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Sample of Checklist: Student Achievi NG LOC Science Skills (Observation, Communication ..) Comments

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Sample of checklist

Subject: science
Lesson: season
Learning outcomes:
Identify the different seasons and kinds of weather found in each one (spring
Classify the characteristic of the two seasons including types of clothes
people could wear, how the trees look in each season, kind of activities
people could do.

Student Achievi Science Comments

ng LOC skills(observation,
Abdul Hadi Able to use -Able to idenitify the
observation( use his senses charateristics between the
such as looking and sesons.
toughing). Also, - Also, she can
communicate with parters. verify/explain his the resons
for putting this picture in
this place!
Abdulaziz Able to use observation( use Need suppoot and guide
his senses such as looking form the teacher to be able
and touching. Less to classify the pictures.
communication She faceed problem in

Abdulla Bin Able to use observation( use Able to distinguish between

his senses such as looking the chareteristics of the
and touching). Also, sesons.
communicate with parters.
Amir Able to use observation( use
his senses such as looking Able to distinguish between
and touching). Also, the chareteristics of each
communicate with parters. season.
Claafying between the -Excellent readers.
weather of each sesons.
Ayaan Able to use observation( use
his senses such as looking -Able to describe the
and touching). Also, charecteristics of the
communicate with parters. seasons.
Claafying between the -Able to do the work without
weather of each sesons. getting supppot from the
Ayan Able to use observation( use capacity distinguish
his senses such as looking between the season.
and touching). Also, -Able to explain the resons
communicate with parters. for the classification.
- Can read without facing

Faisal Less communication, - Talking too much with her

able to use observation( use classmates during the
his senses such as looking activities time
and touching - able to ditinguish between
the seasons.
Hana Able to use observation( use She is a very shy and silent
his senses such as looking student, which is too hard to
and touching). Also, listen to her voice.
communicate with parters. -Able to distinguish between
the charecteristics of
Hind Khaled Able to use observation( use Able to idenitify the
his senses such as looking charateristics between the
and touching). Also, sesons.
communicate with parters. - Also, she can
Claafying between the verify/explain his the resons
weather of each sesons. for putting this picture in
this place!
Mohammad Able to use observation( use -capacity the charecteristics
his senses such as looking of the seasons.
and touching). Also,
communicate with parters.
Claafying between the
weather of each sesons.
Mohammed Able to use observation( use -able to finsh the work
his senses such as looking without getting support
and touching). Also, from the teacher.
communicate with parters. Distinguish between the
Claafying between the charecteristics of the
weather of each sesons. seaons.
Tolin A. A. Able to use observation( use -organzied girl
his senses such as looking Capacity to explain. resons
and touching). Also, for the classification. So, I
communicate with parters. can use her to be a small
Claafying between the teacher to teach and
weather of each sesons. scaffold her peers.
Yomna Able to use observation( use Able to idenitify the
his senses such as looking charateristics between the
Walid and touching). Also, sesons.
communicate with parters. - Also, she can
Claafying between the verify/explain his the resons
weather of each sesons. for putting this picture in
this place!

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