FEM Modeling of Punching Shear Under ABAQUS

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The paper examines the use of finite element analysis to study punching shear failures in reinforced concrete slabs without shear reinforcement.

The paper is examining the use of nonlinear finite element analysis to study punching shear failures and cracking patterns in reinforced concrete slab-column connections under static and pseudo-dynamic loadings.

The paper uses the coupled damaged-plasticity constitutive model available in ABAQUS for the representation of concrete in the finite element analysis.

Engineering Structures 98 (2015) 3848

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Engineering Structures
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Finite element analysis of punching shear of concrete slabs

using damaged plasticity model in ABAQUS
Aikaterini S. Genikomsou , Maria Anna Polak
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, ON, N2L 3G1, Canada

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Nonlinear nite element analyses of reinforced concrete slab-column connections under static and
Received 17 December 2014 pseudo-dynamic loadings were conducted to investigate their failures modes in terms of ultimate load
Revised 10 April 2015 and cracking patterns. The 3D nite element analyses (FEA) were performed with the appropriate mod-
Accepted 13 April 2015
eling of element size and mesh, and the constitutive modeling of concrete. The material parameters of the
Available online 27 April 2015
damaged plasticity model in ABAQUS were calibrated based on the test results of an interior slab-column
connection. The predictive capability of the calibrated model was demonstrated by simulating
different slab-column connections without shear reinforcement. Interior slab-column specimens under
Concrete slabs
Punching shear
static loading, interior specimens under static and reversed cyclic loadings, and edge specimens under
Cracking pattern static and horizontal loadings were examined. The comparison between experimental and numerical
Finite element method results indicates that the calibrated model properly predicts the punching shear response of the slabs.
Damaged plasticity model 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction is inherent due to various theories used in material modeling, ele-

ment selection and solution procedures that these models include.
Punching shear failure is caused by high shear stresses in the Many different constitutive models have been utilized in nite ele-
slab-column connection area of reinforced concrete at slabs. ment simulations, among others, the most known are: nonlinear
This brittle failure was examined by many researchers in the form elasticity, plasticity, damage mechanics and coupled damage and
of tests, analytical models, and nite element analyses. Several plasticity models [713]. Research on layered shell nite element
researchers proposed empirical equations based on tests observa- analysis of punching shear was performed by Polak [14,15] and
tions [14], which provide the basis of the existing design codes Guan and Polak [16].
[5,6]. A brief review of punching shear in slabs without shear rein- The work described herein, is on modeling concrete slab-col-
forcement begins with Elstner and Hognestad [1] and Moe [2] who umn connections using a 3D analysis with the commercial FEA pro-
performed experimental work that led to the ACI design provisions gram ABAQUS. The coupled damaged-plasticity model for 3D nite
[5]. In Europe, Regan [3] and Regan and Braestrup [4] proposed element analysis, which is offered in ABAQUS [17], was adopted for
empirical equations, that are the basis for the current European the representation of concrete. The concrete damaged plasticity
design approach (EC2) [6] for punching shear. The existing punch- model is coupled with the ctitious crack model introduced by
ing shear testing database, even though it is large [14], cannot Hillerborg [18]. This is an energy criterion based on the fracture
address all aspects of punching shear stress transfer mechanisms. energy that should prevent mesh-sensitivity and allow for numer-
Therefore, in modern research in structural engineering, nite ele- ical convergence. The adopted nite element model was calibrated
ment analyses (FEA) are essential for supplementing experimental based on the selected experimental results.
research in providing insights into structural behavior, and, in the Five slab-column specimens (SB1, SW1, SW5, XXX and HXXX)
case presented herein, on punching shear transfer mechanisms. without shear reinforcement were analyzed. The slab, SB1, is an
Nonlinear FEA can show crack formation and propagation, deec- interior slab-column connection that was tested under static load-
tions, possible failure mechanisms and supplement experimental ing through the column [19]. The slabs, SW1 and SW5, are interior
observations, where the test measurements are not known. slab column connections that were tested under gravity static
However, the complexity of the nonlinear nite element models loading through the column and pseudo seismic horizontal loading
[20]. Finally, the specimens, XXX and HXXX, are edge slab-column
Corresponding author. connections that were tested under vertical loading through the
E-mail addresses: [email protected] (A.S. Genikomsou), polak@uwaterloo. column and an unbalanced moment at the columns [21].
ca (M.A. Polak).

0141-0296/ 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
A.S. Genikomsou, M.A. Polak / Engineering Structures 98 (2015) 3848 39

The calibration of the model, based on tested slab SB1, control

specimen, [19] is presented rst. The sensitivity of the material
and the FEA model to various parameters is discussed. The consti-
tutive model is described in detail, including the effects of various
material parameters on the accuracy of the analysis. Then, the
nite element simulation results are presented for the reinforced
concrete slab-column connections under various load combina-
tions [20,21]. The numerical results are compared to the test
results in terms of deections, strength and crack patterns. The
aim of this paper is to present the effectiveness of the proposed cal-
ibrated nite element model in describing and analyzing punching
shear tests by identifying key parameters of the model.

2. Test specimens

The test specimens used for the nite element analyses had no
shear reinforcement and the height of all slab specimens was
120 mm. These, were isolated slab-column connections, loaded
through the column and simply supported along the edges that
represented the lines of contra exure in the parent slab-column
system. The rst analyzed specimen is the interior connection
(SB1) that was tested under static loading through the column.
The height of the column extending from the top and the bottom
faces of the slab was 150 mm. Then, the two interior slab-column
connections (SW1, SW5) that were tested under gravity static
and pseudo seismic loadings were analyzed. These slabs were
loaded in two stages. In the rst stage, a vertical load was applied
through the top column with a loading rate of 20 kN/min. The slab
SW1 was loaded up to 110 kN vertical load, the slab SW5 was
loaded up to 160 kN. Then, the vertical loads were kept constant
and the two horizontal actuators started to apply horizontal drift
to the top and bottom columns at a distance 565 mm from the
slabs faces following a loading path described in [20]. The total
height of the columns was 700 mm. The gravity shear ratio, Fig. 1. Schematic drawings of the specimens dimensions and loading.

V=V n , for the slab SW1 was 0.54 and for the slab SW5 0.68, where
V n 0:33  f c  bo  d (MPa), bo denotes the perimeter length of the Table 1
critical section and d the effective thickness of the slab equal to Material properties of the tested slabs.
90 mm. All interior connections had overall dimensions in plan Slab Compressive Tensile Yield strength
1800  1800 mm with simple supports at 1500  1500 mm. specimen strength of strength of of exural
Corners were restrained from lifting. Finally, the two edge slab-col- concrete (MPa) concrete (MPa) reinforcement (MPa)
umn connections (XXX, HXXX) were analyzed. These slabs were SB1 44 2.2 455
tested under a vertical shear force V that was applied on the SW1 35 2 470
top of the upper column and two horizontal forces H, leading SW5 46 2.2 470
XXX 33 1.9 545 (tension),
to the unbalanced moment, that were applied to the columns in 430 (compression)
three stages at a distance 600 mm from the slabs faces. The total HXXX 36.5 2 545 (tension),
height of the columns was 700 mm. The slabs in-plane dimensions 430 (compression)
were 1540  1020 mm. In the rst stage of testing, the loads were
increased with a rate of 2.5 kN/min. until reaching the service load,
V 43 kN. Then the loads were cycled 10 times between the dead
loads and the dead plus the live loads, in order to simulate the rep-
and SW5. Slabs XXX and HXXX had different yield longitudinal
etition of the live loads. At the nal stage, the loads were increased
strength for the tension and compression reinforcements.
at 1.5 kN/min. rate until failure. The ratio between the unbalanced
All specimens failed in punching shear. The information regard-
moment M produced by the two horizontal forces H and the
ing their failure loads and comparisons with the simulation results,
vertical shear force V was equal to 0.3 m for the specimen XXX
are presented in the following sections.
and 0.66 m for the specimen HXXX. These ratios were kept con-
stant during the whole loading process. The dimensions of the
specimens and the loading process are presented in Fig. 1. The rein- 3. Finite element simulations
forcement conguration of each specimen can be found in [1921].
The material properties of each tested slab are presented in 3.1. Methodology
Table 1. The compressive strength of concrete was found from
the concrete cylinders, tested at the time of the slabs tests (over By considering specimens symmetry, one quarter of the control
28 days), and the tensile strength was obtained from the split specimen SB1 and half of all the other slabs (SW1, SW5, XXX and
cylinder tests. The yield strength for the tension and compression HXXX) were used for the simulations. 8-noded hexahedral
longitudinal reinforcement was the same for the slabs SB1, SW1 (brick) elements were used for concrete with reduced integration
40 A.S. Genikomsou, M.A. Polak / Engineering Structures 98 (2015) 3848

(C3D8R) to avoid the shear locking effect [17]. 2-noded linear truss 3.2. Concrete damaged plasticity model in ABAQUS
elements (T3D2) were used to model reinforcements. The embed-
ded method was adopted to simulate the bond between the con- A brief presentation of the damaged plasticity model from
crete and the reinforcement, assuming perfect bond. 6 brick ABAQUS is presented. The yield function was proposed by
elements were used through the thickness of the 120 mm slabs Lubliner et al. [22] and then modied by Lee and Fenves [23]. It
with all concrete elements having the same size of 20 mm. The is dened according to Eq. (1):
specimen SB1 had 9211 mesh elements and 11,194 nodes, the
1 ^ i  chr
^ i  r
specimens SW1 and SW5 had 22,028 mesh elements and 26,767 F  b 2epl hr
q max max  c 2epl
c 1
nodes and the specimens XXX and HXXX were meshed with
18,150 elements and 22,123 nodes. Restraints were introduced at Parameter a is calculated according to Eq. (2), where rb0 is the
the bottom edges of the specimens in the direction of the applied biaxial compressive strength and rc0 is the uniaxial compressive
load. The summation of the reactions at the edges, where the strength. The default value of the ratio rb0 =rc0 is 1.16, according
boundary conditions were introduced, yielded the reactions equal to [17].
to the punching shear loads. Fig. 2 gives details regarding the rb0 =rc0  1
geometry and the boundary conditions of the specimens that were a 2
2rb0 =rc0  1
used for the simulations. The control specimen SB1 was analyzed
using both static analysis in ABAQUS/Standard and quasi-static  is the hydrostatic pressure stress and q
In Eq. (1), p  is the Mises
analysis in ABAQUS/Explicit. In the static analysis, a displacement equivalent effective stress. Function b2pl shows up in the yield
was applied through the column stub. In the quasi-static analysis, function, when the algebraically maximum principal effective stress
a low velocity was applied. This, last type of analysis, was used for 
^ max is positive (the Macauley bracket hi is obtained as:
all specimens. The velocity was increasing with a smooth ampli- hxi 12 jxj x) and it is determined as:
tude curve from 0 (mm/s) to a different velocity (mm/s) depending
on the specic slab. Slabs SB1, SW1, SW5 and XXX were loaded by r c 2~plc
applying a velocity that increased from 0 mm/s to 40 mm/s, such
b2~pl 1  a  1 a 3
r t 2~plt
that the slab displaced at a rate of 20 mm/s. Slab HXXX was loaded
by applying a velocity that increased from 0 mm/s to 20 mm/s so where r c 2~pl  t 2~pl
c and r t are the effective cohesion stresses for
as the center of the slab displaced at 10 mm/s. Among the compression and tension, respectively. In biaxial compression,
constitutive models for simulating the behavior of concrete, the where r
^ max 0, the parameter b2~pl is not active and the only
concrete damaged plasticity model that ABAQUS offers was chosen parameter being is the parameter a.
and a detailed description of this model is presented in the next The shape of the yield surface is dened by the parameter c
section. according to Eq. (4). Parameter c is active in Eq. (1), when the

Fig. 2. Geometry and boundary conditions: a) SB1 slab; b) SW1 and SW5 slabs; c) XXX and HXXX slabs.
A.S. Genikomsou, M.A. Polak / Engineering Structures 98 (2015) 3848 41

Fig. 5. Dilation angle and eccentricity in meridian plane.

Fig. 3. Yield surfaces in the deviatory plane (Kc = 2/3 corresponds to the Rankine
formulation and Kc = 1 corresponds to the DruckerPrager criterion).
The damage parameter d is dened in terms of compression and
tension, dc and dt , respectively, such that:

maximum effective principal stress r
^ max is negative, happens in
triaxial compression. 1  d 1  st dc 1  sc dt 7

31  K c where st and sc describe the tensile and compressive stiffness

c 4 recovery.
2K c  1
Viscoplastic regularization according to the DevautLions
K c is the ratio of the tensile to the compressive meridian and denes
approach can be introduced in the model. By dening the viscous
the shape of the yield surface in the deviatory plane (Fig. 3).
parameter l the plastic strain tensor is upgraded and the damage
Concrete damaged plasticity model uses the ow potential
is deduced using additional relaxation time. Eq. (8) describes the
function, Gr, which is a non-associated DruckerPrager hyper-
strain rate with the viscoplastic regularization.
bolic function and is dened according to Eq. (5).
q 1
2_ pl
v 2pl  2pl
v 8
Gr ert0 tan w2 q 2  p tan w 5 l
In Eq. (5), e is the eccentricity that gives the rate at which the plastic Likewise, the viscoplastic damage increment is determined in
potential function approximates the asymptote, rt0 is the uniaxial Eq. (9):
tensile stress and w is the dilation angle measured in the p  q plane
at high conning pressure. Fig. 4 shows the plastic potential func- d_ v d  dv 9
tion compared to the yield surface. The plastic strain increment is
normal to the plastic potential function. In Fig. 5 is presented sche- where dv denotes the viscous stiffness degradation variable. The
matic the dilation angle and the eccentricity. According to [17] the relationship between stress and strain according to the viscoplastic
default value for the eccentricity is equal to 0.1, shows that the con- model is given in Eq. (10).
crete has the same dilation angle through a wide range of conning
pressure stresses. The dilation angle shows the direction of the plas- r 1  dv E0 : 2 2plv 10
tic strain increment vector. The non-associated ow rule means that
the plastic strain vector is normal to the plastic potential function
3.3. Material modeling
that differs from the yield surface.
Damage is introduced in the model according to Eq. (6).
The concrete material parameters that were used in the pre-
r 1  dr 1  dE0 : 2 2pl 6 sented analyses are: the modulus of elasticity E0 , the Poissons ratio
v and the compressive and tensile strengths of the selected slabs.
The concrete damaged plasticity model considers a constant value
for the Poissons ratio, v , even for cracked concrete. Therefore, in
the analyses presented herein, the value v 0 was assumed. The
dilation angle w was considered as 40, the shape factor,
K c 0:667, the stress ratio rb0 =rc0 1:16 and the eccentricity
e 0:1.
The uniaxial stressstrain response of concrete in tension is lin-
ear elastic up to its tensile strength, f t . After cracking, the descend-
ing branch is modeled by a softening process, which ends at a
tensile strain eu , where zero residual tensile strength exists
(Fig. 7). The concretes brittle behavior is often characterized by a
stress-crack displacement response instead of a stressstrain rela-
tionship. The stress-crack displacement relationship can be dened
with different options: linear, bilinear or exponential tension soft-
ening response. In this study, bilinear stiffening response was used
and was calculated according to the Fig. 6, where, f t is the
Fig. 4. Plastic potential surface and yield surface in the deviatory plane. maximum tensile strength and Gf denotes the fracture energy of
42 A.S. Genikomsou, M.A. Polak / Engineering Structures 98 (2015) 3848

Tensile stress (MPa)

Tensile Damage

Crack width (mm) Tensile strain

Fig. 9. Tensile damage parameterstrain relationship for concrete.

Fig. 6. Uniaxial tensile stresscrack width relationship for concrete.

concrete that represents the area under the tensile stress-crack

displacement curve.
The fracture energy Gf depends on the concrete quality and

Compressive Damage
aggregate size and can be obtained from Eq. (11) (CEB-FIP Model
Code 90) [24].

Gf Gfo f cm =f cmo N=mm 11

where f cmo 10 MPa and Gfo is the base fracture energy depending
on the maximum aggregate size, dmax . The value of the base fracture
energy Gfo is 0.026 N/mm for maximum aggregate size dmax equal to
10 mm that was used in the tested specimens. Compressive strain
According to [24], f cm is the mean compressive strength of
Fig. 10. Compressive damage parameterstrain relationship for concrete (simpli-
concrete and its relationship with the characteristic value, f ck , is:
ed in linear form).
f cm f ck 8 MPa.
In order to minimize the localization of the fracture, the tensile
strains were used and they were dened by dividing the cracking
displacement w by the characteristic length of the element lc . For 3D elements the characteristic length can be dened as the
cubic root of the elements volume. The adopted critical length
lc in the following simulations was 20 mm. The tensile stress
Tensile stress (MPa) 3D Element strain graph is illustrated in Fig. 7.
Concrete in compression was modeled with the Hognestad
parabola (Fig. 8). The assumed stressstrain relation behavior of
the concrete under uniaxial compressive loading can be divided
into three domains. The rst one represents the linear-elastic
branch, with the initial modulus of elasticity, Eo 5500 f c . The
linear branch ends at the stress level of rco that here was taken
as: rco 0:4f c . The second section describes the ascending branch
of the uniaxial stressstrain relationship for compression loading
to the peak load at the corresponding strain level, eo 2f c =Esec .
Tensile strain
The secant modulus of elasticity was dened as: Esec 5000 f c .
Fig. 7. Uniaxial tensile stressstrain relationship for concrete. The third part of the stressstrain curve after the peak stress and
until the ultimate strain eu represents the post-peak branch. The
equation for the assumed compressive stressstrain diagram is
given in Fig. 8.
Compressive stress (MPa) Damage was introduced in concrete damaged plasticity model
in tension and compression according to Figs. 9 and 10, respec-
tively. Concrete damage was assumed to occur in the softening
Hognestad type parabola range in both tension and compression. In compression the dam-
age was introduced after reaching the peak load corresponding to
the strain level, eo .
The uniaxial stressstrain relation of reinforcement was mod-
eled as elastic with Youngs modulus Es and Poissons ratio v
of which typical values are 200,000 MPa and 0.3, respectively.
Plastic behavior was dened in a tabular form, including yield
stress and corresponding plastic strain. The plastic properties were
dened based on the test results with a bilinear strain hardening
Compressive strain yield stress plastic strain curve. Table 2 presents the material
Fig. 8. Uniaxial compressive stressstrain relationship for concrete.
properties of the reinforcement.
A.S. Genikomsou, M.A. Polak / Engineering Structures 98 (2015) 3848 43

Table 2 mesh leads to narrow band of localization and after a while the
Material properties of the reinforcement. equations fail to converge numerically. For that reason the model
Slab specimen f y (MPa) ey f t (MPa) et becomes mesh size dependent as happens with most plasticity
based models that appear strain softening. Between the various
Interior SB1 455 0.0023 650 0.25
SW1, SW5 470 0.0024 650 0.20 ways to remedy the mesh size dependency due to the spurious
strain-softening localization are: the introduction of the character-
Edge XXX, HXXX (compression) 430 0.0022 600 0.15
XXX, HXXX (tension) 545 0.0027 900 0.10 istic internal crack length at the softening part of the stressstrain
relationship into the constitutive model and the viscoplastic regu-
larization. Both approaches were used in our study. Three different
4. Investigation on material parameters and calibration of the mesh sizes (15 mm, 20 mm and 24 mm) were adopted in the anal-
model ysis of the slab in order to investigate the mesh sensitivity of the
model. These values were chosen in order for the meshing elements
At the outset, it is essential to discuss the chosen material to be larger than the aggregate size (10 mm) and also not to too large
parameters. Slab SB1 was chosen as a control slab in order to inves- resulting in a coarse mesh. By having elements with mesh size of
tigate the parameters of the concrete damaged plasticity model in 15 mm, 8 elements were considered through the thickness of the
ABAQUS and to calibrate the model. Two types of analyses were slab, while by having mesh sizes of 20 mm and 24 mm, 6 and 5 ele-
performed, static analysis in ABAQUS/Standard with the viscosity ments were considered through the thickness of the slab, respec-
regularization and quasi-static analysis in ABAQUS/Explicit. The tively. The choice of 24 mm mesh size (5 elements through the
solution procedure that ABAQUS/Explicit uses is dynamic, but it slabs thickness) was adopted in order to avoid the hourglassing
can also be used for static solutions with low rate of loading numerical problem and the distortion that happen in C3D8R ele-
[16]. This type of analysis is called quasi-static and is appropriate ments with coarse mesh. Even if tensile strains were used by divid-
for nonlinear problems such as punching shear, where the cracking ing the cracking displacements to the characteristic lengths of the
of concrete leads to stiffness reduction. elements, the results remained mesh size dependent. In Fig. 12
Fig. 11 presents the comparison between static and quasi-static the analyses are presented with 15 mm, 20 mm and 24 mm mesh
analyses compared with the experimental results in terms of sizes. The results are mesh size dependent, especially in terms of
forcedisplacement response. Two values for the viscosity param- failure displacements. All the mesh sizes give similar results in
eter for the static analysis were used; l 0:00001 and terms of the failure load. The mesh size of 20 mm gave the most
l 0:00005. The value of the viscosity parameter depends on accurate results compared to the test data. The mesh size of
the time increment step and according to [25], l should be around 24 mm seems to be too coarse and not to converge giving a ductile
to 15% of the time increment step in order the solution to be and not realistic behavior to the slab. The mesh size of 15 mm seems
improved without changing the result. In the SB1 analyses, due to be too small (close the aggregate size) and for that reason it can-
to the high nonlinearity of the problem, the time increment step not be considered. These observations were made after performing
could not be xed and thus this guideline could not be directly quasi-static analysis. The results with the viscoplastic regulariza-
used to dene the viscosity parameter. The time increment step tion in ABAQUS/Standard by performing static analysis for the same
was set as automatic and the viscosity parameter was found mesh sizes (15 mm, 20 mm and 24 mm) were still mesh size depen-
through the numerical investigation. The results from both analy- dent. The viscous parameter was obtained as a material property for
ses, static with viscosity parameter equal to 0.00001 and quasi-sta- the concrete, introducing rate dependence into the material as
tic, are in good agreement compared to the tested results in terms relaxation time (Eq. (10)). The value of the chosen viscous parame-
of ultimate load and deection (see Fig. 11). Brittle punching shear ter was 0.00001. The consideration of the viscoplastic component in
failures were observed from the analyses with the sharp peak in the model did not seem to fully resolve the mesh sensitivity of the
the loaddeection diagrams. Quasi-static analysis requires less problem. However, the mesh size of 20 mm gave the most accurate
computational time compared to the static analysis with viscoplas- results compared to the test loaddeection response.
tic regularization and provides good results. In all subsequent anal- The mesh size of 20 mm was chosen in all subsequent simula-
yses the quasi-static analysis was used for all specimens. tions of all slabs. This choice has been based not only on the
A mesh convergence study was performed in our model. The loaddeection responses but also on the comparisons with the
model appears strain localization that relies on the smeared crack tested cracking patterns.
approach. When the strain localization accumulates within few ele- Concrete as a brittle material undergoes considerable volume
ments, the remainder of the construction starts to unload. Finer change caused by inelastic strains. This volume change is called

300 300
SB1- Type of analysis SB1- Mesh size
250 250

200 200
Load (kN)
Load (kN)

150 150
Test Test
100 Quasi-stac analysis 100 15mm
Stac analysis (0.00001) 20mm
50 50
Stac analysis (0.00005) 24mm
0 0
0 5 10 15 20 0 5 10 15 20
Displacement (mm) Displacement (mm)
Fig. 11. Loaddeection response of slab SB1 by comparing static and quasi-static Fig. 12. Loaddeection response of slab SB1 for different mesh sizes (quasi-static
analyses. analysis).
44 A.S. Genikomsou, M.A. Polak / Engineering Structures 98 (2015) 3848

dilatancy. In concrete damaged plasticity model the dilatancy can 300

be modeled by dening a value for the dilation angle. According SB1- Shape of yield surface
to [7], the non-associated ow rule should control the dilatancy, 250
especially for frictional materials such as concrete. Therefore, dila-
tion angle can be considered as a material parameter for concrete. 200

Load (kN)
Lee and Fenves [23] dened the dilatancy parameter ap equal to 0.2
in the DruckerPrager plastic potential function (Eq. (12)).
p Test
G 2J 2 ap I1 12 100
Concrete damaged plasticity model uses Eq. (5) for the ow 50 Kc=0.9
potential function, which derives from Eq. (12). Therefore, Eq. (5) Kc=1
can be rewritten as: 0
q 0 5 10 15 20
Gr ert0 tan w2 q 2 I1 tan w 13 Displacement (mm)
Fig. 14. Loaddeection response of slab SB1 for different shapes of the yield
The above equations describing the plastic potential function
result in the dilation angle (w) of 31 for ap 0:2. The same dila-
tancy parameter was used by the same authors in Reference [25].
Other researchers (Wu et al. [26] and Voyiadjis and Taqieddin 300
[27]) dened the parameter ap to range between 0.2 and 0.3. SB1- Eect of damage
Therefore, the dilation angle (w) in concrete damaged plasticity 250
model should range between 31 and 42. Herein, the dilation
angle for the model was examined with values varying from 20 200

Load (kN)
to 42 (see Fig. 13). The dilation angle of 40 was chosen for the fol-
lowing analyses after investigation shown in Fig. 13. It can be 150
shown that the difference in ultimate load is small between 38
and 42. Therefore, the dilation angle was chosen to be set as 40 100 Test
for all specimens. Without damage
50 Tensile & compressive damage
Fig. 14 presents the results obtained by performing analyses
with different values for the parameter K c that gives the shape to Tensile damage
the yield surface. According to [17] the parameter K c should satisfy 0 5 10 15 20
the condition: 0:5 < K c  1 and the default value that is should be Displacement (mm)
given for it; is 0.667. Three different values were given for investi-
gation of the parameter, K c ; 0.667, 0.9 and 1. The results in Fig. 14 Fig. 15. Loaddeection response of slab SB1 (with and without damage).
indicate that the difference in the loaddisplacement response of
the slab-column connection by giving different shape to the yield parameters simplied linear relationship was adopted by given
surface is not signicant. Considering K c equal to 1, the simulation the minimum damage parameter equal to zero at the strain level
gives stiffer results and as the parameter K c is getting less the load eo and the maximum value 0.9 at the strain level eu (Fig. 10). The
and the ultimate displacement are going to be increased. results obtained from the analysis considering the damage param-
Consequently, for all the next analyses the parameter K c was eters displayed that the failure of the control specimen SB1 hap-
dened with its default value of 0.667. pened earlier compared to the analysis results without
The investigation on the inuence of the damage parameters is considering damage parameters. This becomes clear if one realizes
shown in Fig. 15. The damage parameters in concrete damaged that, the plastic strains are lower compared to the inelastic strains.
plasticity model take into consideration the degradation of con- The latter were considered in the model without the denition of
crete after cracking. The maximum value for the damage parame- the damage parameters. Without considering the damage parame-
ters in both tension and compression was chosen to be 0.9. The ters, the model behaves with only plasticity, assuming the plastic
tensile damage parameter at the strain level e1 (Fig. 9) was chosen and inelastic strains to be equal. It could be noted that the damage
to be set as 0.85. For the denition of the compressive damage had no effect at the early stage when the load was 100 kN (see
Fig. 15). This happened because the concrete at this load was
almost elastic and no or little damage had occurred. If only tensile
300 damage is considered the results overestimate the ultimate loading
SB1- Dilaon angle
capacity of the slab. When the damaged model was applied to both
250 tension and compression, the model appeared to underestimate
the ultimate load of the slab-column connection. Damage in com-
200 pression seemed to have signicant effect on the numerical results.
Load (kN)

Based on the observations of the effect of the damage parameters,

150 it can be said that the damage parameters in the concrete damaged
plasticity model in ABAQUS are similar to the hardening parame-
Test 20 degrees ters used in the classic plasticity theory. For the described problem
of punching shear the denition of the damage parameters should
50 30 degrees 38 degrees
not be taken into consideration even if the numerical results
40 degrees 42 degrees
underestimate the loading capacity. It is supposed that the damage
0 5 10 15 20 parameters are important for cyclic or dynamic loadings where
Displacement (mm) unloading should be dened by plastic strains.
The fracture energy of concrete can be related to the strength of
Fig. 13. Loaddeection response of slab SB1 for different values of dilation angle. concrete. For the 44 MPa strength of concrete for SB1 specimen, Eq.
A.S. Genikomsou, M.A. Polak / Engineering Structures 98 (2015) 3848 45

300 300
SB1- Fracture energy SB1

Load (kN)
Load (kN)

150 100 Test

100 50 FE Analysis
Gf=0.07 N/mm 0
50 Gf=0.082 N/mm 0 5 10 15 20
Gf=0.1 N/mm Displacement (mm)
0 5 10 15 20
Fig. 17. Loaddisplacement curves for slab SB1.
Displacement (mm)
Fig. 16. Loaddeection response of slab SB1 with different values of fracture
energy. Table 4
Test and FEA results.

Table 3 Slab Test results FEA results

Details of the simulated slabs in ABAQUS. specimen
Failure Displacement at Failure Displacement at
0 0 load (kN) failure (mm) load (kN) failure (mm)
Slab Type of loading fc ft Ec Gf
specimen (MPa) (MPa) (MPA) (N/mm) SB1 253 11.9 234 13.9

Interior SB1 Static 44 2.2 36,483 0.082

SW1 Static and 35 2 32,538 0.072
reversed cyclic
SW5 Static and 46 2.2 37,303 0.085
reversed cyclic
Edge XXX Static and 33 1.9 31,595 0.081
HXXX Static and 36.5 2 33,228 0.085

(11) gives the fracture energy equal to 0.082 N/mm. Fig. 16, illus-
trates the inuence of the fracture energy on the slabs response.
Three different values (0.07 N/mm, 0.082 N/mm and 0.1 N/mm)
were studied. The different responses depending on the value of
the fracture energy show that the contribution of the tensile
behavior of the concrete to the response of the slab is signicant, Fig. 18. Cracking pattern on tension surface at ultimate load for slab SB1 (load
which is logical since punching shear failure for slabs without applied upwards on the column).
shear reinforcement is dependent on the tensile response of
concrete. For the following analyses, the fracture energy of damaged plasticity model assumes that the cracking initiates when
0.082 N/mm was used for the slab specimen SB1. Thus, Eq. (11) the maximum principal plastic strain is positive. The orientation of
was used for dening the values of fracture energy for all other the cracks is considered to be perpendicular to the maximum prin-
specimens. cipal plastic strains and thus, the direction of the cracking is visu-
Table 3 provides the summary of the concrete material param- alized through the maximum principal plastic strains (Fig. 18). The
eters used in concrete damaged plasticity model in ABAQUS for yielding of the exural reinforcement has occured at the failure in
each slab-column connection and details regarding the type of both test and FEA. The tensile longitudinal reinforcement yielded
the connection and loading. under the column at the failure load.
All tested specimens failed in punching shear. The information The maximum tensile principal stresses are shown in Fig. 19 for
regarding their failure loads and comparisons with the simulation the two surfaces of the slab at the failure. The tensile principal
results are presented in the next sections. stresses can be used in FEA in order to show the cracking patterns.
However, the maximum plastic equivalent principal strains as they
5. Finite element analyses results were presented in Fig. 18, give a better representation of the
cracks. For that reason the strains are going to be used for showing
5.1. Control specimen SB1 the cracking patterns for all the following analyses.
Fig. 17 presents the nal analysis results in terms of loaddis-
placement for slab SB1. The simulation gives brittle punching shear 5.2. Slab-column connections SW1 and SW5
failure as in the experiment. The ultimate load and displacement
predicted by the simulation and the test are presented in Table 4. The calibrated model for specimen SB1 was then applied for the
The FEA shows stiffer response than the test; possibly, due to the analyses of slabs SW1 and SW5. These slabs were tested under
initial micro-cracking of the slab prior to testing. The cracking pat- gravity load and horizontal reversed cyclic displacements. The
tern on the tension side of the slab at failure is presented in Fig. 18. response of the specimens is described by means of horizontal load
The cracking propagates inside the slab adjacent to the column. It and drift response. The test hysteretic loops in the specimen exhib-
starts tangentially near the column and then extends radially as ited pinching, denoting strength and stiffness degradation and sub-
the load increases. At the ultimate load the punching shear cone sequently low energy dissipation capacity. In contrast, when the
is visible due to the sudden opening of the cracks. Concrete full dynamic analysis was performed in ABAQUS, the hysteretic
46 A.S. Genikomsou, M.A. Polak / Engineering Structures 98 (2015) 3848

(a) Compressive surface (top). (b) Tensile surface (bottom).

Fig. 19. Maximum tensile principal stresses in concrete at the failure.

Horizontal Load (kN)

-10 Cyclic loading -
-30 Test
-50 Monotonic loading
- FE Analysis
-6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6
Lateral dri rao (%)

Horizontal Load (kN)

-10 Cyclic loading -
-30 Test
-50 Monotonic loading
- FE Analysis
-6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6
Lateral dri rao (%)
Fig. 20. Horizontal loadlateral drift ratio for specimens SW1 and SW5.

loops obtained from the analyses did not exhibit the pinching
effect. It must be mentioned that the complexity in constitutive
modeling of concrete and the adoption of perfect bond between
concrete and reinforcement, created problems in the hysteretic
simulations in ABAQUS. Alternatively, in this paper, monotonic
loading analysis is presented and the results of the nite element
simulations show good agreement compared to the experimental
results (Fig. 20). Simulations of specimens show brittle failure after
obtaining maximum lateral load similar to the test maximum
loads. Fig. 21 presents the cracking pattern at failure for each spec-
imen. Table 5 compares the experimental and numerical results in
terms of ultimate lateral failure load and drift ratio at the failure
load. Yielding of the exural reinforcement during the test, for
the specimen SW1 appeared rst at the tension reinforcement
under the column in the direction of the cyclic loading at drift ratio Fig. 21. Cracking pattern at ultimate load for specimens: a) SW1 and b) SW5.
1.33%, while for the specimen SW5 at the compression reinforce-
ment under the column in the direction of the cyclic loading at
drift ratio 1.04%. The FEA results have proved similar yielding of constant gravity load to horizontal moment ratios, providing infor-
the exural reinforcement. mation for the effect of the unbalanced moments on punching
shear. Table 6 shows the comparison between the slabs XXX and
HXXX in terms of failure horizontal load and displacement and
5.3. Slab-column connections XXX and HXXX subsequently compares the tested and FEA results. Fig. 22 presents
the loaddisplacement analytical results compared to the test
The edge slab-column specimens were examined using the FEA results. The simulated response of the specimen XXX, in terms of
model identical to the one used for SB1. These slabs, tested under ultimate load and displacement, is in good agreement with the
A.S. Genikomsou, M.A. Polak / Engineering Structures 98 (2015) 3848 47

Table 5
Gravity shear ratio, test and FEA results.

Slab V/Vn Test results FEA results

Peak Drift ratio Peak Drift ratio
lateral at peak lateral at peak
load lateral load lateral
(kN) load (%) (kN) load (%)
SW1 0.54 56 2.8 55 2.7
SW5 0.68 60 2.6 61 2.4

Table 6
M/V ratios, test and FEA results.

Slab M/V Test results FEA results

specimen (m)
Failure Displacement Failure Displacement
horizontal at failure horizontal at failure
load (kN) load (mm) load (kN) load (mm)
XXX 0.3 125 15.06 112 17.69
HXXX 0.66 69 5.96 84 6.77

Vercal Load (kN)

40 Test
20 FE Analysis
0 5 10 15 20
Deecon (mm)

Vercal Load (kN)

40 Test
20 FE Analysis
0 5 10 15 20
Fig. 23. Cracking pattern at the ultimate on the tension surface for edge slabs: a)
Deecon (mm) XXX and b) HXXX.

Fig. 22. Vertical loaddeection for edge slabs; XXX and HXXX.

the predicted crack patterns of slabs XXX and HXXX; shows the
results observed from the experiment (within 10% error). However, effect of the higher moment at the slab-column connection. The
the relative error is within 20% between FEA and test results for the increased unbalanced moment in the slab HXXX, reduced the ulti-
specimen HXXX. This is an acceptable difference and can be attrib- mate punching shear load and deection and thus resulted to a
uted to many reasons. One reason is that as it is shown in Fig. 22, more sudden and brittle punching shear failure. The tensile longi-
the numerical loaddeection response of specimen HXXX appears tudinal reinforcement under the column has yielded in tests and
stiffer compared to the tested response due to the possible initial FEA for both XXX and HXXX slabs. The reinforcement of the slab
pre-cracking prior to the test (e.g. shrinkage, handling). It is impor- XXX yielded at a load of 78 kN and the reinforcement of the slab
tant to point out that the FEA results of slab HXXX, in terms of the HXXX yielded at a load of 48 kN during the tests. The FEA showed
failure displacement, were in good agreement with the tested almost the same results. The reinforcement of the slab XXX
results. The obtained FEA cracks of HXXX specimen were similar yielded at a load of 73 kN and the reinforcement of the slab
to the tested cracks, concentrated near the column with some HXXX yielded at a load of 55 kN. Good agreement was observed
developed radial cracks. The cracking propagation at the ultimate for the activation of the exural reinforcement in the test and anal-
load for both slabs is presented in Fig. 23. Comparison between ysis before and after the yielding.
48 A.S. Genikomsou, M.A. Polak / Engineering Structures 98 (2015) 3848

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The presented work has been supported by a Grant from the
Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC) of
Canada. The authors are grateful for this support.

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