Point Load Test
Point Load Test
Point Load Test
SCE 5431
Earthwork Engineering
Date of Experiment:
Date of Submission:
Remark: Please submit this lab report two week after the lab session (5 pm
on or before the due date)
Point Load Test
- The point load strength test is used as an index test for strength classification of rock
Rock specimen
Core specimens with length/diameter ratio of greater than 1.0, or between 0.3 -1.0.
- A series of test are commonly used to determine the strength parameter of rock in the
laboratory, Is(50). The uniaxial tensile (UTS) and compressive (UCS) strengths can be
approximated from the Is(50) index. The UTS is about 1.25 times Is(50) and the UCS
is normally between 20 and 25 times the Is(50) index.
1. Three to four point load test configurations are used depending on the available
rock specimens
2. The specimen is positioned between the conical platens. The platens are then
closed to make contact.
3. The distance De between the points of contact is read on the scale.
4. The load is increased such that failure occurs within 10 to 60 sec. and the failure
load P is read and recorded.
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The Uncorrected Strength Anisotropy Index (Point load index), Is(50), of a rock is determined by
the following equation:
Is = P/De2
De: Equivalent core diameter, in meters or inches (De=D for diametral tests)
Is(50) = Is x (De/50)0.45
Fig. 1
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Form 1
Figure Is/Is(50)-Load
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