Teachers Notes For Photocopiables
Teachers Notes For Photocopiables
Teachers Notes For Photocopiables
Team 1:
1 playwright 2 on cue 3 singing backing vocals 2A: Three in a row
4 jumped down their throats 5 leap in the dark 6 in
the limelight knew no bounds Use after Vocabulary Exercise 3 (CB p.27).
Team 2: Aim To review phrasal verbs which
1 screenwriter 2 soundtrack was 3 a dress
rehearsal 4 received a standing ovation
use the same verbs but different
5 understudy leapt at the opportunity 6 backstage particles.
area out of bounds Time 20 minutes
Activity type Pairwork. Students complete
sentences using a verb (in its
correct form) so that it forms a
1C: Whos the star?
phrasal verb. They use these
Use after Use of English 2 Exercise 1 verbs to play a noughts-and-
(CB p.18). crosses (tic tac toe) style board
Aim To review past, present and game.
future structures. Preparation Make one copy of Activity 2A
Time 15 minutes on p.144 per pair.
Activity type Pairwork. Students complete
sentences with missing words Procedure
and phrases, and write these in a 1 Divide the class into pairs, and give each pair a
grid to reveal the name of a copy of the activity.
famous person.
2 Explain that each sentence can be completed
Preparation Make one copy of Activity 1C on with a verb from the box at the top of the page.
p.143 per pair. These verbs, combined with the particle(s) in the
sentences, form a phrasal verb. Each verb can be
used in three sentences.
Procedure Procedure
1 Divide the class into groups of 4, and ask them 1 Divide the class into pairs or groups of 3, and
to divide into teams of 2 (Team A and Team B). give each pair/group a copy of the activity.
Explain that they are going to do a speaking
2 Explain that short passages 110 each contain
activity in which they are going to award each
two wrong word forms. The words are
other points based on their answers to a
grammatically wrong (e.g. a verb has been used
instead of a noun) or grammatically right but
2 Give Team A in each group their two Team A used incorrectly in the context of the sentences
papers, and give Team B their two Team B (e.g. the word has a positive meaning when it
papers. Tell them to read the instructions should have a negative meaning). In each case,
carefully, and ask you if anything is unclear. If the words need to be changed by adding a prefix
necessary, ask concept questions to check they or a suffix.
understand what they have to do.
3 In their pairs/groups, students identify the two
3 Allow the students about 15 minutes to do the wrong word forms, and change them to their
activity, including awarding points and giving correct forms. They then decide how certain they
their opposing team feedback on their answer. are that their changes are correct, using the key
The winning team in each group is the team at the bottom of the page, and risk 1, 2 or 3
with the most points. points. They write these down in the Points
risked spaces for each question in the table. For
Follow-up example, if they are quite sure that their changes
for sentence 1 are correct, they write the number
In their team pairs, students can discuss how they 2 in the first space. At this stage, you should
think they could improve their own long turn warn them that they will lose the points they are
answers (for example, what their weak points were, risking if any of their changes are incorrect.
where they could have added more information,
etc.). They could then answer their question again, 4 Allow about 15 minutes for this, then tell them
with the first student and second student switching to stop the activity and review the answers with
roles, so that everyone in the class does a long turn. them. They award themselves the points they
risked if both changes in a passage are correct,
but they deduct points if one or both of their
changes in a passage is wrong. When you have
finished reviewing their answers, they should
add up the points for their correct answers, then
deduct the points for their incorrect answers.
The winning pair or group is the one with the
most points.
3 The above steps are repeated for about 15 2 Explain that you are going to read them a very
minutes, at which point you should stop the brief review of a book you have read. Students
Small mistakes like these are common, even among
native speakers, and are often the result of speed or
carelessness rather than lack of language control
(often when the writer intends to write one
expression, then changes it at the last moment).
Encourage students to check the essay they write
for Exercise 8 in Module 10B carefully for small
mistakes, as these can lose them marks in the exam.