Please cite this article in press as R. Naga Kishore et al, Study of the CNS activities of mimosa pudica linn. in
animal model , Indo Am. J. P. Sci, 2017; 4(03).
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IAJPS 2017, 4 (03), 760-764 R. Naga Kishore et al ISSN 2349-7750
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IAJPS 2017, 4 (03), 760-764 R. Naga Kishore et al ISSN 2349-7750
body wt of mouse), and after 30 mins re-test each selected to determine locomotor activity. The effect
mouse for activity scores for 10 mins[16]. Note the on motor coordination was assessed using a rota-rod
difference in the activity, before & after apparatus. In brief, mice were trained to remain for 5
chlorpromazine. Calculate percent decrease in motor min on the rod rotating at speed of 22 rpm.
Statistical analysis:
Elevated plus Maze test The values MeanSEM are calculated for each
The plus maze consists of two open arms and two parameter. For determining the significant inter group
closed arms (50 x 10 x 40 cm each) elevated to a difference each parameter was analysed separately
height of 50 cm Extract and diazepam (1mg/kg) were and one-way analysis of variance was carried out.
administered to groups. Thirty minutes post
treatment, each mouse was placed in turn in the RESULTS AND DISCUSSION:
centre of the maze facing one of the closed arms. The Elevated plus maze
cumulative times spent by each mouse in the open Administration of diazepam (0.5 m/kg) significantly
and closed arms of the maze were recorded for 5 min. increases number of open arm entries, time spent in
open arms and the number of rearings in open arm.
Rota Rod They showed a reduction in the time spent in closed
The effect on motor coordination was assessed using arm. Plant extracts treated mice exhibited significant
a rota-rod apparatus. Rota rod apparatus consisted of increase in the number of open arm entries. The
a base platform and an iron rod of 3 cm diameter and number of arm entries, but decreases in time spent in
30 cm length, with a non slippery surface. This rod closed arm as shown in the table 1.
was divided in to four equal sections by three disks,
and then enabling four mice to walk on the rod at the Rot rod test
same time at the speed of 22rpm observed over a A significant decrease in the locomotor score was
period of 15, 30, 45, 75, and 90 min. Intervals observed for diazepam when compared to the control
between the mounting of the animal on the rod and animals. Both the doses of plant extract showed
falling off of it were recorded as the performance significant decrease in the locomotory score when
time[15-17]. There after four mice were randomly compared to control animals as shown in table 2.
Treatment Dose(mg/kg) Time spent in open arm (s) Entries in open arm
Saline 1ml 30.254.41 3.980.52
Diazepam 0.5 78.593.52 8.640.47*
Plant Extract 200 67.924.80 7.320.21*
All values are mean SEM (n=6); *p< 0.1 when compared to control
All values are mean SEM (n=6); *p< 0.1 when compared to control.
www.iajps.com Page 762
IAJPS 2017, 4 (03), 760-764 R. Naga Kishore et al ISSN 2349-7750
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