Description of Learning Goals, Standards, Objectives: Cc/Gpss

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NAME: Tyrea Price

Lesson Title: Lets Chat About Matter!

Grade Level: 2nd Grade

Subject: Physical Science

Description of Learning Goals, Standards, Objectives
CC/GPSs: S2P1. Students will investigate the properties of matter and changes that
occur in objects.
a. Identify the three common states of matter as solid, liquid, or gas.
b. Investigate changes in objects by tearing, dissolving, melting,
squeezing, etc.
National Technology 6b: Students create original works or responsibly repurpose or remix
Standards: digital resources into new creations.
6c: Students communicate complex ideas clearly and effectively by
creating or using a variety of digital objects such
as visualizations, models or simulations.
6d: Students publish or present content that customizes the message and
medium for their intended audiences.
7c: Students contribute constructively to project teams, assuming
various roles and responsibilities to work effectively toward a common

Long-Term Learning Students will learn about matter, mass, and volume. Students will
Goal or Outcome: be able to describe changes in objects and changes in states of
matter based on their shape and physical properties.
ABCD Objectives or The learner will be able to define matter.
Outcomes: The learner will understand the concept of volume and identify
how much space matter takes up.
The learner will be able to provide concrete examples that
represent the states of matter.

Description of Assessment
Assessment Plan: Show What You Know Chart
Students draw picture of their snack or another food that represents a
sold, liquid, gas, and two facts about it.
Oral & Written Quiz

Activity Design:
Discussion will be held about what students ate
for breakfast this morning. During this time
Class starter and lesson connection: snacks could be provided. With everyone having
the same snacks, such as yogurt, juice, and a
granola bar, or a fruit cup, students will answer
and ask a partner questions about their snack
and its state of matter and what they know about
that state and record the information in a chart.

Teacher and student activities: Students will stand up in their seats and be
assigned groups based on the three states of
matter (Solid, Liquid, Gases)
The students will be asked to move around the
room as if they were molecules taking the shape
of the state of matter they have been assigned.
Students will be assigned state of matter one by
one and will join the demonstration as they asses
the shape the state of matter they are pretending
to be takes. Students identified as gas will be
instructed to float around the room at their own
will, while holding a balloon. Solid students will
stand in areas marked by tape in shapes of
solids such as a ball (circle) or a chocolate bar
(square) accompanied by pictures the objects.
Liquids will walk around the perimeter of the
rooms with water bottles with additions such as
glitter, dye, etc.) Activity accompanied with music,
different phases called on to move or stop
moving, where to move, etc.

Technology Connection: Students will use the Garage Band app on an

iPod to record a short song about one state of
The lyrics will include the state of matter, the
shapes it takes and one example.
Materials and Resources: Lyrics may be provided.


Reflection on Lesson Design

Future Actions :
I would try to incorporate a way to
emphasize vocabulary during activities so
that students will be able to make further
connections. If there was more time, I would
provide a pre-recorded track or a karaoke
sing along that teaches students about matter.
Instead of a song, a video could be recorded
while completing the activity to go along
with the lyrics.
The artifact showcases students abilities to
recite, write, and perform lyrics and also
record them within an app that allows them
to utilize and combine different instruments.

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