Dragon #74 - Seven Swords
Dragon #74 - Seven Swords
Dragon #74 - Seven Swords
of the
ld Greenwood Realms
"No spells tonight," Elminster said
peculiar wap retaining magical energy to
with a smile. "It is of swords I would eof protect itself and its bearer.
Per charge drained or round of contact
"Swords? Magic swords, I take it?,, I
(many lesser items of nragic will be
askecl, settling nryself in the chair across
from him. drained afer 13 or so rounds of contact),
Adjatha gains 2 "hit points." It has 9 ,ihit
bg seen with my owrl eyes, in the Realms.,,
o sto
Wrat he said thereafter I have set down
b below.
swords of this world, for I am most inter-
exhaust these phantom "hit points,,
Nnme(s): Ailjath, "The Drinker,, before they can harm the phyical entities
.D.escr.ipfiotr: Adiatha is a +2 longsword of blade or bearer. When redrrced to its
of fine blue sl.eel, hited with steel"i sin-
thereafter in
f of adventurers
the Gryphon.
warrior called Flarr, gave the blade to
and a silver harp, operate in the northern
regions on both sides of the Great Desert,
Thulmar One-Eye of Port Llast in and ae a secretive organization rather
only fellow loremaster interested in exchange for training some eighty win- than a band e
swords whom Thallastam trusted. ters ago. bards of gre is
Ehninster identified the blade from the Thulmar bore the blade until ls death thought not the
ing's great- in the Cold Winter, whereupon it passed highJevel rangers, only Thulraven and
to the Mistress of Port Llast, Storniaven Esttrlphore are believed to be independent
it back the Proud Queen. Stormravery who rode of the Harpers.
toward Procampur by way of Tilver s and fought at the head of her men with
Gap and Essembra. But he was never seen
It is not clear if the Harpers are any
her jet-black hair flowing wildly about thing more than a private club or fellw-
agairy and did not reach Procampur. His her, briefly made Port Llst gret. She is ship at present, although in the past they
ruined diary, his stafl and a skeleton remembered fondly by old wariors, and have acted in concerl to keep kingdoms in
22 JUNe rssg
the northern lands and in the Dalelands light, s_o that it does not appear to be
small in power, and on at least two occa- er. Its present
metal from afar. Its nicknme comes from
sions have forcibly prevented the expan- the sage
its magical silence: ll'he sword never
sion of farnrs and settle.ments into elven ocation with
1i-",tl any sound. certain onJy over a short span of time
woods. The cause of Lauzoril's enmity A blade ing, but beginning some twenty winters ago,
toward the Harpers is unknown. Susk its silence in when he recognizecl ii in the hand"s of
Elminster saw Shazzellim when Ahlzul, no way affects creatures, spells, objects or Abadda a northern prince of the Fallen
ny area about the blade. Kingdom, who was then a proud wan-
Susk is +3 to hit, but does normal dam_ derer and banditleader.
age (1-8/1-12). It has no apparent intelli_ Abadda
gence or sentience, and only one other Nesme at
magical property
Shazzellim anc{ their ca - it levitates involun_
tarily. That is, it can never rise, fall, or
Lady of Si es-
were rarer killed by .r"t:i'.ff"'yj"roJ* ence. Duri
move in any way by itself, but always Elminster
remains stationary when released, even if adventurer Urnen of Yartar
in midair. It can be moved while so float- the blade for what it was.
- recognized
ing by being or
by magical e
but will stop s
Longsaddle not much afterward, bran-
DnRGon 23
amongst the adventurers and caravan was broken at the Long Battle (of nine The names of the band are now lost;
rnerchants of- the Realms. days duration) across the moorq and one was a fighter who later took service
Taragarth was brandished aloft bloodily in the merchant-guards of Amn and died
Name(s): Trgarth, "The so often by the valiant Aeroth that it ws battling bandits on the banks of the Sul-
Bloodbrund" dubbed "The Bloodbrand." duskoon river. It seems likely that he bore
Description: Taragarth is a bastarcl Much later, when Aeroth was gey- Taragart but no word of it can be found
bearded, Rayuth of Silverymoon "did, after it (presumably) fell into the hands of
and the throne passed to his son. Aeroth, the- bandits, until a wandering peddler
offered it for sale in a market t-Berdusk.
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