Energy Management System (EMS)

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The document discusses PCS-9000, an energy management system developed by NR Electric to improve grid efficiency and reliability. It includes components like SCADA, AGC, and applications for monitoring, control, and optimization of generation and transmission systems.

PCS-9000 is an energy management system that utilities can use to monitor, control, and optimize performance of generation and transmission systems. It is based on modern standards and includes components like SCADA, AGC, and applications for functions like economic dispatch and load forecasting.

PCS-9000 includes a unified application supporting platform and functions like SCADA, AGC, PAS, DTS, AVC, WAMS, OMS and web applications. It can integrate with other systems using common standards.

Energy Management System

A Comprehensive Management System to Improve Grid Efficiency

and Network Reliability

NR Electric Corporation
PCS-9000 Introduction 1

Application Supporting Platform (ASP) 4


Automatic Generation Control (AGC) 8

Power Application Software (PAS) 10

Automatic Voltage Control (AVC) 13

Wide Area Measurement System (WAMS) 14

Dispatcher Training Simulator (DTS) 15

Operation Management System (OMS) 16

PCS-9000 energy management system (EMS) is a computer-aided tool used by
operators of electric utility grids to monitor, control, and optimize the performance
of the generation and/or transmission system. It adopts advanced network
management, object-oriented database and visualized cross-platform technology.
The system operates based on the latest IEC61970 standard, providing a unified
application platform for large scale energy management of power enterprises.

The PCS-9000 energy management system includes SCADA, Automatic

Generation Control (AGC), Power Advanced Software (PAS), Dispatching Training
System (DTS), AVC, WAMS, OMS and WEB applications. It also can be easily
integrated with other systems conformed to IEC61970 standard to protect the
existing investments and reduce function redundancy.

PCS-9000 contains two parts:

Unified Application Supporting Platform (ASP)

PCS-9000 unified application supporting platform(ASP) provides powerful and

universal services for distributed real-time database management, coordinated
man-machine interactive interface, network information transmission, inter-
process communication, system management and alarm service etc. It can
be transplanted and distributed on various hardware platform structures. Each
application function constructed on the basis of PCS-9000 ASP is a building block
that can be integrated with other functions or implemented separately. 1

Electric power system applications based on ASP Functions

PCS-9000 Energy Management System provides full Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA)
series power system applications to improve power Data processing
system management level. Its modular functions can Reserved capacity supervision
be easily customized to meet the demands of control Control and regulation
centers. In addition, the PCS-9000 energy management Sequence of event
system is extensible for function upgrade to satisfy user Data calculation and statistics assessment
demands in the future. Trend curves
Post disturbance review
PCS-9000 system typical configuration scheme is shown Event and alarm
in Figure 1. PCS-9000 series products include: Historical functions
PCS-9000 Energy Management System Blocking and unblocking
PCS-9001 Tele-Meter Reading System Labeling
PCS-9002 Distribution Management System Topological coloring
PCS-9003 Dispatching Operation Management System Shift takeover management
PCS-9009 Fault Recorder Management System Clock synchronization
PCS-9500 HVDC Protection And Control System SCADA database modeling
PCS-9501 SVC Monitoring System Manual data input
PCS-9005 Damage Relay Management System Network-Oriented function

Automatic Generation Control(AGC)

Load frequency control
Economic Dispatch
LFC performance Monitor
Reserve Monitor
Generation scheduling
Transaction scheduling
Super short-term load forecasting
Unit test and sampling
Unit commitment
Hydro scheduling & hydro-thermal coordination

Figure 1. PCS-9000 system configuration scheme


Control and regulation

Network topology analysis
Network topology dynamic coloring
Grid operation dynamic supervision
Auxiliary service analysis
Power system model and parameter check
Post-disturbance review and simulation curve check

Figure 2. PCS-9000 EMS/SCADA Module
Innovative EMS system developed based on
IEC61970 standard
Power Application Software(PAS) From unified application supporting platform to all
power system applications, the management system
Network modeling
is fully complied with IEC61970 standard.
Network topology
State estimation
Integrated Graphic Modeling Technology Based
Dispatcher power flow
on IEC61970 CIM Model
Short-term load forecasting
The Integrative Graphic Modeling Technology based
Steady state security analysis
on IEC61970 CIM model enables operators to draw
Short-circuit cCurrent calculation
substation diagram and build network model fast.
Dynamic stability assessment
Optimal power flow
Hybrid Platform System
The use of Cross-platform Visualized Technology
Dispatcher Training Simulator (DTS)
and operating system transparent middleware
Trainer Subsystem
provides system with better portability, making it
Power system simulation subsystem
easier to build a hybrid platform system composed
Control center simulation subsystem
of multiple hardware platforms.

Wide Area Measurement System(WAMS)

Easy Expandability and Progressive Upgrading
Data acquisition PCS-9000 system frame is easily expandable for its
Data processing distributed modularization structure with UIB based
Alarm processing on P/S. The easy functional and scale expansion
Data calculation capability is necessary for the smooth upgrading of
Statistic calculation EMS. 3
Application Supporting
Platform (ASP)

Database Platform
Object-oriented Model
Fully complied with IEC61970 CIM model;
Strong expandability;
Capable of constructing complicated data models;
Modeling tool provides object-oriented modeling mode to generate
corresponding static property database section files and dynamic property
database section files.

Distributed System Structure

The database can be distributed at each node of system on request. The
perfect consistency strategy ensures the synchronous updating of all copies.
The multiple copies of database can avoid single node fault so as to increase
system reliability.
Flexible connection, distribution and multi-copies of database realize system
load balance and ensure system performance. The database system adopts
advanced connection pool management to realize multiplexing of database
connection and significantly reduce system overhead. In case of database
server failure, the system will automatically reconnect to the server of less
loads according to the connection and distribution strategy. Once local server
is restored, the connection will be switched to local server to maintain high
data access speed.
PCS-9000 provides two database connection modes, Client Only and Client/
Server, to realize efficient access to local database and transparent remote
Unified management of real-time data and historical data is provided.

System Management

SYSMAN is a multi-site based management platform designed for system remote

management. It provides complete solution that allows system administrator and
development personnel to manage software/hardware resources, monitor and

Application Supporting
Platform (ASP)

analyze system operation status and identify occurred or imminent problems.

SYSMAN solution mainly includes two parts: offline configuration management
and online management.

- System Configuration Management

System configuration management is designed to manage system logic
composition, software and hardware configurations and to define various system
configuration items.

- System Online Management

System online management refers to the performed management activities during
system online operation. It includes:
System object management;
System operation management;
System security management;
System clock management;
System operation analysis and optimization.

Man-Machine System

Object-oriented analysis and programming language;

Component technology with powerful man-machine integration functions;
Management of system graphic files by graphic dictionary;
Support multi-screen and multi-window management;
Support LED large screen projection and graphs merging;
Integrated graphic model database supports component modeling, single line
diagrams plotting and element model database maintenance;
Component model complied with CIM standard;
Template and guide functions to facilitate draw-up of various graphics;
Powerful report function to ease report design;
Component technology is used to realize unified maintenance of local
application programs and WEB browsing functions. Graphics and operation
modes observed at client are consistent with local files;
Operation environment and interface style can be individually customized;
Unified print management and connection interface;
Clear and fluent voice alarm and prompts; 5

Data Processing information can be displayed on LCD display, printed

by printer and stored as history information in history
Data processing module is used for data acquisition,
database updating and generation of corresponding
alarm criteria and events. In normal operation, SCADA
acquires system data from front-end applications and Data Calculation and Statistics
communication service, while during post disturbance Assessment
review(PDR), SCADA collects data from PDR playback Considering system real-time performance and its
manager, and during dispatching training simulation, implementation, PCS-9000 provides data calculation
it receives data from trainer workstation simulation functions in each application, including common
servers. calculations, general calculations and customized
Reserved Capacity Supervision
Reserved capacity supervision is used to manage the Trend Curves
risk of fortuitous faults in power grids (such as loss of Trend records store relative data change processes in
the largest unit or largest exchange power). Definitions a certain period. The sampling period can be defined as
of class, subclass, levels and corresponding area are second/minute/hour. The sampling density is 1 second
provided in grid model for the components that can be maximum. The trend record is displayed in curve. It is
put in standby condition. allowed to drag the stored measuring point arbitrarily in
substation diagram for superimposition or replacement
Control and Regulation display in a trend curve display template.

SCADA control and regulation function refers to the

remote control of breaker status, change of transformer Post Disturbance Review(PDR)
tape position, switchover of capacitors and regulation of Post disturbance review function records the power
generator outputs. Specific program logic is integrated to system operating conditions in a long period before
avoid mal-operations during control and regulation so as and after a disturbance to facilitateanalysis, study and
to ensure operation reliability. reconstruction of system disturbance by dispatchers.

Sequence of Event(SOE) Event and Record

When a fault occurs in the power grid, PCS-9000 Event is usually caused by status changes of power grid
SCADA/EMS system acquires general fault signals, CB and abnormal conditions (or change of some pre-defined
closing/opening/tripping signals and protection operation states) of SCADA/EMS system. Grid events and EMS
signals, etc. After SOE records are received, PCS-9000 system events can be separately recorded, stored and
arranges these events in time sequence. SOE data printed.


Historical Functions Shift Takeover Management

PCS-9000 system combines real-time database and The multi-dispatcher shift takeover management
commercial history database to provide a unified and mechanism is established for PCS-9000 energy
general database platform for EMS applications. By management system. Shift takeover contents are
using history database mode definition tool, it ensures recorded and stored in detail.
the consistency between history database and real-
time database modes; through general purpose unified Clock Synchronization
access interface, it can realize transparent data access
PCS-9000 SCADA/EMS system provides host-standby
across real-time and history, so as to well merge real-
GPS clock port to ensure clock synchronization of all
time database with history database.
equipments in the system.

Blocking and Unblocking SCADA Database Modeling

Blocking function is used to prohibit particular data
SCADA database modeling provides visual and
processing, data acquisition, alarm processing and report
convenient Graph-Model-Database Integration modeling
printout. Blocking and unblocking functions are provided
method, to generate measurement mode, substation
simultaneously with authority control.
model and substation diagram in combination.

Labeling Manual Data Input

Labeling function enables users to define label graphs,
Manual data input includes database table attribute that
label names and label usages. Effective label durations
can be manually input. Validity check can be applied to
can be set in software. The label can be configured or
all manually input data. Thye input interface includes
removed from an object on the console. Before a control
graph, related interface tools and curve mode etc.
operation is executed, users are reqiured to check object
Network-Oriented Function
Network-oriented function includes:
Topological Coloring
Automatic bypass substitution;
The topological coloring module identifies the system
Automatic opposite-end substitution;
real-time wiring configuration and colors up equipments
Automatic busbar balance factor calculation;
in different statuses according to the network connection
and the status of circuit breakers/switches. The module Dynamic topological coloring;

can figure out the number of topological islands, the De-energized equipment/area;
equipment composition of topological islands and the Earthing equipment/area;
equipment is electrified or not according to the real-time Equipment over-limit and alarm;
status of circuit breakers. Area statistics;
Electrical energy statistics. 7
Automatic Generation
Control (AGC)

Automatic Generation Control Economic Dispatch

Automatic Generation Control(AGC) is an advanced Economic dispatch function allocates power demands
modern power grid control built on Energy Management among available on-line thermal and hydro generators
System and generator unit coordination control based on system actural operation conditions to
system to implement closed-loop control. The system minimize generation costs.
modifies generating plan and auxiliary service plan
of power market. It adjusts system frequency and tie- LFC Performance Monitor
line exchange power by controlling the active power of
LFC performance monitoring is called in each AGC
generators to ensure a steady and economical operation
execution period to evaluate AGC control behavior. It
of power grid.
calculates and counts area performance indicators and
unit performance indicators, and calculates qualification
Load Frequency Control ratio of frequency, exchange power and ACE at different
Load frequency control function is implemented by data threshold values and under different conditions.
processing module, basic power tracking module, power
distribution regulating module and power plant controller Reserve Monitor
In reserved monitoring period, standby capacities
The data processing module is invoked in each AGC and response speeds in controlled areas are
execution cycle, receiving and processing analog executed(usually 2 minutes), calculated and supervised.
and state tele-metering data received from SCADA. Area standby requirements can be input and modified
via the interface, and an alarm is sent when standby is
The basic power tracking module determines the
basic power of each Power Plant Controller (PLC)
involved in automatic generation control.
Generation Scheduling
The power distribution regulating module determines
Generation scheduling function is used to arrange
the regulating power of each PLC according to the
generator basic power planning, output reduction
current unbalanced regional power.
planning and fuel consumption planning.
The power plant controller module controls the
- Unit Basic Power Plan
expected output and control deviation of each PLC.
Generator basic power plan automatically considers
It considers the actual dynamic response of PLC,
generators on-line/off-line state, AGC enabled/disabled
decides if it needs to suppress control signals or
conditions, basic power and vibration area of each
reduce the amplitude of control signals through
generator unit in the plant, and distributes the total
various tests, and finally sends control commands
basic power to each generator unit according to the
through SCADA.

Automatic Generation
Control (AGC)

capacity. It can be forwarded to power plants for detailed start time, test end time, test unit output and unit load
implementation under local control. increase and reduction rate etc.

- Output Reduction Plan Super Short-term Load Forecasting

When the generator unit can not be regulated according
Super-short term load forecasting function operates
to the original upper limit due to maintenance service
every 5 minutes to forecast loads in next one hour using
and other reasons, the output reduction plann will reduce
linear extrapolation method. It periodically obtains online
the maximum output in a given time to ensure the safe
system loads data from SCADA according to the pre-
operation of generator units.
configured definition and stores the data for inquiry,
analysis and assessment. Error analysis is performed
- Real-time Generation Plan
anytime during load forecast. All forecasting results and
AGC automatically adjusts unit generation plan under
error results are displayed in curve and form.
load forcasting mode according to the results of super
short-term load forcasting. Both AGC units and non-
AGC units can be set to load forcasting mode. AGC units
Unit Commitment
can execute new generation plans under AGC control. Unit commitment determines the startup/shutdown
Generation plans of non-AGC units are modified and schedule of generators so as to minimize total operating
automatically issued to power plants, and units execute costs within a specified period. Unit commitment shall
new generation plan under the control of power plants. consider the constraints such as system loads, reserve,
unit capacity and minimum startup/shutdown time.

Transaction Scheduling
Transaction scheduling function is used to arrange
Hydro Scheduling & Hydro-Thermal
various transaction contracts to obtain regional
network exchange power plan. The type of Interchange Hydro Scheduling determines the schedule of hydro
Transaction Scheduling is defined off-line in database. generating units to achieve maximum hydro generation
Several transaction types can be defined between two efficiency and to ensure the consistency with river flow
identical transaction areas. Exchange plan is manually schedules and constraints.
input by dispatcher or provided by transaction planning
software. Hydro-Thermal Coordination is used to determine the
schedule of thermal resources, hydro plants and pumped
storage plants to minimize the total costs. Under the
Unit Test and Sampling
conditions that system load, water flow, thermal power
Unit test and sampling function is used to perform unit
cost characteristic and unit commitment are known,
commissioning for AGC units. It sends pre-defined
hydro-thermal coordination can make the hydro thermal
control signals to test unit response and supports
power plant schedule to satisfy the constraints of both
automatic load increase test and automatic load
electricity and water.
reduction test. The program automatically records test 9
Power Application
Software (PAS)

Power Application Software

PCS-9000 power application software(PAS) is a power grid modeling analysis tool
designed to enhance system safety and economical operation. It analyzes power
system operating status, helps dispatchers to understand system operation states
and provides basis for making analysis strategy.

The PCS-9000 PAS provides functions including Network Topology, State

Estimation, Dispatching Power Flow, Steady State Contingency Analysis, Volt/Var
Optimization, Short-term Load Forecasting, Short-circuit Current Calculation and
Automatic Volt/Var Control, etc.

Network Modeling
The basic functions of network modeling are to define network model, establish
grid model database and define network physical structure for network analysis
software. Network Modeling is the foundation of all network analysis applications.

Network Modeling is fully compatible with IEC61970 standard. It adopts CIM

based Integrative Graphic Model Library modeling mode which is realized by the
combination of Integrative Graphic Model Library drawing pack and database
maintenance tools. The established network models are shared by all network
analysis applications and training simulation system, and are capable of data
exchange with third party systems via CIS data exchange interface. During
network database maintenance, all application software can run normally.

Network Topology
Network Topology function identifies system wiring configuration according to
interconnection relations of grid electric elements and circuit breakers statuses,
and creates network busbar model for analysis application software. It can
determine the number of topological islands, the composition of topological
islands and their operation conditions, and indicate these items on graphics with
different colors. The Network Topology function is a common modular used for all
network analysis software and training simulation systems.

Power Application
Software (PAS)

State Estimation
State Estimation is used to check tele-signaling and tele-metering of each
plant/station to facilitate the maintenance of measuring system. It uses state
estimation calculation results to count heavy loads over-limit time, provide real-
time supervisory control of power network and issue over-limit time alarms. The
calculation results can also be used for further grid analysis.

In state estimation, the grid can be divided into 2 parts: visible part and invisible
part. Visible part refers to the measured values of sufficient redundancy in grid,
while other parts in the grid are referred as invisible part or external part. Pseudo
measurements can be applied to convert the invisible part to visible part to for

Dispatcher Load Flow

Dispatcher Load Flow(DLF) is a network analysis software which calculates
the operation status of whole network according to the given grid structure and
operating conditions, including voltage of each bus and power distribution in
the network. In addition, it provides statistics of power generation output, total
loads and power loss etc. and analyzes the reasonableness of operating mode
according to the calculation results.

DLF software provides convenient and flexible interaction platform to implement

flow control, mode selection, task status, parameters input and data display of all
use man-machine interactive graphics. DLF software provides strict calculation
models and many calculation methods. DLF can set a number of generators as
buffer and perform multi-balancing unit Load Flow Calculations. DLF can set
frequency calculation mode and simulate primary frequency regulation process
of grid. DLF can set exchanging power control mode to control tie-line load
flow among a number of control zones. DLF can set control mode and control
voltage of key equipment point by adjusting the voltages of a number of power

Short Term Load Forecasting

Short-term Load Forecast(SLF) is used to forecast hourly (or half-hourly or every
fifteen minutes) future load in one day or one week based on the historical loads 11
Power Application
Software (PAS)

and weather data. SLF can forecast full system loads or calculation, each branch current and bus voltage can be
regional loads. The results are displayed via full graphic determined to check equipment fault withstand capability
user interface. It also can be called by other application and protection settings. For example, the calculated fault
functions, such as Dispatcher Power Flow. current can be used for calculation of circuit breaker
rated capacity, and the protection action settings can
be determined and protection scheme rationality and
Steady State Security Analysis coordination etc. can be further analyzed by fault current
After systems have experienced a fault, the steady calculation. Short-circuit current calculation is the
state security analysis function will provide an operation foundation of protection settings.
evaluation to locate the weak operation node. Operators
can take this evaluation result as a reference during their
Dynamic Stability Assessment
operation so as to improve system security and reliability.
The Dynamic Stability Assessment (DSA) determines
the ability of system to survive contingencies with a
Safety analysis studies the effect of fault or combined
safety factor by dynamic behavior analyzing. To ensure
fault of preset power elements on safe static operation
that a system remains dynamically secure, preventive or
of grid, e.g. line, transformer, generator, load, bus and
corrective remedial actions are proposed also.
circuit breaker, etc.. The main functions are to facilitate
fault type selection according to dispatcher requirement,
Normally, DSA assesses the transient stability of a power
quickly determine the harm of various faults on power
system, or the ability of system to maintain synchronism
system, give accurate system operating mode after fault,
after a credible contingency. As power systems operate
and display various fault consequences in a visualized
in more and more stressed conditions, another form
and accurate manner. Safety analysis will issue alarms in
of angle stability, i.e., small-signal stability in form of
case of line overload, voltage limit-exceeding, generator
sustained or growing oscillations in part or all of the
power limit-exceeding and other faults, and timely
system, may become critically restricting to the system
indicate dispatcher of serious faults.
operating limits.

Short-circuit Current Calculation

Short-circuit current calculation is used to simulate Optimal Power Flow
and study power system behavior under various fault Optimal power flow is to optimize the static network state
conditions. Normally, not only single phase fault can be through regulating control variables while all economic
simulated, but also 2-phase and 3-phase faults. Short and secure constraints are satisfied and lead the network
circuit fault, broken line fault and single and complicated to a more safe and economic operation mode.
fault can be simulated. By means of short-circuit current

Automatic Voltage
Control (AVC)

Automatic Voltage Control(AVC) is an automatic optimal control of network

voltage/reactive power(Volt/Var) that network losses are reduced as much as
possible to improve economic operation while ensuring voltage quality, and in
the meantime the amount of operating equipments is reduced to the minimum to
reduce control costs and fault probability.

PCS-9000 AVC function offers centralized decision and multi-level coordination

to achieve automatic optimal voltage control. The system is composed of one
AVC master station system installed in provincial dispatching center, several
coordination control sub-systems installed in regional power plants and 500kV
substations, associated communication systems and data transmission networks.
The AVC system installed in provincial dispatching center assigns optimal control
goals for each sub-system based on busbar voltage supervision and reactive
power optimization calculations. The communication system and the network
equipments will deliver the optimal goals to control sub-systems for execution.

Provincial dispatching centers provides the control of busbar voltage and unit
reactive power in power plants and substations of 220kV and above levels.
The control measures include generator reactive power output regulation, Var
compensator enabling/disabling, main transformer tap position regulation in
500kV substations, low voltage capacitor compensator enabling/disabling in
220kV/110kV substations and main taps position regulations via AVC control at
regional dispatching center.

Main control functions of AVC control at provincial dispatching center:

Calibration control of busbar voltage over-limit: once a busbar voltage

overlimit is detected in network, the system will provide calculation and
analysis to create a control plan and take measures to bring system back to
the permissive range.

Optimal control of reactive power flow: AVC periodically provides optimal

control of reactive power flow when busbar voltages at each network pilot
node is not over-limit. 13
Wide Area Measurement
System (WAMS)

The Wide Area Measurement System(WAMS) is Basic Functions

used to monitor grid operation status, analyze system
Data acquisition
characteristics, and accurately capture power system
Data processing
dynamic characteristics under fault disturbance, under-
frequency power swing and test conditions. It is an Alarm processing
effective tool to check power system stability calculation Data calculation
model. Statistic calculation
Control and regulation
The realtime monitoring of power system dynamic
Network topology analysis
characteristics greatly facilitates power system stability
analysis, pre-warning, dispatching, fault analysis, Network topology dynamic coloring
parameter identification and online stability decision-
Analysis Function
making. WAMS can realize synchronous measurement
Grid operation dynamic supervision
and rapid transmission, and thus it is suitable for large
scale rapid control. It is one of the most potential Auxiliary service analysis
measures to control regional power exchange, restrain Power system model and parameter check
fault area extension and enhance main network
Post-disturbance review and simulation curve check
operation safety.

Dispatcher Training
Simulator (DTS)

Dispatcher Training Simulator training treatment. It is used to complete preparation of

training data, monitor and control training process, and
Dispatcher Training Simulator(DTS) is used for
display or print training reports and dynamic curves etc.
dispatcher training examination, anti-fault exercise and
operation analysis. DTS can simulate power system
normal status, emergency status, fault status and Power System Simulation Subsystem
restoration process, and enable trainees to study normal Power system simulation method includes stable
operation, fault handling and system restoration in an state simulation (also referred to static simulation) and
identical dispatching environment compared to actual dynamic simulation.
control center.
Stable state simulation shall consider the change of
Functions generator and load power, change of load flow and
system frequency after disturbance in the system.
Dispatcher training and examination: To develop
Dynamic Load Flow Algorithm and Dynamic Frequency
dispatchers fast decision-making/handling
Calculation Algorithm are used for simulation, and
capability. The training system is working under
electromechanical transient process is not considered.
normal dispatch environment and simulating system
The automation equipment can be triggered according
fault conditions.
to power network static status. Logic method and setting
Anti-accident Exercise: It contains independent method are used to simulate relay protection. In this
anti-accident exercise of local grid and union anti- model, medium and long-term dynamic processes shall
accident exercise with other grids. be considered.
Operation mode analysis: Operators can analyze
each operation mode, establish reasonable and safe Stable state simulation can simulate the load flow
system operation mode, and study special operation changes, node voltage variation and system frequency
mode of grid. variation after the change of generator output, voltage,
load, transformer tap position, switch/insulation switch
Configuration and checking of settings: Engineers
status and tie-line load flow, etc. It also can simulate the
are able to check and study system configuration
operations of protection and automation devices after
and devices settings .
a fault occurs to realize real-time simulation of power
Union training: DTS can be interconnected with system.
substation simulation training system for full process
training of grid production. Control Center Simulation Subsystem
Control center simulation is consistent with the actual
Trainer Subsystem control center. Various of online dispatching automation
functions are provided, including supervisory control
Trainer subsystem consists of 3 parts: preparations for
system and online application software.
training, control and supervision during training and post- 15
Operation Management
System (OMS)

Operation management system provides integrated and provided by common services to support connections
unified operation analysis and management for power to third party systems.
grid. The management relies on the process operation
platform using various supporting technologies such Functions
as processing management tool, workflow engine and
Operation Management System includes OMS platform
processing templates, to realize the unified operation
and OMS online applications. It is composed of the
management of dispatching centers and to provide
following three parts:
technical supports for dispatching automation operation
decisions. Customization Function
The customization function provides report
customization service, workflow customization service,
Software Structure
operation rule definition service, authority configuration
OMS are operating based on a unified supporting
service and reminding item service.
platform. The platform covers three levels: common
services level, data management level and network Workflow Software Drive
communication level. Services that related to dispatching The workflow software drive offers workflow drive
operation management are integrated in the common engine operating on automation software.
services level. Online Application Control Panel
The online application control panel is used to manage
and process all kinds of dispatching businesses.

OMS business functions include:

Common Sub-system
Dispatching Operation Sub-system
Operation Mode Sub-system
Dispatching Planning Sub-system
Relay Protection Sub-system
Automation Sub-system
Communication Sub-system
Comprehensive Sub-system
OMS application level includes various OMS businesses
and connection interfaces. The standard interfaces are

NR Electric Co., Ltd.

Add: 69 Suyuan Avenue, Jiangning, Nanjing 211102, China

Tel: +86-25-8717 8888 Fax: +86-25-8717 8999
Website: (En)
E-mail: [email protected]
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Copyright NR 2011.10 All rights reserved

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