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Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice ISSN 1365-2753

Infusion phlebitis assessment measures: a systematic review

Gillian Ray-Barruel RN BSN, BA(Hons) Grad Cert (ICU Nursing),1 Denise F. Polit RN PhD,2
Jenny E. Murfield BSc(Hons)3 and Claire M. Rickard RN PhD2
Senior Research Assistant, 2Professor in Nursing, 3Research Development Coordinator, NHMRC Centre for Research Excellence in Nursing,
Centre for Health Practice Innovation, Griffith Health Institute, Griffith University, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia

Keywords Abstract
assessment, measurement, peripheral
intravenous catheter, phlebitis, Rationale, aims and objectives Phlebitis is a common and painful complication of periph-
psychometric assessment, scales eral intravenous cannulation. The aim of this review was to identify the measures used in
infusion phlebitis assessment and evaluate evidence regarding their reliability, validity,
Correspondence responsiveness and feasibility.
Ms Gillian Ray-Barruel Method We conducted a systematic literature review of the Cochrane library, Ovid
Centre for Health Practice Innovation MEDLINE and EBSCO CINAHL until September 2013. All English-language studies
Griffith Health Institute (randomized controlled trials, prospective cohort and cross-sectional) that used an infusion
Griffith University phlebitis scale were retrieved and analysed to determine which symptoms were included in
Bldg N48 each scale and how these were measured. We evaluated studies that reported testing the
Kessels Road psychometric properties of phlebitis assessment scales using the COnsensus-based Stand-
Nathan ards for the selection of health Measurement INstruments (COSMIN) guidelines.
Qld 4111 Results Infusion phlebitis was the primary outcome measure in 233 studies. Fifty-three
Australia (23%) of these provided no actual definition of phlebitis. Of the 180 studies that reported
E-mail: g.ray-barruel@griffith.edu.au
measuring phlebitis incidence and/or severity, 101 (56%) used a scale and 79 (44%) used
a definition alone. We identified 71 different phlebitis assessment scales. Three scales had
Accepted for publication: 22 November 2013
undergone some psychometric analyses, but no scale had been rigorously tested.
Conclusion Many phlebitis scales exist, but none has been thoroughly validated for use
in clinical practice. A lack of consensus on phlebitis measures has likely contributed to
disparities in reported phlebitis incidence, precluding meaningful comparison of phlebitis

This systematic review sought to address the following

Introduction questions:
The insertion of a peripheral intravenous cannula (PIVC) for intra- Which diagnostic criteria are used to determine infusion phle-
venous (IV) fluids and medications is the most common procedure bitis in the clinical setting?
in hospitalized patients worldwide [1]. A frequent PIVC compli- Do any existing infusion phlebitis assessment scales have strong
cation is phlebitis, that is, inflammation of the vein, which may be measurement properties, including reliability, validity, responsive-
mechanical, chemical or bacterial in origin [2,3]. Phlebitis causes ness and feasibility?
a cascade of unwelcome repercussions significant pain, failure of This review is intended to inform clinicians about existing
the PIVC, interruption to prescribed therapy and requirement for methods of phlebitis assessment, based on evidence of the meas-
insertion of a new PIVC with associated increased equipment costs urement quality of existing assessment scales.
and staff time. Phlebitis compromises future venous access [4],
and untreated bacterial phlebitis may lead to bloodstream infection
[5]; therefore, early detection of complications and removal of the
PIVC is crucial. We searched the Cochrane library, Ovid MEDLINE and EBSCO
Phlebitis may be localized to the insertion site or travel along the CINAHL for research articles in English, using the following
vein. If extravasation (also called infiltration) of fluids in the inter- search terms: infusion phlebitis; thrombophlebitis; peripheral IV
stitial space occurs [6], oedema may prevent recognition of phle- catheter; phlebitis score; phlebitis grade; and phlebitis assessment.
bitis symptoms, such as induration (hardened tissue), because of Research studies (randomized controlled trials, prospective cohort
difficulty in palpating the vein. Phlebitis may occur during cath- and cross-sectional) that reported phlebitis incidence in adult
eterization or up to 48 hours after removal [7]. patients with PIVCs or that evaluated a phlebitis scale were

Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 20 (2014) 191202 2014 The Authors. Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 191
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Infusion phlebitis assessment measures G. Ray-Barruel et al.

1000+ records identified in total using keywords and

reference lists of relevant articles

897 records identified after

duplicates removed

897 abstracts screened for 664 records excluded

relevancy to search terms

593 records reported 71 articles could not be

phlebitis unrelated to PIVC located

233 full-text articles read 53 full-text articles excluded.

and assessed for eligibility These reportedly measured phlebitis rates but did
not provide a definition of phlebitis.

180 studies provided a phlebitis scale or definition 79 articles used a phlebitis

definition but not a scale

101 articles used a phlebitis

assessment scale

71 phlebitis assessment scales 15 symptoms measured in scales

(Figure 2)

13 studies reported some

psychometric assessment of the scale
(Table 1) Figure 1 Process of selecting studies for the

included. No date limitations were applied, with citations pub- based Standards for the selection of health Measurement
lished until September 2013 included. Titles and abstracts were INstruments (COSMIN) [8,9]. Relevant measurement properties
initially screened for relevance. Full texts of potentially relevant for phlebitis assessment include reliability (inter-rater, intra-rater,
articles were obtained and evaluated for inclusion. The reference testretest), validity (content, face, criterion, construct) and
lists of these articles were checked for other studies of potential responsiveness. Because phlebitis scales are formative indexes
relevance, and these were also retrieved. rather than reflective scales [10,11], neither internal consistency
All articles that examined infusion phlebitis assessment in nor structural validity is relevant.
adults as a primary outcome measure were retrieved, but only In addition, our review also considered attributes associated
those that used a phlebitis assessment scale were included in the with excellence in clinimetrics. Feinsteins [12] approach to
final review. Each scale was examined to identify which signs and developing clinical assessment tools, especially relevant for
symptoms were included in the measurement of phlebitis. Figure 1 formative indexes like phlebitis scales, was taken, including
illustrates the study selection process. The role of the phlebitis evaluation of the sensibility of clinical instruments. Sensibility
assessor, how often assessment was performed and if training in includes several properties covered in COSMIN (e.g. content
phlebitis assessment had been provided were noted. Information validity, responsiveness), but also includes acceptability and fea-
regarding each scales psychometric properties, if provided, was sibility, that is, ease of practical application of clinical instru-
also recorded. ments. Feasibility takes into consideration such issues as length
This review used definitions of measurement properties and of time to complete the scale, ease of administration and clarity
parameters consistent with those provided by the COnsensus- of the items and instructions [12].

192 2014 The Authors. Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
G. Ray-Barruel et al. Infusion phlebitis assessment measures

Several authors scored patients as positive for phlebitis with the

Results finding of pain alone [2428], erythema alone [29,30] or either
Although phlebitis incidence related to PIVCs was reportedly [3134]. Some authors considered a palpable venous cord alone to
measured in 233 studies, 53 (23%) articles did not provide any be sufficient for phlebitis [3537], although the length of palpable
definition of phlebitis. Of the 180 studies that described the cord required varied from 2.5 [7,38,39] to greater than 15 cm [40].
method of phlebitis assessment, 101 (56%) reported using a Exact measurement of symptoms, such as distance of erythema
scale and 79 (44%) used a definition alone. Seventy-one phlebitis and oedema from insertion site, was undertaken in several studies,
assessment scales including 15 symptoms were identified. but the length or diameter required for concern varied consider-
The 15 symptoms included in phlebitis assessment scales were ably, from greater than 2 [41] to greater than 3 cm [36,37]. Some
pain, tenderness, erythema or redness, oedema or swelling, pal- authors measured local warmth objectively, using a differential
pable venous cord, induration or hardness, frank thrombosis, thermometer [4143], but in most cases, temperature appeared to
streak formation or red line, purulence or exudate, local warmth, have been subjectively evaluated. Finally, some authors using pro-
local coolness, infusion slowed or stopped, fever or pyrexia, tissue gressive scores considered a patient had phlebitis when symptom
damage and impaired function. The prevalence of these symptoms severity met the criteria for a score of 1; others reported phlebitis
captured in phlebitis assessment scales is shown in Fig. 2. only when severity scored as 2 or 3.

Phlebitis assessment scales

Phlebitis incidence
Large disparities were found among the 71 phlebitis assessment
scales. Some authors used a previously published scale; others Not all authors reported phlebitis in the same way. Some reported
modified an existing tool or created their own. When a published phlebitis incidence per patient (potentially including multiple
tool such as the Visual Infusion Phlebitis (VIP) [13,14], Infusion PIVCs); others reported phlebitis incidence per PIVC. Reported
Nurses Society (INS) [1518], Maddox [19,20], Baxter [21], phlebitis incidence varied dramatically for studies using a scale
Lipman [22] or Dinley [23] scale was used, many authors did not from 0% [44] to 91% [45].
state which version they had used, despite wide variations between
different versions. Other authors did not report the source of their
The phlebitis assessment process
scale at all.
Assigning a phlebitis assessment score or grade was commonly Frequency of reported assessment ranged from every PIVC
performed in one of two ways. Phlebitis scores were either cumu- access for medication or infusion, to twice daily, daily or second
lative (assigning points for each symptom and adding them up) or daily assessment. A handful of studies reported continued phle-
progressive (based on more points for a specified progression of bitis assessment after cannula removal up to 24 hours [24], 48
symptoms). Cumulative scales scored 02 points for each phlebitis hours [7,46] and 3 days [47]. One study reported follow up of
symptom, depending on the presence, measured length (in centi- patients until the phlebitis resolved; in one case of phlebitis, pain
metres), or severity, and their total potential scores ranged from lasted for 5 months [48]. Assessors ranged from ward nurses,
06 to 07, to 09 and to 416. Total phlebitis grading also varied research nurses, experienced IV teams, medical students, doctors,
considerably for progressive scales, ranging from 02 to 06. to independent IV assessors. Some researchers reported provid-
The symptoms required for phlebitis varied considerably. Only ing phlebitis assessment training to staff, but the majority
erythema was reported as a phlebitis symptom in every scale. did not.

Figure 2 Frequency of symptoms reported in

71 phlebitis scales.

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Infusion phlebitis assessment measures G. Ray-Barruel et al.

However, inter-rater reliability was not computed between the

Psychometric evaluation of infusion phlebitis
nurses themselves, which is a more standard approach. A key
assessment scales
unanswered question that remains is whether rating consistency
Although there are dozens of phlebitis assessment instruments, across similarly trained observers can be achieved with this scale.
formal evaluations of their measurement properties are rare. In terms of validity, the report stated that expert nurses in the
Several scales were used in multiple studies, such as the Baxter cardiac surgery unit established content validity for the modifica-
scale [21,31,33], the Dinley scale [23,49,50] and the Lipman scale tions of the Jackson VIP scale (p. 341). Data on content validity,
[22,51,52], but appear never to have been formally assessed. Thir- using a quantitative assessment of agreement such as the content
teen articles reported evaluating some psychometric properties of validity index [68,69], were not provided. The scales criterion or
their assessment scale (see Table 1), but only three provided construct validity was not discussed. However, assessment of
detailed information. This section describes the psychometric inter-rater reliability could be construed as testing criterion valid-
adequacy of those three scales: VIP scale, INS phlebitis scale and ity. If the principal investigator was an expert in phlebitis, then
PVC ASSESS. her scoring can be accepted as a gold standard against which
the nurses ratings were tested. This study reported no analysis
of specificity or sensitivity, which are standard parameters for
VIP scale/Jackson scale
criterion-related validity in scales such as the VIP that have a
As part of a randomized trial published in 1977, US pharmacists, cut-point for the presence/absence of an outcome. The research-
Maddox and colleagues [19] created a phlebitis assessment instru- ers also did not specifically assess construct validity.
ment to grade phlebitis presence and severity using six symptoms: Gallant and Schultz concluded that their version of the VIP scale
pain, erythema, swelling, induration, palpable venous cord and is a reliable and valid measure for assessing and determining
frank vein thrombosis. The scale ranged from 0 to 5+; a score of 1 the removal of a PIVC. However, the evidence for the scales
was considered indicative of phlebitis. Their report included no adequacy is extremely limited. The reliability assessments did
evaluation of the scales reliability or validity. During the 1980s not establish that nurses could be consistent in their evaluations of
and early 1990s, several researchers used the Maddox scale or a phlebitis symptoms with each other (inter-rater), nor with them-
slightly modified version of it [27,47,5361], but psychometric selves (intra-rater). Testretest reliability was not examined. The
assessments were still not reported. study yielded some information about criterion validity, but the
In the UK in 1998, Jackson [14] published guidelines for VIP scales specificity and sensitivity were not tested. Construct
scoring phlebitis based on an adaptation of the Maddox method validity was not considered. Responsiveness the ability to detect
and a scale developed by Lundgren and colleagues in 1993 [48], true changes in symptoms was also not examined. Post-study, the
which was relabelled the VIP score. This scale grades phlebitis hospital made a decision to adopt the VIP as a standardized assess-
progressively from 1 (no observable phlebitis symptoms) to 6 ment tool, which suggests they found it easy to use in clinical
(advanced thrombophlebitis), and each grade is associated with practice; however, no data regarding feasibility were provided.
a recommended action (e.g. cannula removal). The VIP scale
assesses the presence/absence of six symptoms: pain, erythema,
INS phlebitis scale
swelling, induration, palpable venous cord and pyrexia. Neither
Jackson nor other researchers who subsequently used the scale The INS in the United States developed the first INS phlebitis scale
[13,32,6267] reported information about the scales measure- in 1998 [1518]. The INS scale has changed over time, with the
ment properties. current version being a progressive score from 0 (no symptoms) to
A formal assessment of a modified version of the VIP scale was 4 (all symptoms present: pain, erythema, oedema, streak forma-
undertaken in the United States in 2006 by Gallant and Schultz tion, palpable venous cord >2.54 cm in length and purulent drain-
[13]. They monitored 851 PIVCs in 513 cardiac surgical patients age) [16]. Any score of 1 or greater is considered phlebitis. Several
in one hospital. Jacksons original grading from 16 was studies included in the current review used an assessment tool
recalibrated to 05; a score of 5 indicated purulent drainage, based either on the INS scale or an adaptation [24,25,29,30,34,70
redness and a palpable cord greater than 7.6 cm. Other modifica- 76]. Despite widespread use, the INS scale has had limited scru-
tions were not described in detail, although pyrexia as a symptom tiny for psychometric properties. Boyce and Yee [24] adapted the
was removed. Phlebitis was considered present if the VIP score INS scale and consulted a panel of 18 experienced nurses to assess
was 2, with associated recommendation for PIVC removal. the revised scales face validity, resulting in several further
Despite modifying the scale, the authors continued to use the label changes to the tool. Following pilot testing, the tool and instruc-
of VIP scale. Therefore, several versions of the VIP scale, includ- tions were modified to be more user-friendly (p. 30). No other
ing Jacksons original scale, are available and in use. psychometric evaluation appears to have been undertaken by these
Staff nurses (number unreported) from two wards received authors. Dryburgh and Imlah [77] appeared to have adapted an
training in the use of the Gallant and Schultz VIP scale, and then early version; they assessed it for face validity and what they called
completed daily PIVC assessments. Inter-rater reliability was test-test reliability in 10 patients, without providing data. Wash-
assessed by correlating each research nurses VIP score with that ington and Barrett [74] reported assessing inter-rater reliability,
of the principal investigator, a senior clinical nurse. The type of but did not provide values. Powell et al. [30] reported agreement in
correlation (Pearsons r, Spearmans rho, intraclass) was unre- rating phlebitis between two members of the IV team, but the
ported. The number of PIVC assessments included in the inter- ratings appear not to have been independent or blinded.
rater reliability checks was also unreported. Each nurse was said to A more in-depth study by Groll and co-researchers [29] was
achieve an acceptable inter-rater reliability correlation of 0.85. undertaken in Canada to evaluate the psychometric properties of

194 2014 The Authors. Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Table 1 Studies that reported measuring some psychometric properties of a phlebitis assessment scale

Study, year, Measurement

design, country Phlebitis scale, Symptoms Reported phlebitis Assessment property
(alphabetical) Population Primary outcome definition Source of scale measured rates and grade Assessor(s) frequency assessment
G. Ray-Barruel et al.

Ahlqvist et al., 2001: 107 PIVC in Effect of introducing Scale 03 Lundgren et al., Redness % PIVC 7 nurses not Second daily Reliability, validity,
2006 [44] 67 medical and guidelines for Phlebitis defined 1993 [48] Tenderness 2001 survey: employed on feasibility
Cross-sectional surgical patients; PIVC care on as 1 Pain 39% grade 1 study wards assessed in pilot
survey (pre/post) 2002: 99 PIVC in 63 incidence of Swelling 7% grade 2 study. No data
Sweden medical and thrombophlebitis, Increased 2002 survey: provided.
surgical patients nurses care, temperature 27% grade 1
handling and Palpable cord 0% grade 2
documentation Pus
Ahlqvist et al., 67 PIVC Inter-rater reliability PVC ASSESS Hershey et al., Pain N/A Nurses trained in Group A (3 RNs) Inter-rater and
2010 [86] of phlebitis Points per symptom 1984 [7] Tenderness phlebitis assessed at intra-rater
Cross-sectional assessment using 1 or more Erythema assessment bedside reliability
Sweden PIVC assessment symptom(s) Oedema Group B (3 RNs) assessed; content
tool Induration assessed photos validity informally
Purulent exudate of same PIVCs 4 assessed;
Streak formation weeks later acceptability and
Palpable cord feasibility
Bostrom-Ezrati 514 medical and Incidence of IV site Maddox scale 05 Maddox, 1983 [20] Erythema % patients Nurse data Twice daily Inter-rater reliability
et al., 1990 [53] surgical patients symptoms, and Swelling 22.6% grade 1 collectors assessed
Prospective cohort at 4 hospitals associated patient Induration 17.3% grade 2
United States and practice Pain
factors Palpable venous
Boyce & Yee, 24 PIVC in 12 Incidence and Modified INS scale INS, 2006 [16] Pain % PIVC Staff nurses Every 4 hours until Content validity and
2012 [24] patients severity of 04+ Erythema 50% grade 0+ 24 hours after feasibility
Prospective cohort phlebitis in Phlebitis defined as Oedema infusion ceased assessed. No
United States patients given 0+ (pain) Streak formation data provided.

2014 The Authors. Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
peripherally Palpable venous
infused cord
amiodarone Purulent drainage
Campbell, 1998 [31] 90 medical patients Incidence and Baxter scale 05 Baxter, 1988 [18] Pain % patients Staff nurses None stated Testretest reliability
Prospective cohort from 13 wards severity of Erythema 26% grade 13 reported as being
Northern Ireland phlebitis, Swelling assessed. No
contributing Induration data provided.
factors, extended Palpable venous
length of stay, IV cord
Catney et al., 411 medical and Relationship of Authors scale 13 None stated Pain or tenderness % patients 6 IV team staff Twice daily Inter-rater reliability,
2001 [40] surgical patients dwell time to Phlebitis defined as Erythema 7.3% grade 2 construct validity
Prospective cohort phlebitis and 2 Swelling and feasibility
United States infiltration Palpable venous reportedly
cord assessed in pilot
study. No data
Dibble et al., 514 patients in 4 Frequency of IV site Modified DeLuca DeLuca et al., 1975 Pain % patients 66 research Twice daily Inter-rater reliability
1991 [54]* hospitals symptoms and Maddox [101]; Maddox Redness 39.9% assistants (nurse assessed
Prospective cohort scale 15 used et al., 1977 [19] Swelling educators, RNs,
United States Induration nursing students)
Palpable cord
Infusion phlebitis assessment measures

Table 1 Continued

Study, year, Measurement

design, country Phlebitis scale, Symptoms Reported phlebitis Assessment property
(alphabetical) Population Primary outcome definition Source of scale measured rates and grade Assessor(s) frequency assessment

Dryburgh & Imlah, 38 outpatients Incidence and Modified Phlebitis American IV Nursing Erythema % patients Community nurses Daily Testretest, face
2002 [77] receiving IV severity of Rating Scale 14 Standards, 1982 Tenderness 27% cefazolin validity and
RCT antibiotics for phlebitis with two Pain 59% cloxacillin construct validity
Canada cellulitis antibiotics Swelling assessed. No
Induration data provided.
Gallant & Schultz, 851 PIVC in 513 Reliability of a VIP scale 05 Jackson, 1998 [14] Pain % PIVC Research IV team Daily Authors reported
2006 [13] adult cardiac phlebitis scale Phlebitis defined as Redness 6.2% VIP 2 nurses trained in testing inter-rater
Prospective cohort surgical and VIP 2 Warmth VIP scale reliability, but
Infusion phlebitis assessment measures

United States cardiothoracic Oedema actually assessed

patients Purulence criterion validity.
Palpable venous Content validity
cord > 7.6 cm informally
Groll et al., 416 PIVC Psychometric INS phlebitis scale INS, 2006 [16] Pain % patients Two research None stated Inter-rater reliability,
2010 [29] observations in properties of 04 Erythema 18.3% grade 1 nurses acceptability and
Cross-sectional 182 patients phlebitis and Phlebitis defined as Edema observed feasibility
study and infiltration scales 1 Streak formation 7.7% episodes of assessed.
chart audit in an acute and Palpable venous phlebitis Authors reported
Canada community care cord documented in concurrent
setting Purulent drainage chart (criterion) validity,
but actually
tested convergent
Larson et al., 876 PIVC in 707 Relationship Maddox scale 05 Maddox et al., None stated % PIVC** Quality assurance Daily Inter-rater reliability
1984 [58] medical-surgical between selected Phlebitis not defined 1977 [19] 25.6% research nurse assessed in pilot
Prospective cohort patients risk factors and trial
United States incidence of
Powell et al., 679 PIVC in Relationship INS phlebitis scale INS, 2006 [16] Erythema % PIVC 3 IV team nurses Daily Inter-rater reliability
2008 [30] inpatients between dwell 04 Pain 3.7% grade 1 assessed. No
Retrospective time and phlebitis Phlebitis defined as Streak formation data provided.
review 1 Palpable vascular
United States cord
Purulent drainage
Washington & 188 PIVC in 169 Point prevalence of INS phlebitis scale INS, year not Pain 9.5% grade 2 10 data collectors One assessment Inter-rater reliability
Barrett, 2012 [74] medical-surgical phlebitis rates Phlebitis defined as stated Erythema only and feasibility
Point prevalence patients 2 Oedema assessed. No
United Sates Streak formation data provided.
Palpable cord

*Bostrom-Ezrati et al., 1990 and Dibble et al., 1991 reported on the same study.
No reference given by authors and unable to locate reference.
Measurement property values are shown in the text of the paper.
Number of patients not stated.
Number of PIVC not stated.

**Phlebitis grade not reported.

INS, Infusion Nurses Society; IV, intravenous; PIVC, peripheral intravenous cannula; RCT, randomized controlled trial.
G. Ray-Barruel et al.

2014 The Authors. Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
G. Ray-Barruel et al. Infusion phlebitis assessment measures

the most recent (2006) version of the INS phlebitis scale [16]. In reported in inter-rater reliability studies [84,85] because the focus
the study, adults with a PIVC were recruited from a community is on how close the reliability coefficient is to 1.00, not whether it
hospital and a visiting home nursing agency. Pairs of independent is different from 0.00.
research nurses who were not providing direct patient care under- Although the researchers provided initial data on the psycho-
took 392 observations of 176 patients. No information regarding metric properties of the widely used INS scale, the research did not
the training of the research nurses was provided, nor did the report comprehensively examine reliability and validity. There were no
state how many pairs of nurses performed ratings. The study aimed assessments of reliability over time (testretest and inter-rater),
to yield evidence regarding the INS scales reliability (inter-rater), and the validation efforts did not generate sufficient evidence of
validity, acceptability and feasibility. validity. Furthermore, the scales responsiveness was not evalu-
For inter-rater reliability, two nurses simultaneously scored the ated. The assessments of feasibility and acceptability were the
INS scale for each patient. The kappa statistic was used for the most comprehensive published to date, but the findings would have
reliability index; proportion in agreement was not reported. It was been of greater value with a larger sample than six nurses. It would
not reported whether the kappa statistic was calculated based on be advantageous to replicate this research in additional centres and
agreement for the full scales 04 range (i.e. a weighted kappa), or with a better gold standard phlebitis criterion, such as evaluation
on a simpler dichotomous rating of phlebitis presence (1) or of patients by an infusion expert.
absence (0). Furthermore, although different pairs of raters
assessed different sets of patients (i.e. the design was not fully
crossed), it is unclear whether the appropriate statistic Fleisss
kappa [78,79] rather than Cohens kappa [80] was used. In any Ahlqvist and a team of Swedish co-researchers [86] developed a
event, the reported kappa was 0.45, which is considered moder- 45-item tool called PVC ASSESS to assess the management, docu-
ate using Landis and Kochs [81] standards (kappas of 0.210.40 mentation, signs and symptoms associated with PIVC use and
are fair, 0.410.60 are moderate, 0.610.80 are substantial, and complications. Only 11 of the items measure phlebitis symptoms
0.81 and greater are almost perfect). Standards for kappa are 5 based on patient reports (pain, tenderness, communicating) and
controversial [82,83], but few would argue that a kappa of 0.45 6 based on nurse observation. All observation items are dichoto-
offers strong evidence of assessor agreement. mous, indicating presence or absence of erythema, oedema, puru-
In terms of validity, Groll and colleagues assessed what they lent exudate, induration at insertion site, streak formation and
called concurrent validity. Concurrent validity, a form of criterion palpable cord. In the methodological paper describing the instru-
validity, requires a gold standard, which in this case was docu- ment, there were no guidelines for combining scores from the 11
mentation of phlebitis in the patients charts. The Spearman corre- symptom items into an overall score, nor any discussion about a
lation between the number of times observers said phlebitis discrete cut-off score for phlebitis.
occurred based on the INS scale and the number of times phlebitis Reliability was assessed at the item level and only for the six
was documented in the chart was a modest 0.39. Research nurses items that required nurses observations. Inter-rater reliability was
using the scales identified more than twice as many cases of estimated with 3 nurses and 66 patients. The researchers calculated
phlebitis as were recorded in patient charts. An entry in a patients proportion of agreement and kappa, using multi-rater kappa. Pro-
chart is a questionable choice for a gold standard. Indeed, the portion of agreement ranged from 0.77 (erythema) to 0.95
authors noted that the discrepancy between the charts and the scale (exudate and palpable cord). Because of low prevalence of most
underscores the need for the use of validated tools(p. 389). Within symptoms, kappa was computed only for one item (erythema), a
COSMINs classification, the procedure would best be described as modest 0.40 [95% confidence interval (CI) = 0.180.62]. Inter-
convergent validation (i.e. evidence that two separate measures of a rater reliability was assessed for three items that could be evalu-
construct are correlated) rather than criterion validation. ated via colour photographs for 67 patients, using a different set of
The INS scale was also assessed for acceptability and feasibil- three nurse assessors. Proportion of agreement ranged from 0.76 to
ity. The nurses completed the instruments relatively quickly, with 0.89, and the only kappa value again for erythema was 0.58
a mean completion time of 1.3 minutes (range 115 minutes, SD (95% CI = 0.440.72).
0.9 minutes) to complete both the phlebitis scale and the INS The researchers also assessed intra-rater reliability (which they
infiltration scale (the INS infiltration scale is not covered in this incorrectly called testretest reliability) using photographs. Three
review). Feedback from six research nurses indicated that the nurses examined colour photographs of 67 patients. They rated the
phlebitis scale was acceptable for the purpose of identification and presence or absence of three signs (erythema, exudate and streak
measurement of phlebitis, the instructions were clear, and the scale formation) on two occasions, 4 weeks apart. Commendably, the
was deemed easy to use and clinically appropriate. Acceptability order of presentation of the photos was altered at the second
was further supported by the fact that there were only limited viewing. Across the three raters, intra-rater kappas ranged from
amounts of missing data. 0.49 (nurse 1, streak formation) to 0.76 (nurse 2, purulent
The researchers concluded that the scale was valid and reliable exudate). The median intra-rater kappa was 0.59. This study was
in both the acute care and community settings (p. 390). However, the only one in which intra-rater reliability (constancy of assess-
the values of both kappa for inter-rater reliability (0.45) and the ment by the same rater over time) was evaluated.
correlation coefficient for the validity evaluation (0.39) are In terms of validity, only content validity was considered.
modest. The researchers perhaps interpreted statistically signifi- The report indicates that the research group confirmed content
cant differences as evidence of the scales good properties. validity . . . through comparisons with guidelines and published
However, statistical significance is of limited interest in assess- scientific literature in the field (p. 1109). It does not appear that a
ments of measurement properties, and indeed they are seldom formal content validity assessment was performed. The team did

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Infusion phlebitis assessment measures G. Ray-Barruel et al.

undertake an assessment of acceptability and feasibility. A sample bitis should be calculated as the number of phlebitis incidents per
of 27 nurses and 93 nursing students informally used the instru- total number of PIVC multiplied by 100 [15,17,18], but this review
ment with nearly 600 patients, and then provided feedback about found that reporting methods varied considerably: per patient, per
the clarity and content of items, and the usefulness and layout of PIVC and per 1000 catheter days.
the tool. A few changes were made after this feedback, but results The regular clinical use of a phlebitis tool is believed to provide
of the feasibility assessments were not provided. a trigger, alerting nurses to take action if problems occur [92]. The
Although the researchers considered their tool as reliable, review found that the most commonly used tools were the INS,
kappa values for the inter-rater and intra-reliability of nurse- VIP, Jackson, Baxter and Maddox scales; however, all of these
observed phlebitis items were modest. No information about the have been modified by various authors and several versions of each
reliability for the five patient-reported items was provided, and one scale exist, with some researchers continuing to use older versions.
of these items (Communicating) was not defined. Testretest Typical modifications include the addition or removal of phlebitis
reliability (short-term stability of scores across different assess- symptoms and variations in the scoring process, including the
ments) was not evaluated. In terms of validity, no evidence was number of symptoms required for diagnosis and changes to the
offered regarding the criterion validity (e.g. comparison to a gold numerical scale. The INS phlebitis scale is a popular tool, but
standard) or construct validity, nor was responsiveness of the several variations exist [1518], and we found that many authors
index evaluated. Feasibility information was limited. Gransson further modified the tool for their own purposes. The UK Royal
and Johansson [87] also used the PVC ASSESS tool, but did not College of Nursing recommends the VIP scale [93] because spe-
report any psychometric evaluation. cific actions, such as PIVC removal, are given as severity of
phlebitis increases. However, the VIP scale exists and continues to
be used in multiple modified versions. In the United States, the
Discussion INS currently recommends using either the INS tool [15,16], as
In this systematic review of research studies using phlebitis as the evaluated by Groll and colleagues [29], or the VIP scale, as per
primary endpoint, we found numerous definitions of phlebitis, 71 Gallant and Schultz [13].
different phlebitis assessment scales, a wide variation in assess- Frequency of phlebitis assessment ranged from every cannula
ment techniques and reported phlebitis rates, and very little psy- access, to twice daily, daily or even second daily assessment.
chometric evaluation of the existing scales. While it was surprising Accessibility or visibility of the PIVC site was not mentioned in
to find such an array of confounding factors in phlebitis assess- the majority of studies, although presumably some used gauze and
ment, of even greater concern was the fact that many studies tape dressings, which are acceptable [94] but preclude visual
reported phlebitis as a primary endpoint without providing any inspection of some symptoms.
definition of phlebitis at all. Assessors ranged from student nurses and ward nurses to
Among the 180 studies that explained how they determined experienced IV teams, and medical and nursing researchers.
phlebitis, either by scale or definition alone, we found a broad range Although some authors reported providing education on phlebitis
of definitions. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention [88] assessment, the majority did not. Inter-rater reliability of phlebitis
defines phlebitis as warmth, tenderness, erythema or palpable assessment has proved to be problematic. A 2002 epidemiological
venous cord, citing Maki and Ringer [89], although this is not the literature review [60] reported that no diagnostic criteria for phle-
definition used by those authors. Other commonly used descriptors bitis had been proven valid or reproducible. Since then, several
include pain, swelling, induration and purulent drainage. authors have reported measuring inter-rater reliability, but none
With cumulative scales, no uniformity exists as to how many has addressed the full psychometric properties of the scale used, as
signs must be present to qualify as phlebitis and/or warrant the discussed earlier. The studies reviewed suggest that it is extremely
removal of the PIVC. Many tools consider the presence of two or difficult to use existing scales with confidence, given the modest
more symptoms as phlebitis, with others requiring only one sign, inter-rater reliability values.
and others several signs. Furthermore, differentiating phlebitis With the current state of knowledge about scale quality, we
from extravasation may be difficult when tenderness and oedema cannot recommend a particular phlebitis assessment scale. None of
are the predominant signs [90]. the existing scales has been subjected to rigorous and thorough
Numerous progressive scales with grading according to psychometric testing. For example, sensitivity and specificity have
symptom severity have been developed over the past 40 years, but not been calculated for any scale. With the current evidence, no
persistent limitations include the following: (1) not all required scale stands out as being of particularly high quality. In particular,
symptoms may be present, yet the PIVC is not working properly inter-rater reliability estimates tend to be quite modest.
[91]; and (2) a patient may not develop the signs in the particular This review highlights priorities for future psychometric evalu-
sequence outlined by the scale, and thus does not meet the thresh- ations of phlebitis scales. The most critical measurement proper-
old for phlebitis despite patient/staff concerns that trigger PIVC ties to assess are inter-rater and intra-rater reliability, as well as
removal [60,91]. criterion validity (although other properties, such as responsive-
Phlebitis rates ranged widely in this review. This can be attrib- ness, would be of interest). With respect to inter- and intra-rater
uted in part to the absence of a universally accepted scale with reliability, it is statistically unlikely that any scale will show high
strong demonstrated reliability. The INS [16,17] recommends a kappa values due to the generally low prevalence of phlebitis
phlebitis rate of 5% or less as acceptable, but differences in defi- among a group of hospital patients at one moment in time. Future
nition and assessment procedures, study design (prevalence versus evaluations of reliability should provide the actual proportions
incidence), casemix of research trials and rate calculation methods of phlebitis assessments with positive agreement and negative
make comparison difficult. The INS also recommends that phle- agreement [95], to assist in interpretation of kappa estimates. Byrt

198 2014 The Authors. Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
G. Ray-Barruel et al. Infusion phlebitis assessment measures

et al.s formula, which corrects for unbalanced prevalence, to

present kappa values may also be useful [96]. Although Hoehler
[97] has argued against Byrt et al.s formula replacing Cohens 1. Webster, J., Clarke, S., Paterson, D., Hutton, A., van Dyk, S., Gale, C.
kappa formula, it would be very useful to present both kappa & Hopkins, T. (2008) Routine care of peripheral intravenous cath-
estimates, so that users could see the potential degree of agreement eters versus clinically indicated replacement: randomised controlled
[85,98]. trial. British Medical Journal, 337, a339.
2. Campbell, L. (1998) I.v.-related phlebitis, complications and length
In terms of criterion validity, evaluators need to select a suitable
of hospital stay: part 1. British Journal of Nursing, 7 (21), 1304
criterion, that is, gold standard, such as rating by a phlebitis 1306, 13081312.
expert. Most existing scales grade severity, which implies the need 3. Collin, J. & Collin, C. (1975) Infusion thrombophlebitis. Lancet, 306
for analysis using a receiver operating curve that establishes the (7932), 458.
appropriate cut-off value for phlebitis diagnosis, and to ascertain 4. Hawes, M. L. (2007) A proactive approach to combating venous
that area-under-the-curve values are acceptable (commonly 0.70 depletion in the hospital setting. Journal of Infusion Nursing, 30 (1),
or higher is desirable [83]). It is also essential to calculate the 3344.
scales sensitivity and specificity (how often will it correctly test 5. Hadaway, L. C. (2012) Short peripheral catheters and infections.
negative in those who do and do not have phlebitis?). Journal of Infusion Nursing, 35 (4), 230240.
Lastly, it would be extremely useful to compare two or more 6. Hecker, J. F. (1989) Failure of intravenous infusions from extravasa-
tion and phlebitis. Anaesthesia and Intensive Care, 17 (4), 433439.
scales for their psychometric adequacy in the same study. A direct
7. Hershey, C. O., Tomford, J. W., McLaren, C. E., Porter, D. K. &
comparison of reliability and criterion validity using the same Cohen, D. I. (1984) The natural history of intravenous catheter-
sample of patients and raters would make it much easier for clini- associated phlebitis. Archives of Internal Medicine, 144 (7), 1373
cians to select a phlebitis assessment scale with optimal properties. 1375.
8. Mokkink, L. B., Terwee, C., Patrick, D., Alonso, J., Stratford, P.,
Limitations Knol, D. L., Bouter, L. & DeVet, H. C. W. (2010) The COSMIN
study reached international consensus on taxonomy, terminology,
Our study has several limitations. Firstly, we only retrieved studies and definitions of measurement properties for health-related
published in English that assessed infusion phlebitis in adults, so we patient-reported outcomes. Journal of Clinical Epidemiology, 63,
cannot extrapolate the findings to paediatrics or non-English- 737745.
speaking countries. We did not contact study authors to request 9. Terwee, C. B., Mokkink, L. B., Knol, D. L., Ostelo, R., Bouter, L. M.
potentially unpublished psychometric data. We were unable to & DeVet, H. C. W. (2012) Rating the methodological quality in
systematic reviews of studies on measurement properties: a scoring
locate several older articles (pre-1985) that reported phlebitis, so it
system for the COSMIN checklist. Quality of Life Research, 21,
is possible that we missed some older phlebitis tools. It is also
possible that there are newer phlebitis scales in use and as yet 10. Edwards, J. R. & Bagozzi, R. P. (2000) On the nature and direction of
unpublished. relationships between constructs and measures. Psychological
The extreme number and variation of measurement options for Methods, 5, 155174.
phlebitis, combined with the paucity of evidence for reliability and 11. Streiner, D. L. (2003) Being inconsistent about consistency: when
validity, is of great concern. Up to 80% of all hospital patients coefficient alpha does and doesnt matter. Journal of Personality
require IV therapy with about 330 million PIVCs sold each year in Assessment, 80, 217222.
the United States alone [5,99]. Although phlebitis scales are quick 12. Feinstein, A. R. (1987) Clinimetrics. New Haven, CT: Yale Univer-
to complete [29], the number of PIVCs used multiplies to signifi- sity Press.
13. Gallant, P. & Schultz, A. A. (2006) Evaluation of a visual infusion
cant nursing time and paperwork. In the United States, if 100
phlebitis scale for determining appropriate discontinuation of periph-
million PIVCs are used for an average of 3.5 days, and nurses
eral intravenous catheters. Journal of Infusion Nursing, 29 (6), 338
assess PIVCs once each 8-hour shift, this accounts for about 23 345.
million hours of skilled nursing time being used with questionable 14. Jackson, A. (1998) Infection control a battle in vein: infusion
value each year in that country alone. phlebitis. Nursing Times, 94 (4), 68, 71.
15. Infusion Nurses Society (2000) Infusion nursing: standards of prac-
Conclusion tice. Journal of Intravenous Nursing, 23, S1S88.
16. Infusion Nurses Society (2006) Infusion nursing: standards of prac-
The selection of appropriate measurement tools is essential to tice. Journal of Infusion Nursing, 29 (1S), S58S59.
clinical practice [100]. Yet, it is unclear how best to assess phle- 17. Infusion Nurses Society (2011) Infusion nursing standards of prac-
bitis because no existing scale has undergone rigorous psycho- tice. Journal of Infusion Nursing, 34 (1S), S1S110.
metric testing. This likely contributes to the wide variation in 18. Intravenous Nurses Society (1998) Intravenous nursing: standards of
practice. Journal of Intravenous Nursing, 21, s34s36.
reported phlebitis incidence, which precludes meaningful com-
19. Maddox, R. R., Rush, D. R., Rapp, R. P., Foster, T. S., Mazella, V. &
parison of studies. The current state of the evidence underlying
McKean, H. E. (1977) Double-blind study to investigate methods to
phlebitis scales holds serious implications for PIVC assessment prevent cephalothin-induced phlebitis. American Journal of Hospital
internationally. Pharmacology, 34 (1), 2934.
20. Maddox, R. R., John, J. F., Jr, Brown, L. L. & Smith, C. E. (1983)
Acknowledgement Effect of inline filtration on postinfusion phlebitis. Clinical Phar-
macy, 2 (1), 5861.
We would like to thank Nicole Marsh for reviewing the paper and 21. Baxter Healthcare Ltd (1988) Principles and Practice of IV Therapy.
providing expert clinical knowledge on assessing phlebitis. Compton, Berks: Baxter Healthcare Ltd.

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