2016 - Recent Placement Summary

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Dissertation Titles and Initial Academic Job Placement of Recent Graduates

Accounting and Management

Shelley Xin Li (DBA, Accounting and Management 2016)

University of Southern California, Leventhal School of Accounting, Marshall School of Business
Management Control and Employee-driven Innovation

Sa-Pyung Sean Shin (DBA, Accounting and Management 2016)

Singapore Management University, School of Accountancy
Essays on Corporate Governance and Shareholder Activism 1) Takeover Defenses in the Era of Shareholder Activism 2)
Consequences to Directors of Shareholder Activism 3) Activist Directors: Determinants and Consequences

Zeshawn Beg (DBA, Accounting and Management 2014)

Cornell University, Dyson School of Applied Economics and Management

Kyle Travis Welch (DBA, Accounting and Management - 2014)

The George Washington University
Private Equity's Diversification Illusion: Economic Comovement and Fair Value Reporting

Abigail McIntosh Allen (DBA, Accounting and Management - 2013)

Harvard Business School, Lecturer
Essays in Financial Accounting Standard Setting 1) Agenda setting at the FASB: evidence from the role of the FASAC 2)
The auditing oligopoly and accounting standards lobbying 3) Toward an understanding of the role of standard setters in
standard setting

Maria Loumioti (DBA, Accounting and Management - 2012)

University of Southern California, Marshall School of Business
The Use of Intangible Assets as Loan Collateral

Aida Sijamic Wahid (DBA, Accounting and Management - 2012)

University of Toronto, Rotman School of Management
Director Heterogeneity and Its Impact on Board Effectiveness

James P. Naughton (DBA, Accounting and Management - 2011)

Northwestern University, Kellogg School of Management
Essays on Corporate Pension Plans

Sofia Loureno (DBA, Accounting and Management - 2010)

Instituto Superior de Economia e Gesto
Do Monetary Incentives, Feedback and Recognition Matter for Performance? Evidence from a Field Experiment in a Retail
Services Company

Georgios Serafeim (DBA, Accounting and Management - 2010)

Harvard Business School
Essays on Fair Value Reporting 1) Consequences and Institutional Determinants of Unregulated Corporate Financial
Statements: Evidence from Embedded Value Reporting, 2) Information Risk and Fair Values: An Examination of Equity Betas,
3) Did Fair Valuation Depress Equity Values During the 2008 Financial Crisis?

1 Job title of initial placement is Assistant Professor unless otherwise noted.
Lloyd Tanlu (DBA, Accounting and Management - 2009)
University of Washington, Foster School of Business
Essays on Forecasting 1) Do Rolling Forecasts Improve Planning? 2) Are Managers Unable or Unwilling to Revise Earnings

David Maber (DBA, Accounting and Management - 2009)

University of Southern California, Leventhal School of Accounting
Essays on Compensation: 1. Skill Intensity, Performance Evaluation and Compensation: Evidence from Sell-side Equity
Associates, 2. What Drives Sell-Side Analyst Compensation at High-Status Banks, 3. Say on Pay Votes and CEO
Compensation: Evidence from the U.K.

Craig Chapman (DBA, Accounting and Management - 2008)

Northwestern University, Kellogg School of Management
Essays on Real Earnings Management

Wan Wong Sun-Wai (DBA, Accounting and Management - 2007)

Northwestern University, Kellogg School of Management
Does Venture Capitalist Quality Affect Corporate Governance?

George Eli Batta (DBA, Accounting and Management - 2005)

National Economic Research Association
Financial Information's Role in Credit Analysis and Credit Derivative Valuation

Dennis Campbell (DBA, Accounting and Management - 2005)

Harvard Business School
Performance Measurement and Joint Production Between the Customer and Firm: Empirical and Analytical Perspectives.

Tatiana Sandino (DBA, Accounting and Management - 2005)

University of Southern California, Leventhal School of Accounting
Introducing the First Management Control Systems: Evidence From the Retail Sector

Business Economics

Elizabeth Cook-Stuntz (PhD, Business Economics 2016)

Essays in Labor Economics 1) The Daughters of Rosie the Riveter 2) The Effect of Mother Homemakers on a Woman's Job
Inheritance 3) A Closer Look at Private Schools' Role in Rural Southern Segregation

Xavier Jaravel (PhD, Business Economics 2016)

Stanford Institute for Economic Policy Research, Postdoctoral Fellow
Essays in the Economics of Innovation 1) The Unequal Gains from Product Innovations 2) Team-specific Capital and
Innovation 3) Patent Trolls and the Patent Examination Process 4) The Lifecycle of Inventors

Rohan Kekre (PhD, Business Economics 2016)

University of Chicago, Booth School of Business
Essays on Macroeconomic Stabilization 1) Unemployment Insurance in Macroeconomic Stabilization 2) Labor Market
Frictions in a Monetary Union 3) Firm vs. Bank Leverage over the Business Cycle
Benjamin B. Lockwood (PhD, Business Economics 2016)
University of Pennsylvania, Wharton School, Business Economics and Public Policy Department
Essays in Optimal Taxation 1) Optimal Income Taxation with Present Bias 2) Taxation and the Allocation of Talent 3)
Regressive Sin Taxes

Filippo Mezzanotti (PhD, Business Economics 2016)

Northwestern University, Kellogg School of Management, Finance Department
Essays in Corporate Finance 1) Roadblock to Innovation: The Role of Patent Litigation in Corporate R&D 2) Sovereign debt
exposure and the bank lending channel: impact on credit supply and the real economy 3) Private Equity, Financial Strategy,
and the Crisis

Thomas Yang Powers (PhD, Business Economics 2016)

Essays on International Finance and Asset Pricing

John Cong Zhou (PhD, Business Economics 2016)

Essays on Asset Prices and Macroeconomic News Announcements 1) Sophisticated Trading and Market Efficiency:
Evidence from Macroeconomic News Announcements 2) The Good, the Bad, and the Ambiguous: The Aggregate Stock
Market Dynamics around Macroeconomic News 3) Asset Price Reactions to News at the Zero Lower Bound

Mira Anna Phyllis Frick (PhD, Business Economics 2015)

Yale University, Cowles Foundation for Research in Economics, Postdoctoral Research Associate
Essays on Learning, Uncertainty, and Choice

Benjamin Michael Hebert (PhD, Business Economics 2015)

Stanford Graduate School of Business, Finance Department
Essays on Information and Debt

Assaf Romm (PhD, Business Economics 2015)

Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Essays on Microeconomic Theory

Martin Sebastian Rotemberg (PhD, Business Economics 2015)

Harvard Kennedy School, Visiting Professor, 2015-2016; New York University, Economics Department, Assistant Professor, 2016
Essays in Industrial Policy and Communication

Ran I. Shorrer (PhD, Business Economics 2015)

Pennsylvania State University, Economics Department
Essays on Indices and Matching

Mary Bryce Millet Steinberg (PhD, Business Economics 2015)

Brown University, Watson Institute, Postdoctoral Fellow, 2015-2016; Brown University, Assistant Professor, 2016
On the Demand For Human Capital in India

Thomas George Wollmann (PhD, Business Economics 2015)

University of Chicago Booth School of Business, Microeconomics Group
Essays on Industrial Organization

Catherine Grace Barrera (PhD, Business Economics 2014)

Cornell University Johnson School of Management, Post-Doctoral Associate, 2014; Assistant Professor of Economics, 2015
Skill, Job Design, and the Labor Market under Uncertainty

Thomas Rutford Covert (PhD, Business Economics 2014)

University of Chicago Booth School of Business
Essays in Industrial Organization and Finance

Raluca Ecaterina Dragusanu (PhD, Business Economics 2014)

Federal Reserve Board Research and Statistics, Economist
Essays in International Trade and Development

Samuel Arthur Kruger (PhD, Business Economics 2014)

The University of Texas at Austin McCombs School of Business
Essays in Financial Economics

Heather Ward Schofield (PhD, Business Economics 2014)

Center for Global Development Post-Doctoral Fellow, 2014-2015; University of Pennsylvania Health Policy Department, Assistant
Professor, 2015
Essays in Development and Health

Dmitry Taubinsky (PhD, Business Economics 2014)

Harvard University and UC Berkeley, Post-Doctoral Fellow in Economics
Essays in Behavioral and Experimental Economics

Ian Tomb (PhD, Business Economics 2014)

Essays on the Economics of Wage Inequality

Eric Meinberg Zwick (PhD, Business Economics 2014)

University of Chicago Booth School of Business
Finance Implications of the Great Recession

Stephanie Ruth Hurder (PhD, Business Economics 2013)

MIT Sloan School of Management, Post-doctoral Associate (2013); University of Michigan, Assistant Professor (2014)
Essays on Matching in Labor Economics 1) An Integrated Model of Occupation Choice, Spouse Choice, and Family Labor
Supply 2) Spouse Choice and Female Labor Supply: Evidence from Lawyers 3) Evaluating Econometric Models of Peer
Effects with Experimental Data

Benjamin Charles Iverson (PhD, Business Economics 2013)

Northwestern University, Kellogg School of Management
Essays in Corporate and Consumer Finance 1) Get in Line: Chapter 11 Restructuring in Crowded Bankruptcy Courts 2)
The Ownership and Trading of Debt Claims in Chapter 11 Restructurings 3) Can Gambling Increase Savings? Empirical
Evidence on Prize-linked Savings Accounts

Hoan Soo Lee (PhD, Business Economics 2013)

Tsinghua University
Essays on Applied Microeconomics 1) Competing Ad Auctions 2) Consumer Search Pattern in Internet Advertising 3)
Value Access in Venture Capital

Shai Bernstein (PhD, Business Economics 2012)

Stanford Graduate School of Business
"Essays in Entrepreneurial Finance 1) Does Going Public Affect Innovation? 2) Private Equity and Industry Performance 3)
Contracting with Heterogeneous Externalities

Julian Emil Kolev (PhD, Business Economics 2012)

MIT Sloan School of Management, Post-Doctoral Fellow
Essay in Finance and Innovation 1) Of Mice and Academics: Examining the Effect of Openness on Innovation 2) Strategic
Corporate Layoffs 3) Credit Constraints in the Funding of Innovation: Theory and Evidence
Jacob Dov Leshno (PhD, Business Economics 2012)
Microsoft Research New England, Post-Doctoral Fellow, 2012; Columbia Business School, 2013
Columbia Business School (2013)
Essays in Market Design 1) Dynamic Matching in Overloaded Systems 2) A Supply and Demand Framework for Two-Sided
Matching Markets 3) Will an Increase In The Minimum Wage Improve Training?

Carolin Elisabeth Pflueger (PhD, Business Economics 2012)

University of British Colombia, Sauder School of Business
Inflation and Asset Prices 1) Inflation Risk in Corporate Bonds 2) An Empirical Decomposition of Risk and Liquidity in
Nominal and Inflation-Indexed Government Bonds 3) A Heteroskedasticity and Autocorrelation Robust Pre-Test for Weak

Michael James Sinkinson (PhD, Business Economics 2012)

University of Pennsylvania, Wharton School of Business
Essays on Industrial Organization

Michael Dickstein (PhD, Business Economics 2011)

Stanford University, Department of Economics
Essays on the Industrial Organization of Health Care

Samuel Hanson (PhD, Business Economics 2011)

Harvard Business School
Essays in Financial Economics

Judd Kessler (PhD, Business Economics 2011)

University of Pennsylvania, Wharton School of Management
Social Forces and Public Good Provision

Scott Duke Kominers (PhD, Business Economics 2011)

University of Chicago, Becker Friedman Institute for Research in Economics, Post-Doctoral Fellow (2011)
Matching Models of Markets

Hongyi LI (PhD, Business Economics 2011)

Post-Doctoral Fellow, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Essays in Microeconomic Theory

Amanda Kay Starc (PhD, Business Economics - 2011)

University of Pennsylvania, Wharton School of Management
The Industrial Organization of Health Insurance Markets

Aditya Sunderam (PhD, Business Economics - 2011)

Harvard Business School
Effects of the Organization of Financial Markets

Laura Elena Serban (PhD, Business Economics - 2010)

U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, Division of Risk, Strategy, and Financial Innovation
Liquidity and Traders' Behavior in Financial Markets

Sergey Chernenko (PhD, Business Economics - 2010)

Ohio State University, Fisher College of Business
Capital Market Imperfections and Corporate Finance
Lucas Coffman (PhD, Business Economics - 2010)
Ohio State University, Department of Economics
Essays in Experimental Economics

Itay Fainmesser (PhD, Business Economics - 2010)

Brown University, Department of Economics
Essays on Networks and Markets 1) Community Structure and Market Outcomes: Towards a Theory of Repeated Games in
Networks, 2) Effective Word-Of-Mouth: Reputation Networks and Market Structure, 3) Social Networks and Unraveling in
Labor Markets

Winnie Wan-Yi Fung (PhD, Business Economics - 2010)

Wheaton College
Malnutrition, Infectious Disease, and Economic Development

Soojin Yim (PhD, Business Economics - 2010)

Emory University, Goizueta Business School
Individuals and Corporate Decisions

Amrita Ahuja (PhD, Business Economics - 2009)

Post-Doctoral Fellow, Harvard Kennedy School of Government
Essays in Empirical Contracting and Development

John Beshears (PhD, Business Economics - 2009)

National Bureau of Economics, Post-Doctoral Fellow (2009)
Stanford University, Graduate School of Business (2010)
Financial Choices and the Decision-making Context

Eric Budish (PhD, Business Economics - 2009)

University of Chicago, Booth School of Business
Essays on Market Design

Jennifer Dlugosz (PhD, Business Economics - 2009)

Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System
Essays in Corporate Finance: 1. What Lies Beneath: An Inside Look at CLOs Collateral
2. The Alchemy of CDO Credit Ratings 3. Large Blocks of Stock: Prevalence, Size and Measurement

Ioannis Ioannou (PhD, Business Economics - 2009)

London Business School
Essays on Strategy and Industrial Organization

Steven Leider (PhD in Business Economics - 2009)

University of Michigan, Ross School of Management
Essays on Experimental Economics and Behavioral Contract Theory. 1. Norms and Contracting 2. Contractual and
Organizational Structure with Reciprocal Agents. 3. Gift Exchange in the Lab - It is not (only) how much you give ...

Jakub Jurek (PhD, Business Economics - 2008)

Princeton University, Department of Economics
Exploring Deviations between Prices and Values in Capital Asset Markets

Anna Kovner (PhD, Business Economics - 2008)

Federal Reserve Bank of New York
Essays in Financial Economics: 1) Venture Capital Investment Cycles: The Impact of Public Markets, 2) The Private Equity
Advantage: Leveraged Buyout Firms and Relationship Banking, 3) Unnecessary Termination: Public and Corporate Pension
Plans Asset Manager Decisions

Robin Lee (PhD, Business Economics - 2008)

New York University, Stern School of Business
Essays on Platform Competition and Two-Sided Markets

Gregor Matvos (PhD, Business Economics - 2007)

University of Chicago, Booth School of Business
Essays in Proxy Voting and Human Capital Investment

Harini Parthasarathy (PhD, Business Economics - 2007)

World Bank
Essays on the Lending and Underwriting Industries: 1) Mergers and Impact on Customer Retention and Acquisition, 2) Do
Firms Engage in One-Stop Shopping?, 3) Information Asymmetry and One-Stop Shopping

Parag Pathak (PhD, Business Economics - 2007)

Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Department of Economics
Essays on Real-life Allocation Problems

James A. Costantini (PhD, Business Economics - 2006)

Essays on Effects of Financial Institutions on Industrial Development 1) Impact of Financial Development on Firm Growth
and Firm Size Distribution 2) Financial Institutions and Industry Growth 3) Cross-Industry Variation in Effect of Bankruptcy
Procedures: Case Study of Italy

Pavel Savor (PhD, Business Economics - 2006)

University of Pennsylvania, Wharton School of Management
Essays in Financial Economics: (1) Holding on to Your Shorts: When do Short Sellers Retreat? (2) Value for Acquirers?
(3) Stock Returns after Major Price Shocks: the Impact of Information

Ryan D. Taliaferro (PhD, Business Economics - 2006)

Harvard Business School
Essays in Financial Economics: (1) Firm Investment and Systematic Risk (2) Live Prices and Stale Quantities: T+1 Accounting
and Mutual Fund Mispricing* (3) Predicting Returns with Managerial Decision Variables: Is there a Small Sample Bias?**
*with Peter Tufano (HBS and NBER) and Michael Quinn (Analysis Group)**with Malcolm Baker (HBS and NBER) and Jeffrey
Wurgler (NYU and NBER)

Catherine Atterbury Thomas (PhD, Business Economics - 2006)

Columbia University Graduate School of Business
Essays on the Industrial Organization of Multinational Enterprises

Yuhai Xuan (PhD, Business Economics - 2006)

Harvard Business School
Essays in Financial Economics (1) Empire-Building or Bridge-Building? Evidence from New CEOs Internal Capital Allocation
Decisions (2) The Role of Venture Capitalists in the Acquisition of Private Companies (3) Shutting the Pearly Gates: The
Determinants and Performance Implications of Mutual Fund Closures*

Katherine Emily Ho (PhD, Business Economics - 2005)

Columbia University
Essays on the Industrial Organization of Medical Care: The Welfare Effects of Restricted Hospital Choice in the US Medical
Care Market; Insurer-Provider Networks in the Medical Care Market; Moment Inequalities and Their Application
Kristin Elizabeth Knox (PhD, Business Economics - 2005)
Harvard University, Institutional Research Office
Essays in Financial Economics: How Does the Presence of Collateral Affect Banks' Views of Takeover Defenses?; How Does
Collateral Affect Loan Spreads?; Earnings Preannouncements (joint with Randolph Cohen and Tuomo Vuolteenaho)

Michael Ostrovsky (PhD, Business Economics - 2005)

Stanford University, Graduate School of Business
Essays on Matching: Stability in Supply Chain Networks; Trade Patterns under Transportation Cost Heterogeneity; Two-
Sided Matching with Common Values

Michael Yampuler (PhD, Business Economics - 2005)

University of Houston, C.T. Bauer College of Business
Three Essays on Standards and the Capital Market: Principles-Based Accounting Standards, Earnings Management and
Price Efficiency; Earnings Management Deterrence; Audit Opinion Levels

Health Policy Management

Ashley-Kay Fryer (PhD, Health Policy Management 2016)

Improving Health Care Delivery: Patient Care Integration and Manager Commitment 1) Patient Perceptions of Integrated
Care and their Relationship to Utilization of Emergency, Inpatient and Outpatient Services 2) Achieving Care Integration
from the Patients' Perspective: Results From a Care Management Program 3) Successful Quality Improvement
Implementation: The Role of Senior and Middle Manager Commitment

Scott Sang-Hyun Lee (PhD, Health Policy Management 2015)

Brigham and Womens Hospital, Internal Medicine Residency Program, Resident in Internal Medicine
Three Field Experiments on Incentives for Health Workers

Melissa A. Valentine (PhD, Health Policy Management 2013)

Stanford University
Team Scaffolds: How Minimal Team Structures Enable Role-Based Coordination

Ayfer H. Ali (PhD, Health Policy Management 2012)

Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
From Idea to Product: Translating Research between the Bench and the Clinic 1) Buyer Behavior in Technology Markets:
Technology Proximity between Firm Portfolio and In-Licensed Patents 2) Translating Inventions into Products: Inventors
Educational Background and the Speed of Technology Licensing from Academic Medical Centers 3) Do Diversity and Focus in
Routine Work Influence Creative Output? Evidence from Cardiac Surgery

Julia Adler-Millstein (PhD, Health Policy Management 2011)

University of Michigan, School of Information & School of Public Health
The Use of Information Technology in U.S. Health Care Delivery

Jonathan Clark (PhD, Health Policy Management 2010)

Pennsylvania State University
Everything for Everybody? An Examination of Organizational Scope in the Health Care Industry

Lucy Hamilton MacPhail (PhD, Health Policy Management 2010)

New York University Wagner Graduate School of Public Service
Work Process Failure and Organizational Learning in Health Care Delivery Settings

Syeda Noorein Inamdar (PhD, Health Policy Management - 2008)

San Jose State University
Examining the Scope of Multibusiness Health Care Firms: Implications for Corporate Strategy, Management Control
Systems and Performance

Ingrid Nembhard (PhD, Health Policy Management - 2007)

Yale University, School of Medicine and School of Management
Organizational Learning in Health Care: A Multi-Method Study of Quality Improvement Collaboratives

Sara Singer (PhD, Health Policy Management - 2007)

Harvard University, School of Public Health
Safety Climate in U.S. Hospitals: Its Measurement, Variation, and Relationship to Organizational Safety Performance

Darren Edward Zinner (PhD, Health Policy Management - 2006)

Research Fellow, Massachusetts General Hospital
Essays on the Management of Clinical Trial Sites: Lessons for Health Policy, Technology Development, and Organizational


Pamela Peng Park (DBA, Management 2016)

Gold Star vs. North Star Leaders: Role Orientations and Arbitrage in Crossing Sector Boundaries

Patricia Satterstrom (DBA, Management 2016)

New York University, Robert F. Wagner Graduate School of Public Service
How Micro-Processes Change Social Hierarchies in Teams 1) Toward a More Dynamic Conceptualization of Social
Hierarchy in Teams 2) Microwedges: Moving Teams from Rigid to Dynamic Social Hierarchy 3) The Changing Nature of
Social Hierarchy and Voice

Elizabeth Altman (DBA, Management 2015)

University of Massachusetts (Lowell)
Platform and Ecosystem Transitions: Strategic and Organizational Implications

Matthew Scott Lee (DBA, Management 2014)

Mission and Markets? Organizational Hybridity in Social Ventures

Hila Lifshitz-Assaf (DBA, Management 2014)

NYU Stern School of Business
Shifting Loci of Innovation: A Study of Knowledge Boundaries, Identity and Innovation at NASA

Everett Stuart Palmer Spain, (DBA, Management 2014)

United States Military Academy
Finding and Keeping Stars: The Leadership Performance and Retention of High Potentials

Ethan S. Bernstein (DBA, Management 2013)

Harvard Business School
Does Privacy Make Groups Productive?

Andrew A. Hill (DBA, Management 2011)

US Army War College
Risk, Hiring and Organizational Performance: Essays in the Management of Human Capital
Barbara Zepp Larson (DBA, Management 2011)
University of Sussex
Working across societal borders: Essays on cross-sector interactions

Howard H. Yu (DBA Management 2011)

IMD Switzerland
Leopards Sometimes Change Their Spots: How Established Firms Can Transform Themselves

Adam Kleinbaum (DBA, Management - 2008)

Harvard Business School, Post-Doctoral Fellow, 2008; Dartmouth College, Tuck School of Business, 2009
The Social Structure of Organization: Coordination in a Large, Multi-Business Firm

Spela Trefalt (DBA, Management - 2008)

Simmons College
Between You and Me: A Relational Perspective on Managing Work - Nonwork Boundaries

Amanda Paige Cowen (DBA, Policy and Management - 2006)

Harvard Business School, Post-Doctoral Fellow, 2006; University of Virginia, McIntire School of Commerce, 2007
The Liabilities of Status: Merger Outcomes in the Investment Banking Industry, 1980 2000

Julia Prats (DBA, Policy and Management - 2004)

University of Pennsylvania, Wharton School of Management
Sustaining Superior Performance through an Entrepreneurial Boom and Bust: Inter-Firm Differences in the e-Consulting
Industry (1997-2001) and the Investment Management Industry (1927-1931)


Katherine Neva Barasz (DBA, Marketing 2016)

IESE Business School
The Continuum of Choice: Essays on How Consumer Decisions are Made, Changed, and Perceived

Pavel Kireyev (DBA, Marketing 2016)

Essays on the Design and Industrial Organization of Online Markets 1) Markets for Ideas: Prize Structure and Entry Limits
in Ideation Contests 2) Expiration and Pricing Policy with Inattentive Consumers: The Case of Daily Deals 3) Match Your
Own Price? Self-Matching as a Retailer's Multichannel Pricing Strategy

Bhavya Mohan (DBA, Marketing 2016)

University of San Francisco, Marketing Department
Lifting the Veil: Essays on Firm Transparency and Consumer Behavior 1) The Benefits of Cost Transparency 2) Measuring
the Impact of Pay Ratio Disclosure 3) Helping Consumers Evaluate Percentage Changes

Lingling Zhang (DBA, Marketing 2016)

University of Maryland, Marketing Department
Essays on Online and Multi-Channel Marketing 1) Strategic Channel Selection with Online Platforms: An Empirical Analysis
of the Daily Deal Market 2) Viral Videos: The Dynamics of Online Video Advertising Campaigns 3) The Air War versus the
Ground Game: An Analysis of Multi-Channel Marketing in U.S. Presidential Elections

Silvia Bellezza, (DBA, Marketing 2015)

Columbia Business School
Symbolic Consumption and Alternative Signals of Status
Clarence Lee, (DBA, Marketing - 2014)
Cornell University
Essays on the Digital Consumer: Models of Engagement, Upgrade, and Referral Behaviors

Jeffrey Kwok-wai Lee (DBA, Marketing - 2013)

MIT Sloan School of Management, Visiting Scholar and Lecturer; Post-doctoral Research Fellow
The Downsides of Status Consumption 1) Omnivores, Status Consumption and Self-Expression 2) Uncovering Reverse
Placebo Effects: When Better Brands Lead to Worse Performance 3) The Consequences of Imagining Conspicuous

Taylan Yalcin (DBA, Marketing - 2012)

Chapman University, Argyros School of Business and Economics
The Effect of Quality Decisions on Competitive Strategy 1) Complementary Goods: Creating, Capturing, and Competing for
Value 2) Competing for Consumers Online: The Advertising Strategies of Vertically Differentiated Firms 3) Content Quality
in Media Markets

Zo Chance (DBA, Marketing - 2011)

Yale School of Management, Post-Doctoral Fellow, 2011; Yale School of Management, 2012
Live Long and Prosper: Ironic Effects of Behavior on Perceptions of Personal Resources

Lalin Anik (DBA, Marketing - 2011)

Duke University, Post-Doctoral Fellow, 2011-2013; University of Virginia, Darden School of Business, 2013
Experiments in Social Networks

Tuan Quang Phan (DBA, Marketing - 2011)

National University of Singapore
Essays on Social Networks

Neeru Paharia (DBA, Marketing - 2010)

Harvard Kennedy School, Director, Safra Center for Ethics, 2010; Georgetown University, McDonough School of Business, 2012
Essays on Ethics & Identity in Consumer Behavior 1)Dirty Work Clean Hand: The Moral Psychology of Indirect Agency, 2) The
Underdog Effect, and 3) Sweatshop Labor is Wrong Unless the Jeans are Cute

Renee Richardson (DBA, Marketing - 2009)

Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Sloan School of Management
The Real Value of Fakes: Dynamic Symbolic Boundaries in Socially Embedded Consumption

Jill Avery (DBA, Marketing - 2007)

Simmons College
Saving Face by Making Meaning: The Detrimental Consequences of Consumers Self-serving Response to Brand Extensions

Mary Caravella (DBA, Marketing - 2007)

University of Connecticut, School of Business
Privacy, Strategic Information Disclosure and New Customer Acquisition: Implications for Customer Relationship

Marco Bertini (DBA, Marketing - 2006)

London Business School
Indirect Effects of Marketing Decisions on Consumer Response

Ozge Turut (DBA, Marketing - 2006)

Washington University in St. Louis
Essays on New Product Decisions Under Market Uncertainty
Tuba Ustuner (DBA, Marketing - 2005)
City University, London
Selling in Knowledge-Intensive Contexts: The Role of Social Capital

Andrea Carol Wojnicki (DBA, Marketing - 2005)

University of Toronto, Rotman School of Management
Talking About Products, Talking About Me: Consumers' Subjective Expertise and Word-of-Mouth Behaviors

Organizational Behavior

Pinar Fletcher (PhD, Organizational Behavior - 2016)

The Ironic Effects of Motivational Tools on Attention and Decision Making. 1) Deciding under the influence of specific goals
2) Working hard at not seeing the obvious 3) Competing at all costs: Dysfunctional competition and gender

Caroline Ashley Wilmuth (PhD, Organizational Behavior - 2016)

Gender Differences in Professional Advancement: The Role of Goals, Perceptions, and Behaviors

Wannawiruch Wiruchnipawan (PhD, Organizational Behavior 2015)

Unexpected Distractions: Stimulation or Disruption for Creativity

Ting Zhang (PhD, Organizational Behavior - 2015)

Columbia Business School, Management Department Postdoctoral Fellow
The Personal and Interpersonal Benefits of Rediscovery

Pavel Ivanov Zhelyazkov (PhD, Organizational Behavior - 2015)

Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Management Department
The Contingent Effects of Prior Relationships: Essays on the Formation and Dissolution of Interorganizational Ties in the VC

Sujin Jang (PhD, Organizational Behavior - 2014)

INSEAD Organisational Behaviour Department, Assistant Professor
Bringing Worlds Together: Cultural Brokerage in Multicultural Teams

Mary Carol Mazza (PhD, Organizational Behavior 2013)

PAMFRI/STANFORD Levy Post Doctoral Fellow at Palo Alto Medical Foundation Research Institute and Stanford's Clinical Excellence
Research Center
Encouraging Healthful Dietary Behavior in a Hospital Cafeteria: A Field Study using Theories from Social Psychology and
Behavioral Economics

Vaughn Tan (PhD, Organizational Behavior 2013)

University College London
Intentional Ambiguity

Andrs Tilcsik (PhD, Organizational Behavior 2012)

University of Toronto, Rotman School of Management
Remembrance of Things Past: Individual Imprinting in Organizations

Andreea Daniela Gorbatai (PhD, Organizational Behavior 2012)

University of California, Haas School of Business
Social Structure and Mechanisms of Collective Production: Evidence from Wikipedia
Sameer Bhatt Srivastava (PhD, Organizational Behavior 2012)
University of California, Haas School of Business
Social Capital Activation during Times of Organizational 1) Social Capital Activation during the Uncertainty of
Organizational Restructuring 2) Situational Uncertainty and Network Activation in Organizations 3) Shadowing Networks: A
Field Experiment to Assess the Effects of a Cross-Training Program on Workplace Networks

Erin Marie Reid (PhD, Organizational Behavior 2012)

Boston University, School of Management
Men and the Ideal Worker Image

Lisa L. Shu (PhD, Organizational Behavior 2012)

Northwestern University, Kellogg School of Management, Post-Doctoral Fellow
Essays on Ethics: Antecedents and Consequences 1) Sweeping Dishonesty under the Rug 2) Making Ethics Salient 3)
Morality as Muscle

Chia-Jung Tsay (PhD, Organizational Behavior 2012)

University College London, Assistant Professor
The Impact of Visual Cues on Judgment and Perceptions of Performance

John Almandoz (PhD, Organizational Behavior 2011)

IESE Business School, University of Navarra
The Invisible Hand and the Good of Communities: The Influence of Institutional Logics on the Founding Teams of Local

Colin Fisher (PhD, Organizational Behavior 2010)

Boston University, School of Management
The Timing and Type of Team Coaching Interventions

Modupe Akinola (PhD, Organizational Behavior - 2009)

Columbia University, Graduate School of Business
Deadly Decisions: An Examination of Racial Bias in the Decision to Shoot under Threat

Qingxia Tong (PhD, Organizational Behavior - 2009)

Zayed University
Property Rights and Corporate Governance in Chinese Public Companies 1994-2005.

Marya Besharov (PhD, Organizational Behavior - 2008)

Cornell University, School of Industrial and Labor Relations
Mission Goes Corporate: Employee Behavior in a Mission-Driven Business

Heather Maiirhe Caruso (PhD, Organizational Behavior - 2008)

Post-Doctoral Fellow, University of Chicago, Booth School of Business
What We Can Gain From Losses: How Framing Affects Willingness to Collaborate with Outgroup Members

Katerina Pick (PhD, Organizational Behavior - 2007)

Harvard Business School Post-Doctoral Fellow, 2007; Claremont Graduate University, The Drucker School, 2008
Around the Boardroom Table: Interactional Aspects of Governance

Dolly Chugh (PhD, Organizational Behavior - 2006)

New York University, Stern School of Business
Whose Advice is it Anyway?: An Exploration of Bias and Implicit Social Cognition in the Use of Advice
Shoshana Dobrow (PhD, Organizational Behavior - 2006)
Fordham University
Having a Calling: A Longitudinal Study of Young Musicians

Won Yong Kim (PhD, Organizational Behavior - 2006)

Columbia University
Network of Audiences: FDA Review Time and Innovation in the Pharmaceutical Industry, 1990-2004

Elizabeth Lingo (PhD, Organizational Behavior - 2006)

Vanderbilt University Post-Doctoral Fellow, 2006; Vanderbilt University, Curb Center for Art, Enterprise & Public Policy, 2009
Negotiations and Lovesongs: A Theory of Nexus Work in Market-Based Cultural Industry Projects

Wendy K. Smith (PhD, Organizational Behavior - 2006)

University of Delaware
Managing Strategic Contradictions: Top Management Teams Balancing Existing Products and Innovation Simultaneously

Michael Beers (PhD, Organizational Behavior - 2005)

Babson College, Senior Research Fellow
When Strangers Dance: Social Capital and the Gender Earnings Gap in Elite Workers

Linda-Eling Lee (PhD, Organizational Behavior - 2005)

Parsons New School for Design
Conspicuous Consumption: A Theory on Producers' Quality Ideals

Christopher Owen Wheat (PhD, Organizational Behavior - 2005)

Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Sloan School of Management
Modeling the Structure of Social Organization

Science Technology and Management / Information Technology and Management

David Brunner (PhD, Information Technology and Management - 2009)

Harvard Business School, Research Associate
Computer-Assisted Organizing

Katherine Milkman (PhD, Information Technology and Management - 2009)

University of Pennsylvania, Wharton School of Management
Studies of Intrapersonal Conflict and its Implications

Jolie Martin (PhD, Information Technology and Management - 2008)

Harvard Program on Negotiation, Post-Doctoral Fellow; University of Minnesota
Seeing the Forest for the Trees: Information Aggregation in Online Decision-Making

Feng Zhu (PhD, Information Technology and Management - 2008)

University of Southern California, Marshall School of Business
Dynamics of Platform-Based Markets

C. Jason Woodard (PhD, Information Technology Management - 2006)

Singapore Management University
Architectural Strategy and Design Evolution in Complex Engineered Systems

Megan Lynn Lawrence (DBA, Strategy 2016)

Vanderbilt University, Owen Graduate School of Management
Why Do Firm Practices Differ? Examining the Selection and Implementation of Organizational Practices 1) Are Founder
CEOs Good Managers? 2) Taking Stock of the Ability to Change: Prior Experience, Competency Traps, and Learning-by-Doing
3) How Do Pilots Work? Examining Pilot Use in New Practice Transfer

Juan Ma (DBA, Strategy 2016)

INSEAD, Strategy Department
Competing Globally: Institutional Voids in Emerging Markets

Sarah Elizabeth Wolfolds (DBA, Strategy 2016)

Cornell University, Dyson School of Applied Economics and Management
Donations and Differentiation: Three Essays on Non-profit Strategy 1) Competition between Endogenous Business Model
Forms: Profit Status in the Mixed Microfinance Industry 2) The Effect of Synergies and Competition on Organizational
Choices in Non-Profits: Evidence from Latin American Microfinance 3) Employee Incentives in Microfinance Institutions:
Examining the Importance of Diversification and Profit Status

Pyoungchan Joseph Ahn (DBA, Strategy 2015)

Essays on Intellectual Property Bargaining and Trade 1) Intellectual Property Sales and Property Rights: Implications for
Concentration of Industry 2) Selling to the Leader or the Laggard? Exploring the Impact of Property Rights Upon Innovator
Patent Sales 3) How Do I Use This? A Conceptual Model of Patent Dynamic Capabilities

Andrea Hugill (DBA, Strategy 2015)

Georgetown University McDonough School of Business, Visiting Assistant Professor
Strategies for the Non-Market Environment

Haris Tabakovic (DBA, Strategy 2015)

Essays on Innovation, Strategy and Competition 1) Firms and Patent Assertion Entities 2) The Standard-Pool Interface 3)
The Impact of Money on Science: Evidence from Unexpected NCAA Football Outcomes

Tiona Zuzul (DBA, Strategy - 2014)

London Business School
Entrepreneurship and Innovation in Nascent Industries

Anoop Ramachandran Menon (DBA, Strategy - 2012)

University of Pennsylvania, Wharton School of Business
Essays on Cognition in Strategy

Sanjay Patnaik (DBA, Strategy - 2012)

University of Pennsylvania, Wharton School, Visiting Senior Fellow, 2012; The George Washington University School of Business,
Essays on International Non-market Strategy and the Political Economy of Environmental Regulation

Kristin Elizabeth Wilson (DBA, Strategy 2012)

University of North Carolina, Kenan-Flagler Business School
Essays on Competitive Dynamics in Regulated Industries: Evidence from Commercial Banking 1) Managing in Boom and
Bust Markets: Market Experience and Risk Management Capabilities 2) Regulatory Oversight in Boom and Bust Markets:
Evidence from Commercial Banking 3) The Performance Effects of Regulatory Oversight
Claudine Madras Gartenberg (DBA, Strategy - 2011)
New York University, Stern School of Business
Essays on Firm Scope and Incentives

Markus Taussig (DBA, Strategy - 2011)

National University of Singapore
Essays on Firm Strategy and Performance in Emerging Economies

Prithwiraj Choudhury (DBA, Strategy - 2010)

University of Pennsylvania, Wharton School
Innovation in Emerging Markets

Emilie Feldman (DBA, Strategy - 2010)

University of Pennsylvania, Wharton School
Essays on Corporate Strategy 1) Selling your Heritage: Legacy Divestitures and the Hidden Costs of Corporate Renewal, 2)
The Talent at the Table: Business Expertise and Share Ownership in Fortune 500 Boardrooms, 3) When do Analysts Add
Value: Evidence from Corporate Spinoffs

Technology and Operations Management

Budhaditya Gupta (DBA, Technology and Operations Management 2016)

University of Melbourne, Faculty of Business and Economics
Essays on External Context and Operating Models 1) How Does Institutional Context Matter for R&D Search? An
Exploratory Study of Medical Device Development in India 2) Task Shifting in Surgery: Lessons from an Indian Heart Hospital
3) A Recombination-Based Internationalization Model: Perspectives from Narayana Healths Journey from India to the
Cayman Islands

Nathan Charles Craig (DBA, Technology and Operations Management 2014)

Ohio State University, Fisher College of Business
Essays on Retail Operations Management

Jillian Alexandra Berry Jaeker (DBA, Technology and Operations Management 2014)
Boston University School of Management
Impact of Workload and Resource Availability on Hospital Productivity

Sen Chai (DBA, Technology and Operations Management 2013)

Harvard University and National Bureau of Economic Research, Post-doctoral Fellow 2013-2014; ESSEC Business School, 2014
Essays on the Emergence and Diffusion of Breakthroughs

William Schmidt (DBA, Technology and Operations Management 2013)

Cornell University, S.C. Johnson Graduate School of Management
Supply Chain Disruptions and the Role of Information Asymmetry 1) Signaling to Partially Informed Investors in the
Newsvendor Model 2) Belief Refinement and Operational Choices 3) Are Supply Chain Disruptions so Disruptive?

Ryan Williams Buell (DBA, Technology and Operations Management 2012)

Harvard Business School
The Experience of Production: Essays on Customers in Service Operations 1) Are Self-Service Customers Satisfied or Stuck?
2) The Labor Illusion: How Operational Transparency Increases Perceived Value. 3) How Do Customers Respond to Service
Quality Competition?
Venkat Kuppuswamy (DBA, Technology and Operations Management 2011)
University of North Carolina
The Performance Consequences of Firm Scope Choices

Christopher Liu (DBA, Technology and Operations Management - 2010)

University of Toronto, Rotman School of Management
Essays on Network Antecedents in a Knowledge Production Context

Matthew Marx (DBA, Technology and Operations Management - 2009)

Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Sloan School of Management
Essays on Employee Non-compete Agreements

Santiago Mingo (DBA, Technology and Operations Management - 2009)

University of Miami, School of Business Administration
Essays on Industrial Policy, Strategy, and Entrepreneurship

Bradley Staats (DBA, Technology and Operations Management - 2009)

University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Kenan-Flager Business School
Microfoundations of Organizational Capabilities: Empirical Evidence from Indian Software Services

Richard Lai (DBA, Technology and Operations Management - 2008)

University of Pennsylvania, Wharton School of Management
Empirical Operations Management Three Essays 1) Is Inventorys Fiscal Year End Effect Caused by Sales Timing? A Test
Using a Natural Experiment from Germany, 2) Inventory Signals, 3) Inventory and the Stock Market

Saravanan Kesavan (DBA, Technology and Operations Management - 2007)

University of North Carolina, Kenan-Flager Business School
Forecasting and Benchmarking Firm Level Performance of Retailers using Econometric Models

Marcelo Pancotto (DBA, Technology and Operations Management - 2007)

Universidad Austral, IAE Business School
Underlying Dynamics of Organizational Learning from a Problem Solving Perspective: Quality Improvement Efforts and
Problem Population Dynamics

Santiago Kraiselburd (DBA, Technology and Operations Management - 2005)

Instituto de Empresa
Three Essays on Supply Chain Contracts: Impact of Contract Limitations on Inventory and Sales

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