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Generic Name: albuterol sulfate

Trade Name: Salbutamol
Doctors Order: Salbutamol nebule every 6 hours
Classification: Bronchodilator
Date Started: 08-19-06
Date Discontinued: -

In low doses, acts Inhalation: Treatment of Contraindicated with CNS: Restlessness, Use minimal doses for
relatively selectively at acute attacks of hypersensitivity to apprehension, anxiety, fear, minimal periods; drug
beta2-adrenergic receptors bronchospasm albuterol; CNS stimulation, tolerance can occur with
to cause bronchodilation tachyarrhythmias, hyperkinesia, insomnia, prolonged use.
and vasodilation; at tachycardia caused by tremor, drowsiness, Maintain a beta-
higher doses, beta2 digitalis intoxication; irritability, weakness, adrenergic blocker
selectivity is lost, and the general anesthesia with vertigo, headache (cardioselective beta-
drug acts at beta2 halogenated CV: Cardiac arrhythmias, blocker, such as
receptors to cause typical hydrocarbons or tachycardia, palpitations, atenolol, should be used
sympathomimetic cardiac cyclopropane (these PVCs (rare), anginal pain with respiratory
effects. sensitize the myocardium Dermatologic: Sweating, distress) on standby in
to catecholamines); pallor, flushing case cardiac arrhythmias
unstable vasomotor GI: Nausea, vomiting, occur.
system disorders; heartburn, unusual or bad Prepare solution for
hypertension; coronary taste inhalation by diluting
insufficiency, CAD; GU: Increased incidence of 0.5 mL 0.5% solution
history of stroke; COPD leiomyomas of uterus when with 2.5 mL normal
patients with given in higher than human saline; deliver over 5
degenerative heart doses in preclinical studies 15 min by nebulization.
disease. Respiratory: Respiratory Do not exceed
difficulties, pulmonary recommended dosage.
edema, coughing,
bronchospasm, paradoxical
airway resistance with
repeated, excessive use of
inhalation preparations

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