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IAJPS 2017, 4 (03), 760-764 R.

Naga Kishore et al ISSN 2349-7750




Available online at: http://www.iajps.com Research Article


R. Naga Kishore*1, A.Teja Sri2, N.Anjaneyulu1, Ch.Ramanikanth1, A.Divya1, K.Sainath1
and L.Saneela Suri1
Department of Pharmacology, Geethanjali College of pharmacy, Keesara, Medchal, Telangana,
Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Anurag Group of Institutions, School of Pharmacy,
Ghatkesar, Medchal, Telangana, India.
Received: 20 March 2017 Accepted: 26 March 2017 Published: 28 March 2017
The present study was undertaken to evaluate the effects of CNS of Mimosa Pudica Linn. Mimosa pudica is a
creeping annual or perennial herb of the pea family Fabaceae often grown for its curiosity value: the compound
leaves fold inward and droop when touched or shaken, defending themselves from harm, and re-open a few minutes
later. aqueous leaf extract of Mimosa Pudica suspended in water in presence of 3%v/v Tween-80 solution were
administered orally. All the drugs were administered i.p for experimental purpose. Adult albino mice (25-30gms) of
either sex were used for the study. The animals were divided into three groups containing of 6 animals of each
group-1 received normal saline, group-2 received standard drug and group-3 received test drug aqueous extract of
Plant extract (MP) maintained in a well-ventilated room with 12:12 hour light/dark cycle in polypropylene cages.
Locomotor activity results showed that plant extract treated mice exhibited significant result when compared with
that of standard in improvement of locomotor performance. Elevated Plus Maze is used to evaluate psychomotor
performance and emotional aspects of rodents. Results showed that plant extract treated mice exhibited significant
increase in the number of open arm entries. The number of arm entries, but decreases in time spent in closed arm
reflects anxiolytic property. Rota rod test, the difference in the fall of time from the rotating rod between the vehicle
and extract treated groups were taken as an index of muscle relaxation. Test drug showed significant decrease in the
locomotory score and fall of time of the mice from the rotating rod. From the above observations we can conclude
that aqoues extract of Mimosa pudica possesses significant CNS activities at both the dose level which is
comparable with the standard.
Keywords: Mimosa Pudica, Actophotometer, Rotarod
Corresponding Author:
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R. Naga Kishore,
Department of Pharmacology,
Geethanjali College of pharmacy,
Keesara, Medchal, Telangana, India.
Email: [email protected]
Mobile number: +91 9908307838

Please cite this article in press as R. Naga Kishore et al, Study of the CNS activities of mimosa pudica linn. in
animal model , Indo Am. J. P. Sci, 2017; 4(03).

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IAJPS 2017, 4 (03), 760-764 R. Naga Kishore et al ISSN 2349-7750

INTRODUCTION: The leaflets also close when stimulated in other ways,

The long historical use of medicinal plants in many such as touching, warming, blowing, or shaking.
traditional medical practices, including experience These types of movements have been
passed from generation to generation has termed seismonastic movements. The stimulus is
demonstrated the safety and efficacy of traditional transmitted as an action potential from a stimulated
medicine. However, scientific evaluation is needed to leaflet, to the leaflet's swollen base (pulvinus), and
provide evidences of their safety and efficacy. from there to the pulvini of the other leaflets, which
Narcotic analgesics are associated with addictive run along the length of the leaf's rachis. The present
properties and numerous side effects including study is to evaluate the effects of CNS of Aqueous
respiratory depression, drowsiness, decreased gastro extracts of Mimosa Pudica Linn.
intestinal motility, nausea and alteration in autonomic
nervous system activities[1]. The search for MATERIALS AND METHODS:
pharmacological agents to overcome these Plant Material:
shortcomings has become a major goal in pain Mimosa Pudica Plant leaves were collected from
research. For centuries, medicinal plants are the basis local area and authenticated from the department of
for the treatment of various diseases. Nearly 80% of Pharmacognosy, GCOP, R.R.Dist. The Leaves of the
people living in developing countries still depend on plants were dried under shade at room temperature,
plant-based traditional medicine for their primary later chopped and grounded into coarse powder. The
health care and almost three-fourths of the herbal powdered materials were used for extract
drugs used worldwide are derived from medicinal preparations. The aqueous leaf extract of Mimosa
plants. Anxiety is the displeasing feeling of fear and Pudica suspended in water in presence of 3%v/v
concern[2]. When anxiety becomes excessive, it may Tween-80 solution were administered orally. All the
be considered as an anxiety disorder. Anxiolytics are drugs were administered i.p for experimental
also known as minor tranquilizers. Herbal drugs are purpose[7-9]. Each time preparations of the extracts
widely used for the treatment of various diseases. were prepared when required. The drugs were
Although herbal drugs often contain highly active administered at a constant volume of 10ml/kg for
pharmacological compounds but much importance is each animal. All chemicals and reagents used were
not given to their safety evaluation, may be due to a analytical grade and procured from approved
popular notion anything herbal is safe. Lately, with chemical suppliers.
recent increasing interest in traditional or herbal
drugs for the prevention and treatment of various Animals:
disorders, there is also increasing concern about the Adult albino mice (25-30gms) of either sex were
safety of traditional, herbal product based used for the study. The animals were divided into
medicines[3-5]. three groups containing of 6 animals of each group-1
received normal saline, group-2 received standard
Mimosa pudica (from Latin: pudica "shy, bashful or drug and group-3 received test drug aqueous extract
shrinking"; also called sensitive plant, sleepy of Plant extrac[10-13] (MP) maintained in a well-
plant, Dormilones, touch-me-not, or shy plant) is a ventilated room with 12:12 hour light/dark cycle in
creeping annual or perennial herb of the pea polypropylene cages. Standard pellet feed and
family Fabaceae often grown for its curiosity value: drinking water was provided ad libitum. Animals
the compound leaves fold inward and droop when were acclimatized to laboratory conditions one week
touched or shaken, defending themselves from harm, prior to initiation of experiments and the protocol
and re-open a few minutes later. The species is native was approved by the institutional animal ethical
to South America and Central America, but is now committee.
a pantropical weed. It can also be found in Asia in
countries such Experimental
as Bangladesh, Thailand, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Locomotor activity
Philippines, and Japan. It grows mostly in The locomotor activity can be easily studied with the
undisturbed shady areas, under trees or shrubs. help of actophotometer, the rats were grouped and
Mimosa pudica is well known for its rapid plant treated with drugs. Turn on the equipment (check &
movement. Like a number of other plant species, it make sure that all the photocells are working for
undergoes changes in leaf orientation termed "sleep" accurate recording) and placed individually each rat
or nyctinastic movement[6]. The foliage closes in the activity cage for 10 minutes[14]. Note the basal
during darkness and reopens in light. This was first activity score of all the animals. Inject the drug
studied by the French scientist Jean-Jacques d'Ortous diazepam (Dose: 5 mg/kg, ip; make a stock solution
de Mairan. containing 0.5 mg/ml of the drug & inject 1 ml/100 g

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IAJPS 2017, 4 (03), 760-764 R. Naga Kishore et al ISSN 2349-7750

body wt of mouse), and after 30 mins re-test each selected to determine locomotor activity. The effect
mouse for activity scores for 10 mins[16]. Note the on motor coordination was assessed using a rota-rod
difference in the activity, before & after apparatus. In brief, mice were trained to remain for 5
chlorpromazine. Calculate percent decrease in motor min on the rod rotating at speed of 22 rpm.
Statistical analysis:
Elevated plus Maze test The values MeanSEM are calculated for each
The plus maze consists of two open arms and two parameter. For determining the significant inter group
closed arms (50 x 10 x 40 cm each) elevated to a difference each parameter was analysed separately
height of 50 cm Extract and diazepam (1mg/kg) were and one-way analysis of variance was carried out.
administered to groups. Thirty minutes post
treatment, each mouse was placed in turn in the RESULTS AND DISCUSSION:
centre of the maze facing one of the closed arms. The Elevated plus maze
cumulative times spent by each mouse in the open Administration of diazepam (0.5 m/kg) significantly
and closed arms of the maze were recorded for 5 min. increases number of open arm entries, time spent in
open arms and the number of rearings in open arm.
Rota Rod They showed a reduction in the time spent in closed
The effect on motor coordination was assessed using arm. Plant extracts treated mice exhibited significant
a rota-rod apparatus. Rota rod apparatus consisted of increase in the number of open arm entries. The
a base platform and an iron rod of 3 cm diameter and number of arm entries, but decreases in time spent in
30 cm length, with a non slippery surface. This rod closed arm as shown in the table 1.
was divided in to four equal sections by three disks,
and then enabling four mice to walk on the rod at the Rot rod test
same time at the speed of 22rpm observed over a A significant decrease in the locomotor score was
period of 15, 30, 45, 75, and 90 min. Intervals observed for diazepam when compared to the control
between the mounting of the animal on the rod and animals. Both the doses of plant extract showed
falling off of it were recorded as the performance significant decrease in the locomotory score when
time[15-17]. There after four mice were randomly compared to control animals as shown in table 2.

Table 1: Elevated plus maze test

Treatment Dose(mg/kg) Time spent in open arm (s) Entries in open arm
Saline 1ml 30.254.41 3.980.52
Diazepam 0.5 78.593.52 8.640.47*
Plant Extract 200 67.924.80 7.320.21*
All values are mean SEM (n=6); *p< 0.1 when compared to control

Table 2: Rota rod test

Treatments Time (sec) of animals remained without falling from rod

15min 30min 45min 60min 75min 90min

Saline 180.29.1 152.98.5 140.16.8 128.17.6 109.95.8 93.58.4

Diazepam 157.66.9* 142.76.4 138.26.5 112.96.3 97.64 73.14.4

Plant Extract 152.15.8* 110.14.9 103.47 94.56.5 92.44.8 77.14.1*

All values are mean SEM (n=6); *p< 0.1 when compared to control.

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S.No (mg/kg) activity
Before After 60 min
1. Control -- 305 294 3.60%
2. Diazepam 5 368 75 79.61%
3. Plant Extract 200 398 173 56.53%
All values are mean SEM (n=6); *p< 0.05 when compared to control.

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