Saladin, The Almohads and The Banū Ghāniya
Saladin, The Almohads and The Banū Ghāniya
Saladin, The Almohads and The Banū Ghāniya
Edited by
Amar S. Baadj
DT199.B32 2015
This publication has been typeset in the multilingual Brill typeface. With over 5,100 characters covering
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issn 1877-9808
isbn 978-90-04-29620-6 (hardback)
isbn 978-90-04-29857-6 (e-book)
To my family
vi Chapter 1 6
Contents vii
Acknowledgments ix
Transliteration xi
List of Tables and Maps xii
Tables xii
Maps xii
Introduction 1
Chapter 1 6
Setting the Stage 6
1.1 Geography 6
1.2 The Berbers 11
1.3 Trade Routes 15
1.4 Bild al-Sdn and the Sources of Gold 18
1.5 Northwest Africa down to the Hill Invasion (Mid-Eleventh Century) 20
Chapter 2 30
The Eastern Maghrib in the Period of City-States and Petty Dynasties 30
2.1 Introduction 30
2.2 The Zirid State in al-Mahdya 31
2.3 Qafa and the Ban al-Rand 35
2.4 Tunis and the Ban Khursn 36
2.5 Qbis and the Ban Jmi 38
2.6 fqus 39
2.7 The Hammadids in al-Maghrib al-Awsa 40
Chapter 3 48
The Coming of the Almohads and the Rise of the Ban Ghniya 48
3.1 The Almoravids and the Realignment of the Trans-Saharan Trade Routes 48
3.2 The Almohads and the Unification of the Maghrib 50
3.3 The Emergence of the Ban Ghniya 62
3.4 The Invasion of Africa 71
Chapter 4 86
The Emergence of a New Order in Egypt 86
4.1 Economic Conditions in Egypt under the Fatimids 86
4.2 The Rise of al al-Dn and the Ayyubids in Egypt 100
Chapter 5 111
The Ayyubids and the West 111
5.1 al al-Dns Interest in the Maghrib 111
5.2 Sharaf al-Dn Qarqsh and the Conquest of Libya and Ifrqiya 121
Chapter 6 142
The Almohad Response under al-Manr 142
6.1 Yaqb al-Manr Reconquers Ifrqiya 142
6.2 The Correspondence between al al-Dn and Yaqb al-Manr 146
Chapter 7 154
The Long Career of Yay b. Ghniya 154
7.1 Yay b. Ghniya Conquers Ifrqiya 154
7.2 The Almohads Capture the Balearic Islands 159
7.3 The Caliph al-Nir Invades Ifrqiya 161
7.4 Yay Expands His Raids throughout the Almohad Empire 164
7.5 The Death of Qarqsh 166
7.6 The End of the Ban Ghniya and the Transition to Hafsid Rule in Ifrqiya 167
Chapter 8 174
Conclusion 174
8.1 An Appraisal of al al-Dns Maghrib Policy 174
8.2 The Legacy of the Ban Ghniya and Qarqsh in North Africa 179
Appendix A 193
Primary Sources 193
A.1 Maghrib Historians 193
A.2 Mashriq Historians 203
A.3 Geographers and Travelers 206
Tables 211
Maps 212
Bibliography 218
Index 230
Contents vii
Contents v
List of Tables and Mapsxii
3 The Coming of the Almohads and the Rise of the Ban Ghniya48
3.1 The Almoravids and the Realignment of the Trans-Saharan Trade
3.2 The Almohads and the Unification of the Maghrib50
3.3 The Emergence of the Ban Ghniya62
3.4 The Invasion of Africa71
8 Conclusion174
8.1 An Appraisal of al al-Dns Maghrib Policy174
8.2 The Legacy of the Ban Ghniya and Qarqsh in North Africa179
Acknowledgments ix
This book had its genesis in a doctoral thesis defended at the University of To-
ronto in 2012. Many people have helped me throughout my years of study and
during the writing of this book and I am very grateful for their support. First
and foremost I would like to thank my dissertation advisor, Dr. Linda S.
Northrup. I first met her in 2000 when I enrolled in one of her courses as a first-
year undergraduate student. Ever since that time I have regarded her as an es-
teemed teacher and mentor. She has given me invaluable advice at every stage
of this project and no matter how busy she was she always found time to care-
fully read over my drafts. It is safe to say that with her rigorous standard of
scholarship and keen eye for detail she helped to make this a better book than
it would otherwise have been.
I would also like to express my gratitude to the other professors who were a
part of the thesis committee: Dr. Victor Ostapchuk, Dr. Ed Keall, Dr. James Reil-
ly, all of the University of Toronto; Dr. Maya Shatzmiller of Western Ontario
University; Dr. Maribel Fierro of the Centro de Ciencias Humanas y Sociales
(CCHS) in Madrid who served as the external examiner, and Dr. Walid Saleh
(University of Toronto) who served on the committee during its early days but
later resigned because of other responsibilities. Each one of the committee
members has contributed valuable observations, comments, and criticisms,
which have helped me to revise and further develop the ideas in this book.
While revising my mansucript over the past year I have benefitted from the
stimulating and supportive research environment of the Annemarie Schimmel
Kolleg at the University of Bonn. This is a unique institute devoted to the study
of the Mamluk period. I am truly grateful to the director and founder of the
Kolleg, Professor Dr. Stephan Conermann, for inviting me to participate as a
Thanks are also due to my M.A. supervisor at the American University in
Cairo from 2004 to 2006, Dr. Elizabeth Sartain, for training me as a scholar and
for sharing her vast knowledge of medieval Egyptian history and sources. I
would be remiss if I did not mention here the great debt of gratitude that I owe
to Dr. Richard Blackburn and Dr. Michael Marmura, the latter now sadly de-
ceased. These patient and kind gentlemen, both exemplary scholars and teach-
ers, gave me a solid foundation in the Arabic language during my undergraduate
years at the University of Toronto upon which all of my subsequent studies
have depended.
x Acknowledgments
I would also like to thank the staff of Brill Publishers, in particular Franca de
Kort and Michael Mozina, as well as the series editors and the anonymous re-
viewers who took the time to read and comment on my manuscript. I am very
grateful to Valerie Joy Turner for her expert assistance with the indexing
Finally I would like to thank my family. Both of my grandfathers, Serafino
Cerasa and Amar Baadj, were avid readers of history and they imparted in me
a love for the subject when I was very young. I hope that they would be proud
of this work if they were still here with me today. My parents, Maryann and
Najib Baadj, my sister, Nadia Baadj, and my grandmother, Olimpia Cerasa, have
always been my greatest source of support and encouragement and my grati-
tude to them is immeasurable. This book is dedicated to them.
Transliteration xi
For transliterating Arabic words I have employed the system of the Interna-
tional Journal of Middle East Studies with two exceptions. The y with shadda
(doubled y) is indicated by a letter i with a macron followed by a single y rather
than an i followed by two ys. The t marba is indicated by a single letter a at
the end of the word rather than ah. Thus I write Ayybya instead of Ayybiyyah.
When the word containing t marba is in construct with another word the
ending is written at as in Dawlat al-Mamlk.
Names of persons and tribes have been given in their transliterated form
without exception. Names of dynasties have been given in their Latinized form
such as Hammadid, Abbasid, Ayyubid etc. I have not given the transliterated
Arabic forms for the names of North African and Arab cities that are important
and well-known in our present day such as Algiers, Fez, Marrakech, Constan-
tine, Annaba, Cairo, etc. The names of lesser cities have been given in Arabic
transliteration with the French names beside them in brackets for their first
appearance. Therefore I write Tilimsn (Tlemcen), Bijya (Bougie), etc. For the
most part I have avoided giving the Arabic forms for the names of Spanish and
Portuguese cities. Well-known Arabic terms such as dinar, caliph, and vizier
that have entered the English vocabulary have been left in their Anglicized
forms. Less-familiar ones such as khuba or baya are transliterated.
xii List of tables and maps List Of Tables And Maps
1 Libya212
2 Ifrqiya and Al-Maghrib al-Awsa213
3 Al-Maghrib al-Aq214
4 Medieval West Africa and the three axes of the trans-Saharan trade215
5 Upper Egypt, Nubia, Red Sea basin216
6 North Africa and the Mediterranean world in the age of the
Introduction 1
Almohad rulers through their control of the Trans-Saharan gold trade, the
great cities of the western Maghrib such as Marrakech and Fez came to rival
Qayrawn in its heyday in terms of population, commercial importance, and
cultural and artistic splendor.
Great changes were also occurring in the wider western Mediterranean
world. The twelfth century saw the rise of Christian naval and mercantile pow-
ers such as Genoa, Pisa, and Aragon, not to mention the establishment of the
Norman kingdom in Sicily. For the first time since the Arab conquests it ap-
peared that the balance of power in the western Mediterranean was no longer
massively in favor of the Muslims. The Normans briefly occupied coastal
Ifrqiya in the 1140s and 1150s. More importantly, in the second half of the
twelfth century the Pisans, Genoese, and Catalonians began making routine
direct voyages to Muslim ports along the entire length of North Africa. They
also secured the earliest trading concessions from the local authorities. It is
true that the Almohads expelled the Normans completely from North Africa,
halted the advance of the Reconquista for approximately half a century, and
maintained a navy that was more than a match for any opponent; however,
with the decline and break-up of the Almohad Empire in the thirteenth cen-
tury the balance of power switched decisively in favor of the Christian mari-
time states which made ever greater inroads on North Africa through trade and
conquest in the coming centuries. These momentous developments form the
background for the story of the Ban Ghniya and Qarqsh.
The Ban Ghniya were a branch of the Almoravids (al-Murbin). They
survived the fall of the Almoravid Empire in al-Andalus and the Maghrib at the
hands of their bitter enemies the Almohads in the middle of the twelfth cen-
tury ad by taking refuge in Majorca with their partisans. There they established
an independent principality led by amirs who possessed a powerful fleet and
engaged in piracy and trade with their neighbors in the western Mediterra-
nean. The Ban Ghniya never abandoned their dream of restoring the Al-
moravid Empire and taking revenge on the Almohads. In 580/1184 the amir Al
b. Isq b. Ghniya landed in Bijya on the Algerian coast with a small army
and raised the banner of revolt against the Almohads. This marked the start of
a lengthy and bitter war in North Africa between the two sides that lasted until
the death of Als brother and successor Yay b. Ghniya in 633/1235, by which
time the Almohad Empire was in the process of disintegrating.
Among the allies whom Al b. Ghniya acquired in North Africa was the
formidable Qarqsh, a Turkic officer of al al-Dn al-Ayyb. In approxi-
mately 568/1172 Qarqsh set out from Egypt conquering Barqa, the Libyan
oases, Tripoli, and finally the Almohad province of Ifrqiya (Tunisia). In 583/1187
Al and Qarqsh fought together against the Almohad caliph al-Manr but
Introduction 3
they were ultimately defeated and forced to take refuge in the oases and moun-
tains of southern Ifrqiya. Al died shortly thereafter and was succeeded by his
brother Yay. The latter had a falling out with Qarqsh whom he defeated
and drove into the desert. Qarqsh took refuge in the oases of Waddn in the
northwestern Libyan Sahara while Yay campaigned against the Almohads
and made himself master of Ifrqiya between the years 587/1191 and 600/1204.
In 599/1203 the Almohads captured Majorca and put an end to the half a
century of rule by the Ban Ghniya there. Between 600/1204 and 604/1207 the
Almohad caliph al-Nir campaigned in Ifrqiya at the head of a large expedi-
tionary force and succeeded in retaking the province from Yay b. Ghniya.
Recognizing the difficulty of holding Ifrqiya and the real possibility that Yay,
who was defeated but not subdued, might reinvade as soon as the caliph re-
turned west, al-Nir decided to leave behind in Tunis a governor from the Haf-
sid family to whom he granted unlimited powers. From this time onwards
Almohad rule over Ifrqiya became little more than a formality. After suffering
a major defeat at the hands of the Hafsids in Tripolitania, Yay b. Ghniya and
his followers directed their attacks at the heart of the Almohad Empire and
they raided as far west as Sijilmsa in Morocco. In 609/1212 Yay returned east
and besieged his old enemy Qarqsh in Waddn, eventually capturing and
executing him. He then resumed his campaigns against the Almohads which
continued until his death in the 1230s. The sheer tenacity and stubbornness of
the Ban Ghniya, who were often assisted by their Bedouin and Turkic allies
(the latter are called ghuzz in the chronicles) left the eastern Almohad frontier
in a state of near-constant turmoil. Unable to successfully meet these challenges
the late Almohad caliphs permitted the de facto independence of powerful
vassals like the Hafsids in Ifrqiya and they abandoned their dream of ruling
over the Greater Maghrib from Tripoli to the Atlantic.
There is a great need for a new treatment of these events. The only mono-
graph written in a European language about the Ban Ghniya is Bels classic
study that was published in 1903.1 Since that time many important primary
sources have come to light that were unknown to Bel including the Almohad
portion of Ibn Idhrs chronicle, the biographical dictionary of Bijya by
al-Ghubrn, and collections of letters from the Almohad chancellery. Equally
important, our knowledge of the archeology of the Saharan and adjacent sub-
Saharan regions of Africa has advanced tremendously since Bels time, allow-
ing us to situate the textual evidence in a wider and richer context.
Modern Arabic works on the Ban Ghniya are rather few in number but
mention should be made of Sslims exhaustive history of the Balearic Islands
under Muslim rule which is particularly valuable for its thorough reconstruc-
tion of the history of the principality of the Ban Ghniya in Majorca during
the twelfth century ad.2 Also a recent Algerian M.A. thesis deals with the
effects of the rebellion of the Ban Ghniya in Ifrqiya.3
I have not encountered any book-length study, western or Arab, devoted to
the career of Sharaf al-Dn Qarqsh and the invasion of Ifrqiya by the Turks.
Thirys Le Sahara libyen dans lAfrique du Nord mdival, a very useful work in
general, includes a chapter on Qarqsh and the Ban Ghniya.4 It should be
noted that Thiry does not make use of Ibn Taq al-Dns Mimr al-aqiq, our
best source for Qarqshs campaigns, and he seems to have greatly exagger-
ated the negative impact of Qarqsh and the Ban Ghniya on civilization in
North Africa.
There is also a short article by Mouton on Qarqshs conquests in Cyrenai-
ca and Tripolitania.5 Unfortunately there are two shortcomings in Moutons
article which detract from its usefulness. First of all, Mouton does not give con-
sideration to the question of why al al-Dn and the Ayyubids were inter-
ested in the west. Secondly, like Thiry he does not make use of Ibn Taq al-Dns
chronicle, without which any account of the career of Sharaf al-Dn Qarqsh
must be considered incomplete. It is curious that so many scholars have over-
looked this important source. To his great credit, the Libyan historian al-Ghan
ny appears to be the first modern scholar to recognize the importance of Ibn
Taq al-Dns chronicle as a source for Qarqsh and the Ayyubid campaigns in
Libya.6 As a result al-Ghannys treatment of these events is superior to the
above-mentioned accounts by Thiry and Mouton which were written a decade
after al-Ghannys work first appeared.
This highlights a serious problem that confronts historians of the medieval
Maghrib and perhaps scholars of the medieval Islamic world in general.
Western researchers are often unaware of work done by their counterparts in
2 Im Slim Sslim, Juzur al-Andalus al-Mansya: al-Trkh al-Islm li Juzur al-Balyr (Beirut:
Dr al-Ilm li al-Malyn, 1984).
3 Wi Nuwaywa, Athar Thawrat Ban Ghniya al al-Dawlat al-Muwaidya (M.A. thesis,
University of Algiers, 200708).
4 Jacques Thiry, Le Sahara libyen dans lAfrique du Nord mdival (Leuven: Peeters, 1995),
5 Jean-Michel Mouton, La conqute de la Cyrnaque et de la Tripolitaine par Qarqsh: initia-
tive individuelle ou enterprise dtat? In Aux rivages des Syrtes: la Libye, espace et dveloppe-
ment de lantiquit nos jours: colloque du 2526 octobre 1999, pp.5969. Paris: Centre des
tudes sur lAfrique et lAsie modernes, 2000.
6 See Marji Aqla al-Ghanny, Suq Dawlat al-Muwaidn (Benghazi: Manshrt Jmiat Qr
Ynis 1988), pp.187226.
Introduction 5
the universities of the Arab world and the reverse is frequently true as well. Of
course there are great logistical hurdles which have contributed to this situa-
tion but it is to be hoped that more efforts will be made in the future to bridge
the divide and promote increased cooperation between historians in western
and Arab institutions.
6 Chapter 1
Chapter 1
1.1 Geography
1.1.1 Terminology
The basic definition of the Arabic word maghrib is west; its opposite is
mashriq which means east. Westerners refer to the countries of North Africa
collectively, apart from Egypt, as le Maghreb or the Maghrib. In modern Arabic
usage the proper name Maghrib refers specifically to the Kingdom of Morocco;
the region comprised by Mauritania, Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, and Libya is
called al-Maghrib al-Arab, or occasionally out of deference to Berber senti-
ment, al-Maghrib al-Islm.
In the medieval period the geographical term Maghrib had different uses.
What we now call Morocco was known to the medieval geographers as al-
Maghrib al-Aq or the Far Maghrib. Central Algeria was called al-Maghrib al-
Awsa meaning the Central Maghrib. Tunisia, Tripolitania, and the eastern part
of Algeria comprised the region known as Ifrqiya. It was not uncommon for
medieval writers to refer to Ifrqiya as al-Maghrib al-Adn, or the Near Maghrib.
Often medieval authors applied the term Bild al-Maghrib to all of the lands
west of Alexandria.1 There are instances when the term was stretched to in-
clude al-Andalus and Sicily, thus corresponding to lOccident musulman of the
French orientalists. At least one medieval writer considered Egypt part of Bild
It has to be stressed that definitions of regions such as Ifrqiya, Bild al-
Maghrib, etc. must always be approximate and somewhat vague as they rarely
corresponded to fixed political entities and their boundaries fluctuated ac-
cording to the perspective of each writer and the conventions of the time. For
a modern parallel one has only to consider such vague and ill-defined contem-
porary terms as the Middle East, Near East, and Central Asia.
1 Jaml al-Dn Muammad b. Slim b. Wil, Mufarrij al-Kurb f Akhbr Ban Ayyb, 5 vols., ed.
Jaml al-Dn al-Shayyl (Cairo: Wizrat al-Thaqfa wa al-Irshd al-Qawm, 1953), vol. 1, p.235.
2 See usayn Munis, Trkh al-Maghrib wa aratuhu: min Qubayl al-Fat al-Arab il Bidyat
al-Itill al-Farns li al-Jazir, vol. 1 (Jedda: Al-Dr al-Sadya, 1990) pp.1719.
1.1.2 Libya
Libya is divided today into three regions: Cyrenaica which consists of the east-
ern coast and its hinterland, Tripolitania which is comprised of the western
coast with its interior, and Fezzan which is the Saharan portion of Libya. Two
mountain chains conserve moisture from the Mediterranean: the Jabal al-
Akhar which separates Cyrenaica from the Sahara and Jabal Nafsa which
performs the same role in Tripolitania. The boundary between Tripolitania
and Cyrenaica was traditionally fixed at the town of Twargha near Sirt.
In the Islamic period Cyrenaica was known as Barqa. Barqa was the name of
the region and its chief city; most of the time one has to rely on context to de-
termine if a chronicler is referring to Barqa the city or Barqa the country.3 Like-
wise the term arbls (Tripoli) was sometimes applied not just to the city but
to the region of Tripolitania as well. Tripolitania was usually considered to be a
part of Ifrqiya by the medieval authors.
According to Thiry, the term Fezzan appears to have referred only to the
oasis of Jarma until the twelfth century ad when the name came to be applied
to most of the Libyan Sahara.4 Fezzans importance in the medieval period
was derived from the crucial role played by some of its oasis-towns, most nota-
bly Zawla, as way-stations along the great Trans-Saharan trade routes. The
most important route led south from Zawla and neighboring oases to Kuwwr
(a cluster of oases in northeastern Niger) and thence to the powerful sub-Saha-
ran African kingdom of Kanem on the shores of Lake Chad.
1.1.3 Ifrqiya
Ifrqiya is derived from the Latin Africa. The heart of this territory correspond-
ed roughly to the modern nation-state of Tunisia. As we have noted, Tripolita-
nia was normally considered part of Ifrqiya as well. The limits of Ifrqiyas
western frontier vary according to different sources. Rouighi notes that during
the Hafsid period (late thirteenth to sixteenth centuries ad) some scholars in-
cluded Bijya (Bougie, located near the center of the Algerian coastline) within
the boundaries of Ifrqiya.5 Usually the boundary between Ifrqiya and al-
Maghrib al-Awsa was placed in eastern Algeria, near the cities of Annaba or
3 Other examples of this phenomenon are the names Mir, which can mean Cairo or Egypt, and
Shm, which is still commonly applied to the city of Damascus, the nation-state of Syria, or
the entire region of Bild al-Shm.
4 See Thiry, Sahara, pp.3748.
5 Rouighi, Mediterranean Emirate, pp.46.
8 Chapter 1
Ifrqiya is the most fertile and the least mountainous region of northwest
Africa. Until the Hill invasion in the middle of the eleventh century ad it was
also the seat of the greatest urban centers between Egypt and the Atlantic:
Carthage in Antiquity and Qayrawn during the early Islamic period. Ifrqiya
consists of several distinct zones. The coastal plain includes Binzirt (Bizerte)
and its environs in northern Tunisia, Tunis and the mouth of the Bajrada River,
Cap Bon, Ss (Sousse), al-Mahdya, fqus (Sfax), the Gulf of Qbis, and the
island of Jirba. It is widest in the northeast of Tunisia and gradually narrows in
the south. In this area the olive tree is the mainstay of agriculture.6
In the far northwest of Tunisia along the Algerian border lies the mountain-
ous and densely forested region of Kroumirie which was a major source of tim-
ber for shipbuilding in the Middle Ages. Further east, in the interior of northern
Tunisia is the valley of the Bajrada River, the city of Bja and its environs, and
the region of al-Fa (meaning the Plain) which together constituted the
breadbasket of Ifrqiya. While this northern region of Tunisia is well-watered,
the central Tunisian steppe or Qamda receives considerably less rainfall. The
steppe traditionally supported a mixture of pastoralism along with agriculture
assisted by extensive irrigation works. Qayrawn is located in this zone.7
In the southwest of Tunisia between the cities of Qafa, Nafa, and Tzur lies
the region known as al-Jard or Qaslya (from Latin Castella or fortresses) in
the medieval period. This area is characterized by the shas (vast salt-lakes
that are dry for part of the year) and by oases that are rich in date-palms. In
addition to their wealth in dates, the towns of the Jard were important centers
of commerce, lying astride the routes which linked the great cities of northern
and coastal Ifrqiya to Saharan oases such as Wargla and Ghadmis and thence
to sub-Saharan Africa. In southeastern Tunisia, near the Libyan border, lies the
Jabal Dummar range which is the natural extension of the Jabal Nafsa in Trip-
6 Jean Despois Rgions naturelles et rgions humaines en Tunisie, Annales de Gographie, 51,
n. 286 (1942): 1226.
7 Ibid., pp.11922; M. Solignac, Recherches sur les installations hydrauliques de Kairouan et
des steppes tunisiennes du VIIe au XI sicle, Annales de linstitute dtudes orientales dAlger,
10 (1952): 59.
8 Despois, Rgions, pp.1189; Munis, Trkh al-Maghrib, vol. 1, pp.378.
Setting the Stage 9
River Valley which lies slightly west of the modern Algerian-Moroccan border.
He further divides al-Maghrib al-Awsa into two halves: an eastern region cen-
tered around Thart and a western region whose chief city is Tilimsn
(Tlemcen).9 The territory occupied by al-Maghrib al-Awsa is characterized by
imposing mountains running parallel to the coast which are known collective-
ly as the Tell Atlas. The Tell Atlas does not form a single unified chain; rather it
is divided in many places by wds (river valleys) such as the Shalif (Chelif)
which empties into the Mediterranean at the port of Mustaghnim (Mostag-
anem) or the Summm which empties into the sea near Bijya. From west to
east the sub-ranges that comprise the Tell Atlas include the Tassla, Warsanis,
Tittiri, Bbn, udna, and Bbr. In some areas such as Oran and Bijya the
mountains approach quite close to the coastline. Another line of fragmented
mountain chains, referred to collectively as the Saharan Atlas, runs roughly
parallel to the southern border of al-Maghrib al-Awsa with the Sahara. These
ranges bordering the Sahara are from west to east: the Qur, Amr, Awld
Nil, and the mighty Awrs (Aures) which boasts the highest peak in Algeria.
The unity of the Saharan Atlas is broken by depressions such as the Sha al-
udna and the Zb. Between the Saharan Atlas and the Tell Atlas there are
some substantial plains particularly in the west surrounding Tilimsn.10
The heart of al-Maghrib al-Aq lies in the plains which are located between
the Atlas Mountains in the east and the Atlantic coast in the west. This coastal
plain is intersected by several rivers which originate in the Rf or Atlas Moun-
tains and flow west to empty into the Atlantic Ocean. From north to south
these rivers include the Sab, Ab Raqraq, Umm al-Rab, Tansft, Ss, and
Dara. Munis divides this plain into three zones from north to south based on
the river boundaries. The first zone between the river Sab and the northern
coast is a fertile region, forested in places, which receives ample rain and yields
generous harvests. The key port of Tangiers (anja) is situated in the north-
western corner of this region where the Atlantic passes into the bottleneck
formed by the opposing African and Spanish coasts. Further south, in the basin
of the Sab itself, lie the important inland centers of Meknes (Mikns) and Fez
(Fs). Fez was the oldest Islamic city in al-Maghrib al-Aq and it was the seat
of the Idrisids who established the first great independent Muslim dynasty in
the western Maghrib.12
The second zone lies between the Sab valley in the north and the Tansft
river valley in the south. According to Munis this zone was the economic and
political heart of al-Maghrib al-Aq during the Middle Ages. On the coastline
of this zone are the twin ports of Sal (Sal) and Rabat (Rib al-Fat) at the
mouth of the Ab Raqraq River. Inland in the Tansft valley lies Marrakech
(Marrkush), an Almoravid foundation which supplanted Fez as the capital of
the Maghrib during the Almoravid and Almohad periods. The third zone is the
plain which is watered by the Ss. This region was well-irrigated and very fer-
Finally there are two semi-arid regions which lie outside of the above-men-
tioned zones and on the fringes of the Sahara. The first of these is the Dara
(Draa) basin which is located south of the Ss river valley and the Anti-Atlas
range. To the northeast of the Ss valley and east of the High Atlas shield is the
Tfillt valley. The chief center in the Tfillt during the Middle Ages was the
oasis-city of Sijilmsa which was for a long time the most important northern
terminus of the Trans-Saharan gold trade. The principal crop in the Dara and
Tfillt regions was the date-palm.14
12 Ibid., pp.267.
13 Ibid.
14 Ibid., pp.267, 2930.
Setting the Stage 11
It is commonly assumed that the Arabic al-barbar is derived from the Greek
barbaroi (via Latin barbari) which was originally a designation for peoples who
spoke neither Greek nor Latin and who were largely unassimilated into Greco-
Roman culture. Camps proposes that Arabic barbar is in fact derived from the
Bavari, a powerful tribe known to have inhabited the western and central
Maghrib during the late Roman period, though Modran argues against this
view.15 Rouighi notes that the Somali coast was known as Barbaria to the
Greco-Roman geographers while the pre-Islamic Arabs called this region Bar-
bar and its inhabitants l Barbar (the people of Barbar).16 It is possible, as he
suggests, that the Arabs simply applied this term to other African peoples
whom they encountered during the conquests.17 Whatever the words origin
may have been, it is clear that it eventually became the designation for a large
group of peoples inhabiting the space between the Nile Valley and the Atlantic
Ocean. This term, imposed by outsiders, masked a great deal of ethnic, linguis-
tic, and even racial diversity.18 The Berbers as we know them in the medieval
period consisted of numerous nations that were further divided into tribes and
It was natural that once the Arab conquerors established themselves in
North Africa they attempted to assign the Berbers a place within their his
torical/mythological world-view. The development of the Berber origin myth
in the medieval Arab-Islamic tradition has been traced by Shatzmiller.20 Ac-
cording to her this myth had three distinct schools: a Mashriq (eastern), an
Andalus, and an Ifrq school. The Mashriq scholars of the ninth and tenth
centuries ad either attempted to place the Berbers within a Qurnic-Bibli-
cal framework by claiming that they were descended from Goliath (Jlt)
or from Shm son of Noah (N), or they traced their origin to the ancient
15 Gabriel Camps, Berbres: aux marges de lHistoire (Paris: ditions des Hesprides, 1980),
pp.8687; Yves Modran, Les Maures et lAfrique romaine: IVe-VIIe sicle (Rome: cole
franaise de Rome, 2003), pp.6967.
16 Ramzi Rouighi, The Berbers of the Arabs, Studia Islamica, new series, 1 (2011): 7072.
17 Ibid.
18 Rouighi asks to what extent the category of al-Barbar was a creation of the medieval
scholars who assigned the label Barbar, a word that was unknown to pre-conquest North
Africans, to the different indigenous tribes of the region. See Rouighi, The Berbers of the
Arabs, especially pp.100101.
19 Munis, Trkh al-Maghrib, vol. 1, pp.401.
20 Maya Shatzmiller, Le mythe dorigine berbre: aspects historiques et sociaux, Revue de
lOccident musulman et de la Mditerrane, 35, no. 1 (1983): 14556.
12 Chapter 1
21 Ibid., pp.1468.
22 Ibid., pp.14850.
23 Ibid., pp.1502.
24 Ibid., p.151.
Setting the Stage 13
Barnis).25 The Barnis included several important nations such as the anhja,
Mamda, Awraba, and Kutma. The anhja were divided into two major
groups: a northern branch called the Talkta which inhabited the mountains of
Kabylia in central Algeria whom Ibn Khaldn refers to as the first generation of
anhja (al-abaqa al-l), and a southern Saharan branch which constituted
Ibn Khaldns second generation of anhja.
The Talkta anhja inhabited the Bbn Mountains in the Tell Atlas south
of Algiers. They were a nation of hardy mountaineers who dominated al-
Maghrib al-Aws in the tenth century ad when they were allies of the Fatim-
ids and later they established the Zirid dynasty when the Fatimids moved to
Egypt. To their east, in the Bbr Mountains located southeast of Bijya, was
the abode of the Kutma. The Kutma were the most loyal supporters of the
Fatimid dawa in Ifrqiya. They played a key role in the establishment of the
Fatimid state and fought in all of its early wars. When the Fatimids moved to
Egypt in 361/972 the bulk of the Kutma followed them there where they con-
tinued to play a major role in the Fatimid army and administration for some
time. Munis notes that groups such as the Talkta and Kutma were in fact
large tribal confederations which took their name from the most dominant
In the second group of anhja we find the tribes of Lama, Jazla, and
Haskra who lived in the southern part of al-Maghrib al-Aq. Of these the first
joined the Almoravid confederacy while the latter two were allies of the Almo-
hads. Further south, from Wd Dara in the north to the basin of the Senegal
River in the south (the very name of which is derived from anhja) were the
tribes of Lamtna, Massfa, Judla, Ban Writh, and Trj. These Saharan no-
mads formed the core of the Almoravid movement. Their modern descendants
are the Touareg (awriq, apparently derived from Trj).27
25 Yves Modran made a convincing case that Butr and Burnus had very different meanings
at the time of the Arab conquest. According to him Butr was originally a term applied by
the Arabs to the pagan non-Romanized Berber tribes whom they encountered in Libya
while Burnus was applied to the predominantly Christian, Romanized tribes that lived in
Tunisia and eastern Algeria (the areas encompassed by the Byzantine provinces of Pro-
consular Africa and Numidia, respectively). Later on, when the Arabs had reached the
Atlantic coast, scholars attempted to fit the indigenous tribes of the western Maghrib into
the Butr/Burnus dichotomy. Over time the original context of the terms Butr and Burnus
was forgotten, certainly long before Ibn Khaldn wrote his great survey of Berber history
and genealogy in the 14th century. Modran, Les Maures, pp.685817; Munis, Trkh al-
Maghrib, vol. 1, p.43.
26 Munis, Trkh al-Maghrib, vol. 1, p.46.
27 Ibid., pp.4751.
14 Chapter 1
The Awraba inhabited the area between Tilimsn and the gap of Tz near
the present-day Moroccan-Algerian border. They played an important role in
the establishment of the Idrisid dynasty in the Maghrib. Their western neigh-
bors were the Mamda tribes who dominated the central and northern parts
of al-Maghrib al-Aq. The distribution of the Mamda tribes was as follows:
the Ghumra inhabited the north of al-Maghrib al-Aq between the Rf
mountains and Wd Sab; the Barghawa, who gave their name to a heretical
movement that played an important role in early Maghrib history, were set-
tled in the region of Tamasna along the Atlantic coast between Wd Ab
Raqraq in the north and Wd Tansft in the south; the tribes of Hintta, Tn
mallal, Hargha, Dukkla, , Kunfsa, and Warka, among others, inhabited
the area between Wd Umm al-Rab in the north and Wd Dara in the south.
The Mamda tribes in this area created the Almohad Empire.28
We now move on to the second great division of Berber tribes, the so-called
Butr tribes or descendants of Madghs al-Abtar. These included the Zanta,
Lawta, Hawwra, Nafsa, and Nafzwa. Munis notes that the Zanta were by
far the most prominent of the Butr peoples and eventually their name came to
be substituted for the entire Butr family though they were originally but a
single branch of it.29 Nonetheless, this should not cause us to lose sight of the
importance of other Butr tribes. The Lawta were found in Cyrenaica and the
eastern Libyan oases. The Hawwra were found in Fezzan, Tripolitania, and
even in the Nile Valley itself. The Nafsa were found in Tripolitania and they
gave their name to Jabal Nafsa in the southern part of that region.30
Some Zanta were found on the northern fringes of the Sahara along the
oasis belt that stretched between Tripolitania in the west and the region of Ss
in al-Maghrib al-Aq as well as in the Awrs Mountains of eastern Algeria. The
heaviest concentration of Zant tribes was in the plains of western Algeria
and northern Morocco. Specifically, they inhabited the area around Tilimsn
and the Mulya valley. Among the greatest Zant tribal confederations in this
area were the Miknsa (who gave their name to the city of Meknes), Maghrwa,
and Lamya. After the decline of the Almohad Empire in the late thirteenth
century, the Zanta pushed west through the gap of Tz to the Atlantic Ocean,
displacing some of the Mamda tribes in the process. Two of the great states
that arose following the Almohad collapse, the Marinids of Fez and the
Zayyanids (Ban Abd al-Wd) of Tilimsn were Zant in origin.31 It must be
emphasized that for the most part the larger tribal divisions among the Ber-
bers did not translate into political unity; it was normal to find tribes from the
same nation like anhja or Zanta on both sides of a conflict.
32 Maurice Lombard, The Golden Age of Islam, trans. Joan Spencer (New York: Elsevier, 1975),
33 Al-Nn Wuld al-usayn, ar al-Mulaththimn (Beirut: Dr al-Madr al-Islm, 2007),
34 Claudette Vanacker, Gographie conomique de lAfrique du Nord selon les auteurs
arabes de IXe sicle au milieu du XIIe sicle, Annales 29, no. 3 (1973): 65980.
16 Chapter 1
valley which is reached via the oasis of Tadmakka. Vanackers western axis is
the same as Lombards.35
There were also important routes that ran from west to east across the
Maghrib, Ifrqiya, Libya and Egypt. These routes were important not only for
merchants but also for the many pilgrims from western Islamic lands who had
to pass through Egypt on their way to the holy cities of the Hijaz. Lombard
speaks of two such routes: one ran through the plateau between the Tell and
Saharan Atlas from the Jard to the Tz gap, the second more southerly route
called the Qur route also began in the Jard but it followed the oases on the
northern fringe of the Sahara to Sijilmsa in the southwestern corner of al-
Maghrib al-Aq.36 Before the Hill invasion in the middle of the eleventh
century Qayrawn was connected to the Jard by a route that ran from north to
south via Qamda and Qafa. Ifrqiya was connected to Egypt by a route which
ran parallel to the coast between Qbis and Alexandria. Tilimsn was connect-
ed to Sijilmsa by a well-traveled route which passed through the Mulya Val-
ley and Fez.37 According to Ibn awqal at the beginning of the Islamic period
there was a route which connected Egypt to the gold-exporting lands of West
Africa.38 Travellers on this route went southwest from Fus to the oases of
Khrija (also known as Kharga) and Kufra and thence to the southern border
of the Sahara which they followed westward to the kingdoms of Gao and Gha-
na. Ibn awqal says that this route was closed by Ibn ln in the ninth cen-
tury ad due to the threat posed by sandstorms and marauding tribes. When
Ibn awqal wrote nearly a century later some of the oases along the route such
as Kufra had been largely abandoned and returned to a wild state.39 Shaban
believes that the route fell into decline because Ibn lns rivalry with the
Ib Khrijs of the oases led him to seek alternatives to it.40 In any case, we
do not hear again of a direct route between Egypt and West Africa through the
oases until the Mamluk period.
There are differing opinions on when the Trans-Saharan trade commenced.
Swanson rejects the possibility that there was any Saharan commerce worth
35 Ibid., pp.6657.
36 Lombard, Golden Age, pp.579.
37 Vanacker, Gographie, p.6689.
38 Ab al-Qsim Ibn awqal, rat al-Ar, Beirut, Dr dir, n.d., p.153. On Kufra see
T. Lewicki, A propos du nom de loasis de Koufra chez les gographes arabes du XIe et du
XIIe sicle The Journal of African History 6, no. 3 (1965): 295306.
39 Ibid.
40 M.A. Shaban, Islamic History: A New Interpretation, vol. 2 (Cambridge: Cambridge Univer-
sity Press, 1976), pp.11011.
Setting the Stage 17
mentioning during the Roman period.41 The traditional view upheld by schol-
ars such as Dvisse and Thiry is that the Trans-Sahara trade began in the late
eight century ad due to the activities of the Ib merchants in Thart and
other centers.42 This trade was initially restricted to slaves as the Muslims were
not yet aware of the significant gold deposits in West Africa. Only in the tenth
century ad when the Fatimids ruled Ifrqiya did gold begin to flow north of the
Sahara in significant quantities, the bulk of it passing along the western
Sijilmsa Awdaghust axis.43
A few scholars have challenged this notion and argued that the Trans-Saha-
ran trade, especially the gold trade, was of much earlier origin. Liverani be-
lieves that Herodotus description of Libya in Book Four of the Histories is at its
core not a semi-mythical ethnological account as most scholars suppose but
rather a practical merchants itinerary for a Trans-Saharan journey from Egypt
to the Niger river bend via Swa, Awjila, Zawla, Ght, Ideles, and Tasselit.44 He
compares Herodotus itinerary with similar itineraries by medieval geogra-
phers such as al-Bakr and al-Idrs and finds a close correspondence between
them in terms of the route and the distances from one oasis to the next. He says
that the route described by Herodotus is almost identical to the Cairo-Timbuk-
tu route of the Mamluk era which the famous Malian king Mans Ms tra-
versed in the fourteenth century ad. On the basis of his re-reading of Herodotus
and recent archeological discoveries in the Libyan oases, Liverani pushes the
origin of the Trans-Saharan gold trade to approximately 500 bc.45
Garrard says that gold coinage, which was previously all but unknown in
Roman Africa, made its first appearance there around 300 ad.46 The amount of
gold coins and objects in circulation slowly increases under the Late Empire
and the Vandals. However, during the period of Byzantine rule from 534 to 695
ad large quantities of gold were minted at Carthage without interruption.
Then for nearly a century following the Arab conquest of Ifrqiya in 695 By
zantine gold coinage became extremely rare throughout the remainder of the
41 John T. Swanson, The Myth of Trans-Saharan Trade during the Roman Era, International
Journal of African Studies, vol. 8, no. 4 (1975): 582600.
42 Jean Dvisse, Routes de commerce et changes en Afrique occidentale en relation avec la
Mediterrane: Un essai sur le commerce africain mdival du XIe au XVIe sicle, Revue
dhistoire conomique et sociale, 50, no. 1 (1972): 49; Thiry, Sahara, p.458.
43 Ibid.
44 Mario Liverani, The Libyan Caravan Road in Herodotus IV.1815, Journal of the Economic
and Social History of the Orient, 43, no. 4 (2000): 496520.
45 Ibid.
46 Timothy F. Garrard, Myth and Metrology: The Early Trans-Saharan Gold Trade, Journal
of African History, vol. 23, no. 4 (1982): 44361.
18 Chapter 1
e mpire. This is clear evidence that the Byzantines had been obtaining their
gold from Africa during the previous two centuries. At the same time, the Ar-
abs began minting large numbers of gold dinars at their new capital in
Qayrawn almost as soon as they had finished expelling the Byzantines from
North Africa. Garrard finds that textual and archeological evidence indicate
that gold dinars were plentiful in Ifrqiya under the Umayyad governors and
the Aghlabids during the eighth and ninth centuries ad. Garrard believes that
the Trans-Saharan gold trade was already in full-swing by the sixth century ad
and that it continued under the earliest Muslim rulers without interruption. To
bolster his claims he attempts to demonstrate that the system for measuring
gold dust that was used in the trading towns on the southern flank of the Sa-
hara until the late nineteenth century was of Roman origin.47 It is interesting
to note in passing that Garrard and Liverani both make the case for an exten-
sive pre-Islamic Saharan gold trade along the eastern axis via the Libyan oases.
The classical Arabic term for the lands lying south of the Sahara was Bild al-
Sdn meaning the Land of the Blacks. This term was especially applied to
West Africa and Chad, less so to Nubia and the East African coast which will be
covered later in relation to Egypt. Broadly speaking West Africa can be divided
into two ecological zones: the savanna which borders the Sahara in the north
and encompasses the Senegal and Niger River valleys; the tropical forest zone
which lies further south by the coast of the Gulf of Guinea. The great kingdoms
of medieval West Africa arose in the savanna zone while the forest zone was
inhabited for the most part by less-sophisticated tribal societies.
Like their counterparts in the Maghrib the medieval states that arose in
West Africa were not highly centralized; rather they consisted of a core area
which dominated many lesser kingdoms and tribes on the peripheries. The
major states in West Africa between the eighth and twelfth centuries from west
to east were Takrr in the lower Senegal Valley; Ghana which was bordered by
the Sahara in the north, the Senegal River in the west, and the Niger River in
the east; Gao or Kawkaw which was the name of a city and kingdom centered
just east of the Niger bend; and finally Kanem near Lake Chad. The kingdom of
Ghana (called Ghn in the Arabic sources and Wagad by the locals) was es-
tablished by the Soninke people. Its capital at Kumbi-Salih has been excavated
by archeologists and was found to consist of two cities: a royal city containing
47 Ibid.
Setting the Stage 19
the kings palace and surrounded by the huts of his subjects and a second city
built to accommodate a colony of Muslim merchants from the Sahara. Gao was
inhabited by the Songhay people while Kanem was dominated until the close
of the eleventh century by the Zaghwa, a people attested in the Arabic geo-
graphical sources who appear to have inhabited Chad and possibly Darfur and
Kordofan to the east as well. In the late eleventh century the Zaghwa were
replaced by a new dynasty called the Sayfwa who made Islam the official reli-
gion of Kanem. Under their rule Kanem continued to play a major role in the
Lake Chad region and the Libyan Sahara until its demise in the late fourteenth
century ad. In the early thirteenth century the Malinke [or Mandinka] who
lived to the south of the kingdom of Ghana established the Malian Empire
which absorbed the area once occupied by Takrr, Ghana, and Gao as well as
lands further south.48
Two of the most important gold-producing regions were Bambuk, lying
south of the Senegal River, and Bure on the Upper Niger. These sources are
close to the Atlantic and the westernmost Trans-Saharan axis which ran be-
tween Sijilmsa and Awdaghust. The gold was acquired here by locals who
panned for it in the streams. The kings of Ghana and Mali acquired this gold as
tribute or through barter. Then they traded the gold in their capitals under
carefully regulated conditions with Berber and Arab merchants from the north
who brought salt, horses, and manufactured goods in return.
There were other gold sources located well to the southeast such as the gold-
producing regions of Lobi and Akanland (in the modern Republic of Ghana)
and even further east in the tropical forest zone of modern Nigeria. Messier
assumes that during the Fatimid period (tenth and eleventh centuries ad)
these eastern regions had not yet been exploited.49 In his account of the Trans-
Saharan trade down to the end of the Almohad period (late thirteenth centu-
ry), Dvisse makes no mention of production in any goldfield apart from
Bambuk and Bure.50 Garrard suggests that the gold mines of Lobi and Ife may
have been exploited as early as the fifth and sixth centuries ad.51 McIntosh
48 See Nehemia Levtzion, Ancient Ghana and Mali (London: Methuen, 1973), pp.183;
B.W. Barkindo and D. Lange, The Chad Region as a Crossroads, in UNESCO General His-
tory of Africa, vol. 3, ed. M. El-Fasi (Berkeley: Univ. of California Press, 1988), pp.43660;
Thurston Shaw, The Guinea Zone: General Situation in UNESCO General History of
Africa, vol. 3, ed. M. El Fasi (Berkeley: Univ. of California Press, 1988), pp.48187.
49 Ronald Albert Messier, Muslim Exploitation of West African Gold during the Period of
the Fatimid Caliphate (Ph.D. thesis, University of Michigan at Ann Arbor, 1972), pp.129
50 Jean Dvisse, Routes de commerce, pp.4273.
51 Garrard, Myth and Metrology, pp.45960.
20 Chapter 1
argues that the fabled West African Gold Island known as Wangara, which is
mentioned by the Arab geographers including al-Idrs and often assumed to
be a reference to Bambuk or Bure if not an altogether mythical place, should be
identified with the lands lying south of the Niger River Bend (the so-called In-
ner Niger Delta). She suggests that as early as 1000 ad gold from Lobi was trad-
ed here.52 Of course if the eastern sources of gold were being exploited then it
follows that gold from these regions was transported across the Sahara along
the eastern and central Trans-Saharan routes which were much closer to these
sources than the western Awdaghust-Sijilmsa route. We are convinced that
the Lobi and Nigerian goldfields were in production during the period covered
by this study (the twelfth and thirteenth centuries ad) and that there was a
considerable gold-trade across the Sahara via the Libyan oases (eastern axis) at
the same time and we will present our evidence for this assertion in a later
Persian immigrant. The Rustamids took the title imm and they ruled over a
confederacy of Khrij Berber tribes, mostly Zanta, from their capital in
Thart. The authority of the Rustamid imms extended at times to the Ib
communities in the Jard, Jabal Nafsa, and Jirba, thereby encircling their
Aghlabid rivals from the south and potentially denying them direct access to
the Sahara. At the same the time intrepid Ib merchants dominated the cen-
tral and eastern axes of the Trans-Saharan trade during this period. They pio-
neered the route Wargla/Jard Tadmakka Gao, establishing colonies in all of
the way-stations. Further east they established colonies in the oases of Fezzan
and Kuwwr through which all trade with Kanem had to pass. Salt was traded
for gold and slaves along these routes.56
In al-Maghrib al-Aq there were three important dynasties that ruled dur-
ing the ninth century. The Idrisids were Alids (descendants of Al but not
Sha) who established an independent state in the northern part of al-Maghrib
al-Aq with its capital at Fez. They took the title of imm. To the south of them
along the Atlantic coastal plain were the Barghawa, a heretical Berber group
who had their own prophet and holy book. They tenaciously maintained their
independence until the Almoravid conquests of the eleventh century. Sijilmsa
in the Wd Tfillt (southeastern Morocco) was ruled by the Berber Midrrid
dynasty which held power over a confederacy of Zanta and Hawwra Ber-
bers.57 The Midrrids were Khrijs of the ufr sect. While the Rustamids con-
trolled the eastern and western axes of the Trans-Saharan trade, the Midrrids
believed that any Muslim who sinned should be regarded as an apostate from the faith.
The Khrijs were divided into several sects. We are concerned with two of these, the
Ibs (Ibya) and the ufrs (ufrya). Both of these sects originated in Basra in the
seventh century but they developed a strong presence in northwest Africa; the ufrs in
al-Maghrib al-Aq and the Ibs further east in Ifrqiya and al-Maghrib al-Awsa. These
two sects are grouped among the moderate Khrijs because they did not share the
belief of the more extreme Khrij sects that all non-Khrij Muslims should be consid-
ered polytheists (mushrikn) making it lawful to kill and enslave them. The Ibs were
heavily influenced by the Mutzil school of theology. The ufrs and the extreme Khrijs
became extinct in the medieval period but the Ibs survive to this day in Oman as well
as in isolated regions of Libya, Tunisia, and Algeria. See G. Levi Della Vida, Khridjites, in
Encyclopaedia of Islam 2 (Leiden: Brill, 1997), vol. 4, pp.17477; T. Lewicki, Al-Ibiyya, in
Encyclopaedia of Islam 2 (Leiden: Brill, 1986), vol. 3, pp.64860; K. Lewinstein, ufriyya,
in Encyclopaedia of Islam 2 (Leiden: Brill, 1997), vol. 9, pp.76669.
56 See Tadeusz Lewicki, Ltat nord africain du Thert et ses relations avec le Soudan occi-
dental la fin du VIIIe et au IXe sicle Cahiers dtudes africaines, 2, no. 8 (1962): 51335.
57 On the Midrrids see Waf Yaqb Jibrl Barnw, Dawlat Ban Midrr al-ufrya bi
al-Maghrib al-Aq al-Islm: Dirsa Trkhya arya (757908 ad/140347 A.H.)
(M.A. thesis, Umm al-Qur University, Mecca, 2003).
22 Chapter 1
monopolized the western axis trading salt from the mines at Awll (on the
Mauritanian coast) for gold in Awdaghust. In the process they became fabu-
lously wealthy. Ibn awqal reports that in the early tenth century Sijilmsa had
an annual income of 400,000 dinars, equal to half of the annual revenue of the
Fatimid state in Ifrqiya.58
The coming of the Fatimids marked a drastic change in the political land-
scape of North Africa.59 Fatimid ds arrived in the Tell Atlas of eastern Algeria
in the late ninth century where they recruited to their cause the Kutma Ber-
ber tribes and launched a long and bloody uprising against the Aghlabids. In
296/909 they captured Qayrawn and became the new masters of Ifrqiya. In
the same year the victorious Fatimid army marched west and sacked Thart,
putting an end to the Rustamid state. The supporters of this dynasty fled south
to the oases of Wargla and the Mzb in the Algerian Sahara where they contin-
ued to be involved in the Trans-Saharan trade to Tadmakka and Gao.60 After
the fall of Thart the Fatimids captured Sijilmsa and brought an end to the
Midrrid dynasty. The mahd Ubaydallh returned in triumph to Qayrawn
and he was hailed as the first Fatimid caliph (297/909322/934).
For the next sixty years the Fatimids fought tenaciously to maintain their
newfound empire in northwest Africa and Sicily against internal and external
enemies while never losing sight of their primary goal which was the conquest
of Egypt and the victory of the Fatimid movement in the Mashriq. The Fatim-
ids drew most of their manpower from the Kutma and the Talkta anhja
who inhabited the Tell Atlas in what is now eastern and central Algeria. These
tribes were old rivals of the Zanta, their neighbors to the west. The Umayyads
of Cordoba felt threatened by Fatimid expansion so they supported the Zant
tribes and contested possession of al-Maghrib al-Aq with the Fatimid caliphs.
In the mid tenth century a chief of the Talkta named Zr b. Mand estab-
lished the Zirid dynasty with its capital at a city called Ashr in al-Maghrib al-
Awsa.61 The Zirids proved to be capable and loyal fighters for the Fatimid
58 Ibn awqal, rat al-Ar, pp.945, 99100, quoted in Michael Brett, The Rise of the Fatim-
ids: The World of the Mediterranean and the Middle East in the Fourth Century A.H., Tenth
Century ce (Leiden: Brill, 2001), pp.254, 257.
59 For the history of the Fatimids in Ifrqiya see in addition to Brett who has previously been
cited, Farhat Dachraoui, Le califat fimide au Maghreb (Tunis, 1981); Heinz Halm, The
Empire of the Mahdi: the Rise of the Fatimids, trans. Michael Bonner (Leiden: Brill, 1996).
60 Lombard, Golden Age, p.60.
61 The best account of the Zirids is by Hady Roger Idris, La Berbrie orientale sous les Zirides:
Xe-XIIe sicles, 2 vols (Paris: Librairie dAmrique et dOrient Adrien-Maisonneuve, 1962),
trans. ammd al-Sail, Al-Dawla al-anhjya, 2 vols (Beirut: Dr al-Gharb al-Islm,
Setting the Stage 23
cause. When the Fatimid caliph al-Muizz decided to move his court to Egypt
in 361/972 he left the Zirids behind as vassal rulers over Ifrqiya and the
Maghrib. The Zirid sultans henceforth took up residence in Qayrawn. At first
the Zirids attempted to rule an empire that stretched as far west as the Atlan-
tic. However, before the close of the tenth century they had to resign them-
selves to the permanent loss of al-Maghrib al-Aq and the western portion of
al-Maghrib al-Awsa to the pro-Umayyad Zant tribes. This entailed the loss of
direct access to the western Trans-Saharan axis via Sijilmsa which now fell
within the Andalus Umayyad sphere of influence. The struggle between the
Zirids and Zanta continued in al-Maghrib al-Awsa. A branch of the Zirid
family known as the Hammadids established themselves at the old capital of
Ashr. In the early eleventh century they split from the Zirids and an indepen-
dent Hammadid state emerged in this region.
When al-Muizz moved to Egypt he took measures to check the power of the
Zirids by retaining control over the treasury and the Isml dawa in Ifrqiya.62
He also ensured that Tripoli and Sicily were ruled by separate governors who
were independent of Qayrawn.63 The Zirids acted like independent rulers in
all but name and inevitably there was friction between the two courts. On
three different occasions in the 970s and 980s Fatimid agents instigated rebel-
lions against the Zirids in Ifrqiya with the support of the Kutma Berbers.64
These efforts ended in failure and by 1000 the Fatimids were no longer in a
position to exercise much influence over the course of events in Ifrqiya; they
were content with Zirid recognition of the caliph in Cairo and regular exchang-
es of embassies and gifts. Part of the reason for this change in attitude was that
Libya had completely slipped out of the grasp of the Fatimids. Cyrenaica had
fallen under the control of the Ban Qurra, a Hill Arab tribe, while in Tripoli-
tania a Zant Berber dynasty known as the Ban Khazrn had come to power.
62 Dawa in this context is the call or invitation to join a religio-political movement such as
the Abbasids or Fatimids. This call was made by professional propagandists of the move-
ment called ds. The Ismls are one of the major Sh sects. They split from the Imm
or Twelver Shs as a result of a disagreement concerning the succession to the imm
Jafar al-diq (d. 148/765) who is regarded as the fifth imm by the Ismls and the sixth
by the Twelvers. The sect takes its name from Jafars son Isml who predeceased his
father. The Fatimids were Ismls. See W. Madelung, Ismliyya, in Encyclopaedia of
Islam 2 (Leiden: Brill,1997), vol. 4, pp.198206.
63 See asan Khuayr Amad, Alqt al-Fimyn f Mir bi Duwal al-Maghrib: 9731171
ad/362567A.H. (Cairo: Madbl, 1997?), pp.324.
64 Ab al-Abbs Amad b. Muammad b. Idhr, Al-Bayn al-Mughrib f Akhbr al-Maghrib
wa al-Andalus, vols. 13 ed. E. Lvi-Provenal and G.S. Colin, vol. 4 ed. I. Abbs (Beirut:
Dr al-Thaqfa, 1983), vol. 1, pp.2414; Amad, Alqt, pp.37, 436.
24 Chapter 1
In 397/1006 the Ban Qurra and other tribes invaded Egypt under the leader-
ship of the rebel Ab Rakwa and threatened the very survival of the caliphate.65
In 443/1051 the Ban Qurra invaded Egypt again causing destruction in the
vicinity of Alexandria.66
The reign of the Zirid sultan al-Muizz b. Bds (406/1016454/1062) wit-
nessed the greatest crisis of this North African dynastys history, namely, the
Hill invasion. Since the Fatimid departure to Egypt, Ifrqiyas Mlik Sunn
community had grown in strength and confidence while the influence of the
Fatimid Sha declined. Al-Muizz was under great pressure to cut relations
with Cairo and pledge allegiance to the orthodox Sunn caliph in Baghdad. By
442/1050 at the latest al-Muizz took the decisive step of substituting the name
of the Abbasid caliph for that of the Fatimid caliph in the Friday sermon
According to our sources the reigning Fatimid caliph al-Mustanir (427/
1036 487/1094) and his vizier al-Yzr retaliated against the Zirids by encour-
aging two large Arab tribes that were then settled in Upper Egypt, the Ban
Hill and Ban Sulaym, to invade Ifrqiya. The Ban Hill and Ban Sulaym
belonged to the so-called northern or Adnn group of Arabs as opposed to
the southern group who were known as the descendants of Qan. Their
history stretched back into the Jhil period. Both tribes were allied to the
Qrmia, an Isml movement that split from the Fatimids and fought against
them in Bild al-Shm in the late tenth century ad following the Fatimid con-
quest of Egypt. For this reason the Fatimid caliph al-Azz (365/975386/996)
punished the Ban Hill and Ban Sulaym by forcibly resettling them in Upper
Egypt.68 It would be wrong to think of the Ban Hill and Ban Sulaym as mere
tribes; as we shall see they were more akin to nations composed of many tribes
and sub-tribes. Among the most prominent Hill tribes were the Riy,
65 Izz al-Dn Ibn al-Athr, Al-Kmil f al-Trkh, 11 vols., ed. Ab al-Fid Abdallh al-Q
(Beirut: Dr al-Kutub al-Ilmya, 1987), vol. 8, pp.426; Yay b. Sad al-Ank, Trkh
al-Ank al-Marf bi ilat Trkh tkh, ed. Umar Abd al-Salm Tadmr (Tripoli, Leba-
non: Jarrs Press, 1990), pp.25968.
66 Ibn al-Athr, Kmil, vol. 8, pp.3023; Taq al-Dn al-Maqrz, Itti al-unaf bi Akhbr
al-Aimma al-Fimyn al-Khulaf, 3 vols., ed. Jaml al-Dn al-Shayyl (Cairo: Lajnat Iy
al-Turth al-Islm, 196773), vol. 2, pp.21821.
67 See Ibn al-Athr, Kmil, vol. 8, pp.956; Ibn Idhr, Bayn, vol. 1, pp.27780; Abd
al-Ramn b. Khaldn, Dwn al-Mubtada wa al-Khabar f Trkh al-Arab wa al-Barbar wa
Man arahum min Dhaw al-Shan al-Akbar, 8 vols., ed. Khall Shada and Suhayl
Zakkr (Beirut: Dr al-Fikr, 2000), vol. 6, pp.2831.
68 R Daghfs, Dirst f al-Trkh al-Arab al-Islm al-Was (Beirut: Dr al-Gharb
al-Islm, 2005) pp.2955.
Setting the Stage 25
Athbaj, Jusham, Zughba, Ad, Qurra, and Maqil.69 The major Sulaym tribes
were Hayb, Labd, Dabbb, Awf, Zughb, and Rawa.70 Each of these tribes
was itself composed of numerous lesser tribes and clans.
We ought to treat with skepticism the chroniclers claim that the Hill and
Sulaym Arabs were sent to Ifrqiya by the Fatimids in order to punish the
refractory Zirid ruler since the Fatimid state was in the midst of a grave crisis
and it was hardly in a position to coerce the two powerful Arab tribes and to
influence developments in Ifrqiya. The middle of the eleventh century coin-
cided with a prolonged period of famine and political instability in Egypt
known as the Great Crisis (al-Shidda al-Um). In an important study on the
factors behind the Hill migration Daghfs argues that deteriorating econom-
ic conditions and the threat of starvation in Upper Egypt prompted the Ban
Hill and the Ban Sulaym to move west.71
Though some of the sources imply that the migration consisted of one mass
movement in a single year we should perhaps consider Abbs suggestion that
the migration occurred in separate waves.72 It appears that the Ban Sulaym
established themselves in Cyrenaica and Tripolitania while the Ban Hill en-
tered Ifrqiya. At first al-Muizz tried to placate the Ban Hill by forming mar-
riage-alliances with their chiefs and incorporating their warriors into his army
but this was not enough to sate their ambitions. Soon open warfare broke out
between the Arab newcomers and the loyal Zirid forces that were comprised of
the anhja and al-Muizzs black slave-soldiers. In the early 1050s the Zirids
suffered a severe defeat at the battle of aydarn in southern Tunisia. In the
aftermath of the defeat al-Muizz fled with the remnants of his army to
Qayrawn. For the next few years he watched helplessly as the Ban Hill over-
ran the countryside of Ifrqiya and important towns such as Ss and Bja
slipped out of Zirid control. Eventually al-Muizzs position in Qayrawn be-
came untenable and he was forced to flee to the better-protected coastal
stronghold of al-Mahdya in 449/10578. Qayrawn fell to the Ban Hill in the
same year and it was thoroughly pillaged.73 From then on the Zirid state sur-
vived as little more than a coastal principality at al-Mahdya. After its sack by
69 For these tribes and their sub-divisions see Ibn Khaldn, Ibar, vol. 6, pp.1791. Ibn
Khaldn notes that the Maqil were by origin Qan (Yaman) Arabs who later joined
the Ban Hill, Ibid., p.78.
70 Ibid., pp.94105.
71 Daghfs, Dirst, pp.15180.
72 Isn Abbs, Trkh Lby mundhu al-Fat al-Arab att Mala al-Qarn al-Tsi al-Hijr
(Benghazi: Dr Lby, 1967), pp.1423.
73 For these events see Khudayr, Alqt, pp.6571; Idris, Al-Dawla al-anhjya, vol. 1,
pp.24585; Daghfs, Dirst, pp.197214.
26 Chapter 1
the Banu Hill Qayrawn never recovered its former importance; it survived as
a minor town of little consequence.
The effect of the Hill invasion on Ifrqiya and North Africa in general has
been a source of considerable controversy among modern scholars. The tradi-
tional view is that the arrival of the Ban Hill marked the triumph of nomad-
ism over civilization. A strong, prosperous, and vibrant Zirid state succumbed
to an unexpected and catastrophic invasion that plunged Ifrqiya into a dark
age of sorts. This was more or less the view of Idris who entitled the chapter
on the Hill migration in his magisterial history of the Zirids The Cata
strophe.74 Recent studies have questioned this assumption. Poncet argues
that the Zirid state was already weakened by internal factors; the Central
Maghrib had seceded under the rival Hammadids, Tripoli was ruled by the
Zanta, and there were Khrij revolts in the Jard which denied the Zirids ac-
cess to this gateway of the Sahara.75 Furthermore pastoralism and nomadism
were hardly alien to Ifrqiya and the Maghrib; a large portion of the Berber
population had been living a Bedouin lifestyle since well before the coming of
Islam. Cahen warns us not to assume that nomads always had a harmful ef-
fect on agriculture and sedentary populations.76 More often than not they
were able to coexist in mutually beneficial relations from an economic point of
view. He adds that the Hill migration and the associated mid-eleventh cen-
tury crisis in Ifrqiya must be seen as part of a larger process of political decen-
tralization and bedouinisation that affected the wider Islamic world in its
eastern and western halves during the tenth and eleventh centuries.77
Mss observations on the post-Hill invasion economy of North Africa are
worth considering here.78 According to him prior to the arrival of the Ban
Hill agriculture flourished in Ifrqiya (which he calls Bild al-Sharqya) as well
as in the interior plateau between Qayrawn and Qalat Ban ammd. On the
other hand agriculture was less-developed in the valleys of the eastern Tell At-
las (the coastal mountain chains of central and eastern Algeria and northern
Tunisia). At this time the principal crops in Ifrqiya were wheat and barley.
After the mid eleventh century ad the cultivated zone of Ifrqiya receded, par-
ticularly in the interior. Agriculture was restricted to protected areas close to
the important towns. Wheat and barley were often grown within the city walls.
In Ifrqiya cultivation of tree crops such as olives on the coast and dates in the
semi-desert areas (bastana from bustn, orchard) replaced field cultivation
of wheat and barley (zira) as the primary agricultural activity and the main
source of income. He cites the thirteenth century geographer Ibn Sad al-
Maghrib who says that as a result of the Bedouin invasions the date became
the principal food source in Ifrqiya.79 Perhaps olive and palm groves were pre-
ferred during this time of insecurity because they required less space than
wheat fields and they could be clustered inside or close to the city walls for bet-
ter defense.
Ms suggests that depopulation of the countryside in Ifrqiya caused by
the Hill invasion led to an acute shortage of farm laborers at this time which
cut into the profits of landowners as they had to pay higher wages to the work-
ers who harvested and transported their crops.80 The steppes lying south of the
Tell Atlas between Qayrawn and Qalat Ban ammd were also gravely af-
fected. Cultivation of saffron, cotton, flax, and sugarcane ceased in this area
and pastoralism predominated. While the cultivated zone declined in Ifrqiya
and in the interior of al-Maghrib al-Awsa around the Qala, there was an up-
surge in agricultural activity along the coast of al-Maghrib al-Awsa in the val-
leys of the Tell Atlas.81
We believe that the best approach to evaluating the impact of the Hill in-
vasion is to consider its effects on a region by region basis. There is no doubt
that the invasion had a drastic effect on the Qamda or Tunisian steppe. In this
region there was always a careful balance between herding and farming. Due
to the areas limited rainfall, an elaborate hydraulic network which has been
described by Solignac was developed under the Aghlabids, Fatimids, and Zirids
in order to supply water for irrigation as well as to meet the water needs of the
citizens of Qayrawn.82 The fall of Qayrawn and the ensuing political vacuum
that was most pronounced in the interior of Ifrqiya meant that there was no
strong central authority to maintain the networks of canals. At the same time
there was no doubt intense pressure from the Arab newcomers who were in
need of the steppes prime pastureland for their flocks. Thus there was an in-
evitable decline of agriculture along with the abandonment of urban centers
overcome their eastern cousins. Agriculture declined in certain areas but this
was by no means uniform. Finally, perhaps the most lasting legacy of the Hill
migration was the linguistic arabization of the Ifrq countryside which oc-
curred as the newcomers intermarried with the locals and were absorbed into
the fabric of society.
30 Chapter 2
Chapter 2
2.1 Introduction
The history of Ifrqiya during the period from the fall of Qayrawn (449/1057
8) until the Almohad conquest of the region slightly less than a century later is
confusing and difficult to follow due to the large number of local and outside
powers that were involved in its affairs. One historian has named this period
the age of the Ifrq Mulk al-awif or Party-Kings, a term used to describe
the numerous local petty kings who ruled in Islamic Andalus during the period
of decentralization which followed the break-up of the Spanish Umayyad cali
phate in the early eleventh century.1 The history of this period is essential if we
wish to understand the state of Ifrqiya when the Almohads arrived there and
incorporated it into their empire in approximately the middle of the twelfth
In presenting the history of this period I have followed the approach of Ibn
Khaldn in the Kitb al-Ibar who treats separately each of the local Ifrq dy-
nasties which arose following the fall of Qayrawn; beginning with the Zirids
themselves in their new capital at al-Mahdya.2 While this entails occasional
repetition of the same event, I have found it to be preferable to al-Nuwayrs
method of treating all of the dynasties at once.3 The latter approach is des-
tined to result in a patchwork of lengthy digressions which will only make the
history of this already confusing period harder to follow. I have also covered
the history of the Hammadids in this section though their center of power was
in the Central Maghrib rather than Ifrqiya. This is because the Hammadids
were a sister dynasty of the Zirids and their experiences parallelled those of
the Zirids in many ways including invasion by the Ban Hill, the loss of con-
trol over the interior and a retreat to coastal strongholds, the threat of Norman
attacks on their ports, and eventual incorporation into the Almohad Empire.
In addition the Hammadids intervened extensively in Ifrq affairs during this
period and the histories of the two regions of Ifrqiya and al-Maghrib al-Awsa
are difficult to separate.
The fall of Qayrawn and the transfer of the capital to al-Mahdya led to a
transformation in the very nature of the Zirid principality. Prior to the Hill
invasion the Zirids were in firm possession of both the coast and interior of
Ifrqiya. On many occasions they were able to project their authority into Libya
in the east and al-Maghrib al-Awsa in the west. With the move to al-Mahdya
the Zirids became rulers of a coastal city-state that was merely one of several
competing powers in the new post-invasion Ifrqiya. While Arab tribes jostled
with one another for control over the interior, the major cities of the region
(fqus, Tunis, Ssa, Qbis, Tripoli, Qafa, and others) had managed to secede
from Zirid rule under local dynasties of anhj Berber, Arab, or even Turkic
origin. The powerful Hammadid state in al-Maghrib al-Awsa attempted to fill
the vacuum created by the Zirid decline until it met a similar fate at the hands
of the Hill Arabs.4 At the close of the eleventh century the Christian mari-
time powers, especially Pisa and Genoa, took an interest in the affairs of North
Africa and they launched frequent raids on the coastal cities. The Normans of
Sicily followed their example and their efforts were crowned with the capture
of al-Mahdya in 543/1148.
Al-Muizz died in 453/1061 and he was succeeded by his son Tamm. The lat-
ter inherited a diminished realm confined to the territory of al-Mahdya. He
was an energetic ruler who devoted much of his long reign (he died in 501/1106
7) to war and intrigue in an attempt to restore Zirid primacy over Ifrqiya and
it seems that he was partially successful in this regard. In 1063/455 the indepen-
dent ruler of fqus besieged al-Mahdya but Tamm defeated him and forced
him to withdraw. In the same year Tamm captured Ss, a major coastal city
north of al-Mahdya.5
The powerful Hammadid ruler al-Nir b. Alanns interfered in the affairs
of Ifrqiya at this time. His sovereignty was recognized by the local rulers of
fqus, Tunis, and Qayrawn.6 Tamm organized a coalition of Hill and
Sulaym tribes to oppose the Hammadids and they succeeded in inflicting a
serious defeat on the latter at the battle of Sabba in 457/1065. Hostilities con-
tinued until 470/1077 when a truce was declared and Tamm married his
4 See below for more information on this dynasty which split from the Zirids in the first quarter
of the eleventh century.
5 Al-Nuwayr, Nihya, vol. 24, pp.1212; Ibn Khaldn, Ibar, vol. 6, p.212; De Slane, Berbres,
vol. 2, p.22.
6 See Abd al-amd, al-Maghrib al-Arab, vol. 3, p.452.
32 Chapter 2
7 A detailed analysis of this battle and its consequences can be found below in my section
on the Hammadids.
8 Al-Nuwayr, Nihya, vol. 24, p.127; Ibn Idhr, Bayn, vol. 1, p.300.
9 Al-Nuwayr, Nihya, vol. 24, p.127; Ibn Idhr, Bayn, vol. 1, p.301; Ibn al-Athr, Kmil,
vol. 8, p.430; Abd al-amd, al-Maghrib al-Arab, vol. 3, pp.4649;
10 For these events see al-Nuwayr, Nihya, vol. 24, pp.12930; Ibn al-Athr, Kmil, vol. 8,
p.426, vol. 9, p.28; Ibn Khaldn, Ibar, vol. 6, pp.2123; De Slane, Berbres, vol. 2, p.24.
11 For Yays reign see al-Nuwayr, Nihya, vol. 24, pp.1313; Ibn Khaldn, Ibar, vol. 6, p.213;
De Slane, Berbres, vol. 2, pp.245; Ibn al-Athr, Kmil, vol. 9, pp.11920, 1601.
12 Mt. Wasilt is located northwest of Qayrawn. It was an untamed region that had not
been directly ruled by the Zirids before this raid. See Idrs, al-Dawla al-anhjya, vol. 1,
The Eastern Maghrib in the Period of City-States 33
letter from the Fatimid caliph al-mir.13 In the same year Al blockaded Qbis
by sea though he did not succeed in capturing it. The ruler of Qbis, one Rfi
b. Jmi, retaliated by leading an army to the walls of al-Mahdya and later to
Qayrawn. He was eventually defeated by the Zirids.14 It is reported that at the
end of Als reign there was deterioration in relations between the Zirid and
Sicilian courts. As a precaution Al built a fleet of forty vessels equipped with
Greek fire. Ibn al-Athr claims that he wrote the Almoravids proposing a joint
invasion of Sicily.15 He died in 515/1124.
Al was succeeded by his twelve-year-old son al-asan, the last of the Zirids.
At the beginning of his reign effective power was held by his fathers eunuch
andal. After the death of the latter, a commander named Ab Azz Muwaffaq
played a leading role in state affairs.16 In 516/1122 the Almoravid admiral Al b.
Maymn led a fleet which raided the coast of Sicily. Suspecting that the Al-
moravids were acting in agreement with al-asan, King Roger of Sicily reacted
by sending a large fleet in the following year against al-Mahdya. This expedi-
tion was headed by George of Antioch and it comprised 300 vessels according
to Ibn Khaldn.17 After some initial setbacks, the defenders succeeded in
repulsing the Normans who withdrew to Sicily.18
Ibn Idhr reports that in 536/1141, during the reign of the Fatimid caliph
al-fi, a Zirid ship was detained in the port of Alexandria by the Egyptian
ib al-Dwn. The reason for this was that the latter was attempting to dis-
rupt relations between the Fatimid caliph and the Zirids while corresponding
with the Hammadids. The Hammadid ruler had also sent a ship from Bijya to
Alexandria loaded with gifts for the Fatimid caliph. The Hammadid ship was
permitted to return to Bijya laden with presents for the Hammadid ruler
while the Zirid vessel was prevented from leaving the port. In revenge, al-
asans fleet captured the Hammadid ship off the coast of Ifrqiya and they
brought it to the harbor of al-Mahdya where it was emptied of its precious
cargo. The vessel was destroyed in port during a violent fall storm but a splen-
did new ship was constructed from its timber which later fell into the hands of
the Normans when they conquered al-Mahdya.19
20 There is some difference in the sources over the cause of this expedition. Ibn al-Athr
claims that the reason for it was that the Zirid ruler al-asan favored a certain leader of
the Arabs named Maymn b. Ziyda, causing the other chiefs to incline towards the rival
Hammadid ruler, Yay b. Azz. They persuaded him to send an army to assist them in
their goal of overthrowing the Zirids and this request was seconded by some shaykhs in
al-Mahdya. A very different explanation is given by Ibn Ab Dnr. He says that Yay
intervened when he heard that al-asan had signed a treaty with King Roger of Sicily.
Uways believes that Ibn al-Athrs explanation is closest to the truth. He notes that the
struggle between the Zirids and the Normans had a long history, predating al-asans
reign. Throughout this period the Hammadids had never shown any interest in support-
ing their cousin dynasty against this overseas threat. He believes that the Hammadids
were merely exploiting Zirid weakness, caused in part by the wars with the Normans, in
order to annex Ifrqiya. I would add that Ibn al-Athrs account is consistent with a com-
mon trend in Zirid and Hammadid relations after the arrival of the Ban Hill and Ban
Sulaym. It was their habit to form rival coalitions of Arab tribes to fight their proxy wars.
Ibn al-Athr, Kmil, vol. 9, p.285; Ibn Ab Dnr, Kitb al-Munis f Akhbr Ifrqiya wa Tnis
(Tunis: Mabaat al-Dawla al-Tnisya, 1869), p.90; Abd al-alm Uways, Dawlat Ban
ammd (Cairo: Shrikat Szlar li-al-Nashr, 1991), pp.15860.
21 For the fullest account of this episode see Ibn al-Athr, Kmil, vol. 9, pp.2856.
The Eastern Maghrib in the Period of City-States 35
merely stalling for time until the wind changed direction and he could enter
the harbor and land his men so as to take over the city. At this time Ifrqiya was
in the midst of a severe famine that had seriously reduced the number of in-
habitants of al-Mahdya and the number of troops that the Zirids could mus-
ter. Furthermore, nearly the entire Zirid force was outside of the city, assisting
the friendly ruler of the citadel of al-Muallaqa near Carthage against a rival.
Under these circumstances, al-asan and his advisors decided that it would be
best to withdraw from al-Mahdya. In less than a day the city was nearly aban-
doned; al-asan and the bulk of the inhabitants had fled taking only the pos-
sessions that they could carry. George of Antioch sailed into the harbor and
occupied al-Mahdya as soon as the winds permitted. He called for the return
of the native inhabitants and most of them came back. Their lives and prop-
erty were safeguarded on the condition that they pay the jizya to the king of
Al-asan and his family took refuge for several months with his friend the
Arab chief Muriz b. Ziyd, lord of al-Muallaqa citadel. He was received most
generously in the beginning but later his host became visibly tired of his pres-
ence. Al-asan then sought to take refuge in Egypt at the court of the Fatimid
caliph al-fi. He had hired a ship to take him there when the Sicilian admiral
George of Antioch heard of his plans and positioned his galleys to intercept
him. Al-asan abandoned this plan and decided instead to travel to the court
of the Almohad caliph Abd al-Mumin in Marrakech. He obtained permission
from the Hammadid ruler Yay in order to cross through his territory on the
way to the Almohad court. Nonetheless, when he entered Hammadid territory
he was seized and placed under house-arrest in Algiers. He remained there
until 547/1152 when the Almohads conquered Algiers and set him free.23
The governor of Qafa at the time of the Hill invasion was a certain Abdallh
b. Muammad b. al-Rand. He declared his independence from the Zirids in
445/105354 and came to dominate the major cities of Qaslya including
Tzir, Nafa, and al-amma. By paying tribute to the Arab tribes he ensured the
22 Al-Tijn, Rila, pp.33941; al-Nuwayr, Nihya, vol. 24, pp.1368; Ibn al-Athr, Kmil, vol.
9, pp.3501; Ibn Idhr, Bayn, vol. 1, p.313; Ibn Khaldn, Ibar, vol. 6, p.215; De Slane,
Berbres, vol. 2, pp.278.
23 Ibn al-Athr, Kmil, vol. 9, pp.3512; al-Tijn, Rila, pp.3523; al-Nuwayr, Nihya, vol. 24,
p.139; Ibn Khaldn, Ibar, vol. 6, p.215; De Slane, Berbres, vol. 2, p.28.
36 Chapter 2
safety and tranquility of his land. He died in 465/10723 and was succeeded by
his son Ab Umar al-Mutazz. The latter further expanded the territory of the
Ban al-Rand into the Qamda (central Tunisian steppe) and the remainder
of the Jard. The Ban al-Rand ruled Qafa without interruption until the Al-
mohad conquest of that city in 554/1159.24
After the fall of Qayrawn the citizens of Tunis left the Zirid fold and sent a
delegation to the Hammadid ruler Ibn Alanns placing themselves under his
protection. He appointed Abd al-aqq b. Abd al-Azz b. Khursn to govern
them in his name. Abd al-aqq laid the foundation for a semi-independent
dynasty, the Ban Khursn, who would dominate Tunis and play an impor-
tant role in Ifrqiya for nearly a century. He was an effective administrator who
brought prosperity to his subjects. Like the Ban al-Rand of Qafa, he also
found it expedient to pay tribute to the Arabs in order to prevent them from
harassing his subjects. In 458/10656 the Zirid ruler of al-Mahdya, Tamm b.
al-Muizz, besieged Tunis in cooperation with the Hill tribe of Zughba. After
four months Tamm consented to withdraw in return for a token submission to
Zirid authority by the Ban Khursn who retained effective control over the
Abd al-aqq was succeeded in 488/1095 by his son Abd al-Azz who ruled
until 500/1106. The latter was succeeded by his son Amad. Amad killed his
powerful uncle, Ismal b. Abd al-aqq, and the latters son fled to Binzirt. Ac-
cording to Ibn Khaldn, Amad freed himself completely from the constraints
imposed by the patricians of Tunis with whom his predecessors had been
forced to cooperate, and he ruled the city in an absolute fashion; Ibn Idhr
says that he expelled large numbers of prominent citizens of Tunis to neigh-
boring cities and that he behaved like a tyrant.26 In 510/11167 Tunis was
besieged by the forces of the Zirid prince Al b. Yay b. Tamm and Amad
was forced to recognize his authority. In 514/1120 he switched allegiance and
recognized the Hammadid ruler al-Azz, who had invaded Ifrqiya. In 522/1128
he was removed from power by the Hammadid general Muarrif b. Al b.
24 For the Ban al-Rand see Ibn Khaldn, Ibar, vol. 6, pp.2201; De Slane, Berbres, vol. 2,
25 Ibn Khaldn, Ibar, vol. 6, p.217; De Slane, Berbres, vol. 2, pp.2930; Ibn Idhr, Bayn,
vol. 1, p.315.
26 Ibid.
The Eastern Maghrib in the Period of City-States 37
amdn (the Hammadid ruler at this time was Yay b. al-Azz) and led off to
captivity in Bijya with his entire family.27
Muarrif occupied Tunis and installed the first in a series of governors from
the Hammadid family: Karma b. al-Manr, uncle of the current Hammadid
ruler Yay. Karma was succeeded in Tunis by his brother Ab al-Fut, then
by his son Muammad. The latter was an unpopular tyrant and he was re-
placed by his uncle Maadd b. al-Manr who was the last of the Hammadid
governors of Tunis. Maadd ruled until 543/11489.28 In that year the people of
Tunis were facing a severe famine and they were in great fear of the Normans
who had landed at al-Mahdya. According to Ibn Idhr, they awoke one morn-
ing to find that their food supplies had been loaded into a merchant ship that
was set to sail for an area under Norman control.29 The citizens blocked the
ship from leaving and they revolted against their governor, butchering his abd
(black slave-soldiers) and forcing him to surrender. A Hammadid ship was sent
from Bijya to return Muarrif and his family to their native land. Another
Hammadid representative was left in his place, but no one respected his au-
thority and the shaykhs of Tunis took control over their own affairs, appointing
a respected judge named Ab Muammad Abd al-Munim as their leader. As
there were fears of retaliation by the Hammadids and of a Norman attack, Abd
al-Munim attempted to place Tunis under the protection of an Arab chief
named Ibn Ziyd, but when the latter arrived in Tunis he was attacked by the
masses who refused to give allegiance to an Arab.30
Following this incident the citizens of Tunis sent a delegation to their previ-
ous masters, the now exiled Ban Khursn, requesting that a prince from this
house be sent to govern them. Ab Bakr b. Isml b. Abd al-aqq b. Khursn
accepted and he ruled in Tunis for seven months. He was betrayed by his neph-
ew Abdallh b. Abd al-Azz who ruled until the arrival of the Almohads in
27 Ibid.
28 Ibn Khaldn, Ibar, vol. 6, pp.2178; De Slane, Berbres, vol. 2, pp.301; Ibn Idhr, Bayn,
vol. 1, pp.3156.
29 Ibn Idhr, Bayn, vol. 1, p.313.
30 Ibn Khaldn, Ibar, vol. 6, pp.2189; De Slane, Berbres, vol. 2, pp.312; Ibn Idhr, Bayn,
vol. 1, pp.314, 316.
31 Ibid.
38 Chapter 2
During the siege of Qayrawn by the Arabs, the governor of Qbis was a anhj
Berber named al-Muizz b. Muammad whose two brothers, Q and Ibrhm,
were officials in the palace of the Zirid ruler al-Muizz b. Bds in Qayrawn.
The latter expelled the two brothers and they took refuge with the chief of the
Hill tribe of Riy, one Munis b. Yay. He greeted them with honor and they
prevailed on their brother, the governor of Qbis, to withdraw his allegiance to
the Zirids and place the city under the protection of the Hill chief Munis. In
this way the first major Hill conquest in Ifrqiya was peacefully achieved.
Ibrhm ruled as the deputy of Munis for a while, then he was succeeded by
his brother Q. The latter was hated by the populace and they revolted and
killed him.32
After the murder of Q the citizens of Qbis placed their city under the
rule of Umar, the brother of the Zirid ruler Tamm b. al-Muizz, in 489/1096.
Umar had revolted against his brother and as a result Tamm led an army
against Qbis and succeeded in capturing it. After a short while Qbis threw off
its allegiance to the Zirids and recognized the authority of Makk b. Kmil b.
Jmi, an amir of the Riy branch of the Ban ill. This chief was an enemy
of Tamm. He received Muthann, the son of Tamm, after he had revolted
against his father. Together, Muthann and Makk b. Kmil besieged al-Mahdya
but Makk broke off the siege after he became disillusioned with Muthann.
After his death he was succeeded in Qbis by his son Rfi b. Jmi.33
Rfi allied with Roger of Sicily against the reigning Zirid, Al b. Yay b.
Tamm. The latter besieged and captured Qbis in 511/1117, surprising some
Norman ships that were in port at that time according to al-Tijn. Rfi fled
from Qbis and met with the shaykhs from his tribe, the Riy. They decided to
give him Qayrawn (which was now a minor city) to compensate for the loss of
Qbis. When Al heard this he sent an army against Rfi which included a
large number of Arab auxiliaries. A number of battles occurred but it appears
that no decisive result was reached before Al died in 515/1121.34
While Rfi was in Qayrawn another member of the house of Ban Jmi
named Rashd b. Kmil took power in Qbis. He was succeeded by his son
2.6 fqus
During the reign of the Zirid prince al-Muizz b. Bds, fqus was governed by
one of his retainers named Manr al-Barghaw. Manr took advantage of
the confusion caused by the fall of Qayrawn to declare his independence from
the Zirids and to ally himself with some of the Arab tribes. Manr was mur-
dered in the bath by his cousin, amm b. Mall al-Barghaw. Manrs Arab
allies besieged fqus in revenge for this act but amm bribed them and con-
vinced them to serve him.37
In 455/1063 Tamm succeeded his father al-Muizz as the Zirid ruler in al-
Mahdya. amm seized this opportunity to attack Tamm and to contest with
him the mastery of the Tunisian coastal plain. With his allies from the Hill
tribes of Ad and Athbaj, amm marched to the walls of al-Mahdya and
placed it under siege. Tamm allied himself with the Arab tribes of Zughba and
Riy. A major battle occurred between the two sides at a place called Salqaa
about halfway between fqus and al-Mahdya. Though Ibn al-Athr cites this
as a great victory for Tamm and the Zirids, Abd al-amd suggests that the
battle was not decisive since amm escaped with enough followers to con-
tinue his struggle with the Zirids for a long time after this event.38
Tamm sent his son Yay to besiege amm in fqus but Yay lifted the
siege and returned without result.39 In 493/10991100 Tamm himself led an
expedition to fqus and he succeeded in capturing the city. amm fled to
35 Ibid.
36 For more on this individual see below.
37 Al-Tijn, Rila, p.70; Ibn Khaldn, Ibar, vol. 6, p.224; De Slane, Berbres, vol. 2, p.38.
38 See Abd al-amd, al-Maghrib al-Arab, vol. 3, pp.4501; Ibn al-Athr, Kmil, vol. 8, p.363;
Ibn Khaldn, Ibar, vol. 6, p.224; De Slane, Berbres, vol. 2, pp.389; al-Tijn, Rila, p.71.
39 See al-Tijn, Rila, p.71 who suggests that Yay intentionally lifted the siege because of
the friendship and trust between him and amm which dated back to an incident in
which Yay was abducted by some Turkish adventurers and taken to fqus. Contrary to
the expectations of the abductors, amm treated the Zirid crown prince honorably,
freeing him and sending him back to his father in al-Mahdya. Yay never forgot this.
40 Chapter 2
Qbis where he took refuge with Makk b. Kmil.40 For the next half century
the Zirids retained control of fqus. They appointed governors from their own
family. In 543/11489 fqus was captured by the fleet of King Roger. The Nor-
mans appointed as governor of the city one Umar b. Ab al-asan al-Firyn
while holding his father hostage in Sicily to ensure his good behavior. Nonethe-
less, before leaving for Sicily Ab al-asan told his son to wait for the right
moment to throw the invaders out. In 554/1159 the inhabitants of fqus re-
volted and expelled the Normans. The other North African towns under Nor-
man occupation followed the example of fqus and revolted. Umar was
retained as governor of fqus by the Almohads when they arrived in Ifrqiya
shortly thereafter.41
In 387/997 the Zirid ruler Bds appointed his uncle ammd governor of
Ashr in the Central Maghrib giving him effective control over all of the Zirid
territory west of Ifrqiya.42 ammd was called upon to quell a dangerous re-
bellion by several of Bds relatives and later he undertook campaigns against
the Zanta. Within ten years of his appointment ammd had become a semi-
independent viceroy of the Central Maghrib and as we shall see he nursed am-
bitions of establishing his own dynasty.
In 398/1007 ammd gave orders to begin construction of a new capital
called Qalat Ban ammd.43 It appears that from the very start he intended
that the Qala become his new capital and the stronghold of his dynasty. Gol-
vin suggests that ammd made this decision because Ashr, the previous
capital, was too far to the west. Though Ashr was an ideal base for controlling
the frontier against the Zanta, ammd needed a new capital that was locat-
ed in the center of his territory and from which he would be able to defend
against Zirid attacks from the east. Thus it appears that the very act of building
the Qala was an assertion of independence by ammd.44
The final break between ammd and his nephew Bds occurred around
405/1014. When Bds son al-Manr was declared as heir to the Zirid throne,
Bds attempted to carve a small principality out of ammds territory for the
new crown prince. He demanded that ammd relinquish control of the dis-
tricts of Constantine and Tjs. ammd refused and shortly thereafter he re-
moved the name of the Fatimid caliph from the khuba and replaced it with
that of the orthodox Sunn caliph in Baghdad and he proceeded to massacre
the Sha in his domains.45 By changing the state creed in such an abrupt and
violent manner ammd was proclaiming his complete independence of the
Zirid court. Bds could not let such a challenge go unpunished and he person-
ally led the expedition to chastise his uncle. He captured Ashr and defeated
ammds army at the river Shalif. ammd fled with his remaining followers
to the Qala where he was besieged by the Zirids. It appeared that ammd
was on the brink of failure and that his dynasty would be nipped in the bud.
Unfortunately for the Zirids, Bds died unexpectedly in 407/1016, and he was
succeeded by his eight-year-old son al-Muizz, as al-Manr had predeceased
his father. The Zirid army withdrew to Qayrawn and ammd was able to re-
gain his lost territory. The following year, ammd sent his son al-Qid to the
Zirid court bearing gifts and a treaty was signed preserving the status quo. The
Zirids were now willing to accept an independent Hammadid state in the Cen-
tral Maghrib, their former homeland. ammd died in 419/1028.
Al-Qid succeeded him and reigned until his death in 446/1054. In 434/1042,
war broke out with the Zirids. Al-Muizz invaded the Central Maghrib and be-
sieged al-Qid in his capital before a peace treaty was signed. A few years later,
when al-Muizz cut off his relations with the Fatimid caliph and recognized the
Abbasids, al-Qid took the opposite step of renouncing his allegiance to the
Abbasids and returning to the Fatimid fold, receiving the honorific Sharaf al-
Dawla from the caliph in Cairo.46 This was no doubt done in order to annoy
the Zirids. The most important event of al-Qids reign was the migration of
the Ban Hill into northwest Africa. While the Zirid state nearly disintegrated
under the impact of the Arab invasion, the Hammadids were left in a much
stronger position than their eastern cousins.
One historian describes the borders of the core Hammadid territory as
forming a triangular shape. The base of the triangle was comprised by the Al-
gerian coastline from Annaba in the east to Oran in the west. Among the port
cities included in this long stretch of territory were Bijya and Algiers, which
was then known as Jazir Ban Mazaghanna after a local anhja tribe. Moving
in northwest Africa. Many scholars and artisans from Qayrawn took refuge in
al-Qala during his reign, contributing to the wealth and importance of the
Hammadid state and its capital.52 The Trans-Saharan routes which terminated
at Thart in the Central Maghrib and in the Jard of Ifrqiya (on the border be-
tween Tunisia and Libya) were temporarily cut off by the Arabs. This left only
the westernmost Trans-Saharan route which terminated at Sijilmsa in the
north open to travelers. According to Messier, after the arrival of the Ban
Hill, merchants from Ifrqiya and the eastern Islamic lands in general were
forced to travel west through Hammadid territory (where they no doubt passed
through the Qala) in order to access the one remaining Trans-Saharan route at
Al-Nir exploited the power vacuum created by the victory of the Ban
Hill over the Zirids at aydarn and the fall of Qayrawn. At the beginning of
his reign his authority was recognized in Qayrawn, fqus, and Tunis in the
heart of formerly Zirid Ifrqiya.54 It was inevitable that the Hill tribes would
seek to push westward from Ifrqiya and enter the Central Maghrib through
peaceful infiltration or by conquest. One might expect that the two related
dynasties of the Ban Zr and Ban ammd would have cooperated to meet
the threat posed by the Arabs but in fact they were unable to overcome their
bitter rivalry. Al-Nir was drawn into a conflict with the Zirids and their Arab
allies which would culminate in his defeat in the battle of Sabba.
The sources differ on the actual pretext for the clash. According to Ibn Khal
dn, there was a conflict between two rival Hill tribes, the Athbaj and the
Riy, and the former requested the assistance of Ibn Alanns.55 According to
Ibn al-Athr and al-Nuwayr, who largely follows his account, Tamm heard that
Ibn Alanns had cursed him in his council session and that he had resolved to
lead his army to Ifrqiya and besiege al-Mahdya.56 Tamm summoned the
amirs of Riy and said to them: you know that al-Mahdya is an impregnable
fortress which is entirely surrounded by sea except for four towers defended by
forty men and al-Nir only gathered this army in order to fight against you.57
The amirs agreed with Tamms assessment and they requested from him mon-
ey, weapons, and supplies which he readily granted. The Riy amirs then
spoke to the chiefs of the other Hill tribes who were allied to Ibn Alanns
and who contributed contingents to his army. They warned the chiefs that if
Ibn Alanns became stronger he would exterminate their tribes; therefore
they could only remain in secure possession of their lands if Hammadid power
weakened. They concluded by requesting the assistance of the other tribes.
The chiefs agreed that their contingents would pretend to face the Riy in
battle and withdraw after the first charge. At the opportune moment they
would return and attack their unsuspecting allies from the rear. In return they
requested one third of the booty. A similar understanding was reached be-
tween the Zant tribesmen in Hammadid service and a Zant chief named
al-Muizz b. Zr.58
At the core of the Hammadid army were the anhja and Ibn Alanns per-
sonal guard of abd (black military slaves).59 These were supplemented by Ar-
abs from the tribes of Athbaj and Zughba and some Zanta Berbers. The
opposing army consisted of Arabs from Riy, Zughba, and Sulaym as well as
groups of Zanta Berbers.60 The plain of Sabba where the two opposing sides
met in (457/1065) was located one days journey from Qayrawn on the road
which connected that city to Qalat Ban ammd and fifty kilometers south of
al-Urbus (Laribus).61 The Riy attacked the Arab allies of Ibn Alanns while
al-Muizz b. Zr and his followers attacked the Zant contingent in the Ham-
madid lines. According to the arrangement, the Arab and Zant troops feigned
defeat and appeared to flee at first before they turned against the remaining
Hammadid troops. The result was a crushing defeat for Ibn Alanns who es-
caped with only 10 horsemen. According to some of the sources, 24,000 Zanta
and anhja were killed in the battle. The Arabs took all of the plunder except
for some banners, trumpets, and drums which they sent to Tamm though the
latter refused to accept these on the grounds that he could not take joy in the
plundering of his cousins possessions.62
The role of Tamm and the Zirids in this incident is difficult to determine. It
appears that the army which opposed the Hammadids at Sabba consisted al-
most entirely of Arab tribes and Zanta who were led into battle by their own
chiefs. There is no mention of regular Zirid forces, whether anhja or abd,
nor of the presence of a Zirid commander during the battle. As we have seen,
58 Note that this person had no relation to the Zirid dynasty of Ifrqiya. Ibn al-Athr, Kmil,
vol. 8, pp.3723; al-Nuwayr, Nihya, vol. 24, pp.1224.
59 For more information on the Hammadid military see Ms Haym, Al-Jaysh f al-ahd
al-ammd 405547/10141152 (MA diss., University of Algiers, 20002001).
60 Uways, Dawlat Ban ammd, p.130; Abd al-amd, al-Maghrib al-Arab, p.454.
61 Ibid., p.131; p.454.
62 Ibn al-Athr, Kmil, vol. 8, p.373; al-Nuwayr, Nihya, vol. 24, pp.1234.
The Eastern Maghrib in the Period of City-States 45
Ibn Khaldn presents the conflict as an inter-Arab dispute between Athbaj and
Riy in which the Hammadids intervened for the benefit of the former. But he
is alone in this view. Ibn al-Athr and al-Nuwayr dwell at length on the machi-
nations of Tamm and at the end of their accounts they write that the victori-
ous Arabs presented the captured Hammadid banners to him, an indication
that they acknowledged his authority in at least a token fashion. Ibn Idhr
gives a very short account of the battle but he mentions that one of the most
important reasons for the Hammadid defeat was the plotting of Tamm.63
The battle of Sabba opened the Central Maghrib to penetration by the
Ban Hill. Some of the Arabs took the route from Sabba to the Qala of the
Ban ammd, others bypassed the Awrs Mountains to enter the Zb and
many of them settled in the plains south of the Bbr and Bban mountain
ridges between Constantine and Ashr.64 Sabba was the aydarn of the Ban
ammd. After this defeat, the interior of the Hammadid realm became vul-
nerable to raids by the Arab tribes. The lines of communication to the Qala
were no longer secure. Despite the seriousness of the Hammadid defeat at
Sabba, neither Ibn Alanns nor his successors appear to have relinquished the
goal of expanding eastward into Ifrqiya. In 460/10678, only a year after
Sabba, the chronicles report that Ibn Alanns entered al-Urbus and Qayrawn
with his allies from the Hill tribe of the Athbaj.65 The signing of a peace
agreement between the Hammadid ruler Ibn Alanns and the Zirid ruler
Tamm in 470/1077 cemented by the marriage of Tamms daughter to Ibn
Alanns did not prevent future conflicts between the two dynasties.66
Al-Nir decided to adopt the strategy of the Zirids by transferring his capi-
tal from an inland to a coastal stronghold. In 460/10678 he began construc-
tion of the new capital at Bijya on the Algerian coast. Besides possessing an
excellent harbor, Bijya was protected on its landward side by an arc-shaped
mountain ridge. Ibn Alanns brought settlers from other regions to populate
Bijya and he exempted Bijya from the kharj in order to encourage further
migration. In 464/10689 he himself moved to Bijya. The Qala remained an
important urban center for some time, but it would gradually be overshad-
owed by the new foundation.67
Ibn Khaldn tells us that in 543/1148 Yaya had all objects of value removed
from the Qala. Yaya won some successes in the east where Tunis submitted to
him and he besieged al-Mahdya until he was forced to withdraw by the ap-
pearance of a Norman fleet.74 The Hammadids were unable to face the power-
ful new foe who menaced them from the west. In 547/1152 Abd al-Mumin the
Almohad led a combined land and sea expedition into the Central Maghrib. He
captured Algiers, Bougie, and the Qala in quick succession and he easily de-
feated a Hammadid army led by Yayas brother al-rith. Yaya took refuge in
Constantine for a few months before surrendering to the Almohads. Abd al-
Mumin exiled the last Hammadid to an estate near Sal in Morocco, where he
died in 1163.75 The Qala changed hands several times before it disappears from
our sources altogether, indicating that it was no longer a town of any impor-
Ifrqiya was in a pitiful state by this time. The province that had been chosen
by the caliphs of Damascus as their base of operations for North Africa and
Spain and which later became the cradle of the Aghlabids, Fatimids and Zirids
had been transformed into a patchwork of weak city-states and ephemeral
tribal entites that were nearly always at war with one another and with outside
powers both Muslim and Christian. The great metropolis of Islamic North Af-
rica, Qayrawn, had been largely abandoned in the aftermath of the Hill in-
vasions while al-Mahdya, the bastion of the early Fatimids, had fallen under
the occupation of the Normans. The Central Maghrib had not fared much bet-
ter. At first the Hammadids had benefitted from the decline of the Zirids and
they seemed poised to fill the power vacuum that had emerged in Ifrqiya but
they were unable to stop the tide of Arab tribes which seeped into the Maghrib
with increasing force after the battle of Sabba while their modest navy was no
match for that of the Normans who occupied a string of ports from Tripoli to
Chapter 3
1 Dierk Lange, The Almoravids and the Islamization of the Great States of West Africa, in
Itinraires dOrient: Hommages Claude Cahen, ed. Raoul Curiel and Rika Gyselen (Bures- sur-
Yvette, 1994), pp.6576.
2 See Ronald A. Messier, The Almoravids: West African Gold and the Gold Currency of the
Mediterranean Basin, JESHO, vol. 17, no. 1 (1974): 324.
3 Ibid., p.41; Dvisse, Routes de commerce, pp.712.
It may be recalled from our survey of trade routes in the first chapter that
there were three major clusters of Trans-Saharan routes during the Islamic pe-
riod: the westernmost with its northern terminus at Sijilmsa (the most direct
route to the sources of the gold at Bambuk, south of the Senegal River, and
Bure on the Upper Niger); a central route with its northern terminus at Wargla
in al-Maghrib al-Awsa (Algeria); and an eastern branch which passed through
the Libyan oases.4 Powerful dynasties in Ifrqiya such as the Fatimids and
Zirids as well as the Rustamids of the Central Maghrib benefitted from the cen-
tral and eastern Trans-Saharan routes although these latter routes were prob-
ably not as profitable as the Sijilmsa-Awdaghust route which was the closest
route to the most important sources of gold at this time, and in fact it appears
that most West African gold arrived in Sijilmsa during the tenth and eleventh
centuries.5 During the Fatimid and early Zirid periods (early tenth century to
middle eleventh century) when Ifrqiya was politically and economically the
most developed region of North Africa, Sijilmsa had been linked to Qayrawn
by east-west routes. Beginning in the 1050s, the Trans-Saharan routes were af-
fected by a great disequilibrium as Dvisse calls it.6 The eastern and central
routes nearly fell out of use altogether except for a small amount of activity in
Wargla where the Ib merchants maintained their Trans-Saharan links.7
There were several reasons for this pronounced shift in favor of the western
routes. First of all, the Almoravids had expanded deeper into the Sahara and
West Africa than any previous Islamic dynasty and with direct control over
Sijilmsa, Awdaghust, and the salt fields of Tza, they could deny the use of
these locations to their rivals. Secondly, the Almoravid period witnessed an
unprecedented flourishing of civilization in al-Maghrib al-Aq. Both Fez and
the new foundation of Marrakech became world-class cities on a par with
Qayrawn and Cordoba in their respective heydays. The addition of al-Andalus,
with its great cities such as Seville, to the Almoravid Empire meant that there
was now a large domestic market with sophisticated tastes and an insatiable
4 The Awdaghust-Sijilmsa route was the most direct route to the gold since it is commonly
supposed that the two sources of West African gold during this period were at Bambuk, south
of the Senegal River, and Bure on the Upper Niger. Both regions were located on the borders
of the kingdom of Ghana, that is to say in western West Africa lying directly south of Morocco
(al-Maghrib al-Aq) on the other side of the Sahara. A traveler who crossed the Sahara di-
rectly from a more easterly base than Sijilmsa such as the Jard or the Libyan oases would
still have to travel west a considerable distance to reach these areas. For more about Bambuk
and Bure see Messier, Exploitation of West African Gold, pp.12932.
5 Ibid., p.147.
6 Dvisse, Routes de commerce, p.70.
7 Ibid., p.69.
50 Chapter 3
appetite for African gold. On the other hand, Ifrqiya and the Central Maghrib
witnessed a relative decline in the size and opulence of their urban centers
with the abandonment of Qayrawn and al-Qala and the lack of powerful
wealthy state patrons for building projects. Furthermore, the east-west routes
which had once connected Sijilmsa, via Fez, to Qayrawn and its sister cities
in Ifrqiya had almost certainly fallen into disuse due to the lack of stability in
the interior that was a consequence of the Hill invasions.
Though they clashed with the Hammadids on occasion, the Almoravids
never made a determined effort to incorporate the Central Maghrib and
Ifrqiya into their empire. They did not advance beyond Algiers in the east. The
Almoravids appear to have considered the Andalusian front their primary con-
cern. In the early twelfth century they found themselves between the two fires
of the Christian Reconquista and the insurrection of the Almohads and as a
result they could not undertake any new conquests. It was the Almohads who
managed to unite the entire Greater Maghrib from the Atlantic Ocean to the
borders of Egypt. Such a feat had not been achieved since the time of the
Fatimid caliph al-Muizz li-Dn Allh in the late tenth century.
The incorporation of Ifrqiya and the Central and Far Maghribs into one
state by the Almohads had important economic repercussions. Dvisse points
out that after the conquest of the Central Maghrib and Ifrqiya by the Almo-
hads, the latter had no reason to permit the continuation of a useless rivalry
between the eastern and western axes of the Trans-Saharan gold trade.8 The
route across the Sahara to the oasis of Wargla and then to the ports of Ifrqiya
came back into extensive use during this period. The Almohads minted gold
coins in Wargla and there appears to have been a revival of commercial activ-
ity in the coastal towns of Ifrqiya. In Dvisses opinion the western axis through
Sijilmsa was still more important than the eastern axis but it no longer had a
near monopoly over the gold trade as was the case under the Almoravids.9
The founder of the Almohad movement was a Mamda Berber from the
Anti-Atlas Mountains in Morocco named Ibn Tmart, known as the mahd to
his followers. He was born in approximately 474/1081. In 500/1106 he undertook
a long voyage in search of knowledge which brought him to al-Andalus for
one year and then to the Islamic Mashriq where he stayed until 510/1115. It was
during this period that Ibn Tmart formulated the Almohad doctrine, the de-
tails of which we will discuss below. His return to his homeland took several
years as he stopped along the way to preach and recruit followers. We have
mentioned above how he ran into difficulties with the Hammadid authorities
while resident in Bijya. In 511/1117 in the same city he converted to his cause
Abd al-Mumin. The latter was from the minor Zant tribe of the Kmiya near
Nadrma in western Algeria. He was on his way to the Mashriq where he hoped
to pursue his religious studies but Ibn Tmart convinced him that his future
was with him and he became Ibn Tmarts most trusted supporter and his
eventual successor as head of the Almohad movement. In 514/1120 Ibn Tmart
appeared in Marrakech at the court of the Almoravid ruler Al b. Ysuf b.
Tashfn (500/1106537/1142) where he openly denounced the religious policy of
the Almoravids and what he perceived to be their moral laxity. Fearing for his
safety, he left the capital and established himself in the vicinity of Aghmt in
southern Morocco. In 515/1121 he proclaimed himself to be the mahd at the
cave of jlz and received the baya (oath of allegiance) from ten chosen fol-
lowers including Abd al-Mumin.10
With the support of the major Mamda tribes he set out to overthrow the
Almoravids. The Mamda were sedentary highlanders scattered between the
Anti and High Atlas ranges and they had a strong dislike of the desert-dwelling
anhja tribes that formed the basis of the Almoravid state. In 517/1123 Ibn
Tmart established a new base of operations at Tnmallal in the High Atlas. It
is worth noting that Ibn Tmart consciously emulated the career of the proph-
et Muammad to the extent that he called his move to Tnmallal a hijra, re-
ferred to his military campaigns as maghz and his followers as Muhjirn
and Anr. In 524/1130 the Almohads suffered a major defeat at the battle
of Buayra. Ibn Tmart died only a few months later though his death was
kept secret for a while by his closest followers so as not to demoralize the
It is appropriate here to consider the religio-political ideology of the Almo-
hads. The ulema in the western Islamic lands during the Almoravid period
placed a greater emphasis on the study of fur or applied law than on study of
the ul or sources of the law. That is to say that they restricted their studies to
the legal compilations of the Mlik school without reference to the Qurn
and the Prophetic Tradition (Sunna) which were the sources of its inspiration.
10 A. Sad, Tawd al-Maghrib f Ahd al-Muwaidn, in Trkh Ifrqy al-mm, vol. 4, ed.
J.T.Niyn (Beirut: UNESCO, 1988), 3941; J. Vernet Ibn Tmart, in Encyclopaedia of Islam
2 (Leiden: Brill,1986), vol. 3, pp.95860.
11 Ibid.
52 Chapter 3
This narrow legalism had been criticized by the scholars of the eastern Islamic
world, most notably the great al-Ghazl who had called for a spiritual revival
of Islam. Ibn Tmart, who had been profoundly influenced by such views dur-
ing the course of his studies in the east, insisted on a return to the Qurn and
the Sunna.12
Like the Mutzila of ninth-century Baghdad, Ibn Tmart was bitterly op-
posed to those who interpreted the physical attributes of God in the Qurn in
a literal manner. According to Ibn Tmart, the Qurnic verses in question had
to be interpreted in a purely allegorical way. Those who refused to do this were
guilty of tajsm or anthropomorphism, a sin of which Ibn Tmart accused the
The most notable feature of Almohad ideology was Ibn Tmarts claim to be
the infallible mahd who would establish justice in the world and who required
absolute obedience from his followers.14 The political consequence of this be-
lief was that the Almohads did not recognize the Abbasid caliphs in Baghdad.
This was an important departure in Maghrib history. Even the Almoravids had
only used the title Amr al-Muslimn instead of Amr al-Muminn which was
the prerogative of the Abbasid caliph. It is important to note that throughout
their history the Almoravids never ceased to acknowledge the authority of the
Abd al-Mumin received the baya from the Almohads in 527/1133, three
years after the death of Ibn Tmart. He took the bold step of declaring himself
Amir al-Muminn. He and his successors regarded themselves as the true ca-
liphs of Islam. During the first thirteen years of his reign he carried on the dif-
ficult struggle against the Almoravids in al-Maghrib al-Aq. The Almoravids
had a marked superiority in cavalry which had won them the day at the battle
of Buayra. For this reason Abd al-Mumin concentrated on subduing the
highland regions in the north and south of Morocco before descending to the
open plains. His efforts were crowned by the fall of the Almoravid capital at
Marrakech in 541/1147.15
Even as he was completing the conquest of al-Maghrib al-Aq in the 1140s,
Abd al-Mumin also began intervening in al-Andalus which he hoped to wrest
from the Almoravids while at the same time fending off the threat of the Chris-
tian kingdoms. In 540/11456 the first Almohad expedition across the straits of
Gibraltar was launched and in 541/1147 Seville was captured followed by Cor-
doba.16 In 545/1150 Abd al-Mumin was in Sal where he received most of the
remaining independent Andalusian amirs who now pledged allegiance to
him.17 The next likely step would have been for the caliph to cross the straits in
person with the bulk of his forces in order to consolidate his gains in the pen-
insula and perhaps to campaign against the Christians. Contrary to public ex-
pectations, Abd al-Mumin resolved to first turn his attention against the east,
specifically against the Hammadids.
Various reasons have been given for this move. Sad suggests that Abd al-
Mumin had dreams of unifying the Maghrib in its entirety.18 Huici-Miranda
suggests that he wanted to avenge the poor treatment of the mahd by the
Hammadids, to expel the Normans from their coastal strongholds in Ifrqiya,
and to restore order in the east after the chaos caused by the Hill invasion.19
Less probable is his suggestion that the caliph wanted to attack the Hammad-
ids because they were anhja Berbers like the Almoravids. In fact there was a
great difference in culture, lifestyle, and even physical appearance between the
anhja of the Mauritanian desert from whom the Almoravids were derived
and the mountain-dwelling anhja of the eastern Algerian coast who had
founded the Zirid and Hammadid states. As we have seen, ancient kinship did
not prevent the Almoravids and the Hammadids from fighting against one an-
other in the past. There was perhaps a more personal motivation for Abd al-
Mumins decision. We should not forget that his tribe, the Kmiya, inhabited
the area between Tilimsn and Nadrma which was located on the disputed
frontier between the Almoravid and Hammadid states. This region was more
closely linked to the Central Maghrib than to the homeland of the Mamda
was any serious fighting before the fall of Bijya since Maymn, the wazr and
commander of the Hammadid army, seems to have had a secret agreement
with the caliph. The Almohads entered the city unopposed. The sultan Yay
had already fled from Bijya to Constantine in eastern Algeria while most of his
family took refuge in Sicily. The Almohads proceeded to besiege Constantine
until Yay finally surrendered. He was well-received by Abd al-Mumin who
sent Yay and his relatives to al-Maghrib al-Aq where they lived in great
splendor and luxury.26
After the fall of Constantine the caliph sent a detachment which marched
to the Qala of the Ban ammd.27 A large force of anhja, partisans of the
Hammadids, as well as some Lawta and Kutma Berbers had gathered to op-
pose the Almohads. According to Ibn Khaldn they were led by Yays broth-
er, one Jshan, while Ibn al-Athir says that their commander was named Ab
Qaaba. A fierce battle took place outside the city between the two sides, re-
sulting in the defeat of the Hammadids. The Almohads then stormed the Qala
which they thoroughly looted and burned while its inhabitants fled to the sur-
rounding hills.28
The Hill Arabs who occupied a large swath of territory south of Bijya felt
threatened by the Almohad presence. They had been treated well by the Ham-
madid sultans who permitted them to keep half of the harvest in the lands
where they had settled in return for guarding the frontier.29 They feared that
the Almohads would expel them from the Central Maghrib altogether. As a
consequence the Hill tribes of Riy, Zughba, Athbaj, Qurra, and Ad banded
together to face the Almohad army. The Normans offered to send 5,000 men
from Sicily to assist the Arab confederation but the Arab chiefs turned down
the offer, claiming that they did not need the assistance and that in any case
they could not ally with a Christian power against fellow Muslims.30
The most likely account of the battle is given by Ibn al-Athr and Ibn Khaldn
with only minor variations. According to them Abd al-Mumin had already
started his return march to Marrakech when he received word of the Arab
uprising and he sent against them a force of 30,000 horsemen under his son
Abdallh. They met the more numerous Arab army at Sif, a town in eastern
Algeria, in 548/1153. The Almohads won a crushing victory; the goods, animals,
and families of the Arabs fell into their possession and were brought back to
al-Maghrib al-Aq. The caliph treated the captured women and children hon-
orably and he wrote to the Arabs to come to Marrakech to take back their fam-
ily members. When the Arabs arrived not only were they reunited with their
wives and children but they also received generous presents.31 According to
Ibn al-Athr the caliph sought their support in securing the appointment of his
son as crown prince; no doubt he also wanted to appease them so that they
would not cause further headache for him in the Central Maghrib and to make
use of them as auxiliaries in his army.
The campaign against the Central Maghrib concluded in approximately
548/1153. It resulted in the fall of the Hammadid state and its absorption into
the expanding Almohad Empire. Abd al-Mumin spent the next five years con-
solidating his hold on power. He suppressed a number of revolts and conspira-
cies in al-Maghrib al-Aq and he forced the senior Almohad chiefs to accept
an hereditary caliphate restricted to his own line. During this time he had re-
ceived numerous delegations from the Muslims of Ifrqiya pleading for assis-
tance against the Normans. It should also be remembered that the last Zirid
sultan, al-asan b. Al, was present in Marrakech at this time. He was a close
friend and advisor to the caliph and he also strongly urged him to wage war on
the Normans who had deposed him from the throne of al-Mahdya.
In the winter of 554/1159 the caliph left Sal at the head of a large army
whose number is given by Ibn al-Athr as 100,000.32 He was accompanied by
al-asan the Zirid. They marched to Tunis, which was then governed by the
Ban Khursn, and they reached it in less than five months. A fleet of seventy
galleys sailed along the coast parallel to the Almohad army commanded by the
admiral Ab Abdallh b. Maymn.33 There are conflicting accounts of what
happened next; some sources say that the city surrendered peacefully while
others insist that there was a siege.
The fullest account is given by al-Tijn.34 He says that the caliphs son,
Abdallh, had besieged Tunis in 552/1157 but the defenders had annihilated his
army. As a result they were overconfident in the face of Abd al-Mumins forces
and rejected his offer of a peaceful surrender. After three days of siege the city
31 Ibid.
32 Ibn al-Athr, Kmil, vol. 9, p.428.
33 Ibid.
34 Al-Tijn, Rila, pp.3446.
The Coming of the Almohads 57
leaders sent a delegation to negotiate with Abd al-Mumin. Perhaps the Tuni-
sians realized that this time they would face the entire might of the Almohad
Empire. They begged the caliphs pardon which he granted under stringent
conditions, confiscating half of the property and money of the citizens of Tu-
nis and the inhabitants of the surrounding villages and expelling the Ban
Khursn from the city.35
He appointed an Almohad governor for Tunis and advanced to al-Mahdya.
The Christian defenders, who numbered 3,000, had abandoned the suburb of
Zawla and they were concentrated in the nearly impregnable peninsula. Abd
al-Mumin commenced the siege in Rajab 554/August 1159 and it lasted until
Muarram 555/21 January 1160. All attempts to storm the citadel ended in fail-
ure; the Almohads had no recourse but to wait until the supplies of the defend-
ers ran low. A Sicilian fleet of 150 vessels attempted to break the siege but it was
defeated by the Almohad navy outside of the harbor of al-Mahdya. After this
event the defenders lost hope and entered into negotiations with Abd al-
Mumin. He agreed to allow the defenders to return to Sicily unmolested with
all of their possessions since the new Norman king, William, had threatened to
massacre the Muslims on that island if any of his knights were harmed. With
this treaty twelve years of Christian rule in al-Mahdya came to an end.36
During the four years preceding the siege of al-Mahdya revolts had flared
up in most of the other coastal cities of Ifrqiya. Tripoli, fqus, Jirba and Qbis
threw off the Norman yoke, no doubt in anticipation of the arrival of the Almo-
hads.37 When Abd al-Mumin reached Tunisia the new rulers of fqus and
Tripoli hastened to submit to him as did many of the towns in Jabal Nafsa and
the Jard. Qbis refused to submit and as a result it was conquered by a contin-
gent under the command of the caliphs son. The rulers of Qafa heeded the
example of the other cities and recognized Almohad authority.38
Ibn al-Athr and al-Nuwayr relate that as Abd al-Mumin was preparing to
leave Ifrqiya in 555/1160 he summoned the amirs of the Ban Riy, a Hill
tribe that was then settled in that province, and asked them to provide him
with 10,000 horsemen to help the Almohads defend al-Andalus from the Chris-
tians. The amirs agreed and sent the troops that had been requested of them.
In private the Arabs resented Abd al-Mumins orders as they believed that his
real intention was to remove their tribes from Ifrqiya and resettle them in the
35 Ibid.
36 Al-Nuwayr, Nihya, vol. 24, pp.1713; Ibn al-Athr, Kmil, vol. 9, pp.42831; Inn, Ar
al-Muwaidn, vol. 1, pp.2937.
37 Ibn al-Athr, Kmil, vol. 9, p.403.
38 Ibid., pp.42930.
58 Chapter 3
west. After only two days of marching the Arab fighters slipped away from the
caliphs army near Jabal Zaghwn between Tunis and Qayrawn. The caliph
continued his march to the vicinity of Constantine where he set up camp in a
remote valley for twenty days taking care that the armys whereabouts were
kept secret. The Arabs assumed that Abd al-Mumin had been compelled to
hurry back to al-Andalus and they let their guard down. When the moment
was ripe the caliph sent out his sons Ab Abdallh and Ab Muammad at the
head of a select force. They surprised the Arabs at Jabal al-Qarn near Qayrawn
while Abd al-Mumin followed closely behind with the main body. Together
they inflicted a devastating defeat on the Arabs. The chief of the Ban Riy
was killed and their families and possessions fell into the hands of the enemy.
Abd al-Mumin protected the dignity of the captured womenfolk and he re-
turned them safely to the Riy emissaries who came to Marrakech, just as he
had done after the battle of Sif. After Jabal al-Qarn all of the Arab tribes in
Ifrqiya submitted to the caliph and their contingents joined him on his next
campaign in al-Andalus. For the time being Ifrqiya was quiet and pacified ac-
cording to our chroniclers.39
This account may be exaggerated as Huici-Miranda suggests but it is none-
theless of considerable importance in that it sheds light on the Almohad policy
towards the Hill and Sulaym Arab tribes which had come to occupy signifi-
cant territory in Ifrqiya and the Central Maghrib in the previous century.40
The Almohad caliphs, beginning with Abd al-Mumin, moved entire Arab
tribes from their abodes in Ifrqiya to al-Maghrib al-Aq where they resettled
them. This strategy of forced resettlement was connected to both the internal
and external politics of the Almohad state.
One motive for this policy was Abd al-Mumins desire to counterbalance
the influence of the original Almohad (Mamda and Zanta) tribes in the ar-
my.41 Abd al-Mumin intended to create a hereditary caliphate that would be
restricted to his descendants alone. Such a move was bound to create tension
in Almohad ranks as it meant that Ibn Tmarts descendants would be exclud-
ed from the office of caliph. To further complicate matters the caliph had
agreed early in his reign that he would be succeeded by Ab af Umar al-
Hintt who was one of the most influential companions of the mahd Ibn
Tmart. In order to pave the way for his sons accession the caliph went to great
lengths to woo the Arabs. He treated the defeated Arab chiefs with great leni-
ency after the battle of Sif (548/1153), showered them with gifts, and even
39 Ibn al-Athr, Kmil, vol. 9, pp.4312; al-Nuwayr, Nihya, vol. 24, pp.1735.
40 Huici-Miranda, Imbrrya, p.184.
41 Victoria Aguilar Sebastin, Aportacin de los Arabes nmadas a la organizacin militar
del ejrcito almohade Al Qantara 14, no. 2 (1993): 3967.
The Coming of the Almohads 59
42 See Maribel Fierro, The Genealogies of Abd al-Mumin, the First Almohad Caliph, trans.
Jeremy Rogers in Maribel Fierro, The Almohad Revolution: Politics and Religion in the
Islamic West during the Twelfth-Thirteenth Centuries (Burlington, VT: Ashgate, 2012), non-
continuous pagination.
43 Lvi-Provenal, Rasil, no. 13, pp.5561; Ibn al-Athr, Kmil, vol. 9, pp.4078; Al-Nuwayr,
Nihya, vol. 24, p.169.
44 Shortly before his death Abd al-Mumin decided that Muammad was unfit for the
caliphate and he instead designated another son, Ysuf, as his successor. Ab af Umar
continued to serve the Almohads loyally in the capacity of vizier. His family (the Hafsids)
remained very influential in the Almohad state as we shall see.
45 Sebastin, Aportacin, p.409.
46 Francisco Garca Fitz, Las Navas de Tolosa (Barcelona: Ariel, 2005), pp.32728; Lev, Sala-
din in Egypt, pp.145, 147.
47 Fitz, Las Navas, pp.32629.
60 Chapter 3
The military value of the Arabs was reflected in their salaries, which were
considerably higher than those of other troops in the Almohad army. Accord-
ing to a passage from Ibn ib al-alts al-Mann bi al-Imma, the caliph Ab
Yaqb Ysuf (558/1163580/1184) commanded that ordinary fully-equipped in-
fantrymen be paid eight dinars, unequipped infantry three dinars; fully
equipped horsemen ten dinars, unequipped horsemen eight dinars. For the
Arab troops a separate pay scale was applied: fully-equipped horsemen were to
be paid twenty-five dinars each, unequipped horsemen fifteen dinars; and
footsoldiers were to be paid seven dinars. Each minor Arab chief was to receive
fifty dinars, and the major chiefs were to be paid two hundred.48
The resettlement of Hill and Sulaym Arab tribes in al-Maghrib al-Aq
occurred on a large-scale during Abd al-Mumins reign following his conquest
of the Central Maghrib (548/1153) and Ifrqya (555/1160). This policy continued
during the reigns of his successors Ysuf (558/1163580/1184) and Yaqb al-
Manr (580/1184595/1199).49 In his Kitb al-Ibar Ibn Khaldn recorded the
distribution of the resettled tribes in al-Maghrib al-Aq.50 The Ban Riy (a
major Hill tribe) were settled in northwestern Morocco in the coastal plain
between Tangiers and Sal. The Jusham (a large Hill tribe with three impor-
tant branches in al-Maghrib al-Aq: Khul, Ban Jbir, and Sufyn) and some
clans of the Hill Athbaj were settled in the fertile plain of Tmasn (the re-
gion bounded by Wd Ab Raqraq to its north, Wd Tansft in the south, the
Atlas mountains in the east, and the Atlantic in the west). According to Ibn
Khaldn the Jusham maintained their traditional nomadic lifestyle in Tmasn
for a while but eventually they settled down and took up agriculture during the
Marinid period.51
The Ban Maqil (a tribe of Qan origin that took part in the great Hill
migration of the eleventh century) had three major sub-tribes: the Dhaw
Ubaydallh, Dhaw Manr, and the Dhaw assn. These tribes roamed the
deserts to the east and south of al-Maghrib al-Aq and together their abodes
formed a rough crescent. The Dhaw Ubaydallh were the northernmost tribe.
They controlled an area south of Tilmisn that extended westwards as far as
Twrrt (a northern Moroccan city just over 100 kilometers west of the modern
Algerian-Moroccan border). The Dhaw Manr in the center of the crescent
48 Ibn ib al-alt, Al-Mann bi al-Imma, ed. A.H. Tz (Beirut, 1964) p.348, quoted in
Sebastin, Aportacin, p.407.
49 See asan Al asan, Al-aara al-Islmya f al-Andalus wa al-Maghrib: Ar al-Murbin
wa al-Muwaidn (Cairo: Maktabat al-Khnj, 1980), pp.31012.
50 Ibn Khaldn, Ibar, vol. 6, pp.3753, 7793; De Slane, Berbres, vol. 1, pp.6086, 11534;
asan, ara, p.315 (map).
51 Ibn Khaldn, Ibar, vol. 6, pp.378.
The Coming of the Almohads 61
as well. For this achievement he deserves to be ranked among the great rulers
of medieval history, on a par with al al-Dn and Baybars.
As we shall see, the incorporation of Ifrqiya into their empire created new
problems for the Almohad caliphs. There were three elements which contrib-
uted to the instability of this region: the Arabs of the Ban Hill and Ban Su-
laym; the Ban Ghniya, a remarkably tenacious dynasty of pro-Almoravid
rebels who were based in the Balearic Islands and later in Ifrqiya as well; the
Ghuzz, bands of Turkish and Kurdish troops who entered Ifrqiya by march-
ing overland from Ayyubid Egypt. We have already recounted the establish-
ment of the Arabs in Ifrqiya; in the pages that follow we will take up the
history of the Ban Ghniya and the Ghuzz.
The Almoravid state was based on the alliance of the anhj tribes of north-
ern Mauritania. The ruling tribe was the Lamtna from whose ranks the two
greatest Almoravid sultans arose: Ysuf b. Tashfn (453/1061500/1106) and Al
b. Ysuf b. Tashfn (500/1106537/1142). Another tribe called the Massfa played
a very important role in the Almoravid state. The sultan Ysuf b. Tashfn mar-
ried a female relative named Ghniya to a courageous chief from this tribe
named Al b. Ysuf al-Massf. The descendants of this union between the ar-
istocracy of the Lamtna and the Massfa were known as the Ban Ghniya.
Al b. Ysuf al-Massf and Ghniya had two sons, Muammad and Yay,
both of whom were raised at the Almoravid court under the supervision of the
sultan himself. In 520/1126 Yay was appointed governor of the western prov-
inces of al-Andalus which he ruled from Cordoba while Muammad was made
governor of the Balearic Islands.56
At first Yay was successful in holding off the Christians. In 528/113334 he
won a great victory over a superior Aragonese army led by Alfonso the Battler
at the battle of Fraga (located in northeastern Spain halfway between Zaragoza
and Barcelona). The Almoravids were unable to reap the fruits of this success
as they were losing the Maghrib to the Almohad caliph Abd al-Mumin. Anti-
Almoravid revolts soon flared up throughout al-Andalus. In 539/1145 one
Amad b. Qas (Abencasi), captured Mertola, Silves, Evora and Bja in the
western part of the Iberian Peninsula and proclaimed himself to be the mahd.
His followers were known as the Mrdn. While Yay was away facing Ibn
56 De Slane, Berbres, vol. 2, pp.868; Ibn Khaldn, Ibar, vol. 6, pp.2523; Alfred Bel, Les
Benou Ghania (Paris: Ernest Leroux, 1903), pp.14.
The Coming of the Almohads 63
Qas, Cordoba seceded under the qadi Ibn amdn. Granada and Malaga fol-
lowed suit. In 540/1146 Yay recaptured Cordoba. Ibn amdn appealed to the
king of Castile, Alfonso VII, for assistance. The latter led an army to Cordoba
where he succeeded in capturing the city while Yay held out against him in
the citadel.57
Unfortunately for Yay, the Almohads chose this moment to invade al-An-
dalus from the south. An army crossed the straits under Ab Isq Barrz b.
Muammad al-Massf, a former Almoravid commander who had defected to
the Almohads. With the assistance of the Mrdn the Almohads captured Al-
geciras and cities of western al-Andalus. In 541/1147 they entered Seville. Yays
position was desperate; he surrendered to the Castilians and in return Alfonso
allowed him to rule Cordoba as his vassal. This arrangement did not last very
long as Alfonso desired to take direct control of Cordoba. He presented Yay
with an ultimatum to either pay more tribute or cede Cordoba to the king in
return for an appanage elsewhere. Instead Yay entered into secret negotia-
tions with the Almohad commander and he surrendered Cordoba and Car-
mona to him, thereby frustrating Alfonsos plans. Now an Almohad vassal,
Yay made his way to Granada, the last Almoravid stronghold in the Penin-
sula, where he convinced the garrison to submit to the Almohads. He died
there in 543/11489.58
Meanwhile Yays younger brother Muammad b. Ghniya had by now es-
tablished himself as an independent ruler over the Balearic Islands. It is neces-
sary to give some background information on the condition of these islands
and their place in the larger twelfth century Mediterranean world. The largest
of the islands is Majorca followed by Ibiza, Minorca, and Formentera. The Ba-
learic Islands did not fall under permanent Muslim rule until approximately
290/902 when they were annexed by the Umayyads of Cordoba.59 In the early
eleventh century, as the Cordoba Caliphate disintegrated and al-Andalus en-
tered the period of the Mulk al-awif (the Party Kings), a former Umayyad
military slave named al-Mujhid carved out an independent principality in
Denia (a port on the east coast of Spain slightly south of Valencia and directly
opposite Ibiza) that also embraced the Balearic Islands. He was a remarkable
57 Ibn Khaldn, Ibar, vol. 6, p.253; De Slane, Berbres, vol. 2, pp.878; Bel, Benou Ghania,
pp.58; Ismat Abd al-Laf Dandash, Al-Andalus f Nihyat al-Murbin wa Mustahall
al-Muwaidn: Ar al-awif al-Thn (Beirut: Dr al-Gharb al-Islm, 1988), pp.7083.
58 Ibn Khaldn, Ibar, vol. 6, p.253; De Slane, Berbres, vol. 2, pp.878; Bel, Benou Ghania,
pp.914; Dandash, Andalus, pp.1057, 11112.
59 Jaime Busquets Mulet, Mallorca Musulmana, in Historia de Mallorca, ed. J. Mascar
Pasarius (Palma de Majorca: Vicente Colom Rosell, 1978), vol. 2, pp.17576.
64 Chapter 3
character who was famous for his generous patronage of scholars and his dar-
ing military exploits.60 In 405/1015 he invaded Sardinia though he was repulsed
two years later by the combined forces of Pisa and Genoa.61 Al-Mujhid died in
436/1044.62 The Balearic Islands continued to be ruled by his successors in De-
nia until the annexation of the latter by the prince of Zaragoza in approxi-
mately 469/1076. When this event occurred the governor of the Balearic Islands
on behalf of the rulers of Denia, a certain al-Murta, declared his indepen-
dence. He died in 486/1093 and he was succeeded by a eunuch named al-Mu-
In 503/1109 a fleet of Norsemen led by King Sigurd I of Norway sacked For-
mentera, Ibiza, and Minorca (though not Majorca which was too strongly de-
fended) while en route to Palestine where they joined the Crusade.64 In 508/1114
a combined Pisan-Catalonian expedition led by Raymond Berenguer III, count
of Barcelona, attacked Majorca with Papal blessing. After an epic siege that
lasted for over one year with tremendous losses and suffering on both sides,
the Muslim defenders surrendered and the Christians were rewarded for their
efforts with a great quantity of looted treasure. Upon learning of the approach
of a 300-ship-strong Almoravid relief fleet the Pisans and Catalonians abruptly
returned home without making any effort to permanently control the islands.65
The Almoravids appointed a governor named Wannr b. Bakr who was de-
spised by the inhabitants for his harshness. As a result he was replaced by the
aforementioned Muammad b. Ghniya in 520/1126.66
During the Islamic period the island of Majorca contained a sizeable port
city of the same name on the site of the present day city of Palma. It was de-
fended by triple walls and boasted a citadel of great strength.67 According to
Abulafia the Balearic Islands had few valuable goods to export with the excep-
tion of the famous salt of Ibiza which was traded for West African gold by the
Saharan merchants.68 Abulafia says that Majorca imported grain from abroad
60 Ibid., pp.17782.
61 Ibid., pp.18590.
62 Ibid., p.194.
63 Ibid., pp.2067.
64 Ibid., pp.20620; Gary B. Doxey, Norwegian Crusaders and the Balearic Islands, Scandi-
navian Studies, vol. 68, no. 2 (Spring, 1996), pp.13960.
65 Mulet, Mallorca Musulmana, 23469.
66 Elviro Sans Rossell, Los Almorvides, in Historia de Mallorca, ed. J. Mascar Pasarius
(Palma de Majorca: Vicente Colom Rosell, 1978), vol. 2, p.272.
67 Mulet, Mallorca Musulmana, pp.22534, 25657.
68 David Abulafia, Gli inizi del commercio genovese a Maiorca, in Mediterranean Encoun-
ters, Economic, Religious, Political, 11001550 (Burlington VT: Ashgate, 2000), pp.45
The Coming of the Almohads 65
in order to feed a large population while Sans Rossell claims that Majorcan
fruits and grain were purchased by the Genoese and Pisans.69 In Abulafias
opinion the importance of the islands was primarily due to their strategic loca-
tion. The islands were important waystations along the maritime routes that
connected the ports of Provence and Liguria to those of Levante (the eastern
coast of Spain) and the Central and Western Maghrib.70 Another important
source of income for Majorca and the neighboring islands was piracy.71 At this
time both Muslims and Christians saw piracy as an extension of the Holy War.
The ships and coastal towns of the unbelievers were fair game for both sides
unless there was a treaty between a Muslim and Christian ruler specifically
prohibiting such attacks; of course such treaties only applied to the subjects of
the two rulers and not to all of their coreligionists.72 The Balearic Islands pro-
vided convenient bases for squadrons that raided Catalonia, Provence, Sardin-
ia, Corsica, and the western coast of Italy. Conversely, the Balearic Islands were
themselves the targets of destructive raids by various Christian powers as we
have already seen.
When the Ban Ghniya took over Majorca towards the middle of the
twelfth century there were several maritime powers, Christian and Muslim,
competing for influence in the western Mediterranean. The Italian republics of
Pisa and Genoa demonstrated their naval prowess in the previous century
when they repulsed al-Mujhid from Sardinia (407/1017) and attacked al-
Mahdya in Ifrqiya (480/1087).73 It is worth noting that there was a fierce ri-
valry between the two city states. While they made common cause with the
Pisans against al-Mujhid and during the raid on al-Mahdya, the Genoese
were notoriously absent from the great expedition to Majorca in 508/1114. The
Pisans and Genoese were mainly concerned with protecting the maritime
routes to Spain and North Africa; distance and lack of manpower meant that
(non-continuous pagination). Abulafia does not explain why Ibizan salt was attractive to
North African merchants involved in the Trans-Saharan gold trade since the latter also
had access to the great Saharan salt mines such as Taghza and Awll which were obvi-
ously located much closer to the West African gold markets entailing cheaper transporta-
tion costs.
69 Ibid.; Sans Rossell, Los Almorvides, p.281.
70 Ibid.; David Abulafia, The Great Sea: A Human History of the Mediterranean (Oxford:
Oxford University Press, 2011), p.288, map.
71 Gary B. Doxey, Diplomacy, Trade and War: Muslim Majorca in International Politics,
115981, Journal of Medieval History, vol. 20 (1994), p.59.
72 On the ubiquity of piracy and slaving in the western Mediterranean during this period see
Abulafia, Great Sea, pp.24650.
73 See chapter 3 above for the assault on al-Mahdya.
66 Chapter 3
they had little inclination to permanently occupy Majorca or the ports of al-
Andalus. This was not the case with the Catalonian County of Barcelona which
was the closest of the great Christian maritime powers to Majorca and which
sought to expand at the expense of the Muslims in Levante and the Balearic
Islands.74 It is an indication of Barcelonas strength in the twelfth century that
the Pisans petitioned count Raymond Berenguer III to assume overall com-
mand of the Christian armada during the siege of Majorca in 508/1114.75 In
558/1162 the County of Barcelona merged with the Kingdom of Aragon, its
landlocked neighbor to the west.76 The fourth major Christian power in the
western Mediterranean at this time was the Norman Kingdom of Sicily. We
have seen that the Normans possessed a great fleet with which they subjugated
the ports of Ifrqiya during the 1140s.77
The Almohads without a doubt possessed the greatest Islamic fleet in the
Mediterranean by the middle of the twelfth century; however, they did not yet
control Levante and its ports. In that region the capable ruler of Murcia, a cer-
tain Ibn Mardansh (known in Spanish as El Rey Lobo or the Wolf King), man-
aged to hold out against the Almohads until his death in 567/11712.78 It should
also be noted that the Ban Ghniya themselves possessed a considerable navy
that was likely inherited from the Almoravids. As we have seen the interests of
Almohads, Catalonians, Pisans, Genoese, and Sicilians collided in the western
Mediterranean. The Ban Ghniya had to play a difficult balancing act be-
tween these great maritime powers in order to preserve the independence of
their Majorcan principality.
After the collapse of Almoravid power in al-Andalus in the 1140s Majorca
became the last refuge of the great Saharan dynasty whose cause was now
championed by the Ban Ghniya under the amir Muammad. Muammad b.
Ghniya continued to have the khuba recited in the name of the Abbasids
according to al-Marrkush.79 In this he followed the practice of the Almoravids
who had always refused the title of caliph for themselves, choosing instead to
recognize the caliphs of Baghdad. This was a clear message to the Almohads
that he did not recognize their claim to the caliphate. His land and naval forces
were bolstered by the arrival of large numbers of Almoravid soldiers and
supporters who had fled across the sea to take refuge in Majorca after the final
Almohad victory in al-Andalus.
Few details are known about the foreign policy of Majorca under Muam
mad. He signed treaties with the republics of Genoa and Pisa in 544/1149 and
545/1150 respectively. Sans Rossell says that the purpose of these early treaties
was limited to ensuring that both sides would refrain from attacking each oth-
ers shipping.80 Ibn Ghniyas contemporary, Ibn Mardansh, who ruled most
of the eastern coast of al-Andalus independently of both the Almoravids and
Almohads, also signed an agreement with the Italian republics at about the
same time. Unlike Muammad b. Ghniya, Ibn Mardansh was required to pay
an annual tribute of 10,000 mithqls of gold to the Pisans and Genoese in re-
turn for their undertaking to refrain from raiding his territory. In Sslims opin-
ion, the fact that the Ban Ghniya avoided paying tribute to the Italian
maritime powers and faced no direct attacks from them, in contrast to Ibn
Mardanshs kingdom and the Muslim principalities on the coast of Ifrqiya,
indicates that Majorca was already a formidable naval power during Muam
mads reign and as a result it had to be treated as an equal by the Genoese and
The circumstances surrounding the death of Muammad and the accession
of his son Isq are obscure. Some sources say that Muammad had appointed
his son Abdallh as crown prince, arousing the jealousy of another son named
Isq who murdered both of them and usurped the throne. Al-Marrkush
adds that it is not clear whether Abdallh was killed before or after his father.82
The sources also differ widely on the year of Muammads death and Isqs
accession to the throne of Majorca. Sslim, who has carefully scrutinized the
various accounts, follows Ibn Idhr in giving 550/1155 as the year of Isqs
Under Isq the principality of Majorca continued to grow in power and
influence. Isq led seasonal plundering raids against the coasts of Italy,
Provence, Catalonia, Sicily and Sardinia.84 According to al-Marrkush, Isq
led two great raiding expeditions against the lands of the Rm every year from
which he and his companions gained great wealth. He devoted all of his atten-
tion to these raids and cared for little else.85 An indication of Majorcas pros-
perity under Isq is the fact that the latter minted his own gold dinars.86
Al-Ghubrn records that at this time Isqs ships frequently visited Bijya
bringing captives to be sold in that citys bustling slave market.87 Isqs raids
are also mentioned in the Latin chronicles. In 5734/1178 the city of Toulon fell
to the Ban Ghniya. Among the many noble prisoners who were taken was
the viscount of Marseille, Hugo Godfrey.88
Like his predecessor, Isq maintained amicable relations with the Pisans
and Genoese.89 An envoy of the Pisan consuls visited Majorca in 557/1161, pre-
sumably to sign a peace treaty that was renewed in 569/1173 and again in
580/1184.90 At the beginning of the 1160s the Genoese signed treaties with Ibn
Mardansh, the Almohads, and Isq b. Ghniya. By establishing relations with
all of the Muslim powers in the southwestern corner of the Mediterranean, the
Genoese secured the protection of their merchant vessels which plied the
shipping routes between Italy and the ports of Levante and the Maghrib.91
The Majorcan-Genoese treaty was renewed in 577/1181.92 We are fortunate to
possess the Arabic and Latin texts of the Genoese-Majorcan treaty of 577/1181
and the Pisan-Majorcan treaty of 580/1184.93 These treaties, which are very
similar, basically served to guarantee that each party along with its respective
subjects and allies would refrain from causing any harm to the other by sea or
land. It is stipulated that Genoese and Pisan subjects who embark in the ships
94 Ibid.
95 Bauden, Due trattati, p.60.
96 Abulafia, Commercio genovese, p.5.
97 Ibn al-Athr, Kmil, vol. 9, p.430; Doxey, Muslim Majorca, pp.401.
98 Doxey, Muslim Majorca, p.55; Sans Rossell, Los Almoravides, p.275.
99 Doxey, Muslim Majorca, pp.5660.
70 Chapter 3
We have mentioned above that the eastern coast of al-Andalus was ruled by
an independent Muslim prince named Ibn Mardansh. Ibn Mardansh man-
aged to keep the Almohads at bay until his death in 567/11712. The territory
that he ruled over formed a very convenient buffer state from the viewpoint of
the Ban Ghniya in Majorca, for it shielded them from the Almohads on their
western flank. As a result there was little pressure on them from this quarter
and they were able to devote their energy to their naval jihd against the Chris-
tians while still maintaining their traditional allegiance to the Abbasid caliph-
ate and ignoring the claims of the Almohads. After Ibn Mardanshs death his
son submitted to the Almohads and all of his remaining lands were incorpo-
rated into their empire.100 Once they had taken control over the port cities of
southeastern Spain it became inevitable that the Almohads would make a de-
termined attempt to secure the submission of the Balearic Islands. They could
not tolerate an independent emirate in Majorca sitting astride the lines of
communication between al-Andalus on the one hand and the ports of al-
Maghrib al-Awsa and Ifrqiya on the other, especially when this island was
ruled by descendants of their most bitter foes, the Almoravids. It should also be
remembered that the Almohads possessed one of the strongest navies in the
Mediterranean. Already in the reign of Abd al-Mumin they had constructed
hundreds of galleys and possessed a string of naval bases along the Spanish
and North African coasts.101 The fleet commanded by the Ban Ghniya, which
was also quite formidable and very capable as we have seen, constituted an
obstacle to Almohad maritime expansion and its elimination was imperative if
the Almohads were to realize their ambitions in the western Mediterranean
Isq regularly sent a portion of the slaves and plunder that he acquired on
his expeditions against the Franks to the Almohad caliph Ysuf b. Abd al-
Mumin.102 It would appear that he attempted to cultivate the goodwill of the
caliph while avoiding recognition of Almohad authority. In early 580/1184 he
was mortally wounded in combat with the Franks. There are conflicting ac-
counts as to whether he died overseas or was first carried back to his palace in
Majorca where he lingered for a few months before finally succumbing to his
injuries.103 In any case effective power passed to his son and heir-apparent
Muammad. Muammad announced that he intended to recognize Almohad
rule and as a consequence the caliph Ysuf b. Abd al-Mumin sent one of his
leading commanders, Al b. al-Reberter, at the head of a squadron to Majorca
Shortly after securing his rule in Majorca, Al embarked on his fateful expedi-
tion to North Africa. This marked the beginning of a nearly forty-year-long
struggle between the Almohads and the Ban Ghniya and their respective
allies in the Central Maghrib and Ifrqiya. It is curious that the Ban Ghniya
chose to confront the Almohads in these provinces where there had never
been an Almoravid presence. The Ban Ghniya in particular had always been
closely associated with al-Andalus where members of their family had held the
governorship before the fall of the Almoravid Empire. Yet, after their flight to
Majorca we do not find them making landings on the Iberian coast and raising
the standard of revolt there; rather all of their offensive efforts seem to have
been directed against the eastern portion of the Almohads North African pos-
sessions. What attraction did this region, and especially the port of Bijya, hold
for Al b. Isq and his followers?
We must bear in mind that the heart of the Almohad Empire was the north-
south axis of al-Maghrib al-Aq and al-Andalus. The caliphs court was in Mar-
rakech, and the Mamda tribes that formed the backbone of the Almohad
army lived in the valleys of the Moroccan Atlas. Indeed, the Almohads seem to
have kept the bulk of their troops and most of their navy in the western half of
the empire, divided between the cities and fortresses of al-Maghrib al-Aq
and al-Andalus. All of the towns and districts east of Tilimsn were in some
sense peripheral to the imperial core; this was especially true of Tripolitania
and southern Tunisia. Whenever Ifrqiya was threatened by an invasion or ma-
jor revolt that could not be quelled by the local governor and his forces (and
this happened frequently as we shall see) the usual solution was for the caliph
to intervene personally at the head of a large expeditionary force. Of course he
could only afford to do this when the Andalusian front against the Christians
was calm and and when there was no danger of revolt in al-Maghrib al-Aq.
As a result of this the Almohad caliphs were often slow in reacting to threats
from the east such as the Ban Ghniya and the Ghuzz.
Conditions for intervention in Ifrqiya and al-Magrib al-Aswa were favor-
able at this time. It is helpful to give an overview of the disposition of the Arab
tribes in the second half of the twelfth century following the mass deporta-
tions of Abd al-Mumins reign. The Hill tribes were found primarily in the
Central Maghrib; they appear to have been driven westward and out of Ifrqy
by the Ban Sulaym. The westernmost Hill tribe was the Zughba who inhab-
ited an area stretching from Tilimsn in the west to Algiers in the east. The
Athbaj inhabited areas to the south and east of the Zughba. The Riy were
found in the vicinity of Constantine and Masla in eastern Algeria as well as in
northern Tunisia. The Maqil, a Yemenite tribe which claimed Hill ancestry,
were also found in pockets along the Algerian coast and in the interior.107
Of these tribes the Zughba alone were consistently loyal to the Almohads.
They had close relations with a Zanat Berber tribe from Tilimsn called Ban
Badn. Ibn Khaldn remarks that the Zughba and Ban Badn cooperated to
defend the Almohad Empire during its long wars with the Ban Ghniya.108 As
for the other Hill tribes, they were always looking for an opportunity to shake
107 See Ibn Khaldn, Ibar, vol. 6, pp.3092; De Slane, Berbres, vol. 1, pp.54134; Nawwra,
Al-ayt al-Ijtimya, pp.4152, p.286 map.
108 Ibn Khaldn, Ibar, vol. 6, p.54; De Slane, Berbres, vol. 1, pp.867.
The Coming of the Almohads 73
off Almohad rule and the Ban Ghniya could count on their support as long
as there was the prospect of booty. The same could be said of the Ban Sulaym
in Ifrqiya. Other factors that would have encouraged Al b. Ghniya to invade
North Africa at this time were the widespread sympathy for the deposed Ham-
madids in Bijya and other towns in the Central Maghrib and the invasion of
Almohad Ifrqiya by the Ayyubid commanders Qarqsh and Ibn Qartikn.
Bijya was reputedly one of the finest ports on the North African coast.109 It
was not far from Majorca (approx. 350 km.) and not surprisingly there is evi-
dence of prior commercial ties between the two places. Al-Ghubrn mentions
that Majorcan ships frequented Bijya in the time of Isq b. Ghniya bringing
large numbers of white slaves from the land of the Rm who were sold in its
markets.110 Al-Idrs, who wrote in the middle of the twelfth century, has this
to say about the condition of Bijya:
In our time Bijya is the capital of al-Maghrib al-Awsa and the chief city
of the Hammadids. Ships sail to it, caravans arrive there, and goods are
brought there by land and sea. The merchandise there is of good quality
and the inhabitants are prosperous traders. The manufactured goods and
the artisans who make them are superior to those of most other lands.
The inhabitants of Bijya are in contact with the merchants of al-Maghrib
al-Aq, the Sahara, and those of the Mashriq as well. Debts are settled
and goods are sold there for enormous sums. In the valleys and fields out-
side of Bijya there is plentiful wheat, barley, and fodder and many variet-
ies of fruit are grown in great quantity. There is an arsenal for the
construction of various types of ships since timber is plentiful in the
nearby mountains and valleys and there is pitch and tar of high quality in
the surrounding districts as well as good iron mines. All sorts of goods are
manufactured in this city Bijya is a central point of trade and com-
munication for many lands.111
109 See Dominique Valrian, Bougie: port maghrbin, 10671510 (Rome: cole franaise de
Rome, 2006), p.248.
110 Al-Ghubrn, Unwn al-Dirya, pp.456.
111 Al-Idrs, Description, 901/105. This passage was obviously written before the fall of the
Hammadids but it is important to note that even after bloodless conquest of the city by
Abd al-Mumin in approximately 547/1152 Bijya lost none of its importance and prosper-
ity. It became the capital of the province of al-Maghrib al-Awsa and became the seat of a
semi-hereditary line of governors from Abd al-Mumins family. See Valrian, Bougie,
74 Chapter 3
Dvisse believes that al-Idrs and the modern scholars who follow him have
exaggerated the wealth and commercial importance of Bijya in the twelfth
century. In particular he is skeptical of the claim that Bijya was an outlet for
112 Al-Ghubrn, Unwn al-Dirya, p.45. According to this passage the black slaves came
from al-Wakhsh but I have found no reference in any other source to a people or place
with this name in Africa. Wakhsh or Vakhsh is also the name of a city in Tajikistan that
was well-known to the medieval geographers but it is clearly not intended here.
113 Lewicki, Ltat nord africain du Thert, p.532.
114 Ab Ubaydallh al-Bakr, Al-Maslik wa al-Mamlik, ed. Jaml alba, Beirut: Dr al-
Kutub al-Ilmya, 2003, vol. 2, pp.3712.
115 Dvisse, Routes de commerce, p.69; Valrian, Bougie, pp.2302.
116 Al-Idrs, Description, pp.1201/141.
The Coming of the Almohads 75
the African gold trade at this time. He notes that no gold coins have been found
in Bijya dating from before the mid-twelfth century and that though the Al-
mohads established a mint there only a handful of Almohad period coins have
been found, indicating that little gold was minted there in comparison to the
western cities such as Fez, Marrakech, and Sijilmsa.117 Nonetheless, even D-
visse recognizes Warglas role in the Trans-Saharan gold trade during the
twelfth century as noted above. The Ib merchants of Wargla needed an out-
let on the Mediterranean and the only major port that was well-placed to serve
this purpose at this time was Bijya. Valrian argues that the paucity of gold
coins in Bijya does not necessarily reflect the actual volume of raw gold that
was imported into the city. He notes that the right to strike coins was a royal
prerogative that was granted to provincial cities such as Bijya based on politi-
cal and economic needs and not according to how much gold the city import-
ed. Valrian believes that the Ban Ghniya chose Bijya for the site of their
first conquest on the North African coast due to their desire to control an out-
let of the Trans-Saharan gold trade.118
Bijya also played an important role in Mediterranean commerce at this
time. Bijya enjoyed close trade relations with the Balearic Islands due to the
proximity of the latter to the great North African port. It was not only Muslim
ships which frequented Bijyas harbor in the twelfth century. There was also a
brisk trade between the Italian maritime cities, primarily Pisa and Genoa, and
the ports of the western and central Maghrib via Majorca.119 It appears that
Bijya captured the largest share of this trade. According to Doxey the cartu-
lary of Giovanni Scribi (1150s and 1160s), one of our most important sources for
twelfth century Genoese trade, contains eighteen contracts involving Tunis,
twenty-one involving Sabta, and over forty mentioning Bijya as a destina-
The most important European exports to Bijya were textiles. The Genoese
and Pisan ships supplied Bijya with textiles from various manufacturing cen-
ters including Lombardy, Flanders, Germany, and even from al-Andalus. It is
interesting to observe that by the late twelfth century the Genoese and Pisans
were also serving as middlemen in the trade between the Mashriq (Islamic
East) and North Africa. Cargoes such as spices (especially pepper), silks, flax,
and cotton were transported from the great eastern ports of Alexandria and
121 For more detail on the goods that were traded in Bijya see Hilmar C. Krueger, Genoese
Trade with Northwest Africa in the Twelfth Century, Speculum, vol. 8, no. 3 (July 1933),
pp.37795; Valrian, Bougie, pp.332413.
122 Valrian discusses this problem at some length and he reviews the meager documentary
evidence of gold flow from Bijya to Genoa from the late twelfth century onwards. See his
Bougie, pp.41320.
123 This is the date given by Ibn al-Athr and al-Marrkush and preferred by Huici-Miranda
and Sslim among modern scholars. Ibn al-Athr gives a figure of 20 ships for the Major-
can fleet while Ibn Khaldn records its strength at 32; the higher figure is preferable given
the number of men and horses in the expeditionary force. Ibn al-Athr, Kmil, vol. 10,
pp.1289; al-Marrkush, Mujib, pp.3456; Huici-Miranda, Imbrrya Muwaidya,
p.313; Sslim, Juzur al-Andalus, pp.3601; Ibn Khaldn, Ibar, vol. 6, p.254.
124 Ibn Khaldn, Ibar, vol. 6, pp.254, 326; Ibn Idhr, Bayn, Qism al-Muwaidn, pp.1756.
The Coming of the Almohads 77
s eaborne assault. Al-Ghubrn notes that there were no soldiers in the city and
that the inhabitants went out to the slave market to meet Als ships believing
that the Majorcans were ghzs (volunteer warriors who fought against the un-
believers) who had come to sell their captives.125 As we have seen this was a
routine event in Bijya. They were stunned when the Majorcan cavalry landed
on the beach in full battle-gear and swiftly occupied all of the strategic points
in the city.126
Ibn Idhr recounts that the attackers first sent a small boat to reconnoiter
the port of Bijya and that when this vessel was discovered by the inhabitants
the crew claimed that they were ghzs who had come searching for provisions
from the shore. Sympathizers inside of the city had alerted Al to the unpre-
paredness of the citizens and the lack of soldiers. When the Majorcans at-
tacked they were confronted by a disorganized mob which they quickly routed.
Then they scaled the wall with ladders in a weak spot to which they had been
guided by traitors from within the city. Al-Marrkush notes that Al b. Ghniya
had been in correspondence with sympathetic Bijyans prior to the invasion
who encouraged him to occupy the city. He adds that had it not been for such
support from within Bijya as well as the fact that the Almohads were preoc-
cupied with the accession of a new caliph, Al would not have embarked on
this campaign.127
Ibn Ab Zar says that the Majorcans arrived on a Friday during the noon-
prayer when the city-gates were customarily left open. They entered without
resistance and surrounded the congregational mosque sparing all those who
gave the baya to Al and butchering those who refused. From this time on-
wards the Bijyans were always careful to lock their city gates on Friday.128 This
silly account appears to be an attempt by an historian who is generally favor-
able to the Almohads to avoid mentioning the true extent of dissatisfaction
with Almohad rule in Bijya and the popularity which the Ban Ghniya en-
joyed among certain sectors of the population that helped them gain control of
the city with little fighting.
Anti-Almohad sentiment in Bijya and perhaps other towns in the Central
Maghrib stemmed from two elements: Hammadid loyalists who chafed under
the Almohad yoke and dreamed of reestablishing their kingdom and urban
125 The Arabic sources frequently refer to the Ban Ghniya and their troops as Majorcans.
The Majorcans were comprised of the Lamtna and Massfa Berbers who took refuge in
the Balearic Islands with the Ban Ghniya and formed the core of their army.
126 Al-Ghubrn, Unwn, p.46.
127 Al-Marrkush, Mujib, pp.3456; Ibn Idhr, Bayn, al-Qism al-Muwaid, p.176.
128 Ibn Ab Zar, Raw al-Qirs, p.269.
78 Chapter 3
Mlik faqhs who saw in Ibn Tmarts doctrine a dangerous heresy and a threat
to their status. As we have seen the religious and political establishment in
Bijya was hostile to the Almohad mahd when he visited that city in 511/1117.
Ibn al-Athr says that the Majorcans were joined in Bijya by descendants of
the Ban ammd.129
The biographical dictionaries indicate that some of the leading scholars in
Bijya at the time of Als invasion enthusiastically supported him while others
were at least indifferent to the temporary cessation of Almohad rule there. In a
Friday sermon following the fall of Bijya to the Majorcans the khab declared
Praise be to God Who returned affairs to their natural state and removed them
from the hands of the usurpers. A celebrated faqh and judge named Ammra
b. Yay wrote poetry praising Al b. Ghniya and accepted his largesse, ac-
tions which led to his imprisonment when the Almohads retook the city.130
Another noted religious scholar and ascetic, Abd al-aqq b. Abd al-Ramn b.
Abdallh al-Azd al-Ishbl, had turned down the offices of q and khab
when these were offered to him by the Almohads but he accepted the same
positions with alacrity when he was called to them by Al b. Ghniya and
thereafter he enthusiastically cooperated with the Ban Ghniya.131 Al-Ghub
rns remark that the Almohads severely oppressed the ulema and jailed large
numbers of them following the reconquest of Bijya because of the sympathy
which they expressed in words or deeds for the enemy is another clear indica-
tion of the problems that existed between the Almohads and their subjects in
the former Hammadid capital.132
The Almohad sayyid and governor of Ifrqiya, Ab Ms b. Abd al-Mumin,
happened to be passing through Bijya on his way from Ifrqiya to al-Maghrib
al-Aq when the city was surprised. He was captured along with other Almo-
had notables and their treasures were looted by the invaders. Al b. Ghniya
had the khuba delivered in the name of the Abbasid caliph in keeping with the
practice of his Almoravid ancestors. After spending only one week in Bijya
(November 1320, 1184), Al placed the city under the command of his brother
Yay b. Ghniya and the admiral Rashd al-Rm while he set off in pursuit of
the Almohad governor of Bijya, Ab al-Rab.133
134 Milyna is approximately 160 kilometers south-west of Algiers. De Slane reads Mzayya
for Mzna. De Slane, Berbres, vol. 2, p.89; Ibn Khaldn, Ibar, vol. 6, p.254.
135 See Ibn Khaldn, Ibar, vol. 6, p.28.
136 Ibid. vol. 6, p.254.
137 Ibid.
138 See Bel, Benou Ghanya, p.46.
80 Chapter 3
hostility that he encountered from the Hill Zughba and their Zant allies in
western Algeria which deterred Al b. Ghniya from advancing west of Milyna.
Al captured the Qala after a siege of only three days. Bel believes that this
was done at the urging of his Hammadid allies who were no doubt pleased by
the recapture of their old capital even if little remained of its former glory.139
After this success he laid siege to Constantine, the easternmost city in al-
Maghrib al-Awsa. The inhabitants mounted a fierce resistance against the
Ban Ghniya for which they were praised in an official Almohad letter.140 Due
to the steadfastness of the defenders and the natural strength of Constantines
position on a high plateau surrounded by a steep ravine the Majorcans were
unable to take the city. Worse yet, the long and bloody siege kept Al and the
bulk of his forces tied down well to the southeast of Bijya and they were thus
unprepared to meet the Almohad counterattack from the west.
The caliph al-Manr sent an army under the command of his cousin Ab
Zayd b. Ab af and a fleet led by Ab al-Abbs al-Siqill141 and Ab Muam
mad b. Ash al-Km under the overall supervision of the admiral Ab
Muammad b. Jmi to retake Bijya and the Central Maghrib. The fleet sailed
along the North African coast from Sabta. Ab Zayd marched with his army
from Marrakech to Fez, where they were delayed by heavy rains and flooding,
and thence to Tilimsn where the walls had been strengthened and the garri-
son reinforced thanks to the efforts of the governor, Ab Zayds brother Ab
Al-Manr prepared the ground for this expedition by making skillful use of
propaganda and intelligence in order to divide the Ban Ghniya from their
newly conquered subjects. He sent letters of pardon that were distributed by
Almohad spies in all of the conquered cities reassuring the citizens that no
harm would befall them or their possessions if they cooperated with the ca-
liphs army and rejected the rule of the Majorcans.143 These letters appear to
have produced the desired effect since rebellions preceded the arrival of the
Almohad forces in all of the major cities that were held by the Ban Ghniya.
The inhabitants of Milyna rose up and expelled their governor, Yiddir b.
isha. Yiddir took refuge with some friendly Berber tribes but the Almohad
troops defeated his protectors and captured him whereupon he was brought
before the sayyid Ab Zayd and executed. In Algiers rebels seized control of
the city and placed the governor Yay b. ala under arrest. He was handed
over to the Almohads when they arrived but Yays life was spared out of re-
spect for his father, ala, who had defected to the Almohads earlier.144
As the Almohad fleet drew near to Bijya, Ab al-Abbs al-Siqill sailed
ahead in a single galley accompanied by some leaders of the citys pro-Almo-
had faction. They landed on the coast and slipped into Bijya undetected. To-
gether they distributed letters to their supporters informing them that the
Almohad fleet was on its way and instructing them to revolt when it arrived.
When the Almohads landed and commenced their assault on Bijya the con-
spirators rose up, attacked the garrison, and opened the city gates to the invad-
ers. The Majorcan fleet was captured along with Als admiral Rashd al-Rm
while the sayyid Ab Ms and the other Almohad prisoners were liberated.
The lower classes indulged in an orgy of looting and destruction until they
were violently suppressed by the Almohad supreme admiral, Ab Muammad
b. Jmi. All of this occurred in May of 581/1185, approximately 7 months after
the arrival of the Ban Ghniya in Bijya.145
Yay b. Ghniya, brother of Al (not to be confused with the Yay b. al
mentioned above), managed to escape from Bijya to his brothers camp out-
side of Constantine. The hard-pressed defenders of Constantine were on the
verge of surrender when news reached Al about the capture of Bijya by the
Almohad fleet and the approach of the Almohad army led by Ab Zayd. He
abandoned his heavy baggage, set fire to his siege engines and hastily withdrew
to the south. Ab Zayd and his army reached Tiklt, a small town just south of
Bijya, three days after Al lifted the siege of Constantine. As we have seen the
fleet preceded him and captured Bijya without his assistance. He rested his
soldiers for a few days and oversaw the execution of the Majorcans and their
collaborators and the division of the booty. He then set off in pursuit of Al b.
Ghniya while Ibn Jmi and the fleet continued to hold Bijya.146
Al was abandoned by many of his allies, and he was now accompanied only
by his relatives and a small core of supporters. They lived off the land and trav-
elled in the desert by night on camels. The advantage of this situation was that
it afforded him greater mobility than the large Almohad army with its baggage
train. Ab Zayd pursued the elusive Majorcans across eastern Algeria in vain
for six months before he finally returned to Bijya with his army and assumed
the post of governor. Al fled south from Constantine to Niqwus, a town lo-
cated about ninety kilometers southeast of Qalat Ban ammd and then he
144 Ibn Khaldn, Ibar, vol. 6, pp.254, 327; Ibn Idhr, Bayn, al-Qism al-Muwaid, p.178.
145 Ibn Idhr, Bayn, al-Qism al-Muwaid, pp.1789; Lvi-Provenal, Rasil, no. 29, p.178.
146 Ibn Idhr, Bayn, al-Qism al-Muwaid, pp.1789; Ibn Khaldn, Ibar, vol. 6, pp.2545.
82 Chapter 3
entered the wilderness of the Awrs Mountains close to the modern Algerian-
Tunisian border.147
He eventually appeared in southern Tunisia in the Jard, a region consisting
of numerous oases and shas (salt lakes). There he embarked on a fresh round
of conquests. He captured Tzur, one of the two chief cities of this region, in
late 581/11856. Then he marched to Qafa, the other major city in the Jard.
Qafa, under the leadership of the Ban al-Rand, a local aristocratic family, had
revolted against the previous Almohad caliph Ab Yaqb who reconquered it
in 576/1180. Still smarting from the suppression of their revolt a few years ear-
lier, the inhabitants of Qafa eagerly rose up against the Almohad garrison on
this occasion and opened the gates to the Ban Ghniya who were received as
Als star was once again in ascendance. He had a foothold in Ifrqiya where
he was able to regroup and attract new supporters from the Arab tribes. He
sent an emissary to Qarqsh, the Ayybid mamlk who dominated Tripo
litania and who had proven to be a thorn in the side of the Almohad state.
Qarqsh with his band of Turkish and Kurdish troops, veterans of the wars
against the Crusaders in Egypt and Bild al-Shm, was potentially a valuable
ally for the Majorcans. In his letter Al emphasized his allegiance to the Ab
basid caliph in Baghdad. He asked Qarqsh to join him in ridding Ifrqiya
of the Almohads and he proposed an equal division of all conquered land
between the two warlords and their followers to which Qarqsh readily
According to Ibn Khaldn, Al went in person to Tripoli in order to conclude
the agreement with Qarqsh and the two leaders rallied to their cause the
Hill sub-tribes of Jusham, Riy, and Athbaj who lived in Ifrqiya and the
Central Maghrib, as well as all the Ban Sulaym of Cyrenaica while the Hill
sub-tribe of the Zughba remained loyal to the Almohads as usual. He adds that
the Majorcan leader proclaimed the reestablishment of the Almoravid Empire
and that he sent his son and his personal secretary as emissaries to the court of
the Abbasid caliph al-Nir (575/1180622/1225) in order to renew the tradi-
tional allegiance of the Almoravids to Baghdad and to request assistance from
the caliph. Al-Nir accorded to Al b. Isq b. Ghniya the titles and privileges
that his Almoravid ancestors had enjoyed. He instructed al al-Dn al-
Ayyb, who was in theory the Abbasid deputy in Egypt and Syria, to assist the
147 Ibid.
148 Al-Tijn, Rila, p.162; Ibn Khaldn, Ibar, vol. 6, pp.2545; Ibn al-Athr, Kmil, vol. 10,
149 Bel, Benou Ghanya, p.55; Ibn Taq al-Dn b. Umar b. Shhanshh al-Ayyb, Mimr
al-aqiq wa Sirr al-Khaliq, ed. asan abash (Cairo: lam al-Kutub, 1968), p.22930.
The Coming of the Almohads 83
Ban Ghniya in any way possible. The Ayyubid sultan ordered Qarqsh to
cooperate with Al in restoring the Abbasid dawa to Ifrqiya and the Maghrib.150
Before turning our attention to the rise of Qarqsh and the problem of
Ayyubid-Almohad relations, we should briefly review events in the Central
Maghrib and the Balearic Islands. Ibn Idhr and Ibn Khaldn furnish some
information on the condition of the Central Maghrib after the return of the
sayyid Ab Zayd and the Almohad army to Bijya following their unsuccessful
pursuit of Al b. Ghniya in late 582/1185. Ab Zayd assumed the governorship
of the Central Maghrib while the fleet departed for its base in Sal. A brother of
Al b. Ghniya named Ghz captured Ashr and killed the local Almohad com-
mander.151 Ab Zayd sent an army from Bijya under his son, Ab af Umar,
and another commander named Ab al-afar b. Mardansh. They defeated
Ghz and his followers in the mountains outside of Ashr and sent Ghzs
head back to Bijya. Ghzs brother Abdallh continued resisting until he was
captured and executed by the Almohads.152
Meanwhile in Bijya Ab Zayd took measures to punish the families that
had cooperated with the Ban Ghniya during their occupation of the city. The
Ban amdn, a hereditary dynasty of viziers who came to prominence duing
the late Hammadid period, were exiled to Sal in al-Maghrib al-Aq for their
assistance to the Majorcan invaders. At this time Bijya suffered from a severe
food shortage as a result of the fighting between the Almohads and the Ban
Ghniya which had led to the plundering of its surrounding fields and the
flight of many peasants to the mountains. Enemies of Ab Zayd took advan-
tage of the situation to accuse him of corruption and mismanagement before
the caliph, who reprimanded his governor in a letter. Ab Zayd returned to
Marrakech and cleared his name. He was replaced in Bijya by the former vi-
zier, Ab Abdallh.153
We recall that when Al b. Ghniya departed from Majorca to attack Bijya
in 580/1184 he left his brother ala in charge of the island. Al had taken pow-
er a few months before his departure in an anti-Almohad coup. He imprisoned
the previous amir, another brother of his named Muammad b. Isq, in a re-
mote fortress in Majorca while the personal representative of the Almohad
150 Ibn Khaldn, Ibar, vol. 6, p.256; De Slane, Berbres, vol. 2, pp.934.
151 The ruins of Ashr, the original capital of the Zirids, are located about 100 km. southwest
of Algiers and well to the west of Bijya. The fact that the Ban Ghniya could still operate
in the very heart of the Central Maghrib after the fall of Bijya and Als retreat indicates
that the Almohad victory was by no means complete in this region and that there was still
support for the Ban Ghniya in some quarters.
152 Ibn Idhr, Bayan, al-Qism al-Muwaid, pp.1801; Ibn Khaldn, Ibar, vol. 6, p.327.
153 Ibn Idhr, Bayn, al-Qism al-Muwaid, pp.1823; Ibn Khaldn, Ibar, vol. 6, p.327.
84 Chapter 3
caliph, Ibn al-Reberter, was imprisoned in the citadel. The finest and most de-
pendable troops (Lamtna and Massfa Berbers) had accompanied Al to
North Africa according to Ibn Idhr.154 There were many Frankish mercenar-
ies and renegades left behind in the garrison of Majorca as well as large num-
bers of captives from the Christian countries; the latter were victims of piracy
who yearned to return to their homes. Ibn al-Reberter, the son of a prominent
Catalonian mercenary, won the trust and support of many of the Christians in
Majorca.155 Huici-Miranda suggests that Ibn al-Reberter, though raised in the
court of the Almohads and unswervingly loyal to them, was himself a Chris-
tian.156 He promised to repatriate the Franks if they would support him in car-
rying out a coup against the Ban Ghniya.
Ibn al-Reberter and his co-conspirators took over the citadel of Majorca on
a Friday morning when the townsmen were readying themselves for prayer.
They captured the weapons and treasure that were stored there as well as some
valuable hostages including Al b. Isqs mother. Supporters of the Ban
Ghniya besieged the citadel when they realized that it had been seized by the
rebels, but when they saw Als family and servants paraded before them on
the walls, they relented and dispersed. Meanwhile, Muammad b. Isq had
escaped from his captivity in a different part of the island. He met with Ibn al-
Reberter who reinstated him as amir. They then travelled in person to the Al-
mohad court in order to give the baya to al-Manr who honored them and
bestowed favors on them. Thus the Balearic Islands passed back under Almo-
had rule with the exception of a band of loyalists who continued to hold out
under the leadership of one Naj, a former servant of Isq b. Ghniya of
Frankish origin and a staunch supporter of his son Al. The fall of Majorca to
the Almohads most likely occurred in 581/1185 while Al was besieging Con-
It was only when he began to establish himself in Ifrqiya in late 581/1185 or
early 582/1186 that Al was able to turn his attention to retaking the Balearic
Islands. His brother Abdallh sailed from Tripoli to Sicily.158 There his modest
squadron was reinforced by ships provided by the Norman king William II
(11661189).159 The Normans looked with apprehension at the growth of Almo-
had power in the western Mediterranean basin. They must have viewed the
160 Ibn Idhr, Bayn, al-Qism al-Muwaid, p.185; al-Marrakech, Mujib, pp.3512.
86 Chapter 4
Chapter 4
Egypt is aptly known as the Gift of the Nile. The Nile Valley is a thin band of
green surrounded by desert on either side. Without the Nile Egypt would be
able to support only a small population in the oases and along a very narrow
strip of coastline, for she possesses nothing comparable to the great Atlas
range and its subsidiaries in northwest Africa which retain the moisture of the
Mediterranean, permitting the existence of an extensive agricultural hinter-
land. Beginning just south of Aswan, a series of cataracts (great rock masses)
impedes navigation of the Nile. Most of the time the First Cataract served as
the border between Egypt and Nubia, though occasionally the frontier was
pushed further south during Egypts periods of strength. For a distance of
about 750 miles north of Aswan, the Nile valley has a width of between ten and
thirty miles; the river valley is several hundred feet below the desert ridges on
either side. Just north of Asy there is a break in the valley walls out of which
a western tributary of the Nile called Bar Ysuf flows for some two hundred
miles to water a large, extremely fertile area known as the Fayym. When the
Nile approaches Cairo it starts to branch out into the Delta which extends for
100 miles to the Mediterranean coast.1
South of Egypt was its ancient neighbor, Nubia. Nubia extended from the
First Cataract just upstream from Aswan to the area of modern Khartoum,
which is south of the Sixth Cataract. Lower (northern) Nubia is a poor and arid
country with a meager arable hinterland; it has often imported foodstuffs from
Egypt. Upper (southern) Nubia, on the other hand, is lush and fertile due to the
broadening of the Nile and an increase in rainfall as one heads south.
During the early Middle Ages Nubia was divided into three kingdoms that
had arisen following the collapse of the Meroitic Empire in the fourth century
ad. From north to south these kingdoms were: Mars (known as Nobatia to the
Romans) which extended from the First Cataract to an area just south of the
Third Cataract, Maqurra (also known as Makouria) which extended to al-
Abwb about halfway between the Fifth and Sixth Cataracts, and lastly Alwa
(Latinized as Alodia) which extended to the Jazra and Buna, marking the
southern limit of the Nubian cultural zone. The chief cities of Mars were Faras
and Qar Ibrm. Mars came to be governed by a powerful semi-independent
1 See James Henry Breasted, A History of Egypt (New York, 1912), pp.312.
viceroy of the king of Maqurra who was known as the ib al-Khayl (Com-
mander of the Cavalry). The capital of Maqurra was Dongola while the capital
of Alwa was at Soba, close to modern-day Khartoum.2
Christianity, which arrived in the area during the Late Roman Empire,
played a dominant role in the spiritual and cultural life of Nubia as is attested
by the remains of many cathedrals and monasteries in northern Sudan. The
Nubian Church recognized the supremacy of the Coptic Patriarch in Alexan-
dria. There were also Muslim and Animist subjects who recognized the author-
ity of the Nubian kings. In their inscriptions and in the chancery the Medieval
Nubians used four written languages: Old Nubian, Coptic, Arabic, and curi-
ously enough Greek, some knowledge of which persisted in Nubia into the
twelfth century ad.3
West of the Nile Valley lies the Sahara Desert. The major oases in the Egyp-
tian Sahara from north to south are Barya, Farfra, Dkhila, and Khrija. Al-
Bakr informs us that Khrija is six stages distant from Nubia and he refers to it
as the last outpost of Islam.4 Due to its southern location Khrija played an
important role in trade between Egypt and sub-Saharan Africa. To the north-
west of these oases near the modern Libyan border lies Swa (medieval
Santarya) which was an important station on the coastal caravan route which
connected Alexandria to Qbis and by extension the other cities of Ifrqiya.
The majority of the inhabitants in these oases were Lawta Berbers with an
admixture of Copts and Arabs in some places. The l Abdn, a powerful
Lawt dynasty based in Dkhila, dominated the Egyptian oases from around
the time of the Arab conquests until at least the tenth century ad which is
when Ibn awqal wrote about them.5
Between the Nile and the Red Sea lies the so-called Eastern Desert. The orig-
inal inhabitants of the Eastern Desert were the Baj, a nomadic African people
who were the eastern neighbors of the Nubians.6 They lived in skin tents and
2 For the geographical background of Nubia see Yusuf Fadl Hasan, The Arabs and the Sudan:
From the Seventh to the Sixteenth Century (Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 1967),
3 For Nubian culture and religion see S. Jakobielski Christian Nubia at the Height of its
Civilization in UNESCO General History of Africa, vol. 3, ed. M. el-Fasi (Berkeley: Univ. of
California Press, 1988), pp.194223.
4 Al-Bakr, Maslik, vol. 2, p.187.
5 See Ibn awqal, rat al-Ar, pp.1535; al-Bakr, Maslik, vol. 2, pp.1867; Thiry, Sahara,
6 It is generally assumed that the Baj are identical to the Blemmyes of classical antiquity
however MacMichael argues that the latter were a distinct sedentary people who inhabited a
stretch of the Nile Valley just south of Aswan and that they bore no relation to the pastoral
Baj. See H.A. MacMichael, A History of the Arabs in the Sudan (New York, 1967), vol. 1,
88 Chapter 4
their diet consisted almost exclusively of meat and milk. They were formidable
warriors who proved their mettle in their encounters with the early Muslim
conquerors. Their weapon of choice was the javelin and they fought mounted
on their famous wine-colored camels which were prized throughout the Is-
lamic world for their swiftness and trainability. The Baj often raided the towns
of Upper Egypt and Nubia; their swift camels allowed them to withdraw deep
into the desert beyond the reach of government forces. Their political and
social organization was first described in some detail by al-Yaqb (d. 284/897
ad). He divides them into five kingdoms (large tribal confederations) and
notes that the majority of them were polytheists or dualists.7
There were three important economic activities in the Nubian borderlands
and the Eastern Desert that are of particular concern to us: gold mining in
Wd al-Allq and other locations in the Eastern Desert, the lucrative Indian
Ocean trade for which the Red Sea port of Aydhb served as Egypts principal
outlet, and lastly trade between Egypt and the Nubian kingdoms. These activi-
ties all appear to have reached their apogee during the Fatimid period and they
contributed significantly to the exceptional prosperity of Egypt under that dy-
nasty. The success of these enterprises depended on a delicate balance of pow-
er between the Arab tribes of Upper Egypt, the Baj, the Nubian kings, and the
government in Fus/Cairo. The disruption of this balance by al al-Dn and
the Ayyubids near the end of the twelfth century caused an economic and
monetary crisis in Egypt which we believe lay behind the decision to send
Qarqsh to Ifrqiya.
The portion of the Eastern Desert that lies east of Upper Egypt and Lower
Nubia, that is to say from Q in the north to the Third Cataract in the south,
was rich in deposits of gold, emeralds, and turquoise. The medieval geogra-
phers refer to it simply as the The Land of Mines. Al-Yaqb provides us with
a long list of the mines and their distances from one another in the Kitb al-
Buldn.8 The most important of these were the gold mines in Wd al-Allq
which is located in the Eastern Desert between Aswan and the medieval Red
Sea port of Aydhb. Gold had been obtained from the mines of Wd al-Allq
since the days of the Pharoahs.9 In 297 ad the emperor Diocletian aban-
donded all territory south of the First Cataract due to the chronic instability in
7 See Ibn Wi al-Yaqb, Kitb al-Buldn, ed. Muammad Amn annw (Beirut: Dr al-
Kutub al-Ilmya, 2002), pp.1745; Trkh al-Yaqb, ed. Khall al-Manr, part 1 (Beirut: Dr
al-Kutub al-Ilmya, 2002), pp.1656.
8 Al-Yaqb, Buldn, pp.1723.
9 See Nicolas Grimal, A History of Ancient Egypt (New York: Barnes and Noble, 1997), pp.68,
The Emergence of a New Order in Egypt 89
this region that was brought about by the destructive raids of the Baj.10 The
Baj, in whose lands the mines were situated, appear to have been uninterest-
ed in exploiting them.11 It was only in the ninth century ad that heavy activity
resumed in the mines as their fame spread throughout the Islamic world, at-
tracting large numbers of immigrants who arrived to search for gold. Ibn
awqal reports that while the governor of the towns of Aswan, Aynna, and
al-awr (the latter two towns are ports on the Arabian side of the Red Sea), a
mawl (freedman) of the caliph al-Mamn named Ubayd b. Jahm, was cam-
paigning against the Baj in the Eastern Desert in 332/847, he and his men
discovered gold nuggets and observed traces of the old Roman mining works.12
As a result of this many of the men returned to this area after the conclusion of
the expedition. At the same time there was a large exodus of Raba and Muar
Arabs from Yamma in the Arabian Peninsula to the mining country. Needless
to say, the arrival of so many Arabs in the mining country sparked conflict with
the Baj and a pattern of attacks and reprisals ensued. In 240/854 an adven-
turer named Muammad b. Abdallh al-Qumm came with 1,000 volunteers to
fight the Baj. He was joined by another 3,000 men from the Arab tribes that
had settled in the area. Together they inflicted a severe defeat on the Baj and
captured their king, one Al Bb.13
The following years witnessed increased Arab migration to Aswan and the
mines. Entire tribes settled in the area and soon the stage was set for the rise of
the first independent Arab-Islamic political entity in Upper Egypt and the Nu-
bian frontier. Abdallh b. Abd al-amd al-Umar was a native of Medina and
a descendant of Umar b. al-Khab.14 After studying the religious sciences in
Qayrawn and Fus he decided to try his luck in the gold mines so he
10 P.L. Shinnie, The Nilotic Sudan and Ethiopia, c. 660 bc - 600 ad in Cambridge History of
Africa, vol. 2, ed. J.D. Fage and Roland Olivier (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press,
1978), pp.2689.
11 Hasan, Arabs and the Sudan, p.50.
12 See Ibn awqal, rat al-Ar, pp.578, French trans. by J.H. Kramers and G. Wiet, Con-
figuration de la Terre, vol. 1 (Paris: Maisonneuve, 1964), pp.501.
13 For the details of al-Qumms expedition see Ibn awqal, rat al-Ar, pp.589; Ab
al-Masin Ysuf Ibn Taghrbird, Al-Nujm al-Zhira f Mulk Mir wa al-Qhira, vol. 2
(Cairo: Dr al-Kutub wa al-Wathiq al-Qawmya, 2005), pp.29599.
14 We are fortunate to possess a unique and lengthy account of al-Umar by al-Maqrz in his
biographical dictionary, Al-Muqaff al-Kabr. This is far superior to the account left by
al-Balaw in his Srat Ibn ln since al-Balaw appears to have confused al-Umar with
al-Qumm. See Taq al-Dn al-Maqrz, Kitb al-Muqaff al-Kabr, vol. 4, ed. Muammad
al-Yalw (Beirut: Dr al-Gharb al-Islm, 1991), pp.40315; Ab Muammad Abdallh
b. Muammad al-Madn al-Balaw, Srat Amad Ibn ln, ed. Muammad Kurd Al
(Cairo: Maktabat al-Thaqfa al-Dnya, undated), pp.647.
90 Chapter 4
purchased some slaves for the purpose and arrived in Aswan in 241/855. He
took up residence in a mining camp that belonged to the Muar Arabs and
eventually became their chief. After a dispute with the powerful Raba tribe he
led his clan further south to another mine at al-Shanka in the desert east of the
kingdom of Maqurra.15 The Nubians of Maqurra attempted to block his access
to the Nile so he directed his men to forge their mining implements into weap-
ons and they defeated the Nubians at Shunqayr near the Fifth Cataract, driving
them to the west bank of the Nile.16 After this success al-Umar became in-
volved in the internal disputes of the Maqurran royal family. He supported a
prince named Zakarya against another named Nyt. With his help Zakarya
triumphed; however, it was not long before Zakarya turned against his bene-
factor. Aided by dissension within the ranks of al-Umars Arab followers,
Zakarya inflicted a sharp defeat on him and compelled him to withdraw to the
Al-Umar reestablished himself in Wd al-Allq and Aswan. He was recog-
nized as the leader of the major Arab tribes in the mining country: Juhayna,
Raba, and Qays Ayln. The mining enterprise was organized on a scale never
witnessed before. Al-Maqrz claims that 60,000 camels were needed to bring
provisions to the mines from Aswan in addition to ships that plied the Red Sea
bringing supplies from Qulzum to Aydhb which was the closest sea port to
Wd al-Allq and the one that served it. The great wealth that al-Umar con-
trolled through mining and trade enabled him to support a large army and he
ruled as an independent monarch. He was twice victorious over the armies of
Amad Ibn ln (254/868270/884). When Ibn ln attempted to cut off
the seaborne trade between Qulzum and Aydhb, al-Umar threatened to
march against him with 100,000 soldiers.18 Ibn ln was intimidated by this
display of power and he made no further attempts to subdue the wily Arab
chief. In the end it was an internal conflict which caused al-Umars downfall.
The powerful Raba revolted against him and though he emerged victorious
from the struggle he was assassinated shortly thereafter by two tribesmen from
the Muar who brought his head to Ibn ln.19
The years following the demise of al-Umars principality saw an increased
Arab tribal presence in the mines of the Eastern Desert. Al-Yaqb says that
Allq, the principal settlement in the wd of the same name, was like a great
city in his day, teeming with Arabs and ajam (non-Arabs) who arrived with
their slaves to mine for gold. It possessed bustling markets and it was closely
connected to Aswan in the Nile Valley and Aydhb on the coast.20 The re-
mains of this city, covering 7.5 hectares and consisting of approximately 300
structures, have been identified by modern scholars.21 Aswan and Aydhb
supplied the miners with the provisions that they needed while also serving as
the only viable export outlets for the gold and precious stones that came from
the mines. Often the various Arab tribes had their own mines. The Ban Su-
laym settled at Du, the Juhayna worked the mine at Mzb, and other Arab
tribes from Yamma controlled several mines.22
Of all the Arab tribes in the mining country the Raba were the most power-
ful and they succeeded in establishing their own principality on the Egyptian-
Nubian frontier in the early tenth century ad filling the vacuum caused by the
collapse of al-Umars state. One of the keys to the success of the Raba was
their partnership with an important Baj tribe known as the adriba. Ibn
awqal reports that the realm of the adriba extended from the Red Sea
coast to the banks of the Nile and that they had already converted to Islam in
his day though their attachment to the faith was only skin-deep.23 There was
considerable intermarriage between the Raba and the adriba, not least
among the chiefs and their families. The Raba benefitted from this situation
since descent among the Baj was matrilineal. This meant that when the Raba
chiefs married Baj princesses, the sons produced by these unions inherited
the lands and titles held by their maternal grandfathers or uncles.
The two chiefs of the adriba, Abdak and Kawk, were succeeded by their
half-Arab nephews, Isq b. Bishr and Ab al-Qsim b. Al b. Bishr. Isq b.
Bishr became the first ruler of the joint adriba-Raba principality by ap-
proximately 332/943.24 During his reign the Raba and the Baj became like
one according to one of our sources.25 Isq b. Bishr was later killed during a
civil war which engulfed the Raba in Wd al-Allq. Eventually the situation
was restored after Isq b. Bishrs paternal cousin from another branch of
Raba that inhabited Bilbays in northeastern Egypt was invited to become the
new amir in Wd al-Allq. His name was Ab Yazd b. Isq. In his reign the
Raba established their capital in Aswan while continuing to dominate Wd
al-Allq.26 According to al-Maqrz one of his titles was Protector of Aswan.27
Ab Yazds son was Ab al-Makrim Hibatallh, the amir upon whom the
Fatimid caliph al-kim bi Amr Allh bestowed the title Kanz al-Dawla in
396/1006 for his role in apprehending the rebel Ab Rakwa. This title was held
by all of Ab al-Makrims successors while his mixed Raba and Baj subjects
were henceforth referred to as the Kanzs or Kunz.
Excavations at the site of Qar Ibrm, which was once the chief administra-
tive center of Mars (northern Nubia) and is now located on an island in the
middle of Lake Nasser, have yielded over 1,000 fragments of texts and 70 com-
plete documents dating from the medieval period written in Coptic, Greek,
Arabic, and Old Nubian.28 This collection includes 50 Arabic legal and com-
mercial documents from the eleventh and twelfth centuries, before the de-
struction of Qar Ibrm by the Ayyubids in the early 1170s.29 Though these early
Arabic documents have yet to be published, the valuable information that they
contain concerning conditions in the Egyptian-Nubian frontier zone during
the late Fatimid period has been presented by Elizabeth Sartain.30 Of particu-
lar interest to us is what these documents reveal about the status of the Kunz
and the nature of their principality.
Sartains findings serve as a corrective to the works of scholars such as Hasan
and al-Q who had to base their accounts on the chronicles and geographies
alone. The territory ruled by the Kanz al-Dawla and his vassals embraced the
countryside of Aswan, the border with Nubia, and much of the Eastern Desert
between Aswan and the Red Sea.31 Thus he controlled the gold mines at Wd
al-Allq, the overland routes running through the wadi that connected Aswan
to Aydhb, and all commerce between Nubia and Egypt. This accounts for his
considerable wealth and power. Sartain notes that the amirs of the Kunz had
their own chancellery and remarks that the Kanz al-Dawla was able to
maintain an establishment fitting for a high-ranking Egyptian amir, and it is
certainly an error to view these Aswn notables as crude Bedouin.32 The
Kanz al-Dawla was not a de facto independent ruler on the margins of the ca-
liphate; he was in fact an important player in the Fatimid system and he ben-
efitted from its continuation. According to Sartain, There is nothing in these
documents that suggests that the Kanz al-Dawla was independent of Fatimid
authority If at times of political upheaval in Egypt, such as during the shidda
al-um in the second half of the eleventh century, he took steps to defend
Aswan and his followers and clashed with other power groups, that was not
incompatible with his loyalty to the caliphate.33
The caliphs relied on him to regulate relations with Nubia. His duties in this
regard included the collection of customs taxes at the border, issuing letters of
safe conduct to travelers, and exchanging embassies with his Nubian counter-
parts. He was also responsible for policing the portion of the Eastern Desert
between Aswan and Aydhb, ensuring the security of the caravans that passed
between these cities and protecting the gold mines of Wd al-Allq.34 The
Kanz al-Dawla reported directly to the governor of Upper Egypt, who was
based in Q during the later Fatimid period.35
There is no evidence in the documents to support al-Qs claim that the
authority of the Kanz al-Dawla extended to Mars, the northernmost region of
Nubia.36 On the contrary they confirm that until the end of the Fatimid period
this area was controlled by the kings of Maqurra who were represented in
Mars by a powerful semi-independent viceroy known as the Eparch or ib
al-Jabal who held court in Qar Ibrm.37 Sartain describes this official as the
Nubian equivalent of the Fatimid Kanz al-Dawla; both were powerful gover-
nors responsible for policing sensitive frontier regions as well as regulating
trade and the movement of people across borders.38 The source of the confu-
sion may lie in the existence of lesser Kanz chiefs as Sartain calls them, who
are indicated in the documents as having lived in Mars with their followers.39
Though these chiefs were Muslims of mixed Baj-Raba stock, they pledged
32 Ibid., p.8.
33 Ibid., p.10.
34 Ibid.
35 Ibid.
36 Al-Q, Kunz, p.47.
37 Sartain, Egyptian-Nubian Relations, pp.1216.
38 Ibid., p.10.
39 Ibid., pp.1112.
94 Chapter 4
allegiance to the king of Nubia and his viceroy and they had no relation to the
Fatimid Caliphate.
Throughout the duration of their rule over Egypt the Fatimids enjoyed good
relations with Nubia.40 Both sides benefitted from a vigorous cross-border
trade. The most important Nubian exports to Egypt were slaves followed by
luxury goods such as exotic animals, ivory, hardwoods, aromatic plants, and
gold.41 Egyptian exports to Nubia consisted primarily of foodstuffs (grain and
lentils) and manufactured goods such as glass, ceramics, and textiles. Adams
notes that between the years 441/1050 and 544/1150 Lower Nubia was flooded
with cheap Egyptian glass and pottery. Much of the pottery was manufactured
in Aswan and since very few of these pots have been found in Egypt itself Ad-
ams believes that they were produced specifically for export to Nubia.42 In the
Qar Ibrm documents there is mention of Nubian imports from Egypt of spic-
es, dyestuffs, medicinal substances, textiles, and garments.43
The slave trade was of particular importance during the Fatimid period. It
was fueled in part by Fatimid demand for black slave-soldiers though this was
certainly not the only use for African slaves as they were also employed exten-
sively in the mines and there was no doubt a market for domestic slaves as well.
Ibn ln was the first ruler of Egypt to recruit large numbers of black troops;
according to the sources as many as 40,000 African troops served in his army.
We have no reason to believe that this practice did not continue under the
Ikhshidids.44 The black slave troops formed a major component of all Fatimid
armies from the conquest of Egypt (359/969) until the fall of the caliphate
(567/1171), often numbering in the tens of thousands alongside other nationali-
ties such as Turks, Kutma (Berbers), Armenians, and Arab Bedouin. It is likely
that the Nubians acquired these slaves from neighboring peoples; Adams sug-
gests that the kings of Maqurra obtained most of their slaves from Kordofan
and Darfur to the west of Nubia.45
It is clear that the amount of trade between Egypt and Nubia was consider-
able during the Fatimid period, especially as a result of the remarkable stabil-
ity of the borderlands at this time and the absence of any serious conflict. The
importance of this trade to Nubia is obvious. As Welsby notes Trade in Nubia,
as documented at present by the literary and archaeological sources, seems to
be totally confined to trade with Egypt in all periods. The volume of goods is
often considerable and often in high value goods.46 Sartain points out that the
Nile trade was probably no less important for the economy of Upper Egypt
during the eleventh and twelfth centuries.47 The Qar Ibrm documents pro-
vide some examples of ulema and notables from Aswan who participated in
the trade with Nubia and became very wealthy as a result.48
The years following the Fatimid conquest of Egypt witnessed the flowering
of the Red Sea ports, particularly Aydhb. The western outlet of the Indian
Ocean spice trade had for many centuries oscillated between the Red Sea ports
on the one hand and those of the Persian Gulf on the other, depending on the
respective strength of the dynasties in Egypt and in Mesopotamia/Iran. During
the Golden Age of the Abbasid Caliphate in the eighth and ninth centuries
the lions share of this trade was captured by Basra and other Iraqi ports. With
the establishment of the Tulunid dynasty in Egypt in the late ninth century the
pendulum began to slowly swing back in favor of Egypt. Power suggests that
the Gold Rush in the Eastern Desert played a role in the rise of the Red Sea
ports as these could now serve to supply the new settlements created by the
miners.49 After the Fatimids gained power in Egypt they successfully diverted
the bulk of the Indian Ocean trade to the Red Sea Basin at the expense of the
declining Abbasid Empire.
The Fatimids chose Aydhb as their principal port on the Red Sea over its
northern rivals such as Qulzum and Quayr. Located near the modern Egyp-
tian-Sudanese border, Aydhb had three major advantages over the other
ports. First of all it was just across the Red Sea from Jedda, making it an ideal
point of departure for pilgrims from North Africa and Spain.50 Indeed al-
Maqrz notes that for two hundred years, from the time of the Shidda al-
Mustanirya (the years of calamity during the reign of the caliph al-Mustanir)
in the middle of the eleventh century until the reign of the Mamluk sultan
Baybars in the late thirteenth century, pilgrims had preferred this route to the
overland route via Sinai.51 Secondly, as noted before, Aydhb was very close to
the gold mines of Wd al-Allq. Finally, it was closer to Aden than its com-
petitors. Goods from India were first shipped to Aden in large ocean-going
dhows and then they were transferred onto smaller vessesls better suited to the
treacherous waters of the Red Sea for shipment to Egypt. According to Hasan,
by unloading their cargoes in Aydhb the merchants avoided the most danger-
ous stretches of the Red Sea which lay further north.52 From Aydhb caravans
would take the offloaded merchandise overland to Aswan or Q for further
shipment by boat down the Nile to Fus.53 It was also during the Fatimid
period that the Krim merchants established their hold over the Indian spice
trade, which they continued to dominate until well into the Mamluk period.
The Krims were a group of extremely wealthy Egyptian merchant families
who dominated the seaborne trade between India and the countries of the Red
Sea Basin during the later Middle Ages.54
In medieval accounts it was remarked that Aydhb was one of the busiest
ports in the world. The town itself had no walls and most of its buildings were
reed huts. Since it was surrounded by a barren desert all of its food and water
had to be imported.55 Al-Maqrz notes that the journey from Q to Aydhb
takes seventeen days and that water may be unavailable for stretches of three
or four days at a time on this route.56 Travellers through the desert were at the
mercy of the Baj who served as guides and porters.57 Their chiefs no doubt
made a handsome profit from the tolls and protection money that they col-
lected from pilgrims and merchants. It is clear from these details that Aydhb
was potentially very vulnerable and its existence as a great international port
51 Taq al-Dn al-Maqrz, Al-Mawi wa al-Itibr bi Dhikr al-Khia wa al-thr, vol. 1, eds.
Muammad Zaynhum and Mada al-Sharqw (Cairo: Madbl, 1998), p.567.
52 Hasan, Arabs and the Sudan, pp.689.
53 Ibid.
54 For more on the Krims see E. Ashtor, The Krim Merchants, Journal of the Royal Asi-
atic Society, vol. 88, no. 1 (April 1956): 4556; S.D. Goitein, The Beginnings of the Krim
Merchants and the Characteristics of their Organization, in idem. Studies in Islamic His-
tory and Institutions (Leiden: Brill, 1968), pp.35160; Subhi Y. Labib, Krim in Encyclo-
paedia of Islam 2, vol. 4 (Leiden: Brill, 1997), pp.64043.
55 Ab al-asan b. Amad b. Jubayr, Rilat Ibn Jubayr, ed. Ibrhm Shams al-Dn (Beirut: Dr
al-Kutub al-Ilmya, 2003), pp.579, English translation by Roland Broadhurst, The Travels
of Ibn Jubayr: a Medieval Spanish Muslim Visits Makkah, Madinah, Cities of the Middle East
and Sicily (London, 1952, reprinted in New Delhi by Goodword Books, 2003), pp.636;
Al-Maqrz, Khia, vol. 1, pp.56668.
56 Al-Maqrz, Khia, vol. 1, p.567.
57 Ibn Jubayr, Rila, pp.578; trans. Broadhurst, Travels, pp.645.
The Emergence of a New Order in Egypt 97
and market would have been impossible without the cooperation of the Baj,
a point that was not lost on the Fatimids.
Al-Idrs wrote in 560/1165, shortly before the fall of the Fatimid Caliphate,
that the revenue of Aydhb was divided equally between the Fatimids and the
Baj.58 The Andalusian traveller Ibn Jubayr visited Aydhb at the beginning of
the Ayyubid period in 579/1183 while en route to Mecca for the pilgrimage. He
notes that the majority of the inhabitants were Baj and that the town was
ruled by a Baj chief who he calls the sultan. There were also some resident
Turks (ghuzz) led by a governor (wl) who represented the interests of the
Ayyubid court. According to Ibn Jubayr it was the Baj chief who kept the lions
share of the ports profits.59 This means that the Egyptian government under
al al-Dn benefitted far less from the Red Sea trade through Aydhb than
had been the case a mere twenty-five years previously in the days of the Fatim-
ids. This supports our contention that instability in Upper Egypt and the East-
ern Desert as a result of al al-Dns wars with Nubia and the Kunz
contributed to an economic crisis that affected Egypt during his reign.
The remarkable prosperity of Fatimid Egypt (359/969567/1171), symbolized
by the unmatched purity and consistency of its gold dinars, could not have
been maintained without easy access to a gold source. Given the impressive
amount of evidence for extensive gold-mining activity in Wd al-Allq before
and during the Fatimid period, it is surprising that some scholars downplay the
significance of these deposits and assume that the Fatimids were still relying
heavily on gold from West Africa long after they had abandoned Ifrqiya and
moved across the continent to Egypt. Bacharach tells us without further elabo-
Until the 1070s West Africa was the primary supplier of bullion to Egypt.
After that date the source for gold bullion needs, is uncertain. Supplies
from local mines, from Ethiopia, possibly some trade with West Africa
(undocumented), and existing stocks appear to have been adequate.60
Messiers analysis of the copper content in sixty Fatimid gold coins minted
during different years of the caliphates Egyptian period reveals that twenty-
five coins were made of Nubian gold (from Wd al-Allq), nineteen were
made of gold originating in the Western Sudan (i.e. West Africa), five of Anda-
lusian gold, and eleven appear to be mixed, meaning that they likely contain
gold from more than one of the above sources.61 He notes that of the coins
which date from the years between the Fatimid conquest of Egypt (359/969)
and the cutting of relations between the Fatimids and their Zirid vassals (circa
439/1047) forty-seven percent fall within the range of copper content of West
African gold. Of the coins dating from the mid eleventh century until the fall of
the Fatimid caliphate only twenty-four percent fall within the same range. He
suggests that the Hill invasion in Ifrqiya and the monopolization of the
Sijilmsa-Awdaghust route by the Almoravids at around the same time de-
prived the Fatimids of whatever West African gold they had been able to ac-
quire by trade in the preceding period.62
Messier believes that the Fatimids retained control over Zirid fiscal policy
and that the gifts which the Zirid rulers sent to the caliphs court in Cairo were
actually a form of tribute. Therefore, according to Messier, through the Zirids
the Fatimids would still have had access to gold from the West African mines.
When the Zirids broke with the Fatimids the latter sent the Ban Hill against
them in punishment.63 It is likely that al-Muizz (341/953365/975) and al-
Azz (365/975386/996), whose reigns are generally considered to mark the
pinnacle of Fatimid power, were able to exert some pressure on the Zirids es-
pecially since the Fatimids had only recently left Ifrqiya and support for them
was still strong in some sections of the population; they could still count on the
loyalty of the Kutma, the Isml ds, and key officials who had been ap-
pointed by al-Muizz himself in order to keep the Zirid amirs in check. And yet
even during the caliphate of al-Azz the Fatimids had troubled relations with
the Zirids. The latter succeeded in crushing two rebellions against their rule in
Ifrqiya led by Fatimids das who had no doubt been encouraged by Cairo.64
By 1000 ad the Fatimids had lost any ability to coerce the Zirids. The rebellion
of Ab Rakwa, which occurred at this time, revealed that the Fatimids could no
longer control Cyrenaica and Tripoli which were henceforth ruled by the Ban
Qurra and the Ban Khazrn respectively.65 It is hard to see how they could
have continued to extort gold from the Zirids after this date, if they had ever
done so before.
Moreover the Zirids themselves were now no longer in control of the Trans-
Saharan routes of the gold trade. The Umayyads and their Zanta allies had
captured Sijilmsa from the Zirids in 367/977 and over the next two decades
they extended their authority as far as Tilimsn and Thart in western Algeria.
Then at the beginning of the eleventh century the Central Maghrib seceded
from Zirid rule under the Ban ammd. It is clear from the evidence above
that the Fatimids were cut off from the sources of West African gold long be-
fore the great split with the Zirids. In fact it was their old enemies who were
now in control of the gold trade: the Zanta in Sijilmsa, and the Ib Khrijs
in Wargla and the Jard. That the Fatimids continued minting their famous di-
nars in considerable quantities can only be attributed to the fact that the mines
of Wd al-Allq were in full production throughout this period making up for
the loss of control over the Trans-Saharan routes.
The following account by al-Idrs indicates that the gold mines of the East-
ern Desert were still in use when he wrote towards the end of the Fatimid
Ethiopia is bordered on the north by the land of the Baj which is situ-
ated between Ethiopia, Nubia, and Upper Egypt. There are no settlements
or cultivated lands in this country, only barren steppe. The meeting place
for its people and the goal of merchants is Wd al-Allq.The Baj and
the people of Upper Egypt are attracted to this wadi. There is a large pop-
ulation in the wadi and in it there is a village where the people gather. Its
water comes from sweet springs. In the middle of the wadi is the famous
Nubian mine which is located in a desert with no mountains around it,
only soft shifting sands. On the first and last nights of the Arab month the
seekers of gold plunge into these sands at night, each one looking at the
ground next to him and if he sees fragments of gold gleaming in the night
he marks the spot to remember it and he passes the night there [in the
sands]. When he awakes each man goes out to the mound of sand that he
marked and he takes the sand and loads it onto his camel. He transports
the sand to the nearby wells where he proceeds to clean it with water in a
large wooden bowl in order to extract the gold nuggets. Then he mixes
the gold with mercury and melts it. Then the miners sell the gold that
they have managed to recover to others and the merchants transport it to
other countries. This [the mining] is their [the inhabitants of Allq] cus-
tomary work. They never abandon it for they earn their living from it. It is
the basis of their income and upon it they depend.66
In this section we have discussed some aspects of the Egyptian economy dur-
ing the Fatimid period. Particular attention was paid to the situation in Upper
Egypt and the Eastern Desert. There we identified three important economic
activities: the gold and emerald mines of Wd al-Allq, the Red Sea/Indian
Ocean trade which passed through the port of Aydhb, and the Nilotic trade
between Egypt and the Nubian kingdoms. We presented evidence which sug-
gests that most of the gold minted by the Fatimids during the twelfth century
was of Egyptian origin from the mines of the Eastern Desert rather than from
West African sources. We also examined in some depth the relations of the
Fatimid state with major actors in this region such as the Kunz, the Nubians,
the Arabs, and the Baj. We believe that for the most part these relations were
harmonious and mutually beneficial, allowing trade to flourish in this eco-
nomically vital region.
In the next section we will discuss the rise to power of al al-Dn and
some of the steps he took to consolidate his power in Egypt. We hope to dem-
onstrate that the destructive Ayyubid campaigns against Nubia, the elimina-
tion of the Kanz principality in Aswan, and the alienation of the sizeable black
African and Upper Egyptian Arab contingents of the Fatimid army all served to
destabilize Upper Egypt and the Eastern Desert thereby imperiling the mining
and commercial activities in these areas and contributing to the economic cri-
sis of Egypt under al al-Dns rule.
67 Ayman Fud Sayyid, Al-Dawla al-Fimya f Mir: Tafsr Jadd (Cairo: al-Dr al-Mirya
al-Lubnnya, 2000) pp.2806; Muammad Suhayl aqqsh, Trkh al-Fimyn f Shiml
Ifrqiya wa Mir wa Bild al-Shm (Beirut: Dr al-Nafis, 2001) pp.4169.
68 Ibid.
69 See Abdel Hamid Saleh Le rle des bdouins dgypte lpoque Fatimide, Rivista degli
Studi Orientali, 54 (1980): 634.
The Emergence of a New Order in Egypt 101
widespread support from the Arab tribes he managed to defeat and kill al-dil
in Cairo in the summer of 558/1163, thereby assuming the vizierate himself.
Shortly after he became vizier Shwar faced a rebellion led by another popu-
lar Arab commander named irghm. While Shwar and irghm were fight-
ing over the vizierate, forces from the Kingdom of Jerusalem attacked Egypt
but they faced stiff resistance in the eastern Delta and they were forced to
withdraw. irghm emerged victorious in the civil war and he was appointed
as vizier in Cairo by al-id. Shwar was forced to flee Egypt and in early
559/1164 he took refuge in Syria with Nr al-Dn Mamd b. Zank. This ambi-
tious ruler of Turkic descent had recently united the principalities of Aleppo
and Damascus and he was now the leader of the struggle against the Crusad-
ers. Shwar requested Nr al-Dns assistance against irghm, promising to
reward him generously and to accept the presence of Zankid officers in Cairo.
Nr al-Dn readily agreed; for him it was a perfect opportunity to establish a
foothold in Egypt and outflank the Crusaders. He dispatched an army to Egypt
under the command of a Kurdish officer named Asad al-Dn Shrkh in spring
of the same year. irghm appealed to the king of Jerusalem for assistance but
the latter was unable to intervene in time to save him. In June 559/1164 irghm
was killed and his forces scattered as Shwar was restored to the vizierate.70
As soon as he had returned to power, Shwar tried to get rid of his new allies.
When Shrkh refused to leave Egypt Shwar called on king Amalric I of Jeru-
salem (11631174) promising to pay him an extravagant sum if he would expel
Nr al-Dns forces from Egypt. The kings forces arrived and besieged Shrkh
in Bilbays at the eastern entrance to the Delta for three months before both
sides called a truce and agreed to evacuate Egypt.71 This experience demon-
strated the wealth of Egypt and the weakness of the Fatimid state to the Cru-
saders and the Zankids. Each side wished to dominate Egypt thereby denying
the benefit of its riches and strategic location to the other.
In 1167/562 Shrkh returned to Egypt with 2,000 cavalry accompanied by
his nephew al al-Dn. Amalric, fearing lest Egypt fall into the hands of Nr
al-Dns lieutenant and enticed by Shwars promise to pay him 400,000 dinars,
personally led an expedition to Egypt in the same year. The two armies ad-
vanced down opposite sides of the Nile; Shrkh on the west bank and the
Franks on the east bank, until the Franks managed to cross over and join battle
with the Zankids at al-Bbayn in Upper Egypt. The Franks were worsted in this
70 For the struggle between Shwar and irghm see Claude Cahen, Un rcit indit du
vizirat de Dirghm, Annales Islamologiques, 8 (1969): 2746; Ibn al-Athr, Kmil, vol. 9,
pp.460, 4657; Ibn Taghrbird, Nujm, vol. 5, pp.3468; Sayyid, Al-Dawla al-Fimya,
71 Ibid.
102 Chapter 4
engagement but not decisively and they still enjoyed the support of the Fatim-
id army under Shwar who controlled Cairo. In the aftermath of the battle
Shrkh divided his army sending half of the troops to Alexandria under al
al-Dn while keeping the remainder with himself in Upper Egypt where he
hoped to gather money and supplies. The Crusaders besieged al al-Dn in
Alexandria and they reduced the defenders to desperate straits before Shrkh
turned the tables by threatening Cairo. Eventually a treaty was signed by which
both Amalric and Shrkh agreed to evacuate Egypt once more with their
The Franks did not keep to their side of the bargain. Amalrics advisors per-
suaded him to invade Egypt once more as relations between Shwar and the
Crusaders had soured when the former stopped paying tribute to Jerusalem. In
the fall of 564/1168 Amalric returned to Egypt with his army. The Crusaders
destroyed Bilbays and committed a horrific massacre of its population. Fearing
that the same fate would befall Fus, Shwar ordered its evacuation and
razed it to the ground while he prepared to hold out behind the walls of Cairo
which was the administrative capital and the residence of the caliph. In Cairo
there was great fear for the future and general disillusionment with Shwar.
While some officials were in correspondence with Amalric, others called upon
Nr al-Dn to interfere. Finally the caliph al-id himself appealed to the lord
of Aleppo to rescue him from Shwar and the Crusaders.73
Nr al-Dn sent Shrkh and al al-Dn back to Egypt with 8,000 select
soldiers. When they arrived in January 564/1169 the Crusaders were camped
outside the walls of Cairo attempting to extort more gold from Shwar. Fearful
of becoming trapped between the Fatimids and Shrkhs army, Amalric re-
treated to Palestine once more. Shwar, as unscrupulous as ever, had been con-
ducting negotiations with both sides trying to play them off against one
another for his own benefit. This time Shrkh decided to do away with the
troublesome vizier for once and for all. With the permission of the caliph he
had him arrested and executed.74
The caliph now invested Shrkh with the robes of the vizierate but the lat-
ter died shortly thereafter in March of 564/1169. He was immediately succeed-
ed by al al-Dn, the last of the Fatimid viziers and the first of the Ayyubid
sultans. al al-Dn paid lip-service to the caliph while working to undermine
Fatimid institutions and pave the way for a new order in Egypt. al al-Dn
72 Ibn al-Athr, Kmil, vol. 10, pp.35; Ibn Taghrbird, Nujm, vol. 5, pp.3489; Al-Maqrz,
Itti, vol. 3, pp.2828; Sayyid, Al-Dawla al-Fimya, pp.2924.
73 Ibn al-Athr, Kmil, vol. 10, pp.1115; Ibn Taghrbrd, Nujm, vol. 5, pp.34952; Al-Maqrz,
Itti, vol. 3, pp.291301; Sayyid, Al-Dawla al-Fimya, pp.2948.
74 Ibid.
The Emergence of a New Order in Egypt 103
was a devout Sunn and like Nr al-Dn he was a great patron of the Ashr
school of theology which was propagated in the madrasas that he built. He
targeted the Fatimid religious establishment by replacing Isml judges with
Sunn judges and by converting Isml teaching establishments into sufi lodg-
es or colleges for the orthodox law schools.75 He also assigned iqs to his own
followers at the expense of Fatimid loyalists.76
As we shall see the Fatimid army posed an obstacle to al al-Dns agenda.
The Ayyubids had arrived in Egypt with their own private army of Turkic and
Kurdish horsemen who were in need of iqs for their support. al al-Dn
had little interest in retaining Fatimid troops on the payroll. It is important to
note that the largest single bloc in the multi-ethnic late Fatimid army was
formed by the black footsoldiers soldiers known as the sdn or abd. The Ar-
menians, who had first risen to prominence in the late eleventh century, were
also primarily infantrymen. Bacharach observes that al al-Dn and his suc-
cessors made no use of professional infantry forces in their campaigns. He ex-
plains the hostility between the blacks and other elements of the old Fatimid
army on the one hand and al al-Dns troops on the other as follows:
could even leave Egypt. Mutamin al-Khilfa was seized and executed in the
summer of 564/1169. al al-Dn consolidated his position by appointing one
of his talented and loyal followers, the famous eunuch Bah al-Dn Qarqsh,
to head the civil administration in Cairo. Bah al-Dn would later govern Egypt
on al al-Dns behalf when the latter was away fighting the Crusaders in
Within days of Mutamins execution the black and Armenian soldiers, who
were garrisoned in Cairo, were in full revolt and the streets of the capital wit-
nessed fierce fighting between the rebels and al al-Dns followers. Accord-
ing to the chroniclers, al-id and his servants supported the sdn at first
when it seemed that they would prevail but he withdrew his support from
them when Shams al-Dawla Trnshh, al al-Dns brother, ordered his
naphtha throwers to point their tubes at the observation tower where the ca-
liph was seated watching the battle unfold below him. The loss of the caliphs
backing coupled with the death in battle of one of their leaders caused the
sdn to waver and al al-Dns men emerged victorious. The quarters where
the blacks and Armenians had lived were demolished. Thousands of the rebels
took refuge in Upper Egypt where they continued to cause problems for al
al-Dn over the next few years.79
With the demise of Mutamin al-Khilfa and the defeat of the black soldiers,
al al-Dns position in Egypt was much stronger and he could continue his
campaign against the Fatimid religious establishment unimpeded. Al-id
became in effect the prisoner of his own vizier who stripped him of his wealth,
honors, and supporters. Al-Maqrz remarks that the caliph had nothing left to
him save the mention of his name in the khuba.80 In 567/1171 al al-Dn
took the decisive step of ordering the substitution of al-ids name with that
of the Abbasid caliph al-Musta bi Amr Allh (566/1170575/1180). Nr al-Dn
had pressured al al-Dn earlier to take this step but the latter preferred to
wait, fearing lest he provoke a Sh revolt. Al-id had fallen gravely ill in the
same year and he died not long after the change in the khuba. According to
some sources al al-Dn kept the news from him and he went to his grave
without knowing that he had been deposed.81
78 Al-Maqrz, Itti vol. 3, pp.3113; Ibn Taghrbird, Nujm, vol. 5, pp.3545; Ibn al-Athr,
Kmil, vol. 10, pp.1819.
79 Ibid.
80 Al-Maqrz, Itti, vol. 3, p.314.
81 Lev examines the various accounts of al-ids death, some of which suggest that he was
murdered. See Lev, Saladin in Egypt, pp.814; Ibn al-Athr, Kmil, vol. 10, pp.335;
Al-Maqrz, Itti, vol. 3, pp.32530.
The Emergence of a New Order in Egypt 105
82 The best account of the Nubian expedition is a passage from the historian Ibn Ab ayy
preserved by Ab Shma, Al-Rawatayn f Akhbr al-Dawlatayn al-Nrya wa al-alya,
5 vols., ed. Ibrhm Shams al-Dn (Beirut: Dr al-Kutub al-Ilmya, 2002), vol. 2, pp.1602;
Taq al-Dn al-Maqrz, Al-Sulk li-Marifat Duwal al-Mulk, 8 vols., ed. Muammad Abd
al-Qdir A (Beirut: Dr al-Kutub al-Ilmya,1997), vol. 1, pp.1578; Ibn al-Athr, Kmil,
vol. 10, pp.467.
83 See Welsby, Medieval Nubia, pp.7576, 1178.
84 Ab Shma, Rawatayn, vol. 1, p.161.
106 Chapter 4
good relations with the Arab tribes. This was in part due to pride in their own
Quraysh Arab ancestry, which was disputed by their opponents. Thus they
made a special point of honoring the Quraysh clans, a number of which were
settled in Egypt.85 Two of the Fatimid viziers, Shwar and irghm, were Ar-
abs. The Arabs had not held such a high rank in Egypt since the mid ninth
century ad when the last Arab governors ruled Egypt for the Abbasids nor
would they occupy such positions again under the Ayyubids and Mamluks.
The Arabs were also affected by al al-Dns military reforms. In his Bayn
al-Maqrz enumerates the Arab tribes that were settled in Egypt at the time of
Shrkhs arrival and he notes that thousands of Arabs were on the state regis-
ters.86 In a passage from the Khia he relates that al al-Dn ordered a re-
view of the Arab troops and he reduced their number from 7,000 to 1,300 and
that he also imposed burdensome taxes on the Ban Taghlib which angered
them and caused them to incline towards the Franks.87 The Arab tribes of Up-
per Egypt and the Kunz saw their traditional privileges and lands threatened
by the new order.
In 570/1174 the Kanz al-Dawla, whose name is given as Ibn al-Mutawwaj, re-
volted against the new regime in a bid to restore the Fatimids.88 He managed
to rally a large number of supporters to his cause including the Bedouin of Up-
per Egypt and the sdn who were always eager to fight against al al-Dn.
The latter had provoked the Kunz by granting their iqs to the brother of a
powerful Ayyubid amir named Ab al-Hayj al-Samn earlier in the same year.
They retaliated by attacking and killing the new grantee and his followers. Why
al al-Dn took such a hostile measure against the Kanz al-Dawla who had
only recently assisted him in his campaign against the Nubians is not entirely
clear. Al-Q suggests that he may have had economic motives such as the
desire to push the Kunz out of their share of the trade between Aydhb and
Aswan or that he wished to punish the Kanz al-Dawla for giving refuge to the
sdn and other Fatimid loyalists after their expulsion from Cairo in 564/1168.89
At the same time another insurrection was brewing further down the Nile. A
Quraysh Arab chief named Abbs b. Shd who had enjoyed great power and
influence under the Fatimids raised the Arab tribes of Middle Egypt in revolt
85 See bidns remarks in the essay appended to his edition of Maqrzs Bayn, pp.11617;
Hasan, Arabs and the Sudan, p.94.
86 Al-Maqrz, Bayn, pp.1223.
87 Al-Maqrz, Khia, p.250.
88 For the revolt of the Kunz the best source is once again Ab Shma. Ab Shma,
Rawatayn, vol. 2, pp.22122; Ibn al-Athr, Kmil, vol. 10, pp.645; Al-Maqrz, Sulk, vol.
1, p.167.
89 See Al-Q, Kunz, pp.7180
The Emergence of a New Order in Egypt 107
against the Ayyubids. Once again the dispute was land related. al al-Dn
had confiscated Ibn Shds iqs in the area of awd (near Luxor) and granted
them to Ayyubid amirs.90
al al-Dn sent a large expeditionary force to the south under the joint
command of his brother al-Malik al-dil Sayf al-Dn and the amir Ab al-
Hayj, who yearned for revenge after his brother had been killed by the Kanz
al-Dawla. The latter had assembled his army and he was marching towards
awd in the hope of joining forces with Ibn Shdhs army so that they could
face the Ayyubids together. Al-dil beat the Kunz to awd where he defeated
the Arabs and killed Ibn Shd. Then the Ayyubids advanced to Aswan where
they fought a fierce battle against the Kunz who were decisively defeated. Ibn
al-Mutawwaj fled and was eventually captured and killed.91
The prosperity of the Eastern Desert and the Nubian frontier during the
Fatimid period rested on the wise and judicious management of the Arab and
Baj tribes by the central government. This was essential since the mines and
the Red Sea ports were entirely at the mercy of the Baj. Places like Aydhb
and the mines in Wd al-Allq imported everything including food and wa-
ter. In the event of hostilities they could not have lasted for even a short period
on their own. The Kunz and the other Arab tribes of Upper Egypt were well-
integrated into the Fatimid system and their amirs benefitted handsomely
from the gold mines, the Red Sea trade, and the Nilotic trade with Nubia. They
also enjoyed extensive iqs and attained high rank in the caliphs armies. It is
worth noting that most of the Arab tribal rebellions during the Fatimid period
occurred in the province of Buyra in the northwestern corner of the Nile
Delta while Upper Egypt witnessed few rebellions apart from the calamitous
years of the middle of the eleventh century known as al-shidda al-um. This
is in marked contrast to the earlier periods of the wult (governors), Tulunids,
and Ikhshidids and to later periods, particularly the Mamluk, when large tribal
confederations often contested possession of Upper Egypt with the authorities
in Cairo/Fus.92 During the two-century-long Fatimid presence in Egypt the
Nubian border remained remarkably stable as well with little sign of hostility
between the governments in Egypt and Nubia.
90 Ab Shma, Rawatayn, vol. 2, pp.2212; Ibn al-Athr, Kmil, vol. 10, pp.645; Al-Maqrz,
Sulk, vol. 1, p.167.
91 Ibid.
92 For more on the Arab revolts in Egypt during the Fatimid Period see Amar Baadj, Rela-
tions between the Fatimid Caliphate and the Tribal Peoples of Egypt and North Africa
(M.A. thesis, American University in Cairo, 2006).
108 Chapter 4
The fall of the Fatimid Caliphate meant the demise of the elaborate system
of alliances which maintained the stability of Upper Egypt and the Eastern
Desert. We have seen that after al al-Dns expulsion of the sdn from Cai-
ro thousands of these ex-soldiers took refuge in Upper Egypt where they sup-
ported first the Nubian king and later the Kanz al-Dawla against the Ayyubids.
Another consequence of this purge was a severe reduction in the slave trade
that had largely been fueled by the insatiable demand of previous Egyptian
regimes for African slave-troops and upon which the economies of northern
Nubia and Aswan were heavily dependent. The Ayyubid campaigns against
Nubia led by Trnshh and Ibrhm al-Kurd were prolonged and purely de-
structive. In the end the Ayyubids were unable to make any permanent con-
quests south of the First Cataract but they left the northernmost Nubian
kingdoms of Mars and Maqurra in ruins and killed and enslaved many thou-
sands of people.
The reassignment of Fatimid iqs to his own followers and his desire to
eliminate potential sources of opposition brought al al-Dn into conflict
with the Arab tribes and in particular the Kunz culminating in the war of
570/1174. This campaign had important repercussions. Al-Maqrz says that the
thaghr (frontier) of Aswan had been well defended by the Kanz al-Dawla and
his men during the days of the Fatimids but it was neglected after the arrival of
al al-Dn due to the latters conflict with the Kunz.93 In the wake of their
defeat and the loss of Aswan the Kunz migrated further south to Mars on the
other side of the frontier and they established themselves there, taking advan-
tage of Nubian weakness following rnshhs invasion of that country. Their
presence in Mars accelerated the Islamization of northern Sudan.94 It is not
surprising that the gold mines of the Eastern Desert gradually fell into disuse
after the Fatimid period until they were abandoned altogether under the Mam-
luks.95 No doubt the collapse of the Kanz principality left the routes which
connected Aswan to the mining communities and Aydhb unprotected and
vulnerable to the attacks of the nomads. In effect al al-Dns policies had
succeeded in alienating the most important actors in this vital and strategic
area: the Kunz, the Nubians, the Arab tribes, and the fugitive sdn.
Ehrenkreutz has demonstrated that there was a grave monetary crisis dur-
ing the reign of al al-Dn.96 Whereas the Fatimids consistently issued gold
dinars of high purity and regulated the weight of their coins until the very end
of the dynasty, al al-Dn deliberately debased his dinars and he lifted con-
trols on their weight which fluctuated wildly.97 He also implemented the
switch to a silver standard so that the silver dirham replaced the gold dinar as
the unit of official record-keeping.98 In his treatise on the history of coinage
al-Maqrz includes a passage by al-Q al-Fil in which the latter laments
the shortage of gold and silver in al al-Dns Egypt and he describes a mas-
sive flow of wealth outside of the country:
When the Fatimid Caliphate ended with the coming of the horsemen of
Bild al-Shm under al-Malik al-Nir al al-Dn in 569, coins were
struck in Cairo in the name of al-Murta bi Amr Allh [the Abbasid
caliph] and al-Malik al-dil Nr al-Dn Mamd b. Zank, ruler of Bild
al-Shm. In this year an economic catastrophe engulfed the people of
Egypt because gold and silver left the country without returning and they
were nowhere to be found. The people were driven mad by their distress
and it came to pass that when a pure dinar was mentioned [to a man] it
was as if his wife had been mentioned and if such a dinar ended up in his
possession it was as if the tidings of heaven had reached him.99 The [cri-
sis] reached such an extent that more dirhams, dinars, dyed cloth, jewels,
copper, clothes, furniture, linen, and weapons flowed out of the palace
than could ransom the kingdom of the Khusraws, more than the mind
can conceive, all the kingdoms cannot contain the likes of such wealth
and no one can count it save for the one who is able to count all creation
in the hereafter.100
There can be little doubt that the gold shortage was connected with the disrup-
tion of mining in Wd al-Allq due to al al-Dns troubles with the the
sdn, the Nubian war, and above all the war with the Kunz and the subse-
quent dissolution of their principality in Aswan.101 This situation was aggra-
vated by the long and costly conflict with the Crusaders in Bild al-Shm which
97 Ibid., pp.17981.
98 Bacharach, Monetary Movements, pp.1634.
99 Dnr amar means a pure gold dinar, see Ehrenkreutz, Crisis, p.178, n.4.
100 Taq al-Dn al-Maqrz, Al-Nuqd al-Qadma al-Islmya, printed in Rasil al-Maqrz, ed.
Raman al-Badr and Amad Muaf Qsim (Cairo: Dr al-adth, 1998), p.170.
101 Ehrenkreutz suggests that the war on Nubia and the revolt of the blacks may have caused
production to suffer in the gold mines but in fact it was the Kunz who were the most
relevant to this situation since they seem to have exercised a near stranglehold over Wd
al-Allq as evidenced by the accounts of the mines in the medieval geographies. Ehren-
kreutz, Crisis, p.183.
110 Chapter 4
preoccupied al al-Dn until his death in 589/1193. The need to fund his war
efforts led al al-Dn to take drastic measures such as debasing the gold di-
nar and it likely accounts for the great outflow of wealth from Egypt described
in the passage above. In the next chapter we will argue that one of the ways by
which al al-Dn sought to compensate for the Egyptian gold shortage was to
invade the Libyan oases in a bid to control the northern termini of the great
Trans-Saharan trade routes and thereby secure access to West African gold.
The Ayyubids and the West 111
Chapter 5
The chronicles give various reasons for al al-Dns decision to send an expe-
dition to Libya and Ifrqiya. The most common explanation links this issue to a
dispute between the Ayyubids, who were now in effective possession of Egypt,
and their overlord Nr al-Dn Zank. Ibn al-Athr and al-Maqrz have provided
the most detailed account of the reason behind the deterioration of the rela-
tionship between al al-Dn and Nr al-Dn. In 567/1171 alh al-Dn laid
siege to the crusader castle at Shawbak in what is today southern Jordan until
it was on the brink of surrender. Nr al-Dn hastened south from Damascus to
open another front against the Crusaders. At this point al al-Dns advisors
urged him not to press his offensive against the Franks but rather to retire to
Egypt. They cautioned that if the Crusader states in Palestine fell there would
no longer be any buffer between Egypt and Nr al-Dn and the latter would
then be free to invade Egypt and remove the Ayyubids from power. al al-
Dn accepted this advice and withdrew to Egypt without capturing Shawbak.
He excused himself to Nr al-Dn by claiming that he feared a Sh uprising in
Egypt in his absence. Nr al-Dn did not accept alh al-Dns justification of
his action and he resolved to lead an expedition to Egypt at some point with
the goal of removing him from power. Word of his plans reached alh al-Dn
in Cairo and he assembled all of the Ayyubids to discuss the situation. Some of
his relatives proclaimed openly their readiness to fight against Nr al-Dn but
al al-Dns father, Najm al-Dn Ayyb, certain that Nr al-Dns spies were
present in the gathering, announced that he and the other senior amirs were
loyal to Nr al-Dn above all others and he vowed that he would kill his own
son if Nr al-Dn so ordered. Later in private he confided to al al-Dn that
his speech before the audience had been a mere ruse to convince Nr al-Dns
agents to report to their master that all was well in Egypt and that there was no
danger of it slipping out of his grasp. Nr al-Dn refrained from entering Egypt
on this occasion and the Ayyubids managed to avoid a direct confrontation
with him before his death in 569/1174.1
Ibn al-Athr reports that Trnshhs expedition to Nubia in 568/1172 and his
invasion of Yemen in the following year were undertaken in order to secure a
1 Ibn al-Athr, Kmil, vol. 10, pp.356; al-Maqrz, Sulk, vol. 1, pp.1534.
possible refuge for the Ayyubids in the event that they were ousted from Egypt
by Nr al-Dn.2 He does not mention this as a motive behind the dispatch of
Qarqsh to Libya, which took place in 568/1172 according to him.3 Al-Tijn
clearly states in a passage that appears to have been copied by both Ibn
Khaldn and Ibn Ghalbn that al al-Dn and his brothers sought to con-
quer land in the Maghrib (which simply means the lands west of Egypt in this
context) as well as Yemen so that they would have a place to which they could
escape if Nr al-Dn invaded Egypt.4
Al-Maqrz presents us with another explanation for the Maghrib expedi-
tion. According to him in 567/1171 al al-Dn held a council with his amirs in
Alexandria concerning the organization of an expedition to the west. At this
time al al-Dn was concerned about the overpopulation and poverty of Al-
exandria so his advisors had suggested to him that he launch a raid on the re-
gion of Cyrenaica (Barqa) which they claimed was rich and poorly defended. It
was decided that al al-Dns nephew Taq al-Dn would lead an army to
Cyrenaica. His orders were to sow crops there so that they could be reaped by
the next harvest time.5
Al-Tijn says that Taq al-Dn was jealous of Trnshh because of the lat-
ters achievements in Nubia and Yemen and therefore he made preparations to
lead an expedition westwards to Ifrqiya. At some point Taq al-Dn gave up on
this project, fearing that it would be too difficult an undertaking but some of
his soldiers were still eager to go west so they set out without Taq al-Dns per-
mission in two groups: one led by Taq al-Dns mamlk Qarqsh and a second
band led by Trnshhs sildr (arms-bearer) Ibn Qartikn.6 A passage in
Ab Shmas Kitb al-Rawatayn also ascribes jealousy of Trnshhs success-
es in Yemen as a motive behind Taq al-Dns interest in conquering the lands
west of Egypt.7
Several of the chronicles report that in 582/1186 Taq al-Dn once again pre-
pared to lead an army in person to Libya and Ifrqiya as a result of internal ri-
valries in the Ayyubid clan. al al-Dn, who now spent most of his time in
Bild al-Shm fighting the Crusaders, had decided to send his own son al-Azz
to Egypt in order to replace Taq al-Dn as governor of that country. The latter
was furious about his impending ouster from Egypt. He assembled his soldiers
and retainers in Giza and announced that he intended to march to the Maghrib
and establish a kingdom there. His mamlk Qarqsh who had already been
active in Tripolitania and Ifrqiya for over a decade had written to his master
and urged him to join him, pointing out that the lands of the west were ne-
glected and not well defended. al al-Dn needed the support of Taq al-Dn
and his men on the Syrian front; he could ill-afford such adventurism on the
part of his impetuous nephew. He summoned Taq al-Dn to Damascus and
assuaged his wounded pride by granting him extensive iqs in central Syria.
Taq al-Dns men had enthusiastically supported the proposed western expe-
dition in anticipation of the conquered lands and booty that they expected to
acquire but now they followed him to Syria with the exception of a contingent
led by one of his mamlks whose name is given as Yzb or Bzaba in the
sources. The latter marched to Ifrqiya where he fought against the Almohads
who later captured him and took him into their service.8
The claim that the Ayyubids invaded Nubia, Yemen, and the Maghrib be-
cause they hoped to flee to these lands in the event that Nr al-Dn attacked
Egypt should be treated with skepticism. The expeditions to these countries,
all undertaken during the late 1160s and early 1170s, required the commitment
of precious manpower in remote locations at a time when the Ayyubids were
still consolidating their authority in Egypt. Is it likely that al al-Dn would
have approved the dispatch of a fleet and army to Yemen if he believed that an
invasion of Egypt by Nr al-Dn was imminent? And what sort of a kingdom
could the Ayyubids have hoped to found in Nubia, Yemen, or Cyrenaica? Their
power rested on an army composed exclusively of Kurdish and Turkish horse-
men who required extensive iqs for their support. Egypt had the land and
wealth to maintain such a force but the other countries (particularly Cyrenai-
ca) did not. They all had limited arable land, hostile populations, and difficult
terrain that facilitated resistance to central authority. From what we know of
al al-Dn it is hardly credible that he was prepared to abandon Egypt, the
prize that he and his followers had successfully defended from the Crusaders
on so many occasions, with minimal resistance and seek an uncertain fate in
the Libyan Desert or Nubia. It is likely that if faced with a Zankid invasion he
and all of his relatives would have closed ranks and staked everything on the
defense of Egypt. It is interesting that the longest and most dramatic account
8 Jaml al-Dn Muammad b. Slim b. Wil, Mufarrij al-Kurb f Akhbr Ban Ayyb, 5 vols., ed.
Jaml al-Dn al-Shayyl (Cairo: Wizrat al-Thaqfa wa al-Irshd al-Qawm, 1953), vol. 2,
pp.1802; Ibn al-Athr, Kmil, vol. 10, pp.13940; Ab Shma, Rawatayn, vol. 3, pp.16470.
114 Chapter 5
invading army that chose to approach Cairo from the direction of the western
desert. Ibn Jubayr then remarks that to the Egyptians, the construction of
these bridges is a warning of a coming event, for they see in it an augury that
the Almohades will conquer it and the eastern regions.16
In another passage Ibn Jubayr asserts that there is no Islam save in the
Maghrib lands There is no justice, right, or religion in His sight except with
the Almohades may God render them powerful.17 He adds A singular cir-
cumstance that we observed in the matter of the propagation of the Mumin
Almohade faith and the spreading of its word in these lands, and the in
clination of its people to their dominance, is that most, indeed all their peo-
ples, hint at it covertly and even quite plainly.18 He also claims that some of
the ulema in the Mashriq had prepared speeches to be delivered upon the
arrival of the Almohad caliph in their lands and that the latter looked forward
to his arrival in the eastern lands of Islam just as he expects the Day of Resur-
rection 19
Al-Sils analysis of these passages is marred by her evident hostility to the
Almohad doctrine and her forced comparison of the Almohads to the Fatim-
ids.20 It is not surprising that in the middle and late twelfth century some
Muslims in the Mashriq looked favorably upon the Almohads nor that the Al-
mohad caliphs themselves entertained the thought of invading Egypt at this
time. This was only natural since the Almohad Caliphate was the largest and
most powerful Islamic state west of Khurasan. Nonetheless there is no evi-
dence that the Almohads took any practical steps in order to pave the way for
an Egyptian campaign. During the Ifrq period of their caliphate (297/909
358/969) the Fatimids had made no secret of their intention to conquer Egypt
and settle there. With remarkable foresight and tenacity they subordinated all
other concerns to the realization of this goal. The Fatimid caliphs invaded
Egypt three times (301/914, 306/919, 323/935) before they finally succeeded in
conquering it on the fourth attempt in 358/969. These campaigns required
considerable logistical support in addition to control of the entire length of the
Libyan coast. In contrast, the Almohads never considered the transplantation
of their court and capital outside of the Maghrib and we do not read of Almo-
had fleets and armies operating west of Tripoli; indeed, their control over the
latter appears to have been nominal at best. Judging by the slowness of their
16 Broadhurst, Travels, p.45; Text in Ab al-asan b. Amad b. Jubayr, Rilat Ibn Jubayr (Bei-
rut: Dr dir, undated), pp.278.
17 Broadhurst, Travels, p.73; Ibn Jubayr, Rila (Dr dir edition), pp.556.
18 Ibid.
19 Broadhurst, Travels, p.74; Ibn Jubayr, Rila (Dr dir edition), p.57.
20 Al-Sil, Tawajjuht, pp.1356.
The Ayyubids and the West 117
21 Ibid.
22 Anne-Marie Edd, Saladin (Paris: Flammarion, 2009), pp.10611.
23 Ibid.
118 Chapter 5
modern scholars that the Trans-Saharan trade through Libya was mostly in
slaves while little gold flowed across this route in comparison with the western
route.24 Zawla had been such an important supplier of black military slaves
(who originated in the lands south of Lake Chad) to the Fatimids that these
troops were collectively referred to as the Zawla.25 As we have seen the Ayyu-
bids had liquidated the black soldiers whom they regarded as a threat to their
rule and there was no place for African infantrymen in the Kurdish and Turkish
dominated Ayyubid military. Therefore we can safely conclude that the Ayyu-
bids did not invade Libya in order to obtain more black slaves. As we intend to
demonstrate below, it was gold which attracted the Ayyubids to the lands west
of Egypt.
The West African goldfields which are known to have been exploited during
the early Middle Ages are located in the regions of Bambuk (on the Upper Sen-
egal River near the modern Senegalese-Malian border) and Bure (on the Upper
Niger River, south of Niani in modern Guinea).26 These mines supplied the
medieval kingdoms of Ghna and Ml respectively. Since the western route
through Awdaghust and Sijilmsa was the closest one to both of these areas it
is to be expected that the bulk of the gold that was extracted from Bambuk and
Bure found its way north by this route although political circumstances might
have made the central and eastern routes more attractive at certain times.
Sutton believes that around 1200 ad newer sources of gold were discovered
and exploited further east near the Gulf of Guinea at Begho in Akanland (mod-
ern Ghana) and at Ife (in southwestern Nigeria near the Bight of Benin).27 Ife
was the ancient capital of the Yoruba people. It occupied a commercially ad-
vantageous position on the border of two ecological zones: the savanna of the
24 When discussing the Trans-Saharan gold trade during the Almohad Period Dvisse makes
no mention of gold being transported north through the Libyan oases. Thiry remarks that
the Libyan Sahara owed its prosperity mainly to the slave trade. According to Austen The
Central Sudan controlled by Kanem-Borno seems to have sold more slaves than the West-
ern Sudan according to both the impressionistic evidence of various visitors and the logic
of its geographical situation. This region was closest to the major Arab lands and dense
African populations but far from gold mines, without which slaves offered the only source
of highly profitable exports. And again Here [the Central Sudan] gold had never been
the major item of trans-Saharan trade See Dvisse, Routes de commerce, p.72; Thiry,
Sahara Libyen, p.535; Ralph A. Austen, African Economic History (Portsmouth, NH: Heine-
mann Educational Books, 1987), pp.36, 39.
25 See B.J.Beshir, Fatimid Military Organization, Der Islam, 55 (1978) p.40.
26 Messier, Muslim Exploitation of West African Gold, pp.12730.
27 J.E.G. Sutton, The African Lords of the Intercontinental Gold Trade Before the Black
Death: Al-Hasan bin Sulaiman of Kilwa and Mansa Musa of Mali, The Antiquaries Jour-
nal, 77 (1997) pp.2248.
The Ayyubids and the West 119
north which extended as far as the Sahara and contained powerful settled
kingdoms such as Ghna, Ml, and Kanem which were involved with trade
with the Islamic world and the resource-rich forest zone of the south which
was inhabited by less sophisticated tribal societies. Settlement at Ife and the
rise of an organized state-structure there began in the first millennium ad.
From the twelfth to the fifteenth century Ife experienced its commercial and
artistic golden age.28 During this period magnificent brass sculptures were
produced at Ife and in surrounding centers. Sutton notes that there was no
knowledge of brass production in West Africa at this time; brass was imported
in large quantites from the countries of the Mediterranean Basin, often in rods
to be melted down again, in order to meet the insatiable local demand.29 Other
imports from the north included copper (probably from the mines of Tadmak-
ka in the southern Sahara), textiles, beads, horses, and salt. Archeologists have
puzzled over what goods the merchants of Ife offered to their northern part-
ners in return. Most have assumed that they traded slaves and exotic products
such as ivory and kola nuts.30 But Sutton observes that since these products
were widely available throughout the more northerly savanna zone little ad-
vantage would have accrued to Ife, which was more distant from the Sahara
than its competitors, through trade in such items. He believes that the key to
Ifes prosperity was in its control and exploitation of rich local gold deposits
which fueled a gold rush as recently as the middle of the twentieth century.31
If new gold mines were entering production in the eastern parts of West
Africa in Lobi and Ife in the late twelfth century then it is likely that this gold
was shipped north via the central and eastern Trans-Saharan routes which
were much closer to these new sources than the westerly route via Awdaghust.
The Yoruba state of Ife was geographically closer to Kanem (the great Chadian
kingdom located directly south of Fezzan) than Ml. Perhaps gold from Ife
reached Fezzan (which was in turn linked to Egypt and the ports of the Libyan
coast) via the intermediary of Kanem. Lange notes that along the 2,000 kilome-
ter long route between Tripoli and Lake Chad water sources are never more
than three days apart and he adds that the Libyan Trans-Saharan route was
by far the most advantageous line of contact across the Sahara between the
Atlantic Ocean and the River Nile.32
28 For background on the rise and development of Ife see Shaw, Guinea Zone, pp.4817.
29 Sutton, African Lords, pp.2257.
30 See Shaw, Guinea Zone, p.486.
31 Sutton, African Lords, pp.2278.
32 Dierk Lange, West Africa and the Classical World Neglected Contexts, (Lecture deliv-
ered at the University of Hannover, 2004, available from the authors website dierklange.
com), p.17. On the [relative] ease of crossing the Libyan oases route see also E.W. Bovill,
The Golden Trade of the Moors (London: Oxford Univ. Press, 1968), p.245.
120 Chapter 5
Archeological evidence suggests that gold was traded along the central and
eastern Trans-Saharan axes in significant amounts during the early medieval
period. Recent excavations at Tadmakka, a major hub on the central Trans-Sa-
haran axis, have confirmed that there was already a vigorous gold trade in that
oasis town by the close of the ninth century ad.33 Gold coin moulds which
date from this period were discovered at the site.34 Further east, archeologists
have recovered gold dinars minted at Zawla by the Ban al-Khab, proving
beyond a doubt that the latter had access to sub-Saharan African gold during
the twelfth century.35
To further support our contention that significant quantites of gold were
travelling through the Libyan oases in the late twelfth century we must look for
textual references and indeed there are two passages, both in non-Arabic
sources, which mention the gold trade in Zawla. A passage from the anony-
mous Persian geography entitled udd al-lam (written in 372/982) states
that Zawla was inhabited by Berbers who were rich in gold.36
The famous medieval Jewish traveler Benjamin of Tudela (d. 1173) is believed
to have visited Cairo sometime between 1160 and 1173, making his account par-
ticularly valuable for us as this period coincides with the establishment of
Sal al-Dn in Egypt.37 He reports that caravans routinely set out from Helwan
(Heluan in the translation) and crossed the desert to Zawla. During the course
of this journey they were often exposed to violent sandstorms. According to
him Helwan was a twelve-day journey from Aswan and contained a colony of
300 Jews.38 Benjamin says that the caravans brought copper, grain, salt, fruits,
and legumes to Zawla and they returned with gold and precious stones.39 It is
worth noting that there is no mention of slaves here.
Hess argues that the Helwan in this passage is actually the Hebrew render-
ing of Alwa, which was the largest and southernmost Nubian kingdom rather
than a reference to the famous Egyptian city called Helwan which is located
just south of Cairo.40 He reads the Desert of Seba mentioned in this passage
as Desert of Soba.41 Soba was the name of Alwas capital. If we assume that the
Helwan in question was located in Nubia, then the caravans would probably
have travelled northwest across the desert to Zawla via Kharga and Kufra.42 If
Benjamins Helwan was located in the vicinity of Cairo then the caravans
would most likely have proceeded to Alexandria and followed the coastal route
to Barqa and Ajdbiya. From the latter city they would have travelled south-
west to Zalla before they finally reached Zawla.43
During the early Ayyubid period there was a severe shortage of gold in Egypt
due to the decline in production of the mines in Wd al-Allq. This situation
was exacerbated by the high cost of al al-Dns campaigns in Bild al-Shm
and the Jazra which was borne by Egypt alone. At this time new sources of
gold, located well to the east of the Sijilmsa Awdaghust axis and thus much
closer to Ifrqiya and Libya, had gone into production. The gold from these
mines travelled north via the Libyan oases, especially Zawla, and thence to
the ports of Tripolitania and Ifrqiya, or further west by way of Tadmakka
Wargla Bijya. In order to control these trade routes al al-Dn and his rela-
tives were prepared to expend precious resources and manpower and risk
conflict with the Almohad Empire.
5.2 Sharaf al-Dn Qarqsh and the Conquest of Libya and Ifrqiya
Before recounting the various stages of the conquest of Libya a word must be
said about the leaders of the Ayyubid expedition to the west and the composi-
tion of their forces. Sharaf al-Dn Qarqsh (d. 609/1212) was a mamlk of al
al-Dns nephew Taq al-Dn Umar, al-Malik al-Muaffar. For this reason the
adjective al-Taqaw or al-Muaffar is often added to Qarqshs name.
Qarqsh is a compound Turkish name meaning black bird.44 The ethnicity
of Sharaf al-Dn is uncertain; al-Tjn calls him Qarqsh al-Arman (the Ar-
menian), while Ibn Khaldn calls him Qarqsh al-Ghuzz (the Turk).45
Qarqsh was the most important commander associated with the invasion of
the west but he was not the only one. The sources mention two other Ayyubid
officers who led contingents in Libya and Ifrqiya, Ibrhm b. Qartikn and a
certain Bzba/Yzba.46 Gaudefroy-Demombynes is of the opinion that Ibn
Qartikn and Yzba were the same person while Mouton maintains that they
were two different individuals.47 As for the Ayyubid forces these appear to have
been composed almost exclusively of cavalry. Three ethnicities are mentioned:
Ghuzz, Kurds, and an unidentified people called the Akdish.48 These Ayyubid
troops were often supplemented by fighters from allied Arab tribes in Tripoli-
tania and Ifrqiya.
Ibn al-Athr says that Qarqsh set out from Egypt in 568/1172.49 Al-Tjn,
Ab Shma, al-Maqrz, and Ibn Ghalbn all appear to follow the date given by
Ibn al-Athr.50 Ibn Khaldn gives 586/1190 as the year in which Qarqsh com-
menced his expedition by conquering Swa; this date is almost certainly a
copyists error since it is far too late.51
Al-Tijn and Ibn al-Athr compress the conquest of Libya by the Ayyubids
in the 1170s into a single account without specifying the years in which each
conquest was made and without indicating that Qarqsh ever returned to
Egypt. According to al-Tijn, in approximately 568/1172 al al-Dns nephew
administered Egypt on his behalf. See Bel, Benou Ghania, pp.5960; M. Sobernheim,
Karksh, Bah al-Dn, in Encyclopaedia of Islam 2, vol. 4 (Leiden: Brill, 1997), pp.61314;
C. Pellat, Karksh, Sharaf al-Dn in Encyclopaedia of Islam 2, vol. 4 (Leiden: Brill, 1997),
45 Ghuzz is the Arabic rendering of Oghuz, the name of an important group of Turkic tribes
which originally inhabited the Eurasian Steppe near China. Later large numbers of them
entered the Near East with the Seljuks in the eleventh century ad. The medieval Arabic
historians often used this term, sometimes with the plural aghzz, to refer to the Turks in
general without distinction by tribe. See C. Cahen and G. Deverdun, Ghuzz, in Encyclo-
paedia of Islam 2, vol. 2 (Leiden: Brill, 1991) pp.110611; al-Tjn, Rila, p.103; Ibn Khaldn,
Ibar, vol. 6, p.328.
46 According to Gaudefroy-Demombynes Yzba is from the Armenian name Yseb or
Joseph. Maurice Gaudefroy-Demombynes, Une letter de Saladin au calife Almohade, in
Mlanges Ren Basset, vol. 2 (Paris: Ernest Leroux, 1925), pp.2901.
47 Ibid.; Mouton, Conqute, p.69, n.24.
48 Ibn Taq al-Dn, Mimr, p.34.
49 Ibn al-Athr, Kmil, vol. 10, p.47.
50 Al-Tjn, Rila, p.112; Ab Shma, Rawatayn, vol. 2, p.175; Ibn Ghalbn, Tadhkr,
51 Ibn Khaldn, Ibar, vol. 6, p.255.
The Ayyubids and the West 123
Taq al-Dn had assembled an army and contemplated invading the Maghrib
but he was dissuaded by fear of the difficulties involved in such an undertak-
ing. Two of his commanders, Qarqsh and Ibn Qartikn, intent on conquer-
ing the Maghrib with or without Taq al-Dns permission, fled west with a body
of his troops.52 When they reached the pass of al-Aqaba (located near the
coast on the modern Egyptian-Libyan border) they divided their men and
went their separate ways. Qarqsh conquered Swa (medieval Santarya) and
he had the khuba recited in the name of al al-Dn and Taq al-Dn. Then he
went on to conquer Zalla, Awjila, and finally he reached Zawla in the Fezzan
where he put an end to the dynasty of the Ban al-Khab. He tortured to
death their last king, Muammad b. al-Khab, while trying to make him re-
veal the whereabouts of his treasures. Then he had the khuba recited in the
name of al al-Dn and Taq al-Dn.53
Al-Maqrz and Ab Shma record several separate Ayyubid expeditions to
Libya in the 1170s, leaving no doubt that the conquest was a gradual affair that
occurred in stages. This is also the opinion of al-Ghanny, who says that
Qarqshs early campaigns were seasonal affairs at the end of which he al-
ways returned to Egypt to rest and reinforce his troops.54 In al-Maqrzs entry
for the year 567/11712 he mentions that al al-Dn had assembled his rela-
tives in Alexandria to plan the conquest of Cyrenaica. It was decided that Taq
al-Dn would invade the province with all of his troops plus an additional 500
horsemen. The entire revenue of the province of Buayra was assigned to sup-
port this army. The goal, according to al-Maqrz, was to sow crops there and
harvest them in order to alleviate shortages in Alexandria. He also records that
the zakt was collected from the Arab tribes in the region and they were
warned to stop harassing travelers.55 Unfortunately he does not say anything
else about the campaign against Cyrenaica. We know that in the twelfth cen-
tury Cyrenaica was dominated by the Sulaym tribes of Labd and Hayb. The
abode of the latter consisted of the entire coastline from the environs of Alex-
andria in the east to Sirt in the west.56 Thiry says that the Sulaym Arabs of
Cyrenaica supported Qarqsh although the primary sources only mention
Sulaym tribes from Tripolitania as his allies.57
52 The verb used is farra, to flee, indicating that they were doing this against Taq al-Dns
and al al-Dns wishes.
53 Al-Tjn, Rila, pp.1113.
54 Al-Ghanny, Suq, p.202.
55 Al-Maqrz, Sulk, vol. 1, p.153.
56 Barghth, Trkh Lby, pp.2645.
57 Thiry, Sahara, p.344.
124 Chapter 5
them handsomely for their services.62 While Qarqsh was away his father in-
law, the king of Awjila, died. Immediately the inhabitants of Awjila revolted
and massacred the token garrison that Qarqsh had left in their city. Qarqsh
returned to Awjila and stormed the city killing 700 of its inhabitants. Accord-
ing to Ab Shma, Qarqsh only returned to Egypt because of pressure from
his men who were homesick. Before leaving he appointed a deputy in Awjila
and he promised the inhabitants that he would return soon after recruiting
new troops in Egypt. When Qarqsh returned to Egypt his lord al-Malik al-
Muaffar Taq al-Dn married one of his slave girls to him.
It is clear from the passage above that there was no break between Qarqsh
and the Ayyubid leadership at this stage. The fact that Qarqsh was able to
return to Egypt to raise a fresh army excludes the possibility that he was a rogue
deserter acting alone. It is also interesting to observe that Qarqsh and the
Ayyubids were not simply raiding the oasis towns for the sake of easy loot.
They seem to have already envisaged a permanent presence in Libya as is evi-
dent from Taq al-Dns construction of the fort at Azbar and Qarqshs ap-
pointment of a deputy in Awjila before he returned to Egypt.
In 572/1176 Qarqsh returned to Libya with his troops but an order was is-
sued for his arrest by al al-Dns younger brother, al-Malik al-dil Sayf al-
Dn al-Ayyb, who was then governing Egypt on his behalf. Qarqsh was
arrested in the Fayym and brought back to Cairo in chains.63 Qarqsh was
released shortly thereafter thanks to the intervention of Izz al-Dn Farrukhshh,
one of al al-Dns nephews, and he returned to Awjila with fresh troops.64
It appears that Ayyubid expansion into the lands west of Egypt commenced
in 568/1172 with the capture of Swa. The next three years witnessed the con-
quest of Cyrenaica (Barqa) and the consolidation of the Ayyubid grip there. By
571/1175 Qarqsh was ready to invade the Libyan oases that were located clos-
est to Cyrenaica. He captured in succession Awjila, al-Azrqya, and probably
Zalla as well. These oases were inhabited by Berbers and they were somewhat
insulated from events on the coast; they appear to have been little affected by
the migration of the Ban Hill and Ban Sulaym in the middle of the eleventh
century.65 Swa and Zalla in particular were important stations on a route
62 Al-Azrqya is an obscure place to which there are very few references in the classical
Arabic sources. Al-Bakr says only that it was the name of the chief city in the oasis cluster
of Awjila. See Al-Bakr, quoted in Isn Abbs and Muammad Ysuf Najm, Lby f
Kutub al-Jughrfya wa al-Rilt (Benghazi: Dr Lby li al-Nashr wa al-Tawz, 1968) p.36;
Thiry, Sahara, p.344.
63 Ab Shma, Rawatayn, vol. 2, p.296; Al-Maqrz, Sulk, vol. 1, pp.17475.
64 Ibid.
65 Ibid., pp.344, 347; Barghth, Trkh Lby, p.272.
126 Chapter 5
linking Egypt to Zawla, the latter an important hub of the Trans-Saharan trade
as we have seen.66 Thus after the fall of Awjila and Zalla, Zawla was the next
logical target for the Ayyubids. Zawla and the neighboring oases in Fezzan
were inhabited by Hawwra Berbers of the Ib sect. There were also many
immigrants from Khurasan and Iraq living in Zawla, a testimony to the inter-
national importance of this oasis.67 According to Ab Shma, Qarqshs cam-
paign against the Ban al-Khab of Zawla occurred in 573/1177 shortly after
his release from imprisonment in Egypt and his return to Awjila.68
It is not clear when Ibn Qartikn, another mamlk of the Ayyubid prince
Taq al-Dn and the commander of a second contingent in Libya, made his first
appearance in the west. Al-Tijn says that Ibn Qartikn entered Libya with
Qarqsh in 568/1172 but he adds that the two commanders divided their force
in two and separated shortly thereafter.69 On the other hand, Ab Shma re-
ports that Ibn Qartikn entered Libya after Qarqsh, driven by jealousy over
the latters accomplishments there. He adds that the two mamlks fought
against each other for a time until Taq al-Dn intervened and made peace be-
tween them.70
In any event we find that shortly after Qarqshs conquest of Zawla in
573/1177 both he and Ibn Qartikn cooperated for a time in order to extend the
Ayyubid conquests into the oases of the western Libyan Sahara. First they be-
sieged a city called al-Rn for forty days before they managed to capture it,
kill its ruler and levy a tribute of 14,000 dinars on its inhabitants.71 Since the
classical and modern sources give no reference to a place in Libya with this
name we suggest that Waddn is intended here. Waddn, almost equidistant
between Zawla and the Mediterranean port of Sirt, would have been an ideal
meeting place for Qarqsh and Ibn Qartikn as the former was presumably
returning from Zawla while the latter was arriving from Egypt with reinforce-
ments. Of all the great oases of Fezzan it is the closest one to Tripolitania, thus
it makes perfect sense that the Ayyubids sought to secure it before continuing
west. We also know that Waddn was large and wealthy enough to furnish the
heavy tribute which Qarqsh collected on this campaign; al-Idrs mentions
that it was an important station for trade with Bild al-Sdn.72
66 See Thiry, Sahara, p.343; Anonymous, Kitb al-Istibr f Ajib al-Amr, ed. Sad Zaghll
Abd al-amd (Baghdad: Dr al-Shun al-Thaqfya, 1986) p.147.
67 Barghth, Trkh Lby, p.213.
68 Ab Shma, Rawatayn, vol. 2, p.296.
69 Al-Tijn, Rila, p.112.
70 See Ab Shma, Rawatayn, vol. 3, p.36.
71 Al-Maqrz, Sulk, vol. 1, p.176.
72 Al-Idrs, Description, pp.1323/158.
The Ayyubids and the West 127
After the fall of Waddn to their forces, Qarqsh and Ibn Qartikn marched
west and captured Ghadmis without resistance, collecting 12,000 dinars from
its population.73 The oasis of Ghadmis is located at the southern edge of the
modern Libyan-Tunisian border. Like most of the other Libyan oases it still had
a predominantly Berber population and it does not seem to have been affected
much by the Hill migration.74 There are a few references in the classical
sources which mention Ghadmis important role in the Trans-Saharan trade
and its close links to the kingdoms of West Africa via Tadmakka in the south-
ern Sahara.75
Al-Maqrz informs us that after these exploits the two commanders once
again separated. Ibn Qartikn marched north to Jabal Nafsa (the mountain
range which marks the southern limit of Tripolitania, shielding it from the Sa-
hara) where he captured many towns and amassed a great quantity of booty.
Meanwhile Qarqsh sent raiding parties to Bild al-Sdn.76 Tadmakka was
probably the target of these raiding parties since most of the caravans coming
to Ghadmis from the south had to pass through Tadmakka first, making pos-
session of the latter highly desirable. It is highly unlikely that Qarqshs forces
reached the savanna belt which lay beyond the Sahara and marked the begin-
ning of the Bild al-Sdn of the medieval geographers. The campaigns against
Waddn, Ghadmis, and Tadmakka/Bild al-Sdn must have taken place dur-
ing the last three years of the 1170s, between the capture of Zawla in 573/1177
and the appearance of Qarqsh in Tripolitania in 575/1180. These campaigns
completed the subjugation of the Libyan oases and placed the Trans-Saharan
trade in Ayyubid hands. They also resulted in the encirclement of Tripolitania
and paved the way for its eventual conquest.
We do not hear of Qarqsh again until 575/1180 when he is reported to have
been in the vicinity of Tripoli.77 This is the first reference to Qarqsh in the
surviving portion of Ibn Taq al-Dns (d. 617/1220) Mimr al-aqiq. The lat-
ter is without a doubt our most important source for the career of Qarqsh as
his conquests in Tripolitania and the Jard are recounted in great detail in this
work. The author was none other than the son of al al-Dns nephew Taq
al-Dn, the patron of Qarqsh and the prince who at one point considered
leading an expedition in person to the Maghrib.
Before continuing with our narrative it is worth pausing to give a short over-
view of conditions in Tripolitania and Ifrqiya circa 575/1180. By this time the
Sulaym tribes were present in the coastal plains of Cyrenaica and Tripolitania
and throughout Ifrqiya as far west as Annaba and the Awrs Mountains. We
have already mentioned the tribes of Hayb and Labd who were found mainly
in Cyrenaica. The other major Sulaym tribes were the Dabbb, Awf, Hayb,
Zughb,78 and Rawa.79 These tribes were concentrated in Tripolitania and
Ifrqiya, in other words from the Gulf of Sirt in Libya, across much of Tunisia,
to Annaba and the Awrs mountains in eastern Algeria.80 The Dabbb were
comprised of several lesser tribes including Jawr, Mamd, Ban Salmn,
Ban Sulaymn, and Ban Slim. Broadly speaking it can be said that the
Dabbb were present along the coast from Tripoli in the east to Qbis in the
west though some of their clans were found outside of this area in Jabal Na-
fsa, northern Fezzan, and occasionally east of Tripoli.81 The Awf were com-
prised of two continuously feuding sub-tribes, the Allq and Mirds.82 The
Allq were themselves split into a number of tribes only one of which need
concern us here: the Kab who are mentioned in the context of Qarqshs
wars.83 The Hill tribes were mainly found west of Ifrqiya in the Central
Maghrib with the exception of the Riy who were present in northern Tunisia
during this period.84
Intermixed with the Arabs in the coastal plain between Sirt and Qbis were
the original Berber inhabitants, predominantly Hawwra and Mazta.85 Al-
Bakr mentions the presence of people who spoke a strange, unidentifiable
language in Sirt and he remarks that around Tripoli there were large numbers
of aqb (Egyptians) who dress like Berbers.86
78 Not to be confused with the Hill Zughba who inhabited the Central Maghrib between
Bijya and Tilimsn during this period.
79 For more on the Ban Sulaym and their sub-divisions see Al b. Ms b. Sad al-Maghrib
al-Andals, Nashwat al-arab f Trkh Jhilyat al-Arab, ed. Narat Abd al-Ramn
(Amman: Maktabat al-Aq, 1982), vol. 2, pp.51923; Ibn Khaldn, Ibar, vol. 6, pp.94105;
De Slane, Berbres, vol. 1, pp.13453.
80 Nawwra, Al-ayt al-Ijtimya, p.286.
81 See Barghth, Trkh Lby, p.266.
82 Ibn Sad, Nashwa, vol. 2, p.522.
83 Ibn Khaldn, Ibar, vol. 6, pp.956.
84 Nawwra, Al-ayt al-Ijtimya, p.286.
85 Ibid., pp.26773.
86 Al-Bakr quoted in Abbs and Najm, Lby, pp.301.
The Ayyubids and the West 129
According to al-Bakr, the eastern border of the Jabal Nafsa area was a
three day journey from Tripoli; from east to west it could be traversed in six
days. The chief city in this region was Sharrs which could be reached in five
days from Tripoli. Altogether Jabal Nafsa contained over 300 villages. In the
center of Jabal Nafsa there was an area of dense forest rich in fruit, olives, and
dates. When the need arose 16,000 able-bodied men could be summoned to
appear there.87 Another important city in Jabal Nafsa was Jd. As a center
for trade it may have surpassed Sharrs in importance. According to the Kitb
al-Istibr Jd was a very large city with crowded markets and the majority of
its inhabitants were Jews.88 Its markets are also mentioned in the Ib sourc-
es which note that the city was famous as a center for trade in livestock and
slaves.89 Jd was the northern terminus of an important trade route de-
scribed in detail by al-Bakr which connected it to Zawla, Kuwwr, and the
kingdom of Kanem. This route could be traversed in about one month.90
The demography of Jabal Nafsa differed then as now from that of the coast-
al plain due to the remoteness of this mountainous area and the difficulty of its
penetration by invading armies and migrating tribes. At present Jabal Nafsa
contains perhaps the largest pocket of Berber speakers east of Algeria and the
bulk of its inhabitants belong to the Ib sect of Khrijs. The medieval au-
thors frequently cast aspersion on the Ibites of this region for their perceived
laxity in religious matters. Al-Bakr claims that there was no congregational
mosque in all of Jabal Nafsa and that the people did not pray.91 The author of
the Kitb al-Istibr says that they neglected the ritual ablutions and that pros-
titution was practiced widely and openly in Jabal Nafsa.92
During the medieval period the dominant Berber tribe in this area was the
Nafsa which gave its name to the region. This tribe was comprised by several
major clans including the Ban Zammr, Ban Tadramt, Ban Mwasa, and
the Ban Maskra. Alongside the Nafsa there were members of other tribes
93 Masd Mazhd, Jabal Nafsa mundhu Intishr al-Islm att Hijrat Ban Hill il bild
al-Maghrib: 6421053, 21442 (Rabat [?]: Muassasat Twlt, 2003), pp.2634.
94 Jean Despois, Jughrfiy Jabal Nafsa, trans. Abdallh Thr (Rabat [?]: Muassasat
Twlt, 2005), pp.1909, 21823; Isabella Sjostrom, Tripolitania in Transition: Late Roman
to Islamic Settlement (Aldershot [England]; Brookfield, U.S.A.: Avebury, 2003), pp.8187.
95 Despois, Jughrfiy, p.219.
96 Ibid., pp.17481.
The Ayyubids and the West 131
This was the state of Tripolitania and its inhabitants on the eve of Qarqshs
The first period of Qarqshs career spanned the decade of the 1170s when
he conquered Cyrenaica and the Libyan Saharan oases. This stage of conquests
was completed at the end of that decade with the fall of Ghadmis which is
mentioned by al-Maqrz, our only source for this event.97 Evidently the strat-
egy of the Ayyubids was to secure the Trans-Saharan routes first before advanc-
ing to the coast. After the conquest of Ghadmis, Ibn Qartikn invaded Jabal
Nafsa in Tripolitania while Qarqsh undertook an expedition to the south,
probably to Tadmakka.98 We recall that the first entry on Qarqsh in Ibn Taq
al-Dns chronicle places him in Tripolitania in 575/1180.99
The second period of his career lasted from 575/1180 to 582/1186. During
these years he achieved remarkable conquests in Tripolitania and Ifrqiya, the
details of which are preserved in Ibn Taq al-Dns chronicle alone. By 582/1186
he was in control of the greater part of both of these provinces when Al b.
Ghniya approached him and the two decided to make common cause against
the Almohads.
In 575/1180 Qarqsh arrived in the town of Suwayqa (located between Trip-
oli and Sirt) leading a force of 400 Kurdish and Turkish troops. There he formed
an alliance with the chief of the Dabbb (tribe of the Ban Sulaym), one amd
b. Jriya, who agreed to support him with 5,000 fighters from his tribe. Together
they proceeded west to Labda, Maslta, the plain of Tripoli, and finally the
eastern foothills of Jabal Nafsa. Meanwhile the other Ayyubid commander,
Ibn Qartikn, was also in Jabal Nafsa at the head of a small contingent of
Turks and Kurds. He had already formed an alliance with another Sulaym
tribe, the Zughb, rivals of Dabbb. Apparently relations were already bad be-
tween Qarqsh and Ibn Qartikn. When Ibn Qartikn heard of Qarqshs
approach he immediately withdrew further west into the Jabal. Qarqsh
wanted to move slowly and win the Turks and Kurds who were serving Ibn
Qartikn to his side before risking battle but Ibn Jrya pressured him to fight
immediately or else risk losing the support of his Arabs.100
Qarqsh and Ibn Qartikn faced off at a wd in Jabal Nafsa called Araq
n. They were each accompanied by their followers from Egypt and their
respective Arab allies. Ibn Qartikn won the day by employing a clever strate-
gem; he had a page dress in his armor and mount his richly caparisoned horse,
while, unbeknownst to the enemy, he took up a position with his Arab allies,
the Zughb. He knew that Qarqsh and his Turkoman warriors would rush
from the very outset of the battle towards the spot where they believed him to
be, so by this ruse he hoped to divert them and lead them far away from the
main action of the battle. His plan worked perfectly. Qarqsh and his com-
panions pursued the person whom they believed to be Ibn Qartikn until they
finally caught him and discovered that he was merely a boy. By this time they
were far removed from their own Arab allies and the real action of the battle.
Ibn Qartikn had managed to persuade most of the Arabs from Dabbb to
switch sides. Together with the Zughb they had plundered Qarqshs camp
while the latter was chasing after the page whom he believed to be Ibn
Qartikn. There they discovered that Qarqsh had 1,300 camels and that ev-
ery one of his Turkish and Kurdish troops possessed thirty camels for trans-
porting the tremendous amount of booty that they had acquired over the
course of their campaigns in Libya.101
When Qarqsh realized the scale of his defeat he was forced to withdraw,
accompanied by only 140 Turks. He took refuge in the camp of his ally Ibn
Jriya who received him with great hospitality. When he complained to the
Arab chief about the treacherous conduct of the Dabbb warriors at Araqn,
Ibn Jarya assured him that the betrayal had occurred without his knowledge.
Qarqsh regrouped his forces and conquered the city of Tjr fifteen kilome-
ters east of Tripoli. He won back the Arabs from Dabbb and he also attracted
many of Qartikns Turks to his cause. Ibn Qartikn, sensing that his position
was growing weaker, entered into negotiations with Qarqsh. It was agreed
that Qarqsh would have the eastern half of Jabal Nafsa as his sphere of in-
fluence including the towns of Ghiryn, Yifrn, and the fortress of Umm al-Izz,
which would become Qarqshs principal stronghold and residence. He also
conquered the abodes of the Berber tribes of Lamya, Zawgha, and Zuwwra
in this area. Ibn Qartikn and his allies from Zughb would rule over the west-
ern half of the Jabal. Any territory which Qarqsh and Ibn Qartikn managed
to capture in the west (i.e. lands west of Jabal Nafsa in southern Tunisia) was
to be divided equally between them.102
Not long after making this agreement both Qarqsh and Ibn Qartikn
faced difficulties with their Arab allies. The Zughb left Tripolitania and migrat-
ed to Ifrqiya while Ibn Qartikn refused to accompany them and stayed in
Jabal Nafsa. Qarqsh found the Dabbb untrustworthy and in the following
year (576/1181) he left their company in order to campaign in southern Ifrqiya.
He left his family and wealth in the fortress of Umm al-Izz and he received Ibn
Qartikns assurance that he would protect them while he was away.103
Qarqsh commenced his invasion of Ifrqiya by campaigning in an area
which the medieval geographers referred to as Jabal Dummar.104 Jabal Dum-
mar is the natural continuation of Jabal Nafsa on the Tunisian side of the
border, extending in a crescent shape from Nlt to Qbis in the north.105 Ac-
cording to al-Idrs Jabal Dummar lies three days distant from Jabal Nafsa
across continuous sands.106 Ibn Khaldn says that it could be traversed in sev-
en days.107 The Zanat Dummar tribe gave its name to this area, though there
were also Lawta Berbers living alongside them.108 Ibn Taq al-Dn says about
the inhabitants of Jabal Dummar, All of them are Khrijs who curse Al, may
peace be upon him!109
First he intervened in a quarrel between two Dummar chiefs named
Uthmn and Farrkh, taking the latter as his ally and invading the lands of
the former. He defeated Uthmns army and besieged him in his citadel after
burning its vulnerable suburbs. The defenders surrendered on the condition
that they be allowed to leave with their portable possessions. Uthmn swore
an oath of loyalty to Qarqsh and became his vassal. His lands were assigned
as iqs to Qarqshs soldiers.110
After this episode Qarqsh attacked another citadel known as Qalat al-
Aash. Ibn Taq al-Dn says that some of his close friends who had taken part in
the siege of this fortress swore by God that they had not seen a higher or stron-
ger citadel in all of Bild al-Shm.111 It was so high that their arrows could not
reach it and for eighteen days Qarqsh and his men camped underneath it
bewildered. Then one of his slaves managed to scale the mountain on which
the citadel rested and the soldiers followed his path. The defenders were
stunned by the ascent of Qarqshs army and they were also running short of
nsuccessful even though they had employed siege engines. After this setback
he looted and pillaged his way unchecked through the countryside of Ifrqiya.115
In the summer of 577/1182 Qarqsh attempted to take Qafa. He entered
into correspondence with partisans of the Ban al-Rand, the dynasty that had
ruled Qafa before the Almohad invasion of Ifrqiya. On the agreed upon night
Qarqshs men began scaling the city walls by ladders that had been lowered
by their allies. Unfortunately for them there was also a large pro-Almohad fac-
tion in the city which had been alerted to the conspiracy. They counterattacked
and drove Qarqshs men back down the walls.116
Near the end of this year Qarqsh besieged the city of al-Sikka near Qay
rawn. He was joined by 1,000 horsemen from the Sulaym tribe of the Shard
and also by his old friend amd b. Jriya, chief of the Dabbb near Tripoli. The
latter fled to Qarqshs camp with 200 loyal followers after having fallen afoul
of his subjects. It was not long before Ibn Jriyas followers and the Shard
found themselves at odds with one another. Qarqshs Turks supported Ibn
Jrya and together they defeated and expelled the Shard.117
Shortly after this quarrel a large Almohad army numbering 10,000 infantry
and 10,000 cavalry according to Ibn Taq al-Dn, took the field against Qarqsh.
Qarqsh was forced to break off his siege of al-Sikka in a hurry in order to
avoid encirclement. He abandoned the baggage but against the entreaties of
his men he insisted on taking all of the siege engines declaring I will not go
anywhere without my catapults!118 Finding himself greatly outnumbered he
regretted the expulsion of the Shrd and he begged them to return, which they
did. From the Shard, Dabbb and other Arab tribes he was able to assemble
over 1,500 horsemen, all eager to face the Almohads in battle. Qarqsh care-
fully studied the latter in order to determine the best way to fight them. When
he engaged the Almohads in battle Qarqsh managed to break their ranks
with the first cavalry charge which he led in person with 300 select men. The
Almohad force was unable to recover and scattered in headlong flight to
Qayrawn. The Ayyubids and their Arab allies took a great number of prisoners
including the chief q of Ifrqiya and the ib al-dwn (head of the trea-
sury) for the province. Qarqsh ransomed them for 60,000 dinars in cash as
well as the revenues of Ss and al-Mahdya which came to another 40,000 di-
nars annually. Al-Sikka fell within a day of the battle and Qarqsh imposed an
annual tribute of 20,000 dinars on its inhabitants. He took up a new position
119 Ibid., pp.6970. There is a short notice in Ab Shmas chronicle which appears to allude
to the battle at al-Sikka, see Ab Shma, Rawatayn, vol. 3, p.66.
120 Ibn Taq al-Dn, Mimr, pp.689, Ab Shma, Rawatayn, vol. 3, p.66.
121 Ibn Taq al-Dn mentions here that the Zughb could muster 1,200 horsemen while the
Dabbb had a strength of 5,000. In his opinion the former were more trustworthy and
courageous than the Dabbb and they were very fond of the Turks. He then mentions a
key point, saying that though the Zughb were outnumbered several times by the Dabbb,
the latter by virtue of their alliance with the Turks were unbeatable, and that even if the
Dabbb had been as brave as the Zughb they still would not have been able to beat the
Turks. This passage shows us that the Turks already had a formidable reputation in North
Africa and it demonstrates that even relatively small Turko-Kurdish cavalry forces trained
in the type of warfare that was common in the Near East during this period, such as those
commanded by Qarqsh and Ibn Qartikn, could defeat larger armies of Arabs or Ber-
bers. See Mimr, p.71.
The Ayyubids and the West 137
resistance and he sent messengers to negotiate his surrender, asking for safe
conduct to Tripoli where he would board a vessel and sail back to Egypt.
Qarqsh intended to grant his request and then seize and kill him anyway but
his Turkish soldiers would not countenance this and they forced him to swear
by the life of his lord, the Ayyubid Taq al-Dn, that he would not harm Ibn
Qartikn. He relented and Ibn Qartikn was escorted to Tripoli by sixty horse-
men. At this time a local ruler named Rfi b. Mar was still governing Tripo-
li on behalf of the Almohads. He convinced Ibn Qartikn to serve the Almohad
caliph instead of returning to Egypt. Ibn Qartikn sailed first to Tunis where
he was received honorably by the Almohad governor of Ifrqiya, one Abd al-
Wid, before continuing on to the caliphs court in Marrakech.122
The status of Tripoli at this time has been a matter of some controversy. The
city of Tripoli was occupied by the Sicilian Normans in 540/1145.123 They ruled
over it for about twelve years, installing Ibn Mar to oversee the affairs of the
Muslim community.124 In 553/1158, encouraged by the Almohad caliph Abd
al-Mumins invasion of Ifrqiya and his capture of the Norman strongholds
there, the inhabitants of Tripoli under the leadership of Ibn Mar revolted
and expelled the Normans. Two years later Ibn Mar led a delegation to al-
Mahdya where he gave the baya to Abd al-Mumin.125 Isn Abbs believes
that Ibn Mar and the notables of Tripoli welcomed the Almohads because
the latter brought stability to the region and protected them from the en-
croachments of the Ban Sulaym.126 He notes that whereas the townspeople
looked favorably on Abd al-Mumin and the Almohads for their role in expel-
ling the Normans from the ports of Ifrqiya, the Arab tribes feared Almohad
expansion and they unsuccessfully resisted Abd al-Mumin.127 According to
al-Tijn, Ibn Mar continued to rule in Tripoli until well into the reign of the
Almohad caliph Ab Yaqb Ysuf (558/1163580/1184) when he stepped down
due to old age.128
We know that Qarqsh captured Tripoli at some point in his career but we
cannot be certain of the year in which this act occurred.129 Al-Tijn gives us
two dates for the capture of Tripoli while our other sources do not mention the
date of its fall to Qarqsh. In one part of his Rila al-Tijn says that Qarqsh
captured Tripoli in 586/1190, but he contradicts himself when he mentions in
another passage that on a visit to Tripoli he saw with his own eyes a decree is-
sued by Qarqsh concerning the expansion of certain properties in the city
that was dated 579/11834.130 Abbs proposes 568/1172 as the year of the con-
quest.131 This is too early and it is refuted by Ibn Taq al-Dns statement that
Ibn Mar was still ruling Tripoli on behalf of the Almohads when Ibn
Qartikn took refuge there in 577/1182. Ab Shma reports that Qarqsh be-
sieged Tripoli in 577/1182 while it was still under the rule of Ibn Mar.132 The
latter finally agreed to receive a delegation from Qarqsh to discuss the sur-
render of his town. The behavior of Qarqshs envoys was so outrageous (one
of them had defecated in the citys drinking water cistern!) that the citizens of
Tripoli forced Ibn Mar to expel the ambassadors and they refused to coun-
tenance the surrender of Tripoli to such barbarians. Qarqsh withdrew disap-
pointed, and was only partially consoled by the payment of an annual tribute.133
We believe that Qarqshs conquest of Tripoli occurred at the earliest in
579/11834, by which time Ibn Mar was no longer in power, and no later
than 582/1186 by which time Qarqsh received Al b. Ghniyas envoys in Trip-
oli according to Ibn Khaldn.134
Following the departure of Ibn Qartikn to Tripoli, and thence to the Almo-
had court, Qarqsh took over all of his remaining territory in Jabal Nafsa. At
this time hostilities broke out between amd b. Jrya, who had evidently
been reinstated as chief of the Dabbb, and Qarqsh due to attacks on Qar
qshs caravans by some Dabbb tribesmen. The other Sulaym tribes: Shard,
Zughb, and Awf, automatically aligned themselves with Qarqsh. Ibn Taq
al-Dn says that this was because the Dabbb with their 5,000 warriors were the
most numerous and dangerous Sulaym tribe and the other tribes had to band
together in order to defend themselves from the Dabbb.135
In spring 578/1183 Qarqsh led his troops from Jabal Nafsa to Qbis, a jour-
ney of eight days, which he besieged but failed to capture. Then he captured
al-Qad, a coastal fortress close to Qbis which was frequented by Christian
(Rm) ships that came to trade with the locals. Here he bought a large quantity
of silver, grain, and other goods. He came next to a large Berber fortress called
Qalat asan somewhere in the vicinity of Qbis and the northern tip of Jabal
Dummar. After a one month siege he managed to take the fortress by surprise
while most of its defenders had sallied out against his camp. Over 2,800 of the
defenders were killed and a great quantity of grain was captured in its ware-
houses, a welcome find since there was an acute food shortage in Tripolitania
in this year. After this success he captured another citadel in southeastern Tu-
nisia called Umm Adt which surrendered when its water supplies ran out. He
appointed a deputy over it and it remained in his possession for years until it
was taken over by the Ban Ghniya.136
After these victories Qarqsh marched to Nafzwa. This region, located
just to the south of the Jard and the city of Tzur (Tozeur), was inhabited by a
Berber tribe of the same name. According to Ibn Taq al-Dn it was populous
and contained more than fourteen cities and 200 villages.137 It was rich in date
palms and its fields were irrigated from springs. Al-Tijn says that the two
principal cities of Nafzwa were urra and Bashr. He also remarked that it was
a land full of palm trees which yielded the finest quality of dates.138 Two of its
cities, urra and Biymin, were ruled by a chief whose title was Sayyid al-Ns
(Lord of the People). Sayyid al-Ns was involved in a bitter feud with the ruler
of Bashr, which was a two day journey from Qafa. He had heard of Qarqshs
conquests in the surrounding lands and he wrote to him asking for his as
sistance in subduing Bashr. In return he offered to make him ruler over all
of Nafzwa.139 In the following year he accepted the submission of Sayyid
al-Ns and the cities under his control. Immediately thereafter the inhabitants
of Bashr, anxious to avoid a war with Qarqsh, hastened to submit to him
as well. He assigned a Turk named arrj, who had previously served under
al-Malik al-Muaffar Taq al-Dn in Egypt, to administer Bashr.140 Thus did
Qarqsh become master of the entire district of Nafzwa.
Meanwhile reinforcements had reached Qarqsh from Egypt. An Ayyubid
commander named Shuj al-Dn Ibn Shakl arrived with 400 Turks and Kurds.
Qarqsh already had about 400 Turks and Kurds under his command before
Ibn Shakls arrival thus the number of Mashriq (Eastern) troops at his disposal
had now doubled. He assigned to the newcomers 120 villages near Suwayqa in
Tripolitania as iqs with a regular income of close to 40,000 dinars. Ibn Shakl
and his men ruthlessly exploited the peasants and ruined the productivity of
the lands that had been granted to them. When word of their behavior reached
Qarqsh he remarked I gave them this land and I will not interfere whether
they choose to cultivate it or destroy it.141
In 580/11845 Qarqsh laid siege to al-ammm in Ifrqiya for forty days
without success.142 During this siege Ibn Shakl revolted against Qarqsh with
the assistance of the Ban Awf (a Sulaym tribe) and their chief Jann b.
Uqayl. He expected that the Turks and Kurds would rally to his cause but only
twenty of them followed him to the camp of the Ban Awf.143
After the failed siege of al-ammm, Qarqsh invaded the peninsula of
Bsh (Cape Bon). Bsh was extremely fertile and it contained over 1,000 vil-
lages. Qarqsh remained there for three months looting and pillaging the en-
tire region. Then he marched back into the interior of Ifrqiya in order to deal
with the rebel Ibn Shakl. He sent an advance force of 500 Arabs from Ban
Zughb and 200 Turks to meet Ibn Shakl and his allies the Ban Awf at Sardniya,
a small town in the vicinity of Qayrawn. They managed to defeat the rebels
well before Qarqsh arrived at the battlefield with his main force. After this
episode Qarqsh attempted unsuccessfully to capture a fortress called Qar
Ab Nar before retiring south to Jabal Dummar.144
He was approached by envoys from the Ban Awf who sought his pardon.
He forgave the Ban Awf along with Ibn Shakl for whom they had interceded.
He also received the chief of the Dabbb, amd b. Jrya and reconciled with
him and his tribe. Then he made the shaykhs of the Dabbb, Awf, and Zughb
swear an oath of loyalty to him. Qarqsh invaded Ifrqiya again accompanied
by the above-mentioned tribes. They advanced to the walls of Tunis itself and
amassed more booty on this expedition than any on of the previous ones. Ibn
Shakl attempted to switch sides but he was caught by an alert Turkish soldier.145
When winter approached Qarqsh returned to Jabal Dummar. He found
that the inhabitants of ammat Mama had abandoned their city and taken
refuge in a citadel on a nearby mountain. Meanwhile, the three brothers
from the Ban Thuml who ruled the city happened to be away on a visit to
al-Mahdya. On their return they fell into the hands of Qarqshs soldiers.
Qarqsh told the inhabitants of amma that he had no cause for quarrel with
them. He promised to treat them fairly if they would return to their city and
accept his authority which they did. As for the three brothers, he intended to
execute them but Sayyid al-Ns, one of Qarqshs vassals in Nafzwa, inter-
ceded on their behalf and Qarqsh spared them. In Almohad-controlled
Qbis there was great consternation over the fall of amma because of its
proximity to the former and as a result some prominent shaykhs who were
suspected of corresponding with Qarqsh were killed or exiled.146
In late 581/11856, Al b. Ghniya arrived in the Jard with his followers after
being chased from the Central Maghrib by the Almohads. He and Qarqsh
agreed to fight the Almohads together, with the blessing of al al-Dn and
the Abbasid caliph. They cooperated in subduing the chief cities of the Jard:
Nafa, Tzur, ammat al-Bahll, Kadkn, as well as Qafa. They agreed on a
division of their future conquests: lands west of Annaba would go to the Ban
Ghniya while Qarqsh would rule over the lands to its east.147 By now
Qarqsh was at the height of his power. He controlled Cyrenaica, Fezzan,
Tripolitania, and all of Ifrqiya save for the cities of Tunis and al-Mahdya, the
last bastions of Almohad rule in the east. He could count among his allies the
major Sulaym tribes: Zughb, Awf, Dabbb, and Shard, all united in their ha-
tred of the Almohads, and he had at least 800 veteran Ayyubid troops who
were amply provided for with generous iqs. According to Ibn Taq al-Dn,
Qarqsh was the senior partner in his alliance with the Ban Ghniya.148 This
is not surprising when we consider that Al b. Ghniya had lost all of his con-
quests in the Central Maghrib during the previous year and he was now in the
process of rebuilding his army whereas Qarqsh had suffered no great set-
back as of yet.
In the 1170s the two Ayyubid amirs Qarqsh and Ibn Qartikn established
control over Cyrenaica as well as the Libyan oases from Swa in the east to
Ghadmis in the west. At the beginning of the subsequent decade Qarqsh
conquered most of Tripolitania and then he invaded Ifrqiya proper where he
came into conflict with the Almohads. Also at this time tension developed be-
tween the two Ayyubid amirs and Qarqsh emerged victorious becoming the
undisputed leader of Ayyubid forces in the west. By 581/11856 most of Ifrqiya
had fallen under Qarqshs control and the Almohad caliph was compelled to
act in order to save the eastern half of his empire.
Chapter 6
The Almohad forces under the command of the governor of Ifrqiya had not
been up to the task of dealing with Qarqsh and finally the caliph himself
was forced to intervene. In 582/1186 Ab Ysuf Yaqb al-Manr led an expedi-
tion to Ifrqiya in person. Ibn al-Athr says that he took only 20,000 cavalry be-
cause after the devastation caused by Qarqsh and his allies there was not
enough fodder and food left in Ifrqiya to support a larger force. According to
Ibn Idhr he did not take any Arab soldiers with him save for a single trust-
worthy clan from the tribe of Riy since he doubted the loyalty of the other
tribes. He visited the tomb of the mahd in Tinmillal and then headed to Fez
and then Rib Tz where he saw to some administrative matters. From Tz
he marched east until he reached Constantine. There he received word that
Qarqsh, Al b. Ghniya, and the chiefs of the Ban Sulaym had assembled
their forces in the plain of Qayrawn. The caliphs impulse was to attack im-
mediately before the enemy could finish their preparations but when he con-
sulted the Almohad shaykhs they advised going to Tunis first so that the
soldiers could rest. The caliph decided to follow their counsel.1
Once he had established himself in Tunis, Yaqb al-Manr sent a large
force under the command of the governor of Ifrqiya, Ab Ysuf b. Ab af to
confront Qarqsh and his allies. The encounter took place in the summer of
583/1187 at the plain of Umra near Qafa. The Almohad army was weakened by
divisions among its commanders. On the day of the battle the Almohad troops
were exhausted and hungry after a long march. Qarqshs Turks led the charge
and the Almohad lines collapsed. A number of prominent prisoners were tak-
en including Ibn al-Reberter, whose imprisonment in Majorca by the Ban
Ghniya has already been mentioned. He was tortured to death on the orders
of Al b. Ghniya. A large body of Almohad soldiers fled to Qafa where Ibn
Ghniya opened the gates for them; he even pretended to be concerned about
their well-being before he had them rounded up and slaughtered. The luckiest
of the survivors, including the governor Ibn Ab af, made their way back to
Tunis exhausted and broken.2
1 Ibn al-Athr, Kmil, vol. 10, p.137; Ibn Idhr, Bayn: al-Qism al-Muwaid, pp.1857.
2 Ibn Idhr, Bayn: al-Qism al-Muwaid, pp.1889.
The caliph spent the next few months drilling, equipping, and reinforcing
his army in Tunis in preparation for a second encounter with Qarqsh and the
Ban Ghniya. In the fall of the same year he led the army out in person. He
went first to Qayrawn where he gave orders to repair the damage that had
been caused in the city by the rebels.3 According to one account, Ibrhm b.
Qartikn was with the Almohad army leading a contingent of Turks but he
was imprisoned by the caliph for lagging behind the other commanders.4
From Qayrawn the caliph advanced to the vicinity of ammat al-Bahll in
the Jard where the enemy awaited him. An Almohad raiding party attacked
the camp of Qarqshs Arab allies from Ban Sulaym, spreading mayhem and
lowering the morale of the enemy. During the main engagement the Ban
Ghniya and the Ghuzz were thoroughly routed. The survivors fled in the di-
rection of Tzur and thence into the desert. Both Qarqsh and Al b. Ghniya
managed to escape. Rather than pursue them the caliph marched immediately
to Qbis and recaptured it.5 A letter sent by the caliph to Tunis announcing his
victory reports that Qarqshs family was captured in the citadel of Qbis
along with much of the loot that he had amassed in his earlier campaigns.6
After securing Qbis the caliph set about subduing the towns of the Jard one
by one while retaining the local leaders as his vassals. Whenever he encoun-
tered Turks he pardoned them and welcomed them into his service but Major-
cans were killed on the spot.7
After pacifying the Jard the Almohads turned their attention to Qafa which
was held by a garrison of Qarqshs Turks. The caliph made elaborate prepara-
tions for the siege which he observed from a wooden observation tower
(ddabn). After the city wall had been pummeled by powerful catapults the
Almohads brought a seven story tall siege tower against a breach which had
appeared and their infantrymen poured over the ramparts. After two days of
fierce fighting the shaykhs of Qafa visited the caliph to discuss the terms of
surrender. He granted a pardon to the natives of Qafa and the Turks but the
Majorcans and Arabs were not to be spared. On the following day all of the
males in the city were led out for judgement. As promised the citizens of Qbis
3 Ibid., p.190.
4 Muammad b. Abd al-Munim al-imyar, Raw al-Mir f Khabar al-Aqr, ed. Isn Abbs
(Beirut: Maktabat Lubnn, 1984), p.414.
5 Ibn Idhr, Bayn: al-Qism al-Muwaid, pp.1902; Al-Tijn, Rila, pp.2367; Al-imyar,
Raw, pp.4145.
6 Lvi-Provenal, Rasil, letter 30, pp.18990.
7 Ibn Idhr, Bayn: al-Qism al-Muwaid, p.192.
144 Chapter 6
and the Turks were spared but all of the Majorcans including Al b. Ghniyas
son were executed.8
At this time the caliph sent a letter to the court in Marrakech announcing
the fall of Qafa. The letter contains some very important information on
Qarqsh. In the wake of the Almohad victory at al-amma Qarqshs gover-
nor in Tripoli, a Turk named Ab Zayyn, had switched sides and submitted to
the Almohad caliph. Now Qarqsh asked Ab Zayyn to intercede on his be-
half with the caliph as he too wished to recognize the Almohads and enter
their service, especially since they still held his family in captivity. Unfortu-
nately the letter does not tell us if the caliph immediately accepted Qarqshs
request and if so on what terms.9 Ibn Khaldn and al-Tijn say that Qarqsh
recognized the Almohads in 586/1190, long after the caliph had returned to
Marrakech so perhaps there were protracted negotiations before Qarqsh re-
ceived his family back and was accepted as an Almohad vassal.10
The fate of Ibn Qartikn is not clear. Al-Tijn reports that Ibn Qartikn
was among the Ghuzz and Majorcan defenders of Qafa who were captured
and executed by order of the caliph al-Manr in 583/1187.11 Mouton uses this
passage to support his argument that Ibn Qartikn and Yzba were two sepa-
rate persons (and not the same individual as suggested by Gaudefroy-Demom-
bynes) because there are three references to Yzba which suggest that he was
alive a few years after the battle of Qafa.12 In the Kitb al-Istibr it is report-
ed that Yzba (who is called B Zab the Persian in this text) was appointed
by Qarqsh as his deputy in Tripoli.13 When al-Manr arrived in Ifrqiya
with the Almohad army Yzba hastened to defect to him. A few years later
Yzba revolted against the Almohads. By this time Qarqsh had already sub-
mitted to al-Manr and taken service as an Almohad commander. Therefore
Qarqsh was dispatched to Tripoli by the governor of Ifrqiya where he cap-
tured Yzba and sent him in chains to Marrakech in 586/1190.14 Al-Maqrz
says that in 582/1186 one of Taq al-Dns mamlks named Zayn al-Dn Br
went to the Maghrib at the head of a contingent.15 Later he was captured by
the caliph al-Manr and he took service with him. Finally a letter from al-Q
al-Fil quoted by Ab Shma states that Yzba (spelled Yuzb) was seen
8 Ibid., pp.1935; Ibn al-Athr, Kmil, vol. 10, pp.1378; Al-Tijn, Rila, pp.1389.
9 Lvi-Provenal, Rasil, letter 31, p.198.
10 Al-Tijn, Rila, pp.1034; Ibn Khaldn, Ibar, vol. 6, p.258.
11 Al-Tijn, Rila, pp.114, 138.
12 Mouton, Conqute, p.69, n.24.
13 Anonymous, Istibr, p.111.
14 Ibid.
15 Al-Maqrz, Sulk, vol. 1, p.205.
The Almohad Response under al-Manr 145
named Shabn who was granted lands in al-Andalus with an annual income of
9,000 dinars.22
Before leaving Qafa the Almohads raised its fortifications and chopped
down the date palms on which its economy depended.23 The caliph al-Manr
returned to Tunis with his army in the winter of 583/11878. After reordering
the affairs of Ifrqiya he appointed his cousin Ab Zayd governor of that prov-
ince. We recall that this same Ab Zayd had recaptured Bijya from Al b.
Ghniya in 581/1185 and he had subsequently become governor of the Central
Maghrib. The caliph left Tunis in a hurry in the spring of 584/1188 when news
arrived that some of his relatives were plotting against him in Marrakech dur-
ing his absence. He returned to his capital via Thart and Tilimsn.24
In 583/1187 al al-Dn won a great victory over the combined forces of the
Crusader principalities at the battle of in and he recaptured Jerusalem
shortly thereafter. This provoked a massive response from Christendom in the
Third Crusade which threatened to tip the scales against the Ayyubids in Pales-
tine. In 585/1189 the Crusaders commenced the siege and naval blockade of
Acre. al al-Dns army in turn surrounded the Crusaders on the landward
side. The latter were now sandwiched between the defenders and the Ayyubid
army. Nonetheless the position of the Crusaders remained strong because of
their overwhelming superiority over the Ayyubids at sea which allowed them
to continue the naval blockade of Acre and to reinforce the besieging army.
al al-Dns efforts were unable to prevent the surrender of Acre to the Cru-
saders in 587/1191.
The Ayyubids had a small, weak navy; thus they were unable to counter the
fleets of Genoa, Pisa, Venice, and the kingdom of Sicily, all of which were assist-
ing the Crusaders at this time.25 Most importantly, al al-Dn was powerless
to stop the steady flow of reinforcements from Europe to the Crusader-held
ports. This led him to request assistance from the Almohads who possessed
one of the largest navies in the Mediterranean and who were ideally situated to
intercept the ships of the English and the French when the latter were en route
to Palestine.
Copies of two letters from al al-Dn to the caliph Yaqb al-Manr re-
questing the latters assistance have survived: one is preserved in al-
Qalqashands ub al-Ash and another in Ab Shmas Rawatayn fi Akhbr
al-Dawlaayn.26 Gaudefroy-Demombynes dates the letter which was pre-
served by al-Qalqashand to the autumn of 585/1189 and the second letter to
In the first letter al-Manr is addressed as amr al-muminn (Prince of the
Believers), a title reserved only for caliphs. Mention is made of how the Ayyu-
bids purified Egypt and Yemen and liberated Jerusalem from the Crusaders.
Then it describes how the fall of Jerusalem caused great consternation in the
lands of the Christians who sent massive reinforcements to the port of Tyre.
The letter goes on to mention the siege of Acre and the arrival of the Christian
monarchs from beyond the sea. It states that the vast Christian fleets could
only be challenged with the assistance of the Almohad navy whose ships were
so numerous that even half of them would suffice. In the event that the fleet
had to stay in port until the spring or summer, the caliph was asked to station
half of his ships opposite Sicily in order to keep the Sicilian navy tied down in
the western Mediterranean. Then the letter makes reference to the importance
of defending Muslim lands and spending generously of ones treasure to this
end. Finally it states that the Muslims were eagerly awaiting the arrival of the
Islamic (Almohad) fleet.
The letter preserved by Ab Shma does not address al-Manr by the title
amr al-muminn. It recalls the numerous conquests made by al al-Dn in
Palestine following the battle of in and it notes that only Tyre, Tripoli and
Antioch remained in Crusader hands. Then it says that the Christians and their
kings came to Bild al-Shm by land and by sea answering the call of their pa-
triarch (this could be a reference either to the pope or the Latin patriarch of
Jerusalem). Among them it mentions the king of the Germans, Frederick Bar-
barossa. Then it recounts the siege of Acre. With obvious exaggeration it claims
that the Christian soldiers numbered over 100,000; as soon as they fell in battle
others came to take their place as if they were returning from the dead! Their
superiority at sea allowed them to bring in supplies and men at will. After this
mention is made of the death by drowning of Frederick Barbarossa and the
advance of the remnants of the German army toward Antioch under the lead-
ership of one of his sons. Then the letter repeats the request for naval support
from the Almohads. It says that it is expected that the Muslims of the West will
support their brethren more than the infidels of the West have supported their
own. This is followed by the standard closing.28
This letter was delivered to the Almohads by al al-Dns ambassador
Abd al-Ramn b. Munqidh (d. 600/1203). He was the nephew of Usma b.
Munqidh, the prince of Shayzar and author of the famous autobiographical
account of the Crusades entitled Kitb al-Itibr. Along with the letter the am-
bassador bore gifts including amber, balsam, musk, a precious ring, twenty In-
dian swords, and various other items.29 Ab Shma has also preserved the text
of a letter of special instructions for the ambassador on his mission to the
Almohad court which was written by the great Ayyubid vizier al-Q al-Fil
(d. 596/1199).
At the beginning of this letter al-Q al-Fil mentions the exalted titles by
which the Almohad ruler is to be addressed including isfahsalr (supreme
commander), shams al-dn (sun of the faith), and afwat al-mulk wa al-saln
(best of kings and sultans). Interestingly he does not include any titles which
would imply recognition of al-Manr as caliph, such as amr al-muminn.
Then he tells the ambassador to recount to al-Manr how the Ayyubids had
come to power in Egypt and purged it of heresy (a reference to the Fatimids)
and their conquests in neighboring countries. The ambassador is to mention in
detail the battles with the Franks, the capture of Jerusalem, and the Christian
counterattack. Then he is to mention the siege of Acre and the ongoing stale-
mate there as well as the attempts of the Muslims to break the naval blockade
of that port. The march of the German emperor through Asia Minor and his
accidental death by drowning are also to be recounted. He tells the ambassa-
dor to emphasize that the Christians depend on the sea for their reinforce-
ments and that if only the Almohads could send a powerful fleet that would
deny to the enemy his command of the sea, the remaining Crusader strong-
holds would be forced to surrender through siege and threat of starvation.30
Then the vizier instructs his ambassador how to respond if he is questioned
by the Almohads regarding the actions of the mamlks Qarqsh and Yzab
in the west. He must say that the latter are not from among the chief amirs and
commanders of the state and they are the sort of men of whom it can be said
when they depart they are not summoned, when they become lost they are
not missed.31 Their followers are a motley rabble who come and go. God
32 Ibid.
33 Ibid.; Gaudefroy-Demombynes, Lettre, p.299.
34 See Ibn Idhr, Bayn: Qism al-Muwaidn, pp.20912; Ab Shma, Rawatayn, vol. 4,
pp.11920; Inn, Ar al-Muwaidn, vol. 2, pp.1834.
35 Ab Shma, Rawatayn, vol. 4, p.120.
150 Chapter 6
for failing to secure Almohad assistance. He believes it likely that the surviving
texts were at least altered in some way.36
Despite his speculation on the authenticity of the letters, Gaudefroy-De-
mombynes does not doubt that there was an Ayyubid embassy which visited
Marrakech during the siege of Acre and requested the presence of the Almo-
had fleet in eastern Mediterranean waters. He suggests, wrongly we believe,
that al al-Dn cultivated his alliance with the Ban Ghniya primarily in
order to benefit from the intelligence which they could provide him on the
movements of the English, French, and Sicilian fleets in the western Mediter-
ranean. When al-Manr defeated the Ban Ghniya and Qarqsh at the bat-
tle of amma in Ifrqiya (583/1187) al al-Dn decided to throw his lot in with
the winner and extend a hand of friendship to the Almohads in the hope that
they could support him against the Crusaders. In Gaudefroy-Demombynes
opinion the reason that the Almohads did not send a fleet to Acre was that they
needed all of their available ships to transport their troops between North Af-
rica and al-Andalus. Furthermore it was not in al-Manrs interest to unduly
provoke the French king who might have decided that the struggle against the
Muslims in Spain, which was much closer to home, should take precedence
over the Crusade in Palestine where he was presently preoccupied.37
Both Inn and Khalafallh are skeptical of the accounts which say that al-
Manr refused to assist al al-Dn because the latter had not addressed him
as caliph. They believe that the Almohads could not spare ships and men be-
cause of their commitment to the war against the Christian kingdoms in al-
Andalus. Inn notes that during the late 1180s and early 1190s there was a
constant threat of invasion by Portugal in the western part of the Iberian Pen-
insula, and Castile in the center. The Almohad fleet served as a deterrent by
patrolling the southern and western coasts of al-Andalus.38 Khalafallh ob-
serves that the defense of al-Andalus was al-Manrs first priority and as proof
of this she refers to the caliphs last testament.39 According to Ibn Idhr
when the caliph lay on his death bed he told his followers that they had no
greater charge than the defense al-Andalus, the protection of its frontiers, the
upkeep of its fortifications, the training of its soldiers, and the security and
welfare of the Muslims who lived there. He likened the latter to orphans whose
protection was a sacred duty.40
A fragile truce with the Castilians expired in 590/1194 and the new king, Al-
fonso VIII, invaded al-Andalus. In the following year al-Manr crossed the
straits with a large army and he won a great victory over the Castilians at the
battle of Alarcos (al-Arak in the Arabic sources).41 The battle of Alarcos was
the crowning achievement of al-Manrs reign; one might say that it was the
in of the Almohads.
There can be no doubt about the centrality of the Andalusian front to Almo-
had military and naval planning. Nonetheless, this does not explain why the
Almohads responded negatively to al al-Dns request. Al-Manr had sent
large fleets as far east as Ifrqiya to deal with the Ban Ghniya. Surely it would
not have been impossible for him to have spared a flotilla of thirty or forty light
ships in order to run blockades and raid Frankish supply convoys in the eastern
Mediterranean. Such a force, if combined with existing Ayyubid naval resourc-
es, might have tipped the scales towards the Muslim side during the siege of
Acre. al al-Dns ships, despite a marked numerical inferiority, had man-
aged to break the blockade of Acre unaided on three occasions.42 At the very
least it would not have been difficult for al-Manr to comply with al al-
Dns other request, that he station a fleet in the ports of Ifrqiya opposite Sicily
in order to distract the Sicilian fleet and prevent it from sailing to the aid of the
It seems that there is an apologetic undertone in the excuses which are prof-
fered by some of the modern historians. Inn says that al al-Dn and al-
Manr were working towards the same great goal which was to entrench a
spiritual solidarity and a force of shared feeling between the eastern and west-
ern flanks of Islam at this time when they were both threatened by the same
Crusader enemy.43 He implies that had it not been for pressing concerns in
al-Andalus the Almohads would gladly have assisted al al-Dn for the sake
of Muslim solidarity.44 Khalafallh is not so nave; she admits that there were
still significant ideological differences between the Ayyubids and Almohads
and a legacy of distrust because of the Qarqsh episode.45
There can be no doubt that Qarqsh and the Ghuzz acted under the orders
of al al-Dn himself at least until their defeat by al-Manr at the battle
of amma in 583/1187. The claim made by the Ayyubid ambassadors that
41 For a good summary see usayn Munis, Malim Trkh al-Maghrib wa al-Andalus (Cairo:
Maktabat al-Usra, 2004), pp.4389.
42 This is the claim made by al-Q al-Fil in his letter of instruction to Ibn Munqidh. Ab
Shma, Rawatayn, vol. 4, p.113.
43 Inn, Ar al-Muwaidn, vol. 2, pp.1856.
44 Ibid.
45 Khalafallh, Alqt, pp.1634.
152 Chapter 6
Qarqsh and his men were renegades for whose actions al al-Dn and his
amirs bore no responsibility rings hollow upon consideration of the evidence.
The names of al al-Dn and al-Malik al-Muaffar Taq al-Dn were men-
tioned in the khuba in the captured cities of Libya and Ifrqiya. The historian
Ibn Taq al-Dn notes that after Ibn Qartikn surrendered to Qarqsh in Trip-
oli, the latters soldiers forced him to swear by the head of al-Malik al-Muaffar
that he would spare the life of Ibn Qartikn.46 Most importantly, we know
that Qarqsh was receiving reinforcements from Egypt. Qarqsh himself re-
turned to Egypt more than once during the 1170s, presumably to raise troops. In
578/1183, after the Ghuzz had already defeated an Almohad army and occupied
much of Ifrqiya, Ibn Shakl arrived in Tripoli from Egypt with 400 Ayyubid
troops all of whom were generously rewarded by Qarqsh.47 The frequent use
of heavy siege weapons by Qarqsh also points to an Ayyubid connection
since these were not typically found in the arsenals of Arab and Berber tribes
in Libya.
We cannot escape the conclusion that al al-Dn was at war with the Al-
mohads during this period. What had started out in the 1170s as a campaign to
secure Barqa and the Libyan oases eventually turned into a full-fledged inva-
sion of the Almohad Empire. With the blessings of al al-Dn and the Ab-
basid caliph Qarqsh entered into alliance with the Ban Ghniya, mortal
enemies of the Almohads, and the rebellious Arab tribes of the Ban Sulaym
and Ban Hill. al al-Dn was gambling on the hope that this coalition
could defeat the Almohads and wrest Ifrqiya from their grasp. Then Qarqsh
would rule from Tunis as an Ayyubid vassal while the Ban Ghniya would es-
tablish their state further west in the Central Maghrib. These hopes were
dashed after the battle of amma and the swift reestablishment of Almohad
authority as far east as Tripoli. With the surrender of Qarqsh himself and the
Ghuzz to al-Manr, al al-Dn lost his last card in Ifrqiya. In addition he
was now fighting for survival against an unprecedented coalition of European
rulers who joined forces against him in the Third Crusade. Amid such circum-
stances he could ill-afford trouble on his western frontier and he decided that
the time had come to mend fences with the Almohads. We believe that the true
purpose of the embassy which al al-Dn sent to the Almohad court was
to establish peace and mutual recognition of boundaries and spheres of in
fluence. al al-Dn implicitly recognized Almohad sovereignty over Ifrqiya
and Tripolitania and he gave up any claim to the lands west of Egypt. The
caliph was receptive to peace because his attention was now focused on the
Andalusian front and he did not want to deal with further revolts in Ifrqiya.
But this did not mean that he had forgotten al al-Dns past actions and
there could be no question of an actual military alliance between the two
states. The peace with the Ayyubids held and we do not hear of any further
Maghrib adventures under al al-Dn or his successors although the Almo-
had Caliphates troubles with the Ban Ghniya and Qarqsh were far from
In this chapter we have discussed the reconquest of Ifrqiya by the Almohad
caliph al-Manr who inflicted a major defeat on the combined forces of
Qarqsh and Al b. Ghniya at the battle of amma in southern Tunisia in
583/1187. Over the course of the three years following this defeat al al-Dn
entered into negotiations with the Almohad caliph. al al-Dn renounced
his project of western conquest and denied any responsibility for the actions of
Qarqsh and Ibn Qartikn. Amicable relations were established between the
courts of Marrakech and Cairo although al al-Dn was unable to secure Al-
mohad naval assistance against the Crusaders in Syria. After this episode we do
not hear of any further Ayyubid involvement in Libya and Ifrqiya. Qarqsh
and his men entered Almohad service for a short time while the Ban Ghniya
retreated to the margins of Ifrqiya waiting for a chance to avenge their recent
154 Chapter 7
Chapter 7
We recall that after their defeat at amma (583/1187) both Ali b. Ghniya and
Qarqsh fled into the desert with the remnants of their army. Al died not
long after the battle. Ibn Khaldn says that he was killed in a skirmish with
some Nafzwa Berbers and his body was taken back to Majorca while al-Tijn
reports that he died of an arrow wound in Tzur following a clash with an Al-
mohad detachment there.1 He was succeeded by his brother Yay b. Ghniya,
an equally tenacious rebel who continued to harass the Almohads for nearly
three decades.
It has been mentioned that Qarqsh and his followers entered Almohad
service at some time between 583/1187 and 586/1190. He resided in Tunis for a
short while at the court of Ab Zayd b. Ab af, the governor of Ifrqiya. Then
he slipped out of Tunis and fled south with some followers to Qbis which he
captured. He decided to settle an old personal score with the Dabbb, the
fickle Sulaym tribe that had betrayed him more than once in the past. He in-
vited their shaykhs, including his old ally amd b. Jriya, to a hall in the Qar
al-Arsayn (Palace of the Newlyweds) in Qbis and slaughtered them there.
About a century later the spot where the massacre occurred was excavated and
over sixty skulls were found according to al-Tijn. After this incident Qarqsh
recaptured Tripoli from the Almohads and gained mastery over most of Naf
zwa and the Jard.2
The alliance between Yay b. Ghniya and Qarqsh fell apart very quickly
and soon there was open hostility between the two. Bel suggests that Qarqshs
ruthless measures against the Sulaym Arabs played a part in the collapse of his
alliance with Yay since the latter was on good terms with the Ban Sulaym
whose support he cultivated. He also maintains that the ambitious and capa-
ble Yay resented being the junior partner of Qarqsh.3 In 586/1190 Yay
attacked the city of urra in Nafzwa. The garrison of 100 Turks surrendered to
him and they were incorporated into his army. Then he subdued the Jard and
the Arab tribes in the region submitted to his authority.4
Having secured southern Tunisia, Yay marched east into Libya. Qarqsh
met him in battle with his main force at a place called Musin in the vicinity of
Tripoli. The result was a crushing defeat for Qarqsh who took refuge in Jabal
Nafsa following the battle. Yay pursued him for a short while before he gave
up the chase and turned his attention to Tripoli. Qarqsh had left a trusted
Turkish officer named Yqt in command of the garrison in Tripoli. Yqt took
his task seriously and he made sure that Tripoli was well-prepared to meet the
siege. The Ban Ghniya made no progress at first and Yay was forced to re-
quest assistance from his brother Abdallh b. Ghniya who was in charge of
Majorca. The arrival of a Majorcan naval squadron and the blockade of Tripoli
by sea tipped the scales in favor of the besiegers. Yqt surrendered and was
imprisoned in Majorca until 599/1202 when he was set free after the Almohad
conquest of the island. Yay appointed his cousin Tashfn b. Ghz as the new
governor of Tripoli.5
After the fall of Tripoli, Qarqsh made no further attempt to contest pos-
session of Tripolitania and Ifrqiya either with the Almohads or with his dan-
gerous new rival, Yay b. Ghniya. Instead, he betook himself to the oasis of
Waddn in central Libya with his family and loyal followers from among the
Ghuzz. He ruled over Waddn until his murder by the Ban Ghniya in 609/1212
under circumstances that will be related later on. Yay ignored Qarqsh for
the time being and focused his efforts on driving the Almohads out of Ifrqiya.6
The city of Qbis had been reoccupied by the Almohads after Qarqshs
defeat. The Almohad governor of Ifrqiya, Ab Sad b. Ab af, appointed a
certain Ibn Tfrjn as his deputy there.7 Yay b. Ghniya marched to Qbis
and addressed a letter to its inhabitants, threatening them with the same fate
as Tripoli if they did not open their gates to his army. When the defenders did
not reply he laid siege to Qbis and devastated the surrounding countryside,
chopping down every one of its date palms save for a single tree that he left
standing as a reminder. The defenders of Qbis finally surrendered in 591/1194
on the condition that they pay 60,000 dinars in tribute. In return Yay permit-
ted Ibn Tfrjn and his family to depart by sea.8
At this time the Almohad position in Ifrqiya was seriously undermined
by internal disagreements among the leadership. As mentioned above the
5 Ibid., pp.2435.
6 Al-Tijn, Rila, pp.11011; Bel, Benou Ghanya, p.99.
7 Ab Sad probably replaced the previous governor Ab Zayd at some point after the caliph
al-Manr returned from his expedition to Ifrqiya in 583/1187; Ibn al-Athr gives the date
581/1185 for Ab Sads appointment which is too early because it precedes the Almohad re-
conquest of Ifrqiya. Kmil, vol. 10, p.259.
8 Al-Tijn, Rila, pp.105110; Ibn Khaldn, Ibar, vol. 6, p.258.
156 Chapter 7
g overnor of Ifrqiya was Ab Sad b. Ab af. The military forces in the pro
vince were commanded by a certain Muammad b. Abd al-Karm al-Rajrj.
The latter was from the Zant tribe of Kmiya, the tribe of the caliph Abd
al-Mumin. His ancestors were among a group of Berber tribesmen from the
Maghrib known as the jund (militia) who had been settled in Ifrqiya by the
Almohads in order to defend the province and keep the Ban Sulaym in check.
Al-Rajrj had great success in subduing the Arab tribes and pacifying the
countryside, a feat which made him popular with the city-dwellers.9
A conflict arose when Ab Sad appointed his brother, Ab Al Ynus b. Ab
af, as deputy governor in al-Mahdya. Al-Rajrj and his men had grown ac-
customed to enjoying great quantities of loot and tribute which they exacted
from the Arab tribes but now Ab Al demanded a share of the tribute which
al-Rajrj collected. When the latter refused Ab Al imprisoned him and hu-
miliated him. This provoked an outcry among the inhabitants who regarded
al-Rajrj as a hero and finally Ab Sad intervened to secure his release and
return him to his command. Al-Rajrj and his soldiers were determined to
exact revenge on those who had mistreated them. They launched a surprise
attack on al-Mahdya and captured Ab Al in 595/1199. Ab Al was released
after the intercession of relatives and the payment of a ransom of 500 gold di-
nars. When he was firmly in possession of al-Mahdya, al-Rajrj proclaimed
his revolt against the Almohads and took the title al-Mutawakkil al Allh.10
Meanwhile the Almohad caliph Yaqb al-Manr had died in Sal in the
Maghrib during this same year (595/1199). He was succeeded by his son
Muammad al-Nir (595/1199611/1214). In the following year (596/1200) Ab
Sad was removed from his post as governor of Ifrqiya and replaced by the
previous governor, Ab Zayd, who arrived in Tunis from the west at the head of
an army and a squadron of ships. Al-Rajrj now resolved to capture Tunis. He
and his men encamped nearby at Carthage. Ab Zayd led the Almohad forces
out of Tunis but they fell into a series of cleverly planned ambushes which al-
Rajrj and his men had laid for them. The Almohads suffered a devastating
defeat and only a handful of men made it back into Tunis alive. Al-Rajrjs
troops spread out over the suburbs of Tunis which they thoroughly plundered.11
While the Almohads were preoccupied with their civil war Yay b. Ghniyas
power had been steadily growing in southern Tunisia. Ab Zayd attempted to
negotiate with al-Rajrj and he sent some senior Almohad shaykhs who re-
9 Ibn al-Athr, Kmil, vol. 10, pp.25960; Al-Tijn, Rila, pp.3514; Ibn Khaldn, Ibar,
vol. 6, pp.2589.
10 Ibid.
11 Ibid.
The Long Career of Yay b. Ghniya 157
minded him of his and his familys service to the Almohad caliphate and urged
him to reenter the fold. Al-Rajrj made a truce with Ab Zayd and returned to
al-Mahdya. Upon his return a dispute broke out between himself and Yay b.
Ghniya against whom he resolved to fight. He left his son Abdallh in charge
of al-Mahdya and led his army to Qbis. When he reached the city and saw its
defenses he lost hope of being able to take it by assault. He changed direction
and captured Qafa instead. Yay b. Ghniya followed him and the two
clashed at a place called Qar Lla in the vicinity of Qafa in 597/1201. Al-Rajrj
was soundly defeated and he fled with the remnants of his army to al-Mahdya,
abandoning his tents and baggage to the Ban Ghniya.12
Yay then besieged al-Mahdya. He approached Ab Zayd for an alliance
and the Almohad governor accepted his offer, eager for an opportunity to hum-
ble the rebel al-Rajrj. This would turn out to be a very shortsighted move on
Ab Zayds part as we shall see. Ab Zayd sent some ships to blockade the port
of al-Mahdya. When al-Rajrj saw the Almohad ships he lost all hope of hold-
ing out and he sent his son Abdallh to negotiate the terms of surrender. Yay
agreed to respect the lives and property of al-Rajrj and his family but as soon
as he took over the city he had the father and son seized and imprisoned. They
were both murdered in captivity shortly thereafter.13
By this time Yay b. Ghniya was in possession of most of Ifrqiya except
Tunis and the northwestern corner of the province. He controlled Tripoli,
Qbis, fqus, the entire Jard, Nafzwa, Qayrawn, and al-Mahdya. After the
fall of the latter he campaigned in northwestern Ifrqiya. His first target was the
city of Bja which lay 105 kilometers west of Tunis in the middle of the richest
wheat-producing region in Ifrqiya. He levelled its walls with his catapults and
killed its governor, Umar b. Ghlib. The inhabitants fled from their city in ter-
ror. The Almohad governor of Bijya, Ab al-asan b. Ab af, marched east
leading an army that was composed primarily of Arab auxiliaries. He engaged
the Ban Ghniya outside of Constantine. The Arabs switched sides at the be-
ginning of the battle and set about looting his camp. With great difficulty Ab
al-asan and his retinue fought their way to Constantine where they took ref-
uge. After this victory Yay b. Ghniya turned south and captured the oasis
city of Biskra (on the edge of the Algerian Sahara, 190 km. south of Constan-
tine) where he gave orders to amputate the hands of every inhabitant. After
this grisly deed he took possession of Annaba and Tabassa (a town near the
Algerian-Tunisian border). Alarmed by these developments, the caliph sent his
vizier Ibn Yujjn to the Central Maghrib at the head of a large army in order to
12 Ibid.
13 Ibid.
158 Chapter 7
prevent any further westward incursion by the Ban Ghniya. Ibn Yujjn trav-
elled to Constantine via Tilimsn and Bijya but he did not engage the enemy;
he seems to have been concerned only with shoring up the defenses in these
cities. Later he returned to Tilimsn where he looked after administrative af-
fairs before being recalled to Fez.14
Yays conquests in northwest Ifrqiya completed the isolation of Tunis.
Now he decided to direct his efforts toward the capture of this city, the prize
that had eluded both Al b. Ghniya and Qarqsh. The Ban Ghniya and
their allies surrounded Tunis from every side. The Lake of Tunis, which lies di-
rectly to the east of the city and its port, is connected to the Mediterranean Sea
by a single passage called alq al-Wd (La Goulette). Yays brother Ghz led
a force around the lake to alq al-Wd which he filled with rubble thereby
blocking all seaborne traffic in and out of Tunis. He also filled up the khandaq
(moat) which guarded the southern approach to Tunis and he erected cata-
pults and other siege engines on top of the landfill. After a bitter siege of four
months Tunis fell at last in December of 600/1203. The governor Ab Zayd, his
two sons, and a number of Almohad shaykhs were captured and imprisoned in
the citadel. Yay imposed a tribute of 100,000 dinars on the citizens of Tunis
as this was the amount that he had spent on the siege. The sum proved exces-
sive and the officials overseeing the collection of this tribute were ruthless.
Some individuals were even driven to suicide by the sudden loss of their
wealth. When Yay heard this he had mercy on the inhabitants and he re-
duced their tribute to a more manageable 15,000 dinars.15
After the capture of Tunis, Yay made a brief foray into Jabal Nafsa where
some of the Berber tribes had stopped paying tribute. He brought them back
into submission and returned to Tunis which now replaced al-Mahdya as his
capital. In 601/12045 Yay went to Qafa to receive loyalty oaths and good-
will hostages from some Sulaym Arab chiefs. Then he proceeded to urra in
Nafzwa where he brutally suppressed an uprising by the locals, plundering
and burning their villages. From Nafzwa he headed to ammat al-Bahll
near Qbis where he received word that an Almohad expedition was on its
14 Ibn Idhr, Bayn: al-Qism al-Muwaid, pp.2378; Ibn Khaldn, Ibar, vol. 6, pp.2545;
De Slane, Berbres, vol. 2, p.98.
15 Al-Tijn, Rila, pp.3547; Ibn Khaldn, Ibar, vol. 6, pp.25960; Inn, Ar al-Muwaidn,
vol. 2, pp.2623.
16 Al-Tijn, Rila, pp.3547; Ibn Khaldn, Ibar, vol. 6, pp.25960; Inn, Ar al-Muwaidn,
vol. 2, pp.2623.
The Long Career of Yay b. Ghniya 159
While Yay b. Ghniya was at the height of his power in Ifrqiya he reaf-
firmed his ties to the Abbasids. During the siege of al-Mahdya in 596/1199
Yay sent his vizier, the renowned Andals poet Ab Muammad Abd
al-Birr b. Fursn (d. 612/1215), on a mission to the Abbasid caliph al-Nir (575/
1180622/1225). Ibn Fursn was well-received by al-Nir and he returned to
Ifrqiya in the company of the caliphs personal representative, Abd al-Munim
al-Narn (d. 603/1206). Al-Narn was an Egyptian poet who had moved to
Baghdad where he became famous for the verses which he wrote in praise of
al-Nir. He stayed in North Africa with Yay b. Ghniya for three years. When
al-Narn departed for home in 600/1203 Yay gave him a personal gift of
10,000 dinars which he distributed among his friends and acquaintances in
A few words about Ibn Fursn are appropriate here. He attached himself
voluntarily to the cause of the Ban Ghniya serving first Al and then his
brother Yay as vizier and chief secretary. He earned renown not only for the
fine prose and verse compositions that he wrote in praise of Yay but also for
his skill as a commander and his heroism on the battlefield. He personally
commanded detachments of troops whom he led on daring raids against the
enemy. Ibn Fursns tenacity and zeal astonished even Yay himself. The
sources agree that his death from wounds suffered on the battlefield in 612/1215
was an irreparable loss for the Ban Ghniya.18
Meanwhile the new Almohad caliph al-Nir had not been idle. He was de
termined to be rid of the troublesome Ban Ghniya for once and for all.
The caliph and his advisors decided to capture Majorca first, before dealing
with Yay in Ifrqiya. When Al b. Ghniya sailed to Bijya in 580/1184 he had
left his brother ala behind as governor of Majorca. Both Muammad b.
Isq, the previous pro-Almohad amir whom Al had deposed in a coup
shortly before invading Bijya, and the Almohad envoy Ibn al-Reberter were
both imprisoned on the island. In 581/1185 Muammad and Ibn al-Reberter
managed to escape from prison and overthrow ala with the help of their
supporters. Barely a year later Al b. Ghniyas brother Abdallh, who was with
the expeditionary force in Ifrqiya, left Tripoli and slipped into the harbor of
Majorca with his squadron while Ibn al-Reberter and Muammad were both
away in Marrakech. He made contact with Ban Ghniya sympathizers on the
island and fought to retake it.
The caliph al-Manr immediately tried to dislodge Abdallh from Majorca.
He sent two large fleets against Majorca, the first under the command of Ab
al-Ul b. Jmi and the second under Yay b. Ibrhm al-Hazraj, but both ex-
peditions ended in failure. By 583/1187 Abdallh was firmly in control of Major-
ca.19 He is referred to from then on as the amir of Majorca; it seems probable
that there was a power-sharing agreement between him and his brother Al b.
Ghniya which left Al as the senior amir of Ifrqiya and the Maghrib while
Abdallh held Majorca. Abdallh ruled over Majorca until his defeat and
death in 599/1203. His reign was particularly prosperous for the islanders. He
signed a treaty with Genoa in 584/1188 which allowed the Genoese to establish
a funduq (a hostel for foreign merchants) and a church in the city of Majorca.20
Huici-Miranda believes that there was an alliance between the amir Abdallh
and king Pedro II of Aragon and Catalonia, who assisted him in fending off the
Almohad assaults on Majorca.21 This did not stop Abdallh from raiding other
Christian countries; Provence in particular suffered from the Majorcan cor-
sairs. Naturally the Almohad possessions in eastern Spain were also subject to
raids by the Ban Ghniya.22
Since they were unable to take Majorca the Almohads focused their efforts
on the smaller Balearic Islands. The Almohad admiral Abbs al-Siqill cap-
tured Ibiza from the Ban Ghniya in 583/1187. Minorca was also captured by
the Almohads at an unspecified date. In 599/1203 Abdallh tried unsuccess-
fully to retake Ibiza by surprise in a winter assault but his efforts were thwarted
by the Almohad admiral Ibn Maymn.23 Undeterred he set his sights on
Minorca which surrendered after a brutal siege which saw the inhabitants
reduced to cannibalism. He installed Ibn Naj as his deputy there. When the
winter storms subsided the main Almohad fleet sailed out of Sabta under the
command of Ab al-Ul while the landing force was led by Ab Sad b. Ab
af. The fleet of the Ban Ghniya was caught by surprise and destroyed in
the harbor of Minorca. Then the island itself was captured along with Ibn
Naj, who was taken to Marrakech and crucified. After the fall of Minorca the
Almohad fleet proceeded to Majorca. The defending forces quickly collapsed
and Abdallh b. Isq b. Ghniya was executed. Thus was half century of rule
by the Ban Ghniya over the Balearic Islands brought to a close. Majorca
would remain under Almohad control until its conquest by James I of Aragon
in 1229, when it passed out of Muslim hands forever.24
In 601/12045 al-Nir set out from Marrakech at the head of his army while the
fleet sailed parallel to the coast under the command of Ab Zakary al-Hazraj.
When he received word that the Almohads had reached Bijya, Yay b.
Ghniya placed his cousin Al b. al-Ghz in charge of al-Mahdya and moved
his treasury there from Tunis for safekeeping. Yay himself remained in the
south of Ifrqiya in the neighborhood of Qbis. The Almohad fleet captured
Tunis with little resistance; Ibn Idhr says that the Ban Ghniya had evacu-
ated it beforehand.25 Upon their entry into Ifrqiya, al-Nir and the Almohad
army had immediately marched south in pursuit of Yay, bypassing al-
Mahdya for the time being. The Almohads recaptured Qafa and Qbis while
Yay sought refuge in Jabal Dummar. Deciding that any further pursuit of the
Majorcan warlord was futile, al-Nir appointed governors over the southern
cities and turned his attention to al-Mahdya.26
Unlike Tunis, al-Mahdya was well-defended. Its garrison, under the leader-
ship of the afore-mentioned Al b. al-Ghz, was confident and ready for a long
siege. The Almohads deployed catapults, battering rams, siege towers and
scaling ladders against the city walls but in their overconfidence they had
neglected to adequately protect them. As a result the Majorcans succeeded in
burning all of the Almohad siege engines during a sally which caught the be-
siegers by surprise. Undaunted by this setback, al-Nir built new machines
24 See Ibn Idhr, Bayn: Qism al-Muwaidn, pp.23942; Al-Marrkush, Mujib, pp.3945,
397; Ibn Khaldn, Ibar, vol. 6, p.332; Sslim, Juzur, pp.3967.
25 Ibn Idhr, Bayan: Qism al-Muwaidn, p.243.
26 Ibid.; Ibn Khaldn, Ibar, vol. 6, p.260.
162 Chapter 7
and continued to press the siege. From a garbled passage in Ibn Idhrs chron-
icle it would appear that an Arab force comprised of the Hill Riy and the
Ban Sulaym attempted to break the siege. They followed the pre-Islamic Arab
custom of bringing their women to the battlefield in order to cheer them on
and strengthen their resolve to stay and fight to the bitter end. Nonetheless the
Almohads defeated them and they fled south to Qbis.27
After this success al-Nir sent the veteran Almohad commander Ab
Muammad Abd al-Wid b. Ab af at the head of 4,000 cavalry to resume
the pursuit of Yay. The latter gave battle at Jabal Tjr southeast of Qbis.28
Initially there were doubts among the Almohads about fighting Yays larger
army but in the end they won an overwhelming victory and killed a great num-
ber of troops from the opposing side. Yays brother Jabbra and his secretary
Al b. al-Lam were among the fallen; his children and female relatives nar-
rowly escaped capture. The Almohads were successful in rescuing the gover-
nor of Ifrqiya, Ab Zayd, along with other prominent prisoners who had fallen
into the hands of Yay b. Ghniya when he captured Tunis. In Yays aban-
doned camp the Almohads found black Abbasid banners and an enormous
quantity of booty which the Ban Ghniya had amassed from twenty years of
campaigning in North Africa between Tripoli and Bijya. According to Ibn
Khaldn, Yays abandoned baggage train amounted to 18,000 pack loads.29
Al-Nir had the black banners and the spoils from Yays camp displayed
in plain view of the defenders on the walls of al-Mahdya in the hope that their
morale would weaken upon seeing signs of their leaders defeat. However, they
refused to believe that Yay had been defeated and they continued to resist
for a while. They only surrendered when the Almohads succeeded in breach-
ing the wall in a certain spot with their catapults. The terms which al-Nir
offered were generous: Al b. al-Ghz and his men were granted safe conduct
to depart from al-Mahdya and join Yay in the south. After leaving al-Mah
dya, Al switched sides and entered the service of al-Nir who showered him
with gifts and honors. Al b. al-Ghz would later travel to Marrakech with the
caliph and fight for him on the Andalusian front where he died a martyrs
death. The fall of al-Mahdya occurred in January 602/1206. Al-Nir stayed
there for one month to put the citys affairs in order. Then he left for Tunis after
appointing Ab Abdallh Muammad b. Yaghmr al-Hintt as his governor in
The caliph resided in Tunis for almost a year. During his stay in Ifrqiya he
saw to the pacification of the countryside, the resettlement of populations that
had been uprooted by the war with the Ban Ghniya, and the expansion of
irrigated lands. An expedition was dispatched to Tripolitania under Ab Isq
b. al-Manr to reduce the Berber tribes of the mountainous areas into submis-
sion and to pursue Yay b. Ghniya and the remnants of his host. Ab Isqs
men nearly extirpated the Ban Dummar and the Ban Mama in the moun-
tains south of Qbis. Then they traversed the Jabal Nafsa and reached Tripoli
and Suwayqa before turning back. Though the expedition was hailed as a tri-
umph, Yay and the core of his supporters were still at large, waiting for a
chance to renew their struggle against the Almohads.31
Al-Nir and his advisors were concerned that Yay would return to ravage
Ifrqiya as soon as the caliph left this easternmost province. Therefore, he de-
cided to appoint a semi-independent viceroy entrusted with wide-ranging
powers in order to ensure the stability and defense of Ifrqiya. His choice fell on
Ab Muammad b. Ab af who was the victor of Tjr and son of Ab af
Umar b. Yay al-Hintt. The latter had been one of the most distinguished
companions of Ibn Tmart as well as a trusted general and advisor to the ca-
liph Abd al-Mumin. The Hafsid family which was descended from him contin-
ued to play an important role in the Almohad state. As Rouighi notes, the
appointment of a Hafsid to the governorship of Ifrqiya marked a significant
departure in Almohad policy. Previously this sensitive post had been reserved
for immediate members of the ruling family.32 Al-Ghanny points out that this
was the first time that the Almohads had granted an entire province as an he-
reditary iq to one of the great noble families.33 This illustrates the extent of
the difficulties which the Almohads faced in governing and defending Ifrqiya,
situated as it was on the eastern periphery of the caliphate.
Ab Muammad b. Ab af refused at first, fearing that his appointment
was an attempt to distance him from the caliphal court in Marrakech. Al-Nir
pleaded with him to accept the position, assuring him that he could not find
another worthy candidate. Ab Muammad accepted on three conditions:
that his appointment would last no longer than the time it would take to crush
the Ban Ghniya, that he be allowed to handpick his soldiers and retinue, and
that he be granted full authority over all of the deputy governors in Ifrqiya
with the right to retain or dismiss them as he saw fit. The caliph readily agreed
to these conditions but as we shall see Ab Muammad ended up staying in
Ifrqiya until his death well beyond the three year limit which he had originally
set for himself. In the spring of 604/1207 al-Nir returned to the west. Before
his departure the inhabitants of Tunis had clamored for him to stay longer be-
cause they were still afraid of Yay b. Ghniya. The caliph presented Ab
Muammad to the assembled crowd and assured them that the new governor
was his personal representative who had been hand-picked for his virtues, thus
assuaging their fears.34
Ibn Idhr reports that the caliph travelled from Tunis to Tilimsn, rested
there for a while and saw to local affairs, and continued to Fez without incident
in the spring of 604/1207. Ibn Ab Zar says that Yay b. Ghniya attacked the
caliph in Wd Shalif (a river bed that empties into the Mediterranean west of
Algiers, between Sharshl and Tinis) at the head of an army of Arabs, Zanta,
and anhja but that he was resoundingly defeated by the Almohads. We have
good reason to be skeptical of this account because Ibn Ab Zar is our only
authority for the battle and the date which he gives, October 604/1207, is clear-
ly incorrect since the caliph had already returned to al-Maghrib al-Aq several
months earlier.35
It is more likely that Yay remained in hiding in southern Tunisia, biding
his time until the caliphs departure. He formed an alliance with the powerful
Dawwwida, a sub-tribe of the Hill Ban Riy, and their chief Muammad
b. Masd al-Bal along with other unspecified Sulaym tribes while the Sulaym
Ban Awf supported the Almohad governor Ab Muammad Ibn Ab af.
Yay b. Ghniya and Ibn Ab af clashed in 604/1207 at Wd Shabr near
Tabassa (located in Algeria 20 km. west of the Tunisian border) accompanied
by their respective allies; the Ban Ghniya were routed and they fled to Tripo-
After this defeat Yay left Ifrqiya altogether in order to strike at the very
heart of the Almohad Empire. Accompanied by his loyal ally Ibn Masd and a
mixed army of Arabs and Mulaththamn (Lamtna and Massfa Berbers), he
34 Al-Tijn, Rila, pp.3602; Ibn Idhr, Bayn: Qism al-Muwaidn, p.249; Ibn Khaldn,
Ibar, vol. 6, p.334; Huici-Miranda, Imbrrya, pp.4002; Inn, Ar al-Muwaidn,
vol. 2, p.270.
35 Ibn Idhr, Bayn: Qism al-Muwaidn, p.249; Ibn Ab Zar, Raw al-Qir, p.233; Bel,
Les Benou Ghanya, pp.13940.
36 Ibn Khaldn, Ibar, vol. 6, pp.2601; Bel, Benou Ghanya, pp.1423.
The Long Career of Yay b. Ghniya 165
37 Ibn Idhr, Bayn: Qism al-Muwaidn, pp.2524; Ibn Khaldn, Ibar, vol. 6, pp.2601,
38 Ibid.
166 Chapter 7
into their own families and camp followers while the Almohads hotly pursued
them. The greatest losses were suffered by the Ban Riy who lost many of
their leaders. Yahys faithful ally Ibn Masd lost his son Abdallh. An enor-
mous quantity of baggage and treasure fell into the hands of the victorious
In the aftermath of the battle the Berbers of Jabal Nafsa revolted against
Ibn Ufr, Yays governor in the region, expelling him and killing both of his
sons. Ab Muammad b. Ab af led his army through southern Ifrqiya in
order to pacify the countryside. He punished the Sulaym tribes for their sup-
port of Yay b. Ghniya and deported their shaykhs to Tunis where they were
held under guard with their families.40
In 607/1210 Yay b. Ghniyas brother Sr b. Isq, who had commanded a
column of troops during the invasion of Tilimsn, defected to the Almohads in
Ifrqiya. He stole away from Yays camp by night with a group of loyal follow-
ers to avoid detection and appeared before the governor Ab Muammad who
received him with honor. He requested permission to visit the caliph in person
in Marrakech and this was granted.41
After his defeat in Jabal Nafsa by Ab Muammad, Yay abandoned his at-
tempts to reconquer Ifrqiya for a while and he turned his attention to the
Libyan oases. He was still accompanied by some of the Majorcans and by his
Arab allies from the tribe of the Dawwwida, a sub-tribe of the Ban Riy.
We recall that after his defeat by Yay in 599/1202, Qarqsh had established
himself in Waddn with his family and followers. Yay was intent on settling
scores with his old rival. He formed an alliance with the Dabbb of Ban
Sulaym. Qarqsh had massacred the leaders of this tribe, including their chief
amd b. Jriya, at the Qar al-Arsayn in Qbis nearly twenty years previously
and they were eager to exact revenge on the old Ayyubid mamlk. In 609/1212
Yay laid siege to Waddn with the intent of starving the defenders out since
the site was too strong to take in a frontal assault, as Bel points out.42 Eventu-
ally Qarqsh was forced to surrender. He did not even bother to plead for his
39 Ibn Idhr, Bayn: Qism al-Muwaidn, pp.2546; Ibn Khaldn, Ibar, vol. 6, pp.2601,
335, 3756.
40 Ibn Khaldn, Ibar, vol. 6, p.261; De Slane, Berbres, vol. 2, p.101.
41 Ibn Idhr, Bayn: Qism al-Muwaidn, p.256; Ibn Khaldn, Ibar, vol. 6, pp.261, 335.
42 Bel, Benou Ghanya, p.156.
The Long Career of Yay b. Ghniya 167
life since there was no chance that the Dabbb would be satisfied by anything
short of his death. He asked only that he be executed before his son, whom he
loved dearly, so that he would not have to witness the latters death. When
Qarqsh was led out of Waddn his son asked him Oh father where are they
taking us? to which Qarqsh replied To the place where we took their
fathers. Qarqsh was executed first, followed by his son. Then his body was
crucified and displayed outside of Waddn. Al-Tijn reports that he heard the
story of the execution of Qarqsh from the Ban Dabbb in his own day, and
that this story had been passed down from their grandfathers who witnessed
the event.43
Qarqsh had another son who survived him and took service with the Haf-
sids, eventually rising to become a commander under the Hafsid caliph al-
Mustanir (647/1249675/1277). According to al-Tijn he revolted against the
Hafsids and followed in the footsteps of his father by invading the Saharan
oases.44 He sacked and razed Waddn, the oasis town where his father had
been killed. This prompted the intervention of the king of Kanem who defeat-
ed and executed this son of Qarqsh in 656/1258.45
7.6 The End of the Ban Ghniya and the Transition to Hafsid Rule in
While Ifrqiya enjoyed a period of relative tranquility under the capable ste
wardship of Ab Muammad and Yay b. Ghniya besieged Qarqsh in
Waddn, al-Nirs attention was drawn to al-Andalus where king Alfonso VIII
of Castile, still smarting from his defeat at the hands of al-Manr in the battle
of Alarcos (591/1195), resumed his southward thrust towards the Guadalquivir.
This time a crusade had been called by pope Innocent III to assist the Iberian
Christians and as a result contingents arrived from throughout Europe to form
what was undoubtedly one of the largest Crusader armies in history. The Almo-
had response was proportionate as the caliph crossed the straits with a massive
expeditionary force drawn from all of the various ethnicities in his empire. In
July of 609/1212 the Christian and Muslim armies met in the battle of Las Navas
de Tolosa, which the Arabs call the battle of al-Uqb, located northeast of Cor-
doba. At first the Christians seemed to be on the verge of defeat but later the
tide of battle turned in their favor thanks in part to the personal intervention
of Alfonso and his Castilian veterans. The Almohads suffered a devastating de-
feat; tens of thousands of their troops were lost. Al-Nir escaped from the
battlefield a broken man; after returning to Marrakech he never left his palace
and he died one year later. He was succeeded by his sixteen-year-old son al-
Mustanir (611/1214620/1224) who led a life of pleasure-seeking and was con-
tent to leave the business of governing to others. The battle of Las Navas de
Tolosa was one of the great decisive battles of history. It ushered in the decline
of the Almohad Caliphate which never fully recovered from its defeat. One
could even say that Las Navas was the Manzikert of Iberian Islam. A slow, in-
exorable contraction of Muslim territory in al-Andalus continued for nearly
three centuries, culminating in the fall of Granada in 1492.46
The governor of Ifrqiya, Ab Muammad b. Ab af, died in 618/1221. Un-
der his rule Ifrqiya enjoyed stability and prosperity for the first time since the
beginning of the war with the Ban Ghniya. Ab Muammad had been reluc-
tant at first to recognize the accession of al-Nirs son al-Mustanir when the
latter became caliph in 611/1214 and this was held against him by the court in
Marrakech which decided to appoint a non-afid to succeed him in Tunis
rather than one of his relatives. The man whom they chose was Ab al-Ul,
brother of the caliph al-Manr and former governor of Seville. On his arrival
in Tunis Ab al-Ul began persecuting the Hafsids and their supporters; he
had Ibn Ab af secretary Ibn Nakhl arrested and later executed along with
some of his family members.47
From his base in Waddn, Yay b. Ghniya had watched the unfolding of
events in Ifrqiya. He dared not attack Ifrqiya while Ab Muammad was alive
but now the moment seemed ripe for intervention. Once more his bands rav-
aged southern Ifrqiya. Ab al-Ul took up residence in Qbis to prevent the
capture of this city, the key to the south, by the Ban Ghniya and their Arab
allies. He dispatched a force under his son, Ab Zayd, to Ghadmis while an-
other Almohad column marched to Waddn under orders to besiege the wily
Majorcan there. Yay defeated the troops who were sent against Waddn and
he fled west to the Zb (the region south of Constantine) where he captured
Biskra, the chief city in this territory. Ab Zayd pursued him and retook Biskra
but Yay evaded capture and raised a fresh army of Arabs and Berbers. In
620/1224 Ab Zayd and Yay clashed in a great battle near Tunis from which
the Almohads emerged victorious thanks to the invaluable assistance of
46 For the most up-to-date and comprehensive monograph on the battle of Las Navas see
Fitz, Las Navas. Another detailed account is in Inn, Ar al-Muwaidn, vol. 2, pp.282
326. See also Huici-Miranda, Imbrrya, pp.41123; Munis, Maalim, pp.43940.
47 Ibn Idhr, Bayn: Qism al-Muwaidn, pp.2913; Ibn Khaldn, Ibar, vol. 6, pp.337,
The Long Career of Yay b. Ghniya 169
Berber allies from the Hawwra tribe who distinguished themselves in the
Ab Zayd had no time to enjoy his victory. Having received word of his fa-
thers death he returned to Tunis expecting that he would be appointed to suc-
ceed him as governor of Ifrqiya. Instead he learned that al-Mustanir had
assigned the post to another. Then al-Mustanir died in the same year, to be
succeeded by Abd al-Wid I al-Makhl (his epithet means the Deposed,
620/1224), a brother of the caliph al-Manr and grandson of Abd al-Mumin.
The latter reversed his predecessors decision and appointed Ab Zayd as the
governor of Ifrqiya. Ab Zayd was an oppressive governor and his harshness
turned the people against him as they recalled the happier days under Ab
Muammad. Shortly after ascending the throne Abd al-Wid faced a rival
claimant to the caliphate in the person of Abdallh b. Yaqb al-Manr, a son
of the caliph al-Manr and governor of Murcia. Abdallh took the throne-
name al-dil and received the support of the Almohad forces in al-Andalus
and the Balearic Islands. The caliph Abd al-Wid was forced to step down in
fall 621/1224 and he was murdered shortly afterwards.49
Al-dil ruled as caliph until 624/1227. In 623/1226 al-dil replaced Ab Zayd
with Abdallh b. Abd al-Wid al-af (not to be confused with the murdered
caliph above, also named Abd al-Wid) as governor of Ifrqiya, thereby re-
storing the Hafsids to power as the hereditary viceroys of Ifrqiya. Abd al-
Wid arrived in Ifrqiya accompanied by his brothers Ab Zakarya and Ab
Ibrhm whom he appointed as his deputies in Qbis and Qaslya (in the
Jard) respectively. Meanwhile Yay b. Ghniya invaded al-Maghrib al-Awsa.
He captured Bijya and Tadallis (Dellys, a port between Algiers and Bijya).
Then he came into conflict with the powerful Zant Berber tribe of the Magh
rwa who occupied the plains southwest of Algiers. The Maghrwa had been
loyal supporters of the Almohads since the time of the first caliph Abd
al-Mumin. When Yay entered the Mitja (a fertile plain in the hinterland of
Algiers) in 623/1225 he was opposed by the Maghrw chief Mandl b. Abd
al-Ramn. Yay defeated the Maghrwa and captured Mandl. Then he
captured Algiers itself and he had the hapless Maghrw chief crucified on its
ramparts. The governor of Ifrqiya, Abdallh b. Abd al-Wid al-af, was
forced by these dangerous developments to intervene personally. He led an
army from Tunis to the Central Maghrib. At the town of Ubba (near al-Urbus/
Laribus in northwestern Tunisia) he fought and defeated the Hawwra who
had been raiding their neighbors and he sent their captured shaykhs to al-
Mahdya. He retook Bijya, Algiers, and the Mitja before returning to Ifrqiya
in 624/1227 while Yay fled westward to Sijilmsa where he continued his de-
Meanwhile there was renewed conflict over the office of caliph. Ab al-Ul,
who was the brother of the reigning caliph al-dil and the senior Almohad
governor in al-Andalus, proclaimed himself caliph in 624/1227 taking the
throne name al-Mamn. Shortly after this proclamation al-dil was assassi-
nated by the Almohad shaykhs in Marrakech. They installed Yay b. al-Nir,
known by the throne name al-Mutaim, in his stead. For the next two years a
civil war ensued between al-Mamn, who was based in al-Andalus, and al-
Mutaim whose support lay in the Maghrib until al-Mamun took Marrakech
and received the baya there in 626/1229. Al-Mutaim (Yay b. al-Nir) fled
with some supporters to Sijilmsa where he continued to resist until his death
in 630/1232.51
There are two conflicting accounts of what happened in Tunis while the
civil war was taking place. Al-Zarkash and Ibn Khaldn say that al-Mamn
wrote first to the governor Ab Muammad b. Abd al-Wid demanding the
latters allegiance but Ab Muammad hesitated. Thereupon al-Mamn wrote
to Ab Muammads brother Ab Zakary who was in Qbis offering him the
governorship of Ifrqiya if he would recognize him as caliph. Ab Zakary
readily agreed and he marched north to face his brother after winning the sup-
port of prominent Almohads in southern Ifrqiya. Ab Muammad led his
army out of Tunis intending to fight the rebels but when he reached Qayrawn
his own soldiers switched sides and arrested him. Ab Zakary entered Tunis
in 625/1228 and assumed the governorate without a fight. He imprisoned Ab
Muammad for a time before expelling him to the Maghrib. Then the caliph
al-Mamn attempted to replace the Hafsids with new governors but Ab
Zakary expelled them and he switched his allegiance to the rival caliph al-
Mutaim (Yay b. al-Nir). In 627/1229 Ab Zakary had the names of the
Almohad caliphs removed from the khuba; only the names of the four
Rshidn caliphs and the mahd Ibn Tmart were mentioned. Al-Zarkash says
that this was the amirs first step on the path to independence. In 634/1236 Ab
Zakary added his own name to the khuba, thus finalizing his split from the
50 See Ibn Khaldn, Ibar, vol. 6, pp.37980, vol. 7, pp.857; De Slane, Berbres, vol. 2,
pp.2967, vol. 3, pp.31014; Bel, Benou Ghanya, pp.1735.
51 Ibn Khaldn, Ibar, vol. 6, pp.33943; Bel, Les Benou Ghanya, pp.1758.
52 Ibn Khaldn, Ibar, vol. 6, p.381; Ab Abdallh Muammad b. Ibrhm Al-Zarkash,
Trkh al-Dawlatayn al-Muwaidya wa al-afya, ed. Muammad Mr (Tunis: al-
Maktaba al-Atqa, 1966) pp.227.
The Long Career of Yay b. Ghniya 171
years. Ibn Khaldn gives various locations for his place of death and burial; Bel
believes that Yay most likely died in the vicinity of Milyna in the Shalif val-
ley of western Algeria.56
It is sobering to reflect on Yays long career and his amazing tenacity. He
was one of the commanders in the Majorcan expedition against Bijya in
580/1184. When his brother Al died in 583/1187 Yay assumed overall com-
mand of the Ban Ghniya in North Africa until his death in the 1230s. Yay
had probably not yet been born when the Maghrib fell to the Almohads in
541/1147. This means that he was raised within the (relatively) confined space
of Majorca and any early military experience that he gained would have been
in the naval battles and piratic raids that the Ban Ghniya enagaged in with
the maritime states of Italy and Provence. In light of his background it is per-
haps surprising that he adapted so readily to the far different conditions of
warfare in North Africa; indeed, he was the uncontested master of desert war-
fare in his time. We often see him in the later part of his career traversing the
Sahara between Libya and Morocco along the entire southern flank of the
Almohad Empire probing for points of weakness. He would emerge from the
desert in the places where he was least expected, wreak havoc, and then with-
draw into the vastness of the Sahara as soon as a large army opposed him. He
must have been an extraordinarily charismatic man who possessed in abun-
dance all of the qualities of leadership for he was always able to raise armies
with ease from among the Arab tribes even after the worst defeats. Bel has
pointed out the notable similarities between Yay and another great North
African general, Hannibal Barca.57 Just as Hannibal spent the years between
218 and 203 bc in the Italian Peninsula with no hope of significant reinforce-
ment from his native Carthage, so too did Yay b. Ghniya find himself alone
in his struggle against the Almohads, particularly after the fall of Majorca
(600/1203). Both men had to rely on their own resources and in order to supple-
ment their core followers they relied heavily on local allies (the Gauls and the
Arabs) who were motivated by the promise of booty.58
Yays death marked the end of the Ban Ghniya as a political movement.
During the later years of his career Yays followers were most likely motivat-
ed by personal loyalty to their remarkable leader rather than the ideological
fervour (i.e. pro-Almoravid and anti-Almohad) which characterized the Ban
Ghniya when they first raised the banner of revolt against the descendants of
Abd al-Mumin.
Yay left behind no male progeny, only daughters. When his death was
near he ordered his loyal Frankish freedman Jbir (or bir) to take his daugh-
ters to Tunis where they would be entrusted to the protection and care of his
old foe Ab Zakary al-af, of whose chivalry and magnanimity Yay was
confident. Ab Zakary did not disappoint him; he assigned a generous sti-
pend to the royal ladies and constructed a special palace for them in Tunis
known as Qar al-Bant (the Palace of the Girls). They lived out the rest of their
lives there and refused all offers of marriage as their fathers last request was
that they remain celibate. Ibn Khaldn says that in 710/1310 his father met one
of Ibn Ghniyas daughters who was then approaching ninety years of age and
he remarked that she was the most noble and virtuous woman that he had
Until his death in the 1230s Yay b. Ghniya remained steadfast in his defi-
ance of the Almohads and he continued to launch raids against them at every
opportunity. By the time of Yays death the Almohad Empire was wracked by
coups and civil wars and its demise seemed certain. Before the close of the
1230s the Hafsids of Ifrqiya and the Zayyanids in al-Maghrib al-Awsa had
both become formally independent of the Almohad caliphs in Marrakech.
Al-Maghrib al-Aq fell to the Marinids in 668/1269 marking the fall of the
Almohad state.
Chapter 8
In this book we have argued for a new understanding of Sharaf al-Dn Qarqsh
and the nature of the Ayyubid military campaigns in Libya and Ifrqiya. In our
opinion two factors have hampered earlier treatments of this subject by other
scholars. The first of these is the curious neglect of Ibn Taq al-Dns Mimr by
most of the modern scholars of the Almohads with the notable exceptions of
al-Ghanny and al-Sil. Despite its fragmentary state it contains the most
detailed surviving account of Qarqshs activities in Tripolitania and Ifrqiya.
It is also the most reliable source on Qarqsh and the one closest in time since
it was written by the son of Qarqshs patron Taq al-Dn. Ibn Taq al-Dns
sources for the events in question were Ayyubid soldiers who had served in
person with Qarqsh and Ibn Qartikn and later returned to Syria.1
The second factor that stands in the way of an objective and balanced treat-
ment of Sharaf al-Dn Qarqsh and the subject of Almohad-Ayyubid relations
in general is the romantic image of al al-Dn as a noble idealist who placed
the interests of the Islamic world above other political considerations. There is
an assumption on the part of some modern scholars that al al-Dn, in con-
trast to his contemporaries, was motivated by pan-Islamic sentiment. We be-
lieve that such a view is anachronistic and unhelpful in understanding al
al-Dn, who was a product of a particular time and context like any other per-
son of historical significance. It is true that the recent Western biographers of
al al-Dn such as Ehrenkreutz, Lyons and Jackson, and Edd take a more
critical approach and attempt to separate the man from the myth.2 Unfortu-
nately none of the above has much to say about Qarqsh and Ayyubid-Almo-
had relations. It seems that these topics have been left for historians of the
medieval Maghrib and the Almohads. Among the latter group Arab historians
have shown far more interest in Qarqsh than their Western counterparts.
To these historians al al-Dn was an idealist who was devoted to the jihd
against the Crusaders and the victory of orthodox Sunn Islam above all else.
They are reluctant to admit that al al-Dn could be cynical and manipula-
tive in his relations with other Muslim leaders. The consequences of such a
view are apparent in their treatment of the Ayyubid entanglement with the
Almohads in the west. Therefore Ms, who does not make use of Ibn Taq al-
Dns Mimr, attributes the invasion of Ifrqiya to the personal ambition of
Qarqsh and other amirs. He rejects the possibility that there was an Ayyubid
plan of conquest.3 As we have mentioned previously, the Mimr leaves us
with little doubt that the conquest of Libya and Ifrqiya was directed and sup-
ported by al al-Dn and his advisors. It is the only source that records the
dispatch of the Ayyubid amir Ibn Shakl with 400 veteran Kurdish and Turkish
cavalry from Egypt to Ifrqiya in 579/11834 after Qarqsh had already defeat-
ed a large Almohad army in the field at the battle of al-Sikka in the previous
year.4 Surely there can be no stronger indication of al al-Dns approval of
hostilities with the Almohad Empire at this time.
For those who adhere to the view of al al-Dn as an idealist who placed
the interests of the larger Islamic world before the narrower interests of the
Ayyubid dynasty, this presents a problem. How can the image of al al-Dn
the champion of Islam be reconciled with the reality of a leader who launched
a war of aggression against the Almohads at a time when the latter were en-
gaged in a momentous struggle against the Christians in al-Andalus? The Ayyu-
bid invasion resulted in a temporary loss of Ifrqiya by the Almohads, a province
that Abd al-Mumin had liberated from the Normans with great difficulty. Its
reconquest from Qarqsh necessitated the personal intervention of the ca-
liph Yaqb al-Manr and his absence from the Spanish front.
Al-Ghanny and al-Sil, who are aware of the significance of the Mimr,
cannot escape the conclusion that the campaigns of Qarqsh and the Ghuzz
in North Africa were approved by al al-Dn himself. In their zeal to justify
al al-Dns actions, they try to portray the Almohads as the aggressors.5
On the basis of a few reports of dreams and predictions of a future Almohad
conquest of Egypt and the Mashriq that are recorded in different sources, they
argue that an Almohad invasion of Egypt was imminent and therefore the
Ayyubid expeditions to the west were intended to forestall any such attack.6 Of
course it is not at all surprising to find that during the time of the mahd Ibn
Tmart and during the reigns of the first three of his successors, under whose
rule the Almohad Empire experienced its greatest growth and its most impor-
tant military victories, there were some who hoped that the Almohads would
one day conquer the east and unify the Muslims under their banner.
In any case, our sources indicate that the Almohads paid little attention to
their eastern frontier. It is telling that Qarqsh faced no opposition from the
Almohads until he reached al-Sikka, located well within modern Tunisia, in
577/1182.7 Al-Tijn remarks that when Qarqsh captured Tripoli from the
Almohads the city had no garrison, weapons, or supplies for withstanding a
siege. He adds that the reason for this lack of preparedness was that the inhab-
itants never expected an attack from the east.8 Ms has pointed out that the
Almohads did not even exercise nominal control over any territory east of
Tripoli.9 There is only one reference to an Almohad army operating in Trip-
olitania; this occurred in 602/1206 during the pacification of Ifrqiya by the ca-
liph al-Nir, many years after the death of al al-Dn. The force in question
turned back after advancing no further than half of the distance between Trip-
oli and Suwayqa.10 On the basis of this evidence we can safely say that there
never was any danger of an Almohad invasion of Egypt.
Amad Fud Sayyid argues that al al-Dn inherited Nr al-Dns role of
champion and chief deputy of the Abbasid Caliphate.11 He asserts that al
al-Dn and the Abbasid caliph sought to lead the other great Muslim powers of
the time (the Almohad, Rum Seljuk, and Khwarazm states) against external
enemies such as the Crusaders and the Mongols/Khitay. According to him,
al al-Dn was a visionary whose overriding ambition was to unite the Mus-
lims under a revived Abbasid Caliphate and wage the jihd against the Crusad-
ers. What thwarted this great plan was the stubborn refusal of the Almohads
12 Ibid.
13 Ibid., p.267.
14 Ibn al-Athr, Kmil, vol. 10, pp.356; al-Maqrz, Sulk, vol. 1, pp.1534.
15 Ibn al-Athr, Kmil, vol. 10, p.56; Ab Shma, Rawatayn, vol. 2, p.203; Ibn Wil, Mufarrij,
vol. 1, pp.2589.
16 Ehrenkreutz, Saladin, p.85.
17 Edd, Saladin, p.110.
178 Chapter 8
the twelfth century was not conducive to seeking power through the exercise
of tolerance, magnanimity, chivalry, or any altruistic behavior Ideological or
religious principles were readily compromised; the presence of the Crusaders
primarily furnished an opportunity for expanding diplomatic intrigues, or for
promoting selfish propaganda, rather than uniting the leaders in a sincere ef-
fort to defend Islam.18
In chapter 5 we made the argument that the original aim of the Ayyubid
campaigns in the west was to establish control over the Trans-Saharan trade
routes which passed through Zawla and the Jard. We contended that it was
not African slaves or the agricultural products of the oases that attracted al
al-Dns attention but rather gold from the mines of West Africa. Considerable
evidence was presented to demonstrate that gold was travelling north along
these routes in significant quantities during the period in question.
During the 1170s a series of planned expeditions resulted in the conquest of
the Libyan Sahara from Swa in the east to Ghadmis in the west. There were
two separate Ayyubid forces under the command of Sharaf al-Dn Qarqsh
and Ibrhm b. Qartikn. Qarqsh eventually overpowered Ibn Qartikn and
incorporated the latters men into his own force. In the early years of the sub-
sequent decade the Ayyubids turned their attention to Ifrqiya proper where
they inevitably came into direct conflict with the Almohads. al al-Dn did
not intervene in any of the internal quarrels between the Ayyubid amirs in the
west. Nonetheless, he was clearly pleased by the general direction of the con-
quests which he supported with reinforcements from Egypt. Qarqsh reached
the height of his power by 581/11856 when he was in control of all of Ifrqiya
save for the cities of Tunis and al-Mahdya. His alliance with the Ban Ghniya
and a coalition of Sulaym tribes was directed against the Almohads with the
full approval of al al-Dn and the Abbasid caliph. In 583/1187 the Almohads
defeated Qarqsh and his allies at the battle of amma and reoccupied Ifr
In the late 1180s the Almohads under Yaqb al-Manr appeared to be
stronger than ever. Meanwhile al al-Dn was bearing the full brunt of the
Third Crusade in Syria and he had neither the men nor the cash to spare for
new campaigns on secondary fronts. It was at this point that the relation be-
tween al al-Dn and Qarqsh came to an end. al al-Dn entered into
negotiations with the Almohads which resulted in the conclusion of peace be-
tween the two rulers. al al-Dn denounced Qarqsh and his men as crimi-
nals and deserters and disavowed any responsibility for their actions. Since he
was trying to secure the assistance of the Almohad fleet he probably regarded
18 Ehrenkreutz, Saladin, 8.
Conclusion 179
8.2 The Legacy of the Ban Ghniya and Qarqsh in North Africa
We can discern several phases in the revolt of the Ban Ghniya and Qarqsh
against the Almohads. From approximately the mid twelfth century ad until
580/1184 the Ban Ghniya were confined to the Balearic Islands; engaging in
piracy against both the Almohads and the Christian states. Qarqsh spent the
decade of the 1170s subduing Cyrenaica and Fezzan. In the period from 575/1180
to 581/11856 he built up an empire in Tripolitania and Ifrqiya and attained the
height of his power. In 580/1184 Al b. Ghniya landed in Bijya and made him-
self master of al-Maghrib al-Awsa. Within a year all of his gains were lost to
the Almohads and he was forced to take refuge in Ifrqiya with his new ally
Qarqsh. In 583/1187 the Almohads defeated the rebel allies and reestablished
control over Ifrqiya. Al b. Ghniya died and was succeeded by his brother
Yay who defeated Qarqsh and forced him to flee to Waddn in the Libyan
Sahara. Between 587/1191 and 600/1203 Yay established an empire in Ifrqiya
that surpassed Qarqshs achievement in the previous decade. The Almohad
caliph al-Nir reconquered Ifrqiya with great difficulty between 601/12045
and 604/1207. From 604/1207 until his death in the early 1230s Yay adopted a
new strategy. He moved along the southern face of the Saharan Atlas between
al-Maghrib al-Aq and Tripolitania and wreaked havoc across the entire
length of the Almohad Empire with his raids during the course of which he
managed to hold Sijilmsa, Algiers, and Bijya for a short time. By the time of
his death the Almohad Empire was already in its terminal phase; having suf-
fered defeat in Spain and the secession of Ifrqiya under the Hafsids. We can
see from the summary above that beginning in the 1180s and until 1230 Ifrqiya
was the main theater of a bitter conflict between the Ban Ghniya (assisted
by Qarqsh in the beginning) and the Almohads that frequently spilled over
into al-Maghrib al-Awsa and on occasion reached Sijilmsa in al-Maghrib al-
Aq. It remains for us to evaluate the impact that these events had on Ifrqiya
and the Almohad Empire in general.
For the Almohads the protracted war with the Ban Ghniya and Qarqsh
was a costly and time-consuming diversion from the Andalusian front. On two
occasions the war in the east required the prolonged presence of the caliph
himself in Ifrqiya: from 583/1187 to 584/1188 during the reign of al-Manr, and
from 601/1204 to 604/1207 during the reign of al-Nir. During al-Manrs ab-
sence several of his governors in the Maghrib and al-Andalus committed gross
abuses of power and some even conspired against him. His brother al-Rashd
had secretly plotted against him with Alfonso VIII of Castile while his uncle
Ab al-Rab instigated a tribal revolt against him in central Morocco. The Por-
tuguese and Castilians went on the offensive against the Muslims in al-Anda-
lus during the same period.20 Al-Nir returned to al-Maghrib al-Aq in
604/1207 to find that the governors of Fez and Meknes had abused their sta-
tions and earned the hatred of their subjects.21 It is clear that while the caliphs
were in Ifrqiya they were often unable to oversee affairs in al-Maghrib al-Aq
and al-Andalus due to the distance involved and their absence was frequently
exploited by enemies both internal and external.
The invasions of the Ban Ghniya and Qarqsh also placed a heavy bur-
den on the Almohad treasury due to the loss of income from the eastern prov-
inces for many years and the cost of mounting major land and naval expeditions
to retake the lost territory. According to al-Marrkush in the time of the caliph
Ab Yaqb Ysuf (just prior to the invasion of North Africa by the Ban
Ghniya) the Almohad treasury received an annual tribute of 150 mule-loads
of gold from the province of Ifrqiya alone excluding Bijya and its districts.22
Nuwaywa concludes that from the arrival of Al b. Ghniya in the late 1180s
until the appointment of Ab Muammad b. Ab af as governor by the ca-
liph al-Nir in 604/1207 the Almohads were deprived of this tribute; he be-
lieves that even when Almohad rule was restored briefly for a few years
following al-Manrs expedition (584/1188) the Almohads were unable to col-
lect more than ten percent of the previous tribute since not enough time had
elapsed for Ifrqiya to recover from the ravages that both sides had inflicted on
the land.23
There is no doubt that the wars between the Almohads, the Ban Ghniya,
and Qarqsh had a harmful effect on agriculture and trade in Ifrqiya and
adjacent areas. The Jard and the districts around Qbis and Qafa were among
the most heavily affected regions since many battles and sieges took place
there between the 1180s and the 1220s. In 583/1187 during the siege of Qafa by
al-Manr the Almohads chopped down every date-palm in the vicinity.24 In
591/1194 Yay b. Ghniya destroyed all of the date-palm plantations around
Qbis.25 The date was the primary crop in the Jard; it was one of the main
sources of nutrition for the locals and the areas chief export. Since the date-
palm requires six to seven years from planting in order to bear its first fruit, the
systematic cutting of trees by invading armies was a long-term disaster.26 Only
a sustained period of stability and peace could have reversed its effects but
such conditions did not prevail in the Jard during the decades-long conflict
between the Ban Ghniya and the Almohads.
Other regions were similarly laid waste. The mountain villages of Jabal
Nafsa and Jabal Dummar that had been spared from the worst effects of the
Hill invasion suffered grievously from the many campaigns that Qarqsh
conducted there during the early 1180s. In 580/11845, Qarqsh and his men
devastated the rich agricultural lands around Tunis, in particular the promon-
tory of Bsh (Cape Bon).27 At about the same time the Ayyubid commander
Ibn Shakl established himself in eastern Tripolitania with several hundred
Turks. The atrocities which they committed against the peasants in this area
caused agricultural production to plummet.28 In 605/1208 Yay b. Ghniya
ravaged the rich province of Tilimsn; destroying its fields in order to force the
capital city of the same name to surrender.29 In 623/1225 he devastated Bijya
and the fertile Mitja plain in the eastern half of al-Maghrib al-Awsa.30
23 Nuwaywa, Athar Thawrat Ban Ghniya, p.104. Nuwaywa says that according to al-Tijn
Al-Nir spent 120 mule-loads of gold on his expedition to Ifrqiya in 601/1204 but I can not
find such a passage in al-Tijns Rila; Ibid., pp.1045.
24 Al-Tijn, Rila, p.139.
25 Ibid., p.106.
26 See Nuwaywa, Athar Thawrat Ban Ghniya, p.85.
27 Ibn Taq al-Dn, Mimr, pp.2023.
28 Ibid., pp.1678.
29 Ibn Idhr, Bayn: Qism al-Muwaidn, pp.2524.
30 Ibn Khaldn, Ibar, vol. 6, pp.37980, vol. 7, pp.857; De Slane, Berbres, vol. 2, pp.2967,
vol. 3, pp.31014; Bel, Benou Ghanya, pp.1735.
182 Chapter 8
fennec hides, coral, and salt.36 What caused the decline of Ifrqiyas consider-
able textile industry? Nuwaywa notes that the traditional areas of wool pro-
duction in Qafa, Nafzwa, and Qalat Ban ammd were scenes of heavy
fighting during the war with the Ban Ghniya and he suggests that flocks of
sheep were requisitioned by both sides in order to feed their armies, thereby
destroying the local economy.37 Saffron, which was used to dye wool, was no
longer grown in Ifrqiya. The devastation of cotton and flax growing areas such
as the Zb south of Constantine was another factor in this decline.38 The silk
industry of Qbis was completely disrupted by the invasion; it was only revived
during the Hafsid period.39 Presumably the mulberry trees in this area were
chopped down by Yay b. Ghniyas men during the siege of Qbis. Nuwaywa
keenly notes that when the caliph al-Manr carried out the restoration of the
Great Mosque of Qayrawn during his expedition to Ifrqiya in 583/1187 he had
its kis (ceremonial drapes) sewn by weavers in eastern al-Andalus, an indica-
tion of how far the once famous local textile industry had declined in prestige.40
Another industry that disappeared during this period was the rose-water in-
dustry which was centered in Qafa.41 Ifrqiyas paper industry suffered due to
a shortage of cotton and flax and it was unable to compete with rival producers
in al-Andalus and the western Maghrib.42
Some of the overland trade routes in North Africa were affected by the Ban
Ghniya and Qarqsh. During the Almohad period the principal west-east
route followed the Mediterranean coast between Oran (which was itself con-
nected to Fez via Tilimsn and the Tz gap) and Tripoli. This route linked the
most important cities of al-Maghrib al-Awsa and Ifrqiya such as Bijya, Tunis,
al-Mahdya, and Qbis. It was the usual route followed by Almohad armies on
their eastern campaigns. The land route between Tripoli and Alexandria was
disrupted in the late twelfth and early thirteenth centuries due to the presence
of Qarqsh, Yay b. Ghniya, and their Arab allies. The Almohads could not
guarantee the security of this route since even in the best of times their author-
ity never extended east of Tripoli. It appears that travelers to the eastern Is-
lamic lands were compelled to make their voyage by sea during this period.43
kilograms of gold was minted each year. Under the succeeding caliphs there
was a steady decline: Ysuf I (558/1163580/1184) minted an average of 220
kilograms per year, Yaqb al-Manr (580/1184595/1199) minted 84.3 kilo-
grams per year, al-Nir (595/1199611/1214) minted 77 kilograms annually,
Ysuf II al-Mustanir (611/1214620/1224) minted 63 kilograms per year, and
Abd al-Wid al-Makhl (620/1224) did not issue any dinars. Under Yay al-
Mutaim (624/1227626/1229) an average of 180 kilograms was minted per year
and this figure increased gradually until it reached a height of 569 kilograms
per year under al-Murta (640/1242646/1248).47
Guichard notes that it was between the years 580/1184 and 625/1227 that the
least amount of gold was minted and the ratio of gold to silver coinage over-
whelmingly favored the latter leading him to speak of a near complete silver
monometalism during these years.48 This period corresponds almost exactly
to the duration of the war in North Africa between the Ban Ghniya and their
allies against the Almohad Empire. It should be noted, however, that there
appears to be little correlation between the amount of gold in supply and the
political and military strength of the dynasty. The caliphates of Ysuf I, Yaqb
al-Manr, and al-Nir (at least until the battle of Las Navas de Tolosa in
609/1212) marked the apogee of the Almohad state and the age of its greatest
victories despite the dearth of gold dinars from their mints.49 It was the last
Almoravid and Almohad rulers who struck the most gold coins, even as their
respective empires were losing territory and hastening towards the final col-
While rejecting the traditional view of the Hill migration as an unmiti-
gated catastrophe for civilization in North Africa, Thiry, and to a lesser extent
Kabra, blame Qarqsh and the Ban Ghniya for the decline of Ifrqiya.50
They correctly take to task an earlier generation of French historians including
Gautier and Marais whose remarks on the Ban Hill were colored by a pro-
found anti-Arab and anti-nomad bias.51 Thiry notes that while Ibn Khaldns
likening of the Ban Hill to a swarm of locusts is well-known to all stu-
dents of medieval North African history, few have noticed his equally severe
52 Ibn Khaldn, Ibar, vol. 6, pp.20, 143, vol. 7, p.105; De Slane, Berbres, vol. 1, pp.34, 214,
vol. 3, p.339; Thiry, Sahara, pp.224, 276.
53 Ibid.
54 Thiry, Sahara, p.271.
55 Ibid., pp.2745.
56 Ibid., p.277.
Conclusion 187
to the settlement of Hill tribes in these western provinces for the first time.
Thus the wars between the Ban Ghniya and the Almohads facilitated the
expansion of the Ban Hill and Ban Sulaym into new territories and ensured
their continuing military importance to the North African dynasties.
Since the major chroniclers upon whose works we depend such as Ibn
Idhr, al-Marrkush, Ibn Khaldn, and Ibn Ghalbn were generally pro-Al-
mohad and they had unfavorable views of the Ban Ghniya, it is easy for mod-
ern scholars to fall into the trap of blaming the Ban Ghniya and Qarqsh for
every real or imagined ill that befell Ifrqiya during the thirteenth century.
There is no evidence, however, that the Almohads were any less ruthless or
destructive than their opponents. We have already mentioned how al-Manr
chopped down all of the date-palms around Qafa during his siege of that city.57
The siege of Almoravid Marrakech by Abd al-Mumin in 541/1147 was at least as
brutal as the worst atrocities attributed to the Ban Ghniya or the Ban Hill.
According to the pro-Almohad author of the ulal al-Mawshya 120,000 people
died of starvation during the nine month siege and cases of cannibalism were
reported.58 When the Almohads captured the city they slaughtered over
70,000 people in three days and executed all Almoravids of rank who fell into
their hands.59 Nuwaywa notes that such a savage and pitiless act must have
had an effect on the Ban Ghniya who as members of the Almoravid elite
knew that they could expect no mercy from such a foe and this may explain the
tenacity with which they resisted the Almohads.60
We have already seen that the issue of civilizational decline in North Afri-
ca is problematic with regard to the Hill migration; this is no less the case in
relation to the invasion of Qarqsh and the Ban Ghniya. The conflict be-
tween the Ban Ghniya, Qarqsh, and the Almohads was a long and bitter
one and neither side was inclined to show mercy to the tribes and towns that
stood in its path. Scenes of repeated clashes such as the Jard must have suf-
fered terribly and they were set back a generation or more by the destruction
of crops, the chopping of trees, the ruin of irrigation works, and the massacres
of able-bodied men. But there is little evidence that Ifrqiya and al-Maghrib
al-Awsa as a whole experienced a demographic, economic, and cultural de-
cline far below the levels that they had known prior to the arrival of Qarqsh
and Al b. Ghniya.
Whereas the period of the Hill migration saw the sudden decline and near
abandonment of Qayrawn and Qalat Ban ammd, the political, economic,
and cultural capitals of Ifrqiya and the Central Maghrib respectively, neither
Qarqsh nor the Ban Ghniya have been associated with the long-term de-
cline of any major cities. It is true that Ibn Khaldn says in a passage from the
Kitb al-Ibar that Tilimsn owed its status as the preeminent city in [the west-
ern half of] al-Maghrib al-Awsa to the destruction of neighboring Thart and
Arshkl (Rachgoun, a port in western Algeria) by Yay b. Ghniya. However, it
would appear that he greatly exaggerated the importance of the latter two cit-
ies at this time.61 It seems that Tilimsn was already the largest and most im-
portant city in the region well before the arrival of the Ban Ghniya since it
served as a major provincial capital on a par with Tunis and Bijya throughout
the Almohad period. Indeed Tilimsn receives far more mention in sources
from the twelfth century than either Thart or Arshkl. Furthermore, it well
known that the decline of Thart dates back to its destruction at the hands of
the Fatimids in 297/909 and the fall of the Rustamid imms under whose rule
Thart had flourished.
Some scholars have portrayed Qarqsh and the amirs of the Ban Ghniya
as adventurers and bandit princes whose principal motivation was plunder as
well as revenge in the case of the latter.62 We have already discussed at length
the motivations of Qarqsh and we have demonstrated that throughout the
1170s and 1180s he acted not as an independent warlord but rather as an Ayyu-
bid commander who was charged with carrying out the expansionist policy of
his masters al-Malik al-Muaffar and al al-Dn in Libya and Ifrqiya. His aim
was to establish an Ayyubid vassal state in Ifrqiya, a goal that was realized for
a few years from 575/1180 until his defeat by al-Manr in 583/1187. Mouton
believes that Libya and Ifrqiya formed a regular Ayyubid province during the
1170s and 1180s with Qarqsh as its wl or governor.63
The Ban Ghniya were always motivated by the desire to expand out of
Majorca and create a viable state. Thirys accusations that the Ban Ghniya
were inveterate raiders and pillagers implies that they had neither the wish nor
the ability to actually rule the lands that they invaded but we find that this was
not the case. We have seen that they managed to rule over the Balearic Islands
for slightly more than half a century. Under their rule these tiny islands came
to constitute a formidable naval and commercial power in the western Medi-
terranean; a thorn in the side of the Almohads and a competitor to the Geno-
ese and Pisans. The Ban Ghniya seem to have been popular with the
inhabitants of Majorca who rose up en masse on their behalf to expel an Almo-
had invasion force in 581/1185 while Al b. Ghniya was in North Africa with
most of his troops and ships.64
When Al b. Ghniya landed in Bijya in 580/1184 he had considerable sup-
port from certain sections of the population and he managed to take the city
without resistance.65 He attempted to rule al-Maghrib al-Awsa but he was
defeated and forced to withdraw eastward one year later in the face of an Al-
mohad counterattack. It is noteworthy that after every setback Al and Yay
b. Ghniya had no difficulty recruiting new armies from among the Berber and
Arab tribes in Ifrqiya and al-Maghrib al-Awsa. If we look beyond the repeated
condemnations of the Ban Ghniya by the pro-Almohad chroniclers it is ob-
vious that the Ban Ghniya never lacked supporters in North Africa for how
else could they have maintained a decades long rebellion against the Almo-
hads with only limited reinforcements from overseas in the beginning and
none at all after the fall of Majorca in 599/1203?
Like the Hafsids who came after them both Qarqsh and Yay b. Ghniya
attempted to establish states in Ifrqiya and they both briefly succeeded in es-
tablishing short-lived states there between 575/1180 and 583/1187 and from
587/1191 to 402/1206 respectively. It was the success of Yay b. Ghniya in par-
ticular which convinced the caliph al-Nir that the only long-term solution to
the threats on his distant eastern frontier was the establishment of a trusted
family of viceroys in Tunis who would rule independently over Ifrqiya in all
but name and defend it from the Ban Ghniya while still recognizing Almo-
had authority. His choice fell upon the loyal and capable Ab Muammad b.
Ab af. It was the sheer tenacity of the Ban Ghniya and the seriousness of
the threat that they posed which forced al-Nir to accept the de facto partition
of his empire. The caliphs could not afford to absent themselves from Mar-
rakech and al-Andalus every time a rebellion broke out in distant Ifrqiya. The
long war with Qarqsh and the Ban Ghniya spelled the end of the great
Almohad project to unify the three regions of northwestern Africa: al-Maghrib
al-Aq, al-Maghrib al-Awsa, and Ifrqiya, under one rule and it indirectly
paved the way for the rise of the Hafsids in the latter province.
The foundation for the rise of an independent Hafsid state in Ifrqiya was
laid with the appointment of Ab Muammad b. Ab af as viceroy of Tunis
in 603/1207. In 627/1229 the separation of Ifrqiya from the empire became of-
ficial with the removal of the Almohad caliphs names from the Friday sermon
by the Hafsid governor Ab Zakary Yay. In 634/12367 Ab Zakary in-
serted his own name in the sermon though merely as amir. His successor al-
Mustanir took the title of caliph in 650/1253. In 633/1235 the Zayyanids (Ban
Abd al-Wd), a dynasty of Zant stock whose members had been entrusted
with the governorship of Tilimsn by the Almohads, established an indepen-
dent state in al-Maghrib al-Awsa under their chief Yaghmursan (633/1235
681/1283). Finally, in 668/1269 the Ban Marn put an end to the Almohad
Caliphate and established themselves as rulers over al-Maghrib al-Aq.
In the 1250s one of Qarqshs sons revolted against the Hafsids and fled to
Waddn in the Sahara where he attempted to establish an independent princi-
pality in imitation of his father. His raids on the oases brought about the inter-
vention of the formidable king of Kanem, Dnama Dbalmi, who invaded
Waddn and executed Qarqshs son. This was no isolated raid as Dnama
Dbalm annexed Waddn and other oases in Fezzan placing them under the
rule of Kanem vassals. The domination of the Libyan oases by the kings of
Kanem appears to have continued until well into the fourteenth century.
Thanks to the stability which the Kanem presence ensured, trade flourished
between Egypt and West Africa (the Niger Valley) via the Libyan oases during
this period.66
In the second half of the twelfth century the Almohads succeeded in unit-
ing the central and western Maghribs along with Ifrqiya under a single state,
an achievement that had eluded even the Fatimids as they never controlled
al-Maghrib al-Aq in its entirety. The Almohads also inherited the role of their
Almoravid predecessors in al-Andalus as the only Muslim power that stood a
chance of stemming the tide of the Reconquista. In the end the Almohad impe-
rial project foundered because the caliphs were unable to deal effectively with
simultaneous challenges on far-flung frontiers. Ifrqiya was the first province to
slip away because it was the most distant from the empires core in al-Maghrib
al-Aq and al-Andalus. Ifrqiya was plagued by Arab revolts, an Ayyubid inva-
sion under Qarqsh, and repeated invasions by the Ban Ghniya who
seemed to reemerge whenever the caliph was not present in Tunis.
The Almohads dealt with their problems in the same manner as the declin-
ing Abbasids by permitting the devolution of power to families of hereditary
governors who were independent in all but name. Qarqsh and Yay b.
Ghniya were precursors to the Hafsids as both of these men had established
independent principalities of their own in Ifrqiya (575/1180583/1187, 587/1191
602/1206 respectively). Al-Nir recognized the inevitable when he installed
the Hafsids in Tunis as viceroys with unlimited power. It was better to leave
Ifrqiya in the hands of the Ban af, a noble Mamda family with a long
record of service to the Almohad cause, than to watch it fall into the hands of
the Ban Ghniya or Qarqsh for a third time. The same process was repeated
in al-Maghrib al-Awsa where power devolved into the hands of the Ban
Zayyn. In the end three states arose out of the debris of the Almohad Empire
in North Africa: the Hafsid in Ifrqiya, the Zayyanid in al-Maghrib al-Awsa, and
the Marinid in al-Maghrib al-Aq. The vacuum that was created in the Libyan
Sahara by Qarqshs conquest of the kingdom of the Ban al-Khab in Fez-
zan, and the subsequent demise of his own short-lived Saharan empire, was
filled by the northward expansion of Kanem into the Libyan oases.
192 Chapter 8
Primary Sources 193
Primary Sources
Generally speaking, the important primary sources for the history of Qarqsh and the
Ban Ghniya can be divided into two groups: historical works and geographical
works. The vast majority of sources in the first category are chronicles with the excep-
tion of a few specialized treatises, a biographical dictionary, and the collection of offi-
cial Almohad letters. The historical works have been further divided according to their
authors region of origin as either Maghrib (western) or Mashriq (eastern).
1 Maghrib Historians1
Not surprisingly most of the important sources for the history of the struggle between
the Almohads and the Ban Ghniya were written by Maghrib authors. The bulk of
the surviving chronicles were written by historians who lived after the fall of the Almo-
had state under the Marinids or Hafsids. Fortunately some of the Marinid chroniclers,
in particular Ibn Idhr, preserve a great deal of earlier material (see below). The three
Maghrib historians who have the most to say about the Ban Ghniya are Ibn Idhr,
Ibn Khaldn, and Al-Marrkush. In this section we will consider each of the Maghrib
authors in chronological order and pay special attention to their influences and the
sources upon which they drew.
1 For background see Maya Shatzmiller, Lhistoriographie Mrinide: Ibn Khaldn et ses contem-
porains (Leiden: Brill, 1982); Abd al-Wid Dhannn h, Ibn Idhr al-Marrkush: Shaykh
Muarrikh al-Maghrib al-Arab (Beirut: Dr al-Madr al-Islm, 2005); Francisco Pons Boigues,
Historiadores y Gegrafos Arbigo-Espaoles (Madrid: San Francisco de Sales, 1898).
2 Ab Bakr b. Al al-anhj al-Baydhaq, Akhbr al-Mahd Ibn Tmart wa Bidyat al-Dawlat
al-Muwaidya (Rabat: Dr al-Manr, 1971).
of the Almohad movement from its earliest days until the great Almohad triumphs in
the Maghrib and al-Andalus in the middle of the twelfth century ad.3 In a recent study
of the Akhbr Bombrun has drawn attention to important parallels between the depic-
tion of Ibn Tmarts career in this work and the sra (biography) of the prophet
we have made use of them in this study. Another set of letters was published in two
volumes with extensive commentary by Azzw in 1995. The majority of the letters in
Azzws collection date from the late period of Almohad history, after the reign of al-
Nir.8 El-Aallaoui and Buresi have included critical editions and annotated English
translations of 77 late Almohad taqdm or letters of appointment in their recent book
on the Almohad administrative system.9
The Mujib is an important source for the history of the Ban Ghniya from their
establishment in the Balearic Islands until the death of Al b. Ghniya. It also has im-
portant information on the recruitment of Ghuzz (Turks) by the Almohad caliphs that
is not found in any other source. There is some information on the early part of Yay
b. Ghniyas career. However, since the Mujib was written well before the death of the
latter, it does not cover the end of the Ban Ghniya and the transition to Hafsid rule
in Ifrqiya.
1.5 Ibn Idhr (second half of 13thfirst half of 14th century ad)
Ibn Idhr was born in or near Marrakech during the Marinid period. He received an
excellent education in religious and literary subjects and he frequented the lectures of
scholars in his native city, which enjoyed a vibrant intellectual life in that epoch. Little
is known about his life other than that he served as a judge in Fez for a time and that
he was working on his historical masterpiece, al-Bayn al-Mughrib f Akhbr al-Anda-
lus wa al-Maghrib, in the year 712/1312.13
The Bayn covers the history of al-Andalus and the Maghrib from the Arab con-
quest until the fall of the Almohad Caliphate and the establishment of the Marinid
state in the late 1260s. It is without a doubt the richest source that we possess for much
of this period. Portions of the Bayn first came to light in the late nineteenth century
and new fragments have been discovered and published throughout the twentieth
12 See Ab al-Abbs al-Ghubrn, Unwn al-Dirya f man Urifa min al-Ulam f al-Ma
al-Sbia bi Bijya (Beirut: Lajnat al-Talf wa al-Tarjama, 1969), pp.916; Dominique
Valrian, Bougie: port maghrbin, 10671510 (Rome: cole franaise de Rome, 2006), p.18.
13 See h, Ibn Idhr, pp.113.
Primary Sources 197
century. The first three volumes, edited by Colin and Lvi-Provenal, treat respectively
the history of the Maghrib from the Muslim conquest until the conquest of Zirid al-
Mahdya by the Normans (543/1148), the history of al-Andalus from the conquest until
the fall of the Caliphate of Cordoba, and the history of al-Andalus during the period of
the Mulk al-awif (Party Kings) in the eleventh century ad. The portions covering
the Almoravids and Almohads were only published and made available to scholars in
the second half of the twentieth century. The surviving fragments on the Almoravids
were edited in one volume by Isn Abbs. Huici-Miranda, Twt, and Kattn edited
and published the portion on the Almohads in 1963. Later a further twenty-six pages
on the Almohads came to light and these were incorporated in the Beirut/Casablanca
edition of 1985.14
Ibn Idhr was a great admirer of the Almohads and it is noteworthy that he ended
his work with their fall and avoided the Marinid period altogether. According to Shatz-
miller there were two schools of historiography in Morocco during the early Marinid
period.15 The Fs school was associated with the Marinid court in Fez. The works
produced by this school were naturally pro-Marinid and they tended to focus on the
history of al-Maghrib al-Aq (Morocco) in isolation from the greater Maghrib. For
them the Marinids were the culmination of successive regional dynasties that had
ruled in al-Maghrib al-Aq beginning with the Idrisids in the eighth century ad. An
example of a history produced by this school is the Raw al-Qirs of Ibn Ab Zar (see
On the other hand there existed an independent Marrkush school in Ibn Idhrs
native Marrakech, the former imperial capital of the Almohads, the adherents of
which were naturally very pro-Almohad. Since Almohad rule had extended to al-
Maghrib al-Awsa, Ifrqiya, and al-Andalus, this school had a less parochial outlook
than the palace sponsored Fs school. Ibn Idhrs chronicle and the anonymous
ulal al-Mawshya are the surviving specimens of the work produced by this school.17
In hs opinion the greatest value of Ibn Idhrs work is that it contains sub
stantial excerpts from a wide variety of primary sources that are now lost.18 In his
judgement Ibn Idhr was remarkably objective, avoiding praise and censure, and al-
ways allowing the sources to speak for themselves. He considers Ibn Idhr to have
14 h, Ibn Idhr, p.37. For the text of the Bayn see Ab al-Abbs Amad b. Muammad
b. Idhr, Al-Bayn al-Mughrib f Akhbr al-Maghrib wa al-Andalus, vols. 13 ed. E. Lvi-
Provenal and G.S. Colin, vol. 4 ed. I. Abbs (Beirut: Dr al-Thaqfa, 1983); Al-Bayn al-
Mughrib f Akhbr al-Maghrib wa al-Andalus: Qism al-Muwaidn, ed. M.I. al-Kattn,
M.B.Twt, A. Zamma, and M. Zunaybar (Beirut: Dr al-Gharb al-Islm, 1985).
15 Shatzmiller, Historiographie, pp.1259.
16 Ibid.
17 Ibid.
18 h, Ibn Idhr, p.38.
198 Appendix
19 Ibid. pp.445.
20 Ibid., p.46.
21 Wi Nuwaywa, Athar Thawrat Ban Ghniya al al-Dawlat al-Muwaidya (M.A. the-
sis, University of Algiers, 200708), p.2.
22 h, Ibn Idhr, p.50.
23 Ibid., pp.1779; Pons Boigues, Historiadores, pp.198201.
Primary Sources 199
three original parts survives.24 The chronicle is detailed and its value lies in the fact
that the author was a witness to many of the events which he recounts. Ibn Idhr bor-
rows extensively from this text up to his entry for the year 580/1184.25
Ibn Qattn (d. 670/1271) was the son of an influential Almohad d (religious propa-
gandist) from Fez. Ibn Qattn was himself a secretary in the Almohad palace. He wrote
an important history of North Africa and al-Andalus from the Arab conquest down to
the thirteenth century ad entitled Nam al-Jumn. The work contained several chap-
ters on the geography of the Maghrib and descriptions of its cities as well as a substan-
tial account of Fatimid Egypt. The surviving portion of this work covers the period
from 500/1106 to 533/1138. Ibn Idhr borrowed heavily from Nam al-Jumn, particu-
larly from the geographical chapters.26 It is not surprising when one considers his posi-
tion at court and his family background that Ibn Qattn was a great partisan of the
Almohads; indeed h describes the Nam al-Jumn as a perfect example of palatial
history written to glorify the regime.27
24 For the text see Abd al-Malik b. ib al-alt, Al-Mann bi al-Imma, ed. Abd al-Hd
al-Tz (Beirut: Dr al-Gharb al-Islm, 1987).
25 h, Ibn Idhr, pp.1313, 138.
26 Ibid., pp.1567.
27 Ibid.
28 See Shatzmiller, LHistoriographie Merinide, pp.1920. For the text of the Raw al-Qirs
see Ibn Ab Zar al-Fs, Al-Ans al-Murib bi Raw al-Qirs f Akhbr Mulk al-Maghrib wa
Akhbr Madnat Fs (Rabat, 1972).
200 Appendix
was another unknown member of the same family who went by the name Ibn Ab
29 Ibid., pp.204.
30 For the text see al-ulal al-Mawshya f Dhikr al-Akhbr al-Marrkushya, ed. Suhayl
Zakkr and Abd al-Qdir Zammm (Casablanca: Dr al-Rashd al-adtha, 1979).
31 Shatzmiller, Lhistoriographie, pp.1335.
32 Le Baron De Slane, Histoire des Berbres et des dynasties musulmanes de lAfrique Septen-
trionale, 4 vols. (Algiers: Imprimerie du Gouvernement, 1852).
Primary Sources 201
and place names in these editions. This is no less true of the recent critical edition by
Khall Shada which I have relied upon here.33 Whenever there was a significant dif-
ference between De Slanes translation and Shadas edition in orthography I favored
De Slane and included a reference to the corresponding pages of his translation in the
Ibn Khaldns history is distinguished from contemporary Arabic chronicles by his
novel arrangement of the subject matter. Rather than following a strictly annalistic
approach like Ibn al-Athr or al-Maqrz for instance, Ibn Khaldn organized his work
by the history of peoples and dynasties. A consequence of this is that whenever the
histories of two or more dynasties overlap (which is often the case) an event is men-
tioned more than once in different parts of the Kitb al-Ibar. The history of the Ban
Ghniya is treated in a section of the chapter on anhja Berbers but since it is also an
integral part of Almohad history it is necessary to consult the account of the Almohads
which is found in the chapter on Mamda Berbers. The last two decades of the Ban
Ghniya rebellion in Ifrqiya occurred at a time when the Hafsids were effective rulers
of Ifrqiya but they had not yet formally cut their ties to the Almohad caliphs in Mar-
rakech. Thus the events of these years belong to the histories of three dynasties which
each have their own entry in the Kitb al-Ibar: the Ban Ghniya, Almohads, and Haf-
sids. To make matters more complicated, Ibn Khaldn did not merely copy the same
account under each heading. More often than not there are significant differences be-
tween the accounts; each one containing details not found in the others. On rare occa-
sions there are even contradictions between two accounts of the same event.
A unique feature of the Kitb al-Ibar is the large space devoted in it to the origin,
genealogy, and history of the Berbers, more so than in any other surviving work from
the medieval period. Shatzmiller argues convincingly that the History of the Berbers
contained in the Kitb al-Ibar is not an anomaly; rather it is the culmination of a local
North African school of historiography that was concerned with recording traditions
about the Berbers.34 Traces of this school are to be found in the surviving fragments
embedded in various works entitled Mafkhir al-Barbar (Great Deeds of the Berbers)
and Fail al-Barbar (Virtues of the Berbers). Collectively these fragments constituted
what Shatzmiller calls the Berber Kitb al-Ansb (Book of Genealogies). This Kitb
al-Ansb was the source from which Ibn Khaldn drew his vast information on the
Berber tribes and their history.35
For the history of the Ban Ghniya and Qarqsh the Kitb al-Ibar is indispensi-
ble. It is the only work that presents a complete account of the Ban Ghniya from
their origin to their demise. Ibn Khaldn is the only historian who informs us about
the last years of Yay b. Ghniya including the date and circumstances of his death.
For events in Ifrqiya Ibn Khaldn relies heavily upon the Rila of al-Tijn. Sometimes
he abridges entire passages from the latter.
35 Ibid.
36 Ab Abdallh Muammad b. Ibrhm al-Zarkash, Trkh al-Dawlatayn al-Muwaidya
wa al-afya, ed. Muammad Mr (Tunis: Al-Maktaba al-Atqa, 1966); Rouighi, The
Making of a Mediterranean Emirate: Ifrqiy and Its Andalusis 12001400 (Philadelphia:
University of Pennsylvania Press, 2011), pp.1603.
37 Abdallh Muammad b. Khall b. Ghlbn, Al-Tadhkr f man Malaka arblus wa m
kna bi h min al-Akhbr, ed. Ayman al-Buayr (Beirut: Muassasat al-Kutub al-Thaqfya,
Primary Sources 203
2 Mashriq Historians38
With the exception of Ibn al-Athr, the Mashriq historians have less to say about the
Almohads and the Ban Ghniya than their Maghrib counterparts. However, on the
subjects of Sharaf al-Dn Qarqsh and Ayyubid-Almohad relations the eastern sourc-
es are indispensible. The chronicle of the Ayyubid prince Ibn Taq al-Dn is our most
detailed source on the campaigns of Qarqsh in Libya and Ifrqiya despite its frag-
mentary state. Most of the information that we have concerning the diplomatic con-
tacts between al al-Dn and the Almohad court, including the texts of letters from
al al-Dn to the Almohad caliph Yaqb al-Manr, is preserved in the Mashriq
38 For the Mashriq historians who wrote in Arabic see the monumental reference work by
Shkir Muaf, Al-Trkh al-Arab wa al-Muarrikhn, 4 vols. (Beirut: Dr al-Ilm li
al-Malyn, 1979).
39 See Muammad b. Taq al-Dn Umar b. Shhinshh al-Ayyb, Mimr al-aqiq wa Sirr
al-Khaliq, ed. asan abash (Cairo: lam al-Kutub, 1968).
40 Ibid., Introduction.
204 Appendix
searchers only al-Ghanny has realized the value of this work and he makes extensive
use of it in his study on the decline of the Almohad state.41 The amount of detail in Ibn
Taq al-Dns account of Qarqshs campaigns is unparalleled in any other primary
source. He provides us with a wealth of information on the battles and sieges in which
the Ayyubids participated in the west. He also informs us about the ever-shifting alli-
ances between the Ayyubid commanders and the Arab and Berber tribes of Ifrqiya.
His account of Qarqshs expeditions in Jabal Nafsa provides us with a unique
glimpse of conditions in this remote and too-often neglected region during the Middle
Ages. It is worth noting that Qarqsh was a mamlk of Ibn Taq al-Dns father, al-
Malik al-Muaffar. Ibn Taq al-Dn tells us that he drew information from Ayyubid sol-
diers who had accompanied Qarqsh to Ifrqiya and later returned to Syria.42 This
means that he was very well-informed. Indeed the portrait of Qarqsh that emerges
from the surviving pages of the Mimr is quite vivid; he appears as a bold, iron-willed
leader who was respected and feared by his friends and enemies alike. It is a pity that
so little of this chronicle has survived; it is to be hoped that the later portions of the
chronicle will come to light one day so that we can fill in the gaps in the biography of
Sharaf al-Dn Qarqsh and the history of the Ayyubid-Almohad rivalry in Ifrqiya.
41 See Marji Aqla al-Ghanny, Suq Dawlat al-Muwaidn (Benghazi: Qarynis Univer-
sity, 1988).
42 Ibn Taq al-Dn, Mimr, p.54.
43 Muaf, Al-Trkh wa al-Muarrikhn, vol. 2, p.112.
44 Izz al-Dn Ibn al-Athr, Al-Kmil f al-Trkh, 11 vols., ed. Ab al-Fid Abdallh al-Q
(Beirut: Dr al-Kutub al-Ilmya, 1987).
45 Muaf, Al-Trkh wa al-Muarrikhn, vol. 2, pp.1116; Andrew S. Ehrenkreutz, Saladin
(Albany: SUNY Press, 1972), p.2; Yaacov Lev, Saladin in Egypt (Leiden: Brill, 1999), pp.3641.
Primary Sources 205
46 Shihb al-Dn Abd al-Ramn b. Isml b. Ibrhm al-Maqds Ab Shma, Kitb al-Raw
atayn f Akhbr al-Dawlatayn, 5 vols., ed. Ibrhm Shams al-Dn (Beirut: Dr al-Kutub
al-Ilmya, 2010).
47 Jaml al-Dn Muammad b. Slim b. Wil, Mufarrij al-Kurb f Akhbr Ban Ayyb, 5 vols.,
ed. Jaml al-Dn al-Shayyl (Cairo: Wizrat al-Thaqfa wa al-Irshd al-Qawm, 1953), vol. 1,
48 Taq al-Dn al-Maqrz, Itti al-unaf bi Akhbr al-Aimma al-Fimyn al-Khulaf, 3
vols., ed. Jaml al-Dn al-Shayyl (Cairo: Lajnat Iy al-Turth al-Islm, 196773).
206 Appendix
Fatimid descent and this no doubt contributed to the respectful and enlightened atti-
tude with which he approached the topic of Fatimid history, in contrast to other Sunn
chroniclers of his time.49 The Sulk is a lengthy chronicle which covers the whole of
the Ayyubid period and the Mamluk period down to al-Maqrzs time.50 His Khia is
an encyclopedic work on the geography and history of Egypt with a large section de-
voted to the history of Cairo and its monuments.51 The Muqaff al-Kabr is a vast bio-
graphical dictionary which is particularly rich in biographies of personalities from the
Fatimid period as well as from al-Andalus, Sicily, and the Maghrib.52 He also wrote a
number of short treatises on various topics such as the Bayn which is an account of
the Arab tribes in Egypt and Al-Nuqd al-Qadma al-Islmya which is as its title sug-
gests a history of the Islamic coinage.53
Geographies and travel accounts form our second most important body of source ma-
terial after the chronicles. They are particularly useful for the information that they
yield on trade routes, distribution of tribes and ethnic groups (Arabs, Berbers, etc.),
and on conditions in regions that were somewhat remote from the core areas of the
Islamic world such as the Sahara oases, West Africa, and Nubia. Travel literature is valu-
able because it can provide us with information on how particular rulers or dynasties
were perceived by contemporaries. The classical Arabic geographical tradition is a par-
ticularly rich one. We have mentioned below the authors of this genre whose works
have been found most helpful in elucidating conditions in North Africa during the
eleventh and twelfth centuries ad.
58 Ab Abdallh Muammad Ibn Muammad Ibn Abdallh al-Idrs, LAfrique dans le Uns
al-Muha wa Raw al-Fura dal-Idrs, ed. and trans. Jean-Charles Ducne (Leuven:
Peeters, 2010), pp.xx-xxii.
59 Kratchkovsky, Adab Jughrf, vol. 1, p.270.
60 Ibid., p.285.
61 See Munis, Jughrfiya, pp.2369.
62 Al-Sharf al-Idrs, Description de lAfrique et de lEspagne, ed. and trans. R. Dozy and
M.J.DeGoeje (Leiden: E.J. Brill, 1866).
63 Henri Bresc and Annliese Nef, Idrs: La premire gographie de lOccident (Paris: Flam-
marion, 1999), pp.356.
Primary Sources 209
64 Kratchkovsky, Adab Jughrf, vol. 1, pp.298301; Charles Pellat, Ibn Djubayr, Encyclopae-
dia of Islam 2, vol. 3 (Leiden: Brill, 1986), p.755.
65 Kratchkovsky, Adab Jughrf, vol. 1, p.301.
66 Ibid., pp.298301.
67 For the text of the Rila see Ab al-asan b. Amad b. Jubayr, Rilat Ibn Jubayr, ed.
Ibrhm Shams al-Dn (Beirut: Dr al-Kutub al-Ilmya, 2003); Ab al-asan b. Amad b.
Jubayr, Rilat Ibn Jubayr (Beirut: Dr dir, undated). For an English translation see
Roland Broadhurst, The Travels of Ibn Jubayr: a Medieval Spanish Muslim Visits Makkah,
Madinah, Cities of the Middle East and Sicily (London, 1952, reprinted in New Delhi by
Goodword Books, 2003).
68 Anonymous, Kitb al-Istibr f Ajib al-Amr, ed. Sad Zaghll Abd al-amd (Baghdad:
Dr al-Shun al-Thaqfya, 1986), Preface.
210 Appendix
was attached to the governor of Bijya in the early 1180s when the Ban Ghniya land-
ed there.69 The work is divided into three parts: a section on the holy cities of Mecca
and Medina, a section on Egypt where the author shows a great interest in the ancient
history and monuments of that country, and finally a detailed section on the Maghrib
and adjacent lands in Africa. It is evident that the author relies heavily on al-Bakrs
Maslik wa al-Mamlik but he also includes much additional information that is not to
be found in the earlier work. Not surprisingly the author appears to be very pro-Almo-
had and he fiercely condemns the rebel Ban Ghniya.70
69 I am grateful to Dr. Maribel Fierro for bringing to my attention Ibn Sharfas important
monograph on this person. Ibn Sharfas work is a valuable contribution to the study of
both Almohad scribal culture and the Kitb al-Istibr. See Muammad Ibn Sharfa, Ibn
Abd Rabbihi al-afd: Ful min Sra Mansya (Beirut: Dr al-Gharb al-Islm, 1992), espe-
cially pp.2654, 159207.
70 Anonymous, Istibr, Preface; Kratchkovsky, Adab Jughrf, vol. 1, pp.3012.
71 Ab Muammad Abdallh b. Muammad b. Amad al-Tijn, Rila, ed. asan usn
Abd al-Wahhb (Tunis: Al-Dr al-Arabya li al-Kitb, 1981), Introduction (unnumbered;
M. Plessner Al-Tidjn Encyclopaedia of Islam 2, vol. 10 (Leiden: Brill, 2000) pp.4623.
Tables Tables 211
Jabal Dummar Misratah
Sharrs Benghazi
Jabal Nafsa Sirt
Fezzan L I B Y A
map 1 Libya
Milyna Constantine
Mustaghnim Ashr Qalat Ban ammd
Oran Ss
Msla Qayrawn
Thart Tabassa al-Mahdya Lampedusa
Te l l A t l a s
ZB Awrs Mts. QAMDA
Biskra fqus Karkanna
a Qafa
A Nafa Tzur Qbis
a N A F Z WA
a Tripoli
Du m a Mt
Wargla . s.
a Mt
map 2 Ifrqiya and al-Maghrib al-Awsa
214 Maps
Algiers Bijya
Almeria Tell Summm
Mustaghnim Wd Atlas
Tangiers Oran Shalif Ashr
R f M t s. Nadrma Thart
Tilimsn s
Wd Sab a
Fez Tz Gap t l
Wd Ab Raqraq A
Rabat Sal Meknes A t Wd las n
Wd Umm al-Rab d le Mulya a
M id r
l a
Wd Tansft Marrakech A t S a
i g a s
H t l Sijilmsa
Wd Ss -
i Wd
n Tfllt
Wd Dara
Wargla Tripoli
Timbuktu Bilma
Koumbi-Saleh Walta Jenne
gold mines
map 4 Medieval West Africa and the three axes of the trans-Saharan trade
216 Maps
First Cataract
Gold and Emerald Mines
Qar Ibrm
Faras Aydhb
Mrs Allq Jedda
Third Cataract
Fourth Cataract Fifth Cataract Sawkin
Maqurra Bdi
Nil e
A l w a
Bl ue
Zaragoza Rome
Barcelona Salonica Constantinople
Lisbon Denia
Beja Cordoba Palermo
Seville Almeria Bijya Tunis
Sabta Constantine al-Mahdya Antioch
map 6 North Africa and the Mediterranean world in the age of the Almohads
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230 Index Index
Al b. Ghniya 2, 71, 76, 7980, 83, 131, 138, Almoravid Empire/Almoravids (al-Murbin;
143, 145, 154, 158 447/1056541/1147) 12, 13, 33, 42,
allied with Qarqsh vs. Almohads 141 6162, 70, 82, 190, 195
and Arab tribes 82 allegiance to Baghdad 82
and Bijya 7173, 78, 85, 146, 159, 179, 184, fall of (at Marrakech 541/1147) 53
189 history of 199200, 204
vs. al-Manr 142 and Majorca 64
raids of 8182 navy of 66
and support for 189 religious policy of 5152
Al b. al-Ghz (cousin of Yay b. Ghniya) and Sijilmsa-Awdaghust route 98
16162 and Trans-Saharan trade 4850
Al b. al-Lam 162 Alwa (Latinized as Alodia) 8687, 12021
Al b. Maymn (Almoravid admiral) 33 Amalric I (king of Jerusalem 11631174) 1013
Al b. Yay b. Tamm (Zirid prince) 36, 38 al-mir (Fatimid caliph) 33
Al b. Ysuf b. Tashfn (Almoravid ruler; amr al-muminn (Prince of the Believers)
500/1106537/1142) 51, 62 52, 14749
Al b. Ysuf al-Massf 62 Ammra b. Yay 78
Allq 128 Amr (range) 9
Allq 9091 al-Andalus 1, 6, 12, 49, 58, 61, 66, 72, 75, 146,
Almohads/Almohad Empire 1, 12, 30, 47, 50, 150, 167, 18990
5557, 7172, 77, 81, 105, 154, 157, 166, Almohad intervention in 53, 67, 70, 85,
176, 17980, 182 14951, 153
and agriculture 182 and Christians 57, 72, 175
front 59, 180
and al-Andalus 63, 70, 151, 160
history of 19597
and Arab tribes 5859, 61, 72, 145
and the Mulk al-awif (Party Kings)
-Ayyubid relations 174
vs. Ban Ghniya and Qarqsh 143, 153,
Muslim loss of 168
163, 181
straits of 54
and civil war 171
under Yay (son of Al b. Ysuf al-
coins of 50, 75, 184
Massf) 62
decline of 79, 168, 204
Annaba (city) 7, 41, 47, 128, 157
doctrine/ideology of 5152, 116, 171
Anr (followers) 51
fleet/navy of 66, 70, 161
anthropomorphism (tajsm) 52
history of 199200, 204, 210
Antioch 147
in Ifrqiya 85, 155 al-Aqaba 123, 171
and issue of Egyptian campaign 11516, Arabic (language) 87, 92
176 spread of/arabization 1, 29, 61
letters of 19394 Arabs/Arab tribes 35, 45, 47, 61, 79, 87, 91, 94,
modern scholars of 17374 100, 105, 123, 14344, 156. See also
and navy/assistance for al al-Dn 150 Adnn; Athbaj; Ban Hill; Ban
in Qafa 146 Sulaym; Dabbb/Dabbb Arabs;
and Qarqsh 117, 135, 141, 153 Muar; Raba Arabs; Riy; Zughb
recognition of 70 allies of Qarqsh and Ibn Qartikn 124,
titles of rulers 148 13132, 135
and treaties with Italians 68 auxiliaries/troops 5960, 122, 157, 164, 186,
tribes of 14, 58 189
and Yzba/Ibn Qartikn 145 and Baj 107
Index 233
booty/loot/treasure/plunder 44, 64, 70, 73, Kitb al-Sim by Ibn tim (alive in
79, 81, 113, 124, 127, 132, 134, 140, 156, 162, 1295/694) 114 n.10
179 Latin 68
Bougie (Bijya) 47. See also Bijya of al-Maqrz, Sulk 206
Buayra (province) 107, 123 civilization 4, 26, 49, 185, 187
battle of (524/1130) 51, 53 civil war 61, 91, 101, 156, 173
Bulukn (Hammadid ruler; 447/105556 over caliphate 17071
454/1062) 42 coins/coinage 46
Bure 1920, 49, 118 gold 98, 109
Buresi, Pascal 195 history of 109, 184
Burnus (descendants were Barnis) 1213 minting of 68, 74
Butr (tribes, descendants of Madghs Colin, G.S. 197
al-Abtar) 14 commerce 8
Constantine 7, 4142, 45, 47, 58, 72, 81, 85,
Cahen, Claude 26 142
Cairo/Fus 16, 46, 86, 88, 96, 102, 107, 116, siege of 55, 8081
121 Copts/Coptic 87, 92
Timbuktu route 17 Cordoba 49, 62
caliphs/caliphate Corsica 65
in Baghdad 41, 52, 66 Crusades/Crusaders 64, 101, 176
in Cairo (Fatimid) 32, 41 history of 205
hereditary 58, 61 and al al-Dn 102, 109, 11112, 14647,
Camps, Gabriel 11 15051, 174
Cape Bon 8. See also Bsh (Cape Bon) Cyrenaica (Barqa) 7, 14, 23, 25, 82, 112, 179
Carmona 63 and Ayyubids 113
Carthage 8, 156 conquest of 12425, 131
Castilians 63, 151, 180 control of, by Qarqsh 141
Catalonia/Catalonians 2, 6467 and Fatimids 98
cataracts (of the Nile) 86 and Sulaym tribes 123
cavalry 53, 59, 7677, 79, 101, 122, 135, 136
n.121, 142, 162, 175 Dabbb/Dabbb Arabs 25, 128, 13536,
Chad 1819 14041, 154
Chad, Lake 7, 48 allied with Qarqsh 13132
Christianity 87 allied with Yay b. Ghniya 16667
Christians/Christian powers 31, 53, 179 Daghfs, R 25
in al-Andalus 62, 167, 175 Dkhila 87
in Balearic Islands 6465 Damascus 101
in Majorca 84 Dara River 10
chronicles/chroniclers 3, 25, 45, 58, 92, 104, Darfur 19, 94
11112, 114, 187, 189, 193, 201, 206 dates/date-palms 8, 10, 2728, 117, 12930,
Al-ulal al-Mawshya f Dhikr al-Akhbr 139, 146, 155, 18182. See also agricul-
al-Marrkushya 200 ture
Almohad 194 dawa, of Fatimids in Ifrqiya 13
of Ibn al-Athr, al-Kmil f al-Trkh 204 Dawwwida (sub-tribe of Hill Ban Riy)
of Ibn Ghalbn, al-Tidhkr f man malaka 164, 166
arblus wa m kna bih min decentralization 1, 26, 30
al-Akhbr 202 De Goeje, M.J. 208
of Ibn Idhr 3, 162, 19799 Delta 86
of Ibn Taq al-Dn 4, 131, 2034 Denia (in al-Andalus) 6364, 85
236 Index
al-Mahdya 8, 25, 28, 30, 33, 39, 43, 54, 5657, al-Maqrz (766/1365845/1441)
75 n.119, 135, 141, 15657, 161, 183 on Arab tribes at time of al al-Dn 106
conquest of, by Normans 197 on Aswan 108
fall of 47, 137, 162 on Ayyubids 11112, 114, 12223, 127
inhabitants of 35 on Egypt and gold mining 89 n.14, 90
siege of 32, 34, 3839, 47, 57, 157, 159 on end of Fatimids/al-id 104
transfer of capital to 31 on fall of Ghadmis 131
under Yay b. Ghniya 157 on history of coinage 109
Majorca/Majorcans 1, 2, 6364, 71, 7576, 82, on Ibn Qartikn 144
85, 143, 172, 186, 188 and Itti al-unaf 205
Almohad capture of 3, 84 on pilgrim/trade routes 9596
history of 6669 on Qarqsh 124
Makk b. Kmil b. Jmi (amir of Riy works of 206
branch of Ban ill) 38, 40 Maqurra (also Makouria) 86, 90, 108
Malaga 63 king of (ib al-Khayl) 87, 9394
Ml 119 Nubians of 90
al-Malik al-dil Sayf al-Dn al-Ayyb marabotins (Almoravid dinars, in Europe)
(brother of al al-Dn, Ayyubid 48
sultan) 107, 125 Marais, Georges., 185
Mlik b. Alaw (Hill chief) 32 Marinids/Marinid period 60, 173, 191, 193
Mlik school 51, 78 of Fez, origins of 14
Malinke (or Mandinka) 19 history of 200
Mallla (Melila) 9 Mars (also Nobatia; northern Nubia) 86,
Mamluks/Mamluk period 96, 1067 9293, 105, 108
and gold 108 maritime powers/states 2, 31, 6567, 75, 172.
al-Mamn (Abbasid caliph; 198/813218/833) See also navy/fleet/ships
89 and superiority of Christians 147
al-Mamn, Ab al-Ul Idrs (Almohad Marrakech (Marrkush) 2, 10, 49, 51, 5556,
caliph;626/1229630/1232) 61, 17071 58, 72, 75, 7980, 83, 85, 14546, 16061,
Manya tribe 134 165, 189
Mandl b. Abd al-Ramn (Maghrw chief) caliph/caliphal court in 59, 163
169 al-Marrkush, Abd al-Wid 6667, 180, 193
al-Manr (Hammadid sultan 481/1088 on Al b. Isq b. Ghniya, in Bijya 76
498/1105) 160 n.123, 77
al-Manr (Zirid prince) 41 on Ghuzz 145
al-Manr, Ab Ysuf Yaqb (Almohad and al-Mujib f Talkh Akhbr al-Maghrib
caliph,580/1184595/1199) 2, 7980, 195
14850, 16869, 180, 183, 188, 195 as pro-Almohad 187
in al-Andalus 149, 151 Mashriq 22, 50, 73, 75
and Ban Ghniya and Qarqsh 14344, Masla 72
150 Maslta 131
and Ifrqiya 142, 146 Mamda Berbers 1314, 51, 5354, 72
on al al-Dn 147, 151 Massfa 13, 62, 77 n.125, 84, 186
and siege of Qafa 187 Mama, Qarqsh campaign against 134
Manr al-Barghaw (Zirid official) 39 Mauny, Raymond 15
manufactured goods 15, 19, 73, 94. See also Mauritania 6
trade goods Maymn b. amdn 5455
Maqil (Hill tribe) 25, 72 Maymn b. Ziyda 34 n.20
Index 243
Saharan gold trade 48, 74. See also gold; Sartain, Elizabeth 9293, 95
Trans-Saharan trade savanna 18, 118, 127
pre-Islamic 18 Sayfwa 19
ib al-dwn (head of the treasury) 33, 135 Sayyid, Amad Fud 17677
al-Sil, Nama Abd al-Salm Seba/Soba, Desert of 121
on Almohads 116, 17475 Senegal River Valley 18
on al al-Dn and Qarqsh 115, 117 Seville 49, 53, 63
Sad, A. 53 fqus (Sfax) 8, 28, 31, 39, 43
saj (rhyming prose) capture of (493/1100) 32
of Ab Shma 205 vs. Normans 57
of Ibn Idhr 198 under Yay b. Ghniya 157
Sal (Sal), port of 10, 5354, 56, 60, 83 Zirid control of 40
al al-Dn al-Ayyb (al-Malik al-Nir) 2, Shaban, M.A. 16
4, 62, 82, 88, 1024, 109, 121, 205 Shada, Khall 201
and Abbasids 176 Shalif (Chelif) (river valley) 9, 41
alliance with Ban Ghniya 150, 177 al-Shanka 90
and Almohads 141, 152, 203 shara 149
and conflict with Arab tribes 108 Shard (Sulaym tribe) 135, 138, 141
and conquest of Cyrenaica 123 Sharrs 129
and Crusaders 146 Sha al-udna 9
and debasement of dinars/silver dirhams shas (vast salt-lakes) 8, 82
10910, 117 Shatzmiller, Maya 1112
and foreign policy of 117, 177, 188 on Ibn Ab Zar, 199
on Ibn Khaldn 201
image of 17475
Shwar (governor of Upper Egypt) 100102,
and internal (Ayyubid) dissent 104, 107,
Shawbak (Crusader castle al al-Dn laid
and involvement in Maghrib and Ifrqiya
siege to) 111, 177
152, 177
Sha/Sh 20 n.55, 41, 117
and letters to al-Manr 147, 14950
revolt/uprising, fear of 104, 111
and military reforms 106, 108
Shidda al-Mustanirya (years of calamity
and Nr al-Dn 111, 114, 177
during caliph al-Mustanir) 95
and Qarqsh 115
al-Shidda al-Um (Great Crisis) 25, 93,
and Red Sea trade 97 107. See also Egypt
request for assistance from Almohads al-Shuj al-Balabak 105
14648, 151, 17778 Shunqayr 90
in Upper Egypt/Kunz/Nubians 105 Sicily/Sicilians 6, 23, 3334, 55, 57, 6667, 69,
Salqaa (halfway between fqus and 75 n.119, 8485, 14647, 151
al-Mahdya) 39 king of 35, 149
salt 15, 19, 2122, 49, 64, 11920, 183. See also Sidrta 15
trade goods siege engines/catapults 33, 81, 135, 136, 152,
andal (eunuch of al-asan, last of Zirids) 15758, 16162
33 ddabn (wooden observation tower) 143
anhja Berbers 1213, 15, 25, 51, 53, 55, 62 Sigurd I of Norway 64
and battle of Sabba 44 Sijilmsa 3, 10, 15, 16, 2122, 43, 48, 50, 75, 99,
Sans Rossell, Elviro 65, 67 165
Santa Maria dUll, church of 69 and Yay b. Ghniya 17071
Sardniya 140 SijilmsaAwdaghust axis 17, 1920, 49, 74,
Sardinia 32, 6465, 67, 69 98, 11718, 121
Index 247
al-Tijn (670/1272?) (cont.) central and eastern axes 1516, 2022, 49,
on Almohads 54, 5657 11720
on Ibn Mar 137 and Fatimid loss of control 99
on Ibn Qartikn 126, 14445 and Ghadmis 127
on Nafzwa 139 and gold trade 50 (See also gold)
on Qarqsh/Ayyubid conquest 122, 124 western axis/SijilmsaAwdaghust 17,
on Qarqshs capture of Tripoli 13738, 1920, 23, 43, 4849, 74, 11718
176 Zawla as hub of 126
on Qarqshs death 167 travel literature 206, 209
on Qarqshs recognition of Almohads treaties 41, 57, 65, 6769, 102, 160
144 tribal confederations 1314, 42, 88, 107
and Rila 202, 210 tribute
on al al-Dn/Ayyubid reasons for going to Almohads 180
to Maghrib 112 to Arabs 35, 36
on Zirids 38 to Ayyubids 126
Tjs 41 to Ban Ghniya 155
Tilimsn (Tlemcen) 9, 14, 16, 42, 5354, 72, to Jerusalem 102
7980, 99, 146, 158 to Pisans/Genoese 67
Tnmallal (in High Atlas) 51, 142 to Qarqsh 124, 13435, 138
Tnmallal (tribe) 14 to Yay b. Ghniya 158
Tinzalt, fortress of 136 Zirids, paid to Fatimids 98
Tittiri (sub-range of Tell Atlas) 9 Tripoli (arbls) 2, 7, 23, 28, 31, 47, 82, 84,
Touareg (awriq, derived from Trj) 13 131, 147, 163, 183
Toulon 68
capture of, by Qarqsh 13738, 176
trade 2, 75, 98, 129, 181
fall of 155
of Egypt with Nubian kingdoms 88, 92,
and Fatimids 98
9495, 100
vs. Normans 57
of Egypt with sub-Saharan Africa 87
status of 137
with Indian Ocean 88, 9596, 100
under Yay b. Ghniya 157
routes 183, 206
Tripolitania 7, 14, 23, 25, 61, 72, 113, 121
trade goods 15, 9495
Ayyubid campaigns to 114
alum 76
conditions in 128, 139
brass/copper 11920
history of 202
coral 183
hides 15, 76, 183 and Qarqsh 141, 179
horses 19, 119 Tulunid dynasty (in Egypt) 95, 107
ivory 15, 94, 119 Tunis 8, 28, 31, 43, 5657, 75, 142, 161, 171, 183,
precious stones 91, 117, 120 189
silks 75, 183 as capital of Yay b. Ghniya 158
silver 139, 185 conquest of 32, 47, 140, 158
spices 27, 75, 183 Ibn Munqidh in 149
wool 76, 18283 ruled by Almohads 141
Trans-Saharan trade 2, 7, 10, 15, 18, 74 siege of 3637
Almohad control over 184 Tunisia 67, 57, 72
and Almoravids 4850, 98 Trnshh (brother of al al-Dn) 1045,
and Ayyubids, desire for/control over 127, 108
131, 178 expedition to Nubia 111
beginnings of 1617 and internal disputes of Ayyubids 112, 114
Index 249
Turks 59, 94, 103, 14344, 186 Wd Tfillt (southeastern Morocco) 21, 61,
help Qarqsh 13940, 175 165
/Kurdish military, of al al-Dn 105, 136 Wd Tansft 60
n.121 Wangara 20, 74
urra (city in Nazwa) 139, 154, 158 Wargla 8, 15, 22, 42, 50, 76, 99, 117, 121, 184
Tzir 35 importance of 74
Tzur (Tozeur, city) 8, 82, 139, 141, 143 and Trans-Saharan gold trade 75
Tyre 147 Warka (tribe) 14
Warsanis (sub-range of Tell Atlas) 9
Ubaydallh (Mahd) 52 n.14 Wasilt, Mt., 32
Ubayd b. Jahm 89 Welsby, Derek 95
Ubba, town of 169 West Africa 18
ulema 51, 78, 95, 116 William I (Norman king; 11311166) 57
Umar (brother of Zirid ruler Tamm b. William II (Norman king; 11661189) 84
al-Muizz) 38 wult (governors) 107
Umar b. Ab al-asan al-Firyn (governor of
fqus) 40 Yaghmursan (633/1235681/1283) 190
Umar b. Ghlib (governor of Bja) 157 Yay b. Al b. Ysuf al-Massf (brother of
Umayyads (of Cordoba) 1, 12, 18, 2223, 30, Muammad b. Ghniya) 6263
63, 195, 197 Yay b. al-Azz (Hammadid ruler) 3435,
authority of 9899 37, 4647, 5455
Umm Adt (citadel in southeastern Tunisia) Yay b. Ghniya 23, 76, 78, 81, 157, 181
139 vs. Ab Zayd 168
death of 173
Umm al-Izz (fortress) 13233, 136
desert warfare of 172, 184
Umm Lma (fortress town) 134
vs. Ibn Ab af 164
Umm al-Rab River 10
invasion of al-Maghrib al-Awsa 169
Umm al-Ul 54
in possession of Ifrqiya 157
Umra (plain) 142
vs. Qarqsh 15455, 167
al-Urbus (Laribus) 4445, 134
and raids on Almohads 16365, 179, 182
ul (sources of law) 51
and recognition of Abbasids 159
Uways, Abd al-alm 34 n.20
supporters of 189
and Thart and Arshkl 188
Valrian, Dominique 7475 in Waddn 168
Vanacker, Claudette 1516 Yay b. Ibrhm al-Hazraj (Almohad
Venice 146 admiral) 160
Yay b. ala (nephew of Al b. Ghniya)
Waddn 3, 12627, 155, 166, 179 7980
Wd Ab Raqraq 60 Yay b. Tamm (son of Tamm, son of
Wd al-Allq 90, 92 al-Muizz) 32, 39
gold mining in 88, 97, 99100, 107, 109, 117, Yay al-Mutaim (624/1227626/1229) 61,
121 17071, 185
Wd Bajrada 28 Yamma (Arabian Peninsula) 89, 91
Wd Dara 61 al-Yaqb (d. 284/897)
Wd Mulya 61 on Allq 90
wds (river valleys) 9 on Egypt/Nubia 88
Wd Shabr, battle at 164 Yaqb al-Manr (Almohad caliph; 580/1184
Wd Shalif, battle at 164 595/1199) 60, 76, 115, 156, 175, 178, 185,
Wad Ss 61 203
250 Index