Respected Sir
Respected Sir
Respected Sir
During the installation of Wien2k_16 in CentOS- 7 operating system I use following procedure
Please go through it and give me suggestion for improvement. (*Command are in red latters and result
display is in black )
WIEN is now expanded. The shell-script commands were copied and links created.
To configure your Fortran-executables run:
* WIEN 2k *
* site configuration *
It seems you do not have the intel fortran compiler in your path.
You need a f90 compiler for the installation of WIEN2k and:
a) you have another f90 compiler installed and in your path. Continue ...
b) you have ifort installed, but it is not in your path.
STOP and put two lines like:
source /path_where_compiler_is_installed/ifortvars.(c)sh intel64|ia32
(source /path_where_compiler_is_installed/mklvars{em64t|32}.(c)sh) for earlier ifort versions
into your .bashrc | .cshrc startup file.
c) STOP and install ifort+mkl for your platform (or an alternate compiler)
* WIEN *
* site configuration *
S specify a system
C specify compiler
O specify compiler options, BLAS and LAPACK
P configure Parallel execution
D Dimension Parameters
R Compile/Recompile
U Update a package
L Perl path (if not in /usr/bin/perl)
Q Quit
press S
* Specify a system *
Your compiler: cc
result display
Changing Compiler to cc :
S specify a system
C specify compiler
O specify compiler options, BLAS and LAPACK
P configure Parallel execution
D Dimension Parameters
R Compile/Recompile
U Update a package
L Perl path (if not in /usr/bin/perl)
Q Quit
Now press O in site configuration site
* Specify compiler options *
PLEASE NOTE: Best performance can be obtained with processor specific options.
Very important for speed-up is an optimized BLAS (like mkl, OpenBlas, essl, ..)
instead of the simple "-lblas_lapw"
Selection: press S
* Changing compiler options *
* WIEN *
* site configuration *
S specify a system
C specify compiler
O specify compiler options, BLAS and LAPACK
P configure Parallel execution
D Dimension Parameters
R Compile/Recompile
U Update a package
L Perl path (if not in /usr/bin/perl)
Q Quit
* Configure parallel execution *
If you have only ONE multi-core node (ONE shared memory system) it is normally
better to start jobs in the background rather than using remote commands.
If you select a shared memory system WIEN will by default not use remote shell
commands (USE_REMOTE and MPI_REMOTE = 0 in parallel_options) and set the default
granularity to 1.
You still can override this default granularity in your .machines file.
You may also set a specific TASKSET command to bind your executables
to a specific core on multicore machines.
If you have A CLUSTER OF shared memory parallel computers answer next question with N
Shared Memory Architecture? (y/N): n
Do you know/need a command to bind your jobs to specific nodes ?
(like taskset -c). Enter N / your_specific_command: n
On most mpi-2 versions, it is better to start an mpijob on the original machine
and not via ssh on a remote system. If you are using mpi2 set MPI_REMOTE to 0
Set MPI_REMOTE to 0 / 1: 1
* Configure parallel execution *
Do you have MPI, Scalapack, ELPA, and FFTW installed and intend to run
finegrained parallel?
This is useful only for BIG cases (50 atoms and more / unit cell)
and your HARDWARE has at least 16 cores (or is a cluster with Infiniband)
You need to KNOW details about your installed MPI, ELPA, and FFTW )
(y/n) n
* WIEN *
* site configuration *
S specify a system
C specify compiler
O specify compiler options, BLAS and LAPACK
P configure Parallel execution
D Dimension Parameters
R Compile/Recompile
U Update a package
L Perl path (if not in /usr/bin/perl)
Q Quit
* Compile/Recompile programs *
Q Quit
Selection: a
rm -f *.o *.list *.prj ../libblas_lapw.a
gfortran -c ffree-form -O2 -ffree-line-length-none blas_lapw1.f
make: gfortran: Command not found
make: *** [../libblas_lapw.a(blas_lapw1.o)] Error 127
rm -f *.o *.list *.prj ../liblapack_lapw.a
gfortran -c ffree-form -O2 -ffree-line-length-none lapack_lapw1.f
make: gfortran: Command not found
make: *** [../liblapack_lapw.a(lapack_lapw1.o)] Error 127
SRC_2DRoptimize ...
rm -f *.o
gfortran ffree-form -O2 -ffree-line-length-none -c fminenefitCOA.f
make: gfortran: Command not found
make: *** [fminenefitCOA.o] Error 127
SRC_afminput ...
rm -f afminput.o afminput.P afminput.prj \
gfortran ffree-form -O2 -ffree-line-length-none -c afminput.f
make: gfortran: Command not found
make: *** [afminput.o] Error 127
SRC_aim ...
rm -f *.o _tmp_.* *.P .real .complex *~ *.mod
if [ -f .complex ]; then \
make clean; \
touch .real
make[1]: Entering directory `/home/akash/Soft/SRC_aim'
moduls.frc: REAL version extracted
gfortran ffree-form -O2 -ffree-line-length-none -c moduls_tmp.f
make[1]: gfortran: Command not found
make[1]: *** [moduls.o] Error 127
make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/akash/Soft/SRC_aim'
make: *** [real] Error 2
if [ -f .real ]; then \
make clean; \
make[1]: Entering directory `/home/akash/Soft/SRC_aim'
rm -f *.o _tmp_.* *.P .real .complex *~ *.mod
make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/akash/Soft/SRC_aim'
touch .complex
make[1]: Entering directory `/home/akash/Soft/SRC_aim'
moduls.frc: COMPLEX version extracted
gfortran ffree-form -O2 -ffree-line-length-none -c moduls_tmp.f
make[1]: gfortran: Command not found
make[1]: *** [moduls.o] Error 127
make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/akash/Soft/SRC_aim'
make: *** [complex] Error 2
SRC_arrows ...
rm -f gtfnam.o arrows.o rotdef.o outerr.o \
arrows.xref *.mod
gfortran ffree-form -O2 -ffree-line-length-none -c gtfnam.f
make: gfortran: Command not found
make: *** [gtfnam.o] Error 127
SRC_balsac-utils ...
rm -f *.o
gfortran ffree-form -O2 -ffree-line-length-none -c outnn2plt.f
make: gfortran: Command not found
make: *** [outnn2plt.o] Error 127
SRC_BerryPI ...
make: *** No rule to make target `clean'. Stop.
make: *** No targets specified and no makefile found. Stop.
SRC_broadening ...
rm -f broadening.o gtfnam.o outerr.o errclr.o errflg.o corebroadening.o valencebroadening.o
spectrobroadening.o broadening.P gtfnam.P outerr.P errclr.P errflg.P corebroadening.P
valencebroadening.P spectrobroadening.P broadening
gfortran ffree-form -O2 -ffree-line-length-none -c -o broadening.o broadening.f
make: gfortran: Command not found
make: *** [broadening.o] Error 127
SRC_cif2struct ...
rm -f module.o spacegroup.o getlattype.o getsgnum.o getsgname.o getzz.o structgen.o scan_cif.o
ciftbx.o hash_funcs.o test_sgname.o scan_in.o *.mod
gfortran -c ffree-form -O2 -ffree-line-length-none module.f
make: gfortran: Command not found
make: *** [module.o] Error 127
SRC_clmaddsub ...
rm -f clmaddsub.o gtfnam.o errflg.o outerr.o errclr.o
gfortran ffree-form -O2 -ffree-line-length-none -c clmaddsub.f
make: gfortran: Command not found
make: *** [clmaddsub.o] Error 127
SRC_clmcopy ...
rm -f clmcopy.o modules.o reallocate.o struct_afm_check.o readstruct.o writestruct.o outerr.o *.mod
gfortran ffree-form -O2 -ffree-line-length-none -c clmcopy.f
make: gfortran: Command not found
make: *** [clmcopy.o] Error 127
SRC_dipan ...
rm -f dipan.o dipan.P dipan.prj \
dipan.xref *.mod
gfortran ffree-form -O2 -ffree-line-length-none -c dipan.f
make: gfortran: Command not found
make: *** [dipan.o] Error 127
SRC_dstart ...
rm -f *.o *_tmp_.* *.P .sequential .parallel *.mod
if [ -f .parallel ]; then \
rm -f .parallel module.o W2kinit.o atom_read.o dstart.o gtfnam.o init.o make_inter.o make_spheres.o
old_dstart.o *.mod; \
touch .sequential
make dstart FORT=gfortran FFLAGS=' ffree-form -O2 -ffree-line-length-none '
make[1]: Entering directory `/home/akash/Soft/SRC_dstart'
gfortran ffree-form -O2 -ffree-line-length-none -c module.F
make[1]: gfortran: Command not found
make[1]: *** [module.o] Error 127
make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/akash/Soft/SRC_dstart'
make: *** [seq] Error 2
make: *** No rule to make target `complex'. Stop.
SRC_elast ...
rm -f *.o
gfortran ffree-form -O2 -ffree-line-length-none -c genetempl.f
make: gfortran: Command not found
make: *** [genetempl.o] Error 127
SRC_eosfit ...
rm -f eosfit *.o
gfortran ffree-form -O2 -ffree-line-length-none -c eosfit.f
make: gfortran: Command not found
make: *** [eosfit.o] Error 127
SRC_eosfit6 ...
rm -f eosfit6 *.o
gfortran ffree-form -O2 -ffree-line-length-none -c eosfit6.f
make: gfortran: Command not found
make: *** [eosfit6.o] Error 127
SRC_filtvec ...
rm -f *.o _tmp_.* *.P .real .complex
if [ -f .complex ]; then \
make clean; \
touch .real
cp -p param.inc_r
make TYPE='REAL' TYPE_COMMENT='!_REAL' ./filtvec
make[1]: Entering directory `/home/akash/Soft/SRC_filtvec'
gfortran ffree-form -O2 -ffree-line-length-none -c filtvec.f
make[1]: gfortran: Command not found
make[1]: *** [filtvec.o] Error 127
make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/akash/Soft/SRC_filtvec'
make: *** [real] Error 2
if [ -f .real ]; then \
make clean; \
make[1]: Entering directory `/home/akash/Soft/SRC_filtvec'
rm -f *.o _tmp_.* *.P .real .complex
make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/akash/Soft/SRC_filtvec'
touch .complex
cp -p param.inc_c
make[1]: Entering directory `/home/akash/Soft/SRC_filtvec'
gfortran ffree-form -O2 -ffree-line-length-none -c filtvec.f
make[1]: gfortran: Command not found
make[1]: *** [filtvec.o] Error 127
make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/akash/Soft/SRC_filtvec'
make: *** [complex] Error 2
SRC_fsgen ...
rm -f *.o
gfortran ffree-form -O2 -ffree-line-length-none -c bcc_fs_mesh.f
make: gfortran: Command not found
make: *** [bcc_fs_mesh.o] Error 127
SRC_Globals ...
make: *** No rule to make target `clean'. Stop.
make: *** No targets specified and no makefile found. Stop.
make: *** No rule to make target `complex'. Stop.
SRC_hf ...
rm -f *.o *_tmp_.* *.P .real .complex .sequential .parallel *.mod
if [ -f .complex ]; then \
rm -f .complex modules.o add_hvxhfvc.o add_hvxsl_int.o add_hvxsl_sph.o add_vklioldvv_int.o
calc_abc_hf.o calc_abc_sl.o calc_cnk.o calc_exhfvv.o calc_h_1.o calc_h_2.o calc_klivv.o
calc_overlap_sph.o calc_rhovalvxsl.o calc_slatervv.o calc_theta.o getfft.o lomain.o make_alms.o
read_cnk.o setfft.o stern.o *.mod; \
touch .real
if [ -f .parallel ]; then \
rm -f .parallel modules.o W2kinit.o add_hvxhfvc.o add_hvxsl_int.o add_hvxsl_sph.o calc_exhfvc.o
calc_exhfvv.o calc_h_1.o calc_h_2.o calc_klivv.o calc_slatervv.o gtfnam.o outerr.o *.mod; \
touch .sequential
./hf FORT=gfortran FFLAGS=' ffree-form -O2 -ffree-line-length-none '
make[1]: Entering directory `/home/akash/Soft/SRC_hf'
modules.F: REAL version extracted
gfortran ffree-form -O2 -ffree-line-length-none -c modules_tmp_.F
make[1]: gfortran: Command not found
make[1]: *** [modules.o] Error 127
make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/akash/Soft/SRC_hf'
make: *** [real] Error 2
if [ -f .real ]; then \
rm -f .real modules.o add_hvxhfvc.o add_hvxsl_int.o add_hvxsl_sph.o add_vklioldvv_int.o
calc_abc_hf.o calc_abc_sl.o calc_cnk.o calc_exhfvv.o calc_h_1.o calc_h_2.o calc_klivv.o
calc_overlap_sph.o calc_rhovalvxsl.o calc_slatervv.o calc_theta.o getfft.o lomain.o make_alms.o
read_cnk.o setfft.o stern.o *.mod; \
touch .complex
if [ -f .parallel ]; then \
rm -f .parallel modules.o W2kinit.o add_hvxhfvc.o add_hvxsl_int.o add_hvxsl_sph.o calc_exhfvc.o
calc_exhfvv.o calc_h_1.o calc_h_2.o calc_klivv.o calc_slatervv.o gtfnam.o outerr.o *.mod; \
touch .sequential
./hfc FORT=gfortran FFLAGS=' ffree-form -O2 -ffree-line-length-none '
make[1]: Entering directory `/home/akash/Soft/SRC_hf'
modules.F: COMPLEX version extracted
gfortran ffree-form -O2 -ffree-line-length-none -c modules_tmp_.F
make[1]: gfortran: Command not found
make[1]: *** [modules.o] Error 127
make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/akash/Soft/SRC_hf'
make: *** [complex] Error 2
SRC_initxspec ...
rm -f initxspec.o gtfnam.o strln.o errclr.o errflg.o outerr.o initxspec.P gtfnam.P strln.P errclr.P
errflg.P outerr.P initxspec.prj gtfnam.prj strln.prj errclr.prj errflg.prj outerr.prj \
gfortran ffree-form -O2 -ffree-line-length-none -c initxspec.f
make: gfortran: Command not found
make: *** [initxspec.o] Error 127
SRC_IRelast ...
rm -f *.o
gfortran ffree-form -O2 -ffree-line-length-none -c C_setupc1112.f
make: gfortran: Command not found
make: *** [C_setupc1112.o] Error 127
SRC_irrep ...
rm -f felder.o chrct.o classe.o cputim.o crwcnd.o dprodci.o errclr.o errflg.o eulang.o gtfnam.o
init.o invmat.o invmati.o kgroup.o kptin.o matmm2.o mdfpg.o latgen2.o opnfs.o pntgrp.o
raxis.o rotkv.o rmprop.o su2op.o trsyma.o trsymb.o wrtir.o irrep.o wrtdate.o felder.P chrct.P
classe.P cputim.P crwcnd.P dprodci.P errclr.P errflg.P eulang.P gtfnam.P init.P invmat.P invmati.P
kgroup.P kptin.P matmm2.P mdfpg.P latgen2.P opnfs.P pntgrp.P raxis.P rotkv.P rmprop.P su2op.P
trsyma.P trsymb.P wrtir.P irrep.P wrtdate.P chrct.prj classe.prj cputim.prj crwcnd.prj dprodci.prj
errclr.prj errflg.prj eulang.prj gtfnam.prj init.prj invmat.prj invmati.prj kgroup.prj kptin.prj matmm2.prj
mdfpg.prj latgen2.prj opnfs.prj pntgrp.prj raxis.prj rotkv.prj rmprop.prj su2op.prj trsyma.prj trsymb.prj
wrtir.prj irrep.prj wrtdate.prj felder.prj \
irrep .xref *.mod
gfortran ffree-form -O2 -ffree-line-length-none -c felder.f
make: gfortran: Command not found
make: *** [felder.o] Error 127
SRC_joint ...
rm -f felder.o arbdos.o arbdosx.o cputim.o dich1.o dich2.o drude.o dumm.o errclr.o errflg.o filename.o
gtfnam.o invmat.o joint.o latgen.o noculc.o noculcx.o opt1.o opt1x.o outerr.o readop.o read_diag.o
readopx.o rotdef.o rstru.o felder.P arbdos.P arbdosx.P cputim.P dich1.P dich2.P drude.P dumm.P
errclr.P errflg.P filename.P gtfnam.P invmat.P joint.P latgen.P noculc.P noculcx.P opt1.P opt1x.P
outerr.P readop.P read_diag.P readopx.P rotdef.P rstru.P arbdos.prj arbdosx.prj cputim.prj dich1.prj
dich2.prj drude.prj dumm.prj errclr.prj errflg.prj filename.prj gtfnam.prj invmat.prj joint.prj latgen.prj
noculc.prj noculcx.prj opt1.prj opt1x.prj outerr.prj readop.prj read_diag.prj readopx.prj rotdef.prj
rstru.prj felder.prj \
joint .xref *.mod
gfortran ffree-form -O2 -ffree-line-length-none -c felder.f
make: gfortran: Command not found
make: *** [felder.o] Error 127
SRC_kgen ...
rm -f main.o sdefl.o matmm.o sdef.o groups.o bravai.o arbmsh.o basdiv.o reduz.o zuord.o tetdiv.o
tetcnt.o ord1.o indexx.o gbass.o def0.o drval.o initi.o initdr.o divisi.o addinv.o create_filehf.o main.P
sdefl.P matmm.P sdef.P groups.P bravai.P arbmsh.P basdiv.P reduz.P zuord.P tetdiv.P tetcnt.P ord1.P
indexx.P gbass.P def0.P drval.P initi.P initdr.P divisi.P addinv.P create_filehf.P main.prj sdefl.prj
matmm.prj sdef.prj groups.prj bravai.prj arbmsh.prj basdiv.prj reduz.prj zuord.prj tetdiv.prj tetcnt.prj
ord1.prj indexx.prj gbass.prj def0.prj drval.prj initi.prj initdr.prj divisi.prj addinv.prj create_filehf.prj \
gfortran ffree-form -O2 -ffree-line-length-none -c main.f
make: gfortran: Command not found
make: *** [main.o] Error 127
SRC_kram ...
rm -f drude.o kram.o eshift.o green.o green_reg.o gtfnam.o losmo.o losmo1.o losmo2.o drude.P
kram.P eshift.P green.P green_reg.P gtfnam.P losmo.P losmo1.P losmo2.P drude.prj kram.prj eshift.prj
green.prj green_reg.prj gtfnam.prj losmo.prj losmo1.prj losmo2.prj \
kram .xref
gfortran ffree-form -O2 -ffree-line-length-none -c drude.f
make: gfortran: Command not found
make: *** [drude.o] Error 127
SRC_lapw0 ...
rm -f *.o *_tmp_.* *.P .sequential .parallel *.mod
if [ -f .parallel ]; then \
rm -f .parallel modules.o W2kinit.o fft_modules.o reallocate.o energy.o getff1.o getfft.o gtfnam.o
lapw0.o outerr.o rean0.o rean3.o rean4.o setff1.o setff2.o setfft.o xcpot1.o xcpot3.o eramps.o *.mod; \
touch .sequential
make ./lapw0 FORT=gfortran FFLAGS=' ffree-form -O2 -ffree-line-length-none '
make[1]: Entering directory `/home/akash/Soft/SRC_lapw0'
gcc -c cputim.c
make[1]: gcc: Command not found
make[1]: *** [cputim.o] Error 127
make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/akash/Soft/SRC_lapw0'
make: *** [seq] Error 2
make: *** No rule to make target `complex'. Stop.
SRC_lapw1 ...
rm -f *.o *_tmp_.* *.P .real .complex .sequential .parallel *.mod
if [ -f .complex ]; then \
rm -f .complex calkpt.o hamilt.o hns.o horb.o modules.o seclit.o seclr4.o seclr5.o tapewf.o ustphx.o
wfpnt.o wfpnt1.o jacdavblock.o stern.o warpin.o setwar.o par_syrk.o seclit_par.o *.mod; \
touch .real
if [ -f .parallel ]; then \
rm -f .parallel calkpt.o find_nloat.o gtfnam.o hamilt.o hldau.o hns.o modules.o pdsyevx17.o
pdstebz17.o prtkpt.o pzheevx16.o seclit.o seclr4.o seclr5.o inikpt.o inilpw.o lapw1.o setkpt.o
par_syrk.o make_albl.o jacdavblock.o seclit_par.o pdgetri_my.o pzgetri_my.o W2kinit.o pdgetrf_my.o
pzgetrf_my.o *.mod; \
touch .sequential
./lapw1 FORT=gfortran FFLAGS=' ffree-form -O2 -ffree-line-length-none '
make[1]: Entering directory `/home/akash/Soft/SRC_lapw1'
modules.F: REAL version extracted
gfortran ffree-form -O2 -ffree-line-length-none -c modules_tmp_.F
make[1]: gfortran: Command not found
make[1]: *** [modules.o] Error 127
make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/akash/Soft/SRC_lapw1'
make: *** [real] Error 2
if [ -f .real ]; then \
rm -f .real calkpt.o hamilt.o hns.o horb.o modules.o seclit.o seclr4.o seclr5.o tapewf.o ustphx.o
wfpnt.o wfpnt1.o jacdavblock.o stern.o warpin.o setwar.o par_syrk.o seclit_par.o *.mod; \
touch .complex
if [ -f .parallel ]; then \
rm -f .parallel calkpt.o find_nloat.o gtfnam.o hamilt.o hldau.o hns.o modules.o pdsyevx17.o
pdstebz17.o prtkpt.o pzheevx16.o seclit.o seclr4.o seclr5.o inikpt.o inilpw.o lapw1.o setkpt.o
par_syrk.o make_albl.o jacdavblock.o seclit_par.o pdgetri_my.o pzgetri_my.o W2kinit.o pdgetrf_my.o
pzgetrf_my.o *.mod; \
touch .sequential
./lapw1c FORT=gfortran FFLAGS=' ffree-form -O2 -ffree-line-length-none '
make[1]: Entering directory `/home/akash/Soft/SRC_lapw1'
modules.F: COMPLEX version extracted
gfortran ffree-form -O2 -ffree-line-length-none -c modules_tmp_.F
make[1]: gfortran: Command not found
make[1]: *** [modules.o] Error 127
make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/akash/Soft/SRC_lapw1'
make: *** [complex] Error 2
SRC_lapw2 ...
rm -f *.o *_tmp_.* *.P .real .complex .sequential .parallel *.mod
if [ -f .complex ]; then \
rm -f .complex essl.o fourir.o fsumai1.o getfft.o l2main.o lapw2.o modules.o qdmft.o read_vec.o
recpr.o setfft1.o setfft2.o stern.o *.mod; \
touch .real
if [ -f .parallel ]; then \
rm -f .parallel atpar.o fermi5.o fermi.o fourir.o fsumai1.o gtfnam.o l2main.o lapw2.o modules.o
qdmft.o read_vec.o W2kinit.o *.mod; \
touch .sequential
./lapw2 FORT=gfortran FFLAGS=' ffree-form -O2 -ffree-line-length-none '
make[1]: Entering directory `/home/akash/Soft/SRC_lapw2'
modules.F: REAL version extracted
gfortran ffree-form -O2 -ffree-line-length-none -c modules_tmp_.F
make[1]: gfortran: Command not found
make[1]: *** [modules.o] Error 127
make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/akash/Soft/SRC_lapw2'
make: *** [real] Error 2
if [ -f .real ]; then \
rm -f .real essl.o fourir.o fsumai1.o getfft.o l2main.o lapw2.o modules.o qdmft.o read_vec.o recpr.o
setfft1.o setfft2.o stern.o *.mod; \
touch .complex
if [ -f .parallel ]; then \
rm -f .parallel atpar.o fermi5.o fermi.o fourir.o fsumai1.o gtfnam.o l2main.o lapw2.o modules.o
qdmft.o read_vec.o W2kinit.o *.mod; \
touch .sequential
./lapw2c FORT=gfortran FFLAGS=' ffree-form -O2 -ffree-line-length-none '
make[1]: Entering directory `/home/akash/Soft/SRC_lapw2'
modules.F: COMPLEX version extracted
gfortran ffree-form -O2 -ffree-line-length-none -c modules_tmp_.F
make[1]: gfortran: Command not found
make[1]: *** [modules.o] Error 127
make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/akash/Soft/SRC_lapw2'
make: *** [complex] Error 2
SRC_lapw3 ...
rm -f *.o _tmp_.* *.P .real .complex *.mod
if [ -f .complex ]; then \
make clean; \
touch .real
cp -p param.inc_r
make TYPE='REAL' TYPE_COMMENT='!_REAL' ./lapw3
make[1]: Entering directory `/home/akash/Soft/SRC_lapw3'
gfortran ffree-form -O2 -ffree-line-length-none -c atomgrid.f
make[1]: gfortran: Command not found
make[1]: *** [atomgrid.o] Error 127
make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/akash/Soft/SRC_lapw3'
make: *** [real] Error 2
if [ -f .real ]; then \
make clean; \
make[1]: Entering directory `/home/akash/Soft/SRC_lapw3'
rm -f *.o _tmp_.* *.P .real .complex *.mod
make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/akash/Soft/SRC_lapw3'
touch .complex
cp -p param.inc_c
make[1]: Entering directory `/home/akash/Soft/SRC_lapw3'
gfortran ffree-form -O2 -ffree-line-length-none -c atomgrid.f
make[1]: gfortran: Command not found
make[1]: *** [atomgrid.o] Error 127
make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/akash/Soft/SRC_lapw3'
make: *** [complex] Error 2
SRC_lapw5 ...
rm -f *.o _tmp_.* *.P .real .complex *.mod
if [ -f .complex ]; then \
make clean; \
touch .real
make TYPE='REAL' TYPE_COMMENT='!_REAL' ./lapw5
make[1]: Entering directory `/home/akash/Soft/SRC_lapw5'
make[1]: Circular modules.o <- modules.o dependency dropped.
make[1]: Circular modules.o <- modules.o dependency dropped.
modules.F: REAL version extracted
gfortran ffree-form -O2 -ffree-line-length-none -c modules_tmp_.F
make[1]: gfortran: Command not found
make[1]: *** [modules.o] Error 127
make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/akash/Soft/SRC_lapw5'
make: *** [real] Error 2
if [ -f .real ]; then \
make clean; \
make[1]: Entering directory `/home/akash/Soft/SRC_lapw5'
rm -f *.o _tmp_.* *.P .real .complex *.mod
make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/akash/Soft/SRC_lapw5'
touch .complex
make[1]: Entering directory `/home/akash/Soft/SRC_lapw5'
make[1]: Circular modules.o <- modules.o dependency dropped.
make[1]: Circular modules.o <- modules.o dependency dropped.
modules.F: COMPLEX version extracted
gfortran ffree-form -O2 -ffree-line-length-none -c modules_tmp_.F
make[1]: gfortran: Command not found
make[1]: *** [modules.o] Error 127
make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/akash/Soft/SRC_lapw5'
make: *** [complex] Error 2
SRC_lapw7 ...
rm -f *.o *.mod _tmp_.* *.P .real .complex
if [ -f .complex ]; then \
make clean; \
touch .real
cp -p param.inc_r
make TYPE='REAL' TYPE_COMMENT='!_REAL' ./lapw7
make[1]: Entering directory `/home/akash/Soft/SRC_lapw7'
gfortran ffree-form -O2 -ffree-line-length-none -c moduls.f
make[1]: gfortran: Command not found
make[1]: *** [moduls.o] Error 127
make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/akash/Soft/SRC_lapw7'
make: *** [real] Error 2
if [ -f .real ]; then \
make clean; \
make[1]: Entering directory `/home/akash/Soft/SRC_lapw7'
rm -f *.o *.mod _tmp_.* *.P .real .complex
make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/akash/Soft/SRC_lapw7'
touch .complex
cp -p param.inc_c
make[1]: Entering directory `/home/akash/Soft/SRC_lapw7'
gfortran ffree-form -O2 -ffree-line-length-none -c moduls.f
make[1]: gfortran: Command not found
make[1]: *** [moduls.o] Error 127
make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/akash/Soft/SRC_lapw7'
make: *** [complex] Error 2
SRC_lapwdm ...
rm -f *.o _tmp_.* *.P .real .complex *.mod
if [ -f .complex ]; then \
make clean; \
touch .real
make TYPE='REAL' TYPE_COMMENT='!_REAL' ./lapwdm
make[1]: Entering directory `/home/akash/Soft/SRC_lapwdm'
gfortran ffree-form -O2 -ffree-line-length-none -c reallocate.f
make[1]: gfortran: Command not found
make[1]: *** [reallocate.o] Error 127
make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/akash/Soft/SRC_lapwdm'
make: *** [real] Error 2
if [ -f .real ]; then \
make clean; \
make[1]: Entering directory `/home/akash/Soft/SRC_lapwdm'
rm -f *.o _tmp_.* *.P .real .complex *.mod
make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/akash/Soft/SRC_lapwdm'
touch .complex
make[1]: Entering directory `/home/akash/Soft/SRC_lapwdm'
gfortran ffree-form -O2 -ffree-line-length-none -c reallocate.f
make[1]: gfortran: Command not found
make[1]: *** [reallocate.o] Error 127
make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/akash/Soft/SRC_lapwdm'
make: *** [complex] Error 2
SRC_lapwso ...
rm -f *.o _tmp_.* *.P .real .complex .sequential .parallel *.mod
if [ -f .parallel ]; then \
rm -f .parallel reallocate.o modules.o abclm.o couple.o errclr.o errflg.o garadme.o gtfnam.o
harmon2.o atpar.o hmsec.o init.o kptin_nv.o kptin.o latgen2.o outwin.o rint13.o lapwso.o
cali.o sphbes.o vnsrint.o lomain.o abc.o cputim.o dvbes1.o bess.o lagder.o rotate.o ylm.o
harmon.o sphbru.o outerr.o lap_bp.o inouh.o diracout.o inth.o select.o abc_r.o rlomain.o
kptout.o angle.o gaunt.o ph.o t3j.o t3j0.o pzheevx16.o dergl.o hscalc.o dergl2.o vderiv.o rotdef.o
symop.o garadorb.o hns.o hsocalc.o horbcalc.o vorblo.o euler.o get_nloat.o *.mod; \
touch .sequential
make ./lapwso FORT=gfortran FFLAGS=' ffree-form -O2 -ffree-line-length-none '
make[1]: Entering directory `/home/akash/Soft/SRC_lapwso'
gfortran ffree-form -O2 -ffree-line-length-none -c reallocate.f
make[1]: gfortran: Command not found
make[1]: *** [reallocate.o] Error 127
make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/akash/Soft/SRC_lapwso'
make: *** [seq] Error 2
make: *** No rule to make target `complex'. Stop.
SRC_lcore ...
rm -f *.o *_tmp_.* *.P *.mod
gfortran ffree-form -O2 -ffree-line-length-none -c -o W2kinit.o W2kinit.F
make: gfortran: Command not found
make: *** [W2kinit.o] Error 127
make: *** No rule to make target `complex'. Stop.
SRC_lib ...
make: *** No rule to make target `clean'. Stop.
make: *** No targets specified and no makefile found. Stop.
SRC_lorentz ...
rm -f lorentz.o gtfnam.o outerr.o errclr.o errflg.o lorentz.P gtfnam.P outerr.P errclr.P errflg.P
lorentz.prj gtfnam.prj outerr.prj errclr.prj errflg.prj \
gfortran ffree-form -O2 -ffree-line-length-none -c lorentz.f
make: gfortran: Command not found
make: *** [lorentz.o] Error 127
SRC_lstart ...
rm -f cdlsd.o corgga.o corlsd.o dalp.o epsxc.o exch.o fpot.o gcor.o gea.o geaex.o hl1.o hle1.o
inouh.o insld.o inth.o drho.o potsl.o resld.o sevald.o somm.o vxcsp.o ykdir.o grans.o lstart.o
spline.o vpw91.o vxclm2.o vxcpw2.o ev92.o ev92ex.o vxc24.o vxc15.o write1.o parse.o vxc17.o
exch17.o pbe1.o watsonw.o wc05.o pbesol.o cdlsd.P corgga.P corlsd.P dalp.P epsxc.P exch.P fpot.P
gcor.P gea.P geaex.P hl1.P hle1.P inouh.P insld.P inth.P drho.P potsl.P resld.P sevald.P somm.P vxcsp.P
ykdir.P grans.P lstart.P spline.P vpw91.P vxclm2.P vxcpw2.P ev92.P ev92ex.P vxc24.P vxc15.P
write1.P parse.P vxc17.P exch17.P pbe1.P watsonw.P wc05.P pbesol.P cdlsd.prj corgga.prj corlsd.prj
dalp.prj epsxc.prj exch.prj fpot.prj gcor.prj gea.prj geaex.prj hl1.prj hle1.prj inouh.prj insld.prj inth.prj
drho.prj potsl.prj resld.prj sevald.prj somm.prj vxcsp.prj ykdir.prj grans.prj lstart.prj spline.prj
vpw91.prj vxclm2.prj vxcpw2.prj ev92.prj ev92ex.prj vxc24.prj vxc15.prj write1.prj parse.prj
vxc17.prj exch17.prj pbe1.prj watsonw.prj wc05.prj pbesol.prj \
gfortran ffree-form -O2 -ffree-line-length-none -c cdlsd.f
make: gfortran: Command not found
make: *** [cdlsd.o] Error 127
SRC_mini ...
rm -f atomgrid.o mxpmgrid.o dfpmin.o errclr.o errflg.o finish.o func.o gbass.o gtfnam.o haupt.o
ininos.o inv.o latgen.o lnsrch.o maxstp.o mini.o mold0.o mold.o nn.o nose.o nose0.o
nwtmin.o outerr.o pairdis.o rotate.o rotdef.o wrtscf.o latmix.o distxy.o mdble.o d1mach.o ditsum.o
dr7mdc.o dv7cpy.o i7mdcn.o divset.o drldst.o dv7dfl.o dl7itv.o drmng.o dv7scp.o stopx.o
dl7ivm.o dv7vmp.o dl7tvm.o drmngwien.o dw7zbf.o da7sst.o dl7upd.o func2.o dd7dog.o dl7vml.o
dv2axy.o traptouch.o dd7tpr.o dparck.o dv2nrm.o constr.o fixup2.o atomgrid.P mxpmgrid.P
dfpmin.P errclr.P errflg.P finish.P func.P gbass.P gtfnam.P haupt.P ininos.P inv.P latgen.P lnsrch.P
maxstp.P mini.P mold0.P mold.P nn.P nose.P nose0.P nwtmin.P outerr.P pairdis.P rotate.P rotdef.P
wrtscf.P latmix.P distxy.P mdble.P d1mach.P ditsum.P dr7mdc.P dv7cpy.P i7mdcn.P divset.P drldst.P
dv7dfl.P dl7itv.P drmng.P dv7scp.P stopx.P dl7ivm.P dv7vmp.P dl7tvm.P drmngwien.P dw7zbf.P
da7sst.P dl7upd.P func2.P dd7dog.P dl7vml.P dv2axy.P traptouch.P dd7tpr.P dparck.P dv2nrm.P
constr.P fixup2.P dfpmin.prj errclr.prj errflg.prj finish.prj func.prj gbass.prj gtfnam.prj haupt.prj
ininos.prj inv.prj latgen.prj lnsrch.prj maxstp.prj mini.prj mold0.prj mold.prj nn.prj nose.prj nose0.prj
nwtmin.prj outerr.prj pairdis.prj rotate.prj rotdef.prj wrtscf.prj latmix.prj distxy.prj mdble.prj
d1mach.prj ditsum.prj dr7mdc.prj dv7cpy.prj i7mdcn.prj divset.prj drldst.prj dv7dfl.prj dl7itv.prj
drmng.prj dv7scp.prj stopx.prj dl7ivm.prj dv7vmp.prj dl7tvm.prj drmngwien.prj dw7zbf.prj da7sst.prj
dl7upd.prj func2.prj dd7dog.prj dl7vml.prj dv2axy.prj traptouch.prj dd7tpr.prj dparck.prj dv2nrm.prj
constr.prj fixup2.prj atomgrid.prj mxpmgrid.prj \
mini.xref *.mod
make: Circular atomgrid.o <- atomgrid.o dependency dropped.
make: Circular mxpmgrid.o <- atomgrid.o dependency dropped.
make: Circular mxpmgrid.o <- mxpmgrid.o dependency dropped.
gfortran ffree-form -O2 -ffree-line-length-none -c mxpmgrid.f
make: gfortran: Command not found
make: *** [mxpmgrid.o] Error 127
SRC_mixer ...
rm -f W2kinit.o modules.o charge.o distan.o eqival.o errclr.o errflg.o gtfnam.o hyper.o integrn.o
latgen.o mixer.o nn.o normal.o outerr.o read_denmat.o scfana.o setn.o forcint.o cleaning.o invmat.o
write_denmat.o qmix8.o minvers.o stepbound8.o UnPackValues8.o PackValues8.o MSec8.o
W2kutils.o FilterSing.o open_broydfile.o cputim.o initatoms.o writestruct.o rotdef.o Expandset.o
qtraptouch.o qtrapmove.o IPackCount.o SymmCor.o RegFixed.o PWDegen.o stern.o Balance.o
LimitDMIX8n.o FprojmemR1m.o rotate.o AtomsWithDF.o StepOK.o TrustStep.o LMMSR1.o
GetOpts.o normalc.o lsearch.o fixprecise.o ModeSwitch.o Norms.o ReNorm.o LMMSR1u.o SphereC.o
accuracy.o AtomsDiag.o ModeSwitchA.o BLimTrust.o WhatDMIX.o BoundSMaxVal.o TouchInd.o
BackTrack.o Prediction.o SphereTrust.o Average.o User.o NoDriftUn.o read_denscale.o Fproject7.o
LimitDMIX7.o MSec7.o PackValues7.o qmix7.o stepbound7.o UnPackValues7.o W2kinit.P
modules.P charge.P distan.P eqival.P errclr.P errflg.P gtfnam.P hyper.P integrn.P latgen.P mixer.P nn.P
normal.P outerr.P read_denmat.P scfana.P setn.P forcint.P cleaning.P invmat.P write_denmat.P qmix8.P
minvers.P stepbound8.P UnPackValues8.P PackValues8.P MSec8.P W2kutils.P FilterSing.P
open_broydfile.P cputim.P initatoms.P writestruct.P rotdef.P Expandset.P qtraptouch.P qtrapmove.P
IPackCount.P SymmCor.P RegFixed.P PWDegen.P stern.P Balance.P LimitDMIX8n.P
FprojmemR1m.P rotate.P AtomsWithDF.P StepOK.P TrustStep.P LMMSR1.P GetOpts.P normalc.P
lsearch.P fixprecise.P ModeSwitch.P Norms.P ReNorm.P LMMSR1u.P SphereC.P accuracy.P
AtomsDiag.P ModeSwitchA.P BLimTrust.P WhatDMIX.P BoundSMaxVal.P TouchInd.P BackTrack.P
Prediction.P SphereTrust.P Average.P User.P NoDriftUn.P read_denscale.P W2kinit.prj modules.prj
charge.prj distan.prj eqival.prj errclr.prj errflg.prj gtfnam.prj hyper.prj integrn.prj latgen.prj mixer.prj
nn.prj normal.prj outerr.prj read_denmat.prj scfana.prj setn.prj forcint.prj cleaning.prj invmat.prj
write_denmat.prj qmix8.prj minvers.prj stepbound8.prj UnPackValues8.prj PackValues8.prj MSec8.prj
W2kutils.prj FilterSing.prj open_broydfile.prj cputim.prj initatoms.prj writestruct.prj rotdef.prj
Expandset.prj qtraptouch.prj qtrapmove.prj IPackCount.prj SymmCor.prj RegFixed.prj PWDegen.prj
stern.prj Balance.prj LimitDMIX8n.prj FprojmemR1m.prj rotate.prj AtomsWithDF.prj StepOK.prj
TrustStep.prj LMMSR1.prj GetOpts.prj normalc.prj lsearch.prj fixprecise.prj ModeSwitch.prj
Norms.prj ReNorm.prj LMMSR1u.prj SphereC.prj accuracy.prj AtomsDiag.prj ModeSwitchA.prj
BLimTrust.prj WhatDMIX.prj BoundSMaxVal.prj TouchInd.prj BackTrack.prj Prediction.prj
SphereTrust.prj Average.prj User.prj NoDriftUn.prj read_denscale.prj \
mixer.xref *.mod mixer_*
make: Circular modules.o <- modules.o dependency dropped.
gfortran ffree-form -O2 -ffree-line-length-none -c modules.f
make: gfortran: Command not found
make: *** [modules.o] Error 127
make: *** No rule to make target `complex'. Stop.
SRC_nmr ...
rm -f *.o *_tmp_.* *.P .real .complex .sequential .parallel *.mod
if [ -f .complex ]; then \
rm -f .complex modules.o cmdlineparam.o get_nkpt.o make_dradf.o make_klist.o make_step.o nmr.o
read_vector.o rint13.o write_qvec.o init_nmr.o make_current_spheres.o make_current_int.o
make_cxyz_sp.o make_cxyz_int.o open_units.o read_weigh.o read_energy.o vector_product.o
set_gaunt.o get_nlo.o write_current.o cputim.o update_sxyz.o make_plot.o read_current.o
get_value_atom.o get_value_int.o write_dx_2d.o ylm.o interp.o where_is_it.o even.o
write_dx_2d_ncm.o setfft.o summffts.o rean_fft.o c3fft.o ifflim.o rint_current.o rad_int_curr.o
gen_cells_list.o Bin_other_atoms.o integrate_current.o Bin_central_atom.o get_moments.o
get_ps_charge.o sph_sub_pw.o sphbes.o resample_int.o Bin_pw.o convert_gvec.o make_current.o
make_int_cxyz.o make_alms.o lomain.o atpar.o dergl.o diracout.o inth.o inouh.o abc.o outwin.o
dvbes1.o readwrite_xim.o make_xim.o get_core_states.o get_lj_from_icore.o make_current_cores.o
make_xim_cores.o make_vectest.o make_charge.o sumpara.o test_radial_at_ene.o
make_atoms_NMR.o get_gvec.o make_in1.o read_innmrplot.o make_coresigma.o
make_fopvec_green.o make_fopvec_leq.o new_iemin_iemax.o make_current_semicore.o
make_sumrule.o make_int_cxyz_core.o make_cxyz_cc.o make_current_cc.o read_inputnmr.o
scaninput.o select.o outwinb.o make_radf_duc.o make_eneduc.o make_int_cxyz_duc.o
make_cxyz_duc.o make_current_duc.o invers.o symmetrize.o get_qvalue.o scan_in2.o make_weigh.o
find_efer.o magnetic_moment.o magnetic_moment_sp.o magnetic_moment_int.o exec_lapw.o
scan_energyfile.o *.mod; \
touch .real
if [ -f .parallel ]; then \
rm -f .parallel modules.o cmdlineparam.o get_nkpt.o make_dradf.o make_klist.o make_step.o nmr.o
read_vector.o rint13.o write_qvec.o init_nmr.o make_current_spheres.o make_current_int.o
make_cxyz_sp.o make_cxyz_int.o open_units.o read_weigh.o read_energy.o vector_product.o
set_gaunt.o get_nlo.o write_current.o cputim.o update_sxyz.o make_plot.o read_current.o
get_value_atom.o get_value_int.o write_dx_2d.o ylm.o interp.o where_is_it.o even.o
write_dx_2d_ncm.o setfft.o summffts.o rean_fft.o c3fft.o ifflim.o rint_current.o rad_int_curr.o
gen_cells_list.o Bin_other_atoms.o integrate_current.o Bin_central_atom.o get_moments.o
get_ps_charge.o sph_sub_pw.o sphbes.o resample_int.o Bin_pw.o convert_gvec.o make_current.o
make_int_cxyz.o make_alms.o lomain.o atpar.o dergl.o diracout.o inth.o inouh.o abc.o outwin.o
dvbes1.o readwrite_xim.o make_xim.o get_core_states.o get_lj_from_icore.o make_current_cores.o
make_xim_cores.o make_vectest.o make_charge.o sumpara.o test_radial_at_ene.o
make_atoms_NMR.o get_gvec.o make_in1.o read_innmrplot.o make_coresigma.o
make_fopvec_green.o make_fopvec_leq.o new_iemin_iemax.o make_current_semicore.o
make_sumrule.o make_int_cxyz_core.o make_cxyz_cc.o make_current_cc.o read_inputnmr.o
scaninput.o select.o outwinb.o make_radf_duc.o make_eneduc.o make_int_cxyz_duc.o
make_cxyz_duc.o make_current_duc.o invers.o symmetrize.o get_qvalue.o scan_in2.o make_weigh.o
find_efer.o magnetic_moment.o magnetic_moment_sp.o magnetic_moment_int.o exec_lapw.o
scan_energyfile.o *.mod; \
touch .sequential
make TYPE='REAL' TYPE_COMMENT='\!_real' \
./nmr FORT=gfortran FFLAGS=' ffree-form -O2 -ffree-line-length-none '
make[1]: Entering directory `/home/akash/Soft/SRC_nmr'
make[1]: Circular modules.o <- modules.o dependency dropped.
modules.F: REAL version extracted
gfortran ffree-form -O2 -ffree-line-length-none -c modules_tmp_.F
make[1]: gfortran: Command not found
make[1]: *** [modules.o] Error 127
make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/akash/Soft/SRC_nmr'
make: *** [real] Error 2
if [ -f .real ]; then \
rm -f .real modules.o cmdlineparam.o get_nkpt.o make_dradf.o make_klist.o make_step.o nmr.o
read_vector.o rint13.o write_qvec.o init_nmr.o make_current_spheres.o make_current_int.o
make_cxyz_sp.o make_cxyz_int.o open_units.o read_weigh.o read_energy.o vector_product.o
set_gaunt.o get_nlo.o write_current.o cputim.o update_sxyz.o make_plot.o read_current.o
get_value_atom.o get_value_int.o write_dx_2d.o ylm.o interp.o where_is_it.o even.o
write_dx_2d_ncm.o setfft.o summffts.o rean_fft.o c3fft.o ifflim.o rint_current.o rad_int_curr.o
gen_cells_list.o Bin_other_atoms.o integrate_current.o Bin_central_atom.o get_moments.o
get_ps_charge.o sph_sub_pw.o sphbes.o resample_int.o Bin_pw.o convert_gvec.o make_current.o
make_int_cxyz.o make_alms.o lomain.o atpar.o dergl.o diracout.o inth.o inouh.o abc.o outwin.o
dvbes1.o readwrite_xim.o make_xim.o get_core_states.o get_lj_from_icore.o make_current_cores.o
make_xim_cores.o make_vectest.o make_charge.o sumpara.o test_radial_at_ene.o
make_atoms_NMR.o get_gvec.o make_in1.o read_innmrplot.o make_coresigma.o
make_fopvec_green.o make_fopvec_leq.o new_iemin_iemax.o make_current_semicore.o
make_sumrule.o make_int_cxyz_core.o make_cxyz_cc.o make_current_cc.o read_inputnmr.o
scaninput.o select.o outwinb.o make_radf_duc.o make_eneduc.o make_int_cxyz_duc.o
make_cxyz_duc.o make_current_duc.o invers.o symmetrize.o get_qvalue.o scan_in2.o make_weigh.o
find_efer.o magnetic_moment.o magnetic_moment_sp.o magnetic_moment_int.o exec_lapw.o
scan_energyfile.o *.mod; \
touch .complex
if [ -f .parallel ]; then \
rm -f .parallel modules.o cmdlineparam.o get_nkpt.o make_dradf.o make_klist.o make_step.o nmr.o
read_vector.o rint13.o write_qvec.o init_nmr.o make_current_spheres.o make_current_int.o
make_cxyz_sp.o make_cxyz_int.o open_units.o read_weigh.o read_energy.o vector_product.o
set_gaunt.o get_nlo.o write_current.o cputim.o update_sxyz.o make_plot.o read_current.o
get_value_atom.o get_value_int.o write_dx_2d.o ylm.o interp.o where_is_it.o even.o
write_dx_2d_ncm.o setfft.o summffts.o rean_fft.o c3fft.o ifflim.o rint_current.o rad_int_curr.o
gen_cells_list.o Bin_other_atoms.o integrate_current.o Bin_central_atom.o get_moments.o
get_ps_charge.o sph_sub_pw.o sphbes.o resample_int.o Bin_pw.o convert_gvec.o make_current.o
make_int_cxyz.o make_alms.o lomain.o atpar.o dergl.o diracout.o inth.o inouh.o abc.o outwin.o
dvbes1.o readwrite_xim.o make_xim.o get_core_states.o get_lj_from_icore.o make_current_cores.o
make_xim_cores.o make_vectest.o make_charge.o sumpara.o test_radial_at_ene.o
make_atoms_NMR.o get_gvec.o make_in1.o read_innmrplot.o make_coresigma.o
make_fopvec_green.o make_fopvec_leq.o new_iemin_iemax.o make_current_semicore.o
make_sumrule.o make_int_cxyz_core.o make_cxyz_cc.o make_current_cc.o read_inputnmr.o
scaninput.o select.o outwinb.o make_radf_duc.o make_eneduc.o make_int_cxyz_duc.o
make_cxyz_duc.o make_current_duc.o invers.o symmetrize.o get_qvalue.o scan_in2.o make_weigh.o
find_efer.o magnetic_moment.o magnetic_moment_sp.o magnetic_moment_int.o exec_lapw.o
scan_energyfile.o *.mod; \
touch .sequential
make TYPE='COMPLEX' TYPE_COMMENT='\!_complex' \
./nmrc FORT=gfortran FFLAGS=' ffree-form -O2 -ffree-line-length-none '
make[1]: Entering directory `/home/akash/Soft/SRC_nmr'
make[1]: Circular modules.o <- modules.o dependency dropped.
modules.F: COMPLEX version extracted
gfortran ffree-form -O2 -ffree-line-length-none -c modules_tmp_.F
make[1]: gfortran: Command not found
make[1]: *** [modules.o] Error 127
make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/akash/Soft/SRC_nmr'
make: *** [complex] Error 2
SRC_nn ...
rm -f struk.o variable_fields.o nn.o dirlat.o ord2.o reduce_alloc.o bvan.o struk.P variable_fields.P nn.P
dirlat.P ord2.P reduce_alloc.P bvan.P nn.prj dirlat.prj ord2.prj reduce_alloc.prj bvan.prj struk.prj
variable_fields.prj \
nn.xref *.mod
gfortran ffree-form -O2 -ffree-line-length-none -c struk.f
make: gfortran: Command not found
make: *** [struk.o] Error 127
SRC_optic ...
rm -f *.o _tmp_.* *.P .real .complex *.mod
make real complex
make[1]: Entering directory `/home/akash/Soft/SRC_optic'
if [ -f .complex ]; then \
make clean; \
touch .real
make TYPE='REAL' TYPE_COMMENT='!_REAL' ./optic
make[2]: Entering directory `/home/akash/Soft/SRC_optic'
modules.frc: REAL version extracted
gfortran ffree-form -O2 -ffree-line-length-none -c modules_tmp.f
make[2]: gfortran: Command not found
make[2]: *** [modules.o] Error 127
make[2]: Leaving directory `/home/akash/Soft/SRC_optic'
make[1]: *** [real] Error 2
make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/akash/Soft/SRC_optic'
make: *** [all] Error 2
if [ -f .real ]; then \
make clean; \
make[1]: Entering directory `/home/akash/Soft/SRC_optic'
rm -f *.o _tmp_.* *.P .real .complex *.mod
make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/akash/Soft/SRC_optic'
touch .complex
make[1]: Entering directory `/home/akash/Soft/SRC_optic'
modules.frc: COMPLEX version extracted
gfortran ffree-form -O2 -ffree-line-length-none -c modules_tmp.f
make[1]: gfortran: Command not found
make[1]: *** [modules.o] Error 127
make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/akash/Soft/SRC_optic'
make: *** [complex] Error 2
SRC_optimize ...
rm -f optimize optimize.o
gfortran ffree-form -O2 -ffree-line-length-none -c optimize.f
make: gfortran: Command not found
make: *** [optimize.o] Error 127
SRC_orb ...
rm -f modules.o main.o init.o angle.o opnfs.o errclr.o errflg.o gtfnam.o latgen2.o orbmom.o outwin.o
parop.o rint13.o charg2.o charg3.o rotate.o vldau.o Vcalc.o t3j.o vorbmix.o \
orb .xref *.mod
gfortran ffree-form -O2 -ffree-line-length-none -c modules.f
make: gfortran: Command not found
make: *** [modules.o] Error 127
SRC_pairhess ...
rm -f *.o patchsymm pairhess constrain *.mod struct2cif struct2xyz
gfortran ffree-form -O2 -ffree-line-length-none -c energy.f
make: gfortran: Command not found
make: *** [energy.o] Error 127
SRC_phonon ...
rm -f *.o
gfortran ffree-form -O2 -ffree-line-length-none -c phonon2wien2k_sym.f
make: gfortran: Command not found
make: *** [phonon2wien2k_sym.o] Error 127
SRC_qtl ...
rm -f *.o *_tmp_.* *.P .sequential .parallel *.mod
gfortran ffree-form -O2 -ffree-line-length-none -c reallocate.f
make: gfortran: Command not found
make: *** [reallocate.o] Error 127
SRC_reformat ...
rm -f reformat.o
gcc -c reformat.c
make: gcc: Command not found
make: *** [reformat.o] Error 127
SRC_sgroup ...
rm -f sgroup.o math_sg.o sto.o io.o lat.o pgrp.o pgrp_op.o rotb.o sgrp_cub.o sgrp_hex.o sgrp_tet.o
sgrp_ort.o sgrp_trg.o sgrp_mon.o sgrp_trc.o
gcc -c sgroup.c
make: gcc: Command not found
make: *** [sgroup.o] Error 127
SRC_spacegroup ...
rm -f spacegroup.o
gfortran -c ffree-form -O2 -ffree-line-length-none spacegroup.f
make: gfortran: Command not found
make: *** [spacegroup.o] Error 127
SRC_spaghetti ...
rm -f reallocate.o modules.o bndind.o bz_lin.o cartco.o clipin.o comprel.o con_ev.o defins.o drawt.o
get_ei.o get_k.o inview.o movet.o pgrpnr.o pointi.o psend.o psinit.o spag.o seppt.o transt.o writln.o
writs.o writz.o wrtdate.o reallocate.P modules.P bndind.P bz_lin.P cartco.P clipin.P comprel.P
con_ev.P defins.P drawt.P get_ei.P get_k.P inview.P movet.P pgrpnr.P pointi.P psend.P psinit.P spag.P
seppt.P transt.P writln.P writs.P writz.P wrtdate.P modules.prj bndind.prj bz_lin.prj cartco.prj clipin.prj
comprel.prj con_ev.prj defins.prj drawt.prj get_ei.prj get_k.prj inview.prj movet.prj pgrpnr.prj pointi.prj
psend.prj psinit.prj spag.prj seppt.prj transt.prj writln.prj writs.prj writz.prj wrtdate.prj reallocate.prj \
spaghetti.xref *.mod
gfortran ffree-form -O2 -ffree-line-length-none -c reallocate.f
make: gfortran: Command not found
make: *** [reallocate.o] Error 127
SRC_structeditor ...
make clean -C SRC_ncmsymmetry
make[1]: Entering directory `/home/akash/Soft/SRC_structeditor/SRC_ncmsymmetry'
rm -f *.o *_tmp_.* *.P *.mod ncmsymmetry
make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/akash/Soft/SRC_structeditor/SRC_ncmsymmetry'
make clean -C SRC_readwrite
make[1]: Entering directory `/home/akash/Soft/SRC_structeditor/SRC_readwrite'
rm -f module.o readwrite.o convert.o rwoctave.o *.mod readwrite
make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/akash/Soft/SRC_structeditor/SRC_readwrite'
make clean -C SRC_struct2mol
make[1]: Entering directory `/home/akash/Soft/SRC_structeditor/SRC_struct2mol'
rm -f *.o _tmp_.* *.P .real .complex *.mod struct2mol
make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/akash/Soft/SRC_structeditor/SRC_struct2mol'
make clean -C SRC_structgen
make[1]: Entering directory `/home/akash/Soft/SRC_structeditor/SRC_structgen'
rm -f module.o spacegroup.o getlattype.o getsgnum.o getsgname.o getzz.o structgen.o scan_cif.o
ciftbx.o hash_funcs.o test_sgname.o scan_in.o scan_octave.o structgen *.mod
make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/akash/Soft/SRC_structeditor/SRC_structgen'
make -C SRC_ncmsymmetry
make[1]: Entering directory `/home/akash/Soft/SRC_structeditor/SRC_ncmsymmetry'
make[1]: Circular module.o <- module.o dependency dropped.
gfortran ffree-form -O2 -ffree-line-length-none -c module.f
make[1]: gfortran: Command not found
make[1]: *** [module.o] Error 127
make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/akash/Soft/SRC_structeditor/SRC_ncmsymmetry'
make: *** [all] Error 2
SRC_sumhfpara ...
rm -f *.o *_tmp_.* *.P .real .complex .sequential .parallel *.mod
if [ -f .complex ]; then \
rm -f .complex sumhfpara.o *.mod; \
touch .real
if [ -f .parallel ]; then \
rm -f .parallel *.mod; \
touch .sequential
./sumhfpara FORT=gfortran FFLAGS=' ffree-form -O2 -ffree-line-length-none '
make[1]: Entering directory `/home/akash/Soft/SRC_sumhfpara'
gfortran ffree-form -O2 -ffree-line-length-none -c errclr.f
make[1]: gfortran: Command not found
make[1]: *** [errclr.o] Error 127
make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/akash/Soft/SRC_sumhfpara'
make: *** [real] Error 2
if [ -f .real ]; then \
rm -f .real sumhfpara.o *.mod; \
touch .complex
if [ -f .parallel ]; then \
rm -f .parallel *.mod; \
touch .sequential
./sumhfparac FORT=gfortran FFLAGS=' ffree-form -O2 -ffree-line-length-none '
make[1]: Entering directory `/home/akash/Soft/SRC_sumhfpara'
gfortran ffree-form -O2 -ffree-line-length-none -c errclr.f
make[1]: gfortran: Command not found
make[1]: *** [errclr.o] Error 127
make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/akash/Soft/SRC_sumhfpara'
make: *** [complex] Error 2
SRC_sumpara ...
rm -f errclr.o errflg.o gtfnam2.o dmatscf.o latgen.o sumpara.o outerr.o scfsum.o mknam.o strln.o
errclr.P errflg.P gtfnam2.P dmatscf.P latgen.P sumpara.P outerr.P scfsum.P mknam.P strln.P errclr.prj
errflg.prj gtfnam2.prj dmatscf.prj latgen.prj sumpara.prj outerr.prj scfsum.prj mknam.prj strln.prj \
gfortran ffree-form -O2 -ffree-line-length-none -c errclr.f
make: gfortran: Command not found
make: *** [errclr.o] Error 127
SRC_supercell ...
rm -f supercell.o supercell.P supercell.prj \
supercell.xref *.mod
gfortran ffree-form -O2 -ffree-line-length-none -c supercell.f
make: gfortran: Command not found
make: *** [supercell.o] Error 127
SRC_symmetry ...
rm -f symmetry.o symop.o class.o kurki.o latsym.o checks.o matmm.o dirlat.o pgbsym.o pglsym.o
reclat.o matinv.o put.o order.o ordix.o lmsort.o volnew.o lubksb.o ludcmp.o volofb.o dot.o rstruc.o
gtfnam.o dirdef.o dirdeh.o matrot.o strwri.o symmetry.P symop.P class.P kurki.P latsym.P checks.P
matmm.P dirlat.P pgbsym.P pglsym.P reclat.P matinv.P put.P order.P ordix.P lmsort.P volnew.P
lubksb.P ludcmp.P volofb.P dot.P rstruc.P gtfnam.P dirdef.P dirdeh.P matrot.P strwri.P symmetry.prj
symop.prj class.prj kurki.prj latsym.prj checks.prj matmm.prj dirlat.prj pgbsym.prj pglsym.prj reclat.prj
matinv.prj put.prj order.prj ordix.prj lmsort.prj volnew.prj lubksb.prj ludcmp.prj volofb.prj dot.prj
rstruc.prj gtfnam.prj dirdef.prj dirdeh.prj matrot.prj strwri.prj \
gfortran ffree-form -O2 -ffree-line-length-none -c symmetry.f
make: gfortran: Command not found
make: *** [symmetry.o] Error 127
SRC_symmetso ...
rm -f symmetso.o angle.o br1dm.o checks.o class.o clmchange.o dirdef.o dirdeh.o dirlat.o dot.o
gbass.o gtfnam.o inverss.o in1ch.o incch.o kurki.o latgen.o latsym.o lmsort.o locdef.o lubksb.o
ludcmp.o matmm.o matinv.o matrot.o minvec.o order.o ordix.o outerr.o pgbsym.o pglsym.o put.o
reclat.o rewr.o rotdef.o rstruc.o strwri.o symso.o symho.o symop.o volnew.o volofb.o inorbch.o
indmch.o vorbch.o symmetso.P angle.P br1dm.P checks.P class.P clmchange.P dirdef.P dirdeh.P
dirlat.P dot.P gbass.P gtfnam.P inverss.P in1ch.P incch.P kurki.P latgen.P latsym.P lmsort.P locdef.P
lubksb.P ludcmp.P matmm.P matinv.P matrot.P minvec.P order.P ordix.P outerr.P pgbsym.P pglsym.P
put.P reclat.P rewr.P rotdef.P rstruc.P strwri.P symso.P symho.P symop.P volnew.P volofb.P inorbch.P
indmch.P vorbch.P symmetso.prj angle.prj br1dm.prj checks.prj class.prj clmchange.prj dirdef.prj
dirdeh.prj dirlat.prj dot.prj gbass.prj gtfnam.prj inverss.prj in1ch.prj incch.prj kurki.prj latgen.prj
latsym.prj lmsort.prj locdef.prj lubksb.prj ludcmp.prj matmm.prj matinv.prj matrot.prj minvec.prj
order.prj ordix.prj outerr.prj pgbsym.prj pglsym.prj put.prj reclat.prj rewr.prj rotdef.prj rstruc.prj
strwri.prj symso.prj symho.prj symop.prj volnew.prj volofb.prj inorbch.prj indmch.prj vorbch.prj \
gfortran ffree-form -O2 -ffree-line-length-none -c symmetso.f
make: gfortran: Command not found
make: *** [symmetso.o] Error 127
SRC_telnes3 ...
rm -f calculateintermatrix.o ados.o angularmesh.o angularxspectrum.o arbdos.o atpar.o
averagedangularspectrum.o averagedenergyspectrum.o bessj.o bessj0.o bessj1.o
calculateangularspectrum.o calculateenergyspectrum.o calculatematrices.o calculateweights.o
comatrix.o conversiondegrad.o coreholelifetime.o corewavefunction.o dalp.o dblfactrl.o ddlmlm.o
defineindex.o densityofstates.o describetask.o determinant.o elnes.o energymesh.o energyxspectrum.o
errclr.o errflg.o fact.o factln.o factrl.o fpot.o gammln.o gtfnam.o hfsd.o identity.o inouh.o insld.o inth.o
inverse.o latgen.o modules.o multscalmatrix.o noculc.o normofradialfunctions.o
orientedangularspectrum.o orientedenergyspectrum.o orthogonality.o outerr.o outwin.o potsl.o
productmatmat.o productmatvect.o prodvectvect.o qmesh.o radialderivative.o radialfunctions.o
readcrossdos.o readdos.o readinnes.o readrotij.o readstruct.o reciproclatvect.o resld.o rint13.o rint14.o
rotate.o rotatecrist.o rotation.o rotdef.o somm.o spherbes.o tetraforelnes.o threejm0.o threejsymbol.o
transpose.o usebr1.o wavelength.o writeangulardependence1.o writeangulardependence2.o
writeaveragedangularspectrum.o writeaveragedenergyspectrum.o writeddlmlm.o writedosl.o
writedoslm.o writeorientedangularspectrum.o writeorientedenergyspectrum.o writexdos.o ylm.o
extend_wien2k_potential.o energyxspectrumbis.o charge.o charg.o ewp_init.o ewp_pot.o gbass.o
gener.o hslgr1.o hslgrs.o interp.o outin.o radial.o reduc.o rhoout.o rotate_ewp.o rotat.o rotato.o
rotdef_ewp.o spherepack.o sternb.o stern.o sum.o vdif.o vnorm.o angularxspectrumbis.o spline.o
sevald.o plotrint14.o threeylm.o dd.o rotateylm.o averagedangularxspectrum.o
averagedangularxspectrumbis.o averagedenergyxspectrum.o averagedenergyxspectrumbis.o bessj2.o
bessj3.o bessj4.o \
telnes3.xref *.mod *.tex *.aux *.log *.toc compile.msg
make: Circular modules.o <- modules.o dependency dropped.
gfortran ffree-form -O2 -ffree-line-length-none -c -o modules.o modules.F
make: gfortran: Command not found
make: *** [modules.o] Error 127
make: *** No rule to make target `complex'. Stop.
SRC_templates ...
make: *** No rule to make target `clean'. Stop.
make: *** No targets specified and no makefile found. Stop.
SRC_tetra ...
rm -f reallocate.o tetra.o arbdos.o noculc.o ados.o gtfnam.o errflg.o errclr.o broad.o broaddos.o
parsetext.o reallocate.P tetra.P arbdos.P noculc.P ados.P gtfnam.P errflg.P errclr.P broad.P broaddos.P
parsetext.P tetra.prj arbdos.prj noculc.prj ados.prj gtfnam.prj errflg.prj errclr.prj broad.prj broaddos.prj
parsetext.prj reallocate.prj \
tetra.xref *.mod
make: Circular reallocate.o <- reallocate.o dependency dropped.
gfortran ffree-form -O2 -ffree-line-length-none -c reallocate.f
make: gfortran: Command not found
make: *** [reallocate.o] Error 127
SRC_Tmaker ...
rm -f Tmaker.o
gfortran -c ffree-form -O2 -ffree-line-length-none Tmaker.f
make: gfortran: Command not found
make: *** [Tmaker.o] Error 127
SRC_trig ...
rm -f *.mod *.o
make -C ../SRC_w2w lib/util_w2w.o
make[1]: Entering directory `/home/akash/Soft/SRC_w2w'
gfortran ffree-form -O2 -ffree-line-length-none -DHAVE_PTR_ALLOC_GENERICS -Ilib -ffree-
form -g -pedantic -Wcharacter-truncation -Wno-maybe-uninitialized -ffree-line-length-0 -c util_w2w.F
-olib/util_w2w.o -J lib
make[1]: gfortran: Command not found
make[1]: *** [lib/util_w2w.o] Error 127
make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/akash/Soft/SRC_w2w'
make: *** [../SRC_w2w/lib/util_w2w.o] Error 2
SRC_txspec ...
rm -f atomgrid.o reallocate.o atpar.o cdsld.o charge.o dalp.o errclr.o errflg.o fpot.o gtfnam.o hfsd.o
inilpw.o inouh.o insld.o inth.o outerr.o outwin.o potsl.o resld.o rint13.o somm.o txspec.o ykdir.o
atomgrid.P reallocate.P atpar.P cdsld.P charge.P dalp.P errclr.P errflg.P fpot.P gtfnam.P hfsd.P inilpw.P
inouh.P insld.P inth.P outerr.P outwin.P potsl.P resld.P rint13.P somm.P txspec.P ykdir.P atpar.prj
cdsld.prj charge.prj dalp.prj errclr.prj errflg.prj fpot.prj gtfnam.prj hfsd.prj inilpw.prj inouh.prj insld.prj
inth.prj outerr.prj outwin.prj potsl.prj resld.prj rint13.prj somm.prj txspec.prj ykdir.prj atomgrid.prj
reallocate.prj \
txspec.xref *.mod
make: Circular atomgrid.o <- atomgrid.o dependency dropped.
make: Circular reallocate.o <- atomgrid.o dependency dropped.
make: Circular reallocate.o <- reallocate.o dependency dropped.
gfortran ffree-form -O2 -ffree-line-length-none -c reallocate.f
make: gfortran: Command not found
make: *** [reallocate.o] Error 127
SRC_usersguide_html ...
make: *** No rule to make target `clean'. Stop.
make: *** No targets specified and no makefile found. Stop.
SRC_vecpratt ...
rm -f *.o _tmp_.* *.P .real .complex *~ *.mod
if [ -f .complex ]; then \
make clean; \
touch .real
make TYPE='REAL' TYPE_COMMENT='!_REAL' ./vecpratt
make[1]: Entering directory `/home/akash/Soft/SRC_vecpratt'
vecpratt.F: REAL version extracted
gfortran ffree-form -O2 -ffree-line-length-none -c vecpratt_tmp.F
make[1]: gfortran: Command not found
make[1]: *** [vecpratt.o] Error 127
make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/akash/Soft/SRC_vecpratt'
make: *** [real] Error 2
if [ -f .real ]; then \
make clean; \
make[1]: Entering directory `/home/akash/Soft/SRC_vecpratt'
rm -f *.o _tmp_.* *.P .real .complex *~ *.mod
make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/akash/Soft/SRC_vecpratt'
touch .complex
make[1]: Entering directory `/home/akash/Soft/SRC_vecpratt'
vecpratt.F: COMPLEX version extracted
gfortran ffree-form -O2 -ffree-line-length-none -c vecpratt_tmp.F
make[1]: gfortran: Command not found
make[1]: *** [vecpratt.o] Error 127
make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/akash/Soft/SRC_vecpratt'
make: *** [complex] Error 2
SRC_w2w ...
rm -f lib/util_w2w.o lib/mod_w2w.o lib/modules.o libr/main.o libr/modules_rc.o libc/main.o
libc/modules_rc.o lib/*.mod libr/*.mod libc/*.mod
gfortran ffree-form -O2 -ffree-line-length-none -DHAVE_PTR_ALLOC_GENERICS -Ilib -ffree-
form -g -pedantic -Wcharacter-truncation -Wno-maybe-uninitialized -ffree-line-length-0 -c util_w2w.F
-olib/util_w2w.o -J lib
make: gfortran: Command not found
make: *** [lib/util_w2w.o] Error 127
gfortran ffree-form -O2 -ffree-line-length-none -DHAVE_PTR_ALLOC_GENERICS -Ilib -ffree-
form -g -pedantic -Wcharacter-truncation -Wno-maybe-uninitialized -ffree-line-length-0 -c util_w2w.F
-olib/util_w2w.o -J lib
make: gfortran: Command not found
make: *** [lib/util_w2w.o] Error 127
SRC_w2web ...
make: *** No rule to make target `clean'. Stop.
make: *** No targets. Stop.
SRC_wplot ...
rm -f lib/modules.o libr/wplot.o libr/modules_rc.o libc/wplot.o libc/modules_rc.o lib/*.mod
libr/*.mod libc/*.mod
make -C ../SRC_w2w lib/util_w2w.o
make[1]: Entering directory `/home/akash/Soft/SRC_w2w'
gfortran ffree-form -O2 -ffree-line-length-none -DHAVE_PTR_ALLOC_GENERICS -Ilib -ffree-
form -g -pedantic -Wcharacter-truncation -Wno-maybe-uninitialized -ffree-line-length-0 -c util_w2w.F
-olib/util_w2w.o -J lib
make[1]: gfortran: Command not found
make[1]: *** [lib/util_w2w.o] Error 127
make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/akash/Soft/SRC_w2w'
make: *** [../SRC_w2w/lib/util_w2w.o] Error 2
make -C ../SRC_w2w lib/util_w2w.o
make[1]: Entering directory `/home/akash/Soft/SRC_w2w'
gfortran ffree-form -O2 -ffree-line-length-none -DHAVE_PTR_ALLOC_GENERICS -Ilib -ffree-
form -g -pedantic -Wcharacter-truncation -Wno-maybe-uninitialized -ffree-line-length-0 -c util_w2w.F
-olib/util_w2w.o -J lib
make[1]: gfortran: Command not found
make[1]: *** [lib/util_w2w.o] Error 127
make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/akash/Soft/SRC_w2w'
make: *** [../SRC_w2w/lib/util_w2w.o] Error 2
SRC_structeditor/SRC_lib ...
make: *** No rule to make target `clean'. Stop.
make: *** No targets specified and no makefile found. Stop.
SRC_structeditor/SRC_ncmsymmetry ...
rm -f *.o *_tmp_.* *.P *.mod ncmsymmetry
make: Circular module.o <- module.o dependency dropped.
gfortran ffree-form -O2 -ffree-line-length-none -c module.f
make: gfortran: Command not found
make: *** [module.o] Error 127
SRC_structeditor/SRC_readwrite ...
rm -f module.o readwrite.o convert.o rwoctave.o *.mod readwrite
gfortran -c ffree-form -O2 -ffree-line-length-none module.f
make: gfortran: Command not found
make: *** [module.o] Error 127
SRC_structeditor/SRC_struct2mol ...
rm -f *.o _tmp_.* *.P .real .complex *.mod struct2mol
gfortran ffree-form -O2 -ffree-line-length-none -c reallocate.f
make: gfortran: Command not found
make: *** [reallocate.o] Error 127
SRC_structeditor/SRC_structgen ...
rm -f module.o spacegroup.o getlattype.o getsgnum.o getsgname.o getzz.o structgen.o scan_cif.o
ciftbx.o hash_funcs.o test_sgname.o scan_in.o scan_octave.o structgen *.mod
gfortran -c ffree-form -O2 -ffree-line-length-none module.f
make: gfortran: Command not found
make: *** [module.o] Error 127
Copying programs
WARNING: no executable found in SRC_afminput. Check compile.msg in this directory
WARNING: no executable found in SRC_aim. Check compile.msg in this directory
WARNING: no executable found in SRC_arrows. Check compile.msg in this directory
cp: omitting directory SRC_BerryPI/BerryPI
WARNING: no executable found in SRC_broadening. Check compile.msg in this directory
WARNING: no executable found in SRC_cif2struct. Check compile.msg in this directory
WARNING: no executable found in SRC_clmaddsub. Check compile.msg in this directory
WARNING: no executable found in SRC_clmcopy. Check compile.msg in this directory
WARNING: no executable found in SRC_dipan. Check compile.msg in this directory
WARNING: no executable found in SRC_dstart. Check compile.msg in this directory
WARNING: no executable found in SRC_eosfit. Check compile.msg in this directory
WARNING: no executable found in SRC_eosfit6. Check compile.msg in this directory
WARNING: no executable found in SRC_filtvec. Check compile.msg in this directory
WARNING: no executable found in SRC_hf. Check compile.msg in this directory
WARNING: no executable found in SRC_initxspec. Check compile.msg in this directory
WARNING: no executable found in SRC_irrep. Check compile.msg in this directory
WARNING: no executable found in SRC_joint. Check compile.msg in this directory
WARNING: no executable found in SRC_kgen. Check compile.msg in this directory
WARNING: no executable found in SRC_kram. Check compile.msg in this directory
WARNING: no executable found in SRC_lapw0. Check compile.msg in this directory
WARNING: no executable found in SRC_lapw1. Check compile.msg in this directory
WARNING: no executable found in SRC_lapw2. Check compile.msg in this directory
WARNING: no executable found in SRC_lapw3. Check compile.msg in this directory
WARNING: no executable found in SRC_lapw5. Check compile.msg in this directory
WARNING: no executable found in SRC_lapw7. Check compile.msg in this directory
WARNING: no executable found in SRC_lapwdm. Check compile.msg in this directory
WARNING: no executable found in SRC_lapwso. Check compile.msg in this directory
WARNING: no executable found in SRC_lcore. Check compile.msg in this directory
WARNING: no executable found in SRC_lorentz. Check compile.msg in this directory
WARNING: no executable found in SRC_lstart. Check compile.msg in this directory
WARNING: no executable found in SRC_mini. Check compile.msg in this directory
WARNING: no executable found in SRC_mixer. Check compile.msg in this directory
WARNING: no executable found in SRC_nmr. Check compile.msg in this directory
WARNING: no executable found in SRC_nn. Check compile.msg in this directory
WARNING: no executable found in SRC_optic. Check compile.msg in this directory
WARNING: no executable found in SRC_optimize. Check compile.msg in this directory
WARNING: no executable found in SRC_orb. Check compile.msg in this directory
WARNING: no executable found in SRC_pairhess. Check compile.msg in this directory
WARNING: no executable found in SRC_qtl. Check compile.msg in this directory
WARNING: no executable found in SRC_reformat. Check compile.msg in this directory
WARNING: no executable found in SRC_sgroup. Check compile.msg in this directory
WARNING: no executable found in SRC_spacegroup. Check compile.msg in this directory
WARNING: no executable found in SRC_spaghetti. Check compile.msg in this directory
WARNING: no executable found in SRC_sumhfpara. Check compile.msg in this directory
WARNING: no executable found in SRC_sumpara. Check compile.msg in this directory
WARNING: no executable found in SRC_supercell. Check compile.msg in this directory
WARNING: no executable found in SRC_symmetry. Check compile.msg in this directory
WARNING: no executable found in SRC_symmetso. Check compile.msg in this directory
WARNING: no executable found in SRC_telnes3. Check compile.msg in this directory
WARNING: no executable found in SRC_tetra. Check compile.msg in this directory
WARNING: no executable found in SRC_Tmaker. Check compile.msg in this directory
WARNING: no executable found in SRC_txspec. Check compile.msg in this directory
WARNING: no executable found in SRC_vecpratt. Check compile.msg in this directory
WARNING: no executable found in SRC_w2w. Check compile.msg in this directory
cp: SRC_w2web/w2web and /home/akash/Soft/w2web are the same file
WARNING: no executable found in SRC_wplot. Check compile.msg in this directory
WARNING: no executable found in SRC_structeditor/SRC_ncmsymmetry. Check compile.msg in this
WARNING: no executable found in SRC_structeditor/SRC_readwrite. Check compile.msg in this
WARNING: no executable found in SRC_structeditor/SRC_struct2mol. Check compile.msg in this
WARNING: no executable found in SRC_structeditor/SRC_structgen. Check compile.msg in this