Bernouli's Shift Map
Bernouli's Shift Map
Bernouli's Shift Map
We now discuss piecewise linear maps. They are simple and they show sensitivity to
initial conditions.
+1 = ( ) = 2 mod 1; = 0, 1, 2, , (12.01a)
which means
2 , 0 < 1/2,
+1 = (12.01b)
2 1, 1.
Bernoullis map (figure 12.01) consists of two linear segments: one between 0 and 1/2
and another between 1/2 and 1. There is discontinuity at < 1/2. The condition of
2 mod 1 makes the map piecewise linear. If we begin with an initial condition 0 = 0,
all the higher iterates are also equal to zero. On the other hand, if we begin with 0 = 1,
all the higher iterates remain fixed at 1. Therefore, = 0, 1 are two fixed points of this
map. The slope () of the function is equal to 2. Both the fixed points = 0 and
= 1 are unstable. A set of initial conditions, which lead to a value equal to after
some iterations, would ultimately terminate at the fixed point = 0 in the next iteration.
0 = 2 with = 0, 1, 2, 3 is an example of such situation. If the iterations begin with
1 1 1 1 1 1
initial value 0 = 32 = 25 , the iterations are: 1 = 16 , 2 = 8 , 3 = 4 , 4 = 2 ,
5 = 0. This can be shown using a cobweb diagram also (see figure 12.01). Any iterate
of any small initial value ( 1) first grows indicating the fixed point = 0 is unstable.
As soon as the a higher iterate (the fourth iterate here) becomes equal to , the fifth
iterate leads to = 0. This is due to the discontinuity in the function at = 1/2. If the
range of () coincides with the interval , the cobweb method is very useful. A cobweb
consists of several vertical and horizontal line segments appearing alternately in the plot
of () - . The first vertical line segment begins from a given initial value 0 lying on
the X- axis and terminates where it intersects the curve (), which is the first iterate 1
of the given map. Now a horizontal line segment is drawn from the termination point of
the first vertical line until it meets the diagonal () . Now horizontal segment
parallel to +1 -axis, and returns the value of any initial value and The diagonal is the
line on which +1 = . Fixed points (here, = 0, 1) of the map therefore lie on the
Figure 12.02: Period-four solution of Bernoullis map with 0 = 5 = 0.2.
Four-period solutions in such cases are shown by four pink circles in figure 12.02. The
initial condition 0 = leads to period-two solution. The two elements that alternate
1 2 2
after n iterations periodically are: 3
and 3. Similarly, 0 = leads to period-three
1 2 4
solution, where the elements 7 , 7 , 7 form the period-three cycle. Any rational number
between the interval 0 and 1, we would arrive either at the stable fixed point = 0 or
one of a periodic solutions. If the initial condition is an irrational number, then its binary
representation never terminates. Consequently, the cobweb representing its iterations
should never terminate at the fixed point, = 0.
Caution! One any computer there are two problems: (i) Any number is approximated. It
may be expressed with a given accuracy (e.g. floating number, double precision, double-
double precision or long format), and (ii) any irrational number is expressed as a nearby
rational number. The first problem introduces errors at every operation. Consequence:
Even a periodic solution is iterated for long time, small errors would make it deviate from
its periodic cycle, and it would terminate at = 0. The second problem combined with
the first again leads to = 0, even if one started with an irrational initial value 0 .
1. Shift map?
0 =
=1 2 , where = 0 or 1. (12.02)
If the initial number 0 < 0.5, 1 = 0. On the other hand, if 0 0.5, 1 = 1. Let us
begin with a number
1 = 2 = 5 = 6 = 10 = 11 = 16 = 17 = = 0 and
3 = 4 = 7 = 8 = 9 = 12 = 13 = 14 = 15 = 18 = = 1.
The number in Eq. (12.03) may be expressed in binary representation as:
0 = 0, 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 , (12.04)
0 = 0, 001100111001111 (12.05)
The next iterates of the Bernoullis map (Eq. 12.01) are:
1 = (0 ) = 0, 01100111001111 ,
2 = (1 ) = (0 ) = 0, 11001110011110 ,
3 = (2 ) = 3 (0 ) = 0, 10011100111100 ,
4 = (3 ) = 4 (0 ) = 0, 00111001111001 , (12.06)
The multiplication by 2 shifts the whole sequence of binary representation of any number
to the left by one position. The first digit after the comma is always deleted as soon as a
number is multiplied by 2. For any finite sequence, it would always terminate to the fixed
point = 0, 0.
2. Sensitivity to initial conditions:
If the initial value 0 < 0 < 1 is an irrational number, its binary representation is
infinitely long. Consequently, the sequence representing an irrational number should
never terminate. However, the iterates may keep wandering in the interval between 0 and
1. Figure 12.03 shows the cob-web diagram of iterations starting from two initial values
0 = 3 1 (green) and 0 = 3 1.01 (pink) very close to each other. After a few
iterations they may be located anywhere in the interval (0, 1). Even if two numbers
differ at the nth digit in their binary representation, after iterations they would differ at
the first digit. The loss of predictability as two neighboring points evolve under iterations
of this map is known as sensitivity to the initial conditions. The green and pink cob
webs in Figure 12.03 the sensitive dependence of the evolution process under Bernoullis
If we associate the meaning head (H) and tail (T) of a sequence of successive coin
tossing to the digits 1 and 0 respectively, nth iterate (0 ) for an irrational number
0 (0 < 0 < 1) represents a random sequence of H and T. We can alternatively
take a random sequence of results of tossing a coin and associate 1 for a head (H) and
0 for a tail (T), we convert the sequence to a binary representation of a number lying
between 0 and 1. For example we take random sequences of results of a coin tossing
1 = ,
2 = ,
3 = .(12.07)
We can associate them with higher iterates of a Bernoullis map with an initial value
0 . That is,
(0 ) = 0,11100100110010001100001101111111000 ,
(0 ) = 0,10100100110011101101001100011011010 ,
(0 ) = 0,00110100011011001100101110010010011 . (12.08)
That is the required sequence may be achieved in few or several iterations from a
given initial value 0. The number (, , ) of iterates could therefore be be small or
large. We then conclude that any random sequence of the results of a coin tossing is
equivalent to some iterates of Bernoullis map with appropriately chosen initial value
0. What generates randomness in otherwise this deterministic system? The answer is
a sequence of stretching and folding brings randomness in a deterministic system.
Before we come to the map, we recall one analogy with the process of making a
Paratha. A small amount of flour dough is first rolled in approximately circular shape
and when the radius approaches that of the rolling base, it is folded back to smaller
size. This process is done a few times before it is ready for cooking. If one puts two
or more cumin seeds spaced very closely in the dough ready for rolling. It is not easy
to predict the exact whereabouts of the cumin seeds after the process of rolling and
folding a few times. Of course, the cumin seeds are somewhere in the Paratha. The
process of rolling is basically stretching the Paratha to maximum possible size and
then folding is bringing the most distant points on the edge close to each other.
Repeating rolling and folding several times brings unpredictability about the exact
whereabouts of the cumin seeds originally located together.