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Primary Sources Assignment Jenniper Hylbert

My research topic: The Effects of Physical Activity in the Classroom

Reference Citation Key Article Components Key Article Components
APA cited source My primary research question My sub question is My sub question
isWhat are the effects of How doe PA affect isHow does PA
physical activity in the regular academics? effect behavior?
1 Larsen, J. K., Kleinjan, Topic: Examine the association Higher BMI seems to A move to a lower
M., Engels, R. C. M. E., between BMI and educational negatively affect the level of Dutch
Fisher, J. O., & level. academic performance education was
Hermans, R. (2014). Participants: 2,051 Dutch of 7th and 8th graders, and also associated
Higher weight, lower students from 7 randomly selected students who regularly with cigarette
education: A longitudinal secondary schools (7th and 8th eat breakfast and smoking,
association between grade, and parents for surveys. exercise can breakfast
adolescents' body mass Methods: Large-scale longitudinal immediately lower skipping,
index and their study concerning BMI, bullying, educational levels alcohol use, and
subsequent educational and educational level. depressive
achievement level? Findings: Students who decreased feelings.
Journal of School educational level also had an
Health, 84(12), 769-776. increase in weight.

2 Delk, J., Springer, A. E., Topic: Study the exposure to Not all teachers need to do 55 AB activities
Kelder, S. H., & program, self-efficacy, and use of AB. It should be a were used, but
Grayless, M. (2014). the CATCH program. school wide imitative in study suggests
Promoting teacher Participants: order to get 60 minutes repetition of AB
adoption of physical Methods: 30 Central Texas a day or AB. caused boredom.
activity breaks in the middle schools were matched with Training + facilitator Social Marketing
classroom: Findings of one of three study conditions in support lead to better campaign
the central Texas catch order to increase PA training results in teachers positively peer
middle school project. only, training plus support adopting AB in their pressured
Journal of School Halth, planning, and training/facilitator classrooms as opposed teachers to be
84(11), 722-730. plus social marketing campaign to to just training. active.
promote PA Conclusion, the more
Finding training and support to
teachers, the more a
teacher will implement
AB in the classroom.

3 Erwin, H., Fedewa, A., & Topic: The effects of Intervention groups 20 minutes of PA
Ahn, S. (2012). Student implementing PA in reading and scores kept rising with per day did not
academic performance math curriculum. the implemented PA. distract student
outcomes of a classroom Participants: 29 third grade Control groups scores performance
physical activity students assigned to two groups. dipped down, without outcomes.
intervention: A pilot Methods: Quasi-experimental PA.
study. International design -1 control group and Reading scores dropped at
Electronic Journal of 1experimental group Time 2 and were up in
Elementary Education, Findings: Time 1 and 3.
4(3), 473-487. However, the control
groups drop was more
4 Finn, K. E., & McInnis, K. Topic: Analyze female student s Students felt Students felt
J. (2014). Teachers and and teacher perceptions on They understood graphs They enjoyed PA
students perceptions of integrating movement in a middle more. Healthier with PA.
the active science school science class. They understood the More alert with
curriculum: Participants: 47 fifth and sixth scientific method more. PA.
Incorporating physical grade female students and two They understood health Teachers saw
activity into middle middle school science teachers and fitness more. More positive
school science Methods: Mixed method
They understood over, attitudes with
classrooms. Physical exploratory research: Individual
body health more. students
Educator, 71(2) interviews, focus group interviews,
and questionnaires. Tech devices
Findings: Students enjoyed PA, helped students
learned science content, and liked track their PA
the use of technology. Teachers in a positive
felt science knowledge improved, way.
students used technology, and More focused with
incorporation was feasible. PA.

5 Haun, D. B. M. (2011). Topic: Are there cross-cultural I am not sure how this Again, I am not
Memory for body differences between memorizing study would demonstrate sure how this
movements in Namibian body movements allocentrically or academic differences, study would
hunter-gatherer children. egocentrically? according to movement, demonstrate
Journal of Cognitive Participants: 26 Namibian other than how I position behavior results,
Education & students ranging from age 3-14. students for learning, other than I should
Psychology, 10(1), 56- Methods: Asked student to might produce different be awared that my
62. perform two simple dances, one academic outcomes. directions allow
doi:10.1891/19458959.1 that moved arms away, and one for differences,
0.1.56 that moved arms toward them, movements,
then rotated them 180 degrees and whether
asked them to repeat the dance. egocentric or
Findings: Body movement and allocentric.
memorization direction was based
on the structure, not cross-cultural

6 Hogan, L., Bengoechea, E. Topic: Development of a school- There was no evidence The school
G., Salsberg, J., Jacobs, based physical activity (PA) policy whether academics wellness policies
J., King, M., & Participants: 14 people on the improved or not. were created and
Macaulay, A. C. (2014). policy committee in addition to studieds in a
Using a participatory surveying the Kahnawake participatory
approach to the community. manner, which
development of a Methods: Qualitative case study demonstrates how
school-based physical using a focus group, student community
activity policy in an photovoice, 2 student physical involvement is
indigenous community. activity surveys, and a important for its
Journal of School questionnaire. creation and
Health, 84(12), 786-792. Findings: Specific themes arose understanding the
that were turned into a health themes of physical
policy for the school district. activity and
7 Howie, E. K., Brewer, A. Topic: Effects of classroom Kids were less satisfied Teachers thought
E., Dowda, M., McIver, exercise breaks with sedentary students would
K. L., Saunders, R. P., & Participants: 96 fourth and fifth conditions. be riled- up after
Pate, R. R. (2016). A graders, plus nine teachers. Most enjoyable was the the exercise, but
tale of 2 teachers: A Methods: Mixed methods: focus five-minute, then ten were surprised
preschool physical groups & coded video footage. minute, then 20 to see positive
activity intervention Findings: minutes. results.
case study. Journal of Some felt 20 minutes Students looked
School Health, 86(1), made them tired, and 5 forward to the
23-30. minutes was too short. breaks.
Students felt focused, and Some teachers felt
awake to learn. the pressure of
curriculum and
tests and said the
breaks should be
fully integrated
into curriculum

8 Kamijo, K., Pontifex, M. Topic: Intervention aimed at When PA increases, Behavior was not
B., O'Leary, K. C., improving cardiovascular fitness cognitive function addressed by
Scudder, M. R., Wu, C., in preadolescent children, in an increases along with this study.
Castelli, D. M., et al. after school program. brain health. This study
(2011). The effects of an Participants: 43 children between shows that academic
afterschool physical 7 and 9 years old, randomly achievement improves
activity program on assigned to an afterschool physical with physical activity
working memory in activity program. No special training because the
preadolescent children. education students. function of working
Developmental Science, Methods: 9 month randomized memory is necessary.
14(5), 1046-1058. controlled study tested Some cognitive tasks
cardiorespiratory fitness, cognitive decreased, but a
tasks, and EEG activity was limitation suggests it
recorded. Children were given 70 may have been an
intermittent minutes of PA for 150 impulse response.
days, during the school year. Demographics had no
Findings: Increase in effect.
cardiorespiratory, and working

9 Kercood, S., & Banda, D. Topic: Effects of physical activity Students with learning Students admitted
R. (2012). The effects of in the classroom using therapy disabilities or attention that sitting on
added physical activity balls to sit on versus doodling to disorders only showed the exercise ball
on performance during a improve listening comprehension. an increase in accuracy kept them awake
listening comprehension Participants: 2 girls, 2 boys, ages while they were in and forced them
task for students with 10-12. 1 girl and 1 boy had a intervention. When to pay attention.
and without attention learning disability or attention intervention stopped,
problems. International deficit, where the other two their performance 3 out the 4
Journal of Applied children didnt have any diagnosis. declined. subjects
Educational Studies, Methods: Given four WJ-III preferred the
13(1), 19-32. subtests and given a pencil and The only student whose doodling as
paper multiple choice test that performance increased opposed to the
corresponded with a prerecorded was the one boy, without exercise ball.
story. (Single subject alternating a diagnosed disability.
treatment design)
Findings: Both the therapy balls
and the doodling increased
attention and speed, but not
1 Kirk, S. M., Vizcarra, C. Topic: Effects of increased Alliteration improved with In the study,
0 R., Looney, E. C., & physical activity in a Head Start physical activity, which students
Kirk, E. P. (2014). Using program and literacy such as may affect 5th grade indicated they
physical activity to teach picture naming, alliteration, and literacy. enjoyed the
academic content: A rhyming. physical activity
study of the effects on Participants: 72 African and teachers
literacy in head start American children, mean age 3.8 indicated they
preschoolers. Early years, low socioeconomic urban, would
Childhood Education Head Start Program with learners participate in the
Journal, 42(3), 181-189. who were below the poverty line. program again.
Also, 14 teachers.
Methods: 6 month, Quasi-
experimental designed study with
1 control group and 1 intervention
Findings: Adding 30 minutes of
quality physical activity lead to
academic increases in Picture
Naming, and Alliteration. There
were no improvements for
11 Kwon, S., Mason, M., & Topic: Effects of race or ethnicity Boys achieved 9 more Students in
Welch, S. (2015). on PA during school hours for 5th minutes of MVPA a day Hispanic schools
Physical activity of fifth and 6th graders? than girls. had less activity
to sixth graders during Participants: 538 5th and 6th grade Still, students only got 19 than those in
school hours according students, in 14 public schools in minutes a day of MVPA Black schools.
to school Suburban Cook County in school.
Race/Ethnicity: Methods: Wear an accelerometer Hispanic schools had less Lower MVPA
Suburban cook county, for 4 consecutive school days. activity for both boy and cannot be
Illinois. Journal of Findings: Boys and girls in girls. explained by
School Health, 85(6), Hispanic school had 10-14 minutes lower economic
Black boys had 45 minutes
382-387. less activity than similar peers in status.
less of activity than
white schools.
white boys.

1 Mullender-Wijnsma, M., Topic: Would 15 minutes of math Students academic scores On task behavior
2 Hartman, E., de Greeff, & 15 minutes of language physical increased in math and remained about
J. W., Bosker, R. J., activity that corresponded the language when they the same, with
Doolaard, S., & lesson, affect their scores. spent 15 minutes of or without
Visscher, C. (2015). Participants: 228 children. Mean vigorous exercise in both physical activity,
Improving academic age was 8.1, from second or third areas, when in 3rd. grade. but researchers
performance of school- grade, 6 elementary schools from For 2nd grade, scores were happy with
age children by physical the northern Netherlands. declined in math when the 70% on task.
activity in the Methods: matched with vigorous
classroom: 1-year Findings: Math and reading scores exercise.
program evaluation. were significantly higher in 3rd The conclusion is that
Journal of School grade, but math scores were lower physical exercise worked
Health, 85(6), 365-371. in 2nd grade, on task behavior was better with memorization
over 70%, and 64% of the time activities and repetition
was spent on vigorous physical of concepts.

1 Sofo, S., & Asola, E. F. Topic: Examine the barriers Lack of resources could Large class that
3 (2015). Perceived teachers have with implementing also be a factor with ranged from 12-
barriers to teaching physical activity, whether gender teacher in America, like 161 students
movement and physical of the teacher is a factor, or it is in Ghana. impeded
activity to professional qualifications have an Lack of movement related affective
kindergarteners in influence. strategies could be a physical activity.
Ghana. Journal of Participants: 79 Kindergarten factor, like it is in
Education and Practice, teachers from the upper west Ghana. Typically student
6(36), 134-10. region of Ghana Teaching training did not teacher ratio was
Methods: Questionnaire with a 5- make a difference on 151:1.
point Likert scale. movement in the
Findings classroom.
1 Shoval, E., & Shulruf, B. Topic: The effects of small group, High achievers had to help PA learners
4 (2011). Who benefits cooperative learning while low achievers in open- achieved higher,
from cooperative integrating movement when ended group math tasks. academically
learning with movement learning about angles (math). In the beginning, passive than socially
activity? School Participants: 158 learners from learning showed higher active learners.
Psychology five second grade and five third results, but at the end of (This is a big
International, 32(1), 58- grade classrooms for ten lessons. the study, physical study for me,
72. Methods: Structured observation activity won out and since I want to
doi:10.1177/014303431 and pre and post achievement produced higher scores. investigate
0396806 tests. movement
Findings: Higher academic within
achievement, regardless of curriculum that
previous achievement when is specific to
learners experienced PA as learning
opposed to passive or social objectives.)
activity. Used z-scores for
behavior. (I
investigate this

1 Webster, C. A., Erwin, H., Topic: Can pre-service classroom Study did not address Teacher
5 & Parks, M. (2013). attitudes about movement in the student academics. willingness to
Relationships between and classroom change with practice, integrate
changes in pre-service reflection, and positive feedback? movement 4-5
classroom teachers' Participants: 103 pre-service days per week
efficacy beliefs, teachers rose from 67%
willingness to integrate Methods: Uncontrolled pre-post to 76%.
movement, and perceived design (Practice teaching with After study,
barriers to movement students, reflection journals, and teachers till
integration. Physical positive feedback form mentors) perceived
Educator, 70(3), 314-335. Findings: barriers such as
lack of class
time and class
Teachers were
positive after
the training and
1 Goh, T. L., Hannon, J.,
6 Webster, C. A., Podlog,
L. W., Brusseau, T., &
Newton, M. (2014).
Effects of a classroom-
based physical activity
program on children's
physical activity levels.
Journal of Teaching in
Physical Education,
33(4), 558-572. Retrieved

Total Points Received: _________________________________________

Personal Notes
AB: Activity Breaks
PA: Physical Activity
PST: Pre-service Teachers

1. Teachers efficacy beliefs (implementation, type, training, time, teacher education level, and time
2. Effect on academics (memory, math scores, reading scores, grade level, alliteration, and picture
3. Effect on student attitude (happiness, focus, and staying awake)
4. Effect on physical (BMI, cardiovascular, type of movement, and time on physical task)


APA format included everything but the online URL source, since were told not to add that for our
notes, but I did include the doi since it was typically smaller. Otherwise, my resources are catalogued in
REFWORKS in proper APA format and will be included in the bibliography. Also, I realized that some of
my articles were fantastic resources and related to my study, but werent published within the last five
years. In lieu of that information, I saved those particle studies for my full biography composite.
Also, there were great implementation articles, that werent studies, but I found them helpful to
steering me toward reputable and peer reviewed studies. Either way, it took a very long time to sift
through the articles, group them by theme, and make sense of the direction I wanted to take in my
research. Already, my ideas have been modified since my first EDUC 601 class and I anticipate they will
continue to change.

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