2015 DVClub Austin - SVA Tutorial - and - SVA Planning PDF

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The key takeaways from the presentation are that assertions can be used to verify design intent, check specifications, validate assumptions, localize failures, provide semantics for formal verification, and describe coverage points. Both verification and design engineers should take advantage of assertions.

Assertions are used to document design intent, verify design meets specifications over simulation time, verify design assumptions, localize where failures occur, provide semantics for formal verification, and describe functional coverage points.

The two types of assertions in SystemVerilog are immediate assertions, which test for a condition at the current time, and concurrent assertions, which have an extensive set of operators to describe complex design conditions.

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Austin TX
September 9, 2015

A copy of these presentation

slides is available at

SystemVerilog Assertions and

Assertion Planning
a tutorial on
Writing SystemVerilog Assertions
and Planning Where to Use Assertions
Stu Sutherland
Sutherland HDL, Inc.

Part 1: A short tutorial on SystemVerilog Assertions

Part 2: Who should write assertions?
Part 3: Planning where to use assertions

The goal of this tutorial is to encourage both verification engineers

and design engineers to take advantage of SystemVerilog Assertions!
Part One:
A Short Tutorial On
What Is
An Assertion?
An assertion is a statement that a certain property must be true
0 1 2 3 4 5 Design Specification:
After the request signal is asserted,
req the acknowledge signal must arrive
ack 1 to 3 clocks later

Assertions are used to:

Document design intent (e.g.: every request has an acknowledge)
Verify design meets the specification over simulation time
Verify design assumptions (e.g.: state value is one-hot)
Localize where failures occur in the design instead of at the output
Provide semantics for formal verification
Describe functional coverage points
And requires clarifying ambiguities in spec

Verification Without Assertions

Before there were special assertion languages like SVA,

verification checks had to be coded with programming statements
always @(posedge req) begin
0 1 2 3 4 5 @(posedge clk) ; // synch to clock
fork: watch_for_ack
req parameter N = 3;
ack begin: cycle_counter
repeat (N) @(posedge clk);
Design Specification: $display("Assertion Failure", $time);
disable check_ack; To test for a sequence of
Each request must be
end // cycle_counter events requires many lines of
followed by an acknowledge
begin: check_ack Verilog code (hard to write)
within 1 to 3 clock cycles
@(posedge ack)
$display("Assertion Success", $time);
With SVA, this check disable cycle_counter;
end // check_ack
can be done with one join: watch_for_ack
line of code!
assert property (@(posedge clock) req |-> ##[1:3] ack) else $error;
Embedded Verification

Checking and Synthesis

Checking code written in Verilog must be hidden from Synthesis
Synthesis cannot distinguish the hardware
model from the embedded checker code
if (critical_condition)
// do true statements RTL code
//synthesis translate_off
if (critical_condition == 0) checker code
//synthesis translate_on
This checking code is
// do the not true statements RTL code
hidden from synthesis,
//synthesis translate_off
but it is always active
checker code in simulation (not easy
$display("critical_condition is bad");
to disable for reset or
//synthesis translate_on
for low-power mode)

SystemVerilog Assertions are easier, and synthesis ignores SVA

assert (!$isunknown(critical_condition));
assert is ignored by synthesis and
if (mode) ... // do true statements
else ... // do not true statements can be disabled during simulation
SystemVerilog Has
Two Types of Assertions
Immediate assertions test for a condition at the current time
always_comb begin
assert ($onehot(state)) else $fatal; generate a fatal error if state
case (state) ... // RTL code variable is not a one-hot value

An immediate assertion is the same as an ifelse statement, but with assertion controls

Concurrent assertions test for a sequence of events spread over

multiple clock cycles 0 1 2 3 4 5
multi-clock sequences
req can be defined with very
concise code
a_reqack: assert property (@(posedge clock) data_ready |-> req ##[1:3] ack)
else $error;
concurrent assertions run as a
background process in parallel
always_ff @(posedge clock)
with the RTL code
if (data_ready) req <= 1; ... // RTL code

Concurrent assertions have an extensive set of operators to describe complex design conditions

Assertion Severity System Tasks

The assertion messages can be printed with severity levels

$info ( "message", message_arguments ) ;
No severity; just print the message If a severity level is not
$warning ( "message", message_arguments ) ; specified, assertion messages
A run-time warning; software continues execution default to an error level
$error ( "message", message_arguments ) ;
A run-time error severity; software continues execution
$fatal ( finish_number, "message", message_arguments ) ;
Terminates execution of the tool
finish_number is 0, 1 or 2, and controls the information printed by the tool upon exit
(the same tool controls as with $finish)

The user-supplied message is appended to a tool-specific message

containing the source file location and simulation time
The message is optional; if not specified the tool-specific message
will still be printed

Assertions in a UVM testbench should use the UVM message functions, such as
uvm_report_warning and uvm_report_error, so that the messages are tracked by UVM

Assertion Pass/Fail Actions

Assertions can have both pass and fail actions

assert property (p_req_gnt) User-defined pass/fail statements can do
$info("Handshaking passed in %m"); anything you want
else (Tip: use %m to display the hierarchy path
$error("Handshaking failed in %m"); to the statement containing message)

The pass and fail statements can be any procedural statement

Multiple statements must be grouped with beginend
The pass action is optional
If left off, then no action is taken when the assertion passes
The fail action is also optional
If left off, then a default, tool-generated message is printed with an
error message severity level
always @(negedge reset)
a_fsm_reset: assert (state == LOAD); No action if pass, default message if fail
Detecting Glitches
with Assertions
There are many reasons signals might change more than once
during a single clock cycle (a potential glitch)
Combinatorial decoding, clock domain crossing, async reset,
0 1 2 3 4 5 6


This glitch within a clock cycle will This glitch within a clock cycle
affect my design functionality I will never be stored in my
need to detect it. registers I can ignore it.

You need an You need a

immediate assertion! concurrent assertion!

Immediate assertions are programming statements that

can evaluate values at any time
Concurrent assertions are cycle based, and only
evaluate values on a clock edge
Immediate and Concurrent Youre the engineer
which of these pros and
Assertion Pros and Cons cons are most important
in your project?

Immediate Assertions Concurrent Assertions

Pros: Pros:
Easy to write simple syntax Background task define it and it
Close to code being checked just runs
Can check asynchronous Cycle based no glitches
values between clock cycles between cycles
Self-documenting code Can use binding (see later slide)
Cons: Works with simulation and formal
Cannot use binding (later slide) verification
Difficult to disable during reset Cons:
or low-power More difficult to define (and
Must following good RTL debug)
practices to prevent race Can be far from code being
conditions (just like any checked
programming statement) Cannot detect glitches
Concurrent Assertions
are Cycle Based
A sequence is a series of true/false expressions spread over one
or more clock cycles
## represents a cycle delay
Specifies the number of clock cycles to wait until the next
expression in the sequence is evaluated
The first expression is evaluated immediately
Subsequent expressions are evaluated at later clock cycles
@(posedge clock) is not a delay, it
property p_request_grant;
specifies what a cycle is for this property
@(posedge clock)
request ##1 grant ##[1:3] !request && !grant;
endproperty Delay 1 cycle Delay for a range of cycles
ap_request_grant : assert property (p_request_grant); else $fatal;

request must be followed one clock cycle later by grant

grant must followed one to three clock cycles later by !request and!grant

A Concurrent Assertion Gotcha

Concurrent assertions start a new thread every clock cycle

property pReqAck;
@(posedge clk)
req ##2 ack;
endproperty: p_req_ack
apReqAck: assert property (pReqAck);
0ns 10ns 20ns 30ns 40ns

req 1 2 3 4


apReqAck F SF F

An evaluation thread New evaluation threads

starts at time 10 start at time 20, 30 and 40
Request is true so the thread Request is false so each
continues, and at time 30 of these threads fails at
this thread succeeds those times

The fix for this gotcha is something called an implication operator (see next page)
Conditioning Sequences Using
Implication Operators
A sequence can be conditioned with an implication operator
If the condition is true, the sequence is evaluated
If the condition is false, the sequence is not evaluated (a dont care)

|-> overlapped implication: sequence evaluation starts immediately

property p_req_ack; clk
@(posedge clk)
mem_en |-> req ##2 ack; ack
endproperty: p_req_ack
overlapped (req ##2 ack)

|=> non-overlapped implication:

sequence evaluation starts at the next clock
property p_req_ack; mem_en
@(posedge clk) req
mem_en |=> req ##2 ack; ack
endproperty: p_req_ack
non-overlapped (req ##2 ack)

The |=> (non-overlapped implication) is the same as |-> ##1 (overlapped plus 1 cycle)

Implication Terminology

Antecedent the expression before the implication operator

The evaluation only continues if the antecedent is true
Consequent the expression after the implication operator
Vacuous success if the antecedent is false, the property is
considered vacuously true
The check is not of interest, so evaluation is aborted without
considering it a failure
antecedent (or cause) if FALSE, the property succeeds
vacuously; if TRUE, then the sequence continues

property p_handshake;
@(posedge clk) implication operator
request |=> acknowledge ##1 data_enable ##2 done;
endproperty: p_handshake
consequent (or effect) only
evaluated if antecedent succeeds
Using Concurrent Assertions
with Zero-delay RTL Models
In RTL models, most signals change on a clock edge
RTL models are typically modeled with zero delay
Register outputs change immediately on the clock edge
0 10 20 30 40 50
clk property p_req_ack;
@(posedge clk)
req req |-> ##2 ack ##1 !ack;
endproperty: p_req_ack
ap_req_ack: assert property (p_req_ack);

Is req 0 or 1 at time 10? 0

What about at time 20? 1
Is ack 0 or 1 at time 40 1
At what time does this assertion pass or fail? 50
Concurrent assertions sample values in a Preponed event region the assertion always
sees the value that existed before the clock edge causes any changes
Quiz: Does This Assertion Match
the Design Specification?
Given the following assertion:
property p_req_ack; If there is an ack,
@(posedge clk) req |-> ##2 ack; then req must be true
endproperty: p_req_ack 2 clock cycles later
ap_req_ack: assert property (p_req_ack);

Will this event sequence pass or fail?

The assertion will pass it checks that ack
req 1
is true on the 2nd clock after req; it does not
S check for when ack transitioned to true

Is this a faulty design or a faulty assertion?

It depends on the design specification!
Spec 1: A req (request) should be followed two cycles later by ack (acknowledge).
The ack line can be tied high so that all requests are automatically acknowledged.

Spec 2: A req (request) should be followed two cycles later by a rising edge of ack
(acknowledge). The ack is only allowed to be high for one clock cycle.

Value Change Functions

Special functions test for a value change between adjacent clock cycles:
$rose(expression, cycle_definition);
Returns true if the LSB of the expression changed to 1 These functions evaluate
sampled values they
$fell(expression, cycle_definition); compare the value that was
Returns true if the LSB of the expression changed to 0 sampled at the beginning
$changed(expression, cycle_definition); of the previous clock cycle
Returns true if the value of the expression changed with the value that was
$stable(expression, cycle_definition); sampled at the beginning
Returns true if the value of the expression did not change of the current clock cycle

The cycle_definition is optional and seldom needed (see notes below); It specifies what
clock to use for sampling the expression (e.g.: $rose(ack, @posedge master_clk) )

Design Spec: A req (request) should be followed two cycles later by a rising edge
of ack (acknowledge). The ack is only allowed to be high for one clock cycle.

property p_req_ack; clk

@(posedge clk)
req |-> ##2 $rose(ack) ##1 !ack; req
endproperty: p_req_ack
ap_req_ack: assert property (p_req_ack);

Assertions and Coverage

Coverage is a metric for evaluating the progress of verification

Measures the completeness of the verification tests
SystemVerilog provides two types of coverage
Functional coverage reports how many times specific values occur
Uses covergroup definitions
Checks current values at specific times during simulation
State coverage reports how many times assertions evaluate
Uses an assertion cover statement
Checks for sequences of conditions over multiple clock cycles
Design Specification: Assertion
Did I test the FIFO coverage is
The FIFO almost_full flag is set when
operating at a nearly discussed
there are 2 locations remaining in the FIFO
full condition? in more
caFifoNearMax: cover sequence detail later
(@(posedge clk) in the
almost_full ##1 push ##1 push); course
Part Two:
Who Should Write
Which Engineer Writes the
Assertions for Your Projects?

Once upon a time

Four engineers worked on an important design. Their names were:
Tom Somebody, Dick Everybody, Harry Anybody, and Sally Nobody.
Each engineer was responsible to design and verify a sub block of
the design. Everybody had attended training on SystemVerilog
Assertions, and was sure that Somebody would write assertions to
verify that the full design worked correctly. Anybody could have
written them, but it ended up that Nobody did it.
When the design was implemented in silicon, it did not work
according to the specification. Everybody blamed Somebody
because Nobody did what Anybody could have done.
Guideline for
Who Writes Assertions!

Verification engineers should write assertions that verify design

functionality meets the overall design specification
The assertion verifies that the designer correctly implemented the
Example: The zero flag output of the ALU block should only be set if the
ALU result output is zero

Design engineers should write assertions to verify assumptions that

affect the functionality of a design block
The assertion documents the designers assumptions
Example: The ALU block assumes that the A, B and opcode inputs will
never have a logic X or Z value
Design Engineers
Should Add Assertions to RTL!
RTL models assume inputs and other values are valid
Input ports are connected (no floating input values)
Control signals are never a logic X
State machine encoding is a legal value
Data values are within an expected range
Parameter redefinitions meet design requirements
These assumptions can be should be verified using assertions
Most of these can be done with simple 1-line assertions

The paper
Who Put Assertions In My RTL Code? And Why
has examples of these types of assertions

(available to download from sutherland-hdl.com)

Verification Engineers Can Bind
Assertions to Design Blocks
SystemVerilog assertions can be defined in a separate file and:
Bound to all instances of a design module or interface
Bound to a specific instance of a design module or interface
Binding allows verification engineers to
add assertions to a design without
modifying the design files
Binding allows updating assertions
without affecting RTL code time-stamps
(which could trigger unnecessary
synthesis runs)
Binding can also be used to bind in
coverage and other functionality

NOTE: Only concurrent assertions can be

directly bound into other modules
When To Embed Assertions,
When To Bind In Assertions
Sutherland HDL recommends1
Design engineers should embed assertions into the RTL code
Validate all assumptions (e.g. control inputs are connected)
Trap invalid data values where they first show up
Embedded assertions should be written at the same time the RTL
code is being developed!
Verification engineers should add bound-in assertions
Verify the design functionality matches the specification
Verify that corner cases work as expected (e.g.: FIFO full)
Verify coverage of critical data points
By using binding:
There is no need to check out and modify the RTL model files
Adding assertions not affect RTL file time stamps
1There can be exceptions to this guideline you get paid the big money to figure
out which way of specifying assertions is best for your projects!
Embedded versus Bound
Assertions Pros and Cons

Assertion Binding Assertions Embedded in RTL

Pros: Pros:
Do not need RTL file access Close to the code being verified
permissions to add assertions Can use both concurrent and
Adding assertions does not immediate assertions
impact RTL file time-stamps Document designers
Cons: assumptions and intentions
Assertions can be far from the Assertion errors originate from
code being checked same file as the failure
RTL engineers must edit Cons:
multiple files to add assertions Adding/modifying an assertion
while the RTL modes is being could trigger automated
developed regression or synthesis scripts
Cannot (easily) use immediate
SystemVerilog Design Constructs
with Built-in Assertion Behavior
Some SystemVerilog constructs have built-in assertion-like
always_comb / always_ff
Allows tools to check that procedural code matches intent
Check that procedural block variables are not written to elsewhere
unique case / unique ifelse
Check that decision statements are fully specified
Check that decision branches are mutually exclusive
enum Enumerated variables
Check that assignments are within the legal set of values
Check that two or more labels (e.g. state names) do not
have the same value
By using these constructs, designers get the advantages
of self-checking code, without writing assertion statements!
Part Three:
Planning Where to
Use Assertions
Developing An
Assertions Test Plan
Part of a Verification Test Plan is an Assertions Test Plan
Specifies what functionality needs to be verified with assertions
What type of assertion is needed for each test
Immediate or concurrent? Invariant, sequential or eventuality?
Where the assertion should be placed
Embedded in the design? Assertion Based Verification
At the system interconnect level? should take advantage of all of
Bound into the design? these capabilities

Which team is responsible for writing each assertion

The verification team?
The design team?
The Assertions Test Plan should be developed before any design code is written!
Case Study:
Assertions for a Small DSP
A small Digital Signal Processor (DSP) design is used in this
presentation to illustrate how to use SystemVerilog Assertions
The DSP contains clock_gen register

A clock generator and

reset synchronizer ram register

A state machine alu

Several registers

A program counter status_reg

Combinatorial decoder and ALU

Program and data memories ram

A tri-state data bus

iobuf iobuf

The DSP has many places where assertions can be and

should be used!
Assertions Test a [15:0] b [15:0]

Plan: ALU opcode [2:0] alu

result [15:0] xbit zbit

Functionality to Verify Assertion Type Assigned To

The a, b and opcode inputs never have any bits that are X or Z immediate design team
All opcode values are decoded unique case design team
The zbit output must be set whenever result output is 0 concurrent verification team
What other assertions are needed? (Answering this question is part of the final project)

module alu (...);

always_comb begin
ai_a_never_x: assert (!$isunknown(a)); Check that inputs meet design assumptions
unique case (opcode) unique verifies that all opcode values that occur are decoded
... // decode operations
endcase Be careful with using unique case it
end also affects synthesis!

module assertions (...); // to be bound to dsp top-level netlist

property p_zbit_set_on_zero (clk);
On any cycle that alu_out
@(posedge clk) (alu_out == 0) |-> zbit;
is zero, zbit must be set
p_zbit_set_on_zero: assert property (p_zbit_set_on_zero(sys_clk));
Assertions Test Plan for the ALU
a [15:0] b [15:0]
Plan some assertions for the DSP
opcode [2:0] alu blocks on this page and the next 3
pages. We will then discuss the test
result [15:0] xbit zbit
plan ideas as a class

A combinational logic Arithmetic Logic Unit, that can perform 8

different types of operations (see notes section, below)
Functionality to Verify Assertion Type Assigned To
The a, b and opcode inputs never have any bits that are X or Z immediate design team
All opcode values are decoded unique case design team
After reset, result should never have an X or Z value concurrent verification team
zbit must be set if result is 0; and cleared if result is not 0 concurrent verification team
xbit is set for Add operations if a + b is greater than (2**16)-1 concurrent verification team
xbit is set for Multiply operation if a * b is greater than (2**16)-1 concurrent verification team
xbit is set for Subtract operations if a is less than b concurrent verification team
xbit is never set for non arithmetic operations concurrent verification team
Assertions Test Plan for the RAM

4k x 16
addr [11:0] data [15:0]

A 4K by 16-bit asynchronous RAM with a bi-directional data port

Reading from the RAM occurs whenever rdN is low
Writing into the RAM occurs whenever wrN is low
Behavior is undefined if rdN and wrN are low at the same time
Functionality to Verify Assertion Type Assigned To
!rdN (read) and !wrN (write) are mutually exclusive immediate design team
addr never has X or Z bits when wrN is low (writing into RAM) immediate design team
data never has X or Z bits when wrN is low (writing into RAM) immediate design team
addr never has X or Z bits when rdN is low (reading from RAM) immediate design team
data never has X or Z bits when rdN is low (reading from RAM) concurrent verification team
Exercise: Assertions Test Plan
for the Program Counter
inc pc
d [11:0] cnt [11:0]
clk >


The Program Counter is a sequential logic 12-bit counter

rstN is asynchronous the counter is reset to zero
Counter loads with the value of the d input on the positive edge of
clk, when load is high
Counter increments on the positive edge of clk, when inc is high
Functionality to Verify Assertion Type Assigned To
load and inc (increment) are mutually exclusive immediate design team
If load is high, d never has X or Z bits immediate design team
If load, then, after clk to cnt delay, cnt has the value of d concurrent verification team
If inc, then, after clk to cnt delay, cnt has incremented by 1 concurrent verification team
If !load and !inc, then cnt does not change concurrent verification team
Exercise: Assertions Test Plan
for the Controller
instruction [3:0] controller load_b
exception load_pc
zero_flag set_br
branching rslt_oeN (low true)
dout_oeN (low true)
clk > dmem_rdN (low true)
dmem_wrN (low true)
rstN halt

The controller is a 1-hot finite state machine that sets the control
lines for the various DSP blocks
rstN is asynchronous the controller resets to the RESET state
Functionality to Verify Assertion Type Assigned To
The instruction input never has X or Z bits immediate design team
At a positive edge of clk, state is always 1-hot concurrent verification team
If in DECODE state, then the prior state was RESET or STORE concurrent verification team
If in LOAD state, then the prior state was DECODE concurrent verification team
If in STORE state, then the prior state was LOAD concurrent verification team
Assertion Test Plan
Some things to think about when developing an Assertions Test
Plan include
It takes time to write the assertions test plan
It is not a trivial task, but it is critical to successfully using SVA!
The assertion test plan helps identify similar assertions
Can write an assertion once, and use it in several places
Assertions should not just duplicate the RTL code
Engineers need to learn to think differently
Which assertions should be disabled for reset or lower-power mode?
False assertion failures can occur if they are not disabled
The test plan needs to be flexible
Some times the responsibility for which team should write the
assertion needs to change
More Assertion Test Plan
Assertions may require different design partitioning
Example: The DSP ALU block is difficult to check with concurrent
assertions because it is pure combinational logic (no clock)
Better design partitioning would put the ALU and its input and output
registers into one design block
Enumerated type definitions should be defined globally
Example: If the DSP state machine uses a local enumerated variable
for the state names, then assertions written external to the state
machine cannot access those enumerated names
Enumerated types should have explicit values defined for each label
After synthesis, labels disappear and only logic values exist
Assertions become invalid if the label does not have an explicit value
Do It!


SystemVerilog Assertions really do work!

An effective way to verify many aspects of design functionality
Find errors that functional verification might miss
Verification Engineers should bind in assertions that validate the
RTL code matches the design specification
RTL Design Engineers should embed assertions that validate
assumptions directly into RTL code as the code is being written
There are big advantages to RTL designers specifying assertions
Validate design requirements work as specified
Validate assumptions on which the RTL model depends
Localize where functional problem occurred
Clarify specification ambiguities
Question? A copy of these presentation slides
is available at
Comments? sutherland-hdl.com/papers.html

Once upon a time

Four engineers worked on an important design. Their names were:
Tom Somebody, Dick Everybody, Harry Anybody, and Sally Nobody.
Each engineer was responsible to design and verify a sub block of
the design. Everybody had attended Sutherland HDLs
SystemVerilog Assertions training, and was sure that Somebody
would write assertions to verify that the full design worked
correctly. Anybody could have written them, but it ended up that
Nobody did it.
When the design was implemented in silicon, it did not work
according to the specification. Everybody blamed Somebody
because Nobody did what Anybody could have done.

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