intensive care setting. When tions are employed. Central venous catheterization should also
the mean arterial blood pressure falls below approximately be considered to monitor intravascular volume, since volume
60 mm Hg, end-organ perfusion becomes compromised and status is often dynamic in the hypotensive patient and multi-
is manifested clinically as cool skin, decreased urine output, ple mechanisms of hypotension may be simultaneously present.
and altered mental status. Cornerstones of management in- Foley catheterization should also be employed to assess hourly
clude volume resuscitation and therapy directed toward the urine output as a surrogate for end-organ perfusion.
underlying cause of hypotension (e.g., cardiac pacing for brady- The history and physical examination should be directed
cardia, cardioversion or defibrillation for tachyarrhythmias, toward establishing the primary mechanism and etiology of
blood transfusion for gastrointestinal bleeding, corticosteroids hypotension. Primary mechanisms include hypovolemia, low
for adrenal insufficiency). When these measures fail to restore cardiac output, and vasodilation. Assessing volume status is
blood pressure and vital organ perfusion or while awaiting their critical; if not discernible from the bedside evaluation (jugular
availability, administration of intravenous vasoactive agents venous pressure, skin turgor, urine output, orthostasis), inva-
may be necessary. This chapter reviews the general manage- sive measurement of the central venous pressure should be ob-
ment of the hypotensive patient with an emphasis on coronary tained with placement of a central venous catheter. If there are
care and the pharmacologic properties of commonly used va- clinical reasons to suggest a dissociation of right and left ven-
sopressor and positive inotropic agents. An overview of shock tricular hemodynamics (i.e., right ventricular infarction), pul-
(see Chapter 157), volume resuscitation (see Chapter 158), sep- monary artery catheterization may be required to measure the
sis (see Chapter 159), the use of intra-aortic balloon coun- left ventricular filling pressure. Warm well-perfused skin and
terpulsation and mechanical circulatory support devices (see extremities despite hypotension may suggest low systemic vas-
Chapter 45) are discussed elsewhere. cular resistance and a vasodilatory state, whereas cool clammy
skin and extremities suggest vasoconstriction as a compen-
satory response to a low output syndrome. A narrow pulse
pressure may also suggest reduced cardiac output. If a putative
GENERAL APPROACH TO THE mechanism of hypotension cannot be ascertained from bed-
HYPOTENSIVE PATIENT IN THE side assessment, pulmonary artery catheterization can be used
to characterize the hemodynamic profile. This strategy is es-
CORONARY CARE UNIT pecially useful when more than one mechanism is present (for
example, a large myocardial infarction complicated by pneu-
The assessment of the hypotensive patient begins with accu- monia, leading to cardiogenic and vasodilatory shock).
rate measurement of the blood pressure and rapid correlation Initial management strategies are directed at the primary
with clinical signs of hypoperfusion. Blood pressure should be etiology of hypotension and addressed later in this chapter.
measured in both arms and confirmed by another examiner. In general, therapy is guided by the primary pathophysiologic
This practice is especially important when automated devices mechanism underlying the hypotension (e.g., volume resusci-
are used to make these measurements in the setting of tachy- tation for hypovolemia, positive inotropes for low cardiac out-
arrhythmias or respiratory distress. In patients with peripheral put, vasopressors for vasoplegia). The pace and aggressiveness
arterial disease, upper extremity blood pressure should also be of therapeutic intervention are guided by the presence or ab-
compared to measurements in the legs in the supine position. In sence of clinical signs of hypoperfusion. For example, holding
rare circumstances, true central aortic pressure may differ sig- vasodilators may be sufficient in the hypotensive patient with-
nificantly from peripherally obtained blood pressures and can out changes in mental status or urine output. In contrast, the
only be confirmed by invasive measurement during diagnostic acutely hypotensive patient with clinical shock needs rapid re-
catheterization. This situation should be suspected when clin- suscitation with intravascular volume expansion and usually
ical features of hypoperfusion do not accompany low blood vasoactive therapy.
Hypotension is generally defined as a mean arterial pressure
of less than 60 mm Hg and/or a systolic blood pressure less than
100 mm Hg. However, higher values may be consistent with ADRENERGIC RECEPTOR
clinically relevant hypotension if there are concomitant clini- PHYSIOLOGY
cal signs of hypoperfusion such as mental confusion, oliguria,
pallor, and cool extremities. If clinically relevant hypotension Most vasopressor and positive inotropic agents currently avail-
cannot be rapidly corrected, invasive monitoring with an arte- able for use are sympathomimetic amines that exert their action
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TA B L E 3 2 . 1
Heart Cardiac vascular
Drug Dose range Dopaminergic 1 1 2 rate output resistance
Chapter 32: Approach to the Patient with Hypotension and Hemodynamic Instability 309
evidence of worsening splanchnic oxygen utilization with the
use of high-dose dopamine has made it a less attractive agent.
26 By itself or in combination with other agents, dopamine may
6.0 be used at moderate doses in the management of patients with
4.0 acute decompensated heart failure and hypotension. Venodilat-
ing agents (e.g., nitroprusside and nitroglycerin) may be added
to moderate the tendency of dopamine to increase cardiac-
filling pressures [6]. Dopamine may also be combined with
dobutamine for added inotropic effects or used at low doses
20 to augment diuresis [7], although the benefits of renal-dose
2.0 dopamine remain controversial and other agents may be more
0 effective for preserving renal function in critically ill patients
18 2.5
The use of dopamine is associated with several adverse ef-
16 5.0
fects, including tachycardia, tachyarrhythmias, and excessive
7.5 10.0 vasoconstriction. Although these effects are generally dose de-
14 pendent, in individual patients there may be substantial overlap
of receptor affinity such that even at low doses dopamine may
result in toxicity. In patients with ischemic heart disease, in-
1,600 0 creased myocardial oxygen consumption coupled with some
degree of coronary vasoconstriction with high-dose dopamine
Total systemic resistance (dynes/cm/sec5)
can result in myocardial ischemia. As with other positive in-
otropes, dopamine can increase flow to poorly oxygenated re-
gions of the lung and cause shunting and hypoxemia. In addi-
1,400 2.0 tion, dopamine has been shown to depress minute ventilation
2.5 6.0 in normoxic heart failure patients [9]. When dopamine is used
in patients with acute decompensated heart failure, increased
5.0 venous tone and pulmonary arterial pressure may exacerbate
1,200 pulmonary edema in the setting of already high cardiac filling
7.5 pressures. Despite these caveats, oxygen saturation generally
10.0 remains constant due to improved hemodynamics.
There is mounting evidence that dopamine adversely effects
splanchnic perfusion at doses usually required to treat septic
1,000 shock. A small, randomized study of patients with sepsis us-
ing selective splanchnic and hepatic cannulation showed that
infusion of dopamine was associated with a disproportionate
increase in splanchnic oxygen delivery compared with oxygen
2.50 3.00 3.50 extraction (65% vs. 16%). In contrast, norepinephrine pro-
Cardiac index (L/min/m2) duced better-matched increases in oxygen delivery and extrac-
tion (33% vs. 28%) [10]. Another study showed that in patients
FIGURE 32.1. Comparative effects of dopamine (closed circles) and with septic shock randomly assigned to treatment with nore-
dobutamine (open triangles) on heart rate, pulmonary capillary wedge
pressure, and total systemic resistance in patients with advanced heart
pinephrine or dopamine, gastric intramucosal pH worsened
failure. The numbers shown on the figures are infusion rates in g significantly in patients treated with dopamine despite similar
per kg per minute. These data demonstrate that dopamine at doses improvements in mean arterial pressure [11]. Thus, the use of
greater than 2 to 4 g/kg/min exerts a vasoconstrictor effect and in- dopamine in septic shock may be associated with splanchnic
creases heart rate and left ventricular filling pressure. [Adapted from shunting, impairment of gastric mucosal oxygenation, and in-
Leier CV, Heban PT, Huss P, et al: Comparative systemic and regional creased risk of gastrointestinal bleeding [2].
hemodynamic effects of dopamine and dobutamine in patients with
cardiomyopathic heart failure. Circulation 58:466475, 1978, with
Epinephrine is an endogenous catecholamine that is a po-
tent nonselective agonist of - and -adrenergic receptors.
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Stimulation of myocardial 1 and 2 receptors increases con- The main cardiovascular effect of norepinephrine is dose-
tractility and heart rate, resulting in a rise in cardiac output (Fig. dependent arterial and venous vasoconstriction owing to -
32.2). Cardiac output is further augmented by an increase in ve- adrenergic stimulation (Fig. 32.2). The positive inotropic and
nous return as a result of 1 -mediated venoconstriction. Blood chronotropic effects of 1 stimulation are generally counterbal-
flow to skeletal muscles is increased owing to 2 -mediated va- anced by the increased afterload and reflex vagal activity in-
sodilation. With very low-dose infusions of epinephrine (0.01 duced by the elevated systemic vascular resistance. Thus, heart
to 0.05 g per kg per minute), -adrenergicmediated posi- rate and cardiac output usually do not change significantly,
tive chronotropic and inotropic effects predominate. Diastolic although cardiac output may increase or decrease depending
blood pressure and overall peripheral vascular resistance may on vascular resistance, left ventricular function, and reflex re-
actually decrease owing to vasodilation in skeletal muscle. With sponses [5].
higher doses of epinephrine, stimulation of -adrenergic recep- Norepinephrine, when infused at doses ranging from 0.5
tors in precapillary resistance vessels of the skin, mucosa, and to 30.0 g per minute, is a potent vasopressor. Although gen-
kidneys outweighs 2 -mediated vasodilation in skeletal muscle, erally reserved as a second-line agent or used in addition to
causing increased mean and systolic blood pressure [1]. other vasopressors in cases of severe distributive shock, nore-
Epinephrine plays a central role in cardiovascular resuscita- pinephrine is emerging as an agent of choice for the manage-
tion (see Chapter 23) and the management of anaphylaxis (see ment of hypotension in hyperdynamic septic shock [14,16]. In
Chapter 194). Epinephrine is also used to reverse hypotension a small, prospective double-blind trial, Martin et al. [17] ran-
with or without bradycardia after cardiopulmonary bypass or domized patients with hyperdynamic septic shock to dopamine
cardiac transplantation [12]. Because of its adverse effects on or norepinephrine titrated to a mean arterial pressure greater
splanchnic and renal blood flow and potential for inducing than or equal to 80 mm Hg or systemic vascular resistance
myocardial ischemia and tachyarrhythmias, epinephrine has greater than 1,100 dynes per second per cm5 , or both. Al-
generally been regarded as a second-line agent in the man- though only 5 of 16 patients randomized to dopamine were
agement of septic shock [2,13]. However, a recent random- able to achieve these endpoints, 15 of 16 patients randomized
ized trial showed no difference in efficacy or safety between to norepinephrine were successfully treated with a mean dose
epinephrine alone versus norepinephrine plus dobutamine in of 1.5 g per kg per minute. Moreover, 10 of the 11 patients
patients with septic shock [14]. For patients with symptomatic who remained hypotensive on high-dose dopamine improved
bradycardia and hypotension who have failed atropine or ex- with the addition of norepinephrine. A subsequent prospective,
ternal pacing, epinephrine may be used to stabilize the patient nonrandomized, observational study suggested that in adults
while awaiting more definitive therapy (e.g., transvenous place- with septic shock treated initially with high-dose dopamine or
ment of a temporary or permanent pacemaker) [15]. When used norepinephrine, the use of norepinephrine was associated with
to treat hypotension, epinephrine is given as a continuous in- improved survival [18]. In the setting of sepsis, norepinephrine
fusion starting at a low dose (0.5 to 1.0 g per minute) and improves renal blood flow and urine output [19], although
titrating up to 10 g per minute as needed. Continuous infu- large doses may be required to achieve these effects due to -
sions of epinephrine may cause restlessness, tremor, headache, receptor downregulation [2].
and palpitations. Epinephrine should be avoided in patients Adverse effects of norepinephrine include increased my-
taking -adrenergic antagonists, as unopposed -adrenergic ocardial oxygen consumption causing ischemia and renal and
vasoconstriction may cause severe hypertension and cerebral mesenteric vasoconstriction. Renal ischemia, may be of par-
hemorrhage. ticular concern in patients with hemorrhagic shock. Nore-
pinephrine can also cause necrosis and sloughing at the
site of intravenous injection owing to drug extravasation.
Norepinephrine Norepinephrine is relatively contraindicated in patients with
hypovolemia. As previously discussed, the overall effect of
Norepinephrine is an endogenous catecholamine that is a norepinephrine on gut mucosal oxygenation in septic patients
potent 1 - and 1 -adrenergic agonist, with little 2 activity. compares favorably with that of high-dose dopamine.
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Chapter 32: Approach to the Patient with Hypotension and Hemodynamic Instability 311
P = .27 P = .10
0.9 at day 28 at day 90
Probability of Survival
0.6 Vasopressin
FIGURE 32.3. KaplanMeier survival curves for pa-
0.0 tients with septic shock randomized to vasopressin (solid
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 line) or norepinephrine (dashed line). The dashed vertical
Days since Initiation of the Study Drug line marks day 28. P values are calculated with use of
the log rank test. [From Russell JA, Walley KR, Singer J,
No. at Risk et al: Vasopressin versus norepinephrine infusion in pa-
Vasopressin 397 301 272 249 240 234 232 230 226 220 tients with septic shock. N Engl J Med 358:877887,
Norepinephrine 382 289 247 230 212 205 200 194 193 191 2008, with permission.]
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Chapter 32: Approach to the Patient with Hypotension and Hemodynamic Instability 313
21.3%; and survival to hospital discharge, 1.7% versus 2.3%; blue has also been used successfully to treat refractory hypoten-
respectively [42]. In the setting of vasodilatory shock, vaso- sion in patients with vasoplegia following cardiopulmonary by-
pressin can be administered as a continuous infusion at 0.01 pass (Table 32.2) [53], and may be used to prevent vasoplegia
to 0.05 U per minute. Potential adverse effects of vasopressin in high-risk cardiac surgical patients [54]. However, the over-
include excess vasoconstriction causing end-organ ischemia in- all safety and efficacy of NO inhibition remains unproven. A
cluding myocardial ischemia and hyponatremia. Cardiac out- large, randomized, placebo-controlled trial of the NO synthase
put may also worsen owing to increased afterload. inhibitor 546C88 in sepsis was stopped prematurely due to ex-
Terlipressin is a synthetic long-acting analog of vasopressin cess mortality at 28 days (59% vs. 49%, p < 0.001) in the
that is currently undergoing clinical investigation [43]. In a active treatment arm [51]. As with adrenergic agents, lack of
recent pilot study of patients with septic shock despite ade- selectivity may have contributed to undesirable effects. More
quate volume resuscitation, a continuous infusion of low-dose selective NO inhibitors are currently under investigation.
terlipressin (1.3 g per kg per hour) was effective in revers- Another novel agent that has recently been approved for the
ing arterial hypotension and reducing catecholamine require- treatment of patients with severe sepsis is recombinant human
ments [44]. Compared with vasopressin or norepinephrine, ter- activated protein C (drotrecogin alfa activated) [55]. In the Re-
lipressin was associated with less rebound hypotension upon combinant Human Activated Protein C Worldwide Evaluation
discontinuation. Adverse effects associated with terlipressin in- in Severe Sepsis study, 1,690 patients with systemic inflamma-
clude hypertension, bradycardia, skin pallor, and reduction in tion and organ failure owing to acute infection (71% of whom
platelet count. presented with shock) were randomized to receive drotrecogin
alfa activated or placebo as a continuous infusion for 4 days
[56]. Drotrecogin alfa activated reduced all-cause mortality by
Adjunctive and Investigational Agents 19%, but tended to increase the risk of serious bleeding. Based
on this study, drotrecogin alfa activated is recommended for
In addition to the agents discussed previously, the phosphodi- the treatment of patients with severe sepsis and high risk of
esterase inhibitor milrinone is commonly used in the manage- death (Apache II score greater than 25) (Table 32.2). The stan-
ment of acute decompensated heart failure. Milrinone increases dard intravenous dosing is 24 g per kg per hour for 96 hours,
cardiac contractility by directly inhibiting the breakdown of at a cost of approximately $6,000. In a subsequent study of
cyclic adenosine monophosphate, resulting in an increase in in- patients with severe sepsis and low risk of death (Apache II
tracellular calcium [45]. In addition, phosphodiesterase inhibi- score less than or equal to 25), there was no beneficial effect
tion in vascular smooth muscle causes systemic and pulmonary of drotrecogin alfa activated on either in-hospital or 28-day
vasodilation [46]. Because milrinone does not require binding mortality [57]. The risk of serious bleeding was higher (2.4%
to adrenergic receptors to exert its effects, it is particularly use- vs. 1.2%, p = 0.02) in the drotrecogin alfa activated group.
ful in the treatment of patients taking -adrenergic antagonists A randomized controlled study of drotrecogin alfa activated in
or those with advanced heart failure that may be resistant to children with severe sepsis also showed no benefit [58]. The 28-
-agonist stimulation with dobutamine [35]. Milrinone is gen- day mortality rates were 17.2% and 17.5% in the drotrecogin
erally administered as an intravenous loading dose (50 g per alfa activated and placebo groups, respectively ( p = 0.93).
kg), followed by a continuous infusion at doses ranging from Several hormones including cortisol and thyroxine are
0.25 to 0.75 g per kg per minute. As it is renally excreted, known to play important roles in the maintenance of vascular
milrinone should be dose-adjusted in renal failure; and in all tone, and their absolute or relative deficiency may contribute
patients, milrinone should be titrated cautiously, using inva- to hypotension in the critically ill patient. The adverse effects
sive hemodynamic monitoring. Because it is a potent vasodila- of hypothyroidism (see Chapter 103) and adrenal insufficiency
tor, however, milrinone should be avoided in the treatment of (see Chapter 104) on central and peripheral hemodynamics
patients with frank hypotension and is contraindicated in pa- have been well described. Although routine use of high-dose
tients with severe aortic stenosis. Similarly, the use of levosi- corticosteroids have not been shown to be beneficial in the
mendan [47], a calcium sensitizer with phosphodiesterase and treatment of sepsis, the administration of stress-dose steroids
potassium channel inhibitor properties, may be limited by hy- to patients suspected of having relative impairment of adreno-
potension [48]. In a randomized, double-blind study of 1,327 cortical response may be helpful in restoring normal hemody-
patients with acute decompensated heart failure, intravenous namics and improving outcomes.
levosimendan showed no benefit compared to dobutamine in In the 1990s, three small trials in patients with septic shock
reducing all-cause mortality at 180 days (26% vs. 28%, re- demonstrated decreased duration of shock with steroid treat-
spectively; hazard ratio, 0.91; 95% confidence interval, 0.74 to ment [5961]. Subsequently, Annane et al. [62] randomized
1.13; p = 0.40), and increased the incidence of atrial fibrilla- 300 patients with septic shock to receive hydrocortisone (50 mg
tion [49]. Although approved for use in Europe, levosimendan intravenous bolus every 6 hours) and fludrocortisone (50 g
remains investigational in the United States. by mouth once daily) or matching placebos for 7 days. Patients
With the exception of vasopressin, all currently available were enrolled after undergoing a short corticotropin stimula-
vasopressors exert their action through stimulation of - tion test. In the 229 nonresponders to corticotropin (i.e., with
adrenergic receptors. This approach is often associated with relative adrenal insufficiency), treatment with corticosteroids
worsening splanchnic perfusion, and in some patients may increased vasopressor withdrawal (57% vs. 40%, p = 0.001)
prove ineffective in restoring mean arterial pressure. Evidence and decreased mortality (53% vs. 63%, p = 0.02) at 28 days.
of the central role of endothelium-derived nitric oxide (NO) There were no differences in outcomes between steroid and
in mediating vasodilation [50] led to the development of sub- placebo groups in the corticotropin responders. Although this
stances that interfere with NO production or activity. Several trial was criticized on both methodologic and clinical grounds,
investigators have shown that analogs of l-arginine, the syn- a subsequent meta-analysis (Fig. 32.4) showed that a 5- to 7-
thetic precursor of NO, can competitively inhibit the enzyme day course of physiologic hydrocortisone doses increased sur-
NO synthase, thereby decreasing NO production and increas- vival in patients with vasopressor-dependent septic shock [63].
ing mean arterial pressure in patients with septic shock [51]. In a more recent study, 499 patients with septic shock who
Others have shown that inhibition of guanylate cyclase, the tar- remained hypotensive after fluid and vasopressor resuscitation
get enzyme of NO, with methylene blue is effective in increasing were randomized to receive 50 mg of intravenous hydrocorti-
mean arterial pressure, reducing the need for vasopressors and sone or placebo every 6 hours for 5 days [64]. At 28 days, there
maintaining oxygen transport in septic shock [52]. Methylene was no significant difference in mortality between patients in
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Relative Shock
Study, Year (Reference) Benefit (95% Cl)
the two study groups whose plasma cortisol levels did not vasopressor agents. Although dopamine in moderate to high
rise appropriately after administration of corticotropin (39.2% doses can provide both positive inotropic and vasopressor ef-
vs. 36.1% in the hydrocortisone and placebo groups, respec- fects, arrhythmias may be provoked (see discussion of SOAP
tively; p = 0.69) or between those who had a response to corti- II later). For severe hypotension (systolic blood pressure less
cotropin (28.8% vs. 28.7%, respectively; p = 1.00) (Fig. 32.5). than 70 mm Hg), a more potent 1 -adrenergic agonist such as
As discussed previously, correction of relative vasopressin de- norepinephrine should be considered.
ficiency is an alternative or adjunctive therapeutic strategy in For the hypotensive patient with significant cardiac pump
refractory shock. dysfunction (cardiac index less than 2.2 L per minute per m2
associated with end-organ dysfunction), dobutamine should
be considered. Milrinone is often not tolerated in this situation
Calcium due to its vasodilating properties. With frank cardiogenic shock
and concomitant vasoplegia, a drug with pressor action is usu-
The routine use of intravenous calcium has been shown to have ally needed. In this setting, vasopressin and norepinephrine can
no benefit in the setting of cardiac arrest and may be detrimen- be used in combination with dobutamine. Rarely, epinephrine
tal by causing cellular injury [4]. Indications for acute calcium may be required. In patients with septic shock and related my-
administration in the hypotensive patient include correction ocardial dysfunction, dobutamine can be added for additional
of clinically significant hyperkalemia (e.g., with acute kidney inotropic support. Although dopamine is also often consid-
injury) or hypocalcemia (e.g., following multiple blood trans- ered in such situations for its combined inotropic and pressor
fusions) and as an antidote to calcium channel blocker or beta- properties there has been recent concern of increased mortality
blocker overdose [65]. Calcium chloride (100 mg per mL in a when compared to norepinephrine in a subgroup of patients
10-mL vial) is usually given as a slow intravenous push of 5 with cardiogenic shock in the recent SOAP II trial (see later).
to 10 mL, and may be repeated as needed. Rapid intravenous Given the superior potency of norepinephrine and evidence
administration of calcium may cause bradycardia or asystole of worsening splanchnic perfusion with high-dose dopamine,
particularly in patients receiving digoxin. In critically ill pa- norepinephrine is emerging as the agent of choice for vasodila-
tients, ionized calcium rather than total calcium concentration tory shock in sepsis [16]. Although in the landmark Sepsis Oc-
should be followed. currence in Acutely Ill Patients (SOAP) II trial, there was no
difference between the initial use of dopamine versus nore-
pinephrine for shock in 28 day all-cause mortality, dopamine
CHOOSING AN AGENT was associated with more adverse events, particularly atrial
fibrillation [66]. Dopamine may be used as an alternate agent
There are few large, randomized, well-controlled studies to or in cases in which positive inotropic effects are desirable.
guide the pharmacologic management of hypotension. The use Current experience with phenylephrine is insufficient to assess
of vasopressors and positive inotropes is generally based on its efficacy relative to older agents, although its peripheral se-
data from animal studies and small, often poorly controlled lectivity and lack of positive chronotropic effects make it a
clinical trials. Useful consensus recommendations can be found theoretically useful agent in cases in which tachycardia, tach-
in the recently revised Advanced Cardiovascular Life Support yarrhythmias, or both limit the use of other drugs. Epinephrine
guidelines [5] and the international guidelines for management is the least selective of the catecholamines and is occasionally
of severe sepsis and septic shock updated in 2008 [2]. added for refractory septic shock. Vasopressin is emerging as
The selection of the appropriate vasoactive agent can be an alternative to adrenergic agents, but its use for hypotension
individualized with attention to the known or suspected un- may be limited to patients with hemodynamic collapse that
derlying cause of hypotension (Table 32.3). However, the clin- is resistant to adequate fluid resuscitation and high-dose con-
ician is commonly faced with a patient who presents with ventional vasopressors. For patients at high risk of death from
life-threatening hypotension of unknown etiology. In this set- sepsis (APACHE II score greater than 25) and low bleeding
ting, it may be necessary to initiate a vasopressor as a temporiz- risk, recombinant human activated protein C is recommended
ing measure even before the adequacy of intravascular volume [2,55]. For patients refractory to multiple pressors, including
repletion can be ensured. Consensus guidelines and expert pan- those status post cardiopulmonary bypass, a trial of methylene
els recommend both dopamine and norepinephrine as first-line blue should be considered [52,53].
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Chapter 32: Approach to the Patient with Hypotension and Hemodynamic Instability 315
A No Response to Corticotropin
Probability of Survival (%)
75 Placebo
0 5 10 15 20 25 30
B Response to Corticotropin
100 Hydrocortisone
Probability of Survival (%)
0 5 10 15 20 25 30
C All Patients
Probability of Survival (%)
75 Placebo
FIGURE 32.5. Shown are KaplanMeier
Hydrocortisone curves for survival at 28 days comparing
patients with septic shock who received
hydrocortisone versus placebo. There was no
difference among patients who did not have
25 a response to a corticotropin test (Panel A),
those who had a response to corticotropin
(Panel B) and all patients randomized (Panel
0 C). [From Sprung CL, Annane D, Keh D,
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 et al: Hydrocortisone therapy for patients
with septic shock. N Engl J Med 358:
Day 111124, 2008, with permission.]
TA B L E 3 2 . 3
Pulmonary Systemic
Cause of capillary Cardiac vascular Preferred
hypotension wedge pressure output resistance agent(s)
Unknown ? ? ? Dopamine
Hypovolemia Nonea
Acute decompensated heart failure Dopamine, dobutamine
Cardiogenic shock Dopamine
Hyperdynamic sepsis Norepinephrine, dopamine
Sepsis with depressed cardiac function ? Dopamine, norepinephrine plus dobutamine
Anaphylaxis ? ? Epinephrine
Anesthesia-induced hypotension ? ? Phenylephrine, ephedrineb
Volume resuscitation with intravenous fluids and/or blood products recommended.
For obstetric patients.
patients found that various approaches to hemodynamic op- phentolamine, 5 to 10 mg, diluted in 10 to 15 mL of saline)
timization reduced mortality when patients were treated early can be infiltrated into the area to limit local vasoconstriction
to achieve hemodynamic goals before the development of or- and tissue necrosis.
gan failure and when therapy produced differences in oxygen With few exceptions, the drugs discussed in this chapter
delivery [71]. are short-acting agents with rapid onset and offset of ac-
Vasopressors and positive inotropes are powerful drugs with tion. They are generally initiated without a bolus and can be
considerable potential for toxicity. Diligent monitoring and titrated frequently. Abrupt lowering or discontinuation of va-
careful adjustment of medications based on changes in clinical soactive drugs should be avoided to prevent rebound hypoten-
status are essential. Patients should be treated in an intensive sion. Common dose ranges are provided in Table 32.1, but
care setting with continuous monitoring of cardiac rhythm, there may be considerable variation in the dose required to re-
urine output, and arterial oxygenation. Fluid resuscitation and store adequate hemodynamics. Furthermore, an individual pa-
careful attention to intravascular volume are paramount, as tients response to an agent may diminish with time owing to
up to 50% of patients with hypotension related to sepsis may several mechanisms, including adrenergic receptor desensitiza-
stabilize with fluids alone [2]. Moreover, the administration of tion.
vasopressors to intravascularly depleted patients can worsen Critically ill patients in the intensive care unit are generally
end-organ perfusion. The routine use of pulmonary artery treated with multiple drugs in addition to vasoactive agents
catheters in this setting remains unproven, as overaggressive (e.g., other cardiovascular medications, antibiotics). Careful
treatment may increase the risk of adverse events [72]. How- attention should be paid to potential drugdrug interactions,
ever, a randomized trial demonstrated that early goal-directed as they can significantly alter the response to a given sympath-
therapy, using a central venous catheter capable of measuring omimetic amine. For example, prior or current treatment with
oxygen saturation, improved outcomes in patients with sep- a -adrenergic antagonist can cause resistance to the action
tic shock [73]. In patients who do not respond adequately to of dobutamine or other -adrenergic agonists. The adminis-
initial fluid boluses and brief infusion of vasopressors, inva- tration of less-selective drugs (e.g., norepinephrine) to a pa-
sive hemodynamic monitoring may aid in optimizing filling tient receiving chronic beta-blockade can result in unopposed
pressures and selecting the appropriate vasoactive agent. Intra- -adrenergic stimulation. Another well-described interaction
arterial cannulation and direct monitoring of blood pressure is is the exaggerated response to some catecholamines in individ-
suggested during prolonged vasopressor use. Drugs should be uals taking monoamine oxidase inhibitors. The starting dose
administered through central venous catheters via volumetric for these patients should be less than 10% of the usual dose
infusion pumps that deliver precise flow rates. In the event of [1]. Intensive care unit rounding with a dedicated pharmacist
vasopressor extravasation, an 1 -adrenergic antagonist (e.g., is recommended.
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Advanced heart failure accounts for a small minority (approx- recognized that a variety of etiologies including pulmonary em-
imately 10%) of patients with chronic disease. It is generally bolism, acute coronary syndromes, and sepsis may also lead to
defined as persistent New York Heart Association functional markedly elevated BNP [7].
class IIIB or IV symptoms that limit daily activities and oc- Renal dysfunction has recently been recognized as an ex-
cur despite adequate pharmacologic treatment (see later) and tremely powerful predictor of heart failure outcome. Deteri-
is usually associated with a left ventricular ejection fraction oration in renal function may result from diminished cardiac
below 30% [1]. Patients with advanced heart failure typically output and a corresponding reduction in glomerular filtration
have experienced one or more hospitalizations for decompen- rate, alterations in the distribution of cardiac output, intrarenal
sated heart failure within the previous year. vasoregulation, alterations in circulatory volume, more intense
neurohormonal activation, and/or the nephrotoxic effects of
medications administered during hospitalization [8]. The pres-
ence of chronic renal insufficiency, defined as a serum creatinine
PROGNOSTIC FEATURES >1.4 mg/dL for women and >1.5 mg/dL for men, predicts an
increased risk of death (risk ratio = 1.43) [8]. Unfortunately,
More than 50 variables have been examined in univariate and approximately 25% of hospitalized patients with decompen-
multivariate models and shown to predict prognosis in ad- sated heart failure will exhibit deterioration in renal function
vanced heart failure populations. No single study has assessed despite appropriate medical therapy [9]. In these hospitalized
all, or even most, of these predictors simultaneously and it is patients, a rise in serum creatinine of only 0.1 to 0.5 mg/dL is as-
therefore impossible to rank prognostic features strictly based sociated with a longer length of hospital stay and increased in-
on their level of importance. Nonetheless, several features ap- hospital mortality [9]. This constellation of poorly understood
pear repeatedly in the published literature (Table 33.1). Eich- physiologic mechanisms has been termed the cardiorenal syn-
horn identified plasma norepinephrine level, B-type natriuretic drome and its optimal management remains to be defined.
peptide (BNP) level, left ventricular ejection fraction, peak oxy- Thus, a variety of demographic, clinical, hemodynamic
gen uptake on cardiopulmonary exercise testing, advanced age, and laboratory findings help to accurately characterize pa-
and a history of symptomatic ventricular arrhythmias or sud- tients with advanced heart failure at increased risk of adverse
den cardiac death as the most important predictors of outcome events during hospitalization. Proper identification of these pa-
[2]. tients should lead to improved management strategies. Her-
Functional capacity, as assessed by the New York Heart clas- nandez, et al. have reported that patients with heart failure
sification remains among the most useful outcome predictors undergoing major noncardiac surgical procedures experience
in advanced heart failure. One year mortality rates range from substantially increased morbidity compared to patients with
<5% for Class I, 10% to 15% for Class II, 20% to 30% for ischemic heart disease or an age-matched population [10]. Af-
Class III, with Class IV patients experiencing rates of 30% to ter adjusting for demographic characteristics, type of surgery,
70% depending on their response to therapy [2]. Although left
ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF) is a consistent predictor
of outcome in a heterogeneous population of patients whose
TA B L E 3 3 . 1
left ventricular ejection fractions range from 10% to 50% [2],
this parameter correlates very poorly with symptoms or day-to- PREDICTORS OF PROGNOSIS IN CHRONIC
day functional capacity and loses much of its predictive accu- HEART FAILURE
racy among patients with advanced symptoms [3]. In advanced
heart failure, small variations in markedly depressed LVEF (i.e., Demographic Advanced age, sex, ischemic etiology
between 10% and 20%) have little bearing on symptoms or Symptoms NYHA class IV, syncope
prognosis [2,3]. Signs Chronic S3, right heart failure
Findings on physical examination also predict prognosis Laboratory Na+ , creatinine, anemia, CTR, LVEDD
and should influence treatment during hospitalization. The ECG QRS or QTc prolongation, NSVT, VT
presence of a chronic third heart sound or elevation in jugular Hemodynamic LVEF, PCW, CI
venous pressure establishes more advanced disease and predict Exercise 6-min walk distance, peak VO2
increased long-term mortality [4]. Both moderate-to-severe mi- Neurohormonal PNE, ANP, BNP
tral or tricuspid regurgitation are also associated with increased
symptoms, morbidity, and mortality [5]. ANP, atrial natriuretic peptide; BNP, B-type natriuretic peptide; CI,
Serum B-type natriuretic peptide (BNP) and N-terminal- cardiac index; CTR, cardiothoracic ratio on chest film; LVEDD, left
pro-BNP are increasingly measured in patients with suspected ventricular end-diastolic dimension on echocardiogram; LVEF, left
ventricular ejection fraction; NSVT, nonsustained ventricular
heart failure. Recent data suggest that serial assessment of BNP tachycardia; PCW, pulmonary capillary wedge pressure; PNE, plasma
during hospitalization is useful in predicting postdischarge norepinephrine; VO2 , oxygen consumption on cardiopulmonary
prognosis and suggests that this approach may soon help guide exercise testing; VT, ventricular tachycardia.
heart failure inpatient management [6]. However, it should be
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FIGURE 33.1. Standard pharmaco-
Spironolactone logical approach to heart failure based
upon agent and severity of clinical
heart failure symptoms [From Eich-
No proven mortality benefit, horn E: Current pharmacologic treat-
May offer mortality benefit No data for or against
used in symptomatic patients ment of heart failure. Clin Cardiol
Should not be used in this 22:V21V29 (Figure 1), 1999, with
Use for mortality benefit
Class permission.]
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TA B L E 3 3 . 2
Loop diuretics
Furosemide 40 mg 200 mg
Bumetanide 1 mg 48 mg
Torsemide 10 mg 100200 mg
Thiazide diuretics
Chlorothiazide 500 mg 1,000 mg
Synergistic nephron blockade
Chlorothiazide 5001,000 mg + loop diuretics 14 per day
Metolazone 2.510 mg PO + loop diuretic 12 per day
Intravenous infusions
Furosemide 40 mg IV loading dose; then 540 mg/hour infusion
Bumetanide 12 mg IV loading dose; then 0.52 mg/hour infusion
Torsemide 20 mg IV loading dose; then 520 mg/hour infusion
Elevated vasopressin levels play an important role in medi- therapy since both preload and afterload are elevated in de-
ating fluid retention and contributing to hyponatremia. Short- compensated heart failure. However, in the ICU setting, it may
term treatment with the V2-receptor antagonist, tolvaptan, has sometimes be useful to use nitrates to reduce markedly elevated
been shown to lower filling pressures, enhance diuresis, cor- preload or hydralazine to treat elevated afterload for short pe-
rect hyponatremia, and improve renal function [17]. However, riods of time. ACE inhibitors play a crucial role by altering
tolvaptan had no effect on long-term mortality or heart-failure the vicious cycle of hemodynamic abnormalities and neuro-
related morbidity in a study of over 500 hospitalized with acute hormonal activation that characterize advanced heart failure.
decompensated failure [17]. Thus, the role of this class of agents Randomized, controlled clinical trials have demonstrated the
remains uncertain. beneficial effects of ACE inhibitors on functional capacity, neu-
Ultrafiltration using a venovenous access approach is now rohormonal activation, quality of life, and long-term survival
feasible and potentially useful for acutely lowering elevated in patients with chronic heart failure due to left ventricular
ventricular filling pressures when conventional high-dose com- systolic dysfunction (Table 33.3). There is compelling evidence
bination diuretic therapy fails to produce adequate diuresis. that ACE inhibitor therapy should be prescribed whenever fea-
Small, short-term observational studies suggest improvements sible in all symptomatic heart failure patients. Despite their
in weight loss during hospitalization but have not demon- unequivocal benefits, only 60% to 75% of all heart failure pa-
strated decreased length of stay or better preservation of re- tients currently receive these agents [20]. The elderly and pa-
nal function [18]. The UNLOAD trial randomized 200 pa- tients with advanced heart failure symptoms are least likely to
tients with acute decompensated heart failure to standard receive this therapy [20]. It is especially important to recognize
intravenous diuretics versus ultrafiltration and demonstrated in patients with advanced heart failure that even low doses
greater weight loss at 48 hours in the ultrafiltration cohort of vasodilator treatment confer benefit. Low-dose treatment
[19]. Readmissions for heart failure were also lower at 90 days should be considered for patients with marginal blood pres-
(32% vs. 18%) for the ultrafiltration group. However, no com- sure (i.e., systolic pressure >80 to 90 mm Hg) to permit the
ment was made on overall rehospitalization rates. No differ- subsequent introduction of beta-blockers. An ACE inhibitor
ence in in-hospital or outpatient renal function was observed should be initiated for any patient who experiences a trans-
between treatment groups [19]. Importantly, hemodynamic in- mural myocardial infarction during hospitalization as postin-
stability has been an exclusion criterion in all published studies. farction trials have shown 10% to 27% reduction in all-cause
The latest ACC/AHA practice guidelines recommend ultrafil- mortality and 20% to 50% reduction in the subsequent risk
tration as a class IIA therapeutic option for heart failure that of developing overt heart failure when these agents are begun
remains refractory to conventional diuretic therapy [14]. Addi- following acute infarction [21].
tional prospective controlled trials are needed to establish the Alternative therapy with combination hydralazine and ni-
exact role of this new treat modality. trates should be considered for patients with marginal renal
function (creatinine >2.5 mg per dL) and those with previously
documented intolerance to ACE inhibitors or ARBs. Similar
Vasodilator Therapy hemodynamic goals can be achieved with these agents among
patients with advanced NYHA Class III or IV heart failure
Vasodilators remain a cornerstone of acute and chronic heart [22]. Women appear somewhat less responsive to ACE in-
failure management [14]. Mechanisms of action vary and hibitor therapy than do men [23]. Important racial differences
include a direct effect on venous capacitance vessels (e.g., may also exist in pharmacologic responsiveness to different va-
nitrates), arterioles (e.g., hydralazine), or balanced effects sodilator regimens. Two retrospective analyses from large trials
(sodium nitroprusside, ACE inhibitors, and angiotensin II re- confirmed ACE inhibitor therapy to be less effective in blacks
ceptor blockers [ARBs]). Drugs that produce balanced venous than whites with heart failure of comparable severity [24]. The
and arteriolar dilatation should generally be chosen as first-line African-American Heart Failure trial (A-HeFT) confirmed the
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TA B L E 3 3 . 3
ACE inhibitors
Captopril 6.25 mg three times daily 50 mg three times daily
Enalapril 2.5 mg twice daily 20 mg twice daily
Lisinopril 2.5 mg daily 40 mg daily
Fosinopril 5 mg daily 40 mg daily
Ramipril 1.25 mg daily 10 mg daily
Quinapril 5 mg twice daily 20 mg twice daily
Trandolapril 1 mg daily 4 mg daily
Angiotensin receptor blockers
Losartan 25 mg daily 100 mg daily
Valsartan 20 mg twice daily 160 mg twice daily
Candesartan 4 mg daily 32 mg daily
Aldosterone antagonists
Spironolactone 12.5 mg every other day 25 mg twice daily
Eplerenone 25 mg daily 50 mg daily
Beta-adrenergic blockers
Metoprolol XL/CRa 12.5 mg daily 200 mg daily
Carvedilol 3.125 mg twice daily 50 mg twice daily
Bisoprolol 1.25 mg daily 10 mg daily
Metoprolol succinate, extended release.
benefit of hydralazine and isosorbide dinitrate in this popu- sound [27]. A prespecified subgroup analysis of patients en-
lation; this combination should be considered when initiating rolled in the Digitalis Investigation Group (DIG) trial provide
therapy for hospitalized black patients [25]. confirmatory evidence that patients with severe heart failure
ARBs are now also considered suitable first-line therapy for (LVEF <25% or CT ratio >0.55) showed the greatest benefit
heart failure patients [14]. These drugs should be selected for [27]. The drug has neutral effects on all-cause and cardiovas-
ACE-inhibitor intolerant, nonAfrican-American patients who cular mortality [27]. As renal function may fluctuate consid-
experience rash or cough with an ACE inhibitor. They can- erably during hospitalization, measurement of serum digoxin
not be used for patients who experience ACE-inhibitorrelated levels is important [28]. Retrospective subgroup analysis has
deterioration in renal function, hypotension, or hypokalemia suggested an increased risk of all-cause mortality among both
[25]. Symptomatic and mortality benefits appear comparable women and men who have digoxin levels >1.0 ng/dL [28].
between ACE inhibitors and ARBs [14]. For patients with ad- Poor renal function, small lean body mass, and elderly patients
vanced heart failure, the addition of a low-dose ARB to stan- are at greatest risk for developing digoxin toxicity during stan-
dard therapy with ACE inhibitor and beta-blocker provides dard maintenance dosing. In addition, a number of commonly
significant morbidity benefit with reduction in recurrent hospi- used drugs including verapamil, flecainide, spironolactone, and
talizations but no mortality benefit [26]. A modest reduction in amiodarone will significantly increase serum digoxin levels. For
maintenance ACE inhibitor dose may be necessary to introduce adult patients with normal renal function, a dosage of 0.25 mg
an ARB in this population. per day is appropriate. For patients at increased risk of tox-
icity, the initial starting dose should be 0.125 mg daily and
up-titrated as necessary to achieve a trough level of 0.5 to 0.9
ng per dL.
Digoxin continues to have an important role in the manage-
ment of patients with advanced NYHA class IIIIV symp- Beta-Adrenergic Blockers
toms [14]. The drug has mild positive inotropic effect on car-
diac muscle, reduces activation of the sympathetic and renin Three distinct classes of beta-blockers are now available for
angiotensin systems, and partially restores the favorable in- clinical use. Propranolol and other first-generation com-
hibitory effects of cardiac baroreceptor function. Short- and pounds such as timolol are nonselective agents with equal
long-term controlled trials have provided unequivocal evi- affinity for 1 and 2 receptors [29]. Metoprolol and bisopro-
dence that chronic digoxin administration increases left ven- lol are cardioselective second-generation compounds that
tricular ejection fraction, improves exercise capacity, decreases block the 1 receptor to a greater extent than the 2 recep-
advanced heart failure symptoms, and reduces heart failure as- tor. Metoprolol is approximately 75-fold more selective for 1
sociated hospitalizations [27]. Post hoc analysis has shown that than 2 receptors while bisoprolol is 120-fold more selective
patients most likely to demonstrate a favorable response had [29]. Labetalol, carvedilol, and bucindolol are third-generation
severe symptoms, greater degrees of left ventricular dysfunc- compounds that block 1 and 2 receptors with almost equal
tion, lower ejection fractions, and the presence of a third heart affinity. These agents also have ancillary properties including
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TA B L E 3 3 . 4
Decompensated Heart Failure States
Heart failure decompensation is the most common cause for IN DECOMPENSATED HEART FAILURE
hospitalization for patients over 65 years of age. Stevenson
has popularized a 2-minute clinical assessment to ascertain Ongoing congestive symptoms and suspected end-organ
the hemodynamic profiles for heart failure patients (Fig. 33.2) hypoperfusion
[23,38]. Patients are characterized in 2 2 fashion accord- Narrow pulse pressure Cool extremities
ing to the presence or absence of congestion and low perfusion Declining renal function Hypotension on ACE or ARB
on physical examination [23]. The clinical profiles thus defined Mental confusion Progressive hyponatremia
have been shown to correlate reasonably well with direct hemo-
Heart failure and other medical comorbidities
dynamic measurements of filling pressure and cardiac output
Cardiac: unstable angina pectoris; stenotic valvular
and are correlated with prognosis following hospital discharge
lesions, hypertrophic cardiomyopathy
[23]. Warm and dry patients have normal resting hemody-
Noncardiac: severe obstructive or restrictive
namics and are well compensated. For these patients, other po-
pulmonary disease, advanced renal disease, sepsis
tential etiologies for dyspnea or fatigue should be considered.
The majority (70% to 80%) of patients admitted with worsen- Other situations
ing symptoms fit the warm and wet profile. These individuals Perioperative monitoring to optimize status for high-risk
are volume overloaded but have adequate end-organ perfusion. procedure
The primary treatment goal is thus relief of congestive symp- Symptoms disproportionate to clinical assessment of
toms using intravenous loop diuretics alone or in combination degree of compensation
with a thiazide. Those who fail to respond to escalating doses Uncertain volume status
of intravenous loop diuretics may benefit from a continuous Inability to wean inotropic support
intravenous loop diuretic infusion. The small minority of pa-
tients with refractory volume overload may benefit from con- ACE, angiotensin-converting enzyme; ARB, angiotensin receptor
tinuous venovenous hemofiltration (CVVH) or ultrafiltration
[14,38]. Although neurohormonal antagonists including ACE-
inhibitors, ARBs, and beta-blockers should ideally be main-
tained during periods of acute heart failure decompensation,
for patients that are difficult to diurese or hypotensive, down- should be sought. The ESCAPE trial randomized patients with
ward dose adjustment or temporary suspension (particularly of acute decompensation without hemodynamic compromise to
beta-blockers) should be considered. A very small minority of conventional medical management based on physical findings
patients (<5%) fall into the cold and dry profile. These in- and symptoms versus tailored hemodynamic monitoring fol-
dividuals have impaired cardiac output but do not adequately lowing insertion of a pulmonary artery catheter. Somewhat sur-
use the Starling mechanism to increase preload. Judicious hy- prisingly, outcomes did not differ between the two management
dration should be attempted. Patients who fail to demonstrate strategies [39]. Certain high-risk subgroups may, nonetheless,
improvement in end-organ perfusion may require a short-term benefit from short-term hemodynamic monitoring for manage-
infusion of a positive inotropic agent such as dobutamine or ment of acute decompensated heart failure. Principal indica-
milrinone. tions for hemodynamic monitoring with a pulmonary artery
catheter include evidence of worsening end-organ dysfunction,
need for withholding vasoactive medications due to hypoten-
Hemodynamically Guided Therapy sion, heart failure associated with other comorbidities (i.e., un-
Approximately 10% to 15% of patients with advanced heart stable angina or valvular heart disease) or inability to wean
failure will demonstrate marked hemodynamic deterioration positive inotropic support (Table 33.4). Tailored hemody-
on admission (cold and wet profile). These patients have im- namic treatment for refractory heart failure is outlined in
pending cardiogenic shock. Potential causes for acute decom- Table 33.5. Following initial assessment of baseline hemo-
pensation such as recent myocardial infarction, rhythm change, dynamics, intravenous diuretics, vasodilators, or positive in-
worsening valvular disease, or medical/dietary nondiscretion otropes are administered to achieve desired hemodynamic
Congestion at Rest?
No No Yes
Yes Cold and Dry Cold and Wet FIGURE 33.2. Diagram of hemodynamic profiles for
patients presenting with heart failure symptoms. Most
Evidence for Low Perfusion: Narrow pulse pressure ACE-related hypotension patients with advanced heart failure can be classified ac-
Pulsus alternans Declining serum sodium curately in a 2-minute assessment of their physical find-
Cool extremities Worsening renal function ings and symptoms. [From Nohria J, Lewis E, Steven-
Mental confusion son LW: Medical management of advanced heart failure.
JAMA 287:639 (Figure 1), 2002, used with permission.]
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TA B L E 3 3 . 6
Nitroprusside 0.20 g/kg/min 10 g/kg/min
Nitroglycerin 10 g/kg/min 1,000 g/kg/min
Nesiritide Loading dose: 2 g/kg/min 0.030 g/kg/min
Maintenance dose: 0.01 g/kg/min
Positive inotropic agents
Dobutamine 2.5 g/kg/min 20 g/kg/min
Milrinone Loading dose: 50 g/kg 0.75 g/kg/min
Maintenance dose: 0.375 g/kg/min
Dopamine 2.5 g/kg/min 20 g/kg/min
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with chronic heart failure demonstrated fewer heart failure The potential adverse effects of atrial fibrillation include loss
rehospitalizations using BNP to adjust pharmacologic therapy. of atrioventricular synchrony, rapid or inappropriately slow
However, this approach recently failed to improve survival free ventricular response rates, variable diastolic filling times, and
of repeat hospitalizations or quality of life in a large cohort of thromboembolic complications. Atrial fibrillation has been as-
patients [44]. A reasonable approach for inpatients with acute sociated with increased mortality and more frequent hospital-
decompensated heart failure should include the measurement izations in some, but not all, series [48]. Patients with a known
of BNP or NT-pro-BNP on admission and prior to discharge history of chronic atrial fibrillation should have adequate heart
when the patient is euvolemic, both for prognostic purposes as rate control and anticoagulation whenever feasible (see later).
well as to aid in tailoring postdischarge treatment [45]. Daily Uncontrolled, sustained, rapid (>120 beats per minute) atrial
biomarker measurement does not add significant prognostic fibrillation can result in a reversible dilated cardiomyopathy or,
value. A fall of 30% or greater in BNP or NT-pro-BNP iden- more typically, can worsen preexisting left ventricular systolic
tifies patients at low risk at discharge. Conversely, a rise in ei- dysfunction. A heart rate below 100 beats per minute during
ther biomarker suggests worsening disease or inadequate ther- modest ambulation is a reasonable goal. Beta-adrenergic block-
apy and should prompt a review of the patients heart failure ers and digoxin remain first-line rate-controlled treatment op-
regimen. tions [4]. Calcium channel blockers (e.g., diltiazem and vera-
pamil) should be avoided with advanced heart failure due to
their negative inotropic effects. Amiodarone is a highly effec-
tive drug for rate control and is frequently useful for controlling
PERIOPERATIVE MANAGEMENT persistent atrial arrhythmias in ICU patients [49].
OF ADVANCED HEART Atrial fibrillation commonly occurs during hospitalization
FAILURE PATIENTS due to enhanced sympathetic stimulation. In all patients, thy-
roid function should be assessed to exclude hyperthyroidism as
Nonemergent surgical procedures should be delayed until heart a contributor. For stable heart failure patients with atrial fib-
failure status has been optimized. Volume overload should rillation initial therapy should focus on adequate rate control
be corrected and adequate oxygenation insured. Maintenance (HR <100 per minute) using digoxin or beta-blockers, with
pharmacologic therapy including vasodilators, beta-blockers, pharmacologic or electrical cardioversion reserved for those
and digitalis should be continued. A trough digoxin level patients who in whom symptoms are refractory or those who
should be checked and maintained below 1 ng per dL to mini- are intolerant of conservative medical management. Patients
mize potential toxicity. Spironolactone should be withheld until who experience active angina pectoris or hemodynamic in-
stable hemodynamics and renal function have been achieved. stability during new onset atrial fibrillation should undergo
Patients with refractory symptoms or deteriorating end-organ urgent synchronized cardioversion with initiation of an atrial-
function should have a pulmonary catheter inserted to opti- stabilizing agent to prevent recurrence. For heart failure pa-
mize their hemodynamics. Current evidence does not support tients in whom restoration or maintenance of sinus rhythm is
the routine use of a pulmonary artery catheter for periopera- desirable, amiodarone, dofetilide, and sotalol remain the most
tive monitoring [11]. A single large-scale randomized clinical useful antiarrhythmic drugs [49]. In compensated heart failure,
trial of pulmonary artery catheterization in high-risk surgical amiodarone is well tolerated from a hemodynamic standpoint.
patients demonstrated no improvement in survival [46]. How- For patients with advanced heart failure symptoms or recent
ever, only 16% of patients enrolled in this trial had heart fail- decompensation, the loading dose of amiodarone should be
ure. Ejection fraction alone is insufficient to recommend the kept below 1,000 mg per day to prevent exacerbation of heart
use of continuous hemodynamic monitoring. Many patients failure. Dronedarone, a new noniodinated derivative of amio-
with markedly impaired ventricular function (LVEF <20%) darone, has been shown to be effective for maintenance of si-
may be well compensated on optimized pharmacologic therapy nus rhythm and rate-control in rapid atrial fibrillation [50].
and undergo surgery without invasive monitoring. Conversely, However, increased mortality due to worsening heart failure
some patients with only moderate impairment in LVEF may has been reported in one recent controlled trial [1,49]. Until
benefit from pulmonary artery monitoring when hemodynamic additional data are available, this agent should not be used
instability is anticipated. Practice guidelines for intraoperative for patients with severe systolic dysfunction or hemodynamic
hemodynamic monitoring published by the American Society instability.
of Anesthesiologists consider the severity of the patients un- Dofetilide is a class III antiarrhythmic drug that blocks the
derlying cardiovascular disease, the type of surgical procedure, repolarizing potassium current. It is highly effective in restoring
and the likelihood of major hemodynamic lability [47]. The ex- sinus rhythm but is associated with torsades de pointes in up to
tent of anticipated intraoperative and perioperative fluid shifts 3% of patients [49]. Continuous ECG monitoring for the first
is another key factor. Current ACC/AHA guidelines recom- 48 hours after initiation in the hospitalized patient is essential.
mend intraoperative pulmonary artery monitoring as a Class Sotalol, an additional class III antiarrhythmic drug, may occa-
2B indication as indicated for patients at risk for major hemo- sionally be substituted for other beta-blockers in heart failure
dynamic disturbances that are easily detected by pulmonary patients, but carries with it a similar risk of torsades, and is
artery catheter who are scheduled to undergo a procedure that generally less effective than amiodarone.
is likely to cause these hemodynamic changes [11]. Asymptomatic nonsustained ventricular tachycardia
(NSVT) occurs in over 50% of patients with NYHA class
III/IV heart failure. Pharmacologic suppression of NSVT does
not lower the risk of sudden death. Asymptomatic ventricular
MANAGEMENT OF ectopy should be viewed as a marker of disease severity
ARRHYTHMIAS rather than a specific marker for sudden cardiac death risk
[51]. Heart failure patients often develop frequent ventricular
Atrial and ventricular arrhythmias are nearly ubiquitous in ad- premature beats or short runs of NSVT during their ICU
vanced heart failure patients and often contribute to clinical stay. Precipitating causes such as electrolyte disturbances
decompensation. Atrial fibrillation and flutter are the most (hypokalemia or hypomagnesemia), enhanced sympathetic
commonly encountered supraventricular arrhythmias. The tone, a decrease in beta-blocker dose, or withholding of prior
likelihood of atrial fibrillation increases with heart failure sever- antiarrhythmic therapy should be considered. The majority of
ity and approaches 40% for NYHA class III and IV patients. patients have no symptoms and do not require pharmacologic
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TA B L E 3 3 . 7
No. of
Intervention Trial Year Study patients Findings Reference
ADHF, acute decompensated heart failure; A-HeFT, African American Heart Failure Trial; CABG, coronary artery bypass grafting; COPERNICUS,
Carvedilol Prospective Randomized Cumulative Survival Study; ESCAPE, Evaluation Study of Congestive Heart Failure and Pulmonary Artery
Catheterization Effectiveness; NAPA, nesiritide-administered perianesthesia in patients undergoing cardiac surgery; RCT, randomized controlled trial;
OPTIME-CHF, Outcomes of a Prospective Trial of Intravenous Milrinone for Exacerbation of Chronic Heart Failure.
suppression. Frequent runs of ventricular tachycardia or sufficient to warrant systemic anticoagulation. Warfarin should
sustained monomorphic VT require antiarrhythmic treatment. be continued with an INR goal of 2.0 to 3.0 if invasive proce-
Amiodarone (intravenous 0.50 to 1.0 mg/min) or lidocaine dures are not planned. If surgery or central venous catheter
(0.5 to 2 mg per min) is generally most effective for acute placement is required, warfarin can be reversed with vita-
management. Beta-blockers, sotalol, and amiodarone are min K or fresh frozen plasma and transiently substituted with
effective long-term oral treatment options. intravenous heparin or subcutaneous low-molecular weight
A growing percentage of advanced heart failure patients heparin as feasible. For those patients who require anticoagu-
have implantable cardioverter defibrillators (ICDs) to treat lation but are unable to receive heparin (e.g., due to heparin-
symptomatic ventricular tachyarrhythmias or for primary pre- induced thrombocytopenia), alternative anticoagulants includ-
vention of sudden cardiac death. The ICD should be interro- ing the direct thrombin inhibitors argatroban and hirudin, or
gated for any recent atrial or ventricular arrhythmias prior to the pentasaccharide fondaparinux can be considered.
admission and the device temporarily inactivated prior to sur-
gical procedures that involve electrocautery. It should be re-
activated and its function checked by an electrophysiologist in
the early perioperative period. CONCLUSION
The patient with advanced heart failure requires special con-
Anticoagulation siderations. Meticulous attention to volume status and mainte-
nance of appropriate vasodilator therapy and beta-adrenergic
Systemic anticoagulation is often a part of a heart failure pa- blockade form the cornerstones of acute management (Table
tients outpatient management. Studies have suggested that the 33.7). Negative inotropic drugs and agents that might fur-
risk of thromboembolic complications is lower than previ- ther impair renal function should be avoided. Patients with
ously expected, averaging 1.5 to 3 episodes per 100 patient refractory symptoms or recent decompensation may require
years when normal sinus rhythm is present. Current indications hemodynamic monitoring via a pulmonary artery catheter and
for systemic anticoagulation include paroxysmal or chronic initiation of short-term vasoactive therapy including nitro-
atrial fibrillation, a history of thromboembolism, or echocar- prusside, nitroglycerin, nesiritide, milrinone, or dobutamine.
diographically documented left ventricular thrombus. Relative Maintenance of sinus rhythm and suppression of recurrent
indications include a markedly dilated left ventricle (>75 mm) ventricular tachyarrhythmias is mandatory. With careful man-
with severe systolic dysfunction and spontaneous echocardio- agement, hospital morbidity and mortality can be minimized
graphic contrast (smoke) indicating sluggish intracavitary despite the presence of severe ventricular systolic or diastolic
blood flow. The presence of a low ejection fraction alone is in- dysfunction.
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The incidence of valvular heart disease continues to rise due Older age, male sex, smoking, diabetes mellitus, hypertension,
to the increasing longevity of the population and remains a chronic kidney disease, and hypercholesterolemia are risk fac-
source of significant morbidity and mortality [1]. More than tors for calcific AS. Despite the compelling connection between
5 million Americans are living with valvular heart disease and atherosclerosis and calcific valve degeneration, high-dose lipid
nearly 100,000 undergo valve surgery each year [2]. Patients lowering therapy has thus far not been shown to retard the
with native or prosthetic valve disease constitute a signifi- progression of AS in randomized trials [7,8].
cant proportion of intensive care unit (ICU) admissions. Many Congenitally bicuspid aortic valves are present in 1% to
patients come to medical attention during an acute illness that 2% of the population, with a 4 to 1 male predominance, and
triggers an abrupt change in cardiovascular physiology. While seldom result in serious narrowing of the aortic orifice dur-
stabilization with medical management is possible for most ing childhood [9]. Abnormal valve architecture makes the two
patients with mild or moderate disease, surgery may be ur- cusps susceptible to hemodynamic stresses, ultimately leading
gently required if severe disease is present. Prompt diagnosis to thickening, calcification, and fusion of leaflets, and narrow-
often requires a high index of suspicion [3]. Timely cardiac ing of the orifice. AS develops earlier in bicuspid valves, usu-
imaging with transthoracic echocardiography (TTE) can define ally in the fifth or sixth decades, compared with trileaflet aortic
valve anatomy and lesion severity. Transesophageal echocar- valves, which usually do not exhibit calcific AS until the sixth or
diography (TEE) may be required in select circumstances for seventh decade of life [10]. Bicuspid aortic valves are also asso-
better visualization and characterization. The need for an inva- ciated with aortic regurgitation (AR) and aortic root/ascending
sive hemodynamic assessment may follow. Early collaboration aortic dilatation and coarctation (Fig. 34.2). Up to 25% to
among intensivists, cardiologists, and cardiac surgeons is criti- 40% of patients with bicuspid aortic valve will have an as-
cal for optimizing patient outcome. This chapter will highlight cending aortic aneurysm unrelated to the severity of the valve
an integrated approach to the diagnosis and treatment of the lesion. Patients with bicuspid aortic valves are susceptible to
native and prosthetic valve diseases most commonly encoun- aortic dissection [11]. Medial degeneration similar to that seen
tered in an ICU setting. in Marfan syndrome is responsible for aneurysm development
in patients with a bicuspid aortic valve [12].
Rheumatic disease may affect the aortic leaflets leading to
AORTIC STENOSIS commissural fusion, fibrosis, and calcification, with narrowing
of the valve orifice. Rheumatic AS is almost always accom-
Aortic stenosis (AS) is a progressive disease for which there is panied by involvement of the mitral valve and concomitant
no medical treatment. The ICU management of patients with AR. Radiation-induced AS as a sequela of cancer radiotherapy
AS may be quite challenging, particularly in the setting of con- often occurs in conjunction with proximal coronary artery dis-
comitant medical illness. Characterizing the severity of steno- ease (CAD). Rare causes of valvular AS include Pagets disease
sis is critical for determining the timing of surgical intervention of bone, rheumatoid arthritis, and ochronosis. By the time AS
and requires a careful history, physical examination, and initial becomes severe, superimposed calcification may make it diffi-
imaging with TTE. cult to determine underlying valve architecture and the precise
In addition to valvular AS, other causes of left ventricular
Etiology (LV) outflow obstruction include hypertrophic obstructive car-
diomyopathy (HOCM), a congenitally unicuspid aortic valve,
AS accounts for one-quarter of all chronic valvular heart dis- discrete congenital subvalvular AS resulting from a fibromus-
ease, with approximately 80% of symptomatic cases occurring cular membrane, and supravalvular AS. The various causes of
in adult males (Fig. 34.1). Common etiologies of valvular AS LV outflow obstruction can be differentiated by careful physi-
include age-related calcific degeneration, stenosis of a congen- cal examination and TTE.
itally bicuspid valve, and rheumatic heart disease. Age-related,
degenerative calcific AS is the most common cause of AS among
adults in the United States. More than 30% of adults older Pathophysiology
than 65 years exhibit aortic valve sclerosis, whereas only 2%
have more significant valvular stenosis. The valve cusps are fo- Obstruction to LV outflow produces a pressure gradient be-
cally thickened or calcified in aortic sclerosis, with production tween the LV and the aorta (Fig. 34.3). The ventricle responds
of a systolic ejection murmur, but without significant outflow to this pressure overload with concentric hypertrophy, which
obstruction (peak jet velocity of <2.5 m per second). Recent is initially adaptive because it reduces wall stress and preserves
studies suggest calcific AS is the end result of an active disease ejection performance. The law of Laplace states that wall stress
process rather than the inevitable consequence of aging [4]. is directly proportional to the product of LV pressure and ra-
There may also be a genetic predisposition to calcific degen- dius and inversely proportional to LV wall thickness. Compen-
eration of trileaflet valves [5]. The histologic appearance of a satory hypertrophy may accommodate a large pressure gradi-
sclerotic valve is similar to atherosclerosis, with inflammation, ent for years before it becomes maladaptive and LV function
calcification, and thickening. Both calcific AS and aortic sclero- declines, with chamber dilatation and reduced cardiac output
sis appear to be a marker for coronary heart disease events [6]. [13]. In the setting of AS with preserved ejection fraction (EF),
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cardiac output may be normal at rest but fail to rise appro- toms because of the reliance on atrial systole to fill the stiff,
priately with exercise. Coronary flow reserve may be reduced hypertrophied LV.
because of the increased oxygen demand of the hypertrophied No single parameter of valve structure or function is suffi-
LV and increased transmural pressure gradient, and the longer cient to define the severity of AS. Integration of the clinical his-
distance blood must travel to reach the subendocardial layer. tory, physical examination, and TTE is required to place the le-
Taken together, these factors can contribute to subendocardial sion in context [15]. The physical examination of AS in the ICU
ischemia even in the absence of epicardial CAD [14]. The loss may be particularly challenging, contributing to the greater
of appropriately timed atrial contraction, such as occurs with importance of timely TTE. Echocardiographic criteria for se-
atrial fibrillation (AF), may cause rapid progression of symp- vere AS in patients with normal underlying LV function include
FIGURE 34.2. Bicuspid aortic valve and aortic root aneurysm. A: Transthoracic echocardiogram with
parasternal short axis view at the level of the aortic valve reveals a bicuspid aortic valve with fusion of the
left and noncoronary cusps. B: A 5.1-cm ascending aortic aneurysm in a 37-year-old man with bicuspid
aortic valve disease and only moderate aortic stenosis (valve area, 1.2 cm2 ). Patients with bicuspid disease
frequently develop aneurysms of the ascending aorta independent of the severity of hemodynamic valvular
impairment and are at risk for aortic dissection. Resection is indicated for maximal aneurysm size larger
than 5.0 cm, an increase in aneurysm size of more than 0.5 cm/y, or at the time of aortic valve replacement
if the aneurysm size exceeds 4.5 cm. [From Libby P (ed): Essential Atlas of Cardiovascular Disease. New
York, NY, Springer, 2009, p 216, Figure 96, with permission.]
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TA B L E 3 4 . 1
Aortic stenosis
the reduced valve area relates to an underlying cardiomyopathy Latent Period Angina
(Increasing Obstruction,
(pseudo-severe AS) [16]. 80
Myocardial Overload) Syncope
0 2 4 6
Clinical Presentation Av SURVIVAL (Yrs)
The cardinal symptoms of AS are dyspnea, angina, and syncope 20 Average Death
[17]. Exertional dyspnea is typically the first reported symptom Age ( )
FIGURE 34.5. Decision making in low-flow, low-gradient aortic stenosis (AS). Dobutamine stress
echocardiography aids decision making in low-flow AS. Contractile reserve is defined as an increase in
stroke volume of >20%. When contractile reserve is elicited, patients with true severe AS have an increase
in transvalvular gradient (P) with a persistently low calculated valve area (AVA). One can also determine
the projected AVA at a standardized normal flow rate (AVAproj ), with an AVAproj 1 cm2 consistent with
true severe AS. Management decisions are more challenging if contractile reserve is absent. AVR, aortic
valve replacement; CABG, coronary artery bypass grafting; LV, left ventricle. [From Picano E, Pibarot P,
et al: The emerging role of exercise testing and stress echocardiography in valvular heart disease. J Am
Coll Cardiol 54:22512260, 2009, with permission.]
select patients with EF less than 35%, severe AS and cardio- but accurate diagnosis may be a challenge because examination
genic shock accompanied by high systemic vascular resistance, findings may be subtle and the clinical presentation nonspe-
sodium nitroprusside infusion has been shown to modestly im- cific [52]. Patients with acute AR appear gravely ill and have
prove hemodynamics and can serve as a bridge to the operating tachycardia, significant dyspnea, and often hypotension. The
room [36]. presentation of acute AR may even be mistaken for other acute
conditions like sepsis, pneumonia, or nonvalvular heart failure.
In marked contrast, chronic severe AR may be asymptomatic
Surgical Treatment or minimally symptomatic and is rarely encountered in the ICU
AVR is the preferred treatment for severe symptomatic AS setting. In cases of acute valvular regurgitation, a high index
[32,37]. Choice of valve prosthesis depends on patient age, of suspicion is required, along with timely TTE, and prompt
anticipated lifespan, and preference for and tolerance of anti- surgical consultation.
coagulation [38]. The perioperative mortality for isolated AVR
ranges from less than 1% in healthy, younger patients with
normal LV systolic function to 10% or more in elderly patients Etiology
with coexisting CAD and reduced EF. Age alone is not a con-
traindication to AVR. Other factors associated with reduced Most cases of acute severe AR are caused by infective endo-
survival after AVR include chronic kidney disease, obstructive carditis (IE), but other causes include aortic dissection and
lung disease, reoperation, emergency operation, and age older blunt chest trauma. Staphylococcus has emerged as the most
than 65 years. The overall 10-year survival for patients with important causative organism of native valve endocarditis
AVR is approximately 60%. Surgical risk for valve replacement [53,54]. Patients with antecedent aortic valve disease or a con-
can be estimated using one of several online calculators (Soci- genital bicuspid valve are at increased risk for IE, though organ-
ety for Thoracic Surgeons, EuroSCORE, or others) [3941]. isms like Staphylococcus aureus can infect a normal trileaflet
valve. IE is a particular problem among injection drug users,
patients with indwelling catheters, and those on hemodialysis.
Acute severe AR from IE is the consequence of tissue destruc-
Percutaneous Aortic Balloon Valvuloplasty and tion, leaflet perforation, or bulky vegetations impairing leaflet
Percutaneous Valve Replacement coaptation [55].
PABV is often used instead of an operation in children and AR is present in up to 65% of patients with Stanford Type
young adults with congenital, noncalcific AS. During the pro- A aortic dissection [56]. Ascending aortic dissection may be
cedure in adults, a balloon is placed across the stenotic aortic seen in Marfan syndrome, bicuspid aortic valve, or following
valve and inflated to high pressure to fracture adherent calcium CABG or AVR surgery. Retrograde extension of the dissection
and increase effective orifice area [42]. A technically success- flap into the annulus may cause prolapse or eversion of the
ful procedure can reduce the transaortic valve gradient to a aortic valve leaflets. Type A aortic dissection with AR is a sur-
mild degree but rarely increase valve area to more than 1 cm2 . gical emergency requiring prompt diagnosis and intervention
Valvuloplasty is not widely used in adults with severe calcific [57]. Aneurysmal enlargement of the aortic root without dis-
AS because of high restenosis rates, frequent embolic compli- section may also lead to AR. Although AR is usually chronic
cations (particularly stroke), and the development of AR [43]. when produced by aortic root dilatation, an acute-on-chronic
In adults with acutely decompensated AS, PABV is particularly decompensation may occur if there is superimposed dissection
high risk and has no proven long-term benefits [44]. Given these or abrupt aneurysm enlargement [58]. Important causes of aor-
risks, PABV is seldom used even in a palliative setting. In rare tic root pathology producing AR include connective tissue dis-
cases, it may be used as a bridge to AVR in patients with severe orders (Marfan syndrome and Ehlers-Danlos syndrome) and
LV dysfunction and shock who are too ill to tolerate surgery vasculitis (syphilis aortitis, giant cell arteritis, or Takayasus
without a period of metabolic recovery. PABV should not be arteritis). Aortic leaflets tears, perforation, or detachment pro-
considered as a substitute for AVR. ducing AR may also follow blunt chest trauma or occur as a
TAVI has generated considerable enthusiasm because it can complication of PABV for AS [59].
eliminate the incremental risks conferred by sternotomy, car-
diopulmonary bypass, and general anesthesia. TAVI can now
be achieved in select patients and is undergoing active clini- Pathophysiology
cal investigation [4548]. The procedure involve preparatory
PABV followed by deployment of a balloon or self-expanding Unlike in chronic AR, the LV in acute AR has not had time to
stented valve across the stenotic orifice. An antegrade, retro- develop compensatory eccentric hypertrophy in response to el-
grade or LV transapical approach may be used. The retrograde evated afterload and preload (Fig. 34.6). The nondilated, non-
approach is preferred but depends critically on whether rel- compliant left ventricle receives a significant diastolic volume
atively large diameter catheters can be successfully manipu- load from the regurgitant flow, resulting in an abrupt rise in
lated through the arterial system. Lower profile devices are LV end-diastolic pressure. This pressure may in turn be trans-
under active development. There are several potential com- mitted to the pulmonary bed resulting in pulmonary edema.
plications, though results with TAVI have been improving Since the LV cannot dilate acutely in response to the volume
steadily and are quite promising [49]. TAVI will likely to have load, forward stroke volume is decreased and tachycardia de-
a major impact on management of AS in elderly, high-risk velops to maintain cardiac output. Impaired forward stroke
patients [50,51]. volume leads to decreased systolic pressure and relatively nar-
row pulse pressure. Patients may present with signs of impend-
ing cardiogenic shock. LV diastolic pressure may equilibrate
with aortic pressure during the latter half of diastole (diastasis),
AORTIC REGURGITATION resulting in attenuation of the AR murmur in the acute setting.
The elevation in end-diastolic pressure and tachycardia can
Acute severe AR may occur in previously normal or only mildly increase myocardial oxygen demand and, when coupled with
diseased valves and often results in abrupt hemodynamic de- decreased diastolic coronary blood flow, can reduce myocar-
compensation and respiratory compromise requiring ICU ad- dial perfusion and result in coronary ischemia. Ischemia from
mission. Acute valvular regurgitation is a surgical emergency, AR can be compounded by impairment in coronary flow from
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Cardiac Catheterization
Clinical Presentation Establishing the hemodynamic severity of AR seldom requires
catheterization, which can delay surgery [64]. Younger patients
History without coronary risk factors may proceed directly to emer-
gency valve replacement without angiography. Patients with
Acute AR may present with little or no warning. Symptoms
Type A dissection should proceed directly to surgical repair.
of weakness, profound dyspnea, angina, and presyncope are
common. Antecedent valve disease, fever, and skin findings may
suggest IE. Severe, ripping chest or back pain with hypertension
may indicate aortic dissection. Signs of blunt chest trauma may Intensive Care Unit Management
be disarmingly subtle. The natural history of acute severe AR is
one of LV failure and death in the absence of rapid intervention. Medical Management
Patients with chronic AR may present acutely with a sudden
worsening of their underlying pathology. Acute severe AR has a high mortality rate. Medical man-
agement should not delay urgent or emergent surgery. Con-
gestive heart failure and cardiogenic shock are the principle
Physical Examination targets of acute medical therapies. Use of vasodilators, partic-
ularly sodium nitroprusside, and diuretics are the mainstays
The classic eponymous signs observed in chronic AR are atten- of medical therapy, if the systemic blood pressure allows [65].
uated or absent in acute AR. Patients are often tachycardic with Inotropes such as dopamine or dobutamine may be used to
low or low-normal blood pressure. Pulse pressure may under- augment cardiac output. Pulmonary edema from acute AR
estimate AR severity in the acute setting. Tachypnea, accessory frequently requires intubation and mechanical ventilation.
muscle use, and hypoxemia are worrisome findings and pul- Intra-aortic balloon counterpulsation (IABP) is strictly con-
monary rales are common. LV apical impulse is not displaced traindicated. Beta-blockers should only be considered in cases
unless prior LV dysfunction was present. The first heart sound of acute aortic dissection. Antibiotics are indicated for IE, but
(S1) is often soft due to premature closure of the mitral valve surgery must not be delayed once heart failure intervenes [24].
from the rapid LV diastolic pressure rise. There is often a low-
pitched systolic ejection murmur from increased flow across
the aortic valve, whereas the diastolic regurgitant murmur is of
Surgical Treatment
grade 1 or 2 intensity and of short duration. A pulse deficit or Surgery is indicated for acute severe AR unless overwhelm-
relative decrease may be appreciated in the setting of AR from ing patient comorbidities dictate otherwise. AVR is most
aortic dissection. commonly performed, but valve repair may be possible in
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nocturnal dyspnea develop. Pulmonary edema in previously throughout the mitral apparatus and turbulent LV diastolic in-
asymptomatic individuals may be triggered by tachyarrhyth- flow. Direct planimetry to measure valve area may be difficult
mias (AF), volume overload, fever, anemia, hyperthyroidism, in heavily calcified valves [76]. Continuous wave Doppler can
or pregnancy [72]. Each of these circumstances shortens the be used to estimate the LALV pressure gradient. Estimates of
diastolic filling period and elevates the LALV transvalvular mitral valve area can be made by the pressure half-time tech-
gradient. Development of persistent AF marks a turning point nique or the continuity equation [77]. Careful assessment of
in the patients course, with an accelerated rate of symptom the degree and location of valvular calcification, thickening of
progression. Systemic embolization may be the first clue to the the leaflet and subvalvular apparatus, and leaflet mobility can
presence of MS, irrespective of underlying rhythm [73]. Pa- determine suitability for percutaneous mitral balloon valvulo-
tients may also suffer from hemoptysis due to shunting between plasty (PMBV) [78]. Routine assessment of chamber dimension
the pulmonary and bronchial veins, leading to rupture. Under- and ventricular function should be performed. TEE is required
appreciated calcific MS may also be identified after failure to to exclude LA thrombus in patients being considered for PMBV.
wean from mechanical ventilation.
The overall 10-year survival with untreated MS is 50% to Cardiac Catheterization
60% [74]. Asymptomatic patients have a survival of more than
80% at 10 years, whereas symptomatic MS led to death within Catheterization may be necessary to determine stenosis sever-
2 to 5 years in the era before the development of mitral valvo- ity when noninvasive and clinical data are discordant or as
tomy [75]. Once pulmonary hypertension develops, mean sur- a prelude to PMBV (Fig. 34.8). Cardiac output and mean
vival is less than 3 years. Common causes of death associated transvalvular gradient measurements are used to calculate mi-
with MS are heart failure, systemic embolism, and infections, tral valve area using the Gorlin formula [23].
including endocarditis.
0.5 sec to treat concomitant AF, though success rates are relatively
ECG lower in rheumatic MS patients. The average operative risk for
MVR is 5%, with an overall 10-year survival in surgical sur-
vivors of 70%. Long-term prognosis is influenced by patient
age, comorbid conditions, and the presence of concomitant
pulmonary hypertension and RV dysfunction.
Acute, severe MR presents with pulmonary edema and hemo-
dynamic compromise because of the lack of time for the car-
diopulmonary circuit to adapt to the additional volume load.
Ao Examination findings may be subtle and presentation may be
mistaken for other acute conditions such as pneumonia or non-
valvular decompensated heart failure. A high clinical index of
suspicion, timely evaluation by TTE, and prompt referral for
LV surgical consultation are of critical value in the management
PCW of this condition [52]. Many patients in the ICU will have MR
accompanied by reduced LV systolic function, from either MI
0 or chronic cardiomyopathy. The management of patients with
A DFP MR and advanced systolic heart failure remains controversial.
ECG Etiology
MR may be caused by abnormalities of any component of the
mitral apparatus: annulus, valve leaflets, chordae tendineae,
papillary muscles, and adjacent LV free wall [87] (Table
100 34.3). Common causes of acute MR include chordal rupture
from myxomatous degeneration, blunt trauma, or endocardi-
tis; leaflet perforation from endocarditis or leaflet avulsion
Mitral stenosis
presenting acutely
Diastolic rumble
Loud S1
Opening snap
TA B L E 3 4 . 4
CHF, congestive heart failure; LA, left atrial; LV, left ventricular; MI, myocardial infarction; MR, mitral regurgitation.
From Parikh S, OGara PT: Valvular heart disease, in Rippe JM, Irwin RS (eds): Intensive Care Medicine. Philadelphia, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins,
audible over the lung fields and may be asymmetric. The pre- the acute phase. With post-MI papillary muscle rupture, evi-
cordium is often hyperdynamic with a palpable apical thrill. dence of an evolving inferior-posterior or lateral MI may be
S1 is normal or decreased in intensity, whereas S2 may be seen.
widely split due to early closure of the aortic valve. A diastolic
filling complex may be appreciated and consists of a third heart
sound (S3) and a short mid-diastolic rumble from increased Chest Radiograph
transmitral diastolic flow. The systolic murmur of acute MR In acute MR, the cardiac silhouette is normal in size despite
may be highly variable, and even absent in up to half of cases of the present of alveolar pulmonary edema. Asymmetric edema
post-MI papillary muscle rupture. The murmur of acute MR is may be present in patients with a flail leaflet producing an
usually not holosystolic but rather early to mid-systolic in tim- eccentric MR jet, particularly in the right upper lobe [95]. De-
ing, with a crescendodecrescendo configuration, and is coarse compensated chronic MR may have associated cardiomegaly,
rather than high pitched. These features reflect the rapid LA LA enlargement, and prominent pulmonary arteries.
pressure rise and diminution of the LVLA pressure gradient
throughout systole. The murmur of chronic MR, in contrast,
is holosystolic (plateau) due to the persistent LVLA gradient Echocardiography
during systole. The murmur of acute MR is usually loudest at
Prompt TTE is the most important study for patients with
the left sternal border or apex, and the direction of radiation
suspected acute MR (Fig. 34.10). TTE can delineate mitral
may provide a clue as to etiology. Anterior leaflet prolapse or
anatomy, characterize severity, and document underlying LV
flail produces a posterior-lateral regurgitant jet, so the mur-
function and coexisting valvular pathology. Flail leaflet may be
mur typically radiates to the axilla and back. With posterior
diagnosed by rapid movement of a portion of leaflet/chordal
leaflet involvement, the jet is anterior-medial in direction, so the
tissue posteriorly in to the LA during systole. Chordal rupture,
murmur is transmitted to the base, where it may be confused
leaflet vegetations, and periannular abscess may be identified
with AS.
in endocarditis. In patients with functional MR, LV remod-
eling may be evident along with annular dilatation, papillary
muscle displacement, and leaflet tethering. Semiquantitative as-
Investigations sessment of MR severity can be performed with color flow
and continuous wave Doppler interrogation. MR severity cor-
relates with LA jet width area, pulmonary vein systolic flow
Electrocardiogram reversal, effective regurgitant orifice area, and regurgitant frac-
ECG may show sinus tachycardia or an atrial arrhythmia, tion and volume [96,97]. These semiquantitative measures are
such as AF. LA abnormality may be discernible if P waves are less important as guides for acute decision making but remain
present, though signs of LV chamber enlargement are rare in important for longitudinal management (Table 34.5). TEE can
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FIGURE 34.10. Mitral regurgitation. A: Color-flow Doppler image from the apical four-chamber view
of a patient with myxomatous degeneration of the mitral valve with posterior leaflet prolapse producing
an anteromedially directed jet of severe mitral regurgitation against the interatrial septum. Eccentric jets
are common in prolapse and/or flail leaflet and are directed opposite the involved leaflet. B: The V
wave of mitral regurgitation. This hemodynamic tracing shows a large left atrial V wave (arrowheads)
occurring during ventricular systole in a patient with atrial fibrillation (A wave absent). Following
the V wave, there is a rapid fall in left atrial (LA) pressure, along the course of the declining left
ventricular (LV) pressure. In diastole, LA and LV pressures are equalized. The arrow indicated the C
wave deflection. Giant V waves are defined by an increase in >10 mm Hg above mean pressure and are
consistent with mitral regurgitation, but may be blunted in patients with large and compliant left atria.
ECG, electrocardiogram. [From OGara PT: Valvular heart disease, in Libby P (ed): Essential Atlas of
Cardiovascular Disease. New York, NY, Springer, 2009, p 216, Figures 920 and 922.]
MR may be stabilized over the course of several days with TR is targeted at the underlying disease process and reversing
IABP or inodilators to allow operation under less urgent cir- secondary causes of pulmonary hypertension [110]. For exam-
cumstances [24]. Also unlike acute AR, acute severe MR may ple, with LV failure, appropriate management with diuresis and
be treated with either repair or replacement. Valve repair is the afterload reduction with vasodilators may reduce the degree of
preferred surgical therapy when possible [103]. Mitral repair functional TR. When caused by left-sided heart disease, wors-
involves valve reconstruction using a variety of valvuloplasty ening TR can be a marker of underlying RV compromise and
techniques and insertion of an annuloplasty ring. In addition heralds a poor prognosis [111]. Secondary TR caused by mitral
to reducing the need for anticoagulation and the risk of late valve disease is increasingly addressed with annuloplasty repair
prosthetic valve failure, valve repair preserves the integrity of at the time of mitral valve surgery, since functional TR occur-
the subvalvular apparatus, which maintains LV function to a ring late after a left-sided valve operation is associated with
greater degree. Valve repair using an undersized annuloplasty high morbidity and mortality [112]. Tricuspid annuloplasty or
ring is more likely to be used for ischemic MR [52]. Valve valve replacement surgery may also be required for severe pri-
replacement with chordal sparing is needed when there is de- mary TR causing worsening RV systolic function or refractory
struction, distortion, or infection of the native tissue that makes right heart failure.
repair impossible. Surgical strategy is often guided by intraop-
erative TEE and direct visual inspection after the patients is
placed on cardiopulmonary bypass.
Surgical outcome depends on age, underlying LV function, PROSTHETIC VALVE
the presence of concomitant coronary disease, patient comor-
bidities, and the etiology of MR [104]. IE has a high mortality
rate even with medical and surgical therapy, though mortal- Valve replacement surgery has been a major breakthrough al-
ity has decreased with improvements in operative technique lowing patients with severe valvular heart disease to have bet-
and more widespread use of mitral repair [105,106]. With the ter quality and length of life. Prosthetic valves may be either
addition of bypass grafting to mitral valve repair, operative mechanical or bioprosthetic (Fig. 34.11). The choice of pros-
mortality in patients with ischemic MR is now less than 10% thesis is informed by patient age, the need for anticoagula-
[99,107]. tion, hemodynamic profile, durability, and patient preference
The surgical approaches to patients with MR accompanied [113]. Mechanical valves have excellent durability and hemo-
by advanced systolic heart failure continue to evolve and re- dynamic performance but require life-long anticoagulation to
main controversial [108]. There is broad consensus that pa- prevent thromboembolic complications [114]. In contrast, the
tients with chronic MR and heart failure should be optimized principal advantage of bioprosthetic valves is the virtual ab-
on medical therapy, evaluated for revascularization if coronary sence of thromboembolic complication after 3 months, ex-
disease is present, and provided with CRT if the EF is less cept when there are risk factors such as a hypercoagulable
than 35% and a wide QRS, left bundle branch block com- state or chronic AF with atrial enlargement [115]. Biopros-
plex (>120 milliseconds) is present. After these steps, recon- thetic valves are usually xenografts (porcine or cryopreserved,
firmation of MR severity is required before considering MV mounted bovine pericardium); homografts from human cadav-
surgery. If severe MR is present, a careful integrated assess- ers are used to treat aortic valve and root endocarditis. All bio-
ment of LV reverse remodeling viability (usually with cardiac prostheses are at risk for structural valve deterioration (SVD),
magnetic resonance imaging), mitral apparatus geometry, and which is mostly a function of age at implant. SVD occurs more
patient comorbidities must be made in consultation with car- rapidly among patients younger than 40 years compared with
diology and cardiac surgery colleagues [108]. As percutaneous those older than 65 years. Rates of SVD may not differ between
and less invasive approaches to mitral valve disease in patients homograft and xenograft valves. Over the past 10 years, there
with heart failure continue to evolve, ongoing clinical trials has been a trend toward using bioprosthetic valves in relatively
will help refine the selection of candidates for mitral surgery younger patients (ages 50 to 65 years) despite the inherent risk
and determine outcomes of mitral repair versus chord-sparing of SVD and need for reoperation, given the increased durabil-
replacement. ity of the current generation xenograft valves, decreased risk at
reoperation, aggregate risks of long-term anticoagulation, and
patient lifestyle preferences.
TRICUSPID REGURGITATION All prosthetic valves are subject to dysfunction that can
lead to significant hemodynamic compromise. Common pros-
Most ICU patients with TR have functional regurgitation thetic valve abnormalities include mechanical valve thrombosis,
rather than a primary valvular abnormality. Functional TR prosthetic valve endocarditis (PVE), structural deterioration
is produced when the tricuspid annulus is dilated due to RV and failure, and paravalvular regurgitation with or without
infarction, congenital heart disease, or pulmonary hyperten- hemolysis. For patients with a prosthetic valve admitted to the
sion with RV dilatation, often secondary to chronic left heart ICU, management focuses on appropriately excluding pros-
failure. TR is often present in patients with chronic left-sided thetic valve dysfunction using TTE and TEE when required
valve disorders that produce secondary pulmonary hyperten- and maintaining optimal prosthetic valve function [116].
sion or with pathologic processes affecting multiple valves,
such as rheumatic disease, endocarditis, or myxomatous degen-
eration [109]. The most important causes of primary valvular
TR are trauma and IE, particularly in patients who abuse intra- Prosthetic Valve Thrombosis
venous drugs. When severe, TR may contribute to symptoms
of right heart failure, including fatigue, edema, and ascites. The Prosthetic valve thrombosis (PVT) is any valve thrombus at-
murmur of TR usually increases in intensity with inspiration tached to or near an operated valve that occludes part of the
(Carvallos sign). Examination of the neck veins reveals large blood flow path or interferes with the function of the valve
V-waves. A pulsatile liver edge may also be felt in the right [32]. PVT is a rare but life-threatening condition (Fig. 34.12).
upper quadrant. It is more common with older generation mechanical valves,
Despite the significant volume load imposed by severe TR, particularly in the setting of inadequate anticoagulation. The
the RV tolerates TR remarkably well and operation is rarely in- incidence is estimated to be between 0.3% and 1.3% per year
dicated in the absence of other valve disease [32]. Therapy for in patients with mechanical valves [117,118].
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FIGURE 34.11. Different types of prosthetic heart valves. A: Bileaflet mechanical valve (St. Judes);
B: monoleaflet, tilting disk mechanical valve (Medtronic Hall); C: caged ball valve (Starr-Edwards);
D: stented porcine bioprosthesis (Medtronic Mosaic); E: stented pericardial bioprosthesis (Carpentier-
Edwards Magna); F: stentless porcine bioprosthesis (Medtronic Freestyle); G: percutaneous bioprosthesis
expanded over a balloon (Edwards Sapien); H: self-expandable percutaneous bioprosthesis (CoreValve).
[From Pibarot P, Dumesnil JG: Prosthetic heart valves: selection of the optimal prosthesis and long-term
management. Circulation 119:10341048, 2009, with permission.]
Clinical Presentation and Investigations more insidious with caged-ball valves and more abrupt with
tilting disk valves [120]. The physical examination may be un-
PVT follows a rapid clinical course, unlike the in-growth of
revealing, though soft mechanical valve closure sounds or a
fibrous/pannus tissue within a prosthetic valve ring, which
pathologic murmur may be present.
slowly gives rise to valve dysfunction and stenosis [119]. PVT
A subtherapeutic international normalized ratio (INR) in
manifests as abrupt onset of systemic embolization, conges-
a patient with a mechanical valve is a red flag for PVT
tive heart failure, or cardiogenic shock. The degree of hemody-
[121]. Rapid diagnosis depends on prompt TTE or fluoroscopy,
namic compromise is determined by valve position and degree
though both modalities may be complementary [122]. TTE
of resulting dysfunction. In general, the time course may be
can diagnose the presence of valve thrombus, its composition,
and associated functional stenosis or regurgitation. TEE usu-
ally provides further risk stratification, particularly in cases of
suspected mitral PVT and when TTE windows are inadequate
[123]. Fluoroscopy can be useful to characterize caged-ball,
tilting-disc, or bileaflet mobility. Excursion of tilting-disc me-
chanical valves is much better appreciated with fluoroscopy
than with TTE.
thrombus [126]. Alteplase is the most commonly used fibri- signs of PVE including vegetations, paraprosthetic abscess, or
nolytic for PVT, though urokinase and streptokinase have also new paravalvular regurgitation [131].
been used. After successful fibrinolysis, unfractionated heparin Eradication of the infecting pathogen with antimicrobial
should be initiated along with warfarin until an INR of 3.0 to therapy alone is often impossible and depends on the virulence
4.0 is achieved in patients with a prosthetic aortic valve or an of the organism and extent of infection. Medical therapy is
INR of 3.5 to 4.5 for a prosthesis in the mitral position [24]. more likely to be successful with late PVE or in nonstaphylo-
Emergency operation is recommended for patients with coccal bacterial infections [132]. Surgical consultation should
hemodynamic instability, NYHA Class IIIIV symptoms, or be sought early in the course of PVE. Indications for surgical
a large clot burden as defined by TEE (>0.8 cm2 ) [32,37]. Pe- therapy include failure of medical treatment marked by persis-
rioperative mortality rates approach 15% and are highest for tent bacteremia, hemodynamically significant prosthesis regur-
PVT in the mitral position. A bioprosthesis is recommended gitation with LV dysfunction, large vegetations, paravalvular
after PVT to reduce future risk of valve thrombosis. extension with abscess or conduction defects, or development
of intracardiac fistulas [32]. Surgery is almost always required
in cases of S. aureus PVE. Infection with S. aureus is a marker
Prosthetic Valve Endocarditis for hospital mortality.
TA B L E 3 4 . 6
Transcatheter aortic valve implantation for advanced calcific AS has been safely performed in select centers and is being studied
in multiple clinical trials [4749]. It will likely become available for clinical use in high-risk AVR patients with severe AS.
Given the incremental risk conferred by coronary artery bypass grafting along with valve surgery, hybrid surgical approaches
combining percutaneous coronary intervention with primary or reoperative valve repair/replacement are now being used for
high-risk patients [143].
The natural history of bicuspid aortic valve disease is influenced by age at diagnosis, degree of valvular dysfunction, and aortic
morphology [10]. In patients with bicuspid aortic valves who require valve surgery, careful elucidation of thoracic aortic
morphology by CT angiography or MRI is required for optimal planning [144].
In patients with low-flow, low-gradient AS, significant predictors of poor outcome are impaired functional capacity on 6-minute
walk, severity of AS at a normalized transvalvular flow rate, reduced peak stress LV ejection fraction during dobutamine
echocardiography, multivessel coronary artery disease, and low mean gradient (<20 mm Hg) [26,27,33].
Despite the association between atherosclerosis and calcific valve degeneration, intensive lipid lower therapy has failed to halt the
progression of calcific AS in multiple randomized clinical trials [7,8].
In developing countries, systematic screening with echocardiography reveals a higher prevalence of rheumatic heart disease
(approximately 10 times as great) compared with clinical screening, raising important public health implications [69].
Endovascular edge-to-edge mitral valve clipping can reduce mitral regurgitation and stimulate reverse remodeling, offering an
alternative to surgical repair for functional mitral valve disease [145].
Novel oral anticoagulants have been developed (e.g., dabigatran, a direct thrombin inhibitor) for use in AF and are being studied
for anticoagulation of mechanical valve prostheses [146].
Transcatheter closure of prosthetic paravalvular leak is being used in select centers [141].
Updated guidelines now recommend that routine antibiotic prophylaxis for infective endocarditis is no longer necessary except in
patients at greatest risk for complications from endocarditis, including those with prosthetic valves or previous endocarditis
AF, atrial fibrillation; AS, aortic stenosis; AVR, aortic valve replacement; CT, computerized tomography; LV, left ventricle; MRI, magnetic resonance
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Development of percutaneous valve-in-valve bioprosthesis im- taneous occlusion of the paravalvular leak may be achieved in
plantation is underway and may offer an alternative to reoper- select cases with the use of a septal or ductal occluder device
ation in select high-risk patients [137]. [140,141].
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Pressure (mm Hg)
FIGURE 35.1. Pericardial pressure
volume relationship and relationship
to development of pericardial tam-
ponade. The ability of the peri-
10 Limits of pericardial stretch cardium to accommodate pericardial
fluid without hemodynamic embar-
rassment depends heavily on the rate
of fluid accumulation. Note the steep-
ness of the relationship in normal peri-
cardium and the marked flattening
0 and shift to the right with chronic vol-
ume overload. [Adapted from Free-
0 100 200 300 400 500 600
man G, LeWinter MM: Pericardial
Volume (mL) adaptations during chronic cardiac di-
lation in dogs. Circ Res 54:294300,
Acute fluid accumulation Chronic fluid accumulation 1984.]
Broadly speaking, pericarditis is either infectious (two-thirds lization of early reperfusion strategies for acute coronary syn-
of cases) or noninfectious (one-third of cases) in etiology, with dromes (thrombolysis and primary angioplasty).
noninfectious cases attributable to one of a number of im-
mune, neoplastic, traumatic, and metabolic conditions (see Presentation and Diagnosis
Table 35.1). A wide range of organisms cause infectious
Although patients with acute pericarditis may be asymp-
pericarditis, but viral infection remains the most common
tomatic, the typical presentation is with chest pain that is
probable or identifiable cause. Organisms responsible for my-
retrosternal in location, sudden in onset, and exacerbated by
ocarditis are commonly implicated, particularly enteroviruses,
inspiration (pleuritic). The pain may be made worse by ly-
adenoviruses, and influenza; herpes simplex and cytomega-
ing supine and improved by sitting upright and leaning for-
lovirus may also be important in immunocompromised indi-
ward. Precordial distress may closely mimic angina, including
viduals. Myopericarditis has also been reported after smallpox
a predominant pressure sensation with radiation to the neck,
vaccination in US military personnel not previously exposed
arms, or left shoulder. However, radiation of chest pain to
to vaccinia [13]. Although pericardial abnormalities are seen
one or both trapezius muscle ridges favors the diagnosis of
in up to 20% of patients with human immunodeficiency virus
pericarditis because the phrenic nerve, which innervates these
(HIV) infection, symptomatic pericarditis in these patients is
muscles, traverses the pericardium. A prodrome of low-grade
commonly due to secondary infection (e.g., mycobacterial) or
fever, malaise, and myalgia is common, but fever may be ab-
neoplasia (particularly lymphoma or Kaposis sarcoma), and
sent in elderly patients. Associated symptoms can include dys-
the frequency decreases with effective antiretroviral therapy
pnea, cough, anorexia, anxiety, and occasionally, odynophagia
[14]. Bacterial pathogens typically cause purulent pericarditis,
or hiccups.
but are implicated infrequently in pericardial disease, typically
Nearly 85% of patients with pericarditis have an audible
as a consequence of hematogenous seeding or direct extension
friction rub during the course of their disease [12]. Typically,
from adjacent infected tissues (lungs or pleural space) [15].
the rub is a high-pitched scratchy or squeaky sound best heard
Mycobacterium tuberculosis causes up to 4% of acute peri-
at the lower left sternal border or apex at end expiration with
carditis cases and 7% of tamponade presentations in devel-
the patient leaning forward. Classically, it consists of three
oped countries, and remains an important causal factor in
components corresponding to ventricular systole, early dias-
developing nations and immunocompromised hosts [16,17].
tolic filling, and atrial contraction, and has been likened to the
Tuberculosis-related pericarditis can require pericardial biopsy
sound made when walking on crunchy snow. It is distinct from
for diagnosis and is complicated by pericardial effusion or con-
a pleural rub in that it is present throughout the respiratory
striction in up to 50% of cases [18].
cycle, whereas the pleural rub disappears when respirations
In the remainder of patients, pericarditis occurs in conjunc-
are suspended. The pericardial friction rub is often a dynamic
tion with a dissecting aortic aneurysm (in which blood leaks
sound that can disappear and reappear over short periods of
into the pericardial space), after blunt or sharp trauma to the
time. Because of this variable quality, frequent auscultation in
chest, as a result of neoplastic invasion of the pericardium, after
the upright, supine, and left lateral decubitus positions is im-
chest irradiation, in association with uremia or dialysis, after
portant for patients in whom a diagnosis of pericarditis is sus-
cardiac or other thoracic surgery, in association with an inflam-
matory or autoimmune disorder, or as a result of certain phar-
macologic agents. Iatrogenic cases are increasingly common,
with postpericardiotomy syndrome reported in up to 20% of
patients at a median of 4 weeks following cardiac surgery [19] The electrocardiogram (ECG) is a key diagnostic test in sus-
and symptomatic pericarditis in up to 2% of patients under- pected pericarditis, though typical changes are not always
going percutaneous coronary intervention, catheter ablation seen. The classic finding is widespread, concave ST-segment
procedures, or implantation of active fixation pacemaker or elevation, often with associated PR-segment depression (Fig.
defibrillator leads [10]. Pericarditis associated with acute trans- 35.2). Although the changes may appear regional and therefore
mural myocardial infarction and the delayed immune-mediated mimic myocardial ischemia, reciprocal ST-segment depressions
postinfarction pericarditis of Dresslers syndrome used to be are absent, as are pathologic Q-waves. In addition, the ECG
common, but the incidence has declined with the broader uti- in pericarditis exhibits a typical pattern of evolution that is
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TA B L E 3 5 . 1
distinct from that of patients with evolving myocardial infarc- myocarditis, or biventricular injury. The entire ECG evolution
tion. In patients with pericarditis, the ECG on presentation occurs in a matter of days or weeks, but may not be seen in
usually demonstrates diffuse ST-segment elevation and PR- every patient. Often, the transition from stage III to stage IV
segment depression (stage I) and evolves through three sub- is relatively slow, with some patients left with some degree of
sequent phases [20]. During the evolutionary phase (stage II), T-wave inversion for an indefinite period.
all ST-junctions return to baseline more or less in phase, Although some 80% of patients with pericarditis exhibit
with little change in T-waves. (By contrast, in patients with a typical stage I ECG during their course [21], atypical vari-
ST-segment elevation due to acute myocardial injury, T-wave ants (or even a normal ECG) may also be seen. An important
inversion begins to occur before the ST-segments return to base- ECG variant that can be quasidiagnostic is PR-segment (not
line.) The T-waves subsequently flatten and invert (stage III) in PR-interval) depression in the absence of true ST-segment el-
all or most of the leads that showed ST-segment elevations. evation, which though nonspecific, may be the only sign of
In stage IV, the T-waves return to their prepericarditic condi- pericarditis. This may occur as a consequence of superficial my-
tion. The widespread T-wave inversions that appear in stage III ocarditis affecting the atrium [22]. Although the ST-changes of
are indistinguishable from those of diffuse myocardial injury, pericarditis may occasionally resemble those of normal early
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FIGURE 35.2. Electrocardiogram (ECG) in acute pericarditis. Note the diffuse, upward concave ST-
segment elevation and PR-segment depression (lead II).
repolarization, a useful differentiating feature may be the ratio suggest an etiology, and to exclude cardiomegaly, which sug-
between the height of the ST-segment and the T-wave in lead V6 . gests the presence of a substantial pericardial effusion (>250
A ratio exceeding 0.24 favors the diagnosis of pericarditis [23]. mL). Pericardial calcification is rarely seen, but may sug-
gest constrictive pericarditis. Any suspicion for cardiomegaly
Imaging and Additional Laboratory Testing should prompt a transthoracic echocardiogram to assess for
hemodynamically significant pericardial effusion or tampon-
Although laboratory findings in patients with suspected peri- ade. Routine echocardiography in patients with unequivocal
carditis are nonspecific, measurement of serum markers of in- evidence of pericarditis and normal hemodynamics by physi-
flammation (leukocyte count, erythrocyte sedimentation rate, cal examination is probably unnecessary, though the detection
C-reactive protein, and lactate dehydrogenase) and myocardial of a pericardial effusion may help to support the diagnosis. In
necrosis (creatine kinase, and troponins) may help to estab- addition, detection of wall motion abnormalities or left ven-
lish or confirm the diagnosis, define the extent of associated tricular dysfunction on echocardiography may be helpful in
myocardial injury, and guide subsequent follow-up. The 2004 detecting associated myocardial infarction or in assessing the
European Society of Cardiology guidelines on the management severity of associated myocarditis.
of pericardial diseases [24] therefore advise measurement of
these parameters as part of the initial diagnostic evaluation in
all patients, but this recommendation remains somewhat con-
Natural History and Management
troversial. A markedly elevated white blood cell count, par- There are no large, randomized, controlled clinical trials to
ticularly in association with high fever, should raise suspicion guide the therapy of patients with acute pericarditis. Initial
for purulent pericarditis, and may prompt sampling of pericar- management is directed at screening for specific etiologies and
dial fluid (if present) for diagnosis. Cardiac enzymes including underlying conditions that may alter the treatment strategy
creatine kinase (creatine kinase, total and MB-fraction) and (e.g., connective tissue disease, HIV infection, and tuberculosis)
troponins are commonly elevated in patients with pericarditis and control of symptoms. In the vast majority of patients, acute
due to associated epicardial inflammation or myocarditis [25]. idiopathic pericarditis is a self-limited disease without signifi-
Elevations in troponin I are seen more commonly than those cant complications or recurrence, and may be safely managed
in CK-MB and are frequently associated with male gender, ST- in the outpatient setting [28]. A subset of patients with high-
segment elevation, younger age at presentation, and pericardial risk features including fever greater than 38 C, subacute course
effusion. The degree of troponin elevation is roughly related (symptoms developing over days or weeks), large pericardial ef-
to the extent of myocardial inflammation and, distinct from fusion (>20 mm in width in diastole by echocardiography), car-
acute coronary syndromes, does not appear to correlate with diac tamponade, or failure to respond to treatment with aspirin
long-term prognosis [26]. Routine measurement of cardiac tro- or nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) should be
ponins in patients with suspected or definite pericarditis may considered for hospital admission to permit additional obser-
therefore be unnecessary, unless there is suspicion for asso- vation and a more extensive etiologic work-up [29]. Immuno-
ciated transmural myocardial infarction by ECG (due to the suppressed patients and those with blunt or penetrating chest
presence of pathologic Q-waves) [27]. Similarly, routine sero- trauma, serologic evidence of myocarditis (based on elevated
logic testing for antinuclear antibodies or rheumatoid factor cardiac biomarkers), or need for oral anticoagulant therapy
is rarely helpful, save in those patients in whom other clinical may also be at risk for complications and warrant closer ob-
features suggest underlying connective tissue illness. servation [30].
The chest radiograph is typically normal in acute pericardi- Treatment of pericarditis may vary on the basis of etiology.
tis, but is often performed as a matter of course to assess for For the minority of cases in which a specific diagnosis is iden-
abnormalities in the mediastinum or lung fields, which may tified, therapy should be tailored appropriately, as outlined in
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Table 35.1. (Details of treatment for specific conditions are be- munosuppression with corticosteroids, azathioprine, or even
yond the scope of this discussion.) In uncomplicated cases of id- cyclophosphamide, though there is limited clinical experience
iopathic pericarditis, treatment with NSAIDs is the cornerstone with many of these agents [38]. Caution should be exercised in
of therapy. Across the board, these agents are effective in re- particular with initiation of steroid therapy, given that many
ducing inflammation and symptoms of pain, fever, and malaise patients experience extreme difficulty in weaning once they
associated with pericarditis. Limited observational data sug- are begun. Importantly, in both the CORE and COPE trials,
gest that the various available NSAIDs have comparable ef- prednisone therapy was a strong predictor of pericarditis re-
ficacy [31]. As a first-line agent, many favor treatment with lapse, confirming the empiric observation that glucocorticoid
ibuprofen, which is well tolerated and can easily be titrated therapy is a major factor in recurrence [39]. Steroid therapy
over a range of doses. The typical dose is 600 mg every 6 hours, should therefore be reserved as a therapy of last resort for non-
which sometimes relieves pain within 15 minutes to 2 hours of tuberculous, nonconnective tissue diseaserelated pericarditis.
the first dose. Depending on patient tolerance and therapeu- When necessary, steroids should be utilized in the lowest ef-
tic response, the individual dose can be reduced to 400 mg or fective dose and rapidly weaned. Intrapericardial instillation
raised to 800 mg or greater with continued observation for side of steroids may be an alternative in refractory cases and may
effects. Should this fail, aspirin 600 to 900 mg four times per help to avert some of the side effects of systemic therapy [40].
day may be given. Indomethacin may be used, always given on Of note, pericardiectomy has occasionally been employed for
a full stomach and in divided doses from 100 to 200 mg per recurrent pericarditis, but appears to be effective in the mi-
day, beginning with 25 mg every 6 hours. In patients with my- nority of patients, perhaps because complete removal of the
ocardial infarctionrelated pericarditis, indomethacin should pericardium is not possible, and residual pericardial or pleural
probably be avoided in light of experimental work showing surfaces may remain inflamed [41].
that it reduces coronary flow, increases experimental infarction
size, and raises blood pressure. Aspirin is the agent of choice
in these cases because among the NSAIDs, it least retards scar Pericardial Effusion and Tamponade
formation in the infracted heart [32]. In all patients receiving
high-dose NSAIDs, gastrointestinal protection with an antacid Pericardial effusion may appear as a complication of acute peri-
or protonpump inhibitor should be considered to reduce the carditis or as an isolated entity. In 60% of cases, the etiology
risk of drug-induced gastritis or bleeding. is related to a known systemic disease [42]. Effusions are com-
Pain is typically relieved within hours to days of initiation of mon following cardiac surgery; as many as 10% may progress
anti-inflammatory medications. Occasionally, chest pain per- to late tamponade [43]. Severe circulatory congestion due to
sists beyond 2 weeks of therapy with an NSAID, but re- heart failure may result in transudative effusion as a conse-
sponds to therapy with a different NSAID or to the addition quence of markedly elevated intracardiac filling pressures or
of colchicine 0.6 mg twice daily. Recurrent pericarditis may obstructed pericardial drainage. Hemopericardium is a poten-
complicate 15% to 32% of cases, and can be a particularly tially lethal complication of chest wall trauma, myocardial rup-
troublesome problem [33]. Colchicine has long been known to ture, or proximal aortic dissection. In some cases of pericar-
be effective in preventing relapses of polyserositis in familial dial effusion, despite a thorough diagnostic evaluation, there
Mediterranean fever [34]. A wealth of observational data now may be no identifiable cause even when the effusion has been
support the notion that colchicine as an adjunct to therapy present for years; such idiopathic effusions generally have be-
with NSAIDs or corticosteroids is well tolerated and effective nign course, though tamponade can develop without warning
in the treatment and prevention of relapsing pericarditis [35]. over time [44]. Because of the high prevalence of idiopathic
A small, randomized, controlled trial seems to confirm this im- pericarditis, this disorder accounts for the bulk of pericardial
pression. In the Colchicine for Recurrent Pericarditis (CORE) tamponade; as noted, however, this condition typically has a
[36] trial, 84 patients with a first episode of recurrent peri- benign, uncomplicated course. By contrast, effusions associ-
carditis were randomized to conventional therapy with aspirin ated with bacterial, fungal, and HIV infection, those associ-
alone or conventional treatment plus colchicine (1.0 to 2.0 mg ated with neoplasia, and those associated with bleeding into
the first day and then 0.5 to 1.0 mg day for 6 months). Treat- the pericardial space have a high likelihood of progressing to
ment with colchicine significantly decreased the recurrence rate tamponade [45].
at 18 months from 50.6% to 24.0% ( p = 0.02, 95% confi- Pericardial effusions may have a spectrum of hemodynamic
dence interval 2.5 to 7.1) and simultaneously reduced symptom effects ranging from the inconsequential to complete circula-
persistence at 72 hours. tory collapse. As noted previously, the pericardium has a lim-
Efficacy in recurrent pericarditis has spurred interest in the ited reserve volume such that the rapid accumulation of even
utilization of colchicine in the first episode of acute pericarditis modest amounts of pericardial fluid may have important hemo-
for the prevention of recurrent pericarditis. In the Colchicine dynamic consequences for ventricular filling and overall car-
for Acute Pericarditis (COPE) [37] trial, 120 patients experi- diac performance. Slowly accumulating effusions may be ac-
encing their first episode of acute pericarditis (idiopathic, vi- commodated by pericardial stretch over time and may therefore
ral, postpericardiotomy, and connective tissue disease related) escape clinical diagnosis until they are quite large. Although
were randomly assigned to conventional treatment with as- computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging
pirin or conventional treatment plus colchicine (1.0 to 2.0 mg (MRI) may be more sensitive for the identification of small
for the first day and then 0.5 to 1.0 mg per day for 3 months). amounts of pericardial fluid, echocardiography is the primary
Corticosteroid therapy was permitted but restricted to patients modality for evaluation of the functional consequences of any
with aspirin contraindications or intolerance. During the 2,873 pericardial effusion.
patient-months of follow-up, colchicine significantly reduced
both the symptom persistence at 72 hours and the recurrence
rate relative to conventional therapy alone (recurrence rates Cardiac Tamponade
10.7% vs. 32.3%, respectively, at 18 months, p = 0.004). Over-
all, the COPE trial provides evidence to support the use of Cardiac tamponade is defined as hemodynamically significant
colchicine as an adjunct to NSAIDs during a first episode of cardiac compression due to accumulating pericardial contents
pericarditis to prevent recurrence, though routine use of this that evoke and defeat compensatory mechanisms, resulting
agent for this indication is not recommended. in a decline in cardiac output (Fig. 35.3) [46]. The severity
Intractably symptomatic pericarditis occasionally calls for of cardiac compression may vary widely depending on the
adjunctive treatment with narcotics or more aggressive im- quantity and rate of accumulation of fluid, blood, pus, or gas
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Intrapericardial pressure
Ventricular volume
(including air) in the pericardial space. Occasionally, pericar- Presentation and Diagnosis
dial effusion and tamponade are seen in combination with
Cardiac tamponade may appear insidiously as the first sign
underlying constrictive physiology (constrictiveeffusive peri-
of pericardial injury or intrapericardial bleeding, especially in
carditis). Tamponade should be considered in the differential
conditions such as neoplasia, trauma, and connective tissue dis-
diagnosis of any patient with cardiogenic shock and systemic
orders. Commonly, however, it follows clinical acute pericardi-
tis. The symptoms of tamponade are not specific, and may be
similar to those of congestive heart failure (though frank pul-
Physiology monary edema is uncommon). Dyspnea and fatigue are com-
Understanding the physiology of cardiac tamponade is essential mon presenting complaints, and patients may have other signs
to diagnosis and treatment. The primary hemodynamic abnor- and symptoms of an associated systemic illness (e.g., malig-
mality is an increase in pericardial pressure that affects the fill- nancy or connective tissue disease). Those with advanced car-
ing of one or more cardiac chambers; due to lower filling pres- diac compression may exhibit signs of hypoperfusion, includ-
sures in systole and diastole, right-heart performance is initially ing pallor, cyanosis, confusion, diaphoresis, diminished urine
affected disproportionately to that of the left heart. For sig- output, and cold extremities. In patients with rapid tamponade
nificant cardiac compression, the pericardial contents must in- due to hemorrhage, as in wounds and cardiac or aortic rupture,
crease at a rate exceeding the rate of stretch of the parietal peri- the dominant picture is one of shock, which if unchecked, can
cardium (see Fig. 35.1) and, to some degree, the rate at which rapidly lead to electromechanical dissociation and death.
venous blood volume expands to maintain the small filling gra- On physical examination, tachycardia and hypotension (rel-
dient to the right heart. As the chambers become progressively ative or absolute) are the rule, though bradycardia may oc-
smaller and myocardial diastolic compliance is reduced, car- casionally be seen in association with myxedema or uremia.
diac inflow becomes limited, ultimately equalizing mean dias- Jugular venous distension is usually apparent, except in cases of
tolic pericardial and chamber pressures. Relentlessly increasing rapid tamponade (e.g., acute hemopericardium), in which there
intrapericardial pressure progressively reduces ventricular vol- has been insufficient time for the blood volume to increase.
ume to the point that even a high ejection fraction cannot avert The venous contour typically exhibits an absent y descent due
critical reduction of stroke volume at any heart rate. to loss of the gradient for passive ventricular filling in early di-
True filling pressure in the heart chambers is defined by the astole. The normal inspiratory fall in venous pressures is pre-
transmural pressure, which is equal to the difference between served in uncomplicated cardiac tamponade; a rise (or absence
cavity pressure and pericardial pressure. Pericardial pressure of fall) in the jugular venous pressure (Kussmauls sign) is sug-
is normally negative, and therefore augments transmural pres- gestive of associated constrictive physiology. When tamponade
sure (suction effect), facilitating cardiac filling. Increasing peri- is due to inflammatory or neoplastic lesions, pericardial rubs
cardial pressure due to accumulation of pericardial contents frequently are present and can be quite loud, although the heart
reduces and ultimately offsets transmural pressures, thereby sounds may be distant due to insulating effects of the pericar-
compromising filling. In tamponade, both the ventricles fill dial fluid and reduced ventricular function.
against a common stiffness (pericardium plus fluid), evoking Excessive fluid in the pericardium often exaggerates the nor-
corresponding increases in left and right atrial pressures. Peri- mal pericardial effects on ventricular interaction, heightening
cardial pressure quickly exceeds early diastolic pressure in the the normal inspiratory decrease in systemic blood pressure,
atria and right ventricle and rises further during ventricular leading to pulsus paradoxus. This is conventionally defined as
diastolic expansion, causing early diastolic right ventricular a drop in systolic pressure of more than 10 mm Hg with normal
collapse, which further impedes atrial emptying. Ultimately, inspiration, and may be palpable in muscular arteries (such as
there is elevation and near-complete equalization of pericardial the femoral artery) [47]. The phenomenon occurs because in
and four-chamber pressures in diastole, abolishing the normal tamponade, increased right heart filling with inspiration can
pressure gradient for filling; the ventricles may fill only during only be accommodated by bulging the atrial and ventricular
atrial systole, particularly at rapid heart rates. Because of re- septa toward the left atrium and ventricle (due to restraint by
duced filling, ventricular systolic pressure ultimately falls, along pericardial fluid). The decrease in left ventricular filling due to
with stroke volume, reducing cardiac output. As in heart fail- septal shift (enhanced by the normal decrease in left atrial fill-
ure, this fall in output triggers a cascade of compensatory neu- ing on inspiration) diminishes left ventricular stroke volume
rohormonal mechanisms that generate tachycardia, increased and arterial pressure. Although pulsus paradoxus is the hall-
contractility, enhanced circulating blood volume, and increased mark of tamponade, it may also be present in patients with
systemic vascular resistance in an attempt to defend end-organ obstructive lung disease (including severe asthma), pulmonary
perfusion (Fig. 35.3). embolism, tense ascites, obesity, right heart failure due to mitral
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stenosis or right ventricular infarction, and hypovolemic and diastolic pressure on inspiration that diminish the pressure gra-
cardiogenic shock. Because pulsus paradoxus occurs when res- dient for left ventricular filling. As a result, mitral valve opening
piratory changes alternately favor right and left heart filling, is delayed, isovolumic relaxation time is prolonged, and peak
it may be absent in conditions that balance or blunt the ef- transmitral filling velocity decreases. Reciprocal changes occur
fects of inspiratory venous return on ventricular filling (e.g., on the right side of the heart, with a resultant inspiratory in-
pericardial adhesions, atrial septal defect, severe aortic insuffi- crease in peak transtricuspid filling velocity [52]. Correspond-
ciency, or diminished left ventricular compliance due to severe ing changes are visible on Doppler interrogation of the pul-
hypertrophy, infiltrative myopathy, myocardial infarction, or monary and hepatic venous flows and may enhance the sensi-
advanced heart failure) or in cases of severe hypotension where tivity and specificity of echocardiography for diagnosis of tam-
respiratory blood pressure variations may be imperceptible. ponade [53].
Cardiac catheterization in patients with tamponade is of-
ten performed as a prelude to pericardiocentesis, but can also
Additional Diagnostic Testing be diagnostic. Typically, the hemodynamics at catheterization
The ECG in tamponade is rarely diagnostic. Clinical signs of are notable for elevation and equalization of average diastolic
pericarditis (ST-segment elevations and PR-depressions) may pressures across all four cardiac chambers in the range of 15
persist, and frequently, there is some decrease in voltage of the to 30 mm Hg. As with the jugular venous waveform, the right
QRS and T-waves (typically sparing the P-wave), reflecting in- atrial pressure tracing displays an absent y descent and pre-
sulation of the heart by surrounding fluid and the effects of served x descent, corresponding to diminished atrial emptying
cardiac compression [48]. Although common, however, low during ventricular diastole as a consequence of elevated end-
voltage is not a sensitive or specific finding for tamponade. By diastolic pressures. As with echocardiography, discordant in-
contrast, electric alternation (beat-to-beat variation in P- or spiratory changes in right- and left-sided pressures are often
QRS amplitude reflecting a shifting electrical axis as the heart seen, with a fall in left-sided filling pressures and stroke vol-
swings within a large effusion) is fairly specific for tampon- ume with inspiration corresponding to the pulsus paradoxus
ade and virtually pathognomonic when it affects the both the noted on physical examination and the diminished transmitral
P-waves and the QRS complex (simultaneous alternation) [49]. flow seen by Doppler. For reasons that remain unclear, despite
Although an enlarged cardiac silhouette on chest radiography comparable filling pressures to patients with advanced heart
may suggest a pericardial effusion, the chest radiograph alone is failure, patients with cardiac tamponade do not typically de-
rarely diagnostic because cardiomegaly, large pericardial cysts, velop pulmonary edema [54].
and pericardial effusions may be difficult to distinguish.
Echocardiography has a high degree of sensitivity and speci- Special Cases
ficity for recognizing pericardial fluid and is the key diagnostic
Because tamponade physiology is merely the result of a pericar-
test for assessing the hemodynamic significance of a pericar-
dial pressure that exceeds intracavitary pressure, it may occur
dial collection. CT, spin-echo, and cine MRI can also be used
at lower diastolic pressures (6 to 12 mm Hg) in patients who
to assess the size and extent of simple and complex pericardial
have a decrease in circulating blood volume and cardiac filling
effusions (and indeed may be more sensitive for small amounts
pressures due to hypovolemia or hemorrhage. In these condi-
of pericardial fluid), but measurements by CT and MRI tend to
tions, even a relatively modest elevation in pericardial pres-
be larger than those by echocardiography, and neither radio-
sure may lower the transmural filling pressure sufficiently to
graphic technique is typically useful in the acute management of
compromise stroke volume. Such low-pressure tamponade
patients with suspected tamponade [50]. By echocardiography,
may lack the typical hemodynamic or clinical signature, and is
a pericardial effusion typically appears as a lucent separation
typically observed in patients with preexisting effusions who
between visceral and parietal pericardium in the region of the
undergo aggressive diuresis or hemodialysis [55]. In addition,
posterior left ventricular wall. With larger effusions, the fluid
regional tamponade, affecting only limited portions of the heart
is also demonstrated anterior to the right ventricle. As pericar-
(or even a single cardiac chamber), may occur in the setting of
dial effusion increases, movement of the parietal pericardium
pericardial adhesions and loculated fluid collections, as can be
decreases. When the amount of pericardial effusion is massive,
seen after cardiac bypass surgery (even after the pericardium is
the heart may have a swinging motion in the pericardial cav-
left open). In this case, the typical hemodynamic features may
ity, the echocardiographic correlate of electrical alternans seen
not be present on conventional imaging, and diagnosis may
on the ECG.
require transesophageal echocardiography [56].
Several echocardiographic findings indicate that a pericar-
dial effusion is large enough to cause hemodynamic compro-
mise (tamponade physiology). Early diastolic collapse of the
right ventricle and late diastolic right atrial inversion are seen Although pericardial effusions that are small or resolve rapidly
when pericardial pressure transiently exceeds the intracavitary with anti-inflammatory treatment may not require invasive
pressure and are characteristic, though not entirely specific therapy, those associated with hemodynamic compromise
signs of tamponade [51]. The inferior vena cava is typically should be promptly drained using either a percutaneous or
dilated with blunted respiratory variation indicating elevated surgical approach. Transient medical stabilization of patients
right-sided filling pressures. Inspiratory shift of the ventricular with tamponade physiology can often be achieved through ag-
septum toward the left and respiratory variation in ventricular gressive volume resuscitation (particularly in volume-depleted
chamber size may also be seen, reflecting right ventricular filling patients) and pressor support with inotropic agents (e.g., nore-
at the expense of the left due to essentially fixed intrapericar- pinephrine, isoproterenol, and dobutamine), but medical ther-
dial volume. Corresponding changes can be seen on Doppler apy alone is usually insufficient. Positive-pressure ventilation
echocardiography, which permits the detection of exaggerated may precipitate hemodynamic collapse due to excessive preload
respiratory variation in transmitral and transtricuspid flow reduction, and should be avoided where possible until peri-
velocities during diastole. During inspiration, intrapericardial cardial drainage can be accomplished. Percutaneous needle
pressure (and therefore left ventricular end-diastolic pressure) pericardiocentesis may be performed by trained personnel
and intrathoracic pressure normally fall to the same degree, in the cardiac catheterization laboratory or at the bedside
whereas in tamponade, intrapericardial pressure falls substan- with echocardiographic (or CT) guidance. Echocardiography
tially less than intrathoracic pressure. This leads to discordant is helpful in demonstrating the most accessible window for
changes in pulmonary venous pressure and left ventricular end- passage of a needle; typically, the subxiphoid approach is most
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FIGURE 35.4. A: Right atrial pressure recording in a patient with constrictive pericarditis. Note the steep
x and y descents, corresponding to the changes visible in the jugular venous contour. B: Simultaneous
recording of LV (yellow) and RV (green) (pressure in the same patient). Note the near equalization of
LV/RV pressures in diastole and the square root or dip and plateau sign reflecting abrupt cessation
of ventricular filling due to pericardial constraint.
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and pulsus paradoxus is typically absent, except in cases associ- vena cava as well as pericardial thickening. Any thickening
ated with pericardial fluid under pressure (constrictiveeffusive greater than 3.5 mm (and more definitively >6 mm) is sug-
pericarditis). gestive and helps to differentiate constrictive from restrictive
Like tamponade, constriction is characterized by elevation cardiomyopathy. Although increased pericardial thickness has
and equalization of left- and right-heart filling pressures, but been considered an essential diagnostic feature of constrictive
there are important clinical differences. Distinct from tampon- pericarditis, it should be remembered that in a large surgical
ade, venous pressure contours show prominent y as well as series from the Mayo Clinic constriction was present in 18%
x troughs. The y descent also tends to be deeper and more of the patients with normal pericardial thickness [61]. In ad-
precipitous in constriction, as there is torrential filling in early dition, constrictive pericarditis may rarely develop only in the
diastole, with abrupt cessation of filling on reaching the pericar- epicardial layer in patients with previously removed parietal
dial limit. At this point, there may be an intense early diastolic pericardium [62].
third heart sound (sometimes called a knock). Clinical signs The most difficult pathophysiologic differential is typically
of right heart failure (due to elevated diastolic pressures) tend between restrictive cardiomyopathy (due to primary myocar-
to dominate those of left heart failure, perhaps because cardiac dial disease such as amyloidosis or hemochromatosis) and con-
output is relatively well preserved, and neurohormonal stim- strictive pericarditis (see Table 35.2). Historical features often
uli for salt and water retention may accordingly be less than provide clues to systemic illness that suggest a diagnosis, but
that in systolic heart failure. The precordium is usually quiet additional hemodynamic evaluation is often necessary. Typi-
to palpation, with no easily identifiable point of maximal im- cally, patients with restrictive cardiomyopathies tend to have
pulse and the liver is often palpable and pulsatile. Laboratory higher left- than right-sided pressures and show greater in-
findings are rarely diagnostic and are typically those of hepatic equalities during exercise and slower early- to midsystolic fill-
congestion and synthetic dysfunction. Hypoalbuminemia may ing. Doppler echocardiography with tissue Doppler imaging or
occur as a consequence of liver impairment, malnutrition due color M-mode imaging may be particularly helpful for distinc-
to protein-losing enteropathy, or a proteinuric nephrotic syn- tion, showing marked respiratory variation in the peak early
drome, related to chronically high venous pressures [60]. ECG mitral inflow velocity (peak E-variation 25%), rapid mitral
and chest radiograph findings are entirely nonspecific, though annular relaxation velocity (Ea 8 cm per second), and a slope
pericardial calcification may occasionally be seen (particularly of more than or equal to 100 cm per second for the first aliasing
in patients with tuberculous pericarditis). contour in the flow propagation velocity in patients with pri-
Imaging with CT or MRI may support the diagnosis of con- mary constrictive rather than restrictive disease [63,64]. Car-
striction, and typically demonstrates tube-like ventricles, atrial diac catheterization has traditionally been the gold standard
enlargement, septal changes, and enlargement of the inferior for differentiation, though hemodynamic profiles may overlap
TA B L E 3 5 . 2
TA B L E 3 5 . 3
Limited evidence from randomized trials is available to guide therapy of patients with peri-
cardial disease
The addition of colchicine to conventional medical therapy reduces the recurrence rate in
patients presenting with recurrent pericarditis [36]
The addition of colchicine to conventional medical therapy may also be useful in reducing
the duration of symptoms and the recurrence rate in patients with a first episode of acute
pericarditis [37]
Treatment with nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs is not useful in the management of
persistent pericardial effusion following cardiac surgery [43]
Two-dimensional echocardiography is preferable to CT or MRI for the initial evaluation of
patients with pericardial effusion or suspected tamponade [50]
In large observational studies of patients with constrictive pericarditis, older age, prior medi-
astinal radiation, and advanced heart failure predict poor outcomes following pericardiectomy
considerably in the two states. Simultaneous left and right heart age slightly inferior to that of age- and gender-matched controls
pressure recordings reveal equalization and elevation of pres- (57% 8% at 10 years). In the reported Mayo Clinic experi-
sures in the right atrium, right ventricle, left atrium pulmonary ence, older age at presentation, poor preoperative New York
capillary wedge pressure (PCWP), and left ventricle during di- Heart Association functional class, and prior radiation were
astole. The right atrial (RA) pressure contour typically shows the strongest predictors of early mortality [68]. A second series
an M- or W-configuration with prominent x and y de- of 163 patients undergoing pericardiectomy over a 24-year pe-
scents (Fig. 35.4). Systolic right ventricular pressure rises, but riod at the Cleveland Clinic suggested that in addition to age
usually to less than 50 mm Hg, and the right ventricular end- and prior radiation, poor renal function, elevated pulmonary
diastolic pressure to systolic pressure ratio is usually greater artery systolic pressure, low serum sodium, and preoperative
than 0.3. Pulmonary hypertension is not a feature of constric- left ventricular (LV) dysfunction were important correlates of
tive pericarditis and indicates coexisting cardiac or pulmonary poor overall survival [69]. Seven-year survival in this experi-
disease. Discordance or separation between right ventricular ence ranged from 88% for patients with idiopathic constrictive
and left ventricular pressure contours with quiet inspiration or pericarditis to 27% for patients with postradiation constrictive
following fluid challenge is a marker of enhanced interventric- pericarditis, suggesting that the outcome of pericardiectomy is
ular interdependence and is a highly specific marker of con- highly dependent on the specific cause, the degree of preoper-
striction [65]. Endomyocardial biopsy may also be useful in ative myocardial injury, and preoperative functional capacity.
identifying primary myocardial disease when less invasive di- Early diagnosis and therapy are important because the antici-
agnostic modalities are inconclusive or ambiguous [66]. pated postoperative outcome is heavily affected by preopera-
tive heart failure severity. In addition, because pericardiectomy
Management does not affect the course of underlying myocardial disease,
careful exclusion of coincidence restrictive heart disease is im-
Medical management of constrictive pericarditis resembles that
portant in selecting patients for surgery.
of congestive heart failure because most signs and symptoms
are related to systemic congestion. Diuretics are the mainstay
of therapy and are useful in relieving volume overload and con-
gestive symptoms, but do not alter the course of the disease. CONCLUSION
Definitive treatment requires surgical pericardiectomy. Access
is typically obtained via either anterolateral thoracotomy or Pericardial manifestations are seen in a wide spectrum of in-
median sternotomy, with the target of removing as much peri- fectious, inflammatory, and neoplastic disorders. Critical care
cardium as possible (ideally, from phrenic nerve to phrenic of patients with pericardial disease depends on a basic under-
nerve). Areas of strong calcification or dense scaring may be standing of pericardial physiology and thoughtful integration
left as islands to avoid major bleeding. Pericardiectomy for of data from physical examination, electrocardiography, non-
constrictive pericarditis carries a perioperative mortality rate invasive cardiovascular imaging, and invasive hemodynamic
of roughly 6%, and normalization of cardiac hemodynamics studies. Although limited data from randomized controlled tri-
is reported in the minority of the patients, though most expe- als are available to direct the optimal strategy for treatment of
rience clinically relevant functional improvements [67]. Major patients with acute pericarditis, pericardial effusion, and peri-
complications include acute perioperative heart failure (likely cardial constriction, a wealth of observational experience pro-
due to underrecognized myocardial fibrosis or atrophy present vides important insights into the natural history and clinical
prior to surgery) and ventricular wall rupture. management of these conditions.
If an indication for surgery is established early, long-term Advances in critical care of pericardial disease, based on
survival after pericardiectomy may be good, though on aver- best available evidence, are summarized in Table 35.3.
1. Goldstein JA: Cardiac tamponade, constrictive pericarditis, and restrictive 3. Assanelli D, Lew WY, Shabetai R, et al: Influence of the pericardium on right
cardiomyopathy. Curr Probl Cardiol 29(9):503567, 2004. and left ventricular filling in the dog. J Appl Physiol 63(3):10251032, 1987.
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5. Watkins MW, LeWinter MM: Physiologic role of the normal pericardium. 40. Maisch B, Ristic AD, Pankuweit S: Intrapericardial treatment of autoreac-
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ume and auxiliary pericardial functions. J Am Coll Cardiol 6:296297, 1985. 41. Fowler NO, Harbin AD, III: Recurrent acute pericarditis: follow-up study
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10. Zayas R, Anguita M, Torres F, et al: Incidence of specific etiology and role 44. Sagrista-Sauleda J, Angel J, Permanyer-Miralda G, et al: Long-term follow
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13. Halsell JS, Riddle JR, Atwood JE, et al: Myopericarditis following smallpox 47. Shabetai R, Fowler NO, Fenton JC, et al: Pulsus paradoxus. J Clin Invest
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16. Sagrista-Sauleda J, Permanyer-Miralda G, Soler-Soler J: Tuberculous peri- nance imaging for evaluation of pericardial effusions, and comparison with
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Definition and Classification
Dissection of the aortic wall involves longitudinal cleavage of
the muscular media, leading to the formation of a second (or Estimates of the incidence of aortic dissection range from 2 to
false) vessel lumen. The inciting event for a typical aortic dissec- 4 per 100,000 per year [11]. The highest incidence occurs in
tion is thought to be a tear in the intima that leads to exposure patients in their sixth and seventh decades of life. Incidence
of the underlying media, presumably weakened by medial de- among men is double that for women [1,12]. Recent studies
generation. Once created, this cleavage front advances due to show that women tend to present later and with a more ad-
wall strain created by physiologic blood pressure. The cleav- vanced disease state [12]. In addition, it has been shown that
age front typically advances in the direction of blood flow, but aortic dissection exhibits diurnal and seasonal rhythms. Dissec-
dissection against the direction of flow is also observed [2]. tions are most likely to occur in the morning or early afternoon,
There are multiple consequences of dissection. The native and more commonly in winter [13]. This seasonal difference
(or true) lumen is frequently compressed, leading to compro- does not appear to depend on climate [14].
mised downstream blood flow. The false lumen of the dissected Mortality rates associated with dissection are very high, and
aorta may also be less able to withstand physiologic blood pres- many patients do not survive to hospital admission. For those
sure, due to changes in both its shape and its thinner external patients with aortic dissection who survive to admission, the
wall. The damaged aorta may therefore be more prone to rup- early mortality rate is estimated to be as high at 1% per hour
ture. during the first day [7]. If left untreated, the associated mor-
Aortic dissections are generally classified by location and tality is estimated at 50% at 7 days and greater than 90% at
extent. Dissections originate in the ascending aorta (65%) or 90 days [15]. Among patients who receive treatment, mortality
in the descending aorta just distal to the origin of the left sub- during initial hospitalization ranges between 15% and 27.5%,
clavian artery (20%). Dissection in the aortic arch (10%) and as reported in several longitudinal studies [1,16,17].
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Pericardial tamponade in the context of type A aortic dissec- In most hospital settings, a chest x-ray (CXR) is performed
tion is a surgical emergency, as it represents a tenuously com- as a matter of course in the evaluation of chest pain. The CXR,
pensated rupture of the aorta. Unless the patient is in extremis, which is noninvasive, inexpensive, and routinely performed
pericardiocentesis should not be performed, as the release at the bedside, offers much useful information. In the patient
of pressure in the pericardial space may precipitate a rise in with an aortic dissection, the CXR may reveal an abnormal
blood pressure, recurrent hemorrhage into the pericardium, aortic silhouette [1,6]. Widening of the mediastinum is a vari-
and cardiovascular collapse [40]. Dissection into the pleural able finding, observed in 15% to 60% of cases. Another sug-
space may also lead to hypotension and syncope, and similarly gestive finding is separation of intimal calcium, if present, from
requires immediate surgical intervention. the soft-tissue border of the aorta. In addition, extravasation of
A number of other vascular complications of aortic dissec- blood into the pericardial space may be visualized as expanded
tion may be apparent on initial evaluation. In up to 20% of and blunted heart borders. Pleural effusions are also easily
the cases reported in the IRAD series, subjects presented with visualized on CXR. Although useful, the CXR cannot be con-
signs and symptoms consistent with occlusion of branch ves- sidered a definitive study. Therefore, other modalities should
sels. These occlusion events are typically the result of the exten- be used, notably echocardiography, computerized tomogra-
sion of the dissection into a branch vessel (static occlusion), phy (CT) scanning, and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)
occlusion of the ostium of the vessel due to migration of the (Table 36.1).
intimal flap (dynamic occlusion), or impaired flow in the Transthoracic echocardiography (TTE) is a readily avail-
true lumen due to distention of the false lumen. The spectrum able, noninvasive, and portable imaging modality that may be
of clinical findings associated with aortic side-branch involve- considered. A focused study can be performed within 15 min-
ment ranges from no signs and symptoms, to subtle findings, to utes at the bedside. Dissected segments of aorta can be mea-
florid manifestations, including severe ischemia of the affected sured directly: this is typically restricted to the ascending aorta,
territories. The mass effect of the dissection may lead to focal as neither the aortic arch nor the descending aorta can be re-
neurologic defects in rare cases. Involvement of a subclavian liably visualized via an external approach. TTE is also a very
artery may lead to a difference in measured blood pressure reliable technique for the visualization of pericardial effusion.
between the two arms or pulse deficit. Impaired flow in the The intimal flap of aortic dissection may be seen as a dou-
mesenteric arteries leads to signs and symptoms consistent with ble aortic wall. Direction of Doppler flow may also help the
mesenteric ischemia. Dissections may also lead to occlusion of clinician distinguish between the true and false lumens of
the renal arteries, leading to acute renal failure or renal infarc- aortic dissection. It should be noted that sensitivity for type A
tion. Rarely, dissection leads to spinal artery occlusion with dissection varies between 70% and 90%, and sensitivity for
resultant paraparesis or paraplegia [1,6]. Lower limb ischemia type B dissection is approximately 40% [49]. Given this sub-
may also occur in type B dissection [41]. optimal sensitivity, performing a TTE should not delay a more
On occasion, type A dissection may extend proximally to sensitive imaging study. Despite its convenience, TTE is limited
the ostia of the coronary arteries, leading to myocardial infarc- in that it does not offer an unobstructed view of all portions of
tion. Three percent of the patients in the IRAD series presented the aorta. Body habitus may also adversely affect the quality
with dissection-related myocardial infarction, with attendant of TTE images.
chest pain and biomarker elevation [1]. A far more accurate ultrasound study for suspected aor-
There is not yet a specific biomarker in common clinical use tic dissection is transesophageal echocardiography (TEE). By
that allows the clinician to confirm the diagnosis. For example, virtue of the close proximity of the aorta to the ultrasound
the d-dimer is elevated in dissection, but has limited diagnos- probe in the esophagus, this technique offers clear views of
tic utility [42,43]. Recent work has highlighted several specific most portions of the thoracic aorta and affords excellent infor-
biomarkers that are elevated in acute aortic dissection and may mation regarding aortic valve function. TEE may be useful to
become diagnostically useful in the future. The most promis- guide surgical intervention for type A aortic dissection. TEE,
ing assay is an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) like TTE, is portable and can be performed easily at the bed-
for myosin heavy chain. The sensitivity and specificity of this side, which makes it the procedure of choice for evaluation of
test, when it is performed within 12 hours of the acute event, critically ill or medically unstable patients who may be at higher
are 90% and 97%, respectively. The primary advantage of this risk during transportation for radiographic examinations.
test is its ability to distinguish dissection from other events, In aortic dissection, TEE is superior to TTE in visualization
such as myocardial infarction. Assays for other compounds el- of the intimal flap; sensitivity varies between 90% and 100%,
evated in aortic dissection but not in other acute cardiac events, and specificity is approximately 90%. Color Doppler imaging
such as serum heart-type fatty acidbinding protein, elastin, may identify the blood flow between the true and false lumens.
and calponin, are also in development [4447]. Perhaps the most important procedural drawback regarding
TEE is the need for conscious sedation, which may be difficult
to administer in a patient who is hemodynamically unstable.
CT scanning allows for a full view of the entire aorta. Con-
Imaging sequently, the sensitivity (90% to 100%) and specificity (90%)
for visualization of the intimal flap in aortic dissection are com-
Prompt imaging is critical in the evaluation of suspected aortic parable to TEE [49]. Specific CT techniques, such as spiral
dissection. Multiple modalities are at the disposal of the clin- CT, also allow for facile three-dimensional reconstruction. The
ician; however, the patient is best served by the modality that double barrel produced by dissection can be quite distinct. In
offers adequate image quality without delay or transport time. classic aortic dissection, an intimal flap can be seen, separating
The specific technique of choice may differ among hospitals, a true and false lumen. Pericardial and pleural effusions may
as not all facilities have the same capabilities. Following is a be easily visualized, but blood flow and tamponade physiology
discussion of the relative strengths and weaknesses of the com- cannot be assessed directly. A diagnostic CT scan requires in-
monly available imaging techniques in the diagnosis of aortic travenous contrast, and care must be taken to address the risks
dissection. The decision regarding the optimal technique to be of allergic reaction and contrast nephropathy. Many patients
used in a specific context is left to the individual clinician. Fre- presenting with the acute aortic syndromes may also have renal
quently, multiple imaging modalities must be used in a single insufficiency or failure; however, in the critically ill patient in
patient. In addition, a single patient may require serial studies whom aneurysm rupture is suspected, definitive diagnosis and
if his/her signs or symptoms evolve [48]. treatment of the aortic process should take priority.
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TA B L E 3 6 . 1
TTE Intimal flap in ascending aorta Readily available Only aortic root and ascending aorta
Dilatation of aortic root Noninvasive can be reliably assessed
Aortic valve regurgitation Quickly performed at bedside Image quality may be affected by body
Pericardial effusion No ionizing radiation habitus
Color Doppler differentiation of Intravenous contrast not required Branch vessels and intramural
flow in dissection-related true Aortic valve function can be hematomas are not reliably
and false lumens directly assessed visualized
TEE Intimal flap in aorta Readily available Distal thoracic and abdominal aorta
Dilatation of aorta Noninvasive cannot be visualized
Aortic valve regurgitation Quickly performed at bedside May only be performed by trained
Pericardial effusion No ionizing radiation personnel
Color Doppler differentiation of Intravenous contrast not required Sedation required
flow in dissection-related true Image quality not affected by body Branch vessels are not reliably
and false lumens habitus visualized
Ascending aorta, arch, and
proximal descending aorta may
be visualized
Aortic valve function can be
assessed directly
CT Intimal flap in aorta Readily available Requires use of ionizing radiation and
Dilatation of aorta in any segment Noninvasive intravenous contrast
Pericardial effusion Quickly performed Transportation to scanner may be
Dissection-related true and Image quality not affected by body required in some centers
false lumens or intramural habitus Patient monitoring during scan may be
hematoma accentuated with Full aorta may be assessed in single difficult
contrast scan Aortic valve function cannot be
Most widely used first imaging test assessed directly
in suspected dissection
MRI Intimal flap in aorta Noninvasive Not readily available at many hospitals
Dilatation of aorta in any segment No ionizing radiation Transportation to scanner may be
Pericardial effusion Image quality not affected by body required in some centers
Dissection-related true and habitus Patient monitoring during scan may be
false lumens or intramural Full aorta may be assessed in single difficult
hematoma may be differentiated scan Scan time longer than other modalities
Branch vessel visualization is
Contrast not required to visualize
intramural hematoma or to
differentiate between true and
false lumen
Aortic valve function can be
directly assessed
Aortogram Intimal flap in aorta Best modality for branch vessel Invasive
Dilatation of aorta in any segment visualization Study not as readily available due to
True and false lumens may be Allows for assessment of full aorta required assembly of trained
differentiated with contrast personnel
Ionizing radiation and intravenous
contrast required
Intramural hematoma cannot be
reliably assessed
CT scanning and MRI share several of the same advan- availability: not all hospitals have MR scanners available
tages, such as high image resolution and the ability to scan for emergent use. Even when available, issues of transport-
the entire aorta. Overall, the sensitivity and specificity of inti- ing a potentially unstable patient are still present. MRI is
mal flap detection by MRI are nearly 100% [49]. MRI does also contraindicated in patients in whom vascular clips, im-
not require the use of IV contrast, which represents an ad- plantable cardioverter-defibrillators (ICDs) or pacemakers are
vantage over CT scanning; however, MRI is more expen- present.
sive and not as readily available or as rapidly performed In the past, retrograde aortography was considered the gold-
as CT scanning. The primary limitation of MRI is lack of standard technique for aortic imaging. Because aortography is
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an invasive test that requires the assembly of a catheterization of dissection. The goal heart rate is 60 beats per minute, and
laboratory team and the use of IV contrast and ionizing radi- the goal systolic blood pressure is no higher than 120 mm Hg.
ation, it is typically reserved for those cases where diagnostic In the event that a patients blood pressure is still elevated even
uncertainty remains after one or more other imaging studies after a goal heart rate has been reached with -blockade, nitro-
have been obtained. The ability of aortography to detect aortic prusside may also be administered as a constant intravenous in-
dissection depends on the presence of blood flow between the fusion; however, intravenous nitroprusside should not be used
true and false lumens; therefore, in cases where blood flow be- without concomitant -blockade, given the possibility of an
tween these chambers is limited, the aortogram may be nondi- increase in heart rate and dP/dt accompanying its potent va-
agnostic. Overall, among patients with classic aortic dissection, sodilatory effects.
the sensitivity and specificity for intimal flap visualization are In the event that a beta-blocker cannot be used, due to con-
80% to 90% and 90% to 95%, respectively [49]. Aortogra- traindications such as bronchospasm, nondihydropyridine cal-
phy is still the study of choice for visualization of aortic branch cium channel blockers are the second-line agents. Verapamil
vessels, which may not be visualized with other imaging modal- and diltiazem, both of which have vasodilator and negative
ities as well. In addition, aortography is particularly useful if inotropic/chronotropic effects, may be used. Some patients
endovascular treatment is contemplated. have hypertension that is resistant to blockade of both -
adrenergic receptors and calcium channels. In this case, dos-
ing of an intravenous angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitor,
Management such as enalaprilat, may be indicated.
Hypotension may be seen in conjunction with dissection. It
The primary goal of treatment in a patient with aortic dissec- should be noted that the mode of blood pressure measurement
tion is to minimize the effects of the dissection while rapidly should be scrutinized before changing a treatment plan; pseu-
evaluating the patients candidacy for surgical repair, if indi- dohypotension may occur if dissection propagates into the
cated (Figure 36.5). Initial medical management while waiting limb in which blood pressure is being measured. In such cases,
for possible surgery should focus on management of pain, de- it is recommended that hypotension be verified by measure-
crease of blood pressure to a minimum acceptable level, and ment of blood pressure in other limbs prior to discontinuation
decrease in the force of left ventricular contraction (dP/dt). In of beta-blockers or calcium channel blockers (Tables 36.2 and
general, long-acting agents are not favored, as such agents are 36.3).
difficult to titrate rapidly. Early observation should occur in
an intensive care setting, with an arterial line in place. For
patients presenting with evidence of heart failure, pulmonary Surgical Intervention
artery catheter placement may be considered, but is usually not
necessary. The primary concept that relates to the optimal choice of ther-
Pain management is titrated aggressively in patients with apy has not changed for nearly 30 years. In most cases, the lo-
dissection. The goals of pain treatment are patient comfort and cation of the dissection determines whether the patient should
decrease in adrenergic tone. Narcotic analgesics are effective in undergo immediate surgery. Type A dissection is treated with
rapid reduction of symptom severity, especially when admin- surgery in virtually all cases, as the outcomes associated with
istered in intravenous form. Long-acting oral formulations of surgical repair are superior to outcomes with medical man-
narcotics are not recommended. agement: 26% versus 50% mortality at 30 days in the IRAD
Blood pressure and dP/dt can be simultaneously decreased series [1]. The one relative contraindication to attempted sur-
with a beta-blocker. Noncardioselective agents such as propra- gical repair of type A dissection is stroke in evolution, due
nolol, labetalol, and esmolol have been used extensively in this to high risk of hemorrhagic transformation of the stroke dur-
context. Beta-blockers should be considered even in patients ing surgery [50]. In aggregate, survival of patients with acute
who are not hypertensive at presentation, as the reduction in type A dissection who are treated with surgical repair has im-
dP/dt is thought to be beneficial in reducing the advancement proved over the last 25 years [51]. Aortic dissection repair is
TA B L E 3 6 . 2
Agents for heart rate and blood pressure reduction in acute aortic syndromes
TA B L E 3 6 . 3
Risk factors for aortic dissection in patients younger than 40 include familial thoracic aortic aneurysm syndrome (FTAAS);
pregnancy; bicuspid aortic valve; and Marfan, EhlersDanlos, Turner, and Noonan syndromes [1,7,22,28,29]
Risk factors for aortic dissection in older patients include cigarette smoking, hypertension, and atherosclerotic disease [1]
Crack cocaine use has been recently identified as an independent risk factor for aortic dissection, especially in the descending aorta
Preferred treatment for type A dissection is typically urgent surgery, whereas medical management is preferred for type B aortic
dissection, except for those cases involving aortic rupture or branch vessel compromise [1,38]
-Blockade for reduction of dP/dt is critical to the treatment of all the acute aortic syndromes, unless a clear contraindication is
present [1,39,40]
Pericardial tamponade in the context of type A aortic dissection should be treated with definitive surgical correction of the
dissection rather than pericardiocentesis, unless hemodynamic collapse is present, in which case small-volume aspiration of
pericardial fluid may be necessary [40]
Endovascular stent grafting has been used successfully to treat type B dissections, as well as branch vessel disease associated with
both type A and B dissections: this technique is an alternative to intimal flap fenestration [5357]. The Investigation of Stent Grafts
in Aortic Dissection (INSTEAD) study shows no advantage to use of endovascular stents for treatment of chronic type B dissection
Management strategy of intramural hematoma is informed by location in a manner that mirrors classic dissection: type A
intramural hematoma should be treated surgically, whereas type B intramural hematoma should be treated medically unless another
indication for surgical or endovascular management is present [10,62,74]
The use of biomarkers to differentiate acute aortic syndromes from other etiologies of chest pain is not yet a validated component
of standard clinical practice [4247]
Based on recent observational studies.
complex surgery, and each patients medical comorbidities need (IMH) is defined as a spontaneous collection of blood within
to be addressed in detail before surgery as time allows. In the the aortic media that does not apparently communicate with
past, patients older than 80 were thought to have an opera- the lumen. The natural history of IMH is not fully understood.
tive survival rate too low to justify attempted repair. A recent It is thought that it may represent a predecessor of aortic dis-
multicenter study reported acceptable outcomes in aortic dis- section with eventual intimal rupture [48,60].
section repair performed in selected octogenarians. Although Both classic aortic dissection and IMH are generally associ-
this study raises the possibility of aortic dissection repair in ated with the same set of risk factors [9,48] and may be indis-
this age group, this approach remains controversial and each tinguishable clinically [9]. Diagnostic imaging studies, notably
patient must be approached individually [52]. transesophageal echocardiography, CT angiography, or MRI,
Patients with type B dissections are generally managed with- are required to distinguish them (Fig. 36.2). Consequences of
out urgent surgery, as mortality in patients undergoing surgical untreated IMH suggest a similar risk for adverse outcome as
repair is roughly equal to the mortality in those patients treated in typical aortic dissection.
medically [1,38,39]. Typically, patients with type B dissections
are only treated surgically in the context of impending or estab-
lished aortic rupture or branch vessel compromise, especially Epidemiology
with malperfusion. Neither recurrent pain nor severe hyper-
tension has been shown to predict adverse outcome in patients IMH occurs in a minority of the patients presenting with an
with type B dissection of the aorta, and neither alone should apparent aortic dissection. Acute dissection events included in
be considered a primary indication for urgent surgery [53,54]. the IRAD registry were found to be due to IMH 10% of the
Recent studies have investigated the use of percutaneous re- time [1]. Serial imaging of IRAD patients with IMH revealed
pair for managing type B dissection. Although percutaneous that 16% evolved to dissection with intimal tear [48]. There
fenestration of the false lumen had previously been the ther- was no statistically significant difference in mortality rate for
apeutic option of choice in this setting [1], this technique has typical dissection and IMH in this series. Other studies reveal
been largely supplanted by the more definitive endovascular that IMH can progress to typical dissection, as determined by
stent repair. It is thought that the minimally invasive nature of serial scanning, in up to 45% of cases [61].
this technique may decrease perioperative mortality and thus Although the risk factors [9,48] and clinical presentations of
improve outcomes. Initial results and short-term outcomes with classic aortic dissection and IMH are indistinguishable, certain
endovascular therapy of acute type B dissections are promising important differences are recognized. Compared to those with
[5557]. A recently published randomized trial assessing the typical aortic dissection, patients with IMH tend to be older,
impact of endovascular stent grafting in addition to medical tend to have more atherosclerotic disease, and are more likely
therapy in uncomplicated type B dissection revealed no advan- to have a distal acute aortic syndrome; two-thirds of IMH cases
tage with stenting [58]. are type B, in contrast with typical dissections, 65% of which
are type A.
Long-term follow-up of patients with IMH reveals that the
INTRAMURAL HEMATOMA hematoma evolves most commonly into a true or false aor-
tic aneurysm or especially when associated with penetrating
Not all cases of apparent aortic dissection involve communica- atherosclerotic ulcer (PAU). Up to 45% of such aneurysms that
tion between the true and false lumens via a tear in the intima. are located in the ascending aorta lead to rupture [61]. Sponta-
In 1988, the first cases of an atypical form of dissection with- neous regression occurs in up to one-third of cases. Regression
out intimal rupture were described [59]. Intramural hematoma is most likely with IMH not associated with increased aortic
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FIGURE 36.2. CT angiograms demonstrating the typical appearance of a classical aortic dissection,
versus that of an aortic intramural hematoma. Note the smooth crescentic thickening of the wall of
the ascending aorta in the patient with intramural hematoma and the obvious intimal flap seen in the
patient with the acute dissection. [
c Massachusetts General Hospital Thoracic Aortic Center. Used with
diameter at the time of presentation [62]. Clinical and radio- hematoma formation. Both of these events could ostensibly be
graphic progression of IMH is more likely when PAU is present at work simultaneously.
(Fig. 36.3). IMH in the absence of PAU appears to follow a
more stable course, especially when located in the descending
thoracic aorta [63].
Clinical Manifestations
The clinical presentation of IMH mirrors that of typical aortic
dissection, and the two cannot be reliably distinguished on the
basis of clinical criteria alone [48].
Etiology and Pathophysiology
There are two proposed mechanisms by which an IMH may
form. The first is the rupture of the vasa vasorum in the aortic Imaging
wall, which may be the result of medial degeneration. The other
leading mechanism is the invasion of a PAU beyond the internal Because the clinical presentation of IMH can overlap with that
elastic lamina of the vessel, compromising the integrity of the of classic dissection, prompt imaging is critical. The same set
media [64,65]. Once in the media, this ulceration can lead to of imaging modalities used for classic aortic dissection is to be
FIGURE 36.3. CT angiogram of an acute penetrating atherosclerotic ulcer, with corresponding pathologic
specimen from the patient after ascending aortic repair.
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As is the case for management of typical dissection, early imag-
ing and surgical consultation are the central components of the B
management of a patient with an IMH, which can be a rapidly
progressive disease. Frequent reevaluation of the diseased aor-
tic segment may also be warranted, especially if the patient
presents with new hypotension or progressive symptoms. The
most dangerous consequence of IMH is continued expansion
and progression to typical dissection and/or aortic rupture.
Given the high-risk nature of IMH in the ascending aorta,
management is similar to typical aortic dissection: surgery for T
type A syndromes and medical management for type B syn-
dromes [9]. The recent literature contains some controversy
regarding the potential role for medical management of IMH in
the ascending aorta, but at this time, there is no strong evidence
to suggest that medical management is sufficient [48,6772].
For type B IMH, medical management appears to be the
consistently validated early treatment approach, unless a sur-
gical indication is present. In-hospital mortality for patients in
the IRAD series is less than 10% for patients receiving medical
management [48].
There may be a role for prophylactic endovascular stent C
placement in patients with IMH who are thought to be in immi-
nent danger of hematoma expansion and aortic rupture. Type FIGURE 36.4. AC: Endovascular aortic stent grafts for nonsurgical
B IMH should be frequently reassessed and reimaged as in- management of Stanford type B dissection. This patient initially pre-
dicated, as these patients are at increased risk for evolution sented with acute type B dissecting intramural hematoma. Panel A
into classical dissection or rupture [73]. Several studies have shows a contrast-enhanced (CT) scan of the chest demonstrating acute
suggested that a small proportion of IMH will resorb in short- intramural hematoma just inferior to the pulmonary artery bifurcation
with a circumferential, crescentic appearance (H). The IMH extended
term follow-up, and this appears to be correlated with smaller from just distal to the takeoff of the left subclavian artery down to the
aneurysm size at presentation. However, a significant propor- level of the celiac axis. Panel B shows evidence of active hemorrhage
tion of patients will go on to develop enlarging aortic aneurysm into the aortic media (M) at the proximal descending thoracic aorta.
and/or pseudoaneurysm, classic aortic dissection, or rupture Panel C shows a follow-up contrast-enhanced chest CT of the same
[62,74,75]. The role of endovascular stents in preventing these patient at 36 days after initial presentation, with evidence of evolution
late outcomes is currently under investigation [76,77]. The use of the IMH into a classic dissection, with true lumen (T) and filling of
of endovascular stent grafting to manage a complication of a the false lumen at the same level in the proximal descending aorta as
type B IMH with subsequent dissection is demonstrated in Fig- shown in Panel A. (continued)
ure 36.4. A summary of recommended management strategies
for patients with acute aortic dissection or IMH is shown in
Figure 36.5.
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The overall annual incidence of thoracic aortic aneurysm (TAA)
is 6 per 100,000 [83], and up to 40% of all patients are asymp-
tomatic at the time of diagnosis [84]. The risk of aneurysm
rupture or dissection increases as a function of size. An abrupt
E F increase in risk has been noted at a diameter of 6 cm: for
aneurysms greater than 6 cm, the rupture rate has been ob-
FIGURE 36.4. (Continued) DF: Panel D shows the contrast- served to be 3.7% per year [79]. The most commonly affected
enhanced chest CT scan after placement of a stent graft (S) in the segments are the aortic root and ascending aorta; 60% of ob-
proximal descending aorta at the site of presumed communication be- served cases involve these segments. Aneurysms of the descend-
tween false and true lumen, demonstrating complete exclusion of the ing aorta account for 40% of cases, and the aortic arch ac-
hematoma. Panel E demonstrates a three-dimensional reconstruction of counts for 10%.
the contrast-enhanced CT scan of the aorta in the left anterior oblique The surgical treatment strategy for asymptomatic aortic
view of the same patient 36 days after initial presentation with ex-
travasation of contrast (C) (corresponding to the image in Panel C),
aneurysms differ on the basis of location, size, and etiology: for
and Panel F shows the same left anterior oblique view of the aorta an aneurysm in the aortic root or the ascending aorta, surgical
status-post endovascular stent grafting procedure (S, stent). repair is indicated for a diameter of 5.5 cm or more, although
for patients who are at increased risk of rupture, such as pa-
tients with a bicuspid aortic valve (which is associated with an
intrinsic defect in the medial smooth muscle layer) or Marfan
syndrome, 5 cm (or less in certain cases, such as in patients
EXPANDING AORTIC ANEURYSM with strong family histories for premature aortic dissection or
rupture) is the recommended operative threshold [85,86]. In
AND RUPTURE the descending aorta, surgery is recommended at a diameter of
6 cm or more [82].
Definition and Classification For patients with large TAAs, survival without surgical re-
pair is poor, with 5-year survival after initial identification at
An aortic aneurysm is broadly defined as a segment of the aortic 20%. Rupture occurs in 32% to 68% of patients whose TAAs
lumen whose diameter exceeds 1.5 times the normal diameter are not repaired surgically [87,88]. Of those patients whose
for that segment [78]. The risk of aneurysm rupture increases rupture occurs outside a hospital setting, it is thought that less
as a function of diameter. In addition, rupture risk is thought to than half will arrive to a hospital alive. For those patients who
be higher in rapidly expanding aneurysms [79,80]. Aneurysms survive until hospital admission, mortality at 6 hours is 54%.
are also classified according to location (e.g., thoracic vs. ab- At 24 hours, mortality without surgery is 76% [89].
dominal), morphology, and etiology. All segments of the aorta
can be affected and multiple aneurysms may be found in a sin-
gle patient. Up to 13% of patients with an identified aortic Etiology and Pathophysiology
aneurysm are found to have multiple aneurysm; as such, in
patients in whom a single aneurysm has been detected, consid- Multiple factors have been implicated in the formation of
eration should be given to scanning the entire aorta for addi- TAAs, including atherosclerotic disease, specific gene de-
tional aneurysms [81]. In the general population, abdominal fects, and infectious processes. In many cases, a central
aneurysms are more common than thoracic aneurysms [82]. pathophysiologic process is medial degeneration, which leads
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Surgical consultation
CT angiogram or TEE
Positive for aortic rupture Positive for dissection or IMH Negative for dissection or rupture
surgery Type A Type B Presence of aneurysm or Normal aorta or
high suspicion presentation low suspicion presentation
Emergent Medical
surgery management Repeat imaging Admission to monitored
study (consider MR), setting with serial
Admission to clinical re-evaluation
ICU setting
Persistently high
Clinical suspicion
FIGURE 36.5. A suggested management strategy for patients with suspected acute aortic syndrome.
to the loss of elastic fibers and smooth muscle cells. This pro- aorta is affected and the age at which the abnormality tends to
cess, which is frequently correlated with aging, causes progres- be diagnosed.
sive stiffening and weakening of the vessel wall, leading to pro- Aneurysms in the aortic root and ascending aorta are fre-
gressive dilatation. Hypertension accelerates dilatation due to quently associated with inherited defects in structural genes
the increase in wall strain [82,84,90]. The inciting factor that or with inflammation caused either by infection or by vasculi-
leads to aneurysm formation influences which portion of the tis. In general, aneurysms associated with structural genetic
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mutations tend to occur at a younger age, in some cases during Ascending aortic aneurysm may also be caused by infectious
the second and third decades of life. Identified connective tis- processes, such as bacterial endaortitis or chronic spirochetal
sue disorders, such as Marfan and EhlersDanlos syndromes, infection. Syphilis, once a common cause of aneurysm in the as-
have been established as causes for aneurysms in this portion cending aorta, is now rarely seen in the developed world. The
of the aorta [90,91]. These syndromes are caused by deficits in aortitis caused by bacterial infection leads to both fusiform
fibrillin-1 and type III collagen, respectively. The specific pro- and saccular aneurysms [99]. Inflammation-related aneurysm
tein deficits lead to weakening of the vessel wall due to medial in this area may also be caused by vasculitic processes, most
necrosis with resultant ectasia. A growing body of evidence notably Takayasu or giant cell arteritis [100,101]. Although
reveals a hereditary syndrome (FTAAS) that does not lead to typically associated with stenotic lesions of the aorta or great
overt manifestations of connective tissue disease but is associ- vessels, Takayasu arteritis may present acutely, with the de-
ated with aneurysm of the ascending aorta. Multiple loci have velopment of aortic aneurysms that are associated with signs
been identified, but routine genetic testing for this spectrum of of systemic and focal aortic inflammation; in rare cases, pa-
disorders is not yet available [9295]. A bicuspid aortic valve tients with acute aortic dilatation associated with Takayasu
is also associated with aneurysm of the aortic root/ascending arteritis have suffered acute aortic rupture. Patients with
aorta. Dilatation of this segment of the aorta has been shown to Takayasu arteritis are typically younger Asian females, who
be due to medial degeneration that is independent of the poten- may show involvement of the pulmonary arteries as well. In
tial hemodynamic effects of the abnormal valve. An acquired contrast, aneurysms associated with giant cell arteritis are more
defect in the integrity of fibrillin-1 may also occur in some frequently diagnosed in older Caucasian females with prior
of these patients [96]. A growing body of evidence suggests polymyalgia rheumatica and/or symptomatic temporal arteri-
that the enzymatic activity of several matrix metalloproteinases tis [100102].
(MMPs) may play a central role in the loss of connective tis- Aneurysms in the descending aorta are generally caused by
sue integrity in patients with bicuspid aortic valve [97]. Turner atherosclerosis. As such, these aneurysms are more commonly
syndrome is associated with an increased incidence of bicuspid found in men and are not frequently seen before the sixth
aortic valve, as well as with aortic coarctation and aneurysm decade of life. These aneurysms are found beyond the branch
of the ascending aorta [98]. point of the left subclavian artery and are typically fusiform.
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Saccular aneurysms may be found at the aortic isthmus, and valuable information, it cannot be considered a definitive study.
are frequently the result of rapid deceleration trauma. TTE allows for the evaluation of the aortic root and ascend-
ing aorta. TEE is well suited to the evaluation of potentially
aneurysmal segments in the aortic arch and descending aorta.
Clinical Manifestations As noted previously, perhaps the most important procedural
drawback regarding TEE is the need for conscious sedation,
Expanding aneurysms of the ascending and descending tho- which may be difficult to administer in a patient who is hemo-
racic aorta produce symptoms due to compression of neigh- dynamically unstable.
boring thoracic structures and compromise of aortic valve CT scanning allows for evaluation of potentially aneurys-
function (see later in the chapter). Compression leads to chest mal segments in the entire aorta. Contrast CT imaging may
and back pain in as many as 37% and 21% of cases, respec- also be helpful in identification of areas of blood extravasa-
tively [103]. Specific thoracic structures, when compressed by tion in ruptured aortic aneurysms. MRI may be used for aortic
the aorta, lead to distinct signs and symptoms, including supe- measurement and identification of aneurysmal segments with-
rior vena cava syndrome, pulmonary symptoms due to tracheal out contrast. Evaluation of blood extravasation with MRI is
compression, or dysphagia due to esophageal compression. In possible, but thought to be less sensitive than CT with con-
addition, stretching of the recurrent laryngeal nerve may lead trast, especially for slow or low-volume extravasation. Aor-
to unilateral vocal cord paralysis, with hoarseness (Ortners tography is a highly sensitive technique for assessing extrava-
syndrome). sation. The use of this technique in the acute setting is ordinarily
Symptoms from rupture of a TAA are largely related to reserved for those cases where neither CT scanning nor MRI is
blood extending into adjoining thoracic spaces. The sudden on- available.
set of acute chest or back pain is a common feature of aneurysm
rupture in all segments of the thoracic aorta. Perhaps the most
salient feature of this pain is the fact that its maximal intensity Rupture of a Thoracic Aortic Aneurysm:
occurs at onset. In patients whose aneurysms have produced
prior symptoms, the pain at the time of rupture may be a more Management
intense form of the same sensation, often at the same location.
The quality of this pain does not necessarily have a tearing Rupture of a TAA is a surgical emergency. Open repair of the
quality, as is often the case with dissection. vessel is the most established repair technique. Typically, the
The most common area of blood flow from a rupture procedure is performed with deep hypothermic circulatory ar-
in the ascending aorta is the left pleural space, followed by rest. The type of repair is determined by the location of the rup-
the intrapericardial space. Blood flow into these areas lead ture and the presence or absence of aortic valve involvement.
to hemothorax and hemopericardium. Tamponade physiology Dacron grafts are generally placed to replace the diseased ves-
may be present. Rupture of the descending aorta can lead to sel segment, with various strategies for aortic valve repair or
erosion into the esophagus: over time, an aortoesophageal fis- replacement when necessary [105]. Recent work indicates that
tula may form, leading to severe hematemesis. No matter where a less invasive form of repair, retrograde endovascular stent
the point of blood egress is found, rapid loss of intravascular placement, may be useful in the repair of aneurysms in the
volume leads promptly to hypotension and shock if unrepaired. descending aorta.
Ancillary warning signs include decreased urine output and Patients with aneurysm of both ascending and descending
altered mental status. segments present an additional challenge. Standard methods
The heart examination may also exhibit distinct abnormal- entail surgical replacement of diseased segments in a staged
ities with expanding aneurysm and rupture. Progressive dilata- fashion; however, newer methods involving a hybrid approach
tion of the aortic root may lead to dilatation of the valve of surgical replacement of the ascending aorta, with subsequent
annulus with consequent signs of aortic regurgitation. This endovascular therapy of the distal segments, appear promising
phenomenon is associated with a diastolic murmur heard best [106].
over the left sternal border with the exception of aneurysms It may be that a particular patient presents with complaints
associated with ectasia of the aortic root, such as syphilitic aor- raising concern for a ruptured aortic aneurysm. In the event
titis, where the murmur of aortic regurgitation may be more that no rupture is found and the patient is hemodynamically
noticeable along the right sternal border. Critical levels of re- stable, it is possible that expansion of the aneurysm is respon-
gurgitation may be associated with left-sided heart failure. This sible for the symptoms. In such a case, the focus of immediate
murmur may be present in the absence of rupture. When rup- clinical treatment should be to decrease aortic wall strain and
ture of one of the sinuses of Valsalva occurs, the murmur may systemic blood pressure through the use of beta-blockers in the
be continuous; in this setting, the ruptured area may commu- context of a critical care setting. Prompt surgical consultation
nicate with a cardiac chamber, such as the right atrium or plays a vital role in the continuing care of these patients.
In the context of acute rupture, the electrocardiography fre-
quently shows evidence of ventricular strain or ischemia. ANEURYSMS OF THE
Over time, markers of myocardial necrosis may be elevated as
well. Several studies show an elevation in d-dimer in the con-
text of aortic dissection, but elevation of this marker has not
yet been validated in aneurysm progression or rupture [104]. Epidemiology
There is currently no widely available biomarker in use to de-
tect vascular injury in the context of aneurysm or rupture. AAAs are far more common than TAAs. The estimated preva-
lence of AAAs ranges between 1.3% and 8.9% in men and
between 1.0% and 2.2% in women older than 60 years [107
Imaging 110]. Most cases are observed in men older than 55 years
and women older than 70 years. AAAs have been found to be
Aortic aneurysm may be visualized as a widened mediastinum correlated with smoking [111]. Overall prevalence of abdom-
on anteroposterior views. Although this technique offers in- inal aneurysms has risen substantially over the past 30 years
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[112]. This trend has been linked to the increased prevalence arteritis or Behcets disease, may be associated with abdominal
of atherosclerosis, which is thought to be the major etiology re- aneurysms [120,121].
sponsible for abdominal aneurysms. In addition, improvements
in imaging technology have increased the rate of detection.
Rupture of AAAs is estimated to cause approximately Clinical Manifestations
15,000 deaths per year in the United States [112,113]. The
total mortality rate for patients with rupture ranges from 65% As is the case with thoracic aneurysms, most abdominal
to 85% [107]. One prospective study revealed that 25% of aneurysms are asymptomatic and tend to be discovered with
patients with AAA rupture die before arriving at a hospital. testing performed for other reasons. Those patients who do
Of those who arrived at the hospital alive, 51% died before have aneurysm-related complaints tend to report pain in the
surgery. Patients who did have surgery sustained a 46% oper- hypogastric area and/or pain in the lower back. This pain is
ative mortality rate. Total 30-day survival rate for this popula- caused by the expansion of the aneurysm and tends to last for
tion was 11% [80]. Given the poor prognosis associated with hours or days at a time, and is usually dull and steady. In the
rupture, elective repair is recommended when possible. As is abdomen, fewer structures tend to be affected by the expanding
the case with TAAs, the risk of rupture increases as a function aorta. The most common consequence of aortic expansion is
of aortic diameter. Recently published guidelines recommend compression of the ureter or kidney, leading to hydronephrosis
elective surgery for AAA 5.5 cm or more in men and 5 cm in or potentially renal failure.
women [114]. An episode of rupture tends to be announced by a sudden
onset or increase in abdominal and/or back pain. The most
notable feature of this pain is that it is at its maximum at the
Etiology and Pathophysiology time of onset. Rupture most frequently leads to blood leakage
into the left retroperitoneal space. These patients may present
Incidence of AAA is closely correlated with the presence of with an initial episode of pain associated with the first rup-
atherosclerotic disease in the aorta. In general, the infrarenal ture, followed by temporary tamponade of the retroperitoneal
segment of the aorta is most heavily affected by atherosclerosis, space. A larger, life-threatening bleed inevitably follows. Less
and this is also the segment where most abdominal aneurysms frequently, the aneurysm may erode into surrounding struc-
are observed. These aneurysms are typically fusiform, but sac- tures, most notably the duodenum, leading to either formation
cular aneurysms may also be found. of an aortoduodenal fistula or potentially massive gastrointesti-
The risk factor most closely associated with abdominal nal (GI) bleeding [113,122].
aneurysms is smoking, followed by age, hypertension, and hy- Physical examination of a patient with an AAA may re-
perlipidemia [115]. There is also a strong association between veal a palpable, pulsatile mass in the midline. This mass is
gender and abdominal aneurysm formation [108]. Family his- easiest to palpate in the hypogastric or paraumbilical region.
tory of AAA is associated with a 30% increase in risk for AAA The sensitivity of the manual examination is suboptimal: 82%
formation, but there are not yet any specific genes linked with for aneurysms 5 cm or greater. Furthermore, a mass may be
this finding [82,116]. difficult to appreciate [123]. Consequently, the absence of a
Damage to the vessel wall, caused by atherosclerotic plaque, pulsatile mass on physical examination should not be inter-
has been shown to cause local inflammation. This inflamma- preted as an absence of aneurysm. On rupture of an abdominal
tory process is thought to cause degradation of extracellular aneurysm, most patients become hypotensive, tachycardic, and
matrix proteins, notably elastin and collagen. In addition, it is diaphoretic. Patients may also exhibit signs of peritoneal irri-
thought that the proinflammatory cytokine milieu leads to cell tation on examination. As noted, the patient may also present
death in the vessel wall. Weakening of the vessel wall follows, with evidence of GI bleeding. Laboratory analysis may reveal
potentially accelerated by the action of multiple proteases, in- evidence of elevation in d-dimer or an elevation in cardiac
cluding MMP and cathepsin L [117,118]. There is some specu- biomarkers, due to demand-related myocardial ischemia.
lation that MMP polymorphisms may lead to a change in sus-
ceptibility to abdominal aneurysms, but there are no screening
tests currently available to the clinician [119]. Hypertension
increases the wall strain on the weakened vessel wall, lead- Imaging
ing to accelerated expansion. The full effects of smoking on
X-ray plain film is not an adequately sensitive technique for the
aneurysm formation and expansion are not known, but in-
assessment of AAAs. Echocardiography is not helpful for the
creased atherosclerosis and hypertension are thought to be con-
evaluation for extrathoracic segments of the aorta. Transcuta-
neous ultrasound is a noninvasive and readily available tech-
Aneurysms in the descending thoracic aorta tend to be
nique for the evaluation of the abdominal aorta. This method
caused by atherosclerosis. These aneurysms often extend into
is frequently used to track the size of abdominal aneurysms,
the abdominal cavity, superior to the renal arteries. Such
though it is not the imaging modality of choice for the acute
aneurysms are referred to as thoracoabdominal, and their man-
aortic syndromes. Like TTE, abdominal ultrasound is often
agement mirrors the management of aneurysms in the abdom-
limited by body habitus. As with thoracic aneurysms, the most
inal cavity.
definitive evaluations are provided by CT scanning and MRI.
Aneurysms in the descending thoracic or abdominal aorta
Aortography may provide useful information regarding aor-
may also be caused by acute bacterial infections. This is not
tic aneurysm, but it is not the modality of choice in the acute
a common finding, but tends to be found more often in pa-
setting unless CT scanning and MRI are not available.
tients who are intravenous drug users or who have traveled
recently from a country where exposure to typical organisms
(Salmonella and Brucella) is more likely to occur. Chronic
tuberculosis is rarely associated with abdominal aneurysms. Rupture of an Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm:
Syphilis may also be associated with abdominal aneurysms, Management
but it is more commonly associated with the ascending aorta.
Connective tissue disorders, such as Marfan and EhlersDanlos Rupture of an AAA is a surgical emergency. Open repair, with
syndromes, do not typically affect the abdominal aorta; how- replacement of the diseased segment with a Dacron graft, is
ever, some systemic inflammatory disorders, notably Takayasu the most established technique. Intraoperative mortality after
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rupture is very high, as noted previously. Retrograde endovas- Timely, but elective, surgical or endovascular intervention on
cular stent placement is a promising technique [124126], but the basis of size criteria, as assessed with longitudinal imaging,
it is not yet in common use in the acute setting [127,128]. is the most effective means to prevent progression to rupture.
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Chapter 37: Evaluation and Management of Hypertension in the Intensive Care Unit 375
TA B L E 3 7 . 4
Hypertensive encephalopathy Nimodipine, labetalol 15%25% decrease in MAP over 36 h
Intracerebral hemorrhage or Nitroprusside, labetalol, nicardipine Same (debated)
subarachnoid hemorrhage
Cerebral infarction Nitroprusside, labetalol, nimodipine, nicardipine Same (debated)
Head injury Nitroprusside Same
Myocardial ischemia, infarction Nitroglycerin, beta-blockers, labetalol Control of ischemia
Aortic dissection Beta-blockers, nitroprusside, labetalol Goal of SBP 120 mm Hg in 2030 min
Acute left ventricular failure Nitroprusside, nitroglycerin, loop diuretics, Improved Sx
converting enzyme inhibitors
Renal failure
Acute renal failure Fenoldopam, nitroprusside, labetalol Decrease MAP 25%
Hemorrhagic Nitroprusside, labetalol, others as needed Control risk of bleeding
Malignant hypertension As with encephalopathy; oral agents
may be considered
Obstetric Hydralazine, methyldopa, MgSO4 DBP <90 mm Hg
DBP, diastolic blood pressure; MAP, mean arterial pressure; SBP, systolic blood pressure; Sx, signs and symptoms.
Chapter 37: Evaluation and Management of Hypertension in the Intensive Care Unit 377
TA B L E 3 7 . 5
Direct vasodilators
Nitroprusside IV infusion: 0.2510.0 g/kg/min Immediate 12 min Hypertensive emergencies
Nitroglycerin IV infusion: 5200 g/kg/min 25 min 510 min Heart failure or cardiac ischemia
Fenoldopam IV infusion: 0.1 g/kg/min uptitrated by 515 min 30 min Most hypertensive emergencies;
0.050.1 g/kg/min increments to avoid in glaucoma
maximum 1.6 g/kg/min
Hydralazine IV bolus: 1020 mg 1020 min 14 h Eclampsia
Adrenergic blockers
Phentolamine IV 515 mg 12 min 1020 min Pheochromocytoma,
catecholamine surge
Esmolol IV bolus 250500 g /kg/min IV 510 min 1030 min Most hypertensive emergencies
bolusrepeat after 5 min
IV infusion 50100 mg/kg/min; give new
bolus when increase infusion
Labetalol IV bolus: 2080 mg q10 min 510 min 36 h Most hypertensive emergencies;
IV infusion: 0.52 mg/min not in decompensated heart
Calcium antagonists
Nicardipine IV infusion: 515 mg/h 510 min 12 h Most hypertensive emergencies;
not in heart failure
Nimodipine IV infusion: 510 mg/h by mg/h, up to 1530 min 36 h Subarachnoid hemorrhage
15 mg q30 min, 60 mg q4h 21 d; repeat
Clevidipine IV infusion: 12 mg/h, double dose q90 s. As 24 min 515 min Most hypertensive emergencies
approach goal BP, by less than double
and lengthen uptitration to q510 min.
Typical goal is 46 mg/h
Angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors
Captopril PO 6.2525 mg, repeat q30 min, if necessary 1h 14 h
Enalaprilat IV bolus: 1.255.0 mg (over 5 min) q6h 1530 min 68 h Acute left ventricular failure; not
in myocardial infarction
Central-acting agonists
Clonidine PO 0.2 mg initially; 0.2 mg/h (total 0.7 mg) 3h
Trimethaphan IV infusion: 0.55 mg/min 15 min 515 min
TA B L E 3 7 . 6 TA B L E 3 7 . 7
Preoperative period
Situational Anxiety
Pain Pain
Anxiety Angina
New-onset angina Discontinuation of antihypertensive or cardiac therapy
Hypocarbia Rebound hypertension
Hypoxemia Intraoperative period
Hypothermia with shivering Induction of anesthesia
Rigors Drug effectsvasodilation, inotropic changes
Volume overload Manipulation of viscera or trachea, urethra, and rectum
Rebound or discontinuation syndrome Sternotomy, chest retraction
Prior, undiagnosed, untreated hypertension With initiation of cardiopulmonary bypass
Postoperative period
Early (02 h)
Hypoxemia, hypercarbia, hypothermia with shivering,
Hypotension may develop in patients with chronic hyper- postanesthetic excitement or pain
tension who were noncompliant with medication but have all After myocardial revascularization, valve replacement,
medications given as prescribed on admission. BP may drop repair of aortic coarctation
and require ICU admission for volume and pressor support. Intermediate (1236 h)
If noncompliance is suspected, it is better to start with lower As given previously
doses and adjust upward. Fluid overload, mobilization
Reaction to endotracheal, nasogastric, chest, or bladder
New Onset of Hypertension
New and usually temporary increases in BP may occur in
the ICU. Many factors may cause short-term elevations in BP
(Table 37.6). Low doses of short-acting agents should be used PHARMACOLOGIC AGENTS
to avoid sharp drops in BP in this usually self-limited situa-
The choice between parenteral and oral therapy rests on the
tion. Undiagnosed essential or secondary hypertension should
answers to several questions (Table 37.3). In a true hyperten-
be considered especially if evidence of TOD is present.
sive emergency, parenteral therapy with arterial BP monitoring
offers a more controlled onset and offset of effect (Table 37.5).
The following are summary statements of available agents
Perioperative Hypertension and are not meant to be inclusive. Additional information on
the pharmacology of available agents can be found elsewhere
Uncontrolled BP can induce new TOD, can increase the risk [6,16,18,21,23,3537].
of vascular suture breakdown or bleeding, and may worsen
overall prognosis.
Direct Vasodilators
Preoperative Evaluation
Sodium Nitroprusside
Moderate chronic hypertension is not a major risk factor for
surgery in otherwise stable patients, but it is a marker for po- Sodium nitroprusside has the longest track record for the treat-
tential coronary artery disease (CAD) [30]. Routine BP therapy ment of severe hypertension. It dilates both arterioles and
should be continued as usual up to the morning of surgery and venules, reduces afterload and preload, and lowers myocardial
resumed either orally or intravenously as soon as possible post- oxygen demand. Its effects are mediated by intracellular cyclic
operatively. Surgery should probably be delayed if BP is greater guanosine monophosphate and nitric oxide in an endothelial-
than 180/110 mm Hg in patient with CAD [31]. independent mechanism shared with other nitrosovasodilators.
Nitroprusside has rapid onset and offset of action. Drug resis-
tance is rarely observed. Nitroprusside is rapidly decomposed
Perioperative Hypertension nonenzymatically in the blood to cyanide, which is then con-
verted into thiocyanate in the liver. At high doses, acute toxicity
A useful classification of hypertension associated with cardio-
occurs with cyanide accumulation (Table 37.8). The metabolite
vascular surgery considers the clinical situation and time of
thiocyanate can accumulate with acute or chronic kidney in-
onset [32] (Table 37.7). Acute postoperative hypertension usu-
jury, and thiocyanate levels should be monitored. Thiocyanate
ally starts 2 to 6 hours after surgery and may persist for 24 to
is removed with dialysis. Nitroprusside is light sensitive and
48 hours. The immediate postoperative period (up to 2 hours)
must be wrapped in aluminum foil.
represents a time of significant patient instability, and BPs can
vary widely mediated by increased catecholamines [33]. The
goal is to avoid overshoot hypotension or TOD. Intravenous
infusions or minibolus therapy allows the most controlled ap- Nitroglycerin preferentially dilates the venous system via cyclic
proach to BP regulation [34]. Nitroprusside or labetalol is ef- guanosine monophosphate. Left ventricular diastolic pressure
fective in most situations; nitroglycerin is also beneficial [31]. is reduced without any significant change in stroke volume or
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Chapter 37: Evaluation and Management of Hypertension in the Intensive Care Unit 379
Nondihydropyridines (Rate-Slowing
Beta-Blockers Calcium Channel Blockers)
Several beta-blockers, such as propranolol (nonselective), Verapamil. It is a phenylalkylamine CCB, which slows atri-
metoprolol (selective), and short-acting esmolol (selective), can oventricular conduction and has a pronounced negative in-
be given parenterally. Labetalol is the beta-blocker most com- otropic effect, with a rapid onset of action and a relatively
monly used in the ICU. low incidence of serious side effects. Verapamil can be given
Labetalol is a racemic mixture of a nonselective beta-blocker as repeated small boluses or a continuous intravenous infu-
and a selective 1 -antagonist, and may be administered as mini- sion. The disadvantages include induction of various degrees
bolus or infusion, allowing titration of effect, rapid onset, and of heart block and worsening heart failure because of its neg-
offset of action with prompt reduction in SVR and BP. The beta- ative inotropic effects.
blocker component prevents reflex tachycardia or significant
changes in CO. Myocardial oxygen consumption is reduced, Diltiazem. It is a benzothiazepine calcium antagonist available
and coronary hemodynamics are improved in patients with as an intravenous preparation. It has effects intermediate be-
CAD. Labetalol does not significantly affect cerebral blood tween verapamil and dihydropyridines. It is widely used to slow
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Angiotensin Converting Enzyme Inhibitors The best choice of antihypertensive agent in hypertensive
urgency remains unclear [17]
Captopril The best choice of antihypertensive agent in a hypertensive
emergency remains unclear [17]
Captopril was the first ACE inhibitor available in the United There are no randomized trials comparing different
States. It is rapidly absorbed, with peak blood levels reached 30 treatment goals in hypertensive emergencies, but it is
minutes after oral administration. Unlike some ACE inhibitors, recommended that blood pressure not be lowered
captopril is not ingested as a prodrug and is therefore active as by more than 25% within the first hour and then to
soon as it is absorbed. It is particularly effective in patients with 160/100110 mm Hg within the next 26 h [6]
heart failure or recent myocardial infarction with depressed There is not enough evidence to evaluate the effect of
ejection fraction. There is a risk of acute hypotension or wors- altering blood pressure during acute stroke, though it is
ening renal function in patients who are volume depleted, have recommended to treat extremely elevated systolic
bilateral high-grade renal artery stenoses, or high-grade steno- (>220 mm Hg) or diastolic blood pressures (>120 mm Hg)
sis in a solitary functioning kidney. Other acute side effects in- [24]
clude bronchospasm, hyperkalemia, cough, angioedema, rash, There is not enough evidence to recommend specific blood
and dysgeusia. It can accumulate with renal failure. pressure management in acute intracerebral hemorrhage
though it is recommended to treat extremely elevated
systolic (>200 mm Hg) or diastolic blood pressures
Enalaprilat (>150 mm Hg) [29]
Enalaprilat is the only ACE inhibitor that can be administered
parenterally. It is the active form of the oral agent, enalapril. A
limited-dose titration response restricts the use of enalaprilat
to lesser elevations in BP. Intravenous ACE inhibitor therapy
is contraindicated in acute heart failure or acute myocardial Fenoldopam
infarction complicated by left ventricular dysfunction.
Fenoldopam is a specific dopamine I receptor agonist that is
free of - and -adrenergic receptor effects. It reduces SVR,
increases renal blood flow, increases fractional excretion of
-Agonists sodium, and increases water clearance. It is metabolized in the
liver to multiple metabolites with uncertain clinical activity and
may be particularly effective with impaired renal function, al-
Clonidine though a recent randomized controlled trial showed no differ-
Clonidine is a central 2 -agonist that decreases peripheral vas- ence compared to dopamine in renal protection [41].
cular resistance, venous return, and heart rate, and can con- Disadvantages are related to vasodilation, including flush-
tribute to reduction in CO. Clonidine is available orally and ing, headache, hypotension, nausea, and occasional ECG
as a transdermal patch with an effectiveness of approximately changes.
1 week. The patch should not be used to initiate therapy in
the ICU, because it takes several days to achieve a steady state.
However, patients previously on clonidine who are unable to Diuretics
take oral medications may be converted to a patch. Clonidine
has been administered in an oral titration regimen to achieve Many patients are actually hypovolemic from pressure natri-
gradual BP control in a period of 2 to 3 hours. Major dis- uresis [5]. Patients with postoperative hypertension, cardiac
advantages are sedation, dry mouth, and orthostatic hypoten- dysfunction, or evidence of pulmonary edema may require di-
sion. Caution should be used in patients requiring monitoring uresis. Many parenteral antihypertensive agents can cause fluid
of mental status. Rebound hypertension may be observed if it retention. Loop diuretics can help control intravascular vol-
is abruptly discontinued, particularly at higher doses. ume, maintain urine output, and prevent resistance to antihy-
pertensive therapy. They are given as a bolus or a slow infusion
and have a threshold effect. Responseincreased diuresis and
natriuresisis not seen unless sufficient drug reaches the renal
-Adrenergic Inhibitors tubules. Doses are titrated until increased urine output is seen
or maximum doses are reached when other therapy must be
Phentolamine initiated.
Several -adrenergic inhibitors are available for oral adminis-
tration. The only available intravenous agent with -adrenergic
blocking properties is phentolamine, a nonselective -receptor CONCLUSIONS
blocking agent. Its use is reserved for states associated with
excess catecholamine levels, such as pheochromocytoma, re- Advances in evaluation and management of hypertension in the
bound hypertension, or drug ingestion. The hypotensive effect ICU, based on randomized controlled trials or meta-analyses
of a single intravenous bolus lasts less than 15 minutes and is of such trials, are summarized in Table 37.9. Given the scarcity
associated with significant reflex tachycardia. The advantage of of data to support one particular hypertensive agent above an-
phentolamine is its specific effect with pheochromocytoma. It is other, the choice and goals of therapy are largely based on
part of the anesthetic regimen in perioperative control of these consensus recommendations and should be guided by the sus-
patients. Disadvantages include abdominal cramping and pain, pected etiology of the hypertension, the extent of TOD, and
vomiting, diarrhea, tachycardia, dizziness, and arrhythmias. the individual hemodynamic profile of the patient.
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The spectrum of acute coronary syndromes (ACS) ranges from arteritis; and (e) conditions leading to increased myocardial
unstable angina (UA) to nonST-segment elevation myocardial oxygen demand, such as anemia, sepsis, or hypoxia [9]. Indi-
infarction (NSTEMI) to ST-segment elevation myocardial in- vidual patients may have several of these processes contribute
farction (STEMI) [1]. The latter condition is usually caused by to the onset of their UA/NSTEMI.
acute total obstruction of a coronary artery [2,3], and urgent
reperfusion is the mainstay of therapy. In contrast, the nonST-
segment elevation acute coronary syndromes (NSTEACS)UA Plaque Rupture
and NSTEMIare usually associated with a severe, although
nonocclusive, lesion in the culprit coronary artery [4]. Atherosclerosis is a silent process that usually begins 20 to 30
Every year in the United States, approximately 1.3 million years prior to a patients clinical presentation [10,11]. Plaque
patients are admitted to the hospital with ACS; about 900,000 rupture can be precipitated by multiple factors, including en-
of these patients are suffering from UA/NSTEMI as compared dothelial dysfunction [12], plaque lipid content [13], local in-
with approximately 400,000 patients suffering from STEMI flammation [14], coronary artery tone at the site of irregular
[5,6]. Worldwide, these numbers are each several times the plaques and local shear stress forces, platelet function [15,16],
totals in the United States. In the past few years, numerous and the status of the coagulation system (i.e., a potentially pro-
advances have been made in the understanding of the patho- thrombotic state) [17,18]. These processes culminate in forma-
physiology, diagnosis, risk stratification, and management of tion of platelet-rich thrombi at the site of the plaque rupture
UA/NSTEMI. or erosion and the resultant ACS [1921].
The definition of UA is largely based on the clinical presen- Coronary artery thrombosis plays a central role in the patho-
tation. Angina pectoris is characterized by a poorly localized genesis of UA/NSTEMI [4,19,20,2226], as demonstrated in
chest or arm discomfort or pressure (rarely described by pa- the Thrombolysis in Myocardial Infarction (TIMI) IIIA trial,
tients as pain) that is typically and reproducibly associated in which 35% of patients had definite thrombus and an ad-
with physical exertion or emotional stress, and relieved by rest ditional 40% had possible thrombus [4]. Thrombosis occurs
or sublingual nitroglycerin. UA is defined as angina pectoris in two interrelated stages: (a) primary hemostasis and (b) sec-
(or equivalent type of ischemic discomfort) with one of three ondary hemostasis [27,28]. The first stage of hemostasis is ini-
features: (a) occurring at rest (or with minimal exertion), usu- tiated by platelets as they adhere to damaged vessels and form
ally lasting more than 20 minutes; (b) being severe and of new a platelet plug. With rupture or ulceration of an atherosclerotic
onset (i.e., within 1 month); or (c) occurring with a crescendo plaque, the subendothelial matrix (e.g., collagen and tissue fac-
pattern (i.e., more severe, prolonged, or frequent) [7]. Some tor) is exposed to the circulating blood. Platelets then adhere
patients with this pattern of ischemic pain develop evidence of to the subendothelial matrix via the glycoprotein (GP) Ib re-
myocardial necrosis on the basis of serum biomarkers in the ceptor and von Willebrands factor (platelet adhesion). After
absence of ST-segment elevations on electrocardiogram (ECG) adhering to the subendothelial matrix, the platelet undergoes a
and thus have a diagnosis of NSTEMI. Previously, this diagno- conformational change from a smooth discoid shape to a spicu-
sis has been based on elevation of the creatine kinase (CK)-MB, lated form, which increases the surface area on which thrombin
but elevations in cardiac troponin T or I greater than the 99th generation can occur. This leads to degranulation of the alpha-
percentile of the upper limit of normal now define MI on the and dense granules and the subsequent release of thrombox-
basis of their higher sensitivity and specificity for myocardial ane A2, adenosine diphosphate (ADP), serotonin, and other
necrosis and powerful prognostic capability [8]. platelet aggregatory and chemoattractant factors, as well as
the expression and activation of GP IIb/IIIa receptors on the
platelet surface such that it can bind fibrinogen. This process is
PATHOPHYSIOLOGY called platelet activation. The final step is platelet aggregation,
that is, the formation of the platelet plug. Fibrinogen (or von
The development of UA/NSTEMI is due either to a reduction Willebrands factor) binds to the activated GP IIb/IIIa receptors
in the supply of blood flow and oxygen, or to an increase in my- of two platelets, thereby creating a growing platelet aggregate.
ocardial oxygen demand, or both. The five broad etiologies are Antiplatelet therapy has been directed at decreasing the forma-
(a) plaque rupture with superimposed nonocclusive thrombus; tion of thromboxane A2 (aspirin), inhibiting the ADP pathway
(b) dynamic obstruction (i.e., coronary spasm); (c) progressive of platelet activation (thienopyridines), and directly inhibiting
mechanical obstruction (i.e., restenosis); (d) inflammation and platelet aggregation (GP IIb/IIIa inhibitors; Fig. 38.1).
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TA B L E 3 8 . 1
Death or myocardial
Class Definition infarction to 1 ya (%)
Class I New onset of severe angina or accelerated angina; no rest pain 7.3
Class II Angina at rest within past month but not within preceding 48 h (angina at 10.3
rest, subacute)
Class III Angina at rest within preceding 48 h (angina at rest, subacute) 10.8b
Clinical circumstances
A (secondary angina) Develops in the presence of an extracardiac condition that intensifies 14.1
myocardial ischemia
B (primary angina) Develops in the absence of an extracardiac condition 8.5
C (postinfarction angina) Develops within 2 wk after acute myocardial infarction 18.5c
Intensity of treatment Patients with unstable angina can also be divided into three groups
depending on whether unstable angina occurs: (a) in the absence of
treatment for chronic stable angina, (b) during treatment for chronic
stable angina, or (c) despite maximal anti-ischemic drug therapy. These
three groups can be designated subscripts 1, 2, or 3, respectively
Electrocardiographic changes Patients with unstable angina can be further divided into those with or
without transient ST-Twave changes during pain
Data from Scirica BM, Cannon CP, McCabe CH, et al: Prognosis in the thrombolysis in myocardial ischemia III registry according to the Braunwald
unstable angina pectoris classification. Am J Cardiol 90(8):821, 2002.
p = 0.057.
p < 0.001.
Reprinted from Braunwald E: Unstable angina: a classification. Circulation 80:410, 1989, with permission.
improved the sensitivity of this test. Two recent studies have comes. Moreover, data from several trials have demonstrated
found that the use of high-sensitivity assays improve the early that early risk assessment (especially using troponins) has also
diagnosis of MI with sensitivity now exceeding 90% when been useful in predicting which patients will derive the great-
tested in patients with chest pain at the time of presentation est benefit from newer and more potent antithrombotic thera-
to the hospital [53,54]. Moreover, high-sensitivity assays can pies, such as low-molecular-weight heparin (LMWH) and GP
detect elevated levels of troponin in approximately 10% of out- IIb/IIIa inhibitors. Risk assessment can similarly be used to
patients with stable coronary disease, and these individuals are determine the most appropriate level of care and monitoring
at a higher risk of subsequent cardiovascular death [55]. (i.e., between the coronary intensive care unit or the step-
Ultrasensitive troponin assays, which have limits of detec- down/telemetry unit). The management strategy refers to
tion lesser than the levels seen in a normal reference population, whether early angiography is performed with revascularization
are also being developed. In a study looking at patients with as appropriate directly following the index event or whether a
NSTEACS, 72% of patients with NSTEMI were found to have conservative or ischemia-driven strategy is carried out, with
circulating troponin levels at baseline greater than the 99th per- noninvasive assessment of residual ischemia, and angiography
centile (nano-cTnI >0.003 g/L) when ultrasensitive troponin and revascularization performed only if recurrent ischemia is
assays were utilized; yet all of these patients had an initially documented (see later in the chapter).
negative current-generation troponin assay. When these assays
were used in patients presenting with UA (defined as lack of
elevation of troponin using a current-generation commercial
assay), 44% of patients had circulating troponin levels greater Risk Assessment Using Clinical Predictors
than the 99th percentile and 8 hours later, the percentage had
The initial clinical evaluation can be used to risk-stratify pa-
risen to 82% [56]. Similarly, ultrasensitive assays have been
tients quickly and assist in the triage [67,68]. As described in
used to detect rises in circulating troponin in proportion to the
the ACC/AHA UA/NSTEMI guideline (Table 38.2), high-risk
amount of ischemia experienced during exercise stress testing
patients can be identified by the presence of prolonged, ongo-
[57]. Thus, in the future, troponin may move from a semiquan-
ing pain at rest, ST-segment depression of greater than or equal
titative assay (negative in most individuals and quantified in
to 0.1 mV, positive troponin value, or the presence of hypoten-
a subset) to quantifiable in all patients. The clinical implications
sion or congestive heart failure on physical examination [67].
of very low level values reported from ultrasensitive assays will
Such patients should be considered for the coronary care unit
need to be defined.
although the cardiac step-down (telemetry) unit may be ade-
quate depending on the clinical situation. Lower risk patients
can be adequately monitored and managed in a step-down unit.
Cardiac Imaging
Currently, cardiac imaging is assuming increasing importance
in the early diagnosis of patients presenting with suspected Individual High-Risk Subgroups
UA/NSTEMI, especially when the ECG is normal, nonspe-
cific, or obscured by left bundle branch block or a paced Trials have identified several clinical subgroups that are at
rhythm. Myocardial perfusion imaging using technetium ses- higher risk of adverse outcomes when they present with
tamibi has been useful for patients presenting with chest pain UA/NSTEMI. These groups derive greater benefit from more
in the emergency department without a diagnostic ECG or pos- aggressive therapy.
itive biomarkers to discriminate patients with coronary artery
disease from those with noncardiac chest pain [58,59]. Simi- Elderly Patients
larly, echocardiography is useful to screen for regional or global
LV dysfunction, which may help in establishing (or excluding) Elderly patients comprise a subgroup for which outcomes
the diagnosis of ischemic heart disease in patients who present are always worse compared with younger patients. In
to the emergency department with chest pain [60]. Coronary UA/NSTEMI, elderly patients appear to derive greater bene-
computed tomography angiogram (CTA) has also been shown fit from the newer, more potent antithrombotic therapies. In
to be effective in excluding coronary artery disease in patients the Efficacy and Safety of Subcutaneous Enoxaparin in Non-
presenting to the emergency department with a low-risk story Q-Wave Coronary Events (ESSENCE) trial, enoxaparin had
of chest pain, nondiagnostic ECG, and negative biomarkers greater benefit in patients 65 years or older as compared with
[61]. All of these modalities can also assess LV function, a younger patients [69]; a similar finding was noted in the TIMI
powerful determinant of subsequent prognosis after MI (and 11B trial [70]. For the GP IIb/IIIa inhibitors, an equivalent rel-
presumably after UA) [6264]. Coronary angiography is also ative benefit was observed in older versus younger patients,
used to establish the diagnosis of ACS and is considered the although the absolute benefit in number of events prevented
gold-standard modality to define the extent of coronary dis- is higher in elderly patients because they have higher base-
ease, and as a prelude to percutaneous revascularization (see line risk [49,71,72]. However, this increase in absolute benefit
later in the chapter) [4,48,65,66]. comes with the added price of an increased incidence of bleed-
ing with GP IIb/IIIa inhibitors in elderly patients [71,72]. With
regard to an invasive versus conservative management strat-
egy, patients 65 years or older have better outcomes at 1 year
RISK STRATIFICATION when managed with an invasive strategy (12.5% vs. 19.5%;
p = 0.03; age interaction p = 0.04) [73]. Similarly, in Frag-
Given the multitude of treatment options for patients with min and Fast Revascularization during Instability in Coronary
UA/NSTEMI, risk stratification currently refers to two simulta- Artery Disease (FRISC) II, and Treat Angina with Aggrastat
neous processes (frequently carried out at the time of hospital and Determine Cost of Therapy with an Invasive or Conserva-
presentation): (a) risk assessment (i.e., prediction of mortal- tive Strategy (TACTICS)-TIMI 18, there was a greater absolute
ity/morbidity risk), and (b) selection of a management strategy benefit of an early invasive strategy in patients 65 years and
(i.e., an early invasive vs. early conservative approach). older [74,75]. Thus, in UA/NSTEMI, elderly patients are at
Risk assessment, using clinical and laboratory markers, higher risk and derive particular benefit from more aggressive
identifies which patients are at highest risk for adverse out- antithrombotic and interventional therapy.
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TA B L E 3 8 . 2
CAD, coronary artery disease; CHF, congestive heart failure; CVA, cardiovascular accident; CXR, chest X-ray; DM, diabetes mellitus; ECG,
electrocardiogram; MR, mitral regurgitation; PAD, peripheral arterial disease; VT, ventricular tachycardia.
Adapted from Anderson JL, Adams CD, Antman EM, et al: ACC/AHA 2007 guidelines for the management of patients with unstable
angina/non-ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction-2002: executive summary: a report of the American College of Cardiology/American Heart
Association Task Force on Practice Guidelines (Writing Committee to Revise the 2002 Guidelines for Management of Patients With Unstable
Angina/Non-ST-Segment Elevation Myocardial Infarction). Circulation 116:803877, 2007.
Gender Differences 1 year as well (hazard ratio [HR] 1.65; 95% confidence interval
[CI] 1.3 to 2.1) [81].
A patients gender may factor into the decision regarding
Given the high risk of adverse cardiovascular outcomes as-
which treatment strategy to pursue in patients presenting with
sociated with diabetes, researchers have looked to see if certain
UA/NSTEMI. Subgroup analyses from some trials, including
treatment strategies may be of more benefit in this particular
FRISC II [76], Randomized Intervention Treatment of Angina
subgroup. The relative benefit of early GP IIb/IIIa inhibition
(RITA) 3 [77], and Organization to Assess Strategies for Is-
has been found to be significantly higher in patients with di-
chemic Syndromes (OASIS) 5 [78], suggested that an early in-
abetes, with a 70% relative reduction in events ( p = 0.002)
vasive strategy may be associated with a higher risk of death or
[82], as compared with a 30% reduction in the overall popula-
MI in women, whereas other studies demonstrated that an early
tion. More recently, a meta-analysis of all placebo-controlled,
invasive strategy resulted in improved outcomes in women as
IIb/IIIa inhibitor trials found a mortality benefit of early IIb/IIIa
well as men [79]. Because subgroup analyses may be insuffi-
inhibition in patients with diabetes, with no mortality differ-
ciently powered to address this question, a meta-analysis was
ence in those without nondiabetes [83]. For an invasive versus
performed using the data of eight large-scale trials. This meta-
conservative strategy, the relative benefit in patients with dia-
analysis demonstrated that high-risk women (classified as pa-
betes of an early invasive strategy was similar to that of those
tients with positive biomarkers on presentation) had a 33%
without diabetes, but the absolute benefit was higher among
lower odds of death, MI or rehospitalization with ACS (OR
those with diabetes [84]. Similarly in the Trial to Assess Im-
0.67) with an invasive strategy, whereas low-risk women (pa-
provement in Therapeutic Outcomes by Optimizing Platelet
tients with normal biomarkers on presentation) did not have
Inhibition with Prasugrel - Thrombolysis in Myocardial In-
a significant benefit with invasive treatment [80]. These find-
farction (TRITON-TIMI) 38 trial, patients with diabetes had
ings are reflected in the 2007 AHA/ACC guidelines for the
a 40% reduction in MI (8.2% vs. 13.2%; p < 0.001) with
management of patients with UA/NSTEMI, which recommend
the use of more intensive antiplatelet therapy with prasugrel
that women with high-risk features be considered for invasive
when compared to clopidogrel. Those without diabetes saw
treatment, whereas women with low-risk features be treated
only an 18% reduction in MI with prasugrel (7.2% vs. 8.7%;
conservatively [67].
p = 0.009) [85]. Thus, patients with diabetes represent a high-
risk group that deserves aggressive pharmacologic and revas-
Patients with Diabetes cularization treatments.
Patients with diabetes have long been known to be at higher risk
than those without diabetes for adverse outcomes with ACS. In
a large-scale meta-analysis, patients with diabetes were found Risk Assessment by Electrocardiography
to have a significantly higher mortality at 30 days (2.1% vs.
1.1%; p < 0.001). Furthermore, having diabetes at presenta- The admission ECG is very useful in predicting long-term
tion with an NSTEMI was associated with a higher mortality at adverse outcomes. In the TIMI III registry of patients with
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UA/NSTEMI, multivariable predictors of 1-year death or MI The presence of elevated biomarkers also correlates with
included left bundle branch block and ST-segment deviation the utility of particular therapies. In a trial examining the ben-
of 0.5 mm or greater [47]. The presence of only 0.5-mm efit of abciximab in patients with NSTEMI, the reduction in
ST-segment depression on the admission ECG has also been death or MI at 6 months was 70% in those who were troponin
found to be an independent determinant of 4-year survival T positive, whereas there was no significant benefit for those
[50]. In contrast, the presence of T-wave changes was asso- who were troponin T negative ( p < 0.001) [98] (Fig. 38.4, left).
ciated with only a modest [50] or no increase in subsequent These findings have been duplicated with tirofiban versus hep-
death or MI risk compared with no ECG changes [47]. Simi- arin in the Platelet Receptor Inhibition for Ischemic Syndrome
lar findings were observed in predicting 30-day and 6-month Management (PRISM) (Fig. 38.4, right) and PRISM in Patients
outcomes in the Global Use of Strategies to Open Occluded Limited by Unstable Signs and Symptoms (PRISM-PLUS) tri-
Coronary Arteries (GUSTO) IIb study, with the presence of als [99,100] and more recently in the Intracoronary Stenting
ST-segment deviation of greater than 0.5 mm conferring a and Antithrombotic Regimen-Rapid Early Action for Coro-
higher mortality than T-wave changes [86]. nary Treatment 2 (ISAR-REACT 2) trials [96]. In the TIMI
With regard to relative treatment benefit of particular ther- 11B trial, even when looking at patients who were CK-MB
apies, in the ESSENCE trial, patients with ST-segment devi- negative, those who were troponin I positive derived a signif-
ation treated with enoxaparin had a significant reduction in icantly greater benefit from the enoxaparin versus UFH, com-
cardiac events compared with patients treated with unfraction- pared with those who had both markers negative [101]. Re-
ated heparin (UFH; odds ratio [OR] 0:60; p < 0.01), whereas search has also demonstrated that biomarkers are useful when
those without ST-segment deviation did not [87]. Similar find- choosing an invasive versus conservative strategy in patients
ings were observed in the TIMI 11B trial [70]. In both the with UA/NSTEMI. In both the FRISC II and TACTICS-TIMI
FRISC II and TACTICS-TIMI 18 trials, an invasive strategy 18 trials, patients who had a positive troponin T or I (includ-
had a particular benefit in patients with ST-segment depression ing those who had very low levels of troponin) had a dramatic
at presentation [84,88]. Thus, not only ST-segment deviation reduction in cardiac events after allocation to an invasive strat-
is a marker of increased risk of adverse outcomes, but it also egy [91,102]. Thus, there is now evidence from multiple trials
indicates those patients who may derive greater benefit from that the use of troponins can assist in both assessing the risk
aggressive antithrombotic and interventional therapy. and determining which patients should be treated with newer
antithrombotic agents and an invasive management strategy.
Heparin Abciximab + heparin Heparin Tirofiban + heparin
FIGURE 38.4. Use of troponin to determine benefit of GP IIb/IIIa inhibition. Benefit of abciximab in
the CAPTURE trial of patients with refractory unstable angina treated with angioplasty in those with
positive versus negative troponin T at study entry (left panel). Greater benefit of tirofiban versus heparin
in patients with UA/NSTEMI was also seen in patients with positive troponin I values in the PRISM
trial, with a nearly 70% reduction in death or MI at 30 days with the IIb/IIIa inhibitor (right panel).
[Data from Hamm CW, Heeschen C, Goldmann B, et al: Benefit of abciximab in patients with refractory
unstable angina in relation to serum troponin T levels. N Engl J Med 340(21):16231629, 1999; and
Heeschen C, Hamm CW, Goldmann B, et al: Troponin concentrations for stratification of patients with
acute coronary syndromes in relation to therapeutic efficacy of tirofiban. Lancet 354(9192):17571762,
1999, with permission.]
three risk factors for coronary artery disease, documented coro- lesion, treatment of residual ischemia, and long-term secondary
nary artery disease at catheterization, ST-segment deviation of prevention. Antithrombotic therapy (e.g., aspirin, P2 Y12 ADP
0.5 mm or greater, more than two episodes of angina in the past receptor blockers such as clopidogrel, anticoagulants, and GP
24 hours, aspirin use within prior week, or elevated serum car- IIb/IIIa inhibitors) is used to prevent further clotting in the
diac markers. Use of this scoring system was able to risk-stratify coronary artery and allow endogenous fibrinolysis to dissolve
patients across a 10-fold gradient of risk, from 4.7% to 40.9% the thrombus and reduce the degree of coronary stenosis. An-
( p < 0.001) [114]. Most importantly, this risk score identified tithrombotic therapy is continued long term so that if future
patients who derived the greatest benefit from enoxaparin ver- events occur, the degree of thrombosis is reduced. Anti-ischemic
sus UFH [114], from use of a GP IIb/IIIa inhibitor [115], and therapies (e.g., beta-blockers, nitrates, and calcium antago-
from an early invasive management strategy [84]. nists) are used to reduce myocardial oxygen demand. Coro-
The GRACE (Global Registry of Acute Coronary Events) nary revascularization is frequently needed to treat recurrent
risk score also utilized multiple variables to identify those pa- or residual ischemia. After stabilization of the acute event, the
tients who would be at greatest risk of death in the 6 months many factors that led up to the event need to be reversed.
following an ACS. Those variables that conferred the greatest Treatment of atherosclerotic risk factors such as hypercholes-
risk included older age, prior history of congestive heart failure terolemia, hypertension, and cessation of smoking, which con-
or MI, elevated heart rate and relative hypotension at presen- tributes to stabilization of the cholesterol-laden plaque and
tation, the presence of ST-segment depressions, elevated serum healing of the endothelium, is critical.
creatinine at presentation, elevated cardiac biomarkers, and
lack of in-hospital PCI [116]. When applied to patients with
NSTEMI, the GRACE risk score is also able to identify those Aspirin
patients who will benefit most from an early invasive strategy.
In the Timing of Intervention in Patients with Acute Coronary Several major studies have demonstrated clear beneficial effects
Syndromes (TIMACS) trial, NSTEMI patients with a GRACE of aspirin, with a more than 50% reduction in the risk of death
risk score of greater than 140 had a reduction of 35% in the or MI in patients who present with UA/NSTEMI [89,118120].
primary end point (composite of death, MI, or stroke) with Thus, aspirin has had a dramatic effect in reducing adverse
early coronary angiography when compared to delayed inter- clinical events early in the course of treatment of UA/NSTEMI,
vention of greater than 36 hours (13.9% vs. 21%; p = 0.006). and is primary therapy for these patients. An antiplatelet meta-
In patients with a GRACE risk score of less than 140, there analysis found that any dose greater than 75 mg was associ-
was no difference between the two groups (7.6% vs. 6.7%; ated with the same overall benefit [121]. However, preliminary
p = 0.48) [117]. Therefore, combined risk assessment scores data from the Clopidogrel and Aspirin Optimal Dose Usage
can not only identify those patients at the highest risk for an to Reduce Recurrent Events - Seventh Organization to Assess
adverse cardiovascular event, but can also assist the clinician in Strategies in Ischemic Syndromes (CURRENT-OASIS 7) trial,
management decisions regarding angiography and medication presented at the European Society of Cardiology Annual Con-
choices. ference in 2009, showed that patients undergoing PCI who
were treated with double-dose clopidogrel and high-dose as-
pirin (300 to 325 mg) had the lowest rate of cardiovascular
death, recurrent MI, or stroke at 1 year.
MEDICAL THERAPY Bleeding is the main side effect of aspirin, and the rate of
gastrointestinal (GI) bleeding appears to be higher with higher
Treatment Goals doses [121]. Data from the Clopidogrel in Unstable Angina to
Prevent Recurrent Events (CURE) trial have shown that doses
The treatment objectives for patients with UA/NSTEMI are of 75 to 100 mg have a 50% lower rate of major bleeding (2.0%
focused on stabilizing and passivating the acute coronary at 1 year) compared with doses of 200 to 325 mg (4.0% at
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1 year); thus, a dose of 75 to 81 mg per day could be the opti- Metabolism of clopidogrel may also be affected by cer-
mal dose for long-term therapy. For acute treatment peri-PCI, tain drugs. Some studies had suggested an interaction between
a dose of 325 mg is generally used. Absolute contraindications clopidogrel and proton pump inhibitors (PPIs), such as omepra-
to aspirin include documented aspirin allergy (e.g., asthma or zole. Initial data, gathered retrospectively from large registries,
anaphylaxis), active bleeding, or a known platelet disorder. In suggested that patients treated with both clopidogrel and a PPI
patients with more minor intolerance to long-term aspirin ther- had worse outcomes than did patients treated with clopido-
apy (e.g., dyspepsia), short-term use of aspirin is recommended grel alone [130]. On discovering this result, researchers began
on the basis of the large early benefit. However, clopidogrel is to investigate possible mechanisms to explain this interaction.
a recommended alternative to aspirin for patients who cannot Indeed, they found that some PPIs have been shown to be
tolerate aspirin [67]. inhibitors of the enzyme, CYP2C19, and they subsequently
hypothesized that simultaneous administration of PPIs and
clopidogrel may lead to competitive metabolism by CYP2C19,
P2 Y12 ADP Receptor Blockers thereby leading to decreased clopidogrel activity. This hypoth-
esis was initially supported by a recent study, which demon-
Clopidogrel is a thienopyridine derivative that inhibits platelet strated that dual administration of clopidogrel and a PPI re-
activation and aggregation by inhibiting the binding of ADP sulted in reduced platelet inhibition when compared to just
to the P2 Y12 receptor on the surface of the platelet. In the clopidogrel alone [131]. However, analysis of data from a clin-
CURE trial, 12,562 patients with UA/NSTEMI were random- ical cohort of the TRITON-TIMI 38 trial demonstrated no
ized to receive aspirin alone (75 to 325 mg per day) or aspirin association between PPI use and clinical outcomes in patients
plus clopidogrel (300-mg loading dose and then 75 mg per on clopidogrel [132]. The safety of the combination of clopi-
day) [122]. The primary end point of cardiovascular death, dogrel and omeprazole was further demonstrated in the Clopi-
MI, or stroke was reduced by 20% (11.4% control vs. 9.3% dogrel and the Optimization of Gastrointestinal Events Trial
clopidogrel; p < 0.0001) [122]. The reduction was seen in all (COGENT), which was recently presented at the 21st An-
subgroups, including patients with ST-segment depression, nual Transcatheter Cardiovascular Therapeutics (TCT) Scien-
those without ST-segment changes, and those with positive or tific Symposium in 2009. This study randomized patients to
negative markers. Interestingly, patients with positive cardiac clopidogrel alone or a combination pill of clopidogrel plus
markers and those with negative markers had similar 20% re- omeprazole following PCI and they found no difference in
ductions in the primary end point. The combination of clopido- cardiovascular outcomes over 4 months, although they did
grel plus aspirin was associated with a relative 35% increase note a significant reduction in GI events in patients taking the
in major bleeding (using the CURE trial definition), but the PPI. Given the dependence of clopidogrel metabolism on the
absolute increase was only 1% (from 2.7% to 3.7%). Further- CYP450 system, certainly extravigilance should be taken when
more, using the standard TIMI definition of bleeding, there was prescribing other drugs with clopidogrel.
no significant increase in major bleeding risk and no increase Although clopidogrel is currently the most utilized P2 Y12
in intracranial hemorrhage. In patients who went on to PCI, ADP receptor blocker, there are two newer generation drugs
a significant 30% reduction was observed through follow-up of the same class that have gained attention in recent years.
[123]. The KaplanMeier event rates began to show a reduc- Prasugrel is a third-generation P2 Y12 ADP receptor blocker.
tion in events starting just 2 hours after randomization. In addi- Although also an irreversible inhibitor, prasugrel has a quicker
tion, when analyzing the benefit in the first 30 days versus after onset of action when compared to clopidogrel (30 to 90 min-
30 days, there was a similar 20% relative risk reduction during utes for prasugrel vs. 4 to 6 hours for clopidogrel) and has lower
both time periods. Thus, it appears that clopidogrel afforded rates of variability in platelet inhibitory effects than clopido-
both an early and an ongoing benefit out to 1 year. grel, thereby resulting in greater platelet inhibition. The ef-
When to start clopidogrel in patients with UA/NSTEMI re- fectiveness of prasugrel in patients with ACS was evaluated
mains a matter of debate. Even with a loading dose, it takes in the TRITON-TIMI 38 trial, in which more than 13,000
several hours before significant antiplatelet effects emerge. For patients, including 10,000 patients with moderate- to high-
this reason, the notion of pretreatment with clopidogrel at least risk UA/NSTEMI and 3,000 patients with STEMI, who were
several hours prior to the PCI has emerged as a possible means scheduled to undergo PCI for treatment of their ACS, were ran-
to help ensure that sufficient platelet inhibition is in effect at domized to receive aspirin and either prasugrel or clopidogrel.
the start of the PCI. Because clopidogrel, like aspirin, is an irre- Patients receiving prasugrel had a 19% reduction in the rate
versible platelet inhibitor, its antiplatelet effect will last for sev- of cardiovascular death, MI, and stroke (9.9% vs. 12.1%; p <
eral days after discontinuation. If a patient is found to require 0.001) as well as a 52% reduction in stent thrombosis (1.1%
surgical revascularization, the procedure should then be put vs. 2.4%; p < 0.001) [133,134] (Fig. 38.5). These positive ef-
off for several days. The guidelines remained silent on the tim- fects come at the price of significantly increased rate of major
ing of clopidogrel. However, across the spectrum of ACS, data bleeding with prasugrel after PCI (2.4% vs. 1.8%; p < 0.001)
have emerged that pretreatment with clopidogrel before a pa- [133].
tient undergoes PCI significantly reduces the risk of death and Ticagrelor is another P2 Y12 ADP inhibitor that has recently
ischemic complications post-PCI [123125]. Thus, the most re- been evaluated. Like prasugrel, ticagrelor has a rapid onset of
cent PCI guidelines now recommend clopidogrel pretreatment action of 1 to 2 hours and greater platelet inhibition than clopi-
before PCI, but they also continue to acknowledge that treat- dogrel; however, in contrast to both prasugrel and clopidogrel,
ment before coronary anatomy is defined remains controversial ticagrelors actions are reversible. The Study of Platelet Inhibi-
[126]. tion and Patient Outcomes (PLATO) study directly compared
Several pharmacogenetic and drugdrug interactions for clopidogrel and ticagrelor in 18,000 patients presenting with
clopidogrel are notable and can affect patient outcomes. Clopi- ACS, about 15,000 of whom were patients with UA/NSTEMIs.
dogrel is a prodrug that requires hepatic biotransformation Ticagrelor significantly reduced the rate of death, MI, or stroke
by CYP450 enzymes into an active metabolite. Approximately when compared to clopidogrel (9.8% vs. 11.7%; p < 0.001)
25% to 30% of the population has a reduced-function genetic (Fig. 38.6) and significantly reduced all-cause mortality by 22%
variant of CYP2C19, a member of the CYP450 enzyme family. [135]. Although there was no significant difference in the rate of
When treated with clopidogrel, these individuals have lower total major bleeding between the two drugs (11.6% vs. 11.2%;
circulating levels of the clopidogrel active metabolite, thereby p = 0.43), a higher occurrence of non-coronary artery bypass
leading to less platelet inhibition, and a higher rate of ischemic grafting surgery (CABG) major bleeding was observed with
events including stent thrombosis [127129]. ticagrelor.
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FIGURE 38.5. KaplanMeier curves demonstrating the superiority of prasugrel over clopidogrel in de-
creasing the incidence of the primary efficacy end point (composite of death from cardiovascular causes,
nonfatal myocardial infarction, or nonfatal stroke) over 16 months. Also shown is the KaplanMeir
curve comparing the incidence of the primary safety end point (TIMI major bleeding) between the two
drugshere, prasugrel was associated with an increased risk of TIMI-major bleeding. [From Wiviott SD,
Braunwald E, McCabe CH, et al; for the TRITON-TIMI 38 Investigators: Prasugrel versus clopidogrel in
patients with acute coronary syndromes. New Engl J Med 357:20012015, 2007, with permission.]
12 Clopidogrel
of Primary End Point (%)
8 Ticagrelor
Cumulative Incidence
30 0 2 4 6 8 10 12
20 FIGURE 38.6. KaplanMeier curves demonstrat-
p < 0.001 ing the superiority of ticagrelor over clopidogrel in
10 decreasing the incidence of the primary efficacy end
point (composite of death from vascular causes,
0 myocardial infarction, or stroke) over 12 months.
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 The primary end point occurred significantly less
Months often with ticagrelor (9.8% vs. 11.7%; p < 0.001).
[From Wallentin L, Becker RC, Budaj A, et al; for
No. at Risk the PLATO Investigators: Ticagrelor versus clopi-
dogrel in patients with acute coronary syndromes.
Ticagrelor 9,333 8,628 8,460 8,219 6,743 5,161 4,147
N Engl J Med 361:10451057, 2009, with permis-
Clopidogrel 9,291 8,521 8,362 8,124 6,650 5,096 4,047 sion.]
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FIGURE 38.8. Meta-analysis of 12 trials, 6 of which evaluated patients with UA/NSTEMI, which com-
pared UFH with enoxaparin. Data from more than 49,000 patients demonstrated that enoxaparin was
associated with a lower incidence of death of nonfatal MI. CI, confidence interval; ENOX, enoxaparin;
OR, odds ratio; UFH, unfractionated heparin. [From Murphy SA, Gibson CM, Morrow DA, et al: Effi-
cacy and safety of the low-molecular weight heparin enoxaparin compared with unfractionated heparin
across the acute coronary syndrome spectrum: a meta-analysis. Eur Heart J 28:20772086, 2007, with
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The efficacy of the GP IIb/IIIa inhibitors in the treatment Later studies did not yield the same results. The GUSTO-IV
of NSTEMIs has been demonstrated in several studies. In the ACS trial failed to show a benefit of abciximab when given
PRISM-PLUS trial involving 1,915 patients with UA/NSTEMI, upstream of PCI [160]. In addition, the ACUITY-Timing study
tirofiban plus heparin and aspirin led to a significantly lower found that early administration of GP IIb/IIIa inhibitors did
rate of death, MI, or refractory ischemia at 7 days than did not reduce recurrent ischemia when compared to selective ad-
placebo (i.e., heparin plus aspirin) (12.9% vs. 17.9%, a 32% ministration of the medication in the catheterization laboratory
risk reduction; p = 0.004). These results were borne out at 30 during PCI (7.1% vs. 7.9%; p = 0.44), although bleeding was
days as well [49]. (Death or MI was reduced by 30%, from significantly increased with upstream administration (6.1% vs.
11.9% to 8.7%; p = 0.03.) In the PURSUIT (Platelet Glyco- 4.9%; p < 0.001) [161]. More recently, the EARLY ACS (Early
protein IIb/IIIa in Unstable Angina: Receptor Suppression us- Glycoprotein IIb/IIIa Inhibition in Non-ST-Segment Elevation
ing Integrillin Therapy) trial, which involved 10,948 patients, Acute Coronary Syndrome) trial evaluated the use of routine
eptifibatide reduced the rate of death or MI at 30 days by a use of upstream GP IIb/IIIa inhibitor eptifibatide versus delayed
relative 10% (from 15.7% to 14.2%; p = 0.042). A greater provisional use of the medication at the time of PCI [162]. In
benefit was observed in patients who were treated with an early this trial, more than 9,000 patients with UA/NSTEMI, who
invasive strategy with early PCI plus eptifibatide (31% reduc- were planned for an early invasive strategy with early PCI, were
tion in death or MI at 30 days; 16.7% vs. 11.6%; p = 0.01), assigned to either receive upstream eptifibatide for the 12+
whereas the relative benefit was less (7% reduction; p = 0.23) hours prior to catheterization or to the provisional use of epti-
in those treated conservatively with delayed PCI or CABG as fibatide after angiography. There was no significant difference
needed [71]. The benefit of GP IIb/IIIa inhibition appears to in the composite rate of death, MI, urgent revascularization, or
be restricted to troponin-positive patients (i.e., those patients thrombotic complication during PCI between the two groups.
with true NSTEMIs) as demonstrated in the ISAR-REACT 2 Although GP IIb/IIIa inhibitors may be efficacious in pre-
trial, which studied 2,022 patients and found that abciximab venting adverse cardiovascular events, there are serious side
reduced the risk of adverse cardiovascular events by 25% only effects associated with this class of drug. Several studies have
in patients with NSTEMIs being treated with PCI [96]. There demonstrated that the rate of major hemorrhage is slightly
was no difference in cardiovascular events in patients with UA higher for patients treated with GP IIb/IIIa inhibitors. In
and a normal troponin level. PRISM-PLUS, major bleeding occurred in 4% of patients
Although GP IIb/IIIa drugs certainly appear to be useful in treated with tirofiban plus heparin plus aspirin versus 3.0%
the management of patients with NSTEMIs, who are undergo- for heparin plus aspirin ( p = NS) [49]. For eptifibatide, the
ing PCI, the question remains as to what the optimal time for rates of severe or moderate bleeding with eptifibatide versus
administration of the drug is. Initial analyses of data suggested placebo were 12.8% and 9.9%, respectively ( p < 0.001) [71].
that perhaps early administration of a GP IIb/IIIa inhibitor was In EARLY ACS, patients who were given upstream eptifibatide
beneficial. A meta-analysis of three trials (PRISM-PLUS, PUR- had higher rates of nonlife-threatening bleeding (5.8% vs.
SUIT, and CAPTURE [c7E3 antiplatelet therapy in unstable 3.4%; p < 0.001) and more blood transfusions (8.6 vs. 6.7;
refractory angina]) involving 12,296 patients yielded a 34% p = 0.001) [162].
relative reduction in death or MI with the early use of the GP Thrombocytopenia is also more common with GP IIb/IIIa
IIb/IIIa antagonists, although the absolute difference in event inhibitors. For tirofiban in PRISM-PLUS, the rate of severe
rates was small (3.8% vs. 2.5%; p = 0.001) [158]. As was ex- thrombocytopenia (<50,000 cells per mm3 ) was 0.5%, ver-
pected, an even greater benefit was seen when the agents were sus 0.3% for heparin ( p = 0.44). The latter event is associated
continued during PCI (8.0% vs. 4.9%; p = 0.001). These find- with increased bleeding and in a smaller proportion of patients,
ings were confirmed, although less robustly, in a more recent recurrent thrombotic events [163,164]. This syndrome bears
meta-analysis involving six trials, which again found that the resemblance to heparin-induced thrombocytopenia and indi-
use of GP IIb/III antagonists resulted in a 9% relative reduction cates a need to monitor platelet count daily during the GP
in death or MI when compared to placebo [159] (Fig. 38.9). IIb/IIIa infusion.
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Despite the risks associated with the GP IIb/IIIa inhibitors, events [187189]. Some meta-analyses have found no benefi-
the current ACC/AHA guidelines support the use of GP IIb/IIIa cial effect in reducing mortality or subsequent infarction with
inhibitors during PCI in patients with UA/NSTEMI [67]. Nev- calcium channel blockers [171,190,191]. Furthermore, in pa-
ertheless, the use of a GP IIb/IIIa inhibitor upstream of planned tients with acute MI with significant LV dysfunction or heart
PCI for UA/NSTEMI is now in question and further studies are failure, a harmful effect has been observed with the administra-
needed to see if particular subgroups benefit from upstream tion of certain calcium channel blockers [192]. Nifedipine has
administration of this medication. When GP IIb/IIIa inhibitors been shown to be harmful in patients with acute MI when not
are used either during PCI or with conservative management coadministered with a beta-blocker in the trial of Early Nifedip-
of UA/NSTEMI, the benefit does appear to be greatest in pa- ine Treatment in Acute Myocardial Infarction [193,194]. Thus,
tients at higher risk (i.e., those who have a positive troponin the current guidelines recommend that calcium channel block-
at baseline [96,98100,165], those with diabetes [166], those ers be used only in patients with preserved LV function and
with recurrent angina, or those with prior aspirin use [167]). without heart failure, and then only if needed for recurrent
ischemia despite beta-blockade or for patients in whom beta-
blockade is contraindicated [67].
Anti-Ischemic Therapy
Nitrates Although the exact mechanism of its antianginal effects is un-
Nitrates are very useful in the acute management of ischemia known, ranolazine has been shown to partially inhibit fatty
and should be given sublingually if the patient is experiencing acid oxidation and may improve the efficiency of oxygen uti-
ischemic pain. Nitrates are provided for symptom relief and do lization in the myocyte. In the Combination Assessment of Ra-
not impart a mortality benefit. Both the Gruppo Italiano per nolazine in Stable Angina (CARISA) trial, researchers found
lo Studio della Sopravvivenza nellInfarto miocardico 3 and that patients with stable angina, who were treated with ra-
International Study of Infarct Survival (ISIS) 4 trials failed to nolazine in addition to beta-blockers or calcium channel block-
demonstrate a survival benefit with nitrates in patients with ers, had fewer episodes of angina (one episode less per week
suspected ACS, either in the overall population of subjects or than placebo; p < 0.02) and showed increased exercise capac-
in the subgroup of patients with NSTEMI [168,169]. If pain ity (115.6 seconds vs. 91.7 seconds; p = 0.01) [195]. Similar
persists after three sublingual tablets and initiation of beta- results reflecting the anti-anginal effects of ranolazine in pa-
blockade, intravenous nitroglycerin is recommended [67]. Be- tients with chronic stable angina were demonstrated in the
cause the goal of nitrate therapy is relief of pain, nitrates can MARISA (Monotherapy Assessment of Ranolazine in Sta-
frequently be tapered off during hospitalization. ble Angina) trial [196]. The Metabolic Efficiency with Ra-
nolazine for Less Ischemia in Non-ST Elevation Acute Coro-
Beta-Blockers nary Syndrome (MERLIN)-TIMI 36 trial expanded the use of
Several placebo-controlled trials in UA/NSTEMI have shown ranolazine to the NSTEMI population by evaluating 6,560 pa-
benefit of beta-blockers in reducing subsequent MI, recurrent tients with NSTEMIs, 3,279 of whom were randomized to
ischemia, or both [170174]. Early intravenous beta-blockade receive ranolazine and 3,281 of whom received placebo. Al-
appears to provide early benefits in UA/NSTEMI [175]. In though there was no difference in the primary end point (a
early studies performed in the prethrombolytic era that in- composite of cardiovascular death, MI, or recurrent ischemia)
cluded patients with ST-segment elevation MI and NSTEMI, between the two groups (21.8% vs. 23.5%; p = 0.11), there
beta-blockers were shown to reduce infarct size, reinfarction, was a significant reduction in the rates of recurrent ischemia
and mortality [176179]. This beneficial effect of beta-blockers with ranolazine (13.9% vs. 16.1%; p = 0.03) [197]. Follow-up
(intravenous followed by oral) has also been seen in subgroup analyses of the MERLIN-TIMI 36 trial confirmed the results of
analyses of patients with NSTEMI [179181]. the CARISA and MARISA trials and demonstrated that anginal
Beta-blockers are recommended for patients with UA/ symptoms were improved with ranolazine (HR 0.77; 95% CI
NSTEMI who do not have contraindications to their use 0.59 to 1.00; p = 0.048) [198]. Hence, ranolazine remains an
(bradycardia, advanced atrioventricular block, persistent hy- attractive addition to beta-blockers and nitrates for treatment
potension, pulmonary edema, and history of bronchospasm). of chronic, severe angina.
If ischemia and chest pain are ongoing, early intravenous beta-
blockade should be used, followed by oral beta-blockade. It Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme Inhibitors
should be noted that a reduced ejection fraction is no longer a Angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors have been
contradiction to beta-blockade, and indeed, such patients may shown to be beneficial in patients after MI, who have either LV
derive added benefit given the salutary effects seen with long- systolic dysfunction (ejection fraction <40%) [199] or heart
term beta-blockade in patients with heart failure [182184]. failure [200]. The Gruppo Italiano per lo Studio della So-
However, beta-blockers should not be initiated in patients with pravvienza nellInfarto miocardico-3, ISIS-4, and Chinese trials
evidence of decompensated heart failure until they have become showed a 0.5% absolute mortality benefit of early (initiated
hemodynamically stable [185]. within 24 hours) ACE inhibition in patients with acute MI
[168,169]. However, in the ISIS-4 study, no benefit was ob-
Calcium Channel Blockers served in patients without ST-segment elevation. Thus, early
Calcium channel blockers may be used in patients who have routine ACE inhibition does not appear to confer survival ben-
persistent or recurrent symptoms, but they are currently recom- efit for patients with UA or NSTEMI.
mended only after nitrates and beta-blockade have been initi- On the other hand, long-term use of ACE inhibition is appli-
ated [67]. In patients with contraindications to beta-blockade, cable to several groups of patients with cardiovascular disease,
improved heart rate control can be accomplished with some including those with LV systolic dysfunction [199]. Data based
calcium channel blockers (e.g., diltiazem or verapamil). The on evidence from the Heart Outcomes Prevention Evaluation
Diltiazem Reinfarction Study, which involved 576 patients with trial suggests that ACE inhibition prevents recurrent cardio-
nonQ-wave MI, showed that diltiazem reduced the rate of re- vascular events in patients with prior MI, peripheral arterial
current MI from 9.3% with placebo to 5.2% with diltiazem disease, or diabetes, even if ventricular function is preserved
[186]. Furthermore, some studies have suggested that the use [201]. Similar results were also seen in the European Trial on
of amlodipine in stable patients with high-risk cardiovascu- Reduction of Cardiac Events with Perindopril in Stable Coro-
lar features can decrease the incidence of major cardiovascular nary Artery Disease (EUROPA) trial [202]. However, a third
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trial, the Prevention of Events with Angiotensin Converting En- An early benefit on overall clinical outcome has been
zyme [ACE] inhibitor (PEACE) trial, did not show any benefit found in the Myocardial Ischemia Reduction with Aggressive
with routine use of trandolapril in this population of patients, Cholesterol Lowering (MIRACL) trial. In 3,086 patients with
perhaps because the patients in this study were relatively low UA/NSTEMI, atorvastatin 80 mg as compared to placebo was
risk and had been treated with more intensive statin therapy found to reduce the rate of the composite end point of death,
and more frequent coronary revascularization [203]. MI, cardiac resuscitation, and angina, leading to rehospitaliza-
tion by 4 months [210]. Further analysis demonstrated that this
Angiotensin Receptor Blockers difference was mostly due to a reduction in the rate of rehospi-
Angiotensin receptor blockers (ARBs) provide an alternative to talization for angina. In the Pravastatin or Atorvastatin Evalu-
ACE inhibitors, and may block the reninangiotensin system ation and Infection Therapy (PROVE-IT) TIMI 22 trial, inten-
more completely than ACE inhibitors, because angiotensin II sive lipid-lowering therapy with atorvastatin 80 mg resulted in
can be generated via pathways that are independent of ACE a 16% reduction in the primary end point and a 25% reduc-
[204]. The Valsartan in Acute Myocardial Infarction Trial tion in death, MI, or urgent revascularization, when compared
(VALIANT) was one of the first trials to directly compare with only moderate lipid-lowering therapy with pravastatin
ARBs and ACE inhibitors. In this study, about 15,000 pa- 40 mg [211]. The benefits emerged after only 30 days post-ACS
tients with a history of MI that was complicated by heart fail- [212], highlighting the importance of early initiation of inten-
ure were randomized to receive either an ARB (valsartan), an sive statin therapy post-ACS. When comparing the two arms
ACE inhibitor (captopril), or a combination of the two drugs of this study, it was noted that there was a significant difference
[205]. Valsartan was found to be noninferior to captopril at in the LDLs achieved in each group. The average LDL achieved
2 years with regard to mortality ( p = 0.004) and with regard was 62 mg per dL in the atorvastatin 80 mg group and 95 mg
to recurrent cardiovascular events ( p < 0.001). The VALIANT per dL in the pravastatin 40 mg group. Based in part on these
trial was subsequently followed by the On-going Telmisartan results, the adult treatment panel III of the National Choles-
Alone and In Combination with Ramipril Global Endpoint terol Education Program issued an update in which they recom-
Trial (ON-TARGET), which randomized patients with known mended a new optional very low LDL goal of less than 70 mg
vascular disease or diabetes to receive either telmisartan, an per dL in patients with high-risk coronary heart disease [213].
ARB, or ramipril, an ACE inhibitor, or both drugs together
[206]. Again, the ARB was shown to be noninferior to the
ACE inhibitor with similar rates of death, MI, stroke, or hos- TREATMENT STRATEGIES AND
pitalization for heart failure at 56 months (16.5% vs. 16.7%;
RR 1.01; 95% CI 0.94 to 1.09). Furthermore, patients who
received telmisartan had less complaints of cough (1.1% vs.
4.2%; p < 0.001) when compared to those receiving the ACE Early Invasive Versus Ischemia-Guided
inhibitor. Hence, ARBs remain effective alternatives to ACE Strategy of Revascularization
inhibitors and may even be better tolerated.
Two general approaches to the use of coronary angiography
Lipid-Lowering Therapy
and revascularization in UA/NSTEMI exist. The first is an
Long-term treatment with lipid-lowering therapy with statins early invasive strategy, involving routine angiography and
has been shown to be beneficial in patients with a prior his- revascularization with PCI or bypass surgery as appropriate.
tory of either MI or UA [207209]. In individuals with UA in The other is a more conservative approach with initial medical
the Long-term Intervention with Pravastatin in Ischemic Dis- management with angiography and revascularization only for
ease Trial, pravastatin led to a 26% reduction in mortality recurrent ischemia, which could be termed an ischemia-guided
( p = 0.004), as well as significant reductions in subsequent MI, strategy. Eight randomized trials have assessed these two gen-
coronary revascularization, and stroke [209]. eral strategies [48,66,73,74,84,117,214] (Fig. 38.10).
FIGURE 38.10. Meta-analysis of the benefit of a routine invasive versus selective invasive (i.e., con-
servative) strategy for patients with unstable angina or NSTEMI. ACS, acute coronary syndrome. Rate
of death or MI or rehospitalization with ACS through follow-up. [From ODonoghue M, Boden WE,
Braunwald E, et al: Early invasive vs conservative treatment strategies in women and men with unstable
angina and non-ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction: a meta-analysis. JAMA 300(1):7180, 2008,
with permission.]
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The initial trials showed no benefit with an early invasive a reduction in refractory angina. Interestingly by 5 years, there
strategy. Subsequently, the FRISC II trial was conducted after was a significantly lower cardiovascular mortality rate in the
coronary stenting had become available and found a significant early invasive arm [219].
benefit with an invasive strategy for the risk of death or MI The Invasive versus Conservative Treatment in Unstable
at 6 months (9.4% vs. 12.1%; p = 0.031) [215]. At 1 year, Coronary Syndromes (ICTUS) trial also examined an invasive
there was a significant reduction in mortality in the invasive versus conservative approach in 1,200 patients. All patients re-
versus conservative groups (2.2% vs. 3.9%, respectively; p = ceived aspirin, enoxaparin, and abciximab at the time of PCI.
0.016) and in death or MI (10.4% vs. 14.1%, respectively; At 1 year, there was no significant difference in the rate of the
p = 0.005) [215]. Additional analyses showed greater benefit composite primary end point of death, MI, or rehospitaliza-
with the invasive strategy in higher risk groups identified by tion for angina [220]. In fact, during the index hospitalization,
ST-segment depression on the admission ECG or troponin T there was a higher rate of MI in the invasive arm. In contrast,
greater than or equal to 0.01 ng per dL [216,217]. the risk of spontaneous MI tended to be lower (RR 0.80, 95%
Subsequently, the TACTICS-TIMI 18 trial, wherein all pa- CI 0.46 to 1.34), and the risk of rehospitalization for angina
tients were treated with an upstream GP IIb/IIIa inhibitor, was significantly lower in the invasive arm (RR 0.68, 95% CI
found a significant reduction in death, MI, or rehospitalization 0.47 to 0.98).
for an ACS at 6 months with use of the early invasive strategy Most recently, the TIMACS trial tackled the question of
(from 19.4% in the conservative group to 15.9% in the early timing of an invasive management strategy in 3,031 patients
invasive strategyOR, 0:78; p = 0.025) [84]. Similarly, death presenting with UA/NSTEMI. Patients were randomized to un-
or nonfatal MI was significantly reduced at 30 days (7.0% to dergo either early angiography within the first 24 hours of
4.7%, respectively; p = 0.02) and at 6 months ( p = 0.0498). randomization or delayed angiography anytime after 36 hours
These effects were most magnified in patients with ST-segment after randomization. Similar to the ICTUS trial, at 6 months,
changes, in those with positive troponin values compared with there was no significant difference in the rate of the composite
negative values, and in those with intermediate or high TIMI primary end point of death, MI, or stroke [117]. Nevertheless,
risk scores. In patients with a troponin I of greater than or equal subgroup analyses demonstrated that patients considered high
to 0.1 ng per mL, there was a relative 39% risk reduction in the risk did benefit from early invasive therapy with a significant
primary end point with the invasive versus conservative strat- reduction in the primary outcome of 13.9% versus 21% in the
egy ( p < 0.001), whereas patients with a negative troponin had delayed intervention group (HR 0.65; 95% CI 0.48 to 0.89;
similar outcomes with either strategy [91]. Using the TIMI risk p = 0.006). Furthermore, for patients of all risk groups, the
score, there was significant benefit of the early invasive strategy secondary outcome of death, MI, and refractory ischemia was
in intermediate- (score 3 to 4) and high-risk patients (5 to 7), significantly reduced in the early invasive group (9.5%) as op-
whereas low-risk (0 to 2) patients had similar outcomes when posed to the delayed intervention group (12.9%) (HR 0.72;
managed with either strategy [84]. 95% CI 0.58 to 0.89; p = 0.003).
Randomized Intervention Treatment of Angina (RITA) 3 Using the available data, an early invasive strategy is likely
tested an early invasive versus conservative approach in 1,810 superior to a conservative strategy in reducing cardiac events,
patients with UA/NSTEMI, all of whom were managed with in particular spontaneous MI after hospital discharge and re-
enoxaparin [218]. An invasive strategy again proved superior, fractory ischemia. This benefit appears greatest in patients at
although the 34% reduction in the primary end point of death, intermediate or high risk (especially those with positive tro-
MI, or refractory angina at 4 months was driven primarily by ponin). In contrast, lower risk patients have similar outcomes
Noncardiac Stable Unstable ST
Chest Pain Angina Angina Elevation MI
ST-T wave
EKG Negative ST Elevation
Risk Assessment Low Risk Medium/High Risk STEMI
Aspirin; Clopidogrel/Prasugrel;
FIGURE 38.11. Algorithm for risk strat-
Diagnostic Rule Thrombolysis ification and treatment of patients with
UFH/LMWH; Anti-ischemic Primary PCI
out MI/ACS therapy; UA/NSTEMI. ACS, acute coronary syn-
Pathway Positive Early conservative Rx drome; DM, diabetes mellitus, ECG, electro-
cardiogram; LMWH, low-molecular-weight
Negative Aspirin; Clopidogrel/Prasugrel; GP heparin; MI, myocardial infarction, Rx,
IIb/IIIa Inhibitor; UFH/LMWH/ treatment, STEMI, ST-segment elevation my-
Bivalirudin; Anti-ischemic Therapy ocardial infarction; UFH, unfractionated
Discharge Early invasive Rx heparin.
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Advances in the prevention, diagnosis, and management of pa- not associated with critical narrowing of the arterial lumen.
tients with acute ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction Molecular factors that regulate synthesis and dissolution of
(STEMI) have led to a reduction in mortality from this condi- the extracellular matrix appear to modulate integrity of the
tion over the past few decades [1]. Rapid delivery of reperfusion protective fibrous cap. In unstable atherosclerotic lesions, in-
therapy remains the cornerstone of management of STEMI. In flammatory cells accumulate at the shoulder region of the
recent years, substantial improvements in adjunctive therapies plaque and release cytokines that degrade extracellular matrix
and processes of care delivery have been made, and these are and weaken the fibrous cap at this critical site [2].
expected to contribute to continued improvement in outcomes Following plaque rupture, platelets adhere to subendothe-
following STEMI. lial collagen, von Willebrand factor, or fibrinogen, and become
activated by various local mediators such as adenosine diphos-
phate (ADP), collagen, and thrombin. Activated platelets un-
PATHOPHYSIOLOGY dergo a conformational change and secrete the contents of
their -granules, promoting vasoconstriction and clot retrac-
The initial pathophysiologic event leading to STEMI is rupture tion. Activated platelets also express glycoprotein (GP) IIb/IIIa
or erosion of a lipid-rich atherosclerotic plaque. The atheroscle- receptors in increased number and with greater binding affin-
rotic plaque vulnerable to rupture tends to have a dense ity; fibrinogen-mediated cross-linking at this critical receptor
lipid-rich core and a thin protective fibrous cap, and is often leads to platelet aggregation. On the phospholipid surface of
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TA B L E 3 9 . 1
CT, computed tomography; CHF, congestive heart failure; LBBB, left bundle branch block; MRI, magnetic resonance imaging.
the platelet membrane prothrombin is converted to thrombin, in 25% or more cases. Characterization of the quality of the
catalyzing the conversion of fibrinogen to fibrin [3]. pain may help to distinguish MI from other conditions that
The distinguishing feature of the plateletfibrin clot in cause chest discomfort, such as aortic dissection, pulmonary
STEMI is that it completely occludes the epicardial coronary embolism, pericarditis, and gastrointestinal (GI) disorders such
artery, leading to transmural myocardial injury, manifested by as cholecystitis and peptic ulcer (Table 39.1).
ST-segment elevation on the electrocardiogram (ECG). Despite Patients with acute MI often appear pale and clammy; in
similar initial pathophysiologic features, unstable angina and many cases, they are in obvious distress. Elderly patients, in
non-STEMI (NSTEMI) are rarely associated with complete oc- particular, may be agitated and incoherent. In contrast, pa-
clusion of the culprit coronary artery and do not benefit from tients with cardiogenic shock may be confused and listless. The
fibrinolytic therapy. The distinction between Q-wave and non objective of the initial examination should be to rapidly nar-
Q wave MI can only be made retrospectively, and is not use- row the differential diagnosis and assess the stability of the
ful for early patient management. Accordingly, this terminol- patient. A focused examination can help to differentiate is-
ogy has been superseded by the terms STEMI and NSTEMI. chemia from conditions such as pneumothorax, pericarditis,
Without reperfusion therapy, most patients with STEMI suffer aortic dissection, and cholecystitis (Table 39.1). Concomitant
transmural infarction and evolve Q-waves over the first few conditions, such as valvular heart disease, peripheral vascular
days after MI. Successful reperfusion therapy, however, may disease, and cerebrovascular disease, may complicate patient
limit necrosis to the subendocardial regions and prevent devel- management and can be rapidly detected by physical examina-
opment of Q-waves. tion. A brief survey for signs of congestive heart failure should
be performed. Cool extremities or impaired mental status sug-
gests decreased tissue perfusion, whereas elevated jugular ve-
DIAGNOSIS AND RISK nous pressure and rales suggest elevated cardiac filling pres-
sures. Finally, the hemodynamic and mechanical complications
ASSESSMENT of acute MI can often be detected by careful attention to phys-
ical findings.
History and Physical Examination An increasingly recognized syndrome that may mimic acute
MI is Tako-Tsubo cardiomyopathy, or the apical balloon-
The pain of acute MI is qualitatively similar to angina and is ing syndrome. This syndrome, more common among elderly
classically described as a severe pressure-type pain in the mid- women, is typically precipitated by an acute stress, includ-
sternum, often radiating to the left arm, neck, or jaw. Asso- ing severe emotional distress or acute noncardiac medical
ciated symptoms include dyspnea, diaphoresis, nausea, vom- illness. Chest pain associated with anteroapical ST-segment ele-
iting, and weakness. In the elderly and those with diabetes, vation and T-wave inversions is usually indistinguishable from
pain is often atypical, and may not be present at all [4]. Not an evolving anterior infarct. The diagnosis is typically made
uncommonly, inferior STEMI presents with nausea and vagal when normal coronary arteries and the distinctive anteroapi-
symptoms rather than chest pain. Silent infarction may occur cal wall motion abnormality (Fig. 39.1) are seen at the time of
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FIGURE 39.1. Representative contrast ventriculogram from a patient with Tako-Tsubo cardiomyopathy,
demonstrating an anteroapical wall motion abnormality. The ventriculogram in Panel A was obtained at
end diastole and in Panel B at end systole. [From the Libyan J Med, AOP: 070707, published July 19,
emergent cardiac catheterization. In contrast to acute MI, car- to hospital arrival has provided an opportunity for a major
diac enzymes usually elevate only modestly and the left ven- enhancement in systems for STEMI care.
tricular (LV) functional abnormalities tend to be transient. The ST-segment elevation of acute MI must be distinguished
The pathophysiology of this syndrome is thought to be due from that due to pericarditis or even the normal early repolar-
to catecholamine-mediated myocardial stunning. ization variant. Ischemic ST-segment elevation typically has a
convex configuration, is limited to selected ECG leads, and is
often associated with reciprocal ST-segment depression (Fig.
Electrocardiogram 39.2). Pericarditis, on the other hand, is typically associated
with diffuse ST-segment elevation and depression of the PR
Performance of the 12-lead ECG in the prehospital setting sig- segment (Fig. 39.3). The contour of the elevated ST segment in
nificantly reduces time to reperfusion and shows a strong trend pericarditis and early repolarization variant is typically concave
toward reducing mortality [5]. Because only about 25% of pa- (upward sloping), in contrast to that seen with myocardial in-
tients with STEMI transported by emergency medical services jury. Reversible ischemic ST-segment elevation is also seen with
in the United States receive a prehospital ECG, this represents coronary vasospasm (Prinzmetals variant angina).
an important target for improvement [5]. The ability to trans- A new (or presumed new) left bundle branch block (LBBB)
mit the 12-lead ECG and activate a STEMI care team prior in a patient with ischemic chest discomfort suggests a large
I aVR V1 V4
II aVL V2 V5
FIGURE 39.3. ECG changes characteristic of pericarditis. Concave (upsloping) ST-segment elevation is
seen diffusely, together with PR-segment depression. Importantly, T-waves are essentially normal, another
distinguishing feature from ST elevation MI.
anterior infarction, and is also an indication for reperfusion actually increase, with an earlier peak and more rapid fall in
therapy. A LBBB of unknown age, however, presents a biomarker levels.
diagnostic dilemma, because many of these patients do not Information from the patients clinical presentation and
have ongoing transmural myocardial ischemia. Here, emer- physical examination are also very valuable for assessing the
gent echocardiography (to look for an anterior wall motion patients prognosis. Evidence for heart failure or hemodynamic
abnormality); bedside testing of serum cardiac markers, such stress at the time of presentation is weighted heavily in this as-
as myoglobin, CKMB, or troponin; and even emergent cardiac sessment. For example, it is possible to use the patients age
catheterization should be considered. It should be emphasized and vital signs at presentation to rapidly and accurately obtain
that an acute STEMI leading to LBBB requires a very large a preliminary estimate of short-term survival [11]. Anterior in-
ischemic territory, and would not be expected to be a subtle farct location, delays to therapy, and information regarding
clinical event. In patients with a preexisting LBBB, no ECG cri- medical comorbidity all offer additional prognostic informa-
teria are sufficiently sensitive and specific to diagnose acute MI tion [12]. As such, several tools that integrate age, the physical
[6], so alternative methods are needed to make the diagnosis. examination, the ECG, and other clinical parameters such as
serum creatinine provide very strong discrimination of short-
and long-term mortality risk, and may be implemented using
either simple bedside calculation [12,13], handheld devices, or
Cardiac Biomarkers and Other web-based tools [14,15] (Fig. 39.4).
Tools for Risk Assessment
Cardiac biomarkers of necrosis are considerably more impor-
tant in the initial diagnosis of NSTEMI than they are in the REPERFUSION THERAPY
diagnosis of STEMI. For patients with STEMI, cardiac marker
Rapid provision of reperfusion therapy is the primary treat-
measurements are used to confirm the diagnosis in patients with
ment objective in patients presenting with STEMI. The man-
equivocal electrocardiographic changes, to help gauge prog-
aging clinician may choose between two principal reperfusion
nosis, and to estimate the likelihood of successful reperfusion
strategies: pharmacologic reperfusion versus primary percuta-
therapy. Cardiac markers also provide prognostic information.
neous coronary intervention (PCI). This decision may be based
Patients with an elevated myoglobin, troponin, or B-type na-
on institutional resources, as well as patient factors as discussed
triuretic peptide level prior to initiation of reperfusion therapy
in this section.
are at higher risk for death and congestive heart failure (CHF),
even after accounting for baseline variables such as infarct lo-
cation and time to treatment [79]. When combined with sub-
sequent measures of the efficacy of reperfusion therapy, such The Evolving Definition
as the degree of ST-segment resolution, an accurate assessment of Optimal Reperfusion
of prognosis can be made [8]. Although the rate of rise of car-
diac biomarkers (particularly myoglobin) can be used to help Early successful coronary reperfusion limits infarct size and
determine which patients have had successful or unsuccessful improves LV dysfunction and survival. These benefits are due
reperfusion [10], the clinical role of biomarker testing for reper- at least in part to the early restoration of antegrade flow in the
fusion assessment is limited. The peak levels of troponin, CK, infarct-related artery (IRA). In a retrospective analysis of six
or CKMB provide a crude estimation of infarct size. It should angiographic trials of different fibrinolytic regimens, patients
be noted that with successful reperfusion, although the total who achieved normal (TIMI grade 3) antegrade flow in the IRA
amount of biomarker released is reduced, the peak value may had a 30-day mortality rate of 3.6%, versus 6.6% in patients
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Age 65-74 / 75 2 / 3 points
DM/HTN or angina 1 point FIGURE 39.4. TIMI risk score for STEMI: a sim-
50 SBP <100 mm Hg 3 points ple, bedside, clinical tool for predicting 30-day mor-
HR >100 bpm 2 points tality. At the high end, a score of more than 5 iden-
Killip II -IV 2 points tified 12% of patients with a mortality risk at least
Weight <67 kg 1 point twofold higher than the mean for the population.
Mortality (%)
Anterior STE or LBBB 1 point In contrast, the 12% of patients with a risk score
Time to Rx > 4 h 1 point 32.0 of zero had a mortality rate of less than 1%. Dis-
30 criminating among the lower risk groups, nearly
Risk Score = Total (0-14 points)
24.0 two-thirds of the population had risk scores of 0
21.0 to 3 with a 5.3-fold gradient in mortality over
20 this range where smaller differences in absolute risk
15.0 may have clinical impact. h/o, history of; HTN, hy-
12.0 pertension; LBBB, left bundle branch block; STE,
10 6.5 ST-segment elevation; TIMI, Thrombosis in Myocar-
3.9 dial Infarction. [Adapted from Morrow DA, Antman
0.7 1.3 1.9 EM, Charlesworth A, et al: TIMI risk score for
0 ST-elevation myocardial infarction: a convenient,
bedside, clinical score for risk assessment at presen-
Risk Score: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 >8 tation: an intravenous nPA for treatment of infarct-
ing myocardium early II trial substudy. Circulation
% at risk: 12 22 16 16 14 9 6 3 2 1 102(17):20312037, 2000.]
with slow (TIMI grade 2) antegrade flow, and 9.5% in patients assessed with cardiac magnetic resonance imaging also corre-
with an occluded artery (TIMI grade 0 or 1 flow) [16]. lates with higher mortality risk. Microvascular dysfunction is
Even among patients who achieve normal (TIMI grade 3) thought to occur in the setting of MI as a result of distal em-
epicardial blood flow in the IRA after reperfusion therapy, how- bolization of microthrombi, tissue inflammation from myocyte
ever, tissue-level perfusion may be inadequate. Using a number necrosis, and arteriolar spasm caused by tissue injury.
of different diagnostic tools (Table 39.2), investigators have Perhaps the most clinically relevant measure of tissue perfu-
demonstrated that measures of tissue and microvascular per- sion is a simple bedside assessment of the degree of resolution
fusion provide prognostic information that is independent of of ST-segment elevation on the 12-lead ECG. Greater degrees
TIMI flow grade [17] (Fig. 39.5). For example, Ito and col- of ST-segment resolution are associated with a higher proba-
leagues, using myocardial contrast echocardiography, found bility of achieving a patent IRA and TIMI grade 3 flow [19].
impaired tissue and microvascular perfusion in approximately Furthermore, patients who have normal epicardial blood flow,
one-third of patients with TIMI grade 3 blood flow after pri- but persistence of ST-segment elevation on the 12-lead ECG,
mary PCI: these patients were at increased risk for the develop- have been shown to have abnormal tissue and microvascular
ment of CHF and death [18]. Impaired microvascular perfusion perfusion using a variety of specific imaging modalities such
as contrast echocardiography and nuclear SPECT perfusion
imaging [20,21]. In addition, persistent ST-segment elevation
TA B L E 3 9 . 2 has been shown to predict poor recovery of infarct zone wall
motion and the clinical endpoints of death and heart failure
DIAGNOSTIC TOOLS USED TO EVALUATE TISSUE [22]. As a result, ST-segment resolution appears to integrate
AND MICROVASCULAR PERFUSION IN PATIENTS epicardial and myocardial (microvascular) reperfusion, and as
WITH ST ELEVATION MIa such may actually provide a more clinically useful assessment
of reperfusion than coronary angiography [23].
Finding suggestive of
Technique microvascular injury
8 p = 0.05 7.0%
Mortality (%)
1 FIGURE 39.5. Relationship between
n = 487 n = 328 epicardial perfusion, myocardial per-
fusion, and mortality after fibrinolytic
Epicardial TIMI Grade 3 Flow Epicardial TIMI Grade 2 / 1 / 0 Flow therapy in the TIMI 10B trial. Myocar-
dial perfusion was assessed using the
9 5 way p = 0.007 TIMI Myocardial Perfusion Grade,
8 7.5% which assesses the degree of microvas-
Mortality (%)
Placebo-controlled trials using streptokinase, anistreplase efficacy and bleeding risk to accelerated tPA in the GUSTO III
(APSAC), and tissue plasminogen activator (tPA) established a trial [26]. In the ASSENT II trial, tenecteplase (TNK-tPA)a
clear benefit of fibrinolytic therapy for patients with STEMI. single-bolus agentwas shown to be equivalent to tPA in terms
The Fibrinolytic Therapy Trialists overview of all the large of mortality and intracranial hemorrhage (ICH), but was asso-
placebo-controlled studies reported a 2.6% absolute reduction ciated with a lower rate of noncerebral bleeding complications
in mortality for patients with STEMI treated within the first 12 [27]. The safety advantage of this agent may be due to its in-
hours after the onset of symptoms [24]. This benefit has been creased fibrin specificity and the fact that the dose is adjusted
shown to persist through 10 years of follow-up. Highlights of for body weight.
differences in dosing, pharmacokinetics, recanalization rates, Although the bolus fibrinolytic agents have not been demon-
and cost between agents are shown in Table 39.3. strated in placebo-controlled trials to reduce mortality or ICH,
Several mutant forms of tPA have been developed that have they are easier to use and have largely replaced tPA for this
a prolonged half-life (to allow bolus administration), as well reason in the United States. Tenecteplase appears to offer a
as increased fibrin specificity and resistance to endogenous in- modest advantage in safety over other agents. Readministra-
hibitors of plasminogen, such as PAI-1. Bolus administration tion of streptokinase or anistreplase should be avoided for at
may minimize the risk for dosing errors, decrease door to nee- least 4 years (preferably indefinitely) because potentially neu-
dle time, and allow for prehospital administration. Reteplase tralizing antibodies may develop and because anaphylaxis can
(rPA) is a double-bolus agent that was shown to have similar occur on reexposure to these drugs.
TA B L E 3 9 . 3
TA B L E 3 9 . 4
endpoint of death, reinfarction, stroke, or severe heart failure generally preferred for patients presenting within 12 hours of
at 6 months by 53%. Mortality was also reduced from 12.8% symptom onset unless contraindications are present [28].
in the conservative therapy arm to 6.2% in the rescue PCI arm. Advances in PCI technology have been rapidly translated
We recommend urgent catheterization and PCI for all patients from elective to emergent PCI. Compared with primary PTCA,
with persistent ST-segment elevation and ongoing chest pain primary stenting is associated with similar rates of death and
90 minutes after the administration of reperfusion therapy, un- reinfarction, but lower subsequent target vessel revasculariza-
less they are at particularly low risk for complications (i.e., tion rates [40,41]. Initial fears about stent thrombosis when
a young patient with an uncomplicated inferior MI). For pa- drug-eluting stents (DES) were placed in the setting of STEMI
tients who are pain free, but in whom the ST segments remain have not been realized, and recent studies demonstrate that the
elevated, urgent catheterization should also be strongly con- advantages of DES over bare metal stents (BMS) with regard
sidered, particularly if the patient has high-risk features, such to in-stent restenosis and target vessel revascularization extend
as older age, anterior location of infarction, diabetes, or prior to patients with STEMI [42,43]. One logistical issue merits
CAD. comment regarding stent choice. It may be difficult in the set-
ting of an evolving STEMI to determine whether a patient is a
good candidate for at least 1 year of uninterrupted aspirin and
thienopyridine therapy; a BMS would be preferred in situations
Primary Percutaneous where the clinician cannot make this determination.
Coronary Intervention Because of the large thrombus burden in STEMI, distal em-
bolization at the time of PCI is common and may cause ad-
In centers with adequate resources, experienced operators, and ditional tissue and microvascular injury. Strategies to prevent
an institutional commitment to programmatic excellence, im- distal embolization using embolic protection devices, which
mediate or primary PCI has become the preferred reperfu- are commonly used when PCI is performed in saphenous vein
sion method for patients with STEMI. Randomized trials per- grafts, cause delays in reperfusion and do not appear to im-
formed in both referral centers and experienced community prove outcomes when STEMI is due to native vessel obstruc-
hospitals have shown that primary PCI reduces the likelihood tion. In contrast, a simpler strategy of thrombus extraction
of death or MI when compared to fibrinolytic therapy [38]. has yielded very promising results. In a randomized trial of
Moreover, rates of major bleeding and stroke are also signifi- 1,071 patients with STEMI, manual thrombus aspiration be-
cantly lower with primary PCI than with fibrinolytic therapy fore PCI was demonstrated to improve TIMI myocardial perfu-
(Fig. 39.7). The relative benefits of primary PCI are greatest in sion grade and ST-segment resolution ( p < 0.001) [44], as well
patients at highest risk, including those with cardiogenic shock, as 1-year mortality (3.6% vs. 6.7%; p = 0.02) [45]. Aspiration
right ventricular infarction, large anterior MI, and increased thrombectomy is a reasonable option for patients undergoing
age (due partly to an increased ICH rate with fibrinolytic ther- primary PCI, particularly in patients with large thrombus bur-
apy). However, as with fibrinolytic therapy, rapid time to treat- den and shorter ischemic times [46].
ment is paramount to success [25]. In addition, while operator
and institutional experience are critical to realize the full ben-
efit of primary PCI, excellent results with primary PCI have
been demonstrated in well-trained community hospitals with- Performance Improvement Measures to
out on-site cardiac surgery [39]. Current ACC/AHA guidelines Improve Door-to-Balloon Times
recommend primary PCI over fibrinolytic therapy when it can
be performed by experienced operators in experienced centers Considerable attention has been focused on improving door-
within 90 minutes of presentation. When the door-to-balloon to-balloon times. A study by Bradley et al. [47] identified
time is expected to be longer than 90 minutes, fibrinolysis is key strategies that discriminated hospitals with shorter versus
longer door-to-balloon times (Table 39.5). Most of these strate-
gies have been adopted by the Door-to-Balloon (D2B) Alliance,
a quality improvement initiative aiming to achieve a door-to-
balloon time of 90 minutes or shorter for 75% or more of
nontransferred patients with STEMI [48].
TA B L E 3 9 . 5
FIGURE 39.9. An algorithm for triage and transfer for primary PCI among patients with ST elevation MI.
[Adapted from Kushner FG, Hand M, Smith SC Jr, et al: 2009 Focused Updates: ACC/AHA Guidelines
for the Management of Patients With ST-Elevation Myocardial Infarction (updating the 2004 Guideline
and 2007 Focused Update) and ACC/AHA/SCAI Guidelines on Percutaneous Coronary Intervention (up-
dating the 2005 Guideline and 2007 Focused Update): a report of the American College of Cardiology
Foundation/American Heart Association Task Force on Practice Guidelines. Circulation 120(22):2271
2306, 2009.]
was reduced from 17.2% in the standard treatment arm to initiated at an oral dose of 162 to 325 mg (preferably chewed)
11.0% in the early PCI arm (HR 0.64; p = 0.004). For pa- at the time the patient is first encountered by medical personnel
tients who present to hospitals without PCI capability and in in the field or emergency department. Following MI, lifelong
whom the door-to-balloon time is expected to be longer than therapy with aspirin is indicated to prevent recurrent cardiac
90 minutes, these data support a strategy of drip and ship, in events. Efficacy appears to be similar at all doses greater than
which standard pharmacologic reperfusion therapy is adminis- 75 mg, whereas bleeding risk clearly increases with higher as-
tered and the patient transferred for subsequent catheterization pirin dose. Thus, for most patients, an 81-mg dose of aspirin
and PCI. The timing of the catheterization and PCI remains is preferred for long-term secondary prevention [71].
controversial. Data from studies of facilitated PCI suggest that Clopidogrel is a thienopyridine derivative that inhibits the
very early PCI (i.e., within 2 hours) is not helpful and may be binding of ADP to the P2 Y12 receptor on the platelet surface,
harmful. However, the accumulated data described previously thereby decreasing platelet activation and aggregation. The
suggest favorable outcomes if the PCI is performed between 2 CLARITY trial compared clopidogrel (300-mg loading dose
and 24 hours after successful fibrinolytic therapy. An important followed by 75 mg per day) with placebo in 3,491 patients with
consideration may be the use of adequate anticoagulant and an- STEMI who were treated with standard pharmacologic reper-
tiplatelet therapy in the setting of the transient prothrombotic fusion including fibrinolytic therapy, aspirin, and heparin. The
state that may be initiated by the release of fibrin degradation primary composite endpoint of death, MI, or an occluded IRA
products during fibrinolysis. assessed at the time of protocol-mandated angiography (aver-
age 3 to 4 days) was reduced from 21.7% in the placebo arm
to 15.0% in the clopidogrel arm ( p < 0.001; Fig. 39.10). At 30
ADJUNCTIVE ANTIPLATELET AND days, the clinical composite of death, MI, or urgent revascular-
ization was reduced by 20% ( p = 0.03) [72]. The much larger
ANTITHROMBOTIC THERAPY COMMIT trial was performed in more than 45,000 patients
in China and was designed to evaluate the impact of adjunctive
Aspirin and Oral P2 Y12 Inhibitors clopidogrel (administered at 75 mg per day without a loading
dose) on death and major clinical events. Clopidogrel reduced
In patients with STEMI, aspirin decreases reocclusion and rein- death, reinfarction, or stroke by 9% and death alone by 7%,
farction rates by nearly 50% and mortality by approximately both of which were statistically significant [73]. In both these
25% [69]. The benefits of aspirin are comparable to those of trials, the combination of clopidogrel and aspirin showed no
fibrinolytic therapy, and when used together, aspirin and fibri- excess in bleeding compared to aspirin alone. Using the results
nolytic therapy provide additive benefit [70]. Aspirin should be of these two trials, clopidogrel should now routinely be added
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36% 21.7 Odds
Odds Ratio
Ratio 0.64
Occluded artery or death/MI (%)
Reduction (95%
(95% CI
15.0 p = 0.00000036
to standard fibrinolytic regimens in patients younger than 75 60 mg followed by 10 mg daily is an option for patients treated
years [28]. with primary PCI, who do not have a contraindication on the
For patients undergoing primary PCI, an oral P2 Y12 recep- basis of specific risks for increased bleeding (including history
tor antagonist should be administered in addition to aspirin: a of known cerebrovascular disease) [46]. The TRITON-TIMI
loading dose followed by a minimum of 12 months of mainte- 38 trial enrolled 13,608 patients with ACS who were sched-
nance therapy is recommended for patients with STEMI receiv- uled to undergo PCI. Patients were randomized to prasugrel
ing a stent (BMS or DES) [46]. Presently available alternatives (60-mg loading dose and then 10 mg per day) or clopidogrel
include clopidogrel and prasugrel, a novel thienopyridine. (300-mg loading dose and then 75 mg per day): both the drugs
If clopidogrel is used, a loading dose of 300 to 600 mg were initiated at the time of PCI with no pretreatment given. In
should be given as early as possible before or at the time of the subgroup of patients with STEMI (n = 3,534), the primary
PCI [46]. Recently, higher loading dosages of clopidogrel have efficacy endpoint of CV death, MI, and stroke at a median
been evaluated in the CURRENT/OASIS 7 trial, which com- of 14.5 months was reduced from 12.4% in the clopidogrel
pared high-dose (600-mg loading dose, 150 mg per day for arm to 10.0% in the prasugrel arm (HR 0.79; p = 0.02). Stent
7 days, and then 75 mg per day) with standard-dose (300-mg thrombosis occurred in 2.4% patients randomized to clopido-
loading dose and then 75 mg per day) clopidogrel among grel versus 1.2% randomized to prasugrel ( p = 0.008; Table
24,769 patients with ACS, 17,232 (70%) of whom underwent 39.6). Importantly, in the STEMI subgroup, no significant dif-
PCI. The overall result of the trial was neutral. However, in ferences were noted in non-CABG bleeding between treatment
the subgroup of patients who underwent PCI, the higher dose arms [75].
clopidogrel strategy was associated with a lower rate of the Although the absence of clopidogrel pretreatment in
primary endpoint of cardiovascular (CV) death, MI, or stroke TRITON-TIMI 38 has important implications regarding the
at 30 days (4.5% vs. 3.9%; HR 0.85; p = 0.036). Risk reduc- interpretation of the efficacy advantage of prasugrel in the over-
tion was similar in the STEMI (n = 6,346) and UA/NSTEMI all trial, this issue is not relevant in patients with STEMI, who
(n = 10,996) subgroups; moreover, among patients with do not have time for pretreatment prior to primary PCI. Indeed,
STEMI, high-dose clopidogrel was associated with a lower risk patients with STEMI, who tend to be younger and at lower risk
for stent thrombosis (4.0% vs. 2.8%). The higher dose clopi- for bleeding than those with UA/NSTEMI, and who may ben-
dogrel regimen was also associated with a higher rate of major efit from more rapid and intensive early antiplatelet therapy,
bleeding (1.1% vs. 1.6%; p = 0.006) [74]. may be particularly attractive candidates for prasugrel.
Prasugrel is a novel thienopyridine that is more rapidly act- Ticagrelor is a novel direct acting and reversible oral antag-
ing, more potent, and associated with less response variability onist of the P2 Y12 receptor. This agent, which as of 2010 was
than clopidogrel. Prasugrel administered as a loading dose of not commercially available, provides more rapid onset (and
TA B L E 3 9 . 6
N = 3,534 N = 7,026
CV death, MI, stroke 10.0% 12.4% 0.79 (0.650.97) 8.5% 10.1% 0.84 (0.720.98)
Stent thrombosisa 1.6% 2.8% 0.58 (0.360.93) 2.2% 2.9% 0.75 (0.590.95)
Non-CABG TIMI major bleedinga,b 2.4% 2.1% 1.11 (0.701.77) 4.5% 3.8% 1.19 (1.021.38)
The stent thrombosis and bleeding results from PLATO are from the entire study because the specific data for STEMI have not yet been reported.
TIMI major bleeding (non-CABG) was the primary bleeding endpoint in TRITON-TIMI 38 and was an additional bleeding endpoint in PLATO.
Note that endpoint assessment was at 15 months in TRITON-TIMI 38 and 12 months in PLATO
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offset) of action and a more potent and predictable antiplatelet patients receiving streptokinase come from trials that evalu-
response than clopidogrel. It does not require activation by ated the low-molecular-weight heparins (LMWHs) reviparin
the cytochrome p450 system. In the PLATO trial [76], tica- and enoxaparin among patients receiving streptokinase com-
grelor (180-mg loading dose, 90 mg twice daily) was compared pared either to placebo (reviparin) or to UFH (enoxaparin)
to clopidogrel (300- to 600-mg loading dose, 75 mg daily) in [78,79]. These trials provide both definitive evidence for the
18,624 patients with ACS, 38% of whom had STEMI. At the clinical benefit of administering an antithrombin in combina-
end of the 12-month follow-up period, the primary endpoint tion with a fibrinolytic and strong support for their use in con-
of CV death, MI, and stroke occurred in 11.7% of subjects junction with streptokinase as well as the fibrin-specific agents.
in the clopidogrel arm versus 9.8% in the ticagrelor arm (HR LMWHs represent an attractive alternative to UFH for
0.84; 95% CI 0.77 to 0.92; p < 0.001). The risk reduction was patients receiving fibrinolytic therapy. Following a series of
similar for UA/NSTEMI (HR 0.83; 95% CI 0.74 to 0.93) and smaller studies that yielded promising results, the ExTRACT-
STEMI (HR 0.84; 95% CI 0.72 to 0.98; Table 39.6). Similar TIMI 25 trial randomized 20,506 patients treated with stan-
to the CURRENT/OASIS 7 and TRITON-TIMI 38 trials, stent dard fibrinolytic regimens to intravenous UFH for 48 hours or
thrombosis was reduced significantly with the more potent oral to enoxaparin. Enoxaparin was given as a 30-mg IV bolus fol-
antiplatelet regimen. Also consistent with prior studies, an in- lowed by 1 mg per kg every 12 hours until hospital discharge
crease in non-CABG major bleeding was observed in the tica- [79]. The bolus dose was eliminated and the maintenance dose
grelor arm (4.5% vs. 3.8%; p = 0.03); however, bleeding rates reduced to 0.75 mg per kg for patients older than 75 years, be-
following CABG were lower with ticagrelor, likely because of cause previous trials had suggested a higher risk of ICH among
the shorter half-life of the drug [76]. elderly patients with STEMI who received full-dose enoxaparin
Several notable findings were observed with ticagrelor in the [80]. The primary endpoint of death or reinfarction was re-
PLATO trial. First, a significant 21% relative risk reduction duced from 12.0% in the UFH arm to 9.9% in the enoxaparin
in vascular mortality and a 22% reduction in total mortality arm (RR 0.83; p < 0.001). Major bleeding occurred in 1.4% of
(5.9% vs. 4.5%; p < 0.001) were observed. This is notable UFH-treated patients versus 2.1% of those treated with enoxa-
as none of the thienopyridine trials demonstrated a mortality parin ( p < 0.001), but there was no significant difference in
reduction. In addition, several unique side effects have been ob- ICH, and the net clinical benefit (death/MI/major bleeding) fa-
served with ticagrelor, which are likely mediated by adenosine. vored enoxaparin.
These include transient dyspnea, which occurs in 10% to 15% Fondaparinux, a novel factor Xa inhibitor, was evaluated
of patients early after treatment initiation, but is not associated in the OASIS 6 trial, a complex trial that included patients
with heart failure and usually terminates within a week. Ven- treated with both fibrinolytic therapy and primary PCI, and
tricular pauses may also be triggered by ticagrelor early after also included patients with and without indications for UFH.
treatment initiation, but these also decrease in frequency over Although the rate of death or reinfarction was significantly re-
time, are rarely symptomatic, and have not required clinical duced by 21% with fondaparinux compared with placebo, no
intervention. difference was observed compared with UFH. No increase in
bleeding risk was seen with fondaparinux. Notably, the
OASIS 6 trial demonstrated a hazard associated with the use
GP IIb/IIIa Inhibitors of fondaparinux to support primary PCI [81].
The direct antithrombin agents have also been extensively
Although use of GP IIb/IIIa inhibitors in elective PCI has been studied as adjuncts to fibrinolytic therapy, but appear to of-
decreasing, these agents remain useful adjuncts to primary PCI fer no significant advantage over UFH when given with any
in patients with STEMI when heparin is the anticoagulant used. of the currently available fibrinolytic agents [8284]. Thus, of
In a meta-analysis involving 3,266 patients enrolled in four the currently available antithrombin agents, LMWH admin-
randomized trials comparing abciximab with placebo, patients istered for the duration of the hospitalization (up to 8 days)
receiving abciximab had a 46% reduction in 30-day death, re- has been shown to be superior to guidelines-based use of UFH.
infarction, and urgent target vessel revascularization compared Fondaparinux is superior to placebo and appears to provide
to those who received placebo [77]. Fewer data are available similar efficacy and safety to UFH. Observations from both
for the other GP IIb/IIIa inhibitors (tirofiban and eptifibatide) in ExTRACT-TIMI 25 and OASIS 6 indicate that more prolonged
the primary PCI setting. Current ACC/AHA guidelines recom- administration of an anticoagulant for the duration of the in-
mend selective use of any of these agents at the time of primary dex hospitalization is beneficial compared with administering
PCI (class IIa recommendation), for example, among patients UFH only for 48 hours. As such, present guidelines recom-
with a large thrombus burden or those who have not received mend that patients managed with fibrinolysis should receive
adequate thienopyridine loading [46]. anticoagulant therapy for a minimum of 48 hours and prefer-
ably for the duration of the hospitalization after STEMI, up
to 8 days [53]. Enoxaparin or fondaparinux are preferred over
UFH when administration of an anticoagulant for longer than
Antithrombin Therapies in Patients 48 hours is planned in patients with STEMI treated with a
Receiving Fibrinolytic Therapy fibrinolytic.
a composite of efficacy and safety endpoints at 30 days, was suggests that triple therapy is associated with substantially
significantly lower in the bivalirudin versus heparin/GP IIb/IIIa increased risks for bleeding. It may be expected that risks will
inhibitor arm (9.2% vs. 12.1%; RR 0.76; p = 0.005). This be even higher with combinations that include the newer and
was mediated by lower rate of major bleeding with bivalirudin more potent antiplatelet agents such as prasugrel and ticagrelor.
(4.9% vs. 8.3%; RR 0.60; p < 0.001) and similar rates of the As such, we recommend attempting to avoid altogether or to
ischemic outcomes. Total mortality (2.1% vs. 3.1%; p = 0.05) minimize the duration of triple therapy. Consideration should
and cardiac mortality (1.8% vs. 2.9%; p = 0.03) trended lower be given to using BMS instead of DES, which would allow the
in the bivalirudin arm (Fig. 39.11). One issue of some concern duration of clopidogrel to be reduced to 1 month. For patients
was an increased risk of stent thrombosis within the first 24 who require triple therapy, the INR should be maintained at
hours in the bivalirudin group. It is possible that this early risk the lowest end of the therapeutic range, aspirin dose should
for stent thrombosis may be mitigated by using higher loading be reduced to 81 mg, and GI prophylaxis with an H2 antag-
doses of clopidogrel [86] or by using more potent novel P2 Y12 onist, such as ranitidine, should be considered. For patients
inhibitors, such as prasugrel. Bivalirudin is a useful alternative with atrial fibrillation, a reevaluation of the risks of bleeding
to heparin in patients undergoing primary PCI [46]. and stroke (using a tool such as the CHADS2 score) should be
performed and the threshold to initiate or continue warfarin
should be higher among patients on aspirin and clopidogrel
Warfarin/Oral Anticoagulation
Warfarin monotherapy appears to be at least as effective as
aspirin for secondary prevention post-MI. There are several
circumstances in which the benefit with warfarin therapy may
exceed that of aspirin. First, warfarin is superior to aspirin Beta-Blockers
in preventing systemic emboli in patients with atrial fibrilla-
tion. In addition, it reduces systemic emboli in patients with Beta-blockers were among the first therapeutic interventions
documented LV dysfunction following MI. Because there is a used to limit the size of acute MI. Previous trials that ex-
substantial risk of systemic embolization following a large an- cluded patients with heart failure, hypotension, or bradycardia
terior MI, even if thrombus is not visible on echocardiography, demonstrated that very early administration of a beta-blocker
many experts recommend 3 to 6 months of warfarin therapy decreases infarct size and prevents recurrent MI and death [92].
in these patients if they are suitable candidates for anticoag- The fact that beta-blockers were particularly effective in re-
ulation [53]. Studies have also evaluated the combination of ducing sudden death and reducing mortality among patients
warfarin and aspirin post-MI. Neither fixed-dose warfarin nor with complex ventricular ectopy at baseline suggests that beta-
low-dose warfarin titrated to an INR of approximately 1.5 to blockers exert much of their beneficial effect by reducing the
2.0 appears to be superior to monotherapy with either agent frequency and severity of arrhythmias [93]. In addition, they
alone, and the combination is associated with excess bleeding appear to significantly decrease the risk of cardiac rupture.
risk [87]. Several studies have shown that the combination of Data from the COMMIT trial in more than 45,000 patients,
aspirin and warfarin is effective in preventing reocclusion and however, failed to demonstrate benefit from a strategy of imme-
clinical events when the INR is maintained at a higher level diate intravenous metoprolol followed by 200 mg metoprolol
consistently [8890]. However, these findings are of question- daily on in-hospital outcomes, including death and MI. Al-
able significance in light of the results of the CLARITY and though early beta blockade reduced the risks of reinfarction
COMMIT trials, which have demonstrated similar benefit with and ventricular fibrillation (VF) compared to placebo, this was
a simpler regimen of aspirin and clopidogrel. Thus, warfarin counterbalanced by an increased risk of cardiogenic shock dur-
plus low-dose aspirin may be a good choice in patients who ing the first few days after admission [94]. Post-hoc analyses
have another indication for anticoagulation (such as atrial fib- indicate that this increased risk was predominantly among pa-
rillation or prosthetic valve), provided the bleeding risk is low tients with indicators of or risk factors for hemodynamic com-
and a warfarin clinic is available for very careful monitoring. promise. In addition, the outcome may have been influenced
An increasingly challenging scenario relates to the combina- by the high dose of metoprolol used in this study. ACC/AHA
tion of aspirin, clopidogrel, and warfarin. Emerging evidence guidelines now recommended that beta-blockers be initiated
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orally, within the first 24 hours, once it has been determined ical trials does not support routine long-term nitrate therapy
that the hemodynamic status is stable and there is no evidence for patients with uncomplicated MI, it is reasonable to give in-
of heart failure. Parenteral beta-blockers should be used only travenous nitroglycerin for the first 24 to 48 hours in patients
if there is a clear indication such as ongoing chest pain or an with acute MI who have CHF, recurrent ischemia, or hyper-
atrial tachyarrhythmia with normal or elevated blood pressure tension. Intravenous therapy is preferred in the early phases of
[28]. MI due its immediate onset of action and ease of titration.
When given long term following MI, beta-blockers signifi-
cantly reduce the incidence of nonfatal reinfarction and mor-
tality, an effect that extends to most members of this class of
agents [93]. The CAPRICORN trial examined the incremen- Calcium Channel Blockers
tal effect of beta blockade to angiotensin-converting enzyme
(ACE) inhibition in post-MI in patients with LV dysfunction The calcium channel blockers in current use block the entry
but no clinical heart failure. Over a mean follow-up of 1.3 of calcium into cells via voltage-sensitive calcium channels. In
years, the composite of death and myocardial infarction was vascular smooth muscle cells, this causes coronary and periph-
reduced from 20% in the placebo arm to 14% in the carvedilol eral vasodilation, whereas in cardiac tissue, it leads to depres-
arm, a 29% relative reduction. On the basis of robust clinical sion of myocardial contractility, sinus rate, and atrioventricular
data and a very favorable cost-to-benefit ratio, long-term oral (AV) nodal conduction. The dihydropyridine calcium channel
beta blockade should be continued indefinitely following MI. antagonists, of which nifedipine is the prototype, cause coro-
nary and peripheral artery dilation without blocking sinus or
AV nodal function. As a result, the potential benefit of these
Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme Inhibitors agents is counterbalanced by reflex tachycardia. The short-
acting preparations of nifedipine, in particular, appear to be
ACE inhibitors are routinely used following STEMI to prevent dangerous in the setting of acute MI, as they may cause rapid
adverse LV chamber remodeling, a gradual process by which hemodynamic fluctuations. Sustained-release preparations of
the left ventricle assumes a more globular shape and dilates; nifedipine, on the other hand, can be used safely in combina-
remodeling is associated with an increased risk for CHF and tion with a beta-blocker. Amlodipine is a third-generation agent
death. A large overview of almost 100,000 patients found a that causes less reflex tachycardia than other dihydropyridines,
7% reduction in 30-day mortality when ACE inhibitors were but as with other calcium channel blockers, there is no docu-
given to all patients with acute MI, with most of the benefit mented benefit of this agent following MI, so it should only be
observed in the first week. The benefit was greatest in high- used in patients who remain hypertensive after full-dose beta
risk groups, such as those in Killip class II or III, those with LV blockade and ACE inhibition.
dysfunction, and those with an anterior MI [95]. In addition to Diltiazem and verapamil slow the heart rate and modestly
preventing remodeling and CHF, ACE inhibitors also prevent reduce myocardial contractility, thereby decreasing myocardial
recurrent ischemic events after MI [96]. As opposed to aspirin oxygen demand. Of the two agents, verapamil has greater nega-
and reperfusion therapy, it is not crucial to introduce the ACE tive inotropic and chronotropic effects. These agents have been
inhibitor in the hyperacute phase of acute MI. given to patients as secondary prevention after stabilization of
Angiotensin receptor blockers (ARBs) are effective alter- an index MI. A pooled analysis indicated that verapamil and
natives to ACE inhibitors in patients with LV dysfunction or diltiazem had no effect on mortality following acute MI, but
heart failure following acute MI, and provide similar long-term that they did significantly reduce the rate of reinfarction (6.0%
outcomes [97]. However, combination therapy with ACE in- vs. 7.5%; p < 0.01) [101]. Despite an overall neutral effect of
hibitors and ARBs is not effective post-MI [97]. Because of the these agents on mortality, among patients with depressed LV
larger evidence base and lower cost of ACE inhibitors, they function or evidence of CHF, mortality is increased in patients
are preferred over ARBs unless side effects to ACE inhibitors treated with diltiazem or verapamil.
develop. It should be emphasized that there have not been studies
Aldosterone antagonists should also be considered for use comparing the efficacy of verapamil or diltiazem to a beta-
in appropriate high-risk patients following STEMI, who are blocker. Beta-blockers consistently reduce both mortality and
receiving adequate doses of ACE inhibitors. In the EPHESUS reinfarction and should be recommended for all patients who
trial, which included patients with an LV ejection fraction can tolerate them. Verapamil or diltiazem may be a reason-
<40% following an MI and either heart failure symptoms or able alternative for patients who cannot tolerate a beta-blocker,
diabetes, eplerenone treatment (compared to placebo) was as- provided LV function is normal, but they should not be given
sociated with a 15% reduction in the risk for mortality [98]. routinely following MI.
Because of its much lower cost, spironolactone may be consid-
ered as an alternative to eplerenone. Aldosterone antagonists
should be avoided in patients with hyperkalemia or significant
Nitrates INFARCTION (Table 39.7)
Nitrates dilate large coronary arteries and arterioles, periph-
eral veins, and to a lesser extent, peripheral arterioles. Ven- Ventricular Arrhythmias
odilation decreases preload, thus reducing both myocardial
oxygen demand and symptoms of pulmonary congestion that Ventricular tachycardia (VT) occurs frequently during the first
may complicate MI. The GISSI-3 [99] and ISIS-4 [100] tri- few days after MI, but does not appear to increase the risk for
als collectively enrolled almost 80,000 patients and evaluated subsequent mortality if the arrhythmia is rapidly terminated.
the role of long-term (4- to 6-week) nitrate therapy post-MI. VT occurring after 24 to 48 hours, however, is associated with a
Neither study found a significant reduction in mortality with marked increase in mortality. Monomorphic VT is usually due
nitrates, although the power to detect such a difference may to a reentrant focus around a scar, whereas polymorphic VT is
have been reduced because more than 50% of patients received more commonly a function of underlying ischemia, electrolyte
off-protocol nitrates. Although evidence from randomized clin- abnormalities, or drug effects.
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LWBK834-38-40 LWBK834-Irwin/Rippe LWBK834-Irwin-v1.cls June 27, 2011 14:33
TA B L E 3 9 . 7
Ventricular tachycardia/fibrillation
Within first 2448 h Good Immediate cardioversion; amiodarone or lidocaine; beta-blockers
After 48 h Poor Immediate cardioversion; electrophysiology study/implantable defibrillator;
Sinus bradycardia Excellent Atropine for hypotension or symptoms
Second-degree heart block
Mobitz type I (Wenckebach) Excellent Atropine for hypotension or symptoms
Mobitz type II Guarded Temporary pacemaker
Complete heart block
Inferior MI Good Temporary pacemaker
Anterior MI Poor Temporary pacemaker followed by permanent pacemaker
VF is the primary mechanism of arrhythmic sudden death. ventricle. Thus, this arrhythmia is usually seen with inferior
In patients with acute MI, most episodes of VF occur early (<4 MI. If the heart rate is extremely low (<40 to 50) and is associ-
to 12 hours) after infarction. As with sustained VT, late VF oc- ated with hypotension, intravenous atropine should be given.
curs more frequently in patients with severe LV dysfunction or Mobitz type I (Wenckebach) second-degree AV block is also
CHF, and is a poor prognostic marker. Patients with VF, or sus- very common in patients with inferior wall MI, and may be due
tained VT associated with symptoms or hemodynamic compro- to ischemia or infarction of the AV node or to increased vagal
mise, should be cardioverted emergently. Underlying metabolic tone. The level of conduction block is usually located within
and electrolyte abnormalities must be corrected, and ongoing the AV node, and therefore the QRS complex is narrow and the
ischemia should be addressed. We aim to maintain the serum risk for progression to complete heart block is low. Atropine
potassium level to 4.5 mEq per L or greater and serum mag- should be reserved for patients with hypotension or symptoms,
nesium level 2 mEq per L or more. Intravenous amiodarone and temporary pacing is rarely required. Mobitz type II block
is a particularly effective antiarrhythmic agent in patients with is observed much less often than Mobitz type I block in acute
acute MI, because it lowers heart rate. Lidocaine remains an MI. As opposed to Mobitz type I block, Mobitz type II block
effective alternative if amiodarone is not tolerated or is un- is more frequently associated with anterior MI, an infranodal
successful in controlling the arrhythmia. Prophylactic use of lesion, and a wide QRS complex. Because Mobitz type II block
antiarrhythmic agents, other than beta-blockers, is not indi- can progress suddenly to complete heart block, a temporary
cated. pacemaker is indicated.
Although compete heart block may occur with either infe-
rior or anterior MI, the implications differ markedly depending
Bradyarrhythmias on the location of the infarct. With inferior MI, heart block of-
ten progresses from first-(or Wenckebach) to third-degree AV
The usual cause of bradycardia is increased vagal tone or is- block (see Fig. 39.2). The level of block is usually within or
chemia/infarction of conduction tissue. Sinus bradycardia is above the level of the AV node, the escape rhythm is often
typically due to irritation of cardiac vagal receptors, which are stable, and the effect is transient. Although temporary pacing
located most prominently on the inferior surface of the left is often indicated, a permanent pacemaker is rarely required.
TA B L E 3 9 . 8
With anterior MI, complete heart block is usually a result of Although atrial fibrillation is usually transient, it is a marker
extensive infarction involving the bundle branches. The escape for increased morbidity and mortality, probably because it is
rhythm is usually unstable and the AV block permanent. Mor- associated with other adverse risk predictors such as LV dys-
tality is extremely high, and permanent pacing is almost always function and CHF. Management of supraventricular arrhyth-
required in survivors. mias in the setting of acute MI is similar to management in
other settings; however, there should be a lower threshold for
cardioversion and ventricular rate should be more aggressively
controlled (Table 39.8). Because of their beneficial effects in
Supraventricular Arrhythmias acute MI, beta-blockers are the agents of choice to control rate.
Diltiazem or verapamil may serve as alternatives in patients
Atrial fibrillation may occur in up to 15% of patients early after without significant CHF or LV dysfunction, whereas digoxin
MI, but atrial flutter and paroxysmal supraventricular tachy- should be reserved for patients with concomitant LV dysfunc-
cardia are not commonly seen. Ischemia itself rarely causes tion. Of the antiarrhythmic agents available, amiodarone is
atrial fibrillation, except in rare cases of atrial infarction: more safest in patients with recent MI, because it has a low risk for
common precipitants include heart failure and pericarditis. proarrhythmia.
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the Safety and Efficacy of a New Thrombolytic Regimen (ASSENT)-3 PLUS 91. Holmes DR Jr, Kereiakes DJ, Kleiman NS, et al: Combining antiplatelet
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84. White H: Thrombin-specific anticoagulation with bivalirudin versus hep- tematic overview of individual data from 100,000 patients in randomized
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multiple factors, such as the extent of the original ischemic in- peutic decisions after MI. For example, LV ejection fraction
sult, the adequacy of restored flow, the presence of preexisting assessment for implantable cardiac defibrillator implantation
collateral vessels, and prior ischemic preconditioning. In gen- is generally deferred for at least 1 month following MI.
eral, the myocardium is stunned for a period longer than that
of the ischemic insult, often requiring hours to days to regain
function [3].
Although early restoration of flow is necessary for my- DIAGNOSIS, TREATMENT,
ocardial survival, reperfusion is also thought to underlie the AND OUTCOME OF SHOCK
pathogenesis of stunning, through the development of oxida-
tive stress and/or impaired calcium homeostasis [4]. In the first DUE TO LEFT VENTRICULAR
5 minutes of reperfusion, there is marked hyperemia, with a PUMP FAILURE
400% to 600% increase in flow, returning to the baseline level
after 15 to 20 minutes. Because levels of oxygen-free radicals Approximately 5% to 8% of patients with ST-segment eleva-
peak at 4 to 7 minutes, most of the free radical-induced injury tion MI (STEMI) and 2.5% of patients with nonST-segment
responsible for stunning is thought to occur in the initial mo- elevation MI develop cardiogenic shock (CS), the leading
ments following reperfusion. Blunted calcium transients and cause of death in patients hospitalized with MI (Table 40.1).
dysfunction of the ryanodine receptor and the sarcoplasmic CS is broadly defined as a state of end-organ hypoperfusion
reticulum calcium ATPase (SERCA-2), which would lead to due to cardiac failure. Clinical evidence of systemic hypop-
impaired myocyte excitationcontraction coupling, have also erfusion includes altered mental status, cold clammy skin,
been described following ischemiareperfusion. Other possible and oliguria. Hemodynamic parameters of CS include per-
mechanisms of reperfusion injury involved in myocardial stun- sistent (1 hour) hypotension (systolic blood pressure <80
ning include microvascular injury, endothelial cell dysfunction, to 90 mm Hg or mean arterial pressure 30 mm Hg lower
and activation of neutrophils, platelets, and the complement than baseline) not responsive to fluid or requiring inotropic
system. or vasopressor support to be maintained; low cardiac in-
Stunning is observed in clinical scenarios in which the heart dex (<1.8 L per minute per m2 without support or 2.0 to
is reperfused after transient ischemia, whether it be global, as 2.2 L per minute per m2 with support); and adequate or el-
with cardioplegia during cardiac surgery or transplant har- evated filling pressures (LV end-diastolic pressure >15 mm
vest, or regional, as with acute coronary syndromes, per- Hg or right ventricular [RV] end-diastolic pressure >10 to
cutaneous coronary interventions (PCI), or exercise-induced 15 mm Hg).
angina. In patients with coronary disease, stunning from re- In the absence of mechanical complications, the primary
peated episodes of demand ischemia may lead to chronic left insult in CS associated with MI is LV dysfunction due to exten-
ventricular (LV) dysfunction. sive infarction or ischemia. Although the magnitude of myocar-
Stunned, but viable, myocardium may be identified by dial insult does not correlate perfectly with the development of
echocardiographic, scintigraphic, and magnetic resonance CS [6], LV function nevertheless remains a prognostic factor in
imaging techniques [5]. Because ischemic myocytes have dif- CS [7].
ferent rates of injury and recovery, the timing of improve- The observation of normal to low systemic vascular resis-
ment after acute myocardial infarction (MI) is variable and tance among many patients with CS [8] suggests an important
often unpredictable. The major clinical implication of stun- role for inappropriate vasodilation in CS. Indeed, neurohor-
ning is that even brief periods of ischemia may be associated monal and cytokine abnormalities consistent with the systemic
with prolonged contractile dysfunction. Moreover, because this inflammatory response syndrome (SIRS) have been observed
dysfunction may be fully reversible, continued hemodynamic (Fig. 40.1) [6]. For example, cytokines with myocardial de-
support, with intra-aortic balloon counterpulsation and/or in- pressant activity, such as tumor necrosis factor (TNF)- and
otropic agents such as catecholamines or phosphodiesterase in- interleukin (IL)-6, increase over 24 to 72 hours after MI. MI
hibitors, may be indicated. Importantly, inotropic stimulation is also associated with abnormal NO metabolism [9] and in-
does not appear to worsen cell injury as long as the reperfused creased expression of inducible nitric oxide (NO) synthase; NO
artery is patent. Finally, myocardial stunning has implications excess causes vasodilation, depressed myocardial contractility,
for the timing of evaluation of LV function to guide thera- and interference with catecholamine action in CS. Despite the
TA B L E 4 0 . 1
Myocardial infarction
Myocardial dysfunction
Inflammatory Systolic Diastolic
Cardiac output Pulmonary congestion
Stroke volume
Hypotension Revascularization
Perfusion pressure
Ischemia Relief of ischemia FIGURE 40.1. The cascade of physio-
logic events causing cardiogenic shock
after MI. IL-6, interleukin-6; LVEDP,
Compensatory Progressive left ventricular end-diastolic pressure;
vasoconstriction myocardial NO, nitric oxide; TNF-, tumor necro-
dysfunction sis factor-. [From Reynolds HR,
Hochman JS: Cardiogenic shock: cur-
rent concepts and improving outcomes.
Circulation 117:686697, 2008, with
growing recognition of SIRS associated with CS, therapies tar- In the SHOCK trial, lack of benefit with early revasculariza-
geting it remain unproven at this time. tion was noted for patients 75 years and older, possibly due to
Most cases of CS after acute coronary syndrome develop af- imbalances in baseline ejection fraction. Later studies, includ-
ter hospital presentation, with a median time of 10 to 11 hours ing the SHOCK registry [19], have shown a consistent benefit
(STEMI) and 76 hours (nonST-segment elevation MI) [10]. of revascularization in elderly patients selected for it. Thus, an
Predictors for CS have varied among different studies over time individualized approach weighing the risks and benefits of an
and include older age; prior MI, heart failure, diabetes, hyper- aggressive revascularization strategy is warranted for elderly
tension, or cerebrovascular disease; failed reperfusion; lower patients.
blood pressure and glomerular filtration rate; and higher heart Multivessel or left main disease is extremely common in
rate and serum glucose at presentation [6,11]. The only way patients with MI and CS. Coronary bypass surgery is recom-
to prevent CS appears to be very early reperfusion therapy for mended for extensive disease [18], although PCI of the infarct-
MI, whether through PCI or thrombolysis. related artery may be initially necessary to stabilize the patient.
Outcome in CS is closely related to the patency of the In addition to early revascularization, supportive therapy
infarct-related artery, in both retrospective analyses [12] and with inotropic agents and vasopressors (and avoidance of neg-
the prospective, randomized SHOCK (should we emergently ative inotropes and vasodilators) is critical. Diuretics or intra-
revascularize occluded coronaries in cardiogenic shock) trial. venous fluids may be required, depending on the intravascular
In this multicenter study, patients with acute MI and CS were volume status. Routine antithrombotic therapy for MI includes
randomly assigned to early (within 6 hours) percutaneous aspirin, heparin, and if immediate surgery is unlikely, clopi-
or surgical revascularization (152 patients) or initial medical dogrel. Oxygen supplementation is standard and mechanical
stabilization with subsequent revascularization permitted 54 ventilation may be necessary. Intensive insulin therapy is also
hours after randomization (150 patients) [13,14]. Fibrinolysis recommended in critically ill patients [18].
was recommended in the initial medical stabilization group, Hemodynamic management of CS may be guided by pul-
and intra-aortic balloon counterpulsation was recommended monary artery catheter monitoring and echocardiography.
in both treatment groups. Although there was an excess of Such monitoring also allows detection of mechanical compli-
death in the early revascularization group in the first 5 days, cations such as papillary muscle or ventricular septal rupture
likely related to procedural complications, early revasculariza- (VSR).
tion improved survival at 6 months and 1 year (46.7% vs. The principal mechanical therapy for CS is intra-aortic bal-
33.6%; p < 0.03), a benefit that remained stable at 3 and 6 loon counterpulsation, which augments coronary perfusion
years [15]. Although the benefit of revascularization increases and reduces cardiac afterload. For some patients who require
the earlier it is achieved, there is a survival benefit as long as 48 a bridge to recovery or subsequent transplantation, short-term
hours after MI and 18 hours after shock onset. The benefit of support may be offered in the form of LV assist device (LVAD)
early revascularization is similar for different subgroups (pa- or extracorporeal life support [20]. Comparisons of percuta-
tients with diabetes, women, patients with prior MI, early vs. neous LVAD to intra-aortic balloon counterpulsation (IABP)
late shock) and whether revascularization is achieved with PCI have shown similar mortality rates [2123].
or coronary artery bypass graft surgery [16]. Among patients Independent predictors of mortality in CS have varied in dif-
undergoing PCI, registry data indicate that stenting and gly- ferent studies over time, and include older age; history of hyper-
coprotein IIb/IIIa inhibitors are independently associated with tension, MI, or heart failure; lower blood pressure and worse
improved outcomes [17]. On the basis of these results, emer- renal function on presentation; failed reperfusion; and low LV
gency revascularization is recommended (class I) for patients ejection fraction [7,11,12,15]. Revascularization provides ben-
younger than 75 years with MI and CS, who are determined to efit at every level of risk, and registry studies in the United States
be suitable candidates [18]. If revascularization is not available, and Europe have indicated significant decline (approximately
fibrinolysis and intra-aortic balloon pump placement followed 60% to 48%) in mortality from CS in recent years, in parallel
by transfer to another facility is recommended. with increasing revascularization with PCI [11,24,25].
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FIGURE 40.2. A: ECG of patient with inferior STEMI and sinus bradycardia showing ST-segment ele-
vation in lead 3 greater than in lead 2 and ST-segment elevation in lead V1 , suggesting RV involvement.
B: Right-sided placement of precordial leads demonstrates ST-segment elevation in lead V4R , confirming
RVI. In this figure, lead V1 is V1R , V2 is V2R , V3 is V3R , V4 is V4R , V5 is V5R , and V6 is V6R .
finding may also be seen with severe LV dysfunction, VSR, or is reduced with concomitant coronary artery bypass grafting
other causes of mitral regurgitation. The diagnosis of PMR is [41,42]. Long-term survival after surgery ranges from 60% to
made more definitively by echocardiography, on visualization 80%, and is similar to that of matched patients with MI, but
of a flail portion of a mitral valve leaflet or a ruptured papillary no PMR [42].
muscle head prolapsing into the left atrium, along with color
Doppler evidence of mitral regurgitation.
Stabilization may be accomplished with the use of inotropic Ventricular Septal Rupture
agents, afterload reduction if possible, and insertion of an intra-
aortic balloon pump. However, with an in-hospital mortality The presentation of VSR has changed as treatment for acute
of up to 80% and a long-term survival rate of approximately MI has evolved to include fibrinolysis and primary PCI. Be-
6% with medical therapy alone [39,40], urgent surgical re- fore the advent of fibrinolytic and percutaneous reperfusion
pair is indicated. This may consist of chordal-sparing mitral therapies, VSR occurred in 1% to 2% of patients with acute
valve replacement or, if necrosis is limited, papillary muscle MI, with a mean onset of 3 to 5 days after infarction. In the
reimplantation with or without ring annuloplasty. Coronary thrombolytic era, the incidence is approximately 0.2%, with
angiography should be performed so that necessary revascu- a median onset in the first 24 hours after MI [38,43,44]. Ap-
larization may be performed at the time of surgery. Although proximately two thirds of VSR cases occur in the mid- to distal
perioperative mortality (10% to 24%) remains significant, it septum in association with anterior MI; the remainder occur in
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TA B L E 4 0 . 2
Characteristic Ventricular septal rupture Free wall rupture Papillary muscle rupture
LV, left ventricle; MR, mitral regurgitation; PA, pulmonary artery; PCWP, pulmonary capillary wedge pressure; RA, right atrial; RV, right ventricle;
VSR, ventricular septal rupture.
Adapted from Antman EM, Anbe DT, Armstrong PW, et al: ACC/AHA guidelines for the management of patients with ST-elevation myocardial
infarction: a report of the American College of Cardiology/American Heart Association Task Force on Practice Guidelines (Committee to Revise the
1999 Guidelines for the Management of Patients With Acute Myocardial Infarction). Available at
the basal septum in association with inferior MI. On the basis The diagnosis of VSR can be made by right heart catheteri-
of the anatomy of the rupture track, VSR may be classified as zation demonstrating a step up in the oxygen saturation (>8%)
simple (directly through and through) or complex (serpiginous, in the RV, to be distinguished from a step up in the pulmonary
with an exit site remote from the entry site); complex VSRs are artery, which is occasionally observed in patients with severe
more frequently noted with inferior MI. Five percent to 10% of mitral regurgitation. In addition, catheterization reveals in-
patients have multiple defects. VSR is typically associated with creased pulmonary-to-systemic flow ratios ( Q p/Q
s >1.4), in-
total occlusion of the infarct-related artery with little or no col- creased right-sided pressures, and large V-waves in the pul-
lateral flow. Risk factors for VSR include advanced age, female monary capillary wedge tracing; left ventriculography may
sex, anterior MI, and no previous smoking [44]. In addition, in identify the rupture site. Echocardiography with color Doppler
patients with anterior MI, the presence of ST-segment elevation imaging is commonly used for both diagnosis and surgical
or Q-waves in the inferior leads, indicating a wrap-around planning. A visible defect may be seen in association with the
left anterior descending artery supplying both the anterior and corresponding anterior or inferior wall motion abnormal-
inferior LV walls, may identify patients at risk for VSR [45]. ity. Continuous wave Doppler interrogation of flow at this
VSR causes sudden shunting of flow from the LV to the pul- site demonstrates dense, high-velocity flow from LV to RV.
monary circulation. This results in impaired forward cardiac Echocardiography also provides information about LV and RV
output. There is acute pressure overload of the RV and volume function and concomitant mitral valve pathology.
overload of the pulmonary circulation and LV, which become Nonsurgical therapy, such as afterload reduction, diuretics,
evident clinically as right heart failure, pulmonary congestion, and inotropic and intra-aortic balloon pump support, is purely
and CS. The degree of shunting depends on the rupture size, temporizing and alone is associated with greater than 90%
the relative resistance of the pulmonary and systemic circula- mortality. Surgical repair of the VSR, first performed in 1957,
tions, and the relative function of the RV and LV. As the LV is definitive. Some have used biventricular mechanical support
fails and systolic pressure decreases, left-to-right shunting de- as a means to restore hemodynamic stability and avoid surgery
creases. If RV pressures exceed those on the left, right-to-left on freshly infarcted tissue, before definitive surgical repair [46].
shunting occurs, resulting in hypoxemia. Surgical repair has improved 30-day mortality from VSR to
Symptoms of VSR include chest pain and dyspnea. In con- 10% to 15% in cases of anterior MI and 30% to 35% in cases
trast to patients with PMR, those with VSR have a harsh pan- of inferior MI. As mortality is higher in patients with com-
systolic murmur at the left sternal border, with a left paraster- plex VSR and in those with RVI [47], the increased mortality
nal thrill in 50%. Signs of RV failure are also present, including with inferior VSRs has been attributed to the more challenging
jugular venous distention and peripheral edema. ECG findings surgical repair due to complex anatomy and basal loca-
include persistent ST-segment elevation and AV nodal or infra- tion and the possibility of concomitant RV infarction. CS
nodal conduction abnormalities. at the time of surgical intervention and incomplete coronary
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revascularization have also been shown to be strong predictors syncope. Hypotension may be accompanied by inappropri-
of 30-day and long-term mortality [48]. Patients who survive ate bradycardia. New ST-segment elevation or T-wave abnor-
the perioperative period have been reported to have a long-term malities may be evident. Pseudoaneurysms can be diagnosed by
survival rate of approximately 60% to 80%. echocardiography, contrast or radionuclide ventriculography,
Recently, percutaneous transcatheter closure of VSR has or magnetic resonance imaging. Diagnostic pericardiocentesis
been reported in a limited number of patients; appropriate may yield blood; therapeutic pericardiocentesis may destabi-
patient selection, technical aspects of device selection and lize a contained effusion and result in death. Surgical repair
placement, durability of occlusion, and long-term outcome are is usually necessary, although survival with pericardiocentesis
unknown. and supportive medical therapy has been reported in selected
patients [50].
FIGURE 40.3. Ventricular remodeling after MI. AII, angiotensin II; ACE, angiotensin-converting enzyme;
ANP, atrial natriuretic peptide; BNP, brain natriuretic peptide; CO, cardiac output; ECM, extracellular
matrix; ET, endothelin; MMP, matrix metalloproteinase; NE, norepinephrine; RAAS, reninangiotensin
aldosterone system; TGF, transforming growth factor; TIMP, tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinase. [From
Sutton MG, Sharpe N: Left ventricular remodeling after myocardial infarction: pathophysiology and
therapy. Circulation 101:29812988, 2000, with permission.]
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FIGURE 41.1. Three different wide QRS tachycardias are shown. A: monomorphic VT; B: polymorphic
VT; and C: sinusoidal VT due to hyperkalemia. VT, ventricular tachycardia.
branch block or conduction over an accessory pathway rather 1. AV dissociation: Dissociation of P-waves (if identifiable) and
than VT (Fig. 41.4). Comparing the QRS complex morphol- QRS complexes suggests VT (Fig. 41.2). Because they may
ogy during tachycardia with that of sinus rhythm on an old be partially buried in the QRS complex, or T-wave, the P-
ECG or following cardioversion can be helpful. An identical waves may be difficult to identify. Comparison of the con-
QRS morphology during tachycardia and sinus rhythm sug- tour of QRS and T-waves from beat to beat may be helpful;
gests SVT [2] (with the uncommon exception of bundle branch P-waves may be evident as a slight deflection occurring at
reentry described later in the chapter). An old ECG may also regular intervals independent of QRS complexes. AV disso-
reveal a short PR interval with -waves (Fig. 41.3A) that sug- ciation is probably the most reliable clue to the diagnosis of
gests WolffParkinsonWhite (WPW) syndrome with an acces- VT, especially if a nonsustained run of wide WCT is caught
sory pathwaymediated wide complex tachycardia (WCT; Fig. only on a telemetry rhythm strip.
41.3B). When the onset of tachycardia is recorded, initiation AV dissociation is also indicated by QRS fusion or cap-
by a premature P-wave suggests SVT. ture beats. Fusion beats occur when a supraventricular im-
The following ECG criteria applied in a stepwise approach pulse conducts over the AV node and depolarizes a por-
provide reasonable sensitivity and specificity to differentiate tion of the ventricle simultaneously with excitation from the
SVT from VT (Figs. 41.5 and 41.6) [3]. tachycardia focus. They occur if AV dissociation is present
FIGURE 41.2. Sustained monomorphic ventricular tachycardia is present. Dissociated P-waves can be
seen (arrows) with occasional fusion beats (stars) that occur when a sinus P-wave occurs with timing
appropriate to conduct to the ventricle.
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FIGURE 41.4. A: A wide QRS tachycardia with a left bundle branch block configuration. B: Following
administration of drugs to slow down atrioventricular (AV) conduction atrial flutter is present with a
narrow QRS configuration. Thus, A shows atrial flutter with aberrant conduction.
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TA B L E 4 1 . 1
R > 30 ms Monophasic R
Findings suggesting ventricular tachycardia
AV dissociation
R - S > 60 ms
Electrocardiogram or QR
Dissociated P-waves V2
Notched S RS
Fusion beats, capture beatsindicate conduction of a
fortuitously timed P-wave from atrium to ventricle
before the ventricle is completely depolarized from the R/S < 1
VT focus or circuit V6 QR
AV dissociation on physical examination QS
Intermittent cannon a-waves in jugular venous pulse
Beat-to-beat variability in S1 and systolic blood pressure
ECG leads V1 V6
QRS concordance: The absence of an rS or Rs complex in FIGURE 41.6. Electrocardiogram findings indicative of ventricular
any precordial lead tachycardia (VT) or supraventricular tachycardia with aberrant con-
duction are shown. LBB, left bundle branch; RBB, right bundle
RS >100 ms: An interval between the onset of the R and the
nadir of the S-wave >100 ms in any precordial lead
Left bundle branch block VT
Initial R-wave in lead V1 >30 ms in duration
Interval from onset of R to nadir of S in V1 >60 ms If the diagnosis cannot be made after assessment for these
Notching in the downstroke of the S-wave in lead V1 features, a more thorough evaluation of the QRS morphol-
In V6 , a QS or QR pattern ogy on the 12-lead ECG can be helpful (Fig. 41.6) [3]. For
Right bundle branch block VT left bundle branch block morphology tachycardias, an initial
V1 : A monophasic R, QR, or RS pattern R-wave in lead V1 of greater than 30 ms in duration or a du-
V6 : An R to S <1 or a QS or a QR pattern ration of greater than 60 ms from the onset of the R-wave to
the nadir of the S-wave in V1 suggests VT. Notching in the
downstroke of the S-wave in lead V1 also suggests VT. In V6 , a
QS or QR pattern suggests VT. For right bundle branch block
and the VT is not particularly fast. Fusion beats have a QRS (RBBB) morphology tachycardias, a monophasic R, QR, or RS
morphology that is typically intermediate between that of a pattern in V1 suggests VT. In V6 , an R-to-S amplitude ratio of
supraventricular beat and a ventricular beat. Capture beats less than 1 or QS or QR patterns suggests VT.
have a similar significance to fusion beats. They occur when
a supraventricular beat is able to conduct to the ventricles,
depolarizing the ventricle in advance of the next tachycardia Electrocardiographic Artifacts that Mimic Wide
beat. These beats are morphologically identical to the QRS Complex Tachycardia
complex seen in sinus rhythm but occur in the midst of a
wide QRS complex tachycardia. Misinterpreting an electrocardiographic artifact, such as the
2. QRS concordance: The absence of an rS or Rs complex in one shown in Figure 41.7, as VT is a common error that has
any precordial lead (V1 to V6 ) suggests VT. led to inappropriate and invasive procedures including cardiac
3. RS >100 ms: An interval between the onset of the R and the catheterization, implantation of defibrillators, and even the oc-
nadir of the S-wave greater than 100 ms in any precordial casional precordial thump [4]. Normal QRS complexes are
lead (V1 to V6 ) favors VT. often visible marching through the artifact at the sinus rate
(arrows in Fig. 41.7). One author has referred to this as the
notches sign because only small notches may be seen that
march through the artifact at intervals that are the same as the
VT versus SVT RR intervals preceding the onset of tachycardia [5]. The his-
tory of the patients activity at the time of the recording is often
helpful in suggesting artifact. The recording in Figure 41.7 was
AV dissociation VT
Yes performed during toothbrushing. Artifacts are also commonly
No caused by tremors, shivering, and electrical noise. The absence
of symptoms or hemodynamic instability during the event (es-
rS or Rs in V1 to V6 VT
No pecially if the recording suggested a very fast heart rate) also
Yes suggests artifact.
r-S > 100 ms in any of V1 to V6 VT
Proceed to morphology criteria for RBBB or LBBB QRS
The misdiagnosis of VT as SVT followed by delivery of an
FIGURE 41.5. The schematic for an algorithm for ECG diagnosis inappropriate therapy is common in patients with wide QRS
of VT is shown. LBBB, left bundle branch block; RBBB, right bun- tachycardias [6]. As a general rule, wide QRS tachycardia
dle branch block; SVT, supraventricular tachycardia, VT, ventricular should be treated as VT unless the diagnosis of SVT can be
tachycardia. confirmed.
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FIGURE 41.7. Apparent nonsustained ventricular tachycardia is actually artifact. Arrows indicate the
sinus rhythm QRS complexes that march through the artifact.
Shock (x1)
120-200J biphasic (device dependent)
If unknown, use 200J
FIGURE 41.8. The algorithm for management of hemodynamically unstable ventricular tachycardia (VT)
or ventricular fibrillation (VF) is shown.
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with out-of-hospital VF or pulseless VT who failed three at- chapter). If the initial agent selected is ineffective, cardioversion
tempted cardioversions, administration of 300 mg of intra- is usually warranted.
venous (IV) amiodarone was more effective than placebo for First-line antiarrhythmic agents for stable wide QRS tachy-
restoration of circulation and survival to hospital admission cardia of uncertain origin include procainamide, amiodarone,
(44% of treated patients vs. 34% of untreated patients). Sur- and in some circumstances, lidocaine. It is also appropriate
vival to hospital discharge was not improved and more patients to use electrical cardioversion as the initial therapy for sta-
who received amiodarone had hypotension (59% vs. 48%) or ble tachycardia if appropriate sedation is available and can be
bradycardia (41% vs. 25%) [7,13,14]. Administration of IV safely achieved. Current ACLS guidelines state that IV admin-
procainamide can be considered as an alternative agent, but istration of amiodarone, procainamide, sotalol (not available
the data supporting its efficacy are limited [15]. Administra- in IV form in the United States), and beta-blockers are prefer-
tion of IV lidocaine is most appropriate in the management of able to lidocaine. Lidocaine is usually ineffective for treatment
unstable VT/VF during suspected acute myocardial ischemia of sustained VT that is not due to acute myocardial ischemia
or infarct [1618]. or infarction [7,19]; procainamide and sotalol both have been
Although bretylium is an acceptable alternate antiarrhyth- shown to be more efficacious in this setting [20,21]. Pro-
mic agent for VT, it has been removed from advanced cardiac cainamide and sotalol have negative inotropic effects and can
life support (ACLS) guidelines due to a combination of global induce hypotension. These agents should be avoided in patients
supply shortage and lack of evidence showing its superiority with significantly impaired ventricular function (left ventricular
over any of the previously mentioned AADs. Bretylium has ejection fraction <0.40) in favor of IV amiodarone [18,22,23].
similar efficacy to amiodarone for treatment of hemodynami- Procainamide is acetylated to n-acetylprocainamide (NAPA).
cally destabilizing VT that has failed cardioversion, but is as- NAPA is a class III AAD that can cause TDP and is excreted
sociated with a greater incidence of hypotension compared to entirely by the kidney; therefore, procainamide should also be
IV administration of amiodarone [7,18]. avoided in patients with significant renal dysfunction. Each
of these treatments (procainamide, amiodarone, or cardiover-
sion) is also appropriate for SVT with aberrant conduction
and therefore for wide QRS tachycardias of uncertain origin.
MANAGEMENT OF If an accessory atrioventricular pathway with rapid repetitive
HEMODYNAMICALLY STABLE conduction during AF or flutter is suspected (Fig. 41.3C), ad-
ministration of IV procainamide or cardioversion are first-line
In the absence of signs or symptoms of impaired consciousness
or tissue hypoperfusion, a 12-lead ECG should be obtained to
attempt to differentiate VT from SVT [7]. In patients in whom POLYMORPHIC VENTRICULAR
the diagnosis of SVT with aberrancy is suspected, the response TACHYCARDIA
to vagal maneuvers or adenosine administration while record-
ing the ECG may also elucidate the diagnosis (Fig. 41.4). Vago- VT with a continually changing QRS morphology is referred to
tonic maneuvers and administration of IV adenosine often ter- as PMVT and is most often due to cardiac ischemia, metabolic
minate or expose SVT and usually have no effect on VT. Close disarray, or drug toxicity, often associated with QT prolonga-
monitoring is required during these maneuvers; hypotension or tion. PMVT is often self-terminating, but likely to recur with
precipitation of VF can rarely occur. a significant risk of hemodynamic instability and degeneration
If the diagnosis remains unknown, the choice of initial an- to VF.
tiarrhythmic agent should be influenced by the hemodynamic The combination of PMVT and QT interval prolongation
stability and rhythm analysis (Fig. 41.9). Administration of (usually a corrected QT interval [QTc]) greater than 500 ms
multiple antiarrhythmic agents should be avoided as polyphar- is called torsades de pointes. The name is derived from the
macy increases the risk of precipitating incessant, although electrocardiographic appearance of twisting around the base-
usually slower VT or new VTs, such as TDP (see later in the line as displayed in Figure 41.10. QT prolongation can be
Regular tachycardia
FIGURE 41.9. The algorithm for management of hemodynamically tolerated wide QRS tachycardia is
shown. AF, atrial fibrillation; SVT, supraventricular tachycardia, VT, ventricular tachycardia.
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FIGURE 41.10. Two episodes of polymorphic ventricular tachycardia (VT) are shown. A: Polymorphic
VT is due to acute myocardial infarction. The QT interval is normal prior to the onset of tachycardia.
B: Torsades de pointes associated with QT prolongation prior to the onset of the tachycardia is present.
A pause precedes onset of tachycardia.
recurrent episodes. If the cause of PMVT is unclear, such that syndrome (Fig. 41.3). These pre-excited tachycardias can be
both TDP and ischemia are possibilities, administration of due to antidromic AV reentry (Fig. 41.3B) or AF or flutter con-
IV magnesium and lidocaine are reasonable initial therapies, ducting from atrium to ventricle over the accessory pathway
which are unlikely to aggravate arrhythmias from either cause. (Fig. 41.3C). Clues that a wide QRS tachycardia may be a pre-
excited tachycardia include: evidence of WPW on a prior ECG,
with a short PR interval and a -wave (Fig. 41.3A); AF with a
SINUSOIDAL VENTRICULAR very fast ventricular response of 200 to 300 beats per minute
(Fig. 41.3C); and irregularly irregular WCT with variation in
TACHYCARDIA beat-to-beat QRS morphology. Each QRS complex represents
When the QRS has a similar duration to that of diastole, the some degree of fusion between conduction over the accessory
tachycardia has a sinusoidal appearance (Fig. 41.1C). This is pathway and conduction through the AV node.
due to either very rapid monomorphic VT, also called ventric- Pre-excited tachycardias should generally be managed as
ular flutter, which can occur due to any of the causes given VT. Procainamide, which slows accessory pathway conduc-
previously in the chapter, or acute myocardial ischemia. Slow tion, or electrical cardioversion are first-line therapies. IV li-
sinusoidal VT (Fig. 41.1C) occurs when the QRS is prolonged docaine usually has little effect. Administration of medications
as a consequence of slowing of conduction through the my- that suppress AV nodal conduction without suppressing con-
ocardium. Such slow ventricular conduction is most commonly duction over the accessory pathway can accelerate the ventricu-
due to hyperkalemia or toxicity from a drug that blocks car- lar response, precipitating VF or hemodynamic collapse. Thus,
diac sodium channels, such as flecainide, propafenone, quini- beta-blockers, diltiazem, verapamil, digoxin, and adenosine are
dine, procainamide, disopyramide, phenothiazines, or tricyclic contraindicated in this setting. IV amiodarone may also have
antidepressants. this effect, because it suppresses AV conduction and should be
Hyperkalemia should be treated with administration of 1 g administered with caution [28].
of IV calcium chloride or calcium gluconate, which promptly
antagonizes the electrophysiologic effects of hyperkalemia. Ad-
ministration of sodium bicarbonate intravenously also has
almost-immediate effects. Calcium and NaHCO3 should not
be administered together in the same IV line, as they precipi- DEFIBRILLATORS
tate. Administration of hypertonic glucose and insulin has an
effect in several minutes. The duration of action of these mea- Implantable cardioverter defibrillators (ICDs) are a first-line
sures is transient, but does allow institution of measures to re- therapy for many patients who have been resuscitated from a
move potassium with forced diuresis, potassium-binding resins prior cardiac arrest or who are at high risk for arrhythmias and
(Kayexalate), or hemodialysis. sudden cardiac death. An increasing number of patients with
Slow sinusoidal VT due to toxicity from a sodium channel defibrillators are encountered in intensive care units (ICUs).
blocking drug may respond to administration of hypertonic Even when an ICD is present and programmed on, its pres-
sodium in the form of sodium bicarbonate or sodium lactate ence should not delay implementation of standard ACLS when
[25,26]. Sodium bicarbonate administration is indicated for VT or VF occurs. The ICD may deliver ineffective therapy or
tricyclic antidepressant toxicity. Many of these drugs have a fail to detect the arrhythmia. External shocks, when required,
characteristic known as use-dependency, such that their elec- should be delivered regardless of the presence of an ICD.
trophysiologic effect is greater at rapid heart rates. Slowing of The ICD recognizes VT or VF largely by the presence of a
the ventricular rate diminishes the toxicity. Thus, administra- heart rate that exceeds the programmed detection threshold.
tion of -adrenergic blockers can be helpful [27]. Supportive If an SVT exceeds the programmed rate threshold, the device
measures are required until the offending agent is excreted. will deliver an inappropriate therapy, either antitachycardia
pacing or an electrical shock [29]. Recurrent episodes can lead
to recurrent painful shocks. Occasionally antitachycardia pac-
WIDE QRS TACHYCARDIAS DUE ing for an atrial arrhythmia initiates VT (Fig. 41.11). Recurrent
inappropriate therapies can be managed by placing a magnet
TO VENTRICULAR CONDUCTION over the ICD pulse generator. This disables ICD arrhythmia de-
OVER AN ACCESSORY PATHWAY tection. It is important to recognize that VT or VF will also not
be detected with the magnet in place; external shocks will be
WCTs are also produced by conduction from atrium to ven- required to treat these arrhythmias. Use of a magnet to suspend
tricle over an accessory pathway in patients with the WPW detection is a temporary maneuver until the inciting arrhythmia
FIGURE 41.11. Tracings from a hospitalized patient who has an ICD are shown. From the top left,
atrial fibrillation with a rapid ventricular response is present. The rapid ventricular response is incorrectly
identified as ventricular tachycardia by the ICD and initiates a burst of antitachycardia pacing (ATP). ATP
initiates sustained ventricular tachycardia (VT). The VT rate is faster than the previous rate, which falls
into the programmed VF zone of the ICD, which then delivers a shock, restoring sinus rhythm. However,
atrial fibrillation recurred (not shown) repeatedly. Recurrent ICD therapies were interrupted by placing a
magnet over the ICD to suspend arrhythmia detection and treat the atrial fibrillation.
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can be brought under control or the ICD can be reprogrammed Patients with PVCs or NSVT who have relatively preserved
to allow better arrhythmia discrimination. left ventricular function do not usually need specific antiar-
Antiarrhythmic medications can have important interac- rhythmic therapy. Therapy with beta-blockers can be consid-
tions with ICDs [30]. These drugs can slow VT to a rate that ered for symptomatic patients. Rarely, other drugs are required
it is lesser than the detect rate of the ICD. VT is then not to control symptoms. Aggravating factors, such as electrolyte
detected or treated by the ICD. Antiarrhythmic drugs, par- abnormalities, should be sought and corrected. Therapy with
ticularly amiodarone, can increase the current required for class I AADs or sotalol is generally not indicated and may in-
defibrillation, such that the ICD no longer provides effective crease mortality [36,37].
defibrillation; in this setting, external shocks are required. Accelerated idioventricular rhythm (AIVR) is a wide-
complex ventricular rhythm at a rate faster than 40 beats per
minute and slower than 100 beats per minute and is usually
hemodynamically stable. The mechanism is probably related
NONSUSTAINED VT AND to enhanced automaticity. This rhythm often occurs in the first
VENTRICULAR ECTOPY: FIRST 12 hours following reperfusion of an acute myocardial infarc-
tion during periods of elevated sympathetic tone, and its onset
DO NO HARM is typically preceded by sinus slowing [38]. AIVR usually re-
solves without specific therapy; AAD treatment is rarely neces-
PVCs and NSVT (more than three ventricular complexes) are sary.
common in the ICU particularly associated with myocardial is- Digitalis-induced arrhythmias include ventricular ectopic
chemia, previous-healed myocardial infarction, and cardiomy- activity, an accelerated junctional rhythm, monomorphic VT,
opathies. Idiopathic PVCs also occur in some otherwise healthy or VF. Rarely, digitalis causes bidirectional tachycardia, in
patients, in whom they are of no consequence. The initial ap- which the QRS morphology alternates between two different
pearance of ventricular ectopy should prompt an evaluation morphologies; mortality is high if left untreated [39]. Patients
for possible aggravating factors (Table 41.3). Increasingly fre- with digitalis-induced VT should receive digoxin immune Fab
quent ectopy raises concern of increasing sympathetic tone pos- fragments (Digibind) [40].
sibly due to progression of the underlying illness. Treatment
should be directed at the underlying condition. Therapy with
-adrenergicblocking agents if not precluded due to hemody-
namic or pulmonary impairment is reasonable. Other antiar- OVERVIEW OF DRUGS
rhythmic agents should, in general, be avoided.
NSVT is a marker for increased sudden death risk in pa- COMMONLY USED FOR
tients who have had a prior myocardial infarction and in pa- MANAGEMENT OF VT/VF
tients with left ventricular hypertrophy [3133]. Patients with
an ejection fraction 40% or lesser and NSVT should be con-
sidered for electrophysiologic study. Those with inducible VT AADs (Table 41.4) are commonly grouped according to the
have a 9% per year risk of sudden death; ICDs are protective, Vaughan Williams classification scheme on the basis of whether
reducing total mortality from approximately 50% to 24% over their predominant action is to block sodium channels (class I),
5 years [34,35]. -adrenergic receptors (class II), potassium channels (class III),
or L-type calcium channels (class IV) [41]. Although this classi-
fication scheme is imperfect (many of the drugs affect multiple
channels or receptors), it remains in common use. The narrow
TA B L E 4 1 . 3 toxictherapeutic window and potential for proarrhythmia ne-
FACTORS AGGRAVATING VENTRICULAR cessitate use of AADs only when the potential risks are justi-
ARRHYTHMIAS IN HOSPITALIZED PATIENTS fied by the need to suppress an arrhythmia. For most drugs,
the initial dosing guidelines provide a starting point for drug
Acute myocardial ischemia and infarction administration. Titration to achieve the desired effect is often
Transvenous catheter in the right ventricle mechanically Class I AADs block sodium channels with either intermedi-
inducing ectopic activity ate (IA), fast (IB), or slow (IC) onset and recovery of channel
Elevated sympathetic tone block during diastole. Class IC AADs such as flecainide and
Pain, anxiety moricizine increase long-term mortality in patients with coro-
Acute illness nary artery disease and depressed ventricular function [42,43].
Sympathomimetic agents (dobutamine, dopamine, Such agents are rarely used for VT in the ICU.
epinephrine, norepinephrine, milrinone, theophylline) Procainamide (IA) is a first-line agent for the treatment of
hemodynamically stable WCT, and as an alternative agent for
hemodynamically unstable WCT and VF. It is also a first-line
Hypoxemia agent for WCT due to the WPW syndrome. Procainamide is
Acid/base disturbance administered as an IV infusion at 20 to 30 mg per minute
up to a total initial dose of 17 mg per kg. The loading dose
Electrolyte disturbance may be followed by a maintenance infusion of 1 to 4 mg per
Hypokalemia minute. Procainamide has vasodilatory and negative inotropic
Hyperkalemia effects. Arterial blood pressure should be monitored carefully
Hypocalcemia during IV administration. It should be avoided in patients with
Hypomagnesemia depressed ventricular function (left ventricular ejection frac-
Drugs tion <0.40). In addition, NAPA, an active metabolite of the
QT prolongationtorsades de pointes (see Table 41.2) drug, exerts class III effects that can lead to prolongation of
Digitalis toxicity repolarization (increased QTc) and TDP. Serum levels of both
procainamide and NAPA should be monitored if the drug is
TA B L E 4 1 . 4
IV dose
Antiarrhythmic Common
IA Procainamide MVT, PMVT, 20 mg/min until 14 mg/min Hypotension, reduced EF, Hypotension, negative Active metabolite (NAPA)
WPW and AF, arrhythmia is CHF (reduce dosage in inotropism, follow Proc and NAPA
VF (second line) suppressed or side renal failure), proarrhythmia, levels Discontinue if
effects occur up to prolonged QT, lupus-like syndrome QRS widens by >50%
17 mg/kg total previous TDP
IB Lidocaine Monomorphic VT, 1.01.5 mg/kg (additional 14 mg/min Seizure disorders, severe Seizures, status Appears to be most
polymorphic 0.75 mg/kg can be bradycardia or heart asthmaticus, effective during acute
VT/VF given as a second block, severe renal or hypotension myocardial ischemia
bolus) hepatic dysfunction
II -adrenergic PMVT/MVT Variable Variable Severe CHF; second- or Bradycardia, worsened Proven mortality benefit
blockers third-degree heart CHF, AV delay, in cardiac ischemia
block hypotension,
III Amiodarone MVT, PMVT, VF 150 mg IV over 10 min 1 mg/min for Severe hepatic disease; Hypotension, multiorgan May be more effective
(may be repeated 6 h and then second- or third- toxicity (lung, liver, than lidocaine for
multiple times up to 5 mg/min degree heart block nervous system, eyes, most ventricular
2 g/24 h and 58 g skin, thyroid) arrhythmias
Ibutilide AF (cardioversion), 1 mg IV (may repeat dose Prolonged QT interval, Torsades de pointes
WPW, and AF 10 min after initial electrolyte
dose) abnormalities
polymorphic VT
Bretylium VT/VF (second line) 5 mg/kg (may repeat) 12 mg/min Severe renal failure Frequent late hypotension Removed from ACLS
treatment algorithms
due to limited supply
Sotalol VT/VF 1.01.5 mg/kg at Second- or third-degree Bradycardia, Not available
10 mg/min heart block hypotension, TDP intravenously in the
United States
Other Epinephrine Cardiac arrest 1 mg IV (repeated as 14 g/min
Vasopressin Pressor agent for 40 U IV (not repeated) Interchangeable with
cardiac arrest epinephrine
Magnesium Known low Mg+ , 12 g (may be repeated)
CHB, complete heart block; CHF, congestive heart failure; EF, ejection fraction; MVT, monomorphic VT; PMVT, polymorphic VT; TDP, torsades de pointes; VF, ventricular fibrillation; VT, ventricular
tachycardia; AF, atrial fibrillation; WPW, WolfParkinsonWhite.
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continued for longer than 24 hours. In addition to the QTc dial infarction have a risk of recurrent cardiac arrest or VT
interval, the width of the QRS complex should be monitored that exceeds 30% to 40%. ICDs effectively terminate recurrent
and the drug should be discontinued during initial loading or VT/VF and reduce mortality in these patients [4749]. Thus,
chronic therapy if the QRS widens by more than 50% of its sudden cardiac arrest survivors warrant evaluation after resus-
baseline value. citation and management of any intercurrent illness to assess
Lidocaine (class IB) is indicated for the acute management of the need for placement of an ICD and other arrhythmia ther-
life-threatening ventricular arrhythmias, especially in patients apy. Catheter ablation of VT is a valuable treatment option for
suspected of having acute myocardial ischemia. It can be ad- the control of recurrent arrhythmia. Therapeutic decisions are
ministered as 1.0 to 1.5 mg per kg IV bolus, which can be guided by the estimated risk of recurrence, underlying heart
repeated to a maximum bolus of 3 mg per kg, followed by an disease, functional status, and general prognosis.
infusion of 1 to 4 mg per minute. Unlike procainamide, lido-
caine has few adverse hemodynamic side effects. Its toxicity is
mainly due to neurologic side effects (seizures and tremors). Sustained Monomorphic VT
Beta-blockers (class II) antagonize the effects of -
adrenergic stimulation on the heart and have been shown to Sustained monomorphic VT is usually due to reentry through
reduce mortality in patients with depressed ventricular function a region of myocardial scar, most commonly from an old my-
or ischemic heart disease during chronic therapy [44,45]. They ocardial infarction. Myocardial scars causing VT also occur in
can be considered for hemodynamically significant or symp- cardiomyopathies, cardiac sarcoidosis, arrhythmogenic right
tomatic NSVT and PVCs, and for recurrent sustained ventricu- ventricular cardiomyopathy, and Chagas disease. In all of these
lar tachyarrhythmias in which elevated sympathetic tone is felt diseases, the substrate for the arrhythmia remains after resus-
to play a role. Negative inotropic effects, bradyarrhythmias, citation. The spontaneous recurrence rate exceeds 40% over
and aggravation of bronchospasm are major adverse effects. the following 2 years. Patients who present with sustained
Metoprolol, propranolol, atenolol, and esmolol are all avail- monomorphic VT, but have elevated cardiac enzymes indicat-
able for IV administration. Metoprolol can be given as a 5-mg ing infarction, should be presumed to remain at risk for VT
slow IV push and can be repeated every 5 to 10 minutes up to from reentry from a prior infarct scar. An ICD or long-term
a total of 20 mg IV or until the desired effect is obtained. On- therapy with amiodarone is generally considered after under-
going maintenance therapy can be administered as repeat IV lying myocardial ischemia and other aggravating factors are
boluses every 4 to 6 hours or through oral dosing. Esmolol has addressed. The underlying heart disease should be character-
a short half-life (2 to 9 minutes), making it useful when there ized; echocardiography and cardiac catheterization are often
is concern that a beta-blocker may be poorly tolerated, such warranted.
as in patients with hypotension or a history of bronchospasm.
Termination of the infusion is followed by rapid dissipation of Bundle Branch Reentry
Class III AADs cause prolongation of repolarization pri- Bundle branch reentry causes a unique form of monomorphic
marily by potassium channelblocking activity. This action is VT that results from a reentrant circuit utilizing the bundle
responsible for their antiarrhythmic and proarrhythmic (QTc branches as arms of the circuit. The reentry wave front typi-
prolongation and TDP) effects. cally circulates antegrade down the right bundle branch and
Amiodarone is usually classified as a class III agent, although up the left bundle branch, giving rise to a VT that has a left
it exhibits sodium, potassium, and calcium channel inhibition, bundle branch block QRS configuration. In patients with left
as well as -adrenergicblocking effects. It has excellent ef- bundle branch block in sinus rhythm, the VT can have the
ficacy in the management of ventricular arrhythmias and a same QRS morphology as sinus rhythm. This form of VT is
low incidence of proarrhythmia [46]. Amiodarone is a first- most commonly seen in patients with nonischemic dilated car-
line AAD option in the recently revised ACLS VF/pulseless diomyopathy [50]. Bundle branch reentry can be cured by ra-
VT algorithm [7]. Even though amiodarone causes QT pro- diofrequency ablation, but at least 25% of patients with this
longation, TDP is rare. IV amiodarone can be administered as form of VT will have other VTs as well [51]. Therefore, an ICD
150 mg bolus over 10 minutes, followed by a continuous in- is often recommended.
fusion at 1 mg per minute for 6 hours and then 0.5 mg per Rarely, sustained monomorphic VT occurs in a patient with-
minute. Additional 150 mg boluses can be given for break- out structural heart disease. The most common of these idio-
through arrhythmia up to a total load of approximately 2 g pathic tachycardias originates from a focus in the right ven-
per 24 hours and 5 to 8 g total. Amiodarone has a large and tricular outflow tract, giving rise to VT that has a left bundle
variable volume of distribution (averaging 60 L per kg) and branch block, inferior axis QRS configuration. VT is often cat-
long half-life (averaging 53 days). Major complications dur- echolamine sensitive and precipitated during exercise or phys-
ing IV administration are hypotension and bradyarrhythmias. iologic stress, occasionally emerging during other illnesses. Id-
When administered through a peripheral IV line, amiodarone iopathic VT rarely causes cardiac arrest, although hypotension
causes phlebitis; continuous infusions should be administered and syncope can occur [52]. Unlike other forms of VT, idio-
through a central venous catheter. During chronic long-term pathic VT is sometimes terminated with adenosine or vagal
therapy, hepatic toxicity, hyper- or hypothyroidism, pneumoni- maneuvers [53]. Beta-blocker and verapamil (especially in IV
tis, pulmonary fibrosis, neuropathy, tremor, and skin toxicity form) can also be effective at terminating and suppressing id-
are important concerns that require careful monitoring. iopathic VT [54]. Long-term therapy focuses on suppression
with beta-blockers or calcium channel blockers. Occasionally
catheter ablation is required [55].
Patients who have had TDP should be viewed as having a sus-
Patients with ischemic heart disease and reduced ventricular ceptibility to the arrhythmia. All known precipitants of TDP
function who are resuscitated from cardiac arrest or hemo- or QT prolongation should be avoided (Table 41.3). Patient
dynamically significant VT not attributable to acute myocar- should be provided with a list of these medications. Following
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Chapter 42: Supraventricular Tachycardias: Recognition and Management in the Intensive Care Setting 441
can decrease heart rates while the primary cause of the sinus
tachycardia is being investigated.
Automatic atrial tachycardias are very similar in occurrence
to sinus tachycardia in the intensive care setting. They are fre-
quently seen in patients in shock, under stress, or on high doses
of beta-adrenergic agents (epinephrine, high-dose dopamine).
They can be readily distinguished from sinus tachycardia by
close analysis of the P wave morphology. Unlike sinus tachycar-
dia, however, these arrhythmias are not always a result of a per-
sistent underlying abnormality (blood loss, hypoxia, etc.) and
may be a primary cause of functional deterioration in a given
patient [5,6]. Sodium channel blockers (class I antiarrhythmic
agents) can be used for both acute termination and prevention
of recurrences [79]. Typically, however, treatment of the un-
derlying problem and decreasing the use of intravenous sym-
pathomimetics is sufficient to prevent recurrence in patients
who have developed atrial tachycardia in the setting of critical
FIGURE 42.2. Patient with initially regular SVT than with a change in ventricular response rate. The
underlying supraventricular arrhythmia is an atrial tachycardia (automatic or macroreentrant). Note the
differences in P wave morphology to sinus rhythm with negative P waves in the inferior leads and all
positive P wave (not biphasic) in lead V1 . The abrupt changes in ventricular responses may exacerbate
symptoms especially in patients already compromised with critical illness.
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Chapter 42: Supraventricular Tachycardias: Recognition and Management in the Intensive Care Setting 443
FIGURE 42.3. 12-Lead electrocardiogram of typical atrioventricular node reentry (AVNRT). The P waves
are readily recognized just following the QRS complex. The regular tachycardia with short RP interval
should raise suspicion for this arrhythmia. The P waves are typically very narrow in AVNRT as a result
of the early septal activation during this tachycardia. AV nodal blockade will terminate the arrhythmia
and likely prevent recurrence. This arrhythmia may be hemodynamically poorly tolerated even when rel-
atively slow because of the near simultaneous atrioventricular activation. This results in atrial contraction
against a closed atrioventricular valve producing increased back pressure in the venous beds (systemic and
patients develop inappropriate sinus tachycardiaa disorder proceeds more rapidly in the fast pathway and is responsible
of the autonomic control of the sinus node that results in P for the normal PR interval and conduction to the ventricle.
wave morphology identical to sinus rhythm but with abrupt Retrograde penetration of the slow pathway occurs and pre-
and frequent increases in the heart rate for no apparent or de- vents the antegrade wave front through the slow pathway from
finable reason [1012]. Inappropriate sinus tachycardia may reaching the AV node. Consequently, slow pathway activation
also be associated with other features of autonomic dysfunc- remains electrically silent. When a premature atrial beat oc-
tion and contribute to hypotension. Persistent tachycardia can curs, block in conduction down the fast pathway (relatively
be a feature of this condition, especially when patients recover shorter refractory period) allows antegrade conduction with a
from catastrophic illness. long PR interval down the slow pathway. From this site, retro-
grade activation of the fast pathway may now occur and the
reentrant arrhythmia ensues. Accordingly, the typical electro-
Atrioventricular Nodal Reentry Tachycardia cardiographic feature of initiation of AVNRT is a premature
atrial contraction with a long PR interval followed by the sud-
AVNRT is a common arrhythmia in the ICU and the most com- den onset of a regular narrow complex tachycardia with a very
mon form of regular SVT, accounting for approximately 60% short RP interval.
of cases [1,13]. It is more common in female patients between AVNRT is characterized on ECG by a regular narrow com-
the ages of 20 and 40 years. Patients may complain of palpita- plex tachycardia with P waves buried within or appearing ei-
tions that occur with sudden onset and resolve spontaneously ther just before or after the QRS complex. The P wave is often
[14]. In addition, some patients may experience the urge to mic- closer to the preceding QRS complex, giving rise to a short RP
turate either during or after termination of the rhythm. Older tachycardia. The RP interval reflects the time from ventricular
and debilitated patients may have severe symptoms in addition activation to atrial activation and is short in AVNRT because
to the palpitations including angina and syncope. of the rapid conduction of the impulse retrograde to the atrium
AVNRT is a reentrant tachycardia that has a complex cir- via the fast pathway. Short RP tachycardias signify fast ret-
cuit. The atrial myocardial inputs to the AV node are discrete, rograde activation that is characteristic of AVNRT. Ventricu-
involving an anterior input called the fast pathway and a pos- lar rate is often noted to be between 150 and 250 beats per
terior input in the region of the coronary sinus (CS) called the minute.
slow pathway. Because of these discrete inputs, in some pa- Acute management of symptomatic AVNRT often begins
tients, there is sufficient disparity in the conduction times and with attempts at Valsalva-like maneuvers which increase vagal
refractory periods of the two pathways, allowing initiation and tone and influence pathway refractoriness. If these are effective,
maintenance of a reentrant tachycardia (AVNRT) [1517]. no further therapy is usually required [18]. Medical therapy is
In sinus rhythm, there is near simultaneous antegrade con- indicated in patients with continued symptoms. Adenosine may
duction through both the fast and slow pathway. Conduction be used as a first-line treatment and invariably terminates the
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Chapter 42: Supraventricular Tachycardias: Recognition and Management in the Intensive Care Setting 445
FIGURE 42.7. Regular wide complex tachycardia. When a regular wide complex tachycardia is seen
in the critical care setting, ventricular tachycardia should always be considered. However, if the baseline
electrocardiogram shows preexcitation, an antidromic tachycardia can be diagnosed and easily terminated
with any AV nodal blocking agent. If the baseline electrocardiogram is not available, wide QRS tachycardia
with consistent 1:1 RP association in the absence of structural heart disease should raise suspicion for
an accessory pathway-mediated mechanism.
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Acute Management of Hemodynamically Procainamide may chemically convert the patient from AF to
Significant AVRT sinus rhythm and in addition, suppress conduction via the AP.
Patients with AVRT should be referred to a cardiac elec-
Valsalva-like maneuvers that increase vagal tone may be at- trophysiologist for possible radiofrequency catheter ablation.
tempted initially. As with acute treatment of AVNRT, adeno- Catheter ablation is highly successful, is associated with low
sine may be used as a first-line agent for medical management. risk, and eliminates the need for long-term drug therapy [32].
Because of its very short half-life, a trial of adenosine may be at- Ablation is often considered first-line therapy in young patients
tempted in patients with tenuous hemodynamics prior to emer- who prefer a curative approach.
gent cardioversion. However, adenosine may potentially cause
increased atrial vulnerability, a serious proarrhythmic side af-
fect [27,28]. An alternative category of drugs often adminis-
Specific Considerations for the Intensive Care Setting
tered in the acute setting for treatment of orthodromic AVRT Preexcited AF should be immediately recognized and treated
includes intravenous calcium channel blockers. Intravenous ve- when observed but is an unusual presentation in critically ill pa-
rapamil may be used and repeated every 2 to 3 minutes for tients. More commonly, repeated episodes of reentrant AVRT
acute termination of orthodromic AVRT but may be relatively (usually orthodromic) arise in patients with known APs. Fre-
contraindicated in patients with significant hypotension or de- quent and sometimes incessant episodes can result from the
pressed ventricular function or heart failure. Additional agents stress of critical illness combined with possible discontinua-
that may be used and often considered second-line treatment tion of previously used AV nodal blocking agents for medical
include intravenous beta-blockers (like metoprolol and pro- management. Judicious use of short-acting intravenous beta-
pranolol) and procainamide. Rather than having a direct effect blockers will help prevent recurrences of arrhythmia without
on AV nodal conduction, procainamide acts on the atrial and major untoward hemodynamic consequences.
ventricular myocardium, causing decreased conduction and in- Caregivers of the critically ill patient must also be aware that
crease refractoriness of APs and the HisPurkinje system. the presence of a WPW pattern on the EKG by itself is not a
In contrast, when an irregular wide complex tachycardia contraindication to use beta-blockers or other AV nodal block-
is noted in a patient with known WPW, urgent intervention ing agents if clinically required for comorbid illnesses such as
is required [2931]. Preexcited AF once recognized, should be coronary disease. If, however, a patient with WPW has AF, AV
immediately terminated (Fig. 42.8). If the patient is hemody- nodal blocking agents should be avoided or used in conjunc-
namically unstable, urgent cardioversion is required. If not, tion with antiarrhythmic agents like procainamide to suppress
an antiarrhythmic agent such as procainamide can be used. AP conduction (Fig. 42.9).
FIGURE 42.8. Preexcited atrial fibrillation. All caregivers for critically ill patients should be familiar with
this pattern. An irregular wide complex tachycardia is noted. Importantly, the ventricular rates are fast,
and each QRS morphology is slightly different. Especially if the baseline electrocardiogram had shown
preexcitation (WPW) pattern, this urgent condition of preexcited atrial fibrillation should be immediately
recognized. Regardless of present symptoms, cardioversion should be considered if the patient is relatively
unstable; chemical cardioversion with an agent such as procainamide that may convert the atrial fibrillation
to sinus rhythm and simultaneously slow conduction to the accessory pathway can be tried.
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Chapter 42: Supraventricular Tachycardias: Recognition and Management in the Intensive Care Setting 447
FIGURE 42.9. Characteristic electrocardiogram in patient with antegrade preexcitation. Note the short
PR interval and the wave clearly seen in the lateral precordial leads and lead II. The R wave seen in
lead V1 and negative wave in lead I is consistent with the left-sided accessory pathway. If a patient with
this baseline electrocardiogram develops atrial fibrillation, this should be treated as a medical emergency
because of risk of ventricular fibrillation from the atrial fibrillatory waves conducting to the ventricle via
this pathway without the intervening protective effects of the AV node.
IRREGULAR NARROW COMPLEX important clinically because of the increased risk of hemody-
namic instability and mortality associated with this arrhyth-
TACHYCARDIA mia in the intensive care setting. AF is characterized by irregu-
lar atrial contractions, as demonstrated on ECG by irregularly
Several of the regular narrow complex tachycardias already dis- irregular f waves that may manifest as continuous irregular
cussed may occasionally present with irregular R-R intervals. variation in the baseline (Fig. 42.10).
However, by far, the most common irregular narrow complex AF may become problematic to patients in the intensive care
tachycardia occurring in an ICU setting is AF. In this section, setting due to hemodynamic instability. Hemodynamic com-
we discuss this common arrhythmia in detail, presenting in- promise is likely in cases of AF associated with rapid ventric-
formation on pathogenesis, recognition of variants, and acute ular response, especially when associated with diastolic dys-
management in the critically ill patient. Although less com- function. In addition, hemodynamic instability is common in
mon, atrial flutter with variable conduction block and multi- AF with rapid ventricular response in patients in whom a more
focal atrial tachycardia should be distinguished from AF since prolonged diastolic filling period would be desirable, such as
management differs significantly. mitral stenosis, hypertrophic obstructive cardiomyopathy, re-
strictive cardiomyopathy, or constrictive pericardial disease.
Patients with underlying WPW syndrome who develop AF can
Atrial Fibrillation have hemodynamic instability due to a rapidly conducting an-
tegrade AP as previously mentioned. If antegrade AP conduc-
AF is the most common type of arrhythmia, and the most com- tion is present during AF, ECG findings show an irregular wide
mon SVT seen in the ICU. Incidence increases with age; it is complex tachycardia with varying degrees of ventricular pre-
found in less than 0.1% of adults younger than 55 years but in excitation. As mentioned previously in the discussion of AVRT
more than 9% of the population age 80 years or older [33,34]. management, AV nodal blocking agents are contraindicated in
AF is characterized by the presence of chaotic appearing mul- this instance as they may enhance antegrade AP conduction
tiple shifting reentrant atrial wavelets that may appear flat or and increase risk of ventricular fibrillation.
irregular. Classification of AF usually depends on the dura- Another important complication of AF is thrombus forma-
tion and frequency of occurrence. Paroxysmal AF makes up tion in the left atrium that may embolize to the cerebral cir-
about 40% of cases and may last up to 7 days, terminating culation and ultimately result in ischemic stroke. Therefore,
spontaneously. Nonparoxysmal AF lasts more than 7 days and early recognition of AF, its risk factors, and proper treatment
requires cardioversion for termination. Identification of AF is is prudent in the management of the critically ill patient.
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FIGURE 42.10. Atrial fibrillation with rapid ventricular rates. In some leads, there is an appearance of
organization of the arrhythmia (flutter-like). However, this is inconsistent in other leads and is often seen
in atrial fibrillation, particularly in patients with left atrial hypertrophy. The ventricular rates are irregular
and management will depend on the associated hemodynamic changes (see text for details).
Causes of Atrial Fibrillation or remodeling due to cardiomyopathy [42]. Other cardiac risk
factors include pericarditis, myocarditis, congenital heart dis-
Initiation and maintenance of AF varies and often is multi-
ease, and valvular heart disease. Obesity and metabolic syn-
factorial. The three main initiating causes include rapidly dis-
drome have also been linked to AF [43]. Pulmonary embolism
charging triggers or foci, the autonomic nervous system that
is also a risk factor for AF and should never be overlooked in
triggers activity, and substrate abnormalities that permit and
the intensive care or postoperative setting. Consumption of ex-
promote wavelet reentry [3537]. The pulmonary veins are
cessive amounts of alcohol is a well-known risk factor for AF.
lined with myocardium that has a shorter effective refractory
Binge drinkers have a significantly increased risk of developing
period and is capable of more rapid discharge than the endo-
AF, a phenomenon referred to as holiday heart syndrome [44].
cardium. The muscular lining of the pulmonary veins is the
Moderate use of alcohol, in contrast, has not been consistently
most common site of rapid discharge leading to the initiation
shown to be associated with AF [45]. Surgery, both cardiac and
and maintenance of AF. The autonomic nervous system is also
noncardiac is also associated with the development of AF. Car-
an important source in initiating AF. Sympathetic stimulation
diac surgeries, especially coronary artery bypass grafting and
may facilitate altered automaticity and result in focal discharge.
valvular repair or replacement, have a greater association with
In addition, enhanced vagal tone may shorten the refractory pe-
the development of AF than noncardiac surgeries. Periopera-
riod and increase heterogeneity. Patients with conditions like
tive administration of beta-blockers for prophylactic treatment
myocarditis, congestive heart failure, valvular heart disease,
has been shown to significantly reduce the incidence of AF in
coronary artery disease, hypertension, and other diseases lead-
this setting [46,47]. Additional noncardiac risks factors asso-
ing to atrial stretch and interstitial fibrosis may develop AF due
ciated with AF include obstructive sleep apnea, thyrotoxicosis,
to these substrate abnormalities. Substrate abnormalities cause
and inflammatory states.
heterogeneity in electrophysiologic cellular properties leading
AF is common in the surgical perioperative period (predom-
to breakdown in waveform propagation and multiple wavelet
inantly in the first 4 postoperative days), and as previously
reentry. Because of electrical remodeling, the more frequent
mentioned, most often observed in patients undergoing cardiac
AF occurs, the greater the likelihood of further AF episodes
surgery. Studies have reported that AF may occur in up to 40%
of patients undergoing coronary artery bypass grafting and
In addition, several reversible risk factors have been identi-
up to 60% in those undergoing combined coronary grafting
fied to be associated with AF, and these should be recognized
and valve surgery [4850]. Postoperative AF may be reduced
by the practitioner to aid in proper management. The most
by administration of prophylactic doses of beta-blockers, cal-
common underlying disease that may lead to AF is hyperten-
cium channel blockers, amiodarone, corticosteroids, or even
sion [40]. Studies have shown that treatment of hypertension
lipid-lowering agents [5154]. The increased incidence of AF
with ACE inhibitors or ARBs may reduce the incidence of AF,
in the perioperative setting is unknown but thought to be sec-
especially in patients with altered left ventricular function [41].
ondary to atrial ischemia, atrial incisions, pericarditis, inflam-
The utilization of beta-blockers is also effective in controlling
mation, changes in autonomic tone, and large fluid shifts. Im-
ventricular response. AF has been associated with up to 10% of
portant risk factors for the development of AF postoperatively
patients suffering from an acute myocardial infarction. The un-
include cessation of beta-blocker therapy, chronic obstructive
derlying mechanism is thought to be secondary to atrial stretch
pulmonary disease, left atrial enlargement, advanced age, heart
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Chapter 42: Supraventricular Tachycardias: Recognition and Management in the Intensive Care Setting 449
failure, and a previous history of AF. Atrial fibrillation in this gies to the patients needs is important in management of AF.
setting is self-limited and usually resolves completely within 8 Although treatment strategies may vary, elderly patients who
weeks. have minimal symptoms are often managed with rate control,
whereas younger patients with significant symptoms and struc-
tural heart disease are often managed with rhythm control.
Management of Atrial Fibrillation
The goal of AF treatment is to minimize symptoms (palpi- Specific Considerations for the Intensive Care Setting. In all
tations, shortness of breath, lightheadedness, dizziness, and patients with AF, systematic consideration to whether rate or
fatigue), prevent or reduce tachycardia-induced cardiomyopa- rhythm control strategies should be adopted, and a decision as
thy, and prevent thromboembolic complications like stroke. to which anticoagulation strategy is most appropriate should
Whether treatment of AF results in favorable outcomes is un- be made. In the critically ill patient, timely judgment regarding
known. Although the Framingham study showed increased treatment with either urgent control of rate or rhythm becomes
incidence of mortality in patients with AF after adjustment more crucial. In addition, a careful analysis of the potential
for common confounders, other, more recent studies have not risks associated with slowing of the heart rate or the devel-
shown that treatment contributes to improved survival rates opment of proarrhythmic complications from antiarrhythmic
[55]. However, as with all other arrhythmias, it is prudent therapy is needed.
to evaluate and assess the hemodynamic stability of a patient Atrial fibrillation with obvious hemodynamic collapse re-
with AF. As mentioned previously, critically ill patients may quires urgent cardioversion regardless of anticoagulation sta-
develop hemodynamic instability in association with AF, espe- tus, attempts at rate control, etc. This situation is quite rare.
cially those for whom a shortened diastolic filling period would Whenever significant hemodynamic compromise is noted in a
be detrimental (e.g. mitral stenosis, hypertrophic obstructive patient with AF (particularly with reasonably controlled rates),
cardiomyopathy, restrictive cardiomyopathy, constrictive peri- another cause for hypotension or shock should be investigated.
carditis) or WPW. In these instances, synchronized direct cur- However, in patients with significant valvular disease (critical
rent (DC) cardioversion is indicated. Premedication with an aortic stenosis) or with severe diastolic ventricular dysfunc-
anxiolytic, opiates, or generalized anesthesia is appropriate. tion (longstanding hypertension, hypertrophic cardiomyopa-
DC cardioversion usually results in successful conversion to thy), the onset of AF can be very symptomatic and occasionally
normal sinus rhythm in a majority of cases. Treatment with lead to hypotension, pulmonary edema, and findings consistent
intravenous procainamide or ibutilide may also be used in pa- with cardiogenic shock.
tients with AF and a wide-complex tachycardia associated with Nevertheless, in most situations, the clinician should assess
hemodynamic instability as these patients may have underlying systematically for optimal methods to control rate, and if symp-
WPW. Eventually, patients with AF in the setting of underlying toms continue despite rate control, methods to restore sinus
WPW should undergo radiofrequency ablation of the AP once rhythm and assess for anticoagulation are needed.
deemed clinically suitable.
In hemodynamically stable patients, a more conservative Rate Control
management approach is taken. Once the patient is considered
to be hemodynamically stable, a history and physical exam- Rate control for patients with AF is often pursued not only to
ination focusing on delineating a possible reversible cause of help alleviate symptomatic palpitations, but also to prevent
AF should be undertaken. Common, reversible causes of AF hemodynamic compromise and prevent tachycardia-induced
in the critically ill patient include myocardial infarction, peri- cardiomyopathy that may occur with prolonged rapid ventric-
carditis, infection or inflammation, pulmonary embolism, hy- ular rates. Rate control provides adequate ventricular filling
perthyroidism, recent cardiac surgery, and stroke. In addition, and reduces rate-related ischemia, thus, improving symptoms.
a review of possible iatrogenic causes including administration On the basis of parameters used in the AFFIRM trial, rate con-
of proarrhythmic medications like common sympathomimet- trol can be defined as having a resting heart rate of less than 80
ics should be made. Special attention to electrolyte abnormal- beats per minute and a maximal heart rate less than 110 beats
ities and correction should also be done. The ultimate goal per minute during a 6-minute walk [57]. AV nodal blocking
of therapy for otherwise hemodynamically stable patients who agents like beta-blockers and calcium channel blockers are the
develop acute onset AF is improvement of quality of life by con- most commonly used agents in this setting. These agents have
trolling rate, rhythm, or both, and providing anticoagulation predominantly safe profiles. Conversely, awareness of calcium
when indicated. channel blockers association with heart failure exacerbation
Strategies that focus on either rate control or rhythm control must be recognized in patients with low left ventricular ejec-
in hemodynamically stable patients may be used. Rate control tion fractions. Amiodarone may also be used to achieve rate
refers to an approach that uses AV nodal blocking agents to control. In patients with labile blood pressures, digoxin is of-
decrease ventricular rate and improve hemodynamics. Calcium ten used to provide rate control but may prove insufficient as
channel blockers, beta-blockers, or even AV nodal ablation may a single agent.
be used to control the ventricular rate. Conversely, rhythm con- Alternatively, in chronic settings beyond the scope of the
trol is an attempt to keep the patient in sinus rhythm. Strate- ICU, AV node ablation combined with permanent pacemaker
gies include cardioversion, antiarrhythmic drug treatment, per- implantation may be considered when pharmacologic rate con-
cutaneous ablation, and various surgical procedures. As dis- trol therapy is either unsuccessful or not tolerated [58,59]. It
cussed previously, the ultimate goal of treatment of AF is to is important to note that although AV node ablation decreases
improve the quality of life. Therefore, management with both symptoms and improves quality of life, studies have shown no
rate control and rhythm control provides the greatest improve- impact on overall survival [60,61].
ment in symptoms. However, the AFFIRM (Atrial Fibrillation
Follow-up Investigation of Rhythm Management) trial, a study Rate Control Issues in the Intensive Care Setting. Rate con-
of 4,060 patients older than 65 years with a history of AF and trol can be particularly difficult when patients are hypotensive
additional risk factors for stroke and death who were randomly in AF as a result of coexisting critical illness. Digitalization is
assigned to receive either rate control or rhythm control ther- sometimes effective; however, in states of high circulating cat-
apy showed no significant difference in improvement of qual- echolamines, digoxin is not useful. Administering intravenous
ity of life between rate control strategies and rhythm control calcium just prior to initiating an intravenous calcium chan-
strategies [56]. As a result, individualizing treatment strate- nel blocker (diltiazem, verapamil) may sometimes minimize
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hypotension while achieving reasonable rate control. Care- heart disease is present or not. In patients with structural heart
ful scrutiny of the utilization of intravenous sympathomimetic disease, intravenous amiodarone is preferred with attempt at
agents and titration of dose to decrease AV nodal conduction cardioversion either for hemodynamic instability or following
should be considered. For example, changing from high-dose initial amiodarone loading. In the absence of structural heart
dopamine or epinephrine to phenylephrine in a patient with disease, when oral medication can be administered, rate con-
septic shock may be sufficient to support the blood pressure trol with a beta-blocker and initiation of a class Ic agent is a
without necessarily increasing AV nodal conduction and thus common management strategy. In addition, the temporary use
rapid ventricular rates. of IV amiodarone can be considered until the medical illness
subsides and long-term rhythm control with less toxic antiar-
Rhythm Control rhythmic agents or with nonpharmacologic treatment options
can be considered [33,51,53,67,68].
Management of AF in stable patients may be geared toward
restoration of sinus rhythm. DC or chemical cardioversion
strategies can be employed. This may be a good option for
Prevention of Thromboembolic Complications
young patients, but older patients with cardiomegaly and left An important aspect in the management of AF is implemen-
atrial enlargement are less likely to have successful results. tation of risk-appropriate anticoagulation. Studies have con-
Hemodynamically stable patients who have documented de- sistently shown an increase in cardioembolic stroke rates in
velopment of acute AF for duration of 48 hours or less may patients with AF [6971]. In addition to causing a hyperco-
proceed with early cardioversion. Alternatively, hemodynami- agulable state, AF impairs proper atrial contraction leading
cally stable patients with AF that has lasted for more than 48 to blood stasis in the left atrium and ultimately a physiologic
hours or have an unknown duration of AF may still undergo state promoting thrombus formation [72,73]. Therefore, an
cardioversion. It is important to rule out intracardiac thrombus understanding of risk factors for stroke in patients with AF is
that may be associated with AF and can subsequently embolize essential. Risk factors may be easily remembered by using the
with cardioversion and return to normal sinus rhythm. There- mnemonic CHADS2, which stands for cardiac failure (recent
fore, two different strategies may be undertaken. First, trans- heart failure), history of hypertension, age greater or equal to
esophageal echocardiogram (TEE) can be utilized to rule out 75 years, history of diabetes, and a history of stroke or a tran-
intracardiac thrombus formation. Once thrombus is excluded sient ischemic attack [74]. The number 2 stands for the fact
by TEE, cardioversion may proceed using the aforementioned that a history of stroke counts as 2 risk factors points. The
strategies. Subsequent anticoagulation with warfarin is pru- CHADS2 mnemonic is also used as a risk stratifying score to
dent, with an INR goal of 2 to 3 for at least 4 weeks [62]. help predict patients at significantly increased risk of devel-
Another strategy that may be used in patients with AF that oping an ischemic stroke from a cardioembolic event in the
has lasted for more than 48 hours or unknown duration is to setting of AF [74]. Based on these scores, the annual predicted
anticoagulate with a goal INR of 2 to 3 for 3 weeks prior to stroke risk can be calculated. The adjusted annual stroke rate
cardioversion. Patients are subsequently instructed to continue increases from 1.9% in patients with a CHADS2 score of 0%
anticoagulation therapy for an additional 4 weeks after car- to 18.2% in patients with a CHADS2 score of 6.
dioversion to prevent thromboembolic events that may result Once the CHADS2 score and the risk for stroke are esti-
from delayed atrial mechanical recovery in this setting. mated for patients with AF, the decision on the type of prophy-
Concomitant use of antiarrhythmic medications with DC lactic antithrombotic therapy, if any, needs to be determined.
cardioversion increases the probability not only of success- On the basis of the 2006 ACC/AHA/ESC guidelines for the
ful cardioversion, but also maintenance of sinus rhythm for management of AF, aspirin 81 mg to 325 mg daily is recom-
longer periods of time. Because antiarrhythmic drugs have mended for patients with no risk factors for thromboembolism
many proarrhythmic side effects, the particular regimen chosen (CHADS2 score of 0) [75]. Patients with a single risk factor or
depends on the clinical setting and the underlying cardiovascu- a CHADS2 score of 1 may be managed with either aspirin 81
lar disease. Flecainide, propafenone, or sotalol are often used to 325 mg daily or an adjusted-dose warfarin regimen with an
for patients without underlying structural heart disease. Amio- INR goal of 2.0 to 3.0 [75]. For patients with risks that confer
darone and dofetilide are often recommended in patients with a high-risk score (a previous stroke or TIA, rheumatic mitral
underlying heart failure, while sotalol or dofetilide may be used stenosis, or a CHADS2 score of 2 or higher), warfarin is recom-
in patients with coronary artery disease. Consultation with a mended with an INR goal of 2.0 to 3.0 [75]. Anticoagulation
cardiologist is recommended. with other agents like unfractionated or low-molecular-weight
Drugs often used for chemical cardioversion in the acute set- heparin may be used as alternative bridging therapy in patients
ting include procainamide, flecainide, propafenone, dofetilide, requiring certain procedures or surgeries.
and ibutilide. Although this is often an appropriate strat-
egy, studies have shown pharmacologic cardioversion to be Anticoagulation Issues Relevant in the Intensive Care Unit.
less effective than DC cardioversion in combination with an- Appropriate anticoagulation in the critically ill patient is par-
tiarrhythmic drugs [63]. Studies have demonstrated a bet- ticularly problematic even when following present guidelines
ter outcome and safety profile with ibutilide compared with and using the CHADS2 scoring system [76,77]. Postsurgical
propafenone [64,65]. AV nodal blocking agents like beta- patients, patients at risk for intracranial bleeding, patients with
blockers or calcium channel blockers should be used with class closed head or closed chest trauma, etc., frequently have a con-
Ia and Ic antiarrhythmics to prevent conversion of AF to a slow traindication for systemic anticoagulation. If the patient has
atrial flutter with 1:1 AV conduction. chronic AF and the CHADS2 score is 2, in general, anticoag-
ulation can be safely discontinued for the period of the acute
Rhythm Control Issues in the Intensive Care Setting. A fre- illness. In patients with CHADS2 >2, anticoagulation free in-
quent clinical scenario in which AF is encountered in the ICU tervals should be minimized and aspirin provided if not also
is the postcardiac surgical patient. The incidence of AF in these contraindicated.
patients is high (8% to 34%) [33,49,66]. Because of this, un- For patients who are hemodynamically compromised with
less a contraindication is present, many ICUs use amiodarone new onset AF, urgent cardioversion can be performed regard-
prophylactically in the postoperative period. When AF occurs less of anticoagulation status. When less urgent, TEE may first
in other situations and rate control is suboptimal, the choice of be performed to exclude evidence of an intra-atrial thrombus
antiarrhythmic agent depends primarily on whether structural prior to cardioversion and reinitiation of anticoagulation when
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Chapter 42: Supraventricular Tachycardias: Recognition and Management in the Intensive Care Setting 451
the risk of bleeding is minimal [78,79]. Atrial appendage occlu- AV nodal blocking agents should be instituted simultaneously
sion devices, exclusion devices, or minimally invasive surgical when membrane active drugs, such as type Ic agents, are started
techniques may be particularly useful in these situations and for atrial flutter in the ICU setting.
are being investigated for clinical efficacy and safety [80,81]. Patients with persistent atrial flutter, especially of more than
a years duration may have significant underlying sinus node
dysfunction. When cardioversion or pace termination of the
Atrial Flutter flutter is planned, prolonged sinus node pauses may occur, and
standby external or endocardial temporary pacing should be
Atrial flutter, like AF, is one of the most common arrhythmias considered [87] (Fig. 42.11).
encountered in the critically ill patient. It is identified by a
characteristic sawtooth pattern of atrial activity at an atrial
rate of 240 to 320 beats per minute. Although variable ven- Multifocal Atrial Tachycardia
tricular conduction may occur, a 2:1 transmission commonly
transpires, resulting in a ventricular response rate of about 150 Another commonly encountered irregular narrow complex
beats per minute. The mechanism of common atrial flutter is tachycardia in the ICU is multifocal atrial tachycardia (MAT).
a macroreentry loop around the tricuspid annulus. The loop This SVT is caused by several abnormal atrial foci. Thus, MAT
often runs in a counterclockwise direction, causing negative is characterized by at least three different P wave morphologies
flutter waves in the inferior leads (II, III, aVF). Other reentry in a single lead with variable PR intervals. The atrial rate often
patterns may also be encountered but are beyond the scope of varies between 100 and 180 beats per minute with no single,
this chapter. Occasionally the ventricular rate may be greater dominant pacemaker. MAT is highly associated with underly-
than 150 beats per minute, making identification of the flutter ing pathologic processes that increase atrial pressures. Com-
waves difficult. Vagal maneuvers like carotid sinus massage or mon etiologies for the development of MAT include chronic
adenosine, a medication that briefly blocks AV nodal conduc- obstructive pulmonary disease, pneumonia, pulmonary em-
tion, may be used in these instances to slow down the rate and bolism, mitral stenosis, and congestive heart failure. Other
allow for more accurate identification of the arrhythmia. common causes include various electrolyte and acidbase dis-
Patients with an acute onset of atrial flutter often present turbances. Management of MAT involves aggressive treatment
with symptoms of palpitations, dyspnea, chest discomfort, and of the underlying disease. Acute measures aimed at ventricular
worsening symptoms of heart failure. As with AF, prompt as- rate control include calcium channel blockers or beta-blockers
sessment of hemodynamic status is critical in this setting. Man- with varying degrees of success [8890]. It is important to note
agement of atrial flutter is similar to AF, and the same guidelines that because this particular population is more prone to bron-
for rate control, rhythm control, and anticoagulation apply chospastic disease, calcium channel blockers may be preferred.
[82]. Rate control in atrial flutter often proves more difficult Digoxin should not be used in this setting, as it shortens atrial
than in AF. Unlike AF, which has multiple reentrant wavelets, refractoriness which may worsen the rhythm.
typical atrial flutter is composed of a single, fixed reentrant
pathway that provides a target amenable to cure by radiofre-
quency catheter ablation. Ablation is usually performed within Multifocal Atrial Tachycardia in the
the right atrium between the tricuspid annulus and the inferior Intensive Care Setting
vena cava to interrupt the atrial flutter circuit [83]. Atrial flutter Rate control can be extremely difficult with this arrhythmia.
not associated with a typical reentrant circuit has less successful Unless underlying theophylline toxicity or hypoxia is corrected,
ablation outcomes [84]. Ablation of the AV node with subse- managing rapid ventricular rates and symptoms resulting from
quent permanent pacemaker implantation, a method used in deleterious hemodynamic effects are often futile. Consideration
management of AF, may be an option in certain circumstances. for AV node ablation in refractory patients even in the setting
of critical illness can be considered, especially if rapid rates
Managing Atrial Flutter in the Intensive Care Unit compromise attempts to manage the patients hypotension and
other complicating medical illnesses. Intravenous magnesium
Atrial flutter is frequently an unstable arrhythmia in terms of
as hypoxia is being addressed may also help temporize patient
ventricular rate response. Specific caution is necessary when
compromise until hypoxia is corrected or a definitive procedure
instituting -adrenergic agents in patients with otherwise well-
is performed [91].
controlled response rates. Rapid change from 2:1, 3:1 AV con-
duction to 1:1 conduction and ventricular rates of 300 beats per
minute or more can occur. Such abrupt changes in ventricular
rate are uncommon with AF but should be expected with atrial SUMMARY
flutter. Cardioversion to sinus rhythm prior to initiating phar-
macological agents that enhance AV nodal conduction should Management of SVT in critically ill patients can be challenging.
be considered. Unlike with AF, immediate recurrence of atrial To maximize results, quick and accurate diagnosis of the exact
flutter is uncommon, and therefore, routine administration of arrhythmia mechanism is required. The caregiver should have
an antiarrhythmic agent to prevent return may not be required. an approach to analyzing the electrocardiogram during SVT. If
Urgent radiofrequency ablation for atrial arrhythmia is rare a regular narrow complex tachycardia is noted, then a careful
in the critically ill patient. However, if atrial flutter with rapid search for the P wave should be made. An abrupt onset arrhyth-
rates and recurrence following cardioversion is seen, the pro- mia with a short RP interval is likely a reentrant SVT either
cedure can be considered. Procedural success for atrial flutter AVNRT or AVRT. In both arrhythmias, adenosine for imme-
ablation is highest for cavotricuspid isthmus dependent flutter. diate conversion of the arrhythmia and intravenous AV nodal
This specific arrhythmia can be recognized by the flutter wave blocking therapy for prevention of recurrence is highly effec-
morphology wherein the terminal segment of the flutter wave tive. Cardioversion is of little value in this situation because of
in lead V1 is positive [85,86]. The use of antiarrhythmic agents the likelihood of recurrence and the almost certain conversion
like procainamide or flecainide may further organize an atrial of the arrhythmia with pharmacological agents. When the P
flutter and decrease the atrial rate of the flutter. This may, how- wave is difficult to identify, examine the terminal portion of
ever, paradoxically result in more rapid ventricular conduction the QRS complex to look for pseudo R waves (lead V1 ) or
which can be consequential in critically ill patients. Low dose pseudo S waves (leads II, III, and aVF) (Fig. 42.12).
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FIGURE 42.11. Slow supraventricular tachyarrhythmia. In a critically ill patient, the initial arrhythmia
may be mistaken for sinus tachycardia. However, closer scrutiny of the P wave morphology defines a
non-sinus mechanism (absence of terminal negative portion in the P wave in lead V1 ). Note the abrupt
termination that would essentially exclude a sinus mechanism. If recurrences are seen and associated with
hemodynamic changes, intravenous antiarrhythmic agents can be considered. Automatic atrial tachycar-
dias are often catecholamine sensitive, and when possible, the use of these agents for therapy should be
minimized when the arrhythmia is seen. Note also the significant pause on termination of the arrhythmia
suggesting underlying sinus node dysfunction.
FIGURE 42.12. 12-Lead electrocardiogram in a patient with symptomatic atrioventricular node reen-
try during hospitalization. Note the P waves are difficult to define; however, the late S waves easily
recognized in leads II, III, and aVF (pseudo S wave) are characteristic of this arrhythmia.
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Chapter 42: Supraventricular Tachycardias: Recognition and Management in the Intensive Care Setting 453
TA B L E 4 2 . 1
Disease Treatment
For a gradual onset tachycardia with a long RP interval, If an irregular SVT is noted, AF is most likely, but a search
either sinus tachycardia, inappropriate sinus tachycardia, or for regular flutter waves or multiple P wave morphologies (mul-
atrial tachycardia is likely. If the P wave morphology is not con- tifocal atrial tachycardia) is needed since these latter arrhyth-
sistent with sinus rhythm, then an atrial tachycardia is present, mias require a different management approach as detailed in
and antiarrhythmic therapy with rate control is likely effec- the text.
tive. If the P wave morphology is consistent with sinus rhythm, Atrial fibrillation is by far the most common SVT arrhyth-
sinus tachycardia is most likely, and treatment directed to the mia encountered in the critical care setting. For each patient,
underlying mechanism (blood loss, fever, hypotension, etc.) will rate control should be optimized, anticoagulation issues ad-
likely result in eventual decrease in the sinus rates. No specific dressed, and when symptoms continue despite these measures,
rhythm-based therapy is required. Inappropriate sinus tachy- restoration of sinus rhythm strongly considered.
cardia should be considered when no underlying cause for rapid A summary of evidence-based management of supraventric-
sinus rates is noted and is often seen in the critically ill patient ular tachycardia is given in Table 42.1.
following the period of stress.
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uncommon. An anterior MI, on the other hand, may cause is- score (number of characteristics on presenting ECG) and the
chemia of the fascicles directly and is associated with greater development of complete heart block. Patients without ECG
extent of left ventricular dysfunction. In the prethrombolytic evidence of any conduction block on presentation had a less
era, new fascicular or bundle branch blocks were common af- than 4% risk of subsequent complete heart block, in contrast
ter an MI and were associated with a significantly increased to those with scores of two, in whom the risk of developing
risk of mortality [20]. A simple scoring model characteriz- complete heart block was 45%. Because of the relatively com-
ing the risk of progression to complete heart block after MI mon incidence of bradycardia after MI, the American Col-
was developed by Lamas based on ECG criteria [21]. Patients lege of Cardiology (ACC) and the American Heart Associa-
with evidence of conduction block on ECG, including first or tion (AHA) have clear guidelines on intervention, including
second-degree block (both type I and type II), left anterior and the use of temporary pacing, for AV and intraventricular dis-
posterior fascicular block, right bundle branch block, or left turbance (Table 43.2), which will also be further discussed
bundle branch block had a linear relationship between their later.
TA B L E 4 3 . 2
TA B L E 4 3 . 3
SND, sinus node dysfunction; AV, atrioventricular; SVT, supraventricular tachycardia; VT, ventricular tachycardia; MI, myocardial infarction.
Adapted from the 2008 ACC/AHA/HRS guidelines for device-based therapy of cardiac rhythm abnormalities. Circulation 117:28202840, 2008
(Permission needed).
rate, all of which can be manipulated in order to optimize cap- performed quickly in emergency situations. To synchronize
ture and patient comfort [39]. pacing, most systems also require the placement of one to three
Initiation of transcutaneous pacing begins with place- additional electrodes to sense native QRS discharge.
ment of electrode pads. Modern systems usually employ self- A square-wave impulse is delivered over 20 to 40 millisec-
adhesive large-area (>80 cm2 ) electrode pads which are im- onds by the generator and is seen as a spike on its display. The
pregnated with a conducting gel. Polymer-based electrode pads relatively long pulse width attempts to reduce skeletal muscle
of low impedance are generally now preferred. Although the and cutaneous nerve stimulation while still maximizing thresh-
anteroposterior position is sometimes employed in hospital set- old of cardiac myocyte capture. Capture is achieved when each
tings, most commercial machines suggest anterolateral posi- pacing discharge is immediately followed by a wide QRS com-
tioning of pads to improve speed of application (see Fig. 43.2) plex of uniform morphology. Although most impulse genera-
and allow for continuous cardiopulmonary resuscitation with tors can produce output of up to 200 mA, most healthy subjects
chest compressions if necessary. When possible, removal of will capture between 40 and 80 mA [41]. The patient threshold
chest hair with shaving reduces impedance [40]. Pulling away is defined as the lowest output that yields consistent electrical
of hair follicles with extra pads is also effective and can be ventricular capture. In hospital settings, higher thresholds (up
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The safety profile of transcutaneous devices has been well es-
tablished over the past five decades, and suggests that its use is
remarkably well tolerated. The primary limitation in its use is
patient discomfort, and skin injury at contact site is the most
commonly reported complication [41]. Prolonged animal pac-
ing models have variably shown very small areas of focal my-
ocardial injury, although no such injury has been shown in
humans postmortem [41,42]. In normal individuals, transcu-
taneous pacing produces no measurable release of myoglobin,
myocardial creatine kinase, or lactate dehydrogenase [42]. Also
importantly, transcutaneous pacing has never been shown to in-
duce arrhythmia, even in patients in whom MI or transvenous
pacing precipitated ventricular tachycardia or ventricular fib-
rillation previously [41]. Taken together, transcutaneous pac-
FIGURE 43.1. External pacemaker/defibrillator (pulse generator).
ing has supplanted transvenous pacing as the initial modality
(Courtesy of ZOLL Medical Corporation.) for bradyarrhythmic treatment in the emergency setting, par-
ticularly when pacing is only needed for short durations and
patient comfort is not a primary consideration.
to 140 mA output or more) are commonplace and may due to
multiple etiologies. Suboptimal lead positioningparticularly
over boneas in the scapula, sternum, or spine, is an avoidable
Transvenous Pacing
cause of increased pacing threshold. Other factors which may Furman and Robinson first described placement of an elec-
elevate thresholds that are beyond operator control include pa- trode catheter into the right ventricle for the management of
tient body habitus or obesity, transient myocardial ischemia, high-grade conduction block in 1958 [46]. Transvenous elec-
trapped pericardial fluid, mediastinal air, significant emphy- trodes circumvent patient discomfort and offer a reliable means
sema, use of positive pressure ventilation, or anoxia from pro- of temporary pacemaker support in acute settings. Commonly
longed resuscitation efforts [41,42]. used catheters are either bipolar electrodes, usually steel or
By default, pacing mode in most machines is set at ventric- platinum-tipped, embodied in plastic which may be flexible
ular sensing, pacing, and inhibition in response to native ven- and associated with an inflatable balloon, or semirigid catheters
tricular conduction. Asynchronous pacing is usually only used which are deployed alone or with stylets. Most catheters have
during brady asystolic arrest, when cardiopulmonary resusci- relied upon passive-fixation, although active-fixation, screw-
tation may cause artifact, particularly during chest compres- in catheters with externalized pacemakers have also been re-
sions. Pacing rates of up to 180 bpm can also be achieved by cently employed for more prolonged temporary pacing require-
most machines, allowing for overdrive pacing in the treatment ments [47,48]. Preformed J-shaped catheters are also used
of tachycardia or shortening of QT interval as needed. Hemo- for placement into the atrial appendage, but are not usually
dynamic response, as measured by cardiac output and blood used in temporary pacemaking applications (see Fig. 43.3).
pressure augmentation, is comparable with or better than right Leads are attached to temporary pacemaker generators, which
ventricular endocardial transvenous pacing [43]. are generally constant-current output devices (see Fig. 43.4),
FIGURE 43.3. A: Cardiac pacing catheters. Top: Balloon tipped, flow-directed wire. Middle: Standard
5-Fr pacing wire. Bottom: Atrial J-shaped wire. B: Example of a balloon-tipped lumened pacing catheter
with distal and proximal electrodes. [Swan-Ganz bipolar pacing catheter, courtesy of Edwards Lifesciences
FIGURE 43.4. Temporary atrioventricular demand pulse generators, FIGURE 43.5. Pattern of recorded electrogram at various locations in
older (left) and recent (right) models. Adjustable parameters on the the venous circulation. [From Harthorne JW, Eisenhauer AC, Steinhaus
older model include pacing mode (synchronous or asynchronous), ven- DM: Cardiac pacing, in Eagle KA, Haber E, De Sanctis RW (eds): The
tricular rate, ventricular current output (in milliamperes), atrial output Practice of Cardiology: The Medical and Surgical Cardiac Units at the
(in milliamperes), and atrioventricular interval (in milliseconds). The Massachusetts General Hospital. Boston, Little, Brown and Company,
newer model also allows atrial sensing. 1989, p 313, with permission.]
P1: OSO/OVY P2: OSO/OVY QC: OSO/OVY T1: OSO Printer: Prepress
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Transvenous pacing offers a reliable and stable means of car-
diac pacing, which is generally easier for patients to tolerate,
but associated with a greater risk of complications because of
its invasive procedural placement. Multiple studies have re-
FIGURE 43.6. Injury current indicating positioning of electrode ported on complications associated with transvenous pacing,
against right ventricular wall. [Reproduced with permission of OHL although there has been marked variability in defining and mea-
Bing, MD.] suring what constitutes a complication [35,4954]. In a repre-
sentative group of three studies, the overall complication rate
ranged from 13% to 18% (see Table 43.5) [49,50,54]. Of these,
although externalized pacemakers have been used for longer induction of ventricular arrhythmia is the most immediately
periods of electrical support in the setting of systemic infection
[47,48]. Standard pulse generators deliver output ranging from
0 to 20 mA at a pulse width of 1 to 2 milliseconds. Optimal pac- TA B L E 4 3 . 4
ing thresholds are considered less than 1 mA, as thresholds usu-
ally escalate with patient movement or catheter dislodgement. BEDSIDE POSITIONING OF A TEMPORARY
In addition, thresholds may be affected by medications, elec- ELECTRODE CATHETER
trolyte disturbances and ischemia; therefore, devices are usually
set to discharge at an output of three to five times threshold. Setup
Multiple approaches for placement have been described, in- Sterile preparation (gowns, gloves, masks, drape, hat)
cluding internal jugular, subclavian, femoral, and antecubital Equipment (pacing electrode catheter, pulse generator,
fossa vein routes [35,4954]. Of these, the right internal jugu- surface electrodes, sheath)
lar vein is preferred for ease as well as the lowest rate of com- Connections
plication [55]. A stereotypic transition of ECG recordings has V1 surface electrode connects to distal electrode
been observed when advancing the catheter from the internal Proximal electrode catheter connects to positive pole of pulse
jugular or subclavian vein to the superior vena cava (see Fig. generator
43.5) [56]. Atrial- (or P wave) dominated ECG recordings are
seen in the high and low right atrium. The QRS is readily seen Testing components
Inflate balloon to test integrity
Document V1 recordings when inserting electrode catheter
into the sheath
Carefully advance electrode catheter 15 cm and inflate
Observe V1 transition with advancement of catheter
(see Fig. 43.5)
Atrial (P wave) dominant
Ventricular (QRS) dominant
Injury current
Stop advancing once injury current is detected
Pacing preparation
Confirm proximal electrode is connected to positive pole of
pulse generator
Disconnect distal electrode from V1 surface lead and connect
to the negative pole of the pulse generator
Attempt pacing at 10 mA with the highest sensitivity
Observe capture
Determine thresholds and set output two to three times
threshold (generally 5 mA)
FIGURE 43.7. Sketch of fluoroscopic projection of catheter posi- Document distance electrode is within the sheath
tion. Ao, aorta; RV, right ventricle; SVC, superior vena cava [From Confirm position with a chest radiograph
Harthorne JW, Eisenhauer AC, Steinhaus DM: Cardiac pacing, in
Eagle KA, Haber E, De Sanctis RW (eds): The Practice of Cardiology: Routine care of pacemaker and site, including:
The Medical and Surgical Cardiac Units at the Massachusetts Gen- Pacing parameters (threshold, rate, sensitivity, output)
eral Hospital. Boston, Little, Brown and Company, 1989, p 315, with Skin site (observing for infection)
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TA B L E 4 3 . 5 TA B L E 4 3 . 6
3,747 PATIENTS [55]
Donovan Lumia Austin
Complication [50] [49] [54] Complication Average rate (%) Range (%)
All numbers are percentages.
NR, not reported. SUMMARY
Cardiac bradyarrhythmias represent a heterogeneous group
life threatening, with myocardial puncture, pneumothorax, ar- of rhythm disturbances of impulse generation or conduction.
terial bleeding and induction of infection leading to sepsis also These may include potentially reversible etiologies such medi-
being potentially deadly. Lead dislodgment can occur in a sub- cation overdose and electrolyte disturbance, to progressive con-
stantial number of patients within the first 48 hours of use, duction system defect and irreversible ischemia. Appropriate
requiring replacement or re-positioning of the temporary pace- treatment hinges upon the identification of the etiology of brad-
maker wire. yarrhythmia in order to identify and eliminate precipitants if
In a recent exhaustive narrative review, average rates of possible while initiating appropriate medical therapy. In situ-
complications were compiled for 3,747 patients across 15 stud- ations of hemodynamic embarrassment, a concurrent assess-
ies of cardiac pacing (see Table 43.6) [55]. Rates of infection ment is made of whether temporary cardiac pacing may be
were complications in as high as half of all procedures reported required to bridge patients through acute instability and re-
in some studies. In addition, older patients were at higher risk covery or to permanent pacemaker placement. In the intensive
for suffering a complication, but that risks were lower when care unit, commonly used modalities include transcutaneous
temporary pacemaker placement was performed by a specialist pacing and transvenous pacing, which should be selected based
rather than a general practitioner. Given these findings, fluoro- on balance of patient comfort, potential for complication, and
scopic placement of transvenous catheters by experienced per- duration of use.
sonnel is preferred. In addition, prophylactic antibiotics should
be considered for all temporary cardiac pacemakers, as these
measures have already been shown to reduce the risk of infec- ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
tions after permanent pacemaker insertion [57].
With these concerns in mind, temporary transvenous pacing The authors acknowledge the contributions of Drs. Glenn
may still be required to definitively treat bradyarrhythmia and Meininger and Hugh Calkins to the version of this chapter
support patients through hemodynamic collapse. Attention to as published in the previous edition.
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Chapter 44: How to Manage Pacemakers and Defibrillators in the ICU 467
TA B L E 4 4 . 2
Position I II III IV V
Chapter 44: How to Manage Pacemakers and Defibrillators in the ICU 469
FIGURE 44.3. Timing of events in various pacing modes. AAI is an atrial nontracking mode of pacing
that provides backup atrial pacing at the programmed lower rate limit. Similarly, VVI is a ventricular
nontracking mode of pacing that provides backup ventricular pacing at the programmed lower rate limit.
DDD is a dual-chamber mode of pacing that can both inhibit and trigger events in both the atrium and
the ventricle. AS, atrial-sensed event; AP, atrial-paced event; VS, ventricular-sensed event; VP, ventricular-
paced event; LR, lower rate limit.
pacing mode and insure more reliable delivery of pacing until changes at the lead-myocardial border although this has be-
a formal evaluation can be performed. come less relevant clinically with the advent and widespread
use of steroid-eluting leads. A rise in capture threshold can be
Undersensing overcome by increasing the pacemaker output. Other causes
of elevated capture thresholds include myocardial fibrosis or
In contrast, undersensing occurs when the device fails to sense infarction near the exit of the pacing stimulus, metabolic
intrinsic events. This results in the generation of unnecessary derangements (specifically, hyperkalemia, acidemia and hyper-
pacemaker impulses and overpacing. Undersensing may be glycemia), and certain medications. Class Ia, Ic, and III antiar-
a result of alterations in electrogram amplitude of physiologic rhythmic drugs [2127] can increase capture thresholds as can
events or may represent hardware failure. Antiarrhythmic drug mineralocorticoids and hypertonic saline [28]. If the capture
therapy, myocardial infarction, and metabolic derangements threshold exceeds the maximal programmable output, this is
can alter electrogram amplitude transiently or permanently. termed exit block. Primary hardware problems such as lead dis-
Undersensing may be potentially corrected by changing the lodgement, perforation or fracture, and battery depletion can
programmed sensitivity. Other etiologies of undersensing are all result in noncapture. A chest radiograph can help diagnose
similar to those of noncapture (lead dislodgement, perfora- specific lead issues (Fig. 44.7AC). Formal pacemaker interro-
tion, or fracture). Asynchronous pacing modes, due to EMI gation or magnet application can identify battery depletion.
or battery depletion, can mimic undersensing on surface elec-
No Output
Noncapture The complete absence of pacemaker stimuli despite magnet
application suggests complete battery depletion or generator
Noncapture occurs when electrical impulses emitted from the damage. Damage to the generator can occur rarely as a result
device fail to capture myocardium. The surface electrocar- of direct trauma [29] or external defibrillation [15].
diogram will demonstrate pacing stimuli without evidence of
capture (Fig. 44.6). Loss of capture can be intermittent or per-
manent, but often necessitates device revision. Causes of non-
Pacemaker-Mediated Tachycardia
capture can be divided into changes in capture threshold and Pacemaker-mediated tachycardia (PMT) refers to any sustained
hardware malfunction. The capture threshold can rise in the tachyarrhythmia that is dependent on continued pacemaker
first 4 to 6 weeks following lead implant due to inflammatory participation in the circuit. Classically, the term PMT is used to
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Chapter 44: How to Manage Pacemakers and Defibrillators in the ICU 471
TA B L E 4 4 . 3
EMI, electromagnetic interference; EGM, electrogram; ERI, elective replacement interval; PPM, pacemaker.
describe an endless loop tachycardia in dual-chamber devices [36]. Catheter ablation is effective in the treatment of electri-
consisting of ventricular pacing, retrograde atrial activation, cal storm and can be considered for electrical storm despite
appropriate sensing and triggered ventricular pacing perpet- chronic antiarrhythmic therapy and for refractory cases [37].
uating the tachycardia (Fig. 44.8). PMT should be suspected
when ventricular pacing occurs at the programmed maximum
tracking rate of the device. The PMT circuit can be interrupted Ineffective Defibrillation
with magnet application and the arrhythmia terminated. Successful defibrillation occurs when a critical mass of my-
ocardium is successfully depolarized and depends on shock
vector, lead position, and the electrical milieu. The optimal
three-dimensional orientation of the ICD shock vector should
DEVICE-SPECIFIC deliver energy uniformly throughout the left ventricle. The vec-
CONSIDERATIONS tor is dependent on the position of the high-voltage coils in the
right ventricle (RV) and superior vena cava (SVC)-right atrial
(RA) junction and the active can in relation to the left ventricle.
Implantable Cardioverter Defibrillator Typically, the RV coil is the cathode and the SVCRA coil and
ICD can form the anode with current traveling from cathode
Electrical Storm to anode.
Electrical or ventricular tachycardia (VT) storm is defined as Implantable defibrillators can fail to deliver effective defib-
three or more episodes of VT or ventricular fibrillation within a rillation therapy in certain situations. Elevated defibrillation
24-hour period. When a patient presents with electrical storm, thresholds (DFT) can occur as a result of metabolic derange-
suppression of the arrhythmias are of paramount importance. ments, myocardial ischemia, pneumothorax, hypoxia, multiple
Identifying the trigger can be difficult [30] but attempts should defibrillations, drug therapy, delays in arrhythmia detection,
be made to identify and correct potentially treatable causes and device hardware malfunction (Table 44.5). Immediate
(Table 44.4). Repeated defibrillator therapy is painful and management should consist of external defibrillation and treat-
highly stressful, can cause heightened sympathetic tone and re- ment of potential reversible causes. Long-term management
sult in early battery depletion, myocardial ischemia/stunning, may require device revision or cessation/addition of specific
and recurrent ventricular arrhythmias [31,32]. Thus, initial antiarrhythmic medications.
treatment should consist primarily of sympathetic blockade
with beta-blockers and anxiolysis with benzodiazepines. Amio-
darone is often the antiarrhythmic agent of choice [33,34]. Re-
Inappropriate Therapies
fractory cases may require intubation and deep anesthesia [35]; Inappropriate therapies are common in patients with im-
stellate ganglion blockade can be considered in extreme cases plantable defibrillators regardless of indication [38] and are
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FIGURE 44.5. Dual-chamber defibrillator with evidence of ventricular oversensing. The top panel demon-
strates atrial (AP) and ventricular (VP) sequential pacing with the intermittent absence of ventricular pacing
stimuli (asterisks) following atrial paced events. The bottom panel represents the intracardiac electrograms
from the same device with ventricular oversensing of atrial events (arrows). When intrinsic ventricular
conduction does occur (arrowheads), the device incorrectly labels the event as VF (arrowheads) or a
ventricular event that because of timing falls into the programmed ventricular fibrillation detection zone.
FIGURE 44.6. Surface electrocardiogram with intermittent loss of ventricular capture. There is appropri-
ate atrial sensing (AS) and tracking as evidence by pacing stimuli at a fixed interval following the P wave
but intermittent failure of ventricular output to capture the myocardium (asterisks). Evidence of varying
degrees of fusion between intrinsic conduction and ventricular pacing is also observed (arrows).
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Chapter 44: How to Manage Pacemakers and Defibrillators in the ICU 473
Chapter 44: How to Manage Pacemakers and Defibrillators in the ICU 475
FIGURE 44.9. A, B: Electrocardiographic assessment of pacing site. A: Right ventricular apical pacing
with left bundle branch morphology and superior frontal plane axis. B: In contrast, biventricular stimu-
lation with right bundle morphology in V1 and QS waves in leads I and avL.
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During the past two decades the incidence of cardiogenic shock sion [6]. Mechanical unloading of the left ventricle leads to a
has not significantly declined despite important progress in the decrease in the severity of mitral regurgitation, less pulmonary
management of patients with acute myocardial infarction and congestion, and a reduction in pulmonary arterial hyperten-
advanced heart failure [1,2]. Cardiogenic shock is character- sion, all of which, in turn, can result in improved right ven-
ized by persistent hypotension with systolic arterial pressures tricular (RV) function. Partial support pumps provide several
typically less than 80 mm Hg and marked reduction of cardiac liters of flow to augment the reduced native ventricular contri-
index (<2 L per minute per m2 ) in conjunction with elevated bution to the total output, whereas full support pumps provide
left ventricular (LV) filling pressures and evidence of end-organ upwards of 6 to 7 L of flow with the native heart contributing
hypoperfusion. Patients may present in shock as a complica- little to the total output. Restoration of forward flow and the
tion of acute myocardial infarction, cardiac surgery, acute my- normalization of filling pressures also reduces neurohormonal
ocarditis, or an acute decompensation of chronic heart failure. activation, with attendant benefits on cardiorenal function; as
Although the mortality of patients presenting with acute my- a result, temporary VAD support may allow reverse ventricu-
ocardial infarction and cardiogenic shock declined during the lar remodeling and sufficient recovery of ventricular function
1990s, the 1-month mortality remains nearly 50% despite ag- to permit explantation in selected patients [7].
gressive efforts at reperfusion therapy [25]. In many cases of
cardiogenic shock, medical therapy alone may be inadequate,
and the patient may require temporary or even permanent me- Biologic
chanical support. The proper application of mechanical cir-
culatory support (MCS) requires knowledge of the underly- The hemodynamic benefits of mechanical circulatory support
ing mechanism of heart failure, understanding of the potential with a LV assist device (LVAD) are also associated with fa-
benefits and limitations of both medical and device therapy, vorable structural changes within the cardiac myocytes and
familiarity with the full range of devices available for support, extracellular matrix. In studies of isolated human cardiac my-
and perhaps most critically, careful selection of the appropriate ocytes, LVAD support increased the magnitude of contraction,
timing for intervention. shortened the time of peak contraction, and reduced the time
to 50% relaxation. In addition, responses to beta-adrenergic
stimulation were greater in isolated myocytes after LVAD sup-
MECHANICAL CIRCULATORY port. This suggests that mechanical unloading might reverse the
downregulation of beta-adrenergic receptors and improve car-
SUPPORT diac responsiveness to inotropic stimulation [815]. In vivo,
Over the past five decades, mechanical circulatory support mechanical unloading with an LVAD is known to be associ-
technology has evolved substantially from partial temporary ated with alteration of gene and protein expression within the
support with intra-aortic balloon counterpulsation to a broad cardiac myocyte [16,17], a reduction in nuclear size and DNA
array of ventricular assist devices (VADs) capable of provid- content, and a reduction in fibrosis and collagen content within
ing long-term complete support for one or both ventricles. In the cardiac extracellular matrix [10,11].
the 1990s, extensive experience with bridging patients to trans-
plantation spurred the evolution from bulky extracorporeal de-
vices to smaller, implantable designs, which allowed patients to SELECTION OF APPROPRIATE
be discharged from the hospital and have substantial improve-
ments in functional status and quality of life. More recently, the
prior generations of larger pulsatile pumps have been super- The clinical application of MCS grew from early experience
seded by the introduction of smaller, more durable continuous with its application as temporary support in the operating room
flow devices with superior survival and fewer adverse events. to supporting patients for months until transplant. A broad ar-
ray of different ventricular support devices is now available
(Table 45.1). Broadly speaking, the devices may be configured
BENEFITS OF MECHANICAL for isolated right ventricular (RVAD), left ventricular (LVAD),
or biventricular (BiVAD) support and for short-term (bridge
CIRCULATORY SUPPORT to recovery or bridge to decision), short-term (bridge to trans-
plant), or long-term (destination therapy) support [18]. Some
Hemodynamic devices are extracorporeal or paracorporeal in location, with
cannulae traversing the skin allowing for inflow and outflow of
As the left ventricle begins to fail, cardiac output falls and in- blood, whereas others are totally implantable with the pump
tracardiac filling pressures rise. The main goals of MCS are to and the cannulae housed in the thoracic and/or abdominal cav-
decompress the failing ventricle and augment systemic perfu- ity with only a single percutaneous line supplying the power
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TA B L E 4 5 . 1
TemporaryLV support
Extracorporeal Cannulated from LV apex Abiomed BVS 5000 Relatively easy to implant Unable to ambulate
pulsatile to ascending aorta
Continuous Catheter-based axial flow Impella 2.5 Percutaneous placement in Partial support device
flow Centrifugal TandemHeart cath lab Current indication for
Often used emergently System Rapid placement high-risk PCI
with resuscitation Centrimag Place in catheterization lab Unable to ambulate
ECMO without Leg ischemia from large
Rapid surgical placement bore cannula
Used with oxygenator Requires familiarity with
when pulmonary transseptal cannula
concomitant pulmonary placement
support required Unable to ambulate
Usually surgically placed
PermanentLV support
Description Approved devices Advantages Disadvantages
Extracorporeal Inflow cannula from LV Thoratec PVAD Ease of implantation Total of two large cannula
pulsatile and outflow cannula to Abiomed AB5000 traversing skin
ascending aorta External pumps
Implantable Pump implanted in the HeartMate XVE Requires only an aspirin, Less durable if duration of
pulsatile abdomen or Thoratec IVAD no Coumadin support >912 months
preperitoneally, Approved as DT BSA 1.5 m2
allowing increased Durable INR 2.53.5
mobility and ability to Less portable peripherals
Continuous Pump implanted in the HeartMate II and Reduced size and noise Difficult to assess BP and
flow thoracic cavity with MicroMed DeBakey Much greater durability pulse due to lack of
only one moving part. than pulsatile devices pulsatility
Better adverse event profile Suck-down caused by
than pulsatile pumps over unloading ventricle
Permanentbiventricular support/TAH
Extracorporeal Two pumpsone Thoratec PVAD Easy to insert for unstable Two pumps with a total of
supporting the RV and patients four cannula transversing
one supporting the LV, the skin
but native heart External pumps
remains in place
Intracorporeal Native heart removed AbioCor and Removes cardiac tissues Available only in select
completely SynCardia which may contribute to centers
CardioWest inflammation and be Not applicable to most
susceptible to clots, patients
arrhythmias or
interference with pump
LV, left ventricle; PCI, percutaneous coronary intervention; ECMO, extracorporeal membrane oxygenation; TAH, total artificial heart; BSA, body
surface area; BP, blood pressure; RV, right ventricle.
and providing the connections to the external control systems. allows for substantially smaller pump profiles and longer pump
Early generation devices were volume displacement pumps, life.
which had a volume chamber sequentially filled and emptied of
blood, mimicking the native heart and providing pulsatile flow.
However, the need for a volume displacement chamber resulted Cannulation
in a larger pump size and also required more moving parts re-
sulting in mechanical wear and shorter pump life. The current VADs are typically implanted in parallel with the native right-
generation of devices no longer has a displacement chamber, or left-sided circulation. For long-term LVADs, the pump in-
but rather has a continuously rotating impeller. This results flow is from a cannula placed directly into the LV apex and
in a continuous flow of blood and thus limited pulsatility, but the pump outflow is a cannula that is anastomosed to the
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FIGURE 45.1. Representative left ventricular assist devices. (Right) Continuous flow LVAD (HeartMate
II). Cardiac output is maintained by the continuous rotation of an impeller. (Left) Pulsatile flow LVAD
(HeartMate XVE). Cardiac output is maintained by the sequential filling and emptying of a volume
displacement chamber and unidirectional blood flow is provided with the use of valves before and after
the displacement chamber. [From Wilson SR, Givertz MM, Stewart GC, et al: J Am Coll Cardiol 54:1647
1659, 2009, with permission.]
pulsatile-flow device. The continuous-flow LVAD was also as- of vWF multimers results in bleeding from pre-existing AVMs
sociated with significant reductions in the frequency of adverse or the lack of pulsatile flow predisposes to the development
events and the rate of repeat hospitalization, as well as with an of AVMs [2729]. Although most patients have a demonstra-
improved quality of life and functional capacity [1922]. ble loss of vWF multimers, only a minority of patients develop
bleeding. For those who are awaiting transplant, bleeding re-
quiring transfusion carries the additional risk of sensitization
Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation to human leukocyte anitgen (HLA) antigens that may limit the
pool of suitable donor organs [30].
Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) can provide
pulmonary or cardiopulmonary support for up to a week or
more. Blood is withdrawn from the circulation via an inflow Infection
cannula to an extracorporeal continuous flow pump, an oxy-
genator, and then back to the patient through an outflow can- Aside from the infection risks associated with surgery and in-
nula. There are two basic types of ECMO: venovenous (VV) dwelling lines postoperatively, there is the additional chronic
and venoarterial (VA). In VV ECMO, the blood is withdrawn risk associated with the presence of the VAD itself and the asso-
from a large central or peripheral vein (jugular or femoral) and ciated driveline or cannulae. However, sepsis from any source
oxygenated blood is returned via another large vein. Thus, VV can result in seeding of interior of the VAD or its components,
ECMO does not provide hemodynamic support, but rather pul- which may necessitate more urgent and higher risk transplant
monary support. For VA ECMO the inflow is typically via the or even device replacement [31]. Vegetations on LVAD pros-
femoral vein and the outflow is typically through the femoral thetic valves may also be a source of thromboembolism [32].
artery and thus provides both oxygenation and mechanical cir-
culatory support. VA ECMO is most commonly used in the set-
ting of severe shock in the setting of acute infarction, fulminant Thromboembolism and Stroke
myocarditis or cardiac arrest or after a failure to wean from car-
diopulmonary bypass. In the setting of a failure to wean from Embolism may result from the pump due to inadequate anti-
bypass, the intraoperative cannulation that was used for car- coagulation, the cardiac chambers due to arrhythmias such as
diopulmonary bypass can be attached to the ECMO circuit, atrial fibrillation, or may arise from the native vasculature as a
rather than having new cannula placed peripherally. Outside result of the patients preexisting vascular atherosclerosis. The
the setting of the operating room, both VV and VA EMCO can overall incidence of ischemic stroke varies greatly with type of
be rapidly instituted even at the bedside, as either configuration device, however with the current generation devices the rate is
can be achieved through peripheral access, but should only be 0.09 per patient-year overall and 0.05 per patient-year after 30
performed by experienced personnel. days [33]. Maintenance of goal INR is critical to minimize the
risk of thromboembolism.
Although the focus of this chapter is the preoperative assess-
ment and management of patients being considered for MCS, MCS may be appropriate for either short-term (<1 week) or
knowledge of some of the common postoperative complica- long-term support of patients with heart failure and shock. In
tions of MCS are necessary to understand the implications of the majority of cases, long-term MCS is intended as a hemo-
some of these preoperative considerations. The three most com- dynamic bridge to subsequent cardiac transplantation (BTT)
mon are bleeding, infection, and thromboembolism. [34]. For patients who are not candidates for transplant, an
LVAD may be used for long-term support (destination therapy,
DT) [19]. The only two devices that have been approved for DT
Bleeding in the United States are the HeartMate XVE, and more recently
Thoratecs HeartMate II LVAD [19,22]. Occasionally, patients
Placement of an intracorporeal pump requires a sternotomy are placed on MCS in anticipation of ventricular recovery and
and cardiopulmonary bypass. The degree of perioperative device explantation (bridge-to-recovery), as in selected patients
bleeding can be affected by preexisting coagulopathy, liver con- with postcardiotomy shock or acute heart failure due to poten-
gestion, and prior sternotomies or other concomitant correc- tially reversible causes (e.g., fulminant myocarditis) [34].
tive surgeries at the time of MCS. Most current-generation de-
vices, whether temporary or permanent, require anticoagula-
tion with heparin after post-operative bleeding subsides and
then chronically with warfarin and, depending on the center, UNIVENTRICULAR VERSUS
an antiplatelet agent(s). Most pulsatile devices have mechani- BIVENTRICULAR SUPPORT
cal prosthetic valves requiring an INR of 2.5 to 3.5, whereas
some of the current generation continuous flow devices may Selection of the appropriate device for MCS depends initially
only require an INR of 1.5 to 2 [23]. Thus, there is a risk of on the type of support that is required. Most patients present-
continued or new onset bleeding throughout the duration of ing with acute heart failure or shock predominantly have LV
support, but current devices have a risk of bleeding requiring failure and may be candidates for isolated LV support with an
transfusion of about 0.85 per patient year beyond 30 days, LVAD. Successful LVAD implantation, however, relies heavily
which is a substantial improvement in comparison to previous on confirmation of adequate native RV function, since RV func-
generation pulsatile devices [24,25]. However, the continuous tion is required for LVAD filling [35]. For patients with con-
flow pumps present a unique risk for gastrointestinal bleeding. comitant, severe RV dysfunction, biventricular support may
The high shear stress on the blood from the impeller can cause be necessary. Although recent experience suggests that selected
destruction of large multimers of von Willebrand factor (vWF), BiVAD patients can be successfully discharged to home, out-
which results in a picture of acquired von Willebrands disease comes are generally poorer than with LVAD alone, perhaps in
[26,27]. Bleeding risk is mostly manifest from gastrointestinal part due to greater severity of illness and end-organ dysfunc-
arteriovenous malformation (AVMs), it is unknown if the loss tion amongst patients presenting initially with biventricular
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failure [36]. Since BiVAD treatment is currently available function, early referral and implantation of patients with ac-
only for patients who are candidates for eventual cardiac celerating heart failure symptoms despite medical therapy for
transplantation, up-front BiVAD support should only be con- evaluation is especially important.
sidered in transplant-eligible patients with prolonged shock,
giant cell-myocarditis, refractory ventricular tachyarrhyth-
mias, or a high likelihood of postoperative RV failure. Even
with the current generation of continuous flow LVADs, there SELECTION OF CHRONIC HEART
is an approximately 7% incidence of RV failure requiring an
RVAD postoperatively, highlighting the need for careful assess-
ment of RV function prior to VAD implantation [3742]. In LONG-TERM MCS
select centers, explant of the native heart and implantation of
a total artificial heart (TAH) may provide an alternative to the Cardiac
use of BiVADs [43].
RV Function
URGENT VERSUS ELECTIVE Assessment of RV function is critical when considering MCS
particularly in those who are being implanted with the intent
SUPPORT of long-term support. An LVAD alone is preferred for long-
term support and only LVADs are approved for DT, but it is
Urgent MCS not a viable strategy if the RV cannot adequately fill the LVAD
[36]. RV function can be acutely affected by the primary eti-
Urgent mechanical support may be necessary in a subgroup ology of the myopathy such as with ischemia in the presence
of patients presenting with acute, medically refractory car- of acute infarction, inflammation in the setting of myocardi-
diogenic shock (e.g., acute myocardial infarction, fulminant tis, or persistent ventricular arrhythmias. The RV can also be-
myocarditis, acute valvular incompetence). In these subjects, come dysfunctional as a result of chronic elevations of LV filling
time for comprehensive medical and surgical evaluation is lim- pressures and/or mitral valve pathology, which results in pul-
ited, and the focus is on rapid hemodynamic stabilization and monary hypertension and thus increased RV afterload. Lastly,
restoration of end-organ perfusion. Historically, because of other processes that may exacerbate pulmonary hypertension,
widespread availability and ease of implantation, the IABP has such as hypoxic lung disease, sleep apnea, chronic thromboem-
been a cornerstone of therapy; however, for many patients an bolic disease, or pulmonary vasculopathy, can also contribute
IABP may be inappropriate (e.g., those with severe peripheral to RV dysfunction. Chronic severe RV dysfunction with con-
arterial disease or aortic insufficiency (AI)) or inadequate in the comitant increases in right atrial pressures and tricuspid regur-
setting of profound cardiac dysfunction. Increasingly, stabiliza- gitation further exacerbates liver and renal dysfunction, leads
tion for such patients may be accomplished with temporary or to gut edema with poor absorption of medications and nutri-
percutaneous VADs (e.g., TandemHeart, Impella, CentriMag) ents, and results in hypotension and an inability to tolerate
or with urgent institution of extracorporeal membrane oxy- diuresis, beta-blockade, and ACE inhibition [49].
genation (ECMO) [44]. Particularly for those patients with LV mechanical support is generally beneficial to RV func-
cardiogenic shock complicated by progressive hypoxemia de- tion, with chronic unloading of the left ventricle resulting in
spite adequate ventilation, ECMO, if instituted early, can be a a reduction in pulmonary pressures and thus, RV afterload.
lifesaving measure [45,46]. As such, transfer to a specialized However there may be deleterious effects of an LVAD on RV
medical center with experience in cardiac transplantation or function, particularly when RV function is marginal. Profound
MCS should be considered as soon as medically feasible. Once unloading of the LV, particularly with continuous flow devices,
stabilized with MCS, patients can be either weaned gradually can result in shift of the septum away from the RV and thus
over time or, as appropriate, be transitioned to more permanent decrease the septal contribution to RV output. The RV may
devices for long-term support (if irreversible end-organ damage also struggle to accommodate the increased venous return as a
has not already occurred). In general, critically ill patients have result of the improved cardiac output from the LVAD [50,51].
better outcomes if they are stabilized and undergo implanta- Echocardiography provides valuable information about
tion of long-term MCS on an urgent rather than emergent basis, overall RV size and function, the degree of tricuspid regur-
largely due to the extremely high rate of perioperative compli- gitation and can give estimates of pulmonary arterial systolic
cations amongst patients presenting multisystem organ failure pressures. However, functional assessments of RVEF are quite
[24]. subjective and even a fairly normal appearing RV on echocar-
diography may have little functional reserve [52]. Invasive
hemodynamic assessment with a pulmonary arterial catheter is
Elective MCS therefore essential to decision making regarding the adequacy
of RV function. The degree of elevation in the right atrial pres-
For patients with advanced heart failure, MCS on a more elec- sure (RA), especially in relation to the wedge (W) pressure can
tive basis is becoming the preferred strategy for optimizing out- be quite revealing. One would expect high RA and W pressures
comes for patients whether they are BTT or DT. End-stage in the setting of heart failure, but with a normally functioning
heart failure is characterized by progressive functional decline RV, the RA pressures are relatively lower than the W and thus
and repeated heart failure hospitalizations which significantly the RA/W ratio typically remains less than 0.5. With the onset
impacts both resource utilization and quality of life [47,48]. Al- of RV dysfunction, the RA pressures increase out of propor-
though support with intravenous inotropic agents (in hospital tion to the left-sided pressures and the RA/W ratio increases.
or at home) may provide temporary relief, these agents are as- A high right atrial pressure in the setting of low pulmonary
sociated with an increased risk of adverse outcomes including arterial pressures and low RV stroke work index are also con-
arrhythmia and sudden death [20]. Furthermore, patients may cerning for the presence of severe RV failure [53].
still experience progressive functional decline and end-organ Given the morbidity associated with RV failure post-LVAD,
dysfunction during long-term inotropic support. Since elective a number of investigators have sought risk factors for postim-
VAD implantation is most successful when instituted prior to plantation RV dysfunction. Univariate predictors for RV fail-
the onset of irreversible end-organ (e.g., liver or kidney) dys- ure include RV stroke work index, small BSA, and mechanical
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ventilation [40,41]. Multivariate predictors include the need ure state resolves. However, patients with persistent ventricular
for preoperative circulatory support, female gender, and a non- dysrhythmias despite reasonable filling pressures are at poten-
ischemic etiology of heart failure [40]. Researchers at the Uni- tially higher risk of recurrence or persistence of these arrhyth-
versity of Michigan developed a risk score for RV failure based mias post-MCS and thus are more likely to need biventricular
on vasopressor requirement, an AST 80 IU, total bilirubin support.
2 mg per dL, creatinine 2.3 mg per dL that is predictive
of RV failure as well as overall survival [54]. However, there Aortic Valve
are many limitations to these studies including being based on
The cardiac assessment of patients being considered for MCS
single-center studies, small sample sizes, and are mostly based
should focus on other morphologic features of the heart other
on prior generation pulsatile devices.
than the LV and RV function. The presence and quantification
A recent study of 484 patients examined the predictors of
of AI is particularly important. Blood from the left ventricle
RV dysfunction in patients receiving a current generation con-
empties into the device and is then pumped into the ascending
tinuous flow device (HeartMate II) across multiple centers as
aorta just distal to the aortic valve. The presence of significant
a bridge to transplantation. Multivariate predictors of RV fail-
AI will result in ineffectual forward flow as the blood that was
ure were preoperative ventilator support (OR 5.5), CVP/W >
pumped into the aorta is regurgitated back into the ventricle
0.63 (OR 2.3), and BUN > 39 (OR 2.1). Patients without RV
only to reenter the device, be pumped into the aorta, and regur-
failure also had significantly better survival at 6 months (89%
gitate into the ventricle once again in a blind loop. Moderate or
vs. 67%, p < 0.001) and shorter lengths of stay (22 vs. 32
worse AI should prompt aortic valve repair, replacement with
days, p < 0.001). This study, unlike other prior studies, also
a tissue valve, or oversewing of the aortic valve. With adequate
investigated the effects of intraoperative factors which might
decompression by the LVAD, the left ventricle generates very
impact RV function. Those who required an RVAD required
little effective forward flow and hence rarely opens the aortic
more units of packed red blood cells (14.3 vs. 5.6, p < 0.03)
valve. In patients with mechanical aortic prostheses, this lack of
and had twice the incidence of reoperation for bleeding (40%
flow across the valve may result in the formation of thrombosis
vs. 19%, p < 0.04) [55].
and subsequent embolism [59]. Thus, mechanical aortic valves
Management of RV failure is similar to that of LV failure,
are either replaced with tissue valves at the time of surgery or
decreasing excess preload, inotropy, and reducing afterload.
are oversewn.
RV preload should be reduced with aggressive diuresis and, if
needed, mechanical volume removal if there is a renal limita-
tion to diuresis. The dysfunctional RV may need slightly more
Other Cardiac Abnormalities
preload to maintain output, but a goal should be to reduce The presence of large atrial or ventricular septal defects should
the RA pressure to less than 13 mm Hg. Inotropy is often be ruled out as these will need to be addressed during the time
needed for LV support as well, but is often equally important of implantation. Mitral regurgitation essentially resolves post-
to maintaining RV output [50]. Milrinone is typically the in- MCS with adequate LV decompression, but significant mitral
otrope of choice for RV support in the setting of concomitant stenosis can impede LVAD filling and should be addressed at
pulmonary hypertension due to its vasodilatory properties. Af- the time of implantation [60]. The degree of tricuspid regur-
terload is addressed through strategies to reduce elevated pul- gitation should be quantified as severe tricuspid regurgitation
monary pressures. Reducing the left sided filling pressures is is a predictor of poor outcomes with LVAD alone [61]. LV
the first and most important therapeutic targets and can be ac- thrombus can form in the setting of acute ischemia or with
complished through a combination of diuresis, inotropy, IABP, chronic LV dysfunction. Such thrombi are usually located in
and even a temporary LVAD. Patients must have adequate oxy- the LV apex, which is the site of cannulation for the LVAD.
genation to avoid hypoxic pulmonary vasoconstriction and if Although the ventricle is routinely inspected before insertion
intubated positive end expiratory pressure should be minimized of the cannula, knowledge of the presence of thrombus preop-
[56]. Nitric oxide may be considered in the intubated patient, eratively is nevertheless important as retained thrombus may
but such patients may be too ill to consider LV support alone. systemically embolize or, more ominously, be sucked into the
There is little evidence for the use of other vasodilators such impeller of a continuous flow pump resulting pump dysfunc-
as prostaglandins and some evidence that such therapies may tion or failure. For patients with congenital heart disease it is
be deleterious in the setting of LV failure [57]. A summary of important to establish the anatomical position of the systemic
the management of RV function and the various organ systems ventricle and aorta as well as the type and location of any previ-
discussed below is as seen in Table 45.2. ous corrective surgeries. Complex congenital heart disease may
necessitate placement of the pump or inflow/outflow cannulae
in atypical positions.
Ventricular tachyarrhythmias are reasonably common in the
setting of acutely decompensated heart failure. Many patients Noncardiac
with chronic heart failure will have a history of ventricular
tachycardia or have an implantable cardioverter defibrillator Other chronic medical conditions, many of which are exacer-
(ICD) with or without resynchronization therapy [58]. Aside bated by acute heart failure, should be optimized if possible
from their impact on the patients stability in the acute phase of prior to implantation of long-term MCS. Patients must be as-
their presentation, the persistence of ventricular tachyarrhyth- sessed for signs of infection and if found treated aggressively
mias has implications for outcomes on mechanical support. prior to implant. Active infection at the time of implantation
The presence of sustained ventricular tachycardia or ventric- can be catastrophic as septicemia can result in device infec-
ular fibrillation during LVAD support can substantially affect tion which may be chronically suppressed but rarely cured
RV function, particularly in the setting of borderline RV func- with antibiotic therapy. If the pump or the pocket in which
tion. Although ventricular tachyarrhythmias are not typically it sits becomes infected, the only recourse is urgent transplant,
lethal in the setting of LVAD support alone, they will fairly rou- if indicated, as device exchanges in these situations often re-
tinely result in lower pump output, hypotension, and recurrent sult in recurrent infection [62]. Renal dysfunction at the time
symptoms. For patients with an ICD they may also result in fre- of presentation is common from a variety of causes: poor re-
quent ICD discharges. Preoperative ventricular tachyarrhyth- nal perfusion, high right atrial pressures, preexisting renal dys-
mias in the setting of substantially elevated filling pressures function, high doses of diuretics, and the adverse neurohor-
or acute ischemia often resolve after MCS as the heart fail- monal milieu of heart failure. It is certainly advantageous if the
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TA B L E 4 5 . 2
LV dysfunction
Preload Diuresis Pulmonary disease Avoid hypoxia
Mechanical volume removal Attempt to quantify extent/
Cardiac output Support with inotropy severity of lung disease
IABP or temporary support as Liver disease Occult liver disease in the
needed presence of persistently high
After load Treat hypertension, if present right atrial pressures
IABP Ultrasound/CT scan to assess
RV dysfunction Assess with invasive for cirrhosis
hemodynamics Coagulation Stop any unneeded
Preload Diuresis anticoagulants/antiplatelets
Mechanical volume removal Review for history of
Inotropy Milrinone if concomitant hypercoagulable state
pulmonary hypertension Vascular disease Review history
Afterload Decreasing left-sided filling Confirmatory ultrasound/CT
pressures scanning
Milrinone Nutrition Screen with prealbumin
Avoiding hypoxia Nutritional support
patient can be stabilized with inotropy, IABP, or even tempo- uncommon with chronic heart failure, especially in the setting
rary mechanical support to allow for renal recovery. Improve- of poor RV function with persistently high right atrial pressures
ment of renal function is often seen with restoration of cardiac or those with Fontan circulation [60]. These patients may have
output and resolution of the heart failure state after MCS, but is significant hepatic dysfunction without substantial baseline ab-
not the rule, especially when the patients are implanted in the normalities of AST, ALT, or total bilirubin. There should be a
setting of significant renal dysfunction [63,64]. Renal failure low threshold to screen such patients with ultrasonography or
requiring dialysis after MCS remains a highly morbid event, CT or even liver biopsy to assess hepatic architecture for signs
likely reflecting the level of illness entering the surgery as well of cirrhosis. If there is evidence of cirrhosis then early involve-
as an additional, persistent nidus of infection due to the need ment of hepatologists is essential. Patients with marginal hep-
for vascular access [65]. atic function frequently have massive transfusion requirements
Intrinsic pulmonary disease also has a number of implica- during implantation and not infrequently have acute hepatic
tions for long-term MCS. Advanced lung disease impacts mor- failure postoperatively. Careful management of antiplatelet and
tality and morbidity from the implantation surgery itself as well anticoagulant therapy around the time of VAD implant may be
as the ability to rehabilitate and post-operative functional sta- critical to minimizing the risk of perioperative bleeding. Exten-
tus. Hypoxic pulmonary vasoconstriction from intrinsic lung sive carotid or peripheral vascular disease may increase the risk
disease may also exacerbate preexisting pulmonary hyperten- of extracardiac vascular events following MCS, and must be
sion. Severe chronic pulmonary disease with an FEV1 of less evaluated appropriately with preoperative noninvasive testing
than 1 L is should raise concerns about a patients suitability [60]. In patients who present acutely, nutrition is not often
for MCS [60]. Intubation and mechanical ventilation prior to a pressing issue, but nutritional impairment in patients with
implantation is also a strong predictor of poor outcomes [38]. chronic heart failure can be quite profound and low BMI is a
Hepatic dysfunction is occasionally a result of shock from acute risk factor for poor outcomes [66]. Poor nutrition impacts T-
decompensation, but chronic occult hepatic dysfunction is not cell function and is another risk factor for infection and poor
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Whenever patients are being considered for MCS the surgi-
cal team should be involved, not only to help assess a pa-
tients suitability for support, but also allow them time to
properly survey the patient for additional factors which may
impact outcomes. The number of prior sternotomies will im-
pact the ease of surgical approach, the operative time, the risk
of postoperative bleeding, and perhaps even the overall can-
didacy for MCS. The presence and degree of AI, the pres-
ence of mechanical valves, the number and location of prior
bypass grafts, the presence of intraventricular thrombus, and
the details of congenital abnormalities and subsequent surgi-
cal corrections should be determined and communicated to the FIGURE 45.2. Competing outcomes analysis of patients with a con-
surgical team as previously noted. The details of past surgi- tinuous flow left ventricular assist device as a bridge to transplant.
cal ventricular reconstruction should be sought, as these surg- [From Pagani FD, Miller LW, Russell SD, et al: Extended mechanical
eries usually involve the LV apex, the site of inflow cannulation circulatory support with a continuous-flow rotary left ventricular assist
for all long-term LVADs, and may present significant technical device. J Am Coll Cardiol 54:312321, 2009, with permission.]
TA B L E 4 5 . 3
Profile Description
1 Acutely decompensating
2 Failing inotropes
3 Inotrope dependent, stable
4 Recurrent, but not refractory advanced heart failure
5 Exertion intolerant, but no dyspnea at rest
6 Exertion limited, dyspnea with only mild activity
7 Advanced NYHA class III
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Chapter 46: Respiratory Failure Part I: A Physiologic Approach to Respiratory Failure 489
V/ Mismatch Site of abnormality Disease
Low V/ Q mismatch is the dominant physiology in abnormal- Central nervous Respiratory center depression owing to
ities of gas exchange. Mild to moderate degrees of low V/ Q
system overdose, primary alveolar
mismatch can cause hypoxemia alone, whereas more severe hypoventilation, myxedema
V/ mismatching leads to hypoxemia with hypercapnia. (For Peripheral nervous Spinal cord disease, amyotrophic
a patient breathing room air, V/ Q mismatch never causes hy- system lateral sclerosis, GuillainBarre
percapnia in the absence of hypoxemia.) There are two reasons syndrome
why a substantially greater amount of low V/ Q
mismatch must Respiratory muscles Muscle fatigue, myasthenia gravis,
be present to cause hypercapnia than to cause hypoxemia. The polymyositis, hypophosphatemia
first reason is the higher solubility of CO2 in blood as discussed Chest wall Ankylosing spondylitis, flail chest,
earlier [6]; there is no saturation limit for CO2 . Thus while nor- thoracoplasty
mal alveoli cannot increase oxygen uptake significantly after Pleura Restrictive pleuritis
hemoglobin saturation, they can increase CO2 removal as ve- Upper airway Tracheal stenosis, vocal cord tumor
nous CO2 content rises. The second reason is that, just as with obstruction
shunt, patients with low V/ Q mismatch increase their minute a
This table is not an exhaustive listing; it includes the more common
ventilation to compensate for the potential elevation in CO2 causes for each involved compartment of the respiratory system.
that the low V/ Q areas would otherwise generate [6]. With
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Overlapping Factors a steady state, R can be assumed to be 0.8, even in patients with
significant lung disease [18]. Given the previous assumptions
Several comments are in order. First, more than one mecha-
and a normal PaCO2 of 40 mm Hg, one gets an idealized PAO2
nism may be operant in any individual case. For example, a
of 100:
high ventilatory requirement needed to compensate for areas
of low V/ mismatch in a patient with chronic obstructive pul- PAO2 = 150 40/0.8 = 100
monary disease may lead to muscle overload with fatigue and The Aa gradient is then obtained by subtracting the mea-
therefore add an extrapulmonary etiology of hypercapnia to sured arterial PO2 from the calculated PAO2 . PCO2 /0.8 is the
primary pulmonary disease. Another common coupling would same as the PCO2 1.25. Thus, for a person breathing room
be the coexistence of V/ Q
mismatch and pulmonary parenchy-
air at sea level,
mal shunt in a patient with pneumonia and underlying chronic
obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Aa gradient is equal to = 150 (1.25 PaCO2 ) PaO2
Second, a decrease in cardiac output may worsen hypox- In reality, the lung is not a single large alveolus, and there is
emia primarily due to marked V/ Q abnormalities, a large right- not an oxygen gradient between the alveolus and the capillary.
to-left shunt, or both. A decrease in cardiac output forces a The calculated gradient represents a mixture of blood from
compensatory increase in oxygen extraction at the tissue level, alveoli with ideal characteristics with blood from alveoli that
leading to a decreased mixed-venous oxygen content. Isolated have low V/ Q mismatch and with shunted blood. The greater
reduction in the mixed-venous oxygen content is not a cause the contribution from alveoli with low V/ Q mismatch and from
of hypoxemia, but it can exacerbate the hypoxemia generated shunt, the greater the Aa gradient.
by any of the primary mechanisms described above. One value of the concept of the Aa gradient is that it can be
Third, as mentioned, shunt alone is not a cause of hyper- used to separate the extrapulmonary causes of respiratory fail-
capnia, but if a significant shunt is present in conjunction with ure from those that involve parenchymal lung disease [12] as
one of the primary causes of hypercapnia, then the capacity to long as the patient is breathing room air. With extrapulmonary
compensate for the shunt is reduced and hypercapnia is wors- failure, the Aa gradient remains normal. With shunt or V/ Q
ened. Q mismatch and
mismatch, the gradient is usually elevated. V/
Finally, the PaCO2 represents a balance between CO2 pro-
extrapulmonary respiratory failure are the two causes of hy-
duction and CO2 clearance; in patients with an impaired ca-
percapnia encountered in clinical practice, and the Aa gradi-
pacity to clear CO2 , increases in production may gain clinical
ent is a useful tool for distinguishing between them. Gray and
relevance [14]. Fever increases CO2 production by 13% for
Blalock have noted that the Aa gradient is an imperfect tool;
each 1 C temperature elevation above normal. Thus, lowering
with very high PaCO2 , the gradient can narrow [19]. This is
temperature to normal may have an impact on PaCO2 in a
Q mismatch. Nutri- rarely an issue in clinical management. At any age, an Aa gra-
febrile patient with a large amount of V/ dient exceeding 20 mm Hg on room air should be considered
tional support with excessive total calories or proportionally abnormal and indicative of pulmonary dysfunction [16].
high-carbohydrate loads also increases CO2 production [15]. When the FIO2 is above 0.21, the Aa gradient becomes
It follows that decreasing total caloric load may influence the a less accurate measure of the efficiency of gas exchange and
degree of hypercapnia in patients with limited ventilatory re- therefore a less valuable tool for the measurement of shunt,
serve. Q
V/ mismatch, or the lack thereof. The PaO2 divided by the
FIO2 (PaO2 /FIO2 ratio) can be used to assess the severity of the
gas exchange defect. For calculation, the FIO2 is expressed as
ANALYTICAL TOOLS FOR a decimal ranging from 0.21 to 1.00. The normal PaO2 /FIO2
HYPOXEMIA AND HYPERCAPNIA is 300 to 500. A value of <300 is indicative of gas exchange
derangement and a value below 200 is indicative of severe im-
Several tools can be used to categorize type and severity of the pairment. Although the PaO2 /FIO2 is felt to be a more reliable
different causes of hypercapnia and hypoxemia. Simple cal- measure of degree of gas exchange impairment at higher FIO2 s,
culation, maneuvers, and tests can give the clinician a better it too has the potential to be unreliable, particularly in the pres-
understanding of the underlying physiology. ence of a large shunt or a low FIO2 [2022].
Chapter 46: Respiratory Failure Part I: A Physiologic Approach to Respiratory Failure 491
TA B L E 4 6 . 3
Scenario 3
The patient arrives with a PaO2 of 42, PaCO2 of 68, and pH
Elevated Aa gradient Normal Aa gradient of 7.21. Calculation of the Aa gradient yields a value of 23.
You administer naloxone and the patient does awaken, but he
Sepsis and capillary leak Central nervous system disorder remains hypoxemic. This was anticipated owing to the elevated
syndrome Hepatic failure with normal lungs Aa gradient; you evaluate for an additional process such as
Hepatic failure with Analeptic overdose drugs aspiration of gastric contents.
hepatopulmonary Salicylates In an acute-on-chronic situation, the trend of the acidosis is
syndrome Catecholamines most crucial in deciding whether mechanical ventilatory sup-
Chronic interstitial lung Progesterone port is necessary [7]. Although these ratios are strictly correct
diseases Thyroid hormone excess only for simple respiratory acidbase disturbances, the authors
Pulmonary edema Pregnancy believe they should be applied therapeutically even in a compli-
Cardiogenic High altitude cated disturbance. If the ratio is consistent with an acute respi-
Noncardiogenic (acute Severe anemia (approximately ratory acidosis, the patient who fails to improve with treatment
respiratory distress 3 g/dL hemoglobin) should receive ventilatory support (see Chapters 58, 59).
syndrome) Psychogenic hyperventilation Fear of causing greater hypercapnia should not be a deter-
Pulmonary embolism Endotoxemia rent to the use of supplemental oxygen in an acutely ill hy-
Pneumonia Mechanical hyperventilation with poxemic patient. Although PaCO2 predictably increases with
Asthma normal lungs the use of supplemental oxygen in patients with hypercapnia
Right-to-left shunt During menses after ovulation Q
due to V/ mismatch, CO2 narcosis is very uncommon. It does,
however, make sense to start supplemental oxygen at a low con-
P(Aa)O2 , alveolararterial oxygen tension gradient. centration and then to slowly increase the FIO2 until adequate
The differential diagnosis of respiratory alkalosis with an elevated oxygenation is achieved. The uncommon case of resultant se-
P(Aa)O2 gradient is the same as that of nonhypercapnic, hypoxemic
vere hypercapnia can be treated with mechanical ventilatory
respiratory failure.
Respiratory alkalosis is not itself a cause of respiratory fail-
ure unless the increased work of breathing cannot be sustained
by the respiratory muscles. Management therefore depends on
central nervous system and cardiovascular system, may lead to diagnosis of the underlying stimulus for hyperventilation and
suspicion of the diagnosis, but the ABG must be obtained for on treatment specific to that condition (e.g., heparin for pul-
confirmation. A clinical approach to respiratory failure begins monary embolism). When respiratory alkalosis continues to
with analysis of the ABG for the severity, type, and acuity of worsen in critically ill patients on mechanical ventilatory sup-
the gas exchange disturbance. These factors and the expected port, however, it may become necessary to treat the respiratory
duration of the process guide interventions. alkalosis directly. In such a setting, sedation with or without
Acute hypercapnia should be evaluated for reversible paralysis of skeletal muscles can be useful.
causes. If none is found, mechanical ventilatory support, inva- Hypoxemia that responds only minimally to large increases
sive or noninvasive, is needed. This can take the form of intuba- in FIO2 involves significant shunt. (In many clinical situations,
tion, but other options such as continuous positive airway pres- such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease with pneumo-
sure and noninvasive positive-pressure ventilation now have a nia, the physiology involves a coupling of shunt and V/ Q
documented role in the management of acute respiratory com- mismatch.) Cardiac shunt or large pulmonary arteriovenous
promise [29]. Hypercapnia with a H+ /PCO2 ratio of 0.3, shunts may require an invasive intervention to correct them.
indicating chronicity, uncommonly requires urgent ventilatory Diffuse pulmonary parenchymal shunt, as can occur in acute
support. respiratory distress syndrome, may be amenable to positive
end-expiratory pressure.
Noninvasive ventilation has been studied extensively. In
CLINICAL EXAMPLES clinical scenarios in which reversal or amelioration of the un-
derlying process may be possible within the short term, nonin-
vasive ventilation may provide a therapeutic bridge that allows
Scenario 1 avoidance of the possible disadvantages of intubation and me-
chanical ventilation [29].
A 29-year-old man is brought to the emergency department in a
stuporous state. ABGs drawn on room air at the time of arrival
demonstrate a PaO2 of 52, PaCO2 of 68, and pH of 7.21. On
calculation, the Aa gradient is 13 and the H+ /PCO2 ratio
is 0.8. You therefore know that you are dealing with an acute The basic physiologic mechanisms underlying all abnormali-
respiratory acidosis of extrapulmonary origin. The narcotic an- ties of gas exchange have been delineated. Of these, the most
tagonist naloxone is administered, and the patient wakes up, Q mismatch, hypoventilation, and
clinically relevant are low V/
with normalization of blood gases.
shunt. A series of tools that can be used to analyze and differ-
entiate these physiologic possibilities has been presented along
with an analysis of how H+ /PaCO2 relationships can help to
Scenario 2 define the acuity of a disorder. Analysis of the type and acuity
of a process should lead to an attempt to define the responsible
The same patient, given naloxone and flumazenil, has no disease process(es) and to intervene specifically. The decision of
change in blood gases or mental status. Your differential di- when or whether to institute mechanical ventilatory support,
agnosis is now acute extrapulmonary respiratory failure other especially with intubation, is not always clear from numbers
than narcotic or benzodiazepine respiratory suppression. You alone; this decision involves the art as well as the science of
intubate and start mechanical ventilation. medicine.
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1. West JB: Pulmonary Pathophysiology: The Essentials. Baltimore, Williams 17. Chen WJ, Kuan P, Lien WP, et al: Detection of patent foramen ovale by
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4. Cerveri I, Zoia MC, Fanfulla F, et al: Reference values of arterial oxygen 19. Gray BA, Blalock JM: Interpretation of the alveolar-arterial oxygen differ-
tension in the middle-aged and elderly. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 152:934, ence in patients with hypercapnia. Am Rev Respir Dis 143:4, 1991.
1995. 20. Bernard GR, Artigas A, Brigham KL, et al: The American-European Con-
5. Bates DV: Respiratory Function in Disease. Toronto, WB Saunders, 1989. sensus Conference on ARDS. Definitions, mechanisms, relevant outcomes,
6. West JB: Causes of carbon dioxide retention in lung disease. N Engl J Med and clinical trial coordination. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 149:818,
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7. Demers RR, Irwin RS: Management of hypercapnic respiratory failure: a 21. Whiteley JP, Gavaghan DJ, Hahn CE: Variation of venous admixture, SF6
systematic approach. Respir Care 24:328, 1979. shunt, PaO2 , and the PaO2 /FIO2 ratio with FIO2 . Br J Anaesth 88:771,
8. Finley TN, Swenson EW, Comroe JH Jr: The cause of arterial hypoxemia 2002.
at rest in patients with alveolar capillary block syndrome. J Clin Invest 22. Gowda MS, Klocke RA: Variability of indices of hypoxemia in adult respi-
41:618, 1962. ratory distress syndrome. Crit Care Med 25:41, 1997.
9. Murray JF: Pathophysiology of acute respiratory failure. Respir Care 28:531, 23. Cox D, Taylor J, Nanda NC: Refractory hypoxemia in right ventricu-
1983. lar infarction from right-to-left shunting via a patent foramen ovale: ef-
10. Robin ED, Laman PD, Goris ML, et al: A shunt is (not) a shunt is (not) a ficacy of contrast transesophageal echocardiography. Am J Med 91:653,
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11. Bartter T, Irwin RS, Nash G: Aneurysms of the pulmonary arteries. Chest 24. Suzuki Y, Kambara H, Kadota K, et al: Detection of intracardiac shunt
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12. Pratter MR, Irwin RS: Extrapulmonary causes of respiratory failure. J Int Doppler flow imaging system and comparison with contrast two-dimensional
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13. Pratter MR, Corwin RW, Irwin RS: An integrated analysis of lung and res- 25. Narins RG, Emmett M: Simple and mixed acid-base disorders: a practical
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14. Weinberger SE, Schwartzstein RM, Weiss JW: Hypercapnia. N Engl J Med rameters. Hosp Practice 157, 1974.
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15. Talpers SS, Romberger DJ, Bunce SB, et al: Nutritionally associated increased alveolar ventilation. Am Rev Respir Dis 98:868, 1968.
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bohydrate calories. Chest 102:551, 1992. arterial anoxemia. Am J Med Sci 214:1, 1947.
16. Mellemgaard K: The alveolar-arterial oxygen difference: its size and compo- 29. Mehta S, Hill NS: Noninvasive ventilation. Am J Respir Crit Care Med
nents in normal man. Acta Physiol Scand 67:10, 1966. 163:540, 2001.
TA B L E 4 7 . 1
ALI Criteria Acute onest PaO2 /FiO2 300 mm Hg Bilateral infiltrates seen on 18 mm Hg when measured OR no
(regardless of PEEP) frontal chest radiograph clinical evidence of left atrial
ARDS Criteria Acute onset PaO2 /FiO2 200 mm Hg Bilateral infiltrates seen on 18 mm Hg when measured OR no
(regardless of PEEP) frontal chest radiograph clinical evidence of left atrial
From Bernard GR, Artigas A, Brigham KL, et al: The American-European Consensus Conference on ARDS. Definitions, mechanisms, relevant
outcomes, and clinical trial coordination. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 149:818824, 1994.
studies have shown that indices of oxygenation are not strongly been well characterized and is, in many ways, descriptive of its
predictive of outcome [1113], this differentiation may be of pathogenesis.
limited clinical relevance. Furthermore, the definition of ALI
and ARDS has undergone significant evolution over the years,
and limitations of this definition still exist [14], which can HISTOPATHOLOGY
confound the interpretation of older research results and con-
tribute added challenges to the design of new studies. Despite having many different potential etiologies [1618],
In response to the recognized limitations in determining the the histologic findings of ALI are fundamentally uniform and
incidence and outcomes of ALI, a committee of leading investi- are collectively described by the term, diffuse alveolar dam-
gators in the field met in 1994 to develop a consensus between age (DAD) [19]. DAD represents a continuum of changes that
the American Thoracic Society and the European Society of can be temporally divided into exudative, proliferative, and
Intensive Care Medicine. The most current definition of ALI fibrotic phases [19,20], between which considerable overlap
derives from this consensus [9] and defines the condition as exists. The exudative phase of DAD is the earliest phase, dur-
the acute onset of hypoxemia and noncardiogenic pulmonary ing which clinical symptoms first develop and lung mechanical
edema (see Table 47.1). Although the source of hypoxemia in changes become manifest [21]. This phase typically occupies
ALI is multifactorial, it is one of the most easily gauged markers the first week and is characterized by epithelial and endothelial
of lung injury in the intensive care unit and thus an impor- cell death, neutrophil sequestration, plateletfibrin thrombi,
tant component of the definition. Despite its limited prognostic interstitial edema, and exudates within the airspaces, which
value, the more inclusive P:F ratio of less than 300 can serve consist of fluid, protein, and cellular debris [19]. These exu-
to identify patients earlier in their course [11], thus expediting dates compact into dense, protein-rich hyaline membranes that
delivery of critical life saving interventions before progression stain strongly with eosin and line the alveoli and alveolar ducts
to ARDS. In ALI, the pulmonary edema is the result of capil- (Fig. 47.1A). During the second week of injury, the prolifer-
lary leak, a parameter that is difficult to measure in the clin- ative phase ensues, which is characterized by organization of
ical setting. Accordingly, noncardiogenic pulmonary edema is the intra-alveolar exudates and proliferation of type II alveolar
defined using clinical parameters, which include the presence cells, fibroblasts, and myofibroblasts. During this phase, it is
of bilateral infiltrates consistent with pulmonary edema on common to find areas of squamous metaplasia and granulation
chest radiograph and either a pulmonary artery wedge pressure tissue occluding alveolar ducts in a manner similar to that of
(PAWP) less than 18 mm Hg (when measured) or no clinical organizing pneumonia (Fig. 47.1B) [22].
evidence of left atrial hypertension [9]. However, because the The fibrotic phase has classically been considered the later
group recognized that ALI does not always exist exclusively phase of remodeling that occurs in patients who survive past
without heart failure, the consensus more explicitly defines ALI 3 or 4 weeks [19]. However, studies suggest an increase in
as a syndrome of inflammation and increased permeability the fibrotic response to ALI as early as 24 hours from pre-
that is associated with a constellation of clinical, radiologic, sentation [23], and histologic evidence can be seen within the
and physiologic abnormalities that cannot be explained by, but first 2 weeks of diagnosis [24]. Because such overlap exists be-
may coexist with, left atrial or pulmonary capillary hyperten- tween the fibrotic and proliferative phases, the two are often
sion[9]. described together as the fibroproliferative phase. On histology,
Despite the great lengths taken to clarify the current defini- alveolar septa are expanded and airspaces filled with sparsely
tion of ALI, it is not without its shortcomings, particularly be- cellular connective tissue [19]. Such airspace connective tissue
cause it does not delineate the cause of hypoxemia (i.e., alveolar formation can either resolve or progress to the point of com-
damage) or clearly establish the presence of increased perme- plete airspace obliteration [24], fibrosis, and even honeycomb-
ability [14]. Unfortunately, easily employed tests for microvas- ing [22]. Regardless of severity, there is evidence that increased
cular permeability are not yet available, and what degree of fibroproliferative signaling [23] and fibrosis [24] predict worse
permeability is needed to reliably predict the presence of alve- outcomes.
olar damage is not known [14]. The boundaries for the P:F
ratio are also arbitrary. The consensus committee recognized
the difficulty in interpreting this ratio in the setting of differ- RADIOGRAPHIC FINDINGS
ent levels of positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP) [15], and
thus decided to not include this parameter in their definition. The diagnostic criteria of ALI require bilateral infiltrates on
It would also be impractical to base the clinical definition of frontal chest radiograph [9]. These infiltrates will often ini-
ALI upon histologic findings given the often critical condition tially appear as heterogeneous opacities, but later become more
of patients and their poor candidacy for biopsy by the time of homogenous over hours to days [25] (see Fig. 47.2A). Al-
clinical diagnosis. Nevertheless, the histopathology of ALI has though some have recommended using criteria such as cardiac
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Chapter 47: Respiratory Failure Part II: Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome 495
silhouette size and vascular pedicle width to differentiate car- involvement, all of which contribute to low interobserver
diogenic from noncardiogenic edema, this differentiation has agreement [27].
proven difficult [26]. Furthermore, the seemingly straightfor- Prior to computed tomography (CT) scanning, the pul-
ward interpretation of bilateral infiltrates can be obscured by monary edema seen on chest radiograph was widely believed to
factors such as atelectasis, effusions, or isolated lower lobe be a diffuse process. However, CT imaging has demonstrated
the distribution of ALI to oftentimes be heterogeneous and tiation is justified by the demonstration of differing physiologic
patchy, with areas of normal-appearing, aerated lung inter- properties between ALI of a direct or indirect nature [38], and
spersed among areas of mixed ground glass opacity and con- by the varied outcomes associated with different causes of ALI
solidation, the latter being concentrated in the more gravita- [7,11,13]. It is now well established that sepsis is the most com-
tionally dependent regions of the lung [28] (see Fig. 47.2B, C). monly identified cause of ALI, and is associated with the worst
Despite this pattern, a recent study using positron emission outcome overall [7,13,18], while trauma-related ALI has a sig-
tomography (PET) to map cellular metabolic activity demon- nificantly lower mortality [7]. These differences in mortality
strated that diffuse inflammatory change can be detected even may be in part due to differences in pathogenesis [39]. Other
in areas of the lung that appear spared radiographically [29]. risk factors for the development of ALI following a known in-
Some investigators have also used PET imaging and magnetic sult include a history of alcoholism [4042], recent chemother-
resonance imaging (MRI) to estimate pulmonary microvascular apy [41], delayed resuscitation [41], and transfusion with blood
leak and assist in the differentiation between high permeability products [4346]. The latter condition, commonly referred to
and hydrostatic pulmonary edema [3032], but these methods as transfusion-related ALI (i.e., TRALI), may be more likely
have yet to be adopted in clinical practice. to develop following transfusion with fresh frozen plasma and
platelets than with packed red blood cells (PRBCs) [44]. Curi-
ously, in those at clinical risk for developing ALI, the diagnosis
EPIDEMIOLOGY of diabetes mellitus has been shown to confer protection from
ALI, providing about half the relative risk as that of nondia-
The estimated incidence of ALI worldwide has been variable in betic patients [41,47].
the past due to its wide range of causes and previously nonuni-
form definition. The first estimate by the National Institutes
of Health (NIH) projected an annual incidence of 75 cases PATHOGENESIS
per 100,000 in the United States [33]. Two subsequent cohort
studies in Scandinavia and Australia, respectively, estimated an An understanding of the pathogenesis of ALI is perhaps best
annual incidence of 18 and 34 cases per 100,000 [34,35], but imparted through a reflection on the predominant pathologic
these studies were limited in size and case inclusion. A much findings on histology. First and foremost, ALI is a condition
lager pool of prospective cases from the NHLBI-sponsored triggered by injury to the alveolar epithelium and capillary en-
ARDS Network yielded a conservative estimate of 64.2 cases dothelium. The insult can be initially isolated to either the ep-
per 100,000 person-years [36]. A more recent and significantly ithelium, as in the case of aspiration, or to the endothelium, as
larger prospective cohort study from King County in Wash- in most forms of indirect ALI such as sepsis. However, injury is
ington State estimates an annual incidence of 78.9 cases per generally detected in both the endothelium and epithelium by
100,000 person-years [7], which is more in accordance with the time of diagnosis [19,48]. This injury invariably leads to
the ARDS Network and original NIH estimates, and is likely a leakage of plasma proteins into the alveolar space. Many of
to be the most accurate estimate to date for incidence in the these plasma proteins in turn activate procoagulant and proin-
United States. flammatory pathways that lead to the fibrinous and purulent
In patients at risk of developing ALI, the onset of ALI is exudates seen on histology. Through increased transcription
typically swift, with a median duration of 1 day (interquartile and release of proinflammatory cytokines, and an increased ex-
range 0 to 4 days) from the time of risk factor development to pression of cell surface adhesion molecules, a profound acute
the time of diagnosis [37]. The known causes and risk factors inflammatory response ensues. This is heralded by epithelial
for the development of ALI have been well characterized [16 cell apoptosis and necrosis [49], further activation of inflam-
18] (see Table 47.2), and can be categorized as ensuing from matory cascades, and a robust recruitment of neutrophils [50].
either direct or indirect injury to the lung [16,38]. This differen- The increased expression of tissue factor and other procoag-
ulant factors ultimately leads to coagulation within the mi-
crovasculature and airspaces, accompanied by a suppression
TA B L E 4 7 . 2 of fibrinolysis, which helps perpetuate the microthrombi and
fibrinous exudates that are pathognomonic for ALI.
CLINICAL DISORDERS ASSOCIATED WITH THE Injury to the alveolar epithelium plays a critical role in the
DEVELOPMENT OF ALI AND ARDS, pathogenesis of ALI. Through the loss of tight junctions and
SUBCATEGORIZED INTO THOSE COMMONLY barrier function, plasma proteins and edema fluid seep into
ASSOCIATED WITH DIRECT AND INDIRECT INJURY the alveolar space, leading to increased shunt fraction, higher
TO THE LUNG alveolar surface tension, and a greater propensity for alveo-
lar collapse. Clearance of both protein and fluid are crucial to
Direct injury Indirect injury the resolution of ALI. Indeed, a greater alveolar fluid clearance
(AFC) rate is associated with fewer days of mechanical ventila-
Common causes Common causes tion and lower mortality in patients with ALI [51]. The type I
Pneumonia Sepsis alveolar epithelial cell (pneumocyte) plays an important role in
Aspiration of gastric Severe trauma with shock barrier function, while the type II pneumocyte is the primary
contents and multiple transfusions source of surfactant production and is known to participate in
Uncommon causes Uncommon causes AFC. Although type I pneumocytes comprise 99% of the alve-
Pulmonary contusion Cardiopulmonary bypass olar surface area and are presumed to participate in AFC, their
Fat emboli Drug overdose exact role in this process remains undefined [52]. AFC occurs
Near drowning Acute pancreatitis by fluid following a sodium concentration gradient established
Inhalation injury Transfusion of blood by active sodium transport at the basolateral membrane via Na,
Reperfusion injury after products K-ATPase activity [53]. Despite the demonstrated impairment
lung transplantation of AFC in the setting of lung injury [54], areas of preserved
or embolectomy AFC can coexist with injury and epithelial barrier disruption
[55], making AFC a potential target for interventional therapy
Adapted from Ware LB, Matthay MA: The acute respiratory distress (see Management section).
syndrome. N Engl J Med 342:13341349, 2000, with permission. The resorption of protein from the alveolar space is believed
to occur more slowly than AFC, and is differentially regulated
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Chapter 47: Respiratory Failure Part II: Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome 497
depending on the burden of protein present. Alveolar albumin Numerous additional pathways have been implicated in the
transport occurs primarily via receptor-mediated endocytosis pathogenesis of ALI, but an attempt to cover each in depth
at low concentrations, but occurs primarily via passive para- would extend beyond the intended breadth of this chapter. In
cellular diffusion when present in higher concentrations, as in brief, lipopolysaccharide (i.e., endotoxin) has long been rec-
the case of ALI [56]. Removal of larger insoluble proteins such ognized as a reliable initiator of ALI [82], particularly in the
as fibrin can take much longer and require degradation [56]. settings of sepsis and pneumonia, and the mechanisms of its ac-
On the other side of the alveolar capillary interface, injury tion have been extensively elaborated [83]. Oxidant-mediated
to the endothelium results in increased permeability, release of injury through the generation of reactive oxidant species is also
inflammatory molecules, expression of cell adhesion molecules, a well-recognized pathway for injury in ALI [84]. The cyto-
and activation of procoagulant pathways. Although endothe- protective role of the heat-shock response in ALI, particularly
lial injury is detectable under electron microscopy [19], gross through heat shock protein 70, is also widely acknowledged
endothelial damage may be seen only sparingly [48,57]. In- [85,86]. Dysregulated cell death and apoptosis through the re-
creased microvascular permeability has been widely demon- lease and accumulation of soluble Fas ligand is also thought to
strated in ALI [32,58,59], but this may be more due to a func- contribute to ALI and may also become a potential future tar-
tional alteration or activation of intact endothelium than due get for therapeutic intervention [49,87]. The role of mechanical
to actual cell lysis or necrosis. Endothelial cells can be activated ventilation in contributing to the development and worsening
by factors such as thrombin or endotoxin to increase surface of ALI is now also widely recognized and its mechanisms ex-
expression of the potent neutrophil-tethering molecules called tensively researched [88,89].
selectins [60] or to release preformed von Willebrand factor
(vWF) [61] and potent neutrophil activating factors [62]. En-
dothelial cell activation of binding molecules on neutrophils PATHOPHYSIOLOGY
can in turn promote their binding to the endothelium and trans-
migration into areas of injury. Furthermore, when endothelial Because of the accumulation of extravascular lung water
cells are tethered to activated neutrophils, such interaction can (i.e., pulmonary edema), the physiologic derangements of ALI
promote neutrophil degranulation [63], further contributing invariably manifest as refractory hypoxemia [90], decreased
to local injury and inflammation. The important role of en- respiratory compliance [91], and a propensity for alveolar clo-
dothelial activation in ALI is highlighted by the finding that sure [92]. As alveolar edema fluid and protein accumulate
elevated plasma levels of vWF have been shown to predict the within the alveoli, physiologic shunt develops as blood flows
development of ALI in patients at risk [64] and are associated through capillary units and perfuses alveoli that are either filled
with worse outcomes [65] and fewer organ failure-free days in with fluid, or have collapsed from the resulting increase in sur-
established ALI [65]. face tension (see Fig. 47.3A). Hypoxic vasoconstriction, the
Although widely accepted to play a key role in the patho- normal autoregulatory reflex that helps match ventilation and
genesis of ALI [50,66,67], the neutrophil is not essential for perfusion by shunting capillary blood flow away from poorly
the development of ALI, as evidenced by the development ventilated regions of the lung, is severely impaired within the
of ALI in the setting of neutropenia [68]. However, ALI can diseased regions of the lung [93]. Hence, physiologic shunt is
worsen during the recovery from neutropenia and after admin- accentuated by an imbalance of flow to the poorly ventilated
istration of the neutrophil growth and releasing factor, G-CSF lung regions [93]. Increased vasoconstriction and scattered mi-
[69]. Furthermore, neutrophil recruitment to the lung has been crothrombi within well-ventilated lung regions contribute to
shown to be a crucial factor in experimentally induced ALI physiologic dead space or wasted ventilation via diminished
as demonstrated by attenuated pathology under neutrophil- blood flow to aerated lung [93] (see Fig. 47.3B). The combined
depleted conditions [70,71]. effects of these derangements result in refractory hypoxemia
Activated leukocytes and endothelial cells can also con- and increased minute ventilation requirements, which explain
tribute to another recognized pathologic manifestation of the often challenging demands of managing these patients in
ALI: dysregulated intravascular and extravascular coagula- the intensive care unit.
tion [72,73]. Surface expression of tissue factor by alveolar Overall, the average pulmonary vascular resistance is
macrophages and endothelial cells can activate the extrinsic commonly elevated in patients with ALI [94,95], likely the
coagulation cascade through factor VII [73], activating throm- result of a reduction in total luminal diameter of the vascu-
bin and generating fibrin [72]. Extravascular alveolar fibrin lar bed, stemming from hypoxia and thrombotic obstruction
arising from increased procoagulant activity and impaired fib- [95,96]. This in turn leads to the common finding of pulmonary
rinolysis [74,75] has been well described in ALI [48]. Fibrin
formation and clearance in the lung is in part governed by
the differential activity of fibrinolysis promoters and inhibitors
[7476]. Plasminogen activators enzymatically convert plas-
minogen to active plasmin, the key protease involved in fibri-
nolysis. Plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 (PAI-1) can prevent
fibrinolysis via direct binding and inhibition of plasminogen
activators [77]. PAI-1 inhibition of fibrinolysis in the BAL fluid
of ALI patients was first recognized in 1990 [75]. Since then
the importance of PAI-1 in ALI has been further recognized in
that elevated plasma and edema fluid levels of PAI-1 are as-
sociated with higher mortality in ALI patients [78]. However,
studies examining the direct role of PAI-1 in animal models
of ALI have yielded mixed results [79,80]. With respect to the A B
initial process of coagulation and fibrin generation, the activa-
FIGURE 47.3. A: The edema fluid-filled alveolus and a neighboring
tion and expression of tissue factor (TF) has received notable
collapsed alveolus, both with unrestricted blood flow, contributing
attention due to its known interaction with factor VIIa and to physiologic shunt. Double-headed (arrow) represents potential for
downstream generation of thrombin. TF expression has been fluid-filled alveolus to collapse and re-expand during normal tidal ven-
shown to be increased on the surface of alveolar epithelial cells tilation. B: The effect of a microthrombus (black oval) obstructing
and macrophages in patients with ALI, and is accompanied by blood flow to a functioning alveolus, contributing to physiologic dead
increased procoagulant activity in the edema fluid [81]. space.
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hypertension in these patients, which can alter right ventricular can also be seen as an expansion in the hysteresis of pressure
loading and function [94,97], and predicts higher mortality in volume (PV) curves obtained during graded inflation of the
afflicted patients [97]. Because elevated pulmonary artery pres- lung (see Fig. 47.4). The decrease in slope of the inspiratory
sures could in theory contribute to increased pulmonary edema limb of the PV curve represents a decrease in volume obtained
[94,98] and right heart strain, it is unclear whether pulmonary for any given change in pressure, and hence a decrease in com-
hypertension is directly contributing to mortality or simply a pliance.
marker of disease severity [95].
The mechanical manifestations of ALI present mainly as a
decrease in respiratory compliance. This is primarily due to MANAGEMENT
a decrease in lung compliance, particularly in the more direct
forms of ALI such as pneumonia. However, contribution from Mechanical Ventilation
the chest wall and abdominal compartment can be significant
under conditions such as trauma and peritonitis [38]. The re-
duction in lung compliance reflects the collective contribution
Mechanical Ventilation and Low Tidal Volumes
of changes in the intrinsic elastic properties of the remaining The early presentation of ALI is chiefly characterized by hypox-
aerated lung and a reduction in resting lung volume via alve- emic respiratory failure and the almost invariable need for sup-
olar flooding and collapse. The increased elastic properties of port with mechanical ventilation. Because the greatest danger
the aerated lung result from increased tissue stiffness due to in- posed to patients with ALI is the development of multiorgan
terstitial edema and increased alveolar surface tension, but the failure [110], establishing supportive ventilation modes that
contribution from interstitial edema is thought to be negligible optimize hemodynamic function and oxygen delivery remain
relative to that from alveolar edema [99]. The increase in alve- important objectives in the management of these patients. Prior
olar surface tension is thought to develop from the increased to the late 1960s, endotracheal intubation and positive pres-
surface forces generated by a greater abundance of alveolar sure mechanical ventilation were primarily used for supporting
lining fluid and a decrease in surfactant activity [100]. This patients during general anesthesia. It was during this time that
loss in surfactant activity is believed to result from inhibitory investigators first noted that larger tidal volumes could reduce
binding of surfactant by plasma proteins [101] and cholesterol the shunt associated with atelectasis during general anesthe-
[102], and decreased production of functionally active surfac- sia [111]. Soon afterward, the benefits of a larger tidal volume
tant by type II pneumocytes [3,103]. To further complicate on shunt were demonstrated in animal models of ALI [112].
matters, the biomechanical effects of mechanical ventilation Because many of the techniques used for the support of pa-
alone can alter the structure and biophysical properties of sur- tients with acute respiratory failure were originally adopted
factant [104,105], an unfortunate consequence of a typically from general anesthesia practice, employing tidal volumes of
mandatory intervention for this condition. 10 to 15 mg per kg became the standard for improving oxy-
Lower resting lung volumes in ALI result from persistently genation and ventilation in patients with ALI [113,114].
fluid filled or collapsed alveoli, leading to what has been collo- We now know that idealized oxygenation and normal phys-
quially referred to as baby lung [106]. The affected regions iologic pH and PaCO2 can come at a cost when employing
of the lungs are often so diseased that they may remain fluid- higher tidal volumes in patients with ALI. After VILI was in-
filled or collapsed throughout each tidal inflation [107] and duced with higher tidal volumes in animal models [88,115],
hence contribute negligibly to compliance. In fact, CT imaging small retrospective and prospective uncontrolled trials sug-
has demonstrated respiratory compliance to be more closely gested a benefit from limiting tidal volume and peak airway
linked to the amount of aerated lung [108], lending some to as- pressures in patients with ALI [116,117]. Numerous larger,
sert that compliance is more of a direct measure of aerated lung randomized trials comparing traditional and lower tidal vol-
volume than tissue stiffness [106]. As a result, tidal volumes de- umes have since been conducted, each trial differing in its
livered to the heterogeneously fluid-filled and atelectatic lung methodology and results [1,2,118120]. The largest random-
are shunted preferentially to more compliant, aerated regions ized, multicenter trial to date, conducted by the ARDS Net-
of the lung [109]. This is one of the main postulated mecha- work, ultimately demonstrated a significant reduction in mor-
nisms through which mechanical ventilation can overdistend tality when using a tidal volume of 6 mL per kg of predicted
and injure the remaining regions of normal lung and lead to ideal body weight and a target plateau pressure of 30 cm H2 O
ventilator-induced lung injury (VILI) [88]. or less (mortality 31.0%) as opposed to a tidal volume of 12
At the bedside, the reduction in compliance is typically ob- mL per kg and a target plateau pressure less than 50 cm H2 O
served as an increase in peak and plateau airway pressures but (mortality 39.8%) [1].
In an effort to better understand the protection conferred
by low tidal volumes, investigators have studied how this strat-
egy modulates the inflammatory cascades associated with ALI
and VILI. Evidence now exists to support the theory that low
tidal volume ventilation improves outcomes at least in part
through reduced activation of the inflammatory cascades asso-
ciated with VILI and multiorgan failure. For instance, among
patients enrolled in the ARDS Network trial of low tidal vol-
ume, it was found that higher plasma levels of soluble recep-
tors for tumor necrosis factor- (TNF-) were associated with
higher mortality and fewer organ-failure free days [121]. Fur-
thermore, the lower tidal volume strategy was associated with
lower levels of soluble TNF- receptor I [121]. In another study
from the same patient population, elevated plasma levels of in-
FIGURE 47.4. Simulated pressure volume curve obtained from typical
acute lung injury patient, with pressure recorded during slow inflation
terleukin (IL)-6, 8, and 10 were also linked to increased mor-
to total lung volume. Lower inflection point (LIP) marked at point of tality while lower tidal volume was associated with a greater
sudden change in slope of inflation curve. Point of maximal curvature drop in IL-6 and IL-8 by day 3 of enrollment [122].
(PMC) also marked at point of maximal change in slope of deflation Many studies of low tidal volume ventilation adopted a
curve. strategy of permissive hypercapnia, in which investigators
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Chapter 47: Respiratory Failure Part II: Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome 499
tolerated a reduction in minute volume and an ensuing in- [134,140], recent larger trials have demonstrated more promis-
crease in PaCO2 to achieve lower target tidal volumes and air- ing improvements in lung function and oxygenation but still
way pressures [117,118,120]. Most studies suggest that this failed to demonstrate any reduction in mortality [146,147]. Al-
strategy is safe [117,118], but the actual safety of this prac- though no guidelines currently exist, it is important to note that
tice is not yet entirely known. Although some animal studies patients with ALI of differing origin [38,136,148] and stages
have demonstrated a potential protection by hypercapnic aci- of injury [141] vary in their response to RM, and it may help
dosis [123,124], others suggest that hypercapnic acidosis may to first differentiate responders from nonresponders [141,148].
worsen ALI and VILI [125,126]. Some guidelines acknowledge When performed, RMs are traditionally delivered as sustained
permissive hypercapnia as an acceptable practice when neces- inflations with peak inflation pressures limited to between 30
sary to limit tidal volumes, but also stress that its use is limited and 40 cm H2 O, and held for a period ranging from 15 to 40
in patients with preexistent metabolic acidosis, and contraindi- seconds [2,141,144].
cated in patients with increased intracranial pressure [127]. Be-
cause no firm guidelines have been established, current options
Positive End-Expiratory Pressure
range from a allowing for an arterial pH as low as 6.8 [117],
to increasing respiratory rate up to 35 and buffering with in- PEEP is another widely employed strategy shown to retard alve-
travenous bicarbonate when pH drops below 7.3 [1]. Despite olar derecruitment in the injured lung. Several studies have
ongoing controversy [128] and the delayed adoption low tidal demonstrated the ability of PEEP to prevent or delay alveolar
volume strategy in clinical practice [129,130], the current ev- derecruitment [149,150] and attenuate VILI [115,151]. How-
idence has led professional societies to recommend the use of ever the protective effect of higher PEEP was called into doubt
lower tidal volumes at goal plateau pressures less than 30 cm after a multicenter randomized trial failed to demonstrate an
H2 O in patients with established ALI [127]. Because calcula- improvement in outcomes using a higher PEEP strategy dur-
tions based on total body weight may be partly responsible for ing low tidal volume ventilation in ALI patients [152]. In this
the documented underuse of lower tidal volumes for patients NHLBI-sponsored trial, higher levels of PEEP were arbitrar-
with ALI [129], the importance of using predicted ideal body ily coupled to each step-wise increment in FiO2 requirement
weight (IBW), based upon measured height and sex, cannot be during low tidal volume ventilation [152]. The study failed
overstressed. IBW (in kg) for males is calculated as 50 + 0.91 to demonstrate any benefit in mortality or ventilator-free days
((height in cm)152.4), and for females as 45.5 + 0.91 ((height with higher PEEP [152], but potential underpowering of this
in cm)152.4) [1]. Although no firm guidelines exist regard- study has left room for continued debate [153]. In addition,
ing patients without established ALI, there is clinical evidence since the amount of recruitable lung varies significantly among
that a low tidal volume strategy may help prevent progression ALI patients [154], some have suggested that setting PEEP lev-
to ALI in patients at risk [131,132]. Yet to be determined is els without first determining the level of recruitable lung may
whether a more optimal or best strategy exists beyond that offset the potential benefits of PEEP. In a recent randomized
employed in the ARDS Network sponsored study. Although trial, the selection of PEEP was more patient-directed and set
data suggest that tidal volumes lower than 6 mL per kg may at a level required to maintain plateau pressures of 28 to 30 cm
confer even greater protection from VILI [133], there is no gen- H2 O [147]. This higher PEEP strategy again failed to demon-
eral consensus on this practice. However, the authors note that strate a reduction in mortality, but did demonstrate lasting im-
in the original ARDS Network trial, the lower tidal volume provements in oxygenation and compliance and an increase in
assignment started with a goal of 6 mL per kg, but patients in ventilator-free and organ failure-free days [147]. Others have
this arm were oftentimes adjusted to as low as 4 mL per kg as shown that more directly targeting PEEP to transpulmonary
needed to maintain plateau pressures less than 30 cm H2 O [1]. pressure by measuring esophageal pressures may be a safer and
more effective means of determining optimal PEEP [155].
This raises the question of how one determines the opti-
Recruitment mal setting of PEEP. The often observed lower inflection point
The physiologic abnormalities in ALI can, in some patients, be (LIP) on the inspiratory limb of the PV curve obtained from
reversed by a recruitment maneuver (RM), typically delivered ALI patients is the point beyond which the slope of the curve
as a sustained deep inflation with the intention of reopening dramatically increases (see Fig. 47.4). This dramatic increase
collapsed regions of the lung. However, because of the unusu- in compliance at the LIP was initially believed to represent
ally high surface tension within affected alveoli, the benefit is a sudden increase in lung volume and hence maximal alveo-
often transient [134,135], especially if not followed by suffi- lar recruitment. Thus, many have advocated using the LIP to
ciently high levels of PEEP [136]. The potential impact of RMs guide the setting of optimal PEEP [2,156]. However, several
on morbidity and mortality is not trivial. In fact, because dere- studies have demonstrated significant recruitment beyond the
cruitment leads to an effectively smaller ventilated lung, inves- LIP [157,158], a concept supported by mathematical models
tigators have proposed the use of open lung strategies [137] [159] and CT imaging [108,160]. Data from CT imaging in
with periodic delivery of RMs to limit regional overdistention ALI patients has recently lent strong support to setting opti-
and minimize injury from atelectasis and cyclic alveolar reex- mal PEEP at the point of maximal curvature (PMC) along the
pansion [88]. The long-term effect of atelectasis in humans is deflation limb of the PV curve [160] (see Fig. 47.4). Neverthe-
unclear, but prolonged periods of atelectasis have been shown less, the concept of optimal PEEP has likely been oversim-
to promote vascular leak and right ventricular failure in rodents plified and controversy remains over how alveolar recruitment
[138]. On the other hand, periodic RMs also have the poten- is best served by PEEP.
tial to worsen oxygenation by shunting blood flow to poorly
aerated regions [139] and impair cardiac output by limiting ve- High-Frequency Ventilation and Extracorporal
nous return and cardiac preload [140,141]. Furthermore, RMs
could conceivably contribute to lung injury through excessive
Membrane Oxygenation
overdistention [142] or repeated opening of collapsed lung. With the data demonstrating a reduction of mortality with
Despite encouraging findings from animal studies [143, a low tidal volume strategy in humans and animal studies
144], clinical studies have yielded mixed results regarding showing that even lower tidal volumes offer additional pro-
beneficial effects of RMs on oxygenation and lung function tection [133], high-frequency oscillation ventilation (HFOV),
[134,141,145]. Although earlier clinical studies demonstrated with very small tidal volumes equal to or less than dead space
the benefits of recruitment to be negligible or short-lived and delivered at a very high rate, would seem to be an ideal
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ventilatory strategy in ALI. How adequate ventilation is not entirely clear. Proposed mechanisms have centered around
achieved with tidal volumes less than or equal to dead space the potential reversal of gravitationally distributed perfusion to
is unknown. Proposed mechanisms include a pendelluft effect the better ventilated ventral lung regions [184] and improved
of mixing gases between lung regions of differing impedances, ventilation of previously dependent dorsal lung [185], both
coaxial flow with net center inflow and net peripheral outflow, of which would improve ventilation/perfusion matching. Curi-
mixing of fresh and residual air along the leading edge of gas ously, however, prone positioning exerts limited gravitational
flow, and simple molecular diffusion through relatively still air effects on regional perfusion in either normal or injured lung
[161]. HFOV first demonstrated clinical benefits among in- [186] but can sufficiently increase dorsal transpulmonary pres-
fants with respiratory distress syndrome [162,163]. Although sures to improve ventilation within previously dependent dor-
early smaller studies of HFOV in adult ALI were promising sal regions of the lung [185]. Proposed mechanisms for this
[164,165], a larger multicenter-controlled trail failed to demon- improvement in dorsal ventilation include a reduction in de-
strate any reduction in mortality from HFOV over conven- pendent lung compression by the heart and mediastinum [187]
tional ventilation [166]. Nevertheless, newly developing strate- and regional changes in chest wall mechanics [188].
gies and equipment allow room for ongoing investigation of In animal models, prone positioning reduces physiologic
HFOV for adult ALI. shunt [187], protects against VILI [189], reduces PEEP require-
Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO), used ments [190], and attenuates perfusion imbalances imposed by
alone or in combination with HFOV, uses cardiopulmonary added PEEP [191]. Despite these known physiologic benefits,
bypass to facilitate gas exchange while minimizing ventilation the first large randomized clinical trial of prone positioning
of the lung to limit barriers to healing. Despite demonstrated demonstrated a significant improvement in oxygenation but
efficacy in neonates with severe respiratory distress syndrome no improvement in survival [192]. Post hoc analysis suggested
[167], ECMO had until recently failed to demonstrate any re- an early survival advantage in the most severe subgroup of
duction in adult mortality [168,169]. The largest controlled patients, which has also been suggested by subsequent stud-
trial to date in ECHO for severe adult ARDS recently demon- ies [193]. The largest randomized clinical trial to date also
strated an improvement in 6-month survival without disability demonstrated an improvement in oxygenation and a reduced
when compared to conventional ventilatory support [170]. De- incidence of ventilator-associated pneumonia with prone posi-
spite noted strengths in study design, the lack of protocolized tioning, but again no benefit in survival [194]. This study, how-
ventilator and critical care management in the control group, ever, brought greater attention to safety concerns by demon-
along with prohibitive issues of cost and availability has led strating a higher incidence in pressure sores and inadvertent
experts to predict negligible resulting change in clinical use of endotracheal tube displacement. Some experts still advocate
this still controversial intervention [171]. an investigation of prone positioning in patients with severe
ARDS [195], but the indiscriminant use of prone positioning
Noninvasive and Partial Support Ventilation for the general ALI population is not well supported by the
current literature [192,194].
As described earlier, the physiologic shunt responsible for re-
fractory hypoxemia in ALI is attributed in part to alveolar
collapse without adequate compensatory decrement in perfu- Fluid Management
sion within the gravitationally dependent lung [172]. Nonin-
vasive ventilation (NIV) and partial support ventilation modes Fluid management in ALI is an ongoing topic of controversy.
such as pressure support ventilation, allow for patient trig- Because pulmonary edema is the hallmark of ALI, it seems rea-
gering and cycling of breaths, resulting in more spontaneous sonable to aspire to keep patients relatively dry. However,
breathing. The potential advantages of spontaneous breath- because the development of multiple organ dysfunction syn-
ing over controlled mechanical ventilation include improved drome (MODS) increases mortality from ALI, the critical main-
patientventilator synchrony, lower sedation requirements, tenance of adequate peripheral perfusion may require liberal
and improved hemodynamics and ventilation/perfusion (Va/ Q) administration of intravenous fluid. The type of fluid to admin-
matching [173,174]. Partial assist modes of ventilation can ister is also controversial. As pulmonary edema is dependent
still effectively help unload respiratory workload while allow- on both hydrostatic and oncotic forces, the issues of optimal
ing for variable degrees of spontaneous breathing [175,176]. fluid balance and replacement of plasma colloid are not triv-
These modes have also been shown to improve aeration and ial. Diuretic therapy with combined albumin and furosemide
ventilation/perfusion matching within dependent lung regions has been shown to improve oxygenation and hemodynamics
[177], presumably due to more pronounced transpulmonary in hypoproteinemic ALI patients but does not reduce mortality
pressures generated within these regions by an actively moving [196]. In another study comparing the administration of albu-
diaphragm [178]. min and furosemide with furosemide alone, a greater improve-
When these modes are applied noninvasively by face mask, ment in oxygenation was seen with albumin plus furosemide
an added benefit is the potential reduction in infectious com- [197]. This suggests that albumin may either potentiate the ef-
plications, namely nosocomial pneumonia [179]. Studies have fects of furosemide, allow for better tolerance of diuresis, or
shown that NIV can be used safely for the treatment of ALI confer other favorable effects on oxidant balance [198] or en-
[180,181]. In a recent multicenter nonrandomized trial, the dothelial permeability [199]. The NHLBI ARDS Network trial
use of NIV as first line treatment for ALI helped to avoid intu- of conservative versus liberal fluid management demonstrated
bation in 54% of cases and led to a reduction in the incidence no difference in 60-day mortality between the two different
of VAP [182]. However, authors could not recommend NIV in strategies [200]. However, the patients in the conservative strat-
patients with a SAPS (Simplified Acute Physiology Score) II of egy group had a lower 7-day cumulative fluid balance with
greater than 34 due to a high rate of failure in this group. improved lung function and a reduced duration of mechanical
ventilation without an increase in nonpulmonary organ failure
Prone Positioning An additional controversy is what parameter should be used
to guide fluid management. Whether the indwelling pulmonary
Prone positioning was shown to improve oxygenation in pa- artery (PA) catheter is vital to the management of ALI depends
tients with hypoxic respiratory failure as early as the mid-1970s upon two important considerations. First, optimal fluid bal-
[183], but how prone positioning improves oxygenation is still ance must be crucial to preventing the progression of lung
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Chapter 47: Respiratory Failure Part II: Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome 501
injury. Although this seems defensible in theory, it has yet to be benefits at lower doses, experts recommend using iNO at doses
proven. Second, these indwelling catheters must provide a crit- less than 10 ppm when used as rescue therapy.
ical and unique understanding of this balance that sufficiently
and appropriately modifies clinical practice. This has also yet
to be proven. The use of PA catheters came into question af-
Surfactant Replacement
ter a large observational study of 5,700 critically ill patients Not long after ALI was first described [213] investigators
actually suggested a higher mortality rate associated with PA demonstrated a reduction in the amount of surfactant retrieved
catheter use [201]. However, subsequent prospective trials have from the lung and a derangement in the retrieved surfactants
contradicted these findings [202,203]. Unfortunately, the lack biophysical properties [100]. Since then, numerous studies have
of any clear protocol regarding when to place these lines, and supported these findings. The chief surface-tension lowering
how to interpret and adjust management according to the in- components of surfactant are phospholipids that align their
formation provided, leaves ongoing uncertainty regarding their hydrophilic polar heads along the surface of the alveolar lining
use in patients with ALI [204]. Results from the ARDS Net- fluid and reduce surface tension by interfering with the lat-
work trial suggest that PA catheter-guided therapy does not eral forces imposed upon the alveolus by water tension. Phos-
improve survival in ALI patients and is associated with more phatidylcholine (PC) makes up the majority of the phospho-
complications than the use of central venous catheters alone lipid fraction, followed in abundance by phosphatidylglycerol
[205]. (PG) [214]. The large aggregate fractions consist of large lamel-
lar structures, tubular myelin, and surfactant-associated pro-
teins, and possess the primary surface-tension lowering prop-
Pharmacologic Intervention erties, while the smaller aggregates contain smaller lipids, less
surfactant protein, and have limited surface activity [215,216].
As in any other medical disease or syndrome, it would seem In ALI, the relative amount of large-to-small aggregates is
that the Holy Grail among clinicians is the discovery of some reduced [215], as are amounts of bioactive PC and PG
novel agent that can either break the cycle of disease pathogen- [215].
esis or help restore physiologic homeostasis and reduce disease Surfactant-associated proteins also play varied and impor-
severity and morbidity. The field of pharmacologic interven- tant roles in surfactant function. Surfactant protein A (SP-A)
tion has been exhaustively explored in the field of ALI, often has been implicated in formation of tubular myelin and antimi-
yielding promising results in animal models and periodically crobial defense [217]. SP-B helps to enhance the distribution
demonstrating modest improvements in lung function and oxy- and stability of phospholipids within the airliquid interface
genation in patients, but rarely translating into improved out- [218]. SP-C is hydrophobic and believed to closely interact with
comes. the surfactant film [219]. Bronchoalveolar lavage fluid (BAL)
levels of SP-A and SP-B are reduced in patients with established
ALI and those at risk [220]. At the same time, serum levels of
Pulmonary Vasodilators SP-A and SP-D are typically elevated in these patients [220]
Given the advanced endothelial injury, physiologic shunt, and and such elevations are associated with more severe disease
commonly observed pulmonary hypertension in ALI, there has and increased risk of mortality [221].
been extensive investigation into the therapeutic benefit of The fundamental rationale for surfactant replacement is to
pharmacologic pulmonary vasodilatation. Initial studies exam- help restore the natural surfactant film and reduce surface ten-
ined the use of intravenously administered vasodilators such sion at the airliquid interface, thus reducing the tendency for
as nitroglycerin and prostacyclin [98,206], but simultaneous alveolar collapse and improving oxygenation through a reduc-
and nonselective reductions in systemic and pulmonary vas- tion in shunt. The evidence in support of surfactant replace-
cular resistance led to systemic arterial hypotension with in- ment therapy for neonatal RDS is abundant [222,223]. Results
creases in cardiac output and shunt. After the once described from its investigated use in adult ALI patients have been less
endothelial-derived relaxing factor was discovered to be ni- promising [3,224,225]. Some have speculated that the failure
tric oxide (NO) [207], it was found that inhaled NO (iNO) to demonstrate an improvement in mortality is due to the lack
could selectively dilate the pulmonary vasculature within well- of a direct relationship between mortality and severity of res-
ventilated regions of the lung [208], helping reverse both hy- piratory failure alone [110,226]. However, under the assump-
poxic vasoconstriction and physiologic shunt. Subsequently, tion that alveolar collapse promotes progression of ALI during
two small-randomized controlled trials demonstrated a signif- mechanical ventilation, many believe that restoring surfactant
icant but transient improvement in oxygenation and shunt in function holds promise in reducing morbidity and mortality by
ALI patients in response to iNO, but these benefits did not attenuating VILI. In fact, there is evidence from animal mod-
last past 24 hours, and there was no improvement in out- els that surfactant replacement therapy may help prevent VILI
comes [209,210]. A larger multicenter trial failed to demon- [227,228]. Current obstacles to demonstrating this benefit in
strate a reduction in mortality or ventilator-free days when patients are imposed by intricacies of surfactant administra-
pooled data from all iNO dosing groups were compared with tion and its potential inactivation by plasma proteins follow-
placebo [211], but the subgroup receiving 5 ppm iNO showed ing delivery. For example, although there is improvement in
improvement in these parameters. A larger European trial of lung function following surfactant replacement [229], the re-
iNO has since demonstrated a reduction in the development sponse is transient. This has been, at least in part, attributed
of severe respiratory failure but no reduction in mortality to the tendency for the administered surfactant to be inacti-
[212]. vated by plasma proteins in the airspace following [230,231].
Most studies have demonstrated minimal adverse effects of This obstacle has been addressed, with mixed results, by adding
iNO other than dose-dependent methemoglobinemia [211]. At surfactant proteins [231,232] or polyethylene glycol [233] to
the present time, iNO has been approved by the Food and Drug block serum protein binding of surfactant.
Administration for use in neonates with hypoxic respiratory Despite ostensibly warranted enthusiasm, the largest mul-
failure accompanied by pulmonary hypertension but is not ap- ticenter randomized clinical trial in adult ALI failed to
proved for use in adult ALI. Experts have concluded that iNO demonstrate any improvement in mortality with continuous
can improve oxygenation in the early phase of its application aerosol delivery of the synthetic surfactant, Exosurf [224]. An-
with minimal adverse effects and is a feasible rescue therapy other large-scale, randomized investigation of intratracheally
in severe and refractory ARDS [93]. Given the demonstrated delivered, recombinant SP-C in ALI patients demonstrated
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improvement in oxygenation but again no reduction in mor- most recent phase II clinical trial failed to demonstrate a reduc-
tality or duration of mechanical ventilation [3]. Nevertheless, tion in ventilator-free days with the use of APC [254]. Critics
many investigators believe that a strong case can still be made expressed concern about the studys statistical power and a pri-
for further research in surfactant replacement strategies [226]. ori likelihood of success [255], but in a similar vein, despite a
promising animal studies [244,250], a recent multicenter Phase
Corticosteroids II trial of Tissue Factor inhibitor (site-inactivated VIIa) in ALI
was terminated prematurely due to higher projected mortality
Given the well-characterized acute inflammatory response of
rates in the high-dose treatment arm [256]. There was also an
ALI and evidence that a fibroproliferative response can predict
increased risk of adverse bleeding events with escalating doses
worse outcomes [23,24], considerable effort has been spent
of this drug [256]. Thus, it seems that the benefits of potent
determining the therapeutic role of corticosteroid therapy for
anticoagulation in ALI may ultimately be outweighed by risks
this condition. The use of steroids for ALI dates back to the
of adverse bleeding, but further investigation is warranted.
original report of this condition in 1967, when Ashbaugh
and Petty suggested a potential role for corticosteroids in fat-
embolism and viral-related ALI [213]. Ashbaugh later drew
parallels between the features of persistent ALI and idiopathic
pulmonary fibrosis, and noted the potential for treating these As discussed in the pathogenesis section, AFC often remains
patients with corticosteroids [234]. Numerous uncontrolled intact in the setting of injury. AFC can be directly increased
trials had initially suggested a potential benefit of corticos- by -agonists in animal models [6,257], presumably through
teroids for late or persistent ARDS [235237]. However, treat- upregulated activity of Na, K-ATPase at the basolateral mem-
ment with corticosteroids during the acute phase of ALI has brane [258]. In human subjects, the use of exogenous cate-
since been proven ineffective [238,239]. The first randomized cholamines has been retrospectively linked to increased AFC
controlled trial of corticosteroids for late ARDS demonstrated [51], but, until recently, the greatest support for pharmacologic
improved lung injury scores and oxygenation, decreased mul- AFC modulation in ALI came indirectly from findings of lower
tiorgan dysfunction scores, and reduced ICU and in-hospital mortality in ALI patients having preserved/maximal AFC [51].
mortality in the group receiving steroids [240], but this study An early study demonstrated reduced extravascular lung wa-
drew criticism for its small size and baseline differences be- ter in patients receiving intravenous salbutamol, but treatment
tween the treatment groups [241]. Since then, a significantly was complicated by supraventricular tachyarrhythmias [259].
larger NHLBI sponsored multicenter trial completed by the A large multicenter randomized trial investigating the use of
ARDS Network exploring the use of corticosteroids for late the aerosolized -agonist, albuterol, for the treatment of ALI,
persistent ARDS demonstrated more ventilator-free days and was recently halted on the basis of projected futility [260]. In
improved oxygenation in the group treated with methylpred- the wake of findings, there is currently no support for the use
nisolone compared with placebo, but no reduction in 60-day of -agonists in the treatment of ALI.
mortality [242]. Furthermore, a higher 60- and 180-day mor-
tality was observed when steroid therapy was initiated after
14 days of onset, suggesting a serious risk from this therapy Nutritional Supplementation
for late ARDS.
Over the past decade, enthusiasm has arisen over the use of nu-
tritional supplements in sepsis and ALI, particularly with the
Anticoagulation/Fibrinolysis use of omega-3 fatty acids and other natural antioxidants such
The importance of microvascular coagulation and thrombosis as vitamin E. The rationale for supplementing patients with
in ALI is underscored by the physiologic dead space, or wasted omega-3 fatty acids, such as eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), in the
ventilation, observed in ALI patients [243]. Minimizing mi- setting of inflammatory disorders comes from the notion they
crovascular thrombosis could conceivably improve oxygena- can directly suppress monocyte production of inflammatory cy-
tion through improved ventilationperfusion matching [244] tokines and incorporate into cell membrane phospholipids to
and increase survival through prevention of multiorgan failure compete with omega-6 fatty acids to promote the production of
[245]. Thus, the importance of coagulation in the pathogenesis more favorable prostaglandins and leukotrienes [261]. Perhaps
of ALI has become widely appreciated [72], and the use of an- the most encouraging earlier data supporting omega-3 fatty
ticoagulant therapy in ALI has in turn gained attention [246]. acids in ALI came initially from small randomized trials com-
Although it has been shown that fibrin and its degradation paring a standard isonitrogenous, isocaloric enteral diet with
products can promote inflammation [247], vascular leak, and one supplemented with a proprietary mixture of EPA, gamma-
wound remodeling [72], the detriment imposed by alveolar fib- linolenic acid (borage oil), and other antioxidants [262264].
rin has also been accredited to its recognized in vitro capacity These studies demonstrated an improvement in gas exchange
to bind with and inhibit the surface-tension lowering capacity and lung function [262,264], a reduction in BALF levels of IL-8,
of surfactant [248,249]. This has led to considerable interest leukotriene B4 , and neutrophils [263], and a reduction in ICU
in limiting in situ fibrin deposition as a means of preserving stay and mechanical ventilation days [262] with the EPA-rich
lung function [246]. As a result, several different anticoagulat- supplement.
ing agents have been investigated in animal models, some of An effort was made to better clarify the effects of omega-3
which have been shown to attenuate lung injury and improve fatty acids alone in a randomized controlled trial comparing the
survival [244,250,251]. use of EPA and docosahexanoic acid with a nonnutrient saline
The most encouraging clinical evidence to support this ther- supplement. This study failed to demonstrate any associated
apeutic target initially came from a multicenter trial demon- benefit in their a priori primary outcome (BALF IL-8 and LTB4
strating a mortality benefit from activated protein C (APC) levels), but it did show a yet unexplained trend toward a reduc-
in severe sepsis [245]. However, because randomized trials of tion in ICU length of stay and days on mechanical ventilation
other potent anticoagulants, such as antithrombin III and tissue [265]. The largest trial of supplemental omega-3 fatty acids to
factor pathway inhibitor (TFPI), yielded no mortality benefit in date, conducted by the ARDS Network, was recently halted
sepsis [252,253], the postulated benefits from APC may be un- early due to projected futility [266], but the other component
related to its anticoagulant activity. Consequently, investigators of this study investigating early versus delayed enteral feeding
have focused on the use of APC for ALI that is not accompanied in ALI remains ongoing. Reasons for these negative findings
by sepsis. Despite promising results in a rat model [251], the are not yet well understood.
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Chapter 47: Respiratory Failure Part II: Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome 503
TA B L E 4 7 . 3
No. of
Intervention Year Study patients Findings Reference
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Chapter 47: Respiratory Failure Part II: Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome 505
TA B L E 4 7 . 3
No. of
Intervention Year Study patients Findings Reference
l-2-oxothiazolidine-4-carboxylic 2008 Phase 2, multicenter 215 Terminated early due to higher 30 day [309]
acid mortality & reduced vent-free days
Early mobilization in ICU for 2008 Multicenter 330 Decreased intensive care unit and [296]
patients with respiratory failure prospective hospital length of stay in survivors
Early physical therapy in ICU for 2009 Randomized, two 104 Decreased days on mechanical ventilation [297]
patients with respiratory failure centers and ICU length of stay; increased
functional independence at time of
Site-inactivated factor VIIa 2009 Phase 2, multicenter 46 Terminated early due to higher [256]
28 day mortality in high dose group
and trend toward increased bleeding
ECMO vs. conventional ventilatory 2009 Randomized 180 Reduced death or severe disability at [170]
support for severe adult multicenter 6 months
respiratory failure (CESAR)
Albuterol to treat acute lung injury 2009 Phase 2 and 3, 282 Terminated early due to projected futility [260]
(ALTA) multicenter by DSMB
Fish oil in patients with ALI 2009 Phase 2 multicenter 90 No difference in BALF IL-8 or LTB4 ; trend [265]
toward reduced ICU stay
Omega-3 fatty acids 2009 Phase 3, multicenter 272 Omega arm terminated early due to [266]
supplementation for ALI project futility
Neuromuscular blockade in early 2010 Phase 3, multicenter 48 hours cisartacurium reduced mortality [338]
severe ARDS and increased ventilator-free days
without prolonged weakness
Results of randomized clinical trials of pharmacologic treatments and ventilatory strategies for acute lung injury and acute respiratory distress
Table partially adapted from Ware LB, Matthay MA: The acute respiratory distress syndrome. N Engl J Med 342:13341349, 2000, with updated
are also uncovering genetic polymorphisms and phenotypes A regimented sedation protocol designed to promote daily
among ALI patients that lead to an increased risk of mortal- awakenings and lower overall sedation in critically ill patients
ity. Individuals carrying specific haplotypes for IL-6 [315] or an was associated with decreased days in the ICU and fewer days
endogenous inhibitor of NF-kB [316] have an increased suscep- on mechanical ventilation [330]. Furthermore, to help raze the
tibility to ALI and mortality is increased in patients with ALI, myth that daily awakening be traumatic for patients, this strat-
with specific polymorphisms for surfactant protein B [317], egy has since been found to actually reduce PTSD-related symp-
pre-B-cell colony enhancing factor [318], or VEGF [319]. toms following recovery [331]. The feasibility and importance
of establishing clear sedation goals and using validated tools
for sedation assessment in critically ill patients has been firmly
Outcomes established [332,333], and this standard of care is now a part
of established professional society guidelines for sedation in the
Estimates of mortality from ALI once ranged as high as 70% ICU [334]. It remains to be seen whether these guidelines will
[110,320]. Despite a documented decline between the early be adapted to accommodate recent findings showing a reduc-
1980s and late 1990s [110,320], mortality from ALI appears tion in ARDS mortality with 48 hours of early neuromuscular
to have now plateaued between 30% and 40% for all patients, blockade [338].
[1,7,110,320]. As mortality has slowly improved for ALI, there
has been growing interest in the long range consequences of this
condition. In particular, ALI survivors have been shown to suf- CONCLUSION
fer from a prolonged disturbance in lung function [321,322],
an impairment in neurocognitive skills [323,324], and a per- Since its first published description in 1967 [213], our under-
ception of poor quality of life [324,325]. By as far out as one standing of the pathogenesis and pathophysiology of ALI has
year from recovery, although many have recovered spirometric grown appreciably, and ongoing research efforts continue to
lung function [326], the majority of ALI survivors have a di- provide hope for exciting new therapies in the future. Our im-
minished diffusing capacity and exercise tolerance [321,326]. proved understanding of this condition has already translated
One report noted less than half of all ALI survivors returning into improved outcomes for patients suffering from ALI [320],
to work after 1 year [326], and many survivors suffer from de- but its still ominous prognosis for those acutely afflicted in
pression and anxiety as far as 2 years out from recovery [324]. the hospital [7], and those fortunate enough to survive [324],
In a recently published study, symptoms of moderate to severe leaves room for ongoing progress in the management of these
depression were reported by 41% of survivors within 6 to 48 patients. Aside from the obvious importance of reducing mor-
months following discharge [327]. Posttraumatic stress disor- tality from this condition, a reduction in days on the ventilator
der (PTSD) has been another growing concern among survivors and subsequent stay in the intensive care unit represent some
[328] and delusional memories of ICU stay have been shown of the other tangible and intangible benefits to both patients
to correlate with the development of PTSD symptoms [329]. and society in general [335,336].
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Asthma is an inflammatory disease of the airways characterized disparities and this suggests that prehospitalization factors are
by reversible airway obstruction [1,2]. Inflammation causes air- more important [12].
way obstruction by making airway smooth muscle more sen-
sitive to contractile stimuli [3], by thickening the airway wall
with edema and inflammatory cell infiltration, by stimulating PATHOPHYSIOLOGY
glands to secrete mucus into the airway lumen, by damaging
the airway epithelium [4], and by remodeling the architecture
of the airways [5]. Typically, intermittent worsening or exac- Pathology
erbation of asthma is triggered by exposure to environmental
factors such as inhaled allergens, irritants, or viral infections Bronchial biopsy specimens of patients with asthma are patho-
of the respiratory tract. These exacerbations represent acute logically abnormal [1315], with collagen deposition beneath
or subacute episodes of increased airflow obstruction that may the epithelial basement membranes, mucosal infiltration by
be mild to life threatening in severity. Assessment, manage- eosinophils and neutrophils, mast cell degranulation, and ep-
ment, and prevention of exacerbations of asthma, especially ithelial damage. These findings occur in both severe and mild
those leading to respiratory failure, are the critical challenges asthma, suggesting that airway inflammation is of primary im-
of caring for adult patients with asthma [6,7], the focus of this portance in the pathogenesis of asthma.
chapter. Asthma exacerbations show variable pathology, reflecting
at least two recognized subtypes of exacerbationslow onset
and rapid onset. Slow onset exacerbations are the most com-
mon (approximately 80% of exacerbations) and the patient
EPIDEMIOLOGY presents with more than 2 to 6 hours of symptomsoften days
or weeks of symptoms [1618]. This suggests that most such
Worldwide, asthma ranks among the most common chronic patients should have sufficient time to seek medical attention
diseases, with a prevalence ranging from a low of 0.7% in for worsening shortness of breath [19]. At autopsy, the lungs
Macau, 6.7% in Japan, 10.9% in the United States, and a high of patients who die of slow-onset asthma exacerbations are
of 18.4% in Scotland [8]. In general, asthma prevalence in- hyperinflated with thick tenacious mucus filling and obstruct-
creases with urbanization and westernization of societies. In ing the lumens of the airways [4]. Microscopically, there is
the United States, from 1980 to 1996, self-reported asthma an eosinophilic bronchitis, with pronounced areas of mucosal
prevalence increased 73.9% but then stabilized from 1997 to edema and desquamation of the epithelium. Typically, hyper-
2004 [9]. trophy and hyperplasia of smooth muscle are present and the
Asthma exacerbation rates vary by season with peaks in muscle appears contracted [4].
emergency room visits and hospitalizations coinciding with res- The patient with the rapid-onset type of exacerbation
piratory viral infections, especially rhinovirus, in late summer presents with severe symptoms that have rapidly progressed
and early autumn [10]. In 2002, annual rates of hospitalization over 2 to 6 hours [1618]. These rapid-onset exacerbations
for asthma in the United States were 27 per 10,000 population- may represent 8% to 14% of asthma exacerbations in general
age 017 years and 13 per 10,000 population-age 18 and over. and can be fatal, leading to death in only a few hours after
Although there remain important racial and gender differences symptom onset [16,18]. Pathologically, airway obstruction by
in the rates of hospitalization, this represents an overall de- mucus is not prominent, and there is a neutrophil, rather than
cline in hospitalizations from 1995 to 2002 and this suggests eosinophil, predominance of inflammatory cells in the airway
the possibility of better management and prevention of asthma submucosa [20]. There are no specific clinical characteristics
exacerbations in ambulatory settings over these years [11]. that reliably predict which patients are prone to these rapid-
In 2002 there were 4,261 deaths due to asthma in the United onset asthma exacerbations. However, patients with rapid on-
States indicating a death rate of 1.5 per 100,000 population of set asthma exacerbations may more commonly report sensitiv-
all ages [9]. Asthma mortality rates also have an annual cy- ity to nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) [18].
cle, but do not strictly parallel the cycle for exacerbations. In
children, mortality peaks in the summer months, but, with in-
creasing age, asthma mortality becomes more common in win- Pathogenesis
ter months [10]. In 2002, the death rate for ages 18 years and
older was 1.9 deaths per 100,000 population, but it is notable Asthma is a disease or group of diseases with complex under-
that there are very large racial differences in the risk of death lying genetics [21]. Why airway inflammation develops in the
due to asthma. Blacks aged 25 to 34 years are six times more asthmatic patient is not understood entirely, but much evidence
likely to die from asthma than whites of the same age group [9]. suggests an important role for Th2 cytokines [22]. Inhaled al-
Deaths among patients hospitalized for asthma do account for lergens, pollutants, smoke, and viral infections all may play a
one third of asthma related mortality, but potential differences role in augmenting the baseline airway inflammation present
in hospital care do not appear to account for the striking racial in the asthmatic airway [1,23]. When these environmental
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vascular redistribution of blood flow and alveolar filling help paradoxus greater than 10 mm Hg, and accessory respiratory
exclude asthma as a diagnosis. Notably, however, acute, re- muscle use all should be regarded as signs of severe airway
versible left ventricular dysfunction has been described as a obstruction [52]. However, because the absence of these signs
possible complication of severe exacerbations of asthma; the does not rule out severe obstruction, physical examination can-
underlying mechanism for this is unclear [37]. Aspiration can not be relied on exclusively to estimate the severity of airway
present with acute dyspnea and wheezing. In this case, a his- obstruction. The amount of wheezing heard on auscultation of
tory of impaired consciousness or inability to protect the air- the chest is a notoriously poor method of assessing the severity
way suggests that the diagnosis and chest radiograph may show of airway obstruction [53]. Cyanosis is a late, insensitive find-
pulmonary infiltration. ing of severe hypoxemia. Abnormal thoracoabdominal motion
(e.g., respiratory muscle alternans, abdominal paradox) and
depressed mental status due to hypoxemia and hypercapnia are
ASSESSMENT ominous indicators and can herald the necessity for mechanical
ventilation [54].
Physician failure to appreciate the severity of airway obstruc-
tion in acute asthma is not uncommon and contributes to
mortality [1]. The cornerstone of evaluation of patients with Pulmonary Function Tests
asthma exacerbations is the objective measurement of airflow.
However, because some patients, especially those with severe To evaluate patients who are having an acute exacerbation of
exacerbations, may be unable to perform the necessary test- asthma, an objective measure of maximal expiratory airflow
ing maneuvers, the physician also must be adept at recognizing should be performed. An exception to this is the patient who
certain historical features and physical findings that strongly is unable to perform a testing maneuver due to a severe, life-
suggest high risk for severe airway obstruction. threatening exacerbation with obvious airway compromise and
cyanosis [44]. Peak expiratory airflow rate (PEFR) and FEV1
are equally good bedside measures to quantify the degree of
History airway obstruction [55]. These tests are invaluable for the ini-
tial assessment and for following responses to therapy [44,56].
Baseline pulmonary function tests that show persistent de- In general, a PEFR or FEV1 of less than 40% of baseline (either
creases in the forced expired volume of air in 1 second (FEV1 ), the predicted value or the patients best-known value) indicates
loss of lung elastic recoil, and hyperinflation at total lung ca- severe obstruction and a severe exacerbation of asthma (Table
pacity are associated with increased risk of near-fatal asthma 48.2).
[38]. A recent history of poorly controlled asthma (increases
in dyspnea and wheezing, frequent nocturnal awakenings due
to shortness of breath, increased use of beta-adrenergic res-
cue medications, increased diurnal variability in peak expira- Arterial Blood Gas Analysis
tory flow, and recent hospitalizations or emergency department
Analysis of arterial blood gases (ABGs) have a role in assess-
visits) and any history of a prior near-fatal asthma exacerba-
ing and managing severe asthma exacerbations (see Chapter
tion (prior admission to an intensive care unit or intubation
11) and should be performed for suspected hypoventilation,
for asthma) are the two most important predictors of a pa-
severe respiratory distress, or when spirometric test results are
tients propensity for severe life-threatening asthma exacerba-
less than 25% predicted [44]. Also, any patient who fails to
tions [3944]. Patient complaints of severe breathlessness or
respond to the first 30 to 60 minutes of intensive bronchodila-
chest tightness or difficulty walking more than 100 feet (30.48
tor therapy should have an ABG analysis performed. Although
m) also suggest severe airway obstruction. Cigarette smoking
ABG values are not predictive of overall patient outcome [55],
also has been associated with higher in-hospital and posthos-
there is some correlation between hypoxemia and hypercapnia
pitalization mortality [43]. In general, patients are somewhat
and the degree of airway obstruction measured by FEV1 [57]. A
better judges of the severity of their airway obstruction during
partial pressure of arterial oxygen (PaO2 ) less than 60 mm Hg
an attack of asthma than are physicians who elicit their history
or a pulse oximeter oxygen saturation value less than 90% on
at the bedside [45]. However, the patients own assessment of
room air should be regarded as additional evidence of severe
airway obstruction should never be the exclusive means of as-
airway obstruction. Therefore, although ABG analysis is not
sessing the severity of airway obstruction. Notably, patients
recommended as routine in the initial evaluation of asthma, it
with a history of severe asthma often have a blunted percep-
should be done for the evaluation of severe cases. One study
tion of dyspnea [4649]. In assessing risk for fatal asthma,
found that the frequency of ABG analysis in cases of severe
other important historical details include identification of cur-
asthma actually decreased from 1997 to 2000, a trend needing
rent medications and coexisting illnesses, such as psychiatric
improvement [58].
disease, that interfere with medical follow-up and cardiopul-
monary disease. A history of known coronary artery disease
is important because the patient may be more sensitive to the
stimulatory effects of 2 -adrenergic agonists and to the cardiac TA B L E 4 8 . 2
complications of hypoxemia [50]. These patients may also be
receiving 2 -adrenergic antagonists that are making control of OBJECTIVE ASSESSMENT OF AIRWAY OBSTRUCTION
epinephrine, isoproterenol, terbutaline, metaproterenol, al- breathing devices, and pneumothorax resulting in death has
buterol, and fenoterol. These short-acting agents have an onset been reported [78].
of action less than 5 minutes and are the mainstay of bron- Because of its lower density than oxygen, heliox-powered
chodilator therapy for acute asthma. These agents differ in nebulizer treatments have the potential to improve penetration
their selectivity for 2 -adrenergic receptors, the rank order of aerosols into the lungs. Adult patients with severe asthma
of selectivity being epinephrine < isoproterenol < metapro- exacerbations had greater improvements in peak expiratory
terenol < fenoterol, terbutaline, and albuterol [63]. However, flow rates and dyspnea scores when albuterol was delivered
all of these agents have approximately equal efficacy in the using heliox, rather than oxygen, driven nebulization [79,80].
treatment of asthma. Another class of drugs, the long-acting Current National Institute of Health Guidelines suggest that
2 -adrenergic agonists (LABA), have bronchodilatory effects heliox-driven albuterol nebulization be considered for patients
for at least 12 hours, but these agents are not currently rec- with life-threatening exacerbations or for those with severe
ommended in the treatment of acute exacerbations [1,2,44]. exacerbations even after 1 hour of intensive conventional
There has been significant controversy on whether chronic use therapy [1].
of these long-acting agents predisposes patients to increased Theoretically, systemic administration of beta-adrenergic
severe, life-threatening, or fatal asthma exacerbations [64]. agonists could deliver drugs via the bloodstream to obstructed
Among the short-acting 2 -adrenergic agonists, a single- airways that are poorly accessible to inhaled aerosols. How-
isomer preparation (i.e., R-albuterol or levalbuterol) is avail- ever, this theoretical advantage has not been supported by most
able. The potential advantage of this preparation is that the studies [71]. Subcutaneous epinephrine (adults, 0.3 mL of a 1
S-enantiomer present in racemic albuterol, does not contribute to 1,000 solution every 20 minutes for three doses) was a tradi-
to bronchodilation and might have deleterious effects in the tional therapy for acute asthma in emergency departments, but
airways. However, although some studies of levalbuterol (R- it is not more effective than aerosol delivery of 2 -adrenergic
albuterol) in the emergency department setting have suggested agonists [81]. A major concern with the use of subcutaneous
that levalbuterol is a more efficacious bronchodilator than epinephrine in adults has been cardiac toxicity [82]. More se-
racemic preparations, there have been no large, randomized, lective 2 -adrenergic agonists, such as terbutaline, are avail-
double-blind and controlled trials in adults to confirm these able for subcutaneous use, but cardiac toxicity in elderly in-
findings [6567]. dividuals is still a significant concern even with these more
The major side effects of 2 -adrenergic agonists during the selective agents. Formerly, intravenous isoproterenol (0.05 to
treatment of severe asthma exacerbations are tremor, cardiac 1.50 g per kg per minute) was often used to treat severe ex-
stimulation, and hypokalemia [68]. Case reports have associ- acerbations of asthma [83]. However, intravenous delivery of
ated lactic acidosis with the use of 2 -adrenergic agonists as 2 -adrenergic agonists is no longer recommended for the rou-
well [69]. These side effects are potentially serious, especially tine treatment of even severe exacerbations of asthma [1,2].
in the elderly, who frequently have underlying cardiac disease. No convincing evidence has shown intravenous administration
Cardiac toxicity can be minimized by using agonists with high to be superior to inhaled delivery of 2 -adrenergic agonists.
2 -adrenergic receptor selectivity, by avoiding systemic admin- The lack of enhanced efficacy and the potential cardiac tox-
istration of 2 -adrenergic agonists, and by maintaining ade- icity of intravenous 2 -adrenergic agonists have led most au-
quate oxygenation [50,70]. thorities to reserve intravenous delivery for those rare patients
2 -Adrenergic agonists can be administered to patients by who continue to deteriorate on mechanical ventilation despite
inhaled, subcutaneous, or intravenous routes. Numerous stud- maximal routine therapy with inhaled 2 -adrenergic agonists
ies have shown that the bronchodilator effects of inhaled 2 - [83]. Intravenous 2 -adrenergic agonists should be used only
adrenergic agonists are rapid in onset and equal to the effect in closely monitored adults because myocardial ischemia can
achieved by systemic delivery [71]. Because the inhaled route occur [84]. It is important to emphasize again that intravenous
allows administration of comparatively small doses directly to 2 -adrenergic agonists are not recommended in current NIH
the airways with minimal systemic toxicity, this route is almost guidelines and are unlikely to be any more effective than in-
always preferable to systemic delivery [1,2]. haled 2 -adrenergic agonists such as albuterol [1].
Several options exist for the delivery of inhaled 2 -
adrenergic agonists (see Chapter 62). A small-volume
nebulizer is widely used. However, studies have shown that Cholinergic Antagonists
metered-dose inhalers (MDIs) equipped with spacer devices
are as effective as small-volume nebulizers in the treatment The muscarinic cholinergic antagonists (e.g., atropine, ipra-
of acute asthma, although some patients may have difficulty tropium and tiotropium) are less effective and more slowly
coordinating MDI use, especially during an acute exacerba- acting bronchodilators than 2 -adrenergic agonists [8587].
tion with severe respiratory distress [1,72,73]. Frequent, mul- In general, these agents should not be used as the sole
tiple inhalations of the medication may allow for progressively bronchodilator therapy for acute asthma. Exceptions may be
deeper penetration of the drug into peripheral airways [74]. bronchospasm induced by acetylcholinesterase inhibitors or
In fact, continuous administration by nebulizer may be more 2 -adrenergic antagonists and patients with severe cardiac dis-
effective in severely obstructed patients [75,76]. For adminis- ease who are unable to tolerate 2 -adrenergic agonists.
tration of inhaled albuterol in the treatment of severe exac- However, inhaled cholinergic antagonists have a low in-
erbations of asthma, National Institutes of Health guidelines cidence of side effects and are a recommended adjunct to
recommend treatment with MDI (90 g per puff; four to eight 2 -adrenergic agonists in the initial emergency department
puffs every 20 minutes up to 4 hours, then every 1 to 4 hours treatment of severe exacerbations of asthma [1,88]. Because
as needed) or nebulizer treatments, either intermittent (2.5 to even small improvements in airflow could prove clinically sig-
5.0 mg every 20 minutes for 3 doses, then every 1 to 4 hours nificant in the severely obstructed and deteriorating patient, it
as needed) or continuous (10 to 15 mg per hour) [1] (see Man- is recommended that ipratropium be routinely added to 2 -
agement section). adrenergic agonist therapy during the initial treatment of se-
Intermittent positive-pressure breathing devices to deliver vere asthma exacerbations in the emergency department [1]
aerosols were once popular but are not used today because (see Management section). However, although comparable tri-
many patients with severe asthma cannot tolerate the device als for adults do not exist, controlled trials in children have
and because the devices are no more effective than small- not shown a benefit of continuing ipratropium treatment once
volume nebulizers [77]. Furthermore, the risk of barotrauma the patient is hospitalized [89,90]. Therefore, inhaled iprat-
is significantly increased with intermittent positive-pressure ropium bromide currently is not recommended for hospitalized
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patients with severe exacerbations of asthma [1]. The long- effectively prevent relapses of asthma after discharge from the
acting anticholinergic, tiotropium, has a role in treating out- emergency room [1,2,102,103]. Inhaled corticosteroids may
patients with difficult to control asthma, but whether it has a have topical effects that rapidly (less than 3 hours) vasocon-
role in treating hospitalized patients with acute exacerbations strict bronchial mucosal blood vessels and this could be one
of asthma is not yet known [91]. rapid mechanism of relieving airway obstruction, at least par-
tially [104].
The optimum dosages of corticosteroids for the treatment
Methylxanthines of acute asthma are not well established by randomized con-
trolled clinical trials either [1,2,61,105]. One study compared
Because the literature does not demonstrate a benefit to adding 15, 40, and 125 mg methylprednisolone every 6 hours and
methylxanthines to 2 -adrenergic agonists in the acute setting suggested that patients improved most rapidly with the 125-
[92,93] and because they increase toxicity [92], methylxan- mg dose [106]. However, most studies have failed to show a
thines are no longer recommended in the treatment of asthma dose-response relationship for doses this high [105]. For exam-
exacerbations [1]. Whether newer, less toxic, subtype selective ple, one study showed no difference between 100 and 500 mg
phosphodiesterase inhibitors have a role in the management of methylprednisolone in the emergency department treatment of
acute asthma exacerbations remains to be studied. asthma [107].
For rare patients whose condition is deteriorating despite For adults, NIH guidelines recommend that prednisone,
maximal routine recommended therapy with bronchodilators, methylprednisolone or prednisolone all be given at 40 to 80
corticosteroids and other adjuncts [1], the use of methylxan- mg per day in one or two divided doses until PEFR is 70%
thines might be considered by some physicians. For patients of predicted or personal best [1]. GINA guidelines describe
not already taking methylxanthines, a loading dose of amino- appropriate dosing as the equivalent of 6080 mg of methyl-
phylline (6 mg per kg lean body weight) can be administered prednisolone as a single daily dose, with 40 mg of methylpred-
during 20 to 30 minutes, followed by an intravenous infusion nisolone being adequate in most cases [2]. According to NIH
at the rate of 0.6 mg per kg per hour. This infusion rate should guidelines the duration of systemic corticosteroid treatment for
be decreased if conditions are present that decrease methylx- a patient requiring an emergency department visit or a hospi-
anthine clearance, especially congestive heart failure, cirrhosis, talization is usually 3 to 10 days [1]. GINA guidelines recom-
and the use of cimetidine, ranitidine, allopurinol, oral contra- mend a 7-day course for adults [2]. For courses lasting less than
ceptives, erythromycin, ciprofloxacin, or norfloxacin. Six hours 1 week and for treatment courses lasting up to 10 days, there
after initiation of the infusion, the serum theophylline level is no established benefit to slowly tapering the daily oral cor-
should be checked and the infusion rate adjusted accordingly, ticosteroid dose, especially if the patient is also using inhaled
with 10 to 15 g per mL being therapeutic. Serum concentra- corticosteroids [1,2,61].
tions greater than 20 g per mL are toxic.
Supplemental oxygen therapy should be the initial intervention
Numerous studies have documented the safety and effective- in the emergency department [1,2]. Because V/ Q mismatch is
ness of short courses of corticosteroids in the treatment of the dominant cause of hypoxemia in asthma, the PaO2 usually
acute exacerbations of asthma [1,2,61,9496]. Their beneficial increases readily in response to low levels (2 to 4 L per minute
effects are attributed to their many potent anti-inflammatory oxygen by nasal prongs) of supplemental oxygen therapy. In ad-
effects on multiple cell types [97]. Corticosteroids inhibit in- dition to mitigating the cardiac and neurologic complications
flammatory cytokine release by macrophages and T cells; de- of severe hypoxemia, low-flow supplemental oxygen minimizes
crease expression of endothelial cell adhesion molecules to in- potential episodes of hypoxemia due to the acute administra-
hibit migration of inflammatory cells into the airway; increase tion of 2 -adrenergic agonists, decreases elevated pulmonary
neutral endopeptidase expression to enhance degradation of vascular pressures due to hypoxic vasoconstriction, decreases
neuropeptides that regulate inflammation; decrease mast cells, bronchospasm due to hypoxia, and improves oxygen delivery
eosinophils, and CD4+ T lymphocytes in the airway submu- to respiratory muscles. Although low-flow oxygen is beneficial,
cosa; and decrease secretions from gland cells [97]. the routine use of 100% oxygen to treat acute asthma should be
Systemic corticosteroids are the principal therapy for acute avoided because this is usually not necessary and some evidence
exacerbations of asthma [1,2,61]. Prednisone, prednisolone, suggests that it may cause carbon dioxide retention [108].
and methylprednisolone are the preferred agents. Compared
with betamethasone and dexamethasone, neither prednisone
nor methylprednisolone contain metabisulfites and both have
shorter half-lives. Although hydrocortisone has the shortest Fluids
half-life, it has greater mineralocorticoid effect and may cause
idiosyncratic bronchospasm in some aspirin-sensitive individ- No convincing evidence has shown that fluid administration in
uals [98]. excess of euvolemia hastens mobilization of inspissated secre-
The optimal route of corticosteroid administration in the tions in the airways [1]. Fluid therapy should be used conser-
treatment of acute asthma is not well established by double- vatively unless significant dehydration is present.
blind, placebo-controlled clinical studies. For initial treatment
of an acute exacerbation of asthma, several studies suggest that
oral administration of corticosteroids is as effective as intra- Other Agents
venous therapy [1,2,61,99,100]. The oral route is preferred
unless there is the possibility of impaired gastrointestinal tract Intravenous magnesium sulfate (for adults, 2 g MgSO4 in
transit time or absorption [1,2]. 50 mL saline during 20 minutes) has bronchodilator proper-
Currently, inhaled corticosteroids do not have a well- ties and it has been recommended that emergency department
established role in the treatment of acute exacerbations of physicians consider its use in the treatment of severe asthma
asthma in hospitalized patients [1,2,61,101]. However, mount- exacerbations [1,2]. The NIH guidelines recommend that it be
ing evidence suggests that inhaled corticosteroids are an ef- used as adjunct treatment only in life-threatening exacerbations
fective addition to albuterol in the acute setting and they and in cases refractory to initial intensive conventional therapy
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because it may sometimes help to avoid intubation. Although published guidelines for the assessment and management of pa-
no major adverse events have been associated with MgSO4 in tients with acute exacerbations of asthma [1]. These guidelines
this setting, guidelines do not recommend its routine use in have been widely accepted and we recommend them. Initial
the treatment of severe acute asthma exacerbations in general management of a patient with an acute exacerbation of asthma
because results of meta-analyses remain mixed [1,2,109111]. is based on the physicians assessment of the degree of airway
Additional study is needed, but some evidence suggests that obstruction and the patients response to initial bronchodilator
its use may reduce hospitalization rates in the most severely therapy using 2 -adrenergic agonists. If, in the initial assess-
obstructed patients who have an FEV1 less than 25% of pre- ment, the patient is in extreme distress and has evidence of fa-
dicted [112]. Inhaled, rather than intravenous, magnesium sul- tigue, impaired consciousness, or hypercapnia such that respi-
fate may also have a role in the treatment of acute asthma. ratory arrest is judged imminent, endotracheal intubation and
That is, there is some evidence to suggest that albuterol neb- mechanical ventilation should be the first priorities and then
ulized in magnesium sulfate solution may be a more effective systemic corticosteroids and nebulized 2 -adrenergic agonists
bronchodilator than albuterol nebulized in normal saline [113]. and ipratropium should be started immediately. On the other
Neither GINA nor NIH asthma guidelines recommend hand, if respiratory arrest is not impending within minutes, 2
heliumoxygen therapy for routine treatment of acute asthma to 4 L per minute of supplemental oxygen should be initiated
exacerbations [1,2]. Some improvement in airway resistance to keep oxygen saturation greater than 90%; 2 -adrenergic ag-
may be achieved by delivering a mixture of helium and oxygen onists should be delivered by aerosol for three doses over 60
gases (heliox) to patients, but its role in the routine treatment to 90 minutes (e.g., albuterol, 2.5 to 5.0 mg, every 20 min-
of acute asthma remains unestablished [114,115]. However, utes by small-volume nebulizer for 3 doses, then 2.5 to 10 mg
other evidence does support a different role for heliox in the every 1 to 4 hours as needed, or 10 to 15 mg per hour contin-
treatment of acute asthma and that is to improve the delivery uously or, alternatively, albuterol, 90 g per puff, four to eight
of inhaled beta-adrenergic agonists, such as albuterol [79,80]. puffs by MDI with spacer every 20 minutes up to 4 hours, then
Current NIH guidelines suggest that heliox-driven albuterol every 1 to 4 hours as needed). If the PEFR is less than 50%
nebulization be considered for life-threatening exacerbations of the predicted value, an oral systemic corticosteroid should
or those exacerbations refractory to intensive conventional be started immediately and an inhaled anticholinergic as well
therapy [1]. (e.g., ipratropium bromide, 0.5 mg by nebulizer every 20 min-
Some therapeutic agents that are used in the treatment of utes for three doses and then every 2 to 4 hours as needed).
stable asthma have no established role in the treatment of se- After these treatments are initiated, a more detailed history and
vere exacerbations of asthma in hospitalized patients. These physical and laboratory examination can be completed. Close
include aerosolized corticosteroids and sodium cromolyn as monitoring and repeated airflow measurements are critical for
well as oral 2 -adrenergic agonists, which may cause signifi- detecting further deterioration during this initial period of
cant systemic toxicities. Although there is as yet no established treatment.
role for the use of leukotriene antagonists in the treatment of After the initial treatment with a bronchodilator, patients
acute asthma exacerbations, some evidence suggests a possible are reassessed. Those who do not respond substantially (FEV1
role and need for further study [116]. Mucus is an impor- or PEFR greater than 70% of predicted) within 1 hour to initial
tant cause of airway obstruction in acute exacerbations of treatment with 2 -adrenergic agonists should be given systemic
asthma, but the routine use of mucolytics, such as acetylcys- corticosteroids (if not already given). Oral prednisone is gener-
teine, potassium iodide, or human recombinant deoxyribonu- ally recommended unless there is concern that gastrointestinal
clease (DNase), has not been shown to be effective in treating tract absorption will be less than optimal [1,2].
severe exacerbations of asthma, and at least one of these agents, In addition to corticosteroids, treatment with 2 -adrenergic
acetylcysteine, may worsen cough and bronchospasm [117]. agonists and inhaled anticholinergics is continued for 1 to
However, it is notable that acetylcysteine and DNase may be 3 hours with frequent reassessment. Patients who achieve an
helpful during therapeutic bronchoscopy (see Additional and FEV1 or PEFR of greater than 70% during this 1- to 3-hour pe-
Unconventional Management Measures section). riod should be observed for at least 1 additional hour to ensure
Bacterial infections appear to play, at most, a minor role in stability of the improvement. In one study, two thirds of pa-
the precipitation of severe asthma exacerbations [1,2,118]; for tients who presented to the emergency department responded
this reason, antibiotics are not routinely administered unless an to albuterol, with the FEV1 increasing to at least 60% of pre-
active bacterial infectious process, particularly pneumonia and dicted [121]. Most patients with such a good response do not
bacterial sinusitis, is suspected. However, intriguing evidence require hospitalization. Exceptions are patients with a history
suggests that infections due to Mycoplasma pneumoniae [119] that is suggestive of high risk for mortality from asthma (e.g.,
or Chlamydia pneumoniae [120] might play an important role history of intubation and mechanical ventilation; Table 48.4).
in the pathogenesis of asthma and could be a precipitant of Patients discharged from the emergency department should be
asthma exacerbations. Further work is needed to resolve this continued on systemic corticosteroids and 2 -adrenergic ago-
important issue. nists, considered for initiation of inhaled corticosteroids, given
Unless a patient is mechanically ventilated, sedatives and instructions on medication use, given an action plan in case
narcotics have no role in the treatment of severe exacerbations symptoms worsen, and given specific instructions on medical
of asthma [1,2]. These agents depress the respiratory central follow-up [1,2,44,122].
drive to breathe that is critical for adequate minute ventilation. Patients who have an FEV1 or PEFR that is greater than
Theoretically, narcotics also may cause mast cell degranulation 40% but less than 70% after 4 hours of treatment have an in-
and worsen bronchospasm. complete response and require a careful triage decision. Some
patients do well if discharged with detailed instructions, close
medical follow-up, and continued systemic corticosteroids.
However, other patients do poorly if discharged. It has been
MANAGEMENT recommended that patients with incomplete responses be hos-
pitalized when there is any clinical feature to suggest high risk
Emergency Department for asthma mortality (Table 48.4). Patients with an FEV1 or
PEFR of less than 40% of predicted after 4 hours of intensive
The National Asthma Education and Prevention Program, con- bronchodilator therapy (poor response) should be hospitalized,
ducted under the auspices of the National Institutes of Health, often in an intensive care unit (ICU) setting.
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TA B L E 4 8 . 6
bicarbonate infusions have been shown neither to improve sur- Barotrauma is a major cause of morbidity and mortality
vival nor to enhance bronchodilation. Although studies from among patients receiving mechanical ventilation for severe ex-
the 1950s and 1960s suggested that endogenous epinephrine acerbations of asthma [140,148,164]. High plateau airway
release was depressed in acidosis, more recent studies have con- pressures are associated with overdistended alveoli that rup-
clusively shown that it is either unchanged or augmented [155]. ture. Air may dissect along the bronchovascular interstitium
Because carbon dioxide is generated when infused sodium bi- and sometimes is evident on chest radiograph as parenchy-
carbonate buffers hydrogen ions, infusion of sodium bicarbon- mal air cysts, linear air streaks emanating from the hila, and
ate predictably raises carbon dioxide tensions in blood [156]. perivascular air halos [165,166]. As the air dissects centrally,
Because carbon dioxide readily diffuses across cell membranes, mediastinal and subcutaneous emphysema develop. As an al-
sodium bicarbonate therapy may cause paradoxic intracellular ternative, air from ruptured alveoli may dissect through the
acidosis [157], and this may adversely affect survival. For these pleural surfaces into the pleural space to create a pneumotho-
reasons, we suggest use of sodium bicarbonate only when the rax [167]. For patients on mechanical ventilation, pneumoth-
acidosis appears to be adversely affecting the patients hemo- orax progresses to tension pneumothorax rapidly and always
dynamic status. should be treated immediately with tube thoracostomy. It must
In managing patients during mechanical controlled hy- be presumed, emergently, that any pneumothorax during me-
poventilation with permissive hypercapnia, the minimum safe chanical ventilation is under tension [168]. (See Chapter 58
pH is not known. In three uncontrolled studies, pH values for the discussion of minimizing barotrauma during mechani-
were not maintained at greater than 7.2, and outcomes did cal ventilation.)
not appear to be adversely affected. Sodium bicarbonate was Mucous plugging commonly occurs during acute exacerba-
not given in one study unless pH was less than 7.15 [149]; in tions of asthma. Large mucous plugs occluding the endotra-
the other two studies, it was not given to any patient even when cheal tube should be considered when there is insurmountable
pH was 7.02 and less than 7.00 [145,158]. difficulty in ventilating a patient. Large mucous plugs also may
Neuromuscular blocking agents, such as pancuronium, ve- cause lobar or lung atelectasis that impairs gas exchange and
curonium, and atracurium, can be used to help maintain low increases airway pressures. Therapeutic bronchoscopy may be
airway pressures during delivery of mechanical ventilation (see considered to relieve large mucous plugs if conservative mea-
Chapter 25). Paralyzing skeletal muscles prevents the devel- sures, corticosteroids, and bronchodilators are not effective.
opment of high airway pressures due to the patient bucking Retained secretions and atelectasis also contribute to the sig-
or fighting the ventilator. Notably, a side effect of neuromus- nificant risk of nosocomial pneumonia during mechanical ven-
cular blocking agents can be severe bronchospasm. Vecuro- tilation [169].
nium is often reported to be unlikely to cause bronchospasm, Other complications are indirectly related to mechanical
but case reports suggest that vecuronium too can rarely cause ventilation. Thromboembolism and gastric stress ulcers may
bronchospasm [159]. Another adverse effect of these agents occur with greater frequency in patients with severe exacerba-
is that patients who undergo even brief neuromuscular block- tions of asthma [170]. Arrhythmias and hypokalemia may oc-
ade in conjunction with corticosteroid administration have a cur during treatment for acute asthma because of therapy with
risk of developing a prolonged and sometimes severe myopathy sympathomimetic drugs. Hypophosphatemia may develop sec-
[160]. Because all patients with severe exacerbations of asthma ondary to alkalosis [171].
are treated with corticosteroids, paralyzing agents should be
avoided whenever possible. For patients who cannot be man-
aged without neuromuscular blockade, continuous infusions
of neuromuscular blocking agents should be avoided and mus-
Additional and Unconventional
cle function should be allowed to recover partially between Management Measures
repetitive boluses.
Mechanical ventilation accomplishes the work of breathing Even after using bronchodilators, corticosteroids, sodium bi-
while the severely obstructed patient is treated intensively with carbonate, and mechanical ventilation, airway obstruction
inhaled bronchodilators and glucocorticoids. With this inten- sometimes is sufficiently severe to prevent maintenance of an
sive pharmacologic therapy, mechanical ventilation usually can acceptable arterial pH or adequate tissue oxygenation. In these
be discontinued in 1 to 3 days once discontinuation guidelines rare cases, additional, sometimes unconventional, measures
are met [140,161163] (see Chapter 60). Some patients may can be used to support the patient until corticosteroids have had
require 2 to 4 weeks of mechanical ventilation, especially when time to suppress the underlying inflammatory process. Some of
pneumonia complicates an acute exacerbation of asthma. these measures are based on anecdotal experience (Table 48.7).
If airway pressures remain high on mechanical ventilation
despite the proper application of controlled hypoventilation
Complications of Mechanical Ventilation with permissive hypercapnia, delivering heliox by mechanical
ventilation has been suggested to allow adequate ventilation
Serious complications have been reported as a result of
mechanical ventilation for severe exacerbations of asthma
[138,139,140,148]. Most of these are preventable or treatable TA B L E 4 8 . 7
if detected early. Problems with airway control, including trau-
matic and esophageal intubation, should always be anticipated. SPECIAL OR UNCONVENTIONAL THERAPEUTIC
Intubation of the right mainstem bronchus is a serious problem MEASURES
of airway control because delivery of tidal volumes to one lung
increases the risk of barotrauma. Once an airway is established Intravenous 2 -adrenergic agonists
and mechanical ventilation initiated, hypotension may occur Methylxanthines
because high intrathoracic pressures that occur during mechan- Heliumoxygen mixtures delivered through the ventilator
ical ventilation in severe asthma exacerbations impede venous General anesthetics
return to the right ventricle of the heart. This is treated by Bronchoscopy with therapeutic lavage (intubated patients only)
administering intravenous fluids and adjusting tidal volumes, Hypothermia
respiratory frequency, and inspiratory flow to decrease hyper- Extracorporeal life support
inflation and intrinsic positive end-expiratory pressure [164].
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mucous exudates in the lumen of small airways [14]. Nor- have shown a consistent association between chronic mucus
mally, a relative balance exists between destructive proteolytic hypersecretion and both an accelerated decline in FEV1 and an
enzymes, which are released in the lung as a result of inflamma- increased risk of subsequent hospitalization [23]. A history of
tion, and various inhibitory, antiproteolytic substances, which dyspnea on exertion in a heavy cigarette smoker should always
act to dampen the response and limit the damage [15]. In some raise the possibility of COPD, which can then be confirmed by
cigarette smokers, there may be a genetic tendency favoring a objective investigations.
greater inflammatory and destructive response to certain ele- The physical examination can distinguish patients who
ments of cigarette smoke. Population studies show a definite should undergo objective laboratory testing, but it is less ac-
familial tendency toward COPD [16], and pulmonary function curate than PFTs in detecting and quantifying the severity of
comparison studies of identical twins suggest a genetic suscep- COPD [24]. The most useful physical finding is a definite de-
tibility [17]. crease in breath sound intensity [25,26]. Other suggestive clin-
COPD is characterized by chronic inflammation through- ical signs include hyperinflation, prolonged forced expiratory
out the airways, parenchyma, and pulmonary vasculature. time, and wheezing.
Macrophages, T lymphocytes (predominately CD8+), and A combative, confused, or obtunded patient should alert the
neutrophils are increased in various parts of the lung [18]. physician to the possibility of hypercapnia or hypoxia. Respira-
Activated inflammatory cells release a variety of mediators tory muscle fatigue is heralded by new onset of paradoxical res-
including leukotriene B4, interleukin-8, tumor necrosis factor- piratory motion or respiratory alternans [27]. During normal
, and otherscapable of damaging lung structures and/or sus- inspiration, the rib cage moves upward and outward, and the
taining neutrophilic inflammation [5]. There is a relationship anterior abdominal wall moves outward. With diaphragmatic
between the extent of airway occlusion by inflammatory mucus fatigue, the anterior abdominal wall may move inward during
exudates and the severity of COPD [14]. inspiration and outward during expiration. Respiratory alter-
nans describes alternate abdominal (diaphragmatic) breathing
and rib cage (intercostal) breathing. When overt, this condi-
Physiologic Derangements tion can be detected clinically by observing dramatic shifts
in relative movement of the abdomen and rib cage every few
Expiratory airflow obstruction results from structural airway breaths.
narrowing as well as functional narrowing due to loss of ra-
dial distending forces on the airways. Inflammatory edema, ex-
cessive mucus, and glandular hypertrophy are responsible for Radiology
intrinsic obstruction of airways. Destruction of alveolar walls
causes loss of elastic recoil and airflow obstruction, which in- Radiographic findings may include (a) hyperinflation with flat-
creases in a dynamic fashion with expiratory effort. tened diaphragmatic domes and increased retrosternal and
The pathophysiologic consequences of severe, chronic air- retrocardiac air space; (b) one of two distinctly different bron-
flow obstruction in the lung include (a) reduced flow rates chovascular patterns, vascular attenuation or prominence of
that limit minute ventilation; (b) maldistributed ventilation, re- lung markings; (c) enlarged hilar pulmonary arteries and right
sulting in wasted ventilation (high ventilation-perfusion [V/ ventricular enlargement; and (d) regional hyperlucency and
mismatch) and impaired gas exchange (low V/Q mismatch) bullae [28]. Radiographic studies have low sensitivity for the
[19]; (c) increased airway resistance, which causes increased diagnosis of mild COPD [29].
work of breathing [19]; and (d) air trapping and hyperinfla- Computed tomography scanning of the chest is superior to
tion, which alter the geometry of the respiratory muscles and the chest radiograph in diagnosing emphysema and determin-
place them at a mechanical disadvantage. The maximum force ing the nature and the extent of the disease [29]. Centrilobular
that they are capable of generating is decreased, which may emphysema is characterized by the upper lobe distribution of
predispose them to fatigue [20]. In addition to these factors, focal areas of low attenuation usually less than 1 cm in di-
some patients with COPD may have a blunted respiratory cen- ameter. Panlobular emphysema is frequently more recognized
ter drive, which further predisposes them to carbon dioxide in the lower lobes and there is a generalized decrease in lung
retention [21]. markings with few blood vessels.
In patients presenting with acute deterioration in respiratory
status, a chest radiograph may exclude reversible conditions
such as pneumonia, pleural effusion, pneumothorax, atelec-
DIAGNOSIS tasis, and pulmonary edema. However, the diagnostic yield of
routine radiographs is low [30]. In the intensive care unit (ICU),
The diagnosis of COPD is based on clinical grounds but con- technical factors limit the quality of the chest films, making in-
firmed by pulmonary function tests (PFTs). Arterial blood gas terpretation of a portable anteroposterior film even more diffi-
(ABG) values determine the diagnosis of respiratory failure. cult. Nevertheless, these studies provide valuable information,
Clinical findings are used primarily to suggest the diagno- particularly in patients receiving mechanical ventilation.
sis, which then must be confirmed on the basis of laboratory
Pulmonary Function Tests
History and Physical Examination A decrease in the ratio of FEV1 to forced vital capacity is the
hallmark of obstructive airways disease and is useful in the
A chronic productive cough and dyspnea on exertion are the diagnosis of mild disease. However, it is the FEV1 that is cor-
two symptoms most commonly associated with COPD. How- related with clinical outcome and mortality [23]. Hypercap-
ever, a history of a chronic productive cough is nonspecific and nic respiratory failure from COPD is extremely unlikely unless
may result from a variety of other conditions. Previous stud- FEV1 is less than 1.3 L [31] and is usually not observed unless
ies indicated that there was little correlation found between a FEV1 is less than 1 L. COPD is also associated with an increase
chronic productive cough (reflecting large-airway mucus hy- in total lung capacity and residual volume and a reduction in
persecretion) and the development of significant airflow limi- carbon monoxide diffusing capacity [32].
tation (predominantly a manifestation of disease of small air- PFTs are essential for the diagnosis and estimating the sever-
ways less than 2 mm in diameter) [22]. However, recent studies ity of COPD; on the other hand, ABG values provide the data
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Chapter 49: Respiratory Failure Part IV: Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease 527
must be recognized. All categories of bronchodilators have sistance in COPD patients have not been uniformly reported,
been shown to increase exercise capacity in COPD without nec- but there may be a role for selected patients [72].
essarily producing significant changes in FEV1 probably by de-
creasing dynamic hyperinflation. Regular treatment with long-
acting bronchodilators is more effective and convenient than Acute Exacerbation
treatment with short-acting bronchodilators, but more expen-
sive. They safely attenuate airflow obstruction, decrease the Treatment of acute exacerbation can be divided into two pri-
frequency and severity of symptoms by reducing the amount mary methods: supportive and specific.
of dynamic hyperinflation, and improve quality of life [53].
Although oral corticosteroids are not routinely recom- Supportive Therapy
mended in the chronic management of patients with COPD, a
small subgroup of patients does benefit [54]. A corticosteroid Oxygen Therapy. Supplemental oxygen therapy should be ad-
trial, with PFTs before and after a 2-week course of 20 to 40 ministered to all hypoxemic patients who present with an acute
mg prednisone daily, has been recommended in the past to exacerbation. The PaCO2 commonly rises somewhat when a
identify these patients. More recent studies suggest, however, patient with COPD receives supplemental oxygen, but carbon
that this is a poor predictor of long-term response to inhaled dioxide narcosis due to oxygen therapy is uncommon [73]. Pa-
corticosteroids [55]. Several studies have documented little ef- tients should not be kept hypoxemic for fear that oxygen ther-
fect on the rate of lung function decline with inhaled corticos- apy will aggravate carbon dioxide retention, but ABG values
teroid therapy, but the severity and number of exacerbations should be closely monitored. Supplemental oxygen therapy is
may be reduced, especially among patients with frequent ex- discussed later in this chapter (see Respiratory Failure section)
acerbations [56,57]. Short-term treatment with a combined in- and in Chapter 62.
haled glucocorticosteroid and long-acting -agonist resulted in
greater control of lung function and symptoms than combined Bronchodilators. Although COPD is characterized by poorly
anticholinergic and short-acting -agonist [58]. Analysis of a reversible airflow obstruction, there is frequently a significant
number of placebo-controlled trials of inhaled corticosteroids reversible component, particularly in the setting of an acute ex-
has demonstrated a reduction in all-cause mortality by about acerbation. Many patients with acute exacerbations of COPD
25% relative to placebo [59]. Stratification by individual tri- respond to these agents with some improvement in airflow ob-
als and adjustments for age, sex, baseline postbronchodilator struction [74]. Inhaled -agonists and ipratropium appear to be
percentage predicted FEV1 , smoking status, and body mass in- equally effective bronchodilators in patients with acute exac-
dex do not materially change the results. Former smokers and erbations [75]. These agents can be administered by nebulizer
women seem to benefit the most. or, with equal efficacy, by metered-dose inhaler using a spacer
There is a growing body of evidence to suggest that the use device [76]. A metered-dose inhaler with an aerosol holding
of a combination of inhaled corticosteroids and long-acting 2 - chamber also can be used effectively for patients on mechani-
agonists improves lung function, symptoms, and health status cal ventilation and is as effective as a nebulizer [77]. For specific
and reduces exacerbations in patients with moderate-to-severe details on the use of these agents, see Chapter 62.
COPD [60]. There may also be a survival benefit. A subsequent The role of theophylline in acute exacerbations is less
post hoc analysis of the Toward a Revolution in COPD Health well accepted than in chronic management. A double-blind,
(TORCH) study indicated that pharmacotherapy with salme- placebo-controlled trial demonstrated no additional benefit of
terol plus fluticasone propionate, or the components, reduced aminophylline over standard therapy, but increased adverse ef-
the rate of decline of FEV1 in patients with moderate-to-severe fects were noted [78].
COPD, thus slowing disease progression [61].
The addition of a combination of inhaled corticosteroid Antibiotics. Although there is no evidence that antibiotics
and long-acting 2 -agonist (salmeterol plus fluticasone) to a given routinely are beneficial in all exacerbations of COPD, an-
long-acting anticholinergic (tiotropium) improved lung func- tibiotic therapy is appropriate, particularly in more severe ex-
tion, health status and reduced hospitalizations compared with acerbations (i.e., patients experiencing increased dyspnea and
the use of a long-acting anticholinergics alone [62]. Therapy cough with increased sputum volume or purulence) [79]. Fre-
with tiotropium added to other respiratory medication (mainly quently, bacteria can be isolated from lower airway samples of
a combination of inhaled corticosteroid and long-acting 2 - patients who have COPD in the stable state. This is known as
agonist) was associated with improvements in lung function, lower airway bacterial colonization and the presence of these
quality of life, and exacerbations during a 4-year period but organisms is associated with increased frequency and severity
did not significantly reduce the rate of decline in FEV1 [63]. of exacerbations and a more rapid decline in FEV1 [80]. Micro-
Long-term oxygen therapy used for at least 15 hours per biologic surveys in patients with severe exacerbations requiring
day in patients with severe COPD and hypoxia when breathing mechanical ventilation reveal that potentially pathogenic or-
room air is associated with prolonged survival and improved ganisms can be found in 72% [81]. The rate of Gram-negative
quality of life, increasing life span by 6 to 7 years [64,65]. enteric bacilli and Pseudomonas was high (30%) and could
Oxygen therapy is recommended for patients with a PaO2 of not be predicted clinically. Although the results of a number of
less than 55 mm Hg and those with a PaO2 of 55 to 59 mm Hg earlier, poorly designed studies are inconclusive (Table 49.2), a
who have polycythemia or right-sided heart failure. Significant double-blind, placebo-controlled study on the effects of broad-
increases in PaCO2 usually do not occur as a result of this spectrum antibiotics on exacerbations of COPD demonstrated
therapy [66]. significant benefit [35]. Antibiotic treatment produced signif-
Pulmonary rehabilitation programs have been demon- icantly earlier resolution of symptoms and prevented clinical
strated to improve exercise tolerance and reduce dyspnea and deterioration [35]. A meta-analysis confirmed these observa-
should be part of routine management for patients with sig- tions, suggesting that antibiotics are useful, particularly in pa-
nificant COPD [6769]. Nocturnal negative-pressure ventila- tients with significant impairment of lung function [82]. An-
tory assistance has been used to rest respiratory muscles [70]. other meta-analysis suggested antibiotics reduced the risk of
Whether this intervention is beneficial is unclear, as a large short-term mortality by 77%, decreased the risk of treatment
controlled trial failed to demonstrate improvement in exercise failure by 53% and the risk of sputum purulence by 44%; with
tolerance, ABG values, or quality of life [71]. Successful thera- a small increase in the risk of diarrhea [83]. Clinical benefits
peutic results with nocturnal noninvasive positive-pressure as- from antibiotic therapy are most likely to occur in patients
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Chapter 49: Respiratory Failure Part IV: Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease 529
TA B L E 4 9 . 2
No. of
patients Antibiotic Regimen Outcome Reference
TMP-SMX, trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole.
with more serious exacerbations, particularly those with fever evidence to suggest that these modalities are effective in the
and grossly purulent sputum [84]. The organisms that are usu- COPD patient in exacerbation in the absence of bronchiecta-
ally responsible for bacterial infection in acute exacerbations sis or bronchorrhea, or both (expectoration of sputum greater
include Haemophilus influenzae, Streptococcus pneumoniae, than 30 mL per 24 hours).
and Moraxella catarrhalis. Between 20% and 40% of strains Patients with severe COPD are frequently nutrition-
of H. influenzae and 80% to 90% of strains of M. catarrhalis ally depleted, contributing to their overall poor status and
are -lactamase-producing and are resistant to -lactam an- decreased respiratory muscle strength [92,93]. Nutritional
tibiotics such as amoxicillin, although the rate of resistance of support should be instituted early in the course of hospi-
H. influenzae seems to be declining [85]. There is evidence to talization [94]. A high carbohydrate load via parenteral ali-
suggest that more potent, broad-spectrum antibiotics such as mentation may, however, result in increased carbon dioxide
amoxicillin-clavulanate or respiratory fluoroquinolones may production [95]. In a patient with a limited ability to in-
be associated with better outcomes [86]. crease ventilation, significant worsening of arterial hypercap-
nia can result, even requiring the institution of mechanical
Corticosteroids. Short-term use of corticosteroids has been ventilatory support. Nonprotein calories in the form of fat
generally advocated in acute exacerbations, although it is only cause a lower production of carbon dioxide compared with
recently that this has been supported by randomized clinical tri- isocaloric amounts of carbohydrate, and a higher fat and re-
als (Table 49.3). A short course (2 weeks) of prednisone results duced carbohydrate supplement may lessen the degree of hy-
in a more rapid improvement in FEV1 , reduced rate of deterio- percapnia in selected patients [96]. Such a modification in
ration, and shortened hospital stay and prevents relapses [87 nutritional support is only necessary when excessive calories
90]. The optimal dose and duration are unclear, but no benefit are given [97]. A recent systematic overview in patients with
was noted with an 8-week course compared with 2 weeks [89]. COPD suggested that patients with marginal ventilatory re-
The major adverse effect is hyperglycemia. serve might benefit from a dietary regimen in which a high
percentage of calories are supplied by fat [98]. Although there
Other Interventions. In stable patients with COPD, chest per- are reports of the benefits of nutritional repletion, trials of
cussion and postural drainage produce no significant improve- more than 2 weeks failed to show consistent benefit on body
ment in airflow or gas exchange [91]. Moreover, there is no weight.
TA B L E 4 9 . 3
271 Randomized controlled Methylprednisolone 125 mg every 6 h for Improved FEV1 , shorter [89]
72 h IV followed by a tapering oral course hospital stay
of prednisone (2 or 8 wk)
56 Randomized controlled 30 mg prednisolone orally for 14 d Improved FEV1 , shorter [88]
hospital stay
30a Retrospective IV in ED (mean dose 365 mg hydrocortisone) Decreased relapse rate at 48 h [90]
followed by oral (mean dose 42 mg)
96 Randomized controlled 100 mg methylprednisolone as a single dose No difference in FEV1 at 5 h or [137]
IV in ED relapse at 48 h
Thirty patients with 90 acute exacerbations treated with or without steroids.
ED, emergency department; FEV1 , forced expiratory volume in 1 second; IV, intravenously.
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Patients with acute respiratory failure may have elevated vival; and (i) a decrease in red blood cell mass and hematocrit
levels of antidiuretic hormone, decreased renal blood flow, and [116].
right heart failure [99]. Diuretics are helpful in correcting these A simple relation between PaO2 and oxygen delivery often
problems [99], but a complicating metabolic alkalosis may fol- does not exist in these patients. In individuals with an acute
low. In patients with COPD, digitalis preparations are of little exacerbation of COPD with severe arterial hypoxemia, the ad-
benefit in the routine treatment of cor pulmonale unless con- ministration of supplemental oxygen results in a direct increase
comitant left ventricular dysfunction is found [100]. Further- in oxygen delivery with no change in cardiac output [117]. On
more, because patients with acute decompensation of COPD the other hand, in patients with acute exacerbations of COPD
tend to be at increased risk of digitalis toxicity [101], digitalis and moderate degrees of arterial hypoxemia, the result of sup-
should be avoided in this setting. plemental oxygen is no change in oxygen delivery but a de-
Respiratory stimulants such as doxapram and nikethamide crease in previously elevated cardiac output [117].
have not been shown to be beneficial, using clinically relevant Administration of supplemental oxygen is often associated
end points [73,102], and are associated with substantial toxic- with an additional rise in the PaCO2 . This is probably due to a
ity [73]. Almitrine may increase ventilation and improve V/ Q change in dead space or shift of the hemoglobinoxygen bind-
relationships in patients with COPD [103], but there is a high ing curve rather than decreased respiratory drive [118]. This
incidence of significant side effects [104]. rise is expected and should not be specifically treated unless it is
excessive, resulting in a trend toward acute respiratory acidosis
Specific Therapy on serial ABG determinations, with CNS or cardiovascular side
effects. Should this occur, the supplemental oxygen should not
Exacerbations of COPD are usually due to upper or lower be discontinued abruptly but rather decreased slowly until the
airway infections (e.g., viral or bacterial, or both). However, PaCO2 returns to a more acceptable level [73] and the situation
should a specific condition among those listed in Table 49.1 is stabilized. Because abrupt discontinuation of supplemental
be determined to be the cause of deterioration in respiratory oxygen may not be associated with a prompt increase in ventila-
status and specific treatment exists (e.g., anticoagulation for tion, the PaCO2 may not fall. Therefore, abrupt withdrawal of
pulmonary embolism), it should be instituted. supplemental oxygen may additionally depress the already low
PaO2 , causing more profound arterial hypoxemia [73]. Carbon
dioxide narcosis may occur with excessive oxygen therapy but
Respiratory Failure is much less likely with low-flowcontrolled oxygen therapy
[73]. It occurs more commonly in patients with more marked
Administration of controlled oxygen therapy is probably the hypoxemia [79]. Clinically significant hypercapnia is less likely
single most useful treatment in COPD-induced hypercapnic to occur with oxygen therapy administered to maintain oxy-
respiratory failure. The increasing availability and evidence for gen saturation at 91% to 92% [119]. Oxygen therapy is more
the benefits of noninvasive ventilation has decreased the need effective with a prescription chart [120]
for invasive ventilation and led to improved outcomes. The de-
cision to intubate the trachea and mechanically ventilate the
lungs is often complicated by concerns that it may not be easy Mechanical Ventilation
to wean the patient from the ventilator but most individuals Whether to institute mechanical ventilatory support is often a
with an acute reversible process are successfully liberated from difficult decision in hypercapnic respiratory failure associated
the ventilator [105107]. Those with significant comorbidity with COPD. This decision reflects a continuous reassessment
and high severity of illness scores are more likely not to sur- of the patients status, including the trend of ABG values and
vive an episode of acute respiratory failure [108,109]. Patients determining whether the patient is strong and alert enough to
with progressive end-stage lung disease should be identified and clear his or her secretions and protect the airway. The pres-
carefully assessed to determine whether a reversible component ence of worsening acute respiratory acidosis with a low arte-
exists. rial pH (e.g., less than 7.2) and inadequate PaO2 (e.g., less than
55 mm Hg) or CNS and cardiovascular dysfunction dictates the
Supplemental Oxygen need for assisted ventilation. Difficulty arises when the data are
not as definitive. An alternative to endotracheal intubation is
Patients with exacerbations of COPD may present with pro- noninvasive mask ventilation, and early institution of this mode
found hypoxemia. A PaO2 below 34 mm Hg in otherwise nor- of ventilatory support is associated with a significant outcome
mal animals is associated with the development of lactic aci- benefit.
dosis [110]. Any concomitant decrease in cardiac output leads
to the development of lactic acidosis at even higher levels of
PaO2 [110]. A low PaO2 leads to pulmonary arterial vasocon- Noninvasive Ventilation. Numerous randomized trials and
striction and pulmonary hypertension [111]. Renal function, recent systematic reviews have clearly shown that the use of
particularly the excretion of a free water load, may be signifi- noninvasive ventilation (NIV) markedly improves in-hospital
cantly impaired when PaO2 falls below 40 mm Hg [112]. The outcomes in acute exacerbations of COPD [121123] (Table
mechanism appears to be CNS release of antidiuretic hormone 49.4). See Chapter 59 for a comprehensive discussion of this
in response to severe hypoxemia [113]. Other consequences topic in general and in COPD patients.
include CNS dysfunction [114] and cardiac arrhythmias or is-
chemia [115].
The use of supplemental oxygen leads to (a) a decrease in Invasive Mechanical Ventilation. Although it is prudent to
anaerobic metabolism and lactic acid production; (b) an im- avoid intubating the trachea in a patient with COPD whenever
provement in brain function; (c) a decrease in cardiac arrhyth- possible, the development of stupor or coma may necessitate
mias and ischemia; (d) a decrease in pulmonary hypertension; emergency intubation, a potentially disastrous complication.
(e) an improvement in right-sided heart function with improve- The decision to institute mechanical ventilatory support is a
ment in right-sided heart failure; (f) a decrease in the release of clinical one and supported by lack of response or intolerance
antidiuretic hormone and an increase in the kidneys ability to to NIV or progressive acidosis or respiratory rate. See Chapter
clear free water; (g) a decrease in the formation of extravascular 58 for a comprehensive discussion of this topic in general and
lung water (i.e., pulmonary edema); (h) an improvement in sur- in patients with COPD.
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The conditions that cause respiratory failure primarily by their the position of the alveolar and arterial points on the oxyhe-
effect on structures other than the lungs are discussed in this moglobin dissociation curve related to ventilationperfusion
chapter. Severe impairment of the extrapulmonary compart- inequalities [12]. Thus, arterial hypercapnia with a normal
ment produces respiratory failure through the mechanism of P(Aa)O2 gradient is consistent with pure extrapulmonary res-
hypoventilation (see Chapter 46), so the resultant respiratory piratory failure, but a normal P(Aa)O2 cannot, by itself, rule
failure is always hypercapnic. Extrapulmonary causes account out severe COPD.
for up to 17% of all cases of hypercapnic respiratory failure Pulmonary parenchymal disease can also exist concomi-
[1]. This chapter is organized to follow sequential sections of tantly with extrapulmonary dysfunction. For example, a pa-
pathophysiology, diagnosis, differential diagnosis, and treat- tient with polymyositis can have respiratory muscle weakness
ment. in addition to interstitial pulmonary fibrosis. This may be sug-
gested by the combination of hypercapnia and only mild-to-
moderate widening of the P(Aa)O2 gradient. A gradient be-
PATHOPHYSIOLOGY tween 20 and 30 mm Hg in the presence of arterial hypercapnia
should raise the suspicion that a significant element of extra-
The extrapulmonary compartment includes the (a) central ner- pulmonary dysfunction may be present. It is also important to
vous system (CNS), (b) peripheral nervous system, (c) respira- realize that even when the P(Aa)O2 gradient exceeds 30 mm
tory muscles, (d) chest wall, (e) pleura, and (f) upper airway Hg, some degree of extrapulmonary dysfunction can also be
[2]. Because many conditions can cause extrapulmonary respi- present in association with significant pulmonary impairment.
ratory failure, it is helpful to categorize them according to the For example, when hypercapnic respiratory failure results from
specific component affected by the disease process (Fig. 50.1). an acute exacerbation of COPD, respiratory muscle fatigue of-
We have limited the discussion that follows to descriptions of ten contributes to the development of carbon dioxide reten-
the individual diseases and conditions that are most impor- tion [13]. A less common example is the presence of a large
tant to the topic of respiratory failure. They are summarized in abdominal ventral hernia in a patient with COPD. The resul-
Tables 50.1 through 50.4. tant paradoxic breathing pattern can contribute significantly
The pathophysiology of extrapulmonary respiratory fail- to abnormal gas exchange and increased dyspnea [14].
ure is described in Chapter 45. Functionally, extrapulmonary
disorders can lead to hypercapnic respiratory failure due to
a decrease in normal force generation (e.g., CNS dysfunction,
peripheral nervous system abnormalities, or respiratory muscle Decrease in Normal Force Generation
dysfunction) or an increase in impedance to bulk flow venti-
lation (e.g., chest wall and pleural disorders or upper airway Because the inspiratory muscles generate the force that results
obstruction) [3]. in ventilation, any condition that directly or indirectly impairs
respiratory muscle function can result in decreased force gener-
ation [3]. Dysfunction of the respiratory center, peripheral ner-
vous system pathways, or the respiratory muscles themselves
DIAGNOSIS decreases the force available to produce ventilation. If this im-
pairment is severe enough, the level of minute ventilation will
General Considerations be insufficient to clear the amount of carbon dioxide produced
by ongoing metabolic processes, and hypercapnic respiratory
Arterial hypercapnia in the presence of a normal alveolar failure results.
arterial oxygen tension [P(Aa)O2 ] gradient on room air is the An acute decrease in CNS output sufficient to result in hy-
sine qua non of extrapulmonary respiratory failure [4]. The percapnic respiratory failure (e.g., acute narcotic overdose) is
normal gradient reflects the fact that in pure extrapulmonary usually accompanied by obvious evidence of generalized CNS
failure distal gas exchange is normal, and the decrease in the depression. In contrast, a chronic (e.g., primary alveolar hy-
partial pressure of arterial oxygen (PaO2 ) directly reflects the poventilation) or episodic (e.g., central sleep apnea) cause of
decrease in the partial pressure of alveolar oxygen (PAO2 ). A decreased impulse formation may present a much more dif-
P(Aa)O2 gradient of less than 20 mm Hg in the presence of ficult diagnostic dilemma. Tests to evaluate respiratory center
an elevated partial pressure of carbon dioxide (PaCO2 ) is, with drive, such as voluntary hyperventilation, carbon dioxide stim-
few exceptions, diagnostic of extrapulmonary respiratory fail- ulation, or polysomnography, may be necessary to define the
ure [511]. The main exception occurs in patients with chronic problem.
obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) who have increasing Peripheral nervous system dysfunction or primary weakness
hypercapnia [12]. Their P(Aa)O2 gradient can occasionally of the respiratory muscles is often indicated by the presence of
narrow to normal, probably related to substantial changes in certain suggestive clinical findings that vary depending on the
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Chapter 50: Respiratory Failure Part V: Extrapulmonary Causes of Respiratory Failure 535
TA B L E 5 0 . 1
Central nervous system Pupillary changes Toxicology screen See Section 10 (Pharmacology,
depressant drugs [2527] Needle marks Electrocardiogram in tricyclic Overdoses, and Poisonings)
Hypothyroidism [28] Myxedema Thyroid function tests Cautious thyroid replacement
Starvation [29] Cachexia Albumin Nutrition
Diarrhea Cholesterol
Metabolic alkalosis [30] Lethargy Arterial blood gases See Chapter 71
Confusion Serum electrolytes
Structural brainstem damage Localizing neurologic
[27,31,32] findings
Neoplasm Headache CT, MRI, cerebrospinal fluid Radiation, chemotherapy
Infection Headache, fever CT, MRI Antimicrobial therapy
CT, MRI, cardiac echo
Primary alveolar Daytime Blunted or absent ventilatory Nighttime ventilatory support
hypoventilation (Ondines hypersomnolence response to CO2 , O2 in Electrophrenic pacing
curse) [3341] Headache inspired gas Medroxyprogesterone acetate
Rarely dyspneic Normal pulmonary function Supplemental oxygen
Polycythemia tests
Cor pulmonale
Central sleep apnea [31,4143] Same as primary alveolar Polysomnography: apnea Nighttime ventilatory support
hypoventilation without respiratory effort Electrophrenic pacing
Normal CO2 , O2 response Supplemental oxygen
curves while awake
vertebral level or above abolishes both diaphragmatic and in- the distal extremities, hyperreflexia, fasciculations, and bulbar
tercostal activity, leaving only some residual accessory muscle paralysis [45]. Although respiratory failure usually develops
function [47]. The result is severe hypercapnic respiratory fail- late in the course of the disease, it may rarely be the presenting
ure. Acute spinal cord lesions at the C5 and C6 levels produce manifestation [45]. Repetitive episodes of aspiration secondary
an immediate fall in the vital capacity to 30% of the predicted to bulbar dysfunction may contribute to respiratory impair-
value, due to loss of intercostal and abdominal muscle function ment [5]. It has been speculated that antecedent poliomyelitis
[44]. This is associated with a limitation of both inspiratory ca- may be involved in some cases of amyotrophic lateral sclero-
pacity and active expiration. Within approximately 3 months sis [53]. A postpolio syndrome, characterized by new, slowly
of injury, however, the denervated muscles become stiff, which progressive muscle weakness, may develop years after recovery
enables improved diaphragmatic efficiency. This improvement from acute poliomyelitis [57].
usually leads to an increase in the vital capacity to 50% to 60% Polyneuropathies with prominent motor neuron involve-
of normal. Midthoracic spinal cord lesions have relatively little ment, (e.g. GuillainBarre syndrome) can affect the respira-
impact on respiratory muscle function because they principally tory nerves and lead to respiratory failure (see Chapter 175)
affect the abdominal muscles, resulting in only a limitation of [25]. Symmetric, predominantly distal muscle weakness with
active expiration and cough [5,47]. absent tendon reflexes is the typical presentation [25]. In one
Most spinal cord diseases interrupt impulse transmission, series of patients with GuillainBarre syndrome, 28% required
resulting in respiratory muscle weakness, but two notable ex- mechanical ventilatory assistance. The average duration of me-
ceptions exist: tetanus and strychnine poisoning. In both condi- chanical ventilation was 9 weeks (range, 3 weeks to 7 months).
tions, inhibitory influences at the spinal cord and anterior horn Although the mortality rate is generally low, 21% of hospital-
cell level decrease [5152], causing a simultaneous increase in ized patients died in one series [90]. GuillainBarre syndrome
motor activity to groups of muscles that are normally antago- may be associated with autonomic dysfunction including new-
nistic to one another. This results in intense muscle spasms, in- onset hypertension (57%), sinus tachycardia (50%), postural
cluding involvement of the upper airway muscles, diaphragm, hypotension (43%), or facial flushing (25%) [90].
and intercostal muscles. The repetitive spasms and episodes of Dinoflagellate toxin poisoning, from red tide-contaminated
apnea, result in severe arterial hypoxemia, hypercapnia, and shellfish and ciguatera-contaminated reef and other fish, is a
metabolic acidosis [51,52]. dramatic but uncommon cause of peripheral neuropathy re-
Diseases that involve the anterior horn cells of the spinal sulting that can produce respiratory failure [6166]. The re-
cord interrupt efferent impulse transmission. Amyotrophic lat- sponsible agents are heat-stable neurotoxins that interfere with
eral sclerosis (ALS) is the most common anterior horn cell dis- action potential propagation along peripheral nerves. During
ease causing respiratory failure [5,45,47]. In most cases of ALS, the warm summer months, the dinoflagellates that produce the
the patient develops segmental muscular atrophy, weakness of toxins proliferate and are ingested by shellfish and fish. The
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Chapter 50: Respiratory Failure Part V: Extrapulmonary Causes of Respiratory Failure 537
TA B L E 5 0 . 2
Spinal cord disease Above C5, diaphragm, Spinal X-ray film, CT, MRI Supportive, vital capacity tends to
[5,25,44,4750] intercostal and abdominal improve more than 3 mo in
activity abolished traumatic lesions C5 and below
Traumatic Below C5, diaphragm Phrenic nerve pacing for high
preserved, intercostal and cervical cord lesions with intact
abdominal activity phrenic nerve
Neoplasm Below T5, abdominal
activity diminished,
impaired force expiration
Transverse myelitis
Tetanus [51] Intense muscle spasms Clinical setting Human antitetanus antiglobulin
Trismus Grams stain, anaerobic Wound debridement
Apnea culture of wound Penicillin, high dose
Metabolic acidosis History of inadequate Tetanus toxoid vaccination to
History of penetrating immunization prevent recurrence
Strychnine [52] Intense muscle spasms Toxicology screen Supportive
Apnea Clinical picture Gastric lavage, charcoal
Metabolic acidosis
Anterior horn cell disease Segmental muscle atrophy EMG Supportive
Amyotrophic lateral Hyperreflexia
sclerosis Fasciculations
[5,45,46,53,54] Distal extremity weakness
Poliomyelitis [55,57]
Polyneuropathy [25] Viral illness, symmetric Elevated CSF protein without Prevention with vaccine
ascending distal muscle pleocytosis
GuillainBarre syndrome Ascending paralysis Demyelination by See Chapter 175
[25,5860] Areflexia electrophysiology tests
Autonomic dysfunction
Dinoflagellate poisoning Paresthesias of face, History of contaminated Supportive
progressive muscle shellfish ingestion
weakness starting 30 min
after ingestion of shellfish
Shellfish poisoning (red
tide) [6163]
Ciguatera poisoning Gastrointestinal symptoms Mouse bioassay, monoclonal Early gastric lavage, mannitol, avoid
[6466] Paresthesias, abnormal antibody to ciguatoxin caffeine
temperature differentiation
Bilateral phrenic nerve Severe orthopnea Fluoroscopy of diaphragm Diaphragmatic pacing
palsy [67,69] Abdominal paradoxic Surface EMG of diaphragm,
respiration transdiaphragmatic
CharcotMarieTooth Peripheral muscle weakness EMG Supportive
disease [70] and wasting, hereditary
pes cavus, hammertoes
Diphtheria [25] Numbness of lips, paralysis Throat culture Diphtheria antitoxin
of pharyngeal and Penicillin G or Erythromycin
laryngeal muscles
Tick paralysis [25] Tick exposure Find tick Remove tick
Age <10 y Normal sensation
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TA B L E 5 0 . 2
Acute intermittent Acute polyneuropathy-like Urine for porphobilinogen, Hemin chloride, cimetidine
porphyria [25] GuillainBarre syndrome -aminolevulinic acid Avoid exacerbating drugs such as
Mental disturbance phenytoin, barbiturates,
Abdominal pain ethosuximide
Myasthenia gravis Muscle weakness EMG Anticholinesterase/calcium
(autoimmune and Rapid fatigability Tensilon test gluconate/thymectomy/
drug-induced) Antecedent surgery, Antibodies to acetylcholine glucocorticoids/
[25,7176] glucocorticoid, or receptors immunosuppressants
aminoglycoside See Chapter 176
Eaton-Lambert syndrome Muscle wasting, hyporeflexia Incremental pattern on EMG Treatment of associated cancer 3,
[56,77] Associated cancer (e.g., small chest film 4-Diaminopyridine
cell of lung) Anticholinesterase
Critical illness Sepsis, multiorgan failure, Normal CSF, axonal Supportive
polyneuropathy generalized weakness, degeneration by NCS
[7881] areflexia
Persistent drug-induced Renal insufficiency Creatinine phosphokinase, Limit use of neuromuscular blocking
neuromuscular Glucocorticoids EMG, NCS, repetitive agents
blockade [78,82,83] nerve stimulation
Pseudocholinesterase Prolonged paralysis after Serum pseudocholinesterase Avoid succinylcholine
deficiency [25] succinylcholine EMG
Family history
Botulism [85,86] Wound infection, fever Grams stain and culture of Trivalent antitoxin
Ingestion of contaminated stool, wound, or suspected Wound debridement, penicillin G (or
food: nausea and vomiting food metronidazole if penicillin allergy)
Demonstrate toxin in stool, Nasogastric lavage
serum, or food by mouse
neutralization test
Organophosphates Dysphagia, diplopia, ptosis, History of exposure Atropine
[87,88] dysarthria RBC Acetyl cholinesterase Pralidoxime
Use of insecticides level Benzodiazepine
Cholinergic toxicity Atropine 1 mg challenge Cutaneous decontamination
(vomiting, diarrhea,
weakness, cramps,
sweating, ataxia, mental
status changes)
Neuralgic amyotrophy Shoulder and neck pain, Fluoroscopy of diaphragm, Analgesics, possible glucocorticoids
[68] upper extremity weakness, chest film, EMG
breathlessness, orthopnea
CSF, cerebrospinal fluid; CT, computed tomography; EMG, electromyogram; MRI, magnetic resonance imaging; NCS, nerve conduction study;
RBC, red blood cell.
clinical picture is virtually pathognomonic. Within 30 min- Bilateral diaphragmatic paralysis can also be idiopathic [94].
utes of ingesting contaminated shellfish, tingling and numbness The characteristic clinical findings of bilateral diaphragmatic
of the face, lips, and tongue develop. Paresthesias and muscle paralysis are severe orthopnea and marked abdominal para-
weakness follow, with rapid progression to limb and respira- doxic in the supine position [69,89,91,95]. Fluoroscopy during
tory muscle paralysis [62,63]. Multiple-case presentations from a sniff test is more helpful in identifying unilateral than bilat-
one source of exposure are common. eral diaphragm paralysis, as upward motion of the ribs during
Peripheral phrenic nerve palsies can contribute to or cause inspiration can make the diaphragm appear to descend. The
hypercapnic respiratory failure, particularly if they are bilat- diagnosis of diaphragmatic paralysis is usually confirmed by
eral [91]. Bilateral phrenic nerve palsies have been described transdiaphragmatic pressure measurements that reveal a min-
as an uncommon complication of hypothermia used for car- imal or absent Pdi gradient [91]. Electromyography of the di-
dioplegia during cardiac surgery (particularly when ice slush aphragm and phrenic nerve conduction velocity studies may
is used) [67], trauma [67,91], a variety of neurologic diseases also be helpful.
(e.g., poliomyelitis and GuillainBarre syndrome) [67,68,91], Several other causes of peripheral neuropathy can involve
CharcotMarieTooth disease [70], intrathoracic malignan- the efferent pathways to the respiratory muscles including
cies [92], and as a part of a paraneoplastic syndrome [93]. diphtheria, herpes zoster infection, tick paralysis, acute
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Chapter 50: Respiratory Failure Part V: Extrapulmonary Causes of Respiratory Failure 539
intermittent porphyria, beriberi, and a variety of metabolic dis- blocking agents and glucocorticoids and seems to be related
orders [25]. Respiratory failure associated with diphtheria is to the total dose of the neuromuscular blocking agent [83].
of delayed onset, usually occurring 4 to 6 weeks after the on- This has been particularly dramatic in previously healthy asth-
set of illness [25]. Tick paralysis is seen mainly in children in matic patients who became quadriparetic for days to weeks af-
whom the presence of the tick goes unnoticed for 5 to 6 days ter concomitant treatment with high-dose glucocorticoids and
[25]. In acute intermittent porphyria, respiratory involvement a neuromuscular-blocking agent [82].
may be a slowly progressive process or may cause an abrupt Neuromuscular blockade also may occur as a result of ad-
deterioration in respiratory function due to bilateral phrenic ministration of a variety of drugs [76]. Certain cardiovascu-
nerve paralysis [37]. Myasthenia gravis [19], botulism [84 lar drugs (e.g., Xylocaine, quinidine, procainamide, and pro-
86], organophosphate poisoning [25], and a variety of drugs pranolol), anticonvulsants (e.g., phenytoin and trimethadione),
can produce neuromuscular blockade that results in respiratory d-penicillamine, and a number of antibiotics (most notably
failure [76]. Although patients with myasthenia gravis typically the aminoglycosides) can prolong postoperative respiratory de-
show signs of obvious muscle weakness and rapid fatigabil- pression, unmask underlying myasthenia gravis, or cause a
ity, particularly of the cranial muscles, before the development drug-induced form of myasthenia gravis [76]. The definitive
of respiratory failure, acute respiratory failure is occasionally diagnosis of drug-induced neuromuscular blockade is usually
a presenting manifestation [25,72]. More commonly, respira- made in retrospect if the abnormality reverses after elimina-
tory failure complicates myasthenia gravis after surgical pro- tion of the offending agent. In some cases, the administration
cedures, following the institution of glucocorticoid therapy, or, of calcium gluconate has been reported to result in prompt
as a result of under- or overtreatment with anticholinesterase improvement in neuromuscular transmission [76].
medications [19]. Prolonged neuromuscular blockade is occasionally seen af-
Although the diagnosis of myasthenia gravis is suspected ter the administration of succinylcholine in individuals with
on clinical grounds and a positive response to edrophonium pseudocholinesterase deficiency [25]. In contrast to the usual
chloride (Tensilon) is supportive, the diagnosis is confirmed duration of paralysis of approximately 3 minutes, the effect in
by a typical EMG (decremental responses on repetitive nerve these individuals usually lasts 4 to 6 hours, during which time
stimulation) and an elevated serum level of antibodies to acetyl- they require mechanical ventilatory support [25].
choline receptors [71] (see Chapter 176). Part of the man- In botulism, neuromuscular blockade develops as a result of
agement of a patient with myasthenia gravis includes serial a neurotoxin produced by the bacteria Clostridium botulinum.
measurement of the, maximum inspiratory pressure and vital Most cases are caused by neurotoxin-contaminated food
capacity to assess the risk for respiratory failure [25]. A de- [8486], but occasionally botulism develops as a result of a
crease in maximum inspiratory pressure to a value less negative wound infected with C. botulinum [51] (see Chapter 88). Cer-
than 30 cm H2 O or a decrease in vital capacity to a liter or tain findings help to predict whether respiratory failure requir-
less is a warning sign of impending respiratory failure [19]. ing mechanical ventilation will develop. A vital capacity of
EatonLambert syndrome, a form of neuromuscular block- 30% or less of the predicted value is generally associated with
ade similar to myasthenia gravis, occurs in association with cer- hypercapnic failure [50]. Other clues are the presence of nau-
tain carcinomas, particularly small cell carcinoma of the lung sea, vomiting, diarrhea, dyspnea, ptosis, or extremity weakness
[55,56]. The neuromuscular blockade in most cases precedes on initial examination.
other evidence of the carcinoma, and the EMG shows an in- Organophosphates, commonly used in insecticides, in-
cremental pattern unlike that in true myasthenia. hibit the enzyme cholinesterase, resulting in accumulation of
Critical illness polyneuropathy occurs in the setting of sep- acetylcholine at neurosynaptic junctions. The symptoms of
sis and multiorgan failure in up to 30% of patients by clini- organophosphate poisoning are those of cholinergic toxic-
cal examination and up to 70% by electrophysiologic testing ity, including blurred vision, weakness, vomiting, diarrhea,
[78,81]. Profound generalized muscle weakness due to critical cramps, sweating, increased secretions, incoordination, twitch-
illness polyneuropathy is a major reason why these patients ing, ataxia, mental status changes, and, if severe enough, respi-
often require prolonged mechanical ventilatory support. Sim- ratory failure and death [87,88]. Respiratory muscle paralysis
ilar to patients with GuillainBarre Syndrome, patients with combines with respiratory center depression, excessive secre-
critical illness polyneuropathy also have areflexia, but in con- tions, and, possibly, bronchoconstriction to cause respiratory
trast, they also may have prominent sensory nerve findings failure [87,88] (see Chapter 128). Neuralgic amyotrophy, a dis-
and a normal cerebrospinal fluid examination. Electrophysio- order of the peripheral nervous system affecting the brachial
logic testing helps to distinguish critical illness polyneuropathy plexus, has recently been associated with diaphragmatic dys-
from GuillainBarre syndrome; in critical illness, polyneuropa- function and dyspnea [68]. It usually presents with acute severe
thy nerve conduction studies show axon degeneration rather shoulder pain that may extend to the neck, back, and arm.
than demyelination. Although the etiology of critical illness Motor weakness of the ipsilateral shoulder and arm usually
polyneuropathy is not known, it is predominantly a disease of develops within 1 month of the onset of pain. A sensory defect
older patients who stay in the intensive care unit for more than may be present in one fourth of patients. In one study [68],
28 days and who have elevated serum glucose and decreased 12 of 16 patients had bilateral diaphragm paralysis, and 4 of
albumin levels at the time of diagnosis. Approximately half of 16 had unilateral diaphragm paralysis. Mild nocturnal desat-
patients with sepsis, multiorgan system failure, and critical ill- uration, hypopneas, and obstructive sleep apneas (OSAs) were
ness polyneuropathy survive and the prognosis of survivors for found in some patients, but alveolar hypoventilation was not
significant improvement from the neuropathy is good [79] (see found.
Chapter 180 for additional details).
Prolonged administration (longer than 2 days) of neu-
romuscular blocking agents, such as pancuronium and ve- Respiratory Muscle Dysfunction
curonium, has been associated with two distinct patterns of
neuromuscular dysfunction [82]: (a) persistent neuromuscular A number of systemic myopathies feature prominent respi-
junction blockade in patients with renal insufficiency who ac- ratory muscle involvement, including muscular dystrophies,
cumulate the parent drug and its active metabolites, and (b) an myotonic disorders, inflammatory myopathies, periodic paral-
acute noninflammatory myopathy that becomes apparent as yses, metabolic storage diseases, endocrine myopathies, in-
neuromuscular transmission improves. The myopathy appears fectious myopathies, toxic myopathies, rhabdomyolysis, and
to be a consequence of an interaction between neuromuscular electrolyte disturbances (Table 50.3) [16,25,82,83,96126].
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, decreased; , increased; CPK, creatinine phosphokinase; CT, computed tomography; EMG, electromyography; TFT, thyroid function test;
TSH, thyroid-stimulating hormone.
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Chapter 50: Respiratory Failure Part V: Extrapulmonary Causes of Respiratory Failure 541
The clinical presentation generally is widespread skeletal tis obliterans organizing pneumonia, and alveolar hemorrhage
muscle weakness. Muscle weakness is the inability of a mus- [113,114].
cle to generate the normal expected level of force and should Procainamide has been reported to cause a necrotizing my-
be distinguished from muscle fatigue, which is the inability opathy with diaphragm involvement and respiratory failure
to generate the preexistent maximum force prior to putting [126]. Although antidouble-stranded DNA and antihistone
the muscle under load or stress. Fatigue is reversible with rest; antibodies were positive, antinuclear antibodies were absent,
weakness may be reversible with reconditioning or the reversal and the muscle biopsy did not reveal an inflammatory infiltrate.
or elimination of the causative factor (e.g. malnutrition, dis- Neuromuscular junction transmission was normal, suggesting
use atrophy). Respiratory muscle involvement and respiratory that this was not a drug-induced myasthenic syndrome. Slow
failure usually develop as the disease progresses. On occasion, improvement in muscle strength followed discontinuation of
however, respiratory failure may be the presenting manifesta- procainamide in this study.
tion of a generalized myopathy [97].
Myopathy-induced hypercapnic respiratory failure is al-
most invariably accompanied by a severely impaired cough
mechanism and an inability to clear respiratory tract secre- Increased Impedance to
tions [5]. Typical pulmonary function findings of respiratory
muscle weakness are a decrease in maximum inspiratory and Bulk Flow
expiratory pressures and, as the disease progresses, a decrease
in lung volumes [127]. In a number of pulmonary disorders, the development of hy-
The muscular dystrophies are inherited disorders that percapnic respiratory failure is the result of a marked increase
present with evidence of progressive proximal muscle weak- in impedance to ventilation (e.g., increased airflow resistance
ness and atrophy [25,101]. Duchenne and Becker muscular in COPD or asthma or increased elastic recoil in interstitial
dystrophies are caused by mutations in the dystrophin gene, fibrosis) that even normal respiratory muscle force generation
located on the X chromosome [102]. Duchenne dystrophy usu- cannot overcome [3]. It may be less widely appreciated that
ally presents at approximately 2 to 3 years of age and Becker increases in extrapulmonary impedance to ventilation also can
dystrophy at approximately 15 to 20 years of age. The limb- result in hypercapnic respiratory failure. These disorders can be
girdle muscular dystrophies are a more heterogeneous group of divided into those involving a decrease in chest wall or pleural
disorders that show both autosomal recessive and autosomal compliance (e.g., kyphoscoliosis or pleural fibrosis) and those
dominant inheritance and include mutations in different mem- involving an increase in airflow resistance, resulting from upper
bers of the sarcoglycan complex including motilin, dysferlin, airway obstruction (e.g., tracheal stenosis or laryngeal edema)
caveolin, and sarcoglycan. Myofibrillar myopathy is also asso- (Table 50.4) [5,42,43,128189].
ciated with mutations in the motilin gene and both of these may
eventuate in respiratory failure [103]. They frequently present
later in adulthood than do the dystrophin-related muscular dys-
trophies [104]. The myotonic dystrophies are autosomal dom- Chest Wall and Pleural Disorders
inant disorders linked to two chromosome loci: 19q13, where
a CTG repeat has been found in the intron of a serine threo- Kyphoscoliosis is a common cause of extrapulmonary respira-
nine protein kinase gene, and 3q21, where a CCTG repeat has tory failure [5]. The severity of the scoliosis (i.e., lateral curva-
been found in the intron of zinc finger protein 9 [106,107]. The ture of the spine) is usually the more important factor in the
most prominent clinical features are myotonia (i.e., sustained development of respiratory failure than is the kyphosis (i.e.,
contraction of muscles in response to direct stimulation), pto- dorsal curvature of the spine) [5]. In idiopathic kyphoscoliosis,
sis, prominent distal and facial muscle weakness, and atrophy chronic hypercapnic respiratory failure generally occurs when
[25,104,108]. the angle of curvature is 120 degrees or greater [5]. In contrast,
The periodic paralyses are genetic disorders characterized in paralytic kyphoscoliosis (e.g., as a result of poliomyelitis),
by attacks of muscle weakness in response to a variety of pre- the angle of curvature does not reliably predict either vital ca-
cipitating factors such as exercise, emotional upset, exposure pacity or hypercapnic respiratory failure [128]. This appears
to cold, and, in some cases, exposure to alcohol [25]. Patients to be due to a greater element of muscle weakness in para-
may exhibit hypokalemia, hyperkalemia, or normokalemia. In lytic kyphoscoliosis [128]. Even in idiopathic kyphoscoliosis,
some patients, the disease is unmasked when they become hy- however, the presence of markedly decreased chest wall com-
perthyroid. pliance is further complicated by inspiratory muscle weakness
Glycogen storage diseases result from defects in muscle [129] that contributes to the development of hypercapnic respi-
glycogenolysis or glycogen storage. Examples include acid mal- ratory failure [94]. In addition, a modest element of pulmonary
tase deficiency (type II) and McArdle disease (type V). Patients gas exchange abnormality is usually present [5].
exhibit exercise-induced muscle cramping and slowly progres- Patients with kyphoscoliosis usually report progressive dys-
sive muscle weakness, with or without atrophy [25,97,98,111]. pnea on exertion and exercise limitation for a period of years
On occasion, respiratory failure may be the presenting manifes- before actual arterial hypercapnia develops [5]. In patients
tation [97,111]. The diagnosis is confirmed by muscle biopsy with moderately advanced kyphoscoliosis, acute hypercapnic
and chemical assay for muscle acid maltase or phosphorylase respiratory failure may result from acute reversible complica-
levels [97,98]. tions such as pulmonary congestion, retained secretions, or pul-
Polymyositis and dermatomyositis are collagen vascular monary infection [130].
diseases that cause skeletal muscle inflammation. Proximal Massive chest wall obesity may be associated with sig-
muscle weakness is prominent and usually develops over a pe- nificant hypoventilation and the development of hypercap-
riod of weeks to months. Patients may have difficulty swal- nic respiratory failure [133]. This is termed the obesity-
lowing secondary to pharyngeal muscle involvement. Serum hypoventilation syndrome. The pathogenesis of respiratory
muscle enzyme levels are elevated. Typical EMG and mus- failure appears to be multifactorial and includes significant re-
cle biopsy findings confirm the diagnosis [112]. Respiratory duction in chest wall compliance, decreased respiratory mus-
muscle failure is an uncommon, but not rare complication cle efficiency, reduced or blunted respiratory center drive, and
of inflammatory myositis [16,112]. Patients with polymyositis impaired pulmonary gas exchange as a result of pulmonary
may also develop interstitial pulmonary fibrosis, bronchioli- congestion [133135].
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TA B L E 5 0 . 4
, decreased; , increased; CPAP, continuous positive airway pressure; CT, computed tomography; PFT, pulmonary function test.
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Chapter 50: Respiratory Failure Part V: Extrapulmonary Causes of Respiratory Failure 543
tachyarrhythmias, flushing, diaphoresis, and ileus, frequently be managed with noninvasive positive pressure ventilation (see
occur [90]. Because these events are often transient, minor Chapter 59 for details of noninvasive ventilation for acute res-
fluctuations in heart rate or blood pressure should not be piratory failure).
treated. When intervention is deemed necessary, short-acting When severe kyphoscoliosis is associated with significant
and easily titratable drugs should be used [90]. Because pa- chronic hypercapnic respiratory failure, nocturnal noninvasive
tients are at increased risk for deep venous thrombosis and positive pressure ventilation often results in marked improve-
pulmonary embolism, prophylactic anticoagulation should be ment in daytime function and gas exchange [131,197].
administered, according to guidelines for critically-ill patients
(see Chapter 52 for more details on anticoagulation in criti-
cally ill patients). Treatment of respiratory failure caused by Upper Airway Obstruction
myasthenia gravis is directed primarily at the myasthenia (see
Chapter 176). The first step in treating acute upper airway obstruction is to
Drug-induced neuromuscular blockade often improves sim- establish an adequate airway. Specific definitive therapy can
ply by discontinuing the offending agent [57]. Intravenous cal- then be used. In acute bacterial epiglottitis associated with sig-
cium gluconate may help to shorten the recovery time by revers- nificant respiratory distress, immediate steps are mandatory
ing the presynaptic component of the neuromuscular blockade to prevent development of total obstruction [140]. Chapter
[76]. If this fails and the patient improves after an edrophonium 67 provides a complete discussion of this and other treatment
chloride test, neostigmine bromide may be effective by revers- issues.
ing the postsynaptic component [52]. When myasthenia gravis Treatment of OSA is indicated when significant sleep-
is exacerbated or made manifest by a drug, therapy directed related apneas or hypopneas are noted in the setting of signs
specifically at the myasthenic symptoms may be required [76]. and symptoms such as morning headaches, daytime func-
Treatment of botulism is directed at minimizing further tional impairment, peripheral edema, cor pulmonale, and el-
binding of toxin to nerve endings while supporting the patient evated hematocrit. In general, nasal continuous or bilevel
until bound toxin dissipates [85] (see Chapter 88). Recovery positive pressure devices (continuous positive airway pres-
of ventilatory and upper airway muscle strength in type A bo- sure or bilevel continuous positive airway pressure) are
tulism occurs slowly; patients recover most of their strength effective [198200] (see Chapters 59 and 62). In OSA com-
in the first 12 weeks, but full recovery may take up to a year plicated by life-threatening arrhythmias, severe arterial hypox-
[86]. emia, or severe functional impairment [3,176], tracheostomy
may rarely be necessary [3,42,176]. Other treatment modali-
ties for OSA include weight loss [201], avoidance of alcohol
Respiratory Muscle Dysfunction and sedative drugs [175,186], mandibular and tongue reposi-
tioning appliances [202], and upper airway surgery other than
The treatment of myopathy depends on the cause (Table 50.3). tracheostomy (uvulopalatopharyngoplasty, tonsillectomy, ade-
Although the mechanism is not known, glucocorticoid ther- noidectomy, deviated septum repair), as appropriate [180,203].
apy has resulted in some improvement in muscle strength in When an identifiable cause of OSA is present (e.g., hy-
Duchenne muscular dystrophy [102,105]. Mexiletine and ac- pothyroidism), correction of the problem may be curative
etazolamide may be helpful in myotonic dystrophy [109]. [184,185].
Some patients with each of the different subtypes of periodic A summary of advances in the treatment of extrapulmonary
paralysis have responded well to acetazolamide, a carbonic an- respiratory failure is given in Table 50.5.
hydrase inhibitor that is kaliuretic [111]. Acetazolamide is of-
ten dramatically effective in preventing acute attacks of hy-
pokalemic periodic paralysis, perhaps by causing a metabolic
acidosis that, in turn, protects against the sudden decreases in TA B L E 5 0 . 5
potassium that provoke attacks. Certain patients benefit from ADVANCES IN THE TREATMENT OF
low-carbohydrate or low-sodium diets in addition to acetazo- EXTRAPULMONARY RESPIRATORY FAILURE
lamide. Inhalation of the -adrenergic agonist albuterol allevi-
ates acute attacks of weakness in some patients [111]. Disease Treatment
Polymyositis-induced muscle weakness often responds to
glucocorticoids or other immunosuppressants [112,114]. Mus- Duchenne muscular Glucocorticoids improve
cle weakness from hypothyroidism, hypophosphatemia, hypo- dystrophy pulmonary function and slow
magnesemia, or hypokalemia responds to replacement therapy disease progression [105].
[25,115,116,119,121,122]. GuillainBarre syndrome Both plasmapheresis and IVIG
The specific treatment of trichinosis is less than satisfactory are effective when started
[118]. Thiabendazole may eliminate intestinal worms, but only within 4 weeks of onset of
if initiated within 1 day of ingestion of larvae. Thiabendazole symptoms [60].
has no effect on the larvae that have reached the muscle and also Myasthenia gravis Plasmapheresis is effective in
does not appear to alter the course of established infections. short-term management of
The mainstays of treatment are bed rest, glucocorticoids, and myasthenic crisis [74].
anti-inflammatory analgesic agents. Trichinosis Thiabendazole and mebendazole
are effective in reducing
muscle weakness in trichinosis
Chest Wall and Pleural Disorders [118].
Obstructive sleep apnea Nasal continuous positive
Treatment for chest wall and pleural disorders is largely sup- airway pressure is effective in
portive (Table 50.4). If acute respiratory failure develops in the treatment of obstructive
kyphoscoliosis, reversible factors such as pulmonary conges- sleep apnea [200].
tion, infection, retained secretions, and other intercurrent ill-
nesses should be sought and treated [130]. Episodes of acute IVIG, intravenous immunoglobulin.
respiratory failure in patients with kyphoscoliosis can often
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