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Dragon #74 - Seven Swords

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-} fn oa tl+

of the
ld Greenwood Realms
"No spells tonight," Elminster said
peculiar wap retaining magical energy to
with a smile. "It is of swords I would eof protect itself and its bearer.
Per charge drained or round of contact
"Swords? Magic swords, I take it?,, I
(many lesser items of nragic will be
askecl, settling nryself in the chair across
from him. drained afer 13 or so rounds of contact),
Adjatha gains 2 "hit points." It has 9 ,ihit
bg seen with my owrl eyes, in the Realms.,,
o sto
Wrat he said thereafter I have set down
b below.
swords of this world, for I am most inter-
exhaust these phantom "hit points,,
Nnme(s): Ailjath, "The Drinker,, before they can harm the phyical entities
.D.escr.ipfiotr: Adiatha is a +2 longsword of blade or bearer. When redrrced to its
of fine blue sl.eel, hited with steel"i sin-

shelves surrounding us both. Thus

led, I told the old sage of King
- -ru1s xcalibur, and Arondight, blad,e of two bare human hands to grasp the
of Sir Lancelot of the Lake.
grip at one time.
Adjatha, it rnust be noted, cannot
repeatedly drain the vitality of the same
any radiance. item; after tw
ng any rnagic item, The Dri
claire = "very bright"), Rogero (Bn1i ls, but including more from it
snrdn), and Rinaldo (Frushertn). d over the blade
l,f ,':t+o11"7t=
I read aloud from Spenser of the blades
Cltrysnor and Satrylanlore, and then drained of dweomer or the sword and the
passed on what I could find of the Cid,s
contact). l)
item are separated. Adjatha in
The Drinker can never permanently to its beare r
drain an artifact, but it can steal the attacks until exhausted.
rnagic of lesser iterns. In all cases, the

books, modem fantasy stories, arcl guide-

books to royal regali until the nigh"t had
quite gone, and Elminster had filld his
pipe almost forty tmes.
IMren I
ran dowry he nodded approv-
ingly at me in the grey half-dawn. ;,your
Lore: T\e Drinker is first known to
l8 JUN lsse
lrave exsted rnrre than our hundr.ecl catl-, irJ crnre to liglrt l-rrrc: \lbruin s beierred lo be the crea_
\,rJri ago, in thtl reign oJ' I(rrslstts lrt:n- rrl liilhting, irr the Shar. tion oI the long*ieat1 smith Surd:e, r,t,ho
h.rncl; it \4,,s thri srvord oi tlrat nronrr.ll's ,k-:Llet{ bv or.lc ol the r'{'s frlrr,r-c in his dav [t' t]re cratsmn-
heralci ancl ctref councilor, Amrok ot the ntxnad clrieituins. 'l he sw<irLl was stcien ship ot thc tvrirk that came out oi the
l)n'an,es. ldurskos slen' Annok in a night ionr hinr, and despite sending agents far forges ol'icelrorncJ (ijsler, where ire
of reveln, fier one Shieidmeet, an,,{ tork afield, he 1{ts urbie to reco,,ler it. 'T'he r^:orkrd ore fe.sh lionl the nrines abovc
Adjatha .the Drinker
the llr'r'arres
- pltrs the enmitv o{ Fresent r.vrereaboutl of the Lade are tlLt: cty n the cdee oI the glacer. Thir
- as his ornn, Arnrok rt'as oi u n klo.n. blalle iiseli evades questions as to its
lnrost hunlan slaiure, and it has often
origin; tirere .rre o marl(inq< or rJefinite
leen said Acljatha is oi brunrn alr not Nnnu: lbntiu tout:hes u[ wr:rkl.nrnship that ideltity
tlrran'en rnanu{acture, icr ii is o[ l,uil size l)astptiott: Alhrurn js a broaclsworci, Allrrrn as (he work ol'.uryorrr rn
ani:l lLeft fo r .ett.on, long-;rnlurl of nr/,silr,'er allov, rjemrrn- partrir:uar',
s rvorclsnri n. str e.rs silvr.r against Albruin 'il'os helt-l ,cr decarles ir the
The storjes o{ ts rnaking ae lnanv and ur cl.ealrlres who sr.rift:r
rolurfrrl - antl mr:st at.e clout:tless ou [ar,. x)val h(use rl:Crnn\t., ker 9 a ianrill,
particular ejfects frrrm contact with ftat treasure but seldorn. (dLre to its algnment)
ciful a lnetal. Tr is +1 , ht rnd +3 on r.iarnage. It borrre bv the kings of that lard. It rvas
!!.11(} $ lts sheds n cerie lilue ratJiance
in lhe p kr I'i' stolell florn tht-: ralace rI Suza jl srure
radius) ivl"en cllar^n lrcnr its siabbard. It ninetr; r,rrtlters ago bv tlre thiel Nirparr
c'eath tha is of chaolic neutral ali;nment (ntelii- ("Nipe"), a halilin rt,ho n'as soo
to hs grandi;rther b_v lhe gorls,
u'a.c gir,'er gence 17, ego 13), conrnrunicates by rrestr:d at l,Vheloon bv sokiierc
nd mrje nr- f the iatrrjjt, rvhr' vriejdt,rj of Cor-
sprlech (al i g,nrntr n t toli U (r, co'trtn cilr, nryr anil slain when hc. attemptrd escape,
it invulnerable il batte. elvish, cirovr, thievts' cantl, and carl rcarj Ni:e drri rot have thc bide i,vherr serzec{,
Th_vr r,rras c;rsily
- a ll rost r:onlernp Lr-l -
rir,"l\, - slain b1r the firs{ ran n,ho c!-
languages ancl nragical n'ritings. and clid nrt revral its rvhereabouts. lt was
Albruirr's bearer carr, t rill, aclivale nnnored anrongst tire thieres of lhat rlace
I d ltirn, a uerchant from Clilnshan anrl maintain by' concr.nt;,ation -
Tht nt:rchant, rvhose lralne is iost, was - the
r;rlcrrll's pcrwer lo tlelcl Inaisiltlt objects
that lre had soltl it to a "grey trcer"
l"tt'.nc:e") Lrv the nme oi Biusken Shtult,
slain rvhile on cat'avan srron aller by a in a 1" r'rdius. Aibruin can also neuirdize r,-ho hatl a nercirant lrarge on the
rrriclrievnu- kenku. ln like niannci, '['he
/lorson oflcte evr-:r\' 3 r-!.vs, al.J litnl its \,Vyvernwater, anci tht Bluskr:n hrl
Driuker has riften changec-l lranuis ri,er the bearer once 12 clivs. I'hese po\ crr sailerl frrm Wheloon up te a port on the
1,ears, usu;rlly rem;rinine with an'r. one are ettoked at "uerr-
the r,"-ill of the bearer, or. by
cn.ner orrll' shorl tirnc.
nurlhern shorc of tlre \tyvcrrrrvater ancl
the srt'or<l il' the beat.er is unccrrrscious and deliverecl thc hlade tn .r waitine bu,r,er.
Elminstel larv Ar{iatha orty, winters Alhruin rieerns tt ar,lvanlagr-ous tii it$c.f tr) -lhe
affo at tht: t:ourt of Nrsker oi iVIulmstt:r, blatlds lr'here.abcuts v!,ere uncer-
activa te ei tlrer porr'er. Irhr5 ccntact tain for srtme trventv-our \'intrs, ilntil
when the sorcerer-king r,vas strLdving ib to a
between Albruin and the-tlesh of the lacy crf righ brth in SeigarLnt, orre
iitcrese his or,vn alts. l{. disapreareti i:erer is ncefdsan fr the r,1,s.s to ,r,ork, Shanlur. fount the blade' lel:t b,.'lrind irr

+tfius fitt{{if; ',G,Ds flFt

Y G'rrssr !"fI-6ll$ b nftGHT#0TH visilin; lhe
irade (goki for

thereafter in


5l',{ll:'i9..5 FC, Lrti i,ihll-'-i}ti:it tiifqL,1 ijlllL*-i-:,l{

To; llftftGrlF,T#*Tlj f r4{., !'!.ir ,r=r -r,;,s r +r1 .,4 r.{\,{.li.r$
2t Jur{r lsa
Albruin are unknown, but Elminster is were found some years later when the will live long in fireside tales. At length
careful to remind us that its plain Pool of Yeven in 'Battledale was dragged, she married a former foe, parldutph f
appearance and its ability to control but the sworcl was not found. Ehninler Neverwinter, and gave Namara to her. son
many of its bearers would contribute to believes it is in the hands of brigancls, or Rivenheim.
this anonymity. perhaps mercenaries, who have not since Rivenhelm, who became one of the
drawn the blade in battle near the Dales. greatest knights, passed the blade on to
Name(s): Ilbrutha, "Mistress of Battle,,
Description: Ilbratha is a bronze
Tamper Tencoiry an adventurer. Tencoin
Nmc(s): Nmt, "The Sword That stood over the wounded knight in battle
shortsword with a row of six matched
bloodstones set into the helve of the blade
with the tnercenary company of the Flarn-
on its left face. Each bloodstone is worth
ing Fist for most of a day in a vain
70 gold pieces; as an undamaged set of
attempt to save Rivenhelm's life. The tiny
band held on til nightfall, when the
mercenaries fell back and drove in their
tracking dogs to ravage the wounded
side of the blade is etched in common: enemy. Rivenhelm handed Namara to
Namarn, and on the other face Neaer Tencoin in the darkness and said ,,This is
The bearer may, at will, evoke the
Sleeps. yours now." Leaving a trail of blood
sword's power to emanate silence 15' behind him, Rivenhelm crawled forward
ratlius. to choke the life out of one dog and died
Nanrara is as heavy as a normal weap- under the jaws of half a dozen-more.
Ilbratha gains its nicknarne from its on, but will float on top of any liquid '- Tencoin lost the blade when he was
powers/ which are very useful in combat. fresh water, brine, oil, wine _ it hs so poison
When (flesh to handgrip) and far been dropped into. The sword has no
mentally ordered, Ilbratha ca ith its four w
alignment or sentience. mad fo
b- r jump (as in the spell; 1 leap only) lorz;Namara appears in many legends his senseq Na.mara was gone. Elminster,
thee times per day, blink itself and its"' and tall tales, but the term "The Swrd who saw the blade when Tencoin visited
bearer once per day, and create anrror rs to be derivecl Shadowdale some years before this event,
image of itself and its bearer once per day.
on the blade believes it was
It also rings like a struck chime or tu- -
bular bell when it is touching rnagic; this
specific property will soon tum
unknown; does, Tamper
includes spell effects from devices'nd Namara appears to have existed for as for it.
physical contact with enchanted items,
but not physical
irtg cloud or gust Nme: Shzzellm
already-cast spell.
ing only, and is i
against n'ragic. probable time or place of origin, or find
Lore: Ilbratha was created by unknown any references in the tales of a world to a
hands at the behest of Azoun i long-dead time "bef.ore Namara was forged,"
king of Cormyr. He bore it once into bat- Within the last five hundred years,
tle,-at Ithmong in his war with Tethyr, Namaa has been the blade of *rrus the
and then lost it in a storm that wrecked Great, founder of Arnn, and a blade borne
his ship on the rocks of the Neck, there by his descendants for three genera-
The sword was found by fishermen of tions; the fourth, Ereskas, bore Namara
Teziir and sold to a rich rnerchant, Sevan ing it unsheathed, and in like manner can
north to found the city of Mirabar. locate object n a 12" radius. It can also
of Amnwater. He took it west on caravan Ereskas died withot issue, and Nam- detect secret doos in a 1/2" radius at the
alo-o-the Tradels Road and the river ara-was carefully preserved atop his tomb bearer's will, and read any non-magical
Cl thar to Scornubel, where he sold it in^ the city. There it remained for sixty languages or maps. lt wiil heot its bearer
to tnelas Urm, a merchant of Thentia. winters, until Mirabar was overrun ad once per day, at the bearer's will, and has
plundered in the Goblin Wars. The gob- a special p_urpose: to slay bards. Any bard
lin chieftain Nethaug seized the swoid struck by Shazzellim strikes wlllbe disin-
and bore it back to a ravine so deep in the tegrnterl unless the victim saves vs. spell.
mountains that the goblins, who were Lore: Shazzellim was created bv lor at
fusion the blade was lost (or stolen by one subsequently almost eradicated from the least under the orders and with tre'assis-
of the agents for hirnself). North, still hold this ravine today. tance of) Lauzoril of the Red Wizards of
All trace of it was lost until. two The blade remained in goblinhands
hundred winters later, the sage Thallas- for almost two hundred sasons, until a
tam of Procampur was offered the blade goblin named

f of adventurers
the Gryphon.
warrior called Flarr, gave the blade to
and a silver harp, operate in the northern
regions on both sides of the Great Desert,
Thulmar One-Eye of Port Llast in and ae a secretive organization rather
only fellow loremaster interested in exchange for training some eighty win- than a band e
swords whom Thallastam trusted. ters ago. bards of gre is
Ehninster identified the blade from the Thulmar bore the blade until ls death thought not the
ing's great- in the Cold Winter, whereupon it passed highJevel rangers, only Thulraven and
to the Mistress of Port Llast, Storniaven Esttrlphore are believed to be independent
it back the Proud Queen. Stormravery who rode of the Harpers.
toward Procampur by way of Tilver s and fought at the head of her men with
Gap and Essembra. But he was never seen
It is not clear if the Harpers are any
her jet-black hair flowing wildly about thing more than a private club or fellw-
agairy and did not reach Procampur. His her, briefly made Port Llst gret. She is ship at present, although in the past they
ruined diary, his stafl and a skeleton remembered fondly by old wariors, and have acted in concerl to keep kingdoms in
22 JUNe rssg
the northern lands and in the Dalelands light, s_o that it does not appear to be
small in power, and on at least two occa- er. Its present
metal from afar. Its nicknme comes from
sions have forcibly prevented the expan- the sage
its magical silence: ll'he sword never
sion of farnrs and settle.ments into elven ocation with
1i-",tl any sound. certain onJy over a short span of time
woods. The cause of Lauzoril's enmity A blade ing, but beginning some twenty winters ago,
toward the Harpers is unknown. Susk its silence in when he recognizecl ii in the hand"s of
Elminster saw Shazzellim when Ahlzul, no way affects creatures, spells, objects or Abadda a northern prince of the Fallen
ny area about the blade. Kingdom, who was then a proud wan-
Susk is +3 to hit, but does normal dam_ derer and banditleader.
age (1-8/1-12). It has no apparent intelli_ Abadda
gence or sentience, and only one other Nesme at
magical property
Shazzellim anc{ their ca - it levitates involun_
tarily. That is, it can never rise, fall, or
Lady of Si es-
were rarer killed by .r"t:i'.ff"'yj"roJ* ence. Duri
move in any way by itself, but always Elminster
remains stationary when released, even if adventurer Urnen of Yartar
in midair. It can be moved while so float- the blade for what it was.
- recognized

ing by being or
by magical e
but will stop s
Longsaddle not much afterward, bran-

have been stolen, hid-

another by Meer before
. The blade's present
uknown. the

Nnnre(s): Susk, "The Silent Sztord" It

origin is unknown and curiously,
never mentioned
in any folklore
seems to have always been around
--but it is
in the

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DnRGon 23
amongst the adventurers and caravan was broken at the Long Battle (of nine The names of the band are now lost;
rnerchants of- the Realms. days duration) across the moorq and one was a fighter who later took service
Taragarth was brandished aloft bloodily in the merchant-guards of Amn and died
Name(s): Trgarth, "The so often by the valiant Aeroth that it ws battling bandits on the banks of the Sul-
Bloodbrund" dubbed "The Bloodbrand." duskoon river. It seems likely that he bore
Description: Taragarth is a bastarcl Much later, when Aeroth was gey- Taragart but no word of it can be found
bearded, Rayuth of Silverymoon "did, after it (presumably) fell into the hands of
and the throne passed to his son. Aeroth, the- bandits, until a wandering peddler
offered it for sale in a market t-Berdusk.

The rune is_non-magical and evidently

the mark of the blade's maker, but whb
the maker was has been lost over time. Isles. There, with his wife and six sons,
Taragarth requires strength and stahrre Aeroth founded the city of Vlan. His de-
to wield, but while it is held unsheathed,
the bearer is protected from fire (effects
Turl carried the blade north to the city
of Scornubel, using it to pay off a debt t
equal a ing of fre resistance) and will be his guildmaster lritan. Little is known of
But Aeroth's sword was not seen on his
oes +3 voyagq and most legends hold that he left
t sen- it in Silverymoor where it has been lost
in some concealed hoard or in one of the and gave the blade, plus more wealth, to
many warren-like cavems beneath the the wizard Marune. Much of Marune's
city. A few sages know that, in truth, wealth was lost in subsequent upheavals,
Aeroth hid the blade in a ruined well on and The Bloodbrand fell into th hands
the isle of Toaridge so that his argumen- of an unknown someone in Waterdeep.
tative sons would not fight over it. Wrere it traveled then is not knowrL 6ut
There it lay while ages passed, until an
r exploration party of illithids found it and

gave his name as Vulph. The present

kingdoms of the North against the trolls
wheeabouts of Vulph ancl of the blade
of the Evemoors. The might of the trolls
Taragarth are unknown. t

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