ODI's 4th Year: Annual Report

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4th Year

1 ODIs 4th Year | theodi.org

View from the CEO 3

Highlights 3

Advisory 5
Helping businesses 5
Helping governments 6
Transforming sectors 6

Training 8
Online 8
Face-to-face 8
International 8

Policy 9

Research and development 10

Research 10
Tools 10

ODI Startups 11

ODI Nodes and Members 13

Stories 13

ODI Summit and Awards 13

Financial figures 14

Content and production: Alex Leon, Anna Scott and Hannah Foulds
Design: Chrisie Brewster

This text is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution

ShareAlike 4.0 International
View from the CEO
The ODIs 4th year 2016 brought changes both for the
ODI and the wider world. While some of those changes
were challenging, it is good here to reflect on our successes
and achievements to fuel and focus our future work.

Through advising organisations around the world, and

training almost 3,000 people, we recognised 2.7M
revenue over the year. We helped 57 startups from across
Europe to employ over 200 people and generate 5M. We
sowed the seeds of sector-level changes through Open
Banking, OpenActive with Sport England, and in agriculture and nutrition with GODAN Action.
Ournetwork expanded to 29 ODI Nodes and 2,200 ODI Members, and through six flagship
open data stories we reached over 7 million people globally.

As we enter 2017, we will continue to work towards an open future, helping companies and
governments around the world get data to people who need it.

Jeni Tennison, CEO

Promoting the web of data
Over 500 businesses, governments and experts gathered at the ODI Summit
to discuss how the web of data could help solve current global challenges
Driving innovation with startups
As well as our own ODI Startup Accelerator programme, we have helped set
up incubation programmes with partners in Mexico and South Africa
Exhibiting Data as Culture artworks
Our new Data as Culture exhibit Thinking Out Loud explored the history of
data collection and centred around the work of sound artist Alex McLean
Sharing our expertise internationally
We ran workshops, hosted panel discussions and presented research at global
events such as the International Open Data Conference in Madrid and the
Open Government Partnership in Paris
Transforming whole sectors
Our work on Open Banking helped bring about sector-wide change, and we
expanded partnerships to improve data for sport, agriculture and nutrition

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2016 Income

4 ODIs 4th Year | theodi.org

The ODIs advisory work grew rapidly this year. We built
new commercial partnerships and advised businesses
and governments on organisational change, data strategy

Helping businesses
Growing numbers of businesses are embracing open innovation driven by open source,
open standards and open data to gain competitive edge. In our report Open Enterprise
we studied three of our partners Thomson Reuters, Arup and Syngenta who took an
open approach as large-scale data consumers and producers of data-based products. The
approach helped them to keep costs low, encourage collaboration and maintain leadership
positions in the market.

As part of another of our partnerships, we helped smart payment and energy company Guru
Systems to publish open data from their real-time analytics platform to help engineers correctly
size new heat networks, potentially saving the industry 400M and over 800,000 tonnes of
CO2 over 10 years.

5 ODIs 4th Year | theodi.org

Helping governments
In our public sector work we collaborated with the governments of Malaysia, Mexico and
Tanzania to help design and implement their data strategies, build capacity and promote
innovation in their countries. We grew our Open Data Leaders Network, which offers a
supportive space for policymakers from around the world to share insights, skills and leading
practice. The network so far consists of 24 leaders who have gathered in three cohorts and
since remained active members.

The third cohort of the Open Data Leaders Network at ODI HQ in February 2016

Transforming sectors
We partnered with Sport England on OpenActive, which aims to reduce inactivity in England by
making data about physical activities more openly available. Our work in Open Banking guided
the UK Competition and Markets Authoritys mandate for open data and open APIs to enable
more data-driven applications and resources for customers, banks and businesses. We also
partnered with the Digital Catapult to advance the UKs digital and data innovationlandscape.

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people trained

trainers trained

public courses

7 ODIs 4th Year | theodi.org

Training is a core part of the ODIs mission. This year we
trained almost 3,000 people via eLearning, face-to-face
courses and workshops and accredited 68 Registered
Trainers to promote data literacy around theworld.

Learners at our training day at dLab in Dar es Salaam

Online and face-to-face

We launched our free eLearning platform available on desktop and mobile leading to
1,200people taking our online learning courses over the year. We ran 29 public courses at
ODI HQ, training over 300 people. We also introduced two new courses: Open data strategy
and Building a business case for open data.

Our online learning and face-to-face training are underpinned by the Open Data Skills
Framework a comprehensive map of data skills.

As part of our work with the World Bank, we delivered face-to-face training in Tanzania to
help citizens, businesses and public sector workers to publish and use open data. To enable
continued learning in the region, we also ran our week-long Train the Trainer course. Overall,
178 people were trained from diverse sectors including health, education and water.

8 ODIs 4th Year | theodi.org

We are thought leaders in developing and implementing
data policies across the spectrum of closed, shared and
open data. This year we developed two sets of guiding
principles for organisations to make the best use of data.

Our openness principles for personal data guide organisations to adopt an open approach
when collecting and using personal data.

Our principles for strengthening data infrastructure help organisations to build the data
foundations needed to underpin business innovation, civil society, public services,
transparency and accountability.

As an Open Data Charter Lead Steward, we help provide governments with a foundation
to realise open datas full potential for their jurisdictions, and as a partner of the Global
Open Data for Agriculture and Nutrition network, we support the growing global effort to
make data on agriculture and nutrition more open.

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Research and development
As an institute, the ODI is committed to commissioning
and conducting research to explore the impact of data
particularly open data on society and the economy, and
developing tools to increase that impact.

This year we explored some of the misconceptions around blockchain technology and
commissioned a study from Lateral Economics showing that opening up core public sector
data assets adds more to the UK economy than keeping them behind a paywall.

We also continued to create in-depth case studies. We studied how open data was key to
Burkina Fasos first democratic presidential election, how ODI Leeds convened data innovators
around specific challenges and how legislation.gov.uk used collaborative maintenance and
open data to keep the UK digital statute book up to date.

Through WDAqua an EU project promoting training, research and innovation around

data-driven question answering we are hosting two PhD students and supporting
their research on data discovery. We also launched the ODI Fellowship programme. ODI
Fellows worked on projects that sought to expand the definition of personal data and
explore the potential for geospatial data to be harnessed in the creation of smart cities.

Our software team have been adding to the data publishing toolbox. Tools developed this year
include: Bothan, an open data metrics publishing platform; Octopub, a tool to make publishing
data simple without needing portals or other infrastructure; and Comma Chameleon, a
desktop CSV editor and validator.

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ODI Startups
The ODI Startup programme supports and promotes
startups working across the data spectrum to innovate,
drive competition and spark economic growth.

IMIN, ODI Startup (2014-15), presenting at ODI Summit 2016

Following three years of successful incubator programmes, this

year we launched the ODI Startup Accelerator, with startups 57companies
across two UK cities Leeds and London working on from 18 European
healthtech, education, supply-chain provenance and housing. countries

Our work on the Open Data Incubator for Europe neared 5.9M
completion as the eighth and final cohort of companies were (5M) in sales
accepted into the programme. Since the first incubation in and investment
September 2015, ODINE has selected 57 companies from 18
European countries. This year, incubated startups generated employed
5.9M (5M) in sales and investment and employed 204people.
204 people
In partnership with European organisations, we also won EU
funding for DataPitch, a 6.9M(5.9M) virtual lab enabling large corporates to share data with
Europes most innovative startups and SMEs to help solve sector challenges.

11 ODIs 4th Year | theodi.org

Frank Sedlar, from winning ODI Showcase
project PetaJakarta.org, demonstrates to
residents of North Jakarta how to submit
flood reports
Photograph courtesy of Marcin Szczepanski,
University of Michigan

12 ODIs 4th Year | theodi.org

ODI Nodes and Members
ODI Nodes promote open innovation through training, events
and outreach at city and regional levels internationally. The node 29 ODI Nodes
network grew this year to reach 29 franchises in 17 countries. in 17 countries

ODI Membership has gone from strength to strength, with a 2,200

new pay what you can scheme enabling a greater range of ODI Members
people from Russia to Singapore, Nigeria to Brazil to join
our diverse and growing network of individuals, businesses and
corporate partners.

We invest in telling stories about open datas positive impacts across sectors. This year, our
six flagship stories reached almost 7 million people with widespread mediacoverage.
They included Out for the Count, on how open data can bring about more informed choices for
voters in local elections, and PetaJakarta, on how an open source map combined data from
different sources to show flooding in real time, helping the public and emergency services to
improve their responses.

ODI Summit and Awards

This years ODI Summit gathered over 500 delegates
to hear from over 60 speakers including Dr Hannah Fry,
SirTim Berners-Lee and Sir Nigel Shadbolt. The summit
celebrated the web of data and its potential to address
todays global challenges.
The Open Data Awards celebrated individuals and organisations driving innovation in open
data across the world. We had over 200 nominations for innovative people and projects using
open data make a positive difference. Winners ranged from cMapIT, an open access platform
providing tools for citizens to track public policy and governance in Nigeria, to 360Giving, an
open data initiative for charitable giving in the UK.

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Financial figures

Profit and loss account (unaudited)

for the year ended 31 December 2016


Earned revenue 2,775,547

Grant funding 2,537,022


Administrative expenses -4,757,025

Profit on ordinary activities before taxation 555,544

Balance sheet (unaudited) as at 31 December 2016

Fixed assets 58,688

Current assets 1,906,238

Total assets 1,964,926

Creditors: amounts falling due within one year -1,095,510

Net current assets 869,416

Creditors: amounts falling due after more than one year -317,602

Net assets 551,814

Capital and reserves 551,814

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Find out more about the ODI and its team at


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