Application of UBC and IBC

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Sudan University for Science And Technology

College of Graduate Studies

Application of UBC and IBC Seismic Codes For R.C.

Buildings Design in Sudan

Abubaker Yahia Salih Hussian
Thesis Submitted to the college of Engineering Sudan University of Science and
Technology in partial fulfillment of
the Requirements for the Degree of Master of Science

Structural Engineering

Dr. Abdel Rahman El Zubair Mohamed

February 2014



I would like to dedicate this research

to any person who helped

me throughout in my life especially

my parents
my friends

Praise to my God for His blessing and guidance which made this project
come out.

I wish to extend my greatest gratitude and gratefulness to my

supervisor, Dr. Abdel Rahman Elzubair for his valuable guidance, advice
and suggestions throughout this project. His efforts and concern that
enabled me to achieve my project.

A lot of thanks to all staff of Civil Engineering Department, Sudan

University of Science and Technology and to all my friends who provided
me with a high level of information . My thanks are extended also to all my
colleagues, postgraduates of Structural Engineering Department for their
support and cooperation.

This research dealt with the investigation of possibility of the use of the
two representative seismic codes, UBC 1997, and IBC 2006, for seismic
force analysis of R.C. buildings in Sudan. The theory of the seismic forces
analysis was studied and presented.
A R.C. building of eight storeys constructed in two sites, a very low
seismic active site and a moderate seismic active site in Sudan which was
analyzed by using ETABSv9.7.4 computer program. Utilizing data of the
two sites, application of the provisions of each code for each case was
conducted. A comparison was made for the provisions of the two codes,
and the difficulties of using each code recorded. Then, the results obtained
were analyzed, compared and discussed .Based on the comparison
recommendations were drawn to which of the codes is a suitable choice for
use in Sudan.
The study concluded that the IBC 2006 code is more suitable and is to be
adopted for use in Sudan.

UBC 1997
IBC 2006 .

IBC 2006

Topic Page
Dedication II
Acknowledgement III
Abstract in English IV
Abstract in Arabic V
Table of contents VI
List of Tables VII
List of Figures XIII
List of Symbols XV
Chapter One: General introduction 1
1.1 Introductory Remarks 1
1.2 Problem statement 2
1.3 Research Objectives. 2
1.3.1 General Objective 2
1.3.2 Specific Objectives 2
1.4 Research Methodology. 2
1.5 Research Outlines 3
Chapter Two: Literature review 4
2.1 Definitions and the nature of earthquakes 4
2.1.1 Definitions 4
2.1.2 The nature of the earthquake forces 6
2.2 The characteristic and components of earthquake forces 7
2.3 Structural behavior or response due to earthquake forces 10
2.4 Important factors effecting the potential of earthquake damage 11
2.5 The strength of earthquake and intensity 13
2.5.1 The intensity of earthquake 14

2.5.2 The Magnitude of earthquake 15
2.6 The probabilistic seismic hazard of Sudan 16
2.7 Seismicity of Sudan 17
2.7.1 Back ground` 17`
2.7.2 Seism tectonic of Sudan 18
2.7.3 Earthquake catalogue of Sudan 20
2.7.4 Seismic zoning of Sudan 20
Chapter Three: Dynamic Response of Buildings under seismic
3.1 Introduction 24
3.2Analysis for seismic forces 24
3.2.1 Dynamic response to earthquake forces 24
3.2.2 Types of dynamic analysis 25 Time History dynamic analysis 25 Equivalent static lateral forces analysis 26 modal method and dynamic response Spectrum analysis 28 Using computer programs analysis 40
3.3 Brief description of the two codes [ UBC and IBC ] 41
3.3.1 UBC provisions 41 Back ground of UBC 1997. 41 Calculation of base shear Vb 42 of lateral forces Fx 47 Storey shear forces Vx 48 Storey over turning moments Mx 48 Lateral displacements 48 Interstorey drifts 48 Building separations 49 Dynamic analysis for UBC 50 How to choose the analysis type in UBC 52

8 Diaphragm forces Fxp 54
3.3.2 Seismic IBC provisions 54 Background 54 Calculation of base shear Vb 56 Vertical distribution of seismic forces 68 Horizontal distribution of seismic forces 69 Torsion including accidental torsion 70 Storey over turning moments 71 Interstorey drifts 71 Structural separation 74 effects 75 Simplified lateral load analysis procedure 76 Base shear 75 Vertical distribution 78 Horizontal distribution 78
4.3.11 Modal response spectrum analysis in IBC 78 Combined response parameters 78 Horizontal distribution of modal forces 79 Diaphragm Design Forces 79
Chapter Four: Dynamic analysis of R.C. building using UBC 199
7 and IBC 2006
4.1 Introduction 81
4.2 Comparison of UBC 1997 with IBC 2000 Provisions 81
4.3 Application of comparative seismic dynamic analysis of RC.
building using ETABS V9.7.4(computer program) with UBC 87
1997 and IBC 2006
4.3.1 Description of the building 87
4.3.2 The loading of the building 87
4.3.3 ETABSv9.7.4 computer program Response Spectrum 89

4.4 Analysis of Results 89
Chapter Five: Conclusions and Recommendations 108
5.1 Comments and Conclusions 108
5.2 Recommendations. 110
References: 111
Appendices: 112

List of Tables:
Table Table Title Page
(3.1) Seismic zone factor 43
(3.2) Site soil factors 43
(3.3) Seismic coefficient Ca 444
(3.4) Seismic coefficient Cv 45
(3.5) Live load incidence factor 47
(3.6) Allowable storey drifts 49
(3.7) Values of Site coefficient fa 60
(3.8) Values of Site coefficient fv 61
(3.9) Seismic design category based on SDS 63
(3.10) Seismic design category based on SDI 64
(3.11) Allowable storey drifts 73
(4.1) Comparison of UBC and IBC provisions 83
(4.2) Lateral loads to diaphragms 92
(4.3) Lateral loads to storeys 97
(4.4) Diaphragm displacements 97

(4.5) Diaphragm drifts 100
(4.6) Maximum storey displacements 100
4.7) Maximum storey drifts 103
(4.8) Storey shears 103
(4.9) Storey overturning moments `106

List of Figures:
Fig. No. Figure Title Page
(2.1) Simplified response of building due to seismic forces. 8
(2.2) Proposed Regional seismicity of Sudan and vicinity. 19
(2.3) Seismic rift system 19
(2.4) Zoning maps of Sudan (Jamal 1997) 22
(2.5) Maximum earthquake intensity distribution of Sudan 22
(Jamal 1997)
(2.6) Proposed seismic zoning maps of Sudan [Ali 2009] 23
(3.1) Earthquake acceleration North-south components of 25
general acceleration recorded at El Centro
(3.2) Single degree of freedom 29
(3.3) Response spectra El Centro earthquake N-S direction 31
(3.4) Idealized design response spectrum 31
(3.5) Elastic and inelastic response spectra 40
(3.6) Idealized load displacement curve 40
(3.7) Design response spectra 52
(3.8) Flow chart of seismic codes 55

(3.9) Design response spectrums According to the equivalent 59

lateral force procedure

(3.10) Vertical distribution of seismic forces 69
(3.11) Interstorey drifts 73
(3.12) P. delta Effect 76
(4.1) Flow chart for UBC procedure 83
(4.2) Flow chart for IBC procedure 84
(4.3) R.C building plan 93
(4.4) R.C building Elevation 94
(4.5) R.C building deformed shape 95
(4.6) Lateral loads to diaphragms 96
(4.7) Lateral loads to storeys 98
(4.8) Diaphragm CM displacements 99
(4.9) Diaphragm drifts 101
(4.10) Storey displacements 102
(4.11) Interstorey drifts 104
(4.12) Storey shears 105
(4.13) Storey overturning moments 107

List of Symbols:
Symbol Descriptions
Mb Body-wave magnitude scale.
ML Richter magnitude scale or local magnitude scale.
Ms Surface-wave magnitude scale.
Mw Moment magnitude.
Mst Storey overturning moment.
N Number of storeys.
- Fundamental applied load frequency.
Damping ratio.
F Frequency
T Fundamental period of vibration
Fi Lateral force
Vb Base shear
Wi Building mass lumped at the ith floor.
Natural frequency.
c Damping coefficient.
Cc Critical damping coefficient
Sd Spectral displacement.
Sv Spectral velocity.
Sa Spectral acceleration..
R Total response.
R Maximum total response.
r Individual response of the natural mode
The modal participation factor
e Effective modal mass.
U Relative displacement.
W Total load

Y Peak ground acceleration parameters such as
Acceleration (a), velocity (v) or displacement (d).
M Mass matrix
C Viscous damping matrix
K Stiffness matrix
U Displacement vector
F(t) Equivalent lateral forces
Mn Modal mass
Mode- shape factor
D Dead load
E Earthquake load.
L Live load.
P Incidence factor for live load.
fi Distributed lateral force.
Ft Lateral force at the top of the structure.
Fx, Fi or Fn Lateral force applied at level x, i, or n
g Gravity constant.
hi, hn or hx Height of the level i, n or x above the base
I Importance factor.
R System factor
Z Seismic zone factor.
S Soil factor
Ta Fundamental period of the structure.
C a, C v Seismic coefficients.
st Storey drift.
Fpx Diaphragm force.
Mst Storey overturning moment

Vb Base shear.
Vx The storey shear force at any storey x of the building.
W Total weight of the building.
Wx or Wi Seismic weight of the xth of ith level.
i Lateral deflection
Phase angle
Ss, S1 Ground motion parameters.
Fa, Fv Seismic Site coefficients
SDs, SD1 Design ground motion parameters.
SMs, SM1 Maximum ground motion parameters.

Chapter One
General Introduction
1.1 Introductory Remarks:
Structures in earthquake regions and those subjected to wind loads
must be designed to resist the gravitational and lateral forces. These forces
will depend on the size and shape of the building, as well as on its
geographic location. The maximum probable values of these forces must be
established before the design can proceed [1].The probable accuracy of
estimating the dead and live loads and the probability of simultaneous
occurrence of different combinations of gravity loading, both dead and live,
with either wind or earthquake forces as lateral loads is included in limit
state design through the use of prescribed factors [1].
In earthquake regions, any inertial loads from the shaking of the
ground will be dominant factor in influencing the buildings structural
form, design and cost. Earthquake as an inertial problem, the buildings
dynamic response plays a large part in influencing and in estimating the
effective loading on the structure .Therefore, in contrast to structural
response to essentially static gravity loading or even to wind loads, which
can be validly treated as static loads, the dynamic character of the response
to earthquake excitation can seldom be ignored [1]. It is more difficult to
estimate earthquake loading from the past events like gravity loads. These,
in different codes of practice, although rationally based, tend to be
empirical in their presentation [1]. Although some parts of Sudan are
earthquake regions, there is no seismic code to be used in the analysis, and
design of buildings. Therefore, in this research, methods from reasonably
representative modern seismic codes are being discussed, and to determine
which of them is suitable for Sudan.

1.2 Problem statement:
Some parts of Sudan are earthquake regions and structures built in
these regions must be designed for seismic loads .Engineers tend to use
some reasonably representative modern codes such as uniform building
code UBC 1997 and international building code IBC 2000.Thus,
determining which seismic code would be applicable for Sudan seismicity
will be of great benefit .This research attempts to apply the two seismic
codes for Sudan seismicity requirements. Also, the research aims to
recommend the provisions from seismic codes which are preferred for
use in Sudan. The possibility of recommending new provisions suitable for
Sudan conditions is also investigated.
1.3 Research Objectives:
1.3.1 General objective:
Application of UBC and IBC seismic codes for Sudan seismicity
1.3.2 Specific objectives:
The specific objectives are to:
a. review and study different codes to point out requirements of seismic
b. review the specific conditions adopted in different seismic codes and
compare them.
c. out line the seismic conditions of Sudan.
d. apply and compare the two seismic codes to show how they cover
almost all Sudan conditions and recommend one of them to be used
in seismic design.
1.4Research methodology:
The research methodology for this study focused on the following:

1. Introducing the earthquake forces nature, the causes of earthquakes,
the behavior of building during earthquakes and the types of analysis
of the earthquake forces.
2. The evaluation of the chosen seismic codes UBC 1997and IBC 2006
3. The application of provisions of the two codes on R.C. building using
Sudan seismic data of earthquakes by applying response spectrum
analysis in ETABSv9.7.4 computer program, then comparison of the
1.5 Research Outlines:
Chapter one presents introductory remarks , problem statement ,
the objectives of the research, the research methodology and outlines of
Chapter two is concerned with literature review that covers the
previous studies in the field of the research which includes the nature of
earthquakes forces and the main concepts of it.
Chapter three deals with the theory of seismic forces, types of
analysis and the provisions of the seismic codes.
Chapter four deals with the application on a R.C .building, results of
analysis by using ETABS v9.7.4 computer program with the provisions of
the two chosen codes and discussion of the results.
Chapter five presents the conclusions and recommendations.

Chapter two
Literature Review
2.1. Introduction (definition) and nature of earthquakes
2.1.1 Definitions:
An earthquake is a spasm of ground energy in the earths lithosphere
(i.e. the crust plus part of the upper mantle). This energy arises mainly from
stress built up during tectonic process, which consist of interaction between
the crust and the interior of the earth. In some parts of the world;
earthquakes are associated with volcanic activity, collapse of cave roofs or
human activity, like mining, applying or removing of large loads
(impounding of large amounts of water behind earth dams) and explosions
(Chopra and chakrabarti, 1975 ) [2]. Other definitions, an earthquake is a
phenomenon during which strong vibrations occur in the ground due to
release of enormous energy within a short period of time causing sudden
disturbance in the earths crust or upper mantle. It may, therefore, also be
defined as a sudden transient motion or series of motions of the ground
originating in a limit region and spreading from there in all directions, great
forces acting deep in earth put stress on the rock, which then bends and
changes the volume (strain) of the rock .The rock can only deformed so far
before it breaks .When the rock breaks , waves of energy are sent through
in the earth. These waves of energy, called seismic waves, are that caused
the ground to tremble and shake during an earthquake. As earthquakes
ground motion pass under each structure, they impart kinetic energy into
the structure. Through its design and constructions, the structure must
absorb and control this energy as it is dissipated throughout the structure,
else it will deform and perhaps collapse [3].
From an engineering point of view, the most important are the
earthquakes of tectonic origin, that is, those associated with large-scale
strains in the earths crust. It so because of the frequency of tectonic
earthquakes, the energy they release, and the extent of areas they affect [3].
In major earthquakes, a chain reaction would take place along the entire
length of slip, but at any given instant .The earthquake origin would lie in
a small volume of crust- practically a point-and the origin travel a long the
fault. However, some seismologists hold that earthquake originate in phase
change in rock, a companied by volume changes in relative small volumes
of the crust, i.e. volume changes of rock to reach equilibrium may be due to
important changes in litho static compression caused by migration of the
material toward or away from the surface of the earth, or they may be due
to the application or removable of large loads [ 3].
An upper limit to the ground acceleration has not been established
under the assumption that strong ground motions caused by phase change
of rocks .On the other hand the maximum ground velocity that can be
transmitted is limited by the breaking strains of rocks and the velocities of
shear waves. It may be contended there is no absolute upper limit to the
earthquake intensity. It flows that no matter how conservative a design is,
there is always a finite probability of structural failure in any finite interval
of time, and there is certainty of eventual failure unless the structure in
question is purposely demolished .The conclusion is valid even in so called
non seismic areas. Seismic regionalization must therefore be taken in sense
of greater or less risk, and one acceptable basis for maps of maximum
probable intensity is the mean recurrence times with which they may be
associated [ 3].
When scientists find the causes of the strange animal behavior, they
may be able to predict earthquakes within hours. A government agency in
China has reported that strange animal behaviors were observed just hours
before an earthquake. Cattle, sheep, mules, and horses would not enter
corrals. Rats fled their homes. Hibernating snakes left their burrows early.
Pigeons flew continuously and did not return to their nests. Rabbits raised
their ears, jumped about aimlessly, and bumped into things. Fish jumped
above water surfaces. China was not the only country to report such unusual

animal behavior. Late on May 6, 1976, an earthquake shook a town in Italy.
Before the earthquake, pet birds flapped their wings and shrieked. Mice and
rats ran in circles. Dogs barked and howled. Perhaps the animals sensed the
coming earthquake? For many years farmers throughout the world have told
stories about changes in animal's behavior just before an earthquake. Chinese
scientists were among the first to believe these stories might have a scientific
basis. They have even proposed that zoo animals might forewarn people of a
coming earthquake. Scientists in many countries are interested in finding the
causes for the strange behavior. They have suggested that one or more of the
following may be possible causes:
a. slight changes in the earth's magnetic field;
b. increased amounts of electricity in the air;
c. very small air pressure changes;
d. changes in noise level
e. gas escaping from the ground [4].
2.1.2 The nature of the earthquake forces:
Earthquake loading consist of the inertial forces of the building mass
that result from the shaking of its foundation by a seismic disturbance.
Earthquake resistant design concentrates particularly on the translational
inertia forces, whose effects on a building are more significant than the
vertical or rotational shaking components [ 1].
Other earthquake forces may exist, such as:
i. Due to land sliding.
ii. Subsidence.
iii. Active faulting below the foundation.
iv. Liquefaction of the local sub grade as a result of vibration.
The four mentioned above forces are called local effects. So many
suggest instead the selection of alternative site. [ 1]. Where earthquakes
occur, their intensity is related inversely to their frequency of occurrence.

a. Serve earthquake rare to happen.
b. Moderate earthquake once happen.
c. Minor earthquake relatively happen frequently. [ 1]
In (c) above, there is no any damage. In (b) no structural elements
damage but accepting the probability of non-structural elements damage. In
(a) accepting probability of structural elements as well as non structural
elements damage, but no collapse [1 ].
Ground motion resulting from earthquakes presents unique
challenges to the design of structures. The forces that a structure must resist
in an earthquake result directly from the distortions caused by the motion
of the ground that supports it are the response magnitude .The
distribution of forces and displacements of a structure resulting from such
ground motion is influenced by:
i. The properties of the structure.
ii. The type of foundation [ 5].
iii. The character of the existing motion.
2.2 The characters and components of Earthquake forces
Earthquake produce large magnitude forces of short duration that
must be resisted by a structure without causing collapse and preferably
without significant damage to the structural members, lessons from past
earthquakes and researches have provided technical solutions that will
minimize Earthquake Forces Characteristics and Components[5].
Loss of life and properties damage associated with earthquakes. For
material such as concrete that lack inherent inelastic deformability or
ductility, a critical part of the solution is to provide special detailing of the
reinforcement to assure a ductile response to lateral forces. Inelastic
deformability is the ability of a structure to sustain gravity loads as it
deforms laterally beyond the stage where the deformations are recoverable,
i.e beyond the stage where no residual deformations remain in a structure
once the earthquake motion subsides irrecoverable deformations are

associated with damage, while recoverable deformations are associated
with no damage [ 5].
Fig (2.1) illustrates a simplified representation of a building during
an earthquake. As the ground in which the building resets is displaced, the
base of the building moves with it. However, the inertia of the building
mass resists this motion and causes the building to suffer a distortion
(greatly exaggerated in the Fig 2.1). This distortion wave travels along the
height of structure. The continued shaking of the base causes the building
to undergo a complex series of oscillations [ 5]

seismic waves seismic waves

Fig (2.1) Simplified Representation of building Behavior during an


It is important to draw a distinction between forces due to wind and

those produced by earthquakes. These forces are often thought of as being
similar, just because codes specify design wind as well as earthquake
forces in the terms of equivalent static forces, although both wind and
earthquake forces are dynamic (varying in time). In character, a basic
difference exists in the manner in which they are induced in a structure.
Whereas wind loads are external loads applied and hence proportional to
the exposed surface of the structure, but the earthquake forces are
essentially inertia forces. The latter result from the distortion produced by
both the earthquake motion and the inertial resistance of the structure.

Their magnitude is a function of the mass of the structure rather than its
exposed surface. Also, in contrast to structural response to essentially static
gravity loading or even to wind loads, which can be validly treated as static
loads, the dynamic character of the response to earthquake excitation is
unlikely to be neglected[ 5].With exception of dead loading, the loads on a
building cannot be assessed accurately. While maximum gravity live loads
can be anticipated approximately from previous field observations, wind
and earthquake loadings are random nature, more difficult to measure
from past evens, and more difficult to predict with confidence. The
application of probabilistic theory has helped to rationalize, if not in every
case to simplify the approaches to estimating wind and earthquake loading
[ 1].
The earthquake ground motion quantity most commonly used in
analytical studies is the time-wise variation of the ground acceleration in
the immediate vicinity of a structure. At any point, the ground acceleration
may be described by horizontal components along two perpendicular
directions and a vertical component. In addition, rocking and twisting
(rotational) components may be present; however, these are usually
negligible. Because building and most other structure are most sensitive to
horizontal or lateral distortions, it has been the practice in most instances to
consider structural response to the horizontal components of ground motion
only. The effect of the vertical components of ground motion generally
has not been considered significant enough to merit special attention. In
most instances, a further simplification of the actual three- dimensional
response of structure is made by assuming horizontal acceleration
components to act non-concurrently in the direction of each principle plan
axis of a building. It is implicitly assumed that a building designed by this
approach will have adequate resistance against the resultant acceleration
acting in any direction [ 5].

The complete system of inertia forces in a structure can be
determined only by evaluating the acceleration of every mass particle. The
analysis can greatly simplified if the deflections of structure can be defined
adequately by a limited number of displacement components or ordinates.
The number of displacement components required to specify the position of
all significant mass particles in a structure is called the number of degrees
of freedom of the structure. In the so- called lumped-mass idealization, the
mass of the structure is assumed concentrated at a number of discrete
locations. Because the floor and roof elements (diaphragms) in a building
are relatively heavy, a large proportion of the building mass is concentrated
in these elements. For the structural analysis purpose, the mass of other
building components such as walls and columns, and that associated with
the superimposed dead loads, are normally assumed concentrated at the
floor and roof levels [ 5].
2.3 Structure behavior or response due to seismic forces:
To know the exact behavior of the structure, better to in light some
terms concerned. The term dynamic may be defined simply as time
varying. Thus dynamic load is any of which the magnitude, the direction or
position varies with time, similarly, the structural response to dynamic
load, i.e. the resulting deflection and stresses, is also time-varying or
dynamic[6]. Two basically different approaches are available for evaluating
structural response to dynamic loads:
a. Deterministic.
b. Non-deterministic.
The choice of method depends upon how the loading is defined, if
the time variation of loading is fully known, it will be referred to herein as
a prescribed dynamic loading, and the analysis of structural response is
defined as a deterministic analysis. On the other hand, if the time variation
is not completely known but can be defined in statistical sense, the loading

is termed a random dynamic loading and the structural response analysis is
determined as a non deterministic analysis [6].
In general, the structural response to any dynamic loading is
expressed basically in terms of the displacements of the structure. Those
deterministic analysis to displacement-time history corresponding to the
prescribed loading history, other aspect of the deterministic structural
response, such as stresses, strains, internal forces, are usually response,
such obtained as a secondary phase of analysis, from the previously
established displacements patterns [6]. The simplest quantitative statement
about an earthquake consist of grading it by means of single number-the
intensity or local destructiveness of the earthquake in some conventional
scale. This is too crude a basis for most engineering purposes.
A more adequate description includes the accelerograms or other time
histories of three orthogonal translations components of ground motion at a
point: the two horizontal and the vertical components. This description is
sufficient for the purpose of computing the effects of the earthquake on
buildings of small and moderate size [3].
In special instances the space derivatives of ground accelerations
become important. This is the case with the rotational components of
ground acceleration for slender structures and the soil strains for large civil-
engineering works [3].
2.4 The important factors affecting the potential earthquake damage:
a. The natural rocks factor
The natural rock is the best subsoil from the point of view of its
earthquake properties. Sandy soil saturated with water and artificially
backfilled land are considered to be particularly critical. The widely-feared
liquefaction effects (plasticization of the soil) can occur if an earthquake
coincides with high ground water levels. The building may subsequently
remain at a slant or both the building and the surrounding terrain may

subside. Also deep foundation generally displays better seismic resistance
than shallow foundations.
b. Floating of foundation factor:
Foundation Floating can prove advantageous on soft ground, since
they may be better able to attenuate resonance action. The risk of
subsidence is considerably greater with floating foundations than with deep
foundations. Base isolation is an anti-seismic construction technique that
uses the principle of attenuation to reduce vibrations. The building is
isolated from the solid subsoil by damping elements arrange on a
foundation ring or foundation plate. Another was employed for the court of
Appeals in San Francisco. The building was retroactively more or less
mounted on ball bearings which are intended to gently damp down the
impact of a future earthquake [7].
c. The height of the building factor:
Tall buildings are more susceptible to damage from strong remote
earthquakes than from weak earthquakes close at hand. They normally have
a lower resonant frequency and a lower attenuation than low building short-
wave Oscillation components in earthquakes are rapidly damped, while the
long-wave components (frequency F< 1 HZ) can still make themselves felt
at a distance of several hundred kilometers, particularly in the form of
surface waves [7].
d. The supporting structure factors:
A distinction can generally be made between rigid and elastic
supporting systems. Rigid systems, such as solid wall and ceiling elements,
are difficult to deform and transmit the seismic loads through their rigidity.
Due to the stiffness and lack of ductility in the supporting structure,
however, shear cracks can develop in the building. The problem is that
more and more energy must be absorbed through the high rigidity and that
more and more material is required for this purpose. Elastic supporting
structures, such as reinforced concrete or steels frames, are highly

deformable and absorb the applied seismic energy in this way. The nodes
connecting the horizontal and vertical elements of the supporting structure
are highly stressed, however, and peak loads occur here and on the
reinforcing elements (bonds) which must be taken in to account when
producing these connection. However, integrated non-supporting partition
walls may suffer excessive stresses and break out on account of the major
deformation of the frame structure [7].
e. The shape of the building factor:
When parts of different height permanently connected to one another
as the case in high-rise buildings with atriums, the various elements in the
building can be subjected to considerable torsion stresses by the seismic
loads [7].
f. Resonance factor:
Resonance effect can also cause buildings to oscillate so strongly
that they hammer against one another. Another effect observed in high-rise
buildings is the soft-storey effect: due to applies, atriums or glazed
shopping passage, some floors usually near the ground floor-are distinctly
softer than those above them. These soft floors then collapse in an
earthquake. A further source of loss potential relates to the standards
applied. Many countries do not have their own earthquake standards and
simply adopt the corresponding regulations from others, such as the
Uniform Building codes from U.S.A. This means, however, that common
local seismic effects are not covered [7].
2.5 The strength of earthquakes magnitude and intensity:
During earthquakes the release of crust stresses is believed to involve
the fracturing of the rock a long a plane which passes through a point of
origin (the hypocenter or focus) of the event. Sometimes, especially in
larger shallower earthquakes, this rupture plane, called a Fault, breaks
through to the ground surface, where it is known as a Fault trace [ 2].

The cause and nature of earthquakes is the subject of the study of the
science of seismology, and future back ground may be obtained from the
books by Richter (1958), Bolt (1999) and Lay and Wallacy (1995) [ 2].
Unfortunately, for non-seismologists at least, understanding the
general literature related to earthquakes is impeded by the difficulty by
finding precise definition of some fundamental seismological terms. For
assistance, definition of some basic terms is set out below [ 2].
The strength of an earthquake is not an official technical term, but is
used in the normal language sense of how strong was that earthquake?
Earthquake strength is defined in two ways:
- Firstly: the strength of shaking at any given place (called the
- Secondly: the total strength (or size) of the event itself (called
magnitude, seismic moment, or magnitude moment). These entities
are described below [ 2].
2.5.1. Intensity:
a. Is a quantitative measure of the severity of seismic ground motion at
specific site. Over the years, various subjective scales of what is often
called felt intensity have been devised, notably the European
Macroseismic, which are very similar. The most widely used in the
English speaking world is the modified Mercall scale (commonly
denoted MM), which is in twelve grades denoted by roman numerals I
b. Quantitative instrumental measures of intensity include engineering
parameters such as peak ground acceleration, peak ground velocity, the
Housner spectral intensity, and response spectral in general. Because
of the high variability of both subjective and instrumental scales, the
correlation between these two approaches to describing intensity is
inherently weak [ 2].

2.5.2 Magnitude:
Is a quantitative measure of the size of an earthquake, related
indirectly to the energy released, which is independent of the place of
observation. It is calculated from amplitude measurements on
seismograms, and is on a logarithmic scale expressed in ordinary numbers
and decimals. Unfortunately several magnitude scales exist, of which the
four most common ones are described here (ML, Ms, Mb and Mw) [ 2].
The following are descriptions of the above scales:
The most commonly used magnitude scale is that devised by and
named after Richter and denoted M or ML. It is defined as:
ML= Log A-LogA0 (2.1)
A= is the maximum recorded trace amplitude for a given earthquake
at a given distance as written by a wood Anderson instrument.
A 0= is that for a particular earthquake selected as standard.
The Wood-Anderson seismograph ceases to be useful shakes at
distances beyond about 1000km, and hence Richter magnitude is now
precisely called local magnitude (ML) to listing it from magnitude measure
in the same way but from recording on long-period instruments, which are
suitable for more distant events. When these latter magnitudes are
measured from surface wave impulses they are denoted by M s Gutenburg
proposed what he called unified magnitude, denoted M or Mb, which is
dependence on body waves, and is now generally named body wave
magnitude (Mb). This magnitude scale is particularly appropriate for events
with a focal depth greater than C. 45km. All three scales ML, Mb and Ms
suffer from saturation at higher values [ 2].
The most reliable and generally preferred magnitude scale is moment
magnitude, Mw. This derived from seismic moment, Mo, which measures
the size of an earthquake directly from the energy released, Wyss and
Brune (1968), through the expression

M0= AD (2.2)
= is the shear modulus of the medium (and is usually taken as 3X1010
A= is the area of dislocation or fault surface.
D= is the average displacement or slip on that surface.
Seismic moment is a modern alternative to magnitude, which avoids the
shortcomings of the latter but, is not readily determined. Up to 1985,
seismic moment had generally only been used by seismologists. Moment
magnitude is a relatively recent magnitude scale from Kanamori (1977)
and Haks and Kanamori (1979), which overcomes the above-mentioned
saturation problem of other magnitude scales by incorporating seismic
moment in to its definition, such that moment magnitude as in Eq.(2.3)[2].
Mw,= 3LogM0 6.03 (M0 in Nm) (2.3)
2.6 Probabilistic Seismic Hazard of Sudan:
Sudan has a long history of earthquakes but they are confined to
certain area. Sudan is known to seismologists as an area of low to
moderate seismic activity, because it is located within an intera plate with
a relatively low level of seismic activity. The buildup of strain necessary to
reach the point of fracture is much slower than in seismic belts. This means
that earthquakes in such area are infrequent, but strong earthquakes often
occur as catastrophic events to the authorities and people. There are many
earthquakes occurred in Sudan in the last century such as Suakin (Eastern
Sudan) earthquake in may 1938 M5.8, the Northern Kordofan for
earthquake in August and November 1993 M 5.4 and M 4.4 respectively,
and earthquake that struck the population of Khartoum state in 1993. In
2003 the Sudanese seismological Network (SSN) was installed and started
to work around Khartoum area. There were 22 local events located by the
SSN during November 2003 and September 2007. Most of them were
located in the Eastern and Western parts of Khartoum area. [ 8].

For all the coming data about the seismic hazard assessment for Sudan
and its vicinity was done using the probabilistic hazard maps and seismic
hazard curves for 10% probability of exceedance of 50, 100, 200 and 500
years were prepared using the modified EQRISK software (Sobahi et. al.,
1992) and other reprocessing and post processing programs [ 8].
2.7 Seismicity of Sudan
2.7.1 Background:
Most parts of Sudan are seismically active with different return
periods, and moderately active. Many researchers investigated the seismicity
of Sudan, such as:
Qureashi and Sadig (1967) studied the seismological nature of the
subsurface faulting in Jebel Dumbeir area in Sudan and Rajaf in Republic of
South Sudan.
Ambraseys and Adam (1986) presented some information about the
seismicity of Sudan .They divided the region according to the degree of
activity into Red Sea area and remaining areas of relatively stable zones.
They suggested that there must be structure in this intra plate region capable
of producing medium magnitude damaging earthquakes [ 8].
Mula (1983) postulated, from fault plane considerations on inner plate
subdividing the Nobian plate into a Sudan plate marked by a north-east
trending sinistrial strike-slip fault from the Red Sea through Sabaloka to
Kordofan and Durfor.
The Western boundary is suggested to be also a sinistrial strike-slip
fault passing through neighboring countries (Jebel Dumbeir in Sudan and
through Juba in Republic of South Sudan).
The eastern boundaries are east African rift system having normal
The Seismological Research Unit (SRU)-Sudan-Catalogue of
Seismicity of Sudan, 1996 after two years of active data gathering from
different sources inside and abroad, was able in 1996 to compile the

catalogue of seismicity of Sudan, which contains all the seismic events
which occurred in the period 1632 1994. Obviously, the new data have
provided a totally new insight in the seismicity of Sudan. The SRU divided
Sudan initially into two parts according to the dominated seismicity and
tectonic features. These parts were central parts and north parts (the third
part is been in the Republic of Southern Sudan). The epicenter distribution
of earthquakes in Sudan and its vicinity is shown in Fig(2.2) [ 8].
2.7.2 Seismotectonics of Sudan
There are six major rift systems in Sudan shown in Fig.(2.3.) Some of
these rifts are part of major rift that span the whole African continent and
beyond. These rifts are the Central African Rifts System (CARS); the East
African Rift System (EARS); the White Nile Rift System (WNRS); the Blue
Nile Rift System (BNRS) and the Atbra River Rift System (ARRS).The
WNRS,BNRS and ARRS are similar in tectonic character to the South
Sudan Republic Rift System (SSRRS) in that they follow similar structural
trends and terminate in line at their North West end. The CARS extends
for at least 2000km across Africa. The CARS extend in a North-East to
South - West direction from the gulf of Guinea in the Atlantic Ocean
through Cameroon, Southern Chad and the central Africa Republic into
western Sudan, It passes North of Nuba Mountains and North of Kordofan
into the Red Sea (Browne and Fairhead, 1985). There are many faults and
shear zones which are parts of some of these rifts. Most of the faults of
these rifts have experienced some earthquakes of various magnitudes during
historical and instrument events Fig. (2.3) [ 8].

Fig.(2.2): Proposed Regional Seismicity of Sudan and its vicinity [ 8].

Fig.(2.3):Seismic rift system in Sudan[8].

2.7.3 Earthquake catalogue for Sudan
A previous catalogue covering the period 1632-1994 was used as
input data to perform the Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Analysis (PSHA) for
Sudan. The catalogue was compiled by Sudanese National Centre for
Research Seismological Research Unit (catalogue of the Seismicity of
Sudan, 1996).But recent catalogue is been provided from study carried out
by Ali (2009), which has additional contributions that updated the previous
one . These contributions contain:
a. Some events were added, extending the catalogue up to 2007.
b. All magnitudes were homogenized to surface wave magnitude (MS) in
order to make the catalogue unified and consistent by using equations
adopted by the Eastern and Southern African Regional Seismology
Working Group (ESARSGW, 1995), [ 8].
2.7.4 Seismic zoning of Sudan:
The zonation maps are made by studying the seismic hazard
distribution for a large region. There are many types of zonations according
to types of parameters which were chosen in the study of hazard distribution.
These types of zonations are as follows:
a. Seismicity zonation , it depends on parameters of seismicity.
b. Intensity zonation, it depends on parameters of intensity .There is other
intensity zonation depends on intensity parameters plus damage level.
c. Ground motion zonations:
i. Ground motion zonation of indirect attenuation (acceleration) which
can be obtained from intensity.
ii. Ground motion zonation of direct attenuation (acceleration) from
strong motion observed data (acceleration contours).
iii. Ground motion zonation of effective peak acceleration and effective
velocity with a set of probabilities of exceedance .This last one is

very good for satisfying different requirements of engineering
problems [ 8].
The above are kinds of worldwide zonations, but in Sudan, Jamal et.
al.{(1997)[8]}presented preliminary maps of seismic zoning of Sudan from
observed and felt earthquakes in Sudan based on peak ground accelerations
and intensities as shown in fig.(2.4)and (2.5). On the other hand , Ali
(2009), has added new recent data (1632-2007) in his study then he
proposed a seismic zoning map of Sudan as shown in fig.(2.6)[8].

Fig.(2.4):Zoning Map of Sudan, Jamal. 1997 [8].

Fig.(2.5):Maximum Earthquake Intensity distribution of Sudan ,Jamal. 1997[ 8].

Fig.(2.6):Proposed Seismic Zoning Map of Sudan ,Ali 2009[8].

Chapter Three
Dynamic Response of Buildings under Seismic Forces
3.1 Introduction
In This chapter the types of seismic forces analysis and how we
should use a suitable analysis, such as equivalent static lateral analysis or
modal dynamic analysis, will be discussed. On the other hand, the
evaluation of the more representative seismic codes is carried out. The
evaluation involves the factors that are used in these seismic codes, the
formulas, the equations and provisions of each code.
3-2 Analysis for seismic forces:
3-2-1 Dynamic Response to earthquake motions:
For structure subjected to ground accelerations g in some particular
direction. The governing equation of motion becomes:
M + C + Ku = - MIg(t) (3.1)
M, C, and K are, Mass matrix, the viscous damping matrix, and the
stiffness matrix respectively.
u is the displacement vector
I is a unit vector
The aim from eqn. (3.1) is to find the displacement response u(t),
then the internal forces, and other response quantities of interests can
subsequently be obtained [ 1].
The mass to be used in the analysis of a building be based on dead
loads plus the percentage of the live load (not all floors are full at the
sometime) [ 1].
The masses and the stiffness are calculated from dimensions and elastic
properties of the structural and nonstructural elements, but the damping

Fig.(3.1):Typical earthquake accelerogram .North-South component of
general acceleration recorded at El Centru (approximately 4 miles from
fault) [1].
matrix is difficult to be determining like this, so it determined from overall
basis in terms of modal damping ratios [ 1].
3-2-2 Types of dynamic analysis
3-2-2-1 The Time history dynamic analysis:
The equation of time history analysis is:
F (t) = Ku (t) (3.2)
u the displacement
So to find the value of u, we solve Eq. (3.1) by integrating
numerically for input time history of accelerations g(t). To do the above,
time history of earthquake ground motions as measured by strong-
motion accelerographs are to be prepared for a number of earthquakes like
in Fig. (3.1). The accelerograph records the three orthogonal components of
ground acceleration, each of which be integrated to yield the corresponding
velocity and displacement- time histories. The earthquake accelerogram, or
acceleration time- traces can be interpreted directly to obtain peak ground
acceleration, duration of strong ground shaking, and frequency content. In
more details, the accelerogram can be digitized, so that to define accurately
the ground acceleration by numerical ordinates of the accelerogram at time
intervals [ 1].
To obtain complete history response for a building, is not necessary,
we need only the maximum response to earthquake to be established [ 1].

So for the above reason, the other two techniques (method of analysis) the
equivalent lateral analysis and the model analysis method are advised to be
used, because in these two methods the peak dynamic response can be
obtained directly. The last tow procedures are have the same capabilities
and subjected to similar limitations [ 1]. Equivalent static lateral force analysis:
In the equivalent static lateral force procedure, the magnitude of the
forces according to (UBC) is based on:
i. Fundamental of structure (need preliminary design to obtained)
ii. Seismicity of the area.
iii. Operational importance factor.
iv. Preliminary Design for finding fundamental natural frequency of
vibration of the building.
v. The structural system.
vi. Dead weight of the structure
The equivalent static lateral analysis procedure is used for:
i. Preliminary analysis for very high buildings or irregular buildings.
ii. Regular low rise buildings
iii. For very tall buildings or irregular buildings the modal analysis
must be carried.
iv. If there is doubt about whether the lateral force procedure is
necessary or not a quick calculation based on the equivalent lateral
force be employed to know if even modal analysis is advisable or
not [ 1].
a. The steps of equivalent lateral force procedure:
i. Calculate the lateral forces and story shears from the equivalent lateral
force procedure.
ii. Approximately make dimensions for the structural members.
iii. Calculate the lateral deflections i of the design structure due to the
lateral forces from step i.

iv. Calculate new sets of lateral forces Fi and corresponding story shears

from the formula (UBC) =


V0 the base shear
the building mass lumped at the ith floor level
the lateral deflection at the ith. floor level.
n number of storeys in the building.
v.If at any storey the recalculated storey shear from step iv differs from
the original value in step i by more than 30%, a modal analysis is
necessary, if the difference is less than 30%, the modal analysis is
unnecessary, and the structure should be designed using the storey
shears from step iv[ 1].
b.The natural frequencies () and modes of vibration():
The dynamic response of a structure to any exciting (earthquake,
wind, plast and mechanic) is depend on its vibration characteristics, defined
by the natural frequencies () and modes of vibration n , n = 1 to N for
storeys of N degree of freedom). In the case of an undamped structure and
in the absence of any exciting forces (undamping free vibration) the
equation of motion becomes
M + Ku = 0 (3.4)
Assuming that the free vibration motion is simple harmonic, the
displacement may be expressed in the form
U = sin (t + ) (3.5)
the phase angle.
Substitution of Eq. (3.5) into Eq. (3.4) yields the governing eigenvalue
equation (3.6) [ 1]: K = 2M (3.6)

42 The modal method dynamic analysis and the response spectrum
dynamic analysis:
The peak response of earthquake ground motion dynamic force can
be get by combination of the modal method of analysis with earthquake
design response spectra.
If the natural frequency of structure is calculated and the degree of
damping is present, the other corresponding parameters such as the
maximum displacement and maximum acceleration can be obtained
directly from the response spectrum diagram in fig. (3.3) after using
probabilistic analysis to linearize. If the building with unknown frequency
oscillation , and a estimated damping ratio , a response spectrum
diagram such as shown in fig. (3.4) can be used combined with a modal
method of analysis, to determine the peak response of the structure to the
design earthquake [ 1].
To make a model the following steps will be carried out:
a. Earthquake design response spectrum derivation
Always, the irregularity in earthquake a ccelerograms indicates the
irregularity of the ground accelerations as a function of time.
Although these provides basic information about the nature of the ground
motions,the structural engineer requires a more meaningful characterization
for design purposes. This is provided by response spectrum, which can be
defined as a graphic representation of the maximum response of a damped
single degree of freedom (SDOF) mass spring system with continuously
varying natural periods to a given ground excitation.
The SDOF mass spring system employed is represented in fig.

K (u)

C ()


Fig.(3.2) single degree of freedom Damped spring mass oscillation

system [1].
The mass M is connected to the support by a spring of stiffness K acting in
parallel with a dashpot to simulate the viscous damping in the system,
equal to C. the support is assumed to displace by an amount Y(t) and the
mass by x(t), the relative displacement U(t) being equal to (x y).
The equation of motion is given by
M(t) + C(t) + Ku = - M(t) = - P(t) (3.7)
Where P is the effective support excitation loading.
The equation (3.7) may be expressed alternatively in the form
(t) + 2(t) + u(t) = - (t) (3.8)

Which: = , is the natural frequency of vibration

And = is the fraction critical damping or damping ratio, where the

damping coefficient and the critical damping (2M) is the minimum value
of C that results in a non vibrating response. = = where

Cc = 2M
The solution of Eq. (3.8) at time t is just (3.5)
( ) = ( ) [ ( )]. sin 1 ( )

In which is a dummy variable of integration.

Thus, before it is possible to determine the relative displacement-
time history, it is necessary to know the acceleration- time history of the
support, the natural frequency of the system and the fraction of critical
damping , which is a measure of the structures energy dissipative
For any input acceleration , the solution will yield the maximum
absolute value of relative displacement u, termed the spectral displacement
Sd, which will be a function of the natural frequency (or period) and
damping factor .
Sv = Sd
Sa = 2 Sd (3.10)
Sv maximum pseudo relative velocity
Sa maximum Absolute pseudo acceleration
The pseudo acceleration is identical to the maximum acceleration
when there is no damping, which for normal levels of structural damping,
is particularly the same as the maximum acceleration [ 1].
From, Eq. (3.9), (3.10) a complete response spectrum be presented
on a tripartite logarithmic plot of the form as show in Fig. (3.3) [ 1].

Fig.(3.3) Response spectra. El Centro earthquake .N-S direction (after
Newmark and Hall)[1].

Fig.(3.4):Idealized design response spectrum[1].

b. The modal analysis:
In the modal analysis a lumped mass model of the building with
horizontal degrees of freedom at each floor is analyzed to determine the
modal shapes and modal frequencies of vibration. The results are then used
in conjunction with an earthquake design spectrum, and estimates of the
modal damping, to determine the probable maximum response of the
structure from the combined effect of its various modes of oscillation .For
the building with torque, which causes tensional vibration and of coupling
of lateral and tensional mode, the modal method will be used by adding to
the structural model a third, rotational degree of freedom at each floor [ 1].
The modal method is applied in the strictest sense, only to linear
elastic systems. Consequently, the results for a building structures

response are at best significant inelastic deformations in only moderate
earthquakes. More accurate values of response may be obtained for
buildings by the model analysis method, using modified design response
spectra for inelastic system [ 1].
In general, the set of governing dynamic equations of motion [Eq.
(3.1)] must be solved simultaneously by a viable computational procedures
include Eq. [(3.5), (3.6)] to determine all displacements u that define the
motions of the structure.
This approach can be avoided by using the computationally more
efficient modal method of analysis. The method which is based on linear
elastic structural behavior employs the superposition of a limited number of
modal peak responses, as determined from prescribed response spectrum,
and with appropriate modal combination rules it will yield results that
compare closely with those from a time history analysis [ 1].
This method of analysis is based on the fact that for certain forms of
damping that are reasonable approximations for many buildings, the
equations of motion can be uncoupled so that the response in each natural
mode of vibration can be calculated independently of the others. Each
mode will respond with its own particular displacement profile, the mode
of vibration n, its own frequency, the natural frequency of vibration n,
and with its own modal damping, the damping ratio n. [ 1]
In the structural idealization, the mass is usually lumped at the floor
levels. Only one degree of freedom per floor, the horizontal deflection for
which the structure is being analyzed, is used, and so that matrices involved
are of the same order as the number of storeys N in the building [ 1].
The uncoupling of the N equations yields the typical equation of motion
for the nth natural mode as in Eq. (3.9)
+2 + = ( ) (3.11)

Where: =

and the modal mass = n

The modal participation factor =

Where: mj is the mass at the jth floor level.

Equation (3.11) is of the same form as that for the single degree of freedom
dynamic system [Eq.(3.8)] with natural frequency n and damping ratio n,

excited by aground excitation ( ).

In Eq.(3.11), the displacement function Yn is the normal or

generalized coordinate, or modal amplitude, for the nth natural mode, used
to simplify the equations of motion [Eq.(3.1)][(3.5)]. The geometric
coordinate U n in Eq.(3.1) is equal to the product of the generalized
coordinate Y n and the mode- shape vector n.
( )= ( ) [ ( ] 1 ( )

The contribution of the nth mode to the modal displacement uj(t) at
the jth floor is then equal to the product of the amplitude generalized
coordinate and the mode shape [ 1].
( ) = ( ) (3.13)
To determine the dynamic storey shears and moments, it is
convenient to introduce the concept of equivalent lateral forces, defined as
the static external process p that would produce the same structural
displacements U. Hence, at any time (t), the equivalent forces
corresponding to the modal displacements U n(t) will be, from Eq. ((3.2)
and (3.6)
( ) = ( ) = ( ) = ( ) (3.14)
The equivalent lateral forces at the jth floors level is then
( )= ( ) (3.15)

In which Yn is given by Eq. (3.12) the contributions from each node
then summed to give the total equivalent force P at each floor level for
example, at level j [ 1].
= ( ) (3.16)
The internal dynamic shears and moments at any level can then be
obtained by summing all the storey forces and the moments of these forces
above the level concerned [ 1].
In a similar manner, the displacement at any level may be obtained
by combining the response from each mode at that position. The drift Un at
the top of the building is then
= ( 3.17)
And the interstorey drift is given by the difference between the total
displacement of the floors above and below the level concerned [ 1].
The great attraction of this method is that an independent analysis
can be made of a single degree of freedom system for each natural
mode of vibration. The response generally needs to be determined for only
the first few modes since the total response to earthquakes is primarily due
to the lowest modes of vibration, sufficiently accurate design values of
forces and deformations in tall buildings should be achieved by combining
no more than about six modes in each component direction. Three would
probably suffice for medium- rise buildings. Checks may be carried out
since the relative influence of each successive mode on the important
design parameters may be examined during the calculations [ 1].
The earthquake response is obtained by combining the contributions
of all the modes of vibration involved, and this can be used to give a
complete time-history of the structural actions. However, only the
evaluation of the peak response is of importance in design, and this may be
derived directly from the design response spectrum [ 1].

c. Design response spectrum analysis
Since in the modal analysis the response of the structure in each
mode of vibration is deriven from a single degree of freedom system,
the maximum response in that mode can be obtained directly from the
earthquake design response spectrum [ 1].
The maximum response in the nth mode can be expressed in terms
of the ordinates of the displacement Sdn, pseudo velocity Svn, and
acceleration San, which correspond to the frequency n and damping ratio
n. The three quantities are related by, Eq. (3.10) [ 1].
= = (3.18)
Expressed in terms of the modal participation factor , the
maximum values of the modal response quantities then become, from Eqs.
(3.11) to (3.17):
Maximum modal displacement
Yn= Sdn (3.19)
Maximum displacement at jth floor
jn = Sdnjn (3.20)
Maximum inter storey drift in jth storey
jn = Sdn(jn - j-1) (3.21)
Maximum value of equivalent lateral force at jth floor Pjn
Pjn = Sanmjjn (3.22)
In Eq.(3.19) to (3.22), a bar above a particular variable is used to
denote the maximum value of the quantity concerned. The maximum
values of the internal forces in the building, particularly the storey shear
and moments, are then obtained by a static analysis of the structure taking
due account of the senses of these equivalent forces. Although they act in
the same direction for the lowest natural modes, they may act in opposite
directions in the higher modes [ 1].
The maximum base shear Von and base moment Mon will then be, using
= = = (3.23)
= = (3.24)
Where hj is the distance from the jth floor to the base [ 1].
The maximum modal response can thus be expressed in terms of the
displacements or accelerations, evaluated for particular frequency and
damping ratio for the mode, from, the design response spectrum [ 1].
Equations (3.18), (3.20) and (3.22) shows that if the displacement
and forces are both expressed in terms of the spectral displacement Sdn, the
forces are multiplied by the square of the natural frequency(which
presented in Eq.3.18). Consequently, the higher modes will be of greater
significance in defining the forces in the structure than they are in the
deflections, and it will be necessary to include more modal components to
evaluate the forces to the same degree of freedom of accuracy as the
deflections [ 1].
The total response R of the building to earthquake motions is the
sum of the individual responses rn of the natural modes. However, the
maximum total response R is not generally equal to the absolute sum of
the maximum modal responses rn, since they will not normally occur
simultaneously. Such a sum would, however, give an upper bound to the
maximum likely total response [ 1].
A more realistic design estimate of the maximum response is to
combine the modal maximum according to the square root of the sum of
the squares (SRSS) method
= ( ) (3.25)
The maximum values of displacements, interstorey drifts, storey shears,
and moments may all be evaluated using Eq. (3.25) [ 1].
This formula will generally give realistic estimates of peak response
for structures in which the natural frequencies of vibration are well
separated, a property that is usually valid for idealized building structures
in which lateral displacements in one plane are considered. If this is not the
case, and some natural frequencies are so close that the motions may be
coupled together, a more realistic combination, such as the complete
quadratic combination method, should be undertaken [ 1]. The maximum
estimated response due to earthquake motion is derived from the following
a. Establish the response spectrum from the ground motions.
b. Calculate the mass and stiffness matrices M and K, and estimate the
modal damping ratios n.
c. Determine the first few natural frequencies n and the modes of
vibration n.
d. Calculate the maximum response of the structure in each individual
mode as follows:
i. For a natural frequency n and damping ratio n, determine the
ordinates Sdn, San of the displacement and acceleration response
ii. Calculate the floor displacements from Eq. (3.20) and the storey
drifts from Eq. (3.21).
iii. Calculate the internal shears and moments from statics for a
cantilevers structure subjected to these lateral forces.
e. Calculate the peak value of the major design actions (displacement,
drift, storey shear, and moment) by combining the maximum modal
values according to Eq. (3.25).
It is necessary to consider only the modes that contribute most to the
response of the structure. Since most of the energy of vibration is contained
in the lower modes of vibration, it is generally sufficient to consider no
more than six modes in each horizontal direction. A convenient rule is to
include a sufficient number of modes r so that an effective modal mass e
of at least 90% of the total mass of the building is represented by the modes
chosen [ 1], that is:


90 (3.26)

f. The lateral torsional Coupling and Vertical components of Ground

If the center of mass of building is coincident with its resistance, the
spectrum analysis considers only the response of the structure to only two
independent orthogonal motions (translation motion).However, if either
the eccentricity between the centers of mass and resistance are large, or the
natural frequencies of lateral and torsional vibration are close together, in
this situation, coupling between translational motions and rotational
motions about a vertical axis will occur. For such structures, independent
analysis of two orthogonal will not be sufficient, so, it will be analyzed by
three degrees of freedom-two translational and one rotation should be
included at each floor level .The modal method of analysis then will be
applied to the system with three degrees of freedom at each floor level.
From above mentioned, the modes which are predominantly torsional can
be excited by translational components of ground motion, and that a
particular mode can be excited by both horizontal components. The
resulting maximum should then be calculated combinedly [ 1].
In some cases, although horizontal ground motions are normally
dominant, it may be not possible to neglect the vertical accelerations,
which, may be large compared to the gravitational acceleration in regions
of high seismicity. The dynamic vertical response should be estimated by
the use of vertical response spectrum to obtain the equivalent vertical
forces for which the building must be designed [ 1].
Although a nonlinear analysis can always be achieved from a step
by-step piecewise -linear elastic analysis, with the calculation divided up
in to a series of time steps, and with the current stiffness of the structure
appropriate to the stress level concerned being used during each step, such
procedure would be too complicated [ 1].

Although the modal method of analysis, is applied only to elastic
systems, a simple procedures that produces results of acceptable accuracy
uses a linear analysis in conjunction with an inelastic response spectrum.
The approach is reasonably accurate for building structures in which the
deflection is limited to ductility factors about 5or 6 [ 1].
The inelastic design spectrum can be derived from the elastic
spectrum and allowable ductility factor , defined as the ratio of the
ultimate or maximum displacement um to the effective limit deflection
uy that is:
= um/uy (3.27)
The elastic design spectrum of Fig.(3.5) be divided into three regions
the displacement region ( between 0.1 and 0.4 Hz), velocity region (
between 0.4 and 4 Hz), and the acceleration region( between 4 and 7.7
Hz).If the elastic plastic load displacement relationship is of bilinear
form , as shown in Fig.(3.6), the inelastic spectrum can be obtained by
multiplying the values in the displacement and velocity regions by a factor

1/, and the values in the acceleration region by a factor ( ) /

. The

resultant inelastic design spectrum is shown by the broken line in Fig. (3.5)
for a ductility factor of 2.
With this approach, it is possible to define design spectra to take account of
inelastic structural behavior [ 1].

Fig. (3.5): Elastic and inelastic response spectra [1].

Fig. (3.6): Idealized load displacement curve [1]. Using computer program analysis:

Nowadays, computer programs provide a good opportunity for
analysis and design in field of engineering works. From these several
programs ,in this research , analysis has been carried out by using ETABS,
version V9.7.4 program, which is capable of giving reasonable results for
different types of buildings with ability of utilizing different codes of
practice among which are ,UBC 1997 and IBC 2006.
The following are some out lines which could be used in the program:
1. Adding all dead loads, live loads and other cyclic loads, like seismic,
wind, load, ext., with all details of parameters.
2. Displaying the most quantities of analysis and design.
3. Enables for doing model of a building with walls having openings.
4. Enables for conducting nonlinear analysis.
5. Giving summary of input and output data, for analysis and design.

3.3 Berif description of the two codes[UBC and IBC]
3.3 .1 Seismic Design UBC1997 Code Provisions Background of UBC1997 seismic Code [9[.
The Uniform Building Code is dedicated to the development of
better building construction and greater safety to the public by uniformity
in building laws. The code is founded on broad principles that make
possible the use of new materials and new construction systems.
The Uniform Building Code was first enacted by the International
Conference of Building Officials at the Sixth Annual Business Meeting
held in Phoenix, Arizona, October 1927 and the last edition was in 1997
which has been substituted by IBC [10]. Revised editions of this code have
been published since that time at approximate three-year intervals. New
editions incorporate changes approved since the last edition.
The Uniform Building Code is designed to be compatible with
related publications to provide a complete set of documents for regulatory
use [9].
Most seismic building codes require that structures be designed to
resist specific static lateral forces related to the properties of the structure
and the seismicity of the region. In the event of server earthquakes,
buildings are likely to behave in elastic manner and the ultimate of
buildings, while tolerating reasonable amount of structural damage. Almost
all developed codes follow one of the following pioneering codes , which
are based on similar concept. The pioneering codes are the Uniform
Building code (UBC-94), Structural Engineering Association of California
(SEAOC-99), and later the International Building Code (IBC-2000)[8].
Below are the seismic provisions , which provides several factors
according to UBC code to be used in the analysis and design of buildings
subjected to earthquake forces.

56 Calculation of Base Shear (V b)
The base shear is be determined as a fraction of the effective weight
of the structure .This value depends on several factors and coefficients,
such as seismic activity of the region (seismic zone factor),important factor
of the structure use, structural seismic factor, soil factor in addition to
construction material and quality factors. Using the static lateral force
procedure and according to UBC-97 the base shear in a building can be
calculated using the following procedure:

= ( 3.28)

Z seismic zone factor;
I importance factor;
R numerical seismic coefficient (response modification factor);
W weight of the building computed from total dead and a percentage of
the live load;
C numerical coefficient determined from following formula:
= (3.29)

S site coefficient for soil characteristics
T fundamental period of vibration of the structure
The following parameters are be determined for base shear calculation:
a. Seismic zone factor (z)
The seismic zone factor (z) represents the maximum effective peak
ground acceleration for each zone. It is expressed as a fraction of
gravitational acceleration, g. According to AbuBakr [11] Sudan has
been delineated into 5 macro-seismic zones generating from seismic zone
map based on peak ground acceleration. Table (3.1) shows numbers and
zone factors.

Table (3.1): Seismic Zone Factor (Z)(UBC)
Zone Number Z
1 0.075
2A 0.15
2B 0.2
3 0.3
4 0.4

b. The site soil factor (S)

These are factors that adjust lateral load coefficient to include soil-
structure interaction. Soft soils may result in amplification of the ground
motion. It usually shakes more severely than rock sites. However, building
codes divide potential sites into three categories: those with low, medium
and high soil dynamic amplification factors. These factors are judgments
based upon a review of existing soils data from borings as in table (3.2).
Table (3.2): Site Soil Factor (S) (UBC)
Soil Type Description Factor (S)
1 Rock or stiff soil conditions or stable deposits 1.0
and, gravel or stiff clays of depth less than 20
2 Deep cohesionless of stiff clays exceeding 20 1.3
3 Soft to medium stiff clays and sands. 1.5

d. The importance factor (1):

These provisions recognize the social importance of certain building
in relation to their intended use, and increase the required minimum design
base shear by means of importance factor given in table (A1.2) in appendix
A1. The highest importance factor, 1.25, is assigned to so-called post-

disaster buildings such as hospitals, fire and police stations, and other
structures related to public safety that must remain functional during and
immediately after earthquakes.
d. Structural system factor (R )
A factor that measures the ability of systems to sustain cyclic
inelastic deformations and absorb energy without collapse. The smaller the
value of this factor, the greater the capacity of the structure to
accommodate deformations through yielding and inelastic energy
absorption. An extremely brittle structure requires a high value, while a
very resilient, ductile system may have a low value. The recommended
values of this factor are shown in table (A1.3) in appendixA1.
R Ranges: 8.5 > R >2.2, Design Structural System factors for Seismic
force Resisting systems.
Response factor R= R /1.4
e.Seismic coefficients Ca and Cv:
C a and Cv are parameters depend on acceleration and velocity due to
earthquake force respectively.
Table (3.3): Seismic coefficient Ca (UBC)
Soil Seismic Zone factor Z
profile Z=0.075 Z=0.15 Z=0.2 Z=0.3 Z= 0.4
SA 0.06 0.12 0.16 0.24 0.32N a
SB 0.08 0.15 0.2 0.3 0.4Na
SC 0.09 0.18 0.24 0.33 04Na
SD 0.12 0.22 0.28 0.36 044Na
SE 0.19 0.3 0.34 0.36 0.36N a
SF #
#: Site specific geotechnical investigation and dynamic site response
analysis shall be performed to determine seismic coefficients for Soil
profile Type SF

Minimum Design Base Shear:
For all seismic zones:
V min.= 0.11CaIW (3.30)
Minimum Design Base Shear for zone 4:
V min.=0.8NvIW/R (3.31)
Table (3.4): Seismic coefficient Cv (UBC)
Soil Seismic Zone factor Z
profile Z=0.075 Z=0.15 Z=0.2 Z=0.3 Z= 0.4
SA 0.06 0.12 0.16 0.24 0.32N v
SB 0.08 0.15 0.2 0.3 0.4 Nv
SC 0.13 0.25 0.32 0.45 0.56 N v
SD 0.18 0.32 0.4 0.54 0.64 N v
SE 0.26 0.5 0.64 0.84 0.96 N v
SF #
#: Site specific geotechnical investigation and dynamic site response
analysis shall be performed to determine seismic coefficients for Soil
profile Type SF. Nv the near source factor for velocity.

f. Fundamental period (T):

The fundamental period T of the structure may be calculated using
different empirical formulas. For buildings with frame designed to resist
lateral forces without shear walls, the fundamental period T in seconds
may be determined by:
T = 0.1 N (3.32)
Where N is the number of storeys.
or T=Ct (hn)3/4 (3.33)
hn =is the total building height
Ct =0.035 for steel moment resisting frames

Ct =0.03 for reinforced concrete moment resisting frames and
eccentrically braced frames.
Ct =0.02 for all other buildings
For buildings other than moment resisting space frames, T can be
calculated as:
= (3.35)

hn height of the structure above the base to the uppermost level n, in
D building length in meters, in the direction of the seismic action.
Another method of determining the fundamental period is by using
Rayleigh formula given by the following expression:

=2 , ( ) (3.36)

distributed lateral force;
calculated deflection using applied lateral force.
The T calculated from Eq.(3.35) should not exceed30% for zone 4 and
40%for zone1, 2, 3 than T that been calculated in Eq. (3.33).

g. Load combinations
In designing for seismic forces, the following two combinations can
be considered:
W = D + L.p + Em (3.36)
W = 0.85D + Em (3.37)
D dead load.
L live load.
P incidence factor for live load.

Em earthquake load.
h. Seismic weight (W):
The seismic weight W of the structure includes the load of the
building, permanent equipment, and a fraction of live load (incidence
factor) as indicated in table ( 3.5).
Table (3 .5): Incidence factor for live load (p) (UBC)
Type of Structure Incidence
factor (p)
1. Residential buildings, hotels, offices, hospitals, 0.25
public buildings, etc.
2. Storage areas and warehouses 0.50
3. Tanks, reservoirs, silos and the like 1.00 Distribution of Lateral Forces:

The base shear (Vb) is distributed along the height of the building
using the static lateral procedure, according to the following formula:
( )

With an additional force Fi at the top of the building, given by

= 0 0.7 ; (3.39)

= 0.07 ( 0.25 ) > 0.7 .

n total number of storeys above the base of the building.
Ft portion of the base force V b at the top of the structure in addition to Fn
hx ,hi height of the level x or i above the base.
Wx, Wi seismic weight of the xth or ith level.

62 Storey Shear Force:
The storey shear Vx at any storey i of the building is given by the
sum of the forces above that storey; that is:
= + (3.40)
Where Fi lateral force applied at level i.
For specific elements of structure, the minimum design strength =Fx
seismic force over strength factor
Fx design seismic force Storey Overturning Moments:
These provisions require that overturning moments shall be
determined at each level of the structure. The overturning moment is
determined using the seismic design forcers Fx and Fi[Eq. (3.38) and (3.39)]
which act on levels above the level under consideration. Hence, the
overturning moment Mx at level x of the building is given by
= ( ) + ( ) (3.41)
Where x = 0, 1, 2, , N 1. Lateral displacements ( )
The lateral elastic displacement at the various levels of the building
may be determined by elastic analysis of the structure, which is acted upon
by the seismic forces Fx and Fi given by [Eq. (3.38) and (3.39)].
Alternatively, the elastic displacement may be determined as follows:

= (3.42)

In which the additional forces Fi is included in Fx for the top level of

the building. Storey Drift Limitation (st)
Storey drift is the displacement of one level relative to the level
above or below due to the design lateral forces.
st = xi xi-1 (3.43)

max .= 0.7R st
a = 0.02hsx for T 0.7 sec.
a = 0.025hsx for T < 0.7sec.
a allowable storey drift
st total storey drift
hsx storey height below level x.
Where xi and xi-1 are respectively, the lateral displacements for level i and
for level i 1.
max. maximum inelastic Response displacement (the analysis used to
determine inelastic Response maximum displacement max , shall include
p-delta effect.)
The limitations above for drift can be exceeded if the greater drift is
within the tolerance of the life safety of the structural elements and
nonstructural elements.UBC relates drift limitations to the period T and R
in Table A1.3.
Table (3.6): Allowable Storey Drift UBC code
Structure type(according to Ta in seconds) Drift limitation

Ta<0.7 sec. 0.025hsx

Ta0.07 sec. 0.02hsx Building separations:

All structures should be separated from adjoining structures. Separations
should allow for the displacement max . Adjacent buildings on the same
property should be separated by at least where
max = [(m1)2+ (m2)2]1/2 (3.44)
Where m1 and m2 are the displacements of the adjacent buildings.
Set back the buildings from property lines by at least max of that structure

64 Dynamic Analysis for UBC
The analysis should be based on appropriate ground motion
representation and should be performed using accepted principles of
dynamics. The requirements of dynamic analysis are as follows:
a. The ground motion
The ground motion representation, should at minimum, be one
having a 10-percent probability of being exceeded in 50 years and should
not be reduced by the factor R and may be one of the following:
i. An elastic design response spectrum constructed in accordance with
fig. (3.7), using the values of Ca and Cv consistent with the specific site.
The design acceleration ordinates should be multiplied by the
acceleration of gravity (9.815 m/s2).
ii. A site specific elastic design response spectrum based on the geologic,
tectonic, and seismologic and soil characteristics associated with the
specific site. The spectrum should be developed for damping ratio of
0.05, unless different value is shown to be consistent with the
anticipated structural behavior at the intensity of shaking established
for the site.
iii. Ground motion time histories developed for the specific site should be
representative of actual earthquake motions. Response spectra from
time histories, either individually or in combination, should
approximate the site design spectrum conforming to in ii above.
iv. For structures regular or irregular located on Soil profile Type Sf, that
has a period greater than 0.7 second. The analysis should include the
effective of the soils at site and the following requirements should be
-Firstly, The ground motion representation should be developed in with
accordance to items ii and iii above.

-Secondly, Possible amplification of building response due to the effects of
soil structure interaction and lengthening of building period caused by
inelastic behavior should be considered.
v. The vertical component of ground motion could be defined by scaling
corresponding horizontal accelerations by a factor 2/3.Alternative
factors may be used when substantiated by site specific data .Where
the near Source factor Na is greater than 1.0, site specific vertical
response spectra should be used in lieu of the factor of 2/3.
b. Dynamic analysis procedures for UBC
The dynamic analysis procedure includes either Response spectrum
analysis or Time history analysis
i. Response spectrum dynamic analysis:
Is an elastic dynamic analysis of a structure utilizing the peak
dynamic response of all modes having a significant contribution to total
structural response .Peak modal responses are calculated using the
ordinates of the appropriate response spectrum curve which correspond to
the modal periods. Maximum modal contributions are combined in a
statistical manner to obtain an approximate total structural response.
ii. Time history dynamic analysis for UBC:
An analysis of the dynamic response of a structure at each increment
of time when the base is subjected to a specific ground motion time history.
Formed with pairs of appropriate horizontal ground motion time-history
components that should be selected and scaled from not less than three
recorded events .For each pair of horizontal ground motion components
,the square root of the sum of squares (SRSS) of the 5 percent-damped site
specific spectrum of the scaled horizontal components should be
constructed .The motion should be scaled such that the average value of the
SRSS spectra does not fall below 1.4 times the 5 percent damped
spectrum of the design basis earthquake for periods from 0.2T second to
1.5T seconds. The parameter of interest should be calculated for each time

history analysis. For three pairs, the maximum response of the parameters
of interest should be used for design, but for seven or more pairs, the
average of the parameter should be used for design.
The mathematical model of physical structure (three-dimensional
model having rigid or semi rigid diaphragm) should present the spatial
distribution of the mass and stiffness of the structure to an extent that is
adequate for the calculation of the significant features of its dynamic

Fig.( 3.7) Design response spectra in UBC[ 9]. How to choose the analysis type for UBC:
a. Selection of Simplified design base shear.
V b=3CaW/R (3.45)
Vertical distribution force Fx=3Cawi/R
The above simplified method used for:
i. Buildings of 3storeys (excluding the basement) for one family dwelling
ii. Any other buildings of 2 storeys (excluding basements).

b-The selection and use of equivalent static lateral force procedure:
i. All structures, regular or irregular, in seismic zone 1 and in occupancy
categories 4 and 5 in seismic zone 2.
ii. Regular structures under (73.152m) in height with lateral resistance
system provided by system listed in table( A1.3) in appendix A1,
except in section, item a (iv),above applies.
iii. Irregular structures not more than 5 storeys (19.812m) in height
iv. Structure having flexible upper portion supported on a rigid lower
portion where both portions of the structure considered separately can
be classified as being regular, the average storey stiffness of the lower
portion is at least 10 times the average storey stiffness of the upper
portion and the period of the entire structure is not greater than 1.1
times the period of the upper portion considered as a separate structure
fixed at the base.
c-The dynamic analysis procedure is used in:
i. Structures more than (73.152m) in height, except as permitted by
section item b(ii) above.
ii. Structures having a stiffens ,weight or geometric vertical irregularity,or
structures having irregular features .
iii. Vertical irregular types or plan irregular types, except that permitted
when has a vertical combination system of resistance.
iv. Structures over 5 storeys or (19.812m) in height in seismic zones 3 and
4 not having the same structural system throughout their height except
that permitted by vertical combination of structural systems(the lesser
R-value is used for entire structure).
v. Structures ,regular or irregular ,located on soil profile Type Sf ,that
have a period greater than 0.7 second .The analysis should include the
effects of the soils at the site when {the ground motion representation
should be developed in accordance with items(i),(ii)above}and{the
consideration taken for possibility of amplification of building

response due to the effects of soil-structure interaction and lengthening
of building period caused by inelastic behavior}.
vi. The vertical component of ground motion may be defined by scaling
corresponding horizontal accelerations by a factor of two thirds.
Alternative factors may be used when substantiated by site specific
data. Where the Near Source factor, Na, is greater than 1.0, site
specific vertical response spectra should be used in lieu of the factor of
two thirds. Diaphragm forces F px:
Fpx=[Ft+Fi]wpx/wi (3.46)
0.5CaI wpx Fpx1.0CaI wpx
wpx the weight of the diaphragm and element tributary there at level x
including applicable portions of the loads.
3.3 .2 Seismic IBC 2006 provisions [10]: Back ground:
International Building Code (IBC) is code to be used in U.S.A. and
internationally .IBC was prepared combining mainly previous three model
codes that had been used in U.S.A, i.e. Uniform Building Code (UBC)
which had been used in western part, National Building Code (NBC) in
eastern and northern parts and Standard Building Code (SBC) in southern
part. The first edition of IBC was published in 2000, and it has been revised
ever three years. First editions included detailed requirements, but the 2003
and 2006 editions were revised to include only principal requirements, and
refer to ASCE[12] Seismic Design Requirements for Building Structures
for detailed requirements for seismic design[10].
IBC covers not only structural requirements but also interior finishing,
environments, etc. concerning buildings [10].
As to the seismic codes of U.S.A., the first code was prepared by the
committee in the Structural Engineers Association of California (SEAOC).

The SEAOC code then transferred to UBC and then to IBC. The provisions
by Applied Technology Council (ATC) which is called as ATC 3 and the
provisions by the National Earthquake Hazard Reduction Program
(NEHRP) also influenced the IBC. The flowchart of Fig.(3.8)
schematically shows the relationships of these seismic codes.





Fig. (3.8) Flowchart of seismic codes in U.S.A.

SEAOC: Structural Engineers Association of California

ATC: Applied Technology Council
NBC: National Building Code
SBC: Standard Building Code
UBC: Uniform Building Code
NEHRP: National Earthquake Hazard Reduction Program
IBC: International Building Code
ASCE: American Society of Civil Engineers
The earthquake regulations of Sections 1613 through1623 of the
2000 IBC (ICC 2000), based on the 1997 NEHRP Provisions (BSSC 1997),
are substantially different from the corresponding provisions of the 1997
UBC (ICBO 1997). The differences of relevance to this are discussed

70 Calculation of base shear by Equivalent Lateral Force
This analysis procedure can be used for all structures assigned to
SDC B and C as well as for some types of structure assigned to SDC D, E,
and F.
In a given direction, the design base shear Vb is determined from Eq.
V=CsW (3.47)

= (3.48)

So, =

Where Cs is the seismic response coefficient and W is the effective

weight of the structure, which includes the total dead load and the
following, other loads:
In areas used for storage, a minimum of 25 percent of the reduced
floor live load (floor live load in public garages and open parking
garages need not be included).
When an allowance for partition load is included in the floor load
design, the actual partition weight or a minimum weight of 10 psf of
floor area, whichever is greater?
Total operating weight of permanent equipment.
Twenty percent of flat roof snow load where flat roof snow load
exceeds 30 psf. To calculate the base shear ,the following parameters
are being determined:
a. Seismic Response Coefficient, Cs:
The seismic response coefficient Cs is determined

From IBC Eq. (3.49): = (3.49)

Where SDI design spectral response acceleration at 1 second period

R response modification factor.

IE occupancy importance factor.
T elastic fundamental period of the structure.
The value of Cs need not exceed that from Eq. (3.50):
Where SDS = design spectral response acceleration at short
period (0.2 sec)
Also, Cs must not be less than that determined from Eq. (3.51):
For structures assigned to SDC E or F, and for structures located where S1
0.6g, Cs shall not taken less than that determined from IBC Eq. (3.52):

The forces level close to that defined by Eq. (3.47) through (3.49) is
also used as the lower bound for the dynamic lateral force procedure of
b. The Design spectral response acceleration SDs, SD1:
In the IBC2000 the design ground motion parameters which are SDs
and SD1, rather than Z. SDS and SD1, are 5%-damped design spectral
response accelerations at short periods an1 sec. period respectively. The
above parameters are taken from two seismic contour maps quantities (Ss
and S1) from which SDs and SD1 are to be derived. The mapped quantities
are the Maximum Considered Earthquake spectral response accelerations Ss
(at short periods) and Sl (at 1 sec. period).
c.The Design Response Spectrum
For IBC code the maximum considered earthquake is the 2500-year
return period earthquake (2% probability of exceedance in50 years) in
most of the USA except that in coastal California, it is the largest
(deterministic) earthquake that can be generated by the known seismic
sources. The design earthquake of the IBC is two-thirds of the MCE (2/3)).

The redefinition of the design earthquake in the IBC is intended to
provide a uniform level of safety across the USA against collapse in the
Maximum Considered Earthquake. The mapped MCE spectral Response
accelerations Ss and S1 of the 2000 IBC are also mapped on Type SB soil or
rock soil. In IBC, SDs and SD1 are two-thirds of SMs and SM1 which are the
soil-modified (Maximum Considered Earthquake) spectral response
accelerations at short period and 1 sec. period, respectively. SM is obtained
by multiplying the mapped MCE spectral response acceleration Ss by Fa,
the acceleration-related soil factor. SM1 is similarly obtained by multiplying
the mapped MCE spectral response acceleration S1 by Fv, the velocity-
related soil factor. Fa and Fv, are correspond to Ca,/Z and Cv/Z of the 1997
UBC, respectively. The 2000 IBC has adopted the soil classification and
the associated site coefficients first introduced in the 1994 NEHRP
Provisions. If SDs of the 2000 IBC is equal to 2.5Ca and SD1 of the 2000 IBC
is equal to Cv, for a certain site, then( the soil-modified seismicity for that
site will not change from the 1997 UBC to the 2000 IBC) a correlation of
ground motion parameters between the two codes( UBC and IBC) is
possible. No need for the near-source factors in the 2000 IBC because the
artificial truncation of ground motion is not a feature of this code and both
Ss and S1 attain high values in the vicinity of seismic sources that are
judged capable of producing large earthquakes.
The design spectrum (mapped acceleration parameters) SDs, S1
shall be determined from the 0.2 and 1-second spectrum accelerations .is
depicted in Fig. (3.9).That is based on the assumption that a structure will
undergo several cycles of inelastic deformation during major earthquake
ground motion; therefore, the force level is related to the type of structural
system and the structure's estimated ability to sustain these deformations
and dissipate energy without collapse. It is important to note that the lower
bound of the force level used before could be used in the dynamic lateral
force procedure of IBC.

To find the values of Ss and S1 for a certain site, if not provided, it is
permitted to take straight-line interpolation where a site is between
contours [5].

Fig.( 3.9): Design Response Spectrums According to the Equivalent Lateral

Force Procedure in IBC [5].

The minimum seismic base shear is included in view of the

uncertainty and lack of knowledge of actual structural response of long-
period buildings subjected to earthquake motions. The lower bound was
adopted into the IBC from the 1997 NEHRP Provisions. A form of this
lower bound equation originally appeared in the 1997 UBC. Originally
applicable to structures assigned to SDC E and F only, the applicability was
later expanded to all structures located where S1 0.6g.
That the IBC design base shears are liable to be up to 29% higher
than the values of UBC. For short period structures in IBC,
Imax=1.5,Rmax=1.4 ,but in UBC , Imax=1.25,Rmax=1.5.
d. Site classifications:
Based on the site soil properties, the site should be either Site Class
A, B, C, D, E or F in accordance with the table below. Site-specific
geotechnical investigation will be required on Site Class E. This would
currently not be required by the 1997 UBC, see table (A2.1) in appendix
e. Site coefficients F a,Fv and adjusted maximum considered earthquake
spectral response acceleration parameters SMS,SM1:
The maximum considered earthquake spectral response acceleration
for short periods SMS and at 1-second period SM1 adjusted for site class
effects shall be determined by

SMS Fa Ss (3.53)
SM1= Fv S1 (3.54)
Fa = is site coefficient in table (3.7)
Fv= is site coefficient in table (3.8)
Table (3.7): Values of site coefficients Fa*(IBC)
Ss 0.25 Ss = 0.50 Ss = 0.75 Ss = 1.00 Ss 1.25
A 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8
B 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
C 1.2 1.2 1.1 1.0 1.0
D 1.6 1.4 1.2 1.1 1.0
E 2.5 1.7 1.2 0.9 0.9
F Note b Note b Note b Note b Note b

a. Use straight line interpolation for intermediate values of mapped

spectral response acceleration at short period, Ss.
b. Values shall be determined in accordance with Section 11.4.7 of
ASCE 7-10[12].

Table (3.8): Values of site coefficient Fv*(IBC)
Site Mapped Spectral Response Acceleration at short period
class SI 0.1 SI = 0.2 SI = 0.3 SI = 0.4 SI 0.5
A 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8
B 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
C 1.7 1.6 1.5 1.5 1.3
D 2.4 2.0 1.8 1.8 1.5
E 3.5 3.2 2.8 2.8 2.4
F Note b Note b Note b Note b Note b

a. Use straight line interpolation for intermediate values of mapped

spectral response acceleration at 1 second period, SI.
b. Values shall be determined in accordance with Section 11.4.7 of
ASCE 7[12].
f. The Important factor I:
The IBC has brought the importance factor (the structural use factor)
back ,which dropped by ATC 3, the predecessor as it was in UBC beside
two other requirements that used to ensure enhanced performance of
structures in higher occupancy categories, which are:
i. Drift limits tighter for structures in higher occupancy categories.
ii. The level of detailing and other restrictions a function of the seismic
risk at the site of structure.
These provisions recognize the social importance of certain building
in relation to their intended use, and increase the required minimum design
base shear by means of importance occupancy category given in table
(A2.2) in appendix A2.
Buildings and other structures containing toxic, or highly toxic, or
explosive substances shall be eligible for classification to a lower Risk
Category if it can be demonstrated to the satisfaction of the authority

having jurisdiction by a hazard assessment that a release of the substances
is commensurate with the Risk Category, see tables (A2.3)and (A2.4) in
appendix A2.
g. Determination of seismic design category

Where Ss is less than or equal to 0.15and S1 is less than or equal to

0.04,the structure is permitted to be assigned to seismic design category A.

Structures classified as Occupancy Category I, II or III that are located
where the mapped spectral response acceleration parameter at I-second
period, S1 is greater than or equal to 0.75 shall be assigned to Seismic
Design Category E. Structures classified as Occupancy Category IV that
are located where the mapped spectral response acceleration parameter at I-
second period, S1, is greater than or equal to 0.75 shall be assigned to
Seismic Design Category F. All other structures shall be assigned to a
seismic design category based on their occupancy category and the design
spectral response acceleration coefficients, SDS and SD1determined in
accordance with Section 1613.5.4 of ASCE-7 or the site specific
procedures of ASCE- 7. Each building and structure shall be assigned to
the more severe seismic
In the Uniform Building Code UBC(ICBO 1997), the Seismic Zone
in which a structure is located (The 2000 IBC and the 1997 New Provisions
of NEHRP have replaced the Seismic Performance Category (SPC) (used
by ATC3 1978 and NEHRP 1994) with a Seismic Design Category (SDC)
for the determination of permissible structural systems including the level
of detailing required for structural members and joints that are part of the
lateral-force-resisting system and for the structural components that are not,
limitations on height of structure and structural irregularity, the type of
lateral load analysis that must be performed as the basis of design, as well
as nonstructural component requirements.. The SPC was a function of
occupancy (called Seismic Hazard Exposure Group in the documents being
discussed) and of the seismic risk at the site of the structure in the form of
the peak velocity related acceleration coefficient, Av. The SDC is a
function of occupancy (called Seismic Use Group in the 2000 IBC and the
1997 NEHRP Provisions) and of soil-modified seismic risk at the site of
the structure in the form of the design spectral response acceleration at
short periods, SDs, and the design spectral response acceleration at 1 sec.
period, SD1. For a structure, the SDC needs to be determined twice - first as
a function of SDs by table (3.9) and a second time as a function of SD1 by
table (3.10). The more severe category will govern. When ATC 3 in 1978
made the level of detailing (and other restrictions concerning permissible
structural systems, height, irregularity and analysis procedure) a function of
occupancy that was a major departure from UBC practice. The departure
was continued in all the NEHRP Provisions through the 1994 edition. Now,
in the 2000 IBC and the 1997 NEHRP Provisions, the level of detailing and
the other restrictions have been made a function of the soil characteristics
at the site of a structure. This is a further major departure from UBC
practice and indeed from current practice across the USA - a move that is
likely to have significant impact on the economic and other aspects of
earthquake-. Resistant Construction.
Design category in accordance with tabl (3.9) or (3.10), irrespective
of the fundamental period of vibration of the structure.
Table (3.9): Seismic design category based on design Short-period (0.2
second) response accelerations SDs (IBC)
Values of SDS Occupancy category
SDS<0.167g A A A
0.167g SDS < 0.33g B B C
0.33g SDS < 0.50g C C D
0.50g SDS D D D

Table (3.10): Seismic design category based on design long period (one
second) response accelerations SD1 (IBC)
Values of SD1 Occupancy category
SDI < 0.067g A A A
0.067g SDI < 0.133g B B C
0.133g SDI < 0.20g C C D
0.20g SDI D D D
0.75 SDI E E F

From the above two tables, the critical category will be taken.

h. Elastic Fundamental Period, T.

The design base shear is dependent on the elastic fundamental period
T for buildings in the intermediate height range. However, T, which is a
function of the mass and the stiffness of a structure, cannot be determined
until a structure has been designed, since until then, the stiffness and the
mass cannot be evaluated. Basically, seismic design cannot be started
without a period, and a period cannot be determined until seismic design
has been done. This being the situation, building codes includes
approximate period formulas, the purpose of which is to get the Design
process started. The approximate period formulas deliberately produce
estimated periods that are shorter than the "real" periods of actual
structures, the idea being that if the initial period estimates is later not
refined, the design should still be safe. Since design base shear is inversely
proportional to period (Eq. 3.47 and 3.49), a shorter period means a higher
base shear used in design. Eq. (3.55) to determine an approximate
fundamental period Ta .
Approximate fundamental period Ta:
Ta=Ct(hn)x (3.55)

Where C t,x are approximate period coefficients or parameters given in
table(A2.5) in appendix A2.
hn height above the base to the highest level of the building.
The fundamental period of the structure, T, in certain direction which
is being calculated from the structural responses and deformational
characteristics of the resisting elements in a properly substantiated analysis
should be, T TaCu
Cu coefficient for upper limit on calculated period given in table.
Alternative value for approximate fundamental period Ta for buildings of:
i. 12 storeys or less and the average storey height is at least 3m.
ii. For buildings of entirely resist frame of concrete or entire steel
with above two requirements the value of T, becomes:
Ta = 0.1N ( in seconds) (3.56)
N is the number storeys.
This approximate equation has long been in use for low to moderate-height
frames. The base is the level at which the horizontal seismic ground
motions are considered to be imparted to a structure. Having started design
based on the approximate period and having gone part of the way through,
it is then possible to refine the initial period estimate if desired. The code
permits this to be done. Period may be estimated by any rational procedure
as long as it is in conformance with the principles of mechanics. There is,
however, scope for potential abuse here. The rationally computed period of
a concrete building is very much dependent upon what stiffness assumption
is made in the period computation. Gross section stiffness versus cracked
section stiffness makes a big difference; how low the cracked section
stiffness is taken to be obviously has a major impact. In order to ensure that
an unreasonably low design base shear is not taken by calculating an
unduly long period based on unrealistic stiffness assumptions, the code
imposes a limit on rationally computed period. Therefore, the rationally

computed T may not be taken any longer than a multiplier Cu, which is
obtained from IBC table (A2.6) in appendix A2, times the approximate
period Ta, (this restriction typically does not apply to drift Computations).
In the 2000 IBC, Cu depends on the long-period design spectral response
acceleration, SD1 , and varies from 1.2 for SD1 0.4 to 1.7 for S D1 0.1 .
The period Ts = SD1 / SDS in Fig.(3.8) is the dividing line between "short-
period" and "long-period" response. If the period of a structure T is less
than or equal to the transition period, Ts, its response is governed by the
"flat top" or period-independent part of the spectrum, making it a short-
period structure. If, on the other hand, T is larger than or equal to Ts, its
response is governed by the period-dependent part of the spectrum; making
it long-period structures Equation (3.56 ) may also be used.
i. Response Modification Factor, R:
The response modification factor R is intended to account for
differences in the inelastic deformability or energy dissipation capacity of
various structural systems. It reflects the reduction in structural response
caused by damping, over strength, and inelasticity. IBC has been suggested
that an R-value of 2 is used in design would result in essentially elastic
response of a structure to the design earthquake of the IBC. By Contrast,
the R-values assigned by the 2000 IBC to structural systems of concrete
range from 1.5 to 8. An R-value of 8 (for special reinforced concrete
moment frames or dual systems combining special moment frames with
special reinforced concrete shear walls) represents one quarter of the
strength level that would have been needed for elastic response to the
design earthquake of the IBC. An R-value of 1.5 (for a bearing wall system
consisting of ordinary plain concrete shear walls) represents elastic
response to the design earthquake of the IBC, with a margin of safety built
in. The R-values contained in IBC table are largely based on engineering
judgment of the performance of various materials and systems in past
earthquakes for ATC 3-06 where R was first introduced. There was a

certain agreed-upon reference structures which were selected. Two systems
having high and low expected levels of performance were chosen to be the
special moment frame of steel and a bearing wall system consisting of
masonry or concrete shear walls (The R-values for these two systems were
chosen considering the seismic design forces assigned to them by older
editions of the UBC). No compelling arguments were offered to change the
design basis loads for these systems or to change their interrelationship.
The expected performances of other systems were then evaluated relative
to these reference systems in order to determine the other R-values.
Considerations focused on the following issues:
Stability of the total building system.
i. The degree to which the system can be allowed to go beyond the elastic
range, its degree of energy dissipation in so doing, and the stability of
the vertical load-carrying system during inelastic response due to
maximum expected ground motion.
ii. The consequence of failure or partial failure of vertical elements.
iii. Seismic-force-resisting system on the vertical load-carrying capacity.
iv. The inherent redundancy of the system that would allow some
progressive inelastic expansion without overall failure. One localized
failure of apart must not lead to failure of the system.
v. Where dual systems are employed, important performance
characteristics include the ability of the secondary (back-up) system to
maintain vertical support when the primary system suffers significant
damage at the maximum deformation response .In that situation the
back-up system can serve to redistribute lateral loads when the primary
system undergoes degradation and should stabilize the building in the
event that the primary system is badly damaged.
j. Load combinations:
1-W=1.2D+F1L+Em (3.57)
2-W=0.9D+Em (3.58)

W= the total Design structural weight.
D=effective dead load
L=Live load
f1=1 for floors in place of public assembly, for live loads in excess of
100psf (4.79Kn/m2) and for parking garage live load, or f1=0.5 for other
live loads.
Em= the maximum effect horizontal and vertical forces of seismic as set
forth in Section 12.4.3 of ASCE7. Vertical Distribution of Seismic Forces.
Once the design base shear Vb has been determined, the lateral force
Fx to be applied at level x of the structure is determined from Eq. (3.59) and
Fx = CvxV b (3.59)
Cvx = (3.60)
So, Fx =
Where Cvx vertical distribution factor
k distribution exponent related to the building period
k = I for T 0.5 sec
= 2 for T 2.5 sec
= 2, or is to be determined by linear interpolation between 1 and 2 for
0.5 sec < T < 2.5 sec
hi, hx height from the base to level i and x
wi,wx portion of the total load W located or assigned to level i and x
For structures with T 0.5 sec, V b is distributed linearly over the height,
varying from zero at the base to a maximum value at the top. For 0.5 sec <
T < 2.5 sec, a linear interpolation between a linear and a parabolic
distribution is permitted, or a parabolic distribution is also allowed . When
T 2.5 sec, a parabolic distribution is to be used. The larger the value of k,
the higher the proportion of Vb distributed to the upper portions of a
structure. This produces more overturning moment for the same base
Shear, which is characteristic of flexible building response.

Fig. ( 3.10): Vertical distribution of Seismic forces[5] . Horizontal Distribution of Seismic Forces.

The seismic design storey shear Vx in any storey x is the sum of the
lateral forces acting at the floor or roof level supported by that storey and
all the floor levels above, including the roof .
V x = i=1nfi (3.61)
fi = CvxV b [vertical distributed lateral force for one storey].
The distribution of Vx, to the vertical elements of the lateral-force-
resisting system (shear walls and frames) in storey x is determined by the
flexibility of the supported diaphragm. A diaphragm is flexible for the
purpose of distribution of the storey shear and torsional Moment when the
lateral deformation of the diaphragm is more than two times the average
storey drift of the associated storey (the storey supporting the diaphragm),
determined by comparing the computed maximum in-plane deflection of
the diaphragm itself under lateral load with the storey drift of adjoining
vertical resisting elements under equivalent tributary lateral load. A
diaphragm that is not flexible by the above definition is rigid for the

purposes of the code. For flexible diaphragms, the seismic design storey
shear Vx is distributed to various vertical elements based on the area of the
diaphragm tributary to each line of resistance. The vertical elements of the
seismic-force-resisting system may be considered to be in the same line of
resistance if the maximum out-of-plane offset between such elements is
less than 5 percent of the building dimension perpendicular to the direction
of the lateral force .For rigid diaphragms, Vx, is distributed to the various
vertical elements of the seismic force-resisting system in the storey under
consideration based on the relative lateral stiffness of the vertical resisting
elements and the diaphragm . Virtually all computer programs utilized for
structural analysis assume diaphragms to be rigid (by default), unless
otherwise specified. Torsion, Including Accidental Torsion.
Where diaphragms are rigid, provisions must be made for the
increased horizontal forces induced on vertical elements of the lateral
force- resisting system resulting from torsion due to eccentricity between
the center of application of the lateral forces (center of mass) and the center
of rigidity of the seismic force- resisting system (through which the
resultant of the resistances to the lateral forces act). Forces are not to be
decreased due to torsional effects. The torsional design moment at a given
storey must be the moment resulting from eccentricities between applied
design lateral forces at levels above that storey and the center of rigidity of
the vertical resisting elements in that storey plus an accidental torsion. To
compute the accidental torsion, the mass at each level must be assumed to
be displaced from the calculated center of mass in each direction a distance
equal to 5 percent of the building plan dimension at that level perpendicular
to the direction of the force under consideration. Where a torsional
irregularity or an extreme torsional irregularity exists, as defined , the
effects must be accounted for by increasing the accidental torsion at each

level by torsional amplification factor Ax (1 Ax 3.0), given by IBC Eq.
Ax = [ max/1.2 avg] (3.62)
max the maximum displacement at level x computed assuming Ax=1(in
or mm).
avg the average of the displacements at the extreme points of the
structure at level x computed assuming Ax=1(in or mm).
This last requirement applies to buildings in Seismic Design Categories C,
D, E, and F onIy. Storey Overturning moments:
The structures are to be designed for the effects of overturning
caused by the seismic forces determined from section The
overturning moment Mx at level x is determined from Eq.( 3.63):
Mx = Fi (hi-hx) (3.63)
Where Fi portion of V induced at level i
hi, hx height from the base to level i and x
overturning moment reduction factor
= 1 .O for the top 10 storeys
= 0.8 for the 20th storey from the top and below
= value between 1.0 and 0.8 determined by a straight-line interpolation
For storeys between the 20th and 10th storeys below the top Note that is
permitted to be taken as 1.0 for the full height of the structure. The
reduction, represented by , below overturning moments that are statically
consistent with the forces Fi, is justified in terms of higher mode response.
A11 the masses at the various floor levels move in the same direction only
when response is in the fundamental mode. Interstorey drift and its Limitations:
Drift computation starts with xe the elastically computed lateral
deflection at floor level x under code-prescribed seismic forces (the design
base shear Vb, distributed along the height of the structure in the manner
prescribed by the code). Recognizing that the deflections xe are much
lower than the actual lateral deflections the various floor levels would
undergo if the structure were to be subjected to the design earthquake of
the IBC (two-thirds of the maximum considered earthquake), the
deflections xe are multiplied by the deflection amplification factor Cd
producing estimated design earthquake displacements at the various floor
levels. At the same time, the xe values are divided by the occupancy
importance factor IE by which the code prescribed seismic forces (under
which the deflections x, were calculated) were increased for structures
belonging to the higher occupancy categories. This is necessary because the
limiting values of interstorey drift in the IBC are more stringent for
structures in the higher occupancy categories. Without the division by IE ,
structures with IE larger than 1.0 would be doubly penalized. Thus, the
deflection , at level x is determined from IBC, Eq. (3.64):
x=Cd xe/IE (3.64)
The design storey drift is computed as the difference of the
deflections , at the centers of mass of the diaphragms at the top and
bottom of the storey under consideration (see Fig. 3.10). For structures
assigned to Seismic Design Category C or higher, with torsional or
extreme torsional irregularity, is computed as the largest difference of the
deflections along any of the edges of the diaphragms at the top and bottom
of the storey under consideration. Deflections xe must be determined
based on the elastic properties of all elements of the lateral-force-resisting
system, including the spatial distribution of the mass and the stiffness of the
structure. For concrete elements, stiffness properties must include the
effects of cracked sections. For the purposes of drift analysis, the upper
bound limitation on the computed fundamental period T (T CuTa) does not
apply. The design storey drift must be increased by the incremental factor

1.0/(1- ) when P-delta effects are determined to be significant. When
calculating drift, the redundancy coefficient p is to be taken as 1.0

Fig. (3.11): Interstorey Drift [5].

Once the design storey drifts are computed, they are to be compared
to the allowable storey drift a , contained in table (3.11). Buildings
subjected to earthquakes need drift control to restrict damage to partitions,
shaft and stair enclosures, glass and other fragile nonstructural elements,
and more important, to minimize differential movement demand on the
seismic safety elements. The 2000 IBC limitations on storey drift depend
on the following:
The seismic using group (SUG), and generally become more restrictive for
the higher use groups, to provide a higher level of performance. The limits
also depend on the type of structure. The design storey drifts must not
exceed the allowable values.
Table ( 3.11 ): Allowable storey drift(IBC)
Structure Type Risk Category
Structures other than masonry shear wall 0.025hsx 0.02hsx 0.015hsx
structures, 4 storeys or less, with interior
walls, partitions, ceilings and exterior wall
systems that have been designed to
accommodate the storey drifts.

Masonry cantilever shear wall structures 0.01hsx 0.01hsx 0.01hsx
Other masonry shear wall structures 0.007hsx 0.007hsx 0.007hsx

All other structures 0.02hsx 0.015hsx 0.01hsx

a. hsx is the storey height below Level x.

b. For seismic force-resisting systems comprised solely of moment frames
in Seismic Design Categories D, E, and F, the allowable storey drift
shall comply with the requirements of Section
c. There shall be no drift limit for single-storey structures with interior
walls, partitions, ceilings, and exterior wall systems that have been
designed to accommodate the storey drifts. The structure separation
requirement of Section is not waived.
d. Structures in which the basic structural system consists of masonry
shear walls designed as vertical elements cantilevered from their base
or foundation support which are so constructed that moment transfer
between shear walls (coupling) is negligible. Structural Separation
All portions of the structure shall be designed and constructed to act
as an integral unit in resisting seismic forces unless separated structurally
by a distance sufficient to avoid damaging contact as set forth in this
section. Separations shall allow for the maximum inelastic response
displacement ( M). M shall be determined at critical locations with
consideration for translational and torsional displacements of the structure
including torsional amplifications, where applicable, using the following
M =Cd max./Ie (3.65)
Where max = maximum elastic displacement at the critical location
Cd Deflection Amplification factor give n in table with R-values.
Adjacent structures on the same property shall be separated by at least
MT, determined as follows:
MT = [( M1)2 + ( M2 )2]0.5 (3.66)
M1 and M2 are the maximum inelastic response displacements of
the adjacent structures at their adjacent edges.
Where a structure adjoins a property line not common to a public way, the
structure shall be set back from the property line by at least the
displacement M of that structure. There is exception for the above,
Smaller separations or property line setbacks are permitted where justified
by rational analysis based on inelastic response to design ground motions. P-delta Effects:
P-delta effects on storey shears and moments, the resulting member
forces and moments, and the storey drifts induced by these effects and
evaluation of overall structural stability are not required to be considered
where the stability coefficient ()[ = the ratio of secondary moment to
primary moment] as determined by the following equation is equal to or
less than 0.10:
= PxIe/ Vx hsx Cd (3.67)
Px the total vertical design load at and above level x (kip or kN); where
computing Px, no individual load factor need exceed 1.0
the design storey drift (in. or mm) as defined in Section
occurring simultaneously with Vx.
Ie the importance factor.
Vx the seismic shear force acting between Levels x and x 1 (kip or kN).
hsx the storey height below Level x (in. or mm).
Cd the deflection amplification factor in table with R-values.
The stability coefficient () shall not exceed max determined as follows:
max = (0.5/ Cd) 0.25 (3.68)
If is greater than max, the structure is potentially unstable and must be
Where is the ratio of shear depend on shear capacity for the storey
between levels x and x - 1. If is not calculated, is to be taken equal to
1.0. For 0.10 < max interstorey drift and element forces must be
computed including P-delta effects.
Cd Deflection Amplification factor given in table (A2.7 ) in appendix A2.
To obtain the storey drift for determining P-delta effects, the design
storey drift is to be multiplied by [I .0/( I )](se e preceding section).

Fig. (3.12): P-delta Effect[5]. Simplified Lateral Force Analysis Procedure in IBC

An equivalent lateral force analysis shall consist of the application of
equivalent static lateral forces to a linear mathematical model of the
structure. The lateral forces applied in each direction shall sum to a total
seismic base shear given by Section and shall be distributed
vertically in accordance with Section For purposes of analysis, the
structure shall be considered fixed at the base. Seismic Base Shear
The seismic base shear, V, in a given direction shall be determined in
accordance with Eq. (3.69):
Vb= FSDsW/R (3.69)

SDS = (2/3) FaSs
Where Fa is permitted to be taken as 1.0 for rock sites, 1.4 for soil
sites, or determined in accordance with Section item d,. For the
purpose of this section, sites are permitted to be considered to be rock if
there is no more than 10 ft (3 m) of soil between the rock surface and the
bottom of spread footing or mat foundation. In calculating SDS and Ss shall
be in accordance with Section item b, but need not be taken larger
than 1.5.
F 1.0 for buildings that are one storey above grade plane
F 1.1 for buildings that are two storeys above grade plane
F 1.2 for buildings that are three storeys above grade plane
R the response modification factor from table (A2.7) in appendix A2.
W effective seismic weight of the structure that includes the dead load, as
defined in Section 3.1, above grade plane and other loads above grade
plane as listed in the following text:
a. In areas used for storage, a minimum of 25 percent of the floor live
load shall be included .There are some exceptions as follows:
i. Where the inclusion of storage loads adds no more than 5% to the
effective seismic weight at that level, it need not be included in the
effective seismic weight.
ii. Floor live load in public garages and open parking structures need
not be included.
b. Where provision for partitions is required by Section in the floor
load design, the actual partition weight, or a minimum weight of 10 psf
(0.48 kN/m2) of floor area, whichever is greater.
c. Total operating weight of permanent equipment.
d. Where the flat roof snow load, Pf, exceeds 30 psf (1.44 kN/m2), 20
percent of the uniform design snow load, regardless of actual roof
e. Weight of landscaping and other materials at roof gardens and similar
areas. Vertical Distribution
The forces at each level shall be calculated using the following
Fx=wxVb/W (3.70)
where wx = the portion of the effective seismic weight
of the structure, W, at level x. Horizontal Shear Distribution
The seismic design storey shear in any storey, Vx (kip or kN), shall be
determined from the following equation: Vxi= Fi (3.71)
where Fi = the portion of the seismic base shear, V
(kip or kN) induced at Level i Modal response spectrum analysis for IBC:
An analysis shall be conducted to determine the natural modes of
vibration for the structure. The analysis shall include a sufficient number of
modes to obtain a combined modal mass participation of at least 90 percent
of the actual mass in each of the orthogonal horizontal directions of
response considered by the model.
The value for each force-related design parameter of interest,
including storey drifts, support forces, and individual member forces for
each mode of response shall be computed using the properties of each
mode and the response spectra divided by the quantity R/Ie. The value for
displacement and drift quantities shall be multiplied by the quantity Cd/Ie. Combined Response Parameters
The value for each parameter of interest calculated for the various
modes shall be combined using the square root of the sum of the squares
(SRSS) method, the complete quadratic combination (CQC) method, the
complete quadratic combination method as modified by ASCE 4 (CQC-4),
or an approved equivalent approach. The CQC or the CQC-4 method shall

be used for each of the modal values where closely spaced modes have
significant cross correlation of translational and torsional response. Horizontal Shear Distribution :
The distribution of horizontal shear shall be in accordance with
Vx = (3.72) Diaphragm Design forces:
Diaphragms shall be designed for both the shear and bending stresses
resulting from design forces. At diaphragm discontinuities, such as
openings and reentrant corners, the design shall assure that the dissipation
or transfer of edge (chord) forces combined with other forces in the
diaphragm is within shear and tension capacity of the diaphragm.
Floor and roof diaphragms shall be designed to resist design seismic
forces from the structural analysis, but shall not be less than that
determined in accordance with Eq. (3.73) as follows:
Fpx = (3.73)
Fpx the diaphragm design force
Fi the design force applied to Level i
wi the weight tributary to Level i
wpx the weight tributary to the diaphragm at Level x
The force determined from Eq. (3.73) should be
0.2SDSIewpx Fpx 0.4SDSIewpx (3.74)
Where the diaphragm is required to transfer design seismic force
from the vertical resisting elements above the diaphragm to other vertical
resisting elements below the diaphragm due to offsets in the placement of
the elements or to changes in relative lateral stiffness in the vertical
elements, these forces shall be added to those determined from Eq. (3.73).
The redundancy factor, , applies to the design of diaphragms in structures
assigned to Seismic Design Category D, E, or F. For inertial forces
calculated in accordance with Eq. (3.73), the redundancy factor shall equal
1.0. For transfer forces, the redundancy factor, , shall be the same as that
used for the structure. The requirements of structures having horizontal or
vertical structural irregularities shall also be applied.

Chapter 4
Dynamic Analysis of R.C. Building Using UBC and IBC
Sudan does not have its own seismic code, but there are many
studies had been carried out with some provisions for seismic design .Most
of these studies were based on UBC code and almost there is no study
based on IBC code .The UBC is an old seismic code and was replaced by
IBC code as a modern seismic code with some modern ways of collecting
seismic data and parameters. In this study, the UBC and IBC codes are
used , to study if there are significant differences in their provisions or in
their out puts when applied in the same case study .A R.C. building of
eight storeys is used in two analysis cases .In case one the site condition is
of very low seismic action, which represents most parts of Sudan ,and in
case two ,site condition is of moderate seismic action, which represents
central Sudan. In both two sites, the soil type is the same but, the seismicity
is different. In analysis case one, minimum seismic ground motion
parameters from the two codes are used. But in analysis case two ,there is
difficulty in defining Sudan seismic parameters for IBC code .To overcome
the above difficulty the parameters for cities in the vicinity of Khartoum in
the neighbour countries (Cairo , West Tripoli, Addis Ababa and Jeddah)
were used to obtain the parameters by linear- interpolation of the altitudes
of these cities and their seismic parameters (Ss and S1) which are provided
in tables from study done for selected cities in the world , which are shown
in appendix B[13 ].
4.2 Comparison UBC1997 with IBC 2006 provisions:
The earthquake regulations of Sections 1613 through1623 of the
2000 IBC (ICC 2000), based on the 1997 NEHRP Provisions (BSSC 1997),
are substantially different from the corresponding provisions of the 1997
UBC (IBCO 1997). The differences of relevance to this are discussed
The biggest change from the 1997 UBC to the 2000 IBC is in the
design ground motion parameters which are now SDs and SD1,rather than Z.
SDs and SD1, are 5%-damped design spectral response accelerations at short
periods and 1sec. period respectively. The seismic zone map of the UBC
has been replaced by contour maps giving two quantities from which SDs
and SD1 are to be derived. The mapped quantities are the Maximum
Considered Earthquake spectral response accelerations Ss (at short periods)
and Sl (at 1 sec. period).
The importance factor of building use that has been used in seismic
design by the UBC for a long time is also used by IBC but beside the
important factor IBC uses other two provisions, drift limits tighter for
structures in higher occupancy categories and it made the level of detailing
and other restrictions a function of the seismic risk at the site of a structure
with the occupancy of the structure.
Site-specific geotechnical investigation will be required on Site Class
E. This would currently not be required by the 1997 UBC.
The ratio of upper-bound seismic design forces (for short-period
structures) by the IBC and the UBC. It should be noted that the ratio has
three components as below:
1. IF (SDs/2.5Ca) =1, then
2. Maximum (IIBC/IUBC) = (1.5/1.25) = 1.2
3. Maximum (RUBC/RIBC) = (1.5/1.4) = 1.7
(IIBC/IUBC) (SDs/2.5Ca)*(RUBC/RIBC) =1.29
has maximum value of 1.29, which mean that the IBC design base shears
are liable to be up to 29% higher than the values of UBC.

Table (4.1 ):comparison of UBC and IBC provisions

UBC 1997 IBC 2006

Based on zone factor z Based on SS and S1 and seismic
design category
Soil- modified seismicity Soil -modified seismicity
2.5Ca, Cv SDS,SD1
10% probability of exceedance in 50 2% probability of exceedance in 50
years years
Return period 475 years Return period 2500 years
Important factor small relatively Important factor large relatively plus
restriction of detailing as a function
of risk category
Near- Source factor -
- Tighter drift limits for structures of
high occupancy categories
Structure resistance factor are Structure resistance factor are
large relatively small relatively
Z = 0,1 are low seismic SDC = A , low seismic

Z = 2, moderate seismic SDC = B , moderate seismic

Z = 3 , high seismic SDC = C,E and F , high seismic

Fig.(4.1):flow chart for procedures of calculating base shear of UBC.

Choose Z factor from site data from

Table (3.1).

Evaluate SE , site soil class from Table


Determine Ca and Cv from Tables

(3.3) and (3.4).

Determine the important factor I from

Table (A1.2).

Evaluate the structure response factor R

from Table (A1.3).

Compute T from Eqns.(3.32) .

Determine the damping ratio (UBC recommend


Fig.(4.2):flow chart for procedures of calculating base shear of IBC

Choose SS and S1 from site data

Evaluate SE for site soil class from Table (A2.1) .

Determine Fa and Fv from Tables (3.7)

and (3.8).

Calculate SDS=(2/3)SS*Fa
and SD1=(2/3)S1*Fv

Determine the occupancy

category for the structure
from Table (A2.3).

Determine the seismic Design

Category SDC from Tables ( 3.9)
and ( 3.10).Take the critical one.

Evaluate the risk category

from Table (A2.4).

Determine the important

factor IE from Table (A2.3).

Evaluate structu re system
response factor R from Table

Compute T from Eqns.(3.55)-


Evaluate TL from site data

(mapped in ASCE-7-10).

Determine damping ratio

.Take it 0.05 as recommended
by IBC.

4.3 Application of Comparative Seismic Dynamic analysis of R.C.
building using ETABS v9.7.4 computer program.
4.3.1 The Description of the building for the two cases:
A R.C.commercial building (see Appendix B), its type is building
frame system, ordinary braced frames .Special occupancy structure, located
on soft clay soil.
The building is eight storeys with total height of 28.5m, the ground height
is 4m and all other storeys are 3.5m in height. The sections of the elements
are as follows:
i. All columns are 500x500 mm in all storeys.
ii. The slabs in all storeys are 220 mm thick.
iii. The plan is tow bays, 2x5m=10m, in y-axis and six bays, 6x4m=26m,
in x-axis.
4.3.2 The loading of the building:
a. Dead loads:
i. Partitions: Brick wall=18x.25=4.5kN/m2
ii. Finishing=0.1x20=2kN/m 2
iii. Electrical and other suppliers equipments=0.5kN/m 2
The total superimposed dead load =4.5+2+0.5= 7kN/m2
b. live load :the live load =2.5kN/m 2
c. The earthquake loads:
Use two seismic codes ,UBC and IBC codes .Apply two cases of seismic
regions in Sudan ,in case one very low earthquake region and in case two
moderate earthquake region (central Sudan).
1. In case one:
The UBC data are as follows:
Zone 0, zone factor z = 0.01, the lowest seismic active zone in UBC, Table
(3.1 )..
Soil class E, from Table ( A1.1)

Important factor I = 1, from Table ( A1.2)
System resistance factor R = 5.6, from Table (A1.3 )
Seismic coefficient Ca = 0.19 from Table ( 3.3)
Seismic coefficient Cv = 0.26, from Table ( 3.4)
Damping ratio = 0.05, recommended in UBC.
The IBC data are as follows:
Seismic design category SDC A, the lowest seismic active category in IBC.
Soil class E, from Table (A2.1 )
SS = 0.15, Recommended for SDC A
S1 = 0.04, Recommended for SDC A
TL(long period transitional period) = 4 ,from maps in ASCE7 -10
(approximate) not provided for Sudan cities and vicinity country cities.
Damping ratio = 0.05 recommended in IBC.
2. Case two:
The UBC code data are as follows:
Zone 2A, zone factor z = 0.1, From Table ( 3.1)
Soil class E from, Table ( A1.1)
Important factor I=1, from Table ( A1.2)
System resistance factor R=5.6, from Table ( A1.3)
Seismic coefficient Ca=0.3, from Table (3.3 )
Seismic coefficient Cv=0.5 from Table (3.4 )
Damping ratio =0.05, recommended in UBC.
The IBC data are as follows:
Seismic design category C, the critical one from Tables (3.9 ) and (3.10 )
Soil class E, from Table ( A2.1)
SS=0.48 The location of Khartoum (central Sudan) does not has values of
Ss and S1,so by interpolation of Ss and S1 of the vicinity cities of
Khartoum in the neighbour countries (Cairo, West Tripoli, Addis Ababa
and Jeddah) were used to obtain the parameters by linear- interpolation of
the altitudes of these cities and their seismic parameters (Ss and S1) which

are provided in tables from study done for selected cities in the world ,
which are shown in appendix B[13 ].
S1=0.18 obtained the same as Ss above.
(long period transitional period)TL=8, from maps in ASCE7 -10
(approximate) not provided for Sudan cities and vicinity country cities.
Damping ratio=0.05, recommended in IBC.
For other input data see appendix B.
4.3.3 ETABS Response Spectrum Analysis
The building was modeled using ETABS v9.7.4 computer program which
applies ultimate limit state design by default with UBC and IBC codes. The
Response Spectrum Analysis was conducted in two analysis cases (see
Appendix C).
4.4 Analysis of Results
The deformed shape of the building is shown in Figures (4.5.) which
is visually accepted, ensured numerically by, displacements, drifts, forces
and shears tables.
1. The output of the analysis indicate that, the lateral loads to diaphragms
increase from base to top story uniformly, in two analysis cases for the
values of two codes . In two analysis cases the values of UBC code are
greater than IBC code as shown in Figure (4.6) and table (4.2).Where, the
biggest difference between the values of UBC and IBC codes for the two
analysis cases are 42.62% and 37.91% respectively.
2- The Analysis Results show that , the lateral loads to storeys ,are
increase from base to top storey . These are uniform for values of UBC
code, in both tow analysis cases, but for the values of IBC code, in both
two analysis cases, increase uniformly until storey 7, then suddenly
decrease in the last storey. In two analysis cases the greater values are in
UBC code as shown in Figure (4.7) and table (4.3). Where, the biggest
difference between the values of UBC and IBC codes for the two analysis
cases are 28.72 and 43.6% respectively.

3- It was noticed that the diaphragm displacements was zero in analysis
case one from base to stoery 3 and then increased to 0.01m,from storey 4 to
storey 8,so ,exactly, the same behavior in two codes as shown in Figure
(4.6) and table (4.3). In two analysis case, the values of two codes are zero
displacements from base to storey, then increased to 0.01m, in storey 2
.There are increase and stay constant in the values of both two codes ,until
end up to,0.04m , in the last storeys , for values of two codes . So, nearly
the same behavior in both two codes, in two analysis cases, (but, there is
tendency to be greater in IBC2 comparing to UBC2).
4- The diaphragm drifts , increase from base to top storey in all analysis
cases, for values of both two codes as shown in Figure (4.7) and table (4.4).
The greater values are in IBC, in both two analysis cases. Where, the
biggest difference between the values of UBC and IBC codes for the two
analysis cases are 27.3% and 17.1% respectively
5- The storey displacements , st , are in all analysis cases and for values of
both codes, start from zero at base and increase uniformly until reach the
maximum in the top storeys. The greater values are in IBC, in both two
analysis cases as shown in Figure (4.8) and table(4.5). Where, the biggest
difference between the values of UBC and IBC codes for the two analysis
cases are 25% and 1465% respectively
6- The maximum storey drifts st, are in both two analysis cases for
the values of two codes, increase from base to top storey uniformly, and
the greater values are in IBC code in two analysis cases as shown in Figure
(4.9) and table (4.6). Where, the biggest difference between the values of
UBC and IBC codes for the two analysis cases are 15.28 and 13.96%
respectively. For IBC code, in two analysis cases, the allowable storey
drift, a= 0.02hst. So, for all storeys other than ground, a
=0.02x3.5=0.07m. For ground floor, a =0.02x4=0.08m.

For UBC code, the approximate fundamental period, Ta, is greater than
0.7second, in two analysis cases, so, the allowable storey drift, a = 0.02hst
, as in IBC above ,0.07m, and 0.08m ,for other storeys and ground floor,
respectively. Notice that, all the storey drifts in the table are less than the
allowable storey drift values.
7- The obtained base shears values are greater in IBC code in both two
analysis cases .The storey shears are decreases from base to top storeys
uniformly in values of two codes, and in two analysis cases.
However ,in the last storeys, it is opposite, so the greater storey shears are
in the values of UBC code as shown in Figure (4.10) and table (4.7) .It
happened ,because, in UBC code, some tall buildings, do not have uniform
triangular distribution of the lateral force through the height of the structure
, therefore, when T > 0.7 seconds, there should be concentrated lateral
force, (Ft = 0.07TV 0.25V), at the top of the last floor,{so, the sum
become (Fn+Ft)}, which increases the storey shear force for the last storey,
but it does not the case in IBC code . Where, the biggest difference
between the values of UBC and IBC codes for the two analysis cases are
15.63% and 14.35% respectively.
8- By noticing Figure (4.11) and table(4.8),give attention that, the storey
overturning moments Mst, in both two analysis cases and in the values of
the two codes, decrease from base to top storey uniformly and the greater
values are in IBC code, which are compliance with the behavior of storey
shears, in spite of, it is different in storey 8,which, here, in both analysis
cases, the values in UBC code are greater than these in IBC code . Where,
the biggest difference between the values of UBC and IBC codes for the
two analysis cases are 13.87% and 17.61% respectively.

Table (4.2): Lateral loads to diaphragms (kN).
Height Lateral loads to diaphragms (kN)
(m) Storey Case 1 Case 2
No. UBC 1 IBC1 Difference UBC 2 IBC2 Difference%
0 Base 4.55(GM) 2.49 42.62 19(GM) 11.53 37.91
4 1 4.55 2.49 18.31 33.68 11.53 20.76
7.5 2 7.8 6.18 6.6 48.36 27.17 6.3
11 3 11.71 11.17 8.68 65.64 46.53 5.86
14.5 4 15 .1 16.59 21.25 80.75 69.99 16.19
18 5 18.86 22.76 23.6 96.73 94.7 22.66
21.5 6 22.22 29.05 28.85 112.27 122.29 27.13
25 7 26.12 36.1 5.5 158.48 151.52 7.2
28.5 8 37.4(G) 35.34 5.5 158.91(G) 146.99 7.2
Greater in UBC (42.62%) Greater in UBC (37.91%)

G The greater value in the corresponding one case values.

GM The greater in minimum values, in the corresponding one case

Fig.(4.3): The building plan (for large scale figures, see appendix C).

Fig.(4.4): The building West elevation.

Fig.(4.5) :The building South elevation Deformed shape.

(a) UBC 1 (b) IBC 1

(c)UBC2 (d) IBC 2

Fig. (4.6): Lateral loads to diaphragms (for large scale, see appendix C).

Table (4.3): Lateral loads to storeys (kN).
Height Lateral loads to storeys (kN)
(m) Storey Case 1 Case 2
No. UBC 1 IBC 1 Difference UBC 2 IBC 2 Difference
% %

0 Base 4.88(GM) 2.93 39.95 21.35(GM) 12.93 43.6

4 1 4.88 2.93 18.2 36.8 12.93 22.44
7.5 2 8.46 6.83 0.91 53.15 28.98 6.86
11 3 12.47 12.03 7.9 69.51 50.39 6.09
14.5 4 16.37 17.78 17.79 87.22 74.47 14.95
18 5 20.49 24.5 24.14 103.58 102.56 22
21.5 6 24.17 31.54 28.72 119.02 132.88 27.46
25 7 28.08 39.35 6.07 166.7 164.09 6.64
28.5 8 39.46(G) 36.86 6.07 166.7(G) 156.07 6.64
The biggest difference (28.72%) The biggest difference (43.6%)

Table (4.4): Diaphragm CM displacements (m).

Height Diaphragm CM Displacements ( m)
(m) Storey Case 1 Case 2
No. UBC IBC 1 Difference UBC 2 IBC 2 Difference
1 % %
0 Base 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 0.00 0
4 1 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 0.00 0
7.5 2 0.00 0.00 0 0.01 0.01 0
11 3 0.00 0.00 0 0.02 0.02 0
14.5 4 0.01 0.01 0 0.02 0.03 33.33
18 5 0.01 0.01 0 0.03 0.03 0
21.5 6 0.01 0.01 0 0.03 0.04 25
25 7 0.01 0.01 0 0.04 0.04 0
28.5 8 0.01 0.01 0 0.04 0.04 0
The same The same(tend to be great in IBC)

(a) UBC 1 (b) IBC 1

(c)UBC2 (d) IBC 2

Fig. (4.7): Lateral loads to storeys.

(a) UBC 1 (b) IBC1

(c)UBC2 (d) IBC 2

Fig. (4.8): Diaphragm CM displacement.

Table (4.5): Diaphragms drifts (m).
Height Diaphragm drifts ( m)
Storey Case 1 Case 2

UBC 1 IBC 1 Difference UBC 2 IBC 2 Differenc


0 Base 0.0000061 0.0000082(GM) 27.3 0.0000258 0.0000234(GM) 9.3

4 1 0.0002359 0.0002582 8.98 0.0010594 0.001175 9.83
7.5 0.0004191 0.0004787 12.45 0.0017933 0.002005 10.55
11 3 0.0004458 0.0005136(G) 13.2 0.0019018 0.0021512(G) 11.59
14.5 4 0.0004252 0.0004927 13.7 0.001814 0.0020635 12.09
18 5 0.0003731 0.0004382 14.85 0.0015918 0.001835 13.25
21.5 6 0.0003089 0.0003587 13.88 0.001323 0.0015081 17.1
25 7 0.0002350 0.000261 9.96 0.0010026 0.001099 8.77
28 8 0.0001635 0.0001759 7.04 0.0006977 0.0007248 3.73
The biggest difference (27.3/%) The biggest difference (17.1%)

Table (4.6): Maximum storey displacements st (m).

Height Maximum storey displacements st (m)
(m) Storey Case 1 Case 2
No. UBC 1 IBC 1 Difference % UBC 2 IBC 2 Difference %

0 Base 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 0.00 0

4 1 0.01 0.01 0 0.05 0.05 0
7.5 2 0.03 0.04 25 0.14 0.15 6.66
11 3 0.06 0.07 14.28 0.27 0.31 12.9
14.5 4 0.1 0.12 16.66 0.42 0.49 14.28
18 5 0.14 0.17 17.64 0.6 0.7 33.33
21.5 6 0.19 0.22 13.63 0.8 0.93 13.97
25 7 0.24 0.28 14.28 0.99 1.16 14.65
28.5 8 0.28 0.33(G) 15.15 1.19 1.37(G) 13.13
The biggest difference (25%) The biggest difference (14.65%)

(a) UBC 1 (b) IBC1

(c) UBC 2 (d) IBC 2

Fig. (4.9): Diaphragm drifts.

(a)UBC1 (b) IBC1

(c)UBC2 (d) IBC2

Fig. (4.10): Storey displacements.

Table (4.7): Maximum storey drifts st (m).
Heigh Maximum storey drifts st(m)
y No. Case 1 Case 2
UBC 1 IBC 1 Difference UBC 2 IBC 2 Difference
% %

0 Base 0.0000735 0.0001729(GM) 15.03 0.0003133 0.0007249(GM) 13.57

4 1 0.000024241 0.0027239 15.05 0.0100246 0.0114172 9.13
7.5 2 0.0060236 0.0070907 15.04 0.025688 0.0295397 13.03
11 3 0.0087784 0.0102469 11.77 0.0371223 0.0431315 13.93
14.5 4 0.0107616 0.0126248 14.75 0.0460504 0.0529177 13.08
18 5 0.012194 0.0143543 15.04 0.05200025 0.0603479 13.83
21.5 6 0.0130021 0.0153487 15.28 0.0556051 0.0645161 13.81
25 7 0.0134428 0.0158243 15.14 0.0573281 0.06663283 13.96
28.5 8 0.0135165 0.0159108(G) 9.69 0.0576414 0.0666908(G) 13.56
The biggest difference (15.28%) The biggest difference (13.96%)

Table (4.8): Base shears and Storey shears Vx(kN).

Height Storey shears Vx(kN)
(m) Storey Case 1 Case 2
No. UBC 1 IBC 1 Difference % UBC 2 IBC 2 Difference

0 Base 152.78 169.85(G) 10.05 651.54 715.8(G) 8.97

4 1 152.36 169.85 12.03 646.23 711.91 9.22
7.5 2 147.36 167.52 13.39 628.55 698.32 9.99
11 3 139.44 161.00 15.3 589.65 671.12 12.13
14.5 4 126.11 148.9 15.63 534.83 624.5 14.35
18 5 110.69 131.21 15.25 472.93 548.74 13.8
21.5 6 90.68 107.00 11.45 388.05 449.67 13.7
25 7 66.93 74.88 7.1 283.71 315.58 10.09
28.5 8 39.01( 36.24 165.23(GM) 152.46 8.37
The biggest difference (15.63% ) The biggest difference (14.35% )

(a)UBC1 (b) IBC1

(c)UBC2 (d) IBC2

Fig. (4.6): Storey drifts.

(a)UBC1 (b) IBC1

(c)UBC2 (d) IBC2

Fig. (4.10): Storey shears.

Table (4.9): Storey overturning moments Mst (kN.m).
Height Storey overturning moments Mst(kN.m)
Storey Case 1 Case 2
UBC 1 IBC 1 Difference UBC 2 IBC 2 Difference
% %
0 Base 3339.75 3839.54(G) 13.01 14203.66 16093.17(G) 11.74
4 1 2709.94 3119.44 13.12 1135.15 13119.25 11.9
7.5 2 2144.02 2472.39 13.28 9144.47 10407.73 12.13
11 3 1623.74 1877.53 13.51 7004.04 7914.88 11.5
14.5 4 1139.97 1319.7 13.61 4941.44 5378.3 8.12
18 5 701.84 802.59 12.55 3073.4 3410.27 9.87
21.5 6 373.24 416.45 10.37 1633.51 1748.37 6.56
25 7 126.79 124.24 2.01 582.75 480.08 17.61
28.5 8 8.13 9.44(GM) 13.87 37.92 42.73(GM) 11.25
The biggest difference (13.87%) The biggest difference (17.61%)

(a)UBC1 (b) IBC1

(c)UBC2 (d) IBC2

Fig. (4.11): Storey over turning moments.

Chapter Five
Conclusions and Recommendations
From this research and the results obtained it can be concluded that:
1. The provisions of IBC are more accurate for the site local conditions
i. the ground motion parameters of IBC are more representative of the
values of accelerations of site than it for zone factors of UBC.
ii. to enhance the performance of the structure ,IBC provides beside the
important factor(structure using factor) other two provisions, firstly,
the tighter drift limitations for structure of higher occupancy and
secondly, making the detailing level a function of (seismic risk at
the site of a structure and the occupancy of structure).
iii. for the ground motion parameters, the duration of returning period
and probability of exceedance are more accurate for IBC.
iv. R-values have more details in IBC than it in UBC, which with
important factors(structure using factor), give forces that are larger
for IBC than UBC for the same condition.
2. From the results of the analysis, in contrast to other parameters, the
lateral loads to diaphragm (158.91 kN, UBC, 146.99 kN, IBC) and
lateral loads to storeys (166.7kN,UBC,156.07kN,IBC) are larger in
UBC than in IBC. Inspite of this, the deformation results of the
diaphragm, the diaphragm CM (center of mass) displacements, are (the
same in both two codes) and diaphragm drifts (0.0005136m, UBC,
0.0021512m, IBC) are not larger in UBC.
3. The values obtained for base shear (651.54kN, UBC,715.8kN, IBC),
storey shears, overall drifts (0.05764m, UBC, 0.06669m, IBC), story
drifts (0.05764m, UBC, 0.06669m, IBC), storey displacements (1.19m,
UBC, 1.37m, IBC) and overturning moments (14203.66 kN.m, UBC,

16093.17kN.m) are all larger in IBC code than corresponding values in
UBC code.
4. The building under consideration is safe because all the values of the
analysis results obtained by either UBC or IBC are within the allowable
5. It is noticed that the top storey shear obtained by UBC code is greater
than the corresponding value obtained by IBC code but IBC code
offset this variation by value of greater overturning moment at the top
6. All the corresponding values of the analysis results obtained by the two
codes have very small variations or are the same except the base shears,
storey shears and overturning moments. For case one (very low seismic
sites in Sudan) the results in general are the same for the two codes.
7. For more safe R.C. Building the international building code IBC is
better to be used in Sudan. However, the data for using IBC code is
very rare. On the other hand, almost all studies carried out in Sudan are
based on uniform building code UBC.

5.2 Recommendations:
5.2.1-From the results obtained in this research it is recommended to:
1. use IBC code in the analysis of R.C. building in Sudan.
2. use other lateral load resisting system ,e.g. beam frame system or core
system to obtain larger factors of safety.
3. update Sudan seismic data continuously and compare IBC code with
ASCE-7, 2010 code (more advanced seismic code) to find out if there
are any differences between these other two codes.
5.2.2 For further studies in the field of structures subjected to
earthquakes it is recommended to:
1. use other types of analysis, like time- history analysis, are to be used
to evaluate these seismic codes.
2. use different types of structures resisting systems for different
structures and different materials to compare the results of the above
seismic codes.
3. base studies on IBC new versions and ASCE-7, 2010 rather than
UBC1997, because the parameters used by first two codes are
provided by advanced instruments and their provisions are have
additional restrictions.


1. Bryan Stafford Smith, Alex Coull, Tall Buildings Structure Analysis

and Design. New York USA,1991.
2. DJ Dowrick, Earthquake risk reduction actions for New Zealand,
Technical conference of NZ soc Earth Eng, Napier 2003.
3. Zoran Milutinovic , Basic principles in the seismology and Earthquake
Engieering, Institute of Earthquake Engineering and seismology (Kiril
and Mettodji)-skopje, Yugoslavia Sep.1988.
4. Emilo Lorca et. al., Earthquakes and Tsunamis high school text book
Geneva 1997.
5. S.K .Ghosh and David .A. Fanella, Seismic and Wind Design of
concrete buildings (IBC 2000, ASCE7-98, ACI318-99), USA July
6. Ali Eltom Hassaballa, Seismic activities in Sudan, Msc. Thesis, Sudan
University for science and Technology, Jan.2003.
7. Muchener Truck, HighRise buildings, German, 2004.
8. Ali Eltom Hassaballa, Probabilistic seismic hazard assessment in
Sudan, Ph.D. Thesis, Sudan University for Science and Technology,
9. UBC -1997 (Uniform Building code) International Conference of
Building Officials USA.
10.IBC-2006 (International building Code) International Code Council,
11. A. Abdelwahab, Yahia E.A.Mohamed Zein, and J.A.Abdalla
"Suggested provisions for Earthquake Resistant Design of structures
for the Sudan" Sudan Engineering Society Journal ,January

12. ASCE7-10, American Society of Civil Engineers, Minimum Design
Loads for buildings and other structures, USA, 2010. sales @, kineticsTM Guide to
understand IBC Seismic for MEP,USA, 5/6/ 2008.

Appendix A1: UBC Tables

Table ( A1.1 ):Soil classification(UBC)

Soil profile Soil profile Average Soil profile for top 100 feet(30 430)of
type Name/General soil profile
Shear wave Standard Shear
Velocity, Penetration strength
feet/second(m/s) Test for
Soil layers
SA Hard Rock > 5000 (1500) _ -
SB Hard 2500 to 5000
(760 to 1500)
SC Very Dense 1200 to 2500 > 50 > 2000
Soil and Soft (360 to 760) (100)
SD Stiff Soil 600 to 1200 15 to 50 1000 to 2000
profile (180 to 360) (50 to 100)
SE Soft Soil profile < 600 (180) < 15 < 1000 (50)
SF Soil Requiring Site specific Evaluation. See section 1629.3.1

Table (A1.2): Importance Factor (1)(UBC)

Occupancy Occupancy or functions of Structure Seismic
Category Important
Factor (I)
1.Essential 1.Group 1, Division 1Occupancies having surgery and 1.25
facilities emergency treatment areas
Fire and police stations
2.Garages shelters for emergency vehicles and
emergency aircraft structures and emergency
_preparedness centers

3.Aviation control towers
4.Structures and equipment in government
communication centers other facilities required for
emergency response
5.Standby power _generating equipment for category 1
6.Tanks or other structures containing housing or
supporting water or other fire suppression material or
equipment required for the protection of Category 1,2or
Hazard 1.Group H,Divisions 1,2,6 and 7 occupancies and 1.25
facilities structures therein housing or supporting toxic or
explosive chemicals or substances
Nonbuilding structures housing supporting or
containing quantities of toxic or explosive substances
that, if contained with abuiling,would cause that
building to be classified as a Group H,Division 1.2or 7
Special Group A, Division 1,2and 21Occupancies 1.0
occupancy Buildings housing Group E, Divisions 1and
structures 3Occupancies with a capacity greater than 300 students
Buildings housing Group B occupancies used for
college or adult education with a capacity greater than
500 students
Group 1,Divisions 1and2 Occupancies with 50 or more
resident incapacitated patients, but not included in
Category 1
Group1,Division 3 Occupancies
All structures with an occupancy greater than 5000
Structures and equipment in power generating stations,
and other public utility facilities not included in
Category1or Category2 above, and required for
continued operation
Standard All structures housing occupancies or having functions 1.0

occupancy not listed in category 1,2or3and Group U Occupancy
structures towers

structures Group U Occupancies except for towers 1.0

Table :(A1.3) Structure system factor R(UBC)

Basic Lateral force resisting system R o Height Limit for
structural Description seismic zones 3 and
system 4(feet)
X304.8for mm
1.Bearing 1.Light-frames with shear panels
wall system a. Wood structural panel walls 5.5 2.8 65(19812mm)
for structures three stories or less
b. All other light -framed walls 4.5 2.8 65(19812mm)
2.Shear walls
2.8 160(48768mm)
a. Concrete 4.5
2.8 160(48768mm)
b. Masonry 4.5
2.2 65(19812mm)
3. Light steel framed bearing 2.8
walls with tension only bracing
4.Braced frames where bracing
carries gravity load
2.2 160(48768mm)
a. Steel 4.4
2.2 _
b. Concrete 2.8
2.2 65(19812mm)
c. Heavy Timber 2.8

2.Building 1.Steel eccentrically braced 7 2.8 240(73152mm)

frame frame EBF
system 2.Light framed walls with shear
a. Wood structural panel walls 6.5 2.8 65(19812mm)
for structures three stories or less

b. All other light frame walls 5 2.8 65(19812mm)
3.Shear walls
a. Concrete 5.5 2.8 240(73152mm)
b. Masonry 5.5 2.8 160(19812mm)
4.Ordinary braced frames
a. Steel 5.6 2.2 160(19812mm)
b .Concrete
c. Heavy Masonry
5.Special concentrically braced
a. Steel
3.Moment 1.Special moment resisting
resisting frame(SMRF)
frame a. Steel 8.5 2.8 NL
system b. Concrete 8.5 2.8 NL
2.Masonry moment resisting 6.5 2.8 160(19812mm)
wall frame(MMRF)
3.Concrete intermediate moment 5.5 _
resisting frame(IMRF)
2.8 160(19812mm)
a. Steel
2.8 _
b. Concrete
5.Special truss moment frames 6.5 2.8 240(73152mm)
of steel(STMF)

systems 1.Shear walls
a. Concrete with SMRF 8.5 2.8 NL
b. Concrete with steel OMRF 4.2 2.8 160(48768mm)
c. Concrete with concrete 6.5 2.8 160(48768mm)
d .Masonry with steel SMRF 5.5 2.8 160(48768mm)
e .Masonry with steel OMRF 4.2 2.8 160(48768mm)
F. Masonry with IMRF 4.2 2.8 _

g. MASONRY WITH 6 2.8 160(48768mm)
Masonry MMRWF
2.Steel EBF
a. With Steel SMRF 8.5 2.8 NL
b. With Steel OMRF 4.2 2.8 160(48768mm)

3.Ordinary braced frames

a. Steel with steel SMRF 6.5 2.8 NL
b. Steel OMRF 4.2 2.8 160(48768mm)
c. Concrete with concrete 6.5 2.8 _
d. Concrete with concrete 4.2 2.8 _
4.Special concentrically braced
7.5 2.8 NL
a. Steel with Steel SMRF
4.2 2.8 160(48768mm)
b. Steel with Steel OMRF
5.Cantileve 1.Cantilever column elements 2.2 2 35(10668mm)
red column
6.Shear 1.Concrete 5.5 2.8 160(48768mm)
7.Undefine Sections1629.6.7and 1629.9.2 _ _ _
d systems
NL-No limit

Appendix A2:IBC Tables

Table (A2.1) Site class definitions (IBC)

Site Soil profile Average properties in top 100 feet(30.48m)
class name
A Hard rock V, > 5,000 N/A N/A
B Rock 2,500 < v, 5,000 N/A N/A
C Very dense soil 1,200 < v, 2,500 N > 50 S, 2<000
and soft rock
D Stiff soil 600 v, 1,200 15 N 1,000 s,
profile 50 2,000
E Soft soil profile V, < 600 N < 15 S, < 1,000
E - Any profile with more than 10 feet of soil having
the following characteristics:
1. Plasticity index pI > 20,
2. Moisture content w 40%, and
3. Undrained shear strength s, < 500 paf
F - Any profile containing soils having one or more
of the following characteristics:
1. Soils vulnerable to potential failure or
collapse under seismic loading such as
liquefiable soils, quick and highly sensitive
clays, collapsible weakly cemented soils.
2. Peats and/or highly organic clays (H > 10
feet of peat and/or highly organic clay
were H = thickness of soil)
3. Very high plasticity clays (H > 25 feet
with plasticity index PI > 75)
4. Very thick soft/medium stiff clays (H >
120 feet)

For SI: I foot = 304.8 mm, I square foot = 0.0929 m2 , 1 pound per square
foot = 0.0479 kPa. N/A = Not applicable
Table (A2.2) Occupancy of buildings and other structures(IBC)
Occupancy Nature of occupancy
I Buildings and other structures that represent a low hazard to
human life in the event of failure, including but not limited to:
Agricultural facilities.
Certain temporary facilities.
Minor storage facilities.
II Buildings and other structures except those listed in
Occupancy Categories I, III and IV
III Buildings and other structures that represent a substantial
hazard to human life in the event of failure, including but not
limited to:
Covered structures whose primary occupancy is public
assembly with an occupant load greater than 300.
Buildings and other structure with elementary school,
secondary school or day care facilities with an occupant
load greater than 250.
Buildings and other structure with occupant load greater
than 500 for colleges or adult education facilities.
Health care facilities with an occupant load of 50 or more
resident, but not having surgery or emergency treatment
Jails and detention facilities.
Any other occupancy with an occupant load greater than
Power-generating stations, water treatment for potable

water, waste, water treatment facilities and other public
utility facilities not included in Occupancy Category IV.
Buildings and other structures not included in Occupancy
Category IV containing sufficient quantities of toxic or
explosive substances to be dangerous to the public if
IV Building and other structures designed as essential facilities,
including but not limited to:
Hospitals and other health care facilities having surgery or
emergency treatment facilities.
Fire, rescue and police stations and emergency vehicle
Designated earthquake, hurricane or other emergency
Designated emergency preparedness, communication, and
p\operation centers and other facilities required for
emergency response.
Power-generating stations and other public utility facilities
required as emergency backup facilities for Occupancy
Category IV structures.
Structures containing highly toxic materials as defined
Section 307 where the quantity of the material exceeds the
maximum allowable quantities o Table 307.1.(2).
Aviation control towers, air traffic control centers and
emergency aircraft hangars.
Buildings and other structures having critical national
defense functions.
Water treatment facilities required to maintain water
pressure for fire suppression.

Table( A2.3)Importance factor by risk category(IBC)
Risk Seismic Importance factor I
I 1.0

II 1.0

III 1.25
IV 1.5

Table (A2.4 ):Risk category factor (IBC)

Risk category of buildings and other structures Risk
Buildings and other structures that represent a low risk to I
human life in the event of failure
All buildings and other structures except those listed in Risk II
Categories I,III and IV
Buildings and other structures, the failure of which could III
pose a substantial risk to human life.
Buildings and other structures ,not included in Risk Category
IV ,with potential to cause a substantial economic impact and
/or mass disruption of day-to-day civilian life in the event of
Buildings and other structures not included in Risk Category
IV (including, but not limited to ,facilities manufacture,
process ,handle ,store ,use ,or dispose of such substances as
hazardous fuels ,hazardous chemicals ,hazardous waste, or
explosives) containing toxic or explosive substances where
their quantity exceeds a threshold quantity established by the
authority having jurisdiction and sufficient to pose a threat to

the public if released.
Buildings and other structures designated as essential IV
Buildings and other structures, the failure of which could
pose a substantial hazard to community.
Buildings and other structures (including ,but not limited to
,facilities that manufacture ,process ,handle ,store ,use ,or
dispose of such substantial as hazardous fuels ,hazardous
chemicals ,or hazardous waste) containing sufficient
quantities of highly toxic substances where the quantity
exceeds a threshold quantity established by the authority
having jurisdiction to be the dangerous to the public if
sufficient to pose a threat to the public if released.
Buildings and other structures required to maintain the
functionality of other Risk Category IV structures.

Table ( A2.5 ), Values of approximate period parameters(IBC).

Structure type
Moment -resisting frame system in which the frames resist Ct x
100% of the required seismic force and are not enclosed or
adjoined by components that are more rigid and will prevent the
frames from deflecting where subjected to seismic forces.
Steel moment resisting frames 0.0724(m) 0.8
Concrete moment-resisting frames 0.0466 0.9

Steel eccentrically braced frames in accordance with Table 0.0731 0.75

12.2.1 lines B1 or D1
Steel buckling restrained braced frames 0.0731 0.75
All other structural frames 0.0488 0.75

Table ( A2.6) Coefficients of upper limit on calculated period(IBC)
Design Spectral Response Acceleration parameter at 1-sec.,SD1 Coefficient Cu
0.4 1.4

0.3 1.4
0.2 1.5
0.15 1.6
0.1 1.7
Table (A2.7):Seismic-Force-Resisting Systems of Concrete(IBC)
System Limitations and
Detailing Building Height Limitations
Basic Seismic-Force-Resisting
Referenc R Oo Cd (ft) by SDC*
e Section A or
Bearing Wall Systems
Special reinforced concrete
1910.2.4 5 2 5 NL NL 160 160 160
Shear walls
Ordinary reinforced concrete
1910.2.3 4 2 4 NL NL NP NP NP
shear walls
Detailing plain concrete shear
1910.2.2 2 2 2 NL NP NP NP NP
Ordinary plain concrete shear
1910.2.1 1 2 1 NL NP NP NP NP
Building Frame System
Special reinforced concrete 1910.2.
6 2 5 NL NL 160 160 100
Shear walls 4
Ordinary reinforced concrete 1910.2.
5 2 4 NL NL NP NP NP
shear walls 3
Detailing plain concrete shear 1910.2.
3 2 2 NL NP NP NP NP
walls 2
Ordinary plain concrete shear 1910.2. 2 2 2 NL NP NP NP NP

walls 1
Moment-resisting Frame Systems
Special reinforced concrete ACI
8 3 5 NL NL NL NL NL
moment frames 21.1
Intermediate reinforced concrete ACI
5 3 4 NL NL NP NP NP
moment frames 21.1
Ordinary reinforced concrete ACI
3 3 2 NL NP NP NP NP
moment frames 21.1
Dual Systems with Special Moment Frames
Special reinforced concrete 1910.2.
8 2 6 NL NL NL NL NL
Shear walls 4
Ordinary reinforced concrete 1910.2.
7 2 6 NL NL NP NP NP
shear walls 3
Dual System with Intermediate Moment Frames
Special reinforced concrete
1910.2.4 6 2 5 NL NL 160 160 100
Shear walls
Ordinary reinforced concrete
1910.2.3 5 2 4 NL NL NP NP NP
shear walls
Shear wall-frame interactive
system with ordinary
ACI 21.1
i\reinforced concrete moments 5 2 5 NL NP NP NP NP
frames and ordinary reinforced
concrete shear walls
Inverted Pendulum Systems
Special reinforced concrete
ACI 21.1 2 2 1 NL NL NL NL NL
moment frames
*NL = not limited, NP = not permitted

Appendix B: Samples of input and Results

: ETABS v9.7.4 File:IBC(2) ABU Units:KN-m
STORY8 None 3.500 28.500
STORY7 STORY8 3.500 25.000
STORY6 STORY8 3.500 21.500
STORY5 STORY8 3.500 18.000
STORY4 STORY8 3.500 14.500
STORY3 STORY8 3.500 11.000
STORY2 STORY8 3.500 7.500
STORY1 STORY8 4.000 4.000
BASE None 0.000
: ETABS v9.7.4 File:IBC(2) ABU Units:KN-m
DEAD DEAD N/A 1.0000
LIVE LIVE N/A 0.0000
: ETABS v9.7.4 File:IBC(2) ABU Units:KN-m
CQC SRSS 0.0500 0.0000 0.0500
U1 IBC2006 1.0000
U2 ---- N/A
UZ ---- N/A

Appendix C : Samples of large scale figures for Results


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