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College of Human Kinetics: Cagayan State University

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College of Human Kinetics

Carig Campus, Tuguegarao City


Second Semester, S.Y. 2016-2017

I. Directions: Choose the correct answer among the choices and write the letter of your
choice on your answer sheets.

1. An important criterion in the evaluation of an educational software for use in the classroom is
that the program:
A. Takes full advantage of the latest multimedia technologies
B. Is designed so it can be used by either individuals or groups of students
C. Loads quickly when it is started up
D. Matches clearly identified educational needs
2. An advantage of interactive electronic learning is that:
A. It is less expensive than traditional classroom learning
B. Students can learn at their own pace and follow their own interests
C. Less effort is required by students to achieve success
D. Providing feedback to students is less labor intensive for the teacher
3. The development of the World Wide Web has had which of the following important
consequences for individuals?
A. It has made individuals much more critical consumers of information
B. It has given individuals access to a much greater amount and diversity of
C. It has allowed individuals to have greater control over who has access to their
personal information
D. It has improved individuals communication skills
4. The following statements are true about computer conferencing. Which is an exception?
A. It refers to live student interaction with an expert.
B. It is also known as discussion forum or bulletin board.
C. It also refers to online class discussions, forums or debates
D. It permits two or more individuals to engage in asynchronous text-based dialogue.
5. Which instructional tool application will you introduce to your class if your objective is to help
them find and use information resources available in the internet?
A. Webquests C. Scavenger Hunt
B. Hybrid course D. Distance education
6. Maryjane is looking for an organized instructional program in which the teacher and learners
can be physically separated. Which of the following will she choose?
A. Distance Education C. Web Quests
B. Uniform Resource Locator D. Computer-Based Instruction
7. Which of the following is NOT an example of communicative tool?
A. multimedia encyclopedia C. electronic mail
B. teleconferencing D. chat
8. Which is a characteristic of the computer aided instructions?
A. It does not need any feedback.
B. It requires teachers assistance.
C. It is meant for a collaborative work.
D. It allows a student to learn at his/her own pace.
9. Why is one-way delivery of information a misuse of communication tools?
A. because the teacher expects the student to study more
B. because it requires activities that focus on thinking than responding
C. because it enables the users to focus more on higher level cognitive activities
D. because this kind of practice lessens interaction capabilities of communication tools
10. Which of the following is considered in terms of technical quality of a material?
A. stereotyping C. color and size of text
B. vocabulary level D. students achievement
13. Your department would like to purchase a computer set as your project. Which of the
following advantages of computer will be your last consideration in purchasing it?
A. It can enhance the teaching and learning process.
B. It can be used for interactive presentation.
C. It can be used for research activity
D. It can be used for entertainment.
14. Prof. Orencia will have a digitized presentation to pre-service teachers. Which of the
following will make her presentation appealing and effective?
A. Observe maximum use of animations and graphics together.
B. Apply as many computer effects per slide as possible.
C. Reinforce textual information with graphic organizers.
D. Use as many color as possible.
15. Your mother wanted to finish her long dreamed course but she wanted to do it at home
during her free time. How could you help your mother in pursuing her dream?
A. Encourage her to hire a helper so that she can attend regularly to her class.
B. Give up your study so that your mother can attend her classes.
C. Enroll her to the school where you enrolled.
D. Enroll her in distance education
16. There are several reasons why teachers are reluctant in using electronic media in the
teaching-learning process. Which is the most common reason?
A. The difficulty in integrating them in the curriculum.
B. The limited exposure of teachers to new equipment.
C. Their incompatibility to diverse needs of the learners.
D. The excessive availability of local technology in the community.
17. Which of the following statements does NOT describe educational technology?
A. It is a profession composed of various job categories.
B. It refers to the efficiency of teachers in using computers.
C. It includes audiovisual materials, interactive multimedia and self instructional
D. It is the development, application and evaluation of system, techniques and aids to
improve human learning.
18. What is the main function of the Monitor?
A. Allows you to store large amounts of data
B. Allows you to view information on a screen (your desktop)
C. Allows you to listen to music
D. Serve as an input device
19.The device that allows you to type on the computer screen and communicate with the computer is:

A. Mouse C. The Speakers

B. Keyboard D. None of the Above
20. What piece of hardware do you use to navigate the screen?
A. Mouse C. The Speakers
B. Mouse pad D. RAM
21. What device allows you to look at info from the computer screen on paper?
A. Monitor C. Printer
B. Copier D. A and B
22. What are Ports in relation to computers?
A. A place where you can insert a disc.
B. A place where a ship can dock during a nasty storm or hurricane.
C. A place on a computer where you can connect a device.
D. None of the above.
23. What is the right click used for?
A. Cutting and Pasting C. Copying Text
B. Viewing Drop Menus D. All of the above
24. How to Minimize a window?

A. The button in the upper right corner

B. The button in the upper right hand corner
C. The button in the upper right hand corner
D. None of the above
25. . How to resize a window?
A. Grab an edge of the window frame with the cursor, and drag the edge to make the
window bigger or smaller.
B. The button in the upper right hand corner
C. The box with 2 smaller boxes inside it in the upper right hand corner
D. None of the Above
26. What is an icon?
A. A symbol representing a B. A button on the menu bar
program C. A button on the tool bar
D. A button on the title bar
27. How to select an icon or to open an icon?
A. Double-click on it C. Highlight it and press enter
B. Right-click and highlight open D. All of the above
E. For questions number 26-30, refer to the following options:
A. Microsoft Word C. Microsoft Powerpoint
B. Microsoft Excel D. Microsoft Publisher
F. A teacher is thinking of an appropriate microsoft office which will help him
accomplish the following materials he shall be using inside the classroom. Which
software can best do the following?
28. An Illustrated Worksheet on the steps of Pandanggo sa Ilaw
29. A Multimedia Presentation on the different Art Periods
30. An easy identification of remarks based on grades
31. Encoding a Lesson Plan
32. Making a Newsletter
33. Microsoft Word is:
A. A type of chat room found in Microsoft C. A webpage
B. A spreadsheet database D. A word processing application
34. When you save a document for the first time, what should you do?
A. Close Microsoft Word because the program saves everything automatically
B. Under file highlight save as, choose a drive, type in name for the document, and
then click ok.
C. Highlight save under file
D. Click on the icon that looks like a disc
35. When you would like to print a document, you:
A. Click on the icon that looks like a C. Under file, click print preview
printer D. Both A & B
B. Under file, click print
36. How do you center the text in a document?
A. Use the space bar and guess where the middle of the page is
B. Click on the icon which shows text centered on a page
C. Click on the icon which shows text along the left side of the page
D. Under File click center
37. How do you make text bold?
A. Click on the icon above the ruler that looks like a bold B
B. Click Ctrl + B at the same time
C. Text cannot be bolded
D. Both A & B
38. Bullets and Numbering is in _____ tab.
A. Home tab C. Pagelayout tab
B. Insert tab D. View Tab
39. A character that is raised and smaller above the baseline is known as
A. Outlined B. Raised C. Superscript D. Subscript
40. Portrait and Landscape are
A. Page Orientation B. Paper Size
C. Page Layout D. All of above
41. Hyperlinks cannot be
A. Special shapes like stars and banners C. Pictures
B. Drawing objects like rectangles ovals D. All can be hyperlinks
42. The purpose of transitions in slide shows is to:
A. Distract the audience while you take a breath
B. Move from slide to slide smoothly with visual effects
C. Is to see through the current slide and onto the next one
D. Get to the end of your presentation faster
43. Excel is defined as:
A. A webpage
B. A word processing program
C. A spread sheet program used to organize data
D. A way of organizing your computers documents
44. Excel is used for:
A. Producing and keeping track of any sort of data.
B. Publishing purposes.
C. Typing up letter or reports
D. Creating attractive presentations.
45. Excel consists of __________:
A. Windows C. Slides
B. Worksheets D. Icons
46. A formula starts with:
A. A plus sign (+) C. A tilde (~)
B. A forward slash (/) D. An equal sign (=)
47. Which of the following is not applicable in desktop publishing?
A. Report Writing C. Presentation
B. Book Keeping D. Creating Information Leaflets
48. In Microsoft Office Powerpoint, there are two types of slide orientation that are supported.
What are these orientation types?
A. Portrait and Landscape C. Portrait and Facedown
B. Upright and Landscape D. Landscape and Facedown

50. Figure 1 Figure 2

Figure 3
51. What would be the value of the function =SUM(B3:B4) entered at cell B5? (Figure 1)
52. Provide your answer in your answer sheet.
53. What values will get displayed in cells B1 to C1 after typing Jan in cell A1 and then click at
the bottom right hand corner of cell 1 and dragging it over B1 and C1. (Figure 2)
54. Provide your answer in your answer sheet.
55. 49-50. If a user wanted to have the sum of the numbers in cells A2 to C2 calculated and
displayed in cell D2, what formula would the user have to enter into D2? (Figure 3)
56. Provide your answer in your answer sheet.
58. Prepared by
61. Instructor
63. Checked by
66. Dean

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