SBD 6479 WaterCalcWorksheet 01 12

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Water Calc.

Name of Project


1- Demand of building in water supply fixture units (WSFU); (WSFU)

1.a. Demand of building in WSFU converted to Gallons Per Minute: (GPM)

(Table SPS 382.40-3)
2- Elevation difference from main or external pressure tank to building control valve; (feet)
3- Size of water meter (when required) 5/8" 3/4" 1" other
4- Developed length from main or external pressure tank to building control valve; (feet)
5- Low pressure at main in street or external pressure tank. (psi)


(unnecessary for internal pressure tanks)
6- Low pressure at main in street or external pressure tank. (value of # 5 above)

7- Determine pressure loss due to friction in inch diameter water service.

Water service piping material is
Pressure loss per 100 ft. = X (decimal equivalent of
service length, i.e. 65 ft = 0.65) Subtract value of "7"

8- Determine pressure loss or gain due to elevation, Subtract value of "8"
(multiply the value of # 2 above by .434)
9- Available pressure after the bldg. control valve. Subtotal


B. Available pressure after the bldg. control valve. (from "9" above) Value of "B"

C. Pressure loss of water meter (when meter is required) Subtract value of "C"
D. Pressure at controlling fixture*.
(Controlling fixture is: ). Subtract value of "D"
(*Contolling fixture is the fixture with the most demanding pressure to
operate properly which includes the following when determining Subtotal
fixture performance; loss due to instantaneous water heaters, water
treatment devices, and backflow preventers which serve the controlling fixture.)

E. Difference in elevation between building control valve

and the controlling fixture in feet; X .434 psi/ft. Subtract value of "E"

SBD -6479 (R01/12) ( page 1 of 2 )

Water Calc Worksheet
Name of Project

F. Pressure loss due to water treatment devices and backflow preventers

which serve the controlling fixture. (Water softeners, filters, etc.)

(Pressure loss due to; ).

F1. WSFU Downstream of Water Treatment Device;

F2. Convert wsfu to GPM using Table 382.40-3:

F3. Convert wsfu to GPM using Table 382.40-3e*
(For individual dwellings only)

F4. Refer to manuf. graph to obtain pressure loss:

( If no water treatment device enter "0")
Subtract value of F4

G. Pressure loss through tankless water heaters, combination boiler / hot water
heaters, heat exchangers which serve the controlling fixture;

Hot water WSFU's; convert to; GPM = (Table 382.40-3)

Refer to manufacturer's pressure loss graph to determine loss at the required GPM;
pressure loss. Subtract value of "G"


H. Developed length from building control valve to controlling

fixture in feet X 1.5 Divide by value "H"

Multiply by: 100

A. Pressure available for uniform loss "A" =

Water distribution piping is:

*Note: The "A" value obtained by using Table 382.40-3e can only be used for an individual dwelling
when sizing the water treatment device (water softeners, etc) and no hose bibbs,
hydrants, or high flow fixtures are being served by the water treatment device.

Note: High flow fixtures are defined as fixtures that exceed a flow rate of 4 gpm @ 80 psi,
and water velocity not exceeding 8 ft. per second.
SBD -6479 (R01/12) (page 2 of 2)
Instructions For Completing The Water Calculation Worksheet SBD 6479 (R01/12)
1. Demand of building in water supply fixture units (WSFU). Add up WSFU's (Tables 382.40 - 1b & 2 ).
1.a. Demand of building in WSFU converted to Gallons Per Minute. Convert WSFU's to GPM (Table 382.40 - 3 ).
2. Determine difference in elevation from main or external pressure tank to building control valve. Ask purveyor depth of main
in street, or ask pump installer depth of pipe at connection to external pressure tank.
3. Size of meter (if applicable). Ask purveyor for meter size for GPM demand.
4. Developed length in feet from main or external pressure tank to building control valve. Measure actual distance.
5. Determine low pressure at main in street, or at external pressure tank. Ask purveyor for the low residual pressure of water
at address, or ask pump installer low pressure setting on switch.
6. Low pressure at main in street, or external pressure tank ( as determined at # 5 above).
7. Determine pressure loss due to friction in the water service. Refer to SPS 382 Appendix Graphs A382.40(7) - 2 thru 11.
8. Determine the pressure loss or gain due to the difference in elevation between the main or external pressure tank and the
building control valve. Measure difference in height (ft.) from the main or external pressure tank to the building control valve.
Multiply height (ft.) by .434.
9. Available pressure after the building control valve (enter in line "B").
B. Available pressure after the building control valve (from line "9").
C. Determine pressure loss of water meter, SPS 382 Appendix Graph A382.40(7)-1 or provide manufacturer's loss curve.
D. Pressure at controlling fixture. This is the most demanding pressure required for a fixture to properly operate.
Compare; 1. Required fixture pressure, 2. elevation of fixture, 3. developed length to fixture.
E. Determine difference in elevation between the building control valve and the controlling fixture. Measure difference in
height (ft.) from the building control valve to the controlling fixture. Multiply height (ft.) by .434.
F. Pressure loss due to water treatment devices (water softeners, filters, etc.), and backflow preventers which serve the
controlling fixture. Add up the WSFU's downstream of the water treatment device and convert to gpm using Table 382.40-3,
or, Table 382.40-3e when serving an individual dwelling. Refer to manufacturer's graph to convert gpm to pressure loss
through the WTD, and or a backflow preventer.
G. Pressure loss through tankless water heaters, combination boiler / hot water heaters, heat exchangers which serve the
controlling fixture. Add up WSFU's downstream of the heating appliance and convert to GPM using Table 382.40-3. Refer to
manufacturer's pressure loss graph to determine loss at the required GPM.
H. Developed length from building control valve to controlling fixture in feet X 1.5. This is the measured length (ft) of pipe
between the building control valve and the controlling fixture. Multiply the length (ft) by 1.5.
A. = pressure available for uniform loss. This number is only an indicator for using the pipe sizing Tables 382.40-4 thru 11.

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