CSE304 Syllabus
CSE304 Syllabus
CSE304 Syllabus
Course Objectives:
to introduce principles of computer graphics and understand how various elements that
underlie computer graphics interact in graphics software systems.
To understand the foundations of computer graphics: hardware systems, math basis, light
and color.
Unit I
Introduction to Computer Graphics and OpenGL : History and applications of
computer graphics, Video display devices, Refresh Cathode-Ray Tubes, Raster and
Random Scan Displays, Color CRT Monitors, Flat Panel Displays, 3-D viewing devices,
Stereoscopic and Virtual-Reality Systems, Coordinate Representations, Introduction
to OpenGL, Coordinate Reference Frames, Specifying a 2-D world-coordinate
reference frame in OpenGL, OpenGL Point functions, OpenGL Line functions, OpenGL
Polygon fill-area functions, OpenGL display lists, OpenGL state variables, Color and
Grayscale, OpenGL color functions, Point attributes, OpenGL point attribute functions,
Line attributes, OpenGL Line attribute functions, Character attributes, OpenGL
character attribute functions
Unit II
Rasterization and Transformations : DDA and Bresenham line drawing algorithm,
Mid-point circle generating algorithm, Mid-point ellipse generating algorithm, Fill
methods for areas with irregular boundaries, Implementation methods for
antialiasing, Basic 2-D geometric transformations, Matrix representations and
homogeneous coordinates, Inverse transformations, 2D composite transformations,
other 2D transformations, OpenGL functions for 2D geometric transformations
Unit III
2D viewing pipeline : 2D viewing pipeline, Clipping window, Normalization and
viewport transformations, OpenGL 2D viewing functions, Clipping algorithms, 2D
point clipping, Cohen sutherland for 2D line clipping, Sutherland Hodgeman and
Weiler Atherton polygon clipping algorithm
Unit IV
3D viewing pipeline : 3D translation, rotation and scaling, Composite 3D
transformations, Other 3D transformations, 3D viewing pipeline, Projection
Transformations, Orthogonal Projections, Oblique parallel projections, Perspective
projections, 3D clipping algorithms
Unit V
Visibility and Shading : Light sources, Classification of visible -surface detection
algorithms, Back-face detection, Depth buffer method, Scan line method, Area-
Subdivision method, Surface Lighting Effects, Basic Illumination Models, Polygon
rendering methods
Unit VI
Discrete Techniques and Object Representation : Texture mapping, Textures in
OpenGL, Ray Tracing- Recursive ray tracer, Interpolation and Approximation splines,
Spline specifications and surfaces, Bezier spline curves, B-spline curves
Text Books: