Finallessonplan-Samanthamack 4

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VAE 101 FINAL Lesson Plan

Project photo is
attached to the Lesson Title: __Nature Scene Art Project _______________
back. Length of Lesson: __30-35 minutes______________________
Teacher: _Samantha Mack_________________________
Grade Level: 2nd

How do you know Most students will already have scissor skills to cut out the small tissue paper pieces,
this project is as well as the tree or nature design. Also, they will be able to use glue bottles to paste
appropriate for the tissue paper pieces onto the background paper.
the grade level?

Ohio Visual Arts 1PR Explore and experiment with a range of art materials and tools to create and
Learning communicate personal meaning.
Standards: 4PR Demonstrate flexibility in their creative processes and use of art materials
4PE Identify and point out visual art and design elements and principles in their own
artworks and in those of others using art vocabulary

Objective SWBAT explore art materials such as tissue paper, paint, and paper to create a scene
(SWBAT): in nature.
Should be able to SWBAT produce a piece of artwork that includes positive and negative space.
be assessed!!!! SWBAT describe elements of art and design in their own art projects.
Dont forget to
add what are the
students actually

Materials: White construction paper

Cite your sources Black construction paper
for information Tissue paper (all colors except black)
and images! Scissors
Glue bottles
Tempera Paint

Vocabulary: Positive Space- main focus of the picture

Negative Space-background of the picture
Contrast-Arrangement of opposite elements, such as dark vs. light colors
Symmetrical-Made up of exactly the same parts facing each other, on axis

Essential How can the background colors be connected to nature? (i.e.-leaves, changing colors)
Question(s): What other elements of nature show elements of art and design?
Pushes learning

Procedures: Time (minutes) Instructional Procedures/Activity

1 minute 1. Show already completed scene in nature.
Should be STEP BY
3 minutes 2. Ask class what type of objects and things are seen in
a. Explain that we will be creating a
Think of it as a
scene in nature, specifically one that incorporates
cooking show.
negative and positive space and contrast.
Whats the recipe?
Someone else
3 minutes 3. Pass out white paper to each student, set tissue
should be able
paper, glue bottles, paint, palettes, brushes, and water in
read your
center of tables.
procedures and
a. Have every student write their name
teach it to a class
on the back of the white paper. Explain that first we
will be cutting the tissue paper into pieces that will
be glued onto the background OR if painting, will
paint background.
b. Go over scissor safety-Only cut tissue
paper, not ourselves, our hair, or our neighbors.
When painting do not paint on ourselves, the table,
or others, only paint on the white paper.
5-7 minutes 4. After everyone cuts out their desired tissue paper
pieces, explain the glue safety. Do not glue your
hands, neighbors, or table, only put glue on the white
paper-demonstrate in front of class. Use only a small
amount of glue, line the entire paper.
1 minutes 5. After everyone is done with their background, set
them aside to dry. Pass out pieces of black paper.
5-7 minutes 6. Explain that we will be creating the main focus of
the scene, with a design from nature. Students can choose
whatever element of nature they would like. Use tree for
example. Have students draw out the design in pencil for
easier cutting.
a. MODIFICATION-Have students fold
black paper in half, then cut design on one side to
create a symmetrical design.
b. After everyone has drawn and cut out
design, glue the black paper onto dried background.
c. Set to dry
10 minutes 7. Have students hold up artwork to show everyone.
Look for and discuss elements of art and design in each
final product. Show the positive and negative space.
a. Show line, contrast, colors, and
5 minutes possible symmetry.
8. Clean up materials, wash off tables, wash water
bowls, brushes, and glue bottles if necessary. Clean up
tissue paper off floor.

Final Visual Students will have a scene in nature with a background of colorful tissue paper,
Outcome paint, or both. The main focus of the picture will be a black paper cut out of an object
Description: of nature.
We should be able
to picture this in
our minds!

Explain how this This is a rich art project because the students are learning about negative and
is a rich art positive space, contrast, and working on fine motor skills. They are able to take
project / overall, something they have experienced or know about nature and apply in a hands-on
what are the approach.
students learning?

Is this project This project is teacher guided as the students are given a variety of materials with a
Teacher Directed, main theme of nature. By giving tissue paper and tempera paint as options for the
Teacher Guided, background it allows the students to freely choose what materials they want. Also,
or Child the ability to choose what specific object in nature they would like to represent, it
Centered? gives the students the ability to make the project their own, while still keeping the
main focus on nature.
Explain how you

Why did you I really liked the idea of using tissue paper in an art project as it can be manipulated
choose this for students who are having difficulties, specifically giving already cut pieces. Also,
project? the project has a lot of different elements that can be discussed such as negative and
positive space, contrast, and elements of art and design.

VAE 101 Lesson Plan

Lesson Title: ___Nature Scene Art Project ______________
Length of Lesson: ___30-35 minutes ______________
Teacher: __Samantha
Mack _______________

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