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Tekla Structures 2016

Concrete components reference

April 2016

2016 Trimble Solutions Corporation


1 Concrete Detailing ...................................................................... 13

1.1 Seating connections ....................................................................................... 13
Seating with dowel (75) ....................................................................................................... 14
Defining bolt hole dimensions ......................................................................................16
Fitting the beam or column (75) ................................................................................... 16
Defining grout (75, 76) ................................................................................................... 17
Chamfering corbels ........................................................................................................ 17
Creating a recess (75, 76) ...............................................................................................18
Defining recess dimensions .......................................................................................... 18
Bearing plate position (75, 76) ...................................................................................... 18
Two-sided seating with dowel (76) .....................................................................................19
Fitting beam or column (76) .......................................................................................... 21
Shaping beam ends (76, 78) .......................................................................................... 21
Seating with dowel to flange (77) .......................................................................................21
Creating a recess (77, 78) ...............................................................................................23
Two-sided seating with dowel to flange (78) .................................................................... 23
1.2 Beam and column connections..................................................................... 25
Battering connection (13) ................................................................................................... 26
Corbel connection (14) ......................................................................................................... 27
Corbel connection (14): Picture tab................................................................................29
Corbel connection (14): Parts tab................................................................................... 33
Corbel connection (14): Reinforcing bar tab................................................................. 34
Column - beam (14)............................................................................................................... 38
Column - beam (14): Picture tab..................................................................................... 39
Column - beam (14): Column tab................................................................................... 43
Corbels and recesses (82)..................................................................................................... 45
Corbels and recesses (82): Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4 tab....................................45
Corbels and recesses (82): Configuration tab............................................................... 51
Concrete console (110) ........................................................................................................51
Concrete console (110): Picture tab ............................................................................. 52
Concrete console (110): Parts tab .................................................................................56
Concrete console (110): Connection tab ......................................................................58
Concrete console (110): Parameters tab ..................................................................... 59
Concrete console (110): Anchor rods tab .................................................................... 60
Concrete console (110): Socket tab .............................................................................. 63
Concrete console (111) ........................................................................................................63
Concrete console (111): Picture tab ............................................................................. 65
Concrete console (111): Parts tab .................................................................................65
Concrete console (111): Anchor tab ............................................................................. 68
Concrete console (111): Anchor rods ........................................................................... 69
Concrete console (111): Socket tab ............................................................................... 71
Concrete beam-beam (112).................................................................................................. 72
Concrete beam-beam (112): Picture tab........................................................................73
Concrete beam-beam (112): Parts tab...........................................................................83
Concrete beam-beam (112): Anchors tab..................................................................... 85
Concrete beam-beam (112): Parameters tab................................................................86

Concrete beam-beam (112): Anchor rods tab.............................................................. 87
Concrete beam-beam (112): Socket tab........................................................................ 99
1.3 Panels and walls............................................................................................ 100
Wall to wall connection....................................................................................................... 101
Wall to wall connection: Edge shape tab..................................................................... 102
Wall to wall connection: Extra teeth tab...................................................................... 103
Wall to wall connection: Connectors tab..................................................................... 104
Wall groove seam detail......................................................................................................107
Wall groove seam detail: Edge shape tab....................................................................108
Wall groove seam detail: Extra teeth tab.....................................................................109
Wall groove seam detail: Connectors tab....................................................................110
Anchor (10)........................................................................................................................... 113
Anchor (10): Picture tab................................................................................................. 115
Anchor (10): Anchors tab...............................................................................................117
Anchor (10): Conn profile tab.......................................................................................120
Anchor (10): Bolts tab .................................................................................................. 123
Anchor (10): Cuts tab ................................................................................................... 124
Wall wall teeth (12) ............................................................................................................ 128
Wall wall teeth (12): Picture tab .................................................................................. 129
Wall wall teeth (12): Parts tab ..................................................................................... 131
Wall wall teeth (12): Cut sec tab...................................................................................133
Wall wall teeth (12): Cut prim tab................................................................................ 134
Wall wall teeth (12): Socket tab ................................................................................... 135
Electric box in wall (84)........................................................................................................136
Electric box in wall (84): Picture tab............................................................................. 139
Electric box in wall (84): Parts tab.................................................................................142
Electric box in wall (84): Electric box tab......................................................................143
Electric box in wall (84): Top conn / Bottom conn tab................................................147
Electric box in wall (84): UDA tab.................................................................................. 149
Sandwich And Double Wall.................................................................................................152
Sandwich And Double Wall: Parts tab..........................................................................154
Sandwich And Double Wall: Vertical section tab........................................................ 160
Sandwich And Double Wall: Horizontal section tab...................................................164
Sandwich And Double Wall: Insulation tab................................................................. 170
Sandwich And Double Wall: Outside Shell tab........................................................... 172
Sandwich And Double Wall: UDA tab...........................................................................175
Sandwich Wall Horizontal Seam........................................................................................ 176
Sandwich Wall Horizontal Seam: Picture tab.............................................................. 178
Sandwich Wall Horizontal Seam: Rabbets tab............................................................ 181
Sandwich Wall Horizontal Seam: Extra foils tab......................................................... 181
Sandwich Wall Vertical Seam..............................................................................................183
Sandwich Wall Vertical Seam: Picture tab................................................................... 185
Sandwich Wall Vertical Seam: Rabbets tab................................................................. 187
Sandwich Wall Window....................................................................................................... 190
Sandwich Wall Window: Picture tab.............................................................................192
Sandwich Wall Window: Bottom detail tab / Left detail tab / Right detail tab........ 193
Sandwich Wall Window: Top detail tab........................................................................ 197
Sandwich Wall Window: Extra foils tab........................................................................ 201
Sandwich Wall Window: Additional parts tab............................................................. 203
Sandwich Wall Window: Connections tab................................................................... 206
1.4 Formwork components................................................................................ 206
Beam Formwork ................................................................................................................. 207
Beam Formwork: Beam tab.......................................................................................... 208
Beam Formwork: Parameters tab................................................................................ 210
Column Formwork ..............................................................................................................211

Column Formwork: Column tab................................................................................... 213
Wall Formwork..................................................................................................................... 215
Wall Formwork: Panel tab............................................................................................. 217
Wall Formwork: Parameters tab...................................................................................218
General Beam Form............................................................................................................ 219
Beam Form: Parameters tab.........................................................................................221
General Wall Form .............................................................................................................. 222
Wall Form: Parameters tab........................................................................................... 224
General Clamp .................................................................................................................... 225
General Clamp: Parameters tab................................................................................... 226
General Clip.......................................................................................................................... 227
General Clip: Parameters tab........................................................................................228
General Tie........................................................................................................................... 229
General Tie: Parameters tab......................................................................................... 230
General Tie and Clips.......................................................................................................... 231
General Tie and Clips: Parameters tab........................................................................ 233
1.5 Openings........................................................................................................ 233
Hole Generation (32) .......................................................................................................... 234
Hole Generation (32): Parameters tab.........................................................................234
Polygon Hole Generation (33)............................................................................................ 236
Polygon Hole Generation (33): Parameters tab..........................................................236
1.6 Flooring...........................................................................................................237
Automatic seam recognition (30)......................................................................................238
Seam Applicator...................................................................................................................239
Seam Applicator: Parameters tab................................................................................ 241
Slab generation with polygon plate (61) ......................................................................... 241
Slab generation with polygon plate (61) and Slab generation with points (62):
Parameters tab .............................................................................................................................. 243
Slab generation with polygon plate (61) and Slab generation with points (62): Parts
tab ................................................................................................................................................... 243
Slab generation with polygon plate (61) and Slab generation with points (62):
Analysis tab..................................................................................................................................... 243
Slab generation with points (62) ...................................................................................... 244
Modeling of floor bay (66) ................................................................................................ 246
Examples ....................................................................................................................... 247
Defining slab position .................................................................................................. 250
Defining projection type .............................................................................................. 251
Defining slab profile properties ..................................................................................252
Index list ........................................................................................................................ 252
Adjustment type ........................................................................................................... 253
Profile/Seam width .......................................................................................................254
Modeling of slab area (88) ................................................................................................ 254
Defining slab area properties ..................................................................................... 255
Sloping slab drainage.......................................................................................................... 256
Sloping slab drainage: Parameters tab........................................................................258
Hollow Core Opening Tool..................................................................................................260
Hollow Core Opening Tool: Parameters tab................................................................261
Hollow Core Opening Tool: Configuration file tab......................................................263
Hollow Core Lifting Loops...................................................................................................264
Hollow Core Lifting Loops: Basic settings tab............................................................. 265
Hollow Core Lifting Loops: Lifting device settings tab............................................... 266
Hollow Core Lifting Loops: Configuration file tab...................................................... 267
Floor Tool.............................................................................................................................. 267
Floor Tool: Slab properties tab..................................................................................... 268
Floor Tool: Insulation tab...............................................................................................270

Floor Tool: Bay contour tab...........................................................................................270
Floor Tool: Slab list tab...................................................................................................271
Floor Layout......................................................................................................................... 272
Floor Layout: Layer tab.................................................................................................. 274
Floor Layout: General tab..............................................................................................275
Floor Layout: Advanced tab.......................................................................................... 277
Floor Layout: Detailing tab............................................................................................ 278
Floor Layout: User defined tab..................................................................................... 280
Floor Layout: Modifying a floor.................................................................................... 281
Floor Layout CIP Filler......................................................................................................... 295
1.7 Concrete stairs...............................................................................................296
Concrete stairs (65) .............................................................................................................297
Concrete stairs (65): Stairs tab......................................................................................299
Concrete stairs (65): Step shapes tab.......................................................................... 302
Concrete stairs (65): Landings tab................................................................................304
Concrete stairs (65): Ridges tab.................................................................................... 305
Concrete stairs (65): Stringers tab................................................................................ 308
Concrete stairs (65): Anti-skid/Kick plate tab.............................................................. 310
Concrete stairs (65): Attributes tab.............................................................................. 311
Concrete stairs (65): UDA tab........................................................................................312
Stairwells and elevator shafts (90)....................................................................................312
Stairwells and elevator shafts (90): Defining stairwell properties........................... 315
Stairwells and elevator shafts (90): Defining number of floors and height........... 315
Stairwells and elevator shafts (90): Defining position ...............................................315
Stairwells and elevator shafts (90): Defining length and width............................... 316
Reinforced Concrete Stair (95)........................................................................................... 316
Reinforced Concrete Stair (95): Parameters tab......................................................... 319
Reinforced Concrete Stair (95): Parts tab.................................................................... 320
Reinforced Concrete Stair (95): Stairs and landings tab............................................ 321
Reinforced Concrete Stair (95): Ridges tab..................................................................323
Reinforced Concrete Stair (95): Stringers tab..............................................................325
Reinforced Concrete Stair (95): Anti-skid tab.............................................................. 326
Reinforced Concrete Stair (95): Bar A tab....................................................................327
Reinforced Concrete Stair (95): Bar B tab....................................................................328
Reinforced Concrete Stair (95): Bar C tab....................................................................329
Reinforced Concrete Stair (95): Bar D tab................................................................... 330
Reinforced Concrete Stair (95): Bar E tab.................................................................... 332
Reinforced Concrete Stair (95): Bar F tab.................................................................... 333
Reinforced Concrete Stair (95): Bar G tab................................................................... 334
Reinforced Concrete Stair (95): Bar H tab................................................................... 336
Reinforced Concrete Stair (95): Bar I tab..................................................................... 337
Reinforced Concrete Stair (95): Bar J tab..................................................................... 337
Reinforced Concrete Stair (95): Bar K tab.................................................................... 338
Reinforced Concrete Stair (95): Bar L tab.................................................................... 339
Reinforced Concrete Stair (95): Mesh picture tab...................................................... 341
Reinforced Concrete Stair (95): Mesh attributes tab..................................................341
Reinforced Concrete Stair (95): Mesh bars tab........................................................... 342
Reinforced Concrete Stair (95): Bottom anchor bars tab.......................................... 343
Reinforced Concrete Stair (95): Top anchor bars tab.................................................344
Reinforced Concrete Stair (95): Z anchor bars tab..................................................... 344
Reinforced Concrete Stair (95): Landing end bars tab............................................... 345
Reinforced Concrete Stair (95): Configuration............................................................ 346
1.8 Foundations................................................................................................... 347
Precast foundation block (1028) ...................................................................................... 347
Precast foundation block (1028): Picture tab ............................................................349

Precast foundation block (1028): Parts tab ............................................................... 352
Precast foundation block (1028): Grooves tab ..........................................................352
Concrete foundation (1030)............................................................................................... 353
Concrete foundation (1030): Picture tab..................................................................... 356
Concrete foundation (1030): Parts tab........................................................................ 361
Concrete foundation (1030): Massive tab................................................................... 363
Concrete foundation (1030): Piles tab......................................................................... 365
Concrete foundation (1030): Inj. tube and rebar tab................................................. 366
Concrete foundation (1030): Column tab....................................................................369
Concrete foundation (1030): Stirrups tab....................................................................370

2 Reinforcement........................................................................... 373
2.1 Reinforcement for foundations ..................................................................373
Strip footing (75) ................................................................................................................ 374
Strip footing reinforcement properties ..................................................................... 375
Pile cap reinforcement (76) .............................................................................................. 376
Pad footing and pile cap shapes ................................................................................ 378
Bar distribution .............................................................................................................378
Lacer bars for pad footings and pile caps ................................................................. 379
Pad footing (77) ..................................................................................................................381
Starter bars .........................................................................................................................382
Starter bar stirrups .......................................................................................................384
Starter bar location ...................................................................................................... 385
2.2 Beam, column, and slab reinforcement .................................................... 385
Mesh Bars.............................................................................................................................386
Mesh Bars: Picture tab...................................................................................................387
Mesh Bars: Detailing tab............................................................................................... 388
Mesh Bars: Bar end conditions tab..............................................................................390
Mesh Bars: Splicing tab ............................................................................................... 391
Mesh Bars: Attributes tab............................................................................................. 391
Mesh Bars by Area...............................................................................................................392
Mesh Bars by Area: Picture tab.....................................................................................393
Mesh Bars by Area: Detailing tab................................................................................. 395
Mesh Bars by Area: Bar end conditions tab................................................................397
Mesh Bars by Area: Splicing tab ................................................................................. 398
Mesh Bars by Area: Attributes tab............................................................................... 399
Rebar coupler.......................................................................................................................399
Rebar coupler: Parameters tab.................................................................................... 401
Rebar coupler: Attributes tab....................................................................................... 402
Rebar end anchor................................................................................................................ 403
Rebar end anchor: Parameters tab..............................................................................404
Rebar end anchor: Attributes tab.................................................................................406
Split rebar and add coupler................................................................................................407
Split rebar and add coupler: Parameters tab............................................................. 408
Split rebar and add coupler: Attributes tab................................................................ 410
Rebar end trimming............................................................................................................ 411
Rebar end trimming: Adjusting reinforcing bar ends................................................ 412
Rebar Coupler and Anchor Tools: Update rebar attributes........................................... 413
Rebar Coupler and Anchor Tools: Customize attribute files, part mapping
and user-defined attributes (UDAs).................................................................................. 414
Slab bars (18)........................................................................................................................416
Slab reinforcement properties ................................................................................... 417
Slab Reinforcement Tool.....................................................................................................418
Slab Reinforcement Tool: Parameters tab.................................................................. 419

Slab Reinforcement Tool: Advanced tab......................................................................420
Beam reinforcement (63) ..................................................................................................422
Beam reinforcement (63): Beam reinforcement properties ................................... 424
Beam reinforcement (63): Stirrup spacing tab........................................................... 425
Double tee reinforcement (64) .........................................................................................425
Double tee reinforcement properties ........................................................................426
Beam end reinforcement (79)........................................................................................... 428
Beam end reinforcing bars ..........................................................................................430
Horizontal U bars 1 and 2 ........................................................................................... 430
Vertical U bars 3A and 3B ............................................................................................ 431
Stirrups 5A and 5B ....................................................................................................... 431
Corbel reinforcement (81).................................................................................................. 432
Corbel reinforcement (81): Main bars tab...................................................................433
Corbel reinforcement (81): Stirrups/Transverse Stirrups/Diagonal Stirrups tabs.. 434
Corbel reinforcement (81): Additional bars tab..........................................................435
Round column reinforcement (82) .................................................................................. 437
Column stirrup properties .......................................................................................... 439
Column top and bottom reinforcement ....................................................................440
Rectangular column reinforcement (83)...........................................................................440
Rectangular column reinforcement (83): Main bars tab........................................... 443
Rectangular column reinforcement (83): Bar ends tab............................................. 444
Rectangular column reinforcement (83): Side bars tab.............................................445
Rectangular column reinforcement (83): Stirrups tab............................................... 446
Rectangular column reinforcement (83): Intermediate links tab............................. 448
Rectangular column reinforcement (83): Top / Bottom tab...................................... 450
Hole reinforcement for slabs and walls (84) .................................................................. 452
Hole creation and reinforcement (85) .............................................................................455
Reinforcement around holes ...................................................................................... 456
Stirrups at holes ........................................................................................................... 457
Braced girder (88)................................................................................................................ 458
Braced girder (88): Picture tab...................................................................................... 460
Braced girder (88): Parts tab......................................................................................... 463
Braced girder (88): Geometry tab.................................................................................474
Braced girder (88): Double wall tab..............................................................................476
Braced girder (89) ............................................................................................................... 478
Braced girder (89): Picture tab...................................................................................... 481
Braced girder (89): Parts tab......................................................................................... 483
Braced girder (89): Geometry tab.................................................................................493
Braced girder (89): Double wall tab..............................................................................495
Reinforcement mesh array in area (89) .......................................................................... 497
Mesh generation and overlapping properties .......................................................... 499
Wall Panel Reinforcement.................................................................................................. 502
Wall Panel Reinforcement: Picture tab........................................................................ 503
Wall Panel Reinforcement: Reinforcement tab...........................................................504
Wall Panel Reinforcement: Opening tab..................................................................... 505
Wall Panel Reinforcement: Diagonals tab................................................................... 506
Wall Panel Reinforcement: Column tab.......................................................................507
Wall Panel Reinforcement: Beam tab.......................................................................... 508
Wall Panel Reinforcement: Additional tab...................................................................508
Wall Panel Reinforcement: Attributes tab................................................................... 508
Multiple Wire Size Mesh......................................................................................................509
Multiple Wire Size Mesh: Mesh Parameters tab.........................................................510
Multiple Wire Size Mesh: Longitudinal/Crossing Wires tab.......................................510
Multiple Wire Size Mesh: Attributes tab...................................................................... 512
Multiple Wire Size Mesh: Configuration file for reinforcing bar patterns............... 512

Embedded anchors (8) ....................................................................................................... 513
Embedded anchors (8): Input tab.................................................................................517
Embedded anchors (8): Placement tab....................................................................... 521
Embedded anchors (8): Top placement tab................................................................ 527
Embedded anchors (8): Thickening tab....................................................................... 529
Embedded anchors (8): Picture tab..............................................................................534
Embedded anchors (8): Top part tab........................................................................... 537
Embedded anchors (8): Bottom part tab.................................................................... 539
Embedded anchors (8): Parts tab.................................................................................540
Embedded anchors (8): Reinforcing bar tab............................................................... 542
Embedded anchors (8): Hangup bars tab................................................................... 544
Embedded anchors (8): Horizontal bar tab.................................................................547
Embedded anchors (8): Special bar tab.......................................................................550
Embedded anchors (8): Advanced tab.........................................................................552
Embedded anchors (8): Bolts........................................................................................553
Embed (1008)....................................................................................................................... 554
Embed (1008): Picture tab............................................................................................. 555
Embed (1008): Top part tab...........................................................................................557
Embed (1008): Bottom part tab....................................................................................558
Embed (1008): Parts tab................................................................................................ 558
Embed (1008): Placement tab.......................................................................................559
Embed (1008): Reinforcing bar tab.............................................................................. 561
Embed (1008): Advanced tab........................................................................................ 562
Embed (1008): Bolts....................................................................................................... 562
Continuous Beam Reinforcement..................................................................................... 564
2.3 Lifting..............................................................................................................565
Lifting anchor (80)...............................................................................................................566
Lifting anchor properties .............................................................................................568
Custom components as lifting anchors......................................................................570
Creating recesses for lifting anchors ......................................................................... 571
Anchor properties from file .........................................................................................571

3 Automated Reinforcement Layout .........................................573

3.1 Automated reinforcement layout tools .................................................... 574
3.2 Double-tee beam (51)....................................................................................574
Double-tee beam (51): Strand template tab.................................................................... 575
Double-tee beam (51): Strand pattern tab....................................................................... 578
Double-tee beam (51): Strand profile tab.........................................................................579
Double-tee beam (51): Longitudinal rebar tab................................................................ 580
Double-tee beam (51): Stem mesh tab............................................................................. 581
Double-tee beam (51): Multiple sheets tab...................................................................... 583
Double-tee beam (51): Stem stirrups tab......................................................................... 583
Double-tee beam (51): Flange tab..................................................................................... 587
Double-tee beam (51): Notch/Opening tab......................................................................588
Double-tee beam (51): Edge reinforcement tab.............................................................. 591
3.3 Inverted-tee beam (52) ................................................................................ 593
Strand template ................................................................................................................. 596
Strand pattern ....................................................................................................................596
Strand profile ..................................................................................................................... 597
Longitudinal rebar ............................................................................................................. 598
Stem mesh ..........................................................................................................................600
Stem stirrups ......................................................................................................................601
Ledge mesh ........................................................................................................................ 603
Ledge rebar ........................................................................................................................ 604

Composite .......................................................................................................................... 605
End rebar ............................................................................................................................ 606
Attributes ............................................................................................................................ 607
3.4 Ledge beam (53) ............................................................................................607
Strand template ................................................................................................................. 610
Strand pattern ....................................................................................................................611
Strand profile ..................................................................................................................... 611
Longitudinal rebar ............................................................................................................. 612
Stem mesh ..........................................................................................................................615
Stem stirrups ......................................................................................................................616
Ledge mesh ........................................................................................................................ 617
Ledge rebar ........................................................................................................................ 618
Composite .......................................................................................................................... 619
End rebar ............................................................................................................................ 620
Attributes ............................................................................................................................ 621
3.5 Rectangular beam (54) .................................................................................622
Strand template ................................................................................................................. 624
Strand pattern ....................................................................................................................625
Strand profile ..................................................................................................................... 625
Longitudinal rebar ............................................................................................................. 626
Stem mesh ..........................................................................................................................628
Stem stirrups ......................................................................................................................629
Composite .......................................................................................................................... 631
End rebar ............................................................................................................................ 632
Attributes ............................................................................................................................ 633
3.6 Ledge spandrel (55) ...................................................................................... 633
Strand template ................................................................................................................. 636
Strand pattern ....................................................................................................................636
Strand profile ..................................................................................................................... 637
Longitudinal rebar ............................................................................................................. 638
Stem mesh ..........................................................................................................................640
Stem stirrups ......................................................................................................................640
Ledge mesh ........................................................................................................................ 642
Ledge rebar ........................................................................................................................ 643
End rebar ............................................................................................................................ 643
Attributes ............................................................................................................................ 644
3.7 Rectangular spandrel (56) ........................................................................... 645
Strand template ................................................................................................................. 647
Strand pattern ....................................................................................................................647
Strand profile ..................................................................................................................... 648
Longitudinal rebar ............................................................................................................. 649
Stem mesh ..........................................................................................................................651
Stem stirrups ......................................................................................................................652
End rebar ............................................................................................................................ 654
Attributes ............................................................................................................................ 655
3.8 Columns (57) ................................................................................................. 655
Strand reinforcement ........................................................................................................658
Longitudinal rebar ............................................................................................................. 658
Primary ties ........................................................................................................................ 664
Secondary reinforcement ................................................................................................. 671
Circular column ..................................................................................................................672
Attributes ............................................................................................................................ 673
3.9 Topping (58) ................................................................................................... 674

Topping ............................................................................................................................... 675
Advanced ............................................................................................................................ 676
3.10 Wash (59) ....................................................................................................... 677
Wash ....................................................................................................................................679
Advanced ............................................................................................................................ 680
3.11 Hollowcore reinforcement strands (60) .....................................................680
Strand template ................................................................................................................. 681
Strand pattern ....................................................................................................................683
Attributes ............................................................................................................................ 684
3.12 Post-tensioning (61) ..................................................................................... 684
Tendon properties ............................................................................................................. 685
Tendon profile ....................................................................................................................686
3.13 Edge and Corner Reinforcement (62).......................................................... 687
Edge and Corner Reinforcement (62): Picture tab...........................................................688
Edge and Corner Reinforcement (62): Edge/Diag bars tab............................................ 690
Edge and Corner Reinforcement (62): Horizontal/Vertical U bars tab.......................... 691
3.14 U Bar of concrete slab (63) .......................................................................... 694
U bars .................................................................................................................................. 695
3.15 Wall panel (64) .............................................................................................. 696
Strand template................................................................................................................... 698
Strand pattern......................................................................................................................698
Longitudinal rebar............................................................................................................... 700
Transverse mesh..................................................................................................................700
Transverse straight bars..................................................................................................... 702
Transverse stirrups..............................................................................................................703
Notch opening..................................................................................................................... 705
3.16 Reinforcement Strand Layout (66) ............................................................. 708
Strand template................................................................................................................... 708
Strand pattern......................................................................................................................709
Strand profile....................................................................................................................... 710
Attributes.............................................................................................................................. 711

4 CS Components ......................................................................... 712

4.1 3D cut (10) ......................................................................................................712
Picture ................................................................................................................................. 713
Definition of the cut ..................................................................................................... 713
Offset ............................................................................................................................. 713
Explode macro .............................................................................................................. 714
4.2 Opening in wall (40) ......................................................................................714
Picture ................................................................................................................................. 715
Type ................................................................................................................................715
Horizontal position .......................................................................................................715
Vertical ........................................................................................................................... 717
Horizontal offset, vertical offset ................................................................................. 718
Rabbet - side ................................................................................................................. 719
Cut - rotation .................................................................................................................719
Shape of the opening ...................................................................................................719
Insulation ............................................................................................................................ 720
Parameters ......................................................................................................................... 720
4.3 Rebar in beam (90) ....................................................................................... 720
Primary bottom bars ......................................................................................................... 723

Grade ............................................................................................................................. 723
Size ................................................................................................................................. 723
End conditions left ....................................................................................................... 723
End conditions right ..................................................................................................... 724
Bend lengths left .......................................................................................................... 724
Bend lengths right ........................................................................................................ 724
Bar not to create ...........................................................................................................725
Creation method .......................................................................................................... 725
Positioning and distances ........................................................................................... 726
Shape and pattern ....................................................................................................... 727
Primary top bars ................................................................................................................ 729
Side left ............................................................................................................................... 729
Side right .............................................................................................................................731
Stirrups ............................................................................................................................... 731
Stirrup spacing ................................................................................................................... 735
Stirrup reference .......................................................................................................... 735
Omit stirrups .................................................................................................................735
Stirrups 2 ............................................................................................................................ 736
Stirrup spacing 2 ................................................................................................................ 737
Stirrups 3 ............................................................................................................................ 737
Stirrup spacing 3 ................................................................................................................ 737
Advanced ............................................................................................................................ 738
Configuration ..................................................................................................................... 738
Bending radius ..............................................................................................................739
Rotation ......................................................................................................................... 739
4.4 Border rebar for single edge (93) ................................................................ 739
Pins ...................................................................................................................................... 740
Pin spacing ..........................................................................................................................741
Advanced ............................................................................................................................ 741
Configuration ..................................................................................................................... 742
Extra rotation ................................................................................................................ 742
Bending radius sec ....................................................................................................... 743
Detect outside geometry .............................................................................................743
Detect negative volume ...............................................................................................745
Draw axis ....................................................................................................................... 746

5 Disclaimer...................................................................................747

1 Concrete Detailing

This section introduces the concrete detailing tools available in Tekla

Click the links below to find out more:
Seating connections (page 13)
Beam and column connections (page 25)
Panels and walls (page 100)
Formwork components (page 206)
Openings (page 233)
Flooring (page 237)
Concrete stairs (page 296)
Foundations (page 347)

NOTE Precast components can only be applied to precast cast units. They
cannot be applied to cast-in-place cast units.

1.1 Seating connections

Tekla Structures includes several seating connections that you can use to
connect concrete columns and beams using anchor bolts. The seating
connection tools are:

Component Description
Seating with dowel (75) Connects a column and beam using an
(page 14) anchor bolt.
Two-sided seating with Connects a column and two beams
dowel (76) (page 18) using anchor bolts.
Seating with dowel to Connects the flanges of a beam to a
flange (77) (page 21) column using anchor bolts.

Concrete Detailing 13 Seating connections

Component Description
Two-sided seating with Connects the flanges of two beams to a
dowel to flange (78) column using anchor bolts.
(page 23)

Seating with dowel (75)

Connects a column and a beam using an anchor bolt.

Parts created
Anchor bolt
Washer plate
Bearing plate
Fittings for beam and column
Hole for bolt
Corbel (optional)
Recess for nut and washer plate (optional)

Where to use

Situation Description
Connects a beam and a column using an anchor bolt.
Washer plate and nut protrude from the beam.

Concrete Detailing 14 Seating connections

Situation Description
Connects a beam and a column using an anchor bolt
and a beveled corbel. Washer plate and nut recessed
into the beam.

Before you start

Create the following parts:
Concrete column (round or rectangular profile)
Concrete beam (rectangular, HI, I, L, or inverted T profile)

Defining properties
Use the tabs in the Seating with dowel (75) dialog box to define the following

Tab Contents See also

Picture Position of anchor bolt, bolt hole Defining bolt hole
and bearing plate, bolt hole dimensions (page 16)
dimensions, option to fit beam
Fitting the beam or column
or column, grout type, beam
(75) (page 16)
Defining grout (75, 76)
(page 16)
Parts Bearing plate, grout, washer Creating a recess (75, 76)
plate, nut, recess, and anchor (page 18)
bolt properties
Corbel Option to create corbel, corbel Chamfering corbels
properties (page 17)
General General tab
Analysis Information used in structural Analysis tab

Picking order
1. Column
2. Beam

Concrete Detailing 15 Seating connections

Defining bolt hole dimensions
Enter the following bolt hole dimensions:

Field Description
1 Hole dimension in the direction of the beam
2 The distance from beam center line to hole center
and bolt.
3 Hole dimension in the direction perpendicular to
the beam.

Fitting the beam or column (75)

Select one of the following options to have Tekla Structures fit the column or
the beam:

Option Description
Fits the column.

Fits the beam.

The beam must be sloped.

Concrete Detailing 16 Seating connections

Defining grout (75, 76)
Select one of the following options to include and define grout:

Option Description
No grout.

Bolt hole grouted. No nut or washer plate.

Bolt hole grouted. Bolt, washer plate, and

anchor bolt protruding.

Chamfering corbels
The options for chamfering corbels are:

Option Description



Concrete Detailing 17 Seating connections

Creating a recess (75, 76)
Select one of the following options to define if the nut and washer plate are
recessed into the beam:

Option Description
Nut and washer plate on the surface of
the beam.

Nut and bolt plate recessed into the


Defining recess dimensions

If you choose to recess the nut and washer plate into the beam, enter the
following dimensions to define the recess:

Bearing plate position (75, 76)

Select one of the following options to define the position of the bearing plate:

Option Description
Square with beam.

Square with column.

Concrete Detailing 18 Seating connections

Two-sided seating with dowel (76)
Connects a column and two beams using anchor bolts.

Parts created
Anchor bolts (2)
Nuts (2)
Washer plates (2)
Bearing plates (2)
Fittings for beam and column (2)
Holes for bolts (2)
Corbels (optional) (2)
Recesses for washer plate and nut (optional) (2)

Where to use

Option Description
Connects two beams to a column using anchor bolts
and creates corbels. Nuts and washer plates on the
surface of the beams.

Connects two beams to a column using anchor bolts.

Nuts and washer plates recessed into the beams.
Second beam is sloped, and is cut to create a gap
between the beam and the column.

Before you start

Create the following parts:
Concrete column (round or rectangular profile)
Two concrete beams (rectangular, HI, I, L, or inverted T profile)

Concrete Detailing 19 Seating connections

Defining properties
Use the tabs in the Two-sided seating with dowel (76) dialog box to define
the following properties:

Tab Contents More information

Picture Dimensions defining the To use the same dimensions for
position of the anchor bolts both beams, set Use the same
relative to the beams and parameters for left and right
bearing plates. beams to Yes and enter the
dimensions for the left beam
Options to cut and shape the
ends of the beams and to fit
column or beams. Shaping beam ends (76, 78)
(page 21)
Fitting beam or column (76)
(page 20)
Parts Bearing plate, bolt, nut and
anchor bolt properties
Left beam Left beam is the first beam Defining bolt hole dimensions
picked and right is the (page 16)
Right beam
Creating a recess (75, 76)
Anchor bolt, bolt hole and (page 18)
recess properties.
Defining recess dimensions
Clearance between beam (page 18)
and column if beam is
Corbel Option to create corbel, Chamfering corbels (page 17)
corbel properties
General General tab
Analysis Information needed for Analysis tab
structural analysis

Picking order
1. Column
2. Beam 1
3. Beam 2
Click the middle mouse button to finish picking and create the connection.

Concrete Detailing 20 Seating connections

Fitting beam or column (76)
Select one of the following options to fit the beams or the column:

Option Description
Fits column.

Fits beam.

Shaping beam ends (76, 78)

Select one of the following options to define how the end of the beams are cut
and shaped:

Key Options
1 = column
2 = first beam picked
3 = second beam

Seating with dowel to flange (77)

Connects the flanges of a beam to a column using anchor bolts and an
optional corbel.

Parts created
Anchor bolts (2)

Concrete Detailing 21 Seating connections

Nuts (2)
Washer plates (2)
Bearing plate (1)
Fittings for beam and column
Holes for bolts (2)
Corbel (optional)
Recess for nut and washer plates

Where to use

Situation More information

Connects the flanges of a beam to
a column using anchor bolts and
a beveled corbel. Nuts and
washer plates recessed.

Before you start

Create the following parts:
Concrete column (Round or rectangular profile)
Concrete beam with flange (rectangular, HI, I, L, or inverted T profile)

Defining properties
Use the tabs in the Seating with dowel to flange (77) dialog box to define the
following properties:

Tab Contents More information

Picture Dimensions defining the Defining bolt hole
position of the anchor dimensions (page 16)
bolt relative to the beam
and bearing plate, length
of anchor bolt in beam

Concrete Detailing 22 Seating connections

Tab Contents More information
and column, bolt hole
dimensions and position
Parts Bearing plate, washer Creating a recess (77,
plate, nut and anchor 78) (page 23)
bolt properties, option to
create recess, recess
Corbel Options to create corbel, Chamfering corbels
corbel properties (page 17)
General General tab
Analysis Information needed for Analysis tab
structural analysis

Creating a recess (77, 78)

To cut a recess in the beam web, select the Yes option in the Create recess
dropdown list. Enter the following dimensions to define the recess:

Two-sided seating with dowel to flange (78)

Connects the flanges of two beams to a column using anchor bolts and
optional corbels.

Parts created
Anchor bolts (4)
Nuts (4)
Washer plates (4)
Bearing plate (2)
Fittings for beam and column

Concrete Detailing 23 Seating connections

Holes for bolts (4)
Corbels (2) optional
Recesses for nut and washer plate (4)

Where to use

Situation Description
Connects the flanges of two beams to a column using
anchor bolts.

Connects the flanges of two beams to a column using

anchor bolts and beveled corbels.

Before you start

Create the following parts:
Concrete column (Round or rectangular profile)
Concrete beam with flange (rectangular, HI, I, L, or inverted T profile)

Defining properties
Use the tabs in the Two-sided seating with dowel (78) dialog box to define
the following properties:

Tab Contents More information

Picture Dimensions defining the Defining bolt hole dimensions
position of the anchor (page 16)
bolts relative to the beam
Shaping beam ends (76, 78)
and bearing plate, length
(page 21)
of anchor bolts in beam
and column, beam ends

Concrete Detailing 24 Seating connections

Tab Contents More information
Parts Bearing plate, washer
plate, nut and dowel
Left beam Left beam is the first Defining bolt hole dimensions
beam picked and right is (page 16)
Right beam
the second.
Creating a recess (77, 78)
Bolt hole, nut and washer (page 23)
plate properties. Option
to create recess, recess
Left corbel Option to create corbel, Chamfering corbels (page 17)
corbel properties
Right corbel
General General tab
Analysis Information needed for Analysis tab
structural analysis

1.2 Beam and column connections

This section introduces components that can be used in concrete connections.
Click the links below to find out more:
Battering connection (13) (page 25)
Corbel connection (14) (page 27)
Column - beam (14) (page 38)
Corbels and recesses (82) (page 45)
Concrete console (110) (page 51)
Concrete console (111) (page 63)
Concrete beam-beam (112) (page 72)

Concrete Detailing 25 Beam and column connections

Battering connection (13)
Use to fit the secondary part, for example, in a custom component, either
square to the main part, or at an angle.

Use for

Situation Description
Secondary is fit square to the
main part.

Secondary is fit to the main

part at an angle.

Before you start

Create two parts.

Concrete Detailing 26 Beam and column connections

Defining properties
To enter the angle and the distance between the parts, go to the Picture tab.
If the part angle makes the gap larger than the value A, then the part is cut at
the end.

Selection order
1. Select the main part
2. Select the secondary part.

Corbel connection (14)

Corbel connection (14) connects a beam to a column using a straight,
beveled, or rounded corbel and reinforcing bars or fastening plates.

Objects created
Bearing plate
Drainage holes in bearing plate (1 or 2) (optional)
Reinforcing bars (1 or 2) (optional)
Bolt plates for reinforcing bars
Nuts for reinforcing bars
Recesses for bolt plates and nuts
Fastening plates (2) (optional)
Recesses for fastening plates

Use for

Situation Description
Connects a beam to a column using a reinforcing bar
and a beveled corbel.

Concrete Detailing 27 Beam and column connections

Situation Description
Connects a beam to a column using fastening plates
and a rounded corbel.

Selection order
1. Select the main part (column).
2. Select the secondary part (beam).
The connection is created automatically when the secondary part is

Part identification key

1 Bolt plate
2 Nut
3 Bearing plate
4 Corbel
5 Reinforcing bar

Concrete Detailing 28 Beam and column connections

See also
Corbel connection (14): Picture tab (page 29)
Corbel connection (14): Parts tab (page 33)
Corbel connection (14): Reinforcing bar tab (page 34)

Corbel connection (14): Picture tab

Use the Picture tab to control the corbel shape and dimensions, beam end
shape and dimensions, and corbel side chamfers in Corbel connection (14).

When beam sloped, adjust

If the beam in the connection is sloped, define whether the beam or the corbel
is cut.
When the beam end is cut, the corbel top stays horizontal. When the corbel is
cut, the corbel top has the same slope as the beam.

Corbel dimensions and shape

1 Gap between the column and the beam.
2 Gap between the corbel and the beam.
3 Vertical corbel dimension.
4 Beveled corbel dimension.
5 Corbel width.

Concrete Detailing 29 Beam and column connections

Option Description
Beveled corbel
AutoDefaults can change this option.

Beveled corbel

Square corbel

Rounded corbel

Concrete Detailing 30 Beam and column connections

Corbel position

1 Horizontal corbel offset.
2 Height of the beam cut.
3 Gap between the corbel and extended beam.

Beam end shape

You can fit the beam end to the column, or you can create a straight beam

Option Description Example

Straight beam end
AutoDefaults can change
this option.

Straight beam end

Concrete Detailing 31 Beam and column connections

Option Description Example
Beam end is fit to the
column based on the
dimensions you define.
Beam can extend
symmetrically on both
sides of the column, or
with different

Corbel thickness

Define the distances from column edges to set the corbel thickness.

Corbel side chamfers

Define whether the corbel sides are chamfered. By default, no chamfers are

Concrete Detailing 32 Beam and column connections

Corbel connection (14): Parts tab
Use the Parts tab to control the corbel part properties and dimensions in
Corbel connection (14).

Corbel parts

Part Description
Bearing plate Bearing plate thickness.
Cast unit Select whether cast unit is formed.
Drainage hole Select whether drainage holes for
each reinforcing bar are created in
the bearing plate.

Bolt plate Bolt plate thickness.

Nut Nut thickness.

Option Description Default

Pos_No Prefix and start number The default part start
for the part position number is defined on
number. the Components tab in
File menu --> Settings --
Some components have
> Options.
a second row of fields
where you can enter the
assembly position
Material Material grade. The default material is
defined in the Part
material box on the
Components tab in File

Concrete Detailing 33 Beam and column connections

Option Description Default
menu --> Settings -->
Name Name that is shown in
drawings and reports.

Bearing plate dimensions

1 Bearing plate distance from the column edge.
2 Bearing plate distance from the corbel edges.

Nut and bolt plate dimensions

1 Nut width.
2 Bolt plate width.

Corbel connection (14): Reinforcing bar tab

Use the Reinforcing bar tab to control the reinforcing bar and fastening plate
properties, and the bolt plate and fastening plate recesses in Corbel
connection (14).

Concrete Detailing 34 Beam and column connections

Reinforcing bar properties

Option Description
Grade Strength of the steel used in the
reinforcing bars.
Size Diameter of the reinforcing bar.
Bending radius Internal radius of the bends in the
Name Tekla Structures uses the name in
drawings and reports.
Class Use Class to group reinforcements.
For example, you can display different
reinforcement classes in different
Number of bars Select 1 Dowel to create one
reinforcing bar.
Select 2 Dowels to create two
reinforcing bars. Then define the
distance between the bars in the Bar
distance field.

Reinforcing bar length

1 Distance between reinforcing bar center line and the column edge.
2 Vertical length of the reinforcing bar inside the corbel.
3 Length of the reinforcing bar inside the column.

Concrete Detailing 35 Beam and column connections

Recess for bolt plate and nut

1 Size of the bolt plate recess in the x direction.
5 Size of the bolt plate recess in the y direction.
2 Size of the nut recess in the y direction.
4 Size of the nut recess in the x direction.
3 Reinforcing bar offset.

Reinforcing bar extra length

1 Extra length of the reinforcing bar.
2 Length of the reinforcing bar inside the recess.

Connecting devices
Define the connecting devices that connect the beam and the column.

Option Description
One or two reinforcing bars bent to
the same angle as the corbel bevel
Available for bevel corbels.
AutoDefaults can change this option.
One or two reinforcing bars bent to
the same angle as the corbel bevel
Available for bevel corbels.

Concrete Detailing 36 Beam and column connections

Option Description
One or two reinforcing bars
Default for straight and rounded
Two fastening plates
Use custom components as fastening

Recess for fastening plate

1 Depth of column recess.
2 Depth of beam recess.
3 Offset of column recess.
4 Offset of beam recess.
Column recess Height and width of column and beam recess.
Beam recess

Using custom components as fastening plates

You can use custom components as fastening plates. Use the Column
component and Beam component sections to define the fastening plates in
the column and beam.
1. Select the following option in theConnecting devices list:

Concrete Detailing 37 Beam and column connections

2. In the Custom list, select Yes.

3. Click the ... button next to the Component field to open the Select
component dialog box.
4. Browse for the custom component you want to use as fastening plate.
The component you select must be a custom part and have two or more
input points.
5. Select the component and click OK.
6. To use saved custom component properties, enter the name of the saved
properties file in the Custom settings field.
7. If the direction or rotation of the fastening plate is not correct, select
another option in the Up direction or Rotation list.

Column - beam (14)

Column - beam (14) creates a connection between a concrete column and a
concrete beam or wall/panel. The orientation of the beam can be horizontal or
sloped. Note that the connection works only with precast parts.

Objects created

Concrete Detailing 38 Beam and column connections

Use for

Option Description
Beam end rests on the column.

Beam end rests on the column.

Selection order
1. Select the main part (column).
2. Select the secondary part (beam/wall/panel).

See also
Column - beam (14): Picture tab (page 39)
Column - beam (14): Column tab (page 43)

Column - beam (14): Picture tab

Use the Picture tab to define cut-out shapes and cut-out dimensions of the
column and the beam in Column - beam (14).

Concrete Detailing 39 Beam and column connections

Cut-out dimensions

Option Description
Cut-outs of the main part and the
secondary part in the horizontal
The space between the column
and the beam can be defined at
both sides. For tapered openings
you can define how much the
opening is reduced.

Cut-outs of the main part and the

secondary part in the vertical
The space between the column
and the beam can be defined at
both sides. For tapered openings
you can define how much the
opening is reduced.

Concrete Detailing 40 Beam and column connections

Option Description

Select the how the opening is

The options are:
From beam centerline
From beam edges

Cut-out shape

Option Description
Cut around the secondary part

Concrete Detailing 41 Beam and column connections

Option Description
Cut-out to the top of the column

Cut-out to the bottom of the column

Concrete Detailing 42 Beam and column connections

Option Description
Full vertical cut-out

No cut-out

Column - beam (14): Column tab

Use the Column tab to define the how the top of the column is modified in
Column - beam (14).

Column extension
You can use the three fields to define the column extension. If all fields are left
empty, the column is extended to its original top level.

Concrete Detailing 43 Beam and column connections

Option Description
1 Column extension in the vertical direction from the beam top.
This field has the highest priority among the three fields (1, 3, 4) for
defining the column extension.
2 Select wether the top of the column is perpendicular or parallel to
the beam.

Parallel with top of beam:

3 Column extension in the vertical direction.

Concrete Detailing 44 Beam and column connections

Option Description
4 Column extension in the vertical direction from the beam bottom.

Corbels and recesses (82)

Corbels and recesses (82) adds concrete parts or cuts to a concrete part. You
can define the position, offsets and rotation of the added parts or cuts in
several ways.

Objects created
The component can add a maximum of four parts or cuts to a concrete part.
The added parts can be welded to the main part, added as parts and cast
units, or as sub-assemblies.

Use for
Cut-out seams from concrete walls
Adding concrete support blocks to concrete columns or walls

Selection order
1. Select the main part.
The part or cut is created automatically.

See also
Corbels and recesses (82): Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4 tab (page 45)
Corbels and recesses (82): Configuration tab (page 50)

Corbels and recesses (82): Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4 tab

Use the Part 1, Part 2, Part 3 or Part 4 tab to create one additional part or cut
to the concrete part in Corbels and recesses (82).

Select the profile to be added to the concrete part or used for the cut.
Select how the added part is connected to the main part.

Concrete Detailing 45 Beam and column connections

Option Example
No part created

Part is created

Part is created and added to the main part

Concrete Detailing 46 Beam and column connections

Option Example
Part is created and the main part is cut

Main part is cut

Part is created and cast unit is created

Concrete Detailing 47 Beam and column connections

Option Example
Part is created and welded to the main part

Part is created and welded to the main part, and

the main part is cut

Part is created and added as sub-assembly

Part is created and added as sub-assembly, and the

main part is cut

Define the offset of the added part from the main part. You can set the offset
also for openings.
By default, the added parts or cuts are created between the end points of the
concrete part.

Concrete Detailing 48 Beam and column connections

Create diamond corbel around column
Select whether a diamond corbel is created around the column.
If you create the corbel, you cannot enter any values on the Part 2, Part 3 or
Part 4 tabs.

You can chamfer the added parts. You can define the chamfers either as
angles or as dimensions.

Positioning of the parts

Option Description
Select the side where the added parts or cuts
are created.

Select the alignment of the added parts or cuts.

Concrete Detailing 49 Beam and column connections

Option Description
You can swap the end points of the added parts
or cuts.

Select whether the existing cuts should be

taken into account when the added parts are

Use the Fabricator name, Name, Type, Nomination, Article number and
Comment user-defined attributes (UDAs) to add information for the added
parts or cuts.

Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4 tab

You can add or cut more than one part at the same time. To do this, use the
tabs Part 2, Part 3 and Part 4.

Concrete Detailing 50 Beam and column connections

Corbels and recesses (82): Configuration tab
Use the Configuration tab to define the distance in material and whether
information needs to be printed in Corbels and recesses (82).

Use the Print info option to define whether additional colored dummy
profiles are placed in the main part for more clearness. The additional colored
profiles can help in the component orientation.

NOTE The additional profiles have an effect on numbering. The profiles get
part numbers and assembly numbers.

Concrete console (110)

Concrete console (110) creates a connection between a concrete column and
a concrete beam. The beam rests on a console which is attached to the

Objects created
Neoprene strip
Steel plate between console and beam
Anchor rods

Concrete Detailing 51 Beam and column connections

Use for

Situation Description
Console connection between a
concrete column and a concrete

Selection order
1. Select the main part (column).
2. Select the secondary part (beam).
The connection is created automatically when the secondary part is

See also
Concrete console (110): Picture tab (page 52)
Concrete console (110): Parts tab (page 56)
Concrete console (110): Connection tab (page 58)
Concrete console (110): Parameters tab (page 58)
Concrete console (110): Anchor rods tab (page 60)
Concrete console (110): Socket tab (page 63)

Concrete console (110): Picture tab

Use the Picture tab to define the shape and the dimensions of the console,
and the steel support plates and the neoprene layer in Concrete console

Concrete Detailing 52 Beam and column connections

1 Shape and dimensions of the concrete console and the steel and
neoprene parts.
2 Select how the shape of the
secondary beam is modified if
the secondary beam is sloping.

Concrete Detailing 53 Beam and column connections


Concrete Detailing 54 Beam and column connections

3 Console offset. Reference =
column centerline
You can set the reference to be
the main part or the secondary If no offset value is
part. Additionally, the offset applied, the
distance can be defined. console is placed
compared to the

Reference =
column left side

Reference =
column right side

Reference = beam

Reference = beam
left side

Reference = beam
right side

4 Vertical plate offset. Reference =

column centerline
You can set the reference to be
the main part or the secondary
part. Additionally, the offset
distance can be defined.

Concrete Detailing 55 Beam and column connections

Reference =
column left side

Reference =
column right side

Reference = beam

Reference = beam
left side

Reference = beam
right side

5 Console tapering.
6 Console width.
If no value is entered, the width is the same as the width of the beam

Concrete console (110): Parts tab

Use the Parts tab to define properties for the console, the neoprene layer and
the optional steel plates created in Concrete console (110).

Concrete Detailing 56 Beam and column connections

Option Description
Concrete console Prefix and start number for the part position
number, material, name, class and comment for the
Console to column Select how the console is attached to the concrete
Default is Part Add.
The No action option means that the console is a
loose part and not attached to any other part in the
Create console like Select how the console is created.
Default is Contour plate.
Contour plate = the console is created using the
Contour plate command.
Beam = the console is created using the Beam
Neoprene Neoprene layer properties.
A neoprene plate for shock absorbing and sound-
damping can be created between the beam and the
If a trapezium shaped neoprene block is used, the
defined thickness will be the thickness on the
column side.
Neoprene to Select to which part the neoprene layer is attached,
and how the neoprene is attached.
Default is Beam and Weld.
Holes in neoprene Select how the holes in the neoprene part are
Default is By bolt.
Diameter of holes in Diameter of the holes in the neoprene part.
By default, the hole size in the neoprene part is
equal to the holes in the console.
Enter a value to overwrite this default hole size.
Steel plate horizontal Horizontal steel plate size and properties.
The plate is placed under the neoprene part.
Steel plate vertical Vertical steel plate size and properties.
The plate is placed at the console side.
Add steel plate to the Select how the steel plate is attached to the column.
column by
Default is Weld.

Concrete Detailing 57 Beam and column connections

Concrete console (110): Connection tab
Use the Connection tab to define the properties of the anchor rods, nuts and
washers and injection tubes and to select how these parts are connected to
the console or the main part in Concrete console (110).

Option Description
Anchor rods Anchor rod profile.
Define the length and number of rods on the Anchor
rods tab.
Type of reinforcing Select the reinforcing bar type.
Anchors to Select to which part the anchor rods are attached, and
how the anchors are attached.
Default is Column and Weld.
Anchors all the Select whether the anchor rods have the same length.
same L
Nut Nut profile.
Define the height of the nut on the Anchor rods tab.
Washer Washer profile.
You can define the direction and the rotation for each
Define the thickness of the washer on the Anchor
rods tab.
Weld washer and Select whether washers and nuts are welded to the
nut to anchor anchors.
Tube top Tubular embed for creating a round hole for the
The tube top starts at the bottom level of the nut.
Tube bottom Tubular embed for creating a round hole for the
The height of the tubular profile can be modified on
the Anchor rods tab.
Tubes around Select how the tubes around the anchors are attached
anchors to beam to the beam.
Default is Weld.
Tubes all the same L Select whether the tubes have the same length.

Concrete Detailing 58 Beam and column connections

Concrete console (110): Parameters tab
Use the Parameters tab to define how the column and the beam are cut
(skew/square) in Concrete console (110).

Option Description
Fitting to column Select how the top of the column is fitted.
Default is Perpendicular.
Column cut-out Default.
A full-width cut-out is

Column left side cut-out.

Clearance between the
column and the beam can be

Column right side cut-out.

Clearance between the
column and the beam can be

Concrete Detailing 59 Beam and column connections

Option Description
Both sides cut-out. Clearance
between the column and the
beam can be set on both

Beam end cut-out Square beam end

Use this option when
the beam and the
column are not
aligned. Skewed beam end (according
to main part)

Beam bottom cut-out Square beam bottom

Use this option when
the beam and the
column are not
aligned. Skewed beam bottom
(according to main part)

Concrete console (110): Anchor rods tab

Use the Anchor rods tab to define dimensions and position of the anchor rods
in Concrete console (110).

Concrete Detailing 60 Beam and column connections

1 Anchor rod length, hole diameter and top offset.
2 Number of anchor rods, distances and edge distances.
3 Anchor rod distribution options.
Useful when the beam is not aligned with the column.

4 Select the type of the hole in the beam.

Default is Circular.
If you set the type to Circular, use the two boxes on
the left to define the hole diameter.
If you set the type to Square, use the four boxes on
the left to define the dimensions of the square cut.
5 Height of the tubular profile, nut and washer.

Concrete Detailing 61 Beam and column connections

6 Anchor rods and cuts Default.
Anchor rods are
created. Holes for
the anchors are

Anchor rods are

created. No holes
are created.

Only holes are

created. No
anchors are

Only anchor rods

are created. No
holes are created.

Cut-out in the
concrete beam.
Anchor rods are
created. No holes
are created.

Concrete Detailing 62 Beam and column connections

Cut-out in the
concrete beam
(parallel to beam).
Anchor rods are
created. No holes
are created.

Concrete console (110): Socket tab

Use the Socket tab to define whether socket anchors are created, how they
are connected and the dimensions and position of the socket anchors in
Concrete console (110).

If you create the sockets on the Socket tab, the anchor rods on the
Connection tab are automatically considered as sockets.

Option Description
Create socket Select whether sockets are created
and which parts are included.
Connect socket to prim by Select how the sockets are connected
to the main part.
Connection rod-connector Select the connection method
between the rod and the connecting
Type of reinforcing bars Select the rod type.
Leg rotation Select the direction of the rod. You
can enter an angle in the box on the
Connector Properties for the connecting profile
and the rod.
Partname component If you want to use a custom part to
create the socket, select the Custom
part option in the Create socket list.
Then browse for the component, and
use the list of options to position the
custom part.

Concrete console (111)

Concrete console (111) creates a connection between a concrete column and
two secondary concrete beams. The beams rest on a console which is attached
to the column.

Concrete Detailing 63 Beam and column connections

Objects created
Neoprene strip
Steel plates
Anchor rods

Use for

Situation Description
Console connection between a
concrete column and two concrete

Console connection between a

concrete column and one concrete

Selection order
1. Select the main part (column).
2. Select the first secondary part (beam).
3. Select the secondary part (beam).
4. Click the middle mouse button to create the connection.

Concrete Detailing 64 Beam and column connections

See also
Concrete console (111): Picture tab (page 65)
Concrete console (111): Parts tab (page 65)
Concrete console (111): Anchor tab (page 68)
Concrete console (111): Anchor rods (page 69)
Concrete console (111): Socket tab (page 71)

Concrete console (111): Picture tab

Use the Picture tab to define the shape and the dimensions of the console,
and the steel support plates and the neoprene layer in Concrete console

Concrete console (111): Parts tab

Use the Parts tab to define properties for the console, the neoprene layer and
the optional steel plates created in Concrete console (111).

Concrete Detailing 65 Beam and column connections

Option Description
Console width Console thickness, and the prefix and a start
number for the part position number, material,
name, class and comment for the console.
If no value is entered, the width is the same as the
width of the beam.
Console to column Select how the console is attached to the column.
Default is Part Add.
The No action option means that the console is a
loose part and not attached to any other part in the
Create console like Select the profile type of the console.
Default is Contour plate.
Contour plate = the console is created using the
Contour plate command.
Beam = the console is created using the Beam

Neoprene Neoprene layer properties.

A neoprene plate for shock absorbing and sound-
damping can be created between the beam and the
If a trapezium shaped neoprene block is used, the
defined thickness will be the thickness on the
column side.
Neoprene to Select to which part the neoprene layer is attached,
and how the neoprene is attached.
Default is Beam and Weld.

Concrete Detailing 66 Beam and column connections

Option Description
Holes in neoprene Select how the holes in the neoprene part are
Default is By bolt.
Diameter of holes in Diameter of the holes in the neoprene part.
By default, the hole size in the neoprene part is
equal to the holes in the console.
Enter a value to overwrite this default hole size.
Select if the neoprene layer is split for each beam

Steel plate horizontal Horizontal steel plate size and properties.

The plate is placed under the neoprene part.
Steel plate vertical Vertical steel plate size and properties.
The plate is placed at the console side.

Concrete Detailing 67 Beam and column connections

Option Description
Add steel plate to the Select how the steel plate is attached to the column.
column by
Default is Weld.

Concrete console (111): Anchor tab

Use the Anchor tab to define the properties of the anchor rods, nuts and
washers and injection tubes and select how these parts are connected to the
console or the main part in Concrete console (111).

Option Description
Anchor rods Anchor rod profile.
Define the length and number of rods on the Anchor
rods tab.
Type of reinforcing Select the reinforcing bar type.
Anchors to Select to which part the anchor rods are attached, and
how the anchors are attached.
Default is Column and Weld.
Anchors all the Select whether the anchor rods have the same length.
same L
Washer Washer profile.
Define the thickness of the washer on the Anchor
rods tab.
Nut Nut profile.
Define the height of the nut on the Anchor rods tab.
Weld washer and Select whether washers and nuts are welded to the
nut to anchor anchors.
Tube top Tubular embed for creating a round hole for the
The tube top starts at the bottom level of the nut.
Tube bottom Tubular embed for creating a round hole for the
The height of the tubular profile can be modified on
the Anchor rods tab.
Tubes around Select how the tubes around the anchors are attached
anchors to beam to the beam.
Default is Weld.
Tubes all the same L Select whether the tubes have the same length.

Concrete Detailing 68 Beam and column connections

Concrete console (111): Anchor rods
Use the Anchor rods tab to define dimensions and position of the anchor rods
in Concrete console (111).

1 Anchor rod length, hole diameter and top offset.
2 Number of anchor rods, distances and edge distances.
3 Anchor rod distribution options.
Useful when the beam is not aligned with the column.

Concrete Detailing 69 Beam and column connections

4 Select the type of the hole in the beam.
Default is Circular.
If you set the type to Circular, use the two boxes on
the left to define the hole diameter.
If you set the type to Square, use the four boxes on
the left to define the dimensions of the square cut.
5 Height of the tubular profile, nut and washer.
6 Anchor rods and cuts Default.
Anchor rods are
created. Holes for
the anchors are

Anchor rods are

created. No holes
are created.

Only holes are

created. No
anchors are

Concrete Detailing 70 Beam and column connections

Only anchor rods
are created. No
holes are created.

Cut-out in the
concrete beam.
Anchor rods are
created. No holes
are created.

Concrete console (111): Socket tab

Use the Socket tab to define whether socket anchors are created, how they
are connected and the dimensions and position of the socket anchors in
Concrete console (111).

If you create the sockets on the Socket tab, the anchor rods on the Anchor
tab are automatically considered as sockets.

Option Description
Create socket Select whether sockets are created
and which parts are included.
Connect socket to prim by Select how the sockets are connected
to the main part.
Connection rod-connector Select the connection method
between the rod and the connecting
Type of reinforcing bars Select the rod type.
Leg rotation Select the direction of the sockets.
You can enter an angle in the box on
the right.
Connecting profile Properties for the connecting profile
and the rod.
Partname component If you want to use a custom part to
create the socket, select the Custom
part option in the Create socket list.
Then browse for the component, and
use the list of options to position the
custom part.

Concrete Detailing 71 Beam and column connections

Concrete beam-beam (112)
Concrete beam - beam (112) creates a connection between a concrete beam
and one or two secondary concrete beams.

Objects created
Steel plates
Anchor rods

Use for

Situation Description
Connection between two concrete

Connection between three concrete


Selection order
1. Select the main part (beam).

Concrete Detailing 72 Beam and column connections

2. Select one or two secondary parts (beam).
3. Click the middle mouse button to create the connection.

Part identification key

1 Beam
2 Beam

See also
Concrete beam-beam (112): Picture tab (page 73)
Concrete beam-beam (112): Parts tab (page 83)
Concrete beam-beam (112): Anchors tab (page 85)
Concrete beam-beam (112): Parameters tab (page 86)
Concrete beam-beam (112): Anchor rods tab (page 87)
Concrete beam-beam (112): Socket tab (page 99)

Concrete beam-beam (112): Picture tab

Use the Picture tab to control the part dimensions and the shapes of the
parts, and the recesses in the Concrete beam-beam (112) connection.

Concrete Detailing 73 Beam and column connections


Description Example
1 Define the gap between the main
part and the secondary part on the
left and the right side.

2 Define the vertical gap between the

main part and the secondary part.

Concrete Detailing 74 Beam and column connections

Description Example
3 Define the length of the neoprene.

4 Define the gap between the

neoprene and the secondary part on
the left and the right side.

5 Define the length of the steel plate.

Concrete Detailing 75 Beam and column connections

Description Example
6 Define the gap between the steel
plate and the secondary part on the
left and the right side.

Concrete Detailing 76 Beam and column connections

Description Example
1 Define the distance from the
centerline of the secondary parts
to the outer contour of the main
part on the left side.

2 Define the distance from the

centerline of the secondary parts
to the outer contour of the main
part on the right side.

Concrete Detailing 77 Beam and column connections

Description Example
3 Define the distance from the
edge of the first secondary part
to the centerline.

4 Define the distance from the

edge of the second secondary
part to the centerline.

Concrete Detailing 78 Beam and column connections

Description Example
5 Define the depth of the recess in
the main part.

6 Define the depth of the recess in

the secondary part.

Concrete Detailing 79 Beam and column connections

Description Example
7 Define the width of the recess in
the first secondary part.

8 Define the width of the recess in

the second secondary part.

Concrete Detailing 80 Beam and column connections

Description Example
9 Define the width of the

10 Define the distance from the

edge of the neoprene to the edge
of the main part.

11 Define the distance from the

edge of the neoprene to the edge
of the main part.

Concrete Detailing 81 Beam and column connections

Description Example
12 Define the width of the steel

13 Define the distance from the

edge of the steel plate to the
edge of the main part.

Concrete Detailing 82 Beam and column connections

Description Example
14 Define the distance from the
edge of the neoprene to the edge
of the main part.

15 Define the distance from the

edge of the recess in the main
part to the edge of the secondary

Concrete beam-beam (112): Parts tab

Use the Parts tab to control the neoprene and steel plate properties and how
these parts are connected in the Concrete beam-beam (112) connection.

Neoprene and steel plate

Option Description
t, b, h Define the neoprene or the steel plate thickness,
width and height.
Pos_No Define a prefix and a start number for the part
position number.

Concrete Detailing 83 Beam and column connections

Option Description
Material Define the material grade.
Name Define a name for the neoprene or the steel plate.
Class Define the part class number for the neoprene or
the steel plate.
Comment Add a comment for the neoprene or the steel plate.

Neoprene properties
A neoprene plate for absorbing shock and for damping sound can be used
between the main and the secondary parts.

Option Description
Neoprene to Define to which part the neoprene is
connected. The neoprene can also be a loose
In the second list, define how the neoprene is
connected to the part.
Holes in Neoprene Define how the holes in the neoprene are
Diameter of Holes in Define the diameter of the holes in the
Neoprene neoprene.
Define whether the neoprene is created as
one single plate or as two plates and the
edge distance from the neoprene to the
secondary parts.

Steel plate properties

One or two additional steel plates can be used between the main and the
secondary parts.

Option Description
Add steel plate to Define how the steel plate is connected to
the primary by the main part.
Negative volume Define whether there is a negative volume
around steel plate around the steel plate.

Concrete Detailing 84 Beam and column connections

Concrete beam-beam (112): Anchors tab
Use the Anchors tab to control the properties of anchor rods, nuts, washers
and the top and bottom tubes in the Concrete beam-beam (112) connection.

Anchor rods, Nut, Washer, Plate, Tube top, Tube bottom

Anchor rods can be used between the main and the secondary parts. Define
the length and number of rods on the Anchor rods tab.
Nuts and washers can be created. Define the height of nuts and washers on
the Anchor rods tab.
Tubes can be used between the main and the secondary parts. Define the
height of the tubular profiles on the Anchor rods tab.

Option Description
t, b, h Define the part thickness, width and height.
Pos_No Define a prefix and a start number for the part position
Material Define the material grade.
Name Define a name that is shown in drawings and reports.
Class Define the part class number.
Comment Add a comment for the part.

Anchor rods

Anchors to Define to which part the anchor rods

are connected. The anchor rods can
also be loose parts.
In the second list, define how the
anchor rods are connected to the
Anchors all the same L Define whether the anchor rods have
the same length.
Type of reinforcing bars Define the type of reinforcing bars.
Bottom section Define the type of profile in the
bottom section.

Define the position of the washer handles.

Concrete Detailing 85 Beam and column connections

Washer plate
Define the position of the plate handles.

Define whether the washers and nuts are welded to the plates.

Tube top and tube bottom

You can add a tubular embed for creating a round hole for the anchors. The
tube top starts at the bottom level of the nut.

Tubes around anchors to Define how to connect the tubes to

beam the beam.
Tubes all the same L Define whether the tubes have the
same length.

Concrete beam-beam (112): Parameters tab

Use the Parameters tab to control the connecting options in the Concrete
beam-beam (112) connection.

Anchors only in secondary Select whether anchor rods are

included only in the secondary parts.

Concrete Detailing 86 Beam and column connections

Fit secondaries perpendicular Select how to fit the secondary parts.

Concrete beam-beam (112): Anchor rods tab

Use the Anchor rods tab to control the number, dimensions and position of
the anchor rods and the dimensions of the recesses in the main and
secondary parts in the Concrete beam-beam (112) connection.


Concrete Detailing 87 Beam and column connections

Description Example
1 Define the size of
the holes in the

2 Define the size of

the recesses in the
beam in both

Concrete Detailing 88 Beam and column connections

Description Example
3 Define the type of
the holes in the

4 Define the distance

between the top of
the anchor rod and
the top of the beam.

Concrete Detailing 89 Beam and column connections

Description Example
5 Define the distance
between the bottom
of the recess and the
top of the anchor

6 Define the distance

between the bottom
of the recess in the
main part and the
bottom of the recess
in the secondary

Concrete Detailing 90 Beam and column connections

Description Example
7 Define the distance
from the centerline
of the secondary
parts to the outer
contour of the main

Concrete Detailing 91 Beam and column connections

Description Example
8 Define the width of
the anchor rod

Concrete Detailing 92 Beam and column connections

Description Example
9 Define the height of
the anchor.

10 Define the angle of

the anchor rod

Concrete Detailing 93 Beam and column connections

Description Example
11 Define the radius of
the anchor rod hook
in the main part in
the vertical

Concrete Detailing 94 Beam and column connections

Description Example
12 Define the anchor
rod egde distances
from the main part.

13 Define the number

of anchor rods.
14 Define the anchor
rod spacing.
Use a space to
separate anchor rod
spacing values. Enter
a value for each
space between
anchor rods. For
example, if there are
3 anchor rod rows,
enter 2 values.

Concrete Detailing 95 Beam and column connections

Description Example
15 Define the anchor
rod egde distances
from the secondary

16 Define the number

of anchors rods.
17 Define the anchor
rod spacing.
Use a space to
separate anchor rod
spacing values. Enter
a value for each
space between
anchor rods. For
example, if there are
3 anchor rod rows,
enter 2 values.

Concrete Detailing 96 Beam and column connections

Description Example
1 Define the distance
between the top side of
the top tube and the top
of the part.

2 Define the height of the


Concrete Detailing 97 Beam and column connections

Description Example
3 Define the height of the

4 Define the distance

between the bottom side
of the top tube and the
bottom side of the recess.

5 Define the distance

between the top side of
the bottom tube and the
bottom side of the recess.

Concrete Detailing 98 Beam and column connections

Description Example
6 Define the distance
between the bottom side
of the bottom tube and
the bottom side of the

Define whether anchors and recesses are created.

Option Description
Anchors and recesses



Concrete beam-beam (112): Socket tab

Use the Socket tab to control the socket properties and how the sockets are
connected. If you create the sockets on the Socket tab, the anchors on the
Anchors rods tab are automatically considered as sockets in the Concrete
beam-beam (112) connection.

Concrete Detailing 99 Beam and column connections


Option Description
Create socket Select whether sockets are created
and which parts are included.
Connect socket to prim by Select how the sockets are connected
to the main part.
Connection rod-connector Select how to connect the rod
Type of reinforcing bars Select the rod type.
Leg rotation Select the direction of the sockets.
In the second list, define the angle of
the sockets.

Connecting profile, Rod

Option Description
t, b, h Define the connecting profile and the rod thickness,
width and height.
Pos_No Define a prefix and a start number for the part position
Material Define the material grade for the connecting profile
and the rod.
Name Define a name that is shown in drawings and reports.
Class Define the part class number for the connecting profile
and the rod.
Comment Add a comment for the connecting profile and the rod.

Partname component

Option Description
Partname If you use a custom component to create the socket,
component browse for the component and use the list of options
to position the custom component.

1.3 Panels and walls

This section introduces components that can be used in concrete panels and
Click the links below to find out more:
Wall to wall connection (page 101)

Concrete Detailing 100 Panels and walls

Wall groove seam detail (page 107)
Anchor (10) (page 113)
Wall wall teeth (12) (page 127)
Electric box in wall (84) (page 136)
Sandwich And Double Wall (page 152)
Sandwich Wall Horizontal Seam (page 176)
Sandwich Wall Vertical Seam (page 183)
Sandwich Wall Window (page 189)

Wall to wall connection

Wall to wall connection creates a connection between two precast walls. The
connection can contain a groove with or without additional shear teeth.
Additionally, the connection can create reinforcing bar loops or embeds that
work as connectors in the walls.

Objects created
Shear teeth or shear cups
U bars
Long bar

Concrete Detailing 101 Panels and walls

Use for

Situation Description
Wall to wall connection with groove,
shear teeth, U bars and a loose bar.

Selection order
1. Select the first wall.
2. Select the second wall.
The connection is created automatically when the second wall is selected.

See also
Wall to wall connection: Edge shape tab (page 102)
Wall to wall connection: Extra teeth tab (page 103)
Wall to wall connection: Connectors tab (page 104)

Wall to wall connection: Edge shape tab

Use the Edge shape tab to select the wall framing type in the Wall to wall

Concrete Detailing 102 Panels and walls

Option Description
Wall framing type selection.
Wall framing type selection affects the wall edge
shape options.
You can use the connection in three different
modeling situations:
With this option the first selected wall is fitted to
align with the exterior face of the second
selected wall.
Wall edge shape.
Select the edge shape of each wall.
Adjust the free space between two walls.

Wall edge dimensions.

To set the edge shape and dimensions
independently for both walls, use the Use given
dimensions option.
To make the edge shape similar in both walls, use
the Same to right side option.
Groove start and end point.
You can define the start point and the end point of
the groove. If you do not enter a value, or enter 0,
the groove is applied at full height of the wall.

Wall to wall connection: Extra teeth tab

Use the Extra teeth tab to define the properties for additional shear teeth in
the Wall to wall connection.

Concrete Detailing 103 Panels and walls

Option Description
Select whether additional shear teeth or shear
cups are created.
Teeth or cups can be created also when there
is no groove.

Dimensions of a single tooth or cup.

Location of the first tooth or cup in the first

wall and in the second wall, and the spacing
between the teeth or cups.
You can enter a list of spaces, for example
10*400, or just a single value. When you enter
a single value, the number of teeth or cups is
calculated automatically based on the height of
the connection.

Wall to wall connection: Connectors tab

Use the Connectors tab to select the type of connectors created in the Wall to
wall connection.

Connector type
The content of the Connectors tab varies depending on the type of the
selected connectors.

Concrete Detailing 104 Panels and walls

Option Description
Connector type.
No connectors. Only groove with or without shear
teeth is created.
Connectors are created by using the selected
embed (custom part).
Connectors are created by adding reinforcing bar
loops. Reinforcing bar loop is formed depending
on the wall framing type.
In addition, the connector can optionally create one
or more long reinforcing bars along the connection.

Embeds and loose rebar

Option Description
Location of the first connector (embed) in
the first wall and in the second wall, and
the spacing between the connectors.
You can enter a list of spaces, for
example 10*400, or just a single value,
for example 300. When you enter a
single value, the number of connectors is
calculated automatically based on the
height of the connection.
You can also define the extended length
of the loose long bar.
Select which embeds (custom parts) are
created in each wall.
If the embed has any saved attributes,
select which attributes are used.
Offset of the embed.
By default, the embed input points are in
the center of the wall.

Concrete Detailing 105 Panels and walls

U bars and loose rebar

Option Description
Location of the first connector
(reinforcing bar loop) in the first wall and
in the second wall, and the spacing
between the connectors.
You can enter a list of spaces, for
example 10*400, or just a single value,
for example 300. When you enter a single
value the number of connectors is
calculated automatically based on the
height of the connection.
You can also define the extended length
of the loose long bar.
Reinforcing bar loop dimensions.
The available dimension options depend
on the wall framing type selected on the
Edge shape tab.
Many of the dimensions have counter
parts in the first wall and in the second
wall. It is enough to enter one dimension
and by default the counter part
dimension gets the same value.

Number of bars Number of long loose bars.

If you do not want to create a loose long
bar, enter 0 as the Number of bars.

Reinforcing bar properties

Enter the properties for reinforcing bar Grade, Size, Name, Class, Prefix and
Start Number.

Concrete Detailing 106 Panels and walls

If needed, you can create your own embed (custom part) and use it as a
When creating the embed, ensure that the input points are defined so that
they are compatible with Wall to wall connection. The image below shows
examples of the input points.

Wall groove seam detail

Wall groove seam detail creates a groove with optional shear teeth to a
precast wall, a slab or a similar part. Additionally the connection can create
reinforcing bar loops or embeds that work as connectors in the walls.

Objects created
Shear teeth or shear cups
U bars
Long bar

Concrete Detailing 107 Panels and walls

Use for

Situation Description
Groove with shear teeth and U bars.

Selection order
1. Select the wall or slab.
2. Pick the start point of the groove.
3. Pick the end point of the groove.

See also
Wall groove seam detail: Edge shape tab (page 108)
Wall groove seam detail: Extra teeth tab (page 109)
Wall groove seam detail: Connectors tab (page 110)

Wall groove seam detail: Edge shape tab

Use the Edge shape tab to select the orientation of the groove in the Wall
groove seam detail.

Option Description
Groove orientation selection.
Define the orientation of the groove in relation to
the input points.

Concrete Detailing 108 Panels and walls

Option Description
Groove edge shape.

Groove start and end point in relation to input the

You can define the start point and the end point of
the groove. If you do not enter a value, or enter 0,
the groove is applied at full height of the wall.

Wall groove seam detail: Extra teeth tab

Use the Extra teeth tab to define the properties for additional shear teeth in
the Wall groove seam detail.

Option Description
Select whether additional shear teeth or shear
cups are created.
Teeth or cups can be created also when there
is no groove.

Dimensions of a single tooth or cup.

Concrete Detailing 109 Panels and walls

Option Description
Location of the first tooth or cup in the groove,
and the spacing between the teeth or cups.
You can enter a list of spaces, for example
10*400, or just a single value. When you enter
a single value, the number of teeth or cups is
calculated automatically based on the height of
the detail.

Wall groove seam detail: Connectors tab

Use the Connectors tab to select the type of connectors created in the Wall
groove seam detail.

Connector type
The content of the Connectors tab page varies depending on the type of the
selected connectors.

Option Description
Connector type.
No connectors. Only groove with or without
shear teeth is created.
Connectors are created by using the
selected embed (custom part).
Connectors are created by adding
reinforcing bar loops. Reinforcing bar loop
is formed depending on the framing type.
In addition, the connector can optionally create
one or more long reinforcing bars along the

Embeds and loose rebar

Option Description
Location of the first connector (embed) in
the groove, and the spacing between the
You can enter a list of spaces, for
example 10*400, or just a single value,
for example 300. When you enter a
single value, the number of connectors is

Concrete Detailing 110 Panels and walls

Option Description
calculated automatically based on the
height of the detail.
You can also define the extended length
of the loose long bar.
Select which embeds (custom parts) are
created in each groove.
If the embed has any saved attributes,
select which attributes are used.
Offset of the embed.
By default, the embed input points are in
the center of the groove.

U bars and loose rebar

Option Description
Location of the first connector
(reinforcing bar loop) in the groove,
and the spacing between the
You can enter a list of spaces, for
example 10*400, or just a single
value, for example 300. When you
enter a single value, the number of
connectors is calculated automatically
based on the height of the detail.
You can also define the extended
length of the loose long bar.
Reinforcing bar loop dimensions.
The available dimension options
depend on the orientation of the
groove selected on the Edge shape

Concrete Detailing 111 Panels and walls

Option Description

Number of bars Number of long loose bars

If you do not want to create a loose
long bar, enter 0 as the Number of

Reinforcing bar properties

Enter the properties for reinforcing bar Grade, Size, Name, Class, Prefix and
Start Number.

If needed, you can create your own custom part (embed) and use it as a
When creating the embed, ensure that the input points are defined so that
they are compatible with Wall groove seam detail. The image below shows
examples of the input points.

Concrete Detailing 112 Panels and walls

Anchor (10)
Anchor (10) connects two precast concrete parts, for example, two panels or a
column to a panel. The precast concrete parts are connected with L profiles
and with embedded connection profiles that act as anchors, for example,
custom component bolt anchors or cast-in channels. The bolt anchors and the
cast-in channels can be single-sided or double-sided. Additionally, seams can
be defined between the main part and the secondary parts.

Objects created
Anchors (bolt anchors or cast-in channels)
L profiles

Concrete Detailing 113 Panels and walls

Use for

Situation Description
Connection with L profiles and bolt

Connection with L profile and cast-in


Selection order
1. Select the main part (precast concrete panel or a column).
2. Select the secondary part (precast concrete panel).
The connection is created automatically when the secondary part is

See also
Anchor (10): Picture tab (page 115)
Anchor (10): Anchors tab (page 117)
Anchor (10): Conn profile tab (page 120)
Anchor (10): Bolts tab (page 123)

Concrete Detailing 114 Panels and walls

Anchor (10): Cuts tab (page 124)

Anchor (10): Picture tab

Use the Picture tab to define the number of anchors (bolt anchors or cast-in
channel profiles), edge distances and plate embed offset in Anchor (10).

Description Example
1 Horizontal offset of the anchors.
The offset can be defined for both
concrete parts separately.

2 Vertical offset of the anchors.

The offset can be defined for the top
and bottom side.

Concrete Detailing 115 Panels and walls

Description Example
3 Select how the anchors are

4 Select which of the anchors are


Concrete Detailing 116 Panels and walls

Description Example
5 Connection plate horizontal offset
from the centerline of an anchor.
This option is available only if you
have set the orientation of the
connection plate as follows on the
Conn profile tab:

Anchor (10): Anchors tab

Use the Anchors tab to define the properties, position and orientation of the
anchors (bolt anchors or cast-in channel profiles) in Anchor (10).

Concrete Detailing 117 Panels and walls

Description Example
1 Anchor properties in the main part.

2 Select on which side the anchors are

created in the main part.

3 Select whether a profile from the profile

catalog is used as an anchor, or a custom
part from the Applications &
components catalog.

Concrete Detailing 118 Panels and walls

Description Example
4 Anchor properties in the secondary part.

5 Select on which side the anchors are

created in the secondary part.
6 Select whether a profile from the profile
catalog is used as an anchor, or a custom
part from the Applications &
components catalog.
7 Select the connection method of the
Default (same as Weld to element)
Weld to element
Cast unit to element
Not add to element (bolt anchors or
cast-in channels are loose parts)
8 Position and rotation of the anchors in the
main concrete part.
For the Position in plane and Position in
depth options, an offset can be defined.
9 Orientation of the anchors in the main

10 Position and rotation of the anchors in the

secondary concrete part.
For Position in plane and Position in
depth options, an offset can be defined.

Concrete Detailing 119 Panels and walls

Description Example
11 Orientation of the anchors in the
secondary part.

12 Select the cut-out method of the anchors.

Default, no cut

No cut

Cut-out shape is the exact

profile contour of the bolt
anchor or the cast-in channel

Box shape cut-out

Anchor (10): Conn profile tab

Use the Conn profile tab to define the properties and position of the
connection L profile in Anchor (10).

Concrete Detailing 120 Panels and walls

Description Example
1 Connection profile properties.

2 Select on which side the connection

profiles are created.

3 Select whether a profile from the

profile catalog is used as a
connection profile, or a custom part
from the Applications &
components catalog.

Concrete Detailing 121 Panels and walls

Description Example
4 Position and rotation of the
connection profiles.
For the Position in plane and
Position in depth options, an offset
can be defined.
5 Orientation of the connection profile.

6 Connection profile cuts.

These options are available only if
you have set the orientation of the

Concrete Detailing 122 Panels and walls

Description Example
connection profile as follows on the
Conn profile tab:

7 Select the connection method of the

connection profile.
8 Select the connection profile type.
Library profile (define the profile
using the L profile options).
Folded plate (define the
dimensions using the options

Anchor (10): Bolts tab

Use the Bolts tab to define the bolt properties and offsets in Anchor (10).

Concrete Detailing 123 Panels and walls

1 Horizontal bolt distances from the L profile edges.
Default value is half of L profile flange width.
2 Vertical bolt offsets.
Reference is the L profile centerline. Default value is 0 mm.
3 Select how the bolts are added in the main part.
4 Select how the bolts are added in the secondary part.
5 Bolting direction.

Anchor (10): Cuts tab

Use the Cuts tab to define the cuts and the seams in the main and secondary
parts in Anchor (10).

Additionally, the main part can be extended, or the secondary part thickness
can be increased or decreased.
You can create a seam by defining a cut between the main part and the
secondary part.

Concrete Detailing 124 Panels and walls

Description Example
1 Extension of the main part.
If you need to extend the part,
enter a value. Ensure that you have
also selected a cut method from
the cut type list. If you select the
No cut option, the part is not
2 Seam width.
Reference is the L profile
centerline. Default value is 0 mm.
3 Left side cut along the secondary
Reference is the part centerline.
Part thickness is decreased.
4 Right side cut along the secondary
Reference is the part centerline.
Part thickness is decreased.

Concrete Detailing 125 Panels and walls

Description Example
5 Cut reference for the main and
secondary parts.

Main part near side

Main part centerline

Main part far side

6 Select the cut type.

Default, no cut

Concrete Detailing 126 Panels and walls

Description Example

Reference is the main part.

Secondary part will be adjusted to
the main part using a fitting.

Reference is the main part.

Secondary part will be adjusted to
the main part using a line cut.

Reference is main part. Just like

previous options, but the longest
part of the panel will be removed
using a line cut.

No cut

Concrete Detailing 127 Panels and walls

Wall wall teeth (12)
Wall wall teeth (12) connects two perpendicular concrete panels with a tooth-
shaped connection. The number of teeth can be set. Injection tubes and
connection bars can be added to the connection. The connection is created
with or without seams.

Objects created
Tooth connection (2 or 3 teeth) between two panels
Injection tubes
Connection bars

Use for

Situation Description
2-teeth connection between two panels.
The height of the teeth can be modified and the
clearance between the teeth can be set.

3-teeth connection between two panels with

connection bar.

Concrete Detailing 128 Panels and walls

Situation Description
Tooth connection between two panels with
connection bar and socket.

Selection order
1. Select the main part (concrete panel).
2. Select the secondary part (concrete panel).
The connection is created automatically when the secondary part is

See also
Wall wall teeth (12): Picture tab (page 129)
Wall wall teeth (12): Parts tab (page 131)
Wall wall teeth (12): Cut sec tab (page 133)
Wall wall teeth (12): Cut prim tab (page 134)
Wall wall teeth (12): Socket tab (page 135)

Wall wall teeth (12): Picture tab

Use the Picture tab to define the number of teeth, the height of teeth, and
seam widths in Wall wall teeth (12). Wall wall teeth (12) has two main
connection types: A (two teeth) and B (three teeth).

Concrete Detailing 129 Panels and walls

1 Select the number and position of teeth.
Standard is A 2 teeth bottom up.

2 Horizontal seam width in the main part. For type A (2-teeth connection).
3 Secondary part tooth height.
Reference is center of the seam. For type A (2-teeth connection).
4 Main part tooth height.
Reference is center of the seam. For type A (2-teeth connection).
This value has an effect only if the secondary part tooth height (3) has no
5 Vertical seam width between the teeth. For type A (2-teeth connection).
6 Horizontal seam width in the main part. For type A (2-teeth connection).

Concrete Detailing 130 Panels and walls

7 Top tooth height. For type B (3 teeth connection).
Reference is center of the seam.
If there is no value, and the middle tooth height and the bottom tooth
height are defined, then the top tooth gets the residual height distance.
If none of the tooth heights are defined, then all three teeth get an equal
height: (wall height - seam width) / 3
This value has lowest priority from the three tooth height-defining
Panel height is 1500mm. All three tooth heights are defined:
Top: 400mm
Middle: 700mm
Bottom: 600mm
Total defined height of teeth = 1800mm. Result: top tooth gets height
8 Vertical seam width between the teeth. For type B (3-teeth connection).
9 Bottom tooth height.
Reference is center of the seam. For type B (3-teeth connection).
If there is no value, and the top tooth and the middle tooth height are
defined, then the bottom tooth gets the residual height distance.

Wall wall teeth (12): Parts tab

Use the Parts tab to define the properties and dimensions of injection tubes
and connection bars in Wall wall teeth (12).

Concrete Detailing 131 Panels and walls

Option Description
Injection tubes Injection tube properties.
You can define the placing of the injection tubes
separately for the top tooth, middle tooth and
bottom tooth.
1 Select whether an injection tube is created.

Default is No action.
Top tooth Select whether an injection tube is created in the
teeth and select the connection method.
Middle tooth
Default is Part cut.
Bottom tooth

Concrete Detailing 132 Panels and walls

Option Description
Connection bar Connection bar properties.
One connection bar can be created through the
2 Select whether a connection bar is created and the
connection method.
Default is Yes + weld 1.
3 Depth of a connection bar from the top of the top
Default is 0.
4 Depth of an injection tube from the top of the top
Default is 0.
5 Depth of a connection bar from the top of the
bottom tooth.
Default is top tooth height + seam width. If both
values 5 and 7 are defined, then the value in the box
7 overwrites the value in the box 5.
6 Depth of an injection tube from the bottom of the
bottom tooth.
Default is 0.
7 Depth of a connection bar from the bottom of the
bottom tooth.
If both values 5 and 7 are defined, then the value in
the box 7 overwrites the value in the box 5.

Wall wall teeth (12): Cut sec tab

Use the Cut sec tab to define the way the secondary concrete panel is cut in
Wall wall teeth (12).

By default the component creates a 2-teeth connection.

You can also define a fixed offset value for the cut.
If the concrete panels are not perpendicularly orientated, you can define how
the secondary part is fitted to the main part.

Concrete Detailing 133 Panels and walls

Wall wall teeth (12): Cut prim tab
Use the Cut prim tab to define the way the main concrete panel is cut in Wall
wall teeth (12).

You can also define a fixed offset value for the cut.
If the concrete panels are not perpendicularly orientated, you can define how
the main part is fitted to the secondary part.

Concrete Detailing 134 Panels and walls

Wall wall teeth (12): Socket tab
Use the Socket tab to define whether socket anchors are created, how they
are connected and the dimensions and position of the socket anchors in Wall
wall teeth (12). Sockets are created only if you have created connection bars.

Option Description
Dimensions for socket anchor, rod profile
and connecting profile.

Create socket Select whether sockets are created and

which parts are included.
Note that a socket is created only if a
connection bar has been created on the
Parts tab.
In the examples the red profile is the
connection bar:

Connect socket Select how the sockets are connected to

the main part.
Default is By cast unit.
Connection rod-connector Select the connection method between
the rod and the connecting profile.
Default is Part add conn to rod.
Rod type Select the rod type.
Default is Poly-profile.
Leg rotation Select the direction of the rod. You can
enter an angle in the box on the right.

Concrete Detailing 135 Panels and walls

Option Description
Default is Front.

Connecting profile Properties for the connecting profile, rod

and bottom section.
Note that the bottom section is part-
Bottom section
added to the rod automatically.

Partname component If you want to use a custom part to create

the socket, select the Custom part
option in the Create socket list.
Then browse for the component, and use
the list of options to position the custom

Electric box in wall (84)

Electric box in wall (84) creates electric boxes in walls.

Objects created
Electric boxes

Concrete Detailing 136 Panels and walls

Use for

Situation Description
Electric box in a wall with
top connection.

Electric box in a wall with

bottom connection.

Concrete Detailing 137 Panels and walls

Situation Description
Electric box in a wall with
top and bottom

Selection order
1. Select a concrete panel.
2. Pick a position for the electric box.
3. Pick a position for the top connection.
4. Pick a position for the bottom connection.
The electric box and connections are created automatically.

Concrete Detailing 138 Panels and walls

Part identification key

Electric box


See also
Electric box in wall (84): Picture tab (page 139)
Electric box in wall (84): Parts tab (page 142)
Electric box in wall (84): Electric box tab (page 143)
Electric box in wall (84): Top conn / Bottom conn tab (page 147)
Electric box in wall (84): UDA tab (page 149)

Electric box in wall (84): Picture tab

Use the Picture tab to control the shape, number and position of the tubes
and the position of the electric boxes in the Electric box in wall (84) modeling

Concrete Detailing 139 Panels and walls

Tube direction

Option Description
Select the tube shape in the
up direction.

Select the tube shape in the

down direction.

Select the tube direction in

relation to the start point
(yellow) and end point
(magenta) of the wall.

Select the number of tubes

in the up direction.

Concrete Detailing 140 Panels and walls

Option Description
Select the number of tubes
in the down direction.

Tubes to concrete / Electric parts to concrete

Select how the tubes and the electric parts are connected to the concrete part.

Option Description
As Add as a subassembly to the
subassembly concrete part.
By cast unit Add to the concrete part.
Welds Weld to the concrete part.
Not Do not connect to the concrete part.

Tube and electric box positions

Option Description
Select the position of the up
connection in the concrete part.
Select the position of the electric box
in the concrete part.
Select the position of the down
connection in the concrete part.

Concrete Detailing 141 Panels and walls

Electric box in wall (84): Parts tab
Use the Parts tab to control the tube properties at the top and bottom of the
concrete part and the position of the tube reference points in the Electric box
in wall (84) modeling tool.

Tube top / Tube bottom

Option Description Default

t, b, h Define the tube thickness, D19
width and height.
Pos_No Define a prefix and a start ET 1
number for the part
position number.
Material Define the material grade. PVC
Name Define a name for the E-tube
Class Define the part class 2
number for the tube.
Comment Add a comment for the

1st reference point

Define a reference point for the tube. The reference point determines the
position of the part mark in a drawing.

Option Description Example

At top Start point is positioned
at the top of the tube.

Concrete Detailing 142 Panels and walls

Option Description Example
At bottom Start point is positioned
at the bottom of the

At longest Start point is positioned

segment at the longest segment
of the tube.

At smallest Start point is positioned

segment at the smallest segment
of the tube.

Electric box in wall (84): Electric box tab

Use the Electric box tab to control the shape, number and dimensions of the
electric boxes and to define a possible connection piece (Tube a) in the
Electric box in wall (84).

Concrete Detailing 143 Panels and walls

Electric box / Tube a

Option Description Default

t, b, h Electric box and the D19
connection piece (Tube
a) thickness, width and
Pos_No Prefix and a start ET 1
number for the part
position number.
Material Material grade. PVC
Name Name for the electric E-tube
box and the connection
Class Part class number for 2
the electric box and the
connection piece.
Comment Add a comment for the
electric box and the
connection piece.

Control the rotation of the electric box and the connection piece.

Option Example


Concrete Detailing 144 Panels and walls

Option Example


Electric box shape

Option Description
Profiles / Custom part You can use a profile from the profile
catalog or select a custom component
Example custom part:
from the Applications &
components catalog.
If you use a custom component,
browse for the component and use
the list of options to position the
custom component.

Select the shape of the electric box

and define the dimensions for the
electric box.

Select an extra shape for creating

several different types of electric
This shape is visible in drawings and it
indicates the front and back side of
the electric box.

Concrete Detailing 145 Panels and walls

Option Description
Number = Number of electric boxes in
horizontal or vertical direction.

1 Select the top connection pieces for

the electric box.
2 Select the left side connection pieces
for the electric box.
3 Select the right side connection pieces
for the electric box.
4 Select the bottom connection pieces
for the electric box.
Dimensions of the connection pieces.

Positions of the connection pieces.

Concrete Detailing 146 Panels and walls

Option Description
Options to add the electric box to the
Create electric box
Create electric box + cut electric
Create electric box + cut bounding

Electric box in wall (84): Top conn / Bottom conn tab

Use the Top conn and Bottom conn tabs to control the shape and dimensions
of the top and bottom connection boxes, and to define a possible connection
piece (Tube a) in Electric box in wall (84).

Top box / Bottom box / Tube a

Option Description
t, b, h Top and bottom connection box and the connection
piece (Tube a) thickness, width and height.
Pos_No Prefix and a start number for the part position number.
Material Material grade.
Name Name for the connection box and the connection piece.
Class Part class number for the connection box and the
connection piece.
Comment Add a comment for the connection box and the
connection piece.

Control the rotation of the connection piece (Tube a).

Connection box shape

Top conn Bottom conn Description

Profiles / Custom part You can use a profile from
the profile catalog or select
a custom component from

Concrete Detailing 147 Panels and walls

Top conn Bottom conn Description
the Applications &
components catalog.
If you use a custom
component, browse for
the component and use
the list of options to
position the custom
Select the shape of the
connection box and define
the dimensions for the

Dimensions of the
connection box.

Position of the connection


Concrete Detailing 148 Panels and walls

Top conn Bottom conn Description
Options to add the
connection box to the part.
Create connection box
Create connection box
+ cut connection box
Create connection box
+ cut bounding box

Select the connection

pieces for the connection

Select the number of

connection boxes.

Define how to the connection box is connected.

Electric box in wall (84): UDA tab

Use the UDA tab to add information in the parts user-defined attributes
(UDAs) in the Electric box in wall (84) modeling tool.

Concrete Detailing 149 Panels and walls

Option Description
Part Select to which part the related information can be saved:
Tube top
Tube bottom
Electric box
Top connection
Bottom connection
UDA Enter the name of the UDA name: UDA:
name user-defined attribute.
comment Comment
For example, to add a
fabricator Fabricator
comment UDA, open the
objects.inp file in a art_number
text editor and search for Article
comment. The following number
attribute is shown: Type
"j_comment", string,
"%s", no, none,
"0.0", "0.0")
The first text between the
quotation marks is the
UDA name, comment. The
entered name is case
Type Type of the user-defined Use String for text, Integer for
attribute. numbers, Float for numbers with
decimals and Option for
selecting an item in a list. You can
find the UDA type in the
objects.inp file
Value Enter the value that is saved to the user-defined attribute.

Concrete Detailing 150 Panels and walls


Concrete Detailing 151 Panels and walls

Sandwich And Double Wall
Sandwich And Double Wall creates a precast concrete wall. The wall consists
of an inner shell, foil, insulation, and outer shell.

Objects created
Inner shell
Foil (optional)
Insulation (optional)
Outer shell (optional)

Concrete Detailing 152 Panels and walls

Use for

Situation Description
Sandwich wall, split shells.

Sandwich wall, brick wall on outer

shell as surface treatment.

Selection order
1. Pick the first point.
2. Pick the second point.
The wall is created automatically when the second point is picked.

Concrete Detailing 153 Panels and walls

Part identification key

1 Inner shell
2 Foil
3 Insulation
4 Outer shell

See also
Sandwich And Double Wall: Parts tab (page 154)
Sandwich And Double Wall: Vertical section tab (page 160)
Sandwich And Double Wall: Horizontal section tab (page 164)
Sandwich And Double Wall: Insulation tab (page 170)
Sandwich And Double Wall: Outside Shell tab (page 172)
Sandwich And Double Wall: UDA tab (page 175)

Sandwich And Double Wall: Parts tab

Use the Parts tab to control the dimensions and positioning of the sandwich
wall inner shell, foil, insulation, and outer shell in Sandwich And Double Wall.
The inner shell is always created.

Numbering settings
Set Numbering settings to Enabled to show Prefix and Start number for all

Concrete Detailing 154 Panels and walls

Inner shell

Option Description Default

Thickness Define the thickness of 150 mm
the inner shell.


Option Description Default

Thickness Define the thickness of 1 mm
the foil.
Create foil Define whether the foil Yes and subassembly
is created.


Option Description Default

Thickness Define the thickness of 50 mm
the insulation.
Create insulation Define whether the Yes and subassembly
insulation is created.

Outer shell

Option Description Default

Thickness Define the thickness of 1 mm
the outer shell.
Create outer shell Define whether the Yes + cast unit
outer shell is created:

Option Description Default

Pos_No Prefix and start number The default part start number
for the part position is defined in the Components
number. settings in File menu -->
Settings --> Options.
Some components have a
second row of fields
where you can enter the
assembly position
Material Material grade. The default material is defined
in the Part material box in the
Components settings in File
menu --> Settings --> Options.
Name Name that is shown in
drawings and reports.

Concrete Detailing 155 Panels and walls

Option Description Default
Class Part class number.

You can use Standard or Advanced positioning. With advanced positioning,
there are more options for sandwich wall width and foil position.

Sandwich wall width

Option: Standard Description

No gaps between the parts. Sandwich
wall thickness is the sum of all
created parts.

Define the total wall width.

A gap is created between the outer
shell and the insulation.

Option: Advanced Description

Define the total wall width and the
gap between the inner shell and the
Another gap is created between the
outer shell and the insulation.

Define the total wall width and the

gap between the outer shell and the
Another gap is created between the
inner shell and the insulation.

Concrete Detailing 156 Panels and walls

Option: Advanced Description
Define the total wall width and the
gap between the inner shell and the
No gap is created between the outer
shell and the insulation.

Foil position

Option Description
By default, the foil is placed on the
outer side of the inner shell.

Define another foil position. Set

Positioning to Advanced.

Concrete Detailing 157 Panels and walls

Point offset

Option Description
Define the offset from the outer face
of the inner shell.

Define the offset from the inner face

of the inner shell.

Define the offset from the center of

the sandwich wall.

Define the offset from the inner face

of outer shell.

Define the offset from the outer face

of outer shell.

Parametric profile

Option Description
Parametric section Set to Enabled to define the prefix for
the parametric profiles of the
sandwich parts.

Concrete Detailing 158 Panels and walls

Option Description
Prefix for the parametric profile Select the prefix for the parametric
Position h*b and Position
b*h to create plate profiles
without a prefix.
If Parametric section is set to
Disabled, the parts have an h*b
prefix, for example, 2000*100.
Position PLh*b and Position
PLb*h to create plate profiles
whose prefix starts with PL.
Par. section h*b and Par.
section b*h require you to enter
a parametric plate profile prefix.
Par. section prefix Define the prefix of the parametric

Concrete Detailing 159 Panels and walls

Sandwich And Double Wall: Vertical section tab
Use the Vertical section tab to control the vertical level part properties in
Sandwich And Double Wall. You can define both the top and the bottom
level. The levels can be set as absolute levels, or vertically relative (displaced)
to the points.

Concrete Detailing 160 Panels and walls

Top level

Option Description
n1, n2, n3, n4 Define the absolute top level height.
h1, h2, h3, h4 Define the part height from the
bottom face.
d2, d3, d4 Define the vertical displacement from
the adjacent part.

When you use relative levels, the levels of all other parts depend on the inner
shell level.

Bottom level

Option Description
m1, m2, m3, m4 Define the absolute bottom level
a1, a2, a3, a4 Define the bottom offset from the
b2, b3, b4 Define the vertical displacement from
the adjacent part.

Concrete Detailing 161 Panels and walls

When you use relative levels, the levels of all other parts depend on the inner
shell level.

Thicken innershell
You can define a thickening for both the top and the bottom side of the inner

Option Description Example

Inner shell is not

Inner shell is thickened

towards the outer face of
the insulation.
Define the insulation
height to prevent

Concrete Detailing 162 Panels and walls

Option Description Example
Inner shell is thickened to
the inner face of the
outer shell.

Inner shell is thickened to

the outer face of the
outer shell.
Define the outer shell
height to prevent

Option Description Example

Thickness Define the inner shell
If you do not enter a value, the
inner shell thickness defined
on the Parts tab is used.

Thickening parts Select how the top and

bottom thickening parts are
added to the inner shell.
Offset options Select the offset options for
the thickening parts. Offset

Concrete Detailing 163 Panels and walls

Option Description Example
can be defined for both wall

Sandwich And Double Wall: Horizontal section tab

Use the Horizontal section tab to define the wall ends and to control how the
wall parts are split in the horizontal direction in Sandwich And Double Wall.

Wall end
The wall end options are the same for both ends.

First wall end Second wall end

Concrete Detailing 164 Panels and walls

Wall end offset

Option Description Example

Inner shell end is fixed.
Define the offset for the
ends of the foil,
insulation, and outer

Insulation end is fixed.

Define the offset for the
ends of the inner shell,
foil, and outer shell.

Outer shell end is fixed.

Define the offset for the
ends of the inner shell,
foil, and insulation.

Corner shape to the

inside direction.
For the outer shell angle,
define the offset from
the inner face of the
inner shell. Insulation is
along the inner shell.

Corner shape to the

inside direction.
Define the length of the
outer shell angle.

Concrete Detailing 165 Panels and walls

Option Description Example
Corner shape to the
inside direction.
For the outer shell angle,
define the offset from
the inner face of the
inner shell. Insulation is
along the outer shell.

Corner shape to the

outside direction.
Define the horizontal
offset for the outer shell.
There is no gap between
the insulation and the
inner shell angle.

Corner shape to the

outside direction.
Define the horizontal
offset for the outer shell.
For the inner shell angle,
define the offset from
the outer face of the
inner shell.
Corner shape to the
outside direction.
Define the horizontal
offset for the outer shell.
For the inner shell angle,
define the length.

Angled shells are not

Define horizontal offset
for the inner shell,
insulation, and outer

Concrete Detailing 166 Panels and walls

Corner shape

Option Description
Select the inner shell corner shape.

Select the outer shell corner shape.

Select the insulation corner shape.

Add corner to main shell Add the corner to the shell. The options are:
Add to 4 Cast Unit (4 = outer shell)
Add to 4 Sub assembly
Add to 1 Cast Unit (1 = inner shell)
Add to 1 Sub assembly

Concrete Detailing 167 Panels and walls

Vertical chamfer

Option Description
Define whether a vertical chamfer is created.
Define the horizontal and vertical chamfer
dimensions, and the part prefix and the start

Horizontal offset
To use the options, set the Split Front view option to Enabled.

Option Description
Define the horizontal offset for the foil,
insulation, and outer shell. The main gap
between the inner shells is defined in the Split
Front view section of the tab.

Define the horizontal offset for the inner shell,

foil, and outer shell. The main gap between the
insulation parts is defined in the Split Front
view section of the tab.

Define the horizontal offset for the inner shell,

foil, and insulation. The main gap between outer
shells is defined in the Split Front view section
of the tab.

Define a 90-degree angle for the inner shell and

the vertical offset towards the angled shell from
the inner face of the outer shell. The main gap
between the inner shells is defined in the Split
Front view section of the tab.
Additional options for the 90-degree angle:

Concrete Detailing 168 Panels and walls

Option Description
Define the corner shapes for the inner shell.

Define how the corner is added to the inner

Define the part prefix and the start number.


Option Description
Define whether the sandwich wall is

Splitting parts
To split wall parts, set the Split Front view option to Enabled.

Option Description
Parts are not split. Define the
horizontal offset for both wall ends
using the points as reference points.
Parts are split. Define the section
width and the number of sections.
First end offset is the reference for
the first section width at the first wall
Second end offset is the reference for
the last section width at the second
wall end.
Parts are split. Define the section
width and the number of sections.
First end offset is the reference for
the first section width at the first wall
Point (2) is the reference of the last
section width at the second wall end.

Concrete Detailing 169 Panels and walls

Option Description
Parts are split. Define the section
width and enter the number of
Point (1) is the reference of the start
section at the first wall end.
Second end offset is the reference for
the last section width at the second
wall end.
Parts are split. Define the section
width and enter the number of
Points (1, 2) are the references for the
section width at both wall ends.

Option Description
Define the horizontal direction.

Sandwich And Double Wall: Insulation tab

Use the Insulation tab to control the vertical and/or horizontal splitting of the
insulation in Sandwich And Double Wall.


Concrete Detailing 170 Panels and walls

Option Description
1 Define whether the insulation is split:
Insulation is not split.

Insulation is split in the horizontal


Insulation is split in the vertical


Insulation is split in the horizontal

and vertical direction.

2 Define the number and width of the

middle sections.
3 Define the gap between the sections.
4 Define the width of the first and last
section in the horizontal direction.
5 Define the height of the top and
bottom section in the vertical
6 Define which wall end is used for
distributing the insulation sections.

Concrete Detailing 171 Panels and walls

Option Description
Point direction Define the direction of the points. The
options are horizontal or vertical.

This option affects the representation

of workshop drawings.

Sandwich And Double Wall: Outside Shell tab

Use the Outside shell tab to control the vertical and/or horizontal splitting of
the outer shell in Sandwich And Double Wall. You can also define chamfers
and add a brick wall surface.


Option Description
Define the direction for the splitting.

1 Define whether the outer shell is split:
Outer shell is not split.

Concrete Detailing 172 Panels and walls

Outer shell is split in the
horizontal direction.

Outer shell is split in the vertical


Outer shell is split in the

horizontal and vertical direction.

2 Define the number and width of the

middle sections.
3 Define the gap between the sections.
4 Define the width of the first and last
section in the horizontal direction.
5 Define the height of the top and
bottom section in the vertical


Option Description
Vertical chamfers Define the vertical chamfers. Select a
chamfer shape from the list and
define the chamfer dimensions.

Concrete Detailing 173 Panels and walls

Option Description
Horizontal chamfers Define the horizontal chamfers. Select
a chamfer shape from the list and
define the chamfer dimensions.

Chamfer side Define the sides where the chamfers

are created.

For example:

Brick wall properties

Set the Brick wall option to Enabled to create a brick wall.

Concrete Detailing 174 Panels and walls

Option Description Example
Select the brick wall type
for the outer shell and
define the brick
dimensions, mortar
height and width.

Wall edges Define whether the wall

edges are created as
loose parts or whether
they are added into an

Sandwich And Double Wall: UDA tab

Use the UDA tab to define user-defined attributes for the inner shell, foil,
insulation, and outer shell in Sandwich And Double Wall. You can define
multiple UDAs for each part. UDAs can be used as filters, and they can be
displayed in drawings and reports.

User-defined attributes
For example:

Concrete Detailing 175 Panels and walls

Sandwich Wall Horizontal Seam
Sandwich Wall Horizontal Seam creates a horizontal seam between two
sandwich walls. Seam dimensions and rabbets can be defined for all layers:
inner shell, foil, insulation, and outer shell. In addition, you can define an extra
foil layer.

Concrete Detailing 176 Panels and walls

Objects created
Extra foil layer

Use for

Situation Description
Seams between sandwich wall shells.

Seams with additional rabbets.

Before you start

To be able to select the needed parts, activate the Select objects in

components switch.

Selection order
1. Select the inner shell of the first sandwich wall.
2. Select the inner shell of the second sandwich wall.
The seam is created automatically when the secondary part is selected.

Concrete Detailing 177 Panels and walls

Part identification key

1 Concrete part (wall, column, beam, slab)
2 Point
Multiple points can be picked.

See also
Sandwich Wall Horizontal Seam: Picture tab (page 178)
Sandwich Wall Horizontal Seam: Rabbets tab (page 181)
Sandwich Wall Horizontal Seam: Extra foils tab (page 181)

Sandwich Wall Horizontal Seam: Picture tab

Use the Picture tab to control the horizontal seam properties in Sandwich
Wall Horizontal Seam.

Seam position
Seams can be defined for inner shells, insulation and outer shells. Draft angles
can be defined for the outer shells.

Concrete Detailing 178 Panels and walls

Define the seam position between the sandwich wall shells. The middle line
between the walls is used as a reference when the seam position is calculated.

Shell classes

Define the part classes to be applied to the seams. By default, the Sandwich
Wall Horizontal Seam component creates inner shells with class 1, foil with
class 2, insulation with class 3, and outer shells with class 4. Use these classes
to apply seams.
To prevent the creation of seams between foils, insulation shells and outer
shells, leave the Insulation classes box empty.

Rabbets in insulation
You can create rabbets in the insulation layer.

Concrete Detailing 179 Panels and walls

Option Description
No rabbet for the insulation layer.

One side rabbet for the top and

bottom of the insulation layer.
Rabbet depth and width can be

Mirrored one side rabbet for the top

and bottom of the insulation layer.
Rabbet depth and width can be

Two sided rabbets for the top and

bottom of the insulation layer.
Rabbet depth and width can be

Concrete Detailing 180 Panels and walls

You can define offset for the seam.

Sandwich Wall Horizontal Seam: Rabbets tab

Use the Rabbets tab to define rabbets in inner shells, insulation layers and
outer shells in Sandwich Wall Horizontal Seam.

Rabbet side
Select to which side of the sandwich wall the rabbets are applied. You can
define the rabbets separately for both sides.
The options are:
Top side
Bottom side
Both sides

Sandwich Wall Horizontal Seam: Extra foils tab

Use the Extra foils tab to define an extra foil layer in the seam in Sandwich
Wall Horizontal Seam.


Option Description Default

t Define the extra foil 1 mm
Pos_No Prefix and start number The default part start
for the part position number is defined in the
number. Components settings in
File menu --> Settings --
> Options.
Material Material grade. The default material is
defined in the Part
material box in the
Components settings in
File menu --> Settings --
> Options.
Name Name for the extra foil. FOIL

Concrete Detailing 181 Panels and walls

Option Description Default
Class Part class number for
the extra foil layer.
Comment Add a comment for the
extra foil layer.

Connection method

Option Description
No connection Select how the extra foil is attached to the sandwich
No connection (foil is a loose part)
Cast unit
As subassembly
At Inside shell Select the profile to which the extra foil is connected.
At inside shell
At outside shell
Position h*b Select a prefix for the foil layer.
Position h*b and Position b*h create a profile
without a prefix.
Position PLh*b and Position PLb*H create a
profile which start with PL prefix.
Par. section h*b and Par. section b*h: enter a
prefix in the box below.
Auto Select the rotation of the foil layer.

Concrete Detailing 182 Panels and walls

Option Description
Foil shape Define shape of the extra foil.

Sandwich Wall Vertical Seam

Sandwich Wall Vertical Seam creates a vertical seam between two sandwich
walls. Seam dimensions and rabbets can be defined for all layers: inner shell,
foil, insulation, and outer shell.

Objects created

Concrete Detailing 183 Panels and walls

Use for

Situation Description
Seams between sandwich wall shells.

Seams with additional rabbets.

The component works only if the sandwich walls are parallel.

Before you start

To be able to select the needed parts, activate the Select objects in

components switch.

Selection order
1. Select the inner shell of the first sandwich wall.
2. Select the inner shell of the second sandwich wall.
The seam is created automatically when the secondary part is selected.

Part identification key

1 Inner shell of the first sandwich wall

Concrete Detailing 184 Panels and walls

2 Inner shell of the second sandwich wall

See also
Sandwich Wall Vertical Seam: Picture tab (page 185)
Sandwich Wall Vertical Seam: Picture tab (page 185)

Sandwich Wall Vertical Seam: Picture tab

Use the Picture tab to control the vertical seam properties in Sandwich Wall
Vertical Seam.

Seam position
Seams can be defined for inner shells, insulation and outer shells. Draft angles
can be defined for the outer shells.

Define the seam position between the sandwich wall shells. The middle line
between the walls is used as a reference when the seam position is calculated.

Concrete Detailing 185 Panels and walls

Shell classes

Define the part classes to be applied to the seams. By default, the Sandwich
Wall Vertical Seam component creates inner shells with class 1, foil with class
2, insulation with class 3 and outer shells with class 4. Use these classes to
apply seams.
For example, to prevent the creation of seams between foils, insulation shells
and outer shells, leave the Insulation classes box empty.

Asymmetrical seams
You can create asymmetrical seams and/or rabbets in the insulation layer.

Option Description
Symmetrical seams.
No rabbet for the insulation layer.

Concrete Detailing 186 Panels and walls

Option Description
Symmetrical seams.
Rabbet depth can be defined for the
insulation layer.

Asymmetrical seams for the

insulation layer and outer shell.
No rabbet for the insulation layer.

Asymmetrical seams for the

insulation layer and outer shell.
Rabbet depth can be defined for the
insulation layer.

Offset / Mirror

You can define offset for the seam.

Sandwich Wall Vertical Seam: Rabbets tab

Use the Rabbets tab to define rabbets in inner shells, insulation layers and
outer shells in Sandwich Wall Vertical Seam.

Rabbet side
Select to which side of the sandwich wall the rabbets are applied.

Concrete Detailing 187 Panels and walls

Right side
Rabbets are equal on both sides, but the rabbet dimensions on the right
side are applied to both sides.

Left side
Rabbets are equal on both sides, but the rabbet dimensions on the left side
are applied to both sides.

Both sides
Rabbet dimensions can be defined separately for both sides.

Concrete Detailing 188 Panels and walls

Both sides mirrored
Rabbet dimensions can be defined separately for both sides, but sides are

Rabbet position
Typically the vertical seams go from the top to the bottom of the sandwich
wall. Define the seam offsets for the top and bottom sides. Offsets are applied
only to the inner and outer shells.

Concrete Detailing 189 Panels and walls

Sandwich Wall Window
Sandwich Wall Window creates a rectangular opening in a sandwich wall. The
opening is created through up to four parts (inner shell, foil, insulation, and
outer shell). You can select whether the foil is created. A frame can be created,
as well as extra foils and additional parts. The frame can be a wooden frame
or a concrete border, added to the inner shell.

Objects created
Rectangular opening
Wooden frame or concrete border
Extra foils
Additional parts

Use for

Situation Description
Opening in a sandwich wall, with a
wooden frame and foil layers.

Concrete Detailing 190 Panels and walls

Situation Description
Opening in a sandwich wall, with a
concrete border in the inner shell.

Selection order
1. Pick the first position.
2. Pick the second position.
The opening is created automatically when the second position is picked.

Part identification key

1 Sandwich wall element
2 First picked position
3 Optional: second picked position

Concrete Detailing 191 Panels and walls

See also
Sandwich Wall Window: Picture tab (page 192)
Sandwich Wall Window: Bottom detail tab / Left detail tab / Right detail tab
(page 193)
Sandwich Wall Window: Top detail tab (page 197)
Sandwich Wall Window: Extra foils tab (page 201)
Sandwich Wall Window: Additional parts tab (page 202)
Sandwich Wall Window: Connections tab (page 206)

Sandwich Wall Window: Picture tab

Use the Picture tab to control the dimensions and parts of the opening in the
Sandwich Wall Window.


Option Description
1 Set the points for the opening:
2 points
Pick two points to create the
opening (points 2 and 3 in the
Point 1 B H
Pick one point to create the
opening (point 2 in the image). This
point is the opening reference
point. Define the width and height
of the opening.

Concrete Detailing 192 Panels and walls

Option Description
Point 2 B H
Pick one point to create the
opening (point 3 in the image). This
point is the opening reference
point. Define the width and height
of the opening.
2 Points H
Pick two points to create the
opening (points 2 and 3 in the
image). Define the height of the
2 Vertical offset from the insertion
3 Horizontal offset from the insertion
4 Width of the opening.
5 Height of the opening.

Select other layers

Option Description
Insulation, Wall Parts where the opening is created.
If you do not enter any numbers, the
opening is only created to the part
you selected when applying the
Foil To create the foil, select Yes in the
Foil option. By default, the foil is not
The frame shape options shown on
the Bottom detail, Left detail, Right
detail, and Top detail tabs depend
on whether the foil is created not.

Sandwich Wall Window: Bottom detail tab / Left detail tab / Right
detail tab
Use the Bottom detail tab, Left detail tab, and Right detail tab to control the
size, position, number, and shape of the opening bottom, left side, and right
side in Sandwich Wall Window.

Concrete Detailing 193 Panels and walls


Part Description Default

Frame Define the frame profile 50*50
by selecting the profile
from the profile catalog.

Option Description Default

Pos_No Prefix and start number Prefix: empty, Start number: 1
for the part position
The default part start number
is defined in the Components
Some components have a settings in File menu -->
second row of fields Settings --> Options.
where you can enter the
assembly position
Material Material grade. The default material is defined
in the Part material box in the
Components settings in File
menu --> Settings --> Options.
Name Name that is shown in
drawings and reports.
Class Part class number.

Frame shape
The options for inner and outer frame are the same regardless of whether the
foil is created or not.

Inner Outer Description

Cut or extension is not
AutoDefaults can change
this option. Any of the
three options is used
depending on the frame

Concrete Detailing 194 Panels and walls

Inner Outer Description
Cut or extension is not

Extension is created.
If the frame is narrower
than the insulation, the
concrete part is
extended to fill the gap.

Cut is created.
If the frame is wider
than the insulation, the
concrete part is cut so
that the frame fits.

Foil is not created.
Cut is not created.

Concrete Detailing 195 Panels and walls

Foil is not created.
Frame is not created.

Foil is created.
Cut is not created.

Foil is created.
Cut is created.

Foil is created.
Frame is not created.

Additional recess
Define the vertical and horizontal dimensions for the additional recess. By
default, the recess is not created.

Concrete Detailing 196 Panels and walls

Frame corner cuts

Option Description
Frame corners are not cut.

Define the horizontal and vertical

dimensions of the frame corner cuts.

Sandwich Wall Window: Top detail tab

Use the Top detail tab to control the size, position, number, and shape of the
opening top side in Sandwich Wall Window.


Part Description Default

Frame Define the frame profile 50*50
by selecting the profile
from the profile catalog.
Foil2 Define the thickness of
the foil.

Option Description Default

Pos_No Prefix and start number Prefix: empty, Start number: 1
for the part position
The default part start number
is defined in the Components
Some components have a settings in File menu -->
second row of fields Settings --> Options.
where you can enter the
assembly position

Concrete Detailing 197 Panels and walls

Option Description Default
Material Material grade. The default material is defined
in the Part material box in the
Components settings in File
menu --> Settings --> Options.
Name Name that is shown in
drawings and reports.
Class Part class number.

Top frame shape

The options for inner and outer frame are the same regardless of whether the
foil is created or not.

Inner Outer Description

Cut or extension is not
AutoDefaults can change
this option. Any of the
three options is used
depending on the frame
Cut or extension is not

Extension is created.
If the frame is narrower
than the insulation, the
concrete part is
extended to fill the gap.

Concrete Detailing 198 Panels and walls

Inner Outer Description
Cut is created.
If the frame is wider
than the insulation, the
concrete part is cut so
that the frame fits.

Middle Description
Foil is not created.
Cut is not created.

Foil is not created.

Frame is not created.

Foil is created.
Cut is created.

Concrete Detailing 199 Panels and walls

Middle Description
Foil is created.
Frame is not created.

Additional recess
Define the vertical and horizontal dimensions for the additional recess. By
default, the recess is not created.

Frame corner cuts

Option Description
Frame corners are not cut.

Horizontal and vertical dimensions of

the frame corner cuts.

Drip mold

Option Description
Drip mold is not created.

Concrete Detailing 200 Panels and walls

Option Description
Drip mold is created. Define the mold

Drip mold is created. Define the mold

The drip mold can be created to any
of the shape options. For example, if
the shape has a bevel, the drip mold
is created at the same angle as the

Sandwich Wall Window: Extra foils tab

Use the Extra foils tab to control the creation of extra foils on the top, bottom,
right side, and left side of the opening in Sandwich Wall Window.

Extra foil

Part Description Default

Extra foil Thickness of the foil. 50*50

Option Description Default

Pos_No Prefix and start number Prefix: empty, Start number: 1
for the part position
The default part start number
is defined in the Components
Some components have a settings in File menu -->
second row of fields Settings --> Options.
where you can enter the
assembly position
Material Material grade. The default material is defined
in the Part material box in the
Components settings in File
menu --> Settings --> Options.
Name Name that is shown in
drawings and reports.
Class Part class number.

Concrete Detailing 201 Panels and walls

Extra foil dimensions

Description Default
1 Define whether extra
foils are created.
2 Define the inside offset. 2* screw diameter
3 Define the foil width. 2* screw diameter

Shells to cut

Option Description
All shells are cut.

The inner shell is not cut.

The inner shell and the foil are not


The inner shell and the foil are not

cut. An insulation extension is
Define the width and the material
grade of the insulation extension.
The outer shell is cut.

Concrete Detailing 202 Panels and walls

Sandwich Wall Window: Additional parts tab
Use the Additional parts tab to control the size, position, number, and
alignment of additional parts in Sandwich Wall Window.

Select whether additional parts, custom component parts, or no additional
parts are created.

Part Description Default

Parts Define the profile of the 50*50
additional parts by
selecting the profile
from the profile catalog.
Custom component Define the custom
parts component parts by
selecting the component
from the Applications &
components catalog.
You can also use a
configuration file to
define the properties.

Option Description Default

Pos_No Prefix and a start Prefix: empty, Start
number for the part number: 1
position number.
Some components have
a second row of fields
where you can enter the
assembly position
Material Material grade.
Name Name that is shown in
drawings and reports.
Class Part class number.

Define distances
Select whether to define the distances between the parts by entering the
distance dimensions on this tab or by using an external text file. You can use
an external file to automate the creation of additional parts when window
sizes differ.
The name of the external file is
SandwichPanelWindowAdditionalParts.dat. The file is located in the ..
\Environments\Common\system folder.

Concrete Detailing 203 Panels and walls

The image below shows an example of a local standard for creating additional
parts. M is a module that is 100 mm.

The SandwichPanelWindowAdditionalParts.dat configuration file that

contains the needed specifications for the example above is as follows:

The keywords BOTTOM, TOP, LEFT and RIGHT define the side of the window the
settings are applied to.
The syntax in the file is as follows: bmin;bmax;cm;nd;dmax;d1;d2;d3.

bmin Smallest window dimension to apply the setting.

bmax Biggest window dimension to apply the setting.
cm Creation method:
1 means use the number of parts for nd.
2 means use maximum spacing for nd.
nd Depending on the creation method (cm):
Number of parts, when cm is 1.

Concrete Detailing 204 Panels and walls

Maximum allowed distance between parts, when cm is 2.
d1 Distance from the start point to the first additional part (optional).
d2 Distance from the first additional part to the second (optional).
d3 Distance from the second additional part to the third (optional).

The additional parts are placed symmetrically, so distances d1, d2 and d3 are
also used from the end point. If the optional distances d1, d2 and d3 are not
defined, the parts are placed at equal distances.
In the image above 0;599;1;1 means that when the window width is equal or
bigger than 0, but equal or less than 599, the creation method is by number of
parts and 1 part should be created.
600;1200;2;300;145 would mean that when the window width is equal or
bigger than 600, but equal or less than 1200, the creation method is use
maximum spacing. The maximum allowed spacing between additional parts is
300 mm. The first part (and last part) distance is 145 mm. If the window width
is 1200, three more parts are needed (1200 - 2x145)/300=3.03. The spacing
between the additional parts will then be (1200 - 2x145)/4 = 227.5 mm.

Distance dimensions

1 Horizontal distance from the first additional part to the foil edge.
2 Vertical distance from the first additional part to the foil edge.
3 Select the additional part distribution.
4 Maximum distance between the additional parts, or the number of
additional parts.

Select whether additional part placement is the same or different on each

Concrete Detailing 205 Panels and walls

Option Description
Placement dimensions for the
bottom, left side, and right side.
If additional part placement is the
same on each side, define the bottom
dimensions only.

Placement dimensions for the top


Sandwich Wall Window: Connections tab

Use the Connections tab to control how the wooden frame, additional parts,
extra foil, and extensions are connected to the shells in the Sandwich Wall


Option Description
Wooden frame to, Additional parts, Select to which part the wooden
Extra foil to frame, additional parts, and extra foil
are connected.
The Extra foil to option is shown if
you have selected to create the foil on
the Picture tab.

Connect extensions to their shells

Option Description
Inside shell extension, Outside Select how the extension parts are
shell extension, Insulation shell connected to their main parts.
extension, Foil extension
The Foil extension option is shown if
you have selected to create the foil on
the Picture tab.

1.4 Formwork components

This section introduces formwork components.

Concrete Detailing 206 Formwork components

Click the links below to find out more:
Beam Formwork (page 207)
Column Formwork (page 211)
Wall Formwork (page 215)
General Beam Form (page 219)
General Wall Form (page 222)
General Clamp (page 225)
General Clip (page 227)
General Tie (page 229)
General Tie and Clips (page 231)

Beam Formwork
Beam Formwork creates a timber formwork around a beam.

To use the component, go to Tekla Warehouse, locate the Formwork
components and click Insert into model.
The components are then available in the Applications & components

Objects created
Timber formwork (bottom and side plywood panels, supports, walers)

Use for

Situation Description
Beam formwork

Beam Formwork works only with rectangular beams.

Concrete Detailing 207 Formwork components

Before you start
Create a concrete beam.

Selection order
1. Select the beam.
The beam formwork is created automatically.

Part identification key

1 Bottom and side plywood panels
2 Bottom and side supports
3 Waler
4 Tie and clip

See also
Beam Formwork: Beam tab (page 208)
Beam Formwork: Parameters tab (page 210)

Beam Formwork: Beam tab

Use the Beam tab to control the dimensions, spacings and part properties of
the plywood panels and supports in Beam Formwork.

Concrete Detailing 208 Formwork components


1 Spacing between side supports.
2 Beam form length.
3 Distance to first bottom support from the form
4 Spacing between bottom supports.
5 Bottom support length.

Plywood panel and support properties

Option Description
Bottom Profile Thickness, width and height for the bottom
plywood panel.
Side Profile Thickness, width and height for the side
plywood panel.
Bottom Support Thickness, width and height for the bottom
Side Support Thickness, width and height for the side

Option Description
Pos_No Prefix and a start number for the part
position number.
Material Material grade.
Name Name that is shown in drawings and
Class Part class number.

Concrete Detailing 209 Formwork components

Beam formwork properties

Option Description
Beam Name, prefix and start number for
the beam formwork cast unit.

Beam Formwork: Parameters tab

Use the Parameters tab to control the waler properties and the dimensions
and spacings of the clips and walers in Beam Formwork.


1 Waler extension length.
2 Number of walers and clips in vertical direction.
3 Vertical spacing between clips.
4 Vertical distance to first clip from the form edge.
5 Horizontal distance to first clip from the form edge.
6 Horizontal spacing between clips.

Waler properties

Option Description
Waler Profile Thickness, width and height for the

Option Description
Pos_No Prefix and a start number for the part
position number.
Material Material grade.
Name Name that is shown in drawings and

Concrete Detailing 210 Formwork components

Option Description
Class Part class number.

Tie and clip properties

Option Description
Tie Component Name Define the component that you want
to use as tie by selecting it from the
Applications & components catalog.
Tie Attribute File Select an attribute file for the
Clip Component Name Define the component that you want
to use as clip by selecting it from the
Applications & components catalog.
Clip Attribute File Select an attribute file for the

Column Formwork
Column Formwork creates a timber formwork around a column.

To use the component, go to Tekla Warehouse, locate the Formwork
components and click Insert into model.
The components are then available in the Applications & components

Objects created
Timber formwork (plywood panels and supports on sides)

Concrete Detailing 211 Formwork components

Use for

Situation Description
Column formwork

Column Formwork works only with rectangular columns.

Before you start

Create a concrete column.

Selection order
1. Select the column.
The column formwork is created automatically.

Concrete Detailing 212 Formwork components

Part identification key

1 Plywood panel
2 Support
3 Clamp

See also
Column Formwork: Column tab (page 213)

Column Formwork: Column tab

Use the Column tab to control the properties of clamps, plywood panels and
supports in Column Formwork.

Concrete Detailing 213 Formwork components


1 Number of clamps.
2 Spacing between clamps.
3 Distance to first clamp from the bottom.

Clamp properties

Option Description
Clamp Name Define the component that you want
to use as clamp by selecting it from
the Applications & components
Attribute File Select an attribute file for the

Plywood panel and support properties

Option Description
Plywood Profile Thickness, width and height for the
plywood panels.
Side Profile Thickness, width and height for the
side supports.

Option Description
Pos_No Prefix and a start number for the part
position number.
Material Material grade.

Concrete Detailing 214 Formwork components

Option Description
Name Name that is shown in drawings and
Class Part class number.

Column formwork properties

Option Description
Panel Name, prefix and start number for
the column formwork cast unit.

Wall Formwork
Wall Formwork creates a timber formwork around a panel.

To use the component, go to Tekla Warehouse, locate the Formwork
components and click Insert into model.
The components are then available in the Applications & components

Objects created
Timber formwork (plywood panels, studs, frame and walers)

Use for

Situation Description
Wall formwork

Concrete Detailing 215 Formwork components

Wall Formwork works only with single panels.

Before you start

Create a concrete panel.

Selection order
1. Select the panel.
The wall formwork is created automatically.

Part identification key

1 Stud
2 Walers
3 Plywood panel
4 Tie and clip
5 Frame

See also
Wall Formwork: Panel tab (page 217)

Concrete Detailing 216 Formwork components

Wall Formwork: Parameters tab (page 218)

Wall Formwork: Panel tab

Use the Panel tab to control the properties of studs, frame and plywood
panels in Wall Formwork. Define the dimensions of wall form, studs and


1 Distance to first stud from the form edge.
2 Spacing between studs.
3 Width of edge lap.
4 Height of wall form.
5 Length of wall form.

Frame, stud and plywood panel properties

Option Description
Edge Profile Thickness, width and height for the
Stud Profile Thickness, width and height for the

Concrete Detailing 217 Formwork components

Option Description
Plywood Profile Thickness, width and height for the
plywood panels.

Option Description
Pos_No Prefix and a start number for the part
position number.
Material Material grade.
Name Name that is shown in drawings and
Class Part class number.

Wall formwork properties

Option Description
Panel Name, prefix and start number for
the wall formwork cast unit.

Wall Formwork: Parameters tab

Use the Parameters tab to control the waler profile and the dimensions and
spacings of the clips and walers in Wall Formwork.


1 Horizontal distance to first clip from the form edge.
2 Horizontal spacing between clips.
3 Length of waler extension.

Concrete Detailing 218 Formwork components

4 Number of walers and clips in vertical direction.
5 Vertical spacing between clips.
6 Vertical distance to first clip from the form edge.

Waler properties

Option Description
Waler Profile Thickness, width and height for the

Option Description
Pos_No Prefix and a start number for the part
position number.
Material Material grade.
Name Name that is shown in drawings and
Class Part class number.

Tie and clip properties

Option Description
Clip Component Name Define the component that you want
to use as clip by selecting it from the
Applications & components catalog.
Clip Component File Select an attribute file for the
Tie Component Name Define the component that you want
to use as tie by selecting it from the
Applications & components catalog.
Tie Component File Select an attribute file for the

General Beam Form

General Beam Form creates plywood panels and supports. You can use
General Beam Form as a stand-alone component or as a subcomponent for
Beam Formwork.

Concrete Detailing 219 Formwork components

To use the component, go to Tekla Warehouse, locate the Formwork
components and click Insert into model.
The components are then available in the Applications & components

Objects created
Plywood panels on sides and bottom
Supports on sides and bottom

Use for

Situation Description
Beam form in a beam formwork.

General Beam Form works only with rectangular beams.

Selection order
1. Pick the start point.
2. Pick the end point.
The beam form is created automatically.

Part identification key

Concrete Detailing 220 Formwork components

1 Side support
2 Side plywood panel
3 Bottom plywood panel
4 Bottom support

See also
Beam Form: Parameters tab (page 221)

Beam Form: Parameters tab

Use the Parameters tab to control the dimensions and properties of beam
form in Beam Form.


1 Spacing between side supports.
2 Spacing between side plywood
3 Height of side plywood panels.
4 Distance to first bottom support from
the form edge.
5 Spacing between bottom supports.
6 Length of bottom support.

Concrete Detailing 221 Formwork components

Plywood panel and support properties

Option Description
Bottom Profile Thickness, width and height for the
bottom plywood panel.
Side Profile Thickness, width and height for the
side plywood panel.
Bottom Support Thickness, width and height for the
bottom support.
Side Support Thickness, width and height for the
side support.

Option Description
Pos_No Prefix and a start number for the part
position number.
Material Material grade.
Name Name that is shown in drawings and
Class Part class number.

Beam form properties

Option Description
Beam Name, prefix and start number for
the beam form cast unit.

General Wall Form

General Wall Form creates a timber form containing a plywood panel, a
frame and studs. You can use General Wall Form as a stand-alone component
or as a subcomponent for Wall Formwork.

To use the component, go to Tekla Warehouse, locate the Formwork
components and click Insert into model.
The components are then available in the Applications & components

Objects created
Plywood panel

Concrete Detailing 222 Formwork components

Use for

Situation Description
Wall form in a wall formwork.

Selection order
1. Select the start point.
2. Select the end point.
The wall form is created automatically.

Part identification key

1 Stud
2 Frame

Concrete Detailing 223 Formwork components

3 Plywood panel

See also
Wall Form: Parameters tab (page 224)

Wall Form: Parameters tab

Use the Parameters tab to control the properties of the wall form in Wall


1 Distance to first stud from the form
2 Spacing between studs.
3 Width of edge lap.
4 Height of wall form.
5 Define whether the wall form is
created on the left or right side.

Concrete Detailing 224 Formwork components

Stud, frame and plywood panel properties

Option Description
Edge Profile Thickness, width and height for the
Stud Profile Thickness, width and height for the
Plywood Profile Thickness, width and height for the
plywood panel.

Option Description
Pos_No Prefix and a start number for the part
position number.
Material Material grade.
Name Name that is shown in drawings and
Class Part class number.

Wall form properties

Option Description
Panel Name, prefix and start number for
the wall form cast unit.

General Clamp
General Clamp creates a clamp. You can use General Clamp as a stand-alone
component or as a subcomponent for Column Formwork.

To use the component, go to Tekla Warehouse, locate the Formwork
components and click Insert into model.
The components are then available in the Applications & components

Objects created

Concrete Detailing 225 Formwork components

Use for

Situation Description
Clamps in a column formwork.

Selection order
1. Select the start point.
2. Select the end point.
The clamps are created automatically.

See also
General Clamp: Parameters tab (page 226)

General Clamp: Parameters tab

Use the Parameters tab to control the properties and dimensions of clamps in
General Clamp.


Concrete Detailing 226 Formwork components

1 Length of the clamp.
2 Distance to first slot.
3 Number of slots.
4 Spacing between slots.
5 Profile of slots.

Clamp properties

Option Description
Clamp Profile Thickness, width and height for the

Option Description
Pos_No Prefix and a start number for the part
position number.
Material Material grade.
Name Name that is shown in drawings and
Class Part class number.

General Clip
General Clip creates a clip. You can use General Clip as a stand-alone
component or as a subcomponent for the Beam Formwork and Wall

To use the component, go to Tekla Warehouse, locate the Formwork
components and click Insert into model.
The components are then available in the Applications & components

Objects created

Concrete Detailing 227 Formwork components

Use for

Situation Description
Clip and tie in a beam formwork.

Selection order
1. Select the start point.
2. Select the end point.
The clip is created automatically.

See also
General Clip: Parameters tab (page 228)

General Clip: Parameters tab

Use the Parameters tab to control the dimensions and properties of clips in
General Clip.


1 Length of the clip.

Concrete Detailing 228 Formwork components

2 Width of the slot.
3 Length of the slot.

Clip properties

Option Description
Clip Profile Thickness, width and height for the

Option Description
Pos_No Prefix and a start number for the part
position number.
Material Material grade.
Name Name that is shown in drawings and
Class Part class number.

General Tie
General Tie creates a tie. You can use General Tie as a stand-alone
component or as a sub-component for Beam Formwork and Wall

To use the component, go to Tekla Warehouse, locate the Formwork
components and click Insert into model.
The components are then available in the Applications & components

Objects created

Concrete Detailing 229 Formwork components

Use for

Situation Description
Tie and clip in a wall formwork.

Selection order
1. Pick the start point.
2. Pick the end point.
The tie is created automatically.

Part identification key

1 Spacer
2 Tie

See also
General Tie: Parameters tab (page 230)

General Tie: Parameters tab

Use the Parameters tab to control tie dimensions and properties in General

Concrete Detailing 230 Formwork components


1 Length of the tie end extension.
2 Length of the spacer.
3 Define whether or not to create

Tie and spacer properties

Option Description
Tie Profile Thickness, width and height for the
Spacer Profile Thickness, width and height for the

Option Description
Pos_No Prefix and a start number for the part
position number.
Material Material grade.
Name Name that is shown in drawings and
Class Part class number.

General Tie and Clips

General Tie and Clips creates a tie and clips. You can use General Tie and
Clips as a stand-alone component or as a subcomponent for Beam
Formwork and Wall Formwork.

To use the component, go to Tekla Warehouse, locate the Formwork
components and click Insert into model.
The components are then available in the Applications & components

Concrete Detailing 231 Formwork components

Objects created

Use for

Situation Description
Tie and clip in a wall formwork.

Selection order
1. Select the start point.
2. Select the end point.
3. The tie and clips are created automatically.

Part identification key

1 Clip
2 Spacer
3 Tie

Concrete Detailing 232 Formwork components

See also
General Tie and Clips: Parameters tab (page 233)

General Tie and Clips: Parameters tab

Use the Parameters tab to control the properties of General Tie and Clips.


1 Length of the tie end extension.

Tien and clip properties

Option Description
Tie Component Name Define the component that you want
to use as tie by selecting it from the
Applications & components catalog.
Tie Attribute File Select an attribute file for the
Clip Component Name Define the component that you want
to use as clip by selecting it from the
Applications & components catalog.
Clip Attribute File Select an attribute file for the

1.5 Openings
This section introduces components that can be used in concrete openings.
Click the links below to find out more:
Hole Generation (32) (page 233)
Polygon Hole Generation (33) (page 236)

Concrete Detailing 233 Openings

Hole Generation (32)
Hole Generation (32) creates a hole in the object, or splits the object in two if
the hole cuts the whole object. Use this component, for example, in welded
profiles, slabs, or panels generated with a component.

Objects created

Use for

Situation Description
A hole is created when a point is picked.

Selection order
1. Select the part or object created by a component to be cut.
2. Click the middle mouse button.
3. Pick the position relative to the hole being generated.

See also
Hole Generation (32): Parameters tab (page 234)

Hole Generation (32): Parameters tab

Use the Parameters tab to control the hole properties in the Hole
Generation (32) modeling tool.

Concrete Detailing 234 Openings

Option Description
Define the hole dimensions and the
location of the picked point.
The selected Partcut option affects
which of these dimensions are

To rotate the hole, define the rotation


Define the recess depth.

Partcut Select the hole type.

The options are:
Rectangular creates a rectangular
hole using width and height.
Circular creates a round hole
using height as a diameter.
Profile creates a cut using the
selected profile.
Profile If you selected Profile as the hole
type, select a suitable profile from the
Profile Catalog.
Coordination system Select the coordination system.
The options are:
Use global xy-plane creates the
hole according to the global
coordinate system.
Use local creates the hole
according to the work plane.
If the part is sloped or skewed, the
Use local option is used

Concrete Detailing 235 Openings

Option Description
Cutpart name Define a name for the cut part.
Rotated Select whether the cut is rotated 90
degrees in the XY plane.

Polygon Hole Generation (33)

Polygon Hole Generation (33) creates a polygon-shaped hole in the object.
Use this component, for example, in welded profiles, slabs, or panels
generated with a component.

Objects created

Use for

Situation Description
A polygon-shaped hole in
concrete slabs, created by
picking five points.

Selection order
To create a polygon-shaped hole:
1. Select the part or object (component) to be cut.

TIP You can cut other components, such as Modeling of floor bay (66)
with this component.

2. Click the middle mouse button to end selecting.

3. Pick the corner points of the polygon-shaped hole.
4. Click the middle mouse button to end picking.

Polygon Hole Generation (33): Parameters tab

Use the Parameters tab to control the cuts created by Polygon Hole
Generation (33).

Concrete Detailing 236 Openings

Field Description
Cutting depth

1.6 Flooring
This section introduces components that can be used in concrete floors.
Click the links below to find out more:
Automatic seam recognition (30) (page 237)
Seam Applicator (page 239)
Slab generation with polygon plate (61) (page 241)
Slab generation with points (62) (page 244)
Modeling of floor bay (66) (page 245)
Modeling of slab area (88) (page 254)
Sloping slab drainage (page 256)
Hollow Core Opening Tool (page 260)
Hollow Core Lifting Loops (page 264)
Floor Tool (page 267)
Floor Layout (page 272)
Floor Layout CIP Filler (page 295)

Concrete Detailing 237 Flooring

Automatic seam recognition (30)
Automatic seam recognition (30) is used to add predefined custom seams
between parallel parts, such as slabs or wall elements. This tool is useful when
you add seams for warped floors.

Use for

Situation More information

Use to connect parts with predefined
custom seams.

Before you start

Create parallel parts, for example, concrete slabs or walls.
Create custom seam.

Defining properties
Use the tabs in the Automatic seam recognition (30) dialog box to define the
following properties:

Property Description
Seam name Enter the seam name, or use the
browse button (...) to locate the seam
in the Select component dialog box.
Seam property file Enter the name, or use the browse
button (...) to locate the name of the
seam attribute file (optional).
Seam direction Select to change the direction.
Seam input part order Select to reverse the main and
secondary part. You may need to
change the Seam up direction too.
Seam up direction Define the direction of the seam.

Concrete Detailing 238 Flooring

Property Description
Re-calculate seam points for Use to re-calculate the seam points
for all parts or only for warped parts.
All parts: use for fully or partially
warped decks or floors. This
option creates all seam points in
the same way, no matter, if the
slab is warped or not.
Warped parts: use for wall panels
and other situations, where
warping is not used, or the All
parts option does not give desired
Position of re-calculated points Control the location of the re-
calculated seam points. The options
in the list box are same as the circles
in the following image.

Selection order
1. Select the main part.
2. Select secondary parts. Click the middle mouse button to create the
seams between the parts.

Seam Applicator
Seam Applicator creates a seam between two double tee slabs, or between a
double tee slab and a wall or a spandrel. The double tees can also be warped
and/or cambered. To be able to use Seam Applicator you need to have a
custom seam. The custom seam can be created in the model, or it can be
imported to the model.

Objects created

Concrete Detailing 239 Flooring

Use for

Situation Description
Two double tee slabs with seams

Double tee slab and wall with seams

Before you start

Create a custom seam.

NOTE When you define the custom seam in Custom Component Wizard,
make sure that you select the Allow multiple instances of
connection between same parts checkbox on the Advanced tab.

Selection order
1. Select the main part.
2. Select the secondary part.
The seam is created automatically when the secondary part is selected.
One of the selected parts must be a double tee slab and the other part
can be a double tee slab, a wall, or a spandrel.

NOTE If the seam cannot be created between the selected parts for
some reason, a dummy beam is created instead. The beam
indicates that the seam creation did not succeed.

Concrete Detailing 240 Flooring

See also
Seam Applicator: Parameters tab (page 241)

Seam Applicator: Parameters tab

Use the Parameters tab to control the properties of the seam in Seam

Option Description
Seam name Define the custom seam that connects the
parts by selecting it from the Applications
& components catalog.
Seam property file Select the attribute file for the custom
Seam direction Seam direction in relation to the main and
the secondary part.
Seam up direction Seam rotation.
Offset start point Seam start point offset from the edge of
the double tee slab start point.
Offset end point Seam end point offset from the edge of the
double tee slab end point.
Number of copies Number of seams.
Distance to first seam Distance between the double tee slab edge
and the first seam start point.
Spacing values Space between the seams.
Copy at equal distances Define whether seams are created at equal
(Ignore spacing values) distances.
If you select Yes, the values in Spacing
values field are ignored.

Slab generation with polygon plate (61)

Creates slabs based on the shape of an auxiliary plate.

Parts created
Concrete slabs.

Concrete Detailing 241 Flooring

Where to use

Situation More information

Hollow core slab created
using an auxiliary plate.
To change the shape or
size of the plate, use the
Polygon shape
command. See .

Before you start

Create a contour plate or a concrete slab in the shape of the slabs you want to
create. This is the auxiliary plate.

Defining properties
Use the tabs in the Slab generation with polygon plate (61) dialog box to
define the following properties:

Tab Contents More information

Paramet Slab dimensions, gaps Slab generation with
ers between slabs, slab polygon plate (61) and
direction and distribution Slab generation with
points (62): Parameters
tab (page 242)
Parts Slab properties Slab generation with
polygon plate (61) and
Slab generation with
points (62): Parts tab
(page 243)

Analysis Analysis properties of Slab generation with

slab. polygon plate (61) and
Slab generation with
points (62): Analysis tab
(page 243)
Loading Loads properties used for

Selection order
Auxiliary plate.

Concrete Detailing 242 Flooring

Slab generation with polygon plate (61) and Slab generation with
points (62): Parameters tab
Use these options to define slab properties:

Property Description
Gap between slabs. To create
overlapping slabs, enter a negative
Use this to allow for joint reinforcement,
grouting, etc.
Distance from the outer edges of the
slabs and the corner of the auxiliary
plate. To create a slab larger than the
auxiliary plate, enter a negative value.
Use this option to allow space for other
parts, such as bearing beams.
Generation Defines the direction in which Tekla
direction Structures creates the slabs.
Adjustment Defines which slab(s) to truncate or
delete for an even slab distribution. The
options are first, last, and first and

Slab generation with polygon plate (61) and Slab generation with
points (62): Parts tab
Define a profile by selecting it from the Profile Catalog. To select a slab type
from the Profile Catalog, click the button against the Slab field on the Parts

Slab generation with polygon plate (61) and Slab generation with
points (62): Analysis tab
Use the Analysis tab to define the analysis properties of the parts created
using the Slab generation with polygon plate (61) and Slab generation with
points (62) modeling tools.

Option Description Only use for

Analysis type The option you select in the Analysis type
list limits the other properties you can
define (see the Only use for column)
Select how Tekla Structures analyzes the

Concrete Detailing 243 Flooring

Option Description Only use for
Ignore: Slabs are not analyzed.
Beam: Analyze each slab as a beam.
Plate: Analyze each slab as a plate.
Rigid diaphragm: Analyze slabs as a
rigid diaphragm.
Beam axis Select the location of the beam axis. Beam
Restraints Select the support conditions of the beam Beam
The options are Pinned and Fixed.
Plate plane Select the plane on which to create the Plate
elements and nodes. If you select Top
plane, Tekla Structures creates the
elements on the top surface of the slab.
Element type Select the shape of the elements. Plate
Element size x and y: Define the approximate Plate
dimensions of the elements in the local x
and y direction of the slab. For triangular
elements, define the approximate
dimensions of the bounding box around
each element.
Holes: Define the approximate size of the
elements around openings.
Filter Nodes that belong to a part matching the Rigid
filter will be connected to the rigid diaphragm
diaphragm. For example, you can use
column_filter to connect only column
nodes to rigid diaphragms.

See also

Slab generation with points (62)

Creates slabs based on the corner points you pick.

Parts created
Concrete slabs.

Concrete Detailing 244 Flooring

Where to use

Situation More information

Double tee slabs
created by picking
eight points.
You cannot change the
slab area once the
slabs are created.

Defining properties
Use the tabs in the Slab generation with points (62) dialog box to define the
following properties:

Tab Contents More information

Paramet Slab dimensions, gaps Slab generation with
ers between slabs, slab polygon plate (61) and
direction and distribution Slab generation with
points (62): Parameters
tab (page 242)
Parts Slab properties Slab generation with
polygon plate (61) and
Slab generation with
points (62): Parts tab
(page 243)

Analysis Analysis properties of Slab generation with

slab. polygon plate (61) and
Slab generation with
points (62): Analysis tab
(page 243)
Loading Loads properties used for

Selection order
Pick any number of points to indicate corners of the slab. Close the shape by
picking the first point you picked.

Concrete Detailing 245 Flooring

Modeling of floor bay (66)
Creates an area of concrete slabs between two support lines that you define,
for example, between two main frames. Support lines can be polylines or

Parts created
Concrete slabs.

Where to use

Situation More information

Slab area created
between two support

Before you start

Create two support lines with two or more points.

Defining properties
Use the tabs in the Modeling of floor bay (66) dialog box to define the
following properties:

Tab Contents More information

Paramet The position of the slab. Defining slab position
ers (page 249)
Profiles The properties of slab Defining slab profile
profiles. properties (page 252)

Picking order
1. Pick points to define the first support line. To finish, middle-click away
from the last point picked.

Concrete Detailing 246 Flooring

2. Pick points to define the second support line. To finish, middle-click away
from the last point picked.
3. Pick a point to indicate the origin of the slabs.
4. Pick a point to indicate the direction of the slabs.

See also
Examples (page 247)

These examples show how to use the Modeling of floor bay (66) component.
Example 1:
1. Pick 2 points (1, 2) to define support line 1.
2. To finish, middle-click.

3. Pick 2 points to define support line 2.

4. To finish, middle-click.

5. Pick a point to indicate the origin of the slab.

Concrete Detailing 247 Flooring

6. Pick a point to indicate the direction of the slab.

Tekla Structures creates the floor bay.

Example 2:
1. Pick 2 points to define support line 1.
2. To finish, middle-click.

Concrete Detailing 248 Flooring

3. Pick 4 points to define support line 2.

4. To finish, middle-click.
5. Pick a point to indicate the origin of the slab.
6. Pick a point to indicate the direction of the slab.

Tekla Structures creates the floor bay.

Concrete Detailing 249 Flooring

Defining slab position
Use these options to define the position of the slab:

Property Description
The position of the slab relative to the
origin line picked when creating the
The options are center of profile
(default) or center of seam.
Select the slab spacing and enter the
appropriate dimension. The options are
seam (default) or center to center.
If you select the seam option, the
bottom dimension is enabled. If you
select the center-to-center otion, the
upper dimension is enabled.
Slab offsets from support lines 1 and 2.

Vertical position of the slab.

The options are Top (default), Center
or Bottom.
Enter an optional offset value.

Projection type Defines how the slabs are spaced on a

sloping floor bay. See Defining
projection type (page 250).

Concrete Detailing 250 Flooring

Defining projection type
Use the Projection type field to define how to handle slab spacing or seams
on a sloping floor bay. The options are Global (default), Support line 1,
Support line 2, or Both support lines.
Global: the centers of the slabs remain constant, seam spacing adjusts.

Support line 1: Seam spacing on support line 1 does not adjust (effect
exaggerated here):

Support line 2: Seam spacing on support line 2 does not adjust (effect
exaggerated here):

Concrete Detailing 251 Flooring

Both support lines: Seam spacing is calculated at the average plane
position between both support lines

Along this line, center to center and seam width are

exactly as entered in the dialog box.

Support line 2

Plane between support lines 1 and 2

Support line 1

Defining slab profile properties

Use the options on the Profiles tab to define a default profile for all the slabs
in the floor.

Index list
Use the Index list to specify different profiles, seam width, and various cutting
options for specific slabs or seams. See also Adjustment type (page 253).
Input the values individually, or in a list:

Examples for slabs

If the origin point is the center of slab:

Concrete Detailing 252 Flooring

If the origin point is the center of seam:

Examples for seams

If the origin point is the center of slab:

If the origin point is the center of seam:

Adjustment type
Use to define the type of adjustment for the selected slab. The options are:
Default Use the default slab profile.
Profile Use the specific slab profile.
Cut left side Cut the left side of the profile. If no profile is defined, uses
the default slab profile.

Concrete Detailing 253 Flooring

Cut right side Cut the right side of the profile. If no profile is defined,
uses the default slab profile.
Cut both sides Cut both sides of the profile. If no profile is defined, uses
the default slab profile.
Seam width Adjust the seam width.

Profile/Seam width
Depending on which adjustment type option you choose, defines:
The width of the default slab profile.
The width of the specified profile.
Seam width.

Modeling of slab area (88)

Use to create various types of concrete slabs, including fanned layouts. This
component creates slabs between two support lines, which can be polylines or
sloped. To create a fanned layout, use support lines that are curved or of
different lengths.

Parts created
Concrete slabs.

Where to use

Situation More information

Slab area created
between two support

Fanned layouts of
slab area

Concrete Detailing 254 Flooring

Before you start
Create the two support lines with two or more points.

Defining properties
Use the tabs in the Modeling of slab area (88) dialog box to define the
following properties:

Tab Contents More information

Paramet Distance from the outer Defining slab area
ers edges of the slabs to the properties (page 255)
support lines, slab
direction and distribution,
fan angle.
Parts Slab properties.
Advance Element and seam index
d properties.

Picking order
1. Pick points to define the first support line. Click the middle mouse button
outside the point you just picked.
2. Pick points to define the second support line. Click the middle mouse
button outside the point you just picked.
3. Pick two points to indicate the direction of the slabs. The first point is the
origin for the slabs.

Defining slab area properties

Use these options to define slab properties:

Property Description
Distances from the slab to the
support lines.

Origin point Origin point of the slab. Origin

point is the point you pick after
picking the support line points.
Support line plane The options are Middle, Bottom,
and Top.
Adjustment Defines which slab(s) to truncate or
delete, or how the slab area is
generated. The slab closest to the
first support lines origin is the first.

Concrete Detailing 255 Flooring

Property Description
The fan angle.

Slab Slab generation with polygon plate

(61) and Slab generation with
points (62): Parts tab (page 243)
Standard spacing Slab spacing.
Advanced tab Use the Advanced tab to modify
individual slabs and seams. You
can index them and then define
width or angle for the indexed
Index The number of the slab, seam, or
fanned seam that is different from
the others.
Width The width of the indexed slab or
Angle The fan angle of the indexed seam.

Sloping slab drainage

Sloping slab drainage creates a concrete slab topping and a drainage hole.

Objects created
Drainage hole

Concrete Detailing 256 Flooring

Use for

Situation Description
Drainage holes with valley 1 and hip 2

Slab topping does not adapt to slab chamfers. You need to define the slab
chamfers and topping chamfers separately.

Before you start

Create or split the slabs so that there is one drainage point in each slab.

Selection order
1. Select the main part (slab).
2. Pick a point to create the drainage hole.
The drainage hole is created automatically when the point is picked.

Concrete Detailing 257 Flooring

Part identification key

1 Drainage hole

See also
Sloping slab drainage: Parameters tab (page 258)

Sloping slab drainage: Parameters tab

Use the Parameters tab to control the type, dimensions and properties of the
drainage hole in Sloping slab drainage.

Drainage hole type

Option Description
A drainage hole is not created.

A rectangular drainage hole is


A round drainage hole is created.

Concrete Detailing 258 Flooring

Drainage hole dimensions

Option Description
Define the side dimensions of the
rectangular drainage hole.

Define the diameter of the round

drainage hole.

Drainage hole properties

Option Description
Define slab inclination by Select how the slab is inclined, by a
combination of slope (S) or slope
percentage (S%), and topping
thicknesses (d1, d2).
The Slope, d1, and d2 options are
available accordingly.
Slope Slope of the topping, for example,
0.01 (S) or 2 (S%).
d1 Thickness of the topping at the
drainage point or at the hole.
d2 Thickness of the topping at the edge
of the slab or at the hip.
Create cast unit Select how the cast unit is created:
Topping is part of the slab cast
Each part of the topping forms a
cast unit.

Concrete Detailing 259 Flooring

Option Description
Topping is a separate cast unit.
Material Define the material of the topping by
selecting it from the material catalog.
Type Select whether a valley or a hip is
created. If you select Hip, you can
only pick slab corners.

Hollow Core Opening Tool

Hollow Core Opening Tool creates holes and recesses to hollow core slabs.
Hollow Core Opening Tool works with single hollow core slabs, or with floors
that are created with the Modeling of floor bay (66) modeling tool.

Objects created
Holes and recesses

Use for

Situation Description
Hollow core slab with small and large

Hollow Core Opening Tool calculates the location for the openings based on
the given values and the slab profile data. If needed, you can use an external
configuration file in XML format to provide different rules for the openings and
the slab profile data.
You can define small and large openings. Small openings are placed in the
middle of the hollow cores so that no webs are broken. Large openings break

Before you start

Create a hollow core slab.

Concrete Detailing 260 Flooring

Selection order
1. Select the main part (slab).
2. Pick a position for the opening.

See also
Hollow Core Opening Tool: Parameters tab (page 261)
Hollow Core Opening Tool: Configuration file tab (page 263)

Hollow Core Opening Tool: Parameters tab

Use the Parameters tab to control the properties of the openings and
recesses in the Hollow Core Opening Tool modeling tool.

Option Description
Select the shape of the openings and recesses.
Square - in the middle of the slab
Round - in the middle of the slab
At one end of the slab
At both ends of the slab

Concrete Detailing 261 Flooring

Option Description
Hollow positions If you select to add openings or recesses at
one end or at both ends of a slab, enter the
positions of the hollows that are cut.
The positions are numbered from left to right
at the start of the part. The part is viewed from
the top in the start-to-end direction. The
openings and recesses are created in the same
voids at the end of the part.

Size Define the size of the opening in longitudinal

and cross direction, or the diameter for a
round opening.
Opening width defines whether the opening is
small or large.
Opening Type Select the type of the opening.
Place exactly by point Select whether the opening is created exactly
to the picked position.
Centralize in zone Select how the center of an opening is
By hollow:
The opening is centered to the hollow core.
By web:
The opening is centered to the web.
Cut full width of hollow Select whether the opening is cut based on the
minimum width of hollows or the number of
To use this option, center the opening By
hollow in the Centralize in zone option.
Rules file (XML) Select the external XML file where you have
defined the opening and slab profiles.
Cutpart name Define a name for the cut part.

Concrete Detailing 262 Flooring

Option Description
Define the recess depth.

Define the alignment for the opening.

Select whether the thick side part of the

opening is removed.

Hollow Core Opening Tool: Configuration file tab

Use an external .xml file to define the openings and the slab profiles in the
Hollow Core Opening Tool modeling tool.

An example Zones.xml file is located in ..\ProgramData\Tekla

Concrete Detailing 263 Flooring

Hollow Core Lifting Loops
Hollow Core Lifting Loops creates lifters for hollow core slabs. Hollow Core
Lifting Loops works with single hollow core slabs, or with floors that are
created with Modeling of floor bay (66) modeling tool.

Objects created

Use for

Situation Description
Hollow core slab with recesses, hollow
core fillings and lifting devices.

You also need a lifting device. The lifting device can be created as a custom
part, or it can be imported to the model. Alternatively, you can use an external
configuration file in XML format to define the properties for the recess, the
lifting device and the slab.

Concrete Detailing 264 Flooring

Before you start
Create a hollow core slab and a lifting device.

Selection order
1. Select the main part (slab).
The recess and hollow core fillings are created.

See also
Hollow Core Lifting Loops: Basic settings tab (page 265)
Hollow Core Lifting Loops: Lifting device settings tab (page 266)
Hollow Core Lifting Loops: Configuration file tab (page 267)

Hollow Core Lifting Loops: Basic settings tab

Use the Basic settings tab to control the properties of the lifters and hollow
core fillings in the Hollow Core Lifting Loops modeling tool.

Configuration file

Option Description
Configuration file Select the external XML file where you have defined the
recess, the lifting device and the slab profile properties.
Override Define whether the values on the Basic settings and
Lifting device settings tabs override the properties
defined in the external XML file.


Concrete Detailing 265 Flooring

Option Description
1 Define the minimum distance from the lifter insertion point to the
end of the slab.
2 Define the maximum distance from the lifter insertion point to the
end of the slab.
3 Define the minimum distance from the lifter insertion point to the
edge of an opening.
4 Define the minimum distance between two lifter insertion points.
5 Define the length of the hollow core filling.
6 Define the profile of the recess.
7 Define the depth of the recess.

Hollow core filling

Option Description
Use automatic fill Define whether the automatic hollow core filling
profile profile is used.
Profile Define the hollow core filling profile.
Prefix Prefix for the part position number.
Start Number Start number for the part position number.
Name Define a name for the lifter.
Tekla Structures uses the name in drawings and
Class Use Class to group the lifters.
For example, you can display lifters of different classes
in different colors.

See also
Hollow Core Lifting Loops: Lifting device settings tab (page 266)
Hollow Core Lifting Loops: Configuration file tab (page 267)

Hollow Core Lifting Loops: Lifting device settings tab

Use the Lifting device settings tab to control the properties of the lifting
device in the Hollow Core Lifting Loops modeling tool.

Option Description
Lifter component Define the custom part that represents the actual lifting
Saved properties Select which saved properties to use for the lifting
to use device custom part.

Concrete Detailing 266 Flooring

Option Description
Lifter max load Define the maximum load for the lifting device.
Rotation Select the rotation of the lifting device custom part
around its axis.
Angle Define the rotation angle of the lifting device custom
Up Direction Select the lifting device up direction in relation to the
local coordinate system.
Offset Define the offset of the lifting device in relation to the
local coordinate system in the corresponding

See also
Hollow Core Lifting Loops: Basic settings tab (page 265)
Hollow Core Lifting Loops: Configuration file tab (page 267)

Hollow Core Lifting Loops: Configuration file tab

Use an external XML file to define the lifting device, the lifter, and the slab
properties in the Hollow Core Lifting Loops modeling tool.


Floor Tool
Floor Tool creates a floor bay with optional insulation.

Objects created
Hollow core slabs

Concrete Detailing 267 Flooring

Use for

Situation Description
Floor bay with insulation

Selection order
Make sure that you have defined the slab properties.
1. Pick the contour points of the floor bay.
The floor bay is automatically created when you close the polygon.

NOTE The list of picked contour points on the Bay contour tab and the list
of slabs on the Slab list tab are created when the slabs are created.

See also
Floor Tool: Slab properties tab (page 268)
Floor Tool: Insulation tab (page 269)
Floor Tool: Bay contour tab (page 270)
Floor Tool: Slab list tab (page 271)

Floor Tool: Slab properties tab

Use the Slab properties tab to control the profile, material and location of the
hollow core slabs in the Floor Tool modeling tool.

Slab attributes

Option Description
Profile Define the profile by selecting it from the profile
Name Define a name for the slab.
Material Define the material grade by selecting it from the
material catalog.
Class Define the part class number.
Prefix Define the part prefix.
Start number Define the start number for the cast unit.

Concrete Detailing 268 Flooring

Option Description
Cut slab ends Define whether the slab ends are cut or not.
If you select Yes, define the minimum end angle
for the slabs.
Rotation Select an option to rotate the slab.
Vertical location Define the offset location in the vertical direction.
Offset Define the offset in the vertical direction.
Minimum end angle Define the minimum end angle for the slabs.
If the line to which the slab ends has a bigger
angle than the defined minimum end angle, the
part will be aligned to the line.

Additional attributes

Option Description
Exposure Class Define the exposure class for the hollow core
The exposure class will be saved as a user-
defined attribute.
Relative strength Define the relative strength of the hollow core
The relative strength will be saved as a user-
defined attribute.
Fire rating Define the fire rating for the hollow core slab.
The fire rating will be saved as a user-defined
User-defined attributes User-defined attributes are located in the
FloorTool.ini file.

Slab direction

Option Description
Slab direction Define the direction of the slab.
If you select Angle, you need to pick points in
the model to define the new direction. The
angle you have picked is shown in the Angle
field. You can also define the angle directly in
the field to rotate the slabs.
Note that picking two points does not change
the local +X direction.

Concrete Detailing 269 Flooring

Floor Tool: Insulation tab
Use the Insulation tab to control the insulation properties of the hollow core
slabs in the Floor Tool modeling tool.

First define whether to create insulation or not. Insulation is created

separately for each slab.


Option Description
Name Define a name for the insulation.
Material Define a material grade by selecting it from
the material catalog.
Thickness Define the thickness of the insulation.
Class Define the part class number.
Offset at slab start/end Define the offset between the slab start/end
positions and the corresponding positions
in the insulation parts.
Left/Right offset Define the offset between the slab and the
insulation for the rightmost and leftmost

Floor Tool: Bay contour tab

Use the Bay contour tab to control the coordinates of the picked contour
points and the horizontal offset of the lines connecting the contour points in
the Floor Tool modeling tool. If the coordinates are not visible on the tab, click
the Get button.

You need to create the hollow core slabs before using the Bay countour tab.

Bay contour properties

Option Description
XY-constant Z Define the Z coordinate for all contour points at
the same specific height.
XYZ (sloping floor) Define the Z constant for each contour point
separately. The floor may be sloped.
Offset method Define the offset method.
Default end offset Define the default end offset.
Default side offset Define the default side offset.

Concrete Detailing 270 Flooring

Bay contour table
The table lists the contour points showing their X, Y, and Z coordinates. You
can modify the Z coordinate in the table only if you have selected XYZ (sloping
floor). You can modify the Horizontal offset on all rows of the table.
The table also shows the lines connecting the points. You can only modify the
Horizontal offset. Entering a positive value enlarges the slab area and
entering a negative value shrinks the slab area.

Floor Tool: Slab list tab

Use the Slab list tab to list all the hollow core slabs created in the Floor Tool
modeling tool. If the slab list is not visible on the tab, click the Get button.

Slab properties

Option Description
Slab number Shows the order of the hollow core slabs starting
from the first picked point.
Width Shows the width of a narrowed slab.
Narrowed from Define whether the slab is narrowed. The
options are:
not narrowed (default)
Right side
Left side
Type Define the slab type.
Use Slab for normal hollow core slabs.
Use PIP for a precast infill piece.
Use GAP for an empty space between the
slabs. You do not need to define a profile
when you select this option.
Use CIP to create a concrete part using the
width defined in the Width column. The
width range that you can use is defined in the
FloorTool.ini file.
The slabs listed in the FloorTool.ini file
can only have a width that is inside the
defined range. The slabs that are not listed
can have any width. The value you give is
rounded down to the nearest allowed value.

Concrete Detailing 271 Flooring

Option Description
Profile Define the profile by selecting it from the profile

You can Add and Delete slabs, and move them Up and Down in the list by
using the buttons on the left. To restore the default values, click Restore

Floor Layout
Floor Layout creates floors built of precast filigree and hollow core slabs. The
floors may contain several layers, such as precast slabs, insulation and a cast-
in-place topping. Floor Layout is most useful for non-rectangular floors that
contain one or more openings that split slabs into many pieces, and when slab
widths are not constant on the whole floor area. You can modify the floors
using direct modification.

Objects created
Cast-in-place topping

Use for

Situation Description
Create floor structures that have
layers, for example, hollow core slabs
at the bottom, insulation as the
middle layer, and cast-in-place

Selection order
1. Pick the corner points of the floor.
You can pick the points at grid lines or the reference points of supporting
parts. You can change the offsets later.
The default slab direction is from the first (P1) point to the second (P2)
point. You can change this later if needed.

Concrete Detailing 272 Flooring

2. Click the middle mouse button to create the floor.

Concrete Detailing 273 Flooring

Floor Layout: Layer tab
Use the Layer tab to control the layer type, profile, and how the layer is
created in the Floor Layout modeling tool.

Layer list

Layers Description
The layer list shows the current layers of the floor. The
first layer in the list is the top layer and the last layer is
the bottom layer. In the example image on the left, the
FILIGREE layer is the top layer and the CIP layer is the
bottom layer.
Use the buttons to do the following:

Click to add a new layer.

Click to remove the selected layer.

Click to change the order of the layers by
moving the selected layer up or down in the list.

Layer properties
Select a layer in the layer list to define the layer properties.

Option Description
Layer name Enter a name for the layer. This is the layer name shown
in the layer list. The name is also shown in the direct
modification toolbar when you are modifying offsets .
This name is not visible in the model so you can enter
any suitable name.
Layer type Select the layer type. The Precast layer is the primary
layer and any insulation parts are added to precast units.
The parts created for a Cast in place layer are not added
to any other cast unit.
Create layer as Select how the layer parts are created: as beam parts,
custom parts, or a single part.
Layer When the layer parts are created as custom parts, you
component can select a component and the component attributes.

Concrete Detailing 274 Flooring

Option Description
Layer thickness When the layer parts are created as beam parts or as a
or profile single part, you can select the profile or thickness of the
layer parts.
With parametric profiles, you can replace the width of the
profile with the text [W]. When you do this, the beam is
never cut but the desired width is achieved by setting the
profile name based on the slab width.
For example, the profile could be BL80*[W].
Rotation Select the rotation of the layer parts.
Part name Define the name, class, material, part prefix and start
number of the layer parts.
Part prefix, Start
Cast unit prefix,
Start no

Floor Layout: General tab

Use the General tab to control the default part and gap width, depth position
of the layers, and the direction for lining up the slabs in the Floor Layout
modeling tool.

Option Description
Default part Enter the default width for the slabs in the primary layer.
If you define the width of an individual slab in the slab
part properties, the Default part width value is not
Default gap width Enter the default seam gap width in the primary layer.
If you define the width of an individual gap, the Default
gap width value is not used.
Depth position Select how the layers are positioned in relation to the
plane of input points.

Concrete Detailing 275 Flooring

Option Description

Line up direction Select the direction for the slabs. By default, the width of
the last slab may differ from the width of the other slabs.

Customizing allowed slab width

You can customize the allowed slab widths in the FloorLayout.ini file. This
file can be located under the model folder or in any of the folders defined in
the XS_FIRM, XS_PROJECT or XS_SYSTEM advanced options.
The image below shows an example of the FloorLayout.ini file:

Concrete Detailing 276 Flooring

Floor Layout: Advanced tab
Use the Advanced tab to control the minimum angles, and the width and
length of the slabs in the Floor Layout modeling tool.

Option Description
Minimum end Controls how the slab ends are modeled.
When the angle of the floor edge is smaller than the
Minimum start minimum angle, you can select a suitable option from
angle the list to make the slab end straight.

Minimum slab width. Slabs narrower than the minimum

width are not created.

Concrete Detailing 277 Flooring

Option Description
Minimum slab length. Slabs shorter than the minimum
length are not created.

Minimum neck width of the slabs. If the width of the neck

is less than the minimum neck width defined, the slab is
split to two slabs and the neck is left out. Otherwise, the
slab is created as one slab.

Floor Layout: Detailing tab

Use the Detailing tab to select the components that are applied to all slabs in
the floor.

Option Description
Component Select a component that is applied to the slabs in the
name floor.
Component attr Select the settings that are used with the component you
file name have selected.
The list contains all the files that are available for the
selected component.

Adding a component to the component name list

The component name list is empty by default. You can add components to the
1. Select Add new from the list.
The Detailing component data dialog box is displayed.
2. Enter a suitable name in the Name in dropdown box.

3. Click to open the Applications & components catalog.

4. Select a component and click OK.
The component name or number is added to the Component name box.
5. Click OK.

Concrete Detailing 278 Flooring

When you have added the needed components, the names of the components
are shown in the component name list as shown in the example image below.
Select a component from the list:

The list is stored in the \attributes folder under the model folder.
If you want to predefine the list to contain your favorite components in any
new models, you can copy the LayoutConfiguration.datx file from the
\attributes folder under the model folder to any of the folders defined in

Concrete Detailing 279 Flooring

Floor Layout: User defined tab
Use the User defined tab to set the user-defined attribute values for the slabs
in the Floor Layout modeling tool.
If you have defined the user-defined attributes in the part properties dialog
box and want to use those values, leave the User defined tab empty.
The content of the tab may vary depending on your environment, see below
how to customize the content.

Customizing the User defined tab

You can customize the content of the User defined tab using the
floorlayout.objects.inp file. Note that you cannot create new user-
defined attributes with the file. The user-defined attributes on the tab are
existing user-defined attributes that have been defined in the objects.inp
file. The floorlayout.objects.inp file has the same format as the
objects.inp file.
The floorlayout.objects.inp file can be located in any of the folders set
in the XS_FIRM, XS_PROJECT or XS_SYSTEM advanced options. The file is
never read from the model folder.
Below is an example of the floorlayout.objects.inp file:

Concrete Detailing 280 Flooring

Floor Layout: Modifying a floor
You can use direct modification to modify the floor. Before you start, ensure

that the Direct modification switch is active. Select the floor to display
the direct modification toolbar.
To modify the floor, select the appropriate command from the toolbar.

Button Description
Add a polygonal opening.
Add a rectangular opening.

Add a break line to split the slab into two slabs.

Modify the openings or exterior boundary of the floor. This

command is active by default.
Make the floor warped by offsetting one or more vertices of the
exterior boundary polygon from the plane.
Modify the offsets at floor boundaries

Modify the layout of the floor:

Modify the width or profile of any of the slabs in the floor.
Modify the side of the cut when the slab is cut to a smaller
Modify the gaps between the slabs.
Modify the direction of the slabs.
Modify the order of slabs when the slabs do not the have the
same width or profiles.
Add or modify the detailing components that are applied only to
certain slabs in the floor layout. The detailing components are listed
on the Detailing tab.
You can apply the same detailing component settings to all slabs in
the floor layout using the floor layout attributes.

Adding a polygonal opening

1. Click .
2. Pick the corner points of the opening.

Concrete Detailing 281 Flooring

You can pick the points at grid lines or you can pick the reference points of
supporting parts. You can change the offsets later.

Adding a rectangular opening

1. Click .
2. Pick the corner points of the opening.

Concrete Detailing 282 Flooring

You can pick the points at grid lines or you can pick the reference points of
supporting parts. You can change the offsets later.

Adding a break line to split the slab into two slabs

1. Click .
2. Pick the end points of the break line.

Concrete Detailing 283 Flooring

Modifying the openings and exterior boundary of the floor

1. The button is active by default.

The handles are shown for the exterior boundary and for all openings in
the floor.
2. Do any of the following:
To move an edge, drag any of the edge lines. Hold down the left mouse
button when dragging.

Concrete Detailing 284 Flooring

To move a corner point, drag the handle in the corner.

To add new points to the edge, drag the handle in the middle of the

Concrete Detailing 285 Flooring

To delete any of the points, select the handle in the corner and press
the Delete key.
To make the floor warped, offset the vertices of the exterior boundary
so that all vertices are not in the same plane.
Drag a handle normally to move the vertices in the original floor plane.

Hold down the Alt key while dragging to move the vertex
perpendicular to the floor plane.

Concrete Detailing 286 Flooring

Hold down the Alt and Shift keys to move the vertex both in the plane
and off from the plane by snapping to any point in the model.

Modifying the offset at floor boundaries

1. Click .
The handles for modifying the offset are shown. If there are offsets, the
offset dimensions are also shown.
2. To adjust the offset, do one of the following:
Drag the edge offset lines.

Concrete Detailing 287 Flooring

Select one or more offset lines by holding down the Shift key.
When you have the offset lines selected, right-click on any of the
selected lines. Enter the offset value to the toolbar that is displayed
and click .

Note that when you use the offset command, the direct modification toolbar
shows the floor layout layers. Each layer may have different offsets. You can
select which layers to modify. The simplest way is to select all layers and have
the offsets equal in each layer.

Concrete Detailing 288 Flooring

Concrete Detailing 289 Flooring
Modifying the layout of the floor

1. Click .
The following direct modification elements are shown:

2. To modify the layout of the floor, do any of the following:

To modify slab width, do one of the following:
To move all seams, select one seam and start dragging.
To add a new seam, select a seam, hold down the Ctrl key and start
dragging. When you stop dragging and release the mouse key, a
new seam is added to that location.
To make one slab smaller, select a seam, hold down the Alt key and
start dragging. The slab on the left or right side is made smaller and
all slabs on the other side will move with the seam.
To modify the profile, width, and cut side of a slab, right-click the slab

When the profile of the slab is fixed (not parametric), the slab is cut on
either side when the width is smaller than the original width. The

Concrete Detailing 290 Flooring

Default cut side is leading edge for the first slab and trailing edge for
all others in relation to the layout direction.
You can modify the properties of multiple slabs at the same time by
holding down the Shift key when selecting slabs.
To modify the gap width between the slabs, do one of the following:
Drag the end of the gap dimension.

Right-click a seam line handle, enter the width and click .

You can modify multiple gaps at same time by holding down the
Shift key when selecting seam line handles.
To move a slab or change the order of slabs, drag the slab handles.

Concrete Detailing 291 Flooring

To change the direction of slabs, drag the slab direction handle.

Concrete Detailing 292 Flooring

To remove a slab from the layout, select the slab handles and press the
Delete key.

Adding and modifying detailing components

1. Click to open the detailing toolbar.

2. Do any of the following to add, remove or modify the detailing strips that
control how and to which slabs the detailing components are added in the

Button/ Description
Add a new detailing strip. Pick the start and end points for the
In practice, the selected detailing component will be added into
the slabs that the strip touches, see the example image below.
You can also add new detailing strips by dragging an existing
strip and holding down the Ctrl key.
Delete a detailing strip. Select the strip that you want to delete.
You can select multiple strips by holding down the Shift key.

Concrete Detailing 293 Flooring

Button/ Description
Componen Select the actual detailing component from the Component
t name name list.
The content of the list may vary depending on your
You can also add new components to the list by selecting the
Add new option. Note that you can only add detailing
components that use one input part.
Componen Select the detailing component attributes that are used for the
t attribute slab.
file name
Note that the content of the list varies depending on the
component that you have selected.

Modify the detailing component and/or attribute file of the

detailing strip.
Select the detailing strip and select the component name
and/or attribute file from the list. Click the button to modify the
selected detailing strips.
You can select multiple strips by holding down the Shift key.
Close the detailing toolbar to continue the other modifications
of the floor layout.
Note that the detailing toolbar is also closed when you select
any other modification tool in the Floor Layout direct
modification toolbar.

The image below shows an example of a floor layout containing three detailing

Concrete Detailing 294 Flooring

Floor Layout CIP Filler
Floor Layout CIP Filler creates CIP filler parts into the empty areas in floors
created with the Floor Layout modeling tool. The empty areas are spaces
created by offsets around the exterior and interior boundaries. There may also

Concrete Detailing 295 Flooring

be empty areas when the slab is too narrow to be created with the Floor
Layout modeling tool.

Floor Layout CIP filler properties

Option Description
Minimum width Minimum width of the part.
If the empty space is smaller than this width, the part is
not created in this location.
Cast unit prefix, Cast unit prefix of the CIP filler part
Start no
Cast unit start number of the CIP filler part
Name, Class, Define the name, class, material and finish of the CIP filler
Material, Finish parts.

1.7 Concrete stairs

Tekla Structures includes the following tools you can use to create concrete
stairs and stairwells:
Concrete stairs (65) (page 297)
Stairwells and elevator shafts (90) (page 312)

Concrete Detailing 296 Concrete stairs

Reinforced Concrete Stair (95) (page 316)

Concrete stairs (65)

Concrete stairs (65) creates precast stairs with optional landings, ridges,
stringers, and anti-skid and kick plate profiles. It contains five different step
shapes and options to create round or chamfered step edges.

Objects created
Kick plate

Use for

Situation Description
Staircase with
square step shape
stringers on both sides
top and bottom landings

Staircase with
chamfered step corners
ridges on both sides

Concrete Detailing 297 Concrete stairs

Situation Description
Staircase with
rounded step corners
anti-skid profile
bottom landing

Staircase with
square step shape
rounded step corners
ridges on both sides
anti-skid and kick plate profiles

Selection order
Selection order depends on the selected Creation method option on the
Stairs tab.
When Creation method is set to Default:
1. Pick the first point to indicate the start point of stairs.
2. Pick the second point to indicate the direction of stairs.

The stairs are created automatically.

Concrete Detailing 298 Concrete stairs

Part identification key

1 Landings
2 Stringers
3 Ridges
4 Kick plates
5 Steps
6 Anti-skids

See also
Concrete stairs (65): Stairs tab (page 299)
Concrete stairs (65): Step shapes tab (page 302)
Concrete stairs (65): Landings tab (page 304)
Concrete stairs (65): Ridges tab (page 305)
Concrete stairs (65): Stringers tab (page 308)
Concrete stairs (65): Anti-skid/Kick plate tab (page 310)
Concrete stairs (65): Attributes tab (page 311)
Concrete stairs (65): UDA tab (page 312)

Concrete stairs (65): Stairs tab

Use the Stairs tab to define how the stairs are created and what are the
dimensions of the stairs in Concrete stairs (65).

Concrete Detailing 299 Concrete stairs

Creation method

Option Description
Creation method Select the creation method of the
stairs. Creation method defines how
many and which points you need to
pick when you create the stairs.
Number of steps is calculated
automatically using the vertical
distance between the two input
One point - N & L & H: define N, L,
and H (number, length, and height
of the steps).
Two points - N & L: define N and
Height of the steps is calculated
automatically using the vertical
distance between the two input
Two points - N & H: define N and
Length of the steps is calculated
automatically using the horizontal
distance between the two input
Two points - L & H: define L and
Number of steps is calculated
automatically using the vertical
distance between the two input
Two points - N: define N.
Height and length of steps is
calculated automatically using the
horizontal and vertical distance
between the two input points. You
can define the length of the top
No of steps, N Define the number of steps, if the
Two points - L & H option is not

Concrete Detailing 300 Concrete stairs

Option Description
Position Define the horizontal position of the
staircase, relative to the line joining
the picked points.
Distance Enter a distance to move the stairs in
the horizontal direction from the line
joining the picked points. The selected
Position option has an effect on this
Rotation Define the angle between the line
joining the steps and the line joining
the selected points.

Cast unit type Select the cast unit type:

Cast in place

Stair dimensions

Concrete Detailing 301 Concrete stairs

1 Height of the step.
2 Length of the step.
3 Length of the top step.
4 Height of the top step.
5 Width of the top corbel.
6 Slope from the corbel to the underside of the stairs.
7 Thickness of the slab.
8 Chamfering for the underside of stairs.
9 Chamfer or radius values.
11 Height of the bottom step.
12 Height of the stair foot.
13 Chamfering for the bottom of stairs.
14 Slope from the foot nose to the foot base.
15 Length of the bottom cut.
16 Length of the stair foot.
17 Width of the staircase, including stringers.

Create foot
Define whether a foot is created at the bottom of the stairs.

Concrete stairs (65): Step shapes tab

Use the Step shapes tab to define the shape of steps in Concrete stairs (65).

All other steps/Last step at foot

Select the step shape. You can define the shape of the last step at the bottom
if you set Last step same as other step to No.

Option Description
From the list below the step shape
options, select whether you want to
enter a dimension or an angle.
AutoDefaults can change this option.

Concrete Detailing 302 Concrete stairs

Option Description

Straight step

Top straight, bottom beveled

Enter two dimensions.

Top beveled, bottom straight

Enter the vertical dimension and then
select whether you want to enter an
angle or a horizontal dimension.

Top and bottom staight

Enter vertical dimensions and then
select whether you want to enter an
angle or a horizontal dimension.

Select the shape of the step front edge and enter the required dimensions.

Concrete Detailing 303 Concrete stairs

Radius: Creates rounded edge.

Chamfer: Creates chamfered edge.

No: Creates square edge.

Select the shape of the step inner corner and enter the required dimensions.
Radius: Creates rounded inner corner.

Chamfer: Creates chamfered inner corner.

No: Creates square inner corner.

Concrete stairs (65): Landings tab

Use the Landings tab to create top and/or bottom landings in Concrete stairs

Create landings
Define whether one or two landings are created, or whether there are no

Concrete Detailing 304 Concrete stairs

Landing dimensions and extensions

1 Thickness of the bottom landing.
2 Length of the bottom landing.
3 Length of the top landing.
4 Thickness of the top landing.
5 Left and right extensions of the bottom landing.
6 Left and right extensions of the top landing.

Concrete stairs (65): Ridges tab

Use the Ridges tab to create horizontal and/or vertical ridges on both sides or
only on the other side of the stairs in Concrete stairs (65).

Concrete Detailing 305 Concrete stairs


1 Thickness of the vertical ridge.
2 Width of the vertical ridge.
3 Width of the horizontal ridge.
4 Thickness/height of the horizontal ridge.

Horizontal ridges

Part Description
Create Define whether horizontal ridges are

Concrete Detailing 306 Concrete stairs

Part Description
Create at foot Define whether horizontal ridges are
created at the foot of the stairs.
This option works in the same way as
the Create option.

Inside chamfer Select the type of the inside chamfer

and enter the required dimensions.
Corner chamfer Select the type of the corner chamfer
and enter the required dimensions.
Slope Set the slope as an angle or a
dimension. The slope makes the ridge
Foot corner chamfer Define whether corner chamfers are
created at the stair foot.

Top and foot ridges

Define the horizontal ridge length at the stair top step and at the stair foot.
When no foot is created, vertical ridges continue to the bottom level of the

Concrete Detailing 307 Concrete stairs

Vertical ridges

Part Description
Create Define whether vertical ridges are

Slope Set the slope as an angle or a

dimension. The slope makes the ridge

Concrete stairs (65): Stringers tab

Use the Stringers tab to create stringers and ridges on the left, right, or both
sides of the stairs in Concrete stairs (65).


Part Description
Create stringers Define whether stringers are created.
Create top ridge Select an option to create top ridges.

Create bottom ridge Select an option to create bottom


Concrete Detailing 308 Concrete stairs

Part Description
Slope Use to incline the inner surface of the

You can define the slope using an

angle or a dimension.
Inside chamfer Define whether the inside edge of
stringer is chamfered or not.
Outside chamfer Define whether the outside edge of
stringer is chamfered or not.
Stringer height Define how the stringer height is


1 Height of the stringer bottom ridge.
2 Horizontal offset of the bottom ridge from the bottom step.
3 Height of the stringer top ridge.

Concrete Detailing 309 Concrete stairs

4 Width of the stringer.
5 Difference in height that is the perpendicular distance between the step
edge and stringer edge.
You can enter this dimension if Stringer height is Diff in height.
6 Total height of the stringer.
You can enter this dimension if Stringer height is Default or Total

Concrete stairs (65): Anti-skid/Kick plate tab

Use the Anti-skid and Kick plate tabs to create slip resistant surfaces in
Concrete stairs (65).


Part Description
Creation anti-skid Define whether anti-skids or kick
plates are created.
Creation kick plate
Create anti-skid on foot Define whether anti-skids are created
at the stair foot.
Create cutout Define whether you want to create
cutouts with the anti-skid profile.
By default, the cutouts are not
Include in cast unit Define whether anti-skids or kick
plates are included in cast unit.
Profile Define the anti-skid or kick plate
profile by selecting it from the profile
Rotation Select an option to rotate the anti-
skid or kick plate profile.

Concrete Detailing 310 Concrete stairs

Anti-skid/kick plate position

1 Anti-skid or kick plate distance from the left edge of the step.
2 Anti-skid or kick plate distance from the right edge of the step.

1 Distance from the step front edge.
2 Depth for the anti-skid or kick plate.

Concrete stairs (65): Attributes tab

Use the Attributes tab to control the properties of different stair parts in
Concrete stairs (65).

Concrete Detailing 311 Concrete stairs

Part attributes

Option Description Default

Pos_No Prefix and start number The default part start number
for the part position is defined in the Components
number. settings in File menu -->
Settings --> Options.
Some components have a
second row of fields
where you can enter the
assembly position
Material Material grade. The default material is defined
in the Part material box in the
Components settings in File
menu --> Settings --> Options.
Name Name that is shown in
drawings and reports.
Class Part class number.

Concrete stairs (65): UDA tab

Use the UDA tab to provide additional information about the parts created in
Concrete stairs (65).

TIP The user-defined attributes are case sensitive. Check the correct spelling
of an attribute from the objects.inp file.

Stairwells and elevator shafts (90)

Creates a rectangular stairwell or elevator shaft to represent the structure in
the design stage. When you detail the structure, you can apply seams,
connections, and reinforcement to complete the details of a stairwell or
elevator shaft. This component uses the Concrete stairs (65) (page 297)
component for creating stairs.

Parts created
Wall panels
Landings (optional)
Flights of stairs (optional)
Roof slab (optional)
Openings (optional)

Concrete Detailing 312 Concrete stairs

Where to use

Situation More information

A stairwell over four floors created
using the default options.
As shown, the points picked and the
dimensions on the Stairs and
landings tab determine the length of
the stairwell.
Walls consist of one or more precast
concrete panels.
1 First point picked
2 Second point picked

Stairwells always contain a first floor

and a top floor. Indicate the number
of additional floors on the Plan view
tab, Levels field. This stairwell has 2
additional floors, for a total of 4
1 Top floor
2 Additional floor
3 Additional floor
4 1st or ground floor

Elevator shaft created by selecting the

Elevator shaft option on the Stairs
and landings tab, Type field, for all

The minimum floor height between floors is 200 mm.

Concrete Detailing 313 Concrete stairs

Defining properties
Use the tabs in the Stairwells and elevator shafts (90) dialog box to define
the following properties:

Tab Contents More information

Plan view Number of floors or Stairwells and elevator
levels. shafts (90): Defining
stairwell properties
Position of picked
(page 314)
Length and width of
Wall panel dimensions.
Openings Opening dimensions for Each wall may have a
each wall panel and for single opening, or no
the first, additional, and opening.
top floors.
Stairs and landings Stair and landing options
and dimensions.
Option to create elevator
shaft (in the Type list
Attributes Basic part properties for Part properties
walls, stairs, and
Option to use the saved
properties from the
Concrete stairs (65)
(page 297) component
for the first, additional,
and top stairs.

Picking order
1. On the Plan view tab, check the Position option. The default is in the
middle of walls 3 and 4.

2. Pick a point to indicate the position of wall 3.

3. Pick a point to indicate the position of wall 4.

Concrete Detailing 314 Concrete stairs

Stairwells and elevator shafts (90): Defining stairwell properties
Use the Plan view tab in the Stairwells and elevator shafts (90) dialog box
to define the properties of the stairwell or elevator shaft.

Stairwells and elevator shafts (90): Defining number of floors and

To define the number of levels and floor heights, enter a height for each floor
level in the Levels field, for example:

You can also define negative floor levels, for example:

You can also use multiplier to define many floors, as in the following US
imperial example:

Tekla Structures also uses these values to calculate the total height of the

Stairwells and elevator shafts (90): Defining position

To create the stairwell or elevator shaft, you pick two points in the model. Use
the Position field to define the location of the stairwell or elevator shaft
relative to these points. The options are:
Middle (default)
Enter the offset distance from the selected position. Here, the offset is from
the middle of wall.

Concrete Detailing 315 Concrete stairs

Stairwells and elevator shafts (90): Defining length and width
To manually define the total length and total width of the stairwell or elevator
shaft, enter the following values:
L - total length
W - total width
Leave both fields blank to have Tekla Structures automatically calculate these
dimensions from the the points picked:

1 First point picked.
2 Second point picked.
3 Total width, W
4 Total length, L

NOTE The dimensions defined on the Stairs and landings tab may override the
total length or width that is automatically calculated or that you manually

Reinforced Concrete Stair (95)

Reinforced Concrete Stair (95) creates reinforced concrete stairs.

Objects created
Landings (optional)
Ridges (optional)
Stringers (optional)
Anti-skid (optional)
Main bars and stirrups of stair reinforcement (Bar A - Bar L tabs) (optional)
Meshes in stairs and landings (optional)

Concrete Detailing 316 Concrete stairs

Mesh bars (optional)
Anchor bars (optional)
Landing end bars (optional)

Use for

Situation Description
Reinforced concrete

Reinforced concrete stairs

with chamfered steps,
ridges and stringers.

Reinforced concrete stairs

with reinforced landings.

Selection order
1. Pick the first point to indicate the start point of the stairs.

Concrete Detailing 317 Concrete stairs

2. Pick the second point to indicate the direction of the stairs.
3. Select any number of parts to be cut by the stairs (optional).
4. Click the middle mouse button to create the stairs.

See also
Reinforced Concrete Stair (95): Parameters tab (page 319)
Reinforced Concrete Stair (95): Parts tab (page 320)
Reinforced Concrete Stair (95): Stairs and landings tab (page 321)
Reinforced Concrete Stair (95): Ridges tab (page 323)
Reinforced Concrete Stair (95): Stringers tab (page 325)
Reinforced Concrete Stair (95): Anti-skid tab (page 326)
Reinforced Concrete Stair (95): Bar A tab (page 327)
Reinforced Concrete Stair (95): Bar B tab (page 327)
Reinforced Concrete Stair (95): Bar C tab (page 329)
Reinforced Concrete Stair (95): Bar D tab (page 330)
Reinforced Concrete Stair (95): Bar F tab (page 333)
Reinforced Concrete Stair (95): Bar E tab (page 332)

Concrete Detailing 318 Concrete stairs

Reinforced Concrete Stair (95): Bar G tab (page 334)
Reinforced Concrete Stair (95): Bar H tab (page 335)
Reinforced Concrete Stair (95): Bar I tab (page 336)
Reinforced Concrete Stair (95): Bar J tab (page 337)
Reinforced Concrete Stair (95): Bar K tab (page 338)
Reinforced Concrete Stair (95): Bar L tab (page 339)
Reinforced Concrete Stair (95): Mesh picture tab (page 340)
Reinforced Concrete Stair (95): Mesh attributes tab (page 341)
Reinforced Concrete Stair (95): Mesh bars tab (page 342)
Reinforced Concrete Stair (95): Bottom anchor bars tab (page 343)
Reinforced Concrete Stair (95): Top anchor bars tab (page 344)
Reinforced Concrete Stair (95): Z anchor bars tab (page 344)
Reinforced Concrete Stair (95): Landing end bars tab (page 345)
Reinforced Concrete Stair (95): Configuration (page 346)

Reinforced Concrete Stair (95): Parameters tab

Use the Parameters tab to control the shape of the stairs, number of steps,
stair creation method and the stairs width in the Reinforced Concrete Stair
(95) modeling tool.

Stair dimensions

1 Horizontal dimension of the
steps area.
2 Vertical dimension of the steps
3 Step length.
4 Step height.
5 Shape options for stair bottom.
6 Shape options for stair top.
7 Stair width.

Stair creation method

Option Description
P1 P2 step length Create stairs between points P1 and P2.
Stair dimension are defined by the distance between P1
and P2 and step length.

Concrete Detailing 319 Concrete stairs

Option Description
P1 P2 step height Create stairs between points P1 and P2.
Stair dimension are defined by the distance between P1
and P2 and step height.
P1 step length Create stairs from point P1 to point P2.
step height N
Stair dimensions are defined by P1 and step height,
length and number of steps.
P2 step length Create stairs from point P1 to point P2.
step height N
Stair dimensions are defined by P2 and step height,
length and number of steps.
P1 horizontal and Create stairs from point P1 to point P2.
vertical step
Stair dimensions are defined by P1 and horizontal and
vertical step distance.
P2 horizontal and Create stairs from point P1 to point P2.
vertical step
Stair dimensions are defined by P2 and horizontal and
vertical step distance.

Reinforced Concrete Stair (95): Parts tab

Use the Parts tab to control the material, name, class, positioning, cast unit
type and step chamfering in the Reinforced Concrete Stair (95) modeling

Step chamfer settings

Option Description
Middle for all All steps are chamfered according to the Middle
steps settings.
Bottom different Bottom step is chamfered according to the 1st step
at bottom settings.
All other steps are chamfered according to the
Middle steps settings.
Top different Top step is chamfered according to the Last top
step settings.
All other steps are chamfered according to the
Middle steps settings.
Bottom and top Bottom step is chamfered according to the 1st step
different at bottom settings.
Top step chamfered are according to the Last top
step settings. All other steps are chamfered
according to the Middle steps settings.

Concrete Detailing 320 Concrete stairs

Step chamfer settings are set in the same way for 1st step at bottom, Middle
steps and Last top step.

Option Description
Size of step cut is defined by the distance.

Size of step cut is defined by the angle.

Corner chamfers types

Corner chamfers 1. and 2. can be defined by the Radius x or by the sides of
the Chamfer x, y.

Reinforced Concrete Stair (95): Stairs and landings tab

Use the Stairs and landings tab to control the size and type of the bottom
landing and the top landing in the Reinforced Concrete Stair (95) modeling

Bottom landing cut option

Option Description
Bottom landing with no cut.

Concrete Detailing 321 Concrete stairs

Option Description
Bottom landing with cut defined by its length and
distance from the top side of landing.

Bottom landing with cut defined by its length and

distance from the bottom side of landing.

Bottom landing with L shape cut defined by its three

dimensions and distance from the top side of

Bottom landing cut defined by a profile and its

position in landing.

Top landing cut option

Option Description
Top landing with no cut.

Top landing with cut defined by its length and distance

from the top side of landing.

Top landing with cut defined by its length and distance

from the bottom side of landing.

Top landing with L shape cut defined by its three

dimensions and distance from the top side of landing.

Concrete Detailing 322 Concrete stairs

Option Description
Top landing cut defined by a profile and its position in

Landing dimensioning

Use the top view setting to define the dimensions
of the bottom landing and the top landing.

Reinforced Concrete Stair (95): Ridges tab

Use the Ridges tab to create horizontal and/or vertical ridges on both sides or
only on one side of the stairs in the Reinforced Concrete Stair (95) modeling


1 Thickness of the vertical ridge.
2 Width of the vertical ridge.
3 Width of the horizontal ridge.
4 Thickness/height of the horizontal ridge.

Concrete Detailing 323 Concrete stairs

Horizontal ridges

Option Description
Create Define whether horizontal ridges are created.

Create at foot Define whether horizontal ridges are created at the foot
of the stairs.
This option works in the same way as the Create option.
Chamfering 1 Inside chamfer: Select the type of the inside chamfer
and enter the required dimensions.
2 Corner chamfer: Select the type of the corner chamfer
and enter the required dimensions.
3 Slope: Set the slope as an angle or a dimension. The
slope makes the ridge inclined.
Foot corner Define whether corner chamfers are created at the stair
chamfer foot.

Concrete Detailing 324 Concrete stairs

Vertical ridges

Option Description
Create Define whether vertical ridges are created.

Slope Set the slope as an angle or a dimension. The slope

makes the ridge inclined.

Reinforced Concrete Stair (95): Stringers tab

Use the Stringers tab to create the stringers and ridges on the left, right, or
both sides of the stairs in the Reinforced Concrete Stair (95) modeling tool.

Concrete Detailing 325 Concrete stairs

1 Height of the stringer bottom ridge.
2 Horizontal offset of the bottom ridge from the
bottom step.
3 Height of the stringer top ridge.
4 Width of the stringer.

Slope Use to incline the inner surface of the


You can define the slope using an angle or a

Inside chamfer Define whether the inside edge of stringer is
chamfered or not.
Outside chamfer Define whether the outside edge of stringer is
chamfered or not.

Stringer height

Stringer height based on the total height or distance from inner/outer step

Reinforced Concrete Stair (95): Anti-skid tab

Use the Anti-skid tab to create slip resistant surfaces in the Reinforced
Concrete Stair (95) modeling tool.

Concrete Detailing 326 Concrete stairs

Option Description
Creation anti-skid Define whether anti-skids are created.
Create anti-skid Define whether anti-skids are created at the stair foot.
on foot
Create cutout Define whether you want to create cutouts with the
anti-skid profile. By default, the cutouts are not created.
Include in cast Define whether anti-skids are included in the cast unit.
Profile Define the anti-skid profile by selecting it from the
profile catalog.
Rotation Select an option to rotate the anti-skid profile.

Reinforced Concrete Stair (95): Bar A tab

Use the Bar A tab to define the geometry, concrete cover thickness, reinforcing
bar spacing and reinforcing bar properties of a stair reinforcing bar group in
the Reinforced Concrete Stair (95) modeling tool.

Option Description
Geometry and concrete cover thickness.

Spacing, number of bars and concrete cover

thickness of the reinforcing bar group.

Concrete Detailing 327 Concrete stairs

Reinforced Concrete Stair (95): Bar B tab
Use the Bar B tab to define the geometry, concrete cover thickness, reinforcing
bar spacing and reinforcing bar properties of a stair reinforcing bar group in
the Reinforced Concrete Stair (95) modeling tool.

Bar B bottom ending options

Define geometry and concrete cover thickness of the bar B bottom ending.

Option Description
Bar B simple bottom ending.

Bar B bottom ending bent once to fit the

bottom footing of the stairs.

Bar B bottom ending bent twice to fit the

bottom footing of the stairs.

Bar B bottom ending bent up to three times

to fit the bottom footing of the stairs.

Bar B top ending options

Define geometry and concrete cover thickness of the bar B top ending.

Concrete Detailing 328 Concrete stairs

Option Description
Bar B simple top ending.

Bar B top ending bent once to fit the top

geometry of the stairs.

Bar B top ending bent twice to fit the top

geometry of the stairs. Last leg length is
defined by the cover thickness.

Bar B top ending bent twice to fit the top

geometry of the stairs.

Reinforcing bar spacing

Option Description
Spacing, number of bars and concrete
cover thickness of the reinforcing bar

Reinforced Concrete Stair (95): Bar C tab

Use the Bar C tab to define the geometry, concrete cover thickness, reinforcing
bar spacing and reinforcing bar properties of a stair reinforcing bar group in
the Reinforced Concrete Stair (95) modeling tool.

Concrete Detailing 329 Concrete stairs

Option Description
Geometry and concrete cover thickness.

Spacing, number of bars and concrete cover

thickness of the reinforcing bar group.

Extra I bars

Option Description
The purple color in the dialog box represents the
extra I bars.

Define whether to create the extra I bars. Select

the check boxes next to the purple points.

Cover thickness of the reinforcing bars.

Reinforced Concrete Stair (95): Bar D tab

Use the Bar D tab to define the geometry, concrete cover thickness,
reinforcing bar spacing and reinforcing bar properties of a stair reinforcing bar
group in the Reinforced Concrete Stair (95) modeling tool.

Concrete Detailing 330 Concrete stairs

Option Description
Geometry and concrete cover thickness.

Spacing, number of bars and concrete cover

thickness of the reinforcing bar group.

Extra I bars
Extra I bars are straight bars crossing bar D. You can create up to four extra I

Option Description
The purple color in the dialog box represents
the extra I bars.

Define whether to create the extra I bars.

Select the check boxes next to the purple

Cover thickness of the reinforcing bars.

Concrete Detailing 331 Concrete stairs

Reinforced Concrete Stair (95): Bar E tab
Use the Bar E tab to define the geometry, concrete cover thickness, reinforcing
bar spacing and reinforcing bar properties of a stair reinforcing bar group in
the Reinforced Concrete Stair (95) modeling tool.

Create options

Option Description
No Bar is not created.

Stirrup Bar is created as stirrup.

Pin Bar is created as pin.

Concrete Detailing 332 Concrete stairs

Option Description

Option Description
Geometry and concrete cover thickness.

Spacing, number of bars and concrete cover

thickness of the reinforcing bar group.

Reinforced Concrete Stair (95): Bar F tab

Use the Bar F tab to define the geometry, concrete cover thickness, reinforcing
bar spacing and reinforcing bar properties of a stair reinforcing bar group in
the Reinforced Concrete Stair (95) modeling tool.

Concrete Detailing 333 Concrete stairs

Option Description
Geometry and concrete cover thickness.

Spacing, number of bars and concrete cover

thickness of the reinforcing bar group.

Reinforced Concrete Stair (95): Bar G tab

Use the Bar G tab to define the geometry, concrete cover thickness,
reinforcing bar spacing and reinforcing bar properties of a stair reinforcing bar
group in the Reinforced Concrete Stair (95) modeling tool.

Concrete Detailing 334 Concrete stairs

Option Description
Geometry and concrete cover thickness.

Spacing, number of bars and concrete cover

thickness of the reinforcing bar group.

Extra I bars
Extra I bars are straight bars crossing bar G. You can create up to four extra I

Option Description
The purple color in the dialog box
represents the extra I bars.

Define whether to create extra I bars.

Select the check boxes next to the purple

Cover thickness of the reinforcing bars.

Concrete Detailing 335 Concrete stairs

Reinforced Concrete Stair (95): Bar H tab
Use the Bar H tab to define the geometry, concrete cover thickness,
reinforcing bar spacing and reinforcing bar properties of a stair reinforcing bar
group in the Reinforced Concrete Stair (95) modeling tool.

Create option

Option Description
Do not create bar H
Create bar H
Create only bottom bar H reinforcing bar

Bar H geometry option

Option Description
Two bent reinforcing bar groups. Define
geometry and concrete cover thickness.

Top reinforcing bar group is straight, bottom

reinforcing bar group is bent on both sides.
Define geometry and concrete cover

Two bent reinforcing bar groups. Define

geometry and concrete cover thickness.

Option Description
Spacing, number of reinforcing bars and
concrete cover thickness of the reinforcing
bar group.

Concrete Detailing 336 Concrete stairs

Reinforced Concrete Stair (95): Bar I tab
Use the Bar I tab to define the geometry, concrete cover thickness, reinforcing
bar spacing and reinforcing bar properties of a stair reinforcing bar group in
the Reinforced Concrete Stair (95) modeling tool.

Option Description
Positioning, spacing and concrete cover

Concrete cover thickness of the reinforcing

bar groups.

Reinforced Concrete Stair (95): Bar J tab

Use the Bar J tab to define the geometry, concrete cover thickness, reinforcing
bar spacing and reinforcing bar properties of a stair reinforcing bar group in
the Reinforced Concrete Stair (95) modeling tool. You can create several bar J
reinforcing bar groups. Each group has its own color representation on the Bar
J tab.

Concrete Detailing 337 Concrete stairs

Color group options

Option Description
Use the color group option to define which
combination of bar J reinforcing bar groups
(blue, green, brown) is created.

Option Description
Positioning and concrete cover thickness for
reinforcing bar groups based on the color

Concrete cover thickness for all reinforcing bar


Reinforced Concrete Stair (95): Bar K tab

Use the Bar K tab to define the geometry, concrete cover thickness, reinforcing
bar spacing and reinforcing bar properties of a stair reinforcing bar group in
the Reinforced Concrete Stair (95) modeling tool.

Concrete Detailing 338 Concrete stairs

Option Description
Geometry and concrete cover thickness.

Spacing, number of bars and concrete cover

thickness of the reinforcing bar group.

Extra I bars
Extra I bars are straight bars crossing bar K. You can create up to three extra I

Option Description
The purple color in the dialog box
represents the extra I bars.
Define whether to create extra I bars
by selecting the check boxes next to
the purple points.

Cover thickness of the reinforcing


Reinforced Concrete Stair (95): Bar L tab

Use the Bar L tab to define the geometry, concrete cover thickness, reinforcing
bar spacing and reinforcing bar properties of a stair reinforcing bar group in
the Reinforced Concrete Stair (95) modeling tool.

Concrete Detailing 339 Concrete stairs

Option Description
Define whether an L shaped reinforcing bar group
is created at the stair footing.

Define offsets for the reinforcing bar groups in the

two top steps.

Define geometry for reinforcing bar groups in all

steps, except for the two top steps.

Spacing, number of bars and concrete cover

thickness of the reinforcing bar group.

Bar L geometry options

Option Description
L shape reinforcing bar groups.

L shape reinforcing bar groups with hooks.

Concrete Detailing 340 Concrete stairs

Reinforced Concrete Stair (95): Mesh picture tab
Use the Mesh picture tab with the Mesh attributes tab to define bottom
landing meshes, stair meshes and top landing meshes in the Reinforced
Concrete Stair (95) modeling tool.

Side view

1 Bottom landing mesh (top).
Define offsets and cover thickness
of the mesh.
2 Bottom landing mesh (bottom).
Define offsets and cover thickness
of the mesh.
3 Stair mesh (top). Define offsets
and cover thickness of the mesh.
4 Stair mesh (bottom). Define
offsets and cover thickness of the
5 Top landing mesh (top). Define
offsets and cover thickness of the
6 Top landing mesh (bottom).
Define offsets and cover thickness
of the mesh.

Top view

1 Cover thickness of bottom landing
mesh (top).
2 Cover thickness of bottom landing
mesh (bottom).
3 Cover thickness of stair mesh (top).
4 Cover thickness of stair mesh (bottom).
5 Cover thickness of top landing mesh
6 Cover thickness of top landing mesh

Reinforced Concrete Stair (95): Mesh attributes tab

Use the Mesh attributes tab with the Mesh picture tab to define the
properties, positioning and creation type of bottom landing meshes, stair

Concrete Detailing 341 Concrete stairs

meshes and top landing meshes in the Reinforced Concrete Stair (95)
modeling tool.

Cross bar location

Cross bar above.

Cross bar below.

Creation type

Create mesh as reinforcement mesh.

Create mesh as two independent reinforcing


Reinforced Concrete Stair (95): Mesh bars tab

Use the Mesh bars tab to define the geometry, concrete cover thickness,
reinforcing bar spacing, and reinforcing bar properties of the mesh bars in the
top and bottom landing in the Reinforced Concrete Stair (95) modeling tool.
You can create up to three reinforcing bar groups.

Concrete Detailing 342 Concrete stairs

1 Cover thicknesses of all mesh bar
groups in the stair bottom landing.
Use the color representation in the
dialog box.
2 Vertical cover thicknesses of all mesh
bar groups in the stair bottom landing.
Use the color representation in the
dialog box.
3 Cover thicknesses of all mesh bar
groups in the stair top landing.
Use the color representation in the
dialog box.
4 Vertical cover thicknesses of all mesh
bar groups in the stair top landing.
Use the color representation in the
dialog box.

Reinforced Concrete Stair (95): Bottom anchor bars tab

Use the Bottom anchor bars tab to define the geometry, concrete cover
thickness, reinforcing bar spacing, and reinforcing bar properties of the
bottom anchor bars in the Reinforced Concrete Stair (95) modeling tool. You
can create up to three reinforcing bar groups.

Creation type

Option Description
No No reinforcing bar group created.
Type1 L shape anchor reinforcing bar group.

Type2 Simple straight anchor reinforcing bar group.

Concrete Detailing 343 Concrete stairs

Option Description

Reinforced Concrete Stair (95): Top anchor bars tab

Use the Top anchor bars tab to define the geometry, concrete cover thickness,
reinforcing bar spacing, and reinforcing bar properties of the top anchor bars
in the Reinforced Concrete Stair (95) modeling tool. You can create up to
three reinforcing bar groups.

Creation type

Option Description
No No reinforcing bar group created.
Type1 L shape anchor reinforcing bar group.

Type2 Simple straight anchor reinforcing bar group.

Reinforced Concrete Stair (95): Z anchor bars tab

Use the Z anchor bars tab to define the geometry, concrete cover thickness,
reinforcing bar spacing, and reinforcing bar properties of the Z anchor bars in

Concrete Detailing 344 Concrete stairs

the Reinforced Concrete Stair (95) modeling tool. You can create up to three
reinforcing bar groups.

1 Cover thicknesses of all Z
anchor bar groups in the
stair bottom landing.
Use the color
representation in the
dialog box.
2 Vertical cover thicknesses
of all Z anchor bar groups
in the stair main part.
Use the color
representation in the
dialog box.
3 Cover thicknesses of all Z
anchor bar groups in the
stair top landing.
Use the color
representation in the
dialog box.
Bot Length of the Z anchor
L bars that extend from the
stair bottom landing.
Top Length of the Z anchor
L bars that extend from the
stair top landing.

Reinforced Concrete Stair (95): Landing end bars tab

Use the Landing end bars tab to reinforce the stair landings and to define the
geometry, concrete cover thickness, reinforcing bar spacing, and bar
properties of the landing end bars in the Reinforced Concrete Stair (95)
modeling tool.

Bottom end
Reinforcement of bottom landing.

Concrete Detailing 345 Concrete stairs

1 Landing end bars. U-shape geometry follows
the shape of the landing based on the
defined cover thicknesses.
Color representation in the picture: blue,
2 Define whether to create extra cross bars.
Select the check boxes next to the purple
3 Define whether to create extra cross bars.
Select the check boxes next to the red

Top end
Reinforcement of top landing.

1 Landing end bars. U-shape geometry follows
the shape of the landing based on defined
cover thicknesses.
Color representation in the picture: blue,
2 Define whether to create extra cross bars.
Select the check boxes next to purple points.
3 Define whether to create extra cross bars.
Select the check boxes next to red points.

Side cover thickness

Option Description
Side cover thickness of all reinforcing bar groups
defined on the Landing end bars tab.

Reinforced Concrete Stair (95): Configuration

Use the Configuration tab to define the default cover thicknesses and
bending radiuses of all reinforcing bars created by the Reinforced Concrete
Stair (95) modeling tool.

Cover thickness for reinforcing bar groups A - C

Define the default cover thickness for reinforcing bar groups A - C.

Concrete Detailing 346 Concrete stairs

Option Description
Value Default cover thickness defined by a value.
Rebar diameter Default cover thickness multiplied by reinforcing
bar diameter.

General cover thickness bars D - L

Define the default cover thickness for reinforcing bar groups D - L and all
reinforcing bars except the reinforcing bar groups A - C and meshes.

Option Description
Value Default cover thickness defined by a value.
Rebar diameter Default cover thickness multiplied by reinforcing
bar diameter.

Bending radius
Define the default bending radius of all reinforcing bars.

Option Description
Rebar_database.inp Default bending radius defined by
rebar_database.inp file.
Relative to diameter Default bending radius according to the
reinforcing bar diameter.
Bending radius Default bending radius defined by value.

Mesh cover thickness

Define the default cover thickness for the meshes created by the Reinforced
Concrete Stair (95) modeling tool.

1.8 Foundations
This section introduces components that can be used in concrete foundations.
Click the links below to find out more:
Precast foundation block (1028) (page 347)
Concrete foundation (1030) (page 353)

Precast foundation block (1028)

Precast foundation block (1028) creates a concrete foundation block. The
block can be divided in three sections. All three sections can be dimensioned

Concrete Detailing 347 Foundations

Parts created
Foundation block

Use for

Situation Description
Precast foundation block with three

Concrete Detailing 348 Foundations

Situation Description
Precast foundation block with one

Selection order
1. Select the main part (concrete column).
2. Pick a position.
The detail is created automatically.

See also
Precast foundation block (1028): Picture tab (page 349)
Precast foundation block (1028): Parts tab (page 352)
Precast foundation block (1028): Grooves tab (page 352)

Precast foundation block (1028): Picture tab

Use the Picture tab to dimension the foundation block in Precast foundation
block (1028).

Concrete Detailing 349 Foundations

The foundation block can be dimensioned in both the front view and in the
side view.

1 Width of the top chord in section 1 (in front view).
2 Width of the inclined column cut-out.
3 Height of the column cut-out.
4 Offset of the plate that is under the block.
The offset is relative to the foundation block.
5 Thickness of the plate under the block.
6 Width of the bottom chord in section 1 (in front view).
Width of section 2 and section 3 (in front view).
7 Distance between the foundation block and the sides of the column.
8 Select how the sections in the foundation block are connected.
9 Select the reference point of the Component
foundation block. insertion point is
at the bottom side
of the foundation

Concrete Detailing 350 Foundations

Additionally, you can set the Note that the red
vertical offset: part (additional
plate under the
block) is not taken
into account.

insertion point is
at the bottom side
of the cut-out of
the column.

insertion point is
at the bottom side
of the column.

insertion point is
at the top of the
foundation block.

10 Width of the top chord in section 1 (in side view).

11 Distance from the bottom of the column to the foundation block.
12 Width of the bottom chord in section 1 (in side view).
Width of section 2 and section 3 (in side view).

Concrete Detailing 351 Foundations

Precast foundation block (1028): Parts tab
Use the Parts to define the profiles for the foundation block, embed and
regulator, and the embed dimensions in Precast foundation block (1028).

Opti Description
1 Foundation block profiles, regulator and embed properties.
If you do not select any material, Precast foundation block (1028)
uses the same material as the column.
2 Select whether the regulator and the embed is created, and how they
are connected to the foundation block.
3 Dimensions of the three sections of the foundation block.
Additionally, you can define the column cut-out in the upper section.
For sections 2 and 3 you can define the height of the inclined plane.
4 Dimensions of the embed.

Precast foundation block (1028): Grooves tab

Use the Grooves tab to define the grooves in Precast foundation block

Concrete Detailing 352 Foundations


1 Height of the groove.
2 Distance between the grooves.
3 First distance related to the bottom of the column.
4 Depth for the grooves.
5 Number for the grooves.

Concrete foundation (1030)

Concrete foundation (1030) creates a concrete foundation plate at the
bottom of a selected concrete column.

Objects created
Concrete foundation plate

Concrete Detailing 353 Foundations

Injection tubes and injection hoses in concrete column
Up to 4 concrete piles under the foundation plate (optional)
Stirrups for the reinforcing bars

Use for

Situation Description
Concrete foundation plate with
chamfers, piles, injection tubes with
curved injection hoses, reinforcing
bars and stirrups.

Concrete foundation plate with more

than 4 edges, recesses in the
foundation plate, and multiple
reinforcing bars.

Concrete Detailing 354 Foundations

Situation Description
Concrete foundation plate with
multiple reinforcing bars.

Selection order
1. Select a concrete column.
2. Pick a point.
The concrete foundation plate is created automatically when the point is

Concrete Detailing 355 Foundations

Part identification key

1 Concrete column
2 Point
The point defines the new bottom level of the column.

See also
Concrete foundation (1030): Picture tab (page 356)
Concrete foundation (1030): Parts tab (page 361)
Concrete foundation (1030): Massive tab (page 363)
Concrete foundation (1030): Piles tab (page 365)
Concrete foundation (1030): Inj. tube and rebar tab (page 366)
Concrete foundation (1030): Column tab (page 369)
Concrete foundation (1030): Stirrups tab (page 370)

Concrete foundation (1030): Picture tab

Use the Picture tab to control the dimensions of the reinforcing bars and
injection tubes in Concrete foundation (1030).

Concrete Detailing 356 Foundations


Description Default
1 Length of the injection tube extension 180 mm
from the top of reinforcing bar.
2 Reinforcing bar height in the column. 400 mm
3 Reinforcing bar top and bottom cover 0,5 * foundation
thickness. plate thickness
The bottom cover thickness is used only
if you do not define the top cover
5 Pile thickness. 300 mm
The pile thickness value on the Parts tab
overrides this value.
6 Distance from the bottom of the 5000 mm
foundation plate to the bottom of the

Concrete Detailing 357 Foundations

Description Default
7 Pile depth in the foundation plate. 50 mm
8 Foundation plate thickness. 800 mm
9 Distance between the column and the 0 mm
foundation plate.
10 Vertical offset from the picked point. 0 mm

11 Reinforcing bar height. 800 mm 400 mm + 50%

of height of concrete
12 Injection tube elevation 1. 500 mm
13 Injection tube elevations 2 and 3.
Vertical offset for the injection tubes if
the tubes are pointing to the same
Define the level to use on the Inj. Tube
and rebar tab.

Injection tube
Select the shape and dimensions of the injection tubes.

Concrete Detailing 358 Foundations

Option Description
Injection tube in one piece, 90 degree angle.

Injection tube in one piece.

Use value a to define the slope of the tube.

Injection tube and a 90 degree injection hose.

Injection tube and a sloped injection hose.

Use value a to define the slope of the hose.

Concrete Detailing 359 Foundations

Option Description
Straight injection tube. No injection tube opening is

Description Default
1 Define the height of a sloped injection 30 mm
tube or hose angle.
2 Define the height of a curved injection 0 mm

Reinforcing bar hook length

Define the reinforcing bar hook length. You can define also the end angle of
the reinforcing bar.
The default value is 10 * reinforcing bar diameter.

Concrete Detailing 360 Foundations

Concrete foundation (1030): Parts tab
Use the Parts tab to control the profile properties of the foundation plate,
foundation piles, stirrups and injection tubes in Concrete foundation (1030).

Concrete massive, Piles

Define the profile properties of the concrete foundation plate and the
foundation piles.
If you leave the pile thickness value empty on the Parts tab, the pile thickness
value defined on the Picture tab is used instead together with the Pile profile
type prefix (e.g. D).

Option Description
t, b, h Part thickness, width and height.
Pos_No Prefix and a start number for the part
position number.
Material Material grade.
Name Name that is shown in drawings and reports.
Class Part class number.
Comment Add a comment for the part.

Concrete Detailing 361 Foundations

Reinforcing bars

Option Description
Type of reinforcing bars Select the profile type for the reinforcing bars.
Default: the same as Reinforcing bar
Poly-profile: profile catalog
Reinforcing bar: reinforcing bar catalog
Reinforcement bars Size of the reinforcing bars.
Radius Radius of the reinforcing bar hook.
Reinf. bars belong to Define to which part the reinforcing bars belong.
Default: the same as Columns
Concrete massive: reinforcing bars belong to
the concrete foundation plate.
Column: reinforcing bars belong to the

Injection tubes and curve

Option Description
Injection tubes Size of the injection tubes.
Curve Size of the injection hoses.
Article number Article number for the injection hose
and the injection tube.
The entered values are saved to the
user-defined attribute of the part.
Define how the injection hoses are
connected to the injection tubes.
Default: injection hoses are loose
Part-add gain: injection hoses are
added to the injection tubes.
Weld gain: injection hoses are
welded to the injection tubes.
Cast unit column: injection hoses
are added to the column.
Weld to column: injection hoses
are welded to the column.

Concrete Detailing 362 Foundations

Option Description
Pile profile type prefix (e.g. D) Default parametric profile prefix for
the piles.
This value works only if you have set
the pile thickness on the Picture tab.
You can override this value by setting
the pile thickness on the Parts tab.
Reinf. bar profile type prefix (e.g.D) Default parametric profile prefix for
the reinforcing bar profiles.

Concrete foundation (1030): Massive tab

Use the Massive tab to control the shape and the dimensions of the concrete
foundation plate and the recesses in Concrete foundation (1030).

Concrete foundation plate type

Option Description
Type of massive Select the plate type for the rectangular
foundation plate.
Massive direction Select the direction of the foundation plate.

Concrete foundation plate dimensions

Concrete Detailing 363 Foundations

1 Offset from the concrete column in the x direction.
2 Offset from the concrete column in the y direction.
3 Select the shape of the foundation plate.
4 Width of the foundation plate.
5 Length of the straight part of the foundation plate.
7 Offset from the foundation plate center line.
8 Width of the straight part of the foundation plate.
9 Length of the foundation plate.

Recess dimensions

Concrete Detailing 364 Foundations

1 Select the type of the recess.
2 Width of the recesses.
3 Depth of the recesses.
4 Distance between the bottom of the reinforcing bar and
the bottom of the recess.
5 Distance between the center line of the reinforcing bar
and the left side of the recess.
Distance between the center line of the reinforcing bar
and the right side of the recess.

Option Description
Chamfer type for Chamfer type for the rectangular foundation
rectangular massive plate.
Chamfer X Chamfer size in the x direction.
Chamfer Y Chamfer size in the y direction.

Concrete foundation (1030): Piles tab

Use the Piles tab to control the position of the foundation piles in Concrete
foundation (1030).

Pile positions

1 Select the position and the offset of the piles.
2 Distance between the first pile and the column in the x
Distance between the second pile and the column in the x

Concrete Detailing 365 Foundations

6 Distance between the third pile and the column in the x
8 direction.
Distance between the fourth pile and the column in the x
3 Distance between the first pile and the column in y direction.
5 Distance between the second pile and the column in y
Distance between the third pile and the column in y direction.
Distance between the fourth pile and the column in y direction.
10 Pile offset from the concrete column in the x direction.
11 Pile offset from the concrete column in the y direction.

Option Description
Piles direction Define the direction of the piles.
Join piles to massive Define how the piles are connected to the
foundation plate.

Concrete foundation (1030): Inj. tube and rebar tab

Use the Inj. tube and rebar tab to control the creation, number and position
of the reinforcing bars and injection tubes in Concrete foundation (1030).

Option Description
Create Select which parts are created.
Injection tubes bend Radius of the injection tubes.

Concrete Detailing 366 Foundations

Injection tube properties

1 Select the direction of the bent bars.
2 Select the direction of the injection hoses.
3 Number of injection tubes.
4 Center-to-center distance between the injection tubes.
5 Define the level of the curved injection parts.
This is useful if the curved parts are pointing to the same
You can define the levels on the Picture tab.

Concrete Detailing 367 Foundations



6 Define the distance from the center of the injection tube to the
outer contour of the concrete foundation.

Concrete Detailing 368 Foundations


Concrete foundation (1030): Column tab

Use the Column tab to control the dimensions of the column cut-out in
Concrete foundation (1030).

Concrete Detailing 369 Foundations

Column dimensions

1 Size of the column cut-out.
2 Height of the column cut-out.

Concrete foundation (1030): Stirrups tab

Use the Stirrups tab to control the stirrup properties in Concrete foundation

Stirrup properties

Option Description
Select whether the stirrups are created.
Define the length of the laps.

Grade Grade of the stirrups.

Size Size of the stirrups.
End conditions left Hook for the start point of the stirrups.
End conditions Hook for the end point of the stirrups.
Bend lengths left Hook length for the start point of the stirrup.
Bend lengths right Hook length for the end point of the stirrup.

Concrete Detailing 370 Foundations

Option Description
Creation method Creation method of the stirrups.
Number of bars: Enter the number of the stirrups.

By spacing: Enter a spacing value.

Define the comment, name, class, serie and start

number for the stirrups.

Concrete Detailing 371 Foundations

1 Select the start point of stirrups, either from the bottom of the
column to the first stirrup or from the top of the reinforcing bar to
first stirrup.
2 Define the distance from the bottom of the reinforcing bar to the
last stirrup.


Concrete Detailing 372 Foundations

2 Reinforcement

This section introduces components that can be used in reinforcement.

See also
Reinforcement for foundations (page 373)
Beam, column, and slab reinforcement (page 385)
Lifting (page 565)

2.1 Reinforcement for foundations

Tekla Structures includes the following components that you can use to
automatically create reinforcement for foundations:

Component Description
Strip footing (75) Creates reinforcement for a concrete strip
(page 373) footing.
Pile cap reinforcement Creates reinforcement for a concrete pile
(76) (page 376) cap.
Pad footing (77) Creates reinforcement for a concrete pad
(page 380) footing.
Starter bars (page 382) Creates starter bars in a footing and a
pedestal for a column.
Creates starter bars in a footing for a

Reinforcement 373 Reinforcement for foundations

Strip footing (75)
Creates reinforcement for a concrete strip footing.

Bars created
Longitudinal bars for the top and bottom surfaces and sides of the footing

Use for

Situation More
Straight strip footings that have
rectangular cross sections
Main bars entirely
inside the footing,
no side bars,
stirrup laps at
stirrup corners.
Main bars
protruding from
the footing, two
bars on both
sides, stirrup laps
in the middle of
the top surface.

Do not use for

Footings that have:
Irregular cross sections
Skew or cut corners

Before you start

Create the concrete strip footing.
Calculate the required area of reinforcement.

Defining properties
Use the following tabs in the Strip footing (75) dialog box to define the
properties of the objects that this component creates:

Tab Contents See also

Picture Concrete cover thickness,
location of side bars and
first stirrups

Reinforcement 374 Reinforcement for foundations

Tab Contents See also
Main bars Grade, size, number, Strip footing
spacing, and bond lengths reinforcement
of the top, bottom, left, properties
and right bars (page 375)
Stirrups Grade, size, spacing, and
bend type of stirrups
Attributes Numbering properties,
name, and class of the
top, bottom, left, and right
bars, and stirrups

Picking order
1. Concrete strip footing.

Strip footing reinforcement properties

Bond length of main bars
Bond lengths define how far main bars extend into adjacent structures at the
ends of strip footings. Use the Bond length 1 fields on the Main bars tab for
the first end of the footing (with the yellow handle), and the Bond length 2
fields for the second end of the footing (with the magenta handle).
You can define bond lengths separately for:
Top bars
Bottom bars
Bars on the left side of the footing
Bars on the right side of the footing

Bend type for stirrups

To define the location of the stirrup laps in the strip footing, select an option
from the Bend type list box on the Stirrups tab. The options are:

Option Examples
At mid

Reinforcement 375 Reinforcement for foundations

Option Examples
At corner

Pile cap reinforcement (76)

Creates reinforcement for a concrete pile cap.

Bars created
Bars in two directions for the top and bottom surfaces of the pile cap
Lacer bars

Use for

Situation More information

Bottom bars concentrated
over the piles, top bars
under the column. Two lacer

Bars evenly distributed on

the bottom and top
surfaces. No lacer bars.

Rectangular footings with or Pad footing and pile cap

without cut corners, footings shapes (page 377)
that are skewed on one or both
Bars on the top, bottom, or
both surfaces of the footing

Reinforcement 376 Reinforcement for foundations

Situation More information
Straight or bent bar ends

Before you start

Create the concrete pile cap.
Calculate the required area of reinforcement.

Defining properties
Use the following tabs in the Pilecap reinforcement (76) dialog box to define
the properties of the objects that this component creates:

Tab Contents See also

Picture Concrete cover thickness,
primary bar direction
Primary top Grade, size, hooks, bend Bar distribution
bars lengths, distribution (by (page 378)
Secondary number or spacing), and
top bars arrangement/location of
the top and bottom bars
Primary in two directions
Lacer bars Option to create lacer Lacer bars for pad
bars, grade, size, number, footings and pile
spacing, location, type, caps (page 379)
orientation, and laps of
lacer bars
Attributes Numbering properties,
name, and class of the
top, bottom, and lacer

Picking order
1. Concrete pile cap
2. Piles and/or columns
3. Click the middle mouse button to finish.

Reinforcement 377 Reinforcement for foundations

Pad footing and pile cap shapes
Use the Pile cap reinforcement (76) and Pad footing (77) tools to create
reinforcement for the following shapes of foundations:

Shape Description

Skewed on two sides

Skewed on one side

Rectangular with cut corners

Bar distribution
Pad footings
In pad footings, you can arrange the main reinforcing bars into:
One zone of bars that have the same bar properties
Three zones of bars that have different bar properties
You set the options separately for primary and secondary bars. Select an
option from the Arrangement list box on the relevant tab in the Pad footing
(77) dialog box.

Pile caps
Define the pile cap reinforcement using the following properties in the Pile
cap reinforcement (76) dialog box:

Field Description
To suit pile/column Select Yes to concentrate main
bars over piles and under columns.

Reinforcement 378 Reinforcement for foundations

Field Description
% of pile/column The area where the bars are
width concentrated, as a percentage of
the width of the pile or column.
For example, if the pile diameter or
width is 500 mm, enter 120 in the
% of pile width field to
concentrate bars in a 600 mm-wide
area over the pile.

Bar portioning (%) The proportion of bars

concentrated over a pile or under a
Bar portioning The number of bars concentrated
(number of bars) over a pile or under a column.

You can define these properties separately for:

Primary top bars
Secondary top bars
Primary bottom bars
Secondary bottom bars

Lacer bars for pad footings and pile caps

Lacer bars are reinforcing bars that loop around the sides of a concrete
You can create up to six different groups of lacer bars in a footing. Each group
can contain different values for:
Bar size
Number of bars
To create lacer bars for a footing:
1. Open the footing reinforcement properties dialog box and click the Lacer
bars tab.
2. In the Lacer bar option list box, select Yes to create lacer bars.
3. Enter properties for each lacer bar group:

Reinforcement 379 Reinforcement for foundations

Property Description
Quantity, spacing, and location of
lacer bar groups.
Tekla Structures only uses
information from some of the fields,
in this order of priority:
1. Number of bars and Spacing
2. Number of bars, Start, and End
3. Spacing, Start, and End

Type The number and location of laps. The

options are:

Orientation The options are Default, Front, and

p1...p4 The exact locations and lengths of
lacer bar laps. Locations are
measured from the corner of the bar
to the midpoints of laps.

The location of the topmost lacer bar,

measured from the end of main bars.
Entering a value here overrides the
location defined in the End field.

Reinforcement 380 Reinforcement for foundations

Pad footing (77)
Creates reinforcement for a concrete pad footing.

Bars created
Bars in two directions for the bottom surface of the pad footing
Lacer bars

Use for

Situation More information

Rectangular footing, 90-
degree hooks at the primary
bar ends, 180-degree hooks
at the secondary bar ends,
no lacer bars.

Rectangular footing, three

zones of primary bars with
different spacing, straight
bar ends, three lacer bars.

Footing skewed on two

sides, two groups of lacer
bars with different spacing.

Rectangular footings with or Pad footing and pile cap

without cut corners, footings shapes (page 377)
that are skewed on one or both

Before you start

Create the concrete pad footing.
Calculate the required area of reinforcement.

Reinforcement 381 Reinforcement for foundations

Defining properties
Use the following tabs in the Pad footing (77) dialog box to define the
properties of the objects that this component creates:

Tab Contents See also

Picture Concrete cover thickness
Primary bar Arrangement, grade, size, Bar distribution
Secondary hooks, bend lengths, and (page 378)
bar distribution (by number
or spacing) of the primary
and secondary bars,
primary bar direction
Lacer bar Grade, size, number, Lacer bars for pad
spacing, location, type, footings and pile
orientation, and laps of caps (page 379)
lacer bars
Attributes Numbering properties,
name, and class of the
primary, secondary, and
lacer bars

Picking order
1. Concrete pad footing

Starter bars
Starter bars for pillar (86) and Starter bars for footing (87) create starter
bars in a footing for a column. Starter bars may go through a pedestal or
straight to the column. Starter bars can be in a rectangular or circular form.

Bars created
Starter bars (straight or L-shaped)
Stirrups (optional)

Reinforcement 382 Reinforcement for foundations

Use for

Situation More information

Starter bars for footing
(87) places starter bars in a
footing in rectangular or
circular form. Starter bars
can be straight or L-shaped,
and can have stirrups.

Starter bars for pillar (86)

creates straight or L-shaped
starter bars that go through
a rectangular or circular
pedestal. Starter bars can
have stirrups.

Before you start

Create the footing.
Calculate the required area of reinforcement.

Defining properties
Use the following tabs in the Starter bars for pillar (86) and Starter bars for
footing (87) dialog boxes to define the component properties:

Tab Contents See also

Picture 86: Bar dimensions and Starter bar stirrups
locations, number and (page 384)
spacing of bars, stirrup
type, concrete cover
87: Bar dimensions and
locations, number and
spacing of bars, concrete
cover thickness

Reinforcement 383 Reinforcement for foundations

Tab Contents See also
Location 87 only: Location of bars, Starter bar location
stirrup type (page 384)
Starter bar stirrups
(page 384)
Parameters Grade, size, name, class,
and numbering properties
of bars

Picking order
1. Footing
2. Pedestal (only for Starter bars for pillar (86))

Starter bar stirrups

Use these options to define stirrup laps in footings:

Option Description
Laps on the side of the stirrups
45-degree hooks at bar ends

Laps at stirrup corners

135-degree hooks at bar ends

Laps at stirrup corners

90-degree hooks at bar ends

If the starter bars are in a

circular form, you must define
the angle of stirrup overlap.

Reinforcement 384 Reinforcement for foundations

Starter bar location
When you use Starter bars for footing (87), you must define the location of
starter bars. Enter the distance from the center of the bar group to the center
of the footing, in two directions:

2.2 Beam, column, and slab reinforcement

Tekla Structures includes the following components that you can use to
automatically create reinforcement for beams, columns, and slabs:
Mesh Bars (page 386)
Mesh Bars by Area (page 392)
Slab bars (18) (page 416)
Slab Reinforcement Tool (page 418)
Beam reinforcement (63) (page 422)
Double tee reinforcement (64) (page 425)
Beam end reinforcement (79) (page 428)
Corbel reinforcement (81) (page 432)
Round column reinforcement (82) (page 436)
Rectangular column reinforcement (83) (page 440)
Hole reinforcement for slabs and walls (84) (page 452)
Hole creation and reinforcement (85) (page 454)
Braced girder (88) (page 458)
Braced girder (89) (page 478)
Reinforcement mesh array in area (89) (page 497)
Wall Panel Reinforcement (page 502)
Multiple Wire Size Mesh (page 509)
Embedded anchors (8) (page 513)
Embed (1008) (page 554)
Continuous Beam Reinforcement (page 564)

Reinforcement 385 Beam, column, and slab reinforcement

Mesh Bars
Mesh Bars creates reinforcement for concrete slabs or walls.

Objects created
Primary bars
Crossing bars

Use for

Situation Description
Reinforcement for the bottom or the
top surface of the concrete element,
or for both.

Selection order
1. Select a concrete slab.
The reinforcement is created automatically.

See also
Mesh Bars: Picture tab (page 387)
Mesh Bars: Detailing tab (page 388)
Mesh Bars: Bar end conditions tab (page 390)
Mesh Bars: Splicing tab (page 390)
Mesh Bars: Attributes tab (page 391)

Reinforcement 386 Beam, column, and slab reinforcement

Mesh Bars: Picture tab
Use the Picture tab to define how the top and bottom bars are created in
Mesh Bars.

Option Description
Create bars Top bars with primary bars
above secondary bars

Top bars with secondary bars

above primary bars

No bars

The same options are available for the bottom bars as well.
The value defined in the box is the cover thickness for the top/
bottom layer.
Same as Select whether the top bars are created using the same
bottom properties as the bottom bars.
If you select No, enter the top bar properties.
Bar type Select whether the bars are created as a bar group or as a
Size Select the diameter of a bar.
You can set the size separately for the top primary and
secondary bars, and for the bottom primary and secondary
Grade Define the strength of the steel used in the bars.
You can set the grade separately for the top primary and
secondary bars, and for the bottom primary and secondary
Spacing Select whether the spacing is based on the number of bars or
type the spacing value.
By spacings: enter the distance between the bars in the
Spacing box.
Number of bars: enter the number of bars in the Number
of bars box.
Spacing Distance between the bars.

Reinforcement 387 Beam, column, and slab reinforcement

Option Description
Tekla Structures calculates the number of bars.
You can set the spacing separately for the top primary and
secondary bars, and for the bottom primary and secondary
Number of Number of bars.
Tekla Structures calculates the distance between bars.
You can set the number of bars separately for the top primary
and secondary bars, and for the bottom primary and
secondary bars.
Primary The direction of the primary bars. Use to change bar direction.
If the Auto option is selected, the primary bars are created
along the two longest parallel sides of a slab. If there are no
parallel sides, then the bars are created along the slab x
direction instead.
Up Select which sides are regarded as the top and bottom sides of
direction the slab.
If the Auto option is selected, then the bars are created on the
side with the greatest area.

Mesh Bars: Detailing tab

Use the Detailing tab to control how the bars are distributed in Mesh Bars.

Option Description
Bar edge Define the edge distance of the bars.
Adjustment Select how the bars are distributed.
The same options are available for both the primary and the
secondary bars.
Equal distribution by target
spacing value.

By exact spacing value with

flexible first space without
first bar.

Reinforcement 388 Beam, column, and slab reinforcement

Option Description
By exact spacing value with
flexible last space without
last bar.

By exact spacing value with

flexible first and last space
without first and last bars.

By exact spacing value with

flexible first space.

By exact spacing value with

flexible last space.

By exact spacing value with

flexible first and last space.

Bar grouping Select whether tapered bars are grouped or not.

If you group the tapered bars, select how the bars along
tapered the edge are handled.
Tapered bars are handled

Creates as many bars as

possible with same length in
the tapered edge.

Bar behavior Select how bars next to openings are handled.

at cuts
Cut bars: Select whether the bars are cut and which cuts
are ignored.
Ignore openings smaller than: The minimum value by
which the bar is shortened. Lower values are ignored.
Cover thickness in holes: Distance between the bar
end/start point to the edge of the opening.

Reinforcement 389 Beam, column, and slab reinforcement

Option Description
Minimum Bars that are shorter than this value are not created.
length of bar
to be created

Mesh Bars: Bar end conditions tab

Use the Bar end conditions tab to control the cover thickness and bar hooks
in Mesh Bars.

Option Description
Cover Different each side: Each end of a bar group can have
thickness different distances from part edges.
on sides
Same all sides: All ends of the bar groups have the same
distance from part edge.
End Creates a 90 hook at a given
conditions end of bar

Creates a 135 hook at a

given end of bar.

Creates a 180 hook at a

given end of bar.

Creates a straight bar without

a hook at the given end of a
Creates a hook with a free
angle at the given end of a

Creates a double bent hook

at the given end of a bar.

Bending Bending radius at bar ends

Bending Bending length at bar ends

Reinforcement 390 Beam, column, and slab reinforcement

Mesh Bars: Splicing tab
Use the Splicing tab to control the splicing of the reinforcing bars in Mesh

Option Description
Splice bars Select whether the reinforcing bars are spliced or
Maximum length of Maximum reinforcing bar length after which the
bar bars are spliced.
Splicing in same cross Select how many reinforcing bars can be spliced in
section the same location.
1/1 = all reinforcing bars are spliced in the same
cross section.
1/2 = every second reinforcing bar is spliced in
the same cross section.
1/3 = every third reinforcing bar is spliced in the
same cross section.
1/4 = every fourth reinforcing bar is spliced in
the same cross section.
Splicing symmetry Select the symmetry that is applied when the
reinforcing bars are spliced.
Not Symmetrical: The splice pattern of the
reinforcing bar is not symmetrical and the
uneven length is only at one side.
Symmetrical with different lengths at sides:
The splice pattern of the reinforcing bar is
symmetrical with uneven lengths at the sides.
Symmetrical with different length at center:
The splice pattern of the reinforcing bar is
symmetrical with uneven length in the center.
Splicing offset Offset of the splice center point from the point
where the reinforcing bars originally met.
Minimum splitting Minimum longitudinal distance between two
distance splices in consecutive bars.
Splicing type Select the type of the splice.
Lapping length Length of the lapping connection.

Mesh Bars: Attributes tab

Use the Attributes tab to control the bar group or mesh properties in the
Mesh Bars modeling tool.

Reinforcement 391 Beam, column, and slab reinforcement

Option Description
Name Name of the bar group or mesh.
Prefix Prefix for the part position number of the bar group
or mesh.
Start number Start number for the part position number of the bar
group or mesh.
Class Class of the bar group or mesh.
If you create a mesh, only the class of primary bars is
taken into account.

Mesh Bars by Area

Mesh Bars by Area creates reinforcement for concrete slabs or walls.

Objects created
Primary bars
Crossing bars

Use for

Situation Description
Reinforcement for the bottom or top
surface of the concrete element, or
for both.

Reinforcement 392 Beam, column, and slab reinforcement

Selection order
1. Select a concrete slab.
2. Select a group of points to define a working polygon.
The reinforcement is created automatically.

See also
Mesh Bars by Area: Picture tab (page 393)
Mesh Bars by Area: Detailing tab (page 395)
Mesh Bars by Area: Bar end conditions tab (page 397)
Mesh Bars by Area: Splicing tab (page 398)
Mesh Bars by Area: Attributes tab (page 399)

Mesh Bars by Area: Picture tab

Use the Picture tab to define how the top and bottom bars are created in
Mesh Bars by Area.

Option Description
Create bars Top bars with primary bars
above secondary bars

Top bars with secondary bars

above primary bars

No bars

The same options are available for the bottom bars as well.
The value defined in the box is the cover thickness for the top/
bottom layer.
Mesh area Select the outline that the mesh follows.
The meshes in the examples are created by picking the same
points but with different mesh area perimeters.

Reinforcement 393 Beam, column, and slab reinforcement

Option Description
Part, for example:


Polygon, for example:


Part + polygon, for example:

Polygon + part

Same as Select whether the top bars are created using the same
bottom properties as the bottom bars.
If you select No, enter the top bar properties.
Bar type Select whether the bars are created as a bar group or as a

Reinforcement 394 Beam, column, and slab reinforcement

Option Description
Size Select the diameter of a bar.
You can set the size separately for the top primary and
secondary bars, and for the bottom primary and secondary
Grade Define the strength of the steel used in the bars.
You can set the grade separately for the top primary and
secondary bars, and for the bottom primary and secondary
Spacing Select whether the spacing is based on the number of bars or
type the spacing value.
By spacings: enter the distance between the bars in the
Spacing box.
Number of bars: enter the number of bars in the Number
of bars box.
Spacing Distance between the bars.
Tekla Structures calculates the number of bars.
You can set the spacing separately for the top primary and
secondary bars, and for the bottom primary and secondary
Number of Number of bars.
Tekla Structures calculates the distance between bars.
You can set the number of bars separately for the top primary
and secondary bars, and for the bottom primary and
secondary bars.
Primary The direction of the primary bars. Use to change bar direction.
If the Auto option is selected, the primary bars are created
along the two longest parallel sides of a slab. If there are no
parallel sides, then the bars are created along the slab x
direction instead.
Up Select which sides are regarded as the top and bottom sides of
direction the slab.
If the Auto option is selected, then the bars are created on the
side with the greatest area.

Mesh Bars by Area: Detailing tab

Use the Detailing tab to control how the bars are distributed in Mesh Bars by

Reinforcement 395 Beam, column, and slab reinforcement

Option Description
Bar edge Define the edge distance of the bars.
Adjustment Select how the bars are distributed.
The same options are available for both the primary and the
secondary bars.
Equal distribution by target
spacing value.

By exact spacing value with

flexible first space without
first bar.

By exact spacing value with

flexible last space without
last bar.

By exact spacing value with

flexible first and last space
without first and last bars.

By exact spacing value with

flexible first space.

By exact spacing value with

flexible last space.

By exact spacing value with

flexible first and last space.

Bar grouping Select whether tapered bars are grouped or not.

If you group the tapered bars, select how the bars along
tapered the edge are handled.

Reinforcement 396 Beam, column, and slab reinforcement

Option Description
Tapered bars are handled

Creates as many bars as

possible with same length in
the tapered edge.

Bar behavior Select how bars next to openings are handled.

at cuts
Cut bars: Select whether the bars are cut and which cuts
are ignored.
Ignore openings smaller than: The minimum value by
which the bar is shortened. Lower values are ignored.
Cover thickness in holes: Distance between the bar end/
start point to the edge of the opening.
Minimum Bars that are shorter than this value are not created.
length of bar
to be created

Mesh Bars by Area: Bar end conditions tab

Use the Bar end conditions tab to control the cover thickness and bar hooks
in Mesh Bars by Area.

Option Description
Cover Different each side: Each end of a bar group can have
thickness different distances from part edges.
on sides
Same all sides: All ends of the bar groups have the same
distance from part edge.
End Creates a 90 hook at a given
conditions end of bar

Creates a 135 hook at a

given end of bar.

Creates a 180 hook at a

given end of bar.

Reinforcement 397 Beam, column, and slab reinforcement

Option Description
Creates a straight bar without
a hook at the given end of a
Creates a hook with a free
angle at the given end of a

Creates a double bent hook

at the given end of a bar.

Bending Bending radius at bar ends

Bending Bending length at bar ends

Mesh Bars by Area: Splicing tab

Use the Splicing tab to control the splicing of the reinforcing bars in Mesh
Bars by Area.

Option Description
Splice bars Select whether the reinforcing bars are spliced or
Maximum length of Maximum reinforcing bar length after which the
bar bars are spliced.
Splicing in same cross Select how many reinforcing bars can be spliced in
section the same location.
1/1 = all reinforcing bars are spliced in the same
cross section.
1/2 = every second reinforcing bar is spliced in
the same cross section.
1/3 = every third reinforcing bar is spliced in the
same cross section.
1/4 = every fourth reinforcing bar is spliced in
the same cross section.
Splicing symmetry Select the symmetry that is applied when the
reinforcing bars are spliced.
Not Symmetrical: The splice pattern of the
reinforcing bar is not symmetrical and the
uneven length is only at one side.

Reinforcement 398 Beam, column, and slab reinforcement

Option Description
Symmetrical with different lengths at sides:
The splice pattern of the reinforcing bar is
symmetrical with uneven lengths at the sides.
Symmetrical with different length at center:
The splice pattern of the reinforcing bar is
symmetrical with uneven length in the center.
Splicing offset Offset of the splice center point from the point
where the reinforcing bars originally met.
Minimum splitting Minimum longitudinal distance between two
distance splices in consecutive bars.
Splicing type Select the type of the splice.
Lapping length Length of the lapping connection.

Mesh Bars by Area: Attributes tab

Use the Attributes tab to control the bar group or mesh properties in the
Mesh Bars by Area modeling tool.

Option Description
Name Name of the bar group or mesh.
Prefix Prefix for the part position number of the bar group
or mesh.
Start number Start number for the part position number of the bar
group or mesh.
Class Class of the bar group or mesh.
If you create a mesh, only the class of primary bars is
taken into account.

Rebar coupler
Rebar coupler creates couplers to split reinforcing bars and bar groups, or to
bars and bar groups whose ends are in contact and parallel.

Rebar coupler is a part of Rebar Coupler and Anchor Tools. Rebar Coupler
and Anchor Tools is a set of four components that help to model and manage
reinforcing bar couplers that connect two bars
end anchors that are devices at the unreserved end of the bar.
The following components belong to Rebar Coupler and Anchor Tools:
Rebar coupler (page 399)

Reinforcement 399 Beam, column, and slab reinforcement

Rebar end anchor (page 403)
Split rebar and add coupler (page 407)
Rebar end trimming (page 411)
In addition, you can manage the user-defined attributes (UDAs) of the Rebar
Coupler and Anchor Tools with the Rebar Coupler and Anchor Tools: Update
rebar attributes (page 413) component.

Objects created
Round parts
The parts are connected between two reinforcing bar groups.

Use for

Situation Description
Couplers with split reinforcing bars.

Before you start

Couplers can be created between reinforcing bar groups or single reinforcing
bars and reinforcement meshes. The two selected reinforcement objects can
be of different type and they can even have different number of bars. The only
requirement is that one or more bar ends are in contact and parallel.

Selection order
1. Select the first bar or bar group.
2. Select the second bar or bar group.
Couplers are created at each location where
the bar ends are parallel enough (angle < 5 degree) and
the gap along the bar end is less than the length of the coupler and
the offset perpendicular to the bar end legs is less than the diameter of the
When there is no valid and no parallel end-to-end location between the
selected bars, the component creates a dummy part that identifies the
unsuccessful coupler insertion.

Reinforcement 400 Beam, column, and slab reinforcement

All couplers are automatically added to the parent part of the reinforcing bar.
This allows them to be shown in reports and drawings because they are added
to the sub-assembly of the cast unit.
In some cases the reinforcing bars can move outside of the concrete. This may
happen with reinforcing bars that are modeled with two points (straight bars
and straight bars with hooks). If the reinforcing bars move outside of the
concrete, change the cover thickness to either a negative or a positive value
depending on what is required.
Two report templates Rebar Extra Fabrication Length.rpt and Rebar
Thread Length.rpt can be used to inquire Threaded Length and Extra
Fab. Length of the reinforcing bars in the BOMs or BOQs.

See also
Rebar coupler: Parameters tab (page 401)
Rebar coupler: Attributes tab (page 402)
Rebar Coupler and Anchor Tools: Customize attribute files, part mapping and
user-defined attributes (UDAs) (page 414)

Rebar coupler: Parameters tab

Use the Parameters tab to define the coupler properties in Rebar coupler.

Option Description
Use manually entered Enter values for the coupler properties.
Use auto attribute file The values in the auto attribute file override the
coupler component values.
Typically the auto attributes file contains one or
more attribute values to be used with certain bar
Go to Tekla Warehouse to get auto attribute files
for your project.
For more information on the structure of the auto
attribute files, see Rebar Coupler and Anchor
Tools: Customize attribute files, part mapping and
user-defined attributes (UDAs) (page 414).

Option Description
Use custom component Select Yes to create the coupler as a custom part.
Select No to create the coupler as a normal part.

Reinforcement 401 Beam, column, and slab reinforcement

Option Description
Name Type the name of the custom component, or select
it from the Applications & components catalog.
Ensure that the selected component is a custom
Attribute Type the name of the attribute file of the custom
The coupler custom part is created using the saved
attributes given here.
Input points The order of the start and the end points of the
custom component.

Option Description
Numbering series Prefix and a start number for the coupler part
position number.
Attributes Name, diameter, material, finish and class of the
coupler parts.
The overall end-to-end length of the coupler.
If you use a custom part, this is the length
between the start point and the end point of the
custom part.
This is also the maximum gap between the bar
ends. If the gap is bigger than the length of the
coupler, the coupler cannot be inserted.

When you create the couplers as custom parts, the properties in the
Numbering series and Attributes sections can be filled from the custom part
settings if you have named the properties in a certain way. For an example,
see Rebar Coupler and Anchor Tools: Customize attribute files, part mapping
and user-defined attributes (UDAs) (page 414).

Rebar coupler: Attributes tab

Use the Attributes tab to define the user-defined attributes (UDAs) in Rebar

Option Description
Threaded length The value is written to the reinforcing bar UDA. The
case sensitive value field names are:

Reinforcement 402 Beam, column, and slab reinforcement

Option Description
The fields are used for checking which bars have
threads and what are the thread values so that they
can be shown in drawings and reports.
Extra fabrication This value is written to the reinforcing bar UDA. The
length case sensitive value field names are:
This value does not affect the length of the
reinforcing bar. You need to add this value in your
drawings and reports to get the correct length if
Method Additional UDAs written to the reinforcing bars.
Type You can set the reinforcing bar end method and the
coupler type, and add a product name and a code for
reporting purposes.
The used attribute name depends on which end of
the reinforcing bar the coupler was created to.

NOTE The above user-defined attributes affect numbering. Reinforcing bars

with different attribute values get different part marks.

Rebar end anchor

Rebar end anchor creates end anchors at the ends of reinforcing bars and
bar groups.

Rebar end anchor is a part of Rebar Coupler and Anchor Tools. Rebar
Coupler and Anchor Tools is a set of four components that help to model and
reinforcing bar couplers that connect two bars
end anchors that are devices at the unreserved end of the bar.
The following components are part of Rebar Coupler and Anchor Tools:
Rebar coupler (page 399)
Rebar end anchor (page 403)
Split rebar and add coupler (page 407)

Reinforcement 403 Beam, column, and slab reinforcement

Rebar end trimming (page 411)
In addition, you can manage the user-defined attributes (UDAs) of the Rebar
Coupler and Anchor Tools with the Rebar Coupler and Anchor Tools: Update
rebar attributes (page 413) component.

Objects created
Round parts
The parts are attached to the end of a reinforcing bar group.

Use for

Situation Description
Reinforcing bars with end anchors.

Selection order
1. Select the reinforcing bar or bar group.
2. Pick any point close to the bar end where you want to create the end
All end anchors are automatically added to the parent part of the reinforcing
bar. This allows them to be shown in reports and drawings because they are
added to the sub-assembly of the cast unit.
Two report templates Rebar Extra Fabrication Length.rpt and Rebar
Thread Length.rpt can be used to inquire Threaded Length and Extra
Fab. Length of the reinforcing bars in the BOMs or BOQs.

See also
Rebar end anchor: Parameters tab (page 404)
Rebar end anchor: Attributes tab (page 406)
Rebar Coupler and Anchor Tools: Customize attribute files, part mapping and
user-defined attributes (UDAs) (page 414)

Rebar end anchor: Parameters tab

Use the Parameters tab to define the end anchor properties in Rebar end

Reinforcement 404 Beam, column, and slab reinforcement

Option Description
Use manually entered Enter values for the end anchor properties.
Use auto attribute file The values in the auto attribute file override the
end anchor component values.
Typically the auto attributes file contains one or
more attribute values to be used with certain bar
Go to Tekla Warehouse to get auto attribute files
for your project.
For more information on the structure of the auto
attribute files, see Rebar Coupler and Anchor
Tools: Customize attribute files, part mapping and
user-defined attributes (UDAs) (page 414).

Option Description
Use custom component Select Yes to create the end anchor as a
custom part.
Select No to create the end anchor as a normal
Name Type the name of the custom component, or
select it from the Applications & components
Ensure that the selected component is a
custom part.
Attribute Type the name of the attribute file of the
custom component.
The end anchor custom part is created using
the saved attributes given here.
Input points The order of the start and the end points of the
custom component.

Option Description
Numbering series Prefix and a start number for the end anchor
part position number.
Attributes Name, diameter, material, finish and class of
the end anchor parts.
The dimensions of the end anchor.
If you use a custom part, define the length
between the start point and the end point of
the custom part using these values.

Reinforcement 405 Beam, column, and slab reinforcement

Option Description
The offset of the far most point of the coupler
measured from the physical end of the
reinforcing bar.
Note that you cannot control the end of the
reinforcing bar with this component. You need
to make sure the end concrete cover of the
reinforcing bar is greater or equal to this
offset plus the minimum concrete cover.

When you create the end anchors as custom parts, the properties in the
Numbering series and Attributes sections can be filled from the custom part
settings if you have named the properties in a certain way. For an example,
see Rebar Coupler and Anchor Tools: Customize attribute files, part mapping
and user-defined attributes (UDAs) (page 414).

Rebar end anchor: Attributes tab

Use the Attributes tab to define the user-defined attributes (UDAs) in Rebar
end anchor.

Option Description
Threaded length The value is written to the reinforcing bar UDA. The
case sensitive value field names are:
The fields are used for checking which bars have
threads and what are the thread values so that they
can be shown in drawings and reports.
Extra fabrication This value is written to the reinforcing bar UDA. The
length case sensitive value field names are:
This value does not affect the length of the
reinforcing bar. You need to add this value in your
drawings and reports to get the correct length if
Method Additional UDAs written to the reinforcing bars.
Type You can set the reinforcing bar end method and the
coupler type, and add a product name and a code for
reporting purposes.
The used attribute name depends on which end of
the reinforcing bar the coupler was created to.

Reinforcement 406 Beam, column, and slab reinforcement

NOTE The above user-defined attributes affect numbering. Reinforcing bars
with different attribute values get different part marks.

Split rebar and add coupler

Split rebar and add coupler splits a reinforcing bar group and adds couplers
in relation to the direction of the picked points.

Split rebar and add coupler is a part of Rebar Coupler and Anchor Tools.
Rebar Coupler and Anchor Tools is a set of four components that help to
model and manage
reinforcing bar couplers that connect two bars
end anchors that are devices at the unreserved end of the bar.
The following components are part of Rebar Coupler and Anchor Tools:
Rebar coupler (page 399)
Rebar end anchor (page 403)
Split rebar and add coupler (page 407)
Rebar end trimming (page 411)
In addition, you can manage the user-defined attributes (UDAs) of the Rebar
Coupler and Anchor Tools with the Rebar Coupler and Anchor Tools: Update
rebar attributes (page 413) component.

Objects created
Round parts
The parts are connected between two reinforcing bar groups.

Use for

Situation Description
Staggered couplers with split
reinforcing bars.

Reinforcement 407 Beam, column, and slab reinforcement

Selection order
1. Double-click Split rebar and add coupler to open the component
2. Click Split rebar with coupler.
3. Select the reinforcing bar or bar group to be split.
4. Pick the first split point.
5. Pick the second split point.
This point defines the line at which the reinforcing bar or bar group is split
and couplers are inserted.
6. Pick the third point.
This point defines the side of the main reinforcing bar or bar group. This is
needed if you have applied different properties for the first bar or group
and the second bar or group.
7. Repeat the steps 3 - 6, or press Esc to cancel picking.
All couplers are automatically added to the parent part of the reinforcing bar.
This allows them to be shown in reports and drawings because they are added
to the sub-assembly of the cast unit.
In some cases the reinforcing bars can move outside of the concrete. This may
happen with reinforcing bars that are modeled with two points (straight bars
and straight bars with hooks). If the reinforcing bars move outside of the
concrete, change the cover thickness to either a negative or a positive value
depending on what is required.
Two report templates Rebar Extra Fabrication Length.rpt and Rebar
Thread Length.rpt can be used to inquire Threaded Length and Extra
Fab. Length of the reinforcing bars in the BOMs or BOQs.

See also
Split rebar and add coupler: Parameters tab (page 408)
Split rebar and add coupler: Attributes tab (page 410)
Rebar Coupler and Anchor Tools: Customize attribute files, part mapping and
user-defined attributes (UDAs) (page 414)

Split rebar and add coupler: Parameters tab

Use the Parameters tab to define the coupler properties in Split rebar and
add coupler.

Option Description
Use manually entered Enter values for the coupler properties.

Reinforcement 408 Beam, column, and slab reinforcement

Option Description
Use auto attribute file The values in the auto attribute file override the
coupler component values.
Typically the auto attributes file contains one or
more attribute values to be used with certain bar
Go to Tekla Warehouse to get auto attribute files
for your project.
For more information on the structure of the auto
attribute files, see Rebar Coupler and Anchor
Tools: Customize attribute files, part mapping and
user-defined attributes (UDAs) (page 414).

Option Description
Use custom component Select Yes to create the coupler as a custom
Select No to create the coupler as a normal
Name Type the name of the custom component, or
select it from the Applications & components
Ensure that the selected component is a
custom part.
Attribute Type the name of the attribute file of the
custom component.
The coupler custom part is created using the
saved attributes given here.
Input points The order of the start and the end points of the
custom component.

Option Description
Numbering series Prefix and a start number for the coupler part
position number.
Attributes Name, diameter, material, finish and class of
the coupler parts.
Staggered type None
Couplers are placed along the two picked
Couplers are placed to the left side of the
two picked points.

Reinforcement 409 Beam, column, and slab reinforcement

Option Description
Couplers are placed to the right side of the
two picked points.
Couplers are placed on both sides of the
two picked points.
The overall end-to-end length of the coupler.
If you use a custom part, this is the length
between the start point and end the point of
the custom part.
This is also the maximum gap between the bar
ends. If the gap is bigger than the length of
the coupler, the coupler cannot be inserted.
Coupler position Location of the couplers in relation to the
selected split line.
If you select the Left or the Right option, the
actual left or right depends on the third input
point which defines the side of the first bar.
This option is available only when there is no

When you create the couplers as custom parts, the properties in the
Numbering series and Attributes sections can be filled from the custom part
settings if you have named the properties in a certain way. For an example,
see Rebar Coupler and Anchor Tools: Customize attribute files, part mapping
and user-defined attributes (UDAs) (page 414).

Split rebar and add coupler: Attributes tab

Use the Attributes tab to define the user-defined attributes (UDAs) in Split
rebar and add coupler.

Reinforcement 410 Beam, column, and slab reinforcement

Option Description
Threaded length The value is written to the reinforcing bar UDA. The
case sensitive value field names are:
The fields are used for checking which bars have
threads and what are the thread values so that they
can be shown in drawings and reports.
Extra fabrication This value is written to the reinforcing bar UDA. The
length case sensitive value field names are:
This value does not affect the length of the
reinforcing bar. You need to add this value in your
drawings and reports to get the correct length if
Method Additional UDAs written to the reinforcing bars.
Type You can set the reinforcing bar end method and the
coupler type, and add a product name and a code for
reporting purposes.
The used attribute name depends on which end of
the reinforcing bar the coupler was created to.

NOTE The above user-defined attributes affect numbering. Reinforcing bars

with different attribute values get different part marks.

Rebar end trimming

Rebar end trimming adjusts the space between two reinforcing bar ends.

Rebar end trimming is a part of Rebar Coupler and Anchor Tools. Rebar
Coupler and Anchor Tools is a set of four components that help to model and
reinforcing bar couplers that connect two bars
end anchors that are devices at the unreserved end of the bar.
The following components are part of Rebar Coupler and Anchor Tools:
Rebar coupler (page 399)
Rebar end anchor (page 403)
Split rebar and add coupler (page 407)

Reinforcement 411 Beam, column, and slab reinforcement

Rebar end trimming (page 411)
In addition, you can manage the user-defined attributes (UDAs) of the Rebar
Coupler and Anchor Tools with the Rebar Coupler and Anchor Tools: Update
rebar attributes (page 413) component.

Use for

Situation Description
Space between reinforcing bar

Selection order
1. Select the couplers you want to modify.
2. Modify the properties.
3. Click Apply to selected couplers.
1. Modify the properties.
2. Click Select rebars.
3. Select the reinforcing bars whose ends are adjusted according to the value
set for the gap.

See also
Rebar Coupler and Anchor Tools: Customize attribute files, part mapping and
user-defined attributes (UDAs) (page 414)

Rebar end trimming: Adjusting reinforcing bar ends

Option Description
Get free gap from auto Select Yes if you want to use the gap defined in
attributes file the Auto attribute file for the couplers. When
you select Yes, only the coupler components that
have the Use auto attribute file in use are
See Rebar Coupler and Anchor Tools: Customize
attribute files, part mapping and user-defined
attributes (UDAs) (page 414).
Select No if you want to manually enter the free

Reinforcement 412 Beam, column, and slab reinforcement

Option Description
The gap when Get free gap from auto
attributes file is set to No.

Trim both bars Select which of the reinforcing bars is modified.

Apply to selected Select the couplers you want to modify and click
couplers the Apply to selected couplers button to adjust
the bars according to the value set for the gap.
Select rebars Click the Select rebars button and select the
reinforcing bars whose ends you want to adjust
according to the value set for the gap.
The reinforcing bar ends need to be close to each

Rebar Coupler and Anchor Tools: Update rebar attributes

Use Update rebar attributes to manage the user-defined attributes (UDAs) of
the couplers and the end anchor parts created by the Rebar Coupler and
Anchor Tools. With Update rebar attributes you can check the current
values of the selected reinforcing bars or all reinforcing bars.

Update rebar attributes is a part of Rebar Coupler and Anchor Tools.

Rebar Coupler and Anchor Tools is a set of four components that help to
model and manage
reinforcing bar couplers that connect two bars
end anchors that are devices at the unreserved end of the bar.
The following components are part of Rebar Coupler and Anchor Tools:
Rebar coupler (page 399)
Rebar end anchor (page 403)
Split rebar and add coupler (page 407)
Rebar end trimming (page 411)

If you have added coupler or end anchor components to reinforcing bars, the
UDA values are controlled by the coupler or the end anchor components and
their properties. If you delete the coupler or the end anchor component, the
UDAs defined by those components are not cleared automatically. Use Update
rebar attributes to clear the obsolete attribute values.

Option Description
Selected The values of all coupler and end anchor UDAs of the
selected reinforcing bars in the model.

Reinforcement 413 Beam, column, and slab reinforcement

Option Description
All The values of all coupler and end anchor UDAs of all
reinforcing bars in the model.
Update Deletes the values of all coupler and end anchor UDAs
of all reinforcing bars on the selected rows.
Only the obsolete coupler UDAs of the reinforcing bar
are deleted.
You can select multiple rows by holding down Ctrl or
Show only rebar Select this check box if you want to show only
with attributes reinforcing bars that have values in their coupler or
end anchor UDAs.
After you have selected the check box, click Selected
or All to refresh the table.

See also
Rebar Coupler and Anchor Tools: Customize attribute files, part mapping and
user-defined attributes (UDAs) (page 414)

Rebar Coupler and Anchor Tools: Customize attribute files,

part mapping and user-defined attributes (UDAs)
Rebar Coupler and Anchor Tools is a set of four components that help to
model and manage
reinforcing bar couplers that connect two bars
end anchors that are devices at the unreserved end of the bar.
The following components are part of Rebar Coupler and Anchor Tools:
Rebar coupler (page 399)
Rebar end anchor (page 403)
Split rebar and add coupler (page 407)
Rebar end trimming (page 411)
In addition, you can manage the user-defined attributes (UDAs) of the Rebar
Coupler and Anchor Tools with the Rebar Coupler and Anchor Tools: Update
rebar attributes (page 413) component.

Auto attribute files

The attribute table files are text files that can locate in any of the system
folders, or in a model folder. You can have as many attribute table files as you
need. There are different attribute tables for end anchors (one input

Reinforcement 414 Beam, column, and slab reinforcement

reinforcing bar) and coupler components (two input reinforcing bars). The
extensions for attribute table files are
.couplers.csv for Rebar coupler and Split rebar and add coupler
.anchors.csv for Rebar end anchor component.
The attribute table contains a header line, including the column names and
one or more table rows containing the attribute values. Columns are either
selector columns or attribute columns.
The selector column names are Primary.Size, Primary.Grade,
Secondary.Size, and Secondary.Grade.
The attribute columns contain the attribute value that is the name given in the
header row. The component attribute values given in the table row are used
whenever the component input (primary + secondary for Rebar coupler
and secondary for Rebar end anchor) matches with the selector values.
Go to Tekla Warehouse to get auto attribute files for your project.

Custom part mapping

When you create the coupler or the end anchors as custom parts, the
properties in the Numbering series and Attributes sections can be filled
from the custom part settings if you have named the properties in a certain
way. The following example shows the mapping between the Numbering
series and Attributes properties and the custom part properties.

User-defined attributes (UDAs)

You can customize the content of the Attributes tab and the UDAs in the
Rebar Coupler and Anchor Tools components.
The UDAs are defined in a text file named RebarCoupler.Udas.dat, located
in the ...\ProgramData\Tekla Structures\<version>\Environments
\Common\system folder. The file can also be placed in some other system
folder or in a firm folder. Note that the file is not read from the model folder.

Reinforcement 415 Beam, column, and slab reinforcement

The RebarCoupler.Udas.dat file only defines which UDAs are shown on the
Attributes tab. If you modify the file, include only existing UDAs to the file. If
you want to create new UDAs, ensure that you define them properly.

NOTE The UDAs affect numbering. Reinforcing bars with different attribute
values get different part marks.

Slab bars (18)

NOTE Alternatively, you can use the Mesh Bars and the Mesh Bars by Area
components to create reinforcement to concrete slabs or walls.
See Mesh Bars (page 386) and Mesh Bars by Area (page 392).

Creates reinforcement for a concrete slab.

Bars created
Primary slab bars
Crossing slab bars

Use for

Situation More information

Slab bars (18) creates reinforcement for
the bottom or top surface of the slab, or
for both. See Slab reinforcement
properties (page 417).

Before you start

Create the concrete slab.

Reinforcement 416 Beam, column, and slab reinforcement

Calculate the required area of reinforcement.

Defining properties
Use the following tabs in the Slab bars (18) dialog box to define the properties
of the objects that this component creates:

Tab Contents See also

Picture Concrete cover thickness, Slab reinforcement
which bars to create properties (page 417)
(bottom/top/both), primary
bar direction, which sides
are regarded as top and
bottom sides
Bottom bars Grade, size, spacing, and Slab reinforcement
generation type of bottom properties (page 417)
bars, concrete cover
thickness on slab sides,
crossing bar location in
relation to primary bars, end
hooks and bend lengths
Top bars Grade, size, spacing, and
generation type of top bars,
concrete cover thickness on
slab sides, crossing bar
location in relation to
primary bars, end hooks and
bend lengths
Attributes Numbering properties,
name, and class of bars

Picking order
1. Concrete slab

Slab reinforcement properties

Tekla Structures creates slab reinforcement using the properties in the Slab
bars (18) dialog box:

Field Description
Create bars Defines on which surface(s) to create bars. The
options are:
Both sides
Bottom side
Top side

Reinforcement 417 Beam, column, and slab reinforcement

Field Description
Primary bar The direction of primary bars. Use to change bar
direction direction. The options are:
Use slab x direction
Use slab y direction
Use global x direction
Use global y direction
Up direction Defines which sides are regarded as the top and
bottom sides of the slab.
Bar generation Defines whether Tekla Structures treats the bars
type as a group or a mesh.
Cross bar Defines whether the crossing bars are located
location above or below the primary bars.
End conditions The hook angles at bar ends. The options are
Straight, 90, 135, and 180 degrees.
Bend lengths The bend lengths at bar ends.

Slab Reinforcement Tool

Slab Reinforcement Tool creates reinforcement to irregularly shaped
concrete slabs. The reinforcement is created as reinforcing bar groups. It is
also possible to splice the reinforcing bars.

Objects created

Use for

Situation Description
Slab with reinforcement

Before you start

Create a slab.

Reinforcement 418 Beam, column, and slab reinforcement

Selection order
1. Select the main part (slab).
2. Pick points to define the direction of the reinforcing bars.
3. If the area to be reinforced is set to By polygon, pick the polygon points to
define the reinforced area.

See also
Slab Reinforcement Tool: Parameters tab (page 419)
Slab Reinforcement Tool: Advanced tab (page 420)

Slab Reinforcement Tool: Parameters tab

Use the Parameters tab to control the reinforcement properties, cover
thickness, and reinforcing bar spacing and area in the Slab Reinforcement
Tool modeling tool.

Reinforcing bars

Option Description
Prefix Define a prefix for the part position number.
Start number Define a start number for the part position number.
Name Define the name for the reinforcing bars.
Tekla Structures uses the name in drawing and reports.
Size Define the diameter of the reinforcing bar.
Grade Define the strength of the steel used in the reinforcing
Class Use the Class to group reinforcement.
For example, you can display reinforcement of different
classes in different colors.

Cover thickness

Option Description
Cover thickness Define the concrete cover thickness on the different
sides of the slab.
Depth Define the concrete cover, either from the top or from
the bottom of the slab.
Depth value Define the depth value for concrete cover thickness.

Spacing and area

Option Description
Spacing Method Define the reinforcing bar spacing method.

Reinforcement 419 Beam, column, and slab reinforcement

Option Description
Number of Bars Define the number of reinforcing bars in a
Spacing Define the space between the reinforcing bars.
Adjustment Define how the reinforcing bars are placed in the slab.
The placing is based on the slab width and the cover
thickness at sides.
Target spacing: The reinforcing bars are placed at
even spacing.
Exact spacing cover at left/right side: The
reinforcing bars are placed starting from the left/
right side.
Exact spacing centered both covers: The
reinforcing bars are centered and at equal distance
from the sides.
Area to be Define the area to be reinforced in the slab.
By part perimeter: The reinforcing bars are
created in the whole area of the slab.
By polygon: The reinforcing bars are created to a
picked polygon shaped area in the slab.

Slab Reinforcement Tool: Advanced tab

Use the Advanced tab to control the reinforcing bar end hooks, splicing, and
opening properties in Slab Reinforcement Tool modeling tool.

Bar Ends

Option Description
Start/End Define the type of the hooks to be used at
the reinforcing bar ends.
If you select Custom Hook, you can define a
custom hooks Angle, Radius and Length.
Angle Define the hook angle by entering a value
between 180 and +180 degrees.
Radius Define the internal bending radius of the
Length Define the length of the straight part of the

Reinforcement 420 Beam, column, and slab reinforcement


Option Description
Splice Bars Define whether the reinforcing bars are
spliced or not.
Maximum Length of Bar Define the maximum reinforcing bar length
after which the bars are spliced.
Splicing in Same Cross Define how many reinforcing bars can be
Section spliced in the same location.
1/1 = all reinforcing bars are spliced in the
same cross section.
1/2 = every second reinforcing bar is
spliced in the same cross section.
1/3 = every third reinforcing bar is spliced
in the same cross section.
1/4 = every fourth reinforcing bar is spliced
in the same cross section.
Splicing Symmetry Define the symmetry that is applied when the
reinforcing bars are spliced.
Not Symmetrical: The splice pattern of
the reinforcing bar is not symmetrical and
the uneven length is only at one side.
Symmetrical with different lengths at
sides: The splice pattern of the reinforcing
bar is symmetrical with uneven lengths at
the sides.
Symmetrical with different length at
center: The splice pattern of the
reinforcing bar is symmetrical with uneven
length in the center.
Splicing Offset Define the offset of the splice center point
from the point where the reinforcing bars
originally met.
Minimum splitting distance Define the minimum longitudinal distance
between two splices in consecutive bars.
Splicing Type Define the type of the splice.
Lapping Length Define the length of the lapping connection.


Option Description
Cut Bars at Opening Define whether reinforcing bars are cut in slab

Reinforcement 421 Beam, column, and slab reinforcement

Option Description
Cover thickness for Define the concrete cover thickness on the sides
openings of the openings.
Minimum Size of Large Define the minimum size of an opening that is
Opening considered to be large.
This field is available if you set Cut Bars at
Opening to At Large Opening Only.

Beam reinforcement (63)

Creates reinforcement for a concrete beam.

Bars created
Longitudinal main bars
Corner and side bars
Main stirrups
Stirrups for one or two ledges

Use for

Situation More information

Rectangular beams

L-shaped beams (RCL


Reinforcement 422 Beam, column, and slab reinforcement

Situation More information
RCX profiles

Inverted T-beams
(RCDL profiles)

Before you start

Create the concrete beam.
Calculate the required area of reinforcement.

Defining properties
Use the following tabs in the Beam reinforcement (63) dialog box to define
the properties of the objects that this component creates:

Tab Contents See also

Parameters Concrete cover thickness, Beam
number, size, and location reinforcement (63):
of bars, stirrup size, Beam
option to place main bars reinforcement
only inside the main properties
stirrups or distributed to (page 424)
the ledges
Stirrup Distances from the part Beam
spacing ends to the first stirrups, reinforcement (63):
number of spaces and Stirrup spacing tab
spacing of main and ledge (page 425)
stirrups in five zones
along the length of the
part, option to create
different stirrups in two

Reinforcement 423 Beam, column, and slab reinforcement

Tab Contents See also
ledges, ledge stirrup
spacing method
Advanced Grade, name, class, and
numbering properties of
the bottom, top, and side
bars, and main and ledge

Picking order
1. Concrete beam

Beam reinforcement (63): Beam reinforcement properties

Use the following fields on the Parameters tab in the Beam reinforcement
(63) dialog box to define the beam reinforcement properties:

1 Main stirrup size
2 Size of corner bars
3 Ledge stirrup size
4 Number of bars
5 Size of bars

Reinforcement 424 Beam, column, and slab reinforcement

Beam reinforcement (63): Stirrup spacing tab
Use the Stirrup spacing tab in the Beam reinforcement (63) dialog box to
define the spacing of the beam stirrups.

Additional stirrup spacing type

Defines how the ledge stirrups are distributed along the length of the beam.
The options are:

Option Description
Target Tekla Structures creates equal spaces between the
bars, aiming the spacing value as closely as possible
to the value you specify. This is the default option.
Exact The first and last space of a zone adjust themselves to
even out bar distribution. The spaces in the middle of
each zone are exactly the size you specify.

Double tee reinforcement (64)

Creates prestressed strands and other reinforcement for a concrete double

Bars created
Prestressed strands in double tee ribs
Stirrups in double tee ribs
Reinforcement mesh on the top surface of the double tee

Reinforcement 425 Beam, column, and slab reinforcement

Use for

Straight strands
Different strand pattern and number of strands
When you use different stirrup shapes and

Before you start

Create the concrete double tee.
Calculate the required area of strands and other reinforcement.

Defining properties
Use the following tabs in the Double tee reinforcement (64) dialog box to
define the properties of the objects that this component creates:

Tab Contents See also

Parameters Concrete cover thickness, Double tee
size, number, and pattern reinforcement
of strands, stirrup size properties
and type, size and spacing (page 426)
of longitudinal and
crossing bars in the mesh
Stirrup Distances from the part
spacing ends to the first stirrups,
number of spaces and
spacing of stirrups in five
zones along the length of
the part
Advanced Grade, name, class, and
numbering properties of
the strands, stirrups, and
mesh bars

Picking order
1. Concrete double tee

Double tee reinforcement properties

Strand pattern
Use the following options to define the strand pattern in double tee ribs:

Reinforcement 426 Beam, column, and slab reinforcement

Grid Staggered 1st Staggered 2nd

Use the following options to define the stirrups and stirrup hooks in double

Option Example


Open with 90
degree hooks

Open with 135

degree hooks

Reinforcement 427 Beam, column, and slab reinforcement

Option Example
Open with 180
degree hooks

Beam end reinforcement (79)

Creates reinforcement for the end of a concrete beam or strip footing.

Bars created
Horizontal U-shaped bars (types 1 and 2)
Vertical U-shaped bars (types 3A and 3B)
Oblique bar (type 4)
Stirrups (types 5A and 5B)

1 Horizontal U bars (type 2)
2 Horizontal U bars (type 1)
3 Oblique bar (type 4)
4 Vertical U bars (type 3A)
5 Stirrups (type 5A)
6 Vertical U bars (type 3B)
7 Stirrups (type 5B)

Reinforcement 428 Beam, column, and slab reinforcement

Use for

Situation More information

Standard beams Use bars 3A and 5A for the beam end.
Dapped beams
Beams with anchor bolt hole in the
notched area
Beams and strip footings that have a
rectangular cross section

Do not use for

Parts that have irregular cross sections.

Before you start

Create the concrete beam or strip footing.
Calculate the required area of reinforcement.

Defining properties
Use the following tabs in the Beam end reinforcement (79) dialog box to
define the properties of the objects that this component creates:

Tab Contents See also

Picture Concrete cover
thickness, distances
from the concrete
surface to the bars,
angle of bar 4
Bars Bar dimensions of each Beam end reinforcing
bar type, which bars to bars (page 430)
create, option to splice
bars 3A and 3B
Groups Number and spacing of
bars in each group of
bar types. If the spacing
varies, enter each value
In the Bar 4 list box,
select Yes to create the
Attributes Grade, size, class, and
numbering properties of
the bars

Reinforcement 429 Beam, column, and slab reinforcement

Picking order
1. Select concrete beam or strip footing.
2. Pick position.

Beam end reinforcing bars

Horizontal U bars 1 and 2 (page 430)
Vertical U bars 3A and 3B (page 431)
Stirrups 5A and 5B (page 431)

Horizontal U bars 1 and 2

Use the following options to create bars in the lower area of the beam end, in
the horizontal planes (bar type 1):

Option Description
Two bars on each plane.
One in the middle of the
beam end, the other
extending to the sides of
the beam.

One bar on each plane,

extending to the sides of
the beam.

One bar on each plane, in

the middle of the beam

Two identical, overlapping

bars on each plane.

To create bars in the upper area of the beam end, around a hole, enter
dimensions for bar 2.

Reinforcement 430 Beam, column, and slab reinforcement

Vertical U bars 3A and 3B
To create vertical U-shaped bars, enter dimensions for:
Bar 3A: for the notched area of the beam.
Bar 3B: for the higher part of the beam.

Splicing bars 3
You can create vertical U bars (bar type 3) of two bars joined with a splice. To
do this, use the following list box on the Bars tab:

If you choose to splice bars, you can select the splice type:

Option Description
Lap up Creates a lap splice above the horizontal
center line of the beam end.
Lap down Creates a lap splice below the horizontal
center line of the beam end.
Lap both Creates a lap splice centered to the
horizontal center line of the beam end.
Coupler Creates a coupler.
Weld joint Creates a welded joint.

For lap splices, you can define the lap length L and whether the bars are on
top of each other or parallel to each other.
For all splice types, you can define the offset of the splice center point from
the horizontal center line of the beam end.

Stirrups 5A and 5B
To create stirrups for beam ends, enter dimensions for:
Bar 5A: for the notched area of the beam.
Bar 5B: for the higher part of the beam.

Reinforcement 431 Beam, column, and slab reinforcement

Corbel reinforcement (81)
Corbel reinforcement (81) creates reinforcement for one or two corbels in a
concrete column. The two corbels must have the same top level, thickness,
and horizontal location.

Objects created
Main bars
Additional bars

Use for

Situation Description
Two corbels, beveled and
rounded, with the same top
level, thickness, and horizontal
Two additional bars crossing
each other.

One straight corbel.

One additional bar.

Do not use Corbel reinforcement (81) for two very different corbels.

Reinforcement 432 Beam, column, and slab reinforcement

Before you start
Create the concrete column and beam(s).
Create the corbel(s). Use Corbel connection (14) or a Seating connection
to create the corbel(s).

Selection order
1. Select the main part (concrete column).
2. Select the secondary part(s) (one or more corbels).
3. Click the middle mouse button to create the reinforcement.

See also
Corbel reinforcement (81): Main bars tab (page 433)
Corbel reinforcement (81): Stirrups/Transverse Stirrups/Diagonal Stirrups tabs
(page 434)
Corbel reinforcement (81): Additional bars tab (page 435)

Corbel reinforcement (81): Main bars tab

Use the Main bars tab to control the main bar length, concrete cover
thickness, reinforcing bar spacing, and reinforcing bar properties in Corbel
reinforcement (81).

1 Main bar length.
2 Distance from the concrete surface to the main bar.

Reinforcement 433 Beam, column, and slab reinforcement

Option Description
Grade Strength of the steel used in the
reinforcing bars.
Size Diameter of the reinforcing bar.
Name Define a name for the main bars.
Tekla Structures uses the name in
drawings and reports.
Class Use Class to group reinforcement.
For example, you can display
reinforcement of different classes in
different colors.
Prefix Prefix for the part position number.
Start number Start number for the part position

Option Description
Concrete cover Concrete cover thickness.
Number of bars Number of bars in the reinforcement.
Bar spacing Space between the reinforcing bars.

Corbel reinforcement (81): Stirrups/Transverse Stirrups/Diagonal

Stirrups tabs
Use the Stirrups, Transverse Stirrups and Diagonal Stirrups tabs to control
the stirrup creation, stirrup type, concrete cover thickness, reinforcing bar
spacing, and reinforcing bar properties in the Corbel reinforcement (81)
modeling tool.


Option Description
Stirrup Define the distance from the concrete surface to the
location stirrups.
Number of Define the number of bars in the reinforcement.
Bar spacing Define the space between the reinforcing bars.
Name Define a name for the stirrups.
Tekla Structures uses the name in drawings and
Size Diameter of the reinforcing bar.

Reinforcement 434 Beam, column, and slab reinforcement

Stirrup type

Option Description
The stirrup consists of a bent single reinforcing bar.
Define the hook length.
The default values (for the standard 90 degree stirrup
hook) are read from the rebar_database.inp file.
Select a suitable overlap position for this stirrup type.
The stirrup consist of two overlapping U bars that face
each other.
Define minimum and maximum overlapping length.

Concrete cover

Option Description
Thickness Define the concrete cover thickness.
Grade Strength of the steel used in the reinforcing bars.
Size Diameter of the reinforcing bar.
Name Define a name for the stirrups.
Tekla Structures uses the name in drawings and reports.
Class Use Class to group reinforcement.
For example, you can display reinforcement of different
classes in different colors.
Prefix Prefix for the part position number.
Start Start number for the part position number.
Concrete Define whether the concrete cover thickness is same on
cover all sides.

Corbel reinforcement (81): Additional bars tab

Use the Additional bars tab to control the creation of additional bars in
corbels, concrete cover thickness, and additional bar properties in the Corbel
reinforcement (81) modeling tool.

Reinforcement 435 Beam, column, and slab reinforcement

Additional bars

Option Description
No additional bars.

One additional bar.

Two additional bars parallel to each other.

Two additional bars crossing each other.

Two pairs of additional bars crossing each


Option Description
Concrete Define the concrete cover thickness.
Grade Strength of the steel used in the reinforcing bars.
Size Diameter of the reinforcing bar.
Name Define a name for the additional bars.
Tekla Structures uses the name in drawings and
Class Use Class to group reinforcement.
For example, you can display reinforcement of
different classes in different colors.
Prefix Prefix for the part position number.
Start number Start number for the part position number.

Reinforcement 436 Beam, column, and slab reinforcement

Round column reinforcement (82)
Creates reinforcement for a concrete column that has a round cross section.

Bars created
Longitudinal main bars
Column end reinforcement

Use for

Situation More information

Main bars bent outside the
column. Continuous spiral stirrup.

Straight main bars protruding

from the column, or entirely
inside the column. Separate
stirrups. End of column

Ends of column cut or

Exact or variable stirrup

Do not use for

Rectangular columns.

Before you start

Create the concrete column.
Calculate the required area of reinforcement.

Defining properties
Use the following tabs in the Round column reinforcement (82) dialog box to
define the properties of the objects that this component creates:

Reinforcement 437 Beam, column, and slab reinforcement

Tab Contents See also
Main bars Horizontal and vertical
bond lengths at the top
and bottom of the
column, thickness of
concrete cover over
Number, rotation, grade,
size, class, name, and
numbering properties of
the bars
Stirrups Thickness of concrete Column stirrup
cover over stirrups at the properties
top and bottom of the (page 438)
column, spacing and
Group 1 is the top
number of stirrups or
stirrup group, 5 is
turns in each stirrup
the bottom one.
group, stirrup types,
Group 3 is always
overlap angle
Stirrup Grade, size, name, class,
attributes and numbering properties
of each stirrup group
Top Concrete cover thickness, Column top and
dimensions, rotation, bottom
number, grade, size, class, reinforcement
name, and numbering (page 440)
properties of the top
Bottom Concrete cover thickness,
dimensions, rotation,
number, grade, size, class,
name, and numbering
properties of the bottom

Picking order
1. Concrete column

Reinforcement 438 Beam, column, and slab reinforcement

Column stirrup properties
Use these options to define the stirrups in round and rectangular columns:

Option Description Applies to

Separate stirrups Round columns

Single, continuous
spiral stirrup

Separate spiral stirrups

Angle of stirrup overlap

Laps at stirrup corners Rectangular

135-degree hooks at
bar ends
Laps at stirrup corners
90-degree hooks at bar

Use these options in the Bars/laps list box to define the spacing of stirrups:

Option Description
Exact space, Tekla Structures uses exactly the
flexible at ends spacing value you specify, and evens
out the stirrup distribution at the
column ends.
Target space Tekla Structures creates the stirrups
at even spacings and tries to use the
spacing value you specify.
Distance list Tekla Structures creates the stirrups
in the middle stirrup group using the
defined spacing distances. Tekla
Structures uses as many distances
from the distance list as possible. The
distances in the list may not all fit
within the middle stirrup group area
so that for example the last spacing
distance may be shorter than the
distance value in the list. The

Reinforcement 439 Beam, column, and slab reinforcement

Option Description
Distance list option is available for
rectangular columns.

Column top and bottom reinforcement

Use these options to define the rotation of the reinforcement at the top or
bottom of columns:

Option Description Applies to

No rotation. Rectangular
Transverse bars are
perpendicular to the
longer side of the column.
Rotation angle is 90
Transverse bars are
parallel to the longer side
of the column.
Rotation angle of the Round columns
reinforcement at the ends
of round columns.

Rectangular column reinforcement (83)

Rectangular column reinforcement (83) modeling tool creates
reinforcement for a concrete column that has a rectangular cross section.

Objects created
Longitudinal main bars: corner bars (4), side bars
Intermediate links
Column end reinforcement

Reinforcement 440 Beam, column, and slab reinforcement

Use for

Situation Description
Rectangular concrete column with
corner bars and side bars bent
outside the column. Side bars on long
sides. Intermediate links tie side bars
at every second stirrup.

Rectangular concrete column with

straight corner and side bars entirely
inside the column. End of column

Do not use for round columns.

Selection order
1. Select the main part (column).
The component is created automatically when the part is selected.

Reinforcement 441 Beam, column, and slab reinforcement

Part identification key

1 Corner bars
2 Side bars
3 Stirrups
4 Intermediate links

See also
Rectangular column reinforcement (83): Main bars tab (page 443)
Rectangular column reinforcement (83): Bar ends tab (page 444)

Reinforcement 442 Beam, column, and slab reinforcement

Rectangular column reinforcement (83): Side bars tab (page 445)
Rectangular column reinforcement (83): Stirrups tab (page 446)
Rectangular column reinforcement (83): Intermediate links tab (page 448)
Rectangular column reinforcement (83): Top / Bottom tab (page 450)

Rectangular column reinforcement (83): Main bars tab

Use the Main bars tab to control the corner bar properties, the symmetry
options, rotation, and concrete cover thickness in the Rectangular column
reinforcement (83) modeling tool.

Basic corner bar properties

Define the grade, size and bending radius of the corner bars. The active fields
depend on the selected symmetry option.

Option Description
Grade Define the strength of the steel used in the reinforcing
Size Define the diameter of the reinforcing bar.
Bending radius Define the bending radius of the corner bars.

Define the concrete cover thickness.

Symmetry options

Select the symmetry option. Using the symmetrical conditions you can define
which of the corner bars have the same grade, size and bending radius
properties. The corners bars that have same properties are symmetrical.

Reinforcement 443 Beam, column, and slab reinforcement


In square columns, you can select the perpendicular sides of a column if the
sides require different reinforcement. You can rotate all reinforcement in a
square column by 90 degrees.

Additional corner bar properties

Option Description
Class Use the Class to group reinforcement.
For example, you can display reinforcement of different
classes in different colors.
Name Define a name for the main bars.
Tekla Structures uses the name in drawing and reports.
Prefix Define a prefix for the part position number.
Start number Define a start number for the part position number.

Rectangular column reinforcement (83): Bar ends tab

Use the Bar ends tab to control the length of vertical and horizontal
extensions for the corner and side bars at the top and bottom of the column,
and the cranking in the Rectangular column reinforcement (83) modeling

Bar creation
Select whether the extensions of corner bars and side bars are created
symmetrically on both sides of the column. If you select Not symmetrical,
you can enter separate extension values for the opposite sides of the column.

Vertical extension
Define the length of the vertical extension outside the column for corner bars
and side bars.
The active fields depend on the Bar creation options: Symmetrical or Not

Reinforcement 444 Beam, column, and slab reinforcement

Horizontal extension
Define the length of the horizontal extension for corner bars and side bars.
The active fields depend on the Bar creation options: Symmetrical or Not

Corner bar direction

Select how to rotate the bent corner bars.

You can create cranked reinforcing bars at the top of the column.

In the Corner bar direction option list, select to activate the

cranking options. When you select this option, you can enter the horizontal
distance dimensions for the cranked bars.
To successfully create the cranked reinforcing bars, ensure that the bending
radius is not too large.
Define the distance from the column corner to the point where the cranking

starts .

Rectangular column reinforcement (83): Side bars tab

Use the Side bars tab to control the number of side bars, their spacing and
placing, symmetry options, and side bar properties in the Rectangular
column reinforcement (83) modeling tool.

Number of side bars

Define the number and spacing of side bars. You can define two sets of side
bars on each side of the column.
You can define the side bars separately for each side of the column.
The active fields depend on the selected symmetry option.

Placing of side bars

Select the horizontal and vertical placing for the side bars. Select whether the
bars are placed starting from the corner or at equal spaces.

Reinforcement 445 Beam, column, and slab reinforcement

Distance between corner bars and side bars.

Distance between side bars.

Symmetry options

Select the symmetry option. Using the symmetrical conditions you can define
which side bars are symmetrical, and which side bars use the same properties.

Side bar properties

Define the side bar properties for side bars 1 and side bars 2.

Option Description
Grade Define the strength of the steel used in the reinforcing
Size Define the diameter of the reinforcing bar.
Bending radius Define the bending radius of the side bars.
Class Use the Class to group reinforcement.
For example, you can display reinforcement of different
classes in different colors.
Name Define a name for the side bars.
Tekla Structures uses the name in drawing and reports.
Prefix Define a prefix for the part position number.
Start number Define a start number for the part position number.

Rectangular column reinforcement (83): Stirrups tab

Use the Stirrups tab to control the stirrup properties in the Rectangular
column reinforcement (83) modeling tool.

Reinforcement 446 Beam, column, and slab reinforcement

Stirrup dimensions

1. Define the thickness of the concrete cover over the stirrups at the top and
the bottom of the column. The default cover thickness is 50 mm.
Group 1 is the top stirrup group, 5 is the bottom stirrup group. Group 3 is
always created.
2. Define the spacing of stirrups in each stirrup group.
3. Define the number of stirrups in each stirrup group.
4. Select how the stirrups are distributed.
5. If you select the Distance list option, enter different spacing values for
the groups.
6. Define the cover thickness for each stirrup group.

Bar lapping at stirrup corners

Select the how the bars lap at the stirrup corners. The options are 135-degree
hooks at the bar end or 90-degree hooks at the bar end.

Create as one group

Select whether all the stirrups are created as a single group. If you select Yes,
all stirrup groups are created and they have the same properties as Group 3.

Reinforcement 447 Beam, column, and slab reinforcement

Ignore cuts
If you have a recess or a hole in the column, you can select to ignore the cuts
at the top and bottom of the column when stirrups are created.

Stirrup properties

Option Description
Grade Define the strength of the steel used in the reinforcing
Size Define the diameter of the reinforcing bar.
Name Define a name for the stirrups.
Tekla Structures uses the name in drawing and reports.
Class Use the Class to group reinforcement.
For example, you can display reinforcement of different
classes in different colors.
Prefix Define a prefix for the part position number.
Start number Define a start number for the part position number.

Rectangular column reinforcement (83): Intermediate links tab

Use the Intermediate links tab to control the intermediate links in order to
tie all side bars in the Rectangular column reinforcement (83) modeling

If you have rectangular columns that have very large cross sections, the side
bars may be a far from the corners of the stirrups. You will need to create
intermediate links to tie all side bars, and to prevent them from buckling when
they are in compression.
Intermediate links are created for each stirrup group.

NOTE Intermediate links are created between Side bars 1 or Side bars 2
that are symmetrical.
For Side bars 2 intermediate links are created only if no Side bars 1
are created.

Properties of intermediate links

Option Description
Grade Define the strength of the steel used in the reinforcing
Size Define the diameter of the reinforcing bar.
Name Define a name for the stirrups.
Tekla Structures uses the name in drawing and reports.

Reinforcement 448 Beam, column, and slab reinforcement

Option Description
Class Use the Class to group reinforcement.
For example, you can display reinforcement of different
classes in different colors.
Prefix Define a prefix for the part position number.
Start number Define a start number for the part position number.

Spacing of intermediate links

Spacing is the same as stirrup spacing.

Spacing is double the stirrup spacing (intermediate links at

every second stirrup).

Same as above, but for alternate stirrups.

No intermediate links are created.

Intermediate link type

Select the type of the link.

Intermediate link pattern

Select whether intermediate links go in one direction or in a crossing pattern.

Reinforcement 449 Beam, column, and slab reinforcement

Hook orientation
Select the hook orientation for both sides.

Closed stirrups as intermediate links

Select whether to use closed stirrups as intermediate links.
If you select Yes, select the type of the bar lapping at the stirrup corners.

Zone without intermediate links

Define the zone length where intermediate links are not created. In this zone
the stirrups tie the side bars. The distance is measured from the stirrup
If you have selected the Yes option in Use closed stirrups always when
possible, you can define the distance from the corner of the closed stirrup.

Rectangular column reinforcement (83): Top / Bottom tab

Use the Top and Bottom tabs to control the top and bottom reinforcement
thickness of concrete cover, the number of bars and their spacing and rotation
in the Rectangular column reinforcement (83) modeling tool.

Number and spacing of top or bottom bars

Define the number and spacing of the top or bottom bars.
You can define the number of transverse bars in both cross directions.

Reinforcement 450 Beam, column, and slab reinforcement

Column top / bottom reinforcement

1. Define the concrete cover thickness.

2. Define the length of the ultimate leg.

Placing of top or bottom bars

Select the horizontal and vertical placing for the top or bottom bars. Select
whether the bars are placed starting from the corner or at equal spaces.

Distance between corner bars and side bars.

Distance between side bars.

Select how to rotate the reinforcement at the top or bottom of columns.

No rotation.
Transverse bars are perpendicular to the longer side of
the column.
Rotation angle is 90 degrees.
Transverse bars are parallel to the longer side of the

Top and bottom reinforcement properties

Option Description
Grade Define the strength of the steel used in the reinforcing
Size Define the diameter of the reinforcing bar.
Bending radius Define the bending radius of the top or bottom bars.

Reinforcement 451 Beam, column, and slab reinforcement

Option Description
Class Use the Class to group reinforcement.
For example, you can display reinforcement of different
classes in different colors.
Name Define a name for the top or bottom bars.
Tekla Structures uses the name in drawing and reports.
Prefix Define a prefix for the part position number.
Start number Define a start number for the part position number.

Hole reinforcement for slabs and walls (84)

Creates a hole in a concrete slab or wall and reinforcement around the hole.

Bars created
Straight bars along hole edges
Diagonal bars close to hole corners
U-shaped edge bars

Use for

Situation More information

Rectangular or round holes in
concrete slabs and walls

Reinforcement 452 Beam, column, and slab reinforcement

Situation More information
Straight and edge bars only,
no diagonal bars.

Diagonal and edge bars only,

no straight bars.

Hole rotated from the

direction of the slab.
One diagonal bar at each

Different number of bars on

each side of the hole in the
wall. No diagonal bars.

Before you start

Create the concrete slab or wall.
Calculate the required area of reinforcement.

Reinforcement 453 Beam, column, and slab reinforcement

Defining properties
Use the following tabs in the Hole reinforcement for slabs and walls (84)
dialog box to define the properties of the objects that this component creates:

Tab Contents See also

Picture Shape of the hole
(rectangular or round):

Hole dimensions, bar

dimensions and location,
concrete cover thickness
Rotation angle of the hole:

Horizontal Which bars are closest to The slab or wall

and vertical the surface of the direction defines
bars concrete (vertical or the direction of the
horizontal), number, hole and which
grade, size, numbering bars are to the left
properties, name, and and right of, and
class of each bar group above and below
along the sides of the hole the hole.
Edge bars Spacing, grade, size,
numbering properties,
name, and class of bar
group on each side
Diagonal Number, grade, size,
bars numbering properties,
name, and class of bar
group at each corner of
the hole

Picking order
1. Center of the hole
2. Concrete slab or wall

Reinforcement 454 Beam, column, and slab reinforcement

Hole creation and reinforcement (85)
Creates a hole in a concrete part and reinforcement around the hole.

Bars created
Straight bars at hole edges
Z-shaped bars

Use for

Situation More information

Rectangular hole, stirrups on
each side of the hole, no Z-
shaped bars.

Round hole, Z-shaped bars, no

stirrups around the hole.

Concrete beams or columns

Round or rectangular holes Hole only. No additional
reinforcement around it.
With or without Z-shaped
bars or stirrups

Do not use for

Parts that have round or irregular cross sections.

Before you start

Create the concrete part.
Calculate the required area of reinforcement.

Reinforcement 455 Beam, column, and slab reinforcement

Defining properties
Use the following tabs in the Hole creation and reinforcement (85) dialog
box to define the properties of the objects that this component creates:

Tab Contents See also

Picture Hole shape, direction, and Reinforcement
dimensions, bar around holes
dimensions and location, (page 456)
concrete cover thickness,
angle of Z-shaped bars
Bars The number, grade, size,
name, class, and
numbering properties of:
Straight bars above
and below the hole
Z-shaped bars on the
left and right side of
the hole
Stirrups Number, spacing, grade,
size, name, class, and
numbering properties of
Additional stirrup settings Stirrups at holes
(page 457)

Picking order
1. Center of the hole
2. Concrete part

Reinforcement around holes

Use these options to create holes and additional reinforcement:

Option Description
Creates a hole and
around it.
Only creates a hole,
no reinforcement.

Use these options to define the direction of holes:

Reinforcement 456 Beam, column, and slab reinforcement

Option Description
Hole along the local
y direction of the

Hole along the local

z direction of the

Use these options to define Z-shaped bars around round holes:

Option Description
Concrete cover
measured in the
direction of the
radius of the hole.
Concrete cover
measured from the
corner of the
bounding box
around the hole.

Use these options to define the direction of Z-shaped bars:

Option Description

Stirrups at holes
Use these options to define the stirrups around holes:

Option Description
Single stirrups

Reinforcement 457 Beam, column, and slab reinforcement

Option Description
Bundled stirrups


Option Description
135-degree hooks

90-degree hooks

Braced girder (88)

Braced girder (88) creates braced girders in a precast concrete part, such as in
a thin-shell slab or in a sandwich wall panel. The girders are cast into the
concrete part and they also work as a part of the reinforcement and as a
connector between the precast and cast-in-place concrete.

Objects created
The girders consist of the following parts:
Bottom reinforcing bars (2)
Top reinforcing bar
Connecting reinforcing bars (2)
Instead of using reinforcing bars, you can use profiles from the profile catalog
to create the braced girders.

Use for

Situation Description
Braced girders are created in the
precast concrete slab.

Reinforcement 458 Beam, column, and slab reinforcement

Situation Description
Braced girders are created in the
precast concrete sandwich panel.

Braced girders are created in a wide

plate floor with an opening.

Braced girders are created in a hollow


Profile as a girder.

Reinforcement 459 Beam, column, and slab reinforcement

Selection order
1. Select the concrete part.
The girders are created automatically.

Part identification key

1 Top reinforcing bar
2 Connecting reinforcing bar
3 Bottom reinforcing bar

See also
Braced girder (88): Picture tab (page 460)
Braced girder (88): Parts tab (page 463)
Braced girder (88): Geometry tab (page 474)
Braced girder (88): Double wall tab (page 476)

Braced girder (88): Picture tab

Use the Picture tab to control the shape and dimensions of reinforcing bars in
Braced girder (88).

Reinforcement 460 Beam, column, and slab reinforcement

Reinforcing bar dimensions and shape

1 Distance between the end of the top reinforcing bar and the
part end.
2 Distance between the end of the connecting reinforcing bar and
the part end.
3 Distance between the end of the bottom reinforcing bar and the
part end.
4 Radius of the connecting reinforcing bar.
5 Distance between bendings.

Define the distance between the bottom reinforcing bars, and the distance
between the top and bottom reinforcing bars.

Reinforcement 461 Beam, column, and slab reinforcement


Reinforcement 462 Beam, column, and slab reinforcement


Reinforcing bar properties

Define the reinforcing bar properties for the top, bottom and the connecting
reinforcing bars.

Option Description
Size Size of the reinforcing bar.
Grade Grade of the reinforcing bar.
Comment A comment, name, and class for the reinforcing bar,
and a prefix and a start number for the part
position number.
Start number
Create Select whether the reinforcing bar in question is
created or not.

You can define UDAs.

Braced girder (88): Parts tab

Use the Parts tab to control the girder creation, positioning and number of
girders in Braced girder (88).

Reinforcement 463 Beam, column, and slab reinforcement

Girder creation

Option Description
Creation method Select the type of the girders.
Profile If you use a profile as a girder, select the profile
from the profile catalog.
In addition, define a prefix and a start number for
the part position number, a material and a name.

Workplane orientation

Option Description
Workplane position Select the work plane position.
Use the Position in plane, Rotation and Position
in depth options to define the orientation of the
girder on the work plane.

Girder position in z direction

Select how the girders are positioned in the z direction.

Reinforcement 464 Beam, column, and slab reinforcement



Reinforcement 465 Beam, column, and slab reinforcement

Option Description
Multiple L factor Define the accuracy for the rounding of the girder
The default value is 1.0. With the default value, there are
no decimals in the girder length.
Geometry Select the geometry for the connecting reinforcing bars.

Reinforcement 466 Beam, column, and slab reinforcement

Option Description

Girder position in y direction

Select how the girders are positioned in the y direction.

Reinforcement 467 Beam, column, and slab reinforcement


Reinforcement 468 Beam, column, and slab reinforcement


Extra girders

Select whether additional girder groups are created.

For example, if you have selected this option:

Reinforcement 469 Beam, column, and slab reinforcement

Extra girder groups is set to None: No additional girder groups are created
between 2 existing braced girders.

Reinforcement 470 Beam, column, and slab reinforcement

Extra girder groups is set to By number: Additional girder groups are
created based on the entered number. Distances between the groups are
equally divided.

Reinforcement 471 Beam, column, and slab reinforcement

Extra girder groups is set to By distance: The number of additional girder
groups is based on the defined distance. The distances between the girder
groups are equally divided.

Girder group

Define whether additional girders are created from the existing girders.
Number is the number of girders in the girder group.
Distance list is the distance between the girders in the girder group.
e = is the position of the girders from the reference line.

Reinforcement 472 Beam, column, and slab reinforcement

Option Description
Girder group is positioned middle of the
reference line.
Girder group is positioned on the right side of the
reference line.
Girder group is positioned on the left side of the
reference line.


Reinforcement 473 Beam, column, and slab reinforcement


Braced girder (88): Geometry tab

Use the Geometry tab to control how openings and part length affect the
girder creation in Braced girder (88).

Option Description
Create always girders Select whether girders are always
If you select Yes, girders are created
even when the girder is placed fully
outside the concrete part.

Reinforcement 474 Beam, column, and slab reinforcement

Option Description
Openings Select whether girders are created in
Length Select how girders adapt to the part
Minimum length Define the minimum length of the
Maximum length Define the maximum length of the
The girder is split when the maximum
length is reached.

Examples of minimum length

No minimum length defined:

Reinforcement 475 Beam, column, and slab reinforcement

Examples of minimum length
Defined minimum length (no girder created):

Braced girder (88): Double wall tab

Use the Double wall tab to select how a second concrete element affects the
girders in Braced girder (88).

Look up sec concrete element

Select whether a second concrete element affects the creation of the girders.
Define the class of the second wall in the Class box.
Select the first wall, and if the second wall matches the defined class, a girder
is created. You can also enter a series of classes. You can use this creation
method in combination with the options defined for openings on the
Geometry tab.
The example below shows a hollow wall where inside and outside shells have
different geometry.

A hollow core wall where inside and outside shells have different geometry.
Look up second concrete element = No

Reinforcement 476 Beam, column, and slab reinforcement


A hollow core wall where inside and outside shells have different geometry.
Look up second concrete element = Yes

Reinforcement 477 Beam, column, and slab reinforcement


Braced girder (89)

Braced girder (89) creates braced girders between selected points in a precast
concrete part, such as in a thin-shell slab or in a sandwich wall panel. The
girders are cast into the concrete part and they also work as a part of the
reinforcement and as a connector between the precast and cast-in-place

Objects created
The girders consist of the following parts:
Bottom reinforcing bars (2)
Top reinforcing bar
Connecting reinforcing bars (2)
Instead of using reinforcing bars, you can use profiles from the profile catalog
to create the braced girders.

Reinforcement 478 Beam, column, and slab reinforcement

Use for

Situation Description
Braced girders are created in the
precast concrete slab.

Braced girders are created in the

precast concrete sandwich panel.

Braced girders are created in a wide

plate floor with an opening.

Braced girders are created in a hollow


Reinforcement 479 Beam, column, and slab reinforcement

Situation Description
Profile as a girder.

Selection order
1. Select the concrete part.
2. Pick the starting point of a girder.
3. Pick the end point of a girder.

Part identification key

1 Top reinforcing bar
2 Connecting reinforcing bar
3 Bottom reinforcing bar

See also
Braced girder (89): Picture tab (page 480)
Braced girder (89): Parts tab (page 483)
Braced girder (89): Geometry tab (page 493)
Braced girder (89): Double wall tab (page 495)

Reinforcement 480 Beam, column, and slab reinforcement

Braced girder (89): Picture tab
Use the Picture tab to control the shape and dimensions of reinforcement
bars in Braced girder (89).

Reinforcing bar dimensions and shape

1 Distance between the end of the top reinforcing bar and the
picked point.
2 Distance between the end of the connecting reinforcing bar and
the picked point.
3 Distance between the end of the bottom reinforcing bar and the
picked point.
4 Radius of the connecting reinforcing bar.
5 Distance between bendings.

Define the distance between the bottom reinforcing bars, and the distance
between the top and bottom reinforcing bars.

Reinforcement 481 Beam, column, and slab reinforcement


Reinforcement 482 Beam, column, and slab reinforcement


Reinforcing bar properties

Define the reinforcing bar properties for the top, bottom and the connecting
reinforcing bars.

Option Description
Size Size of the reinforcing bar.
Grade Grade of the reinforcing bar.
Comment A comment, name, and class for the reinforcing bar, and a
prefix and a start number for the part position number.
Start number
Create Select whether the reinforcing bar in question is created
or not.

You can define UDAs.

Braced girder (89): Parts tab

Use the Parts tab to control the girder creation, positioning and number of
girders in Braced girder (89).

Reinforcement 483 Beam, column, and slab reinforcement

Girder creation

Option Description
Creation method Select the type of the girders.
Profile If you use a profile as a girder, select the profile from
the profile catalog.
In addition, define a prefix and a start number for the
part position number, a material and a name.

Workplane orientation

Option Description
Workplane Select the work plane position.
Use the Position in plane, Rotation and Position in
depth options to define the orientation of the girder on
the work plane.

Girder position in z direction

Select how the girders are positioned in the z direction.

Reinforcement 484 Beam, column, and slab reinforcement

Braced girders are positioned to picked points. The braced girders are related
to the top side of the part.


Option Description
Multiple L factor Define the accuracy for the rounding of the girder
The default value is 1.0. With the default value, there are
no decimals in the girder length.
Geometry Select the geometry for the connecting reinforcing bars.

Reinforcement 485 Beam, column, and slab reinforcement

Option Description

Reinforcement 486 Beam, column, and slab reinforcement

Girder position in y direction

Select how the girders are positioned in the y direction.


Reinforcement 487 Beam, column, and slab reinforcement


Extra girders

Select whether additional girder groups are created.

For example, if you have selected this option:

Reinforcement 488 Beam, column, and slab reinforcement

Extra girder groups is set to None: No additional girder groups are created
between 2 existing braced girders.

Reinforcement 489 Beam, column, and slab reinforcement

Extra girder groups is set to By number: Additional girder groups are
created based on the entered number. Distances between the groups are
equally divided.

Reinforcement 490 Beam, column, and slab reinforcement

Extra girder groups is set to By distance: The number of additional girder
groups is based on the defined distance. The distances between the girder
groups are equally divided.

Girder group

Define whether additional girders are created from the existing girders.
Number is the number of girders in the girder group.
Distance list is the distance between the girders in the girder group.
e = is the position of the girders from the reference line.

Reinforcement 491 Beam, column, and slab reinforcement

Option Description
Girder group is positioned middle of the reference
Girder group is positioned on the right side of the
reference line.
Girder group is positioned on the left side of the
reference line.


Reinforcement 492 Beam, column, and slab reinforcement


Braced girder (89): Geometry tab

Use the Geometry tab to control how openings and part length affect the
girder creation in Braced girder (89).

Option Description
Create always girders Select whether girders are always
If you select Yes, girders are created
even when the girder is placed fully
outside the concrete part.

Reinforcement 493 Beam, column, and slab reinforcement

Option Description
Openings Select whether girders are created in
Length Select how girders adapt to the part
Minimum length Define the minimum length of the
Maximum length Define the maximum length of the
The girder is split when the maximum
length is reached.

Examples of minimum length

No minimum length defined:

Reinforcement 494 Beam, column, and slab reinforcement

Examples of minimum length
Defined minimum length (no girder created):

Braced girder (89): Double wall tab

Use the Double wall tab to select how a second concrete element affects the
girders in Braced girder (89).

Look up sec concrete element

Select whether a second concrete element affects the creation of the girders.
Define the class of the second wall in the Class box.
Select the first wall, and if the second wall matches the defined class, a girder
is created. You can also enter a series of classes. You can use this creation
method in combination with the options defined for openings on the
Geometry tab.
The example below shows a hollow wall where inside and outside shells have
different geometry.

A hollow core wall where inside and outside shells have different geometry.
Look up second concrete element = No

Reinforcement 495 Beam, column, and slab reinforcement


A hollow core wall where inside and outside shells have different geometry.
Look up second concrete element = Yes

Reinforcement 496 Beam, column, and slab reinforcement


Reinforcement mesh array in area (89)

Creates reinforcement meshes for an entire concrete part, or for a defined
polygonal area.

Parts created
Reinforcement meshes.

Reinforcement 497 Beam, column, and slab reinforcement

Use for

Situation Description
Array of overlapping
rectangular meshes.

Array of meshes in a
polygonal area that you
define. Meshes clipped to
fit the defined area.

Before you start

Create the concrete part.
Set the work plane parallel to the plane where you want to create the mesh

Defining properties
Use the following tabs in the Reinforcement mesh array in area (89) dialog
box to define the properties of the objects that the component creates.

Tab Contents See also

Picture Mesh catalog type, cover Mesh generation
thickness and location, and overlapping
mesh generation, cuts, properties
mesh area perimeter. (page 499)
Overlapping Overlapping values, mesh Mesh generation
offset values. and overlapping
(page 499)
Attributes Numbering properties,
name, and class of
reinforcement meshes.

Reinforcement 498 Beam, column, and slab reinforcement

Selection order
1. To attach the reinforcement mesh array:
to the entire part, pick the starting point of the mesh
to a selected area, pick points to define the polygonal shape of the
2. Click the middle mouse button to create the reinforcement mesh array.

Mesh generation and overlapping properties

Use the following properties to define how Tekla Structures creates the mesh

Picture tab

Property Options Description

Cover Define the mesh location and give values for
thickness Cover thickness on plane and Cover thickness
from plane.
The default value for Cover thickness on plane is
Generati X Generation direction.
Y To rotate the mesh generation direction around
the alignment point, enter an angle.
Direction Same as Select Opposite of top layer to mirror the bottom
of top layer.
bottom layer
e of top
Cut by Yes Select Yes to cut the mesh with the cuts made in
father the father part.
part cuts
Clipping Yes Select Yes to clip the meshes to fit the part or the
outside selected area.
Mesh Polygon Select the outline which the mesh follows.
Part The meshes in the examples are created by
picking the same points but with different mesh
r Polygon
area perimeters.
+ Part

Reinforcement 499 Beam, column, and slab reinforcement

Property Options Description


Reinforcement 500 Beam, column, and slab reinforcement

Property Options Description
+ Part

Overlapping tab

Property Options Description

Overlapping Long side Define the
minimum and
maximum overlap
along the
Max. longitudinal (Long
overlapping Side) and crossing
Short side direction (Short
Side) of the mesh.
overlapping The default values
are given.
Mesh offset Define how the
meshes are placed.
Mesh start offset 1/4 Define mesh start
offset for the first
mesh. The length
1/2 of the first mesh is
2/3 divided by the
selected value.
For example, if you
Specified select the Mesh
Symmetric start offset to be
1/4, the length of

Reinforcement 501 Beam, column, and slab reinforcement

Property Options Description
the first mesh is
divided by 1/4.
If you select
Specified, the
Start length offset
field becomes
visible and you can
give the offset for
the first mesh in
the field.

See also
Reinforcement mesh array in area (89) (page 497)

Wall Panel Reinforcement

Wall Panel Reinforcement is used for detailing precast wall panels. It
includes the reinforcement for the panel edges, around the openings, a mesh
for the whole panel and additional bars, for example, with a wall shoe

Objects created

Use for

Situation Description
Wall panel with openings and
reinforcement in the panel edges and
around openings.

Reinforcement 502 Beam, column, and slab reinforcement

Selection order
1. Select the concrete part to reinforce.
The reinforcement is created automatically.

See also
Wall Panel Reinforcement: Picture tab (page 503)
Wall Panel Reinforcement: Reinforcement tab (page 504)
Wall Panel Reinforcement: Opening tab (page 505)
Wall Panel Reinforcement: Diagonals tab (page 506)
Wall Panel Reinforcement: Column tab (page 506)
Wall Panel Reinforcement: Beam tab (page 507)
Wall Panel Reinforcement: Additional tab (page 508)
Wall Panel Reinforcement: Attributes tab (page 508)

Wall Panel Reinforcement: Picture tab

Use the Picture tab to select how the corners of a wall panel are reinforced in
the Wall Panel Reinforcement modeling tool.

Option Description
Corner Select how the corners are
reinforcem reinforced and the bar is offset
ent on both sides of the corner.

Minimum Cuts smaller than this value are ignored and the reinforcing
breaking bars are not cut.
Rebar Creates a single layer of
count reinforcement.

Reinforcement 503 Beam, column, and slab reinforcement

Option Description
Creates two layers of

Cover Distance from the edge of the wall panel to the side of the
thickness outermost bar.
Door Cuts greater than this value are considered as door openings
minimal and the additional reinforcing bars that are needed, for
height example, in shoe connections are not created.
Create Select whether horizontal or vertical reinforcing bars are on
stirrups top.
Minimum The edge stirrups are not created if the dimension is less than
edge length the defined minimum value.

Wall Panel Reinforcement: Reinforcement tab

Use the Reinforcement tab to create the reinforcing bars around the wall
panel edges in the Wall Panel Reinforcement modeling tool.

Option Description
Wall panel Creates normal
edge reinforcement.
ent type

Reinforcement 504 Beam, column, and slab reinforcement

Option Description
Creates U reinforcement.

Mesh Select whether a mesh is created for the whole panel.

If a mesh is created, you can define the mesh properties, or use
custom settings.
You can use the Mesh Bars component to create the mesh.
Horizontal Define the horizontal reinforcing bar properties for the wall
reinforcing panel edges.
Note that horizontal bars have three sets of properties,
depending on the length of the bar.
For example, if the length of the main bar is less than 3000, it
uses the first field on left, if in between 3000 and 6000, the
middle field and if greater than 6000, the right field.

Vertical Define the vertical reinforcing bar properties for the wall panel
reinforcing edges.
Note that vertical bars have two sets of properties, depending
on the length of the bar.
U Define the U reinforcing bar properties.
Each side of the wall panel has a separate set of U reinforcing
bar properties.

Wall Panel Reinforcement: Opening tab

Use the Opening tab to create the reinforcing bars around the wall panel
opening in the Wall Panel Reinforcement modeling tool.

Reinforcement 505 Beam, column, and slab reinforcement

Option Description
Opening Can be set for all four opening edges.
reinforcem Creates normal
ent type reinforcement.

Creates U reinforcement.

Horizontal Define the horizontal reinforcing bar properties.

Note that horizontal bars have separate sets of properties for
the top and the bottom bars.
Vertical Define the vertical reinforcing bar properties.
U Define the U reinforcing bar properties.
Each side of the opening has a separate set of U reinforcing bar

Wall Panel Reinforcement: Diagonals tab

Use the Diagonals tab to create diagonal reinforcing bars at the corners of the
openings in the Wall Panel Reinforcement modeling tool.

Option Description
Create diagonals Select whether diagonal reinforcing bars are created
or not.
Diagonals count Number of diagonal reinforcing bars.
Size Select the diameter of a bar.
Grade Define the strength of the steel used in the bars.
Bending radius Define the bar bending radius.
L1 and L2 L1 + L2: Length of the diagonal reinforcing bars.
C Distance between the diagonal reinforcing bar and the
corner of the opening.

Reinforcement 506 Beam, column, and slab reinforcement

Wall Panel Reinforcement: Column tab
Use the Column tab to a create column reinforcement in the Wall Panel
Reinforcement modeling tool.

Option Description
Column Column reinforcement is as high as the
reinforcem part.

Column reinforcement does not reach

higher than the top edge of opening.

Column reinforcement is approximately

the L value higher than opening edge.

Column Select whether column reinforcing bars are created or not.

Minimum column height H: cuts and openings smaller
than the minimum value are not taken into account in the
column creation.
Maximum column width B: if the width between two
openings or cuts or edges is greater than the maximum
value, then the column reinforcement is not created.
Column height offset L1: distance between the column
reinforcement end and the opening edge.
Column height offset L2: same as L1 but for the bottom
part of column reinforcement.
Main Define the main reinforcing bar properties.
Note that main bars have three sets of properties, depending
on the width of the column.
Stirrup Select the stirrup type.
Reinforcing Define the stirrup properties.
Note that stirrups have three sets of properties, depending on
the width of the column.

Reinforcement 507 Beam, column, and slab reinforcement

Wall Panel Reinforcement: Beam tab
Use the Beam tab to create a beam reinforcement on top of the opening in
the Wall Panel Reinforcement modeling tool.

Option Description
Beam Select whether beam reinforcing bars are created or
reinforcement not.
Maximum beam height Hmax: distance from the
top edge of the wall to the top edge of the opening.
If the height is greater than the maximum, then the
beam reinforcement is not created.
Minimum beam length Lmin: distance between
the sides of the opening. If the width of the
opening is less than the minimum, then the beam
reinforcement is not created.
Top Define the beam top reinforcement properties.
Note that the reinforcing bars have two sets of
properties, depending on the length of the beam.
Bottom Define the beam bottom reinforcement properties.
Note that the reinforcing bars have two sets of
properties, depending on the length of the beam.
Stirrup type Select the stirrup type.
Reinforcing stirrups Define the stirrup properties.
Note that stirrups have two sets of properties,
depending on the length of the beam.

Wall Panel Reinforcement: Additional tab

Use the Additional tab to create additional horizontal and vertical reinforcing
bars in the Wall Panel Reinforcement modeling tool.

Option Description
Additional Select whether additional reinforcing bars are created
reinforcing bars or not.
Define the additional reinforcing bar properties.

Wall Panel Reinforcement: Attributes tab

Use the Attributes tab to control the reinforcing bar properties of the created
parts in the Wall Panel Reinforcement modeling tool.

Reinforcement 508 Beam, column, and slab reinforcement

Option Description
Prefix Define a prefix for the part position number.
Start number Define a start number for the part position number.
Name Define a name for the part.
Tekla Structures uses the name in drawings and
Class Define the part class number.

Multiple Wire Size Mesh

Multiple Wire Size Mesh creates reinforcement meshes with multiple
reinforcing bar sizes. The created reinforcement mesh is optimized for a mesh
welding machine. Multiple Wire Size Mesh can be used for slabs and wall
panels. The slabs and wall panels can be of any polygonal shape with any
number of openings. The reinforcing bars in the mesh can be of different size,
and the spacings between the bars can vary.

Objects created
Reinforcement meshes

Use for

Situation Description
Three zones of longitudinal
reinforcing bars

Before you start

Create a polygon slab or a wall panel with any number of openings. Enter zone
values to define the width of the area to be reinforced in both the longitudinal
and crossing directions. Each direction can be divided up to five zones.

Selection order
1. Select the main part (slab or wall panel).
The reinforcement mesh is created.

Reinforcement 509 Beam, column, and slab reinforcement

See also
Multiple Wire Size Mesh: Mesh Parameters tab (page 510)
Multiple Wire Size Mesh: Longitudinal/Crossing Wires tab (page 510)
Multiple Wire Size Mesh: Attributes tab (page 511)
Multiple Wire Size Mesh: Configuration file for reinforcing bar patterns
(page 512)

Multiple Wire Size Mesh: Mesh Parameters tab

Use the Mesh Parameters tab to control the mesh creation and cover
thickness in the Multiple Wire Size Mesh modeling tool.

Option Description
Define the concrete cover thickness.

Create Rebars Define to which side of the slab or the wall

panel the reinforcing bars are created.
Longitudinal Direction Define whether the x or the y direction is
used as the longitudinal direction when the
reinforcing bars are created.
By default, the x direction is the longitudinal

Multiple Wire Size Mesh: Longitudinal/Crossing Wires tab

Use the Longitudinal Wires or the Crossing Wires tab to control the mesh
creation in the longitudinal or the crossing direction, and the reinforcement
zones in the Multiple Wire Size Mesh modeling tool.

Option Description
Wire sizes Define the sizes of the reinforcing bars used in
the pattern.
Separate the sizes with a space.
Min overhang Define the minimum length of the reinforcing
bar extension.
Max overhang Define the maximum length of the reinforcing
bar extension.

Reinforcement 510 Beam, column, and slab reinforcement

Option Description
Min spacing Define the minimum space between the
reinforcing bars.
The value must be divisible by the grid size.
For example, if the Min spacing is 150, Max
spacing is 300 and the Grid size is 50, the
spacings are 150, 200, 250 and 300.
Max spacing Define the maximum space between the
reinforcing bars.
The value must be divisible by the grid size.
For example, if the Min spacing is 150, Max
spacing is 300 and the Grid size is 50, the
spacings are 150, 200, 250 and 300
Grid size Define the mesh grid size.
For example, if the Min spacing is 150, Max
spacing is 300 and the Grid size is 50, the
spacings are 150, 200, 250 and 300.
This value depends on the welding machine.
Min wire length Define the minimum reinforcing bar length.
Min number of welding Define the minimum number of crossing
points reinforcing bar intersections.
Pattern width to fulfill Define the width of the pattern that is filled
with the mesh.
This value is used when the zone width is
greater than the given value.
Zone width value type Define the width of the area to be reinforced as
a percentage of the whole slab or wall panel
width, or as the actual length.
Width, Real width, Mesh Define the mesh width, real width and area per
area per length length in each zone.
Load pattern from file Select the external text file where you have
defined the patterns for longitudinal and
crossing reinforcing bars.
If you use the external patterns file, Multiple
Wire Size Mesh tries to determine a pattern
with a suitable area per length value for every
zone and apply these values to the zones.

Reinforcement 511 Beam, column, and slab reinforcement

Multiple Wire Size Mesh: Attributes tab
Use the Attributes tab to control the reinforcement properties in the
longitudinal and in the crossing directions in the Multiple Wire Size Mesh
modeling tool.

Option Description
Prefix Define a prefix for the part position number.
Start Number Define a starting number for the part position
Grade Define the strength of the steel used in the
reinforcing bars.
Name Define a name for the longitudinal and the crossing
reinforcing bars.
Tekla Structures uses the name in drawings and
Class Use Class to group the longitudinal and the crossing
reinforcing bars.
For example, you can display the longitudinal and
the crossing reinforcing bars of different classes in
different colors.

Multiple Wire Size Mesh: Configuration file for reinforcing bar patterns
Use an external text file to define the patterns for longitudinal and crossing
reinforcing bars in the Multiple Wire Size Mesh modeling tool.

Every pattern starts from the Pattern line, followed by, for example, the
pattern name. Each Bar Size and Spacing pair is on a separate row. The Bar
Size and Spacing values are separated by a space.
The file has the following format:
< Pattern > < Name >
<Bar Size> <Spacing>
<Bar Size> <Spacing>

<Bar Size> <Spacing>

Pattern 1
10 200
10 200
8 100

Reinforcement 512 Beam, column, and slab reinforcement

8 300
10 400
Pattern 2
10 200
10 200
8 100
8 100

Embedded anchors (8)

Embedded anchors (8) creates one or more embeds in a concrete part.

Objects created
Thickening parts
Reinforcing bars
Hangup bars
Crane cables

Use for

Situation Description
Two custom anchors.

Reinforcement 513 Beam, column, and slab reinforcement

Situation Description
Bolt anchors that are custom parts,
hangup bars and crane cables.

Cast-in lifting anchors that are custom


Reinforcement 514 Beam, column, and slab reinforcement

Situation Description
Cast-in wire rope lifting hoops that
are custom parts.
Adjusting anchors are in the front
side. The component is applied two

Selection order
1. Select a concrete part.
2. Pick one point to position the embed.
You can also select multiple points, depending on how the embeds are
3. Click the middle mouse button to create the embeds.

Reinforcement 515 Beam, column, and slab reinforcement

Part identification key

1 Concrete part (wall, column, beam, slab)
2 Point
You can select multiple points.

See also
Embedded anchors (8): Input tab (page 517)
Embedded anchors (8): Placement tab (page 521)
Embedded anchors (8): Top placement tab (page 527)
Embedded anchors (8): Thickening tab (page 528)
Embedded anchors (8): Picture tab (page 533)
Embedded anchors (8): Top part tab (page 537)
Embedded anchors (8): Bottom part tab (page 539)
Embedded anchors (8): Parts tab (page 540)
Embedded anchors (8): Reinforcing bar tab (page 541)
Embedded anchors (8): Hangup bars tab (page 543)
Embedded anchors (8): Horizontal bar tab (page 546)
Embedded anchors (8): Special bar tab (page 549)

Reinforcement 516 Beam, column, and slab reinforcement

Embedded anchors (8): Advanced tab (page 551)

Embedded anchors (8): Input tab

Use the Input tab to control the custom parts used for the embeds, the input
points for placing the embeds and the component direction properties in the
Embedded anchors (8).

Input points sequence

Select the distribution method for the embeds. You can also adjust the
placement of embeds on the Placement tab.

Option Description
Select a concrete part and pick one
position point for the anchor.

Select a concrete part and pick multiple

position points for the anchors.

Select a concrete part and pick three

points to define the plane.
Pick a point to place the embed.

Select a concrete part and pick three

points to define the plane.
Pick multiple points to place the

Up direction
Define how the embeds are rotated.

Reinforcement 517 Beam, column, and slab reinforcement

This option is not available if the three-point-plane option is selected from
the Input points sequence list.
You can use the global directions +X,-X,+Y,-Y,+Z,-Z.
Alternatively, you can use the local directions +X,-X,+Y,-Y,+Z,-Z to define a
specific face of a typical cube-shaped (slab, wall, beam of column) part.

-X local:

+X global:

Embed handling

Reinforcement 518 Beam, column, and slab reinforcement

Select whether the embed is handled as a detail or as a modeling tool.
In general, a detail uses the shape of the main part for positioning the
embeds, and a modeling tool uses the picked points for positioning the

Embed offset
Define embed offsets in X- and/or Y-direction, from the picked position points.

Custom part
Select a custom part from the Application and Components catalog to be
used as embed.
Define the name of the custom component to be used for the embeds. If
the embeds are defined on the Picture tab, leave this box empty.
Define the name of the configuration file for the custom component.
Select whether the custom parts must be used for the embeds.
If set to Not, define the embeds shape on the Picture tab.
If set to Yes, define the connecting method. Use the Yes and subassembly
option to add the embed as a subassembly to the main part.
Select how the embeds are rotated. The default direction is 2 point +x.

Reinforcement 519 Beam, column, and slab reinforcement

Select how the embeds are rotated around a position point.

Positioning examples

Reinforcement 520 Beam, column, and slab reinforcement

Embedded anchors (8): Placement tab
Use the Placement tab to control the placing of the embeds, crane cable
angles and safety factor properties and to select the lifting anchors in the
Embedded anchors (8).

You can define the input point sequence, lift system and embed dimensions
both in reference line and cross section direction.

Input points sequence

Select the distribution method of the embeds.
Use the a and b boxes on the right to enter the values.

Option Description
Embed is placed on a selected
position point.

Embed is placed on a center of gravity

(COG) point in the part length

Multiple embeds.
Define dimensions a and b.
Reference = COG

Reinforcement 521 Beam, column, and slab reinforcement

Option Description
Define dimensions a and b.
Reference = COG
If embeds are likely to be placed
outside the part, then value d is used.
Define dimensions a and b as
percentages of the part length.
Reference = COG

Define dimension a as a percentage

of the part length.
Reference = COG
Define dimension a.
The right embed is calculated from

Define dimension a as a percentage

of the total part length.
Reference = COG

Embed is placed in the middle of the


Define dimensions a and b.

Reference = middle of the part

Define dimensions a and b as

percentages of the part length.
Reference = middle of the part

Define dimensions a and b.

The distances are from the embeds to
the part ends.

Define dimensions a and b as

percentages of the part length.
The distances are from the embeds to
the part ends.

Reinforcement 522 Beam, column, and slab reinforcement

Option Description
Three embeds in a triangular plate.
Define the vertical distance a from

Three embeds in a triangular plate.

Define the vertical distance a from
COG as a percentage of the width b.

Lifting system

Select the crane cable lifting system.


Boxes for defining embed dimensions a and b, crane cable angle alpha and
crane cable height h.

Additional embeds
Define additional embeds. Use the boxes on the left and right to define
distances. You can enter multiple distances. Use a space to separate the
Use the middle box to define the number of additional embeds.

Reinforcement 523 Beam, column, and slab reinforcement


Define the COG (center of gravity) for the selected parts, an assembly, or an
assembly without steel parts.
Select whether embeds are mirrored.
Mirroring is useful for asymmetric custom part embeds. You can mirror
both in reference line direction and cross section direction.

Reinforcement 524 Beam, column, and slab reinforcement

Select whether both anchors are created, or only left or right anchor.

Lift.dat configuration file

You can use a configuration file to calculate the lifting capacities of lifting
Set Browse configuration file to Yes, and define the full path to the
configuration file. The default file is lift.dat, located in the profil folder.
The lift.dat configuration file contains a list of all custom lifting anchors
belonging to the default Tekla Structures installation. The anchors are sorted
based on fabricator and type, component name and lifting capacity. You can
add more custom components to the list in the configuration file. The file can
be opened in any text editor, for example Notepad.

Groups where lifting anchors can be selected.

Reinforcement 525 Beam, column, and slab reinforcement

Type client
Description of types.
Name CuCoPa
Name of custom component part as listed in the Applications &
components catalog.
Lift force (kg)
Lifting capacity in kilograms.
Direction. Component direction during creation of custom component part.
Attribute file
Link to the configuration file.
The anchor type can be selected from the list. The first list option corresponds
to the first type (1) in the lift.dat configuration file.
The last list option is All types and use preference list. This option searches
from all groups. A preference can be defined in the Preference type list. Start
with the highest preference group and separate the groups with a space.

Several fabricators have lifting anchors with the same lifting capacity, but with
different anchor lengths. Use the order in the configuration file to define which
anchor is selected. First found anchor with correct capacity = 1, second found
anchor = 2, and so on.

NOTE If you have selected to use a custom part, ensure that the
corresponding custom parts are available in the model. Names of the
custom parts should not contain spaces, because they are not read
from the lift.dat configuration file.

Safety factor
Define the safety factor. The weight to be lifted up is multiplied with this factor
in the anchor calculation.

Reinforcement 526 Beam, column, and slab reinforcement

Embedded anchors (8): Top placement tab
Use the Top placement tab to define the embed offsets and how the
information message box and crane cables are shown in the Embedded
anchors (8).

Define the embed offsets at both ends of the concrete part. An embed which
is positioned exactly in the middle of the concrete part stays in that position
and does not get an offset.

Reinforcement 527 Beam, column, and slab reinforcement

Show information message boxes
Define whether a message box containing the embed calculation results is
shown. The message box shows the weight to be lifted up, the real lift-up
weight including a safety factor, and the selected anchor.
The message box appears only if you have set Browse Configuration File to
Yes on the Placement tab.

Show crane cables

Define whether crane cables are shown. If set to Yes, crane cables are shown
as construction lines or profiles with the alpha angle, defined on the
Placement tab.

Reinforcement 528 Beam, column, and slab reinforcement

Embedded anchors (8): Thickening tab
Use the Thickening tab to define the thickening of the concrete layer in the
Embedded anchors (8). The thickening is especially useful for sandwich walls
where shells are thickened near lifting anchors.

In the example below, a thickening is added with an extra insulation layer.

Thickening options
Select the side where thickening is applied. You can also define the thickness.

Option Description
No thickening.

Right side thickening.

Thickness is defined from center of the embed.

Reinforcement 529 Beam, column, and slab reinforcement

Option Description
Right side thickening.
Thickness is defined from side of the embed.

Right side thickening.

Thickness is defined from side of the shell.

Left side thickening.

Thickness is defined from center of the embed.

Left side thickening.

Thickness is defined from side of the embed.

Left side thickening.

Thickness is defined from side of the shell.

Thickening on both sides.

Thickness is defined from center of the embed.

Thickening on both sides.

Thickness is defined from side of the embed.

Thickening on both sides.

Thickness is defined from side of the shell.

Reinforcement 530 Beam, column, and slab reinforcement

Thickening width and height
Select the thickening part reference, and define the thickening width and
thickening height.

Option Description
Width is defined from center of the embed.
Height is defined from the top side of concrete.

Width is defined from center of the embed.

Height is defined from the bottom side of concrete

Width is defined from the side of concrete shell.

Height is defined from the top side of concrete

Width is defined from the side of concrete shell.

Height is defined from the bottom side of embed.

Side view
Option to combine multiple thickening parts into one if the distance between
the thickenings is smaller than or equal to the defined value.

Reinforcement 531 Beam, column, and slab reinforcement

Thickening part
Select how the thickening is connected to the shell. Define the thickening

Additional insulation
Select how to add insulation to thickening part.

Reinforcement 532 Beam, column, and slab reinforcement

Option Description
Insulation classes Define the class of the insulation which is used in
the concrete shell.
If the defined class number matches the class of
the insulation in the model, then the insulation will
be cut at the location of the thickening.
Foil classes Define the class of the insulation which is used in
the sandwich wall.
If the defined class number matches the class of
the insulation, then the insulation will be cut at the
location of the thickening
Create extra insulation Select whether an additional insulation layer is
Define the thickness of the insulation.

Additional options for the insulation part

Option Description
Extra insulation Select whether the insulation part is added, and how it is
part added.
To Select the part to which the insulation part is added.

Reinforcement 533 Beam, column, and slab reinforcement

Embedded anchors (8): Picture tab
Use the Picture tab to control the embed dimensions, connection method and
rotation in the Embedded anchors (8).

Embed dimensions
Define if the embed needs to be recessed. You can define the dimensions of
the recess, distance from the recess plane to the top of the embed and select
the shape of the cutout.
Select the shape of the cutout.

Option Example


Half moon x

Half moon y

Reinforcement 534 Beam, column, and slab reinforcement

As negative volume
Select whether cutout profiles are handled as empty cutouts or cutouts with a
formwork part.

Top part/Bottom part

Set the part class and rotation. Each option rotates the embed 90 degrees
counterclockwise. You can define also a fixed rotation angle.

Select how to position the top and the bottom parts of the embed.

Option Example

Reinforcement 535 Beam, column, and slab reinforcement

Option Example

An example of an anchor that is positioned on top of the concrete part.

Reinforcement 536 Beam, column, and slab reinforcement

How to connect top part to concrete element
Select whether the top part of embed is created, and if set to Yes, select how
the part is connected to concrete part.

How to connect bottom part

Select whether the bottom part of embed is created, and if set to Yes, select
how the part is connected to the concrete part.

Embedded anchors (8): Top part tab

Use the Top part tab to define the top part of the embed in the Embedded
anchors (8).

Reinforcement 537 Beam, column, and slab reinforcement

Top part dimensions
Use the diameter and height boxes to define the shape of the top part of the
embed. You can define the main diameters of parts 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 also on the
Parts tab.


Embed top part defined on the Top part tab, embed bottom part defined on
the Bottom part tab.

Reinforcement 538 Beam, column, and slab reinforcement

Embedded anchors (8): Bottom part tab
Use the Bottom part tab to define the bottom part of the embed in the
Embedded anchors (8).

Bottom part dimensions

Use the diameter and height boxes to define the shape of the bottom part of
the embed. You can define the main diameters of parts 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 also on
the Parts tab.

Reinforcement 539 Beam, column, and slab reinforcement

Embedded anchors (8): Parts tab
Use the Parts tab to define the embed top and bottom part properties and the
formwork part properties in the Embedded anchors (8).

Part properties
Both the top and the bottom part are build from multiple profiles. You can
define profiles for each section.

Reinforcement 540 Beam, column, and slab reinforcement

Define the part properties for the top, bottom and formwork part. If the profile
properties are left empty, the lengths and diameters defined on the Top Part
and Bottom Part tabs are used.

Option Description
t, b, h Part thickness, width and height.
Pos_No Prefix and a start number for the part
position number.
Material Material grade.
Name Name for the part.
Class Part class number.
Comment Add a comment for the part.

You can define UDAs for the top and bottom parts.

Reinforcement 541 Beam, column, and slab reinforcement

Embedded anchors (8): Reinforcing bar tab
Use the Reinforcing bar tab to define additional reinforcing bars for the
embeds in the Embedded anchors (8).

You can define the reinforcing bar shape and hook properties, and the
reinforcing bar profile properties in two directions.


Grade, Size
The Grade and Size options work together. Open the reinforcing bar catalog
to select a grade and a size for bar A and bar B.

End conditions left / right

Select the shape of the reinforcing bar.

Reinforcement 542 Beam, column, and slab reinforcement

Bend lengths left / right, Bend radius
Define the bend length for the hooks and the bend radius.

Select how to rotate the reinforcing bars and define the rotation angle.

Define the reinforcing bar dimensions and the number of bars.

Reinforcement 543 Beam, column, and slab reinforcement

Embedded anchors (8): Hangup bars tab
Use the Hangup bars tab to define additional reinforcing bars for the embeds
in the Embedded anchors (8).

You can define the reinforcing bar shape and hook properties, and the
reinforcing bar profile properties.


Grade, Size
The Grade and Size options work together. Open the reinforcing bar catalog
to select a grade and a size.

End conditions left / right

Select the shape of the reinforcing bar.

Reinforcement 544 Beam, column, and slab reinforcement

Bend lengths left / right, Bend radius
Define the bend length for the hooks and the bend radius.

Select how to rotate the hangup reinforcing bars and define the rotation angle.

Reinforcement 545 Beam, column, and slab reinforcement


Option Description Default

1 Select how to place the hangup
reinforcing bars.
Use the values a, b, c, d, e, f and
the angles alpha and beta to
define the dimensions of the
hangup reinforcing bars.
2 Define the number of hangup 0
reinforcing bars.
3 Define the cover thickness.
4 Define the distance between 100 mm
hangup reinforcing bars.

Reinforcement 546 Beam, column, and slab reinforcement

Embedded anchors (8): Horizontal bar tab
Use the Horizontal bar tab to define additional horizontal reinforcing bars for
the embeds in the Embedded anchors (8).

You can define the reinforcing bar shape and hook properties, and the
reinforcing bar profile properties.


Grade, Size
The Grade and Size options work together. Open the reinforcing bar catalog
to select a grade and a size.

End conditions left / right

Select the shape of the reinforcing bar.

Bend lengths left / right, Bend radius

Define the bend length for the hooks and the bend radius.

Reinforcement 547 Beam, column, and slab reinforcement

Select how to rotate the horizontal reinforcing bars and define the rotation

Side view
You can create sloped horizontal reinforcing bars. Define the number of bars
and the distance between them. Use value d to define cover thickness for the
top side and value f to define the reinforcing bar length.

Top view
Select a reinforcing bar shape.
Use values a, b, c, d, e, f and the angles alpha and beta to define the
dimensions of the horizontal reinforcing bars.

Reinforcement 548 Beam, column, and slab reinforcement

Reinforcement 549 Beam, column, and slab reinforcement
Embedded anchors (8): Special bar tab
Use the Special bar tab to define additional U-shaped reinforcing bars for the
embeds in the Embedded anchors (8).

You can define the reinforcing bar shape and hook properties, and the
reinforcing bar profile properties in two directions.


Grade, Size
The Grade and Size options work together. Open the reinforcing bar catalog
to select a grade and a size for bar A and bar B.

Reinforcement 550 Beam, column, and slab reinforcement

End conditions left / right
Select the shape of the reinforcing bar.

Bend lengths left / right, Bend radius

Define the bend length for the hooks and the bend radius.

Select how to rotate the U-shaped reinforcing bars and define the rotation

Select a reinforcing bar shape.
Use the values a, b, c, d, e, f and the angles alpha and beta to define the
dimensions of the U-shaped reinforcing bars.

Reinforcement 551 Beam, column, and slab reinforcement

Embedded anchors (8): Advanced tab
Use the Advanced tab to define UDAs and reinforcing bar properties for the
reinforcing bars, hangup bars, special bars and horizontal bars in the
Embedded anchors (8).

Reinforcing bar properties

Option Description
Comment Add a comment for the reinforcing bars.
Name Define a name that is shown in drawings and
Class Define the part class number for the reinforcing
Serie Define a prefix for the part position number.
Start number Define a start number for the part position

Reinforcement 552 Beam, column, and slab reinforcement

Embedded anchors (8): Bolts
Click the Bolts button to open a dialog box where you can define additional
embeds and embed offsets in the Embedded anchors (8).

Embedded anchors (8) uses only the Horizontal Dist. and Vertical Dist.
options, the other options are not taken into account.
Define the number of embeds and distances for Horizontal Dist. and Vertical
Dist.. The position points are defined on the Placement tab.

Use the Sec/first option to define offsets.

With the options on the Placement tab it is possible to place a large number
of embeds in one go. For example, you can create anchors for connecting steel
beams to a wall.

Reinforcement 553 Beam, column, and slab reinforcement

Embed (1008)
Embed (1008) creates one or more embeds in concrete parts. You can create
multiple embeds to be used as lifting anchors with one insertion point.

Objects created
Reinforcing bars

Reinforcement 554 Beam, column, and slab reinforcement

Use for

Situation Description

Selection order
1. Select a concrete part.
2. Pick one point on the part face where you want to insert the embed.
The detail is created automatically when you pick the point.

See also
Embed (1008): Picture tab (page 555)
Embed (1008): Top part tab (page 557)
Embed (1008): Bottom part tab (page 558)
Embed (1008): Parts tab (page 558)
Embed (1008): Placement tab (page 559)
Embed (1008): Reinforcing bar tab (page 561)
Embed (1008): Advanced tab (page 561)
Embed (1008): Bolts (page 562)

Embed (1008): Picture tab

Use the Picture tab to control the embed dimensions, connection method and
rotation in Embed (1008).

Embed dimensions
Define if the embed needs to be recessed. You can define the dimensions of
the recess, distance from the recess plane to the top of the embed, select the
shape of the cutout and whether the cutouts are handled as empty cutouts or
cutouts with a formwork part.

Reinforcement 555 Beam, column, and slab reinforcement

Option Example

Half moon X


Reinforcement 556 Beam, column, and slab reinforcement

Option Example
Half moon Y

Top part/Bottom part

Set the part class and rotation. Each option rotates the embed 90 degrees
counterclockwise. You can define also a fixed rotation angle.

How to connect top part to concrete element

Select whether the top part of the embed is created, and if set to Yes, select
how the part is connected to the concrete part.

How to connect bottom part

Select whether the bottom part of the embed is created, and if set to Yes,
select how the part is connected to the concrete part.

Select a custom part from the Applications & components catalog

Select a custom part from the Applications & components catalog to be used
as embed. Use the Yes and subassembly option to add the embed as a
subassembly to the main part. The default direction is 2 point +x.

Embed (1008): Top part tab

Use the Top part tab to define the top part of the embed in the Embed (1008)

Top part dimensions

Use the diameter and height boxes to define the shape of the top part of the
embed. You can define the main diameters of parts 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 also on the
Parts tab.

Embed top part defined on the Top part tab, embed bottom part defined on
the Bottom part tab.

Reinforcement 557 Beam, column, and slab reinforcement

Embed (1008): Bottom part tab
Use the Bottom part tab to define the bottom part of the embed in the
Embed (1008) detail.

Bottom part dimensions

Use the diameter and height boxes to define the shape of the bottom part of
the embed. You can define the main diameters of parts 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 also on
the Parts tab.
For examples, see Embed (1008): Top part tab (page 557).

Embed (1008): Parts tab

Use the Parts tab to define the embed top and bottom part profiles and the
formwork part properties in Embed (1008).

Part properties
Both the top and the bottom part are build from multiple profiles. You can
define profiles for each section.
Define the part properties for the top, bottom and formwork part. If the profile
properties are left empty, the lengths and diameters defined on the Top Part
and Bottom Part tabs are used.

Reinforcement 558 Beam, column, and slab reinforcement

Option Description
t, b, h Define the part thickness, width and height.
Pos_No Define a prefix and a start number for the part
position number.
Material Define the material grade.
Name Define a name for the part.
Comment Add a comment for the part.

You can define UDAs for the top and bottom parts.

Embed (1008): Placement tab

Use the Placement tab to define the embed placing, positioning and embed
distribution in the Embed (1008) detail.

Select how to position the top and the bottom part of the embed.

Reinforcement 559 Beam, column, and slab reinforcement

Define the placing type of the embed. Depending on the component insertion
points, multiple embeds can be created.

Option Description
Embed is placed on a selected position point.

Embed is placed on a center of gravity (COG)

point in the part length direction.

Multiple embeds.
Define dimensions a and b.
Reference = COG
Define dimensions a and b as percentages of
the part length.
Reference = COG

Embed is placed in the middle of the part,

along the length of the concrete part.

Multiple embeds.
Define dimension a as a percentage of the
total part length.
Reference = COG
Embed is placed in the middle of the part.

Define dimensions a and b.

Reference = middle of the part

Define dimensions a and b as percentages of

the part length.
Reference = middle of the part

Reinforcement 560 Beam, column, and slab reinforcement

Option Description
Define dimensions a and b.
The distances are from the embeds to the part

Define dimensions a and b as percentages of

the part length.
The distances are from the embeds to the part

Define embed dimensions a and b.

Center of gravity
Define concrete part COG (center of gravity) for the embeds.

Number of extra anchors

The spacing distance between multiple embeds.

Embed (1008): Reinforcing bar tab

Use the Reinforcing bar tab to define extra reinforcing bars for the embeds in
the Embed (1008) detail.

You can define the reinforcing bar shape properties, and the reinforcing bar
profile properties in two directions.
You can define the number, shape, dimension and covering thickness of the
reinforcing bars.

Reinforcement 561 Beam, column, and slab reinforcement

Embed (1008): Advanced tab
Use the Advanced tab to define bar properties for reinforcing bars A and B in
the Embed (1008) detail.

Reinforcing bar properties

Option Description
Comment Add a comment for the reinforcing bars.
Name Define a name that is shown in drawings and reports.
Class Define the part class number for the reinforcing bars.
Serie Define a prefix for the part position number.
Start number Define a start number for the part position number.

Embed (1008): Bolts

Click the Bolts button to open the Bolts dialog box where you can define extra
embeds and embed offsets in the Embed (1008) detail.

Embed (1008) uses only the Horizontal Dist. and Vertical Dist. options, the
other options are not taken into account.

In the example below, the bolt placement uses fixed dimensions from part
edges, defined on the Placement tab. Extra embeds are defined in the Bolts
dialog box.

Reinforcement 562 Beam, column, and slab reinforcement

Optionally, you can also use the Sec/first and Positioning options to define a
distance from the edge of the beam.

Reinforcement 563 Beam, column, and slab reinforcement

Continuous Beam Reinforcement
You can reinforce a continuous beam using a macro called
ContinuousBeamReinforcement. The macro creates main top and bottom
bars, stirrups, fittings, and additional top and bottom bars using system
components. Longitudinal reinforcement (70) creates the main and
additional top and bottom bars, Stirrup reinforcement (67) creates stirrups,
and Battering connection (13) creates fittings.

To reinforce a continuous beam:

1. Click the Applications & components button in the side pane to

open the Applications & components catalog.
2. Click the arrow next to Applications to open the applications list.
3. Double-click ContinuousBeamReinforcement.
4. Select the beams and click Next.
5. Select the columns and click Next.

Reinforcement 564 Beam, column, and slab reinforcement

6. If needed, modify the reinforcement properties, and click Finish.
The reinforcements are created.

The beams must be aligned for the reinforcing to be successful.


2.3 Lifting
This section introduces components that can be used for lifting.
Click the links below to find out more:

Reinforcement 565 Lifting

Lifting anchor (80) (page 566)

Lifting anchor (80)

Creates two lifting anchors (or anchor groups) for a concrete part and places
them symmetrically on either side of the parts center of gravity.

1 30% of part length (default)
2 Center of gravity

Objects created
Lifting anchors (2 or more)
Recesses for anchors (optional)

Use for

Situation More information

Straight anchor with
straight legs
(Type A in the anchor
properties file, see
Anchor properties from
file (page 571))

Reinforcement 566 Lifting

Situation More information
Straight anchor with L-
shaped legs
(Type D)

Angle anchor with

straight legs
(Type B)

Angle anchor with L-

shaped legs
(Type C)

Custom components as

Anchors recessed into

the part.

Reinforcement 567 Lifting

Situation More information
Skew and/or rotated

Before you start

Create the concrete part.

Defining properties
Use the following tabs in the Lifting anchor (80) dialog box to define the
properties of the objects that this component creates:

Tab Contents See also

Picture Anchor dimensions and Lifting anchor properties
locations, number and (page 568)
spacing of anchors,
Custom components as
option to use custom
lifting anchors
components as anchors,
(page 570)
option to create
recesses, recess Creating recesses for
dimensions, skew angle lifting anchors
of anchors, option to (page 570)
rotate anchors, basic
anchor properties

Picking order
1. Concrete part

Lifting anchor properties

The properties of lifting anchors are:

Field Description
Anchor dimensions The options are:
Use dialog values

Reinforcement 568 Lifting

Field Description
Select from file, see Anchor
properties from file (page 571).
You need to enter different
dimensions for different anchor
The distance between an anchor (or
anchor group) and the center of
gravity of the part. Default is 30% of
the part length.

The distance between an anchor (or

group) and the center line of the part.

Number of bars/ The number and spacing of anchors

spacings in a group. If the spacing varies, enter
each value individually.
Custom See Custom components as lifting
Component anchors (page 570).
Custom settings
Up direction
The option to define if the anchors
are recessed into the part. See
Creating recesses for lifting anchors
(page 570).

The skew angle of anchors. Anchor

heads are skewed towards the parts
center of gravity.

Rotate anchor The option to rotate anchors. The

options are:
No: Anchors parallel to the part.

Reinforcement 569 Lifting

Field Description
Yes: Anchors perpendicular to the
Side The side of the part where Tekla
Structures creates the anchors. The
options are Front, Top, Back, Below,
Start end, and Finish end.
Grade, Size, Name,
Prefix, Start
number, Class

Custom components as lifting anchors

To use custom components as lifting anchors:
1. In the Custom list box, select Yes.
2. Click the ... button next to the Component field to open the Select
component dialog box.
3. Browse for the custom component you want to use as lifting anchor.
The component you select must be a custom part and have two or three
input points.
The component should be created so that the first and the second input
points are on the concrete surface and along the longitudinal axis of the
concrete part.

TIP For more information on how to create custom parts that can be
used as lifting anchors, see Creating standard embeds for global

4. Select the component and click OK.

5. To use saved custom component properties, enter the name of the saved
properties file in the Custom settings field.
6. If the anchor position is not correct, select another option in the Up
direction list box.

Reinforcement 570 Lifting

Creating recesses for lifting anchors
Select one of the following options to define if the lifting anchors are recessed
into the concrete part:

Option Description
Anchors on the surface of the part.

Anchors recessed into the part.

If you choose to recess the anchors into the part, use the following fields to
define the shape and dimensions of the recesses:

Anchor properties from file

You can define lifting anchor properties by entering values in the dialog box
(see Lifting anchor properties (page 568)), or you can create a file containing
the anchor properties you want to use. Use any standard text editor to create
the file and save it as LiftingAnchors.dat in the model folder.
To use the anchor properties you define in a file:
1. In the Lifting anchor (80) dialog box, select Select from file from the
Anchor dimensions list box.
2. Click the ... button to browse for the file.

Create a row in the file for each lifting anchor. Enter the following properties,
separated by spaces:
Anchor capacity [kN], including safety and material factors

Reinforcement 571 Lifting

Type [A, B, C, or D], see the Use for table in Lifting anchor (80) (page 566)
Grade [characters]
Size [characters]
Anchoring length 1 [mm]
Anchoring length 2 [mm]
Protruding dimension of the anchor outside the part [mm]
Penetrating dimension of the anchor inside the part [mm]
Bending radius [mm]
Hook length [mm] (0 = no hook)
Angle of leg 1 [degrees]
Angle of leg 2 [degrees]
Here is an example of a lifting anchor file (Tekla Structures ignores the
comments enclosed in /* */):

Tekla Structures will use the first anchor in the file that:
1. Has the shape and type you define using the graphic list boxes in the
Lifting anchor (80) dialog box.
2. Can carry the parts weight with other identical anchors. The total number
of anchors is two times the number you specify in the Number of bars

Reinforcement 572 Lifting

3 Automated Reinforcement

This section explains how to create reinforcement using the automated tools
available in Tekla Structures.
Click the links below to find out more:
Automated reinforcement layout tools (page 573)
Double-tee beam (51) (page 574)
Inverted-tee beam (52) (page 593)
Ledge beam (53) (page 607)
Rectangular beam (54) (page 621)
Ledge spandrel (55) (page 633)
Rectangular spandrel (56) (page 644)
Columns (57) (page 655)
Topping (58) (page 673)
Wash (59) (page 676)
Hollowcore reinforcement strands (60) (page 680)
Post-tensioning (61) (page 684)
Edge and Corner Reinforcement (62) (page 687)
U Bar of concrete slab (63) (page 694)
Wall panel (64) (page 696)
Reinforcement Strand Layout (66) (page 707)

Automated Reinforcement Layout 573 Automated reinforcement layout tools

3.1 Automated reinforcement layout tools
Tekla Structures includes the following components that you can use to
automatically create reinforcement layouts for double-tees, beams, and

Component Icon Description

Double-tee beam Creates reinforcement in
(51) (page 574) double-tee beams.
Inverted-tee beam Creates reinforcement in
(52) (page 593) inverted-tee beams.
Ledge beam (53) Creates reinforcement in ledge
(page 607) beams.
Rectangular beam Creates reinforcement in
(54) (page 621) rectangular beams.
Ledge spandrel (55) Creates reinforcement in ledge
(page 633) spandrels.
Rectangular Creates reinforcement in
spandrel (56) rectangular spandrels.
(page 644)
Columns (57) Creates reinforcement in
(page 655) columns.
Hollowcore Creates hollow core
reinforcement reinforcement.
strands (60)
(page 680)
Post-tensioning (61) Creates post-tensioning
(page 684) profiles.
Edge and Corner Creates edge and corner
Reinforcement (62) reinforcement for concrete
(page 687) slabs.
U Bar of concrete Creates U bar reinforcement for
slab (63) concrete slabs.
(page 694)

3.2 Double-tee beam (51)

Double-tee beam (51) creates flexural, shear, and flange reinforcement for a
double-tee beam.

Objects created
Reinforcement meshes.

Automated Reinforcement Layout 574 Double-tee beam (51)

Use for

Situation Description
Double-tee with

Prestress straight or depressed strands for flexural reinforcement in

double-tee stems
Mild longitudinal bars for flexural reinforcement in double-tee stems
Mesh for shear reinforcement in double-tee stems
Stirrups in double-tee stems
Reinforcement mesh in the double-tee flange
Transverse and longitudinal mild reinforcing bar in the ends and sides of
the double-tee flange
Reinforcement around openings and notches in the double-tee flange

Before you start

Create a concrete double-tee beam.
Calculate the required area and quantity of strands and other
Define other reinforcement properties, such as debonding and pull values.

Selection order
1. Select the double-tee beam. The reinforcement is created automatically.

Double-tee beam (51): Strand template tab

Use the Strand template tab to define the number and arrangement of
vertical strand planes in each stem, and the vertical distances between grid
points in each plane in the Double-tee beam (51) reinforcement.

Grid spacing along Y

Define the grid spacing values for the y axis.
Separate the values with commas or spaces. The first value is the distance
from the the bottom edge of the stem. Each successive value is the distance to
the next grid point.

Automated Reinforcement Layout 575 Double-tee beam (51)

TIP Use a multiplier to define a repeating series of values. For example, 8*2
indicates eight holes with a two unit spacing.

Strand planes

Option Description


Automated Reinforcement Layout 576 Double-tee beam (51)

Option Description


Automated Reinforcement Layout 577 Double-tee beam (51)

Option Description

Double-tee beam (51): Strand pattern tab

Use the Strand pattern tab to define the placement of strands in the grid
points in the Double-tee beam (51) reinforcement.

Same as left
Define the strand input.
Select Yes to use the row and debond information of the left end for the
strands at the right end of the strand.
Select No to define an alternate row and debond information at each end
of the strand.

Strand pattern definitions

Define the row and column for each end of the strand using the strand
template positions in the strand grid. Strands may have different grid row
positions at each end, but a strand cannot cross grid columns.

Option Description
Left end - Row Define the horizontal row number in the strand
template for the left end of the strand.
Left end - Define the debond length at the left end of the
Debond strand.
Right end - Row If Same as left is No, define the horizontal row
number in the strand template for the right end
of the strand.

Automated Reinforcement Layout 578 Double-tee beam (51)

Option Description
Right end - If Same as left is No, define the debond length at
Debond the right end of the strand.
Columns Define a list of one or more column numbers
and/or column ranges in the strand template at
which a strand should be created.
Size Define the size of the strands by selecting if from
the reinforcing bar catalog.
Grade Define the strand grade.
Pull Define the pull force of the strands.

Double-tee beam (51): Strand profile tab

Use the Strand profile tab to define profiles for the strands in the Double-tee
beam (51) reinforcement. All strands in each stem use the same general

Strand depression profiles

Option Description
One point,

Two points,

Two points,


Automated Reinforcement Layout 579 Double-tee beam (51)

Depress position
Define depress positions A and B as either a fixed distance or as a percentage
of the member length.

Same as A
Define whether depress position B uses the same values as depress position A
in the Two points, depressed variable and Two points, depressed fixed
strand profiles.

Depression spacing type

To define the depression spacing type, select One point, depressed as the
strand profile.

Option Description
Exact location Define the height of the strand in
Strand ht @ position.
Top of depression Define the distance Xd from the
depress point in the outmost
reinforcing bar to the edge of the

Double-tee beam (51): Longitudinal rebar tab

Use the Longitudinal rebar tab to define longitudinal reinforcement in the
Double-tee beam (51) reinforcement.

Minimum end clear distance C & D

Define the minimum end clearance distance.

Longitudinal rebar definitions

Option Description
Qty Define the quantity of reinforcing bars.
Grade Define the grade of the reinforcing bar.
Size Define the size of the reinforcing bar by
selecting it from the reinforcing bar catalog.
Ht Define the distance from the end of the
reinforcing bar to the face of the strand.

Length type
Define the length type for the reinforcing bar group. Enter additional
information in the L, C, or D fields.

Automated Reinforcement Layout 580 Double-tee beam (51)

Option Description
Full length Reinforcing bar extends the full length of the
stem, excluding the minimum end clear
distance at each end.
The L, C, and D fields are disabled.
Centered Define a fixed length L for the reinforcing bar.
The reinforcing bar is place at the center
position in the stem.
The C and D fields are disabled.
Known L, C Define a fixed length L for the reinforcing bar
and a distance C from the start of the strand.
The D field is disabled.
Known L, C Define a fixed length L for the reinforcing bar
and a distance D from the end of the strand.
The C field is disabled.
Known C, D Define a distance C and D from the end of the
The L field is disabled.

Double-tee beam (51): Stem mesh tab

Use the Stem mesh tab to control the creation of stem meshes and their
position in the Double-tee beam (51) reinforcement.

Stem mesh creation

Define whether one, two, or no stem meshes are created.

Stem mesh dimensions

Define the mesh type by selecting it from the mesh type catalog. The mesh
type also defines the mesh grade, mesh size, and bar spacing.

Automated Reinforcement Layout 581 Double-tee beam (51)

Option Description
End distance, de Define the distance from the
edge of the mesh to the edge of
the stem.
Bottom Define the distance from the
clearance, h1 edge of the mesh to the bottom
edge of the stem.
Specify, h3 Select Top clearance.
Define the distance from the
edge of the mesh to the top edge
of the stem.
Specify, h2 Select Mesh height.
Define the height of the mesh.
Mesh full length Define the mesh full length. The
options are:
Set length E
Define the left end length and
right end length.
Full length
Multiple sheets creates
overlapping meshes along the
short and long sides of the
Define the overlap on the
Multiple sheets tab.
Left end length, Define the length of the left end
E mesh.
Right end Define the length of the right end
length, F mesh.

Automated Reinforcement Layout 582 Double-tee beam (51)

Mesh stem position

Option Description
Mesh stem Define the position for both ends of the stem,
position x1 and x2.

Double-tee beam (51): Multiple sheets tab

Use the Multiple sheets tab to define the minimum overlap along the
longitudinal and crossing direction of the meshes in the Double-tee beam
(51) reinforcement. Multiple sheets are created if you have selected Mesh full
length to be Multiple sheets on the Stem mesh tab.


Option Description
Min. overlapping Define the minimum overlap along the
(Short Side) crossing direction of the mesh.
Min. overlapping Define the minimum overlap along the
(Long side) longitudinal direction of the mesh.
Mesh leftover Define whether the leftover is cut, Cut
leftover, or not, Overlap leftover.

Double-tee beam (51): Stem stirrups tab

Use the Stem stirrups tab to define how the the stem stirrups are created in
the Double-tee beam (51) reinforcement.

Automated Reinforcement Layout 583 Double-tee beam (51)

Reinforcing bar properties

Option Description
Same as left end Define whether the same spacing and
reinforcing bar properties are used at the
right end of the stem.
Spacing Define the reinforcing bar spacing.
Use a space to separate spacing values.
Enter a value for each space between the
reinforcing bars. For example, if there are
3 reinforcing bars, enter 2 values.
Bars Define the number of reinforcing bars.
Rebar grade Define the reinforcing bar grade.
If you select the size from the reinforcing
bar catalog, the grade value is not used.
Rebar size Define the reinforcing bar size by selecting
it from the reinforcing bar catalog.

Stirrup shape

Option Description
No stirrups.

Automated Reinforcement Layout 584 Double-tee beam (51)

Option Description
Open U-shape stirrup with

180-degree closed stirrups.

Stirrup dimensions

Automated Reinforcement Layout 585 Double-tee beam (51)

Field Description
Define the length of the stirrup
Define the distance from the
middle of the stirrup leg to the
face of the stem.
To define the distance, first select
Top cover from the Specify list.
Define the height of the stirrup.
To define the height, first select
Stirrup height from the Specify
Define the distance from the
bottom edge of the stirrup to the
bottom edge of the stem.
Define the distance from the
bottom corner edge of the stirrup
to the side face of the stem.

Field Description
Define the distance from the top
edge of the stirrup to the face of
the stem.
To define the top cover, select
Top cover from the Specify list.

Automated Reinforcement Layout 586 Double-tee beam (51)

Field Description
Define the height of the stirrup.
To define the height of the
stirrup, select Stirrup height
from the Specify list.
Define the distance from the
bottom edge of the stirrup to the
bottom edge of the stem.
Define the distance from the
bottom corner edge of the stirrup
to the side face of the stem.

Double-tee beam (51): Flange tab

Use the Flange tab to define the reinforcing bar mesh for flanges in the
Double-tee beam (51) reinforcement.

Reinforcing bar mesh dimensions

Option Description
Define the distance from the top edge of the
mesh to the top edge of the flange.
Define the distance between two longitudinal
reinforcing bars.
Define the distance from the bottom edge of
the mesh to the bottom edge of the flange.
Define the distance from the side edge of the
mesh to the side edge of the flange.

Automated Reinforcement Layout 587 Double-tee beam (51)

Option Description
Define the number of reinforcing bars.

Define the reinforcing bar spacing.

Use a space to separate spacing values. Enter a
value for each space between the reinforcing
bars. For example, if there are 3 reinforcing
bars, enter 2 values.
Define the maximum spacing between
reinforcing bars.

Reinforcing bar properties

Define the reinforcing bar properties for both the transverse (crossing) and
longitudinal reinforcing bars.

Option Description
Size Define the reinforcing bar size by selecting it
from the reinforcing bar catalog.
Grade Define the reinforcing bar grade.
If you select the size from the reinforcing bar
catalog, the grade value is not used.
Mesh catalog type Define the mesh type by selecting if from the
mesh catalog.
Ht Define the height of the mesh.
Mesh full length Define whether the mesh is full length or not.
If you select No, define the end lengths for
the mesh.
Left end length, E Define the left end length of the mesh.
Right end length, Define the right end length of the mesh.

Double-tee beam (51): Notch/Opening tab

Use the Notch/Opening tab to define the reinforcement around the notches
and openings in the Double-tee beam (51) reinforcement.

Notch/opening reinforcement properties

Option Description
Min notch dimension, D Define the minimum notch

Automated Reinforcement Layout 588 Double-tee beam (51)

Option Description
Edge distance, de Define the distance from
the reinforcing bar to the
corner of the opening.
Extension, L Define the distance from
the notch opening to the
end of the reinforcing bar.
Number of bars Define the number of
reinforcing bars.
Spacing Define the reinforcing bar
Use a space to separate
spacing values. Enter a
value for each space
between the reinforcing
bars. For example, if there
are 3 reinforcing bars,
enter 2 values.
Rebar size Define the reinforcing bar
size by selecting it from the
reinforcing bar catalog.
Rebar grade Define the reinforcing bar
If you select the size from
the reinforcing bar catalog,
the grade value is not used.

Corner notch reinforcement

Option Description
Diagonal reinforcement
around the corner notches.

Automated Reinforcement Layout 589 Double-tee beam (51)

Option Description
Parallel reinforcement
around the corner notches.

Side/end notch reinforcement

Option Description
Diagonal reinforcement
around the side or end

Parallel reinforcement
around the side or end
Define both the horizontal
and vertical reinforcement

Automated Reinforcement Layout 590 Double-tee beam (51)

Opening reinforcement

Option Description
Diagonal reinforcement
around the opening.

Parallel reinforcement
around the opening.
Define both the horizontal
and vertical reinforcement

Double-tee beam (51): Edge reinforcement tab

Use the Edge reinforcement tab to create edge reinforcement for the
openings in the Double-tee beam (51) reinforcement.

Reinforcement bar properties

Option Description
Number of bars Define the number of reinforcing bars.
Spacing Define the reinforcement bar spacing.
Use a space to separate spacing values.
Enter a value for each space between
the reinforcing bars. For example, if
there are 3 reinforcing bars, enter 2
Rebar size Define the reinforcing bar size by
selecting it from the reinforcing bar
Rebar grade Define the reinforcing bar grade.
If you select the size from the reinforcing
bar catalog, the grade value is not used.

Automated Reinforcement Layout 591 Double-tee beam (51)

Section view

Option Description
Define the distance from the end
of the reinforcing bar to the edge
of the stem.
Define the distance from the top
edge of the reinforcing bar to the
face of the stem.
Define the distance of the
reinforcing bar from the side face
of the stem.
Enter a positive value to move
the reinforcing bar closer to the
outer egde of the stem.
Enter a negative value to move
the reinforcing bar to the inner
edge of the stem.
Define the distance from the
bottom edge of the reinforcing
bar to the bottom edge of the

Plan view

Automated Reinforcement Layout 592 Double-tee beam (51)

Option Description
Define the distance from the middle of the
outmost reinforcing bar to the notch/opening

3.3 Inverted-tee beam (52)

Creates typical flexural, shear, and ledge reinforcement for an inverted-tee

Reinforcement created
Prestress straight or depressed strands for flexural reinforcement in the
inverted tee stem
Mild longitudinal bars for flexural reinforcement
Mesh for shear reinforcement in the beam stem
Stirrups for shear reinforcement in the beam stem
Reinforcement mesh in the inverted-tee ledges
Stirrups for shear reinforcement in the inverted-tee ledges
Mild reinforcement in the top of the beam that will be used later to create a
composite member
Mild reinforcement in the ends of the beam

Use for

Straight and depressed prestress strands
Varying strand pattern and strand number
To define longitudinal reinforcement in the stem
When you want reinforcement mesh in the stem

Automated Reinforcement Layout 593 Inverted-tee beam (52)

When you want stirrups in the beam stem
To use reinforcement mesh in the beam ledges
To use stirrups in the beam ledges
To define reinforcement for composite members
To add mild reinforcement to the beam ends

Before you start

Create the concrete inverted-tee beam.
Calculate the required area and quantity of strands and other
Define other reinforcement properties, such as debonding and pull values.

Defining properties
Use the following tabs in the Inverted-tee beam automated reinforcement
layout (52) dialog box to define the properties of the objects that this
component creates:

Tab Contents See also

Strand template The allowable grid Strand template
points for strands (page 596)
within the beam cross
Strand pattern The actual strand Strand pattern
definitions. (page 596)
Strand profile The vertical profile for Strand profile
strands in the beam. (page 597)
Longitudinal Definitions for Reinforcing bar
rebar additional mild steel and bar group
reinforcement in the properties
beam. Reinforcement
may be defined with a
variety of parametric
Stem mesh Definition for the Reinforcing bar
mesh to be used in the and bar group
beam stem. Mesh can properties
run the full length of
the beam, or be placed
in short sections at
either end of the
beam. Mesh size,
spacing, clearances,

Automated Reinforcement Layout 594 Inverted-tee beam (52)

Tab Contents See also
and length are all
entered here.
Stem stirrups Definitions for the Stem stirrups
bent bar (page 601)
reinforcement in the
beam stem, including
stirrup shape, bar size,
end clearance, number
of bars, and bar
spacing in five zones
along the length of the
Ledge mesh Definition for the Reinforcing bar
mesh to be used to and bar group
reinforce the beam properties
ledges. Mesh runs the
full length of the
beam. Mesh size,
spacing, and
clearances are all
entered here.
Ledge rebar Definitions for the Ledge rebar
bent bar (page 603)
reinforcement in the
beam ledges, including
stirrup shape, bar size,
end clearance, number
of bars, and bar
spacing in five zones
along the length of the
Composite Definitions for the Reinforcing bar
bent bar and bar group
reinforcement added properties
to the top of the beam
stem for subsequent
creation of composite
elements. Bar size,
projection, cover, end
clearance, number of
bars, and bar spacing
in three zones along
the length of the beam
are all defined here.

Automated Reinforcement Layout 595 Inverted-tee beam (52)

Tab Contents See also
End rebar Definitions for the Reinforcing bar
bent bar and bar group
reinforcement in the properties
beam ends, including
position, orientation,
bar size and length,
cover, and end
clearance. Up to 6
horizontal and 6
vertical bars may be
Attributes Name, class, and Reinforcing bar
numbering properties and bar group
of the strands, properties
stirrups, and mesh

Strand template
You can specify the arrangement of vertical strand planes in the beam, along
with the vertical distances between grid points in each plane. Strands are
defined by their row and column number within the grid, but the template
allows for a mixture of regular and irregular grid points with respect to both
the horizontal and vertical axes.
Use the X- and Y-Axis Grid Definition fields to define a list of distances between
successive planes and grid points. For regularly spaced points, you may use a
multiplier value, for example, 4*6.

Strand pattern
You place strands in the beam by defining the grid points from the strand
template for each end of the strand element. You also define size, and other
reinforcement properties for the strands here.
A row of data on this tab can be thought of as a group. All the strands defined
in one group share the same properties and start and stop rows. A group may
also refer to a list of columns in the strand template, letting you use one group
definition to create a set of strands.

Automated Reinforcement Layout 596 Inverted-tee beam (52)

Strand profile
Strands may be straight (though not necessarily horizontal), or depressed,
using one or two control points. Note that all strands use the same general
Use the following options to define the strand profile:

Option Description

1-pt depressed

2-pt depressed

Automated Reinforcement Layout 597 Inverted-tee beam (52)

Option Description
2-pt depressed

You specify the depress positions A and B as either a fixed distance or as a

percentage of the member length.

Longitudinal rebar
This tab allows you to define any longitudinal reinforcement for the member.
Up to 10 reinforcing bar definitions may be defined.

For each longitudinal reinforcing bar you can:

Specify the minimum clear end distance for C and D.
Select the reinforcing bar size.
Select the reinforcing bar grade.
Specify the horizontal location, Xloc, of the reinforcing bar.
Specify the vertical location, Yloc, of the reinforcing bar.
Select a value from the Length Definition drop-down combo-box to define
the end constraints of the reinforcing bar within the member length.

Automated Reinforcement Layout 598 Inverted-tee beam (52)

Depending on the your choice, additional information is then entered in
the L, C, or D fields. There are five choices:
Full Length - The reinforcing bar extends the full length of the member (minus
the minimum clear end distance on each end). The L, C, and D fields are
Centered - You can specify a fixed length, L for the reinforcing bar which the
component will center in the length of the member. The C and D fields are
Known L, C - You can specify a fixed length, L for the reinforcing bar and a
distance C from the start of the member. The D field is disabled.
Known L, D - You can specify a fixed length, L for the reinforcing bar and a
distance D from the end of the member. The C field is disabled
Known C, D - You can specify a distance C from the start of the member and a
distance D from the end of the member. The L field is disabled.
Values for L, C, and D all take the natural geometry of the beam ends (skewed
and/or battered) into account. Notches in the end of a beam, though they will
naturally clip any bar they intersect, will not affect the L, C, and D values.
Specify the relative location for longitudinal bars using the following icons:

Top and bottom left:

Top and bottom right:

Top and bottom left

and right:

Top left:

Top right:

Top left and right:

Bottom left:

Automated Reinforcement Layout 599 Inverted-tee beam (52)

Bottom right:

Bottom left and right:

Stem mesh
This tab allows you to define mesh reinforcement in the member stem.

Select the mesh size.

Select the mesh grade.
Specify the right side clear cover, C1.
Specify the left side clear cover, C2.

Automated Reinforcement Layout 600 Inverted-tee beam (52)

Specify the bottom clear cover, C3.
Specify the top clear cover, C4.
Specify the left and right end distances, d1 and d2, to the first wire.
Specify whether the mesh is continuous over the full length of the member
or is used only at the spandrel end(s). If Yes is selected from the list, the
mesh extends the full length of the member (less the d1 and d2 end
distances and the L1/L2 fields are disabled). If No is selected from the list,
mesh can be defined at each end using the L1 and L2 fields. If any stem
holes are present, the component should trim the mesh around the hole
using the top cover (C3) dimension as a clearance.

Stem stirrups
Use the following options to define the stem stirrups in inverted-tee beams:

Option Description
No stirrup

90-degree closed

135-degree closed

Automated Reinforcement Layout 601 Inverted-tee beam (52)

Option Description
U-Bar pairs

135-degree open

Automated Reinforcement Layout 602 Inverted-tee beam (52)

Ledge mesh
This tab allows you to define ledge mesh reinforcement in the member.

Select the mesh size.

Select the mesh grade.
Specify the mesh right side cover, C1.
Specify the mesh left side cover, C2.
Specify the mesh bottom cover, C3.
Specify the mesh top cover, C4.
Specify the left end distance to first wire, d1.
Specify the right end distance to first wire, d2.
Mesh extends the full length of the spandrel, less the d1 and d2 end

Automated Reinforcement Layout 603 Inverted-tee beam (52)

Ledge rebar
Use the following options to define the ledge stirrups in inverted-tee beams:

Option Description
No stirrup

Bent U-bar stirrup

Bent U-Bar pairs

90-degree stirrup

135-degree stirrup

Automated Reinforcement Layout 604 Inverted-tee beam (52)

This tab allows you to define reinforcement that will be used later to create a
composite member component.

Select the reinforcing bar size.

Select the reinforcing bar grade.
Specify the reinforcing bar embedment, A.
Specify the reinforcing bar projection, B.
Specify the side cover, C1.
Specify the left end distance, d1, and right end distance, d2, from the
end of the beam to the centerline of the first reinforcing bar.
Specify the quantity, X, and spacing, S1, of the first group of reinforcing
bar at the left end.
Specify the quantity, Y, and spacing, S2, of the first group of reinforcing
bar at the right end.
Specify the maximum reinforcing bar spacing, S3, to be used between the
end groups.

Automated Reinforcement Layout 605 Inverted-tee beam (52)

End rebar
This tab allows you to define reinforcement at the ends of the member.

Specify up to 6 horizontal and 6 vertical end U-bars.

Specify the clearance for the horizontal U-bars.
For each horizontal U-bar:
Specify the height, Ht, of the horizontal U-bar.
Select the reinforcing bar size and grade.
Specify the reinforcing bar side cover, C1.
Specify the reinforcing bar leg length.
Specify the end clearance for the vertical U-bars.
For each vertical U-bar:
Specify the horizontal location, X loc, of the vertical U-bar.
Select the reinforcing bar size and grade.

Automated Reinforcement Layout 606 Inverted-tee beam (52)

Specify the reinforcing bar top cover, C2.
Specify the reinforcing bar bottom cover,C3.
Specify the reinforcing bar leg length.

This tab lets you define the general attribute information for the
reinforcement created by the component.

For each attribute:

Specify the Serie value.
Specify the Starting Number for the category.
Enter the category name.
Enter the Class number

3.4 Ledge beam (53)

Creates typical flexural, shear, and ledge reinforcement for a ledge beam.

Reinforcement created
Prestress straight or depressed strands for flexural reinforcement in the
beam stem
Mild longitudinal bars for flexural reinforcement
Mesh for shear reinforcement in the beam stem
Stirrups for shear reinforcement in the beam stem
Reinforcement mesh in the beam ledge

Automated Reinforcement Layout 607 Ledge beam (53)

Stirrups for shear reinforcement in the beam ledge
Mild reinforcement in the top of the beam that will be used later to create a
composite member
Mild reinforcement in the ends of the beam

Use for

Straight and depressed prestress strands
Varying strand pattern and strand number
To define longitudinal reinforcement in the stem
When you want reinforcement mesh in the stem
When you want stirrups in the beam stem
To use reinforcement mesh in the beam ledge
To use stirrups in the beam ledge
To define reinforcement for composite members
To add mild reinforcement to the beam ends

Before you start

Create the concrete ledge beam.
Calculate the required area and quantity of strands and other
Define other reinforcement properties, such as debonding and pull values.

Defining properties
Use the following tabs in the Ledge beam automated reinforcement layout
(53) dialog box to define the properties of the objects that this component

Tab Contents See also

Strand template The allowable grid Strand template
points for strands (page 610)

Automated Reinforcement Layout 608 Ledge beam (53)

Tab Contents See also
within the beam cross
Strand pattern The actual strand Strand pattern
definitions. (page 611)
Strand profile The vertical profile for Strand profile
strands in the beam. (page 611)
Longitudinal Definitions for Reinforcing bar
rebar additional mild steel and bar group
reinforcement in the properties
beam. Reinforcement
may be defined with a
variety of parametric
Stem mesh Definition for the Reinforcing bar
mesh to be used in the and bar group
beam stem. Mesh can properties
run the full length of
the beam, or be placed
in short sections at
either end of the
beam. Mesh size,
spacing, clearances,
and length are all
entered here.
Stem stirrups Definitions for the Stem stirrups
bent bar (page 616)
reinforcement in the
beam stem, including
stirrup shape, bar size,
end clearance, number
of bars, and bar
spacing in five zones
along the length of the
Ledge mesh Definition for the Reinforcing bar
mesh to be used to and bar group
reinforce the beam properties
ledge. Mesh runs the
full length of the
beam. Mesh size,
spacing, and
clearances are all
entered here.
Ledge rebar Definitions for the Ledge rebar
bent bar (page 618)

Automated Reinforcement Layout 609 Ledge beam (53)

Tab Contents See also
reinforcement in the
beam ledge, including
stirrup shape, bar size,
end clearance, number
of bars, and bar
spacing in five zones
along the length of the
Composite Definitions for the Reinforcing bar
bent bar and bar group
reinforcement added properties
to the top of the beam
stem for subsequent
creation of composite
elements. Bar size,
projection, cover, end
clearance, number of
bars, and bar spacing
in three zones along
the length of the beam
are all defined here.
End rebar Definitions for the Reinforcing bar
bent bar and bar group
reinforcement in the properties
beam ends, including
position, orientation,
bar size and length,
cover, and end
clearance. Up to 6
horizontal and 6
vertical bars may be
Attributes Name, class, and Reinforcing bar
numbering properties and bar group
of the strands, properties
stirrups, and mesh

Strand template
You can specify the arrangement of vertical strand planes in the beam, along
with the vertical distances between grid points in each plane. Strands are
defined by their row and column number within the grid, but the template

Automated Reinforcement Layout 610 Ledge beam (53)

allows for a mixture of regular and irregular grid points with respect to both
the horizontal and vertical axes.
Use the X- and Y-Axis Grid Definition fields to define a list of distances between
successive planes and grid points. For regularly spaced points, you may use a
multiplier value, for example, 4*6.

Strand pattern
You place strands in the beam by defining the grid points from the strand
template for each end of the strand element. You also define size, and other
reinforcement properties for the strands here.
A row of data on this tab can be thought of as a group. All the strands defined
in one group share the same properties and start and stop rows. A group may
also refer to a list of columns in the strand template, letting you use one group
definition to create a set of strands.

Strand profile
Strands may be straight (though not necessarily horizontal), or depressed,
using one or two control points. Note that all strands use the same general
Use the following options to define the strand profile:

Option Description

Automated Reinforcement Layout 611 Ledge beam (53)

Option Description
1-pt depressed

2-pt depressed

2-pt depressed

You specify the depress positions A and B as either a fixed distance or as a

percentage of the member length.

Longitudinal rebar
This tab allows you to define any longitudinal reinforcement for the member.
Up to 10 reinforcing bar definitions may be defined.

Automated Reinforcement Layout 612 Ledge beam (53)

For each longitudinal reinforcing bar, you can.
Specify the minimum clear end distance for C and D.
Select the reinforcing bar size.
Select the reinforcing bar grade.
Specify the horizontal location, Xloc, of the reinforcing bar.
Specify the vertical location, Yloc, of the reinforcing bar.
Select a value from the Length Definition drop-down combo-box to define
the end constraints of the reinforcing bar within the member length.
Depending on the your choice, additional information is then entered in
the L, C, or D fields. There are five choices:
Full Length - The reinforcing bar extends the full length of the member (minus
the minimum clear end distance on each end). The L, C, and D fields are
Centered - You can specify a fixed length, L for the reinforcing bar which the
component will center in the length of the member. The C and D fields are
Known L, C - You can specify a fixed length, L for the reinforcing bar and a
distance C from the start of the member. The D field is disabled.
Known L, D - You can specify a fixed length, L for the reinforcing bar and a
distance D from the end of the member. The C field is disabled
Known C, D - You can specify a distance C from the start of the member and a
distance D from the end of the member. The L field is disabled.
Values for L, C, and D all take the natural geometry of the beam ends (skewed
and/or battered) into account. Notches in the end of a beam, though they will
naturally clip any bar they intersect, will not affect the L, C, and D values.
Specify the relative location for longitudinal bars using the following icons:

Top and bottom left:

Top and bottom right:

Top and bottom left

and right:

Top left:

Automated Reinforcement Layout 613 Ledge beam (53)

Top right:

Top left and right:

Bottom left:

Bottom right:

Bottom left and right:

Automated Reinforcement Layout 614 Ledge beam (53)

Stem mesh
This tab allows you to define mesh reinforcement in the member stem.

Select the mesh size.

Select the mesh grade.
Specify the right side clear cover, C1.
Specify the left side clear cover, C2.
Specify the bottom clear cover, C3.
Specify the top clear cover, C4.
Specify the left and right end distances, d1 and d2, to the first wire.
Specify whether the mesh is continuous over the full length of the member
or is used only at the spandrel end(s). If Yes is selected from the list, the
mesh extends the full length of the member (less the d1 and d2 end
distances and the L1/L2 fields are disabled). If No is selected from the list,
mesh can be defined at each end using the L1 and L2 fields. If any stem
holes are present, the component should trim the mesh around the hole
using the top cover (C3) dimension as a clearance.

Automated Reinforcement Layout 615 Ledge beam (53)

Stem stirrups
Use the following options to define the stem stirrups in ledge beams:

Option Description
No stirrup

90-degree closed

135-degree closed

U-Bar pairs

Automated Reinforcement Layout 616 Ledge beam (53)

Option Description
135-degree open

Ledge mesh
This tab allows you to define ledge mesh reinforcement in the member.

Select the mesh size.

Select the mesh grade.
Specify the mesh right side cover, C1.
Specify the mesh left side cover, C2.
Specify the mesh bottom cover, C3.
Specify the mesh top cover, C4.

Automated Reinforcement Layout 617 Ledge beam (53)

Specify the left end distance to first wire, d1.
Specify the right end distance to first wire, d2.
Mesh extends the full length of the spandrel, less the d1 and d2 end

Ledge rebar
Use the following options to define the ledge reinforcing bars in ledge beams:

Option Description
No stirrup

Bent U-bar stirrup

Bent U-Bar pairs

90-degree stirrup

Automated Reinforcement Layout 618 Ledge beam (53)

Option Description
135-degree stirrup

This tab allows you to define reinforcement that will be used later to create a
composite member component.

Select the reinforcing bar size.

Select the reinforcing bar grade.
Specify the reinforcing bar embedment, A.
Specify the reinforcing bar projection, B.

Automated Reinforcement Layout 619 Ledge beam (53)

Specify the side cover, C1.
Specify the left end distance, d1, and right end distance,d2, from the end
of the beam to the centerline of the first reinforcing bar.
Specify the quantity, X, and spacing, S1, of the first group of reinforcing
bar at the left end.
Specify the quantity, Y, and spacing, S2, of the first group of reinforcing
bar at the right end.
Specify the maximum reinforcing bar spacing, S3, to be used between the
end groups.

End rebar
This tab allows you to define reinforcement at the ends of the member.

Specify up to 6 horizontal and 6 vertical end U-bars.

Specify the end clearance for the horizontal U-bars.

Automated Reinforcement Layout 620 Ledge beam (53)

For each horizontal U-bar:
Specify the height, Ht, of the horizontal U-bar.
Select the reinforcing bar size and grade.
Specify the reinforcing bar side cover, C1.
Specify the reinforcing bar leg length.
Specify the end clearance for the vertical U-bars.
For each vertical U-bar:
Specify the horizontal location, X loc, of the vertical U-bar.
Select the reinforcing bar size and grade.
Specify the reinforcing bar top cover, C2.
Specify the reinforcing bar bottom cover,C3.
Specify the reinforcing bar leg length.

This tab lets you define the general attribute information for the
reinforcement created by the component.

For each attribute:

Specify the Serie value.
Specify the Starting Number for the category.
Enter the category name.
Enter the Class number

Automated Reinforcement Layout 621 Rectangular beam (54)

3.5 Rectangular beam (54)
Creates typical flexural and shear reinforcement for a rectangular beam.

Reinforcement created
Prestress straight or depressed strands for flexural reinforcement in the
Mild longitudinal bars for flexural reinforcement
Mesh for shear reinforcement in the beam
Stirrups for shear reinforcement in the beam
Mild reinforcement in the top of the beam that will be used later to create a
composite member
Mild reinforcement in the ends of the beam

Use for

Straight and depressed prestress strands
Varying strand pattern and strand number
To define longitudinal reinforcement in the beam
When you want reinforcement mesh in the beam
When you want stirrups in the beam
To define reinforcement for composite members
To add mild reinforcement to the beam ends

Before you start

Create the concrete rectangular beam.
Calculate the required area and quantity of strands and other
Define other reinforcement properties, such as debonding and pull values.

Automated Reinforcement Layout 622 Rectangular beam (54)

Defining properties
Use the following tabs in the Rectangular beam automated reinforcement
layout (54) dialog box to define the properties of the objects that this
component creates:

Tab Contents See also

Strand template The allowable grid Strand template
points for strands (page 624)
within the beam cross
Strand pattern The actual strand Strand pattern
definitions. (page 624)
Strand profile The vertical profile for Strand profile
strands in the beam. (page 625)
Longitudinal Definitions for Longitudinal
rebar additional mild steel rebar
reinforcement in the (page 649)
beam. Reinforcement
may be defined with a
variety of parametric
Stem mesh Definition for the Stem mesh
mesh to be used in the (page 651)
beam. Mesh can run
the full length of the
beam, or be placed in
short sections at either
end of the beam. Mesh
size, spacing,
clearances, and length
are all entered here.
Stem stirrups Definitions for the Stem stirrups
bent bar (page 629)
reinforcement in the
beam, including
stirrup shape, bar size,
end clearance, number
of bars, and bar
spacing in five zones
along the length of the
Composite Definitions for the
bent bar
reinforcement added
to the top of the beam
for subsequent

Automated Reinforcement Layout 623 Rectangular beam (54)

Tab Contents See also
creation of composite
elements. Bar size,
projection, cover, end
clearance, number of
bars, and bar spacing
in three zones along
the length of the beam
are all defined here.
End rebar Definitions for the
bent bar
reinforcement in the
beam ends, including
position, orientation,
bar size and length,
cover, and end
clearance. Up to 6
horizontal and 6
vertical bars may be
Attributes Name, class, and
numbering properties
of the strands,
stirrups, and mesh

Strand template
You can specify the arrangement of vertical strand planes in the beam, along
with the vertical distances between grid points in each plane. Strands are
defined by their row and column number within the grid, but the template
allows for a mixture of regular and irregular grid points with respect to both
the horizontal and vertical axes.
Use the fields Grid spacing along X and Grid spacing along Y to define a list
of distances between successive planes and grid points. For regularly spaced
points, you may use a multiplier value, for example, 4*6.

Automated Reinforcement Layout 624 Rectangular beam (54)

Strand pattern
You place strands in the beam by defining the grid points from the strand
template for each end of the strand element. You also define size, and other
reinforcement properties for the strands here.
A row of data on this tab can be thought of as a group. All the strands defined
in one group share the same properties and start and stop rows. A group may
also refer to a list of columns in the strand template, letting you use one group
definition to create a set of strands.

Strand profile
Strands may be straight (though not necessarily horizontal), or depressed,
using one or two control points. Note that all strands use the same general
Use the following options to define the strand profile:

Option Description

1-pt depressed

Automated Reinforcement Layout 625 Rectangular beam (54)

Option Description
2-pt depressed

2-pt depressed

You specify the depress positions A and B as either a fixed distance or as a

percentage of the member length.

Longitudinal rebar
This tab allows you to define any longitudinal reinforcement for the member.
Up to 10 reinforcing bar definitions may be defined.

For each longitudinal reinforcing bar you can:

Specify the minimum clear end distance for C and D.
Select the reinforcing bar size.
Select the reinforcing bar grade.
Specify the horizontal location, Xloc, of the reinforcing bar.
Specify the vertical location, Yloc, of the reinforcing bar.

Automated Reinforcement Layout 626 Rectangular beam (54)

Select a value from the Length Definition drop-down combo-box to define
the end constraints of the reinforcing bar within the member length.
Depending on your choice, additional information is then entered in the L,
C, or D fields. There are five choices:
Full Length - The reinforcing bar extends the full length of the member (minus
the minimum clear end distance on each end). The L, C, and D fields are
Centered - You can specify a fixed length, L for the reinforcing bar which the
component will center in the length of the member. The C and D fields are
Known L, C - You can specify a fixed length, L for the reinforcing bar and a
distance C from the start of the member. The D field is disabled.
Known L, D - You can specify a fixed length, L for the reinforcing bar and a
distance D from the end of the member. The C field is disabled
Known C, D - You can specify a distance C from the start of the member and a
distance D from the end of the member. The L field is disabled.
Values for L, C, and D all take the natural geometry of the beam ends (skewed
and/or battered) into account. Notches in the end of a beam, though they will
naturally clip any bar they intersect, will not affect the L, C, and D values.
Specify the relative location for longitudinal bars using the following icons:

Top and bottom left:

Top and bottom right:

Top and bottom left

and right:

Top left:

Top right:

Top left and right:

Automated Reinforcement Layout 627 Rectangular beam (54)

Bottom left:

Bottom right:

Bottom left and right:

Stem mesh
This tab allows you to define mesh reinforcement in the stem of the beam.

Select the mesh size.

Select the mesh grade.

Automated Reinforcement Layout 628 Rectangular beam (54)

Specify the right side clear cover, C1.
Specify the left side clear cover, C2.
Specify the bottom clear cover, C3.
Specify the top clear cover, C4.
Specify the left and right end distances, d1 and d2, to the first wire.
Specify whether the mesh is continuous over the full length of the member or
is used only at the spandrel end(s). If Yes is selected from the list, the mesh
extends the full length of the member (less the d1 and d2 end distances and
the L1/L2 fields are disabled). If No is selected from the list, mesh can be
defined at each end using the L1 and L2 fields. If any stem holes are
present, the component should trim the mesh around the hole using the top
cover (C3) dimension as a clearance.

Stem stirrups
Use the following options to define the stem stirrups in ledge beams:

Option Description
No stirrup

90-degree closed

Automated Reinforcement Layout 629 Rectangular beam (54)

Option Description
135-degree closed

U-Bar pairs

135-degree open

Automated Reinforcement Layout 630 Rectangular beam (54)

This tab allows you to define reinforcement that will be used later to create a
composite member component.

Select the reinforcing bar size.

Select the reinforcing bar grade.
Specify the reinforcing bar embedment, A.
Specify the reinforcing bar projection, B.
Specify the side cover, C1.
Specify the left end distance, d1, and right end distance, d2, from the
end of the beam to the centerline of the first reinforcing bar.
Specify the quantity, X, and spacing, S1, of the first group of reinforcing
bar at the left end.
Specify the quantity, Y, and spacing, S2, of the first group of reinforcing
bar at the right end.
Specify the maximum reinforcing bar spacing, S3, to be used between the
end groups.

Automated Reinforcement Layout 631 Rectangular beam (54)

End rebar
This tab allows you to define reinforcement at the ends of the member.

Specify up to 6 horizontal and 6 vertical end U-bars.

Specify the end clearance for the horizontal U-bars.
For each horizontal U-bar:
Specify the height, Ht, of the horizontal U-bar.
Select the reinforcing bar size and grade.
Specify the reinforcing bar side cover, C1.
Specify the reinforcing bar leg length.
Specify the end clearance for the vertical U-bars.
For each vertical U-bar:
Specify the horizontal location, X loc, of the vertical U-bar.
Select the reinforcing bar size and grade.

Automated Reinforcement Layout 632 Rectangular beam (54)

Specify the reinforcing bar top cover, C2.
Specify the reinforcing bar bottom cover,C3.
Specify the reinforcing bar leg length.

This tab lets you define the general attribute information for the
reinforcement created by the component.

For each attribute:

Specify the Serie value.
Specify the Starting Number for the category.
Enter the category name.
Enter the Class number

3.6 Ledge spandrel (55)

Creates typical flexural, shear, and ledge reinforcement for a ledge spandrel.

Reinforcement created
Prestress straight or depressed strands for flexural reinforcement in the
spandrel stem
Mild longitudinal bars for flexural reinforcement
Mesh for shear reinforcement in the spandrel stem
Stirrups for shear reinforcement in the spandrel stem
Reinforcement mesh in the spandrel ledge
Stirrups for shear reinforcement in the spandrel ledge

Automated Reinforcement Layout 633 Ledge spandrel (55)

Mild reinforcement in the ends of the spandrel

Use for

Straight and depressed prestress strands
Varying strand pattern and strand number
To define longitudinal reinforcement in the stem
When you want reinforcement mesh in the stem
When you want stirrups in the spandrel stem
To use reinforcement mesh in the spandrel ledge
To use stirrups in the spandrel ledge
To add mild reinforcement to the spandrel ends

Before you start

Create the concrete ledge spandrel.
Calculate the required area and quantity of strands and other
Define other reinforcement properties, such as debonding and pull values.

Defining properties
Use the following tabs in the Ledge spandrel automated reinforcement
layout (55) dialog box to define the properties of the objects that this
component creates:

Tab Contents See also

Strand Template The allowable grid Strand template
points for strands (page 636)
within the spandrel
cross section.
Strand Pattern The actual strand Strand pattern
definitions. (page 636)

Automated Reinforcement Layout 634 Ledge spandrel (55)

Tab Contents See also
Strand Profile The vertical profile for Strand profile
strands in the (page 637)
Longitudinal Definitions for Reinforcing bar
Rebar additional mild steel and bar group
reinforcement in the properties
Reinforcement may be
defined with a variety
of parametric forms.
Stem Mesh Definition for the Reinforcing bar
mesh to be used in the and bar group
spandrel stem. Mesh properties
can run the full length
of the spandrel, or be
placed in short
sections at either end.
Mesh size, spacing,
clearances, and length
are all entered here.
Stem Stirrups Definitions for the Stem stirrups
bent bar (page 640)
reinforcement in the
spandrel stem,
including stirrup
shape, bar size, end
clearance, number of
bars, and bar spacing
in eight zones along
the length of the
Ledge Mesh Definition for the Reinforcing bar
mesh to be used to and bar group
reinforce the spandrel properties
ledge. Mesh runs the
full length of the
spandrel. Mesh size,
spacing, and
clearances are all
entered here.
Ledge Stirrups Definitions for the Ledge rebar
bent bar (page 642)
reinforcement in the
spandrel ledge,
including stirrup
shape, bar size, end

Automated Reinforcement Layout 635 Ledge spandrel (55)

Tab Contents See also
clearance, number of
bars, and bar spacing
in eight zones along
the length of the
End Rebar Definitions for the Reinforcing bar
bent bar and bar group
reinforcement in the properties
spandrel ends,
including position,
orientation, bar size
and length, cover, and
end clearance. Up to 6
horizontal bars may be
Attributes Name, class, and Reinforcing bar
numbering properties and bar group
of the strands, properties
stirrups, and mesh

Strand template
You can specify the arrangement of vertical strand planes in the spandrel,
along with the vertical distances between grid points in each plane. Strands
are defined by their row and column number within the grid, but the template
allows for a mixture of regular and irregular grid points with respect to both
the horizontal and vertical axes.
Use the Grid spacing along X and Grid spacing along Y fields to define a list
of distances between successive planes and grid points. For regularly spaced
points, you may use a multiplier value, for example, 4*6.

Strand pattern
You place strands in the spandrel by defining the grid points from the strand
template for each end of the strand element. You also define size, and other
reinforcement properties for the strands here.
A row of data on this tab can be thought of as a group. All the strands defined
in one group share the same properties and start and stop rows. A group may
also refer to a list of columns in the strand template, letting you use one group
definition to create a set of strands.

Automated Reinforcement Layout 636 Ledge spandrel (55)

Strand profile
Strands may be straight (though not necessarily horizontal), or depressed,
using one or two control points. Note that all strands use the same general
Use the following options to define the strand profile:

Option Description

1-pt depressed

2-pt depressed

2-pt depressed

You specify the depress positions A and B as either a fixed distance or as a

percentage of the member length.

Automated Reinforcement Layout 637 Ledge spandrel (55)

Longitudinal rebar
This tab allows you to define any longitudinal reinforcement for the member.
Up to 10 reinforcing bar definitions may be defined.

For each longitudinal reinforcing bar you can:

Specify the minimum clear end distance for C and D.
Select the reinforcing bar size.
Select the reinforcing bar grade.
Specify the horizontal location, Xloc, of the reinforcing bar.
Specify the vertical location, Yloc, of the reinforcing bar.
For each longitudinal reinforcing bar you can:
Specify the minimum clear end distance for C and D.
Select the reinforcing bar size.
Select the reinforcing bar grade.
Specify the horizontal location, Xloc, of the reinforcing bar.
Specify the vertical location, Yloc, of the reinforcing bar.
Select a value from the Length Definition list box to define the end
constraints of the reinforcing bar within the member length. Depending on
your choice, additional information is then entered in the L, C, or D
fields. There are five choices:
Full Length - The reinforcing bar extends the full length of the member (minus
the minimum clear end distance on each end). The L, C, and D fields are
Centered - You can specify a fixed length, L for the reinforcing bar which the
component will center in the length of the member. The C and D fields are

Automated Reinforcement Layout 638 Ledge spandrel (55)

Known L, C - You can specify a fixed length, L for the reinforcing bar and a
distance C from the start of the member. The D field is disabled.
Known L, D - You can specify a fixed length, L for the reinforcing bar and a
distance D from the end of the member. The C field is disabled
Known C, D - You can specify a distance C from the start of the member and a
distance D from the end of the member. The L field is disabled.
Values for L, C, and D all take the natural geometry of the beam ends (skewed
and/or battered) into account. Notches in the end of a beam, though they will
naturally clip any bar they intersect, will not affect the L, C, and D values.
Specify the relative location for longitudinal bars using the following icons:

Top and bottom left:

Top and bottom right:

Top and bottom left

and right:

Top left:

Top right:

Top left and right:

Bottom left:

Bottom right:

Bottom left and right:

Automated Reinforcement Layout 639 Ledge spandrel (55)

Stem mesh
This tab allows you to define mesh reinforcement in the stem of the spandrel.
Select the mesh size.
Select the mesh grade.
Specify the right side clear cover, C1.
Specify the left side clear cover, C2.
Specify the bottom clear cover, C3.
Specify the top clear cover, C4.
Specify the left and right end distances, d1 and d2, to the first wire.
Specify whether the mesh is continuous over the full length of the member
or is used only at the spandrel end(s). If Yes is selected from the list, the
mesh extends the full length of the member (less the d1 and d2 end
distances and the L1/L2 fields are disabled). If No is selected from the list,
mesh can be defined at each end using the L1 and L2 fields. If any stem
holes are present, the component should trim the mesh around the hole
using the top cover (C3) dimension as a clearance.

Stem stirrups
Stirrups are defined in groups, and a row of data on this tab represents the
definition for a group. All the stirrups defined in one group share the same
properties, including stirrup type. Clear cover definitions apply to all groups.
The following stirrup types may be used in ledge spandrels:

Option Description
90-degree closed

135-degree closed

Automated Reinforcement Layout 640 Ledge spandrel (55)

Option Description
Lapped pair

Fixed pair

Open U

Automated Reinforcement Layout 641 Ledge spandrel (55)

Ledge mesh
This tab allows you to define ledge mesh reinforcement in the member.

Select the mesh size.

Select the mesh grade.
Specify the mesh right side cover, C1.
Specify the mesh left side cover, C2.
Specify the mesh bottom cover, C3.
Specify the mesh top cover, C4.
Specify the left end distance to first wire, d1.
Specify the right end distance to first wire, d2.
Mesh extends the full length of the spandrel, less the d1 and d2 end

Automated Reinforcement Layout 642 Ledge spandrel (55)

Ledge rebar
Ledge stirrups are defined in groups, using the same concept as stem stirrups.
The following ledge stirrup types may be used:

Option Description
Bent U-bar stirrup

Bent U-Bar pairs

90-degree stirrup

135-degree stirrup

End rebar
This tab allows you to define reinforcement at the ends of the member.
Specify up to 6 horizontal and 6 vertical end U-bars.
Specify the end clearance for the horizontal U-bars.
For each horizontal U-bar:

Automated Reinforcement Layout 643 Ledge spandrel (55)

Specify the height, Ht, of the horizontal U-bar.
Select the reinforcing bar size and grade.
Specify the reinforcing bar side cover, C1.
Specify the reinforcing bar leg length.
Specify the end clearance for the vertical U-bars.
For each vertical U-bar:
Specify the horizontal location, X loc, of the vertical U-bar.
Select the reinforcing bar size and grade.
Specify the reinforcing bar top cover, C2.
Specify the reinforcing bar bottom cover,C3.
Specify the reinforcing bar leg length.

This tab lets you define the general attribute information for the
reinforcement created by the component.

For each attribute:

Specify the Serie value.
Specify the Starting Number for the category.
Enter the category name.
Enter the Class number

Automated Reinforcement Layout 644 Rectangular spandrel (56)

3.7 Rectangular spandrel (56)
Creates typical flexural and shear reinforcement for a rectangular spandrel.

Reinforcement created
Prestress straight or depressed strands for flexural reinforcement in the
Mild longitudinal bars for flexural reinforcement
Mesh for shear reinforcement in the spandrel
Stirrups for shear reinforcement in the spandrel
Mild reinforcement in the ends of the spandrel

Use for

Situation More
Straight and depressed prestress
Varying strand pattern and strand
To define longitudinal reinforcement in
the spandrel
When you want reinforcement mesh in
the spandrel
When you want stirrups in the spandrel
To add mild reinforcement to the
spandrel ends

Before you start

Create the concrete rectangular spandrel.
Calculate the required area and quantity of strands and other
Define other reinforcement properties, such as debonding and pull values.

Automated Reinforcement Layout 645 Rectangular spandrel (56)

Defining properties
Use the following tabs in the Rectangular spandrel automated
reinforcement layout (56) dialog box to define the properties of the objects
that this component creates:

Tab Contents See also

Strand Template The allowable grid Strand template
points for strands (page 647)
within the spandrel
cross section.
Strand Pattern The actual strand Strand pattern
definitions. (page 647)
Strand Profile The vertical profile for Strand profile
strands in the (page 648)
Longitudinal Definitions for Longitudinal
Rebar additional mild steel rebar
reinforcement in the (page 649)
Reinforcement may be
defined with a variety
of parametric forms.
Stem Mesh Definition for the Stem mesh
mesh to be used in the (page 651)
spandrel. Mesh can
run the full length of
the spandrel, or be
placed in short
sections at either end.
Mesh size, spacing,
clearances, and length
are all entered here.
Stem Stirrups Definitions for the Stem stirrups
bent bar (page 652)
reinforcement in the
spandrel, including
stirrup shape, bar size,
end clearance, number
of bars, and bar
spacing in eight zones
along the length of the
End Rebar Definitions for the End rebar
bent bar (page 653)
reinforcement in the
spandrel ends,

Automated Reinforcement Layout 646 Rectangular spandrel (56)

Tab Contents See also
including position,
orientation, bar size
and length, cover, and
end clearance. Up to 6
horizontal bars may be
Attributes Name, class, and Attributes
numbering properties (page 655)
of the strands,
stirrups, and mesh

Strand template
You can specify the arrangement of vertical strand planes in the spandrel,
along with the vertical distances between grid points in each plane. Strands
are defined by their row and column number within the grid, but the template
allows for a mixture of regular and irregular grid points with respect to both
the horizontal and vertical axes.
Use the X- and Y-Axis Grid Definition fields to define a list of distances between
successive planes and grid points. For regularly spaced points, you may use a
multiplier value, for example, 4*6.

Strand pattern
You place strands in the spandrel by defining the grid points from the strand
template for each end of the strand element. You also define size, and other
reinforcement properties for the strands here.
A row of data on this tab can be thought of as a group. All the strands defined
in one group share the same properties and start and stop rows. A group may
also refer to a list of columns in the strand template, letting you use one group
definition to create a set of strands.

Automated Reinforcement Layout 647 Rectangular spandrel (56)

Strand profile
Strands may be straight (though not necessarily horizontal), or depressed,
using one or two control points. Note that all strands use the same general
Use the following options to define the strand profile:

Option Description

1-pt depressed

2-pt depressed

2-pt depressed

Automated Reinforcement Layout 648 Rectangular spandrel (56)

You specify the depress positions A and B as either a fixed distance or as a
percentage of the member length.

NOTE If no specific value is given the Ht shall be calculated as Minimum. So the

strand will be straight unless it needs to be depressed because of the above
strand going below the straight position.

Longitudinal rebar
This tab allows you to define any longitudinal reinforcement for the member.
Up to 10 reinforcing bar definitions may be defined.

For each longitudinal reinforcing bar you can:

Specify the minimum clear end distance for C and D.
Select the reinforcing bar size.
Select the reinforcing bar grade.
Specify the horizontal location, Xloc, of the reinforcing bar.
Specify the vertical location, Yloc, of the reinforcing bar.
Select a value from the Length Definition list box to define the end
constraints of the reinforcing bar within the member length. Depending on
your choice, additional information is then entered in the L, C, or D
fields. There are five choices:
Full Length - The reinforcing bar extends the full length of the member (minus
the minimum clear end distance on each end). The L, C, and D fields are

Automated Reinforcement Layout 649 Rectangular spandrel (56)

Centered - You can specify a fixed length, L for the reinforcing bar which the
component will center in the length of the member. The C and D fields are
Known L, C - You can specify a fixed length, L for the reinforcing bar and a
distance C from the start of the member. The D field is disabled.
Known L, D - You can specify a fixed length, L for the reinforcing bar and a
distance D from the end of the member. The C field is disabled
Known C, D - You can specify a distance C from the start of the member and a
distance D from the end of the member. The L field is disabled.
Values for L, C, and D all take the natural geometry of the beam ends (skewed
and/or battered) into account. Notches in the end of a beam, though they will
naturally clip any bar they intersect, will not affect the L, C, and D values.
Specify the relative location for longitudinal bars using the following icons:

Top and bottom left:

Top and bottom right:

Top and bottom left

and right:

Top left:

Top right:

Top left and right:

Bottom left:

Bottom right:

Automated Reinforcement Layout 650 Rectangular spandrel (56)

Bottom left and right:

Stem mesh
This tab allows you to define mesh reinforcement in the stem of the spandrel.

Select the mesh size.

Select the mesh grade.
Specify the right side clear cover, C1.
Specify the left side clear cover, C2.
Specify the bottom clear cover, C3.
Specify the top clear cover, C4.
Specify the left and right end distances, d1 and d2, to the first wire.

Automated Reinforcement Layout 651 Rectangular spandrel (56)

Specify whether the mesh is continuous over the full length of the member
or is used only at the spandrel end(s). If Yes is selected from the list, the
mesh extends the full length of the member (less the d1 and d2 end
distances and the L1/L2 fields are disabled). If No is selected from the list,
mesh can be defined at each end using the L1 and L2 fields. If any stem
holes are present, the component should trim the mesh around the hole
using the top cover (C3) dimension as a clearance.

Stem stirrups
Stirrups are defined in groups, and a row of data on this tab represents the
definition for a group. All the stirrups defined in one group share the same
properties, including stirrup type. Clear cover definitions apply to all groups.
Use the following options to define the stem stirrups in rectangular spandrels:

Option Description
90-degree closed

135-degree closed

U-Bar lapped pairs

Automated Reinforcement Layout 652 Rectangular spandrel (56)

Option Description
U-Bar fixed pairs

Open U stirrup

Automated Reinforcement Layout 653 Rectangular spandrel (56)

End rebar
This tab allows you to define reinforcement at the ends of the member.

Specify up to 6 horizontal and 6 vertical end U-bars.

Specify the end clearance for the horizontal U-bars.
For each horizontal U-bar:
Specify the height, Ht, of the horizontal U-bar.
Select the reinforcing bar size and grade.
Specify the reinforcing bar side cover, C1.
Specify the reinforcing bar leg length.
Specify the end clearance for the vertical U-bars.
For each vertical U-bar:
Specify the horizontal location, X loc, of the vertical U-bar.
Select the reinforcing bar size and grade.
Specify the reinforcing bar top cover, C2.

Automated Reinforcement Layout 654 Rectangular spandrel (56)

Specify the reinforcing bar bottom cover,C3.
Specify the reinforcing bar leg length.

This tab lets you define the general attribute information for the
reinforcement created by the component.

For each attribute:

Specify the Serie value.
Specify the Starting Number for the category.
Enter the category name.
Enter the Class number

3.8 Columns (57)

Creates typical longitudinal and tie reinforcement for a column.

Reinforcement created
Prestress strands for longitudinal reinforcement in a column
Mild longitudinal bars for longitudinal reinforcement in a column

Automated Reinforcement Layout 655 Columns (57)

Reinforcement for composite rectangular columns

Use for

Situation More
To define longitudinal prestress
reinforcement size and location
To define longitudinal mild
reinforcement size and extent
To define tie size and spacings

Before you start

Create the column.
Calculate the required area and quantity of strands and other
Define other reinforcement properties.

Defining properties
Use the following tabs in the Column layout dialog box to define the
properties of the objects that this component creates:

Tab Contents See also

Strand A description of the Strand
reinforcement geometric layout of reinforcement
pre-stress strands in (page 657)
the column, as well as
other attributes of the
Longitudinal The definition of the Longitudinal
rebar longitudinal rebar
reinforcement to be (page 658)

Automated Reinforcement Layout 656 Columns (57)

Tab Contents See also
used in the primary
section of the column.
Primary ties The definition of the Primary ties
ties used in the (page 663)
primary section of the
column, including size,
shape, geometry, and
Secondary The definition of the Secondary
reinforcement longitudinal bar and reinforcement
ties to be used in the (page 670)
secondary section(s) of
the column.
Circular column The definition of the Circular column
reinforcement (page 672)
parametrics for
circular columns.
Attributes The definition ofthe Attributes
general properties for (page 673)
the reinforcement
created by the

Automated Reinforcement Layout 657 Columns (57)

Strand reinforcement
This tab lets you define the strand reinforcement in the primary section of the
column. Up to 8 strands may be defined.

Select the size of the strand at each location.

Select the grade of strand at each location.
Specify the pull for each strand.
Specify strand-centerline-to-surface dimension, de. For corner strands
1-4, this distance defines the strand centerline position relative to both
adjacent column faces. For strands 5-8, the strand is located on the face
centerline, offset from the face by distance de.

Longitudinal rebar
This tab lets you define the longitudinal reinforcement in the primary section
of the column. Longitudinal bars are presumed to run the entire length of the
column (less the End Clearance distance at each end of the member).

Automated Reinforcement Layout 658 Columns (57)

Standard longitudinal reinforcement configurations are provided in a
convenient drop-down, and up to 12 bars may be defined.

Select the desired reinforcement pattern from the drop-down combo-box.

There are 10 predefined patterns to choose from.

Automated Reinforcement Layout 659 Columns (57)

4 Bar

6 Bar X-X

6 Bar Y-Y

Automated Reinforcement Layout 660 Columns (57)

8 Bar

8 Bar X-X

8 Bar Y-Y

Automated Reinforcement Layout 661 Columns (57)

10 Bar X-X

10 Bar Y-Y

12 Bar X-X

Automated Reinforcement Layout 662 Columns (57)

12 Bar Y-Y

Specify the reinforcing bar-centerline-to-surface dimension, de. This value

is used to locate most of the bars in each pattern.
Specify the dimension, d1, which is used in only the 10- and 12-bar
patterns to locate off-axis bars. This value should default to the half the
appropriate primary section dimension less de, divided by 2.
Specify the end clear distance for both ends of the longitudinal reinforcing
Select the size of the bar at each bar location.
Select the grade of bar at each bar location.

Automated Reinforcement Layout 663 Columns (57)

Primary ties
This tab lets you define the reinforcing ties in the primary section of the
column. Primary ties are distributed along the entire length of the column.
Standard tie configurations are provided in a convenient list.

First select the desired tie reinforcement pattern from the list box. There
are 16 predefined patterns to choose from. The longitudinal reinforcing bar
selection will affect which of these patterns can be used. The component
will verify that the primary tie configuration correlates with the primary
longitudinal reinforcement configuration. Furthermore, the location or
stirrup in section may depend on the location of longitudinal bars (e.g. 8-
bar X-X).

Automated Reinforcement Layout 664 Columns (57)

4 Bar Symmetrical

6/10 Bar X-X (A)

6/10 Bar X-X (B)

Automated Reinforcement Layout 665 Columns (57)

6/10 Bar Y-Y (A)

6/10 Bar Y-Y (B)

8 Bar Symmetrical

Automated Reinforcement Layout 666 Columns (57)

8 Bar Symmetrical

8 Bar Symmetrical

8 Bar X-X (A)

Automated Reinforcement Layout 667 Columns (57)

8 Bar X-X (B)

8 Bar Y-Y (A)

8 Bar Y-Y (B)

Automated Reinforcement Layout 668 Columns (57)

12 Bar X-X (A)

12 Bar X-X (B)

12 Bar Y-Y (A)

Automated Reinforcement Layout 669 Columns (57)

12 Bar Y-Y (B)

Select the size of the tie bar.

Select the grade of the tie bar.
Select the tie hook type. The options are 90 and 135.
Specify the minimum clear cover, c1. The component must verify that with
the clear cover specified the tie properly fits around the longitudinal
reinforcing bar with the locations specified in previous tab.
Specify the distance, d1, to the centerline of the first tie from the top and
bottom. Often there are anchor bolt pockets at the bottom of columns. The
component should interpret the d1 distance to be above those pockets.
Specify the quantity, X, and spacing, s1, of the first group of ties at top
and bottom.
Then specify the maximum spacing, s2, of primary ties throughout the
length of the column.

Automated Reinforcement Layout 670 Columns (57)

Secondary reinforcement
This tab allows you to define longitudinal and tie reinforcement in the
secondary section(s) of the column. The component will automatically
determine these sections from the column geometry.

Select the bar size for the secondary longitudinal bars.

Enter the grade for the secondary longitudinal bars.
Specify the minimum clear cover, c2, from the secondary longitudinal bars
to the column face.
Specify the end clear distance from the top and bottom of each secondary
section to the ends of the secondary longitudinal bars.
Select the bar size for the secondary ties.
Enter the grade for the secondary ties.
Select the secondary tie hook type. The options are 90 and 135.
Specify the distance, d1, to first and second secondary ties from the top
and bottom of the secondary section.

Automated Reinforcement Layout 671 Columns (57)

Circular column
This tab allows you to define the reinforcement parametrics for circular
columns. The component will only create reinforcement in constant diameter
members. Tapered columns and circular columns with ledges are not

First specify the desired number of main bars in the column, from 4-12.
Select the size of the main bar.
Select the grade of the main bar.
Select the size of the tie bar.
Select the grade of the tie bar.
Specify the tie clear cover, c1.
Specify the tie lap dimension.

Automated Reinforcement Layout 672 Columns (57)

Specify the top end distance, d1, from the centerline of the first tie to the
top of the column.
Specify the bottom end distance, d2, from the centerline of the last tie to
the bottom of the column. Often there are anchor bolt pockets at the
bottom of columns. The component should interpret the d2 distance to
be above those pockets.
Specify the quantity, X, and spacing, s1, of the first group of ties at top
and bottom.
Specify the maximum spacing, s2, of primary ties throughout the length
of the column.

This tab allows you to define the general attribute information for the
reinforcement created by the component.

For each category:

Specify the Serie value.
Specify the Start number for the category.
Enter the category name.
Enter the Class number
Minimum cut size: Define the minimum length of the boundary of cut/hole,
to be considered as cut in this field. The default value is 200 mm.

Automated Reinforcement Layout 673 Topping (58)

3.9 Topping (58)
Use the Topping (58) component to model typical toppings along with their
typical reinforcement.

Defining properties
Use the following tabs in the Topping (58) dialog box to define the properties
of the objects that this component creates:

Tab Contents See also

Topping Method of topping, Topping
configuration of elevation/ (page 674)
thickness of topping, mesh
to be created in the topping.
Advanced Thickness of topping at each Advanced
point selected while defining (page 676)
polygonal area for topping.
Attributes The required mesh and
concrete attributes.

Automated Reinforcement Layout 674 Topping (58)


Option Description
Elevation is specified Select the method to use to
specifiy the elevation of the
exterior boundary surface of the
Absolute elevation, EL: you
can to specify the top surface
elevation relative to elevation
Relative thickness, H: you can
specify the top surface as a
uniform thickness above the
underlying precast floor units.
Use control points: Tekla
Structures uses the polygon
input points as the actual 3
dimensional nodes of the top

Automated Reinforcement Layout 675 Topping (58)

Option Description
surface of the toppings. Use
this option to place a topping
over any sloped surface.
Elevation value Enter an appropriate value based
on the choice picked in the list box
above. This input box is grayed out
if you have selected the Use
control points option.
Topping configuration Specify whether the topping is
integral with the underlying
precast unit (monolithic) or
poured on site.
Concrete material Specify the concrete strength for
the topping, from the material
Reinforcing mesh Select the mesh reinforcement
from the mesh catalog.

Use the options on this tab to alter the elevation of any individual node:
Control point indexes: you can specify one control point or multiple
control point indexes simultaneously.
Elevation: You can overwrite Elevation (thickness at individual control

Automated Reinforcement Layout 676 Wash (59)

3.10 Wash (59)
Use the Wash (59) component to model typical washes along with their typical

Use for

Before you start

Create slabs using the Create concrete beam command or with a slab

NOTE You cannot use the Wash (59) component in slabs that are created as
a polygon plates, such as slabs created with Create concrete slab

Defining properties
Use the following tabs in the Wash (59) dialog box to define the properties of
the objects that this component creates:

Tab Contents See also

Wash Method of wash, Wash
configuration of the (page 678)
elevation/thickness and size
of wash, recess depth, mesh
to be created in the wash.
Advanced Thickness of wash at each Advanced
point selected while defining (page 680)
the exterior and interior
Attributes The required mesh and
concrete attributes.

Automated Reinforcement Layout 677 Wash (59)

Picking order

1. Select the slab objects. If the slabs are created with a component, activate
the Select objects in components switch before selecting slabs.
2. Click middle mouse button.
3. Pick points counterclockwise to indicate external boundary (points 1 to 4
in the picture above).
4. Click middle mouse button outside the external boundary.
5. Pick points clockwise to indicate internal boundary (points 5 to 8 in the
picture above).
6. Click middle mouse button somewhere along the internal boundary.

Automated Reinforcement Layout 678 Wash (59)


Specify the wash step dimensions, D1 and D2, to define the top elevation of
the internal boundary relative to the surface of the precast floor units. Note
that D1 and/or D2 can be zero (0.00).

Option Description
Elevation is specified Select the method to use to
specifiy the elevation of the
exterior boundary surface of the
Absolute elevation, EL: you
can to specify the top surface
elevation relative to elevation
Relative thickness, H: you can
specify the top surface as a
uniform thickness above the
underlying precast floor units.

Automated Reinforcement Layout 679 Wash (59)

Option Description
Use control points: Tekla
Structures uses the polygon
input points as the actual 3
dimensional nodes of the top
surface of the wash. Use this
option to place a wash over
any sloped surface.
Elevation value Enter an appropriate value based
on the choice picked in the list box
above. This input box is grayed out
if you have selected the Use
control points option.
Topping configuration Specify whether the wash is
integral with the underlying
precast unit (monolithic) or
poured on site.
Concrete material Specify the concrete strength for
the wash from the material
Reinforcing mesh Select the mesh reinforcement
from the mesh catalog.

Use the options on this tab to alter the elevation of any individual node:
Exterior control point indexes: you can specify one control point or
multiple control point indexes simultaneously.
Elevation: you can specify the actual elevation/ thickness (thickness at
individual control points).
Interior control point indexes: you can specify one control point or
multiple control point indexes simultaneously.
D1: you can change the thickness at each interior control point.
D2: you can change the recess depth at individual control point.

3.11 Hollowcore reinforcement strands (60)

The Hollowcore Automated Reinforcement Generator (HC-ARG) component
enables Tekla Structures to accurately model all typical hollowcore

Automated Reinforcement Layout 680 Hollowcore reinforcement strands (60)

reinforcement. Use the tabs in the component dialog box to load a previously
saved HC (Hollowcore) reinforcement scheme, or new reinforcement scheme.

Defining properties
Use the following tabs in the Hollowcore reinforcement strands (60) dialog
box to define the properties of the objects that this component creates:

Tab Contents See also

Strand The allowable grid points Strand template
template for strands within the (page 681)
stem cross section. You
can specify the number
and arrangement of
vertical strand planes in
each stem, along with the
vertical distances between
grid points in each plane.
Strands are defined by
their row and column
number within the grid,
but the template allows
for a mixture of regular
and irregular grid points
with respect to the vertical
Strand The actual strand Strand pattern
pattern definitions. You place (page 682)
strands in the stem by
defining the grid points
from the strand template
for each end of the strand
element. You also define
size, and other
reinforcement properties
for the strands.
Attributes Strands, Store strand Attributes
code, Strand code, Create (page 684)
strand at voids.

Strand template
Creates strands located at specific grid positions.
Grid Spacing along X:

Automated Reinforcement Layout 681 Hollowcore reinforcement strands (60)

Hollowcore reinforcement created
Use grid spacing to define grid spacing values for the X axis, separating
values with commas or spaces.
Multiplier values may be applied to define a repeating series of values, e.g.,
8*2 indicates 8 holes with a 2 unit spacing.
First value is the distance from the left edge of the plank; each successive
value is the distance to the next grid point.
Grid Spacing along Y:
Use grid spacing to define grid spacing values for the X axis, separating
values with commas or spaces.
First value is the distance from the bottom edge of the beam; each
successive value is the distance to the next grid point.

Automated Reinforcement Layout 682 Hollowcore reinforcement strands (60)

Strand pattern
Creates the vertical row number for the strand.

Hollowcore strand pattern created

Use grid spacing to specify grid spacing values for the X-axis, separating
values with commas.
Enter one or more column numbers and/or column ranges in the strand
template at which strand should be generated.
Select strand size generated for this strand group.
Select strand grade generated for this strand group.
Specify strand pull for the strand group.

Automated Reinforcement Layout 683 Hollowcore reinforcement strands (60)

Specify properties for strands, store strand codes, strand code, and create
strand at voids.

Hollowcore basic reinforcement properties

Strands Specify all appropriate information in this tab. This can be in the
reinforcement mark definition.
Store strand code With option Store strand code you may choose to
store (or not) a user-defined textual attribute TS_STRAND_CODE to part.
Strand code In field Strand code you may enter a string template for the
value of the above mentioned user-defined attribute. The default template
is the total number of created strands. The template may contain any text
and the predefined fields for:
%NUMBERS is the numbers of created strands with different sizes
and/or grades e.g. 10 (for one size & grade) or 6+4 (if two sizes and/or
grades has been used).
%SIZES sizes of the strands e.g 1/2 or 1/2 + 3/8.
%GRADES grades of strands.
Create strand at voids The option Yes will show the strands even though
the voids are present. The option No will not show the strand if void is
present at any location along the strand path.

3.12 Post-tensioning (61)

The Post-tensioning (61) component enables Tekla Structures to accurately
model most post-tensioning profiles and attributes. Use the tabs in the

Automated Reinforcement Layout 684 Post-tensioning (61)

component dialog box to load a previously saved PT (post-tensioning) tendon
scheme, or a new tendon scheme.

Defining properties
Use the following tabs in the Post-tensioning (61) dialog box to define the
properties of the objects that this component creates:

Tab Contents See also

Tendon Tendon size, Grade, Tendon
properties Number of tendons, properties
Spacing between tendons, (page 685)
Rotation angle, Grouted
Tendon Tendon profile, Start point Tendon profile
profile offset A1, End point offset (page 686)
A2, Sway drape D, Bend
radius R, Width W,
Centerline Offset, Loop
Attributes Enter the tendon

Tendon properties
Use the options on this tab to define the following properties:

Option Description
Tendon size and grade Select the tendon size and grade
from the catalog of available
Number of tendons Enter the number of tendons in
the group.
Spacing between If you have specified more than
tendons, S one tendon, input the spacing (S)
between tendons.
Rotation angle Specify the rotation angle of
tendon/tendon group around the
input points from the default
plane. The default plane is the
plane which is parallel to
thestrong axisof the part.
Grouted system Specify whether the tendon is to
be a grouted system or a non-
grouted system. This option

Automated Reinforcement Layout 685 Post-tensioning (61)

Option Description
defines whether Tekla Structures
uses the strand in determining the
ultimate capacity.
Furthermore, you can input
custom or vendor specific post-
tensioning information, including
unique and/or multiple tendon
systems, grease thickness, jacket
material, jacket thickness, and
jacket diameter.

Tendon profile
You have the following options:

Option Description


Straight one


Automated Reinforcement Layout 686 Post-tensioning (61)

Option Description

Depending on the profile selected, you can input the required fields below:
Start point offset A1
End point offset A2
Sway drape D
Bend radius R
Width W
Centerline Offset
Loop count

3.13 Edge and Corner Reinforcement (62)

Edge and Corner Reinforcement (62) creates edge and corner
reinforcements for concrete panels and slabs. You can reinforce solid or
sandwich precast concrete panels, or vertical and horizontal cast-in-situ slabs.

Objects created

Use for

Situation Description
Slab with edge and corner
reinforcements and diagonal bars
aroud openings

Edge and Corner Reinforcement (62) does not create the slab main
reinforcement. The main reinforcement can be created using slab
reinforcement components, for example, Pilecap reinforcement (76), Pad
footing (77), Slab bars (18), or Reinforcement mesh array in area (89). The

Automated Reinforcement Layout 687 Edge and Corner Reinforcement (62)

main reinforcement can also be created by using the reinforcement creation
commands in Detailing --> Create Reinforcement .

Before you start

Create a panel or a slab.

Selection order
1. Select the main part (panel or slab).
The reinforcements are created.

See also
Edge and Corner Reinforcement (62): Picture tab (page 688)
Edge and Corner Reinforcement (62): Edge/Diag bars tab (page 690)
Edge and Corner Reinforcement (62): Horizontal/Vertical U bars tab
(page 691)

Edge and Corner Reinforcement (62): Picture tab

Use the Picture tab to control the edge and corner reinforcements, the
cutouts, and the corner cutouts in the Edge and Corner Reinforcement (62)
modeling tool.


Option Description
Define how the corners are reinforced.

Diagonal corner bars are created to an opening.

Diagonal corner bars are not created to an opening.

Aligned with slab Select whether or not the edge bars, diagonal bars
slope and U bars are aligned with the slope of a slab that
has different corner thicknesses.
The default value is Yes.

Automated Reinforcement Layout 688 Edge and Corner Reinforcement (62)


Option Description
Edge bars are not created to the cutout.

Edge bars are created above the cutout for the defined

Edge bars are created above the cutout.

Edge bars are created to the cutout.

Reinforce opening Select whether openings are reinforced.

Max block cut size Define the size limit for the cutouts that affects the
edge and corner reinforcement and the diagonal bar
Edge and corner reinforcement are not created to
cutouts that are smaller than the defined size.
Diagonal bars are not created to cutouts that are
smaller than the defined size.

Corner cutouts

Option Description
Edge bars on both sides of the corner cutout are
This option overrides the Corner bar options 1, 2,
and 3.
Both the edge bars and the U bars are moved a
distance equal to the length of the shorter side of the
No bars are moved. Edge bars are created as if there
was no cutout.

Max corner cut out Define the size limit for the corner cutouts.
Edge or corner reinforcement are not created to
cutouts that are smaller than the defined size.
Min hole size Define a size limit for the holes.
Edge and corner reinforcements are not created
around holes that are smaller than the size limit. If
the hole is not rectangular or round, the size of the

Automated Reinforcement Layout 689 Edge and Corner Reinforcement (62)

Option Description
hole is determined by the maximum dimension of
the bounding box around the hole.
For example, if you do not want to create edge or
corner reinforcement around holes that are 200 mm
or smaller, enter 200.

Edge and Corner Reinforcement (62): Edge/Diag bars tab

Use the Edge bars and Diag bars tabs to control the edge and diagonal
reinforcing bar properties, reinforcing bar overlapping, and concrete cover
thickness in the Edge and Corner Reinforcement (62) modeling tool.

Reinforcing bar properties

Option Description
Prefix Prefix for the part position number.
Start number Starting number for the part position number.
Name Name that is shown in drawings and reports.
Size Diameter of the reinforcing bar.
Grade Strength of the steel used in reinforcing bars.
Bending radius Edge bar bending radius.
Class Use the Class to group reinforcing bars.
For example, you can display reinforcing bars of
different classes in different colors.

Reinforcing bar overlap

Option Description
L1, L2, L3 Reinforcing bar overlapping length.
Number of reinforcing Number of reinforcing bars in the reinforcing bar
bars group.
Create as one group Select whether the identical edge bars and
diagonal bars are created as a group.
The default value is Yes.

Concrete cover thickness

Option Description
C1, C2, C3, C4 Bottom, top, and side concrete cover thickness
for the edge and the diagonal bars.

Automated Reinforcement Layout 690 Edge and Corner Reinforcement (62)

Minimum bar length

Option Description
Minimum bar length Minimum length of the edge bars on the Edge
bars tab.
If the bar is shorten than the entered value, the
bar is not created.

Edge and Corner Reinforcement (62): Horizontal/Vertical U

bars tab
Use the Horizontal U bars and Vertical U bars tabs to control the U bar leg
length, concrete cover thickness and reinforcing bar properties and spacing in
the Edge and Corner Reinforcement (62) modeling tool.

U bar length

Option Description
1 U bar leg length.
2 Top, bottom, and side concrete cover thickness for U

Reinforcing bars

Option Description
Create U bar Select whether the U bars are created.
In addition, on the Vertical U bars tab, you can select
whether the vertical U bars are created using the
same settings as the horizontal U bars.
Same as horizontal and inside: vertical U bars use
the same reinforcing bar settings and concrete cover
value as the horizontal U bars, and the vertical U bars

Automated Reinforcement Layout 691 Edge and Corner Reinforcement (62)

Option Description
are placed so that they fit inside the horizontal U
Same as horizontal and outside: vertical U bars use
the same reinforcing bar settings and concrete cover
value as the horizontal U bars, and the vertical U bars
are placed outside the horizontal U bars.
Prefix Prefix for the part position number.
Start number Starting number for the part position number.
Name Name that is shown in drawings and reports.
Size Diameter of the reinforcing bar.
Grade Strength of the steel used in reinforcing bars.
Class Use the Class to group reinforcing bars.
For example, you can display reinforcing bars of
different classes in different colors.
Bending radius U bar bending radius.

U bar creation and spacing

Option Description
Ignore cuts smaller than Cuts that are smaller than the entered value
are ignored and do not affect the U bar
Creation method Select how the U bars are distributed.
Number of reinforcing Number of U bars in the reinforcement.
This field is available if you set the Creation
method to Equal distribution by number of
reinforcing bars.
Target spacing value Target spacing value.
Tekla Structures tries to distribute the U bars as
closely as possible according to the entered
This field is available if you set he Creation
method to Equal distribution by target
spacing value.
Exact spacing value Exact spacing value.
Tekla Structures creates fixed, equal spaces
between the reinforcing bars.

Automated Reinforcement Layout 692 Edge and Corner Reinforcement (62)

Option Description
By exact spacing Define several spacing values between the U
Tekla Structures distributes the bars using the
values you enter in the field.
Enter all spacing values, separated by spaces.
You can use multiplication to repeat spacing
values. For example, enter 5*200 to create five
spaces of 200 mm.

End distance
Horizontal U bars:

Vertical U bars:

Option Description
1 U bar distance from the panel or the slab end.


Stirrups are created instead of U bars when the distance between the edges in
the panel or the slab is so small that the U bars do not get the required cover

Automated Reinforcement Layout 693 Edge and Corner Reinforcement (62)

Position of scanning plane

Option Description
1 U bar offset.

3.14 U Bar of concrete slab (63)

Automatically generates U bars reinforcement for concrete slabs.

Precast concrete RC slabs and PC panels (both solid and sandwich)
For cast-in-situ slabs (both vertical and horizontal).

Use for
To create U bars to an already created concrete slab complete with its main
and secondary reinforcement.
Create the slabs main reinforcement
with existing slab reinforcement components (e.g. Pilecap reinforcement
(76), Pad footing (77), Slab bars (18), Reinforcement mesh array in area
manually with the tools on the Concrete toolbar (e.g. single bar, bar
groups or mesh).

Before you start

Existing components must be created previously in order to use this
reinforcement tool.

Defining properties
Use the U bars tab to define the properties of the objects that this component

Tab Contents See also

U bars Generate U bars
automatically U bar (page 695)
reinforcement for
concrete slabs

Automated Reinforcement Layout 694 U Bar of concrete slab (63)

U bars
Use to define U bar properties.

Use the options on this tab to specify

Prefix value.
Starting number.
Class number.
Reinforcing bar size and grade:

Automated Reinforcement Layout 695 U Bar of concrete slab (63)

Option Description
U Bar UB1

U Bar UB2

Bending radius.
Top concrete cover.
Bottom concrete cover.
Side concrete cover.
Top leg length.
Bottom leg length.
End dist
Creation method
Number of bars
Target spacing value
Exact spacing values

3.15 Wall panel (64)

Creates reinforcement for different wall panels. Contains options to create
strands and stirrups. Is suitable also for insulated wall panels. You can easily
change the direction (horizontal or vertical) of most reinforcing bars.
Automatically creates parallel or diagonal corner reinforcement around the
openings and notches.

Objects created
This component contains the following reinforcement groups:
Longitudinal reinforcing bars

Automated Reinforcement Layout 696 Wall panel (64)

Transverse mesh
Transverse straight reinforcing bars
Transverse closed stirrups
Reinforcement for openings
To omit any of these reinforcement groups, set the reinforcing bar size or the
mesh grade to zero.

Use for

Situation Description
created with
default settings for
a wall panel with a
door opening.

A cross section
from the wall

Does not create reinforcement for the ledges in the wall.

Automated Reinforcement Layout 697 Wall panel (64)

Before you start
Create the wall panel.

Selection order
1. Select the wall panel.

Strand template
Defines the strand positions with grid points within the wall cross section.
Strands may only be located at the positions defined in this template, but the
template allows for a mixture of regular and irregular points.

Strand direction
Changes the direction of strands in the wall.

Grid Spacing along X

Use to define grid spacing values for the x axis. Separate values with commas
or spaces. The first value is the distance from the left edge of the spandrel.
Each successive value is the distance to the next grid point.

TIP Use multiplier to define a repeating series of values. For example, 8*2
indicates eight holes with a two unit spacing.

Grid Spacing along Y

Use to define grid spacing values for the y axis. Separate values with commas
or spaces. The first value is the distance from the bottom edge of the spandrel.
Each successive value is the distance to the next grid point.

Strand pattern
Creates strands at the grid positions defined by a strand template.

Same as left
Use to simplify strand input.

Automated Reinforcement Layout 698 Wall panel (64)

Select Yes to use the row and debond information of the left end for the
strands at the right end of the spandrel.
Select No to specify alternate row and debond information at each end of a

Strand pattern definitions

Use the strand template positions in the strand grid to specify the row and
column for each end of the strand. Strands may have different grid row
positions at each end, but a strand may not cross grid columns.

Field Description
Left end - Enter the vertical row number in the strand
Column template for the left end of the strand.
Left end - Enter the debond length at the left end of the
Debond strand.
Right end - If Same as left is No, enter the vertical row
Column number in the strand template for the right end of
the strand.
Right end - If Same as left is No, enter the debond length at
Debond the right end of the strand.
Rows Enter a list of one or more row numbers and/or
row ranges in the strand template at which a
strand should be generated.

Size Select the size of the strands.

Grade Select the strand grade.
Pull Enter the pull force of the strands.

Automated Reinforcement Layout 699 Wall panel (64)

Longitudinal rebar
Specify longitudinal mild reinforcement for the wall panel.

Minimum end clear distance C & D

Specify minimum end clearance distance for C and D fields.

Rebar direction
Use to change the direction of the longitudinal reinforcing bars.

Length type
Select a Length type to define the end constraints of the reinforcing bar group
within the member length. Depending on your choice, enter additional
information is in the L, C, or D fields.

Option Description
Full length Reinforcing bar extends the full length of the
wall panel excluding the minimum end clear
distance at each end. The L, C, and D fields are
Centered Specify a fixed length L for the bar which the
component centers in the length of the wall
panel. The C and D fields are disabled.
Known L, C Specify a fixed length L for the bar and a
distance C from the start of the wall panel. The
D field is disabled.
Known L, D Specify a fixed length, L for the bar and a
distance D from the end of the wall panel. The C
field is disabled.
Known C, D Specify a distance C and D from the end of the
wall panel. The L field is disabled.

Specify the horizontal locations of the longitudinal reinforcing bars.

Specify the vertical location of the longitudinal reinforcing bars.

Transverse mesh
Specify mesh for transverse reinforcement in the wall panel.

Mesh properties
Select the mesh from the catalog and Tekla Structures fills the other fields

Automated Reinforcement Layout 700 Wall panel (64)

Layer properties
You can specify one to three different layers of mesh. Each mesh can be
different or identical.

Option Description
Side cover Concrete cover thickness.
Ht to layer Specify height to the center line of each
layer h1, h2, h3. If you leave this field
blank, no mesh is created.
Left end distance Specify clearance distance for the left
end. This is the dimension d1 in the
pictureimage above.
Right end distance Specify clearance distance for the right
end. This is the dimension d2 in the
image above.
Continuous Specify whether the mesh is continuous
over the wall panel length, or is used only
at the end(s) of the wall. The options are:
Select Yes: Mesh extends the full
length of the member
Select No: Mesh can be defined at
each end using the L1 and L2 fields.
If any openings are present, the
component will trim the mesh around
the opening using the end distance (d1)
dimension as a clearance.
Left end length If the mesh is used only at the ends of
the wall, enter the length for the left end.
Right end length If the mesh is used only at the ends of
the wall, enter the length for the right
end. (L2)
Cross bar location Defines whether the crossing bars are
located above or below the longitudinal

Automated Reinforcement Layout 701 Wall panel (64)

Transverse straight bars
Specifies transverse straight reinforcing bars with varying spacing in the wall

Properties of wall transverse straight bars

Select the reinforcing bar size.

Specify the side clear cover.
Specify height to reinforcement level, h1, h2, h3. If h1, h2, or h3 is left
blank, no reinforcing bar is created at that level.
Specify the end distance to the center line of the first reinforcing bar from
each end.
Specify the quantity and spacing of reinforcing bars in zones next to each
If you need another group of reinforcing bars at each end, specify the
quantity and spacing of reinforcing bars in the second group. If the second
group is not required, enter 0 in the quantity field.
If reinforcing bars are required to extend the length of the wall panel,
specify the maximum spacing allowed between end groups Spacing in

Automated Reinforcement Layout 702 Wall panel (64)

the third group. If Spacing is left blank, there is no additional reinforcing
bar between the end groups.

NOTE At openings, this component adds reinforcing bars at each side of the
opening using the side cover dimension as distance from the opening
to the center line of the reinforcing bar. These reinforcing bars are in
addition to the typical reinforcing bar.

Bars direction
Select an option to change the direction of the bars.

Transverse stirrups
On this tab you can define the distribution of the stirrups along the wall panel.
You can define up to five zones for the distribution. If the selected wall panel is
an insulated wall, Tekla Structures details the stirrups in the structural (thicker)
wythe only. If both wythes are the same thickness, Tekla Structures details the
stirrups in the same way in both wythes.

Stirrup properties
For each zone you can specify a different spacing of stirrups. Specify the end
distance to the center line of the first stirrup from each end.

Define the spacing between two stirrups in each zone.

Define the number of reinforcing bars in each zone.
Select the bar size.

Stirrup type
Select the stirrup type and enter needed dimensions.

Automated Reinforcement Layout 703 Wall panel (64)

Option Description
No stirrups

90-degree closed stirrup

Specify the side clear cover.
Specify the top and bottom
clear cover.

135-degree closed stirrup

Specify the side clear cover.
Specify the top and bottom
clear cover.

U bar pairs
Specify the side clear cover.
Specify the top and bottom
clear cover.
Specify the lap length

NOTE The component creates stirrups using the minimum CRSI bend
At openings, this component adds a stirrup/bar each side of the
opening using the top cover dimension as distance from the
opening to the center line of the stirrup/bar. These stirrups are in
addition to the typical stirrups/bar.

Automated Reinforcement Layout 704 Wall panel (64)

Same as left end
Set this to Yes if stirrups are symmetric at both ends of the wall panel.

Rebar grade
Define the grade of the transverse stirrups.

Stirrups direction
Select an option to define the stirrup direction.

Notch opening
On the Notch opening tab you can specify reinforcement around different
openings in a wall panel.

Corner notch reinforcement

Select a reinforcement scheme to apply around wall panel corner notches. The
options are:

Option Description
Diagonal reinforcement around the
corner notches.

Parallel reinforcement around the

corner notches.

Side/end notch reinforcement

Select a reinforcement scheme to apply around the side and end notches of
the wall panel. The options are:

Automated Reinforcement Layout 705 Wall panel (64)

Option Description
Diagonal reinforcement
around the side or end

Parallel reinforcement
around the side or end

Opening reinforcement
Select a reinforcement scheme applied around openings. The options are:

Option Description
Diagonal reinforcement
around the opening.

Parallel reinforcement
around the opening.

Notch/opening reinforcement properties

Field Description Default

Min notch Specify first the minimum 6" (150 mm)
dimension, D dimension D beyond which
reinforcement is applied. For
example, if a D value of 2.00 is
specified, component will not
apply reinforcement parallel to
that direction.

Automated Reinforcement Layout 706 Wall panel (64)

Field Description Default
Edge clearance, de Specify the edge clearance from 1,50" (38 mm)
the notch and edge of the wall
Extension, L Specify the extension of the 18" (450 mm)
reinforcing bar beyond a notch
or re-entrant corner.
This component checks that the
L dimension specified is at least
the minimum development
length of the bar selected. If the
L dimension specified cannot
be achieved due to edge
clearances, hooks are added
Rebar size Defines the size of the #4 (M13)
reinforcing bars around
notches or openings.
Click button to select a
reinforcing bar from the
reinforcing bar catalog.
Selecting a size will override the
value in the Rebar grade field.
Rebar grade Field for defining the grade of A615
the reinforcing bars. This field
cooperates with the Rebar size

If any of the straight or diagonal bars approaches closer to the concrete edge
than de from the edge given L, the bar is bent as follows:

Automated Reinforcement Layout 707 Reinforcement Strand Layout (66)

3.16 Reinforcement Strand Layout (66)
Reinforcement Strand Layout (66) creates straight or depressed prestress
strands for flexural reinforcement in a beam.

Objects created
Straight and depressed prestress strands.

Use for

Situation Description
Straight strands.

Selection order
1. Select the beam.

See also
Strand template (page 708)
Strand pattern (page 709)
Strand profile (page 710)
Attributes (page 711)

Strand template
Use the Strand template tab to define the vertical strand positions with grid
points in a beam in Reinforcement Strand Layout (66). Strands may only be
located at the positions defined in this template.

Automated Reinforcement Layout 708 Reinforcement Strand Layout (66)

Grid spacing along X
Use to define grid spacing values for the x axis. Strands are defined by their
row and column number within the grid.
Separate values with commas or spaces. The first value is the distance from
the left edge of the spandrel. Each successive value is the distance to the next
grid point.

Grid spacing along Y

Use to define grid spacing values for the y axis. Strands are defined by their
row and column number within the grid.
Separate values with commas or spaces. The first value is the distance from
the the bottom edge of the spandrel. Each successive value is the distance to
the next grid point.

NOTE Use multiplier to define a repeating series of values. For example, 8*2
indicates eight holes with a two unit spacing.

Strand pattern
Use the Strand pattern tab to define the placement of the strands at the grid
points in Reinforcement Strand Layout (66).

Same as left
Use to simplify the strand input.
Select Yes to use the row and debond information of the left end for the
strands at the right end of a strand.
Select No to define an alternate row and debond information at each end
of a strand.

Strand pattern definitions

Use the strand template positions in the strand grid to define the row and
column for each end of the strand. Strands may have different grid row
positions at each end, but a strand cannot cross grid columns.

Field Description
Left end - Row Give the horizontal row number in the strand
template for the left end of the strand.
Left end - Give the debond length at the left end of the strand.
Right end - If Same as left is No, give the horizontal row number
Row in the strand template for the right end of the strand.
Right end - If Same as left is No, give the debond length at the
Debond right end of the strand.

Automated Reinforcement Layout 709 Reinforcement Strand Layout (66)

Field Description
Columns Give a list of one or more column numbers and/or
column ranges in the strand template at which a
strand should be generated.
Size Select the size of the strands.
Grade Select the strand grade.
Pull Give the pull force of the strands.

Strand profile
Use the Strand profile tab to define the profile for strands in Reinforcement
Strand Layout (66).

Strand depression
Strands can be straight or depressed. Use one or two control points to depress
the strands. All strands use the same general profile.

Option Description

Depressed in 1

Depressed in 2

Depressed in 2 fixed

Automated Reinforcement Layout 710 Reinforcement Strand Layout (66)

Depress position
Define the depress positions A and B either as a fixed distance or as a
percentage of the member length.

Strand ht @ position
Define the height of the strand.

Use the Attributes tab to define general strand attribute information for
Reinforcement Strand Layout (66).


Field Description
Serie Series value.
Start A prefix and a starting number for creating a part
number position number.
Name Strand name.
Class Number of the class.

Automated Reinforcement Layout 711 Reinforcement Strand Layout (66)

4 CS Components

This chapter contains the following topics:
3D cut (10) (page 712)
Opening in wall (40) (page 714)
Rebar in beam (90) (page 720)
Border rebar for single edge (93) (page 739)

4.1 3D cut (10)

The 3D cut (10) component creates a 3D cut to a concrete part. The cutplane is
determined by picking three points on the (concrete) part edges. The cut
direction can be set. Also an cut offset can be set.

Use for

Situation More information

This component creates a cut
through three points.
The side to be removed can be

Before you start

Before applying the macro, create the following part:
Concrete part (panel, column, strip footing)

CS Components 712 3D cut (10)

Defining properties
The component contains only one tab, named Picture.

Tab Content See also

Picture Defining the cut direction. Picture (page 713)
Possibly set an cutplane

Picking order
1. Concrete part
2. Three points to determine the cut plane.

On the Picture tab the following can be set:

Definition of the cut

Cut right
The parts right side from the cut plane will be removed.
Cut left
The parts left side from the cut plane will be removed.
Fit plane
The removed part is shortest part (from fit plane to parts end).
No cut
No cut is applied.

An offset can be applied for the cutplane. The offset distance is always
perpendicular to the cutplane.

No Offset Offset set to 50 mm

CS Components 713 3D cut (10)

Explode macro
Possibility to explode the macro or let the component intact. If you do not
have to make modifications to the macro after applying it, you can opt for
exploding it.
If future modifications are needed, let the macro intact.

4.2 Opening in wall (40)

The Opening in wall (40) component can create an opening in a concrete wall.
The size and position of the opening can be adjusted in many ways.
You can also create an insulation panel in the concrete wall with this

Objects created
Opening in wall. The shape can be both square and circular.
Possibly an insulation can be added in the wall.

Use for

Do not use for

Before you start

Before applying the component, create the wall.

Defining properties
Use the following tabs in component dialog box Tekla Structures Opening in
wall (40) to define the components properties:

Tab Content See also

Picture Defining shape and size of Picture (page 715)
the opening. Also
horizontal and vertical
position can be defined.
Insulation Defining insulation Insulation
thickness. (page 720)
Also insulation offset and
creation of partcut for
insulation can be set.
Parameters Defining to add insulation Parameters
to the assembly (page 720)

CS Components 714 Opening in wall (40)

The Picture tab contains a large number of setting to define the shape and
size of the opening.

First you can define the type of the opening. The options are:
Opening no rabbet
Opening with rabbet
Opening only outside
Opening only inside

Opening Opening with rabbet Opening only


Horizontal position
The horizontal reference point for creating the opening can be selected from a
picklist. In the table below are the available options.

Option Description Example

Point is left side The opening is
opening created on the left
side from the
component insertion

CS Components 715 Opening in wall (40)

Option Description Example
Point is middle The middle of the
side opening opening is created
from the component
insertion point.

Point is right side The opening is

opening created on the right
side from the
component insertion

Start panel The opening is

created from the
startpoint of the wall.

End panel The opening is

created from the
endpoint of the wall.

Middle panel = The center of the wall

left opening is referencepoint. The
opening is created to
the left side.

Middle panel = The center of the wall

middle opening is referencepoint. The
opening is also
created from the

CS Components 716 Opening in wall (40)

Option Description Example
Middle panel = The center of the wall
right opening is referencepoint. The
opening is created to
the right side.

The horizontal reference point for creating the opening can be selected from a
picklist. In the table below are the available options.

Option Description Example

Pos point bottom The opening is
opening created on the left
side from the
component insertion

Point is middle The middle of the

opening opening is created
from the component
insertion point.

Pos point top The opening is

opening created on the right
side from the
component insertion

CS Components 717 Opening in wall (40)

Option Description Example
Bottom panel The opening is
created from the
startpoint of the wall.

Top panel The opening is

created from the
endpoint of the wall.

Middle panel = The center of the wall

bottom opening is referencepoint. The
opening is created to
the left side.

Middle panel = The center of the wall

middle opening is referencepoint. The
opening is also
created from the

Middle panel = The center of the wall

top opening is referencepoint. The
opening is created to
the right side.

Horizontal offset, vertical offset

The opening can be moved vertically and horizontally by using these two offset
value fields.

CS Components 718 Opening in wall (40)

Rabbet - side
With this picture picklist you can define the side where the rabbet is created.

Cut - rotation
With this picture-picklist you can define the rotation of the cut.

Shape of the opening

With the picklist you can choose the general shape of the opening in the wall.
The default shape is a rectangular opening. The other shape is the circular

CS Components 719 Opening in wall (40)

On this tab you can add insulation to the wall. The thickness of the insulation
can be defined. The maximum dimensions can be adjusted with the Offset
value fields.
You can choose to create a partcut in the wall for the insulation.
The option Cut opening size can be used to define if the insulation should be
cut at the opening in the wall.

This tab contains only one option: create assembly panel insulation.
Possiblilty to weld the insulation to the panel to get an assembly.
Three options available: Default, Yes and No. Default-option is same
as Yes-option.

4.3 Rebar in beam (90)

The Rebar in beam (90) component adds reinforcement bars to concrete

Parts created
Complete reinforcement structure: stirrups and perpendicular rebars are
created in the concrete part.

CS Components 720 Rebar in beam (90)

Use for

Situation More information

Rebars in concrete

Rebars in a concrete

Do not use for

Use this component to add reinforcement bars to a concrete part.

Before you start

Before the component can be created, you need to create a concrete part first.

Defining properties
Use the following tabs in component dialog box Tekla Structures Rebar in
beam (90) to define the properties of the components:

CS Components 721 Rebar in beam (90)

Tab Content See also
Primary The properties of the Primary bottom
bottom lower reinforcing bars are bars (page 723)
bars defined on this tab.
Grade, diameter and
extended ways of defining
the shape of the bars can
be defined.
Primary top The properties of the Primary top bars
bars upper reinforcing bars are (page 729)
defined on this tab.
Side left Horizontal rebars, left Side left
side. (page 729)
Side right Horizontal rebars, right Side right
side. (page 730)
Stirrups Stirrups in first section of Stirrups
the concrete part. (page 731)
Stirrup Defining the stirrup Stirrup spacing
spacing spacing in the first section (page 735)
of the concrete part.
Stirrups 2 Stirrups in second section Stirrups 2
of the concrete part. (page 736)
Useful when part contains
part cut(s).
Stirrup Defining the stirrup Stirrup spacing 2
spacing 2 spacing in the second (page 737)
section of the concrete
Stirrups 3 Stirrups in thrid section of Stirrups 3
the concrete part. Useful (page 737)
when part contains part
Stirrup Defining the stirrup Stirrup spacing 3
spacing 3 spacing in the third (page 737)
section of the concrete
Advanced Tab for defining comment, Advanced
name, class,prefix and (page 737)
startnumbers for the
various rebar profiles.
Configurati Defining the bending Configuration
on radius. There are three (page 738)
options: (1) Fixed
diameter, (2) From

CS Components 722 Rebar in beam (90)

Tab Content See also
configuration file and (3)
Relative from diameter.

Primary bottom bars

On this tab the bottom main reinforcing bars are defined.

Input field for defining the grade of the main bottom reinforcing bars. This
field cooperates with the Size-field.

This field defines the size (diameter) of the main bottom reinforcing bars.
Pressing the Browse-button right of the field will open the Select Reinforcing
Bar dialog box.
In the dialog box you can select the grade and the accompanying diameter.

NOTE Selecting a size will override the value in the Grade-field above.

End conditions left

Picklist to define the rebars end condition on the left side. The options are:

Picklist item Example


90 Degree

135 Degree

CS Components 723 Rebar in beam (90)

Picklist item Example






End conditions right

Same as End conditions left (page 723), but now for the right side of the
bottom main rebars.

Bend lengths left

Defines the length of the left end-extension.

Bend lengths right

Defines the length of the right end-extension.

CS Components 724 Rebar in beam (90)

Bar not to create
Picklist to define which rebar should not be created. The options are:

Picklist Example

Creation method
This field defines the way the rebars are created. There are three options:

Option Description
No rebars No bottom rebars are created.

CS Components 725 Rebar in beam (90)

Option Description
Number of bars A fixed numer of bars is created. The
spacing between the bars is
automatically calculated.
By spacing A accompanying field becomes
active. The entered value is the fixed
spacing for the rebars. The number
of rebars is calculated automatically.

Positioning and distances

In the right upper side of this tab a picture and some picklists are displayed.
These fields and lists are to define the position and de rebar distances.
The distance fields are used for defining the size of the rebars. The picklists are
for positioning. Below some examples for the positioning rebars on the left

Picklist Decription Example

The part edge is
normative for
positioning the rebar.

The concrete parts

reference point is
normative for
positioning the rebar.
The picked poition is

The edge of the top

part cut is normative
for positioning the
The edge of the
bottom part cut is
normative for
positioning the rebar.
The centerline of the
concrete part is
normative for
positioning the rebar.

CS Components 726 Rebar in beam (90)

Picklist Decription Example

Shape and pattern

The picklists and input fields are used to define the rebar shape, rebar pattern
and rebar distribution.

In the left bottom side of the tab, some picklists are available for defining the
shape and distribution of the bottom rebars.
A - Shape of rebar
These picklists define the common shape of the rebars on both ends of the
concrete part. For some shapes distances can be entered (B).
B - Distance fields
These distance fields only apply for two rebar shapes (A).
C - Rebar pattern
Picklist for defining the rebar pattern. The picklist contains six options:

CS Components 727 Rebar in beam (90)

D - Consider part cuts in longitudinal direction
This picklist defines if part cuts in the concrete part should be taken into
account when positioning the rebars.

Picklist Example

E - Consider part cuts in vertical direction

These picklists contain options for defining if rebar shape should consider the
partcuts in vertical direction. For both top side and bottom side the placing can
be defined. Examples:

CS Components 728 Rebar in beam (90)

Picklist item Example

Primary top bars

This tab defines the top rebars in the concrete part. The picklists and input
fields are similar to the Primary bottom bars tab. See Primary bottom bars
(page 723).
Example of Primary top bars:

Side left
The rebars which can be created with the Side left tab are placed in
longitudinal direction (just as the Primary bars), but now the bends are created
horizontally. The options on this tab (defining rebar shape, dimensions,
number of bars and rebar distribution) are similar to the options on the
Primary bottom bars tab. See Primary bottom bars (page 723).
Examples of rebars which can be created with this tab:

CS Components 729 Rebar in beam (90)

CS Components 730 Rebar in beam (90)
Side right
Similar to the Side left tab, but now the reference is the parts right side. For
more information about the options on this tab, see Primary bottom bars
(page 723).

The Stirrups tab is used to define the dimensions of the stirrups. In the
picture below, the options are grouped.

CS Components 731 Rebar in beam (90)

Section A - Stirrup dimensions
The options in this group are the same as on the Primary bottom bars tab.
For more information, see the following links:
Grade (page 723)
Size (page 723)
End conditions left (page 723)
End conditions right (page 724)
Bend lengths left (page 724)
Bend lengths right (page 724)
Section B - Stirrup dimensions
One input field is available for defining a fixed distance from concrete parts
bottom side to bottom side of stirrup. Note: this offset is normative.
The input fields in the bottom side of this section are for defining the offset,
width and height of the stirrups.
Section C - Stirrup shape
In this section the general shape of the stirrups is defined.
First there is the Create stirrups option. This picklist has two options:
No stirrups - No stirrups are created
Create stirrups - Stirrups are created
The general shape of the stirrup can be defined. You can choose a shape from
the picklist:

Picklist Description Example

No stirrups are

CS Components 732 Rebar in beam (90)

Picklist Description Example
U-shape stirrups

C-shape inside

Closed box

Closed box

Divided stirrup

Divided stirrups

CS Components 733 Rebar in beam (90)

Picklist Description Example
Double U-shape

Single U-shape

Single U-shape

Stirrup rotation
The rotation of the stirrups can be set with below picklist. The picklist contains
four options: each option will rotate the stirrup 90 degrees couterclockwise.

CS Components 734 Rebar in beam (90)

Stirrup spacing
This tab is used to define the distribution of the stirrups along the concrete
part. You can define six zones for the distribution. For each zone you can set a
number of stirrups. The distance between the stirrups can be defined in two
Fixed spacing between each stirrup.
Distance between outer stirrups. (Spacing is then calculated from this
distance divided by the number of stirrups.)

Picklist item Example

Stirrup reference
The reference for the stirrups can be defined with the picklists. For both ends
the reference can be set. See Positioning and distances (page 726) for more

Omit stirrups
This picklist allows you to omit stirrups.

The picklist has four options:

CS Components 735 Rebar in beam (90)

Picklist item Example

Stirrups 2
This tab can be used if the shape of the concrete part is not uniform. For
example, if a part cut is applied, you may need different stirrups on that area.
This tab can be used to define a second group of stirrups. See Stirrups
(page 731) for more information.

Stirrups 2


CS Components 736 Rebar in beam (90)

Stirrup spacing 2
This tab defines the spacing of the second group of stirrups.
For the options on this tab, see Stirrups (page 731).

Stirrups 3
This tab defines a thrid group of stirrups. You may need this tab in case the
concrete part contains multiple part cuts. For each area, the properties of the
stirrups can be configured. See Stirrups (page 731) for more information.

Stirrups 2


Stirrups 3

Stirrup spacing 3
This tab defines the spacing of the third group of stirrups.
For the options on this tab, see Stirrups (page 731).

CS Components 737 Rebar in beam (90)

On this tab you can add extra information to the rebar profiles. The following
information can be added:

Rebar profile Default Name

Main bottom rebars RB
Main top rebars RB
Side left RB
Side right RB
Stirrups STIRRUP
Stirrups2 STIRRUP
Stirrups3 STIRRUP
If the Class fields are left blank, then the following default classes will be

Rebar profile Default Class

Main bottom rebars 201
Main top rebars 202
Side left 203
Side right 204
Stirrups 301
Stirrups2 302
Stirrups3 303
If this field is left blank, the prefix will be empty for all rebar profiles.
Start number
If this field is left blank, Tekla Structtures will use 1 as default start number
for all rebar profiles.

On this tab you can define the bending radius for the rebar profiles. Also the
general rotation of the complete reinforcement can be defined.

CS Components 738 Rebar in beam (90)

Bending radius
The bending radius can de set separately for de main rebars and the stirrups.
Furthermore the radius can be set separately for the main bends and the
The bending radius can be determined in three ways:

Picklist item Description

rebar_database.inp The bending radius is determined
from a configuration file
rebar_database.inp. This file is
located in the profil folder.
Relative to diameter For this option the radius is
calculated by multiplying the rebar
diameter with the entered
Bending radius Use this option to use a fixed value
for the bending radius.

The picklist determines the orientation of the complete rebar structure in the
concrete part. The picklist contain four options, each item representents a 90
degree rotation.

4.4 Border rebar for single edge (93)

The Border rebar for single edge (93) component creates hairpin rebars in a
concrete panel or wall.

Parts created
Hairpin rebars.

Use for
Use this component for creating hairpin rebars in a concrete panel.

Do not use for

Before you start

Before applying the component, the following parts must be created:
Concrete panel or wall

CS Components 739 Border rebar for single edge (93)

Defining properties
Use the following tabs in component dialog box Tekla Structures Border
rebar for single edge (93) to define the properties of the component:

Tab Content See also

Pins The properties of the lower Pins
reinforcing bars are defined on (page 740)
this tab. Grade, diameter and
extended ways of defining the
shape of the bars can be
Pin spacing Defining the profiles Pin spacing
(page 740)
Advanced Stiffener properties Advanced
(page 741)
Configurati Defining the Bolt pattern Configuration
on (page 742)

On the Pins tab you can define the hairpin profile properties and the hairpin
dimansions. Also the end conditions can be set.

For more information, see Primary bottom bars (page 723).

CS Components 740 Border rebar for single edge (93)

Pin spacing

This tab is used to define the distribution of the hairpins along the concrete
part. You can define six zones for the distribution. For each zone you can set a
number of hairpins. The distance between the hairpins can be defined in two
Fixed spacing between each stirrup.
Distance between outer hairpins. (Spacing is then calculated from this
distance divided by the number of hairpins).
For more information about Pin Spacing, see Stirrup spacing (page 735).

On this tab you can define additional information to the hairpins.

The following information can be added:


CS Components 741 Border rebar for single edge (93)

Part Prefix
Start number

On this tab you can define

Extra rotation
This picklist allows you to rotate the hairpin rebars. There are three options:

No Around X Around Y

CS Components 742 Border rebar for single edge (93)

Bending radius sec
Picklist to define how the bending radius should be calculated. For more
information, see Bending radius (page 738).

Detect outside geometry

This parameter can be used to detect part cuts in the concrete part. The
search area is defined with two parameters:
Distance in material and a Position in plane picklist.
Use these parameters to define the reference for the rebars. See the examples
below for more clarification:
(The concrete panel has thickness 200 mm. The partcut depth is 100 mm.)

CS Components 743 Border rebar for single edge (93)

Draw geometry with profiles
Picklist to define if geometry profiles should be created or not. These
geometry profiles define the rebar insertion point, which is based on the
values for Distance in material and can help setting up the rebar pattern.

CS Components 744 Border rebar for single edge (93)

Detect negative volume
If a negative volumne is applied to the concrete panel, you can define is this
negative volume should be recognised or not.
In below example a Part Cut is added with depth of 110 mm. If the value field
is set to 0, the rebars can not be placed correctly.
If the value field is set equal or greater to the part cut depth (e.g. 110), the
panel thickness will be recognised and the rebars are placed correctly.

Difference in thickness Difference in thickness

=0 = 110

CS Components 745 Border rebar for single edge (93)

Draw axis
The Draw axis-picklist has two options: Yes and No. If Yes is chosen, the
component creates extra colored profiles. This can help to set up the
component and gives more clearness in component orientation.
If No is chosen, the extra colored profile are omitted.

CS Components 746 Border rebar for single edge (93)

5 Disclaimer

2016 Trimble Solutions Corporation and its licensors. All rights reserved.
This Software Manual has been developed for use with the referenced
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Tekla, Tekla Structures, Tekla BIMsight, BIMsight, Tekla Civil, Tedds, Solve,
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endorsement, except where otherwise expressly stated.
Portions of this software:
D-Cubed 2D DCM 2010 Siemens Industry Software Limited. All rights

Disclaimer 747 Border rebar for single edge (93)

EPM toolkit 1995-2004 EPM Technology a.s., Oslo, Norway. All rights
Open CASCADE Technology 2001-2014 Open CASCADE SA. All rights
FLY SDK - CAD SDK 2012 VisualIntegrity. All rights reserved.
Teigha 2003-2014 Open Design Alliance. All rights reserved.
PolyBoolean C++ Library 2001-2012 Complex A5 Co. Ltd. All rights reserved.
FlexNet Copyright 2014 Flexera Software LLC. All Rights Reserved.
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The elements of the software described in this Manual are protected by
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Disclaimer 748 Border rebar for single edge (93)


A custom components
as lifting anchors................................... 570
Automatic seam recognition (30)..............237

B double tee reinforcement (64).................. 425
battering connection (13).............................25
beam end reinforcement (79)................... 428
beam ends
concrete components 76, 78................. 21
beam reinforcement (63)........................... 422 Electric box in wall (84)............................... 136
bearing plate Embed (1008).............................................. 554
concrete components 75, 76................. 18
bolt hole dimensions in concrete
components...................................................16 F
fitting options
concrete component 75......................... 16
C concrete component 76......................... 20
cast-in-place.................................................564 Floor Layout.................................................272
cast-in-situ................................................... 564 Floor Layout CIP Filler.................................295
CIP.................................................................564 Floor Tool..................................................... 267
column reinforcement flooring decks.............................................. 241
round columns (82)...............................436
stirrups................................................... 438
top and bottom..................................... 440 G
Concrete beam-beam (112)......................... 72 grout
concrete components...................................13 concrete components 75, 76................. 16
concrete detailing......................................... 13
concrete slab
generation with points (62)..................244
generation with polygon plate (61)..... 241 H
concrete stairs Hole Generation (32).................................. 233
about...................................................... 296 hole reinforcement
connections creation and reinforcement (85)......... 454
seating (concrete).................................... 13 for slabs and walls (84)......................... 452
continuous beam Hollow Core Lifting Loops.......................... 264
reinforcing..............................................564 Hollow Core Opening Tool......................... 260
Corbel reinforcement (81)..........................432
chamfering............................................... 17

L properties...............................................242
type......................................................... 243
lacer bars in footings.................................. 379 slabs..............................................................241
lifting anchor (80)........................................ 566 starter bars (86, 87).................................... 382
strip footing reinforcement (75)................373

mesh bars.................................................... 386 T
mesh bars by area...................................... 392 two-sided seating with dowel (76).............. 18
Modeling of floor bay (66)..........................245 two-sided seating with dowel to flange (78)
Modeling of slab area (88)......................... 254 .........................................................................23
Multiple Wire Size Mesh ............................509

pad footing reinforcement (77)................. 380
panels........................................................... 241
pile cap reinforcement (76)........................376
Polygon Hole Generation (33)................... 236
Polygon Hole Generation (33) parameters....

recess nut and washer plate
concrete components 75, 76................. 18
concrete components 77, 78................. 23
Reinforced concrete stair (95)................... 316
Reinforcement mesh array in area (89)....497
Reinforcement Strand Layout (66)............707
for foundations..................................... 373
continuous beam.................................. 564
round column reinforcement (82)............ 436

Seam Applicator.......................................... 239
seating connections......................................13
seating with dowel (75).................................14
seating with dowel to flange (77)................ 21
slab generation with points (62)................244
slab generation with polygon plate (61)...241
Slab Reinforcement Tool............................ 418


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