World04 26 17
World04 26 17
World04 26 17
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Tradi$0ng iDown
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ive truck - Leasi ng-another brandsdue
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Have an expiring Dodge/Ram/Jeep Lease? Each of these could save you another $29 a month*
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$0 Down - Just your 1st. payment due at delivery.
2017 Jeep Wrangler 44x4
60 mo.
$ 36 mo.
36 mo.
Trading in a competitive truck - Leasing another brands vehicle - Have an expiring Dodge/Ram/Jeep Lease? Each of these could save you another $29 a month*
2017 Jeep Wrangler 44x4
x $299
Trading in a competitive truck - Leasing another brands vehicle - Have an expiring Dodge/Ram/Jeep Lease? Each of these could save you another $29 a month*
60 mo.
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299 239
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2017 Hyundai Tucson
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$ Free
36 mo.Lease Days
1365 US Route 302 - Barre Vt. $
0 DOWNStarting Saturday
Please present ad to receive special pricing. In some cases you cannot combine competetive truck trade with one or both lease incentives to save the extra $29 a month, applies to Ram 1500 lease only, see salesperson for complete qualification details.
rlel e 800-340-0101 DAYS
Free Only
1365 US Route 302 - Barre Vt. Only
Starting Saturday
4/8- 4/16
1365 US Route 302 - Barre Vt. Starting
*Tax Title and Reg. fees not included. All leases are for 10,000 miles per year for well quallified buyers. Ram - Zero due at delivery, $0.25 for excess miles. Wrangler, Grand Cherokee & Cherokee $1999 due at delivery, $0.25 for excess miles. Elantra $0 due at delivery, $0.20 for excess
Please present ad to receive special pricing. In some cases you cannot combine competetive truck trade with one or both lease incentives to save the extra $29 a month, applies to Ram 1500 lease only, see salesperson for complete qualification details.
mile Pictures are for
4/8- 4/16
illustration only.
*Tax Title and Reg. fees not included. All leases are for 10,000 miles per year for well quallified buyers. Ram - Zero due at delivery, $0.25 for excess miles. Wrangler, Grand Cherokee & Cherokee $1999 due at delivery, $0.25 for excess miles. Elantra $0 due at delivery, $0.20 for excess mile Pictures are for illustration only.
Please present ad to receive special pricing. In some cases you cannot combine competetive truck trade with one or both lease incentives to save the extra $29 a month, applies to Ram 1500 lease only, see salesperson for complete qualification details.
Vermont Financial Literacy Commission and State
Treasurer Beth Pearce Call for New Strategies to
Improve the Financial Capability of Vermonters
State Treasurer Beth Pearce, Vermont must do better. We must give our citizens access to
House Speaker Mitzi Johnson, financial literacy tools to ensure our communities are strong
Champlain College Center for and our economy is healthy.
Financial Literacy Director John The Vermont General Assembly established the Vermont
Pelletier, and members of the Financial Literacy Commission during the 2015 Legislative
Vermont Financial Literacy session. The 12-member commission was created to make
Commission today urged policy- recommendations to measurably improve the financial litera-
makers to act on the recommenda- cy and financial capability of Vermonts citizens (attached is
tions contained in the Commissions an Executive Summary of the report).
2017 Financial Literacy Report. To date, several of the Commissions recommendations
Sterling Silver
Sterling Silver Birthstone
Birthstone Tall &Tall
Mini& Mini
Tag with Tag
The Financial Literacy have been enacted, or are moving through the legislative pro-
as worn byas worn by Camila McConaughey
Commission believes strongly that
Camila McConaughey
cess, including the development of a public retirement plan
the State of Vermont can do more to option for Vermonters who do not currently have access to
advance the financial capability of employer-sponsored plans (proposed in S.135), changes to
our citizens by building on success- state policy to address benefit cliffs and asset tests (proposed
ful programs and more efficiently utilizing existing resourc- by H.326), and the State Treasurers Offices successful
es, said Treasurer Beth Pearce, who serves as Co-Chair of launch of VermontABLE accounts, which allow individuals
the Commission. with disabilities the opportunity to save and invest up to
Commission members noted that many Vermonters strug- $14,000 per year without being removed from public benefit
gle with personal finance concepts and lack financial capabil- programs. John Pelletier, Co-Chair of the Commission and
ity at all income levels and stages of life. The Commission Director of the Center for Financial Literacy at Champlain
called on the General Assembly and Vermont leaders to take College, noted the importance of prioritizing policies to
substantive steps to promote responsibility, affordability, and increase the financial sophistication of Vermonts citizenry:
sustainability for the financial well-being of all Vermont citi- many state initiatives such as decreasing poverty and
zens. The steps, which are detailed in the full report, include: increasing the proportion of young Vermonters continuing
Promote expanded financial literacy education at the pri- their education beyond secondary school rest on our citizens
mary, secondary, and postsecondary levels; having the financial tools they need for a better future. The
Increase access to available state resources by appointing number of financial decisions Vermonters face continues to
Sterling Silver
Sterling Silver Sweethear
Sweetheart tNecklace
Necklace an interagency task force to evaluate current programs and to intensify as the variety and complexity of financial products
with Birthstone
with Birthstone poshmommyjewelr y.c coordinate and improve the effectiveness of existing outreach grow.
efforts to our schools, colleges, and with citizens; and Commission members shared data that individuals often do
Launch a financial health campaign to educate our citi- not fully understand debit and credit cards, mortgages, bank-
zens about the importance of basic financial education, credit ing, investment and insurance products and services, retire-
worthiness, saving, investing, and to direct them to existing ment planning, and an array of other financial topics. A lack
reputable personal finance resources. of financial capability can limit an individuals access to
Too many Vermonters struggle with debt, poor credit, and credit and saving options, leading to a higher cost of living.
90 status may display the CVC their publication,
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and on marketing materials.
Conditions Agreement $6,499
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audit expiration.within five (5) business days
WATERBURY, VT fabricated deck fabricated deck
2-year limited commercial warranty or 4-year/
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If you have
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question please call (800)262-6392.
500-hour limited residential warranty The WORLD reserves all rights to advertising copy produced
500-hour limited residential warranty
STARTING AT $6,499limited
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STARTING AT $6,49990 by its own staff. No such advertisement may be used or
reproduced without express permission.
Office Hours: Monday-Friday 8:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m.; Closed
Saturday and Sunday.
Subscriptions: $8.00/month, $48.00/6 months, $96.00/year.
First Class.
page 2 The WORLD April 26, 2017
Green Mountain United Way Announces 2017 Day of Caring Projects and Seeks Volunteers
When people come together for a special Some of the project activities include land-
day of volunteerism, helping local organiza- scaping, painting, minor building repairs,
tions with much-needed projects and giving office organization, pressure washing build-
their time and talents to the community good, ings and more.
it is more than just a normal day, it is a Day Business volunteers are a key part of Day
of Caring. of Caring. We are fortunate to have so many
Green Mountain United Ways annual Day great businesses who support their community
of Caring is scheduled for Wednesday, May by giving employees incentives to volunteer
24 in Central Vermont and volunteers are still their time. In 2016 we were supported by
needed to help on the two projects planned for businesses such as Blue Cross and Blue
the day. Shield of Vermont, Northfield Savings Bank
My favorite part of Day of Caring is being and Keurig Green Mountain. We are hoping
able to see individuals come together to work they, and many others, will join us again this
hard together and support the organizations year, said Carrie Stahler, Director of Funding
that do so much for our community while also and Program Development at Green Mountain
building new relationships through the joy of United Way and the lead organizer of the Day
volunteering, Tawnya Kristen, Executive of Caring.
Director of Green Mountain United Way, said. Aside from helping the organization, Stahler
The Day of Caring is one of the best ways we is hoping those volunteering will learn more
have seen to mobilize and energize people to about the important work these organizations
give back to their communities while having a are doing.
lot of fun doing it. Volunteers are being accepted and will be
This years projects are scheduled at The accepted the day of the event. Those interested
Family Center of Washington County in Berlin in volunteering for Day of Caring, should
and the Good Samaritan Haven in Barre. contact Carrie Stahler at 802-613-3989 or by
The day will begin at The Family Center of email at [email protected]. More
Washington County where volunteers will information and registration can be found at
help to rebuild and rehab the childrens play-
ground and community garden, then continue
in the afternoon at the Good Samaritan Haven
shelter in Barre with indoor and outdoor Last year, Green Mountain United Way organized
a Day of Caring event that helped out O.U.R.
clean-up work. House of Central Vermont in Barre.
Action Hires
Capstone Community
Action announced that
Colleen Lafont was hired as
the new Chief Financial
Officer. This position has a
critical role in fulfilling the
Capstone leadership team.
Colleen has worked at
Capstone for 27 years and
during this time she has held
the roles of Controller and
Grants and Contracts
Accountant. Colleen brings a
wealth of knowledge in non-
profit accounting, nonprofit
financial management and
government administration to
her role as Chief Financial
Dan H. Hoxworth,
Executive Director of
Capstone Community Action
stated I am delighted to have
Colleen as part of our senior
management team and lead-
ing the organizations financ-
es. She has already demon-
strated outstanding leadership
in her interim role. I know
through her professionalism
and dedication to Capstone
she will help keep us strong
as an organization in order to
impact the community
through our services and pro-
Capstone Community
Action was founded in 1965
and works to alleviate the
suffering caused by poverty
and to create economic oppor-
tunity for people and com-
munities. Capstones pro-
grams include emergency
food assistance, emergency
heat and utility assistance,
housing counseling including
homelessness intervention,
transportation assistance,
community economic devel-
opment, and child and family
development programs in
Early Head Start/Head Start.
We serve more than 15,000
people through these pro-
grams each year.
April 26, 2017 The WORLD page 3
A Change in the Weather Exhibit
SERIOUS ABOUT Opens at T.W. Wood Gallery
EARNING MORE The T. W. Wood Gallery at 46
Barre St. in Montpelier is pleased
to announce a joint exhibit of the
works of Adelaide Murphy Tyrol
and Richard Murphy. The exhibit
will be open for viewing from
Tuesday, May 2, through Friday
We will train you for a July 7, 2017. There will be an
successful career in sales, no opening reception with refresh-
ments served and an opportunity
experience necessary! to meet the artists and purchase
works on Friday, May 5 from 4-8
Flexible Hours. p.m. at the Gallery with a presen-
tation by the artists at 6 p.m. This
Great Pay. event is part of Montpeliers Art
Vacation & Benefits. Walk. Music with the CBT band Adelaide Murphy Tyrol
will be playing before the talk.
Murphys professional life has been as a Since the end of his newspaper career
botanical and natural history illustrator. Murphy has worked as an editor of photogra-
Murphy has an MFA from the Art Institute of phy books, a freelance photographer, the leader
403 U.S. Rte. 302-Berlin Boston and has attended the Parsons School of wilderness photography workshops, and as a
Barre, VT 05641 of Design, Humboldt Field Research Institute, professor of journalism at the University of
along with other art educational programs. Alaska. He is currently working on a body of
email you resume to: [email protected] She said of her artwork, This past summer photographs documenting the effects of climate
my brother invited me on a river trip down the change in the Alaska Arctic.
Noatak River in Alaskas Gates of the Arctic Murphy noted, These Alaska landscape
National Park. It was a place so remote, so far photographs, many of which come from north
from human habitation that I felt as if I was of the Arctic Circle, speak not only to the
Bragg Farm
entering into a living, breathing, unfamiliar majestic beauty of a great land, but to the
organisma sentient macrocosm made up of transformation the land and waters are experi-
AT many smaller interconnecting systems. encing as a result of a warming world.
This remote place was mysterious and The photographs are not meant as political
revealing, fragile and fierce, beautiful and statements, nor are they meant to explain the
Vermont Grown frightening. The paintings here are an attempt causes or the possible solutions to climate
to understand these contradicting features and change, but only to document an undeniable
PANSIES to come to terms with the vulnerability of our environmental transition. The landforms and
complex planet as it responds to unprecedent- waters of the Arctic are changing faster than
ed and perhaps irrevocable changes. anywhere else on the planet, and they may be
have arrived! Murphy was a newspaper photographer and a bellwether of what awaits the rest of the
Organically grown. photo editor in Wyoming and Alaska for 37 world. It is worth our paying attention.
years. During that time he was part of the Also on exhibit at the Gallery are works
Lots of great colors. team that won the Pulitzer Prize Gold Medal from the Central Vermont Pastel Society
for Public Service in 1989, and his staff was members along with artwork from the T.W.
All Grades of 2017 nominated for the Pulitzer in News Wood Permanent Collection. The Gallery
Photography for their coverage of the Exxon hours are Tuesday-Saturday 12-4 p.m. and by
Are Available
Valdez oil spill. appointment.
RAISED DONUTS Montpelier Community Gospel Choir to
While They Last! Perform Concerts in Barre and Montpelier
The Montpelier Community Gospel Choir, it experiences through gospel music. Central
an ecumenical community choir with mem- VTs only gospel choir and band combines
bers from all over Vermont, invites the com- soul, jazz, original and traditional gospel
Worlds Best munity to join them for two special evenings music to produce an exuberant sound. The
Maple of celebration at their annual spring concerts. choir, begun in 1994, has grown to over 65
& The first concert will be in Barre on Saturday, members, composed of everyday people who
Chocolate April 29 at 7 p.m.; the second in Montpelier more often than not have no professional
Creemees, on Sunday, April 30 at 7 p.m. Suggested training, yet can produce a sound that reaches
Served donation is $10 per person/$25 for families. from deep within their souls to touch their
Everyday The Montpelier concert will also be followed audiences in a powerful way. The choir is
802-223-5757 by a free reception downstairs for all partici- also accompanied by a full band of profes-
1 mile north of E. Montpelier Village on Rt. 14N (follow signs)
pants. sional local musicians, and is led by John
3HUIRUPDQFH OPEN Every Day from 8:30AM-6:00PM
The choirs mission is to share with the Harrison, artistic director.
community the joy, hope and inspiration that
Safely Dispose of
ICount H
Prescription Drugs
6XSHULRUPXOFKLQJSHUIRUPDQFH Washington County Sheriff W. Samuel Hill, in cooperation with
2QGQDGMXVWVWR\RXU Register to win a
the DEA, has coordinated collection sites within Washington
SS County, for the disposal of unused prescription drugs.
model #74720
To Be Given Away
ONLY AT Saturday, April 29, 2017, 10 am to 2 pm
MACHINE Collection Sites:
May 13 *Washington County Sheriffs Dept. Kinney Drugs
Stop by for details
10 Elm Street 800 US Rt 302, Berlin, VT
TimeCutter SS Series Montpelier, VT and 80 S. Main St., Waterbury, VT
SUHIHUUHGZDONLQJSDFH 74720 *Northfield Police Department *Montpelier Police Department
$ X W R P D W L
F 3 D U N L Q J % U D N H P D N L Q J
Smart Speed Trim/Tow/Mow ground speed ranges
R for
110 Wall Street
Northfield, VT
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Montpelier, VT
22 Steel deck with Atomic blade
Superior Automatic Parking Brake - making operation simple *Barre City Police Department Vermont State Police Middlesex
J D X J H I U D P H I UR Q W D [
XIDFWXUHU front axle, and engine guard
JXDUGPace senses and adjusts 15 Fourth Street 1080 Rt 2
to your preferred walking pace Superior mulching performance
for full warranty details **The Gross horsepower of this engine was laboratory rated at Barre City, VT Middlesex, VT
See dealer for full warranty details **The Gross Torque of
this engine was laboratory rated at 2600 RPM per SAE J1940
by the engine
to RPMsafety,
meet by the engine manufacturer in accordance with SAE J1940 or SAE J2723. As congured
emission, and operating requirements, the actual horsepower on this class of
6HH IRUIXOOZDUUDQW\GHWDLOV mower will be signicantly lower than what may be stated on this ad. *Note: Year-round, permanent drop boxes at Montpelier & Northfield Police &
Vermont Dept. of Health
Wash. County Youth Service Bureau New Directions Coalition
JXDUG 60$,167%$55(97
ZZZWXFNHUPDFKLQHFRP Thanks to The World for displaying our prevention messages.
page 4 The WORLD
Easter Egg
Helen Long, Barre
Gift Certicate
from Morse Farm
Maple Sugarworks
The rst person to discover the secret location* and bring the
certicate to The WORLD at 403 US Route 302, Barre, WINS!
Williamstown Historical Society is pleased to announce Guys Farm & Yard Tucker Machine
the final results of our 14th annual fundraising contest:
Bobs Camera & Video 267 So. Main St.
86 No. Main St. 155 Portland St. Barre
Guess when the ice will go out at Lotus Lake in
Williamstown. A total of 326 tickets were sold, making the Barre Morrisville
jackpot a total of $163. Richard J. Wobby
The ice officially went out on Sunday, April 16 at 9:20 Bragg Farm Mattress Land Jewelers
p.m. The closest winning guess was made by May Edson 1005 VT Route 14 North 97 US Route 302 124 No. Main St.
Lake Sunapee Bank in Williamston. She guessed 5:08 p.m. East Montpelier Berlin Barre
There were four others who had close guesses. They were
and the times they guessed: *Must be 18 or over to participate. Searchers do so at their own risk. Certicate redeemable
Linda Covey: 4:50 p.m. after May 31, 2017. The ultimate prize winner will be determined at the sole discretion of The
Milan Miller: 3 p.m.
Nancy Buinicky: 2:10 p.m. WORLD. Winners must provide a W-9 for tax purposes. No phone calls, please.
Sandy Boyce: 2 p.m.
April 26, 2017 The WORLD page 5
$ 50
with a coffee
or small Winners of the 12th annual Bart Jacob Memorial Youth Turkey Calling Contest, held April 8 in Castleton, were front row (from left): Cooper
fountain Sheldon, Dorset; Nick McReynolds, North Danville; Robby Harris Poultney; Brook Flewelling, Rutland; and Spencer Sheldon and Colby
Butler, both from Dorset. Back row (from left): Luke McReynolds, North Danville; Jonathan Churchill, Groton; Josiah Aubrey, Fort Ann,
soda New York; Adam Browe and Ethan Moore, both from Pawlet; and Hunter Michaud, East Hardwick. Photo by Lisa Muzzey/UVM
Any Small Breakfast Sandwich Results are in for Youth Turkey Calling Contest
with your choice of bacon or sausage, The 12th annual Bart Jacob Memorial Youth Turkey tor call of choice.
Calling Contest, held April 8 in Castleton, attracted 20 com- First-place winner was Dorset 4-Her Colby Butler, 12.
atbread or English mufn petitors including several Vermont 4-Hers. Second place went to Josiah Aubrey, 14, Fort Ann, New York,
The Oxbow Mountain 4-H Club of Pawlet and the Vermont and third to Cooper Sheldon, 11, Dorset. Tying for fourth
Fish and Wildlife Department hosted the event at Kehoe place and receiving honorable mentions were 4-Hers Jonathan
Conservation Camp. In addition to the calling contest, Churchill, 14, Groton, and Luke McReynolds, 13, North
arranged by age, the youths had an opportunity to participate Danville.
in several University of Vermont (UVM) Extension 4-H Winners in Division III for 15- to 18-year-olds, in order of
shooting sports events including shotgun patterning, air rifle placement, were 4-H teens Hunter Michaud, 15, East
trailer and .22 rifle shoot. Robert Sterling, a K-9 warden from Hardwick, and Ethan Moore and Adam Browe, both 16 and
~BARRE LOCATION ONLY~ Fair Haven, gave a demonstration on how he uses his dog from Pawlet. Contestants were evaluated on their ability to
88 NO. MAIN STREET BARRE 476-6460 Crocket to find gun powder. perform several turkey calls including the cluck, yelp, purr,
In Division I, open to kids nine-years-old and younger, kee kee run and callers favorite.
contestants were required to cluck, yelp and perform a locator The annual contest honors the late Bart Jacobs, a nation-
call of their own choice using either a store-bought or hand- ally recognized turkey call-maker and turkey hunter. The
made turkey call. Coming in first was Spencer Sheldon, 9, long-time Pawlet resident was a strong supporter of youth
from Dorset, followed by Brooke Flewelling, 6, Rutland; and hunters.
THANK YOU FOR SAYING North Danville 4-Her Nick McReynolds, 8. Honorable men-
tion went to Robby Harris, 9, Poultney.
I SAW IT IN Division II for 10- to 14-year-olds attracted 11 participants.
Calls for this division included the cluck, yelp, purr and loca-
ing, firewood, electrical work and gardening. Participants are Wildlife & Sport Fish Restoration Program.
Mountain National Forest (GMNF) announce weekly trail update with the latest conditions
the return of Mud Season to the Green and a list of alternative hikes will be posted
Mountains. on the Vermont State Parks website at: http://
Some trails, especially those at high eleva-
tions, are closed at this time of year. Please html#mudSeasonHiking.
respect the signage you see. Snowmelt and Please give the trails time to dry out for
rain will cause the trails to remain wet,
the summer hiking season, says Dave Hardy,
muddy, and prone to erosion. Hikers walking
on saturated soils or on the sides of trails Director of Trail Programs for the Green
cause damage to surrounding vegetation, Mountain Club. Until the end of May, con-
sider hiking on south facing slopes and lower
widen trails, and inhibit natural drainage of
our beloved hiking trails. elevations where the sun can dry out the trails
It can take hours for a volunteer or trail sooner. And thank you for taking care of the
crew to fix what takes just moments to dam- trails! OUR OUR
age by hiking on muddy trails, says Jessica The Green Mountain Club, the Department
of Forests, Parks and Recreation, and the
Savage, FPRs Recreation Program Manager.
In a way, each footstep on a muddy trail Green Mountain National Forest thank hikers SUB PIZZA
makes extra work for people who are needed for their cooperation in helping to maintain IS A IS A
for other major projects on trails. We know one of Vermonts finest recreational resourc-
the sunshine makes getting outside a priority,FULL es, our hiking trails. FULL
18 18
Landowners Encouraged to Cut with Confidence INCHES INCHES
Landowners considering logging on their why of timber harvest operations. Get More Get More
land can now benefit from a series of simple These guides came out of our understand- Sub For Your Pizza For
and concise guides, designed to address the ing that landowners who love their land actu-
most common questions about timber har- ally have lots of questions, said Commissioner
Dollar! Your Dollar!
vests. Governor Phil Scott and Vermont Snyder. The guides outline the key steps of
Forests, Parks and Recreation Commissioner a harvest, promote effective communication Simply the Best!
Michael Snyder today introduced The between landowners, foresters and loggers,
Landowner Guides to a Successful Timber and help landowners plan for the health of
Harvest. These guides encourage wisely- their woods far into the future. INTRODUCING OUR NEW
planned harvests that support forest health
while maintaining or enhancing wildlife hab-
The series includes an Overview booklet
with tips on how to plan harvest goals and 18 CHEESE STIX $1299+TAX
itat, protecting water quality, and encourag- discusses the five major steps of a successful
S imply
ing opportunities for outdoor recreation. timber harvest. Also included are four pocket-
Growing forests and the forest product sized brochures covering specific topics of
economy is integral to keeping Vermonters interest, such as harvesting to promote wild- LOCALLY
Pi zza
working on their land, which benefits the life habitat, ways to protect water quality, the OWNED!
entire state, said Gov. Scott. Landowners economics of timber harvests, and tips for
now have a helpful tool to ensure timber har- working with foresters & loggers.
vests are a viable way to support long-term Visit to down- OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK
forest health and bring in supplemental load printable guides and access other
income over time.
Pulling from recommendations already in
resources provided by the Vermont
Department of Forests, Parks and
North Main Street, Barre 479-5920
the 2015 Voluntary Harvesting Guidelines, Recreation, or contact the Department Pick Up or Delivery
The Landowner Guides to a Successful Timber directly to obtain printed brochures or Pizza Whole or by the Slice Creemees!
Harvest explain the processes behind selecting more information about landowner out- Sandwiches, Soups, Salads, Subs, New Pasta Menu!
and cutting timber, and remove some of the reach and timber harvests joanne.gar-
confusion about the how, what, where and [email protected] or 802-249-4217. Check Us Out On The Web!
April 26, 2017 The WORLD page 7
Super Saturday Showcases Talents of Local 4-Hers
Country Club of Barre Talented 4-Hers from
eight 4-H clubs in Orange
and Washington Counties
participated in Super
Saturday 4-H Regional
Welcome Membership Day, April 8, in East
The annual event, held
S P E C I A L at East Montpelier
Elementary School this
year, provided an opportu-
Rate is
nity for local 4-Hers to
demonstrate what they
have learned through
University of Vermont
all year PLUS TAX
(UVM) Extension 4-H The Northern Winds 4-H Club of Barre presented an action exhibit on
*rate good for the next three years and available to guest projects. Along with earn- the northern lights at Super Saturday 4-H Regional Day, April 8, in
who havent been a member over the last two years. ing ribbons, the top action East Montpelier. From left: Isabelle Fischer and Emma Cushman, both
$75 restaurant chit required. exhibits, stage performanc- from Barre; Emma Zimmermann, Northfield; and Aden Cushman,
Barre. Photo by Allison Smith/UVM Extension
es, photos and other cate-
Members children 13 and under play for free gory entries also qualified for 4-H State Day, (Horse Breeds); Josh Taylor, South Royalton
slated for May 13 in Barre, which features (The Play I was In)
Applications and more information available at outstanding 4-Hers from throughout the SEWINGNON-CLOTHING: Maisa
state. Cook, Newbury (apron); Tessa Cook, Newbury Chosen as emcees for Super Saturday were (doll mermaid costume); Lizzie Vaughan,
Halley Barnhart, East Calais, and Alexis South Ryegate (apron)
Taylor-Young, South Royalton. Several clubs S TA G E P R E S E N TAT I O N S
Rated top 20 best courses to also played major roles in making the day a (INDIVIDUAL): Alexis Taylor-Young, South
play in the US for under $50 success. Royalton (singing in sign language)
The Trailblazers 4-H Club of Plainfield set STAGE PRESENTATIONS (GROUP):
by Golf Advisor up for the event. Middle Branch 4-H Club, Geneva Audette and Alex Taylor, both from
Randolph Center, staffed the registration table South Royalton (singing)
while the Clever Clovers 4-H Club, Tunbridge, TABLETOP DISPLAY: Olivia Campbell,
ran the concession stand. Randolph (Justin Morgan); Northern Vermont
The following entries were selected for Working Steers 4-H Club, West Fairlee (4-H
State Day: Working Steers: From Start to Finish); Amy
ORANGE COUNTY: Vaughan, South Ryegate (The Steps of
COURSE LOCATION: 142 Drake Road, Barre VT 05641
MAILING ADDRESS: PO Box 298 Barre VT 05641 802-476-7658 ACTION EXHIBITS: Clever Clovers 4-H Haying); William Vogt (How a Car Engine
Club, Tunbridge (How to Make a Rope Works). Alternates: Joey Ferris, Braintree
Halter) (Vermont Livestock Crossword); Eliza Mabey,
page 8 The WORLD April 26, 2017
Are you experiencing computer issues aecting
PHOTO: Fayston.jpg your business? Have security concerns? Or do
Cutline: you
youneed simple helpdesk
experiencing support?
computer issues aecting
Atyour business?
you Have security
experiencing we concerns?
computer Or do you
issues aecting
just need simple
Windows, helpdesk
VMware, support?
Linux and diversied
your business? Have security concerns? Or do
you rbTechnologies,
computer networks,
just need simplewe support
helpdesk Microsoft
end Windows,
support? to end
VMware, Linux
solutions for andyour
diversi ed computer
business networks,
data and
At rbTechnologies, we support Microsoft
oering end tosystems.
communication end solutions for your business
The Fayston Elementary School students who participated in a cooking program at Tucker Hill Inn in
Windows, VMware,
data and communication systems.
Linux and diversied
Waitsfield are all smiles as they show off their certificates. Front row (from left): Patti Begin, co-owner
of Tucker Hill Inn; Ellie Hammond, Fayston; James Westhelle, Mae Murphy, Delaney Stanier, and
you are having computer
networks, network
oering endissues,
to endin
Caroline Purcell, all from Waitsfield. Back row: Chef Tristan Stoughton, Chef Chris Zint and Kevin If you are having computer network issues, in need
Begin, co-owner of the inn. Photo by Allison Smith/UVM Extension 4-H need of network
solutions for upgrades, moving to data
your business the cloud and
Fayston Students Cook at Local Inn of network upgrades, moving to the cloud or just
just looking forsystems.
simple helpdesk support, try
looking for simple helpdesk support, try giving
Five Fayston Elementary School students gus and shaved fennel salad, coq au vin with giving rbTechnologies a call. We are local and
recently had a firsthand opportunity to explore handmade pasta and profiteroles. If you are having
rbTechnologies computer
a call. We are localnetwork issues,
and would lovein
the culinary arts thanks to a special partner- The fifth- and sixth-grade students learned would
to hear
love to hear from you!
ship between the school, Tucker Hill Inn in how to prepare all these dishes, which they need offrom you! upgrades, moving to the cloud
Waitsfield and University of Vermont prepped, cooked and assembled for the meal
Extension 4-H. under the supervision of the inns two chefs. or just looking for simple helpdesk support, try
Over the course of several weeks, Ellie They also created copies of the menu to pres- giving rbTechnologies a call. We are local and
Hammond, Fayston, and Mae Murphy, ent to guests and posters to publicize the
Caroline Purcell, Delaney Stanier and James event. would1970
1970 Vermont
love Rt. 14
to hear
Vermont Rt. 14 South
South | |East
you! EastMontpelier,
Montpelier,VTVT 05651
Westhelle, all of Waitsfield, worked with This partnership evolved from a discussion
Kevin Begin, the inns owner, and chefs between school principal Jean Berthiaume 802.223.4448
Tristan Stoughton and Chris Zint to learn and Allison Smith, 4-H educator for Orange
about menu planning, food preparation and and Washington Counties, on expanding
how to cook several dishes for a four-course learning opportunities for youths outside the
French-inspired dinner for 30. classroom using the 4-H youth development 1970 Vermont Rt. 14 South | East Montpelier, VT 05651
The dinner was held April 12 at the inn, the model of hands- on learning. These five stu-
proceeds of which will benefit the schools dents chose cooking, specifically catering and 802.223.4448
sixth-grade trip to Montreal. The menu cooking on a professional level, as a personal
included creamy onion soup, roasted aspara- goal of their learning plans.
receipt of a Cynthia K. Hoehl Institute for Sarah White, conference planning commit-
Excellence grant. This grant awarded by the tee chair, notes that, it is rare for home-
Stern Center for Language and Learning, will schooling parents to have opportunities for QUARTER 3 HONOR ROLL 2016-2017
help fund the May 20, 2017 Homeschool professional level development. With the help
Conference. The theme, Stay the Course, of the Cynthia K. Hoehl Institute for High Honors ( All As)
will provide professional level development Excellence grant, this wonderful education Hallee Allen, Jacob Allen, Natalie Allen, Paige Allen, Ryan Allen, Lily Asselin,
to parents who provide education to their opportunity is now available to parents. Kacie Audet, Camryn Bell, Avery Bellavance, Portia Berard, Ashley Boisvert,
children. The conference is geared toward families
Highlights of the conference include work- Cooper Boulanger, Tyler Boutin, Garret Cameron, Grady Chase, Mason Chioldi,
who are or who desire to start homeschooling, Aliyah Elliott, Hope Farnsworth, Abigail Geno, Madison Hebert, Madelyn Hull,
shops by Julie Erdelyi(Stern Center) and however all parents are welcomed to attend.
Melissa King, M.Ed., among a variety of Brandon Isaac, Jonathan Jesmonth, Camden Kelley, Meredith Kerin, Hannah King,
Theres something for everyone here, White Lily LaCroix, Brady Lamberti, Payton Lamberti, Abigail Lindhiem, Isaac Lobb,
other highly talented speakers. Workshop top-
ics range widely and include how to start says, The fact is, all parents are active in the Rayna Long, Katelyn MacIver, Gracie Martin, Chloe Mattson, Alexander Maurice,
homeschooling, gifted education, child-led education of their children and this confer-
Katherine May, Kieran McNamara, Ashley Morrison, Phoebe Osadchey-Brown,
learning and nurturing a childs natural math ence is an opportunity for parents to gain
additional knowledge. Noah Partridge, Madison Pembroke, Natalie Taylor, Zoe Tewksbury,
ability. Sydney Washburn, Abigail York, and Charlotte Young
This year, the conference brings together Over 20 workshop sessions will be offered
teenagers from Vermont and neighboring throughout the day. Conference attendees
states for a day of connection, learning, and have access to all workshops for the $35 reg- Honors (As & Bs)
college exploration. A college fair will feature istration fee. The Teen Track is $15 per teen, Shaylene Abraham, Marshall Aja, Cordell Akers, Taybor Aldrich,
the extensive choices Vermont has for higher which includes the college fair. Julia Aldrich-Gauthier, Taylor Audet, Dylan Bachand, Jaime Bates,
education and college representatives will Registration details and workshop descrip- Karmen Beaudoin, Jenna Bellavance, Cole Benoit, Madeline Benoit, Colby Berard,
help prepare students for the college fair and tions are available at: Https://homeschoolvt. Grace Berry, Emma Blaisdell, Jake Boulanger, Abigail Burachowski,
meet with parents to answer questions. Twelve com. Camden Burke, Nicole Buzzi, Aubrey Cheney, Brayden Cushing, Emma Cushman,
Jake Darling, Christian Day, Alexis Desrosiers, Alec Deuso, Nicholas Dvorovy,
Conservation Camps Still Have Openings Caitlin Emerson, Grady Emmons, Blake Facini, Christopher Ferrant,
Melanie Ferrant, Benjamin Field, Riley Fleury, Jocelynn Fortier, Ellison Fortin,
If you are 12 to 14 years Ryan Glassford, Tyler Glassford, Thomas Haley, Kathryn Harding, Carisa Hebert,
old and want to learn about Zoey Henry, Tanner Herring, Riley Hill, Benjamin Hiscock III, Eamon Hogan,
Vermonts wildlife and gain Kyree Hutchinson, Rebecca Isaac, Sydnie Jay, Logan Kelley, Hayden Kennedy,
outdoor skills, you still have Evan Kerin, Aidan Kresco, Owen Kresco, Emily Lamberti, Madison Lantange,
an opportunity to attending Kayla LaPrade, Alyssa Larivee, Emily LaRose, Chloe Lee, Savannah Light,
one of Vermont Fish & Alyssa Litcheld, Ariyana Little, Cameron Locarno, Noah Long, Haley MacAuley,
Wildlifes Green Mountain
Conservation Camps this Sage MacAuley, Angelique Macie, Aiden Madison, Hannah Magoon, Taite Magoon,
summer. John Malnati, Bryson Martin, Dakota Martin, Kiana Martin, Jamison Mast,
We still have some open- Gabrielle Mathews, Jonathan Maurice, Phillip Maurice, Anna Mayo, Ned McCarthy,
ings at in the one-week camp Rebecca McKelvey, Makenna Metcalf, Corrina Moulton, Brayden Murphy,
program at Lake Bomoseen Clara Murray, Lucy Norris, Brandon Noury, Emma Obrey, Evan Orr, Mason Otis,
in Castleton and Buck Lake Ryan Partridge, Amira Pelletier, Colton Perkins, Dusty Perkins, Landen Pickel,
in Woodbury, said Fish & Zoey Pickel, Ella Pitonyak, DeShawn Plant, Halle Pletzer, Bretton Powers,
Wildlife Education Isabel Preston, Brooke Rayta, Matthew Redmond, Nathan Romeo, Alaina Rueda,
Coordinator Alison Thomas,
and, we still have openings Vermont Fish & Wildlifes Green Mountain Conservation Camp Ryan Sanborn, Alyson Savoie, Lily Schoenig, Camden Simpson, Gage Simpson,
for advanced course weeks program offers young people the opportunity to learn about natural Cohen Slayton, Jameson Solomon, Samuel Starzec, Lilly Tewksbury, Reese Thayer,
available to anyone who has resource conservation and develop outdoor skills through hands-
on learning experiences. VTF&W photo
Andrew Trottier, Tavarius Vance, Molly Violette, Chandler Wallin,
previously completed the Samuel Werbinski, Samuel Wilcox, Emily Wilson, and Zackary Wilson
basic course.
Campers participate in hands-on learning continue until August 18. Tuition is $250 for CONGRATULATIONS STUDENTS ON YOUR HARD WORK!
experiences about fish and wildlife conserva- the week, including food, lodging and equip-
tion, ecology, forestry, orienteering, safe fire- ment. Check the Fish & Wildlife website
arm and archery techniques, swimming, ( for information
canoeing, fishing and more in an attractive and an online application. A printable appli-
outdoor setting. Natural resource profession- cation also is available on the website.
als come to the camp during the week to share For more information about Green Mountain
information on their programs and take camp- Conservation Camps contact: fwgmcc@ver-
ers out for field activities. or call 802-828-1460.
Whether kids come alone or with friends, Vermonts conservation camp program is BARRE
502 N. Main St.
707 Stonecutters Way
they are guaranteed to meet new people and run by Fish & Wildlife professionals the 92 S. Main St. Barre VT 476-4156 223-2335
form new bonds while experiencing Vermonts same people who manage Vermonts fish and 05641 479-7909
800-696-9663 800-698-0078
natural resources to the fullest, said Thomas. wildlife resources. Working biologists, for- 1-800-498-7909 BOB'S
An important take-away message and com- esters, game wardens, and conservation edu-
ST. JOHNSBURY WAITSFIELD Camera & Video 249 Bay St. 154 Carroll Road
mon theme during the week is that conserving cators teach young people about Vermonts From Simple Refresh to
86 N. Main St., Ste. 1
Barre, Vermont
and managing habitat will help ensure Vermont forests, wetlands and wildlife. The programs Full Renovations, Offering Budget (802) 476-4342
Friendly to High Quality
will have fish and wildlife in the future. greatest strength is connecting young people
Conservation Camps open June 18 and to the outdoors.
April 26, 2017 The WORLD page 9
Transition Town Montpelier Talk with Michael Cerulli
Library News Monday, May 1 at 6 p.m. On the topic of tracking the
effects of climate change on global climate and weather pat-
Montpelier terns.
135 Main St, Montpelier, VT 05602 802-223-3338 First Wednesday: The Meaning of Faith in Christian
All in-stock and special order upholstery Childrens Department: 802-223-4665 and Jewish Thought
Now through April 30 Wednesday, May 3 at 7 p.m. Ronald B. Sobel, Senior Rabbi
Emeritus of the worlds largest Jewish house of worship,
Sofas, Loveseats, Chairs, Recliners See below for some featured PoemCity events. Visit www. examines the similarities and differences in the idea and real-
and Sectionals for program details. ity of faith as understood and lived in both religions.
Thursday, April 27 Vermont Poets at VCFA
Didi Jackson, Major Jackson, Alison Prine, Karla Van Vliet First Amendment, Freedom of the Press Panel
& Diana Whitney. 7 p.m. | VCFA, 36 College St. Discussion
Friday, April 28 - Writing About the Natural World with Thursday, May 4 at 7 p.m. Moderated by Garrett Graff,
George Longenecker. Please register for workshop by calling distinguished magazine journalist and historian. Panelists:
223-3338 Anne Galloway, founder and editor of; Jim
All Mattresses On Sale 1-4 p.m. | Kellogg-Hubbard Library, 135 Main St. Sabataso, freelance writer and founding editor of the Rutland
Saturday, April 29 Poetry Reading: The Catamount by Reader; and Matthew Byrne, lawyer with Gravel & Shea,
Sarah Van Arsdale. For children, ages 8 and above and Attorneys at Law.
10:30 a.m. | Kellogg-Hubbard Library, 135 Main St. LGBTQ Book Discussion Under the Udala Trees
All Lyndon Furniture and Saturday, April 29 Closing Reception of the Art Resources Monday, May 8 at 6:30 p.m.
Amish-Built Furniture Art & Poetry Exhibit. 1-3 p.m. | City Center, 89 Main St. Inspired by Nigerias folktales and its war, Under the Udala
On Sale Saturday, April 29 Poetry Slam for all ages Trees is a deeply searching, powerful debut about the dangers
5 p.m. | River Rock School, North Group classroom, Center of living and loving openly. Copies of the book are available
for Arts & Learning, 46 Barre St. at the library.
Stahler Furniture
American Quality - Vermont Values Exploring the Psychological Novel with Peter Living with Black Bears: A talk with Jaclyn Comeau
469 Broad Street, Lyndonville, Vermont 05851 Burmeister Wednesday, May 10 at 6 p.m.
Mon. thru Fri. 9-5, Sat. 9-3, Sun. Closed
1.802.626-5996 or 1.800.439.5996 4-part series Tuesdays, May (2, 9, 16 & 23) at 6:30 p.m. In this talk Jaclyn Comeau, a Wildlife Biologist at the
or visit In this course, psychotherapist and organic farmer, Peter Vermont Fish and Wildlife Department in Springfield, VT will
Burmeister will read Chaim Potoks novels My Name is provide information to help Vermonters be better neighbors
Asher Lev, and The Gift of Asher Lev as the basis for a with black bears. The presentation will give the audience an
discussion of the way in which works of fiction present the understanding of bear biology, ecology, and the driving forces
PUZZLES ON PAGE 34 reader with insights into significant aspects of personality.
PUZZLES ON behind conflicts between people and bears.
1499 *
Wendell Chuck Barney receives Elks Distinguished Karen Bingham - Elk of the Year Donna Bartolucci - Officer of the cart included from Includes cart
Citizenship Award from Exalted Ruler Kristin Calcagni Award Year Award 4/22 to 5/31 *Pricing available until 5/31.
Exalted Ruler Kristin Calcagni Presents 3 Awards; Elks Membership at Northeld Equals Three Things
Distinguished Citizenship Award, Elk of the Year Award and
Low Prices, Great Customer Service and Quality!
mental wellness to help you get well, stay well, and shape life
$399For Hills!
Barre Area Senior Center as you want it to be. Leaders are Marty Roberts and Lauren
Sales. Free, but registration is required: please call Lisa at AWD
$399 Hills!
131 S. Main St. #4, Barre 479-9512 CVMC, 225-5680.
$499 Briggs
Our very popular Annual Tea is Tuesday, May 9 from 1-3
May is Older Americans Month and we will be celebrating p.m. We hope youll wear your fanciest hat when you join us $499 Honda
with a new membership raffle, a fun and nutritional make- for tea, sandwiches and sweet treats. Live musical entertain-
your-own pizza and salad lunch on Tuesday, May 23; the ment by our delightful Young at Heart Singers. Space is lim- Fast Tractor TM
ited; reservations required; only $10.
program How to Spot Fake News with Aldrich Librarys
A new series of Tai Chi programming begins in May. The
Sarah Costa on May 25 at 10 a.m. and morestay tuned!
Membership drive with prizes: everyone who becomes a new Introduction to Sun Style for Falls Prevention with Diane Fast
DesBois will continue Tuesdays at 2:15 p.m. Dianes class
member will have their name put into a drawing for a prize.
Grand prize is one of our bus trips. Other prizes are a years will be directed at Beginners and Falls Prevention. Please
48 $2099
membership, free classes, gift certificates, lunches, and other register: members, free; nonmembers, $3. May 16-June 20.
fun stuff! Diane also facilitates a second class in Sun Style Tai Chi-
We are happy to once again welcome The American Red -Intermediate Tai Chi Saturdays at 10 a.m. This class will
Cross Friday from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. when it conducts its blood bring participants to the next set of forms beyond those core
drive.Blood is the most precious gift that anyone can give to movements learned in the introductory class. Please register:
another person; its the gift of life. For more information call members, free; nonmembers, $3. May 20-June 24.
1-800-RED-CROSS. Long-time instructor David Hartnett will return to continue
Saturday is World Tai Chi DayCelebrate with our very his Intermediate Tai Chi class on Thursdays at 2 p.m.; free,
own Diane DesBois when she brings her Saturday 10 a.m. please register. May 18-June 22
Tai Chi class to Currier Parkall practices are welcome to Reach us by phone: 479-9512; by email for programming
this communitywide event. information, [email protected]. Or visit us online at
Wellness Recovery Action Plan, or WRAP for Emotional and
Wellness, begins Thursday, May 4 for six weeks. This is a Old school? Stop in at the Barre Area Senior Center, 131 S.
self-designed prevention and wellness program covering Main St. #4 Barre, VT. 05641
The following honors list is provided by the school. Any questions or concerns should be addressed directly to the school
Let Us Help You and businesses, Jed and Page raised two sons, and Jed enlisted in the Marines. After boot camp, he was commis-
earned his masters degree in resource economics at the sioned and assigned to Korea where he saw action under
University of Vermont. Along the way, Jed and Page devel- fire as a forward observer. On his return to the U.S., he
Prearrange Your oped their mutual interest in sailing, and in 1998, they sold earned his masters degree at Georgetown University.
their house and most of their worldly possessions to sail Having developed an interest in Asian cultures and lan-
Service and away. They cruised the East Coast for five years, from Lake guages, he traveled to Taipei where he provided English
Champlain to the Bahamas, marketing Jeds marine inven- language and culture consulting and teaching services for
Funeral Trust. tion and exploring sea and shore. Eventually, they were USIS in Taiwan and Japan, and served as professor of
called back to land by the arrival of grandchildren. Jed was English in several institutions of higher learning. It was in
husband, father, silly (and adoring) grandpa, businessman,
Thoughtful Service in Accordance salesman, designated hugger for the local Little League Taipei that he met the love of his life, Chiu Tung (Betty),
with Your Wishes team, high school and college ski coach, college instructor, the daughter of a prominent Taiwanese government offi-
inventor, sailor, plumbing enthusiast, political wonk, advo- cial. George interrupted his teaching duties to return to
Arrangements Coordinated Anywhere cate for the color-blind and whistleblowers, curmudgeon, active duty for three years as a major with the Marines in
cobbler, rough carpenter, storyteller, novice magician, Vietnam where he served with distinction providing human-
Serving All
Serving All Faiths
Faiths in the Central Vermont Area
internet troll slayer, home trash and recycling manager, itarian services to local tribal villages. He received several
Traditional Funeral Services
Traditional prodigious reader, water quality defender, tinkerer, commendations for his service in Korea and Vietnam,
Picklehead - and very sensitive man. including the Bronze Star with V for valor. Returning to
and Cremation
and Cremation Services for All Faiths
Taiwan, George was awarded two Fulbright scholarships.
Handicap Accessible
Handicap Accessible Hearing Assistance NORMAN Y. LEDOUX, 49, of Brook Street,
Additional Seating
Additional Seating with
with Closed
Closed Circuit
Circuit Television for Funeral Home Services passed away on Friday, April 14, 2017, at his KATHLEEN ANNE KAY KINNEY
home. Born in New Britain, Connecticut, on WARNER passed peacefully in her sleep
March 15, 1968, he was the son of Armand
April 17, 2017, at Woodridge Nursing Home.
Bruce W. Judd, Director
and Colette (Coupal) Ledoux. Norman attend-
802-476-3233 Fax 802-476-4310
ed schools in Connecticut and was a graduate Kathleen was born Sept. 13, 1931, in Elkton,
Christopher C. Judd
[email protected] of Southington High School, Class of 1986. In South Dakota, to Bernard and Eleanor Kinney.
R. Brent
Brent Whitcomb,
Whitcomb, Director 1993, he moved to Barre where he made his home on Kathleen married Theodore Warner in 1951.
R. Director
802-476-3251 Fax
802-476-3251 Fax 802-479-0250
802-479-0250 Brook Street. Norman was employed as a sandblaster for They raised their family in various parts of the
Academy St.,
St., Barre,
Barre, VT
VT 05641
05641 Sandra L.
Sandra L. Whitcomb
Whitcomb Memorial Sandblast in Barre. Among his interests were country where Kathleen, as well as being a homemaker,
hunting, fishing, car races, dog shows and motorcycling worked for the federal government in different departments
[email protected]
[email protected]
Lawrence R.
Lawrence R. Pryor,
Pryor, Director
Director with his friends. He enjoyed participating in fundraisers, as an administrative assistant. Kay and Ted settled in
such as Toys for Tots. He also enjoyed bowling, but most
802-476-3243 Fax
Fax 802-476-4310
Vermont in their retirement to be closer to their family.
802-476-3243 802-476-4310
[email protected]
of all, spending time with his family.
[email protected]
Budget gaps were not so much the rule before 2000. What
changed? ture, polluted water, and more children and people with dis-
The economy, for one thing. Income growth has been much abilities living in poverty.
more robust for high earners than for moderate and low-
income Vermonters. And growth in consumption has tended
to be in services that are not taxed, not in goods that are. Our
The One Vermont coalition ( has offered a prom-
ising possibility for lawmakers to consider. By eliminating tax
giveaways to upper income taxpayers we could generate sav-
Exceptional Annuals & Perennials
tax structure hasnt adapted to this new reality. ings that could be used for smart investments, for lowering
A cultural change has revealed another shift in Montpelier.
During past recessions, policymakers were more open to rais-
nominal tax rates for all, and for balancing MORE than this
years budget. OPEN
ing the revenue that was needed in order to keep state govern-
ment functioning competently. Governor Snelling used to
Do you have grandchildren?
Ed Paquin is the Executive Director of Disability Rights Sat., April 29!
point out that people needed more, not less, from government Vermont and served six terms in the Vermont House of
in hard economic times, and he backed it up with temporary Representatives. He lives in Barre Town. Shop For The Best!
Over 100 New & Exciting
Varieties of Annuals &
SPEAKING OUT Perennials to choose from!
Stop by often and enter to win a
Ruth Weeks - Barre
I volunteer for the TVSC
Bingo, Ice Vets Sled
Suzanna - Berlin
I volunteer - Bethany
Church community meals,
Mollie - Barre
I volunteer - North Barre
Manor Hot Dog Night, a
Karen - California
I volunteer at the Burbank
Temporary Aid Center in THE SEASON
Hockey, Central Vt Rotary, Central Vt Refugee Action, once a month catered Burbank, California
WORLD Santa Project, and Vt UCC, Good Samaritan meal, I also make the
anything else Kay gets Haven desserts
me into!
Once a Catholic
property tax burden are significant. The General Assembly, the chance to create an age-appropriate environment for our kids
Vermonts Superintendents and the Vermont School Boards and to prepare them for new experiences. We would have an ele-
Association should all give serious attention to this proposal and mentary school setting in one building and a middle school setting
consider a collective effort to create a state-wide Vermont public in the other. Unlike the current system where students stay at the
school foreign student initiative. same facility from pre-k to 8th grade, students would now move
for Catholics who have not been practicing Dave Kelley from one school building to the other, experiencing a transition
Greensboro, VT from elementary to middle school, which I view as a beneficial
their faith and may have questions or first step to being prepared to face the far bigger challenges for a
concerns about their faith. What Changed My Mind about Orange- rural student of transferring from 8th grade to high school, and
Starting Wed., May 3 at 7:00PM Washington School Merger high school to college.
There will of course be efficiencies generated by a merger, both
at St. Monica Church (Church Basement) School district mergers in compliance with VT Act 46 have
in administration and staff, although since both schools will
remain operational, these savings will be relatively small.
79 Summer Street, Barre been controversial in many towns. When I first joined the Joint Nevertheless any savings from these efficiencies, however small,
706 Committee in my town of Orange, we were tasked with exam- could be channeled into a broader course offering, perhaps for
What We Believe ining how Orange and neighboring Washington could comply example offering a language or music at an earlier age.
How We Worship with Act 46. I was doubtful I could support a merger to form a While I recognize that test scores are far from the only measure
The Rules We Live By unified Washington and Orange school district, which would of success, I am concerned that student test scores at Orange and
potentially be part of a side-by-side regional education district Washington often fall well-below state averages. If we dont take
If you have any questions about the program, with Williamstown-Northfield. As I saw it then, it was simply a this step, and instead leave it to the State to dictate how to comply
you may call Thomas Prindiville 476-6775 or way for the State to take away local control from our school board
The Rectory at 479-3253. with Act 46 instead of implementing our own approach, we may
and offered no real benefit to our kids. More than a year later, I miss the opportunity to improve this outcome. In my view merg-
cannot imagine a better move for our schools to take than to merge ing Orange Center School with the Washington Village School
the Washington and Orange school boards and reconfigure our will create a more age appropriate and supportive learning envi-
classrooms. It is strange to admit, but I might actually be grateful ronment for both students and teachers, and unlike in the past, the
for the not-so-gentle shove this legislation has given our commu- grant and tax incentives make this even more attractive. This is
nities towards a school merger. true whether or not the Northfield and Williamston side-by-side is
The reasons for my change in opinion are simple: Most impor- successful, and perhaps equally important to many parents, it will
tantly, this merger proposal, which has been pre-approved by the not take away any student in Orange or Washingtons right to
Williamstown Elementary School Dept. of Educ., will allow our towns to have a pre-K through 4 school choice for high school.
Transition to Kindergarten Program elementary school in one of our existing school buildings and Neither apathy nor ignorance should undermine this opportu-
& Kindergarten Registration grade 5-8 middle school in the other. If this reconfiguration nity to bring positive change to the school structure in Orange and
occurs, well be able to keep both of our existing school buildings, Washington. I hope our town residents can take the time to find
All students entering Kindergarten next year which serve as centers for our communities, but will now rou- out more about the proposed merger at an upcoming information
(age five before Sept 1st) tinely have enough students in each grade level to create single- session (April 26th at the Orange Town Hall, 6 p.m.) and if they
are invited. Our goal is to ease into grade classrooms for all students. Single-grade classrooms are the agree with our Committee, vote YES on May 2nd (7 a.m. to 7
norm in more populated towns, but for rural towns such as Orange p.m.) in support of this school merger.
Kindergarten by building relationships with and Washington, we are far more dependent on the ups and downs Genevieve W Faherty, Esq
teachers and familiarity with the Kindergarten
By G. E. Shuman
teachers/classmates and
to explore the classrooms. ou know how, at times, there is a mower. It has been running great ever since. So much for the
Visits will be 9:00 am 9:30am OR rhyme, or a song that you love: tune-up.
2:15pm 2:45pm on: How Sweet It Is James The amazing thing is that I do torture the little mower, and
May 11th, May 18th, June 8th, & June 15th Taylor, or hate: Its A Small World it just keeps coming back for more. The very first thing I did
Disney and Company, and it just gets after we got it home from the store was to drill two holes in
Call Diane Collier at 433-6653 to register for stuck in your head, sometimes for an entire day? Well, I must the front of its frame, for S-hooks, which I attach to ropes,
Kindergarten and let us know if youre coming tell you that at this time of year, EVERY year, since I was a which I use to dangle the mower down the steep bank in front
to our transition program. child, the following tiny poem worms its way out of the deep- of our house, to mow that hill. When mowing the lawn the
est, dumbest area of my brain: Spring has sprung, the grass first few times each spring I also tend to hit a lot of twigs from
is riz, I wonder where the flowers is. I think my father said the trees and rocks that have been thrown up onto the lawn by
that silly poem to me once, and evidently, once was enough. my least favorite but most appreciated piece of yard equip-
Now I have passed it along to you, and you can thank me, or ment, my snow blower. (I think the snow blower is ready for
hurt me, later. its 20th birthday, at least, and that thing just keeps on going,
BERLIN TOWN SCHOOL DISTRICT Last Saturday I was outside puttering and sputtering too.)
WARNING around, and decided, since spring had sprung, that I would do Yes, I have not been kind to my little lawn mower. I have
some much-needed yard work. The work I had put off was run over the dog run a few times, and even mow my carport
The legal voters of the Berlin Town School raking ANY of the leaves from our huge maple tree, last fall. several times each summer with it. I try to do that at night, so
District are hereby noticed and warned to meet (The only thing that I like about winter here in Vermont is that no one sees. It works great to blow a winters worth of gravel,
at the Berlin Town Ofces at 108 Shed Road on it very effectively puts off yard work until spring.) Being salt, and sand off that asphalt and into the neighbors trees.
Tuesday, May 2, 2017, Polling Times - 8:00 somewhat allergic to lawn rakes and shovels, putting off until (Im sorry, little mower, but I never promised you a rose gar-
A.M. Through 7:00 P.M., to act on the following spring what you cant do in winter anyway suits me fine. den. I did let you grind up the wild roses out back last year,
business. To do this much overdue chore I got out my trusty lawn- though. Remember?) Wait, was I talking to a lawn mower just
mower. That poor old mower was a birthday gift from my then?
Article to be voted by Australian Ballot wife, about 12 years ago. (Remind me to buy her a new iron Anyway, last Saturday, as I said, and because of that lawn
ARTICLE 1. Shall the voters of the school or vacuum cleaner for her next birthday.) Anyway, the sorry rake allergy that I suffer from, I got the mower out, pulled the
district approve the school board old thing has seen her better days (I mean the mower, not my cord, the poor old thing started, and I proceeded to run it all
to expend $3,450,999 which is wife), and I had intended to buy a new one this spring. The over the lawn, mowing all those leaves from last fall into
the amount the school board has only thing is, as usual, she immediately came back to life for cornflake-looking little crunchy pieces. I was told that they
determined to be necessary for the me last Saturday, and I just hate to put her down quite yet. would make good, natural, organic fertilizer for the grass.
ensuing scal year? It is estimated (Im still talking about the mower, not my wife.) Truthfully, it That sounded good to me. What actually happened is that
has become somewhat of a challenge for me, to see how many Saturday was a very blustery day, as Winnie the Poaoh might
that this proposed budget, if years this little, $99 (on sale at Stuff-Mart) machine will last. say. My leaf-cornflakes took to the sky, and I havent seen or
approved, will result in education (Theres nothing too good for me on my birthday, I guess.) heard from them since. Away they all flew, like the down of
spending of $17,507 per equalized The mower was running a bit rough several years ago, and a thistle. (Oh, thats from another season.)
pupil. This projected spending per one of my neighbors told me that for only $129 I could have So, spring has sprung and my newly-bare lawn wont
equalized pupil is 10.18% higher it tuned up. (My thought, as he said that, was: Or I could give have the benefit of mulched up leaves to help it grow, but
than spending for the current year. this one away, and spend another $99 (on sale at Stuff-Mart) thats okay. It might also be a bit longer before the grass is
A public hearing will be held at the Berlin for another brand new one. What I actually did was visit my riz. Until then, I might have to find something else for the
favorite hardware store and purchase a $3 spark plug for the mower to chew on. I wonder where the flowers is.
Elementary School on Monday, May 1, 2017 at
6:00 P.M. to provide information an Article 1 to
be voted by Australian ballot at the Berlin Town
The legal voters of Berlin Town School District
are further notied that voter qualication,
registration, and absentee voting relative to said
annual meeting shall be as provided in Section
553 of Title 16. and Chapters 43, 51 and 551 of
Title 17, Vermont Statutes Annotated.
Carl Parton, Chair
Christopher Winters, Vice Chair
Jason Giroux, Clerk
Amy Tucker
Eric Chase
page 14 The WORLD April 26, 2017
Gardening With Amanda:
Tomatoes The Most Popular Garden Crop ORANGE CENTER SCHOOL
By Amanda Legare
ccording to the National terminate tomatoes which keep growing until cold weather
Gardening Association web site, stops them. Most heirlooms are indeterminate.
nine out of ten gardeners will There are a few growing techniques I repeat year after year.
grow tomatoes this summer, making One is to plant the tomatoes deep. I remove the lower leaves Registration
them the most popular garden vegetable and bury the stem. The little hairs on that stem turn quickly
(although technically they are fruits). into roots. More roots mean more fruits. May 12, 2017
If I could give just one piece of advice for growing toma- I put straw or some kind of mulch at the base of the tomato
toes, it would be to get LOTS of compost into the soil. plant to prevent water from splashing back up on the leaves, Child must be ve (5) before
Whether it is from your own compost pile, purchased bags of to protect the plant from disease, to hold the moisture and to September 1st
composted manure or something from a local farmer, it makes reduce weeds. I give the plants a good watering as needed at and live in the Town of Orange.
a big difference. their base, not on the leaves.
In Vermont, Town Meeting Day, the first Tuesday in March, Last year I had a huge crop of tomatoes and no late tomato You will need:
is the traditional date to plant tomatoes. This is too early for
most home gardeners and they end up with leggy plants. Mid-
blight. Id like to credit my fine gardening skills, but I think
the weather had a lot to do with it. Other gardeners reported
Proof of Residency
April is better. Of course every greenhouse is going to offer tomato success as well. Updated copy of immunizations
tomato plants as well. The question then becomes to buy I have never liked tomato cages. I prefer using tall stakes Copy of Birth Certicate
hybrids or heirlooms; determinates or indeterminates? and tying the main branch of the plant to the stake with soft
Until last summer I had little luck with heirlooms. Yes, they cloth. Call 476-3278 for an appointment.
have wonderful flavor, but they are more susceptible to dis- To sucker or not? Some serious tomato growers advise
ease and the yield is small compared to hybrids. And then I leaving the suckers on the plant, believing the more photosyn-
planted the heirloom Paul Robeson. The flavor and the yield thesis produced, the more tomatoes you will get. I often
were excellent. Paul Robeson was an African American opera remove suckers because the plants get too crowded. This year
singer and an equal rights advocate who stood up to the I will plant them farther apart and try planting two of the same
McCarthy committee in the 1950s. variety, suckering one and not the other. When the tomatoes
This tomato is more maroon than red in color. I dont grow on indeterminate plants start to ripen and the first frost is
many off-red tomatoes, but based on my success with Paul around the corner, I trim the top of the plant. My thought is
Robeson, this year I will try Kelloggs Breakfast, an orange that the energy should go into the existing fruit, not into new
tomato. Supposedly it tastes better than Yellow Brandywine growth.
and is a better producer. I never would have considered grow- The quality of store-bought tomatoes has improved, but the
ing a green tomato before, but I keep reading glowing reviews lyrics of the song Homegrown Tomatoes still stand for me:
about Green Giant tomato, so thats one more heirloom Ill Whatd life be without homegrown tomatoes
grow this year. Another unusual heirloom I will offer for the Only two things that money cant buy
first time is Pink Berkeley Tie Dye. It won several taste tests. Thats true love and homegrown tomatoes.
Catalogs describe it as the color of port wine with metallic Amanda Sessel Legare operates Amandas Greenhouses THE STATE OF VERMONT
green stripes. and Perennials in Cabot, where she has field-dug perennials DEPARTMENT OF BUILDINGS AND GENERAL
I grow both determinate and indeterminate varieties. and four greenhouses. SERVICES IS SEEKING LEASE PROPOSALS
Determinate tomatoes grow 3-4 feet tall and their entire crop This column previously appeared in Danvilles North Star FOR WORKSHOP SPACE IN BARRE
ripens within 2-3 weeks. They are typically earlier than inde- Monthly.
The Department of Buildings and General Services
is looking for approximately 2,000 square feet of
Ted Brady Offers Insight on Economic Classified program space consisting of a work-shop/garage and
storage area for the Vermont Department of Correc-
Development Initiatives, Opportunities
Deadline Is
Monday tions. Ideal space would have overhead door(s) to ac-
Before 10AM commodate indoor parking for three vans/trucks. The
at McDonald producer and encourage everyone to check it out facility should be in close proximity to a bus route. At
host of Vote for Vermont and by going to minimum parking spaces for 4 vehicles which shall
Ben Kinsley, Executive You may also want to check out the include ADA parking. Lavatory and hand washing
Director of Campaign for Vermont newly launched
Prosperity co-hosted a show on One of the very important proj- facilities are required. Property must be ADA compli-
Economic Development Initiatives ects ACCD works on is Vermonts
The ant. Lease shall be full service, all inclusive.
and Opportunities. Our guest was
Ted Brady, the Deputy Secretary of
Vermont Agency of Commerce and
Small Business Development
Center, a place which is focused on
small businesses and connecting
3:00 PM MONDAY MAY 19, 2017. FAXED OR
Community Development. The fol-
lowing is a summary of their conversation.
them with the help they need to be
successful. ACCD focuses on helping busi-
MEETING of the
Ted Brady has focused on economic develop- nesses from all sectors, but its strategic eco-
ment throughout most of his career with his nomic development plan suggests continuing to Middlesex Center State of Vermont
job with Senator Leahy and the USDA and now grow four key sectors: (1) working landscapes, Cemetery Assn., Inc. Department of Buildings and General Services
with Governor Phil Scott. His focus and that of (2) hi-tech, (3) resiliency, and (4) climate. We will be held at the Property Management
ACCD, is to create opportunities to grow asked Ted about the EB-5 program we have all Middlesex Town Hall Attn: Diane Colgan
Vermonts economy. ACCD focuses their read about. Ted said that ACCD is still market-
Thursday, May 4, 2017 BARRE SPACE RFP
efforts on growing businesses, markets and ing the program as it has been very successful in 4 Governor Aiken Avenue
communities in an effort to make Vermont a certain areas in the state to include Sugarbush, at 6:00 p.m. Montpelier, Vermont 05633-7001
better place to work, live and play. Shortly after Trapp Family Lodge, Country Home Products, Debra Smith - Clerk Protem
being sworn in, the Governor issued an and others. These are programs that are small
Executive Order that required all of state gov- and manageable. Other successful programs we
ernment to focus on three things: strengthen the talked about were VEPC (Vermont Economic
economy, make Vermont more affordable and Progress Council) and TIF (Tax Incremental
protect the most vulnerable. ACCD is at the Financing Districts). Several changes in both
center of all three of the governors goals programs are being made which will stimulate
through its focus on workforce development, job creation and economic development.
creating affordable housing and maintaining We asked Ted about any encouraging bills
and protecting the economic and community that are being considered by the legislature. Ted
development ecosystem. assured us there are several bills which have
Ted talked about the crisis of affordability great promise and could help small businesses,
that Vermont is facing. ACCD is helping by improve the housing market, streamline Act 250
overseeing Community Development Block requirements and eliminate sales tax on airplane
Grants and several other programs designed to parts. Many Vermonters are not aware of the
help lower income Vermonters and businesses. thriving business Vermont is enjoying with air-
Ted noted that six people are leaving the work-
force daily and that the Vt. Futures Projects
plane repairs and parts, such as is offered at the
Middlebury airport. GRANITE WORKER STUDY
report indicates that Vermont is 10,000 people We asked Ted about any outreach internation-
short to meet its workforce needs. Ted advised ally. Ted explained that Vermont is very inter-
that ACCD is reaching out to college students ested in international trade particularly with Researchers at UVM are conducting a study to look at the lung health of
and to those who have left the workforce to Quebec where we have a $4B relationship. The workers who were employed in the Vermont granite industry at any time
entice them to return. To help with workforce largest traded item is semi-conductors. Toronto during 1979 - 1987.
development Governor Scott proposed to merge is another large trading partner. Twenty-six
ACCD with the Department of Labor. A closer companies in Vermont have Canadian parents.
relationship between the two departments would The governor has visited Canada several times We thank everyone who responded to our letter about the study and agreed
benefit potential workers, employees and to encourage the continuation of this successful to participate. We will be calling you in the next few weeks to schedule
employers. The legislature did not support the trading partnership.
merger and is now looking for ways to support Ted also mentioned that ACCD provides your X-ray. It will be taken June 5 - June 17 in a medical coach located at
workforce development efforts. The governor oversight to Vermont Life Magazine and the Vermont Granite Museum.
talks about cradle to career efforts and believes Historic Preservation. We agreed we should
its important to expose young Vermonters to have Ted return to talk about these two entities
workforce opportunities and to better support and to discuss ACCD and Vermonts success in If you received a letter and have not yet decided to participate -- or worked
state colleges, which is why he asked for funding the creation of a dynamic economic environ- in the granite industry during 1979-1987 but did not get a letter -- please
for early education and higher education which ment.
will cover the cradle to career continuum. In closing, Ted said that ACCD can be the call the number below to let us know whether or not youre willing to take
Affordable and available housing was some- first stop for businesses, tourists, and munici- part in the study. Participants will receive $50 in compensation.
thing Ted talked about as a real deterrent for palities as a great first stop resource. Ted said
families moving to Vermont as well as available that ACCDs overarching goal is to make sure
jobs for the spouse. When companies offer an that every dollar is spent wisely and commented It is important that our study have as many participants as possible, and
individual a job and he/she moves to Vermont, how closely he and ACCD work with the gover- include workers with both long and short employment in the granite indus-
there is usually a concern raised about a job for nor and other state partners to create initiatives try. We also need workers with differing types of jobs, including those that
the spouse and a place to live. ACCD is trying and opportunities for Vermonters, businesses,
to change those dynamics by working with its municipalities and those looking to move to do not involve exposure to granite dust. This will enable us to see if there
partners, such as the local Planning Commissions Vermont to live, play and work. are differences in workers lungs that related to their type of job or length
and Chambers of Commerce. Ted also said that The comments reflected in this article are of employment.
ACCD is changing its marketing of Vermont by opinions stated by our guests. Any rebuttals are
telling a more holistic story. ACCD has request- welcome and can be expressed on the websites
ed additional monies to fund the marketing
and facebook pages of VFV and CFV. If you
would like to see the show please go to vote802.
For more information or to participate in the study please call:
Ted commented that there are two major com for a complete listing of Vote for Vermont Pamela Vacek or Suzanne Ledoux at (802) 656-2526
documents on their website which talk about the shows or our YouTube channel for the shows
vision for Vermont in 2020 and the substance of done in partnership with Campaign for Vermont
the Marketing Plan. Its a great website and we Prosperity. Thank you for your help in making this study a success.
April 26, 2017 The WORLD page 15
Thanks The history of boutonnires and corsages
We are most rom night is a special
appreciative of the moment in the lives
many cards
from family and of many teenagers.
The following birth announcements were submitted by Central Vermont Medical Center
for the card shower
Tradition plays a role in
making prom night special. Even
on April 19, 2017. Any questions or concerns should be addressed directly to CVMC.
celebrating our parents get emotional when they
A daughter, Marley June Colgan, was born April 11 to Karen and
Graham Colgan of Stowe. 60th anniversary. watch their youngsters adhere
A daughter, Isabelle Grace McKnight, was born April 12 to God Bless You All. to many of the same customs
Dontryell (Felder) and Albert McKnight of Barre City.
Joyce & Stanley they partook in decades earlier.
A son, Jack David Winslow-Clark, was born April 15 to Tara Lyn
Winslow and Tyler James Clark of Hardwick. Fowler One such tradition involves the
wearing of boutonnieres and
corsages. Some may be interested
3 Hour Limo Service to learn the origins of the unique
custom of wearing boutonnires
and corsages.
Boutonnires: Men wear boutonnires on inside of the buttonhole. Boutonnires pro-
Sunset Limo
special occasions, including weddings, reli- vided an aesthetically appealing way to cover
gious ceremonies and prom night. At wed- up that buttonhole.
2x3 4-26-17 dings, the groom and his groomsmen typi- Corsages: The term corsage was once a
cally boutonnires. But some historians reference to the bodice of a womans dress.
by Chad Perkins believe men have not always worn flowers The first corsages were actually worn on the
strictly on special occasions. Some believe bodice, which is the part of a womans dress
the modern-day boutonnire traces its lineage that is above the waist, and some believed the
to sporting events in ancient civilizations, corsage could ward off evil spirits. According
including Egypt. During those times, men to, by the 1900s,
Proms might have worn certain colored flowers as a corsages were worn closer to the shoulder
show of support for particular participants in than the bodice. At this time, the flowers
Weddings sporting events, not unlike how many mod- were pinned on upside down, with the bow at
Birthday Parties ern sports fans wear team shirts, jerseys and the top. The corsages were also larger at this
Bachelor/Bachelorette Parties other attire to display their support for their time than they are today. The tradition of giv-
Rides to the game favorite teams. But according to ing corsages to young ladies on their prom
CALL NOW Girls Night Out, the boutonnires of nights is relatively recent. In fact, many his-
802.279.5342 ...endless possibilities today likely started appearing just a few cen-
turies ago. A 1771 painting of British Captain
torians agree that this practice likely began in
the 20th century in the United States when
William Wade by the artist Thomas gentlemen would typically arrive to pick up
Gainsborough depicted Wade wearing a bou- their prom dates bearing bouquets of flowers
SAVE $$$$!
quet of flowers in his top buttonhole. And in for their dates parents. The young men
would then remove one flower from the bou-
Curt's Drop-Off the 19th century, mens fashion included
coats that folded over the top, revealing the quet and attach it to their dates dress.
(802)793-7417 Barre SATURDAYS
Text or Call JONES BROS. WAY
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in Barre Whoever said being ARIES (March 21 to April 19)
a parent is easy?
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Free Recycling ~ Limits Apply emerge to deal with a problem that requires delicacy.
See You 7:30AM to 1PM! 1-800-244-5373 TAURUS (April 20 to May 20) You are aware of whats
going on, so continue to stand by your earlier decision, no
matter how persuasive the counterarguments might be.
The Quarry Kitchen & Spirits and The WORLD would like to help you wish a Money pressures soon will ease.
special couple a Happy Anniversary. Just send their name, address & wed- GEMINI (May 21 to June 20) By all means, have fun and
enjoy your newly expanded 12-3social life. But dont forget
Happy Birthday!
ding anniversary date. Each week we publish the names, plus well have Dont forget... Peter Lefcourt, 44, Barre
a monthly winner for a Gift Certificate for lunch or dinner at The Quarry that some people are depending 12-3 DOT! on 64,you to
Calais keep promises
that are very50,important to them.
Kitchen & Spirits in Barre. No obligation, nothing to buy. Just send an- 5-6 Gary Villa, Washington 12-7 Armour Moodie, 63,
5-6 Jim Elliott, Barre Stannard
niversary names two (2) weeks prior to anniversary date, to: The WORLD, CANCER
5-13 Kristen Lee (June 21 to July12-14
Deleandro, 22) Jaime
You Clark,
to wait patiently
c/o HAPPY ANNIVERSARY, 403 U.S.Rt. 302 - Berlin, Barre, VT 05641. Please FROM for an answer to a workplace problem
28, Mentor, OH 12-25 and not19,push for a
Jenna Companion,
provide name, address & phone number for prize notification. BARRE-MONTPELIER RD. decision. Remember: Time
5-14 John, Chelsea
5-14 Snook Downing, Chelsea 12-31is on your
Waterbury Ctr.
Chelsea side.
Phillips, 29, A financial
matter needsChelsea
5-20 Bill Boyce, closer attention.Manassas, VA
Price Chopper (Berlin, VT) and The WORLD would like to help you wish someone LEO
5-20 Mary(July 23 to
Lefcourt, August
Essex Jct. 22) You now have information
special a Happy Birthday. Just send their name, address & birthdate. Well publish the
names in this space each week. Plus, well draw one (1) winner each week for a FREE that canMadigan
5-22 Ruth influence P., 73,that decision
1-4 Betsy you planned
Cody, 61, Barreto make. But
5-27 clever Cat will 70, consult a trusted Hardwickfriend or family mem-
Bethel 1-14 Brandon McLeon, 26,
BIRTHDAY CAKE from Price Chopper (Berlin, VT). No obligation, nothing to buy. Just Candy McLeon,
send birthday namesOn two (2) weeks priorRd.
CAKE, 403 U.S. Rt. 302 - Berlin,
to birthdate, to: Theup
Barre, VT 05641. miles WORLD, c/o St.
BIRTHDAY berHardwick
your name, address
before making a major1-15 move.Peggy Zurla, 54, Mayaez,
& phone number for prize notification. Open Every Day 223-2740 VIRGO (August 23 to September Puerto 22)
Rico Good news: Youre
APRIL 28 APRIL 30 finding
6-3 Joey, WbythatCtr,more
39 doors are1-15
6-5 Rob Salvas, 55, Barre
1-19 for36,you
Shawn Kasulka, E.Mplr
Kevn Sare, Cabotto show what
210 North Main St. Barre 802-479-7002 Whit Lewis, 80, Chelsea you can do,
6-6 Heather and 49,
Holmes, you dont even(nohave i) to knock very hard to
Darlene Callahan, 55, Berlin getWoodbury
the attention youre seeking. 1-27 Caitlyn Couture, 26,
Please Send Us Your April & May Anniversaries APRIL 29
LIBRA (September 23 to October Barre 22) Your gift for creat-
ing orderSalvas,
out 32,of Barre
chaos will help you 85,deal with a sudden
Tim Chadwick, 38, North Carolina Lillian Kasulka, 7, East Montpelier 7-7 Marti Elliott, Barre 1-31 Joyce LaMountain (The
And Be Automatically Registered To Win A 7-9 Pierce Plant Lady), Adamant
Gift Certificate From The Quarry Kitchen & Spirits rush of responsibilities that1-31would threaten someone less
ask for JulieWEEK OFManager)
THE or Beverlee Hutchins (Cake
CAKE WINNER: Please call Price Chopper (Berlin, VT) at 479-9078 and 7-11 Joslyn Richardson, 29, Linda Couture, Barre
Fandino (Bakery able to balance
Waterbury, VT his or her priorities.
1-31 Wayne Michaud, 70,
LUCKY WINNING COUPLE MONTH:Decorator) by Thursday, April 27 to arrange for cake pick-up. SCORPIO
7-11 Marcus (October 23 to November 21) Congratulations.
Hass, 28
7-12 Emily Rappold, Plainfield
Santa Rosa, CA
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Instead of doing a fad diet were not following standard guidelines for to re-educate doctors and the public of symp-
treatment of the disease, and calling them toms and treatment options.
As of writing this article, the petition on
it could be step in the right direction.
e will do a simple DNA test that recognizes Only four states, Connecticut (the place
where Lyme was discovered), Rhode Island, The battle is yet to be won, and the war has
what foods/non-food product are causing your Massachusetts and my good old home state of no end in sight. But anything worth fighting
body the most harm and preventing you from losing New Hampshire, have actually passed laws for is not won easily.
allowing doctors to prescribe long-term anti- Those who would like to learn more about
weight. Well also test you for the 80 essential biotic treatment for patients without having to the Fight for Lyme awareness and sign the
minerals, vitamins and nutrients. Together well worry about losing their licenses or being petition can visit this link:
create a diet to accommodate your bodys needs; not dropped by certain insurance providers. If I
As always, thank you for reading! Knowing
wasnt thankful to be living in New England
a diet based on the masses. Together, lets create a before that we have dedicated readers is what keeps
new and healthier you. Please stop by Many Words So its great that we live in a state that will me going day to day. Until next time, be
Herbs at the First In Fitness Building in Berlin or provide treatment for the disease, but not so
great that insurance really does nothing to
call me @ 802-793-9371 to nd out more about the cover it. And treatment gets expensive. There Debra Paul is the publisher of three
Intolerance Diet and how to get your health on track are many people who end up losing their jobs weekly newspapers in New Hampshire.
this Spring.
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of the tube, great news: Physical activity is (c) 2017 Michael Roizen, M.D. and Mehmet Oz, M.D.
Distributed by King Features Syndicate, Inc.
6096C MB16-NM001Gc much more rewarding. It boosts mood-ele-
page 18 The WORLD April 26, 2017
N at i o n a l
At Mayo Healthcare,
we honor the
Many thanks to all of
volunteers like Jack
and Wendy Cashman
the good people who
who donate their
time and effort at
volunteer their help
Mayo Healthcare. We
thank you from the
at the
bottom of our hearts!
Good Samaritan
Northeld, VT (802) 485-3161 Haven
Thank You!
The Montpelier Recreation Department
would like to take this opportunity to
thank our many volunteers,
present and past, to insure our special events and
We are extremely grateful to the several programs continue to run. There are many
We are extremely
of volunteers who to the
give of Project Independence programs that would not happen if our volunteers
were not committed to helping our Department.
their me week aer week of
of volunteers who give We rely on our volunteers for our Ski & Skate
Our Lucky Raffle 2017 was a huge success and we Sale, Halloween Party, Baseball, Soccer,
their me
supporng, week aer
encouraging week
and guiding would like to thank our fundraising committee, all Basketball, and Skiing Programs,
the volunteers, PI staff, The Canadian Club of Barre, just to name a few.
the eorts of adult educaonguiding
encouraging and and Country Floors of Plainfield, Tony Campos of Video- Please know we are
the eorts of adult educaon and
literacy students with their academic, Vision Production, all our silent auction donors, and all fortunate to have many
returning and new
PI supporters. Most of all thank you to the participants,
careerstudents with
and college their academic,
readiness goals. families, and care-providers we serve; without you we volunteers in
our community.
career and college readiness goals. would not be able to do what we love to do each and
THANK YOU! everyday and that is, Sharing Your Care. We very much
appreciate the help.
THANK YOU! (802) 476-4588
81 N. Main St. - Suite 1, Barre, VT 05641
Arne, Eric, Norma,
Rick and Carl (802) 476-4588
April 26, 2017 The WORLD page 19
N at i o n a l
for retirees
UVM Health Network - Central Vermont Medical Center volunteers are an integral part odays retirees recognize that an
of our mission to meet the needs and improve the health of the residents of central
active retirement tends to be more
Vermont. Our volunteers greet and escort patients at the hospital, retail for a cause in
the Auxiliary shops, enrich activities for Woodridge residents, visit with patients for rewarding than simply sitting around
companionship and support, knit comfort shawls, and more! To learn how you can the house, and that attitude is
become a part of our dynamic team, visit, email [email protected] or reflected in the vast number of retirees who
call Volunteer Services at 371-5364. volunteer with various nonprofit organiza-
11/12/15 2:47 PM tions and other programs across the globe.
In addition, members of the CVMC Board of Trustees and CVMC Auxiliary Board The following are a handful of volunteering
generously share their time and talents. Thank you to all of our volunteers for your opportunities for those retirees who want to
dedicated service during 2016 on behalf of our patients. give back and make the most of their retire-
Gold Katelyn Alger Emily McLean &
Thomas J. Golonka ments.
Jesse Alger Joyce Judy
500+ hours Irene Allaire Zachary Merriam Marta Marble Habitat for Humanity
Elizabeth Gilligan Barbara Arley Allyson Mill Habitat for Humanity is a nonprofit organization that
Roxanne Jarvis Mary Moulton
Peg Ayer Lois Morse Laura Plude builds and repairs homes for people in need. It has a program
Donald Ruggles Judith Baldwin Hannah Morvan titled Care-A-Vanners in which volunteers typically spend
Katie Sweeney Elder Bradley Barrett Sandy Rousse
Edward Myers two weeks traveling around the United States and Canada
Ann Zalinger Barbara Bassett Elizabeth OGrady Steven Shea
Paulette Thabault in rented RVs (retirees who own RVs may be able to drive
Claudia Bassett Reilly Osadchey Brown their own vehicles) building and restoring homes. Volunteers
Silver Melinda Bedia Linda Parks Greg Voorheis
must pay their own way and bring along their own supplies,
Marilyn White
250-499 hours Rachel Benoit
Shaun Bernatchy
Denise Parry
Carolyn Pastore such as work shoes, gloves, tool belts, and some tools (power
Joan Argenti tools are typically provided by the local Habitat for Human-
Marilyn Bisson
Arreta Boyd
Dave Boileau & Darla*
Olivia Peltier
Elder Christian Perry
CVMC Board ity chapter), and free or low-cost RV parking is provided by
Clayton Copping
Joan Habbep Stacie Boltin Crystal Peterson committee Habitat for Humanity. Adventurous retirees who enjoy hitting
Angie Brault
Rebecca Karnedy
David Burrus
Elder Matthew Poe
Judith Priv
members the open road may find Care-A-Vanners matches their love
of travel with their desire to give back.
Maureen OConnor- Wanda Baril
Burgess Barbara Butler Sherry Rhynard
Marta Cambra Wendy Rieger Toni Kaeding
Margaret OToole Claire Kendall
Work with children
Norma Segale Brian Carten, Judson & Chloe Riven Many retirees, especially those without grandchildren or
Fred* Bonnie Sibley Jim Kurrle
Carol Van Etten who live far away from their grandchildren, find volunteering
Lorraine Watker Marie Charbonneau Kristine Stecker Joe Preddy
Nancy Clermont with children to be especially rewarding. The opportunities to
Marilyn White Lida Stoneman Cory Richardson
Suzanne Dellipriscoli work with kids are numerous, and retirees can choose a vol-
Priscilla Tassie
Christine Ditmeyer Mona Tilley unteering opportunity where their own life experiences come
Bronze Gary Downs Corrine Tosi CVMC Auxiliary in handy. For example, retirees who worked in the medical
100-249 hours Ellen Doyle Cassidy Oakman Knitting Group field might want to volunteer their time at a local childrens
Agnes Aubertin Alice Duncan Valinski hospital, where they can assist families as they cope with a
James Durham Joan Argenti
William Benkwitt Shirley Walesch childs illness and spend time with the children themselves,
Alice Ennis Kelsey Warner Ivana Argenti
Rosaire Bisson whethers its tutoring sick children, reading them stories or
Elsie Boisvert Catherine Estivill Elder Andrew Cheryl Bennett
helping them understand their illnesses.
Mary Ann Bowen Karen Fiebig & Renee* Wattenburger Susan Bittermann
Retirees with considerable experience in the business
Cheryl Craig Renald Fortier Mary White Arreta Boyd, world may want to work with a mentoring program that
Suzanne Day Timothy Fortune Margaret White Coordinator
Janet Foster matches them up with career-minded youngsters.
Anita Ellero Susan Winslow Marie Charbonneau
Nancy Fecteau Carolyn Friberg Cate Wirth Sandy Doten continued on next page
John Flannery Colette Gagnon Alyssa Yearman Carol Fiarkoski
Walter Frey Lawrence Garland *certied therapy dog team
Karen Gerdel Debbie Fiske
Mary Gagne Janet Foster
Mary Ann Goss
Joan Hart
Richard Haynes Cindy Hall CVMC Auxiliary Betty Gacetta
Lydia Lewis Rebecca Hall Board Joanne Henderson
Your Home. Your Independence.
Delina Loati Sharon Hanley & Hope* Joan Argenti Eleanor Kaczmarek Your
Edith Harding Peg Ayer Joan Kennell Your Home.
Home. Your
Your Independence.
Christine Long
Coralin Mackey Teresa Haskins Wanda Baril Patty Kruthers -- Celebrating Our Volunteers -
Judith Manning Brooke Houghton
Catherine Houston
Arreta Boyd Laura Langevin - Celebrating
Celebrating Our
Our Volunteers
Volunteers --
Susan Martin Janet Foster Carla Levin Thank
Thank You!
Jennifer Milne Deborah Jedinak Bonnie Giuliani Sheila McLean Thank You!
Steve Needle Mary Kerin Roxanne Jarvis Central Vermont
Lorraine Kessler Marilyn Moore Central Vermont
Central Vermont
Lizzette Provencher Rebecca Karnedy Home Health &
Carey Kimball Susan Kruthers Laura Morse Home Health &
Hospice would&like
Michelle Singer
Liette Trepanier Maisie Lajeunesse Sarah Miller Freda Nadon Hospice would like
Hospice would
to take this like
Pamela Tucker Aline Laperle Julia Morgan Denise Parry to take this opportunity
to take
all opportunity
of our
Donna Watts Rosaline Lee Jean Rubalcaba Nelita Pecora to thank all of our
to thank allwho
volunteers of our
Carol Welch Ruth Lehner Nathan Segale Marko Russell volunteers who
generously who
give their
Rachael Williams Theresa Lever Carol Welch Susan Ryan generously give their
generously give their
Thomas Lever time and energy to
Raeleen Wright Marilyn White Helen Schwarzer Volunteers 2016 Hospice time and energy to
time and energy to
Christine Litchfield Ann Zalinger Diane Severance
Memorial Golf
2016 Hospice
Memorial Golf Tournament
our organization.
our organization.
Robert Lizzari our organization.
Memorial Golf Tournament
Susan Mahoney Barb Smith Your dedication helps us provide the care that central
Your dedication helps us provide the care that central
Mention Guyla Mason CVMC Board Ann Somers Your dedication
Vermonters wanthelps
in theusplace
provide thewant
they careitthat
Vermonters want in the place they want it at home.
of Trustees
Vermonters want in the place they want it at home.
Elder Noah Adams Karen Matthews Deb Welch
Marilyn White
For more information about
Gauri Chaithanya Elder McCain Christopher Barbieri For more please
volunteering, information
For more please
visit our
information website
Addenki Joseph McKeon Michael Dellipriscoli Linda Workman volunteering, visit our
volunteering, please visit our
Elder Taylor Alarid Mary Ann McKeon Sarah Field Marti Young at
Like Us:
Like Us:
Like Us:
page 20 The WORLD April 26, 2017
N at i o n a l
Service vacations who are unable to prepare their own meals. The program de- natural disaster strikes and volunteers are needed seemingly
Retirement is often seen as a time to travel and see the livers more than one million meals per day across the United overnight. Many disaster relief programs need volunteers
world, and many retirees have started to combine that love States, and Canada has its own meal delivery programs as who are certified in CPR or have other unique lifesaving
of travel with service opportunities. Globe Aware, a 501(c) well. Many Meals on Wheels volunteers are retirees, who can skills, but even retirees without such skills can help by
(3) nonprofit organization, develops short-term volunteer decide their level of involvement upon volunteering. handling supplies or by comforting and assisting survivors of
programs in international environments. Each activity aims natural disasters.
to promote cultural awareness and promote sustainability Disaster relief
in needy communities. Volunteers work to address issues Disaster relief programs may be less predictable than more
identified by the host communities as particularly pressing, routine volunteer programs, but retirees often make great vol-
interacting with the local residents in ways that are often unteers at disaster relief sites. Unlike working professionals
impossible on more traditional vacations. who cannot travel to disaster
relief sites without ample Fall Benefit
Meals on Wheels
planning ahead of time, retir-
Retirees tend to have their mornings and afternoons free,
making them ideal candidates to volunteer with programs ees often find the flexibility
The Greater Northfield
Senior Citizens, Inc. Sunday October 9, 2016
such as Meals on Wheels, a nonprofit organization devoted of retirement allows them to Northfield Senior Center 3-6pm
to delivering nutritious meals to those with limited mobility pitch in when an unforesee 168 Wall Street
Northfield, VT 05663
Unitarian Church, Montpelier
[email protected]
A HUGE THANK YOU Over 50 volunteers have participated at our
Passive HouseFeaturing
Build in EastMusician
Montpelier this winter!
The Vermont Mountaineers TO ALL OUR MANY
VOLUNTEERS! Thank you to our dedicated
Lewis site supervisors and
would like to extend a big YOU ARE TOO many employees from National Life Insurance
& Group for lending a
Group & VT Mutual Insurance
KEEP UP THE GREAT helping hand! Come join our spring crew!
Vermont Master Storytellers
to our fabulous volunteers PTimE OJennings
P L E and S Leanne
H E Ponders
Hundreds of answers.
Richard Katzman, MD Allison Jacob, LAC Clinic
Marvin Malek, MD Referral Practitioners Receptionists
Terence Naumann, MD
Bernie Noe, ND Michael Adler, DDS, Dentistry Dottie Cadorette
Allan Ramsay, MD Eric Asnis, MD, Cat Dunn
Craig Sullivan, MD Gastroenterology Daniel Homier
Sally Bishko, DDS, Dentistry Kasey Jacobs (Norwich
Options for Seniors & Caregivers
Carol Vassar, MD
Don Weinberg, MD
Stuart Williams, MD
Cassandra Coakley, DDS,
University Student)
Molly Lefkowitz
Community Dental Clinic- Lindsay Noordji
59 N. Main Street, Suite 200 in Barre
Gail Yanowitch, MD
Mark Yorra, MD, Medical
Alaa Fahoum, DDS, Dentistry
Cameron O'Connor
Director Office, Mailing & Event Help Sandra Farnham, Au.D.Green
Tara Meyer, FNP
Maria Puglisi, FNP Lindsay Herbert, DMD, Kitty Langlois
Linda Wulff, Adult Psych & MH Dentistry Esther Lavin
FARM &andYard
19 Barre St., Montpelier
Williston Store
21 Zephyr Road
Williston, VT 05495-7336
Montpelier Store
19 Barre Street
Montpelier, VT 05602-3504
Morrisville Store
155 Portland Street
Morrisville, VT 05661
F entral VT 403 U.S. RT. 302 - BERLIN BARRE, VT 05641-2274
Radiant Heated Floors for Winter
& Air Conditioning in Summer
for C Society
Mon. - Fri. 8-6 Mon. - Fri. 8-6 Mon. - Fri. 7-5
479-2582 1-800-639-9753 FAX 479-7916 Gif t Certificates Available
Sat. 8-5 Sun. 10-5 Sat. 8-5 Sun. Closed Sat. 7-2 Sun. 9-1
H umane 3pm
SAT. Is your pet... MONTPELIER
Stiff or lame?
We provide:
We Reluctant to climb steps Towels Sham-
in pet
or jump?
Slow to rise or does not DOG poos Air Blow
Dryer Tie Down
want to take walks
Colleen Bloom, VMD Hannah Flynn, VMD WASH 60 Chest-Height
Tub Aprons
Karen Bradley, DVM Lauren Quinn, DVM And we even clean up after youre done!
Anne Culp, VMD
urns. We etch your pets photograph and He or she could be helped by an arthritis medication or supplement. Now through December... We Engrave Pet ID Tags
name into black granite to withstand the 64 North Main Street Pet Boutique & Spa 36 Three Mile Bridge
10% OFF 20% OFF 50% OFF
Hardwick, VT
Road, Middlesex
All Arthritis Glucosamine Hills J/D
to your pets life.
VT 05602
Prescriptions! Supplements! 69PetSo.FoodMain St., Barre
North Main St., Hardwick, VT 802-472-8400 [email protected]
entral V Puppies & Kittens Always Free!
Andrea Gilbert, DVM 479-7036 802-223-7765
for C Society
Email: [email protected] 190 East Montpelier Rd, Montpelier229-9187
Grand Prize: $10,000
2nd Prize: $2000 3rd Prize: $1000 10 Prizes of $100
Wednesday. All ages welcome. Free of room, Mondays, 7-8 p.m. 229-6219.
charge. Donations welcomed.
Freeride Montpelier Open Shop Nights. Need help
Tai Chi Classes: Advanced Class Mondays and w/a bike repair? Come to the volunteer-run commu-
Fridays 1-2 p.m. Beginner Class Tuesdays and nity bike shop. 89 Barre St., Wednesdays 4-6 p.m.,
Thursdays 10-11 a.m. All ages welcome. Free of other days seasonal, donations. Info: freeridemontpe-
Tuesday Night Bingo: Doors open at 5 p.m., Free Community Meals. Mondays: Unitarian
games start at 6 p.m. Refreshments available. Church, 11 a.m.-1 p.m.; Tuesdays: Bethany Church,
Death Cafe. 1st Friday of the month 11:45 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.-1 p.m.; Wednesdays: Christ Church, 11
1 p.m. Discussions of events past, present, and a.m.-12:30 p.m.; Thursdays: Trinity Church, 11:30
future. All are welcome and discussions are confi- a.m.-1 p.m.; Fridays: St. Augustine Church, 11
dential. a.m.-12:30 p.m.; Last Sundays, Bethany Church,
A tribute to GROTON - YA Book Club: 3rd Mondays, 6:30 4:30-6:30 p.m.
back roads Vermont p.m.; Book Discussion Group: 4th Mondays, 7 Grandparents Raising Their Childrens Children.
p.m.; Crafts & Conversation, Wednesdays, 1-3 Support group, childcare provided. Resurrection
by one of her p.m. Round Robin Storytime, for kids age 0-5 & Baptist Church, 144 Elm St., 2nd Thursday of the
best poets their caregivers: Tuesdays, 10 a.m. All at Groton month, 6-8 p.m. Info. 476-1480.
Public Library, 584-3358. Calico County Quilters. All skill levels welcome.
by turns HARDWICK - Caregiver Support Group. Call to confirm location: 802-244-7001, 2nd
bawdy & raucous Agency on Aging, rear entrance Merchants Bank, Saturday of month (Sept. through June), 1-3 p.m.
delicate & painful 2nd Thurs of month. 229-0308 x306. Co-Dependents Anonymous (CoDA). Bethany
angry & loving Peace and Justice Coalition. G.R.A.C.E. Arts Church basement, Tuesdays, 6:30 p.m. Info. 229-
bldg (old firehouse), Tues., 7 p.m. Info. Robin 533- 9036.
Thurs-Sun 2296.
Nurturing Fathers Program. Light supper
The Vermont Association for Mental Health &
Addiction Recovery Advocates Weekly Breakfast.
Apr 20May 7 included. Thurs., 6-8:30 p.m. Registration/info
We are inviting a small group of advocates to join
us each Tuesday morning from 8:30-9:30 a.m. dur-
MARSHFIELD - Playgroup. Twinfield Preschool, ing the legislative session. Capitol Plaza Hotel
TICKETS: Mondays, 11 a.m.-12:30 p.m. (except when school Conference Room 232. Coffee, Tea, Scones, Fruit,
not in session). and more! RSVP encouraged to [email protected]
(802) 229-0492 "Wrenchingly real, Jaquith Public Library Activities. Old Schoolhouse
but never required. Just drop-in!
Kellogg-Hubbard Library Activities. 135 Main
montpelier city hall arts center
fiercely emotional &
unexpectedly funny
Common, 426-3581. Story & Play Group,
Wednesdays, 10-11:30 a.m. Book Group for Adults,
stop by for copy of the book, 4th Mondays, 7 p.m.
St., 223-3338. Story Time: Tues/Fri, 10:30 a.m.;
Sit N Knit: for young knitters age 6 & up, Mondays,
- Chicago Sun Times 3:30-4 p.m.; Read to Coco: Wednesdays, 3:30-4:30
MONTPELIER - Central VT Adult Basic p.m.; Origami Club: Thursdays, 3-4 p.m.; Read
Education. Free classes. Intermediate Level with Arlo: Thursdays 4-5 p.m.
Reading for Adults: Thurs. 9-10 a.m.; Learning
English: Tues. or Weds. 9-10 a.m.; English CHADD ADHD Parent Support Group. Childcare
Conversation: Tues. 4-5 p.m. Montpelier Learning not available, please make plans for your child.
Center, 100 State St. Info/register 223-3403. Woodbury College, second Tuesday of month, 5:30-
7:30 p.m. Info. 498-5928.
58th season Ballroom Dance Classes. Union Elementary
School, Six-week sessions, Tuesdays April 25-May Resurrection Baptist Church Weekly Events.
30, 6-7 p.m. Waltz and Foxtrot (three weeks of 144 Elm St. Sunday, 9:45 a.m. Bible Study for all
each). 7-8 p.m. Rumba and Swing (three weeks of Ages; 11 a.m. Worship Service; Wednesday, 7 p.m.
each). Singles welcome, no experience necessary. Prayer Meeting.
Register: call Montpelier Rec. Dept. 225-8699 Overeaters Anonymous. Bethany Church base-
Sunday School. For children (up to 20) to study ment, Mondays 5:30-6:30 p.m. 223-3079.
Central Vermonts Community Orchestra & Chorus Resident Orchestra of the Barre Opera House the Bible and teachings of Jesus. Christian Science Good Beginnings of Central VT. 174 River St.
Church, 145 State St., Sundays, 10:30 a.m. 595-7953. Drop-In Hours at the Nest. 1st floor
Robins Nest Nature Playgroup. North Branch Weds, Thurs, Fri 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Babywearers of
Nature Center. Mondays 9:30-11:30 a.m. March Central Vermont meet up. Upstairs 4th Monday
13-June 5. Fee: By donation. Outdoor playgroup 5:45-7:45 p.m. and 2nd Thursdays 9:30-11:30
for parents, caregivers, and children ages 0 - 5. Join a.m. Check Facebook for last-minute schedule
us for 2 hours of spontaneous play, exploration, changes. La Leche League Meetup. Breastfeeding
discovery, song, nature inspired crafts, and oral info and support. 3rd Thursdays, 9:30- 11:30 a.m.
story telling. Come learn about the benefits of Info: 802-879-3000. Nursing Beyond a Year
nature connection and enjoy the community expe- Meetup. 3rd Fridays, 9:30-11:30 a.m. Info: 802-
rience of time immersed in nature with your young 879-3000. Come join other nursing parents in a
ones. warm, supportive environment to discuss the joys
and challenges of an older nursling.
Montpelier Kiwanis Club. Tuesdays, 6 p.m. at
The Steak House. All are welcome. Info: Elliott Al-Anon. Trinity Methodist Church, Main St., Sun.,
Featuring 6:15-7:30 p.m. Info. 1-866-972-5266.
Curtin at 229-6973.
Symphony No. 9 in E minor,
Vermont Association for the Blind PALS Group Al-Anon. Bethany Church basement, 115 Main St.,
From the New World by Antonin Dvorak meets on 2nd and 4th Weds. at Division for the Tuesdays & Thursdays noon-1 p.m., Wednesdays
Festive Overture by Dmitri Shostakovich Blind Conference room at the Capital Plaza Hotel. 9 7-8 p.m. Info. 1-866-972-5266.
a.m. to 2 p.m. The PALS Group is a program for SL AA. 12-step recovery group for sex/relationship
Pelleas and Melisande Suite by Jean Sibelius visually impaired Vermonters to support their inde- problems. Bethany Church, Wed., 5 p.m. Info. 802-
pendence within home, families, and communities. 249-6825.
Info: Harriet Hall at 323-3055 or Vermont Survivors of Incest Anonymous. Bethany Church
Association of the Blind office at 505-4006 parlor, 115 Main St., Mondays, 5 p.m. Please call
Onion River Exchange Tool Library. Over 85 first: 229-9036 or 454-8402.
Saturday, April 29, 2017 Sunday, April 30, 2017 tools including: power tools, all sorts of hand tools Brain Injury Support Group. Unitarian Church,
7:30 pm 2:00 pm including wrench kits, caulking guns, sawzall, tall third Thursday of the month, 1:30-2:30 p.m. Info.
Chandler Music Hall, Randolph Barre Opera House tree branch cutter, belt sander, wet vac, drop cloths, 1-877-856-1772
have a heart traps, bulb planter, and tool boxes to be
used for easy carry. Plus safety gear. 46 Barre St. Playgroups: Dads & Kids Playgroup, Thursdays,
Adults $15 Seniors $12 Students $5
Open during office hours: T 9-4, W 9-4, TH 9-4. 6-7:30 p.m. and Playgroup, Saturdays, 9:30-11
Concert Tickets available at the door and in advance from the a.m., both at Family Center of Washington County.
Barre Opera House box office, (802) 476-8188 or on-line at Rainbow Umbrella of Central Vermont, an
adult LGBTQ group, meets third Tuesdays of the continued on next page
page 24 The WORLD April 26, 2017
For Showtimes 229-0343 or
Audio Descriptive Available on certain movies...
All held during school year only. Wednesdays; Knit-Wits, 10 a.m. Thursdays; Foot Clinics, 1st Weds,
Kindred Connections Peer to Peer Cancer Support for Patients and call to sign up; Book Club 12:45 p.m. 1st Wednesday of month. Fri. & Sat. 6:30 & 9:15 -- Sun. thru Thurs. 6:35 PARAMOUNT BARRE
Caregivers. Info 1-800-652-5064 email [email protected] Cancer Support Group. For survivors, sufferers & family. Gifford
For Showtimes 479-0078 or
Matinees Sat. & Sun. at 12:25 & 3:25 FRI. - THURS. APRIL 29 - MAY 4
Christian Meditation. Christ Church, Mondays, 12-1 p.m. Conference Ctr, 2nd Tuesdays, 9:30-11 a.m. 728-2270. MATINEES SAT. & SUN.
GIFTED --PG-13--
MARSHFIELD - Story Time and Playgroup. Jaquith Public Storytime. Kimball Library, Wed., 11 a.m., ages 2-5; Toddlertime, Fri. & Sat. 6:30 & 9:10 -- Sun. thru Thurs. 6:40 TICKETS ON SALE ONLINE NOW FOR
Library. Wednesdays from 10 to 11:30 a.m. Join Sylvia Smith for Fri., 10:30 a.m.; Gathering for hand work, 2nd & 4th Mon., 6 p.m. Matinees Sat. & Sun. at 12:20 & 3:20 THE ADVANCE SHOWING OF
story time, and follow up with playgroup with Cassie Bickford. For WASHINGTON - Central VT ATV Club. Washington Fire Station, THE PROMISE --PG-13--
ON THURS. MAY 4th at 7:00 PM (3D)
children birth to age six and their grown-ups. We do not hold the 3rd Tuesdays, 6:30 p.m. 224-6889. Fri. & Sat. 6:15 & 9:15 -- Sun. thru Thurs. 6:45
program the days Twinfield Union is closed. Art and Adventure with April, 3rd Saturdays at 11 a.m.; Storytime, Matinees Sat. & Sun. at 12:15 & 3:15 THE FATE OF THE FURIOUS --PG-13--
MORETOWN - Mad River Chorale. New singers welcome. Mondays at 11 a.m.; Tech Help Drop-In, Saturdays 10 a.m.-2 p.m. All Fri. & Sat. 6:15 & 9:15 -- Sun. thru Thurs. 6:30
Rehearsals at Harwood Union H.S., Mondays, 7-9 p.m. 496-2048. at Calef Memorial Library. Info. 883-2343. THE BOSS BABY --PG-- Matinees Sat. & Sun. at 12:15 & 3:15
Fri. & Sat. 6:20 & 9:00 -- Sun. thru Thurs. 6:30
MORRISVILLE - Overeaters Anonymous. First Congregational WATERBURY - Waterbury Public Library. Preschool Story Matinees Sat. & Sun. at 12:20 & 3:20 BEAUTY AND THE BEAST --PG--
Church, 85 Upper Main St., Fridays at noon. Info. 888-2356. Time Thursdays at 10 a.m. Keep your busy preschooler entertained
Fri. & Sat. 6:20 & 9:15 -- Sun. thru Wed. 6:35
Matinees Sat. & Sun. at 12:20 & 3:20
NORTHFIELD - Civil Air Patrol Cadet Program. For ages 12-18. with picture books, interactive play, music, and crafts. Baby & GOING IN STYLE --PG-13--
Readiness & Regional Technology Center, Norwich campus, Tuesdays, Toddler Story Time Mondays at 10 a.m. Stimulate your babys Fri. & Sat. 6:25 & 9:05 -- Sun. thru Thurs. 6:50
Matinees Sat. & Sun. at 12:30 & 3:30
developing intellect with rhymes, songs, stories, music, and lap
Advance Showing Thurs., May 4 at 7:00 (3D)
6-8:30 p.m. Info. [email protected]
games, suitable for newborns through 36 months. 24-Hr Movie Line 229-0343 BUY TICKETS ONLINE AT:
Clogging & Irish Step Lessons. W/Green Mountain Cloggers, ages
8-78, donations. Sundays 5-8 p.m. 522-2935. WATERBURY CTR - Bible Study Group. Bring your bible, coffee
provided. Waterbury Center Grange, Sundays, 5-6 p.m. 498-4565.
Playgroup. United Church of Northfield, Wednesdays, 9:30-11 a.m.
Held only when school is in session. Info. 262-3292 x113. WEBSTERVILLE - Fire District #3, Prudential Committee.
Monthly meeting, 105 Main St., 2nd Tuesdays, 6 p.m.
ORANGE - Sunday morning service at Christ Community Alliance
Church at 10:30 a.m. off Route 302 near the Elementary School in
WEST TOPSHAM - Bible Study. New Hope Methodist Church, 2
Gendron Rd. Wednesdays at 6:30 p.m. SAMBELS! SAMBELS!
PLAINFIELD - Cutler Memorial Library Activities: Classic Book WILLIAMSTOWN - Bible Study. Christian Alliance Church, Sun.,
6 p.m. Info. 476-3221.
Book Your Get-togethers, BBQs,
Club: 1st Mondays, 6 p.m; Food for Thought Book Club: 2nd
Mondays, 6:30 p.m. Plainfield Book Club: 3rd Mondays, 7 p.m. Call Community Supper. The Williamstown United Federated Church Weddings, Anniversaries, etc.
Sambels Catering 249-7758
454-8504. Story Time for Kids, ages 2-5. Thursdays, 10:30 a.m. offers a community supper at 5:30 p.m. on the third Thursday of each
Diabetes Discussion & Support Group. Everyone welcome. The month. Everyone is welcome, donations accepted. Please come share
Health Center conf. room, 3rd Thursdays, 1:30 p.m. Info. 322-6600. a meal with your friends and neighbors.
RANDOLPH - Ongoing Health Support Groups at Gifford - Quit WOODBURY - Woodbury Community Library winter hours.
in Person Group. Giffords Tobacco Cessation Program regularly 1-5 p.m. Mondays & Wednesdays,
offers four-week Quit in Person group sessions in the Maple Leaf 10 a.m. to noon Saturdays. Valley
Lake Road. Info: 472-5710. THE AMERICAN
Room at Gifford Medical Center and Kingwood Health Center. Free
gum, patches and lozenges are available for participants. Call 802- Knitting/Handworkers Circle, LEGION Come In and Enjoy
728-7714, to learn more or to sign up for the next series of classes.
Diabetes Management Program. Thursdays from 10 a.m. to 12:30
Saturdays, 10 a.m. to noon, all
ages and abilities
p.m. in Kingwood Health Center (lower level Conference Room),
1422 VT Route 66. This free six week program for people diagnosed
WORCESTER - Knitting
Night. The Wool Shed, Tuesdays,
6:30-8:30 p.m. Fri., April 28 ~ 7-11 pm
with type-2 diabetes offers support to help them better manage their
diabetes and prevent more serious health problems. Info/register:
Megan at 802-728-7714.
WEDNESDAY, APRIL 26 Sherri Lambertons
New Business Forum. Vermont Tech Enterprise Center, 1540 VT Rte
BARRE - GED Testing: Central
Vermont Adult Basic Education. KARAOKE SHOW Cinnamon Texas
66, 2nd Wednesdays, 11:30 a.m.-1 p.m. 728-9101.
Yoga Classes. All ages & levels, donations benefit Safeline. VTC
Barre Learning Center, 26
Washington St. Suite 100. 4 p.m.
$3 Cover French Toast
Campus Center, last Sunday of month, 2-3:30 p.m. MONTPELIER - Bishop LeVey with Blueberry Sauce
Step n Time Line Dancers of Central Vermont. Fall Session: live at Bagitos. 28 Main St. 6-8
Sat., April 29 ~ 7-11 pm
Wednesdays at Chandler Center. 6:45-8:45 p.m. p.m. Alternative Punk-rock. Enjoy The Band
Randolph Senior Ctr., 6 Hale Street, 728-9324. Lift for Life
Exercises, 8:30 a.m. Tu/Th and Weds/Fri; Cribbage, 10 a.m. Mondays;
OLLI Spring Series Rick
Winston presents Westerns
The Adams Band
Bingo, 10:30 a.m. Mondays; Bridge, 2:15 p.m. at the Joslyn House with a Difference. Savoy $5 Cover
Mondays; Mahjongg, 10 a.m. Tuesdays; Crafts, 10:30 a.m. Theater. continued on next page
21 & OVER 325 North Main Street
For information, call Barre 479-9862
the Post at 479-9058 American Express Discover Visa Mastercard
Peoples Health & Wellness Clinics
11th Annual
Saturday May 6, 2017
0 - 3:00 PM
Twin City Family Fun Centerr
Teams are asked to raise a minimum of $250
(or $50 a bowler on a team of 5).
Team or Individual Name:
Captain/Contact Person:
Email: Phone:
Mailing Address:
Team Members (ideally 5):
Mail form to: Peoples Health & Wellness Clinic, 553 North Main Street, Barre, VT 05641
Deadline for registration is Friday, April 28
Saratoga Performingoils, photography
- Saratoga, NY and three dimensional pieces. Opening recep-
TUE, JUN 20 @ 7:00PM
Arts Center Readings by donation ($10-20). Info:
tion on Thursday, March 9 from 5-7 p.m. Refreshments will be
Michael Franti & Spearhead WATERBURY - Smart Money Class. Waterbury Public Library, SAL
THU, JUN 22 @ 7:30PM
Lebanon Opera House served
- Lebanon,and
NH there is no admission fee. room. 10:30 a.m. to noon. Preventing Financial Exploitation will look at
Third Eye Blind -- Northern VT Artists Assoc. Art Exhibit. T.W. Wood deceptive and fraudulent financial practices that are a growing industry
and increasing concern in our digital world. Learn how to recognize and
Saratoga PerformingGallery, 46 Barre NY St. March 21-April 28, 2017. Opening recep-
SAT, JUL 1 @ 7:30PM
Tedeschi Trucks Band
Arts Center - Saratoga,
tion and chance to purchase works Thursday, March 23 from reduce the risk of financial exploitation (of the elderly, in particular) while
SUN, JUL 2 @ 6:30PM 5-7 p.m. protecting against identity theft. Free. Register: 244-7036
Champlain Valley Expo Midway Lawn - Essex
Junction, VT -- Studies in the Art of Chance works by Laura Jane Walker WATERBURY CTR - Turkey Take-Out dinner. Waterbury Center
My Morning Jacket at the Spotlight Gallery. A reception with the artist will be held Fully Committed Rock Your Camo 5K Community Church, Rt 100 next to Cold Hollow Cider Mill. 4-6 p.m.
Turkey, stuffing, gravy, mashed potatoe, vegetable, rolls, cranberry sauce,
Shelburne Museum -Friday, May 5 from 4-7 p.m. during Art Walk. The exhibit will
WED, JUL 12 @ 7:00PM THU, APR 27 - SUN, MAY 14 SAT, MAY 20 @ 10:00AM
Shelburne, VT Shaker Bridge Theatre - Enfield, NH Arrowhead Recreation Area - Claremont, NH and dessert. $9. Reservation needed: 244-8089.
Elvis Costello & Thebe shown through May 25, 2017. Open Monday through Friday
Imposters Eliza Gilkyson, Mary Gauthier & Gretchen Peters David Crosby and Friends
SUN, JUL 23 @ 7:00PMfrom 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. in the Vermont Arts Council office, FRI, APR 28 @ 7:30PM TUE, MAY 23 @ 8:00PM SATURDAY, APRIL 29
136 State St.
Shelburne Museum - Shelburne, VT UVM Recital Hall - Burlington, VT Flynn Theater - Burlington, VT
VARIOUS LOCATIONS - Prescription Drug Take Back Day. 10 a.m.
to 2 p.m. Clean out your medicine cabinets and safely dispose of expired
Kings of Leon Start Making Sense: Talking Heads Tribute An Evening with CAKE
WED, JUL 26 @ 7:00PMNORTHFIELD - Paine Mountain Arts Council 12th Annual FRI, APR 28 @ 8:30PM SAT, MAY 27 @ 8:00PM
or unwanted prescription medications. (Pills and capsules only). Free and
Art Show. Brown Public Library, community room. Exhibition
Saratoga Performing Arts Center - Saratoga, NY Higher Ground - South Burlington, VT Shelburne Museum - Shelburne, VT
Twiddles Tumble Down Festival Upright Citizens Brigade An Evening with the Avett Brothers anonymous disposal at 7 local sites: Washington County Sheriffs Dept.
FRI, JUL 28 - SAT, JUL 29 Friday, April 21, 3-7 p.m.; Reception from 7-9 p.m. SAT, APR 29 @ 7:00PM THU, JUN 1 @ 8:00PM at 10 Elm St. in Montpelier; Montpelier Police Dept at 1 Pitkin Court;
Waterfront Park - Burlington, VT April 22, 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Sunday, April 23, Noon to Twilight Theatre - Lyndonville, VT Bank of New Hampshire Pavilion - Gilford, NH
Barre City Police Dept at 15 Fourth St; Northfield Police Dept at 110 Wall
The Shins
SUN, JUL 30 @ 4:00PM4 p.m. This event is free and open to the public. Barenaked Ladies {{SOLD OUT}}
SAT, APR 29 @ 8:00PM
Jack Johnson
FRI, JUN 9 @ 7:30PM St; Kinney Drugs at 800 Rt 302 in Berlin and Kinney Drugs at 80 So.
Waterfront Park - Burlington, VT - Work by Photographer Jason M. Wallace at Flynn Theater - Burlington, VT Xfinity Center - Mansfield, MA continued on next page
John Mellencamp
FRI, SEP 1 @ 7:00PM Gifford Gallery. The 14 black and white and color photographs Cinderella Four Voices: Joan Baez, Mary Chapin Carpenter,
this exhibit
Grand Standinclude rural and urban scenes that range from
FRI, MAY 5 - SUN, MAY 7 and Indigo Girls
Champlain Valley Expo Lebanon Opera House - Lebanon, NH FRI, JUN 16 @ 7:00PM
- Essex Junction, VTthe New York City skyline to the Staten Island shoreline and a Kris Kristofferson Bank of New Hampshire Pavilion - Gilford, NH
CVTV CHANNEL 194 Up-to-date schedules for CVTV can also
Info: 234-9441
advance at or 476-8188
CALAIS - Calais Green Up Day. Trash/Recycling Depot, Moscow
Saint Monicas Super Bingo. 79 Summer St. Doors open at 10 a.m. Woods Rd. 9 a.m. to noon. Volunteers can drop off bags of roadside litter.
Games at 1 p.m. Over $10,000 in cash & prizes. $25 for 12 cards, Metal also accepted (no refrigerators, liquids or tires on rims). Household
extra cards 3 for $5. Meals, snacks and beverages available. trash and recyclables accepted for the usual fee. No personal tires, please!
Reservations: 223-6623 or 476-5015 (8 a.m. to 4 p.m.) Proceeds to Bags and returnable bottles & cans only may be brought to Maple Corner
benefit St. Monica-St. Michael School. Store. Info: Fletcher Dean, 456-8924, [email protected]
Primo Maggio 2017 at the Socialist Labor Party Hall, 46 Granite St. EAST MONTPELIER - Montpelier Community Gospel Choir
Flash Ball 1: $900.
5 p.m. Social Hour (cash bar), 6 p.m. Traditional Italian Dinner, 7 p.m. Concert. Old Meeting House, 1620 Center Rd. 7 p.m. A cappella Flash Ball 2: $600
Illustrated talk by John Carafoli, author of Great Italian American
Food in New England followed by Thats Amore popular songs from
gospel and original music. By donation. Info: [email protected]
or call 802-249-0404
Mini Jackpot 50#'s: $2,700.
and about Italy. Tickets: $25 (reservations suggested). Proceeds to
MONTPELIER - Spring Migration Bird Walks. Cow Pasture.
Jackpot 51#'s: $1,100.
benefit the Socialist Labor Party Hall National Historic Landmark
7-8:30 a.m. Fee: $10, free for members. Explore NBNC for spring Thursday Night
EAST MONTPELIER - Spaghetti Dinner Fund Raiser. Twin
Valley Senior Center, 4583 US Rt. 2. 4-7 p.m. To benefit the Meals on
migrants, such as warblers, vireos, thrushes and waterfowl. Learn
birding basics, expand your birding ear and discover more.
Doors Open at 4:00 PM
Premies at 6:00 PM
Wheels Program. Spaghetti w/meat sauce, tossed salad, garlic bread
and brownies. Vegetarian meals available. $10, Eat in or take out. Green Mountain Youth Symphony Auditions. We have open seats Regular Games at 7:00 PM SPECIAL
Reservations for take-out meals appreciated.
MONTPELIER - Jennings & McComber live at Bagitos. 28 Main St. 11
for musicians novice through advanced next fall. Registration is also
open for the GMYS Creative Arts & Music Program (CAMP) for CANADIAN CLUB HAM &
a.m. to 1 p.m. Celtic Roots influenced Green Mountain Indie Folk Duo.
Montpelier Community Gospel Choir Spring Concert. Bethany
intermediate advanced music students. To schedule an audition/info:
email GMYS at [email protected], call 802-888-4470 or visit our
website at
ROUTE 14 479-9090
Just outside of Barre MACARONI
United Church of Christ, 115 Main St. 7 p.m. Suggested donation
$10/$25 for families. The ecumenical choir celebrates over 20 years
Orchard Valley Waldorf Schools Annual Sweet N Savory Pie
Breakfast. Unitarian Church, 130 Main St. 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. $8
of song with an uplifting and exuberant program, combining soul, per person, $30 per family, children under 5 free. Info:,
jazz, original and traditional gospel music. Info: 802-778-0881, vtgos- or 802-456-7400 or
WATERBURY - 21st Annual Mutt Strutt. Little River State Park. 10
Montpelier Kiwanis Club All-You-Can-eat Breakfast. Boutwell Masonic
Center, 288 Gallison Hill Rd. 7-11:30 a.m. $8/adults, $4/children under 12.
a.m. $6 entry fee. Benefits Central Vermont Humane Society. Run three
miles with or without a dog. Info:
Money raised sends Central VT children to summer camp. OF MONTPELIER
NORTHFIELD - Texas HoldEm Tournament. American Legion.
Author talk Nancy Marie Brown: The Far Traveler, Voyages of 1 p.m. $50 in advance, $75 the day of.
a Viking Woman. Waterbury Municipal Complex - Steele
RANDOLPH - Chicken Pie Supper. Our Lady of Angels Church.
Community Room, 28 North Main St. 2 p.m. Free, accessible to
people with disabilities, and open to public. Info: Judi Byron at judi@ Corner of Route 66 and Hebard Hill Road. 5 p.m. Regular admission: or call (802) 244-7036 or visit the $10; Children: $5. Take-outs available. Knights of Columbus fundrais-
librarys website at er. Info: Jim Kirkpatrick, Grand Knight, 802-276-3014
WATERBURY - Introduction to Trout Fishing with Spinning
MONTPELIER - Cultivating the Fire Element Remedies for
Equipment. Waterbury Public Library, SAL Room. 9:30 a.m. to
1:30 p.m. Free. The course will cover targeting trout with spinning SATURDAY
Anxiety and Sleep with Baylen Slote. VCIH, 252 Main St. 6-7:15
p.m. $8 members/$10 non-members. First class of a series on the
equipment, and will also include reviews of ecology, knot tying, cast-
ing, lure making and more. At the conclusion of the clinic, participants May 6, 2017
Chinese 5 Elements. Pre-register/info: Pre-registration required. Call will go fishing on the nearby Winooski River to practice their skills.
802-224-7100 or email [email protected]
MORRISVILLE - Northeast Fiddlers Assoc. monthly jam and
7:00 AM to
BERLIN - Central Vermont Young Professionals Inaugural
Meeting. Beaulieu PlaceCentral Vermont Chamber of Commerce,
meet. VFW, Pleasant Street. Noon to 5 p.m. Fiddlers and public wel-
come. Local food shelf donations welcomed. Info: Lee Deyette at
11:30 AM
33 Stewart Rd. 5:30 p.m. Join with fellow professionals from a variety 802-728-5188
of backgrounds and experiences as we create an effective, intercon-
nected network in which our generation can meet, gain career enrich- MONDAY, MAY 8 French Toast,
ment skills, and explore ways to give back to Central Vermont. RSVP: BARRE - Red Cross Blood Donation. Barre Elks Club, 10 Jefferson
St. 11:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.
[email protected].
HARDWICK - Lighten Your Load Organizing workshop with MONTPELIER - Complete Stress Management for Health & Sausage,
Maxine Gautier. Jeudevine Memorial Library. 6:30 p.m. Info: www. Wellness with Dennis Seavey-Windsinger, CHT, CHI. Hunger
Mountain Coop. 6-7 p.m. This is not just another class showing
Eggs, Toast,
MONTPELIER - Philip Baruth Book Launch & Reading:
meditation or other stress coping techniques. Identify what stresses Coffee, Milk,
you and why. Learn how your stress is affecting your health. Learn the
Senator Leahy: a Life in Scenes. Noble Lounge at the Vermont 4 step process to reduce and manage stress to better health. $4 mem- VT Maple Syrup
College of Fine Arts. 7 p.m. Philip Baruths new book, Senator Leahy: bers/$8 nonmembers.
a Life in Scenes (UPNE, 2017), is a biography that focuses in on
Leahys meticulous image making, his cultivation of a Top Cop per-
sona both in the media and at the ballot box, and his improbable suc-
BARRE - BASC Annual Tea. 1-3 p.m. Wear your fanciest hat when
Adults $8 Children under 12, $4
cess. Free and open to the public. you join us for tea, sandwiches & sweet treatsincluding our Young Boutwell Masonic Center
Elemental Queenship with Linda River Valente. Hunger Mountain at Heart Singers who will perform melodiously. Reservations required;
only $10; please see Sandy.
on Gallison Hill Road
Coop. 6-7 p.m. Let the four queens of the Tarot illuminate your path to
sovereignty. Mind, body, soul, spirit. $8 members/$10 nonmembers. MONTPELIER - The Art of the Conscious and Connected Breath
Rummage Sale. St. Augustines Parish Hall, 16 Barre St. 4-7 p.m. with Dunja Moeller, PhD. Hunger Mountain Coop. 6-7:30 p.m. Learn Benet Kiwanis Community
Clothing for all ages, household items, books, games, puzzles, cos- how to inhale and exhale properly. Add awareness and the ability to
tume jewelry and more! All proceeds benefit the charitable works of heal whatever is in the way of an optimal breathing pattern. For more Services For Children
CDA Court St. Augustine #976. information go to
April 26, 2017 The WORLD page 27
small engine repair business.
All opportunities discussed.
in writing, what is involved. If Deadline
you question a programs le- continued on next page
TERS NEEDED for Work in No large financial commit- gitimacy, call the ATTORNEY Is Monday
Central Vermont Area, 4 day GENERALS CONSUMER Before
Thank You For Saying
ment. Montperlier area. 802-
work week year round Call 223-3179 ASSISTANCE PROGRAM at
Josh 249-2292 Must have 1-800-649-2424. 10:00AM
own transportation.
I Saw It In
Highland Sugarworks
Auto Parts Person
BFCP, an auto parts distributor
is seeking a motivated person to Auto/light truck tire changer
needed immediately for full-time position,
Production / Finishing
help in our busy Barre, Vermont
We are looking for energetic people to join our
warehouse. Duties will include inventory, customer 40 hours per week, some overtime. Must be
service, dispatching, delivery and computer entry.
production & finishing staff. able to lift approx. 35 lbs. repeatedly and have
Full-time positions are available. Clean VT license and lifting is required.
Must be able to lift 50+ lbs and stand 8 hours. Prior automotive or warehouse experience a good work history, experience preferred.
Apply in person to: would be helpful. Call 802-476-6741 or 802-479-1449
Highland Sugarworks, Inc.
49 Parker Rd., Websterville
Apply in person Mon.-Fri. from 8:00-5:00 at for application/interview,
BFCP, 115 Granger Rd, Barre, VT 05641
8AM to 5PM weekdays.
Memorial Food ServiceS
CALL 800-639-0712
Established Construction Company AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER
Vermonts premier sitework and is seeking an individual to work in
concrete contractor, S.D. Ireland
is looking for experienced and our Aggregate Production Division. 4t-HutchCrane041917.indd 1 4/14/17 1:32 PM
Safety Professional
enthusiastic people to join our team. We are looking for someone experienced with Vermonts premier sitework and concrete
We have openings for crushing, screening, wash plants and associated contractor, S.D. Ireland is searching for a Safety
the following positions: Professional to join our team.
support equipment is a plus. However, we would
Concrete Finishers Safety Professionals We are looking for someone experienced
be willing to train the right candidate. This is a
Commercial and Pipe Layers with OSHA construction and general industry
Residential Form Workers hands on position and requires a willingness to standards. The right candidate must be a flexible,
Rebar Tiers Pump Operator
do what is needed to get the job done. motivated team player, and have an excellent
Equipment Operators work ethic.
Pavers We offer full time employment with competitive
Class A and Class B Bachelors degree in a related field preferred
Crane Operator benefits, paid holidays, 401k plan, and health
CDL Drivers including however, not required.
tandem, mixer and Traffic Control insurance in addition to a fun and safe place
boom truck operator We offer competitive wages, benefits including:
to work. If you possess good mechanical skills, health care, dental, paid time off, and 401(k).
Pay will be commensurate with experience.
have a passion for heavy equipment, and want S.D. Ireland is a great place to work! If youre
We offer great benefits, including health care,
dental, paid time off, and a 401(k) plan. to work in a fast pace productive environment up for a rewarding challenge, we invite you to
send your resume and/or letter of interest to: come in and apply in person at 193 Industrial
Please apply in person at 193 Industrial Avenue Avenue in Williston, VT to fill out an
in Williston, VT to fill out an employment employment application, mail your resume to
application, mail your resume to P.O. Box Aggregate Manager
2286 South Burlington, VT 05407 or send via 34 Blair Park Road P.O. Box 2286 South Burlington, VT 05407 or
email to [email protected]. Employment reply to this ad.
Suite 104 PMB 234
Applications are available on our website at Employment Applications are also available on Williston, VT 05495 our website at
S.D. Ireland is an Equal Opportunity Employer We are an Equal Opportunity Employer S.D. Ireland is an Equal Opportunity Employer
page 28 The WORLD April 26, 2017
family may be entitled to a sig-
HAMILTON BEACH commer- nificant cash award. Call 800-
cial Milkshake blender, Clas- 364-0517 to learn more. No
sic chill, excellent condition, risk. No money out of pocket.
(Looks brand New) Make Of-
fer! 802-223-6018 WANT A CURE-ALL?
Health fraud is a business
that sells false hope. Beware
CLASSES & of unsubstantiated claims for
n a c k S h ack
health products and services.
WORKSHOPS There are no Quick Cures
no matter what the ad is
INGGet FAA certification. on promises of a money back OPEN MAY 2, 4:30-9PM
Approved for military benefits. guarantee! Watch out for key OPEN TUES.-FRI.
Financial Aid if qualified. Job words such as exclusive se-
placement assistance. Call cret, amazing results, or Lunch 11-2
Aviation Institute of Mainte- scientific breakthrough. For Dinner 4:30-9
nance 888-686-1704
more information on health re- Looking for part-time help,
lated products or services, call
car hop, kitchen workers.
PROGRAM at 1-800-649- The Snack Shack, 476-3087.
CHRISTIAN DATING over 2424, or consult a health care 515 North Main, Barre
forty. Meet capability singles! provider.
Free Packet. 1-888-406-
& Financing, LLC
E.Montpelier VT
Bad Credit? No Credit:
100% loan approval
WANTED. Pre 1920 by Seri-
ous Collector. Cash buyer.
Conrad Hughson Classes
Cosmetologist Wanted
802-229-2888 Box 1, Putney, VT 05346
[email protected]
ongoing in Barre Woodridge Rehabilitation and Nursing is currently looking for
MAKE A CONNECTION. Real 802-387-4498 a Cosmetologist to join their dynamic team 1-2 days a week.
People, Flirty Chat. Meet sin- Information: We are searching for that special someone who is customer
gles right now! Call LiveLinks. WANTS TO purchase miner-
Try it FREE. Call NOW 1-877- als and other oil and gas inter- service oriented and who enjoys working with elderly people
737-9447 18+.
ests. Send details to: PO Box and their families. The Cosmetologist would utilize Woodridges
13557, Denver, CO 80201
MAKE A CONNECTION. Real salon as an independent contractor and work with staff to
People, Flirty Chat. Meet sin-
collaboratively meet the needs of the residents. Applicants
gles right now! Call LiveLinks.
Try it FREE. Call NOW 1-888-
ANTIQUES/ Visit Our Website: must have a VT Cosmetology license and have experience
909-9905 18+. COLLECTIBLES/ in hair-cutting (men and women) perms and sets. For more
RESTORATION information, please contact Trisha Hunt at 371-4246 or
FREE [email protected].
ITEMS Furniture and Smalls.
G.S. Antiques
$ A1-CASH PAID 802-461-3004
$75 TO $300+
FOR INFO, 802-522-4279. buying.
Johnson Antiques
FREE BEWARE OF THE 4 Summer St. E.Barre
VERMONT LAND TRUST 802-249-2525, 8:30-3:30
Bumper Stickers, Call Mon-Wed-Thurs-Fri; Sat till
802-454-8561 noon; Closed Sun & Tues. WOODRIDGE
CAN MILK TREE CACTUS. ea or all 10 for $900.00. 802- Equal Opportunity Employer
Call 225-6733 622-0382
HEALTH We BuySell -
Trade- Estate Sales
CARE Call For appointment
ery. When you see words like referral service. Contact our
these be skeptical. Before you trusted, local experts today! $
invest your time and money Our service is FREE/no obli-
call the ATTORNEY GEN- gation. CALL 1-800-417-0524
TANCE PROGRAM, at 1-800-
continued on next page for Full & P.T.
Phone: 1-844-963-5132
Genesis HealthCare is an EO Employer - Veterans/Disabled and
other protected categories. BERLIN 622-0250
Open 5am M-S, 6am Sun.
BARRE 479-0629
Open 24 Hours
Open 5am M-S, 6am Sun.
April 26, 2017 The WORLD page 29
Sat., April 29, 2017 10:00AM
SATURDAY, 4/29 &
SUNDAY, 4/30
Old Colchester Rd,
GARAGE SALE; Fri. 4/28-
Sat. 4/29, 9-4. 7 Osborne
Rd, Barre, VT. Furniture,
household items, stereo sys-
Above thrifty Gifts,
OPENS for the Season
4/29/2017. Over 100 spaces
Essex Jct. Saturday Only 11-5. available for vendors. Beau-
LINBROOKE 9am-3pm.
Indoors Rain or
tem, 4 good 16 10ply truck
tires, native american items,
Ethan Allen Chair, End
tiful open field in the Center
of Vermont. Buy old buy
STORAGE shine:
Small, antiques, craft items, Lots of Stuff
to much to mention, some
Coffee table, Wine Rack,
Couch & Full size
new anything in between.
Visit the wonderful conces-
933 S. Barre Rd. ( Rt.14 ) furniture, china cabinets. wicker, Xmas items Bedroom set. sion stand for homemade
South Barre, Vt. Wide Variety of interesting frys and burgers. $20.00
802-479-4144 things Priced to sell. LAWN SALE PLANT SALE a day for vendors. No re-
No Early Birds. 513 BLISS RD, Over 300 varities of plants! served spaces. Free parking
Following Units are scheduled for public auction Offering a Full Array of and no admission. Open
due to non-payment or abandonment: ESTATE SALE Vegetables, Medicinal and Every Weekend in till
4/29 & 5/6. 8-12.
Thousands of items for sale Culinary Herbs, Complete 10/29/2017. 802-882-1919
from Jackie Wilders Trove Generator/Tires Collection of Dye Plants,
T. Cook - Unit # 7003 Quilts and Craft Supplies and more. Over 50 Varieties of Flow-
M. John - Unit # 161 Xmas decorations & ers, Annuals and Perenni-
J. Malley - Unit # 6035 antique items MOVING SALE als.
Saturday, 6 May: 10 AM-5P SATURDAY, APRIL 29TH Open for sales at our farm
B. McKinstry - Unit # 104 Old Town Hall(inside) One Day Only in Brookfield starting April
M. Volpe - Unit # 141 Brookfield, Vermont 30th:
E. Allen - Unit # 29 Something for everyone 36 Windywood rd, Sundays 9am-2pm
Call: 276-3959 for more info Barre, VT Wednesdays 9am-4pm
Arc of the Eye Farm is lo-
Cash Or Credit Cards Accepted cated at 2007 Twin Pond Rd
in Brookfield, VT
For More Info Call
Kasey Clark @ 479-4144 for more info.
SPECIAL Capitalizing more than the first 2 words, etc. 70/WORD A public service announcement
Run The Same DEADLINE: For The WORLD is MONDAY by 10:00 presented to you by The WORLD
Classified for AM
3 Consecutive Weeks-
ORD CANCELLATIONS: A classified ad cancelled before 10:00 AM
PER W MIN. Get 4th Week on Monday will receive credit for the remaining paid weeks.
$3.50Week McCoy
Per Ad
(Any changes void free week)
The WORLD asks that you check your ad on its first publication. If you find an error
please notify us immediately so that corrections can be made. The WORLD will not be
responsible for more than one incorrect publication of the ad.
Cookie Jars
Q: I am not really a collector,
CHECK HEADING: but I have two McCoy cookie jars that Im curious about.
PHONE NUMBER ___________________________________________________________________________
Animals-Farm ......................500 Both originally belonged to my mom and are probably
Animals-Pet .........................430
Antiques/Restorations .........144
from the 1950s. One is a Jack-o-Lantern jar that was
LAST NAME _______________________________________________________________________________ Baby/Children Items ............140 rarely, if ever, used. The second is a Mr. and Mrs. Owl
Bicycles ...............................220 and shows some wear. I remember the second jar always
FIRST NAME ______________________________________________________________________________ Boating/Fishing ...................210 being full of vanilla wafers.
Building Materials................300 -- Cora Ann, Tulsa, OK
ADDRESS _________________________________________________________________________________ Business Items....................080
Business Opportunities .......060 A: It isnt much of a surprise that cookie jars are among the
CITY _______________________________________________ STATE ____________ ZIP _______________ Camping ..............................205
Childcare Service ................030 most popular collectibles produced by McCoy. It also is not
START DATE: ___________ NUMBER OF ISSUES: __________ Christmas Trees ..................370 a big shock that McCoy cookie jars also are plagued by
Class & Workshops .............103 fakes. Knowing the original measurements is helpful when
Clothing & Accessories .......130 trying to determine if a jar is the real McCoy or not.
EXACTLY HOW YOU WANT THE AD TO READ Computers/Electronics ........100 Your Jack-o-Lantern jar was produced in about 1958, and
Please print, we cannot be responsible for words we can't read. Farm/Garden/Lawn .............410 according to Warmans McCoy Pottery, by Mark F.
Free Ads..............................108 Moran and published by Krause Books, it is valued in the
$550 to $650 range. Since you indicated your jar is pris-
________________________________________________________________ Garage Sales/Flea Mkt. ......145
Health ..................................113 tine, it would probably be worth on the high end. The same
________________________________________________________________ Home Appliances ................160 guide lists your owl jar at about $110. The Moran guide is
Hunting/Guns/Archery.........305 excellent, and essential for anyone who collects McCoy
________________________________________________________________ Insurance/Investments ........090 items.
Job Opportunities................020 ***
________________________________________________________________ Lost and Found ...................110
Q: My mom visited New Orleans during the 1950s and
Miscellaneous .....................150
while there she purchased a copy of The Picayune Creole
________________________________________________________________ Musical ................................200
Cook Book. Is it worth keeping? -- Tom, Pittsburgh, PA
Personals ............................105
________________________________________________________________ Professional Services .........540
Rideshare ............................125 A: Your cookbook was published in 1954 by the Times-
________________________________________________________________ Snow Removal Equip. .........355 Picayune newspaper. Since it was purchased during the
Snowmobiles/Access. .........360 1950s, I assume it probably was the 12th edition. The first
Sporting Equipment ............250
edition was published in either 1900 or 1901 and became
Support Groups ..................107 an instant classic. The collection featured Creole recipes
________________________________________________________________ Tools ....................................330 and generally sells in the $25 to $50 range, depending on
Wanted ................................120 edition and condition.
________________________________________________________________ Wood/Heating Equip............350 ***
Work Wanted .......................040 Q: When I was a kid during the 1950s, I was given a small
THE COST OF YOUR AD IN THE WORLD tin litho Shell service station and bank as a premium. I have
Each separate word, each phone number counts as one word Campers/Motor Homes .......845 kept it ever since, but have always been curious as to how
Cars & Accessories ............875 much it is now worth. -- Ken, Abilene, TX
Motorcycles/ATVs ...............850
Number of words ____________ times 35($3.50 min.)_________________ (cost for one week) Trucks/Vans/Jeeps Access. .870 A: Your Shell service station and bank is worth $140 for
Vintage/Classic Vehicles .....873 the pair, according to Mark F. Moran, author of Warmans
times number of weeks __________ 4 for 3 Special TOTAL COST __________________
Work Vehicles/Heavy Equip. ....855 Gas Station Collectibles Identification and Price Guide
(Krause Publications, $24.99).
Apts./House for Rent...........630
Camps for Sale ...................650 Write to Larry Cox in care of KFWS, 628 Virginia Drive,
$ FULL PAYMENT MUST ACCOMPANY THIS FORM Comm. Rentals/Sales .........605 Orlando, FL 32803, or send e-mail to questionsforcox@
MasterCard Condominiums ....................680 Due to the large volume of mail he receives, Mr.
Apt. Blds. for Sale................685 Cox cannot personally answer all reader questions, nor
Credit Card
Visa Homes .................................690 does he do appraisals. Do not send any materials requiring
Number ____________________________________________________ Discover Land for Sale.......................670
return mail.
Mobile Homes .....................600
CVC#______ Vacation Rentals/Sales .......645
(c) 2017 King Features Synd., Inc.
Signature __________________________________________Exp. Date ___________________ Wanted to Rent/Buy ............610
FUNERALS CAN BE VERY message from The World and Green & Seasoned TO SAINT CLAIRE Sacred Heart of Jesus, pray
EXPENSIVE. Can your loved the FTC. 802-454-1062 Ask St. Claire for 3 favors: 1 for us. St. Jude, worker of
ones afford it? Protect them business, 2 impossible. Say
miracles, pray for us. St.
with Final Expense Insurance. FIREWOOD for SALE; cut to 9 Hail Marys for 9 days with
Call today to learn more. 800- FURNITURE length, split and delivered in lighted Candles. Pray whether Jude, help of the hopeless,
758-0417 Montpelier and Barre. Green
$215/cord, Seasoned $300/ you believe or not. Publish on pray for us.
DARK GREEN Electric Re- the 9th day. May the Sacred
GENERATOR 15000 WATTS, cliner Lift Chair, Excellent con- cord, all Hardwood. 802-485-
Heart of Jesus be Praised,
Say this prayer nine times a
Portable w/transfer switch, 8525
dition, $300. 802-426-3351 adored and gloried today day. By the eighth day your
MATTRESS California King MAY SPECIAL and everyday. Request will prayer will be answered. It
be granted, no matter how im-
Tempur-Pedic w/cover $1000. MUSICAL DELIVERED TO YOUR SITE
Winter Lot Firewood
possible it seems. Publication
has never been known to
802-728-4440 Split & Delivered
$200/cord must be promised! Thank you fail. Publication must be
DOUGLAS BRIER Fretted Instrument Repair. & CONTAINERS AVAILABLE 802-883-5563 -H.M. F.S.
MAY 4 2017 802-229-0952 or
802-272-1875 www.north- Call For Prices
HARDWOOD KINDLING, 1-877-204-3054 We Grind All Stumps for rea-
sonable prices, Call Randy
Meshbags $8.00/ea. Free
delivery to Seniors. 802-279-
PEAVEY AMP 100Watt with
Food pedal w/manualBan-
Pickel Tree Service at 802-
Neko is a chatty boy who is
2595 dit 112, $100. 802-426-3351
looking for his new home. He Sia
Meshbags $8.00/ea. Free BOATING & Royalton, VT
off I-89 FARM/GARDEN/ has spent his last few years
living indoors only with
delivery to Seniors. 802-279-
FISHING 1-877-204-3054 (802) 763-7876 LAWN adults and other felines.
He can be adventurous once
DRY MULCH hay. Call 802- he is familiar with his
HughesNet: Gen4 satellite in- ALUMINUM DOCKS Alu-
279-6675. surroundings, and enjoys
ternet is ultra fast and secure.
Plans as low as $39.99 in
minum docks and boat lifts, SPORTING petting. Do you have a
standing, roll in, and floating
select areas. Call 1-855-440- EQUIPMENT FOOD GRADE Barrels totes, purr-fect home for this boy?
4911 now to get a $50 Gift
are in stock at FAIRLEE MA-
RINE Very easy to install and
We have over 700 in stock
from 2 1/2Gal275 Gal totes.
1589 VT Rte 14S East Montpelier 476-3811
take out yourself. Call 802- GOLF CLUBS GALORE
Tues.-Fri. 1pm-5pm,
Call for Info; Bicknell Barrels
LIFE ALERT. 24/7. One press 333-9745 for more informa- Many sets, left and right hand, Sat. 10am-4pm
lots of putters, shoes, balls, The Barrel Man. 802-439-
new home. He has spen
of a button sends help FAST! 5149/802-439-5519.
Medical, Fire, Burglar. Even pull carts. Lots of collectible
Calming a Fearful Dog
if you cant reach a phone! BOAT RENTALS. Enjoy fish- golf items. Come and see.
FREE brochure. CALL 800-
ing, skiing, tubing Pontoons
cruising, kayaks & canoeing
Very reasonable. Call
802-476-8509 Two Year old black cow ma-
few yearsDEAR
livingPAWS indoors-o
Be your own boss. Flexible
or stand-up paddleboarding!
Fairlee Marine rents them all!
They even put the runabout HUNTING/GUNS/
3-yards delivered $125.
Top Soil/cow manure mixed
adults and otherDaisy,
CORNER: My little
Schnoodle, felines. H
hours. Unlimited earning po-
tential. Must be 21 with valid
boats and pontoon boats in
and out of the water so you
ARCHERY 50/50 3-yards $150.
Also including deliver of adventurous
and more -- he is
hates noises, thunder,
For Classified
Call 1-800-938-8092
experience to a specific noise. In that case, TLC and train-
SOCIAL SECURITY DIS- ing can help, along with medication if needed.
ABILITY BENEFITS. Unable Talk to the vet about Daisys noise phobia and work out a
treatment and training plan, if possible. For example, use
benefits. Unable to work? De- help Daisy handle that creaky door.
nied benefits? We can Help!
Send your tips, questions or comments to ask@pawscorn-
479-2582 or 1-800-639-9753
Win or pay nothing! Contact
Bill Gordon & Associates at
1-800-586-7449 to start your
(c) 2017 King Features Synd., Inc.
application today!
Stump Grinding, Hedge and PAINTING/CLEANING Insured
Repaired. Reasonable Prices, Alternative Wood Heating (Visa, MasterCard, Discover)
Pickup/Delivery Available, Shrubs trimming, for free es- 30 Years experience, (Post holes, fencing, grading, H: 802-586-2223
802-229-5800 timates call Randy 802-479- Perfect reputation, Meticulous C:802-730-2645
ClockWork Wayne, driveways, raking, excava-
802-431-5416 802-839-0738 3403/802-249-7164 35+ years attention to detail, Excellent tion, leveling, lawns, ditching,
(Rochester VT) experience, Fully Insured. references, Insured and Certi- repair, landscaping, landshap-
fied. 802-558-3555 ing) continued on next page
Custom Homes Modular Homes
Design Build Services
Kitchens Bathrooms
Renovations Additions
Roofing Siding
Land/Home Packages Available
Call 229-1153
for free estimates SERVICES AT A GLANCE
Bobs Creative Landscaping Quality In
Gendron Concrete
Concrete business since 1972.
Repairs New floors and walls Decorative concrete
*Trees, Shrubs, Crane work Consulting ICF foundations EPDM & TPO RUBBER
*Patios, Walls, 114 Three Mile Bridge Rd., Middlesex, VT STANDING SEAM
Walkways, (802) 229-0480 (802)-249-2368
lizing Washington, VT
Maintenance, Concre Bob Richardson, Owner
te VINYL SIDING Residential/Commercial
[email protected] 2483 elm street
Tel: 802 472-8877
WOOD SIDING Fully Insured
& Consulting! Cell: 802 249-8448
Waterbury, VT
802-244-5400 Trash & Recycling Drop
at Black Bear BioDiesel in Plainfield
Free Estimates References
[email protected] Call Heather @ 279-3469
page 32 The WORLD April 26, 2017
E-mail us!
STUMPS We Grind All Stumps
for reasonable prices, Call
Randy Pickel Tree Service at
continued 802-479-3403/802-249-7164
Classified & Display By JoAnn Derson
Interior & Exterior
Let Us help fix the problem
forever from the outside of ADS
Resurfaces Hardwood Floors the Foundation. We will exca- Now Placing Your
Free EstimatesFully vate and install an underdrain
Classified Or Display Ad * Add dryer sheets to storage totes along dishpan in the sink. I put a second dishpan
Insured system with Perforate pipe,
Is Even Easier! with clothes and shoes. -- M.W. in Iowa in the other sink and rinse the dishes over it
Home 802-229-0694 clean stone, and Filter Fabric.
Cell 802-793-2363 Free Estimates, Call Sunrise * Try soaking an ink stain in rubbing alco- to catch the water. I then use it to flush the
Construction LLC at 802-461- hol for a few minutes before putting the toilet. I can flush at least three times a day
PICARDS GENERAL 6441 garment in the wash. -- B.D. in Virginia with the rinse water. Washing your produce
27 + Years * A.H. from Texas writes: If you do a lot also takes a lot of water that you can catch
SPRING CLEAN UP of bead work or have children who collect in the dishpan and use for watering outdoor
Lawn Mowing-Landscaping rocks, save your old pill bottles with the plants.
Hedges, Garage cleaning,
Free Estimates- Fully Insured
Home 802-229-0694
Cell 802-793-2363
Now Placing Your Our E-mail address is
labels peeled off to put beads/rocks/find-
ings into. The pill bottles are clear enough
to see whats inside, and it saves money on
-- C.S.R. in Florida
* Instead of using candles during a power
Classified Or Display Ad [email protected] pricey, specifically designed containers.
PROFESSIONAL WINDOW Is Even Easier! failure, most hardware stores and home-
Please include contact * When your container of cornstarch is
CLEANING person & payment info improvement centers sell battery-powered
done in Barre/Montpelier area. empty, take a dry cloth and wipe it out. Now lanterns for $16 to $20, and some last for
Free Estimates. Call Joe 802- ( Only) you can use these canisters for your chil-
498-3692. drens crayons. When theres a group of days.
ROBINSONS FLOORING. children, everyone can have their own cray- -- J.P. in New Jersey
Refinishing and installing Our Fax Number Is ons. You also can use these canisters for eras-
wood floors. Over 10 years ers, pins, buttons, beads, etc. Send your tips to Now Heres a Tip, 628
of experience. Fully insured. 802 479-7916 479-2582 or -- D. in Virginia Virginia Drive, Orlando, FL 32803.
Free Estimates. Call Michael
Please Include Contact Person
at 802-485-6458 or email at & Payment Info
VISA, MasterCard & Discover
* I do dishes the old-fashioned way: in the (c) 2017 King Features Synd., Inc.
[email protected]
aluminum .032 gauge
We offer a 20-Year warranty on
materials and 5-Year workmanship
Starting At
Go With The Best!
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24 x 24 garage, 6 concrete floors with steel
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Garages to your specifications, any size. LANDCARE Installation & Material GUARANTEED
30+ Years Experience
Serving Central Vermont Area Compare Quality & Workmanship
House Framing & Addition Work Fully Insured MARIO VERDON 802-476-3331 or 1-800-463-7311
Call 802-296-1522 Ask for Ray 802-883-5090 337 VT Route 110, Orange, VT 05641
Advertising Deadline Is
That Works Monday
Call 479-2582 Before 10AM
TRUCKS/VANS/ $17,995
JEEPS/ACCESS. auto., loaded, leather, sunroof, one owner
LTD, original owner, loaded, 4x4, 4 dr., auto., PW, PL, low miles
CARS & ACCESS. $3700. 802-476-8114 or dud- (STK#40016A), Automatic, (STK#34916A), Automatic, Nice car for the money, Now 23K, Sharp car, Now $14,900.
C-CHANNEL continued $12,988. Cody Chevrolet-Ca- Cody Chevrolet-Cadillac,
2009 CHEVROLET IMPALA dillac, Barre-Montpelier Rd. Barre-Montpelier Rd, 223-
CAR 2007 PONTIAC VIBE. 143,000 89K mi, $5000. 802-476-8114 223-6337, 1-800-287-CODY 6337, 1-800-278-CODY or
HAULER miles, 2nd owner, clean, no
rust, reliable. inspected until
or or 888-495-0672 888-495-0672
4/2018. Ask for Susan 802- 2011 KIA SOUL $4,995 East 2015 CHEVROLET TRA- 4 FIRESTONE TIRES used
426-3717-H, 802-426-3581- Barre Auto Sales (866) 928- VERSE AWD 2LT (STK # one season P225/55R/1795T
W, 793-1715 $3500. 9370 For more details text 28217A) 6-SPD, Automatic, MF BJ 802-479-9860
12Q2 to 27414 only 26K, Strong car, Now
$28,988. Cody Chevrolet- CARS/TRUCKS WANTED!!!
2014 CADILLAC CTS Coupe Cadillac, Barre-Montpeleir Rd, All Make/Models 2000-2015!
$7,995 East Barre Auto Sales 3.6L V6 RWD (STK # 1516B):
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866-928-9370 For more de- 6-SPD, Automatic, only 11K, Not. Competitive Offer! Free tails test 3S5C to 27414 or 888-495-0672
402 VT Rt. 107 (Exit 3, I-89) So. Royalton, VT 05068 Very cool car, certied Pre- Towing! Were Nationwide!
1-800-877-5854 owned, Now $24,988. Cody Call Now: 1-888-416-2330
Thank You For Saying
2008 TOYOTA RAV4 East Chevrolet-Cadillac, Barre-
28 Jasper Mine Rd (Exit 17, I-89) Colchester, VT 05446
Barre Auto Sales (866) 928- Montpelier Rd. 223-6337,
1-877-201-9993 9370. For more details text
0KGW to 27414
1-800-287-cody or 888-495-
0672 I Saw It In continued on page 37
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We Service All
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page 36 The WORLD April 26, 2017
EVER! SIZES, Used Rims, 802-883-
Credit repair companies make 5506/272-6611
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215/60R16 M&S. report. However, only time can 100% Loan Approval
$100.00 for 4. 802-223-7451. erase negative, but accurate Fresh Start Auto Sales
credit information. In addition, & Financing, LLC.
DONATE YOUR CAR to Veter- federal law forbids credit re- East Montpelier VT
ans Today! Help and Support pair companies from collect-
our Veterans. FastFREE ing money before they provide
pick up. 100% tax deductible. their service. TIP: If you have
Call 1-800-245-0398. questions about your credit
history or you want to know
how to get a free copy of your
credit report call the ATTOR- Email Us! TIRE CHANGEOVER
$ 95
ER ASSISTANCE PROGRAM [email protected]
Or Toll Free1-800-639-9753
Central Vermonts Newspaper
at 1-800-649-2424. Dont
send any money to a credit re-
pair company until you check
Protect Your Vehicle From Winter Grime
403 U.S. Route 302 - Berlin Barre, VT 05641
- Exterior hand wash & wax
- Vacuum interior
- Adjust tire pressure to vehicle specs
- Most vehicles. Reg. Value: $134.95
irds may be chirping and flower buds opening to the sunlight, but for many outdoor - May not be combined with any other offer - May not be combined with any other offer
Please present coupon at vehicle write-up. Offer good through 4/30/17. Please present coupon at vehicle write-up. Offer good through 4/30/17.
enthusiasts, the arrival of warm days and extra hours of sunlight means they can
hit the trails once more. Many take to the trails on the back of their favorite toys
that have been gathering dust in the garage all winter long.
All-terrain vehicles, or ATVs, are af- to replace the oil lter as well. If this task is
fectionately known as quads and have too challenging, bring the ATV or UTV to an
dominated the off-roading market since automotive shop.
three-wheel varieties were deemed safety
risks. ATVs come in a variety of types and
motor sizes, and can be customized for riders
of different ages. Utility terrain vehicles, or
Smell the gas in the tank before taking to MILITARY PERSONNEL
UTVs, have the ability to carry things along the road or trails. Gas can spoil if it is not AVAILABLE AT CAPITOL CITY KIA
and can generally accommodate more than treated with stabilizer when the vehicle is
one rider. Such vehicles are becoming more left to sit. Drain the fuel and start with fresh
coveted among outdoor enthusiasts. UTVs
may be a smart choice for hunters or camp-
gas, as bad gas can cause engine trouble.
ers who need to carry gear into remote areas. BATTERY INSPECTION
ATVs and UTVs can be great fun for the A dead battery can be a real downer for
entire family. However, they can be hazard-
ous if the vehicles are not functioning and
in good repair prior to the rst excursion.
riders enjoying the great outdoors. Battery
tender products are a good idea for those
who typically store their ATVs for longer
Most cars & light trucks
Inspection only, repairs extra
$ 95 Plus
Whether the vehicle is new or older, owners
should take the time to inspect and trouble- than a week. Be sure a battery is the right Please present coupon at vehicle write-up.
shoot potential problems. size and type for the vehicle, especially Offer good through 4/30/17. DUE
when purchasing a used ATV or UTV.
Take the time to check uid levels before fun in the great outdoors. Mon., Tues., Thurs., Fri. 7-5
Wed. 7-7 SAT. 8-2
going out. If it has been quite some time
since the most recent oil change, make that Classified Service & Parts
part of your seasonal preparation. Be sure Deadline Is Call toll free: 866-764-7509
Before 10AM
The best service at the best prices. Period.
Harwick, Vermont
4 DR., AWD, 2.5i, SUV AWD
$9,995 SATISFACTION $22,995
Lamoille Valley Imports in Hardwick!
With the help of long-time friend Jamie Parker, Lamoille Valley
Imports specializes in affordable, clean, late-model import FULL SERVICE, AUTO REPAIR, & AUTO DEALERSHIP!
cars and trucks. Lamoille Valley Importss experienced sales
staff is eager to share its knowledge and enthusiasm with you, FROM OIL CHANGES TO TIRES, ALL MECHANICAL ISSUES, AND INSURANCE JOBS.
working to exceed your expectations each and everytime with
its commitment to excellence.
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4 DR., AUTOMATIC guaranteed approval through Credit
2013 Kia Soul
2014 Mitsubishi Mirage $10,995 Acceptance Corporation. $8,295
WE GET RESULTS! 1-800-639-9753 [email protected]
Wed., April 26, 2017 DEADLINES: Display Ads Fri. 3 PM Word Ads Mon. 10 AM
FOR RENT Gorgeous, sunny cape, Flow-
ers, view! $292,500. Wood-
bury...Spacious, sweet home.
Home Mortgage Rates All real estate advertising in this newspa-
per is subject to the fair housing act which
oor. $900.00. No pets, refer-
ences, deposit, credit check.
nel waterfront
Access to dock on Nelson
Pond. $176,000. McCartyRE
LAST DOWN makes it illegal to advertise any prefer- Kitchens, Beach, Air Condi- 802-229-9479
LENDER UPDATE RATE APR TERM PTS PAYMENT ence, limitation or discrimination based 802-476-2092. tioning, Free WiFi, Walk to
on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, Everything, Clean and Com- WILLIAMSTOWN: 3Bdrm/
Community National 4/21/17 4.000% 4.008% 30 yr fixed 0 5% familial status or national origin, or an BARRE Apartment 1 BED- fortable, Call Today 1-603- 2bath, 2 story on 5.9 acres.
Bank 1-800-340-3460 3.250% 3.263% 15 yr fixed 0 5% intention, to make any such preference, ROOM. includes heat/ 366-4673, WWW.CHANNEL- Master bedroom has on suite
limitation or discrimination. electricity/rubbish, No pets, COTTAGES.COM
Merchants Bank 4/21/17 4.800% 4.861% 30 yr fixed 0 20% deck and bath. Home also
Additionally, Vermonts Fair Housing and non-smoking, deposit., 802-
1-800-322-5222 3.400% 3.502% 15 yr fixed 0 20% has single level, attached
Public Accomodations Act prohibits 595-7585, 802-476-4662 OLD TIME CAMP on Mirror
advertising that indicates any preference, 3bdrm/2bth apartment, great
New England Federal 4/21/17 3.875% 3.899% 30 yr fixed 0 5% Lake, very clean, beach ac- for in-law or rental income.
limitation or discrimination based on age, BARRE EFFICIENCY $600 cess, $450/wkly, 802-456-
Credit Union 866-805-6267 3.250% 3.292% 15 yr fixed 0 5% marital status, sexual orientation or heat and electric included. 1st Detached 28x30, 2 story high
receipt of public assistance. 1706 bay garage, Huge room up-
Northfield Savings 4/21/17 3.875% 3.914% 30 yr fixed 0 5% oor, No pets, references, de-
This newspaper will not knowingly accept posit, credit check. Howard. stairs for ofce/play/exercise.
Bank (NSB) 3.125% 3.193% 15 yr fixed 0 5%
any advertising for real estate which is in WARM WEATHER is Year Minutes from I-89 access and
802-485-5871 476-2092 Round in Aruba. The water
violation of the law. Our readers are vast trail. $184,900. 802-433-
hereby informed that all dwellings adver- is safe, and the dining is fan- 1359
VT State Employees 4/21/17 3.875% 3.914% 30 yr fixed 0 5%
tised in this newspaper are available on
BARRE ONE Bedroom, $675, tastic. Walk out to the beach.
Credit Union (VSECU) 3.000% 3.068% 15 yr fixed 0 5% heat included. 2nd oor, No 3-Bedroom weeks available.
an equal opportunity basis.
pets, references, deposit, ABOUT FORECLOSURE?
1-800-371-5162 X5345 To file a complaint of discrimination, call Sleeps 8. $3500. email: caro- Having trouble paying your
the Vermont Human Rights Commisson credit, Howard 476-2092 [email protected]
Rates can change without notice. mortgage? The Federal Trade
toll-free at 1-800-416-2010 (voice & TTY) for more information. Commission says dont pay
***APRs are based on 20% down payment. Some products are available with as little as
or call HUD toll free at 1-800- BARRE: Large 3-Bedroom,
5% down, with purchase of Private Mortgage Insurance (PMI). The cost of PMI is not 1.5-baths, +den. Sunny, mod- any fees in advance to peo-
669-9777 (voice) or 1-800-927-
ple who promise to protect
included in the APR calculations. 9275 (TTY). ern apartment, owner-occu-
pied duplex, highly desired CAMPS your home from foreclosure.
Orange Street neighborhood, FOR SALE Report them to the FTC, the
Deadline Is
SATURDAY, MAY 6 not the appropriate buyer or
renter, not the landlord,
$150,000 802-244-7517 Contact Person
& Payment Info
10 A.M.-3 P.M. not the neighbors. MORRISTOWN: 10 +/- acres
$55.000 802-244-7517
VISA, MasterCard
& Discover
Before 10AM
Just describe the property and
youll almost always obey the
802-229-1592 | 1083 Route 2, Berlin, VT law. OLD TOWN, FL 2-1/2 acres Email us at... $12,000 802-244-7517
[email protected]
ROOM APT, 2nd Floor, heat W.FAIRLEE VT, 3/4 acre Mo-
& Electrcity included, Newly bile Home Lot, $12,900.00.
Check, No Pets or smoking al-
Education is the key to home-ownership lowed, Please Call
V isit
Denis 802-371-9126
Go to
to schedule an appointment
Purchase Ready Workshop
Saturday, May 6th for a FREE, no commitment Mortgage Pre-Approval, and educational tools
22 Keith Ave. in Barre
Equal Housing Lender | Licensed Lender State of VT | NMLS#854380 105 North Main Street, Ste 102 | Barre, VT 05641
Cannot combine with any other offer. Minimum mortgage amount of $80,000. Must close your mortgage financing with Premium Mortgage. Other restrictions may
having con-
versations as a
family as soon Second floor three-bedroom
as the possibil- apartment
ity of moving
arises. Involve 8 Laurel Street
the children Rent ranges from $875-$1175 for this
in some of the
decisions. Ask property. Rent includes heat, hot water,
about the fea-
tures they want
trash removal, snow removal, 24-hour
to see in their Highgate emergency maintenance, and parking.
new home. Explain that people, be it prospective buyers, real Apartments
estate agents or movers, will be visiting your current home No smoking on the premises.
located in Barre, is currently accepting applications
and that this may be a little disruptive. Talk about the rea- for 2-bedroom apartments Income limits apply.
sons for the move, such as a new job or that the family has Hardwood floors, fresh paint, modern kitchen & baths, yard space,
outgrown the space. Kids can process much more than many ample closets, & washer/dryer hook-ups. Laundry room on site.
Application available
adults give them credit for. Rent includes heat/hot water, 24-hour emergency maintenance, online at
Discuss any concerns. Children may have concerns about parking, snow removal, & trash removal. Income limits apply.
the move that differ from adults. Many of these may pertain To request an application, call 476-8645 or stop by the on-site
to fears about making new friends or coursework at a new rental office at 73 Highgate Drive, #121, Barre, VT. or call us at
school. Let them voice their opinions. Removing some of EQUAL HOUSING OPPORTUNITY 802-477-1329
the mysteries by visiting schools or local hangouts before the
135 Washington St. 81 Main St.
Barre Montpelier
476-6500 R E A LT O R S 229-0345 1-800-696-1456
April 26, 2017 The WORLD page 39
Barre City, 3.30 Acres, $19,999
Barre Town, 2.00 Acres, $42,500
Barre Town, 10.09 Acres, $69,900
Berlin, 0.31 Acres, $49,000
East Montpelier, 41.50 Acres, $295,000
East Montpelier, 1.53 Acres, $59,900
Barre City - $239,900 Braintree - $366,000
This is an income producing property in a commercial zone. Marsheld, 107.44 Acres, $159,000 A Beautiful log home with wide plank pine oors throughout,
It offers 5 units and theyre in good condition. There is large living room with wood stove and magnicent eld stone
hardwired smoke/carbon monoxide detectors, each unit has Northeld, 10.70 Acres, $60,000 chimney, nished basement with kitchenette, 2 car garage,
their own heat and there are 4 covered porches. enclosed porch and court yard. There is also an attached
MLS #4452446 Roxbury, 10.20 Acres, $34,000 studio with its own heating, water and electrical systems. 70+
Listed by Susan Arguin beautiful acres for you to enjoy.
MLS #4513416
Listed by Rich Ibey
As a Vermont family business, we know what home means. Our approach is local,
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Come work with a local family-owned company
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John Biondolillo
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