ADEC - Good Will Children Private School 2016 2017

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Private School

Inspection Report

Good Will Children Private School

Academic Year 2016 2017

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Good Will Children Private School

Inspection Date October 10, 2016 to October 13, 2016

Date of previous inspection September 22, 2014 to September 25, 2014

General Information Students

Total number of
School ID 023 551
%of students per Main Curriculum 100%
Opening year of
2010 curriculum (if
school Other Curriculum -----
KG 176
Number of students Primary: 353
Principal Farhat Jadoon
in other phases Middle: 22
High: 0

School telephone +971 (0)2 553 4277 Age range 4 to 14 years

Mohammed Bin Zayed City,

Grades or Year
School Address ME 10, Musaffah, Abu KG - Grade 7
Official email (ADEC) Gender Mixed

% of Emirati
School website 3%
1. Pakistani 51%
Fee ranges (per Average Category: Largest nationality
2. Jordanian 8%
annum) AED 23,200 AED 29,900 groups (%)
3. Syrian 6%
Licensed Curriculum Staff

Main Curriculum British Number of teachers 42

Other Curriculum Number of teaching

-------- 21
(if applicable) assistants (TAs)
Cambridge Primary Check KG/ FS 11:1
External Exams/ point Exam Teacher-student
Standardised tests Cambridge Secondary 1 ratio Other phases 10:1
Check point Exam

Accreditation ------- Teacher turnover 22.5%

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Inspection activities
Number of inspectors 4

Number of inspection days 4

Number of lessons observed 91

Number of joint lesson 4

Number of parents
(70; return rate: 15%)
The team conducted several meetings with senior
leaders, teachers, support staff, students and parents.
They analysed test and assessment results, scrutinised
Details of other inspection students work across the school, and considered many
activities of the schools policies and other documents. The
leadership team was involved throughout the process
and leaders conducted joint lesson observations with

The school does not have specified Aims, but has vision
School Aims and mission statements (below).

We aim to develop Global Citizens that are enabled to
take their place as moral, sensitive, educated world
citizens with motivation to learn. We aim to develop
their understanding of Islamic values and the culture of
the UAE. We aim to deliver a balanced and broad
School vision and mission curriculum that fosters creativity and critical thinking
skills. We are a learning school and encourage all
members of the school community to learn and
develop to their full potential.
Enable all

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Admission consists of interviews with student and
parents, together with a basic entry test in English and
Admission Policy mathematics. Most students are accepted. The school
has a special program for new students requiring extra
English assistance.

Governing Body with identified Chairperson, several

senior leadership representatives and a teacher
Leadership structure representative
(ownership, governance and School Leadership
management) Principal; consultant; SENCO; Primary Section Head; KG
Middle Leaders
Heads of English, mathematics, Arabic, science, ICT.

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SEN Details (Refer to ADEC SEN Policy and Procedures)
Number of students Number of other students
SEN Category identified through external identified by the school
assessments internally

Intellectual disability 0 0

Specific Learning Disability 0 4

Emotional and Behaviour

1 0
Disorders (ED/ BD)
Autism Spectrum Disorder
1 0
Speech and Language
1 0
Physical and health related
0 0

Visually impaired 0 0

Hearing impaired 1 0

Multiple disabilities 0 0

G&T Details (Refer to ADEC SEN Policy and Procedures)

Number of students
G&T Category

Intellectual ability 1

Subject-specific aptitude (e.g. in science, mathematics,


Social maturity and leadership 0

Mechanical/ technical/ technological ingenuity 0

Visual and performing arts (e.g. art, theatre, recitation) 1

Psychomotor ability (e.g. dance or sport) 12

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The overall performance of the school
Inspectors considered the school in relation to 3 performance categories

Band A High performing (Outstanding, Very Good or Good)

Band B Satisfactory (Acceptable)

Band C In need of significant improvement (Weak or Very Weak)

School was judged to be: BAND A Good

Band C
Band A Band B
In need of significant
High Performing Satisfactory


Very Weak
Very Good


Performance Standards

Performance Standard 1:

Students achievement

Performance Standard 2:
Students personal and
social development, and
their innovation skills

Performance Standard 3:
Teaching and assessment

Performance Standard 4:

Performance Standard 5:
The protection, care,
guidance and support of

Performance Standard 6:
Leadership and

Summary Evaluation:
The schools overall

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The Performance of the School
Evaluation of the schools overall performance
Good Will Children Private School provides a good education for its students. Senior
leaders and staff form a harmonious and united team that continually works to
improve the quality of students educational experiences and opportunities. The
school has the support of parents, most of whom praise the quality of education
and care their children receive. Teacher turnover is high at 22.5%. The schools
supportive induction program helps teachers to quickly integrate into all aspects of
the schools culture and. They rapidly have a positive influence on improving
students learning opportunities.
Most children start school with limited or no English. As a result of the innovative
approach of initially using English, Arabic and Urdu to communicate with the
children, they quickly grow as confident learners and soon begin to use English to
access the curriculum. Students continue to make good progress throughout the
school. Over one third of the students are new to the school each year across all
phases and grades. This has a significant impact on attainment levels across all
phases of the school. As a result of the hard work and targeted strategies of staff,
most students are working at age expected curriculum levels.

Progress made since last inspection and capacity to improve

The school has improved in all the areas identified in the last inspection. Lesson
plans are now well structured with clear learning objectives identified. The
expected learning outcomes are shared with students and are clearly evident in
their activities. Assessment is being used well to identify students levels and to
target their differing learning needs. The use of differentiated activities is now in
evidence almost all classrooms. In a minority of lessons, there is insufficient
challenge for higher achievers and inadequate support for students who find
learning difficult.
The school has good capacity to continue to improve the quality of education and
improve students attainment and progress.
Development and promotion of innovation skills
School leaders promote a culture of innovation well, especially approaches to
stimulate learners critical thinking skills. They ensure the impact of innovations is
measurable. For example, the implementation of an innovative online program
provides good support for students development in mathematical skills. They are
encouraging project based learning to develop critical thinking skills. Another
example is the Math Souq, where students create a retail organisation. The project
provides students with good opportunities to develop their entrepreneurial,
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organisational and mathematical skills. Other examples include participation in
innovation day projects, science exhibitions, Go Green Day, E-safety week and
Plantation Day. The Maqta Bridge project required learners to collaborate by using
their mathematical, artistic and scientific skills. Participation in the Abu Dhabi
Reading Programme enabled students to develop their confidence in Arabic
language skills in this programme of public speaking. The school is implementing a
skills competency framework to record learners development and to identify the
impact of these innovations.

The inspection identified the following as key areas of strength:

improvements in students progress through the increased variety in
learning opportunities and experiences
students personal development and learning skills supported by the
implementation of more varied and interesting activities
students respond well to the caring and respectful ethos across the school
community; they show interest, enthusiasm and are happy learners
parental support and their praise for the quality of education and care
provided for their children
the development of English language skills from a low starting point at the
start of Kindergarten which provides a strong foundation for further
development as students make progress through the school.

The inspection identified the following as key areas for improvement:

moderation of the assessment of students attainment levels
assessment of students understanding and progress against learning
objectives during lessons
further development of students critical thinking skills
stretch and challenge for higher achieving students and support for
students who find learning difficult
more structured data systems to accurately interpret the attainment and
progress of students.
goals set for the school by governors in respect of measurable student
outcomes, and the appointment of parental representation on the Board of

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Performance Standard 1: Students Achievement

Students achievement Indicators KG Primary Middle High

Attainment Weak Acceptable Acceptable

Progress Weak Good Good

Attainment Acceptable Acceptable Acceptable

(as a First Language)
Progress Acceptable Good Good

Arabic Attainment N/A Acceptable Acceptable

(as a Second
Language) Progress N/A Good Good

Attainment Good Good Good

Social Studies
Progress Good Good Good

Attainment Acceptable Acceptable Acceptable

Progress Good Good Good

Attainment Acceptable Acceptable Acceptable

Progress Good Good Good

Attainment Acceptable Acceptable Acceptable

Progress Good Good Good

Language of
instruction (if other Attainment N/A N/A N/A
than English and
Arabic as First Progress N/A N/A N/A

Other subjects Attainment Acceptable Acceptable Acceptable

(Art, Music, PE)

Progress Good Good Good

Learning Skills
(including innovation, creativity, critical
Good Good Good
thinking, communication, problem-
solving and collaboration)

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Most children entering kindergarten (KG) have limited or no knowledge of the English
language. They make good progress in the development of their personal and social
skills and rapidly acquire basic English vocabulary. The school also has a large number
of students entering the school each year across all phases and grades. For example,
half the children in KG2 and a third of the students across Key Stage 1 (KS1) and Key
Stage 2 (KS2) are new to the school. This, combined with the number of students
whose first language is not English, has a significant impact on attainment levels
across all phases of the school. Standardised data is only available for all Grade 6
students and a small number of students in Grades 4, 5 and 6, with all other
assessments undertaken internally by teachers. The data shows that attainment in
most subjects is acceptable and progress is good. There is insufficient moderation of
teacher assessments to ensure that the school has a consistent and accurate view of
students achievement. The lesson observations and scrutiny of students work
undertaken during the inspection confirmed that progress is good in most subjects
and grades.
In Islamic education, students attainment is acceptable and progress is good in
primary and middle grades. They are weak in kindergarten. Most students
demonstrate sufficient knowledge and understanding of Islamic concepts and show
clear respect for them. For example, Grade 3, students have an acceptable knowledge
and understanding of the morals in Islam, making clear links with real life and other
areas of learning. Most students have an acceptable understanding of Islamic culture
and concepts about the Day of Judgment, and how Muslims prepare themselves to
win heaven after the resurrection.
In KG, childrens attainment and progress are acceptable in Arabic lessons. In primary
and middle school, students attainment in Arabic as a first and second language is
acceptable and progress is good. Students attainment in reading, writing, speaking
and listening are in line with curriculum expectations. For example, in Grades 1, 2, 4
and 7 students know and understand required vocabulary, use it well in conversation
and are able to explain the correct meaning. In a few lessons, students are unable to
produce new text without teacher supervision. In Arabic as a second language, a
minority of students are unable to use standard Arabic well in speaking and reading
and make mistakes in pronunciation.
In social studies, students demonstrate levels of knowledge, skills and understanding
that are above the curriculum standards and attainment and progress are good.
Students show good knowledge of prior learning and use their own life experience
well. They demonstrate good knowledge and understanding of the old and modern
lifestyles in the UAE and other Gulf countries.

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In English, students attainment is acceptable and progress is good. Most students
across the school demonstrate levels of knowledge, skills and understanding of all
aspects of English in line with curriculum standards for second language learners. In
KG children enter school at a low starting point. Most children in KG1 only
communicate in English when prompted. By the end of KG1, they are more willing and
able to communicate without prompting by using single words or short phrases. In
KS1 most students have acquired acceptable speaking skills. They are able to
communicate in short or expanded sentences with each other and adults. They can
sustain a conversation and read and write many high frequency words independently.
Learning is often targeted at appropriate curriculum levels. For example, in Year 2,
students can use connectives to link sentences. In KS2, students communicate well
with each other. They are able to discuss their learning and share ideas, using an
increased vocabulary. Reading lacks fluency because most students struggle to
pronounce many unfamiliar words. They are often unable to demonstrate strategies
to successfully sound out new words and thus misread and misunderstand many
texts. Students are keen to engage in writing activities. For example, Grade 4 students
are able to correctly apply quotation marks in sentences. Grade 3 students can use
nouns, verbs and adjectives correctly. Free writing is encouraged through journal
writing and when asked a large minority of students showed they could use
paragraphs and attempt more challenging spellings phonetically. In Grade 7, the
choice of reading genre engages students well. They are disadvantaged by weak word
building skills and more unfamiliar words are often misread and misunderstood.
Handwriting practice is regular. It is often repetitive and lacking challenge.
Attainment in mathematics is acceptable and progress is good. In KG1, students start
school with limited English and little knowledge of numbers. They quickly learn
numbers and regularly practice counting. By Grade 1, students can add numbers by
counting on. Most Grade 2 students demonstrate some understanding of
measurement in standard and non-standard units. In a few lessons attainment is
good, with students having high levels of challenge. For example, Grade 6 students
are able to plot coordinates and link them to create 2 dimensional shapes. In Grade 7,
students are able to explain the difference between algebraic expressions and
In science, attainment is acceptable and progress is good, particularly when taking
account of the very low levels of English on starting school. The low literacy levels of
younger children restrict how they record results and communicate scientifically.
Teachers make good use of alternative methods to overcome this. Older students
demonstrate notable gains in knowledge and the ability to communicate using
appropriate scientific technical vocabulary. For example, a Grade 7 group can explain
the different implications for movement of fibrous joints compared with ball and

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socket. Students have a positive work ethic and enjoy their learning. A KS1 group
shows initiative in designing an experiment to measure the strength of magnets, and
enjoys putting this into practice. In a minority of lessons, there is insufficient challenge
for higher achieving students.
There are well structured systems for identification and support for special
educational needs students (SEN). In most lessons, SEN students make good progress
in line with their identified needs. In a few lessons, there is ineffective planning in
providing clear structures in the activities and support for SEN students.
In most lessons, teachers plan activities to enhance students learning skills.
Independent and collaborative working opportunities often promote students
opportunities to learn in different ways. Students show positive attitudes, work
creatively together and are happy to make choices, share ideas and demonstrate their
solutions. The development of critical thinking skills to provide increased challenge
for higher ability students is inconsistent in a majority of lessons.

Performance Standard 2: Students personal and social development,

and their innovation skills

Students personal and social

development, and their innovation skills KG Primary Middle High

Personal development Good Good Good N/A

Understanding of Islamic values and

Good Good Good N/A
awareness of Emirati and world cultures

Social responsibility and innovation skills Good Good Good N/A

Students personal and social development is good. Students are respectful to each
other and their teachers and have positive attitudes to learning. Most students
behave well and respond quickly to teachers instructions. Most students
demonstrate self-discipline and are calm and orderly as they move about the school.
The house points system for rewarding positive behaviour and application in lessons
is motivating and effective. Students confirmed that bullying or oppressive behaviour
is rare. Relationships between students are good. Peer support is often evident, both
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generally and in group work. For instance, one group of Information and
communication technology students have established routines to help each other
with technical issues. Most SEN students integrate with and are well supported by
their peers. Students are well aware of the importance of having safe and healthy
lifestyles. These often feature in assemblies. For instance, kindergarten children sing
along with online songs promoting personal hygiene. Students choice of food at
break times is generally healthy, with most eating fruit and healthy snacks.
Attendance is good, at 93% for the last complete year, and 95% for this year to date.
Punctuality is very good.
The school has both an Islamic room and a Culture Corner. Prayer timing is linked
well with cultural activities. The school celebrates National Day and International Day.
Parents are invited and enjoy traditional food at stalls run by students. Most students
have a good understanding of Islamic values and appreciate their importance to
contemporary society. They have a good awareness of Emirati heritage, especially of
Sheikh Zayed and his good works. They know he is the founder of the UAE, and one
student described him as like a father to us. Students enjoy the cultural activities in
which they participate. For example, students proudly described their activities in the
Go Green day, which celebrated recycling and care for the environment. Most
students demonstrate acceptable levels of awareness and knowledge of the nature
of cultures outside the UAE.
Students have good opportunities to take responsibilities in school. There is an active
school council. Eleven students are involved with the schools health and safety
committee. They participate in assemblies from a very early age. Students have good
opportunities to be involved in National and International Day celebrations, together
with community activities such as environmental and e-safety campaigns. Students
develop their interests through attending a wide range of clubs, including an
Innovation and technology club. Students take part in Go Green Day, Plantation
Day, drills with the fire service, Road safety and anti-bullying campaigns, healthy
eating events and presentations.

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Performance Standard 3: Teaching and Assessment

Teaching and Assessment Indicators KG Primary Middle High

Teaching for effective learning Good Good Good N/A

Assessment Acceptable Acceptable Acceptable N/A

Teachers have good subject knowledge and apply it well to their planning and
teaching. They are aware of how students learn in different ways and the need for a
variety of approaches to enhance their progress. Teachers in all phases and subjects
plan activities that engage students with shared learning objectives in most lessons.
Most lessons are well structured with introductions, group and independent activities
and a review of learning at the end. Learning environments, especially in KG, are
colourful, informative and engage students. Resources are accessible and support
and enhance learning experiences. A minority of lesson plans lack detail and do not
always reflect the individual needs of different groups of students. Teacher
interactions in KG motivate children to think and respond with enthusiasm through
focused, open questioning. In the primary and middle schools, teachers use open
questioning, mainly in group activities, to engage learners in dialogue with each other
and with adults.
Teachers across the school use a wide variety of strategies to meet the needs of most
students. In the best lessons, activities are well organised, differentiated to meet the
varied needs of students. They are supported with good quality resources to give
students an enjoyable learning experience. In a few lessons, teaching strategies are
not always adjusted to meet the needs of students who need more support. For
example, in a Grade 3 class, students drafted and wrote stories, but the planning
sheet was the same for all abilities and a few students struggled to complete the
learning objective. In KG, children are encouraged to be responsible and think about
their learning through activities that involve sharing and cooperation in an age
appropriate way. In the primary and middle schools, teachers probe students to think
more critically and problem solve. A large minority of students are over reliant on their
teachers to give guidance and opportunities are missed for them to be innovative or
think critically.
Internal and continuous assessment processes are linked well to the curriculum used
by the school across the subjects and phases. Consistent recording of attainment
levels and progress tracking are regularly carried out by teachers and monitored by
school managers. Data produced is not always consistently presented across subjects

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or within phases. This results in confusing information that can lead to
misinterpretation of the attainment and progress of students. Although lesson plans
include assessment strategies, there is little evidence in a majority of classes that
checks are made during the lesson to ensure that all students understand the
intended learning. The school uses a limited range of international benchmarking
tests to measure attainment and progress in a few grade levels. The outcomes are
not always interpreted effectively to get a true measure of students performance.
The schools assessment data is regularly discussed and tracked. Analysis lacks depth
when identifying trends and patterns in students attainment or progress. A few
teachers make ineffective use of the collected assessment information to plan
lessons and adapt the curriculum. Teachers are aware of the strengths and
weaknesses of the individual students in lessons through individual marking and
feedback to students. Comments and advice for students are often helpful and
relevant in helping them to understand and improve their learning. The organisation
of lessons to include an introduction and summary of students learning at the end
allows teachers the opportunity to make general assessments of learning objectives
and inform their planning.

Performance Standard 4: Curriculum

Curriculum Indicators KG Primary Middle High

Curriculum design and implementation Good Good Good N/A

Curriculum adaptation Good Good Good N/A

The curriculum provides a good range of opportunities for meeting the learning needs
of students. The curriculum is broad and balanced and age appropriate. It promotes
the interests of all students who come from diverse backgrounds and cultures. On
entry into KG, students are instructed orally in the three languages of Urdu, English
and Arabic for the first few months. This creates good opportunities to gain
confidence and access learning. The KG timetable has a formal subject based focus.
Opportunities for children to choose their own activities or to play freely in the activity
centres are limited. The school uses the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS)
curriculum in KG and the Cambridge Primary Checkpoint curriculum in KS1 and KS2. It
has added the secondary curriculum in Year 7 for all three core subjects. Other
subjects follow the British curriculum and Arabic subjects follow the MoE curriculum.
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These curricula underpin how the school plans and ensures progression in most
subjects across the school. The curriculum prepares students well for the next stages
of education and meets the learning needs of most students. In KG, good cross
curricular links are in evidence in planning and in learning activities. In other phases,
curriculum maps and weekly plans list subjects linked to the topic. There is insufficient
detail about how learning transfers between the subjects. The school regularly
reviews the curriculum at the end of year and three times a year to align with
students progress tracking.
The school provides Individual Education Plans (IEPs) for SEN students and Advanced
Learning Plans (ALPs) for those identified as gifted and talented (G&T). Well planned
differentiated activities in most lessons across the school meet the needs of most
students and enable them to develop on a personal and academic level. Planning does
not always include sufficient high level challenge for the more able students. The
planning and delivery of structured support for SEN students and those who find
learning difficult is inconsistent in a few lessons. The school has many good
innovation projects including science exhibitions, Go Green Day, E-safety week,
Plantation Day and participation in the Abu Dhabi Reading Program of public
The school offers a good variety of interesting extra-curricular activities for students
in the last period of each Thursday. Students have the option to choose an interest or
club to broaden the interests and experiences. The curriculum includes a programme
of visits in Abu Dhabi. Some visits provide good opportunities for students to
experience the heritage and culture of the UAE. For example, visits to the Heritage
Village. Other visits provide a good insight into modern life in UAE society, including
how sustainable energy is utilised in Masdar City. The school also sponsored a unique
experience for a gifted and talented student to participate in a calligraphy workshop.

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Performance Standard 5: The protection, care, guidance and support
of students

The protection, care, guidance and

KG Primary Middle High
support of students Indicators

Health and safety, including

arrangements for child protection/ Good Good Good N/A

Care and support Good Good Good N/A

The school has good procedures for the protection and care of students. It has a
caring ethos and a positive sense of mutual respect is evident in classes across all
phases. The nurturing environment in KG creates a happy atmosphere for enhancing
the social and personal development of the children. The school has a child protection
policy and staff have been fully trained on its application and their responsibilities.
The school is safe and secure, with guards at the school gate and all visitors are
required to sign in. Closed circuit television cameras provide extra security to ensure
the safety of students and staff. The school is well maintained and the work of the
health and safety officer is overseen by a school committee. Eleven students assist
the committee by identifying any concerns about safety issues. All equipment is
regularly checked and recorded. The well-equipped school clinic is overseen by a
qualified nurse and all medicines are securely stored. Outside play areas are shaded
well to protect students. Classrooms in primary and middle schools are spacious
enough to support a variety in the learning opportunities for students. KG classrooms
are more limited in size, which reduces the opportunity for free flow of children
between activity centres. School busses have the required safety equipment and
supervisors ensure the students travel safely.
Well-structured classroom routines ensure a productive and safe environment for
learning in most grades. Warm and positive relationships between students and
teachers create a happy and supportive learning culture. In a few lessons, ineffective
application of routines and behaviour expectations result in students losing focus and
limited learning taking place. Procedures for promoting good attendance are well
established, with same day follow up for all absences. The school has good
procedures for the identification, support and monitoring of SEN students learning
goals. The special needs coordinator provides good structures for guiding and
supporting students, and parents, in identifying their specific learning goals. Gifted
and talented students are supported well and encouraged to participate in activities,
such as poetry competitions and free speaking week. Guidance and support

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procedures are acceptable, with class teachers overseeing the pastoral care and
guidance of students. There is inconsistent focus on providing appropriate challenge
for high achievers and structured support for students who find learning difficult.

Performance Standard 6: Leadership and management

Leadership and management Indicators

The effectiveness of leadership Good

Self-evaluation and improvement planning Good

Partnerships with parents and the community Good

Governance Acceptable

Management, staffing, facilities and resources Good

The leadership and management of the school are good. The senior team sets a clear
vision and mission to support their continuous improvement agenda and create a
supportive environment for learning. The principals calm and supportive leadership
provides senior and middle leaders, together with the teachers, with the confidence
to continually improve their practices and to enhance students learning
opportunities. The strong team spirit throughout the school generates a caring,
supportive and safe environment for students. The dispersed leadership at subject
coordinator and team leader levels, operates well in planning a coherent educational
program for all groups of students in all phases. The use and interpretation of data by
managers is inconsistent. There are strong relationships and a caring ethos
throughout the school. Communication systems are well structured with regular
meetings, planning sessions and ongoing professional development opportunities for
all staff. Senior leaders encourage innovation in the school. The Maths Whizz
computer program, which is matched to students ability levels, has been extremely
successful in raising attainment in mathematics. The introduction of a skills
competence framework is targeting the enhancement of students learning skills.
The school has good procedures in place for evaluating the quality of provision across
the school. The self-evaluation form (SEF) is well-structured and provides clear and
measurable outcomes to demonstrate success in development activities. There are
clear links between the SEF and the school development plan (SDP). The SEF provides
a good, analytical review of the outcomes resulting from the major development

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areas in the SDP. The SDP targets the performance standard areas and the identified
areas from the last inspection. The SDP is a well-constructed document in which there
are clearly identified leads, teams, timeframes, success criteria and motoring and
evaluation checkpoints. The school has demonstrated good progress in respect of the
improvement areas identified in the last inspection. The principal undertakes regular
formal lesson observations. All teachers receive effective feedback on the observed
strengths and areas for further development. Senior leaders and subject coordinators
undertake regular pop-in lesson visits and walkthroughs. The overall findings are
analysed well to identify trends or concerns that inform managements ongoing
planning to improve learning. Performance management goals are mainly centred on
the outcomes of lesson observations and professional development requirements.
Staff goals are not sufficiently linked to the measurable outcomes of students in
respect of raising their attainment and progress.
The school has good relations with parents. Regular communication through the
parent handbook, newsletters, school website and student planner keeps parents
well informed about their childrens progress and welfare. Orientation day at the start
of the year and parent and teacher meetings each term ensures that parents know
how their children are progressing. The open door policy gives parents the confidence
to discuss issues or concerns with staff. The open day for parents allows them to
experience their children being actively engaged in learning. The school has good links
with the civil defence, local police and students regularly raise charitable donations
for Red Crescent.
The governance of the school is acceptable. The school is in the process of finding two
parent representatives to serve on the Board of Governors. The owners
representative and senior staff from the school make up the other members of the
board. The governors are overseen by a Board of Directors. The governors set goals
for the principal in respect of student numbers and inspection outcomes. They do not
set goals in respect of measurable student outcomes.
The school is very well organised, runs smoothly and provides a calm and highly
supportive environment for learning. There are sufficient numbers of teachers and
the teaching assistants are used well to support learning. The premises are reasonably
spacious and provide a good learning environment. The school is well resourced and
teachers use them well to enhance learning.

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What the school should do to improve further:
1. Further improve the quality of teaching and learning to enhance students
attainment by:
i. establishing an effective moderation process to ensure that the assessment
of students attainment levels is consistent and accurate
ii. formalising assessments during lessons to ensure that all students
understand the intended learning
iii. increasing the opportunities for developing students critical thinking skills
iv. improve planning to create greater stretch and challenge for higher
achieving students and more structured support for students who find
learning difficult.

2. Further improve leadership by:

i. developing more structured data systems to accurately inform the planning
of differentiated learning for groups and individual students
ii. creating accountability targets for staff at all levels that are directly linked
to students attainment targets and outcomes.

3. Improve governance by:

i. setting goals for the school in respect of measurable student outcomes
ii. ensuring the appointment of parental representation to the Board of

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