Lesson Plan About Letter C

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The key takeaways from the lesson plan were to teach students the letter and sound 'C' as well as the stages of metamorphosis using the story and video of 'The Very Hungry Caterpillar'.

The learning outcomes for the students were for them to have a basic understanding of metamorphosis, recognize the /c/ sound, and figure out the sound and letter C.

The activities that the students did included ordering the caterpillar stages, figuring out how many kinds of food the caterpillar ate, drawing the things the caterpillar ate, and drawing the caterpillar.

Lesson Plan


Personal Aims (What do YOU need to work on in order to grow professionally? Use
teacher voice, classroom management, use different learning style.

Grade Level: KG2 Subject: English Learning Outcome (School code and
- Students will be able a basic
understanding of metamorphosis
- Students will be able to recognize
the /c/ sound.
- Students will be able to figure out
the sound and letter C.

Resources (what materials/equipment Preparation (what do you need to make or

will you and the students use? Be check before class?)
specific) Prepare the story, animated video: The
Very Hungry Caterpillar and the materials
The Very Hungry Caterpillar story
on the disk.
Phonics Fun: C is for Caterpillar activity
Colored construction paper
Key vocabulary
Markers or pens
stages of metamorphosis, number sequences, names of
Colored pencils
food and days of the week.
Caterpillar stages picture.
animated video: The Very Hungry Caterpillar.

Introduction (warmer activity + teacher introduction/demonstration of small

Small 15 min Whole

group activities)

Ask them how a caterpillar becomes a butterfly.

Show them the cover of The Very Hungry Caterpillar and ask them what they think a
Engagement eats. (group working with the teacher)

The students will order the caterpillar stages.

Independent Experience (small group activity 1)

The students figure out how many kinds of food the caterpillar eat and write it down.
Independent Experience(small group activity 2)
15 min
The students draw the things that caterpillar eat.

Independent Experience(small group activity 3)

The students draw the caterpillar.
Explain how you are going to differentiate

15 Whole

Show them this animated video: The Very Hungry Caterpillar.



Ask them to name the different stages of metamorphosis: 1) egg 2) caterpillar 3) cocoon 4) butterfly.

Ask them again what letter caterpillar begins with and what sound C makes.

Describe (D):
Who is the lesson for? The lesson for regular and special need students.

Where did the lesson take place? The teacher did this lesson in classroom.

What were you trying to achieve in your lesson? The teacher trying to

achieve her aims.

What did the students do? the students are understand the sound and letter

C and they interact with teacher.

Select (S):
Identify a lesson and what standards are you addressing
Teach the student the letter and sound C
Analyze (A):
Why do you think the students responded the way that they did? Because I use
different way that they like it.
How well did your teaching relate to the students prior understanding? The
students understand and I achieve my aim and I engaged them by video and read
How well did you engage the students? I engaged them by video and read story.

Appraise (A):
Explain the nature of the experience from the students perspective? This
experience was good for me how control the students and achieve my lesson.
Did your lesson meet your teaching goals? Yes.

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