Pure Bending - Multiple Materials & Plastic Bending
Pure Bending - Multiple Materials & Plastic Bending
Pure Bending - Multiple Materials & Plastic Bending
07 ARO326
Structural Mechanics I
Pure Bending:
Multiple Materials & Inelastic
B&J, Chapter 4.4 to 4.6
Composite Sections
Todd Coburn
Cal Poly Pomona
Chart by Todd Coburn.
ARO326 ARO326
Review: Fundamentals of Elastic Bending Review: Fundamentals of Elastic Bending
Consider a straight beam subjected to bending
M total y max
The strain at any position y can s max =
be written e = d
s all I
L0 M all =
A closer look at the deformation y max
of the beam as a function of R
provides Assumptions:
We can see that d = L0 d y 1. Plane sections remain plane
y y R L0 R 2. Length of longitudinal axis remains unchanged
So e =
R 3. Plane section remains perpendicular to the
The force on any elemental strip of material is Pi = s i Ai longitudinal axis
Its moment about the neutral axis M i = Pi yi = s i Ai yi 4. In-plane distortion of section is negligible
So the total moment is M total = SM i = Ss i Ai yi 5. Material behaves in a linear-elastic manner so that
For moments in the elastic range s i = Eie i Hookes Law Applies; i.e. = E e
Combining with our strain s i = Ei i
y 6. Entire section has same Modulus of Elasticity E.
R Ay2
Inserting into our total moment & rearranging M total = S Ei i i
M total y max
Noting I=SAiyi2 is the moment of inertia, if E is constant M total E s max =
= I
& rearranging M y s all I
Combining with s i = yi s i = total i M all =
R I y max
Chart by Todd Coburn. We find 3 Chart by Todd Coburn. 4
ARO326 ARO326 Ref: Hibbeler. Mechanics of Materials. 9th Edition. Pearson, 2014., Sect. 6.6
ARO326 ARO326
Example 1: B&J Concept Application 4.3 (Contd) Example - B&J Concept Application 4.3 (Alternate)
Transform the bar to an equivalent cross section Steel Core with ESt=29 Msi
Bronze Plating with EBz=15 Msi
made entirely of brass. M = 40 in-kip
E 29 106 psi Find
n= s = = 1.933
Eb 15 106 psi Max Stress in Steel
bT = 0.4 in + 1.933 0.75 in + 0.4 in = 2.25 in Max Stress in Bronze
Evaluate the transformed cross sectional properties
1 b h3 = 1 (2.25 in.)(3 in.)3
I = 12 T 12
Fig. 4.22b Bar length and height
dimensions. = 5.063 in.4
Calculate the maximum stresses P M (Y - yi )
si = ni + total ni
Mc (40 kip in.)(1.5 in.) An In
sm = = = 11.85 ksi
I 5.063 in.4
(s b )max = s m (s b )max = 11.85 ksi
(s s )max = ns m = 1.933 11.85 ksi (s s )max = 22.9 ksi
Chart by Todd Coburn. Chart developed from content provided by McGraw-Hill for [1]. 4-9 Chart by Todd Coburn. 10
ARO326 Ref: Hibbeler. Mechanics of Materials. 9th Edition. Pearson, 2014., Sect. 6.6 ARO326 Ref: Hibbeler. Mechanics of Materials. 9th Edition. Pearson, 2014., Sect. 6.6
P M (Y - yi )
si = ni + total ni
An In
ARO326 ARO326 Ref: Hibbeler. Mechanics of Materials. 9th Edition. Pearson, 2014., Sect. 6.7
Basic Procedure:
E st
Determine Transformation Factor for Steel n =
Determine Neutral Axis of Transformed Area
b(h' ) - nAst (d '-h' ) = 0
1 2
bh' + nAst h'-nAst d ' = 0 (solve using quadratic equation)
Proceed Using Composite Beam Approach
Pictures Courtesy of Pearson (Hibbelers Mechanics of Materials, 9th Edition).
Chart by Todd Coburn. 15 Chart by Todd Coburn. 16
ARO326 Ref: Hibbeler. Mechanics of Materials. 9th Edition. Pearson, 2014., Sect. 6.7 ARO326 Ref: Hibbeler. Mechanics of Materials. 9th Edition. Pearson, 2014., Sect. 6.7
~yA = 0
300(h' ) - 7856(400 - h' ) = 0
h' 2 +52.37h'-20949.33 = 0 h' = 120.90 mm
The moment of inertia of the transformed section is computed
about the neutral axis,
1 120.9
I = (300)(120.9 ) + 300(120.9 ) + 7856(400 - 120.9 ) = 788.67 10 mm
3 2 6 4
Picture & Problem Courtesy of Pearson (Hibbelers Mechanics of Materials, 9th Edition). 12 2
Chart by Todd Coburn. 17 Chart by Todd Coburn. Picture & Problem Courtesy of Pearson (Hibbelers Mechanics of Materials, 9th Edition). 18
ARO326 Ref: Hibbeler. Mechanics of Materials. 9th Edition. Pearson, 2014., Sect. 6.7 ARO326
Bending Reinforced Concrete - Example
Applying the flexure formula to the transformed section, the
maximum normal stress in the concrete is
(s conc )max =
60,000 Nm (120.9mm )
1000mm = 0.920 MPa (Ans) 400
Stress Concentrations
6 4 1m
788.67 10 mm ( )4
60,000 Nm (400mm - 120.9mm ) 7856mm2
s ' conc = 1000mm = 21.23 MPa
6 1m
788.67 10 mm( )4
The normal stress in each of the two reinforcing rods is
s st = ns 'conc =
200 103( )
25 10 ( ) 21.23 = 169.84 MPa (Ans)
Chart by Todd Coburn. Picture & Problem Courtesy of Pearson (Hibbelers Mechanics of Materials, 9th Edition). 19 Chart by Todd Coburn.
ARO326 ARO326
Stress Concentrations
Plastic Bending
Fig. 4.24 Stress-concentration factors for Fig. 4.25 Stress-concentration factors for
flat bars with fillets under pure bending. flat bars with grooves (notches) under pure
Stress concentrations may occur:
in the vicinity of points where the
loads are applied Maximum stress:
in the vicinity of abrupt changes Mc
sm = K
in cross section I
Chart by Todd Coburn. Chart developed from content provided by McGraw-Hill for [1]. 4 - 21 Chart by Todd Coburn.
ARO326 Recall from ARO326 (Lecture 7) ARO326 Recall from ARO326 (Lecture 7)
ARO326 Recall from ARO326 (Lecture 7) ARO326 Ref: Bruhn. Analysis & Design of Flight Vehicle Structures. 2nd Ed. 1973., Sect. C3.4
6 Solution
Plastic Bending Shape Factor: Ref. [7], Fig. 6-48 (e) Ref. [7], Fig. 6-48 (f)
M ult p
s allb
1 2
4 =
= 1.5 [ h
M ult p = Fult p ( A)
] Elastic Allowable:
M alle bh s all 4
6 h h h2 Elasto-Plasto Assumption:
M ult p = s all b = s allb
M ult p 2 2 4
k= = 1.5 for rectangular sections
Ref. [2], Fig. 6-48 (b) M alle
ARO326 Ref: Bruhn. Analysis & Design of Flight Vehicle Structures. 2nd Ed. 1973., Sect. C3.4 ARO326
Example Problem Elasto-Plasto Method Conceptual Questions
Given What is the maximum stress this section can
7075-T6 Al Die Forging withstand? Ftu
Ftu=75 ksi
Fty = 65 ksi What is the maximum elastic moment this
Find Max Elastic Moment section can withstand? Mmax_el = (I/c) Ftu
Max Plastic Moment assuming Elasto-Plasto Material
References & Bibliography
1. Beer , Johnson, DeWolf, & Mazurek. Mechanics of Materials. 7th Edition.
McGraw Hill. 2015.
2. Hibbeler. Mechanics of Materials. 9th Edition. Pearson, 2014.
3. Shanley. Strength of Materials. McGraw-Hill. 1957.
4. Bruhn. Analysis & Design of Flight Vehicle Structures. S.R. Jacobs &
Associates. 1973.
5. Peery & Azar. Aircraft Structures. 2nd Edition. McGraw-Hill. 1982.
6. Budynas & Nisbett. Shigleys Mechanical Engineering Design. 9th Edition.
McGraw Hill. 2011.
7. Roark, Young, Budynas, & Sadegh. Roarks Formulas for Stress & Strain,
8th Edition. McGraw Hill. 2012.
8. Ugural & Fenster. Advanced Strength & Applied Elasticity. 4th Edition.
Prentice Hall, 2003.