Double Contrast Upper GI Examination - Technique and Interpretation PDF
Double Contrast Upper GI Examination - Technique and Interpretation PDF
Double Contrast Upper GI Examination - Technique and Interpretation PDF
spot radiographs may be obtained dur- exposed during continuous drinking, each radiograph are summarized in Ta-
ing this maneuver. to permit optimal distention of the dis- ble 1. With some experience, the fluo-
11. By this time, barium usually has tal esophagus and gastroesophageal roscopist should be able to complete
emptied into the duodenum. The pa- junction. the study in 2-4 minutes of fluoroscopy
tient is turned into an LPO position for 14. With the patient in a prone or time and about 10 minutes of room
four-on-one double-contrast spot radio- RAO position, four-on-one spot radio- time. When a lesion is suspected at flu-
graphs of the duodenal bulb and de- graphs of the gastric antrum and duo- oroscopy, the double-contrast examina-
scending duodenum (Fig Id). If the denal bulb are obtained with varying tion should be tailored to demonstrate
bulb is inadequately distended with degrees of compression using an inflat- the lesion both en face and in profile.
gas or obscured by barium, the table able balloon or other prone compres- In many cases, flow technique and
may need to be elevated to a fully up- sion device positioned beneath the pa- prone or upright compression views
right position. This maneuver causes tient's abdomen. These views are im- may also be needed to better delineate
barium to pool in the antrum or de- portant for showing depressed or a suspected abnormality. Ultimately,
scending duodenum and air to rise into protruded lesions on the anterior wall each radiologist must develop his or
the duodenal bulb, which tends to as- of the stomach or duodenum. her own routine for performing the ex-
sume a vertical configuration, so that 15. The patient is turned onto the left amination. While individual maneu-
adequate double-contrast views of the side and then onto the back, so that vers or filming sequences may vary,
bulb usually can be obtained. barium pools in the fundus. The gastro- the end result should be a high-quality
12. An upright LPO spot radiograph esophageal junction is then monitored double-contrast examination.
of the stomach is obtained for an addi- with fluoroscopy as the patient turns
tional double-contrast view of the fun- slowly to the right, in order to demon-
dus. strate spontaneous gastroesophageal re-
Problems and Pitfalls
13. The table is lowered to the hori- flux. A straight-leg raising maneuver or Esop/lngus.-Technical factors related
zontal position, and the patient drinks Valsalva maneuver can also be per- to the amount of barium and gas in the
a low-density barium suspension in a formed to elicit reflux. esophagus may greatly affect the quali-
prone RAO position. To assess esopha- 16. The patient is returned to the ty of the double-contrast examination.
geal peristalsis, the patient is instructed right lateral position, and the table is Because double-contrast radiographs of
to take single swallows of barium, so fully elevated for four-on-one upright the esophagus are obtained with the
that the entire peristaltic sequence can spot radiographs of the barium-filled patient in an upright position, pooling
be evaluated with fluoroscopy. A single stomach and duodenum with varying of barium in the distal portion of the
three-on-one or two two-on-one spot degrees of compression. esophagus may obscure mucosal detail
radiographs of the esophagus are then The filming sequence and purpose of in this region. As barium enters the