Final PG Syllabus Philosophy

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Total number of Courses in four semesters = 20 (5 in each Semester)

Number of Core Courses in four semesters = 17
Number of elective courses = 02
Number of open courses = 02
Term Paper = 01
Contact hours for each course = 50
Credit for each course = 06 ( Five (05) Lectures + One (01) Tutorial per week)
Marks for each course = 100
Duration of examination = 03 hours
Both the open courses are offered in the semester II: PHIO 203 & PHIO 204. Students are
expected to have at least Six (06) and at the most twelve (12) credits as far as the opted
courses are concerned from the courses offered by any of the disciplines of this University or
any other University. Out of sets of electives (each comprising two papers), one is to be
chosen in Semester III and the other in Semester IV.


Courses in Semester I
PHIC 101- Metaphysics (Indian)
PHIC 102- Metaphysics (Western)
PHIC 103- Symbolic Logic
PHIC 104- Moral Philosophy
PHIC 105 Philosophy of Religion

Courses in Semester II
PHIC 201 - Epistemology (Indian)
PHIC 202 - Epistemology (Western)
PHIO 203 Philosophy and Literature
PHIO 204 Philosophy of Human Rights
PHIC 205 - Contemporary Indian Philosophy

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Courses in Semester III
PHIC 301 Phenomenology and Existentialism
PHIC 302 Contemporary Western Philosophy
PHIC 303 (A) Applied Ethics
PHIE 304 (SET 1) Philosophy of Swami Vivekananda
(SET 2) Gender Ethics
(SET 3) Vednta I
(SET 4) Existentialism and the Concept of Dialogue
(SET 5) Philosophy of Mind and Consciousness
(SET 6) Contemporary Political Philosophy -I
(SET 7) Philosophy of Religion I
PHIC 305 Philosophy of M. K. Gandhi
Courses in Semester IV
PHIC 401 Philosophical Classics (Indian)
PHIC 402 Philosophical Classics (Western)
PHIC 403 Philosophy of Rabindranath Tagore
PHIE 404- (SET 1) Philosophy of Sri Aurobindo
(SET 2) Environmental Ethics
(SET 3) Vednta II
(SET 4) Frederich Nietzsche and Existentialism
(SET 5) Consciousness Studies
(SET 6) Contemporary Political Philosophy -II
(SET 6) Religious Worldviews
PHIC 405- Term Paper

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Unit I
The Concept of ta in g Veda
Principal Upaniads, Upaniadic Concept of Self, rvka Materialism
Unit II
Nyya Vaiesika Metaphysics, Categories
Jaina Metaphysics, Anekntavda
Unit III
Snkhya Metaphysics: Prakti and Purua
Buddhist Theory of Impermanence, No-soul Theory, Snyavda
Unit IV
Self, World and Liberation in akara
Self, World and Liberation in Rmnuja, Critique of akaras Myvda
Unit V
Theories of Causation: Satkryavda, Asatkryavda, Pratitya Samutpdavda, Vivartavda.

Suggested Readings:
M. Philips, Teachings of the Vedas, Ch.3, Seema Publishers, Delhi, 1976.
F. Max MulI1er, The Vedas, The Ideological Book House, Varanasi, 1969.
A.B. Keith, The Religion and Philosophy of the Vedas and the Upaniads, Part-V, Sections
26 & 27, Motilal Banarsidass, Delhi, 1976.
S.N. Dasgupta, History of Indian Philosophy, Motilal Banarsidass, Delhi, 1973.
M. Hiriyanna, Outlines of Indian Philosophy, George Allen & Unwin, London, 1973.
R. C. Zaehner, Hinduism, Chapters 1 & 2, Oxford University Press, London, 1966.
K. K. Mittal, Materialism in Indian Thought, Munshiram Manoharlal, New Delhi, 1974.
K. Bhattacharyya, Carvaka Darsana', Journal of Indian Council of Philosophical Research,
Vol. 12, No.3, 199
D. Chattopadhyaya, Lokayata
C.D. Sharma, A Critical Survey of Indian Philosophy, MBD, Delhi
S. Radhakrishnan, Indian Philosophy Vols 1 & 2 Allen & Unwin. London. (Indian Edition).
Mohanty, J.N., Essays On Indian Philosophy, (Ed. with an introduction by Purushottama
Bilimoria), New Delhi: Oxford University Press.

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Nalini Bhushan & Jay L. Garfield, (2011), Indian Philosophy in English: From Renaissance
to Independence, New York: Oxford University Press.
Snkhya Krika of varakria, Eng. Trans. Swami Vireshwarananda, Calcutta : Advaita
Srinivasa Rao, (1985) Advaita: A Critical Investigation, Indian Philosophy Foundation.
S.M. Srinivasacari, Advaita and Viitdvaita, Delhi, 1976.
Stephen H. Phillips, Classical Indian Metaphysics, Motilal Banarasidass, Delhi.
R. Balasubramanian, The Tradition of Advaita, Munshiram Manoharlal.

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Nature and Scope of Metaphysics, Appearance and Reality, Critique of Metaphysics


Substance, Universals


Space, Time and Causation

Unit- IV

Free Will and Determinism, Personal Identity

Unit- V

Existence, Possibility and Necessity

(Plato, Aristotle, Bradley, Alexander, Descartes and Kant will be discussed for relevant
topics. In addition to that the anti-metaphysical stances taken by the logical positivist and
postmetaphysical thinkers will also be given due attention)

Suggested Readings:

Aristotle, Metaphysics

Kant, Critique of Pure Reason

F .H. Bradley, Appearance and Reality, OUP

Richard Taylor, Metaphysics, Prentice Hall

David Hales (ed.), Metaphysics: Contemporary Readings

H. Putnam, Realism with a Human Face

Richard Swinburne, Space and Time

Cambridge Companion to Metaphysics, CUP

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Bruce Aune, Metaphysics The Elements, University of Minnesota Press, Minneapolis,
London, 1985, fourth printing 1998

M.J. Loux, Metaphysics, A Contemporary Introduction, third edition, Routledge, 2006

E. Conee & T. Sider, Riddles of Existence, A Guide Tour of Metaphysics, Clarendon Press,
Oxford, 2005

Brian Garrett, What is this thing called metaphysics? Routledge, 2006

Wiggins, David and Tim crane, Metaphysics in Philosophy 1, A Guide through the Subject,
A.C. Grayling (ed.), OUP, 1995

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Unit I

a) Logic and Symbolic Logic-Tradition and Modernity

b) Argument -Truth and Validity
c) Simple and Compound Statements
d) Argument forms and Truth Tables
e) Statement forms

Unit II

a) Formal Proof of Validity

b) Proving Invalidity
c) The Rule of Conditional Proof
d) The Rule of Indirect Proof

Unit III

a) Proofs of Tautologies
b) The Strengthened Rule of Conditional Proof
c) Shorter Truth Table Technique
d) Symbolization of Sentences into Propositional functions and Quantifiers.

Unit IV

a) Preliminary Quantification Rules

b) Proving Invalidity
c) Multiply -General Propositions
d) Quantification Rules.

Unit V

a) Logical Truths involving Quantifiers

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b) Symbolizing Relations
c) Arguments involving Relation
d) Introduction to Set Theory

Suggested Readings:

Patrick Suppes, Introduction to Logic, New Delhi: East West Press Pvt. Ltd.

I.M. Copi, Symbolic Logic, New Delhi, Prentice Hall of India Pvt. Ltd. (Text Book)

I.M. Copi, Introduction to Symbolic Logic

I.M. Copi, & Carl Cohen, Introduction to Logic, Delhi: Pearson Education Pvt. Ltd.

Basson & OConnor, Introduction to Symbolic Logic

Cohen and Nagel, Logic and Scientific Method

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Introduction to Moral theory, Natural Law Theory, Moral Relativism, Moral Particularism

Virtue Ethics (Plato and Aristotle)
Deontological Ethics (Kant)
Utilitarianism: Classical and Contemporary

Unit- III

G.E. Moore's Concept of Good, Critique of Naturalism

Emotivism (Ayer, Stevenson)
Prescriptivism (Hare)

Unit- IV
The Concept of ta, Law of Karma, Buddhist Theory of Action

Unit- V

Nikma Karma and Lokasagraha from Bhagavad Gt, Pururtha

Suggested Readings:

Aristotle, Nichomachean Ethics

G.E. Moore, Principia Ethica

G.E. Moore, Ethics, OUP, Latest Ed Chapt.l & 2.

R.M. Hare, The Language of Morals OUP

_____________, Freedom and Reason OUP

Mark Timmons, Moral Theory An Introduction, Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, 2002

Beauchamp, Tom L., Philosophical Ethics, 2 nd edition, McGraw-Hill Inc, New York,
London, 1991

Piers Benn, Ethics, University of Leeds, 1998

W.W. Baron, P. Petit and M. Slote, The Method of Ethics, Blackwell, 1997

William K. Frankena, Ethics, Prentice Hall Publication, Latest Edition.

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Mary Warnock, Ethics Since 1900, OUP, 1979.

Ayer, A. J., Language, Truth and Logic, Penguin Books.

C.L. Stevenson, The Emotive Meaning of Ethical Terms

Immanuel Kant, Moral Law, BI. Publication Delhi

J.L. Mackie, Ethics, Penguin.

W.D. Hudson, Modern Moral Philosophy, Mcmillan

Mangala R. Chinchore, Krtaprana and Akrtaabhygama, An analysis, Defence and

Rationale of the Buddhist theory of Action, IPQ, No. 2 Vol. 18, April, 1991

D.K. Chakraborty, Problems of Analytic Ethics, Manthan Prakash, Guwahati

S.S. Barlinglay, A Modern Introduction of Indian Ethics, Penman Pub, Delhi.

B.G. Tilak, Srimadbhagavadgta Rahasya

Surama Das Gupta, Development of Moral Philosophy in India

Rajendra Prasad, Karma, Causation and Retributive Morality

Purusottam Bilmoria, chapter on Indian Ethics in Manual of Ethics ed. by Peter Singer
Purusottam Bilmoria, Indian Ethics
S.K. Maitra, Ethics of Hindus
M. Hiriyana, The Indian conception of Values

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Unit I-- Nature of Philosophy of Religion

Nature and Scope of Philosophy of Religion, Attributes of God, Problem of Evil

Unit II -- Arguments for the Existence of God

Cosmological Argument, Teleological Argument, Ontological Argument, Moral Argument

Unit III-- The Rationality of Religious Belief

The Concepts of Faith, Reason and Revelation, Soren Kierkegaard and paul Tillich on Faith
and Reason, Contemporary Debates on Faith-Reason relationship.

Unit IV-- Religion and Culture

Religion as Culture; Religion, Science and Morality; Religious Pluralism, Interreligious

Unit- V -- The Nature of Religious Language

Realist and Non Realist Religious Language, Religion and Deconstruction

Suggested Readings:
Murray, Michael J. and Michael Rea, An Introduction to Philosophy of Religion, CUP, 2008
Hick, John, Philosophy of Religion, Prentice Hall Publication
Hick, John, The Problem of Religious Pluralism, Philadelphia 1995
Hick, John, Interpretation of Religion,
Tillich, P., Dynamics of Faith, Allen & Unwin.
Darrel, M & Flinnm Frank, Intereligious Dialogues
Hume, David, The Argument from Evil
Kierkegaard, S., Subjectivity and Truth
------------------, Concluding Unscientific Postscripts.
Flew.Antony.Hare, R.M.and Dritchell, B., Theology and Falsification
Wittgenstein, L., A Lecture on Religious Belief
Pojman, L.P. &Luis P., Philosophy of Religion, An Anthology, Wordsworth Publishing Co.
Madan. T.N., Modern Myths Locked Mind, OUP
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Mann William E., The Blackwell Guide to Philosophy of Religion, 2005 Oxford
Hick , John, Classical and Contemporary Reading in the Philosophy, Englewood Cliffs; N.J:
Prentice Hall, 1970

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Unit- I

The Nature and Terms of Knowledge (Jna)

Definition of Pram, Pramna, Apram, Memory and Dream, Saaya, Viparyaya, Tarka

(With reference to Nyya, Buddhism, Vednta)

Unit- II

Svataprmyavda, Parataprmyavda, Pratyaka, Anumna

Unit- III

Pramna: Sabda, Upamna, Arthpatti, Anupalabdhi

Unit- IV

Theories of Error: Akhyti, Anyathkhyti, Vipartakhyti, Anirvacanyakhyti

Unit- V

Logic: Anvikiki, Anumna, Vypti, Hetvbhsas, Sydvda.

Suggested Readings:

1. Annambhatta : Tarkasangraha

2. Dharmaraja Adhvarindra : Vednta Paribha

3. Dinnaga : Nyyapravea

4. Visvanatha : Bhapariccheda

5. Uddyotakara : Nyyavrtika

6. Radhakrishnan,S : Indian Philosophy, Vol. II.

7. Barlingay, S.S. : A Modem Introduction to Indian Logic

8. F. Th. Stcherbatsky : Buddhist Logic, Vol. 1& II

9. B.K. Matilal : Perception, Oxford University Press

10. B.K. Matilal : Logic, Language & Reality

11. Datta, D.M. : The Six ways of Knowing, Calcutta University Press

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12. Srinivasa Rao : Perceptual Error: The Indian Theories, University
Press of Hawai

13. Ramanuja : Vedrthasamgraha

14. Madhva : Vinutattvaviniraya

15. Swami Satprakasananda : Methods of Knowledge: London

16. Datta & Chatterjee : Introduction to Indian Philosophy.

17. Kuppuswami Sastri, S. 1932, 1961 : A Primer of Indian Logic, Madras.
18. B.K.Matilal, (1986),Perception: An Essay on Classical Indian Theories
of Knowledge, Oxford : Clarendon Press.
19. B.K.Matilal : Knowledge, Truth and Pramatva (article)
20. Daya Krishna &.
K. C. Sharma (Ed.) : The Philosophy of J. N. Mohanty, ICPR.
21. J. N. Mohanty : Essays on Indian Philosophy, OUP.
22. Chatterjee, Satischandra, (1978), The Nyya Theory of Knowledge, Culcutta: Calcutta

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Unit-I Belief, Truth and Justification

Unit- II Gettier Problem and the Contemporary Responses, Causal Theory of Knowledge

Unit-III Theories of Knowledge: Foundationalism, Coherentism and Reliabilism

Unit-IV Scepticism, Knowledge of Other Minds

Unit-V Epistemology without a knowing subject (Popper), Social Epistemology (Goldman)

Suggested Readings:

Noah Lemos, An Introduction to the Theory of Knowledge, CUP, 2007

R.M. Chisolm, Theory of Knowledge (3rd Ed), Prentice Hall, India, New Delhi

E.L. Gettier, Is Justified True Belief Knowledge?, Analysis, Vol.23, 1966

A.J. Ayer, The Problem of Knowledge

D.M. Armstrong, Belief, Truth and Knowledge, Cambridge Univ. Press, 1976

J .L. Pollock, Knowledge and Justification, Contemporary Theories of Knowledge

Karl Popper, Objective Knowledge

J. Shaffer, Philosophy of Mind, Prentice Hall India.

A. Stroll (ed), Epistemology: New Essays in the Theory of Knowledge

Alvin I. Goldman, Knowledge in a Social World, Clarendon Press, Oxford 1999
Alvin I. Goldman, A Causal Theory of Knowing, The Journal of Philosophy, Vol. 64,
no.12, 1967, pp. 357-372
Plato, Meno, trans. G. M. A. Grube Indianapolis: Hackett Publishing, 1976

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Unit I a) What is Philosophy and Literature?

b) Universality and Pluralism of works of Literature
c) Literature and Truth.

Unit II a) Discourse, Culture and Ideology

b) Linguistic Categories, minds and world views.

Unit III Hermeneutics and Literary Creation

Meaning and Definition of Hermeneutics: Romantic Hermeneutics, Historical
Hermeneutics, Hermeneutic Philosophy, Critical Hermeneutics
Reader Response Theory
Meaning, Translatability and Language: Literary Texts and Cinematic Texts.

Unit IV Philosophy in Literature

Aag ka Daria (River of Fire) by Qurratulain Hyder
Gora by Rabindranath Tagore

Unit V Philosophy/ Literature

Feminist Literary Theory, Criticism
a) Steer Patra ( A Wifes letter) Rabindranath Tagore (Short Story)
b) A Tempest Aime Cesaire

Suggested Readings:
Barbara Johnstone, (2007), Discourse analysis, Wiley-blackwell.
Mills, Sara, (1997), Discourse, Routledge.
Aristotle, Poetics.
Plato, Republic.
Waterfield, Robin (1994). Plato: Republic. Translated, with notes and an introduction.
Oxford: Oxford World's Classics.

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.K. C. Bhattacharya, (1958), Swaraj in Ideas, Studies in Philosophy, Kolkata : Motilal
Peter Jones, (1975), Philosophy and the Novel, Oxford.
Alka Saraogi, (2005), Kali Katha Via Bypass, Rupa & Co.
David Martin, Architecture of Experience, University of Edinboro, USA
Sartre, Jean-Paul, (1988), What is Literature? and Other Essays. Introduction by
Steven Unger, Harvard University Press
Szondi Peter, (1995), Introduction to Literary Hermeneutics, Tr. Woodmansee
Martha, Cambridge, CUP.
Josef Bleicher, (1980), Contemporary Hermeneutics, London, Routledge.
Paul Ricoeur (1994), The Conflict of Interpretations: Essays in Hermeneutics, Paris,
Wolfgang Iser, (1980), The Act of Reading: A Theory of Aesthetic Response, The
Johns Hopkins University Press.
Aag ka Daria (River of Fire) by Kurtulan Haider.
Gora, Rabindranath Tagore.
Duran, Jane, (2007), Women, Literature and Philosophy, Ashgate Publishing.
Humm, Maggies, (1994), A Readers Guide to Contemporary Feminist Literary
Criticism, Harvester Wheatsheaf.
Belsey, Catherine and Jane Moore, ed.( 1989) The Feminist Readers : Essays in
Gender and the Politics of Literary Criticism, Blackwell.
Steer Patra ( A Wifes letter) Rabindranath Tagore
Aime Cesaire, A Tempest.
Beauvoir, Simone de. (1949/2011). The Second Sex, Constance Borde and Sheila
Malovany-Chevallier (trans.), New York: Vintage Books.

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The course aims at the philosophical appraisal of the fundamental notions of the discourse of
Human Rights. It expects the students to look into the conceptual understanding of the
formative and functional forces, and the categories of Human Rights, both from the historical
and contemporary perspectives. The course also makes the students to realize the need to
contextualize the various theoretic positions and philosophical claims which validate the
legitimacy of Human Rights discourses. As a University-level Open Course, the course has
been structured in an interdisciplinary and intercultural mould and manner to discuss and
deliver its concerns.

Unit I Philosophical Foundations of Human Rights

Human Dignity and the basis of Human Rights, Nature of Human Rights, Sources of Human
Rights, Categories of Human Rights, International Human Rights Law, Humanitarian Law &
International Humanitarian Law

UnitII Human Rights in India

Historical, Social, Political Perspectives of Human Rights in India, Fundamental Rights and
Indian Constitution, Education and Human Rights, Human Rights Institutions in India.

Unit-III Modern Human Rights Discourses

Minority Rights, Womens Rights, Childrens Rights, Prisoners Rights, Refugees Rights,
Intellectual Property Rights, Media and Human Rights, Environmental Rights, Globalization,
Life and Human Rights

Unit -IV New Paradigms of Human Rights Philosophy

Contemporary Democratic Theories and Human Rights, Philosophical Critique of Human
Rights Discourse, Philosophy of Cultural Dialogue: Multicultural and Intercultural
Perspectives and the Future of Human Rights.

Unit- V Human Rights: Visual Culture, Literature and Social Freedom

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Cinema, Internet/Social Media, Print Media, Television-Radio, Art and Literature.

Suggested Readings:

1. Finnis, John (1980) Natural Law and Natural Rights, Oxford, Clarendon Press
2. Gaetc, Rolando (1993), Human Rights and the limits of Critical Reason, Aldershot,
Dartmonth Publishing Company
3. Sumnev, L.W. (1987) The Moral Foundation of Rights, Oxford, Oxford University
4. Davison, James Dale and Rees- Mogg (1997) The Sovereign Individual, Touchstone
5. Muzaffar, Chandra (1993) Human Rights and the New World Order, Pernang: Just
World Trust
6. Peffer, R. J. (1990) Marxism, Morality and Social Justice, Princeton, Princeton
University Press
7. Stone Julius (1965) Human Law and Human Justice, Sydney, Maitland
8. Taylor Charles, (1999), Conditions of Unforced Consensus on Human Rights, The
East Asian Challenges for Human Rights, Joanne R, Baner and Daniel A Bell (eds)
Cambridge, Cambridge University Press
9. Tenson, Fernando, (1985) International Human Rights and Cultural
Relativism, 25, Virginia Journal of International law
10. Young, Avis Marion (1990) Justice and the Politics of Difference, Princeton,
Princeton University Press.
11. Agnes, Flavia (1999) Law and Gender Inequality: The Politics of Womens Rights in
India, Delhi, Oxford University Press.
12. Nirmal J. Chiramjivi, (2000) Human Rights in India, Delhi, Oxford University
13. Baxi, Upendra, (2002) The Future of Human Rights, Delhi Oxford University Press.
14. The Constitution of India
15. Foucault, Michel (2002), Confronting Governments: Human Rights, in: James D.
Faubion (ed.), Power: Essential Works of Foucault, Vol. 3, London: Penguin.
16. . Agamben, Giorgio,(1998), Homo Sacer: Sovereign Power and Bare Life, Stanford:
Stanford University Press,

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17. Zizek, Slavoj. (2004), Against Human Rights,,tp:// humanrights- zizek
18. Derrida, Jacques, (2005), Rogues: Two Essays on Reason, trans. Pascal-Anne Brault &
Michael Naas, Stanford, Stanford University Press, Badiou, Alain, (2001), Ethics: An
Essay on the Understanding of Evil, Trans. Peter Hallward, London, Verso.
19. Habermas, Juergen, (1998), The Inclusion of the Other: Studies in Political Theory,
London, Polity.
20. Habermas, Juergen, (1996) Between Facts and Norms: Contributions to a Discourse
Theory of Law and Democracy, Trans. William Rehg, London, Polity,1996.

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Unit- I
Scope and Trends in Contemporary Indian Philosophy, Concept of Human Nature,
Knowledge and Culture
Unit- II
Freedom, Individual and Society, Concept of Evolution
Unit- III
Swaraj, Sarvodaya, Truth and God
Unit- IV
Humanism, Nationalism, Nature of Consciousness
Unit- V
Religion, Problem of Evil

(Above topics will be taught with reference to Swami Vivekananda, Rabindranath Tagore,
K.C. Bhattacharyya, Sri Aurobindo, M.K. Gandhi, M.N. Roy and J. Krishnamurti. List of
readings is prepared accordingly)
Suggested Readings:
T .M.P. Mahadevan & C. V. Saroja, Contemporary Indian Philosophy, Madras
B.K. Lal, Contemporary Indian Philosophy
Swami Vivekananda, Selection from Complete works of Swami Vivekananda, Advata
Rabindranath Tagore, Religion of Man
Rabindranath Tagore, Philosophy of our People in Sisir Kumar Ghose (Ed), Angel of Surplus
K.C. Bhattacharyya, Swaraj in Ideas
M N. Roy, Collected Works (cd) Sibnarayan Roy (Relevant portion) OUP
Sri Aurobindo, Essential Writing of Sri Aurobindo, OUP
J. Krishnamurti, Freedom from the Known, KFI, Chennai.
Iyer, Raghavan (ed), The Essential Writings of Mahatma Gandhi, Oxford Univ. Press, India,
1991, (Relevant Portions).
Iyer, Raghavan, The Moral and Political Thought of Mahatma Gandh,. Oxford Univ. Press
India, (relevant portions)
R. Tagore,(2002), Sadhana: The Realization of Life, Rupa & Co.

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S. Radhakrishnan, (2012) The Philosophy of Rabindranath Tagore, Hardpress Publishing.
J. Krishnamurti, Think on These Things, KFI, Chennai.
J. Krishnamurti, Krishnamurti: Reflection on the Self, Raymond Martin (Ed.), KFI, Chennai.

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Husserls Concept of Phenomenology, Critique of Naturalism and Psychologism

Unit- II

The Concept of Intentionality of consciousness, Phenomenological Method, Transcendental


Unit- III

Existential Phenomenology: Sartre and Merleau - Ponty

Unit- IV

Theistic and Atheistic Existentialism: Kierkegaard, Nietzsche, Sartre.

Unit- V

.Being, Freedom and Self: Heidegger, Sartre, Buber and Levinas

Suggested Readings:

1. Herbert Spiegelberg : Phenomenological Movement: A Historical

Introduction Vol. I & II (Relevant portions on
Specific topics). The Haque, Martinus Nijhoff, 1965.
2. Maurice Friedmen (Ed) : Worlds of Existentialism, Humanities Press, U.S.A.
(Relevant Selections from Kierkegard, Sartre, Merleau-
Ponty, Heidegger)
3. Edmund Husserl : Phenomenology & the Crisis of Philosophy, translated
by Quentin Lauer, N. York, Harper Torchbook 1965.
4. Edmund Husserl : Idea of Phenomenology (Relevant Portions)
The Macmillan Company, 1952
5. Robert Solomon : From Rationalism to Existentialism
Harpepr and Row Publishers, 1972
6. Merleau-Ponty : Phenomenology of Perception
7. Jean-Paul Sartre : Transcendence of the Ego

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8. Jean-Paul Sartre : Being & Nothingness (Relevant Portions). Trans. by
H.E. Barnes, London Methuen & Co. Ltd. 1994
9. Jean-Paul Sartre : Existentialism and Humanism
10. Geoffrey C1ive( ed) : The Philosophy of Nietzsche, Meridian Publication,
11. M. Buber : I & Thou
12. James Mundackle : Man in Dialogue
13. Sean Hand(Ed) : Levinas Reader
14. E.Levinas : Outside the Subject
15. Quentin Lauer : Phenomenology: Its Genesis & Project Harper Torch
16. M.K. Bhadra : Critical Survey of Phenomenology & Existentialism,
ICPR, New, Delhi.
17. R.J. Hollingdale : Nietzsche: The Man and His Philosophy, Cambridge
University Press
18. Maurice Friedman (Ed.) : Martin Buber and Human Sciences, State University of
New York Press, 1996.
19. Franson Manjali (Ed) : Nietzsche: Philologist, Philosopher and Cultural Critic,
Allied Publishers.
20. Martin Heidegger : Being and Time
21. Maurice Friedman : Martin Buber: The life of Dialogue, Routledge
22. M.K. Bhadra : Sartre's Ontology of Consciousness, Burdwan
23. J.N. Mohanty : The Concept of Intentionality, Warren H. Green, Inc, St
Louis, Missouri, U.S.A
24. Moran, Dermot : Edmund Husserl: Founder of Phenomenology.
25. Moran, Dermot : Introduction to Phenomenology, UK: Routledge.
26. Zahavi, Dan : Husserls Phenomenology,Stanford University Press.
27. Mohanty, J.N. (Ed.), : Readings on Edmund Husserls Logical Investigations,
The Hague: Nijhoff.
28. Mohanty, J.N. and William R. Mckenna. (Ed.), (1989), Husserls Phenomenology: A
Textbook, Washington, DC: Centre for Advanced Research in Phenomenology & University
Press of America.

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(Only portions of the suggested materials will be consulted according to the syllabus.
The course teacher may suggest further books and reading materials according to the
need of the students and new publications)

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Unit- I
Logical Positivism-Verification Theory of Meaning
Sense, Reference and Description (Frege and Russell)

Unit- II Wittgenstein on Language

Picture theory of Meaning, Language Game, Private Language and Limits of Thought

Unit-III Theories of Mind

Dualism- Substance Dualism and Property Dualism
Physicallism- Identity theory, Functionalism

Unit- IV Consciousness
Features of Consciousness, Ontology and Genesis of Consciousness, Function of
Consciousness, Problem of Consciousness

Unit- V Intentionality
Its possibility, Its structure: proposition content and psychological mode, Internalism vs
Externalism, Collective Intentionality.

Suggested Readings:

Morris, Michael, Introduction to Philosophy of Language, CUP, 2007

Miller, Alexander, Philosphy of Language, Routledge, 2007Lycan, William G., Philosophy
of Language A contemporary introduction, Routledge, 2000

Martinich, A.P., The Philosophy of Language, (Ed), OUP, 1990

Alston, A.P. The Philosophy of Language, Prentice Hall, India

Rorty, R., Linguistic Turn

Ayer, A.J., Language, Truth and Logic

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Austin, J.L., How to Do Things with Words

Sen, Pranab Kumar, Reference and Truth

R.C. Pradhan, Philosophy of Meaning and Representation

A.C. Greyling (ed.), Philosophy 2 OUP 1998, chapter on Philosophy of Language

Susan Blackmore, Consciousness: An Introduction, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2003.

Michael Tye, Ten Problems of Consciousness: A Representational Theory of the Phenomenal

Mind Representation and Mind, Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1995.

Ned Block, Owen J. Flanagan and Gven Gzeldere (Edited): The Nature of Consciousness:
Philosophical Debates, Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1997.

John Searle, Mind: A Brief Introduction, New York, Oxford University Press, 2004

John Heil Philosophy of Mind: A Contemporary Introduction, New York, Routledge, Second
edition, 2004

Edward Feser Philosophy of Mind: A Short Introduction by. Oxford: Oneworld, Second
Edition, 2007.

A. Nataraju (Ed.), (2013), The Limits of Thought and Beyond, Bloomsbury.

PG Syllabus - Revised Page 27



Unit- I Applied Ethics and its Branches: Environmental Ethics, Animal Ethics, Business
Ethics, Bio-Medical Ethics, Feminist Ethics, Media Ethics, Teacher Ethics,
Ethics of Public life and Morality and Legal Ethics

Unit- II Corporate Ethics: Ethics of Business, Corporate Social Responsibility, Individual Vs

Corporate Responsibility, Corporate Ethics and the Critique of Consumerism

Unit- III Sanctity of Life: Suicide, Euthanasia, Abortion

Unit- IV Genetic Engineering and Cloning, Organ Donation, Informed Consent

Unit- V Poverty and Equality, War and Just War Theory, War and Human Rights, Terrorism
and Human Rights

Suggested Readings:

Singer, P., Practical Ethics Cambridge,, Cambridge Univ. Press, 1988.

Blackwell Companions to Philosophy, A Companion to Ethics, Edited by Peter Singer

Evans, J.D.G., Moral Philosophy and Contemporary Problems, CUP

Rachels, James (ed.). Moral Problems (Third Ed) 1979, Harper & Row

Beauchamp, T.L., Principle of Biomedical Ethics, Recent Edition

Fox, R. & Marco, J.De, New Directions in Ethics, Routledge & Kegan Paul

Beauchamp, T.L., LeRoy Walters, Contemporary Issue in Bioethics, Wadsworth Publishing

Company, 1989.

Cohen, M and Nagel, T., War and Moral Responsibility, Princeton, 1994.

Dennett, J.C., Nuclear Weapons and the Conflict of Conscience, New York, OUP, 1999.

Nathanson, Stephen, Terrorism and the Ethics of War, Cambridge, CUP, 2010.

Russell, B., Common sense and Nuclear Warfare, Penguin, 1980.

Hayward. T., Ecological Thought, Polity Press, UK, 2001.

PG Syllabus - Revised Page 28

Thironx, J.P., Ethics: Theory and Practice, California, Glencoe pub. Co. Inc, 1975.

Almond, Brenda (ed.), Introducing Applied Ethics, Blackwell, UK

Velasquez, Manuel, G., Business Ethics: Concept and Cases, 5th edition, Pearson
Prentice Hall, New Delhi, 2002.

PG Syllabus - Revised Page 29

At a time when India was passing through a period of defeatism and loss of faith, Swami
Vivekananda demonstrated the glory of Indian culture and spirituality and what it could
contribute to the world progress.
His contribution to the awakening of India raised him, in the opinion of Lokamaya Bal
Gangadhar Tilak, to the status of Shankaracharya. Every great national leader of India,
subsequent to Vivekananda, has acknowledged having received inspiration from him. In the
Swadeshi agitation, that rocked Bengal, Sri Aurobindo saw Swami Vevekananda standing
behind by movement. Mahatma Gandhi proclaimed that, by studying the works of
Vivekananda, his love for his motherland increased a hundred fold. Gandhis movement for
the upliftment of the scheduled castes and tribes drew tremendous inspiration from
Vivekanandas powerful crusades against casteism and untouchability. Swamijis speeches,
according to Rabindranath Tagore, inspired the daring deeds of the youths of Bengal and
awkened in them the spirit of dedication and service to the nation. The great revolutionary
Subhas Chandra Bose has clearly stated that socialism in India owed its origin to Swami
Vivekananda and only its later developments are due to Karl Marx.

Swamiji derived his socialism as much from the spiritual heritage of India as from the then
socio-political thoughts and movements. His socialism is based on a solid philosophy of man
and his infinite possibilities the philosophy of Advaita, which proclaimed the divinity and
solidarity of all human beings. He thus connects modern political and social democratic
demands for freedom and equality with Indias ancient Vedantic spirituality. Swamiji raised a
new voice and stood for cultivation of an altogether new spirit that distinguishes his ideas
from those of the classical Vedanta in as much as it addresses to the zeitseid (the time spirit)
of renascent India. The inspiring utterances of Vivekananda relating to Indias socio-political
transformation will help us to achieve revolutionary social changes, while holding fast, at the
same time to the eternal, spiritual and humanistic vision of the Indian sages.

The course designed to give the student a critical appreciation of his philosophy and his
contribution to contemporary Indian philosophical thoughts.

PG Syllabus - Revised Page 30

Unit I Vivekananda and the Vedanta

Vivekananda and ankara

Vednta theory and Practical Vednta
Practical Vednta or Neo Vednta its characteristics

Unit-II Vivekananda and Reality

The Reality is Brahman.

The world is practically real: Myvada
Mans real nature is divine.

Unit-III Vivekananda and Religious Understandings

Interfaith Dialogue
Vivekanandas concept of Universal Religion
Science and Religion
Religion as a source of social value

Unit- IV Vivekananda and Indian Renaissance

Characteristics of Renaissance
Indian Renaissance a preliminary survey of its basic characteristics
Impact of Vivekanandas ideas on socio- religious movements and national awakening of
Influence of Vivekananda on contemporary philosophers- Tilak, Tagore, Aurobindo, Gandhi
and Subhas Chandra Bose.

Unit- V Vivekananda on Society and State

Vivekanandas vision of ideal society and ideal state

Correlation of liberty, rights, duties and love
Vivekanandas vision and Marxist view basic similarities and differences

PG Syllabus - Revised Page 31

Suggested Reading:
Swami Vivekananda, Complete Works, Vol. I-IX, Ramakrishna Mission
Isherwood, Christopher (ed), Vedanta for the Western World, Unwin, London (1963)
Swami Ranganathananda, Science and Religion, R K Mission Ashrama, Mylapore
Rolland, Romain, (1930), Prophets of the New India, Cassell & Co.
Sarkar, Benoy Kumar, (1937), Creative India- From Mahenjodaro to the Age of
Ramakrishna Vivekananda, MLBD, New Delhi.
The Cultural Heritage of India, vol. I-VI R K Mission Institute of Culture, Kolkata
Sister Nivedita, Sociological Aspect of the Vedanta Philosophy, (Complete Works, Vol.II).
Swami Vivekananda, On India and Her Problems
Swami Lokeswarananda, Chintanayak Vivekananda, R K Mission Institute of Culture,
By his Eastern and Western Disciples: life of Swami Vivekananda, Advaita Ashrama
Sister Nivedita, The master as I saw Him.
Chatterjee, S. C., (1963), Classical Indian philosophers and their Synthesis in the Philosophy
of Sri Ramakrishna, University of Calcutta, Kolkata
Zaehner, R. C., Hinduism
Durant, Will, The Renaissance
Majumdar, R.C., History of the Freedom Movement in India, (Vol. I II)
____________, Glimpses of Bengal in the Nineteenth Century
Brown, DM, Indian Political Thought from Manu to Gandhi
Radhakrishnan, S., Introduction to Mahatma Gandhi Essays and Reflections

PG Syllabus - Revised Page 32

Unit I
Women Question in Philosophy, Feminist Philosophy and its Justification, What is Feminism,
Theorizing Feminism

Unite II
Ethics and Feminism, Feminist Ethics, Sex-Gender System and Sex-Gender Difference

Unit III
Conceptual Analysis: Justice and Care, Partiality versus Impartiality, Objectification and

Unit IV
Care Ethics, Self-Other Relationship

Unit V
New Trends in Feminist Ethics: Gender Egalitarianism, Gender Politics and Eco-feminism

Prescribed Readings:
A Companion to Feminist Philosophy. Edited by Alison M. Jaggar and Iris Marion Young.
Oxford: Blackwell Publishing (2005).

Blackwell Guide to Feminist Philosophy. Edited by Linda Martin Alcoff and Eva Feder
Kittay, Oxford: Blackwell Publishing (2006).

In a Different Voice by Carol Gilligan. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press (1994)

Second Sex by Simone De Beauvoir, Translated and edited by H.M. Parshley, Vintage Book,
London, 1997

PG Syllabus - Revised Page 33

Relevant Chapter from Encyclopaedia of Environmental Ethics and Philosophy, Vol. 1.
Edited by J. Baird Callicott and Robert Frodeman. USA: Macmillan Reference (A Part of
Gale Cengage Learning).

Relevant Web-pages from Stanford Encyclopaedia of Philosophy.

Suggested Readings
Vindication of the Rights of Women by Marry Wollstonecraft in Vindication of the Rights
of Women, Deidre Shauna Lynch (ed.), third edition, W.W. Norton & co, New York, London,
Subjection of Women by J. S Mill
Mapping the Moral Domain. Edited by Carol Gilligan, Janie Victoria ward and Jill McLean
Taylor with Betty Bardige, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, 2001

PG Syllabus - Revised Page 34


Sources general features-Advaita Vednta before akara-Mandana-Mira, Gauapda.


akara-Adhysa, Brhaman: definition , saguna & nirguna- Cetana Brahman as abhinna-



My: its nature and arguments, tman: its nature Jivanmukti, Interpretation of


Post akara Vednta differences between Bhmat and Vivaraa schools, Three levels of


Advaita theory of knowledge.

Suggested Readings:

S. Radhakrishnan, Brahmastra, George Allen and Unwin, London.

S. Radhakirshnan, Indian Philosophy, George Allen and Unwin, Vol. I and II
Jadunath Sinha, Indian Realism, Kegan Paul, London.
Vallabha-Anubhsya (Selections)
T.M.P. Mahadevan , The Philosophy of Advaita, Madras.
Jadunath Sinha, Problems of Post-ankara Advaita Vednta, Calcutta.
ankara, Commentaries on Vednta Stras, Chandogya Upaniad.
Vacaspati Misra, Bhamati (selections)
Dharmaraja Adhvarindra, Vedanta Paribhasa
Sriharsa, Khandanakhanda Khdya

PG Syllabus - Revised Page 35

L. Stafford Betty, Vdirajas Refutation of ankaras non-dualism
Mrudula. I. Marfatia, The Philosophy of Vallabhcarya, Delhi, 1967.
Swami Tapasyananda, Bhakti Schools of Vednta, Madras. 1990.
Ramanuja, Srbhya (Selections)
Srinivasacarya, Yatindramatadpika
Madhav, Commentary on Vednta Stras (selections)
S.M. Srinivasacari, Advaita and Viitdvaita, Delhi, 1976.
Stephen H. Phillips, Classical Indian Metaphysics, Motilal Banarasidass, Delhi.

PG Syllabus - Revised Page 36

SET - 4
Existentialism and the Concept of Dialogue

Unit-I Towards the Existentialist Concept of Dialogue

Existentialist Literature, Concept of Self, Concept of Otherness, Concept of Dialogue

Unit-II Self and Dialogue

Soren Kierkegaards Either/or and the Ethical Subject, Martin Bubers idea of I-Thou

Unit-III Authenticity and Dialogue

Martin Heideggers idea of Dasein as Care, Immanuel Levinas concept of Ethics of the

Unit-IV - Freedom and Dialogue

Jean Paul Sartres concept of Freedom and Humanism, Karl Jaspers idea of Existenz and
Freedom, Albert Camuss idea of Absurdity and Freedom

Unit-V Body/Embodiment and Dialogue

Maurice Merleau-Pontys doctrine of Embodied Consciousness, Gabriel Marcels concept
of Intersubjectivity and Body

Suggested Readings:
Dermont Moran, (2000), Introduction to Phenomenology, London, Routledge.
Ronald D. Laing, (1961), The Self and Others, London, Tavistok.
Samuel Hugo Bergman,(1991), Dialogical Philosophy from Keirkegaard to Buber, trans.
Arnold A.Gerstein, New York, Suny Press.
Robert C. Solomon, (1981), Introducing the Existentialists:Imaginary Interviews with
Heidegger, Sartre and Camus, New York, Hacket Publishing Co.
Soren Kierkegaard, (1944), Either/Or, 2 Vols. Trans. Swenton, Swenson and Lowrie,
Princeton, Princeton University Press.
Herberg W.,(ed), (1970), The Writings of Martin Buber, New York, Meridian Books.
Martin Heidegger, (1996), Being and Time, trans. Joan Stambaugh, New York, Suny Press.
Emmanuel Levinas, (1989), The Levinas Reader, ed. Sean Hand, Oxford, Balckwell.
PG Syllabus - Revised Page 37
Jean Paul Sartre, (1971), Existentialism and Humanism, Trans. P. Mariet, London, Methuen.
Karl Jaspers, (1956), Reason and Existenz, London, Routledge Kegan Paul.
Maurice Merleau-Ponty, (1962), The Phenomenology of Perception, trans. C.Smith, London,
Routledge Kegan Paul.
Gabriel Marcel, (1935), Being and Having: An Existential Diary, New York, Harpin and
Albert Camus, (2000), The Rebel, trans. Antho

PG Syllabus - Revised Page 38


What is mind? What is the relation between minds and brains? What is consciousness? Are
we conscious of being conscious? What is it for us to intend to do something?
The most innovative works on these exciting issues nowadays are being done in the area
called Philosophy of Mind. This field has many important relations with the fields of
philosophy such as epistemology, metaphysics, logic, ethics, cognitive science etc. as well as
with such disciplines as psychology, neuroscience, computing science, theory of information
and others.
The course is designed to acquaint students with the introductory, but central, questions in the
philosophy of mind. The main emphasis is supposed to be on the developments of the late
20th century, particularly of last few decades.

Unit I Introduction
The Cartesian Legacy, Contemporary Developments, Relation with other disciplines

Unit II Dualism
Substance Dualism, Property Dualism

Unit III Materialism

Behaviourism, Psychophysical identity theory: Type identity theory, Token identity theory,

Unit IV Consciousness
Existence of consciousness, Features of consciousness, Theories of consciousness.

Unit V Intentionality
Its possibility, Its structure: proposition content and psychological mode, Internalism vs
Externalism, Collective Intentionality.

PG Syllabus - Revised Page 39

Suggested Readings:

John Searle, Mind: A Brief Introduction, New York, Oxford University Press, 2004
John Heil Philosophy of Mind: A Contemporary Introduction, New York, Routledge, Second
edition, 2004

Edward Feser Philosophy of Mind: A Short Introduction by. Oxford: Oneworld, Second
Edition, 2007

Suggested Readings:

Jaegwon Kim, Philosophy of Mind Oxford: Oxford University Press, Second Edition, 2006.
E. J. Lowe, An Introduction to the Philosophy of Mind, Cambridge: Cambridge University
Press, 2004.
Brian Beakley and Peter Ludlow (ed.), The Philosophy of Mind: Classical
Problems/Contemporary Issues, New Delhi: Prentice Hall of India, (Originally published by
MIT Press), Second Edition, 2007
Samuel Guttenplan (ed.), A Companion to the Philosophy of Mind Blackwell Published,
Recent Edition, 2001

PG Syllabus - Revised Page 40


This course aims to provide a critical overview of the concepts central to the study of politics,
and to provide an introduction to the various theories which inform and influence various
political events. The following questions are considered to be pertinent for our purpose: What
is society? What is a just society? What is equality? What is right? What is liberty? What
makes a government legitimate, what rights and freedoms it should protect and why, what
form it should take and why, what the law is, and what duties citizens owe to a legitimate
government, if any, and when it may be legitimately overthrownif ever. In addressing
ourselves to these questions we are mainly concerned with the developments of the
contemporary political thought that occurred in the second half of the twentieth century.


Utilitarianism: Hedonism and its forms, Maximization of the greatest happiness: equal
consideration of interest and teleological utilitarianism, politics of utilitarianism, critique
of utilitarianism: difference of persons, the issue of over-demand


Liberal Equality: Classical and Contemporary Theory of Justice, The Rawlsian project:
Justice as Fairness, The First Principle of Justice, The Second Principle of Justice


Marxism: Major Doctrines of Marxism, The Concept of Communist justice, Euro-

Communism and the Marxist Concept of Alienation, Marxism and Democracy, Post


PG Syllabus - Revised Page 41

Communitarianism and Multiculturalism: Individual Rights versus Common Good, the
Unencumbered Self; Multiculturalism and Nation-building Process, Models of
Multiculturalism, Politics of Multiculturalism


Feminism: Gender Inequality and Gender Discrimination, Ethic of Care, Politics of


Prescribed Readings:

1. Contemporary Political Philosophy: An Introduction by Will Kymlicka. Oxford:

Oxford University Press, Second Edition, 2002.
2. Political Philosophy by Dudley Knowles. London: Routledge, 2001.

Suggested Readings:

1. Political Philosophy: A Very Short Introduction by David Miller. New York: Oxford
University Press. 2003.
2. Political Philosophy: Classic and Contemporary Readings. Edited by Louis P.
Pojman, New York: McGraw-Hill, 2002.
3. The Blackwell Guide to Social and Political Philosophy. Edited by Robert L. Simon.
Blackwell Publishing Ltd., 2002.
4. A Companion to Feminist Philosophy. Edited by Alison M. Jaggar and Iris Marion
Young. Blackwell Publishing Ltd., 1998.

PG Syllabus - Revised Page 42

Unit- I
Concept of soul, salvation and human destiny, Purusrtha

Unit- II
Brahman, svara, Jva, Jagat: Upaniads, Advaita Vedanta, Viitdvaita

Unit- III
Jaina and Bauddha approaches to religion.

Unit- IV
Contemporary Philosophy of Religion: Vivekananda, Aurobindo

Unit- V
Tagore, Gandhi, Krishnamurti

Suggested Readings:
Radhakrishnan , S., Indian Philosophy, Vol. I and II
Dasgupta, S.N., History of Indian Philosophy, M.L.B.D.
Keith, A.B., The Religion and Philosophy of the Vedas and the Upanisads, M.L.B.D.
MaxMuller, F., The Vedas, The Indological Book Varanasi.
Murti, TR.V., The Central Philosophy of Buddhism, MLBD, Delhi.
Matilal, B.K., Central Philosophy of Jainism, L.D Institute
Selected portions from the complete works of Vivekananda, Aurobindo, Gandhi, Tagore,

PG Syllabus - Revised Page 43


Unit I
Philosophical Anthropology: Concept of Human Nature, Original goodness and human
Unit II
Social and Political thought: Swaraj, Swadeshi, Satyagraha, Sarvodaya, Religion and Politics,
Concept of Power.
Unit III
Concept of Swaraj and the contemporary issues: rights of Minorities, Swaraj in Ideas and
Cultures, Gandhism and Marxism, Truth in politics and society, Ahimsa as a creed and
Unit IV
Gandhi and Modern Indian Philosophy: Comparative Study of Gandhi, Tagore and
Unit V
Axiology: Concept of truth, Truth is God, Absolute and Relative Truth, Truth and Moral
Autonomy, The Meaning of Ahimsa in Buddhism, Jainism, Gandhism and Western Thought.

Suggested Readings:

Iyer, Raghavan (ed.), The Essential Writings of Mahatma Gandhi, Oxford Univ. Press, India
1991. (Relevant Portions).
Iyer, Raghavan, The Moral and Political Thought of Mahatma Gandh,. Oxford Univ. Press
India, (relevant portions)
Datta, D.M., The Philosophy of Mahatma Gandhi, Calcutta University.
Dalton, Dennis, Power of Gandhi: Non-Violence in Action
Pieterse, Jan Nederveen & Parekh Bhikhu The Decolonization of Imagination
Radhakrishnan, Mahatma Gandhi : Essays and Reflections.
M. K. Gandhi, My Experiments with Truth, Navajivan Publications.
The Collected Works of Mahatma Gandhi,
Web link--

PG Syllabus - Revised Page 44


1. Nyya Manjari of Jayanta Bhatta, S.N. Sukla (ed), Varanasi, Chowkhamba.

2. Madhyamika Krik (Eng. tr. by Stcherbatsky, 'The Conception of Buddhist Nirvana)

M B D, Delhi.

3. Mahaprajna Paramita Sastra Eng. Tr. K. V. Ramana (Nagarjunas Philosophy as

presented in the MPPS), MLBD, Delhi.

4. Jaina Tarka Bhasa of Yasovijaya, MBD, Delhi.

5. Syadvadamanjari of Mallisena, Ed. Prof. A B Dhruva, Bombay Sanskrit Series,


6. Tattvacintamani: Pramanyavada, Eng Tr. J.N. Mohanty, Visva Bharati Advanced

Centre of Philosophy Pub. Also available with MBD, Delhi

7. Samkhya Karika of Isvarakrisna

Eng. Trans. Swami Vireshwarananda, Advaita Ashrama, Calcutta

8. Vedantaparibhasa of Dharmaraja Adhvarendra

Eng. Tr. Swami: Madhavananda, Advaita Ashram, Cal. 14.

9. Tarkasamgraha-Dipika, Eng. Tr. G. Bhattacharyya, Progressive Pub. Cal.

10. Padarthadharmasangraha of Prasastapada, Eng. Tr. By G. Jha, Chowkhamba

Oriental Studies Series 4, Varanasi 1982.

11. Naishkarmya Siddhi by Sureshwaracharya

Note: Selection of the text is kept open subject to the availability of requisite human
resource and infrastructural facilities.

PG Syllabus - Revised Page 45



1. Plato : Phaedo / Theatatus / Republic

(Selected portion of dialogues)

2. Aristotle : Metaphysics

3. Descartes : Discourse on Methods and Meditations

4. Leibniz : Monadology

5. Hume : An Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding

6. Kant : The Critique of Pure Reason

7. Bradley : Appearance & Reality

8. Bergson : Creative Evolution

9. Husserl : Cartesian Meditation

10. Wittgenstein : Tractatus (With Russell's Introduction),

Kegan Paul, London.

11. Quine : Word & Object

Note: Selection of the text is kept open subject to the availability of requisite human
resource and infrastructural facilities.

PG Syllabus - Revised Page 46


Unit I Philosophical Anthropology, Relation between Man and Culture

Unit II Concept of Philosophy, Philosophy of Religion, Ethics

Unit III Interpretation of History, Critique of Nationalism

Unit IV Aesthetics and Education

Unit V Truth, Fact and Reality

Suggested Readings:

Rabindranath Tagore : Creative Unity, Macmilan, India

: Personality, Macmilan, India

: Sadhana, Macmillan, India

: Man. Andhra Lecture.

: Angel of Surplus Ed. by Sisirkumar Ghosh,

Visva Bharati

: Lectures and Addresses, Macmillan, India.

Pabitrakumar Roy : Philosophy of Rabindranath Tagore, ICPR.

Bhudeb Choudhury & : Rabindranath Tagore and Challenges of

K.G., Subramanyan Today, IIAS, Shimla.

Rabindranath Tagore : Vision of Indian History, Visva Bharati.

: Meaning of Art, Lalitkala Akademi

: English Writings of Rabindranath Tagore,

Ed. by Sisir Das Sahitya Akademi.

PG Syllabus - Revised Page 47

P.K. Ray : Man and Beauty: Recent Indian Theories of Art, IIAS, Shimla, 1998.

PG Syllabus - Revised Page 48


Unit I
Nationalism and beyond, The Doctrine of Passive Resistance, The Ideal of Karmayogin
Unit II
Indian Tradition and Culture
Unit III
The Individual, Society and Humanity
Unit IV
The Evolution of Consciousness, Integral Yoga
Unit V
Aesthetic and Ethical Culture

Suggested Readings:
Peter Heehs (Ed), The Essential Writings of Sri Aurobindo, Oxford, Univ. Press, 1998.
(Introduction, Part I PP: 12-17, 42-46, Part-II & III PP: 57-85, 93-97, 104-160, Part IV pp.
S.K. Moitra, The Philosophy of Sri Aurobindo, Pondhichery Ashram
Joan Price, An Introduction of Sri Aurobindos Philosophy, Pondhichery Ashram
Pabitra Kumar Roy, Man and Beauty: Recent Indian Theory of Art, IIAS, Shimla
V. P. Varma, (1990),The Political Philosophy of Sri Aurobindo, Motilal Banarasidass.
Sri Aurobindo, Life Divine.
Sri Aurobindo, Human Cycle.
Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis of Yoga, American Edition.
Sri Aurobindo, The Renaissance in India.
Sachidananda Mohanty (Ed.), Sri Aurobindo: A Contemporary Reader, Routledge.
Joan Price Ockham,(1977) An Introduction to Sri Aurobindos Philosophy, Sri Aurobindo

PG Syllabus - Revised Page 49


Introduction to Environmental Philosophy and Environmental Ethics

The relevance of environmental Ethics

The Distinction between instrumental and intrinsic value theories in
Environmental Ethics; Anthropocentrism, Bio-centrism, Eco-Centrism;
Environmental goods as instrumental goods and environmental goods as values
by themselves; Cost benefit analysis as a method of assessing environmental values.

The distinction between prudential reasons and oral reasons
The independent moral status of living things
Animal Rights

Sustainable development
Different senses of the word nature
The problem of arguing from biological fact to value
Environmental Justice

The naturalistic view of the relationship of human beings to the rest of nature
The Deep green view about human beings being part of nature.
The Claims of Deep Ecology

Major Texts:

PG Syllabus - Revised Page 50

Taylor, P.W., Respect for nature, Mill, J.S., Nature, Naess, A., Identification, oneness,
wholeness and self-realization, Fox, W., Transpersonal Ecology and the varieties of
identification, Plumwood,V., Nature , Self and Gender: Feminism, Environmental
Philosophy and the critique of Rationalism, Pearce, D., Markandya, A & Barber, E.B.,
Economic Valuation of Environmental goods.
All theses texts are from Benson, John(2000), Environmental Ethics : An Introduction with
Readings, London, Routledge,

Suggested Readings:

Benson, John(2000), Environmental Ethics : An Introduction with Readings, London,


Routley V and R., (2001) Environmental Ethics in Practice, London, Routledge.

Singer, Peter, (1993), Practical Ethics, Cambridge Univ. Press.

Velasquez, Manuel, G., (2002), Business Ethics: Concept and Cases, 5th edition, Pearson
Prentice Hall, New Delhi.

Rolston III, Holmes, (2012), A New Environmental Ethics, London, Routledge.

Westra, Laura, ( 2009), Environmental Justice and the Rights of the Ecological Refugees,
London, Earthscan.

PG Syllabus - Revised Page 51



Viitdvaita-Ymuncrya-lvrs-Bhskara and Ydavapraka.


Rmnuja Saguna Brahman-arguments against My: Aprthaksiddhi.


Tattvatraya: Cit, Acit and vara-Dharmabhta Jna-Bhakti And Prapatti.


Vallabha- uddhdvaita-Brahman-Jiva-Divine grace.


Nimbrka-Bhedbheda-Brahman, Cit and Acit, Creation of universe as lla.

Suggested Readings:

1. S. Radhakrishnan : Brahmastra, George Allen and Unwin, London.

2. S. Radhakirshnan : Indian Philosophy, George Allen and Unwin, Vol. I and
3. Jadunath Sinha : Indian Realism, Kegan Paul, London.
4. Vallabha : Anubhasya
5. T.M.P. Mahadevan : The Philosophy of Advaita, Madras.
6. Jadunath Sinha : Problems of Post-ankara Advaita Vednta, Calcutta.
7. ankara : Commentaries on Vednta Stras, Chandogya Upaniad.
8. Vacaspati Misra : Bhmati (selections)
9. Dharmaraja Adhvarindra : Vednta Paribha
10. Srharsa : Khandanakhanda Khdya
11. L. Stafford Betty : Vdirajas Refutation of ankaras non-dualism
PG Syllabus - Revised Page 52
12. Mrudula. I. Marfatia : The Philosophy of Vallabhcrya, Delhi, 1967.
13. Swami Tapasyananda : Bhakti Schools of Vednta, Madras. 1990.
14. Rmnuja : Srbhsya (Selections)
15. Srnivscrya : Yatndramatadpika
16. Madhav : Commentary on Vednta Stras (selections)
17. S.M. Srinivasacari : Advaita and Viitdvaita, Delhi, 1976.
18. Stephen H. Phillips : Classical Indian Metaphysics, Motilal Banarasidas, Delhi.
19. R. Balasubramanian : The Tradition of Advaita, Munshiram Manoharlal.
20. Srinivas Rao : Advaita : Hundred Critique, OUP

PG Syllabus - Revised Page 53

Frederich Nietzsche and Existentialism
Unit-I - Philosophy of Nietzsche
Nietzsches Concepts of Morality, Will to Power, the Concept of Superman

Unit-II Truth and Subjectivity

The Critique of the Concept of Truth Nietzsche, Kierkegaard on Truth and Subjectivity,
Nietzsche and Kierkegaard: A Postmodern Reading.

Unit-III Being/Existence and Meaning

Nietzsche and Martin Heidegger : Being, Existence, Meaning and the Critique of Western

Unit-IV Atheism and Freedom

Nietzsche and Sartre on God, Religiosity, Morality, Values and Freedom.

Unit-V- Ethics and Responsibility

Nietzsche, Sartre and Camus on Self and the Other, Ethics and Responsibility.

Suggested Readings:
Nietzsche,Friedrich,(1967), The Will to Power, trans. Walter Kaufmann, New York: Random
Nietzsche,Friedrich,(1867/1967), On the Genealogy of Morals , trans. Walter Kaufmann,
New York: Vintage Books.
Nietzsche,Friedrich,(1886/1989) Beyond Good and Evil, trans. Walter Kaufmann, New
York: Vintage Books.
Kaufmann,Walter, (1966), Nietzsche : Philosopher, Psychologist, Antichrist, Princeton:
Princeton University Press.
Manjali,Franson,(2006), Nietzsche : Philologist, Philosopher and Cultural Critic, Delhi:
Allied Publishers.
Tanner,Michael,(1994), Nietzsche ,Oxford: Oxford University Press

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Soren Kierkegaard, Concluding Unscientific Postscript , trans. D.F Swenson, Princeton,
Princeton University Press. 1941.
Hollingdale,R.J.(1961), Thus Spake Zarathustra, Harmondsworth: Penguin Books.
Martin Heidegger, (1991), Nietzsche, 2 vols. Trans. D.F. Krell, Sanfransico, Harper.
Jean Paul Sartre, (1971), Existentialism and Humanism, Trans. P. Mariet, London, Methuen.
Solomon R., (1971), From Rationalism to Existentialism, New York, Harper & Row.
Barret R.(ed), (1961), Irrational Man, London, Heinemann.
Ronald D. Laing, (1961), The Self and Others, London, Tavistok.

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The issue of consciousness is arguably one of the most challenging topics in the
contemporary philosophical discussion of mind. Even though there is no agreement in
conceptualizing what consciousness is, there is a widespread, if not universal, consensus that
an adequate explanation of mind necessarily requires an investigation of the conscious
character of mind. The investigation of consciousness is not only engages the philosophical
circles of modern western analytic trends, but also it engages many of our contemporary
Indian philosophers who attempt to rejuvenate the classical Indian thoughts with scientific
rigour. In this course our basic motive is to understand what consciousness is, if there is any,
and how it is related to other nonconscious aspects of reality. In order to pursue this motive
we shall investigate the contemporary western trends as well as traditional and contemporary
works of Indian thought.

Unit I: Features of Consciousness, Ontology and Genesis of Consciousnes, Function of

Consciousness, Problem of Consciousnes

Unit II: Traditional Theories of Consciousness: The Dualist Theories and The Physicalist
Theories, Samkhya and Yoga, Stream of Consciousness-Budhism

Unit III: Specific Theories of Consciousness: The Representationalist Theories, Cognitive

Theories and Neural Theories, Intentionality and Temporality- Husserl

Unit IV: Upanisadic Ideas on Cit, Consciousness as Understood in the Schools of Vedanta-
Advaita, Visistadvaita, Dvaita

Unit V: Evolutionary Theory of Consciousness- Sri Aurobindo, J. Krishnamurti on

consciousness, K.C. Bhattacharya on theoretic grades of consciousness

Recommended Books and Materials:

Susan Blackmore, Consciousness: An Introduction, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2003.

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Michael Tye, Ten Problems of Consciousness: A Representational Theory of the Phenomenal
Mind Representation and Mind, Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1995.
Ned Block, Owen J. Flanagan and Gven Gzeldere (Edited): The Nature of Consciousness:
Philosophical Debates, Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1997.
Internet Link:
Francis Crick, The Astonishing Hypothesis in Philosophy East and West, 1996
Bina Gupta, Cit: Consciousnes, OUP, 2003
S. Radhakrishnan, Indian Philosophy, vol. I & II
Jayanta Bhatta, Nyaya manjari
Vacaspati Mishras Commentary on Samkhya Karika
J. Krishnamurti, On consciousness, Krishnamurti Foundation of India, Chennai
Patanjali, Yogasutra

Suggested Books:

Max Velmans, Susan Schneider (Edited), The Blackwell Companion to Consciousness, USA:
Blackwell Publishing, 2007.
Joseph Levine, Purple Haze: The Puzzle of Consciousness, Oxford: Oxford University Press,
Susan Blackmore, Consciousness: A Very Short Introduction, Oxford: Oxford University
Press, 2005.
Thomas Metzinger (Edited) Neural Correlates of Consciousness: Empirical and Conceptual
Questions, Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2000
Mark Rowlands, The Nature of Consciousness, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press,

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Unit 1 Socialism
Forms of Socialism; Contemporary Versions and Theories of Socialism.

Unit II Communism
Communist-Marxist Theory; Classical, Euro and Contemporary Theories of Communism.

Unit III Fascism

Fascism and Nazism: The Historical Significance; Contemporary Overview of Fascism

Unit IV Anarchism
Anarchism as a Political Ideology: The Historical Significance; Contemporary Anarchism

Unit V Democracy
Democracy: A Historical Assessment; Forms of Democracy; The Future of Democracy.

Suggested Readings:

1. Will Kymlicka, Contemporary Political Philosophy: An Introduction. Oxford: Oxford

University Press, Second Edition, 2002.
2. David Miller, Political Philosophy: A Very Short Introduction New York: Oxford
University Press. 2003.
3. Political Philosophy: Classic and Contemporary Readings. Edited by Louis P.
Pojman, New York: McGraw-Hill, 2002.
4. The Blackwell Guide to Social and Political Philosophy. Edited by Robert L. Simon.
Blackwell Publishing Ltd., 2002.
5. Bhargava, Rajeev and Ashok Acharya Eds.,(2008),Political Theory: An Introduction,
New Delhi: Person

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Any two religions to be selected from the following groups (one from each) :

A. Zoroastrianism

B. Hinduism

(Details of course contents and reading list will be decided by the course teacher.)

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