Question Paper - SSC Pre.71 2

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Part-I : General Intelligence and Reasoning

Hkkx& I : lkekU; cqferk ,oa rdZ'kfDr
Directions (1 4) : In each of the following Directions (9): A statement is given followed
questions, select the related letter/word/ by two conclusions I and II. You have to
number from the given alternatives. consider the statement to be true, even if they
seem to be at variance from commonly known
funsZ'k (1 & 4) % fuEu izR;sd iz'u esa fn, x, fodYiksafacts.
esa ls You have to decide which of the given
lEcfU/r v{kj@'kCn@la[;k dks pqfu,A argument, if any, follow from the given
1. Toshiba : Japan : : Samsung : ? statement.
rksf'kck % tkiku % % lSelax % \ funsZ'k(9): ,d dFku fn;k x;k gS] ftuosQ vkxs nks fu"d"kZ
(A) India/Hkkjr I rFkkII gSaA vkidksa fopkj djuk gS fd dFku lR; gS] pkgs og
(B) China/phu lkekU;r% Kkr rF;ksa ls fHk=k izrhr gksrs gksaA vkidks fu.kZ;
(C) South Korea/nf{k.k dksfj;k djuk gS fd fn, x, rdksZa esa ls dkSu&lk fuf'pr :i ls fn,
(D) Russia/:l x, dFkuksa }kjk lgh fudyrk gS] ;fn dksbZ gksA
2. BDLM : CBOI : : AGRS : ? 9. Statements/dFku%
(A) DTRP (B) BEUO A bird in hand is worth two in the bush./
(C) CEUP (D) EITO T;knk dh ykylk ls csgrj gS] ftruk gS mrus esa larks"k djsaA
3. Conclusions/fu"d"kZ%
: :: : ? I. We should be content with what we
have./tks gS mlesa larks"k djuk pkfg,A
II. We should not crave for what is not./tks
ugha gS] mldh bPNk ugha djuh pkfg,A
(A) Only conclusion I follows/
dsoy I vuqlj.k djrk gS
(A) (B) (C) (D) (B) Both I and II follow/
I vkSjII nksuksa vuqlj.k djrs gS
4. 32 : 23 : : 21 : ?
(C) Either I or II follows/
(A) 13 (B) 7
;k rksI ;k II vuqlj.k djrk gS
(C) 9 (D) 11
(D) Neither I nor II follows/
Directions (58) : Find the odd word/letters/
u rksI u II vuqlj.k djrs gS
number pair/n umber fr om the given
10. The length and breadth of a room are 12 m
alternatives. and 9 m respectively. Tom runs along all
funsZ'k (5&8)% fn;s x, fodYiksa esa ls fo"ke 'kCn@v{kj@la[;k
the four walls and finally along a diagonal
;qXe@la[;k dks pqfu,A order to catch a Jerry. How much total
5. (A) 3214 100 (B) 2531 121 distance is covered by Tom?
(C) 3243 144 (D) 1245 256 dejs dh yEckbZ vkSj pkSM+kbZ 12 eh-e'k%
9 eh- gSA
6. (A) Acute angle/U;wu dks.k VkWe dejs ds pkjksa nhokjksa ds rjiQ nkSM+rh gS vkSj varr%
(B) Right angle/ledks.k
dks idM+us ds fy, fod.kZ okyh nwjh r; djrh gSA VkWe }kjk
dqy fdruh nwjh r; dh x;h\
(C) Obtuse angle/vf/d dks.k
(A) 40 m/eh- (B) 42 m/eh-
(D) Parallel/lekukUrj
(C) 57 m/eh- (D) 48 m/eh-
7. Directions (11-12) : In the following questions,
a series is given with one terms missing.
Choose the correct alternative from the given
ones that will complete the series:
(A) (B) (C) (D) funsZ'k
(11-12) % fuEufyf[kr iz'uksa esa] ,d vuqe fn;k x;k
8. (A) KAFAN/diQu
gS ftlesa ,d in yqIr gSA fn, x, fodYiksa esa ls og lgh
fodYi pqfu, tks vuqe dks iwjk djsaA
(B) MANSAROVAR/ekuljksoj
11. 2, 3, 6.5, 17, _____, 167.5
(C) GABAN/xcu (A) 46.5 (B) 50.5
(D) GRAMYA/xzE;k (C) 54.5 (D) 62.5
Ph: 09555108888, 09555208888 1
12. 0, 10, 24, 68, 120, 222, ______
(A) 350 (B) 336 18. 6 4 8 12
(C) 420 (D) 418
8 12 12 16
Directions : In question no. 13, which one set
of letters when sequentially placed at the gaps 3 6 4 8
in the given letter series shall complete it? 16 8 ? 24
funsZ'k % iz'u u- 13 esa] v{kjksa dk dkSu&lk lewg [kkyh LFkkuksa
ij ozQeokj j[kus ls nh xbZ v{kj J`a[kyk dks iwjk djsxk\ (A) 28 (B) 24
13. H _ JH _ IJHHI _ HH _ JH (C) 16 (D) 32
(A) I H J I (B) H I H I 19. Arrange the words given below in a
(C) I H I J (D) H J H J meaningful sequence.
14. Which of the following diagrams indicates fuEu 'kCnksa dks ,d lkFkZd e esa O;ofLFkr djsaA
the best relation between Golf, Football and
Cricket? 1. Butterfly/frryh
fuEu esa ls dkSu&lh vkd`fr xksYiQ] iQqVckWy rFkk2.fdsV ds d`fedks"k
chp lgh laca/ bafxr djrh gS\ 3. Egg/vaMs
4. Worm/d`fe
(A) 1, 3, 4, 2 (B) 1, 4, 3, 2
(A) (B)
(C) 2, 4, 1, 3 (D) 3, 4, 2, 1
20. A piece of paper is folded and cut as shown
below in the question figures. From the
(C) (D) given answer figures, indicate how it will
appear when opened?
15. There are elephant and peacocks in a zoo.
By counting heads they are 80. The number
uhps iz'u vko`Qfr;ksa esa fn[kk;s vuqlkj dkxt dks eksM+dj
of their legs is 200. What is the difference dkVus rFkk [kksyus osQ ckn og fdl mkj vko`Qfr tSls fn[kkbZ
between number of peacocks and deer? nsxk\
fdlh fpfM+;k?kj esa gkFkh rFkk eksj gSA muds dqyQuestion
ljksa dh figure/iz'u vko`Qfr %
la[;k 80 rFkk iSjksa dh la[;k
200 gSA eksj rFkk fgj.k ds
la[;kvksa dk varj D;k gS\
(A) 20 (B) 30
(C) 40 (D) 60
16. Pointing to a photograph Charulata says, "He
is the son of the only son of my grandfather." Answer figures/mkj vko`Qfr;k %
How is the man in the photograph related
to Charulata?
,d rLohj dh vksj b'kkjk djrs gq, pk:yrk us dgk] og
esjs nknk ds bdykSrs csVs dk csVk gSA rLohj okyk O;fDr
pk:yrk ls fdl izdkj lacaf/r gS\ (A) (B) (C) (D)
(A) Brother/HkkbZ
(B) Uncle/pkpk 21. How many circles are there in the adjoining
(C) Cousin/ppsjk HkkbZ
(D) Data is inadequate/MkVk vi;kZIr
fn, x, vkd`fr esa fdrus o`k gSa\
Direction (17) : In question no 17, select the
missing number from the give responses.
(17) : iz'u la[;k 17 esa] fn, x, fodYiksa esa lsa foyqIr
la[;k pqfu,A
17. 8 16 2 12
3 8 18 8
6 2 9 6
12 16 18 ?

(A) 24 (B) 32 (A) 11 (B) 12

(C) 14 (D) 22 (C) 13 (D) 14
Ph: 09555108888, 09555208888 2
22. The six faces of a dice have been marked 24. From the given answer figures, select the
with alphabets A, B, C, D, E and F one in which the question figure is
respectively. This dice is rolled down three embedded.
times. The three positions are shown as: nh xbZ mkj vkfr;ksa esa ls] ml vkfr dks pqfu, ftlesa
ikls ds N% lrg o.kZekyk
A, B, C, D, E rFkkF ls vafdr iz'u vkfr vUrfuZfgr gSA
fd, x, gSaA ikls dks rhu ckj iQsadk x;kA rhuksa fLFkfr;k uhps figure/iz'u vko`Qfr %
n'kkZ;h x;h gSA

Answer figures/mkj vko`Qfr;k %
Find the alphabet opposite A.
A ds foijhr dkSu&lh o.kZekyk vk,xk\
(A) B (B) D
(C) E (D) C
23. Choose the alternative which is closely
resembles the mirror image of the given (A) (B) (C) (D)
25. If RAAZ = 62%, AKIRA = 95% and SULTAN =
ml fodYi dk p;u djsa tks fn, x, la;kstu ds niZ.k 68% then MIRZAYA = ?
izfrfcac tSlk izrhr gksrk gSA ;fn RAAZ = 62%, AKIRA = 95% rFkkSULTAN =
(A) TNEMEGDUJ (B) (A) 62% (B) 96%
(C) (D) (C) 67% (D) 58%

Ph: 09555108888, 09555208888 3


Part-II : General Awareness

Hkkx&II : lkekU; tkudkjh
26. The approximate age of the Aravallis range 31. The internet allows you to ____
is: baVjusV ls vki
vjkoyh ioZr dh vuqekfur vk;q gS& (A) Send electronic mail/
(A) 370 million years/370 fefy;u o"kZ
bysDVkWfud lans'k Hkst ldrs gS
(B) View web pages/
(B) 470 million years/470 fefy;u o"kZ osc istksa dks ns[k ldrs gSa
(C) 570 million years/570 fefy;u o"kZ (C) Connect to all servers around the world/
(D) 670 million years/670 fefy;u o"kZ nqfu;k Hkj esa lHkh loZjksa ls dusDV dj ldrs gSa
27. The book "Andhere se ujale ki aur" has been (D) All of the above/
authored by which union minister of India?
mi;qZDr lHkh
32. The writs for the enforcement of
iqLrd v/sjs ls mtkys dh vksj Hkkjr ds fdl dsanzh; ea=kh
Fundamental Rights are issued by
}kjk fy[kh xbZ gS\ ekSfyd vf/dkjksa ds izorZu ds fy, fjV fdlds }kjk tkjh
(A) Ravi Shankar Prasad/jfo'kadj izlkn fd, tkrs gS \
(B) Uma Bharati/mek Hkkjrh (A) The Parliament/laln
(B) The President/jk"Vifr
(C) Arun Jaitley/v:.k
(C) The Supreme Court/loksZPp U;k;ky;
(D) Sushma Swaraj/lq"kek Lojkt
(D) The Election Commission/fuokZpu vk;ksx
28. How much loan amount has been sanctioned 33. Which one of the following observation is not
by World Bank for construction of the true about the Quit India Movement of 1942?
Eastern Dedicated Freight Corridor (EDFC)- fuEufyf[kr esa ls dkSu&lk voyksdu (
1942 ds
III project of India? Hkkjr NksM+ks vkanksyu ds ckjs esa lgh ugha gS\
Hkkjr esa iwohZ MsMhdsVsM sV dkWfjMksj
(EDFC)-III dh (A) It was a non-violent movement/ ;g
ifj;kstuk ds fuekZ.k ds fy, fo'o cSad }kjk fdruh /ujkf'k vfgald vkanksyu Fkk
dks eatwjh nh xbZ gS\ (B) It was led by Mahatma Gandhi/;g egkRek
xka/h ds usr`Ro us fd;k x;k Fkk
(A) $700 million/$700 fefy;u
(C) It was a spontaneous movement/;g ,d
(B) $550 million/$550 fefy;u LokHkkfod vkanksyu Fkk
(C) $444 million/$444 fefy;u (D) All of the above/;g lHkh
(D) $650 million/$650 fefy;u 34. The Pir Panjal range is located in which of
29. Which country has won the 2016 Kabaddi the following states?
World Cup? ihj iatky jsat fuEu esa ls fdl jkT; esa fLFkr gS\
(A) Arunachal Pradesh/v:.kkpy izns'k
fdl ns'k us2016 dcM~Mh fo'o di thrk gS\
(B) Jammu and Kashmir/tEew&d'ehj
(A) Sri Lanka/Jhyadk
(C) Punjab/iatkc
(B) Iran/bZjku (D) Uttarakhand/mkjk[kaM
(C) India/Hkkjr 35. In India, agricultural products markets are
(D) China/phu regulated under:
30. Who among the following was associated with
Hkkjr esa d`f"k mRiknksa ds cktkj dks fdl vf/fu;e fofu;fer
suppression of thugs?
ds varxZr fd;k x;k gS\
(A) Essential Commodities Act, 1955/
fuEufyf[kr esa ls dkSu Bx ds neu ds lkFk tqM+s Fks\ vko';d oLrq vf/fu;e] 1955
(A) General Henry Prendergast/tujy gsujh (B) Agricultural Produce Market
izsaMjxkLV Committee Act enacted by States/d`f"k
(B) Captain Saleem/dIrku lyhe mit cktkj lfefr vf/fu;e ds rgr jkT;ksa }kjk
(C) Agricultural Produce Act, 1937/d`f"k mit
(C) Alexander Burres/vysDtsaMj cqfj'k
vf/fu;e] 1937 ds rgr
(D) Captain Robert Pemberton/dIrku jkWcVZ (D) Meat and Food Products Order, 1973/
isEcVZu ekal vkSj [kk| mRikn vkns'k
1973 ds rgr
Ph: 09555108888, 09555208888 4
36. Match List I with List II and select the 39. Match List-I with List-II and select the
correct answer. correct answer by using the codes given
-I dks lwph
-II ds lkFk lqesfyr dj vkSj lgh mkj dk below the lists:
pquko djsaA lwph
-I dks lwph
-II ls lqesfyr dj uhps fn, x, lwfp;ksa ds
-I List-II/lwph
izo`f"V;ksa esa ekStwn dwVksa dk mi;ksx djds lgh mkj dk p;u
(Functionaries) (Oaths or affirmations)
(inkf/dkjh) ('kiFk vkSj iq"Vhdj.k) djsaA
a. President of 1. Secrecy of List-I/lwph-I List-II/lwph-II
India/Hkkjr ds information/lwpuk a. Fruit/iQy 1. Ovule/chtkaM
jk"Vifr dh xksiuh;rk b. Seed/cht 2. Leaf/ikk
b. Judges of 2. Faithful Discharge
c. Wood/ydM+h 3. Stem/ruk
Supreme Court/ of duties/dkZO;ksa ds
lqizhe dksVZ ds fuoZgu d. Starch/LVkpZ 4. Ovary/vaMk'k;
U;k;/h'k Code/dwV%
c. Members of 3. Faith and Allegiance a b c d
Parliament/ to the Constitution of (A) 2 1 3 4
laln ds lnL; India/Hkkjr ds lafo/ku (B) 4 1 3 2
ds izfr fo'okl vkSj fu"Bk (C) 2 3 1 4
d. Minister for 4. Upholding the (D) 4 3 1 2
the Union/ Constitution and 40. A metal plate with a circular hole at the
dsUnzh; ea=kh the law/lafo/ku vkSj centre is heated. What will happen to the
dkuwu dks dk;e j[kuk area of the hole?
Codes/dwV% e; esa orZqy
(circular) fNnz okyh /krq dh ,d IysV dks
a b c d
(A) 3 4 1 2
xeZ fd;k tkrk gSA fNnz ds {ks=kiQy ij D;k izHkko iM+sxk\
(B) 4 3 2 1 (A) Inscrease/c<+sxk
(C) 3 4 2 1 (B) Decrease/?kVsxk
(D) 4 3 1 2
37. Which one of the following statements (C) Remain constant/mruk gh jgsxk
regarding starch and cellulose is not (D) Will increase first and then decrease/
correct? igys c<+sxk fiQj ?kVsxk
fuEufyf[kr dFkuksa esa ls LVkpZ vkSj lsywykst ds fo"k;
41. What can esa the President do if a State fails to
dkSu&lk dFku lgh ugha gS\ comply with the Directions of the Central
(A) Both of them are plant source/ Government?
nksuksa ikS/s ds L=kksr gS vxj jkT; dsUnz ljdkj ds fn'kk funsZ'k dk ikyu djus esa
(B) Both of them are polymers/
nksuksa cgqyd gS foiQy jgrh gS] rks jk"Vifr D;k dj ldrs gS\
(C) Both of them give colour with iodine/ (A) He can dissolve State Legislature and
nksuksa vk;ksfMu ds lkFk feydj jax nsrs gS order fresh elections/og
jkT; fo/kueaMy
(D) Both of them are made up of glucose Hkax dj ldrs gS vkSj u;s pquko ds vkns'k ns ldrs gSA
molecules/nksuksa Xywdkst ds v.kqvksa ls curs(B)
gSHe can declare the break-down of
38. What is the theme of 2016 World constitutional machinery in the State
Osteoporosis Day (WOD)? and assume responsibility for the
fo'o vkWfLV;ksiksjksfll fnol 2016 dk fo"k;
governance of the State/ og
jkT; esa
(Fkhe) D;k gS\
(A) Stop at One : Make Your First Break laoS/kfud ra=k ds fo?kVu dh ?kks"k.kk ,oa jkT; ds 'kklu
Your Last/LVkWi ,V ou% esd ;ksj iQLVZ czsd ;ksj dh ftEesnkjh ys ldrs gS
ykLV (C) He can send paramilitary forces to the
(B) Love Your Bones : Perfect Your Future/ State to secure compliance/og vuqikyu
yo ;ksj cksUl% ijiQsDV ;ksj ;wpj lqjf{kr djus ds fy, jkT; dks v/ZlSfud cy Hkst
(C) Real Men Build Their Strength from
ldrs gS
Within/fj;y eSu fcYM fn;j LVSUFk kWe fofnu
(D) Serve Up Bone Health/loZ vi cksu gsYFk (D) Any of the above/mijksDr lHkh
Ph: 09555108888, 09555208888 5
42. The river most mentioned in early Vedic 46. Which one among the following is used as a
literature is: moderator in nuclear reactors?
fdl unh dk mYysf[kr iwoZ oSfnd lkfgR; esa gS\ fuEufyf[kr esa ls dkSu&lk inkFkZ eand ds :i esa ukfHkdh;
(A) Sindhu/fla/q fj,DVj esa iz;ksx esa yk;k tkrk gS&
(B) Sutudri(Satluj)/lqrwnjh (lryqt) (A) Ozone/vkstksu
(C) Sarasvati/ljLorh (B) Heavy hydrogen/Hkkjh gkbMkstu
(D) Ganga/xaxk (C) Heavy water/Hkkjh ty
43. Social accounting system in India is (D) Hydrogen peroxide/gkbMkstu ijvkWDlkbM
classified into:
47. The first synthetic element made was:
Hkkjr esa lkekftd ys[kk iz.kkyh dks fdu Hkkxks esa lcls
izFke fufeZr d`f=ke rRo&
fd;k x;k gS \
(A) Radium/jsfM;e (B) Lithium/fyfFk;e
(A) Income, product and expenditure/vk;]
(C) Curium/D;wfj;e(D) Francium/SUlh;e
mRikn vkSj O;; 48. Rainbow is formed due to
(B) Enterprise, households and government
bUnz/uq"k fdl izf;k ds dkj.k curk gS \
/m|ksx] ?kjsyq vkSj ljdkj
(A) Refraction and dispersion/viorZu vkSj
(C) Assets, liabilities and debt position/laifk]
.k vkSj .k dh fLFkfr
(D) Public sector, Private sector and Joint (B) Scattering and refraction/ izdh.kZu vkSj
sector/lkoZtfud {ks=k] futh {ks=k vkSj la;qDr {ks=k viorZu
44. What was the basis for constituting the (C) Diffraction and refraction/ foorZu vkSj
constituent assembly of India? viorZu
Hkkjr dh lafo/ku lHkk xfBr djus dk vk/kj D;k Fkk\ (D) Refraction and reflection/ viorZu vkSj
(A) The resolution of the Indian National ijkorZu
Congress/Hkkjrh; jk"Vh; dkaxzsl dk izLrko Which of the following is caused by the
(B) The Cabinet Mission Plan 1946/dSfcusV higher concentration of Nitrogen and
fe'ku Iyku1946 Phosphorous?
(C) The Indian Independence Act, 1947/ fuEu esa ls D;k ukbVkstu vkSj iQkWLiQksjl ds mPprj lkanz
Hkkjrh; Lora=krk vf/fu;e
1947 ds dkj.k gksrk gS\
(D) All of the above/;g lHkh (A) Eutrophication/;wVkWfiQds'ku
45. Which of the following statements are
(B) Hardness/dBksjrk
correct about chloroform ?
(C) Alkalinity/{kkjh;rk
fuEufyf[kr dFkuksa esa ls dkSu&lk dFku DyksjksiQkWeZ ds ckjs
(D) Acidity/vEyrk
esa lR; gS \
50. Natural dye present in Turmeric is called:
a. Liquid fuel/rjy b/u
izkd`frd MkbZ (jax) tks gYnh esa ekStwn gS&
b. Anaesthetic in nature/izfr esa fu'psrd
(A) Cinnamon/nkyphuh
c. Produces phosgene/iQkWlthu cukrk gS
(B) Phenolphathlein/iQhukWyFksfyu
d. Fire extinguisher/vfXu'kked ;a=k
(A) a, b (B) a, c (C) Methyl orange/feFkkby ukjaxh
(C) b, c (D) d, a (D) Curcumin/djD;wfeu

Ph: 09555108888, 09555208888 6


Part-III : Quantitative Aptitude

Hkkx& III : ek=kkRed vfHk{kerk
51. The orthocentre of a right angled triangle 55. The difference between simple interest and
lies- compound interest on ` 12000 for one year
ledks.k f=kHkqt dk yEcdsUnz fLFkr gksrk gS& at 10% per annum reckoned half-yearly is:
(A) outside the triangle/f=kHkqt ds ckgj ` 12000 jkf'k dk1 o"kZ esa lk/kj.k C;kt rFkk po`f
(B) at the right angular vertex/ledks.k cukus
C;kt dk varj]10% vZokf"kZd C;kt nj ls gS%
(A) ` 25 (B) ` 30
okys fcUnq ij (C) ` 35 (D) ` 40
(C) on its hypotenuse/f=kHkqt ds d.kZ ij 56. 78 persons can repair a road in 12 days, working
(D) within the triangle/f=kHkqt ds vUnj 5 hours a day. In how many days will 30 persons,
working 6 hours a day, complete the work?
52. If x2 3x + 1 = 0, then the value of x2 + x + 78 O;fDr fdlh lM+d dh ejEer izfrfnu 5 ?k.Vs dke
djds 12 fnu esa dj ldrs gSA
30 O;fDr izfrfnu 6 ?k.Vs
1 dke djds mlh lM+d dh ejEer fdrus fnu esa dj ik,xsa\
+ is:
x2 (A) 10 (B) 13
(C) 14 (D) 26
1 1
;fn x2 3x + 1 = 0 gS] rks
x2 + x + + 2 dk eku 57. The angle of elevation of a ladder leaning
x x against a wall is 60 and the foot of the
gS& ladder is 7.6 m away from the wall. The
(A) 2 (B) 6 length of the ladder is:
(C) 8 (D) 10 ,d lh<+h }kjk nhokj ds lkFk cuk;k x;k mUu;u
60 dks.k
53. A train overtakes two persons walking gS rFkk nhokj ds ikn ls lh<+h dh {kSfrt
7.6 eh-
gS] rks
along a railway track takes 8.4 and 8.5 lh<+h dh yEckbZ gS%
seconds respectively to overtake them. The (A) 3.8 m/eh- (B) 14.6 m/eh-
first one walks at 4.5 km/hr. The other one
(C) 15.2 m/eh- (D) 19.2 m/eh-
walks at 5.4 km/hr. What is the speed of
Three partners shared the profit of a
the train if both the persons are walking in business in the ratio 5 : 7 : 8. They had
the same direction as the train? partnered for 15 months, 9 months and 6
,d jsyxkM+h dks] jsyekxZ ds lkFk&lkFk py jgs nks O;fDr;ksa
months respectively. What was the ratio of
dks ikj djus esa e'k%
8.4 vkSj8.5 lsd.M yxrs gSaA izFke their investments?
O;fDr4.5 fdeh-@?k.Vk dh xfr ls py jgk gS vkSj nwljkrhu fgLlsnkj vius O;kikj esa gq, ykHk
5 : 7 dks
: 8 ds
O;fDr5.4 fdeh-@?k.Vk dh xfr ls py jgk gSA jsy dh xfr vuqikr esa ckaVrs gSA os
15 e'k%
eghus]9 eghus vkSj
D;k gS] ;fn nksuksa O;fDr jsyxkM+h dh fn'kk esa pyeghus ds fy, fgLlsnkj jgsA muds fuos'k dk vuqikr D;k Fkk\
jgs gksA
(A) 3 : 7 : 12
(A) 66 km/hr/fdeh-@?k.Vk
(B) 20 : 49 : 64
(B) 72 km/hr/fdeh-@?k.Vk (C) 38 : 28 : 21
(C) 78 km/hr/fdeh-@?k.Vk (D) None of these/buesa ls dksbZ ugha
(D) 81 km/hr/fdeh-@?k.Vk 59. A, B and C can complete a piece of work in
54. A dishonest dealer professes to sell his goods 24, 6 and 12 days respectively. Working
at the cost price, but uses a false weight of together, they will complete the same work
750 g instead of 1 kg. His gain percent is: in:
,d csbZeku O;kikjh viuh oLrqvksa dks ; ewY; ij cspusA,dkB vkSjC fdlh dke dks e'k%
24, 6 vkSj12 fnu
nkok djrk gS] fdUrq
1 fdxzk- dh txg750 xzke ds udyh esa dj ldrs gSA ,d lkFk dke dks djus esa muds }kjk fy;k
ckV dk iz;ksx djrk gSA mldk ykHk izfr'kr gS& x;k le; gS&
11 2 1 7
(A) 17 % (B) 16 % (A) day/fnu (B) day/fnu
17 3 24 24

1 3
(C) 33 % (D) 25% days/fnu (D) 4 day/fnu
(C) 3
3 7
Ph: 09555108888, 09555208888 7
60. A man walked diagonally across a square 64. A man took loan from a bank at the rate of
plot. Approximately, what was the distance 12% p.a. simple interest. After 3 years he
percent saved by not walking along the had to pay ` 540 interest only for the period.
edges? The principal amount borrowed by him was:
,d vkneh fdlh cSad ls12% p.a dh lk/kj.k C;kt dh
,d O;fDr vius oxkZdkj IykWV esa frjNk (fod.kZ okyh nwjh)
pyrk gSA fdukjksa ij pyus ds mijkar og yxHkx fdrus nj ij dqN dtZ ysrk gSA ;fn rhu o"kZ ds i'pkr~ og
` 540
izfr'kr nwjh ugh pyus ls cpk\ fliQZ C;kt ds rkSj ij vnk djsa] rks mlds }kjk yh xbZ jkf'k
(A) 20% Kkr dhft,A
(B) 24% (A) ` 2500
(C) 30% (B) ` 1000
(D) 33% (C) ` 1500
61. If the average marks of three batches of 55, (D) ` 2000
60 and 45 students is respectively 50, 55, 65. A boat covers a certain distance at the rate
60, then the average marks of all the of 21 km/hr along the stream and 15 km/
students is: hr against the stream. The speed of the boat
in still water (in km/hr) is:
55, 60 vkSj45 Nk=kksa
ds rhu cSpksa ds vadksa dk vkSlr
dksbZ uko
21 fdeh-@?k.Vs dh xfr ls /kjk ds lkFk 15 o
e'k%50, 55 vkSj60 gS] rks lHkh Nk=kksa ds vadksa dk
fdeh-@?k.Vs dh xfr ls /kjk ds foijhr ,d fuf'pr nwjh r;
vkSlr Kkr dhft,A
djrk gSA fLFkr ikuh esa uko dh pky Kkr dhft,A
(A) 53.33
(A) 13 km/hr/fdeh-@?k.Vk
(B) 54.68
(C) 55 (B) 15 km/hr/fdeh-@?k.Vk
(D) None/dksbZ ugha (C) 18 km/hr/fdeh-@?k.Vk
62. The perimeter of an isosceles triangles is (D) 19 km/hr/fdeh-@?k.Vk
66. An equation of the form ax + by + c = 0 where
544 cm and each of the equal sides is a 0, b 0, c = 0 represents a straight line
6 which passes through:
times the base. What is the area (in cm2) of ax + by + c = 0 izdkj dk ,d lehdj.k] tgk a 0,
the triangles?
b 0, c = 0 gS] ,d tq js[kk dks fu:fir djrk gS] tks
fdlh lef}ckgq f=kHkqt dh ifjfefr
544 lseh- gS vkSj mldh
xqtjrh gS&
5 (A) (0, 0)
izR;sd leku Hkqtk] mlds vk/kj dk
gSA f=kHkqt dk (B) (1, 1)
(C) (2, 3)
{ks=kiQy (lseh
esa) Kkr dhft,A
(D) None/dksbZ ugha
(A) 38172
67. A shopkeeper expects a gain of 22.5% on his
(B) 18372
cost price. If in a week, his sale was
(C) 31872
` 3920, what was his profit?
(D) 13872
,d nqdkunkj vius ; ewY; 22.5%
ij ykHk dh vk'kk
1 1 djrk gSA ;fn ,d lIrkg esa] mldh fch
` 3920 Fkh] rks
63. The value of 1 + (1 tan2 ) + (1 cot2 ) is:
mldk ykHk Kkr djsaA
(A) ` 182
1 1 (B) ` 700
1 + (1 tan2 ) + (1 cot2 ) dk eku gS&
(C) ` 720
(D) ` 885
5 68. If 0.75 : a :: 50 : 80, then a is equal to:
(A) 2 (B)
4 ;fn 0.75 : a :: 50 : 80 rksa dk eku gS&
3 (A) 1.12 (B) 1.2
(C) (D) 3 (C) 1.25 (D) 1.30
Ph: 09555108888, 09555208888 8
69. A cistern 6 m long and 4 m broad contains Direction (73-75) : The following pie-chart shows
water up to a depth of 1 m 25 cm. The totalthe marks scored by a student in different
area of the wet surface is: subjects-viz. Physics (PHY), Chemistry (CHEM),
Mathematics (MAT), Social Science (SSC) and
,d tyk'k; 6 eh- yEck]4 eh- pkSM+k
1 eh-
o 25 lseh-
English (ENG) in an examination. Assuming
xgjk gSA mldh xhyh lrg dk {ks=kiQy Kkr dhft,A
that total marks obtained in the examination
is 810, answer the questions no. 73-75 on the
(A) 49 m /oxZ
2 2
basis of given pie-chart.
(B) 50 m2/oxZ
(73-75) : fuEufyf[kr o`kkjs[k ,d Nk=k }kjk ,d
(C) 53.5 m2/oxZ
ijh{kk esa fofHkUu fo"k; ;Fkk(PHY),
jlk;u (CHEM),
(D) 55 m /oxZ
2 2 (MAT), lkekftd foKku (SSC) vkSj vaxzsth
70. The greatest number of four digits which is esa izkIr vad dks n'kkZrk gSA eku ysa fd ijh{kk esa izkIr dqy vad
divisible by 5,15, 25,30, 40 and 75 is: 810 gSA fn, x, o`kkjs[k ds vk/kj ij iz'u la-
73-75 ds
pkj vadksa dh cM+h ls cM+h la[;k,a Kkr5,dhft, mkj
15, tks nsaA
25, 30, 40 vkSj75 ls iw.kZr% foHkkftr gksrh gks\
(A) 9000 MAT
(B) 9400
SSC 90
55 ENG
(C) 9600
(D) 9800 70 PHY
5 85
71. A student multiplied a number by instead
73. The difference of marks between Physics
4 and Chemistry is same as that between
of . What is the percentage error in the
5 HkkSfrdh vkSj jlk;u ds chp vadksa dk varj mruk gh gS
calculation? ftruk _____ ds chp gSA
(A) English and Social Science/
,d fo|kFkhZ xyrh ls fdlh la[;k dksls xq.kk djus ds vaxzsth vkSj lkekftd foKku
5 (B) Chemistry and Social Science/
5 jlk;u vkSj lkekftd foKku
LFkku ij ls xq.kk dj nsrk gSA mlds }kjk fudkysa x, mkj
(C) Physics and English/
HkkSfrdh vkSj vaxzsth
esa =kqfV dk izfr'kr D;k gS\ (D) Mathematics and English/
(A) 36% vkSj vaxzsth
(B) 44% 74. The subject in which the student obtained
(C) 54% 135 marks is:
(D) 64% Nk=k us fdl fo"k;135
esa vad izkIr fd,\
72. In a 100 m race, A beats B by 10 m and C by (A) Mathematics/
13 m. In a race of 180 m, B will beat C by: (B) English/vaxzsth
100 eh- dh nkSM+ A,esa]
B dks10 eh- ls vkSj
C dks13 (C) Physics/HkkSfrdh
eh- ls gjk nsrk 180
gSAeh- dh nkSM+ esa
B, C dks fdrus ehVj (D) Chemistry/jlk;u
ls gjk ik,xk\ 75. The marks obtained in Mathematics and
Chemistry exceed the marks obtained in
(A) 5.4 m/eh- Physics and Social Science by:
(B) 4.5 m/eh- rFkk jlk;u esa izkIr vad HkkSfrdh rFkk lkekftd
(C) 5 m/eh- foKku esa izkIr vadksa ls fdrus vf/d gS\
(D) 6 m/eh- (A) 45 (B) 50
(C) 30 (D) 40

Ph: 09555108888, 09555208888 9


Part - IV (English Language)

Directions : In question nos. 86, four words are

Direction : In Question nos. 76 to 78 some part
given in each question, out of which only one
of the sentences have errors and some are
word is spelt correctly/wrongly out of them.
correct. Find out which part of a sentence has
Find the word spelt correct/wrong and mark
an error and blacken the oval [ ]
your answer in the Answer Sheet.
corresponding to the appropriate letter (A), (B),
86. (A) Baloon
(C). If a sentence is free from error, blacken the (B) Ballon
(C) Balloon
oval corresponding to (D) in the Answer Sheet. (D) Balun
Direction : In Question nos. 87 to 89, four
76. My brother has met (A)/ the President (B)/
alternative are given for the Idiom/Phrase in
yesterday. (C)/ No error (D)
bold in bel ow sent ences. Choose the
77. My uncle who lives (A)/ in USA (B)/ is a
alternative which best expresses the meaning
teacher. (C)/ No error (D)
of the Idiom/Phrase and mark it in the Answer
78. Hardly had they entered (A)/ the room than
the (B)/ rain stopped. (C)/ No error (D)
87. Every cloud has a silver lining
Directions : In Question nos. 79 to 81,
(A) To earn money to live
sentences given with blanks to be filled in with
(B) Something that you achieve and proud
an appropriate word(s). Four alternatives are
suggested for each question. Choose the correct
(C) To keep quite
alternative out of the four and indicate it by
(D) Every bad situation has some good
blackening the appropriate oval [ ] in the
aspect to it
Answer Sheet.
88. To burn one's boats
79. Free living creatures are not solitary, every
(A) Go back on a decision
form of life is ______ other forms.
(B) To follow someone
(A) dependent on (B) overshadowed by
(C) To turn someone angry
(C) Parallel to (D) Segregated from
(D) To create difficulty
80. China is big country, in area. It is bigger
89. To burn candle at both ends
than any other country _______ Russia.
(A) To turn someone angry
(A) access (B) accept
(B) To become easily frightened
(C) except (D) expect
(C) To waste lavishly
81. The lawyer has plenty of _____
(D) To speak eagerly about something you
(A) criminals (B) clients
(C) customers (D) buyers
Direction: In Question nos. 90 to 92, a
Directions : In question nos. 82 to 83, out of
sentence/ a part of the sentence is italicised
the four alternatives, choose the one which best
in underlined. Below are given alternatives to
expresses the meaning of the given word.
the italicised part at (A), (B), (C) which may
82. SOLICIT improve the sentence. Choose the correct
(A) Failure (B) Beseech
alternative. In case no improvement is needed
(C) Very bad (D) Excessive
your answer is (D). Mark your answer in the
83. LUDICROUS Answer Sheet.
(A) Ridiculous 90. We were all happy at Ranbeer Kapoor being
(B) Profitable awarded the IIFA Award.
(C) Disease (A) Ranbeer Kapoor been awarded
(D) Intimate (B) Ranbeer Kapoor awarded
Directions : In question nos. 84 to 85, choose
(C) Ranbeer Kapoor's awarded
the word opposite in meaning to the given word.
(D) No improvement
84. HINDRANCE 91. He who will bid the highest will get the
(A) Arrogant (B) Cooperation
(C) Agreement (D) Aid
(A) who the highest bids
85. TARDY (B) who bids the highest
(A) Joking (B) Prompt
(C) who would bit the highest
(C) Happiness (D) Improve
(D) No improvement
Ph: 09555108888, 09555208888 10
92. My aunty couldn't rise up from his bed no 96. The author uses the expression 'ugly
more. deformities' to show his indignation at
(A) any more (B) any farther (A) political organisations
(C) any further (D) No improvement (B) the liberation of human consciousness
Direction : In Question nos. 93 to 95, in the (C) selfishness and materialism of the
following question, out of the four alternatives, people
choose the one which can be substituted for (D) the drunken orgies of power
the given sentence. 97. In this passage, the phrase "God in man"
93. A place where mad men are kept implies
(A) Epistle (B) Repartee (A) God having assumed the shape of man
(C) Asylum (D) Megalomaniac (B) neither fully godly nor fully human
94. A magnificent tomb (C) man being transformed into God
(A) Laconic (B) Mausoleum
(D) the divine qualities in man
(C) Souvenir (D) Remission
98. People jeer at the 'birth of man' in the
95. A medicine which induces vomit
human consciousness when they
(A) Sanctum (B) Recidivist
(A) begin to think of themselves as God
(C) Endemic (D) Emetic
(B) become power hungry
Direction (Q. No- 96 - 100) : In these question
(C) restructure the social system
you have two brief passages with six questions
(D) become mentally deranged
following the passage. Read the passage
carefully and choose the best answer to each 99. According to the author, "salvation" of
question out of the four alternatives. human beings lies in the
(A) extended trade relations
Passage 1
(B) spiritual transformation of life
The greatest thing this age can be proud of is
(C) orgy of national pride
the birth of man in the consciousness of men. In
(D) wholehearted participated in political
his drunken orgies of power and national pride
man may flout and jeer at it. when organised
100. In the phrase "the birth of man in the
national selfishness, racial antipathy and
consciousness of men", A man stands for
commercial self seeking begin to display their
ugly deformities in all their nakedness, then (A) power and arrogance
comes the time for man to know that his (B) egocentricity
salvation is not in political organisations and (C) noble human qualities
extended trade relations, not in any mechanical (D) an idealistic notion of the human self
re-arrangement of social system but in a deeper
transformation of life, in the liberation of
consciousness in love, in the realisation of God
in man.

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