Tmp75e7 TMP
Tmp75e7 TMP
Tmp75e7 TMP
Plant disease resistance is one of the most desirable traits for agricultural production, especially in the
present time of fear over food production and crop security. Disease plays an important role in crop
production and quality of products. The one key factor of food security and production is plant disease
resistance. Several resistance gene(s) are reported from the same host range to overcome against
disease resistance. These resistance (R) genes are not durable in many cases because of rapid
changes in the pathogen population to overcome the resistance that they confer. For diagnosing such
type of situation, continuous search of durable resistance sources from across the genera/species are
desirable. Second type of resistance that is nonhost resistance has been described as inaccessibility.
Nonhost resistance is regarded as a robust protection against pathogenic microorganisms because of
its durability. The mechanisms of nonhost resistance could also be exploited to improve the resistance
in a range of crop plants. Recently several components of nonhost resistance have been identified but
such resistance is one of the least understood phenomenons in the area of plant microbe interaction.
Molecular mechanism of nonhost resistance is not fully understood. Though, nonhost resistance will
help biologist to engineer the plants for more durable resistance against important plant diseases.
Therefore, non-host resistance seems to be one avenue under consideration for significant
improvement of agriculture production in future.
Plants are sessile organisms, incapable of feeling the against the particular pathogenic attack. For this, plants
possibly harmful microorganisms. Defense of plants may have evolved mechanisms to perceive pathogen
against pathogen infections are broadly based on diverse attacks and to translate that perception into an adaptive
strategies. Plants possess a range of constitutive or response. In contrast to animals which possess specia-
inducible resistance mechanisms to defend themselves lized cells for defense, each individual plant cell possess
Abbreviations: HR, Hypersensitive response; Avr, Avirulence; NHR, nonhost resistance; TTSS, Type III secretion system.
4736 Afr. J. Microbiol. Res.
a preformed inducible defense capability for their pro- nonhost resistance. Host resistance to plant pathogen
tection. Host resistance is shown by a particular cultivar has been more thoroughly investigated, unlike non-host
within a plant species that as a whole is normally sus- resistance, because it is genetically accessible (Gilbert
ceptible to the pathogen. On the other hand, nonhost and Webb, 2007). This general case is termed as host
resistance is expressed by all members of a plant species resistance, specific resistance, genotypic resistance, or
to a particular pathogen. However, even susceptible cultivar resistance. Such resistance occurs when genetic
plants are capable of reacting in a way that may slow polymorphism for susceptibility is observed in the same
down growth of the pathogen. The presence of such plant taxon, i.e., some genotypes show heritable resis-
basal resistance was evidenced in Arabidopsis by the tance to a particular pathogen whereas other genotypes
isolation of enhanced disease susceptibility mutants in the same gene pool are susceptible. In resistant indivi-
(Heath, 2000). Extensive studies on gene for gene resis- duals, the pathogen may or may not multiply to some
tance have made it possible to clone > 40 Resistance (R) extent, but spread of the pathogen through the plant is
genes from plants (Martin et al., 2003). Such single domi- demonstrably restricted relative to susceptible hosts, and
nant R genes can be transferred within closely related disease symptoms generally are either highly localized or
species to protect the more agronomically useful crop are not evident. Host resistance, however, is usually
plants. Resistance conferred by single dominant R gene restricted to a particular pathogen species and is com-
is specific to a particular pathogen race that can express monly expressed against specific pathogen genotypes. In
the corresponding avirulance gene(s). Pathogen aviru- this case, plant specifically recognizes the invading
lance genes can be easily mutated or eliminated, and pathogen and active defense responses are induced that
hence protection conferred by R genes is not durable. lead to resistance. Elicitation of defense responses is
Drawing a discrete line between host and nonhost status mediated by the perception of pathogen signal molecules
is not always straight forward, since some plant and encoded by avirulence (Avr) genes only when the mat-
pathogen that is species combinations suggest marginal ching plant resistance (R) gene is present, which results
host or near-nonhost status, when only few accessions of in an incompatible interaction between resistant host and
a plant species are at most moderately susceptible to a avirulent pathogen. If the R and/or Avr gene is absent or
heterologous pathogen (Niks, 1987). It is generally con- nonfunctional, the interaction between host (susceptible)
cluded that the majority of plants are immune to the and pathogen (virulent) is compatible. As opposed to the
majority of microbes with pathogenic potential against the basal defense responses that often partially inhibit
pathogen those can infect two plant species in a habitat pathogens during colonization of the host plants, R-gene-
(Yun et al., 2003). Nonhost resistance (NHR) is displayed mediated resistance involves a rapid and effective
at the species level that is all cultivars of a plant are defense (Figure 1). Plant defends itself, as resistant
resistant to infection by all genotypes within a pathogen (immune) reaction when it comes in contact with a
species. Though nonhost resistance still remains poorly pathogenic agent to which the plant is not a host (Figure
understood, but some important progress has been made 1). This is known as nonhost resistance and is the most
in the recent year. Studies on the genetics of plant NHR common form of resistance (or defense from attack) in
identified critical components mediating cross-species nature and unsuccessful plant/pathogen interactions re-
resistance (Heath, 2002). present nonhost resistance (Fraser, 1990). In nonhost
Due to the durable immunity, the molecular mechanism resistance, all genotypes within a plant species show
of nonhost resistance in plants outside the host range of resistance or fail to be infected by a particular pathogen,
a particular pathogen has attracted much attention earlier, specifically signifies the state where genetic polymor-
which exerts broad-spectrum activity against the different phism for susceptibility to a particular pathogen has not
disease causing species. NHR, however, has proved been identified in a host taxon. Although underlying mec-
difficult to characterize as a result of the absence of a hanisms of nonhost resistance to pathogens are largely
tractable genetic system. It is thought to be genetically unknown and are likely as diverse for pathogen as they
complex, involving the deployment of both constitutive are for other classes of plant pathogens (Agrios, 1997).
and inducible defense responses, in combination with a For example, mango tree will not be infected when the
host physiology that may be routinely incompatible with pathogens of tomato, of wheat, or of citrus trees come in
pathogenesis. The present review is focused on recent contact to the above said plants, because the genetic
advances of nonhost resistance, its mechanism and makeup of mango tree is different to that of the host plant
components involved in nonhost resistance towards plant (tomato, wheat or citrus); are incompatible to each other
systems. and under that case due to that genetic constitution and
needs specific reaction site for induction of disease/
specificity. Similarly, the fungus that causes Fusarium wilt
BASIS OF HOST AND NONHOST RESISTANCE on pigeon pea (Fusarium udum), does not infect pigeon
Broad spectrum of host and non-host resistance pea, and so on unless it posses specificity for susceptible
host. Understanding the ways by which infection fails to
Resistance to different diseases of plants has historically nonhost plants may be particularly important for break
been classified into two major categories, (i) host and (ii) throughs in the development of plants with durable broad-
Shamim et al. 4737
Figure 1. Interaction and disease development phenomenon in plant by host resistance and
nonhost resistance
Figure 2. A. Resistance mechanism of the nonhost I, B. Resistance mechanism of the nonhost II to resist the pathogen.
in tobacco (Dawson and Hilf, 1992). In Figure 2A, the (Figure 2B). Similarities were reported between nonhost
general model for the mechanism of type I (non-HR- as well as in gene for gene resistance responses but it is
mediated) nonhost resistance is given. still not clear what mechanisms are involved in producing
these resistance responses. It has been reported that
some pathogens can conquer early obstacles by produ-
Type II nonhost (HR mediated) resistance cing detoxifying enzymes to overcome the toxic effect of
preformed antimicrobial plant secondary metabolites (Lu
Type II nonhost resistance is a more sophisticated plant et al., 2004). In the second phase of the plants, when it
defense mechanism than type I nonhost resistance and faces the pathogen, then the plant internal cellular sys-
phenotypically similar like as an incompatible gene-for- tem goes to defense surveillance. After that the plants
gene interaction. Unlike to type I nonhost resistance, type have evolved to recognize certain pathogen elicitors, either
II nonhost resistance is always associated with rapid in the plant cytoplasm or at the plant cell membrane, a
localized necrosis (HR). An elicitor(s) will be recognized defense mechanism is triggered to hyper sensitive res-
by the plant surveillance system and a defense reaction ponse. Such type of pathogen elicitors can be recognized
leading to HR will be activated. This will prevent the by plants to activate defense responses known as
further spread of the pathogen from the infected cell avirulence (Avr) proteins. Avr proteins when not recognized
Shamim et al. 4739
by plants can enhance the virulence of pathogens by the absence of variation in plant resistance and patho-
(Osbourn, 1996). Once a pathogen can overcome prefor- gen virulence, as well as by sexual incompatibility bet-
med and general elicitor induced barriers, fungal and ween host and non-host plants. Specific resistance has
oomycete pathogens can directly penetrate a plant cell been extensively studied in host pathosystems and typi-
whereas most plant bacterial pathogens inject virulence cally follows Flors gene-for-gene model. Resistance is
and avirulence proteins into the plant cell through a hrp determined by the simultaneous expression of pathogen
gene-encoded type III secretion system (TTSS). For fun- avirulence (Avr) gene with the corresponding plant resis-
gal and oomycete pathogens, the extracellular proteins tance gene, leading to the hypersensitive response (HR),
on the hyphae or secreted proteins serve as elicitors a general defense response of plants that includes apop-
whereas the injected avirulence proteins serve as elici- totic cell death (Nurnberger and Brunner, 2002). The ex-
tors for bacterial pathogens (Shan et al., 2004). tent to which the gene-for-gene model can be expanded
to non-host interactions remains unclear. However, in
many pathosystems, non-host resistance can be explained
MECHANISM OF RESISTANCE AND EXAMPLE OF by the occurrence of an arsenal of R genes that recog-
NONHOST RESISTANCE nize multiple or essential Avr genes (Dangl and Jones,
Mechanism and examples of nonhost resistance 1998). Although historically, the above classifications
have been quite stringent, plant pathologists have re-
In general, a pathogen lands on a nonhost plant, then it cently begun to appreciate major genetic and molecular
tries to enter the host tissue in search of nutrition for its intersections between the various types of plant immu-
biological activity. After landing, the pathogen will face nity. For example, genes such as NPR1 and EDS1/
plant barriers (known as passive defense mechanisms), PAD4, which encode key components of salicylic acid
the first barrier like cell walls, second antimicrobial com- mediated plant defense signaling, were found to be
pounds and other secondary metabolites (Hutcheson et essential for various types of disease resistance
al., 2001). Third barrier against the pathogen is the indu- (Kamoun, 2001). Likewise, global transcription profiling
cible plant defense responses (known as active defense revealed similar sets of genes whose expression is
mechanisms). After induction of the third barriers in altered during basal defense, R gene-triggered immunity
plants, it recognizes general elicitors from pathogen po- and in non-host interactions (Lipka et al., 2005; Caldo et
pulation in a nonspecific manner to activate its defense al., 2004). NB-LRR and PRR-triggered immunity contri-
machinery. In other way, plants can also recognize pa- bute to nonhost resistance such that with increasing
thogen surface molecules referred as pathogen-asso- phylogenetic divergence time between two plant species,
ciated molecular patterns (PAMPs), to induce innate the relative effectiveness of PRR-triggered immunity
immunity. PAMPs are shared among members of a increases whereas the relative contribution of NB-LRR
pathogen group and are known to induce innate immunity protein-triggered immunity decreases (Caldo et al., 2004;
in both plants and animals systems. Some of the plant Zimmerli et al., 2004). The other one mechanistic expla-
defense responses that are induced because of general nation for this could be that effectors from a given
elicitors and PAMPs include cell wall thickening, cell wall pathogen species fail to effectively suppress PRR-trig-
lignification, and accumulation of phenolics, production of gered immunity in nonhosts because their corresponding
saponins, and production of phytoalexins, papilla forma- host cellular targets have diverged in the nonhost to an
tion and induction of pathogensis related genes (Thordal- extent that impedes effective manipulation by the effector
Christensen, 2006). Like the host systems, nonhost repertoire. Additionally, the continuous co-evolutionary
interactions with pathogens can also mount/ induced a arms race between host-adapted pathogens and their
battery of induced barriers against pathogen infection. hosts appears to drive a more rapid evolution of NB-LRR
Arabidopsis is a nonhost for P. syringae pv. phaseolicola loci compared to the rest of plant genomes (Schulze-
and when infected with P. syringae pv. phaseolicola, it Lefert and Panstruga, 2011).
activates PR gene expression without any visible symp-
toms (Dawson and Hilf, 1992).
Specific resistance has been extensively studied in IDENTIFICATION OF NONHOST RESISTANCE
host pathosystems and typically follows Flors gene-for- GENE(S) AND NEW ADVANCEMENT IN THROUGH
gene model (Dixon, 2001), in which resistance is deter- MOLECULAR TOOLS
mined by the simultaneous expression of pathogen
avirulence (Avr) gene and the corresponding plant resis- Identification and advancement in nonhost
tance (R) gene. Most contemporary models of non-host resistance through molecular tools
resistance evoke a complex overlay of specific resistance
and nonspecific defense responses (Staskawicz et al., Mutants of Arabidopsis (A. thaliana) are used for the
1995). However, the extent to which the gene-for-gene identification of several genes that contribute to nonhost
model applies to non-host interactions remains unclear. A resistance against the barley powdery mildew fungus
classical genetic approach to this problem is hampered Blumeria graminis f. sp. hordei. The study then hypothe-
4740 Afr. J. Microbiol. Res.
sized that the multilayered nonhost resistance was found similar to many previously identified R genes (Zellerhoff
in plants, with the plant cell wall being the first and rapid et al., 2006). Most importantly, Rxo1 functions after trans-
cell death the second line of defense. In wild-type plants, fer as a transgene to rice, demonstrating the feasibility of
inappropriate pathogens to which Arabidopsis is a nonhost R gene transfer between cereals and providing a
nonhost are usually stopped at the preinvasive stage of valuable tool for controlling bacterial streak disease. The
penetration. This penetration resistance is associated function of Rxo1 in rice demonstrates that an NBS-LRR
with the formation of large cell wall appositions (papillae) type of R gene can be effectively transferred between
enriched in callose, lignin-like material, and hydrogen distantly related cereals. In similar experiments, maize
peroxide (Leister et al., 1998). Upon breaching of this first Rp1 genes, which are also NBS-LRR genes, did not func-
defense layer, pathogen growth is stopped by a hyper- tion in wheat and barley (Ramakrishna et al., 2002).
sensitive reaction of attacked cells, which is associated Other NBS-LRR R genes also have a restricted taxono-
with auto fluorescence and a hydrogen peroxide burst mic functionality (Zhao et al., 2005), although some
and which leads to cell death (Stein et al., 2006). aspects of their function can sometimes be detected after
Recently, it has been shown that genes of Arabidopsis transfer between distantly related species (Tai et al.,
identified to play an important role in nonhost resistance 1999). If other R genes function in heterologous cereal
against powdery mildews also contribute to resistance backgrounds, it will have a significant impact on strate-
against nonhost rust fungi such as Phakopsora gies to improve disease resistance in most crops. Con-
pachyrhizi (Schweizer, 2007). Arabidopsis NahG plants sidering that the NBS-LRR genes account for >1% of
have a defect in resistance to the non-host bacterial genes in the rice genome (Frost et al., 2004) and the
pathogen P. syringae pv. phaseolicola NPS3121 (Psp), thousands of different species of grasses, this could
suggesting that SA-mediated signaling is required for provide a deep resource of R genes to control different
non-host resistance to this pathogen. In light of the phytopathogens. In the case of Rxo1, the maize gene
phenotypic differences between NahG and SA-signaling confers broad resistance to a diverse group of X. oryzae.
mutants (Loehrer et al., 2008), further investigation of the pv. oryzicola strains in rice (Monosi et al., 2004), where
role of SA signaling in nonhost resistance to Psp ob- no R genes for this disease are known in host species.
served that resistance of Arabidopsis to Psp was affected Some of the identified nonhost specific genes have novel
only in NahG plants and not in other genotypes with functions when compared with known host-specific resis-
defects in SA signaling (Lu et al., 2001). Therefore, non- tance and defense-related genes, respectively, revealing
host resistance to Psp is independent of SA signaling. In the existence of separate signaling and effector compo-
the nonhost interactions of barley with inappropriate rust nents (Mysore and Ryu, 2004). Some insights were also
fungi, a better understanding of the genetic basis of gained on the nature of elicitors leading to host species-
nonhost resistance was achieved recently by accumu- specificity of Magnaporthe grisea (Murakami et al., 2003)
lating susceptibility alleles in a series of consecutive and X. oryzae (Sweigard et al., 1995) suggesting that in
crosses, which resulted in two barley lines with essen- some cases major genes appear to control host speci-
tially full susceptibility to nonhost rusts (Wees and ficity and are likely to be recognized by specific plant
Glazebrook, 2003). It was concluded, therefore, that receptors, yet to be identified.
nonhost resistance, at least to rust fungi, might depend Molecular mechanisms underlying HR of rice to its
on a complex and functionally redundant set of genes in bacterial pathogen Xoc is mediated by a nonhost maize
barley. Barley (Hordeum vulgare subsp. vulgare) has R gene. Rxo1 were investigated using a microarray expe-
been reported to be a nonhost to the wheat powdery riment and a pair of transgenic and non-transgenic rice
mildew fungus Blumeria graminis f. sp. tritici, the wheat lines. Rxo1 appeared to function in the very early step of
leaf rust (Rust) fungus Puccinia triticina, and isolate the interaction between rice and Xoc, and could speci-
CD180 (CD) from the genus Magnaporthe that is asso- fically activate large numbers of genes involved in signal-
ciated with the host Pennisetum species (Atienza et al., ling pathways leading to HR and some basal defensive
2004). pathways such as SA and ET pathways. In the former
A maize R gene recognizes a rice pathogen, Xanthomonas case, Rxo1 appeared to differ from the typical host R
oryzae pv. oryzicola, which causes bacterial streak genes in that it could lead to HR without activating NDR1.
disease in rice. Although X. o. pv. oryzicola does not In the later cases, Rxo1 was able to induce a unique
cause disease on maize, though identified Rxo1 gene, a group of set of WRKY transcription factor genes and a
maize plant gene, conditions a resistance reaction to a large set of genes encoding PPR proteins that share the
diverse collection of pathogenic strains of X. oryzae. pv. same G-box in their promoter regions with possible func-
oryzicola. Surprisingly, Rxo1 also controls resistance to tions in post transcriptional regulation. Some key genes
the unrelated pathogen Burkholderia andropogonis, which that function in the downstream of Rxo1 were identified,
causes bacterial stripe of sorghum and maize. The same including OsNPR1 and OsPR1. Results elucidated some
gene also controls resistance reactions to both host interesting aspects on the molecular mechanism of the
pathogens and nonhost pathogens of maize. Rxo1 has a non-host resistance of rice mediated by Rxo1 and provi-
nucleotide-binding site leucine-rich repeat structure, simi- ded useful information to understand the evolution of
Shamim et al. 4741
plant resistance genes (Zhao et al., 2004; Zhou et al., Heath MC (2000). Hypersensitive response-related death. Plant Mol.
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2010). Heath MC (2002). Nonhost resistance in plants to microbial pathogens.
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sis, to a better understanding of the genes and pathways Immunity, Humana Press, Totowa, NJ. pp. 47-57.
underlying nonhost resistance. The molecular basis of Holub EB, Cooper A (2004). Matrix, reinvention in plants: how genetics
nonhost resistance is of obvious interest due to its is unveiling secrets of non-host disease resistance. Trends Plant Sci.
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durability, and potential transfer of this resistance mecha- Hutcheson SW, Bretz J, Sussan T, Jin S, Pak K (2001). The enhancer
nism(s) by transgenic approach to crop plants that are binding protein HrpR and HrpS interact to regulate hrp-encoded type
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better resistance. Future, research to find additional Kamoun S (2001). Nonhost resistance to Phytophthora: Novel
nonhost resistance gene against the important pathogens prospects for a classical problem. Curr. Opin. Plant Biol. 4: 295-300.
requires inter discipline approaches of genomics, struc- Leister D, Kurth J, Laurie DA, Yano M, Sasaki T, Devos Graner A,
tural biology, advanced genomics and bioinformatics Schulze-Lefert P (1998). Rapid reorganization of resistance gene
homologues in cereal genomes. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 95: 370-
tools. Genomics approaches will contribute by identifying 375.
candidate nonhost gene(s) and their determination of the Lipka V, Dittgen J, Bednarek P, Bhat R, Wiermer M, Stein M, Landtag J,
positive selection. Structural biology is essential to Brandt W, Rosahl S, Scheel D, Llorente F, Molina A, Parker J,
understand the mode of interaction and inhibition of the Somerville S, Schulze-Lefert P (2005). Pre and post invasion
defenses both contribute to nonhost resistance in Arabidopsis.
pathogen. Advanced proteomics includes not only the
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sensitive pull down array to identifying and interaction but Loehrer M, Langenbach C, Goellner K, Conrath U, Schaffrath U (2008).
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nation of pathogen and non-host interaction. The potential soybean Rust. Mol. Plant Microbe Interact. 21: 1421-1430.
Lu G, Jantasuriyarat C, Zhou B, Wang GL (2004). Isolation and
of finding additional non-host gene(s) for the important
characterization of novel defense response genes involved in
pathogens is tremendous for better disease resistance. compatible and incompatible interactions between rice and
For all given the clear action of mechanism of action of Magnaporthe grisea. Theor. Appl. Genet. 108: 525-534.
the non-host resistance may be the additional layers of Lu M, Tang X, Zhou JM (2001). Arabidopsis NHO1 is required for
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battlefield to the non-host resistance. Martin GB, Bogdanove AJ, Sessa G (2003). Understanding the
functions of plant disease resistance proteins. Ann. Plant Biol. 54:
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Monosi B, Wisser RJ, Pennill L, Hulbert SH (2004). Full-genome
analysis of resistance gene homologues in rice. Theor. Appl. Genet.
109: 434-447.
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Kumarganj, Faizabad, for excellent technical assistance. toward foxtail millet using a genetic cross between isolates from
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Mysore KS, Ryu CM (2004). Nonhost resistance: How much do we
Delhi, Govt. of India, for the support as MAKA fellowship. know? Trends Plant Sci. 9: 97-104.
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