Samurai Adventure!!
Table of Contents
Rules of Play................................................3
Character Sheet............................................4
For the Ref...................................................5
Advanced Combat and Ninja Tools ................6
Daish .....................................................7
The Gilded Cage ......................................8
The Clearing of Names.............................9
Oni Rampage.........................................10
Through the Gauntlet .............................11
The Haunted Inn....................................12
Double Character Sheet ..............................13
Daisho: Samurai Adventure is published by Deep7
P.O. Box 46373 Seattle, WA 98146
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Rules of Play
you need to ask for favors or get what you want. Everyone's
aish: Samurai Adventures is a simple-
NOTORIETY starts at 0. Everyone may try to roll 1D6 and get
to-learn roleplaying game where players the same or under his STURDINESS, APPEARANCE, GUILE
take on the roles of the honorable bushi, and MIND attributes (but you may only try once for each, at the
angst-filled ronin or stealthy ninja from the clas- beginning of the game). Add 1 to your NOTORIETY for each suc-
cessful check. NOTORIETY rolls are the same as Skill Checks;
sic samurai film genre. It assumes the players roll equal to or under your NOTORIETY.
and ref already have some rudimentary experi- Background & Status Tables: Roll on these tables to get
ence with roleplaying. It is meant to be played in some samurai movie nuances.
Starting Gear and Money: Characters all start with whatev-
the vein of Yojimbo, Seven Samurai, Shogun and er weapons and equipment the ref feels are appropriate to the
the classic samurai films of Akira Kurosawa, so character and situation. Roll 1D6x5 ryo for the character's wealth
keep it in the flavor of feudal Japan and pass the prior to the start of the game.
saki and rice.
Skill Checks
Character Generation & Game Rules When the character performs an action (and by action
we mean anything where the outcome may not be as certain as
Stats & Skills: Gozaimasu, bushi-san. Roll 1D3 for
walking), determine what general skill will get it done. Add the
each stat (the bold entries on the character sheet). Roll
skill with the stat it falls under to get the Target Number
1D6 for the total number of points to distribute into
and roll equal to or below it on 1D6. Rolling a 1 is
skills (the individual listings below each stat on the
always a success, while rolling a 6 is always a fail-
character sheet). Every skill starts at 0, and no
ure. The referee may add to or subtract from the
stat/skill combination can be less than 1. Put no
Target Number based on environmental factors
more than 3 points in any single skill. If you need
(motion, weather, level of difficulty), so having a tar-
extra points, you can take them from other skills,
get of 6 isnt useless it allows you to effectively
leaving them at 1 for each point taken. For example,
absorb a 1 to your Target Number without having
if you have a MIND of 3, you can take Literacy at -2
to worry too much.
and add those two points to a different skill. If you dont
When fighting, make a Martial Arts Skill
see a skill you really want your character to have (Noh
Check for attack or defense, Dodge for evasion, or
Acting, for instance), just write it in the margin after
Missile Weapon for ranged attacks. Both combatants
confirming with the referee.
will make their Skill Checks at the same time. Whoever
Alternately, the referee may choose to have play-
has a greater margin of success achieves his goal. Ties go
ers build their characters with points. If so, distribute
to defender; if both opponents are attacking, a tied mar-
8 points into the four primary stats, and use the rules
gin means both attacks succeed. Subtract the weapons
which follow for secondary stats.
damage from the wounded characters BLOOD. Always add the
Secondary Stats: Roll 1D6 and put the number in GUTS,
attackers STURDINESS to the total amount of damage done on
and 1D6 and write the result in PRESENCE. PRESENCE tells
non-ranged attacks. Damage from punches is the same as STUR-
you how long you can keep control in difficult situations, and
DINESS, and kicks do STURDINESS +1.
GUTS signifies your ability to handle stress. Any time you have a
traumatic experience in the game (like facing down an entire army
of bushi, or getting wounded), make a GUTS Check. If you roll
equal to or lower than your GUTS number, your PRESENCE is Thick silks or heavy or reinforced cloth gives you 1 AV, while
unchanged. The more GUTS you have, the easier it is to keep your samurai armor gives you 2 or more depending on the type. (-2
PRESENCE intact. If you don't make it, your PRESENCE is penalty to Swimming for AV 3 or higher.) When you take damage,
reduced by 1. If you completely lose your PRESENCE, you are subtract the AV in the appropriate location from the damage you
driven mad and forget the honor of your ancestors; you need to are dealt. Samurai usually only made use of armor while on cam-
roll a 4 or less every time you attack to avoid hitting your allies by paign.
mistake due to your unstable mental facilities. Most likely one of
them will have you cast out or ask you to commit seppuku. You Character Improvement
may always put Character Points into PRESENCE at the end of If you survive a whole scenario, you get to add 1 point to
the game. NOTORIETY and 1D3+5 Character Points. Put these points into
Roll 2D6+5 and write the number in BLOOD. This is how skills, PRESENCE, BLOOD, or GUTS. But Daish characters
much BLOOD you have. Every time you take damage, you will aren't necessarily meant for long campaigns - they are meant to be
lose BLOOD. When you have lost all your BLOOD, you are dead. cut down in a glorious showdown. Just roll up a new one and join
NOTORIETY tells you what debts of honor are owed you, or back in the fun. Additional rules can be found in The 1PG
how many have heard of your exploits. It is important any time Companion, available from Deep7s web site at www.deep7.com.
Characters Name:
Roll 1D3 for each stat.
Roll 1D6 for the total number of points to distribute into skills. Put no
more than 3 points in any one skill. Height: Weight: Age:
If you need extra points, you can take them from other skills, leaving
them at 1 for each point taken (no stat/skill combo can be less than 1). Hair: Eyes: Gender:
Roll 1D6 for PRESENCE; this is your charisma, your mental and phys-
ical bearing. STURDINESS........... ( )
Drinking ............................ ( )
) Notes:
Roll 1D6 for GUTS; when you are frightened or unnerved, an unsuc-
cessful GUTS check will take away 1 point of PRESENCE.
Climbing ........................... (
Roll 2D6+5 for BLOOD; when you take damage, you lose BLOOD; Martial Arts ....................... ( )
when BLOOD is gone, the character is dead. Missile Weapon................. ( )
Roll equal to or under STURDINESS, APPEARANCE, GUILE and Running............................. ( )
MIND stats; receive 1 point in NOTORIETY for each success. Serial Attack...................... ( )
Roll on Background, Status and Starting Gear tables. Swimming ......................... ( )
Roll 1D6 x 5 ryo in starting cash.
APPEARANCE ........ ( )
SKILL CHECKS Disguise............................. ( )
When you want the character to do something, determine the stat/skill Performance ...................... ( )
combination that will accomplish the task. Add the skill and stat for the Seduction........................... ( )
Target Number. Roll equal to or under the Target Number on a 1D6 for a suc-
cess. Rolling a 1 is always a success, while rolling a 6 is always a failure. GUILE ..................... ( )
Con.................................... ( )
Dodge................................ ( )
Use Martial Arts for attack/defense, Dodge for evasion, or Missile
Weapon for ranged attacks. Combatants roll simultaneously. The greater Gambling........................... ( )
margin is successful. Ties go to the defender; if both opponents were Riding................................ ( )
attacking, a tied margin means both attacks succeed. Subtract the Stealth ............................... ( )
weapons damage from the wounded characters BLOOD. Add attackers MIND ...................... ( )
STURDINESS to the total damage of non-ranged attacks.
Gen. Knowledge ............... ( )
ARMOR Literacy ............................. ( )
Certain clothing has Armor Value (AV). Heavy or Reinforced Cloth: AV Observation ....................... ( )
1, Leather: AV 2-3, Chainmail: AV 4, Metal Scale: AV 5, Metal Plate: AV 6.
(-2 penalty to Swimming for AV 3 or higher.) When the character takes dam- PRESENCE............ ( )
age, subtract AV from the damage dealt before subtracting it from BLOOD. GUTS ................... ( )
If the character is using clothing with different AVs, use the highest AV. BLOOD.................. ( )
If the character survives an entire scenario, you get 1D3 + 5 Character CHAR. PTS. ......... ( )
Points and 1 point in NOTORIETY. If the character survives to the end of
the scenario but is a replacement for a dead character, you only get 1D3 + 1
Character Points. Put these points into stats, skills, PRESENCE, BLOOD,
or GUTS.
Hit 1 2 3 4 5 6
Background Table (1D6) Location Head Torso L. Arm R. Arm L. Leg R. Leg
1 Ashigaru/Foot Soldier: +1 Martial Arts, Running, +3 BLOOD
2 Samurai/Clan Retainer: +1 Martial Arts, Missile Weapon, AV
3 Daimyo/Clan Leader: +1 Riding, Observation, PRESENCE
4 Ronin/Clanless Samurai: +1 Drinking, Martial Arts, GUTS
5 Buddhist Priest: +1 Literacy, Observation, PRESENCE Weapons Damage
6 Ninja/Mercenary Spy: +1 Disguise, Stealth, Choose 1 item on
Ninja Gear Table (page 6)
Advanced Combat and
Ninja Tools
his section of Daish: Samurai Adventures point of PRESENCE. If neither roll is successful then
deals with additional rules suggestions that ref- the standoff remains undecided. If combat ensues, the
erees can incorporate into their games. You can winner of the test of wills may add his success mar-
also incorporate the rules from the 1PG Companion - gin to his first attack Target Number,
including mounted combat, tabletop miniatures, and and to the first round damage, but only
magic - as desired. against this particular opponent.
The Gilded Cage
By Eddy Webb
The Premise: Nagoya Mariko, the youngest daughter of Getting the Princess: This part of the scenario depends on
Nagoya Takashi (the powerful daimyo of the Nagoya clan), has what the players want to do, so here's what's really going on.
been kidnapped. The kidnappers left a scroll, demanding that the Toshikoh's business has not been doing well lately, so she has
Nagoya hand over a section of disputed land in exchange for the been selling information to the Kanari for a couple of years.
princess' safety. The demands for the land imply that the kidnap- When the Kanari decided to abduct the princess, they knew that
pers might be working for the Kanari, a rival clan that have been they would not be able to transport her all the way back to Kanari
at war with the Nagoya for almost ten years. The players are ninja lands, so they blackmailed Toshikoh into keeping the princess in
in the employ of the Nagoya clan. This scenario is meant to be her tea house. Toshikoh reluctantly agreed and disguised Mariko
run primarily as an investigation relying on stealth and wits, with as a recently purchased geisha named Akemi. None of the current
some action thrown in. geisha know about Toshikoh's double-dealing, but they are suspi-
The Setup: Nagoya Takashi refuses to comply with the cious (and jealous) of this new girl who was recently bought and
demands, and sends for his ninja (the PCs) the morning after the already has a large number of customers. However, they all are
disappearance. Nagoya Takashi is a formidable and powerful man very close to Toshikoh, and might try to protect her out of affec-
in his mid-40s. He has been fighting the Kanari for a decade, pro- tion and sense of duty. The princess is being kept in one of the
tecting the recovered Nagoya land that was originally stolen by back rooms, under the pretense of entertaining six "customers".
the rival clan. While he loves his daughter, he cannot allow his The room is made of wood walls instead of paper, and was origi-
land to fall into Kanari hands for any reason. The PCs are told to nally designed for those who desired discretion - perfect for the
recover the princess and dispatch the Kanari responsible, while enemy ninja's plans. There is a thin sliding door leading into the
being careful to avoid leaving any evidence that might come back room and two windows on the outside. The customers are all
to the Nagoya clan. Should the Kanari be able to prove to the Kanari ninja, protecting her until they receive further orders and
other daimyos that the Nagoya used ninja assassins, they might be making sure that Toshikoh does not betray them. Listening out-
able to convince them to combine forces with the Kanari and side of the room reveals a slight murmur of polite conversation
destroy the Nagoya. The daimyo mention that they might start by between men, but no female voices. Two guard the sliding door
speaking to Mariko's servant, Komiko, who was knocked out (one outside, disguised as a female serving maid, and one inside),
when the princess was captured. one guards each window inside, and two are sitting on either side
of the princess, chatting and gambling - the source of the conver-
Questioning Komiko: Komiko is an elderly woman, and sation. Mariko sits quietly, saying nothing. The ninja will attempt
does not remember much of the night in question. She remembers to get rid of anyone who snoops around the room, but if attacked,
that Mariko wasn't able to sleep that night, and she had asked they will fight to the death. If they are losing, they will try to kill
Komiko to fetch her some soothing tea. As Komiko was coming the princess. If a Kanari ninja is mortally wounded, he will swal-
back with the tea, she saw a gentle white cloud in the air, brush- low some prepared poison, and die within one round. If the ninja
ing against her face. She went unconscious, and woke up an hour is captured before he can poison himself, he will not say anything.
later, to find the princess missing. A General Knowledge check
will tell the PCs that the mist was most likely masuizaki powder, Modifying the Scenario: The Kanari ninja are pretty
a ninja sleep poison. The Kanari are using ninja as well! tough, so feel free to cut the amount of ninja down to the same
number of PCs. There will be at least one ninja to guard the door,
Following the Trail: If they search Mariko's room, an and one to guard Mariko.
Observation check will reveal that there is a careful cut through
one of the rice paper walls. The cut is man-sized, and leads to the Kanari Ninja
outer castle wall. Following the route, another Observation check STURDINESS 2/ Climbing 2 Martial Arts 2 Missile
shows the PCs that there are some scratches on the edge of the Weapon 1; APPEARANCE 2/ Disguise 2; GUILE 2/ Stealth 2;
outer wall, probably from a hooked rope ladder. Further MIND 1; BLOOD 12
Observation checks allow the PCs to follow the kidnappers' trail Equipment: Mariko's guards - Ninjato (4 damage), Shuriken
through the moat and woods outside the castle to a nearby Nagoya (2 damage); Outside door guard - Shuriken (2 damage); All
village. other ninja - Throwing knives (3 damage, like tonto)
The Tea House: The trail eventually leads to the village tea
house. The tea house (known as the Willow Springs) is quite large
Willow Springs Geisha
and opulent, since they often receive rich, important visitors going STURDINESS 1; APPEARANCE 3/ Performance 2
to and from the castle. The PCs would know that the owner of the Seduction 2; GUILE 2/ Con 2; MIND 1; BLOOD 7
house is a woman named Toshikoh, who has run it for years. Toshikoh
However, they can't just go in and ask around, since Nagoya STURDINESS 2; APPEARANCE 2; GUILE 3/ Con 2
geisha are known to be gossips and spies, and blunt inquiries Gambling 1; MIND 2/ Literacy 1 Observation 2; BLOOD 10
might leave evidence pointing back to the daimyo. They will have
to find some discrete way of assessing the situation. Nagoya Mariko
GUILE 1/ Con 1 Riding 2; MIND 1/ Literacy 2; BLOOD 10
The Clearing of Names
By Eddy Webb
The Premise: The PCs are all samurai in the Kazama clan. like four to five checks in total, based on the inventiveness of the
The daimyo of the Kazama clan, Kazama Noriaki, is growing old PCs and how devious the Ref is feeling. If a Stealth roll is failed,
and feeble. His mind is failing him, and the once strong and noble the alarm is raised and all of the remaining checks will be con-
samurai is becoming more confused and paranoid with each pass- frontations with a few of the average samurai. Remember, these
ing week. Noriaki starts to believe that some of his loyal samurai samurai are reluctant but loyal to their lord and the tenets of bushi-
(the PCs) have concocted a plot to assassinate him, and he has do, and killing them is a dishonor that only suicide can cleanse.
them sentenced to prison. There, they are to be tortured for their Confronting Itokawa: Eventually, they find Itokawa in the
confessions and sent for execution. meeting hall, speaking with Noriaki. If they have managed to
The Setup: The scenario starts with the PCs in a prison sneak into the hall without raising the alarm, they will find
house, stripped to their loincloths. They have been imprisoned for Itokawa and Noriaki alone, but if the alarm has been raised there
only one night, and have had time to talk over their situation. The will be a number of guards equal to the PCs protecting Noriaki,
PCs suspect that one of Noriaki's advisors, Kazama Itokawa, and an equal number protecting Itokawa. Itokawa is arrogant and
might be behind the daimyo's slow decline. Itokawa is a samurai will accept an honor duel with one of the PCs. Itokawa is a mas-
who was born with a club foot, and that deformity has caused him ter swordsman, but due to his infirmity he can only do well on
to forsake the battlefield, becoming a political advisor instead. one-to-one confrontations. If Itokawa defeats his PC challenger,
The PCs have all seen instances in the past few months where he will not accept another challenge. If Itokawa is defeated, the
Itokawa has found cause to dislike someone, and weeks later they daimyo will demand to know why they have killed his advisor
are executed by the daimyo for treason. Itokawa probably found (see "Pleading Their Case"). The guards will not interfere in any
out about the PCs suspicions, and now they suffer their previous way in the honor duel, but they will protect Itokawa half-hearted-
clansmen's fate. They need to escape and deal with Itokawa, both ly if the PCs attack him. They will defend the daimyo with their
to clear their names and to prevent the honor of the Kazama clan lives.
from becoming corrupted further by the advisor's twisted ambi- Pleading Their Case: If they kill Itokawa, the PCs will
tion. have to convince the daimyo of his advisor's treachery. If Itokawa
Escape: The prison itself is little more than one big room. It is alive (either by appealing to the daimyo directly of after a failed
has a few low benches built into the walls, and some high win- honor duel), he is firmly convinced of his hold over the daimyo,
dows that are too small for a man to wiggle through. None of the so he will actually encourage such an appeal. To convince
benches are below the windows, but one man standing on anoth- Noriaki will take three successful Con checks - if Itokawa is alive,
er man's shoulders would be able to reach one. The single door is he will attempt to Con the daimyo as well. How many Con checks
heavy wood, and is locked and barred from the outside. It is the PCs will be able to attempt will depend on the Ref, but one or
opened once a night to bring in some moldy rice for the prisoners. two per PC is a good rule of thumb. However, the players should
The samurai who guard the prison are sympathetic to the PCs role-play their appeals, and how well they role-play should mod-
plight, as they also suspect Itokawa, but they are firmly loyal to ify their Con checks. If one roll succeeds, the guards are
the daimyo and won't actively help the PCs escape. They might convinced of the good intentions of the PCs, since they are
be convinced to assist with other escape methods that will allow already suspicious of Itokawa - should they later have to defend
them to save face (such as being assaulted by the PCs in their him, they will "fall ill" and step aside. If two rolls succeed, the
escape attempt, or "accidentally" leaving the door unlocked), but daimyo will have doubts, and not trust either side until he has had
it will take some role-play and a Con check to convince them of time to make up his mind. If three succeed, the daimyo is fully
such a risky idea. Their clothing and swords are being held in a convinced of the PCs innocence, and if Itokawa is alive, he will
chest outside of the prison. Any PCs that kill a Kazama samurai be ordered to death, denied honorable seppuku.
intentionally should commit seppuku immediately and create a
new character, perhaps a sympathetic guard who wants to help the
PCs deal with Kazama Itokawa. Kazama Samurai
Sneaking Around: Once the PCs have escaped the prison, STURDINESS 2/ Martial Arts 2 Missile Weapon 1 Serial
they need to try to find Itokawa. He is in the main meeting hall of Attack 1; APPEARANCE 1; GUILE 1/ Dodge 2; MIND 2/
the daimyo, the PCs will have to cross the entire compound to Observation 1; BLOOD 12
reach him. They will have to be very creative to find him and get Equipment: Katana (5 damage), Wakizashi (4 damabe), and
there unnoticed. They should have to sneak through the court- half will have a Yumi (long bow, 8 damage)
yard, past the barracks, and into the castle itself (not an easy
prospect, but the walls are much lower than on European castles), Kazama Itokawa
wind through it (and possibly such rooms as the dining area and STURDINESS 3/ Martial Arts 3; APPEARANCE 1;
Itokawa's private room) to reach the meeting hall. Each major GUILE 3/ Con 3; MIND 2/ Observation 1; BLOOD 20
area should require a Stealth roll against the Observation of an Equipment: Katana (5 damage), Wakizashi (4 damage)
average samurai to see if they are noticed - probably something
Oni Rampage!
By Eddy Webb
The Premise: The farming village of Kadano, near the The Oni Attacks!: How the PCs prepare for the killer is
mountains of Hei, was a quiet place until a local family was up to them. The next night will be uneventful (although a
slaughtered in their home. Rumor circulates around the vil- sadistic Ref can come up with any number of false alarms
lage that the killer is a rampaging oni - a demonic goblin to keep the PCs on edge). The night after, however, the oni
who lives in the mountains. The players are a collection of will return to the village after midnight by the same route he
rag-tag heroes who either live in the village or are passing came last time - from the mountains, through the rocky edge
through at the time the oni's murder is revealed. If any of of Kadano, and towards the nearest farmstead. This time, it
the PCs are not from Kadano, the headman (a retired artisan is the farm of Chiaki Sadao, an old farmer with no family.
named Tanida Kazushiga) can offer them accommodations His two teenaged assistants, Onomatsu and Katsuki, live
in his home for the duration of their stay. with him in the house. The oni will batter through the front
door, which will wake up Sadao and his assistants immedi-
The Setup: The PCs gather around the village head- ately. Sadao will try to fight the oni with his bo staff, telling
man's house, the local source of social activity and gossip. his assistants to run for their lives. They will run for a
It's a daily ritual that many in the village indulge in, but round, but then turn and run back into the fight, trying to
everyone can tell that something is different today. The vil- help Sadao, using their nunchaku to attack the demon. If the
lagers are muttering about the murder of the Kishida family oni kills the farmers, and there is no one else able to stop
on the outskirts of Kadano. They say that last night, the him, he will start to loot the home, and then leave with
father, mother, and baby son were all brutally killed, and whatever he can carry back to the mountains. If the oni gets
many of their possessions taken. There hasn't been any ban- too injured, he will try to escape. If he manages to escape,
dit activity in the area for as long as anyone can remember, he will wait a week until his wounds are healed, and try
so the sudden killing and thievery is shocking. One of the again with a different house - reuse the stats for Sadao,
villagers, a young boy named Yataka, claims that he saw the Onomatsu, and Katsuki to represent a different family.
attacker while he was walking home from a late night in the
fields. The murderer, Yataka claims, had large horns and Modifying the Scenario: If you'd rather not run a
fangs and carried a tetsubo (an iron staff). He must have supernatural scenario, simply have the oni be a bandit who
been an oni! There will be a variety of reactions to this lives in the mountains and is wearing a mask to try to strike
information, ranging from superstitious terror to utter disbe- fear into the village, making it easier to kill them and steal
lief. However, regardless of whether he's a bandit or an oni, their valuables. If there are a lot of PCs in the scenario,
the killer must be stopped. Kazushiga will offer 20 ryo to have the farmers run in terror rather than attack the oni.
each man who helps in bringing the murderer to justice. It's
good money, but many of the villagers are terrified to take
on the oni, leaving only the PCs to accept the offer. Oni
STURDINESS 4 (3 if not supernatural)/ Climbing 2 Martial
The Kishida Home: If the PCs go to investigate the Arts 3 Running 1; APPEARANCE 1; GUILE 1/ Dodge 2;
scene of the murders, they find that the eta have taken the MIND 2/ Observation 1; BLOOD 22
bodies of the Kishida family away and cleaned up the home, Equipment: Tetsubo (5 damage)
so that no one has to touch the corpses or the blood. Inside,
the house is a shambles, as if there had been a huge fight Chiaki Sadao
within. A walk through the house reveals that very little of STURDINESS 2/ Drinking 1 Martial Arts 1 Running 1;
value remains, although it is hard to tell if the possessions APPEARANCE 1; GUILE 1/ Dodge 1; MIND 1; BLOOD 10
were taken by the oni or the eta. An Observation check at - Equipment: Bo (4 damage)
2 will discover, amidst all of the activity around the house,
a single set of tracks leading towards the rocky edge of Onomatsu and Katsuki
STURDINESS 1/ Martial Arts 1 Running 1; APPEAR-
Kadano, but it is impossible to follow the tracks once they
ANCE 2; GUILE 1/ Stealth 1; MIND 2; BLOOD 10
reach the mountains, and they could spend weeks wander-
Equipment: Nunchaku (4 damage)
ing through the Hei looking for the killer. All the PCs can
do is wait until the next attack.
Through the Gauntlet
By Craig Griswold
The Premise: The characters are in the employ of a lord under Obstacles: The characters will have to be cautious of more
siege. He sees his doom as imminent, and sends the characters off than just their pursuers on their travels through the dangerous
in charge of his young son - who will surely be killed by the lord's countryside. Night and day might bring hazardous weather, wild
enemies. This adventure is meant to be played in a tongue-in- animals, and bandits. Even the peasantry must be avoided for fear
cheek, high adventure style - much like Hidden Fortress. The of spreading word of Hideo's whereabouts. There will be precari-
characters can be from a variety of backgrounds, combining their ous mountain paths, unpredictable rivers to cross, and the need for
various skills and styles grudgingly in respect to their fallen lord. regular food, warmth and shelter. If none of the characters have
The Setup: The characters are sent for just as the siege of the warmed up to Hideo by this point, it will make an ideal time for
castle turns into one last stand against superior numbers. The lord him to prove his usefulness.
summons them to his inner chambers and instructs them to take Destination: Once the characters arrive at the mountain pass
his son out of harms way, taking him to live with an aunt who is they will be confronted by Kubo and the remaining ashigaru who
married to the powerful lord of a nearby province. The lord him- are holding it. Kubo will offer to let the characters leave in piece,
self does not wish to take sides in the current conflict, but has or even tender commissions in the army, if the characters are will-
agreed to protect the boy should he be safely brought to their cas- ing to turn the boy over peacefully. The last battle will depend
tle. The characters are provided with maps, camping gear and a greatly on the strength of the characters at this point. If their ranks
few days food. With no time to prepare they will have acquire are depleted, they can be reinforced by a force sent by the boy's
much of what they need along the way, or improvise. aunt to guide them in. Kubo will attempt to take on the strongest
Escape: The characters are then instructed to enter a hidden characters himself, but is not above softening them up with his
tunnel from a trapdoor in the lord's chambers. The tunnel was cre- ashigaru first. If Kubo is killed then the opposing forces will scat-
ated to allow a quick escape for the lord from attempted ter at once. If the last conflict turns into a running battle, the
assassinations. It leads to a hot spring in the nearby hills, where characters need only get Hideo onto the castle grounds. Then the
the lord's son, Hideo, is waiting. Depending on the strength and full force of the resident samurai will be turned on the interlopers.
eagerness of the characters, have the opposing forces follow them Final: Once Hideo is safely into the care of his aunt the charac-
down the tunnel, or have them waiting at the hot spring with the ters will be rewarded and may make their tearful goodbyes. If any
boy already in their custody. Regardless it's important that the of them showed particular bravery or skill they might even be
characters have some sense of urgency as even by that time ninja offered a place in Hideo's permanent guard.
in the employ of the attacking army are combing the area for
Ryouken Ninja
Irritation: The lord is a widower; Hideo's mother died giving
STURDINESS 2/ Climbing 2 Martial Arts 2 Missile
birth to him. As a result the child was often given much greater
Weapon 2; APPEARANCE 1/Disguise 2; GUILE 1/ Stealth 2;
latitude than he should have. Hideo has some basic samurai train-
ing, and is an apt pupil when he wishes to be, but is a spoiled brat
Equipment: Nunchaku (4 damage), Shuriken (2 damage)
otherwise. He will order the characters around, and when that
doesn't work will badger them relentlessly to do everything dif-
ferent. When the characters make camp he will attempt to slip Ashigaru
away secretly, just for the confusion he knows will result. It will STURDINESS 2/ Martial Arts 2 Missile Weapon 2 Running
either take a firm hand and a watchful eye to keep him from blow- 1; APPEARANCE 1; GUILE 1; MIND 1; BLOOD 12
ing the whole adventure for them, or if one of the characters is Equipment: Yari (6 damage), Tanto (3 damage), Leather
smart enough to take a lighter approach to the boy he might Armor (2 AV)
respond well.
Kenzo Kubo
Pursuit: A group of ninja scouts will follow directly in the char- STURDINESS 2/ Climbing 2 Martial Arts 2 Missile
acters wake. Once the characters are located the main bulk of the Weapon 2; APPEARANCE 1; GUILE 2/ Stealth 2; MIND 2/
ninja will attempt to slow their progress, possibly without overt Observation 2; PRESENCE 5; GUTS 5; NOTORIETY 3;
attacks, while a few others return to the castle to guide in soldiers. BLOOD 20
This force will include a number of ashigaru led by a lone samu- Equipment: Katana (5 damage), Wakizashi (4 damage),
rai, Kenzo Kubo. Kubo has a grudge against the boy's father, and Yumi (8 damage), Chainmail Armor (4 AV)
was too late to kill the lord himself, so he's eager to bring back the
boy's head. The characters should expect at least one confronta-
tion with the ashigaru before they face Kubo. Kubo will use the
STURDINESS 1/ Martial Arts 2 Missile Weapon 2 Running
distractions caused by the ashigaru and a ninja attack if needed to
1; APPEARANCE 2; GUILE 2/ Con 2 Riding 2; MIND 2/
take control of the mountain pass the characters must cross to see
Literacy 2 Observation 1; BLOOD 11
the boy to safety.
Equipment: Wakizashi (4 damage), Tanto (3 damage)
Haunted Inn
By Craig Griswold
The Premise: The characters are traveling, perhaps in the Behind The Scenes: The Go-Suto Inn is really a ninja out-
midst of a longer adventure, when they are forced to take refuge post. Gorobei is the chujin, or leader of the group. The clan they
from a terrible storm at a roadside inn. The inn is not as it seems belong to uses this outpost as a safe haven, a waypoint, and com-
and it soon becomes apparent that the characters may be lucky to mand post for the area as needed. Travelers stopping here are rare,
get out at all. This is meant to be both humorous and deadly, in the and usually politely refused by saying that the inn is full at the
manner such films as The Old Dark House and Dragon Inn. The moment. With the storm Gorobei felt it would appear too unusual
characters may come from diverse backgrounds, and each one to simply refuse these guests, so he is taking the opportunity to
should be equipped for basic travel. investigate them and train some of his less experienced genin, the
ninja who are sent into action. The house is honeycombed with
The Setup: The characters need not be associated with each secret passages, spy-holes, and secret compartments. Every room
other when the adventure begins. They are all traveling through has at least a loose floorboard with extra weapons. Many have
the province when a sudden and terrible storm drives them to take trapdoors by which the hidden passages below can be accessed.
shelter in a dingy roadside inn. One or more of the characters may There is a concealed crawlspace in the roof of the walkway
be aware of the inn's haunted reputation already (make a General between the house and the stable, and underground passages lead-
Knowledge check) or they might have been forewarned in some ing to blinds concealed in the nearby forest.
way. It is said by the locals that spirits haunt the place, and ghost-
ly figures are sometimes seen on the grounds. People are Gorobei: The owner of the inn appears painfully oblivious to
supposed to have disappeared there as well, though as in all such the strange goings-on around him. Even once the characters have
tales no one remembers who it was. The characters may be encountered a ninja face-to-face and combat ensues, the genin
inclined to stay out, but mudslides and gale force winds will will dive out of windows or through trapdoors just before Gorobei
quickly drive them to take shelter. The inn is blocked off by old appears. Thus everything returns to normal appearance, except for
trees and rocky outcrops which protect it from the worst of the the characters, when he makes his entrance and bewilderedly
dangerous weather. shakes his head. If it can be avoided, nothing will take place that
will lead the characters to connect Gorobei with the ninja at the
Go-S Suto Inn: The inn is situated just off the main road, well inn. Gorobei will in turn attempt to place the characters in ways
away from area villages. It's a decaying structure, in desperate advantageous to the ninja, whether to kill them or to check out
need of repair, and might appear to be deserted at first sight. Upon their belongings.
entering the main door the characters will be comforted to find the
inside appears to be reasonably comfortable and well maintained. Settling Differences: Once discovered, the ninja must kill
The proprietor appears momentarily, a good humored, round man the characters without delay or the inn itself will have to be
who offers them rice balls and saki before they retire. All of the destroyed. The ninja will attempt to take out the characters
rooms are available, and are in as good a shape as the common through subtle means if possible, but will attack en masse - even
area. If questioned, the proprietor, Gorobei, will claim that this is chasing them into the forest - should it become necessary. The
merely the off-season for travelers, but will eventually admit that exact number of ninja should vary depending on the skill of the
the inn's reputation suffers somewhat from ghost stories that characters, and whether or not they come singly or in waves. If the
plague the area. He has never seen anything supernatural himself, characters flee into the storm, every character should have to
however, and dismisses the stories as the superstitions of the peas- make regular skill rolls to avoid getting lost and locate both
antry. He will eventually urge the characters to retire for the friends and enemies. Unless the ninja find some reason to hound
evening, but will make himself available if they have any trouble the characters, they should eventually let them escape.
during the night. The main area is connected to the guest rooms
by a short hall, and another hallway leads off to the kitchen and Obakeyashiki Ninja
Gorobei's room. There is also a small stable next to the inn, con- STURDINESS 2/ Martial Arts 1 Missile Weapon 2;
nected by covered walkway. APPEARANCE 1; GUILE 2/ Stealth 2; MIND 1; BLOOD 12
Equipment: Ninjato (4 damage), Shuriken (2 damage)
Strange Goings On: As time passes strange things begin to
occur. As the characters are arranging themselves for the night
some of their gear may go missing, only to reappear where they Gorobei
left it. Small things might be left out of place, and with a difficult STURDINESS 2/ Climbing 2 Martial Arts 2 Missile
Observation check the characters might even notice strange shuf- Weapon 2; APPEARANCE 1; GUILE 3/ Stealth 2; MIND 2/
fling and creaks not attributable to the storm. Observation 2; BLOOD 15
Equipment: Tessen (4 damage), Tanto (3 damage)
Name: Name:
Occupation: Occupation:
Ryo: Ryo:
Height: Weight: Age: Height: Weight: Age:
Hair: Eyes: Gender: Hair: Eyes: Gender:
STURDINESS........... ( ) STURDINESS........... ( )
Drinking ............................ ( ) Drinking ............................ ( )
Climbing ........................... ( ) Notes: Climbing ........................... ( ) Notes:
Martial Arts ....................... ( ) Martial Arts ....................... ( )
Missile Weapon................. ( ) Missile Weapon................. ( )
Running............................. ( ) Running............................. ( )
Serial Attack...................... ( ) Serial Attack...................... ( )
Swimming ......................... ( ) Swimming ......................... ( )
PRESENCE............ ( ) PRESENCE............ ( )
GUTS ................... ( ) GUTS ................... ( )
BLOOD.................. ( ) BLOOD.................. ( )
NOTORIETY ........... ( ) NOTORIETY ........... ( )
CHAR. PTS. ......... ( ) CHAR. PTS. ......... ( )
Hit 1 2 3 4 5 6 Hit 1 2 3 4 5 6
Location Head Torso L. Arm R. Arm L. Leg R. Leg Location Head Torso L. Arm R. Arm L. Leg R. Leg